Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: NoOpHttpClient.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.client import cats.Show import import cats.syntax.either._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.Done import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.{ CornichonHttpResponse, HttpRequest, HttpStreamedRequest } import monix.eval.Task import org.http4s.EntityEncoder import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration class NoOpHttpClient extends HttpClient { def runRequest[A: Show](cReq: HttpRequest[A], t: FiniteDuration)(implicit ee: EntityEncoder[Task, A]) = EitherT.apply(, Nil, "NoOpBody").asRight)) def openStream(req: HttpStreamedRequest, t: FiniteDuration) =, Nil, "NoOpBody").asRight) def shutdown() = Done.taskDone def paramsFromUrl(url: String) = Right(Nil) }
Example 2
Source File: Selective.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.control import{EitherT, OptionT, ReaderT, WriterT} import cats.instances.option._ import cats.syntax.coflatMap._ import cats.syntax.option._ import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Monoid} import simulacrum._ import tofu.control.impl._ @typeclass trait Selective[F[_]] extends Applicative[F] { @noop def selectAp[A, B](fe: F[Either[A, B]])(ff: => F[A => B]): F[B] @noop def select[A](fo: F[Option[A]])(fa: => F[A]): F[A] = selectAp[Unit, A](map(fo)(_.toRight(())))(map(fa)(a => (_: Unit) => a)) def selectRight[A](fb: F[A], fo: F[Option[A]]): F[A] = select(fo)(fb) @noop def orElses[A](fx: F[Option[A]])(fy: => F[Option[A]]): F[Option[A]] = select(map(fx)(_.coflatten))(fy) def whens[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) None else Some(none[A])))(map(fa)(_.some)) def unlesss[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) Some(none[A]) else None))(map(fa)(_.some)) def whens_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) None else Some(())))(void(fa)) def unlesss_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) Some(()) else None))(void(fa)) @noop def optionMonoid[A]: Monoid[F[Option[A]]] = new Monoid[F[Option[A]]] { def empty: F[Option[A]] = pure(None) def combine(x: F[Option[A]], y: F[Option[A]]): F[Option[A]] = orElses(x)(y) } } object Selective extends SelectiveInstances trait SelectiveInstances extends SelectiveInstances2 { final implicit def selectiveOverMonad[F[_]: Monad]: SelectiveOverMonad[F] = new SelectiveOverMonad[F] } trait SelectiveInstances2 { final implicit def selectiveOptionT[F[_]: Selective]: Selective[OptionT[F, *]] = new SelectiveOptionT[F] final implicit def selectiveEitherT[F[_]: Selective, E]: Selective[EitherT[F, E, *]] = new SelectiveEitherT[F, E] final implicit def selectiveReaderT[F[_]: Selective, R]: Selective[ReaderT[F, R, *]] = new SelectiveReaderT[F, R] final implicit def selectiveWriterT[F[_]: Selective, W: Monoid]: Selective[WriterT[F, W, *]] = new SelectiveWriterT[F, W] }
Example 3
Source File: IndexLogic.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.indexing_logic import akka.NotUsed import import cats.Monad import import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.streams.RequestBuilder import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, RunResult, StageSucceeded} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.EsAccess trait IndexOps[F[_]] { def write[A: RequestBuilder](source: Source[A, NotUsed]): EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult] def addSwitch(writeDone: EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult], minT: Double, maxT: Double, alias: String): EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult] def addDelete(writeDone: EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult], keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean): EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult] } class IndexingWithEs[F[_]: Monad](implicit ES: EsAccess[F]) extends IndexOps[F] { private def addRunStep(actionDone: EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult], nextStep: EitherT[F, IndexError, StageSucceeded]) = for { indexResult <- actionDone success <- nextStep .leftMap(_.copy(succeededStages = indexResult.succeededStages.toList)) } yield RunResult(indexResult.succeededStages :+ success: _*) def write[A: RequestBuilder](source: Source[A, NotUsed]): EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult] = addRunStep(ES.createIndex().map(RunResult(_)), ES.indexSource(source)) def addSwitch(writeDone: EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult], minT: Double, maxT: Double, alias: String): EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult] = addRunStep(writeDone, ES.switchAlias(minT, maxT, alias)) def addDelete(writeDone: EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult], keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean): EitherT[F, IndexError, RunResult] = addRunStep(writeDone, ES.deleteOldIndices(keep, aliasProtection)) }
Example 4
Source File: SyncEffect.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats package effect import simulacrum._ import{EitherT, WriterT} implicit def catsWriterTSyncEffect[F[_]: SyncEffect, L: Monoid]: SyncEffect[WriterT[F, L, *]] = new WriterTSyncEffect[F, L] { def F = SyncEffect[F]; def L = Monoid[L] } private[effect] trait EitherTSyncEffect[F[_]] extends SyncEffect[EitherT[F, Throwable, *]] with Sync.EitherTSync[F, Throwable] { protected def F: SyncEffect[F] def runSync[G[_], A](fa: EitherT[F, Throwable, A])(implicit G: Sync[G]): G[A] = F.runSync(F.rethrow(fa.value)) } private[effect] trait WriterTSyncEffect[F[_], L] extends SyncEffect[WriterT[F, L, *]] with Sync.WriterTSync[F, L] { protected def F: SyncEffect[F] protected def L: Monoid[L] def runSync[G[_], A](fa: WriterT[F, L, A])(implicit G: Sync[G]): G[A] = F.runSync( } }
Example 5
Source File: Effect.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats package effect import simulacrum._ import{EitherT, WriterT} import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.util.Either implicit def catsWriterTEffect[F[_]: Effect, L: Monoid]: Effect[WriterT[F, L, *]] = new WriterTEffect[F, L] { def F = Effect[F]; def L = Monoid[L] } private[effect] trait EitherTEffect[F[_]] extends Effect[EitherT[F, Throwable, *]] with Async.EitherTAsync[F, Throwable] { protected def F: Effect[F] def runAsync[A](fa: EitherT[F, Throwable, A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Unit] = F.runAsync(fa.value)(cb.compose(_.flatMap(x => x))) override def toIO[A](fa: EitherT[F, Throwable, A]): IO[A] = F.toIO(F.rethrow(fa.value)) } private[effect] trait WriterTEffect[F[_], L] extends Effect[WriterT[F, L, *]] with Async.WriterTAsync[F, L] { protected def F: Effect[F] protected def L: Monoid[L] def runAsync[A](fa: WriterT[F, L, A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Unit] = F.runAsync( override def toIO[A](fa: WriterT[F, L, A]): IO[A] = F.toIO(fa.value(F)) } }
Example 6
Source File: SyncEffectTests.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats package effect package laws package discipline import import cats.laws.discipline._ import cats.laws.discipline.SemigroupalTests.Isomorphisms import org.scalacheck._, Prop.forAll trait SyncEffectTests[F[_]] extends SyncTests[F] { def laws: SyncEffectLaws[F] def syncEffect[A: Arbitrary: Eq, B: Arbitrary: Eq, C: Arbitrary: Eq](implicit ArbFA: Arbitrary[F[A]], ArbFB: Arbitrary[F[B]], ArbFC: Arbitrary[F[C]], ArbFU: Arbitrary[F[Unit]], ArbFAtoB: Arbitrary[F[A => B]], ArbFBtoC: Arbitrary[F[B => C]], ArbT: Arbitrary[Throwable], CogenA: Cogen[A], CogenB: Cogen[B], CogenC: Cogen[C], CogenT: Cogen[Throwable], EqFA: Eq[F[A]], EqFB: Eq[F[B]], EqFC: Eq[F[C]], EqFU: Eq[F[Unit]], EqT: Eq[Throwable], EqFEitherTU: Eq[F[Either[Throwable, Unit]]], EqFEitherTA: Eq[F[Either[Throwable, A]]], EqEitherTFTA: Eq[EitherT[F, Throwable, A]], EqFABC: Eq[F[(A, B, C)]], EqFInt: Eq[F[Int]], iso: Isomorphisms[F], params: Parameters): RuleSet = new RuleSet { val name = "syncEffect" val bases = Nil val parents = Seq(sync[A, B, C]) val props = Seq( "to[SyncIO] andThen to[F] is identity" -> forAll(laws.toSyncIOAndBackIsIdentity[A] _) ) } } object SyncEffectTests { def apply[F[_]: SyncEffect]: SyncEffectTests[F] = new SyncEffectTests[F] { def laws = SyncEffectLaws[F] } }
Example 7
Source File: PetValidationInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore.domain package pets import cats.Applicative import import cats.implicits._ class PetValidationInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative](repository: PetRepositoryAlgebra[F]) extends PetValidationAlgebra[F] { def doesNotExist(pet: Pet): EitherT[F, PetAlreadyExistsError, Unit] = EitherT { repository.findByNameAndCategory(, pet.category).map { matches => if (matches.forall(possibleMatch => != { Right(()) } else { Left(PetAlreadyExistsError(pet)) } } } def exists(petId: Option[Long]): EitherT[F, PetNotFoundError.type, Unit] = EitherT { petId match { case Some(id) => // Ensure is a little tough to follow, it says "make sure this condition is true, otherwise throw the error specified // In this example, we make sure that the option returned has a value, otherwise the pet was not found repository.get(id).map { case Some(_) => Right(()) case _ => Left(PetNotFoundError) } case _ => Either.left[PetNotFoundError.type, Unit](PetNotFoundError).pure[F] } } } object PetValidationInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Applicative](repository: PetRepositoryAlgebra[F]) = new PetValidationInterpreter[F](repository) }
Example 8
Source File: OrderService.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore.domain package orders import cats.Functor import import cats.implicits._ class OrderService[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) { def placeOrder(order: Order): F[Order] = orderRepo.create(order) def get(id: Long)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, OrderNotFoundError.type, Order] = EitherT.fromOptionF(orderRepo.get(id), OrderNotFoundError) def delete(id: Long)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Unit] = orderRepo.delete(id).as(()) } object OrderService { def apply[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]): OrderService[F] = new OrderService(orderRepo) }
Example 9
Source File: UserValidationInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore.domain package users import cats.Applicative import import cats.implicits._ class UserValidationInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative](userRepo: UserRepositoryAlgebra[F]) extends UserValidationAlgebra[F] { def doesNotExist(user: User): EitherT[F, UserAlreadyExistsError, Unit] = userRepo .findByUserName(user.userName) .map(UserAlreadyExistsError) .toLeft(()) def exists(userId: Option[Long]): EitherT[F, UserNotFoundError.type, Unit] = userId match { case Some(id) => userRepo .get(id) .toRight(UserNotFoundError) .void case None => EitherT.left[Unit](UserNotFoundError.pure[F]) } } object UserValidationInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Applicative](repo: UserRepositoryAlgebra[F]): UserValidationAlgebra[F] = new UserValidationInterpreter[F](repo) }
Example 10
Source File: SlackSrvImpl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.effect.IO import import import import import gospeak.libs.scala.Crypto.AesSecretKey import gospeak.libs.scala.Extensions._ import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.{CustomException, Markdown} import gospeak.libs.slack.{SlackClient, domain => api} import io.circe.Json import scala.util.Try // SlackSrv should not use Slack classes in the API, it's independent and the implementation should do the needed conversion class SlackSrvImpl(client: SlackClient) extends SlackSrv { override def getInfos(token: SlackToken, key: AesSecretKey): IO[SlackTokenInfo] = toSlack(token, key).toIO.flatMap( override def exec(action: SlackAction, data: Json, creds: SlackCredentials, key: AesSecretKey): IO[Unit] = action match { case a: PostMessage => postMessage(a, data, creds, key).map(_ => ()) } private def postMessage(action: PostMessage, data: Json, creds: SlackCredentials, key: AesSecretKey): IO[Either[api.SlackError, api.SlackMessage]] = { val sender = api.SlackSender.Bot(, for { token <- toSlack(creds.token, key).toIO channel <- => CustomException(e.message)) message <- action.message.render(data).map(toSlack).toIO(e => CustomException(e.message)) attempt1 <- client.postMessage(token, sender, channel, message) attempt2 <- attempt1 match { case Left(api.SlackError(false, "channel_not_found", _, _)) if action.createdChannelIfNotExist => (for { createdChannel <- EitherT(client.createChannel(token, channel)) invitedUsers <- EitherT.liftF(if (action.inviteEverybody) { client.listUsers(token).flatMap(_.getOrElse(Seq()).map(,, _)).sequence) } else { IO.pure(Seq()) }) attempt2 <- EitherT(client.postMessage(token, sender,, message)) } yield attempt2).value case _ => IO.pure(attempt1) } } yield attempt2 } private def toSlack(token: SlackToken, key: AesSecretKey): Try[api.SlackToken] = token.decode(key).map(api.SlackToken) private def toSlack(md: Markdown): api.SlackContent.Markdown = api.SlackContent.Markdown(md.value) private def toSlackName(name: String): api.SlackChannel.Name = api.SlackChannel.Name(name) private def toGospeak(id: api.SlackUser.Id): SlackUser.Id = SlackUser.Id(id.value) private def toGospeak(info: api.SlackTokenInfo): SlackTokenInfo = SlackTokenInfo(SlackTeam.Id(info.team_id.value),, info.url, toGospeak(info.user_id), info.user) private def toIO[A](e: Either[api.SlackError, A]): IO[A] = e.toIO(e => CustomException(format(e))) } object SlackSrvImpl { private[slack] def format(err: api.SlackError): String = err.error +" " + _).getOrElse("") +" (provided: " + _ + ")").getOrElse("") }
Example 11
Source File: monadError.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.syntax import cats.{ApplicativeError, MonadError} import import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import either._ object monadError { implicit final class MonadErrorFOps[F[_], A](private val fa: F[A]) extends AnyVal { def retryAttempt[E](count: Int)(implicit F: MonadError[F, E]): F[Either[List[E], A]] = F.tailRecM((count, List.empty[E])) { case (cnt, acc) => if (cnt <= 0) F.pure(acc.reverse.asLeft.asRight) else { case Left(err) => (cnt - 1, err :: acc).asLeft case Right(v) => v.asRight.asRight } } def retry[E](count: Int)(implicit F: MonadError[F, E]): F[A] = F.tailRecM(count) { case cnt if cnt <= 1 => case cnt => => cnt - 1)) } } implicit final class MonadErrorEitherTOps[F[_], E, A](private val fea: EitherT[F, E, A]) extends AnyVal { def attemptXor[U](implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, U]): EitherT[F, Either[U, E], A] = EitherT( } }
Example 12
Source File: IndexableStream.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.indexing_logic import akka.NotUsed import import cats.Monad import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.streams.RequestBuilder import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, RunResult} class IndexableStream[A: RequestBuilder, M[_]: Monad](source: Source[A, NotUsed], shutdown: () => M[Unit])( implicit indexing: IndexOps[M]) { private val writeStep = indexing.write(source) def run: M[Either[IndexError, RunResult]] = writeStep.value.flatMap(res => shutdown().map(_ => res)) def switchAliasFrom(alias: String, minT: Double = 0.95, maxT: Double = 1.25): IndexableStreamWithSwitching[A, M] = new IndexableStreamWithSwitching(writeStep, minT, maxT, alias, shutdown) def deleteOldIndices(keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean = true): IndexableStreamWithDeletion[A, M] = new IndexableStreamWithDeletion(writeStep, keep, aliasProtection, shutdown) } class IndexableStreamWithSwitching[A, M[_]](done: EitherT[M, IndexError, RunResult], minT: Double, maxT: Double, alias: String, shutdown: () => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M], indexing: IndexOps[M]) { private val switchStep = indexing.addSwitch(done, minT, maxT, alias) def run: M[Either[IndexError, RunResult]] = switchStep.value.flatMap(res => shutdown().map(_ => res)) def deleteOldIndices(keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean = true): IndexableStreamWithDeletion[A, M] = new IndexableStreamWithDeletion(switchStep, keep, aliasProtection, shutdown) } class IndexableStreamWithDeletion[A, M[_]: Monad](done: EitherT[M, IndexError, RunResult], keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean, shutdown: () => M[Unit])(implicit indexing: IndexOps[M]) { def run: M[Either[IndexError, RunResult]] = indexing.addDelete(done, keep, aliasProtection).value.flatMap(res => shutdown().map(_ => res)) }
Example 13
Source File: SelectiveInstances.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.control.impl import{EitherT, OptionT, ReaderT, WriterT} import cats.instances.either._ import cats.instances.option._ import cats.instances.tuple._ import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Monoid} import tofu.control.Selective import tofu.syntax.either._ import tofu.syntax.monadic._ class SelectiveOverMonad[F[_]](implicit val F: Monad[F]) extends Selective[F] with ApplicativeDelegate[F] { def selectAp[A, B](fe: F[Either[A, B]])(ff: => F[A => B]): F[B] = F.flatMap(fe) { case Left(a) => case Right(b) => F.pure(b) } override def select[A](fo: F[Option[A]])(fa: => F[A]): F[A] = F.flatMap(fo) { case None => fa case Some(a) => F.pure(a) } override def whens[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) else F.pure(None) } override def unlesss[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) F.pure(None) else } override def whens_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) F.unit else F.void(fa) } override def unlesss_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) F.void(fa) else F.unit } } trait SelectiveWithMap[F[_]] extends Selective[F] { def smap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B] = selectAp[A, B](smap(fa)(Left(_)))(ff) override def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] = smap(fa)(f) } class SelectiveOptionT[F[_]](implicit F: Selective[F]) extends Selective[OptionT[F, *]] { def selectAp[A, B](fe: OptionT[F, Either[A, B]])(ff: => OptionT[F, A => B]): OptionT[F, B] = OptionT(F.selectAp( { case Some(Left(a)) => Left(a) case Some(Right(b)) => Right(Some(b)) case None => Right(None) })( { case Some(f) => b => Some(f(b)) case None => _ => None })) def ap[A, B](ff: OptionT[F, A => B])(fa: OptionT[F, A]): OptionT[F, B] = OptionT(F.ap[Option[A], Option[B]]( => (fo ap _)))(fa.value)) def pure[A](x: A): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT.pure(x) } class SelectiveEitherT[F[_], L](implicit F: Selective[F]) extends Selective[EitherT[F, L, *]] { def selectAp[A, B](fe: EitherT[F, L, Either[A, B]])(ff: => EitherT[F, L, A => B]): EitherT[F, L, B] = EitherT(F.selectAp[A, Either[L, B]]( { case Right(Left(a)) => Left(a) case rr @ Right(Right(_)) => rr.asInstanceOf[Either[A, Either[L, B]]] case l @ Left(_) => Right(l.coerceR[B]) })( { case Right(f) => b => Right(f(b)) case l @ Left(_) => _ => l.coerceR[B] })) def ap[A, B](ff: EitherT[F, L, A => B])(fa: EitherT[F, L, A]): EitherT[F, L, B] = EitherT(F.ap[Either[L, A], Either[L, B]]( => (fo ap _)))(fa.value)) def pure[A](x: A): EitherT[F, L, A] = EitherT.pure(x) } class SelectiveReaderT[F[_], R](implicit FS: Selective[F]) extends Selective[ReaderT[F, R, *]] with ApplicativeDelegate[ReaderT[F, R, *]] { val F: Applicative[ReaderT[F, R, *]] = implicitly def selectAp[A, B](fe: ReaderT[F, R, Either[A, B]])(ff: => ReaderT[F, R, A => B]): ReaderT[F, R, B] = ReaderT(r => FS.selectAp( } class SelectiveWriterT[F[_], W: Monoid](implicit FS: Selective[F]) extends Selective[WriterT[F, W, *]] with ApplicativeDelegate[WriterT[F, W, *]] { val F: Applicative[WriterT[F, W, *]] = implicitly def selectAp[A, B](fe: WriterT[F, W, Either[A, B]])(ff: => WriterT[F, W, A => B]): WriterT[F, W, B] = WriterT(FS.selectAp[(W, A), (W, B)]( { case (w, Left(a)) => Left((w, a)) case (w, Right(b)) => Right((w, b)) })( => (wf ap _)))) }
Example 14
Source File: BindInstanceChain.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.control.impl import tofu.control.Bind import cats.Monad import scala.annotation.tailrec import cats.Bifunctor import import tofu.syntax.monadic._ trait BindInstanceChain[TC[f[_, _]] >: Bind[f]] { implicit val eitherInstance: TC[Either] = new Bind[Either] { import cats.instances.either._ def pure[E, A](a: A): Either[E, A] = Right(a) def raise[E, A](e: E): Either[E, A] = Left(e) def foldWith[E, A, X, R](fa: Either[E, A], h: E => Either[X, R], f: A => Either[X, R]): Either[X, R] = fa.fold(h, f) def foldRec[E, A, X, B](init: Either[E, A])( step: Either[E, A] => Either[Either[E, X], Either[A, B]] ): Either[X, B] = { @tailrec def go(e: Either[E, A]): Either[X, B] = step(e) match { case Left(Left(e)) => go(Left(e)) case Left(Right(x)) => Left(x) case Right(Left(a)) => go(Right(a)) case Right(Right(b)) => Right(b) } go(init) } override def fromEither[E, A](ea: Either[E, A]): Either[E, A] = ea override def fold[E, A, X, R](fa: Either[E, A])(h: E => R, f: A => R): Either[X, R] = Right(fa.fold(h, f)) override def handle[E, X, A](fa: Either[E, A], h: E => A): Either[X, A] = Right(fa.fold(h, identity)) override def monad[E]: Monad[Either[E, *]] = implicitly override def bifunctor: Bifunctor[Either] = implicitly } implicit def eitherTInstance[F[_]](implicit F: Monad[F]): TC[EitherT[F, *, *]] = new Bind[EitherT[F, *, *]] { def foldRec[E, A, X, B](init: Either[E, A])( step: Either[E, A] => EitherT[F, Either[E, X], Either[A, B]] ): EitherT[F, X, B] = EitherT(init.tailRecM { step(_) { case Left(Left(e)) => Left(Left(e)) case Left(Right(x)) => Right(Left(x)) case Right(Left(a)) => Left(Right(a)) case Right(Right(b)) => Right(Right(b)) } }) def pure[E, A](a: A): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT.rightT(a) def raise[E, A](e: E): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT.leftT(e) def foldWith[E, A, X, R]( fa: EitherT[F, E, A], h: E => EitherT[F, X, R], f: A => EitherT[F, X, R] ): EitherT[F, X, R] = fa.biflatMap(h, f) override def fromEither[E, A](ea: Either[E, A]): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT.fromEither(ea) override def monad[E]: Monad[EitherT[F, E, *]] = implicitly override val bifunctor: Bifunctor[EitherT[F, *, *]] = implicitly } }
Example 15
Source File: CornichonError.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core import{ PrintWriter, StringWriter } import import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.instances.future._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace trait CornichonError { def baseErrorMessage: String val causedBy: List[CornichonError] = Nil lazy val renderedMessage: String = { if (causedBy.isEmpty) baseErrorMessage else s"""$baseErrorMessage |caused by: |${ => c.renderedMessage).mkString("\nand\n")}""".stripMargin } def toException = CornichonException(renderedMessage) } object CornichonError { def genStacktrace(exception: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) exception.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } def fromString(error: String): CornichonError = BasicError(error) def fromThrowable(exception: Throwable): CornichonError = StepExecutionError(exception) def catchThrowable[A](f: => A): Either[CornichonError, A] = Either.catchNonFatal(f).leftMap(fromThrowable) implicit class fromEither[A](e: Either[CornichonError, A]) { def valueUnsafe: A = e.fold(e => throw e.toException, identity) def futureEitherT(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): EitherT[Future, CornichonError, A] = EitherT.fromEither[Future](e) } } case class StepExecutionError(e: Throwable) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = s"exception thrown ${CornichonError.genStacktrace(e)}" } case class BasicError(error: String) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = error } case class CornichonException(m: String) extends Exception with NoStackTrace { override def getMessage = m }
Example 16
Source File: EffectStep.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.cats import{ EitherT, NonEmptyList } import cats.effect.Effect import cats.syntax.either._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.ScenarioRunner.{ errorsToFailureStep, successLog } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core._ import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration case class EffectStep[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => F[Either[CornichonError, Session]], show: Boolean = true) extends SessionValueStep { def setTitle(newTitle: String): Step = copy(title = newTitle) override def runSessionValueStep(runState: RunState): Task[Either[NonEmptyList[CornichonError], Session]] = Task.fromEffect(effect(runState.scenarioContext)).map(_.leftMap( override def onError(errors: NonEmptyList[CornichonError], runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): (LogInstruction, FailedStep) = errorsToFailureStep(this, runState.depth, errors, Some(executionTime)) override def logOnSuccess(result: Session, runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): LogInstruction = successLog(title, runState.depth, show, executionTime) } object EffectStep { def fromEitherT[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => EitherT[F, CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { val effectT: ScenarioContext => F[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => effect(s).value EffectStep(title, effectT, show) } def fromSync(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Session, show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromSyncE(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Either[CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromAsync[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => F[Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => Task.fromEffect(effect(s)).map(Right.apply) EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } }
Example 17
Source File: EffectStep.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.regular import{ EitherT, NonEmptyList } import cats.syntax.either._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.ScenarioRunner._ import monix.eval.Task import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } case class EffectStep(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Future[Either[CornichonError, Session]], show: Boolean = true) extends SessionValueStep { def setTitle(newTitle: String): Step = copy(title = newTitle) override def runSessionValueStep(runState: RunState): Task[Either[NonEmptyList[CornichonError], Session]] = Task.deferFuture(effect(runState.scenarioContext)).map(_.leftMap( override def onError(errors: NonEmptyList[CornichonError], runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): (LogInstruction, FailedStep) = errorsToFailureStep(this, runState.depth, errors, Some(executionTime)) override def logOnSuccess(result: Session, runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): LogInstruction = successLog(title, runState.depth, show, executionTime) } object EffectStep { def fromEitherT(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => EitherT[Future, CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): EffectStep = { val effectT: ScenarioContext => Future[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => effect(s).value EffectStep(title, effectT, show) } def fromSync(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Session, show: Boolean = true): EffectStep = { val effectF: ScenarioContext => Future[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => Future.successful(effect(s).asRight) EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromSyncE(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Either[CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): EffectStep = { val effectF: ScenarioContext => Future[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => Future.successful(effect(s)) EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromAsync(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Future[Session], show: Boolean = true)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): EffectStep = { val effectF: ScenarioContext => Future[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => effect(s).map(Right.apply) EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } }
Example 18
Source File: MonadAction.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor import import cats.{ Applicative, Monad } trait MonadAction[F[_], S, E] extends Monad[F] { def read: F[S] def append(es: E, other: E*): F[Unit] def reset: F[Unit] def ignore: F[Unit] = unit } trait MonadActionReject[F[_], S, E, R] extends MonadAction[F, S, E] { def reject[A](r: R): F[A] } object MonadActionReject { implicit def eitherTMonadActionRejectInstance[I[_]: Applicative, S, E, R]( implicit F: MonadAction[I, S, E], eitherTMonad: Monad[EitherT[I, R, *]] ): MonadActionReject[EitherT[I, R, *], S, E, R] = new MonadActionReject[EitherT[I, R, *], S, E, R] { override def reject[A](r: R): EitherT[I, R, A] = EitherT.leftT(r) override def read: EitherT[I, R, S] = EitherT.right( override def append(es: E, other: E*): EitherT[I, R, Unit] = EitherT.right(F.append(es, other: _*)) override def reset: EitherT[I, R, Unit] = EitherT.right(F.reset) override def pure[A](x: A): EitherT[I, R, A] = EitherT.pure[I, R](x) override def map[A, B](fa: EitherT[I, R, A])(f: A => B): EitherT[I, R, B] = override def flatMap[A, B](fa: EitherT[I, R, A])(f: A => EitherT[I, R, B]): EitherT[I, R, B] = fa.flatMap(f) override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => EitherT[I, R, Either[A, B]]): EitherT[I, R, B] = eitherTMonad.tailRecM(a)(f) } } trait MonadActionLift[I[_], F[_], S, E] extends MonadAction[I, S, E] { def liftF[A](fa: F[A]): I[A] } trait MonadActionLiftReject[I[_], F[_], S, E, R] extends MonadActionLift[I, F, S, E] with MonadActionReject[I, S, E, R] object MonadActionLiftReject { implicit def eitherTMonadActionLiftRejectInstance[I[_], F[_], S, E, R]( implicit I: MonadActionLift[I, F, S, E], eitherTMonad: Monad[EitherT[I, R, *]] ): MonadActionLiftReject[EitherT[I, R, *], F, S, E, R] = new MonadActionLiftReject[EitherT[I, R, *], F, S, E, R] { override def reject[A](r: R): EitherT[I, R, A] = EitherT.leftT(r) override def liftF[A](fa: F[A]): EitherT[I, R, A] = EitherT.right(I.liftF(fa)) override def read: EitherT[I, R, S] = EitherT.right( override def append(es: E, other: E*): EitherT[I, R, Unit] = EitherT.right(I.append(es, other: _*)) override def reset: EitherT[I, R, Unit] = EitherT.right(I.reset) override def pure[A](x: A): EitherT[I, R, A] = EitherT.pure[I, R](x) override def map[A, B](fa: EitherT[I, R, A])(f: A => B): EitherT[I, R, B] = override def flatMap[A, B](fa: EitherT[I, R, A])(f: A => EitherT[I, R, B]): EitherT[I, R, B] = fa.flatMap(f) override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => EitherT[I, R, Either[A, B]]): EitherT[I, R, B] = eitherTMonad.tailRecM(a)(f) } }
Example 19
Source File: EventsourcedBehavior.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import aecor.Has import aecor.arrow.Invocation import cats.{ Monad, ~> } import{ Chain, EitherT } import cats.tagless.FunctorK import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ final case class EventsourcedBehavior[M[_[_]], F[_], S, E](actions: M[ActionT[F, S, E, *]], fold: Fold[Folded, S, E]) { def enrich[Env](f: F[Env])(implicit M: FunctorK[M], F: Monad[F]): EventsourcedBehavior[M, F, S, Enriched[Env, E]] = EventsourcedBehavior( actions.mapK(ActionT.sampleK[F, S, E, Env, Enriched[Env, E]](f)(Enriched(_, _))(_.event)), fold.contramap(_.event) ) def mapK[G[_]](fg: F ~> G)(implicit M: FunctorK[M]): EventsourcedBehavior[M, G, S, E] = copy(actions.mapK(λ[ActionT[F, S, E, *] ~> ActionT[G, S, E, *]](_.mapK(fg)))) def run[A](state: S, invocation: Invocation[M, A]): F[Folded[(Chain[E], A)]] = invocation .run(actions) .run(fold.init(state)) } object EventsourcedBehavior extends EventsourcedBehaviourIntances { def rejectable[M[_[_]], F[_], S, E, R]( actions: M[EitherT[ActionT[F, S, E, *], R, *]], fold: Fold[Folded, S, E] ): EventsourcedBehavior[EitherK[M, R, *[_]], F, S, E] = EventsourcedBehavior[EitherK[M, R, *[_]], F, S, E](EitherK(actions), fold) } trait EventsourcedBehaviourIntances { implicit def eventsourcedBehaviourFunctorKInstance[M[_[_]]: FunctorK, S, E] : FunctorK[EventsourcedBehavior[M, *[_], S, E]] = new FunctorK[EventsourcedBehavior[M, *[_], S, E]] { def mapK[F[_], G[_]](a: EventsourcedBehavior[M, F, S, E])( f: F ~> G ): EventsourcedBehavior[M, G, S, E] = a.mapK(f) } } final case class Enriched[M, E](metadata: M, event: E) object Enriched { implicit def hasMetadata[M, E, X](implicit M: Has[M, X]): Has[Enriched[M, E], X] = M.contramap(_.metadata) implicit def hasEvent[M, E, X](implicit E: Has[E, X]): Has[Enriched[M, E], X] = E.contramap(_.event) }
Example 20
Source File: HealthServiceSpec.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.service import import cats.effect.IO import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.IOAssertion import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.HealthRepository import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class HealthServiceSpec extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { private val testHealth = Health( vaccinations = Vaccinations(List.empty[Vaccine], List.empty[Vaccine], List.empty[Vaccine]), notices = HealthNotices( alertLevel = LevelOne, alerts = List.empty[HealthAlert] ) ) private val repo = new HealthRepository[IO] { override def findHealthInfo(countryCode: CountryCode): IO[Option[Health]] = IO { if (countryCode.value == "AR") Some(testHealth) else None } } private val service = new HealthService[IO](repo) it should "find the health information" in IOAssertion { EitherT(service.findHealthInfo(CountryCode("AR"))).map { index => index should be (testHealth) }.value } it should "NOT find the health information" in IOAssertion { EitherT(service.findHealthInfo(CountryCode("XX"))).leftMap { error => error shouldBe a [HealthInfoNotFound] }.value } }
Example 21
Source File: ExtraEntityDecoderInstances.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.core import cats.Applicative import import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Stream import io.circe.Decoder import org.http4s.scalaxml._ import org.http4s.{DecodeFailure, EntityDecoder, InvalidMessageBodyFailure, MediaRange} private[aws4s] object ExtraEntityDecoderInstances { implicit def streamEntityDecoder[F[_]: Applicative]: EntityDecoder[F, Stream[F, Byte]] = EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`*/*`) { msg => EitherT.fromEither(msg.body.asRight[DecodeFailure]) } def fromXml[F[_]: Effect, A](f: scala.xml.Elem => Option[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A] = EntityDecoder[F, scala.xml.Elem] flatMapR { elem => val result = f(elem) EitherT.fromEither(result.toRight(InvalidMessageBodyFailure("Response was not as expected"))) } implicit def circeEntityDecoder[F[_]: Effect, A: Decoder]: EntityDecoder[F, A] = org.http4s.circe.jsonOf[F, A] }
Example 22
Source File: EitherTransformers.scala From advanced-scala-code with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package manual import cats.{Functor, Monad} import{EitherT} import scala.concurrent.Future import scalaz.concurrent.Task implicit val taskMonad = new Monad[Task] { def tailRecM[A,B](a: A)(f: A => Task[Either[A,B]]): Task[B] = Task.suspend(f(a)).flatMap { case Left(continueA) => tailRecM(continueA)(f) case Right(b) => } override def flatMap[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: (A) => Task[B]): Task[B] = fa.flatMap(f) override def pure[A](x: A): Task[A] = } val resultTXT = for { num1 <- EitherT(num1TX) num2 <- EitherT(num2TX) } yield num1 + num2 val resultX = resultTXT.value.unsafePerformSync println(s"Result: $resultX") } }
Example 23
Source File: MicroblockAppender.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.state.appender import import com.wavesplatform.block.Block.BlockId import com.wavesplatform.block.MicroBlock import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.metrics.{BlockStats, _} import import import com.wavesplatform.state.Blockchain import com.wavesplatform.transaction.BlockchainUpdater import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.InvalidSignature import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging import com.wavesplatform.utx.UtxPool import import import kamon.Kamon import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.util.{Left, Right} object MicroblockAppender extends ScorexLogging { def apply(blockchainUpdater: BlockchainUpdater with Blockchain, utxStorage: UtxPool, scheduler: Scheduler, verify: Boolean = true)( microBlock: MicroBlock ): Task[Either[ValidationError, BlockId]] = { Task(metrics.microblockProcessingTimeStats.measureSuccessful { blockchainUpdater .processMicroBlock(microBlock, verify) .map { totalBlockId => utxStorage.removeAll(microBlock.transactionData) totalBlockId } }).executeOn(scheduler) } def apply( blockchainUpdater: BlockchainUpdater with Blockchain, utxStorage: UtxPool, allChannels: ChannelGroup, peerDatabase: PeerDatabase, scheduler: Scheduler )(ch: Channel, md: MicroblockData): Task[Unit] = { import md.microBlock val microblockTotalResBlockSig = microBlock.totalResBlockSig (for { _ <- EitherT( _ <- EitherT(apply(blockchainUpdater, utxStorage, scheduler)(microBlock)) } yield ()) { case Right(_) => md.invOpt match { case Some(mi) => allChannels.broadcast(mi, except = md.microblockOwners()) case None => log.warn(s"${id(ch)} Not broadcasting MicroBlockInv") } BlockStats.applied(microBlock) case Left(is: InvalidSignature) => peerDatabase.blacklistAndClose(ch, s"Could not append microblock $microblockTotalResBlockSig: $is") case Left(ve) => BlockStats.declined(microBlock) log.debug(s"${id(ch)} Could not append microblock $microblockTotalResBlockSig: $ve") } } private[this] object metrics { val microblockProcessingTimeStats = Kamon.timer("microblock-appender.processing-time").withoutTags() } }
Example 24
Source File: ScriptEstimatorV1.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.estimator import import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.FunctionHeader import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.compiler.Terms._ import monix.eval.Coeval object ScriptEstimatorV1 extends ScriptEstimator { override val version: Int = 1 override def apply(declaredVals: Set[String], functionCosts: Map[FunctionHeader, Coeval[Long]], t: EXPR): Either[String, Long] = { type Result[T] = EitherT[Coeval, String, T] def aux(t: Result[EXPR], syms: Map[String, (EXPR, Boolean)], funcs: Map[FunctionHeader, Coeval[Long]]): Result[(Long, Map[String, (EXPR, Boolean)])] = t.flatMap { case _: CONST_LONG | _: CONST_BYTESTR | _: CONST_STRING | _: CONST_BOOLEAN => EitherT.pure((1, syms)) case t: GETTER => aux(EitherT.pure(t.expr), syms, funcs).map { case (comp, out) => (comp + 2, out) } case LET_BLOCK(let: LET, body) => aux(EitherT.pure(body), syms + ((, (let.value, false))), funcs) .map { case (comp, out) => (comp + 5, out) } case BLOCK(let: LET, body) => aux(EitherT.pure(body), syms + ((, (let.value, false))), funcs) .map { case (comp, out) => (comp + 5, out) } case BLOCK(f: FUNC, body) => { aux(EitherT.pure(f.body), syms ++ => (arg, (TRUE, false))).toMap, funcs) .flatMap { case (funcComplexity, _) => aux( EitherT.pure(body), syms, funcs + (FunctionHeader.User( -> Coeval.evalOnce(funcComplexity + f.args.size * 5)) ).map { case (comp, out) => (comp + 5, out) } } } case REF(key) => val ei: EitherT[Coeval, String, (Long, Map[String, (EXPR, Boolean)])] = syms.get(key) match { case None => EitherT.fromEither(Left(s"ScriptValidator: Undeclared variable '$key'")) case Some((_, true)) => EitherT.pure[Coeval, String]((0L, syms)) case Some((expr, false)) => aux(EitherT.pure(expr), syms + ((key, (expr, true))), funcs) } { case (comp: Long, out: Map[String, (EXPR, Boolean)]) => (comp + 2, out) } case t: IF => for { cond <- aux(EitherT.pure(t.cond), syms, funcs) (condComp, condSyms) = cond right <- aux(EitherT.pure(t.ifTrue), condSyms, funcs) left <- aux(EitherT.pure(t.ifFalse), condSyms, funcs) (bodyComp, bodySyms) = if (right._1 > left._1) right else left } yield (condComp + bodyComp + 1, bodySyms) case t: FUNCTION_CALL => for { callCost <- EitherT.fromOption[Coeval](functionCosts.get(t.function).orElse(funcs.get(t.function)), s"ScriptValidator: Unknown function '${t.function}'") args <- t.args.foldLeft(EitherT.pure[Coeval, String]((0L, syms))) { case (accEi, arg) => for { acc <- accEi (accComp, accSyms) = acc v <- aux(EitherT.pure[Coeval, String](arg), accSyms, funcs) (comp, out) = v } yield (accComp + comp, out) } (argsComp, argsSyms) = args } yield (callCost() + argsComp, argsSyms) case _ => ??? //TODO: FIx exhaustivness } aux(EitherT.pure(t), -> ((TRUE, true))).toMap, Map.empty).value().map(_._1) } }
Example 25
Source File: package.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.v1 import cats.Eval import import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.evaluator.ctx.LoggedEvaluationContext import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.task.TaskMT import com.wavesplatform.lang.{EvalF, ExecutionError, TrampolinedExecResult} package object evaluator { type EvalM[F[_], C[_[_]], A] = TaskMT[F, LoggedEvaluationContext[C, F], ExecutionError, A] implicit class EvalMOps[F[_], C[_[_]], A](ev: EvalM[F, C, A]) { def ter(ctx: LoggedEvaluationContext[C, F]): TrampolinedExecResult[F, A] = EitherT[EvalF[F, ?], ExecutionError, A]( } def liftTER[F[_], C[_[_]], A](ter: Eval[F[Either[ExecutionError, A]]]): EvalM[F, C, A] = TaskMT(_ => ter) type LetExecResult[F[_]] = F[Either[ExecutionError, compiler.Terms.EVALUATED]] type LogItem[F[_]] = (String, LetExecResult[F]) type Log[F[_]] = List[LogItem[F]] type LogCallback[F[_]] = LetExecResult[F] => Unit type LetLogCallback[F[_]] = String => LogCallback[F] }
Example 26
Source File: package.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.complete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{MalformedQueryParamRejection, Route} import cats.Functor import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import import import import{Ref, Rejection, ResourceV} import{DOT, Triples} import import import scala.concurrent.Future package object routes { private[routes] def completeWithFormat( fetched: Future[Either[Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)]] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(EitherT(fetched)) private def completeWithFormat( fetched: EitherT[Future, Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = format match { case f: JsonLDOutputFormat => implicit val format = f complete(fetched.value) case Triples => implicit val format = Triples complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> resource.value.graph.ntriples }.value) case DOT => implicit val format = DOT complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> }.value) } private[routes] val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("resources/read") private[routes] val schemaError = MalformedQueryParamRejection("schema", "The provided schema does not match the schema on the Uri") private[routes] implicit class FOptionSyntax[F[_], A](private val fOpt: F[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal { def toNotFound(id: AbsoluteIri)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, Rejection, A] = OptionT(fOpt).toRight(notFound(Ref(id))) } }
Example 27
Source File: AirlineServiceSpec.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.service import import cats.effect.IO import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.IOAssertion import com.smartbackpackerapp.model.{Airline, AirlineName, BaggageAllowance, BaggagePolicy} import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.AirlineRepository import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class AirlineServiceSpec extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { private val testAirline = Airline( name = AirlineName("Ryan Air"), baggagePolicy = BaggagePolicy( allowance = List.empty[BaggageAllowance], extra = None, website = None ) ) private val repo = new AirlineRepository[IO] { override def findAirline(airlineName: AirlineName): IO[Option[Airline]] = IO { if (airlineName.value == "Ryan Air") Some(testAirline) else None } } private val service = new AirlineService[IO](repo) it should "find the airline" in IOAssertion { EitherT(service.baggagePolicy(AirlineName("Ryan Air"))).map { airline => airline should be (testAirline) }.value } it should "NOT find the airline" in IOAssertion { EitherT(service.baggagePolicy(AirlineName("Futur Airways"))).leftMap { error => error shouldBe a [AirlineNotFound] }.value } }
Example 28
Source File: DestinationInfoServiceSpec.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.service import cats.Parallel import import cats.syntax.option._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.TaskAssertion import com.smartbackpackerapp.config.SBConfiguration import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.VisaRequirementsRepository import monix.eval.Task import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class DestinationInfoServiceSpec extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { private lazy val sbConfig = new SBConfiguration[Task] private val repo = new VisaRequirementsRepository[Task] { override def findVisaRequirements(from: CountryCode, to: CountryCode): Task[Option[VisaRequirementsData]] = Task { VisaRequirementsData( from = Country(CountryCode("AR"), CountryName("Argentina"), Currency("ARS")), to = Country(CountryCode("RO"), CountryName("Romania"), Currency("RON")), visaCategory = VisaNotRequired, description = "90 days within any 180 day period" ).some } } private val rateService = new AbstractExchangeRateService[Task](sbConfig) { override protected def retrieveExchangeRate(uri: String): Task[CurrencyExchangeDTO] = Task { CurrencyExchangeDTO("EUR", "", Map("RON" -> 4.59)) } } private implicit val parallel: Parallel[Task, Task] = Parallel[Task, Task.Par].asInstanceOf[Parallel[Task, Task]] private val service = new DestinationInfoService[Task](sbConfig, repo, rateService) it should "retrieve destination information" in TaskAssertion { EitherT(service.find(CountryCode("AR"), CountryCode("RO"), Currency("EUR"))).map { info => info.countryCode.value should be ("RO") info.countryName.value should be ("Romania") info.exchangeRate should be (ExchangeRate(Currency("EUR"), Currency("RON"), 4.59)) info.visaRequirements should be (VisaRequirements(VisaNotRequired, "90 days within any 180 day period")) }.value } it should "validate countries" in TaskAssertion { EitherT(service.find(CountryCode("AR"), CountryCode("AR"), Currency("EUR"))).leftMap { error => error should be (CountriesMustBeDifferent) }.value } }
Example 29
Source File: VisaRestrictionsIndexServiceSpec.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.service import import cats.effect.IO import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.IOAssertion import com.smartbackpackerapp.model.{Count, CountryCode, Ranking, Sharing, VisaRestrictionsIndex} import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.VisaRestrictionsIndexRepository import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class VisaRestrictionsIndexServiceSpec extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { private val testIndex = VisaRestrictionsIndex(Ranking(3), Count(2), Sharing(1)) private val repo = new VisaRestrictionsIndexRepository[IO] { override def findRestrictionsIndex(countryCode: CountryCode): IO[Option[VisaRestrictionsIndex]] = IO { if (countryCode.value == "AR") Some(testIndex) else None } } private val service = new VisaRestrictionIndexService[IO](repo) it should "find the visa restrictions index" in IOAssertion { EitherT(service.findIndex(CountryCode("AR"))).map { index => index should be (testIndex) }.value } it should "NOT find the visa restrictions index" in IOAssertion { EitherT(service.findIndex(CountryCode("XX"))).leftMap { error => error shouldBe a [VisaRestrictionsIndexNotFound] }.value } }
Example 30
Source File: EitherK.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol.{ Encoded, Invocation } import import cats.~> import cats.implicits._ import cats.tagless.FunctorK import scodec.{ Codec, Decoder, Encoder } import scodec.codecs._ import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ final case class EitherK[M[_[_]], A, F[_]](value: M[EitherT[F, A, *]]) extends AnyVal { def unwrap(implicit M: FunctorK[M]): M[λ[α => F[Either[A, α]]]] = value.mapK(new (EitherT[F, A, *] ~> λ[α => F[Either[A, α]]]) { override def apply[X](fa: EitherT[F, A, X]): F[Either[A, X]] = fa.value }) def mapK[G[_]](fg: F ~> G)(implicit M: FunctorK[M]): EitherK[M, A, G] = EitherK(M.mapK(value)(new (EitherT[F, A, *] ~> EitherT[G, A, *]) { override def apply[X](fa: EitherT[F, A, X]): EitherT[G, A, X] = fa.mapK(fg) })) } object EitherK { implicit def wireProtocol[M[_[_]]: FunctorK, A]( implicit M: WireProtocol[M], aCodec: Codec[A] ): WireProtocol[EitherK[M, A, *[_]]] = new WireProtocol[EitherK[M, A, *[_]]] { final override val encoder: EitherK[M, A, Encoded] = EitherK[M, A, Encoded] { M.encoder.mapK(new (Encoded ~> EitherT[Encoded, A, *]) { override def apply[B](ma: Encoded[B]): EitherT[Encoded, A, B] = EitherT[Encoded, A, B] { val (bytes, resultDecoder) = ma val dec = bool.flatMap { case true =>[A]) case false =>[B]) } (bytes, dec) } }) } final override val decoder: Decoder[PairE[Invocation[EitherK[M, A, *[_]], *], Encoder]] = { p => val (invocation, encoder) = (p.first, p.second) val eitherKInvocation = new Invocation[EitherK[M, A, *[_]], Either[A, p.A]] { override def run[G[_]](target: EitherK[M, A, G]): G[Either[A, p.A]] = override def toString: String = invocation.toString } val eitherEncoder = Encoder { m: Either[A, p.A] => m match { case Right(a) => Encoder.encodeBoth(bool, encoder)(true, a) case Left(r) => Encoder.encodeBoth(bool, aCodec)(false, r) } } PairE(eitherKInvocation, eitherEncoder) } } implicit def functorK[M[_[_]]: FunctorK, A]: FunctorK[EitherK[M, A, *[_]]] = new FunctorK[EitherK[M, A, *[_]]] { override def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: EitherK[M, A, F])(fk: ~>[F, G]): EitherK[M, A, G] = af.mapK(fk) } object syntax { implicit final class EitherKSyntaxImpl[M[_[_]], F[_], A](val self: M[EitherT[F, A, *]]) extends AnyVal { def toEitherK: EitherK[M, A, F] = EitherK(self) } } }
Example 31
Source File: DestinationInfoService.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.service import import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import cats.syntax.parallel._ import cats.{MonadError, Parallel} import com.smartbackpackerapp.config.SBConfiguration import com.smartbackpackerapp.model.{CountryCode, Currency, DestinationInfo, ExchangeRate, VisaRequirements, VisaRequirementsData} import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.VisaRequirementsRepository class DestinationInfoService[F[_]](sbConfig: SBConfiguration[F], visaRequirementsRepo: VisaRequirementsRepository[F], exchangeRateService: AbstractExchangeRateService[F]) (implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable], P: Parallel[F, F]) { def find(from: CountryCode, to: CountryCode, baseCurrency: Currency): F[ValidationError Either DestinationInfo] = { val result = for { _ <- EitherT.fromEither(validateCountries(from, to)) fc <- EitherT.liftF(sbConfig.countryCurrency(to, default = Currency("EUR"))) rs <- EitherT(retrieveDestinationInfoInParallel(from, to, baseCurrency, fc)) } yield rs result.value } private def retrieveDestinationInfoInParallel(from: CountryCode, to: CountryCode, baseCurrency: Currency, foreignCurrency: Currency): F[ValidationError Either DestinationInfo] = { (visaRequirementsFor(from, to), exchangeRateService.exchangeRateFor(baseCurrency, foreignCurrency)).parMapN { case (Right(vr), er) => DestinationInfo( countryName =, countryCode =, visaRequirements = VisaRequirements(vr.visaCategory, vr.description), exchangeRate = ExchangeRate(Currency(er.base), foreignCurrency, er.rates.getOrElse(foreignCurrency.value, -1.0)) ).asRight[ValidationError] case (Left(e), _) => e.asLeft[DestinationInfo] } } private def validateCountries(from: CountryCode, to: CountryCode): Either[ValidationError, (CountryCode, CountryCode)] = { if (from != to) (from, to).asRight else CountriesMustBeDifferent.asLeft } private def visaRequirementsFor(from: CountryCode, to: CountryCode): F[ValidationError Either VisaRequirementsData] = visaRequirementsRepo.findVisaRequirements(from, to) map { data => data.toRight[ValidationError](CountryNotFound(to)) } }
Example 32
Source File: JwtTokenAuthMiddleware.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth import{EitherT, Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth.JwtTokenAuthMiddleware.AuthConfig import org.http4s.Credentials.Token import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.{AuthScheme, AuthedService, Request} import org.http4s.headers.Authorization import org.http4s.server.AuthMiddleware import tsec.jws.mac.JWTMac import tsec.mac.imports._ object JwtTokenAuthMiddleware { def apply[F[_] : Sync](apiToken: Option[String]): F[AuthMiddleware[F, String]] = new Middleware[F](apiToken).middleware case class AuthConfig(jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]) } class Middleware[F[_]](apiToken: Option[String])(implicit F: Sync[F]) { private val ifEmpty = F.raiseError[AuthMiddleware[F, String]](new Exception("Api Token not found")) private def generateJwtKey(token: String): F[MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]] = { F.catchNonFatal(HMACSHA256.buildKeyUnsafe(token.getBytes)) } val middleware: F[AuthMiddleware[F, String]] = apiToken.fold(ifEmpty) { token => generateJwtKey(token).map { jwtKey => val config = AuthConfig(jwtKey) new JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F](config).middleware } } } class JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F[_] : Sync](config: AuthConfig) extends Http4sDsl[F] { private val onFailure: AuthedService[String, F] = Kleisli(req => OptionT.liftF(Forbidden(req.authInfo))) private def bearerTokenFromRequest(request: Request[F]): OptionT[F, String] = OptionT.fromOption[F] { request.headers.get(Authorization).collect { case Authorization(Token(AuthScheme.Bearer, token)) => token } } private def verifyToken(request: Request[F], jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]): OptionT[F, String] = for { token <- bearerTokenFromRequest(request) verified <- OptionT.liftF(JWTMac.verifyAndParse[F, HMACSHA256](token, jwtKey)) accessToken <- OptionT.fromOption[F](verified.body.subject) } yield accessToken private def authUser(jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]): Kleisli[F, Request[F], Either[String, String]] = Kleisli { request => verifyToken(request, jwtKey) { option => Either.cond[String, String](option.isDefined, option.get, "Unable to authorize token") }.recoverWith { case MacVerificationError(msg) => EitherT.leftT(msg).value } } def middleware: AuthMiddleware[F, String] = AuthMiddleware(authUser(config.jwtKey), onFailure) }
Example 33
Source File: IndexDeletionSpec.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.index_ops import import cats.implicits._ import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, StageSucceeded} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.specs.AsyncSpec import scala.concurrent.Future class IndexDeletionSpec extends AsyncSpec { val newIndex = IndexWithInfo("newIndex", List("alias"), 99) "The IndexDeletion" should { "never delete the new index" in { val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("new", "newIndex", 0, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices shouldBe empty } } "never delete an index with alias if protected" in { val protectedIndices = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List(s"alias$i"), i)) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: protectedIndices: _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "index0", 0, true).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices shouldBe empty } } "only delete indices with the same prefix" in { val indicesWithSamePrefix = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val differentIndices = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"some$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: (indicesWithSamePrefix ++ differentIndices): _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "index0", 0, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices should contain theSameElementsAs } } "keep at least defined amount of indices, even if there are newer indices with different prefix" in { val indicesWithSamePrefix = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val differentIndices = (11 to 20).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"some$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: (indicesWithSamePrefix ++ differentIndices): _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "index0", 3, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices should have length 7 } } "delete the oldest indices first if more indices than defined to keep" in { val indices = scala.util.Random.shuffle((1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List.empty, i))) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: indices: _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "newIndex", 5, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices should contain theSameElementsAs indices.sortBy(_.creationTime).take(5).map(_.index) } } } private def testEsOpsClient(oldIndicesWithAlias: IndexWithInfo*) = new EsOpsClientApi { val deletedIndices = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[String] def removeAliasFromIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = ??? def addAliasToIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = ??? def sizeFor(index: String): OpsResult[Long] = ??? def delete(index: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = { deletedIndices += index EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](true) } def allIndicesWithAliasInfo: OpsResult[List[IndexWithInfo]] = EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](oldIndicesWithAlias.toList) } }
Example 34
Source File: AliasSwitchSpec.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.index_ops import import cats.implicits._ import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.IndexError import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.specs.AsyncSpec import scala.concurrent.Future class AliasSwitchSpec extends AsyncSpec { val newIndex = "index" val oldIndexAlias = "alias" val oldIndexName = "oldIndex" def switchAlias(oldSize: Int, newSize: Int, failForNew: Boolean, expectSwitchFrom: String, oldIndicesWithAlias: IndexWithInfo*) = AliasSwitching( esClient = testEsOpsClient(oldSize, newSize, failForNew, expectSwitchFrom, oldIndicesWithAlias), minThreshold = 0.95, maxThreshold = 1.25, waitForElastic = 0 ) "AliasSwitching" should { "create a new alias if no old one was found" in { switchAlias(0, 10, false, "noSwitch").switchAlias(oldIndexAlias, newIndex).map { switchResult => switchResult.right.value shouldBe a[NewAliasCreated] } } "switch the alias if the threshold was not exceeded" in { switchAlias(10, 10, false, oldIndexName, IndexWithInfo(oldIndexName, List(oldIndexAlias), 1)) .switchAlias(oldIndexAlias, newIndex) .map { switchResult => switchResult.right.value shouldBe an[AliasSwitched] } } "not switch the alias if threshold was exceeded" in { switchAlias(5, 10, false, "noSwitch", IndexWithInfo(oldIndexName, List(oldIndexAlias), 1)) .switchAlias(oldIndexAlias, newIndex) .map { switchResult => switchResult.left.value shouldBe an[IndexError] } } "not switch if the new size could not be queried" in { switchAlias(10, 10, true, "noSwitch").switchAlias(oldIndexAlias, newIndex).map { switchResult => switchResult.left.value shouldBe an[IndexError] } } "compare size with the latest and switch alias from the oldest" in { switchAlias( 10, 10, false, "aOldestIndex", IndexWithInfo("aOldestIndex", List(oldIndexAlias), 1), IndexWithInfo("oldIndex", List(oldIndexAlias), 2) ).switchAlias(oldIndexAlias, newIndex).map { switchResult => switchResult.right.value shouldBe an[AliasSwitched] } } } def testEsOpsClient(oldSize: Int, newSize: Int, failForNew: Boolean, expectSwitchFrom: String, oldIndicesWithAlias: Seq[IndexWithInfo]): EsOpsClientApi = new EsOpsClientApi { def removeAliasFromIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError] { index should be(expectSwitchFrom) true } def addAliasToIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](true) def sizeFor(index: String): OpsResult[Long] = EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](index match { case "oldIndex" => oldSize.toLong case "index" => if (failForNew) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fail") else newSize.toLong }) def delete(index: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](true) def allIndicesWithAliasInfo: OpsResult[List[IndexWithInfo]] = EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](oldIndicesWithAlias.toList) } }
Example 35
Source File: EsTestInterpreter.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.indexing_logic import akka.NotUsed import import import cats.instances.list.catsKernelStdMonoidForList import{EitherT, Writer} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.streams.RequestBuilder import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, RunResult, StageSucceeded, StageSuccess} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.EsAccess import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.indexing_logic.TestMonad.W sealed trait Command case object CreateIndex extends Command case object IndexIt extends Command case object Switch extends Command case object Delete extends Command case object Shutdown extends Command object TestMonad { type W[A] = Writer[List[Command], A] implicit val r: RequestBuilder[String] = (t: String) => ??? } object EsTestInterpreter extends EsAccess[W] { def createIndex(): EitherT[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = EitherT.liftF[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded](Writer(List(CreateIndex), StageSuccess("create"))) def indexSource[A: RequestBuilder](source: Source[A, NotUsed]): EitherT[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = EitherT.liftF[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded](Writer(List(IndexIt), StageSuccess("index"))) def switchAlias(minT: Double, maxT: Double, alias: String): EitherT[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = if (alias == "failAlias") EitherT[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded]( Writer[List[Command], Either[IndexError, StageSucceeded]](List(Switch), Left(IndexError("fail")))) else EitherT.liftF[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded](Writer(List(Switch), StageSuccess("switch"))) def deleteOldIndices(keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean): EitherT[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = EitherT.liftF[W, IndexError, StageSucceeded](Writer(List(Delete), StageSuccess("delete"))) } object IndexOpsTestInterpreter extends IndexOps[W] { def write[A: RequestBuilder](source: Source[A, NotUsed]): EitherT[W, IndexError, RunResult] = EitherT.liftF[W, IndexError, RunResult](Writer(List(IndexIt), RunResult(StageSuccess("index")))) def addSwitch(writeDone: EitherT[W, IndexError, RunResult], minT: Double, maxT: Double, alias: String): EitherT[W, IndexError, RunResult] = writeDone.flatMap( _ => if (alias == "failAlias") EitherT[W, IndexError, RunResult]( Writer[List[Command], Either[IndexError, RunResult]](List(Switch), Left(IndexError("fail")))) else EitherT.liftF[W, IndexError, RunResult](Writer(List(Switch), RunResult(StageSuccess("switch"))))) def addDelete(writeDone: EitherT[W, IndexError, RunResult], keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean): EitherT[W, IndexError, RunResult] = writeDone.flatMap(_ => EitherT.liftF[W, IndexError, RunResult](Writer(List(Delete), RunResult(StageSuccess("delete"))))) }
Example 36
Source File: AliasSwitching.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.index_ops import import cats.implicits._ import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, StageSucceeded} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, blocking} import scala.util.control.NonFatal class AliasSwitching(esClient: EsOpsClientApi, waitForElastic: Long, minThreshold: Double, maxThreshold: Double)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { import esClient._ def switchAlias(alias: String, newIndexName: String): Future[Either[IndexError, StageSucceeded]] = trySwitching(alias, newIndexName) .recover { case NonFatal(ex) => Left(IndexError("Could not switch alias.", Some(ex))) } private def trySwitching(alias: String, newIndexName: String): Future[Either[IndexError, StageSucceeded]] = (for { _ <- EitherT.liftF[Future, IndexError, Unit](Future(blocking(Thread.sleep(waitForElastic)))) oldSize <- latestIndexWithAliasSize(alias) newSize <- sizeFor(newIndexName) optSwitchRes <- oldSize .traverse(oldIndexSize => switchAliasBetweenIndices(oldIndexSize, newSize, alias, newIndexName)) switchRes <- optSwitchRes match { case None => addAliasToIndex(newIndexName, alias) .map(_ => NewAliasCreated(s"Added alias $alias to index $newIndexName"): StageSucceeded) case Some(x) => EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](x) } } yield switchRes).value private def switchAliasBetweenIndices(oldSize: Long, newSize: Long, alias: String, newIndexName: String): OpsResult[StageSucceeded] = { val percentage = newSize / oldSize.toDouble if (checkThreshold(percentage)) switchAliasToIndex(alias, newIndexName) .map(_ => AliasSwitched(s"Switched alias, new index size is ${(percentage * 100).toInt}% of old index")) else EitherT.leftT( IndexError( s"Switching failed, new index size is ${(percentage * 100).toInt}% of old index,\n" + s" $oldSize documents in old index with alias $alias, $newSize documents in new index $newIndexName.\n\n" + s"If you think the size of the new index is not correct, try to increase the `waitForElasticTimeout` property in the config." + s"This run spent ${waitForElastic / 1000} seconds waiting")) } private def checkThreshold(percentage: Double): Boolean = minThreshold < percentage && percentage <= maxThreshold } object AliasSwitching { def apply(esClient: EsOpsClientApi, minThreshold: Double, maxThreshold: Double, waitForElastic: Long)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext): AliasSwitching = new AliasSwitching(esClient, waitForElastic, minThreshold, maxThreshold) } case class AliasSwitched(override val msg: String) extends StageSucceeded case class NewAliasCreated(override val msg: String) extends StageSucceeded
Example 37
Source File: EsOpsClientApi.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.index_ops import import cats.implicits._ import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.ElasticDsl.{addAlias, removeAlias, search, _} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.settings.IndexSettingsResponse import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.{ElasticClient, Response} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.IndexError import import scala.concurrent.Future case class IndexWithInfo(index: String, aliases: List[String], creationTime: Long) trait EsOpsClientApi { type OpsResult[A] = EitherT[Future, IndexError, A] def removeAliasFromIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] def addAliasToIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] def sizeFor(index: String): OpsResult[Long] def delete(index: String): OpsResult[Boolean] def allIndicesWithAliasInfo: OpsResult[List[IndexWithInfo]] def indicesByAgeFor(alias: String): OpsResult[List[String]] = for { indices <- allIndicesWithAliasInfo } yield indices.filter(_.aliases.contains(alias)).sortBy(_.creationTime).map(_.index) def latestIndexWithAliasSize(alias: String): OpsResult[Option[Long]] = for { indices <- indicesByAgeFor(alias) size <- indices.lastOption.traverse(sizeFor) } yield size def removeAliasFromOldestIfExists(alias: String): OpsResult[Option[Boolean]] = for { indices <- indicesByAgeFor(alias) optRemoved <- indices.headOption.traverse(removeAliasFromIndex(_, alias)) } yield optRemoved def switchAliasToIndex(alias: String, index: String): OpsResult[Option[Boolean]] = for { rSuccess <- removeAliasFromOldestIfExists(alias) aSuccess <- addAliasToIndex(index, alias) } yield && aSuccess) } class EsOpsClient(client: ElasticClient) extends EsOpsClientApi { implicit class WithEitherTResult[A](f: Future[Response[A]]) { def opsResult: OpsResult[A] = EitherT( => response.fold[Either[IndexError, A]]( Left(IndexError(s"Index creation failed with error: ${response.error}")))(Right(_)))) def opsResult[B](to: A => B): OpsResult[B] = } def delete(index: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = client.execute(deleteIndex(index)).opsResult(_.acknowledged) private def indexCreationDate(indexName: String, response: IndexSettingsResponse): Option[Long] = for { indexSettings <- response.settings.get(indexName) creationDate <- indexSettings.get("index.creation_date") } yield creationDate.toLong def allIndicesWithAliasInfo: OpsResult[List[IndexWithInfo]] = for { aliases <- client.execute(getAliases()).opsResult settings <- client.execute(getSettings( } yield aliases.mappings .map { case (index, aliasi) => indexCreationDate(, settings).map(date => IndexWithInfo(,, date)) } .collect { case Some(x) => x } .toList def removeAliasFromIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = client.execute(removeAlias(alias) on index).opsResult(_.acknowledged) def addAliasToIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = client.execute(addAlias(alias) on index).opsResult(_.acknowledged) def sizeFor(index: String): OpsResult[Long] = client.execute(search(index) size 0).opsResult(_.totalHits) } object EsOpsClient { def apply(client: ElasticClient): EsOpsClient = new EsOpsClient(client) }
Example 38
Source File: ElasticseachInterpreter.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch import akka.NotUsed import import import import import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.streams.RequestBuilder import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, StageSucceeded} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.elasic_config.ElasticWriteConfig import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.index_ops.{AliasSwitching, EsOpsClient, IndexDeletion} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.indexing_logic.FullStream import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} trait EsAccess[F[_]] { def createIndex(): EitherT[F, IndexError, StageSucceeded] def indexSource[A: RequestBuilder](source: Source[A, NotUsed]): EitherT[F, IndexError, StageSucceeded] def switchAlias(minT: Double, maxT: Double, alias: String): EitherT[F, IndexError, StageSucceeded] def deleteOldIndices(keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean): EitherT[F, IndexError, StageSucceeded] } class ElasticseachInterpreter(esConf: ElasticWriteConfig)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer) extends EsAccess[Future] { private val writer = ElasticWriter(esConf) private val esOpsClient = EsOpsClient(esConf.client) def createIndex(): EitherT[Future, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = EitherT(writer.createNewIndex) def indexSource[A: RequestBuilder](source: Source[A, NotUsed]): EitherT[Future, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = EitherT(, writer.esSink, esConf.logWriteSpeedEvery)) def switchAlias(minT: Double, maxT: Double, alias: String): EitherT[Future, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = EitherT( AliasSwitching(esOpsClient, minT, maxT, esConf.waitForElasticTimeout.toMillis) .switchAlias(alias, esConf.indexName)) def deleteOldIndices(keep: Int, aliasProtection: Boolean): EitherT[Future, IndexError, StageSucceeded] = EitherT( IndexDeletion(esOpsClient) .deleteOldest(esConf.indexPrefix, esConf.indexName, keep, aliasProtection)) }
Example 39
Source File: ViewReturnService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.ViewReturnConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.viewReturn.ViewRequest import v1.models.response.viewReturn.ViewReturnResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ViewReturnService @Inject()(connector: ViewReturnConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def viewReturn(request: ViewRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[ViewReturnResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.viewReturn(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) } yield desResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_VRN" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_PERIODKEY" -> PeriodKeyFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_IDENTIFIER" -> PeriodKeyFormatErrorDesNotFound, "NOT_FOUND_VRN" -> DownstreamError, "DATE_RANGE_TOO_LARGE" -> RuleDateRangeTooLargeError, "INVALID_INPUTDATA" -> InvalidInputDataError, "NOT_FOUND" -> EmptyNotFoundError, "SERVICE_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 40
Source File: resources.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import play.api.Logger import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.mvc.Result import play.api.mvc.Results.InternalServerError import{AuthorisationErrorResult, ErrorResult, Errors, GenericErrorResult, InternalServerErrorResult, JsonValidationErrorResult, ValidationErrorResult} import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} package object resources { type BusinessResult[T] = EitherT[Future, ErrorResult, T] val GovTestScenarioHeader = "Gov-Test-Scenario" def unhandledResponse(status: Int, logger: Logger): Result = { logger.error(s"Unhandled response from DES. Status code: $status. Returning 500 to client.") InternalServerError(Json.toJson(Errors.InternalServerError("An internal server error occurred"))) } def handleErrors(errorResult: ErrorResult): VatResult = { errorResult match { case GenericErrorResult(message) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST, Errors.badRequest(message)) case JsonValidationErrorResult(errors) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST,Errors.badRequest(errors)) case ValidationErrorResult(error) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST, Errors.badRequest(error)) case AuthorisationErrorResult(error) => VatResult.Failure(Status.FORBIDDEN, error) case InternalServerErrorResult(error) => VatResult.Failure(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError(error)) } } def validateJson[T](json: JsValue)(implicit reads: Reads[T], ec: ExecutionContext): BusinessResult[T] = BusinessResult { for { errors <- json.validate[T].asEither.left } yield JsonValidationErrorResult(errors) } def validate[T](value: T)(validate: PartialFunction[T, Errors.Error])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): BusinessResult[T] = if (validate.isDefinedAt(value)) BusinessResult.failure(ValidationErrorResult(validate(value))) else BusinessResult.success(value) def authorise[T](value: T)(auth: PartialFunction[T, Errors.Error])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): BusinessResult[T] = if (auth.isDefinedAt(value)) BusinessResult.failure(AuthorisationErrorResult(Errors.businessError(auth(value)))) else BusinessResult.success(value) def execute[T](torun: Unit => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): BusinessResult[T] = BusinessResult { for { result <- torun(()) } yield Right(result) } def fromDes[R <: Response](result: BusinessResult[R]): DesBusinessResult[R] = DesBusinessResult(result) object BusinessResult { def apply[T](eventuallyErrorOrResult: Future[Either[ErrorResult, T]]): BusinessResult[T] = new EitherT(eventuallyErrorOrResult) def apply[T](errorOrResult: Either[ErrorResult, T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): BusinessResult[T] = EitherT.fromEither(errorOrResult) def success[T](value: T)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): BusinessResult[T] = EitherT.fromEither(Right(value)) def failure[T](error: ErrorResult)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): BusinessResult[T] = EitherT.fromEither(Left(error)) } }
Example 41
Source File: ViewReturnController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.ViewReturnRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.viewReturn.ViewRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, ViewReturnService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ViewReturnController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: ViewReturnRequestParser, service: ViewReturnService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "ViewReturnController", endpointName = "viewReturn" ) def viewReturn(vrn: String, periodKey: String): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async{ implicit request => = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Retrieve VAT returns for VRN : $vrn") val rawRequest: ViewRawData = ViewRawData( vrn = vrn, periodKey = periodKey ) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.viewReturn(parsedRequest)) } yield { = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Vat Return from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditReturns(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap { errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditReturns(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper) = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | PeriodKeyFormatError | PeriodKeyFormatErrorDes | BadRequestError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case RuleDateRangeTooLargeError | InvalidInputDataError => Forbidden(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case PeriodKeyFormatErrorDesNotFound => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case EmptyNotFoundError => NotFound case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 42
Source File: ObligationsController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.ObligationsRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.obligations.ObligationsRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, ObligationsService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ObligationsController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: ObligationsRequestParser, service: ObligationsService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "ObligationsController", endpointName = "retrieveObligations" ) def retrieveObligations(vrn: String, from: Option[String], to: Option[String], status: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async{ implicit request => = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] Retrieve obligations for VRN : $vrn") val rawRequest: ObligationsRawData = ObligationsRawData( vrn = vrn, from = from, to = to, status = status ) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.retrieveObligations(parsedRequest)) } yield { = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] Successfully retrieved Obligations from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditObligations(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap { errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditObligations(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper) = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | InvalidFromError | InvalidToError | InvalidStatusError | InvalidDateFromErrorDes | InvalidDateToErrorDes | InvalidStatusErrorDes | RuleDateRangeInvalidError | RuleOBLDateRangeTooLargeError | RuleMissingDateRangeError | BadRequestError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case LegacyNotFoundError => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 43
Source File: LiabilitiesController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.LiabilitiesRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors.ControllerError._ import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.liabilities.LiabilitiesRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, LiabilitiesService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class LiabilitiesController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: LiabilitiesRequestParser, service: LiabilitiesService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "LiabilitiesController", endpointName = "retrieveLiabilities" ) def retrieveLiabilities(vrn: String, from: Option[String], to: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async { implicit request => = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Retrieving Liabilities from DES") val rawRequest: LiabilitiesRawData = LiabilitiesRawData(vrn, from, to) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.retrieveLiabilities(parsedRequest)) } yield { = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Liabilities from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditLiabilities(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap { errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditLiabilities(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper) = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | BadRequestError | FinancialDataInvalidDateFromError | InvalidDateFromErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateToError | InvalidDateToErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateRangeError | InvalidDataError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case LegacyNotFoundError => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 44
Source File: PaymentsController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.MimeTypes import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents, Result} import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.PaymentsRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.payments.PaymentsRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, PaymentsService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class PaymentsController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: PaymentsRequestParser, service: PaymentsService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "PaymentsController", endpointName = "retrievePayments" ) def retrievePayments(vrn: String, from: Option[String], to: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async{ implicit request =>"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Payments from DES") val rawRequest: PaymentsRawData = PaymentsRawData( vrn = vrn, from = from, to = to ) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.retrievePayments(parsedRequest)) } yield {"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Payments from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditPayments(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap{errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditPayments(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper): Result = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateFromError | InvalidDateFromErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateToError | InvalidDateToErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateRangeError | InvalidDataError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case LegacyNotFoundError => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 45
Source File: PaymentsService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.PaymentsConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.payments.PaymentsRequest import v1.models.response.payments.PaymentsResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class PaymentsService @Inject()(connector: PaymentsConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def retrievePayments(request: PaymentsRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[PaymentsResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.retrievePayments(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) mtdResponseWrapper <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](validatePaymentsSuccessResponse(desResponseWrapper)) } yield mtdResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_IDTYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_IDNUMBER" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_REGIMETYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_ONLYOPENITEMS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_INCLUDELOCKS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CALCULATEACCRUEDINTEREST" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CUSTOMERPAYMENTINFORMATION" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_DATEFROM" -> InvalidDateFromErrorDes, "INVALID_DATETO" -> InvalidDateToErrorDes, "INVALID_DATA" -> InvalidDataError, "NOT_FOUND" -> LegacyNotFoundError, "SERVER_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 46
Source File: LiabilitiesService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.LiabilitiesConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.liabilities.LiabilitiesRequest import v1.models.response.liabilities.LiabilitiesResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class LiabilitiesService @Inject()(connector: LiabilitiesConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def retrieveLiabilities(request: LiabilitiesRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[LiabilitiesResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.retrieveLiabilities(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) mtdResponseWrapper <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](validateLiabilitiesSuccessResponse(desResponseWrapper)) } yield mtdResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_IDTYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_IDNUMBER" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_REGIMETYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_ONLYOPENITEMS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_INCLUDELOCKS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CALCULATEACCRUEDINTEREST" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CUSTOMERPAYMENTINFORMATION" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_DATEFROM" -> InvalidDateFromErrorDes, "INVALID_DATETO" -> InvalidDateToErrorDes, "NOT_FOUND" -> LegacyNotFoundError, "INVALID_DATA" -> InvalidDataError, "SERVER_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 47
Source File: NrsService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.Base64 import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.Inject import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.libs.json.Json import import v1.connectors.NrsConnector import v1.controllers.UserRequest import v1.models.errors.{DownstreamError, ErrorWrapper} import v1.models.nrs.request.{Metadata, NrsSubmission, SearchKeys} import v1.models.nrs.response.NrsResponse import v1.models.request.submit.SubmitRequest import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class NrsService @Inject()(connector: NrsConnector) { def submitNrs(vatSubmission: SubmitRequest, submissionTimestamp: DateTime)( implicit request: UserRequest[_], hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[ErrorWrapper, NrsResponse]] = { val result = for { nrsResponse <- EitherT(connector.submitNrs(buildNrsSubmission(vatSubmission, submissionTimestamp, request))) .leftMap(_ => ErrorWrapper(None, DownstreamError, None)) } yield nrsResponse result.value } def buildNrsSubmission(vatSubmission: SubmitRequest, submissionTimestamp: DateTime, request: UserRequest[_]): NrsSubmission = { import vatSubmission._ val payloadString: String = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString( Json.toJson(body) .toString() .getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) ) NrsSubmission( payload = payloadString, Metadata( businessId = "vat", notableEvent = "vat-return", payloadContentType = "application/json", payloadSha256Checksum = None, userSubmissionTimestamp = submissionTimestamp, identityData = request.userDetails.identityData, userAuthToken = request.headers.get("Authorization").get, headerData = Json.toJson( { h => h._1 -> h._2.head }), searchKeys = SearchKeys( vrn = Some(vrn.vrn), companyName = None, periodKey = body.periodKey, taxPeriodEndDate = None ) ) ) } }
Example 48
Source File: SubmitReturnService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.SubmitReturnConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.submit.SubmitRequest import v1.models.response.submit.SubmitResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class SubmitReturnService @Inject()(connector: SubmitReturnConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def submitReturn(request: SubmitRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[SubmitResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.submitReturn(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) } yield desResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_VRN" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_PERIODKEY" -> PeriodKeyFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_PAYLOAD" -> BadRequestError, "TAX_PERIOD_NOT_ENDED" -> TaxPeriodNotEnded, "DUPLICATE_SUBMISSION" -> DuplicateVatSubmission, "NOT_FOUND_VRN" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_SUBMISSION" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_ORIGINATOR_ID" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 49
Source File: RedisLiftKDemo.scala From redis4cats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats import import cats.effect.{ IO, Resource } import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log.NoOp._ object RedisLiftKDemo extends LoggerIOApp { import Demo._ val program: IO[Unit] = { val usernameKey = "test" val showResult: Option[String] => IO[Unit] = _.fold(putStrLn(s"Not found key: $usernameKey"))(s => putStrLn(s)) val commandsApi: Resource[IO, RedisCommands[IO, String, String]] = Redis[IO].utf8(redisURI) commandsApi.use( _.liftK[EitherT[IO, String, *]] .get(usernameKey) .semiflatMap(x => showResult(x)) .value .void ) } }
Example 50
Source File: ObligationsService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Logger import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.ObligationsConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.obligations.ObligationsRequest import v1.models.response.obligations.ObligationsResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ObligationsService @Inject()(connector: ObligationsConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def retrieveObligations(request: ObligationsRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[ObligationsResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.retrieveObligations(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) } yield desResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_IDTYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_IDNUMBER" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_STATUS" -> InvalidStatusErrorDes, "INVALID_REGIME" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_DATE_FROM" -> InvalidDateFromErrorDes, "INVALID_DATE_TO" -> InvalidDateToErrorDes, "INVALID_DATE_RANGE" -> RuleOBLDateRangeTooLargeError, "NOT_FOUND_BP_KEY" -> { Logger.warn("[ObligationsService] [desErrorMap] - Backend returned NOT_FOUND_BPKEY error") DownstreamError }, "NOT_FOUND" -> LegacyNotFoundError, "SERVICE_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 51
Source File: GrantHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.oauth2.provider package grantHandler import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration sealed abstract class GrantType extends Product with Serializable { def name: String } object GrantType { val header = "grant_type" case object AuthorizationCode extends GrantType { def name: String = "authorization_code" } case object RefreshToken extends GrantType { def name: String = "refresh_token" } case object ClientCrendentials extends GrantType { def name: String = "client_credentials" } case object Password extends GrantType { def name: String = "password" } case object Implicit extends GrantType { def name: String = "implicit" } val strToGrantType = Map( -> AuthorizationCode, -> RefreshToken, -> ClientCrendentials, -> Password, -> Implicit ) } final case class GrantHandlerResult[U]( authInfo: AuthInfo[U], tokenType: String, accessToken: String, expiresIn: Option[FiniteDuration], refreshToken: Option[String], scope: Option[String], params: Map[String, String] ) trait GrantHandler[F[_], U] { type A def handleRequest(req: A)(implicit F: Sync[F]): EitherT[F, OAuthError, GrantHandlerResult[U]] def refreshAccessToken(authInfo: AuthInfo[U], refreshToken: String): F[AccessToken] }
Example 52
Source File: PasswordNoClientCredGrantHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.oauth2.provider package grantHandler import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import tsec.oauth2.provider.ValidatedRequest._ class PasswordNoClientCredGrantHandler[F[_], U](handler: PasswordNoClientCredHandler[F, U]) extends GrantHandler[F, U] { type A = ValidatedPasswordNoClientCred def handleRequest( req: ValidatedPasswordNoClientCred )(implicit F: Sync[F]): EitherT[F, OAuthError, GrantHandlerResult[U]] = for { user <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, U]( handler.findUser(None, req).map(_.toRight(InvalidGrant("username or password is incorrect"))) ) authInfo = AuthInfo(user, None, req.scope, None) grantResult <- EitherT( issueAccessToken(handler, authInfo).attempt .map(_.leftMap(t => FailedToIssueAccessToken(t.getMessage): OAuthError)) ) } yield grantResult } trait PasswordNoClientCredHandler[F[_], U] extends IssueAccessToken[F, U] { def findUser(maybeCredential: Option[ClientCredential], request: ValidatedPasswordNoClientCred): F[Option[U]] }
Example 53
Source File: RrefreshTokenHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.oauth2.provider package grantHandler import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import tsec.oauth2.provider.ValidatedRequest._ class RefreshTokenGrantHandler[F[_], U](handler: RefreshTokenHandler[F, U]) extends GrantHandler[F, U] { type A = ValidatedRefreshToken def handleRequest(req: ValidatedRefreshToken)(implicit F: Sync[F]): EitherT[F, OAuthError, GrantHandlerResult[U]] = for { _ <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, Unit]( handler .validateClient(req) .map( isValid => Either.cond(isValid, (), InvalidClient("Invalid client or client is not authorized"): OAuthError) ) ) auth <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, AuthInfo[U]]( handler .findAuthInfoByRefreshToken(req.refreshToken) .map(_.toRight(InvalidGrant("Authorized information is not found by the refresh token"))) ) _ <- EitherT .cond[F](auth.clientId.contains(req.clientCredential.clientId), (), InvalidClient("invalid clientId")) token <- EitherT( handler .refreshAccessToken(auth, req.refreshToken) .attempt .map(_.leftMap(t => RefreshTokenFailed(t.getMessage): OAuthError)) ) grantResult <- EitherT( token.expiresIn .map(GrantHandler.createGrantHandlerResult(auth, token, _)) .attempt .map(_.leftMap(t => RefreshTokenFailed(t.getMessage): OAuthError)) ) } yield grantResult } trait RefreshTokenHandler[F[_], U] { def findAuthInfoByRefreshToken(refreshToken: String): F[Option[AuthInfo[U]]] }
Example 54
Source File: ImplicitGrantHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.oauth2.provider package grantHandler import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect.Sync import tsec.oauth2.provider.ValidatedRequest._ class ImplicitGrantHandler[F[_], U](handler: ImplicitHandler[F, U]) extends GrantHandler[F, U] { type A = ValidatedImplicit def handleRequest( req: ValidatedImplicit )(implicit F: Sync[F]): EitherT[F, OAuthError, GrantHandlerResult[U]] = for { _ <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, Unit]( handler .validateClient(req) .map( isValid => Either.cond(isValid, (), InvalidClient("Invalid client or client is not authorized"): OAuthError) ) ) user <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, U]( handler.findUser(req).map(_.toRight(InvalidGrant("user cannot be authenticated"))) ) authInfo = AuthInfo(user, Some(req.clientCredential.clientId), req.scope, None) token = handler.getStoredAccessToken(authInfo).flatMap { token => val res = token match { case Some(token) => F.pure(token) case None => handler.createAccessToken(authInfo) } for { t <- res expiresIn <- t.expiresIn } yield GrantHandlerResult( authInfo, "Bearer", t.token, expiresIn, None, t.scope, t.params ) } grantResult <- EitherT( token.attempt .map(_.leftMap(t => FailedToIssueAccessToken(t.getMessage): OAuthError)) ) } yield grantResult } trait ImplicitHandler[F[_], U] { def getStoredAccessToken(authInfo: AuthInfo[U]): F[Option[AccessToken]] }
Example 55
Source File: ClientCredentialsGrantHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.oauth2.provider package grantHandler import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import tsec.oauth2.provider.ValidatedRequest._ class ClientCredentialsGrantHandler[F[_], U](handler: ClientCredentialsHandler[F, U]) extends GrantHandler[F, U] { type A = ValidatedClientCredentials def handleRequest( req: ValidatedClientCredentials )(implicit F: Sync[F]): EitherT[F, OAuthError, GrantHandlerResult[U]] = for { _ <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, Unit]( handler .validateClient(req) .map( isValid => Either.cond(isValid, (), InvalidClient("Invalid client or client is not authorized"): OAuthError) ) ) user <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, U]( handler .findUser(req) .map(_.toRight(InvalidGrant("client_id or client_secret or scope is incorrect"))) ) authInfo = AuthInfo(user, Some(req.clientCredential.clientId), req.scope, None) grantResult <- EitherT( issueAccessToken(handler, authInfo).attempt .map(_.leftMap(t => FailedToIssueAccessToken(t.getMessage): OAuthError)) ) } yield grantResult } trait ClientCredentialsHandler[F[_], U] extends IssueAccessToken[F, U] { def refreshAccessToken(authInfo: AuthInfo[U], refreshToken: String): F[AccessToken] }
Example 56
Source File: AuthorizationCodeGrantHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.oauth2.provider package grantHandler import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import tsec.oauth2.provider.ValidatedRequest._ class AuthorizationCodeGrantHandler[F[_], U](handler: AuthorizationCodeHandler[F, U]) extends GrantHandler[F, U] { type A = ValidatedAuthorizationCode def handleRequest( req: ValidatedAuthorizationCode )(implicit F: Sync[F]): EitherT[F, OAuthError, GrantHandlerResult[U]] = for { _ <- EitherT( handler .validateClient(req) .map( isValid => Either.cond(isValid, (), InvalidClient("Invalid client or client is not authorized"): OAuthError) ) ) auth <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, AuthInfo[U]]( handler .findAuthInfoByCode(req.code) .map(_.toRight(InvalidGrant("Authorized information is not found by the code"))) ) _ <- EitherT .cond[F](auth.clientId.contains(req.clientCredential.clientId), (), InvalidClient("invalid clientId")) _ <- EitherT.cond[F]( auth.redirectUri.isEmpty || (auth.redirectUri.isDefined && auth.redirectUri == req.redirectUri), (), RedirectUriMismatch ) grantResult <- EitherT( issueAccessToken(handler, auth).attempt .map(_.leftMap(t => FailedToIssueAccessToken(t.getMessage): OAuthError)) ) _ <- EitherT( handler.deleteAuthCode(req.code) => FailedToDeleteAuthCode(t.getMessage): OAuthError)) ) } yield grantResult } trait AuthorizationCodeHandler[F[_], U] extends IssueAccessToken[F, U] { def deleteAuthCode(code: String): F[Unit] }
Example 57
Source File: ProtectedResource.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.oauth2.provider import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect.Sync import tsec.oauth2.provider.AccessTokenFetcher._ object ProtectedResource { def apply[F[_], U](handler: ProtectedResourceHandler[F, U]): ProtectedResource[F, U] = new ProtectedResource[F, U](handler) } class ProtectedResource[F[_], U](handler: ProtectedResourceHandler[F, U]) { val fetchers = Set(RequestParameter, AuthHeader) def authorize( request: ProtectedResourceRequest )(implicit F: Sync[F]): EitherT[F, OAuthError, AuthInfo[U]] = for { result <- EitherT.fromEither[F]( fetchers .find { fetcher => fetcher.matches(request) } .toRight(InvalidRequest("Access token is not found")) .flatMap(x => x.fetch(request)) ) token <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, AccessToken]( handler.findAccessToken(result.token).map(_.toRight[OAuthError](InvalidToken("The access token is not found"))) ) _ <- EitherT( => Either.cond(!expired, (), ExpiredToken))) authInfo <- EitherT[F, OAuthError, AuthInfo[U]]( handler.findAuthInfoByAccessToken(token).map(_.toRight[OAuthError](InvalidToken("The access token is invalid"))) ) } yield authInfo }
Example 58
Source File: OptionalDependencyTest.scala From hotpotato with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import hotpotato._ import import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{IO => CatsIO} import zio.{IO => ZIOIO} class OptionalDependencyTest extends AnyWordSpec { "Cats EitherT" should { "have ErrorTrans instance" in { val _ = implicitly[ErrorTrans[EitherT[Option, *, *]]] } "have ErrorTransThrow instance" in { val _ = implicitly[ErrorTransThrow[EitherT[CatsIO, *, *]]] } } "ZIO IO" should { "have ErrorTrans instance" in { val _ = implicitly[ErrorTrans[ZIOIO]] } "have ErrorTransThrow instance" in { val _ = implicitly[ErrorTransThrow[ZIOIO]] } } }
Example 59
Source File: IOTest.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.scalatest.scalacheck import import cats.effect.testing.scalatest.AsyncIOSpec import cats.effect.{IO, Sync} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.freespec.AsyncFreeSpec import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{CheckerAsserting, ScalaCheckPropertyChecks} class IOTest extends AsyncFreeSpec with AsyncIOSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckPropertyChecks { "Scalacheck IO assertions" - { "Assert success" in { forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => IO.delay(l1.size + l2.size shouldBe (l1 ::: l2).size) } } "Assert exception" in { val check: IO[Unit] = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => IO.delay(l1.size + l2.size shouldBe -1) } check.assertThrows[Exception] } implicit def ioCheckingAsserting[A]: CheckerAsserting[IO[A]] { type Result = IO[Unit] } = new EffectCheckerAsserting } "Scalacheck EitherT[IO, Throwable, A] assertions" - { type Eff[A] = EitherT[IO, Throwable, A] "Assert success" in { val check = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => Sync[Eff].delay(l1.size + l2.size shouldBe (l1 ::: l2).size) } check.leftSemiflatMap[Unit](IO.raiseError).merge.assertNoException } "Assert exception" in { val check = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => Sync[Eff].delay(l1.size + l2.size shouldBe -1) } check.leftSemiflatMap[Unit](IO.raiseError[Unit]).merge.assertThrows[Exception] } implicit def checkingAsserting[A]: CheckerAsserting[Eff[A]] { type Result = Eff[Unit] } = new EffectCheckerAsserting } }
Example 60
Source File: EitherTValues.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tests.scalatest import cats.Functor import import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.exceptions.{ StackDepthException, TestFailedException } import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.language.implicitConversions trait EitherTValues { implicit def convertEitherTToValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) = new EitherTValuable(eitherT) class EitherTValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) { def leftValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[L] = eitherT.fold(identity, { _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }) def rightValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[R] = eitherT.fold({ _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }, identity) } }
Example 61
Source File: EitherTValues.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tests.scalatest import cats.Functor import import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.exceptions.{ StackDepthException, TestFailedException } import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.language.implicitConversions trait EitherTValues { implicit def convertEitherTToValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) = new EitherTValuable(eitherT) class EitherTValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) { def leftValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[L] = eitherT.fold(identity, { _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }) def rightValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[R] = eitherT.fold({ _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }, identity) } }
Example 62
Source File: EitherTValues.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tests.scalatest import cats.Functor import import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.exceptions.{ StackDepthException, TestFailedException } import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.language.implicitConversions trait EitherTValues { implicit def convertEitherTToValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) = new EitherTValuable(eitherT) class EitherTValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) { def leftValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[L] = eitherT.fold(identity, { _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }) def rightValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[R] = eitherT.fold({ _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }, identity) } }
Example 63
Source File: ExtendedController.scala From bay-scalajs.g8 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import import import play.api.mvc.Controller import play.api.mvc.Request import play.api.mvc.Result import shared.utils.Codecs import shared.utils.Implicits import cats.syntax.either._ import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi import services.Services import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future trait ExtendedController extends Controller with Implicits with Codecs { val services: Services implicit val ec: ExecutionContext type HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A] // Constructors for our result type object HttpResult { def point[A](a: A): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(Right(a))) def fromFuture[A](fa: Future[A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A]( def fromEither[A](va: Either[Result, A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(va)) def fromEither[A, B](failure: B => Result)(va: Either[B, A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(va.leftMap(failure))) def fromOption[A](failure: Result)(oa: Option[A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(oa.toRight(failure))) def fromFOption[A](failure: Result)(foa: Future[Option[A]]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A]( def fromFEither[A, B](failure: B => Result)(fva: Future[Either[B, A]]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A]( def fromForm[FormType](failure: Form[FormType] => Result)(form: Form[FormType])( implicit request: Request[_]): HttpResult[FormType] = EitherT[Future, Result, FormType]( form.bindFromRequest.fold(errorForm => Left(failure(errorForm)).asFuture, formEntity => Right(formEntity).asFuture)) } def constructResult(result: HttpResult[Result]): Future[Result] = implicit class ExtResult(e: Result) { def pureResult: HttpResult[Result] = EitherT[Future, Result, Result](Future.successful(Right(e))) } implicit class EnrichedOps[T](t: T) { def |>[R](f: T => R): R = f(t) } def messagesApi: MessagesApi = services.messagesApi }
Example 64
Source File: SchemaTest.scala From shaclex with MIT License | 5 votes |
package es.weso.schema import es.weso.rdf.jena.RDFAsJenaModel import es.weso.rdf.nodes.{ IRI, RDFNode } import org.scalatest._ import matchers.should._ import funspec._ import import cats.effect._ import es.weso.utils.IOUtils._ class SchemaTest extends AnyFunSpec with Matchers with EitherValues { describe("Simple schema") { it("Validates a simple Schema using ShEx") { val schema = """|prefix : <> |:S { :p . } |""".stripMargin val data = """|prefix : <> |prefix sh: <> |:x :p 1 . |:S sh:targetNode :x . |""".stripMargin val schemaFormat = "SHEXC" val dataFormat = "TURTLE" val triggerMode = "TARGETDECLS" val schemaEngine = "SHEX" val node: RDFNode = IRI("") val shape: SchemaLabel = SchemaLabel(IRI("")) val tryResult: EitherT[IO, String, Result] = for { schema <- Schemas.fromString(schema, schemaFormat, schemaEngine, None) rdf <- io2es(RDFAsJenaModel.fromString(data, dataFormat)) result <- io2es(schema.validate(rdf, triggerMode, "", None, None, } yield result tryResult.value.unsafeRunSync match { case Right(result) => { info(s"Result: ${result.serialize(Result.TEXT)}") info(s"Result solution: ${result.solution}") result.isValid should be(true) result.hasShapes(node) should contain only (shape) } case Left(e) => fail(s"Error trying to validate: $e") } } it("fails to validate a wrong SHACL validation") { val data = """ |@prefix : <> . |@prefix sh: <> . |@prefix rdfs: <> . | |:User a sh:NodeShape , rdfs:Class ; | sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNode . |:alice a :User . """.stripMargin val eitherResult = for { schema <- Schemas.fromString(data,"TURTLE","SHACLEX",None) rdf <- io2es(RDFAsJenaModel.fromString(data,"TURTLE",None)) result <- io2es(schema.validate(rdf,"TargetDecls","",None,None,rdf.getPrefixMap, } yield result eitherResult.value.unsafeRunSync.fold(e => fail(s"Error: $e"), result => { result.isValid should be(false) }) } } }
Example 65
Source File: Schema.scala From shaclex with MIT License | 5 votes |
package es.weso.schema import es.weso.rdf._ import es.weso.rdf.nodes._ import es.weso.shapeMaps.ShapeMap import es.weso.utils.FileUtils import cats.effect._ import //import util._ abstract class Schema { /** * Name of this schema. Example: ShEx, Shacl_TQ, ... */ def name: String /** * Supported input formats */ def formats: Seq[String] def validate(rdf: RDFReader, trigger: ValidationTrigger): IO[Result] def validate( rdf: RDFReader, triggerMode: String, shapeMap: String, optNode: Option[String], optShape: Option[String], nodePrefixMap: PrefixMap = PrefixMap.empty, shapesPrefixMap: PrefixMap = pm): IO[Result] = { val base = Some(FileUtils.currentFolderURL) ValidationTrigger.findTrigger(triggerMode, shapeMap, base, optNode, optShape, nodePrefixMap, shapesPrefixMap) match { case Left(err) => { IO(Result.errStr(s"Cannot get trigger: $err. TriggerMode: $triggerMode, prefixMap: $pm")) } case Right(trigger) => validate(rdf, trigger) } } def fromString(cs: CharSequence, format: String, base: Option[String]): EitherT[IO, String, Schema] def fromRDF(rdf: RDFReader): EitherT[IO, String, Schema] def serialize(format: String, base: Option[IRI] = None): IO[String] def defaultFormat: String = formats.head def defaultTriggerMode: ValidationTrigger /** * Creates an empty schema */ def empty: Schema /** * List of shapes */ def shapes: List[String] /** * Prefix Map of this schema */ def pm: PrefixMap def convert(targetFormat: Option[String], targetEngine: Option[String], base: Option[IRI] ): EitherT[IO,String,String] def info: SchemaInfo def toClingo(rdf: RDFReader, shapeMap: ShapeMap): EitherT[IO,String,String] }
Example 66
Source File: Schemas.scala From shaclex with MIT License | 5 votes |
package es.weso.schema import import util._ import cats.effect._ import import es.weso.rdf.RDFReader import es.weso.utils.FileUtils._ object Schemas { type SchemaParser = (CharSequence, String, Option[String]) => EitherT[IO, String, Schema] lazy val shEx: Schema = ShExSchema.empty lazy val shaclex : Schema = ShaclexSchema.empty // lazy val shacl_tq = Shacl_TQ.empty val availableSchemas: List[Schema] = List(shEx, shaclex) // shEx,shaclex) //,shacl_tq) val defaultSchema: Schema = shEx val defaultSchemaName: String = val defaultSchemaFormat: String = defaultSchema.defaultFormat val availableSchemaNames: List[String] = val availableFormats: List[String] = { } val availableTriggerModes: List[String] = { } val defaultTriggerMode: String = def lookupSchema(schemaName: String): Either[String, Schema] = { if (schemaName == "") Right(defaultSchema) else { val found = availableSchemas.filter( == 0) if (found.isEmpty) Left(s"Schema $schemaName not found. Available schemas: ${availableSchemaNames.mkString(",")}") else Right(found.head) } } def getSchemaParser(schemaName: String): EitherT[IO, String, SchemaParser] = for { schema <- EitherT.fromEither[IO](lookupSchema(schemaName)) parser = schema.fromString _ } yield parser val schemaNames: List[String] = def fromFile( file: File, format: String, schemaName: String, base: Option[String] = None): EitherT[IO, String, Schema] = for { cs <- getContents(file) schema <- fromString(cs, format, schemaName, base) } yield schema def fromString( cs: CharSequence, format: String, schemaName: String, base: Option[String] = None): EitherT[IO, String, Schema] = for { schema <- EitherT.fromEither[IO](lookupSchema(schemaName)) schemaParsed <- if (cs.length == 0) EitherT.pure[IO,String](schema.empty) else schema.empty.fromString(cs, format, base) } yield schemaParsed def fromRDF(rdf: RDFReader, schemaName: String): EitherT[IO, String, Schema] = { for { defaultSchema <- EitherT.fromEither[IO](lookupSchema(schemaName)) schema <- defaultSchema.fromRDF(rdf) } yield schema } def fromRDFIO(rdf: RDFReader, schemaName: String): IO[Schema] = lookupSchema(schemaName) match { case Left(s) => IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException(s"fromRDFIO: Cannot obtain default schema ${schemaName}: $s")) case Right(defaultSchema) => defaultSchema.fromRDF(rdf).value.flatMap(either => either.fold( s => IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException(s"fromRDFIO: Error obtaining schema ${schemaName}: $s")), schema => IO(schema) )) } }
Example 67
Source File: ErrorTransInstanceSpec.scala From hotpotato with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hotpotato import cats.Eq import import cats.implicits._ import cats.laws.discipline.arbitrary._ import hotpotato.ErrorTransInstanceSpec.SimpleError import hotpotato.laws.{ErrorTransTests, ErrorTransThrowTests} import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.Discipline class ErrorTransInstanceSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Discipline { checkAll( "Either.ErrorTransLaws", ErrorTransTests[Either[*, *]].errorTrans[Int, Int, Int, String, String, String], ) checkAll( "EitherT.ErrorTransLaws", ErrorTransTests[EitherT[Option, *, *]].errorTrans[Int, Int, Int, String, String, String], ) // Cheat a little bit by only generating only one type of throwable private implicit val arbThrowable: Arbitrary[Throwable] = Arbitrary( Arbitrary.arbitrary[String].map(SimpleError).map(x => x: Throwable), ) private implicit val eqThrowable: Eq[Throwable] = new Eq[Throwable] { override def eqv(x: Throwable, y: Throwable): Boolean = x == y } checkAll( "EitherT.ErrorTransThrowLaws", ErrorTransThrowTests[EitherT[Either[Throwable, *], *, *]] .errorTransThrow[Int, Int, Int, String, String, String], ) } object ErrorTransInstanceSpec { final case class SimpleError(message: String) extends Exception(message) }
Example 68
Source File: GlobalConfig.scala From sonar-scala with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mwz.sonar.scala import import cats.instances.option._ import cats.instances.string._ import cats.syntax.alternative._ import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.syntax.eq._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.mwz.sonar.scala.GlobalConfig._ import com.mwz.sonar.scala.util.syntax.Optionals._ import com.mwz.sonar.scala.util.syntax.SonarConfig._ import org.http4s.{ParseFailure, ParseResult, Uri} import org.sonar.api.CoreProperties import org.sonar.api.batch.{InstantiationStrategy, ScannerSide} import org.sonar.api.config.Configuration @SuppressWarnings(Array("IncorrectlyNamedExceptions")) final case class ConfigError(error: String) extends Exception // TODO: Both @ScannerSide and @InstantiationStrategy are deprecated, we should switch // to the org.sonar.api.scanner.ScannerSide in the future. @ScannerSide @InstantiationStrategy(InstantiationStrategy.PER_BATCH) final class GlobalConfig(config: Configuration) { val baseUrl: ConfigErrorOr[Uri] = config .get(CoreProperties.SERVER_BASE_URL) .toOption .orElse(config.get("").toOption) .fold[ParseResult[Uri]]( Left( ParseFailure( "Missing SonarQube base URI - please configure the server base URL in your SonarQube instance or set the '' property.", "" ) ) )(Uri.fromString) .leftMap(f => ConfigError(f.sanitized)) val pullRequest: EitherT[Option, ConfigError, PullRequest] = getPullRequest final case class PullRequest( provider: String, prNumber: String, github: Github, disableIssues: Boolean, disableInlineComments: Boolean, disableCoverage: Boolean, dryRun: Boolean ) final case class Github( apiuri: Uri = DEFAULT_GITHUB_API_URI, repository: String, oauth: String ) }
Example 69
Source File: package.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.complete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{MalformedQueryParamRejection, Route} import cats.Functor import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import import import import{Ref, Rejection, ResourceV} import{DOT, Triples} import import import scala.concurrent.Future package object routes { private[routes] def completeWithFormat( fetched: Future[Either[Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)]] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(EitherT(fetched)) private def completeWithFormat( fetched: EitherT[Future, Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = format match { case f: JsonLDOutputFormat => implicit val format = f complete(fetched.value) case Triples => implicit val format = Triples complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> resource.value.graph.ntriples }.value) case DOT => implicit val format = DOT complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> }.value) } private[routes] val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("resources/read") private[routes] val schemaError = MalformedQueryParamRejection("schema", "The provided schema does not match the schema on the Uri") implicit private[routes] class FOptionSyntax[F[_], A](private val fOpt: F[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal { def toNotFound(id: AbsoluteIri)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, Rejection, A] = OptionT(fOpt).toRight(notFound(Ref(id))) } }
Example 70
Source File: BroccoliMessageHandlerSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.websocket import import cats.instances.future._ import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.Account import de.frosner.broccoli.instances.NomadInstances import de.frosner.broccoli.models._ import de.frosner.broccoli.nomad import import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.Future class BroccoliMessageHandlerSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck with Mockito with nomad.ModelArbitraries with ModelArbitraries { "The Broccoli Message Handler" should { "send back instance tasks" in { implicit ee: ExecutionEnv => prop { (account: Account, id: String, tasks: List[AllocatedTask], periodicRunTasks: Map[String, List[AllocatedTask]]) => val instances = mock[NomadInstances] val instanceTasks = InstanceTasks(id, tasks, periodicRunTasks) instances.getInstanceTasks(account)(id) returns EitherT.pure[Future, InstanceError](instanceTasks) val outgoingMessage = new BroccoliMessageHandler(instances, mock[InstanceService]) .processMessage(account)(IncomingMessage.GetInstanceTasks(id)) outgoingMessage must beEqualTo(OutgoingMessage.GetInstanceTasksSuccess(instanceTasks)).await }.setGen2(Gen.identifier) } "send back an error if instance tasks failed" in { implicit ee: ExecutionEnv => prop { (account: Account, id: String, error: InstanceError) => val instances = mock[NomadInstances] instances.getInstanceTasks(account)(id) returns EitherT.leftT[Future, InstanceTasks](error) val outgoingMessage = new BroccoliMessageHandler(instances, mock[InstanceService]) .processMessage(account)(IncomingMessage.GetInstanceTasks(id)) outgoingMessage must beEqualTo(OutgoingMessage.GetInstanceTasksError(id, error)).await }.setGen2(Gen.identifier) } } }
Example 71
Source File: SecurityController.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.controllers import javax.inject.Inject import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import cats.syntax.either._ import import import{SecurityService, WebSocketService} import jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth.{BroccoliSimpleAuthorization, LoginLogout} import play.api.{Environment, Logger} import play.api.cache.CacheApi import import import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, Controller, Results} import scala.concurrent.Future case class SecurityController @Inject()( override val securityService: SecurityService, override val cacheApi: CacheApi, override val playEnv: Environment, webSocketService: WebSocketService ) extends Controller with LoginLogout with BroccoliSimpleAuthorization { private val log = Logger(getClass) import // val loginForm = Form { mapping( SecurityController.UsernameFormKey -> text, SecurityController.PasswordFormKey -> text )(Credentials.apply)(Credentials.unapply) } def login: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => getSessionId(request).map(id => (id, webSocketService.closeConnections(id))) match { case Some((id, true)) =>"Removing websocket connection of $id due to another login") case _ => } (for { credentials <- EitherT.fromEither[Future]( loginForm.bindFromRequest().fold(Function.const(Results.BadRequest.asLeft), _.asRight)) login <- OptionT(securityService.authenticate(credentials)).toRight(Results.Unauthorized) result <- EitherT.right(gotoLoginSucceeded(login.providerKey)) user <- OptionT(resolveUser(login.providerKey)).toRight(Results.Unauthorized) } yield { val userResult = Results.Ok(Json.toJson(user)) result.copy( header = result.header.copy( headers = userResult.header.headers .get("Content-Type") .map { contentType => result.header.headers.updated("Content-Type", contentType) } .getOrElse(result.header.headers) ), body = userResult.body ) }).merge } def logout = Action.async(parse.empty) { implicit request => gotoLogoutSucceeded.andThen { case tryResult => getSessionId(request).map(id => (id, webSocketService.closeConnections(id))) match { case Some((id, true)) =>"Removing websocket connection of $id due to logout") case Some((id, false)) =>"There was no websocket connection for session $id") case None =>"No session available to logout from") } } } def verify = StackAction(parse.empty) { implicit request => Ok( } } object SecurityController { val UsernameFormKey = "username" val PasswordFormKey = "password" }
Example 72
Source File: WebSocketController.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.controllers import javax.inject.Inject import import cats.instances.future._ import import import de.frosner.broccoli.websocket.{IncomingMessage, OutgoingMessage, WebSocketMessageHandler} import jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth.BroccoliWebsocketSecurity import play.api.cache.CacheApi import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._ import play.api.libs.iteratee._ import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.{Environment, Logger} import scala.concurrent.Future case class WebSocketController @Inject()(webSocketService: WebSocketService, templateService: TemplateService, instanceService: InstanceService, aboutService: AboutInfoService, messageHandler: WebSocketMessageHandler, override val cacheApi: CacheApi, override val playEnv: Environment, override val securityService: SecurityService) extends Controller with BroccoliWebsocketSecurity { protected val log = Logger(getClass) def requestToSocket(request: RequestHeader): Future[Either[Result, (Iteratee[Msg, _], Enumerator[Msg])]] = withSecurity(request) { (maybeToken, user, request) => val (connectionId, connectionEnumerator) = maybeToken match { case Some(token) => (token, webSocketService.newConnection(token, user)) // auth is enabled and we can use the session ID case None => webSocketService.newConnection(user) // no session ID available so we generate one } val connectionLogString = s"$connectionId by $user from ${request.remoteAddress} at $request""New connection $connectionLogString") // TODO receive string and try json decoding here because I can handle the error better val in = Enumeratee.mapM[Msg] { incomingMessage => EitherT .fromEither(Json.fromJson[IncomingMessage](incomingMessage).asEither) .leftMap[OutgoingMessage] { jsonErrors => log.warn(s"Can't parse a message from $connectionId: $jsonErrors") OutgoingMessage.Error(s"Failed to parse message message: $jsonErrors") } .semiflatMap { incomingMessage => // Catch all exceptions from the message handler and map them to a generic error message to send over the // websocket, to prevent the Enumeratee from stopping at the failure, causing the websocket to be closed and // preventing all future messages. messageHandler.processMessage(user)(incomingMessage).recover { case exception => log.error(s"Message handler threw exception for message $incomingMessage: ${exception.getMessage}", exception) OutgoingMessage.Error("Unexpected error in message handler") } } .merge } transform Iteratee .foreach[OutgoingMessage](msg => webSocketService.send(connectionId, Json.toJson(msg))) .map { _ => webSocketService.closeConnections(connectionId)"Closed connection $connectionLogString") } val aboutEnumerator = Enumerator[Msg](Json.toJson(OutgoingMessage.AboutInfoMsg(AboutController.about(aboutService, user)))) val templateEnumerator = Enumerator[Msg]( Json.toJson( OutgoingMessage.ListTemplates(TemplateController.list(templateService)) )) val instanceEnumerator = Enumerator[Msg]( Json.toJson(OutgoingMessage.ListInstances(InstanceController.list(None, user, instanceService)))) (in, aboutEnumerator.andThen(templateEnumerator).andThen(instanceEnumerator).andThen(connectionEnumerator)) } def socket: WebSocket = WebSocket.tryAccept[Msg](requestToSocket) }
Example 73
Source File: SecurityService.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import cats.syntax.either._ import import import import{IdentityNotFoundException, InvalidPasswordException} import import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.{Account, AuthConfiguration, AuthMode} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} sealed trait LoginError object LoginError { final case object InvalidPassword extends LoginError final case object UnknownUser extends LoginError final case object Locked extends LoginError } @Singleton() case class SecurityService @Inject()( configuration: AuthConfiguration, credentialsProvider: CredentialsProvider, identityService: IdentityService[Account] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { private val log = play.api.Logger(getClass) val sessionTimeoutInSeconds: Int = configuration.session.timeout.toSeconds.toInt val allowedFailedLogins: Int = configuration.allowedFailedLogins val authMode: AuthMode = configuration.mode val cookieSecure: Boolean = val allowMultiLogin: Boolean = configuration.session.allowMultiLogin @volatile private var failedLoginAttempts: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty def authenticate(credentials: Credentials): Future[Option[LoginInfo]] = EitherT .rightT(credentials) .ensure(LoginError.Locked)(c => failedLoginAttempts.getOrElse(c.identifier, 0) <= allowedFailedLogins) .flatMapF(credentialsProvider.authenticate(_).map(_.asRight).recover { case _: InvalidPasswordException => LoginError.InvalidPassword.asLeft case _: IdentityNotFoundException => LoginError.UnknownUser.asLeft }) .leftMap { error => // Login if an account was locked val attempts = failedLoginAttempts.getOrElse(credentials.identifier, 0) if (error == LoginError.Locked) { log.warn( s"Credentials for '${credentials.identifier}' exceeded the allowed number of failed logins: " + s"$allowedFailedLogins (has $attempts)") } // Track the failed attempt failedLoginAttempts = failedLoginAttempts.updated(credentials.identifier, attempts + 1) error } .toOption .value }
Example 74
Source File: PoiExtract.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.extract.poi import{ByteArrayInputStream, InputStream} import scala.util.Try import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Stream import docspell.common._ import docspell.extract.internal.Text import docspell.files.TikaMimetype import org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor.ExcelExtractor import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor import org.apache.poi.xssf.extractor.XSSFExcelExtractor import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook import org.apache.poi.xwpf.extractor.XWPFWordExtractor import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument object PoiExtract { def get[F[_]: Sync]( data: Stream[F, Byte], hint: MimeTypeHint ): F[Either[Throwable, Text]] = TikaMimetype.detect(data, hint).flatMap(mt => get(data, mt)) def get[F[_]: Sync]( data: Stream[F, Byte], mime: MimeType ): F[Either[Throwable, Text]] = mime match { case PoiType.doc => getDoc(data) case PoiType.xls => getXls(data) case PoiType.xlsx => getXlsx(data) case PoiType.docx => getDocx(data) case PoiType.msoffice => EitherT(getDoc[F](data)) .recoverWith({ case _ => EitherT(getXls[F](data)) }) .value case PoiType.ooxml => EitherT(getDocx[F](data)) .recoverWith({ case _ => EitherT(getXlsx[F](data)) }) .value case mt => Sync[F].pure(Left(new Exception(s"Unsupported content: ${mt.asString}"))) } def getDocx(is: InputStream): Either[Throwable, Text] = Try { val xt = new XWPFWordExtractor(new XWPFDocument(is)) Text(Option(xt.getText)) }.toEither def getDoc(is: InputStream): Either[Throwable, Text] = Try { val xt = new WordExtractor(is) Text(Option(xt.getText)) }.toEither def getXlsx(is: InputStream): Either[Throwable, Text] = Try { val xt = new XSSFExcelExtractor(new XSSFWorkbook(is)) Text(Option(xt.getText)) }.toEither def getXls(is: InputStream): Either[Throwable, Text] = Try { val xt = new ExcelExtractor(new HSSFWorkbook(is)) Text(Option(xt.getText)) }.toEither def getDocx[F[_]: Sync](data: Stream[F, Byte]): F[Either[Throwable, Text]] = ByteArrayInputStream(_)).map(getDocx) def getDoc[F[_]: Sync](data: Stream[F, Byte]): F[Either[Throwable, Text]] = ByteArrayInputStream(_)).map(getDoc) def getXlsx[F[_]: Sync](data: Stream[F, Byte]): F[Either[Throwable, Text]] = ByteArrayInputStream(_)).map(getXlsx) def getXls[F[_]: Sync](data: Stream[F, Byte]): F[Either[Throwable, Text]] = ByteArrayInputStream(_)).map(getXls) }
Example 75
Source File: EnvelopeDecoderSpec.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.effects import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import import cats.effect.{IO, SyncIO} import cats.instances.either._ import cats.instances.try_._ import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.{AmqpEnvelope, AmqpProperties, DeliveryTag, ExchangeName, RoutingKey} import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite import scala.util.Try class EnvelopeDecoderSpec extends AsyncFunSuite { // Available instances of EnvelopeDecoder for any ApplicativeError[F, Throwable] EnvelopeDecoder[Either[Throwable, ?], String] EnvelopeDecoder[SyncIO, String] EnvelopeDecoder[EitherT[IO, String, ?], String] EnvelopeDecoder[Try, String] test("should decode a UTF-8 string") { val msg = "hello world!" val raw = msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) EnvelopeDecoder[IO, String] .run( AmqpEnvelope(DeliveryTag(0L), raw, AmqpProperties.empty, ExchangeName("test"), RoutingKey("test.route"), false)) .flatMap { result => IO(assert(result == msg)) } .unsafeToFuture() } test("should decode payload with the given content encoding") { val msg = "hello world!" val raw = msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) EnvelopeDecoder[IO, String] .run( AmqpEnvelope(DeliveryTag(0L), raw, AmqpProperties.empty.copy(contentEncoding = Some("UTF-16")), ExchangeName("test"), RoutingKey("test.route"), false)) .flatMap { result => IO(assert(result != msg)) } .unsafeToFuture() } test("should decode a UTF-16 string into a UTF-8 (default)") { val msg = "hello world!" val raw = msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_16) EnvelopeDecoder[IO, String] .run( AmqpEnvelope(DeliveryTag(0L), raw, AmqpProperties.empty, ExchangeName("test"), RoutingKey("test.route"), false)) .flatMap { result => IO(assert(result != msg)) } .unsafeToFuture() } }
Example 76
Source File: autoApplyKTests.scala From cats-tagless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.tagless package tests import cats.Eq import import cats.instances.all._ import cats.laws.discipline.SerializableTests import cats.laws.discipline.arbitrary._ import cats.laws.discipline.eq._ import cats.tagless.instances.all._ import cats.tagless.laws.discipline.ApplyKTests import cats.tagless.tests.autoApplyKTests.AutoApplyKTestAlg import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import scala.util.Try class autoApplyKTests extends CatsTaglessTestSuite { // Type inference limitation. implicit val eqTuple3K = AutoApplyKTestAlg.eqForAutoApplyKTestAlg[Tuple3K[Try, Option, List]#λ] checkAll("ApplyK[AutoApplyKTestAlg]", ApplyKTests[AutoApplyKTestAlg].applyK[Try, Option, List, Int]) checkAll("ApplyK is Serializable", SerializableTests.serializable(ApplyK[AutoApplyKTestAlg])) } object autoApplyKTests { @autoApplyK(autoDerivation = false) trait AutoApplyKTestAlg[F[_]] { def parseInt(str: String): F[Int] def parseDouble(str: String): EitherT[F, String, Double] def divide(dividend: Float, divisor: Float): F[Float] } object AutoApplyKTestAlg { import TestInstances._ implicit def eqForAutoApplyKTestAlg[F[_]]( implicit eqFi: Eq[F[Int]], eqFf: Eq[F[Float]], eqEfd: Eq[EitherT[F, String, Double]] ): Eq[AutoApplyKTestAlg[F]] = { algebra => (algebra.parseInt _, algebra.parseDouble _, algebra.divide _) } implicit def arbitraryAutoApplyKTestAlg[F[_]]( implicit arbFi: Arbitrary[F[Int]], arbFf: Arbitrary[F[Float]], arbEfd: Arbitrary[EitherT[F, String, Double]] ): Arbitrary[AutoApplyKTestAlg[F]] = Arbitrary { for { pInt <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[String => F[Int]] pDouble <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[String => EitherT[F, String, Double]] div <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[(Float, Float) => F[Float]] } yield new AutoApplyKTestAlg[F] { def parseInt(str: String) = pInt(str) def parseDouble(str: String) = pDouble(str) def divide(dividend: Float, divisor: Float) = div(dividend, divisor) } } } @autoApplyK trait AlgWithVarArgsParameter[F[_]] { def sum(xs: Int*): Int def fSum(xs: Int*): F[Int] } }