breeze.linalg.* Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use breeze.linalg.*. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: TransformerOperation.scala    From BigDL   with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up

import breeze.linalg.*
import breeze.numerics.exp
import{AbstractModule, TensorModule}
import{Storage, Tensor}
import{EngineType, T}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

private[nn] object TransformerOperation {
  def dense[T: ClassTag](
    inputSize: Int,
    outputSize: Int,
    bias: Boolean = true,
    activation: TensorModule[T] = null,
    wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
    bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
    name: String = "")(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = {
    val seq = new Sequential[T]()
    val layer = Linear[T](
      inputSize = inputSize,
      outputSize = outputSize,
      withBias = bias,
      wRegularizer = wRegularizer,
      bRegularizer = bRegularizer)

    layer.setInitMethod(weightInitMethod = Xavier, biasInitMethod = Zeros)
    if (name != "") layer.setName(name)
    if (activation != null) seq.add(activation)

  def softMax[T: ClassTag]()(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = {
    val layer = SoftMax[T]()
    val model = Sequential[T]()
    model.add(Transpose[T](Array((2, 4))))
    model.add(Transpose[T](Array((2, 4))))
    model.asInstanceOf[AbstractModule[Tensor[T], Tensor[T], T]]

  def attentionBiasLowerTriangle[T: ClassTag](
     length: Int, output: Tensor[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Tensor[T] = {
    val arr =
    for (i <- 0 to (length - 1)) {
      var j = length - 1
      while (j > i) {
        // reminder: here not 1
        arr(i * length + j) = ev.fromType(maskValue)
        j -= 1
    output.resize(Array(1, 1, length, length))

sealed trait TransformerType

case object Translation extends TransformerType
case object LanguageModel extends TransformerType 
Example 2
Source File: Adam.scala    From BigDL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import breeze.linalg.*
import{T, Table}

import scala.math._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

    _s.mul(ev.fromType[Double](beta1)).add(ev.fromType[Double](1-beta1), dfdx)
    // buffer = dfdx * dfdx
    buffer.resizeAs(dfdx).cmul(dfdx, dfdx)
    _r.mul(ev.fromType[Double](beta2)).add(ev.fromType[Double](1-beta2), buffer)

    // used as MKL.axpy: 1 * a + y = y, and fill buffer with one
    _denom.add(ev.fromType(eps), buffer)

    // efficiency improved upon by changing the order of computation, at expense of clarity
    val biasCorrection1 = 1 - pow(beta1, timestep)
    val biasCorrection2 = 1 - pow(beta2, timestep)
    val stepSize = clr * sqrt(biasCorrection2) / biasCorrection1
    parameter.addcdiv(ev.fromType[Double](-stepSize), _s, _denom)

    state("evalCounter") = timestep // A tmp tensor to hold the sqrt(v) + epsilon
    state("s") = _s // 1st moment variables
    state("r") = _r // 2nd moment variables
    state("denom") = _denom // 3nd moment variables

    (parameter, Array(fx))

  override def loadFromTable(config: Table): this.type = {
    this.learningRate = config.get[Double]("learningRate").getOrElse(this.learningRate)
    this.learningRateDecay = config.get[Double]("learningRateDecay")
    this.beta1 = config.get[Double]("beta1").getOrElse(this.beta1)
    this.beta2 = config.get[Double]("beta2").getOrElse(this.beta2)
    this.Epsilon = config.get[Double]("Epsilon").getOrElse(this.Epsilon)

  override def clearHistory(): Unit = {

  override def getLearningRate(): Double = this.learningRate
Example 3
Source File: ExecuteSQLStop.scala    From piflow   with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package cn.piflow.bundle.common

import breeze.collection.mutable.ArrayMap
import breeze.linalg.*
import cn.piflow._
import cn.piflow.conf._
import cn.piflow.conf.bean.PropertyDescriptor
import cn.piflow.conf.util.{ImageUtil, MapUtil}
import cn.piflow.lib._
import{FileFormat, TextFile}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple

class ExecuteSQLStop extends ConfigurableStop{

  val authorEmail: String = "[email protected]"
  val description: String = "Create temporary view table to execute sql"
  val inportList: List[String] = List(Port.DefaultPort)
  val outportList: List[String] = List(Port.DefaultPort)

  var sql: String = _
  var ViewName: String = _

  override def perform(in: JobInputStream, out: JobOutputStream, pec: JobContext): Unit = {

    val spark = pec.get[SparkSession]()
    val inDF =

    val frame: DataFrame = spark.sql(sql)

  override def setProperties(map: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
    sql = MapUtil.get(map,"sql").asInstanceOf[String]
    ViewName = MapUtil.get(map,"ViewName").asInstanceOf[String]

  override def initialize(ctx: ProcessContext): Unit = {

  override def getPropertyDescriptor(): List[PropertyDescriptor] = {
    var descriptor : List[PropertyDescriptor] = List()
    val sql = new PropertyDescriptor().name("sql")
      .description("Sql string")
      .example("select * from temp")
    descriptor = sql :: descriptor

    val ViewName = new PropertyDescriptor()
      .description("Name of the temporary view table")

    descriptor = ViewName :: descriptor

  override def getIcon(): Array[Byte] = {

  override def getGroup(): List[String] = {

Example 4
Source File: HypoTest.scala    From seqspark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.dizhang.seqspark.stat

import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector, inv, *}
import breeze.stats.{mean, variance}

                    ) extends NullModel {
      def dof = y.length - xs.cols + 1
      def residuals = y - estimates
      val invInfo = inv(xs.t * (xs(::, *) *:* b) * a)

    def apply(y: DenseVector[Double], x: Option[DenseMatrix[Double]], fit: Boolean, binary: Boolean): NullModel = {
      x match {
        case Some(dm) => apply(y, dm, fit, binary)
        case None => apply(y, fit, binary)

    def apply(y: DenseVector[Double], fit: Boolean, binary: Boolean): NullModel = {
      if (fit) {
        Fit(y, binary)
      } else {
        Simple(y, binary)

    def apply(reg: Regression): NullModel = {
      val y = reg.responses
      reg match {
        case lr: LogisticRegression =>
          Fitted(y, reg.estimates, reg.xs, 1.0, lr.residualsVariance, binary = true)
        case lr: LinearRegression =>
          Fitted(y, reg.estimates, reg.xs, lr.residualsVariance, DenseVector.ones[Double](y.length), binary = false)

    def apply(y: DenseVector[Double], x: DenseMatrix[Double], fit: Boolean, binary: Boolean): NullModel = {
      if (! fit) {
        Mutiple(y, x, binary)
      } else if (binary) {
        val reg = LogisticRegression(y, x)
        Fitted(y, reg.estimates, reg.xs, 1.0, reg.residualsVariance, binary)
      } else {
        val reg = LinearRegression(y, x)
        Fitted(y, reg.estimates, reg.xs, reg.residualsVariance, DenseVector.ones[Double](y.length), binary)

    def Fit(y: DenseVector[Double], x: DenseMatrix[Double], binary: Boolean): Fitted = {
      apply(y, x, fit = true, binary).asInstanceOf[Fitted]

    def Fit(y: DenseVector[Double], binary: Boolean): Fitted = {
      val my = DenseVector.fill(y.length)(mean(y))
      val residuals = y - my
      val xs = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](y.length, 1)
      val invInfo = DenseMatrix.fill(1,1)(1.0/y.length)
      val a = if (binary) 1.0 else variance(residuals)
      val b = if (binary) => e * (1 - e)) else DenseVector.ones[Double](y.length)
      Fitted(y, my, xs, a, b, binary)
Example 5
Source File: ScoreTest.scala    From seqspark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.dizhang.seqspark.stat

import breeze.linalg.{*, CSCMatrix, DenseMatrix, DenseVector, SparseVector}
import org.dizhang.seqspark.stat.HypoTest.NullModel.{Fitted => SNM}
import org.dizhang.seqspark.util.General._

object ScoreTest {

  def apply(nm: SNM, x: CSCMatrix[Double]): ScoreTest = {
    Sparse(nm, x)

  def apply(nm: SNM, x: DenseMatrix[Double]): ScoreTest = {
    Dense(nm, x)

  def apply(nm: SNM, x: DenseVector[Double]): ScoreTest = {
    Dense(nm, DenseVector.horzcat(x))

  def apply(nm: SNM, x: SparseVector[Double]): ScoreTest = {
    Sparse(nm, SparseVector.horzcat(x))

  def apply(nm: SNM,
            x1: DenseMatrix[Double],
            x2: CSCMatrix[Double]): ScoreTest = {
    Mixed(nm, x1, x2)

  case class Sparse(nm: SNM,
                    x: CSCMatrix[Double]) extends ScoreTest {
    val score = (nm.residuals.toDenseMatrix * x).toDenseVector / nm.a
    lazy val variance = {
      val c = nm.xs
      val IccInv = nm.invInfo * nm.a
      val Igg = (colMultiply(x, nm.b).t * x).toDense
      val Icg = (c(::, *) *:* nm.b).t * x
      val Igc = Icg.t
      (Igg - Igc * IccInv * Icg) / nm.a

  case class Dense(nm: SNM,
                   x: DenseMatrix[Double]) extends ScoreTest {
    val score = x.t * nm.residuals / nm.a
    lazy val variance = {
      val c = nm.xs
      val IccInv = nm.invInfo * nm.a
      val Igg = (x(::, *) *:* nm.b).t * x
      val Icg = (c(::, *) *:* nm.b).t * x
      val Igc = Icg.t
      (Igg - Igc * IccInv * Icg)/nm.a

  case class Mixed(nm: SNM,
                   x1: DenseMatrix[Double],
                   x2: CSCMatrix[Double]) extends ScoreTest {
    private val dense = Dense(nm, x1)
    private val sparse = Sparse(nm, x2)
    val score = DenseVector.vertcat(dense.score, sparse.score)
    lazy val variance = {
      val v1 = dense.variance
      val v4 = sparse.variance
      val v2 = {
        val c = nm.xs
        val IccInv = nm.invInfo * nm.a
        val Igg = (x1(::, *) *:* nm.b).t * x2
        val Icg = (c(::, *) *:* nm.b).t * x2
        val Igc = x1.t * (c(::, *) *:* nm.b).t
        (Igg - Igc * IccInv * Icg) / nm.a
      val v3 = v2.t
      val v12 = DenseMatrix.horzcat(v1, v2)
      val v34 = DenseMatrix.horzcat(v3, v4)
      DenseMatrix.vertcat(v12, v34)

  case class Mock(score: DenseVector[Double],
                  variance: DenseMatrix[Double]) extends ScoreTest

sealed trait ScoreTest extends HypoTest {
  def score: DenseVector[Double]
  def variance: DenseMatrix[Double]
Example 6
Source File: OneHotEncoder.scala    From doddle-model   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.preprocessing

import breeze.linalg.{*, Axis, DenseMatrix, Vector, convert, max}
import cats.syntax.option._
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.syntax.OptionSyntax._
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.typeclasses.Transformer

case class OneHotEncoder private (private val numBinaryColumns: Option[Vector[Int]],
                                  private val featureIndex: FeatureIndex)

object OneHotEncoder {

  def apply(featureIndex: FeatureIndex): OneHotEncoder = OneHotEncoder(none, featureIndex)

  implicit lazy val ev: Transformer[OneHotEncoder] = new Transformer[OneHotEncoder] {

    @inline override def isFitted(model: OneHotEncoder): Boolean = model.numBinaryColumns.isDefined

    override def fit(model: OneHotEncoder, x: Features): OneHotEncoder = {
      val numBinaryColumns = convert(max(x(::, model.featureIndex.categorical.columnIndices).apply(::, *)).t, Int) + 1
      model.copy(numBinaryColumns = numBinaryColumns.some)

    override protected def transformSafe(model: OneHotEncoder, x: Features): Features = {
      val xTransformed = model.featureIndex.categorical.columnIndices.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(x) {
        case (xTransformedCurrent, (colIndex, statisticIndex)) =>
          appendEncodedColumns(xTransformedCurrent, colIndex, model.numBinaryColumns.getOrBreak(statisticIndex))
      xTransformed.delete(model.featureIndex.categorical.columnIndices, Axis._1)

    private def appendEncodedColumns(x: Features, columnIndex: Int, numEncodedColumns: Int): Features = {
      val encoded = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](x.rows, numEncodedColumns)
      convert(x(::, columnIndex), Int).iterator.foreach { case (rowIndex, colIndex) =>
        // if value is larger than the maximum value encountered during training it is ignored,
        // i.e. no value is set in the binary encoded matrix
        if (colIndex < numEncodedColumns) encoded(rowIndex, colIndex) = 1.0f
      DenseMatrix.horzcat(x, encoded)
Example 7
Source File: StandardScaler.scala    From doddle-model   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.preprocessing

import breeze.linalg.{*, convert}
import breeze.stats.{mean, stddev}
import cats.syntax.option._
import{Features, RealVector}
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.syntax.OptionSyntax._
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.typeclasses.Transformer

case class StandardScaler private (private val sampleMean: Option[RealVector],
                                   private val sampleStdDev: Option[RealVector],
                                   private val featureIndex: FeatureIndex)

object StandardScaler {

  def apply(featureIndex: FeatureIndex): StandardScaler = StandardScaler(none, none, featureIndex)

  implicit lazy val ev: Transformer[StandardScaler] = new Transformer[StandardScaler] {

    override def isFitted(model: StandardScaler): Boolean =
      model.sampleMean.isDefined && model.sampleStdDev.isDefined

    override def fit(model: StandardScaler, x: Features): StandardScaler = {
      val xToPreprocess = x(::, model.featureIndex.numerical.columnIndices)
      val sampleStdDev = convert(stddev(xToPreprocess(::, *)).t.toDenseVector, Float)
      sampleStdDev(sampleStdDev :== 0.0f) := 1.0f
      model.copy(mean(xToPreprocess(::, *)).t.toDenseVector.some, sampleStdDev.some)

    override protected def transformSafe(model: StandardScaler, x: Features): Features = {
      val xCopy = x.copy
      model.featureIndex.numerical.columnIndices.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (colIndex, statisticIndex) =>
        (0 until xCopy.rows).foreach { rowIndex =>
          xCopy(rowIndex, colIndex) = (xCopy(rowIndex, colIndex) - model.sampleMean.getOrBreak(statisticIndex)) /
Example 8
Source File: StandardScalerTest.scala    From doddle-model   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.preprocessing

import breeze.linalg.{*, DenseMatrix, DenseVector, convert}
import breeze.stats.{mean, stddev}
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.TestingUtils
import{CategoricalFeature, FeatureIndex, NumericalFeature}
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.preprocessing.StandardScaler.ev
import org.scalactic.{Equality, TolerantNumerics}
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class StandardScalerTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with TestingUtils {

  implicit val tolerance: Equality[Float] = TolerantNumerics.tolerantFloatEquality(1e-4f)

  "Standard scaler" should "preprocess the numerical features" in {
    val x = DenseMatrix.rand[Float](10, 5, rand = randomUniform)
    val featureIndex = FeatureIndex(
    val scaler = StandardScaler(featureIndex)
    val trainedScaler =, x)
    val xTransformed = ev.transform(trainedScaler, x)

    breezeEqual(mean(x(::, *)).t, DenseVector.zeros[Float](5)) shouldBe false
    breezeEqual(convert(stddev(x(::, *)).t, Float), DenseVector.ones[Float](5)) shouldBe false

    val expectedMeans = DenseVector.zeros[Float](5)
    expectedMeans(-1) = mean(x(::, -1))
    breezeEqual(mean(xTransformed(::, *)).t, expectedMeans) shouldBe true

    val expectedStdDevs = DenseVector.ones[Float](5)
    expectedStdDevs(-1) = stddev(x(::, -1)).toFloat
    breezeEqual(convert(stddev(xTransformed(::, *)).t, Float), expectedStdDevs) shouldBe true

  it should "handle the zero variance case" in {
    val x = DenseMatrix.ones[Float](10, 5)
    val scaler = StandardScaler(FeatureIndex.numerical(5))
    val trainedScaler =, x)
    val xTransformed = ev.transform(trainedScaler, x)

    xTransformed.forall(_.isNaN) shouldBe false

  it should "preprocess a subset of numerical features" in {
    val x = DenseMatrix.rand[Float](10, 5, rand = randomUniform)
    val scaler = StandardScaler(FeatureIndex.numerical(5).subset("f0", "f2", "f4"))
    val trainedScaler =, x)
    val xTransformed = ev.transform(trainedScaler, x)

    breezeEqual(mean(x(::, *)).t, DenseVector.zeros[Float](5)) shouldBe false
    breezeEqual(convert(stddev(x(::, *)).t, Float), DenseVector.ones[Float](5)) shouldBe false

    assert(tolerance.areEqual(mean(xTransformed(::, 0)), 0.0f))
    assert(tolerance.areEqual(convert(stddev(xTransformed(::, 0)), Float), 1.0f))
    assert(!tolerance.areEqual(mean(xTransformed(::, 1)), 0.0f))
    assert(!tolerance.areEqual(convert(stddev(xTransformed(::, 1)), Float), 1.0f))
    assert(tolerance.areEqual(mean(xTransformed(::, 2)), 0.0f))
    assert(tolerance.areEqual(convert(stddev(xTransformed(::, 2)), Float), 1.0f))
    assert(!tolerance.areEqual(mean(xTransformed(::, 3)), 0.0f))
    assert(!tolerance.areEqual(convert(stddev(xTransformed(::, 3)), Float), 1.0f))
    assert(tolerance.areEqual(mean(xTransformed(::, 4)), 0.0f))
    assert(tolerance.areEqual(convert(stddev(xTransformed(::, 4)), Float), 1.0f))