Python xgboost.Booster() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of xgboost.Booster().
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Example #1
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def predict(model, data, session=None, run_kwargs=None, run=True): from xgboost import Booster data = check_data(data) if not isinstance(model, Booster): raise TypeError('model has to be a xgboost.Booster, got {0} instead'.format(type(model))) num_class = model.attr('num_class') if isinstance(data, TENSOR_TYPE): output_types = [OutputType.tensor] elif num_class is not None: output_types = [OutputType.dataframe] else: output_types = [OutputType.series] op = XGBPredict(data=data, model=model, gpu=data.op.gpu, output_types=output_types) result = op() if run: result.execute(session=session, **(run_kwargs or dict())) return result
Example #2
Source File: From BentoML with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, spec, model): super(_XgboostModelArtifactWrapper, self).__init__(spec) try: import xgboost as xgb except ImportError: raise MissingDependencyException( "xgboost package is required to use XgboostModelArtifact" ) if not isinstance(model, xgb.core.Booster): raise InvalidArgument( "Expect `model` argument to be a `xgboost.core.Booster` instance" ) self._model = model
Example #3
Source File: From xgboost-operator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def read_model_from_oss(kw): """ helper function to read a model from oss :param kw: OSS parameter :return: XGBoost booster model """ auth = oss2.Auth(kw['access_id'], kw['access_key']) bucket = kw['access_bucket'] bkt = oss2.Bucket(auth=auth, endpoint=kw['endpoint'], bucket_name=bucket) oss_path = kw["path"] temp_model_fname = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'local_model') try: bkt.get_object_to_file(key=oss_path, filename=temp_model_fname)"success to load model from oss %s", oss_path) except Exception as e: logging.error("fail to load model: " + e) raise Exception("fail to load model from oss %s", oss_path) bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread': 2}) # init model bst.load_model(temp_model_fname) return bst
Example #4
Source File: From trains with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _patch_model_io(): if PatchXGBoostModelIO.__patched: return if 'xgboost' not in sys.modules: return PatchXGBoostModelIO.__patched = True try: import xgboost as xgb bst = xgb.Booster bst.save_model = _patched_call(bst.save_model, PatchXGBoostModelIO._save) bst.load_model = _patched_call(bst.load_model, PatchXGBoostModelIO._load) except ImportError: pass except Exception: pass
Example #5
Source File: From mlflow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def load_model(model_uri): """ Load an XGBoost model from a local file or a run. :param model_uri: The location, in URI format, of the MLflow model. For example: - ``/Users/me/path/to/local/model`` - ``relative/path/to/local/model`` - ``s3://my_bucket/path/to/model`` - ``runs:/<mlflow_run_id>/run-relative/path/to/model`` For more information about supported URI schemes, see `Referencing Artifacts < artifact-locations>`_. :return: An XGBoost model (an instance of `xgboost.Booster`_) """ local_model_path = _download_artifact_from_uri(artifact_uri=model_uri) flavor_conf = _get_flavor_configuration(model_path=local_model_path, flavor_name=FLAVOR_NAME) xgb_model_file_path = os.path.join(local_model_path, flavor_conf.get("data", "model.xgb")) return _load_model(path=xgb_model_file_path)
Example #6
Source File: From Crypto_trading_robot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def predict_label(self, X, robot): bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread': 4}) # init model bst.load_model('models/{}'.format(robot.model_name)) # load the model try: # may not work if there are Nones dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X) pred = bst.predict(dtest) label = np.argmax(pred, axis=1)[0] # giving a prediction: # 0 : nothing # 1 : long # 2: short label_probability = pred[0][int(label)] except ValueError: # in case it fails label, label_probability = 0, 1 print('Note: Issue when predicting the value') return label, label_probability ### Data preparation
Example #7
Source File: From sagemaker-xgboost-container with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_loaded_booster(model_dir): model_files = (data_file for data_file in os.listdir(model_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(model_dir, data_file))) model_file = next(model_files) try: booster = pkl.load(open(os.path.join(model_dir, model_file), 'rb')) format = PKL_FORMAT except Exception as exp_pkl: try: booster = xgb.Booster() booster.load_model(os.path.join(model_dir, model_file)) format = XGB_FORMAT except Exception as exp_xgb: raise RuntimeError("Model at {} cannot be loaded:\n{}\n{}".format(model_dir, str(exp_pkl), str(exp_xgb))) booster.set_param('nthread', 1) return booster, format
Example #8
Source File: From mlflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_model(path): import xgboost as xgb model = xgb.Booster() model.load_model(os.path.abspath(path)) return model
Example #9
Source File: From onnxmltools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_model(model, name, input_types): """ Runs the appropriate conversion method. :param model: model :return: *onnx* model """ from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator if model.__class__.__name__.startswith("LGBM"): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_lightgbm model, prefix = convert_lightgbm(model, name, input_types), "LightGbm" elif model.__class__.__name__.startswith("XGB"): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_xgboost model, prefix = convert_xgboost(model, name, input_types), "XGB" elif model.__class__.__name__ == 'Booster': import lightgbm if isinstance(model, lightgbm.Booster): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_lightgbm model, prefix = convert_lightgbm(model, name, input_types), "LightGbm" else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert model of type '{0}'.".format(type(model))) elif model.__class__.__name__.startswith("CatBoost"): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_catboost model, prefix = convert_catboost(model, name, input_types), "CatBoost" elif isinstance(model, BaseEstimator): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_sklearn model, prefix = convert_sklearn(model, name, input_types), "Sklearn" else: from onnxmltools.convert import convert_coreml model, prefix = convert_coreml(model, name, input_types), "Cml" if model is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert model of type '{0}'.".format(type(model))) return model, prefix
Example #10
Source File: From onnxmltools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert(model, name=None, initial_types=None, doc_string='', target_opset=None, targeted_onnx=onnx.__version__, custom_conversion_functions=None, custom_shape_calculators=None): ''' This function produces an equivalent ONNX model of the given xgboost model. :param model: A xgboost model :param initial_types: a python list. Each element is a tuple of a variable name and a type defined in :param name: The name of the graph (type: GraphProto) in the produced ONNX model (type: ModelProto) :param doc_string: A string attached onto the produced ONNX model :param target_opset: number, for example, 7 for ONNX 1.2, and 8 for ONNX 1.3. :param targeted_onnx: A string (for example, '1.1.2' and '1.2') used to specify the targeted ONNX version of the produced model. If ONNXMLTools cannot find a compatible ONNX python package, an error may be thrown. :param custom_conversion_functions: a dictionary for specifying the user customized conversion function :param custom_shape_calculators: a dictionary for specifying the user customized shape calculator :return: An ONNX model (type: ModelProto) which is equivalent to the input xgboost model ''' if initial_types is None: raise ValueError('Initial types are required. See usage of convert(...) in \ onnxmltools.convert.xgboost.convert for details') if name is None: name = str(uuid4().hex) if isinstance(model, xgboost.Booster): model = WrappedBooster(model) target_opset = target_opset if target_opset else get_maximum_opset_supported() topology = parse_xgboost(model, initial_types, target_opset, custom_conversion_functions, custom_shape_calculators) topology.compile() onnx_model = convert_topology(topology, name, doc_string, target_opset, targeted_onnx) return onnx_model
Example #11
Source File: From EARL with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.rerun = False self.pred_change = {} print "ReRanker initializing" try: self.model = xgb.Booster({'nthread': 4}) self.model.load_model('../models/db_predia_reranker.model') except Exception,e: print e sys.exit(1)
Example #12
Source File: From open-solution-home-credit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load(self, filepath): self.estimator = xgb.Booster(params=self.model_config) self.estimator.load_model(filepath) return self
Example #13
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def xgboost_predict( data_path: InputPath('CSV'), # Also supports LibSVM model_path: InputPath('XGBoostModel'), predictions_path: OutputPath('Text'), label_column: int = None, ): '''Make predictions using a trained XGBoost model. Args: data_path: Path for the feature data in CSV format. model_path: Path for the trained model in binary XGBoost format. predictions_path: Output path for the predictions. label_column: Column containing the label data. Annotations: author: Alexey Volkov <> ''' from pathlib import Path import numpy import pandas import xgboost df = pandas.read_csv( data_path, ) if label_column is not None: df = df.drop(columns=[df.columns[label_column]]) testing_data = xgboost.DMatrix( data=df, ) model = xgboost.Booster(model_file=model_path) predictions = model.predict(testing_data) Path(predictions_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) numpy.savetxt(predictions_path, predictions)
Example #14
Source File: From steppy-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load(self, filepath): self.estimator = xgb.Booster(params=self.booster_parameters) self.estimator.load_model(filepath) return self
Example #15
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def xgboost_predict( data_path: InputPath('ApacheParquet'), model_path: InputPath('XGBoostModel'), predictions_path: OutputPath('Text'), label_column_name: str = None, ): '''Make predictions using a trained XGBoost model. Args: data_path: Path for the feature data in Apache Parquet format. model_path: Path for the trained model in binary XGBoost format. predictions_path: Output path for the predictions. label_column_name: Optional. Name of the column containing the label data that is excluded during the prediction. Annotations: author: Alexey Volkov <> ''' from pathlib import Path import numpy import pandas import xgboost # Loading data df = pandas.read_parquet(data_path) if label_column_name: df = df.drop(columns=[label_column_name]) evaluation_data = xgboost.DMatrix( data=df, ) # Training model = xgboost.Booster(model_file=model_path) predictions = model.predict(evaluation_data) Path(predictions_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) numpy.savetxt(predictions_path, predictions)
Example #16
Source File: From jh-kaggle-util with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_model(cls,path,name): root = jhkaggle.jhkaggle_config['PATH'] model_path = os.path.join(root,path) meta_filename = os.path.join(model_path,"meta.json") with open(meta_filename, 'r') as fp: meta = json.load(fp) result = TrainXGBoost(meta['data_source'],None,False) result.model = xgb.Booster({'nthread':-1}) #init model result.model.load_model(os.path.join(model_path,name+".bin")) return result
Example #17
Source File: From uai-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_model(self): model_file = self.model_name bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread':1}) bst.load_model(model_file) self.bst = bst
Example #18
Source File: From search-MjoLniR with MIT License | 5 votes |
def loadBoosterFromLocalFile(path: str) -> 'XGBoostBooster': booster = xgb.Booster.load_model(path) # TODO: Not having the training parameters or the evaluation metrics # almost makes this a different thing... return XGBoostBooster(booster)
Example #19
Source File: From sagemaker-xgboost-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_train_zero_or_negative_rounds(tmpdir, caplog): X_train = np.random.random(size=(100, 5)) y_train = np.random.random(size=(100, 1)) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train) X_test = np.random.random(size=(100, 5)) y_test = np.random.random(size=(100, 1)) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test, label=y_test) params = {"objective": "binary:logistic"} train_args = dict( params=params, dtrain=dtrain, num_boost_round=0, evals=[(dtrain, 'train'), (dtest, 'test')] ) checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_checkpoints") bst = checkpointing.train(train_args, checkpoint_dir) assert isinstance(bst, xgb.Booster) assert not os.listdir(checkpoint_dir) train_args["num_boost_round"] = -1 bst = checkpointing.train(train_args, checkpoint_dir) assert isinstance(bst, xgb.Booster) assert not os.listdir(checkpoint_dir)
Example #20
Source File: From go-ml-transpiler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_spark_model(model_path, metadata_path): import xgboost as xgb import json import numpy as np if not isinstance(model_path, str) or not isinstance(model_path, str): raise ValueError("model and metadata paths must be str, not {0} and {1}".format(type(model_path), type(metadata_path))) with open(metadata_path) as f: metadata = json.loads( xgb_class = metadata.get("class") if xgb_class == "ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoostClassificationModel": clf = xgb.XGBClassifier() setattr(clf, "base_score", metadata["paramMap"]["baseScore"]) elif xgb_class == "ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoostRegressionModel": clf = xgb.XGBRegressor() else: raise ValueError("Unsupported model.") setattr(clf, "objective", metadata["paramMap"]["objective"]) setattr(clf, "missing", np.nan if metadata["paramMap"]["missing"] in ["NaN", "nan", "null", "None"] else metadata["paramMap"][ "missing"]) setattr(clf, "booster", metadata["paramMap"].get("booster", "gbtree")) setattr(clf, "n_estimators", metadata["paramMap"].get("numRound", 1)) booster = xgb.Booster() booster.load_model(model_path) clf._Booster = booster return clf
Example #21
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testLocalPredictTensor(self): dtrain = MarsDMatrix(self.X, self.y) booster = train({}, dtrain, num_boost_round=2) self.assertIsInstance(booster, Booster) prediction = predict(booster, self.X) self.assertIsInstance(prediction.to_numpy(), np.ndarray) prediction = predict(booster, dtrain) self.assertIsInstance(prediction.fetch(), np.ndarray) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): predict(None, self.X)
Example #22
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testLocalPredictDataFrame(self): dtrain = MarsDMatrix(self.X_df, self.y_series) booster = train({}, dtrain, num_boost_round=2) self.assertIsInstance(booster, Booster) prediction = predict(booster, self.X_df) self.assertIsInstance(prediction.to_pandas(), pd.Series)
Example #23
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testLocalTrainTensor(self): dtrain = MarsDMatrix(self.X, self.y) booster = train({}, dtrain, num_boost_round=2) self.assertIsInstance(booster, Booster)
Example #24
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testLocalTrainDataFrame(self): dtrain = MarsDMatrix(self.X_df, self.y_series) booster = train({}, dtrain, num_boost_round=2) self.assertIsInstance(booster, Booster)
Example #25
Source File: From search-MjoLniR with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, booster: xgb.Booster) -> None: self.booster = booster
Example #26
Source File: From BentoML with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load(self, path): try: import xgboost as xgb except ImportError: raise MissingDependencyException( "xgboost package is required to use XgboostModelArtifact" ) bst = xgb.Booster() bst.load_model(self._model_file_path(path)) return self.pack(bst)
Example #27
Source File: From search-MjoLniR with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, booster: xgb.Booster, evals_result: EvalsResult, params: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> None: super().__init__(booster) self.evals_result = evals_result self.params = params
Example #28
Source File: From mljar-supervised with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load(self, model_file_path): logger.debug("XgbLearner load model from %s" % model_file_path) self.model = xgb.Booster() # init model self.model.load_model(model_file_path)
Example #29
Source File: From ebonite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def dump(self, model: xgboost.Booster) -> FilesContextManager: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='ebonite_xgboost_dump') as f: path = os.path.join(f, self.model_path) model.save_model(path) yield Blobs({self.model_path: LocalFileBlob(path)})
Example #30
Source File: From ebonite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load(self, path): model = xgboost.Booster() model.load_model(os.path.join(path, self.model_path)) return model