cats.effect.Bracket Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use cats.effect.Bracket.
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Example 1
Source File: NatchezHttp4sModule.scala From skunk with MIT License | 8 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package natchez.http4s import cats.~> import{ Kleisli, OptionT } import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import natchez.{ EntryPoint, Kernel, Span } import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import natchez.Trace import natchez.Tags import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.http4s.Response import cats.effect.Resource import cats.Defer import natchez.TraceValue import cats.Monad object implicits { // Given an entry point and HTTP Routes in Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] return routes in F. A new span // is created with the URI path as the name, either as a continuation of the incoming trace, if // any, or as a new root. This can likely be simplified, I just did what the types were saying // and it works so :shrug: private def liftT[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]]( entryPoint: EntryPoint[F])( routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]] ): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req => type G[A] = Kleisli[F, Span[F], A] val lift = λ[F ~> G](fa => Kleisli(_ => fa)) val kernel = Kernel( => ( -> h.value)).toMap) val spanR = entryPoint.continueOrElseRoot(req.uri.path, kernel) OptionT { spanR.use { span => val lower = λ[G ~> F](_(span)) } } } implicit class EntryPointOps[F[_]](self: EntryPoint[F]) { private def dummySpan( implicit ev: Monad[F] ): Span[F] = new Span[F] { val kernel: F[Kernel] = Kernel(Map.empty).pure[F] def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] = Monad[F].unit def span(name: String): Resource[F, Span[F]] = Monad[Resource[F, ?]].pure(this) } def liftT(routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]])( implicit ev: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): HttpRoutes[F] = implicits.liftT(self)(routes) def natchezMiddleware[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]: Trace](routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req => val addRequestFields: F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.http.method(, Tags.http.url(req.uri.renderString) ) def addResponseFields(res: Response[F]): F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.http.status_code(res.status.code.toString) ) def addErrorFields(e: Throwable): F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.error(true), "error.message" -> e.getMessage, "error.stacktrace" -> e.getStackTrace.mkString("\n"), ) OptionT { routes(req).onError { case NonFatal(e) => OptionT.liftF(addRequestFields *> addErrorFields(e)) } .value.flatMap { case Some(handler) => addRequestFields *> addResponseFields(handler).as(handler.some) case None => Option.empty[Response[F]].pure[F] } } } }
Example 2
Source File: Guarantee.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu import cats.effect.{Bracket, ExitCase} def finallyCase[A, B, C](init: F[A])(action: A => F[B])(release: (A, Exit[B]) => F[C]): F[B] } object Finally extends FinallyInstanceChain[Finally] trait FinallyInstanceChain[T[f[_], exit[_]] >: Finally[f, exit]] { final implicit def fromBracket[F[_], E](implicit F: Bracket[F, E]): T[F, TConst[ExitCase[E], *]] = new Finally[F, TConst[ExitCase[E], *]] { def finallyCase[A, B, C](init: F[A])(action: A => F[B])(release: (A, ExitCase[E]) => F[C]): F[B] = F.bracketCase(init)(action) { case (a, exit) => F.void(release(a, exit)) } def bracket[A, B, C](init: F[A])(action: A => F[B])(release: (A, Boolean) => F[C]): F[B] = F.bracketCase(init)(action) { case (a, ExitCase.Completed) => F.void(release(a, true)) case (a, _) => F.void(release(a, false)) } } }
Example 3
Source File: package.scala From puretracing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package puretracing.cats import cats.{Applicative, Monad} import cats.effect.{Bracket, IO} import cats.effect.syntax.all._ import cats.syntax.all._ import cats.instances.list._ import puretracing.api.{Propagation, Tracer, TracingValue} package object dsl { def inChildSpan[F[_]]: ChildSpanPartiallyApplied[F] = new ChildSpanPartiallyApplied[F] implicit def tracingValueFromString(value: String): TracingValue = TracingValue.StringTracingValue(value) implicit def tracingValueFromBoolean(value: Boolean): TracingValue = TracingValue.BooleanTracingValue(value) implicit def tracingValueFromInt(value: Int): TracingValue = TracingValue.NumberTracingValue(value) implicit def tracingValueFromDouble(value: Double): TracingValue = TracingValue.NumberTracingValue(value) implicit def tracingValueFromBigDecimal(value: BigDecimal): TracingValue = TracingValue.NumberTracingValue(value) } class ChildSpanPartiallyApplied[F[_]] { def apply[A](operationName: String, tags: (String, TracingValue)*)(logic: SpanOps[F] => F[A])( implicit tracing: Propagation[F], M: Monad[F], E: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): F[A] = for { parent <- tracing.currentSpan() span <- tracing.startChild(parent, operationName) richSpan = spanOps(tracing)(span) fa <- tracing.useSpanIn(span)(richSpan.tag(tags: _*) *> logic(richSpan)).guarantee(tracing.finish(span)) } yield fa private def spanOps(tracer: Tracer[F])(span: tracer.Span)(implicit F: Applicative[F]) = new SpanOps[F] { def tag(tags: (String, TracingValue)*): F[Unit] = tags.toList.traverse { case (k, v) => tracer.setTag(span, k, v) }.map(_ => ()) def log(fields: (String, TracingValue)*): F[Unit] = tracer.log(span, fields) def set(key: String, value: String): F[Unit] = tracer.setBaggageItem(span, key, value) def get(key: String): F[Option[String]] = tracer.getBaggageItem(span, key) } } trait SpanOps[F[_]] { def tag(tags: (String, TracingValue)*): F[Unit] def log(fields: (String, TracingValue)*): F[Unit] def set(key: String, value: String): F[Unit] def get(key: String): F[Option[String]] }
Example 4
Source File: Services.scala From puretracing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import cats.{Applicative, Functor, ~>, FlatMap} import cats.effect.{Bracket, IO} import cats.syntax.all._ import cats.instances.list._ import puretracing.api.Propagation import puretracing.cats.dsl._ class BazAlgebra[F[_]: Applicative: Propagation] { def baz()(implicit F: Bracket[F, Throwable]): F[Int] = inChildSpan[F]("baz") { span => for { _ <- span.log("baz" -> 1) res <- 1.pure[F] } yield res } } // Console is defined for IO only, we should be able to derive instance for Tracing IO trait Console[F[_]] { def println(a: Any): F[Unit] final def mapK[G[_]](f: F ~> G): Console[G] = a => f(println(a)) } object Console { def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Console[F]) = F implicit val ioConsoleImpl: Console[IO] = (a: Any) => IO(println(a)) implicit def readerTImpl[F[_], A](implicit console: Console[F]): Console[ReaderT[F, A, ?]] = a => ReaderT.liftF(console.println(a)) } // Example how to instrument an http client to propagate headers class InstrumentedHttpClient[F[_]: FlatMap](implicit console: Console[F], tracer: Propagation[F]) { import cats.syntax.all._ def request(method: String, url: String): F[Unit] = for { span <- tracer.currentSpan headers <- tracer.export(span) // Simulate http request _ <- Console[F].println(s"┌$method $url HTTP/1.1") _ <- Console[F].println( { case (k,v) => s"$k: $v" }.mkString("│", " \n", "")) _ <- Console[F].println(s"│Keep-Alive: 300") _ <- Console[F].println(s"└Connection: keep-alive") } yield () }
Example 5
Source File: BracketSyntax.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.syntax import cats.effect.{Bracket, ExitCase} trait BracketSyntax { implicit def catsEffectSyntaxBracket[F[_], A, E](fa: F[A])(implicit bracket: Bracket[F, E]): BracketOps[F, E, A] = { // Bracket instance here is required to ensure correct inference for E val _ = bracket new BracketOps[F, E, A](fa) } } final class BracketOps[F[_], E, A](val self: F[A]) extends AnyVal { def bracketCase[B](use: A => F[B])(release: (A, ExitCase[E]) => F[Unit])(implicit F: Bracket[F, E]): F[B] = F.bracketCase(self)(use)(release) def bracket[B](use: A => F[B])(release: A => F[Unit])(implicit F: Bracket[F, E]): F[B] = F.bracket(self)(use)(release) def guarantee(finalizer: F[Unit])(implicit F: Bracket[F, E]): F[A] = F.guarantee(self)(finalizer) def guaranteeCase(finalizer: ExitCase[E] => F[Unit])(implicit F: Bracket[F, E]): F[A] = F.guaranteeCase(self)(finalizer) def uncancelable(implicit F: Bracket[F, E]): F[A] = F.uncancelable(self) def onCancel(finalizer: F[Unit])(implicit F: Bracket[F, E]): F[A] = F.onCancel(self)(finalizer) }
Example 6
Source File: DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository.doobie import import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import io.circe.parser.decode import io.circe.syntax._ import domain.users.{Role, User, UserRepositoryAlgebra} import io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore.infrastructure.repository.doobie.SQLPagination._ import tsec.authentication.IdentityStore private object UserSQL { // H2 does not support JSON data type. implicit val roleMeta: Meta[Role] = Meta[String].imap(decode[Role](_).leftMap(throw _).merge)(_.asJson.toString) def insert(user: User): Update0 = sql""" INSERT INTO USERS (USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ROLE) VALUES (${user.userName}, ${user.firstName}, ${user.lastName}, ${}, ${user.hash}, ${}, ${user.role}) """.update def update(user: User, id: Long): Update0 = sql""" UPDATE USERS SET FIRST_NAME = ${user.firstName}, LAST_NAME = ${user.lastName}, EMAIL = ${}, HASH = ${user.hash}, PHONE = ${}, ROLE = ${user.role} WHERE ID = $id """.update def select(userId: Long): Query0[User] = sql""" SELECT USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ID, ROLE FROM USERS WHERE ID = $userId """.query def byUserName(userName: String): Query0[User] = sql""" SELECT USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ID, ROLE FROM USERS WHERE USER_NAME = $userName """.query[User] def delete(userId: Long): Update0 = sql""" DELETE FROM USERS WHERE ID = $userId """.update val selectAll: Query0[User] = sql""" SELECT USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ID, ROLE FROM USERS """.query } class DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](val xa: Transactor[F]) extends UserRepositoryAlgebra[F] with IdentityStore[F, Long, User] { self => import UserSQL._ def create(user: User): F[User] = insert(user).withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID").map(id => user.copy(id = id.some)).transact(xa) def update(user: User): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT.fromOption[F]( { id => UserSQL.update(user, id).run.transact(xa).as(user) } def get(userId: Long): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT(select(userId).option.transact(xa)) def findByUserName(userName: String): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT(byUserName(userName).option.transact(xa)) def delete(userId: Long): OptionT[F, User] = get(userId).semiflatMap(user => UserSQL.delete(userId).run.transact(xa).as(user)) def deleteByUserName(userName: String): OptionT[F, User] = findByUserName(userName).mapFilter( def list(pageSize: Int, offset: Int): F[List[User]] = paginate(pageSize, offset)(selectAll).to[List].transact(xa) } object DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](xa: Transactor[F]): DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter[F] = new DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter(xa) }
Example 7
Source File: DoobieAuthRepositoryInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore.infrastructure.repository.doobie import java.time.Instant import cats._ import import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.implicits.legacy.instant._ import tsec.authentication.{AugmentedJWT, BackingStore} import tsec.common.SecureRandomId import tsec.jws.JWSSerializer import tsec.jws.mac.{JWSMacCV, JWSMacHeader, JWTMacImpure} import tsec.mac.jca.{MacErrorM, MacSigningKey} private object AuthSQL { implicit val secureRandomIdPut: Put[SecureRandomId] = Put[String].contramap((_: Id[SecureRandomId]).widen) def insert[A](jwt: AugmentedJWT[A, Long])(implicit hs: JWSSerializer[JWSMacHeader[A]]): Update0 = sql"""INSERT INTO JWT (ID, JWT, IDENTITY, EXPIRY, LAST_TOUCHED) VALUES (${}, ${jwt.jwt.toEncodedString}, ${jwt.identity}, ${jwt.expiry}, ${jwt.lastTouched}) """.update def update[A](jwt: AugmentedJWT[A, Long])(implicit hs: JWSSerializer[JWSMacHeader[A]]): Update0 = sql"""UPDATE JWT SET JWT = ${jwt.jwt.toEncodedString}, IDENTITY = ${jwt.identity}, | EXPIRY = ${jwt.expiry}, LAST_TOUCHED = ${jwt.lastTouched} WHERE ID = ${} """.stripMargin.update def delete(id: SecureRandomId): Update0 = sql"DELETE FROM JWT WHERE ID = $id".update def select(id: SecureRandomId): Query0[(String, Long, Instant, Option[Instant])] = sql"SELECT JWT, IDENTITY, EXPIRY, LAST_TOUCHED FROM JWT WHERE ID = $id" .query[(String, Long, Instant, Option[Instant])] } class DoobieAuthRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable], A]( val key: MacSigningKey[A], val xa: Transactor[F], )( implicit hs: JWSSerializer[JWSMacHeader[A]], s: JWSMacCV[MacErrorM, A], ) extends BackingStore[F, SecureRandomId, AugmentedJWT[A, Long]] { override def put(jwt: AugmentedJWT[A, Long]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, Long]] = AuthSQL.insert(jwt).run.transact(xa).as(jwt) override def update(jwt: AugmentedJWT[A, Long]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, Long]] = AuthSQL.update(jwt).run.transact(xa).as(jwt) override def delete(id: SecureRandomId): F[Unit] = AuthSQL.delete(id).run.transact(xa).void override def get(id: SecureRandomId): OptionT[F, AugmentedJWT[A, Long]] = OptionT( { case (jwtStringify, identity, expiry, lastTouched) => JWTMacImpure.verifyAndParse(jwtStringify, key) match { case Left(err) => err.raiseError[F, AugmentedJWT[A, Long]] case Right(jwt) => AugmentedJWT(id, jwt, identity, expiry, lastTouched).pure[F] } } } object DoobieAuthRepositoryInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable], A](key: MacSigningKey[A], xa: Transactor[F])( implicit hs: JWSSerializer[JWSMacHeader[A]], s: JWSMacCV[MacErrorM, A], ): DoobieAuthRepositoryInterpreter[F, A] = new DoobieAuthRepositoryInterpreter(key, xa) }
Example 8
Source File: DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository.doobie import import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.implicits.legacy.instant._ import domain.orders.{Order, OrderRepositoryAlgebra, OrderStatus} private object OrderSQL { implicit val StatusMeta: Meta[OrderStatus] = Meta[String].imap(OrderStatus.withName)(_.entryName) def select(orderId: Long): Query0[Order] = sql""" SELECT PET_ID, SHIP_DATE, STATUS, COMPLETE, ID, USER_ID FROM ORDERS WHERE ID = $orderId """.query[Order] def insert(order: Order): Update0 = sql""" INSERT INTO ORDERS (PET_ID, SHIP_DATE, STATUS, COMPLETE, USER_ID) VALUES (${order.petId}, ${order.shipDate}, ${order.status}, ${order.complete}, ${order.userId.get}) """.update def delete(orderId: Long): Update0 = sql""" DELETE FROM ORDERS WHERE ID = $orderId """.update } class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](val xa: Transactor[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { import OrderSQL._ def create(order: Order): F[Order] = insert(order) .withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID") .map(id => order.copy(id = id.some)) .transact(xa) def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = OptionT(get(orderId)) .semiflatMap(order => OrderSQL.delete(orderId).run.transact(xa).as(order)) .value } object DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]]( xa: Transactor[F], ): DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F] = new DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter(xa) }
Example 9
Source File: PreparedCommand.scala From skunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package skunk import cats.{ Contravariant, ~> } import cats.effect.Bracket import import import skunk.util.Origin implicit def contravariantPreparedCommand[F[_]]: Contravariant[PreparedCommand[F, ?]] = new Contravariant[PreparedCommand[F, ?]] { override def contramap[A, B](fa: PreparedCommand[F,A])(f: B => A): PreparedCommand[F, B] = new PreparedCommand[F, B] { override def execute(args: B)(implicit origin: Origin): F[Completion] = fa.execute(f(args)) } } def fromProto[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable], A](pc: Protocol.PreparedCommand[F, A]): PreparedCommand[F, A] = new PreparedCommand[F, A] { override def execute(args: A)(implicit origin: Origin): F[Completion] = pc.bind(args, origin).use(_.execute) } }
Example 10
Source File: Math1.scala From skunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package example import cats.effect.{ Bracket, ExitCode, IO, IOApp, Resource } import skunk.Session import skunk.implicits._ import skunk.codec.numeric.{ int4, float8 } import natchez.Trace.Implicits.noop object Math1 extends IOApp { val session: Resource[IO, Session[IO]] = Session.single( host = "localhost", port = 5432, user = "jimmy", database = "world", password = Some("banana") ) // An algebra for doing math. trait Math[F[_]] { def add(a: Int, b: Int): F[Int] def sqrt(d: Double): F[Double] } object Math { object Statements { val add = sql"select $int4 + $int4".query(int4) val sqrt = sql"select sqrt($float8)".query(float8) } // `Math` implementation that delegates its work to Postgres. def fromSession[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](sess: Session[F]): Math[F] = new Math[F] { def add(a: Int, b: Int) = sess.prepare(Statements.add).use(_.unique(a ~ b)) def sqrt(d: Double) = sess.prepare(Statements.sqrt).use(_.unique(d)) } } def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = { m => for { n <- m.add(42, 71) d <- m.sqrt(2) d2 <- m.sqrt(42) _ <- IO(println(s"The answers were $n and $d and $d2")) } yield ExitCode.Success } }
Example 11
Source File: FTracing.scala From opencensus-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.opencensus.scala.doobie import cats.effect.ExitCase.{Canceled, Completed, Error} import cats.effect.{Bracket, Sync} import import io.opencensus.scala.Tracing import io.opencensus.scala.doobie.FTracing.FBracket import io.opencensus.trace.{Span, Status} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ abstract class FTracing[F[_]: Sync: FBracket] { protected val tracing: Tracing private def fTrace(name: String, parentSpan: Option[Span]): F[Span] = Sync[F].delay( parentSpan.fold(tracing.startSpan(name))(span => tracing.startSpanWithParent(name, span) ) ) private def fStop(span: Span): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay(tracing.endSpan(span, Status.OK)) private def fStopError(span: Span): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay(tracing.endSpan(span, Status.INTERNAL)) private def fStopCanceled(span: Span): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay(tracing.endSpan(span, Status.CANCELLED)) def traceF[A](co: F[A], name: String, parentSpan: Option[Span]): F[A] = for { startedSpan <- fTrace(name, parentSpan) result <- Bracket[F, Throwable].guaranteeCase(co) { case Completed => fStop(startedSpan) case Error(_) => fStopError(startedSpan) case Canceled => fStopCanceled(startedSpan) } } yield result } object FTracing { type FBracket[F[_]] = Bracket[F, Throwable] } object ConnectionIOTracing extends FTracing[ConnectionIO] { override protected val tracing: Tracing = Tracing }
Example 12
package tofu package concurrent import cats.Functor import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.effect.concurrent.{MVar, Ref} import cats.syntax.functor._ import tofu.concurrent.Mut.FocusedMut import tofu.optics.Contains import tofu.syntax.bracket._ @deprecated("use Atom / qvar.toAtom", since = "0.5.6") trait Mut[F[_], A] { def get: F[A] def update(f: A => A): F[Unit] def set(a: A): F[Unit] = update(_ => a) def focused[B](implicit focus: A Contains B, F: Functor[F]): Mut[F, B] = new FocusedMut(this, focus) } object Mut { def ref[F[_], A](ref: Ref[F, A]): Mut[F, A] = new RefMut(ref) def mvar[F[_], E, A](mvar: MVar[F, A])(implicit bracket: Bracket[F, E]): Mut[F, A] = new MVarMut(mvar) private class RefMut[F[_], A](ref: Ref[F, A]) extends Mut[F, A] { def get: F[A] = ref.get override def set(a: A): F[Unit] = ref.set(a) def update(f: A => A): F[Unit] = ref.update(f) } private class MVarMut[F[_]: Bracket[*[_], E], E, A](mvar: MVar[F, A]) extends Mut[F, A] { def get: F[A] = def update(f: A => A): F[Unit] = mvar.take.bracketIncomplete(f andThen mvar.put)(mvar.put) } private[Mut] class FocusedMut[F[_], A, B](v: Mut[F, A], focus: Contains[A, B])(implicit F: Functor[F]) extends Mut[F, B] { def get: F[B] = def update(f: B => B): F[Unit] = v.update(focus.update(_, f)) override def set(b: B): F[Unit] = v.update(focus.set(_, b)) override def focused[C](implicit next: B Contains C, F: Functor[F]): Mut[F, C] = new FocusedMut[F, A, C](v, focus >> next) } }
Example 13
Source File: ConsumerOf.scala From skafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.skafka.consumer import cats.effect.{Bracket, Concurrent, ContextShift, Resource} import cats.{Applicative, Defer, ~>} import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.{ToFuture, ToTry} import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.FromBytes import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics.MeasureDuration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait ConsumerOf[F[_]] { def apply[K, V]( config: ConsumerConfig)(implicit fromBytesK: FromBytes[F, K], fromBytesV: FromBytes[F, V] ): Resource[F, Consumer[F, K, V]] } object ConsumerOf { def apply[F[_] : Concurrent : ContextShift : ToTry : ToFuture : MeasureDuration]( executorBlocking: ExecutionContext, metrics: Option[ConsumerMetrics[F]] = None ): ConsumerOf[F] = new ConsumerOf[F] { def apply[K, V]( config: ConsumerConfig)(implicit fromBytesK: FromBytes[F, K], fromBytesV: FromBytes[F, V] ) = { for { consumer <- Consumer.of[F, K, V](config, executorBlocking) } yield { metrics.fold(consumer)(consumer.withMetrics[Throwable]) } } } implicit class ConsumerOfOps[F[_]](val self: ConsumerOf[F]) extends AnyVal { def mapK[G[_] : Applicative : Defer]( fg: F ~> G, gf: G ~> F)(implicit B: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): ConsumerOf[G] = new ConsumerOf[G] { def apply[K, V]( config: ConsumerConfig)(implicit fromBytesK: FromBytes[G, K], fromBytesV: FromBytes[G, V] ) = { for { a <- self[K, V](config)(fromBytesK.mapK(gf), fromBytesV.mapK(gf)).mapK(fg) } yield { a.mapK(fg, gf) } } } } }
Example 14
Source File: ProducerOf.scala From skafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.skafka.producer import cats.effect.{Bracket, ContextShift, Effect, Resource} import cats.{Defer, Monad, ~>} import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics.MeasureDuration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait ProducerOf[F[_]] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig): Resource[F, Producer[F]] } object ProducerOf { def apply[F[_] : Effect : ContextShift : MeasureDuration]( executorBlocking: ExecutionContext, metrics: Option[ProducerMetrics[F]] = None ): ProducerOf[F] = new ProducerOf[F] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig) = { for { producer <- Producer.of[F](config, executorBlocking) } yield { metrics.fold(producer)(producer.withMetrics[Throwable]) } } } implicit class ProducerOfOps[F[_]](val self: ProducerOf[F]) extends AnyVal { def mapK[G[_] : Monad : Defer]( fg: F ~> G, gf: G ~> F)(implicit B: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): ProducerOf[G] = new ProducerOf[G] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig) = { for { a <- self(config).mapK(fg) } yield { a.mapK(fg, gf) } } } } }
Example 15
Source File: doobie.scala From eff with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon import _root_.doobie.Transactor import import cats.effect.Bracket import org.atnos.eff.addon.doobie._ import org.atnos.eff.{Eff, _} trait doobie { implicit final def toDoobieConnectionIOOps[R, A](e: Eff[R, A]): DoobieConnectionIOOps[R, A] = new DoobieConnectionIOOps[R, A](e) } final class DoobieConnectionIOOps[R, A](private val e: Eff[R, A]) extends AnyVal { def runConnectionIO[F[_], U, E, B](t: Transactor[F])( implicit mc: Member.Aux[ConnectionIO, R, U], mf: MemberInOut[F, U], me: Bracket[F, Throwable]): Eff[U, A] = { DoobieConnectionIOInterpretation.runConnectionIO[R, U, F, E, A, B](e)(t) } } object doobie extends doobie
Example 16
Source File: DoobieConnectionIOEffect.scala From eff with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.atnos.eff.addon.doobie import java.sql.Connection import _root_.doobie.Transactor import import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import cats.~> import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ trait DoobieConnectionIOTypes { type _connectionIO[R] = ConnectionIO |= R type _ConnectionIO[R] = ConnectionIO <= R } trait DoobieConnectionIOCreation extends DoobieConnectionIOTypes { final def fromConnectionIO[R: _connectionIO, A](a: ConnectionIO[A]): Eff[R, A] = send[ConnectionIO, R, A](a) } trait DoobieConnectionIOInterpretation extends DoobieConnectionIOTypes { def runConnectionIO[R, U, F[_], E, A, B](e: Eff[R, A])(t: Transactor[F])( implicit mc: Member.Aux[ConnectionIO, R, U], mf: F /= U, me: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): Eff[U, A] = { def getConnection: Eff[U, Connection] = send[F, U, Connection](t.connect(t.kernel) def runEffect(connection: Connection): Eff[U, A] = interpret.translate(e)(new Translate[ConnectionIO, U] { def apply[X](c: ConnectionIO[X]): Eff[U, X] = { send[F, U, X](c.foldMap(t.interpret).run(connection)) } }) def interceptErrors[Y](effect: Eff[U, Y])(oops: F[Unit]): Eff[U, Y] = interpret.interceptNat(effect)(new (F ~> F) { def apply[X](f: F[X]): F[X] = f.handleErrorWith((err: Throwable) => oops *> me.raiseError[X](err)) }) getConnection.flatMap { connection => lazy val always: F[Unit] = t.strategy.always.foldMap(t.interpret).run(connection) lazy val oops: F[Unit] = t.strategy.oops.foldMap(t.interpret).run(connection) val before: Eff[U, Unit] = send(t.strategy.before.foldMap(t.interpret).run(connection)) val after: Eff[U, Unit] = send(t.strategy.after.foldMap(t.interpret).run(connection)) interceptErrors(before >> runEffect(connection) << after)(oops).addLast(send(always)) } } } object DoobieConnectionIOCreation extends DoobieConnectionIOCreation object DoobieConnectionIOInterpretation extends DoobieConnectionIOInterpretation trait DoobieConnectionIOEffect extends DoobieConnectionIOCreation with DoobieConnectionIOInterpretation object DoobieConnectionIOEffect extends DoobieConnectionIOEffect
Example 17
Source File: package.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalasteward.core import cats._ import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Pipe import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer package object util { final type Nel[+A] =[A] final val Nel = type ApplicativeThrowable[F[_]] = ApplicativeError[F, Throwable] type MonadThrowable[F[_]] = MonadError[F, Throwable] type BracketThrowable[F[_]] = Bracket[F, Throwable] def takeUntil[F[_], A, N](limit: N)(weight: A => N)(implicit N: Numeric[N]): Pipe[F, A, A] = { import N._ => (a, weight(a))) .scan1[(A, N)] { case ((_, total), (a, i)) => (a, total + i) } .takeThrough { case (_, total) => total < limit } .map { case (a, _) => a } } }
Example 18
Source File: RerunnableSuite.scala From catbird with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.catbird.util.effect import cats.effect.laws.discipline.EffectTests import cats.effect.laws.discipline.arbitrary.catsEffectLawsArbitraryForIO import cats.effect.laws.util.{ TestContext, TestInstances } import cats.effect.{ Bracket, IO } import cats.instances.either._ import import cats.instances.tuple._ import cats.instances.unit._ import cats.kernel.Eq import cats.laws.discipline.arbitrary._ import com.twitter.util.{ Await, Monitor, Throw } import io.catbird.util.{ ArbitraryInstances, Rerunnable } import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.prop.Configuration import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.FunSuiteDiscipline class RerunnableSuite extends AnyFunSuite with FunSuiteDiscipline with Configuration with ArbitraryInstances with TestInstances { implicit val context: TestContext = TestContext() implicit def rerunnableEq[A](implicit A: Eq[A]): Eq[Rerunnable[A]] =[Rerunnable[A], IO[A]](rerunnableToIO) checkAll("Rerunnable[Int]", EffectTests[Rerunnable].effect[Int, Int, Int]) test("Exceptions thrown by release are handled by Monitor") { val useException = new Exception("thrown by use") val releaseException = new Exception("thrown by release") var monitoredException: Throwable = null val monitor = { case e => monitoredException = e; true; } val rerunnable = Bracket[Rerunnable, Throwable] .bracket(Rerunnable.Unit)(_ => Rerunnable.raiseError(useException))(_ => Rerunnable.raiseError(releaseException)) .liftToTry val result = Await.result(Monitor.using(monitor)( assert(result == Throw(useException)) assert(monitoredException == releaseException) } }
Example 19
Source File: doobie.scala From sup with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sup.modules import cats.Id import sup.HealthCheck import cats.effect.Bracket import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.implicits._ object doobie { import _root_.doobie._ import _root_.doobie.implicits._ def connectionCheck[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]]( xa: Transactor[F] )( timeout: Option[FiniteDuration] ): HealthCheck[F, Id] = { //zero means infinite in JDBC val actualTimeoutSeconds = timeout.foldMap(_.toSeconds.toInt) HealthCheck.liftFBoolean { FC.isValid(actualTimeoutSeconds).transact(xa) } } }
Example 20
Source File: implicits.scala From opencensus-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.opencensus.scala.doobie import cats.Monad import cats.effect.Bracket import doobie.ConnectionIO import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import io.opencensus.trace.Span object implicits { implicit class ConnectionTracingOps[A](ma: ConnectionIO[A]) { def tracedTransact[M[_]: Monad]( xa: Transactor[M], transactionName: String )(implicit ev: Bracket[M, Throwable]): M[A] = xa.trans.apply(ConnectionIOTracing.traceF(ma, transactionName, None)) def tracedTransact[M[_]: Monad]( xa: Transactor[M], transactionName: String, parentSpan: Span )(implicit ev: Bracket[M, Throwable]): M[A] = xa.trans.apply( ConnectionIOTracing.traceF(ma, transactionName, Some(parentSpan)) ) } }