collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: SplitInfo.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
    val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
    val hostLocation: String,
    val path: String,
    val length: Long,
    val underlyingSplit: Any) {
  override def toString(): String = {
    "SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
      ", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
      ", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
    // ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt

  // This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's don't seem to implement equals :-(
  // So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
  // is pointing to same block.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SplitInfo =>
      this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
        this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
        this.path == that.path &&
        this.length == that.length &&
        // other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
        this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
    case _ => false

object SplitInfo {

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapredSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)
Example 2
Source File: CompanionSorter.scala    From mango   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.kakao.shaded.jackson.module.scala.util

import collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import collection.GenTraversable
import collection.generic.GenericCompanion
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import scala.language.higherKinds

class CompanionSorter[CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X]] {
  type HKClassManifest[CC2[_]] = ClassTag[CC2[_]]

  private[this] val companions = new ArrayBuffer[(Class[_], GenericCompanion[CC])]()

  def add[T[X] <: CC[X] : HKClassManifest](companion: GenericCompanion[T]): CompanionSorter[CC] = {
    companions += implicitly[HKClassManifest[T]].runtimeClass -> companion

  def toList: List[(Class[_], GenericCompanion[CC])] = {
    val cs = companions.toArray
    val output = new ListBuffer[(Class[_], GenericCompanion[CC])]()

    val remaining = => 1)
    val adjMatrix = Array.ofDim[Int](cs.length, cs.length)

    // Build the adjacency matrix. Only mark the in-edges.
    for (i <- 0 until cs.length; j <- 0 until cs.length) {
      val (ic, _) = cs(i)
      val (jc, _) = cs(j)

      if (i != j && ic.isAssignableFrom(jc)) {
        adjMatrix(i)(j) = 1

    // While we haven't removed every node, remove all nodes with 0 degree in-edges.
    while (output.length < cs.length) {
      val startLength = output.length

      for (i <- 0 until cs.length) {
        if (remaining(i) == 1 && dotProduct(adjMatrix(i), remaining) == 0) {
          output += companions(i)
          remaining(i) = 0

      // If we couldn't remove any nodes, it means we've found a cycle. Realistically this should never happen.
      if (output.length == startLength) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Companions contain a cycle.")


  private[this] def dotProduct(a: Array[Int], b: Array[Int]): Int = {
    if (a.length != b.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException()

    (0 until a.length).map(i => a(i) * b(i)).sum
Example 3
Source File: SplitInfo.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
    val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
    val hostLocation: String,
    val path: String,
    val length: Long,
    val underlyingSplit: Any) {
  override def toString(): String = {
    "SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
      ", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
      ", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
    // ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt

  // This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's don't seem to implement equals :-(
  // So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
  // is pointing to same block.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SplitInfo =>
      this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
        this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
        this.path == that.path &&
        this.length == that.length &&
        // other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
        this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
    case _ => false

object SplitInfo {

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapredSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)
Example 4
Source File: exercise10.scala    From scala-for-the-Impatient   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import{ObjectInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileInputStream, ObjectOutputStream}

class Person(var name:String) extends Serializable{

  val friends = new ArrayBuffer[Person]()

  def addFriend(friend : Person){
    friends += friend

  override def toString() = {
    var str = "My name is " + name + " and my friends name is "
    friends.foreach(str += + ",")

object Test extends App{
  val p1 = new Person("Ivan")
  val p2 = new Person("F2")
  val p3 = new Person("F3")


  val out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("person.obj"))

  val in =  new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("person.obj"))
  val p = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[Person]
Example 5
Source File: exercise06.scala    From scala-for-the-Impatient   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

class ASCIIArt(str:String){
  val arr:ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[String]] = new ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[String]]()

  if (str != null && !str.trim.eq("")){
      line =>
        val s = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
        s += line
        arr += s

  def this(){

  def +(other:ASCIIArt):ASCIIArt={
    val art = new ASCIIArt()
    val length = if (this.arr.length >= other.arr.length) this.arr.length else other.arr.length
    for(i <- 0 until length){
      val s = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
      val thisArr:ArrayBuffer[String] = if (i < this.arr.length) this.arr(i) else new ArrayBuffer[String]()
      val otherArr:ArrayBuffer[String] = if (i < other.arr.length) other.arr(i) else new ArrayBuffer[String]()
      thisArr.foreach(s += _)
      otherArr.foreach(s += _)
      art.arr += s

  def *(other:ASCIIArt):ASCIIArt={
    val art = new ASCIIArt()
    this.arr.foreach(art.arr += _)
    other.arr.foreach(art.arr += _)

  override def toString()={
    var ss:String = ""
      ss += _.mkString(" ") + "\n"

object Test extends App{
  val a = new ASCIIArt(""" /\_/\
                         |( ' ' )
                         |(  -  )
                         | | | |
  val b = new ASCIIArt( """    -----
                          |  / Hello \
                          | <  Scala |
                          |  \ Coder /
                          |    -----
  println(a + b * b)
  println((a + b) * b)
  println(a * b)
Example 6
Source File: SplitInfo.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
    val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
    val hostLocation: String,
    val path: String,
    val length: Long,
    val underlyingSplit: Any) {
  override def toString(): String = {
    "SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
      ", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
      ", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
    // ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt

  // This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's dont seem to implement equals :-(
  // So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
  // is pointing to same block.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SplitInfo => {
      this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
        this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
        this.path == that.path &&
        this.length == that.length &&
        // other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
        this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
    case _ => false

object SplitInfo {

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapredSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)
Example 7
Source File: LabelSRAMModels.scala    From midas   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See LICENSE for license details.

package midas.passes.fame

import firrtl._
import Mappers._
import ir._
import annotations._
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import midas.targetutils.FirrtlMemModelAnnotation

class LabelSRAMModels extends Transform {
  def inputForm = HighForm
  def outputForm = HighForm

  val confwriter = new passes.memlib.ConfWriter("NONE")
  val memutil = new passes.memlib.ReplaceMemMacros(confwriter)

  def mem2Module(mem: DefMemory): Module = {
    val ports = passes.MemPortUtils.memType(mem) => Port(NoInfo,, Input, f.tpe))
    val connects = => Connect(NoInfo, WSubField(WRef(,, WRef(
    Module(,, ports, Block(mem +: connects))

  override def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {
    val circ = state.circuit
    val moduleNS = Namespace(circ)
    val memModelAnnotations = new ArrayBuffer[Annotation]
    val memModules = new ArrayBuffer[Module]
    val annotatedMems = state.annotations.collect({
      case FirrtlMemModelAnnotation(rt) => rt

    println(s"[MIDAS 2.0] RAM Models To Extract: ${annotatedMems.size}")

    val transformedModules ={
      case m: Module =>
        val mt = ModuleTarget(circ.main,
        def onStmt(stmt: Statement): Statement = match {
          case mem: DefMemory if annotatedMems.contains(mt.ref( =>
            val wrapper = mem2Module(mem).copy(name = moduleNS.newName(
            val wrapperTarget = ModuleTarget(circ.main,
            memModules += wrapper
            memModelAnnotations += FAMEModelAnnotation(mt.instOf(,
            memModelAnnotations ++= => ModelReadPort(wrapperTarget.ref(rp)))
            memModelAnnotations ++= => ModelWritePort(wrapperTarget.ref(rp)))
            memModelAnnotations ++= => ModelReadWritePort(wrapperTarget.ref(rp)))
            WDefInstance(,,, UnknownType)
          case s => s
        m.copy(body =
      case m => m
    val transformedCircuit = circ.copy(modules = memModules ++ transformedModules)
    state.copy(circuit = transformedCircuit, annotations = state.annotations ++ memModelAnnotations)
Example 8
Source File: FAMEDefaults.scala    From midas   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See LICENSE for license details.

package midas.passes.fame

import firrtl._
import Mappers._
import ir._
import annotations._
import collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, LinkedHashSet}

// Assumes: AQB form
// Run after ExtractModel
// Label all unbound top-level ports as wire channels
// Label *all* model-to-model connections as wire channels
// Label all children of the top model to be FAME1 transformed

class FAMEDefaults extends Transform {
  def inputForm = LowForm
  def outputForm = LowForm

  override def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {
    val analysis = new FAMEChannelAnalysis(state, FAME1Transform)
    val topModule = state.circuit.modules.find( == state.circuit.main).get.asInstanceOf[Module]
    val globalSignals = state.annotations.collect({ case g: FAMEGlobalSignal => }).toSet
    val channelNames = state.annotations.collect({ case fca: FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation => fca.globalName })
    val channelNS = Namespace(channelNames)
    def isGlobal(topPort: Port) = globalSignals.contains(
    def isBound(topPort: Port) = analysis.channelsByPort.contains(analysis.topTarget.ref(
    val defaultExtChannelAnnos = topModule.ports.filterNot(isGlobal).filterNot(isBound).flatMap({
      case Port(_, _, _, ClockType) => None // FIXME: Reject the clock in RC's debug interface
      case Port(_, name, Input, _)  => Some(FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation(channelNS.newName(name), WireChannel, None, Some(Seq(analysis.topTarget.ref(name)))))
      case Port(_, name, Output, _) => Some(FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation(channelNS.newName(name), WireChannel, Some(Seq(analysis.topTarget.ref(name))), None))
    val channelModules = new LinkedHashSet[String] // TODO: find modules to absorb into channels, don't label as FAME models
    val defaultLoopbackAnnos = new ArrayBuffer[FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation]
    val defaultModelAnnos = new ArrayBuffer[FAMETransformAnnotation]
    val topTarget = ModuleTarget(state.circuit.main,
    def onStmt(stmt: Statement): Statement = match {
      case wi @ WDefInstance(_, iname, mname, _) if (!channelModules.contains(mname)) =>
        defaultModelAnnos += FAMETransformAnnotation(FAME1Transform, topTarget.copy(module = mname))
      case c @ Connect(_, WSubField(WRef(lhsiname, _, InstanceKind, _), lhspname, _, _), WSubField(WRef(rhsiname, _, InstanceKind, _), rhspname, _, _)) =>
        if (c.loc.tpe != ClockType && c.expr.tpe != ClockType) {
          defaultLoopbackAnnos += FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation(
      case s => s
    state.copy(annotations = state.annotations ++ defaultExtChannelAnnos ++ defaultLoopbackAnnos ++ defaultModelAnnos)
Example 9
Source File: SplitInfo.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
    val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
    val hostLocation: String,
    val path: String,
    val length: Long,
    val underlyingSplit: Any) {
  override def toString(): String = {
    "SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
      ", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
      ", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
    // ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt

  // This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's don't seem to implement equals :-(
  // So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
  // is pointing to same block.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SplitInfo =>
      this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
        this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
        this.path == that.path &&
        this.length == that.length &&
        // other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
        this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
    case _ => false

object SplitInfo {

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapredSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)
Example 10
Source File: SplitInfo.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
    val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
    val hostLocation: String,
    val path: String,
    val length: Long,
    val underlyingSplit: Any) {
  override def toString(): String = {
    "SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
      ", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
      ", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
    // ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt

  // This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's dont seem to implement equals :-(
  // So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
  // is pointing to same block.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SplitInfo => {
      this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
        this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
        this.path == that.path &&
        this.length == that.length &&
        // other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
        this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
    case _ => false

object SplitInfo {

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapredSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)
Example 11
Source File: SplitInfo.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
    val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
    val hostLocation: String,
    val path: String,
    val length: Long,
    val underlyingSplit: Any) {
  override def toString(): String = {
    "SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
      ", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
      ", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
    // ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt

  // This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's don't seem to implement equals :-(
  // So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
  // is pointing to same block.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SplitInfo =>
      this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
        this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
        this.path == that.path &&
        this.length == that.length &&
        // other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
        this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
    case _ => false

object SplitInfo {

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapredSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)
Example 12
Source File: SplitInfo.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

// information about a specific split instance : handles both split instances.
// So that we do not need to worry about the differences.
class SplitInfo(
    val inputFormatClazz: Class[_],
    val hostLocation: String,
    val path: String,
    val length: Long,
    val underlyingSplit: Any) {
  override def toString(): String = {
    "SplitInfo " + super.toString + " .. inputFormatClazz " + inputFormatClazz +
      ", hostLocation : " + hostLocation + ", path : " + path +
      ", length : " + length + ", underlyingSplit " + underlyingSplit

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    var hashCode = inputFormatClazz.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + hostLocation.hashCode
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + path.hashCode
    // ignore overflow ? It is hashcode anyway !
    hashCode = hashCode * 31 + (length & 0x7fffffff).toInt

  // This is practically useless since most of the Split impl's dont seem to implement equals :-(
  // So unless there is identity equality between underlyingSplits, it will always fail even if it
  // is pointing to same block.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: SplitInfo => {
      this.hostLocation == that.hostLocation &&
        this.inputFormatClazz == that.inputFormatClazz &&
        this.path == that.path &&
        this.length == that.length &&
        // other split specific checks (like start for FileSplit)
        this.underlyingSplit == that.underlyingSplit
    case _ => false

object SplitInfo {

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapredSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapredSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapredSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapredSplit)

  def toSplitInfo(inputFormatClazz: Class[_], path: String,
                  mapreduceSplit: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit): Seq[SplitInfo] = {
    val retval = new ArrayBuffer[SplitInfo]()
    val length = mapreduceSplit.getLength
    for (host <- mapreduceSplit.getLocations) {
      retval += new SplitInfo(inputFormatClazz, host, path, length, mapreduceSplit)