Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: NatchezHttp4sModule.scala From skunk with MIT License | 8 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package natchez.http4s import cats.~> import{ Kleisli, OptionT } import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import natchez.{ EntryPoint, Kernel, Span } import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import natchez.Trace import natchez.Tags import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.http4s.Response import cats.effect.Resource import cats.Defer import natchez.TraceValue import cats.Monad object implicits { // Given an entry point and HTTP Routes in Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] return routes in F. A new span // is created with the URI path as the name, either as a continuation of the incoming trace, if // any, or as a new root. This can likely be simplified, I just did what the types were saying // and it works so :shrug: private def liftT[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]]( entryPoint: EntryPoint[F])( routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]] ): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req => type G[A] = Kleisli[F, Span[F], A] val lift = λ[F ~> G](fa => Kleisli(_ => fa)) val kernel = Kernel( => ( -> h.value)).toMap) val spanR = entryPoint.continueOrElseRoot(req.uri.path, kernel) OptionT { spanR.use { span => val lower = λ[G ~> F](_(span)) } } } implicit class EntryPointOps[F[_]](self: EntryPoint[F]) { private def dummySpan( implicit ev: Monad[F] ): Span[F] = new Span[F] { val kernel: F[Kernel] = Kernel(Map.empty).pure[F] def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] = Monad[F].unit def span(name: String): Resource[F, Span[F]] = Monad[Resource[F, ?]].pure(this) } def liftT(routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]])( implicit ev: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): HttpRoutes[F] = implicits.liftT(self)(routes) def natchezMiddleware[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]: Trace](routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req => val addRequestFields: F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.http.method(, Tags.http.url(req.uri.renderString) ) def addResponseFields(res: Response[F]): F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.http.status_code(res.status.code.toString) ) def addErrorFields(e: Throwable): F[Unit] = Trace[F].put( Tags.error(true), "error.message" -> e.getMessage, "error.stacktrace" -> e.getStackTrace.mkString("\n"), ) OptionT { routes(req).onError { case NonFatal(e) => OptionT.liftF(addRequestFields *> addErrorFields(e)) } .value.flatMap { case Some(handler) => addRequestFields *> addResponseFields(handler).as(handler.some) case None => Option.empty[Response[F]].pure[F] } } } }
Example 2
package tofu.concurrent.syntax import import cats.effect.Resource import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.{Functor, Monad} import tofu.BracketThrow import tofu.concurrent.impl.FocusedRef import tofu.optics.{Contains, PProperty} import tofu.syntax.monadic._ object ref { implicit final class TofuRefOps[F[_], A](private val self: Ref[F, A]) extends AnyVal { def focused[B](focus: A Contains B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Ref[F, B] = FocusedRef(self, focus) def optimisticModifyRes[B, X, R](prop: PProperty[A, A, R, X])(init: => Resource[F, X])(f: X => R)(implicit F: BracketThrow[F] ): F[R] = OptionT( init.use(x => self.modify(a => prop.downcast(a).fold((prop.set(a, x), f(x)))((a, _)))) ) } }
Example 3
Source File: CfpCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.api.published import import import gospeak.core.domain.{Cfp, CommonCfp, ExternalCfp} import{PublicExternalCfpRepo, PublicGroupRepo} import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.api.domain.ApiCfp import gospeak.web.api.domain.utils.ApiResult import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.utils.ApiCtrl import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} class CfpCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, groupRepo: PublicGroupRepo, externalCfpRepo: PublicExternalCfpRepo) extends ApiCtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) { def list(params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[Seq[ApiCfp.Published]] { implicit req => for { cfps <- externalCfpRepo.listIncoming(params) groups <- groupRepo.list(cfps.items.flatMap( } yield ApiResult.of(cfps, (cfp: CommonCfp) => ApiCfp.published(cfp, groups)) } def detail(cfp: Cfp.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[ApiCfp.Published] { implicit req => (for { cfpElt <- OptionT(externalCfpRepo.findCommon(cfp)) groups <- OptionT.liftF(groupRepo.list( res = ApiResult.of(ApiCfp.published(cfpElt, groups)) } yield res) } def detailExt(cfp: ExternalCfp.Id): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[ApiCfp.Published] { implicit req => (for { cfpElt <- OptionT(externalCfpRepo.findCommon(cfp)) groups <- OptionT.liftF(groupRepo.list( res = ApiResult.of(ApiCfp.published(cfpElt, groups)) } yield res) } }
Example 4
Source File: SpeakerCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.orga.speakers import import import gospeak.core.domain.{Group, User} import{OrgaEventRepo, OrgaGroupRepo, OrgaProposalRepo, OrgaUserRepo} import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.domain.Breadcrumb import gospeak.web.pages.orga.GroupCtrl import gospeak.web.pages.orga.speakers.SpeakerCtrl._ import gospeak.web.utils.{OrgaReq, UICtrl} import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} class SpeakerCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, userRepo: OrgaUserRepo, val groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, eventRepo: OrgaEventRepo, proposalRepo: OrgaProposalRepo) extends UICtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) with UICtrl.OrgaAction { def list(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => userRepo.speakers(params).map(speakers => Ok(html.list(speakers)(listBreadcrumb))) } def detail(group: Group.Slug, speaker: User.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => (for { speakerElt <- OptionT(userRepo.find(speaker)) proposals <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listFull(, params)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(proposals.items.flatMap(_.users))) userRatings <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listRatings( res = Ok(html.detail(speakerElt, proposals, speakers, userRatings)(breadcrumb(speakerElt))) } yield res), speaker))) } } object SpeakerCtrl { def listBreadcrumb(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = GroupCtrl.breadcrumb.add("Speakers" -> routes.SpeakerCtrl.list( def breadcrumb(speaker: User)(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = listBreadcrumb.add( -> routes.SpeakerCtrl.detail(, speaker.slug)) }
Example 5
Source File: CfpCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.orga.cfps import import cats.effect.IO import import gospeak.core.domain.utils.OrgaCtx import gospeak.core.domain.{Cfp, Event, Group} import import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.domain.Breadcrumb import gospeak.web.pages.orga.GroupCtrl import gospeak.web.pages.orga.cfps.CfpCtrl._ import{EventCtrl => EventRoutes} import gospeak.web.utils.{GsForms, OrgaReq, UICtrl} import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents, Result} class CfpCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, userRepo: OrgaUserRepo, val groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, cfpRepo: OrgaCfpRepo, eventRepo: OrgaEventRepo, proposalRepo: OrgaProposalRepo) extends UICtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) with UICtrl.OrgaAction { def list(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => val customParams = params.withNullsFirst cfpRepo.list(customParams).map(cfps => Ok(html.list(cfps)(listBreadcrumb))) // TODO listWithProposalCount } def create(group: Group.Slug, event: Option[Event.Slug]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => createView(group, GsForms.cfp, event) } def doCreate(group: Group.Slug, event: Option[Event.Slug]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => GsForms.cfp.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => createView(group, formWithErrors, event), data => (for { // TODO check if slug not already exist cfpElt <- OptionT.liftF(cfpRepo.create(data)) redirect <- OptionT.liftF( { e => eventRepo.attachCfp(e, .map(_ => Redirect(EventRoutes.detail(group, e))) // TODO recover and redirect to cfp detail }.getOrElse { IO.pure(Redirect(routes.CfpCtrl.detail(group, data.slug))) }) } yield redirect) ) } private def createView(group: Group.Slug, form: Form[Cfp.Data], event: Option[Event.Slug])(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): IO[Result] = { val b = listBreadcrumb.add("New" -> routes.CfpCtrl.create(group)) IO.pure(Ok(html.create(form, event)(b))) } def detail(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => (for { cfpElt <- OptionT(cfpRepo.find(cfp)) proposals <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listFull(cfp, params)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(proposals.items.flatMap(_.users).distinct)) userRatings <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listRatings(cfp)) b = breadcrumb(cfpElt) } yield Ok(html.detail(cfpElt, proposals, speakers, userRatings)(b))), cfp))) } def edit(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, redirect: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => editView(group, cfp, GsForms.cfp, redirect) } def doEdit(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, redirect: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => GsForms.cfp.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => editView(group, cfp, formWithErrors, redirect), data => (for { cfpOpt <- OptionT.liftF(cfpRepo.find(data.slug)) res <- OptionT.liftF(cfpOpt match { case Some(duplicate) if data.slug != cfp => editView(group, cfp, GsForms.cfp.fillAndValidate(data).withError("slug", s"Slug already taken by cfp: ${}"), redirect) case _ => cfpRepo.edit(cfp, data).map { _ => redirectOr(redirect, routes.CfpCtrl.detail(group, data.slug)) } }) } yield res) ) } private def editView(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, form: Form[Cfp.Data], redirect: Option[String])(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent], ctx: OrgaCtx): IO[Result] = { (for { cfpElt <- OptionT(cfpRepo.find(cfp)) filledForm = if (form.hasErrors) form else form.fill( b = breadcrumb(cfpElt).add("Edit" -> routes.CfpCtrl.edit(group, cfp)) } yield Ok(html.edit(cfpElt, filledForm, redirect)(b))), cfp))) } } object CfpCtrl { def listBreadcrumb(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = GroupCtrl.breadcrumb.add("CFPs" -> routes.CfpCtrl.list( def breadcrumb(cfp: Cfp)(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = listBreadcrumb.add( -> routes.CfpCtrl.detail(, cfp.slug)) }
Example 6
Source File: VideoCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.published.videos import import import gospeak.core.domain.Video import import import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.{Html, Page, Url} import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.domain.Breadcrumb import gospeak.web.pages.published.HomeCtrl import gospeak.web.pages.published.videos.VideoCtrl._ import gospeak.web.utils.UICtrl import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} class VideoCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, videoRepo: PublicVideoRepo) extends UICtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) { def list(params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction { implicit req => videoRepo.list(params).map(videos => Ok(html.list(videos)(listBreadcrumb()))) } def detail(video: Url.Video.Id): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction { implicit req => (for { videoElt <- OptionT(videoRepo.find(video)) embed: Html <- OptionT.liftF(EmbedSrv.embedCode(videoElt.url)) b = breadcrumb(videoElt) } yield Ok(html.detail(videoElt, embed)(b))) } } object VideoCtrl { def listBreadcrumb(): Breadcrumb = HomeCtrl.breadcrumb().add("Videos" -> routes.VideoCtrl.list()) def breadcrumb(video: Video): Breadcrumb = listBreadcrumb().add(video.title -> routes.VideoCtrl.detail( }
Example 7
Source File: SpeakerCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.published.speakers import import cats.effect.IO import import gospeak.core.domain.{Proposal, Talk, User} import import import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.domain.Breadcrumb import gospeak.web.emails.Emails import gospeak.web.pages.published.HomeCtrl import gospeak.web.pages.published.speakers.SpeakerCtrl._ import gospeak.web.utils._ import play.api.mvc._ class SpeakerCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, userRepo: PublicUserRepo, talkRepo: PublicTalkRepo, externalProposalRepo: PublicExternalProposalRepo, groupRepo: PublicGroupRepo, emailSrv: EmailSrv) extends UICtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) { def list(params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction { implicit req => userRepo.listPublic(params).map(speakers => Ok(html.list(speakers)(listBreadcrumb()))) } def detail(user: User.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction { implicit req => (for { speakerElt <- OptionT(userRepo.findPublic(user)) groups <- OptionT.liftF(groupRepo.listFull( talks <- OptionT.liftF(talkRepo.listAll(, Talk.Status.Public)) proposals <- OptionT.liftF(externalProposalRepo.listAllCommon(, Proposal.Status.Accepted)) users <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list((groups.flatMap(_.owners.toList) ++ talks.flatMap(_.users)).distinct)) res = Ok(html.detail(speakerElt, groups, talks, proposals.groupBy(, users)(breadcrumb(speakerElt))) } yield res) } def talk(user: User.Slug, talk: Talk.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction { implicit req => (for { userElt <- OptionT(userRepo.findPublic(user)) talkElt <- OptionT(talkRepo.findPublic(talk, proposals <- OptionT.liftF(externalProposalRepo.listAllCommon(, Proposal.Status.Accepted)) users <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list((talkElt.users ++ proposals.flatMap(_.users)).distinct)) res = Ok(, talkElt, proposals, users)(breadcrumb(userElt, talkElt))) } yield res), talk))) } def contactSpeaker(user: User.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = UserAction { implicit req => val next = Redirect(routes.SpeakerCtrl.detail(user)) GsForms.speakerContact.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => IO.pure(next.flashing(formWithErrors.flash)), data => (for { speakerElt <- OptionT(userRepo.findPublic(user)(req.userAware)) _ <- OptionT.liftF(emailSrv.send(Emails.contactSpeaker(data.subject, data.content, speakerElt.user))) res = next.flashing("success" -> "The message has been sent!") } yield res) } } object SpeakerCtrl { def listBreadcrumb(): Breadcrumb = HomeCtrl.breadcrumb().add("Speakers" -> routes.SpeakerCtrl.list()) def breadcrumb(speaker: User.Full): Breadcrumb = listBreadcrumb().add( -> routes.SpeakerCtrl.detail(speaker.slug)) def breadcrumb(speaker: User.Full, talk: Talk): Breadcrumb = breadcrumb(speaker).add("Talks" -> routes.SpeakerCtrl.detail(speaker.slug)).add(talk.title.value ->, talk.slug)) }
Example 8
Source File: CfpCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.user.talks.cfps import import import gospeak.core.domain.Talk import{SpeakerCfpRepo, SpeakerProposalRepo, SpeakerTalkRepo} import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.domain.Breadcrumb import gospeak.web.pages.user.talks.TalkCtrl import gospeak.web.pages.user.talks.cfps.CfpCtrl._ import gospeak.web.utils.{UICtrl, UserReq} import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import play.api.mvc._ class CfpCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, cfpRepo: SpeakerCfpRepo, talkRepo: SpeakerTalkRepo, proposalRepo: SpeakerProposalRepo) extends UICtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) { def list(talk: Talk.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAction { implicit req => (for { talkElt <- OptionT(talkRepo.find(talk)) cfps <- OptionT.liftF(cfpRepo.availableFor(, params)) b = listBreadcrumb(talkElt) } yield Ok(html.list(talkElt, cfps)(b))) } } object CfpCtrl { def listBreadcrumb(talk: Talk)(implicit req: UserReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = TalkCtrl.breadcrumb(talk).add("Proposing" -> routes.CfpCtrl.list(talk.slug)) }
Example 9
Source File: Selective.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.control import{EitherT, OptionT, ReaderT, WriterT} import cats.instances.option._ import cats.syntax.coflatMap._ import cats.syntax.option._ import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Monoid} import simulacrum._ import tofu.control.impl._ @typeclass trait Selective[F[_]] extends Applicative[F] { @noop def selectAp[A, B](fe: F[Either[A, B]])(ff: => F[A => B]): F[B] @noop def select[A](fo: F[Option[A]])(fa: => F[A]): F[A] = selectAp[Unit, A](map(fo)(_.toRight(())))(map(fa)(a => (_: Unit) => a)) def selectRight[A](fb: F[A], fo: F[Option[A]]): F[A] = select(fo)(fb) @noop def orElses[A](fx: F[Option[A]])(fy: => F[Option[A]]): F[Option[A]] = select(map(fx)(_.coflatten))(fy) def whens[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) None else Some(none[A])))(map(fa)(_.some)) def unlesss[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) Some(none[A]) else None))(map(fa)(_.some)) def whens_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) None else Some(())))(void(fa)) def unlesss_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = select(map(fb)(x => if (x) Some(()) else None))(void(fa)) @noop def optionMonoid[A]: Monoid[F[Option[A]]] = new Monoid[F[Option[A]]] { def empty: F[Option[A]] = pure(None) def combine(x: F[Option[A]], y: F[Option[A]]): F[Option[A]] = orElses(x)(y) } } object Selective extends SelectiveInstances trait SelectiveInstances extends SelectiveInstances2 { final implicit def selectiveOverMonad[F[_]: Monad]: SelectiveOverMonad[F] = new SelectiveOverMonad[F] } trait SelectiveInstances2 { final implicit def selectiveOptionT[F[_]: Selective]: Selective[OptionT[F, *]] = new SelectiveOptionT[F] final implicit def selectiveEitherT[F[_]: Selective, E]: Selective[EitherT[F, E, *]] = new SelectiveEitherT[F, E] final implicit def selectiveReaderT[F[_]: Selective, R]: Selective[ReaderT[F, R, *]] = new SelectiveReaderT[F, R] final implicit def selectiveWriterT[F[_]: Selective, W: Monoid]: Selective[WriterT[F, W, *]] = new SelectiveWriterT[F, W] }
Example 10
Source File: SelectiveInstances.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.control.impl import{EitherT, OptionT, ReaderT, WriterT} import cats.instances.either._ import cats.instances.option._ import cats.instances.tuple._ import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Monoid} import tofu.control.Selective import tofu.syntax.either._ import tofu.syntax.monadic._ class SelectiveOverMonad[F[_]](implicit val F: Monad[F]) extends Selective[F] with ApplicativeDelegate[F] { def selectAp[A, B](fe: F[Either[A, B]])(ff: => F[A => B]): F[B] = F.flatMap(fe) { case Left(a) => case Right(b) => F.pure(b) } override def select[A](fo: F[Option[A]])(fa: => F[A]): F[A] = F.flatMap(fo) { case None => fa case Some(a) => F.pure(a) } override def whens[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) else F.pure(None) } override def unlesss[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Option[A]] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) F.pure(None) else } override def whens_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) F.unit else F.void(fa) } override def unlesss_[A](fb: F[Boolean])(fa: => F[A]): F[Unit] = F.flatMap(fb) { if (_) F.void(fa) else F.unit } } trait SelectiveWithMap[F[_]] extends Selective[F] { def smap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B] = selectAp[A, B](smap(fa)(Left(_)))(ff) override def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] = smap(fa)(f) } class SelectiveOptionT[F[_]](implicit F: Selective[F]) extends Selective[OptionT[F, *]] { def selectAp[A, B](fe: OptionT[F, Either[A, B]])(ff: => OptionT[F, A => B]): OptionT[F, B] = OptionT(F.selectAp( { case Some(Left(a)) => Left(a) case Some(Right(b)) => Right(Some(b)) case None => Right(None) })( { case Some(f) => b => Some(f(b)) case None => _ => None })) def ap[A, B](ff: OptionT[F, A => B])(fa: OptionT[F, A]): OptionT[F, B] = OptionT(F.ap[Option[A], Option[B]]( => (fo ap _)))(fa.value)) def pure[A](x: A): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT.pure(x) } class SelectiveEitherT[F[_], L](implicit F: Selective[F]) extends Selective[EitherT[F, L, *]] { def selectAp[A, B](fe: EitherT[F, L, Either[A, B]])(ff: => EitherT[F, L, A => B]): EitherT[F, L, B] = EitherT(F.selectAp[A, Either[L, B]]( { case Right(Left(a)) => Left(a) case rr @ Right(Right(_)) => rr.asInstanceOf[Either[A, Either[L, B]]] case l @ Left(_) => Right(l.coerceR[B]) })( { case Right(f) => b => Right(f(b)) case l @ Left(_) => _ => l.coerceR[B] })) def ap[A, B](ff: EitherT[F, L, A => B])(fa: EitherT[F, L, A]): EitherT[F, L, B] = EitherT(F.ap[Either[L, A], Either[L, B]]( => (fo ap _)))(fa.value)) def pure[A](x: A): EitherT[F, L, A] = EitherT.pure(x) } class SelectiveReaderT[F[_], R](implicit FS: Selective[F]) extends Selective[ReaderT[F, R, *]] with ApplicativeDelegate[ReaderT[F, R, *]] { val F: Applicative[ReaderT[F, R, *]] = implicitly def selectAp[A, B](fe: ReaderT[F, R, Either[A, B]])(ff: => ReaderT[F, R, A => B]): ReaderT[F, R, B] = ReaderT(r => FS.selectAp( } class SelectiveWriterT[F[_], W: Monoid](implicit FS: Selective[F]) extends Selective[WriterT[F, W, *]] with ApplicativeDelegate[WriterT[F, W, *]] { val F: Applicative[WriterT[F, W, *]] = implicitly def selectAp[A, B](fe: WriterT[F, W, Either[A, B]])(ff: => WriterT[F, W, A => B]): WriterT[F, W, B] = WriterT(FS.selectAp[(W, A), (W, B)]( { case (w, Left(a)) => Left((w, a)) case (w, Right(b)) => Right((w, b)) })( => (wf ap _)))) }
Example 11
Source File: GroupCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.api.published import import import gospeak.core.domain.{Event, Group, Proposal} import import import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.api.domain._ import gospeak.web.api.domain.utils.ApiResult import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.utils.ApiCtrl import gospeak.libs.scala.Extensions._ import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} class GroupCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, groupRepo: PublicGroupRepo, eventRepo: PublicEventRepo, proposalRepo: PublicProposalRepo, venueRepo: PublicVenueRepo, userRepo: PublicUserRepo, groupSettingsRepo: PublicGroupSettingsRepo, meetupSrv: MeetupSrv) extends ApiCtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) { def list(params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[Seq[ApiGroup.Published]] { implicit req => groupRepo.listFull(params).map(ApiResult.of(_, ApiGroup.published)) } def detail(group: Group.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[ApiGroup.Published] { implicit req => groupRepo.findFull(group).map( => ApiResult.of(ApiGroup.published(g))).getOrElse(groupNotFound(group))) } def events(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[Seq[ApiEvent.Published]] { implicit req => (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) events <- OptionT.liftF(eventRepo.listPublished(, params)) talks <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listPublic(events.items.flatMap(_.talks).distinct)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(talks.flatMap(_.speakers.toList).distinct)) res = ApiResult.of(events, ApiEvent.published(_, talks, speakers)) } yield res) } def event(group: Group.Slug, event: Event.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[ApiEvent.Published] { implicit req => (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) eventElt <- OptionT(eventRepo.findPublished(, event)) talks <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listPublic(eventElt.talks.distinct)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(talks.flatMap(_.speakers.toList).distinct)) res = ApiResult.of(ApiEvent.published(eventElt, talks, speakers)) } yield res), event))) } def eventDrawMeetupAttendee(group: Group.Slug, event: Event.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[Seq[ApiAttendee.Published]] { implicit req => (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) eventElt <- OptionT(eventRepo.findPublished(, event)) creds <- OptionT(groupSettingsRepo.findMeetup( attendees <- OptionT( => meetupSrv.getAttendees(, r.event,, creds)).sequence) host = req.getQueryString("host") response = req.getQueryString("response") cleanAttendees = attendees.filter(a => != 0L && response.forall(_ == a.response) && host.forall(_ == res = ApiResult.of(, } yield res), event))) } def talks(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[Seq[ApiProposal.Published]] { implicit req => (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) talks <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listPublicFull(, params)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(talks.items.flatMap(_.speakers.toList).distinct)) res = ApiResult.of(talks, ApiProposal.published(_, speakers)) } yield res) } def talk(group: Group.Slug, talk: Proposal.Id): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[ApiProposal.Published] { implicit req => (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) talkElt <- OptionT(proposalRepo.findPublicFull(, talk)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(talkElt.speakers.toList.distinct)) res = ApiResult.of(ApiProposal.published(talkElt, speakers)) } yield res), talk))) } def speakers(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = UserAwareAction[Seq[ApiUser.Published]] { implicit req => (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.speakersPublic(, params)) // TODO add proposals, talks, groups member and owners for each speaker res = ApiResult.of(speakers, ApiUser.published) } yield res) } }
Example 12
Source File: EmbedSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.higherKind.derived import{IorT, NonEmptyChain} import import derevo.derive import tofu.higherKind.Embed import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import import EmbedSuite.Foo import tofu.syntax.monadic._ import tofu.syntax.embed._ import cats.instances.either._ import cats.instances.option._ import cats.syntax.traverse._ import cats.syntax.either._ import scala.util.Try class EmbedSuite extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { val checkingFoo1: Foo[Either[String, *]] = new Foo[Either[String, *]] { override def foo(x: Int, s: String): Either[String, Double] = Try(s.toDouble) => s"could not parse $s as double").map(_ * x) override def bar(a: List[Int]): Either[String, Unit] = a.headOption.toRight("must contain at least one element").void def baz(a: List[String]): OptionT[Either[String, *], Unit] = OptionT(a.headOption.traverse(_.asLeft[Unit])) } "embed" should "generate nice embed" in { val rightFoo = checkingFoo1.asRight[String].embed val leftFoo = "failed".asLeft[Foo[Either[String, *]]].embed, "2.3") should ===(Right(4.6)), "fail") should ===(Left("could not parse fail as double")), 5, 6)) should ===(Right(())) should ===(Left("must contain at least one element")), "2.3") should ===(Left("failed")), "fail") should ===(Left("failed")), 5, 6)) should ===(Left("failed")) should ===(Left("failed")) } } object EmbedSuite { @derive(embed) trait Foo[F[_]] { def foo(x: Int, s: String): F[Double] def bar(a: List[Int]): F[Unit] def baz(a: List[String]): OptionT[F, Unit] } Embed[Foo] }
Example 13
Source File: ArchiveCache.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorSystem, NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout} import cats.Monad import import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import retry.RetryPolicy class ArchiveCache[F[_]: Monad](ref: StateMachine[F, String, State, Command, Unit]) { def put(value: Archive): OptionT[F, Archive] = OptionT(ref.evaluate(, Write(value)).map(_.toOption.flatten)) } object ArchiveCache { private[archives] type State = Option[Archive] private[archives] type Command = Write final private[archives] case class Write(bundle: Archive) extends NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout final def apply[F[_]: Timer](implicit as: ActorSystem, cfg: ArchivesConfig, F: Effect[F]): F[ArchiveCache[F]] = { implicit val retryPolicy: RetryPolicy[F] = cfg.cache.retry.retryPolicy[F] val invalidationStrategy = StopStrategy.lapsedSinceLastInteraction[State, Command](cfg.cacheInvalidateAfter) val evaluate: (State, Command) => F[Either[Unit, State]] = { case (None, Write(bundle)) => F.pure(Right(Some(bundle))) case (Some(_), _) => F.pure(Left(())) // It already exists, so we don't want to replace it } AkkaStateMachine .sharded[F]("archives", None, evaluate, invalidationStrategy, cfg.cache.akkaStateMachineConfig, cfg.cache.shards) .map(new ArchiveCache[F](_)) } }
Example 14
Source File: package.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.complete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{MalformedQueryParamRejection, Route} import cats.Functor import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import import import import{Ref, Rejection, ResourceV} import{DOT, Triples} import import import scala.concurrent.Future package object routes { private[routes] def completeWithFormat( fetched: Future[Either[Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)]] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(EitherT(fetched)) private def completeWithFormat( fetched: EitherT[Future, Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = format match { case f: JsonLDOutputFormat => implicit val format = f complete(fetched.value) case Triples => implicit val format = Triples complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> resource.value.graph.ntriples }.value) case DOT => implicit val format = DOT complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> }.value) } private[routes] val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("resources/read") private[routes] val schemaError = MalformedQueryParamRejection("schema", "The provided schema does not match the schema on the Uri") implicit private[routes] class FOptionSyntax[F[_], A](private val fOpt: F[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal { def toNotFound(id: AbsoluteIri)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, Rejection, A] = OptionT(fOpt).toRight(notFound(Ref(id))) } }
Example 15
Source File: TracedHttpRoute.scala From http4s-tracer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.tracer import cats.Monad import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import dev.profunktor.tracer.Tracer.TraceId import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Request, Response} object TracedHttpRoute { case class TracedRequest[F[_]](traceId: TraceId, request: Request[F]) def apply[F[_]: Monad: Tracer]( pf: PartialFunction[TracedRequest[F], F[Response[F]]] ): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], Response[F]] { req => OptionT { Tracer[F] .getTraceId(req) .map(x => TracedRequest[F](x.getOrElse(TraceId("-")), req)) .flatMap { tr => val rs: OptionT[F, Response[F]] = pf.andThen(OptionT.liftF(_)).applyOrElse(tr, Function.const(OptionT.none)) rs.value } } } }
Example 16
Source File: AuthTracedHttpRoute.scala From http4s-tracer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.tracer.auth import cats.Monad import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import dev.profunktor.tracer.Tracer import dev.profunktor.tracer.Tracer.TraceId import org.http4s.{AuthedRequest, AuthedRoutes, Response} object AuthTracedHttpRoute { case class AuthTracedRequest[F[_], T](traceId: TraceId, request: AuthedRequest[F, T]) def apply[T, F[_]: Monad: Tracer]( pf: PartialFunction[AuthTracedRequest[F, T], F[Response[F]]] ): AuthedRoutes[T, F] = Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], AuthedRequest[F, T], Response[F]] { req => OptionT { Tracer[F] .getTraceId(req.req) .map(x => AuthTracedRequest[F, T](x.getOrElse(TraceId("-")), req)) .flatMap { tr => val rs: OptionT[F, Response[F]] = pf.andThen(OptionT.liftF(_)).applyOrElse(tr, Function.const(OptionT.none)) rs.value } } } }
Example 17
Source File: SecurityServiceSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.{Account, AuthConfiguration, AuthMode, Role} import org.mockito.Mock import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.mutable.ExecutionEnvironment import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class SecurityServiceSpec extends Specification with Mockito with ExecutionEnvironment { def configWithAccounts(accounts: Seq[Account]): AuthConfiguration = AuthConfiguration( mode = AuthMode.Conf, session = AuthConfiguration.Session(timeout = Duration(1, "hour"), allowMultiLogin = true), cookie = AuthConfiguration.Cookie(secure = true), conf = AuthConfiguration.Conf( accounts = accounts .map( a => AuthConfiguration.ConfAccount(, "", a.instanceRegex, a.role )) .toList), allowedFailedLogins = 3 ) val identityService = mock[IdentityService[Account]] val account = Account("frank", "^test.*", Role.Administrator) override def is(implicit executionEnv: ExecutionEnv): Any = "An authentication check" should { "succeed if the credentials provider authenticates" in { val login = LoginInfo(CredentialsProvider.ID, val credentials = Credentials(, "pass") val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.successful(login) SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) .authenticate(credentials) must beSome(login).await } "fail if the credentials provider fails to authenticate" in { val credentials = Credentials(, "pass") val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.failed(new InvalidPasswordException("foo")) SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) .authenticate(credentials) must beNone.await } "succeed if the number of failed logins is equal to the allowed ones" in { val credentials = Credentials(, "pass") val failedCredentials = credentials.copy(password = "foo") val login = LoginInfo(CredentialsProvider.ID, credentials.identifier) val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(failedCredentials) returns Future.failed(new InvalidPasswordException("foo")) credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.successful(login) val service = SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) val failedAttempts = for (attemptNo <- 1 to service.allowedFailedLogins) { service.authenticate(failedCredentials) must beNone.await } service.authenticate(credentials) must beSome(login).await } "fail if the number of failed logins is greater than the allowed number" in { val credentials = Credentials(, "password") val failedCredentials = credentials.copy(password = "foo") val login = LoginInfo(CredentialsProvider.ID, credentials.identifier) val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(failedCredentials) returns Future.failed(new InvalidPasswordException("foo")) credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.successful(login) val service = SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) val failedAttempts = for (attemptNo <- 0 to service.allowedFailedLogins) { service.authenticate(failedCredentials) must beNone.await } service.authenticate(credentials) must beNone.await } } }
Example 18
Source File: SecurityController.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.controllers import javax.inject.Inject import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import cats.syntax.either._ import import import{SecurityService, WebSocketService} import jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth.{BroccoliSimpleAuthorization, LoginLogout} import play.api.{Environment, Logger} import play.api.cache.CacheApi import import import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, Controller, Results} import scala.concurrent.Future case class SecurityController @Inject()( override val securityService: SecurityService, override val cacheApi: CacheApi, override val playEnv: Environment, webSocketService: WebSocketService ) extends Controller with LoginLogout with BroccoliSimpleAuthorization { private val log = Logger(getClass) import // val loginForm = Form { mapping( SecurityController.UsernameFormKey -> text, SecurityController.PasswordFormKey -> text )(Credentials.apply)(Credentials.unapply) } def login: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => getSessionId(request).map(id => (id, webSocketService.closeConnections(id))) match { case Some((id, true)) =>"Removing websocket connection of $id due to another login") case _ => } (for { credentials <- EitherT.fromEither[Future]( loginForm.bindFromRequest().fold(Function.const(Results.BadRequest.asLeft), _.asRight)) login <- OptionT(securityService.authenticate(credentials)).toRight(Results.Unauthorized) result <- EitherT.right(gotoLoginSucceeded(login.providerKey)) user <- OptionT(resolveUser(login.providerKey)).toRight(Results.Unauthorized) } yield { val userResult = Results.Ok(Json.toJson(user)) result.copy( header = result.header.copy( headers = userResult.header.headers .get("Content-Type") .map { contentType => result.header.headers.updated("Content-Type", contentType) } .getOrElse(result.header.headers) ), body = userResult.body ) }).merge } def logout = Action.async(parse.empty) { implicit request => gotoLogoutSucceeded.andThen { case tryResult => getSessionId(request).map(id => (id, webSocketService.closeConnections(id))) match { case Some((id, true)) =>"Removing websocket connection of $id due to logout") case Some((id, false)) =>"There was no websocket connection for session $id") case None =>"No session available to logout from") } } } def verify = StackAction(parse.empty) { implicit request => Ok( } } object SecurityController { val UsernameFormKey = "username" val PasswordFormKey = "password" }
Example 19
Source File: SecurityService.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import cats.syntax.either._ import import import import{IdentityNotFoundException, InvalidPasswordException} import import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.{Account, AuthConfiguration, AuthMode} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} sealed trait LoginError object LoginError { final case object InvalidPassword extends LoginError final case object UnknownUser extends LoginError final case object Locked extends LoginError } @Singleton() case class SecurityService @Inject()( configuration: AuthConfiguration, credentialsProvider: CredentialsProvider, identityService: IdentityService[Account] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { private val log = play.api.Logger(getClass) val sessionTimeoutInSeconds: Int = configuration.session.timeout.toSeconds.toInt val allowedFailedLogins: Int = configuration.allowedFailedLogins val authMode: AuthMode = configuration.mode val cookieSecure: Boolean = val allowMultiLogin: Boolean = configuration.session.allowMultiLogin @volatile private var failedLoginAttempts: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty def authenticate(credentials: Credentials): Future[Option[LoginInfo]] = EitherT .rightT(credentials) .ensure(LoginError.Locked)(c => failedLoginAttempts.getOrElse(c.identifier, 0) <= allowedFailedLogins) .flatMapF(credentialsProvider.authenticate(_).map(_.asRight).recover { case _: InvalidPasswordException => LoginError.InvalidPassword.asLeft case _: IdentityNotFoundException => LoginError.UnknownUser.asLeft }) .leftMap { error => // Login if an account was locked val attempts = failedLoginAttempts.getOrElse(credentials.identifier, 0) if (error == LoginError.Locked) { log.warn( s"Credentials for '${credentials.identifier}' exceeded the allowed number of failed logins: " + s"$allowedFailedLogins (has $attempts)") } // Track the failed attempt failedLoginAttempts = failedLoginAttempts.updated(credentials.identifier, attempts + 1) error } .toOption .value }
Example 20
Source File: UserRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository.inmemory import java.util.Random import cats.implicits._ import cats.Applicative import import domain.users.{User, UserRepositoryAlgebra} import tsec.authentication.IdentityStore import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap class UserRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative] extends UserRepositoryAlgebra[F] with IdentityStore[F, Long, User] { private val cache = new TrieMap[Long, User] private val random = new Random def create(user: User): F[User] = { val id = random.nextLong val toSave = user.copy(id = id.some) cache += (id -> toSave) toSave.pure[F] } def update(user: User): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT { { id => cache.update(id, user) user.pure[F] } } def get(id: Long): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT.fromOption(cache.get(id)) def delete(id: Long): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT.fromOption(cache.remove(id)) def findByUserName(userName: String): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT.fromOption(cache.values.find(u => u.userName == userName)) def list(pageSize: Int, offset: Int): F[List[User]] = cache.values.toList.sortBy(_.lastName).slice(offset, offset + pageSize).pure[F] def deleteByUserName(userName: String): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT.fromOption( for { user <- cache.values.find(u => u.userName == userName) removed <- cache.remove( } yield removed, ) } object UserRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Applicative]() = new UserRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F] }
Example 21
Source File: CorrelationIdMiddleware.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.http4s.server.middleware import java.util.UUID import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.avast.sst.http4s.server.middleware.CorrelationIdMiddleware.CorrelationId import io.chrisdavenport.vault.Key import org.http4s.util.CaseInsensitiveString import org.http4s.{Header, HttpRoutes, Request, Response} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory class CorrelationIdMiddleware[F[_]: Sync]( correlationIdHeaderName: CaseInsensitiveString, attributeKey: Key[CorrelationId], generator: () => String ) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private val F = Sync[F] def wrap(routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli[OptionT[F, *], Request[F], Response[F]] { request => request.headers.get(correlationIdHeaderName) match { case Some(header) => val requestWithAttribute = request.withAttribute(attributeKey, CorrelationId(header.value)) routes(requestWithAttribute).map(r => r.withHeaders(r.headers.put(header))) case None => for { newCorrelationId <- OptionT.liftF(F.delay(generator())) _ <- log(newCorrelationId) requestWithAttribute = request.withAttribute(attributeKey, CorrelationId(newCorrelationId)) response <- routes(requestWithAttribute) } yield response.withHeaders(response.headers.put(Header(correlationIdHeaderName.value, newCorrelationId))) } } def retrieveCorrelationId(request: Request[F]): Option[CorrelationId] = request.attributes.lookup(attributeKey) private def log(newCorrelationId: String) = { OptionT.liftF { F.delay { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(s"Generated new correlation ID: $newCorrelationId") } } } } } object CorrelationIdMiddleware { final case class CorrelationId(value: String) extends AnyVal @SuppressWarnings(Array("scalafix:Disable.toString")) def default[F[_]: Sync]: F[CorrelationIdMiddleware[F]] = { Key.newKey[F, CorrelationId].map { attributeKey => new CorrelationIdMiddleware(CaseInsensitiveString("Correlation-ID"), attributeKey, () => UUID.randomUUID().toString) } } }
Example 22
Source File: Streamable.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.util import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.NotUsed import import cats.{Foldable, Id} import trait Streamable[F[_]] { def toSource[A](fa: F[A]): Source[A, NotUsed] def optionToSource[A](opt: OptionT[F, A]): Source[A, NotUsed] = toSource(opt.value).mapConcat(_.toList) } object Streamable { def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Streamable[F]): Streamable[F] = F type OptionTRequest[A] = OptionT[Future, A] implicit val idStreamable: Streamable[Id] = new Streamable[Id] { override def toSource[A](fa: Id[A]): Source[A, NotUsed] = Source.single(fa) override def optionToSource[A](opt: OptionT[Id, A]): Source[A, NotUsed] = Source(opt.value.toList) } implicit val futureStreamable: Streamable[Future] = new Streamable[Future] { override def toSource[A](fa: Future[A]): Source[A, NotUsed] = Source.future(fa) } implicit def futureFoldableStreamable[F[_]: Foldable]: Streamable[λ[A => Future[F[A]]]] = new Streamable[λ[A => Future[F[A]]]] { override def toSource[A](fa: Future[F[A]]): Source[A, NotUsed] = { import cats.syntax.all._ Source.future(fa).mapConcat(_.toList) } } implicit val futureOptionTStreamable: Streamable[OptionT[Future, *]] = new Streamable[OptionT[Future, *]] { override def toSource[A](fa: OptionT[Future, A]): Source[A, NotUsed] = Source.future(fa.value).mapConcat(_.toList) } implicit val sourceStreamable: Streamable[Source[*, NotUsed]] = new Streamable[Source[?, NotUsed]] { override def toSource[A](fa: Source[A, NotUsed]): Source[A, NotUsed] = fa } }
Example 23
Source File: MetaMapper.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.contract.meta import cats.implicits._ import import com.wavesplatform.lang.contract.DApp import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.compiler.Types.FINAL import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.dapp.DAppMeta object MetaMapper { def toProto[V <: MetaVersion](version: V)(data: List[List[FINAL]]): Either[String, DAppMeta] = version.strategy.toProto(data) def dicFromProto(dApp: DApp): Either[String, ParsedMeta] = extractMeta(dApp) => ParsedMeta(dApp.meta.version, opt)) private def extractMeta(dApp: DApp) = for { version <- OptionT(resolveVersion(dApp.meta.version)) data <- OptionT.liftF(version.strategy.fromProto(dApp.meta)) } yield data private def resolveVersion(version: Int): Either[String, Option[MetaVersion]] = version match { case 0 => Right(None) case 1 => Right(Some(V1)) case 2 => Right(Some(V2)) case n if n > 0 => Left(s"Unsupported meta version $n") case n => Left(s"Illegal meta version $n, expected positive value") } }
Example 24
Source File: ArchiveCache.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ActorSystem, NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout} import cats.Monad import import cats.effect.{Effect, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import retry.RetryPolicy class ArchiveCache[F[_]: Monad](ref: StateMachine[F, String, State, Command, Unit]) { def put(value: Archive): OptionT[F, Archive] = OptionT(ref.evaluate(, Write(value)).map(_.toOption.flatten)) } object ArchiveCache { private[archives] type State = Option[Archive] private[archives] type Command = Write private[archives] final case class Write(bundle: Archive) extends NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout final def apply[F[_]: Timer](implicit as: ActorSystem, cfg: ArchivesConfig, F: Effect[F]): F[ArchiveCache[F]] = { implicit val retryPolicy: RetryPolicy[F] = cfg.cache.retry.retryPolicy[F] val invalidationStrategy = StopStrategy.lapsedSinceLastInteraction[State, Command](cfg.cacheInvalidateAfter) val evaluate: (State, Command) => F[Either[Unit, State]] = { case (None, Write(bundle)) => F.pure(Right(Some(bundle))) case (Some(_), _) => F.pure(Left(())) // It already exists, so we don't want to replace it } AkkaStateMachine .sharded[F]("archives", None, evaluate, invalidationStrategy, cfg.cache.akkaStateMachineConfig, cfg.cache.shards) .map(new ArchiveCache[F](_)) } }
Example 25
Source File: package.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.complete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{MalformedQueryParamRejection, Route} import cats.Functor import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import import import import{Ref, Rejection, ResourceV} import{DOT, Triples} import import import scala.concurrent.Future package object routes { private[routes] def completeWithFormat( fetched: Future[Either[Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)]] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(EitherT(fetched)) private def completeWithFormat( fetched: EitherT[Future, Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = format match { case f: JsonLDOutputFormat => implicit val format = f complete(fetched.value) case Triples => implicit val format = Triples complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> resource.value.graph.ntriples }.value) case DOT => implicit val format = DOT complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> }.value) } private[routes] val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("resources/read") private[routes] val schemaError = MalformedQueryParamRejection("schema", "The provided schema does not match the schema on the Uri") private[routes] implicit class FOptionSyntax[F[_], A](private val fOpt: F[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal { def toNotFound(id: AbsoluteIri)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, Rejection, A] = OptionT(fOpt).toRight(notFound(Ref(id))) } }
Example 26
Source File: Http4sUtils.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http import cats.{Applicative, Monad} import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.IO import monix.eval.Task import import org.http4s.server.AuthMiddleware import org.http4s.{EntityBody, Request} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration object Http4sUtils { private def authUser[F[_]](implicit F: Applicative[F]): Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], String] = Kleisli(_ => OptionT.liftF(F.pure("access_token"))) def middleware[F[_]: Monad]: AuthMiddleware[F, String] = AuthMiddleware.apply[F, String](authUser) val taskMiddleware: AuthMiddleware[Task, String] = middleware[Task] val ioMiddleware: AuthMiddleware[IO, String] = middleware[IO] implicit class ByteVector2String(body: EntityBody[IO]) { def asString: String = { val array = body.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync().toArray new String( } } implicit class ByteVector2StringTask(body: EntityBody[Task]) { def asString: String = { val array = Await.result(body.compile.toVector.runAsync, Duration.Inf).toArray new String( } } }
Example 27
Source File: JwtTokenAuthMiddleware.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth import{EitherT, Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth.JwtTokenAuthMiddleware.AuthConfig import org.http4s.Credentials.Token import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.{AuthScheme, AuthedService, Request} import org.http4s.headers.Authorization import org.http4s.server.AuthMiddleware import tsec.jws.mac.JWTMac import tsec.mac.imports._ object JwtTokenAuthMiddleware { def apply[F[_] : Sync](apiToken: Option[String]): F[AuthMiddleware[F, String]] = new Middleware[F](apiToken).middleware case class AuthConfig(jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]) } class Middleware[F[_]](apiToken: Option[String])(implicit F: Sync[F]) { private val ifEmpty = F.raiseError[AuthMiddleware[F, String]](new Exception("Api Token not found")) private def generateJwtKey(token: String): F[MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]] = { F.catchNonFatal(HMACSHA256.buildKeyUnsafe(token.getBytes)) } val middleware: F[AuthMiddleware[F, String]] = apiToken.fold(ifEmpty) { token => generateJwtKey(token).map { jwtKey => val config = AuthConfig(jwtKey) new JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F](config).middleware } } } class JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F[_] : Sync](config: AuthConfig) extends Http4sDsl[F] { private val onFailure: AuthedService[String, F] = Kleisli(req => OptionT.liftF(Forbidden(req.authInfo))) private def bearerTokenFromRequest(request: Request[F]): OptionT[F, String] = OptionT.fromOption[F] { request.headers.get(Authorization).collect { case Authorization(Token(AuthScheme.Bearer, token)) => token } } private def verifyToken(request: Request[F], jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]): OptionT[F, String] = for { token <- bearerTokenFromRequest(request) verified <- OptionT.liftF(JWTMac.verifyAndParse[F, HMACSHA256](token, jwtKey)) accessToken <- OptionT.fromOption[F](verified.body.subject) } yield accessToken private def authUser(jwtKey: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256]): Kleisli[F, Request[F], Either[String, String]] = Kleisli { request => verifyToken(request, jwtKey) { option => Either.cond[String, String](option.isDefined, option.get, "Unable to authorize token") }.recoverWith { case MacVerificationError(msg) => EitherT.leftT(msg).value } } def middleware: AuthMiddleware[F, String] = AuthMiddleware(authUser(config.jwtKey), onFailure) }
Example 28
Source File: HttpMetricsMiddleware.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http.metrics import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.codahale.metrics._ import com.smartbackpackerapp.common.Log import com.smartbackpackerapp.http.ApiVersion import org.http4s.AuthedService import org.http4s.Uri.Path object HttpMetricsMiddleware { def apply[F[_]](registry: MetricRegistry, service: AuthedService[String, F]) (implicit F: Sync[F], L: Log[F]): AuthedService[String, F] = { Kleisli { req => OptionT.liftF(F.delay(System.nanoTime())).flatMap { start => service(req).semiflatMap { response => HttpMetrics.parse(req.req.uri.path).fold(F.delay(response)) { path => for { _ <- F.delay(registry.meter(s"requests-$path").mark()) _ <- if (response.status.isSuccess) F.delay(registry.meter(s"success-$path").mark()) else F.delay(registry.meter(s"failure-${response.status.code}-$path").mark()) time <- F.delay((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000) _ <- F.delay(registry.histogram(s"response-time-$path").update(time)) _ <-"HTTP Response Time: $time ms") } yield response } } } } } } object HttpMetrics { def parse(path: Path): Option[String] = { if (path.contains("/traveling")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-traveling") else if (path.contains("/airlines")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-airlines") else if (path.contains("/ranking")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-ranking") else if (path.contains("/health")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-health") else if (path.contains("/countries")) Some(s"$ApiVersion-countries") else None } }
Example 29
Source File: CollectionsServiceSpec.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.effect.IO import cats.implicits._ import com.azavea.franklin.Generators import com.azavea.franklin.api.{TestClient, TestServices} import com.azavea.franklin.database.TestDatabaseSpec import com.azavea.franklin.datamodel.CollectionsResponse import com.azavea.stac4s.StacCollection import com.azavea.stac4s.testing._ import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityDecoder._ import org.http4s.{Method, Request, Uri} import org.specs2.{ScalaCheck, Specification} import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets class CollectionsServiceSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck with TestDatabaseSpec with Generators { def is = s2""" This specification verifies that the collections service can run without crashing The collections service should: - create and delete collections $createDeleteCollectionExpectation - list collections $listCollectionsExpectation - get collections by id $getCollectionsExpectation """ val testServices: TestServices[IO] = new TestServices[IO](transactor) val testClient: TestClient[IO] = new TestClient[IO](testServices.collectionsService, testServices.collectionItemsService) def listCollectionsExpectation = prop { (stacCollectionA: StacCollection, stacCollectionB: StacCollection) => { val listIO = ( testClient.getCollectionResource(stacCollectionA), testClient.getCollectionResource(stacCollectionB) ).tupled use { _ => val request = Request[IO](method = Method.GET, Uri.unsafeFromString(s"/collections")) (for { resp <- decoded <- OptionT.liftF {[CollectionsResponse] } } yield decoded).value } val result = listIO.unsafeRunSync.get.collections map { } (result must contain( and (result must contain( } } def getCollectionsExpectation = prop { (stacCollection: StacCollection) => val fetchIO = testClient.getCollectionResource(stacCollection) use { collection => val encodedId = URLEncoder.encode(, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString) val request = Request[IO](method = Method.GET, Uri.unsafeFromString(s"/collections/$encodedId")) (for { resp <- decoded <- OptionT.liftF {[StacCollection] } } yield (decoded, collection)).value } val (fetched, inserted) = fetchIO.unsafeRunSync.get fetched must beTypedEqualTo(inserted) } // since creation / deletion is a part of the collection resource, and accurate creation is checked // in getCollectionsExpectation, this test just makes sure that if other tests are failing, it's // not because create/delete are broken def createDeleteCollectionExpectation = prop { (stacCollection: StacCollection) => (testClient .getCollectionResource(stacCollection) use { _ => IO.unit }).unsafeRunSync must beTypedEqualTo( () ) } }
Example 30
Source File: DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository.doobie import import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import io.circe.parser.decode import io.circe.syntax._ import domain.users.{Role, User, UserRepositoryAlgebra} import io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore.infrastructure.repository.doobie.SQLPagination._ import tsec.authentication.IdentityStore private object UserSQL { // H2 does not support JSON data type. implicit val roleMeta: Meta[Role] = Meta[String].imap(decode[Role](_).leftMap(throw _).merge)(_.asJson.toString) def insert(user: User): Update0 = sql""" INSERT INTO USERS (USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ROLE) VALUES (${user.userName}, ${user.firstName}, ${user.lastName}, ${}, ${user.hash}, ${}, ${user.role}) """.update def update(user: User, id: Long): Update0 = sql""" UPDATE USERS SET FIRST_NAME = ${user.firstName}, LAST_NAME = ${user.lastName}, EMAIL = ${}, HASH = ${user.hash}, PHONE = ${}, ROLE = ${user.role} WHERE ID = $id """.update def select(userId: Long): Query0[User] = sql""" SELECT USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ID, ROLE FROM USERS WHERE ID = $userId """.query def byUserName(userName: String): Query0[User] = sql""" SELECT USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ID, ROLE FROM USERS WHERE USER_NAME = $userName """.query[User] def delete(userId: Long): Update0 = sql""" DELETE FROM USERS WHERE ID = $userId """.update val selectAll: Query0[User] = sql""" SELECT USER_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, HASH, PHONE, ID, ROLE FROM USERS """.query } class DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](val xa: Transactor[F]) extends UserRepositoryAlgebra[F] with IdentityStore[F, Long, User] { self => import UserSQL._ def create(user: User): F[User] = insert(user).withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID").map(id => user.copy(id = id.some)).transact(xa) def update(user: User): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT.fromOption[F]( { id => UserSQL.update(user, id).run.transact(xa).as(user) } def get(userId: Long): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT(select(userId).option.transact(xa)) def findByUserName(userName: String): OptionT[F, User] = OptionT(byUserName(userName).option.transact(xa)) def delete(userId: Long): OptionT[F, User] = get(userId).semiflatMap(user => UserSQL.delete(userId).run.transact(xa).as(user)) def deleteByUserName(userName: String): OptionT[F, User] = findByUserName(userName).mapFilter( def list(pageSize: Int, offset: Int): F[List[User]] = paginate(pageSize, offset)(selectAll).to[List].transact(xa) } object DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](xa: Transactor[F]): DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter[F] = new DoobieUserRepositoryInterpreter(xa) }
Example 31
Source File: DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository.doobie import import cats.effect.Bracket import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.implicits.legacy.instant._ import domain.orders.{Order, OrderRepositoryAlgebra, OrderStatus} private object OrderSQL { implicit val StatusMeta: Meta[OrderStatus] = Meta[String].imap(OrderStatus.withName)(_.entryName) def select(orderId: Long): Query0[Order] = sql""" SELECT PET_ID, SHIP_DATE, STATUS, COMPLETE, ID, USER_ID FROM ORDERS WHERE ID = $orderId """.query[Order] def insert(order: Order): Update0 = sql""" INSERT INTO ORDERS (PET_ID, SHIP_DATE, STATUS, COMPLETE, USER_ID) VALUES (${order.petId}, ${order.shipDate}, ${order.status}, ${order.complete}, ${order.userId.get}) """.update def delete(orderId: Long): Update0 = sql""" DELETE FROM ORDERS WHERE ID = $orderId """.update } class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](val xa: Transactor[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { import OrderSQL._ def create(order: Order): F[Order] = insert(order) .withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID") .map(id => order.copy(id = id.some)) .transact(xa) def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = OptionT(get(orderId)) .semiflatMap(order => OrderSQL.delete(orderId).run.transact(xa).as(order)) .value } object DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter { def apply[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]]( xa: Transactor[F], ): DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F] = new DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter(xa) }
Example 32
Source File: MessageHandler.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.LocalDateTime import import cats.effect.IO import gospeak.core.ApplicationConf import gospeak.core.domain.Group import gospeak.core.domain.Group.Settings.Action import gospeak.core.domain.Group.Settings.Action.Trigger import gospeak.core.domain.messages.Message import gospeak.core.domain.utils.Constants import import import{OrgaGroupRepo, OrgaGroupSettingsRepo} import{Tweets, TwitterSrv} import gospeak.libs.scala.Extensions._ import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.{CustomException, EmailAddress} import import io.circe.Json import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.util.control.NonFatal class MessageHandler(appConf: ApplicationConf, groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, groupSettingsRepo: OrgaGroupSettingsRepo, emailSrv: EmailSrv, slackSrv: SlackSrv, twitterSrv: TwitterSrv) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def groupActionHandler(msg: Message): IO[Unit] = (msg match { case m: Message.GroupMessage => handleGroupAction(, m, eMessage(m)) case _ => IO.pure(0) }).map(_ => ()).recover { case NonFatal(_) => () } def gospeakHandler(msg: Message): IO[Unit] = (msg match { case m: Message.ExternalCfpCreated => gospeakTwitt(m) case _ => IO.pure(0) }).map(_ => ()).recover { case NonFatal(_) => () } def logHandler(msg: Message): IO[Unit] = IO.pure("Message sent: $msg")) private def handleGroupAction(group: Group.Slug, msg: Message.GroupMessage, data: Json): IO[Int] = (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) actions <- OptionT.liftF(groupSettingsRepo.findActions( accounts <- OptionT.liftF(groupSettingsRepo.findAccounts( actionsToExec = Trigger.all.filter(_.message == msg.ref).flatMap(actions.getOrElse(_, Seq())) results <- OptionT.liftF(, _, data)).sequence) } yield results.length) private def execGroupAction(accounts: Group.Settings.Accounts, action: Action, data: Json): IO[Unit] = action match { case email: Action.Email => (for { to <- => CustomException(e.message)).flatMap(EmailAddress.from).map(EmailAddress.Contact(_)) subject <- email.subject.render(data) => CustomException(e.message)) content <- email.content.render(data).map(_.toHtml).leftMap(e => CustomException(e.message)) } yield emailSrv.send(EmailSrv.Email( from = Constants.Gospeak.noreplyEmail, to = Seq(to), subject = subject, content = EmailSrv.HtmlContent(content.value) ))).toIO.flatMap(identity).map(_ => ()) case Action.Slack(slack) =>, data, _, appConf.aesKey)).getOrElse(IO.raiseError(CustomException("No credentials for Slack"))) } private def gospeakTwitt(msg: Message.ExternalCfpCreated): IO[Int] = { if (msg.cfp.isActive( { twitterSrv.tweet(Tweets.externalCfpCreated(msg)).map(_ => 1) } else { IO.pure(0) } } }
Example 33
Source File: AuthRepo.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import gospeak.core.domain.User import gospeak.core.domain.User._ import{AuthGroupRepo, AuthUserRepo} import gospeak.web.auth.domain.AuthUser import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Done import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.reflect.ClassTag // TODO merge it with AuthSrv class AuthRepo(userRepo: AuthUserRepo, groupRepo: AuthGroupRepo) extends DelegableAuthInfoDAO[PasswordInfo] with IdentityService[AuthUser] { override val classTag: ClassTag[PasswordInfo] = scala.reflect.classTag[PasswordInfo] override def retrieve(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Option[AuthUser]] = (for { user <- OptionT(userRepo.find(toDomain(loginInfo))) groups <- OptionT.liftF(groupRepo.list( } yield AuthUser(loginInfo, user, groups)).value.unsafeToFuture() override def find(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Option[PasswordInfo]] = userRepo.findCredentials(toDomain(loginInfo)).map( override def add(loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: PasswordInfo): Future[PasswordInfo] = userRepo.createCredentials(toDomain(loginInfo, authInfo)).map(toSilhouette).unsafeToFuture() override def update(loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: PasswordInfo): Future[PasswordInfo] = userRepo.editCredentials(toDomain(loginInfo))(toDomain(authInfo)).map(_ => authInfo).unsafeToFuture() // add or update override def save(loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: PasswordInfo): Future[PasswordInfo] = userRepo.findCredentials(toDomain(loginInfo)).flatMap { opt => => userRepo.editCredentials(toDomain(loginInfo))(toDomain(authInfo))) .getOrElse(userRepo.createCredentials(toDomain(loginInfo, authInfo)).map(_ => Done)) }.map(_ => authInfo).unsafeToFuture() override def remove(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Unit] = userRepo.removeCredentials(toDomain(loginInfo)).map(_ => ()).unsafeToFuture() private def toDomain(loginInfo: LoginInfo): User.Login = User.Login(ProviderId(loginInfo.providerID), ProviderKey(loginInfo.providerKey)) private def toDomain(authInfo: PasswordInfo): User.Password = User.Password(Hasher(authInfo.hasher), PasswordValue(authInfo.password), private def toDomain(loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: PasswordInfo): User.Credentials = User.Credentials(toDomain(loginInfo), toDomain(authInfo)) private def toSilhouette(p: User.Password): PasswordInfo = PasswordInfo(p.hasher.value, p.password.value, private def toSilhouette(c: User.Credentials): PasswordInfo = toSilhouette(c.pass) }
Example 34
Source File: ApiCfpCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.api.orga import import import gospeak.core.domain.{Cfp, Group} import{OrgaCfpRepo, OrgaGroupRepo, OrgaUserRepo} import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.api.domain.ApiCfp import gospeak.web.api.domain.utils.ApiResult import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.utils.ApiCtrl import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} class ApiCfpCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, userRepo: OrgaUserRepo, val groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, cfpRepo: OrgaCfpRepo) extends ApiCtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) with ApiCtrl.OrgaAction { def list(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Seq[ApiCfp.Orga]](group) { implicit req => for { cfps <- cfpRepo.list(params) users <- userRepo.list(cfps.items.flatMap(_.users)) } yield ApiResult.of(cfps, (c: Cfp) => ApiCfp.orga(c, users)) } def detail(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[ApiCfp.Orga](group) { implicit req => (for { cfpElt <- OptionT(cfpRepo.find(cfp)) users <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(cfpElt.users)) res = ApiResult.of(ApiCfp.orga(cfpElt, users)) } yield res) } // TODO def userRatings(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug) }
Example 35
Source File: ApiEventCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.api.orga import import import gospeak.core.domain.{Event, Group} import{OrgaEventRepo, OrgaGroupRepo, OrgaProposalRepo, OrgaUserRepo} import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.api.domain.ApiEvent import gospeak.web.api.domain.utils.ApiResult import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.utils.ApiCtrl import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} class ApiEventCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, userRepo: OrgaUserRepo, val groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, eventRepo: OrgaEventRepo, proposalRepo: OrgaProposalRepo) extends ApiCtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) with ApiCtrl.OrgaAction { def list(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Seq[ApiEvent.Orga]](group) { implicit req => for { events <- eventRepo.listFull(params) proposals <- proposalRepo.list(events.items.flatMap(_.talks)) users <- userRepo.list(events.items.flatMap(_.users) ++ proposals.flatMap(_.users)) } yield ApiResult.of(events, (e: Event.Full) => ApiEvent.orga(e, proposals, users)) } def detail(group: Group.Slug, event: Event.Slug): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[ApiEvent.Orga](group) { implicit req => (for { eventElt <- OptionT(eventRepo.findFull(event)) proposals <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.list(eventElt.talks)) users <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(eventElt.users ++ proposals.flatMap(_.users))) res = ApiResult.of(ApiEvent.orga(eventElt, proposals, users)) } yield res), event))) } }
Example 36
Source File: ApiProposalCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.api.orga import import import gospeak.core.domain.{Cfp, Group, Proposal} import import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.api.domain.utils.ApiResult import gospeak.web.api.domain.{ApiComment, ApiProposal} import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.utils.ApiCtrl import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} class ApiProposalCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, userRepo: OrgaUserRepo, val groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, cfpRepo: OrgaCfpRepo, proposalRepo: OrgaProposalRepo, commentRepo: OrgaCommentRepo, userRequestRepo: OrgaUserRequestRepo) extends ApiCtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) with ApiCtrl.OrgaAction { def list(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Seq[ApiProposal.Orga]](group) { implicit req => for { proposals <- proposalRepo.listFull(cfp, params) users <- userRepo.list(proposals.items.flatMap(_.users)) } yield ApiResult.of(proposals, (p: Proposal.Full) => ApiProposal.orga(p, users)) } def listAll(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Seq[ApiProposal.Orga]](group) { implicit req => for { proposals <- proposalRepo.listFull(params) users <- userRepo.list(proposals.items.flatMap(_.users)) } yield ApiResult.of(proposals, (p: Proposal.Full) => ApiProposal.orga(p, users)) } def detail(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, proposal: Proposal.Id): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[ApiProposal.Orga](group) { implicit req => (for { proposalElt <- OptionT(proposalRepo.findFull(cfp, proposal)) users <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(proposalElt.users)) res = ApiResult.of(ApiProposal.orga(proposalElt, users)) } yield res), proposal))) } def ratings(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, proposal: Proposal.Id): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Seq[ApiProposal.Orga.Rating]](group) { implicit req => for { ratings <- proposalRepo.listRatings(proposal) users <- userRepo.list(ratings.flatMap(_.users)) } yield ApiResult.of(, users))) } def speakerComments(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, proposal: Proposal.Id): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Seq[ApiComment]](group) { implicit req => commentRepo.getComments(proposal).map(comments => ApiResult.of( } def orgaComments(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, proposal: Proposal.Id): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Seq[ApiComment]](group) { implicit req => commentRepo.getOrgaComments(proposal).map(comments => ApiResult.of( } def invites(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, proposal: Proposal.Id): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction[Int](group) { implicit req => userRequestRepo.listPendingInvites(proposal) ??? // TODO } }
Example 37
Source File: CredentialStore.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authentication.credentials import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.all._ import tsec.passwordhashers._ import tsec.passwordhashers.jca._ def updateCredentials(credentials: C, update: P => F[Unit]): F[Unit] = putCredentials(credentials, update) def isAuthenticated(credentials: C): F[Boolean] } abstract class PasswordStore[F[_], Id, P](implicit P: PasswordHasher[F, P], F: Sync[F]) extends CredentialStore[F, RawCredentials[Id], PasswordHash[P]] { def retrievePass(id: Id): OptionT[F, PasswordHash[P]] def putCredentials(credentials: RawCredentials[Id], put: PasswordHash[P] => F[Unit]): F[Unit] = for { hash <- P.hashpw(credentials.rawPassword) _ <- put(hash) } yield () def putCredentials(raw: Array[Byte], put: PasswordHash[P] => F[Unit]): F[Unit] = for { hash <- P.hashpw(raw) _ <- put(hash) } yield () def putCredentials(raw: Array[Char], put: PasswordHash[P] => F[Unit]): F[Unit] = for { hash <- P.hashpw(raw) _ <- put(hash) } yield () def isAuthenticated(credentials: RawCredentials[Id]): F[Boolean] = for { pass <- retrievePass(credentials.identity) .getOrElseF(F.raiseError(CredentialsError("No such user"))) check <- P.checkpwBool(credentials.rawPassword, pass) } yield check def isAuthenticated(id: Id, raw: Array[Byte]): F[Boolean] = for { pass <- retrievePass(id) .getOrElseF(F.raiseError(CredentialsError("No such user"))) check <- P.checkpwBool(raw, pass) } yield check def isAuthenticated(id: Id, raw: Array[Char]): F[Boolean] = for { pass <- retrievePass(id) .getOrElseF(F.raiseError(CredentialsError("No such user"))) check <- P.checkpwBool(raw, pass) } yield check } trait SCryptPasswordStore[F[_], Id] extends PasswordStore[F, Id, SCrypt] trait BCryptPasswordStore[F[_], Id] extends PasswordStore[F, Id, BCrypt]
Example 38
Source File: KamonSupport.scala From kamon-http4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package kamon.http4s package middleware.server import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.{Resource, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import kamon.Kamon import kamon.context.Storage import kamon.instrumentation.http.HttpServerInstrumentation.RequestHandler import kamon.instrumentation.http.HttpServerInstrumentation import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Request, Response} object KamonSupport { def apply[F[_]: Sync](service: HttpRoutes[F], interface: String, port: Int): HttpRoutes[F] = { val httpServerConfig = Kamon.config().getConfig("kamon.instrumentation.http4s.server") val instrumentation = HttpServerInstrumentation.from(httpServerConfig, "http4s.server", interface, port) Kleisli(kamonService[F](service, instrumentation)(_)) } private def kamonService[F[_]](service: HttpRoutes[F], instrumentation: HttpServerInstrumentation) (request: Request[F]) (implicit F: Sync[F]): OptionT[F, Response[F]] = OptionT { getHandler(instrumentation)(request).use { handler => for { resOrUnhandled <- service(request).value.attempt respWithContext <- kamonServiceHandler(handler, resOrUnhandled, instrumentation.settings) } yield respWithContext } } private def processRequest[F[_]](requestHandler: RequestHandler)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Resource[F, RequestHandler] = Resource.make(F.delay(requestHandler.requestReceived()))(h => F.delay(h.responseSent())) private def withContext[F[_]](requestHandler: RequestHandler)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Resource[F, Storage.Scope] = Resource.make(F.delay(Kamon.storeContext(requestHandler.context)))( scope => F.delay(scope.close())) private def getHandler[F[_]](instrumentation: HttpServerInstrumentation)(request: Request[F])(implicit F: Sync[F]): Resource[F, RequestHandler] = for { handler <- Resource.liftF(F.delay(instrumentation.createHandler(buildRequestMessage(request)))) _ <- processRequest(handler) _ <- withContext(handler) } yield handler private def kamonServiceHandler[F[_]](requestHandler: RequestHandler, e: Either[Throwable, Option[Response[F]]], settings: HttpServerInstrumentation.Settings) (implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Option[Response[F]]] = e match { case Left(e) => F.delay { Some(requestHandler.buildResponse(errorResponseBuilder, requestHandler.context)) } *> F.raiseError(e) case Right(None) => F.delay { val response: Response[F] = requestHandler.buildResponse[Response[F]]( notFoundResponseBuilder, requestHandler.context ) Some(response) } case Right(Some(response)) => F.delay { val a = requestHandler.buildResponse(getResponseBuilder(response), requestHandler.context) Some(a) } } }
Example 39
Source File: package.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec import import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex import org.http4s.server.Middleware import org.http4s.{Request, Response} import tsec.common.ManagedRandom package object csrf { type CSRFToken = CSRFToken.Token object CSRFToken extends ManagedRandom { type Token <: String def apply(s: String): CSRFToken = s.asInstanceOf[CSRFToken] def subst[F[_]](value: F[String]): F[CSRFToken] = value.asInstanceOf[F[CSRFToken]] def generateHexBase(tokenLength: Int = 32): String = { val tokenBytes = new Array[Byte](tokenLength) nextBytes(tokenBytes) Hex.toHexString(tokenBytes) } } type CSRFMiddleware[F[_]] = Middleware[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], Response[F], Request[F], Response[F]] }
Example 40
Source File: BLPAuthorization.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authorization import cats.MonadError import import cats.syntax.functor._ import tsec.authentication sealed abstract case class BLPWriteAction[F[_], Role, A, Auth](authLevel: Role)( implicit authInfo: AuthorizationInfo[F, Role, A], enum: SimpleAuthEnum[Role, Int], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ) extends BLPAuthorization[F, A, Auth] { def isAuthorized( toAuth: authentication.SecuredRequest[F, A, Auth] ): OptionT[F, authentication.SecuredRequest[F, A, Auth]] = { val out = authInfo.fetchInfo(toAuth.identity).map { info => val userAuthLevel = enum.getRepr(info) if (enum.contains(info) && userAuthLevel == enum.getRepr(authLevel)) Some(toAuth) else None } OptionT(out) } } object BLPWriteAction { def apply[F[_], Role, A, Auth](authLevel: Role)( implicit authInfo: AuthorizationInfo[F, Role, A], enum: SimpleAuthEnum[Role, Int], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ): F[BLPWriteAction[F, Role, A, Auth]] = if (enum.getRepr(authLevel) < 0) F.raiseError(InvalidAuthLevelError) else F.pure(new BLPWriteAction[F, Role, A, Auth](authLevel) {}) }
Example 41
Source File: BasicDAC.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authorization import cats.{Eq, MonadError} import import cats.syntax.all._ import tsec.authentication.SecuredRequest abstract class BasicDAC[F[_], G, U, Auth](implicit eq: Eq[G], F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends Authorization[F, U, Auth] { def fetchGroup: F[AuthGroup[G]] def fetchOwner: F[G] def fetchAccess(u: SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth]): F[G] def isAuthorized(toAuth: SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth]] = { val out = for { owner <- fetchOwner group <- fetchGroup access <- fetchAccess(toAuth) } yield { if (eq.eqv(access, owner) || group.contains(access)) Some(toAuth) else None } OptionT(out) } }
Example 42
Source File: DynamicRBAC.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authorization import cats.MonadError import import cats.syntax.all._ import tsec.authentication case class DynamicRBAC[F[_], Role, U, Auth](dynamic: DynamicAuthGroup[F, Role])( implicit authInfo: AuthorizationInfo[F, Role, U], enum: SimpleAuthEnum[Role, String], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ) extends Authorization[F, U, Auth] { def isAuthorized( toAuth: authentication.SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth] ): OptionT[F, authentication.SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth]] = OptionT(for { info <- authInfo.fetchInfo(toAuth.identity) group <- dynamic.fetchGroupInfo } yield { if (enum.contains(info) && group.contains(info)) Some(toAuth) else None }) }
Example 43
Source File: Authorization.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authorization import cats.Monad import import cats.kernel.Monoid import tsec.authentication.SecuredRequest trait Authorization[F[_], Identity, Auth] { def isAuthorized(toAuth: SecuredRequest[F, Identity, Auth]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, Identity, Auth]] } object Authorization { implicit def authorizationMonoid[F[_]: Monad, I, Auth]: Monoid[Authorization[F, I, Auth]] = new Monoid[Authorization[F, I, Auth]] { def empty: Authorization[F, I, Auth] = new Authorization[F, I, Auth] { def isAuthorized(toAuth: SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]] = OptionT.pure(toAuth) } def combine(x: Authorization[F, I, Auth], y: Authorization[F, I, Auth]): Authorization[F, I, Auth] = new Authorization[F, I, Auth] { def isAuthorized(toAuth: SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]] = x.isAuthorized(toAuth).flatMap(y.isAuthorized) } } }
Example 44
Source File: BasicRBAC.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authorization import cats.MonadError import import cats.syntax.functor._ import tsec.authentication import scala.reflect.ClassTag sealed abstract case class BasicRBAC[F[_], R, U, Auth](authorized: AuthGroup[R])( implicit role: AuthorizationInfo[F, R, U], enum: SimpleAuthEnum[R, String], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ) extends Authorization[F, U, Auth] { def isAuthorized( toAuth: authentication.SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth] ): OptionT[F, authentication.SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth]] = OptionT { role.fetchInfo(toAuth.identity).map { extractedRole => if (enum.contains(extractedRole) && authorized.contains(extractedRole)) Some(toAuth) else None } } } object BasicRBAC { def apply[F[_], R: ClassTag, U, Auth](roles: R*)( implicit enum: SimpleAuthEnum[R, String], role: AuthorizationInfo[F, R, U], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ): BasicRBAC[F, R, U, Auth] = fromGroup[F, R, U, Auth](AuthGroup(roles: _*)) def fromGroup[F[_], R: ClassTag, U, Auth](valueSet: AuthGroup[R])( implicit role: AuthorizationInfo[F, R, U], enum: SimpleAuthEnum[R, String], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ): BasicRBAC[F, R, U, Auth] = new BasicRBAC[F, R, U, Auth](valueSet) {} def all[F[_], R: ClassTag, U, Auth]( implicit enum: SimpleAuthEnum[R, String], role: AuthorizationInfo[F, R, U], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ): BasicRBAC[F, R, U, Auth] = new BasicRBAC[F, R, U, Auth](enum.viewAll) {} }
Example 45
Source File: HierarchyAuth.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authorization import cats.MonadError import import cats.syntax.functor._ import tsec.authentication sealed abstract case class HierarchyAuth[F[_], R, U, Auth](authLevel: R)( implicit role: AuthorizationInfo[F, R, U], enum: SimpleAuthEnum[R, Int], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ) extends Authorization[F, U, Auth] { def isAuthorized( toAuth: authentication.SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth] ): OptionT[F, authentication.SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth]] = OptionT { role.fetchInfo(toAuth.identity).map { authRole => val intRepr = enum.getRepr(authRole) if (0 <= intRepr && intRepr <= enum.getRepr(authLevel) && enum.contains(authRole)) Some(toAuth) else None } } } object HierarchyAuth { def apply[F[_], R, U, Auth](auth: R)( implicit role: AuthorizationInfo[F, R, U], e: SimpleAuthEnum[R, Int], F: MonadError[F, Throwable] ): F[HierarchyAuth[F, R, U, Auth]] = if (e.getRepr(auth) < 0) F.raiseError[HierarchyAuth[F, R, U, Auth]](InvalidAuthLevelError) else F.pure(new HierarchyAuth[F, R, U, Auth](auth) {}) }
Example 46
Source File: RepoConfigAlg.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalasteward.core.repoconfig import better.files.File import import cats.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.log4cats.Logger import io.circe.config.parser import org.scalasteward.core.application.Config import import{FileAlg, WorkspaceAlg} import org.scalasteward.core.repoconfig.RepoConfigAlg._ import org.scalasteward.core.util.MonadThrowable import final class RepoConfigAlg[F[_]](implicit config: Config, fileAlg: FileAlg[F], logger: Logger[F], workspaceAlg: WorkspaceAlg[F], F: MonadThrowable[F] ) { def readRepoConfigOrDefault(repo: Repo): F[RepoConfig] = readRepoConfig(repo).flatMap { config => } val defaultRepoConfig: F[RepoConfig] = OptionT .fromOption[F](config.defaultRepoConfigFile) .flatMap(readRepoConfigFromFile) .getOrElse(RepoConfig.empty) def readRepoConfig(repo: Repo): F[Option[RepoConfig]] = workspaceAlg .repoDir(repo) .flatMap(dir => readRepoConfigFromFile(dir / repoConfigBasename).value) private def readRepoConfigFromFile(configFile: File): OptionT[F, RepoConfig] = OptionT(fileAlg.readFile(configFile)).map(parseRepoConfig).flatMapF { case Right(repoConfig) =>"Parsed $repoConfig").as(repoConfig.some) case Left(errorMsg) =>[RepoConfig]) } } object RepoConfigAlg { val repoConfigBasename: String = ".scala-steward.conf" def parseRepoConfig(input: String): Either[String, RepoConfig] = parser.decode[RepoConfig](input).leftMap { error => s"Failed to parse $repoConfigBasename: ${error.getMessage}" } def configToIgnoreFurtherUpdates(update: Update): String = update match { case s: Update.Single => s"""updates.ignore = [ { groupId = "${s.groupId}", artifactId = "${}" } ]""" case g: Update.Group => s"""updates.ignore = [ { groupId = "${g.groupId}" } ]""" } }
Example 47
Source File: PartialStatelessJWTAuth.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authentication.internal import java.time.Instant import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.all._ import io.circe.parser.decode import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder} import org.http4s._ import tsec.authentication._ import tsec.common._ import tsec.jws.mac._ import tsec.jwt.algorithms.JWTMacAlgo import tsec.jwt.{JWTClaims, JWTPrinter} import tsec.mac.jca._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ def discard(authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, I]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, I]] = for { now <- F.delay( jwt <- JWTMac .build[F, A]( authenticator.jwt.body .withExpiry(now) .withJwtID(SecureRandomId.Interactive.generate), signingKey ) } yield AugmentedJWT(, jwt, authenticator.identity, now, authenticator.lastTouched) }
Example 48
Source File: StatelessJWTAuth.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authentication.internal import java.time.Instant import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.all._ import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder} import org.http4s._ import tsec.authentication._ import tsec.common._ import tsec.jws.mac._ import tsec.jwt.algorithms.JWTMacAlgo import tsec.jwt.JWTClaims import tsec.mac.MAC import tsec.mac.jca._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ private[tsec] abstract class StatelessJWTAuth[F[_], V: Decoder: Encoder.AsObject, A: JWTMacAlgo]( val expiry: FiniteDuration, val maxIdle: Option[FiniteDuration], signingKey: MacSigningKey[A] )(implicit F: Sync[F], cv: JWSMacCV[F, A]) extends JWTAuthenticator[F, V, V, A] { private[tsec] def verifyLastTouched(body: JWTMac[A], now: Instant): F[Option[Instant]] def parseRaw(raw: String, request: Request[F]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, V, AugmentedJWT[A, V]]] = OptionT( (for { now <- F.delay( extracted <- cv.verifyAndParse(raw, signingKey, now) jwtid <- cataOption( body <- extracted.body.asF[F, V] expiry <- cataOption(extracted.body.expiration) lastTouched <- verifyLastTouched(extracted, now) augmented = AugmentedJWT( SecureRandomId.coerce(jwtid), extracted, body, expiry, lastTouched ) refreshed <- refresh(augmented) } yield SecuredRequest(request, body, refreshed).some) .handleError(_ => None) ) def create(body: V): F[AugmentedJWT[A, V]] = for { now <- F.delay( jwtId <- SecureRandomId.Interactive.generateF[F] expiryTime = now.plusSeconds(expiry.toSeconds) lastTouched = touch(now) claims = JWTClaims( issuedAt = touch(now), jwtId = Some(jwtId), expiration = Some(expiryTime), customFields = body.asJsonObject.toList ) out <-[F, A](claims, signingKey) } yield AugmentedJWT(jwtId, out, body, expiryTime, lastTouched) def update(authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, V]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, V]] = F.pure(authenticator) def renew(authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, V]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, V]] = for { now <- F.delay( updatedExpiry = now.plusSeconds(expiry.toSeconds) authBody = authenticator.jwt.body lastTouched = touch(now) jwt <- authBody.withIATOption(lastTouched).withExpiry(updatedExpiry), signingKey ) } yield AugmentedJWT(, jwt, authenticator.identity, updatedExpiry, lastTouched) def discard(authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, V]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, V]] = F.pure(authenticator.copy(jwt = JWTMac.buildToken[A](JWSMacHeader[A], JWTClaims(), MAC[A](Array.empty[Byte])))) def afterBlock(response: Response[F], authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, V]): OptionT[F, Response[F]] = OptionT.pure[F](embed(response, authenticator)) }
Example 49
Source File: StatefulJWTAuth.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authentication.internal import java.time.Instant import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.syntax.all._ import org.http4s._ import tsec.authentication._ import tsec.common._ import tsec.jws.mac._ import tsec.jwt._ import tsec.jwt.algorithms.JWTMacAlgo import tsec.mac.jca._ import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration private[tsec] abstract class StatefulJWTAuth[F[_], I, V, A: JWTMacAlgo]( val expiry: FiniteDuration, val maxIdle: Option[FiniteDuration], tokenStore: BackingStore[F, SecureRandomId, AugmentedJWT[A, I]], identityStore: IdentityStore[F, I, V], signingKey: MacSigningKey[A] )(implicit F: Sync[F], cv: JWSMacCV[F, A]) extends JWTAuthenticator[F, I, V, A] { private[tsec] def verifyAndRefresh( raw: String, retrieved: AugmentedJWT[A, I], now: Instant ): F[AugmentedJWT[A, I]] def parseRaw(raw: String, request: Request[F]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, V, AugmentedJWT[A, I]]] = OptionT( (for { now <- F.delay( extracted <- cv.verifyAndParse(raw, signingKey, now) id <- cataOption( retrieved <- tokenStore.get(SecureRandomId(id)).orAuthFailure refreshed <- verifyAndRefresh(raw, retrieved, now) identity <- identityStore.get(retrieved.identity).orAuthFailure } yield SecuredRequest(request, identity, refreshed).some) .handleError(_ => None) ) def create(body: I): F[AugmentedJWT[A, I]] = for { cookieId <- F.delay(SecureRandomId.Interactive.generate) now <- F.delay( newExpiry = now.plusSeconds(expiry.toSeconds) claims = JWTClaims( issuedAt = Some(now), jwtId = Some(cookieId), expiration = Some(newExpiry) ) signed <-[F, A](claims, signingKey) created <- tokenStore.put(AugmentedJWT(cookieId, signed, body, newExpiry, touch(now))) } yield created def renew(authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, I]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, I]] = F.delay( { now => val updatedExpiry = now.plusSeconds(expiry.toSeconds) val newBody = authenticator.jwt.body.withExpiry(updatedExpiry) for { reSigned <-[F, A](newBody, signingKey) updated <- tokenStore .update(authenticator.copy(jwt = reSigned, expiry = updatedExpiry, lastTouched = touch(now))) } yield updated } def update(authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, I]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, I]] = tokenStore.update(authenticator) def discard(authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, I]): F[AugmentedJWT[A, I]] = tokenStore.delete(SecureRandomId.coerce( => authenticator) def afterBlock(response: Response[F], authenticator: AugmentedJWT[A, I]): OptionT[F, Response[F]] = OptionT.pure[F](response) }
Example 50
Source File: SecuredRequestHandler.scala From tsec with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tsec.authentication import cats.ApplicativeError import cats.MonadError import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.syntax.all._ import org.http4s._ import org.log4s._ import tsec.authorization._ sealed abstract class SecuredRequestHandler[F[_], Identity, User, Auth]( val authenticator: Authenticator[F, Identity, User, Auth] )(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable], ME: MonadError[Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], ?], Throwable]) { private[this] val cachedUnauthorized: Response[F] = Response[F](Status.Unauthorized) private[this] val defaultNotAuthenticated: Request[F] => F[Response[F]] = _ => F.pure(cachedUnauthorized) private[tsec] def default[F[_], Identity, User, Auth]( authenticator: Authenticator[F, Identity, User, Auth] )(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]): SecuredRequestHandler[F, Identity, User, Auth] = new SecuredRequestHandler[F, Identity, User, Auth](authenticator) {} }
Example 51
package jbok.evm import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import jbok.common.log.Logger def run[F[_]: Sync](context: ProgramContext[F]): F[ProgramResult[F]] = { val state = ProgramState[F](context) OptionT.fromOption[F](PrecompiledContracts.runOptionally(state.config.preCompiledContracts, context)).getOrElseF { run(state).map { finalState => ProgramResult[F]( finalState.returnData, finalState.gas,, finalState.addressesToDelete, finalState.logs, finalState.internalTxs, finalState.gasRefund, finalState.error, finalState.reverted ) } } } private def run[F[_]: Sync](state: ProgramState[F]): F[ProgramState[F]] = { val byte = state.program.getByte(state.pc) state.config.byteToOpCode.get(byte) match { case Some(opCode) => for { newState <- opCode.execute(state) _ <- Logger[F].trace( s"$opCode | pc: ${newState.pc} | depth: ${newState.env.callDepth} | gas: ${newState.gas} | stack: ${newState.stack}") s <- if (newState.halted || newState.reverted) newState.pure[F] else run(newState) } yield s case None => state.withError(InvalidOpCode(byte)).halt.pure[F] } } }
Example 52
Source File: TransactionService.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import jbok.codec.rlp.RlpEncoded import jbok.core.ledger.History import jbok.core.models.{Receipt, SignedTransaction} import jbok.core.pool.TxPool import jbok.core.api.{BlockTag, TransactionAPI} import scodec.bits.ByteVector final class TransactionService[F[_]](history: History[F], txPool: TxPool[F], helper: ServiceHelper[F])(implicit F: Sync[F]) extends TransactionAPI[F] { override def getTx(hash: ByteVector): F[Option[SignedTransaction]] = (for { loc <- OptionT(history.getTransactionLocation(hash)) block <- OptionT(history.getBlockByHash(loc.blockHash)) stx <- OptionT.fromOption[F](block.body.transactionList.lift(loc.txIndex)) } yield stx).value override def getPendingTx(hash: ByteVector): F[Option[SignedTransaction]] = == hash)) override def getReceipt(hash: ByteVector): F[Option[Receipt]] = (for { loc <- OptionT(history.getTransactionLocation(hash)) block <- OptionT(history.getBlockByHash(loc.blockHash)) _ <- OptionT.fromOption[F](block.body.transactionList.lift(loc.txIndex)) receipts <- OptionT(history.getReceiptsByHash(loc.blockHash)) receipt <- OptionT.fromOption[F](receipts.lift(loc.txIndex)) } yield receipt).value override def getTxByBlockHashAndIndex(hash: ByteVector, index: Int): F[Option[SignedTransaction]] = (for { block <- OptionT(history.getBlockByHash(hash)) stx <- OptionT.fromOption[F](block.body.transactionList.lift(index)) } yield stx).value override def getTxByBlockTagAndIndex(tag: BlockTag, index: Int): F[Option[SignedTransaction]] = (for { block <- OptionT(helper.resolveBlock(tag)) stx <- OptionT.fromOption[F](block.body.transactionList.lift(index)) } yield stx).value override def sendTx(stx: SignedTransaction): F[ByteVector] = txPool.addOrUpdateTransaction(stx).as(stx.hash) override def sendRawTx(data: RlpEncoded): F[ByteVector] = for { stx <- F.fromEither(data.decoded[SignedTransaction]) _ <- txPool.addOrUpdateTransaction(stx) } yield stx.hash }
Example 53
Source File: StoreUpdateService.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import cats.effect.{Sync, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import fs2._ import{BlockStore, TransactionStore} import jbok.common.log.Logger import jbok.common.math.N import jbok.core.ledger.History import spire.compat._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ final class StoreUpdateService[F[_]](history: History[F], blockStore: BlockStore[F], txStore: TransactionStore[F])(implicit F: Sync[F], T: Timer[F]) { private[this] val log = Logger[F] def findForkPoint(start: N): F[N] = for { hash1 <- blockStore.getBlockHashByNumber(start) hash2 <- history.getHashByBlockNumber(start) number <- (hash1, hash2) match { case (Some(h1), Some(h2)) if h1 == h2 => F.pure(start) case (Some(_), Some(_)) => findForkPoint(start - 1) case _ => F.raiseError(new Exception(s"fatal error")) } } yield number private def delRange(start: N, end: N): F[Unit] = List.range(start, end + 1).traverse_ { number => blockStore.delByBlockNumber(number) >> txStore.delByBlockNumber(number) } private def syncRange(start: N, end: N): F[Unit] = List.range(start, end + 1).traverse_ { number => syncBlock(number) >> syncTransactions(number) } private def syncBlock(number: N): F[Unit] = for { header <- history.getBlockHeaderByNumber(number) _ <- header.fold(F.unit)(header => blockStore.insert(header.number, header.hash)) } yield () private def syncTransactions(number: N): F[Unit] = (for { hash <- OptionT(history.getHashByBlockNumber(number)) block <- OptionT(history.getBlockByHash(hash)) receipts <- OptionT(history.getReceiptsByHash(hash)) _ <- OptionT.liftF(txStore.insertBlockTransactions(block, receipts)) } yield ()).value.void def sync: F[Unit] = for { currentOpt <- blockStore.getBestBlockNumber fork <- currentOpt.fold(N(0).pure[F])(current => findForkPoint(current)) best <- history.getBestBlockNumber _ <- log.i(s"current: ${fork}, best: ${best}") _ <- if (fork == best) { F.unit } else { delRange(fork, best) >> syncRange(fork, best) } } yield () val stream: Stream[F, Unit] = Stream.eval(log.i(s"starting App/StoreUpdateService")) ++ Stream.repeatEval(sync).metered(10.seconds) }
Example 54
Source File: HmacAuthMiddleware.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.{Duration, Instant} import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.Sync import import org.http4s.headers.Authorization import org.http4s.util.CaseInsensitiveString import org.http4s.{AuthScheme, Credentials, HttpRoutes, Request, Response, Status} import tsec.mac.jca.{HMACSHA256, MacSigningKey} import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _} sealed abstract class HmacAuthError(val message: String) extends Exception(message) object HmacAuthError { case object NoAuthHeader extends HmacAuthError("Could not find an Authorization header") case object NoDatetimeHeader extends HmacAuthError("Could not find an X-Datetime header") case object BadMAC extends HmacAuthError("Bad MAC") case object InvalidMacFormat extends HmacAuthError("The MAC is not a valid Base64 string") case object InvalidDatetime extends HmacAuthError("The datetime is not a valid UTC datetime string") case object Timeout extends HmacAuthError("The request time window is closed") } object HmacAuthMiddleware { val defaultDuration: FiniteDuration = 5.minutes private def verifyFromHeader[F[_]]( req: Request[F], key: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256], duration: FiniteDuration ): Either[HmacAuthError, Unit] = for { authHeader <- req.headers .get(Authorization) .flatMap { t => t.credentials match { case Credentials.Token(scheme, token) if scheme == AuthScheme.Bearer => Some(token) case _ => None } } .toRight(HmacAuthError.NoAuthHeader) datetimeHeader <- req.headers .get(CaseInsensitiveString("X-Datetime")) .toRight(HmacAuthError.NoDatetimeHeader) instant <- HMAC.http.verifyFromHeader(, req.uri.renderString, datetimeHeader.value, authHeader, key ) _ <- Either.cond(, (), HmacAuthError.Timeout ) } yield () def apply[F[_]: Sync](key: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256], duration: FiniteDuration = defaultDuration)(routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli { req: Request[F] => verifyFromHeader(req, key, duration) match { case Left(error) => OptionT.some[F](Response[F](Status.Forbidden).withEntity(error.message)) case Right(_) => routes(req) } } }
Example 55
Source File: HttpErrorHandler.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.route import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.IO import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Request, Response} trait HttpErrorHandler { def handle(routes: HttpRoutes[IO]): HttpRoutes[IO] } object HttpErrorHandler { def apply(routes: HttpRoutes[IO])(handler: PartialFunction[Throwable, IO[Response[IO]]]): HttpRoutes[IO] = { Kleisli { req: Request[IO] => OptionT { { e => if (handler.isDefinedAt(e)) handler(e).map(Option(_)) else IO.raiseError(e) } } } } }
Example 56
Source File: QMails.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import import docspell.common._ import import import import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ object QMails { def delete(coll: Ident, mailId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Int] = (for { m <- OptionT(findMail(coll, mailId)) k <- OptionT.liftF(RSentMailItem.deleteMail(mailId)) n <- OptionT.liftF(RSentMail.delete( } yield k + n).getOrElse(0) def findMail(coll: Ident, mailId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Option[(RSentMail, Ident)]] = { val iColl = RItem.Columns.cid.prefix("i") val mId ="m") val (cols, from) = partialFind val cond = Seq(, selectSimple(cols, from, and(cond)).query[(RSentMail, Ident)].option } def findMails(coll: Ident, itemId: Ident): ConnectionIO[Vector[(RSentMail, Ident)]] = { val iColl = RItem.Columns.cid.prefix("i") val tItem = RSentMailItem.Columns.itemId.prefix("t") val mCreated = RSentMail.Columns.created.prefix("m") val (cols, from) = partialFind val cond = Seq(, (selectSimple(cols, from, and(cond)) ++ orderBy(mCreated.f) ++ fr"DESC") .query[(RSentMail, Ident)] .to[Vector] } private def partialFind: (Seq[Column], Fragment) = { val iId ="i") val tItem = RSentMailItem.Columns.itemId.prefix("t") val tMail = RSentMailItem.Columns.sentMailId.prefix("t") val mId ="m") val mUser = RSentMail.Columns.uid.prefix("m") val uId = RUser.Columns.uid.prefix("u") val uLogin = RUser.Columns.login.prefix("u") val cols ="m")) :+ uLogin val from = RSentMail.table ++ fr"m INNER JOIN" ++ RSentMailItem.table ++ fr"t ON" ++ ++ fr"INNER JOIN" ++ RItem.table ++ fr"i ON" ++ ++ fr"INNER JOIN" ++ RUser.table ++ fr"u ON" ++ (cols, from) } }
Example 57
Source File: OJoex.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.backend.ops import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common.{Ident, NodeType} import docspell.joexapi.client.JoexClient import import trait OJoex[F[_]] { def notifyAllNodes: F[Unit] def cancelJob(job: Ident, worker: Ident): F[Boolean] } object OJoex { def apply[F[_]: Sync](client: JoexClient[F], store: Store[F]): Resource[F, OJoex[F]] = Resource.pure[F, OJoex[F]](new OJoex[F] { def notifyAllNodes: F[Unit] = for { nodes <- store.transact(RNode.findAll(NodeType.Joex)) _ <- nodes.toList.traverse(n => client.notifyJoexIgnoreErrors(n.url)) } yield () def cancelJob(job: Ident, worker: Ident): F[Boolean] = (for { node <- OptionT(store.transact(RNode.findById(worker))) cancel <- OptionT.liftF(client.cancelJob(node.url, job)) } yield cancel.success).getOrElse(false) }) def create[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect]( ec: ExecutionContext, store: Store[F] ): Resource[F, OJoex[F]] = JoexClient.resource(ec).flatMap(client => apply(client, store)) }
Example 58
Source File: OJob.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.backend.ops import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import docspell.backend.ops.OJob.{CollectiveQueueState, JobCancelResult} import docspell.common.{Ident, JobState} import import import{RJob, RJobLog} trait OJob[F[_]] { def queueState(collective: Ident, maxResults: Int): F[CollectiveQueueState] def cancelJob(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[JobCancelResult] } object OJob { sealed trait JobCancelResult object JobCancelResult { case object Removed extends JobCancelResult case object CancelRequested extends JobCancelResult case object JobNotFound extends JobCancelResult def removed: JobCancelResult = Removed def cancelRequested: JobCancelResult = CancelRequested def jobNotFound: JobCancelResult = JobNotFound } case class JobDetail(job: RJob, logs: Vector[RJobLog]) case class CollectiveQueueState(jobs: Vector[JobDetail]) { def queued: Vector[JobDetail] = jobs.filter(r => JobState.queued.contains(r.job.state)) def done: Vector[JobDetail] = jobs.filter(r => JobState.done.contains(r.job.state)) def running: Vector[JobDetail] = jobs.filter(_.job.state == JobState.Running) } def apply[F[_]: Sync]( store: Store[F], joex: OJoex[F] ): Resource[F, OJob[F]] = Resource.pure[F, OJob[F]](new OJob[F] { def queueState(collective: Ident, maxResults: Int): F[CollectiveQueueState] = store .transact(QJob.queueStateSnapshot(collective).take(maxResults.toLong)) .map(t => JobDetail(t._1, t._2)) .compile .toVector .map(CollectiveQueueState) def cancelJob(id: Ident, collective: Ident): F[JobCancelResult] = { def remove(job: RJob): F[JobCancelResult] = store.transact(RJob.delete( *> JobCancelResult.removed.pure[F] def tryCancel(job: RJob): F[JobCancelResult] = job.worker match { case Some(worker) => for { flag <- joex.cancelJob(, worker) res <- if (flag) JobCancelResult.cancelRequested.pure[F] else remove(job) } yield res case None => remove(job) } (for { job <- OptionT(store.transact(RJob.findByIdAndGroup(id, collective))) result <- OptionT.liftF( if (job.isInProgress) tryCancel(job) else remove(job) ) } yield result) .getOrElse(JobCancelResult.jobNotFound) } }) }
Example 59
Source File: OUserTask.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.backend.ops import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Stream import docspell.common._ import import import io.circe.Encoder trait OUserTask[F[_]] { def executeNow[A](account: AccountId, task: UserTask[A])(implicit E: Encoder[A] ): F[Unit] } object OUserTask { def apply[F[_]: Effect]( store: UserTaskStore[F], queue: JobQueue[F], joex: OJoex[F] ): Resource[F, OUserTask[F]] = Resource.pure[F, OUserTask[F]](new OUserTask[F] { def executeNow[A](account: AccountId, task: UserTask[A])(implicit E: Encoder[A] ): F[Unit] = for { ptask <- task.encode.toPeriodicTask(account) job <- ptask.toJob _ <- queue.insert(job) _ <- joex.notifyAllNodes } yield () def getScanMailbox(account: AccountId): Stream[F, UserTask[ScanMailboxArgs]] = store .getByName[ScanMailboxArgs](account, ScanMailboxArgs.taskName) def findScanMailbox( id: Ident, account: AccountId ): OptionT[F, UserTask[ScanMailboxArgs]] = OptionT(getScanMailbox(account).find( == id).compile.last) def deleteTask(account: AccountId, id: Ident): F[Unit] = (for { _ <- store.getByIdRaw(account, id) _ <- OptionT.liftF(store.deleteTask(account, id)) } yield ()).getOrElse(()) def submitScanMailbox( account: AccountId, task: UserTask[ScanMailboxArgs] ): F[Unit] = for { _ <- store.updateTask[ScanMailboxArgs](account, task) _ <- joex.notifyAllNodes } yield () def getNotifyDueItems(account: AccountId): Stream[F, UserTask[NotifyDueItemsArgs]] = store .getByName[NotifyDueItemsArgs](account, NotifyDueItemsArgs.taskName) def findNotifyDueItems( id: Ident, account: AccountId ): OptionT[F, UserTask[NotifyDueItemsArgs]] = OptionT(getNotifyDueItems(account).find( == id).compile.last) def submitNotifyDueItems( account: AccountId, task: UserTask[NotifyDueItemsArgs] ): F[Unit] = for { _ <- store.updateTask[NotifyDueItemsArgs](account, task) _ <- joex.notifyAllNodes } yield () }) }
Example 60
Source File: SentMailRoutes.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.restserver.routes import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import docspell.backend.BackendApp import docspell.backend.auth.AuthToken import docspell.backend.ops.OMail.Sent import docspell.common._ import docspell.restapi.model._ import emil.javamail.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityEncoder._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl object SentMailRoutes { def apply[F[_]: Effect](backend: BackendApp[F], user: AuthToken): HttpRoutes[F] = { val dsl = new Http4sDsl[F] {} import dsl._ HttpRoutes.of { case GET -> Root / "item" / Ident(id) => for { all <- backend.mail.getSentMailsForItem(user.account, id) resp <- Ok(SentMails( } yield resp case GET -> Root / "mail" / Ident(mailId) => (for { mail <- backend.mail.getSentMail(user.account, mailId) resp <- OptionT.liftF(Ok(convert(mail))) } yield resp).getOrElseF(NotFound()) case DELETE -> Root / "mail" / Ident(mailId) => for { n <- backend.mail.deleteSentMail(user.account, mailId) resp <- Ok(BasicResult(n > 0, s"Mails deleted: $n")) } yield resp } } def convert(s: Sent): SentMail = SentMail(, s.senderLogin, s.connectionName,, s.subject, s.body, s.created ) }
Example 61
Source File: FullTextIndexRoutes.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.restserver.routes import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import docspell.backend.BackendApp import docspell.backend.auth.AuthToken import docspell.common._ import docspell.restserver.Config import docspell.restserver.conv.Conversions import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityEncoder._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl object FullTextIndexRoutes { def secured[F[_]: Effect]( cfg: Config, backend: BackendApp[F], user: AuthToken ): HttpRoutes[F] = if (!cfg.fullTextSearch.enabled) notFound[F] else { val dsl = Http4sDsl[F] import dsl._ HttpRoutes.of { case POST -> Root / "reIndex" => for { res <- backend.fulltext.reindexCollective(user.account).attempt resp <- Ok(Conversions.basicResult(res, "Full-text index will be re-created.")) } yield resp } } def open[F[_]: Effect](cfg: Config, backend: BackendApp[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = if (!cfg.fullTextSearch.enabled) notFound[F] else { val dsl = Http4sDsl[F] import dsl._ HttpRoutes.of { case POST -> Root / "reIndexAll" / Ident(id) => for { res <- if (id.nonEmpty && id == cfg.fullTextSearch.recreateKey) backend.fulltext.reindexAll.attempt else Left(new Exception("The provided key is invalid.")).pure[F] resp <- Ok(Conversions.basicResult(res, "Full-text index will be re-created.")) } yield resp } } private def notFound[F[_]: Effect]: HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes(_ => OptionT.pure(Response.notFound[F])) }
Example 62
Source File: Migration.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.joex.fts import cats.Traverse import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import docspell.common._ import docspell.ftsclient._ import docspell.joex.Config import import{AddResult, Store} case class Migration[F[_]]( version: Int, engine: Ident, description: String, task: FtsWork[F] ) object Migration { def apply[F[_]: Effect]( cfg: Config.FullTextSearch, fts: FtsClient[F], store: Store[F], logger: Logger[F] ): Kleisli[F, List[Migration[F]], Unit] = { val ctx = FtsContext(cfg, store, fts, logger) Kleisli(migs => Traverse[List].sequence([F](ctx))).map(_ => ())) } def applySingle[F[_]: Effect](ctx: FtsContext[F])(m: Migration[F]): F[Unit] = { val insertRecord: F[Option[RFtsMigration]] = for { rec <- RFtsMigration.create(m.version, m.engine, m.description) res <- RFtsMigration.insert(rec), RFtsMigration.exists(m.version, m.engine) ) ret <- res match { case AddResult.Success => rec.some.pure[F] case AddResult.EntityExists(_) => None.pure[F] case AddResult.Failure(ex) => Effect[F].raiseError(ex) } } yield ret (for { _ <- OptionT.liftF("Apply ${m.version}/${m.description}")) rec <- OptionT(insertRecord) res <- OptionT.liftF( ret <- OptionT.liftF(res match { case Right(()) => ().pure[F] case Left(ex) => ctx.logger.error(ex)( s"Applying index migration ${m.version}/${m.description} failed" ) *> *> Effect[F] .raiseError[Unit]( ex ) }) } yield ret).getOrElseF("Migration ${m.version}/${m.description} already applied.") ) } }
Example 63
Source File: DummyCpgProviderSpec.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.cpg import java.util.UUID import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.BaseSpec import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.query.CpgOperationResult import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps class DummyCpgProviderSpec extends BaseSpec with Eventually { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private def withNewCpgProvider[T](f: DummyCpgProvider => T): T = { f(new DummyCpgProvider) } "Creating a CPG" should { "return a UUID referencing the eventual CPG" in withNewCpgProvider { cpgProvider => noException should be thrownBy cpgProvider.createCpg(Set.empty).unsafeRunSync() } } "Retrieving a CPG" should { "return a success if the CPG was created successfully" in withNewCpgProvider { cpgProvider => val cpgId = cpgProvider.createCpg(Set.empty).unsafeRunSync() eventually(timeout(10 seconds), interval(1 seconds)) { cpgProvider.retrieveCpg(cpgId).value.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe defined } } "return an empty OptionT if the CPG does not exist" in withNewCpgProvider { cpgProvider => cpgProvider.retrieveCpg(UUID.randomUUID) shouldBe OptionT.none[IO, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]] } } }
Example 64
Source File: DummyBackingStore.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import cats.effect.IO import tsec.authentication.BackingStore import scala.collection.mutable object DummyBackingStore { def apply[I, V](getId: V => I): BackingStore[IO, I, V] = new BackingStore[IO, I, V] { private val storageMap = mutable.HashMap.empty[I, V] def put(elem: V): IO[V] = { val map = storageMap.put(getId(elem), elem) if (map.isEmpty) IO.pure(elem) else IO.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException) } def get(id: I): OptionT[IO, V] = OptionT.fromOption[IO](storageMap.get(id)) def update(v: V): IO[V] = { storageMap.update(getId(v), v) IO.pure(v) } def delete(id: I): IO[Unit] = storageMap.remove(id) match { case Some(_) => IO.unit case None => IO.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException) } } }
Example 65
Source File: SwaggerRoute.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.route import java.util.concurrent.Executors import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ import import org.http4s.headers.Location import org.webjars.WebJarAssetLocator import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.route.CpgRoute.ApiError final class SwaggerRoute { private val blockingEc = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor) private val blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(blockingEc) private implicit val blockingCs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(blockingEc) private val swaggerUiVersion = IO { new WebJarAssetLocator().getWebJars.get("swagger-ui") } private val swaggerUiResources = { ver => s"/META-INF/resources/webjars/swagger-ui/$ver" } private val swaggerUiPath = Path("swagger-ui") val routes: HttpRoutes[IO] = HttpRoutes.of { case GET -> Root / ("swagger-ui" | "docs") => PermanentRedirect(Location(Uri.unsafeFromString("swagger-ui/index.html"))) // TODO discuss with jacob: according to scalac this is unreachable... commenting for now since it probably never worked anyway case req @ GET -> (Root | `swaggerUiPath`) / "swagger.yaml" => StaticFile .fromResource("/swagger.yaml", blocker, Some(req)) .getOrElseF(InternalServerError(ApiError("Swagger documentation is missing.").asJson)) case req @ GET -> path if path.startsWith(swaggerUiPath) => { val file = path.toList.tail.mkString("/", "/", "") match { case f if f == "/index.html" => StaticFile.fromResource[IO]("/swagger-ui/index.html", blocker, Some(req)) case f => OptionT.liftF(swaggerUiResources).flatMap { resources => StaticFile.fromResource[IO](resources + f, blocker, Some(req)) } } file.getOrElseF(InternalServerError(ApiError(s"Requested file [$file] is missing.").asJson)) } } } object SwaggerRoute { def apply(): SwaggerRoute = new SwaggerRoute }
Example 66
Source File: ServerAmmoniteExecutor.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.query import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.console.scripting.AmmoniteExecutor import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, Executors} import scala.collection.concurrent.Map import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ abstract class ServerAmmoniteExecutor(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]) extends AmmoniteExecutor { private val blocker: Blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2))) private val queryResultMap: Map[UUID, CpgOperationResult[String]] = new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, CpgOperationResult[String]].asScala private val uuidProvider = IO { UUID.randomUUID } def executeQuery(cpg: Cpg, query: String): IO[UUID] = { for { resultUuid <- uuidProvider _ <- blocker .blockOn(runQuery(query, cpg)) .runAsync { case Right(result) => IO(queryResultMap.put(resultUuid, CpgOperationSuccess(result.toString))).map(_ => ()) case Left(ex) => IO(queryResultMap.put(resultUuid, CpgOperationFailure(ex))).map(_ => ()) } .toIO } yield resultUuid } def retrieveQueryResult(queryId: UUID): OptionT[IO, CpgOperationResult[String]] = { OptionT.fromOption(queryResultMap.get(queryId)) } def executeQuerySync(cpg: Cpg, query: String): IO[CpgOperationResult[String]] = { for { result <- runQuery(query, cpg) .map(v => CpgOperationSuccess(v.toString)) .handleErrorWith(err => IO(CpgOperationFailure(err))) } yield result } }
Example 67
Source File: DummyCpgProvider.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.cpg import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, Executors} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.collection.concurrent.Map import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.NewMethod import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.query.{CpgOperationFailure, CpgOperationResult, CpgOperationSuccess} import io.shiftleft.passes.{CpgPass, DiffGraph} import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._ class DummyCpgProvider(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]) extends CpgProvider { private val blocker: Blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2))) private val cpgMap: Map[UUID, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]] = new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]].asScala private val uuidProvider = IO(UUID.randomUUID) private class MyPass(cpg: Cpg) extends CpgPass(cpg) { override def run(): Iterator[DiffGraph] = { implicit val diffGraph: DiffGraph.Builder = DiffGraph.newBuilder NewMethod(name = "main", isExternal = false) Iterator( } } override def createCpg(filenames: Set[String]): IO[UUID] = { val cpg = new Cpg for { cpgId <- uuidProvider _ <- blocker .blockOn(IO(new MyPass(cpg).createAndApply())) .runAsync { case Right(_) => IO(cpgMap.put(cpgId, CpgOperationSuccess(cpg))).map(_ => ()) case Left(ex) => IO(cpgMap.put(cpgId, CpgOperationFailure(ex))).map(_ => ()) } .toIO } yield cpgId } override def retrieveCpg(uuid: UUID): OptionT[IO, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]] = { OptionT.fromOption(cpgMap.get(uuid)) } }
Example 68
Source File: ConsRecordToActionHeader.scala From kafka-journal with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.conversions import import cats.implicits._ import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.MonadThrowable import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal._ import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.CatsHelper._ import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.Header import scodec.bits.ByteVector trait ConsRecordToActionHeader[F[_]] { def apply(consRecord: ConsRecord): OptionT[F, ActionHeader] } object ConsRecordToActionHeader { implicit def apply[F[_] : MonadThrowable](implicit fromBytes: FromBytes[F, Option[ActionHeader]] ): ConsRecordToActionHeader[F] = { consRecord: ConsRecord => { def header = consRecord .headers .find { _.key === ActionHeader.key } def actionHeader(header: Header) = { val byteVector = ByteVector.view(header.value) fromBytes(byteVector).adaptError { case e => JournalError(s"ConsRecordToActionHeader failed for $consRecord: $e", e) } } for { header <- header.toOptionT[F] actionHeader <- actionHeader(header).toOptionT } yield actionHeader } } }
Example 69
Source File: ConsRecordToActionRecord.scala From kafka-journal with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.conversions import java.time.Instant import import cats.implicits._ import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.MonadThrowable import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal._ import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.CatsHelper._ trait ConsRecordToActionRecord[F[_]] { def apply(consRecord: ConsRecord): OptionT[F, ActionRecord[Action]] } object ConsRecordToActionRecord { implicit def apply[F[_] : MonadThrowable](implicit consRecordToActionHeader: ConsRecordToActionHeader[F], headerToTuple: HeaderToTuple[F], ): ConsRecordToActionRecord[F] = { consRecord: ConsRecord => { def action(key: Key, timestamp: Instant, header: ActionHeader) = { def append(header: ActionHeader.Append) = { consRecord .value .traverse { value => val headers = consRecord.headers .filter { _.key =!= ActionHeader.key } .traverse { header => headerToTuple(header) } for { headers <- headers } yield { val payload = value.value Action.append(key, timestamp, header, payload, headers.toMap) } } } header match { case header: ActionHeader.Append => append(header).toOptionT case header: ActionHeader.Mark => Action.mark(key, timestamp, header).pure[OptionT[F, *]] case header: ActionHeader.Delete => Action.delete(key, timestamp, header).pure[OptionT[F, *]] case header: ActionHeader.Purge => Action.purge(key, timestamp, header).pure[OptionT[F, *]] } } val result = for { id <- consRecord.key.toOptionT[F] timestampAndType <- consRecord.timestampAndType.toOptionT[F] header <- consRecordToActionHeader(consRecord) key = Key(id = id.value, topic = consRecord.topic) timestamp = timestampAndType.timestamp action <- action(key, timestamp, header) } yield { val partitionOffset = PartitionOffset(consRecord) ActionRecord(action, partitionOffset) } result .value .adaptError { case e => JournalError(s"ConsRecordToActionRecord failed for $consRecord: $e", e) } .toOptionT } } }
Example 70
Source File: CatsHelper.scala From kafka-journal with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.kernel.CommutativeMonoid import cats.{Applicative, ApplicativeError, CommutativeApplicative} import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.Fail.implicits._ object CatsHelper { implicit class CommutativeApplicativeOps(val self: CommutativeApplicative.type) extends AnyVal { def commutativeMonoid[F[_] : CommutativeApplicative, A: CommutativeMonoid]: CommutativeMonoid[F[A]] = { new CommutativeMonoid[F[A]] { def empty = { Applicative[F].pure(CommutativeMonoid[A].empty) } def combine(x: F[A], y: F[A]) = { Applicative[F].map2(x, y)(CommutativeMonoid[A].combine) } } } } implicit class FOpsCatsHelper[F[_], A](val self: F[A]) extends AnyVal { def error[E](implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, E]): F[Option[E]] = { self.redeem[Option[E]](_.some, _ => none[E]) } } implicit class FOptionOpsCatsHelper[F[_], A](val self: F[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal { def toOptionT: OptionT[F, A] = OptionT(self) } implicit class ResourceOpsCatsHelper[F[_], A](val self: Resource[F, A]) extends AnyVal { def start[B](use: A => F[B])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[Fiber[F, B]] = { StartResource(self)(use) } } implicit class OptionOpsCatsHelper[A](val self: Option[A]) extends AnyVal { def getOrError[F[_]: Applicative : Fail](name: => String): F[A] = { self.fold { s"$name is not defined".fail[F, A] } { a => a.pure[F] } } } }
Example 71
Source File: MigrationAlg.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalasteward.core.scalafix import better.files.File import import cats.effect.Sync import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.config.parser.decode import{Update, Version} import import org.scalasteward.core.util.{ApplicativeThrowable, MonadThrowable} trait MigrationAlg { def findMigrations(update: Update): List[Migration] } object MigrationAlg { def create[F[_]](extraMigrations: Option[File])(implicit fileAlg: FileAlg[F], F: Sync[F] ): F[MigrationAlg] = loadMigrations(extraMigrations).map { migrations => new MigrationAlg { override def findMigrations(update: Update): List[Migration] = findMigrationsImpl(migrations, update) } } def loadMigrations[F[_]]( extraMigrations: Option[File] )(implicit fileAlg: FileAlg[F], F: MonadThrowable[F]): F[List[Migration]] = for { default <- fileAlg .readResource("scalafix-migrations.conf") .flatMap(decodeMigrations[F](_, "default")) maybeExtra <- OptionT(extraMigrations.flatTraverse(fileAlg.readFile)) .semiflatMap(decodeMigrations[F](_, "extra")) .value migrations = maybeExtra match { case Some(extra) if extra.disableDefaults => extra.migrations case Some(extra) => default.migrations ++ extra.migrations case None => default.migrations } } yield migrations private def decodeMigrations[F[_]](content: String, tpe: String)(implicit F: ApplicativeThrowable[F] ): F[ScalafixMigrations] = F.fromEither(decode[ScalafixMigrations](content)) .adaptErr(new Throwable(s"Failed to load $tpe Scalafix migrations", _)) private def findMigrationsImpl( givenMigrations: List[Migration], update: Update ): List[Migration] = givenMigrations.filter { migration => update.groupId === migration.groupId && migration.artifactIds.exists(re => update.artifactIds.exists(artifactId => re.r.findFirstIn( ) && Version(update.currentVersion) < migration.newVersion && Version(update.newerVersions.head) >= migration.newVersion } }