breeze.numerics.exp Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use breeze.numerics.exp. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: TransformerOperation.scala    From BigDL   with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up

import breeze.linalg.*
import breeze.numerics.exp
import{AbstractModule, TensorModule}
import{Storage, Tensor}
import{EngineType, T}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

private[nn] object TransformerOperation {
  def dense[T: ClassTag](
    inputSize: Int,
    outputSize: Int,
    bias: Boolean = true,
    activation: TensorModule[T] = null,
    wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
    bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
    name: String = "")(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = {
    val seq = new Sequential[T]()
    val layer = Linear[T](
      inputSize = inputSize,
      outputSize = outputSize,
      withBias = bias,
      wRegularizer = wRegularizer,
      bRegularizer = bRegularizer)

    layer.setInitMethod(weightInitMethod = Xavier, biasInitMethod = Zeros)
    if (name != "") layer.setName(name)
    if (activation != null) seq.add(activation)

  def softMax[T: ClassTag]()(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = {
    val layer = SoftMax[T]()
    val model = Sequential[T]()
    model.add(Transpose[T](Array((2, 4))))
    model.add(Transpose[T](Array((2, 4))))
    model.asInstanceOf[AbstractModule[Tensor[T], Tensor[T], T]]

  def attentionBiasLowerTriangle[T: ClassTag](
     length: Int, output: Tensor[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Tensor[T] = {
    val arr =
    for (i <- 0 to (length - 1)) {
      var j = length - 1
      while (j > i) {
        // reminder: here not 1
        arr(i * length + j) = ev.fromType(maskValue)
        j -= 1
    output.resize(Array(1, 1, length, length))

sealed trait TransformerType

case object Translation extends TransformerType
case object LanguageModel extends TransformerType 
Example 2
Source File: LDAOptimizer.scala    From mleap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ml.combust.mleap.core.clustering.optimization

import breeze.linalg.{Vector, sum, DenseMatrix => BDM, DenseVector => BDV, SparseVector => BSV}
import breeze.numerics.{abs, exp}
import breeze.stats.distributions.Gamma
import ml.combust.mleap.core.annotation.SparkCode
import ml.combust.mleap.core.clustering.LDAUtils

  private[clustering] def variationalTopicInference(
                                                     termCounts: Vector[Double],
                                                     expElogbeta: BDM[Double],
                                                     alpha: breeze.linalg.Vector[Double],
                                                     gammaShape: Double,
                                                     k: Int): (BDV[Double], BDM[Double], List[Int]) = {
    val (ids: List[Int], cts: Array[Double]) = termCounts match {
      case v: BDV[Double] => ((0 until v.size).toList,
      case v: BSV[Double] => (v.index.toList,
    // Initialize the variational distribution q(theta|gamma) for the mini-batch
    val gammad: BDV[Double] =
      new Gamma(gammaShape, 1.0 / gammaShape).samplesVector(k)                   // K
    val expElogthetad: BDV[Double] = exp(LDAUtils.dirichletExpectation(gammad))  // K
    val expElogbetad = expElogbeta(ids, ::).toDenseMatrix                        // ids * K

    val phiNorm: BDV[Double] = expElogbetad * expElogthetad :+ 1e-100            // ids
    var meanGammaChange = 1D
    val ctsVector = new BDV[Double](cts)                                         // ids

    // Iterate between gamma and phi until convergence
    while (meanGammaChange > 1e-3) {
      val lastgamma = gammad.copy
      //        K                  K * ids               ids
      gammad := (expElogthetad :* (expElogbetad.t * (ctsVector :/ phiNorm))) :+ alpha
      expElogthetad := exp(LDAUtils.dirichletExpectation(gammad))
      // TODO: Keep more values in log space, and only exponentiate when needed.
      phiNorm := expElogbetad * expElogthetad :+ 1e-100
      meanGammaChange = sum(abs(gammad - lastgamma)) / k

    val sstatsd = expElogthetad.asDenseMatrix.t * (ctsVector :/ phiNorm).asDenseMatrix
    (gammad, sstatsd, ids)
Example 3
Source File: ARDRBFKernel.scala    From spark-gp   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import breeze.linalg.{norm, DenseMatrix => BDM, DenseVector => BDV, Vector => BV}
import breeze.numerics.{exp, inf}

class ARDRBFKernel(private var beta: BDV[Double],
                   private val lower: BDV[Double],
                   private val upper: BDV[Double]) extends TrainDatasetBearingKernel
  with NoiselessKernel with SameOnDiagonalKernel {

  def this(beta: BDV[Double]) = this(beta, beta * 0d, beta * inf)

  def this(p : Int, beta: Double = 1, lower: Double = 0, upper : Double = inf) =
    this(BDV.zeros[Double](p) + beta,
      BDV.zeros[Double](p) + lower,
      BDV.zeros[Double](p) + upper)

  override def setHyperparameters(value: BDV[Double]): ARDRBFKernel.this.type = {
    beta = value

  override def getHyperparameters: BDV[Double] = beta

  override def numberOfHyperparameters: Int = beta.length

  override def hyperparameterBoundaries: (BDV[Double], BDV[Double]) = (lower, upper)

  private def kernelElement(a: BV[Double], b: BV[Double]) : Double = {
    val weightedDistance = norm((a - b) *:* beta)
    exp(- weightedDistance * weightedDistance)

  override def trainingKernel(): BDM[Double] = {
    val train = getTrainingVectors

    val result = BDM.zeros[Double](train.length, train.length)
    for (i <- train.indices; j <- 0 to i) {
      val k = kernelElement(train(i).asBreeze, train(j).asBreeze)
      result(i, j) = k
      result(j, i) = k


  override def trainingKernelAndDerivative(): (BDM[Double], Array[BDM[Double]]) = {
    val train = getTrainingVectors
    val K = trainingKernel()
    val minus2Kernel = -2d * K
    val result = Array.fill[BDM[Double]](beta.length)(BDM.zeros[Double](train.length, train.length))

    for (i <- train.indices; j <- 0 to i) {
      val diff = train(i).asBreeze - train(j).asBreeze
      diff :*= diff
      diff :*= beta
      val betaXi_Xj = diff
      for (k <- 0 until beta.length) {
        result(k)(i, j) = betaXi_Xj(k)
        result(k)(j, i) = betaXi_Xj(k)

    (K, => derivative *:* minus2Kernel))

  override def crossKernel(test: Array[Vector]): BDM[Double] = {
    val train = getTrainingVectors
    val result = BDM.zeros[Double](test.length, train.length)

    for (testIndx <- test.indices; trainIndex <- train.indices)
      result(testIndx, trainIndex) = kernelElement(train(trainIndex).asBreeze, test(testIndx).asBreeze)


  override def selfKernel(test: Vector): Double = 1d

  override def toString = "ARDRBFKernel(beta=" + BDV2String(beta) + ")"

  private def BDV2String(v : BDV[Double]) = => f"$e%1.1e").mkString("[", ", " , "]")
Example 4
Source File: RBFKernel.scala    From spark-gp   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix => BDM, DenseVector => BDV}
import breeze.numerics.{exp, inf}
import{Vector, Vectors}

class RBFKernel(private var sigma: Double,
                private val lower: Double = 1e-6,
                private val upper: Double = inf) extends TrainDatasetBearingKernel
  with NoiselessKernel with SameOnDiagonalKernel {
  def this() = this(1)

  override def setHyperparameters(value: BDV[Double]): RBFKernel.this.type = {
    sigma = value(0)

  override def getHyperparameters: BDV[Double] = BDV[Double](sigma)

  override def numberOfHyperparameters: Int = 1

  private def getSigma() = sigma

  private var squaredDistances: Option[BDM[Double]] = None

  override def hyperparameterBoundaries: (BDV[Double], BDV[Double]) = {
    (BDV[Double](lower), BDV[Double](upper))

  override def setTrainingVectors(vectors: Array[Vector]): this.type = {
    val sqd = BDM.zeros[Double](vectors.length, vectors.length)
    for (i <- vectors.indices; j <- 0 to i) {
      val dist = Vectors.sqdist(vectors(i), vectors(j))
      sqd(i, j) = dist
      sqd(j, i) = dist

    squaredDistances = Some(sqd)

  override def trainingKernel(): BDM[Double] = {
    val result = squaredDistances.getOrElse(throw new TrainingVectorsNotInitializedException) / (-2d * sqr(getSigma()))

  override def trainingKernelAndDerivative(): (BDM[Double], Array[BDM[Double]]) = {
    val sqd = squaredDistances.getOrElse(throw new TrainingVectorsNotInitializedException)

    val kernel = trainingKernel()
    val derivative = sqd *:* kernel
    derivative /= cube(getSigma())

    (kernel, Array(derivative))

  override def crossKernel(test: Array[Vector]): BDM[Double] = {
    val train = getTrainingVectors
    val result = BDM.zeros[Double](test.length, train.length)

    for (i <- test.indices; j <- train.indices)
      result(i, j) = Vectors.sqdist(test(i), train(j)) / (-2d * sqr(getSigma()))



  override def selfKernel(test: Vector): Double = 1d

  private def sqr(x: Double) = x * x

  private def cube(x: Double) = x * x * x

  override def toString = f"RBFKernel(sigma=$sigma%1.1e)"
Example 5
Source File: Emmax.scala    From seqspark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.dizhang.seqspark.stat
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix=>BDM,CSCMatrix=>BSM,DenseVector=>BDV,SparseVector=>BSV, _}
import breeze.numerics.{exp, pow, log}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{RowMatrix => RM}

trait Emmax {


object Emmax {

  def eigenH(K: BDM[Double]): (BDV[Double], BDM[Double]) = {
    val res = eigSym(K)
    (res.eigenvalues - 1.0, res.eigenvectors)

  def eigenSHS(K: BDM[Double], X: BDM[Double]): (BDV[Double], BDM[Double]) = {
    val n = X.rows
    val q = X.cols
    val Xt = X.t
    val S = BDM.eye[Double](n) - X * inv(Xt * X) * Xt
    val res = eigSym(S * (K + BDM.eye[Double](n)) * S)

    (res.eigenvalues(0 until (n-q)) - 1.0, res.eigenvectors(::, 0 until (n-q)))

  def mle(y: BDV[Double], X: BDM[Double], K: BDM[Double],
          ngrids :Int =100, llim: Int = -10, ulim: Int =10, esp: Double = 1e-10) = {
    val n: Int = y.length
    val t = K.rows
    val q = X.cols
    val eigH = eigenH(K)
    val eigSHS = eigenSHS(K, X)

    val etas: BDV[Double] = (y.t * eigSHS._2).t
    val logDelta: BDV[Double] = BDV((0 to ngrids).map(x => x/ngrids.toDouble * (ulim - llim) + llim): _*)
    val m = logDelta.length
    val delta: BDV[Double] = exp(logDelta)
    val lambdas: BDM[Double] = tile(eigSHS._1, 1, m) + tile(delta, 1, n - q).t
    val xis: BDM[Double] = tile(eigH._1, 1, m) + tile(delta, 1, n).t
    val etasq: BDM[Double] = tile(pow(etas, 2), 1, n-q).t
    val ll: BDV[Double] = 0.5 * (n.toDouble * (log(n/(2*math.Pi)) - 1 - log(sum(etasq /:/ lambdas, Axis._0).t))
      - sum(log(xis), Axis._0).t )
    val dLl: BDV[Double] = 0.5 * delta *:* (n.toDouble * sum(etasq /:/ pow(lambdas, 2), Axis._0).t
      /:/ sum(etasq /:/ lambdas, Axis._0).t - sum(1.0 / xis, Axis._0).t)

Example 6
Source File: Hedge.scala    From banditsbook-scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.hedge

import breeze.linalg.Vector._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.exp
import breeze.stats.distributions.{Rand, RandBasis}
import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm._
import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm.Arm

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object Hedge {

  case class State(η: Double, counts: Vector[Int], gains: Vector[Double])

  def Algorithm(η: Double)(implicit zeroReward: Zero[Double], zeroInt: Zero[Int], tag: ClassTag[Double], rand: RandBasis = Rand)
  = {
    require(η > 0, "η must be positive.")
    new Algorithm[Double, State] {

      override def initialState(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]]): State = State(
        η, zeros(arms.size), zeros(arms.size)

      override def selectArm(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]], state: State): Int = {
        val gains = state.gains
        val η = state.η
        val p = exp(gains / η) / sum(exp(gains / η))

      override def updateState(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]], state: State, chosen: Int, reward: Double): State = {
        val counts = state.counts
        val gains = state.gains

        val count = counts(chosen) + 1
        counts.update(chosen, count)

        val expectation = gains(chosen) + reward
        gains.update(chosen, expectation)

        state.copy(counts = counts, gains = gains)
Example 7
Source File: Exp3.scala    From banditsbook-scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.exp3

import breeze.linalg.Vector._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.exp
import breeze.stats.distributions.{Rand, RandBasis}
import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm._
import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm.Arm

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object Exp3 {

  case class State(γ: Double, weights: Vector[Double], counts: Vector[Int])

  def Algorithm(γ: Double)(implicit zeroReward: Zero[Double], zeroInt: Zero[Int], tag: ClassTag[Double], rand: RandBasis = Rand)
  = {
    require(0< γ && γ <= 1, "γ must be in (0,1]")

    new Algorithm[Double, State] {

      override def initialState(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]]): State = State(
        γ, fill(arms.size)(1.0d), zeros[Int](arms.size)

      override def selectArm(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]], state: State): Int =
        CategoricalDistribution(probs(state.γ, state.weights)).draw()

      override def updateState(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]], state: State, chosen: Int, reward: Double): State = {
        val counts = state.counts
        val weights = state.weights

        val count = counts(chosen) + 1
        counts.update(chosen, count)

        val K = weights.size
        val p = probs(state.γ, weights)
        val x = zeros[Double](K)
        x.update(chosen, reward/p(chosen))
        weights *= exp((state.γ * x) / K.toDouble)

        state.copy(weights = weights, counts = counts)

      private def probs(γ: Double, weights: Vector[Double]): Vector[Double] = {
        val K = weights.size  // #arms
        ((1 - γ) * (weights / sum(weights))) + (γ / K)
Example 8
Source File: Standard.scala    From banditsbook-scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.softmax

import breeze.linalg.Vector._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.exp
import breeze.stats.distributions.{Rand, RandBasis}
import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm._
import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm.Arm

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object Standard {

  case class State(τ: Double, counts: Vector[Int], expectations: Vector[Double])

  def Algorithm(τ: Double)(implicit zeroReward: Zero[Double], zeroInt: Zero[Int], tag: ClassTag[Double], rand: RandBasis = Rand)
  = {
    require(τ > 0, "τ must be positive.")
    new Algorithm[Double, State] {

      override def initialState(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]]): State = State(
        τ, zeros(arms.size), zeros(arms.size)

      override def selectArm(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]], state: State): Int = {
        val expectations = state.expectations
        val τ = state.τ
        val p = exp(expectations / τ) / sum(exp(expectations / τ))

      override def updateState(arms: Seq[Arm[Double]], state: State, chosen: Int, reward: Double): State = {
        val counts = state.counts
        val expectations = state.expectations

        val count = counts(chosen) + 1
        counts.update(chosen, count)

        val expectation = (((count - 1) / count.toDouble) * expectations(chosen)) + ((1 / count.toDouble) * reward)
        expectations.update(chosen, expectation)

        state.copy(counts = counts, expectations = expectations)
Example 9
Source File: SoftmaxClassifier.scala    From doddle-model   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.linear

import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.{exp, log, pow}
import cats.syntax.option._
import{Features, RealVector, Simplex, Target}
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.linear.typeclasses.LinearClassifier
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.syntax.OptionSyntax._

case class SoftmaxClassifier private (lambda: Float, numClasses: Option[Int], private val w: Option[RealVector]) {
  private var yPredProbaCache: Simplex = _

object SoftmaxClassifier {

  def apply(lambda: Float = 0.0f): SoftmaxClassifier = {
    require(lambda >= 0.0f, "L2 regularization strength must be non-negative")
    SoftmaxClassifier(lambda, none, none)

  private val wSlice: Range.Inclusive = 1 to -1

  implicit lazy val ev: LinearClassifier[SoftmaxClassifier] = new LinearClassifier[SoftmaxClassifier] {

    override def numClasses(model: SoftmaxClassifier): Option[Int] = model.numClasses

    override protected def w(model: SoftmaxClassifier): Option[RealVector] = model.w

    override protected[doddlemodel] def copy(model: SoftmaxClassifier, numClasses: Int): SoftmaxClassifier =
      model.copy(numClasses = numClasses.some)

    override protected def copy(model: SoftmaxClassifier, w: RealVector): SoftmaxClassifier =
      model.copy(w = w.some)

    override protected def predictStateless(model: SoftmaxClassifier, w: RealVector, x: Features): Target =
      convert(argmax(predictProbaStateless(model, w, x)(*, ::)), Float)

    override protected def predictProbaStateless(model: SoftmaxClassifier, w: RealVector, x: Features): Simplex = {
      val z = x * w.asDenseMatrix.reshape(x.cols, model.numClasses.getOrBreak - 1, View.Require)
      val maxZ = max(z)
      val zExpPivot = DenseMatrix.horzcat(exp(z - maxZ), DenseMatrix.fill[Float](x.rows, 1)(exp(-maxZ)))
      zExpPivot(::, *) /:/ sum(zExpPivot(*, ::))

    override protected[linear] def lossStateless(model: SoftmaxClassifier,
                                                 w: RealVector, x: Features, y: Target): Float = {
      model.yPredProbaCache = predictProbaStateless(model, w, x)
      val yPredProbaOfTrueClass = 0 until x.rows map { rowIndex =>
        val targetClass = y(rowIndex).toInt
        model.yPredProbaCache(rowIndex, targetClass)

      val wMatrix = w.asDenseMatrix.reshape(x.cols, model.numClasses.getOrBreak - 1, View.Require)
      sum(log(DenseMatrix(yPredProbaOfTrueClass))) / (-x.rows.toFloat) +
        .5f * model.lambda * sum(pow(wMatrix(wSlice, ::), 2))

    override protected[linear] def lossGradStateless(model: SoftmaxClassifier,
                                                     w: RealVector, x: Features, y: Target): RealVector = {
      val yPredProba = model.yPredProbaCache(::, 0 to -2)

      val indicator = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](yPredProba.rows, yPredProba.cols)
      0 until indicator.rows foreach { rowIndex =>
        val targetClass = y(rowIndex).toInt
        if (targetClass < model.numClasses.getOrBreak - 1) indicator(rowIndex, targetClass) = 1.0f

      val grad = (x.t * (indicator - yPredProba)) / (-x.rows.toFloat)
      val wMatrix = w.asDenseMatrix.reshape(x.cols, model.numClasses.getOrBreak - 1, View.Require)
      grad(wSlice, ::) += model.lambda * wMatrix(wSlice, ::)
Example 10
Source File: PoissonRegression.scala    From doddle-model   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.picnicml.doddlemodel.linear

import breeze.linalg.{all, sum}
import breeze.numerics.{exp, floor, isFinite, log}
import cats.syntax.option._
import{Features, RealVector, Target}
import io.picnicml.doddlemodel.linear.typeclasses.LinearRegressor

case class PoissonRegression private (lambda: Float, private val w: Option[RealVector]) {
  private var yPredMeanCache: Target = _

object PoissonRegression {

  def apply(lambda: Float = 0.0f): PoissonRegression = {
    require(lambda >= 0.0f, "L2 regularization strength must be non-negative")
    PoissonRegression(lambda, none)

  private val wSlice: Range.Inclusive = 1 to -1

  implicit lazy val ev: LinearRegressor[PoissonRegression] = new LinearRegressor[PoissonRegression] {

    override protected def w(model: PoissonRegression): Option[RealVector] = model.w

    override protected def copy(model: PoissonRegression): PoissonRegression = model.copy()

    override protected def copy(model: PoissonRegression, w: RealVector): PoissonRegression =
      model.copy(w = w.some)

    override protected def targetVariableAppropriate(y: Target): Boolean =
      y == floor(y) && all(isFinite(y))

    override protected def predictStateless(model: PoissonRegression, w: RealVector, x: Features): Target =
      floor(this.predictMean(w, x))

    private def predictMean(w: RealVector, x: Features): Target = exp(x * w)

    override protected[linear] def lossStateless(model: PoissonRegression,
                                                 w: RealVector, x: Features, y: Target): Float = {
      model.yPredMeanCache = predictMean(w, x)
      sum(y * log(model.yPredMeanCache) - model.yPredMeanCache) / (-x.rows.toFloat) +
        .5f * model.lambda * (w(wSlice).t * w(wSlice))

    override protected[linear] def lossGradStateless(model: PoissonRegression,
                                                     w: RealVector, x: Features, y: Target): RealVector = {
      val grad = ((model.yPredMeanCache - y).t * x).t / x.rows.toFloat
      grad(wSlice) += model.lambda * w(wSlice)
Example 11
Source File: funcTest.scala    From scalaLSTM   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.xuanyuansen.algo
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.exp

object funcTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val x = DenseVector.ones[Double](2)
    val y = DenseVector.ones[Double](2)
    println(1.0 - x dot y)
    println(1.0 - x :* y)
    println(DenseVector.vertcat(x, y))
    val Wf = DenseMatrix.rand[Double](4, 2)

    val input_dim = 4
    val out_dim = 2
    val concat_len = input_dim + out_dim

    val WW = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](out_dim, concat_len) //2*6
    val kk = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](concat_len, 1)
    println("WW * kk")
    val tmp = (WW * kk).asInstanceOf[DenseMatrix[Double]]


    val diffo = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](1, out_dim)
    val input_h = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](1, out_dim)
    val input_x = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](1, input_dim) + DenseMatrix.ones[Double](1, input_dim)

    // 1*2 1*2
    val dinputh = diffo.t * input_h
    println(dinputh) //2*2

    //1*2 1*4
    val dinputx = diffo.t * input_x
    println(dinputx) //2*4

    val out = DenseMatrix.horzcat(dinputx, dinputh)
    //concat 2*6

    val softmax = exp(kk)
    val sumsoft = sum(softmax)

    val finalout = softmax / sumsoft
    println("finalout " + finalout.toString)
    val test = DenseMatrix.rand[Double](2, 3)
    val idx_max = argmax(test)
    val z = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](2, 3)
    z(idx_max) = 1
    println(sum(exp(test)) - max(test))

    println((0 until 4).reverse)

    val zout = 2.0 * DenseMatrix.ones[Double](2, 3)
    println(1.0 / zout + 6.0)

    val out1 = DenseMatrix.create(5, 1, Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
