Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: NatchezHttp4sModule.scala From skunk with MIT License | 8 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package natchez.http4s import cats.~> import{ Kleisli, OptionT } import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import natchez.{ EntryPoint, Kernel, Span } import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import natchez.Trace import natchez.Tags import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.http4s.Response import cats.effect.Resource import cats.Defer import natchez.TraceValue import cats.Monad object implicits { // Given an entry point and HTTP Routes in Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] return routes in F. A new span // is created with the URI path as the name, either as a continuation of the incoming trace, if // any, or as a new root. This can likely be simplified, I just did what the types were saying // and it works so :shrug: private def liftT[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]]( entryPoint: EntryPoint[F])( routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]] ): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req => type G[A] = Kleisli[F, Span[F], A] val lift = λ[F ~> G](fa => Kleisli(_ => fa)) val kernel = Kernel( => ( -> h.value)).toMap) val spanR = entryPoint.continueOrElseRoot(req.uri.path, kernel) OptionT { spanR.use { span => val lower = λ[G ~> F](_(span)) } } } implicit class EntryPointOps[F[_]](self: EntryPoint[F]) { private def dummySpan( implicit ev: Monad[F] ): Span[F] = new Span[F] { val kernel: F[Kernel] = Kernel(Map.empty).pure[F] def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] = Monad[F].unit def span(name: String): Resource[F, Span[F]] = Monad[Resource[F, ?]].pure(this) } def liftT(routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]])( implicit ev: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): HttpRoutes[F] = implicits.liftT(self)(routes) def natchezMiddleware[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]: Trace](routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req => val addRequestFields: F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.http.method(, Tags.http.url(req.uri.renderString) ) def addResponseFields(res: Response[F]): F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.http.status_code(res.status.code.toString) ) def addErrorFields(e: Throwable): F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.error(true), "error.message" -> e.getMessage, "error.stacktrace" -> e.getStackTrace.mkString("\n"), ) OptionT { routes(req).onError { case NonFatal(e) => OptionT.liftF(addRequestFields *> addErrorFields(e)) } .value.flatMap { case Some(handler) => addRequestFields *> addResponseFields(handler).as(handler.some) case None => Option.empty[Response[F]].pure[F] } } } }
Example 2
Source File: ExampleApp.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.http4s import caliban.ExampleData._ import caliban.ExampleService.ExampleService import caliban.{ ExampleApi, ExampleService, Http4sAdapter } import import cats.effect.Blocker import org.http4s.StaticFile import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.server.middleware.CORS import zio._ import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.interop.catz._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object ExampleApp extends App { type ExampleTask[A] = RIO[ZEnv with ExampleService, A] override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = ZIO .runtime[ZEnv with ExampleService] .flatMap(implicit runtime => for { blocker <- ZIO.access[Blocking](_.get.blockingExecutor.asEC).map(Blocker.liftExecutionContext) interpreter <- ExampleApi.api.interpreter _ <- BlazeServerBuilder[ExampleTask]( .bindHttp(8088, "localhost") .withHttpApp( Router[ExampleTask]( "/api/graphql" -> CORS(Http4sAdapter.makeHttpService(interpreter)), "/ws/graphql" -> CORS(Http4sAdapter.makeWebSocketService(interpreter)), "/graphiql" -> Kleisli.liftF(StaticFile.fromResource("/graphiql.html", blocker, None)) ).orNotFound ) .resource .toManaged .useForever } yield () ) .provideCustomLayer(ExampleService.make(sampleCharacters)) .exitCode }
Example 3
Source File: Issue121.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package core.issues import cats.effect.IO import import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client.{ Client => Http4sClient } import org.http4s.client.blaze._ import org.http4s.headers._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.multipart._ import cats.instances.future._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar._ import org.scalatest.{ EitherValues, FunSuite, Matchers } import io.circe._ class Issue121Suite extends FunSuite with Matchers with EitherValues with ScalaFutures { override implicit val patienceConfig = PatienceConfig(10 seconds, 1 second) test("http4s server can respond with 204") { import issues.issue121.server.http4s.{ DeleteFooResponse, Handler, Resource } val route = new Resource[IO]().routes(new Handler[IO] { override def deleteFoo(respond: DeleteFooResponse.type)(id: Long): IO[DeleteFooResponse] = IO.pure(respond.NoContent) }) val client = Http4sClient.fromHttpApp[IO](route.orNotFound) val req = Request[IO](method = Method.DELETE, uri = Uri.unsafeFromString("/entity")).withEntity(UrlForm("id" -> "1234")) client .fetch(req)({ case Status.NoContent(resp) => IO.pure({ resp.status should equal(Status.NoContent) resp.contentType should equal(None) resp.contentLength should equal(None) () }) }) .unsafeRunSync() } test("http4s client can respond with 204") { import issues.issue121.client.http4s.Client def noContentResponse: Http4sClient[IO] = Http4sClient.fromHttpApp[IO](Kleisli.pure(Response[IO](Status.NoContent))) Client .httpClient(noContentResponse, "http://localhost:80") .deleteFoo(1234) .attempt .unsafeRunSync() .fold( _ => fail("Error"), _.fold( handleNoContent = () ) ) } }
Example 4
Source File: Issue542.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package core.issues import cats.effect.IO import import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.client.{ Client => Http4sClient } import org.http4s.headers._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import cats.instances.future._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar._ import org.scalatest.{ EitherValues, FunSuite, Matchers, OptionValues } import tests.scalatest.EitherTValues class Issue542Suite extends FunSuite with Matchers with EitherValues with ScalaFutures with EitherTValues with OptionValues { override implicit val patienceConfig = PatienceConfig(10 seconds, 1 second) test("base64 bytes can be sent") { import base64.server.http4s.{ FooResponse, Handler, Resource } import base64.server.http4s.definitions.Foo import base64.server.http4s.Implicits.Base64String val route = new Resource[IO]().routes(new Handler[IO] { def foo(respond: FooResponse.type)(): IO[FooResponse] = IO.pure(respond.Ok(Foo(Some(new Base64String("foo".getBytes()))))) }) val client = Http4sClient.fromHttpApp[IO](route.orNotFound) val req = Request[IO](method = Method.GET, uri = Uri.unsafeFromString("/foo")) client .fetch(req)({ case Status.Ok(resp) => resp.status should equal(Status.Ok) resp.contentType should equal(Some(`Content-Type`(MediaType.application.json))) resp.contentLength should equal(Some(16)) jsonOf[IO, Foo].decode(resp, strict = false).rightValue }) .unsafeRunSync() .value .value .data should equal("foo".getBytes()) } test("base64 bytes can be received") { import base64.client.http4s.Client import base64.client.http4s.definitions.Foo import base64.client.http4s.Implicits.Base64String import org.http4s.dsl._ def staticClient: Http4sClient[IO] = { implicit val fooOkEncoder = jsonEncoderOf[IO, Foo] val response = new Http4sDsl[IO] { def route: HttpApp[IO] = Kleisli.liftF(Ok(Foo(Some(Base64String("foo".getBytes()))))) } Http4sClient.fromHttpApp[IO](response.route) } Client .httpClient(staticClient, "http://localhost:80") .foo() .attempt .unsafeRunSync() .fold( _ => fail("Error"), _.fold( handleOk = should equal("foo".getBytes()) ) ) } }
Example 5
Source File: CassandraOffsetStore.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside import java.util.UUID import import aecor.runtime.KeyValueStore import aecor.util.effect._ import akka.persistence.cassandra.Session.Init import akka.persistence.cassandra.session.scaladsl.CassandraSession import cats.Functor import import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ object CassandraOffsetStore { final case class Queries(keyspace: String, tableName: String = "consumer_offset") { def createTableQuery: String = s"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $keyspace.$tableName (consumer_id text, tag text, offset uuid, PRIMARY KEY ((consumer_id, tag)))" def updateOffsetQuery: String = s"UPDATE $keyspace.$tableName SET offset = ? where consumer_id = ? AND tag = ?" def deleteOffsetQuery: String = s"DELETE FROM $keyspace.$tableName where consumer_id = ? AND tag = ?" def selectOffsetQuery: String = s"SELECT offset FROM $keyspace.$tableName WHERE consumer_id = ? AND tag = ?" } def apply[F[_]]: Builder[F] = builderInstance.asInstanceOf[Builder[F]] private val builderInstance = new Builder[Any]() final class Builder[F[_]] private[CassandraOffsetStore] () { def createTable(config: Queries)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Init[F] = Kleisli(_.execute(config.createTableQuery).void) def apply(session: CassandraSession, config: CassandraOffsetStore.Queries)( implicit F: Effect[F] ): CassandraOffsetStore[F] = new CassandraOffsetStore(session, config) } } class CassandraOffsetStore[F[_]] private[akkapersistence] ( session: CassandraSession, config: CassandraOffsetStore.Queries )(implicit F: Effect[F]) extends KeyValueStore[F, TagConsumer, UUID] { private val selectOffsetStatement = session.prepare(config.selectOffsetQuery) private val updateOffsetStatement = session.prepare(config.updateOffsetQuery) private val deleteOffsetStatement = session.prepare(config.deleteOffsetQuery) override def setValue(key: TagConsumer, value: UUID): F[Unit] = F.fromFuture { updateOffsetStatement } .map { stmt => stmt .bind() .setUUID("offset", value) .setString("tag", key.tag.value) .setString("consumer_id", key.consumerId.value) } .flatMap(x => F.fromFuture(session.executeWrite(x))) .void override def getValue(key: TagConsumer): F[Option[UUID]] = F.fromFuture { selectOffsetStatement } .map(_.bind(key.consumerId.value, key.tag.value)) .flatMap(x => F.fromFuture(session.selectOne(x))) .map("offset"))) override def deleteValue(key: TagConsumer): F[Unit] = F.fromFuture { deleteOffsetStatement } .map(_.bind(key.consumerId.value, key.tag.value)) .flatMap(x => F.fromFuture(session.executeWrite(x))) .void }
Example 6
Source File: Session.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.cassandra import java.util.concurrent.Executor import import cats.effect.{ Async, ContextShift } import com.datastax.driver.core.{ ResultSet, TypeCodec, Session => DatastaxSession } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait Session[F[_]] { def execute(query: String): F[ResultSet] def registerCodec[A](codec: TypeCodec[A]): F[Unit] } object Session { type Init[F[_]] = Kleisli[F, Session[F], Unit] def Init[F[_]](f: Session[F] => F[Unit]): Init[F] = Kleisli(f) private val immediateExecutor = new Executor { override def execute(command: Runnable): Unit = } private val immediateExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(immediateExecutor) def apply[F[_]](datastaxSession: DatastaxSession)(implicit F: Async[F], contextShift: ContextShift[F]): Session[F] = new Session[F] { final override def execute(query: String): F[ResultSet] = contextShift.evalOn(immediateExecutionContext) { F.async { cb => val future = datastaxSession.executeAsync(query) val runnable = new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = try { cb(Right(future.get())) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => cb(Left(e)) } } future.addListener(runnable, immediateExecutor) } } override def registerCodec[A](codec: TypeCodec[A]): F[Unit] = F.delay { datastaxSession.getCluster.getConfiguration.getCodecRegistry.register(codec) () } } }
Example 7
Source File: Minimal2.scala From skunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package example import cats.Parallel import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import skunk._ import skunk.implicits._ import skunk.codec.all._ import natchez.Trace import import natchez.Span import natchez.jaeger.Jaeger import natchez.EntryPoint import io.jaegertracing.Configuration.SamplerConfiguration import io.jaegertracing.Configuration.ReporterConfiguration object Minimal2 extends IOApp { def session[F[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift: Trace]: Resource[F, Session[F]] = Session.single( host = "localhost", port = 5432, user = "jimmy", database = "world", password = Some("banana"), // debug = true ) case class Country(code: String, name: String, pop: Int) val select: Query[String, Country] = sql""" select code, name, population from country WHERE name like $varchar """.query(bpchar(3) ~ varchar ~ int4) .gmap[Country] def lookup[F[_]: Sync: Trace](pat: String, s: Session[F]): F[Unit] = Trace[F].span("lookup") { Trace[F].put("pattern" -> pat) *> s.prepare(select).use { pq =>, 1024) .evalMap(c => Sync[F].delay(println(s"⭐️⭐ $c"))) .compile .drain } } def runF[F[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift: Trace: Parallel]: F[ExitCode] = session.use { s => List("A%", "B%").parTraverse(p => lookup(p, s)) } as ExitCode.Success def tracer[F[_]: Sync]: Resource[F, EntryPoint[F]] = { Jaeger.entryPoint[F]("skunk-http4s-example") { c => Sync[F].delay { c.withSampler(SamplerConfiguration.fromEnv) .withReporter(ReporterConfiguration.fromEnv) .getTracer } } } def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = tracer[IO].use { t => t.root("root").use { s => runF[Kleisli[IO, Span[IO], ?]].run(s) *> runF[Kleisli[IO, Span[IO], ?]].run(s) } } }
Example 8
Source File: LoginTest.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.endpoint import import cats.effect.IO import domain.authentication.{LoginRequest, SignupRequest} import domain.users.{Role, User} import org.http4s.circe.{jsonEncoderOf, jsonOf} import org.http4s.client.dsl.Http4sClientDsl import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, EntityEncoder, HttpApp, Request, Response} import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.headers.Authorization import import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl trait LoginTest extends Http4sClientDsl[IO] with Http4sDsl[IO] { implicit val userEnc: EntityEncoder[IO, User] = jsonEncoderOf implicit val userDec: EntityDecoder[IO, User] = jsonOf implicit val signUpRequestEnc: EntityEncoder[IO, SignupRequest] = jsonEncoderOf implicit val signUpRequestDec: EntityDecoder[IO, SignupRequest] = jsonOf implicit val loginRequestEnc: EntityEncoder[IO, LoginRequest] = jsonEncoderOf implicit val loginRequestDec: EntityDecoder[IO, LoginRequest] = jsonOf def signUpAndLogIn( userSignUp: SignupRequest, userEndpoint: HttpApp[IO], ): IO[(User, Option[Authorization])] = for { signUpRq <- POST(userSignUp, uri"/users") signUpResp <- user <-[User] loginBody = LoginRequest(userSignUp.userName, userSignUp.password) loginRq <- POST(loginBody, uri"/users/login") loginResp <- } yield { user -> loginResp.headers.get(Authorization) } def signUpAndLogInAsAdmin( userSignUp: SignupRequest, userEndpoint: Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], Response[IO]], ): IO[(User, Option[Authorization])] = signUpAndLogIn(userSignUp.copy(role = Role.Admin), userEndpoint) def signUpAndLogInAsCustomer( userSignUp: SignupRequest, userEndpoint: Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], Response[IO]], ): IO[(User, Option[Authorization])] = signUpAndLogIn(userSignUp.copy(role = Role.Customer), userEndpoint) }
Example 9
Source File: HttpMetricsMiddleware.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http.metrics import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.codahale.metrics._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.Log import com.smartbackpackerapp.http.ApiVersion import org.http4s.AuthedService import org.http4s.Uri.Path object HttpMetricsMiddleware { def apply[F[_]](registry: MetricRegistry, service: AuthedService[String, F]) (implicit F: Sync[F], L: Log[F]): AuthedService[String, F] = { Kleisli { req => OptionT.liftF(F.delay(System.nanoTime())).flatMap { start => service(req).semiflatMap { response => HttpMetrics.parse(req.req.uri.path).fold(F.delay(response)) { path => for { _ <- F.delay(registry.meter(s"requests-$path").mark()) _ <- if (response.status.isSuccess) F.delay(registry.meter(s"success-$path").mark()) else F.delay(registry.meter(s"failure-${response.status.code}-$path").mark()) time <- F.delay((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000) _ <- F.delay(registry.histogram(s"response-time-$path").update(time)) _ <-"HTTP Response Time: $time ms") } yield response } } } } } } object HttpMetrics { def parse(path: Path): Option[String] = { if (path.contains("/traveling")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-traveling") else if (path.contains("/airlines")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-airlines") else if (path.contains("/ranking")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-ranking") else if (path.contains("/health")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-health") else if (path.contains("/countries")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-countries") else None } }
Example 10
Source File: JwtTokenAuthMiddleware.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth import{EitherT, Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth.JwtTokenAuthMiddleware.AuthConfig import org.http4s.Credentials.Token import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.{AuthScheme, AuthedService, Request} import org.http4s.headers.Authorization import org.http4s.server.AuthMiddleware import tsec.jws.mac.JWTMac import tsec.mac.imports._ object JwtTokenAuthMiddleware { def apply[F[_] : Sync](apiToken: Option[String]): F[AuthMiddleware[F, String]] = new Middleware[F](apiToken).middleware case class AuthConfig(jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]) } class Middleware[F[_]](apiToken: Option[String])(implicit F: Sync[F]) { private val ifEmpty = F.raiseError[AuthMiddleware[F, String]](new Exception("Api Token not found")) private def generateJwtKey(token: String): F[MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]] = { F.catchNonFatal(HMACSHA256.buildKeyUnsafe(token.getBytes)) } val middleware: F[AuthMiddleware[F, String]] = apiToken.fold(ifEmpty) { token => generateJwtKey(token).map { jwtKey => val config = AuthConfig(jwtKey) new JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F](config).middleware } } } class JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F[_] : Sync](config: AuthConfig) extends Http4sDsl[F] { private val onFailure: AuthedService[String, F] = Kleisli(req => OptionT.liftF(Forbidden(req.authInfo))) private def bearerTokenFromRequest(request: Request[F]): OptionT[F, String] = OptionT.fromOption[F] { request.headers.get(Authorization).collect { case Authorization(Token(AuthScheme.Bearer, token)) => token } } private def verifyToken(request: Request[F], jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]): OptionT[F, String] = for { token <- bearerTokenFromRequest(request) verified <- OptionT.liftF(JWTMac.verifyAndParse[F, HMACSHA256](token, jwtKey)) accessToken <- OptionT.fromOption[F](verified.body.subject) } yield accessToken private def authUser(jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]): Kleisli[F, Request[F], Either[String, String]] = Kleisli { request => verifyToken(request, jwtKey) { option => Either.cond[String, String](option.isDefined, option.get, "Unable to authorize token") }.recoverWith { case MacVerificationError(msg) => EitherT.leftT(msg).value } } def middleware: AuthMiddleware[F, String] = AuthMiddleware(authUser(config.jwtKey), onFailure) }
Example 11
Source File: Http4sUtils.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http import cats.{Applicative, Monad} import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.IO import monix.eval.Task import import org.http4s.server.AuthMiddleware import org.http4s.{EntityBody, Request} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration object Http4sUtils { private def authUser[F[_]](implicit F: Applicative[F]): Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], String] = Kleisli(_ => OptionT.liftF(F.pure("access_token"))) def middleware[F[_]: Monad]: AuthMiddleware[F, String] = AuthMiddleware.apply[F, String](authUser) val taskMiddleware: AuthMiddleware[Task, String] = middleware[Task] val ioMiddleware: AuthMiddleware[IO, String] = middleware[IO] implicit class ByteVector2String(body: EntityBody[IO]) { def asString: String = { val array = body.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync().toArray new String( } } implicit class ByteVector2StringTask(body: EntityBody[Task]) { def asString: String = { val array = Await.result(body.compile.toVector.runAsync, Duration.Inf).toArray new String( } } }
Example 12
Source File: TaskMT.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.task import import cats.implicits._ import cats.{Eval, Functor, Monad} import com.wavesplatform.lang.EvalF import monix.execution.atomic.{Atomic, AtomicBuilder} trait TaskMT[F[_], S, E, R] { protected[task] val inner: Kleisli[Eval, EvalRef[S], F[Either[E, R]]] def run[RS <: Atomic[S]](initial: S)(implicit b: AtomicBuilder[S, RS]): Eval[(S, F[Either[E, R]])] = { val stateRef = EvalRef.of(initial) for { result <- finalState <- } yield (finalState, result) } def map[B](f: R => B)(implicit ev: Functor[F]): TaskMT[F, S, E, B] = TaskMT.fromKleisli( { case Right(v) => Right(f(v)) case Left(err) => Left(err) })) def flatMap[B](f: R => TaskMT[F, S, E, B])(implicit m: Monad[EvalF[F, ?]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, B] = { TaskMT.fromEvalRef[F, S, E, B] { s => m.flatMap( { case Right(v) => f(v) case Left(err) => m.pure(err.asLeft[B]) } } } def handleErrorWith(f: E => TaskMT[F, S, E, R])(implicit m: Monad[EvalF[F, ?]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, R] = TaskMT.fromEvalRef[F, S, E, R] { s => m.flatMap( { case Right(v) => m.pure(v.asRight[E]) case Left(err) => f(err) } } def handleError()(implicit m: Monad[EvalF[F, ?]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, (Option[R], List[E])] = { TaskMT.fromEvalRef[F, S, E, (Option[R], List[E])] { s => m.flatMap( { case Right(v) => m.pure((Some(v), List.empty).asRight[E]) case Left(err) => m.pure((None, List(err)).asRight[E]) } } } } object TaskMT { private[task] def fromKleisli[F[_], S, E, R](in: Kleisli[Eval, EvalRef[S], F[Either[E, R]]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, R] = new TaskMT[F, S, E, R] { override protected[task] val inner: Kleisli[Eval, EvalRef[S], F[Either[E, R]]] = in } def apply[F[_], S, E, R](f: S => Eval[F[Either[E, R]]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, R] = fromEvalRef( flatMap f) private def fromEvalRef[F[_], S, E, R](f: EvalRef[S] => Eval[F[Either[E, R]]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, R] = new TaskMT[F, S, E, R] { override protected[task] val inner: Kleisli[Eval, EvalRef[S], F[Either[E, R]]] = Kleisli(f) } }
Example 13
Source File: TaskMTFunctions.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.task import cats.{Eval, Monad} import import cats.implicits._ import com.wavesplatform.lang.EvalF trait TaskMTFunctions { def pure[F[_] : Monad, S, E, R](x: R): TaskMT[F, S, E, R] = TaskMT(_ =>[E].pure[F])) def raiseError[F[_] : Monad, S, E, R](e: E): TaskMT[F, S, E, R] = TaskMT(_ =>[R].pure[F])) def liftEither[F[_] : Monad, S, E, R](ei: Either[E, R]): TaskMT[F, S, E, R] = TaskMT.fromKleisli(Kleisli.pure(ei.pure[F])) def get[F[_] : Monad, S, E]: TaskMT[F, S, E, S] = TaskMT(s =>[E].pure[F])) def set[F[_] : Monad, S, E](s: S): TaskMT[F, S, E, Unit] = TaskMT.fromKleisli(Kleisli(ref => { ref.write(s).map(_.asRight[E].pure[F]) })) def local[F[_], S, E, A](fa: TaskMT[F, S, E, A]): TaskMT[F, S, E, A] = { TaskMT.fromKleisli(Kleisli((ref: EvalRef[S]) => { val newRef = ref.copy() })) } def id[F[_], S, E, A](fa: TaskMT[F, S, E, A]): TaskMT[F, S, E, A] = fa def inspect[F[_] : Monad, S, E, A](f: S => A): TaskMT[F, S, E, A] = get[F, S, E].map(f) def inspectFlat[F[_] : Monad, S, E, A](f: S => TaskMT[F, S, E, A])(implicit m: Monad[EvalF[F, ?]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, A] = get[F, S, E].flatMap(f) def modify[F[_] : Monad, S, E](f: S => S)(implicit m: Monad[EvalF[F, ?]]): TaskMT[F, S, E, Unit] = get[F, S, E].flatMap(f andThen set[F, S, E]) }
Example 14
Source File: ConditionalLoggerSpec.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin.extras.loggers import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.mtl.instances.all._ import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.order._ import io.odin.loggers.{DefaultLogger, HasContext} import io.odin.syntax._ import io.odin.extras.syntax._ import io.odin.{Level, LoggerMessage, OdinSpec} import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.schedulers.TestScheduler class ConditionalLoggerSpec extends OdinSpec { implicit private val scheduler: TestScheduler = TestScheduler() type F[A] = Kleisli[Task, Map[String, String], A] case class RefLogger(ref: Ref[F, List[LoggerMessage]]) extends DefaultLogger[F] { def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = ref.update(_ :+ msg) } implicit private val hasContext: HasContext[Map[String, String]] = (env: Map[String, String]) => env it should "use log level of the inner logger in case of success" in { forAll { (messages: List[LoggerMessage], ctx: Map[String, String]) => val fa = for { ref <- Ref.of[F, List[LoggerMessage]](List.empty) _ <- RefLogger(ref) .withMinimalLevel(Level.Info) .withContext .withErrorLevel(Level.Debug)(logger => logger.log(messages)) written <- ref.get } yield written val written = val expected = messages.filter(_.level >= Level.Info).map(m => m.copy(context = m.context ++ ctx)) written shouldBe expected } } it should "use log level of the conditional logger in case of error" in { forAll { (messages: List[LoggerMessage], ctx: Map[String, String]) => val error = new RuntimeException("Boom") val fa = for { ref <- Ref.of[F, List[LoggerMessage]](List.empty) attempt <- RefLogger(ref) .withMinimalLevel(Level.Info) .withContext .withErrorLevel(Level.Debug)(logger => logger.log(messages) >> Sync[F].raiseError[Unit](error)) .attempt written <- ref.get } yield (attempt, written) val (attempt, written) = val expected = messages.filter(_.level >= Level.Debug).map(m => m.copy(context = m.context ++ ctx)) attempt shouldBe Left(error) written shouldBe expected } } }
Example 15
Source File: ExampleApp.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.tapir import caliban.interop.tapir._ import caliban.tapir.Endpoints._ import caliban.{ GraphQL, Http4sAdapter } import import cats.effect.Blocker import org.http4s.StaticFile import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.server.middleware.CORS import sttp.tapir.server.ServerEndpoint import zio._ import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.interop.catz._ import zio.interop.catz.implicits._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object ExampleApp extends CatsApp { // approach 1: using `Endpoint` and providing the logic val graphql: GraphQL[Any] = addBook.toGraphQL((bookAddLogic _).tupled) |+| deleteBook.toGraphQL((bookDeleteLogic _).tupled) |+| booksListing.toGraphQL((bookListingLogic _).tupled) // approach 2: using the `ServerEndpoint` where logic is already provided type MyIO[+A] = IO[String, A] val addBookEndpoint: ServerEndpoint[(Book, String), String, Unit, Nothing, MyIO] = addBook.serverLogic[MyIO] { case (book, token) => bookAddLogic(book, token).either } val deleteBookEndpoint: ServerEndpoint[(String, String), String, Unit, Nothing, MyIO] = deleteBook.serverLogic[MyIO] { case (title, token) => bookDeleteLogic(title, token).either } val booksListingEndpoint: ServerEndpoint[(Option[Int], Option[Int]), Nothing, List[Book], Nothing, UIO] = booksListing.serverLogic[UIO] { case (year, limit) => bookListingLogic(year, limit).map(Right(_)) } val graphql2: GraphQL[Any] = addBookEndpoint.toGraphQL |+| deleteBookEndpoint.toGraphQL |+| booksListingEndpoint.toGraphQL override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = (for { blocker <- ZIO.access[Blocking](_.get.blockingExecutor.asEC).map(Blocker.liftExecutionContext) interpreter <- graphql.interpreter _ <- BlazeServerBuilder[Task]( .bindHttp(8088, "localhost") .withHttpApp( Router[Task]( "/api/graphql" -> CORS(Http4sAdapter.makeHttpService(interpreter)), "/graphiql" -> Kleisli.liftF(StaticFile.fromResource("/graphiql.html", blocker, None)) ).orNotFound ) .resource .toManaged .useForever } yield ()).exitCode }
Example 16
Source File: FederatedApp.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.federation import caliban.Http4sAdapter import caliban.federation.FederationData.characters.sampleCharacters import caliban.federation.FederationData.episodes.sampleEpisodes import import cats.effect.Blocker import org.http4s.StaticFile import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.server.middleware.CORS import zio._ import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.interop.catz._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object FederatedApp extends CatsApp { type ExampleTask[A] = RIO[ZEnv, A] val service1 = CharacterService .make(sampleCharacters) .memoize .use(layer => for { blocker <- ZIO.access[Blocking](_.get.blockingExecutor.asEC).map(Blocker.liftExecutionContext) interpreter <- _ <- BlazeServerBuilder[ExampleTask]( .bindHttp(8089, "localhost") .withHttpApp( Router[ExampleTask]( "/api/graphql" -> CORS(Http4sAdapter.makeHttpService(interpreter)), "/graphiql" -> Kleisli.liftF(StaticFile.fromResource("/graphiql.html", blocker, None)) ).orNotFound ) .resource .toManaged .useForever } yield () ) val service2 = EpisodeService .make(sampleEpisodes) .memoize .use(layer => for { blocker <- ZIO.access[Blocking](_.get.blockingExecutor.asEC).map(Blocker.liftExecutionContext) interpreter <- _ <- BlazeServerBuilder[ExampleTask]( .bindHttp(8088, "localhost") .withHttpApp( Router[ExampleTask]( "/api/graphql" -> CORS(Http4sAdapter.makeHttpService(interpreter)), "/graphiql" -> Kleisli.liftF(StaticFile.fromResource("/graphiql.html", blocker, None)) ).orNotFound ) .resource .toManaged .useForever } yield () ) override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = (service1 race service2).exitCode }
Example 17
Source File: CartRoutesSpec.scala From pfps-shopping-cart with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shop.http.routes.secured import import cats.effect._ import java.util.UUID import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.Method._ import import org.http4s.server.AuthMiddleware import shop.algebras.ShoppingCart import shop.arbitraries._ import shop.domain.auth._ import shop.domain.cart._ import shop.domain.item._ import shop.http.auth.users._ import shop.http.json._ import import suite._ class CartRoutesSpec extends HttpTestSuite { val authUser = CommonUser(User(UserId(UUID.randomUUID), UserName("user"))) val authMiddleware: AuthMiddleware[IO, CommonUser] = AuthMiddleware(Kleisli.pure(authUser)) def dataCart(cartTotal: CartTotal) = new TestShoppingCart { override def get(userId: UserId): IO[CartTotal] = IO.pure(cartTotal) } test("GET shopping cart [OK]") { forAll { (ct: CartTotal) => IOAssertion { GET(Uri.uri("/cart")).flatMap { req => val routes = new CartRoutes[IO](dataCart(ct)).routes(authMiddleware) assertHttp(routes, req)(Status.Ok, ct) } } } } test("POST add item to shopping cart [OK]") { forAll { (c: Cart) => IOAssertion { POST(c, Uri.uri("/cart")).flatMap { req => val routes = new CartRoutes[IO](new TestShoppingCart).routes(authMiddleware) assertHttpStatus(routes, req)(Status.Created) } } } } } protected class TestShoppingCart extends ShoppingCart[IO] { def add(userId: UserId, itemId: ItemId, quantity: Quantity): IO[Unit] = IO.unit def get(userId: UserId): IO[CartTotal] = IO.pure(CartTotal(List.empty, USD(0))) def delete(userId: UserId): IO[Unit] = IO.unit def removeItem(userId: UserId, itemId: ItemId): IO[Unit] = IO.unit def update(userId: UserId, cart: Cart): IO[Unit] = IO.unit }
Example 18
Source File: KleisliExamples.scala From scala_typeclassopedia with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
package examples import import cats.implicits._ object KleisliExamples extends App { val twice: Int => Int = _ * 2 val countCats: Int => String = x => if(x ==1) "1 cat" else s"$x cats" val twiceAsManyCats = twice andThen countCats println(twiceAsManyCats(1)) val parse: String => Option[Int] = s => try { Some(s.toInt) } catch { case _: NumberFormatException => None } val reciprocal: Int => Option[Double] = i => if (i != 0) Some(1.0 / i) else None val parseKleisli = Kleisli(parse) val reciprocalKleisli = Kleisli(reciprocal) val parseAndReciprocal = reciprocalKleisli.compose(parseKleisli) val parseAndReciprocal2 = parseKleisli.andThen(reciprocalKleisli) println(parseAndReciprocal("10")) println(parseAndReciprocal2("10")) }
Example 19
Source File: Trees.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.gitdata import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.Auth import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.GithubMedia._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.RequestConstructor import object Trees { def createTree[F[_]: Sync]( owner: String, repo: String, createTree: CreateTree, auth: Auth ): Kleisli[F, Client[F], Tree] = RequestConstructor.runRequestWithBody[F, CreateTree, Tree]( auth.some, Method.POST, uri"repos" / owner / repo / "git" / "trees", createTree ) }
Example 20
Source File: Commits.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.gitdata import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.Auth import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.GithubMedia._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.RequestConstructor import def createCommit[F[_]: Sync]( owner: String, repo: String, createCommit: CreateCommit, auth: Auth ): Kleisli[F, Client[F], GitCommit] = RequestConstructor.runRequestWithBody[F, CreateCommit, GitCommit]( auth.some, Method.POST, uri"repos" / owner / repo / "git" / "commits", createCommit ) }
Example 21
Source File: Blobs.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.gitdata import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.Auth import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.GithubMedia._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.RequestConstructor import object Blobs { def createBlob[F[_]: Sync]( owner: String, repo: String, createBlob: CreateBlob, auth: Auth ): Kleisli[F, Client[F], NewBlob] = RequestConstructor.runRequestWithBody[F, CreateBlob, NewBlob]( auth.some, Method.POST, uri"repos" / owner / repo / "git" / "blobs", createBlob ) }
Example 22
Source File: Tags.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.gitdata import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.Auth import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.GithubMedia._ import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.RequestConstructor import object Tags { def createTagFull[F[_]: Sync]( owner: String, repo: String, createTag: CreateTag, auth: Auth ): Kleisli[F, Client[F], (GitTag, GitReference)] = for { tag <- Tags.createTag[F]( owner, repo, createTag, auth ) ref <- References.createReference[F]( owner, repo, CreateReference( "refs/tags/" |+| createTag.tag, createTag.objectSha ), auth ) } yield (tag, ref) }
Example 23
Source File: PaginatedJsonFiles.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.utils import import cats.effect._ import io.circe.Json import org.http4s._ import import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.circe._ trait PaginatedJsonFiles extends JsonFiles with Paginate { def baseUri: Uri def pageFileName: Int => String def extractRequest: PartialFunction[Request[IO], Request[IO]] def paginatedEndpoint(numPages: Int): Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], Response[IO]] = HttpRoutes.of[IO] { extractRequest.andThen { request => val page: Int = getCurrentPage(request) (for { jsonContent <- pages(numPages).get(page) linkHeader <- links(numPages).get(page) } yield Ok(jsonContent).map(_.putHeaders(linkHeader))) .getOrElse { NotFound(s"Page does not exist: $page") } } }.orNotFound private def pages(numPages: Int): Map[Int, Json] = getPageContents(numPages, pageFileName) private def links(numPages: Int): Map[Int, Header] = paginate(baseUri, numPages) }
Example 24
Source File: Http4sServerTests.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.server.http4s import{Kleisli, NonEmptyList} import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.syntax.kleisli._ import org.http4s.{EntityBody, HttpRoutes, Request, Response} import sttp.tapir.server.tests.ServerTests import sttp.tapir.Endpoint import sttp.tapir._ import sttp.client._ import sttp.tapir.server.{DecodeFailureHandler, ServerDefaults, ServerEndpoint} import sttp.tapir.tests.{Port, PortCounter} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.reflect.ClassTag class Http4sServerTests extends ServerTests[IO, EntityBody[IO], HttpRoutes[IO]] { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) override def pureResult[T](t: T): IO[T] = IO.pure(t) override def suspendResult[T](t: => T): IO[T] = IO.apply(t) override def route[I, E, O]( e: ServerEndpoint[I, E, O, EntityBody[IO], IO], decodeFailureHandler: Option[DecodeFailureHandler] = None ): HttpRoutes[IO] = { implicit val serverOptions: Http4sServerOptions[IO] = Http4sServerOptions .default[IO] .copy( decodeFailureHandler = decodeFailureHandler.getOrElse(ServerDefaults.decodeFailureHandler) ) e.toRoutes } override def routeRecoverErrors[I, E <: Throwable, O](e: Endpoint[I, E, O, EntityBody[IO]], fn: I => IO[O])(implicit eClassTag: ClassTag[E] ): HttpRoutes[IO] = { e.toRouteRecoverErrors(fn) } override def server(routes: NonEmptyList[HttpRoutes[IO]], port: Port): Resource[IO, Unit] = { val service: Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], Response[IO]] = routes.reduceK.orNotFound BlazeServerBuilder[IO]( .bindHttp(port, "localhost") .withHttpApp(service) .resource .void } override lazy val portCounter: PortCounter = new PortCounter(56000) if (testNameFilter.isEmpty) { test("should work with a router and routes in a context") { val e ="test" / "router").out(stringBody).serverLogic(_ => IO.pure("ok".asRight[Unit])) val routes = e.toRoutes val port = BlazeServerBuilder[IO]( .bindHttp(port, "localhost") .withHttpApp(Router("/api" -> routes).orNotFound) .resource .use { _ => basicRequest.get(uri"http://localhost:$port/api/test/router").send().map(_.body shouldBe Right("ok")) } .unsafeRunSync() } } }
Example 25
Source File: CorrelationIdMiddleware.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.http4s.server.middleware import java.util.UUID import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.avast.sst.http4s.server.middleware.CorrelationIdMiddleware.CorrelationId import io.chrisdavenport.vault.Key import org.http4s.util.CaseInsensitiveString import org.http4s.{Header, HttpRoutes, Request, Response} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory class CorrelationIdMiddleware[F[_]: Sync]( correlationIdHeaderName: CaseInsensitiveString, attributeKey: Key[CorrelationId], generator: () => String ) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private val F = Sync[F] def wrap(routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli[OptionT[F, *], Request[F], Response[F]] { request => request.headers.get(correlationIdHeaderName) match { case Some(header) => val requestWithAttribute = request.withAttribute(attributeKey, CorrelationId(header.value)) routes(requestWithAttribute).map(r => r.withHeaders(r.headers.put(header))) case None => for { newCorrelationId <- OptionT.liftF(F.delay(generator())) _ <- log(newCorrelationId) requestWithAttribute = request.withAttribute(attributeKey, CorrelationId(newCorrelationId)) response <- routes(requestWithAttribute) } yield response.withHeaders(response.headers.put(Header(correlationIdHeaderName.value, newCorrelationId))) } } def retrieveCorrelationId(request: Request[F]): Option[CorrelationId] = request.attributes.lookup(attributeKey) private def log(newCorrelationId: String) = { OptionT.liftF { F.delay { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(s"Generated new correlation ID: $newCorrelationId") } } } } } object CorrelationIdMiddleware { final case class CorrelationId(value: String) extends AnyVal @SuppressWarnings(Array("scalafix:Disable.toString")) def default[F[_]: Sync]: F[CorrelationIdMiddleware[F]] = { Key.newKey[F, CorrelationId].map { attributeKey => new CorrelationIdMiddleware(CaseInsensitiveString("Correlation-ID"), attributeKey, () => UUID.randomUUID().toString) } } }
Example 26
Source File: Kleislis.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import scala.concurrent.Future import _root_.redis.{ Cursor, ByteStringDeserializer => Deserializer, ByteStringSerializer => Serializer } import _root_.redis.commands.{ Keys => KeyCommands, Server => ServerCommands, Strings => StringCommands } private[rediscala] trait StringCommandsCont { def append[Key, Value](key: Key, value: Value)( implicit format: Format[Key], writer: Serializer[Value] ): Ops[Future, Long] = Kleisli((client: StringCommands) => client.append(format(key), value)) def get[Key, Value](key: Key)( implicit format: Format[Key], writer: Deserializer[Value] ): Ops[Future, Option[Value]] = Kleisli((client: StringCommands) => client.get[Value](format(key))) def set[Key: Format, Value: Serializer](key: Key, value: Value): Ops[Future, Boolean] = Kleisli((client: StringCommands) => client.set(key, value)) def mset[Key, Value: Serializer](keyValues: Map[Key, Value])( implicit format: Format[Key]): Ops[Future, Boolean] = { val b = { case (k, v) => (format(k), v) } Kleisli((client: StringCommands) => client.mset(b)) } def setnx[Key: Format, Value: Serializer](key: Key, value: Value): Ops[Future, Boolean] = Kleisli((client: StringCommands) => client.setnx(key, value)) def setxx[Key: Format, Value: Serializer](key: Key, value: Value): Ops[Future, Boolean] = Kleisli((client: StringCommands) => client.set(key, value, XX = true)) } private[rediscala] trait KeyCommandsCont { def del[Key](keys: List[Key])(implicit format: Format[Key]): Ops[Future, Long] = Kleisli((client: KeyCommands) => client.del( _*)) def exists[Key](key: Key)(implicit format: Format[Key]): Ops[Future, Boolean] = Kleisli((client: KeyCommands) => client.exists(format(key))) def keys[Key]: Ops[Future, Seq[String]] = Kleisli((client: KeyCommands) => client.keys("*")) def scan[Key]: Ops[Future, Cursor[Seq[String]]] = Kleisli((client: KeyCommands) => client.scan(0, Option(1), None)) } private[rediscala] trait ServerCommandsCont { def flushDB: Ops[Future, Boolean] = Kleisli((client: ServerCommands) => client.flushdb) } private[rediscala] object RediscalaCont extends StringCommandsCont with KeyCommandsCont with ServerCommandsCont
Example 27
Source File: PeerSelector.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.core.peer import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import jbok.common.math.N import jbok.core.messages.SignedTransactions import jbok.core.models.Block import scala.util.Random object PeerSelector { type PeerSelector[F[_]] = Kleisli[F, List[Peer[F]], List[Peer[F]]] def apply[F[_]](run: List[Peer[F]] => F[List[Peer[F]]]): PeerSelector[F] = Kleisli(run) def all[F[_]: Sync]: PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector(Sync[F].pure) def except[F[_]: Sync](peer: Peer[F]): PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector(_.filterNot(_ == peer).pure[F]) def one[F[_]: Sync](peer: Peer[F]): PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector(_ => Sync[F].pure(List(peer))) def many[F[_]: Sync](list: List[Peer[F]]): PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector(_ => Sync[F].pure(list)) def withoutBlock[F[_]: Sync](block: Block): PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector { peers => peers .traverse[F, Option[Peer[F]]] { peer => peer.hasBlock(block.header.hash).map { case true => None case false => Some(peer) } } .map(_.flatten) } def withoutTxs[F[_]: Sync](stxs: SignedTransactions): PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector { peers => peers .traverse[F, Option[Peer[F]]] { peer => peer.hasTxs(stxs).map { case true => None case false => Some(peer) } } .map(_.flatten) } def bestPeer[F[_]: Sync](minTD: N): PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector { peers => peers .traverse(p => => td -> p)) .map(_.filter(_._1 > minTD).sortBy(-_._1).map(_._2)) } def randomSelectSqrt[F[_]: Sync](min: Int): PeerSelector[F] = PeerSelector { peers => val numberOfPeersToSend = math.max(math.sqrt(peers.size).toInt, min) Sync[F].pure(Random.shuffle(peers).take(numberOfPeersToSend)) } }
Example 28
Source File: Server.scala From zio-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.metrics.dropwizard import scala.util.Properties.envOrNone import import org.http4s.server.blaze._ import org.http4s.{ Request, Response } import zio.{ RIO, ZIO } import zio.system.System import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.interop.catz._ import io.circe.Json import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.impl.Root import import org.http4s.{ HttpRoutes, Response } import zio.RIO import zio.interop.catz._ import zio.metrics.dropwizard.typeclasses._ import zio.metrics.dropwizard.DropwizardExtractor._ import cats.instances.list._ import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry object Server { val port: Int = envOrNone("HTTP_PORT").fold(9090)(_.toInt) type HttpEnvironment = Clock with Console with System with Random with Blocking type HttpTask[A] = RIO[HttpEnvironment, A] type KleisliApp = Kleisli[HttpTask, Request[HttpTask], Response[HttpTask]] //type HttpApp[R <: Registry] = R => KleisliApp def builder[Ctx]: KleisliApp => HttpTask[Unit] = (app: KleisliApp) => ZIO .runtime[HttpEnvironment] .flatMap { implicit rts => BlazeServerBuilder[HttpTask] .bindHttp(port) .withHttpApp(app) .serve .compile .drain } def serveMetrics: MetricRegistry => HttpRoutes[Server.HttpTask] = registry => HttpRoutes.of[Server.HttpTask] { case GET -> Root / filter => { println(s"filter: $filter") val optFilter = if (filter == "ALL") None else Some(filter) RegistryPrinter .report[List, Json](registry, optFilter)( (k: String, v: Json) => Json.obj((k, v)) ) .map(m => Response[Server.HttpTask](Ok).withEntity(m)) } } }
Example 29
Source File: modelDecoding.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.tauri.seals package core import cats.{ Monad, Eval } import import cats.implicits._ final object ModelDecoding { sealed abstract class Proc[F[_], S] extends Monad[F] { def get: F[S] def set(s: S): F[Unit] def raise[A](err: String): F[A] def force[A](proc: F[A], s: S): Either[String, A] def forceAS[A](proc: F[A], s: S): (S, Either[String, A]) } sealed abstract class Api { type F[S, A] implicit def procInstance[S]: Proc[F[S, ?], S] } val Api: Api = Impl type Error = String final case class DecodingError(err: Error) extends Exception(sh"error while decoding model: ${err}") private final object Impl extends Api { override type F[S, A] = Kleisli[Eval, LocRef[S], A] implicit override def procInstance[S]: Proc[F[S, ?], S] = { new Proc[F[S, ?], S] { override def pure[A](x: A) = Kleisli.pure(x) override def flatMap[A, B](fa: Kleisli[Eval, LocRef[S], A])( f: A => Kleisli[Eval, LocRef[S], B] ) = fa.flatMap(f) override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => F[S, Either[A, B]]): F[S, B] = Kleisli.catsDataMonadForKleisli[Eval, LocRef[S]].tailRecM(a)(f) override def raise[A](err: String) = Kleisli { _ => Eval.always(throw new DecodingError(err)) } override def get = Kleisli { ref => ref.get } override def set(s: S) = Kleisli { ref => ref.set(s) } override def force[A](proc: F[S, A], s: S): Either[String, A] = { try Right( LocRef[S](s)).value) catch { case DecodingError(err) => Left(err) } } override def forceAS[A](proc: F[S, A], s: S): (S, Either[String, A]) = { val ref = new LocRef[S](s) val res = try { Right( } catch { case DecodingError(err) => Left(err) } (ref.get.value, res) } } } } private final class LocRef[A](private[this] var value: A) { def get: Eval[A] = Eval.always(this.value) def set(a: A): Eval[Unit] = Eval.always(this.value = a) } }
Example 30
Source File: SecuredRequestHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authentication import cats.ApplicativeError import cats.MonadError import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.syntax.all._ import org.http4s._ import org.log4s._ import tsec.authorization._ sealed abstract class SecuredRequestHandler[F[_], Identity, User, Auth]( val authenticator: Authenticator[F, Identity, User, Auth] )(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable], ME: MonadError[Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], ?], Throwable]) { private[this] val cachedUnauthorized: Response[F] = Response[F](Status.Unauthorized) private[this] val defaultNotAuthenticated: Request[F] => F[Response[F]] = _ => F.pure(cachedUnauthorized) private[tsec] def default[F[_], Identity, User, Auth]( authenticator: Authenticator[F, Identity, User, Auth] )(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]): SecuredRequestHandler[F, Identity, User, Auth] = new SecuredRequestHandler[F, Identity, User, Auth](authenticator) {} }
Example 31
Source File: KamonSupport.scala From kamon-http4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package kamon.http4s package middleware.server import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.{Resource, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import kamon.Kamon import kamon.context.Storage import kamon.instrumentation.http.HttpServerInstrumentation.RequestHandler import kamon.instrumentation.http.HttpServerInstrumentation import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Request, Response} object KamonSupport { def apply[F[_]: Sync](service: HttpRoutes[F], interface: String, port: Int): HttpRoutes[F] = { val httpServerConfig = Kamon.config().getConfig("kamon.instrumentation.http4s.server") val instrumentation = HttpServerInstrumentation.from(httpServerConfig, "http4s.server", interface, port) Kleisli(kamonService[F](service, instrumentation)(_)) } private def kamonService[F[_]](service: HttpRoutes[F], instrumentation: HttpServerInstrumentation) (request: Request[F]) (implicit F: Sync[F]): OptionT[F, Response[F]] = OptionT { getHandler(instrumentation)(request).use { handler => for { resOrUnhandled <- service(request).value.attempt respWithContext <- kamonServiceHandler(handler, resOrUnhandled, instrumentation.settings) } yield respWithContext } } private def processRequest[F[_]](requestHandler: RequestHandler)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Resource[F, RequestHandler] = Resource.make(F.delay(requestHandler.requestReceived()))(h => F.delay(h.responseSent())) private def withContext[F[_]](requestHandler: RequestHandler)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Resource[F, Storage.Scope] = Resource.make(F.delay(Kamon.storeContext(requestHandler.context)))( scope => F.delay(scope.close())) private def getHandler[F[_]](instrumentation: HttpServerInstrumentation)(request: Request[F])(implicit F: Sync[F]): Resource[F, RequestHandler] = for { handler <- Resource.liftF(F.delay(instrumentation.createHandler(buildRequestMessage(request)))) _ <- processRequest(handler) _ <- withContext(handler) } yield handler private def kamonServiceHandler[F[_]](requestHandler: RequestHandler, e: Either[Throwable, Option[Response[F]]], settings: HttpServerInstrumentation.Settings) (implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Option[Response[F]]] = e match { case Left(e) => F.delay { Some(requestHandler.buildResponse(errorResponseBuilder, requestHandler.context)) } *> F.raiseError(e) case Right(None) => F.delay { val response: Response[F] = requestHandler.buildResponse[Response[F]]( notFoundResponseBuilder, requestHandler.context ) Some(response) } case Right(Some(response)) => F.delay { val a = requestHandler.buildResponse(getResponseBuilder(response), requestHandler.context) Some(a) } } }
Example 32
Source File: StaticResources.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import import cats.effect.IO import org.http4s.CacheDirective.{`max-age`, `public`} import org.http4s.HttpService import org.http4s.Status.Successful import org.http4s.headers.`Cache-Control` import org.http4s.server.staticcontent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ object StaticResources { def apply(): HttpService[IO] = Kleisli.apply(request => { val resources = resourceService[IO](ResourceService.Config(basePath = "")) val response = if (request.uri.path.endsWith("/")) resources(request.withUri(request.uri.withPath(request.uri.path + "index.html"))) else resources(request) { case Successful(resp) => resp.putHeaders(`Cache-Control`(`public`, `max-age`(Duration(365, DAYS)))) case resp => resp } }) }
Example 33
Source File: HttpUploadTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.client import import bad.robot.temperature.rrd.{Host, Seconds} import bad.robot.temperature.{IpAddress, Measurement, SensorReading, Temperature, UnexpectedError, jsonEncoder} import import cats.effect.IO import org.http4s.Method.PUT import org.http4s.client.{DisposableResponse, Client => Http4sClient} import import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, Request} import org.specs2.matcher.DisjunctionMatchers._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class HttpUploadTest extends Specification { "Ip address pre-check" >> { IpAddress.currentIpAddress.size must be_>(0) } "Encode a measurement for the wire" >> { def encodeMessageViaEntityEncoder(measurement: Measurement): String = { implicit val encoder = jsonEncoder[Measurement] val request: IO[Request[IO]] = Request(PUT).withBody(measurement) EntityDecoder.decodeString(request.unsafeRunSync()).unsafeRunSync() } val measurement = Measurement(Host("example"), Seconds(1509221361), List(SensorReading("28-0115910f5eff", Temperature(19.75)))) encodeMessageViaEntityEncoder(measurement) must_== """|{ | "host" : { | "name" : "example", | "utcOffset" : null, | "timezone" : null | }, | "seconds" : 1509221361, | "sensors" : [ | { | "name" : "28-0115910f5eff", | "temperature" : { | "celsius" : 19.75 | } | } | ] |}""".stripMargin } "Error response from server" >> { val measurement = Measurement(Host("example"), Seconds(1509221361), List(SensorReading("28-0115910f5eff", Temperature(19.75)))) val error = InternalServerError("I'm an error").map(DisposableResponse(_, IO.pure(()))) val willError: Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], DisposableResponse[IO]] = new Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], DisposableResponse[IO]](_ => error) val client = Http4sClient[IO](willError, IO.pure(())) val upload = HttpUpload(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress, client) val value = upload.write(measurement) value must be_-\/.like { case UnexpectedError("""Failed to PUT temperature data to, response was 500 Internal Server Error: Right(I'm an error)""") => ok } } "Request has headers" >> { val measurement = Measurement(Host("example"), Seconds(1509221361), List(SensorReading("28-0115910f5eff", Temperature(19.75)))) var headers = List[String]() val client = Http4sClient[IO](new Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], DisposableResponse[IO]](request => { headers = Ok().map(DisposableResponse(_, IO.pure(()))) }), IO.pure(())) val upload = HttpUpload(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress, client) upload.write(measurement) headers must_== List( "Content-Type", "X-Forwarded-For", "Content-Length" ) } }
Example 34
Source File: RestTemplateInterpreter.scala From hammock with MIT License | 5 votes |
package hammock package resttemplate import import cats._ import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect._ import org.springframework.http._ import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object RestTemplateInterpreter { def apply[F[_]](implicit F: InterpTrans[F]): InterpTrans[F] = F implicit def instance[F[_]: Sync]( implicit client: RestTemplate = new RestTemplate() ): InterpTrans[F] = new InterpTrans[F] { override def trans: HttpF ~> F = transK andThen λ[Kleisli[F, RestTemplate, *] ~> F]( } def transK[F[_]: Sync]: HttpF ~> Kleisli[F, RestTemplate, *] = { λ[HttpF ~> Kleisli[F, RestTemplate, *]] { case reqF @ (Get(_) | Delete(_) | Head(_) | Options(_) | Trace(_) | Post(_) | Put(_) | Patch(_)) => Kleisli { implicit client => for { req <- mapRequest[F](reqF) res <- execute[F](req) hammockResponse <- mapResponse[F](res) } yield hammockResponse } } } def mapRequest[F[_]: Sync](reqF: HttpF[HttpResponse]): F[RequestEntity[String]] = { def httpEntity: HttpEntity[String] = new HttpEntity([String](_.body,, Function.const(""))).orNull, new LinkedMultiValueMap[String, String](reqF.req.headers.mapValues(List(_).asJava).asJava) ) def requestEntity(httpMethod: HttpMethod): RequestEntity[String] = new RequestEntity[String](httpEntity.getBody, httpEntity.getHeaders, httpMethod, new URI( (reqF match { case Get(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.GET) case Delete(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.DELETE) case Head(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.HEAD) case Options(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.OPTIONS) case Post(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.POST) case Put(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.PUT) case Trace(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.TRACE) case Patch(_) => requestEntity(HttpMethod.PATCH) }).pure[F] } def execute[F[_]: Sync](rtRequest: RequestEntity[String])(implicit client: RestTemplate): F[ResponseEntity[String]] = Sync[F].delay {, classOf[String]) } def mapResponse[F[_]: Applicative](response: ResponseEntity[String]): F[HttpResponse] = { def createEntity(response: ResponseEntity[String]): Entity = response.getHeaders.getContentType match { case MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM => Entity.ByteArrayEntity(response.getBody.getBytes) case _ => Entity.StringEntity(response.getBody) } HttpResponse( Status.Statuses(response.getStatusCodeValue), response.getHeaders.toSingleValueMap.asScala.toMap, createEntity(response) ).pure[F] } }
Example 35
Source File: AsyncHttpClientInterpreter.scala From hammock with MIT License | 5 votes |
package hammock package asynchttpclient import cats._ import cats.implicits._ import import cats.effect._ import org.asynchttpclient._ import java.util.{concurrent => jc} import scala.util._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object AsyncHttpClientInterpreter { def apply[F[_]](implicit F: InterpTrans[F]): InterpTrans[F] = F implicit def instance[F[_]: Async]( implicit client: AsyncHttpClient = new DefaultAsyncHttpClient() ): InterpTrans[F] = new InterpTrans[F] { override def trans: HttpF ~> F = transK andThen λ[Kleisli[F, AsyncHttpClient, *] ~> F]( } def transK[F[_]: Async]: HttpF ~> Kleisli[F, AsyncHttpClient, *] = { def toF[A](future: jc.Future[A]): F[A] = Async[F].async(_(Try(future.get) match { case Failure(err) => Left(err) case Success(a) => Right(a) })) λ[HttpF ~> Kleisli[F, AsyncHttpClient, *]] { case reqF @ (Get(_) | Options(_) | Delete(_) | Head(_) | Options(_) | Trace(_) | Post(_) | Put(_) | Patch(_)) => Kleisli { implicit client => for { req <- mapRequest[F](reqF) ahcResponse <- toF(req.execute()) hammockResponse <- mapResponse[F](ahcResponse) } yield hammockResponse } } } def mapRequest[F[_]: Async](reqF: HttpF[HttpResponse])(implicit client: AsyncHttpClient): F[BoundRequestBuilder] = { def putHeaders(req: BoundRequestBuilder, headers: Map[String, String]): F[Unit] = Async[F].delay { req.setSingleHeaders( => kv._1.asInstanceOf[CharSequence] -> kv._2).asJava) } *> ().pure[F] def getBuilder(reqF: HttpF[HttpResponse]): BoundRequestBuilder = reqF match { case Get(_) => client.prepareGet( case Delete(_) => client.prepareDelete( case Head(_) => client.prepareHead( case Options(_) => client.prepareOptions( case Post(_) => client.preparePost( case Put(_) => client.preparePut( case Trace(_) => client.prepareTrace( case Patch(_) => client.preparePatch( } for { req <- getBuilder(reqF).pure[F] _ <- putHeaders(req, reqF.req.headers) _ = reqF.req.entity .foreach(_.cata(str => req.setBody(str.content), bytes => req.setBody(bytes.content), Function.const(()))) } yield req } def mapResponse[F[_]: Applicative](ahcResponse: Response): F[HttpResponse] = { def createEntity(r: Response): Entity = r.getContentType match { case AsyncHttpClientContentType.`application/octet-stream` => Entity.ByteArrayEntity(r.getResponseBodyAsBytes) case _ => Entity.StringEntity(r.getResponseBody) } HttpResponse( Status.Statuses(ahcResponse.getStatusCode), => (name, ahcResponse.getHeaders.get(name))).toMap, createEntity(ahcResponse) ).pure[F] } }
Example 36
Source File: algebras.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package freestyle.tagless import cats.Id import import freestyle.tagless.logging.LoggingM import scala.concurrent.Future object algebras { @tagless(true) trait NonLogging { def x: FS[Int] } implicit def nonLoggingFutureHandler: NonLogging.Handler[Future] = new NonLogging.Handler[Future] { def x: Future[Int] = Future.successful(1) } type TestAlgebra[A] = Kleisli[Id, String, A] implicit def nonLoggingTestAlgebraHandler: NonLogging.Handler[TestAlgebra] = new NonLogging.Handler[TestAlgebra] { def x: TestAlgebra[Int] = Kleisli.pure(1) } @module trait App { val nonLogging: NonLogging val loggingM: LoggingM } }
Example 37
Source File: algebras.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Id import import import scala.concurrent.Future object algebras { @free trait NonLogging { def x: FS[Int] } implicit def nonLoggingFutureHandler: NonLogging.Handler[Future] = new NonLogging.Handler[Future] { def x: Future[Int] = Future.successful(1) } type TestAlgebra[A] = Kleisli[Id, String, A] implicit def nonLoggingTestAlgebraHandler: NonLogging.Handler[TestAlgebra] = new NonLogging.Handler[TestAlgebra] { def x: TestAlgebra[Int] = Kleisli.pure(1) } @module trait App { val nonLogging: NonLogging val loggingM: LoggingM } val app = App[App.Op] }
Example 38
Source File: HmacAuthMiddleware.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.{Duration, Instant} import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import import org.http4s.headers.Authorization import org.http4s.util.CaseInsensitiveString import org.http4s.{AuthScheme, Credentials, HttpRoutes, Request, Response, Status} import tsec.mac.jca.{HMACSHA256, MacSigningKey} import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _} sealed abstract class HmacAuthError(val message: String) extends Exception(message) object HmacAuthError { case object NoAuthHeader extends HmacAuthError("Could not find an Authorization header") case object NoDatetimeHeader extends HmacAuthError("Could not find an X-Datetime header") case object BadMAC extends HmacAuthError("Bad MAC") case object InvalidMacFormat extends HmacAuthError("The MAC is not a valid Base64 string") case object InvalidDatetime extends HmacAuthError("The datetime is not a valid UTC datetime string") case object Timeout extends HmacAuthError("The request time window is closed") } object HmacAuthMiddleware { val defaultDuration: FiniteDuration = 5.minutes private def verifyFromHeader[F[_]]( req: Request[F], key: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256], duration: FiniteDuration ): Either[HmacAuthError, Unit] = for { authHeader <- req.headers .get(Authorization) .flatMap { t => t.credentials match { case Credentials.Token(scheme, token) if scheme == AuthScheme.Bearer => Some(token) case _ => None } } .toRight(HmacAuthError.NoAuthHeader) datetimeHeader <- req.headers .get(CaseInsensitiveString("X-Datetime")) .toRight(HmacAuthError.NoDatetimeHeader) instant <- HMAC.http.verifyFromHeader(, req.uri.renderString, datetimeHeader.value, authHeader, key ) _ <- Either.cond(, (), HmacAuthError.Timeout ) } yield () def apply[F[_]: Sync](key: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256], duration: FiniteDuration = defaultDuration)(routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req: Request[F] => verifyFromHeader(req, key, duration) match { case Left(error) => OptionT.some[F](Response[F](Status.Forbidden).withEntity(error.message)) case Right(_) => routes(req) } } }
Example 39
Source File: HttpErrorHandler.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.route import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.IO import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Request, Response} trait HttpErrorHandler { def handle(routes: HttpRoutes[IO]): HttpRoutes[IO] } object HttpErrorHandler { def apply(routes: HttpRoutes[IO])(handler: PartialFunction[Throwable, IO[Response[IO]]]): HttpRoutes[IO] = { Kleisli { req: Request[IO] => OptionT { { e => if (handler.isDefinedAt(e)) handler(e).map(Option(_)) else IO.raiseError(e) } } } } }
Example 40
Source File: AckerConsumerDemo.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.examples import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.config.declaration.{DeclarationExchangeConfig, DeclarationQueueConfig} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.interpreter.RabbitClient import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.json.Fs2JsonEncoder import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.AckResult.Ack import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.AmqpFieldValue.{LongVal, StringVal} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.ExchangeType.Topic import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._ import fs2._ class AckerConsumerDemo[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer](fs2Rabbit: RabbitClient[F]) { private val queueName = QueueName("testQ") private val exchangeName = ExchangeName("testEX") private val routingKey = RoutingKey("testRK") implicit val stringMessageEncoder = Kleisli[F, AmqpMessage[String], AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]](s => s.copy(payload = s.payload.getBytes(UTF_8)).pure[F]) def logPipe: Pipe[F, AmqpEnvelope[String], AckResult] = _.evalMap { amqpMsg => putStrLn(s"Consumed: $amqpMsg").as(Ack(amqpMsg.deliveryTag)) } val publishingFlag: PublishingFlag = PublishingFlag(mandatory = true) // Run when there's no consumer for the routing key specified by the publisher and the flag mandatory is true val publishingListener: PublishReturn => F[Unit] = pr => putStrLn(s"Publish listener: $pr") private val mkChannel = fs2Rabbit.createConnection.flatMap(fs2Rabbit.createChannel) val program: F[Unit] = mkChannel.use { implicit channel => for { _ <- fs2Rabbit.declareQueue(DeclarationQueueConfig.default(queueName)) _ <- fs2Rabbit.declareExchange(DeclarationExchangeConfig.default(exchangeName, Topic)) _ <- fs2Rabbit.bindQueue(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey) (acker, consumer) <- fs2Rabbit.createAckerConsumer[String](queueName) publisher <- fs2Rabbit.createPublisherWithListener[AmqpMessage[String]]( exchangeName, routingKey, publishingFlag, publishingListener ) _ <- new Flow[F, String](consumer, acker, logPipe, publisher).flow.compile.drain } yield () } } class Flow[F[_]: Concurrent, A]( consumer: Stream[F, AmqpEnvelope[A]], acker: AckResult => F[Unit], logger: Pipe[F, AmqpEnvelope[A], AckResult], publisher: AmqpMessage[String] => F[Unit] ) { import case class Address(number: Int, streetName: String) case class Person(id: Long, name: String, address: Address) private val jsonEncoder = new Fs2JsonEncoder import jsonEncoder.jsonEncode val jsonPipe: Pipe[Pure, AmqpMessage[Person], AmqpMessage[String]] =[Person]) val simpleMessage = AmqpMessage("Hey!", AmqpProperties(headers = Map("demoId" -> LongVal(123), "app" -> StringVal("fs2RabbitDemo")))) val classMessage = AmqpMessage(Person(1L, "Sherlock", Address(212, "Baker St")), AmqpProperties.empty) val flow: Stream[F, Unit] = Stream( Stream(simpleMessage).covary[F].evalMap(publisher), Stream(classMessage).covary[F].through(jsonPipe).evalMap(publisher), consumer.through(logger).evalMap(acker) ).parJoin(3) }
Example 41
Source File: AutoAckConsumerDemo.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.examples import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.config.declaration.DeclarationQueueConfig import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.interpreter.RabbitClient import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.json.Fs2JsonEncoder import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.AckResult.Ack import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.AmqpFieldValue.{LongVal, StringVal} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._ import fs2.{Pipe, Pure, Stream} import io.circe.Encoder class AutoAckConsumerDemo[F[_]: Concurrent](R: RabbitClient[F]) { private val queueName = QueueName("testQ") private val exchangeName = ExchangeName("testEX") private val routingKey = RoutingKey("testRK") implicit val stringMessageEncoder = Kleisli[F, AmqpMessage[String], AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]](s => s.copy(payload = s.payload.getBytes(UTF_8)).pure[F]) def logPipe: Pipe[F, AmqpEnvelope[String], AckResult] = _.evalMap { amqpMsg => putStrLn(s"Consumed: $amqpMsg").as(Ack(amqpMsg.deliveryTag)) } val program: F[Unit] = R.createConnectionChannel.use { implicit channel => for { _ <- R.declareQueue(DeclarationQueueConfig.default(queueName)) _ <- R.declareExchange(exchangeName, ExchangeType.Topic) _ <- R.bindQueue(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey) publisher <- R.createPublisher[AmqpMessage[String]](exchangeName, routingKey) consumer <- R.createAutoAckConsumer[String](queueName) _ <- new AutoAckFlow[F, String](consumer, logPipe, publisher).flow.compile.drain } yield () } } class AutoAckFlow[F[_]: Concurrent, A]( consumer: Stream[F, AmqpEnvelope[A]], logger: Pipe[F, AmqpEnvelope[A], AckResult], publisher: AmqpMessage[String] => F[Unit] ) { import case class Address(number: Int, streetName: String) case class Person(id: Long, name: String, address: Address) private def jsonEncoder = new Fs2JsonEncoder def encoderPipe[T: Encoder]: Pipe[F, AmqpMessage[T], AmqpMessage[String]] =[T]) val jsonPipe: Pipe[Pure, AmqpMessage[Person], AmqpMessage[String]] =[Person]) val simpleMessage = AmqpMessage("Hey!", AmqpProperties(headers = Map("demoId" -> LongVal(123), "app" -> StringVal("fs2RabbitDemo")))) val classMessage = AmqpMessage(Person(1L, "Sherlock", Address(212, "Baker St")), AmqpProperties.empty) val flow: Stream[F, Unit] = Stream( Stream(simpleMessage).covary[F].evalMap(publisher), Stream(classMessage).covary[F].through(encoderPipe[Person]).evalMap(publisher), consumer.through(logger).through(_.evalMap(putStrLn(_))) ).parJoin(3) }
Example 42
Source File: EnvelopeDecoder.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.effects import cats.{Applicative, ApplicativeError} import import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.{AmqpFieldValue, AmqpProperties, ExchangeName, RoutingKey} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model.AmqpFieldValue._ import cats.implicits._ object EnvelopeDecoder { def apply[F[_], A](implicit e: EnvelopeDecoder[F, A]): EnvelopeDecoder[F, A] = e def properties[F[_]: Applicative]: EnvelopeDecoder[F, AmqpProperties] = Kleisli(e =>[F]) def payload[F[_]: Applicative]: EnvelopeDecoder[F, Array[Byte]] = Kleisli(_.payload.pure[F]) def routingKey[F[_]: Applicative]: EnvelopeDecoder[F, RoutingKey] = Kleisli(e => e.routingKey.pure[F]) def exchangeName[F[_]: Applicative]: EnvelopeDecoder[F, ExchangeName] = Kleisli(e => e.exchangeName.pure[F]) def redelivered[F[_]: Applicative]: EnvelopeDecoder[F, Boolean] = Kleisli(e => e.redelivered.pure[F]) def header[F[_]](name: String)(implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]): EnvelopeDecoder[F, AmqpFieldValue] = Kleisli(e => F.catchNonFatal( def optHeader[F[_]: Applicative](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Option[AmqpFieldValue]] = Kleisli([F]) def stringHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, String] = headerPF[F, String](name) { case StringVal(a) => a } def intHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Int] = headerPF[F, Int](name) { case IntVal(a) => a } def longHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Long] = headerPF[F, Long](name) { case LongVal(a) => a } def arrayHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, collection.Seq[Any]] = headerPF[F, collection.Seq[Any]](name) { case ArrayVal(a) => a } def optStringHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Option[String]] = optHeaderPF[F, String](name) { case StringVal(a) => a } def optIntHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Option[Int]] = optHeaderPF[F, Int](name) { case IntVal(a) => a } def optLongHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]](name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Option[Long]] = optHeaderPF[F, Long](name) { case LongVal(a) => a } def optArrayHeader[F[_]: ApplicativeError[?[_], Throwable]]( name: String): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Option[collection.Seq[Any]]] = optHeaderPF[F, collection.Seq[Any]](name) { case ArrayVal(a) => a } private def headerPF[F[_], A](name: String)(pf: PartialFunction[AmqpFieldValue, A])( implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]): EnvelopeDecoder[F, A] = Kleisli { env => F.catchNonFatal(pf( } private def optHeaderPF[F[_], A](name: String)(pf: PartialFunction[AmqpFieldValue, A])( implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]): EnvelopeDecoder[F, Option[A]] = Kleisli( => F.catchNonFatal(pf(h)))) }
Example 43
Source File: ConversionResult.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.convert import import fs2.Stream import docspell.common.MimeType sealed trait ConversionResult[F[_]] { def pdfData: Stream[F, Byte] } object ConversionResult { type Handler[F[_], A] = Kleisli[F, ConversionResult[F], A] def unsupportedFormat[F[_]](mime: MimeType): ConversionResult[F] = UnsupportedFormat[F](mime) def failure[F[_]](ex: Throwable): ConversionResult[F] = Failure[F](ex) def successPdf[F[_]](pdf: Stream[F, Byte]): ConversionResult[F] = SuccessPdf[F](pdf) def successPdfTxt[F[_]](pdf: Stream[F, Byte], txt: F[String]): ConversionResult[F] = SuccessPdfTxt[F](pdf, txt) def inputMalformed[F[_]](mimeType: MimeType, reason: String): ConversionResult[F] = InputMalformed(mimeType, reason) case class UnsupportedFormat[F[_]](mime: MimeType) extends ConversionResult[F] { val pdfData = Stream.empty } case class Failure[F[_]](ex: Throwable) extends ConversionResult[F] { val pdfData = Stream.empty } case class SuccessPdf[F[_]](pdf: Stream[F, Byte]) extends ConversionResult[F] { val pdfData = pdf } case class SuccessPdfTxt[F[_]](pdf: Stream[F, Byte], txt: F[String]) extends ConversionResult[F] { val pdfData = pdf } case class InputMalformed[F[_]](mimeType: MimeType, reason: String) extends ConversionResult[F] { val pdfData = Stream.empty } }
Example 44
Source File: FileChecks.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.convert import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import import cats.effect.IO import fs2.{Pipe, Stream} import docspell.common.MimeType import docspell.convert.ConversionResult.Handler import docspell.files.TikaMimetype trait FileChecks { implicit class FileCheckOps(p: Path) { def isNonEmpty: Boolean = Files.exists(p) && Files.size(p) > 0 def isType(mime: MimeType): Boolean = TikaMimetype.detect[IO](p).map(_ == mime).unsafeRunSync def isPDF: Boolean = isType(MimeType.pdf) def isPlainText: Boolean = isType(MimeType.text("plain")) } def storeFile(file: Path): Pipe[IO, Byte, Path] = in => Stream.eval( => IO(Files.write(file, bytes)))) def storePdfHandler(file: Path): Handler[IO, Path] = storePdfTxtHandler(file, file.resolveSibling("unexpected.txt")).map(_._1) def storePdfTxtHandler(filePdf: Path, fileTxt: Path): Handler[IO, (Path, Path)] = Kleisli({ case ConversionResult.SuccessPdfTxt(pdf, txt) => for { pout <- pdf.through(storeFile(filePdf)).compile.lastOrError str <- txt tout <- IO(Files.write(fileTxt, str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) } yield (pout, tout) case ConversionResult.SuccessPdf(pdf) => pdf.through(storeFile(filePdf)) => (p, fileTxt)) case ConversionResult.Failure(ex) => throw new Exception(s"Unexpected result (failure: ${ex.getMessage})", ex) case cr => throw new Exception(s"Unexpected result: $cr") }) def commandExists(cmd: String): Boolean = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(Array("which", cmd)).waitFor() == 0 }
Example 45
Source File: Migration.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.joex.fts import cats.Traverse import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common._ import docspell.ftsclient._ import docspell.joex.Config import import{AddResult, Store} case class Migration[F[_]]( version: Int, engine: Ident, description: String, task: FtsWork[F] ) object Migration { def apply[F[_]: Effect]( cfg: Config.FullTextSearch, fts: FtsClient[F], store: Store[F], logger: Logger[F] ): Kleisli[F, List[Migration[F]], Unit] = { val ctx = FtsContext(cfg, store, fts, logger) Kleisli(migs => Traverse[List].sequence([F](ctx))).map(_ => ())) } def applySingle[F[_]: Effect](ctx: FtsContext[F])(m: Migration[F]): F[Unit] = { val insertRecord: F[Option[RFtsMigration]] = for { rec <- RFtsMigration.create(m.version, m.engine, m.description) res <- RFtsMigration.insert(rec), RFtsMigration.exists(m.version, m.engine) ) ret <- res match { case AddResult.Success => rec.some.pure[F] case AddResult.EntityExists(_) => None.pure[F] case AddResult.Failure(ex) => Effect[F].raiseError(ex) } } yield ret (for { _ <- OptionT.liftF("Apply ${m.version}/${m.description}")) rec <- OptionT(insertRecord) res <- OptionT.liftF( ret <- OptionT.liftF(res match { case Right(()) => ().pure[F] case Left(ex) => ctx.logger.error(ex)( s"Applying index migration ${m.version}/${m.description} failed" ) *> *> Effect[F] .raiseError[Unit]( ex ) }) } yield ret).getOrElseF("Migration ${m.version}/${m.description} already applied.") ) } }
Example 46
Source File: FtsWork.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.joex.fts import{Kleisli, NonEmptyList} import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.{ApplicativeError, FlatMap, Semigroup} import docspell.common._ import docspell.ftsclient._ import docspell.joex.Config import docspell.joex.scheduler.Context import{QAttachment, QItem} object FtsWork { def apply[F[_]](f: FtsContext[F] => F[Unit]): FtsWork[F] = Kleisli(f) def all[F[_]: FlatMap]( m0: FtsWork[F], mn: FtsWork[F]* ): FtsWork[F] = NonEmptyList.of(m0, mn: _*).reduce(semigroup[F]) implicit def semigroup[F[_]: FlatMap]: Semigroup[FtsWork[F]] = Semigroup.instance((mt1, mt2) => mt1.flatMap(_ => mt2)) // some tasks def log[F[_]](f: Logger[F] => F[Unit]): FtsWork[F] = FtsWork(ctx => f(ctx.logger)) def initialize[F[_]]: FtsWork[F] = FtsWork(_.fts.initialize) def clearIndex[F[_]](coll: Option[Ident]): FtsWork[F] = coll match { case Some(cid) => FtsWork(ctx => ctx.fts.clear(ctx.logger, cid)) case None => FtsWork(ctx => ctx.fts.clearAll(ctx.logger)) } def insertAll[F[_]: Effect](coll: Option[Ident]): FtsWork[F] = FtsWork .all( FtsWork(ctx => ctx.fts.indexData( ctx.logger, .transact( QAttachment .allAttachmentMetaAndName(coll, ctx.cfg.migration.indexAllChunk) ) .map(caa => TextData .attachment( caa.item,, caa.collective, caa.lang,, caa.content ) ) ) ), FtsWork(ctx => ctx.fts.indexData( ctx.logger, .transact(QItem.allNameAndNotes(coll, ctx.cfg.migration.indexAllChunk * 5)) .map(nn => TextData.item(, nn.collective, Option(, nn.notes)) ) ) ) object syntax { implicit final class FtsWorkOps[F[_]](mt: FtsWork[F]) { def ++(mn: FtsWork[F])(implicit ev: FlatMap[F]): FtsWork[F] = all(mt, mn) def recoverWith( other: FtsWork[F] )(implicit ev: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]): FtsWork[F] = Kleisli(ctx =>{ case _ => })) def forContext( cfg: Config.FullTextSearch, fts: FtsClient[F] ): Kleisli[F, Context[F, _], Unit] = mt.local(ctx => FtsContext(cfg, fts, ctx)) } } }
Example 47
Source File: Tracer.scala From http4s-tracer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.tracer import cats.Applicative import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.all._ import org.http4s.syntax.StringSyntax import org.http4s.{Header, HttpApp, Request} object Tracer extends StringSyntax { private[tracer] val DefaultTraceIdHeader = "Trace-Id" final case class TraceId(value: String) extends AnyVal { override def toString = s"[Trace-Id] - [$value]" } def apply[F[_]](implicit ev: Tracer[F]): Tracer[F] = ev def create[F[_]](headerName: String = DefaultTraceIdHeader): Tracer[F] = new Tracer[F](headerName) } class Tracer[F[_]] private (headerName: String) { import Trace._, Tracer._ def middleware( http: HttpApp[F], logRequest: Boolean = false, logResponse: Boolean = false )(implicit F: Sync[F], L: TracerLog[Trace[F, ?]]): HttpApp[F] = Kleisli { req => val createId: F[(Request[F], TraceId)] = for { id <- GenUUID.make[F] tr <- F.delay(req.putHeaders(Header(headerName, id.value))) } yield (tr, id) for { mi <- getTraceId(req) (tr, id) <- mi.fold(createId)(id => (req, id).pure[F]) _ <- if (logRequest)[Tracer[F]](s"$req").run(id) else F.unit rs <- http(tr).map(_.putHeaders(Header(headerName, id.value))) _ <- if (logResponse)[Tracer[F]](s"$rs").run(id) else F.unit } yield rs } def loggingMiddleware( http: HttpApp[F] )(implicit F: Sync[F], L: TracerLog[Trace[F, ?]]): HttpApp[F] = middleware(http, logRequest = true, logResponse = true) def getTraceId(request: Request[F])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[Option[TraceId]] = F.pure(request.headers.get( => TraceId(h.value))) }
Example 48
Source File: AuthTracedHttpRoute.scala From http4s-tracer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.tracer.auth import cats.Monad import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import dev.profunktor.tracer.Tracer import dev.profunktor.tracer.Tracer.TraceId import org.http4s.{AuthedRequest, AuthedRoutes, Response} object AuthTracedHttpRoute { case class AuthTracedRequest[F[_], T](traceId: TraceId, request: AuthedRequest[F, T]) def apply[T, F[_]: Monad: Tracer]( pf: PartialFunction[AuthTracedRequest[F, T], F[Response[F]]] ): AuthedRoutes[T, F] = Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], AuthedRequest[F, T], Response[F]] { req => OptionT { Tracer[F] .getTraceId(req.req) .map(x => AuthTracedRequest[F, T](x.getOrElse(TraceId("-")), req)) .flatMap { tr => val rs: OptionT[F, Response[F]] = pf.andThen(OptionT.liftF(_)).applyOrElse(tr, Function.const(OptionT.none)) rs.value } } } }
Example 49
Source File: TracedHttpRoute.scala From http4s-tracer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.tracer import cats.Monad import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import dev.profunktor.tracer.Tracer.TraceId import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Request, Response} object TracedHttpRoute { case class TracedRequest[F[_]](traceId: TraceId, request: Request[F]) def apply[F[_]: Monad: Tracer]( pf: PartialFunction[TracedRequest[F], F[Response[F]]] ): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], Response[F]] { req => OptionT { Tracer[F] .getTraceId(req) .map(x => TracedRequest[F](x.getOrElse(TraceId("-")), req)) .flatMap { tr => val rs: OptionT[F, Response[F]] = pf.andThen(OptionT.liftF(_)).applyOrElse(tr, Function.const(OptionT.none)) rs.value } } } }