Scala Examples
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Example 1
Source File: SimulatePlanAppIT.scala From Scala-Programming-Projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
package retcalc import{Invalid, Valid} import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class SimulatePlanAppIT extends WordSpec with Matchers with TypeCheckedTripleEquals { "SimulatePlanApp.strMain" should { "simulate a retirement plan using market returns" in { val actualResult = SimulatePlanApp.strMain( Array("1952.09,2017.09", "25", "40", "3000", "2000", "10000")) val expectedResult = s""" |Capital after 25 years of savings: 468925 |Capital after 40 years in retirement: 2958842 |""".stripMargin actualResult should ===(Valid(expectedResult)) } "return an error when the period exceeds the returns bounds" in { val actualResult = SimulatePlanApp.strMain( Array("1952.09,2017.09", "25", "60", "3000", "2000", "10000")) val expectedResult = "Cannot get the return for month 780. Accepted range: 0 to 779" actualResult should ===(Invalid(expectedResult)) } "return an usage example when the number of arguments is incorrect" in { val result = SimulatePlanApp.strMain( Array("1952.09:2017.09", "25.0", "60", "3'000", "2000.0")) result should ===(Invalid( """Usage: |simulatePlan from,until nbOfYearsSaving nbOfYearsRetired netIncome currentExpenses initialCapital | |Example: |simulatePlan 1952.09,2017.09 25 40 3000 2000 10000 |""".stripMargin)) } "return several errors when several arguments are invalid" in { val result = SimulatePlanApp.strMain( Array("1952.09:2017.09", "25.0", "60", "3'000", "2000.0", "10000")) result should ===(Invalid( """Invalid format for fromUntil. Expected: from,until, actual: 1952.09:2017.09 |Invalid number for nbOfYearsSaving: 25.0 |Invalid number for netIncome: 3'000 |Invalid number for currentExpenses: 2000.0""".stripMargin)) } } }
Example 2
Source File: fileValidation.scala From sbt-org-policies with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sbtorgpolicies.settings import{Invalid, Valid} import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbtorgpolicies.exceptions.ValidationException import sbtorgpolicies.rules._ import sbtorgpolicies.OrgPoliciesKeys._ import sbtorgpolicies.templates.FileType trait fileValidation extends ValidationFunctions { val fileValidation = new FileValidation val orgFileValidationTasks = Seq( orgValidateFiles := Def.task { val baseDirFile: File = (baseDirectory in LocalRootProject).value onlyRootUnitTask(baseDirectory.value, baseDirFile, streams.value.log) { val files: List[FileType] = orgEnforcedFilesSetting.value val validations: List[Validation] = files.flatMap { case FileType(true, _, _, _, path, _, _, list) => List( mkValidation( (baseDirFile / path).getAbsolutePath, if (list.isEmpty) List(emptyValidation) else list ) ) case _ => Nil } validationFilesTask(validations, streams.value.log) } }.value ) private[this] def validationFilesTask(list: List[Validation], log: Logger): Unit = list foreach (validationFileTask(_, log)) private[this] def validationFileTask(validation: Validation, log: Logger): Unit = { def errorHandler(description: String, errorList: List[ValidationException]): Unit = { val errorMessage = s"""$description |${errorList map (e => s" - ${e.message}") mkString "\n"} """.stripMargin if (validation.policyLevel == PolicyWarning) log.warn(errorMessage) else { throw ValidationException(errorMessage) } } fileValidation.validateFile( validation.validationRule.inputPath, validation.validationRule.validationList: _* ) match { case Valid(_) =>"File ${validation.validationRule.inputPath} was validated successfully") case Invalid(errors) => errorHandler( s"Some errors where found while validating ${validation.validationRule.inputPath}:", errors.toList ) } } }
Example 3
Source File: package.scala From featherbed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package featherbed import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.higherKinds import import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response import shapeless._ package object support { @implicitNotFound("""In order to decode a request to ${A}, it must be known that a decoder exists to ${A} from all the content types that you Accept, which is currently ${ContentTypes}. You may have forgotten to specify Accept types with the `accept(..)` method, or you may be missing Decoder instances for some content types. """) sealed trait DecodeAll[A, ContentTypes <: Coproduct] { val instances: List[content.Decoder.Aux[_, A]] def findInstance(ct: String): Option[content.Decoder.Aux[_, A]] = instances.find(_.contentType == ct) orElse instances.find(_.contentType == "**" def apply(response: Response) = Valid(response) } :: Nil } } }
Example 4
Source File: HealthCheckRoutes.scala From healthchecks with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.everpeace.healthchecks.route import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.PathDirectives import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{PathMatchers, Route} import{Invalid, Valid} import com.github.everpeace.healthchecks.{HealthCheck, HealthCheckResult} import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.FailFastCirceSupport._ import io.circe.JsonObject import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec import import scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} object HealthCheckRoutes extends DecorateAsScala { @JsonCodec case class HealthCheckResultJson( name: String, severity: String, status: String, messages: List[String]) @JsonCodec case class ResponseJson(status: String, check_results: List[HealthCheckResultJson]) private def status(s: Boolean) = if (s) "healthy" else "unhealthy" private def statusCode(s: Boolean) = if (s) OK else ServiceUnavailable private def toResultJson(check: HealthCheck, result: HealthCheckResult) = HealthCheckResultJson(, check.severity.toString, status(result.isValid), result match { case Valid(_) => List() case Invalid(errors) => errors.toList } ) def health( checks: HealthCheck* )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext ): Route = health("health", checks.toList) def health( path: String, checks: List[HealthCheck] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext ): Route = { require(checks.nonEmpty, "checks must not empty.") require( == checks.length, s"HealthCheck name should be unique (given HealthCheck names = [${",")}])." ) val rootSlashRemoved = if (path.startsWith("/")) path.substring(1) else path PathDirectives.path(PathMatchers.separateOnSlashes(rootSlashRemoved)) { parameter("full" ? false) { full => get { def isHealthy(checkAndResults: List[(HealthCheck, HealthCheckResult)]) = checkAndResults.forall(cr => cr._2.isValid || (!cr._1.severity.isFatal)) val checkAndResultsFuture = Future.traverse(checks) { c => -> _) } if (full) { complete { { checkAndResults => val healthy = isHealthy(checkAndResults) statusCode(healthy) -> ResponseJson( status(healthy), { case (check, result) => toResultJson(check, result) } ) } } } else { complete { { checkAndResults => statusCode(isHealthy(checkAndResults)) -> JsonObject.empty } } } } } } } }
Example 5
Source File: ValidationExtension.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.azavea.franklin.extensions.validation import import{Invalid, Valid} import cats.kernel.Semigroup import com.azavea.stac4s.extensions.ItemAssetExtension import com.azavea.stac4s.extensions.{ExtensionResult, ItemExtension, LinkExtension} import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString import io.circe._ import io.circe.refined._ import io.circe.syntax._ final case class ValidationExtension( attemptedExtensions: NonEmptyList[NonEmptyString], errors: List[NonEmptyString] ) object ValidationExtension { implicit val decValidationExtension: Decoder[ValidationExtension] = Decoder.forProduct2( "validation:attemptedExtensions", "validation:errors" )((extensions: NonEmptyList[NonEmptyString], errors: List[NonEmptyString]) => ValidationExtension(extensions, errors) ) implicit val encValidationExtension: Encoder.AsObject[ValidationExtension] = Encoder .AsObject[Map[String, Json]] .contramapObject((validationExtensionFields: ValidationExtension) => Map( "validation:attemptedExtensions" -> validationExtensionFields.attemptedExtensions.asJson, "validation:errors" -> validationExtensionFields.errors.asJson ) ) implicit val validationExtensionItemExtension: ItemExtension[ValidationExtension] = ItemExtension.instance implicit val validationExtensionLinkExtension: LinkExtension[ValidationExtension] = LinkExtension.instance implicit val validationExtensionAssetExtension: ItemAssetExtension[ValidationExtension] = ItemAssetExtension.instance implicit val semigroupValidationExtension: Semigroup[ValidationExtension] = new Semigroup[ValidationExtension] { def combine(x: ValidationExtension, y: ValidationExtension): ValidationExtension = { ValidationExtension( x.attemptedExtensions.concat(y.attemptedExtensions.toList), x.errors ++ y.errors ) } } def success(name: NonEmptyString) = ValidationExtension( NonEmptyList.of(name), Nil ) def failure(name: NonEmptyString, errors: List[DecodingFailure]) = ValidationExtension(NonEmptyList.of(name), errors map { (err: DecodingFailure) => NonEmptyString.from(CursorOp.opsToPath(err.history)) } collect { case Right(v) => v }) def fromResult[T](result: ExtensionResult[T], name: NonEmptyString) = result match { case Invalid(errs) => failure(name, errs collect { case e: DecodingFailure => e }) case Valid(_) => success(name) } }
Example 6
Source File: EpisodeSettingsExtractor.scala From scalalaz-gen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.format.{ DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException } import cats.Apply import import{ Validated, ValidatedNel } import ru.scalalaz.gen.{ Enclosure, EpisodeSettings, SpecialPageSettings } object EpisodeSettingsExtractor { import ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing.EpisodeErrors._ def fromMap( map: Map[String, Option[String]] ): ValidatedNel[PageParseError, SpecialPageSettings] = new SettingsExtractor(map).extract class SettingsExtractor(map: Map[String, Option[String]]) { def extract: ValidatedNel[PageParseError, SpecialPageSettings] = Apply[ValidatedNel[PageParseError, *]].map2( read("title").toValidatedNel, read("date").andThen(parseDate).toValidatedNel ) { case (title, date) => //val enc = Enclosure(encUrl, if (encLength != "") encLength.toInt else -1) SpecialPageSettings(title, date) } private def read(key: String): Validated[PageParseError, String] = Validated.fromOption(map.get(key).flatten, MissingKey(key)) private def optRead(key: String): Validated[PageParseError, String] = Valid(map.get(key).flatten.getOrElse("")) private def parseDate( date: String ): Validated[PageParseError, LocalDate] = { def toDate = LocalDate.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE) Validated .catchOnly[DateTimeParseException](toDate) .leftMap(e => InvalidDate(e.getMessage)) } } }
Example 7
Source File: EpisodeParserSpec.scala From scalalaz-gen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.scalalaz.gen.parsing import java.time.LocalDate import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.Inside class EpisodeParserSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with Inside { val episodeStr = """ |title=Episode#1 |page= |date=2016-11-28 |audio.url= |audio.length=6 |---- |### Yoyoyo! |it is a new episode!""".stripMargin it should "parse from string" in { val result = EpisodeParser.fromString(episodeStr) inside(result) { case Valid(episode) => episode.content shouldBe "### Yoyoyo!\nit is a new episode!" val rss = episode.settings rss.title shouldBe "Episode#1" shouldBe "" shouldBe LocalDate.of(2016, 11, 28) shouldBe "" shouldBe 6 } } }
Example 8
Source File: ConfigReaderInstances.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.agilelab.dataquality.common.instances import{Invalid, Valid} import{NonEmptyList, ValidatedNel} import cats.implicits._ import com.agilelab.dataquality.common.enumerations.DBTypes import com.agilelab.dataquality.common.models.DatabaseCommon import com.agilelab.dataquality.common.parsers.ConfigReader import com.agilelab.dataquality.common.parsers.DQConfig.AllErrorsOr import com.typesafe.config.Config import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object ConfigReaderInstances { private def parseString(str: String)(implicit conf: Config): AllErrorsOr[String] = { Try(conf.getString(str)) match { case Success(v) => Valid(v) case Failure(_) => Invalid("Field $str is missing")) } } private def parseStringEnumerated(str: String, enum: Set[String])(implicit conf: Config): AllErrorsOr[String] = { Try(conf.getString(str)) match { case Success(v) if enum.contains(v) => Valid(v) case Success(v) => Invalid("Unsupported value of $str: $v")) case Failure(_) => Invalid("Field $str is missing")) } } implicit val databaseReader: ConfigReader[DatabaseCommon] = new ConfigReader[DatabaseCommon] { def read(conf: Config, enums: Set[String]*): AllErrorsOr[DatabaseCommon] = { val id: AllErrorsOr[String] = parseString("id")(conf) val subtype: AllErrorsOr[String] = parseStringEnumerated("subtype", DBTypes.names)(conf) Try(conf.getConfig("config")) match { case Success(innerConf) => val host: AllErrorsOr[String] = parseString("host")(innerConf) val port: AllErrorsOr[Option[Int]] = Valid(Try(innerConf.getString("port").toInt).toOption) val service: AllErrorsOr[Option[String]] = Valid(Try(innerConf.getString("service")).toOption) val user: AllErrorsOr[Option[String]] = Valid(Try(innerConf.getString("user")).toOption) val password: AllErrorsOr[Option[String]] = Valid(Try(innerConf.getString("password")).toOption) val schema: AllErrorsOr[Option[String]] = Valid(Try(innerConf.getString("schema")).toOption) (id, subtype, host, port, service, user, password, schema).mapN(DatabaseCommon.apply _) case Failure(_) => Invalid("Inner config is missing")) } } } // implicit val sourceReader: ConfigReader[SourceCommon] = // new ConfigReader[SourceCommon] { // override def read(value: Config): AllErrorsOr[SourceCommon] = ??? // } }
Example 9
Source File: BatchChangeInterfaces.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.api.domain.batch import{Invalid, Valid} import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import vinyldns.core.domain.DomainValidationError object BatchChangeInterfaces { type SingleValidation[A] = ValidatedNel[DomainValidationError, A] type ValidatedBatch[A] = List[ValidatedNel[DomainValidationError, A]] type BatchResult[A] = EitherT[IO, BatchChangeErrorResponse, A] implicit class IOBatchResultImprovements[A](theIo: IO[A]) { def toBatchResult: BatchResult[A] = EitherT.liftF(theIo) } implicit class IOEitherBatchResultImprovements[A](theIo: IO[Either[_, A]]) { def toBatchResult: BatchResult[A] = EitherT { { case Right(r) => Right(r) case Left(err: BatchChangeErrorResponse) => Left(err) case Left(x) => Left(UnknownConversionError(s"Cannot convert item to BatchResponse: $x")) } } } implicit class EitherBatchResultImprovements[A](eth: Either[BatchChangeErrorResponse, A]) { def toBatchResult: BatchResult[A] = EitherT.fromEither[IO](eth) } implicit class BatchResultImprovements[A](a: A) { def toRightBatchResult: BatchResult[A] = EitherT.rightT[IO, BatchChangeErrorResponse](a) } implicit class BatchResultErrorImprovements[A](err: BatchChangeErrorResponse) { def toLeftBatchResult: BatchResult[A] = EitherT.leftT[IO, A](err) } implicit class ValidatedBatchImprovements[A](batch: ValidatedBatch[A]) { def mapValid[B](fn: A => ValidatedNel[DomainValidationError, B]): ValidatedBatch[B] = // gets rid of the map then flatmap thing we have to do when dealing with Seq[ValidatedNel[]] { case Valid(item) => fn(item) case Invalid(errList) => errList.invalid } def getValid: List[A] = batch.collect { case Valid(input) => input } def getInvalid: List[DomainValidationError] = batch .collect { case Invalid(input) => input } .flatMap(_.toList) } implicit class SingleValidationImprovements[A](validation: SingleValidation[A]) { def asUnit: SingleValidation[Unit] = => ()) } implicit class IOCollectionImprovements[A](value: List[IO[A]]) { // Pulls out the successful IO from the list; drops IO failures def collectSuccesses(): IO[List[A]] = { val asSuccessfulOpt: List[IO[Option[A]]] = { f => { case Right(a) => Some(a) case _ => None } } asSuccessfulOpt.sequence[IO, Option[A]].map { lst => lst.collect { case Some(rs) => rs } } } } }
Example 10
Source File: ResultHelpers.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.api import{Invalid, Valid} import import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.scalatest.ValidatedMatchers import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.propspec.AnyPropSpec import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag final case class TimeoutException(message: String) extends Throwable(message) trait ResultHelpers { private implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def await[T](f: => IO[_], duration: FiniteDuration = 1.second): T = awaitResultOf[T]([T]).attempt, duration).toOption.get // Waits for the future to complete, then returns the value as an Either[Throwable, T] def awaitResultOf[T]( f: => IO[Either[Throwable, T]], duration: FiniteDuration = 1.second ): Either[Throwable, T] = { val timeOut = IO.sleep(duration) *> IO( TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for result").asInstanceOf[Throwable] ) IO.race(timeOut, f.handleError(e => Left(e))).unsafeRunSync() match { case Left(e) => Left(e) case Right(ok) => ok } } // Assumes that the result of the future operation will be successful, this will fail on a left disjunction def rightResultOf[T](f: => IO[Either[Throwable, T]], duration: FiniteDuration = 1.second): T = awaitResultOf[T](f, duration) match { case Right(result) => result case Left(error) => throw error } // Assumes that the result of the future operation will fail, this will error on a right disjunction def leftResultOf[T]( f: => IO[Either[Throwable, T]], duration: FiniteDuration = 1.second ): Throwable = awaitResultOf(f, duration).swap.toOption.get def leftValue[T](t: Either[Throwable, T]): Throwable = t.swap.toOption.get def rightValue[T](t: Either[Throwable, T]): T = t.toOption.get } object ValidationTestImprovements extends AnyPropSpec with Matchers with ValidatedMatchers { implicit class ValidatedNelTestImprovements[DomainValidationError, A]( value: ValidatedNel[DomainValidationError, A] ) { def failures: List[DomainValidationError] = value match { case Invalid(e) => e.toList case Valid(_) => fail("should have no failures!") // Will (correctly) cause expected failures to fail upon succeeding } def failWith[EE <: DomainValidationError](implicit tag: ClassTag[EE]): Unit = shouldBe an[EE]) } }
Example 11
Source File: ValidatedMatchersSpec.scala From cats-scalatest with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.scalatest import{Invalid, Valid} import{NonEmptyList, ValidatedNel} class ValidatedMatchersSpec extends TestBase with ValidatedMatchers { "ValidatedMatchers" should { val simpleFailureNel: ValidatedNel[String, Nothing] = Invalid(NonEmptyList.of(thisRecord, thisTobacconist)) "Match one specific element in an Invalid NEL" in { simpleFailureNel should haveInvalid(thisRecord) } "Match multiple specific elements in an Invalid NEL" in { simpleFailureNel should (haveInvalid(thisRecord).and(haveInvalid(thisTobacconist))) } "Match a specific element of a single Invalid" in { Invalid(thisRecord) should beInvalid(thisRecord) } "Test whether a Validated instance is a Invalid w/o specific element value" in { Invalid(thisTobacconist) should be(invalid) } "By negating 'invalid', test whether a Validated instance is a Valid" in { Valid(hovercraft) should not be (invalid) } "Test whether a Validated instance is a Valid" in { Valid(hovercraft) should be(valid) } "By negating 'valid', test whether a Validated instance is an invalid" in { Invalid(thisTobacconist) should not be (valid) } "Match a specific element of a single Valid" in { Valid(hovercraft) should beValid(hovercraft) } "Match one specific type in an Invalid NEL" in { simpleFailureNel should haveAnInvalid[String] val nel: ValidatedNel[String, Nothing] = Invalid(NonEmptyList.of("test")) nel should haveAnInvalid[String] nel should haveAnInvalid[Any] nel shouldNot haveAnInvalid[Int] val nel2: ValidatedNel[Nothing, Unit] = Valid(()) nel2 shouldNot haveAnInvalid[String] nel2 shouldNot haveAnInvalid[Unit] } } }
Example 12
Source File: GraphQLSuperMicroService.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.examples.superHeroes.server import import{ Invalid, Valid } import sangria.macros.derive._ import sangria.schema.Schema import sangria.schema._ import sangria.marshalling.circe._ import class GraphQLSuperMicroService(sm: SuperMicroService) { def publisherByName(sessionId: String, name: String): Option[Publisher] = unpack(sm.publisherByName(sessionId, name)) def superheroByName(sessionId: String, name: String, protectIdentity: Boolean = false): Option[SuperHero] = unpack(sm.superheroByName(sessionId, name, protectIdentity)) def updateSuperhero(sessionId: String, s: SuperHero): Option[SuperHero] = unpack(sm.updateSuperhero(sessionId, s)) private def unpack[A](v: Validated[ApiError, A]): Option[A] = v match { case Valid(p) => Some(p) case Invalid(e) => e match { case SessionNotFound(_) => None case PublisherNotFound(_) => None case SuperHeroNotFound(_) => None case _ => throw new RuntimeException(e.msg) } } } object GraphQlSchema { implicit val PublisherType = deriveObjectType[Unit, Publisher]( ObjectTypeDescription("A comics publisher.") ) implicit val SuperHeroType = deriveObjectType[Unit, SuperHero]( ObjectTypeDescription("A superhero.") ) implicit val PublisherInputType = deriveInputObjectType[Publisher]( InputObjectTypeName("PublisherInput") ) implicit val SuperHeroInputType = deriveInputObjectType[SuperHero]( InputObjectTypeName("SuperHeroInput") ) val QueryType = deriveObjectType[Unit, GraphQLSuperMicroService]( ObjectTypeName("Root"), ObjectTypeDescription("Gateway to awesomeness."), IncludeMethods("publisherByName", "superheroByName") ) val MutationType = deriveObjectType[Unit, GraphQLSuperMicroService]( ObjectTypeName("RootMut"), ObjectTypeDescription("Gateway to mutation awesomeness!"), IncludeMethods("updateSuperhero") ) val SuperHeroesSchema = Schema(QueryType, Some(MutationType)) }
Example 13
Source File: ScenarioReport.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core import import{ NonEmptyList, ValidatedNel } import cats.kernel.Monoid import monix.eval.Task import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, FiniteDuration } sealed trait ScenarioReport { def isSuccess: Boolean def scenarioName: String def session: Session def logs: List[LogInstruction] def duration: FiniteDuration } object ScenarioReport { def build(scenarioName: String, runState: RunState, result: ValidatedNel[FailedStep, Done], duration: FiniteDuration): ScenarioReport = result.fold( failedSteps => FailureScenarioReport(scenarioName, failedSteps, runState.session, runState.logStack, duration, runState.randomContext.initialSeed), _ => SuccessScenarioReport(scenarioName, runState.session, runState.logStack, duration, runState.randomContext.initialSeed) ) } case class SuccessScenarioReport(scenarioName: String, session: Session, logStack: List[LogInstruction], duration: FiniteDuration, seed: Long) extends ScenarioReport { val isSuccess = true // keeping it lazy to avoid the reverse in case of no rendering lazy val logs = logStack.reverse // In case of success, logs are only shown if the scenario contains DebugLogInstruction lazy val shouldShowLogs: Boolean = logStack.exists(_.isInstanceOf[DebugLogInstruction]) } case class IgnoreScenarioReport(scenarioName: String, reason: String, session: Session) extends ScenarioReport { val logs = Nil val isSuccess = false val duration = Duration.Zero } case class PendingScenarioReport(scenarioName: String, session: Session) extends ScenarioReport { val logs = Nil val isSuccess = false val duration = Duration.Zero } case class FailureScenarioReport(scenarioName: String, failedSteps: NonEmptyList[FailedStep], session: Session, logStack: List[LogInstruction], duration: FiniteDuration, seed: Long) extends ScenarioReport { val isSuccess = false val msg = s"""|Scenario '$scenarioName' failed: |${"\nand\n")} |seed for the run was '$seed' |""".stripMargin lazy val logs = logStack.reverse lazy val renderedColoredLogs = LogInstruction.renderLogs(logs) lazy val renderedLogs = LogInstruction.renderLogs(logs, colorized = false) } sealed abstract class Done case object Done extends Done { val rightDone = Right(Done) val validDone = Valid(Done) val futureDone = Future.successful(Done) val taskDone = implicit val monoid = new Monoid[Done] { def empty: Done = Done def combine(x: Done, y: Done): Done = x } } case class FailedStep(step: Step, errors: NonEmptyList[CornichonError]) { lazy val messageForFailedStep = s""" |at step: |${step.title} | |with error(s): |${"\nand\n")} |""".stripMargin } object FailedStep { def fromSingle(step: Step, error: CornichonError) = FailedStep(step, }
Example 14
Source File: InvokeScriptTxValidator.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.impl import import{Invalid, Valid} import cats.implicits._ import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.compiler.Terms.FUNCTION_CALL import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.{ContractLimits, FunctionHeader} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.PBTransactions import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.{GenericError, NonPositiveAmount, TooBigArray} import import import com.wavesplatform.transaction.validation.{TxValidator, ValidatedNV, ValidatedV} import com.wavesplatform.utils._ import scala.util.Try object InvokeScriptTxValidator extends TxValidator[InvokeScriptTransaction] { override def validate(tx: InvokeScriptTransaction): ValidatedV[InvokeScriptTransaction] = { import tx._ def checkAmounts(payments: Seq[Payment]): ValidatedNV = { val invalid = payments.filter(_.amount <= 0) if (invalid.nonEmpty) Invalid(NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(invalid.toList).map(p => NonPositiveAmount(p.amount, p.assetId.fold("Waves")(_.toString)))) else Valid(()) } def checkLength = if (tx.isProtobufVersion) PBTransactions .toPBInvokeScriptData(tx.dAppAddressOrAlias, tx.funcCallOpt, tx.payments) .toByteArray .length <= ContractLimits.MaxInvokeScriptSizeInBytes else tx.bytes().length <= ContractLimits.MaxInvokeScriptSizeInBytes val callableNameSize = funcCallOpt match { case Some(FUNCTION_CALL(FunctionHeader.User(internalName, _), _)) => internalName.utf8Bytes.length case _ => 0 } V.seq(tx)( V.addressChainId(dAppAddressOrAlias, chainId), V.cond( funcCallOpt.isEmpty || funcCallOpt.get.args.size <= ContractLimits.MaxInvokeScriptArgs, GenericError(s"InvokeScript can't have more than ${ContractLimits.MaxInvokeScriptArgs} arguments") ), V.cond( callableNameSize <= ContractLimits.MaxDeclarationNameInBytes, GenericError(s"Callable function name size = $callableNameSize bytes must be less than ${ContractLimits.MaxDeclarationNameInBytes}") ), checkAmounts(payments), V.fee(fee), Try(checkLength) .toEither .leftMap(err => GenericError(err.getMessage)) .filterOrElse(identity, TooBigArray) .toValidatedNel .map(_ => ()) ) } }