breeze.linalg.max Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use breeze.linalg.max.
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Example 1
Source File: IndependentPixelEvaluator.scala From scalismo-faces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalismo.faces.sampling.face.evaluators import breeze.linalg.max import scalismo.color.{RGB, RGBA} import scalismo.faces.image.PixelImage import scalismo.faces.sampling.face.evaluators.PixelEvaluators.IsotropicGaussianPixelEvaluator import scalismo.sampling.DistributionEvaluator import scalismo.sampling.evaluators.{GaussianEvaluator, PairEvaluator} def isotropicGaussianConstantBackground(targetImage: PixelImage[RGBA], sdev: Double, bgSdev: Double): DistributionEvaluator[PixelImage[RGBA]] = { // standardized foreground evaluator, z transform to a std normal val pixelEvaluator: PairEvaluator[RGB] = new PairEvaluator[RGB] { override def logValue(first: RGB, second: RGB): Double = { val diff = (first - second).norm/sdev GaussianEvaluator.logDensity(diff, 0.0, 1.0) } } // background likelihood value at required distance in standard deviations val bgValue = GaussianEvaluator.logDensity(bgSdev, 0.0, 1.0) val bgEval = PixelEvaluators.ConstantPixelEvaluator[RGB](bgValue) IndependentPixelEvaluator(targetImage, pixelEvaluator, bgEval) } }
Example 2
Source File: LabeledIndependentPixelEvaluator.scala From scalismo-faces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalismo.faces.sampling.face.evaluators import breeze.linalg.max import scalismo.color.{RGB, RGBA} import scalismo.faces.image.{LabeledPixelImage, PixelImage} import scalismo.sampling.DistributionEvaluator import scalismo.sampling.evaluators.PairEvaluator class LabeledIndependentPixelEvaluator(val reference: PixelImage[RGBA], val pixelEvaluator: PairEvaluator[RGB], val bgEvaluator: DistributionEvaluator[RGB]) extends DistributionEvaluator[LabeledPixelImage[RGBA]] { override def logValue(sample: LabeledPixelImage[RGBA]): Double = { require(sample.label.domain == reference.domain, "LabeledIndependentPixelEvaluator: images must be comparable! (different sizes)") // ugly while for better performance, was a nice zip/map/case before :( var sum: Double = 0.0 var x: Int = 0 // Equation 2 while(x < reference.width) { var y: Int = 0 while (y < reference.height) { val refCol: RGB = reference(x, y).toRGB val bg: Double = bgEvaluator.logValue(refCol) val smp: RGBA = sample.image(x, y) if (sample.label(x,y) == 1) { // this pixel is labeled as face if (smp.a > 1e-4) { // the pixel is coped by the face model: Equation 4 val fg: Double = pixelEvaluator.logValue(refCol, smp.toRGB) sum += fg } else sum += bg // pixel is not coped by the face model } else { // this pixel is labeled as nonface: Equation 5 and 7 if (smp.a > 1e-4) { // the pixel is coped by the face model sum += max(bg, pixelEvaluator.logValue(refCol, smp.toRGB)) } else sum += bg // the pixel is not coped by the face model } y+=1 } x+=1 } sum } override def toString = { val builder = new StringBuilder(128) builder ++= "LabeledIndependentPixelEvaluator(" builder ++= pixelEvaluator.toString builder ++= "/" builder ++= bgEvaluator.toString builder ++= ")" builder.mkString } } object LabeledIndependentPixelEvaluator { def apply(reference: PixelImage[RGBA], pixelEvaluator: PairEvaluator[RGB], bgEvaluator: DistributionEvaluator[RGB]) = new LabeledIndependentPixelEvaluator(reference, pixelEvaluator, bgEvaluator) }
Example 3
Source File: QuantileSummarizer.scala From flint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.twosigma.flint.rdd.function.summarize.summarizer.subtractable import breeze.linalg.max import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile import scala.reflect.ClassTag case class QuantileSummarizer( p: Array[Double] ) extends LeftSubtractableSummarizer[Double, SequentialArrayQueue[Double], Array[Double]] { require(p.nonEmpty, "The list of quantiles must be non-empty.") override def zero(): SequentialArrayQueue[Double] = new SequentialArrayQueue[Double]() override def merge( u1: SequentialArrayQueue[Double], u2: SequentialArrayQueue[Double] ): SequentialArrayQueue[Double] = { u1.addAll(u2) u1 } override def render(u: SequentialArrayQueue[Double]): Array[Double] = { // Using R-7 to be consistent with Pandas. See val percentileEstimator = new Percentile().withEstimationType(Percentile.EstimationType.R_7) val (begin, end, values) = u.view() percentileEstimator.setData(values, begin, u.size) // Convert scale from (0.0, 1.0] to (0.0, 100.0] { x => percentileEstimator.evaluate(x * 100.0) } } override def add(u: SequentialArrayQueue[Double], t: Double): SequentialArrayQueue[Double] = { u.add(t) u } override def subtract(u: SequentialArrayQueue[Double], t: Double): SequentialArrayQueue[Double] = { u.remove() u } }
Example 4
Source File: SVMKernelMatrix.scala From DynaML with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.mandar2812.dynaml.kernels import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector, eig, max, min} import org.apache.log4j.{Logger, Priority} override def eigenDecomposition(dimensions: Int = this.dimension.toInt): (DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]) = { logger.log(Priority.INFO, "Eigenvalue decomposition of the kernel matrix using JBlas.") val decomp = eig(this.kernel) logger.log(Priority.INFO, "Eigenvalue stats: " +min(decomp.eigenvalues) +" =< lambda =< " +max(decomp.eigenvalues) ) (decomp.eigenvalues, decomp.eigenvectors) } }
Example 5
Source File: NonNegAdj.scala From spectrallda-tensorspark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package edu.uci.eecs.spectralLDA.utils import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector, max, min} import scala.util.control.Breaks._ import scalaxy.loops._ import scala.language.postfixOps object NonNegativeAdjustment { def simplexProj(V: DenseVector[Double]): (DenseVector[Double], Double) = { // val z:Double = 1.0 val len: Int = V.length val U: DenseVector[Double] = DenseVector(V.copy.toArray.sortWith(_ > _)) val cums: DenseVector[Double] = DenseVector(AlgebraUtil.Cumsum(U.toArray).map(x => x-1)) val Index: DenseVector[Double] = DenseVector((1 to (len + 1)) => 1.0/x.toDouble)) val InterVec: DenseVector[Double] = cums :* Index val TobefindMax: DenseVector[Double] = U - InterVec var maxIndex : Int = 0 // find maxIndex breakable{ for (i <- 0 until len optimized){ if (TobefindMax(len - i - 1) > 0){ maxIndex = len - i - 1 break() } } } val theta: Double = InterVec(maxIndex) val P_norm: DenseVector[Double] = max(V - theta, 0.0) (P_norm, theta) } }
Example 6
Source File: package.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package is.hail import is.hail.stats._ import breeze.linalg.{Vector, DenseVector, max, sum} import breeze.numerics._ import is.hail.utils._ package object experimental { def findMaxAC(af: Double, an: Int, ci: Double = .95): Int = { if (af == 0) 0 else { val quantile_limit = ci // ci for one-sided, 1-(1-ci)/2 for two-sided val max_ac = qpois(quantile_limit, an * af) max_ac } } def calcFilterAlleleFreq(ac: Int, an: Int, ci: Double = .95, lower: Double = 1e-10, upper: Double = 2, tol: Double = 1e-7, precision: Double = 1e-6): Double = { if (ac <= 1 || an == 0) // FAF should not be calculated on singletons 0.0 else { var f = (af: Double) => ac.toDouble - 1 - qpois(ci, an.toDouble * af) val root = uniroot(f, lower, upper, tol) val rounder = 1d / (precision / 100d) var max_af = math.round(root.getOrElse(0.0) * rounder) / rounder while (findMaxAC(max_af, an, ci) < ac) { max_af += precision } max_af - precision } } def calcFilterAlleleFreq(ac: Int, an: Int, ci: Double): Double = calcFilterAlleleFreq(ac, an, ci, lower = 1e-10, upper = 2, tol = 1e-7, precision = 1e-6) def haplotypeFreqEM(gtCounts : IndexedSeq[Int]) : IndexedSeq[Double] = { assert(gtCounts.size == 9, "haplotypeFreqEM requires genotype counts for the 9 possible genotype combinations.") val _gtCounts = new DenseVector(gtCounts.toArray) val nSamples = sum(_gtCounts) //Needs some non-ref samples to compute if(_gtCounts(0) >= nSamples){ return FastIndexedSeq(_gtCounts(0),0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)} val nHaplotypes = 2.0*nSamples.toDouble val const_counts = new DenseVector(Array[Double]( 2.0*_gtCounts(0) + _gtCounts(1) + _gtCounts(3), //n.AB 2.0*_gtCounts(6) + _gtCounts(3) + _gtCounts(7), //n.Ab 2.0*_gtCounts(2) + _gtCounts(1) + _gtCounts(5), //n.aB 2.0*_gtCounts(8) + _gtCounts(5) + _gtCounts(7) //n.ab )) //Initial estimate with AaBb contributing equally to each haplotype var p_next = (const_counts +:+ new DenseVector(Array.fill[Double](4)(_gtCounts(4)/2.0))) /:/ nHaplotypes var p_cur = p_next +:+ 1.0 //EM while(max(abs(p_next -:- p_cur)) > 1e-7){ p_cur = p_next p_next = (const_counts +:+ (new DenseVector(Array[Double]( p_cur(0)*p_cur(3), //n.AB p_cur(1)*p_cur(2), //n.Ab p_cur(1)*p_cur(2), //n.aB p_cur(0)*p_cur(3) //n.ab )) * (_gtCounts(4) / ((p_cur(0)*p_cur(3))+(p_cur(1)*p_cur(2))))) ) / nHaplotypes } return (p_next *:* nHaplotypes).toArray.toFastIndexedSeq } }
Example 7
Source File: RankingMetrics.scala From doddle-model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.metrics import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, convert, linspace, max, min} import{RealVector, Target, numberOfTargetClasses} import scala.collection.compat.immutable.ArraySeq object RankingMetrics { def rocCurve(y: Target, yPredProba: RealVector, length: Int = 30): RocCurve = { require(length >= 5, "Number of points of the ROC-curve must be at least 3") require(numberOfTargetClasses(y) == 2, "ROC-curve is defined for a binary classification task") require(min(yPredProba) >= 0 && max(yPredProba) <= 1, "Currently ROC-curve is only defined for probability scores") val yPositive = y :== 1.0f val yNegative = !yPositive def fprTpr(threshold: Float): Array[Float] = { val yPredPositive = if (threshold == 0.0f) { // predict 1.0 if predicted probability is 0.0 to obtain coordinate (1, 1) (yPredProba >:> threshold) |:| (yPredProba :== threshold) } else { yPredProba >:> threshold } val numTp = (yPredPositive &:& yPositive).activeSize val numFp = (yPredPositive &:& yNegative).activeSize Array(numFp / yNegative.activeSize.toFloat, numTp / yPositive.activeSize.toFloat) } val thresholds = convert(linspace(1.0, 0.0, length), Float) val coordinates = DenseMatrix(ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray( => fprTpr(threshold))):_*) RocCurve(coordinates(::, 0), coordinates(::, 1), thresholds) } }
Example 8
Source File: RangeScaler.scala From doddle-model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.preprocessing import breeze.linalg.{Axis, max, min} import cats.syntax.option._ import import{Features, RealVector} import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.syntax.OptionSyntax._ import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.typeclasses.Transformer case class RangeScaler private (private val scale: Option[RealVector], private val minAdjustment: Option[RealVector], private val range: (Float, Float), private val featureIndex: FeatureIndex) def apply(range: (Float, Float), featureIndex: FeatureIndex): RangeScaler = { val (lowerBound, upperBound) = range require(upperBound > lowerBound, "Upper bound of range must be greater than lower bound") RangeScaler(none, none, range, featureIndex) } @SerialVersionUID(0L) implicit lazy val ev: Transformer[RangeScaler] = new Transformer[RangeScaler] { override def isFitted(model: RangeScaler): Boolean = model.scale.isDefined && model.minAdjustment.isDefined override def fit(model: RangeScaler, x: Features): RangeScaler = { val (lowerBound, upperBound) = model.range val numericColIndices = model.featureIndex.numerical.columnIndices val colMax = max(x(::, numericColIndices), Axis._0).t.toDenseVector val colMin = min(x(::, numericColIndices), Axis._0).t.toDenseVector val dataRange = colMax - colMin // avoid division by zero for constant features (max == min) dataRange(dataRange :== 0.0f) := 1.0f val scale = (upperBound - lowerBound) / dataRange val minAdjustment = lowerBound - (colMin *:* scale) model.copy(scale.some, minAdjustment.some) } override protected def transformSafe(model: RangeScaler, x: Features): Features = { val xCopy = x.copy val scale = model.scale.getOrBreak val minAdjustment = model.minAdjustment.getOrBreak model.featureIndex.numerical.columnIndices.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (colIndex, idx) => xCopy(::, colIndex) := (xCopy(::, colIndex) *:* scale(idx)) +:+ minAdjustment(idx) } xCopy } } }
Example 9
Source File: OneHotEncoder.scala From doddle-model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.preprocessing import breeze.linalg.{*, Axis, DenseMatrix, Vector, convert, max} import cats.syntax.option._ import import import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.syntax.OptionSyntax._ import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.typeclasses.Transformer case class OneHotEncoder private (private val numBinaryColumns: Option[Vector[Int]], private val featureIndex: FeatureIndex) object OneHotEncoder { def apply(featureIndex: FeatureIndex): OneHotEncoder = OneHotEncoder(none, featureIndex) @SerialVersionUID(0L) implicit lazy val ev: Transformer[OneHotEncoder] = new Transformer[OneHotEncoder] { @inline override def isFitted(model: OneHotEncoder): Boolean = model.numBinaryColumns.isDefined override def fit(model: OneHotEncoder, x: Features): OneHotEncoder = { val numBinaryColumns = convert(max(x(::, model.featureIndex.categorical.columnIndices).apply(::, *)).t, Int) + 1 model.copy(numBinaryColumns = numBinaryColumns.some) } override protected def transformSafe(model: OneHotEncoder, x: Features): Features = { val xTransformed = model.featureIndex.categorical.columnIndices.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(x) { case (xTransformedCurrent, (colIndex, statisticIndex)) => appendEncodedColumns(xTransformedCurrent, colIndex, model.numBinaryColumns.getOrBreak(statisticIndex)) } xTransformed.delete(model.featureIndex.categorical.columnIndices, Axis._1) } private def appendEncodedColumns(x: Features, columnIndex: Int, numEncodedColumns: Int): Features = { val encoded = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](x.rows, numEncodedColumns) convert(x(::, columnIndex), Int).iterator.foreach { case (rowIndex, colIndex) => // if value is larger than the maximum value encountered during training it is ignored, // i.e. no value is set in the binary encoded matrix if (colIndex < numEncodedColumns) encoded(rowIndex, colIndex) = 1.0f } DenseMatrix.horzcat(x, encoded) } } }
Example 10
Source File: Norms.scala From doddle-model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.preprocessing import breeze.linalg.{Axis, max, sum} import breeze.numerics.{abs, pow, sqrt} import{Features, RealVector} object Norms { sealed trait Norm { def apply(x: Features): RealVector } final case object L1Norm extends Norm { override def apply(x: Features): RealVector = sum(abs(x), Axis._1) } final case object L2Norm extends Norm { override def apply(x: Features): RealVector = sqrt(sum(pow(x, 2), Axis._1)) } final case object MaxNorm extends Norm { override def apply(x: Features): RealVector = max(abs(x), Axis._1) } }
Example 11
Source File: Forest.scala From Clustering4Ever with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clustering4ever.scala.umap def leafArray : DenseMatrix[Int] = { trees.size match { case 0 => - DenseMatrix.eye[Int](1) case _ => { @annotation.tailrec def concat(array: DenseMatrix[Int], i: Int): DenseMatrix[Int] = { if (i >= trees.size) { array } else { concat(DenseMatrix.vertcat(array, trees(i).indices), i + 1) } } concat(trees(0).indices, 1) } } } }