com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.
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Example 1
Source File: RelativePathSupport.scala From exodus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.bazel.migrator.analyze import import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.{JsonGenerator, JsonParser, JsonToken} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind._ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule class RelativePathSupportingModule extends SimpleModule { addDeserializer(classOf[Path], new RelativePathSupportingDeserializer) addSerializer(classOf[Path], new RelativePathSupportingSerializer) } class RelativePathSupportingSerializer extends JsonSerializer[Path] { @throws[IOException] def serialize(value: Path, gen: JsonGenerator, serializers: SerializerProvider): Unit = value match { case null => gen.writeNull() case _ => gen.writeString(value.toString) } } class RelativePathSupportingDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer[Path] { @throws[IOException] def deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): Path = p.getCurrentToken match { case JsonToken.VALUE_NULL => null case JsonToken.VALUE_STRING => Paths.get(p.readValueAs(classOf[String])) case _ => throw ctxt.wrongTokenException(p, JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, "The value of a java.nio.file.Path must be a string") } }
Example 2
Source File: SourceModuleSupport.scala From exodus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.bazel.migrator.analyze import import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.{JsonGenerator, JsonParser, JsonToken} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind._ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule import com.wix.bazel.migrator.model.SourceModule class SourceModuleSupportingModule(modules: Set[SourceModule]) extends SimpleModule { addDeserializer(classOf[SourceModule], new SourceModuleSupportingDeserializer(modules)) addSerializer(classOf[SourceModule], new SourceModuleSupportingSerializer) } class SourceModuleSupportingSerializer extends JsonSerializer[SourceModule] { @throws[IOException] def serialize(value: SourceModule, gen: JsonGenerator, serializers: SerializerProvider): Unit = value match { case null => gen.writeNull() case _ => gen.writeString(value.relativePathFromMonoRepoRoot) } } class SourceModuleSupportingDeserializer(modules: Set[SourceModule]) extends JsonDeserializer[SourceModule] { @throws[IOException] def deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): SourceModule = p.getCurrentToken match { case JsonToken.VALUE_NULL => null case JsonToken.VALUE_STRING => { val relativePath = p.readValueAs(classOf[String]) modules.find(_.relativePathFromMonoRepoRoot == relativePath) .getOrElse(throw ctxt.weirdStringException(relativePath, classOf[SourceModule], s"could not find module with relative path for $relativePath")) } case token => throw ctxt.wrongTokenException(p, JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, s"The value of a module must be a string and currently is $token") } }
Example 3
Source File: Kind.scala From incubator-livy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.livy.sessions import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.{JsonGenerator, JsonParser, JsonToken} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind._ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule sealed abstract class Kind(val name: String) { override def toString: String = name } object Spark extends Kind("spark") object PySpark extends Kind("pyspark") object SparkR extends Kind("sparkr") object Shared extends Kind("shared") object SQL extends Kind("sql") object Kind { def apply(kind: String): Kind = kind match { case "spark" | "scala" => Spark case "pyspark" | "python" => PySpark case "sparkr" | "r" => SparkR case "shared" => Shared case "sql" => SQL case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid kind: $other") } } class SessionKindModule extends SimpleModule("SessionKind") { addSerializer(classOf[Kind], new JsonSerializer[Kind]() { override def serialize(value: Kind, jgen: JsonGenerator, provider: SerializerProvider): Unit = { jgen.writeString(value.toString) } }) addDeserializer(classOf[Kind], new JsonDeserializer[Kind]() { override def deserialize(jp: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): Kind = { require(jp.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, "Kind should be a string.") Kind(jp.getText()) } }) }
Example 4
Source File: JsonLifter.scala From diffy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.diffy.lifter import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.{JsonGenerator, JsonToken} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{JsonNode, ObjectMapper, SerializerProvider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper import com.twitter.util.Try import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.runtimeMirror import import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace object JsonLifter { @JsonSerialize(using = classOf[JsonNullSerializer]) object JsonNull object JsonParseError extends Exception with NoStackTrace val toolbox = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader).mkToolBox() val Mapper = new ObjectMapper with ScalaObjectMapper Mapper.registerModule(DefaultScalaModule) def apply(obj: Any): JsonNode = Mapper.valueToTree(obj) def lift(node: JsonNode): Any = node.asToken match { case JsonToken.START_ARRAY => { element => lift(element) } case JsonToken.START_OBJECT => { val fields = node.fieldNames.toSet if (fields.exists{ field => Try(toolbox.parse(s"object ${field}123")).isThrow}) { node.fields map {field => (field.getKey -> lift(field.getValue))} toMap } else { FieldMap( node.fields map {field => (field.getKey -> lift(field.getValue))} toMap ) } } case JsonToken.VALUE_FALSE => false case JsonToken.VALUE_NULL => JsonNull case JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT => node.asDouble case JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT => node.asLong case JsonToken.VALUE_TRUE => true case JsonToken.VALUE_STRING => node.textValue case _ => throw JsonParseError } def decode(json: String): JsonNode = Mapper.readTree(json) def encode(item: Any): String = Mapper.writer.writeValueAsString(item) } class JsonNullSerializer(clazz: Class[Any]) extends StdSerializer[Any](clazz) { def this() { this(null) } override def serialize(t: Any, jsonGenerator: JsonGenerator, serializerProvider: SerializerProvider): Unit = { jsonGenerator.writeNull() } }
Example 5
Source File: JacksonParserSuite.scala From circe-jackson with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.jackson import import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ ObjectMapper, ObjectReader } import io.circe.Json import io.circe.testing.ParserTests import{ ByteArrayInputStream, File } import class JacksonParserSuite extends CirceSuite with JacksonInstances { checkAll("Parser", ParserTests(`package`).fromString(arbitraryCleanedJson, shrinkJson)) checkAll( "Parser", ParserTests(`package`).fromFunction[Array[Byte]]("fromByteArray")( s => s.getBytes("UTF-8"), p => p.parseByteArray _, p => p.decodeByteArray[Json] _, p => p.decodeByteArrayAccumulating[Json] _ )(arbitraryCleanedJson, shrinkJson) ) "parse and decode(Accumulating)" should "fail on invalid input" in forAll { (s: String) => assert(parse(s"Not JSON $s").isLeft) assert(decode[Json](s"Not JSON $s").isLeft) assert(decodeAccumulating[Json](s"Not JSON $s").isInvalid) } "parseFile and decodeFile(Accumulating)" should "parse a JSON file" in { val url = getClass.getResource("/io/circe/jackson/examples/glossary.json") val file = new File(url.toURI) assert(decodeFile[Json](file) === Right(glossary)) assert(decodeFileAccumulating[Json](file) == Validated.valid(glossary)) assert(parseFile(file) === Right(glossary)) } "parseByteArray and decodeByteArray(Accumulating)" should "parse an array of elementAsBytes" in { val bytes = glossaryAsBytes assert(decodeByteArray[Json](bytes) === Right(glossary)) assert(decodeByteArrayAccumulating[Json](bytes) === Validated.valid(glossary)) assert(parseByteArray(bytes) === Right(glossary)) } for (elementCount <- 1 to 4) { "CirceJsonDeserializer" should s"be useable with Jackson's MappingIterator " + s"with ${elementCount} elements in array" in { val input = new ByteArrayInputStream(createJsonArrayAsBytes(glossaryAsBytes, elementCount)) val objectMapper = new ObjectMapper() objectMapper.registerModule(CirceJsonModule) val jsonParser = objectMapper.getFactory.createParser(input) assert(jsonParser.nextToken() == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) assert(jsonParser.nextToken() == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) val reader = createReader(objectMapper).forType(classOf[Json]) val iterator = reader.readValues[Json](jsonParser) var counter = 0 while (iterator.hasNext) { val glossaryFromIterator = assert(glossary == glossaryFromIterator) counter = counter + 1 } assert(counter == elementCount) } } // workaround warnings from compiler with Jackson 2.5 @unchecked private def createReader(objectMapper: ObjectMapper): ObjectReader = objectMapper.reader() private def createJsonArrayAsBytes(elementAsBytes: Array[Byte], elementCount: Int): Array[Byte] = { val byteArrayOutput = new byteArrayOutput.write('[') for (i <- 1 to elementCount) { if (i != 1) { byteArrayOutput.write(',') } byteArrayOutput.write(elementAsBytes) } byteArrayOutput.write(']') byteArrayOutput.toByteArray } private def glossaryAsBytes = { val stream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/io/circe/jackson/examples/glossary.json") val source = Source.fromInputStream(stream) val bytes = source.close() bytes } }
Example 6
Source File: MListDeserializer.scala From sope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sope.etl.transform.model import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.{JsonParser, JsonToken} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer import com.sope.etl.annotations.SqlExpr import com.sope.etl.transform.model.action.TransformActionRoot import import import com.sope.etl.utils.SQLChecker.checkSQL import com.sope.utils.Logging import scala.collection.mutable import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ if (p.getCurrentToken != JsonToken.START_ARRAY) { val location = p.getCurrentLocation log.error(s"Invalid list definition for ${p.getCurrentName} tag") failures += Failed("Invalid yaml list definition", location.getLineNr, location.getColumnNr) return MList(data, failures) } while (p.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) { if (p.getCurrentToken == JsonToken.START_OBJECT && Option(p.getCurrentName).isEmpty) { val location = p.getCurrentLocation try { val validElem = p.readValueAs[T](clz) // Check if the element has any SQL expression/ SQL to be validated val clazz = mirror.staticClass(validElem.getClass.getCanonicalName) val objMirror = mirror.reflect(validElem) clazz.selfType.members.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor && m.annotations.exists(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[SqlExpr]) => val expr = objMirror.reflectField(m).get if ( == "sql") (expr, true) else (expr, false) }.foreach { case (expr, isSql) => checkSQL(expr, isSql) } log.trace(s"Successfully Parsed element of type $clz :- $validElem") data += validElem } catch { case e: Exception => log.error(s"Parsing failed with message ${e.getMessage} at ${location.getLineNr}:${location.getColumnNr}") failures += Failed(e.getMessage, location.getLineNr, location.getColumnNr) } } else { // Cases where the next token might be an internal object/array as result of failure on the root object. // These are skipped and token is moved to next object at root. if ((p.getCurrentToken == JsonToken.START_OBJECT || p.getCurrentToken == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) && Option(p.getCurrentName).isDefined) { log.debug("Skipping Current Token: " + p.getCurrentToken + " with Name: " + p.getCurrentName) p.skipChildren() } } } MList(data, failures) } override def getNullValue: MList[T] = MList[T](Nil) } object MListDeserializer { class TransformationDeserializer extends MListDeserializer(classOf[Transformation]) class ActionDeserializer extends MListDeserializer(classOf[TransformActionRoot]) class InputDeserializer extends MListDeserializer(classOf[SourceTypeRoot]) class TargetDeserializer extends MListDeserializer(classOf[TargetTypeRoot]) }