akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.
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Example 1
Source File: Graph2.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import scala.io.StdIn object Graph2 extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val topHeadSink = Sink.head[Int] val bottomHeadSink = Sink.head[Int] val sharedDoubler = Flow[Int].map(_ * 2) val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(topHeadSink, bottomHeadSink)((_, _)) { implicit builder => (topHS, bottomHS) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) Source.single(1) ~> broadcast.in broadcast ~> sharedDoubler ~> topHS.in broadcast ~> sharedDoubler ~> bottomHS.in ClosedShape }) val (topF, bottomF) = g.run() topF.foreach(v => println(s"top is $v")) bottomF.foreach(v => println(s"bottom is $v")) StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 2
Source File: PersistentBufferCommitOrderSpec.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.pattern.stream import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{GraphDSL, RunnableGraph} import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpec, Matchers} import org.squbs.testkit.Timeouts._ import scala.concurrent.Await class PersistentBufferCommitOrderSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with Eventually { implicit val system = ActorSystem("PersistentBufferCommitOrderSpec", PersistentBufferSpec.testConfig) implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() implicit val serializer = QueueSerializer[Int]() import StreamSpecUtil._ override def afterAll = { Await.ready(system.terminate(), awaitMax) } it should "fail when an out of order commit is attempted and commit-order-policy = strict" in { val util = new StreamSpecUtil[Int, Event[Int]] import util._ val buffer = PersistentBufferAtLeastOnce[Int](ConfigFactory.parseString("commit-order-policy = strict").withFallback(config)) val commit = buffer.commit[Int] val streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(flowCounter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ in ~> buffer.async ~> filterARandomElement ~> commit ~> sink ClosedShape }) val sinkF = streamGraph.run() Await.result(sinkF.failed, awaitMax) shouldBe an[CommitOrderException] clean() } it should "not fail when an out of order commit is attempted and commit-order-policy = lenient" in { val util = new StreamSpecUtil[Int, Event[Int]] import util._ val buffer = PersistentBufferAtLeastOnce[Int](ConfigFactory.parseString("commit-order-policy = lenient").withFallback(config)) val commit = buffer.commit[Int] val streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(flowCounter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ in ~> buffer.async ~> filterARandomElement ~> commit ~> sink ClosedShape }) val countFuture = streamGraph.run() val count = Await.result(countFuture, awaitMax) count shouldBe elementCount - 1 eventually { buffer.queue shouldBe 'closed } clean() } }
Example 3
Source File: TriggerMerge.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{GraphDSL, Source} import akka.stream.stage.{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, InHandler, OutHandler} final class TriggerMerge[T](eagerComplete: Boolean = false) extends GraphStage[FanInShape2[T, TriggerEvent, T]] { override val shape: FanInShape2[T, TriggerEvent, T] = new FanInShape2[T, TriggerEvent, T]("TriggerMerge") val in: Inlet[T] = shape.in0 val trigger: Inlet[TriggerEvent] = shape.in1 override def initialAttributes = Attributes.name("TriggerMerge") override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { var flowEnabled, requestPending, triggerCompleted, willShutDown = false setHandler(in, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = { push(out, grab(in)) if (willShutDown) completeStage() } override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = { if (!isAvailable(in)) completeStage() willShutDown = true } }) setHandler(trigger, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = { val triggerEvent = grab(trigger) if (triggerEvent.value != flowEnabled) { if (triggerEvent.value && requestPending) { requestPending = false tryPull(in) } flowEnabled = triggerEvent.value } if (triggerCompleted) cancelTrigger() if (!hasBeenPulled(trigger)) tryPull(trigger) } override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = { if (!isAvailable(trigger)) cancelTrigger() triggerCompleted = true } def cancelTrigger(): Unit = if (eagerComplete) completeStage() else cancel(trigger) }) setHandler(out, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = { if (willShutDown) completeStage() else { if (flowEnabled) tryPull(in) else { requestPending = true if (!hasBeenPulled(trigger)) tryPull(trigger) } } } }) } def out: Outlet[T] = shape.out override def toString = "TriggerMerge" } class Trigger[T, M1, M2](eagerComplete: Boolean = false) { import GraphDSL.Implicits._ private[stream] val source = (in: Graph[SourceShape[T], M1], trigger: Graph[SourceShape[TriggerEvent], M2]) => Source.fromGraph( GraphDSL.create(in, trigger)((_, _)) { implicit builder => (sIn, sTrigger) => val merge = builder.add(new TriggerMerge[T](eagerComplete)) sIn ~> merge.in0 sTrigger ~> merge.in1 SourceShape(merge.out) }) // for Java def source(in: javadsl.Source[T, M1], trigger: javadsl.Source[TriggerEvent, M2]): javadsl.Source[T, akka.japi.Pair[M1, M2]] = { source(in.asScala, trigger.asScala).mapMaterializedValue { case (m1, m2) => akka.japi.Pair(m1, m2) }.asJava } }
Example 4
Source File: ProperShutdownStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.Done import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.stream.ClosedShape import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object ProperShutdownStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class ProperShutdownStream extends PerpetualStream[(ActorRef, Future[Long])] { import ProperShutdownStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val managedSource = LifecycleManaged().source(Source fromIterator generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(managedSource, counter)((a, b) => (a._2, b)) { implicit builder => (source, sink) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => val (_, fCount) = matValue // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! fCount } override def shutdown() = { super.shutdown() import context.dispatcher val (actorRef, fCount) = matValue val fStopped = gracefulStop(actorRef, awaitMax) for { _ <- fCount; _ <- fStopped } yield Done } }
Example 5
Source File: KillSwitchStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.stream.ClosedShape import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object KillSwitchStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class KillSwitchStream extends PerpetualStream[Future[Long]] { import KillSwitchStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(counter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> killSwitch.flow[Int] ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! matValue } }
Example 6
Source File: KillSwitchWithChildActorStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.actor.{Actor, Props} import akka.stream.ClosedShape import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object KillSwitchWithChildActorStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class DummyChildActor extends Actor { def receive = PartialFunction.empty } class KillSwitchWithChildActorStream extends PerpetualStream[Future[Long]] { import KillSwitchWithChildActorStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ val dummyChildActor = context.actorOf(Props[DummyChildActor]) override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(counter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> killSwitch.flow[Int] ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! matValue } override def shutdown() = { val f = super.shutdown() defaultMidActorStop(Seq(dummyChildActor)) f } }
Example 7
Source File: KillSwitchMatStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.stream.{ClosedShape, KillSwitch, KillSwitches} import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object KillSwitchMatStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class KillSwitchMatStream extends PerpetualStream[(KillSwitch, Future[Long])] { import KillSwitchMatStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(KillSwitches.single[Int], counter)((_, _)) { implicit builder => (kill, sink) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> kill ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! matValue._2 } }
Example 8
Source File: UseCaseSupport.scala From akka-ddd-cqrs-es-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.bank.useCase import akka.{ Done, NotUsed } import akka.stream.{ FlowShape, QueueOfferResult } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, GraphDSL, Sink, SourceQueueWithComplete, Unzip, Zip } import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future, Promise } object UseCaseSupport { implicit class FlowOps[A, B](val self: Flow[A, B, NotUsed]) extends AnyVal { def zipPromise: Flow[(A, Promise[B]), (B, Promise[B]), NotUsed] = Flow .fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val unzip = b.add(Unzip[A, Promise[B]]) val zip = b.add(Zip[B, Promise[B]]) unzip.out0 ~> self ~> zip.in0 unzip.out1 ~> zip.in1 FlowShape(unzip.in, zip.out) }) } } trait UseCaseSupport { protected def offerToQueue[A, B]( sourceQueue: SourceQueueWithComplete[(A, Promise[B])] )(request: A, promise: Promise[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = { sourceQueue.offer((request, promise)).flatMap { case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued => promise.future case QueueOfferResult.Failure(t) => Future.failed(new Exception("Failed to offer request", t)) case QueueOfferResult.Dropped => Future.failed( new Exception( s"Failed to enqueue resolve request, the queue buffer was full, please check the bank.interface.buffer-size setting" ) ) case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed => Future.failed(new Exception("Failed to enqueue request batch write, the queue was closed")) } } protected def completePromiseSink[T]: Sink[(T, Promise[T]), Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach { case (response, promise) => promise.success(response) } }
Example 9
Source File: BufferProblem.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.buffer import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source, ZipWith } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, Attributes, ClosedShape } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.io.StdIn object BufferProblem extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() case class Tick() val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.Implicits._ // this is the asynchronous stage in this graph val zipper = b.add(ZipWith[Tick, Int, Int]((tick, count) => count).async.addAttributes(Attributes.inputBuffer(1, 1))) // 用默认缓冲区设置时将只打印 1 // val zipper = b.add(ZipWith[Tick, Int, Int]((tick, count) => count).async) Source.tick(initialDelay = 3.second, interval = 3.second, Tick()) ~> zipper.in0 Source .tick(initialDelay = 1.second, interval = 1.second, "message!") .conflateWithSeed(seed = (_) => 1)((count, _) => count + 1) ~> zipper.in1 zipper.out ~> Sink.foreach(println) ClosedShape }) g.run() StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 10
Source File: PartialGraph.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source, ZipWith } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape, UniformFanInShape } import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.io.StdIn object PartialGraph extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() val pickMaxOfThree = GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ // ZipWith 最后一个泛型是输出参数类型。 val zip1 = b.add(ZipWith[Int, Int, Int](math.max)) val zip2 = b.add(ZipWith[Int, Int, Int](math.max)) zip1.out ~> zip2.in0 UniformFanInShape(zip2.out, zip1.in0, zip1.in1, zip2.in1) } val resultSink = Sink.head[Int] val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(resultSink) { implicit b => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val pm3 = b.add(pickMaxOfThree) Source.single(4) ~> pm3.in(0) Source.single(2) ~> pm3.in(1) Source.single(3) ~> pm3.in(2) pm3.out ~> sink.in ClosedShape }) val result = Await.result(g.run, 300.millis) println(s"result: $result") StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 11
Source File: BroadcastBufferCommitOrderSpec.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.pattern.stream import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ClosedShape, ActorMaterializer} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{GraphDSL, RunnableGraph} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, FlatSpec} import org.squbs.testkit.Timeouts._ import scala.concurrent.Await class BroadcastBufferCommitOrderSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with Eventually { implicit val system = ActorSystem("BroadcastBufferCommitOrderSpec", PersistentBufferSpec.testConfig) implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() implicit val serializer = QueueSerializer[Int]() import StreamSpecUtil._ override def afterAll = { Await.ready(system.terminate(), awaitMax) } it should "fail when an out of order commit is attempted and commit-order-policy = strict" in { val util = new StreamSpecUtil[Int, Event[Int]](2) import util._ val buffer = BroadcastBufferAtLeastOnce[Int](ConfigFactory.parseString("commit-order-policy = strict").withFallback(config)) val streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(flowCounter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val commit = buffer.commit[Int] val bcBuffer = builder.add(buffer.async) val mr = builder.add(merge) in ~> bcBuffer ~> filterARandomElement ~> commit ~> mr ~> sink bcBuffer ~> commit ~> mr ClosedShape }) val sinkF = streamGraph.run() Await.result(sinkF.failed, awaitMax) shouldBe an[CommitOrderException] clean() } it should "not fail when an out of order commit is attempted and commit-order-policy = lenient" in { val util = new StreamSpecUtil[Int, Event[Int]](2) import util._ val buffer = BroadcastBufferAtLeastOnce[Int](ConfigFactory.parseString("commit-order-policy = lenient").withFallback(config)) val streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(flowCounter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val commit = buffer.commit[Int] val bcBuffer = builder.add(buffer.async) val mr = builder.add(merge) in ~> bcBuffer ~> filterARandomElement ~> commit ~> mr ~> sink bcBuffer ~> commit ~> mr ClosedShape }) val countFuture = streamGraph.run() val count = Await.result(countFuture, awaitMax) eventually { buffer.queue shouldBe 'closed } count shouldBe (elementCount * outputPorts - 1) println(s"Total records processed $count") clean() } }
Example 12
Source File: PartialGraph2.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Sink, Source, Zip } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, FlowShape, SourceShape } import scala.io.StdIn object PartialGraph2 extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val pairs: Source[(Int, Int), NotUsed] = Source.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ // prepare graph elements val zip = b.add(Zip[Int, Int]()) def ints = Source.fromIterator(() => Iterator.from(1)) // connect the graph ints.filter(_ % 2 != 0) ~> zip.in0 ints.filter(_ % 2 == 0) ~> zip.in1 // expose port SourceShape(zip.out) }) val firstPair = pairs.runWith(Sink.head) firstPair.foreach(println) val pairUpWithToString = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val broadcast = b.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val zip = b.add(Zip[Int, String]()) broadcast.out(0) ~> zip.in0 broadcast.out(1).map(_.toString) ~> zip.in1 FlowShape(broadcast.in, zip.out) }) Source(List(1)).via(pairUpWithToString).runWith(Sink.head).foreach(println) StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 13
Source File: GraphComponent.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.FanInShape.{ Init, Name } import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, MergePreferred, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import scala.collection.immutable import scala.io.StdIn case class PriorityWorkerPoolShape[In, Out](jobsIn: Inlet[In], priorityJobsIn: Inlet[In], resultsOut: Outlet[Out]) extends Shape { override def inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = jobsIn :: priorityJobsIn :: Nil override def outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = resultsOut :: Nil override def deepCopy(): Shape = PriorityWorkerPoolShape(jobsIn.carbonCopy(), priorityJobsIn.carbonCopy(), resultsOut.carbonCopy()) } case class PriorityWorkerPoolShape2[In, Out](_init: Init[Out] = Name("PriorityWorkerPoolShape2")) extends FanInShape[Out](_init) { override protected def construct(init: Init[Out]): FanInShape[Out] = PriorityWorkerPoolShape2(init) val jobsIn: Inlet[In] = newInlet[In]("jobsIn") val priorityJobsIn: Inlet[In] = newInlet[In]("priorityJobsIn") // Outlet[Out] 使用名字 "out" 将被自动创建 } object PriorityWorkerPool { def apply[In, Out](worker: Flow[In, Out, Any], workerCount: Int) = GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val priorityMerge = b.add(MergePreferred[In](1)) val balance = b.add(Balance[In](workerCount)) val resultsMerge = b.add(Merge[Out](workerCount)) for (i <- 0 until workerCount) balance.out(i) ~> worker ~> resultsMerge.in(i) // 在合并优先和普通作业后发送到平衡器 priorityMerge ~> balance PriorityWorkerPoolShape(priorityMerge.in(0), priorityMerge.preferred, resultsMerge.out) } } object GraphComponent extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val worker1 = Flow[String].map("step 1 " + _) val worker2 = Flow[String].map("step 2 " + _) val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val priorityPool1 = b.add(PriorityWorkerPool(worker1, 4)) val priorityPool2 = b.add(PriorityWorkerPool(worker2, 2)) Source(1 to 10).map("job: " + _) ~> priorityPool1.jobsIn Source(1 to 10).map("priority job: " + _) ~> priorityPool1.priorityJobsIn priorityPool1.resultsOut ~> priorityPool2.jobsIn Source(1 to 10).map("one-step, priority " + _) ~> priorityPool2.priorityJobsIn priorityPool2.resultsOut ~> Sink.foreach(println) ClosedShape }) g.run() StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 14
Source File: Graph1.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import scala.collection.immutable import scala.io.StdIn object Graph1 extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() val graph = g(1 to 2) graph.run() StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() def g(data: immutable.Iterable[Int]) = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val in = Source(data) val out = Sink.foreach(println) val bcast = b.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val merge = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) val f1, f2, f3, f4 = Flow[Int].map(_ + 10) in ~> f1 ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> merge ~> f3 ~> out bcast ~> f4 ~> merge ClosedShape }) }
Example 15
Source File: PartialGraph.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.graph import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Balance, Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, FlowShape, SourceShape } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.io.StdIn object PartialGraph extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher def partial = GraphDSL .create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val B = b.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val C = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) val D = Flow[Int].map(_ + 1) val E = b.add(Balance[Int](2)) val F = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) C <~ F B ~> C ~> F B ~> D ~> E ~> F FlowShape(B.in, E.out(1)) } .named("partial") // 转换partial从FlowShape到Flow,可访问流DSL(比如:.filter() 函数) val flow = Flow.fromGraph(partial) val source = Source.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val merge = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) Source.single(0) ~> merge Source(List(2, 3, 4)) ~> merge SourceShape(merge.out) }) val sink: Sink[Int, Future[Int]] = Flow[Int].map(_ * 2).drop(10).named("nestedFlow").toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) val closed: RunnableGraph[Future[Int]] = source.via(flow.filter(_ > 1)).toMat(sink)(Keep.right) closed.run().foreach(println) StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 16
Source File: VoiceUDPFlow.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.voice import java.net.InetSocketAddress import java.nio.ByteOrder import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} import ackcord.data.{RawSnowflake, UserId} import ackcord.util.UdpConnectedFlow import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{BidiFlow, Concat, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Source} import akka.stream.{BidiShape, OverflowStrategy} import akka.util.ByteString object VoiceUDPFlow { val silence = ByteString(0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFE) val SampleRate = 48000 val FrameSize = 960 val FrameTime = 20 def flow[Mat]( remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, ssrc: Int, serverId: RawSnowflake, userId: UserId, secretKeys: Source[Option[ByteString], Mat] )(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Flow[ByteString, AudioAPIMessage.ReceivedData, (Mat, Future[FoundIP])] = NaclBidiFlow .bidiFlow(ssrc, serverId, userId, secretKeys) .atopMat(voiceBidi(ssrc).reversed)(Keep.both) .async .join(Flow[ByteString].buffer(32, OverflowStrategy.backpressure).via(UdpConnectedFlow.flow(remoteAddress))) def voiceBidi(ssrc: Int): BidiFlow[ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, Future[FoundIP]] = { implicit val byteOrder: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN val ipDiscoveryPacket = { val byteBuilder = ByteString.createBuilder byteBuilder.sizeHint(74) byteBuilder.putShort(0x1).putShort(70).putInt(ssrc) byteBuilder.putBytes(new Array[Byte](66)) byteBuilder.result() } val valvePromise = Promise[Unit] val valve = Source.future(valvePromise.future).drop(1).asInstanceOf[Source[ByteString, NotUsed]] val ipDiscoveryFlow = Flow[ByteString] .viaMat(new IPDiscoveryFlow(() => valvePromise.success(())))(Keep.right) BidiFlow .fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(ipDiscoveryFlow) { implicit b => ipDiscovery => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val voiceIn = b.add(Flow[ByteString]) val ipDiscoverySource = b.add(Source.single(ipDiscoveryPacket) ++ valve) val ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData = b.add(Concat[ByteString]()) ipDiscoverySource ~> ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData voiceIn ~> ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData BidiShape( ipDiscovery.in, ipDiscovery.out, voiceIn.in, ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData.out ) }) } case class FoundIP(address: String, port: Int) }
Example 17
Source File: CmdHelper.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.oldcommands import ackcord.CacheSnapshot import ackcord.data.raw.RawMessage import ackcord.data.{Message, User} import ackcord.requests.{CreateMessage, Request, Requests} import ackcord.syntax._ import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL} object CmdHelper { def isValidCommand[F[_]](needMention: Boolean, msg: Message)( implicit c: CacheSnapshot ): Option[List[String]] = { if (needMention) { val botUser = c.botUser //We do a quick check first before parsing the message val quickCheck = if (msg.mentions.contains(botUser.id)) Some(msg.content.split(" ").toList) else None quickCheck.flatMap { args => MessageParser .parseEither(args, MessageParser[User]) .toOption .flatMap { case (remaining, user) if user.id == botUser.id => Some(remaining) case (_, _) => None } } } else Some(msg.content.split(" ").toList) } }
Example 18
Source File: LogProgress.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend import akka.NotUsed import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Sink } import scala.compat.Platform import scala.collection.immutable._ object LogProgress { def flow[A](each: Long = 1000)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = null): Flow[A, A, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph[A, A, NotUsed](GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val logFlow = Flow[A].statefulMapConcat { () => var last = Platform.currentTime var num = 0L (x: A) => num += 1 if (num % each == 0) { val duration = Platform.currentTime - last val logOpt = Option(log) Option(log).foreach(_.info("[{} ms / {}]: {}", duration, each, num)) if (logOpt.isEmpty) println(s"[$duration ms / $each]: $num") last = Platform.currentTime } Iterable(x) } val bcast = b.add(Broadcast[A](2, eagerCancel = false)) bcast ~> logFlow ~> Sink.ignore FlowShape.of(bcast.in, bcast.out(1)) }) }
Example 19
Source File: SearchController.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{GraphDSL, Interleave, Sink, Source} import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, SourceShape} import controllers.actions.SecuredAuthContext import domains.abtesting.ExperimentService import domains.config.ConfigService import domains.feature.FeatureService import domains.script.GlobalScriptService import domains.configuration.GlobalContext import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsValue, Json} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ActionBuilder, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import store.Query import zio.{Runtime, ZIO} import libs.http.HttpContext class SearchController(AuthAction: ActionBuilder[SecuredAuthContext, AnyContent], cc: ControllerComponents)( implicit system: ActorSystem, R: HttpContext[GlobalContext] ) extends AbstractController(cc) { import libs.http._ def search(pattern: String, features: Boolean, configs: Boolean, experiments: Boolean, scripts: Boolean) = AuthAction.asyncTask[GlobalContext] { ctx => val query: Query = Query.oneOf(ctx.authorizedPatterns).and(pattern.split(",").toList) for { featuresRes <- if (features) FeatureService .findByQuery(query, 1, 10) .map(_.results.map(value => Json.obj("type" -> "features", "id" -> Json.toJson(value.id)))) .map(value => Source(value.toList)) else ZIO.succeed(Source.empty[JsValue]) configsRes <- if (configs) ConfigService .findByQuery(query, 1, 10) .map( _.results.map(value => Json.obj("type" -> "configurations", "id" -> Json.toJson(value.id))) ) .map(value => Source(value.toList)) else ZIO.succeed(Source.empty[JsValue]) experimentsRes <- if (experiments) ExperimentService .findByQuery(query, 1, 10) .map( _.results.map(value => Json.obj("type" -> "experiments", "id" -> Json.toJson(value.id))) ) .map(value => Source(value.toList)) else ZIO.succeed(Source.empty[JsValue]) scriptsRes <- if (scripts) GlobalScriptService .findByQuery(query, 1, 10) .map(_.results.map(value => Json.obj("type" -> "scripts", "id" -> Json.toJson(value.id)))) .map(value => Source(value.toList)) else ZIO.succeed(Source.empty[JsValue]) res <- ZIO.fromFuture { implicit ec => val all = Source.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val interleave = builder.add(Interleave[JsValue](4, 1)) featuresRes ~> interleave.in(0) configsRes ~> interleave.in(1) experimentsRes ~> interleave.in(2) scriptsRes ~> interleave.in(3) SourceShape(interleave.out) }) all.take(10).runWith(Sink.seq) map { jsons => Ok(JsArray(jsons)) } } } yield res } }
Example 20
Source File: ProcessingKafkaApplication.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter8 import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.kafka.scaladsl.{Consumer, Producer} import akka.kafka.{ConsumerSettings, ProducerSettings, Subscriptions} import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, ConsumerRecord} import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ByteArrayDeserializer, ByteArraySerializer, StringDeserializer, StringSerializer} import scala.concurrent.duration._ object ProcessingKafkaApplication extends App { implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("SimpleStream") implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() val bootstrapServers = "localhost:9092" val kafkaTopic = "akka_streams_topic" val partition = 0 val subscription = Subscriptions.assignment(new TopicPartition(kafkaTopic, partition)) val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings(actorSystem, new ByteArrayDeserializer, new StringDeserializer) .withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers) .withGroupId("akka_streams_group") .withProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest") val producerSettings = ProducerSettings(actorSystem, new ByteArraySerializer, new StringSerializer) .withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers) val runnableGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val tickSource = Source.tick(0 seconds, 5 seconds, "Hello from Akka Streams using Kafka!") val kafkaSource = Consumer.plainSource(consumerSettings, subscription) val kafkaSink = Producer.plainSink(producerSettings) val printlnSink = Sink.foreach(println) val mapToProducerRecord = Flow[String].map(elem => new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], String](kafkaTopic, elem)) val mapFromConsumerRecord = Flow[ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], String]].map(record => record.value()) tickSource ~> mapToProducerRecord ~> kafkaSink kafkaSource ~> mapFromConsumerRecord ~> printlnSink ClosedShape }) runnableGraph.run() }
Example 21
Source File: IndefiniteStreamParquetSink.scala From parquet4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Sink, ZipWith} import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.ParquetWriter.ParquetWriterFactory import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration private[parquet4s] object IndefiniteStreamParquetSink extends IOOps { protected val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def apply[In, ToWrite: ParquetWriterFactory, Mat](path: Path, maxChunkSize: Int, chunkWriteTimeWindow: FiniteDuration, buildChunkPath: ChunkPathBuilder[In] = ChunkPathBuilder.default, preWriteTransformation: In => ToWrite = identity[In] _, postWriteSink: Sink[Seq[In], Mat] = Sink.ignore, options: ParquetWriter.Options = ParquetWriter.Options() ): Sink[In, Mat] = { validateWritePath(path, options) val internalFlow = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val inChunkFlow = b.add(Flow[In].groupedWithin(maxChunkSize, chunkWriteTimeWindow)) val broadcastChunks = b.add(Broadcast[Seq[In]](outputPorts = 2)) val writeFlow = Flow[Seq[In]].map { chunk => val toWrite = chunk.map(preWriteTransformation) val chunkPath = buildChunkPath(path, chunk) if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(s"Writing ${toWrite.size} records to $chunkPath") ParquetWriter.writeAndClose(chunkPath.toString, toWrite, options) } val zip = b.add(ZipWith[Seq[In], Unit, Seq[In]]((chunk, _) => chunk)) inChunkFlow ~> broadcastChunks ~> writeFlow ~> zip.in1 broadcastChunks ~> zip.in0 FlowShape(inChunkFlow.in, zip.out) }) internalFlow.toMat(postWriteSink)(Keep.right) } }
Example 22
Source File: ParametrizedFlow.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_shared_state import akka.Done import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Cancellable} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Sink, Source, SourceQueueWithComplete, Zip} import akka.stream.{FlowShape, OverflowStrategy} import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object ParametrizedFlow extends App { val service = ParameterizedFlowService Thread.sleep(5000) service.update(1.0) Thread.sleep(2000) service.update(1.5) Thread.sleep(2000) service.cancel() Thread.sleep(2000) println(service.result()) } object ParameterizedFlowService { implicit val system = ActorSystem("ParameterizedFlowService") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher def update(element: Double): Unit = flow._1._2.offer(element) def cancel(): Boolean = flow._1._1.cancel() def result(): Future[Seq[Double]] = flow._2 val fun = (flowValue: Int, paramValue: Double) => flowValue * paramValue val flow: ((Cancellable, SourceQueueWithComplete[Double]), Future[immutable.Seq[Double]]) = Source.tick(0.seconds, 500.millis, 10) .viaMat(createParamFlow(1, OverflowStrategy.dropBuffer, 0.5)(fun))(Keep.both) .wireTap(x => println(x)) .toMat(Sink.seq)(Keep.both) .run() val done: Future[Done] = flow._1._2.watchCompletion() terminateWhen(done) private def createParamFlow[A, P, O](bufferSize: Int, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy, initialParam: P)(fun: (A, P) => O) = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(Source.queue[P](bufferSize, overflowStrategy)) { implicit builder => queue => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val zip = builder.add(Zip[A, P]()) //Interesting use of the extrapolate operator //based on https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream/stream-rate.html#understanding-extrapolate-and-expand val extra = builder.add(Flow[P].extrapolate(Iterator.continually(_), Some(initialParam))) val map = builder.add(Flow[(A, P)].map(r => fun(r._1, r._2))) queue ~> extra ~> zip.in1 zip.out ~> map FlowShape(zip.in0, map.out) }) private def terminateWhen(done: Future[_]) = { done.onComplete { case Success(_) => println("Flow Success. About to terminate...") system.terminate() case Failure(e) => println(s"Flow Failure: $e. About to terminate...") system.terminate() } } }
Example 23
Source File: WebSocketClient.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_actor import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Sink, Source} import akka.stream.{FlowShape, SourceShape} import sample.stream_actor.WindTurbineSimulator._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object WebSocketClient { def apply(id: String, endpoint: String, windTurbineSimulator: ActorRef) (implicit system: ActorSystem, executionContext: ExecutionContext) = { new WebSocketClient(id, endpoint, windTurbineSimulator)(system, executionContext) } } class WebSocketClient(id: String, endpoint: String, windTurbineSimulator: ActorRef) (implicit system: ActorSystem, executionContext: ExecutionContext) { val webSocketFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Future[WebSocketUpgradeResponse]] = { val websocketUri = s"$endpoint/measurements/$id" Http().webSocketClientFlow(WebSocketRequest(websocketUri)) } val outgoing = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => val data = WindTurbineData(id) val flow = builder.add { Source.tick(1.second, 100.millis,()) //valve for the WindTurbineData frequency .map(_ => TextMessage(data.getNext)) } SourceShape(flow.out) } val incoming = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => val flow = builder.add { Flow[Message] .collect { case TextMessage.Strict(text) => Future.successful(text) case TextMessage.Streamed(textStream) => textStream.runFold("")(_ + _) .flatMap(Future.successful) } .mapAsync(1)(identity) .map(each => println(s"Client received msg: $each")) } FlowShape(flow.in, flow.out) } val (upgradeResponse, closed) = Source.fromGraph(outgoing) .viaMat(webSocketFlow)(Keep.right) // keep the materialized Future[WebSocketUpgradeResponse] .via(incoming) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.both) // also keep the Future[Done] .run() val connected = upgradeResponse.map { upgrade => upgrade.response.status match { case StatusCodes.SwitchingProtocols => windTurbineSimulator ! Upgraded case statusCode => windTurbineSimulator ! FailedUpgrade(statusCode) } } connected.onComplete { case Success(_) => windTurbineSimulator ! Connected case Failure(ex) => windTurbineSimulator ! ConnectionFailure(ex) } closed.map { _ => windTurbineSimulator ! Terminated } closed.onComplete { case Success(_) => windTurbineSimulator ! Connected case Failure(ex) => windTurbineSimulator ! ConnectionFailure(ex) } }
Example 24
Source File: AckBidiFlow.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ BidiFlow, Flow, GraphDSL, Unzip, Zip } object AckBidiFlow { def apply[R, S, T]( bufferSize: Int = 10, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy = OverflowStrategy.backpressure ): BidiFlow[(R, S), S, T, (R, T), NotUsed] = { BidiFlow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val unzip = b.add(Unzip[R, S]) val zip = b.add(Zip[R, T]) if (bufferSize > 0) { val buffer = b.add(Flow[R].buffer(bufferSize, overflowStrategy)) unzip.out0 ~> buffer ~> zip.in0 } else unzip.out0 ~> zip.in0 BidiShape(unzip.in, unzip.out1, zip.in1, zip.out) }) } }
Example 25
Source File: Flows.scala From BusFloatingData with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.nierbeck.floating.data.server import akka.actor.{ActorRef, Props} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{Message, TextMessage} import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Source} import de.nierbeck.floating.data.domain.Vehicle import GraphDSL.Implicits._ import de.nierbeck.floating.data.server._ import de.nierbeck.floating.data.server.actors.websocket._ object Flows { def graphFlowWithStats(router: ActorRef): Flow[Message, Message, _] = { Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => // create an actor source val source = Source.actorPublisher[String](VehiclePublisher.props(router)) // Graph elements we'll use val merge = builder.add(Merge[String](2)) val filter = builder.add(Flow[String].filter(_ => false)) // get BBox from request and send it to route, return nothing ... val mapMsgToString = builder.add(Flow[Message].map[String] { case TextMessage.Strict(msg) => { println(s"received message: $msg") if (msg.contains("close")) { router ! msg } else if (msg.contains("spark")) { router ! SPARK } else if (msg.contains("flink")) { router ! FLINK } else { val bbox = toBoundingBox(msg) println(s"transformedt to bbox: $bbox") router ! bbox } "" } }) //outgoing message ... val mapStringToMsg = builder.add(Flow[String].map[Message](x => TextMessage.Strict(x))) //add source to flow val vehiclesSource = builder.add(source) // connect the graph mapMsgToString ~> filter ~> merge // this part of the merge will never provide msgs vehiclesSource ~> merge ~> mapStringToMsg // expose ports FlowShape(mapMsgToString.in, mapStringToMsg.out) }) } }
Example 26
Source File: Balancer.scala From Learn-Scala-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ch13 import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge} object Balancer { def apply[In, Out](subFlow: Flow[In, Out, Any], count: Int): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed] = { Flow.fromGraph(createGraph(subFlow, count)) } import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL import GraphDSL.Implicits._ def createGraph[Out, In](subFlow: Flow[In, Out, Any], count: Int) = { val balanceBlock = Balance[In](count, waitForAllDownstreams = false) val mergeBlock = Merge[Out](count, eagerComplete = false) GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder ⇒ val balancer = builder.add(balanceBlock) val merge = builder.add(mergeBlock) for (_ ← 1 to count) balancer ~> subFlow ~> merge FlowShape(balancer.in, merge.out) } } }
Example 27
Source File: Test15.scala From incubator-retired-gearpump with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.gearpump.akkastream.example import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import org.apache.gearpump.akkastream.GearpumpMaterializer import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.main.{ArgumentsParser, CLIOption} import org.apache.gearpump.util.AkkaApp import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ object Test15 extends AkkaApp with ArgumentsParser { // scalastyle:off println override val options: Array[(String, CLIOption[Any])] = Array( "gearpump" -> CLIOption[Boolean]("<boolean>", required = false, defaultValue = Some(false)) ) override def main(akkaConf: Config, args: Array[String]): Unit = { val config = parse(args) implicit val system = ActorSystem("Test15", akkaConf) implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = config.getBoolean("gearpump") match { case true => GearpumpMaterializer() case false => ActorMaterializer( ActorMaterializerSettings(system).withAutoFusing(false) ) } import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.Implicits._ RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => val A = builder.add(Source.single(0)).out val B = builder.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val C = builder.add(Merge[Int](2).named("C")) val D = builder.add(Flow[Int].map(_ + 1).named("D")) val E = builder.add(Balance[Int](2).named("E")) val F = builder.add(Merge[Int](2).named("F")) val G = builder.add(Sink.foreach(println).named("G")).in C <~ F A ~> B ~> C ~> F B ~> D ~> E ~> F E ~> G ClosedShape }).run() Await.result(system.whenTerminated, 60.minutes) } // scalastyle:on println }
Example 28
Source File: WorkingWithGraphsApplication.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter8 import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random object WorkingWithGraphsApplication extends App { implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("WorkingWithGraphs") implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() trait MobileMsg { def id = Random.nextInt(1000) def toGenMsg(origin: String) = GenericMsg(id, origin) } class AndroidMsg extends MobileMsg class IosMsg extends MobileMsg case class GenericMsg(id: Int, origin: String) val graph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ //Sources val androidNotification = Source.tick(2 seconds, 500 millis, new AndroidMsg) val iOSNotification = Source.tick(700 millis, 600 millis, new IosMsg) //Flow val groupAndroid = Flow[AndroidMsg].map(_.toGenMsg("ANDROID")).groupedWithin(5, 5 seconds).async val groupIos = Flow[IosMsg].map(_.toGenMsg("IOS")).groupedWithin(5, 5 seconds).async def counter = Flow[Seq[GenericMsg]].via(new StatefulCounterFlow()) def mapper = Flow[Seq[GenericMsg]].mapConcat(_.toList) //Junctions val aBroadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val iBroadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val balancer = builder.add(Balance[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val notitificationMerge = builder.add(Merge[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val genericNotitificationMerge = builder.add(Merge[GenericMsg](2)) def counterSink(s: String) = Sink.foreach[Int](x => println(s"$s: [$x]")) //Graph androidNotification ~> groupAndroid ~> aBroadcast ~> counter ~> counterSink("Android") aBroadcast ~> notitificationMerge iBroadcast ~> notitificationMerge iOSNotification ~> groupIos ~> iBroadcast ~> counter ~> counterSink("Ios") notitificationMerge ~> balancer ~> mapper.async ~> genericNotitificationMerge balancer ~> mapper.async ~> genericNotitificationMerge genericNotitificationMerge ~> Sink.foreach(println) ClosedShape }) graph.run() }
Example 29
Source File: StaticTime.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.client.services.testing.time import java.time.Instant import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink} import akka.stream.{ClosedShape, KillSwitches, Materializer, UniqueKillSwitch} import com.daml.api.util.{TimeProvider, TimestampConversion} import com.daml.api.util.TimestampConversion._ import com.daml.grpc.adapter.ExecutionSequencerFactory import com.daml.grpc.adapter.client.akka.ClientAdapter import com.daml.dec.DirectExecutionContext import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.testing.time_service.{GetTimeRequest, SetTimeRequest} import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.testing.time_service.TimeServiceGrpc.{TimeService, TimeServiceStub} import com.daml.ledger.client.LedgerClient import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class StaticTime( timeService: TimeService, clock: AtomicReference[Instant], killSwitch: UniqueKillSwitch, ledgerId: String) extends TimeProvider with AutoCloseable { def getCurrentTime: Instant = clock.get def timeRequest(instant: Instant) = SetTimeRequest( ledgerId, Some(TimestampConversion.fromInstant(getCurrentTime)), Some(TimestampConversion.fromInstant(instant))) def setTime(instant: Instant)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = { timeService.setTime(timeRequest(instant)).map { _ => val _ = StaticTime.advanceClock(clock, instant) } } override def close(): Unit = killSwitch.shutdown() } object StaticTime { def advanceClock(clock: AtomicReference[Instant], instant: Instant): Instant = { clock.updateAndGet { case current if instant isAfter current => instant case current => current } } def updatedVia(timeService: TimeServiceStub, ledgerId: String, token: Option[String] = None)( implicit m: Materializer, esf: ExecutionSequencerFactory): Future[StaticTime] = { val clockRef = new AtomicReference[Instant](Instant.EPOCH) val killSwitchExternal = KillSwitches.single[Instant] val sinkExternal = Sink.head[Instant] RunnableGraph .fromGraph { GraphDSL.create(killSwitchExternal, sinkExternal) { case (killSwitch, futureOfFirstElem) => // We serve this in a future which completes when the first element has passed through. // Thus we make sure that the object we serve already received time data from the ledger. futureOfFirstElem.map(_ => new StaticTime(timeService, clockRef, killSwitch, ledgerId))( DirectExecutionContext) } { implicit b => (killSwitch, sinkHead) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val instantSource = b.add( ClientAdapter .serverStreaming( GetTimeRequest(ledgerId), LedgerClient.stub(timeService, token).getTime) .map(r => toInstant(r.getCurrentTime))) val updateClock = b.add(Flow[Instant].map { i => advanceClock(clockRef, i) i }) val broadcastTimes = b.add(Broadcast[Instant](2)) val ignore = b.add(Sink.ignore) // format: OFF instantSource ~> killSwitch ~> updateClock ~> broadcastTimes.in broadcastTimes.out(0) ~> sinkHead broadcastTimes.out(1) ~> ignore // format: ON ClosedShape } } .run() } }
Example 30
Source File: PipeliningParallelizing.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter8 import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, FlowShape} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Sink, Source} import scala.util.Random trait PipeliningParallelizing extends App { implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("PipeliningParallelizing") implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() case class Wash(id: Int) case class Dry(id: Int) case class Done(id: Int) val tasks = (1 to 5).map(Wash) def washStage = Flow[Wash].map(wash => { val sleepTime = Random.nextInt(3) * 1000 println(s"Washing ${wash.id}. It will take $sleepTime milliseconds.") Thread.sleep(sleepTime) Dry(wash.id) }) def dryStage = Flow[Dry].map(dry => { val sleepTime = Random.nextInt(3) * 1000 println(s"Drying ${dry.id}. It will take $sleepTime milliseconds.") Thread.sleep(sleepTime) Done(dry.id) }) val parallelStage = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val dispatchLaundry = builder.add(Balance[Wash](3)) val mergeLaundry = builder.add(Merge[Done](3)) dispatchLaundry.out(0) ~> washStage.async ~> dryStage.async ~> mergeLaundry.in(0) dispatchLaundry.out(1) ~> washStage.async ~> dryStage.async ~> mergeLaundry.in(1) dispatchLaundry.out(2) ~> washStage.async ~> dryStage.async ~> mergeLaundry.in(2) FlowShape(dispatchLaundry.in, mergeLaundry.out) }) def runGraph(testingFlow: Flow[Wash, Done, NotUsed]) = Source(tasks).via(testingFlow).to(Sink.foreach(println)).run() }
Example 31
Source File: AnotherServiceImpl.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.scaladsl.mb import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.Implicits._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.Merge import akka.stream.scaladsl.Partition import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceCall import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Message //#inject-service class AnotherServiceImpl(helloService: HelloService) extends AnotherService { //#inject-service //#subscribe-to-topic helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe // <-- you get back a Subscriber instance .atLeastOnce( Flow.fromFunction(doSomethingWithTheMessage) ) //#subscribe-to-topic var lastObservedMessage: String = _ private def doSomethingWithTheMessage(greetingMessage: GreetingMessage): Done = { lastObservedMessage = greetingMessage.message Done } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global override def foo: ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] = ServiceCall { req => scala.concurrent.Future.successful(lastObservedMessage) } def subscribeWithMetadata = { //#subscribe-to-topic-with-metadata import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Message import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.broker.kafka.KafkaMetadataKeys helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe .withMetadata .atLeastOnce( Flow[Message[GreetingMessage]].map { msg => val greetingMessage = msg.payload val messageKey = msg.messageKeyAsString val kafkaHeaders = msg.get(KafkaMetadataKeys.Headers) println(s"Message: $greetingMessage Key: $messageKey Headers: $kafkaHeaders") Done } ) //#subscribe-to-topic-with-metadata } def skipMessages = { //#subscribe-to-topic-skip-messages helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe .atLeastOnce( Flow[GreetingMessage].map { case msg @ GreetingMessage("Kia ora") => doSomethingWithTheMessage(msg) case _ => Done // Skip all messages where the message is not "Kia ora". } ) //#subscribe-to-topic-skip-messages } }
Example 32
Source File: SourceAugmenter.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.utils import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ GraphDSL, Source } import akka.stream.stage.GraphStage import akka.stream.{ FanInShape2, SourceShape } class SourceAugmenter { def augment[T, U](source: Source[T, NotUsed], extrasSource: Source[U, NotUsed], augmentFunction: (T, U) ⇒ Either[T, U]): Source[T, NotUsed] = { augmentSource(new AugmentWith(augmentFunction), source, extrasSource) { (_, _) => NotUsed } } private def augmentSource[T, U, MatIn0, MatIn1, Mat]( combinator: GraphStage[FanInShape2[T, U, T]], s0: Source[T, MatIn0], s1: Source[U, MatIn1])(combineMat: (MatIn0, MatIn1) => Mat): Source[T, Mat] = Source.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(s0, s1)(combineMat) { implicit builder => (s0, s1) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val merge = builder.add(combinator) s0 ~> merge.in0 s1 ~> merge.in1 SourceShape(merge.out) }) }
Example 33
Source File: SourceMergeSorter.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.utils import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ GraphDSL, MergeSorted, Source } import akka.stream.stage.GraphStage import akka.stream.{ FanInShape2, SourceShape } import scala.annotation.tailrec class SourceMergeSorter { def mergeWithSorter[A](originSources: Seq[Source[A, NotUsed]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): Source[A, NotUsed] = merge(originSources, sorter[A]) private def merge[A](originSources: Seq[Source[A, NotUsed]], f: (Source[A, NotUsed], Source[A, NotUsed]) => Source[A, NotUsed]): Source[A, NotUsed] = originSources match { case Nil => Source.empty[A] case sources => @tailrec def reducePairs(sources: Seq[Source[A, NotUsed]]): Source[A, NotUsed] = sources match { case Seq(s) => s case _ => reducePairs(sources.grouped(2).map { case Seq(a) => a case Seq(a, b) => f(a, b) }.toSeq) } reducePairs(sources) } private def sorter[A](s1: Source[A, NotUsed], s2: Source[A, NotUsed])(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Source[A, NotUsed] = combineSources(new MergeSorted[A], s1, s2) { (_, _) => NotUsed } private def combineSources[A, MatIn0, MatIn1, Mat]( combinator: GraphStage[FanInShape2[A, A, A]], s0: Source[A, MatIn0], s1: Source[A, MatIn1])(combineMat: (MatIn0, MatIn1) => Mat): Source[A, Mat] = Source.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(s0, s1)(combineMat) { implicit builder => (s0, s1) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val merge = builder.add(combinator) s0 ~> merge.in0 s1 ~> merge.in1 SourceShape(merge.out) }) }
Example 34
Source File: MapInitAndLastTests.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.util.streams.test import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Source} import akka.stream.testkit.scaladsl.{TestSink, TestSource} import akka.stream.testkit.TestPublisher.{Probe => SrcProbe} import akka.stream.testkit.TestSubscriber.{Probe => SnkProbe} import cmwell.util.stream.MapInitAndLast import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt class MapInitAndLastTests extends StreamSpec { def generateGraph[In](): (SrcProbe[In],SnkProbe[(In,Boolean)]) = { val src = TestSource.probe[In] val snk = TestSink.probe[(In,Boolean)] RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(src, snk)((a, b) => (a, b)) { implicit b => { (s1, s2) => { import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val mial = b.add(new MapInitAndLast[In, (In,Boolean)](_ -> false, _ -> true)) s1 ~> mial ~> s2 ClosedShape } } }).run() } describe("MapInitAndLast Stage"){ it("should buffer a single element"){ val (src,snk) = generateGraph[Int]() snk.request(99) src.sendNext(1) snk.expectNoMessage(300.millis) src.sendComplete() snk.expectNext((1,true)) snk.expectComplete() } it("should treat last element differently") { val (src,snk) = generateGraph[Int]() snk.request(99) src.sendNext(1) snk.expectNoMessage(300.millis) src.sendNext(2) snk.expectNext((1,false)) src.sendNext(3) snk.expectNext((2,false)) src.sendComplete() snk.expectNext((3,true)) snk.expectComplete() } it("should propagate back-pressure"){ val (src,snk) = generateGraph[Int]() snk.ensureSubscription() src.sendNext(1) snk.expectNoMessage(300.millis) src.sendNext(1) snk.expectNoMessage(300.millis) src.sendComplete() snk.expectNoMessage(300.millis) snk.request(1) snk.expectNext((1,false)) snk.request(1) snk.expectNext((1,true)) snk.expectComplete() } } }
Example 35
Source File: ConcurrentFlow.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.dc.stream.akkautils import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.{FlowShape, Graph} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge} object ConcurrentFlow { def apply[I, O](parallelism: Int)(flow: Graph[FlowShape[I, O], NotUsed]): Graph[FlowShape[I, O], NotUsed] = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val balancer = builder.add(Balance[I](parallelism)) val merger = builder.add(Merge[O](parallelism)) for (i <- 0 until parallelism) { balancer.out(i) ~> flow.async ~> merger.in(i) } FlowShape(balancer.in, merger.out) } }
Example 36
Source File: RefsEnricher.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.bg.imp import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.contrib.PartitionWith import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Partition} import cmwell.bg.BGMetrics import cmwell.common.formats.BGMessage import cmwell.common._ import cmwell.zstore.ZStore import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object RefsEnricher extends LazyLogging { def toSingle(bgm: BGMetrics, irwReadConcurrency: Int, zStore: ZStore) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[BGMessage[Command], BGMessage[SingleCommand], NotUsed] = { Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ // CommandRef goes left, all rest go right // update metrics for each type of command val commandsPartitioner = b.add(PartitionWith[BGMessage[Command], BGMessage[CommandRef], BGMessage[Command]] { case bgm @ BGMessage(_, CommandRef(_)) => Left(bgm.asInstanceOf[BGMessage[CommandRef]]) case bgm => Right(bgm) }) val commandRefsFetcher = Flow[BGMessage[CommandRef]].mapAsync(irwReadConcurrency) { case bgMessage @ BGMessage(_, CommandRef(ref)) => { zStore.get(ref).map { payload => bgMessage.copy(message = CommandSerializer.decode(payload)) } } } val singleCommandsMerge = b.add(Merge[BGMessage[Command]](2)) commandsPartitioner.out0 ~> commandRefsFetcher ~> singleCommandsMerge.in(0) commandsPartitioner.out1 ~> singleCommandsMerge.in(1) FlowShape(commandsPartitioner.in,singleCommandsMerge.out.map { bgMessage => { // cast to SingleCommand while updating metrics bgMessage.message match { case wc: WriteCommand => bgm.writeCommandsCounter += 1 bgm.infotonCommandWeightHist += wc.infoton.weight case oc: OverwriteCommand => bgm.overrideCommandCounter += 1 bgm.infotonCommandWeightHist += oc.infoton.weight case _: UpdatePathCommand => bgm.updatePathCommandsCounter += 1 case _: DeletePathCommand => bgm.deletePathCommandsCounter += 1 case _: DeleteAttributesCommand => bgm.deleteAttributesCommandsCounter += 1 case unknown => logger.error(s"unknown command [$unknown]") } bgm.commandMeter.mark() bgMessage.copy(message = bgMessage.message.asInstanceOf[SingleCommand]) } }.outlet) }) } }
Example 37
Source File: PromptFlow.scala From akka-http-scala-js-websocket-chat with MIT License | 5 votes |
package example.akkawschat.cli import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source, GraphDSL } import akka.stream.stage.{ InHandler, GraphStageLogic, GraphStage } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object Prompt { ⇒ collectedString = collectedString.dropRight(1) prompt() case x ⇒ //println(s"Got ${x.toInt}") collectedString += x print(x) pull(characterInput) } } }) setHandler(outputLinesIn, new InHandler { def onPush(): Unit = { print(s"$RESTORE$ERASE_LINE${grab(outputLinesIn)}\n$SAVE$promptLine") pull(outputLinesIn) } }) setHandler(readLinesOut, eagerTerminateOutput) override def preStart(): Unit = { pull(outputLinesIn) print(SAVE) // to make sure we don't jump back to former SAVE position in the terminal prompt() } def promptLine = s"$RESTORE$ERASE_LINE$SAVE> $collectedString" def prompt(): Unit = { print(promptLine) pull(characterInput) } } }