Python tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler().
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Example #1
Source File: From jupyter-server-proxy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # since my parent doesn't keep calling the super() constructor, # I need to do it myself bases = inspect.getmro(type(self)) assert WebSocketHandlerMixin in bases meindex = bases.index(WebSocketHandlerMixin) try: nextparent = bases[meindex + 1] except IndexError: raise Exception("WebSocketHandlerMixin should be followed " "by another parent to make sense") # undisallow methods --- disallows methods, # we need to re-enable these methods def wrapper(method): def undisallow(*args2, **kwargs2): getattr(nextparent, method)(self, *args2, **kwargs2) return undisallow for method in ["write", "redirect", "set_header", "set_cookie", "set_status", "flush", "finish"]: setattr(self, method, wrapper(method)) nextparent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Example #2
Source File: From backend with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(WebSocketHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.remote_ip = request.headers.get( 'X-Forwarded-For', request.headers.get( 'X-Real-Ip', request.remote_ip)) application.log('INFO', 'CONNECTION_OPEN', self.remote_ip ) self.trade_client = None self.user_response = None self.last_message_datetime = [] self.open_orders = {} self.md_subscriptions = {} self.sec_status_subscriptions = {} self.honey_pot_connection = False if self.application.is_tor_node( self.remote_ip ): self.honey_pot_connection = True application.log('INFO', 'BLOCKED_TOR_NODE', self.remote_ip ) return self.trade_client = TradeClient( self.application.zmq_context, self.application.trade_in_socket, self.application.options.trade_pub)
Example #3
Source File: From backend with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_message(self, message, binary=False): super(WebSocketHandler, self).write_message(message, binary)
Example #4
Source File: From backend with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def close(self, code=None, reason=None): self.application.log('DEBUG', self.remote_ip, 'WebSocketHandler.close() invoked' ) super(WebSocketHandler, self).close()
Example #5
Source File: From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(WebSocketHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._init_handler()
Example #6
Source File: From origami-lib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def check_origin(self, origin): """ Overridden function from WebSocketHandler for CORS policy. This ensures that websocket connection can be made from any origin. """ return True
Example #7
Source File: From origami-lib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def open(self): """ A new websocket connection is opened. Overridden function from WebSocketHandler This method resets the global connection variables. """ self.__reset_connection()
Example #8
Source File: From origami-lib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def on_message(self, message): """ Got a messege from the websocket connection. Overridden method from WebSocketHandler. This method recieves the message from the websocket connection and validates the message. If the message is validated it extracts the data from the message and pass it as an argument to the function registered corresponding to the users socket-id. The returned value from the function is sent back to user as a response. Args: message: message from the websocket connection. \ This message is what we got from the websocket, first we need \ to validate it and then extract the required matter from it \ which will then be used by the registered function. """ data = self._validate_message(message) if data: out_msg = self.active_connection["func"]( *self.active_connection["arguments"], message=data) try: # Send the out_msg returned from the function. if isinstance(out_msg, dict): json_resp = json.dumps(out_msg) self.write_message(json_resp) elif utils.check_if_string(out_msg): self.write_message(out_msg) # self._origmai_send_data( # "ws_data", out_msg, socketId=self.connection_id) else: print( "A persistent connection can only return a python dict \ or string") except Exception: pass
Example #9
Source File: From jupyter_http_over_ws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): websocket.WebSocketHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) handlers.IPythonHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) ca_certs = None if self.request.protocol == 'https': ca_certs = self.config.get('NotebookApp', {}).get('certfile') if not ca_certs: raise ValueError('HTTPS requires the NotebookApp.certfile setting to ' 'be present.') self.ca_certs = ca_certs
Example #10
Source File: From incubator-tvm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(WebSocketHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._init_handler()
Example #11
Source File: From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, sock, listen_port, web_port, timeout_client, timeout_server, tracker_addr, index_page=None, resource_files=None): assert ProxyServerHandler.current is None ProxyServerHandler.current = self if web_port: handlers = [ (r"/ws", WebSocketHandler), ] if index_page: handlers.append( (r"/", RequestHandler, {"file_path": index_page, "rpc_web_port": web_port}))"Serving RPC index html page at http://localhost:%d", web_port) resource_files = resource_files if resource_files else [] for fname in resource_files: basename = os.path.basename(fname) pair = (r"/%s" % basename, RequestHandler, {"file_path": fname}) handlers.append(pair) = tornado.web.Application(handlers) self.sock = sock self.sock.setblocking(0) self.loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current() def event_handler(_, events): self._on_event(events) self.loop.add_handler( self.sock.fileno(), event_handler, self.loop.READ) self._client_pool = {} self._server_pool = {} self.timeout_alloc = 5 self.timeout_client = timeout_client self.timeout_server = timeout_server # tracker information self._listen_port = listen_port self._tracker_addr = tracker_addr self._tracker_conn = None self._tracker_pending_puts = [] self._key_set = set() self.update_tracker_period = 2 if tracker_addr:"Tracker address:%s", str(tracker_addr)) def _callback(): self._update_tracker(True) self.loop.call_later(self.update_tracker_period, _callback)"RPCProxy: Websock port bind to %d", web_port)
Example #12
Source File: From incubator-tvm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, sock, listen_port, web_port, timeout_client, timeout_server, tracker_addr, index_page=None, resource_files=None): assert ProxyServerHandler.current is None ProxyServerHandler.current = self if web_port: handlers = [ (r"/ws", WebSocketHandler), ] if index_page: handlers.append( (r"/", RequestHandler, {"file_path": index_page, "rpc_web_port": web_port}))"Serving RPC index html page at http://localhost:%d", web_port) resource_files = resource_files if resource_files else [] for fname in resource_files: basename = os.path.basename(fname) pair = (r"/%s" % basename, RequestHandler, {"file_path": fname}) handlers.append(pair) = tornado.web.Application(handlers) self.sock = sock self.sock.setblocking(0) self.loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current() def event_handler(_, events): self._on_event(events) self.loop.add_handler( self.sock.fileno(), event_handler, self.loop.READ) self._client_pool = {} self._server_pool = {} self.timeout_alloc = 5 self.timeout_client = timeout_client self.timeout_server = timeout_server # tracker information self._listen_port = listen_port self._tracker_addr = tracker_addr self._tracker_conn = None self._tracker_pending_puts = [] self._key_set = set() self.update_tracker_period = 2 if tracker_addr:"Tracker address:%s", str(tracker_addr)) def _callback(): self._update_tracker(True) self.loop.call_later(self.update_tracker_period, _callback)"RPCProxy: Websock port bind to %d", web_port)