Scala Examples
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Example 1
Source File: UnusedLetCheck.scala From bosatsu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.bykn.bosatsu import cats.Applicative import{Chain, Validated, ValidatedNec, Writer, NonEmptyChain} import cats.implicits._ import Expr._ import Identifier.Bindable object UnusedLetCheck { private[this] val ap = Applicative[Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], ?]] private[this] val empty: Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], Set[Bindable]] = ap.pure(Set.empty) private[this] def checkArg(arg: Bindable, reg: => Region, w: Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], Set[Bindable]]) = w.flatMap { free => if (free(arg)) ap.pure(free - arg) else { // this arg is free: ap.pure(free).tell(, reg))) } } private[this] def loop[A: HasRegion](e: Expr[A]): Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], Set[Bindable]] = e match { case Annotation(expr, _, _) => loop(expr) case AnnotatedLambda(arg, _, expr, _) => checkArg(arg, HasRegion.region(e), loop(expr)) case Lambda(arg, expr, _) => checkArg(arg, HasRegion.region(e), loop(expr)) case Let(arg, expr, in, rec, _) => val exprCheck = loop(expr) val exprRes = // if it is recursive, it is definitely used, because // that is automatically applied in source conversions if (rec.isRecursive) - arg) else exprCheck val inCheck = checkArg(arg, HasRegion.region(e), loop(in)) (exprRes, inCheck).mapN(_ ++ _) case Var(None, name: Bindable, _) => // this is a free variable: ap.pure(Set(name)) case Var(_, _, _) | Literal(_, _) => empty case App(fn, arg, _) => (loop(fn), loop(arg)).mapN(_ ++ _) case Match(arg, branches, _) => // TODO: patterns need their own region val argCheck = loop(arg) val bcheck = branches.traverse { case (pat, expr) => val region = HasRegion.region(expr) loop(expr).flatMap { frees => val thisPatNames = pat.names val unused = thisPatNames.filterNot(frees) val nextFrees = frees -- thisPatNames ap.pure(nextFrees).tell(Chain.fromSeq(, region)))) } } .map(_.combineAll) (argCheck, bcheck).mapN(_ ++ _) } def freeBound[A](e: Expr[A]): Set[Bindable] = loop(e)(HasRegion.instance(_ => Region(0, 0))).run._2 }
Example 2
Source File: FoldableSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.syntax import import tofu.syntax.monadic._ import import tofu.syntax.foldable._ import import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec class FoldableSuite extends AnyFlatSpec { def add(s: Int, x: Int) = x > 0 whenOpt Writer.tell(Chain(s)).as(s + x) def look(x: Int) = x > 0 whenOpt Writer.tell(Chain(x)).as(x.toString) val elems = Stream.range(1, 10) #::: Stream.from(-1, -1) "foldWhileM" should "scan elements" in assert( elems.foldWhileM(0)(add).written.toList === List.range(1, 9).scanLeft(0)(_ + _) ) "takeWhileM" should "filter elements" in assert(elems.takeWhileM(look).run === ((Chain.fromSeq(1 to 9), List.range(1, 10).map(_.toString)))) }
Example 3
Source File: DoMonadExamples.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples import import tofu.alias.Do class DoMonadExamples { def bar[F[_]: Do, A, B, C](f: A => F[B], g: B => F[C], h: C => F[Unit], fa: F[A]) = for { x <- fa y <- f(x) z <- g(y).flatTap(h) } yield (x, y, z) def bar2[F[_]: Do, A, B, C, D](f: F[(A, B) => C], g: F[C => D], fa: F[A], fb: F[B]) = g <*> f.ap2(fa, fb) def covCheck[A, B, C, E, F[_], F1[x] >: F[x], F2[x] >: F1[x]: Do]( fa: F[A], f: A => F1[B], g: B => F2[C], ) = for { x <- fa y <- f(x) z <- g(y) } yield (x, y, z) def eitherCheck2[A, B <: A, C <: A, E, E1 <: E, E2 <: E, E3 <: E]( fb: Either[E1, Boolean], fx: Either[E2, B], fy: Either[E3, C], ) = { val res = fb.ifM(fx, fy) val resCheck: Either[E, A] = res resCheck } def doStaticSyntaxCheck[F[_]: Do, A](a: A): F[A] = { Do[F].unit Do[F].pure(a) } def doLazySyntaxCheck2[F[_]: Do, A](fa: => F[A], fb: F[Boolean]) = { Do ~ fa when 1 == 2 Do ~ fa unlessOpt 1 == 2 Do ~ fa whenM fb Do ~ fa unlessOptM fb } def doLoopSyntaxCheck = { Do loop 1 iterate (x => List(x * 2, x * 3)) whileM (_ < 100) Do loop 1 iterate (x => List(x * 2, x * 3)) untilM (_ > 100) Do loop 27 tailRecM (x => (, if (x % 2 == 0) Left(x / 2) else if (x > 1) Left(x * 3 + 1) else Right(()) ) ) } }
Example 4
Source File: FoldableSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.syntax import import tofu.syntax.monadic._ import import tofu.syntax.foldable._ import cats.instances.lazyList._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import scala.collection.compat._ class FoldableSuite extends AnyFlatSpec { def add(s: Int, x: Int) = x > 0 whenOpt Writer.tell(Chain(s)).as(s + x) def look(x: Int) = x > 0 whenOpt Writer.tell(Chain(x)).as(x.toString) val elems = LazyList.range(1, 10) #::: LazyList.from(-1, -1) "foldWhileM" should "scan elements" in assert( elems.foldWhileM(0)(add).written.toList === List.range(1, 9).scanLeft(0)(_ + _) ) "takeWhileM" should "filter elements" in assert(elems.takeWhileM(look).run === ((Chain.fromSeq(1 to 9), List.range(1, 10).map(_.toString)))) }
Example 5
package tofu.higherKind import import cats.tagless.ApplyK import cats.{Monoid, MonoidK, Semigroup} import tofu.higherKind.Mid.MidCompose import tofu.syntax.funk.funK import tofu.syntax.monoidalK._ trait Mid[F[_], A] { def apply(fa: F[A]): F[A] @inline def attach(fa: F[A]): F[A] = apply(fa) def compose(that: Mid[F, A]): Mid[F, A] = that.andThen(this) def andThen(that: Mid[F, A]): Mid[F, A] = MidCompose(Chain(this, that)) } object Mid extends MidInstances { def point[F[_]]: Point[Mid[F, *]] = new Point[Mid[F, *]] { override def point[A]: Mid[F, A] = x => x } def attach[U[f[_]]: ApplyK, F[_]](up: U[Mid[F, *]])(alg: U[F]): U[F] = up.attach(alg) implicit final class TofuMidAlgebraSyntax[F[_], U[f[_]]](private val self: U[Mid[F, *]]) extends AnyVal { def attach(alg: U[F])(implicit U: ApplyK[U]): U[F] = U.map2K(alg, self)(funK(t2k => t2k.second(t2k.first))) } private final case class MidCompose[F[_], A](elems: Chain[Mid[F, A]]) extends Mid[F, A] { override def apply(fa: F[A]): F[A] = elems.foldLeft(fa)((x, m) => m(x)) override def compose(that: Mid[F, A]): Mid[F, A] = that match { case MidCompose(es) => MidCompose(elems ++ es) case _ => MidCompose(elems :+ that) } override def andThen(that: Mid[F, A]): Mid[F, A] = that match { case MidCompose(es) => MidCompose(es ++ elems) case _ => MidCompose(that +: elems) } } } trait MidInstances extends MidInstances1 { implicit def midMonoidK[F[_]]: MonoidK[Mid[F, *]] = new MidMonoidK[F] implicit def midAlgebraMonoid[F[_], U[f[_]]: MonoidalK]: Monoid[U[Mid[F, *]]] = new MidAlgebraMonoid[F, U] } trait MidInstances1 { implicit def midAlgebraSemigroup[F[_], U[f[_]]: ApplyK]: Semigroup[U[Mid[F, *]]] = new MidAlgebraSemigroup[F, U] } class MidMonoidK[F[_]] extends MonoidK[Mid[F, *]] { def empty[A]: Mid[F, A] = fa => fa def combineK[A](x: Mid[F, A], y: Mid[F, A]): Mid[F, A] = fa => x(y(fa)) } class MidAlgebraMonoid[F[_], U[f[_]]: MonoidalK] extends MidAlgebraSemigroup[F, U] with Monoid[U[Mid[F, *]]] { def empty: U[Mid[F, *]] = Mid.point[F].pureK[U] } class MidAlgebraSemigroup[F[_], U[f[_]]: ApplyK](implicit U: ApplyK[U]) extends Semigroup[U[Mid[F, *]]] { def combine(x: U[Mid[F, *]], y: U[Mid[F, *]]): U[Mid[F, *]] = U.map2K(x, y)(funK(t2 => fa => t2.first(t2.second(fa)))) }
Example 6
Source File: EventsourcedState.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime import import{ ActionT, Fold, Folded } import aecor.runtime.Eventsourced.Versioned import{ Chain, NonEmptyChain } import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ private[aecor] trait EventsourcedState[F[_], K, S, E] { def recover(key: K, snapshot: Option[Versioned[S]]): F[Versioned[S]] def run[A](key: K, state: Versioned[S], action: ActionT[F, S, E, A]): F[(Versioned[S], A)] } private[aecor] object EventsourcedState { def apply[F[_]: Sync, K, E, S](fold: Fold[Folded, S, E], journal: EventJournal[F, K, E]): EventsourcedState[F, K, S, E] = new DefaultEventsourcedState(fold, journal) } private[aecor] final class DefaultEventsourcedState[F[_], K, E, S]( fold: Fold[Folded, S, E], journal: EventJournal[F, K, E] )(implicit F: Sync[F]) extends EventsourcedState[F, K, S, E] { private val versionedFold = Versioned.fold(fold) override def recover(key: K, snapshot: Option[Versioned[S]]): F[Versioned[S]] = { val from = snapshot.getOrElse(versionedFold.initial) journal .read(key, from.version) .evalScan(from) { (s, e) => versionedFold.reduce(s, e.payload) match { case Next(a) => F.pure(a) case Folded.Impossible => F.raiseError(new IllegalStateException(s"Failed to apply event [$e] to [$s]")) } } .compile .lastOrError } override def run[A](key: K, state: Versioned[S], action: ActionT[F, S, E, A]): F[(Versioned[S], A)] = for { result <- action .expand[Versioned[S]]((versioned, s) => versioned.copy(value = s))(_.value) .zipWithRead .run(versionedFold.init(state)) (es, (a, nextState)) <- result match { case Next(a) => a.pure[F] case Folded.Impossible => F.raiseError[(Chain[E], (A, Versioned[S]))]( new IllegalArgumentException( s"Failed to run action [$action] against state [$state]" ) ) } _ <- NonEmptyChain .fromChain(es) .traverse_(nes => journal.append(key, state.version + 1, nes)) } yield (nextState, a) }
Example 7
Source File: EventsourcedBehavior.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import aecor.Has import aecor.arrow.Invocation import cats.{ Monad, ~> } import{ Chain, EitherT } import cats.tagless.FunctorK import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ final case class EventsourcedBehavior[M[_[_]], F[_], S, E](actions: M[ActionT[F, S, E, *]], fold: Fold[Folded, S, E]) { def enrich[Env](f: F[Env])(implicit M: FunctorK[M], F: Monad[F]): EventsourcedBehavior[M, F, S, Enriched[Env, E]] = EventsourcedBehavior( actions.mapK(ActionT.sampleK[F, S, E, Env, Enriched[Env, E]](f)(Enriched(_, _))(_.event)), fold.contramap(_.event) ) def mapK[G[_]](fg: F ~> G)(implicit M: FunctorK[M]): EventsourcedBehavior[M, G, S, E] = copy(actions.mapK(λ[ActionT[F, S, E, *] ~> ActionT[G, S, E, *]](_.mapK(fg)))) def run[A](state: S, invocation: Invocation[M, A]): F[Folded[(Chain[E], A)]] = invocation .run(actions) .run(fold.init(state)) } object EventsourcedBehavior extends EventsourcedBehaviourIntances { def rejectable[M[_[_]], F[_], S, E, R]( actions: M[EitherT[ActionT[F, S, E, *], R, *]], fold: Fold[Folded, S, E] ): EventsourcedBehavior[EitherK[M, R, *[_]], F, S, E] = EventsourcedBehavior[EitherK[M, R, *[_]], F, S, E](EitherK(actions), fold) } trait EventsourcedBehaviourIntances { implicit def eventsourcedBehaviourFunctorKInstance[M[_[_]]: FunctorK, S, E] : FunctorK[EventsourcedBehavior[M, *[_], S, E]] = new FunctorK[EventsourcedBehavior[M, *[_], S, E]] { def mapK[F[_], G[_]](a: EventsourcedBehavior[M, F, S, E])( f: F ~> G ): EventsourcedBehavior[M, G, S, E] = a.mapK(f) } } final case class Enriched[M, E](metadata: M, event: E) object Enriched { implicit def hasMetadata[M, E, X](implicit M: Has[M, X]): Has[Enriched[M, E], X] = M.contramap(_.metadata) implicit def hasEvent[M, E, X](implicit E: Has[E, X]): Has[Enriched[M, E], X] = E.contramap(_.event) }
Example 8
Source File: ActionTSpec.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.tests import import{ ActionT, Fold, Folded } import aecor.runtime.Eventsourced.Versioned import cats.Id import{ Chain, NonEmptyChain } import cats.instances.string._ import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite class ActionTSpec extends AnyFunSuite { def append(s: String): ActionT[Id, String, String, Unit] = ActionT.append( def read[S]: ActionT[Id, S, String, S] = def pure[A](a: A): ActionT[Id, String, String, A] = ActionT.pure(a) def fold(s: String) = Fold(s, (l: String, r: String) => ++ r)) def run[A](action: ActionT[Id, String, String, A]): Folded[(Chain[String], A)] ="")) test(" associativity") { val n1 @ Next((es, out)) = run(append("a") >> (append("b") >> read)) val n2 = run(append("a") >> append("b") >> read) assert(es === Chain("a", "b")) assert(out === "ab") assert(n1 === n2) } test("xmapState") { val Next((es, (out, versioned))) = (append("a") >> append("b") >> read) .expand[Versioned[String]]((s, v) => s.copy(value = v))(_.value) .zipWithRead .run(Versioned.fold(fold(""))) println(versioned) assert(versioned.version == 2) assert(es === Chain("a", "b")) assert(out === "ab") } test("tailRecM") { val x: ActionT[Id, String, String, Unit] = 0.tailRecM { c => if (c < 50000) { append(s"$c").as((c + 1).asLeft[Unit]) } else { pure(().asRight) } } val Next((es, _)) = run(x) assert(es.size == 50000) } }
Example 9
Source File: ScheduleBucketSpec.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.tests import java.time._ import import aecor.schedule.ScheduleEvent.{ ScheduleEntryAdded, ScheduleEntryFired } import aecor.schedule.{ DefaultScheduleBucket, ScheduleState } import cats.Id import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec class ScheduleBucketSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with StrictCatsEquality { val clock = Clock.fixed(, ZoneId.systemDefault()) val aggregate = DefaultScheduleBucket.behavior[Id]( "ScheduleBucket" should "fire entry when due date is before now" in { val handler = aggregate.addScheduleEntry( "entryId", "correlation", ) val Folded.Next((events, _)) = assert( events === Chain( ScheduleEntryAdded( "entryId", "correlation",, ), ScheduleEntryFired("entryId", "correlation", ) ) } it should "not fire entry when due date is after now" in { val handler = aggregate.addScheduleEntry("entryId", "correlation", val Folded.Next((events, _)) = assert( events === Chain( ScheduleEntryAdded( "entryId", "correlation",, ) ) ) } }
Example 10
Source File: StateEventJournal.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.testkit import import aecor.runtime.EventJournal import aecor.testkit.StateEventJournal.State import cats.Monad import{ Chain, NonEmptyChain } import cats.implicits._ import cats.mtl.MonadState import fs2._ import monocle.Lens object StateEventJournal { final case class State[K, E](eventsByKey: Map[K, Chain[E]], eventsByTag: Map[EventTag, Chain[EntityEvent[K, E]]], consumerOffsets: Map[(EventTag, ConsumerId), Int]) { def getConsumerOffset(tag: EventTag, consumerId: ConsumerId): Int = consumerOffsets.getOrElse(tag -> consumerId, 0) def setConsumerOffset(tag: EventTag, consumerId: ConsumerId, offset: Int): State[K, E] = copy(consumerOffsets = consumerOffsets.updated(tag -> consumerId, offset)) def getEventsByTag(tag: EventTag, offset: Int): Chain[(Int, EntityEvent[K, E])] = { val stream = eventsByTag .getOrElse(tag, Chain.empty) .mapWithIndex((e, i) => (i + 1, e)) .toList .drop(offset) Chain.fromSeq(stream) } def readEvents(key: K): Chain[EntityEvent[K, E]] = eventsByKey .getOrElse(key, Chain.empty) .mapWithIndex((e, idx) => EntityEvent(key, idx + 1L, e)) def appendEvents(key: K, offset: Long, events: NonEmptyChain[TaggedEvent[E]]): State[K, E] = { val updatedEventsById = eventsByKey .updated(key, eventsByKey.getOrElse(key, Chain.empty) ++ val newEventsByTag: Map[EventTag, Chain[EntityEvent[K, E]]] = events.toChain.zipWithIndex .flatMap { case (e, idx) => Chain.fromSeq(e.tags.toSeq).map(t => t -> EntityEvent(key, idx + offset, e.event)) } .groupBy(_._1) .map { case (key, value) => key -> } copy( eventsByKey = updatedEventsById, eventsByTag = eventsByTag |+| newEventsByTag ) } } object State { def init[I, E]: State[I, E] = State(Map.empty, Map.empty, Map.empty) } def apply[F[_]: Monad: MonadState[*[_], A], K, A, E]( lens: Lens[A, State[K, E]], tagging: Tagging[K] ): StateEventJournal[F, K, A, E] = new StateEventJournal(lens, tagging) } final class StateEventJournal[F[_]: Monad, K, S, E](lens: Lens[S, State[K, E]], tagging: Tagging[K])( implicit MS: MonadState[F, S] ) extends EventJournal[F, K, E] { private final val F = lens.transformMonadState(MonadState[F, S]) override def append(key: K, offset: Long, events: NonEmptyChain[E]): F[Unit] = F.modify(_.appendEvents(key, offset, => TaggedEvent(e, tagging.tag(key))))) override def read(key: K, offset: Long): Stream[F, EntityEvent[K, E]] = Stream .eval(F.inspect(_.readEvents(key))) .flatMap(x => Stream(x.toVector: _*)) .drop(offset) def currentEventsByTag(tag: EventTag, consumerId: ConsumerId): Stream[F, Committable[F, EntityEvent[K, E]]] = for { state <- Stream.eval(F.get) committedOffset = state.getConsumerOffset(tag, consumerId) result = state.getEventsByTag(tag, committedOffset) a <- Stream(result.toVector: _*).map { case (offset, e) => Committable(F.modify(_.setConsumerOffset(tag, consumerId, offset)), e) } } yield a } final case class TaggedEvent[E](event: E, tags: Set[EventTag])
Example 11
Source File: TestConsole.scala From console4cats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.test import cats._ import import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.effect.{ Console, Sync } import cats.syntax.functor._ import private class TestConsole[F[_]: Applicative]( outLines: Ref[F, Chain[String]], outWords: Ref[F, Chain[String]], outErrors: Ref[F, Chain[String]], val readLn: F[String] ) extends Console[F] { override def putStrLn[A: Show](a: A): F[Unit] = outLines.update(_.append( override def putStr[A: Show](a: A): F[Unit] = outWords.update(_.append( override def putError[A: Show](a: A): F[Unit] = outErrors.update(_.append( } object TestConsole { def sequenceAndDefault[F[_]: Sync]( inputs: Chain[String], default: String ): F[F[String]] = Ref[F].of(inputs).map { _.modify { _.uncons match { case Some((head, tail)) => (tail, head) case None => (Chain.nil, default) } } } } }
Example 12
Source File: model.scala From sonar-scala with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata import import import enumeratum._ import io.circe._ import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec import io.circe.generic.encoding._ import org.sonar.api.server.rule.RuleParamType import shapeless._ import shapeless.record._ @JsonCodec final case class RulesRepository( key: String, name: String, rules: NonEmptyChain[Rule] ) object Rule { implicit val ruleEncoder: Encoder[Rule] = ReprObjectEncoder.deriveReprAsObjectEncoder.contramap { rule => LabelledGeneric[Rule] .to(rule) .-(Symbol("sonarMdDescription")) .renameField(Symbol("mdDescription"), Symbol("description")) } } @JsonCodec(decodeOnly = true) final case class Rule( key: String, name: String, mdDescription: String, sonarMdDescription: String, severity: Severity, template: Boolean, params: Chain[Param] ) @JsonCodec final case class Param( name: String, typ: ParamType, description: String, default: String ) sealed trait ParamType extends EnumEntry object ParamType extends Enum[ParamType] with CirceEnum[ParamType] with CatsEnum[ParamType] { final case object String extends ParamType final case object Text extends ParamType final case object Boolean extends ParamType final case object Integer extends ParamType final case object Float extends ParamType val values = findValues implicit class ParamTypeSyntax(private val paramType: ParamType) extends AnyVal { def asSonarRuleParamType: RuleParamType = paramType match { case String => RuleParamType.STRING case Text => RuleParamType.TEXT case Boolean => RuleParamType.BOOLEAN case Integer => RuleParamType.INTEGER case Float => RuleParamType.FLOAT } } } sealed trait Severity extends EnumEntry object Severity extends Enum[Severity] with CirceEnum[Severity] with CatsEnum[Severity] { final case object Info extends Severity final case object Minor extends Severity final case object Major extends Severity final case object Critical extends Severity final case object Blocker extends Severity val values = findValues }
Example 13
Source File: BasePath.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package blobstore import import java.time.Instant import class BasePath private[blobstore] ( val root: Option[String], val pathFromRoot: Chain[String], val fileName: Option[String], val size: Option[Long], val isDir: Option[Boolean], val lastModified: Option[Instant] ) extends Path object BasePath { val empty: BasePath = BasePath(None, Chain.empty, None, None, Some(true), None) def apply( root: Option[String], pathFromRoot: Chain[String], fileName: Option[String], size: Option[Long], isDir: Option[Boolean], lastModified: Option[Instant] ): BasePath = new BasePath(root, pathFromRoot, fileName, size, isDir, lastModified) def fromString(s: String, forceRoot: Boolean): Option[BasePath] = if (s.isEmpty) Some(empty) else scala.util.Try(URI.create(s.replaceAll(" ", "%20"))).toOption.flatMap { uri => val maybePath = Option(uri.getPath) val pathSegments ="/").filterNot(_.isEmpty)).getOrElse(Array.empty) val authority = Option(uri.getAuthority) val root = authority.orElse(if (forceRoot) pathSegments.headOption else None) if ((root.isEmpty && forceRoot) || root.exists(_.isEmpty)) Option.empty[BasePath] else { val (pathFromRoot, fileName) = { val ps = if (root.isDefined && authority.isEmpty) pathSegments.drop(1) else pathSegments val fn = if (maybePath.exists(_.endsWith("/"))) None else ps.lastOption val ss = fn.fold(ps)(_ => ps.init) Chain.fromSeq(ss.toIndexedSeq) -> fn } Some( BasePath(root, pathFromRoot, fileName, None, None, None) ) } } }
Example 14
Source File: S3Path.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package blobstore package s3 import java.time.Instant import case class S3Path( bucket: String, key: String, meta: Option[S3MetaInfo] ) extends Path { val root: Option[String] = Some(bucket) val pathFromRoot: Chain[String] = { val split = key.split('/').filter(_.nonEmpty) Chain.fromSeq(meta.fold(split)(_ => split.dropRight(1)).toIndexedSeq) } val fileName: Option[String] = meta.fold(Option.empty[String])(_ => key.split('/').filter(_.nonEmpty) ++ (if (key.endsWith("/")) "/" else "")) ) val size: Option[Long] = meta.flatMap(_.size) val isDir: Option[Boolean] = Some(meta.fold(true)(_ => false)) val lastModified: Option[Instant] = meta.flatMap(_.lastModified) } object S3Path { def narrow(p: Path): Option[S3Path] = p match { case s3Path: S3Path => Some(s3Path) case _ => None } }
Example 15
Source File: AzurePath.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.Instant import blobstore.Path import import case class AzurePath(container: String, blob: String, properties: Option[BlobItemProperties], meta: Map[String, String]) extends Path { val root: Option[String] = Some(container) val isDir: Option[Boolean] = Some(properties.isEmpty) val pathFromRoot: Chain[String] = { val segments = { val split = blob.split('/').filter(_.nonEmpty) if (isDir.contains(true)) split else split.dropRight(1) } Chain.fromSeq(segments.toIndexedSeq) } val fileName: Option[String] = if (isDir.contains(true)) None else { blob.split('/').filter(_.nonEmpty) ++ (if (blob.endsWith("/")) "/" else "")) } val size: Option[Long] = properties.flatMap(bip => Option(bip.getContentLength).map(_.toLong)) val lastModified: Option[Instant] = properties.flatMap(bp => Option(bp.getLastModified).map(_.toInstant)) } object AzurePath { def narrow(p: Path): Option[AzurePath] = p match { case azureP: AzurePath => Some(azureP) case _ => None } }
Example 16
Source File: GcsPath.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package blobstore package gcs import java.time.Instant import import case class GcsPath(blobInfo: BlobInfo) extends Path { private val maybeFlatName = Option(blobInfo.getName) val root: Option[String] = Option(blobInfo.getBucket) val isDir: Option[Boolean] = Option(blobInfo.isDirectory) val size: Option[Long] = Option(blobInfo.getSize: java.lang.Long).map(_.toLong) val lastModified: Option[Instant] = Option(blobInfo.getUpdateTime: java.lang.Long).map(millis => Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis)) val fileName: Option[String] = if (isDir.contains(true)) None else maybeFlatName.flatMap(flatName => flatName.split('/').filter(_.nonEmpty) ++ (if (flatName.endsWith("/")) "/" else "")) ) val pathFromRoot: Chain[String] = { val segments = maybeFlatName.fold(Array.empty[String]) { flatName => val split = flatName.split('/').filter(_.nonEmpty) if (isDir.contains(true)) split else split.dropRight(1) } Chain.fromSeq(segments.toIndexedSeq) } } object GcsPath { def narrow(p: Path): Option[GcsPath] = p match { case gcsP: GcsPath => Some(gcsP) case _ => None } }
Example 17
Source File: BoxPath.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package blobstore package box import java.time.Instant import import{BoxFile, BoxFolder} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class BoxPath private[box] ( val root: Option[String], private[box] val rootId: Option[String], val fileOrFolder: Either[BoxFile#Info, BoxFolder#Info] ) extends Path { val pathFromRoot: Chain[String] = { val withRoot = fileOrFolder.fold(_.getPathCollection, _.getPathCollection).asScala val pathToSelf = Chain.fromSeq( withRoot.drop(withRoot.lastIndexWhere(info => rootId.contains(info.getID)) + 1).toIndexedSeq ) fileOrFolder.fold(_ => pathToSelf, folder => pathToSelf.append(folder)).map(_.getName) } val fileName: Option[String] = fileOrFolder.fold(file => Some(file.getName), _ => None) val size: Option[Long] = fileOrFolder.fold(file => Option(file.getSize), _ => None) val isDir: Option[Boolean] = Some(fileOrFolder.isRight) val lastModified: Option[Instant] = Option(fileOrFolder.fold(_.getModifiedAt, _.getModifiedAt)).map(_.toInstant) } object BoxPath { def narrow(p: Path): Option[BoxPath] = p match { case bp: BoxPath => Some(bp) case _ => None } private[box] def rootFilePath(p: Path): List[String] = { val withRoot = p.root.fold(p.pathFromRoot)(p.pathFromRoot.prepend) p.fileName.fold(withRoot)(withRoot.append).filter(_.nonEmpty).toList } private[box] def parentPath(path: Path): List[String] = rootFilePath(path).dropRight(1) }
Example 18
Source File: ChainBenchmarks.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.chunks import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import zio.Chunk @State(Scope.Thread) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) @Warmup(iterations = 0) @Measurement(iterations = 1) class ChainBenchmarks { val largeChain: Chain[Int] = (0 to 1000).foldLeft(Chain.empty[Int])((acc, _) => acc ++ Chain.fromSeq(0 to 1000)) val largeChunk = (0 to 1000).foldLeft[Chunk[Int]](Chunk.empty)((acc, _) => acc ++ Chunk.fromIterable(0 to 1000)) val largeVector: Vector[Int] = (0 to 1000000).toVector val largeList: List[Int] = (0 to 1000000).toList @Benchmark def foldLeftLargeChain: Int = largeChain.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) @Benchmark def foldLeftLargeChunk: Int = largeChunk.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) @Benchmark def foldLeftLargeVector: Int = largeVector.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) @Benchmark def foldLeftLargeList: Int = largeList.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) @Benchmark def mapLargeChain: Chain[Int] = + 1) @Benchmark def mapLargeChunk: Chunk[Int] = + 1) @Benchmark def mapLargeVector: Vector[Int] = + 1) @Benchmark def mapLargeList: List[Int] = + 1) }
Example 19
Source File: ScalastyleRulesReposotorySpec.scala From sonar-scala with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata package scalastyle import import import enumeratum.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._ import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.Checkers import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks class ScalastyleRulesRepositorySpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Checkers { implicit def chainArbOf[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[Chain[T]] = Arbitrary(Gen.listOf[T](a.arbitrary).map(Chain.apply)) def nonEmptyChainOf[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[Chain[T]] = Gen.nonEmptyListOf[T](a.arbitrary).map(Chain.apply) it should "not create an additional rule from a non-template rule" in { forAll { rule: Rule => val extraParam = ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam(rule.key) val expected = rule.copy( template = false, params = Chain(extraParam) ) ScalastyleRulesRepository.fromTemplate(rule.copy(params = Chain.empty)) shouldBe expected ) } } it should "not create an additional rule if the instance is blacklisted" in { check( forAllNoShrink( Arbitrary.arbitrary[Rule], nonEmptyChainOf[Param], Gen.oneOf(ScalastyleRulesRepository.SkipTemplateInstances.toList) ) { (rule, params, className) => val newRule = rule.copy(key = className, params = params) val extraParam = ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam(newRule.key) val expected = newRule.copy( key = className + "-template", template = true, params = params :+ extraParam ) ScalastyleRulesRepository.fromTemplate(newRule) === } ) } it should "create an additional rule for templates" in { check( forAllNoShrink( Arbitrary.arbitrary[Rule], nonEmptyChainOf[Param] ) { (rule, params) => val newRule = rule.copy(params = params) val extraParam = ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam(newRule.key) val instance = newRule.copy( template = false, params = params :+ extraParam ) val template = instance.copy( key = instance.key + "-template", template = true ) ScalastyleRulesRepository.fromTemplate(newRule) === NonEmptyChain(template, instance) } ) } it should "create an additional param with scalastyle class name" in { val expected = Param( name = "ruleClass", typ = ParamType.String, description = "Scalastyle's rule (checker) class name.", default = "" ) ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam("") shouldBe expected } }
Example 20
Source File: ScoverageMeasures.scala From sonar-scala with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mwz.sonar.scala package scoverage import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import ScoverageMeasures._ import import import cats.instances.option._ import cats.instances.string._ import cats.instances.tuple._ import cats.syntax.bitraverse._ import cats.syntax.eq._ import cats.syntax.foldable._ import org.sonar.api.ce.measure.Component import org.sonar.api.ce.measure.MeasureComputer import org.sonar.api.ce.measure.MeasureComputer.MeasureComputerContext import org.sonar.api.ce.measure.MeasureComputer.{MeasureComputerDefinition, MeasureComputerDefinitionContext} final class ScoverageMeasures extends MeasureComputer { override def define(context: MeasureComputerDefinitionContext): MeasureComputerDefinition = context .newDefinitionBuilder() .setInputMetrics(sumMetrics.toList: _*) .setOutputMetrics((sumMetrics ++ _*) .build() override def compute(context: MeasureComputerContext): Unit = { if ( =!= { val summed: Map[String, Int] = sumMetrics .map { metric => ( metric, Chain .fromSeq( context .getChildrenMeasures(metric) .asScala .toSeq ) .reduceLeftToOption(_.getIntValue)((acc, measure) => acc + measure.getIntValue) ) } .collect { case (key, Some(sum)) => (key, sum) } .iterator .toMap summed.foreach { case (key, sum) => context.addMeasure(key, sum) } val percentages: Map[String, BigDecimal] = percentageMetrics .map { case (key, (total, hits)) => ( key, (summed.get(total), summed.get(hits)).bisequence .map { case (total, hits) => if (total > 0) BigDecimal.valueOf(hits.toLong) / total * 100 else BigDecimal(0) } ) } .collect { case (key, Some(sum)) => (key, sum) } .iterator .toMap percentages.foreach { case (key, percentage) => context.addMeasure(key, round(percentage)) } } } } object ScoverageMeasures { // individual metric -> total metric val sumMetrics: Chain[String] = Chain( ScoverageMetrics.statements.key, ScoverageMetrics.coveredStatements.key, ScoverageMetrics.branches.key, ScoverageMetrics.coveredBranches.key ) // metric -> (total, hits) val percentageMetrics: Chain[(String, (String, String))] = Chain( (ScoverageMetrics.statementCoverage.key -> ( ( ScoverageMetrics.statements.key, ScoverageMetrics.coveredStatements.key ) )), (ScoverageMetrics.branchCoverage.key -> ( ( ScoverageMetrics.branches.key, ScoverageMetrics.coveredBranches.key ) )) ) private[scoverage] def round(x: BigDecimal): Double = x.setScale(scale = 2, mode = BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).toDouble }
Example 21
Source File: ScapegoatRules.scala From sonar-scala with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata package scapegoat import import object ScapegoatRules { // TODO: Refactor AllInspections to be a NonEmptyChain. lazy val rules: NonEmptyChain[Rule] = NonEmptyChain.fromChainUnsafe( Chain.fromSeq( ) private[metadata] def toRule(inspection: ScapegoatInspection): Rule = { Rule( key =, name ="`", ""), mdDescription = mdDescription(inspection), sonarMdDescription = sonarMdDescription(inspection), severity = toSeverity(inspection.defaultLevel), template = false, params = Chain.empty ) } private[metadata] def mdDescription(inspection: ScapegoatInspection): String = s"*${inspection.description}*" + s"\n\n${inspection.explanation}" // SonarQube's markdown parser converts any '=' characters in the middle of a sentence // into headings, so we're using a 7th level heading (which doesn't have any style properties) // to make it ignore the '=' characters and make it look like regular text. // Any inline code blocks between `` are also ignored until Scapegoat has all code blocks wrapped in ``. private[metadata] def sonarMdDescription(inspection: ScapegoatInspection): String = s"*${inspection.description.replaceAll("`", "")}*" + s"\n\n======= ${inspection.explanation.replaceAll("`", "")}" private[metadata] def toSeverity(level: Level): Severity = level match { case Level.Error => Severity.Major case Level.Warning => Severity.Minor case Level.Info => Severity.Info } }