Scala Examples
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Example 1
Source File: QueryGuardEvent.scala From gimel with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.paypal.gimel.common.query.guard import java.time.Instant import java.util.concurrent.{Delayed, TimeUnit} import import import org.joda.time.DateTime import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger private[query] sealed trait QueryGuardEvent private[query] trait QueryGuardDelayedEvent extends QueryGuardEvent with Delayed private[query] case class JobSubmitted(jobId: Int, jobType: String, startTime: Long =, estimatedJobEndTime: Long, estimatedDelayEndTime: Long) extends QueryGuardDelayedEvent { private val logger = Logger(this.getClass.getName) override def getDelay(unit: TimeUnit): Long = { val currentInstant = val diff = estimatedDelayEndTime - currentInstant s"[JobSubmitted] Comparing Job with ID: $jobId diff: $diff with end time:" + s" ${new DateTime(estimatedDelayEndTime)}, and current instant:" + s" ${new DateTime(currentInstant)}" ) unit.convert(diff, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } override def compareTo(o: Delayed): Int = { Ints.saturatedCast( this.estimatedDelayEndTime - o .asInstanceOf[JobSubmitted] .estimatedDelayEndTime ) } override def toString: String = Objects .toStringHelper(this) .add("jobId", jobId) .add("jobType", jobType) .add("startTime", startTime) .add("estimatedJobEndTime", estimatedJobEndTime) .add("estimatedDelayEndTime", estimatedDelayEndTime) .toString } object JobSubmitted { def apply(jobId: Int, jobType: String, startTime: Long, jobTtl: Int, delayTtl: Int): JobSubmitted = new JobSubmitted( jobId, jobType, startTime, startTime + jobTtl, startTime + delayTtl ) def apply(job: JobSubmitted, jobTtl: Int, delayTime: Long): JobSubmitted = new JobSubmitted( jobId = job.jobId, jobType = job.jobType, startTime = job.startTime, estimatedJobEndTime = job.startTime + jobTtl, estimatedDelayEndTime = delayTime ) } private[query] case class JobKill(jobId: Int, jobType: String, reason: String) extends QueryGuardEvent { override def toString: String = Objects .toStringHelper(this) .add("jobId", jobId) .add("jobType", jobType) .add("reason", reason) .toString }
Example 2
Source File: HandshakeDecoderSpec.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import{Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.{NoShrink, TransactionGen} import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled import import{ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter} import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers} import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks} class HandshakeDecoderSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory with PropertyChecks with TransactionGen with NoShrink { "should read a handshake and remove itself from the pipeline" in { var mayBeDecodedHandshake: Option[Handshake] = None val channel = new EmbeddedChannel( new HandshakeDecoder(PeerDatabase.NoOp), new ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { override def channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, msg: Any): Unit = msg match { case x: Handshake => mayBeDecodedHandshake = Some(x) case _ => } } ) val origHandshake = new Handshake( applicationName = "wavesI", applicationVersion = (1, 2, 3), nodeName = "test", nodeNonce = 4, declaredAddress = None ) val buff = Unpooled.buffer origHandshake.encode(buff) buff.writeCharSequence("foo", StandardCharsets.UTF_8) channel.writeInbound(buff) mayBeDecodedHandshake should contain(origHandshake) } private val invalidHandshakeBytes: Gen[Array[Byte]] = { // To bypass situations where the appNameLength > whole buffer and HandshakeDecoder waits for next bytes val appName = "x" * Byte.MaxValue val nodeName = "y" * Byte.MaxValue val appNameBytes = appName.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) val versionBytes = Array(1, 2, 3).flatMap(Ints.toByteArray) val nodeNameBytes = nodeName.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) val nonceBytes = Longs.toByteArray(1) val timestampBytes = Longs.toByteArray(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) val validDeclaredAddressLen = Set(0, 8, 20) val invalidBytesGen = Gen.listOfN(3, Arbitrary.arbByte.arbitrary).filter { case List(appNameLen, nodeNameLen, declaredAddressLen) => !(appNameLen == appNameBytes.size || nodeNameLen == nodeNameBytes.size || validDeclaredAddressLen.contains(declaredAddressLen)) case _ => false } { case List(appNameLen, nodeNameLen, declaredAddressLen) => Array(appNameLen) ++ appNameBytes ++ versionBytes ++ Array(nodeNameLen) ++ nodeNameBytes ++ nonceBytes ++ Array(declaredAddressLen) ++ timestampBytes } } "should blacklist a node sends an invalid handshake" in forAll(invalidHandshakeBytes) { bytes: Array[Byte] => val decoder = new SpiedHandshakeDecoder val channel = new EmbeddedChannel(decoder) val buff = Unpooled.buffer buff.writeBytes(bytes) channel.writeInbound(buff) decoder.blockCalls shouldBe >(0) } private class SpiedHandshakeDecoder extends HandshakeDecoder(PeerDatabase.NoOp) { var blockCalls = 0 override protected def block(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, e: Throwable): Unit = { blockCalls += 1 } } }
Example 3
Source File: TxHelpers.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.transaction import import com.wavesplatform.TestValues import com.wavesplatform.account.{Address, AddressOrAlias, KeyPair} import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._ import com.wavesplatform.lang.script.Script import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.Waves import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction import{AssetPair, ExchangeTransaction, Order, OrderType} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.transfer.TransferTransaction object TxHelpers { def signer(i: Int): KeyPair = KeyPair(Ints.toByteArray(i)) val defaultSigner: KeyPair = signer(0) private[this] var lastTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() def timestamp: Long = { lastTimestamp += 1 lastTimestamp } def genesis(address: Address, amount: Long = TestValues.OneWaves * 1000): GenesisTransaction = GenesisTransaction.create(address, amount, timestamp).explicitGet() def transfer(from: KeyPair, to: AddressOrAlias, amount: Long = TestValues.OneWaves, asset: Asset = Waves): TransferTransaction = TransferTransaction.selfSigned(TxVersion.V1, from, to, asset, amount, Waves, TestValues.fee, ByteStr.empty, timestamp).explicitGet() def issue(amount: Long = TestValues.ThousandWaves, script: Script = null): IssueTransaction = IssueTransaction .selfSigned(TxVersion.V2, defaultSigner, "test", "", amount, 0, reissuable = false, Option(script), TestValues.OneWaves, timestamp) .explicitGet() def orderV3(orderType: OrderType, asset: Asset, feeAsset: Asset): Order = { orderV3(orderType, asset, Waves, feeAsset) } def orderV3(orderType: OrderType, amountAsset: Asset, priceAsset: Asset, feeAsset: Asset): Order = { Order.selfSigned( TxVersion.V3, defaultSigner, defaultSigner.publicKey, AssetPair(amountAsset, priceAsset), orderType, 1, 1, timestamp, timestamp + 100000, 1, feeAsset ) } def exchange(order1: Order, order2: Order): ExchangeTransaction = { ExchangeTransaction .signed( TxVersion.V2, defaultSigner.privateKey, order1, order2, order1.amount, order1.price, order1.matcherFee, order2.matcherFee, TestValues.fee, timestamp ) .explicitGet() } }
Example 4
Source File: package.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.block import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Bytes, Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.block.Block.{GenesisBlockVersion, NgBlockVersion, PlainBlockVersion, ProtoBlockVersion, RewardBlockVersion} import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._ import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.{PBTransactions, SignedTransaction} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.utils.PBUtils import com.wavesplatform.serialization.ByteBufferOps import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{Transaction, TransactionParsers} package object serialization { private[block] def writeTransactionData(version: Byte, txs: Seq[Transaction]): Array[Byte] = { val txsBytes = => if (version == ProtoBlockVersion) PBUtils.encodeDeterministic(PBTransactions.protobuf(tx)) else tx.bytes()) val txsBytesSize = + Ints.BYTES).sum val txsBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(txsBytesSize) txsBytes.foreach(tx => txsBuf.putInt(tx.length).put(tx)) Bytes.concat(mkTxsCountBytes(version, txs.size), txsBuf.array()) } private[block] def readTransactionData(version: Byte, buf: ByteBuffer): Seq[Transaction] = { val txCount = version match { case GenesisBlockVersion | PlainBlockVersion => buf.getByte case NgBlockVersion | RewardBlockVersion | ProtoBlockVersion => buf.getInt } val txs = (1 to txCount).foldLeft(List.empty[Transaction]) { case (txs, _) => val size = buf.getInt val txBytes = buf.getByteArray(size) val tx = version match { case ProtoBlockVersion => PBTransactions.vanilla(SignedTransaction.parseFrom(txBytes)).explicitGet() case _ => TransactionParsers.parseBytes(txBytes).get } tx :: txs } txs.reverse } private[block] def writeConsensusBytes(baseTarget: Long, generationSignature: ByteStr): Array[Byte] = Bytes.concat( Longs.toByteArray(baseTarget), generationSignature.arr ) def mkTxsCountBytes(version: Byte, txsCount: Int): Array[Byte] = version match { case GenesisBlockVersion | PlainBlockVersion => Array(txsCount.toByte) case NgBlockVersion | RewardBlockVersion | ProtoBlockVersion => Ints.toByteArray(txsCount) } }
Example 5
Source File: MicroBlockSerializer.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.block.serialization import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Bytes, Ints} import com.wavesplatform.block.{Block, MicroBlock} import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.crypto.SignatureLength import com.wavesplatform.serialization.ByteBufferOps import scala.util.Try object MicroBlockSerializer { def toBytes(microBlock: MicroBlock): Array[Byte] = { val transactionDataBytes = writeTransactionData(microBlock.version, microBlock.transactionData) Bytes.concat( Array(microBlock.version), microBlock.reference.arr, microBlock.totalResBlockSig.arr, Ints.toByteArray(transactionDataBytes.length), transactionDataBytes, microBlock.sender.arr, microBlock.signature.arr ) } def parseBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Try[MicroBlock] = Try { val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).asReadOnlyBuffer() val version = buf.get val reference = ByteStr(buf.getByteArray(Block.referenceLength(version))) val totalResBlockSig = ByteStr(buf.getByteArray(SignatureLength)) buf.getInt val transactionData = readTransactionData(version, buf) val generator = buf.getPublicKey val signature = ByteStr(buf.getByteArray(SignatureLength)) MicroBlock(version, generator, transactionData, reference, totalResBlockSig, signature) } }
Example 6
Source File: BalanceDistribution.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.common import import{Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.account.Address import com.wavesplatform.database.{AddressId, DBExt, DBResource, Keys} import com.wavesplatform.state.Portfolio import com.wavesplatform.state.Portfolio.longSemigroup import monix.eval.Task import monix.reactive.Observable import org.iq80.leveldb.DB import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ trait BalanceDistribution { import BalanceDistribution._ def balanceDistribution( db: DB, height: Int, after: Option[Address], overrides: Map[Address, Portfolio], globalPrefix: Array[Byte], addressId: Array[Byte] => AddressId, balanceOf: Portfolio => Long ): Observable[(Address, Long)] = db.resourceObservable .flatMap { resource => globalPrefix ++ after.flatMap(address => resource.get(Keys.addressId(address))).fold(Array.emptyByteArray)(id => Longs.toByteArray(id.toLong + 1)) ) Observable.fromIterator(Task(new BalanceIterator(resource, globalPrefix, addressId, balanceOf, height, overrides).asScala.filter(_._2 > 0))) } } object BalanceDistribution { class BalanceIterator( resource: DBResource, globalPrefix: Array[Byte], addressId: Array[Byte] => AddressId, balanceOf: Portfolio => Long, height: Int, private var pendingPortfolios: Map[Address, Portfolio] ) extends AbstractIterator[(Address, Long)] { @inline private def stillSameAddress(expected: AddressId): Boolean = resource.iterator.hasNext && { val maybeNext = resource.iterator.peekNext().getKey maybeNext.startsWith(globalPrefix) && addressId(maybeNext) == expected } @tailrec private def findNextBalance(): Option[(Address, Long)] = { if (!resource.iterator.hasNext) None else { val current = if (!current.getKey.startsWith(globalPrefix)) None else { val aid = addressId(current.getKey) val address = resource.get(Keys.idToAddress(aid)) var balance = Longs.fromByteArray(current.getValue) var currentHeight = Ints.fromByteArray(current.getKey.takeRight(4)) while (stillSameAddress(aid)) { val next = val nextHeight = Ints.fromByteArray(next.getKey.takeRight(4)) if (nextHeight <= height) { currentHeight = nextHeight balance = Longs.fromByteArray(next.getValue) } } pendingPortfolios -= address val adjustedBalance = longSemigroup.combine(balance, pendingPortfolios.get(address).fold(0L)(balanceOf)) if (currentHeight <= height && adjustedBalance > 0) Some(address -> adjustedBalance) else findNextBalance() } } } override def computeNext(): (Address, Long) = findNextBalance() match { case Some(balance) => balance case None => if (pendingPortfolios.nonEmpty) { val (address, portfolio) = pendingPortfolios.head pendingPortfolios -= address address -> balanceOf(portfolio) } else { endOfData() } } } }
Example 7
Source File: Message.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{Bytes, Ints} import com.wavesplatform.crypto import monix.eval.Coeval import scala.util.{Success, Try} case class Message[Content <: AnyRef](spec: MessageSpec[Content], input: Either[Array[Byte], Content]) { import Message.{ChecksumLength, MagicBytes} lazy val dataBytes = input match { case Left(db) => db case Right(d) => spec.serializeData(d) } lazy val data: Try[Content] = input match { case Left(db) => spec.deserializeData(db) case Right(d) => Success(d) } lazy val dataLength: Int = dataBytes.length val bytes = Coeval.evalOnce { val dataWithChecksum = if (dataLength > 0) { val checksum = crypto.fastHash(dataBytes).take(ChecksumLength) Bytes.concat(checksum, dataBytes) } else dataBytes //empty array Bytes.concat(MagicBytes, Array(spec.messageCode), Ints.toByteArray(dataLength), dataWithChecksum) } } object Message { type MessageCode = Byte val ChecksumLength = 4 val LengthFieldLength = 4 val MessageCodeLength = 1 private val MagicBytes = Array(0x12: Byte, 0x34: Byte, 0x56: Byte, 0x78: Byte) }
Example 8
Source File: GenesisTransaction.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.transaction import import{Bytes, Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.account.Address import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.crypto import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.Waves import com.wavesplatform.transaction.serialization.impl.GenesisTxSerializer import com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.{TxConstraints, TxValidator} import monix.eval.Coeval import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import scala.util.Try case class GenesisTransaction private (recipient: Address, amount: Long, timestamp: Long, signature: ByteStr, chainId: Byte) extends Transaction { override val builder = GenesisTransaction override val assetFee: (Asset, Long) = (Waves, 0) override val id: Coeval[ByteStr] = Coeval.evalOnce(signature) override val bodyBytes: Coeval[Array[Byte]] = Coeval.evalOnce(builder.serializer.toBytes(this)) override val bytes: Coeval[Array[Byte]] = bodyBytes override val json: Coeval[JsObject] = Coeval.evalOnce(builder.serializer.toJson(this)) } object GenesisTransaction extends TransactionParser { type TransactionT = GenesisTransaction override val typeId: TxType = 1: Byte override val supportedVersions: Set[TxVersion] = Set(1) val serializer = GenesisTxSerializer override def parseBytes(bytes: Array[TxVersion]): Try[GenesisTransaction] = serializer.parseBytes(bytes) implicit val validator: TxValidator[GenesisTransaction] = tx => TxConstraints.seq(tx)( Validated.condNel(tx.amount >= 0, tx, TxValidationError.NegativeAmount(tx.amount, "waves")), TxConstraints.addressChainId(tx.recipient, tx.chainId) ) def generateSignature(recipient: Address, amount: Long, timestamp: Long): Array[Byte] = { val payload = Bytes.concat(Ints.toByteArray(typeId), Longs.toByteArray(timestamp), recipient.bytes, Longs.toByteArray(amount)) val hash = crypto.fastHash(payload) Bytes.concat(hash, hash) } def create(recipient: Address, amount: Long, timestamp: Long): Either[ValidationError, GenesisTransaction] = { val signature = ByteStr(GenesisTransaction.generateSignature(recipient, amount, timestamp)) GenesisTransaction(recipient, amount, timestamp, signature, recipient.chainId).validatedEither } }
Example 9
Source File: PaymentTxSerializer.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.transaction.serialization.impl import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Bytes, Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.serialization._ import com.wavesplatform.transaction.PaymentTransaction import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json} import scala.util.Try object PaymentTxSerializer { def toJson(tx: PaymentTransaction): JsObject = { import tx._ BaseTxJson.toJson(tx) ++ Json.obj("recipient" -> recipient.stringRepr, "amount" -> amount) } def hashBytes(tx: PaymentTransaction): Array[Byte] = { import tx._ Bytes.concat( Array(builder.typeId), Longs.toByteArray(timestamp), sender.arr, recipient.bytes, Longs.toByteArray(amount), Longs.toByteArray(fee) ) } def bodyBytes(tx: PaymentTransaction): Array[Byte] = { import tx._ Bytes.concat( Ints.toByteArray(builder.typeId), // 4 bytes Longs.toByteArray(timestamp), sender.arr, recipient.bytes, Longs.toByteArray(amount), Longs.toByteArray(fee) ) } def toBytes(tx: PaymentTransaction): Array[Byte] = { Bytes.concat(this.hashBytes(tx), tx.signature.arr) } def parseBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Try[PaymentTransaction] = Try { val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes) require(buf.getByte == PaymentTransaction.typeId, "transaction type mismatch") val timestamp = buf.getLong val sender = buf.getPublicKey val recipient = buf.getAddress val amount = buf.getLong val fee = buf.getLong val signature = buf.getSignature PaymentTransaction(sender, recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, signature, recipient.chainId) } }
Example 10
Source File: GeneratorSettings.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.generator import{InetSocketAddress, URL} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import cats.Show import cats.implicits.showInterpolator import{Bytes, Ints} import com.wavesplatform.account.KeyPair import com.wavesplatform.generator.GeneratorSettings.NodeAddress case class GeneratorSettings( chainId: String, accounts: Seq[String], sendTo: Seq[NodeAddress], worker: Worker.Settings, mode: Mode.Value, narrow: NarrowTransactionGenerator.Settings, wide: WideTransactionGenerator.Settings, dynWide: DynamicWideTransactionGenerator.Settings, multisig: MultisigTransactionGenerator.Settings, oracle: OracleTransactionGenerator.Settings, swarm: SmartGenerator.Settings ) { val addressScheme: Char = chainId.head val privateKeyAccounts: Seq[KeyPair] = => GeneratorSettings.toKeyPair(s)) } object GeneratorSettings { case class NodeAddress(networkAddress: InetSocketAddress, apiAddress: URL) implicit val toPrintable: Show[GeneratorSettings] = { x => import x._ val modeSettings: String = (mode match { case Mode.NARROW => show"$narrow" case Mode.WIDE => show"$wide" case Mode.DYN_WIDE => show"$dynWide" case Mode.MULTISIG => show"$multisig" case Mode.ORACLE => show"$oracle" case Mode.SWARM => show"$swarm" }).toString s"""network byte: $chainId |rich accounts: | ${accounts.mkString("\n ")} |recipient nodes: | ${sendTo.mkString("\n ")} |worker: | ${show"$worker".split('\n').mkString("\n ")} |mode: $mode |$mode settings: | ${modeSettings.split('\n').mkString("\n ")}""".stripMargin } def toKeyPair(seedText: String): KeyPair = { KeyPair(com.wavesplatform.crypto.secureHash(Bytes.concat(Ints.toByteArray(0), seedText.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))) } }
Example 11
Source File: RollbackBenchmark.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform import import import import com.wavesplatform.account.{Address, AddressScheme, KeyPair} import com.wavesplatform.block.Block import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._ import com.wavesplatform.database.{LevelDBWriter, openDB} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.PBRecipients import com.wavesplatform.state.{Diff, Portfolio} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{GenesisTransaction, Proofs} import com.wavesplatform.utils.{NTP, ScorexLogging} import monix.reactive.Observer object RollbackBenchmark extends ScorexLogging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val settings = Application.loadApplicationConfig(Some(new File(args(0)))) val db = openDB( val time = new NTP(settings.ntpServer) val levelDBWriter = LevelDBWriter(db, Observer.stopped, settings) val issuer = KeyPair(new Array[Byte](32))"Generating addresses") val addresses = 1 to 18000 map { i => PBRecipients.toAddress(Ints.toByteArray(i) ++ new Array[Byte](Address.HashLength - 4), AddressScheme.current.chainId).explicitGet() }"Generating issued assets") val assets = 1 to 200 map { i => IssueTransaction( 1.toByte, issuer.publicKey, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("asset-" + i), ByteString.EMPTY, 100000e2.toLong, 2.toByte, false, None, 1e8.toLong, time.getTimestamp(), Proofs(ByteStr(new Array[Byte](64))), AddressScheme.current.chainId ) }"Building genesis block") val genesisBlock = Block .buildAndSign( 1.toByte, time.getTimestamp(), Block.GenesisReference, 1000, Block.GenesisGenerationSignature, GenesisTransaction.create(issuer.publicKey.toAddress, 100000e8.toLong, time.getTimestamp()).explicitGet() +: assets, issuer, Seq.empty, -1 ) .explicitGet() val map = => IssuedAsset( -> 1L).toMap val portfolios = for { address <- addresses } yield address -> Portfolio(assets = map)"Appending genesis block") levelDBWriter.append( Diff.empty.copy(portfolios = portfolios.toMap), 0, 0, None, genesisBlock.header.generationSignature, genesisBlock ) val nextBlock = Block .buildAndSign(2.toByte, time.getTimestamp(),, 1000, Block.GenesisGenerationSignature, Seq.empty, issuer, Seq.empty, -1) .explicitGet() val nextDiff = Diff.empty.copy(portfolios = -> Portfolio(1, assets = Map(IssuedAsset( -> 1L))).toMap)"Appending next block") levelDBWriter.append(nextDiff, 0, 0, None, ByteStr.empty, nextBlock)"Rolling back") val start = System.nanoTime() levelDBWriter.rollbackTo( val end = System.nanoTime()"Rollback took ${(end - start) * 1e-6}%.3f ms") levelDBWriter.close() } }
Example 12
Source File: RecordWriter.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, FileOutputStream} import{Ints, Longs} import import netty.Crc32c import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FSDataOutputStream, FileSystem, Path} import org.tensorflow.util.Event private[bigdl] class RecordWriter(file: Path, fs: FileSystem) { val outputStream = if (file.toString.startsWith("hdfs://")) { // FSDataOutputStream couldn't flush data to localFileSystem in time. So reading summaries // will throw exception. fs.create(file, true, 1024) } else { // Using FileOutputStream when write to local. new FileOutputStream(new File(file.toString)) } val crc32 = new Crc32c() def write(event: Event): Unit = { val eventString = event.toByteArray val header = Longs.toByteArray(eventString.length.toLong).reverse outputStream.write(header) outputStream.write(Ints.toByteArray(Crc32.maskedCRC32(crc32, header).toInt).reverse) outputStream.write(eventString) outputStream.write(Ints.toByteArray(Crc32.maskedCRC32(crc32, eventString).toInt).reverse) if (outputStream.isInstanceOf[FSDataOutputStream]) { // Flush data to HDFS. outputStream.asInstanceOf[FSDataOutputStream].hflush() } } def close(): Unit = { outputStream.close() } }
Example 13
Source File: HistoryDBApi.scala From EncryCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package encry.view.history import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import encry.settings.EncryAppSettings import import import org.encryfoundation.common.modifiers.history.{Block, Header, Payload} import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.Algos import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.TaggedTypes.{Height, ModifierId, ModifierTypeId} import scorex.crypto.hash.Digest32 import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait HistoryDBApi extends StrictLogging { val settings: EncryAppSettings val historyStorage: HistoryStorage lazy val BestHeaderKey: StorageKey = StorageKey @@ Array.fill(settings.constants.DigestLength)(Header.modifierTypeId.untag(ModifierTypeId)) lazy val BestBlockKey: StorageKey = StorageKey @@ Array.fill(settings.constants.DigestLength)(-1: Byte) private def getModifierById[T: ClassTag](id: ModifierId): Option[T] = historyStorage .modifierById(id) .collect { case m: T => m } def getHeightByHeaderIdDB(id: ModifierId): Option[Int] = historyStorage .get(headerHeightKey(id)) .map(Ints.fromByteArray) def getHeaderByIdDB(id: ModifierId): Option[Header] = getModifierById[Header](id) def getPayloadByIdDB(pId: ModifierId): Option[Payload] = getModifierById[Payload](pId) def getBlockByHeaderDB(header: Header): Option[Block] = getModifierById[Payload](header.payloadId) .map(payload => Block(header, payload)) def getBlockByHeaderIdDB(id: ModifierId): Option[Block] = getHeaderByIdDB(id) .flatMap(h => getModifierById[Payload](h.payloadId).map(p => Block(h, p))) def getBestHeaderId: Option[ModifierId] = historyStorage.get(BestHeaderKey).map(ModifierId @@ _) def getBestHeaderDB: Option[Header] = getBestHeaderId.flatMap(getHeaderByIdDB) def getBestHeaderHeightDB: Int = getBestHeaderId .flatMap(getHeightByHeaderIdDB) .getOrElse(settings.constants.PreGenesisHeight) def getBestBlockId: Option[ModifierId] = historyStorage.get(BestBlockKey).map(ModifierId @@ _) def getBestBlockDB: Option[Block] = getBestBlockId.flatMap(getBlockByHeaderIdDB) def getBestBlockHeightDB: Int = getBestBlockId .flatMap(getHeightByHeaderIdDB) .getOrElse(settings.constants.PreGenesisHeight) def modifierBytesByIdDB(id: ModifierId): Option[Array[Byte]] = historyStorage.modifiersBytesById(id) def isModifierDefined(id: ModifierId): Boolean = historyStorage.containsMod(id) //todo probably rewrite with indexes collection def lastBestBlockHeightRelevantToBestChain(probablyAt: Int): Option[Int] = (for { headerId <- getBestHeaderIdAtHeightDB(probablyAt) header <- getHeaderByIdDB(headerId) if isModifierDefined(header.payloadId) } yield header.height).orElse(lastBestBlockHeightRelevantToBestChain(probablyAt - 1)) def headerIdsAtHeightDB(height: Int): Option[Seq[ModifierId]] = historyStorage .get(heightIdsKey(height)) .map(_.grouped(32).map(ModifierId @@ _).toSeq) def getBestHeaderIdAtHeightDB(h: Int): Option[ModifierId] = headerIdsAtHeightDB(h).flatMap(_.headOption) def getBestHeaderAtHeightDB(h: Int): Option[Header] = getBestHeaderIdAtHeightDB(h).flatMap(getHeaderByIdDB) def isInBestChain(h: Header): Boolean = getBestHeaderIdAtHeightDB(h.height) .exists(_.sameElements( def isInBestChain(id: ModifierId): Boolean = heightOf(id) .flatMap(getBestHeaderIdAtHeightDB) .exists(_.sameElements(id)) def getBestHeadersChainScore: BigInt = getBestHeaderId.flatMap(scoreOf).getOrElse(BigInt(0)) //todo ?.getOrElse(BigInt(0))? def scoreOf(id: ModifierId): Option[BigInt] = historyStorage .get(headerScoreKey(id)) .map(d => BigInt(d)) def heightOf(id: ModifierId): Option[Height] = historyStorage .get(headerHeightKey(id)) .map(d => Height @@ Ints.fromByteArray(d)) def heightIdsKey(height: Int): StorageKey = StorageKey @@ Algos.hash(Ints.toByteArray(height)).untag(Digest32) def headerScoreKey(id: ModifierId): StorageKey = StorageKey @@ Algos.hash("score".getBytes(Algos.charset) ++ id).untag(Digest32) def headerHeightKey(id: ModifierId): StorageKey = StorageKey @@ Algos.hash("height".getBytes(Algos.charset) ++ id).untag(Digest32) def validityKey(id: Array[Byte]): StorageKey = StorageKey @@ Algos.hash("validity".getBytes(Algos.charset) ++ id).untag(Digest32) }
Example 14
Source File: HistoryHeadersProcessor.scala From EncryCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package encry.view.history import cats.syntax.option.none import import encry.EncryApp.forceStopApplication import encry.consensus.ConsensusSchemeReaders import encry.consensus.HistoryConsensus.ProgressInfo import{ StorageKey, StorageValue } import org.encryfoundation.common.modifiers.history.Header import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.TaggedTypes.{ Difficulty, ModifierId } trait HistoryHeadersProcessor extends HistoryApi { def processHeader(h: Header): ProgressInfo = getHeaderInfoUpdate(h) match { case dataToUpdate: Seq[_] if dataToUpdate.nonEmpty => historyStorage.bulkInsert(, dataToUpdate, Seq(h)) getBestHeaderId match { case Some(bestHeaderId) => ProgressInfo(none, Seq.empty, if (!bestHeaderId.sameElements( Seq.empty else Seq(h), toDownload(h)) case _ => forceStopApplication(errorMessage = "Should always have best header after header application") } case _ => ProgressInfo(none, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, none) } private def getHeaderInfoUpdate(header: Header): Seq[(StorageKey, StorageValue)] = { addHeaderToCacheIfNecessary(header) if (header.isGenesis) {"Initialize header chain with genesis header ${header.encodedId}") Seq( BestHeaderKey -> StorageValue @@, heightIdsKey(settings.constants.GenesisHeight) -> StorageValue @@, headerHeightKey( -> StorageValue @@ Ints.toByteArray(settings.constants.GenesisHeight), headerScoreKey( -> StorageValue @@ header.difficulty.toByteArray ) } else scoreOf(header.parentId).map { parentScore =>"getHeaderInfoUpdate for header $header") val score: Difficulty = Difficulty @@ (parentScore + ConsensusSchemeReaders.consensusScheme.realDifficulty(header)) val bestHeaderHeight: Int = getBestHeaderHeight val bestHeadersChainScore: BigInt = getBestHeadersChainScore val bestRow: Seq[(StorageKey, StorageValue)] = if ((header.height > bestHeaderHeight) || (header.height == bestHeaderHeight && score > bestHeadersChainScore)) Seq(BestHeaderKey -> StorageValue @@ else Seq.empty val scoreRow: (StorageKey, StorageValue) = headerScoreKey( -> StorageValue @@ score.toByteArray val heightRow: (StorageKey, StorageValue) = headerHeightKey( -> StorageValue @@ Ints.toByteArray(header.height) val headerIdsRow: Seq[(StorageKey, StorageValue)] = if ((header.height > bestHeaderHeight) || (header.height == bestHeaderHeight && score > bestHeadersChainScore)) bestBlockHeaderIdsRow(header, score) else orphanedBlockHeaderIdsRow(header, score) Seq(scoreRow, heightRow) ++ bestRow ++ headerIdsRow }.getOrElse(Seq.empty) } private def bestBlockHeaderIdsRow(h: Header, score: Difficulty): Seq[(StorageKey, StorageValue)] = {"New best header ${h.encodedId} with score: $score at height ${h.height}") val self: (StorageKey, StorageValue) = heightIdsKey(h.height) -> StorageValue @@ (Seq( ++ headerIdsAtHeight(h.height).filterNot(_ sameElements val forkHeaders: Seq[(StorageKey, StorageValue)] = getHeaderById(h.parentId).toList.view .flatMap(headerChainBack(h.height, _, h => isInBestChain(h)).headers) .filterNot(isInBestChain) .map( header => heightIdsKey(header.height) -> StorageValue @@ (Seq( ++ headerIdsAtHeight(header.height).filterNot(_ sameElements ) .toList forkHeaders :+ self } private def orphanedBlockHeaderIdsRow(h: Header, score: Difficulty): Seq[(StorageKey, StorageValue)] = {"New orphaned header ${h.encodedId} at height ${h.height} with score $score") Seq(heightIdsKey(h.height) -> StorageValue @@ (headerIdsAtHeight(h.height) :+ } }
Example 15
Source File: package.scala From Sidechains-SDK with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.horizen import java.math.{BigDecimal, BigInteger, MathContext} import{Bytes, Ints} import com.horizen.vrf.VrfOutput import scorex.util.ModifierId import supertagged.TaggedType package object consensus { val merkleTreeHashLen: Int = 32 val sha256HashLen: Int = 32 val consensusHardcodedSaltString: Array[Byte] = "TEST".getBytes() val forgerStakePercentPrecision: BigDecimal = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000000) // where 1 / forgerStakePercentPrecision -- minimal possible forger stake percentage to be able to forge val stakeConsensusDivideMathContext: MathContext = MathContext.DECIMAL128 //shall be used during dividing, otherwise ArithmeticException is thrown in case of irrational number as division result object ConsensusEpochNumber extends TaggedType[Int] type ConsensusEpochNumber = ConsensusEpochNumber.Type def intToConsensusEpochNumber(consensusEpochNumber: Int): ConsensusEpochNumber = ConsensusEpochNumber @@ consensusEpochNumber object ConsensusEpochId extends TaggedType[String] type ConsensusEpochId = ConsensusEpochId.Type def blockIdToEpochId(blockId: ModifierId): ConsensusEpochId = ConsensusEpochId @@ blockId def lastBlockIdInEpochId(epochId: ConsensusEpochId): ModifierId = ModifierId @@ epochId.untag(ConsensusEpochId) object ConsensusSlotNumber extends TaggedType[Int] type ConsensusSlotNumber = ConsensusSlotNumber.Type def intToConsensusSlotNumber(consensusSlotNumber: Int): ConsensusSlotNumber = ConsensusSlotNumber @@ consensusSlotNumber //Slot number starting from genesis block object ConsensusAbsoluteSlotNumber extends TaggedType[Int] type ConsensusAbsoluteSlotNumber = ConsensusAbsoluteSlotNumber.Type def intToConsensusAbsoluteSlotNumber(consensusSlotNumber: Int): ConsensusAbsoluteSlotNumber = ConsensusAbsoluteSlotNumber @@ consensusSlotNumber object ConsensusNonce extends TaggedType[Array[Byte]] type ConsensusNonce = ConsensusNonce.Type def byteArrayToConsensusNonce(bytes: Array[Byte]): ConsensusNonce = ConsensusNonce @@ bytes object VrfMessage extends TaggedType[Array[Byte]] type VrfMessage = VrfMessage.Type def buildVrfMessage(slotNumber: ConsensusSlotNumber, nonce: NonceConsensusEpochInfo): VrfMessage = { val slotNumberBytes = Ints.toByteArray(slotNumber) val nonceBytes = nonce.consensusNonce val resBytes = Bytes.concat(slotNumberBytes, nonceBytes, consensusHardcodedSaltString) VrfMessage @@ resBytes } def vrfOutputToPositiveBigInteger(vrfOutput: VrfOutput): BigInteger = { new BigInteger(1, vrfOutput.bytes()) } def vrfProofCheckAgainstStake(vrfOutput: VrfOutput, actualStake: Long, totalStake: Long): Boolean = { val requiredStakePercentage: BigDecimal = vrfOutputToRequiredStakePercentage(vrfOutput) val actualStakePercentage: BigDecimal = new BigDecimal(actualStake).divide(new BigDecimal(totalStake), stakeConsensusDivideMathContext) requiredStakePercentage.compareTo(actualStakePercentage) match { case -1 => true //required percentage is less than actual case 0 => true //required percentage is equal to actual case _ => false //any other case } } // @TODO shall be changed by adding "active slots coefficient" according to Ouroboros Praos Whitepaper (page 10) def vrfOutputToRequiredStakePercentage(vrfOutput: VrfOutput): BigDecimal = { val hashAsBigDecimal: BigDecimal = new BigDecimal(vrfOutputToPositiveBigInteger(vrfOutput)) hashAsBigDecimal .remainder(forgerStakePercentPrecision) //got random number from 0 to forgerStakePercentPrecision - 1 .divide(forgerStakePercentPrecision, stakeConsensusDivideMathContext) //got random number from 0 to 0.(9) } }
Example 16
Source File: MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutput.scala From Sidechains-SDK with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.horizen.block import{Bytes, Ints} import com.horizen.cryptolibprovider.CryptoLibProvider import com.horizen.utils.{BytesUtils, Utils, VarInt} import scala.util.Try class MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutputData(val sidechainCreationOutputBytes: Array[Byte], val withdrawalEpochLength: Int, val amount: Long, val address: Array[Byte], val customData: Array[Byte], val constant: Array[Byte], val certVk: Array[Byte]) { def size: Int = sidechainCreationOutputBytes.length } object MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutputData { val OUTPUT_TYPE: Byte = 3.toByte def create(sidechainCreationOutputBytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): Try[MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutputData] = Try { var currentOffset: Int = offset val withdrawalEpochLength: Int = BytesUtils.getReversedInt(sidechainCreationOutputBytes, currentOffset) currentOffset += 4 val amount: Long = BytesUtils.getReversedLong(sidechainCreationOutputBytes, currentOffset) currentOffset += 8 val address: Array[Byte] = BytesUtils.reverseBytes(sidechainCreationOutputBytes.slice(currentOffset, currentOffset + 32)) currentOffset += 32 val customDataLength: VarInt = BytesUtils.getReversedVarInt(sidechainCreationOutputBytes, currentOffset) currentOffset += customDataLength.size() val customData: Array[Byte] = sidechainCreationOutputBytes.slice(currentOffset, currentOffset + customDataLength.value().intValue()) currentOffset += customDataLength.value().intValue() val constantLength: VarInt = BytesUtils.getReversedVarInt(sidechainCreationOutputBytes, currentOffset) currentOffset += constantLength.size() val constant: Array[Byte] = sidechainCreationOutputBytes.slice(currentOffset, currentOffset + constantLength.value().intValue()) currentOffset += constantLength.value().intValue() val certVkSize: Int = CryptoLibProvider.sigProofThresholdCircuitFunctions.certVkSize() val certVk: Array[Byte] = sidechainCreationOutputBytes.slice(currentOffset, currentOffset + certVkSize) currentOffset += certVkSize new MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutputData(sidechainCreationOutputBytes.slice(offset, currentOffset), withdrawalEpochLength, amount, address, customData, constant, certVk) } } class MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutput(override val sidechainId: Array[Byte], data: MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutputData) extends MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutputData( data.sidechainCreationOutputBytes, data.withdrawalEpochLength, data.amount, data.address, data.customData, data.constant, data.certVk ) with MainchainTxCrosschainOutput { override val outputType: Byte = MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutput.OUTPUT_TYPE override lazy val hash: Array[Byte] = BytesUtils.reverseBytes(Utils.doubleSHA256Hash(sidechainCreationOutputBytes)) } object MainchainTxSidechainCreationCrosschainOutput { val OUTPUT_TYPE: Byte = 3.toByte def calculateSidechainId(transactionHash: Array[Byte], index: Int): Array[Byte] = { BytesUtils.reverseBytes(Utils.doubleSHA256HashOfConcatenation(BytesUtils.reverseBytes(transactionHash), BytesUtils.reverseBytes(Ints.toByteArray(index)))) } }
Example 17
Source File: Scripts.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.codec.Base64 import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto.secureHash object Scripts { val alwaysTrue: ByteStr = fromBase64("AgZ7TN8j") val alwaysFalse: ByteStr = fromBase64("AgeJ1sz7") def fromBase64(x: String): ByteStr = ByteStr.decodeBase64(x).get private def renderScriptTemplate(binaryCode: Array[Byte], rawVariable: String, by: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = replaceFirst(binaryCode, rawVariable.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), by) .getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Can't replace '$rawVariable'")) private def replaceFirst(where: Array[Byte], what: Array[Byte], by: Array[Byte]): Option[Array[Byte]] = { val i = where.indexOfSlice(what) if (i == -1) None else Some( Array.concat( where.slice(0, i - 4), Ints.toByteArray(by.length), by, where.drop(i + what.length) )) } }
Example 18
Source File: Block.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import{Bytes, Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.{KeyPair, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto.Authorized import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.error.ValidationError.GenericError import monix.eval.Coeval case class Block(timestamp: Long, version: Byte, reference: ByteStr, signerData: SignerData, consensusData: NxtLikeConsensusBlockData, transactionData: Seq[GenesisTransaction]) extends Authorized { override val sender: PublicKey = signerData.generator private val maxLength: Int = 150 * 1024 private val transactionField: Array[Byte] = { val serTxCount = Array(transactionData.size.toByte) val byteBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(transactionData.size * maxLength / 2) byteBuffer.write(serTxCount, 0, serTxCount.length) transactionData.foreach { tx => val txBytes = tx.bytes() val txSize = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(txBytes.length), 4, 0) byteBuffer.write(txSize, 0, txSize.length) byteBuffer.write(txBytes, 0, txBytes.length) } byteBuffer.toByteArray } val bytes: Coeval[Array[Byte]] = Coeval.evalOnce { val txBytesSize = transactionField.length val txBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(txBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ transactionField val consensusField = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Longs.toByteArray(consensusData.baseTarget), 8, 0) ++ consensusData.generationSignature.arr val cBytesSize = consensusField.length val cBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(cBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ consensusField Array(version) ++ Bytes.ensureCapacity(Longs.toByteArray(timestamp), 8, 0) ++ reference.arr ++ cBytes ++ txBytes ++ signerData.generator.arr ++ signerData.signature.arr } } object Block { val MaxFeaturesInBlock: Int = 64 val GeneratorSignatureLength: Int = 32 def build(version: Byte, timestamp: Long, reference: ByteStr, consensusData: NxtLikeConsensusBlockData, transactionData: Seq[GenesisTransaction], signerData: SignerData): Either[GenericError, Block] = { (for { _ <- Either.cond(reference.arr.length == crypto.SignatureLength, (), "Incorrect reference") _ <- Either.cond(consensusData.generationSignature.arr.length == GeneratorSignatureLength, (), "Incorrect consensusData.generationSignature") _ <- Either.cond(signerData.generator.length == crypto.KeyLength, (), "Incorrect signer") } yield Block(timestamp, version, reference, signerData, consensusData, transactionData)) } def buildAndSign(version: Byte, timestamp: Long, reference: ByteStr, consensusData: NxtLikeConsensusBlockData, transactionData: Seq[GenesisTransaction], signer: KeyPair): Either[GenericError, Block] = build(version, timestamp, reference, consensusData, transactionData, SignerData(signer, ByteStr.empty)).right .map(unsigned => unsigned.copy(signerData = SignerData(signer, ByteStr(crypto.sign(signer, unsigned.bytes.value))))) }
Example 19
Source File: PredefinedAccounts.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import{Bytes, Ints} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.KeyPair import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object PredefinedAccounts extends PredefinedAccounts { def generateNewAccount(seed: Array[Byte], nonce: Int): KeyPair = KeyPair(crypto.secureHash(Bytes.concat(Ints.toByteArray(nonce), seed))) } trait PredefinedAccounts { import PredefinedAccounts._ private val accounts: Map[String, KeyPair] = { val distributionsKey = "genesis-generator.distributions" val distributions = generatorConfig.getObject(distributionsKey) distributions .keySet() .asScala .map { accountName => val prefix = s"$distributionsKey.$accountName" val seedText = generatorConfig.getString(s"$prefix.seed-text") val nonce = generatorConfig.getInt(s"$prefix.nonce") accountName -> generateNewAccount(seedText.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), nonce) } .toMap } val matcher: KeyPair = accounts("matcher") val alice: KeyPair = accounts("alice") val bob: KeyPair = accounts("bob") }
Example 20
Source File: EntityParser.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.deser import import{Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.Asset import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.Asset.{IssuedAsset, Waves} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.{ByteStr, deser} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto.{KeyLength, Proofs, SignatureLength} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils._ import scala.util.Try trait EntityParser[E] { import EntityParser._ protected def read[R: Stateful]: Stateful[R] = implicitly private[domain] def statefulParse: Stateful[E] def parseBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Try[E] = Try { statefulParse.runA(S(0, bytes)).value } } object EntityParser { private[domain] final case class S(offset: Int, bytes: Array[Byte]) type Stateful[T] = State[S, T] type Signature = ByteStr private def standardRead[R](f: Array[Byte] => R, size: Int): Stateful[R] = State[S, R] { s => s.copy(offset = s.offset + size) -> f(s.bytes.slice(s.offset, s.offset + size)) } implicit val readByte: Stateful[Byte] = standardRead(_.head, 1) implicit val readInt: Stateful[Int] = standardRead(Ints.fromByteArray, 4) implicit val readLong: Stateful[Long] = standardRead(Longs.fromByteArray, 8) implicit val readPublicKey: Stateful[PublicKey] = standardRead(PublicKey.apply, KeyLength) implicit val readSignature: Stateful[Signature] = standardRead(ByteStr.apply, SignatureLength) implicit val readProofs: Stateful[Proofs] = State[S, Proofs] { s => val (proofs, length) = Proofs.fromBytes(s.bytes drop s.offset).explicitGet() s.copy(offset = s.offset + length) -> proofs } implicit val readAsset: Stateful[Asset] = State[S, Asset] { s => val (maybeByteArr, resultOffset) = deser.parseByteArrayOption(s.bytes, s.offset, Asset.AssetIdLength) s.copy(offset = resultOffset) -> maybeByteArr.fold[Asset](Waves)(arr => IssuedAsset(ByteStr(arr))) } }
Example 21
Source File: AccountStorage.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.db import{File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream} import java.nio.file.Files import java.util.Base64 import cats.syntax.either._ import{Bytes, Ints} import com.wavesplatform.dex.crypto.Enigma import com.wavesplatform.dex.db.AccountStorage.Settings.EncryptedFile import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.KeyPair import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ValueReader import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer case class AccountStorage(keyPair: KeyPair) object AccountStorage { sealed trait Settings object Settings { case class InMem(seed: ByteStr) extends Settings case class EncryptedFile(path: File, password: String) extends Settings implicit val valueReader: ValueReader[Settings] = ValueReader.relative[Settings] { config => config.getString("type") match { case "in-mem" => InMem(Base64.getDecoder.decode(config.getString("in-mem.seed-in-base64"))) case "encrypted-file" => EncryptedFile( path = new File(config.getString("encrypted-file.path")), password = config.getString("encrypted-file.password") ) case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"The type of account storage '$x' is unknown. Please update your settings.") } } } def load(settings: Settings): Either[String, AccountStorage] = settings match { case Settings.InMem(seed) => Right(AccountStorage(KeyPair(seed))) case Settings.EncryptedFile(file, password) => if (file.isFile) { val encryptedSeedBytes = readFile(file) val key = Enigma.prepareDefaultKey(password) val decryptedBytes = Enigma.decrypt(key, encryptedSeedBytes) AccountStorage(KeyPair(decryptedBytes)).asRight } else s"A file '${file.getAbsolutePath}' doesn't exist".asLeft } def save(seed: ByteStr, to: EncryptedFile): Unit = { Files.createDirectories(to.path.getParentFile.toPath) val key = Enigma.prepareDefaultKey(to.password) val encryptedSeedBytes = Enigma.encrypt(key, seed.arr) writeFile(to.path, encryptedSeedBytes) } def getAccountSeed(baseSeed: ByteStr, nonce: Int): ByteStr = ByteStr(crypto.secureHash(Bytes.concat(Ints.toByteArray(nonce), baseSeed))) def readFile(file: File): Array[Byte] = { val reader = new FileInputStream(file) try { val buff = new Array[Byte](1024) val r = new ArrayBuffer[Byte] while (reader.available() > 0) { val read = if (read > 0) { r.appendAll(buff.iterator.take(read)) } } r.toArray } finally { reader.close() } } def writeFile(file: File, bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = { val writer = new FileOutputStream(file, false) try writer.write(bytes) finally writer.close() } }
Example 22
Source File: OrderBookSideSnapshotCodecs.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.codecs import java.math.BigInteger import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.dex.codecs.ByteBufferCodecs.ByteBufferExt import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.model.Price import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.order.{Order, OrderType} import com.wavesplatform.dex.model.{BuyLimitOrder, LimitOrder, OrderBookSideSnapshot, SellLimitOrder} import scala.collection.mutable object OrderBookSideSnapshotCodecs { def encode(dest: mutable.ArrayBuilder[Byte], snapshot: OrderBookSideSnapshot): Unit = { dest ++= Ints.toByteArray(snapshot.size) snapshot.foreach { case (price, xs) => dest ++= Longs.toByteArray(price) dest ++= Ints.toByteArray(xs.size) xs.foreach(encodeLoV2(dest, _)) } } def decode(bb: ByteBuffer): OrderBookSideSnapshot = { val snapshotSize = bb.getInt val r = Map.newBuilder[Price, Seq[LimitOrder]] (1 to snapshotSize).foreach { _ => val price = bb.getLong val levelSize = bb.getInt val limitOrders = (1 to levelSize).map(_ => decodeLo(bb)) r += price -> limitOrders } r.result() } def encodeLoV1(dest: mutable.ArrayBuilder[Byte], lo: LimitOrder): Unit = { dest ++= lo.order.orderType.bytes dest ++= Longs.toByteArray(lo.amount) dest ++= Longs.toByteArray(lo.fee) dest += lo.order.version val orderBytes = lo.order.bytes() dest ++= Ints.toByteArray(orderBytes.length) dest ++= orderBytes } def encodeLoV2(dest: mutable.ArrayBuilder[Byte], lo: LimitOrder): Unit = { val avgWeighedPriceNominatorBytes = lo.avgWeighedPriceNominator.toByteArray dest += 2 encodeLoV1(dest, lo) dest ++= Ints.toByteArray(avgWeighedPriceNominatorBytes.length) dest ++= avgWeighedPriceNominatorBytes } def decodeLo(bb: ByteBuffer): LimitOrder = { val header = bb.get val version = if (header == 2) 2 else 1 val orderType = if (version == 1) header else bb.get val amount = bb.getLong val fee = bb.getLong val orderVersion = bb.get val order = Order.fromBytes(orderVersion, bb.getBytes) val avgWeighedPriceNominator = if (version == 2) new BigInteger(bb.getBytes) else { val filledAmount = order.amount - amount (BigInt(order.price) * filledAmount).bigInteger } OrderType(orderType) match { case OrderType.SELL => SellLimitOrder(amount, fee, order, avgWeighedPriceNominator) case OrderType.BUY => BuyLimitOrder(amount, fee, order, avgWeighedPriceNominator) } } }