akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow.
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Example 1
Source File: ExecuteAfterResponse.scala From opencensus-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package io.opencensus.scala.akka.http.utils import akka.NotUsed import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, HttpResponse} import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.stage.{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, InHandler, OutHandler} import akka.stream.{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet} object ExecuteAfterResponse { private class AfterResponseFlow[Element]( onFinish: () => Unit, onFailure: Throwable => Unit ) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[Element, Element]] { private val in = Inlet[Element]("in") private val out = Outlet[Element]("out") override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) with InHandler with OutHandler { def onPush(): Unit = push(out, grab(in)) def onPull(): Unit = pull(in) setHandler(in, this) setHandler(out, this) override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = { onFinish() super.onUpstreamFinish() } override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = { onFailure(ex) super.onUpstreamFailure(ex) } } override val shape = FlowShape(in, out) } private object AfterResponseFlow { def apply[Element]( onFinish: () => Unit, onFailure: Throwable => Unit ): Flow[Element, Element, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(new AfterResponseFlow(onFinish, onFailure)) } def onComplete( response: HttpResponse, onFinish: () => Unit, onFailure: Throwable => Unit ): HttpResponse = { response.copy( entity = if (response.status.allowsEntity) { response.entity.transformDataBytes( AfterResponseFlow(onFinish, onFailure) ) } else { onFinish() HttpEntity.Empty } ) } }
Example 2
Source File: CommandSubmissionFlow.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.client.services.commands import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.daml.dec.DirectExecutionContext import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.command_submission_service.SubmitRequest import com.daml.util.Ctx import com.google.protobuf.empty.Empty import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Success, Try} object CommandSubmissionFlow { def apply[Context]( submit: SubmitRequest => Future[Empty], maxInFlight: Int): Flow[Ctx[Context, SubmitRequest], Ctx[Context, Try[Empty]], NotUsed] = { Flow[Ctx[Context, SubmitRequest]] .log("submission at client", _.value.commands.fold("")(_.commandId)) .mapAsyncUnordered(maxInFlight) { case Ctx(context, request) => submit(request) .transform { tryResponse => Success( Ctx( context, tryResponse )) }(DirectExecutionContext) } } }
Example 3
Source File: StaticTime.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.client.services.testing.time import java.time.Instant import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink} import akka.stream.{ClosedShape, KillSwitches, Materializer, UniqueKillSwitch} import com.daml.api.util.{TimeProvider, TimestampConversion} import com.daml.api.util.TimestampConversion._ import com.daml.grpc.adapter.ExecutionSequencerFactory import com.daml.grpc.adapter.client.akka.ClientAdapter import com.daml.dec.DirectExecutionContext import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.testing.time_service.{GetTimeRequest, SetTimeRequest} import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.testing.time_service.TimeServiceGrpc.{TimeService, TimeServiceStub} import com.daml.ledger.client.LedgerClient import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class StaticTime( timeService: TimeService, clock: AtomicReference[Instant], killSwitch: UniqueKillSwitch, ledgerId: String) extends TimeProvider with AutoCloseable { def getCurrentTime: Instant = clock.get def timeRequest(instant: Instant) = SetTimeRequest( ledgerId, Some(TimestampConversion.fromInstant(getCurrentTime)), Some(TimestampConversion.fromInstant(instant))) def setTime(instant: Instant)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = { timeService.setTime(timeRequest(instant)).map { _ => val _ = StaticTime.advanceClock(clock, instant) } } override def close(): Unit = killSwitch.shutdown() } object StaticTime { def advanceClock(clock: AtomicReference[Instant], instant: Instant): Instant = { clock.updateAndGet { case current if instant isAfter current => instant case current => current } } def updatedVia(timeService: TimeServiceStub, ledgerId: String, token: Option[String] = None)( implicit m: Materializer, esf: ExecutionSequencerFactory): Future[StaticTime] = { val clockRef = new AtomicReference[Instant](Instant.EPOCH) val killSwitchExternal = KillSwitches.single[Instant] val sinkExternal = Sink.head[Instant] RunnableGraph .fromGraph { GraphDSL.create(killSwitchExternal, sinkExternal) { case (killSwitch, futureOfFirstElem) => // We serve this in a future which completes when the first element has passed through. // Thus we make sure that the object we serve already received time data from the ledger. futureOfFirstElem.map(_ => new StaticTime(timeService, clockRef, killSwitch, ledgerId))( DirectExecutionContext) } { implicit b => (killSwitch, sinkHead) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val instantSource = b.add( ClientAdapter .serverStreaming( GetTimeRequest(ledgerId), LedgerClient.stub(timeService, token).getTime) .map(r => toInstant(r.getCurrentTime))) val updateClock = b.add(Flow[Instant].map { i => advanceClock(clockRef, i) i }) val broadcastTimes = b.add(Broadcast[Instant](2)) val ignore = b.add(Sink.ignore) // format: OFF instantSource ~> killSwitch ~> updateClock ~> broadcastTimes.in broadcastTimes.out(0) ~> sinkHead broadcastTimes.out(1) ~> ignore // format: ON ClosedShape } } .run() } }
Example 4
Source File: ExtractMaterializedValue.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.util.akkastreams import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet} import akka.stream.stage.{GraphStageLogic, GraphStageWithMaterializedValue, InHandler, OutHandler} import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} class ExtractMaterializedValue[T, Mat](toMaterialized: T => Option[Mat]) extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[FlowShape[T, T], Future[Mat]] { val inlet: Inlet[T] = Inlet[T]("in") val outlet: Outlet[T] = Outlet[T]("out") override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue( inheritedAttributes: Attributes): (GraphStageLogic, Future[Mat]) = { val promise = Promise[Mat]() val logic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { setHandler( inlet, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = { val input = grab(inlet) push(outlet, input) toMaterialized(input).foreach { materialized => promise.trySuccess(materialized) setSimplerHandler() } } private def setSimplerHandler(): Unit = { setHandler(inlet, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = push(outlet, grab(inlet)) }) } override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = { promise.tryFailure(ex) super.onUpstreamFailure(ex) } override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = { promise.tryFailure( new RuntimeException("Upstream completed before matching element arrived.")) super.onUpstreamFinish() } } ) setHandler( outlet, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = pull(inlet) override def onDownstreamFinish(cause: Throwable): Unit = { promise.tryFailure( new RuntimeException("Downstream completed before matching element arrived.")) super.onDownstreamFinish(cause) } } ) } logic -> promise.future } override def shape: FlowShape[T, T] = FlowShape(inlet, outlet) } object ExtractMaterializedValue { def apply[T, Mat](toOutputOrMaterialized: T => Option[Mat]): Flow[T, T, Future[Mat]] = Flow.fromGraph(new ExtractMaterializedValue[T, Mat](toOutputOrMaterialized)) }
Example 5
Source File: LedgerEntriesSpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.platform.sandbox.stores.ledger.inmemory import akka.stream.ThrottleMode import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink, Source} import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.Offset import com.daml.ledger.api.testing.utils.AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.{AsyncWordSpec, Inspectors, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random class LedgerEntriesSpec extends AsyncWordSpec with Matchers with AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll with Inspectors { case class Error(msg: String) case class Transaction(content: String) val NO_OF_MESSAGES = 10000 val NO_OF_SUBSCRIBERS = 50 private def genTransactions() = (1 to NO_OF_MESSAGES).map { i => if (Random.nextBoolean()) Right(Transaction(i.toString)) else Left(Error(i.toString)) } "LedgerEntries" should { "store new blocks and a late subscriber can read them" in { val ledger = new LedgerEntries[Either[Error, Transaction]](_.toString) val transactions = genTransactions() transactions.foreach(t => ledger.publish(t)) val sink = Flow[(Offset, Either[Error, Transaction])] .take(NO_OF_MESSAGES.toLong) .toMat(Sink.seq)(Keep.right) val blocksF = ledger.getSource(None, None).runWith(sink) blocksF.map { blocks => val readTransactions = blocks.collect { case (_, transaction) => transaction } readTransactions shouldEqual transactions } } "store new blocks while multiple subscribers are reading them with different pace" in { val transactions = genTransactions() val ledger = new LedgerEntries[Either[Error, Transaction]](_.toString) val publishRate = NO_OF_MESSAGES / 10 val blocksInStream = Source(transactions) .throttle(publishRate, 100.milliseconds, publishRate, ThrottleMode.shaping) .to(Sink.foreach { t => ledger.publish(t) () }) def subscribe() = { val subscribeRate = NO_OF_MESSAGES / (Random.nextInt(100) + 1) ledger .getSource(None, None) .runWith( Flow[(Offset, Either[Error, Transaction])] .throttle(subscribeRate, 100.milliseconds, subscribeRate, ThrottleMode.shaping) .take(NO_OF_MESSAGES.toLong) .toMat(Sink.seq)(Keep.right) ) } val readBlocksF = Future.sequence((1 to NO_OF_SUBSCRIBERS).map(_ => subscribe())) blocksInStream.run() readBlocksF.map { readBlocksForAll => forAll(readBlocksForAll) { readBlocks => val readTransactions = readBlocks.collect { case (_, transaction) => transaction } readTransactions shouldEqual transactions } } } } }
Example 6
Source File: FlowUtil.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.http.util import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import scalaz.{-\/, \/} object FlowUtil { def allowOnlyFirstInput[E, A](error: => E): Flow[E \/ A, E \/ A, NotUsed] = Flow[E \/ A] .scan(Option.empty[E \/ A]) { (s0, x) => s0 match { case Some(_) => Some(-\/(error)) case None => Some(x) } } .collect { case Some(x) => x } }
Example 7
Source File: AkkaImplementation.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.grpc.adapter.utils.implementations import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import com.daml.grpc.adapter.ExecutionSequencerFactory import com.daml.grpc.adapter.server.akka.ServerAdapter import com.daml.grpc.sampleservice.Responding import com.daml.platform.hello.HelloServiceGrpc.HelloService import com.daml.platform.hello.{HelloRequest, HelloResponse, HelloServiceGrpc} import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import io.grpc.{BindableService, ServerServiceDefinition} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global class AkkaImplementation( implicit executionSequencerFactory: ExecutionSequencerFactory, materializer: Materializer, ) extends HelloService with Responding with BindableService { private val serverStreamingCalls = new AtomicInteger() def getServerStreamingCalls: Int = serverStreamingCalls.get() override def bindService(): ServerServiceDefinition = HelloServiceGrpc.bindService(this, global) override def serverStreaming( request: HelloRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[HelloResponse], ): Unit = Source .single(request) .via(Flow[HelloRequest].mapConcat(responses)) .runWith(ServerAdapter.toSink(responseObserver)) .onComplete(_ => serverStreamingCalls.incrementAndGet()) }
Example 8
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.lf.engine.trigger.test import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow} import com.daml.lf.data.Ref._ import com.daml.platform.sandbox.services.SandboxFixtureWithAuth import com.daml.ledger.api.testing.utils.{SuiteResourceManagementAroundAll} import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands._ import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands.CreateCommand import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.{value => LedgerApi} import org.scalatest._ import com.daml.lf.engine.trigger.TriggerMsg class Jwt extends AsyncWordSpec with AbstractTriggerTest with SandboxFixtureWithAuth with Matchers with SuiteResourceManagementAroundAll with TryValues { self: Suite => override protected def ledgerClientConfiguration = super.ledgerClientConfiguration.copy( token = Some(toHeader(readWriteToken(party))) ) private val party = "AliceAuth" "Jwt" can { // We just need something simple to test the connection. val assetId = LedgerApi.Identifier(packageId, "ACS", "Asset") val assetMirrorId = LedgerApi.Identifier(packageId, "ACS", "AssetMirror") def asset(party: String): CreateCommand = CreateCommand( templateId = Some(assetId), createArguments = Some(LedgerApi.Record( fields = Seq(LedgerApi.RecordField("issuer", Some(LedgerApi.Value().withParty(party))))))) "1 create" in { for { client <- ledgerClient() runner = getRunner(client, QualifiedName.assertFromString("ACS:test"), party) (acs, offset) <- runner.queryACS() // Start the future here finalStateF = runner.runWithACS(acs, offset, msgFlow = Flow[TriggerMsg].take(6))._2 // Execute commands contractId <- create(client, party, asset(party)) // Wait for the trigger to terminate _ <- finalStateF acs <- queryACS(client, party) } yield { assert(acs(assetId).size == 1) assert(acs(assetMirrorId).size == 1) } } } }
Example 9
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.lf.engine.trigger.test import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow} import com.daml.bazeltools.BazelRunfiles._ import com.daml.lf.data.Ref._ import com.daml.ledger.api.testing.utils.{SuiteResourceManagementAroundAll} import com.daml.ledger.api.tls.TlsConfiguration import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands._ import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands.CreateCommand import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.{value => LedgerApi} import java.io.File import org.scalatest._ import com.daml.lf.engine.trigger.TriggerMsg class Tls extends AsyncWordSpec with AbstractTriggerTest with Matchers with SuiteResourceManagementAroundAll with TryValues { self: Suite => val List(serverCrt, serverPem, caCrt, clientCrt, clientPem) = { List("server.crt", "server.pem", "ca.crt", "client.crt", "client.pem").map { src => Some(new File(rlocation("ledger/test-common/test-certificates/" + src))) } } override protected def config = super.config .copy(tlsConfig = Some(TlsConfiguration(enabled = true, serverCrt, serverPem, caCrt))) override protected def ledgerClientConfiguration = super.ledgerClientConfiguration .copy(sslContext = TlsConfiguration(enabled = true, clientCrt, clientPem, caCrt).client) "TLS" can { // We just need something simple to test the connection. val assetId = LedgerApi.Identifier(packageId, "ACS", "Asset") val assetMirrorId = LedgerApi.Identifier(packageId, "ACS", "AssetMirror") def asset(party: String): CreateCommand = CreateCommand( templateId = Some(assetId), createArguments = Some(LedgerApi.Record( fields = Seq(LedgerApi.RecordField("issuer", Some(LedgerApi.Value().withParty(party))))))) "1 create" in { for { client <- ledgerClient() party <- allocateParty(client) runner = getRunner(client, QualifiedName.assertFromString("ACS:test"), party) (acs, offset) <- runner.queryACS() // Start the future here finalStateF = runner.runWithACS(acs, offset, msgFlow = Flow[TriggerMsg].take(6))._2 // Execute commands contractId <- create(client, party, asset(party)) // Wait for the trigger to terminate _ <- finalStateF acs <- queryACS(client, party) } yield { assert(acs(assetId).size == 1) assert(acs(assetMirrorId).size == 1) } } } }
Example 10
Source File: ContextualizedLogger.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.logging import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.daml.grpc.GrpcException import io.grpc.Status import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap import scala.util.{Failure, Try} import scala.util.control.NonFatal object ContextualizedLogger { // Caches loggers to prevent them from needlessly wasting memory // Replicates the behavior of the underlying Slf4j logger factory private[this] val cache = TrieMap.empty[String, ContextualizedLogger] // Allows to explicitly pass a logger, should be used for testing only private[logging] def createFor(withoutContext: Logger): ContextualizedLogger = new ContextualizedLogger(withoutContext) // Slf4j handles the caching of the underlying logger itself private[logging] def createFor(name: String): ContextualizedLogger = createFor(LoggerFactory.getLogger(name)) def get(clazz: Class[_]): ContextualizedLogger = { val name = clazz.getName.stripSuffix("$") cache.getOrElseUpdate(name, createFor(name)) } } final class ContextualizedLogger private (val withoutContext: Logger) { val trace = new LeveledLogger.Trace(withoutContext) val debug = new LeveledLogger.Debug(withoutContext) val info = new LeveledLogger.Info(withoutContext) val warn = new LeveledLogger.Warn(withoutContext) val error = new LeveledLogger.Error(withoutContext) private def internalOrUnknown(code: Status.Code): Boolean = code == Status.Code.INTERNAL || code == Status.Code.UNKNOWN private def logError(t: Throwable)(implicit logCtx: LoggingContext): Unit = error("Unhandled internal error", t) def logErrorsOnCall[Out](implicit logCtx: LoggingContext): PartialFunction[Try[Out], Unit] = { case Failure(e @ GrpcException(s, _)) => if (internalOrUnknown(s.getCode)) { logError(e) } case Failure(NonFatal(e)) => logError(e) } def logErrorsOnStream[Out](implicit logCtx: LoggingContext): Flow[Out, Out, NotUsed] = Flow[Out].mapError { case e @ GrpcException(s, _) => if (internalOrUnknown(s.getCode)) { logError(e) } e case NonFatal(e) => logError(e) e } }
Example 11
Source File: WebsocketController.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.controller import akka.actor._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.{Materializer, OverflowStrategy} import monix.execution.Scheduler import play.api.http.websocket.Message import play.api.libs.streams._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.mvc.WebSocket.MessageFlowTransformer import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.Future import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.domain._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.protocol._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.RaidFinder import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.actor.WebsocketRaidsHandler import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.util.MessageFlowTransformerUtil import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.{BossNameTranslator, MetricsCollector} class WebsocketController( raidFinder: RaidFinder[BinaryProtobuf], translator: BossNameTranslator, keepAliveInterval: FiniteDuration, metricsCollector: MetricsCollector )(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer, scheduler: Scheduler) extends Controller { private val jsonTransformer = MessageFlowTransformerUtil.protobufJsonMessageFlowTransformer private val binaryTransformer = MessageFlowTransformerUtil.protobufBinaryMessageFlowTransformer private val defaultTransformer = jsonTransformer val flow = ActorFlow.actorRef(props = props) transformer.transform(flow) } case None => Left { val unsupportedProtocols = requestedProtocols.mkString("[", ", ", "]") Results.BadRequest("Unsupported websocket subprotocols " + unsupportedProtocols) } } Future.successful(result) } }
Example 12
Source File: WsConnection.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.ws.connection import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue import akka.Done import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Status} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{BinaryMessage, Message, TextMessage, WebSocketRequest} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import akka.stream.{CompletionStrategy, Materializer, OverflowStrategy} import com.wavesplatform.dex.api.ws.protocol.{WsClientMessage, WsMessage, WsPingOrPong, WsServerMessage} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.ScorexLogging import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} class WsConnection(uri: String, keepAlive: Boolean = true)(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer) extends ScorexLogging { log.info(s"""Connecting to Matcher WS API: | URI = $uri | Keep alive = $keepAlive""".stripMargin) import materializer.executionContext private val wsHandlerRef = system.actorOf(TestWsHandlerActor props keepAlive) protected def stringifyClientMessage(cm: WsClientMessage): TextMessage.Strict = WsMessage.toStrictTextMessage(cm)(WsClientMessage.wsClientMessageWrites) // From test to server private val source: Source[TextMessage.Strict, ActorRef] = { val completionMatcher: PartialFunction[Any, CompletionStrategy] = { case akka.actor.Status.Success(_) => CompletionStrategy.draining } val failureMatcher: PartialFunction[Any, Throwable] = { case Status.Failure(cause) => cause } Source .actorRef[WsClientMessage](completionMatcher, failureMatcher, 10, OverflowStrategy.fail) .map(stringifyClientMessage) .mapMaterializedValue { source => wsHandlerRef.tell(TestWsHandlerActor.AssignSourceRef, source) source } } private val messagesBuffer: ConcurrentLinkedQueue[WsServerMessage] = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[WsServerMessage]() // From server to test private val sink: Sink[Message, Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach { case tm: TextMessage => for { strictText <- tm.toStrict(1.second).map(_.getStrictText) clientMessage <- { log.trace(s"Got $strictText") Try { Json.parse(strictText).as[WsServerMessage] } match { case Failure(exception) => Future.failed(exception) case Success(x) => { messagesBuffer.add(x) if (keepAlive) x match { case value: WsPingOrPong => wsHandlerRef ! value case _ => } Future.successful(x) } } } } yield clientMessage case bm: BinaryMessage => bm.dataStream.runWith(Sink.ignore) Future.failed { new IllegalArgumentException("Binary messages are not supported") } } private val flow: Flow[Message, TextMessage.Strict, Future[Done]] = Flow.fromSinkAndSourceCoupled(sink, source).watchTermination() { case (_, f) => f.onComplete { case Success(_) => log.info(s"WebSocket connection to $uri successfully closed") case Failure(e) => log.error(s"WebSocket connection to $uri closed with an error", e) }(materializer.executionContext) f } val (connectionResponse, closed) = Http().singleWebSocketRequest(WebSocketRequest(uri), flow) val connectionOpenedTs: Long = System.currentTimeMillis val connectionClosedTs: Future[Long] = closed.map(_ => System.currentTimeMillis) val connectionLifetime: Future[FiniteDuration] = connectionClosedTs.map(cc => FiniteDuration(cc - connectionOpenedTs, MILLISECONDS)) def messages: List[WsServerMessage] = messagesBuffer.iterator().asScala.toList def clearMessages(): Unit = messagesBuffer.clear() def send(message: WsClientMessage): Unit = wsHandlerRef ! TestWsHandlerActor.SendToServer(message) def close(): Unit = if (!isClosed) wsHandlerRef ! TestWsHandlerActor.CloseConnection def isClosed: Boolean = closed.isCompleted }
Example 13
Source File: WsConnection.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.load.ws import akka.Done import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Status} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{BinaryMessage, Message, TextMessage, WebSocketRequest} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import akka.stream.{CompletionStrategy, Materializer, OverflowStrategy} import com.wavesplatform.dex.api.ws.connection.TestWsHandlerActor import com.wavesplatform.dex.api.ws.protocol.{WsClientMessage, WsMessage, WsServerMessage} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.ScorexLogging import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} class WsConnection(uri: String, receive: WsServerMessage => Option[WsClientMessage])(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ScorexLogging { import system.dispatcher private implicit val materializer = Materializer(system) private val wsHandlerRef = system.actorOf(TestWsHandlerActor.props(keepAlive = true)) log.info(s"Connecting to Matcher WS API: $uri") protected def stringifyClientMessage(cm: WsClientMessage): TextMessage.Strict = WsMessage.toStrictTextMessage(cm)(WsClientMessage.wsClientMessageWrites) // To server private val source: Source[TextMessage.Strict, ActorRef] = { val completionMatcher: PartialFunction[Any, CompletionStrategy] = { case akka.actor.Status.Success(_) => CompletionStrategy.draining } val failureMatcher: PartialFunction[Any, Throwable] = { case Status.Failure(cause) => cause } Source .actorRef[WsClientMessage](completionMatcher, failureMatcher, 10, OverflowStrategy.fail) .map(stringifyClientMessage) .mapMaterializedValue { source => wsHandlerRef.tell(TestWsHandlerActor.AssignSourceRef, source) source } } // To client private val sink: Sink[Message, Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach { case tm: TextMessage => // TODO move to tests for { strictText <- tm.toStrict(1.second).map(_.getStrictText) clientMessage <- { log.trace(s"Got $strictText") Try { Json.parse(strictText).as[WsServerMessage] } match { case Failure(exception) => Future.failed(exception) case Success(x) => Future.successful { receive(x).foreach(wsHandlerRef ! _) } } } } yield clientMessage case bm: BinaryMessage => bm.dataStream.runWith(Sink.ignore) Future.failed { new IllegalArgumentException("Binary messages are not supported") } } private val flow: Flow[Message, TextMessage.Strict, Future[Done]] = Flow.fromSinkAndSourceCoupled(sink, source).watchTermination() { case (_, f) => f.onComplete { case Success(_) => log.info(s"WebSocket connection to $uri successfully closed") case Failure(e) => log.error(s"WebSocket connection to $uri closed with an error", e) }(materializer.executionContext) f } val (connectionResponse, closed) = Http().singleWebSocketRequest(WebSocketRequest(uri), flow) def send(message: WsClientMessage): Unit = wsHandlerRef ! TestWsHandlerActor.SendToServer(message) def isClosed: Boolean = closed.isCompleted def close(): Future[Done] = { if (!isClosed) wsHandlerRef ! TestWsHandlerActor.CloseConnection closed } }
Example 14
Source File: DispatcherUtils.scala From akka-persistence-dynamodb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.utils import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.ActorAttributes import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.config.PluginConfig import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.config.client.ClientVersion object DispatcherUtils extends LoggingSupport { def applyV1Dispatcher[A, B](pluginConfig: PluginConfig, flow: Flow[A, B, NotUsed]): Flow[A, B, NotUsed] = { (if (pluginConfig.clientConfig.clientVersion == ClientVersion.V1) pluginConfig.clientConfig.v1ClientConfig.dispatcherName else pluginConfig.clientConfig.v1DaxClientConfig.dispatcherName) .fold { flow } { name => flow.withAttributes(ActorAttributes.dispatcher(name)) } } def applyV2Dispatcher[A, B](pluginConfig: PluginConfig, flow: Flow[A, B, NotUsed]): Flow[A, B, NotUsed] = { pluginConfig.clientConfig.v2ClientConfig.dispatcherName.fold(flow) { name => flow.withAttributes(ActorAttributes.dispatcher(name)) } } }
Example 15
Source File: ReadJournalDaoImpl.scala From akka-persistence-dynamodb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.query.dao import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.persistence.PersistentRepr import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.config.QueryPluginConfig import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.dao.{ DaoSupport, JournalRowReadDriver } import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.JournalRow import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.metrics.MetricsReporter import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.model.{ PersistenceId, SequenceNumber } import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.serialization.FlowPersistentReprSerializer import scala.collection.immutable.Set import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.util.Try class ReadJournalDaoImpl( queryProcessor: QueryProcessor, override protected val journalRowDriver: JournalRowReadDriver, pluginConfig: QueryPluginConfig, override val serializer: FlowPersistentReprSerializer[JournalRow], override protected val metricsReporter: Option[MetricsReporter] )(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem) extends ReadJournalDao with DaoSupport { implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() override def allPersistenceIds(max: Long): Source[PersistenceId, NotUsed] = queryProcessor.allPersistenceIds(max) private def perfectlyMatchTag(tag: String, separator: String): Flow[JournalRow, JournalRow, NotUsed] = Flow[JournalRow].filter(_.tags.exists(tags => tags.split(separator).contains(tag))) override def eventsByTag( tag: String, offset: Long, maxOffset: Long, max: Long ): Source[Try[(PersistentRepr, Set[String], Long)], NotUsed] = eventsByTagAsJournalRow(tag, offset, maxOffset, max) .via(perfectlyMatchTag(tag, pluginConfig.tagSeparator)) .via(serializer.deserializeFlowAsTry) override def eventsByTagAsJournalRow( tag: String, offset: Long, maxOffset: Long, max: Long ): Source[JournalRow, NotUsed] = queryProcessor.eventsByTagAsJournalRow(tag, offset, maxOffset, max) override def journalSequence(offset: Long, limit: Long): Source[Long, NotUsed] = queryProcessor.journalSequence(offset, limit) override def getMessagesAsJournalRow( persistenceId: PersistenceId, fromSequenceNr: SequenceNumber, toSequenceNr: SequenceNumber, max: Long, deleted: Option[Boolean] ): Source[JournalRow, NotUsed] = journalRowDriver.getJournalRows(persistenceId, fromSequenceNr, toSequenceNr, max, deleted) override def maxJournalSequence(): Source[Long, NotUsed] = { Source.single(Long.MaxValue) } }
Example 16
Source File: FlowPersistentReprSerializer.scala From akka-persistence-dynamodb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.serialization import akka.NotUsed import akka.persistence.PersistentRepr import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try } trait FlowPersistentReprSerializer[T] extends PersistentReprSerializer[T] { def deserializeFlow: Flow[T, (PersistentRepr, Set[String], Long), NotUsed] = { Flow[T].map(deserialize).map { case Right(r) => r case Left(ex) => throw ex } } def deserializeFlowWithoutTags: Flow[T, PersistentRepr, NotUsed] = { deserializeFlow.map(keepPersistentRepr) } // --- def deserializeFlowAsEither: Flow[T, Either[Throwable, (PersistentRepr, Set[String], Long)], NotUsed] = { Flow[T].map(deserialize) } def deserializeFlowWithoutTagsAsEither: Flow[T, Either[Throwable, PersistentRepr], NotUsed] = { deserializeFlowAsEither.map { case Right(v) => Right(keepPersistentRepr(v)) case Left(ex) => Left(ex) } } // --- def deserializeFlowAsTry: Flow[T, Try[(PersistentRepr, Set[String], Long)], NotUsed] = { Flow[T].map(deserialize).map { case Right(v) => Success(v) case Left(ex) => Failure(ex) } } def deserializeFlowWithoutTagsAsTry: Flow[T, Try[PersistentRepr], NotUsed] = { deserializeFlowAsTry.map(_.map(keepPersistentRepr)) } private def keepPersistentRepr(tup: (PersistentRepr, Set[String], Long)): PersistentRepr = tup match { case (repr, _, _) => repr } }
Example 17
Source File: JournalRowDriver.scala From akka-persistence-dynamodb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.dao import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.Attributes import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source, SourceUtils } import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.JournalRow import com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.model.{ PersistenceId, SequenceNumber } trait JournalRowDriver { def system: ActorSystem protected val startTimeSource: Source[Long, NotUsed] = SourceUtils .lazySource(() => Source.single(System.nanoTime())).mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed) protected val logLevels: Attributes = Attributes.logLevels( onElement = Attributes.LogLevels.Debug, onFailure = Attributes.LogLevels.Error, onFinish = Attributes.LogLevels.Debug ) } trait JournalRowReadDriver extends JournalRowDriver { def getJournalRows( persistenceId: PersistenceId, toSequenceNr: SequenceNumber, deleted: Boolean ): Source[Seq[JournalRow], NotUsed] def getJournalRows( persistenceId: PersistenceId, fromSequenceNr: SequenceNumber, toSequenceNr: SequenceNumber, max: Long, deleted: Option[Boolean] = Some(false) ): Source[JournalRow, NotUsed] def highestSequenceNr( persistenceId: PersistenceId, fromSequenceNr: Option[SequenceNumber] = None, deleted: Option[Boolean] = None ): Source[Long, NotUsed] } trait JournalRowWriteDriver extends JournalRowReadDriver { def singlePutJournalRowFlow: Flow[JournalRow, Long, NotUsed] def multiPutJournalRowsFlow: Flow[Seq[JournalRow], Long, NotUsed] def updateMessage(journalRow: JournalRow): Source[Unit, NotUsed] def singleDeleteJournalRowFlow: Flow[PersistenceIdWithSeqNr, Long, NotUsed] def multiDeleteJournalRowsFlow: Flow[Seq[PersistenceIdWithSeqNr], Long, NotUsed] }
Example 18
Source File: MessageSink.scala From parquet4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.indefinite import java.sql.Timestamp import java.util.UUID import akka.Done import akka.kafka.CommitterSettings import akka.kafka.ConsumerMessage.CommittableOffsetBatch import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Committer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink} import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.{ChunkPathBuilder, ParquetStreams, ParquetWriter} import com.google.common.io.Files import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.CompressionCodecName import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ object MessageSink { case class Data(timestamp: Timestamp, word: String) val MaxChunkSize: Int = 128 val ChunkWriteTimeWindow: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds val WriteDirectoryName: String = "messages" } trait MessageSink { this: Akka => import MessageSink._ import MessageSource._ protected val baseWritePath: String = new Path(Files.createTempDir().getAbsolutePath, WriteDirectoryName).toString private val writerOptions = ParquetWriter.Options(compressionCodecName = CompressionCodecName.SNAPPY) private lazy val committerSink = Flow.apply[Seq[Message]].map { messages => CommittableOffsetBatch(messages.map(_.committableOffset)) }.toMat(Committer.sink(CommitterSettings(system)))(Keep.right) def chunkPath: ChunkPathBuilder[Message] = { case (basePath, chunk) => val lastElementDateTime = new Timestamp(chunk.last.record.timestamp()).toLocalDateTime val year = lastElementDateTime.getYear val month = lastElementDateTime.getMonthValue val day = lastElementDateTime.getDayOfMonth val uuid = UUID.randomUUID() basePath.suffix(s"/$year/$month/$day/part-$uuid.parquet") } lazy val messageSink: Sink[Message, Future[Done]] = ParquetStreams.toParquetIndefinite( path = baseWritePath, maxChunkSize = MaxChunkSize, chunkWriteTimeWindow = ChunkWriteTimeWindow, buildChunkPath = chunkPath, preWriteTransformation = { message: Message => Data( timestamp = new Timestamp(message.record.timestamp()), word = message.record.value() ) }, postWriteSink = committerSink, options = writerOptions ) }
Example 19
Source File: UnorderedParallelParquetSink.scala From parquet4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s import java.util.UUID import akka.Done import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink} import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.Future private[parquet4s] object UnorderedParallelParquetSink extends IOOps { protected val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def apply[T: ParquetRecordEncoder : ParquetSchemaResolver](path: Path, parallelism: Int, options: ParquetWriter.Options = ParquetWriter.Options() ): Sink[T, Future[Done]] = { val schema = ParquetSchemaResolver.resolveSchema[T] val valueCodecConfiguration = options.toValueCodecConfiguration validateWritePath(path, options) def encode(data: T): RowParquetRecord = ParquetRecordEncoder.encode[T](data, valueCodecConfiguration) Flow[T] .zipWithIndex .groupBy(parallelism, elemAndIndex => Math.floorMod(elemAndIndex._2, parallelism)) .map(elemAndIndex => encode(elemAndIndex._1)) .fold(UnorderedChunk(path, schema, options))(_.write(_)) .map(_.close()) .async .mergeSubstreamsWithParallelism(parallelism) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right) } private trait UnorderedChunk { def write(record: RowParquetRecord): UnorderedChunk def close(): Unit } private object UnorderedChunk { def apply(basePath: Path, schema: MessageType, options: ParquetWriter.Options): UnorderedChunk = new PendingUnorderedChunk(basePath, schema, options) private[UnorderedChunk] class PendingUnorderedChunk(basePath: Path, schema: MessageType, options: ParquetWriter.Options) extends UnorderedChunk { override def write(record: RowParquetRecord): UnorderedChunk = { val chunkPath = Path.mergePaths(basePath, new Path(s"/part-${UUID.randomUUID()}.parquet")) val writer = ParquetWriter.internalWriter(chunkPath, schema, options) writer.write(record) new StartedUnorderedChunk(chunkPath, writer, acc = 1) } override def close(): Unit = () } private[UnorderedChunk] class StartedUnorderedChunk(chunkPath: Path, writer: ParquetWriter.InternalWriter, acc: Long ) extends UnorderedChunk { override def write(record: RowParquetRecord): UnorderedChunk = { writer.write(record) new StartedUnorderedChunk(chunkPath, writer, acc = acc + 1) } override def close(): Unit = { if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"$acc records were successfully written to $chunkPath") writer.close() } } } }
Example 20
Source File: IndefiniteStreamParquetSink.scala From parquet4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Sink, ZipWith} import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.ParquetWriter.ParquetWriterFactory import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration private[parquet4s] object IndefiniteStreamParquetSink extends IOOps { protected val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def apply[In, ToWrite: ParquetWriterFactory, Mat](path: Path, maxChunkSize: Int, chunkWriteTimeWindow: FiniteDuration, buildChunkPath: ChunkPathBuilder[In] = ChunkPathBuilder.default, preWriteTransformation: In => ToWrite = identity[In] _, postWriteSink: Sink[Seq[In], Mat] = Sink.ignore, options: ParquetWriter.Options = ParquetWriter.Options() ): Sink[In, Mat] = { validateWritePath(path, options) val internalFlow = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val inChunkFlow = b.add(Flow[In].groupedWithin(maxChunkSize, chunkWriteTimeWindow)) val broadcastChunks = b.add(Broadcast[Seq[In]](outputPorts = 2)) val writeFlow = Flow[Seq[In]].map { chunk => val toWrite = chunk.map(preWriteTransformation) val chunkPath = buildChunkPath(path, chunk) if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(s"Writing ${toWrite.size} records to $chunkPath") ParquetWriter.writeAndClose(chunkPath.toString, toWrite, options) } val zip = b.add(ZipWith[Seq[In], Unit, Seq[In]]((chunk, _) => chunk)) inChunkFlow ~> broadcastChunks ~> writeFlow ~> zip.in1 broadcastChunks ~> zip.in0 FlowShape(inChunkFlow.in, zip.out) }) internalFlow.toMat(postWriteSink)(Keep.right) } }
Example 21
Source File: SingleFileParquetSink.scala From parquet4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s import akka.Done import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink} import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.Future private[parquet4s] object SingleFileParquetSink { protected val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def apply[T: ParquetRecordEncoder : ParquetSchemaResolver](path: Path, options: ParquetWriter.Options = ParquetWriter.Options() ): Sink[T, Future[Done]] = { val schema = ParquetSchemaResolver.resolveSchema[T] val writer = ParquetWriter.internalWriter(path, schema, options) val valueCodecConfiguration = options.toValueCodecConfiguration val isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled def encode(data: T): RowParquetRecord = ParquetRecordEncoder.encode[T](data, valueCodecConfiguration) Flow[T] .map(encode) .fold(0) { case (acc, record) => writer.write(record); acc + 1} .map { count => if (isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"$count records were successfully written to $path") writer.close() } .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right) } }
Example 22
Source File: SequentialFileSplittingParquetSink.scala From parquet4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s import akka.Done import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink} import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.Future private[parquet4s] object SequentialFileSplittingParquetSink extends IOOps { protected val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def apply[T: ParquetRecordEncoder : ParquetSchemaResolver](path: Path, maxRecordsPerFile: Long, options: ParquetWriter.Options = ParquetWriter.Options() ): Sink[T, Future[Done]] = { val schema = ParquetSchemaResolver.resolveSchema[T] val valueCodecConfiguration = options.toValueCodecConfiguration validateWritePath(path, options) def encode(data: T): RowParquetRecord = ParquetRecordEncoder.encode[T](data, valueCodecConfiguration) Flow[T] .zipWithIndex .map { case (elem, index) => OrderedChunkElem(encode(elem), index) } .fold(OrderedChunk(path, schema, maxRecordsPerFile, options))(_.write(_)) .map(_.close()) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right) } private case class OrderedChunkElem(record: RowParquetRecord, index: Long) { def isSplit(maxRecordsPerFile: Long): Boolean = index % maxRecordsPerFile == 0 } private trait OrderedChunk { def write(elem: OrderedChunkElem): OrderedChunk def close(): Unit } private object OrderedChunk { def apply(basePath: Path, schema: MessageType, maxRecordsPerFile: Long, options: ParquetWriter.Options): OrderedChunk = new PendingOrderedChunk(basePath, schema, maxRecordsPerFile, options) private[OrderedChunk] class PendingOrderedChunk(basePath: Path, schema: MessageType, maxRecordsPerFile: Long, options: ParquetWriter.Options) extends OrderedChunk { override def write(elem: OrderedChunkElem): OrderedChunk = { val chunkNumber: Int = Math.floorDiv(elem.index, maxRecordsPerFile).toInt val chunkPath = Path.mergePaths(basePath, new Path(chunkFileName(chunkNumber))) val writer = ParquetWriter.internalWriter(chunkPath, schema, options) writer.write(elem.record) new StartedOrderedChunk(basePath, schema, maxRecordsPerFile, options, chunkPath, writer, acc = 1) } override def close(): Unit = () private def chunkFileName(chunkNumber: Int): String = f"/part-$chunkNumber%05d.parquet" } private[OrderedChunk] class StartedOrderedChunk(basePath: Path, schema: MessageType, maxRecordsPerFile: Long, options: ParquetWriter.Options, chunkPath: Path, writer: ParquetWriter.InternalWriter, acc: Long) extends OrderedChunk { override def write(elem: OrderedChunkElem): OrderedChunk = { if (elem.isSplit(maxRecordsPerFile)) { this.close() new PendingOrderedChunk(basePath, schema, maxRecordsPerFile, options).write(elem) } else { writer.write(elem.record) new StartedOrderedChunk(basePath, schema, maxRecordsPerFile, options, chunkPath, writer, acc = acc + 1) } } override def close(): Unit = { if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(s"$acc records were successfully written to $chunkPath") writer.close() } } } }
Example 23
Source File: ReliableHttpProxyFactory.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.akkahttp.proxy import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor._ import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, HttpRequest, HttpResponse} import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import rhttpc.client.protocol.{Correlated, Request} import rhttpc.client.proxy._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object ReliableHttpProxyFactory { private lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) def send(successRecognizer: SuccessHttpResponseRecognizer, batchSize: Int, parallelConsumers: Int) (request: Request[HttpRequest]) (implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, materialize: Materializer): Future[HttpResponse] = { import actorSystem.dispatcher send(prepareHttpFlow(batchSize * parallelConsumers), successRecognizer)(request.correlated) } private def prepareHttpFlow(parallelism: Int) (implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, materialize: Materializer): Flow[(HttpRequest, String), HttpResponse, NotUsed] = { import actorSystem.dispatcher Http().superPool[String]().mapAsync(parallelism) { case (tryResponse, id) => tryResponse match { case Success(response) => response.toStrict(1 minute) case Failure(ex) => Future.failed(ex) } } } private def send(httpFlow: Flow[(HttpRequest, String), HttpResponse, Any], successRecognizer: SuccessHttpResponseRecognizer) (corr: Correlated[HttpRequest]) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext, materialize: Materializer): Future[HttpResponse] = { import collection.JavaConverters._ logger.debug( s"""Sending request for ${corr.correlationId} to ${corr.msg.getUri()}. Headers: |${corr.msg.getHeaders().asScala.toSeq.map(h => " " + h.name() + ": " + h.value()).mkString("\n")} |Body: |${corr.msg.entity.asInstanceOf[HttpEntity.Strict].data.utf8String}""".stripMargin ) val logResp = logResponse(corr) _ val responseFuture = Source.single((corr.msg, corr.correlationId)).via(httpFlow).runWith(Sink.head) responseFuture.onComplete { case Failure(ex) => logger.error(s"Got failure for ${corr.correlationId} to ${corr.msg.getUri()}", ex) case Success(_) => } for { response <- responseFuture transformedToFailureIfNeed <- { if (successRecognizer.isSuccess(response)) { logResp(response, "success response") Future.successful(response) } else { logResp(response, "response recognized as non-success") Future.failed(NonSuccessResponse) } } } yield transformedToFailureIfNeed } private def logResponse(corr: Correlated[HttpRequest]) (response: HttpResponse, additionalInfo: String): Unit = { import collection.JavaConverters._ logger.debug( s"""Got $additionalInfo for ${corr.correlationId} to ${corr.msg.getUri()}. Status: ${response.status.value}. Headers: |${response.getHeaders().asScala.toSeq.map(h => " " + h.name() + ": " + h.value()).mkString("\n")} |Body: |${response.entity.asInstanceOf[HttpEntity.Strict].data.utf8String}""".stripMargin ) } }
Example 24
Source File: HTTPResponseStream.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akkahttp import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.common.{EntityStreamingSupport, JsonEntityStreamingSupport} import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.{complete, get, logRequestResult, path, _} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal import akka.stream.ThrottleMode import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object HTTPResponseStream extends App with DefaultJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport { implicit val system = ActorSystem("HTTPResponseStream") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher //JSON Protocol and streaming support final case class ExamplePerson(name: String) implicit def examplePersonFormat = jsonFormat1(ExamplePerson.apply) implicit val jsonStreamingSupport: JsonEntityStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json() val (address, port) = ("", 8080) server(address, port) client(address, port) def client(address: String, port: Int): Unit = { val requestParallelism = ConfigFactory.load.getInt("akka.http.host-connection-pool.max-connections") val requests: Source[HttpRequest, NotUsed] = Source .fromIterator(() => Range(0, requestParallelism).map(i => HttpRequest(uri = Uri(s"http://$address:$port/download/$i"))).iterator ) // Run singleRequest and completely consume response elements def runRequestDownload(req: HttpRequest) = Http() .singleRequest(req) .flatMap { response => val unmarshalled: Future[Source[ExamplePerson, NotUsed]] = Unmarshal(response).to[Source[ExamplePerson, NotUsed]] val source: Source[ExamplePerson, Future[NotUsed]] = Source.futureSource(unmarshalled) source.via(processorFlow).runWith(printSink) } requests .mapAsync(requestParallelism)(runRequestDownload) .runWith(Sink.ignore) } val printSink = Sink.foreach[ExamplePerson] { each: ExamplePerson => println(s"Client processed element: $each") } val processorFlow: Flow[ExamplePerson, ExamplePerson, NotUsed] = Flow[ExamplePerson].map { each: ExamplePerson => { //println(s"Process: $each") each } } def server(address: String, port: Int): Unit = { def routes: Route = logRequestResult("httpecho") { path("download" / Segment) { id: String => get { println(s"Server received request with id: $id, stream response...") extractRequest { r: HttpRequest => val finishedWriting = r.discardEntityBytes().future onComplete(finishedWriting) { done => //Limit response by appending eg .take(5) val responseStream: Stream[ExamplePerson] = Stream.continually(ExamplePerson(s"request:$id")) complete(Source(responseStream).throttle(1, 1.second, 1, ThrottleMode.shaping)) } } } } } val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(routes, address, port) bindingFuture.onComplete { case Success(b) => println("Server started, listening on: " + b.localAddress) case Failure(e) => println(s"Server could not bind to: $address:$port. Exception message: ${e.getMessage}") system.terminate() } } }
Example 25
Source File: PublishToSourceQueueFromMultipleThreads.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.Supervision.Decider import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source, SourceQueueWithComplete} import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object PublishToSourceQueueFromMultipleThreads extends App { val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) implicit val system = ActorSystem("PublishToSourceQueueFromMultipleThreads") implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val bufferSize = 100 // As of akka 2.6.x there is a thread safe implementation for SourceQueue val maxConcurrentOffers = 1000 val numberOfPublishingClients = 1000 val slowSink: Sink[Seq[Int], NotUsed] = Flow[Seq[Int]] .delay(2.seconds, DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) .to(Sink.foreach(e => logger.info(s"Reached sink: $e"))) val sourceQueue: SourceQueueWithComplete[Int] = Source .queue[Int](bufferSize, OverflowStrategy.backpressure, maxConcurrentOffers) .groupedWithin(10, 1.seconds) .to(slowSink) .run val doneConsuming: Future[Done] = sourceQueue.watchCompletion() signalWhen(doneConsuming, "consuming") //never completes simulatePublishingFromMulitpleThreads() // Before 2.6.x a stream had to be used to throttle and control the backpressure //simulatePublishingClientsFromStream() // Decide on the stream level, because the OverflowStrategy.backpressure // on the sourceQueue causes an IllegalStateException // Handling this on the stream level allows to restart the stream private def simulatePublishingClientsFromStream() = { val decider: Decider = { case _: IllegalStateException => println("Got backpressure signal for offered element, restart..."); Supervision.Restart case _ => Supervision.Stop } val donePublishing: Future[Done] = Source(1 to numberOfPublishingClients) .mapAsync(10)(offerToSourceQueue) //throttle .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy(decider)) .runWith(Sink.ignore) signalWhen(donePublishing, "publishing") } private def simulatePublishingFromMulitpleThreads() = (1 to numberOfPublishingClients).par.foreach(offerToSourceQueue) private def offerToSourceQueue(each: Int) = { sourceQueue.offer(each).map { case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued => logger.info(s"enqueued $each") case QueueOfferResult.Dropped => logger.info(s"dropped $each") case QueueOfferResult.Failure(ex) => logger.info(s"Offer failed: $ex") case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed => logger.info("Source Queue closed") } } private def signalWhen(done: Future[Done], operation: String) = { done.onComplete { case Success(b) => logger.info(s"Finished: $operation") case Failure(e) => logger.info(s"Failure: $e About to terminate...") system.terminate() } } }
Example 26
Source File: PublishToBlockingResource.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, BlockingQueue} import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.DelayOverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Failure object PublishToBlockingResource extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("PublishToBlockingResource") implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val slowSink: Sink[Seq[Int], NotUsed] = Flow[Seq[Int]] .delay(1.seconds, DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) .to(Sink.foreach(e => println(s"Reached sink: $e"))) val blockingResource: BlockingQueue[Int] = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Int](100) //Start a new `Source` from some (third party) blocking resource which can be opened, read and closed val source: Source[Int, NotUsed] = Source.unfoldResource[Int, BlockingQueue[Int]]( () => blockingResource, //open (q: BlockingQueue[Int]) => Some(q.take()),//read (_: BlockingQueue[Int]) => {}) //close val done = source .groupedWithin(10, 2.seconds) .watchTermination()((_, done) => done.onComplete { case Failure(err) => println(s"Flow failed: $err") case each => println(s"Server flow terminated: $each") }) .runWith(slowSink) //simulate n process that publish in blocking fashion to the queue (1 to 1000).par.foreach(value => blockingResource.put(value)) }
Example 27
Source File: TweetExample.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream import java.time.{Instant, ZoneId} import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Cancellable} import akka.stream.DelayOverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, MergePrioritized, Sink, Source} import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object TweetExample extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("TweetExample") implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) final case class Author(handle: String) final case class Hashtag(name: String) final case class Tweet(author: Author, timestamp: Long, body: String) { def hashtags: Set[Hashtag] = body.split(" ").collect { case t if t.startsWith("#") => Hashtag(t) }.toSet override def toString = { val localDateTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestamp).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDateTime s"$localDateTime - ${author.handle} tweeted: ${body.take(5)}..." } } val akkaTag = Hashtag("#akka") val tweetsLowPrio: Source[Tweet, Cancellable] = Source.tick(1.second, 200.millis, NotUsed).map(_ => Tweet(Author("LowPrio"), System.currentTimeMillis, "#other #akka aBody")) val tweetsHighPrio: Source[Tweet, Cancellable] = Source.tick(2.second, 1.second, NotUsed).map(_ => Tweet(Author("HighPrio"), System.currentTimeMillis, "#akka #other aBody")) val tweetsVeryHighPrio: Source[Tweet, Cancellable] = Source.tick(2.second, 1.second, NotUsed).map(_ => Tweet(Author("VeryHighPrio"), System.currentTimeMillis, "#akka #other aBody")) val limitedTweets: Source[Tweet, NotUsed] = Source.combine(tweetsLowPrio, tweetsHighPrio, tweetsVeryHighPrio)(_ => MergePrioritized(List(1, 10, 100))).take(20) val processingFlow = Flow[Tweet] .filter(_.hashtags.contains(akkaTag)) .wireTap(each => logger.info(s"$each")) val slowDownstream = Flow[Tweet] .delay(5.seconds, DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) val processedTweets = limitedTweets .via(processingFlow) .via(slowDownstream) .runWith(Sink.seq) processedTweets.onComplete { case Success(results) => logger.info(s"Successfully processed: ${results.size} tweets") system.terminate() case Failure(exception) => logger.info(s"The stream failed with: ${ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(exception)}") system.terminate() } }
Example 28
Source File: MergeHubWithDynamicSources.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.DelayOverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, MergeHub, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.duration._ object MergeHubWithDynamicSources { implicit val system = ActorSystem("MergeHubWithDynamicSources") implicit val ec = system.dispatcher def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val slowSink: Sink[Seq[String], NotUsed] = Flow[Seq[String]] .delay(1.seconds, DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) .to(Sink.foreach(e => println(s"Reached Sink: $e"))) // Attach a MergeHub Source to the consumer. This will materialize to a corresponding Sink val runnableGraph: RunnableGraph[Sink[String, NotUsed]] = MergeHub.source[String](perProducerBufferSize = 16) .groupedWithin(10, 2.seconds) .to(slowSink) // By running/materializing the graph we get back a Sink, and hence now have access to feed elements into it // This Sink can then be materialized any number of times, and every element that enters the Sink will be consumed by our consumer val toConsumer: Sink[String, NotUsed] = runnableGraph.run() def fastSource(sourceId: Int, toConsumer: Sink[String, NotUsed]) = { Source(1 to 10) .map{each => println(s"Produced: $sourceId.$each"); s"$sourceId.$each"} .runWith(toConsumer) } // Add dynamic producer sources. If the consumer cannot keep up, then ALL of the producers are backpressured (1 to 10).par.foreach(each => fastSource(each, toConsumer)) } }
Example 29
Source File: AsyncExecution.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream import akka.Done import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorAttributes import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object AsyncExecution extends App { val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) implicit val system = ActorSystem("AsyncExecution") implicit val ec = system.dispatcher def stage(name: String) = Flow[Int] .wireTap(index => logger.info(s"Stage $name processing element $index by ${Thread.currentThread().getName}")) def stageBlocking(name: String) = Flow[Int] .wireTap(index => logger.info(s"Stage $name processing element $index by ${Thread.currentThread().getName}")) .wireTap(_ => Thread.sleep(5000)) .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.dispatcher("custom-dispatcher-for-blocking")) def sinkBlocking: Sink[Int, Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach { index: Int => Thread.sleep(2000) logger.info(s"Slow sink processing element $index by ${Thread.currentThread().getName}") } //Adding a custom dispatcher creates an async boundary //see discussion in: https://discuss.lightbend.com/t/how-can-i-make-sure-that-fileio-frompath-is-picking-up-my-dispatcher/6528/4 .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.dispatcher("custom-dispatcher-for-blocking")) val done = Source(1 to 10) .via(stage("A")).async //When activated instead of alsoTo(sinkBlocking): elements for stage C are held up by stage B //.via(stageBlocking("B")).async .alsoTo(sinkBlocking).async .via(stage("C")).async .runWith(Sink.ignore) //With alsoTo(sinkBlocking) the stages A and C signal "done" too early and thus would terminate the whole stream //The reason for this is the custom dispatcher in sinkBlocking //terminateWhen(done) def terminateWhen(done: Future[_]) = { done.onComplete { case Success(_) => println("Flow Success. About to terminate...") system.terminate() case Failure(e) => println(s"Flow Failure: $e. About to terminate...") system.terminate() } } }
Example 30
Source File: BasicTransformation.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} object BasicTransformation { implicit val system = ActorSystem("BasicTransformation") import system.dispatcher def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val text = """|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. |Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, |when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type |specimen book.""".stripMargin val source = Source.fromIterator(() => text.split("\\s").iterator) val sink = Sink.foreach[String](println) val flow = Flow[String].map(x => x.toUpperCase) val result = source.via(flow).runWith(sink) result.onComplete(_ => system.terminate()) } }
Example 31
Source File: TcpEcho.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Framing, Keep, Sink, Source, Tcp} import akka.util.ByteString import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object TcpEcho extends App { val systemServer = ActorSystem("TcpEchoServer") val systemClient = ActorSystem("TcpEchoClient") var serverBinding: Future[Tcp.ServerBinding] = _ if (args.isEmpty) { val (address, port) = ("", 6000) serverBinding = server(systemServer, address, port) (1 to 10).par.foreach(each => client(each, systemClient, address, port)) } else { val (address, port) = if (args.length == 3) (args(1), args(2).toInt) else ("", 6000) if (args(0) == "server") { serverBinding = server(systemServer, address, port) } else if (args(0) == "client") { client(1, systemClient, address, port) } } def server(system: ActorSystem, address: String, port: Int): Future[Tcp.ServerBinding] = { implicit val sys = system implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val handler = Sink.foreach[Tcp.IncomingConnection] { connection => // parse incoming commands and append ! val commandParser = Flow[String].takeWhile(_ != "BYE").map(_ + "!") val welcomeMsg = s"Welcome to: ${connection.localAddress}, you are: ${connection.remoteAddress}!" val welcomeSource = Source.single(welcomeMsg) val serverEchoFlow = Flow[ByteString] .via(Framing.delimiter( //chunk the inputs up into actual lines of text ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true)) .map(_.utf8String) .via(commandParser) .merge(welcomeSource) // merge the initial banner after parser .map(_ + "\n") .map(ByteString(_)) .watchTermination()((_, done) => done.onComplete { case Failure(err) => println(s"Server flow failed: $err") case _ => println(s"Server flow terminated for client: ${connection.remoteAddress}") }) connection.handleWith(serverEchoFlow) } val connections = Tcp().bind(interface = address, port = port) val binding = connections.watchTermination()(Keep.left).to(handler).run() binding.onComplete { case Success(b) => println("Server started, listening on: " + b.localAddress) case Failure(e) => println(s"Server could not bind to: $address:$port: ${e.getMessage}") system.terminate() } binding } def client(id: Int, system: ActorSystem, address: String, port: Int): Unit = { implicit val sys = system implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val connection: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection]] = Tcp().outgoingConnection(address, port) val testInput = ('a' to 'z').map(ByteString(_)) ++ Seq(ByteString("BYE")) val source = Source(testInput).via(connection) val closed = source.runForeach(each => println(s"Client: $id received echo: ${each.utf8String}")) closed.onComplete(each => println(s"Client: $id closed: $each")) } }
Example 32
Source File: AlsoTo.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_divert import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.Logging import akka.stream.Attributes import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} object AlsoTo extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("AlsoTo") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher implicit val adapter = Logging(system, this.getClass) val source = Source(1 to 10) val sink = Sink.foreach { x: Int => adapter.log(Logging.InfoLevel, s" --> Element: $x reached sink") } def sinkBlocking = Sink.foreach { x: Int => Thread.sleep(1000) adapter.log(Logging.InfoLevel, s" --> Element: $x logged in alsoTo sinkBlocking by ${Thread.currentThread().getName}") } val flow = Flow[Int] .log("before alsoTo") .alsoTo(sinkBlocking) .log("after alsoTo") .withAttributes( Attributes.logLevels( onElement = Logging.InfoLevel, onFinish = Logging.InfoLevel, onFailure = Logging.DebugLevel )) val done = source.via(flow).runWith(sink) done.onComplete(_ => system.terminate()) }
Example 33
Source File: DivertTo.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_divert import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object DivertTo extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("DivertTo") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher val source = Source(1 to 10) val sink = Sink.foreach[Either[Valid[Int], Invalid[Int]]](each => println(s"Reached sink: ${each.left.get}")) val errorSink = Flow[Invalid[Int]] .map(each => println(s"Reached errorSink: $each")) .to(Sink.ignore) val flow: Flow[Int, Either[Valid[Int], Invalid[Int]], NotUsed] = Flow[Int] .map { x => if (x % 2 == 0) Left(Valid(x)) else Right(Invalid(x, Some(new Exception("Is odd")))) } .map { //Drawback of this approach: Pattern matching on all downstream operations case left@Left(_) => businessLogicOn(left) case right@Right(_) => right } .map { case left@Left(_) => left case right@Right(_) => right } //Divert invalid elements //contramap: apply "right.get" to each incoming upstream element *before* it is passed to the errorSink .divertTo(errorSink.contramap(_.right.get), _.isRight) private def businessLogicOn(left: Left[Valid[Int], Invalid[Int]]) = { if (left.value.payload > 5) left else Right(Invalid(left.value.payload, Some(new Exception("Is smaller than 5")))) } val done = source.via(flow).runWith(sink) terminateWhen(done) def terminateWhen(done: Future[_]) = { done.onComplete { case Success(_) => println("Flow Success. About to terminate...") system.terminate() case Failure(e) => println(s"Flow Failure: $e. About to terminate...") system.terminate() } } } case class Valid[T](payload: T) case class Invalid[T](payload: T, cause: Option[Throwable])
Example 34
Source File: ParametrizedFlow.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_shared_state import akka.Done import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Cancellable} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Sink, Source, SourceQueueWithComplete, Zip} import akka.stream.{FlowShape, OverflowStrategy} import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object ParametrizedFlow extends App { val service = ParameterizedFlowService Thread.sleep(5000) service.update(1.0) Thread.sleep(2000) service.update(1.5) Thread.sleep(2000) service.cancel() Thread.sleep(2000) println(service.result()) } object ParameterizedFlowService { implicit val system = ActorSystem("ParameterizedFlowService") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher def update(element: Double): Unit = flow._1._2.offer(element) def cancel(): Boolean = flow._1._1.cancel() def result(): Future[Seq[Double]] = flow._2 val fun = (flowValue: Int, paramValue: Double) => flowValue * paramValue val flow: ((Cancellable, SourceQueueWithComplete[Double]), Future[immutable.Seq[Double]]) = Source.tick(0.seconds, 500.millis, 10) .viaMat(createParamFlow(1, OverflowStrategy.dropBuffer, 0.5)(fun))(Keep.both) .wireTap(x => println(x)) .toMat(Sink.seq)(Keep.both) .run() val done: Future[Done] = flow._1._2.watchCompletion() terminateWhen(done) private def createParamFlow[A, P, O](bufferSize: Int, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy, initialParam: P)(fun: (A, P) => O) = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(Source.queue[P](bufferSize, overflowStrategy)) { implicit builder => queue => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val zip = builder.add(Zip[A, P]()) //Interesting use of the extrapolate operator //based on https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream/stream-rate.html#understanding-extrapolate-and-expand val extra = builder.add(Flow[P].extrapolate(Iterator.continually(_), Some(initialParam))) val map = builder.add(Flow[(A, P)].map(r => fun(r._1, r._2))) queue ~> extra ~> zip.in1 zip.out ~> map FlowShape(zip.in0, map.out) }) private def terminateWhen(done: Future[_]) = { done.onComplete { case Success(_) => println("Flow Success. About to terminate...") system.terminate() case Failure(e) => println(s"Flow Failure: $e. About to terminate...") system.terminate() } } }
Example 35
Source File: ConflateWithSeed.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_shared_state import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.collection._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random object ConflateWithSeed extends App { val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) implicit val system = ActorSystem("ConflateWithSeed") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher def seed(i: Int): mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, Int] = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, Int](i -> 1) def aggregate(state: mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, Int], i: Int): mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, Int] = { logger.info(s"Got: $i") state.put(i, state.getOrElseUpdate(i, 0) + 1) state } // lazyFlow is not really needed here, but nice to know that it exists // conflateWithSeed invokes the seed method every time, so it // is safe to materialize this flow multiple times val lazyFlow = Flow.lazyFlow(() => Flow[Int] .map(_ => Random.nextInt(100)) .conflateWithSeed(seed)(aggregate) ) Source(1 to 10) .via(lazyFlow) .throttle(1, 1.second) //simulate slow sink .runForeach(each => logger.info(s"1st reached sink: $each")) // Source(1 to 10) // .via(lazyFlow) // .throttle(1, 1.second) //simulate slow sink // .runForeach(each => logger.info(s"2nd reached sink: $each")) }
Example 36
Source File: SplitWhen.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_shared_state import java.nio.file.Paths import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.IOResult import akka.stream.scaladsl.{FileIO, Flow, Framing, Keep, Sink, Source} import akka.util.ByteString import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object SplitWhen extends App { val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) implicit val system = ActorSystem("SplitWhen") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher val nonLinearCapacityFactor = 100 //raise to see how it scales val filename = "splitWhen.csv" def genResourceFile() = { logger.info(s"Writing resource file: $filename...") def fileSink(filename: String): Sink[String, Future[IOResult]] = Flow[String] .map(s => ByteString(s + "\n")) .toMat(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(filename)))(Keep.right) Source.fromIterator(() => (1 to nonLinearCapacityFactor).toList.combinations(2)) .map(each => s"${each.head},${each.last}") .runWith(fileSink(filename)) } val sourceOfLines = FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(filename)) .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 1024, allowTruncation = true) .map(_.utf8String)) val csvToRecord: Flow[String, Record, NotUsed] = Flow[String] .map(_.split(",").map(_.trim)) .map(stringArrayToRecord) val terminationHook: Flow[Record, Record, Unit] = Flow[Record] .watchTermination() { (_, done) => done.onComplete { case Failure(err) => logger.info(s"Flow failed: $err") case _ => system.terminate(); logger.info(s"Flow terminated") } } val printSink = Sink.foreach[Vector[Record]](each => println(s"Reached sink: $each")) private def stringArrayToRecord(cols: Array[String]) = Record(cols(0), cols(1)) private def hasKeyChanged = { () => { var lastRecordKey: Option[String] = None currentRecord: Record => lastRecordKey match { case Some(currentRecord.key) | None => lastRecordKey = Some(currentRecord.key) List((currentRecord, false)) case _ => lastRecordKey = Some(currentRecord.key) List((currentRecord, true)) } } } genResourceFile().onComplete { case Success(_) => logger.info(s"Start processing...") sourceOfLines .via(csvToRecord) .via(terminationHook) .statefulMapConcat(hasKeyChanged) // stateful decision .splitWhen(_._2) // split when key has changed .map(_._1) // proceed with payload .fold(Vector.empty[Record])(_ :+ _) // sum payload .mergeSubstreams // better performance, but why? .runWith(printSink) case Failure(exception) => logger.info(s"Exception: $exception") } case class Record(key: String, value: String) }
Example 37
Source File: WebSocketClient.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_actor import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Sink, Source} import akka.stream.{FlowShape, SourceShape} import sample.stream_actor.WindTurbineSimulator._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object WebSocketClient { def apply(id: String, endpoint: String, windTurbineSimulator: ActorRef) (implicit system: ActorSystem, executionContext: ExecutionContext) = { new WebSocketClient(id, endpoint, windTurbineSimulator)(system, executionContext) } } class WebSocketClient(id: String, endpoint: String, windTurbineSimulator: ActorRef) (implicit system: ActorSystem, executionContext: ExecutionContext) { val webSocketFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Future[WebSocketUpgradeResponse]] = { val websocketUri = s"$endpoint/measurements/$id" Http().webSocketClientFlow(WebSocketRequest(websocketUri)) } val outgoing = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => val data = WindTurbineData(id) val flow = builder.add { Source.tick(1.second, 100.millis,()) //valve for the WindTurbineData frequency .map(_ => TextMessage(data.getNext)) } SourceShape(flow.out) } val incoming = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => val flow = builder.add { Flow[Message] .collect { case TextMessage.Strict(text) => Future.successful(text) case TextMessage.Streamed(textStream) => textStream.runFold("")(_ + _) .flatMap(Future.successful) } .mapAsync(1)(identity) .map(each => println(s"Client received msg: $each")) } FlowShape(flow.in, flow.out) } val (upgradeResponse, closed) = Source.fromGraph(outgoing) .viaMat(webSocketFlow)(Keep.right) // keep the materialized Future[WebSocketUpgradeResponse] .via(incoming) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.both) // also keep the Future[Done] .run() val connected = upgradeResponse.map { upgrade => upgrade.response.status match { case StatusCodes.SwitchingProtocols => windTurbineSimulator ! Upgraded case statusCode => windTurbineSimulator ! FailedUpgrade(statusCode) } } connected.onComplete { case Success(_) => windTurbineSimulator ! Connected case Failure(ex) => windTurbineSimulator ! ConnectionFailure(ex) } closed.map { _ => windTurbineSimulator ! Terminated } closed.onComplete { case Success(_) => windTurbineSimulator ! Connected case Failure(ex) => windTurbineSimulator ! ConnectionFailure(ex) } }
Example 38
Source File: WebsocketServer.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package alpakka.env import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.WebSocketDirectives import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object WebsocketServer extends App with WebSocketDirectives { implicit val system = ActorSystem("WebsocketServer") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher val (address, port) = ("", 6002) server(address, port) def server(address: String, port: Int) = { def echoFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Any] = Flow[Message].mapConcat { case tm: TextMessage => println(s"Server received: $tm") TextMessage(Source.single("Echo: ") ++ tm.textStream) :: Nil case bm: BinaryMessage => // ignore binary messages but drain content to avoid the stream being clogged bm.dataStream.runWith(Sink.ignore) Nil } val websocketRoute: Route = path("echo") { handleWebSocketMessages(echoFlow) } val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(websocketRoute, address, port) bindingFuture.onComplete { case Success(b) => println("Server started, listening on: " + b.localAddress) case Failure(e) => println(s"Server could not bind to $address:$port. Exception message: ${e.getMessage}") system.terminate() } sys.addShutdownHook { println("About to shutdown...") val fut = bindingFuture.map(serverBinding => serverBinding.terminate(hardDeadline = 3.seconds)) println("Waiting for connections to terminate...") val onceAllConnectionsTerminated = Await.result(fut, 10.seconds) println("Connections terminated") onceAllConnectionsTerminated.flatMap { _ => system.terminate() } } } }
Example 39
Source File: IngestSocketFactory.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.ingest.services import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorRefFactory, Props} import akka.stream.OverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import hydra.core.ingest.IngestionReport trait IngestSocketFactory { def ingestFlow(): Flow[String, OutgoingMessage, NotUsed] } object IngestSocketFactory { def createSocket(fact: ActorRefFactory): IngestSocketFactory = { () => { val socketActor = fact.actorOf(Props[IngestionSocketActor]) def actorSink = Sink.actorRefWithBackpressure( socketActor, onInitMessage = SocketInit, ackMessage = SocketAck, onCompleteMessage = SocketEnded, onFailureMessage = SocketFailed.apply ) val in = Flow[String] .map(IncomingMessage) .to(actorSink) val out = Source .actorRefWithBackpressure[OutgoingMessage]( SocketAck, PartialFunction.empty, PartialFunction.empty ) .mapMaterializedValue(socketActor ! SocketStarted(_)) Flow.fromSinkAndSourceCoupled(in, out) } } } sealed trait SocketEvent case object SocketInit extends SocketEvent case class SocketStarted(ref: ActorRef) extends SocketEvent case object SocketEnded extends SocketEvent case object SocketAck extends SocketEvent case class IncomingMessage(message: String) extends SocketEvent case class SocketFailed(ex: Throwable) sealed trait OutgoingMessage extends SocketEvent case class SimpleOutgoingMessage(status: Int, message: String) extends OutgoingMessage case class IngestionOutgoingMessage(report: IngestionReport) extends OutgoingMessage
Example 40
Source File: GitHub.scala From akka-api-gateway-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jp.co.dzl.example.akka.api.service import akka.NotUsed import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.RawHeader import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse } import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow trait GitHub { def from(original: HttpRequest): Flow[HttpRequest, HttpRequest, NotUsed] def send: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] } class GitHubImpl( host: String, port: Int, timeout: Int, httpClient: HttpClient ) extends GitHub { def from(original: HttpRequest): Flow[HttpRequest, HttpRequest, NotUsed] = Flow[HttpRequest].map { req => val xForwardedHost = original.headers.find(_.is("host")).map(_.value()).getOrElse(s"$host:$port") val modifiedHeader = original.addHeader(RawHeader("X-Forwarded-Host", xForwardedHost)) .headers .filterNot(_.lowercaseName() == "host") .filterNot(_.lowercaseName() == "timeout-access") req.withHeaders(modifiedHeader) } def send: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[HttpRequest].via(httpClient.connectionHttps(host, port, timeout)) }
Example 41
Source File: HttpClientSpec.scala From akka-api-gateway-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jp.co.dzl.example.akka.api.service import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, FlatSpec } import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class HttpClientSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { implicit val system = ActorSystem("http-client-spec") implicit val executor = system.dispatcher override protected def afterAll: Unit = { Await.result(system.terminate(), Duration.Inf) } "#conectionHttps" should "return outgoing connection flow" in { val httpClient = new HttpClientImpl(system) val connection = httpClient.connectionHttps("", 8000, 5) connection shouldBe a[Flow[_, _, _]] } }
Example 42
Source File: GitHubSpec.scala From akka-api-gateway-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jp.co.dzl.example.akka.api.service import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.RawHeader import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpMethods, HttpRequest, HttpResponse } import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import akka.stream.testkit.scaladsl.TestSink import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpec, Matchers } import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class GitHubSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with BeforeAndAfterAll with MockFactory { implicit val system = ActorSystem("github-spec") implicit val executor = system.dispatcher implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() override protected def afterAll: Unit = { Await.result(system.terminate(), Duration.Inf) } "#from" should "merge original headers to github request" in { val github = new GitHubImpl("", 8000, 5, mock[HttpClient]) val request = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, "/") .addHeader(RawHeader("host", "dummy")) .addHeader(RawHeader("timeout-access", "dummy")) val result = Source.single(HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, "/v1/github/users/xxxxxx")) .via(github.from(request)) .runWith(TestSink.probe[HttpRequest]) .request(1) .expectNext() result.headers.filter(_.lowercaseName() == "host") shouldBe empty result.headers.filter(_.lowercaseName() == "timeout-access") shouldBe empty result.headers.filter(_.lowercaseName() == "x-forwarded-host") shouldNot be(empty) } "#send" should "connect using http client" in { val httpResponse = HttpResponse() val httpClient = mock[HttpClient] (httpClient.connectionHttps _).expects(*, *, *).returning(Flow[HttpRequest].map(_ => httpResponse)) val github = new GitHubImpl("", 8000, 5, httpClient) val result = Source.single(HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, "/")) .via(github.send) .runWith(TestSink.probe[HttpResponse]) .request(1) .expectNext() result shouldBe httpResponse } }
Example 43
Source File: ClickhouseSink.scala From clickhouse-scala-client with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.crobox.clickhouse.stream import akka.Done import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink} import com.crobox.clickhouse.ClickhouseClient import com.crobox.clickhouse.internal.QuerySettings import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} case class ClickhouseIndexingException(msg: String, cause: Throwable, payload: Seq[String], table: String) extends RuntimeException(msg, cause) case class Insert(table: String, jsonRow: String) object ClickhouseSink extends LazyLogging { def insertSink(config: Config, client: ClickhouseClient, indexerName: Option[String] = None)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext, settings: QuerySettings = QuerySettings() ): Sink[Insert, Future[Done]] = { val indexerGeneralConfig = config.getConfig("crobox.clickhouse.indexer") val mergedIndexerConfig = indexerName .flatMap( theIndexName => if (indexerGeneralConfig.hasPath(theIndexName)) Some(indexerGeneralConfig.getConfig(theIndexName).withFallback(indexerGeneralConfig)) else None ) .getOrElse(indexerGeneralConfig) Flow[Insert] .groupBy(Int.MaxValue, _.table) .groupedWithin(mergedIndexerConfig.getInt("batch-size"), mergedIndexerConfig.getDuration("flush-interval").getSeconds.seconds) .mapAsyncUnordered(mergedIndexerConfig.getInt("concurrent-requests"))(inserts => { val table = inserts.head.table val insertQuery = s"INSERT INTO $table FORMAT JSONEachRow" val payload = inserts.map(_.jsonRow) val payloadSql = payload.mkString("\n") client.execute(insertQuery, payloadSql) recover { case ex => throw ClickhouseIndexingException("failed to index", ex, payload, table) } map (_ => inserts) }) .mergeSubstreams .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right) } }
Example 44
Source File: ClickhouseHostHealth.scala From clickhouse-scala-client with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.crobox.clickhouse.balancing.discovery.health import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Cancellable} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.ConnectionPoolSettings import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import com.crobox.clickhouse.internal.ClickhouseResponseParser import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object ClickhouseHostHealth extends ClickhouseResponseParser { sealed trait ClickhouseHostStatus { val host: Uri val code: String } case class Alive(host: Uri) extends ClickhouseHostStatus { override val code: String = "ok" } case class Dead(host: Uri, reason: Throwable) extends ClickhouseHostStatus { override val code: String = "nok" } def healthFlow(host: Uri)( implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer, executionContext: ExecutionContext ): Source[ClickhouseHostStatus, Cancellable] = { val healthCheckInterval: FiniteDuration = system.settings.config .getDuration("connection.health-check.interval") .getSeconds.seconds val healthCheckTimeout: FiniteDuration = system.settings.config .getDuration("connection.health-check.timeout") .getSeconds.seconds val healthCachedPool = Http(system).cachedHostConnectionPool[Int]( host.authority.host.address(), host.effectivePort, settings = ConnectionPoolSettings(system) .withMaxConnections(1) .withMinConnections(1) .withMaxOpenRequests(2) .withMaxRetries(3) .withUpdatedConnectionSettings( _.withIdleTimeout(healthCheckTimeout + healthCheckInterval).withConnectingTimeout(healthCheckTimeout) ) ) Source .tick(0.milliseconds, healthCheckInterval, 0) .map(tick => { (HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.GET, uri = host), tick) }) .via(healthCachedPool) .via(parsingFlow(host)) } private[health] def parsingFlow[T]( host: Uri )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Flow[(Try[HttpResponse], T), ClickhouseHostStatus, NotUsed] = Flow[(Try[HttpResponse], T)].mapAsync(1) { case (Success(response @ akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, _, _, _)), _) => Unmarshaller.stringUnmarshaller(decodeResponse(response).entity) .map(splitResponse) .map( stringResponse => if (stringResponse.equals(Seq("Ok."))) { Alive(host) } else { Dead(host, new IllegalArgumentException(s"Got wrong result $stringResponse")) } ) case (Success(response), _) => Future.successful(Dead(host, new IllegalArgumentException(s"Got response with status code ${response.status}"))) case (Failure(ex), _) => Future.successful(Dead(host, ex)) } }
Example 45
Source File: FilterRecursiveListBucketHandler.scala From rokku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ing.wbaa.rokku.proxy.handler import java.net.URLDecoder import akka.NotUsed import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse } import akka.stream.alpakka.xml.scaladsl.{ XmlParsing, XmlWriting } import akka.stream.alpakka.xml.{ EndElement, ParseEvent, StartElement, TextEvent } import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.util.ByteString import com.ing.wbaa.rokku.proxy.data.{ Read, RequestId, S3Request, User } import scala.collection.immutable import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer protected[this] def filterRecursiveListObjects(user: User, requestS3: S3Request)(implicit id: RequestId): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = { def elementResult(allContentsElements: ListBuffer[ParseEvent], isContentsTag: Boolean, element: ParseEvent): immutable.Seq[ParseEvent] = { if (isContentsTag) { allContentsElements += element immutable.Seq.empty } else { immutable.Seq(element) } } def isPathOkInRangerPolicy(path: String)(implicit id: RequestId): Boolean = { val pathToCheck = normalizePath(path) val isUserAuthorized = isUserAuthorizedForRequest(requestS3.copy(s3BucketPath = Some(pathToCheck)), user) isUserAuthorized } def normalizePath(path: String): String = { val delimiter = "/" val decodedPath = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8") val delimiterIndex = decodedPath.lastIndexOf(delimiter) val pathToCheckWithoutLastSlash = if (delimiterIndex > 0) delimiter + decodedPath.substring(0, delimiterIndex) else "" val s3BucketName = requestS3.s3BucketPath.getOrElse(delimiter) val s3pathWithoutLastDelimiter = if (s3BucketName.length > 1 && s3BucketName.endsWith(delimiter)) s3BucketName.substring(0, s3BucketName.length - 1) else s3BucketName s3pathWithoutLastDelimiter + pathToCheckWithoutLastSlash } Flow[ByteString].via(XmlParsing.parser) .statefulMapConcat(() => { // state val keyTagValue = StringBuilder.newBuilder val allContentsElements = new ListBuffer[ParseEvent] var isContentsTag = false var isKeyTag = false // aggregation function parseEvent => parseEvent match { //catch <Contents> to start collecting elements case element: StartElement if element.localName == "Contents" => isContentsTag = true allContentsElements.clear() allContentsElements += element immutable.Seq.empty //catch end </Contents> to validate the path in ranger case element: EndElement if element.localName == "Contents" => isContentsTag = false allContentsElements += element if (isPathOkInRangerPolicy(keyTagValue.stripMargin)) { allContentsElements.toList } else { immutable.Seq.empty } // catch <Key> where is the patch name to match in ranger case element: StartElement if element.localName == "Key" => keyTagValue.clear() isKeyTag = true elementResult(allContentsElements, isContentsTag, element) //catch end </Key> case element: EndElement if element.localName == "Key" => isKeyTag = false elementResult(allContentsElements, isContentsTag, element) //catch all element text <..>text<\..> but only set the text from <Key> case element: TextEvent => if (isKeyTag) keyTagValue.append(element.text) elementResult(allContentsElements, isContentsTag, element) //just past through the rest of elements case element => elementResult(allContentsElements, isContentsTag, element) } }) .via(XmlWriting.writer) } }
Example 46
Source File: Client.scala From akka-http-oauth2-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dakatsuka.akka.http.oauth2.client import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.OAuth2BearerToken import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Uri } import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Sink } import com.github.dakatsuka.akka.http.oauth2.client.Error.UnauthorizedException import com.github.dakatsuka.akka.http.oauth2.client.strategy.Strategy import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } class Client(config: ConfigLike, connection: Option[Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, _]] = None)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ClientLike { def getAuthorizeUrl[A <: GrantType](grant: A, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)(implicit s: Strategy[A]): Option[Uri] = s.getAuthorizeUrl(config, params) def getAccessToken[A <: GrantType]( grant: A, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty )(implicit s: Strategy[A], ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[Either[Throwable, AccessToken]] = { val source = s.getAccessTokenSource(config, params) source .via(connection.getOrElse(defaultConnection)) .mapAsync(1)(handleError) .mapAsync(1)(AccessToken.apply) .runWith(Sink.head) .map(Right.apply) .recover { case ex => Left(ex) } } def getConnectionWithAccessToken(accessToken: AccessToken): Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, _] = Flow[HttpRequest] .map(_.addCredentials(OAuth2BearerToken(accessToken.accessToken))) .via(connection.getOrElse(defaultConnection)) private def defaultConnection: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, _] = config.site.getScheme match { case "http" => Http().outgoingConnection(config.getHost, config.getPort) case "https" => Http().outgoingConnectionHttps(config.getHost, config.getPort) } private def handleError(response: HttpResponse)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[HttpResponse] = { if (response.status.isFailure()) UnauthorizedException.fromHttpResponse(response).flatMap(Future.failed(_)) else Future.successful(response) } } object Client { def apply(config: ConfigLike)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Client = new Client(config) def apply(config: ConfigLike, connection: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, _])(implicit system: ActorSystem): Client = new Client(config, Some(connection)) }
Example 47
Source File: CarbonClient.scala From akka-http-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.graphite import java.time.{Clock, Instant} import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.Logging import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, RestartFlow, Sink, Source, Tcp} import akka.stream.{OverflowStrategy, QueueOfferResult} import akka.util.ByteString import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.Dimension import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, _} object CarbonClient { def apply(host: String, port: Int)(implicit system: ActorSystem): CarbonClient = new CarbonClient(host, port) } class CarbonClient(host: String, port: Int)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends AutoCloseable { private val logger = Logging(system.eventStream, classOf[CarbonClient]) protected val clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC() private def serialize[T](name: String, value: T, dimensions: Seq[Dimension], ts: Instant): ByteString = { val tags = dimensions.map(d => d.key + "=" + d.value).toList val taggedMetric = (name :: tags).mkString(";") ByteString(s"$taggedMetric $value ${ts.getEpochSecond}\n") } // TODO read backoff from config private def connection: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = RestartFlow.withBackoff( minBackoff = 3.seconds, maxBackoff = 30.seconds, randomFactor = 0.2, // adds 20% "noise" to vary the intervals slightly maxRestarts = -1 // keep retrying forever )(() => Tcp().outgoingConnection(host, port)) private val queue = Source .queue[ByteString](19, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) .via(connection) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.left) .run() def publish[T]( name: String, value: T, dimensions: Seq[Dimension] = Seq.empty, ts: Instant = Instant .now(clock) ): Unit = { // it's reasonable to block until the message in enqueued Await.result(queue.offer(serialize(name, value, dimensions, ts)), Duration.Inf) match { case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued => logger.debug("Metric {} enqueued", name) case QueueOfferResult.Dropped => logger.debug("Metric {} dropped", name) case QueueOfferResult.Failure(e) => logger.error(e, s"Failed publishing metric $name") case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed => throw new Exception("Failed publishing metric to closed carbon client") } } override def close(): Unit = { queue.complete() Await.result(queue.watchCompletion(), Duration.Inf) } }
Example 48
Source File: HttpMetricsRoute.scala From akka-http-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.scaladsl.server import akka.NotUsed import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse} import akka.http.scaladsl.server._ import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.{ParserSettings, RoutingSettings} import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.HttpMetricsHandler import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.scaladsl.model.PathLabelHeader import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContextExecutor, Future} object HttpMetricsRoute { implicit def apply(route: Route): HttpMetricsRoute = new HttpMetricsRoute(route) } final class HttpMetricsRoute private (route: Route) extends HttpMetricsDirectives { private def markUnhandled(inner: Route): Route = { Directives.mapResponse(markUnhandled).tapply(_ => inner) } private def markUnhandled(response: HttpResponse): HttpResponse = { response.addHeader(PathLabelHeader.Unhandled) } def recordMetrics(metricsHandler: HttpMetricsHandler)( implicit routingSettings: RoutingSettings, parserSettings: ParserSettings, materializer: Materializer, routingLog: RoutingLog, executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = null, rejectionHandler: RejectionHandler = RejectionHandler.default, exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler = null ): Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] = { val effectiveEC = if (executionContext ne null) executionContext else materializer.executionContext { // override the execution context passed as parameter implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = effectiveEC Flow[HttpRequest] .mapAsync(1)(recordMetricsAsync(metricsHandler)) .watchTermination() { case (mat, completion) => // every connection materializes a stream. metricsHandler.onConnection(completion) mat } } } def recordMetricsAsync(metricsHandler: HttpMetricsHandler)( implicit routingSettings: RoutingSettings, parserSettings: ParserSettings, materializer: Materializer, routingLog: RoutingLog, executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = null, rejectionHandler: RejectionHandler = RejectionHandler.default, exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler = null ): HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse] = { val effectiveEC = if (executionContext ne null) executionContext else materializer.executionContext val effectiveRejectionHandler = rejectionHandler.mapRejectionResponse(markUnhandled) val effectiveExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler.seal(exceptionHandler).andThen(markUnhandled(_)) { // override the execution context passed as parameter, rejection and error handler implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = effectiveEC implicit val rejectionHandler: RejectionHandler = effectiveRejectionHandler implicit val exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler = effectiveExceptionHandler request => val response = Route.asyncHandler(route).apply(request) metricsHandler.onRequest(request, response) response } } }
Example 49
Source File: ConsumerStream.scala From reactive-kafka-microservice-template with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.omearac.consumers import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.kafka.ConsumerMessage.CommittableOffsetBatch import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Consumer import akka.kafka.{ConsumerMessage, ConsumerSettings, Subscriptions} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink} import com.omearac.shared.EventMessages.FailedMessageConversion import com.omearac.shared.JsonMessageConversion.Conversion import com.omearac.shared.{AkkaStreams, EventSourcing} import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ByteArrayDeserializer, StringDeserializer} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.concurrent.Future trait ConsumerStream extends AkkaStreams with EventSourcing { implicit val system: ActorSystem def self: ActorRef def createStreamSink(consumerActorSink : ActorRef) = { Sink.actorRefWithAck(consumerActorSink, "STREAM_INIT", "OK", "STREAM_DONE") } def createStreamSource(consumerProperties: Map[String,String]) = { val kafkaMBAddress = consumerProperties("bootstrap-servers") val groupID = consumerProperties("groupId") val topicSubscription = consumerProperties("subscription-topic") val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings(system, new ByteArrayDeserializer, new StringDeserializer) .withBootstrapServers(kafkaMBAddress) .withGroupId(groupID) .withProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest") Consumer.committableSource(consumerSettings, Subscriptions.topics(topicSubscription)) } def createStreamFlow[msgType: Conversion] = { Flow[ConsumerMessage.CommittableMessage[Array[Byte], String]] .map(msg => (msg.committableOffset, Conversion[msgType].convertFromJson(msg.record.value))) //Publish the conversion error event messages returned from the JSONConversion .map (tuple => publishConversionErrors[msgType](tuple)) .filter(result => result.isRight) .map(test => test.right.get) //Group the commit offsets and correctly converted messages for more efficient Kafka commits .batch(max = 20, tuple => (CommittableOffsetBatch.empty.updated(tuple._1), ArrayBuffer[msgType](tuple._2))) {(tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs, tuple) => (tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs._1.updated(tuple._1), tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs._2 :+ tuple._2) } //Take the first element of the tuple (set of commit numbers) to add to kafka commit log and then return the collection of grouped case class messages .mapAsync(4)(tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs => commitOffsetsToKafka[msgType](tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs)) .map(msgGroup => msgGroup._2) } def commitOffsetsToKafka[msgType](tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs: (ConsumerMessage.CommittableOffsetBatch, ArrayBuffer[msgType])) = Future { (tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs._1.commitScaladsl(), tupleOfCommitOffsetAndMsgs._2) } def publishConversionErrors[msgType](tupleOfCommitOffsetAndConversionResults: (ConsumerMessage.CommittableOffset, Either[FailedMessageConversion,msgType])) : Either[Unit,(ConsumerMessage.CommittableOffset,msgType)] = { if (tupleOfCommitOffsetAndConversionResults._2.isLeft) { //Publish a local event that there was a failure in conversion publishLocalEvent(tupleOfCommitOffsetAndConversionResults._2.left.get) //Commit the Kafka Offset to acknowledge that the message was consumed Left(tupleOfCommitOffsetAndConversionResults._1.commitScaladsl()) } else Right(tupleOfCommitOffsetAndConversionResults._1,tupleOfCommitOffsetAndConversionResults._2.right.get) } }
Example 50
Source File: ProducerStream.scala From reactive-kafka-microservice-template with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.omearac.producers import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.kafka.ProducerSettings import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Producer import akka.stream.OverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import com.omearac.shared.JsonMessageConversion.Conversion import com.omearac.shared.{AkkaStreams, EventSourcing} import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ByteArraySerializer, StringSerializer} trait ProducerStream extends AkkaStreams with EventSourcing { implicit val system: ActorSystem def self: ActorRef def createStreamSource[msgType] = { Source.queue[msgType](Int.MaxValue,OverflowStrategy.backpressure) } def createStreamSink(producerProperties: Map[String, String]) = { val kafkaMBAddress = producerProperties("bootstrap-servers") val producerSettings = ProducerSettings(system, new ByteArraySerializer, new StringSerializer).withBootstrapServers(kafkaMBAddress) Producer.plainSink(producerSettings) } def createStreamFlow[msgType: Conversion](producerProperties: Map[String, String]) = { val numberOfPartitions = producerProperties("num.partitions").toInt -1 val topicToPublish = producerProperties("publish-topic") val rand = new scala.util.Random val range = 0 to numberOfPartitions Flow[msgType].map { msg => val partition = range(rand.nextInt(range.length)) val stringJSONMessage = Conversion[msgType].convertToJson(msg) new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], String](topicToPublish, partition, null, stringJSONMessage) } } }
Example 51
Source File: AckFlow.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } object AckFlow { def filter[A](predicate: A => Boolean): Flow[AckUTup[A], AckUTup[A], NotUsed] = Flow[AckUTup[A]].filter { case (p, a) => try { val bool = predicate(a) if (!p.isCompleted) p.success(()) bool } catch { case t: Throwable => if (!p.isCompleted) p.failure(t) throw t } } }
Example 52
Source File: AckBidiFlow.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ BidiFlow, Flow, GraphDSL, Unzip, Zip } object AckBidiFlow { def apply[R, S, T]( bufferSize: Int = 10, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy = OverflowStrategy.backpressure ): BidiFlow[(R, S), S, T, (R, T), NotUsed] = { BidiFlow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val unzip = b.add(Unzip[R, S]) val zip = b.add(Zip[R, T]) if (bufferSize > 0) { val buffer = b.add(Flow[R].buffer(bufferSize, overflowStrategy)) unzip.out0 ~> buffer ~> zip.in0 } else unzip.out0 ~> zip.in0 BidiShape(unzip.in, unzip.out1, zip.in1, zip.out) }) } }
Example 53
Source File: ActiveMqProducer.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.camel.{ CamelExtension, CamelMessage } import akka.stream.integration.activemq.extension.ActiveMqExtension import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Keep, Sink } import akka.{ Done, NotUsed } import org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } object ActiveMqProducer { private def send[A: CamelMessageBuilder](payload: A, producerName: String, endpointUri: String, producer: ProducerTemplate)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = Future { val msg: CamelMessage = implicitly[CamelMessageBuilder[A]].build(payload) producer.sendBodyAndHeaders(endpointUri, msg.body, msg.headers.mapValues(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])) payload } def apply[A: CamelMessageBuilder](producerName: String, qos: Int = 8)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem): Sink[A, Future[Done]] = sink(producerName, qos) }
Example 54
Source File: AckActiveMqProducer.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.Done import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.camel.{ CamelExtension, CamelMessage } import akka.stream.integration.activemq.extension.ActiveMqExtension import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Keep, Sink } import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } object AckActiveMqProducer { def apply[A](producerName: String, qos: Int = 8)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem, builder: MessageBuilder[A, CamelMessage]): Sink[AckUTup[A], Future[Done]] = sink(producerName, qos) def sink[A](producerName: String, qos: Int = 8)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem, builder: MessageBuilder[A, CamelMessage]): Sink[AckUTup[A], Future[Done]] = flow(producerName, qos).toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right) def flow[A](producerName: String, qos: Int = 8)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem, builder: MessageBuilder[A, CamelMessage]) = { val template = CamelExtension(system).template Flow[AckUTup[A]].mapAsync(qos) { case (p, payload) => Future { val camelMessage = builder.build(payload) val uri = ActiveMqExtension(system).producerEndpointUri(producerName) template.sendBodyAndHeaders(uri, camelMessage.body, camelMessage.headers.mapValues(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])) }.map { _ => if (!p.isCompleted) p.success(()) }.recover { case cause: Throwable => if (!p.isCompleted) p.failure(cause) } } } }
Example 55
Source File: AckSink.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.Done import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Keep, Sink } import scala.concurrent.Future object AckSink { def complete[A]: Sink[AckTup[A, A], Future[Done]] = { Flow[AckTup[A, A]].map { case (p, a) => try { if (!p.isCompleted) p.success(a) } catch { case cause: Throwable => if (!p.isCompleted) p.failure(cause) } }.toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right).named("completeAckSink") } }
Example 56
Source File: ActiveMqFlowTest.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.stream.integration.PersonDomain.Person import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import scala.concurrent.Promise class ActiveMqFlowTest extends ActiveMqTestSpec { behavior of "ActiveMqFlow" it should "propagate messages from input to output unmodified, if mediated by the identity flow" in { withTestTopicPublisher("AckBidiFlowTestInput") { pub => withTestTopicSubscriber("AckBidiFlowTestOutput") { sub => withActiveMqBidiFlow("AckBidiFlowTestInput", "AckBidiFlowTestOutput") { flow => val identityFlow = Flow[Person].map(identity) val ref = flow.join(identityFlow).run() pub.sendNext(testPerson1) sub.request(1) sub.expectNextPF { case (p: Promise[Unit], `testPerson1`) => p.success(()) } pub.sendNext(testPerson2) sub.request(1) sub.expectNextPF { case (p: Promise[Unit], `testPerson2`) => p.success(()) } pub.sendComplete() sub.cancel() ref } } } } }
Example 57
Source File: ActiveMqTestSpec.scala From reactive-activemq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.stream.integration package activemq import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.stream.integration.PersonDomain.Person import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Keep } import akka.stream.testkit.scaladsl.{ TestSink, TestSource } import akka.stream.testkit.{ TestPublisher, TestSubscriber } import akka.testkit.TestActor.AutoPilot import akka.testkit.TestProbe import JsonCamelMessageExtractor._ import JsonCamelMessageBuilder._ import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try } implicit def function1ToAutoPilot[S, T](f: S => T): AutoPilot = new AutoPilot { override def run(sender: ActorRef, msg: Any): AutoPilot = msg match { case s: S => val tryT: Try[T] = Try(f(s)) tryT match { case Success(t) => sender ! t function1ToAutoPilot(f) case Failure(f) => fail(s"Failed to apply supplied function to received message: $s", f) } case _ => fail(s"Received message is not of the required type: $msg") } } }
Example 58
Source File: PoolingRestClient.scala From openwhisk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.openwhisk.http import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._ import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.ConnectionPoolSettings import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling._ import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, OverflowStrategy, QueueOfferResult} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, _} import spray.json._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} def requestJson[T: RootJsonReader](futureRequest: Future[HttpRequest]): Future[Either[StatusCode, T]] = request(futureRequest).flatMap { response => if (response.status.isSuccess) { Unmarshal(response.entity.withoutSizeLimit).to[T].map(Right.apply) } else { Unmarshal(response.entity).to[String].flatMap { body => val statusCode = response.status val reason = if (body.nonEmpty) s"${statusCode.reason} (details: $body)" else statusCode.reason val customStatusCode = StatusCodes .custom(intValue = statusCode.intValue, reason = reason, defaultMessage = statusCode.defaultMessage) // This is important, as it drains the entity stream. // Otherwise the connection stays open and the pool dries up. response.discardEntityBytes().future.map(_ => Left(customStatusCode)) } } } def shutdown(): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(materializer.shutdown()) } object PoolingRestClient { def mkRequest(method: HttpMethod, uri: Uri, body: Future[MessageEntity] = Future.successful(HttpEntity.Empty), headers: List[HttpHeader] = List.empty)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HttpRequest] = { body.map { b => HttpRequest(method, uri, headers, b) } } def mkJsonRequest(method: HttpMethod, uri: Uri, body: JsValue, headers: List[HttpHeader] = List.empty)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HttpRequest] = { val b = Marshal(body).to[MessageEntity] mkRequest(method, uri, b, headers) } }
Example 59
Source File: TransformStream.scala From mleap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ml.combust.mleap.executor.stream import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import ml.combust.mleap.executor._ import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.{DefaultLeapFrame, Row, RowTransformer, Transformer} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Try def row[Tag](rowTransformer: RowTransformer) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext, parallelism: Parallelism): Flow[(StreamTransformRowRequest, Tag), (Try[Option[Row]], Tag), NotUsed] = { Flow[(StreamTransformRowRequest, Tag)].mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism) { case (request, tag) => Future { val result = request.row.map(rowTransformer.transformOption) (result, tag) } } } }
Example 60
Source File: Flows.scala From BusFloatingData with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.nierbeck.floating.data.server import akka.actor.{ActorRef, Props} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{Message, TextMessage} import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Source} import de.nierbeck.floating.data.domain.Vehicle import GraphDSL.Implicits._ import de.nierbeck.floating.data.server._ import de.nierbeck.floating.data.server.actors.websocket._ object Flows { def graphFlowWithStats(router: ActorRef): Flow[Message, Message, _] = { Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => // create an actor source val source = Source.actorPublisher[String](VehiclePublisher.props(router)) // Graph elements we'll use val merge = builder.add(Merge[String](2)) val filter = builder.add(Flow[String].filter(_ => false)) // get BBox from request and send it to route, return nothing ... val mapMsgToString = builder.add(Flow[Message].map[String] { case TextMessage.Strict(msg) => { println(s"received message: $msg") if (msg.contains("close")) { router ! msg } else if (msg.contains("spark")) { router ! SPARK } else if (msg.contains("flink")) { router ! FLINK } else { val bbox = toBoundingBox(msg) println(s"transformedt to bbox: $bbox") router ! bbox } "" } }) //outgoing message ... val mapStringToMsg = builder.add(Flow[String].map[Message](x => TextMessage.Strict(x))) //add source to flow val vehiclesSource = builder.add(source) // connect the graph mapMsgToString ~> filter ~> merge // this part of the merge will never provide msgs vehiclesSource ~> merge ~> mapStringToMsg // expose ports FlowShape(mapMsgToString.in, mapStringToMsg.out) }) } }
Example 61
Source File: bakerServiceImpl.scala From Learn-Scala-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ch15 import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.{Attributes, DelayOverflowStrategy} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{BidiFlow, Flow, Source} import ch15.model._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Future import play.api.Logger class BakerServiceImpl extends BakerService { private val logger = Logger("Baker") override def bake: ServiceCall[Source[RawCookies, NotUsed], Source[ReadyCookies, NotUsed]] = ServiceCall { dough => logger.info(s"Baking: $dough") Future.successful(dough.via(bakerFlow)) } private val bakerFlow: Flow[RawCookies, ReadyCookies, NotUsed] = Baker.bakeFlow.join(Oven.bakeFlow) } object Baker { private val logger = Logger("BakerFlow") def bakeFlow: BidiFlow[RawCookies, RawCookies, ReadyCookies, ReadyCookies, NotUsed] = BidiFlow.fromFlows(inFlow, outFlow) private val inFlow = Flow[RawCookies] .flatMapConcat(extractFromBox) .grouped(Oven.ovenSize) .map(_.reduce(_ + _)) private def outFlow = Flow[ReadyCookies].map { c => logger.info(s"Sending to manager: $c") c } private def extractFromBox(c: RawCookies) = { logger.info(s"Extracting: $c") Source(List.fill(c.count)(RawCookies(1))) } } object Oven { private val logger = Logger("Oven") val ovenSize = 12 private val bakingTime = 2.seconds def bakeFlow: Flow[RawCookies, ReadyCookies, NotUsed] = Flow[RawCookies] .map(bake) .delay(bakingTime, DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) .addAttributes(Attributes.inputBuffer(1, 1)) private def bake(c: RawCookies): ReadyCookies = { logger.info(s"Baked: $c") assert(c.count == ovenSize) ReadyCookies(c.count) } }
Example 62
Source File: Balancer.scala From Learn-Scala-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ch13 import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge} object Balancer { def apply[In, Out](subFlow: Flow[In, Out, Any], count: Int): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed] = { Flow.fromGraph(createGraph(subFlow, count)) } import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL import GraphDSL.Implicits._ def createGraph[Out, In](subFlow: Flow[In, Out, Any], count: Int) = { val balanceBlock = Balance[In](count, waitForAllDownstreams = false) val mergeBlock = Merge[Out](count, eagerComplete = false) GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder ⇒ val balancer = builder.add(balanceBlock) val merge = builder.add(mergeBlock) for (_ ← 1 to count) balancer ~> subFlow ~> merge FlowShape(balancer.in, merge.out) } } }
Example 63
Source File: AkkaConnectionBackend.scala From drunk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.jarlakxen.drunk.backend import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.OutgoingConnection import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class AkkaConnectionBackend private[AkkaConnectionBackend] ( uri: Uri, flow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Future[OutgoingConnection]], headers: immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] )(override implicit val as: ActorSystem, override implicit val mat: ActorMaterializer) extends AkkaBackend { def send(body: String): Future[(Int, String)] = { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher val req = HttpRequest( method = HttpMethods.POST, uri = uri, headers = headers, entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, body) ) val res = Source.single(req).via(flow).runWith(Sink.head) res.flatMap { hr => val code = hr.status.intValue() val charsetFromHeaders = encodingFromContentType(hr.entity.contentType.toString).getOrElse("utf-8") val decodedResponse = decodeResponse(hr) val stringBody = bodyToString(decodedResponse, charsetFromHeaders) if (code >= 200 && code < 300) { stringBody.map { body => hr.discardEntityBytes() (code, body) } } else { stringBody.flatMap { body => hr.discardEntityBytes() Future.failed(new RuntimeException(s"${uri.toString} return $code with body: $body")) } } } } } object AkkaConnectionBackend { def apply(uri: Uri, flow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Future[OutgoingConnection]], headers: immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil )( implicit as: ActorSystem, mat: ActorMaterializer): AkkaConnectionBackend = new AkkaConnectionBackend(uri, flow, headers) }
Example 64
Source File: LowLevelServer.scala From akka-http-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.{ ActorSystem, Props } import akka.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter } import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.pattern.ask import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Sink, Source } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, Materializer } import akka.util.Timeout import com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver.dto.{ Person, PersonWithId } import com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver.marshaller.Marshaller import com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver.repository.PersonRepository import spray.json.{ DefaultJsonProtocol, _ } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } class LowLevelServer(implicit val system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter, timeout: Timeout) extends DefaultJsonProtocol with Marshaller { val personDb = system.actorOf(Props[PersonRepository]) def debug(t: Any)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = null): Unit = if (Option(log).isEmpty) println(t) else log.debug(t.toString) def http200Okay(req: HttpRequest): HttpResponse = HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK) def http200AsyncOkay(req: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = Future(http200Okay(req)) val http200OkayFlow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[HttpRequest].map { req => HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK) } val serverSource: Source[Http.IncomingConnection, Future[Http.ServerBinding]] = Http().bind(interface = "localhost", port = 8080) val binding: Future[Http.ServerBinding] = serverSource.to(Sink.foreach { conn => // conn.handleWith(http200OkayFlow) // conn.handleWithSyncHandler(http200Okay) // conn.handleWithAsyncHandler(http200AsyncOkay, 8) conn.handleWithAsyncHandler(personRequestHandler) }).run() def personRequestHandler(req: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = req match { case HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, Uri.Path("/api/person"), _, _, _) => for { xs <- (personDb ? "findAll").mapTo[List[PersonWithId]] entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, xs.toJson.compactPrint) } yield HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = entity) case HttpRequest(HttpMethods.POST, Uri.Path("/api/person"), _, ent, _) => for { strictEntity <- ent.toStrict(1.second) person <- (personDb ? strictEntity.data.utf8String.parseJson.convertTo[Person]).mapTo[PersonWithId] } yield HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = person.toJson.compactPrint) case req => req.discardEntityBytes() Future.successful(HttpResponse(StatusCodes.NotFound)) } } object LowLevelServerLauncher extends App with DefaultJsonProtocol { // setting up some machinery implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer() implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher implicit val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system, this.getClass) implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(10.seconds) new LowLevelServer() }
Example 65
Source File: PostcodeClient.scala From akka-http-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.postcode import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse } import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.generic.HttpClient import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.util.Try import scala.util.matching.Regex case class Address( street: String, houseNumber: Int, houseNumberAddition: String, postcode: String, city: String, municipality: String, province: String, rdX: Option[Int], rdY: Option[Int], latitude: Double, longitude: Double, bagNumberDesignationId: String, bagAddressableObjectId: String, addressType: String, purposes: Option[List[String]], surfaceArea: Int, houseNumberAdditions: List[String] ) trait Marshallers extends DefaultJsonProtocol { implicit val addressJsonFormat = jsonFormat17(Address) } case class GetAddressRequest(zip: String, houseNumber: String) trait PostcodeClient { def address(postcode: String, houseNumber: Int): Future[Option[Address]] def address[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T), (Option[Address], T), NotUsed] } object PostcodeClient { import spray.json._ val ZipcodeWithoutSpacePattern: Regex = """([1-9][0-9]{3})([A-Za-z]{2})""".r val ZipcodeWithSpacePattern: Regex = """([1-9][0-9]{3})[\s]([A-Za-z]{2})""".r def mapToAddress(json: String)(implicit reader: JsonReader[Address]): Option[Address] = Try(json.parseJson.convertTo[Address]).toOption def responseToString(resp: HttpResponse)(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = HttpClient.responseToString(resp) def getAddressRequestFlow[T]: Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T), (HttpRequest, T), NotUsed] = Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T)].map { case (request, id) => (HttpClient.mkGetRequest(s"/rest/addresses/${request.zip}/${request.houseNumber}/"), id) } def mapResponseToAddressFlow[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, reader: JsonReader[Address]): Flow[(Try[HttpResponse], T), (Option[Address], T), NotUsed] = HttpClient.responseToString[T].map { case (json, id) => (mapToAddress(json), id) } def normalizeZipcode(zipcode: String): Option[String] = zipcode.toUpperCase match { case ZipcodeWithoutSpacePattern(numbers, letters) => Option(s"$numbers$letters") case ZipcodeWithSpacePattern(numbers, letters) => Option(s"$numbers$letters") case _ => None } def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter) = new PostcodeClientImpl } class PostcodeClientImpl()(implicit val system: ActorSystem, val mat: Materializer, val ec: ExecutionContext, val log: LoggingAdapter) extends PostcodeClient with Marshallers { import PostcodeClient._ private val client = HttpClient("postcode") override def address(postcode: String, houseNumber: Int): Future[Option[Address]] = normalizeZipcode(postcode) match { case Some(zip) => client.get(s"/rest/addresses/$zip/$houseNumber/") .flatMap(responseToString).map(mapToAddress) case None => Future.successful(None) } override def address[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T), (Option[Address], T), NotUsed] = getAddressRequestFlow[T] .via(client.cachedHostConnectionFlow[T]) .via(mapResponseToAddressFlow[T]) }
Example 66
Source File: WeatherClient.scala From akka-http-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.weather import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse } import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.generic.HttpClient import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.util.Try case class Wind(speed: Double, deg: Double) case class Main(temp: Double, temp_min: Double, temp_max: Double, pressure: Double, sea_level: Option[Double], grnd_level: Option[Double], humidity: Int) case class Cloud(all: Int) case class Weather(id: Int, main: String, description: String, icon: String) case class Sys(message: Double, country: String, sunrise: Long, sunset: Long) case class Coord(lon: Double, lat: Double) case class WeatherResult(coord: Coord, sys: Sys, weather: List[Weather], base: String, main: Main, wind: Wind, clouds: Cloud, dt: Long, id: Int, name: String, cod: Int) trait Marshallers extends DefaultJsonProtocol { implicit val windJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(Wind) implicit val mainJsonFormat = jsonFormat7(Main) implicit val cloudJsonFormat = jsonFormat1(Cloud) implicit val weatherJsonFormat = jsonFormat4(Weather) implicit val sysJsonFormat = jsonFormat4(Sys) implicit val coordJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(Coord) implicit val weatherResultJsonFormat = jsonFormat11(WeatherResult) } case class GetWeatherRequest(zip: String, country: String) trait OpenWeatherApi { def getWeather(zip: String, country: String): Future[Option[WeatherResult]] def getWeather[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T), (Option[WeatherResult], T), NotUsed] } object OpenWeatherApi { import spray.json._ def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter) = new OpenWeatherApiImpl def mapResponseToWeatherResult(json: String)(implicit reader: JsonReader[WeatherResult]): Option[WeatherResult] = Try(json.parseJson.convertTo[WeatherResult]).toOption def responseToString(resp: HttpResponse)(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = HttpClient.responseToString(resp) def getWeatherRequestFlow[T]: Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T), (HttpRequest, T), NotUsed] = Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T)].map { case (request, id) => (HttpClient.mkGetRequest(s"/data/2.5/weather?zip=${request.zip},${request.country}"), id) } def mapResponseToWeatherResultFlow[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, reader: JsonReader[WeatherResult]): Flow[(Try[HttpResponse], T), (Option[WeatherResult], T), NotUsed] = HttpClient.responseToString[T].map { case (json, id) => (mapResponseToWeatherResult(json), id) } } class OpenWeatherApiImpl()(implicit val system: ActorSystem, val ec: ExecutionContext, val mat: Materializer, val log: LoggingAdapter) extends OpenWeatherApi with Marshallers { import OpenWeatherApi._ private val client = HttpClient("weather") override def getWeather(zip: String, country: String): Future[Option[WeatherResult]] = client.get(s"/data/2.5/weather?zip=$zip,$country"). flatMap(responseToString) .map(mapResponseToWeatherResult) override def getWeather[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T), (Option[WeatherResult], T), NotUsed] = getWeatherRequestFlow[T] .via(client.cachedHostConnectionFlow[T]) .via(mapResponseToWeatherResultFlow[T]) }
Example 67
Source File: JsonStreamingRoute.scala From akka-http-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.component.simpleserver.route import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.http.scaladsl.common.{ EntityStreamingSupport, JsonEntityStreamingSupport } import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directives, Route } import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.util.ByteString import com.github.dnvriend.component.repository.PersonRepository import com.github.dnvriend.component.simpleserver.dto.http.Person import com.github.dnvriend.component.simpleserver.marshaller.Marshallers import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object JsonStreamingRoute extends Directives with SprayJsonSupport with Marshallers { val start = ByteString.empty val sep = ByteString("\n") val end = ByteString.empty implicit val jsonStreamingSupport: JsonEntityStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json() .withFramingRenderer(Flow[ByteString].intersperse(start, sep, end)) .withParallelMarshalling(parallelism = 8, unordered = true) def route(dao: PersonRepository)(implicit mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Route = path("stream" / IntNumber) { numberOfPersons => (get & pathEnd) { complete(dao.people(numberOfPersons)) } } ~ (post & path("stream") & entity(asSourceOf[Person])) { people => val total = people.log("people").runFold(0) { case (c, _) => c + 1 } complete(total.map(n => s"Received $n number of person")) } }
Example 68
Source File: EndpointsSettings.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package endpoints4s.akkahttp.client import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Uri} import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Try final case class EndpointsSettings( requestExecutor: AkkaHttpRequestExecutor, baseUri: Uri = Uri("/"), toStrictTimeout: FiniteDuration = 2.seconds, stringContentExtractor: HttpEntity.Strict => String = _.data.utf8String ) trait AkkaHttpRequestExecutor { def apply(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] } object AkkaHttpRequestExecutor { def cachedHostConnectionPool(host: String, port: Int)(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer ): AkkaHttpRequestExecutor = default(Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[Int](host, port)) def default( poolClientFlow: Flow[ (HttpRequest, Int), (Try[HttpResponse], Int), Http.HostConnectionPool ] )(implicit materializer: Materializer): AkkaHttpRequestExecutor = new AkkaHttpRequestExecutor { override def apply(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = Source .single(request -> 1) .via(poolClientFlow) .map(_._1.get) .runWith(Sink.head) } }
Example 69
Source File: TracedFlowUnorderedAsyncImplicits.scala From money with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.comcast.money.akka.stream import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.comcast.money.akka.TraceContext import com.comcast.money.akka.stream.DefaultStreamSpanKeyCreators.DefaultFlowSpanKeyCreator import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.reflect.ClassTag def tracedMapAsyncUnordered(parallelism: Int)(f: In => Future[Out]): Flow[TracedIn, TracedOut, _] = Flow[TracedIn].mapAsyncUnordered[TracedOut](parallelism) { (tuple: TracedIn) => val (in, traceContext) = tuple traceContext.tracer.startSpan(fskc.flowToKey(flow)) f(in) map { out => traceContext.tracer.stopSpan() (out, traceContext) } } } }
Example 70
Source File: Test15.scala From incubator-retired-gearpump with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.gearpump.akkastream.example import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import org.apache.gearpump.akkastream.GearpumpMaterializer import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.main.{ArgumentsParser, CLIOption} import org.apache.gearpump.util.AkkaApp import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ object Test15 extends AkkaApp with ArgumentsParser { // scalastyle:off println override val options: Array[(String, CLIOption[Any])] = Array( "gearpump" -> CLIOption[Boolean]("<boolean>", required = false, defaultValue = Some(false)) ) override def main(akkaConf: Config, args: Array[String]): Unit = { val config = parse(args) implicit val system = ActorSystem("Test15", akkaConf) implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = config.getBoolean("gearpump") match { case true => GearpumpMaterializer() case false => ActorMaterializer( ActorMaterializerSettings(system).withAutoFusing(false) ) } import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.Implicits._ RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => val A = builder.add(Source.single(0)).out val B = builder.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val C = builder.add(Merge[Int](2).named("C")) val D = builder.add(Flow[Int].map(_ + 1).named("D")) val E = builder.add(Balance[Int](2).named("E")) val F = builder.add(Merge[Int](2).named("F")) val G = builder.add(Sink.foreach(println).named("G")).in C <~ F A ~> B ~> C ~> F B ~> D ~> E ~> F E ~> G ClosedShape }).run() Await.result(system.whenTerminated, 60.minutes) } // scalastyle:on println }
Example 71
Source File: LogJson.scala From 006877 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aia.stream import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path } import java.io.File import java.time.ZonedDateTime import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{ Success, Failure } import akka.Done import akka.actor._ import akka.util.ByteString import akka.stream.{ ActorAttributes, ActorMaterializer, IOResult } import akka.stream.scaladsl.JsonFraming import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ FileIO, BidiFlow, Flow, Framing, Keep, Sink, Source } import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._ import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.Marshal import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server._ import spray.json._ object LogJson extends EventMarshalling with NotificationMarshalling with MetricMarshalling { def textInFlow(maxLine: Int) = { Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maxLine) .map(_.decodeString("UTF8")) .map(LogStreamProcessor.parseLineEx) .collect { case Some(e) => e } } def jsonInFlow(maxJsonObject: Int) = { JsonFraming.objectScanner(maxJsonObject) .map(_.decodeString("UTF8").parseJson.convertTo[Event]) } def jsonFramed(maxJsonObject: Int) = JsonFraming.objectScanner(maxJsonObject) val jsonOutFlow = Flow[Event].map { event => ByteString(event.toJson.compactPrint) } val notifyOutFlow = Flow[Summary].map { ws => ByteString(ws.toJson.compactPrint) } val metricOutFlow = Flow[Metric].map { m => ByteString(m.toJson.compactPrint) } val textOutFlow = Flow[Event].map{ event => ByteString(LogStreamProcessor.logLine(event)) } def logToJson(maxLine: Int) = { BidiFlow.fromFlows(textInFlow(maxLine), jsonOutFlow) } def jsonToLog(maxJsonObject: Int) = { BidiFlow.fromFlows(jsonInFlow(maxJsonObject), textOutFlow) } def logToJsonFlow(maxLine: Int) = { logToJson(maxLine).join(Flow[Event]) } def jsonToLogFlow(maxJsonObject: Int) = { jsonToLog(maxJsonObject).join(Flow[Event]) } }
Example 72
Source File: GrpcAkkaStreamsClientCalls.scala From grpcakkastream with MIT License | 5 votes |
package grpc.akkastreams import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference} import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import com.trueaccord.scalapb.grpc.Grpc import io.grpc.{ClientCall, Metadata, Status} import io.grpc.stub._ object GrpcAkkaStreamsClientCalls { def unaryFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow[I].flatMapConcat(request => Source.fromFuture( Grpc.guavaFuture2ScalaFuture( ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall(call, request) ) ) ) def serverStreamingFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph( new GrpcGraphStage[I, O](outputObserver => { val out = outputObserver.asInstanceOf[ClientResponseObserver[I, O]] val in = new ClientCallStreamObserver[I] { val halfClosed = new AtomicBoolean(false) val onReadyHandler = new AtomicReference[Option[Runnable]](None) val listener = new ClientCall.Listener[O] { override def onClose(status: Status, trailers: Metadata): Unit = status.getCode match { case Status.Code.OK => out.onCompleted() case _ => out.onError(status.asException(trailers)) } override def onMessage(message: O): Unit = out.onNext(message) override def onReady(): Unit = onReadyHandler.get().foreach(_.run()) } call.start(listener, new Metadata()) override def cancel(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = call.cancel(message, cause) override def setOnReadyHandler(onReadyHandler: Runnable): Unit = this.onReadyHandler.set(Some(onReadyHandler)) override def request(count: Int): Unit = call.request(count) override def disableAutoInboundFlowControl(): Unit = () override def isReady: Boolean = !halfClosed.get() || call.isReady override def setMessageCompression(enable: Boolean): Unit = call.setMessageCompression(enable) override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = call.cancel("Cancelled by client with StreamObserver.onError()", t) override def onCompleted(): Unit = () override def onNext(request: I): Unit = { call.sendMessage(request) halfClosed.set(true) call.halfClose() } } out.beforeStart(in) in }) ) def clientStreamingFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(new GrpcGraphStage[I, O](ClientCalls.asyncClientStreamingCall(call, _))) def bidiStreamingFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(new GrpcGraphStage[I, O](ClientCalls.asyncBidiStreamingCall(call, _))) }
Example 73
Source File: GrpcAkkaStreamsServerCalls.scala From grpcakkastream with MIT License | 5 votes |
package grpc.akkastreams import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import io.grpc.ServerCallHandler import io.grpc.stub.{CallStreamObserver, ServerCalls, StreamObserver} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object GrpcAkkaStreamsServerCalls { def unaryCall[I, O](service: Flow[I, O, _])( implicit mat: Materializer ): ServerCallHandler[I, O] = ServerCalls.asyncUnaryCall( new ServerCalls.UnaryMethod[I, O] { override def invoke(request: I, responseObserver: StreamObserver[O]) = Source .single(request) .via(service) .runForeach(responseObserver.onNext) .onComplete { case Success(_) => responseObserver.onCompleted() case Failure(t) => responseObserver.onError(t) }(mat.executionContext) } ) def serverStreamingCall[I, O](service: Flow[I, O, _])( implicit mat: Materializer ): ServerCallHandler[I, O] = ServerCalls.asyncServerStreamingCall( new ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod[I, O] { override def invoke(request: I, responseObserver: StreamObserver[O]) = Source .single(request) .via(service) .runWith(Sink.fromGraph(new GrpcSinkStage[O]( responseObserver.asInstanceOf[CallStreamObserver[O]] ))) } ) def clientStreamingCall[I, O](service: Flow[I, O, _])( implicit mat: Materializer ): ServerCallHandler[I, O] = ServerCalls.asyncClientStreamingCall( new ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod[I, O] { override def invoke(responseObserver: StreamObserver[O]): StreamObserver[I] = // blocks until the GraphStage is fully initialized Await.result( Source .fromGraph(new GrpcSourceStage[I, O]( responseObserver.asInstanceOf[CallStreamObserver[O]] )) .via(service) .to(Sink.fromGraph(new GrpcSinkStage[O]( responseObserver.asInstanceOf[CallStreamObserver[O]] ))).run(), Duration.Inf ) } ) def bidiStreamingCall[I, O](service: Flow[I, O, _])( implicit mat: Materializer ): ServerCallHandler[I, O] = ServerCalls.asyncBidiStreamingCall( new ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod[I, O] { override def invoke(responseObserver: StreamObserver[O]): StreamObserver[I] = // blocks until the GraphStage is fully initialized Await.result( Source .fromGraph(new GrpcSourceStage[I, O]( responseObserver.asInstanceOf[CallStreamObserver[O]] )) .via(service) .to(Sink.fromGraph(new GrpcSinkStage[O]( responseObserver.asInstanceOf[CallStreamObserver[O]] ))).run(), Duration.Inf ) } ) }
Example 74
Source File: ReverseProxy.scala From introduction-to-akkahttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.shashank.akkahttp.basic.serving import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{Host, `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`} import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, Materializer} object ReverseProxy { def main(args: Array[String]) { implicit val sys = ActorSystem("IntroductionToAkkaHttp") implicit val mat:Materializer = ActorMaterializer() val redirectHost = "localhost" val redirectPort = 8090 val requestFlow = Flow.fromFunction[HttpRequest, HttpRequest]( request => { request .withUri(request.uri.withAuthority(redirectHost, redirectPort)) .mapHeaders(headers => headers.filterNot(_.lowercaseName() == Host.lowercaseName)) .addHeader(Host(redirectHost, redirectPort)) }) val outgoingConnection = Http().outgoingConnection(redirectHost, redirectPort) val responseFlow = Flow.fromFunction[HttpResponse, HttpResponse]( response => { response.withHeaders(`Access-Control-Allow-Origin`.*) }) Http().bindAndHandle(requestFlow via outgoingConnection via responseFlow, "localhost", 8080) } }
Example 75
Source File: WorkingWithGraphsApplication.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter8 import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random object WorkingWithGraphsApplication extends App { implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("WorkingWithGraphs") implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() trait MobileMsg { def id = Random.nextInt(1000) def toGenMsg(origin: String) = GenericMsg(id, origin) } class AndroidMsg extends MobileMsg class IosMsg extends MobileMsg case class GenericMsg(id: Int, origin: String) val graph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ //Sources val androidNotification = Source.tick(2 seconds, 500 millis, new AndroidMsg) val iOSNotification = Source.tick(700 millis, 600 millis, new IosMsg) //Flow val groupAndroid = Flow[AndroidMsg].map(_.toGenMsg("ANDROID")).groupedWithin(5, 5 seconds).async val groupIos = Flow[IosMsg].map(_.toGenMsg("IOS")).groupedWithin(5, 5 seconds).async def counter = Flow[Seq[GenericMsg]].via(new StatefulCounterFlow()) def mapper = Flow[Seq[GenericMsg]].mapConcat(_.toList) //Junctions val aBroadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val iBroadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val balancer = builder.add(Balance[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val notitificationMerge = builder.add(Merge[Seq[GenericMsg]](2)) val genericNotitificationMerge = builder.add(Merge[GenericMsg](2)) def counterSink(s: String) = Sink.foreach[Int](x => println(s"$s: [$x]")) //Graph androidNotification ~> groupAndroid ~> aBroadcast ~> counter ~> counterSink("Android") aBroadcast ~> notitificationMerge iBroadcast ~> notitificationMerge iOSNotification ~> groupIos ~> iBroadcast ~> counter ~> counterSink("Ios") notitificationMerge ~> balancer ~> mapper.async ~> genericNotitificationMerge balancer ~> mapper.async ~> genericNotitificationMerge genericNotitificationMerge ~> Sink.foreach(println) ClosedShape }) graph.run() }
Example 76
Source File: ProcessingKafkaApplication.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter8 import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.kafka.scaladsl.{Consumer, Producer} import akka.kafka.{ConsumerSettings, ProducerSettings, Subscriptions} import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, ConsumerRecord} import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ByteArrayDeserializer, ByteArraySerializer, StringDeserializer, StringSerializer} import scala.concurrent.duration._ object ProcessingKafkaApplication extends App { implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("SimpleStream") implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() val bootstrapServers = "localhost:9092" val kafkaTopic = "akka_streams_topic" val partition = 0 val subscription = Subscriptions.assignment(new TopicPartition(kafkaTopic, partition)) val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings(actorSystem, new ByteArrayDeserializer, new StringDeserializer) .withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers) .withGroupId("akka_streams_group") .withProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest") val producerSettings = ProducerSettings(actorSystem, new ByteArraySerializer, new StringSerializer) .withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers) val runnableGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val tickSource = Source.tick(0 seconds, 5 seconds, "Hello from Akka Streams using Kafka!") val kafkaSource = Consumer.plainSource(consumerSettings, subscription) val kafkaSink = Producer.plainSink(producerSettings) val printlnSink = Sink.foreach(println) val mapToProducerRecord = Flow[String].map(elem => new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], String](kafkaTopic, elem)) val mapFromConsumerRecord = Flow[ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], String]].map(record => record.value()) tickSource ~> mapToProducerRecord ~> kafkaSink kafkaSource ~> mapFromConsumerRecord ~> printlnSink ClosedShape }) runnableGraph.run() }
Example 77
Source File: PipeliningParallelizing.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter8 import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, FlowShape} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Sink, Source} import scala.util.Random trait PipeliningParallelizing extends App { implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("PipeliningParallelizing") implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() case class Wash(id: Int) case class Dry(id: Int) case class Done(id: Int) val tasks = (1 to 5).map(Wash) def washStage = Flow[Wash].map(wash => { val sleepTime = Random.nextInt(3) * 1000 println(s"Washing ${wash.id}. It will take $sleepTime milliseconds.") Thread.sleep(sleepTime) Dry(wash.id) }) def dryStage = Flow[Dry].map(dry => { val sleepTime = Random.nextInt(3) * 1000 println(s"Drying ${dry.id}. It will take $sleepTime milliseconds.") Thread.sleep(sleepTime) Done(dry.id) }) val parallelStage = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val dispatchLaundry = builder.add(Balance[Wash](3)) val mergeLaundry = builder.add(Merge[Done](3)) dispatchLaundry.out(0) ~> washStage.async ~> dryStage.async ~> mergeLaundry.in(0) dispatchLaundry.out(1) ~> washStage.async ~> dryStage.async ~> mergeLaundry.in(1) dispatchLaundry.out(2) ~> washStage.async ~> dryStage.async ~> mergeLaundry.in(2) FlowShape(dispatchLaundry.in, mergeLaundry.out) }) def runGraph(testingFlow: Flow[Wash, Done, NotUsed]) = Source(tasks).via(testingFlow).to(Sink.foreach(println)).run() }
Example 78
Source File: StoppedReadSideProcessor.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.helloworld.impl.readsides import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import akka.persistence.query.Offset import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.example.helloworld.impl.GreetingMessageChanged import com.example.helloworld.impl.HelloWorldEvent import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventTag import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.EventStreamElement import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSide import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSideProcessor import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler import scala.concurrent.Future // -------- Started instance of the processor -------- object StartedReadSideProcessor { val Name = "StartedProcessor" private val greetings = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]() } class StartedReadSideProcessor(readSide: ReadSide) extends AbstractReadSideProcessor( readSide, StartedReadSideProcessor.Name, StartedReadSideProcessor.greetings ) // -------- Started instance of the processor -------- object StoppedReadSideProcessor { val Name = "StoppedProcessor" private val greetings = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]() } class StoppedReadSideProcessor(readSide: ReadSide) extends AbstractReadSideProcessor( readSide, StoppedReadSideProcessor.Name, StoppedReadSideProcessor.greetings ) // -------- Abstract processor -------- class AbstractReadSideProcessor(private val readSide: ReadSide, processorName: String, inMemoryView: ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]) extends ReadSideProcessor[HelloWorldEvent] { override def readSideName: String = processorName override def aggregateTags: Set[AggregateEventTag[HelloWorldEvent]] = HelloWorldEvent.Tag.allTags def getLastMessage(id: String): String = inMemoryView.getOrDefault(id, "default-projected-message") override def buildHandler() : ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler[HelloWorldEvent] = { new ReadSideHandler[HelloWorldEvent] { val completedDone = Future.successful(Done) override def globalPrepare(): Future[Done] = completedDone override def prepare( tag: AggregateEventTag[HelloWorldEvent] ): Future[Offset] = Future.successful(Offset.noOffset) override def handle() : Flow[EventStreamElement[HelloWorldEvent], Done, NotUsed] = { Flow[EventStreamElement[HelloWorldEvent]] .mapAsync(1) { streamElement => streamElement.event match { case GreetingMessageChanged(id, message) => inMemoryView.put(id, message) completedDone } } } } } }
Example 79
Source File: AnotherServiceImpl.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.scaladsl.mb import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.Implicits._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.Merge import akka.stream.scaladsl.Partition import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceCall import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Message //#inject-service class AnotherServiceImpl(helloService: HelloService) extends AnotherService { //#inject-service //#subscribe-to-topic helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe // <-- you get back a Subscriber instance .atLeastOnce( Flow.fromFunction(doSomethingWithTheMessage) ) //#subscribe-to-topic var lastObservedMessage: String = _ private def doSomethingWithTheMessage(greetingMessage: GreetingMessage): Done = { lastObservedMessage = greetingMessage.message Done } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global override def foo: ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] = ServiceCall { req => scala.concurrent.Future.successful(lastObservedMessage) } def subscribeWithMetadata = { //#subscribe-to-topic-with-metadata import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Message import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.broker.kafka.KafkaMetadataKeys helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe .withMetadata .atLeastOnce( Flow[Message[GreetingMessage]].map { msg => val greetingMessage = msg.payload val messageKey = msg.messageKeyAsString val kafkaHeaders = msg.get(KafkaMetadataKeys.Headers) println(s"Message: $greetingMessage Key: $messageKey Headers: $kafkaHeaders") Done } ) //#subscribe-to-topic-with-metadata } def skipMessages = { //#subscribe-to-topic-skip-messages helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe .atLeastOnce( Flow[GreetingMessage].map { case msg @ GreetingMessage("Kia ora") => doSomethingWithTheMessage(msg) case _ => Done // Skip all messages where the message is not "Kia ora". } ) //#subscribe-to-topic-skip-messages } }
Example 80
Source File: BlogEventProcessor.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.home.scaladsl.persistence import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import akka.persistence.query._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventTag import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.EventStreamElement import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSideProcessor import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler //#my-database trait MyDatabase { def handleEvent(event: BlogEvent, offset: Offset): Future[Done] } //#my-database object MyDatabase extends MyDatabase { def createTables(): Future[Done] = Future.successful(Done) def loadOffset(tag: AggregateEventTag[BlogEvent]): Future[Offset] = Future.successful(NoOffset) def handleEvent(event: BlogEvent, offset: Offset): Future[Done] = Future.successful(Done) } class BlogEventProcessor(myDatabase: MyDatabase) extends ReadSideProcessor[BlogEvent] { //#tag override def aggregateTags: Set[AggregateEventTag[BlogEvent]] = BlogEvent.Tag.allTags //#tag //#build-handler override def buildHandler(): ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler[BlogEvent] = { new ReadSideHandler[BlogEvent] { override def globalPrepare(): Future[Done] = myDatabase.createTables() override def prepare(tag: AggregateEventTag[BlogEvent]): Future[Offset] = myDatabase.loadOffset(tag) override def handle(): Flow[EventStreamElement[BlogEvent], Done, NotUsed] = { Flow[EventStreamElement[BlogEvent]] .mapAsync(1) { eventElement => myDatabase.handleEvent(eventElement.event, eventElement.offset) } } } } //#build-handler }
Example 81
Source File: CassandraReadSideHandler.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.scaladsl.persistence.cassandra import akka.persistence.query.Offset import akka.stream.ActorAttributes import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.cassandra.CassandraOffsetDao import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.cassandra.CassandraOffsetStore import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.cassandra.CassandraSession import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ private[cassandra] final class CassandraAutoReadSideHandler[Event <: AggregateEvent[Event]]( session: CassandraSession, offsetStore: CassandraOffsetStore, handlers: Map[Class[_ <: Event], CassandraAutoReadSideHandler.Handler[Event]], globalPrepareCallback: () => Future[Done], prepareCallback: AggregateEventTag[Event] => Future[Done], readProcessorId: String, dispatcher: String )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends CassandraReadSideHandler[Event, CassandraAutoReadSideHandler.Handler[Event]]( session, handlers, dispatcher ) { import CassandraAutoReadSideHandler.Handler @volatile private var offsetDao: CassandraOffsetDao = _ protected override def invoke( handler: Handler[Event], element: EventStreamElement[Event] ): Future[immutable.Seq[BoundStatement]] = { for { statements <- handler .asInstanceOf[EventStreamElement[Event] => Future[immutable.Seq[BoundStatement]]] .apply(element) } yield statements :+ offsetDao.bindSaveOffset(element.offset) } protected def offsetStatement(offset: Offset): immutable.Seq[BoundStatement] = immutable.Seq(offsetDao.bindSaveOffset(offset)) override def globalPrepare(): Future[Done] = { globalPrepareCallback.apply() } override def prepare(tag: AggregateEventTag[Event]): Future[Offset] = { for { _ <- prepareCallback.apply(tag) dao <- offsetStore.prepare(readProcessorId, tag.tag) } yield { offsetDao = dao dao.loadedOffset } } }
Example 82
Source File: ProducerStubFactory.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.testkit import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.util.function.{ Function => JFunction } import akka.Done import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.actor.Props import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.testkit.InternalSubscriberStub import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.testkit.TopicBufferActor import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Topic.TopicId import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Message import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Subscriber import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.broker.Topic import scala.concurrent.Future def send(message: Message[T]): Unit = bufferActor.tell(message, ActorRef.noSender) } private[lagom] class TopicStub[T](val topicId: Topic.TopicId, topicBuffer: ActorRef)( implicit materializer: Materializer ) extends Topic[T] { def subscribe = new SubscriberStub[T, T]("default", topicBuffer, _.payload) class SubscriberStub[Payload, SubscriberPayload]( groupId: String, topicBuffer: ActorRef, transform: Message[Payload] => SubscriberPayload )(implicit materializer: Materializer) extends InternalSubscriberStub[Payload, Message](groupId, topicBuffer) with Subscriber[SubscriberPayload] { override def withMetadata: Subscriber[Message[SubscriberPayload]] = new SubscriberStub[Payload, Message[SubscriberPayload]]( groupId, topicBuffer, msg => msg.withPayload(transform(msg)) ) override def withGroupId(groupId: String): Subscriber[SubscriberPayload] = new SubscriberStub[Payload, SubscriberPayload](groupId, topicBuffer, transform) override def atMostOnceSource: Source[SubscriberPayload, _] = super.mostOnceSource.map(transform) override def atLeastOnce(flow: Flow[SubscriberPayload, Done, _]): Future[Done] = super.leastOnce(Flow[Message[Payload]].map(transform).via(flow)) } }
Example 83
Source File: InternalSubscriberStub.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.testkit import akka.Done import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.OverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.scaladsl.Keep import akka.stream.scaladsl.Sink import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.language.higherKinds private[lagom] class InternalSubscriberStub[Payload, Message[_]]( groupId: String, topicBuffer: ActorRef )(implicit materializer: Materializer) { def mostOnceSource: Source[Message[Payload], _] = { Source .actorRef[Message[Payload]](1024, OverflowStrategy.fail) .prependMat(Source.empty)(subscribeToBuffer) } def leastOnce(flow: Flow[Message[Payload], Done, _]): Future[Done] = { mostOnceSource .via(flow) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right[Any, Future[Done]]) .run() } private def subscribeToBuffer[R](ref: ActorRef, t: R) = { topicBuffer.tell(TopicBufferActor.SubscribeToBuffer(groupId, ref), ActorRef.noSender) t } }
Example 84
Source File: WebSocketWorker.scala From chordial with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.tristanpenman.chordial.demo import akka.actor._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{Message, TextMessage} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import ch.megard.akka.http.cors.scaladsl.CorsDirectives._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext final class WebSocketWorker(governor: ActorRef, eventsSource: Source[TextMessage, _])(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) extends WebService { def route = // scalafmt: { indentOperator = spray } cors() { routes(governor) ~ pathPrefix("eventstream")(getFromResourceDirectory("webapp")) ~ handleWebSocketMessages(Flow[Message].take(0).prepend(eventsSource)) } } object WebSocketWorker { def apply(nodeRef: ActorRef, eventsSource: Source[TextMessage, _])( implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Route = new WebSocketWorker(nodeRef, eventsSource).route }
Example 85
Source File: KafkaService.scala From ws_to_kafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.pkinsky import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Source, Flow, Sink} import com.softwaremill.react.kafka.{ConsumerProperties, ProducerProperties, ProducerMessage, ReactiveKafka} import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer, Serializer} import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Reads, Writes} case class KafkaServiceConf(bootstrapServers: String) class KafkaService(kafkaClient: ReactiveKafka, conf: KafkaServiceConf) { def consume[T](topic: String, groupId: String)(implicit writes: Reads[T], actorSystem: ActorSystem): Source[T, Unit] = Source.fromPublisher(kafkaClient.consume( ConsumerProperties( bootstrapServers = conf.bootstrapServers, // IP and port of local Kafka instance topic = topic, // topic to consume messages from groupId = groupId, // consumer group valueDeserializer = KafkaService.deserializer[T] ) )).map(_.value()) } object KafkaService { def serializer[T: Writes] = new Serializer[T] { override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = { val js = Json.toJson(data) js.toString().getBytes("UTF-8") } override def configure(configs: java.util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = () override def close(): Unit = () } def deserializer[T: Reads] = new Deserializer[T] { override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = { val s = new String(data, "UTF-8") Json.fromJson(Json.parse(s)).get //throw exception on error ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (consider returning JsResult[T]) } override def configure(configs: java.util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = () override def close(): Unit = () } }
Example 86
Source File: CouchbaseReadSideHandler.scala From akka-persistence-couchbase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.scaladsl.persistence.couchbase import akka.persistence.query.Offset import akka.stream.ActorAttributes import akka.stream.alpakka.couchbase.scaladsl.CouchbaseSession import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.couchbase.{CouchbaseOffsetDao, CouchbaseOffsetStore} import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence._ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} private[couchbase] final class CouchbaseReadSideHandler[Event <: AggregateEvent[Event]]( couchbase: CouchbaseSession, offsetStore: CouchbaseOffsetStore, handlers: Map[Class[_ <: Event], CouchbaseReadSideHandler.Handler[Event]], globalPrepareCallback: CouchbaseSession => Future[Done], prepareCallback: (CouchbaseSession, AggregateEventTag[Event]) => Future[Done], readProcessorId: String, dispatcher: String )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends ReadSideHandler[Event] { import CouchbaseReadSideHandler.Handler private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) @volatile private var offsetDao: CouchbaseOffsetDao = _ protected def invoke(handler: Handler[Event], element: EventStreamElement[Event]): Future[Done] = handler .apply(couchbase, element) .flatMap(_ => offsetDao.bindSaveOffset(element.offset).execute(couchbase, ec)) override def globalPrepare(): Future[Done] = globalPrepareCallback(couchbase) override def prepare(tag: AggregateEventTag[Event]): Future[Offset] = for { _ <- prepareCallback.apply(couchbase, tag) dao <- offsetStore.prepare(readProcessorId, tag.tag) } yield { offsetDao = dao dao.loadedOffset } override def handle(): Flow[EventStreamElement[Event], Done, NotUsed] = Flow[EventStreamElement[Event]] .mapAsync(parallelism = 1) { elem => val eventClass = elem.event.getClass val handler = handlers.getOrElse( // lookup handler eventClass, // fallback to empty handler if none { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Unhandled event [{}]", eventClass.getName) CouchbaseReadSideHandler.emptyHandler.asInstanceOf[Handler[Event]] } ) invoke(handler, elem) } .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.dispatcher(dispatcher)) }
Example 87
Source File: RequestRoutingSpec.scala From akka-stream-eventsourcing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.krasserm.ases import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import akka.testkit.TestKit import com.github.krasserm.ases.log.AkkaPersistenceEventLog import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpecLike} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object RequestRoutingSpec { import EventSourcing._ sealed trait Request { def aggregateId: String } case class GetState(aggregateId: String) extends Request // Query case class Increment(aggregateId: String, delta: Int) extends Request // Command case class Incremented(aggregateId: String, delta: Int) // Event case class Response(aggregateId: String, state: Int) val requestHandler: RequestHandler[Int, Incremented, Request, Response] = { case (s, GetState(aggregateId)) => respond(Response(aggregateId, s)) case (_, Increment(aggregateId, d)) => emit(Seq(Incremented(aggregateId, d)), Response(aggregateId, _)) } val eventHandler: EventHandler[Int, Incremented] = (s, e) => s + e.delta } class RequestRoutingSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) with WordSpecLike with Matchers with ScalaFutures with StreamSpec { import RequestRoutingSpec._ val akkaPersistenceEventLog: AkkaPersistenceEventLog = new log.AkkaPersistenceEventLog(journalId = "akka.persistence.journal.inmem") def processor(aggregateId: String): Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed] = EventSourcing(aggregateId, 0, requestHandler, eventHandler).join(akkaPersistenceEventLog.flow(aggregateId)) def router: Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed] = Router(_.aggregateId, processor) "A request router" when { "configured to route based on aggregate id" must { "dynamically create a request processor for each aggregate id" in { val aggregateId1 = "a1" val aggregateId2 = "a2" val (pub, sub) = probes(router) pub.sendNext(Increment(aggregateId1, 3)) sub.requestNext(Response(aggregateId1, 3)) pub.sendNext(Increment(aggregateId2, 1)) sub.requestNext(Response(aggregateId2, 1)) pub.sendNext(Increment(aggregateId1, 2)) sub.requestNext(Response(aggregateId1, 5)) pub.sendNext(Increment(aggregateId2, -4)) sub.requestNext(Response(aggregateId2, -3)) } "handle single command using Source.single" in { val request = Increment("a3", 3) val expected = Response("a3", 3) Source.single(request) .via(router) .runWith(Sink.head) .futureValue should be(expected) } "handle single command using Source.apply(Seq)" in { val request = Increment("a4", 3) val expected = Response("a4", 3) Source(Seq(request)) .via(router) .runWith(Sink.head) .futureValue should be(expected) } "handle multiple commands" in { Source(Seq(Increment("a5", 1), Increment("a5", 2), Increment("a5", 3))) .via(router) .runWith(Sink.seq) .futureValue should be(Seq(Response("a5", 1), Response("a5", 3), Response("a5", 6))) } } } }
Example 88
Source File: EventCollaborationSpec.scala From akka-stream-eventsourcing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.krasserm.ases import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink} import akka.testkit.TestKit import com.github.krasserm.ases.log.{KafkaEventLog, KafkaSpec} import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.time.{Millis, Seconds, Span} import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpecLike} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq class EventCollaborationSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) with WordSpecLike with Matchers with ScalaFutures with StreamSpec with KafkaSpec { import EventSourcingSpec._ implicit val pc = PatienceConfig(timeout = Span(5, Seconds), interval = Span(10, Millis)) val emitterId1 = "processor1" val emitterId2 = "processor2" val kafkaEventLog: KafkaEventLog = new log.KafkaEventLog(host, port) def processor(emitterId: String, topicPartition: TopicPartition): Flow[Request, Response, NotUsed] = EventSourcing(emitterId, 0, requestHandler, eventHandler).join(kafkaEventLog.flow(topicPartition)) "A group of EventSourcing stages" when { "joined with a shared event log" can { "collaborate via publish-subscribe" in { val topicPartition = new TopicPartition("p-1", 0) // shared topic partition val (pub1, sub1) = probes(processor(emitterId1, topicPartition)) // processor 1 val (pub2, sub2) = probes(processor(emitterId2, topicPartition)) // processor 2 pub1.sendNext(Increment(3)) // Both processors receive event but // only processor 1 creates response sub1.requestNext(Response(3)) pub2.sendNext(Increment(-4)) // Both processors receive event but // only processor 2 creates response sub2.requestNext(Response(-1)) // consume and verify events emitted by both processors kafkaEventLog.source[Incremented](topicPartition).via(log.replayed).map { case Durable(event, eid, _, sequenceNr) => (event, eid, sequenceNr) }.runWith(Sink.seq).futureValue should be(Seq( (Incremented(3), emitterId1, 0L), (Incremented(-4), emitterId2, 1L) )) } } } }
Example 89
Source File: StreamSpec.scala From akka-stream-eventsourcing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.krasserm.ases import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep} import akka.stream.testkit.scaladsl.{TestSink, TestSource} import akka.stream.testkit.{TestPublisher, TestSubscriber} import akka.testkit.TestKit import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq trait StreamSpec extends BeforeAndAfterAll { this: TestKit with Suite => implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() val emitterId = "emitter" override def afterAll(): Unit = { materializer.shutdown() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } def probes[I, O, M](flow: Flow[I, O, M]): (TestPublisher.Probe[I], TestSubscriber.Probe[O]) = TestSource.probe[I].viaMat(flow)(Keep.left).toMat(TestSink.probe[O])(Keep.both).run() def durables[A](emitted: Seq[Emitted[A]], offset: Int = 0): Seq[Durable[A]] = emitted.zipWithIndex.map { case (e, i) => e.durable(i + offset) } }
Example 90
Source File: Pipe.scala From tap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.heta.tap.pipelines import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import io.heta.tap.data.doc.expression.affect.AffectThresholds import io.heta.tap.pipelines.materialize.FilePipeline.File import org.clulab.processors.Document object Pipe { val annotatedSentences: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val vocabulary: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.Sentences_Vocabulary via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val metrics: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.Sentences_Metrics via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val posStats: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.Sentences_PosStats via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val syllables: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.Sentences_Syllables via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val spelling: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.Sentences_Spelling via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val expressions: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.Sentences_Expressions via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val affectExpressions: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_SentencesBatchResult via Segment.Sentences_AffectExpressions(Some(AffectThresholds(arousal=0.0,valence = 0.0,dominance = 0.0))) via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File val reflectExpressions: Flow[Document, File, NotUsed] = Segment.Document_ReflectiveExpressionsBatchResult via Segment.AnalyticsResult_File }
Example 91
Source File: AnnotatingTypes.scala From tap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.heta.tap.pipelines import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import io.nlytx.expressions.data.ReflectiveExpressions import io.nlytx.nlp.api.DocumentModel.{Document, Section} import org.clulab.processors import io.heta.tap.data._ import io.heta.tap.data.doc.expression.reflect.ReflectExpressions import io.heta.tap.data.doc.spell.Spelling import io.heta.tap.data.doc.{Metrics, PosStats, Sentence, Syllables} // scalastyle:ignore type TapSentences = Vector[Sentence] type Sections = Vector[Section] //type CluDocumentFlow = Flow[String,processors.Document, NotUsed] //type CluSentencesFlow = Flow[processors.Document, TapSentences, NotUsed] type DocumentFlow = Flow[String, Document, NotUsed] //type SentencesFlow = Flow[Document, TapSentences, NotUsed] //type VocabFlow = Flow[Document, TapVocab, NotUsed] type MetricsFlow = Flow[Document, Metrics, NotUsed] //type ExpressionsFlow = Flow[Document, Vector[Expressions], NotUsed] type SyllablesFlow = Flow[Document, Vector[Syllables],NotUsed] type SpellingFlow = Flow[Document, Vector[Spelling],NotUsed] type PosStatsFlow = Flow[Document, PosStats, NotUsed] type ReflectExpressionFlow = Flow[Document, ReflectExpressions, NotUsed] //type AffectExpressionFlow = Flow[processors.Document, Vector[AffectExpressions], NotUsed] }
Example 92
Source File: CleaningPipelineSpec.scala From tap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.heta.tap.pipelines import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink, Source} import io.heta.tap.UnitSpec import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class CleaningPipelineSpec extends UnitSpec { import io.heta.tap.pipelines.materialize.PipelineContext._ val cleaning = new Cleaning def testSource(input:String) = Source.single(input) val testSink = Flow[String].toMat(Sink.head[String])(Keep.right) "revealInvisible" should "replace whitespace characters with visible characters" in { import cleaning.White._ val input = s"1${sp}2${nb}3${nl}4${cr}5\u001e6\u00807" val future = testSource(input) via cleaning.Pipeline.revealInvisible runWith testSink val result = Await.result(future, 3 seconds) assert(result=="1·2·3¬4¬5�6�7") } "simplify" should "replace quotes and hyphens with single byte versions" in { import cleaning.Quote._ val input = s"1${singleCurlyLeft}2${singleCurlyRight}3${doubleCurlyLeft}4${doubleCurlyRight}5${cleaning.Hyphen.rgx_hyphens}6" val future = testSource(input) via cleaning.Pipeline.simplify runWith testSink val result = Await.result(future, 3 seconds) assert(result=="1'2'3\"4\"5-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-6") } "lengthPreserve" should "replace control characters while preserving length" in { import cleaning.White._ val input = s"1${sp}2${nb}3${nl}4${cr}5\u001e6\u00807" val future = testSource(input) via cleaning.Pipeline.lengthPreserve runWith testSink val result = Await.result(future, 3 seconds) assert(result=="1 2 3\n4\n5�6�7" && result.length==input.length) } "utfMinimal" should "strip control characters, and reduce whitespace" in { import cleaning.White._ val input = s"1${sp}${nb}3${nl}${cr}5\u001e6\u00807" val future = testSource(input) via cleaning.Pipeline.utfMinimal runWith testSink val result = Await.result(future, 3 seconds) assert(result=="1 3\n567") } "utfSimplify" should "replace hyphens and quotes, strip controls and reduce whitespace" in { import cleaning.Quote._ import cleaning.White._ val input = s"1${sp}${nb}3${nl}${cr}5\u001e6\u00807${singleCurlyLeft}8${singleCurlyRight}9${doubleCurlyLeft}10${doubleCurlyRight}11${cleaning.Hyphen.rgx_hyphens}12" val future = testSource(input) via cleaning.Pipeline.utfSimplify runWith testSink val result = Await.result(future, 3 seconds) assert(result=="1 3\n567'8'9\"10\"11-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-12") } // "asciiOnly" should "replace or strip all non-ascii characters" in { // import cleaning.Quote._ // import cleaning.White._ // val input = s"1${sp}${nb}3${nl}${cr}56\u00807${singleCurlyLeft}8${singleCurlyRight}9${doubleCurlyLeft}10${doubleCurlyRight}11${cleaning.Hyphen.rgx_hyphens}12" // val future = testSource(input) via cleaning.Pipeline.asciiOnly runWith testSink // val result = Await.result(future, 3 seconds) // assert(result=="1 3\r\n567891011|||||||12") // } }
Example 93
Source File: WebService.scala From heimdallr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package chat import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._ import scala.util.{Failure,Success} import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.{ ServerBinding } import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Uri } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Sink, Source } import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory trait WebService { val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("total") private var binding: scala.concurrent.Future[ServerBinding] = null def serviceBind(serviceName: String, bindRoute: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Any], bindPort: Int) (implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer): Unit = { binding = Http().bindAndHandle(bindRoute,"", bindPort) // the rest of the sample code will go here binding.onComplete { //binding success check case Success(binding) => val localAddress = binding.localAddress log.info(s"${serviceName} is listening on ${localAddress.getAddress}:${localAddress.getPort}") case Failure(e) => log.error(s"${serviceName} Binding failed with ${e.getMessage}") } } def serviceUnbind(serviceName: String) = { if( binding != null ) { binding .flatMap(_.unbind()) .onComplete(_ => log.info(s"${serviceName} listening port unbinding ... ") ) } else log.info( s"${serviceName} Unbinding Failed !" ) } }
Example 94
Source File: StorageIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.indexing import java.time.Instant import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.admin.client.AdminClient import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.iam.auth.AccessToken import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.cache.{ProjectCache, StorageCache} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.KgConfig.StorageConfig import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resources._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.storage.Storage import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.service.config.ServiceConfig import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.service.config.Vocabulary.nxv import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections.ProgressFlow.{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object StorageIndexer { implicit private val log = Logger[StorageIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](storages: Storages[F], storageCache: StorageCache[F])(implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken: Option[AccessToken] = config.serviceAccount.credentials implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.kg.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.kg.keyValueStore.askTimeout) implicit val storageConfig: StorageConfig = config.kg.storage val name = "storage-indexer" def toStorage(event: Event): F[Option[(Storage, Instant)]] = fetchProject(event.organization, event.id.parent, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => storages.fetchStorage(event.id).value.map { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${event.id.show} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(timedStorage) => Some(timedStorage) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${nxv.Storage.value.show}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toStorage) .collectSome[(Storage, Instant)] .runAsync { case (storage, instant) => storageCache.put(storage)(instant) }() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 95
Source File: ResolverIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.indexing import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.admin.client.AdminClient import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.iam.auth.AccessToken import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.cache.{ProjectCache, ResolverCache} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resolve.Resolver import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resources._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.service.config.ServiceConfig import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.service.config.Vocabulary.nxv import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections.ProgressFlow.{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ResolverIndexer { implicit private val log = Logger[ResolverIndexer.type] final def start[F[_]: Timer](resolvers: Resolvers[F], resolverCache: ResolverCache[F])(implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], as: ActorSystem, F: Effect[F], projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken: Option[AccessToken] = config.serviceAccount.credentials implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.kg.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.kg.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "resolver-indexer" def toResolver(event: Event): F[Option[Resolver]] = fetchProject(event.organization, event.id.parent, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => resolvers.fetchResolver(event.id).value.map { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${event.id.show} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(resolver) => Some(resolver) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${nxv.Resolver.value.show}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toResolver) .collectSome[Resolver] .runAsync(resolverCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 96
Source File: ViewIndexer.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.indexing import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.admin.client.AdminClient import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.iam.auth.AccessToken import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.cache.{ProjectCache, ViewCache} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resources._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.service.config.ServiceConfig import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.service.config.Vocabulary.nxv import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections.ProgressFlow.{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ViewIndexer { implicit private val log = Logger[ViewIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](views: Views[F], viewCache: ViewCache[F])(implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: ServiceConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken: Option[AccessToken] = config.serviceAccount.credentials implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.kg.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.kg.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "view-indexer" def toView(event: Event): F[Option[View]] = fetchProject(event.organization, event.id.parent, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => views.fetchView(event.id).value.map { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${event.id.show} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(view) => Some(view) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${nxv.View.value.show}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toView) .collectSome[View] .runAsync(viewCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 97
Source File: TarFlow.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.storage import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.{FileIO, Flow, Source} import akka.util.ByteString import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.{TarArchiveEntry, TarConstants} def writer(basePath: Path): Flow[Path, ByteString, NotUsed] = Flow[Path] .flatMapConcat { case path if Files.isRegularFile(path) => val headerSource = Source.single(headerBytes(basePath, path)) val paddingSource = Source.single(padToBoundary(path)) headerSource.concat(FileIO.fromPath(path)).concat(paddingSource) case path => Source.single(headerBytes(basePath, path)) } .concat(Source.single(terminalChunk)) }
Example 98
Source File: Demo.scala From toketi-iothubreact with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. package D_Throttling import akka.stream.ThrottleMode import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink} import com.microsoft.azure.iot.iothubreact.MessageFromDevice import com.microsoft.azure.iot.iothubreact.scaladsl._ import com.microsoft.azure.iot.iothubreact.ResumeOnError._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object Demo extends App { val maxSpeed = 100 // Sink combining throttling and monitoring lazy val throttleAndMonitor = Flow[MessageFromDevice] .alsoTo(throttler) .to(monitor) // Stream throttling sink val throttler = Flow[MessageFromDevice] .throttle(maxSpeed, 1.second, maxSpeed / 10, ThrottleMode.Shaping) .to(Sink.ignore) // Messages throughput monitoring sink val monitor = Sink.foreach[MessageFromDevice] { m ⇒ { Monitoring.total += 1 Monitoring.totals(m.runtimeInfo.partitionInfo.partitionNumber.get) += 1 } } println(s"Streaming messages at ${maxSpeed} msg/sec") IoTHub().source .to(throttleAndMonitor) .run() // Print statistics at some interval Monitoring.printStatisticsWithFrequency(1 second) }
Example 99
Source File: Demo.scala From toketi-iothubreact with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. package F_SendMessageToDevice import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.microsoft.azure.iot.iothubreact.MessageToDevice import com.microsoft.azure.iot.iothubreact.ResumeOnError._ import com.microsoft.azure.iot.iothubreact.filters.MessageSchema import com.microsoft.azure.iot.iothubreact.scaladsl._ import scala.language.{implicitConversions, postfixOps} object Demo extends App with Deserialize { val turnFanOn = MessageToDevice("Turn fan ON") val turnFanOff = MessageToDevice("Turn fan OFF") val hub = IoTHub() // Source val temperatures = hub .source() .filter(MessageSchema("temperature")) .map(deserialize) // Too cold sink val tooColdWorkflow = Flow[Temperature] .filter(_.value < 65) .map(t ⇒ turnFanOff.to(t.deviceId)) .to(hub.sink()) // Too warm sink val tooWarmWorkflow = Flow[Temperature] .filter(_.value > 85) .map(t ⇒ turnFanOn.to(t.deviceId)) .to(hub.sink()) temperatures .alsoTo(tooColdWorkflow) .to(tooWarmWorkflow) .run() }
Example 100
Source File: Watcher.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.operator import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import akka.stream.{KillSwitch, KillSwitches, Materializer} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, RestartSource, Sink, Source} import play.api.libs.json.Format import skuber.{ListResource, ObjectResource, ResourceDefinition} import skuber.api.client.{EventType, KubernetesClient, WatchEvent} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import skuber.json.format._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object Watcher { private implicit def listResourceFormat[Resource <: ObjectResource: Format]: Format[ListResource[Resource]] = ListResourceFormat(implicitly[Format[Resource]]) def watch[Resource <: ObjectResource: Format: ResourceDefinition]( client: KubernetesClient, handler: Flow[WatchEvent[Resource], _, _] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): KillSwitch = // Summary of what we want our event loop to look like: // * We start by listing all the resources, and process them. // * Then we start watching from the resourceVersion that we got in our list, so we get all updates. // * But we also want to periodically recheck all resources, since sometimes there are race conditions // between operators handling dependent resources (eg, if you deploy a journal and a service that uses // it at the same time), so we only run the watch for a maximum of that time (eg, 5 minutes), before // restarting. // * Also, if errors are encountered, we don't want to continually restart in a hot loop, so we use the // RestartSource to restart with backoff. RestartSource .onFailuresWithBackoff(2.seconds, 20.seconds, 0.2) { () => val source = Source .repeat(NotUsed) .flatMapConcat { _ => Source .fromFutureSource( client .list[ListResource[Resource]]() .map { resources => val watch = client .watchAllContinuously[Resource](sinceResourceVersion = Some(resources.resourceVersion)) Source(resources) .map(WatchEvent(EventType.MODIFIED, _)) .concat(watch) } ) .takeWithin(5.minutes) } source.via(handler) } .viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right) .to(Sink.ignore) .run() def watchSingle[Resource <: ObjectResource: Format: ResourceDefinition]( client: KubernetesClient, resourceName: String, handler: Flow[WatchEvent[Resource], _, _] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): KillSwitch = RestartSource .onFailuresWithBackoff(2.seconds, 20.seconds, 0.2) { () => val source = Source .repeat(NotUsed) .flatMapConcat { _ => Source .fromFutureSource( client.getOption[Resource](resourceName).map { case Some(resource) => val watch = client.watchContinuously[Resource](resourceName, sinceResourceVersion = Some(resource.resourceVersion)) Source .single(resource) .map(WatchEvent(EventType.MODIFIED, _)) .concat(watch) case None => throw new RuntimeException( s"Resource $resourceName not found in namespace ${client.namespaceName}!" ) } ) .takeWithin(5.minutes) } source.via(handler) } .viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right) .to(Sink.ignore) .run() }
Example 101
Source File: EventSourcedSupportFactory.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.proxy.eventsourced import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion.HashCodeMessageExtractor import akka.cluster.sharding.{ClusterSharding, ClusterShardingSettings} import akka.event.Logging import akka.grpc.GrpcClientSettings import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.ServiceDescriptor import io.cloudstate.protocol.entity.{Entity, Metadata} import io.cloudstate.protocol.event_sourced.EventSourcedClient import io.cloudstate.proxy._ import io.cloudstate.proxy.entity.{EntityCommand, UserFunctionReply} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class EventSourcedSupportFactory(system: ActorSystem, config: EntityDiscoveryManager.Configuration, grpcClientSettings: GrpcClientSettings, concurrencyEnforcer: ActorRef, statsCollector: ActorRef)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer) extends EntityTypeSupportFactory { private final val log = Logging.getLogger(system, this.getClass) private val eventSourcedClient = EventSourcedClient(grpcClientSettings)(system) override def buildEntityTypeSupport(entity: Entity, serviceDescriptor: ServiceDescriptor, methodDescriptors: Map[String, EntityMethodDescriptor]): EntityTypeSupport = { validate(serviceDescriptor, methodDescriptors) val stateManagerConfig = EventSourcedEntity.Configuration(entity.serviceName, entity.persistenceId, config.passivationTimeout, config.relayOutputBufferSize) log.debug("Starting EventSourcedEntity for {}", entity.persistenceId) val clusterSharding = ClusterSharding(system) val clusterShardingSettings = ClusterShardingSettings(system) val eventSourcedEntity = clusterSharding.start( typeName = entity.persistenceId, entityProps = EventSourcedEntitySupervisor.props(eventSourcedClient, stateManagerConfig, concurrencyEnforcer, statsCollector), settings = clusterShardingSettings, messageExtractor = new EntityIdExtractor(config.numberOfShards), allocationStrategy = new DynamicLeastShardAllocationStrategy(1, 10, 2, 0.0), handOffStopMessage = EventSourcedEntity.Stop ) new EventSourcedSupport(eventSourcedEntity, config.proxyParallelism, config.relayTimeout) } private def validate(serviceDescriptor: ServiceDescriptor, methodDescriptors: Map[String, EntityMethodDescriptor]): Unit = { val streamedMethods = methodDescriptors.values.filter(m => m.method.toProto.getClientStreaming || m.method.toProto.getServerStreaming) if (streamedMethods.nonEmpty) { val offendingMethods = streamedMethods.map(_.method.getName).mkString(",") throw EntityDiscoveryException( s"Event sourced entities do not support streamed methods, but ${serviceDescriptor.getFullName} has the following streamed methods: ${offendingMethods}" ) } val methodsWithoutKeys = methodDescriptors.values.filter(_.keyFieldsCount < 1) if (methodsWithoutKeys.nonEmpty) { val offendingMethods = methodsWithoutKeys.map(_.method.getName).mkString(",") throw new EntityDiscoveryException( s"Event sourced entities do not support methods whose parameters do not have at least one field marked as entity_key, " + "but ${serviceDescriptor.getFullName} has the following methods without keys: ${offendingMethods}" ) } } } private class EventSourcedSupport(eventSourcedEntity: ActorRef, parallelism: Int, private implicit val relayTimeout: Timeout) extends EntityTypeSupport { import akka.pattern.ask override def handler(method: EntityMethodDescriptor, metadata: Metadata): Flow[EntityCommand, UserFunctionReply, NotUsed] = Flow[EntityCommand].mapAsync(parallelism)( command => (eventSourcedEntity ? EntityTypeSupport.mergeStreamLevelMetadata(metadata, command)) .mapTo[UserFunctionReply] ) override def handleUnary(command: EntityCommand): Future[UserFunctionReply] = (eventSourcedEntity ? command).mapTo[UserFunctionReply] } private final class EntityIdExtractor(shards: Int) extends HashCodeMessageExtractor(shards) { override final def entityId(message: Any): String = message match { case command: EntityCommand => command.entityId } }
Example 102
Source File: HttpClientProvider.scala From reactive-nakadi with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.react.nakadi.client.providers import java.security.SecureRandom import java.security.cert.X509Certificate import javax.net.ssl.{SSLContext, TrustManager, X509TrustManager} import akka.actor.ActorContext import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.OutgoingConnection import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse} import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.ClientConnectionSettings import akka.http.scaladsl.{Http, HttpsConnectionContext} import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ class HttpClientProvider(actorContext: ActorContext, server: String, port: Int, isConnectionSSL: Boolean = false, acceptAnyCertificate: Boolean = false, connectionTimeout: FiniteDuration) { val http = Http(actorContext.system) private val settings = { ClientConnectionSettings .apply(actorContext.system) .withConnectingTimeout(connectionTimeout) .withIdleTimeout(Duration.Inf) } val connection: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Future[OutgoingConnection]] = { isConnectionSSL match { case true => val sslContext = if (!acceptAnyCertificate) SSLContext.getDefault else { val permissiveTrustManager: TrustManager = new X509TrustManager() { override def checkClientTrusted(chain: Array[X509Certificate], authType: String): Unit = {} override def checkServerTrusted(chain: Array[X509Certificate], authType: String): Unit = {} override def getAcceptedIssuers(): Array[X509Certificate] = Array.empty } val ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS") ctx.init(Array.empty, Array(permissiveTrustManager), new SecureRandom()) ctx } http.outgoingConnectionHttps(server, port, new HttpsConnectionContext(sslContext), settings = settings) case false => http.outgoingConnection(server, port, settings = settings) } } }
Example 103
Source File: WFConsumerServiceImpl.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.impl import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceCall import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntityRegistry import com.packt.publishing.wf.api.WFService import com.packt.publishing.wf.api.model.WFMessage import com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.api.WFConsumerService import com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.impl.repositories.WFRepository import com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.api.models.WeatherForcasting class WFConsumerServiceImpl(registry: PersistentEntityRegistry, wfService: WFService, wfRepository: WFRepository) extends WFConsumerService { wfService.wfTopic .subscribe .atLeastOnce( Flow[WFMessage].map { wf => putWFMessage(wf) Done } ) var lastObservedMessage: WeatherForcasting = _ private def putWFMessage(wfMessage: WFMessage) = { entityRef(wfMessage.city.toString, wfMessage.temperature.toString).ask(SaveNewWF(wfMessage.city, wfMessage.temperature)) lastObservedMessage = WeatherForcasting(wfMessage.city,wfMessage.temperature) } override def findTopTenWFData(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, Seq[WeatherForcasting]] = { ServiceCall { req => wfRepository.fetchWFData(10) } } override def findOneWFData(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, WeatherForcasting] = { ServiceCall { req => wfRepository.fetchOneWFData } } override def latestWF(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, WeatherForcasting] = { ServiceCall { req => scala.concurrent.Future.successful(lastObservedMessage) } } private def entityRef(city: String, temperature:String) = registry.refFor[WFEntity](city) }
Example 104
Source File: ChatController.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import java.net.URI import javax.inject._ import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.Logging import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{BroadcastHub, Flow, Keep, MergeHub, Source} import play.api.Logger import play.api.mvc._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ChatController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents) (implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, executionContext: ExecutionContext, webJarsUtil: org.webjars.play.WebJarsUtil) extends AbstractController(cc) with RequestMarkerContext { private type WSMessage = String private val logger = Logger(getClass) private implicit val logging = Logging(actorSystem.eventStream, logger.underlyingLogger.getName) private val (chatSink, chatSource) = { val source = MergeHub.source[WSMessage] .log("source") .recoverWithRetries(-1, { case _: Exception ⇒ Source.empty }) val sink = BroadcastHub.sink[WSMessage] source.toMat(sink)(Keep.both).run() } private val userFlow: Flow[WSMessage, WSMessage, _] = { Flow.fromSinkAndSource(chatSink, chatSource) } def index: Action[AnyContent] = Action { implicit request: RequestHeader => val webSocketUrl = routes.ChatController.chat().webSocketURL() logger.info(s"index: ") Ok(views.html.index(webSocketUrl)) } def chat(): WebSocket = { WebSocket.acceptOrResult[WSMessage, WSMessage] { case rh if sameOriginCheck(rh) => Future.successful(userFlow).map { flow => Right(flow) }.recover { case e: Exception => val msg = "Cannot create websocket" logger.error(msg, e) val result = InternalServerError(msg) Left(result) } case rejected => logger.error(s"Request ${rejected} failed same origin check") Future.successful { Left(Forbidden("forbidden")) } } } private def sameOriginCheck(implicit rh: RequestHeader): Boolean = { logger.debug("Checking the ORIGIN ") rh.headers.get("Origin") match { case Some(originValue) if originMatches(originValue) => logger.debug(s"originCheck: originValue = $originValue") true case Some(badOrigin) => logger.error(s"originCheck: rejecting request because Origin header value ${badOrigin} is not in the same origin") false case None => logger.error("originCheck: rejecting request because no Origin header found") false } } private def originMatches(origin: String): Boolean = { try { val url = new URI(origin) url.getHost == "localhost" && (url.getPort match { case 9000 | 19001 => true; case _ => false }) } catch { case e: Exception => false } } }
Example 105
Source File: AkkaStreamsHelloWorldApp3.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.publishing.akka.streams.hello import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object AkkaStreamsHelloWorldApp3 extends App{ implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("HelloWorldSystem") implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() val helloWorldSource:Source[String,NotUsed] = Source.single("Akka Streams Hello World") val helloWorldSink: Sink[String,Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach(println) val helloWorldFlow:Flow[String,String,NotUsed] = Flow[String].map(str => str.toUpperCase) val helloWorldGraph:RunnableGraph[NotUsed] = helloWorldSource .via(helloWorldFlow) .to(helloWorldSink) val helloWorldGraph2:RunnableGraph[Future[Done]] = helloWorldSource .via(helloWorldFlow) .toMat(helloWorldSink)(Keep.right) helloWorldGraph.run val helloWorldMaterializedValue: Future[Done] = helloWorldGraph2.run helloWorldMaterializedValue.onComplete{ case Success(Done) => println("HelloWorld Stream ran succssfully.") case Failure(exception) => println(s"HelloWorld Stream ran into an issue: ${exception}.") } actorSystem.terminate }
Example 106
Source File: WFConsumerServiceImpl.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.impl import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceCall import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntityRegistry import com.packt.publishing.wf.api.WFService import com.packt.publishing.wf.api.model.WFMessage import com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.api.WFConsumerService import com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.impl.repositories.WFRepository import com.packt.publishing.wf.consumer.api.models.WeatherForcasting class WFConsumerServiceImpl(registry: PersistentEntityRegistry, wfService: WFService, wfRepository: WFRepository) extends WFConsumerService { wfService.wfTopic .subscribe .atLeastOnce( Flow[WFMessage].map { wf => putWFMessage(wf) Done } ) var lastObservedMessage: WeatherForcasting = _ private def putWFMessage(wfMessage: WFMessage) = { entityRef(wfMessage.city.toString, wfMessage.temperature.toString).ask(SaveNewWF(wfMessage.city, wfMessage.temperature)) lastObservedMessage = WeatherForcasting(wfMessage.city,wfMessage.temperature) } override def findTopTenWFData(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, Seq[WeatherForcasting]] = { ServiceCall { req => wfRepository.fetchWFData(10) } } override def findOneWFData(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, WeatherForcasting] = { ServiceCall { req => wfRepository.fetchOneWFData } } override def latestWF(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, WeatherForcasting] = { ServiceCall { req => scala.concurrent.Future.successful(lastObservedMessage) } } private def entityRef(city: String, temperature:String) = registry.refFor[WFEntity](city) }
Example 107
Source File: TsvRetrieverFromFile.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.dc.stream import java.io.{BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter} import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{KillSwitch, KillSwitches, Materializer} import akka.stream.Supervision.Decider import akka.stream.contrib.SourceGen import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink, Source} import akka.util.ByteString import cmwell.dc.LazyLogging import cmwell.dc.stream.MessagesTypesAndExceptions.{DcInfo, InfotonData} import cmwell.dc.stream.TsvRetriever.{logger, TsvFlowOutput} import cmwell.util.resource._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global object TsvRetrieverFromFile extends LazyLogging { def apply(dcInfo: DcInfo)(implicit mat: Materializer, system: ActorSystem): Source[InfotonData, (KillSwitch, Future[Seq[Option[String]]])] = { val persistFile = dcInfo.tsvFile.get + ".persist" def appendToPersistFile(str: String): Unit = { val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(persistFile, true)) bw.write(str) bw.close() } val linesToDrop = dcInfo.positionKey.fold { if (!new File(persistFile).exists) 0L else using(scala.io.Source.fromFile(persistFile))(_.getLines.toList.last.toLong) }(pos => pos.toLong) val positionKeySink = Flow[InfotonData] .recover { case e: Throwable => InfotonData(null, null, -1) } .scan(linesToDrop) { case (count, InfotonData(null, null, -1)) => { appendToPersistFile("crash at: " + count + "\n" + count.toString + "\n") count } case (count, _) => { val newCount = count + 1 if (newCount % 10000 == 0) appendToPersistFile(newCount.toString + "\n") newCount } } .toMat(Sink.last)( (_, right) => right.map { count => appendToPersistFile(count.toString + "\n") Seq.fill(2)(Option(count.toString)) } ) Source .fromIterator(() => scala.io.Source.fromFile(dcInfo.tsvFile.get).getLines()) .drop { logger.info(s"Dropping $linesToDrop initial lines from file ${dcInfo.tsvFile.get} for sync ${dcInfo.key}") linesToDrop } .viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right) .map(line => TsvRetriever.parseTSVAndCreateInfotonDataFromIt(ByteString(line))) .alsoToMat(positionKeySink)(Keep.both) } }
Example 108
Source File: ConcurrentFlow.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.dc.stream.akkautils import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.{FlowShape, Graph} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge} object ConcurrentFlow { def apply[I, O](parallelism: Int)(flow: Graph[FlowShape[I, O], NotUsed]): Graph[FlowShape[I, O], NotUsed] = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val balancer = builder.add(Balance[I](parallelism)) val merger = builder.add(Merge[O](parallelism)) for (i <- 0 until parallelism) { balancer.out(i) ~> flow.async ~> merger.in(i) } FlowShape(balancer.in, merger.out) } }
Example 109
Source File: AlgoFlow.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.dc.stream.algo import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import cmwell.dc.stream.MessagesTypesAndExceptions.{BaseInfotonData, DcInfo, InfotonData} import cmwell.dc.stream.Util import cmwell.dc.{LazyLogging, stream} import cmwell.util.loading.ChildFirstURLClassLoader import ddpc.data.{AlgoFlow, IndentityFlow} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object AlgoFlow extends LazyLogging{ def algoFlow(dcInfo: DcInfo) (implicit ec:ExecutionContext, mat:ActorMaterializer, system:ActorSystem) = { val algoFlow = Util.extractDcType(dcInfo.key.id) match { case "remote" => new IndentityFlow().runAlgo(Map.empty[String, String]) case _ => val algoInfo = dcInfo.dcAlgoData.get val algoFlowInstance = ChildFirstURLClassLoader.loadClassFromJar[AlgoFlow](algoInfo.algoClass, algoInfo.algoJarUrl , "ddpc.data", Seq("scala", "akka", "org.slf4j")) algoFlowInstance.runAlgo(algoInfo.algoParams) } Flow[InfotonData] .map(_.base.data) .via(algoFlow) .map(rdf => BaseInfotonData(rdf.takeWhile(_ != stream.space).utf8String, rdf)) } } //TODO: //persist poisiton per bulk
Example 110
Source File: RefsEnricher.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.bg.imp import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.contrib.PartitionWith import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Partition} import cmwell.bg.BGMetrics import cmwell.common.formats.BGMessage import cmwell.common._ import cmwell.zstore.ZStore import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object RefsEnricher extends LazyLogging { def toSingle(bgm: BGMetrics, irwReadConcurrency: Int, zStore: ZStore) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[BGMessage[Command], BGMessage[SingleCommand], NotUsed] = { Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ // CommandRef goes left, all rest go right // update metrics for each type of command val commandsPartitioner = b.add(PartitionWith[BGMessage[Command], BGMessage[CommandRef], BGMessage[Command]] { case bgm @ BGMessage(_, CommandRef(_)) => Left(bgm.asInstanceOf[BGMessage[CommandRef]]) case bgm => Right(bgm) }) val commandRefsFetcher = Flow[BGMessage[CommandRef]].mapAsync(irwReadConcurrency) { case bgMessage @ BGMessage(_, CommandRef(ref)) => { zStore.get(ref).map { payload => bgMessage.copy(message = CommandSerializer.decode(payload)) } } } val singleCommandsMerge = b.add(Merge[BGMessage[Command]](2)) commandsPartitioner.out0 ~> commandRefsFetcher ~> singleCommandsMerge.in(0) commandsPartitioner.out1 ~> singleCommandsMerge.in(1) FlowShape(commandsPartitioner.in,singleCommandsMerge.out.map { bgMessage => { // cast to SingleCommand while updating metrics bgMessage.message match { case wc: WriteCommand => bgm.writeCommandsCounter += 1 bgm.infotonCommandWeightHist += wc.infoton.weight case oc: OverwriteCommand => bgm.overrideCommandCounter += 1 bgm.infotonCommandWeightHist += oc.infoton.weight case _: UpdatePathCommand => bgm.updatePathCommandsCounter += 1 case _: DeletePathCommand => bgm.deletePathCommandsCounter += 1 case _: DeleteAttributesCommand => bgm.deleteAttributesCommandsCounter += 1 case unknown => logger.error(s"unknown command [$unknown]") } bgm.commandMeter.mark() bgMessage.copy(message = bgMessage.message.asInstanceOf[SingleCommand]) } }.outlet) }) } }
Example 111
Source File: DynamoDbStreamsAkkaClient.scala From reactive-aws-clients with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Auto-Generated package com.github.j5ik2o.reactive.aws.dynamodb.streams.akka import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import com.github.j5ik2o.reactive.aws.dynamodb.streams.DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient import software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.model._ object DynamoDbStreamsAkkaClient { def apply(asyncClient: DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient): DynamoDbStreamsAkkaClient = new DynamoDbStreamsAkkaClient { override val underlying: DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient = asyncClient } val DefaultParallelism: Int = 1 } trait DynamoDbStreamsAkkaClient { import DynamoDbStreamsAkkaClient._ val underlying: DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient def describeStreamSource( describeStreamRequest: DescribeStreamRequest, parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism ): Source[DescribeStreamResponse, NotUsed] = Source.single(describeStreamRequest).via(describeStreamFlow(parallelism)) def describeStreamFlow( parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism ): Flow[DescribeStreamRequest, DescribeStreamResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[DescribeStreamRequest].mapAsync(parallelism) { describeStreamRequest => underlying.describeStream(describeStreamRequest) } def describeStreamPaginatorFlow: Flow[DescribeStreamRequest, DescribeStreamResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[DescribeStreamRequest].flatMapConcat { request => Source.fromPublisher(underlying.describeStreamPaginator(request)) } def getRecordsSource( getRecordsRequest: GetRecordsRequest, parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism ): Source[GetRecordsResponse, NotUsed] = Source.single(getRecordsRequest).via(getRecordsFlow(parallelism)) def getRecordsFlow(parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism): Flow[GetRecordsRequest, GetRecordsResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[GetRecordsRequest].mapAsync(parallelism) { getRecordsRequest => underlying.getRecords(getRecordsRequest) } def getShardIteratorSource( getShardIteratorRequest: GetShardIteratorRequest, parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism ): Source[GetShardIteratorResponse, NotUsed] = Source.single(getShardIteratorRequest).via(getShardIteratorFlow(parallelism)) def getShardIteratorFlow( parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism ): Flow[GetShardIteratorRequest, GetShardIteratorResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[GetShardIteratorRequest].mapAsync(parallelism) { getShardIteratorRequest => underlying.getShardIterator(getShardIteratorRequest) } def listStreamsSource( listStreamsRequest: ListStreamsRequest, parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism ): Source[ListStreamsResponse, NotUsed] = Source.single(listStreamsRequest).via(listStreamsFlow(parallelism)) def listStreamsFlow(parallelism: Int = DefaultParallelism): Flow[ListStreamsRequest, ListStreamsResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[ListStreamsRequest].mapAsync(parallelism) { listStreamsRequest => underlying.listStreams(listStreamsRequest) } def listStreamsSource(): Source[ListStreamsResponse, NotUsed] = Source.fromFuture(underlying.listStreams()) def listStreamsPaginatorSource: Source[ListStreamsResponse, NotUsed] = Source.fromPublisher(underlying.listStreamsPaginator()) def listStreamsPaginatorFlow: Flow[ListStreamsRequest, ListStreamsResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[ListStreamsRequest].flatMapConcat { request => Source.fromPublisher(underlying.listStreamsPaginator(request)) } }
Example 112
Source File: Graph1.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import scala.collection.immutable import scala.io.StdIn object Graph1 extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() val graph = g(1 to 2) graph.run() StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() def g(data: immutable.Iterable[Int]) = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val in = Source(data) val out = Sink.foreach(println) val bcast = b.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val merge = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) val f1, f2, f3, f4 = Flow[Int].map(_ + 10) in ~> f1 ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> merge ~> f3 ~> out bcast ~> f4 ~> merge ClosedShape }) }
Example 113
Source File: MusicCommands.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.examplecore.music import ackcord._ import ackcord.commands.{CommandBuilder, CommandController, NamedCommand, VoiceGuildMemberCommandMessage} import ackcord.data.{GuildId, TextChannel} import ackcord.examplecore.music.MusicHandler.{NextTrack, QueueUrl, StopMusic, TogglePause} import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.AskPattern._ import akka.actor.typed.{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink} import akka.stream.typed.scaladsl.ActorFlow import akka.util.Timeout class MusicCommands(requests: Requests, guildId: GuildId, musicHandler: ActorRef[MusicHandler.Command])( implicit timeout: Timeout, system: ActorSystem[Nothing] ) extends CommandController(requests) { val VoiceCommand: CommandBuilder[VoiceGuildMemberCommandMessage, NotUsed] = GuildVoiceCommand.andThen(CommandBuilder.inOneGuild(guildId)) val queue: NamedCommand[String] = VoiceCommand.named("&", Seq("q", "queue")).parsing[String].withSideEffects { m => musicHandler.ask[MusicHandler.CommandAck.type](QueueUrl(m.parsed, m.textChannel, m.voiceChannel.id, _)) } private def simpleCommand( aliases: Seq[String], mapper: (TextChannel, ActorRef[MusicHandler.CommandAck.type]) => MusicHandler.MusicHandlerEvents ): NamedCommand[NotUsed] = { VoiceCommand.andThen(CommandBuilder.inOneGuild(guildId)).named("&", aliases, mustMention = true).toSink { Flow[VoiceGuildMemberCommandMessage[NotUsed]] .map(_.textChannel) .via(ActorFlow.ask(requests.parallelism)(musicHandler)(mapper)) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.none) } } val stop: NamedCommand[NotUsed] = simpleCommand(Seq("s", "stop"), StopMusic.apply) val next: NamedCommand[NotUsed] = simpleCommand(Seq("n", "next"), NextTrack.apply) val pause: NamedCommand[NotUsed] = simpleCommand(Seq("p", "pause"), TogglePause.apply) }
Example 114
Source File: ViewIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.indexing import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.admin.client.AdminClient import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.cache.{ProjectCache, ViewCache} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.AppConfig import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.AppConfig._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.Vocabulary.nxv import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resources._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections.ProgressFlow.{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ViewIndexer { private implicit val log = Logger[ViewIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](views: Views[F], viewCache: ViewCache[F])( implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken = config.iam.serviceAccountToken implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "view-indexer" def toView(event: Event): F[Option[View]] = fetchProject(event.organization, event.id.parent, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => views.fetchView(event.id).value.map { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${event.id.show} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(view) => Some(view) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${nxv.View.value.show}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toView) .collectSome[View] .runAsync(viewCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 115
Source File: ResolverIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.indexing import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.admin.client.AdminClient import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.cache.{ProjectCache, ResolverCache} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.AppConfig import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.AppConfig._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.Vocabulary.nxv import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resolve.Resolver import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resources._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections.ProgressFlow.{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object ResolverIndexer { private implicit val log = Logger[ResolverIndexer.type] final def start[F[_]: Timer](resolvers: Resolvers[F], resolverCache: ResolverCache[F])( implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], as: ActorSystem, F: Effect[F], projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken = config.iam.serviceAccountToken implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "resolver-indexer" def toResolver(event: Event): F[Option[Resolver]] = fetchProject(event.organization, event.id.parent, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => resolvers.fetchResolver(event.id).value.map { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${event.id.show} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(resolver) => Some(resolver) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${nxv.Resolver.value.show}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toResolver) .collectSome[Resolver] .runAsync(resolverCache.put)() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 116
Source File: StorageIndexer.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.indexing import java.time.Instant import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.admin.client.AdminClient import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.cache.{ProjectCache, StorageCache} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.AppConfig import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.AppConfig._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.config.Vocabulary.nxv import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.resources._ import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.kg.storage.Storage import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections.ProgressFlow.{PairMsg, ProgressFlowElem} import ch.epfl.bluebrain.nexus.sourcing.projections._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object StorageIndexer { private implicit val log = Logger[StorageIndexer.type] def start[F[_]: Timer](storages: Storages[F], storageCache: StorageCache[F])( implicit projectCache: ProjectCache[F], F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, projectInitializer: ProjectInitializer[F], adminClient: AdminClient[F], config: AppConfig ): StreamSupervisor[F, Unit] = { implicit val authToken = config.iam.serviceAccountToken implicit val indexing: IndexingConfig = config.keyValueStore.indexing implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val tm: Timeout = Timeout(config.keyValueStore.askTimeout) val name = "storage-indexer" def toStorage(event: Event): F[Option[(Storage, Instant)]] = fetchProject(event.organization, event.id.parent, event.subject).flatMap { implicit project => storages.fetchStorage(event.id).value.map { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error on event '${event.id.show} (rev = ${event.rev})', cause: '${err.msg}'") None case Right(timedStorage) => Some(timedStorage) } } val source: Source[PairMsg[Any], _] = cassandraSource(s"type=${nxv.Storage.value.show}", name) val flow: Flow[PairMsg[Any], Unit, _] = ProgressFlowElem[F, Any] .collectCast[Event] .groupedWithin(indexing.batch, indexing.batchTimeout) .distinct() .mergeEmit() .mapAsync(toStorage) .collectSome[(Storage, Instant)] .runAsync { case (storage, instant) => storageCache.put(storage)(instant) }() .flow .map(_ => ()) StreamSupervisor.startSingleton(F.delay(source.via(flow)), name) } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 117
Source File: JdbcFlow.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mass.connector.sql import java.nio.charset.{ Charset, StandardCharsets } import java.sql.ResultSet import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.util.ByteString import fusion.jdbc.util.JdbcUtils import scala.collection.immutable case class JdbcResultSet(rs: ResultSet, values: immutable.IndexedSeq[AnyRef]) object JdbcFlow { def flowToText(valueSeparator: Char = ','): Flow[immutable.IndexedSeq[AnyRef], String, NotUsed] = Flow[immutable.IndexedSeq[AnyRef]].map { values => val builder = new java.lang.StringBuilder() var i = 0 while (i < values.length) { builder.append(values(i).toString) i += 1 if (i < values.length) { builder.append(valueSeparator) } } builder.toString } def flowToSeq: Flow[ResultSet, immutable.IndexedSeq[AnyRef], NotUsed] = Flow[ResultSet].map { rs => val metaData = rs.getMetaData (1 to rs.getMetaData.getColumnCount).map { i => val typ = metaData.getColumnType(i) if (JdbcUtils.isString(typ)) { rs.getString(i) } else rs.getObject(i) } } def flowToByteString( valueSeparator: Char = ',', charset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8): Flow[immutable.IndexedSeq[AnyRef], ByteString, NotUsed] = Flow[immutable.IndexedSeq[AnyRef]].map { values => val builder = ByteString.newBuilder var i = 0 while (i < values.length) { builder.putBytes(values(i).toString.getBytes(charset)) i += 1 if (i < values.length) { builder.putByte(valueSeparator.toByte) } } builder.result() } def flowJdbcResultSet: Flow[ResultSet, JdbcResultSet, NotUsed] = Flow[ResultSet].map { rs => val metaData = rs.getMetaData JdbcResultSet(rs, (1 to metaData.getColumnCount).map(i => rs.getObject(i))) } }
Example 118
Source File: MaterializeValue.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.graph import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source, Tcp } import akka.util.ByteString import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise } object MaterializeValue { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher case class MyClass(private val p: Promise[Option[Int]], conn: Tcp.OutgoingConnection) extends AutoCloseable { override def close(): Unit = p.trySuccess(None) } // Materializes to Promise[Option[Int]] val source: Source[Int, Promise[Option[Int]]] = Source.maybe[Int] // Materializes to NotUsed val flow1: Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = Flow[Int].take(100) // Materializes to Promise[Int] val nestedSource : Source[Int, Promise[Option[Int]]] = source.viaMat(flow1)(Keep.left).named("nestedSource") // viaMat === via()(Keep.left) // val nestedSource2: Source[Int, NotUsed] = source.viaMat(flow1)(Keep.right) // Materializes to NotUsed val flow2: Flow[Int, ByteString, NotUsed] = Flow[Int].map(i => ByteString(i.toString)) // Materializes to Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection (Keep.right) val flow3: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection]] = Tcp().outgoingConnection("localhost", 8080) val nestedFlow: Flow[Int, ByteString, Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection]] = flow2.viaMat(flow3)(Keep.right) val nestedFlow2: Flow[Int, ByteString, NotUsed] = flow2.viaMat(flow3)(Keep.left) // flow2.via(flow3) val nestedFlow3: Flow[Int, ByteString, (NotUsed, Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection])] = flow2.viaMat(flow3)(Keep.both) // Materializes to Future[String] (Keep.right) val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[String]] = Sink.fold[String, ByteString]("")(_ + _.utf8String) val nestedSink: Sink[Int, (Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection], Future[String])] = nestedFlow.toMat(sink)(Keep.both) def f(p: Promise[Option[Int]], rest: (Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection], Future[String])): Future[MyClass] = { val connFuture = rest._1 connFuture.map(outConn => MyClass(p, outConn)) } // Materializes to Future[MyClass] val runnableGraph: RunnableGraph[Future[MyClass]] = nestedSource.toMat(nestedSink)(f) val r: RunnableGraph[Promise[Option[Int]]] = nestedSource.toMat(nestedSink)(Keep.left) val r2: RunnableGraph[(Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection], Future[String])] = nestedSource.toMat(nestedSink)(Keep.right) }
Example 119
Source File: PartialGraph.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.graph import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Balance, Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, FlowShape, SourceShape } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.io.StdIn object PartialGraph extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher def partial = GraphDSL .create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val B = b.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val C = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) val D = Flow[Int].map(_ + 1) val E = b.add(Balance[Int](2)) val F = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) C <~ F B ~> C ~> F B ~> D ~> E ~> F FlowShape(B.in, E.out(1)) } .named("partial") // 转换partial从FlowShape到Flow,可访问流DSL(比如:.filter() 函数) val flow = Flow.fromGraph(partial) val source = Source.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val merge = b.add(Merge[Int](2)) Source.single(0) ~> merge Source(List(2, 3, 4)) ~> merge SourceShape(merge.out) }) val sink: Sink[Int, Future[Int]] = Flow[Int].map(_ * 2).drop(10).named("nestedFlow").toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) val closed: RunnableGraph[Future[Int]] = source.via(flow.filter(_ > 1)).toMat(sink)(Keep.right) closed.run().foreach(println) StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 120
Source File: EchoDemo.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.streamio import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Framing, Sink, Source, Tcp } import akka.util.ByteString import example.akkastream.streamio.EchoServer.system import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.io.StdIn object EchoServer extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() val connections = Tcp().bind("localhost", 8888) connections.runForeach { connection => println(s"New connection from: ${connection.remoteAddress}") val echo: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = Flow[ByteString] .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), 256, true)) .map(_.utf8String) .map(_ + "!!!\n") .map(ByteString(_)) connection.handleWith(echo) } StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() } object EchoClient extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() val connection = Tcp().outgoingConnection("localhost", 8888) val replParser = Flow[String].takeWhile(_ != "q").concat(Source.single("BYE")).map { elem => println(s"send msg: $elem") ByteString(s"$elem\n") } val repl = Flow[ByteString] .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true)) .map(_.utf8String) .map(text => println("Server: " + text)) .map(_ => StdIn.readLine("> ")) .via(replParser) val connected: Future[Tcp.OutgoingConnection] = connection.join(repl).run() // StdIn.readLine() // system.terminate() } object EchoDemo {}
Example 121
Source File: IPDiscoveryFlow.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.voice import java.nio.ByteOrder import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.stage._ import akka.stream.{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet} import akka.util.ByteString class IPDiscoveryFlow(openValve: () => Unit) extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[FlowShape[ByteString, ByteString], Future[VoiceUDPFlow.FoundIP]] { val in: Inlet[ByteString] = Inlet("IPDiscoveryFlow.in") val out: Outlet[ByteString] = Outlet("IPDiscoveryFlow.out") override def shape: FlowShape[ByteString, ByteString] = FlowShape(in, out) override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue( inheritedAttributes: Attributes ): (GraphStageLogic, Future[VoiceUDPFlow.FoundIP]) = { val promise = Promise[VoiceUDPFlow.FoundIP] val logic = new GraphStageLogicWithLogging(shape) with InHandler with OutHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = { val data = grab(in) log.debug(s"Grabbing data for IP discovery $data") val byteBuf = data.asByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) val tpe = byteBuf.getShort require(tpe == 0x2, s"Was expecting IP discovery result, got $tpe") byteBuf.getShort //Length byteBuf.getInt //SSRC val nullTermString = new Array[Byte](64) byteBuf.get(nullTermString) val address = new String(nullTermString, 0, nullTermString.iterator.takeWhile(_ != 0).length) val port = byteBuf.getChar.toInt //Char is unsigned short promise.success(VoiceUDPFlow.FoundIP(address, port)) log.debug("Success doing IP discovery") setHandler( in, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = push(out, grab(in)) } ) openValve() } override def onPull(): Unit = pull(in) override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = { promise.tryFailure(new Exception("Connection failed.", ex)) super.onUpstreamFailure(ex) } setHandlers(in, out, this) } (logic, promise.future) } } object IPDiscoveryFlow { def flow(openValve: () => Unit): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Future[VoiceUDPFlow.FoundIP]] = Flow.fromGraph(new IPDiscoveryFlow(openValve)) }
Example 122
Source File: GraphComponent.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.FanInShape.{ Init, Name } import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, MergePreferred, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import scala.collection.immutable import scala.io.StdIn case class PriorityWorkerPoolShape[In, Out](jobsIn: Inlet[In], priorityJobsIn: Inlet[In], resultsOut: Outlet[Out]) extends Shape { override def inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = jobsIn :: priorityJobsIn :: Nil override def outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = resultsOut :: Nil override def deepCopy(): Shape = PriorityWorkerPoolShape(jobsIn.carbonCopy(), priorityJobsIn.carbonCopy(), resultsOut.carbonCopy()) } case class PriorityWorkerPoolShape2[In, Out](_init: Init[Out] = Name("PriorityWorkerPoolShape2")) extends FanInShape[Out](_init) { override protected def construct(init: Init[Out]): FanInShape[Out] = PriorityWorkerPoolShape2(init) val jobsIn: Inlet[In] = newInlet[In]("jobsIn") val priorityJobsIn: Inlet[In] = newInlet[In]("priorityJobsIn") // Outlet[Out] 使用名字 "out" 将被自动创建 } object PriorityWorkerPool { def apply[In, Out](worker: Flow[In, Out, Any], workerCount: Int) = GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val priorityMerge = b.add(MergePreferred[In](1)) val balance = b.add(Balance[In](workerCount)) val resultsMerge = b.add(Merge[Out](workerCount)) for (i <- 0 until workerCount) balance.out(i) ~> worker ~> resultsMerge.in(i) // 在合并优先和普通作业后发送到平衡器 priorityMerge ~> balance PriorityWorkerPoolShape(priorityMerge.in(0), priorityMerge.preferred, resultsMerge.out) } } object GraphComponent extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val worker1 = Flow[String].map("step 1 " + _) val worker2 = Flow[String].map("step 2 " + _) val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val priorityPool1 = b.add(PriorityWorkerPool(worker1, 4)) val priorityPool2 = b.add(PriorityWorkerPool(worker2, 2)) Source(1 to 10).map("job: " + _) ~> priorityPool1.jobsIn Source(1 to 10).map("priority job: " + _) ~> priorityPool1.priorityJobsIn priorityPool1.resultsOut ~> priorityPool2.jobsIn Source(1 to 10).map("one-step, priority " + _) ~> priorityPool2.priorityJobsIn priorityPool2.resultsOut ~> Sink.foreach(println) ClosedShape }) g.run() StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 123
Source File: PartialGraph2.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Sink, Source, Zip } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, FlowShape, SourceShape } import scala.io.StdIn object PartialGraph2 extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val pairs: Source[(Int, Int), NotUsed] = Source.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ // prepare graph elements val zip = b.add(Zip[Int, Int]()) def ints = Source.fromIterator(() => Iterator.from(1)) // connect the graph ints.filter(_ % 2 != 0) ~> zip.in0 ints.filter(_ % 2 == 0) ~> zip.in1 // expose port SourceShape(zip.out) }) val firstPair = pairs.runWith(Sink.head) firstPair.foreach(println) val pairUpWithToString = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val broadcast = b.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) val zip = b.add(Zip[Int, String]()) broadcast.out(0) ~> zip.in0 broadcast.out(1).map(_.toString) ~> zip.in1 FlowShape(broadcast.in, zip.out) }) Source(List(1)).via(pairUpWithToString).runWith(Sink.head).foreach(println) StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 124
Source File: Graph2.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.basic import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source } import scala.io.StdIn object Graph2 extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val topHeadSink = Sink.head[Int] val bottomHeadSink = Sink.head[Int] val sharedDoubler = Flow[Int].map(_ * 2) val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(topHeadSink, bottomHeadSink)((_, _)) { implicit builder => (topHS, bottomHS) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Int](2)) Source.single(1) ~> broadcast.in broadcast ~> sharedDoubler ~> topHS.in broadcast ~> sharedDoubler ~> bottomHS.in ClosedShape }) val (topF, bottomF) = g.run() topF.foreach(v => println(s"top is $v")) bottomF.foreach(v => println(s"bottom is $v")) StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 125
Source File: ExtrapolateExpand.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.buffer import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import scala.io.StdIn object ExtrapolateExpand extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() // val lastFlow = Flow[Double].extrapolate(Iterator.continually(_)) // Source((1 to 10).map(_.toDouble)).via(lastFlow).runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) // val initial = 2.0 // val seedFlow = Flow[Double].extrapolate(Iterator.continually(_), Some(initial)) // Source((1 to 10).map(_.toDouble)).via(seedFlow).runWith(Sink.foreach(println)) // val driftFlow = Flow[Double].map(_ -> 0).extrapolate[(Double, Int)] { case (i, _) => Iterator.from(1).map(i -> _) } // Source((1 to 10).map(_.toDouble)).via(driftFlow).runForeach(println) val driftFlow = Flow[Double].expand(i => Iterator.from(0).map(i -> _)) Source((1 to 10).map(_.toDouble)).via(driftFlow).runForeach(println) StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 126
Source File: SimplePublishSubscribe.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.akkastream.dynamichub import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, KillSwitches, UniqueKillSwitch } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ BroadcastHub, Flow, Keep, MergeHub, Sink, Source } import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import scala.io.StdIn import scala.concurrent.duration._ object SimplePublishSubscribe extends App with StrictLogging { implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val (sink, source) = MergeHub.source[String](perProducerBufferSize = 16).toMat(BroadcastHub.sink(bufferSize = 256))(Keep.both).run() source.runWith(Sink.ignore) val busFlow: Flow[String, String, UniqueKillSwitch] = Flow .fromSinkAndSource(sink, source) .joinMat(KillSwitches.singleBidi[String, String])(Keep.right) .backpressureTimeout(3.seconds) val switch: UniqueKillSwitch = Source.repeat("Hello world!").viaMat(busFlow)(Keep.right).to(Sink.foreach(v => logger.info(s"switch: $v"))).run() Thread.sleep(200) switch.shutdown() StdIn.readLine() system.terminate() }
Example 127
Source File: WebSocketRoute.scala From vamp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.vamp.http_api.ws import java.util.UUID import akka.actor.PoisonPill import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{ Message, TextMessage } import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Sink, Source } import akka.util.Timeout import io.vamp.common.akka.IoC._ import io.vamp.common.http.{ HttpApiDirectives, HttpApiHandlers, TerminateFlowStage } import io.vamp.common.{ Config, Namespace } import io.vamp.http_api.ws.WebSocketActor.{ SessionClosed, SessionEvent, SessionOpened, SessionRequest } import io.vamp.http_api.{ AbstractRoute, LogDirective } import scala.concurrent.Future trait WebSocketRoute extends AbstractRoute with WebSocketMarshaller with HttpApiHandlers { this: HttpApiDirectives with LogDirective ⇒ implicit def materializer: Materializer private lazy val limit = Config.int("vamp.http-api.websocket.stream-limit") protected def websocketApiHandler(implicit namespace: Namespace, timeout: Timeout): Route def websocketRoutes(implicit namespace: Namespace, timeout: Timeout) = { pathEndOrSingleSlash { get { extractRequest { request ⇒ handleWebSocketMessages { websocket(request) } } } } } protected def filterWebSocketOutput(message: AnyRef)(implicit namespace: Namespace, timeout: Timeout): Future[Boolean] = Future.successful(true) private def apiHandler(implicit namespace: Namespace, timeout: Timeout) = Route.asyncHandler(log { websocketApiHandler }) private def websocket(origin: HttpRequest)(implicit namespace: Namespace, timeout: Timeout): Flow[AnyRef, Message, Any] = { val id = UUID.randomUUID() val in = Flow[AnyRef].collect { case TextMessage.Strict(message) ⇒ Future.successful(message) case TextMessage.Streamed(stream) ⇒ stream.limit(limit()).completionTimeout(timeout.duration).runFold("")(_ + _) }.mapAsync(parallelism = 3)(identity) .mapConcat(unmarshall) .map(SessionRequest(apiHandler, id, origin, _)) .to(Sink.actorRef[SessionEvent](actorFor[WebSocketActor], SessionClosed(id))) val out = Source.actorRef[AnyRef](16, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) .mapMaterializedValue(actorFor[WebSocketActor] ! SessionOpened(id, _)) .via(new TerminateFlowStage[AnyRef](_ == PoisonPill)) .mapAsync(parallelism = 3)(message ⇒ filterWebSocketOutput(message).map(f ⇒ f → message)) .collect { case (true, m) ⇒ m } .map(message ⇒ TextMessage.Strict(marshall(message))) Flow.fromSinkAndSource(in, out) } }
Example 128
Source File: FullStream.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.indexing_logic import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink, Source} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, StageSucceeded, StageSuccess} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.control.NonFatal object FullStream extends LazyLogging { private def countAntLogSink[A](logPer: FiniteDuration): Sink[A, Future[Int]] = Flow[A] .groupedWithin(Int.MaxValue, logPer) .map(_.length) .map { elementsPerTime => logger.info(s"Indexed $elementsPerTime elements last $logPer") elementsPerTime } .toMat(Sink.reduce[Int](_ + _))(Keep.right) def run[A](source: Source[A, NotUsed], sink: Sink[A, Future[Unit]], logSpeedInterval: FiniteDuration)( implicit materializer: ActorMaterializer, ex: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[IndexError, StageSucceeded]] = (for { count <- source .alsoToMat(countAntLogSink(logSpeedInterval))(Keep.right) .toMat(sink)(Keep.both) .mapMaterializedValue { case (fCount, fDone) => fDone.flatMap(_ => fCount) } .run() } yield Right(StageSuccess(s"Indexed $count documents successfully"))) .recover { case NonFatal(t) => Left(IndexError("Writing documents failed.", Some(t))) } }
Example 129
Source File: MinimumChunk.scala From akka-xml-parser with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package uk.gov.hmrc.akka.xml import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.stage.{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, InHandler, OutHandler} import akka.stream.{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet} import akka.util.ByteString @deprecated("Use FastParsingStage instead","akka-xml-parser 1.0.0") object MinimumChunk { def parser(minimumChunkSize: Int): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = { Flow.fromGraph(new StreamingXmlParser(minimumChunkSize)) } private class StreamingXmlParser(minimumChunkSize: Int) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[ByteString, ByteString]] with StreamHelper with ParsingDataFunctions { val in: Inlet[ByteString] = Inlet("Chunking.in") val out: Outlet[ByteString] = Outlet("Chunking.out") override val shape: FlowShape[ByteString, ByteString] = FlowShape(in, out) override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { private var buffer = ByteString.empty setHandler(in, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = { val elem = grab(in) buffer ++= elem emitChunk() } override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = { emit(out, buffer) completeStage() } }) setHandler(out, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = { pull(in) } }) private def emitChunk(): Unit = { if (buffer.size > minimumChunkSize) { push(out, buffer) buffer = ByteString.empty } else { pull(in) } } } } }
Example 130
Source File: VoiceUDPFlow.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.voice import java.net.InetSocketAddress import java.nio.ByteOrder import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} import ackcord.data.{RawSnowflake, UserId} import ackcord.util.UdpConnectedFlow import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{BidiFlow, Concat, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Source} import akka.stream.{BidiShape, OverflowStrategy} import akka.util.ByteString object VoiceUDPFlow { val silence = ByteString(0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFE) val SampleRate = 48000 val FrameSize = 960 val FrameTime = 20 def flow[Mat]( remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, ssrc: Int, serverId: RawSnowflake, userId: UserId, secretKeys: Source[Option[ByteString], Mat] )(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Flow[ByteString, AudioAPIMessage.ReceivedData, (Mat, Future[FoundIP])] = NaclBidiFlow .bidiFlow(ssrc, serverId, userId, secretKeys) .atopMat(voiceBidi(ssrc).reversed)(Keep.both) .async .join(Flow[ByteString].buffer(32, OverflowStrategy.backpressure).via(UdpConnectedFlow.flow(remoteAddress))) def voiceBidi(ssrc: Int): BidiFlow[ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, Future[FoundIP]] = { implicit val byteOrder: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN val ipDiscoveryPacket = { val byteBuilder = ByteString.createBuilder byteBuilder.sizeHint(74) byteBuilder.putShort(0x1).putShort(70).putInt(ssrc) byteBuilder.putBytes(new Array[Byte](66)) byteBuilder.result() } val valvePromise = Promise[Unit] val valve = Source.future(valvePromise.future).drop(1).asInstanceOf[Source[ByteString, NotUsed]] val ipDiscoveryFlow = Flow[ByteString] .viaMat(new IPDiscoveryFlow(() => valvePromise.success(())))(Keep.right) BidiFlow .fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(ipDiscoveryFlow) { implicit b => ipDiscovery => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val voiceIn = b.add(Flow[ByteString]) val ipDiscoverySource = b.add(Source.single(ipDiscoveryPacket) ++ valve) val ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData = b.add(Concat[ByteString]()) ipDiscoverySource ~> ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData voiceIn ~> ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData BidiShape( ipDiscovery.in, ipDiscovery.out, voiceIn.in, ipDiscoveryAndThenVoiceData.out ) }) } case class FoundIP(address: String, port: Int) }
Example 131
Source File: CmdHelper.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.oldcommands import ackcord.CacheSnapshot import ackcord.data.raw.RawMessage import ackcord.data.{Message, User} import ackcord.requests.{CreateMessage, Request, Requests} import ackcord.syntax._ import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL} object CmdHelper { def isValidCommand[F[_]](needMention: Boolean, msg: Message)( implicit c: CacheSnapshot ): Option[List[String]] = { if (needMention) { val botUser = c.botUser //We do a quick check first before parsing the message val quickCheck = if (msg.mentions.contains(botUser.id)) Some(msg.content.split(" ").toList) else None quickCheck.flatMap { args => MessageParser .parseEither(args, MessageParser[User]) .toOption .flatMap { case (remaining, user) if user.id == botUser.id => Some(remaining) case (_, _) => None } } } else Some(msg.content.split(" ").toList) } }
Example 132
Source File: StreamInstances.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.util import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Merge, Sink, Source} import cats.{Alternative, Contravariant, Functor, MonadError, StackSafeMonad} object StreamInstances { type SourceRequest[A] = Source[A, NotUsed] implicit val sourceInstance: MonadError[SourceRequest, Throwable] with Alternative[SourceRequest] = new MonadError[SourceRequest, Throwable] with Alternative[SourceRequest] with StackSafeMonad[SourceRequest] { override def empty[A]: SourceRequest[A] = Source.empty[A] override def pure[A](x: A): SourceRequest[A] = Source.single(x) override def map[A, B](fa: SourceRequest[A])(f: A => B): SourceRequest[B] = fa.map(f) override def flatMap[A, B](fa: SourceRequest[A])(f: A => SourceRequest[B]): SourceRequest[B] = fa.flatMapConcat[B, NotUsed](f) override def product[A, B](fa: SourceRequest[A], fb: SourceRequest[B]): SourceRequest[(A, B)] = fa.zip(fb) override def combineK[A](x: SourceRequest[A], y: SourceRequest[A]): SourceRequest[A] = Source.combine(x, y)(Merge.apply(_)) override def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): SourceRequest[A] = Source.failed(e) override def handleErrorWith[A](fa: SourceRequest[A])(f: Throwable => SourceRequest[A]): SourceRequest[A] = fa.recoverWithRetries[A]( 5, { case e: Throwable => f(e).mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed) } ) } implicit def flowInstance[In, Mat]: Functor[Flow[In, *, Mat]] = new Functor[Flow[In, *, Mat]] { override def map[A, B](fa: Flow[In, A, Mat])(f: A => B): Flow[In, B, Mat] = fa.map(f) } implicit def sinkInstance[Mat]: Contravariant[Sink[*, Mat]] = new Contravariant[Sink[*, Mat]] { override def contramap[A, B](fa: Sink[A, Mat])(f: B => A): Sink[B, Mat] = fa.contramap(f) } //For syntax on Source can be brittle implicit class SourceFlatmap[A, M1](private val source: Source[A, M1]) extends AnyVal { def flatMap[B, M2](f: A => Source[B, M2]): Source[B, M1] = source.flatMapConcat(f) } }
Example 133
Source File: RepeatLast.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.util import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.stage.{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, InHandler, OutHandler} import akka.stream.{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet} class RepeatLast[A] extends GraphStage[FlowShape[A, A]] { val in: Inlet[A] = Inlet("RepeatLast.in") val out: Outlet[A] = Outlet("RepeatLast.out") override def shape: FlowShape[A, A] = FlowShape(in, out) override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) with InHandler with OutHandler { var elem: A = _ override def onPush(): Unit = { elem = grab(in) push(out, elem) } override def onPull(): Unit = { if (elem != null && isAvailable(out)) push(out, elem) if (!hasBeenPulled(in)) pull(in) } setHandlers(in, out, this) } } object RepeatLast { def flow[A]: Flow[A, A, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(new RepeatLast[A]) }
Example 134
Source File: SupervisionStreams.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.requests import akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem import akka.stream.javadsl.RunnableGraph import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import akka.stream.{ActorAttributes, Attributes, Supervision} object SupervisionStreams { def addLogAndContinueFunction[G](addAtributes: Attributes => G)(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): G = addAtributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy { case _: RetryFailedRequestException[_] => Supervision.Stop case e => system.log.error("Unhandled exception in stream", e) Supervision.Resume }) def logAndContinue[M](graph: RunnableGraph[M])(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): RunnableGraph[M] = addLogAndContinueFunction(graph.addAttributes) def logAndContinue[Out, Mat](source: Source[Out, Mat])(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Source[Out, Mat] = addLogAndContinueFunction(source.addAttributes) def logAndContinue[In, Out, Mat]( flow: Flow[In, Out, Mat] )(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Flow[In, Out, Mat] = addLogAndContinueFunction(flow.addAttributes) def logAndContinue[In, Mat](sink: Sink[In, Mat])(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Sink[In, Mat] = addLogAndContinueFunction(sink.addAttributes) }
Example 135
Source File: CacheStreams.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord import scala.collection.mutable import ackcord.cachehandlers.CacheSnapshotBuilder import ackcord.gateway.GatewayEvent.ReadyData import ackcord.gateway.GatewayMessage import ackcord.requests.SupervisionStreams import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{BroadcastHub, Flow, Keep, MergeHub, Sink, Source} import org.slf4j.Logger object CacheStreams { def cacheUpdater( cacheProcessor: MemoryCacheSnapshot.CacheProcessor )(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Flow[CacheEvent, (CacheEvent, CacheState), NotUsed] = Flow[CacheEvent].statefulMapConcat { () => var state: CacheState = null implicit val log: Logger = system.log //We only handle events when we are ready to, and we have received the ready event. def isReady: Boolean = state != null { case readyEvent @ APIMessageCacheUpdate(_: ReadyData, _, _, _, _) => val builder = new CacheSnapshotBuilder( 0, null, //The event will populate this, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty, cacheProcessor ) readyEvent.process(builder) val snapshot = builder.toImmutable state = CacheState(snapshot, snapshot) List(readyEvent -> state) case handlerEvent: CacheEvent if isReady => val builder = CacheSnapshotBuilder(state.current) handlerEvent.process(builder) state = state.update(builder.toImmutable) List(handlerEvent -> state) case _ if !isReady => log.error("Received event before ready") Nil } } }
Example 136
Source File: UpickleCustomizationSupport.scala From akka-http-json with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpupickle import akka.http.javadsl.common.JsonEntityStreamingSupport import akka.http.scaladsl.common.EntityStreamingSupport import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{ Marshaller, Marshalling, ToEntityMarshaller } import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ ContentTypeRange, HttpEntity, MediaType, MessageEntity } import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes.`application/json` import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.{ FromEntityUnmarshaller, Unmarshal, Unmarshaller } import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import akka.util.ByteString import UpickleCustomizationSupport._ import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.NonFatal // This companion object only exists for binary compatibility as adding methods with default implementations // (including val's as they create synthetic methods) is not compatible. private object UpickleCustomizationSupport { private def jsonStringUnmarshaller(support: UpickleCustomizationSupport) = Unmarshaller.byteStringUnmarshaller .forContentTypes(support.unmarshallerContentTypes: _*) .mapWithCharset { case (ByteString.empty, _) => throw Unmarshaller.NoContentException case (data, charset) => data.decodeString(charset.nioCharset.name) } private def jsonSourceStringMarshaller(support: UpickleCustomizationSupport) = Marshaller.oneOf(support.mediaTypes: _*)(support.sourceByteStringMarshaller) private def jsonStringMarshaller(support: UpickleCustomizationSupport) = Marshaller.oneOf(support.mediaTypes: _*)(Marshaller.stringMarshaller) } implicit def sourceMarshaller[A](implicit writes: apiInstance.Writer[A], support: JsonEntityStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json() ): ToEntityMarshaller[SourceOf[A]] = jsonSourceStringMarshaller(this).compose(jsonSource[A]) }
Example 137
Source File: LocalFilePersistService.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.netflix.atlas.persistence import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.scaladsl.Keep import akka.stream.scaladsl.RestartFlow import akka.stream.scaladsl.Sink import com.netflix.atlas.akka.StreamOps import com.netflix.atlas.akka.StreamOps.SourceQueue import com.netflix.atlas.core.model.Datapoint import com.netflix.iep.service.AbstractService import com.netflix.spectator.api.Registry import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration @Singleton class LocalFilePersistService @Inject()( val config: Config, val registry: Registry, // S3CopyService is actually NOT used by this service, it is here just to guarantee that the // shutdown callback (stopImpl) of this service is invoked before S3CopyService's val s3CopyService: S3CopyService, implicit val system: ActorSystem ) extends AbstractService with StrictLogging { implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() private val queueSize = config.getInt("atlas.persistence.queue-size") private val fileConfig = config.getConfig("atlas.persistence.local-file") private val dataDir = fileConfig.getString("data-dir") private val maxRecords = fileConfig.getLong("max-records") private val maxDurationMs = fileConfig.getDuration("max-duration").toMillis private val maxLateDurationMs = fileConfig.getDuration("max-late-duration").toMillis private val rollingConf = RollingConfig(maxRecords, maxDurationMs, maxLateDurationMs) require(queueSize > 0) require(maxRecords > 0) require(maxDurationMs > 0) private var queue: SourceQueue[Datapoint] = _ private var flowComplete: Future[Done] = _ override def startImpl(): Unit = { logger.info("Starting service") val (q, f) = StreamOps .blockingQueue[Datapoint](registry, "LocalFilePersistService", queueSize) .via(getRollingFileFlow) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.both) .run queue = q flowComplete = f } private def getRollingFileFlow(): Flow[Datapoint, NotUsed, NotUsed] = { import scala.concurrent.duration._ RestartFlow.withBackoff( minBackoff = 1.second, maxBackoff = 3.seconds, randomFactor = 0, maxRestarts = -1 ) { () => Flow.fromGraph( new RollingFileFlow(dataDir, rollingConf, registry) ) } } // This service should stop the Akka flow when application is shutdown gracefully, and let // S3CopyService do the cleanup. It should trigger: // 1. stop taking more data points (monitor droppedQueueClosed) // 2. close current file writer so that last file is ready to copy to s3 override def stopImpl(): Unit = { logger.info("Stopping service") queue.complete() Await.result(flowComplete, Duration.Inf) logger.info("Stopped service") } def persist(dp: Datapoint): Unit = { queue.offer(dp) } }
Example 138
Source File: ScalingPoliciesTestImpl.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.netflix.iep.lwc.fwd.admin import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.typesafe.config.Config class ScalingPoliciesTestImpl( config: Config, dao: ScalingPoliciesDao, policies: Map[EddaEndpoint, List[ScalingPolicy]] = Map.empty[EddaEndpoint, List[ScalingPolicy]] ) extends ScalingPolicies(config, dao) { scalingPolicies = policies override def startPeriodicTimer(): Unit = {} } class ScalingPoliciesDaoTestImpl( policies: Map[EddaEndpoint, List[ScalingPolicy]] ) extends ScalingPoliciesDao { protected implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global override def getScalingPolicies: Flow[EddaEndpoint, List[ScalingPolicy], NotUsed] = { Flow[EddaEndpoint] .map(policies(_)) } }
Example 139
Source File: RestPi.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter } import akka.http.scaladsl._ import akka.http.scaladsl.common.{ EntityStreamingSupport, JsonEntityStreamingSupport } import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directives, Route } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, Materializer } import akka.util.ByteString import com.github.dnvriend.spark.CalculatePi import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } object RestPi extends App with Directives with SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol { implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer() implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher implicit val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system, this.getClass) val spark = SparkSession.builder() .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "file:/tmp/spark-warehouse") .config("spark.scheduler.mode", "FAIR") .config("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", "true") .master("local") // use as many threads as cores .appName("RestPi") // The appName parameter is a name for your application to show on the cluster UI. .getOrCreate() final case class Pi(pi: Double) implicit val piJsonFormat = jsonFormat1(Pi) val start = ByteString.empty val sep = ByteString("\n") val end = ByteString.empty implicit val jsonStreamingSupport: JsonEntityStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json() .withFramingRenderer(Flow[ByteString].intersperse(start, sep, end)) .withParallelMarshalling(parallelism = 8, unordered = true) def sparkContext: SparkContext = spark.newSession().sparkContext def calculatePi(num: Long = 1000000, slices: Int = 2): Future[Double] = Future(CalculatePi(sparkContext, num, slices)).map(count => slices.toDouble * count / (num - 1)) val route: Route = pathEndOrSingleSlash { complete(calculatePi().map(Pi)) } ~ path("pi" / LongNumber / IntNumber) { (num, slices) => complete(calculatePi(num, slices).map(Pi)) } ~ path("stream" / "pi" / LongNumber) { num => complete(Source.fromFuture(calculatePi()).map(Pi) .flatMapConcat(Source.repeat).take(num)) } Http().bindAndHandle(route, "", 8008) sys.addShutdownHook { spark.stop() system.terminate() } }
Example 140
Source File: LogProgress.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend import akka.NotUsed import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.stream.FlowShape import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Sink } import scala.compat.Platform import scala.collection.immutable._ object LogProgress { def flow[A](each: Long = 1000)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = null): Flow[A, A, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph[A, A, NotUsed](GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val logFlow = Flow[A].statefulMapConcat { () => var last = Platform.currentTime var num = 0L (x: A) => num += 1 if (num % each == 0) { val duration = Platform.currentTime - last val logOpt = Option(log) Option(log).foreach(_.info("[{} ms / {}]: {}", duration, each, num)) if (logOpt.isEmpty) println(s"[$duration ms / $each]: $num") last = Platform.currentTime } Iterable(x) } val bcast = b.add(Broadcast[A](2, eagerCancel = false)) bcast ~> logFlow ~> Sink.ignore FlowShape.of(bcast.in, bcast.out(1)) }) }
Example 141
Source File: SocketWordCountTest.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.spark.sstreaming import akka.Done import akka.stream.scaladsl.Tcp._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Sink, Source, Tcp } import akka.util.ByteString import com.github.dnvriend.TestSpec import org.scalatest.Ignore import scala.collection.immutable._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ @Ignore class SocketWordCountTest extends TestSpec { def withSocketServer(xs: Seq[String])(f: Future[Done] => Unit): Unit = { val connections: Source[IncomingConnection, Future[ServerBinding]] = Tcp().bind("", 9999) val socketServer = connections.runForeach { connection => println(s"New connection from: ${connection.remoteAddress}") val src = Source.cycle(() => xs.iterator).map(txt => ByteString(txt) ++ ByteString("\n")) .flatMapConcat(msg => Source.tick(0.seconds, 200.millis, msg)) val echo = Flow.fromSinkAndSource(Sink.ignore, src) connection.handleWith(echo) } f(socketServer) } it should "a running word count of text data received via a TCP server" in withSparkSession { spark => withSocketServer(List("apache spark")) { socketServer => import spark.implicits._ val lines = spark.readStream .format("socket") .option("host", "localhost") .option("port", 9999) .load() // Split the lines into words val words = lines.as[String].flatMap(_.split(" ")) // Generate running word count val wordCounts = words.groupBy("value").count() // Start running the query that prints the running counts to the console val query = wordCounts.writeStream .outputMode("complete") .format("console") .start() query.awaitTermination(10.seconds) } } }
Example 142
Source File: AkkaStreamOps.scala From phobos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.phobos.ops import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink} import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants import ru.tinkoff.phobos.decoding._ import scala.concurrent.Future private[phobos] trait AkkaStreamOps { def decodingFlowUnsafe[A: XmlDecoder](charset: String = "UTF-8"): Flow[Array[Byte], A, NotUsed] = decodingFlow(charset).map(_.fold(throw _, identity)) def decodingSink[A: XmlDecoder](charset: String = "UTF-8"): Sink[Array[Byte], Future[Either[DecodingError, A]]] = decodingFlow(charset).toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) def decodingSinkUnsafe[A: XmlDecoder](charset: String = "UTF-8"): Sink[Array[Byte], Future[A]] = decodingFlowUnsafe(charset).toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) } private[phobos] case class SinkDecoderState[A]( xmlStreamReader: XmlStreamReader, cursor: Cursor, elementDecoder: ElementDecoder[A] ) { def withEncoder(that: ElementDecoder[A]): SinkDecoderState[A] = copy(elementDecoder = that) } private[phobos] object SinkDecoderState { def initial[A](xmlDecoder: XmlDecoder[A], charset: String): SinkDecoderState[A] = { val sr: XmlStreamReader = XmlDecoder.createStreamReader(charset) val cursor = new Cursor(sr) SinkDecoderState( xmlStreamReader = sr, cursor = cursor, elementDecoder = xmlDecoder.elementdecoder ) } }
Example 143
Source File: EventsController.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import akka.actor.ActorSystem import controllers.actions.SecuredAuthContext import domains.Domain.Domain import domains.events.{EventStore, EventStoreContext} import play.api.libs.EventSource import play.api.libs.EventSource.{EventDataExtractor, EventIdExtractor, EventNameExtractor} import play.api.libs.json.{JsString, Json} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ActionBuilder, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import libs.http.HttpContext import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import scala.util.Success import scala.util.Failure import libs.logs.IzanamiLogger import java.time.LocalDateTime import play.api.libs.json.JsValue import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationDouble import domains.auth.AuthInfo import domains.Key class EventsController(system: ActorSystem, AuthAction: ActionBuilder[SecuredAuthContext, AnyContent], cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit r: HttpContext[EventStoreContext]) extends AbstractController(cc) { import libs.http._ import domains.events.Events._ import system.dispatcher private implicit val nameExtractor = EventNameExtractor[IzanamiEvent](_ => None) //Some(event.`type`)) private implicit val idExtractor = EventIdExtractor[IzanamiEvent](event => Some(s"${event._id}")) //Some(event.key.key)) private implicit val dataExtractor = EventDataExtractor[IzanamiEvent](event => Json.stringify(event.toJson)) def allEvents(patterns: String, domains: String) = events(domains.split(",").toIndexedSeq, patterns) def eventsForADomain(domain: String, patterns: String) = events(domain.split(",").toIndexedSeq, patterns) val logEvent = Flow[IzanamiEvent].map { event => event } case class KeepAliveEvent() extends IzanamiEvent { val _id: Long = 0 val domain: Domain = domains.Domain.Unknown val authInfo: Option[AuthInfo.Service] = None val key: Key = Key("na") def timestamp: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.now() val `type`: String = "KEEP_ALIVE" val payload: JsValue = Json.obj() } val keepAlive = Flow[IzanamiEvent].keepAlive(30.seconds, () => KeepAliveEvent()) // TODO abilitations private def events[T <: IzanamiEvent](domains: Seq[String], patterns: String) = AuthAction.asyncTask[EventStoreContext] { ctx => val allPatterns: Seq[String] = ctx.authorizedPatterns ++ patterns .split(",") .toList val lastEventId = ctx.request.headers.get("Last-Event-ID").map(_.toLong) val allDomains = domains.map(JsString).flatMap(_.validate[Domain].asOpt) EventStore .events(allDomains, allPatterns, lastEventId) .map { source => val eventSource = (source via keepAlive via logEvent via EventSource.flow).watchTermination() { (_, fDone) => fDone.onComplete { case Success(_) => IzanamiLogger.debug("SSE disconnected") case Failure(e) => IzanamiLogger.error("Error during SSE ", e) } fDone } Ok.chunked(eventSource).as("text/event-stream") } } }
Example 144
Source File: ExperimentVariantEventTest.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package domains.abtesting import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import domains.Key import domains.abtesting.events._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures} import test.IzanamiSpec class ExperimentVariantEventTest extends IzanamiSpec with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience { "ExperimentVariantEvent" must { "aggregate event" in { implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() val variantId = "vId" val variant = Variant(variantId, "None", None, Traffic(0), None) val flow: Flow[ExperimentVariantEvent, VariantResult, NotUsed] = ExperimentVariantEvent.eventAggregation("experiment.id", 1, ChronoUnit.HOURS) val firstDate = LocalDateTime.now().minus(5, ChronoUnit.HOURS) val experimentKey = Key(s"experiment:id") def experimentVariantEventKey(counter: Int): ExperimentVariantEventKey = ExperimentVariantEventKey(experimentKey, variantId, s"client:id:$counter", "namespace", s"$counter") def clientId(i: Int): String = s"client:id:$i" def date(i: Int): LocalDateTime = firstDate.plus(15 * i, ChronoUnit.MINUTES) val source = (1 to 20) .flatMap { counter => val d = date(counter) val key = experimentVariantEventKey(counter) counter match { case i if i % 2 > 0 => List(ExperimentVariantDisplayed(key, experimentKey, clientId(i), variant, d, 0, variantId)) case i => List( ExperimentVariantDisplayed(key, experimentKey, clientId(i), variant, d, 0, variantId), ExperimentVariantWon(key, experimentKey, clientId(i), variant, d, 0, variantId) ) } } val expectedEvents = Seq( ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(1), 0.0, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(5), 40.0, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(9), 44.44444444444444, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(13), 46.15384615384615, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(17), 47.05882352941177, "vId") ) val evts = Source(source).via(flow).runWith(Sink.seq).futureValue val allEvents = evts.flatMap(_.events) allEvents must be(expectedEvents) } } }
Example 145
Source File: GrpcProtocolWeb.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.internal import akka.grpc.GrpcProtocol._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity.{ Chunk, ChunkStreamPart } import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.util.ByteString import io.grpc.{ Status, StatusException } abstract class GrpcProtocolWebBase(subType: String) extends AbstractGrpcProtocol(subType) { protected def postEncode(frame: ByteString): ByteString protected def preDecode(frame: ByteString): ByteString override protected def writer(codec: Codec): GrpcProtocolWriter = AbstractGrpcProtocol.writer(this, codec, frame => encodeFrame(codec, frame)) override protected def reader(codec: Codec): GrpcProtocolReader = AbstractGrpcProtocol.reader(codec, decodeFrame, flow => Flow[ByteString].map(preDecode).via(flow)) @inline private def encodeFrame(codec: Codec, frame: Frame): ChunkStreamPart = { val dataFrameType = AbstractGrpcProtocol.fieldType(codec) val (frameType, data) = frame match { case DataFrame(data) => (dataFrameType, data) case TrailerFrame(trailer) => (ByteString(dataFrameType(0) | 0x80), encodeTrailer(trailer)) } val framed = AbstractGrpcProtocol.encodeFrameData(frameType, codec.compress(data)) Chunk(postEncode(framed)) } @inline private final def decodeFrame(frameHeader: Int, data: ByteString): Frame = { (frameHeader & 80) match { case 0 => DataFrame(data) case 1 => TrailerFrame(decodeTrailer(data)) case f => throw new StatusException(Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(s"Unknown frame type [$f]")) } } @inline private final def encodeTrailer(trailer: Seq[HttpHeader]): ByteString = ByteString(trailer.mkString("", "\r\n", "\r\n")) @inline private final def decodeTrailer(data: ByteString): List[HttpHeader] = ??? } object GrpcProtocolWebText extends GrpcProtocolWebBase("grpc-web-text") { override final def postEncode(framed: ByteString): ByteString = framed.encodeBase64 override final def preDecode(frame: ByteString): ByteString = frame.decodeBase64 }
Example 146
Source File: ProperShutdownStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.Done import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.stream.ClosedShape import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object ProperShutdownStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class ProperShutdownStream extends PerpetualStream[(ActorRef, Future[Long])] { import ProperShutdownStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val managedSource = LifecycleManaged().source(Source fromIterator generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(managedSource, counter)((a, b) => (a._2, b)) { implicit builder => (source, sink) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => val (_, fCount) = matValue // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! fCount } override def shutdown() = { super.shutdown() import context.dispatcher val (actorRef, fCount) = matValue val fStopped = gracefulStop(actorRef, awaitMax) for { _ <- fCount; _ <- fStopped } yield Done } }
Example 147
Source File: WebSocketMessageHandler.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package asura.core.actor.flow import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.{ActorRef, PoisonPill} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{Message, TextMessage} import akka.stream.OverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source} import asura.common.actor.{ActorEvent, SenderMessage} import asura.common.exceptions.InvalidStatusException import asura.core.CoreConfig import asura.core.util.JacksonSupport import scala.concurrent.duration._ object WebSocketMessageHandler { val DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = CoreConfig.DEFAULT_WS_ACTOR_BUFFER_SIZE val KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL = 2 def newHandleFlow[T <: AnyRef](workActor: ActorRef, msgClass: Class[T]): Flow[Message, Message, NotUsed] = { val incomingMessages: Sink[Message, NotUsed] = Flow[Message].map { case TextMessage.Strict(text) => JacksonSupport.parse(text, msgClass) case _ => throw InvalidStatusException("Unsupported message type") }.to(Sink.actorRef[T](workActor, PoisonPill)) val outgoingMessages: Source[Message, NotUsed] = Source.actorRef[ActorEvent](DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) .mapMaterializedValue { outActor => workActor ! SenderMessage(outActor) NotUsed } .map(result => TextMessage(JacksonSupport.stringify(result))) .keepAlive(KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL.seconds, () => TextMessage.Strict("")) Flow.fromSinkAndSource(incomingMessages, outgoingMessages) } def newHandleStringFlow[T <: AnyRef](workActor: ActorRef, msgClass: Class[T]): Flow[Message, Message, NotUsed] = { val incomingMessages: Sink[Message, NotUsed] = Flow[Message].map { case TextMessage.Strict(text) => JacksonSupport.parse(text, msgClass) case _ => throw InvalidStatusException("Unsupported message type") }.to(Sink.actorRef[T](workActor, PoisonPill)) val outgoingMessages: Source[Message, NotUsed] = Source.actorRef[String](DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) .mapMaterializedValue { outActor => workActor ! SenderMessage(outActor) NotUsed } .map(result => TextMessage(result)) .keepAlive(KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL.seconds, () => TextMessage.Strict("")) Flow.fromSinkAndSource(incomingMessages, outgoingMessages) } def stringToActorEventFlow[T <: AnyRef](workActor: ActorRef, msgClass: Class[T]): Flow[String, String, NotUsed] = { val incomingMessages: Sink[String, NotUsed] = Flow[String].map { case text: String => JacksonSupport.parse(text, msgClass) }.to(Sink.actorRef[T](workActor, PoisonPill)) val outgoingMessages: Source[String, NotUsed] = Source.actorRef[ActorEvent](DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) .mapMaterializedValue { outActor => workActor ! SenderMessage(outActor) NotUsed } .map(result => JacksonSupport.stringify(result)) .keepAlive(KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL.seconds, () => "") Flow.fromSinkAndSource(incomingMessages, outgoingMessages) } def stringToActorEventFlow[T <: AnyRef](workActor: ActorRef): Flow[String, String, NotUsed] = { val incomingMessages: Sink[String, NotUsed] = Flow[String].to(Sink.actorRef[String](workActor, PoisonPill)) val outgoingMessages: Source[String, NotUsed] = Source.actorRef[ActorEvent](DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) .mapMaterializedValue { outActor => workActor ! SenderMessage(outActor) NotUsed } .map(result => JacksonSupport.stringify(result)) .keepAlive(KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL.seconds, () => "") Flow.fromSinkAndSource(incomingMessages, outgoingMessages) } }
Example 148
Source File: TelnetEchoApp.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package asura.dubbo.telnet import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Framing, Tcp} import akka.util.ByteString import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger object TelnetEchoApp { val logger = Logger("TelnetEchoApp") implicit val system = ActorSystem("telnet") implicit val ec = system.dispatcher implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() val echo = Flow[ByteString] .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = false)) .map(_.utf8String) .map(txt => { logger.info(s"got(${txt.length}):${txt}") txt + "\n" }) .map(ByteString(_)) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val connections = Tcp().bind("", 8888) connections runForeach { connection => logger.info(s"New connection from: ${connection.remoteAddress}") connection.handleWith(echo) } } }
Example 149
Source File: Webservice.scala From akka-http-scala-js-websocket-chat with MIT License | 5 votes |
package example.akkawschat import java.util.Date import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{ Message, TextMessage } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import upickle.default._ import shared.Protocol import shared.Protocol._ import scala.util.Failure class Webservice(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends Directives { val theChat = Chat.create() import system.dispatcher system.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(15.second, 15.second) { () => theChat.injectMessage(ChatMessage(sender = "clock", s"Bling! The time is ${new Date().toString}.")) } def route = get { pathSingleSlash { getFromResource("web/index.html") } ~ // Scala-JS puts them in the root of the resource directory per default, // so that's where we pick them up path("frontend-launcher.js")(getFromResource("frontend-launcher.js")) ~ path("frontend-fastopt.js")(getFromResource("frontend-fastopt.js")) ~ path("chat") { parameter("name") { name => handleWebSocketMessages(websocketChatFlow(sender = name)) } } } ~ getFromResourceDirectory("web") def websocketChatFlow(sender: String): Flow[Message, Message, Any] = Flow[Message] .collect { case TextMessage.Strict(msg) => msg // unpack incoming WS text messages... // This will lose (ignore) messages not received in one chunk (which is // unlikely because chat messages are small) but absolutely possible // FIXME: We need to handle TextMessage.Streamed as well. } .via(theChat.chatFlow(sender)) // ... and route them through the chatFlow ... .map { case msg: Protocol.Message => TextMessage.Strict(write(msg)) // ... pack outgoing messages into WS JSON messages ... } .via(reportErrorsFlow) // ... then log any processing errors on stdin def reportErrorsFlow[T]: Flow[T, T, Any] = Flow[T] .watchTermination()((_, f) => f.onComplete { case Failure(cause) => println(s"WS stream failed with $cause") case _ => // ignore regular completion }) }
Example 150
Source File: ChatCLI.scala From akka-http-scala-js-websocket-chat with MIT License | 5 votes |
package example.akkawschat.cli import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import shared.Protocol import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } object ChatCLI extends App { def promptForName(): String = { Console.out.print("What's your name? ") Console.out.flush() Console.in.readLine() } val endpointBase = "ws://localhost:8080/chat" val name = promptForName() val endpoint = Uri(endpointBase).withQuery(Uri.Query("name" -> name)) implicit val system = ActorSystem() import system.dispatcher import Console._ def formatCurrentMembers(members: Seq[String]): String = s"(${members.size} people chatting: ${members.map(m ⇒ s"$YELLOW$m$RESET").mkString(", ")})" object ChatApp extends ConsoleDSL[String] { type State = Seq[String] // current chat members def initialState: Seq[String] = Nil def run(): Unit = { lazy val initialCommands = Command.PrintLine("Welcome to the Chat!") ~ readLineAndEmitLoop val inputFlow = Flow[Protocol.Message] .map { case Protocol.ChatMessage(sender, message) ⇒ Command.PrintLine(s"$YELLOW$sender$RESET: $message") case Protocol.Joined(member, all) ⇒ Command.PrintLine(s"$YELLOW$member$RESET ${GREEN}joined!$RESET ${formatCurrentMembers(all)}") ~ Command.SetState(all) case Protocol.Left(member, all) ⇒ Command.PrintLine(s"$YELLOW$member$RESET ${RED}left!$RESET ${formatCurrentMembers(all)}") ~ Command.SetState(all) } // inject initial commands before the commands generated by the server .prepend(Source.single(initialCommands)) val appFlow = inputFlow .via(consoleHandler) .filterNot(_.trim.isEmpty) .watchTermination()((_, f) => f onComplete { case Success(_) => println("\nFinishing...") system.terminate() case Failure(e) ⇒ println(s"Connection to $endpoint failed because of '${e.getMessage}'") system.terminate() }) println("Connecting... (Use Ctrl-D to exit.)") ChatClient.connect(endpoint, appFlow) } val basePrompt = s"($name) >" lazy val readLineAndEmitLoop: Command = readWithParticipantNameCompletion { line ⇒ Command.Emit(line) ~ readLineAndEmitLoop } def readWithParticipantNameCompletion(andThen: String ⇒ Command): Command = { import Command._ ⇒ if (namePrefix.isEmpty) simpleMode(prefix) else mentionMode(prefix, namePrefix.dropRight(1)) } } } simpleMode("") } } ChatApp.run() }
Example 151
Source File: PromptFlow.scala From akka-http-scala-js-websocket-chat with MIT License | 5 votes |
package example.akkawschat.cli import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source, GraphDSL } import akka.stream.stage.{ InHandler, GraphStageLogic, GraphStage } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object Prompt { ⇒ collectedString = collectedString.dropRight(1) prompt() case x ⇒ //println(s"Got ${x.toInt}") collectedString += x print(x) pull(characterInput) } } }) setHandler(outputLinesIn, new InHandler { def onPush(): Unit = { print(s"$RESTORE$ERASE_LINE${grab(outputLinesIn)}\n$SAVE$promptLine") pull(outputLinesIn) } }) setHandler(readLinesOut, eagerTerminateOutput) override def preStart(): Unit = { pull(outputLinesIn) print(SAVE) // to make sure we don't jump back to former SAVE position in the terminal prompt() } def promptLine = s"$RESTORE$ERASE_LINE$SAVE> $collectedString" def prompt(): Unit = { print(promptLine) pull(characterInput) } } }
Example 152
Source File: ChatClient.scala From akka-http-scala-js-websocket-chat with MIT License | 5 votes |
package example.akkawschat.cli import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Keep, Source, Sink, Flow } import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws._ import upickle.default._ import shared.Protocol object ChatClient { def connect[T](endpoint: Uri, handler: Flow[Protocol.Message, String, T])(implicit system: ActorSystem): Future[T] = { val wsFlow: Flow[Message, Message, T] = Flow[Message] .collect { case TextMessage.Strict(msg) ⇒ read[Protocol.Message](msg) } .viaMat(handler)(Keep.right) .map(TextMessage(_)) val (fut, t) = Http().singleWebSocketRequest(WebSocketRequest(endpoint), wsFlow) fut.map { case v: ValidUpgrade ⇒ t case InvalidUpgradeResponse(response, cause) ⇒ throw new RuntimeException(s"Connection to chat at $endpoint failed with $cause") }(system.dispatcher) } def connect[T](endpoint: Uri, in: Sink[Protocol.Message, Any], out: Source[String, Any])(implicit system: ActorSystem): Future[Unit] = connect(endpoint, Flow.fromSinkAndSource(in, out)).map(_ ⇒ ())(system.dispatcher) def connect[T](endpoint: Uri, onMessage: Protocol.Message ⇒ Unit, out: Source[String, Any])(implicit system: ActorSystem): Future[Unit] = connect(endpoint, Sink.foreach(onMessage), out) }
Example 153
Source File: TestServiceImpl.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.interop import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.grpc.GrpcServiceException import akka.stream.{ Materializer, SystemMaterializer } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source } import com.google.protobuf.ByteString import io.grpc.Status import io.grpc.testing.integration.empty.Empty import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } // Generated by our plugin import io.grpc.testing.integration.messages._ import io.grpc.testing.integration.test.TestService object TestServiceImpl { val parametersToResponseFlow: Flow[ResponseParameters, StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[ResponseParameters].map { parameters => StreamingOutputCallResponse(Some(Payload(body = ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](parameters.size))))) } } class TestServiceImpl(implicit sys: ActorSystem) extends TestService { import TestServiceImpl._ implicit val mat: Materializer = SystemMaterializer(sys).materializer implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = sys.dispatcher override def emptyCall(req: Empty) = Future.successful(Empty()) override def unaryCall(req: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = req.responseStatus match { case None => Future.successful(SimpleResponse(Some(Payload(ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](req.responseSize)))))) case Some(requestStatus) => val responseStatus = Status.fromCodeValue(requestStatus.code).withDescription(requestStatus.message) // - Either one of the following works // Future.failed(new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus)) throw new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus) } override def cacheableUnaryCall(in: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = ??? override def fullDuplexCall( in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = in.map(req => { req.responseStatus.foreach(reqStatus => throw new GrpcServiceException(Status.fromCodeValue(reqStatus.code).withDescription(reqStatus.message))) req }).mapConcat(_.responseParameters.toList) .via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def halfDuplexCall( in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = ??? override def streamingInputCall(in: Source[StreamingInputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Future[StreamingInputCallResponse] = in.map(_.payload.map(_.body.size).getOrElse(0)).runFold(0)(_ + _).map { sum => StreamingInputCallResponse(sum) } override def streamingOutputCall(in: StreamingOutputCallRequest): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Source(in.responseParameters.toList).via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def unimplementedCall(in: Empty): Future[Empty] = ??? }
Example 154
Source File: KillSwitchStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.stream.ClosedShape import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object KillSwitchStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class KillSwitchStream extends PerpetualStream[Future[Long]] { import KillSwitchStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(counter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> killSwitch.flow[Int] ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! matValue } }
Example 155
Source File: TestServiceImpl.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.interop import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.collection.immutable import akka.grpc.scaladsl.{GrpcMarshalling} import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.grpc._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akka.stream.{ Materializer, SystemMaterializer } import com.google.protobuf.ByteString import io.grpc.{ Status, StatusRuntimeException } // Generated by our plugin import io.grpc.testing.integration.test.TestService import io.grpc.testing.integration.messages._ import io.grpc.testing.integration.empty.Empty object TestServiceImpl { val parametersToResponseFlow: Flow[ResponseParameters, StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[ResponseParameters] .map { parameters => StreamingOutputCallResponse( Some(Payload(body = ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](parameters.size))))) } } class TestServiceImpl(implicit sys: ActorSystem) extends TestService { import TestServiceImpl._ implicit val mat: Materializer = SystemMaterializer(sys).materializer implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = sys.dispatcher override def emptyCall(req: Empty) = Future.successful(Empty()) override def unaryCall(req: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = { req.responseStatus match { case None => Future.successful(SimpleResponse(Some(Payload(ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](req.responseSize)))))) case Some(requestStatus) => val responseStatus = Status.fromCodeValue(requestStatus.code).withDescription(requestStatus.message) // - Either one of the following works Future.failed(new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus)) // throw new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus) } } override def cacheableUnaryCall(in: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = ??? override def fullDuplexCall(in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = in.map(req => { req.responseStatus.foreach(reqStatus => throw new GrpcServiceException( Status.fromCodeValue(reqStatus.code).withDescription(reqStatus.message))) req }).mapConcat( _.responseParameters.to[immutable.Seq]).via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def halfDuplexCall(in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = ??? override def streamingInputCall(in: Source[StreamingInputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Future[StreamingInputCallResponse] = { in .map(_.payload.map(_.body.size).getOrElse(0)) .runFold(0)(_ + _) .map { sum => StreamingInputCallResponse(sum) } } override def streamingOutputCall(in: StreamingOutputCallRequest): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Source(in.responseParameters.to[immutable.Seq]).via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def unimplementedCall(in: Empty): Future[Empty] = ??? }
Example 156
Source File: TestUtils.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.mist.master import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse} import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration} import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, Promise} trait TestUtils { implicit class AwaitSyntax[A](f: => Future[A]) { def await: A = Await.result(f, Duration.Inf) def await(d: FiniteDuration): A = Await.result(f, d) } } object TestUtils extends TestUtils { val cfgStr = """ |context-defaults { | downtime = Inf | streaming-duration = 1 seconds | max-parallel-jobs = 20 | precreated = false | spark-conf = { } | worker-mode = "shared" | run-options = "--opt" | max-conn-failures = 5 |} | |context { | | foo { | spark-conf { | spark.master = "local[2]" | } | } |} """.stripMargin val contextSettings = { val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(cfgStr) ContextsSettings(cfg) } val FooContext = contextSettings.contexts.get("foo").get object MockHttpServer { import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.util.Timeout import scala.concurrent.duration._ def onServer[A]( routes: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, _], f: (Http.ServerBinding) => A): Future[A] = { implicit val system = ActorSystem("mock-http-cli") implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher implicit val timeout = Timeout(1.seconds) val binding = Http().bindAndHandle(routes, "localhost", 0) val close = Promise[Http.ServerBinding] close.future .flatMap(binding => binding.unbind()) .onComplete(_ => { materializer.shutdown() Await.result(system.terminate(), Duration.Inf) }) val result = binding.flatMap(binding => { try { Future.successful(f(binding)) } catch { case e: Throwable => Future.failed(e) } finally { close.success(binding) } }) result } } }
Example 157
Source File: WSApi.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.mist.master.interfaces.http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, Route} import akka.stream.ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy import akka.stream.Supervision.resumingDecider import akka.stream.{ActorAttributes, Supervision} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink} import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.EventsStreamer import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.Messages.StatusMessages._ import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.interfaces.JsonCodecs import scala.concurrent.duration._ import spray.json._ import scala.language.postfixOps class WSApi(streamer: EventsStreamer)(implicit val keepAliveTimeout: FiniteDuration) { import Directives._ import JsonCodecs._ val route: Route = { pathPrefix("v2" / "api"/ "ws" ) { parameter('withLogs ? false) { withLogs => path("all") { get { handleWebSocketMessagesWithKeepAlive(allEventsWsFlow(withLogs)) } } ~ path("jobs" / Segment) { jobId => get { handleWebSocketMessagesWithKeepAlive(jobWsFlow(jobId, withLogs)) } } }} } private def handleWebSocketMessagesWithKeepAlive(handler: Flow[Message, Message, akka.NotUsed]): Route = handleWebSocketMessages(handler .withAttributes(supervisionStrategy(resumingDecider)) .keepAlive( keepAliveTimeout, () => TextMessage.Strict(KeepAliveEvent.asInstanceOf[SystemEvent].toJson.toString()) )) private def jobWsFlow(id: String, withLogs: Boolean): Flow[Message, Message, akka.NotUsed] = { val source = streamer.eventsSource() .filter({ case e: UpdateStatusEvent => e.id == id case e: ReceivedLogs if withLogs => e.id == id case _ => false }) .map(toWsMessage) val sink = Sink.ignore Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source) } private def allEventsWsFlow(withLogs: Boolean): Flow[Message, Message, akka.NotUsed] = { val source = streamer.eventsSource() .filter({ case _: ReceivedLogs => withLogs case _ => true }) .map(toWsMessage) val sink = Sink.ignore Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source) } private def toWsMessage(e: SystemEvent): Message = TextMessage.Strict(e.toJson.toString()) }
Example 158
Source File: ThroughputMeasurementFlow.scala From akka-viz with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akkaviz.events import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akkaviz.events.types.{ThroughputMeasurement, ReceivedWithId, BackendEvent} import scala.concurrent.duration._ object ThroughputMeasurementFlow { def apply(period: FiniteDuration): Flow[BackendEvent, ThroughputMeasurement, NotUsed] = { Flow[BackendEvent] .collect { case r: ReceivedWithId => r.actorRef } .groupedWithin(Int.MaxValue, period) .map { refs => refs.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.length) } .scan(Map[ActorRef, Int]()) { case (previous, current) => // produce zero for actors that have been measured previously but didn't receive any messages during `period` current ++ (for { k <- previous.keySet.diff(current.keySet) } yield k -> 0) } .mapConcat { m => for { (ref, count) <- m } yield ThroughputMeasurement(ref, count / (period.toMillis.toDouble / 1.second.toMillis.toDouble)) } } }
Example 159
Source File: BackendEventsMarshalling.scala From akka-viz with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akkaviz.server import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akkaviz.events.Helpers import akkaviz.events.types._ import akkaviz.protocol import akkaviz.serialization.MessageSerialization import scala.collection._ trait BackendEventsMarshalling { @inline private[this] implicit val actorRefToString: Function1[ActorRef, String] = Helpers.actorRefToString def backendEventToProtocolFlow: Flow[BackendEvent, protocol.ApiServerMessage, _] = Flow[BackendEvent].map { case ReceivedWithId(eventId, sender, receiver, message, handled) => protocol.Received(eventId, sender, receiver, message.getClass.getName, Some(MessageSerialization.render(message)), handled) case AvailableMessageTypes(types) => protocol.AvailableClasses(types.map(_.getName)) case Spawned(ref) => protocol.Spawned(ref) case ActorSystemCreated(system) => protocol.ActorSystemCreated(system.name) case Instantiated(ref, clazz) => protocol.Instantiated(ref, clazz.getClass.getName) case FSMTransition(ref, currentState, currentData, nextState, nextData) => protocol.FSMTransition( ref, currentState = MessageSerialization.render(currentState), currentStateClass = currentState.getClass.getName, currentData = MessageSerialization.render(currentData), currentDataClass = currentData.getClass.getName, nextState = MessageSerialization.render(nextState), nextStateClass = nextState.getClass.getName, nextData = MessageSerialization.render(nextData), nextDataClass = nextData.getClass.getName ) case CurrentActorState(ref, actor) => protocol.CurrentActorState(ref, MessageSerialization.render(actor)) case MailboxStatus(owner, size) => protocol.MailboxStatus(owner, size) case ReceiveDelaySet(current) => protocol.ReceiveDelaySet(current) case Killed(ref) => protocol.Killed(ref) case ActorFailure(ref, ex, decision, ts) => protocol.ActorFailure(ref, MessageSerialization.render(ex), decision.toString, ts) case Question(id, senderOpt, ref, msg) => protocol.Question( id, senderOpt.map(x => actorRefToString(x)), ref, MessageSerialization.render(msg) ) case Answer(questionId, msg) => protocol.Answer(questionId, MessageSerialization.render(msg)) case AnswerFailed(questionId, ex) => protocol.AnswerFailed(questionId, MessageSerialization.render(ex)) case ReportingDisabled => protocol.ReportingDisabled case ReportingEnabled => protocol.ReportingEnabled case SnapshotAvailable(s) => protocol.SnapshotAvailable( s.liveActors.map(ref => ref -> s.classNameFor(ref))(breakOut), s.dead.map(ref => ref -> s.classNameFor(ref))(breakOut), s.receivedFrom ) case ThroughputMeasurement(ref, msgs, ts) => protocol.ThroughputMeasurement(ref, msgs, ts) case Restarted(ref) => protocol.Restarted(ref) } } object BackendEventsMarshalling extends BackendEventsMarshalling
Example 160
Source File: ProtocolSerializationSupport.scala From akka-viz with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akkaviz.server import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{BinaryMessage, Message} import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.util.ByteString import akkaviz.protocol trait ProtocolSerializationSupport { def protocolServerMessageToByteString: Flow[protocol.ApiServerMessage, ByteString, Any] = Flow[protocol.ApiServerMessage].map { msg => ByteString(protocol.IO.write(msg)) } def websocketMessageToClientMessage: Flow[Message, protocol.ApiClientMessage, _] = Flow[Message].collect { case BinaryMessage.Strict(msg) => protocol.IO.readClient(msg.asByteBuffer) } } object ProtocolSerializationSupport extends ProtocolSerializationSupport
Example 161
Source File: ArchiveSupport.scala From akka-viz with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akkaviz.server import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.Marshaller import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.Marshalling.WithFixedContentType import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import akkaviz.config.Config import akkaviz.persistence.{PersistenceSources, ReceivedRecord} import akkaviz.rest import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.UUIDs import org.reactivestreams.Publisher import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global trait ArchiveSupport { def isArchiveEnabled: Boolean def receivedOf(ref: String): Source[ReceivedRecord, _] def receivedBetween(ref: String, ref2: String): Source[ReceivedRecord, _] def archiveRouting: Route = get { pathPrefix("messages") { if (isArchiveEnabled) { path("of" / Segment) { ref => AkkaHttpHelpers.completeAsJson(receivedOf(ref).via(receivedRecordToRestReceived)) } ~ path("between" / Segment / Segment) { (ref, ref2) => AkkaHttpHelpers.completeAsJson(receivedBetween(ref, ref2).via(receivedRecordToRestReceived)) } } else { reject } } } private[this] implicit val receivedRecordMarshaller: Marshaller[rest.Received, String] = Marshaller.strict { received => WithFixedContentType(MediaTypes.`application/json`, () => upickle.default.write(received)) } private[this] def receivedRecordToRestReceived = Flow[ReceivedRecord].map { rr => rest.Received(rr.millis, rr.direction, rr.first, rr.second, rr.data) } }
Example 162
Source File: AkkaHttpHelpers.scala From akka-viz with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akkaviz.server import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{Marshal, Marshaller} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity.ChunkStreamPart import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, HttpResponse, MediaTypes} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, StandardRoute} import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait AkkaHttpHelpers { def asJsonArray[T](implicit m: Marshaller[T, String], ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[T, HttpEntity.ChunkStreamPart, _] = { Flow.apply[T] .mapAsync[String](4)(t => Marshal(t).to[String]) .scan[Option[ChunkStreamPart]](None) { case (None, s: String) => Some(ChunkStreamPart(s)) case (_, s: String) => Some(ChunkStreamPart(s",${s}")) }.mapConcat(_.toList) .prepend(Source.single(ChunkStreamPart("["))) .concat(Source.single(ChunkStreamPart("]"))) } def completeAsJson[T](source: Source[T, _])(implicit m: Marshaller[T, String], ec: ExecutionContext): StandardRoute = { Directives.complete(HttpResponse( entity = HttpEntity.Chunked(MediaTypes.`application/json`, source.via(asJsonArray)) )) } } object AkkaHttpHelpers extends AkkaHttpHelpers
Example 163
Source File: KillSwitchWithChildActorStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.actor.{Actor, Props} import akka.stream.ClosedShape import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object KillSwitchWithChildActorStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class DummyChildActor extends Actor { def receive = PartialFunction.empty } class KillSwitchWithChildActorStream extends PerpetualStream[Future[Long]] { import KillSwitchWithChildActorStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ val dummyChildActor = context.actorOf(Props[DummyChildActor]) override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(counter) { implicit builder => sink => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> killSwitch.flow[Int] ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! matValue } override def shutdown() = { val f = super.shutdown() defaultMidActorStop(Seq(dummyChildActor)) f } }
Example 164
Source File: KillSwitchMatStream.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.stream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import akka.stream.{ClosedShape, KillSwitch, KillSwitches} import akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object KillSwitchMatStream { val genCount = new AtomicLong(0L) } class KillSwitchMatStream extends PerpetualStream[(KillSwitch, Future[Long])] { import KillSwitchMatStream._ import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ override def stopTimeout = awaitMax def generator = Iterator.iterate(0){ p => if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 } map { v => genCount.incrementAndGet() v } val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _) val throttle = Flow[Int].throttle(5000, 1 second, 1000, Shaping) val counter = Flow[Int].map { _ => 1L }.reduce { _ + _ }.toMat(Sink.head)(Keep.right) override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(KillSwitches.single[Int], counter)((_, _)) { implicit builder => (kill, sink) => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ source ~> kill ~> throttle ~> sink ClosedShape }) override def receive = { case NotifyWhenDone => // Send back the future directly here, don't map the future. The map will likely happen after ActorSystem // shutdown so we cannot use context.dispatcher as execution context for the map as it won't be there when // the map is supposed to happen. sender() ! matValue._2 } }
Example 165
Source File: DummyFlowSvc.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.unicomplex.dummyflowsvc import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity.{ChunkStreamPart, Chunked} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri.Path import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import org.squbs.unicomplex.{FlowDefinition, WebContext} class DummyFlowSvc extends FlowDefinition with WebContext { val prefix = if (webContext.isEmpty) "" else '/' + webContext val pingPath = s"$prefix/ping" val chunkPath = s"$prefix/chunks" val exceptionPath = s"$prefix/throwit" def flow = Flow[HttpRequest].map { case HttpRequest(_, Uri(_, _, Path(`pingPath`), _, _), _, _, _) => HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = "pong") case req @ HttpRequest(_, Uri(_, _, Path(`chunkPath`), _, _), _, _, _) => val responseChunks = req.entity.dataBytes.filter(_.nonEmpty) .map { b => (1, b.length) } .reduce { (a, b) => (a._1 + b._1, a._2 + b._2) } .map { case (chunkCount, byteCount) => ChunkStreamPart(s"Received $chunkCount chunks and $byteCount bytes.\r\n") } .concat(Source.single(ChunkStreamPart("This is the last chunk!"))) HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = Chunked(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, responseChunks)) case HttpRequest(_, Uri(_, _, Path(`exceptionPath`), _, _), _, _, _) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("This path is supposed to throw this exception!") case _ => HttpResponse(StatusCodes.NotFound, entity = "Path not found!") } }
Example 166
Source File: ConfigurableInitTimeActor.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.unicomplex.timeout import akka.NotUsed import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, StatusCodes} import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.squbs.unicomplex.FlowDefinition object ConfigurableInitTimeActor { def log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[ConfigurableInitTimeActor]) } class ConfigurableInitTimeActor extends FlowDefinition { import ConfigurableInitTimeActor.log override def flow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] = { val system = this.context.system val initTime = Option(system.settings.config.getDuration("squbs.test.actor-init-time")) .get log.info(s"I'll be ready to go in $initTime") Thread.sleep(initTime.toMillis) log.info("Ready to work!") Flow[HttpRequest].map { r => HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = "Hello") } } }
Example 167
Source File: FlowDefinitionSpec.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.unicomplex import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri.Path import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.pattern._ import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestKit} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import org.squbs.lifecycle.GracefulStop import org.squbs.unicomplex.Timeouts._ import scala.concurrent.Await object FlowDefinitionSpec { val dummyJarsDir = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("classpaths").getPath val classPath = dummyJarsDir + "/FlowDefinitionSpec/META-INF/squbs-meta.conf" val config = ConfigFactory.parseString( s""" |squbs { | actorsystem-name = FlowDefinitionSpec | ${JMX.prefixConfig} = true |} |default-listener.bind-port = 0 """.stripMargin ) val boot = UnicomplexBoot(config) .createUsing {(name, config) => ActorSystem(name, config)} .scanResources(withClassPath = false, classPath) .initExtensions.start() } class TestFlowDefinition extends FlowDefinition with WebContext { val firstPath = s"/$webContext/first" val secondPath = s"/$webContext/second" val thirdPath = s"/$webContext/third" @volatile var count = 0 def flow = Flow[HttpRequest].map { case HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, Uri(_, _, Path(`firstPath`), _, _), _, _, _) => count += 1 HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = count.toString) case HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, Uri(_, _, Path(`secondPath`), _, _), _, _, _) => count += 1 HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = count.toString) case HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, Uri(_, _, Path(`thirdPath`), _, _), _, _, _) => HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = {count += 1; count.toString}) } } class FlowDefinitionSpec extends TestKit( FlowDefinitionSpec.boot.actorSystem) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with ImplicitSender with BeforeAndAfterAll { implicit val am = ActorMaterializer() val portBindings = Await.result((Unicomplex(system).uniActor ? PortBindings).mapTo[Map[String, Int]], awaitMax) val port = portBindings("default-listener") override def afterAll(): Unit = { Unicomplex(system).uniActor ! GracefulStop } "The test actor" should "return correct count value" in { // The behaviour is different than Spray. Not caching anymore. Await.result(entityAsString(s"$port/flowdef/first"), awaitMax) should be ("1") Await.result(entityAsString(s"$port/flowdef/first"), awaitMax) should be ("2") Await.result(entityAsString(s"$port/flowdef/second"), awaitMax) should be ("3") Await.result(entityAsString(s"$port/flowdef/third"), awaitMax) should be ("4") Await.result(entityAsString(s"$port/flowdef/third"), awaitMax) should be ("5") } }
Example 168
Source File: DemandSupplyMetrics.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.squbs.streams import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.Logging import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.stream.stage._ import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry import org.squbs.metrics.MetricsExtension object DemandSupplyMetrics { class DemandSupplyMetricsStage[T](name: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[T, T]] { val domain = MetricsExtension(system).Domain val metrics = MetricsExtension(system).metrics val in = Inlet[T](Logging.simpleName(this) + ".in") val out = Outlet[T](Logging.simpleName(this) + ".out") override val shape = FlowShape.of(in, out) // naming convention "domain:key-property-list" val upstreamCounter = MetricRegistry.name(domain, s"$name-upstream-counter") val downstreamCounter = MetricRegistry.name(domain, s"$name-downstream-counter") override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { setHandler(in, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = { val elem = grab(in) metrics.meter(upstreamCounter).mark push(out, elem) } }) setHandler(out, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = { metrics.meter(downstreamCounter).mark pull(in) } }) } }
Example 169
Source File: JavaConverters.scala From squbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.http.org.squbs.util import java.util.Optional import akka.NotUsed import akka.http.impl.util.JavaMapping import akka.http.javadsl.{model => jm} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.HostConnectionPool import akka.http.scaladsl.HttpsConnectionContext import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse} import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.ConnectionPoolSettings import akka.http.{javadsl => jd} import akka.japi.Pair import akka.stream.scaladsl.{BidiFlow, Flow} import akka.stream.{javadsl => js} import scala.util.Try object JavaConverters { def fromJava(connectionContext: Optional[jd.HttpsConnectionContext], settings: Optional[jd.settings.ConnectionPoolSettings]): (Option[HttpsConnectionContext], Option[ConnectionPoolSettings]) = { import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._ val cCtx = connectionContext.asScala.asInstanceOf[Option[HttpsConnectionContext]] val sSettings = settings.asScala.asInstanceOf[Option[ConnectionPoolSettings]] (cCtx, sSettings) } def toJava[In1, Out1, In2, Out2, Context](bidiFlow: BidiFlow[(In1, Context), (Out1, Context), (In2, Context), (Out2, Context), NotUsed]): js.BidiFlow[Pair[In1, Context], Pair[Out1, Context], Pair[In2, Context], Pair[Out2, Context], NotUsed] = { implicit val sIn1Mapping = JavaMapping.identity[In1] implicit val sOut1Mapping = JavaMapping.identity[Out1] implicit val sIn2Mapping = JavaMapping.identity[In2] implicit val sOut2Mapping = JavaMapping.identity[Out2] implicit val contextMapping = JavaMapping.identity[Context] val javaToScalaAdapter = JavaMapping.adapterBidiFlow[Pair[In1, Context], (In1, Context), (Out2, Context), Pair[Out2, Context]] val scalaToJavaAdapter = JavaMapping.adapterBidiFlow[Pair[In2, Context], (In2, Context), (Out1, Context), Pair[Out1, Context]].reversed javaToScalaAdapter.atop(bidiFlow).atop(scalaToJavaAdapter).asJava } private def adaptTupleFlow[T](scalaFlow: Flow[(HttpRequest, T), (Try[HttpResponse], T), HostConnectionPool]): js.Flow[Pair[jm.HttpRequest, T], Pair[Try[jm.HttpResponse], T], jd.HostConnectionPool] = { implicit val _ = JavaMapping.identity[T] implicit object HostConnectionPoolMapping extends JavaMapping[jd.HostConnectionPool, HostConnectionPool] { def toScala(javaObject: jd.HostConnectionPool): HostConnectionPool = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("jd.HostConnectionPool cannot be converted to Scala") def toJava(scalaObject: HostConnectionPool): jd.HostConnectionPool = scalaObject.toJava } JavaMapping.toJava(scalaFlow)(JavaMapping.flowMapping[Pair[jm.HttpRequest, T], (HttpRequest, T), Pair[Try[jm.HttpResponse], T], (Try[HttpResponse], T), jd.HostConnectionPool, HostConnectionPool]) } def toJava[T](flow: Flow[(HttpRequest, T), (Try[HttpResponse], T), HostConnectionPool]): js.Flow[Pair[jm.HttpRequest, T], Pair[Try[jm.HttpResponse], T], jd.HostConnectionPool] = { adaptTupleFlow[T](flow) } def toScala(uri: akka.http.javadsl.model.Uri) = JavaMapping.toScala(uri) }
Example 170
Source File: CirceStreamSupport.scala From akka-stream-json with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.knutwalker.akka.stream package support import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.util.ByteString import io.circe.CursorOp.DownField import io.circe.jawn.CirceSupportParser._ import io.circe.{ CursorOp, Decoder, DecodingFailure, Encoder, HCursor, Json, Printer } import jawn.AsyncParser object CirceStreamSupport extends CirceStreamSupport trait CirceStreamSupport { def decode[A: Decoder]: Flow[ByteString, A, NotUsed] = JsonStreamParser.flow[Json].map(decodeJson[A]) def decode[A: Decoder](mode: AsyncParser.Mode): Flow[ByteString, A, NotUsed] = JsonStreamParser.flow[Json](mode).map(decodeJson[A]) def encode[A](implicit A: Encoder[A], P: Printer = Printer.noSpaces): Flow[A, String, NotUsed] = Flow[A].map(a => P.pretty(A(a))) case class JsonParsingException(df: DecodingFailure, cursor: HCursor) extends Exception(errorMessage(df.history, cursor, df.message), df) private[knutwalker] def decodeJson[A](json: Json)(implicit decoder: Decoder[A]): A = { val cursor = json.hcursor decoder(cursor) match { case Right(e) => e case Left(f) => throw JsonParsingException(f, cursor) } } private[this] def errorMessage(hist: List[CursorOp], cursor: HCursor, typeHint: String) = { val ac = cursor.replay(hist) if (ac.failed && lastWasDownField(hist)) { s"The field [${CursorOp.opsToPath(hist)}] is missing." } else { s"Could not decode [${ac.focus.getOrElse(Json.Null)}] at [${CursorOp.opsToPath(hist)}] as [$typeHint]." } } private[this] def lastWasDownField(hist: List[CursorOp]) = hist.headOption match { case Some(DownField(_)) => true case _ => false } }
Example 171
Source File: TestProcessor.scala From cloudflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example import cloudflow.akkastream._ import cloudflow.streamlets._ import cloudflow.streamlets.avro._ import cloudflow.akkastream.scaladsl.RunnableGraphStreamletLogic import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow //tag::processor[] class TestProcessor extends AkkaStreamlet { val in = AvroInlet[Data]("in") val out = AvroOutlet[Data]("out", _.id.toString) final override val shape = StreamletShape.withInlets(in).withOutlets(out) val flow = Flow[Data].filter(_.id % 2 == 0) override final def createLogic = new RunnableGraphStreamletLogic() { def runnableGraph = plainSource(in).via(flow).to(plainSink(out)) } } //end::processor[]
Example 172
Source File: AkkaHttpClient.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.akkahttp import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{Message, WebSocketRequest, WebSocketUpgradeResponse} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ExceptionHandler, RejectionHandler, Route, RoutingLog} import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.{ClientConnectionSettings, ConnectionPoolSettings, ParserSettings, RoutingSettings} import akka.http.scaladsl.{Http, HttpsConnectionContext} import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future} trait AkkaHttpClient { def singleRequest( request: HttpRequest, settings: ConnectionPoolSettings ): Future[HttpResponse] def singleWebsocketRequest[WS_RESULT]( request: WebSocketRequest, clientFlow: Flow[Message, Message, WS_RESULT], settings: ClientConnectionSettings )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[(WebSocketUpgradeResponse, WS_RESULT)] } object AkkaHttpClient { def default( system: ActorSystem, connectionContext: Option[HttpsConnectionContext], customLog: Option[LoggingAdapter] ): AkkaHttpClient = new AkkaHttpClient { private val http = Http()(system) override def singleRequest( request: HttpRequest, settings: ConnectionPoolSettings ): Future[HttpResponse] = { http.singleRequest( request, connectionContext.getOrElse(http.defaultClientHttpsContext), settings, customLog.getOrElse(system.log) ) } override def singleWebsocketRequest[WS_RESULT]( request: WebSocketRequest, clientFlow: Flow[Message, Message, WS_RESULT], settings: ClientConnectionSettings )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[(WebSocketUpgradeResponse, WS_RESULT)] = { val (wsResponse, wsResult) = http.singleWebSocketRequest( request, clientFlow, connectionContext.getOrElse(http.defaultClientHttpsContext), None, settings, customLog.getOrElse(system.log) ) wsResponse.map((_, wsResult)) } } def stubFromAsyncHandler(run: HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse]): AkkaHttpClient = new AkkaHttpClient { def singleRequest(request: HttpRequest, settings: ConnectionPoolSettings): Future[HttpResponse] = run(request) override def singleWebsocketRequest[WS_RESULT]( request: WebSocketRequest, clientFlow: Flow[Message, Message, WS_RESULT], settings: ClientConnectionSettings )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): Future[(WebSocketUpgradeResponse, WS_RESULT)] = Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Websockets are not supported")) } def stubFromRoute(route: Route)(implicit routingSettings: RoutingSettings, parserSettings: ParserSettings, materializer: Materializer, routingLog: RoutingLog, executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = null, rejectionHandler: RejectionHandler = RejectionHandler.default, exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler = null ): AkkaHttpClient = stubFromAsyncHandler(Route.asyncHandler(route)) }
Example 173
Source File: SttpBackendStubAkkaTests.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.akkahttp import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ws.{Message, TextMessage} import akka.stream.OverflowStrategy import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Keep, Sink, Source} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import sttp.client._ import sttp.model.Headers import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.duration._ class SttpBackendStubAkkaTests extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with BeforeAndAfterAll { implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { Await.result(system.terminate().map(_ => ()), 5.seconds) } "backend stub" should "cycle through responses using a single sent request" in { // given implicit val backend = AkkaHttpBackend.stub .whenRequestMatches(_ => true) .thenRespondCyclic("a", "b", "c") // when def r = basicRequest.get(uri"http://example.org/a/b/c").send().futureValue // then r.body shouldBe Right("a") r.body shouldBe Right("b") r.body shouldBe Right("c") r.body shouldBe Right("a") } it should "use given flow as web socket handler" in { // This test is an example how can we test client flow. // We check behavior of client when connected to echo server. // Client responsibility was to send two messages to the server and collect received messages. val useHandler: Flow[Message, Message, Future[Seq[Message]]] => Future[Seq[Message]] = clientFlow => { val ((outQueue, clientReceivedMessages), inQueue) = Source .queue(1, OverflowStrategy.fail) .viaMat(clientFlow)(Keep.both) .toMat(Sink.queue())(Keep.both) .run() def echoMsg(): Future[Unit] = inQueue.pull().flatMap { case None => echoMsg() case Some(msg) => outQueue.offer(TextMessage(s"echo: " + msg.asTextMessage.getStrictText)).map(_ => ()) } (for { _ <- outQueue.offer(TextMessage("Hi!")) _ <- echoMsg() _ <- echoMsg() _ = outQueue.complete() _ <- outQueue.watchCompletion() } yield ()).flatMap(_ => clientReceivedMessages) } val clientFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Future[Seq[Message]]] = { Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat( Sink.seq[Message], Source((1 to 2).map(i => TextMessage(s"test$i"))) )(Keep.left) } implicit val b = AkkaHttpBackend.stub .whenRequestMatches(_ => true) .thenHandleOpenWebSocket(Headers(List.empty), useHandler) val receivedMessages = basicRequest .get(uri"wss://echo.websocket.org") .openWebsocket(clientFlow) .flatMap(_.result) .futureValue .toList receivedMessages shouldBe List("Hi!", "echo: test1", "echo: test2").map(TextMessage(_)) } }
Example 174
Source File: RouteGuideAkkaStreamService.scala From grpcexample with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.grpc.routeguide import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS import java.util.logging.Logger import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import concurrency.AtomicRef class RouteGuideAkkaStreamService(features: Seq[Feature]) extends RouteGuideGrpcAkkaStream.RouteGuide { val logger: Logger = Logger.getLogger(classOf[RouteGuideAkkaStreamService].getName) private val routeNotes: AtomicRef[Map[Point, Seq[RouteNote]]] = new AtomicRef(Map.empty) override def routeChat: Flow[RouteNote, RouteNote, NotUsed] = Flow[RouteNote].mapConcat { note => addNote(note) getNotes(note.getLocation).to[collection.immutable.Iterable] } private def findFeature(point: Point): Feature = { features.find { feature => feature.getLocation.latitude == point.latitude && feature.getLocation.longitude == point.longitude } getOrElse new Feature(location = Some(point)) } private def getNotes(point: Point): Seq[RouteNote] = { routeNotes.get.getOrElse(point, Seq.empty) } private def addNote(note: RouteNote): Unit = { routeNotes.updateAndGet { notes => val existingNotes = notes.getOrElse(note.getLocation, Seq.empty) val updatedNotes = existingNotes :+ note notes + (note.getLocation -> updatedNotes) } } }
Example 175
Source File: BankAccountReadModelUseCase.scala From akka-ddd-cqrs-es-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.bank.useCase import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Keep, Sink, Source, SourceQueueWithComplete } import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, OverflowStrategy } import akka.{ Done, NotUsed } import com.github.j5ik2o.bank.domain.model._ import com.github.j5ik2o.bank.useCase.BankAccountAggregateUseCase.Protocol.{ ResolveBankAccountEventsRequest, ResolveBankAccountEventsResponse } import com.github.j5ik2o.bank.useCase.port.{ BankAccountReadModelFlows, JournalReader } import pureconfig._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future, Promise } class BankAccountReadModelUseCase(bankAccountReadModelFlows: BankAccountReadModelFlows, journalReader: JournalReader)( implicit val system: ActorSystem ) extends UseCaseSupport { import UseCaseSupport._ private val config = loadConfigOrThrow[BankAccountAggregateUseCaseConfig]("bank.use-case.bank-account-use-case") private val bufferSize: Int = config.bufferSize private implicit val mat: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() private implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher def resolveBankAccountEventsById( request: ResolveBankAccountEventsRequest )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ResolveBankAccountEventsResponse] = offerToQueue(resolveBankAccountEventQueue)(request, Promise()) private lazy val resolveBankAccountEventQueue : SourceQueueWithComplete[(ResolveBankAccountEventsRequest, Promise[ResolveBankAccountEventsResponse])] = Source .queue[(ResolveBankAccountEventsRequest, Promise[ResolveBankAccountEventsResponse])](bufferSize, OverflowStrategy.dropNew) .via(bankAccountReadModelFlows.resolveBankAccountEventByIdFlow.zipPromise) .toMat(completePromiseSink)(Keep.left) .run() private val projectionFlow: Flow[(BankAccountEvent, Long), Int, NotUsed] = Flow[(BankAccountEvent, Long)].flatMapConcat { case (event: BankAccountOpened, sequenceNr: Long) => Source .single((event.bankAccountId, event.name.value, sequenceNr, event.occurredAt)) .via(bankAccountReadModelFlows.openBankAccountFlow) case (event: BankAccountEventUpdated, sequenceNr: Long) => Source .single((event.bankAccountId, event.name.value, sequenceNr, event.occurredAt)) .via(bankAccountReadModelFlows.updateAccountFlow) case (event: BankAccountDeposited, sequenceNr: Long) => Source .single((event.bankAccountId, event.deposit, sequenceNr, event.occurredAt)) .via(bankAccountReadModelFlows.depositBankAccountFlow) case (event: BankAccountWithdrawn, sequenceNr: Long) => Source .single((event.bankAccountId, event.withdraw, sequenceNr, event.occurredAt)) .via(bankAccountReadModelFlows.withdrawBankAccountFlow) case (event: BankAccountClosed, sequenceNr: Long) => Source .single((event.bankAccountId, sequenceNr, event.occurredAt)) .via(bankAccountReadModelFlows.closeBankAccountFlow) } def execute(): Future[Done] = { bankAccountReadModelFlows.resolveLastSeqNrSource .flatMapConcat { lastSeqNr => journalReader.eventsByTagSource(classOf[BankAccountEvent].getName, lastSeqNr + 1) } .map { eventBody => (eventBody.event.asInstanceOf[BankAccountEvent], eventBody.sequenceNr) } .via(projectionFlow) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.right) .run() } }
Example 176
Source File: UseCaseSupport.scala From akka-ddd-cqrs-es-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.bank.useCase import akka.{ Done, NotUsed } import akka.stream.{ FlowShape, QueueOfferResult } import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, GraphDSL, Sink, SourceQueueWithComplete, Unzip, Zip } import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future, Promise } object UseCaseSupport { implicit class FlowOps[A, B](val self: Flow[A, B, NotUsed]) extends AnyVal { def zipPromise: Flow[(A, Promise[B]), (B, Promise[B]), NotUsed] = Flow .fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val unzip = b.add(Unzip[A, Promise[B]]) val zip = b.add(Zip[B, Promise[B]]) unzip.out0 ~> self ~> zip.in0 unzip.out1 ~> zip.in1 FlowShape(unzip.in, zip.out) }) } } trait UseCaseSupport { protected def offerToQueue[A, B]( sourceQueue: SourceQueueWithComplete[(A, Promise[B])] )(request: A, promise: Promise[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = { sourceQueue.offer((request, promise)).flatMap { case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued => promise.future case QueueOfferResult.Failure(t) => Future.failed(new Exception("Failed to offer request", t)) case QueueOfferResult.Dropped => Future.failed( new Exception( s"Failed to enqueue resolve request, the queue buffer was full, please check the bank.interface.buffer-size setting" ) ) case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed => Future.failed(new Exception("Failed to enqueue request batch write, the queue was closed")) } } protected def completePromiseSink[T]: Sink[(T, Promise[T]), Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach { case (response, promise) => promise.success(response) } }
Example 177
Source File: BankAccountAggregateFlowsImpl.scala From akka-ddd-cqrs-es-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.bank.adaptor.aggregate import akka.NotUsed import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem } import akka.pattern.ask import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow import akka.util.Timeout import com.github.j5ik2o.bank.useCase.BankAccountAggregateUseCase.Protocol import com.github.j5ik2o.bank.useCase.port.BankAccountAggregateFlows import pureconfig._ class BankAccountAggregateFlowsImpl(aggregateRef: ActorRef)( implicit val system: ActorSystem ) extends BankAccountAggregateFlows { import Protocol._ private val config = loadConfigOrThrow[BankAccountAggregateFlowsConfig]( system.settings.config.getConfig("bank.interface.bank-account-aggregate-flows") ) private implicit val to: Timeout = Timeout(config.callTimeout) override def openBankAccountFlow: Flow[OpenBankAccountRequest, OpenBankAccountResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[OpenBankAccountRequest] .map { request => BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.OpenBankAccountRequest(request.bankAccountId, request.name) } .mapAsync(1)(aggregateRef ? _) .map { case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.OpenBankAccountSucceeded => OpenBankAccountSucceeded(response.bankAccountId) case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.OpenBankAccountFailed => OpenBankAccountFailed(response.bankAccountId, response.error) } override def updateBankAccountFlow: Flow[UpdateBankAccountRequest, UpdateBankAccountResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[UpdateBankAccountRequest] .map { request => BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.UpdateBankAccountRequest(request.bankAccountId, request.name) } .mapAsync(1)(aggregateRef ? _) .map { case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.UpdateBankAccountSucceeded => UpdateBankAccountSucceeded(response.bankAccountId) case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.UpdateBankAccountFailed => UpdateBankAccountFailed(response.bankAccountId, response.error) } override def addBankAccountEventFlow: Flow[AddBankAccountEventRequest, AddBankAccountEventResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[AddBankAccountEventRequest] .map { case request: DepositRequest => BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.DepositRequest(request.bankAccountId, request.deposit) case request: WithdrawRequest => BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.WithdrawRequest(request.bankAccountId, request.withdraw) } .mapAsync(1)(aggregateRef ? _) .map { case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.DepositSucceeded => DepositSucceeded(response.bankAccountId) case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.DepositFailed => DepositFailed(response.bankAccountId, response.error) case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.WithdrawSucceeded => WithdrawSucceeded(response.bankAccountId) case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.WithdrawFailed => WithdrawFailed(response.bankAccountId, response.error) } override def closeBankAccountFlow: Flow[CloseBankAccountRequest, CloseBankAccountResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[CloseBankAccountRequest] .map { request => BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.CloseBankAccountRequest(request.bankAccountId) } .mapAsync(1)(aggregateRef ? _) .map { case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.CloseBankAccountSucceeded => CloseBankAccountSucceeded(response.bankAccountId) case response: BankAccountAggregate.Protocol.CloseBankAccountFailed => CloseBankAccountFailed(response.bankAccountId, response.error) } }