akka.actor.FSM Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use akka.actor.FSM.
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Example 1
Source File: FSMAfterAllListenerHolder.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.akkapersistence.impl import akka.actor.FSM import rhttpc.akkapersistence.StateSaved private[akkapersistence] trait FSMAfterAllListenerHolder[S, D] { this: FSM[S, D] => private var currentAfterAllListener: Option[RecipientWithMsg] = None implicit class StateExt(state: this.State) { def acknowledgingAfterSave() = { replyingAfterSave() } def replyingAfterSave(msg: Any = StateSaved) = { currentAfterAllListener = Some(new RecipientWithMsg(sender(), msg)) state } } protected def useCurrentAfterAllListener(): Option[RecipientWithMsg] = { val tmp = currentAfterAllListener currentAfterAllListener = None tmp } }
Example 2
Source File: ReliableFSMSpec.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.akkapersistence import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, FSM, PoisonPill} import akka.persistence._ import akka.testkit._ import org.scalatest._ import rhttpc.akkapersistence.impl._ import rhttpc.client.ReliableClientBaseSpec import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class ReliableFSMSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("ReliableFSMSpec")) with ReliableClientBaseSpec with ImplicitSender with Matchers { it should "save snapshot after message publication and reply with StateSaved" in { fixture => createAndSendFoo(fixture, "12") } it should "recover in correct state not saving snapshot one more time" in { fixture => val id = "123" val actor = createAndSendFoo(fixture, id) val snapshot = actor.underlyingActor.savedSnapshots.head watch(actor) actor ! PoisonPill expectTerminated(actor) val recovered = TestActorRef[FooBarActor](FooBarActor.props(id, fixture.client)) recovered ! NotifyAboutRecoveryCompleted recovered.underlyingActor.recover(snapshot) expectMsg(RecoveryCompleted) Thread.sleep(500) recovered.underlyingActor.savedSnapshots shouldBe empty fixture.transport.replySubscriptionPromise.success("foo") awaitCond(recovered.underlyingActor.savedSnapshots.size == 1) Await.result(fixture.transport.ackOnReplySubscriptionFuture, 3 seconds) recovered ! CurrentState expectMsg(FooState) } def createAndSendFoo(fixture: FixtureParam, id: String): TestActorRef[FooBarActor] = { val actor = TestActorRef[FooBarActor](FooBarActor.props(id, fixture.client)) actor ! SendMsg("foo") Thread.sleep(500) actor.underlyingActor.savedSnapshots shouldBe empty fixture.transport.publicationPromise.success(Unit) awaitCond(actor.underlyingActor.savedSnapshots.size == 1) expectMsg(StateSaved) actor } } trait MockReliableFSM[S, D] extends AbstractReliableFSM[S, D] with MockSnapshotter[S, D] trait MockSnapshotter[S, D] extends AbstractSnapshotter { this: FSM[S, D] => @volatile var savedSnapshots: List[SnapshotWithSeqNr] = List.empty override def saveSnapshotWithSeqNr(snapshot: Any, seqNr: Long): Unit = { savedSnapshots = SnapshotWithSeqNr(snapshot, seqNr) :: savedSnapshots self ! SaveSnapshotSuccess(SnapshotMetadata(persistenceId, seqNr)) } def recover(snap: SnapshotWithSeqNr) = { self ! SnapshotOffer(SnapshotMetadata(persistenceId, snap.seqNr), snap.snapshot) } protected def handleRecover: Receive = { val handleOfferAndThanSendCompleted: Receive = { case offer: SnapshotOffer => receiveRecover(offer) self ! RecoveryCompleted } handleOfferAndThanSendCompleted orElse receiveRecover } whenUnhandled { case Event(event, _) if handleRecover.isDefinedAt(event) => handleRecover(event) stay() } override def deleteSnapshots(criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria): Unit = {} } case class SnapshotWithSeqNr(snapshot: Any, seqNr: Long)
Example 3
Source File: TrafficLightFSM.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter10 import java.util.Date import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, FSM} import TrafficLightFSM._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ object TrafficLightFSM { sealed trait TrafficLightState case object Green extends TrafficLightState case object Yellow extends TrafficLightState case object Red extends TrafficLightState sealed trait Data case class Countdown(i: Int) extends Data //Events case object Tick case class ReportChange(to: TrafficLightState, date: Date) } class TrafficLightFSM(changesSubscriber: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging with FSM[TrafficLightState, Data]{ import context.dispatcher trafficLightState(Green, Yellow, 2) trafficLightState(Yellow, Red, 4) trafficLightState(Red, Green, 8) startWith(Green, Countdown(8)) initialize() scheduleTick() onTransition { case Green -> Yellow => changesSubscriber ! ReportChange(Yellow, new Date()) case Yellow -> Red => changesSubscriber ! ReportChange(Red, new Date()) case Red -> Green => changesSubscriber ! ReportChange(Green, new Date()) } private def scheduleTick() = { context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, self, Tick) } private def trafficLightState( trafficLightState: TrafficLightState, nextTrafficLightState: TrafficLightState, totalSecondsNextState: Int) = { when(trafficLightState) { case Event(Tick, Countdown(i)) if i != 0 => scheduleTick() log.info(s"Current state [$trafficLightState]. Countdown: [$i].") stay using Countdown(i - 1) case Event(Tick, Countdown(i)) if i == 0 => scheduleTick() log.info(s"Changing from $trafficLightState to $nextTrafficLightState.") goto(nextTrafficLightState) using Countdown(totalSecondsNextState) } } }