Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: EpisodeParser.scala From scalalaz-gen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing import import cats.implicits._ import ru.scalalaz.gen.Episode object EpisodeParser { import ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing.EpisodeErrors._ def fromString(content: String): Validated[EpisodeParseError, Episode] = FormatParser .parseContent(content) .toValidated .leftMap(e => { InvalidFormat(e.longAggregateMsg) }) .andThen(f => fromFormat(f)) def fromFormat(format: FileFormat): Validated[EpisodeParseError, Episode] = EpisodeSettingsExtractor .fromMap(format.header) .map(rss => Episode(rss, format.otherData)) .leftMap(list => ManyErrors(list)) }
Example 2
Source File: DirectoryParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.publish.params import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths} import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.publish.dir.Dir import coursier.cli.publish.options.DirectoryOptions import coursier.publish.sbt.Sbt final case class DirectoryParams( directories: Seq[Path], sbtDirectories: Seq[Path] ) object DirectoryParams { def apply(options: DirectoryOptions, args: Seq[String]): ValidatedNel[String, DirectoryParams] = { val dirsV = options.dir.traverse { d => val dir0 = Paths.get(d) if (Files.exists(dir0)) { if (Files.isDirectory(dir0)) Validated.validNel(dir0) else Validated.invalidNel(s"$d not a directory") } else Validated.invalidNel(s"$d not found") } val sbtDirsV = ((if (options.sbt) List(".") else Nil) ::: options.sbtDir).traverse { d => val dir0 = Paths.get(d) if (Files.exists(dir0)) { if (Files.isDirectory(dir0)) { val buildProps = dir0.resolve("project/") if (Files.exists(buildProps)) Validated.validNel(dir0) else Validated.invalidNel(s"project/ not found under sbt directory $d") } else Validated.invalidNel(s"$d not a directory") } else Validated.invalidNel(s"$d not found") } val extraV = args .toList .traverse { a => val p = Paths.get(a) if (Sbt.isSbtProject(p)) Validated.validNel((None, Some(p))) else if (Dir.isRepository(p)) Validated.validNel((Some(p), None)) else Validated.invalidNel(s"$a is neither an sbt project or a local repository") } (dirsV, sbtDirsV, extraV).mapN { case (dirs, sbtDirs, extra) => DirectoryParams( dirs ++ extra.flatMap(_._1), sbtDirs ++ extra.flatMap(_._2) ) } } }
Example 3
Source File: ChecksumParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.publish.params import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.publish.checksum.ChecksumType import coursier.cli.publish.options.ChecksumOptions final case class ChecksumParams( checksumsOpt: Option[Seq[ChecksumType]] ) object ChecksumParams { def apply(options: ChecksumOptions): ValidatedNel[String, ChecksumParams] = { val checksumsOptV = options.checksums match { case None => Validated.validNel(None) case Some(list) => list .flatMap(_.split(',')) .map(_.trim) .filter(_.nonEmpty) .traverse { s => Validated.fromEither(ChecksumType.parse(s)) .toValidatedNel } .map(Some(_)) } { checksumsOpt => ChecksumParams( checksumsOpt ) } } }
Example 4
Source File: SignatureParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.publish.params import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import coursier.cli.publish.options.SignatureOptions final case class SignatureParams( gpg: Boolean, gpgKeyOpt: Option[String] ) object SignatureParams { def apply(options: SignatureOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SignatureParams] = { // check here that the passed gpg key exists? Validated.validNel( SignatureParams( // TODO Adjust default value if --sonatype is passed options.gpg.getOrElse(options.gpgKey.nonEmpty), options.gpgKey ) ) } }
Example 5
Source File: MetadataParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.publish.params import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.publish.options.MetadataOptions import coursier.core.{ModuleName, Organization} import coursier.parse.DependencyParser import coursier.publish.Pom.{Developer, License} final case class MetadataParams( organization: Option[Organization], name: Option[ModuleName], version: Option[String], licenses: Option[Seq[License]], homePage: Option[String], // TODO Support full-fledged coursier.Dependency? dependencies: Option[Seq[(Organization, ModuleName, String)]], developersOpt: Option[Seq[Developer]], git: Option[Boolean], mavenMetadata: Option[Boolean] ) { def isEmpty: Boolean = organization.isEmpty && name.isEmpty && version.isEmpty && licenses.isEmpty && homePage.isEmpty && dependencies.isEmpty && developersOpt.isEmpty } object MetadataParams { def apply(options: MetadataOptions, defaultScalaVersion: String): ValidatedNel[String, MetadataParams] = { // TODO Check for invalid character? emptiness? val organization = val name = val version = options.version val dependenciesV = if (options.dependency.forall(_.trim.isEmpty)) Validated.validNel(None) else options .dependency .map(_.trim) .filter(_.nonEmpty) .traverse { s => DependencyParser.moduleVersion(s, defaultScalaVersion) match { case Left(err) => Validated.invalidNel(err) case Right((mod, _)) if mod.attributes.nonEmpty => Validated.invalidNel(s"Dependency $s: attributes not supported for now") case Right((mod, ver)) => Validated.validNel((mod.organization,, ver)) } } .map(Some(_)) val licensesV = if (options.license.forall(_.trim.isEmpty)) Validated.validNel(None) else options .license .map(_.trim) .filter(_.nonEmpty) .traverse { s => s.split(":", 2) match { case Array(id, url) => Validated.validNel(License(id, url)) case Array(id) => match { case None => Validated.invalidNel(s"Unrecognized license '$id', please pass an URL for it like --license $id:https://…") case Some(license) => Validated.validNel(license) } } } .map(Some(_)) val homePageOpt = (dependenciesV, licensesV).mapN { (dependencies, licenses) => MetadataParams( organization, name, version, licenses, homePageOpt, dependencies, None, // developer not accepted from the command-line for now options.git, options.mavenMetadata ) } } }
Example 6
Source File: SinglePackageParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.publish.params import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths} import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.publish.options.SinglePackageOptions import coursier.core.{Classifier, Extension} final case class SinglePackageParams( jarOpt: Option[Path], pomOpt: Option[Path], artifacts: Seq[(Classifier, Extension, Path)], `package`: Boolean ) object SinglePackageParams { private def q = "\"" def apply(options: SinglePackageOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SinglePackageParams] = { // FIXME This does some I/O (not reflected in return type) def fileExtensionV(path: String): ValidatedNel[String, (Path, String)] = fileV(path).withEither(_.flatMap { p => val name = p.getFileName.toString val idx = name.lastIndexOf('.') if (idx < 0) Left("$path has no extension, specify one by passing it with classifier:extension:$path")) else { val ext = name.drop(idx + 1) if (ext.isEmpty) Left("$path extension is empty, specify one by passing it with classifier:extension:$path")) else Right((p, ext)) } }) def fileV(path: String): ValidatedNel[String, Path] = { val p = Paths.get(path) if (!Files.exists(p)) Validated.invalidNel(s"not found: $path") else if (!Files.isRegularFile(p)) Validated.invalidNel(s"not a regular file: $path") else Validated.validNel(p) } def fileOptV(pathOpt: Option[String]): ValidatedNel[String, Option[Path]] = pathOpt match { case None => Validated.validNel(None) case Some(path) => fileV(path).map(Some(_)) } val jarOptV = fileOptV(options.jar) val pomOptV = fileOptV(options.pom) val artifactsV = options.artifact.traverse { s => s.split(":", 3) match { case Array(strClassifier, strExtension, path) => fileV(path).map((Classifier(strClassifier), Extension(strExtension), _)) case Array(strClassifier, path) => fileExtensionV(path).map { case (p, ext) => (Classifier(strClassifier), Extension(ext), p) } case _ => Validated.invalidNel(s"Malformed artifact argument: $s (expected: ${q}classifier:/path/to/artifact$q)") } } val packageV = options.`package` match { case Some(true) => Validated.validNel(true) case Some(false) => if (options.jar.nonEmpty || options.pom.nonEmpty || options.artifact.nonEmpty) Validated.invalidNel("Cannot specify --package=false along with --pom or --jar or --artifact") else Validated.validNel(false) case None => val p = options.jar.nonEmpty || options.pom.nonEmpty || options.artifact.nonEmpty Validated.validNel(p) } (jarOptV, pomOptV, artifactsV, packageV).mapN { (jarOpt, pomOpt, artifacts, package0) => SinglePackageParams( jarOpt, pomOpt, artifacts, package0 ) } } }
Example 7
Source File: CompleteParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.complete import caseapp.core.RemainingArgs import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.params.{CacheParams, OutputParams, RepositoryParams} import coursier.core.Repository final case class CompleteParams( cache: CacheParams, output: OutputParams, repositories: Seq[Repository], toComplete: String, scalaVersion: Option[String], scalaBinaryVersion: Option[String] ) object CompleteParams { def apply(options: CompleteOptions, args: RemainingArgs): ValidatedNel[String, CompleteParams] = { val cacheV = options.cacheOptions.params val outputV = OutputParams(options.outputOptions) val repositoriesV = RepositoryParams(options.repositoryOptions) val argV = args.all match { case Seq() => Validated.invalidNel("No argument to complete passed") case Seq(arg) => Validated.validNel(arg) case other => Validated.invalidNel(s"Got ${other.length} arguments to complete, expected one.") } (cacheV, outputV, repositoriesV, argV).mapN { (cache, output, repositories, arg) => CompleteParams( cache, output, // TODO Take repositories.channels into account, then auto-complete apps too? repositories.repositories, arg,, options.scalaBinaryVersion ) } } }
Example 8
Source File: InstallParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.install import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.jvm.SharedJavaParams import coursier.cli.params.{CacheParams, EnvParams, OutputParams} import coursier.install.Channel final case class InstallParams( cache: CacheParams, output: OutputParams, shared: SharedInstallParams, sharedChannel: SharedChannelParams, sharedJava: SharedJavaParams, env: EnvParams, addChannels: Seq[Channel], installChannels: Seq[String], force: Boolean ) { lazy val channels: Seq[Channel] = (sharedChannel.channels ++ addChannels).distinct } object InstallParams { def apply(options: InstallOptions, anyArg: Boolean): ValidatedNel[String, InstallParams] = { val cacheParamsV = options.cacheOptions.params(None) val outputV = OutputParams(options.outputOptions) val sharedV = SharedInstallParams(options.sharedInstallOptions) val sharedChannelV = SharedChannelParams(options.sharedChannelOptions) val sharedJavaV = SharedJavaParams(options.sharedJavaOptions) val envV = EnvParams(options.envOptions) val addChannelsV = options.addChannel.traverse { s => val e = Channel.parse(s) .map(c => (s, c)) Validated.fromEither(e) } val force = options.force val checkNeedsChannelsV = if (anyArg && sharedChannelV.toOption.exists(_.channels.isEmpty) && addChannelsV.toOption.exists(_.isEmpty)) Validated.invalidNel(s"Error: no channels specified") else Validated.validNel(()) val flags = Seq( options.addChannel.nonEmpty, envV.toOption.fold(false)(_.anyFlag) ) val flagsV = if (flags.count(identity) > 1) Validated.invalidNel("Error: can only specify one of --add-channel, --env, --setup.") else Validated.validNel(()) val checkArgsV = if (anyArg && flags.exists(identity)) Validated.invalidNel(s"Error: unexpected arguments passed along --add-channel, --env, or --setup.") else Validated.validNel(()) (cacheParamsV, outputV, sharedV, sharedChannelV, sharedJavaV, envV, addChannelsV, checkNeedsChannelsV, flagsV, checkArgsV).mapN { (cacheParams, output, shared, sharedChannel, sharedJava, env, addChannels, _, _, _) => InstallParams( cacheParams, output, shared, sharedChannel, sharedJava, env,,, force ) } } }
Example 9
Source File: SharedChannelParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.install import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.install.Channel import coursier.install.Channels final case class SharedChannelParams( channels: Seq[Channel] ) object SharedChannelParams { def apply(options: SharedChannelOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SharedChannelParams] = { val channelsV = options .channel .traverse { s => val e = Channel.parse(s) Validated.fromEither(e) } val defaultChannels = if (options.defaultChannels) Channels.defaultChannels else Nil val contribChannels = if (options.contrib) Channels.contribChannels else Nil val fileChannelsV = if (options.fileChannels) { val configDir = coursier.paths.CoursierPaths.configDirectory() val channelDir = new File(configDir, "channels") val files = Option(channelDir.listFiles()) .getOrElse(Array.empty[File]) .filter(f => !f.getName.startsWith(".")) val rawChannels = files.toList.flatMap { f => val b = Files.readAllBytes(f.toPath) val s = new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) } rawChannels.traverse { s => val e = Channel.parse(s) Validated.fromEither(e) } } else Validated.validNel(Nil) (channelsV, fileChannelsV).mapN { (channels, fileChannels) => SharedChannelParams( (channels ++ fileChannels ++ defaultChannels ++ contribChannels).distinct ) } } }
Example 10
Source File: UninstallParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.install import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import caseapp.Tag import{Validated, ValidatedNel} final case class UninstallParams( dir: Path, all: Boolean, verbosity: Int ) object UninstallParams { def apply(options: UninstallOptions): ValidatedNel[String, UninstallParams] = { val dir = options.installDir.filter(_.nonEmpty) match { case Some(d) => Paths.get(d) case None => SharedInstallParams.defaultDir } val all = options.all val verbosityV = if (Tag.unwrap(options.quiet) > 0 && Tag.unwrap(options.verbose) > 0) Validated.invalidNel("Cannot have both quiet, and verbosity > 0") else Validated.validNel(Tag.unwrap(options.verbose) - Tag.unwrap(options.quiet)) { verbosity => UninstallParams( dir, all, verbosity ) } } }
Example 11
Source File: SharedInstallParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.install import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import caseapp.Tag import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cache.{Cache, CacheLogger} import coursier.cli.params.OutputParams import coursier.core.Repository import coursier.install.{GraalvmParams, InstallDir} import coursier.parse.RepositoryParser import coursier.util.Task final case class SharedInstallParams( repositories: Seq[Repository], dir: Path, graalvmParamsOpt: Option[GraalvmParams] = None, onlyPrebuilt: Boolean, platformOpt: Option[String], preferPrebuilt: Boolean ) { def installDir(cache: Cache[Task]): InstallDir = InstallDir(dir, cache) .withGraalvmParamsOpt(graalvmParamsOpt) .withCoursierRepositories(repositories) .withOnlyPrebuilt(onlyPrebuilt) .withPlatform(platformOpt) .withPreferPrebuilt(preferPrebuilt) } object SharedInstallParams { lazy val defaultDir = InstallDir.defaultDir private[install] implicit def validationNelToCats[L, R](v: coursier.util.ValidationNel[L, R]): ValidatedNel[L, R] = v.either match { case Left(h :: t) => Validated.invalid(NonEmptyList.of(h, t: _*)) case Right(r) => Validated.validNel(r) } def apply(options: SharedInstallOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SharedInstallParams] = { val repositoriesV = validationNelToCats(RepositoryParser.repositories(options.repository)) val defaultRepositories = if (options.defaultRepositories) coursier.Resolve.defaultRepositories else Nil val dir = options.installDir.filter(_.nonEmpty) match { case Some(d) => Paths.get(d) case None => defaultDir } val graalvmParams = GraalvmParams( options.graalvmDefaultVersion.filter(_.nonEmpty), options.graalvmOption ) val onlyPrebuilt = options.onlyPrebuilt val platformOpt = options.installPlatform.orElse(InstallDir.platform()) val preferPrebuilt = options.installPreferPrebuilt { repositories => SharedInstallParams( defaultRepositories ++ repositories, dir, Some(graalvmParams), onlyPrebuilt, platformOpt, preferPrebuilt ) } } }
Example 12
Source File: EpisodeSettingsExtractor.scala From scalalaz-gen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.format.{ DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException } import cats.Apply import import{ Validated, ValidatedNel } import ru.scalalaz.gen.{ Enclosure, EpisodeSettings, SpecialPageSettings } object EpisodeSettingsExtractor { import ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing.EpisodeErrors._ def fromMap( map: Map[String, Option[String]] ): ValidatedNel[PageParseError, SpecialPageSettings] = new SettingsExtractor(map).extract class SettingsExtractor(map: Map[String, Option[String]]) { def extract: ValidatedNel[PageParseError, SpecialPageSettings] = Apply[ValidatedNel[PageParseError, *]].map2( read("title").toValidatedNel, read("date").andThen(parseDate).toValidatedNel ) { case (title, date) => //val enc = Enclosure(encUrl, if (encLength != "") encLength.toInt else -1) SpecialPageSettings(title, date) } private def read(key: String): Validated[PageParseError, String] = Validated.fromOption(map.get(key).flatten, MissingKey(key)) private def optRead(key: String): Validated[PageParseError, String] = Valid(map.get(key).flatten.getOrElse("")) private def parseDate( date: String ): Validated[PageParseError, LocalDate] = { def toDate = LocalDate.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE) Validated .catchOnly[DateTimeParseException](toDate) .leftMap(e => InvalidDate(e.getMessage)) } } }
Example 13
Source File: PageParser.scala From scalalaz-gen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing import cats.implicits._ import import ru.scalalaz.gen.Page object PageParser { import ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing.SpecialPageErrors._ def fromString(content: String): Validated[PageParseError, Page] = FormatParser .parseContent(content) .toValidated .leftMap(e => { InvalidFormat(e.longAggregateMsg) }) .andThen(f => fromFormat(f)) def fromFormat(format: FileFormat): Validated[PageParseError, Page] = PageSettingsExtractor .fromMap(format.header) .map(settings => Page(settings, format.otherData)) .leftMap(list => ManyErrors(list)) }
Example 14
Source File: SonatypeParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.publish.sonatype import caseapp.Tag import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.core.Authentication final case class SonatypeParams( raw: Boolean, listProfiles: Boolean, list: Boolean, cleanList: Boolean, profileIdOpt: Option[String], profileNameOpt: Option[String], repositoryIdOpt: Option[String], create: Boolean, close: Boolean, promote: Boolean, drop: Boolean, description: Option[String], base: String, authentication: Option[Authentication], verbosity: Int ) { def needListProfiles: Boolean = profileIdOpt.isEmpty && (profileNameOpt.nonEmpty || repositoryIdOpt.nonEmpty) def needListRepositories: Boolean = profileIdOpt.isEmpty && repositoryIdOpt.nonEmpty } object SonatypeParams { def apply(options: SonatypeOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SonatypeParams] = { val description = Some(options.description).filter(_.nonEmpty) val list = options.list.orElse(options.cleanList).getOrElse(false) val checkActionsV = if (!options.listProfiles && !list && !options.create && !options.close && !options.promote && !options.drop) Validated.invalidNel("No action specified (pass either one of --list-profiles, --list, --create, --close, --drop, or --promote)") else if (options.create && options.profileId.isEmpty && options.profile.isEmpty) Validated.invalidNel("Profile id or name required to create a repository") else if ((options.close || options.promote || options.drop) && options.repository.isEmpty) Validated.invalidNel("Repository required to close, promote, or drop") else Validated.validNel(()) // FIXME this will duplicate error messages (re-uses the same Validated val authV = (options.user, options.password) match { case (None, None) => (Option(System.getenv("SONATYPE_USERNAME")), Option(System.getenv("SONATYPE_PASSWORD"))) match { case (Some(u), Some(p)) => Validated.validNel(Some(Authentication(u, p))) case _ => // should we allow no authentication somehow? Validated.invalidNel("No authentication specified (either pass --user and --password, or set SONATYPE_USERNAME and SONATYPE_PASSWORD in the environment)") } case (Some(u), Some(p)) => Validated.validNel(Some(Authentication(u, p))) case (Some(_), None) => Validated.invalidNel("User specified, but no password passed") case (None, Some(_)) => Validated.invalidNel("Password specified, but no user passed") } (checkActionsV, authV).mapN { (_, auth) => SonatypeParams( options.raw, options.listProfiles, list, options.cleanList.getOrElse(!options.raw), options.profileId, options.profile, options.repository, options.create, options.close, options.promote, options.drop, description, options.base.getOrElse(""), auth, Tag.unwrap(options.verbose) ) } } }
Example 15
Source File: ReprAsObjectCodec.scala From circe-generic-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.generic.extras.codec import import io.circe.{ Decoder, DecodingFailure, HCursor, JsonObject } import io.circe.generic.extras.ConfigurableDeriver import io.circe.generic.extras.decoding.ReprDecoder import io.circe.generic.extras.encoding.ReprAsObjectEncoder import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.collection.immutable.Map import scala.language.experimental.macros import shapeless.HNil @implicitNotFound( """Could not find ReprAsObjectCodec for type ${A}. Some possible causes for this: - ${A} isn't a case class or sealed trat - some of ${A}'s members don't have codecs of their own - missing implicit Configuration""" ) abstract class ReprAsObjectCodec[A] extends ReprDecoder[A] with ReprAsObjectEncoder[A] object ReprAsObjectCodec { implicit def deriveReprAsObjectCodec[R]: ReprAsObjectCodec[R] = macro ConfigurableDeriver.deriveConfiguredCodec[R] val hnilReprCodec: ReprAsObjectCodec[HNil] = new ReprAsObjectCodec[HNil] { def configuredDecode(c: HCursor)( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformConstructorNames: String => String, defaults: Map[String, Any], discriminator: Option[String] ): Decoder.Result[HNil] = if (c.value.isObject) Right(HNil) else Left(DecodingFailure("HNil", c.history)) def configuredDecodeAccumulating(c: HCursor)( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformConstructorNames: String => String, defaults: Map[String, Any], discriminator: Option[String] ): Decoder.AccumulatingResult[HNil] = if (c.value.isObject) Validated.valid(HNil) else Validated.invalidNel(DecodingFailure("HNil", c.history)) def configuredEncodeObject(a: HNil)( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformDiscriminator: String => String, discriminator: Option[String] ): JsonObject = JsonObject.empty } }
Example 16
Source File: ValidatedValuesSpec.scala From cats-scalatest with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.scalatest import org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException import class ValidatedValuesSpec extends TestBase { import ValidatedValues._ "value on Validated" should { "return the value inside a Validated.Right if that Validated is Validated.Right" in { val r: String Validated String = Validated.Valid(thisRecord) r.value should ===(thisRecord) } "should throw TestFailedException if that Validated is a left " in { val r: String Validated String = Validated.Invalid(thisTobacconist) val caught = intercept[TestFailedException] { r.value should ===(thisRecord) } if (isJVM) caught.failedCodeLineNumber.value should equal(thisLineNumber - 3) caught.failedCodeFileName.value should be("ValidatedValuesSpec.scala") } } "invalidValue on Validated" should { "return the value if it's invalid" in { val r = Validated.Invalid(thisRecord) r.invalidValue should ===(thisRecord) } "throw TestFailedException if the Validated is Valid" in { val r = Validated.Valid(thisRecord) val caught = intercept[TestFailedException] { r.invalidValue } if (isJVM) caught.failedCodeLineNumber.value should equal(thisLineNumber - 3) caught.failedCodeFileName.value should be("ValidatedValuesSpec.scala") } } "valid on Validated" should { "return the valid if it's a Valid" in { val r = Validated.Valid(thisRecord) r.valid should ===(r) } "throw TestFailedException if the Validated is Invalid" in { val r: String Validated String = Validated.Invalid(thisTobacconist) val caught = intercept[TestFailedException] { r.valid should ===(r) } if (isJVM) caught.failedCodeLineNumber.value should equal(thisLineNumber - 3) caught.failedCodeFileName.value should be("ValidatedValuesSpec.scala") } } "invalid on Validated" should { "return the invalid if it's a Invalid" in { val r = Validated.Invalid(thisTobacconist) r.invalid should ===(r) } "throw TestFailedException if the Validated is Valid" in { val r: String Validated String = Validated.Valid(thisRecord) val caught = intercept[TestFailedException] { r.invalid should ===(r) } if (isJVM) caught.failedCodeLineNumber.value should equal(thisLineNumber - 3) caught.failedCodeFileName.value should be("ValidatedValuesSpec.scala") } } }
Example 17
Source File: GraphQLSuperMicroService.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.examples.superHeroes.server import import{ Invalid, Valid } import sangria.macros.derive._ import sangria.schema.Schema import sangria.schema._ import sangria.marshalling.circe._ import class GraphQLSuperMicroService(sm: SuperMicroService) { def publisherByName(sessionId: String, name: String): Option[Publisher] = unpack(sm.publisherByName(sessionId, name)) def superheroByName(sessionId: String, name: String, protectIdentity: Boolean = false): Option[SuperHero] = unpack(sm.superheroByName(sessionId, name, protectIdentity)) def updateSuperhero(sessionId: String, s: SuperHero): Option[SuperHero] = unpack(sm.updateSuperhero(sessionId, s)) private def unpack[A](v: Validated[ApiError, A]): Option[A] = v match { case Valid(p) => Some(p) case Invalid(e) => e match { case SessionNotFound(_) => None case PublisherNotFound(_) => None case SuperHeroNotFound(_) => None case _ => throw new RuntimeException(e.msg) } } } object GraphQlSchema { implicit val PublisherType = deriveObjectType[Unit, Publisher]( ObjectTypeDescription("A comics publisher.") ) implicit val SuperHeroType = deriveObjectType[Unit, SuperHero]( ObjectTypeDescription("A superhero.") ) implicit val PublisherInputType = deriveInputObjectType[Publisher]( InputObjectTypeName("PublisherInput") ) implicit val SuperHeroInputType = deriveInputObjectType[SuperHero]( InputObjectTypeName("SuperHeroInput") ) val QueryType = deriveObjectType[Unit, GraphQLSuperMicroService]( ObjectTypeName("Root"), ObjectTypeDescription("Gateway to awesomeness."), IncludeMethods("publisherByName", "superheroByName") ) val MutationType = deriveObjectType[Unit, GraphQLSuperMicroService]( ObjectTypeName("RootMut"), ObjectTypeDescription("Gateway to mutation awesomeness!"), IncludeMethods("updateSuperhero") ) val SuperHeroesSchema = Schema(QueryType, Some(MutationType)) }
Example 18
Source File: IssueTxValidator.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.impl import import com.wavesplatform.lang.script.v1.ExprScript import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.GenericError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.{TxValidator, ValidatedV} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{TxValidationError, TxVersion} object IssueTxValidator extends TxValidator[IssueTransaction] { override def validate(tx: IssueTransaction): ValidatedV[IssueTransaction] = { def assetDecimals(decimals: Byte): ValidatedV[Byte] = { Validated .condNel( decimals >= 0 && decimals <= IssueTransaction.MaxAssetDecimals, decimals, TxValidationError.TooBigArray ) } import tx._ V.seq(tx)( V.positiveAmount(quantity, "assets"), V.assetName(, V.assetDescription(tx.description), assetDecimals(decimals), V.fee(fee), V.cond(version > TxVersion.V1 || script.isEmpty, GenericError("Script not supported")), V.cond(script.forall(_.isInstanceOf[ExprScript]), GenericError(s"Asset can only be assigned with Expression script, not Contract")) ) } }
Example 19
Source File: GenesisTransaction.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.transaction import import{Bytes, Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.account.Address import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.crypto import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.Waves import com.wavesplatform.transaction.serialization.impl.GenesisTxSerializer import com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.{TxConstraints, TxValidator} import monix.eval.Coeval import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import scala.util.Try case class GenesisTransaction private (recipient: Address, amount: Long, timestamp: Long, signature: ByteStr, chainId: Byte) extends Transaction { override val builder = GenesisTransaction override val assetFee: (Asset, Long) = (Waves, 0) override val id: Coeval[ByteStr] = Coeval.evalOnce(signature) override val bodyBytes: Coeval[Array[Byte]] = Coeval.evalOnce(builder.serializer.toBytes(this)) override val bytes: Coeval[Array[Byte]] = bodyBytes override val json: Coeval[JsObject] = Coeval.evalOnce(builder.serializer.toJson(this)) } object GenesisTransaction extends TransactionParser { type TransactionT = GenesisTransaction override val typeId: TxType = 1: Byte override val supportedVersions: Set[TxVersion] = Set(1) val serializer = GenesisTxSerializer override def parseBytes(bytes: Array[TxVersion]): Try[GenesisTransaction] = serializer.parseBytes(bytes) implicit val validator: TxValidator[GenesisTransaction] = tx => TxConstraints.seq(tx)( Validated.condNel(tx.amount >= 0, tx, TxValidationError.NegativeAmount(tx.amount, "waves")), TxConstraints.addressChainId(tx.recipient, tx.chainId) ) def generateSignature(recipient: Address, amount: Long, timestamp: Long): Array[Byte] = { val payload = Bytes.concat(Ints.toByteArray(typeId), Longs.toByteArray(timestamp), recipient.bytes, Longs.toByteArray(amount)) val hash = crypto.fastHash(payload) Bytes.concat(hash, hash) } def create(recipient: Address, amount: Long, timestamp: Long): Either[ValidationError, GenesisTransaction] = { val signature = ByteStr(GenesisTransaction.generateSignature(recipient, amount, timestamp)) GenesisTransaction(recipient, amount, timestamp, signature, recipient.chainId).validatedEither } }
Example 20
Source File: ConfigOps.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.settings.utils import import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.wavesplatform.settings.utils.ConfigSettingsValidator.ErrorListOrOps import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ValueReader object ConfigOps { implicit class ConfigOps(config: Config) { val cfgValidator = ConfigSettingsValidator(config) def getValidatedSet[T: ValueReader](path: String): Set[T] = { cfgValidator.validateList[T](path).map(_.toSet) getValueOrThrowErrors } def getValidatedMap[K, V: ValueReader](path: String)(keyValidator: String => Validated[String, K]): Map[K, V] = { cfgValidator.validateMap(path)(keyValidator) getValueOrThrowErrors } def getValidatedByPredicate[T: ValueReader](path: String)(predicate: T => Boolean, errorMsg: String): T = { cfgValidator.validateByPredicate(path)(predicate, errorMsg) getValueOrThrowErrors } } }
Example 21
Source File: ConfigSettingsValidator.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.settings.utils import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigException} import import net.ceedubs.ficus.Ficus._ import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ValueReader import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.util.Try object ConfigSettingsValidator { type ErrorsListOr[A] = ValidatedNel[String, A] def apply(config: Config): ConfigSettingsValidator = new ConfigSettingsValidator(config) implicit class ErrorListOrOps[A](validatedValue: ErrorsListOr[A]) { def getValueOrThrowErrors: A = validatedValue valueOr (errorsAcc => throw new Exception(errorsAcc.mkString_(", "))) } object AdhocValidation { def validateAssetPairKey(key: String): Validated[String, AssetPair] = Validated.fromTry(AssetPair.fromString(key)) leftMap (_ => s"Can't parse asset pair '$key'") } } class ConfigSettingsValidator(config: Config) { import ConfigSettingsValidator.ErrorsListOr private def createError[T](settingName: String, errorMsg: String, showError: Boolean = true, showValue: Boolean = true): NonEmptyList[String] = { lazy val value = config.getValue(settingName).unwrapped lazy val msg = (showValue, showError) match { case (true, true) => s"$value ($errorMsg)" case (true, false) => s"$value" case (false, true) => s"$errorMsg" case _ => "" }"Invalid setting $settingName value: $msg") } def validate[T: ValueReader](settingName: String, showError: Boolean = false): ErrorsListOr[T] = { Validated fromTry Try([T](settingName)) leftMap (ex => createError(settingName, ex.getMessage, showError)) } def validateByPredicate[T: ValueReader](settingName: String)(predicate: T => Boolean, errorMsg: String): ErrorsListOr[T] = { validate[T](settingName, showError = true).ensure(createError(settingName, errorMsg))(predicate) } def validatePercent(settingName: String): ErrorsListOr[Double] = { validateByPredicate[Double](settingName)(p => 0 < p && p <= 100, "required 0 < percent <= 100") } def validateList[T: ValueReader](settingName: String): ErrorsListOr[List[T]] = { config .getList(settingName) .asScala .toList .zipWithIndex .traverse { case (cfg, index) => val elemPath = s"$settingName.$index" Validated fromTry Try(cfg.atPath(elemPath).as[T](elemPath)) leftMap (ex => List(ex.getMessage)) } .leftMap(errorsInList => createError(settingName, errorsInList.mkString(", "), showValue = false)) } def validateMap[K, V: ValueReader](settingName: String)(keyValidator: String => Validated[String, K]): ErrorsListOr[Map[K, V]] = { config .getConfig(settingName) .root() .entrySet() .asScala .toList .traverse { entry => val elemPath = s"$settingName.${entry.getKey}" val k = keyValidator(entry.getKey).leftMap(List(_)) val v = Validated fromTry Try(entry.getValue.atPath(elemPath).as[V](elemPath)) leftMap (ex => List(ex.getMessage)) k.product(v) } .map(_.toMap) .leftMap(errorsInList => createError(settingName, errorsInList.mkString(", "), showValue = false)) } def validateWithDefault[T: ValueReader](settingName: String, defaultValue: T, showError: Boolean = false): ErrorsListOr[T] = { Validated .fromTry(Try([T](settingName)).recover { case _: ConfigException.Missing => defaultValue }) .leftMap(ex => createError(settingName, ex.getMessage, showError)) } def validateByPredicateWithDefault[T: ValueReader]( settingName: String)(predicate: T => Boolean, errorMsg: String, defaultValue: T): ErrorsListOr[T] = { validateWithDefault[T](settingName, defaultValue, showError = true).ensure(createError(settingName, errorMsg))(predicate) } }
Example 22
Source File: ValidatedMain.scala From advanced-scala-code with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import cats.{Applicative, Foldable, Semigroup} object ValidatedMain { def main(args: Array[String]) { case class Person(name: String, email: String) val person = Person("Joe", "[email protected]") import def checkName(person: Person): Validated[String, String] = Validated.invalid("The user with this name doesn't exist") def checkEmail(person: Person): Validated[String, String] = Validated.invalid("This email looks suspicious") import cats.syntax.apply._ import cats.instances.string.catsKernelStdMonoidForString val emailCheckV = checkEmail(person) val nameCheckV = checkName(person) val resultV = (emailCheckV, nameCheckV).mapN(_ + _) resultV.fold( errors => println(errors), str => () ) import type ErrorOr[+A] = ValidatedNel[String, A] def checkNameNel(person: Person): ErrorOr[String] = Validated.invalidNel("The user with this name doesn't exist") def checkEmailNel(person: Person): ErrorOr[String] = Validated.invalidNel("This email looks suspicious") import cats.instances.list.catsKernelStdMonoidForList val resultNel = (checkEmailNel(person), checkNameNel(person)).mapN(_ + _) resultNel.fold( nel => println(nel.toList), str => () ) } }
Example 23
Source File: ResponseVerificationSyntax.scala From http4s-poc-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package syntax import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import import cats.instances.string._ import cats.syntax.eq._ import import cats.syntax.validated._ import cats.{Eq, Show} import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, Response, Status} import typeclasses.RunSync import zio.Task import zio.interop.catz._ import scala.language.implicitConversions private[syntax] trait ResponseVerificationSyntax { implicit def verifiedSyntax[A](a: A): VerifiedOps[A] = new VerifiedOps(a) implicit def verifiedOptionSyntax[A](a: Option[A]): VerifiedOptionOps[A] = new VerifiedOptionOps(a) implicit def responseVerificationSyntax(response: Task[Response[Task]]) = new IoResponseResultOps(response) } private[syntax] class IoResponseResultOps(private val response: Task[Response[Task]]) extends AnyVal { import syntax.responseVerification._ def verify[A: EntityDecoder[Task, *]](status: Status, check: A => Verified[A])( implicit ev1: Eq[Status], ev2: Show[Status], run: RunSync[Task] ): Verified[A] = run .syncUnsafe(response) .fold( err => s"Should succeed but returned the error $err".invalidNel, res => res.status isSameAs status andThen { _ => verifiedResponse[A](res, check) } ) def verifyResponseText(status: Status, expected: String)( implicit ev1: Eq[Status], ev2: Show[Status], run: RunSync[Task] ): Verified[String] = run .syncUnsafe(response) .fold( err => s"Should succeed but returned the error $err".invalidNel, res => res.status isSameAs status andThen { _ => verifiedResponseText(res, expected) } ) private def verifiedResponse[A: EntityDecoder[Task, *]](res: Response[Task], check: A => Verified[A])( implicit run: RunSync[Task] ): Verified[A] = run .syncUnsafe([A]) .fold( respErr => s"Response should succeed but returned the error $respErr".invalidNel, respRes => check(respRes) ) private def verifiedResponseText[A](res: Response[Task], expected: String)( implicit run: RunSync[Task] ): Verified[String] = run .syncUnsafe(res.body.compile.toVector) .map(_.toArray) .fold( respErr => s"Response should succeed but returned the error $respErr".invalidNel, respMsg => new String(respMsg, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) isSameAs expected ) } private[syntax] class VerifiedOps[A](private val a: A) extends AnyVal { def isNotSameAs(expected: =>A)(implicit ev1: Eq[A], ev2: Show[A]): Verified[A] = Validated.condNel( a =!= expected, a, s"Unexpected value. Expected different from ${} but was ${}" ) def isSameAs(expected: =>A)(implicit ev1: Eq[A], ev2: Show[A]): Verified[A] = Validated.condNel(a === expected, a, s"Unexpected value. Expected ${} but was ${}") def is(p: A => Boolean, reason: =>String = "")(implicit ev: Show[A]): Verified[A] = Validated.condNel(p(a), a, s"Unexpected value ${}: Reason $reason") } private[syntax] class VerifiedOptionOps[A](private val a: Option[A]) extends AnyVal { def isNotEmpty: Verified[Option[A]] = Validated.condNel(a.isDefined, a, s"Unexpected empty option value") }
Example 24
Source File: JacksonParserSuite.scala From circe-jackson with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.jackson import import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ ObjectMapper, ObjectReader } import io.circe.Json import io.circe.testing.ParserTests import{ ByteArrayInputStream, File } import class JacksonParserSuite extends CirceSuite with JacksonInstances { checkAll("Parser", ParserTests(`package`).fromString(arbitraryCleanedJson, shrinkJson)) checkAll( "Parser", ParserTests(`package`).fromFunction[Array[Byte]]("fromByteArray")( s => s.getBytes("UTF-8"), p => p.parseByteArray _, p => p.decodeByteArray[Json] _, p => p.decodeByteArrayAccumulating[Json] _ )(arbitraryCleanedJson, shrinkJson) ) "parse and decode(Accumulating)" should "fail on invalid input" in forAll { (s: String) => assert(parse(s"Not JSON $s").isLeft) assert(decode[Json](s"Not JSON $s").isLeft) assert(decodeAccumulating[Json](s"Not JSON $s").isInvalid) } "parseFile and decodeFile(Accumulating)" should "parse a JSON file" in { val url = getClass.getResource("/io/circe/jackson/examples/glossary.json") val file = new File(url.toURI) assert(decodeFile[Json](file) === Right(glossary)) assert(decodeFileAccumulating[Json](file) == Validated.valid(glossary)) assert(parseFile(file) === Right(glossary)) } "parseByteArray and decodeByteArray(Accumulating)" should "parse an array of elementAsBytes" in { val bytes = glossaryAsBytes assert(decodeByteArray[Json](bytes) === Right(glossary)) assert(decodeByteArrayAccumulating[Json](bytes) === Validated.valid(glossary)) assert(parseByteArray(bytes) === Right(glossary)) } for (elementCount <- 1 to 4) { "CirceJsonDeserializer" should s"be useable with Jackson's MappingIterator " + s"with ${elementCount} elements in array" in { val input = new ByteArrayInputStream(createJsonArrayAsBytes(glossaryAsBytes, elementCount)) val objectMapper = new ObjectMapper() objectMapper.registerModule(CirceJsonModule) val jsonParser = objectMapper.getFactory.createParser(input) assert(jsonParser.nextToken() == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) assert(jsonParser.nextToken() == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) val reader = createReader(objectMapper).forType(classOf[Json]) val iterator = reader.readValues[Json](jsonParser) var counter = 0 while (iterator.hasNext) { val glossaryFromIterator = assert(glossary == glossaryFromIterator) counter = counter + 1 } assert(counter == elementCount) } } // workaround warnings from compiler with Jackson 2.5 @unchecked private def createReader(objectMapper: ObjectMapper): ObjectReader = objectMapper.reader() private def createJsonArrayAsBytes(elementAsBytes: Array[Byte], elementCount: Int): Array[Byte] = { val byteArrayOutput = new byteArrayOutput.write('[') for (i <- 1 to elementCount) { if (i != 1) { byteArrayOutput.write(',') } byteArrayOutput.write(elementAsBytes) } byteArrayOutput.write(']') byteArrayOutput.toByteArray } private def glossaryAsBytes = { val stream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/io/circe/jackson/examples/glossary.json") val source = Source.fromInputStream(stream) val bytes = source.close() bytes } }
Example 25
Source File: ValidatedUtils.scala From chimney with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.scalaland.chimney.cats.utils import cats.InvariantMonoidal import{NonEmptyChain, NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNec, ValidatedNel} object ValidatedUtils { implicit class OptionOps[T](val opt: Option[T]) extends AnyVal { def toValidated[EE[_]: InvariantMonoidal](err: => String): Validated[EE[String], T] = { opt match { case Some(value) => Validated.Valid(value) case None => Validated.Invalid(InvariantMonoidal[EE].point(err)) } } def toValidatedNec(err: => String): ValidatedNec[String, T] = toValidated[NonEmptyChain](err)(implicitly) def toValidatedNel(err: => String): ValidatedNel[String, T] = toValidated[NonEmptyList](err)(implicitly) } implicit class ValidatedOps[+E, +A](val validated: Validated[E, A]) extends AnyVal { def getValid: A = { validated.valueOr(_ => throw new NoSuchElementException) } } }
Example 26
Source File: User.scala From whirlwind-tour-akka-typed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.heikoseeberger.wtat import{ NonEmptyList, Validated } import cats.syntax.apply._ import cats.syntax.either._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.And import eu.timepit.refined.char.LetterOrDigit import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{ Forall, NonEmpty } import eu.timepit.refined.refineV object User { type Username = Refined[String, UsernameRefinement] type UsernameRefinement = And[NonEmpty, Forall[LetterOrDigit]] type Nickname = Refined[String, NicknameRefinement] type NicknameRefinement = NonEmpty def apply(username: String, nickname: String): Validated[NonEmptyList[String], User] = (validateUsername(username), validateNickname(nickname)).mapN(new User(_, _)) def validateUsername(username: String): Validated[NonEmptyList[String], Username] = refineV[UsernameRefinement](username).toValidatedNel def validateNickname(nickname: String): Validated[NonEmptyList[String], Nickname] = refineV[NicknameRefinement](nickname).toValidatedNel } final case class User(username: User.Username, nickname: User.Nickname)
Example 27
Source File: MergeDeps.scala From bazel-deps with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.johnynek.bazel_deps import{ NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel } import cats.Foldable import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.jawn.JawnParser import{ File, PrintWriter } import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } import java.nio.file.Path object MergeDeps { private def load(f: Path): ValidatedNel[String, Model] = FormatDeps.readModel(f.toFile) match { case Right(m) => Validated.valid(m) case Left(err) => Validated.invalidNel(err) } def fail(errs: NonEmptyList[String]): Nothing = { errs.toList.foreach(System.err.println) System.exit(1) sys.error("unreachable") } def apply(models: NonEmptyList[Path], out: Option[Path]): Unit = { type A[T] = ValidatedNel[String, T] val mod = models.traverse[A, Model](load).toEither.right.flatMap { Model.combine(_) } mod match { case Left(errs) => fail(errs) case Right(m) => val stream = m.toDoc.renderStream(100) out match { case None => stream.foreach(System.out.print) case Some(path) => val pw = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) stream.foreach(pw.print(_)) pw.flush pw.close } } } def addDep(model: Path, lang: Language, coords: NonEmptyList[MavenCoordinate]): Unit = load(model) match { case Validated.Invalid(errs) => fail(errs) case Validated.Valid(m) => val realLang = m.getOptions.replaceLang(lang) val deps = def combine(d1: Dependencies, d2: Dependencies): Either[NonEmptyList[String], Dependencies] = Dependencies.combine(m.getOptions.getVersionConflictPolicy, d1, d2).toEither type E[T] = Either[NonEmptyList[String], T] Foldable[NonEmptyList].foldM[E, Dependencies, Dependencies](deps, m.dependencies)(combine) match { case Left(errs) => fail(errs) case Right(resDep) => val stream = m.copy(dependencies = resDep).toDoc.renderStream(100) val pw = new PrintWriter(model.toFile) stream.foreach(pw.print(_)) pw.flush pw.close } } }
Example 28
Source File: ConfigOps.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.settings.utils import java.util.Properties import import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigRenderOptions} import com.wavesplatform.dex.settings.utils.ConfigSettingsValidator.ErrorListOrOps import mouse.any._ import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ValueReader object ConfigOps { final implicit class ConfigOps(config: Config) { val cfgValidator: ConfigSettingsValidator = ConfigSettingsValidator(config) def getValidatedSet[T: ValueReader](path: String): Set[T] = { cfgValidator.validateList[T](path).map(_.toSet) getValueOrThrowErrors } def getValidatedMap[K, V: ValueReader](path: String)(keyValidator: String => Validated[String, K]): Map[K, V] = { cfgValidator.validateMap(path)(keyValidator) getValueOrThrowErrors } def getValidatedByPredicate[T: ValueReader](path: String)(predicate: T => Boolean, errorMsg: String): T = { cfgValidator.validateByPredicate(path)(predicate, errorMsg) getValueOrThrowErrors } def toProperties: Properties = new Properties() unsafeTap { properties => config.entrySet().forEach { entry => properties.setProperty(entry.getKey, config getString entry.getKey) } } def rendered: String = config .resolve() .root() .render( ConfigRenderOptions .concise() .setOriginComments(false) .setComments(false) .setFormatted(true) .setJson(false) ) } }
Example 29
Source File: PathGroup.scala From docless with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.timeout.docless.swagger import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.instances.all._ import cats.syntax.eq._ import cats.syntax.foldable._ import cats.syntax.monoid._ import cats.{Eq, Monoid} import com.timeout.docless.schema.JsonSchema.{Definition, TypeRef} trait PathGroup { def params: List[OperationParameter] = Nil def definitions: List[Definition] def paths: List[Path] } object PathGroup { val Empty = PathGroup(Nil, Nil, Nil) def aggregate( info: Info, groups: List[PathGroup], securitySchemes: List[SecurityScheme] = Nil ): ValidatedNel[SchemaError, APISchema] = { val g = groups.combineAll val allDefs = g.definitions val definedIds = val securityDefinitions = SecurityDefinitions(securitySchemes: _*) def isDefined(ctx: RefWithContext): Boolean = allDefs.exists( === val missingDefinitions = allDefs.foldMap { d => d.relatedRefs.collect { case r @ TypeRef(id, _) if !definedIds.exists(_ === id) => SchemaError.missingDefinition(RefWithContext.definition(r, d)) } } val errors = g.paths .foldMap(_.refs.filterNot(isDefined)) .map(SchemaError.missingDefinition) .toList ++ missingDefinitions if (errors.nonEmpty) Validated.invalid[NonEmptyList[SchemaError], APISchema]( NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(errors) ) else Validated.valid { APISchema( info = info, host = "", basePath = "/", parameters = OperationParameters(g.params), paths = Paths(g.paths), schemes = Set(Scheme.Http), consumes = Set("application/json"), produces = Set("application/json"), securityDefinitions = securityDefinitions ).defining(g.definitions: _*) } } def apply(ps: List[Path], defs: List[Definition], _params: List[OperationParameter]): PathGroup = new PathGroup { override val paths = ps override val definitions = defs override val params = _params } implicit val pgEq: Eq[PathGroup] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals implicit def pgMonoid: Monoid[PathGroup] = new Monoid[PathGroup] { override def empty: PathGroup = Empty override def combine(x: PathGroup, y: PathGroup): PathGroup = PathGroup( x.paths |+| y.paths, x.definitions |+| y.definitions, x.params |+| y.params ) } }
Example 30
Source File: PathGroupTest.scala From docless with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.timeout.docless.swagger import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Inside, Matchers} import import import SchemaError._ import com.timeout.docless.schema.JsonSchema import com.timeout.docless.schema.JsonSchema._ import com.timeout.docless.swagger.Method._ class PathGroupTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers { "PathGroup" - { val petstore = PetstoreSchema() val pet = val paths = Path("/example") :: petstore.paths.get.toList val defs = petstore.definitions.get.toList val defsNoPet = defs.filterNot( === val params = petstore.parameters.get.toList val group1 = PathGroup(paths, defs, params) val group2 = PathGroup(List(Path("/extra")), Nil, Nil) val groupMissingErr = PathGroup(paths, defsNoPet, params) def err(path: String, m: Method, f: Definition => Ref): SchemaError = missingDefinition(RefWithContext.response(f(pet.definition), m, path)) "aggregate" - { "when some top level definitions are missing" - { "returns the missing refs" in { PathGroup.aggregate(, List(groupMissingErr)) should ===( Validated.invalid[NonEmptyList[SchemaError], APISchema]( NonEmptyList.of( err("/pets", Get, ArrayRef.apply), err("/pets", Post, TypeRef.apply), err("/pets/{id}", Get, TypeRef.apply), err("/pets/{id}", Delete, TypeRef.apply) ) ) ) } } "when some nested definitions are missing" - { val info = Info("example") case class Nested(name: String) case class TopLevel(nested: Nested) val schema = JsonSchema.deriveFor[TopLevel] val nested = schema.relatedDefinitions.head val paths = List( "/example".Post( Operation('_, "...") .withParams(BodyParameter(schema = Some(schema.asRef))) ) ) val withNested = PathGroup(paths, schema.definitions.toList, Nil) val withoutNested = PathGroup(paths, List(schema.definition), Nil) "returns the missing refs" in { PathGroup.aggregate(info, List(withNested)).isValid shouldBe true PathGroup.aggregate(info, List(withoutNested)) should ===( Validated.invalid[NonEmptyList[SchemaError], APISchema]( NonEmptyList.of( MissingDefinition( RefWithContext.definition(nested.asRef, schema.definition) ) ) ) ) } } "when no definition is missing" - { "returns a valid api schema" in new Inside { inside(PathGroup.aggregate(, List(group1, group2))) { case Validated.Valid(schema) => should ===( schema.paths.get should ===(group1.paths ++ group2.paths) schema.definitions.get should ===( group1.definitions ++ group2.definitions ) schema.parameters.get should ===(group1.params ++ group2.params) } } } } } }
Example 31
Source File: CatsIntegrationSpec.scala From octopus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package octopus.cats import{NonEmptyList, Validated} import octopus.example.domain._ import octopus.syntax._ import octopus.{Fixtures, ValidationError} import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class CatsIntegrationSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with Fixtures { "Cats Integration" should { "support ValidatedNel" when { "Valid scenario" in { 1.validate.toValidatedNel mustBe Validated.Valid(1) userId_Valid.validate.toValidatedNel mustBe Validated.Valid(userId_Valid) user_Valid.validate.toValidatedNel mustBe Validated.Valid(user_Valid) } "Invalid scenario" in { userId_Invalid.validate.toValidatedNel mustBe Validated.Invalid( NonEmptyList.of(ValidationError(UserId.Err_MustBePositive)) ) user_Invalid1.validate.toValidatedNel.leftMap( mustBe Validated.Invalid( NonEmptyList.of( "id" -> UserId.Err_MustBePositive, "email" -> Email.Err_MustContainAt, "email" -> Email.Err_MustContainDotAfterAt, "address.postalCode" -> PostalCode.Err_MustBeLengthOf5, "address.postalCode" -> PostalCode.Err_MustContainOnlyDigits, "" -> Address.Err_MustNotBeEmpty, "address.street" -> Address.Err_MustNotBeEmpty ) ) } } "support Validated" when { "Valid scenario" in { 1.validate.toValidated mustBe Validated.Valid(1) userId_Valid.validate.toValidated mustBe Validated.Valid(userId_Valid) user_Valid.validate.toValidated mustBe Validated.Valid(user_Valid) } "Invalid scenario" in { userId_Invalid.validate.toValidated mustBe Validated.Invalid( List(ValidationError(UserId.Err_MustBePositive)) ) user_Invalid1.validate.toValidated.leftMap( mustBe Validated.Invalid( List( "id" -> UserId.Err_MustBePositive, "email" -> Email.Err_MustContainAt, "email" -> Email.Err_MustContainDotAfterAt, "address.postalCode" -> PostalCode.Err_MustBeLengthOf5, "address.postalCode" -> PostalCode.Err_MustContainOnlyDigits, "" -> Address.Err_MustNotBeEmpty, "address.street" -> Address.Err_MustNotBeEmpty ) ) } } } }
Example 32
Source File: package.scala From featherbed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package featherbed import java.nio.CharBuffer import java.nio.charset.{Charset, CodingErrorAction} import scala.util.Try import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response import import shapeless.Witness import sun.nio.cs.ThreadLocalCoders package object content { type ContentType = String trait Decoder[ContentType] { type Out val contentType: String //widened version of ContentType def apply(buf: Response): ValidatedNel[Throwable, Out] } object Decoder extends LowPriorityDecoders { type Aux[CT, A1] = Decoder[CT] { type Out = A1 } def of[T <: ContentType, A1](t: T)(fn: Response => ValidatedNel[Throwable, A1]): Decoder.Aux[t.type, A1] = new Decoder[t.type] { type Out = A1 val contentType = t def apply(response: Response) = fn(response) } def decodeString(response: Response): ValidatedNel[Throwable, String] = { Validated.fromTry(Try { }).andThen { charset: Charset => val decoder = ThreadLocalCoders.decoderFor(charset) Validated.fromTry( Try( decoder .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT) .decode(Buf.ByteBuffer.Owned.extract(response.content).asReadOnlyBuffer()))).map[String](_.toString) }.toValidatedNel } } private[featherbed] trait LowPriorityDecoders { implicit val plainTextDecoder: Decoder.Aux[Witness.`"text/plain"`.T, String] = Decoder.of("text/plain") { response => Decoder.decodeString(response) } implicit val anyResponseDecoder: Decoder.Aux[Witness.`"**") { response => Validated.Valid(response) } } trait Encoder[A, ForContentType] { def apply(value: A, charset: Charset): ValidatedNel[Throwable, Buf] } object Encoder extends LowPriorityEncoders { def of[A, T <: ContentType](t: T)(fn: (A, Charset) => ValidatedNel[Throwable, Buf]): Encoder[A, t.type] = new Encoder[A, t.type] { def apply(value: A, charset: Charset) = fn(value, charset) } def encodeString(value: String, charset: Charset): ValidatedNel[Throwable, Buf] = { val encoder = ThreadLocalCoders.encoderFor(charset) Validated.fromTry(Try(encoder .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT) .encode(CharBuffer.wrap(value))))[Buf](Buf.ByteBuffer.Owned(_)) } } private[featherbed] trait LowPriorityEncoders { implicit val plainTextEncoder: Encoder[String, Witness.`"text/plain"`.T] = Encoder.of("text/plain") { case (value, charset) => Encoder.encodeString(value, charset) } } }
Example 33
Source File: Schema.scala From circe-json-schema with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.schema import{ Validated, ValidatedNel } import io.circe.{ Json, JsonNumber, JsonObject } import java.util.HashMap import org.everit.json.schema.{ Schema => EveritSchema, ValidationException } import org.everit.json.schema.loader.SchemaLoader import org.json.{ JSONArray, JSONObject, JSONTokener } import scala.util.Try trait Schema { def validate(value: Json): ValidatedNel[ValidationError, Unit] } object Schema { def load(value: Json): Schema = new EveritSchemaImpl( SchemaLoader.builder().schemaJson(fromCirce(value)).draftV7Support().build().load().build() ) def loadFromString(value: String): Try[Schema] = Try( new EveritSchemaImpl( SchemaLoader.builder().schemaJson(new JSONTokener(value).nextValue).draftV7Support().build().load().build() ) ) private[this] class EveritSchemaImpl(schema: EveritSchema) extends Schema { def validate(value: Json): ValidatedNel[ValidationError, Unit] = try { schema.validate(fromCirce(value)) Validated.valid(()) } catch { case e: ValidationException => Validated.invalid(ValidationError.fromEverit(e)) } } private[this] val fromCirceVisitor: Json.Folder[Object] = new Json.Folder[Object] { def onNull: Object = JSONObject.NULL def onBoolean(value: Boolean): Object = Predef.boolean2Boolean(value) def onString(value: String): Object = value def onNumber(value: JsonNumber): Object = value.toInt match { case Some(asInt) => Predef.int2Integer(asInt) case None => new JSONTokener(value.toString).nextValue } def onArray(value: Vector[Json]): Object = new JSONArray( def onObject(value: JsonObject): Object = { val map = new HashMap[String, Object](value.size) val iter = value.toIterable.iterator while (iter.hasNext) { val (k, v) = map.put(k, v.foldWith(this)) } new JSONObject(map) } } private[this] def fromCirce(value: Json): Object = value.foldWith(fromCirceVisitor) }
Example 34
Source File: TestSuiteTests.scala From circe-json-schema with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.schema import import io.circe.{ Decoder, Json } import import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec case class SchemaTestCase(description: String, data: Json, valid: Boolean) case class SchemaTest(description: String, schema: Json, tests: List[SchemaTestCase]) object SchemaTestCase { implicit val decodeSchemaTestCase: Decoder[SchemaTestCase] = io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder } object SchemaTest { implicit val decodeSchemaTest: Decoder[SchemaTest] = io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder } class TestSuiteTests(path: String) extends AnyFlatSpec { val tests: List[SchemaTest] = io.circe.jawn .decodeFile[List[SchemaTest]](new File(path)) .getOrElse( throw new Exception(s"Unable to load test file: $path") ) tests.foreach { case SchemaTest(description, schema, tests) => tests.foreach { case SchemaTestCase(caseDescription, data, valid) => val expected = if (valid) "validate successfully" else "fail to validate" s"$description: $caseDescription" should expected in { val errors = Schema.load(schema).validate(data) if (valid) { assert(errors == Validated.valid(())) } else { assert(errors.isInvalid) } } it should s"$expected when schema is loaded from a string" in { val errors = Schema.loadFromString(schema.noSpaces).get.validate(data) if (valid) { assert(errors == Validated.valid(())) } else { assert(errors.isInvalid) } } } } } class AdditionalItemsTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/additionalItems.json") class AdditionalPropertiesTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/additionalProperties.json") class AllOfTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/allOf.json") class AnyOfTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/anyOf.json") class BooleanSchemaTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/boolean_schema.json") class ConstTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/const.json") class ContainsTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/contains.json") class DefaultTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/default.json") //class DefinitionsTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/definitions.json") class EnumTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/enum.json") class ExclusiveMaximumTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/exclusiveMaximum.json") class ExclusiveMinimumTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/exclusiveMinimum.json") class FormatTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/format.json") class IfThenElseTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/if-then-else.json") class ItemsTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/items.json") class MaximumTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/maximum.json") class MaxItemsTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/maxItems.json") class MaxLengthTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/maxLength.json") class MaxPropertiesTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/maxProperties.json") class MinimumTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/minimum.json") class MinItemsTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/minItems.json") class MinLengthTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/minLength.json") class MinPropertiesTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/minProperties.json") class MultipleOfTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/multipleOf.json") class NotTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/not.json") class OneOfTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/oneOf.json") class PatternTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/pattern.json") class PatternPropertiesTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/patternProperties.json") class PropertyNamesTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/propertyNames.json") // Not currently running remote tests. //class RefTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/ref.json") //class RefRemoteTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/refRemote.json") class RequiredTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/required.json") class TypeTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/type.json") class UniqueItemsTestSuiteTests extends TestSuiteTests("tests/tests/draft7/uniqueItems.json")
Example 35
Source File: validation.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package freestyle.tagless package effects import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.mtl.MonadState object validation { final class ValidationProvider[E] { type Errors = List[E] @tagless(true) sealed trait ValidationM { def valid[A](x: A): FS[A] def invalid(err: E): FS[Unit] def errors: FS[Errors] def fromEither[A](x: Either[E, A]): FS[Either[E, A]] def fromValidatedNel[A](x: ValidatedNel[E, A]): FS[ValidatedNel[E, A]] } trait Implicits { implicit def freeStyleValidationMStateInterpreter[M[_]]( implicit MS: MonadState[M, Errors] ): ValidationM.Handler[M] = new ValidationM.Handler[M] { def valid[A](x: A): M[A] = MS.monad.pure(x) def errors: M[Errors] = MS.get def invalid(err: E): M[Unit] = MS.modify((s: Errors) => s :+ err) def fromEither[A](x: Either[E, A]): M[Either[E, A]] = x match { case Left(err) =>, x) case Right(_) => MS.monad.pure(x) } def fromValidatedNel[A](x: ValidatedNel[E, A]): M[ValidatedNel[E, A]] = x match { case Validated.Invalid(errs) => Errors) => s ++ errs.toList), x) case Validated.Valid(_) => MS.monad.pure(x) } } implicit class ValidSyntax[A](private val s: A) { def liftValid[F[_]: ValidationM]: F[A] = ValidationM[F].valid(s) } implicit class InvalidSyntax[A](private val e: E) { def liftInvalid[F[_]: ValidationM]: F[Unit] = ValidationM[F].invalid(e) } } object implicits extends Implicits } def apply[E] = new ValidationProvider[E] }
Example 36
Source File: UnusedLetCheck.scala From bosatsu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.bykn.bosatsu import cats.Applicative import{Chain, Validated, ValidatedNec, Writer, NonEmptyChain} import cats.implicits._ import Expr._ import Identifier.Bindable object UnusedLetCheck { private[this] val ap = Applicative[Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], ?]] private[this] val empty: Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], Set[Bindable]] = ap.pure(Set.empty) private[this] def checkArg(arg: Bindable, reg: => Region, w: Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], Set[Bindable]]) = w.flatMap { free => if (free(arg)) ap.pure(free - arg) else { // this arg is free: ap.pure(free).tell(, reg))) } } private[this] def loop[A: HasRegion](e: Expr[A]): Writer[Chain[(Bindable, Region)], Set[Bindable]] = e match { case Annotation(expr, _, _) => loop(expr) case AnnotatedLambda(arg, _, expr, _) => checkArg(arg, HasRegion.region(e), loop(expr)) case Lambda(arg, expr, _) => checkArg(arg, HasRegion.region(e), loop(expr)) case Let(arg, expr, in, rec, _) => val exprCheck = loop(expr) val exprRes = // if it is recursive, it is definitely used, because // that is automatically applied in source conversions if (rec.isRecursive) - arg) else exprCheck val inCheck = checkArg(arg, HasRegion.region(e), loop(in)) (exprRes, inCheck).mapN(_ ++ _) case Var(None, name: Bindable, _) => // this is a free variable: ap.pure(Set(name)) case Var(_, _, _) | Literal(_, _) => empty case App(fn, arg, _) => (loop(fn), loop(arg)).mapN(_ ++ _) case Match(arg, branches, _) => // TODO: patterns need their own region val argCheck = loop(arg) val bcheck = branches.traverse { case (pat, expr) => val region = HasRegion.region(expr) loop(expr).flatMap { frees => val thisPatNames = pat.names val unused = thisPatNames.filterNot(frees) val nextFrees = frees -- thisPatNames ap.pure(nextFrees).tell(Chain.fromSeq(, region)))) } } .map(_.combineAll) (argCheck, bcheck).mapN(_ ++ _) } def freeBound[A](e: Expr[A]): Set[Bindable] = loop(e)(HasRegion.instance(_ => Region(0, 0))).run._2 }
Example 37
Source File: IorMethods.scala From bosatsu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.bykn.bosatsu import{Ior, Validated} object IorMethods { implicit class IorExtension[A, B](val ior: Ior[A, B]) extends AnyVal { def strictToValidated: Validated[A, B] = ior match { case Ior.Right(b) => Validated.valid(b) case Ior.Left(a) => Validated.invalid(a) case Ior.Both(a, _) => Validated.invalid(a) } } }
Example 38
Source File: Tree.scala From bosatsu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.bykn.bosatsu.graph import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ case class Tree[+A](item: A, children: List[Tree[A]]) object Tree { def neighborsFn[A](t: Tree[A]): A => List[A] = { def toMap(t: Tree[A]): Map[A, Tree[A]] = Map(t.item -> t) ++ (t.children.flatMap(toMap(_))) val mapToTree: Map[A, Tree[A]] = toMap(t) { a: A => mapToTree.get(a).fold(List.empty[A])( } } def dagToTree[A](node: A)(nfn: A => List[A]): ValidatedNel[NonEmptyList[A], Tree[A]] = { def treeOf(path: NonEmptyList[A], visited: Set[A]): ValidatedNel[NonEmptyList[A], Tree[A]] = { val children = nfn(path.head) def assumeValid(children: List[A]): ValidatedNel[NonEmptyList[A], Tree[A]] = children.traverse { a => // we grow the path out here treeOf(a :: path, visited + a) } .map(Tree(path.head, _)) NonEmptyList.fromList(children.filter(visited)) match { case Some(loops) => val paths = :: path) val invalid = Validated.invalid(paths) // also search all the valid cases invalid *> assumeValid(children.filterNot(visited)) case None => assumeValid(children) } } treeOf(NonEmptyList(node, Nil), Set(node)) .leftMap { nelnel => // remove depulicate paths val withSet = { nel => (nel, nel.toList.toSet) } distinctBy(withSet)(_._2).map(_._1) } } def distinctBy[A, B](nel: NonEmptyList[A])(fn: A => B): NonEmptyList[A] = { @annotation.tailrec def remove(seen: Set[B], items: List[A], acc: List[A]): List[A] = items match { case Nil => acc.reverse case h :: t => val b = fn(h) if (seen(b)) remove(seen, t, acc) else remove(seen + b, t, h :: acc) } NonEmptyList(nel.head, remove(Set(fn(nel.head)), nel.tail, Nil)) } def distinctBy[A, B](nel: List[A])(fn: A => B): List[A] = NonEmptyList.fromList(nel) match { case None => Nil case Some(nel) => distinctBy(nel)(fn).toList } }
Example 39
Source File: TypeRecursionCheckTest.scala From bosatsu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.bykn.bosatsu import import org.bykn.bosatsu.rankn.TypeEnv import org.scalatest.FunSuite class TypeRecursionCheckTest extends FunSuite { def allowed(teStr: String) = { val te = TestUtils.typeEnvOf(PackageName.PredefName, teStr) VarianceFormula.solve(TypeEnv.empty, te.allDefinedTypes) match { case Left(errs) => fail(s"couldn't solve: $errs") case Right(teVar) => assert( TypeRecursionCheck.checkLegitRecursion(TypeEnv.empty, teVar) == Validated.valid(())) } } def disallowed(teStr: String) = { val te = TestUtils.typeEnvOf(PackageName.PredefName, teStr) VarianceFormula.solve(TypeEnv.empty, te.allDefinedTypes) match { case Left(errs) => fail(s"couldn't solve: $errs") case Right(teVar) => assert( TypeRecursionCheck.checkLegitRecursion(TypeEnv.empty, teVar).isInvalid) } } test("linked list is allowed") { allowed("""# enum Lst: E, N(head: a, tail: Lst[a]) """) } test("tree is allowed") { allowed("""# enum Lst: E, N(head: a, tail: Lst[a]) struct Tree(root: a, children: Lst[Tree[a]]) """) } test("directory example is allowed") { allowed("""# enum Lst: E, N(head: a, tail: Lst[a]) enum Path: Dir(name: String, children: Lst[Path]) File(name: String, content: String) """) } test("cont is allowed with Tree") { allowed("""# struct Cont(fn: (a -> b) -> b) struct Tree(root: a, children: Cont[Tree[a], b]) """) disallowed("""# struct ICont(fn: (a -> a) -> a) struct Tree(root: a, children: ICont[Tree[a]]) """) } test("y-combinator type is disallowed") { disallowed("""# struct W(fn: W[a, b] -> a -> b) """) } test("mutual recursion is (currently) completely unallowed") { disallowed("""# struct Foo(bar: Bar) struct Bar(foo: Foo) """) } test("recursion with type constructors is disallowed") { disallowed("""# struct Tree(root: a, children: f[Tree[a]]) """) } }
Example 40
Source File: SimulatePlanApp.scala From Scala-Programming-Projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
package retcalc import import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import retcalc.RetCalcError.{InvalidArgument, InvalidNumber, RetCalcResult} object SimulatePlanApp extends App { strMain(args) match { case Invalid(err) => println(err) sys.exit(1) case Valid(result) => println(result) sys.exit(0) } def parseInt(name: String, value: String): RetCalcResult[Int] = Validated .catchOnly[NumberFormatException](value.toInt) .leftMap(_ => NonEmptyList.of(InvalidNumber(name, value))) def parseParams(args: Array[String]): RetCalcResult[RetCalcParams] = ( parseInt("nbOfYearsRetired", args(2)), parseInt("netIncome", args(3)), parseInt("currentExpenses", args(4)), parseInt("initialCapital", args(5)) ).mapN { case (nbOfYearsRetired, netIncome, currentExpenses, initialCapital) => RetCalcParams( nbOfMonthsInRetirement = nbOfYearsRetired * 12, netIncome = netIncome, currentExpenses = currentExpenses, initialCapital = initialCapital) } def parseFromUntil(fromUntil: String): RetCalcResult[(String, String)] = { val array = fromUntil.split(",") if (array.length != 2) InvalidArgument(name = "fromUntil", value = fromUntil, expectedFormat = "from,until" ).invalidNel else (array(0), array(1)).validNel } def strSimulatePlan(returns: Returns, nbOfYearsSaving: Int, params: RetCalcParams) : RetCalcResult[String] = { RetCalc.simulatePlan( returns = returns, params = params, nbOfMonthsSavings = nbOfYearsSaving * 12 ).map { case (capitalAtRetirement, capitalAfterDeath) => val nbOfYearsInRetirement = params.nbOfMonthsInRetirement / 12 s""" |Capital after $nbOfYearsSaving years of savings: ${capitalAtRetirement.round} |Capital after $nbOfYearsInRetirement years in retirement: ${capitalAfterDeath.round} |""".stripMargin }.toValidatedNel } def strMain(args: Array[String]): Validated[String, String] = { if (args.length != 6) """Usage: |simulatePlan from,until nbOfYearsSaving nbOfYearsRetired netIncome currentExpenses initialCapital | |Example: |simulatePlan 1952.09,2017.09 25 40 3000 2000 10000 |""".stripMargin.invalid else { val allReturns = Returns.fromEquityAndInflationData( equities = EquityData.fromResource("sp500.tsv"), inflations = InflationData.fromResource("cpi.tsv")) val vFromUntil = parseFromUntil(args(0)) val vNbOfYearsSaving = parseInt("nbOfYearsSaving", args(1)) val vParams = parseParams(args) (vFromUntil, vNbOfYearsSaving, vParams) .tupled .andThen { case ((from, until), nbOfYearsSaving, params) => strSimulatePlan(allReturns.fromUntil(from, until), nbOfYearsSaving, params) } .leftMap(nel =>"\n")) } } } case class SimulatePlanArgs(fromMonth: String, untilMonth: String, retCalcParams: RetCalcParams, nbOfMonthsSavings: Int)
Example 41
Source File: CliOpts.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import{BearerToken, Offset} import com.monovore.decline.{Argument, Opts} import org.http4s.Uri import scala.util.Try object CliOpts extends OptsInstances { val token: Opts[Option[BearerToken]] = Opts .option[String]( long = "token", help = "The token to use when interacting with the Nexus API; " + "a 'none' string value will remove any preconfigured token." ) .validate("Token must be a non empty string") { !_.isBlank } .map { case "none" => None case value => Some(BearerToken(value)) } val offset: Opts[Option[Offset]] = Opts .option[String]( long = "offset", help = "The offset to use when starting the event replay; " + "a 'none' string value will discard any saved offset." ) .map(_.trim) .mapValidated { case "none" => Validated.validNel(None) case value => Offset(value).toRight("Offset is not valid").map(o => Some(o)).toValidatedNel } val endpoint: Opts[Uri] = Opts .option[Uri]( long = "endpoint", help = "The base address of the Nexus API" ) val envConfig: Opts[Path] = Opts .option[Path]( long = "env", help = "The environment configuration file" ) val postgresConfig: Opts[Path] = Opts .option[Path]( long = "config", help = "The postgres configuration file" ) val influxConfig: Opts[Path] = Opts .option[Path]( long = "config", help = "The influx configuration file" ) } trait OptsInstances { implicit protected val uriArgument: Argument[Uri] = new Argument[Uri] { override def read(string: String): ValidatedNel[String, Uri] = Uri .fromString(string) .leftMap(_ => s"Invalid Uri: '$string'") .ensure(s"Invalid Uri: '$string'")(uri => uri.scheme.isDefined) .toValidatedNel override val defaultMetavar: String = "http://..." } implicit protected val pathArgument: Argument[Path] = new Argument[Path] { override def read(string: String): ValidatedNel[String, Path] = Try(Paths.get(string)).toOption.toRight(s"Invalid file path '$string'").toValidatedNel override val defaultMetavar: String = "../file.conf" } }
Example 42
Source File: RawSource.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.install import argonaut.{DecodeJson, EncodeJson, Parse} import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.parse.RepositoryParser import @data class RawSource( repositories: List[String], channel: String, id: String ) { def source: ValidatedNel[String, Source] = { import RawAppDescriptor.validationNelToCats val repositoriesV = validationNelToCats(RepositoryParser.repositories(repositories)) val channelV = Validated.fromEither( Channel.parse(channel) ) (repositoriesV, channelV).mapN { (repositories, channel) => Source( repositories, channel, id ) } } def repr: String = RawSource.encoder.encode(this).nospaces } object RawSource { import argonaut.ArgonautShapeless._ implicit val encoder = EncodeJson.of[RawSource] implicit val decoder = DecodeJson.of[RawSource] def parse(input: String): Either[String, RawSource] = Parse.decodeEither(input)(decoder) }
Example 43
Source File: SharedResolveParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.resolve import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.params.{CacheParams, DependencyParams, OutputParams, RepositoryParams} import coursier.params.ResolutionParams import coursier.parse.{JavaOrScalaModule, ModuleParser} final case class SharedResolveParams( cache: CacheParams, output: OutputParams, repositories: RepositoryParams, dependency: DependencyParams, resolution: ResolutionParams, classpathOrder: Option[Boolean] ) { def updatedResolution(scalaVersionOpt: Option[String]): ResolutionParams = resolution .withScalaVersionOpt(resolution.scalaVersionOpt.flatMap(_ => scalaVersionOpt)) .withExclusions( dependency.exclude .map { m => val m0 = m.module(scalaVersionOpt.getOrElse("")) (m0.organization, } ) } object SharedResolveParams { def apply(options: SharedResolveOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SharedResolveParams] = { val cacheV = options.cacheOptions.params val outputV = OutputParams(options.outputOptions) val repositoriesV = RepositoryParams(options.repositoryOptions, options.dependencyOptions.sbtPlugin.nonEmpty) val resolutionV = options.resolutionOptions.params val dependencyV = DependencyParams(options.dependencyOptions, resolutionV.toOption.flatMap(_.scalaVersionOpt)) val classpathOrder = options.classpathOrder (cacheV, outputV, repositoriesV, dependencyV, resolutionV).mapN { (cache, output, repositories, dependency, resolution) => SharedResolveParams( cache, output, repositories, dependency, resolution, classpathOrder ) } } }
Example 44
Source File: Dependencies.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.resolve import{URL, URLDecoder} import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.core.{Configuration, Dependency, Exclusions, Module, ModuleName, Organization} import coursier.parse.{DependencyParser, JavaOrScalaDependency, JavaOrScalaModule} object Dependencies { def handleDependencies( rawDependencies: Seq[String] ): ValidatedNel[String, List[(JavaOrScalaDependency, Map[String, String])]] = rawDependencies .map { s => DependencyParser.javaOrScalaDependencyParams(s) match { case Left(error) => Validated.invalidNel(error) case Right(d) => Validated.validNel(List(d)) } } .toList .flatSequence def withExtraRepo( rawDependencies: Seq[String], extraDependencies: Seq[(JavaOrScalaDependency, Map[String, String])] ): Either[Throwable, (List[JavaOrScalaDependency], Map[(JavaOrScalaModule, String), URL])] = handleDependencies(rawDependencies) match { case Validated.Valid(l) => val l0 = l ++ extraDependencies val deps = val extraRepo = // Any dependencies with URIs should not be resolved with a pom so this is a // hack to add all the deps with URIs to the FallbackDependenciesRepository // which will be used during the resolve l0.flatMap { case (dep, extraParams) => extraParams.get("url").map { url => (dep.module, dep.version) -> new URL(URLDecoder.decode(url, "UTF-8")) } }.toMap Right((deps, extraRepo)) case Validated.Invalid(err) => Left(new ResolveException( "Error processing dependencies:\n" +" " + _).mkString("\n") )) } def addExclusions( dep: Dependency, perModuleExclude: Map[Module, Set[Module]], ): Dependency = perModuleExclude.get(dep.module) match { case None => dep case Some(exclusions) => dep.withExclusions( Exclusions.minimize(dep.exclusions ++ => (m.organization, ) } def addExclusions( deps: Seq[Dependency], perModuleExclude: Map[Module, Set[Module]], ): Seq[Dependency] = { dep => addExclusions(dep, perModuleExclude) } }
Example 45
Source File: SharedJavaParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.jvm import import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cache.Cache import coursier.jvm.{JvmCache, JvmCacheLogger} import coursier.util.Task final case class SharedJavaParams( jvm: Option[String], jvmDir: Path, allowSystemJvm: Boolean, requireSystemJvm: Boolean ) { def id: String = jvm.getOrElse(coursier.jvm.JavaHome.defaultId) def cacheAndHome(cache: Cache[Task], verbosity: Int): (JvmCache, coursier.jvm.JavaHome) = { val jvmCache = JvmCache() .withBaseDirectory(jvmDir.toFile) .withCache(cache) .withDefaultIndex val javaHome = coursier.jvm.JavaHome() .withCache(jvmCache) .withJvmCacheLogger(jvmCacheLogger(verbosity)) .withAllowSystem(allowSystemJvm) (jvmCache, javaHome) } def javaHome(cache: Cache[Task], verbosity: Int): coursier.jvm.JavaHome = { val (_, home) = cacheAndHome(cache, verbosity) home } def jvmCacheLogger(verbosity: Int): JvmCacheLogger = if (verbosity >= 0) new JvmCacheLogger { def extracting(id: String, origin: String, dest: File): Unit = System.err.println( s"""Extracting | $origin |in | $dest""".stripMargin ) def extracted(id: String, origin: String, dest: File): Unit = System.err.println("Done") def extractionFailed(id: String, origin: String, dest: File, error: Throwable): Unit = System.err.println(s"Extraction failed: $error") } else JvmCacheLogger.nop } object SharedJavaParams { def apply(options: SharedJavaOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SharedJavaParams] = { val jvm = val jvmDir = options.jvmDir.filter(_.nonEmpty).map(Paths.get(_)).getOrElse { JvmCache.defaultBaseDirectory.toPath } val (allowSystem, requireSystem) = options.systemJvm match { case None => (true, false) case Some(false) => (false, false) case Some(true) => (true, true) } val checkSystemV = if (options.systemJvm.contains(true) && jvm.exists(_ != coursier.jvm.JavaHome.systemId)) Validated.invalidNel("Cannot specify both --system-jvm and --jvm") else Validated.validNel(()) { _ => SharedJavaParams( jvm, jvmDir, allowSystem, requireSystem ) } } }
Example 46
Source File: JavaParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.jvm import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.params.{CacheParams, EnvParams, OutputParams} final case class JavaParams( installed: Boolean, available: Boolean, shared: SharedJavaParams, cache: CacheParams, output: OutputParams, env: EnvParams ) object JavaParams { def apply(options: JavaOptions, anyArg: Boolean): ValidatedNel[String, JavaParams] = { val sharedV = SharedJavaParams(options.sharedJavaOptions) val cacheV = options.cacheOptions.params val outputV = OutputParams(options.outputOptions) val envV = EnvParams(options.envOptions) val flags = Seq( options.installed, options.available, envV.toOption.fold(false)(_.anyFlag) ) val flagsV = if (flags.count(identity) > 1) Validated.invalidNel("Error: can only specify one of --env, --setup, --installed, --available.") else Validated.validNel(()) val checkArgsV = if (anyArg && flags.exists(identity)) Validated.invalidNel(s"Error: unexpected arguments passed along --env, --setup, --installed, or --available") else Validated.validNel(()) (sharedV, cacheV, outputV, envV, flagsV, checkArgsV).mapN { (shared, cache, output, env, _, _) => JavaParams( options.installed, options.available, shared, cache, output, env ) } } }
Example 47
Source File: RepositoryParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.params import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.{Repositories, moduleString} import coursier.cli.install.SharedChannelParams import coursier.cli.options.RepositoryOptions import coursier.core.Repository import coursier.install.Channel import coursier.ivy.IvyRepository import coursier.maven.MavenRepository import coursier.parse.RepositoryParser final case class RepositoryParams( repositories: Seq[Repository], channels: SharedChannelParams ) object RepositoryParams { def apply(options: RepositoryOptions, hasSbtPlugins: Boolean = false): ValidatedNel[String, RepositoryParams] = { val repositoriesV = Validated.fromEither( RepositoryParser.repositories(options.repository) .either .left .map { case h :: t => NonEmptyList(h, t) } ) val channelsV = SharedChannelParams(options.channelOptions) (repositoriesV, channelsV).mapN { (repos0, channels) => // preprend defaults val defaults = if (options.noDefault) Nil else { val extra = if (hasSbtPlugins) Seq(Repositories.sbtPlugin("releases")) else Nil coursier.Resolve.defaultRepositories ++ extra } var repos = defaults ++ repos0 // take sbtPluginHack into account repos = { case m: MavenRepository => m.withSbtAttrStub(options.sbtPluginHack) case other => other } // take dropInfoAttr into account if (options.dropInfoAttr) repos = { case m: IvyRepository => m.withDropInfoAttributes(true) case other => other } RepositoryParams( repos, channels ) } } }
Example 48
Source File: ArtifactParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.params import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import coursier.cli.options.ArtifactOptions import coursier.core.{Classifier, Type} final case class ArtifactParams( classifiers: Set[Classifier], mainArtifacts: Boolean, artifactTypes: Set[Type], force: Boolean ) object ArtifactParams { def apply(options: ArtifactOptions): ValidatedNel[String, ArtifactParams] = { // TODO Move the logic of ArtifactOptions.classifier0 and all here val params = ArtifactParams( options.classifier0 ++ (if (options.sources) Seq(Classifier.sources) else Nil) ++ (if (options.javadoc) Seq(Classifier.javadoc) else Nil), options.default0, options.artifactTypes, options.forceFetch ) Validated.validNel(params) } }
Example 49
Source File: SharedLaunchParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.params import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.fetch.FetchParams import coursier.cli.options.SharedLaunchOptions import coursier.cli.resolve.SharedResolveParams final case class SharedLaunchParams( resolve: SharedResolveParams, artifact: ArtifactParams, sharedLoader: SharedLoaderParams, mainClassOpt: Option[String], properties: Seq[(String, String)], extraJars: Seq[Path], fork: Option[Boolean] ) { def fetch: FetchParams = FetchParams( classpath = false, jsonOutputOpt = None, resolve = resolve, artifact = artifact ) } object SharedLaunchParams { def defaultFork: Boolean = sys.props .get("org.graalvm.nativeimage.imagecode") .contains("runtime") def apply(options: SharedLaunchOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SharedLaunchParams] = { val resolveV = SharedResolveParams(options.resolveOptions) val artifactV = ArtifactParams(options.artifactOptions) val sharedLoaderV = match { case None => Validated.validNel(SharedLoaderParams(Nil, Map.empty)) case Some(resolutionOpts) => SharedLoaderParams.from(options.sharedLoaderOptions) } val mainClassOpt = Some(options.mainClass).filter(_.nonEmpty) val propertiesV = { s => val idx = s.indexOf('=') if (idx < 0) Validated.invalidNel(s"Malformed property argument '$s' (expected name=value)") else Validated.validNel(s.substring(0, idx) -> s.substring(idx + 1)) } // check if those exist? val extraJars = { p => Paths.get(p) } (resolveV, artifactV, sharedLoaderV, propertiesV).mapN { (resolve, artifact, sharedLoader, properties) => SharedLaunchParams( resolve, artifact, sharedLoader, mainClassOpt, properties, extraJars, options.fork ) } } }
Example 50
Source File: SharedLoaderParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.params import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.dependencyString import coursier.cli.options.SharedLoaderOptions import coursier.parse.{DependencyParser, JavaOrScalaDependency, ModuleParser} final case class SharedLoaderParams( loaderNames: Seq[String], loaderDependencies: Map[String, Seq[JavaOrScalaDependency]] ) object SharedLoaderParams { def from(options: SharedLoaderOptions): ValidatedNel[String, SharedLoaderParams] = { val targetsOpt = { val l = options .sharedTarget .flatMap(_.split(',')) .flatMap(_.split(':')) .filter(_.nonEmpty) Some(l).filter(_.nonEmpty) } val defaultTarget = targetsOpt .flatMap(_.headOption) .getOrElse("default") val depsFromDeprecatedArgsV = options .isolated .traverse { d => d.split(":", 2) match { case Array(target, dep) => DependencyParser.javaOrScalaDependencyParams(dep) match { case Left(err) => Validated.invalidNel(s"$d: $err") case Right((dep0, params)) => if (params.isEmpty) Validated.validNel(target -> dep0) else Validated.invalidNel(s"$d: extra dependency parameters not supported for shared loader dependencies") } case _ => Validated.invalidNel(s"$d: malformed shared dependency (expected target:org:name:version)") } } val depsV = options .shared .traverse { d => val (target, dep) = d.split("@", 2) match { case Array(dep0, target0) => (target0, dep0) case Array(dep0) => (defaultTarget, dep0) } ModuleParser.javaOrScalaModule(dep) match { case Left(err) => Validated.invalidNel(s"$d: $err") case Right(m) => val asDep = JavaOrScalaDependency(m, dep"_:_:_") // actual version shouldn't matter Validated.validNel(target -> asDep) } } (depsFromDeprecatedArgsV, depsV).mapN { (depsFromDeprecatedArgs, deps) => val deps0 = depsFromDeprecatedArgs ++ deps SharedLoaderParams( targetsOpt.getOrElse(, deps0.groupBy(_._1).mapValues( ) } } }
Example 51
Source File: OutputParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.params import caseapp.Tag import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import coursier.cache.CacheLogger import coursier.cache.loggers.RefreshLogger import coursier.cli.options.OutputOptions import coursier.cache.loggers.FileTypeRefreshDisplay final case class OutputParams( verbosity: Int, progressBars: Boolean ) { def logger(): CacheLogger = logger(byFileType = false) def logger(byFileType: Boolean): CacheLogger = { val loggerFallbackMode = !progressBars && RefreshLogger.defaultFallbackMode if (verbosity >= -1) RefreshLogger.create( System.err, if (byFileType) FileTypeRefreshDisplay.create(keepOnScreen = false) else RefreshLogger.defaultDisplay( loggerFallbackMode, quiet = verbosity == -1 || Option(System.getenv("CI")).nonEmpty ) ) else CacheLogger.nop } } object OutputParams { def apply(options: OutputOptions): ValidatedNel[String, OutputParams] = { val verbosityV = if (Tag.unwrap(options.quiet) > 0 && Tag.unwrap(options.verbose) > 0) Validated.invalidNel("Cannot have both quiet, and verbosity > 0") else Validated.validNel(Tag.unwrap(options.verbose) - Tag.unwrap(options.quiet)) val progressBars = options.progress { verbosity => OutputParams( verbosity, progressBars ) } } }
Example 52
Source File: GetParams.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.get import{Validated, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import coursier.cli.params.{CacheParams, OutputParams} final case class GetParams( cache: CacheParams, output: OutputParams, separator: String, force: Boolean ) object GetParams { def apply(options: GetOptions): ValidatedNel[String, GetParams] = { val cacheV = options.cache.params val outputV = OutputParams(options.output) val separatorV = (, options.separator) match { case (false, None) => Validated.validNel(System.lineSeparator) case (false, Some(sep)) => Validated.validNel(sep) case (true, None) => Validated.validNel("\u0000") case (true, Some("\u0000")) => Validated.validNel("\u0000") case (true, Some(_)) => Validated.invalidNel("--zero and --separator cannot be specific at the same time") } (cacheV, outputV, separatorV).mapN { case (cache, output, separator) => GetParams( cache, output, separator, options.force ) } } }