Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: Writer.scala From eventuate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.rbmhtechnology.example.querydb //#writer import java.lang.{ Long => JLong } import import com.datastax.driver.core._ import com.rbmhtechnology.eventuate.EventsourcedWriter import scala.concurrent.Future override def readSuccess(result: Long): Option[Long] = Some(result + 1L) } object Writer { import java.util.concurrent.Executor import import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Promise } import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.util.Try implicit class ListenableFutureConverter[A](lf: ListenableFuture[A])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) { def toFuture: Future[A] = { val promise = Promise[A] lf.addListener(new Runnable { def run() = promise.complete(Try(lf.get())) }, executionContext.asInstanceOf[Executor]) promise.future } } } //#
Example 2
Source File: package.scala From BusFloatingData with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{FutureCallback, Futures, ListenableFuture} import{BoundingBox, LatLon} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} package object server { val Traversable = scala.collection.immutable.Traversable type Traversable[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.Traversable[A] val Iterable = scala.collection.immutable.Iterable type Iterable[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[A] val Seq = scala.collection.immutable.Seq type Seq[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A] val IndexedSeq = scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq type IndexedSeq[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[A] def futureToFutureTry[T](f: Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Try[T]] = { case exception: Exception => Failure(exception) } implicit class RichListenableFuture[T](lf: ListenableFuture[T]) { def toFuture: Future[T] = { val p = Promise[T]() Futures.addCallback(lf, new FutureCallback[T] { def onFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = p failure t def onSuccess(result: T): Unit = p success result }) p.future } } def toBoundingBox(bbox: String): BoundingBox = { val bboxCoords: Array[String] = bbox.split(",") val boundingBox: BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(LatLon(bboxCoords(0).toFloat, bboxCoords(1).toFloat), LatLon(bboxCoords(2).toFloat, bboxCoords(3).toFloat)) boundingBox } }
Example 3
Source File: AsyncGuavaTests.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package freestyle.async package guava import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, Executors} import{ListenableFuture, ListeningExecutorService, MoreExecutors} import org.scalatest._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext} class AsyncGuavaTests extends WordSpec with Matchers with Implicits { import import implicits._ val exception: Throwable = new RuntimeException("Test exception") val service: ListeningExecutorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10)) def failedFuture[T]: ListenableFuture[T] = service.submit(new Callable[T] { override def call(): T = throw exception }) def successfulFuture[T](value: T): ListenableFuture[T] = service.submit(new Callable[T] { override def call(): T = value }) val foo = "Bar" "Guava ListenableFuture Freestyle integration" should { "transform guava ListenableFutures into scala.concurrent.Future successfully" in { Await.result(listenableFuture2Async(successfulFuture(foo)), Duration.Inf) shouldBe foo } "recover from failed guava ListenableFutures wrapping them into scala.concurrent.Future" in { Await.result(listenableFuture2Async(failedFuture[String]).failed, Duration.Inf) shouldBe exception } "transform guava ListenableFuture[Void] into scala.concurrent.Future successfully through an implicit conversion" in { Await.result( listenableFuture2Async(listenableVoidToListenableUnit(successfulFuture[Void](None.orNull))), Duration.Inf) shouldBe ((): Unit) } "recover from failed guava ListenableFuture[Void] wrapping them into scala.concurrent.Future through an implicit conversion" in { Await.result( listenableFuture2Async(listenableVoidToListenableUnit(failedFuture[Void])).failed, Duration.Inf) shouldBe exception } } }
Example 4
Source File: FutureConversions.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra.util import java.util.concurrent.Executor import import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future, Promise } import scala.util.Try object FutureConversions { implicit class ListenableFutureConverter[A](val lf: ListenableFuture[A]) extends AnyVal { def asScala(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = { val promise = Promise[A] lf.addListener(new Runnable { def run(): Unit = { promise.complete(Try(lf.get())) () } }, ec.asInstanceOf[Executor]) promise.future } def asScalaWithDefaultGlobal: Future[A] = { import asScala(global) } } }
Example 5
Source File: TestKinesisProducerClient.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import cats.effect.Sync import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import{ Attempt, UserRecordResult } import{ ListenableFuture, SettableFuture } import import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.Decoder import io.circe.jawn.CirceSupportParser import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class TestKinesisProducerClient[F[_], T](state: Ref[F, List[T]])( implicit decoder: Decoder[T] ) extends KinesisProducerClient[F] { override def putData( streamName: String, partitionKey: String, data: ByteBuffer )(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[ListenableFuture[UserRecordResult]] = for { t <- CirceSupportParser .parseFromByteBuffer(data) .toEither .flatMap([T]) .liftTo[F] _ <- state.modify(orig => (t :: orig, orig)) res = { val future: SettableFuture[UserRecordResult] = SettableFuture.create() future.set(new UserRecordResult(List[Attempt]().asJava, "seq #", "shard #", true)) future } } yield res }
Example 6
Source File: KinesisProducerClient.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import cats.effect.Sync import com.amazonaws.auth.{ AWSCredentialsProviderChain, DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain } import{ KinesisProducer, KinesisProducerConfiguration, UserRecordResult } import trait KinesisProducerClient[F[_]] { def putData(streamName: String, partitionKey: String, data: ByteBuffer)( implicit F: Sync[F] ): F[ListenableFuture[UserRecordResult]] } class KinesisProducerClientImpl[F[_]] extends KinesisProducerClient[F] { val credentials: AWSCredentialsProviderChain = new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain() val region: Option[String] = None private lazy val config: KinesisProducerConfiguration = { val c = new KinesisProducerConfiguration() .setCredentialsProvider(credentials) => c.setRegion(r)) c } private lazy val client = new KinesisProducer(config) override def putData(streamName: String, partitionKey: String, data: ByteBuffer)( implicit F: Sync[F] ): F[ListenableFuture[UserRecordResult]] = F.delay(client.addUserRecord(streamName, partitionKey, data)) }
Example 7
Source File: TestKinesisProducerClient.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import cats.effect.Sync import import import import case class TestKinesisProducerClient[F[_]]( respondWith: UserRecordResult, ops: F[ListenableFuture[UserRecordResult]] ) extends KinesisProducerClient[F] { override def putData(streamName: String, partitionKey: String, data: ByteBuffer)( implicit e: Sync[F] ): F[ListenableFuture[UserRecordResult]] = { ops } }
Example 8
Source File: GrpcMonix.scala From grpcmonix with MIT License | 5 votes |
package grpcmonix import import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import monix.eval.{Callback, Task} import monix.execution.Ack.{Continue, Stop} import monix.execution.{Ack, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.Observable import monix.reactive.observables.ObservableLike.{Operator, Transformer} import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber import monix.reactive.subjects.PublishSubject import org.reactivestreams.{Subscriber => SubscriberR} import scalapb.grpc.Grpc import scala.concurrent.Future object GrpcMonix { type GrpcOperator[I, O] = StreamObserver[O] => StreamObserver[I] def guavaFutureToMonixTask[T](future: ListenableFuture[T]): Task[T] = Task.deferFuture { Grpc.guavaFuture2ScalaFuture(future) } def grpcOperatorToMonixOperator[I,O](grpcOperator: GrpcOperator[I,O]): Operator[I,O] = { outputSubsriber: Subscriber[O] => val outputObserver: StreamObserver[O] = monixSubscriberToGrpcObserver(outputSubsriber) val inputObserver: StreamObserver[I] = grpcOperator(outputObserver) grpcObserverToMonixSubscriber(inputObserver, outputSubsriber.scheduler) } def monixSubscriberToGrpcObserver[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T]): StreamObserver[T] = new StreamObserver[T] { override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = subscriber.onError(t) override def onCompleted(): Unit = subscriber.onComplete() override def onNext(value: T): Unit = subscriber.onNext(value) } def reactiveSubscriberToGrpcObserver[T](subscriber: SubscriberR[_ >: T]): StreamObserver[T] = new StreamObserver[T] { override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = subscriber.onError(t) override def onCompleted(): Unit = subscriber.onComplete() override def onNext(value: T): Unit = subscriber.onNext(value) } def grpcObserverToMonixSubscriber[T](observer: StreamObserver[T], s: Scheduler): Subscriber[T] = new Subscriber[T] { override implicit def scheduler: Scheduler = s override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = observer.onError(t) override def onComplete(): Unit = observer.onCompleted() override def onNext(value: T): Future[Ack] = try { observer.onNext(value) Continue } catch { case t: Throwable => observer.onError(t) Stop } } def grpcObserverToMonixCallback[T](observer: StreamObserver[T]): Callback[T] = new Callback[T] { override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = observer.onError(t) override def onSuccess(value: T): Unit = { observer.onNext(value) observer.onCompleted() } } def liftByGrpcOperator[I, O](observable: Observable[I], operator: GrpcOperator[I, O]): Observable[O] = observable.liftByOperator( grpcOperatorToMonixOperator(operator) ) def unliftByTransformer[I, O](transformer: Transformer[I, O], subscriber: Subscriber[O]): Subscriber[I] = new Subscriber[I] { private[this] val subject = PublishSubject[I]() subject.transform(transformer).subscribe(subscriber) override implicit def scheduler: Scheduler = subscriber.scheduler override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = subject.onError(t) override def onComplete(): Unit = subject.onComplete() override def onNext(value: I): Future[Ack] = subject.onNext(value) } }
Example 9
Source File: JavaConverters.scala From troy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package troy package driver import{ FutureCallback, Futures, ListenableFuture } import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise } object JavaConverters { // implicit class RichListenableFuture[T](lf: ListenableFuture[T]) { def asScala: Future[T] = { val p = Promise[T]() Futures.addCallback(lf, new FutureCallback[T] { def onFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = p failure t def onSuccess(result: T): Unit = p success result }) p.future } } }
Example 10
Source File: ScalaKinesisProducer.scala From kpl-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.contxt.kinesis import{ KinesisProducer, KinesisProducerConfiguration, UserRecordResult } import import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory } import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.concurrent._ import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.util.Try import collection.JavaConverters._ import def shutdown(): Future[Unit] } object ScalaKinesisProducer { def apply( streamName: String, kplConfig: KinesisProducerConfiguration, config: Config = ConfigFactory.load() ): ScalaKinesisProducer = { val producerStats = ProducerStats.getInstance(config) ScalaKinesisProducer(streamName, kplConfig, producerStats) } def apply( streamName: String, kplConfig: KinesisProducerConfiguration, producerStats: ProducerStats ): ScalaKinesisProducer = { val streamId = StreamId(kplConfig.getRegion, streamName) val producer = new KinesisProducer(kplConfig) new ScalaKinesisProducerImpl(streamId, producer, producerStats) } private[kinesis] implicit def listenableToScalaFuture[A](listenable: ListenableFuture[A]): Future[A] = { val promise = Promise[A] val callback = new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = promise.tryComplete(Try(listenable.get())) } listenable.addListener(callback, promise.future } } private[kinesis] class ScalaKinesisProducerImpl( val streamId: StreamId, private val producer: KinesisProducer, private val stats: ProducerStats ) extends ScalaKinesisProducer { import ScalaKinesisProducer.listenableToScalaFuture stats.reportInitialization(streamId) def send(partitionKey: String, data: ByteBuffer, explicitHashKey: Option[String]): Future[UserRecordResult] = { stats.trackSend(streamId, data.remaining) { producer.addUserRecord(streamId.streamName, partitionKey, explicitHashKey.orNull, data).map { result => if (!result.isSuccessful) throwSendFailedException(result) else result } } } def shutdown(): Future[Unit] = shutdownOnce private lazy val shutdownOnce: Future[Unit] = { val allFlushedFuture = flushAll() val shutdownPromise = Promise[Unit] allFlushedFuture.onComplete { _ => shutdownPromise.completeWith(destroyProducer()) } val combinedFuture = => ()) combinedFuture.onComplete(_ => stats.reportShutdown(streamId)) combinedFuture } private def throwSendFailedException(result: UserRecordResult): Nothing = { val attemptCount = result.getAttempts.size val errorMessage = throw new RuntimeException( s"Sending a record to $streamId failed after $attemptCount attempts, last error message: $errorMessage." ) } private def flushAll(): Future[Unit] = { Future { blocking { producer.flushSync() } } } private def destroyProducer(): Future[Unit] = { Future { blocking { producer.destroy() } } } }
Example 11
Source File: BigtableDoFnTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigtable import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue import import{Cache, CacheBuilder} import{Futures, ListenableFuture} import com.spotify.scio.testing._ import com.spotify.scio.transforms.BaseAsyncLookupDoFn.CacheSupplier import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class BigtableDoFnTest extends PipelineSpec { "BigtableDoFn" should "work" in { val fn = new TestBigtableDoFn val output = runWithData(1 to 10)(_.parDo(fn)) .map(kv => (kv.getKey, kv.getValue.get())) output should contain theSameElementsAs (1 to 10).map(x => (x, x.toString)) } it should "work with cache" in { val fn = new TestCachingBigtableDoFn val output = runWithData((1 to 10) ++ (6 to 15))(_.parDo(fn)) .map(kv => (kv.getKey, kv.getValue.get())) output should contain theSameElementsAs ((1 to 10) ++ (6 to 15)).map(x => (x, x.toString)) BigtableDoFnTest.queue.asScala.toSet should contain theSameElementsAs (1 to 15) BigtableDoFnTest.queue.size() should be <= 20 } it should "work with failures" in { val fn = new TestFailingBigtableDoFn val output = runWithData(1 to 10)(_.parDo(fn)).map { kv => val r = kv.getValue.asScala match { case Success(v) => v case Failure(e) => e.getMessage } (kv.getKey, r) } output should contain theSameElementsAs (1 to 10).map { x => val prefix = if (x % 2 == 0) "success" else "failure" (x, prefix + x.toString) } } } object BigtableDoFnTest { val queue: ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Int] = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Int]() } class TestBigtableDoFn extends BigtableDoFn[Int, String](null) { override def newClient(): BigtableSession = null override def asyncLookup(session: BigtableSession, input: Int): ListenableFuture[String] = Futures.immediateFuture(input.toString) } class TestCachingBigtableDoFn extends BigtableDoFn[Int, String](null, 100, new TestCacheSupplier) { override def newClient(): BigtableSession = null override def asyncLookup(session: BigtableSession, input: Int): ListenableFuture[String] = { BigtableDoFnTest.queue.add(input) Futures.immediateFuture(input.toString) } } class TestFailingBigtableDoFn extends BigtableDoFn[Int, String](null) { override def newClient(): BigtableSession = null override def asyncLookup(session: BigtableSession, input: Int): ListenableFuture[String] = if (input % 2 == 0) { Futures.immediateFuture("success" + input) } else { Futures.immediateFailedFuture(new RuntimeException("failure" + input)) } } class TestCacheSupplier extends CacheSupplier[Int, String, java.lang.Long] { override def createCache(): Cache[java.lang.Long, String] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build[java.lang.Long, String]() override def getKey(input: Int): java.lang.Long = input.toLong }