doobie.util.transactor.Transactor Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use doobie.util.transactor.Transactor.
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Example 1
Source File: PostgresHealthRepository.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.repository import cats.MonadError import cats.syntax.applicative._ import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.option._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.HealthRepository import import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.invariant.UnexpectedEnd import doobie.util.query.Query0 import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class PostgresHealthRepository[F[_]](xa: Transactor[F]) (implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends HealthRepository[F] { override def findHealthInfo(from: CountryCode): F[Option[Health]] = { val program: ConnectionIO[Health] = for { c <- HealthStatement.findCountryId(from).unique m <- HealthStatement.mandatory(c).to[List] r <- HealthStatement.recommendations(c).to[List] o <- HealthStatement.optional(c).to[List] n <- HealthStatement.healthNotices(c).to[List] a <- HealthStatement.healthAlert(c).unique } yield { val mandatory = val recommendations = val optional = val vaccinations = Vaccinations(mandatory, recommendations, optional) val alertLevel = a.toAlertLevel val healthNotices = Health(vaccinations, HealthNotices(alertLevel, healthNotices)) } { case UnexpectedEnd => none[Health].pure[F] } } } object HealthStatement { def findCountryId(from: CountryCode): Query0[Int] = { sql"SELECT id FROM countries WHERE code = ${from.value}" .query[Int] } def mandatory(countryId: Int): Query0[VaccineDTO] = { sql"SELECT v.disease, v.description, v.categories FROM vaccine_mandatory AS vm INNER JOIN vaccine AS v ON WHERE vm.country_id = $countryId" .query[VaccineDTO] } def recommendations(countryId: Int): Query0[VaccineDTO] = { sql"SELECT v.disease, v.description, v.categories FROM vaccine_recommendations AS vr INNER JOIN vaccine AS v ON WHERE vr.country_id = $countryId" .query[VaccineDTO] } def optional(countryId: Int): Query0[VaccineDTO] = { sql"SELECT v.disease, v.description, v.categories FROM vaccine_optional AS vo INNER JOIN vaccine AS v ON WHERE vo.country_id = $countryId" .query[VaccineDTO] } def healthNotices(countryId: Int): Query0[HealthNoticeDTO] = { sql"SELECT ha.title, ha.weblink, ha.description FROM health_notice AS hn INNER JOIN health_alert AS ha ON hn.alert_id = WHERE hn.country_id = $countryId" .query[HealthNoticeDTO] } def healthAlert(countryId: Int): Query0[HealthAlertDTO] = { sql"SELECT alert_level FROM health_alert_level WHERE country_id = $countryId" .query[HealthAlertDTO] } }
Example 2
Source File: EthereumPostgresSpout.scala From Raphtory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.raphtory.examples.blockchain.spouts import cats.effect.Blocker import cats.effect.IO import com.raphtory.core.components.Spout.SpoutTrait import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.duration.MILLISECONDS import scala.concurrent.duration.SECONDS class EthereumPostgresSpout extends SpoutTrait { var startBlock = System.getenv().getOrDefault("STARTING_BLOCK", "46147").trim.toInt //first block to have a transaction by default val batchSize = System.getenv().getOrDefault("BLOCK_BATCH_SIZE", "100").trim.toInt //number of blocks to pull each query val maxblock = System.getenv().getOrDefault("MAX_BLOCK", "8828337").trim.toInt //Maximum block in database to stop querying once this is reached val dbURL = System.getenv().getOrDefault("DB_URL", "jdbc:postgresql:ether").trim //db connection string, default is for local with db called ether val dbUSER = System.getenv().getOrDefault("DB_USER", "postgres").trim //db user defaults to postgres val dbPASSWORD = System.getenv().getOrDefault("DB_PASSWORD", "").trim //default no password // querying done with doobie wrapper for JDBC ( implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(ExecutionContexts.synchronous) val dbconnector = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( "org.postgresql.Driver", dbURL, dbUSER, dbPASSWORD, Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ExecutionContexts.synchronous) ) override def ProcessSpoutTask(message: Any): Unit = message match { case StartSpout => AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), "nextBatch") case "nextBatch" => running() case _ => println("message not recognized!") } protected def running(): Unit = { sql"select from_address, to_address, value,block_timestamp from transactions where block_number >= $startBlock AND block_number < ${startBlock + batchSize} " .query[ (String, String, String, String) ] //get the to,from,value and time for transactions within the set block batch .to[List] // ConnectionIO[List[String]] .transact(dbconnector) // IO[List[String]] .unsafeRunSync // List[String] .foreach(x => sendTuple(x.toString())) //send each transaction to the routers startBlock += batchSize //increment batch for the next query if (startBlock > maxblock) stop() //if we have reached the max block we stop querying the database AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), "nextBatch") // line up the next batch } }
Example 3
Source File: PostgresWirings.scala From ticket-booking-aecor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ Enriched, TagConsumer } import aecor.journal.postgres.{ Offset, PostgresEventJournal, PostgresOffsetStore } import aecor.runtime.KeyValueStore import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.temp.par._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import import{ BookingEvent, EventMetadata, EventsourcedBooking } import import import import import{ AppConfig, PostgresJournals } final class PostgresWirings[F[_]: Async: Timer: Par] private (val transactor: Transactor[F], val journals: PostgresJournals) { val offsetStoreCIO = PostgresOffsetStore("consumer_offset") val offsetStore: KeyValueStore[F, TagConsumer, Offset] = offsetStoreCIO.mapK(transactor.trans) val bookingsJournal = new PostgresEventJournal[F, BookingKey, Enriched[EventMetadata, BookingEvent]]( transactor,, EventsourcedBooking.tagging, BookingEventSerializer ) // views val bookingViewRepo = new PostgresBookingViewRepository[F](transactor) } object PostgresWirings { def apply[F[_]: Async: Timer: Par: ContextShift]( settings: AppConfig ): Resource[F, PostgresWirings[F]] = for { transactor <- PostgresTransactor.transactor[F](settings.postgres) wirings = new PostgresWirings(transactor, settings.postgresJournals) _ <- Resource.liftF( List( wirings.offsetStoreCIO.createTable.transact(transactor), wirings.bookingViewRepo.createTable, wirings.bookingsJournal.createTable, ).parSequence ) } yield wirings }
Example 4
Source File: PostgresBookingViewRepository.scala From ticket-booking-aecor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.sql.Timestamp import java.time.Instant import cats.Monad import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import io.circe.{ Decoder, Encoder, Json } import io.circe.parser._ import org.postgresql.util.PGobject import class PostgresBookingViewRepository[F[_]: Monad](transactor: Transactor[F], tableName: String = "bookings") extends BookingViewRepository[F] { implicit val jsonMeta: Meta[Json] = Meta.Advanced .other[PGobject]("json") .timap[Json](a => parse(a.getValue).leftMap[Json](e => throw e).merge)(a => { val o = new PGobject o.setType("json") o.setValue(a.noSpaces) o }) implicit val seatsMeta: Meta[List[Seat]] = jsonMeta.timap( j => Decoder[List[Seat]].decodeJson(j).right.get )(s => Encoder[List[Seat]].apply(s)) implicit val ticketsMeta: Meta[List[Ticket]] = jsonMeta.timap( j => Decoder[List[Ticket]].decodeJson(j).right.get )(s => Encoder[List[Ticket]].apply(s)) implicit val instantMeta: Meta[Instant] = Meta[Timestamp].timap(_.toInstant)(Timestamp.from) implicit val bookingStatusMeta: Meta[BookingStatus] = Meta[String].timap(BookingStatus.withName)(_.entryName) def get(bookingId: BookingKey): F[Option[BookingView]] = queryView(bookingId).option.transact(transactor) def byClient(clientId: ClientId): F[List[BookingView]] = queryForClient(clientId).to[List].transact(transactor) def set(view: BookingView): F[Unit] = Update[BookingView](setViewQuery).run(view).transact(transactor).void def expired(now: Instant): fs2.Stream[F, BookingKey] = queryExpired(now).stream.transact(transactor) def createTable: F[Unit] = createTableQuery.transact(transactor).void private val setViewQuery = s"""INSERT INTO $tableName (booking_id, client_id, concert_id, seats, tickets, status, confirmed_at, expires_at, version) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON CONFLICT (booking_id) DO UPDATE SET tickets =, status = EXCLUDED.status, confirmed_at = EXCLUDED.confirmed_at, expires_at = EXCLUDED.expires_at, version = EXCLUDED.version;""" private def queryView(bookingId: BookingKey) = (fr"SELECT * FROM " ++ Fragment.const(tableName) ++ fr"WHERE booking_id = $bookingId;") .query[BookingView] private def queryExpired(now: Instant) = (fr"SELECT booking_id FROM " ++ Fragment.const(tableName) ++ fr"WHERE status = ${BookingStatus.Confirmed: BookingStatus} AND expires_at < $now;") .query[BookingKey] private def queryForClient(clientId: ClientId) = (fr"SELECT * FROM " ++ Fragment.const(tableName) ++ fr"WHERE client_id = $clientId;") .query[BookingView] private val createTableQuery = (fr""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS """ ++ Fragment.const(tableName) ++ fr""" ( booking_id text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, client_id text NOT NULL, concert_id text NOT NULL, seats json NOT NULL, tickets json NOT NULL, status text NOT NULL, confirmed_at timestamptz, expires_at timestamptz, version bigint NOT NULL ); """) }
Example 5
Source File: HikariDataSourceTransactor.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, Executors, Future, TimeUnit} import cats.arrow.FunctionK import cats.effect._ import com.zaxxer.hikari.{HikariConfig, HikariDataSource} import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor.Aux import io.hydrosphere.mist.utils.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext def shutdown(): Unit = { if (!ds.isClosed) {"Closing Hikari data source") ds.close() } else { logger.warn("Hikari datasource had not been properly initialized before closing") } shutdownExecutorService(awaitShutdown, ce, "connections EC") shutdownExecutorService(awaitShutdown, te, "tx EC") } }
Example 6
Source File: PetQueryTypeCheckSpec.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository.doobie import import cats.effect.IO import cats.syntax.applicative._ import doobie.scalatest.IOChecker import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class PetQueryTypeCheckSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with IOChecker { override val transactor: Transactor[IO] = testTransactor import PetSQL._ test("Typecheck pet queries") { { p => check(selectByStatus(p.status.pure[NonEmptyList])) check(insert(p)) => check(PetSQL.update(p, id))) } check(selectTagLikeString("example".pure[NonEmptyList])) check(select(1L)) check(selectAll) check(delete(1L)) check(selectByNameAndCategory("name", "category")) } }
Example 7
Source File: UserQueryTypeCheckSpec.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository.doobie import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import cats.effect.IO import doobie.scalatest.IOChecker import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import PetStoreArbitraries.user import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class UserQueryTypeCheckSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with IOChecker { override val transactor: Transactor[IO] = testTransactor import UserSQL._ test("Typecheck user queries") { { u => check(insert(u)) check(byUserName(u.userName)) => check(update(u, id))) } check(selectAll) check(select(1L)) check(delete(1L)) } }
Example 8
package tamer package db import java.sql.SQLException import java.time.Instant import cats.effect.Blocker import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import import fs2.{Chunk, Stream} import log.effect.LogWriter import log.effect.zio.ZioLogWriter.log4sFromName import tamer.config.{DbConfig, QueryConfig} import zio._ import zio.interop.catz._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait Db extends Serializable { val db: Db.Service[Any] } object Db { implicit class InstantOps(ours: Instant) { def -(theirs: Instant): Long = ours.toEpochMilli - theirs.toEpochMilli } case class ChunkWithMetadata[V](chunk: Chunk[V], pulledAt: Instant = case class ValueWithMetadata[V](value: V, pulledAt: Instant = trait Service[R] { def runQuery[K, V, State]( tnx: Transactor[Task], setup: Setup[K, V, State], queryConfig: QueryConfig )(state: State, q: Queue[(K, V)]): ZIO[R, DbError, State] } object > extends Service[Db] { override final def runQuery[K, V, State]( tnx: Transactor[Task], setup: Setup[K, V, State], queryConfig: QueryConfig )(state: State, q: Queue[(K, V)]): ZIO[Db, DbError, State] = ZIO.accessM(_.db.runQuery(tnx, setup, queryConfig)(state, q)) } trait Live extends Db { override final val db: Service[Any] = new Service[Any] { private[this] val logTask: Task[LogWriter[Task]] = log4sFromName.provide("tamer.Db.Live") override final def runQuery[K, V, State]( tnx: Transactor[Task], setup: Setup[K, V, State], queryConfig: QueryConfig )(state: State, q: Queue[(K, V)]): IO[DbError, State] = (for { log <- logTask query <- UIO(setup.buildQuery(state)) _ <- log.debug(s"running ${query.sql} with params derived from $state").ignore start <- UIO( values <- query .streamWithChunkSize(queryConfig.fetchChunkSize) .chunks .transact(tnx) .map(c => ChunkWithMetadata(c)) .evalTap(c => q.offerAll( => setup.valueToKey(v) -> v))) .flatMap(c => Stream.chunk(c.chunk).map(v => ValueWithMetadata(v, c.pulledAt))) .compile .toList newState <- setup.stateFoldM(state)( QueryResult( ResultMetadata(values.headOption.fold( - start), ) ) } yield newState).mapError { case e: Exception => DbError(e.getLocalizedMessage) } } } def mkTransactor(db: DbConfig, connectEC: ExecutionContext, transactEC: ExecutionContext): Managed[DbError, HikariTransactor[Task]] = Managed { HikariTransactor .newHikariTransactor[Task](db.driver, db.uri, db.username, db.password, connectEC, Blocker.liftExecutionContext(transactEC)) .allocated .map { case (ht, cleanup) => Reservation(ZIO.succeed(ht), _ => cleanup.orDie) } .uninterruptible .refineToOrDie[SQLException] .mapError(sqle => DbError(sqle.getLocalizedMessage())) } }
Example 9
Source File: AirlinesModule.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.airlines import cats.effect.Async import com.smartbackpackerapp.airlines.parser.{AirlineFile, AirlinesFileParser, AllowanceFile} import com.smartbackpackerapp.airlines.sql.AirlinesInsertData import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class AirlinesModule[F[_] : Async] { val devDbUrl: String = sys.env.getOrElse("JDBC_DATABASE_URL", "") val dbUrl: String = sys.env.getOrElse("SB_DB_URL", "jdbc:postgresql:sb") private val dbDriver = sys.env.getOrElse("SB_DB_DRIVER", "org.postgresql.Driver") private val dbUser = sys.env.getOrElse("SB_DB_USER", "postgres") private val dbPass = sys.env.getOrElse("SB_DB_PASSWORD", "") private val xa = { if (devDbUrl.nonEmpty) Transactor.fromDriverManager[F](dbDriver, devDbUrl) else Transactor.fromDriverManager[F](dbDriver, dbUrl, dbUser, dbPass) } def airlinesInsertData(airlineFile: AirlineFile, allowanceFile: AllowanceFile): AirlinesInsertData[F] = { val parser = AirlinesFileParser[F](airlineFile, allowanceFile) new AirlinesInsertData[F](xa, parser) } }
Example 10
Source File: AirlinesInsertData.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.airlines.sql import cats.effect.Async import cats.instances.list._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.airlines.parser.AirlinesFileParser import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.Log import com.smartbackpackerapp.model.{Airline, BaggagePolicy} import import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.update.{Update, Update0} import fs2.Stream class AirlinesInsertData[F[_] : Async](xa: Transactor[F], airlinesParser: AirlinesFileParser[F]) (implicit L: Log[F]) { import AirlineInsertStatement._ private def program(airline: Airline): ConnectionIO[Unit] = for { airlineId <- insertAirline([Int]("airline_id") policyId <- insertBaggagePolicy(airlineId, airline.baggagePolicy).withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Int]("policy_id") _ <- insertManyBaggageAllowance(policyId).updateMany(airline.baggagePolicy.allowance.toDTO(policyId)) } yield () def run: Stream[F, Unit] = for { a <- airlinesParser.airlines _ <- Stream.eval("Persisting: $a")) _ <- Stream.eval(program(a).transact(xa)) } yield () } object AirlineInsertStatement { def insertAirline(name: String): Update0 = { sql"INSERT INTO airline (name) VALUES ($name)" .update } def insertBaggagePolicy(airlineId: Int, baggagePolicy: BaggagePolicy): Update0 = { sql"INSERT INTO baggage_policy (airline_id, extra, website) VALUES ($airlineId, ${baggagePolicy.extra}, ${})" .update } def insertManyBaggageAllowance(policyId: Int): Update[CreateBaggageAllowanceDTO] = { val sql = "INSERT INTO baggage_allowance (policy_id, baggage_type, kgs, height, width, depth) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Update[CreateBaggageAllowanceDTO](sql) } }
Example 11
Source File: PostgresAirlineRepository.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.repository import cats.MonadError import cats.syntax.applicative._ import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.option._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.AirlineRepository import import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.invariant.UnexpectedEnd import doobie.util.query.Query0 import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class PostgresAirlineRepository[F[_]](xa: Transactor[F]) (implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends AirlineRepository[F] { override def findAirline(airlineName: AirlineName): F[Option[Airline]] = { val program: ConnectionIO[Airline] = for { a <- AirlineStatement.findAirline(airlineName).unique b <- AirlineStatement.baggageAllowance(a.head).to[List] } yield a.toAirline(b) { case UnexpectedEnd => none[Airline].pure[F] } } } object AirlineStatement { def findAirline(airlineName: AirlineName): Query0[AirlineDTO] = { sql"SELECT a.airline_id,, b.policy_id, b.extra, FROM airline AS a INNER JOIN baggage_policy AS b ON (a.airline_id = b.airline_id) WHERE${airlineName.value}" .query[AirlineDTO] } def baggageAllowance(policyId: Int): Query0[BaggageAllowanceDTO] = { sql"SELECT baggage_type, kgs, height, width, depth FROM baggage_allowance WHERE policy_id=$policyId" .query[BaggageAllowanceDTO] } }
Example 12
Source File: PostgresVisaRequirementsRepository.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.repository import cats.MonadError import cats.syntax.applicative._ import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.option.none import com.smartbackpackerapp.model.{CountryCode, VisaRequirementsData} import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.VisaRequirementsRepository import import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.invariant.UnexpectedEnd import doobie.util.query.Query0 import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class PostgresVisaRequirementsRepository[F[_]](xa: Transactor[F]) (implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends VisaRequirementsRepository[F] { override def findVisaRequirements(from: CountryCode, to: CountryCode): F[Option[VisaRequirementsData]] = { val program: ConnectionIO[VisaRequirementsData] = for { f <- VisaRequirementsStatement.from(from).unique t <- v <- VisaRequirementsStatement.visaRequirements(f.head, t.head).unique } yield v.toVisaRequirementsData(f, t) { case UnexpectedEnd => none[VisaRequirementsData].pure[F] } } } object VisaRequirementsStatement { def from(from: CountryCode): Query0[CountryDTO] = { sql"SELECT id, code, name, currency FROM countries WHERE code = ${from.value}" .query[CountryDTO] } def to(to: CountryCode): Query0[CountryDTO] = { sql"SELECT id, code, name, currency FROM countries WHERE code = ${to.value}" .query[CountryDTO] } def visaRequirements(idFrom: Int, idTo: Int): Query0[VisaRequirementsDTO] = sql"SELECT AS category, vr.description FROM visa_requirements AS vr INNER JOIN visa_category AS vc ON vr.visa_category = WHERE vr.from_country = $idFrom AND vr.to_country = $idTo" .query[VisaRequirementsDTO] }
Example 13
Source File: PostgresProjectionSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.OffsetDateTime import cats.effect.{Blocker, IO} import import import import import import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import //noinspection SqlNoDataSourceInspection class PostgresProjectionSpec extends AbstractPostgresSpec { "A PostgresProjection" should { "project all schemas" in { import doobie.implicits._ (xa: Transactor[IO], proj: PostgresProjection[IO]) => for { _ <- count <- sql"select count(id) from schemas;".query[Int].unique.transact(xa) _ = count shouldEqual 175 maxImport <- sql"select id, count(import) from schema_imports group by id order by count desc limit 1;" .query[(String, Int)] .unique .transact(xa) (maxImportSchema, maxImportCount) = maxImport _ = maxImportSchema shouldEqual "" _ = maxImportCount shouldEqual 7 lastUpdated <- sql"select last_updated from schemas where id = ''" .query[OffsetDateTime] .unique .transact(xa) _ = lastUpdated.toInstant.toEpochMilli shouldEqual 1584615316089L } yield () } "save offset" in { (cfg: AppConfig, blocker: Blocker, proj: PostgresProjection[IO], console: Console[IO]) => implicit val b: Blocker = blocker implicit val c: Console[IO] = console for { _ <- exists <- io.file.exists[IO](blocker, cfg.postgres.offsetFile) _ = exists shouldEqual true offset <- Offset.load(cfg.postgres.offsetFile) _ = offset.nonEmpty shouldEqual true } yield () } } }
Example 14
Source File: PostgresVisaRestrictionsIndexRepository.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.repository import cats.MonadError import cats.syntax.applicative._ import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.option._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.VisaRestrictionsIndexRepository import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.invariant.UnexpectedEnd import doobie.util.query.Query0 import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class PostgresVisaRestrictionsIndexRepository[F[_]](xa: Transactor[F]) (implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends VisaRestrictionsIndexRepository[F] { override def findRestrictionsIndex(countryCode: CountryCode): F[Option[VisaRestrictionsIndex]] = { val index = VisaRestrictionsIndexStatement.findIndex(countryCode).unique { case UnexpectedEnd => none[VisaRestrictionsIndex].pure[F] } } } object VisaRestrictionsIndexStatement { def findIndex(countryCode: CountryCode): Query0[RestrictionsIndexDTO] = sql"SELECT rank, acc, sharing FROM visa_restrictions_index WHERE country_code = ${countryCode.value}" .query[RestrictionsIndexDTO] }
Example 15
Source File: PostgresCountryRepository.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.repository import cats.Monad import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.repository.algebra.CountryRepository import import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.query.Query0 import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class PostgresCountryRepository[F[_] : Monad](xa: Transactor[F]) extends CountryRepository[F] { private def findCountries(query: ConnectionIO[List[CountryDTO]]) = { } override def findAll: F[List[Country]] = { findCountries([List]) } override def findSchengen: F[List[Country]] = { findCountries([List]) } } object CountryStatement { val findCountries: Query0[CountryDTO] = { sql"SELECT id, code, name, currency FROM countries ORDER BY name" .query[CountryDTO] } val findSchengen: Query0[CountryDTO] = { sql"SELECT id, code, name, currency FROM countries WHERE schengen ORDER BY name" .query[CountryDTO] } }
Example 16
Source File: CountryInsertData.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.scraper.sql import cats.effect.Async import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.apply._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.scraper.config.ScraperConfiguration import import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.update.Update class CountryInsertData[F[_]](scraperConfig: ScraperConfiguration[F], xa : Transactor[F]) (implicit F: Async[F]) { private def insertCountriesBulk(countries: List[Country]): ConnectionIO[Int] = { CountryInsertStatement.insertCountries .updateMany( => (c.code.value,, c.currency.value, false))) } private def updateCountriesCurrencyBulk(countries: List[Country]): ConnectionIO[Int] = { CountryInsertStatement.updateCountriesCurrency .updateMany( => (c.currency.value, c.code.value))) } private def updateSchengenCountriesBulk(countries: List[CountryCode]): ConnectionIO[Int] = { CountryInsertStatement.updateSchengenCountries .updateMany( } private def runSchengenUpdate: F[Unit] = { scraperConfig.schengen() flatMap { countries => updateSchengenCountriesBulk(countries).transact(xa) *> F.unit } } private def runCurrencyUpdate: F[Unit] = { scraperConfig.countries() flatMap { countries => updateCountriesCurrencyBulk(countries).transact(xa) *> F.unit } } def runUpdate: F[Unit] = { runSchengenUpdate.flatMap(_ => runCurrencyUpdate) } def run: F[Unit] = { scraperConfig.countries() flatMap { countries => insertCountriesBulk(countries).transact(xa) *> F.unit } } } object CountryInsertStatement { type CountryDTO = (String, String, String, Boolean) type CurrencyQueryDTO = (String, String) val insertCountries: Update[CountryDTO] = { val sql = "INSERT INTO countries (code, name, currency, schengen) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" Update[CountryDTO](sql) } val updateCountriesCurrency: Update[CurrencyQueryDTO] = { val sql = "UPDATE countries SET currency = ? WHERE code = ?" Update[CurrencyQueryDTO](sql) } val updateSchengenCountries: Update[String] = { val sql = "UPDATE countries SET schengen = 't' WHERE code = ?" Update[String](sql) } }
Example 17
Source File: VisaRestrictionsIndexInsertData.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.scraper.sql import cats.effect.Async import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.apply._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.update.Update class VisaRestrictionsIndexInsertData[F[_]](xa: Transactor[F])(implicit F: Async[F]) { private def insertVisaIndexBulk(list: List[(CountryCode, VisaRestrictionsIndex)]) = { VisaRestrictionsIndexInsertStatement.insertVisaIndex .updateMany( { case (code, index) => (code.value, index.rank.value, index.count.value, index.sharing.value) }) } def run(list: List[(CountryCode, VisaRestrictionsIndex)]): F[Unit] = { // Netherlands is duplicated in ranking 2018 insertVisaIndexBulk(list.toSet.toList).transact(xa) *> F.unit } } object VisaRestrictionsIndexInsertStatement { type CreateVisaIndexDTO = (String, Int, Int, Int) val insertVisaIndex: Update[CreateVisaIndexDTO] = { val sql = "INSERT INTO visa_restrictions_index (country_code, rank, acc, sharing) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" Update[CreateVisaIndexDTO](sql) } }
Example 18
Source File: VisaRequirementsInsertData.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.scraper.sql import java.sql.BatchUpdateException import cats.effect.Async import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.Log import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.scraper.model._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.scraper.parser.AbstractVisaRequirementsParser import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.update.Update class VisaRequirementsInsertData[F[_] : Async](xa: Transactor[F], visaRequirementsParser: AbstractVisaRequirementsParser[F]) (implicit L: Log[F]) { private def insertVisaRequirementsBulk(list: List[VisaRequirementsFor]) = { VisaRequirementsInsertStatement.insertVisaRequirements .updateMany( } // For example Algerian Wiki page has Burundi duplicated private val errorHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Unit]] = { case e: BatchUpdateException if e.getCause.getMessage.contains("duplicate key value") => L.error(e) case e: WikiPageNotFound => L.error(e) } def run(from: CountryCode): F[Unit] = { val program = for { _ <-"${from.value} >> Gathering visa requirements from Wikipedia") req <- visaRequirementsParser.visaRequirementsFor(from) _ <-"${from.value} >> Starting data insertion into DB") rs <- insertVisaRequirementsBulk(req).transact(xa) _ <-"${from.value} >> Created $rs records") } yield () program.recoverWith(errorHandler) } } object VisaRequirementsInsertStatement { val insertVisaRequirements: Update[VisaRequirementsDTO] = { val sql = """ |WITH from_view AS ( | SELECT id AS from_id FROM countries WHERE code = ? |), |to_view AS ( | SELECT id AS to_id FROM countries WHERE code = ? |), |visa_cat_view AS ( | SELECT id AS visa_id FROM visa_category WHERE name = ? |), |desc_view AS ( | SELECT ? AS description |) |INSERT INTO visa_requirements (from_country, to_country, visa_category, description) |SELECT from_id, to_id, visa_id, description FROM from_view, to_view, visa_cat_view, desc_view """.stripMargin Update[VisaRequirementsDTO](sql) } }
Example 19
Source File: VisaCategoryInsertData.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.scraper.sql import cats.effect.Async import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.apply._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.model._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.update.Update import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} class VisaCategoryInsertData[F[_]](xa : Transactor[F])(implicit F: Async[F]) { private def insertVisaCategoriesBulk(categories: List[String]) = { VisaCategoryInsertStatement.insertVisaCategories.updateMany(categories) } private def visaCategories: List[String] = { val tpe = ru.typeOf[VisaCategory] val clazz = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass } def run: F[Unit] = { insertVisaCategoriesBulk(visaCategories).transact(xa) *> F.unit } } object VisaCategoryInsertStatement { val insertVisaCategories: Update[String] = { val sql = "INSERT INTO visa_category (name) VALUES (?)" Update[String](sql) } }
Example 20
Source File: TestDBManager.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.common.sql import cats.effect.IO import doobie.h2.H2Transactor import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway object TestDBManager { private def testDbUrl(dbName: String): String = s"jdbc:h2:mem:test_sb_$dbName;MODE=PostgreSQL;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" private val testDbUser = "sa" private val testDbPass = "" def xa(dbName: String): IO[Transactor[IO]] = H2Transactor.newH2Transactor[IO](testDbUrl(dbName), testDbUser, testDbPass) def createTables(dbName: String): IO[Unit] = IO { val flyway = new Flyway flyway.setDataSource(testDbUrl(dbName), testDbUser, testDbPass) flyway.migrate() } }
Example 21
Source File: MySqlInvoiceList.scala From event-sourcing-kafka-streams with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.amitayh.invoices.dao import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift, Resource} import cats.syntax.functor._ import import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class MySqlInvoiceList[F[_]: Monad](transactor: Transactor[F]) extends InvoiceList[F] { override def save(record: InvoiceRecord): F[Unit] = override def get: F[List[InvoiceRecord]] = MySqlInvoiceList.get.transact(transactor) } object MySqlInvoiceList { def save(record: InvoiceRecord): ConnectionIO[Unit] = { import record._ val sql = sql""" INSERT INTO invoices (id, version, updated_at, customer_name, customer_email, issue_date, due_date, total, status) VALUES ($id, $version, $updatedAt, $customerName, $customerEmail, $issueDate, $dueDate, $total, $status) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE version = VALUES(version), updated_at = VALUES(updated_at), customer_name = VALUES(customer_name), customer_email = VALUES(customer_email), issue_date = VALUES(issue_date), due_date = VALUES(due_date), total = VALUES(total), status = VALUES(status) """ } def get: ConnectionIO[List[InvoiceRecord]] = { val sql = sql""" SELECT id, version, updated_at, customer_name, customer_email, issue_date, due_date, total, status FROM invoices WHERE status IN ('New', 'Paid') ORDER BY created_at DESC """ sql.query[InvoiceRecord].to[List] } def resource[F[_]: Async: ContextShift]: Resource[F, MySqlInvoiceList[F]] = for { connectEC <- ExecutionContexts.fixedThreadPool[F](32) transactEC <- ExecutionContexts.cachedThreadPool[F] transactor <- HikariTransactor.newHikariTransactor[F]( driverClassName = sys.env("DB_DRIVER"), url = sys.env("DB_URL"), user = sys.env("DB_USER"), pass = sys.env("DB_PASS"), connectEC = connectEC, transactEC = transactEC) } yield new MySqlInvoiceList[F](transactor) }
Example 22
Source File: RandomService.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.example.service import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import zio.Task import zio.interop.catz._ trait RandomService { def randomNumber: Task[Double] } object RandomService { def apply(transactor: Transactor[Task]): RandomService = new RandomService { override def randomNumber: Task[Double] = { sql"select random()" .query[Double] .unique .transact(transactor) } } }
Example 23
Source File: PostgresqlClient.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package store.postgresql import import cats.effect.Blocker import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor.Aux import env.PostgresqlConfig import javax.sql.DataSource import libs.logs.{IzanamiLogger, ZLogger} import play.api.db.{Database, Databases} import zio.{Task, UIO, ZManaged} import zio.interop.catz._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext case class PostgresqlClient(database: Database, transactor: Transactor[Task]) object PostgresqlClient { def postgresqlClient(system: ActorSystem, cf: Option[PostgresqlConfig]): ZManaged[ZLogger, Throwable, Option[PostgresqlClient]] = { config => ZManaged .make("Creating database instance") *> Task { Databases( config.driver, config.url, config = Map( "username" -> config.username, "password" -> config.password, "pool" -> "hikaricp" ) ) } )(database => UIO(database.shutdown())) .mapM { database =>"Creating transactor instance") *> Task { val ce: ExecutionContext = system.dispatchers.lookup("izanami.jdbc-connection-dispatcher") val te: ExecutionContext = system.dispatchers.lookup("izanami.jdbc-transaction-dispatcher") val transact: Aux[Task, DataSource] = Transactor .fromDataSource[Task](database.dataSource, ce, Blocker.liftExecutionContext(te)) Some(PostgresqlClient(database, transact)) } } } .getOrElse(ZManaged.effectTotal(None)) }
Example 24
Source File: TodoListApp.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist import cats._ import cats.effect.IO import cats.implicits._ import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response} import com.twitter.finagle.{Http, ListeningServer, Service} import com.twitter.server.TwitterServer import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future} import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import examples.todolist.http.Api import examples.todolist.persistence.Persistence import import freestyle.tagless.config.ConfigM import freestyle.tagless.config.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.effects.error.ErrorM import freestyle.tagless.effects.error.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.logging.LoggingM import freestyle.tagless.loggingJVM.log4s.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.module import import io.finch.circe._ @module trait App[F[_]] { val persistence: Persistence[F] val services: Services[F] } object TodoListApp extends TwitterServer { import examples.todolist.runtime.implicits._ def bootstrap[F[_]: Monad]( implicit app: App[F], handler: F ~> Future, T: Transactor[F], api: Api[F]): F[ListeningServer] = { val service: Service[Request, Response] = api.endpoints.toService val log: LoggingM[F] = val cfg: ConfigM[F] = for { _ <-"Trying to load application.conf") config <- cfg.load host = config.string("").getOrElse("localhost") port ="http.port").getOrElse("8080") _ <- log.debug(s"Host: $host") _ <- log.debug(s"Port $port") } yield Await.ready( Http.server.withAdmissionControl .concurrencyLimit(maxConcurrentRequests = 10, maxWaiters = 10) .serve(s"$host:$port", service) ) } def main() = bootstrap[IO].unsafeRunAsync { case Left(error) => println(s"Error executing server. ${error.getMessage}") case Right(server) => server.close() } }
Example 25
Source File: DoobieTransactionStore.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.update.Update import import jbok.common.math.N import jbok.core.api.HistoryTransaction import jbok.core.models.{Receipt, Block => CoreBlock} final class DoobieTransactionStore[F[_]](xa: Transactor[F])(implicit F: Sync[F]) extends TransactionStore[F] with DoobieSupport { def findTransactionsByAddress(address: String, page: Int, size: Int): F[List[HistoryTransaction]] = sql""" SELECT txHash, nonce, fromAddress, toAddress, value, payload, v, r, s, gasUsed, gasPrice, blockNumber, blockHash, location FROM transactions WHERE (fromAddress = ${address.toString} OR toAddress = ${address.toString}) ORDER BY blockNumber, location DESC limit ${size} offset ${(page - 1) * size} """ .query[HistoryTransaction] .to[List] .transact(xa) def findTransactionByHash(txHash: String): F[Option[HistoryTransaction]] = sql""" SELECT txHash, nonce, fromAddress, toAddress, value, payload, v, r, s, gasUsed, gasPrice, blockNumber, blockHash, location FROM transactions WHERE txHash = ${txHash} """ .query[HistoryTransaction] .option .transact(xa) override def findTransactionsByNumber(blockNumber: Int): F[List[HistoryTransaction]] = sql""" SELECT txHash, nonce, fromAddress, toAddress, value, payload, v, r, s, gasUsed, gasPrice, blockNumber, blockHash, location FROM transactions WHERE (blockNumber = ${blockNumber}) ORDER BY blockNumber, location DESC """ .query[HistoryTransaction] .to[List] .transact(xa) override def delByBlockNumber(number: N): F[Unit] = sql"""DELETE from transactions WHERE blockNumber = $number""" def insertBlockTransactions(block: CoreBlock, receipts: List[Receipt]): F[Unit] = { require(block.body.transactionList.length == receipts.length) val xs = { case ((stx, receipt), idx) => ( stx.hash.toHex, stx.nonce.toInt,""), stx.receivingAddress.toString, stx.value.toString, stx.payload.toHex, stx.v.toString, stx.r.toString, stx.s.toString, receipt.gasUsed.toString, stx.gasPrice.toString, block.header.number.toLong, block.header.hash.toHex, idx ) } val holes = List.fill(14)("?").mkString(",") val sql = s"insert into transactions (txHash, nonce, fromAddress, toAddress, value, payload, v, r, s, gasUsed, gasPrice, blockNumber, blockHash, location) values ($holes)" Update[(String, Int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Long, String, Int)](sql) .updateMany(xs) .transact(xa) .void } }
Example 26
Source File: DoobieBlockStore.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import import jbok.common.math.N import scodec.bits.ByteVector final class DoobieBlockStore[F[_]](xa: Transactor[F])(implicit F: Sync[F]) extends BlockStore[F] with DoobieSupport { override def getBestBlockNumber: F[Option[N]] = sql""" SELECT blockNumber FROM blocks ORDER BY blockNumber DESC LIMIT 1 """ .query[N] .option .transact(xa) override def getBestBlockNumberAndHash: F[(N, ByteVector)] = sql""" SELECT blockNumber, blockHash FROM blocks ORDER BY blockNumber DESC LIMIT 1 """ .query[(N, ByteVector)] .unique .transact(xa) override def getBlockHashByNumber(number: N): F[Option[ByteVector]] = sql""" SELECT blockHash FROM blocks WHERE blockNumber = $number """ .query[ByteVector] .option .transact(xa) override def delByBlockNumber(number: N): F[Unit] = sql""" DELETE FROM blocks where blockNumber = $number """ .transact(xa) .void override def insert(number: N, hash: ByteVector): F[Unit] = sql""" INSERT INTO blocks (blockNumber, blockHash) VALUES ($number, $hash) """ }
Example 27
Source File: UnusedDepCache.scala From zorechka-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.zorechka.repos import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import doobie.util.update.Update0 import doobie.implicits._ import zio.{RIO, Task, ZIO} import zio.interop.catz._ trait UnusedDepCache { val cache: UnusedDepCache.Service } object UnusedDepCache { trait Service { def isCached(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): Task[Boolean] def cache(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): Task[Unit] } trait MysqlUnusedDepCache extends UnusedDepCache { protected val tnx: Transactor[Task] override val cache: Service = new Service { def createTable: Task[Unit] = .transact(tnx) .foldM(err =>, _ => Task.succeed(())) override def isCached(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): Task[Boolean] = SQL.isCached(githubRepo, target, hash) .option .transact(tnx) .map(_.exists(_ == 1)) override def cache(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): Task[Unit] = SQL.insertOrUpdate(githubRepo, target, hash).run .transact(tnx) .foldM(err =>, _ => Task.succeed(())) } } object SQL { def createTable: Update0 = sql"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `unused_deps` ( `github_repo` varchar(1000) NOT NULL, `build_target` varchar(1000) NOT NULL, `hash` varchar(256) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`github_repo`, `build_target`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;""".update def insertOrUpdate(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): doobie.Update0 = sql"""INSERT INTO `unused_deps` (`github_repo`, `build_target`, `hash`) VALUES ($githubRepo, $target, $hash) |ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE hash = VALUES(hash) |""".stripMargin.update def isCached(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): doobie.Query0[Int] = { sql"""SELECT 1 FROM `unused_deps` WHERE github_repo = $githubRepo AND build_target = $target AND hash = $hash""".query[Int] } } // helpers def isCached(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): RIO[UnusedDepCache, Boolean] = ZIO.accessM(env => env.cache.isCached(githubRepo, target, hash)) def cache(githubRepo: String, target: String, hash: String): RIO[UnusedDepCache, Unit] = ZIO.accessM(env => env.cache.cache(githubRepo, target, hash)) }
Example 28
Source File: implicits.scala From opencensus-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.opencensus.scala.doobie import cats.Monad import cats.effect.Bracket import doobie.ConnectionIO import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import io.opencensus.trace.Span object implicits { implicit class ConnectionTracingOps[A](ma: ConnectionIO[A]) { def tracedTransact[M[_]: Monad]( xa: Transactor[M], transactionName: String )(implicit ev: Bracket[M, Throwable]): M[A] = xa.trans.apply(ConnectionIOTracing.traceF(ma, transactionName, None)) def tracedTransact[M[_]: Monad]( xa: Transactor[M], transactionName: String, parentSpan: Span )(implicit ev: Bracket[M, Throwable]): M[A] = xa.trans.apply( ConnectionIOTracing.traceF(ma, transactionName, Some(parentSpan)) ) } }
Example 29
Source File: JdbcQueryServiceSpec.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package daf.dataset.query.jdbc import cats.effect.IO import cats.instances.list.catsStdInstancesForList import daf.dataset.query.{ Count, GroupByClause, Gt, NamedColumn, Query, SelectClause, ValueColumn, WhereClause } import daf.instances.H2TransactorInstance import import import doobie.implicits.{ toConnectionIOOps, toSqlInterpolator } import doobie.util.query.Query0 import doobie.util.transactor.{ Strategy, Transactor } import doobie.util.update.Update import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, MustMatchers, WordSpec } class JdbcQueryServiceSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { private lazy val service = new JdbcQueryService(null, None) with H2TransactorInstance override def beforeAll(): Unit = JdbcQueries.prepare.transact { service.transactor("") }.unsafeRunSync() match { case (_ , rows) if rows == 0 => throw new RuntimeException("Unable to start test: [rows] were not created") case (_, _) => // do nothing } "A jdbc query service" must { "run queries" in { service.exec(, "user", "").map { _.toCsv.toList }.get must be { List( """"COUNTRY", "COUNTS"""", """"Italy", 2""", """"Netherlands", 1""" ) } } } } object JdbcQueries { type User = (String, String, Int, String) private def createTransactor(dataSource: BasicDataSource) = Transactor[IO, BasicDataSource]( dataSource, a => IO(a.getConnection), KleisliInterpreter[IO].ConnectionInterpreter, Strategy.void ) val ddl = sql""" CREATE TABLE user( id VARCHAR, username VARCHAR, age SMALLINT, country VARCHAR ) """ Query0.apply("").stream val insert = Update[User]("INSERT INTO user(id, username, age, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)").updateMany[List] { List( ("id1", "user1", 42, "Italy"), ("id2", "user2", 32, "Italy"), ("id3", "user3", 27, "Italy"), ("id4", "user4", 33, "Netherlands") ) } val prepare = for { table <- JdbcQueries.ddl insert <- JdbcQueries.insert } yield (table, insert) val select = Query( select = SelectClause { Seq( NamedColumn("country"), Count(NamedColumn("id")) as "counts" ) }, where = Some { WhereClause { Gt(NamedColumn("age"), ValueColumn(30)) } }, groupBy = Some { GroupByClause { Seq(NamedColumn("country")) } }, having = None, limit = None ) }
Example 30
Source File: DatabaseConfigAlgebra.scala From pure-movie-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pms.db.config import pms.effects._ import pms.effects.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import busymachines.pureharm.db.flyway._ object DatabaseConfigAlgebra { def transactor[F[_]: Async: ContextShift](config: DatabaseConfig): F[Transactor[F]] = Async[F].delay { Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]( driver = "org.postgresql.Driver", url = config.connection.jdbcURL: String, user = config.connection.username: String, pass = config.connection.password: String, ) } def initializeSQLDb[F[_]: Sync](config: DatabaseConfig): F[Int] = { val clean = if (config.forceClean) Flyway.clean(config.connection) else Sync[F].unit clean *> Flyway.migrate(config.connection, config.flyway) } }
Example 31
Source File: ModulePureMovieServerBootstrap.scala From pure-movie-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pms.server import pms.effects._ import pms.effects.implicits._ import import pms.algebra.user._ import import pms.server.bootstrap._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import pms.core.Module trait ModulePureMovieServerBootstrap[F[_]] extends Module[F] with ModulePureMovieServer[F] with ModuleServerBootstrap[F] with ModuleUserBootstrap[F] { def bootstrap: F[Unit] = serverBootstrapAlgebra.flatMap(sba => Bootstrap.bootstrap(sba)) } object ModulePureMovieServerBootstrap { def concurrent[F[_]]( gConfig: GmailConfig, imbdAlgebraConfig: IMDBAlgebraConfig, )(implicit c: Concurrent[F], t: Transactor[F], ti: Timer[F], ): F[ModulePureMovieServerBootstrap[F]] = c.delay { new ModulePureMovieServerBootstrap[F] { implicit override def F: Concurrent[F] = c implicit override def timer: Timer[F] = ti override def gmailConfig: GmailConfig = gConfig override def imdbAlgebraConfig: IMDBAlgebraConfig = imbdAlgebraConfig implicit override def transactor: Transactor[F] = t } } }
Example 32
Source File: ModulePureMovieServer.scala From pure-movie-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pms.server import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import org.http4s._ import pms.core.Module import pms.effects._ import pms.effects.implicits._ import import pms.algebra.user._ import import import pms.algebra.http._ import pms.service.user._ import import import trait ModulePureMovieServer[F[_]] extends Module[F] with ModuleEmail[F] with ModuleUserAlgebra[F] with ModuleIMDBAlgebra[F] with ModuleMovieAlgebra[F] with ModuleUserService[F] with ModuleMovieService[F] with ModuleUserRest[F] with ModuleMovieRest[F] { implicit override def F: Concurrent[F] override def gmailConfig: GmailConfig override def imdbAlgebraConfig: IMDBAlgebraConfig implicit override def timer: Timer[F] implicit override def transactor: Transactor[F] def pureMovieServerRoutes: F[HttpRoutes[F]] = _pureMovieServerRoutes //we could delay this even more, but there is little point. private lazy val authCtxMiddleware: F[AuthCtxMiddleware[F]] = singleton { => AuthedHttp4s.userTokenAuthMiddleware[F](uaa)) } private lazy val _pureMovieServerRoutes: F[HttpRoutes[F]] = singleton { for { umr <- userModuleRoutes routes = NonEmptyList.of[HttpRoutes[F]](umr).reduceK mmas <- movieModuleAuthedRoutes umar <- userModuleAuthedRoutes authed = NonEmptyList.of[AuthCtxRoutes[F]](umar, mmas).reduceK middleware <- authCtxMiddleware toCombine: HttpRoutes[F] = middleware(authed) } yield { routes <+> toCombine } } } object ModulePureMovieServer { def concurrent[F[_]](gConfig: GmailConfig, imbdAlgebraConfig: IMDBAlgebraConfig)(implicit c: Concurrent[F], t: Transactor[F], ti: Timer[F], ): F[ModulePureMovieServer[F]] = c.delay { new ModulePureMovieServer[F] { override def F: Concurrent[F] = c implicit override def timer: Timer[F] = ti override def gmailConfig: GmailConfig = gConfig override def imdbAlgebraConfig: IMDBAlgebraConfig = imbdAlgebraConfig implicit override def transactor: Transactor[F] = t } } }
Example 33
Source File: PureMovieServer.scala From pure-movie-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pms.server import pms.effects._ import pms.effects.implicits._ import pms.logger._ import import pms.db.config._ import import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor final class PureMovieServer[F[_]] private ( private val timer: Timer[F], private val dbContextShift: ContextShift[F], )(implicit private val F: Concurrent[F] ) { private val logger: PMSLogger[F] = PMSLogger.getLogger[F] def init: F[(PureMovieServerConfig, ModulePureMovieServer[F])] = for { serverConfig <- PureMovieServerConfig.default[F] gmailConfig <- GmailConfig.default[F] imdbAlgebraConfig <- IMDBAlgebraConfig.default[F] dbConfig <- DatabaseConfig.default[F] transactor <- DatabaseConfigAlgebra.transactor[F](dbConfig)(F, dbContextShift) nrOfMigs <- DatabaseConfigAlgebra.initializeSQLDb[F](dbConfig) _ <-"Successfully ran #$nrOfMigs migrations") pmsModule <- moduleInit( gmailConfig, imdbAlgebraConfig, bootstrap = serverConfig.bootstrap, )(transactor, timer) _ <-"Successfully initialized pure-movie-server") } yield (serverConfig, pmsModule) private def moduleInit( gmailConfig: GmailConfig, imdblgebraConfig: IMDBAlgebraConfig, bootstrap: Boolean, )(implicit transactor: Transactor[F], timer: Timer[F], ): F[ModulePureMovieServer[F]] = if (bootstrap) { //TODO: add better logic for handling boostrap being applied twice // important aspects to consider: // 1) give good diagnostics of what specifically went wrong so that the developer knows what's up // 2) distinguish between recoverable errors in bootstrap, and non-recoverable errors logger.warn( "BOOTSTRAP — initializing server in bootstrap mode — if this is on prod, you seriously botched this one" ) >> ModulePureMovieServerBootstrap .concurrent(gmailConfig, imdblgebraConfig) .flatTap(_.bootstrap) .widen[ModulePureMovieServer[F]] } else ModulePureMovieServer.concurrent(gmailConfig, imdblgebraConfig) } object PureMovieServer { def concurrent[F[_]: Concurrent](timer: Timer[F], dbContextShift: ContextShift[F]): F[PureMovieServer[F]] = Concurrent.apply[F].delay(new PureMovieServer[F](timer, dbContextShift)) }
Example 34
Source File: Repository.scala From Learn-Scala-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ch14 import java.sql.SQLException import cats.effect.IO import ch14.Model.Inventory import fs2.Stream import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import cats.implicits._ class Repository(transactor: Transactor[IO]) { def deleteArticle(name: String): IO[Boolean] = { sql"DELETE FROM article WHERE name = $name" .transact(transactor) .map { affectedRows => affectedRows == 1 } } def createArticle(name: String): IO[Boolean] = { sql"INSERT INTO article (name, count) VALUES ($name, 0)" .transact(transactor) .map { case Right(affectedRows) => affectedRows == 1 case Left(_) => false } } def updateStock(inventory: Inventory): Stream[IO, Either[Throwable, Unit]] = { val updates = inventory .map { case (name, count) => sql"UPDATE article set count = count + $count where name = $name" } .reduce(_ *> _) Stream .eval(FC.setAutoCommit(false) *> updates *> FC.setAutoCommit(true)) .attempt .transact(transactor) } def getInventory: Stream[IO, Inventory] = queryToInventory(inventoryQuery) def getArticle(name: String): Stream[IO, Inventory] = queryToInventory( sql"SELECT name, count FROM article where name = $name") private val inventoryQuery: Fragment = sql"SELECT name, count FROM article" private def queryToInventory(query: Fragment) = query .query[(String, Int)] .stream .transact(transactor) .fold(Map.empty[String, Int])(_ + _) }
Example 35
Source File: AppModule.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Path import cats.effect._ import distage._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import import{Doobie, DoobieBlockStore, DoobieTransactionStore} import{BlockStore, Migration, TransactionStore} import jbok.common.config.Config import jbok.core.CoreModule import jbok.core.api._ import jbok.core.config.FullConfig class AppModule[F[_]: TagK](implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], cs: ContextShift[F]) extends ModuleDef { addImplicit[Bracket[F, Throwable]] make[Transactor[F]].fromResource((config: FullConfig) => Doobie.xa[F](config.db)) make[Unit].fromEffect((config: FullConfig) => Migration.migrate[F](config.db)) make[TransactionStore[F]].from[DoobieTransactionStore[F]] make[BlockStore[F]].from[DoobieBlockStore[F]] make[ServiceHelper[F]] make[AccountAPI[F]].from[AccountService[F]] make[AdminAPI[F]].from[AdminService[F]] make[BlockAPI[F]].from[BlockService[F]] make[ContractAPI[F]].from[ContractService[F]] make[MinerAPI[F]].from[MinerService[F]] make[PersonalAPI[F]].from[PersonalService[F]] make[TransactionAPI[F]].from[TransactionService[F]] make[HttpService[F]] make[StoreUpdateService[F]] make[FullNode[F]] } object AppModule { def resource[F[_]: TagK](config: FullConfig = CoreModule.testConfig)(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], cs: ContextShift[F], T: Timer[F]): Resource[F, Locator] = Injector().produceF[F](new CoreModule[F](config) ++ new AppModule[F]).toCats def resource[F[_]: TagK](path: Path)(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], cs: ContextShift[F], T: Timer[F]): Resource[F, Locator] = Resource.liftF(Config[F].read[FullConfig](path)).flatMap(config => resource[F](config)) }
Example 36
Source File: TodoListApp.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package todo import cats.effect.{Effect, IO} import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import examples.todolist.http.Api import import exapmles.todolist.peristence.Persistence import freestyle.tagless.config.ConfigM import freestyle.tagless.config.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.effects.error.ErrorM import freestyle.tagless.effects.error.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.logging.LoggingM import freestyle.tagless.loggingJVM.log4s.implicits._ import freestyle.tagless.module import fs2.StreamApp import org.http4s.HttpService import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeBuilder @module trait App[F[_]] { val persistence: Persistence[F] val services: Services[F] } object TodoListApp extends StreamApp[IO] { import examples.todolist.runtime.implicits._ override def stream( args: List[String], requestShutdown: IO[Unit]): fs2.Stream[IO, StreamApp.ExitCode] = bootstrap[IO].unsafeRunSync() def bootstrap[F[_]: Effect]( implicit app: App[F], T: Transactor[F], api: Api[F]): F[fs2.Stream[F, StreamApp.ExitCode]] = { val services: HttpService[F] = api.endpoints val log: LoggingM[F] = val config: ConfigM[F] = for { _ <-"Trying to load application.conf") cfg <- config.load host: String = cfg.string("").getOrElse("localhost") port: Int ="http.port").getOrElse(8080) _ <- log.debug(s"Host: $host") _ <- log.debug(s"Port: $port") } yield BlazeBuilder[F] .bindHttp(port, host) .mountService(services) .serve } }
Example 37
Source File: TagRepositoryHandler.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist.persistence.runtime import cats.Monad import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import examples.todolist.Tag import examples.todolist.persistence.TagRepository class TagRepositoryHandler[F[_]: Monad](implicit T: Transactor[F]) extends TagRepository.Handler[F] { import examples.todolist.persistence.runtime.queries.TagQueries._ def insert(input: Tag): F[Option[Tag]] = insertQuery(input) .withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Int]("id") .flatMap(getQuery(_).option) .transact(T) def get(id: Int): F[Option[Tag]] = getQuery(id).option.transact(T) def update(tag: Tag): F[Option[Tag]] = updateQuery(tag).run .flatMap(_ => getQuery( .transact(T) def delete(id: Int): F[Int] = deleteQuery(id).run.transact(T) def list: F[List[Tag]] = listQuery .to[List] .transact(T) def drop: F[Int] = def create: F[Int] = def init: F[Int] = .flatMap( drops => .map(_ + drops)) .transact(T) }
Example 38
Source File: TodoItemRepositoryHandler.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist.persistence.runtime import cats.Monad import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import examples.todolist.TodoItem import examples.todolist.persistence.TodoItemRepository class TodoItemRepositoryHandler[F[_]: Monad](implicit T: Transactor[F]) extends TodoItemRepository.Handler[F] { import examples.todolist.persistence.runtime.queries.TodoItemQueries._ def insert(item: TodoItem): F[Option[TodoItem]] = insertQuery(item) .withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Int]("id") .flatMap(getQuery(_).option) .transact(T) def get(id: Int): F[Option[TodoItem]] = getQuery(id).option.transact(T) def update(item: TodoItem): F[Option[TodoItem]] = updateQuery(item).run .flatMap(_ => getQuery( .transact(T) def delete(id: Int): F[Int] = deleteQuery(id).run.transact(T) def list: F[List[TodoItem]] = listQuery .to[List] .transact(T) def drop: F[Int] = def create: F[Int] = def init: F[Int] = .flatMap( drops => .map(_ + drops)) .transact(T) }
Example 39
Source File: TodoListRepositoryHandler.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.todolist.persistence.runtime import cats.Monad import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import examples.todolist.TodoList import examples.todolist.persistence.TodoListRepository class TodoListRepositoryHandler[F[_]: Monad](implicit T: Transactor[F]) extends TodoListRepository.Handler[F] { import examples.todolist.persistence.runtime.queries.TodoListQueries._ def insert(item: TodoList): F[Option[TodoList]] = insertQuery(item) .withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Int]("id") .flatMap(getQuery(_).option) .transact(T) def get(id: Int): F[Option[TodoList]] = getQuery(id).option.transact(T) def update(input: TodoList): F[Option[TodoList]] = updateQuery(input).run .flatMap(_ => getQuery( .transact(T) def delete(id: Int): F[Int] = deleteQuery(id).run.transact(T) def list: F[List[TodoList]] = listQuery .to[List] .transact(T) def drop: F[Int] = def create: F[Int] = def init: F[Int] = .flatMap( drops => .map(_ + drops)) .transact(T) }
Example 40
Source File: DatabaseOptions.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.azavea.franklin.api.commands import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import com.lightbend.emoji.ShortCodes.Defaults._ import com.lightbend.emoji.ShortCodes.Implicits._ import com.monovore.decline.Opts import com.monovore.decline._ import com.monovore.decline.refined._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric._ import scala.util.Try trait DatabaseOptions { private val databasePort = Opts .option[PosInt]("db-port", help = "Port to connect to database on") .withDefault(PosInt(5432)) private val databaseHost = Opts .option[String]("db-host", help = "Database host to connect to") .withDefault("database.service.internal") private val databaseName = Opts .option[String]("db-name", help = "Database name to connect to") .withDefault("franklin") private val databasePassword = Opts .option[String]("db-password", help = "Database password to use") .withDefault("franklin") private val databaseUser = Opts .option[String]("db-user", help = "User to connect with database with") .withDefault("franklin") def databaseConfig(implicit contextShift: ContextShift[IO]): Opts[DatabaseConfig] = (( databaseUser, databasePassword, databaseHost, databasePort, databaseName ) mapN DatabaseConfig).validate( e":boom: Unable to connect to database - please ensure database is configured and listening at entered port" ) { config => val xa = Transactor .fromDriverManager[IO](config.driver, config.jdbcUrl, config.dbUser, config.dbPass) val select = Try { fr"SELECT 1".query[Int].unique.transact(xa).unsafeRunSync() } select.toEither match { case Right(_) => true case Left(_) => false } } }
Example 41
Source File: SearchService.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import com.azavea.franklin.api.endpoints.SearchEndpoints import com.azavea.franklin.api.implicits._ import com.azavea.franklin.database.{SearchFilters, StacItemDao} import com.azavea.franklin.datamodel.SearchMethod import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegInt import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString import io.circe._ import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import sttp.tapir.server.http4s._ class SearchService[F[_]: Sync]( apiHost: NonEmptyString, defaultLimit: NonNegInt, enableTiles: Boolean, xa: Transactor[F] )( implicit contextShift: ContextShift[F] ) extends Http4sDsl[F] { def search(searchFilters: SearchFilters, searchMethod: SearchMethod): F[Either[Unit, Json]] = { for { searchResult <- StacItemDao .getSearchResult( searchFilters, searchFilters.limit getOrElse defaultLimit, apiHost, searchMethod ) .transact(xa) } yield { val updatedFeatures = { item => (item.collection, enableTiles) match { case (Some(collectionId), true) => item.addTilesLink(apiHost.value, collectionId, case _ => item } } Either.right(searchResult.copy(features = updatedFeatures).asJson) } } val routes: HttpRoutes[F] = SearchEndpoints.searchGet.toRoutes(searchFilters => search(searchFilters, SearchMethod.Get)) <+> SearchEndpoints.searchPost .toRoutes { case searchFilters => search(searchFilters, SearchMethod.Post) } }
Example 42
Source File: Config.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.azavea.franklin.database import cats.effect._ import com.zaxxer.hikari.{HikariConfig, HikariDataSource} import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import scala.util.Properties object DatabaseConfig { var jdbcDriver: String = "org.postgresql.Driver" val jdbcNoDBUrl: String = Properties.envOrElse( "POSTGRES_URL", "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/" ) val jdbcDBName: String = Properties.envOrElse("POSTGRES_NAME", "franklin") val jdbcUrl: String = jdbcNoDBUrl + jdbcDBName val dbUser: String = Properties.envOrElse("POSTGRES_USER", "franklin") val dbPassword: String = Properties.envOrElse("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "franklin") val dbStatementTimeout: String = Properties.envOrElse("POSTGRES_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT", "30000") val dbMaximumPoolSize: Int = Properties.envOrElse("POSTGRES_DB_POOL_SIZE", "5").toInt def nonHikariTransactor[F[_]: Async](databaseName: String)(implicit cs: ContextShift[F]) = { Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]( "org.postgresql.Driver", jdbcNoDBUrl + databaseName, dbUser, dbPassword ) } val hikariConfig = new HikariConfig() hikariConfig.setPoolName("franklin-pool") hikariConfig.setMaximumPoolSize(dbMaximumPoolSize) hikariConfig.setConnectionInitSql( s"SET statement_timeout = ${dbStatementTimeout};" ) hikariConfig.setJdbcUrl(jdbcUrl) hikariConfig.setUsername(dbUser) hikariConfig.setPassword(dbPassword) hikariConfig.setDriverClassName(jdbcDriver) val hikariDS = new HikariDataSource(hikariConfig) }
Example 43
Source File: H2TestableTransactor.scala From eff with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.atnos.eff.addon.doobie import java.util.concurrent.Executors import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import{ConnectionIO, close, commit, delay, rollback, setAutoCommit} import doobie.util.transactor.{Strategy, Transactor} import org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcConnectionPool import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object H2TestableTransactor { final class OpHistory { var calls: List[String] = List.empty[String] def registerConnection(): Unit = calls :+= "connection" def registerBefore(): Unit = calls :+= "before" def registerAfter(): Unit = calls :+= "after" def incrementOops(): Unit = calls :+= "oops" def registerAlways(): Unit = calls :+= "always" } def create[M[_]: ContextShift](url: String = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", user: String = "sa", pass: String = "", before: ConnectionIO[Unit] = setAutoCommit(false), after: ConnectionIO[Unit] = commit, oops: ConnectionIO[Unit] = rollback, always: ConnectionIO[Unit] = close)( implicit async: Async[M]): (Transactor[M], OpHistory) = { val pool = JdbcConnectionPool.create(url, user, pass) val c = new OpHistory() val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newCachedThreadPool) val blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ec) val pre = Transactor.fromDataSource.apply(pool, ec, blocker) val t = pre.copy( connect0 = con => pre.connect(con).evalTap(async.pure(_) <* async.pure(c.registerConnection())), strategy0 = Strategy( before = before.flatMap(a => delay(c.registerBefore()).map(_ => a)), after = after .flatMap(a => delay(c.registerAfter()) .map(_ => a)), oops = oops .flatMap(a => delay(c.incrementOops()) .map(_ => a)), always = always.flatMap(a => delay(c.registerAlways()).map(_ => a)) ) ) (t, c) } }
Example 44
Source File: PostgresModule.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer} import import distage.{ModuleDef, TagK} import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import izumi.distage.model.definition.StandardAxis.Repo import izumi.distage.model.recursive.LocatorRef final class PostgresModule[F[_]: Parallel: ContextShift: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: TagK] extends ModuleDef { make[Postgres[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from { locatorRef: LocatorRef => Postgres[F](Some(locatorRef)) } make[Transactor[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from { (cfg: AppConfig) => Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]( "org.postgresql.Driver", cfg.postgres.jdbcUrl, cfg.postgres.username, cfg.postgres.password ) } make[PostgresProjection[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod) } object PostgresModule { final def apply[F[_]: Parallel: ContextShift: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: TagK]: PostgresModule[F] = new PostgresModule[F] }
Example 45
Source File: AbstractPostgresSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.IO import import import import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import izumi.distage.model.definition.{Module, ModuleDef} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class AbstractPostgresSpec extends AbstractCliSpec { override protected def defaultModules: Module = { super.defaultModules ++ new PostgresDocker.Module[IO] } override def testModule: ModuleDef = new ModuleDef { make[AppConfig].fromEffect { host: PostgresHostConfig => copyConfigs.flatMap { case (envFile, postgresFile, _) => AppConfig.load[IO](Some(envFile), Some(postgresFile)).flatMap { case Left(value) => IO.raiseError(value) case Right(value) => val postgresOffsetFile = postgresFile.getParent.resolve("postgres.offset") val cfg = value.copy(postgres = value.postgres.copy( host =, port = host.port, offsetFile = postgresOffsetFile, offsetSaveInterval = 100.milliseconds ) ) IO.pure(cfg) } } } make[Transactor[IO]].fromEffect { (_: PostgresDocker.Container, cfg: AppConfig) => val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( "org.postgresql.Driver", cfg.postgres.jdbcUrl, cfg.postgres.username, cfg.postgres.password ) waitForPostgresReady(xa).as(xa) } } private def waitForPostgresReady(xa: Transactor[IO], maxDelay: FiniteDuration = 30.seconds): IO[Unit] = { import doobie.implicits._ import retry.CatsEffect._ import retry.RetryPolicies._ import retry._ val policy = limitRetriesByCumulativeDelay[IO](maxDelay, constantDelay(1.second)) retryingOnAllErrors( policy = policy, onError = (_: Throwable, _) => IO.delay(println("Postgres Container not ready, retrying...")) ) { sql"select 1;".query[Int].unique.transact(xa) } *> IO.unit } }