cats.effect.Effect Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use cats.effect.Effect.
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: MetricsMiddleware.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{Clock, Effect, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import jbok.common.metrics.PrometheusMetrics import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import org.http4s.metrics.prometheus.{Prometheus, PrometheusExportService} import org.http4s.server.middleware object MetricsMiddleware { def exportService[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): F[HttpRoutes[F]] = for { _ <- PrometheusExportService.addDefaults[F](PrometheusMetrics.registry) } yield PrometheusExportService.service[F](PrometheusMetrics.registry) def apply[F[_]](routes: HttpRoutes[F], enableMetrics: Boolean)(implicit F: Effect[F], clock: Clock[F]): F[HttpRoutes[F]] = if (enableMetrics) { Prometheus[F](PrometheusMetrics.registry, "iotchain_http_server").map { metricsOps => middleware.Metrics[F](metricsOps)(routes) } } else { F.pure(routes) } }
Example 2
Source File: TracingUtils.scala From opencensus-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.opencensus.scala.http4s import cats.effect.Effect import io.opencensus.scala.Tracing import io.opencensus.scala.http.{ StatusTranslator, HttpAttributes => BaseHttpAttributes } import io.opencensus.scala.http4s.HttpAttributes._ import io.opencensus.trace.Span import org.http4s.Response object TracingUtils { def recordResponse[F[_]: Effect](span: Span, tracing: Tracing)( response: Response[F] ): Response[F] = { BaseHttpAttributes.setAttributesForResponse(span, response) tracing.setStatus(span, StatusTranslator.translate(response.status.code)) response.copy( body = response.body.onFinalize(Effect[F].delay(tracing.endSpan(span))) ) } }
Example 3
Source File: TracingClient.scala From opencensus-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.opencensus.scala.http4s import cats.effect.{Effect, Resource} import cats.implicits._ import io.opencensus.scala.Tracing import io.opencensus.scala.http.propagation.Propagation import io.opencensus.scala.http.{HttpAttributes => BaseHttpAttributes} import io.opencensus.scala.http4s.HttpAttributes._ import io.opencensus.scala.http4s.TracingUtils.recordResponse import io.opencensus.scala.http4s.propagation.Http4sFormatPropagation import io.opencensus.trace.{Span, Status} import org.http4s.client.Client import org.http4s.{Header, Request, Response} abstract class TracingClient[F[_]: Effect] { protected val tracing: Tracing protected val propagation: Propagation[Header, Request[F]] def trace(client: Client[F], parentSpan: Option[Span] = None): Client[F] = { val tracedOpen: Request[F] => Resource[F, Response[F]] = req => for { span <- Resource.liftF(startSpan(parentSpan, req)) enrichedReq = addTraceHeaders(req, span) res <- client .run(enrichedReq) .onError(traceError(span).andThen(x => Resource.liftF(x))) } yield recordResponse(span, tracing)(res) Client(tracedOpen) } private def traceError(span: Span): PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Unit]] = { case _ => recordException(span) } private def startSpan(parentSpan: Option[Span], req: Request[F]) = Effect[F].delay(startAndEnrichSpan(req, parentSpan)) private def startAndEnrichSpan( req: Request[F], parentSpan: Option[Span] ): Span = { val name = req.uri.path.toString val span = parentSpan.fold(tracing.startSpan(name))(span => tracing.startSpanWithParent(name, span) ) BaseHttpAttributes.setAttributesForRequest(span, req) span } private def addTraceHeaders(request: Request[F], span: Span): Request[F] = request.withHeaders( request.headers.put(propagation.headersWithTracingContext(span): _*) ) private def recordException(span: Span) = Effect[F].delay(tracing.endSpan(span, Status.INTERNAL)) } object TracingClient { def apply[F[_]: Effect]: TracingClient[F] = new TracingClient[F] { override protected val tracing: Tracing = Tracing override protected val propagation: Propagation[Header, Request[F]] = new Http4sFormatPropagation[F] {} } }
Example 4
Source File: akkaHttp.scala From sup with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sup.modules import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.ToEntityMarshaller import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.{path => akkaPath, _} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import cats.effect.Effect import cats.syntax.functor._ import cats.syntax.reducible._ import cats.~> import cats.Functor import cats.Reducible import sup.HealthCheck import sup.HealthResult import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Failure import scala.util.Success import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest object akkahttp { def healthCheckRoutes[F[_]: Effect, H[_]: Reducible]( healthCheck: HealthCheck[F, H], path: String = "health-check" )( implicit marshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[HealthResult[H]] ): Route = akkaPath(path) { get { onComplete(Effect[F].toIO(healthCheckResponse(healthCheck)).unsafeToFuture()) { case Success(response) => complete(response) case Failure(error) => failWith(error) } } } def healthCheckResponse[F[_]: Functor, H[_]: Reducible]( healthCheck: HealthCheck[F, H] ): F[(StatusCode, HealthResult[H])] = { check => if (check.value.reduce.isHealthy) StatusCodes.OK -> check else StatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable -> check } def healthCheckRoutesWithContext[F[_]: Functor, H[_]: Reducible, R]( healthCheck: HealthCheck[F, H], path: String = "health-check" )( run: HttpRequest => F ~> Future )( implicit marshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[HealthResult[H]] ): Route = akkaPath(path) { get { extractRequest { request => onComplete(run(request)(healthCheckResponse(healthCheck))) { case Success(response) => complete(response) case Failure(error) => failWith(error) } } } } }
Example 5
Source File: KamonSupport.scala From kamon-http4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package kamon.http4s package middleware.client import cats.effect.{Effect, Resource} import cats.implicits._ import com.typesafe.config.Config import kamon.Kamon import kamon.context.Context import kamon.instrumentation.http.HttpClientInstrumentation import org.http4s.{Request, Response} import org.http4s.client.Client object KamonSupport { private var _instrumentation = instrumentation(Kamon.config()) private def instrumentation(kamonConfig: Config): HttpClientInstrumentation = { val httpClientConfig = kamonConfig.getConfig("kamon.instrumentation.http4s.client") HttpClientInstrumentation.from(httpClientConfig, "http4s.client") } Kamon.onReconfigure(newConfig => _instrumentation = instrumentation(newConfig)) def apply[F[_]](underlying: Client[F])(implicit F:Effect[F]): Client[F] = Client { request => for { ctx <- Resource.liftF(F.delay(Kamon.currentContext())) k <- kamonClient(underlying)(request)(ctx)(_instrumentation) } yield k } private def kamonClient[F[_]](underlying: Client[F]) (request: Request[F]) (ctx: Context) (instrumentation: HttpClientInstrumentation) (implicit F:Effect[F]): Resource[F, Response[F]] = for { requestHandler <- Resource.liftF(F.delay(instrumentation.createHandler(getRequestBuilder(request), ctx))) response <- trackedResponse <- Resource.liftF(handleResponse(response, requestHandler, instrumentation.settings)) } yield trackedResponse def handleResponse[F[_]]( response: Either[Throwable, Response[F]], requestHandler: HttpClientInstrumentation.RequestHandler[Request[F]], settings: HttpClientInstrumentation.Settings )(implicit F:Effect[F]): F[Response[F]] = response match { case Right(res) => if(res.status.code == 404) requestHandler.processResponse(getResponseBuilder(res)) F.delay(res) case Left(error) => F.raiseError(error) } }
Example 6
Source File: TaskInstances.scala From shims with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shims.effect.instances import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Parallel, StackSafeMonad, ~>} import cats.effect.{Effect, ExitCase, IO, SyncIO} import scalaz.{Tag, -\/, \/, \/-} import scalaz.concurrent.Task.ParallelTask import scalaz.concurrent.{Future, Task} import shims.conversions.MonadErrorConversions import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait TaskInstances extends MonadErrorConversions { // cribbed from quasar, where it was mostly cribbed from scalaz-task-effect implicit object taskEffect extends Effect[Task] with StackSafeMonad[Task] { def pure[A](x: A): Task[A] = def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Task[A])(f: Throwable => Task[A]): Task[A] = fa.handleWith(functionToPartial(f)) def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Task[A] = // In order to comply with `repeatedCallbackIgnored` law // on async, a custom AtomicBoolean is required to ignore // second callbacks. def async[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Unit): Task[A] = Task.async { registered => val a = new AtomicBoolean(true) try k(e => if (a.getAndSet(false)) registered(\/.fromEither(e)) else ()) catch { case NonFatal(t) => registered(-\/(t)) } } def asyncF[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Task[Unit]): Task[A] = async(k.andThen(_.unsafePerformAsync(forget))) // emulates using attempt def bracketCase[A, B](acquire: Task[A])(use: A => Task[B])(release: (A, ExitCase[Throwable]) => Task[Unit]): Task[B] = { for { a <- acquire bOr <- use(a).attempt ec = bOr.fold(ExitCase.Error(_), _ => ExitCase.Completed) _ <- release(a, ec) b <- bOr.fold(, } yield b } def runAsync[A](fa: Task[A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Unit] = SyncIO { fa unsafePerformAsync { disjunction => cb(disjunction.toEither).unsafeRunAsync(forget) } } def runSyncStep[A](fa: Task[A]): IO[Either[Task[A], A]] = IO { fa.get match { case Future.Now(-\/(_)) => Left(fa) case other => other.step match { case Future.Now(\/-(a)) => Right(a) case other => Left(new Task(other)) } } } override def map[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => B): Task[B] = def flatMap[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => Task[B]): Task[B] = fa.flatMap(f) override def delay[A](thunk: => A): Task[A] = Task.delay(thunk) def suspend[A](thunk: => Task[A]): Task[A] = Task.suspend(thunk) } implicit val taskParallel: Parallel.Aux[Task, ParallelTask] = new Parallel[Task] { import Task.taskParallelApplicativeInstance type F[A] = ParallelTask[A] val monad: Monad[Task] = taskEffect val applicative: Applicative[ParallelTask] = Applicative[ParallelTask] val sequential: ParallelTask ~> Task = λ[ParallelTask ~> Task](Tag.unwrap(_)) val parallel: Task ~> ParallelTask = λ[Task ~> ParallelTask](Tag(_)) } private def functionToPartial[A, B](f: A => B): PartialFunction[A, B] = { case a => f(a) } private def forget[A](x: A): Unit = () }
Example 7
Source File: package.scala From finch-oauth2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.finch import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import com.twitter.finagle.OAuth2 import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status import com.twitter.finagle.oauth2.{AuthInfo, DataHandler, GrantResult, OAuthError} import com.twitter.util.{Future => TwitterFuture, Return, Throw} package object oauth2 { private def twitterFutureToEffect[F[_], A](f: => TwitterFuture[A])(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[A] = F.async { cb => f.respond { case Return(r) => cb(Right(r)) case Throw(t) => cb(Left(t)) } } private val handleOAuthError: PartialFunction[Throwable, Output[Nothing]] = { case e: OAuthError => val bearer = Seq("error=\"" + e.errorType + "\"") ++ (if (!e.description.isEmpty) Seq("error_description=\"" + e.description + "\"") else Nil) Output.failure(e, Status(e.statusCode)) .withHeader("WWW-Authenticate" -> s"Bearer ${bearer.mkString(", ")}") } def issueAccessToken[F[_], U](dataHandler: DataHandler[U])( implicit F: Effect[F] ): Endpoint[F, GrantResult] = new Endpoint[F, GrantResult] { final def apply(input: Input): Endpoint.Result[F, GrantResult] = { val out = twitterFutureToEffect(OAuth2.issueAccessToken(input.request, dataHandler)) .map(ai => Output.payload(ai)) .recover(handleOAuthError) EndpointResult.Matched(input, Trace.empty, out) } } }
Example 8
Source File: RerunnableInstances.scala From catbird with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.catbird.util.effect import cats.effect.{ Effect, ExitCase, IO, SyncIO } import com.twitter.util.{ Future, Monitor, Promise, Return, Throw } import io.catbird.util.{ Rerunnable, RerunnableMonadError } import java.lang.Throwable import scala.Unit import scala.util.{ Either, Left, Right } trait RerunnableInstances { implicit final val rerunnableEffectInstance: Effect[Rerunnable] = new RerunnableMonadError with Effect[Rerunnable] { final def suspend[A](thunk: => Rerunnable[A]): Rerunnable[A] = Rerunnable.suspend[A](thunk) override final def delay[A](thunk: => A): Rerunnable[A] = Rerunnable[A](thunk) final def async[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Unit): Rerunnable[A] = new Rerunnable[A] { final def run: Future[A] = { val promise = new Promise[A] k { e => if (promise.isDefined) () else e match { case Right(a) => promise.setValue(a) case Left(err) => promise.setException(err) } } promise } } final def asyncF[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Rerunnable[Unit]): Rerunnable[A] = new Rerunnable[A] { final def run: Future[A] = { val promise = new Promise[A] val rerunnable = k { e => if (promise.isDefined) () else e match { case Right(a) => promise.setValue(a) case Left(err) => promise.setException(err) } } => promise) } } final def runAsync[A](fa: Rerunnable[A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Unit] = rerunnableToIO[A](fa).runAsync(cb) final def bracketCase[A, B](acquire: Rerunnable[A])(use: A => Rerunnable[B])( release: (A, ExitCase[Throwable]) => Rerunnable[Unit] ): Rerunnable[B] = new Rerunnable[B] { final def run: Future[B] = { a => val future = use(a).run future.transform { case Return(b) => release(a, ExitCase.complete).run.handle(Monitor.catcher).flatMap(_ => future) case Throw(err) => release(a, ExitCase.error(err)).run.handle(Monitor.catcher).flatMap(_ => future) } } } } }
Example 9
Source File: TodoItemApi.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist package http import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import examples.todolist.service.TodoItemService import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl class TodoItemApi[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: TodoItemService[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] { import codecs._ private val prefix = "items" val endpoints = HttpService[F] { case POST -> Root / prefix => service.reset *> Ok() case GET -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => service.retrieve(id) flatMap { item => item.fold(NotFound(s"Could not find ${service.model} with $id"))(todoItem => Ok(todoItem.asJson)) } case GET -> Root / prefix => service.list.flatMap(l => Ok(l.asJson)) case req @ POST -> Root / prefix => for { todoItem <-[TodoItem] insertedItem <- service.insert(todoItem) response <- Ok(insertedItem.asJson) } yield response case req @ PUT -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => for { todoItem <-[TodoItem] updatedItem <- service.update(todoItem.copy(id = Some(id))) reponse <- Ok(updatedItem.asJson) } yield reponse case DELETE -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => service.destroy(id) *> Ok() } } object TodoItemApi { implicit def instance[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: TodoItemService[F]): TodoItemApi[F] = new TodoItemApi[F] }
Example 10
Source File: AppApi.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist package http import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import examples.todolist.service.AppService import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl class AppApi[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: AppService[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] { import codecs._ val endpoints = HttpService[F] { case POST -> Root / "reset" => service.reset.flatMap(e => Ok(e.asJson)) case GET -> Root / "list" => service.list.flatMap(l => Ok(l.asJson)) case req @ POST -> Root / "insert" => for { form <-[TodoForm] insertedForm <- service.insert(form) response <- Ok(insertedForm.asJson) } yield response case req @ PUT -> Root / "update" => for { form <-[TodoForm] updatedForm <- service.update(form) response <- Ok(updatedForm.asJson) } yield response case req @ DELETE -> Root / "delete" => for { form <-[TodoForm] deleted <- service.destroy(form) response <- Ok(deleted.asJson) } yield response } } object AppApi { implicit def instance[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: AppService[F]): AppApi[F] = new AppApi[F] }
Example 11
package examples.todolist package http import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import examples.todolist.http._ import org.http4s.implicits._ class Api[F[_]: Effect]( implicit appApi: AppApi[F], genericApi: GenericApi[F], todoItemApi: TodoItemApi[F], todoListApi: TodoListApi[F], tagApi: TagApi[F]) { val endpoints = appApi.endpoints <+> genericApi.endpoints <+> todoItemApi.endpoints <+> todoListApi.endpoints <+> tagApi.endpoints } object Api { implicit def instance[F[_]: Effect]( implicit appApi: AppApi[F], genericApi: GenericApi[F], todoItemApi: TodoItemApi[F], todoListApi: TodoListApi[F], tagApi: TagApi[F]): Api[F] = new Api[F] }
Example 12
Source File: TagApi.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist package http import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import examples.todolist.service.TagService import examples.todolist.Tag import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl class TagApi[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: TagService[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] { import codecs._ private val prefix = "tags" val endpoints = HttpService[F] { case POST -> Root / prefix / "reset" => service.reset.flatMap(e => Ok(e.asJson)) case GET -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => service.retrieve(id) flatMap { item => item.fold(NotFound(s"Could not find ${service.model} with $id"))(tag => Ok(tag.asJson)) } case GET -> Root / prefix => service.list.flatMap(l => Ok(l.asJson)) case req @ POST -> Root / prefix => for { tag <-[Tag] insertedTag <- service.insert(tag) response <- Ok(insertedTag.asJson) } yield response case req @ PUT -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => for { tag <-[Tag] updatedTag <- service.update(tag.copy(id = Some(id))) reponse <- Ok(updatedTag.asJson) } yield reponse case DELETE -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => service.destroy(id) *> Ok() } } object TagApi { implicit def instance[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: TagService[F]): TagApi[F] = new TagApi[F] }
Example 13
Source File: TodoListApi.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist package http import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import examples.todolist.service.TodoListService import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl class TodoListApi[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: TodoListService[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] { import codecs._ private val prefix = "lists" val endpoints = HttpService[F] { case POST -> Root / prefix => service.reset.flatMap(e => Ok(e.asJson)) case GET -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => service.retrieve(id) flatMap { item => item.fold(NotFound(s"Could not find ${service.model} with $id"))(todoList => Ok(todoList.asJson)) } case GET -> Root / prefix => service.list.flatMap(l => Ok(l.asJson)) case req @ POST -> Root / prefix => for { todoList <-[TodoList] insertedTodoList <- service.insert(todoList) response <- Ok(insertedTodoList.asJson) } yield response case req @ PUT -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => for { todoList <-[TodoList] updatedTodoList <- service.update(todoList.copy(id = Some(id))) reponse <- Ok(updatedTodoList.asJson) } yield reponse case DELETE -> Root / prefix / IntVar(id) => service.destroy(id) *> Ok() } } object TodoListApi { implicit def instance[F[_]: Effect](implicit service: TodoListService[F]): TodoListApi[F] = new TodoListApi[F] }
Example 14
Source File: GenericApi.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist package http import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import examples.todolist.model.Pong import freestyle.tagless.logging.LoggingM import io.circe.Json import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.HttpService class GenericApi[F[_]: Effect](implicit log: LoggingM[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] { val endpoints = HttpService[F] { case GET -> Root / "ping" => for { _ <- log.error("Not really an error") _ <- log.warn("Not really a warn") _ <- log.debug("GET /ping") response <- Ok(Json.fromLong(Pong.current.time)) } yield response case GET -> Root / "hello" => for { _ <- log.error("Not really an error") _ <- log.warn("Not really a warn") _ <- log.debug("GET /Hello") response <- Ok("Hello World") } yield response } } object GenericApi { implicit def instance[F[_]: Effect](implicit log: LoggingM[F]): GenericApi[F] = new GenericApi[F] }
Example 15
Source File: TodoListApp.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package todo import cats.effect.{Effect, IO} import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import examples.todolist.http.Api import import exapmles.todolist.peristence.Persistence import freestyle.tagless.config.ConfigM import freestyle.tagless.config.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.effects.error.ErrorM import freestyle.tagless.effects.error.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.logging.LoggingM import freestyle.tagless.loggingJVM.log4s.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.module import fs2.StreamApp import org.http4s.HttpService import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeBuilder @module trait App[F[_]] { val persistence: Persistence[F] val services: Services[F] } object TodoListApp extends StreamApp[IO] { import examples.todolist.runtime.implicits._ override def stream( args: List[String], requestShutdown: IO[Unit]): fs2.Stream[IO, StreamApp.ExitCode] = bootstrap[IO].unsafeRunSync() def bootstrap[F[_]: Effect]( implicit app: App[F], T: Transactor[F], api: Api[F]): F[fs2.Stream[F, StreamApp.ExitCode]] = { val services: HttpService[F] = api.endpoints val log: LoggingM[F] = val config: ConfigM[F] = for { _ <-"Trying to load application.conf") cfg <- config.load host: String = cfg.string("").getOrElse("localhost") port: Int ="http.port").getOrElse(8080) _ <- log.debug(s"Host: $host") _ <- log.debug(s"Port: $port") } yield BlazeBuilder[F] .bindHttp(port, host) .mountService(services) .serve } }
Example 16
Source File: Fs2StreamClientCallListener.scala From fs2-grpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.lyranthe.fs2_grpc package java_runtime package client import cats.effect.{Effect, ConcurrentEffect} import cats.implicits._ import fs2.{Pull, Stream} import fs2.concurrent.Queue import io.grpc.{ClientCall, Metadata, Status} class Fs2StreamClientCallListener[F[_]: Effect, Response]( request: Int => Unit, queue: Queue[F, Either[GrpcStatus, Response]] ) extends ClientCall.Listener[Response] { override def onMessage(message: Response): Unit = { request(1) queue.enqueue1(message.asRight).unsafeRun() } override def onClose(status: Status, trailers: Metadata): Unit = queue.enqueue1(GrpcStatus(status, trailers).asLeft).unsafeRun() def stream: Stream[F, Response] = { def go(q: Stream[F, Either[GrpcStatus, Response]]): Pull[F, Response, Unit] = { q.pull.uncons1.flatMap { case Some((Right(v), tl)) => Pull.output1(v) >> go(tl) case Some((Left(GrpcStatus(status, trailers)), _)) => if (!status.isOk) Pull.raiseError[F](status.asRuntimeException(trailers)) else Pull.done case None => Pull.done } } go(queue.dequeue).stream } } object Fs2StreamClientCallListener { def apply[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect, Response](request: Int => Unit): F[Fs2StreamClientCallListener[F, Response]] = Queue.unbounded[F, Either[GrpcStatus, Response]].map(new Fs2StreamClientCallListener[F, Response](request, _)) }
Example 17
Source File: Fs2StreamServerCallListener.scala From fs2-grpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.lyranthe.fs2_grpc package java_runtime package server import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Effect} import cats.implicits._ import io.grpc.ServerCall import fs2.concurrent.Queue import fs2._ class Fs2StreamServerCallListener[F[_], Request, Response] private ( requestQ: Queue[F, Option[Request]], val isCancelled: Deferred[F, Unit], val call: Fs2ServerCall[F, Request, Response] )(implicit F: Effect[F]) extends ServerCall.Listener[Request] with Fs2ServerCallListener[F, Stream[F, ?], Request, Response] { override def onCancel(): Unit = { isCancelled.complete(()).unsafeRun() } override def onMessage(message: Request): Unit = { requestQ.enqueue1(message.some).unsafeRun() } override def onHalfClose(): Unit = requestQ.enqueue1(none).unsafeRun() override def source: Stream[F, Request] = requestQ.dequeue.unNoneTerminate } object Fs2StreamServerCallListener { class PartialFs2StreamServerCallListener[F[_]](val dummy: Boolean = false) extends AnyVal { def apply[Request, Response]( call: ServerCall[Request, Response], options: ServerCallOptions = ServerCallOptions.default )(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F] ): F[Fs2StreamServerCallListener[F, Request, Response]] = for { inputQ <- Queue.unbounded[F, Option[Request]] isCancelled <- Deferred[F, Unit] serverCall <- Fs2ServerCall[F, Request, Response](call, options) } yield new Fs2StreamServerCallListener[F, Request, Response](inputQ, isCancelled, serverCall) } def apply[F[_]] = new PartialFs2StreamServerCallListener[F] }
Example 18
Source File: Fs2UnaryServerCallListener.scala From fs2-grpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.lyranthe.fs2_grpc package java_runtime package server import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Effect} import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref} import cats.syntax.all._ import io.grpc._ class Fs2UnaryServerCallListener[F[_], Request, Response] private ( request: Ref[F, Option[Request]], isComplete: Deferred[F, Unit], val isCancelled: Deferred[F, Unit], val call: Fs2ServerCall[F, Request, Response] )(implicit F: Effect[F]) extends ServerCall.Listener[Request] with Fs2ServerCallListener[F, F, Request, Response] { import Fs2UnaryServerCallListener._ override def onCancel(): Unit = { isCancelled.complete(()).unsafeRun() } override def onMessage(message: Request): Unit = { request.access .flatMap[Unit] { case (curValue, modify) => if (curValue.isDefined) F.raiseError(statusException(TooManyRequests)) else modify(message.some).void } .unsafeRun() } override def onHalfClose(): Unit = isComplete.complete(()).unsafeRun() override def source: F[Request] = for { _ <- isComplete.get valueOrNone <- request.get value <- valueOrNone.fold[F[Request]](F.raiseError(statusException(NoMessage)))(F.pure) } yield value } object Fs2UnaryServerCallListener { val TooManyRequests: String = "Too many requests" val NoMessage: String = "No message for unary call" private val statusException: String => StatusRuntimeException = msg => new StatusRuntimeException(Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(msg)) class PartialFs2UnaryServerCallListener[F[_]](val dummy: Boolean = false) extends AnyVal { def apply[Request, Response]( call: ServerCall[Request, Response], options: ServerCallOptions = ServerCallOptions.default )(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F] ): F[Fs2UnaryServerCallListener[F, Request, Response]] = for { request <- Ref.of[F, Option[Request]](none) isComplete <- Deferred[F, Unit] isCancelled <- Deferred[F, Unit] serverCall <- Fs2ServerCall[F, Request, Response](call, options) } yield new Fs2UnaryServerCallListener[F, Request, Response](request, isComplete, isCancelled, serverCall) } def apply[F[_]] = new PartialFs2UnaryServerCallListener[F] }
Example 19
Source File: Publish.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.algebra import cats.effect.syntax.effect._ import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Effect, Sync} import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.rabbitmq.client.{AMQP, ReturnListener} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._ object Publish { def make[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift]( blocker: Blocker ): Publish[F] = new Publish[F] { override def basicPublish(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] = blocker.delay { channel.value.basicPublish( exchangeName.value, routingKey.value,, msg.payload ) } override def basicPublishWithFlag(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, flag: PublishingFlag, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] = blocker.delay { channel.value.basicPublish( exchangeName.value, routingKey.value, flag.mandatory,, msg.payload ) } override def addPublishingListener( channel: AMQPChannel, listener: PublishReturn => F[Unit] ): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay { val returnListener = new ReturnListener { override def handleReturn(replyCode: Int, replyText: String, exchange: String, routingKey: String, properties: AMQP.BasicProperties, body: Array[Byte]): Unit = { val publishReturn = PublishReturn( ReplyCode(replyCode), ReplyText(replyText), ExchangeName(exchange), RoutingKey(routingKey), AmqpProperties.unsafeFrom(properties), AmqpBody(body) ) listener(publishReturn).toIO.unsafeRunAsync(_ => ()) } } channel.value.addReturnListener(returnListener) }.void override def clearPublishingListeners(channel: AMQPChannel): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay { channel.value.clearReturnListeners() }.void } } trait Publish[F[_]] { def basicPublish(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] def basicPublishWithFlag(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, flag: PublishingFlag, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] def addPublishingListener(channel: AMQPChannel, listener: PublishReturn => F[Unit]): F[Unit] def clearPublishingListeners(channel: AMQPChannel): F[Unit] }
Example 20
Source File: AckingProgram.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.program import cats.Applicative import cats.effect.{Effect, Sync} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.algebra.{AMQPInternals, Acking, Consume} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.arguments.Arguments import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.config.Fs2RabbitConfig import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.AckResult.{Ack, NAck, Reject} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._ object AckingProgram { def make[F[_]: Effect](config: Fs2RabbitConfig): F[AckingProgram[F]] = Sync[F].delay { WrapperAckingProgram(config, Consume.make) } } trait AckingProgram[F[_]] extends Acking[F] with Consume[F] case class WrapperAckingProgram[F[_]: Effect] private ( config: Fs2RabbitConfig, consume: Consume[F] ) extends AckingProgram[F] { override def createAcker(channel: AMQPChannel): F[AckResult => F[Unit]] = Applicative[F].pure { case Ack(tag) => consume.basicAck(channel, tag, multiple = false) case NAck(tag) => consume.basicNack(channel, tag, multiple = false, config.requeueOnNack) case Reject(tag) => consume.basicReject(channel, tag, config.requeueOnReject) } override def basicAck(channel: AMQPChannel, tag: DeliveryTag, multiple: Boolean): F[Unit] = consume.basicAck(channel, tag, multiple) override def basicNack(channel: AMQPChannel, tag: DeliveryTag, multiple: Boolean, requeue: Boolean): F[Unit] = consume.basicNack(channel, tag, multiple, requeue) override def basicReject(channel: AMQPChannel, tag: DeliveryTag, requeue: Boolean): F[Unit] = consume.basicReject(channel, tag, requeue) override def basicQos(channel: AMQPChannel, basicQos: BasicQos): F[Unit] = consume.basicQos(channel, basicQos) override def basicConsume[A](channel: AMQPChannel, queueName: QueueName, autoAck: Boolean, consumerTag: ConsumerTag, noLocal: Boolean, exclusive: Boolean, args: Arguments)(internals: AMQPInternals[F]): F[ConsumerTag] = consume.basicConsume(channel, queueName, autoAck, consumerTag, noLocal, exclusive, args)(internals) override def basicCancel(channel: AMQPChannel, consumerTag: ConsumerTag): F[Unit] = consume.basicCancel(channel, consumerTag) }
Example 21
Source File: ConsumingProgram.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.program import cats.effect.{Effect, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.algebra.ConsumingStream._ import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.algebra.{AMQPInternals, Consume, InternalQueue} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.arguments.Arguments import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.effects.EnvelopeDecoder import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._ import fs2.Stream object ConsumingProgram { def make[F[_]: Effect](internalQueue: InternalQueue[F]): F[ConsumingProgram[F]] = Sync[F].delay { WrapperConsumingProgram(internalQueue, Consume.make) } } trait ConsumingProgram[F[_]] extends ConsumingStream[F] with Consume[F] case class WrapperConsumingProgram[F[_]: Effect] private ( internalQueue: InternalQueue[F], consume: Consume[F] ) extends ConsumingProgram[F] { override def createConsumer[A]( queueName: QueueName, channel: AMQPChannel, basicQos: BasicQos, autoAck: Boolean = false, noLocal: Boolean = false, exclusive: Boolean = false, consumerTag: ConsumerTag = ConsumerTag(""), args: Arguments = Map.empty )(implicit decoder: EnvelopeDecoder[F, A]): F[Stream[F, AmqpEnvelope[A]]] = { val setup = for { internalQ <- internalQueue.create internals = AMQPInternals[F](Some(internalQ)) _ <- consume.basicQos(channel, basicQos) consumerTag <- consume.basicConsume( channel, queueName, autoAck, consumerTag, noLocal, exclusive, args )(internals) } yield (consumerTag, internalQ) Stream .bracket(setup) { case (tag, _) => consume.basicCancel(channel, tag) } .flatMap { case (_, queue) => queue.dequeue.rethrow .evalMap(env => decoder(env).map(a => env.copy(payload = a))) } .pure[F] } override def basicAck(channel: AMQPChannel, tag: DeliveryTag, multiple: Boolean): F[Unit] = consume.basicAck(channel, tag, multiple) override def basicNack(channel: AMQPChannel, tag: DeliveryTag, multiple: Boolean, requeue: Boolean): F[Unit] = consume.basicNack(channel, tag, multiple, requeue) override def basicReject(channel: AMQPChannel, tag: DeliveryTag, requeue: Boolean): F[Unit] = consume.basicReject(channel, tag, requeue) override def basicQos(channel: AMQPChannel, basicQos: BasicQos): F[Unit] = consume.basicQos(channel, basicQos) override def basicConsume[A]( channel: AMQPChannel, queueName: QueueName, autoAck: Boolean, consumerTag: ConsumerTag, noLocal: Boolean, exclusive: Boolean, args: Arguments )(internals: AMQPInternals[F]): F[ConsumerTag] = consume.basicConsume(channel, queueName, autoAck, consumerTag, noLocal, exclusive, args)(internals) override def basicCancel(channel: AMQPChannel, consumerTag: ConsumerTag): F[Unit] = consume.basicCancel(channel, consumerTag) }
Example 22
Source File: OTag.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.backend.ops import cats.effect.{Effect, Resource} import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common.{AccountId, Ident} import{RTag, RTagItem} import{AddResult, Store} trait OTag[F[_]] { def findAll(account: AccountId, nameQuery: Option[String]): F[Vector[RTag]] def add(s: RTag): F[AddResult] def update(s: RTag): F[AddResult] def delete(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[AddResult] def loadAll(ids: List[Ident]): F[Vector[RTag]] } object OTag { def apply[F[_]: Effect](store: Store[F]): Resource[F, OTag[F]] = Resource.pure[F, OTag[F]](new OTag[F] { def findAll(account: AccountId, nameQuery: Option[String]): F[Vector[RTag]] = store.transact(RTag.findAll(account.collective, nameQuery, def add(t: RTag): F[AddResult] = { def insert = RTag.insert(t) def exists = RTag.existsByName(t) val msg = s"A tag '${}' already exists" store.add(insert, exists).map(_.fold(identity, _.withMsg(msg), identity)) } def update(t: RTag): F[AddResult] = { def insert = RTag.update(t) def exists = RTag.existsByName(t) val msg = s"A tag '${}' already exists" store.add(insert, exists).map(_.fold(identity, _.withMsg(msg), identity)) } def delete(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[AddResult] = { val io = for { optTag <- RTag.findByIdAndCollective(id, collective) n0 <- optTag.traverse(t => RTagItem.deleteTag(t.tagId)) n1 <- optTag.traverse(t => RTag.delete(t.tagId, collective)) } yield n0.getOrElse(0) + n1.getOrElse(0) store.transact(io) } def loadAll(ids: List[Ident]): F[Vector[RTag]] = if (ids.isEmpty) Vector.empty.pure[F] else store.transact(RTag.findAllById(ids)) }) }
Example 23
Source File: ONode.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.backend.ops import cats.effect.{Effect, Resource} import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common.syntax.all._ import docspell.common.{Ident, LenientUri, NodeType} import import import org.log4s._ trait ONode[F[_]] { def register(appId: Ident, nodeType: NodeType, uri: LenientUri): F[Unit] def unregister(appId: Ident): F[Unit] } object ONode { private[this] val logger = getLogger def apply[F[_]: Effect](store: Store[F]): Resource[F, ONode[F]] = Resource.pure[F, ONode[F]](new ONode[F] { def register(appId: Ident, nodeType: NodeType, uri: LenientUri): F[Unit] = for { node <- RNode(appId, nodeType, uri) _ <- logger.finfo(s"Registering node ${}") _ <- store.transact(RNode.set(node)) } yield () def unregister(appId: Ident): F[Unit] = logger.finfo(s"Unregister app ${}") *> store.transact(RNode.delete(appId)).map(_ => ()) }) }
Example 24
Source File: OEquipment.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.backend.ops import cats.effect.{Effect, Resource} import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common.{AccountId, Ident} import{REquipment, RItem} import{AddResult, Store} trait OEquipment[F[_]] { def findAll(account: AccountId, nameQuery: Option[String]): F[Vector[REquipment]] def add(s: REquipment): F[AddResult] def update(s: REquipment): F[AddResult] def delete(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[AddResult] } object OEquipment { def apply[F[_]: Effect](store: Store[F]): Resource[F, OEquipment[F]] = Resource.pure[F, OEquipment[F]](new OEquipment[F] { def findAll(account: AccountId, nameQuery: Option[String]): F[Vector[REquipment]] = store.transact(REquipment.findAll(account.collective, nameQuery, def add(e: REquipment): F[AddResult] = { def insert = REquipment.insert(e) def exists = REquipment.existsByName(e.cid, val msg = s"An equipment '${}' already exists" store.add(insert, exists).map(_.fold(identity, _.withMsg(msg), identity)) } def update(e: REquipment): F[AddResult] = { def insert = REquipment.update(e) def exists = REquipment.existsByName(e.cid, val msg = s"An equipment '${}' already exists" store.add(insert, exists).map(_.fold(identity, _.withMsg(msg), identity)) } def delete(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[AddResult] = { val io = for { n0 <- RItem.removeConcEquip(collective, id) n1 <- REquipment.delete(id, collective) } yield n0 + n1 store.transact(io) } }) }
Example 25
Source File: JobQueue.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{Effect, Resource} import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common._ import docspell.common.syntax.all._ import import import import org.log4s._ trait JobQueue[F[_]] { def insertIfNew(job: RJob): F[Unit] def insertAll(jobs: Seq[RJob]): F[Unit] def nextJob( prio: Ident => F[Priority], worker: Ident, retryPause: Duration ): F[Option[RJob]] } object JobQueue { private[this] val logger = getLogger def apply[F[_]: Effect](store: Store[F]): Resource[F, JobQueue[F]] = Resource.pure[F, JobQueue[F]](new JobQueue[F] { def nextJob( prio: Ident => F[Priority], worker: Ident, retryPause: Duration ): F[Option[RJob]] = logger .ftrace("Select next job") *> QJob.takeNextJob(store)(prio, worker, retryPause) def insert(job: RJob): F[Unit] = store .transact(RJob.insert(job)) .flatMap { n => if (n != 1) Effect[F] .raiseError(new Exception(s"Inserting job failed. Update count: $n")) else ().pure[F] } def insertIfNew(job: RJob): F[Unit] = for { rj <- job.tracker match { case Some(tid) => store.transact(RJob.findNonFinalByTracker(tid)) case None => None.pure[F] } ret <- if (rj.isDefined) ().pure[F] else insert(job) } yield ret def insertAll(jobs: Seq[RJob]): F[Unit] = jobs.toList .traverse(j => insert(j).attempt) .map(_.foreach { case Right(()) => case Left(ex) => logger.error(ex)("Could not insert job. Skipping it.") }) }) }
Example 26
Source File: StoreImpl.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common.Ident import import{AddResult, JdbcConfig, Store} import bitpeace.{Bitpeace, BitpeaceConfig, TikaMimetypeDetect} import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ final class StoreImpl[F[_]: Effect](jdbc: JdbcConfig, xa: Transactor[F]) extends Store[F] { val bitpeaceCfg = BitpeaceConfig( "filemeta", "filechunk", TikaMimetypeDetect, Ident.randomId[F].map( ) def migrate: F[Int] =[F](jdbc) def transact[A](prg: doobie.ConnectionIO[A]): F[A] = prg.transact(xa) def transact[A](prg: fs2.Stream[doobie.ConnectionIO, A]): fs2.Stream[F, A] = prg.transact(xa) def bitpeace: Bitpeace[F] = Bitpeace(bitpeaceCfg, xa) def add(insert: ConnectionIO[Int], exists: ConnectionIO[Boolean]): F[AddResult] = for { save <- transact(insert).attempt exist <- save.swap.traverse(ex => transact(exists).map(b => (ex, b))) } yield exist.swap match { case Right(_) => AddResult.Success case Left((_, true)) => AddResult.EntityExists("Adding failed, because the entity already exists.") case Left((ex, _)) => AddResult.Failure(ex) } }
Example 27
Source File: JsonLogEncodingTest.scala From cedi-dtrace with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ccadllc.cedi.dtrace package logging import cats.effect.{ IO, Effect } import io.circe._ import io.circe.syntax._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import json.encoding._ class JsonLogEncodingTests extends AnyWordSpec with TestSupport { // format: OFF val calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContextJson = Json.obj( "where" ->, "root" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.root.asJson, "trace-id" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.spanId.traceId.asJson, "span-id" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.spanId.spanId.asJson, "parent-id" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.spanId.parentSpanId.asJson, "span-name" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.spanName.value.asJson, "start-time" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.startTime.asJson, "span-success" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.failure.isEmpty.asJson, "failure-detail" ->, "span-duration" -> calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext.currentSpan.duration.toMicros.asJson, "notes" -> Map( -> quarterlySalesUnitsNoteValue.value.toString, -> quarterlySalesGoalReachedNoteValue.value.toString, -> salesRegionNoteValue.value, -> quarterlySalesTotalNoteValue.value.toString ).asJson ) // format: ON implicit def traceArb[F[_]: Effect]: Arbitrary[TraceContext[F]] = Arbitrary(genTraceContext[F]) "Trace" should { encodeGeneratedJson[TraceContext[IO]] } "Trace" should { encodeSpecificJson(calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContext, calculateQuarterlySalesTraceContextJson) } }
Example 28
Source File: AkkaActorIntermediator.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Effect, IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import import retry.CatsEffect._ import retry.syntax.all._ import retry.{RetryDetails, RetryPolicy} import scala.reflect.ClassTag abstract private[akka] class AkkaActorIntermediator[F[_]: Timer]( name: String, selection: ActorRefSelection[F], askTimeout: Timeout )(implicit F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, policy: RetryPolicy[F]) { implicit private[akka] val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(as.dispatcher) implicit private[akka] def noop[A]: (A, RetryDetails) => F[Unit] = retry.noop[F, A] implicit private val timeout: Timeout = askTimeout private[akka] def send[M <: Msg, Reply, A](id: String, msg: M, f: Reply => A)(implicit Reply: ClassTag[Reply] ): F[A] = selection(name, id).flatMap { ref => val future = IO(ref ? msg) val fa = IO.fromFuture(future).to[F] fa.flatMap[A] { case Reply(value) => F.pure(f(value)) case te: TypeError => F.raiseError(te) case um: UnexpectedMsgId => F.raiseError(um) case cet: CommandEvaluationTimeout[_] => F.raiseError(cet) case cee: CommandEvaluationError[_] => F.raiseError(cee) case other => F.raiseError(TypeError(id, Reply.runtimeClass.getSimpleName, other)) } .retryingOnAllErrors[Throwable] } }
Example 29
Source File: ElasticSearchBaseClient.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.GatewayTimeout import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, StatusCode, StatusCodes} import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import{ElasticServerError, ElasticUnexpectedError} import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import retry.CatsEffect._ import retry.syntax.all._ import retry.{RetryDetails, RetryPolicy} import scala.util.control.NonFatal private[client] def sanitize(index: String, allowWildCard: Boolean): String = { val regex = if (allowWildCard) """[\s|"|\\|<|>|\||,|/|?]""" else """[\s|"|*|\\|<|>|\||,|/|?]""" index.replaceAll(regex, "_").dropWhile(_ == '_') } } object ElasticSearchBaseClient { private[client] val docType = "_doc" private[client] val source = "_source" private[client] val anyIndexPath = "_all" private[client] val ignoreUnavailable = "ignore_unavailable" private[client] val allowNoIndices = "allow_no_indices" private[client] val trackTotalHits = "track_total_hits" }
Example 30
Source File: ArchiveCache.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorSystem, NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout} import cats.Monad import import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import retry.RetryPolicy class ArchiveCache[F[_]: Monad](ref: StateMachine[F, String, State, Command, Unit]) { def put(value: Archive): OptionT[F, Archive] = OptionT(ref.evaluate(, Write(value)).map(_.toOption.flatten)) } object ArchiveCache { private[archives] type State = Option[Archive] private[archives] type Command = Write final private[archives] case class Write(bundle: Archive) extends NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout final def apply[F[_]: Timer](implicit as: ActorSystem, cfg: ArchivesConfig, F: Effect[F]): F[ArchiveCache[F]] = { implicit val retryPolicy: RetryPolicy[F] = cfg.cache.retry.retryPolicy[F] val invalidationStrategy = StopStrategy.lapsedSinceLastInteraction[State, Command](cfg.cacheInvalidateAfter) val evaluate: (State, Command) => F[Either[Unit, State]] = { case (None, Write(bundle)) => F.pure(Right(Some(bundle))) case (Some(_), _) => F.pure(Left(())) // It already exists, so we don't want to replace it } AkkaStateMachine .sharded[F]("archives", None, evaluate, invalidationStrategy, cfg.cache.akkaStateMachineConfig, cfg.cache.shards) .map(new ArchiveCache[F](_)) } }
Example 31
Source File: ElasticSearchIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import import import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ @SuppressWarnings(Array("MaxParameters")) object ElasticSearchIndexer { implicit private val log: Logger = Logger[ElasticSearchIndexer.type] final def start[F[_]: Timer]( view: ElasticSearchView, resources: Resources[F], project: Project, restartOffset: Boolean )(implicit as: ActorSystem, actorInitializer: (Props, String) => ActorRef, projections: Projections[F, String], F: Effect[F], clients: Clients[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, ProjectionProgress] = { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val p: Project = project implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = implicit val metadataOpts: MetadataOptions = MetadataOptions(linksAsIri = true, expandedLinks = true) implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout( val client: ElasticSearchClient[F] = clients.elasticSearch.withRetryPolicy( def deleteOrIndex(res: ResourceV): Option[BulkOp] = if (res.deprecated && !view.filter.includeDeprecated) Some(delete(res)) else view.toDocument(res).map(doc => BulkOp.Index(view.index,, doc)) def delete(res: ResourceV): BulkOp = BulkOp.Delete(view.index, val initFetchProgressF: F[ProjectionProgress] = if (restartOffset) projections.recordProgress(view.progressId, NoProgress) >> view.createIndex >> F.pure(NoProgress) else view.createIndex >> projections.progress(view.progressId) val sourceF: F[Source[ProjectionProgress, _]] = { initial => val flow = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mapAsync(view.toResource(resources, _)) .collectSome[ResourceV] .collect { case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) && view.allowedTypes(res) => deleteOrIndex(res) case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) => Some(delete(res)) } .collectSome[BulkOp] .runAsyncBatch(client.bulk(_))() .mergeEmit() .toPersistedProgress(view.progressId, initial) cassandraSource(s"project=${}", view.progressId, initial.minProgress.offset) .via(flow) .via(kamonViewMetricsFlow(view, project)) } StreamSupervisor.start(sourceF, view.progressId, actorInitializer) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 32
Source File: StorageIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.Instant import import{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import{ProjectCache, StorageCache} import import import import import import{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object StorageIndexer { implicit private val log = Logger[StorageIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](storages: Storages[F], storageCache: StorageCache[F])(implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken: Option[AccessToken] = config.serviceAccount.credentials implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout( implicit val storageConfig: StorageConfig = val name = "storage-indexer" def toStorage(event: Event): F[Option[(Storage, Instant)]] = fetchProject(event.organization,, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => storages.fetchStorage( { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(timedStorage) => Some(timedStorage) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toStorage) .collectSome[(Storage, Instant)] .runAsync { case (storage, instant) => storageCache.put(storage)(instant) }() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 33
Source File: SparqlIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import{BlazegraphClient, SparqlWriteQuery} import import import import import import import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ @SuppressWarnings(Array("MaxParameters")) object SparqlIndexer { final def start[F[_]: Timer]( view: SparqlView, resources: Resources[F], project: Project, restartOffset: Boolean )(implicit as: ActorSystem, actorInitializer: (Props, String) => ActorRef, projections: Projections[F, String], F: Effect[F], clients: Clients[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, ProjectionProgress] = { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val p: Project = project implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = implicit val metadataOpts: MetadataOptions = MetadataOptions(linksAsIri = true, expandedLinks = true) implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout( val client: BlazegraphClient[F] = clients.sparql.copy(namespace = view.index).withRetryPolicy( def buildInsertOrDeleteQuery(res: ResourceV): SparqlWriteQuery = if (res.deprecated && !view.filter.includeDeprecated) view.buildDeleteQuery(res) else view.buildInsertQuery(res) val initFetchProgressF: F[ProjectionProgress] = if (restartOffset) projections.recordProgress(view.progressId, NoProgress) >> view.createIndex >> F.pure(NoProgress) else view.createIndex >> projections.progress(view.progressId) val sourceF: F[Source[ProjectionProgress, _]] = { initial => val flow = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mapAsync(view.toResource(resources, _)) .collectSome[ResourceV] .collect { case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) && view.allowedTypes(res) => buildInsertOrDeleteQuery(res) case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) => view.buildDeleteQuery(res) } .runAsyncBatch(client.bulk(_))() .mergeEmit() .toPersistedProgress(view.progressId, initial) cassandraSource(s"project=${}", view.progressId, initial.minProgress.offset) .via(flow) .via(kamonViewMetricsFlow(view, project)) } StreamSupervisor.start(sourceF, view.progressId, actorInitializer) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 34
Source File: ResolverIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import{ProjectCache, ResolverCache} import import import import import{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ResolverIndexer { implicit private val log = Logger[ResolverIndexer.type] final def start[F[_]: Timer](resolvers: Resolvers[F], resolverCache: ResolverCache[F])(implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], as: ActorSystem, F: Effect[F], projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken: Option[AccessToken] = config.serviceAccount.credentials implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout( val name = "resolver-indexer" def toResolver(event: Event): F[Option[Resolver]] = fetchProject(event.organization,, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => resolvers.fetchResolver( { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(resolver) => Some(resolver) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toResolver) .collectSome[Resolver] .runAsync(resolverCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 35
Source File: ViewIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import{ProjectCache, ViewCache} import import import import{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ViewIndexer { implicit private val log = Logger[ViewIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](views: Views[F], viewCache: ViewCache[F])(implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken: Option[AccessToken] = config.serviceAccount.credentials implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout( val name = "view-indexer" def toView(event: Event): F[Option[View]] = fetchProject(event.organization,, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => views.fetchView( { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(view) => Some(view) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toView) .collectSome[View] .runAsync(viewCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 36
Source File: ResolverCache.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import{KeyValueStore, KeyValueStoreConfig} import import import import class ResolverCache[F[_]: Effect: Timer] private (projectToCache: ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, ResolverProjectCache[F]])( implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig ) { private class ResolverProjectCache[F[_]: Monad] private (store: KeyValueStore[F, AbsoluteIri, Resolver]) extends Cache[F, AbsoluteIri, Resolver](store) { implicit private val ordering: Ordering[Resolver] = def get: F[List[Resolver]] = def put(resolver: Resolver): F[Unit] = if (resolver.deprecated) store.remove( else store.put(, resolver) } private object ResolverProjectCache { def apply[F[_]: Effect: Timer]( project: ProjectRef )(implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig): ResolverProjectCache[F] = new ResolverProjectCache(KeyValueStore.distributed(s"resolver-${}", (_, resolver) => resolver.rev)) } object ResolverCache { def apply[F[_]: Effect: Timer](implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig): ResolverCache[F] = new ResolverCache(new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, ResolverProjectCache[F]]()) }
Example 37
Source File: StorageCache.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.{Clock, Instant} import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import{KeyValueStore, KeyValueStoreConfig} import import import import import import class StorageCache[F[_]: Effect: Timer] private (projectToCache: ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, StorageProjectCache[F]])( implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig, clock: Clock ) { private class StorageProjectCache[F[_]: Monad] private (store: KeyValueStore[F, AbsoluteIri, RevisionedStorage]) extends Cache[F, AbsoluteIri, RevisionedStorage](store) { implicit private val ordering: Ordering[RevisionedStorage] = RevisionedStorage) => s.rev).reverse implicit private def revisioned(storage: Storage)(implicit instant: Instant): RevisionedStorage = RevisionedValue(instant.toEpochMilli, storage) def get: F[List[Storage]] = def getDefault: F[Option[Storage]] = { case storage if storage.default => storage }) def getBy(id: AbsoluteIri): F[Option[Storage]] = get(id).map(_.collectFirst { case RevisionedValue(_, storage) if == id => storage }) def put(storage: Storage)(implicit instant: Instant): F[Unit] = if (storage.deprecated) store.remove( else store.put(, storage) } private object StorageProjectCache { type RevisionedStorage = RevisionedValue[Storage] def apply[F[_]: Effect: Timer]( project: ProjectRef )(implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig): StorageProjectCache[F] = new StorageProjectCache( KeyValueStore.distributed(s"storage-${}", (_, storage) => storage.value.rev) ) } object StorageCache { def apply[F[_]: Timer: Effect](implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig, clock: Clock): StorageCache[F] = new StorageCache(new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, StorageProjectCache[F]]()) }
Example 38
Source File: RemoteDiskStorageOperations.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import cats.Applicative import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import{Digest => StorageDigest} import{FileAttributes => StorageFileAttributes} object RemoteDiskStorageOperations { // TODO: Remove when migrating ADMIN client implicit private def oldTokenConversion(implicit token: Option[AccessToken]): Option[AuthToken] = => AuthToken(t.value)) implicit private def toDigest(digest: StorageDigest): Digest = Digest(digest.algorithm, digest.value) final class FetchAttributes[F[_]](storage: RemoteDiskStorage, client: StorageClient[F]) extends FetchFileAttributes[F] { implicit val cred = override def apply(relativePath: Uri.Path): F[StorageFileAttributes] = client.getAttributes(storage.folder, relativePath) } }
Example 39
Source File: Main.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Paths import java.time.Clock import import akka.event.{Logging, LoggingAdapter} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.Effect import import import{AppConfig, Settings} import import import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import kamon.Kamon import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} //noinspection TypeAnnotation // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object Main { def loadConfig(): Config = { val cfg = sys.env.get("STORAGE_CONFIG_FILE") orElse sys.props.get("storage.config.file") map { str => val file = Paths.get(str).toAbsolutePath.toFile ConfigFactory.parseFile(file) } getOrElse ConfigFactory.empty() (cfg withFallback ConfigFactory.load()).resolve() } def setupMonitoring(config: Config): Unit = { if (sys.env.getOrElse("KAMON_ENABLED", "false").toBoolean) { Kamon.reconfigure(config) Kamon.loadModules() } } def shutdownMonitoring(): Unit = { if (sys.env.getOrElse("KAMON_ENABLED", "false").toBoolean) { Await.result(Kamon.stopModules(), 10.seconds) } } @SuppressWarnings(Array("UnusedMethodParameter")) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val config = loadConfig() setupMonitoring(config) implicit val appConfig: AppConfig = Settings(config).appConfig implicit val as: ActorSystem = ActorSystem(appConfig.description.fullName, config) implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val eff: Effect[Task] = Task.catsEffect( implicit val iamIdentities: IamIdentitiesClient[Task] = new IamIdentitiesClient[Task](appConfig.iam) implicit val timeout = Timeout(1.minute) implicit val clock = Clock.systemUTC val storages: Storages[Task, AkkaSource] = new DiskStorage(, appConfig.digest, AttributesCache[Task, AkkaSource]) val logger: LoggingAdapter = Logging(as, getClass)"==== Cluster is Live ====") val routes: Route = Routes(storages) val httpBinding: Future[Http.ServerBinding] = { Http().bindAndHandle(routes, appConfig.http.interface, appConfig.http.port) } httpBinding onComplete { case Success(binding) =>"Bound to ${binding.localAddress.getHostString}: ${binding.localAddress.getPort}") case Failure(th) => logger.error(th, "Failed to perform an http binding on {}:{}", appConfig.http.interface, appConfig.http.port) Await.result(as.terminate(), 10.seconds) } as.registerOnTermination { shutdownMonitoring() } // attempt to leave the cluster before shutting down val _ = sys.addShutdownHook { Await.result(as.terminate().map(_ => ()), 10.seconds) } } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 40
Source File: AttributesCache.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Path import java.time.Clock import{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.pattern.{ask, AskTimeoutException} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Effect, IO} import cats.implicits._ import import{InternalError, OperationTimedOut} import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait AttributesCache[F[_]] { def asyncComputePut(filePath: Path, algorithm: String): Unit } object AttributesCache { private[this] val logger = Logger[this.type] def apply[F[_], Source](implicit system: ActorSystem, clock: Clock, tm: Timeout, F: Effect[F], computation: AttributesComputation[F, Source], config: DigestConfig ): AttributesCache[F] = apply(system.actorOf(AttributesCacheActor.props(computation))) private[attributes] def apply[F[_]]( underlying: ActorRef )(implicit system: ActorSystem, tm: Timeout, F: Effect[F]): AttributesCache[F] = new AttributesCache[F] { implicit private val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(system.dispatcher) override def get(filePath: Path): F[FileAttributes] = IO.fromFuture(IO.shift(system.dispatcher) >> IO(underlying ? Get(filePath))) .to[F] .flatMap[FileAttributes] { case attributes: FileAttributes => F.pure(attributes) case other => logger.error(s"Received unexpected reply from the file attributes cache: '$other'") F.raiseError(InternalError("Unexpected reply from the file attributes cache")) } .recoverWith { case _: AskTimeoutException => F.raiseError(OperationTimedOut("reply from the file attributes cache timed out")) case NonFatal(th) => logger.error("Exception caught while exchanging messages with the file attributes cache", th) F.raiseError(InternalError("Exception caught while exchanging messages with the file attributes cache")) } override def asyncComputePut(filePath: Path, algorithm: String): Unit = underlying ! Compute(filePath) } }
Example 41
Source File: AttributesComputation.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpCharsets.`UTF-8` import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes.{`application/octet-stream`, `application/x-tar`} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentType, MediaType, MediaTypes} import import{Keep, Sink} import akka.util.ByteString import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import{Digest, FileAttributes} import import import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} trait AttributesComputation[F[_], Source] { implicit def akkaAttributes[F[_]](implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mt: Materializer, F: Effect[F] ): AttributesComputation[F, AkkaSource] = (path: Path, algorithm: String) => { if (!Files.exists(path)) F.raiseError(InternalError(s"Path not found '$path'")) else Try(MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm)) match { case Success(msgDigest) => val isDir = Files.isDirectory(path) val source = if (isDir) folderSource(path) else fileSource(path) source .alsoToMat(sinkSize)(Keep.right) .toMat(sinkDigest(msgDigest)) { (bytesF, digestF) => (bytesF, digestF).mapN { case (bytes, digest) => FileAttributes(path.toAkkaUri, bytes, digest, detectMediaType(path, isDir)) } } .run() .to[F] case Failure(_) => F.raiseError(InternalError(s"Invalid algorithm '$algorithm'.")) } } }
Example 42
Source File: IamIdentitiesClient.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.client.RequestBuilding.Get import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.OAuth2BearerToken import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.FromEntityUnmarshaller import akka.util.ByteString import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Effect, IO} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.ErrorAccumulatingCirceSupport.{DecodingFailures => AccDecodingFailures} import io.circe.Decoder.Result import io.circe.{Decoder, DecodingFailure, HCursor} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class IamIdentitiesClient[F[_]](config: IamClientConfig)(implicit F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem) extends JsonLdCirceSupport { private val um: FromEntityUnmarshaller[Caller] = unmarshaller[Caller] implicit private val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit private val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) def apply()(implicit credentials: Option[AccessToken]): F[Caller] = credentials match { case Some(token) => execute(Get(config.identitiesIri.asAkka).addCredentials(OAuth2BearerToken(token.value))) case None => F.pure(Caller.anonymous) } private def execute(req: HttpRequest): F[Caller] = { IO.fromFuture(IO(Http().singleRequest(req))).to[F].flatMap { resp => if (resp.status.isSuccess()) IO.fromFuture(IO(um(resp.entity))).to[F].recoverWith { case err: AccDecodingFailures => F.raiseError(IdentitiesSerializationError(err.getMessage)) case err: Error => F.raiseError(IdentitiesSerializationError(err.getMessage)) } else IO.fromFuture(IO(resp.entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _).map(_.utf8String))) .to[F] .flatMap { err => F.raiseError(IamIdentitiesClientError.unsafe(resp.status, err)) } } } } object IamIdentitiesClient { final case class Authenticated(realm: String) extends Identity private def decodeAnonymous(hc: HCursor): Result[Subject] = hc.get[String]("@type").flatMap { case "Anonymous" => Right(Anonymous) case _ => Left(DecodingFailure("Cannot decode Anonymous Identity", hc.history)) } private def decodeUser(hc: HCursor): Result[Subject] = (hc.get[String]("subject"), hc.get[String]("realm")).mapN { case (subject, realm) => User(subject, realm) } private def decodeGroup(hc: HCursor): Result[Identity] = (hc.get[String]("group"), hc.get[String]("realm")).mapN { case (group, realm) => Group(group, realm) } private def decodeAuthenticated(hc: HCursor): Result[Identity] = hc.get[String]("realm").map(Authenticated) private val attempts = List[HCursor => Result[Identity]](decodeAnonymous, decodeUser, decodeGroup, decodeAuthenticated) implicit val identityDecoder: Decoder[Identity] = Decoder.instance { hc => attempts.foldLeft(Left(DecodingFailure("Unexpected", hc.history)): Result[Identity]) { case (acc @ Right(_), _) => acc case (_, f) => f(hc) } } } }
Example 43
Source File: BookingRoutes.scala From ticket-booking-aecor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import{BookingKey, ClientId} final class BookingRoutes[F[_]: Effect](ops: BookingEndpoint[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] { implicit val placeBookingDecoder = jsonOf[F, PlaceBookingRequest] implicit val cancelBookingDecoder = jsonOf[F, CancelBookingRequest] private val placeBooking: HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes.of { case r @ POST -> Root / userId / "bookings" =>[PlaceBookingRequest] .flatMap( r => ops.placeBooking(ClientId(userId), r.concertId, r.seats).flatMap { case Left(err) => BadRequest(err.toString) case Right(_) => Ok() } ) } private val cancelBooking: HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes.of { case r @ DELETE -> Root / userId / "bookings" / bookingId =>[CancelBookingRequest] .flatMap( r => ops.cancelBooking(ClientId(userId), BookingKey(bookingId), r.reason).flatMap { case Left(err) => BadRequest(err.toString) case Right(_) => Ok() } ) } private val clientBookings: HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes.of { case GET -> Root / userId / "bookings" => ops.clientBookings(ClientId(userId)).flatMap { bookings => Ok(bookings.asJson) } } val routes: HttpRoutes[F] = placeBooking <+> clientBookings <+> cancelBooking }
Example 44
Source File: ProducerOf.scala From skafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.skafka.producer import cats.effect.{Bracket, ContextShift, Effect, Resource} import cats.{Defer, Monad, ~>} import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics.MeasureDuration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait ProducerOf[F[_]] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig): Resource[F, Producer[F]] } object ProducerOf { def apply[F[_] : Effect : ContextShift : MeasureDuration]( executorBlocking: ExecutionContext, metrics: Option[ProducerMetrics[F]] = None ): ProducerOf[F] = new ProducerOf[F] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig) = { for { producer <- Producer.of[F](config, executorBlocking) } yield { metrics.fold(producer)(producer.withMetrics[Throwable]) } } } implicit class ProducerOfOps[F[_]](val self: ProducerOf[F]) extends AnyVal { def mapK[G[_] : Monad : Defer]( fg: F ~> G, gf: G ~> F)(implicit B: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): ProducerOf[G] = new ProducerOf[G] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig) = { for { a <- self(config).mapK(fg) } yield { a.mapK(fg, gf) } } } } }
Example 45
Source File: CatsEffect.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.specs2 import cats.effect.{Effect, Resource, Sync} import cats.effect.syntax.effect._ import org.specs2.execute.{AsResult, Failure, Result} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.higherKinds trait CatsEffect { protected val Timeout: Duration = 10.seconds implicit def effectAsResult[F[_]: Effect, R](implicit R: AsResult[R]): AsResult[F[R]] = new AsResult[F[R]] { def asResult(t: => F[R]): Result = t.toIO.unsafeRunTimed(Timeout) .map(R.asResult(_)) .getOrElse(Failure(s"expectation timed out after $Timeout")) } implicit def resourceAsResult[F[_]: Effect, R](implicit R: AsResult[R]): AsResult[Resource[F,R]] = new AsResult[Resource[F,R]]{ def asResult(t: => Resource[F, R]): Result = t.use(r => Sync[F].delay(R.asResult(r))) .toIO .unsafeRunTimed(Timeout) .getOrElse(Failure(s"expectation timed out after $Timeout")) } }
Example 46
Source File: EffectCheckerAsserting.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.scalatest.scalacheck import cats.effect.Effect import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.exceptions._ import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.CheckerAsserting class EffectCheckerAsserting[F[_], A](implicit F: Effect[F]) extends CheckerAsserting.CheckerAssertingImpl[F[A]] { override type Result = F[Unit] override def succeed(result: F[A]): (Boolean, Option[Throwable]) = F.toIO(result) .attempt .unsafeRunSync() .fold(e => (false, Some(e)), _ => (true, None)) override def indicateSuccess(message: => String): Result = F.unit override def indicateFailure( messageFun: StackDepthException => String, undecoratedMessage: => String, scalaCheckArgs: List[Any], scalaCheckLabels: List[String], optionalCause: Option[Throwable], pos: source.Position ): Result = { val error = new GeneratorDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException( messageFun, optionalCause, pos, None, undecoratedMessage, scalaCheckArgs, None, scalaCheckLabels ) F.raiseError(error) } }
Example 47
Source File: TransactionRoute.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.example.transaction import java.util.UUID import aecor.example.account import aecor.example.account.AccountId import aecor.example.common.Amount import cats.effect.{Effect, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityDecoder import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import trait TransactionService[F[_]] { def authorizePayment(transactionId: TransactionId, from: From[AccountId], to: To[AccountId], amount: Amount): F[TransactionRoute.ApiResult] } object TransactionRoute { sealed trait ApiResult object ApiResult { case object Authorized extends ApiResult case class Declined(reason: String) extends ApiResult } final case class CreateTransactionRequest(from: From[AccountId], to: To[AccountId], amount: Amount) object TransactionIdVar { def unapply(arg: String): Option[TransactionId] = TransactionId(arg).some } private final class Builder[F[_]: Sync](service: TransactionService[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] with CirceEntityDecoder { def routes: HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes.of[F] { case req @ PUT -> Root / "transactions" / TransactionIdVar(transactionId) => for { body <-[CreateTransactionRequest] CreateTransactionRequest(from, to, amount) = body resp <- service.authorizePayment(transactionId, from, to, amount).flatMap { case ApiResult.Authorized => Ok("Authorized") case ApiResult.Declined(reason) => BadRequest(s"Declined: $reason") } } yield resp case POST -> Root / "test" => service .authorizePayment( TransactionId(UUID.randomUUID.toString), From(account.EventsourcedAlgebra.rootAccountId), To(AccountId("foo")), Amount(1) ) .flatMap { case ApiResult.Authorized => Ok("Authorized") case ApiResult.Declined(reason) => BadRequest(s"Declined: $reason") } } } def apply[F[_]: Effect](api: TransactionService[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = new Builder(api).routes }
Example 48
Source File: deployment.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.example.transaction import java.util.UUID import aecor.example.common.Timestamp import aecor.example.transaction.transaction.Transactions import aecor.runtime.Eventsourced import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime import aecor.util.Clock import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import scodec.codecs.implicits._ object deployment { def deploy[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift](runtime: AkkaPersistenceRuntime[UUID], clock: Clock[F]): F[Transactions[F]] = runtime .deploy( "Transaction", EventsourcedAlgebra.behavior[F].enrich(, EventsourcedAlgebra.tagging ) .map(Eventsourced.Entities.rejectable(_)) }
Example 49
Source File: deployment.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.example.account import java.util.UUID import aecor.example.common.Timestamp import aecor.runtime.Eventsourced import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime import aecor.util.Clock import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import cats.implicits._ object deployment { def deploy[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift](runtime: AkkaPersistenceRuntime[UUID], clock: Clock[F]): F[Accounts[F]] = runtime .deploy( "Account", EventsourcedAlgebra.behavior[F].enrich(, EventsourcedAlgebra.tagging ) .map(Eventsourced.Entities.rejectable(_)) }
Example 50
Source File: RebalanceEvents.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.kafkadistributedprocessing.internal import java.util import import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred import cats.effect.implicits._ import cats.effect.{ ConcurrentEffect, Effect } import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Stream import fs2.concurrent.Queue import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRebalanceListener import org.apache.kafka.common import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ private[kafkadistributedprocessing] object RebalanceEvents { final class UsePartiallyApplied[F[_]] { def subscribe[A]( f: ConsumerRebalanceListener => F[Unit] )(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F]): F[Stream[F, Committable[F, RebalanceEvent]]] = for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[F, Committable[F, RebalanceEvent]] listener = new Listener[F]( event => Deferred[F, Unit] .flatMap { completion => queue.enqueue1(Committable(completion.complete(()), event)) >> completion.get } ) _ <- f(listener) } yield queue.dequeue } def apply[F[_]]: UsePartiallyApplied[F] = new UsePartiallyApplied[F] sealed abstract class RebalanceEvent object RebalanceEvent { final case class PartitionsRevoked(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]) extends RebalanceEvent final case class PartitionsAssigned(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]) extends RebalanceEvent } private final class Listener[F[_]: Effect](processEvent: RebalanceEvent => F[Unit]) extends ConsumerRebalanceListener { override def onPartitionsRevoked(partitions: util.Collection[common.TopicPartition]): Unit = processEvent(RebalanceEvent.PartitionsRevoked(partitions.asScala.toSet)).toIO .unsafeRunSync() override def onPartitionsAssigned(partitions: util.Collection[common.TopicPartition]): Unit = processEvent(RebalanceEvent.PartitionsAssigned(partitions.asScala.toSet)).toIO .unsafeRunSync() } }
Example 51
Source File: DefaultScheduleEventJournal.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.schedule.process import java.util.UUID import{ Committable, ConsumerId, EntityEvent, EventTag } import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside.CommittableEventJournalQuery import aecor.schedule.{ ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent } import aecor.util.effect._ import import{ Keep, Sink } import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ object DefaultScheduleEventJournal { def apply[F[_]: Effect]( consumerId: ConsumerId, parallelism: Int, aggregateJournal: CommittableEventJournalQuery[F, UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent], eventTag: EventTag )(implicit materializer: Materializer): DefaultScheduleEventJournal[F] = new DefaultScheduleEventJournal(consumerId, parallelism, aggregateJournal, eventTag) } final class DefaultScheduleEventJournal[F[_]: Effect]( consumerId: ConsumerId, parallelism: Int, aggregateJournal: CommittableEventJournalQuery[F, UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent], eventTag: EventTag )(implicit materializer: Materializer) extends ScheduleEventJournal[F] { override def processNewEvents( f: EntityEvent[ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent] => F[Unit] ): F[Unit] = Effect[F].fromFuture { aggregateJournal .currentEventsByTag(eventTag, consumerId) .mapAsync(parallelism)( .fold(Committable.unit[F])(Keep.right) .mapAsync(1)(_.commit.unsafeToFuture()) .runWith(Sink.ignore) }.void }
Example 52
Source File: PeriodicProcessRuntime.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.schedule.process import aecor.distributedprocessing.{ AkkaStreamProcess, DistributedProcessing } import aecor.util.effect._ import akka.NotUsed import import import import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import scala.collection.immutable._ import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ } object PeriodicProcessRuntime { def apply[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift]( name: String, tickInterval: FiniteDuration, processCycle: F[Unit] )(implicit materializer: Materializer): PeriodicProcessRuntime[F] = new PeriodicProcessRuntime[F](name, tickInterval, processCycle) } class PeriodicProcessRuntime[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift]( name: String, tickInterval: FiniteDuration, processCycle: F[Unit] )(implicit materializer: Materializer) { private def source = Source .tick(0.seconds, tickInterval, processCycle) .mapAsync(1)(_.unsafeToFuture()) .mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed) def run(system: ActorSystem): F[DistributedProcessing.KillSwitch[F]] = DistributedProcessing(system) .start[F](s"$name-Process", List(AkkaStreamProcess[F](source))) }
Example 53
Source File: DefaultSchedule.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.schedule import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.UUID import import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside.{ CommittableEventJournalQuery, JournalEntry } import aecor.util.Clock import akka.NotUsed import import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import aecor.util.effect._ import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration private[schedule] class DefaultSchedule[F[_]: Effect]( clock: Clock[F], buckets: ScheduleBucketId => ScheduleBucket[F], bucketLength: FiniteDuration, aggregateJournal: CommittableEventJournalQuery[F, UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent], eventTag: EventTag ) extends Schedule[F] { override def addScheduleEntry(scheduleName: String, entryId: String, correlationId: String, dueDate: LocalDateTime): F[Unit] = for { zone <- scheduleBucket = dueDate.atZone(zone).toEpochSecond / bucketLength.toSeconds _ <- buckets(ScheduleBucketId(scheduleName, scheduleBucket.toString)) .addScheduleEntry(entryId, correlationId, dueDate) } yield () override def committableScheduleEvents( scheduleName: String, consumerId: ConsumerId ): Source[Committable[F, JournalEntry[UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent]], NotUsed] = aggregateJournal .eventsByTag(eventTag, ConsumerId(scheduleName + consumerId.value)) .flatMapConcat { case m if m.value.event.entityKey.scheduleName == scheduleName => Source.single(m) case other => Source .fromFuture(other.commit.unsafeToFuture()) .flatMapConcat( _ => Source.empty[Committable[F, JournalEntry[UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent]]] ) } }
Example 54
Source File: DistributedProcessingWorker.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.distributedprocessing import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessing._ import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessingWorker.KeepRunning import aecor.distributedprocessing.serialization.Message import cats.effect.syntax.effect._ import{ Actor, ActorLogging, Props, Status } import akka.pattern._ import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ private[aecor] object DistributedProcessingWorker { def props[F[_]: Effect](processWithId: Int => Process[F], processName: String): Props = Props(new DistributedProcessingWorker[F](processWithId, processName)) final case class KeepRunning(workerId: Int) extends Message } private[aecor] final class DistributedProcessingWorker[F[_]: Effect]( processFor: Int => Process[F], processName: String ) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import context.dispatcher case class ProcessStarted(process: RunningProcess[F]) case object ProcessTerminated var killSwitch: Option[F[Unit]] = None override def postStop: Unit = killSwitch.foreach(_.toIO.unsafeRunSync()) def receive: Receive = { case KeepRunning(workerId) =>"[{}] Starting process {}", workerId, processName) processFor(workerId).run .map(ProcessStarted) .toIO .unsafeToFuture() pipeTo self context.become { case ProcessStarted(RunningProcess(watchTermination, terminate)) =>"[{}] Process started {}", workerId, processName) killSwitch = Some(terminate) => ProcessTerminated).unsafeToFuture() pipeTo self context.become { case Status.Failure(e) => log.error(e, "Process failed {}", processName) throw e case ProcessTerminated => log.error("Process terminated {}", processName) throw new IllegalStateException(s"Process terminated $processName") } case Status.Failure(e) => log.error(e, "Process failed to start {}", processName) throw e case KeepRunning(_) => () } } }
Example 55
Source File: DistributedProcessing.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.distributedprocessing import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessing.{ KillSwitch, Process } import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessingWorker.KeepRunning import aecor.util.effect._ import import akka.cluster.sharding.{ ClusterSharding, ClusterShardingSettings } import akka.pattern.{ BackoffOpts, BackoffSupervisor, ask } import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ } final class DistributedProcessing private (system: ActorSystem) { def start[F[_]: Effect](name: String, processes: List[Process[F]], settings: DistributedProcessingSettings = DistributedProcessingSettings.default(system)): F[KillSwitch[F]] = Effect[F].delay { val opts = BackoffOpts .onFailure( DistributedProcessingWorker.props(processes, name), "worker", settings.minBackoff, settings.maxBackoff, settings.randomFactor ) val props = BackoffSupervisor.props(opts) val region = ClusterSharding(system).start( typeName = name, entityProps = props, settings = settings.clusterShardingSettings, extractEntityId = { case c @ KeepRunning(workerId) => (workerId.toString, c) }, extractShardId = { case KeepRunning(workerId) => (workerId % settings.numberOfShards).toString case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected message [$other]") } ) val regionSupervisor = system.actorOf( DistributedProcessingSupervisor .props(processes.size, region, settings.heartbeatInterval), "DistributedProcessingSupervisor-" + URLEncoder .encode(name, ) implicit val timeout = Timeout(settings.shutdownTimeout) KillSwitch { Effect[F].fromFuture { regionSupervisor ? DistributedProcessingSupervisor.GracefulShutdown }.void } } } object DistributedProcessing { def apply(system: ActorSystem): DistributedProcessing = new DistributedProcessing(system) final case class KillSwitch[F[_]](shutdown: F[Unit]) extends AnyVal final case class RunningProcess[F[_]](watchTermination: F[Unit], shutdown: F[Unit]) final case class Process[F[_]](run: F[RunningProcess[F]]) extends AnyVal } final case class DistributedProcessingSettings(minBackoff: FiniteDuration, maxBackoff: FiniteDuration, randomFactor: Double, shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration, numberOfShards: Int, heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration, clusterShardingSettings: ClusterShardingSettings) object DistributedProcessingSettings { def default(clusterShardingSettings: ClusterShardingSettings): DistributedProcessingSettings = DistributedProcessingSettings( minBackoff = 3.seconds, maxBackoff = 10.seconds, randomFactor = 0.2, shutdownTimeout = 10.seconds, numberOfShards = 100, heartbeatInterval = 2.seconds, clusterShardingSettings = clusterShardingSettings ) def default(system: ActorSystem): DistributedProcessingSettings = default(ClusterShardingSettings(system)) }
Example 56
Source File: GenericAkkaRuntime.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkageneric import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol.Encoded import aecor.encoding.syntax._ import aecor.encoding.{ KeyDecoder, KeyEncoder, WireProtocol } import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntime.KeyedCommand import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.CommandResult import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.serialization.Message import aecor.util.effect._ import import akka.cluster.sharding.{ ClusterSharding, ShardRegion } import akka.pattern._ import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import cats.tagless.FunctorK import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ import cats.~> import scodec.bits.BitVector object GenericAkkaRuntime { def apply(system: ActorSystem): GenericAkkaRuntime = new GenericAkkaRuntime(system) private[akkageneric] final case class KeyedCommand(key: String, bytes: BitVector) extends Message } final class GenericAkkaRuntime private (system: ActorSystem) { def runBehavior[K: KeyEncoder: KeyDecoder, M[_[_]]: FunctorK, F[_]]( typeName: String, createBehavior: K => F[M[F]], settings: GenericAkkaRuntimeSettings = GenericAkkaRuntimeSettings.default(system) )(implicit M: WireProtocol[M], F: Effect[F]): F[K => M[F]] = F.delay { val props = GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.props[K, M, F](createBehavior, settings.idleTimeout) val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = { case KeyedCommand(entityId, c) => (entityId, GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.Command(c)) } val numberOfShards = settings.numberOfShards val extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = { case KeyedCommand(key, _) => String.valueOf(scala.math.abs(key.hashCode) % numberOfShards) case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected message [$other]") } val shardRegion = ClusterSharding(system).start( typeName = typeName, entityProps = props, settings = settings.clusterShardingSettings, extractEntityId = extractEntityId, extractShardId = extractShardId ) val keyEncoder = KeyEncoder[K] key => M.encoder.mapK(new (Encoded ~> F) { implicit val askTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(settings.askTimeout) override def apply[A](fa: Encoded[A]): F[A] = F.suspend { val (bytes, decoder) = fa F.fromFuture { shardRegion ? KeyedCommand(keyEncoder(key), bytes) } .flatMap { case result: CommandResult => decoder.decodeValue(result.bytes).lift[F] case other => F.raiseError( new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected response [$other] from shard region") ) } } }) } }
Example 57
Source File: effect.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.util import cats.effect.{ Async, Effect, IO } import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise } object effect { implicit final class AecorEffectOps[F[_], A](val self: F[A]) extends AnyVal { @inline final def unsafeToFuture()(implicit F: Effect[F]): Future[A] = { val p = Promise[A] F.runAsync(self) { case Right(a) => IO { p.success(a); () } case Left(e) => IO { p.failure(e); () } } .unsafeRunSync() p.future } } implicit final class AecorLiftIOOps[F[_]](val self: Async[F]) extends AnyVal { def fromFuture[A](future: => Future[A]): F[A] = IO.fromFuture(IO(future))(IO.contextShift( } }
Example 58
Source File: JournalQuery.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside import aecor.Has import{ EntityEvent, EventTag, TagConsumer } import aecor.runtime.KeyValueStore import akka.NotUsed import import cats.effect.Effect final case class JournalEntry[O, K, A](offset: O, event: EntityEvent[K, A]) { def map[B](f: A => B): JournalEntry[O, K, B] = copy(event = } object JournalEntry { implicit def aecorHasInstanceForEvent[X, O, K, A]( implicit A: Has[EntityEvent[K, A], X] ): Has[JournalEntry[O, K, A], X] = A.contramap(_.event) implicit def aecorHasInstanceForOffset[X, O, K, A]( implicit A: Has[O, X] ): Has[JournalEntry[O, K, A], X] = A.contramap(_.offset) } trait JournalQuery[O, K, E] { def eventsByTag(tag: EventTag, offset: Option[O]): Source[JournalEntry[O, K, E], NotUsed] def currentEventsByTag(tag: EventTag, offset: Option[O]): Source[JournalEntry[O, K, E], NotUsed] def committable[F[_]: Effect]( offsetStore: KeyValueStore[F, TagConsumer, O] ): CommittableEventJournalQuery[F, O, K, E] = new CommittableEventJournalQuery(this, offsetStore) }
Example 59
Source File: CommittableEventJournalQuery.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside import{ Committable, ConsumerId, EventTag, TagConsumer } import aecor.runtime.KeyValueStore import aecor.util.effect._ import akka.NotUsed import import cats.effect.Effect final class CommittableEventJournalQuery[F[_]: Effect, O, K, E] private[akkapersistence] ( underlying: JournalQuery[O, K, E], offsetStore: KeyValueStore[F, TagConsumer, O] ) { private def mkCommittableSource(tag: EventTag, consumerId: ConsumerId, inner: Option[O] => Source[JournalEntry[O, K, E], NotUsed]) = { val tagConsumerId = TagConsumer(tag, consumerId) Source .single(NotUsed) .mapAsync(1) { _ => offsetStore.getValue(tagConsumerId).unsafeToFuture() } .flatMapConcat(inner) .map(x => Committable(offsetStore.setValue(tagConsumerId, x.offset), x)) } def eventsByTag(tag: EventTag, consumerId: ConsumerId): Source[Committable[F, JournalEntry[O, K, E]], NotUsed] = mkCommittableSource(tag, consumerId, underlying.eventsByTag(tag, _)) def currentEventsByTag( tag: EventTag, consumerId: ConsumerId ): Source[Committable[F, JournalEntry[O, K, E]], NotUsed] = mkCommittableSource(tag, consumerId, underlying.currentEventsByTag(tag, _)) } private[akkapersistence] object CommittableEventJournalQuery { def apply[F[_]: Effect, Offset, K, E]( underlying: JournalQuery[Offset, K, E], offsetStore: KeyValueStore[F, TagConsumer, Offset] ): CommittableEventJournalQuery[F, Offset, K, E] = new CommittableEventJournalQuery(underlying, offsetStore) }
Example 60
Source File: CassandraOffsetStore.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside import java.util.UUID import import aecor.runtime.KeyValueStore import aecor.util.effect._ import akka.persistence.cassandra.Session.Init import akka.persistence.cassandra.session.scaladsl.CassandraSession import cats.Functor import import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ object CassandraOffsetStore { final case class Queries(keyspace: String, tableName: String = "consumer_offset") { def createTableQuery: String = s"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $keyspace.$tableName (consumer_id text, tag text, offset uuid, PRIMARY KEY ((consumer_id, tag)))" def updateOffsetQuery: String = s"UPDATE $keyspace.$tableName SET offset = ? where consumer_id = ? AND tag = ?" def deleteOffsetQuery: String = s"DELETE FROM $keyspace.$tableName where consumer_id = ? AND tag = ?" def selectOffsetQuery: String = s"SELECT offset FROM $keyspace.$tableName WHERE consumer_id = ? AND tag = ?" } def apply[F[_]]: Builder[F] = builderInstance.asInstanceOf[Builder[F]] private val builderInstance = new Builder[Any]() final class Builder[F[_]] private[CassandraOffsetStore] () { def createTable(config: Queries)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Init[F] = Kleisli(_.execute(config.createTableQuery).void) def apply(session: CassandraSession, config: CassandraOffsetStore.Queries)( implicit F: Effect[F] ): CassandraOffsetStore[F] = new CassandraOffsetStore(session, config) } } class CassandraOffsetStore[F[_]] private[akkapersistence] ( session: CassandraSession, config: CassandraOffsetStore.Queries )(implicit F: Effect[F]) extends KeyValueStore[F, TagConsumer, UUID] { private val selectOffsetStatement = session.prepare(config.selectOffsetQuery) private val updateOffsetStatement = session.prepare(config.updateOffsetQuery) private val deleteOffsetStatement = session.prepare(config.deleteOffsetQuery) override def setValue(key: TagConsumer, value: UUID): F[Unit] = F.fromFuture { updateOffsetStatement } .map { stmt => stmt .bind() .setUUID("offset", value) .setString("tag", key.tag.value) .setString("consumer_id", key.consumerId.value) } .flatMap(x => F.fromFuture(session.executeWrite(x))) .void override def getValue(key: TagConsumer): F[Option[UUID]] = F.fromFuture { selectOffsetStatement } .map(_.bind(key.consumerId.value, key.tag.value)) .flatMap(x => F.fromFuture(session.selectOne(x))) .map("offset"))) override def deleteValue(key: TagConsumer): F[Unit] = F.fromFuture { deleteOffsetStatement } .map(_.bind(key.consumerId.value, key.tag.value)) .flatMap(x => F.fromFuture(session.executeWrite(x))) .void }
Example 61
Source File: AkkaPersistenceRuntime.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence import{ EventsourcedBehavior, Tagging } import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol.Encoded import aecor.encoding.syntax._ import aecor.encoding.{ KeyDecoder, KeyEncoder, WireProtocol } import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime._ import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.CommandResult import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside.{ AkkaPersistenceEventJournalQuery, JournalQuery } import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.serialization.{ Message, PersistentDecoder, PersistentEncoder } import aecor.util.effect._ import import akka.cluster.sharding.{ ClusterSharding, ShardRegion } import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import cats.tagless.FunctorK import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ import cats.~> import scodec.bits.BitVector object AkkaPersistenceRuntime { def apply[O](system: ActorSystem, journalAdapter: JournalAdapter[O]): AkkaPersistenceRuntime[O] = new AkkaPersistenceRuntime(system, journalAdapter) private[akkapersistence] final case class EntityCommand(entityKey: String, commandBytes: BitVector) extends Message } class AkkaPersistenceRuntime[O] private[akkapersistence] (system: ActorSystem, journalAdapter: JournalAdapter[O]) { def deploy[M[_[_]]: FunctorK, F[_], State, Event: PersistentEncoder: PersistentDecoder, K: KeyEncoder: KeyDecoder]( typeName: String, behavior: EventsourcedBehavior[M, F, State, Event], tagging: Tagging[K], snapshotPolicy: SnapshotPolicy[State] = SnapshotPolicy.never, settings: AkkaPersistenceRuntimeSettings = AkkaPersistenceRuntimeSettings.default(system) )(implicit M: WireProtocol[M], F: Effect[F]): F[K => M[F]] = F.delay { val props = AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.props( typeName, behavior, snapshotPolicy, tagging, settings.idleTimeout, journalAdapter.writeJournalId, snapshotPolicy.pluginId ) val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = { case EntityCommand(entityId, bytes) => (entityId, AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.HandleCommand(bytes)) } val numberOfShards = settings.numberOfShards val extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = { case EntityCommand(entityId, _) => (scala.math.abs(entityId.hashCode) % numberOfShards).toString case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected message [$other]") } val shardRegion = ClusterSharding(system).start( typeName = typeName, entityProps = props, settings = settings.clusterShardingSettings, extractEntityId = extractEntityId, extractShardId = extractShardId ) val keyEncoder = KeyEncoder[K] key => M.encoder.mapK(new (Encoded ~> F) { implicit val askTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(settings.askTimeout) override def apply[A](fa: Encoded[A]): F[A] = F.suspend { val (bytes, decoder) = fa F.fromFuture { shardRegion ? EntityCommand(keyEncoder(key), bytes) } .flatMap { case CommandResult(resultBytes) => decoder.decodeValue(resultBytes).lift[F] case other => F.raiseError( new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected response [$other] from shard region") ) } } }) } def journal[K: KeyDecoder, E: PersistentDecoder]: JournalQuery[O, K, E] = AkkaPersistenceEventJournalQuery[O, K, E](journalAdapter) }
Example 62
Source File: DefaultJournalCassandraSession.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.cassandra import akka.Done import{ ActorSystem, ExtendedActorSystem } import akka.event.Logging import akka.persistence.cassandra.Session.Init import akka.persistence.cassandra.session.CassandraSessionSettings import akka.persistence.cassandra.session.scaladsl.CassandraSession import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import cats.implicits._ object DefaultJournalCassandraSession { def apply[F[_]: ContextShift]( system: ActorSystem, metricsCategory: String, init: Init[F], sessionProvider: Option[SessionProvider] = None )(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[CassandraSession] = F.delay { val log = Logging(system, classOf[CassandraSession]) val provider = sessionProvider.getOrElse( SessionProvider( system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem], system.settings.config.getConfig("cassandra-journal") ) ) val settings = CassandraSessionSettings(system.settings.config.getConfig("cassandra-journal")) new CassandraSession(system, provider, settings, system.dispatcher, log, metricsCategory, { x => F.toIO(init(Session[F](x)).as(Done)).unsafeToFuture() }) } }
Example 63
Source File: EffectStep.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.cats import{ EitherT, NonEmptyList } import cats.effect.Effect import cats.syntax.either._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.ScenarioRunner.{ errorsToFailureStep, successLog } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core._ import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration case class EffectStep[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => F[Either[CornichonError, Session]], show: Boolean = true) extends SessionValueStep { def setTitle(newTitle: String): Step = copy(title = newTitle) override def runSessionValueStep(runState: RunState): Task[Either[NonEmptyList[CornichonError], Session]] = Task.fromEffect(effect(runState.scenarioContext)).map(_.leftMap( override def onError(errors: NonEmptyList[CornichonError], runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): (LogInstruction, FailedStep) = errorsToFailureStep(this, runState.depth, errors, Some(executionTime)) override def logOnSuccess(result: Session, runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): LogInstruction = successLog(title, runState.depth, show, executionTime) } object EffectStep { def fromEitherT[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => EitherT[F, CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { val effectT: ScenarioContext => F[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => effect(s).value EffectStep(title, effectT, show) } def fromSync(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Session, show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromSyncE(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Either[CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromAsync[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => F[Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => Task.fromEffect(effect(s)).map(Right.apply) EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } }
Example 64
Source File: implicits.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.doobie.instances import cats.effect.{Effect, IO, SyncEffect} import doobie.ConnectionIO import tofu.lift.Lift object implicits extends DoobieImplicits1 private[instances] trait DoobieImplicits1 extends DoobieImplicits2 { @inline final implicit def liftToConnectionIOViaIOImplicit[F[_]: Lift[*[_], IO]]: LiftToConnectionIOViaIO[F] = liftToConnectionIOViaIO } private[instances] trait DoobieImplicits2 extends DoobieImplicitsScalaVersionSpecific { @inline final implicit def liftEffectToConnectionIOImplicit[F[_]: Effect]: LiftEffectToConnectionIO[F] = liftEffectToConnectionIO @inline final implicit def liftSyncEffectToConnectionIOImplicit[F[_]: SyncEffect]: LiftSyncEffectToConnectionIO[F] = liftSyncEffectToConnectionIO @inline final implicit def liftToConnectionRIOImplicit[F[_], R](implicit L: Lift[F, ConnectionIO] ): LiftToConnectionRIO[F, R] = liftToConnectionRIO }
Example 65
Source File: DoobieInstances.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.doobie.instances import import cats.effect.{Effect, IO, SyncEffect} import cats.effect.syntax.effect._ import cats.effect.syntax.syncEffect._ import doobie.ConnectionIO import import tofu.HasProvide import tofu.doobie.ConnectionRIO import tofu.lift.Lift private[instances] trait DoobieInstances { final def liftToConnectionIOViaIO[F[_]: Lift[*[_], IO]]: LiftToConnectionIOViaIO[F] = new LiftToConnectionIOViaIO final def liftEffectToConnectionIO[F[_]: Effect]: LiftEffectToConnectionIO[F] = new LiftEffectToConnectionIO final def liftSyncEffectToConnectionIO[F[_]: SyncEffect]: LiftSyncEffectToConnectionIO[F] = new LiftSyncEffectToConnectionIO final def liftToConnectionRIO[F[_], R](implicit L: Lift[F, ConnectionIO]): LiftToConnectionRIO[F, R] = new LiftToConnectionRIO final def liftProvideToConnectionRIO[F[_], G[_], R](implicit HP: HasProvide[G, F, R], L: Lift[F, ConnectionIO] ): LiftProvideToConnectionRIO[F, G, R] = new LiftProvideToConnectionRIO } final class LiftToConnectionIOViaIO[F[_]](implicit L: Lift[F, IO]) extends Lift[F, ConnectionIO] { def lift[A](fa: F[A]): ConnectionIO[A] = AsyncConnectionIO.liftIO(L.lift(fa)) } final class LiftEffectToConnectionIO[F[_]: Effect] extends Lift[F, ConnectionIO] { def lift[A](fa: F[A]): ConnectionIO[A] = AsyncConnectionIO.liftIO(fa.toIO) } final class LiftSyncEffectToConnectionIO[F[_]: SyncEffect] extends Lift[F, ConnectionIO] { def lift[A](fa: F[A]): ConnectionIO[A] = fa.runSync[ConnectionIO] } final class LiftToConnectionRIO[F[_], R](implicit L: Lift[F, ConnectionIO]) extends Lift[F, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] { def lift[A](fa: F[A]): ConnectionRIO[R, A] = ReaderT.liftF(L.lift(fa)) } final class LiftProvideToConnectionRIO[F[_], G[_], R](implicit HP: HasProvide[G, F, R], L: Lift[F, ConnectionIO]) extends Lift[G, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] { def lift[A](fa: G[A]): ConnectionRIO[R, A] = ReaderT(ctx => L.lift(HP.runContext(fa)(ctx))) }
Example 66
Source File: unlift.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.syntax import cats.effect.{CancelToken, ConcurrentEffect, Effect, ExitCase, Fiber, IO, SyncIO} import cats.{FlatMap, Functor, ~>} import tofu.lift.Unlift object unlift { implicit final class UnliftEffectOps[F[_], G[_]](private val U: Unlift[F, G]) extends AnyVal { def effect(implicit G: Functor[G], E: Effect[F]): G[Effect[G]] = { unliftF => new EffectInstance[F, G] { def toG: F ~> G = U.liftF def toF: G ~> F = unliftF implicit def F: Effect[F] = E } } def effectWith[A](f: Effect[G] => G[A])(implicit G: FlatMap[G], E: Effect[F]): G[A] = G.flatMap(U.unlift) { unliftF => val eff = new EffectInstance[F, G] { def toG: F ~> G = U.liftF def toF: G ~> F = unliftF implicit def F: Effect[F] = E } f(eff) } def concurrentEffect(implicit G: Functor[G], CE: ConcurrentEffect[F]): G[ConcurrentEffect[G]] = { unliftF => new ConcurrentEffectInstance[F, G] { def toG: F ~> G = U.liftF def toF: G ~> F = unliftF implicit def F: ConcurrentEffect[F] = CE } } def concurrentEffectWith[A](f: ConcurrentEffect[G] => G[A])(implicit G: FlatMap[G], CE: ConcurrentEffect[F]): G[A] = G.flatMap(U.unlift) { unliftF => val ce = new ConcurrentEffectInstance[F, G] { def toG: F ~> G = U.liftF def toF: G ~> F = unliftF implicit def F: ConcurrentEffect[F] = CE } f(ce) } } private[unlift] trait EffectInstance[F[_], G[_]] extends Effect[G] { def toG: F ~> G def toF: G ~> F implicit def F: Effect[F] def pure[A](x: A): G[A] = toG(F.pure(x)) def flatMap[A, B](ga: G[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[B] = toG(F.flatMap(toF(ga))(a => toF(f(a)))) def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => G[Either[A, B]]): G[B] = toG(F.tailRecM(a)(a => toF(f(a)))) def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): G[A] = toG(F.raiseError(e)) def handleErrorWith[A](ga: G[A])(f: Throwable => G[A]): G[A] = toG(F.handleErrorWith(toF(ga))(t => toF(f(t)))) def bracketCase[A, B](acquire: G[A])(use: A => G[B])(release: (A, ExitCase[Throwable]) => G[Unit]): G[B] = toG(F.bracketCase(toF(acquire))(a => toF(use(a)))((a, e) => toF(release(a, e)))) def suspend[A](thunk: => G[A]): G[A] = toG(F.suspend(toF(thunk))) def async[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Unit): G[A] = toG(F.async(k)) def asyncF[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => G[Unit]): G[A] = toG(F.asyncF[A](cb => toF(k(cb)))) def runAsync[A](ga: G[A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Unit] = F.runAsync(toF(ga))(cb) } private[unlift] trait ConcurrentEffectInstance[F[_], G[_]] extends EffectInstance[F, G] with ConcurrentEffect[G] { implicit def F: ConcurrentEffect[F] def start[A](ga: G[A]): G[Fiber[G, A]] = toG( def racePair[A, B](ga: G[A], gb: G[B]): G[Either[(A, Fiber[G, B]), (Fiber[G, A], B)]] = toG(, toF(gb))) { case Left((a, fb)) => Left((a, fb.mapK(toG))) case Right((fa, b)) => Right((fa.mapK(toG), b)) }) def runCancelable[A](ga: G[A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[CancelToken[G]] = F.runCancelable(toF(ga))(cb).map(toG(_)) } }
Example 67
Source File: UnliftSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Effect} import tofu.lift.Unlift import tofu.syntax.unlift._ object UnliftSuite { private def needsEffect[G[_]: Effect]: G[Unit] = Effect[G].unit private def needsConcurrentEffect[G[_]: ConcurrentEffect]: G[Unit] = ConcurrentEffect[G].unit def checkUnliftEffectSyntax[F[_]: Effect, G[_]: Monad](implicit U: Unlift[F, G]): Unit = { Unlift[F, G].effect: G[Effect[G]] Unlift[F, G].effectWith(implicit E => needsEffect[G]) () } def checkUnliftCESyntax[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect, G[_]: Monad](implicit U: Unlift[F, G]): Unit = { Unlift[F, G].concurrentEffect: G[ConcurrentEffect[G]] Unlift[F, G].concurrentEffectWith(implicit CE => needsConcurrentEffect[G]) () } }
Example 68
Source File: TestSqsConsumerBuilder.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.Effect import import import{ ConsumerBuilder, SQSConsumer } import javax.jms.MessageListener import org.mockito.scalatest.MockitoSugar class TestSqsConsumerBuilder[F[_]: Effect] extends ConsumerBuilder[F] { override def start: F[SQSConsumer] = Effect[F].delay(new TestSQSConsumer) } object TestSqsConsumerBuilder extends MockitoSugar { class TestSQSConsumer extends SQSConsumer { override def callback: MessageListener = mock[MessageListener] override def startConsumer(): Unit = () override def shutdown(): Unit = () override def connection: SQSConnection = mock[SQSConnection] } }
Example 69
Source File: SQSConsumerBuilder.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.Effect import{ ProviderConfiguration, SQSConnection, SQSConnectionFactory } import import import javax.jms.{ MessageListener, Session } import scala.language.higherKinds class SQSConsumerBuilder[F[_]](val sqsConfig: SqsConfig, val listener: MessageListener)( implicit F: Effect[F] ) extends ConsumerBuilder[F] { val start: F[SQSConsumer] = { F.delay { new SQSConsumer { override val callback: MessageListener = listener val connectionFactory = new SQSConnectionFactory( new ProviderConfiguration(), AmazonSQSClientBuilder.defaultClient() ) override val connection: SQSConnection = connectionFactory.createConnection override def startConsumer(): Unit = { val session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE) val cons = session.createConsumer(session.createQueue(sqsConfig.queueName)) cons.setMessageListener(callback) connection.start() } override def shutdown(): Unit = connection.stop() } } } } object SQSConsumerBuilder { def apply[F[_]](sqsConfig: SqsConfig, listener: MessageListener)( implicit F: Effect[F] ): SQSConsumerBuilder[F] = new SQSConsumerBuilder[F](sqsConfig, listener) }
Example 70
Source File: S3Client.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import cats.effect.Effect import import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.util.control.Exception private[aws] object S3Client { def apply[F[_]](s3: AmazonS3) = new S3ClientImpl[F](s3) } private[aws] class S3ClientImpl[F[_]](c: AmazonS3) extends S3Client[F] { override def client: AmazonS3 = c } private[aws] trait S3Client[F[_]] { def client: AmazonS3 def getObjectContentOrError( getObjectRequest: GetObjectRequest )(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Either[Throwable, InputStream]] = F.delay(Exception.nonFatalCatch either client.getObject(getObjectRequest).getObjectContent) def getObjectContent(getObjectRequest: GetObjectRequest)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[InputStream] = F.delay(client.getObject(getObjectRequest).getObjectContent) def initiateMultipartUpload( initiateMultipartUploadRequest: InitiateMultipartUploadRequest )(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[InitiateMultipartUploadResult] = F.delay(client.initiateMultipartUpload(initiateMultipartUploadRequest)) def uploadPart(uploadPartRequest: UploadPartRequest)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[UploadPartResult] = F.delay(client.uploadPart(uploadPartRequest)) def completeMultipartUpload( completeMultipartUploadRequest: CompleteMultipartUploadRequest )(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[CompleteMultipartUploadResult] = F.delay(client.completeMultipartUpload(completeMultipartUploadRequest)) def s3ObjectSummaries( listObjectsV2Request: ListObjectsV2Request )(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[List[S3ObjectSummary]] = F.delay(client.listObjectsV2(listObjectsV2Request).getObjectSummaries.asScala.toList) def getObject(objectRequest: GetObjectRequest)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[S3Object] = F.delay(client.getObject(objectRequest)) }
Example 71
Source File: package.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import cats.effect.{ Effect, IO } import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException import import{ AmazonS3Exception, GetObjectRequest, S3ObjectInputStream } import import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase import package object utils { val s3TestClient: S3Client[IO] = new S3Client[IO] { override def client: AmazonS3 = throw new NotImplementedError("s3 client shouldn't be used in this test client") override def getObjectContentOrError( getObjectRequest: GetObjectRequest )(implicit e: Effect[IO]): IO[Either[Throwable, InputStream]] = getObjectRequest match { case goe: GetObjectRequest => { IO[Either[Throwable, ByteArrayInputStream]] { val fileContent: Array[Byte] = try { Source.fromResource(goe.getKey).mkString.getBytes } catch { case _: FileNotFoundException => throw new AmazonS3Exception("File not found") case e: Throwable => throw e } goe.getRange match { case Array(x, y) => if (y > fileContent.length) Right(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent.slice(x.toInt, fileContent.length))) else Right(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent.slice(x.toInt, y.toInt))) } } map { case Left(e) => Left(e) case Right(is) => Thread.sleep(500) // simulate a call to S3 Right(new S3ObjectInputStream(is, new HttpRequestBase { def getMethod = "" })) } } case _ => throw new SdkClientException("Invalid GetObjectRequest") } override def getObjectContent( getObjectRequest: GetObjectRequest )(implicit e: Effect[IO]): IO[InputStream] = IO[ByteArrayInputStream] { val fileContent: Array[Byte] = try { val testS3Resource = Option(getObjectRequest.getVersionId) match { case Some(version) => s"${getObjectRequest.getKey}_v$version" case None => getObjectRequest.getKey } Source.fromResource(testS3Resource).mkString.getBytes } catch { case _: FileNotFoundException => throw new AmazonS3Exception("File not found") case e: Throwable => throw e } new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent) }.map { is => Thread.sleep(500) // simulate a call to S3 new S3ObjectInputStream(is, new HttpRequestBase { def getMethod = "" }) } } }
Example 72
Source File: CatsHelpers.scala From nelson with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package nelson import cats.Eval import cats.effect.{Effect, IO, Timer} import import cats.syntax.functor._ import cats.syntax.monadError._ import fs2.{Pipe, Sink, Stream} import quiver.{Context, Decomp, Graph} import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.collection.immutable.{Stream => SStream} object CatsHelpers { implicit class NelsonEnrichedIO[A](val io: IO[A]) extends AnyVal { private type Tree[A] = Cofree[SStream, A] private def flattenTree[A](tree: Tree[A]): SStream[A] = { def go(tree: Tree[A], xs: SStream[A]): SStream[A] = SStream.cons(tree.head, tree.tail.value.foldRight(xs)(go(_, _))) go(tree, SStream.Empty) } private def Node[A](root: A, forest: => SStream[Tree[A]]): Tree[A] = Cofree[SStream, A](root, Eval.later(forest)) implicit class NelsonEnrichedGraph[N, A, B](val graph: Graph[N, A, B]) extends AnyVal { def reachable(v: N): Vector[N] = xdfWith(Seq(v), _.successors, _.vertex)._1.flatMap(flattenTree) def xdfWith[C](vs: Seq[N], d: Context[N, A, B] => Seq[N], f: Context[N, A, B] => C): (Vector[Tree[C]], Graph[N, A, B]) = if (vs.isEmpty || graph.isEmpty) (Vector(), graph) else graph.decomp(vs.head) match { case Decomp(None, g) => g.xdfWith(vs.tail, d, f) case Decomp(Some(c), g) => val (xs, _) = g.xdfWith(d(c), d, f) val (ys, g3) = g.xdfWith(vs.tail, d, f) (Node(f(c), xs.toStream) +: ys, g3) } } }
Example 73
Source File: package.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift, Effect, IO} import config._ import _root_.doobie.Transactor import io.circe.config.parser import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext package object doobie { def getTransactor[F[_]: Async: ContextShift](cfg: DatabaseConfig): Transactor[F] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]( cfg.driver, // driver classname cfg.url, // connect URL (driver-specific) cfg.user, // user cfg.password, // password ) def initializedTransactor[F[_]: Effect: Async: ContextShift]: F[Transactor[F]] = for { petConfig <- parser.decodePathF[F, PetStoreConfig]("petstore") _ <- DatabaseConfig.initializeDb(petConfig.db) } yield getTransactor(petConfig.db) lazy val testEc = implicit lazy val testCs = IO.contextShift(testEc) lazy val testTransactor = initializedTransactor[IO].unsafeRunSync() }
Example 74
Source File: Fs2AsyncQueue.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.impl.fs2 import cats.effect.{Effect, IO} import fs2.concurrent.InspectableQueue import import import scala.language.higherKinds class Fs2AsyncQueue[F[_], A](queue: InspectableQueue[F, A])(implicit F: Effect[F]) extends AsyncQueue[F, A] { override def offer(t: A): Unit = { F.toIO(queue.offer1(t)) .flatMap { case true => IO.unit case false => IO.raiseError(new WebSocketBufferFull()) } .unsafeRunSync() } override def poll: F[A] = queue.dequeue1 }
Example 75
Source File: RecoverLog.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote import java.nio.channels.FileChannel import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} import java.time.Instant import cats.effect.Effect import{Args, MainArgs} import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging import polynote.messages.{Message, Notebook, NotebookUpdate, ShortList} import polynote.server.AppEnv import zio.{Ref, Runtime, Task, UIO, ZIO} import zio.ZIO.effectTotal import zio.blocking.effectBlocking import fs2.Stream import polynote.server.repository.{FileBasedRepository, NotebookContent} import polynote.server.repository.format.ipynb.IPythonFormat import polynote.server.repository.fs.WAL import polynote.server.taskConcurrent import scodec.bits.ByteVector import import scodec.codecs import object RecoverLog { def replay(messages: Stream[Task, (Instant, Message)], ref: Ref[Notebook], log: Logging.Service): UIO[Unit] = { case nb: Notebook => ref.set(nb) case upd: NotebookUpdate => ref.update { nb => try { upd.applyTo(nb) } catch { case err: Throwable => log.errorSync(Some("Dropped update because an error occurred when applying it"), err) nb } } case _ => ZIO.unit }.compile.drain.catchAll { err => log.error(Some("Error occurred while replaying the log; printing the final state anyway."), err) } def main(implicit ev: Effect[Task]): ZIO[AppEnv, String, Int] = for { args <- ZIO.access[MainArgs](_.get[Args].rest) path <- ZIO(args.head).flatMap(pathStr => effectBlocking(Paths.get(pathStr).toRealPath())).orDie is <- effectBlocking(, StandardOpenOption.READ)).orDie log <- Logging.access _ <-"Reading log entries from ${path}...") messages = WAL.decoder.decodeMmap(is) ref <- Ref.make(Notebook("", ShortList.Nil, None)) _ <- replay(messages, ref, log) format = new IPythonFormat result <- ref.get encoded <- format.encodeNotebook(NotebookContent(result.cells, result.config)).orDie _ <- effectTotal(println(encoded)) } yield 0 }
Example 76
Source File: Main.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote import import cats.effect.Effect import import polynote.config.{KernelIsolation, PolynoteConfig} import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, GlobalEnv, Kernel, LocalKernel, LocalSparkKernel} import polynote.kernel.environment.{Config, CurrentNotebook} import polynote.kernel.environment.Env.LayerOps import polynote.kernel.interpreter.Interpreter import polynote.kernel.remote.{RemoteKernel, RemoteSparkKernel} import polynote.messages.NotebookConfig import polynote.server.{AppEnv, Server} import{Args, MainArgs, globalEnv} import polynote.server.auth.IdentityProvider import polynote.server.repository.NotebookRepository import polynote.server.repository.fs.FileSystems import zio.{Has, Task, ULayer, ZIO, ZLayer} abstract class Main object Main extends { private implicit val taskEffect: Effect[Task] = zio.interop.catz.taskEffectInstance val main: ZIO[AppEnv, Nothing, Int] = MainArgs.access.flatMap { args => args.command match { case "server" => new Server().main case "run" => NotebookRunner.main case "recover" => RecoverLog.main case other => ZIO.dieMessage(s"Unknown command $other (expected server)") } }.catchAll { str => ZIO.effectTotal { System.err.println(str) System.err.println() }.as(1) } override def main(args: List[String]): ZIO[Environment, Nothing, Int] = main.provideSomeLayer[BaseEnv] { Args.parse(args).orDie andThen ((Config.layer.orDie ++ kernelFactory ++ andThen globalEnv.orDie andThen } private val kernelFactory: ULayer[Kernel.Factory] = ZLayer.succeed { Kernel.Factory.choose { for { notebook <- CurrentNotebook.get config <- Config.access } yield { val notebookConfig = notebook.config.getOrElse(NotebookConfig.empty) val isSpark = notebookConfig.sparkTemplate.nonEmpty || { notebookConfig.sparkConfig match { case None => false case Some(map) if map.isEmpty => false case Some(_) => true } } config.behavior.kernelIsolation match { case KernelIsolation.Always | KernelIsolation.SparkOnly if isSpark => RemoteSparkKernel case KernelIsolation.Never if isSpark => LocalSparkKernel case KernelIsolation.Always => RemoteKernel case _ => LocalKernel } } } } }
Example 77
Source File: AirlinesJob.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.airlines import cats.effect.{Effect, IO} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.airlines.parser.{AirlineFile, AllowanceFile} import fs2.StreamApp.ExitCode import fs2.{Stream, StreamApp} object AirlinesApp extends AirlinesJob[IO] // See: class AirlinesJob[F[_]](implicit F: Effect[F]) extends StreamApp[F] { private val ctx = new AirlinesModule[F] case object MissingArgument extends Exception("There should be 2 arguments in the following order: `Airline file path` and `Allowance file path`.") private def putStrLn(value: String): Stream[F, Unit] = Stream.eval(F.delay(println(value))) def readArgs(args: List[String]): F[(AirlineFile, AllowanceFile)] = { val ifEmpty = F.raiseError[String](MissingArgument) for { x <- args.headOption.fold(ifEmpty)(F.delay(_)) y <- args.lastOption.fold(ifEmpty)(F.delay(_)) } yield (AirlineFile(x), AllowanceFile(y)) } def program(airlineFile: AirlineFile, allowanceFile: AllowanceFile): Stream[F, Unit] = for { _ <- if (ctx.devDbUrl.nonEmpty) putStrLn(s"DEV DB connection established: ${ctx.devDbUrl}") else putStrLn(s"DB connection established: ${ctx.dbUrl}") _ <- putStrLn("Starting job") _ <- ctx.airlinesInsertData(airlineFile, allowanceFile).run _ <- putStrLn("Job finished successfully") } yield () def stream(args: List[String], requestShutdown: F[Unit]): Stream[F, ExitCode] = for { files <- Stream.eval(readArgs(args)) (x, y) = files exitCode <- program(x, y).drain } yield exitCode }
Example 78
Source File: Server.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.Effect import com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth.JwtTokenAuthMiddleware import fs2.StreamApp.ExitCode import fs2.{Scheduler, Stream, StreamApp} import monix.eval.Task import import org.http4s.client.blaze.Http1Client import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeBuilder object Server extends HttpServer[Task, Task.Par] class HttpServer[F[_], G[_]](implicit F: Effect[F], P: Parallel[F, G]) extends StreamApp[F] { // Workaround until something like mirror comes out: implicit val parallel: Parallel[F, F] = P.asInstanceOf[Parallel[F, F]] private lazy val ApiToken: F[Option[String]] = F.delay(sys.env.get("SB_API_TOKEN")) override def stream(args: List[String], requestShutdown: F[Unit]): Stream[F, ExitCode] = Scheduler(corePoolSize = 2).flatMap { implicit scheduler => for { httpClient <-[F]() ctx = new Module[F](httpClient) _ <- Stream.eval(ctx.migrateDb) _ <- Stream.eval(ctx.startMetricsReporter) apiToken <- Stream.eval(ApiToken) authMiddleware <- Stream.eval(JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F](apiToken)) exitCode <- BlazeBuilder[F] .bindHttp(sys.env.getOrElse("PORT", "8080").toInt, "") .mountService(authMiddleware(ctx.httpEndpointsWithMetrics)) .serve } yield exitCode } }
Example 79
Source File: ExchangeRateService.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.service import import cats.MonadError import cats.effect.Effect import cats.syntax.all._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.Log import com.smartbackpackerapp.config.SBConfiguration import com.smartbackpackerapp.model.Currency import import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.client.{Client, UnexpectedStatus} class ExchangeRateService[F[_] : Effect](client: Client[F], sbConfig: SBConfiguration[F]) (implicit L: Log[F]) extends AbstractExchangeRateService[F](sbConfig) { override protected def retrieveExchangeRate(uri: String): F[CurrencyExchangeDTO] = { client.expect[CurrencyExchangeDTO](uri)(jsonOf[F, CurrencyExchangeDTO]) } } abstract class AbstractExchangeRateService[F[_]](sbConfig: SBConfiguration[F]) (implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable], L: Log[F]) { protected val fixerUri: Currency => Currency => F[String] = baseCurrency => foreignCurrency => { val uri ="http://localhost:8081")) => s"$x/latest?base=${baseCurrency.value}&symbols=${foreignCurrency.value}") } protected def retrieveExchangeRate(uri: String): F[CurrencyExchangeDTO] // We don't want the whole destination service to fail if the exchange rate service is unavailable // so the `UnexpectedStatus` and `ConnectException` errors are treated as an empty exchange rate def exchangeRateFor(baseCurrency: Currency, foreignCurrency: Currency): F[CurrencyExchangeDTO] = { val ifEmpty = CurrencyExchangeDTO.empty(baseCurrency).pure[F] def performRequest(uri: String): F[CurrencyExchangeDTO] = retrieveExchangeRate(uri).recoverWith { case e: ConnectException => L.error(e).flatMap(_ => ifEmpty) case _: UnexpectedStatus => ifEmpty } validateCurrencies(baseCurrency, foreignCurrency).fold(ifEmpty) { _ => for { uri <- fixerUri(baseCurrency)(foreignCurrency) _ <-"Retrieving currency exchange from: $uri") er <- performRequest(uri) } yield { if (er.rates.nonEmpty) er else er.copy(rates = Map(baseCurrency.value -> -1.0)) } } } private def validateCurrencies(baseCurrency: Currency, foreignCurrency: Currency): Option[Currency] = { if (baseCurrency == foreignCurrency) none[Currency] else foreignCurrency.some } }
Example 80
Source File: ArchiveCache.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorSystem, NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout} import cats.Monad import import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import retry.RetryPolicy class ArchiveCache[F[_]: Monad](ref: StateMachine[F, String, State, Command, Unit]) { def put(value: Archive): OptionT[F, Archive] = OptionT(ref.evaluate(, Write(value)).map(_.toOption.flatten)) } object ArchiveCache { private[archives] type State = Option[Archive] private[archives] type Command = Write private[archives] final case class Write(bundle: Archive) extends NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout final def apply[F[_]: Timer](implicit as: ActorSystem, cfg: ArchivesConfig, F: Effect[F]): F[ArchiveCache[F]] = { implicit val retryPolicy: RetryPolicy[F] = cfg.cache.retry.retryPolicy[F] val invalidationStrategy = StopStrategy.lapsedSinceLastInteraction[State, Command](cfg.cacheInvalidateAfter) val evaluate: (State, Command) => F[Either[Unit, State]] = { case (None, Write(bundle)) => F.pure(Right(Some(bundle))) case (Some(_), _) => F.pure(Left(())) // It already exists, so we don't want to replace it } AkkaStateMachine .sharded[F]("archives", None, evaluate, invalidationStrategy, cfg.cache.akkaStateMachineConfig, cfg.cache.shards) .map(new ArchiveCache[F](_)) } }
Example 81
Source File: ElasticSearchIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import import import import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ @SuppressWarnings(Array("MaxParameters")) object ElasticSearchIndexer { private implicit val log: Logger = Logger[ElasticSearchIndexer.type] final def start[F[_]: Timer]( view: ElasticSearchView, resources: Resources[F], project: Project, restartOffset: Boolean )( implicit as: ActorSystem, actorInitializer: (Props, String) => ActorRef, projections: Projections[F, String], F: Effect[F], clients: Clients[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, ProjectionProgress] = { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val p: Project = project implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.elasticSearch.indexing implicit val metadataOpts: MetadataOptions = MetadataOptions(linksAsIri = true, expandedLinks = true) implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.elasticSearch.askTimeout) val client: ElasticSearchClient[F] = clients.elasticSearch.withRetryPolicy(config.elasticSearch.indexing.retry) def deleteOrIndex(res: ResourceV): Option[BulkOp] = if (res.deprecated && !view.filter.includeDeprecated) Some(delete(res)) else view.toDocument(res).map(doc => BulkOp.Index(view.index,, doc)) def delete(res: ResourceV): BulkOp = BulkOp.Delete(view.index, val initFetchProgressF: F[ProjectionProgress] = if (restartOffset) projections.recordProgress(view.progressId, NoProgress) >> view.createIndex >> F.pure(NoProgress) else view.createIndex >> projections.progress(view.progressId) val sourceF: F[Source[ProjectionProgress, _]] = { initial => val flow = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mapAsync(view.toResource(resources, _)) .collectSome[ResourceV] .collect { case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) && view.allowedTypes(res) => deleteOrIndex(res) case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) => Some(delete(res)) } .collectSome[BulkOp] .runAsyncBatch(client.bulk(_))() .mergeEmit() .toPersistedProgress(view.progressId, initial) cassandraSource(s"project=${}", view.progressId, initial.minProgress.offset) .via(flow) .via(kamonViewMetricsFlow(view, project)) } StreamSupervisor.start(sourceF, view.progressId, actorInitializer) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 82
Source File: StorageIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.Instant import import{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import{ProjectCache, StorageCache} import import import import import import{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object StorageIndexer { private implicit val log = Logger[StorageIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](storages: Storages[F], storageCache: StorageCache[F])( implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken = config.iam.serviceAccountToken implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "storage-indexer" def toStorage(event: Event): F[Option[(Storage, Instant)]] = fetchProject(event.organization,, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => storages.fetchStorage( { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(timedStorage) => Some(timedStorage) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toStorage) .collectSome[(Storage, Instant)] .runAsync { case (storage, instant) => storageCache.put(storage)(instant) }() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 83
Source File: SparqlIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import{BlazegraphClient, SparqlWriteQuery} import import import import import import import import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ @SuppressWarnings(Array("MaxParameters")) object SparqlIndexer { final def start[F[_]: Timer]( view: SparqlView, resources: Resources[F], project: Project, restartOffset: Boolean )( implicit as: ActorSystem, actorInitializer: (Props, String) => ActorRef, projections: Projections[F, String], F: Effect[F], clients: Clients[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, ProjectionProgress] = { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val p: Project = project implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.sparql.indexing implicit val metadataOpts: MetadataOptions = MetadataOptions(linksAsIri = true, expandedLinks = true) implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.sparql.askTimeout) val client: BlazegraphClient[F] = clients.sparql.copy(namespace = view.index).withRetryPolicy(config.sparql.indexing.retry) def buildInsertOrDeleteQuery(res: ResourceV): SparqlWriteQuery = if (res.deprecated && !view.filter.includeDeprecated) view.buildDeleteQuery(res) else view.buildInsertQuery(res) val initFetchProgressF: F[ProjectionProgress] = if (restartOffset) projections.recordProgress(view.progressId, NoProgress) >> view.createIndex >> F.pure(NoProgress) else view.createIndex >> projections.progress(view.progressId) val sourceF: F[Source[ProjectionProgress, _]] = { initial => val flow = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mapAsync(view.toResource(resources, _)) .collectSome[ResourceV] .collect { case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) && view.allowedTypes(res) => buildInsertOrDeleteQuery(res) case res if view.allowedSchemas(res) => view.buildDeleteQuery(res) } .runAsyncBatch(client.bulk(_))() .mergeEmit() .toPersistedProgress(view.progressId, initial) cassandraSource(s"project=${}", view.progressId, initial.minProgress.offset) .via(flow) .via(kamonViewMetricsFlow(view, project)) } StreamSupervisor.start(sourceF, view.progressId, actorInitializer) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 84
Source File: ResolverIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import{ProjectCache, ResolverCache} import import import import import import{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ResolverIndexer { private implicit val log = Logger[ResolverIndexer.type] final def start[F[_]: Timer](resolvers: Resolvers[F], resolverCache: ResolverCache[F])( implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], as: ActorSystem, F: Effect[F], projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken = config.iam.serviceAccountToken implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "resolver-indexer" def toResolver(event: Event): F[Option[Resolver]] = fetchProject(event.organization,, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => resolvers.fetchResolver( { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(resolver) => Some(resolver) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toResolver) .collectSome[Resolver] .runAsync(resolverCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 85
Source File: ViewIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import{ProjectCache, ViewCache} import import import import import{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ViewIndexer { private implicit val log = Logger[ViewIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](views: Views[F], viewCache: ViewCache[F])( implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken = config.iam.serviceAccountToken implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "view-indexer" def toView(event: Event): F[Option[View]] = fetchProject(event.organization,, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => views.fetchView( { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(view) => Some(view) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toView) .collectSome[View] .runAsync(viewCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 86
Source File: ResolverCache.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import{KeyValueStore, KeyValueStoreConfig} import import import import class ResolverCache[F[_]: Effect: Timer] private (projectToCache: ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, ResolverProjectCache[F]])( implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig ) { private class ResolverProjectCache[F[_]: Monad] private (store: KeyValueStore[F, AbsoluteIri, Resolver]) extends Cache[F, AbsoluteIri, Resolver](store) { private implicit val ordering: Ordering[Resolver] = def get: F[List[Resolver]] = def put(resolver: Resolver): F[Unit] = if (resolver.deprecated) store.remove( else store.put(, resolver) } private object ResolverProjectCache { def apply[F[_]: Effect: Timer]( project: ProjectRef )(implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig): ResolverProjectCache[F] = new ResolverProjectCache(KeyValueStore.distributed(s"resolver-${}", (_, resolver) => resolver.rev)) } object ResolverCache { def apply[F[_]: Effect: Timer](implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig): ResolverCache[F] = new ResolverCache(new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, ResolverProjectCache[F]]()) }
Example 87
Source File: StorageCache.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.{Clock, Instant} import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import{KeyValueStore, KeyValueStoreConfig} import import import import import import class StorageCache[F[_]: Effect: Timer] private (projectToCache: ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, StorageProjectCache[F]])( implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig, clock: Clock ) { private class StorageProjectCache[F[_]: Monad] private (store: KeyValueStore[F, AbsoluteIri, RevisionedStorage]) extends Cache[F, AbsoluteIri, RevisionedStorage](store) { private implicit val ordering: Ordering[RevisionedStorage] = RevisionedStorage) => s.rev).reverse private implicit def revisioned(storage: Storage)(implicit instant: Instant): RevisionedStorage = RevisionedValue(instant.toEpochMilli, storage) def get: F[List[Storage]] = def getDefault: F[Option[Storage]] = { case storage if storage.default => storage }) def getBy(id: AbsoluteIri): F[Option[Storage]] = get(id).map(_.collectFirst { case RevisionedValue(_, storage) if == id => storage }) def put(storage: Storage)(implicit instant: Instant): F[Unit] = if (storage.deprecated) store.remove( else store.put(, storage) } private object StorageProjectCache { type RevisionedStorage = RevisionedValue[Storage] def apply[F[_]: Effect: Timer]( project: ProjectRef )(implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig): StorageProjectCache[F] = new StorageProjectCache( KeyValueStore.distributed(s"storage-${}", (_, storage) => storage.value.rev) ) } object StorageCache { def apply[F[_]: Timer: Effect](implicit as: ActorSystem, config: KeyValueStoreConfig, clock: Clock): StorageCache[F] = new StorageCache(new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, StorageProjectCache[F]]()) }
Example 88
Source File: AclsCache.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import{AccessControlList, AccessControlLists, ResourceAccessControlList} import import import import def apply[F[_]: Effect: Timer]( iamClient: IamClient[F] )(implicit as: ActorSystem, config: AppConfig): AclsCache[F] = { val cache = new AclsCache(KeyValueStore.distributed("acls", (_, acls) => acls.rev)) val handle: AclEvent => F[Unit] = { case event: AclReplaced => cache.replace(event.path, toResourceAcl(event, event.acl)) case event: AclAppended => cache.append(event.path, toResourceAcl(event, event.acl)) case event: AclSubtracted => cache.subtract(event.path, toResourceAcl(event, event.acl)) case event: AclDeleted => cache.remove(event.path) } iamClient.aclEvents(handle)(config.iam.serviceAccountToken) cache } }
Example 89
Source File: CatsInterop.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.interop.cats import caliban.introspection.adt.__Type import caliban.schema.Step.QueryStep import caliban.schema.{ Schema, Step } import caliban.{ CalibanError, GraphQL, GraphQLInterpreter, GraphQLResponse, InputValue } import cats.effect.implicits._ import cats.effect.{ Async, Effect } import zio.interop.catz._ import zio.{ Runtime, _ } import zio.query.ZQuery object CatsInterop { def executeAsync[F[_]: Async, R, E](graphQL: GraphQLInterpreter[R, E])( query: String, operationName: Option[String] = None, variables: Map[String, InputValue] = Map(), extensions: Map[String, InputValue] = Map(), skipValidation: Boolean = false, enableIntrospection: Boolean = true )(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): F[GraphQLResponse[E]] = Async[F].async { cb => val execution = graphQL.execute( query, operationName, variables, extensions, skipValidation = skipValidation, enableIntrospection = enableIntrospection ) runtime.unsafeRunAsync(execution)(exit => cb(exit.toEither)) } def checkAsync[F[_]: Async, R]( graphQL: GraphQLInterpreter[R, Any] )(query: String)(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): F[Unit] = Async[F].async(cb => runtime.unsafeRunAsync(graphQL.check(query))(exit => cb(exit.toEither))) def interpreterAsync[F[_]: Async, R]( graphQL: GraphQL[R] )(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): F[GraphQLInterpreter[R, CalibanError]] = Async[F].async(cb => runtime.unsafeRunAsync(graphQL.interpreter)(exit => cb(exit.toEither))) def schema[F[_]: Effect, R, A](implicit ev: Schema[R, A]): Schema[R, F[A]] = new Schema[R, F[A]] { override def toType(isInput: Boolean, isSubscription: Boolean): __Type = ev.toType(isInput, isSubscription) override def optional: Boolean = ev.optional override def resolve(value: F[A]): Step[R] = QueryStep(ZQuery.fromEffect([Task].map(ev.resolve))) } }
Example 90
Source File: package.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.interop.cats import caliban.schema.Schema import caliban.{ CalibanError, GraphQL, GraphQLInterpreter, GraphQLResponse, InputValue } import cats.effect.{ Async, Effect } import zio.Runtime package object implicits { implicit class CatsEffectGraphQLInterpreter[R, E](underlying: GraphQLInterpreter[R, E]) { def executeAsync[F[_]: Async]( query: String, operationName: Option[String] = None, variables: Map[String, InputValue] = Map(), extensions: Map[String, InputValue] = Map(), skipValidation: Boolean = false, enableIntrospection: Boolean = true )(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): F[GraphQLResponse[E]] = CatsInterop.executeAsync(underlying)( query, operationName, variables, extensions, skipValidation = skipValidation, enableIntrospection = enableIntrospection ) def checkAsync[F[_]: Async](query: String)(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): F[Unit] = CatsInterop.checkAsync(underlying)(query) } implicit class CatsEffectGraphQL[R, E](underlying: GraphQL[R]) { def interpreterAsync[F[_]: Async](implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): F[GraphQLInterpreter[R, CalibanError]] = CatsInterop.interpreterAsync(underlying) } implicit def effectSchema[F[_]: Effect, R, A](implicit ev: Schema[R, A]): Schema[R, F[A]] = CatsInterop.schema }
Example 91
Source File: package.scala From interop-cats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio import cats.effect.{ Effect, ExitCase, LiftIO } import zio.interop.catz.taskEffectInstance package object interop { type ParIO[-R, +E, +A] = Par.T[R, E, A] type Queue[F[+_], A] = CQueue[F, A, A] @inline private[interop] final def exitToExitCase(exit: Exit[Any, Any]): ExitCase[Throwable] = exit match { case Exit.Success(_) => ExitCase.Completed case Exit.Failure(cause) if cause.interrupted => ExitCase.Canceled case Exit.Failure(cause) => cause.failureOrCause match { case Left(t: Throwable) => ExitCase.Error(t) case _ => ExitCase.Error(FiberFailure(cause)) } } @inline private[interop] final def exitCaseToExit[E](exitCase: ExitCase[E]): Exit[E, Unit] = exitCase match { case ExitCase.Completed => Exit.unit case ExitCase.Error(e) => case ExitCase.Canceled => Exit.interrupt(Fiber.Id.None) } private[interop] def fromEffect[F[+_], R, A]( eff: F[A] )(implicit R: Runtime[R], F: Effect[F]): RIO[R, A] = taskEffectInstance.liftIO[A](F.toIO(eff)) private[interop] def toEffect[F[+_], R, A](zio: RIO[R, A])(implicit R: Runtime[R], F: LiftIO[F]): F[A] = F.liftIO(taskEffectInstance.toIO(zio)) }
Example 92
Source File: MicrometerHttp4sMetricsOpsModule.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.http4s.server.micrometer import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import cats.effect.Effect import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.syntax.functor._ import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry import org.http4s.metrics.{MetricsOps, TerminationType} import org.http4s.{Method, Status} object MicrometerHttp4sMetricsOpsModule { def make[F[_]: Effect](meterRegistry: MeterRegistry): F[MetricsOps[F]] = { val F = Effect[F] for { activeRequests <- Ref.of[F, Long](0L) } yield new MetricsOps[F] { private val prefix = "" private val failureTime = meterRegistry.timer(s"$prefix.failure-time") meterRegistry.gauge( s"$", activeRequests, (_: Ref[F, Long]) => Effect[F].toIO(activeRequests.get).unsafeRunSync().toDouble ) override def increaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = activeRequests.update(_ + 1) override def decreaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = activeRequests.update(_ - 1) override def recordHeadersTime(method: Method, elapsed: Long, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = { F.delay(meterRegistry.timer(s"$prefix.headers-time", "method",, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) } override def recordTotalTime(method: Method, status: Status, elapsed: Long, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = { F.delay( meterRegistry .timer(s"$", "status", s"${status.code}", "status-class", s"${status.code / 100}xx") .record(elapsed, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) ) } override def recordAbnormalTermination(elapsed: Long, terminationType: TerminationType, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = { F.delay(failureTime.record(elapsed, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) } } } }
Example 93
Source File: Decrypt.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.kms import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.{Decoder, Json} import org.aws4s.Region import org.aws4s.core.Command.Validator import org.aws4s.core.{CommandPayload, Param} private[kms] case class Decrypt[F[_]: Effect]( region: Region, ciphertext: Ciphertext, context: Option[EncryptionContext], grantTokens: Option[GrantTokens], ) extends KmsCommand[F, DecryptSuccess] { override def action: String = "Decrypt" override def params: List[Param[Json]] = CommandPayload.params(ciphertext)(context, grantTokens) override val validator: Validator[Json] = _ => None } case class DecryptSuccess( plainText: Plaintext, ) object DecryptSuccess { implicit val decoder: Decoder[DecryptSuccess] = Decoder.forProduct1( { (plaintext: Plaintext) => DecryptSuccess(plaintext) } }
Example 94
Source File: KmsCommand.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.kms import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.{Decoder, Json} import org.aws4s.core.ExtraEntityDecoderInstances._ import org.aws4s._ import org.aws4s.core.{Command, CommandPayload, RenderedParam, ServiceName} import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.headers.{Host, `Content-Type`} import org.http4s.{Header, Headers, MediaType, Method, Request, Uri} private[kms] abstract class KmsCommand[F[_]: Effect, R: Decoder] extends Command[F, Json, R] { override def serviceName: ServiceName = ServiceName.Kms override def payloadSigning: PayloadSigning = PayloadSigning.Signed def action: String override final val requestGenerator: List[RenderedParam[Json]] => F[Request[F]] = { params => val host = s"kms.${}" val payload: Json = CommandPayload.jsonObject(params) Request[F]( Method.POST, Uri.unsafeFromString(s"https://$host/"), headers = Headers(Header("X-Amz-Target", s"TrentService.$action"), Host(host)) ).withBody(payload).map(_.withContentType(`Content-Type`.apply(MediaType.fromKey(("application", "x-amz-json-1.1"))))) } }
Example 95
Source File: Encrypt.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.kms import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.{Decoder, Json} import org.aws4s.Region import org.aws4s.core.Command.Validator import org.aws4s.core.{CommandPayload, Param} private[kms] case class Encrypt[F[_]: Effect]( region: Region, keyId: KeyId, plaintext: Plaintext, context: Option[EncryptionContext], grantTokens: Option[GrantTokens], ) extends KmsCommand[F, EncryptSuccess] { override def action: String = "Encrypt" override def params: List[Param[Json]] = CommandPayload.params(keyId, plaintext)(context, grantTokens) override val validator: Validator[Json] = _ => None } case class EncryptSuccess( cipherText: Ciphertext, ) object EncryptSuccess { implicit val decoder: Decoder[EncryptSuccess] = Decoder.forProduct1( { (cipherText: Ciphertext) => EncryptSuccess(cipherText) } }
Example 96
Source File: CreateKey.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.kms import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.{Decoder, Json} import org.aws4s.Region import org.aws4s.core.Command.Validator import org.aws4s.core.{CommandPayload, Param} private[kms] case class CreateKey[F[_]: Effect]( region: Region, description: Option[KeyDescription], ) extends KmsCommand[F, CreateKeySuccess] { override val action: String = "CreateKey" override def params: List[Param[Json]] = CommandPayload.params()(description) override val validator: Validator[Json] = _ => None } case class CreateKeySuccess( keyMetadata: KeyMetadata, ) object CreateKeySuccess { implicit val decoder: Decoder[CreateKeySuccess] = Decoder.forProduct1("KeyMetadata")(CreateKeySuccess.apply) }
Example 97
package org.aws4s.kms import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.Json import org.aws4s.core.ExtraEntityDecoderInstances._ import org.aws4s.core.Service import org.aws4s.{Credentials, Region} import org.http4s.client.Client case class Kms[F[_]: Effect](client: F[Client[F]], region: Region, credentials: () => Credentials) extends Service[F, Json] { def encrypt( keyId: KeyId, plaintext: Plaintext, context: Option[EncryptionContext] = None, grantTokens: Option[GrantTokens] = None, ): F[EncryptSuccess] = run { Encrypt( region, keyId, plaintext, context, grantTokens ) } def decrypt( ciphertext: Ciphertext, context: Option[EncryptionContext] = None, grantTokens: Option[GrantTokens] = None, ): F[DecryptSuccess] = run { Decrypt(region, ciphertext, context, grantTokens) } def createKey(description: Option[KeyDescription] = None): F[CreateKeySuccess] = run { CreateKey(region, description) } def scheduleKeyDeletion(keyId: KeyId, pendingWindowInDays: Option[PendingWindowInDays] = None): F[ScheduleKeyDeletionSuccess] = run { ScheduleKeyDeletion(region, keyId, pendingWindowInDays) } }
Example 98
Source File: ScheduleKeyDeletion.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.kms import java.time.Instant import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.{Decoder, Json} import org.aws4s.Region import org.aws4s.core.ExtraCirceDecoders._ import org.aws4s.core.Command.Validator import org.aws4s.core.{CommandPayload, Param} private[kms] case class ScheduleKeyDeletion[F[_]: Effect]( region: Region, keyId: KeyId, pendingWindowInDays: Option[PendingWindowInDays], ) extends KmsCommand[F, ScheduleKeyDeletionSuccess] { override def action: String = "ScheduleKeyDeletion" override val validator: Validator[Json] = _ => None override def params: List[Param[Json]] = CommandPayload.params(keyId)(pendingWindowInDays) } case class ScheduleKeyDeletionSuccess( keyId: KeyId, deletionDate: Instant, ) object ScheduleKeyDeletionSuccess { implicit val decoder: Decoder[ScheduleKeyDeletionSuccess] = Decoder.forProduct2(, "DeletionDate" )(ScheduleKeyDeletionSuccess.apply) }
Example 99
Source File: ReceiveMessage.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.sqs import cats.effect.Effect import org.http4s.EntityDecoder import cats.implicits._ import org.aws4s.core.{CommandPayload, ExtraEntityDecoderInstances, Param} private[sqs] case class ReceiveMessage[F[_]: Effect]( q: Queue, maxNumberOfMessages: Option[MaxNumberOfMessages], visibilityTimeout: Option[VisibilityTimeout], waitTimeSeconds: Option[WaitTimeSeconds], receiveRequestAttemptId: Option[ReceiveRequestAttemptId], ) extends SqsCommand[F, ReceiveMessageSuccess] { override val action: String = "ReceiveMessage" override final val params: List[Param[String]] = CommandPayload.params()( maxNumberOfMessages, visibilityTimeout, waitTimeSeconds, receiveRequestAttemptId ) } case class ReceiveMessageSuccess( messages: List[Message] ) object ReceiveMessageSuccess { implicit def entityDecoder[F[_]: Effect]: EntityDecoder[F, ReceiveMessageSuccess] = ExtraEntityDecoderInstances.fromXml { elem => if (elem.label == "ReceiveMessageResponse") (elem \ "ReceiveMessageResult" \ "Message").toList.traverse(Message.parse) map { messages => ReceiveMessageSuccess(messages) } else None } }
Example 100
Source File: SqsCommand.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.sqs import cats.effect.Effect import org.http4s.headers.Host import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, Headers, Method, Request, UrlForm} import org.aws4s._ import org.aws4s.core.Command.Validator import org.aws4s.core.{Command, RenderedParam, ServiceName} private[sqs] abstract class SqsCommand[F[_]: Effect, R: EntityDecoder[F, ?]] extends Command[F, String, R] { val q: Queue val action: String override final val serviceName: ServiceName = ServiceName.Sqs override final val payloadSigning: PayloadSigning = PayloadSigning.Signed override final val region: Region = q.region override final val validator: Validator[String] = _ => None override final val requestGenerator: List[RenderedParam[String]] => F[Request[F]] = { params => val body = => (, p.value)).foldLeft(UrlForm())((form, newPair) => form + newPair) + ("Action" -> action) Request[F](Method.POST, q.uri, headers = Headers(Host([UrlForm](body) } }
Example 101
package org.aws4s.sqs import cats.effect.Effect import org.aws4s.core.Service import org.aws4s.Credentials import org.http4s.client.Client case class Sqs[F[_]: Effect](client: F[Client[F]], credentials: () => Credentials) extends Service[F, String] { def sendMessage( q: Queue, messageBody: MessageBody, delaySeconds: Option[DelaySeconds] = None, messageDeduplicationId: Option[MessageDeduplicationId] = None ): F[SendMessageSuccess] = run { SendMessage( q, messageBody, delaySeconds, messageDeduplicationId ) } def receiveMessage( q: Queue, maxNumberOfMessages: Option[MaxNumberOfMessages] = None, visibilityTimeout: Option[VisibilityTimeout] = None, waitTimeSeconds: Option[WaitTimeSeconds] = None, receiveRequestAttemptId: Option[ReceiveRequestAttemptId] = None, ): F[ReceiveMessageSuccess] = run { ReceiveMessage( q, maxNumberOfMessages, visibilityTimeout, waitTimeSeconds, receiveRequestAttemptId ) } def deleteMessage( q: Queue, receiptHandle: ReceiptHandle, ): F[Unit] = run { DeleteMessage( q, receiptHandle ) } }
Example 102
Source File: SendMessage.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.sqs import cats.effect.Effect import org.http4s.EntityDecoder import org.aws4s.core.XmlParsing._ import org.aws4s.core.{CommandPayload, ExtraEntityDecoderInstances, Param} private[sqs] case class SendMessage[F[_]: Effect]( q: Queue, messageBody: MessageBody, delaySeconds: Option[DelaySeconds] = None, messageDeduplicationId: Option[MessageDeduplicationId] = None, ) extends SqsCommand[F, SendMessageSuccess] { override val action: String = "SendMessage" override def params: List[Param[String]] = CommandPayload.params( messageBody )( delaySeconds, messageDeduplicationId ) } case class SendMessageSuccess( messageId: MessageId, md5OfMessageBody: String, sequenceNumber: Option[SequenceNumber] ) object SendMessageSuccess { implicit def entityDecoder[F[_]: Effect]: EntityDecoder[F, SendMessageSuccess] = ExtraEntityDecoderInstances.fromXml { elem => if (elem.label == "SendMessageResponse") Some( SendMessageSuccess( MessageId(text(elem)("SendMessageResult", "MessageId")), text(elem)("SendMessageResult", "MD5OfMessageBody"), integer(elem)("SendMessageResult", "SequenceNumber") map SequenceNumber ) ) else None } }
Example 103
Source File: CreateTable.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.dynamodb import import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.{Decoder, Json} import org.aws4s.Region import org.aws4s.core.{Command, Param} private[dynamodb] case class CreateTable[F[_]: Effect]( region: Region, indices: NonEmptyList[Index], tableName: TableName, provisionedThroughput: ProvisionedThroughput, ) extends DynamoDbCommand[F, CreateTableSuccess] { override def action: String = "CreateTable" override def params: List[Param[Json]] = { val attributeDefinitions = AttributeDefinitions( => AttributeDefinition(ix.attributeName, ix.attributeType))) val keySchema = KeySchema( => KeySchemaElement(ix.attributeName, ix.keyType))) List(attributeDefinitions, tableName, keySchema, provisionedThroughput) } override val validator: Command.Validator[Json] = _ => None } case class CreateTableSuccess(tableDescription: TableDescription) object CreateTableSuccess { implicit val decoder: Decoder[CreateTableSuccess] = Decoder.forProduct1( }
Example 104
Source File: DynamoDbCommand.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.dynamodb import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.{Decoder, Json} import org.aws4s.PayloadSigning import org.http4s.headers.{Host, `Content-Type`} import org.http4s.{Header, Headers, MediaType, Method, Request, Uri} import org.http4s.circe._ import cats.implicits._ import org.aws4s.core.ExtraEntityDecoderInstances._ import org.aws4s.core.{Command, CommandPayload, RenderedParam, ServiceName} private[dynamodb] abstract class DynamoDbCommand[F[_]: Effect, R: Decoder] extends Command[F, Json, R] { override def serviceName: ServiceName = ServiceName.DynamoDb override def payloadSigning: PayloadSigning = PayloadSigning.Signed def action: String override final val requestGenerator: List[RenderedParam[Json]] => F[Request[F]] = params => { val host = s"dynamodb.${}" val payload: Json = CommandPayload.jsonObject(params) Request[F]( Method.POST, Uri.unsafeFromString(s"https://$host/"), headers = Headers(Header("X-Amz-Target", s"DynamoDB_20120810.$action"), Host(host)) ).withBody(payload).map(_.withContentType(`Content-Type`.apply(MediaType.fromKey(("application", "x-amz-json-1.0"))))) } }
Example 105
Source File: DynamoDb.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.dynamodb import import cats.effect.Effect import io.circe.Json import org.aws4s.core.Service import org.aws4s.{Credentials, Region} import org.http4s.client.Client import org.aws4s.core.ExtraEntityDecoderInstances._ case class DynamoDb[F[_]: Effect](client: F[Client[F]], region: Region, credentials: () => Credentials) extends Service[F, Json] { def createTable(tableName: TableName, indices: NonEmptyList[Index], provisionedThroughput: ProvisionedThroughput): F[CreateTableSuccess] = run { CreateTable(region, indices, tableName, provisionedThroughput) } def deleteTable(tableName: TableName): F[DeleteTableSuccess] = run { DeleteTable(region, tableName) } }
Example 106
Source File: S3ObjectCommand.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.s3 import cats.effect.Effect import org.aws4s.core.{Command, Param, RenderedParam, ServiceName} import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, Headers, Method, Request, Uri} import fs2._ import org.http4s.headers.Host import cats.implicits._ private[aws4s] abstract class S3ObjectCommand[F[_]: Effect, R: EntityDecoder[F, ?]] extends Command[F, Nothing, R] { override final val serviceName: ServiceName = ServiceName.S3 val action: Method val bucketName: BucketName val objectPath: ObjectPath val payload: F[Stream[F, Byte]] override final val params: List[Param[Nothing]] = List.empty override final val validator: Command.Validator[Nothing] = _ => None override final val requestGenerator: List[RenderedParam[Nothing]] => F[Request[F]] = { _ => val host = s"${bucketName.value}.s3.${}" val uri = Uri.unsafeFromString(s"https://$host/").withPath(objectPath.value) for { pStream <- payload pBytes <- pStream.compile.toVector r <- Request[F](action, uri, headers = Headers(Host(host))).withBody(pBytes.toArray) } yield r } }
Example 107
package org.aws4s.s3 import cats.effect.Effect import org.aws4s._ import org.http4s.client.Client import fs2.Stream import org.aws4s.core.ExtraEntityDecoderInstances._ import org.aws4s.core.Service case class S3[F[_]: Effect](client: F[Client[F]], region: Region, credentials: () => Credentials) extends Service[F, Nothing] { val listBuckets: F[ListBucketsSuccess] = run { ListBuckets(region) } def putObject( bucket: BucketName, objectPath: ObjectPath, obj: F[Stream[F, Byte]], payloadSigning: PayloadSigning = PayloadSigning.Unsigned, ): F[Unit] = run { PutObject(region, bucket, objectPath, obj, payloadSigning) } def deleteObject( bucket: BucketName, objectPath: ObjectPath ): F[Unit] = run { DeleteObject(region, bucket, objectPath) } def getObject( bucket: BucketName, objectPath: ObjectPath ): F[Stream[F, Byte]] = run { GetObject(region, bucket, objectPath) } }
Example 108
Source File: PutObject.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.s3 import cats.effect.Effect import org.aws4s.{PayloadSigning, _} import org.http4s.Method import fs2.Stream private[aws4s] case class PutObject[F[_]: Effect]( region: Region, bucketName: BucketName, objectPath: ObjectPath, obj: F[Stream[F, Byte]], payloadSigning: PayloadSigning ) extends S3ObjectCommand[F, Unit] { override val action: Method = Method.PUT override val payload: F[Stream[F, Byte]] = obj }
Example 109
Source File: S3ServiceCommand.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.s3 import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import fs2._ import org.aws4s.PayloadSigning import org.aws4s.core.{Command, Param, RenderedParam, ServiceName} import org.http4s.headers.Host import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, Headers, Method, Request, Uri} private[aws4s] abstract class S3ServiceCommand[F[_]: Effect, R: EntityDecoder[F, ?]] extends Command[F, Nothing, R] { override final val serviceName: ServiceName = ServiceName.S3 val action: Method val payload: F[Stream[F, Byte]] override final val payloadSigning: PayloadSigning = PayloadSigning.Signed override final val params: List[Param[Nothing]] = List.empty override final val validator: Command.Validator[Nothing] = _ => None override final val requestGenerator: List[RenderedParam[Nothing]] => F[Request[F]] = { _ => val host = s"s3.${}" val uri = Uri.unsafeFromString(s"https://$host/").withPath("/") payload map { p => Request[F](action, uri, headers = Headers(Host(host))).withBodyStream(p) } } }
Example 110
Source File: ListBuckets.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.s3 import cats.effect.Effect import org.aws4s._ import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, Method} import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Stream import org.aws4s.core.ExtraEntityDecoderInstances private[s3] case class ListBuckets[F[_]: Effect]( region: Region ) extends S3ServiceCommand[F, ListBucketsSuccess] { override val action: Method = Method.GET override val payload: F[Stream[F, Byte]] = (Stream.empty: Stream[F, Byte]).pure[F] } case class ListBucketsSuccess( buckets: List[BucketName] ) object ListBucketsSuccess { implicit def entityDecoder[F[_]: Effect]: EntityDecoder[F, ListBucketsSuccess] = ExtraEntityDecoderInstances.fromXml { elem => if (elem.label == "ListAllMyBucketsResult") (elem \ "Buckets" \ "Bucket").toList.traverse(BucketName.parse) map { buckets => ListBucketsSuccess(buckets) } else None } }
Example 111
Source File: ExtraEntityDecoderInstances.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.core import cats.Applicative import import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Stream import io.circe.Decoder import org.http4s.scalaxml._ import org.http4s.{DecodeFailure, EntityDecoder, InvalidMessageBodyFailure, MediaRange} private[aws4s] object ExtraEntityDecoderInstances { implicit def streamEntityDecoder[F[_]: Applicative]: EntityDecoder[F, Stream[F, Byte]] = EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`*/*`) { msg => EitherT.fromEither(msg.body.asRight[DecodeFailure]) } def fromXml[F[_]: Effect, A](f: scala.xml.Elem => Option[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A] = EntityDecoder[F, scala.xml.Elem] flatMapR { elem => val result = f(elem) EitherT.fromEither(result.toRight(InvalidMessageBodyFailure("Response was not as expected"))) } implicit def circeEntityDecoder[F[_]: Effect, A: Decoder]: EntityDecoder[F, A] = org.http4s.circe.jsonOf[F, A] }
Example 112
Source File: ResponseContent.scala From aws4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.aws4s.core import import cats.effect.{Effect, Sync} import io.circe.Json import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, MediaRange, Message} import org.http4s.scalaxml._ import org.http4s.circe._ private[aws4s] sealed trait ResponseContent { final def tryParse[A](pf: PartialFunction[ResponseContent, Option[A]]): Option[A] = pf.orElse[ResponseContent, Option[A]]({ case _ => None })(this) } private[aws4s] case class XmlContent(elem: scala.xml.Elem) extends ResponseContent private[aws4s] case class JsonContent(json: Json) extends ResponseContent private[aws4s] case class StringContent(text: String) extends ResponseContent private[aws4s] case object NoContent extends ResponseContent private[aws4s] object ResponseContent { implicit def entityDecoder[F[_]: Effect]: EntityDecoder[F, ResponseContent] = EntityDecoder[F, scala.xml.Elem].map(elem => XmlContent(elem)).widen[ResponseContent] orElse EntityDecoder[F, Json].map(json => JsonContent(json)).widen[ResponseContent] orElse => JsonContent(json)).widen[ResponseContent] orElse EntityDecoder[F, String].map(text => StringContent(text)).widen[ResponseContent] orElse EntityDecoder[F, Unit].map(_ => NoContent).widen[ResponseContent] private def inclusiveJsonEntityDecoder[F[_]: Sync]: EntityDecoder[F, Json] = { val json = jsonDecoder[F] val extraMediaRanges = NonEmptyList.of( "application/x-amz-json-1.0" ) map (mr => MediaRange.parse(mr).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Invalid Media Range: $mr"))) val allMediaRanges = extraMediaRanges concat json.consumes.toList EntityDecoder.decodeBy[F, Json](allMediaRanges.head, allMediaRanges.tail: _*)((msg: Message[F]) => json.decode(msg, strict = false)) } }
Example 113
Source File: Fs2OutputStream.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package blobstore.gcs import import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Effect} import fs2.{Chunk, Stream} import fs2.concurrent.Queue import cats.syntax.functor._ import scala.annotation.tailrec private[gcs] class Fs2OutputStream[F[_]]( queue: Queue[F, Option[Chunk[Byte]]], chunkSize: Int )(implicit eff: Effect[F]) extends OutputStream { @SuppressWarnings(Array("scalafix:DisableSyntax.var")) private var bufferedChunk: Chunk[Byte] = Chunk.empty @tailrec private def addChunk(newChunk: Chunk[Byte]): Unit = { val newChunkSize = newChunk.size val bufferedChunkSize = bufferedChunk.size val spaceLeftInTheBuffer = chunkSize - bufferedChunkSize if (newChunkSize > spaceLeftInTheBuffer) { bufferedChunk = Chunk.concatBytes(Seq(bufferedChunk, newChunk.take(spaceLeftInTheBuffer)), chunkSize) flushBuffer() addChunk(newChunk.drop(spaceLeftInTheBuffer)) } else { bufferedChunk = Chunk.concatBytes(Seq(bufferedChunk, newChunk), bufferedChunkSize + newChunkSize) } } private def flushBuffer(): Unit = { enqueueChunkSync(Some(bufferedChunk)) bufferedChunk = Chunk.empty } private def enqueueChunkSync(c: Option[Chunk[Byte]]): Unit = eff.toIO(queue.enqueue1(c)).unsafeRunSync() val stream: Stream[F, Byte] = queue.dequeue.unNoneTerminate.flatMap(Stream.chunk) override def write(bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = addChunk(Chunk.bytes(bytes)) override def write(bytes: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = addChunk(Chunk.bytes(bytes, off, len)) override def write(b: Int): Unit = addChunk(Chunk.singleton(b.toByte)) override def flush(): Unit = flushBuffer() override def close(): Unit = { flush() enqueueChunkSync(None) } } private[gcs] object Fs2OutputStream { def apply[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect](chunkSize: Int, queueSize: Option[Int]): F[Fs2OutputStream[F]] = { val fQueue = queueSize match { case None => Queue.unbounded[F, Option[Chunk[Byte]]] case Some(size) => Queue.bounded[F, Option[Chunk[Byte]]](size) } { queue => new Fs2OutputStream[F](queue, chunkSize) } } }