Python asynctest.Mock() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of asynctest.Mock().
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Example #1
Source File: From async-worker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_run_dispatches_a_new_task_for_each_valid_clock_tick(self): clock = asynctest.MagicMock() clock.__aiter__.return_value = range(3) wrapped_task = Mock() with patch.multiple( self.task_runner, clock=clock, _wrapped_task=wrapped_task, can_dispatch_task=CoroutineMock(side_effect=[True, False, True]), ), patch( "asyncworker.task_runners.asyncio.ensure_future" ) as ensure_future: await self.task_runner._run() self.assertEqual( ensure_future.call_args_list, [ call(wrapped_task.return_value), call(wrapped_task.return_value), ], )
Example #2
Source File: From stig with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): self.get_free_space = CoroutineMock() class FreeSpaceAPI(FreeSpaceAPIBase): get_free_space = self.get_free_space self.path_getters = (Mock(return_value='/foo', name='Mock for /foo'), Mock(return_value='/bar', name='Mock for /bar')) rpc = None # Should not be used in these tests self.mock_settings = Mock() self.freespace = FreeSpaceAPI(self.path_getters, rpc, self.mock_settings) # We need a spec from a callable because blinker does some weird stuff and we get # an AttributeError for '__self__' without the spec. Also, RequestPoller # prettifies function calls in the logs, so we need the __qualname__. self.update_cb = Mock(spec=lambda self: None, __qualname__='mock_callback') self.freespace.on_update(self.update_cb)
Example #3
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_mock_returns_coroutine_according_to_spec(self, klass): spec = Test() for attr in ('spec', 'spec_set', ): with self.subTest(spec_type=attr): mock = klass(**{attr: spec}) self.assertIsInstance(mock.a_function, (asynctest.Mock, asynctest.MagicMock)) self.assertNotIsInstance(mock.a_function, asynctest.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock.a_coroutine, asynctest.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock.a_classmethod_coroutine, asynctest.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock.a_staticmethod_coroutine, asynctest.CoroutineMock) mock.a_coroutine.return_value = "PROBE" self.assertEqual("PROBE", run_coroutine(mock.a_coroutine())) self.assertIsInstance(mock.an_async_coroutine, asynctest.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock.an_async_classmethod_coroutine, asynctest.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock.an_async_staticmethod_coroutine, asynctest.CoroutineMock) mock.an_async_coroutine.return_value = "PROBE" self.assertEqual("PROBE", run_coroutine(mock.an_async_coroutine())) # Ensure the name of the mock is correctly set, tests bug #49.
Example #4
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_query_ready_reports_false(): """ Test that status code 202 is interpreted as query running. """ con_mock = AMock() con_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( return_value=AMock( status_code=202, json=Mock( return_value={ "status": "completed", "progress": {"eligible": 0, "queued": 0, "running": 0}, } ), ) ) is_ready, reply = await query_is_ready(connection=con_mock, query_id="foo") assert not is_ready
Example #5
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_query_get_result_runs(monkeypatch): """ Test that get_result runs the query if it's not already running. """ get_result_mock = CoroutineMock(return_value="DUMMY_RESULT") monkeypatch.setattr( f"flowclient.async_api_query.get_result_by_query_id", get_result_mock ) connection_mock = AMock() query_spec = {"query_kind": "dummy_query"} connection_mock.post_json = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, headers={"Location": "DUMMY_LOCATION/DUMMY_ID"} ) ) query = ASyncAPIQuery(connection=connection_mock, parameters=query_spec) await query.get_result() connection_mock.post_json.assert_called_once_with(route="run", data=query_spec)
Example #6
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_result_location_from_id_when_ready(): """ Any unexpected http code should raise an exception. """ connection_mock = AMock() connection_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=303, headers=dict(Location="/api/0/DUMMY_LOCATION") ) ) assert ( await get_result_location_from_id_when_ready( connection=connection_mock, query_id="DUMMY_ID" ) == "DUMMY_LOCATION" )
Example #7
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_status_reports_running(running_status): """ Test that status code 202 is interpreted as query running or queued. """ con_mock = AMock() con_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, json=Mock( return_value={ "status": running_status, "progress": {"eligible": 0, "queued": 0, "running": 0}, } ), ) ) status = await get_status(connection=con_mock, query_id="foo") assert status == running_status
Example #8
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_autospec_coroutine(self): called = False @asynctest.mock.patch(self.test_class_path, autospec=True) def patched(mock): nonlocal called called = True self.assertIsInstance(mock.a_coroutine, asynctest.mock.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock().a_coroutine, asynctest.mock.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock.a_function, asynctest.mock.Mock) self.assertIsInstance(mock().a_function, asynctest.mock.Mock) self.assertIsInstance(mock.an_async_coroutine, asynctest.mock.CoroutineMock) self.assertIsInstance(mock().an_async_coroutine, asynctest.mock.CoroutineMock) patched() self.assertTrue(called)
Example #9
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_patch_autospec_with_patches_under(self): called = False @asynctest.mock.patch("{}.{}".format(self.test_class_path, "a_coroutine"), autospec=True) @asynctest.mock.patch("{}.{}".format(self.test_class_path, "is_patched"), return_value=True) def patched_function(is_patched_mock, coroutine_mock): nonlocal called called = True self.assertIsInstance(Test.is_patched, asynctest.mock.Mock) self.assertTrue(Test.is_patched()) self.assertTrue(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coroutine_mock)) self.assertTrue(asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(Test.a_coroutine)) patched_function() self.assertTrue(called)
Example #10
Source File: From aiologger with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_shutdown_doest_not_closes_handlers_if_not_initialized(self): initialized_handler = Mock(spec=AsyncStreamHandler) not_initialized_handler = Mock( spec=AsyncStreamHandler, initialized=False ) logger = Logger() logger.handlers = [initialized_handler, not_initialized_handler] await logger.shutdown() initialized_handler.flush.assert_awaited_once() initialized_handler.close.assert_awaited_once() not_initialized_handler.flush.assert_not_awaited() not_initialized_handler.close.assert_not_awaited()
Example #11
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_query_run(): """ Test that the 'run' method runs the query and records the query ID internally. """ connection_mock = AMock() connection_mock.post_json = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, headers={"Location": "DUMMY_LOCATION/DUMMY_ID"} ) ) query_spec = {"query_kind": "dummy_query"} query = ASyncAPIQuery(connection=connection_mock, parameters=query_spec) assert not hasattr(query, "_query_id") await connection_mock.post_json.assert_called_once_with(route="run", data=query_spec) assert query._query_id == "DUMMY_ID"
Example #12
Source File: From aiologger with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_it_calls_multiple_handlers_if_multiple_handle_matches_are_found_for_record( self ): level10_handler = Mock(level=10, handle=CoroutineMock()) level20_handler = Mock(level=20, handle=CoroutineMock()) logger = Logger.with_default_handlers() logger.handlers = [level10_handler, level20_handler] record = LogRecord( level=30, name="aiologger", pathname="/aiologger/tests/", lineno=17, msg="Xablau!", exc_info=None, args=None, ) await logger.call_handlers(record) level10_handler.handle.assert_awaited_once_with(record) level20_handler.handle.assert_awaited_once_with(record)
Example #13
Source File: From aiologger with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_callhandlers_calls_handlers_for_loglevel(self): level10_handler = Mock(level=10, handle=CoroutineMock()) level30_handler = Mock(level=30, handle=CoroutineMock()) logger = Logger.with_default_handlers() logger.handlers = [level10_handler, level30_handler] record = LogRecord( level=20, name="aiologger", pathname="/aiologger/tests/", lineno=17, msg="Xablau!", exc_info=None, args=None, ) await logger.call_handlers(record) level10_handler.handle.assert_awaited_once_with(record) level30_handler.handle.assert_not_awaited()
Example #14
Source File: From quart with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _session_app() -> Quart: app = Quart(__name__) app.session_interface = AsyncMock(spec=SessionInterface) app.session_interface.open_session.return_value = SecureCookieSession() # type: ignore app.session_interface.is_null_session.return_value = False # type: ignore @app.route("/") async def route() -> str: session["a"] = "b" return "" @app.websocket("/ws/") async def ws() -> None: session["a"] = "b" await websocket.accept() await websocket.send("") @app.websocket("/ws_return/") async def ws_return() -> str: session["a"] = "b" return "" return app
Example #15
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_geography_error(http_code, token): """ Any unexpected http code should raise an exception. """ connection_mock = AMock() connection_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=http_code, json=Mock(return_value={"msg": "MESSAGE"}) ) ) with pytest.raises( FlowclientConnectionError, match=f"Could not get result. API returned with status code: {http_code}. Reason: MESSAGE", ): await get_geography( connection=connection_mock, aggregation_unit="DUMMY_AGGREGATION" )
Example #16
Source File: From aiologger with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_emit_awaits_for_handle_error_is_an_exceptions_is_raised( self ): handler = BaseAsyncRotatingFileHandler( handler.should_rollover = Mock(return_value=False) exc = OSError() with patch( "aiologger.handlers.files.AsyncFileHandler.emit", side_effect=exc ), patch.object( handler, "handle_error", CoroutineMock() ) as handleError: log_record = LogRecord( name="Xablau", level=20, pathname="/aiologger/tests/", lineno=17, msg="Xablau!", exc_info=None, args=None, ) await handler.emit(log_record) handleError.assert_awaited_once_with(log_record, exc)
Example #17
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def dummy_zmq_server(monkeypatch): """ A fixture which provides a dummy zero mq socket which records the json it is asked to send. Parameters ---------- monkeypatch Yields ------ asynctest.CoroutineMock Coroutine mocking for the recv_json method of the socket """ dummy = Mock() dummy.return_value.socket.return_value.recv_json = CoroutineMock() monkeypatch.setattr(zmq.asyncio.Context, "instance", dummy) yield dummy.return_value.socket.return_value.recv_json
Example #18
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_result(): con_mock = AMock() con_mock.post_json = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, json=Mock(return_value=dict(msg="DUMMY_ERROR"),), headers=dict(Location="DUMMY"), ), ) con_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( side_effect=[ Mock(status_code=303, headers=dict(Location="DUMMY"),), Mock( status_code=200, headers=dict(Location="DUMMY"), json=Mock(return_value=dict(query_result=[{"0": 1}])), ), ] ) assert ( await get_result(connection=con_mock, query_spec="foo") ).values.tolist() == [[1]]
Example #19
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_geojson_result(): con_mock = AMock() con_mock.post_json = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, json=Mock(return_value=dict(msg="DUMMY_ERROR"),), headers=dict(Location="DUMMY"), ), ) con_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( side_effect=[ Mock(status_code=303, headers=dict(Location="DUMMY"),), Mock( status_code=200, headers=dict(Location="DUMMY"), json=Mock(return_value=dict(query_result=[{"0": 1}])), ), ] ) assert (await get_geojson_result(connection=con_mock, query_spec="foo")) == { "query_result": [{"0": 1}] }
Example #20
Source File: From aiologger with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_initialization(self): mode = "x" encoding = "utf-8" loop = Mock() handler = AsyncFileHandler(, mode=mode, encoding=encoding, loop=loop, ) self.assertIsInstance(handler, AsyncFileHandler) self.assertEqual(handler.absolute_file_path, self.assertEqual(handler.mode, mode) self.assertEqual(handler.encoding, encoding) self.assertEqual(handler.loop, loop) self.assertIsNone(
Example #21
Source File: From kubernetes_asyncio with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_refresh_token(self): loader = KubeConfigLoader( config_dict=self.TEST_KUBE_CONFIG, active_context="gcp", get_google_credentials=lambda: _raise_exception( "SHOULD NOT BE CALLED")) mock_sleep = patch('asyncio.sleep').start() mock_sleep.side_effect = [0, AssertionError] mock_config = Mock() mock_config.api_key = {} with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): await refresh_token(loader, mock_config) self.assertEqual(BEARER_TOKEN_FORMAT % TEST_DATA_BASE64, loader.token)
Example #22
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_no_users_to_add(self): client = asynctest.Mock(Client()) client.get_users.return_value = asyncio.Future() client.get_users.return_value.set_result([]) client.increase_nb_users_cached.return_value = asyncio.Future() client.increase_nb_users_cached.return_value.set_result(None) cache = {} nb_added = await cache_users_async(client, cache) client.get_users.assert_called() self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0) self.assertEqual(len(cache), 0) client.increase_nb_users_cached.assert_called_once_with(0)
Example #23
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_geojson_result_by_query_id_raises(monkeypatch): """ Test that get_geojson_result_by_query_id raises an error. """ con_mock = AMock() con_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=500, json=Mock(return_value=dict(msg="DUMMY_ERROR")) ) ) monkeypatch.setattr( "flowclient.async_client.get_result_location_from_id_when_ready", CoroutineMock(return_value="DUMMY"), ) with pytest.raises(FlowclientConnectionError, match=r".*Reason: DUMMY_ERROR"): await get_geojson_result_by_query_id(connection=con_mock, query_id="foo")
Example #24
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_result_with_wrapped_object(self): stub = StubClient() mock = asynctest.Mock(stub, wraps=stub) cache = {} stub.add_user(StubClient.User(1, "a.dmin")) cache_users(mock, cache) mock.get_users.assert_called() self.assertEqual(stub.users_to_return, mock.get_users())
Example #25
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_with_side_effect_raises_then(self): side_effect = asynctest.mock.return_once("ProbeValue", BlockingIOError) mock = asynctest.mock.Mock(side_effect=side_effect) self.assertEqual("ProbeValue", mock()) for _ in range(2): self.assertRaises(BlockingIOError, mock)
Example #26
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_with_context_manager(self): client = asynctest.Mock(AsyncClient()) cache = {} with asynctest.patch("logging.debug") as debug_mock: await cache_users_async(client, cache) debug_mock.assert_called()
Example #27
Source File: From asynctest with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_with_decorator(self, debug_mock, error_mock): client = asynctest.Mock(AsyncClient()) cache = {} await cache_users_async(client, cache) debug_mock.assert_called() error_mock.assert_not_called()
Example #28
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_wait_until_ready(monkeypatch): """ Test that wait_until_ready polls until query_is_ready returns True """ reply_mock = Mock( json=Mock( return_value={ "status": "executing", "progress": {"eligible": 0, "queued": 0, "running": 0}, } ) ) ready_mock = CoroutineMock(side_effect=[(False, reply_mock,), (True, reply_mock),]) monkeypatch.setattr("flowclient.async_client.query_is_ready", ready_mock) connection_mock = AMock() connection_mock.post_json = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, headers={"Location": "DUMMY_LOCATION/DUMMY_ID"} ) ) query = ASyncAPIQuery( connection=connection_mock, parameters={"query_kind": "dummy_query"} ) await await query.wait_until_ready() assert 2 == ready_mock.call_count
Example #29
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_query_status(): """ Test that the 'status' property returns the status reported by the API. """ connection_mock = AMock() connection_mock.post_json = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, headers={"Location": "DUMMY_LOCATION/DUMMY_ID"} ) ) connection_mock.get_url = CoroutineMock( return_value=Mock( status_code=202, json=Mock( return_value={ "status": "executing", "progress": {"eligible": 0, "queued": 0, "running": 0}, } ), ) ) query = ASyncAPIQuery( connection=connection_mock, parameters={"query_kind": "dummy_query"} ) await assert await query.status == "executing"
Example #30
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def dummy_zmq_server(monkeypatch): """ A fixture which provides a dummy zero mq socket which records the json it is asked to send and monkeypatches the zmq asyncio context to return it. Parameters ---------- monkeypatch Yields ------ asynctest.Mock The dummy zeromq socket """ dummy = AMock() dummy.socket.return_value = dummy def f(*args, **kwargs): print("Making dummy zmq.") return dummy monkeypatch.setattr(zmq.asyncio.Context, "instance", f) yield dummy