cats.effect.ContextShift Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use cats.effect.ContextShift.
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Example 1
Source File: FinatraServerCatsTests.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.server.finatra.cats import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Resource, Timer} import sttp.tapir.Endpoint import sttp.tapir.server.finatra.{FinatraRoute, FinatraServerOptions, FinatraServerTests} import sttp.tapir.server.tests.ServerTests import sttp.tapir.server.{DecodeFailureHandler, ServerDefaults, ServerEndpoint} import sttp.tapir.tests.{Port, PortCounter} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.reflect.ClassTag class FinatraServerCatsTests extends ServerTests[IO, Nothing, FinatraRoute] { override def streamingSupport: Boolean = false implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) override def pureResult[T](t: T): IO[T] = IO.pure(t) override def suspendResult[T](t: => T): IO[T] = IO.apply(t) override def route[I, E, O]( e: ServerEndpoint[I, E, O, Nothing, IO], decodeFailureHandler: Option[DecodeFailureHandler] = None ): FinatraRoute = { implicit val serverOptions: FinatraServerOptions = FinatraServerOptions.default.copy(decodeFailureHandler = decodeFailureHandler.getOrElse(ServerDefaults.decodeFailureHandler)) e.toRoute } override def routeRecoverErrors[I, E <: Throwable, O](e: Endpoint[I, E, O, Nothing], fn: I => IO[O])(implicit eClassTag: ClassTag[E] ): FinatraRoute = e.toRouteRecoverErrors(fn) override def server(routes: NonEmptyList[FinatraRoute], port: Port): Resource[IO, Unit] = FinatraServerTests.server(routes, port) override lazy val portCounter: PortCounter = new PortCounter(59000) }
Example 2
Source File: ExperimentVariantEventPostgresqlServiceTest.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package specs.postgresql.abtesting import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import import domains.abtesting.AbstractExperimentServiceTest import import env.{DbDomainConfig, DbDomainConfigDetails, PostgresqlConfig} import libs.logs.ZLogger import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, BeforeAndAfterAll} import store.postgresql.PostgresqlClient import zio.{Exit, Reservation} class ExperimentVariantEventPostgresqlServiceTest extends AbstractExperimentServiceTest("Postgresql") with BeforeAndAfter with BeforeAndAfterAll { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( import zio.interop.catz._ private val pgConfig = PostgresqlConfig( "org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5555/izanami", "izanami", "izanami", 32, None ) val rPgClient: Reservation[ZLogger, Throwable, Option[PostgresqlClient]] = runtime.unsafeRun( PostgresqlClient .postgresqlClient( system, Some(pgConfig) ) .reserve .provideLayer( ) private val client: Option[PostgresqlClient] = runtime.unsafeRun(rPgClient.acquire.provideLayer( override def dataStore(name: String): ExperimentVariantEventService.Service = ExperimentVariantEventPostgresqlService( client.get, DbDomainConfig(env.Postgresql, DbDomainConfigDetails(name, None), None) ) override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { super.afterAll() runtime.unsafeRun(rPgClient.release(Exit.unit).provideLayer( } }
Example 3
Source File: CorrelationIdMiddlewareTest.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.http4s.server.middleware import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Resource, Timer} import com.avast.sst.http4s.server.Http4sRouting import org.http4s.client.blaze.BlazeClientBuilder import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.util.CaseInsensitiveString import org.http4s.{Header, HttpRoutes, Request, Uri} import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @SuppressWarnings(Array("scalafix:Disable.get", "scalafix:Disable.toString", "scalafix:Disable.createUnresolved")) class CorrelationIdMiddlewareTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Http4sDsl[IO] { implicit private val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit private val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( test("CorrelationIdMiddleware fills Request attributes and HTTP response header") { val test = for { middleware <- Resource.liftF(CorrelationIdMiddleware.default[IO]) routes = Http4sRouting.make { middleware.wrap { HttpRoutes.of[IO] { case req @ GET -> Root / "test" => val id = middleware.retrieveCorrelationId(req) Ok("test").map(_.withHeaders(Header("Attribute-Value", id.toString))) } } } server <- BlazeServerBuilder[IO]( .bindSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved("", 0)) .withHttpApp(routes) .resource client <- BlazeClientBuilder[IO]( } yield (server, client) test .use { case (server, client) => client .run( Request[IO](uri = Uri.unsafeFromString(s"http://${server.address.getHostString}:${server.address.getPort}/test")) .withHeaders(Header("Correlation-Id", "test-value")) ) .use { response => IO.delay { assert(response.headers.get(CaseInsensitiveString("Correlation-Id")).get.value === "test-value") assert(response.headers.get(CaseInsensitiveString("Attribute-Value")).get.value === "Some(CorrelationId(test-value))") } } } .unsafeToFuture() } }
Example 4
Source File: Fs2KafkaModule.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.fs2kafka import cats.effect.{Blocker, ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Resource, Timer} import fs2.kafka._ object Fs2KafkaModule { def makeConsumer[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Timer, K: Deserializer[F, *], V: Deserializer[F, *]]( config: ConsumerConfig, blocker: Option[Blocker] = None, createConsumer: Option[Map[String, String] => F[KafkaByteConsumer]] = None ): Resource[F, KafkaConsumer[F, K, V]] = { def setOpt[A](maybeValue: Option[A])( setter: (ConsumerSettings[F, K, V], A) => ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] )(initial: ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] = maybeValue match { case Some(value) => setter(initial, value) case None => initial } val settings = ConsumerSettings(implicitly[Deserializer[F, K]], implicitly[Deserializer[F, V]]) .withBootstrapServers(config.bootstrapServers.mkString(",")) .withGroupId(config.groupId) .pipe(setOpt(config.groupInstanceId)(_.withGroupInstanceId(_))) .pipe(setOpt(config.clientId)(_.withClientId(_))) .pipe(setOpt(config.clientRack)(_.withClientRack(_))) .withAutoOffsetReset(config.autoOffsetReset) .withEnableAutoCommit(config.enableAutoCommit) .withAutoCommitInterval(config.autoCommitInterval) .withAllowAutoCreateTopics(config.allowAutoCreateTopics) .withCloseTimeout(config.closeTimeout) .withCommitRecovery(config.commitRecovery) .withCommitTimeout(config.closeTimeout) .withDefaultApiTimeout(config.defaultApiTimeout) .withHeartbeatInterval(config.heartbeatInterval) .withIsolationLevel(config.isolationLevel) .withMaxPrefetchBatches(config.maxPrefetchBatches) .withPollInterval(config.pollInterval) .withPollTimeout(config.pollTimeout) .withMaxPollInterval(config.maxPollInterval) .withMaxPollRecords(config.maxPollRecords) .withRequestTimeout(config.requestTimeout) .withSessionTimeout(config.sessionTimeout) .pipe(setOpt(blocker)(_.withBlocker(_))) .withProperties( .pipe(setOpt(createConsumer)(_.withCreateConsumer(_))) makeConsumer(settings) } def makeConsumer[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Timer, K, V]( settings: ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] ): Resource[F, KafkaConsumer[F, K, V]] = consumerResource[F].using(settings) def makeProducer[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift, K: Serializer[F, *], V: Serializer[F, *]]( config: ProducerConfig, blocker: Option[Blocker] = None, createProducer: Option[Map[String, String] => F[KafkaByteProducer]] = None ): Resource[F, KafkaProducer[F, K, V]] = { def setOpt[A](maybeValue: Option[A])( setter: (ProducerSettings[F, K, V], A) => ProducerSettings[F, K, V] )(initial: ProducerSettings[F, K, V]): ProducerSettings[F, K, V] = maybeValue match { case Some(value) => setter(initial, value) case None => initial } val settings = ProducerSettings(implicitly[Serializer[F, K]], implicitly[Serializer[F, V]]) .withBootstrapServers(config.bootstrapServers.mkString(",")) .pipe(setOpt(config.clientId)(_.withClientId(_))) .withAcks(config.acks) .withBatchSize(config.batchSize) .withCloseTimeout(config.closeTimeout) .withDeliveryTimeout(config.deliveryTimeout) .withRequestTimeout(config.requestTimeout) .withLinger(config.linger) .withEnableIdempotence(config.enableIdempotence) .withMaxInFlightRequestsPerConnection(config.maxInFlightRequestsPerConnection) .withParallelism(config.parallelism) .withRetries(config.retries) .pipe(setOpt(blocker)(_.withBlocker(_))) .withProperties( .pipe(setOpt(createProducer)(_.withCreateProducer(_))) makeProducer(settings) } def makeProducer[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift, K, V](settings: ProducerSettings[F, K, V]): Resource[F, KafkaProducer[F, K, V]] = producerResource[F].using(settings) implicit private final class ChainingOps[A](private val self: A) extends AnyVal { def pipe[B](f: A => B): B = f(self) } }
Example 5
Source File: DoobieHikariModule.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.doobie import java.util.Properties import java.util.concurrent.{ScheduledExecutorService, ThreadFactory} import cats.Show import cats.effect.{Async, Blocker, ContextShift, Resource, Sync} import import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig import com.zaxxer.hikari.metrics.MetricsTrackerFactory import doobie.enum.TransactionIsolation import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object DoobieHikariModule { def make[F[_]: Async]( config: DoobieHikariConfig, boundedConnectExecutionContext: ExecutionContext, blocker: Blocker, metricsTrackerFactory: Option[MetricsTrackerFactory] = None )(implicit cs: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, HikariTransactor[F]] = { for { hikariConfig <- Resource.liftF(makeHikariConfig(config, metricsTrackerFactory)) transactor <- HikariTransactor.fromHikariConfig(hikariConfig, boundedConnectExecutionContext, blocker) } yield transactor } implicit private val transactionIsolationShow: Show[TransactionIsolation] = { case TransactionIsolation.TransactionNone => "TRANSACTION_NONE" case TransactionIsolation.TransactionReadUncommitted => "TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED" case TransactionIsolation.TransactionReadCommitted => "TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED" case TransactionIsolation.TransactionRepeatableRead => "TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ" case TransactionIsolation.TransactionSerializable => "TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE" } private def makeHikariConfig[F[_]: Sync]( config: DoobieHikariConfig, metricsTrackerFactory: Option[MetricsTrackerFactory], scheduledExecutorService: Option[ScheduledExecutorService] = None, threadFactory: Option[ThreadFactory] = None ): F[HikariConfig] = { Sync[F].delay { val c = new HikariConfig() c.setDriverClassName(config.driver) c.setJdbcUrl(config.url) c.setUsername(config.username) c.setPassword(config.password) c.setAutoCommit(config.autoCommit) c.setConnectionTimeout(config.connectionTimeout.toMillis) c.setIdleTimeout(config.idleTimeout.toMillis) c.setMaxLifetime(config.maxLifeTime.toMillis) c.setMinimumIdle(config.minimumIdle) c.setMaximumPoolSize(config.maximumPoolSize) c.setReadOnly(config.readOnly) c.setAllowPoolSuspension(config.allowPoolSuspension) c.setIsolateInternalQueries(config.isolateInternalQueries) c.setRegisterMbeans(config.registerMBeans) val dataSourceProperties = new Properties() config.dataSourceProperties.foreach { case (k, v) => dataSourceProperties.put(k, v) } c.setDataSourceProperties(dataSourceProperties) config.poolName.foreach(c.setPoolName) scheduledExecutorService.foreach(c.setScheduledExecutor) threadFactory.foreach(c.setThreadFactory) metricsTrackerFactory.foreach(c.setMetricsTrackerFactory) c } } }
Example 6
Source File: Http4sBlazeServerModuleTest.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.http4s.server import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import com.avast.sst.http4s.client.{Http4sBlazeClientConfig, Http4sBlazeClientModule} import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class Http4sBlazeServerModuleTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Http4sDsl[IO] { implicit private val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit private val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( test("Simple HTTP server") { val routes = Http4sRouting.make(HttpRoutes.of[IO] { case GET -> Root / "test" => Ok("test") }) val test = for { server <- Http4sBlazeServerModule.make[IO](Http4sBlazeServerConfig("", 0), routes, client <- Http4sBlazeClientModule.make[IO](Http4sBlazeClientConfig(), } yield (server, client) test .use { case (server, client) => client .expect[String](s"http://${server.address.getHostString}:${server.address.getPort}/test") .map(response => assert(response === "test")) } .unsafeToFuture() } }
Example 7
Source File: MySqlInvoiceList.scala From event-sourcing-kafka-streams with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.amitayh.invoices.dao import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift, Resource} import cats.syntax.functor._ import import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor class MySqlInvoiceList[F[_]: Monad](transactor: Transactor[F]) extends InvoiceList[F] { override def save(record: InvoiceRecord): F[Unit] = override def get: F[List[InvoiceRecord]] = MySqlInvoiceList.get.transact(transactor) } object MySqlInvoiceList { def save(record: InvoiceRecord): ConnectionIO[Unit] = { import record._ val sql = sql""" INSERT INTO invoices (id, version, updated_at, customer_name, customer_email, issue_date, due_date, total, status) VALUES ($id, $version, $updatedAt, $customerName, $customerEmail, $issueDate, $dueDate, $total, $status) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE version = VALUES(version), updated_at = VALUES(updated_at), customer_name = VALUES(customer_name), customer_email = VALUES(customer_email), issue_date = VALUES(issue_date), due_date = VALUES(due_date), total = VALUES(total), status = VALUES(status) """ } def get: ConnectionIO[List[InvoiceRecord]] = { val sql = sql""" SELECT id, version, updated_at, customer_name, customer_email, issue_date, due_date, total, status FROM invoices WHERE status IN ('New', 'Paid') ORDER BY created_at DESC """ sql.query[InvoiceRecord].to[List] } def resource[F[_]: Async: ContextShift]: Resource[F, MySqlInvoiceList[F]] = for { connectEC <- ExecutionContexts.fixedThreadPool[F](32) transactEC <- ExecutionContexts.cachedThreadPool[F] transactor <- HikariTransactor.newHikariTransactor[F]( driverClassName = sys.env("DB_DRIVER"), url = sys.env("DB_URL"), user = sys.env("DB_USER"), pass = sys.env("DB_PASS"), connectEC = connectEC, transactEC = transactEC) } yield new MySqlInvoiceList[F](transactor) }
Example 8
Source File: ListProjector.scala From event-sourcing-kafka-streams with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.amitayh.invoices.projector import java.util.UUID import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.syntax.apply._ import org.amitayh.invoices.common.Config import org.amitayh.invoices.common.domain.InvoiceSnapshot import org.amitayh.invoices.common.serde.AvroSerde.SnapshotSerde import org.amitayh.invoices.common.serde.UuidSerde import org.amitayh.invoices.dao.{InvoiceList, InvoiceRecord, MySqlInvoiceList} import org.amitayh.invoices.streamprocessor.StreamProcessorApp import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.{Consumed, ForeachAction, KeyValueMapper} import org.apache.kafka.streams.{KeyValue, StreamsBuilder, Topology} import object ListProjector extends StreamProcessorApp { override def appId: String = "invoices.processor.list-projector" override def topology: Topology = ListProjectorTopology.create.unsafeRunSync() } object ListProjectorTopology { implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) def create: IO[Topology] = for { deferred <- Deferred[IO, Topology] _ <- MySqlInvoiceList.resource[IO].use { invoiceList => buildTopology(invoiceList).flatMap(deferred.complete) *> IO.never }.start topology <- deferred.get } yield topology private def buildTopology(invoiceList: InvoiceList[IO]): IO[Topology] = IO { val builder = new StreamsBuilder val snapshots =, Consumed.`with`(UuidSerde, SnapshotSerde)) snapshots .map[UUID, InvoiceRecord](ToRecord) .foreach(new SaveInvoiceRecord(invoiceList)) } } object ToRecord extends KeyValueMapper[UUID, InvoiceSnapshot, KeyValue[UUID, InvoiceRecord]] { override def apply(id: UUID, snapshot: InvoiceSnapshot): KeyValue[UUID, InvoiceRecord] = KeyValue.pair(id, InvoiceRecord(id, snapshot)) } class SaveInvoiceRecord(invoicesList: InvoiceList[IO]) extends ForeachAction[UUID, InvoiceRecord] { override def apply(id: UUID, value: InvoiceRecord): Unit = }
Example 9
Source File: Statics.scala From event-sourcing-kafka-streams with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.amitayh.invoices.web import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync} import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, StaticFile} import class Statics[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift] extends Http4sDsl[F] { val service: HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes.of[F] { case request @ GET -> fileName => StaticFile .fromResource( name = s"/statics$fileName", blockingExecutionContext = global, req = Some(request), preferGzipped = true) .getOrElseF(NotFound()) } } object Statics { def apply[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]: Statics[F] = new Statics[F] }
Example 10
Source File: Http4sServerOptions.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.server.http4s import import cats.Applicative import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync} import org.http4s.Request import sttp.tapir.Defaults import sttp.tapir.server.{DecodeFailureHandler, LogRequestHandling, ServerDefaults} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext case class Http4sServerOptions[F[_]]( createFile: (ExecutionContext, Request[F]) => F[File], // TODO: include request/part headers, information if this is a part? blockingExecutionContext: ExecutionContext, ioChunkSize: Int, decodeFailureHandler: DecodeFailureHandler, logRequestHandling: LogRequestHandling[F[Unit]] ) object Http4sServerOptions { implicit def default[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]: Http4sServerOptions[F] = Http4sServerOptions( defaultCreateFile,, 8192, ServerDefaults.decodeFailureHandler, defaultLogRequestHandling[F] ) def defaultCreateFile[F[_]](implicit sync: Sync[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): (ExecutionContext, Request[F]) => F[File] = (ec, _) => cs.evalOn(ec)(sync.delay(Defaults.createTempFile())) def defaultLogRequestHandling[F[_]: Sync]: LogRequestHandling[F[Unit]] = LogRequestHandling[F[Unit]]( doLogWhenHandled = debugLog[F], doLogAllDecodeFailures = debugLog[F], doLogLogicExceptions = (msg: String, ex: Throwable) => Sync[F].delay(EndpointToHttp4sServer.log.error(ex)(msg)), noLog = Applicative[F].unit ) private def debugLog[F[_]: Sync](msg: String, exOpt: Option[Throwable]): F[Unit] = exOpt match { case None => Sync[F].delay(EndpointToHttp4sServer.log.debug(msg)) case Some(ex) => Sync[F].delay(EndpointToHttp4sServer.log.debug(ex)(msg)) } }
Example 11
Source File: TapirHttp4sServer.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.server.http4s import cats.Monad import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import org.http4s.{EntityBody, HttpRoutes} import sttp.tapir.Endpoint import sttp.tapir.Endpoint import sttp.tapir.server.ServerEndpoint import sttp.tapir.typelevel.ReplaceFirstInTuple import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait TapirHttp4sServer { implicit class RichHttp4sHttpEndpoint[I, E, O, F[_]](e: Endpoint[I, E, O, EntityBody[F]]) { def toRoutes( logic: I => F[Either[E, O]] )(implicit serverOptions: Http4sServerOptions[F], fs: Sync[F], fcs: ContextShift[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = { new EndpointToHttp4sServer(serverOptions).toRoutes(e.serverLogic(logic)) } def toRouteRecoverErrors(logic: I => F[O])(implicit serverOptions: Http4sServerOptions[F], fs: Sync[F], fcs: ContextShift[F], eIsThrowable: E <:< Throwable, eClassTag: ClassTag[E] ): HttpRoutes[F] = { new EndpointToHttp4sServer(serverOptions).toRoutes(e.serverLogicRecoverErrors(logic)) } } implicit class RichHttp4sServerEndpoint[I, E, O, F[_]](se: ServerEndpoint[I, E, O, EntityBody[F], F]) { def toRoutes(implicit serverOptions: Http4sServerOptions[F], fs: Sync[F], fcs: ContextShift[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = new EndpointToHttp4sServer(serverOptions).toRoutes(se) } implicit class RichHttp4sServerEndpoints[F[_]](serverEndpoints: List[ServerEndpoint[_, _, _, EntityBody[F], F]]) { def toRoutes(implicit serverOptions: Http4sServerOptions[F], fs: Sync[F], fcs: ContextShift[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = { new EndpointToHttp4sServer(serverOptions).toRoutes(serverEndpoints) } } implicit class RichToMonadFunction[T, U, F[_]: Monad](a: T => F[U]) { @deprecated def andThenFirst[U_TUPLE, T_TUPLE, O]( l: U_TUPLE => F[O] )(implicit replaceFirst: ReplaceFirstInTuple[T, U, T_TUPLE, U_TUPLE]): T_TUPLE => F[O] = { tTuple => val t = replaceFirst.first(tTuple) a(t).flatMap { u => val uTuple = replaceFirst.replace(tTuple, u) l(uTuple) } } } implicit class RichToMonadOfEitherFunction[T, U, E, F[_]: Monad](a: T => F[Either[E, U]]) { @deprecated def andThenFirstE[U_TUPLE, T_TUPLE, O]( l: U_TUPLE => F[Either[E, O]] )(implicit replaceFirst: ReplaceFirstInTuple[T, U, T_TUPLE, U_TUPLE]): T_TUPLE => F[Either[E, O]] = { tTuple => val t = replaceFirst.first(tTuple) a(t).flatMap { case Left(e) => implicitly[Monad[F]].point(Left(e)) case Right(u) => val uTuple = replaceFirst.replace(tTuple, u) l(uTuple) } } } }
Example 12
Source File: Http4sRequestToRawBody.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.server.http4s import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Chunk import org.http4s.headers.{`Content-Disposition`, `Content-Type`} import org.http4s.{Charset, EntityDecoder, Request, multipart} import sttp.model.{Header, Part} import sttp.tapir.{RawPart, RawBodyType} class Http4sRequestToRawBody[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](serverOptions: Http4sServerOptions[F]) { def apply[R](body: fs2.Stream[F, Byte], bodyType: RawBodyType[R], charset: Option[Charset], req: Request[F]): F[R] = { def asChunk: F[Chunk[Byte]] = def asByteArray: F[Array[Byte]] = bodyType match { case RawBodyType.StringBody(defaultCharset) => String(_, case RawBodyType.ByteArrayBody => asByteArray case RawBodyType.ByteBufferBody => case RawBodyType.InputStreamBody => ByteArrayInputStream(_)) case RawBodyType.FileBody => serverOptions.createFile(serverOptions.blockingExecutionContext, req).flatMap { file => val fileSink =, Blocker.liftExecutionContext(serverOptions.blockingExecutionContext)) body.through(fileSink) => file) } case m: RawBodyType.MultipartBody => // TODO: use MultipartDecoder.mixedMultipart once available? implicitly[EntityDecoder[F, multipart.Multipart[F]]].decode(req, strict = false).value.flatMap { case Left(failure) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot decode multipart body: " + failure) // TODO case Right(mp) => val rawPartsF: Vector[F[RawPart]] = .flatMap(part => => m.partType(name)).map((part, _)).toList) .map { case (part, codecMeta) => toRawPart(part, codecMeta, req).asInstanceOf[F[RawPart]] } val rawParts: F[Vector[RawPart]] = rawPartsF.sequence rawParts.asInstanceOf[F[R]] // R is Seq[RawPart] } } } private def toRawPart[R](part: multipart.Part[F], partType: RawBodyType[R], req: Request[F]): F[Part[R]] = { val dispositionParams = part.headers.get(`Content-Disposition`).map(_.parameters).getOrElse(Map.empty) val charset = part.headers.get(`Content-Type`).flatMap(_.charset) apply(part.body, partType, charset, req) .map(r => Part(""), r, otherDispositionParams = dispositionParams - Part.NameDispositionParam, headers = => Header(, h.value)) ) ) } }
Example 13
Source File: EndpointToHttp4sServer.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.server.http4s import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import org.http4s.{EntityBody, HttpRoutes, Request, Response} import org.log4s._ import sttp.tapir.monad.MonadError import sttp.tapir.server.internal.{DecodeInputsResult, InputValues, InputValuesResult} import sttp.tapir.server.{DecodeFailureContext, DecodeFailureHandling, ServerDefaults, ServerEndpoint, internal} import sttp.tapir.{DecodeResult, Endpoint, EndpointIO, EndpointInput} class EndpointToHttp4sServer[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift](serverOptions: Http4sServerOptions[F]) { private val outputToResponse = new OutputToHttp4sResponse[F](serverOptions) def toRoutes[I, E, O](se: ServerEndpoint[I, E, O, EntityBody[F], F]): HttpRoutes[F] = { val service: HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes[F] { req: Request[F] => def decodeBody(result: DecodeInputsResult): F[DecodeInputsResult] = { result match { case values: DecodeInputsResult.Values => values.bodyInput match { case Some(bodyInput @ EndpointIO.Body(bodyType, codec, _)) => new Http4sRequestToRawBody(serverOptions).apply(req.body, bodyType, req.charset, req).map { v => codec.decode(v) match { case DecodeResult.Value(bodyV) => values.setBodyInputValue(bodyV) case failure: DecodeResult.Failure => DecodeInputsResult.Failure(bodyInput, failure): DecodeInputsResult } } case None => (values: DecodeInputsResult).pure[F] } case failure: DecodeInputsResult.Failure => (failure: DecodeInputsResult).pure[F] } } def valueToResponse(value: Any): F[Response[F]] = { val i = value.asInstanceOf[I] se.logic(new CatsMonadError)(i) .map { case Right(result) => outputToResponse(ServerDefaults.StatusCodes.success, se.endpoint.output, result) case Left(err) => outputToResponse(ServerDefaults.StatusCodes.error, se.endpoint.errorOutput, err) } .flatTap { response => serverOptions.logRequestHandling.requestHandled(se.endpoint, response.status.code) } .onError { case e: Exception => serverOptions.logRequestHandling.logicException(se.endpoint, e) } } OptionT(decodeBody(internal.DecodeInputs(se.endpoint.input, new Http4sDecodeInputsContext[F](req))).flatMap { case values: DecodeInputsResult.Values => InputValues(se.endpoint.input, values) match { case InputValuesResult.Value(params, _) => valueToResponse(params.asAny).map(_.some) case InputValuesResult.Failure(input, failure) => handleDecodeFailure(se.endpoint, input, failure) } case DecodeInputsResult.Failure(input, failure) => handleDecodeFailure(se.endpoint, input, failure) }) } service } def toRoutes[I, E, O](serverEndpoints: List[ServerEndpoint[_, _, _, EntityBody[F], F]]): HttpRoutes[F] = { NonEmptyList.fromList( => toRoutes(se))) match { case Some(routes) => routes.reduceK case None => HttpRoutes.empty } } private def handleDecodeFailure[I]( e: Endpoint[_, _, _, _], input: EndpointInput[_], failure: DecodeResult.Failure ): F[Option[Response[F]]] = { val decodeFailureCtx = DecodeFailureContext(input, failure) val handling = serverOptions.decodeFailureHandler(decodeFailureCtx) handling match { case DecodeFailureHandling.NoMatch => serverOptions.logRequestHandling.decodeFailureNotHandled(e, decodeFailureCtx).map(_ => None) case DecodeFailureHandling.RespondWithResponse(output, value) => serverOptions.logRequestHandling .decodeFailureHandled(e, decodeFailureCtx, value) .map(_ => Some(outputToResponse(ServerDefaults.StatusCodes.error, output, value))) } } private class CatsMonadError(implicit F: cats.MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends MonadError[F] { override def unit[T](t: T): F[T] = F.pure(t) override def map[T, T2](fa: F[T])(f: T => T2): F[T2] = override def flatMap[T, T2](fa: F[T])(f: T => F[T2]): F[T2] = F.flatMap(fa)(f) override def error[T](t: Throwable): F[T] = F.raiseError(t) override protected def handleWrappedError[T](rt: F[T])(h: PartialFunction[Throwable, F[T]]): F[T] = F.recoverWith(rt)(h) } } object EndpointToHttp4sServer { private[http4s] val log: Logger = getLogger }
Example 14
Source File: LaserdiscFs2Suite.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package fs2 import cats.effect.syntax.effect._ import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer} import import munit.FunSuite abstract class LaserdiscFs2Suite[F[_]: ContextShift: Timer: ConcurrentEffect](p: Port) extends FunSuite { private var cleanUp: F[Unit] = _ protected final var client: RedisClient[F] = _ override final def beforeAll(): Unit = { val (cl, cu) ="", p).allocated.toIO.unsafeRunSync() cleanUp = cu client = cl } override final def afterAll(): Unit = cleanUp.toIO.unsafeRunSync() protected def assertAllEqual[A](as: List[A], a: A): Unit = as.foreach(assertEquals(_, a)) }
Example 15
Source File: FinatraServerTests.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.server.finatra import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Resource, Timer} import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.{AccessLoggingFilter, ExceptionMappingFilter} import com.twitter.finatra.http.{Controller, EmbeddedHttpServer, HttpServer} import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter import com.twitter.util.{Future, FuturePool} import sttp.tapir.Endpoint import sttp.tapir.server.{DecodeFailureHandler, ServerDefaults, ServerEndpoint} import sttp.tapir.server.tests.ServerTests import sttp.tapir.tests.{Port, PortCounter} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.concurrent.duration._ class FinatraServerTests extends ServerTests[Future, Nothing, FinatraRoute] { override def streamingSupport: Boolean = false private val futurePool = FuturePool.unboundedPool implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) override def pureResult[T](t: T): Future[T] = Future.value(t) override def suspendResult[T](t: => T): Future[T] = futurePool { t } override def route[I, E, O]( e: ServerEndpoint[I, E, O, Nothing, Future], decodeFailureHandler: Option[DecodeFailureHandler] = None ): FinatraRoute = { implicit val serverOptions: FinatraServerOptions = FinatraServerOptions.default.copy(decodeFailureHandler = decodeFailureHandler.getOrElse(ServerDefaults.decodeFailureHandler)) e.toRoute } override def routeRecoverErrors[I, E <: Throwable, O](e: Endpoint[I, E, O, Nothing], fn: I => Future[O])(implicit eClassTag: ClassTag[E] ): FinatraRoute = { e.toRouteRecoverErrors(fn) } override def server(routes: NonEmptyList[FinatraRoute], port: Port): Resource[IO, Unit] = FinatraServerTests.server(routes, port) override lazy val portCounter: PortCounter = new PortCounter(58000) } object FinatraServerTests { def server(routes: NonEmptyList[FinatraRoute], port: Port)(implicit ioTimer: Timer[IO]): Resource[IO, Unit] = { def waitUntilHealthy(s: EmbeddedHttpServer, count: Int): IO[EmbeddedHttpServer] = if (s.isHealthy) IO.pure(s) else if (count > 1000) IO.raiseError(new IllegalStateException("Server unhealthy")) else IO.sleep(10.milliseconds).flatMap(_ => waitUntilHealthy(s, count + 1)) val bind = IO { class TestController extends Controller with TapirController { routes.toList.foreach(addTapirRoute) } class TestServer extends HttpServer { @silent("discarded") override protected def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit = { router .filter[AccessLoggingFilter[Request]] .filter[ExceptionMappingFilter[Request]] .add(new TestController) } } val server = new EmbeddedHttpServer( new TestServer, Map( "http.port" -> s":$port" ), // in the default implementation waitForWarmup suspends the thread for 1 second between healthy checks // we improve on that by checking every 10ms waitForWarmup = false ) server.start() server }.flatMap(waitUntilHealthy(_, 0)) Resource .make(bind)(httpServer => IO(httpServer.close())) .map(_ => ()) } }
Example 16
Source File: SttpClientTests.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.client.sttp import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import sttp.tapir.{DecodeResult, Endpoint} import sttp.tapir.client.tests.ClientTests import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.fs2.AsyncHttpClientFs2Backend import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class SttpClientTests extends ClientTests[fs2.Stream[IO, Byte]] { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private implicit val backend: SttpBackend[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Byte], NothingT] = AsyncHttpClientFs2Backend[IO]().unsafeRunSync() override def mkStream(s: String): fs2.Stream[IO, Byte] = fs2.Stream.emits(s.getBytes("utf-8")) override def rmStream(s: fs2.Stream[IO, Byte]): String = s.through(fs2.text.utf8Decode) .compile .foldMonoid .unsafeRunSync() override def send[I, E, O, FN[_]](e: Endpoint[I, E, O, fs2.Stream[IO, Byte]], port: Port, args: I): IO[Either[E, O]] = { e.toSttpRequestUnsafe(uri"http://localhost:$port").apply(args).send().map(_.body) } override def safeSend[I, E, O, FN[_]]( e: Endpoint[I, E, O, fs2.Stream[IO, Byte]], port: Port, args: I ): IO[DecodeResult[Either[E, O]]] = { e.toSttpRequest(uri"http://localhost:$port").apply(args).send().map(_.body) } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { backend.close().unsafeRunSync() super.afterAll() } }
Example 17
Source File: SwaggerHttp4s.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.swagger.http4s import java.util.Properties import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Sync} import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, StaticFile, Uri} import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.headers.Location import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class SwaggerHttp4s( yaml: String, contextPath: String = "docs", yamlName: String = "docs.yaml", redirectQuery: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map.empty ) { private val swaggerVersion = { val p = new Properties() val pomProperties = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/maven/org.webjars/swagger-ui/") try p.load(pomProperties) finally pomProperties.close() p.getProperty("version") } def routes[F[_]: ContextShift: Sync]: HttpRoutes[F] = { val dsl = Http4sDsl[F] import dsl._ HttpRoutes.of[F] { case path @ GET -> Root / `contextPath` => val queryParameters = Map("url" -> Seq(s"${path.uri}/$yamlName")) ++ redirectQuery Uri .fromString(s"${path.uri}/index.html") .map(uri => uri.setQueryParams(queryParameters)) .map(uri => PermanentRedirect(Location(uri))) .getOrElse(NotFound()) case GET -> Root / `contextPath` / `yamlName` => Ok(yaml) case GET -> Root / `contextPath` / swaggerResource => StaticFile .fromResource( s"/META-INF/resources/webjars/swagger-ui/$swaggerVersion/$swaggerResource", Blocker.liftExecutionContext( ) .getOrElseF(NotFound()) } } }
Example 18
Source File: RedocHttp4s.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.redoc.http4s import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync} import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.headers._ import org.http4s.{Charset, HttpRoutes, MediaType} import class RedocHttp4s(title: String, yaml: String, yamlName: String = "docs.yaml") { private lazy val html = { val fileName = "redoc.html" val is = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(fileName) assert(Option(is).nonEmpty, s"Could not find file ${fileName} on classpath.") val rawHtml = Source.fromInputStream(is).mkString // very poor man's templating engine rawHtml.replaceAllLiterally("{{docsPath}}", yamlName).replaceAllLiterally("{{title}}", title) } def routes[F[_]: ContextShift: Sync]: HttpRoutes[F] = { val dsl = Http4sDsl[F] import dsl._ HttpRoutes.of[F] { case req @ GET -> Root if req.pathInfo.endsWith("/") => Ok(html, `Content-Type`(MediaType.text.html, Charset.`UTF-8`)) // as the url to the yaml file is relative, it is important that there is a trailing slash case req @ GET -> Root => val uri = req.uri PermanentRedirect(Location(uri.withPath(uri.path.concat("/")))) case GET -> Root / `yamlName` => Ok(yaml, `Content-Type`(MediaType.text.yaml, Charset.`UTF-8`)) } } }
Example 19
Source File: IoAdapt.scala From http4s-poc-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package external package library import cats.arrow.FunctionK import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO} import external.library.IoAdapt.--> import zio.{Task, ZIO} import scala.concurrent.Future def apply[A]: (=>F[A]) => G[A] def functionK: FunctionK[F, G] = λ[FunctionK[F, G]](apply(_)) } private[library] sealed trait IoAdaptInstances { implicit def catsIoToZioTask(implicit cc: Concurrent[Task]): IO --> Task = new IoAdapt[IO, Task] { def apply[A]: (=>IO[A]) => Task[A] = io => cc.liftIO(io) } implicit val futureToZioTask: Future --> Task = new IoAdapt[Future, Task] { def apply[A]: (=>Future[A]) => Task[A] = ft => ZIO.fromFuture(ec => } implicit def futureToIo(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): Future --> IO = new IoAdapt[Future, IO] { def apply[A]: (=>Future[A]) => IO[A] = IO.fromFuture[A] _ compose IO.delay } } object IoAdapt extends IoAdaptInstances { type -->[F[_], G[_]] = IoAdapt[F, G] }
Example 20
Source File: PriceService.scala From http4s-poc-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package service import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.apply._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.parallel._ import external.library.IoAdapt.--> import external.{TeamOneHttpApi, TeamThreeCacheApi, TeamTwoHttpApi} import integration.{CacheIntegration, ProductIntegration, UserIntegration} import log.effect.LogWriter import model.DomainModel._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ final case class PriceService[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer: ContextShift: Parallel[*[_]]]( cacheDep: TeamThreeCacheApi[ProductId, Product], teamOneStupidName: TeamOneHttpApi, teamTwoStupidName: TeamTwoHttpApi, logger: LogWriter[F] )( implicit ev1: IO --> F, ev2: Future --> F ) { private[this] val cache = CacheIntegration[F](cacheDep, 10.seconds) private[this] val userInt = UserIntegration[F](teamTwoStupidName, teamOneStupidName, 10.seconds) private[this] val productInt = ProductIntegration[F](teamTwoStupidName, teamOneStupidName, 10.seconds) private[this] lazy val productRepo: ProductRepo[F] = ProductRepo(cache, productInt, logger) private[this] lazy val priceCalculator: PriceCalculator[F] = PriceCalculator(productInt, logger) private[this] lazy val preferenceFetcher: PreferenceFetcher[F] = PreferenceFetcher(userInt, logger) def prices(userId: UserId, productIds: Seq[ProductId]): F[List[Price]] = (userFor(userId), productsFor(productIds), preferencesFor(userId)) .parMapN(priceCalculator.finalPrices) .flatten private[this] def userFor(userId: UserId): F[User] = logger.debug(s"Collecting user details for id $userId") >> userInt.user(userId) <* logger.debug(s"User details collected for id $userId") private[this] def preferencesFor(userId: UserId): F[UserPreferences] = logger.debug(s"Looking up user preferences for user $userId") >> preferenceFetcher.userPreferences(userId) <* logger.debug(s"User preferences look up for $userId completed") private[this] def productsFor(productIds: Seq[ProductId]): F[List[Product]] = logger.debug(s"Collecting product details for products $productIds") >> productRepo.storedProducts(productIds) <* logger.debug(s"Product details collection for $productIds completed") }
Example 21
Source File: UserIntegration.scala From http4s-poc-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package integration import cats.effect.syntax.concurrent._ import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import errors.PriceServiceError.{PreferenceErr, UserErr} import external._ import external.library.IoAdapt.--> import external.library.syntax.errorAdapt._ import external.library.syntax.ioAdapt._ import model.DomainModel._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration sealed trait UserIntegration[F[_]] { def user: UserId => F[User] def usersPreferences: UserId => F[UserPreferences] } object UserIntegration { @inline def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer: IO --> *[_]: Future --> *[_]]( userDep: TeamTwoHttpApi, preferencesDep: TeamOneHttpApi, t: FiniteDuration )( implicit CS: ContextShift[F] ): UserIntegration[F] = new UserIntegration[F] { def user: UserId => F[User] = { id => CS.shift >> userDep.user(id).adaptedTo[F].timeout(t).narrowFailureTo[UserErr] } def usersPreferences: UserId => F[UserPreferences] = { id => CS.shift >> preferencesDep.usersPreferences(id).adaptedTo[F].timeout(t).narrowFailureTo[PreferenceErr] } } }
Example 22
Source File: CacheIntegration.scala From http4s-poc-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package integration import cats.effect.syntax.concurrent._ import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import errors.PriceServiceError.{CacheLookupError, CacheStoreError} import external.TeamThreeCacheApi import external.library.IoAdapt.--> import external.library.syntax.errorAdapt._ import external.library.syntax.ioAdapt._ import model.DomainModel._ import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration sealed trait CacheIntegration[F[_]] { def cachedProduct: ProductId => F[Option[Product]] def storeProductToCache: ProductId => Product => F[Unit] } object CacheIntegration { @inline def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer: IO --> *[_]]( cache: TeamThreeCacheApi[ProductId, Product], t: FiniteDuration )( implicit CS: ContextShift[F] ): CacheIntegration[F] = new CacheIntegration[F] { def cachedProduct: ProductId => F[Option[Product]] = pId => CS.shift >> cache.get(pId).adaptedTo[F].timeout(t).narrowFailureTo[CacheLookupError] def storeProductToCache: ProductId => Product => F[Unit] = pId => p => CS.shift >> cache.put(pId)(p).adaptedTo[F].timeout(t).narrowFailureTo[CacheStoreError] } }
Example 23
Source File: ProductIntegration.scala From http4s-poc-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package integration import cats.effect.syntax.concurrent._ import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import errors.PriceServiceError.{ProductErr, ProductPriceErr} import external._ import external.library.IoAdapt.--> import external.library.syntax.errorAdapt._ import external.library.syntax.ioAdapt._ import model.DomainModel._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration sealed trait ProductIntegration[F[_]] { def product: ProductId => F[Option[Product]] def productPrice: Product => UserPreferences => F[Price] } object ProductIntegration { @inline def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer: IO --> *[_]: Future --> *[_]]( productDep: TeamTwoHttpApi, pricesDep: TeamOneHttpApi, t: FiniteDuration )( implicit CS: ContextShift[F] ): ProductIntegration[F] = new ProductIntegration[F] { def product: ProductId => F[Option[Product]] = { ps => CS.shift >> productDep.product(ps).adaptedTo[F].timeout(t).narrowFailureTo[ProductErr] } def productPrice: Product => UserPreferences => F[Price] = { p => pref => CS.shift >> pricesDep.productPrice(p)(pref).adaptedTo[F].timeout(t).narrowFailureTo[ProductPriceErr] } } }
Example 24
Source File: CatsIoTestRunner.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package fs2 import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit} import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import import log.effect.fs2.SyncLogWriter.consoleLogUpToLevel import log.effect.{LogLevels, LogWriter} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.fromExecutor object CatsIoTestRunner extends TestCases { private[this] val ec: ExecutionContext = fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8)) private[this] implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) private[this] implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) private[this] implicit val logWriter: LogWriter[IO] = consoleLogUpToLevel(LogLevels.Error) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val task = timer.clock.monotonic(TimeUnit.MINUTES) >>= { start: Long =>"localhost", 6379).use { cl => def loop(count: Long): IO[Long] = case1(cl) >> timer.clock.monotonic(TimeUnit.MINUTES) >>= { current => if (current - start >= 2) IO.pure(count) else loop(count + 1) } loop(0) } } println(s"Avg send/s: ${task.unsafeRunSync() * 24.0 / 2 / 60}") sys.exit() } }
Example 25
Source File: DefaultLoggerSpec.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import munit.FunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.fromExecutor final class DefaultLoggerSpec extends FunSuite with TestLogCapture { private def assertNot(c: =>Boolean): Unit = assert(!c) private[this] val ec: ExecutionContext = fromExecutor(new ForkJoinPool()) private[this] implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) private[this] implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) test("The readme example doesn't log when no LogWriter is given") { import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import laserdisc._ import laserdisc.all._ import import laserdisc.fs2._ import log.effect.fs2.SyncLogWriter.consoleLog val redisTest: IO[Unit] ="localhost", 6379).use { client => client.send( set("a", 23), set("b", 55), get[PosInt]("b"), get[PosInt]("a") ) >>= { case (Right(OK), Right(OK), Right(Some(getOfb)), Right(Some(getOfa))) if getOfb.value == 55 && getOfa.value == 23 => consoleLog[IO].info("yay!") case other => consoleLog[IO].error(s"something went terribly wrong $other") >> IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boom")) } } val logged = capturedConsoleOutOf(redisTest) assertNot(logged contains "Starting connection") assertNot(logged contains "Server available for publishing: localhost:6379") assertNot(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(SET),Bulk(a),Bulk(23))") assertNot(logged contains "receiving Str(OK)") assertNot(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(SET),Bulk(b),Bulk(55))") assertNot(logged contains "receiving Str(OK)") assertNot(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(GET),Bulk(b))") assertNot(logged contains "receiving Bulk(55)") assertNot(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(GET),Bulk(a))") assertNot(logged contains "receiving Bulk(23)") assertNot(logged contains "Shutting down connection") assertNot(logged contains "Shutdown complete") assertNot(logged contains "Connection terminated: No issues") } }
Example 26
Source File: ReadmeExampleSpec.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import munit.FunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.fromExecutor final class ReadmeExampleSpec extends FunSuite with TestLogCapture { private[this] val ec: ExecutionContext = fromExecutor(new ForkJoinPool()) private[this] implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) private[this] implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) test("The readme example gives the expected output and logs when a LogWriter is in scope") { import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import laserdisc._ import laserdisc.all._ import import laserdisc.fs2._ import log.effect.LogWriter import log.effect.fs2.SyncLogWriter def redisTest(implicit log: LogWriter[IO]): IO[Unit] ="localhost", 6379).use { client => client.send( set("a", 23), set("b", 55), get[PosInt]("b"), get[PosInt]("a") ) >>= { case (Right(OK), Right(OK), Right(Some(getOfb)), Right(Some(getOfa))) if getOfb.value == 55 && getOfa.value == 23 => log info "yay!" case other => log.error(s"something went terribly wrong $other") >> IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boom")) } } val logged = capturedConsoleOutOf { redisTest(SyncLogWriter.consoleLog[IO]) } assert(logged contains "Starting connection") assert(logged contains "Connected to server localhost:6379") assert(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(SET),Bulk(a),Bulk(23))") assert(logged contains "receiving Str(OK)") assert(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(SET),Bulk(b),Bulk(55))") assert(logged contains "receiving Str(OK)") assert(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(GET),Bulk(b))") assert(logged contains "receiving Bulk(55)") assert(logged contains "sending Arr(Bulk(GET),Bulk(a))") assert(logged contains "receiving Bulk(23)") assert(logged contains "yay!") assert(logged contains "Shutting down connection") assert(logged contains "Shutdown complete") assert(logged contains "Connection terminated: No issues") } }
Example 27
Source File: implicits.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Chunk import import import jbok.common.thread.ThreadUtil import jbok.crypto.ssl.SSLContextHelper import import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ object implicits { val maxBytes: Int = 4 * 1024 * 1024 val timeout = Some(10.seconds) val sslEC: ExecutionContext = ThreadUtil.blockingThreadPool[IO]("jbok-tls").allocated.unsafeRunSync()._1 implicit class TcpSocketOps[F[_]](val socket: Socket[F]) extends AnyVal { def readMessage(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Message[F]] =, timeout).flatMap { case Some(chunk) => Message.decodeChunk(chunk) case None => F.raiseError(new Exception(s"socket already closed")) } def writeMessage(message: Message[F]): F[Unit] = socket.write(Chunk.array(Message.encodeBytes(message).byteArray), timeout) def toTLSSocket(sslOpt: Option[SSLContext], client: Boolean)(implicit F: Concurrent[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): F[Socket[F]] = sslOpt match { case Some(ssl) => if (client) TLSSocket.instance(socket, SSLContextHelper.clientEngine(ssl).engine, sslEC).widen[Socket[F]] else TLSSocket.instance(socket, SSLContextHelper.serverEngine(ssl).engine, sslEC).widen[Socket[F]] case None => F.pure(socket) } } }
Example 28
Source File: Doobie.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift, Resource} import doobie._ import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import jbok.core.config.DatabaseConfig object Doobie { def xa[F[_]](config: DatabaseConfig)(implicit F: Async[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, Transactor[F]] = for { ce <- ExecutionContexts.fixedThreadPool[F](32) // our connect EC te <- ExecutionContexts.cachedThreadPool[F] // our transaction EC xa <- HikariTransactor.newHikariTransactor[F]( config.driver, config.url, config.user, // username config.password, // password ce, // await connection here te // execute JDBC operations here ) } yield xa }
Example 29
Source File: PostgresInstanceSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.postgres import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.postgres.implicits._ import doobie.specs2._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.FUUID import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.testcontainersspecs2.ForAllTestContainer import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.GenericContainer import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.LogMessageWaitStrategy import java.time.Duration import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS import org.specs2._ import class PostgresInstanceSpec extends mutable.Specification with IOChecker with ForAllTestContainer { sequential implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) override lazy val container = GenericContainer( "postgres", List(5432), Map( "POSTGRES_DB" -> dbName, "POSTGRES_USER" -> dbUserName, "POSTGRES_PASSWORD" -> dbPassword ), waitStrategy = new LogMessageWaitStrategy() .withRegEx(".*database system is ready to accept connections.*\\s") .withTimes(2) .withStartupTimeout(Duration.of(60, SECONDS)) ) lazy val driverName = "org.postgresql.Driver" lazy val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:postgresql://${container.container.getContainerIpAddress()}:${container.container.getMappedPort(5432)}/${dbName}" lazy val dbUserName = "user" lazy val dbPassword = "password" lazy val dbName = "db" lazy val transactor = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driverName, jdbcUrl, dbUserName, dbPassword ) override def afterStart(): Unit = { sql""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PostgresInstanceSpec ( id UUID NOT NULL ) """ } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into PostgresInstanceSpec (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } val fuuid = FUUID.randomFUUID[IO].unsafeRunSync check(sql"SELECT id from PostgresInstanceSpec".query[FUUID]) check(insertId(fuuid)) }
Example 30
Source File: PostgresTraversalSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.postgres import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.postgres.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid._ import io.chrisdavenport.testcontainersspecs2.ForAllTestContainer import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.GenericContainer import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.LogMessageWaitStrategy import java.time.Duration import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS import org.specs2._ import class PostgresTraversalSpec extends mutable.Specification with ScalaCheck with FUUIDArbitraries with ForAllTestContainer { sequential implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) override lazy val container = GenericContainer( "postgres", List(5432), Map( "POSTGRES_DB" -> dbName, "POSTGRES_USER" -> dbUserName, "POSTGRES_PASSWORD" -> dbPassword ), waitStrategy = new LogMessageWaitStrategy() .withRegEx(".*database system is ready to accept connections.*\\s") .withTimes(2) .withStartupTimeout(Duration.of(60, SECONDS)) ) lazy val driverName = "org.postgresql.Driver" lazy val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:postgresql://${container.container.getContainerIpAddress()}:${container.container.getMappedPort(5432)}/${dbName}" lazy val dbUserName = "user" lazy val dbPassword = "password" lazy val dbName = "db" lazy val transactor = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driverName, jdbcUrl, dbUserName, dbPassword ) // lazy val transactor = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( // "org.postgresql.Driver", // "jdbc:postgresql:world", // "postgres", "" // ) override def afterStart(): Unit = { sql""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PostgresTraversalSpec ( id UUID NOT NULL ) """ } def queryBy(fuuid: FUUID): Query0[FUUID] = { sql"""SELECT id from PostgresTraversalSpec where id = ${fuuid}""".query[FUUID] } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into PostgresTraversalSpec (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } "Doobie Postgres Meta" should { "traverse input and then extraction" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => val action = for { _ <- insertId(fuuid).run.transact(transactor) fuuid <- queryBy(fuuid).unique.transact(transactor) } yield fuuid action.unsafeRunSync must_=== fuuid } "fail on a non-present value" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => queryBy(fuuid) .unique .transact(transactor) .attempt .map(_.isLeft) .unsafeRunSync must_=== true } } }
Example 31
Source File: H2TraversalSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.h2 import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.h2.implicits._ import doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid._ import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAll import class H2TraversalSpec extends Specification with BeforeAll with ScalaCheck with FUUIDArbitraries { implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) lazy val transactor: Transactor[IO] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driver = "org.h2.Driver", url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testH2Table;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", user = "sa", pass = "" ) def beforeAll(): Unit = { sql""" CREATE TABLE testH2Table ( id UUID NOT NULL ) """ } def queryBy(fuuid: FUUID): Query0[FUUID] = { sql"""SELECT id from testH2Table where id = ${fuuid}""".query[FUUID] } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into testH2Table (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } "Doobie H2 Meta" should { "traverse input and then extraction" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => val action = for { _ <- insertId(fuuid).run.transact(transactor) fuuid <- queryBy(fuuid).unique.transact(transactor) } yield fuuid action.unsafeRunSync must_=== fuuid } "fail on a non-present value" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => queryBy(fuuid) .unique .transact(transactor) .attempt .map(_.isLeft) .unsafeRunSync must_=== true } } }
Example 32
Source File: H2InstanceSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.h2 import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.syntax.functor._ import doobie._ import doobie.h2.implicits._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.specs2._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.FUUID import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAll import class H2InstanceSpec extends Specification with IOChecker with BeforeAll { implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) lazy val transactor: Transactor[IO] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driver = "org.h2.Driver", url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", user = "sa", pass = "" ) def beforeAll(): Unit = { sql"CREATE TABLE test (id UUID NOT NULL)" } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into test (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } val fuuid = FUUID.randomFUUID[IO].unsafeRunSync check(sql"SELECT id from test".query[FUUID]) check(insertId(fuuid)) }
Example 33
Source File: ServerSentEventsTests.scala From lolhttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package lol.http import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import fs2.concurrent.SignallingRef import fs2.{Chunk, Stream} import lol.http.ServerSentEvents._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ class ServerSentEventsTests extends Tests { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) val App: Service = { case url"/" => Ok("Hello") case url"/stream" => Ok(Stream(Event("Hello"), Event("World")).covaryAll[IO, Event[String]]) case url"/fakeStream" => Ok("Hello").addHeaders(h"Content-Type" -> h"text/event-stream") } test("Valid string events stream") { withServer(Server.listen()(App)) { server => await() { Client("localhost", server.port).runAndStop { client =>"/stream")) { response => response.readAs[Stream[IO,Event[String]]].flatMap { eventStream => } } } } should be (List(Event("Hello"), Event("World"))) } } test("Events stream should be stopped by server when client closes the connection") { val isRunning = SignallingRef[IO, Boolean](true).unsafeRunSync() val App: Service = { case url"/infiniteStream" => val infiniteStream = Stream.sleep[IO](100.milliseconds).flatMap(_ => Stream.chunk(Chunk.bytes("LOL\n".getBytes("utf-8")))).repeat Ok(Content(infiniteStream.onFinalize(isRunning.set(false)))) } withServer(Server.listen()(App)) { server => await() { val client = Client("localhost", server.port) (IO.sleep(1.second) >> IO(client.stopSync())).unsafeRunAsync(_ => ())"/infiniteStream")) { response => response.readAs[String] } } eventually({ val t = isRunning.get.unsafeRunSync() t shouldBe false }) } } test("Not an events stream") { withServer(Server.listen()(App)) { server => the [Error] thrownBy await() { Client("localhost", server.port).runAndStop { client =>"/")) { response => response.readAs[Stream[IO,Event[String]]].flatMap { eventStream => } } } } should be (Error.UnexpectedContentType()) } } test("Invalid events stream ") { withServer(Server.listen()(App)) { server => await() { Client("localhost", server.port).runAndStop { client =>"/fakeStream")) { response => response.readAs[Stream[IO,Event[String]]].flatMap { eventStream => } } } } should be (Nil) } } }
Example 34
Source File: StreamingTests.scala From lolhttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package lol.http.examples import lol.http._ import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import fs2.{Chunk, Pipe, Pull, Stream} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ class StreamingTests extends Tests { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) def now = System.currentTimeMillis val `10Meg` = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // Transform the stream into packets of 10Meg def rechunk: Pipe[IO,Byte,Chunk[Byte]] = _.repeatPull(_.unconsN(`10Meg`, true).flatMap { case Some((chunks, h)) => Pull.output1(chunks) as Some(h) case None => Pull.pure(None) }) test("Slow server read", Slow) { withServer(Server.listen() { req => val start = now // Read at most 3Meg per second _.through(rechunk). evalMap(c => IO(println(s"${c.size} bytes received"))). flatMap(_ => Stream.sleep[IO](3.seconds)) .compile.drain ).map { _ => Ok(s"${now - start}") } }) { server => val start = now var end = 0:Long // Send 100M as fast as possible val timeToReceive = contentString( Post( s"http://localhost:${server.port}/", content = Content( stream = Stream.eval(IO { println(s"${`10Meg`} bytes sent") end = now Chunk.bytes(("." * `10Meg`).getBytes) }).repeat.take(10).flatMap(c => Stream.chunk(c)) ) ).addHeaders(h"Content-Length" -> h"${10 * `10Meg`}"), atMost = 2.minutes ).toInt val timeToSend = (end - start).toInt println(s"Received in ${timeToReceive/1000}s") println(s"Sent in ${timeToSend/1000}s") timeToReceive should be > 25000 timeToSend should be > 15000 } } test("Client read compressed", Slow) { withServer(Server.listen() { req => Ok(Content(Stream.eval(IO { println(s"sent ${`10Meg`} bytes") Chunk.bytes(("." * `10Meg`).getBytes) }).repeat.take(10).flatMap(c => Stream.chunk(c)))) .addHeaders(h"Content-Length" -> h"${10 * `10Meg`}") }) { server => await(atMost = 2.minutes) { Client("localhost", server.port).runAndStop { client => for { length1 <-"/a"))(_.readSuccess { stream => + _) }) length2 <-"/b").addHeaders(h"Accept-Encoding" -> h"gzip"))(_.readSuccess { stream => + _) }) length3 <-"/c").addHeaders(h"Accept-Encoding" -> h"deflate"))(_.readSuccess { stream => + _) }) } yield { length1 shouldEqual 10 * `10Meg` length2 shouldEqual length1 length3 shouldEqual length1 } } } } } }
Example 35
Source File: FTracingSpec.scala From opencensus-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.opencensus.scala.doobie import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import io.opencensus.scala.Tracing import io.opencensus.scala.http.testSuite.MockTracing import io.opencensus.trace.{BlankSpan, Status} import org.scalatest.{OptionValues, Outcome} import import scala.util.Try import org.scalatest.flatspec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class FTracingSpec extends flatspec.FixtureAnyFlatSpec with Matchers with OptionValues { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) case class TestInput(fTracing: FTracing[IO], mock: MockTracing) override protected def withFixture(test: OneArgTest): Outcome = test(clientTracingWithMock()) override type FixtureParam = TestInput behavior of "FTracingSpec" it should "start with the correct name" in { f => f.fTracing.traceF(IO(()), "testSpan", None).unsafeRunSync() f.mock.startedSpans should have size 1 shouldBe "testSpan" } it should "trace with parent Span" in { f => val parentSpan = BlankSpan.INSTANCE f.fTracing.traceF(IO(()), "testSpan", Some(parentSpan)).unsafeRunSync() f.mock.startedSpans should have size 1 f.mock.startedSpans.head.parentContext.value shouldBe parentSpan.getContext } it should "stop after normal exit" in { f => f.fTracing.traceF(IO(()), "testSpan", None).unsafeRunSync() f.mock.endedSpans should have size 1 f.mock.endedSpans.head._2.value.getCanonicalCode shouldBe Status.OK.getCanonicalCode } it should "stop after error" in { f => Try( f.fTracing .traceF(IO.raiseError(new Exception("TEST")), "testSpan", None) .unsafeRunSync() ) f.mock.endedSpans should have size 1 f.mock.endedSpans.head._2.value.getCanonicalCode shouldBe Status.INTERNAL.getCanonicalCode } def clientTracingWithMock() = { val mockTracing = new MockTracing val fTracing = new FTracing[IO] { override protected val tracing: Tracing = mockTracing } TestInput(fTracing, mockTracing) } }
Example 36
Source File: DoobieCheckSpec.scala From sup with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sup import _root_.doobie.Transactor import cats.effect.Async import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.IO import cats.effect.Timer import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.implicits._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class DoobieCheckSpec extends BaseIOTest { def goodTransactor[F[_]: Async: ContextShift]: Transactor[F] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]("org.h2.Driver", "jdbc:h2:mem:") def badTransactor[F[_]: Async: ContextShift]: Transactor[F] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]("org.h2.Driver", "jdbcfoobarnope") implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( "IO H2 check" when { "the database responds before the timeout" should { "be Healthy" in runIO { val healthCheck = modules.doobie.connectionCheck(goodTransactor[IO])(timeout = 5.seconds.some) { _.value shouldBe Health.Healthy } } } "there is no timeout" should { "be Healthy" in runIO { val healthCheck = modules.doobie.connectionCheck(goodTransactor[IO])(timeout = none) { _.value shouldBe Health.Healthy } } } } }
Example 37
Source File: ServerSpec.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.server import java.util.concurrent.Executors import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import cats.effect.{ IO, Blocker, ContextShift } import org.scalatest.{ FlatSpec, Matchers, BeforeAndAfterAll } import fs2.{ Stream, Chunk } import scodec.bits._ import scodec.Codec import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.Codecs._ import com.example.proto._ class ServerSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val ex = Executors.newCachedThreadPool() val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(ex) val bl = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ec) val (sg, closeSg) =[IO](bl).allocated.unsafeRunSync() override def afterAll(): Unit = { super.afterAll() closeSg.unsafeRunSync() ex.shutdown() } "Server" should "respond to a request" in { val responses: Vector[Response] = Stream( Server.serve(Server.port, sg).drain, client(Server.port) ).parJoin(Int.MaxValue).take(1L).compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync() responses should === (Vector(Ok)) } def client(port: Int): Stream[IO, Response] = { Stream.resource(sg.client[IO](Server.addr(port))).flatMap { socket => val bvs: Stream[IO, BitVector] = Stream(Codec[Request].encode(ReSeed(56)).require) val bs: Stream[IO, Byte] = bvs.flatMap { bv => Stream.chunk(Chunk.bytes(bv.bytes.toArray)) } val read = bs.through(socket.writes(Server.timeout)).drain.onFinalize(socket.endOfOutput) ++ socket.reads(Server.bufferSize, Server.timeout) => BitVector.view(ch.toArray)) read.fold(BitVector.empty)(_ ++ _).map(bv => Codec[Response].decode(bv).require.value) } } }
Example 38
Source File: Client.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.lib import{ InetAddress, InetSocketAddress } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.effect.{ IO, ContextShift } import akka.NotUsed import import import import akka.util.{ ByteString } import scodec.bits.BitVector import{ StreamEncoder, StreamDecoder } import fs2.interop.reactivestreams._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs.{ pipe => decPipe } import Protocol.v1.{ Request, Response, Seed, Random } object Client { val reqCodec: StreamEncoder[Request] = streamEncoderFromReified[Request] val resCodec: StreamDecoder[Response] = streamDecoderFromReified[Response] def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { implicit val sys: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("ClientSystem") implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer() try { val resp = Await.result(client(1234), 10.seconds) println(resp) } finally { sys.terminate() } } def client(port: Int)(implicit sys: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer): Future[Vector[Response]] = { val addr = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress, port) Tcp().outgoingConnection(addr).joinMat(logic)(Keep.right).run() } def logic(implicit sys: ActorSystem): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Future[Vector[Response]]] = { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(sys.dispatcher) val requests = fs2.Stream(Seed(0xabcdL), Random(1, 100)).covary[IO] val source = Source .fromPublisher(reqCodec.encode(requests).toUnicastPublisher()) .map(bv => ByteString.fromArrayUnsafe(bv.toByteArray)) // TODO: this would be much less ugly, if we had a decoder `Flow` val buffer = fs2.concurrent.Queue.unbounded[IO, Option[BitVector]].unsafeRunSync() val decode: Flow[ByteString, Response, NotUsed] = Flow.fromSinkAndSource( Sink.onComplete { _ => buffer.enqueue1(None).unsafeRunSync() }.contramap[ByteString] { x => buffer.enqueue1(Some(BitVector.view(x.toArray))).unsafeRunSync() }, Source.fromPublisher(buffer .dequeue .unNoneTerminate .through(decPipe[IO, Response]) .toUnicastPublisher() ) ) val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[Vector[Response]]] = decode.toMat( Sink.fold(Vector.empty[Response])(_ :+ _) )(Keep.right) Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat(sink, source)(Keep.left) } }
Example 39
Source File: BoxStoreTest.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.Executors import blobstore.Path import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class BoxStoreTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool)) "splitPath" should "correctly split a long path" in { val boxStore = new BoxStore[IO](new BoxAPIConnection(""), "", blocker) val testPath = Path("long/path/to/filename") val (pathToParentFolder, key) = boxStore.splitPath(testPath) pathToParentFolder must be("long" :: "path" :: "to" :: Nil) key must be("filename") } it should "split a single element path into a single element list and empty string key" in { val boxStore = new BoxStore[IO](new BoxAPIConnection(""), "", blocker) val testPath = Path("filename") val (pathToParentFolder, key) = boxStore.splitPath(testPath) pathToParentFolder must be("filename"::Nil) key must be("") } it should "split an empty path into empty list, empty string key" in { val boxStore = new BoxStore[IO](new BoxAPIConnection(""), "", blocker) val testPath = Path("") val (pathToParentFolder, key) = boxStore.splitPath(testPath) pathToParentFolder must be(""::Nil) key must be("") } }
Example 40
Source File: SftpStore.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package blobstore package sftp import java.util.Date import com.jcraft.jsch._ import cats.instances.option._ import scala.util.Try import import cats.Traverse import cats.effect.{Blocker, ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, IO, Resource} import cats.effect.concurrent.{MVar, Semaphore} import fs2.concurrent.Queue final class SftpStore[F[_]]( absRoot: String, session: Session, blocker: Blocker, mVar: MVar[F, ChannelSftp], semaphore: Option[Semaphore[F]], connectTimeout: Int )(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], CS: ContextShift[F]) extends Store[F] { import implicits._ import Path.SEP private val openChannel: F[ChannelSftp] = { val openF = blocker.delay{ val ch = session.openChannel("sftp").asInstanceOf[ChannelSftp] ch.connect(connectTimeout) ch } semaphore.fold(openF){s => F.ifM(s.tryAcquire)(openF, getChannel) } } private val getChannel = F.flatMap(mVar.tryTake) { case Some(channel) => F.pure(channel) case None => openChannel } private def channelResource: Resource[F, ChannelSftp] = Resource.make{ getChannel }{ case ch if ch.isClosed => F.unit case ch => F.ifM(mVar.tryPut(ch))(F.unit, SftpStore.closeChannel(semaphore, blocker)(ch)) } def apply[F[_]]( absRoot: String, fa: F[Session], blocker: Blocker, maxChannels: Option[Long] = None, connectTimeout: Int = 10000 )(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], CS: ContextShift[F]): fs2.Stream[F, SftpStore[F]] = if (maxChannels.exists(_ < 1)) { fs2.Stream.raiseError[F](new IllegalArgumentException(s"maxChannels must be >= 1")) } else { for { session <- fs2.Stream.bracket(fa)(session => F.delay(session.disconnect())) semaphore <- fs2.Stream.eval(Traverse[Option].sequence([F]))) mVar <- fs2.Stream.bracket(MVar.empty[F, ChannelSftp])(mVar => F.flatMap(mVar.tryTake)(_.fold(F.unit)(closeChannel[F](semaphore, blocker)))) } yield new SftpStore[F](absRoot, session, blocker, mVar, semaphore, connectTimeout) } private def closeChannel[F[_]](semaphore: Option[Semaphore[F]], blocker: Blocker)(ch: ChannelSftp)(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], CS: ContextShift[F]): F[Unit] = F.productR(semaphore.fold(F.unit)(_.release))(blocker.delay(ch.disconnect())) }
Example 41
Source File: GcsStore.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package blobstore.gcs import java.nio.channels.Channels import java.time.Instant import java.util.Date import blobstore.{Path, Store} import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Sync} import import{Acl, Blob, BlobId, BlobInfo, Storage} import{BlobListOption, CopyRequest} import fs2.{Chunk, Pipe, Stream} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ final class GcsStore[F[_]](storage: Storage, blocker: Blocker, acls: List[Acl] = Nil)(implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F]) extends Store[F] { private def _chunk(pg: Page[Blob]): Chunk[Path] = { val (dirs, files) = pg.getValues.asScala.toSeq.partition(_.isDirectory) val dirPaths = Chunk.seq( => Path(root = b.getBucket, key = b.getName.stripSuffix("/"), size = None, isDir = true, lastModified = None))) val filePaths = Chunk.seq({b => val size = Option(b.getSize: java.lang.Long).map(_.toLong) // Prevent throwing NPE (see val lastModified = Option(b.getUpdateTime: java.lang.Long).map(millis => Date.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis))) // Prevent throwing NPE (see Path(b.getBucket, key = b.getName, size = size, isDir = false, lastModified = lastModified) }) Chunk.concat(List(dirPaths, filePaths)) } def list(path: Path): fs2.Stream[F, Path] = { Stream.unfoldChunkEval[F, () => Option[Page[Blob]], Path]{ () => Some(storage.list(path.root, BlobListOption.currentDirectory(), BlobListOption.prefix(path.key))) }{getPage => blocker.delay{ getPage().map{pg => if (pg.hasNextPage){ (_chunk(pg), () => Some(pg.getNextPage)) } else { (_chunk(pg), () => None) } } } } } def get(path: Path, chunkSize: Int): fs2.Stream[F, Byte] = { val is = blocker.delay(Channels.newInputStream(storage.get(path.root, path.key).reader())), chunkSize, blocker, closeAfterUse = true) } def put(path: Path): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] = { val fos = Sync[F].delay{ val builder = { val b = BlobInfo.newBuilder(path.root, path.key) if (acls.nonEmpty) b.setAcl(acls.asJava) else b } val blobInfo = val writer = storage.writer(blobInfo) Channels.newOutputStream(writer) }, blocker, closeAfterUse = true) } def move(src: Path, dst: Path): F[Unit] = F.productR(copy(src, dst))(remove(src)) def copy(src: Path, dst: Path): F[Unit] = { val req = CopyRequest.newBuilder().setSource(src.root, src.key).setTarget(BlobId.of(dst.root, dst.key)).build() F.void(blocker.delay(storage.copy(req).getResult)) } def remove(path: Path): F[Unit] = F.void(blocker.delay(storage.delete(path.root, path.key))) } object GcsStore{ def apply[F[_]]( storage: Storage, blocker: Blocker, acls: List[Acl] )(implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F]): GcsStore[F] = new GcsStore(storage, blocker, acls) }
Example 42
Source File: FileStore.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package blobstore package fs import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, Path => NioPath} import java.util.Date import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Sync} import fs2.{Pipe, Stream} final class FileStore[F[_]](fsroot: NioPath, blocker: Blocker)(implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F]) extends Store[F] { val absRoot: String = fsroot.toAbsolutePath.normalize.toString override def list(path: Path): fs2.Stream[F, Path] = { val isDir = Stream.eval(F.delay(Files.isDirectory(path))) val isFile = Stream.eval(F.delay(Files.exists(path))) val files = Stream.eval(F.delay(Files.list(path))) .flatMap(x => Stream.fromIterator(x.iterator.asScala)) .evalMap(x => F.delay( Path(x.toAbsolutePath.toString.replaceFirst(absRoot, "")).copy( size = Option(Files.size(x)), isDir = Files.isDirectory(x), lastModified = Option(new Date(Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toMillis)) ) )) val file = fs2.Stream.eval { F.delay { path.copy( size = Option(Files.size(path)), lastModified = Option(new Date(Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toMillis)) ) } } isDir.ifM(files, isFile.ifM(file, Stream.empty.covaryAll[F, Path])) } override def get(path: Path, chunkSize: Int): fs2.Stream[F, Byte] =[F](path, blocker, chunkSize) override def put(path: Path): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] = { in => val mkdir = Stream.eval(F.delay(Files.createDirectories(_toNioPath(path).getParent)).as(true)) mkdir.ifM(, blocker).apply(in), Stream.raiseError[F](new Exception(s"failed to create dir: $path")) ) } override def move(src: Path, dst: Path): F[Unit] = F.delay { Files.createDirectories(_toNioPath(dst).getParent) Files.move(src, dst) }.void override def copy(src: Path, dst: Path): F[Unit] = { F.delay { Files.createDirectories(_toNioPath(dst).getParent) Files.copy(src, dst) }.void } override def remove(path: Path): F[Unit] = F.delay({ Files.deleteIfExists(path) () }) implicit private def _toNioPath(path: Path): NioPath = Paths.get(absRoot, path.root, path.key) } object FileStore{ def apply[F[_]](fsroot: NioPath, blocker: Blocker)(implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F]): FileStore[F] = new FileStore(fsroot, blocker) }
Example 43
Source File: package.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import java.nio.file.Files import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync, Blocker} import fs2.{Pipe, Pull, Stream} import cats.implicits._ package object blobstore { protected[blobstore] def _writeAllToOutputStream1[F[_]](in: Stream[F, Byte], out: OutputStream, blocker: Blocker)( implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F]): Pull[F, Nothing, Unit] = { in.pull.uncons.flatMap { case None => Pull.done case Some((hd, tl)) => Pull.eval[F, Unit](blocker.delay(out.write(hd.toArray))) >> _writeAllToOutputStream1(tl, out, blocker) } } protected[blobstore] def bufferToDisk[F[_]](chunkSize: Int, blocker: Blocker)(implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F]) : Pipe[F, Byte, (Long, Stream[F, Byte])] = { in => Stream.bracket(F.delay(Files.createTempFile("bufferToDisk", ".bin")))( p => F.delay(p.toFile.delete).void).flatMap { p => in.through(, blocker)).drain ++ Stream.emit((p.toFile.length,, blocker, chunkSize))) } } }
Example 44
Source File: IngestionFlowSpec.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO} import hydra.avro.registry.SchemaRegistry import hydra.core.ingest.HydraRequest import hydra.core.ingest.RequestParams.{HYDRA_KAFKA_TOPIC_PARAM,HYDRA_RECORD_KEY_PARAM} import import hydra.kafka.algebras.KafkaClientAlgebra import org.apache.avro.{Schema, SchemaBuilder} import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class IngestionFlowSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private implicit val concurrentEffect: Concurrent[IO] = IO.ioConcurrentEffect private implicit val mode: scalacache.Mode[IO] = scalacache.CatsEffect.modes.async private val testSubject: String = "test_subject" private val testSubjectNoKey: String = "test_subject_no_key" private val testKey: String = "test" private val testPayload: String = s"""{"id": "$testKey", "testField": true}""" private val testSchema: Schema = SchemaBuilder.record("TestRecord") .prop("hydra.key", "id") .fields().requiredString("id").requiredBoolean("testField").endRecord() private val testSchemaNoKey: Schema = SchemaBuilder.record("TestRecordNoKey") .fields().requiredString("id").requiredBoolean("testField").endRecord() private def ingest(request: HydraRequest): IO[KafkaClientAlgebra[IO]] = for { schemaRegistry <- SchemaRegistry.test[IO] _ <- schemaRegistry.registerSchema(testSubject + "-value", testSchema) _ <- schemaRegistry.registerSchema(testSubjectNoKey + "-value", testSchemaNoKey) kafkaClient <- KafkaClientAlgebra.test[IO] ingestFlow <- IO(new IngestionFlow[IO](schemaRegistry, kafkaClient, "https://schemaRegistry.notreal")) _ <- ingestFlow.ingest(request) } yield kafkaClient it should "ingest a message" in { val testRequest = HydraRequest("correlationId", testPayload, metadata = Map(HYDRA_KAFKA_TOPIC_PARAM -> testSubject)) ingest(testRequest).flatMap { kafkaClient => kafkaClient.consumeStringKeyMessages(testSubject, "test-consumer").take(1) { publishedMessages => val firstMessage = publishedMessages.head (firstMessage._1, firstMessage._2.get.toString) shouldBe (Some(testKey), testPayload) } }.unsafeRunSync() } it should "ingest a message with a null key" in { val testRequest = HydraRequest("correlationId", testPayload, metadata = Map(HYDRA_KAFKA_TOPIC_PARAM -> testSubjectNoKey)) ingest(testRequest).flatMap { kafkaClient => kafkaClient.consumeStringKeyMessages(testSubjectNoKey, "test-consumer").take(1) { publishedMessages => val firstMessage = publishedMessages.head (firstMessage._1, firstMessage._2.get.toString) shouldBe (None, testPayload) } }.unsafeRunSync() } it should "return an error when no topic name is provided" in { val testRequest = HydraRequest("correlationId", testPayload) ingest(testRequest).attempt.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe Left(MissingTopicNameException(testRequest)) } it should "take the key from the header if present" in { val headerKey = "someDifferentKey" val testRequest = HydraRequest("correlationId", testPayload, metadata = Map(HYDRA_RECORD_KEY_PARAM -> headerKey, HYDRA_KAFKA_TOPIC_PARAM -> testSubject)) ingest(testRequest).flatMap { kafkaClient => kafkaClient.consumeStringKeyMessages(testSubject, "test-consumer").take(1) { publishedMessages => val firstMessage = publishedMessages.head (firstMessage._1, firstMessage._2.get.toString) shouldBe (Some(headerKey), testPayload) } }.unsafeRunSync() } }
Example 45
Source File: KafkaAdminAlgebra.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.kafka.algebras import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.effect.{Async, Concurrent, ContextShift, Resource, Sync} import cats.implicits._ import fs2.kafka._ import hydra.core.protocol._ import hydra.kafka.util.KafkaUtils.TopicDetails import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.NewTopic import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownTopicOrPartitionException import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace def deleteTopic(name: String): F[Unit] } object KafkaAdminAlgebra { type TopicName = String final case class Topic(name: TopicName, numberPartitions: Int) def live[F[_]: Sync: Concurrent: ContextShift]( bootstrapServers: String, ): F[KafkaAdminAlgebra[F]] = Sync[F].delay { new KafkaAdminAlgebra[F] { override def describeTopic(name: TopicName): F[Option[Topic]] = { getAdminClientResource .use(_.describeTopics(name :: Nil)) .map( { td => Topic(, td.partitions().size()) }) .recover { case _: UnknownTopicOrPartitionException => None } } override def getTopicNames: F[List[TopicName]] = getAdminClientResource.use( override def createTopic(name: TopicName, d: TopicDetails): F[Unit] = { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val newTopic = new NewTopic(name, d.numPartitions, d.replicationFactor) .configs(d.configs.asJava) getAdminClientResource.use(_.createTopic(newTopic)) } override def deleteTopic(name: String): F[Unit] = getAdminClientResource.use(_.deleteTopic(name)) private def getAdminClientResource: Resource[F, KafkaAdminClient[F]] = { adminClientResource( AdminClientSettings.apply.withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers) ) } } } def test[F[_]: Sync]: F[KafkaAdminAlgebra[F]] = Ref[F].of(Map[TopicName, Topic]()).flatMap(getTestKafkaClient[F]) private[this] def getTestKafkaClient[F[_]: Sync]( ref: Ref[F, Map[TopicName, Topic]] ): F[KafkaAdminAlgebra[F]] = Sync[F].delay { new KafkaAdminAlgebra[F] { override def describeTopic(name: TopicName): F[Option[Topic]] = override def getTopicNames: F[List[TopicName]] = override def createTopic( name: TopicName, details: TopicDetails ): F[Unit] = { val entry = name -> Topic(name, details.numPartitions) ref.update(old => old + entry) } override def deleteTopic(name: String): F[Unit] = ref.update(_ - name) } } }
Example 46
Source File: KafkaAdminAlgebraSpec.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.kafka.algebras import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import hydra.kafka.util.KafkaUtils.TopicDetails import net.manub.embeddedkafka.{EmbeddedKafka, EmbeddedKafkaConfig} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext final class KafkaAdminAlgebraSpec extends AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with EmbeddedKafka { private val port = 8023 implicit private val kafkaConfig: EmbeddedKafkaConfig = EmbeddedKafkaConfig(kafkaPort = port, zooKeeperPort = 3027) implicit private val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit private val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem( "kafka-client-spec-system" ) override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() EmbeddedKafka.start() } override def afterAll(): Unit = { super.afterAll() EmbeddedKafka.stop() } (for { live <- KafkaAdminAlgebra .live[IO](s"localhost:$port") test <- KafkaAdminAlgebra.test[IO] } yield { runTests(live) runTests(test, isTest = true) }).unsafeRunSync() private def runTests(kafkaClient: KafkaAdminAlgebra[IO], isTest: Boolean = false): Unit = { (if (isTest) "KafkaAdmin#test" else "KafkaAdmin#live") must { "create a topic" in { val topicName = "Topic1" val topicDetails = TopicDetails(3, 1.toShort) (kafkaClient.createTopic(topicName, topicDetails) *> kafkaClient .describeTopic(topicName) .map { case Some(topic) => shouldBe topicName topic.numberPartitions shouldBe topicDetails.numPartitions case None => fail("Found None when a Topic was Expected") }).unsafeRunSync() } "list all topics" in { kafkaClient.getTopicNames.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe List("Topic1") } "delete a topic" in { val topicToDelete = "topic_to_delete" (for { _ <- kafkaClient.createTopic(topicToDelete, TopicDetails(1, 1)) _ <- kafkaClient.deleteTopic(topicToDelete) maybeTopic <- kafkaClient.describeTopic(topicToDelete) } yield maybeTopic should not be defined).unsafeRunSync() } } } }
Example 47
Source File: MetadataAlgebraSpec.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.kafka.algebras import java.time.Instant import import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Sync, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import hydra.avro.registry.SchemaRegistry import hydra.core.marshallers.History import hydra.kafka.algebras.MetadataAlgebra.TopicMetadataContainer import hydra.kafka.model.ContactMethod.Slack import hydra.kafka.model.TopicMetadataV2Request.Subject import hydra.kafka.model.{Public, StreamTypeV2, TopicMetadataV2, TopicMetadataV2Key, TopicMetadataV2Request, TopicMetadataV2Value} import io.chrisdavenport.log4cats.SelfAwareStructuredLogger import io.chrisdavenport.log4cats.slf4j.Slf4jLogger import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord import org.scalatest.Assertion import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike import retry.RetryPolicies._ import retry.syntax.all._ import retry.{RetryPolicy, _} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ class MetadataAlgebraSpec extends AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers { implicit private val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private implicit val concurrentEffect: Concurrent[IO] = IO.ioConcurrentEffect private implicit val policy: RetryPolicy[IO] = limitRetries[IO](5) |+| exponentialBackoff[IO](500.milliseconds) private implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( private implicit def noop[A]: (A, RetryDetails) => IO[Unit] = retry.noop[IO, A] implicit private def unsafeLogger[F[_]: Sync]: SelfAwareStructuredLogger[F] = Slf4jLogger.getLogger[F] private implicit class RetryAndAssert[A](boolIO: IO[A]) { def retryIfFalse(check: A => Boolean): IO[Assertion] =, policy, noop).map(assert(_)) } private val metadataTopicName = "_internal.metadataTopic" private val consumerGroup = "Consumer Group" (for { kafkaClient <- KafkaClientAlgebra.test[IO] schemaRegistry <- SchemaRegistry.test[IO] metadata <- MetadataAlgebra.make(metadataTopicName, consumerGroup, kafkaClient, schemaRegistry, consumeMetadataEnabled = true) } yield { runTests(metadata, kafkaClient) }).unsafeRunSync() private def runTests(metadataAlgebra: MetadataAlgebra[IO], kafkaClientAlgebra: KafkaClientAlgebra[IO]): Unit = { "MetadataAlgebraSpec" should { "retrieve none for non-existant topic" in { val subject = Subject.createValidated("Non-existantTopic").get metadataAlgebra.getMetadataFor(subject).unsafeRunSync() shouldBe None } "retrieve metadata" in { val subject = Subject.createValidated("subject1").get val (genericRecordsIO, key, value) = getMetadataGenericRecords(subject) (for { record <- genericRecordsIO _ <- kafkaClientAlgebra.publishMessage(record, metadataTopicName) _ <- metadataAlgebra.getMetadataFor(subject).retryIfFalse(_.isDefined) metadata <- metadataAlgebra.getMetadataFor(subject) } yield metadata shouldBe Some(TopicMetadataContainer(key, value, None, None))).unsafeRunSync() } "retrieve all metadata" in { val subject = Subject.createValidated("subject2").get val (genericRecordsIO, key, value) = getMetadataGenericRecords(subject) (for { record <- genericRecordsIO _ <- kafkaClientAlgebra.publishMessage(record, metadataTopicName) _ <- metadataAlgebra.getMetadataFor(subject).retryIfFalse(_.isDefined) allMetadata <- metadataAlgebra.getAllMetadata } yield allMetadata should have length 2).unsafeRunSync() } } } private def getMetadataGenericRecords(subject: Subject): (IO[(GenericRecord, Option[GenericRecord])], TopicMetadataV2Key, TopicMetadataV2Value) = { val key = TopicMetadataV2Key(subject) val value = TopicMetadataV2Value( StreamTypeV2.Entity, deprecated = false, Public,"#channel").get),, List(), None) (TopicMetadataV2.encode[IO](key, Some(value)), key, value) } }
Example 48
Source File: OutwatchSpec.scala From outwatch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch import scala.concurrent.Future import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.IO import monix.execution.Ack.Continue import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler import monix.execution.{Cancelable, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.Observable import org.scalajs.dom.{document, window} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import org.scalatest._ import outwatch.Deprecated.IgnoreWarnings.initEvent import org.scalatest.flatspec.{ AnyFlatSpec, AsyncFlatSpec } import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait EasySubscribe { implicit class Subscriber[T](obs: Observable[T]) { def apply(next: T => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable = obs.subscribe { t => next(t) Continue } } } // TODO: We need this mock until localStorage is implemented in jsdom ( trait LocalStorageMock { import scala.collection.mutable import scala.scalajs.js if (js.isUndefined(window.localStorage)) { val storageObject = new js.Object { private val map = new mutable.HashMap[String, String] def getItem(key: String): String = map.getOrElse(key, null) def setItem(key: String, value: String): Unit = { map += key -> value } def removeItem(key: String): Unit = { map -= key } def clear(): Unit = map.clear() }"localStorage")(storageObject) } def dispatchStorageEvent(key: String, newValue: String, oldValue: String): Unit = { if (key == null) window.localStorage.clear() else window.localStorage.setItem(key, newValue) val event = document.createEvent("Events") initEvent(event)("storage", canBubbleArg = true, cancelableArg = false) event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].key = key event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].newValue = newValue event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].oldValue = oldValue event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].storageArea = window.localStorage window.dispatchEvent(event) () } } trait OutwatchSpec extends Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach with EasySubscribe with LocalStorageMock { self: Suite => implicit val scheduler: TrampolineScheduler = TrampolineScheduler(, SynchronousExecution) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(scheduler) override def beforeEach(): Unit = { document.body.innerHTML = "" window.localStorage.clear() // prepare body with <div id="app"></div> val root = document.createElement("div") = "app" document.body.appendChild(root) () } } abstract class JSDomSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with OutwatchSpec { implicit def executionContext = scheduler } abstract class JSDomAsyncSpec extends AsyncFlatSpec with OutwatchSpec { override def executionContext = scheduler implicit def ioAssertionToFutureAssertion(io: IO[Assertion]): Future[Assertion] = io.unsafeToFuture() }
Example 49
Source File: MTLSpecs.scala From shims with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shims.effect import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.effect.laws.discipline.{arbitrary, AsyncTests, ConcurrentEffectTests, ConcurrentTests}, arbitrary._ import cats.effect.laws.util.{TestContext, TestInstances}, TestInstances._ import cats.{Eq, Functor, Monad} import cats.instances.either._ import import cats.instances.option._ import cats.instances.tuple._ import cats.instances.unit._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import scalaz.{EitherT, Kleisli, OptionT, StateT, WriterT} import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Prop} import org.specs2.Specification import org.specs2.scalacheck.Parameters import org.specs2.specification.core.Fragments import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws import org.typelevel.discipline.specs2.Discipline import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.util.control.NonFatal import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} object MTLSpecs extends Specification with Discipline { def is = br ^ checkAllAsync("OptionT[IO, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentTests[OptionT[IO, ?]].concurrent[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("Kleisli[IO, Int, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentTests[Kleisli[IO, Int, ?]].concurrent[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("EitherT[IO, Throwable, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentEffectTests[EitherT[IO, Throwable, ?]].concurrentEffect[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("StateT[IO, Int, ?]", implicit ctx => AsyncTests[StateT[IO, Int, ?]].async[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("WriterT[IO, Int, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentEffectTests[WriterT[IO, Int, ?]].concurrentEffect[Int, Int, Int]) def checkAllAsync(name: String, f: TestContext => Laws#RuleSet)(implicit p: Parameters) = { val context = TestContext() val ruleSet = f(context) Fragments.foreach( { case (id, prop) => s"$name.$id" ! check(Prop(p => silenceSystemErr(prop(p))), p, defaultFreqMapPretty) ^ br } } implicit def iocsForEC(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit def optionTArbitrary[F[_], A](implicit arbFA: Arbitrary[F[Option[A]]]): Arbitrary[OptionT[F, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def kleisliArbitrary[F[_], R, A](implicit arbRFA: Arbitrary[R => F[A]]): Arbitrary[Kleisli[F, R, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def eitherTArbitrary[F[_]: Functor, L, A](implicit arbEA: Arbitrary[F[Either[L, A]]]): Arbitrary[EitherT[F, L, A]] = Arbitrary( => EitherT.eitherT( implicit def stateTArbitrary[F[_]: Monad, S, A](implicit arbSFA: Arbitrary[S => F[(S, A)]]): Arbitrary[StateT[F, S, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def writerTArbitrary[F[_], L, A](implicit arbFLA: Arbitrary[F[(L, A)]]): Arbitrary[WriterT[F, L, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def kleisliEq[F[_], A](implicit eqv: Eq[F[A]]): Eq[Kleisli[F, Int, A]] = // totally random and comprehensive seed implicit def stateTEq[F[_]: Monad, S, A](implicit eqv: Eq[F[(Int, A)]]): Eq[StateT[F, Int, A]] = // totally random and comprehensive seed // copied from cats-effect private def silenceSystemErr[A](thunk: => A): A = synchronized { // Silencing System.err val oldErr = System.err val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val fakeErr = new PrintStream(outStream) System.setErr(fakeErr) try { val result = thunk System.setErr(oldErr) result } catch { case NonFatal(e) => System.setErr(oldErr) // In case of errors, print whatever was caught fakeErr.close() val out = outStream.toString("utf-8") if (out.nonEmpty) oldErr.println(out) throw e } } }
Example 50
Source File: AjaxClient.scala From canoe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package canoe.api.clients import canoe.api.{FailedMethod, ResponseDecodingError, TelegramClient} import canoe.methods.Method import canoe.models.Response import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift} import cats.syntax.all._ import io.circe.Decoder import io.circe.parser.decode import org.scalajs.dom.console import org.scalajs.dom.ext.Ajax private[api] class AjaxClient[F[_]: Async: ContextShift](token: String) extends TelegramClient[F] { private val botApiUri: String = s"$token" def execute[Req, Res](request: Req)(implicit M: Method[Req, Res]): F[Res] = { implicit val responseDecoder: Decoder[Response[Res]] = Response.decoder[Res](M.decoder) sendJsonRequest(request, M).map(decode[Response[Res]]).flatMap { case Left(error) => handleUnknownEntity(, request, error.getMessage) case Right(response) => handleTelegramResponse(M, request)(response) } } private def handleUnknownEntity[I, A](method: String, input: I, error: String): F[A] = { console.error( s"Received unknown Telegram entity during execution of '$method' method. \nInput data: $input. \n${error}" ) ResponseDecodingError(error.toString).raiseError[F, A] } private def handleTelegramResponse[A, I, C](m: Method[I, A], input: I)(response: Response[A]): F[A] = response match { case Response(true, Some(result), _, _, _) => result.pure[F] case failed => console.error(s"Received failed response from Telegram: $failed. Method name: ${}, input data: $input") FailedMethod(m, input, failed).raiseError[F, A] } private def sendJsonRequest[Req, Res](request: Req, method: Method[Req, Res]): F[String] = { val url = s"$botApiUri/${}" val json = method.encoder.apply(request).toString Async .fromFuture(F.delay(, json, headers = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json")))) .map(_.responseText) } }
Example 51
Source File: Http4sClientEndpointsJsonSchemaTest.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package endpoints4s.http4s.client import endpoints4s.algebra import endpoints4s.algebra.client import cats.effect.Sync import org.http4s.client.Client import cats.effect.IO import scala.concurrent.Future import import org.http4s.client.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpClient import cats.effect.ContextShift import endpoints4s.algebra.circe import org.http4s.Uri class TestJsonSchemaClient[F[_]: Sync](host: Uri, client: Client[F]) extends Endpoints[F](host, client) with BasicAuthentication with JsonEntitiesFromCodecs with algebra.BasicAuthenticationTestApi with algebra.EndpointsTestApi with algebra.JsonFromCodecTestApi with algebra.SumTypedEntitiesTestApi with circe.JsonFromCirceCodecTestApi with circe.JsonEntitiesFromCodecs class Http4sClientEndpointsJsonSchemaTest extends client.EndpointsTestSuite[TestJsonSchemaClient[IO]] with client.BasicAuthTestSuite[TestJsonSchemaClient[IO]] with client.JsonFromCodecTestSuite[TestJsonSchemaClient[IO]] with client.SumTypedEntitiesTestSuite[TestJsonSchemaClient[IO]] { implicit val ctx: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) val (ahc, shutdown) = AsyncHttpClient.allocate[IO]().unsafeRunSync() val client = new TestJsonSchemaClient[IO]( Uri.unsafeFromString(s"http://localhost:$wiremockPort"), ahc ) def call[Req, Resp]( endpoint: client.Endpoint[Req, Resp], args: Req ): Future[Resp] = { Thread.sleep(50) val eventualResponse = endpoint(args) Thread.sleep(50) eventualResponse.unsafeToFuture() } def encodeUrl[A](url: client.Url[A])(a: A): String = url.encodeUrl(a).toOption.get.renderString clientTestSuite() basicAuthSuite() jsonFromCodecTestSuite() override def afterAll(): Unit = { shutdown.unsafeRunSync() super.afterAll() } }
Example 52
Source File: ServerInterpreterTest.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package endpoints4s.http4s.server import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import endpoints4s.{Invalid, Valid} import endpoints4s.algebra.server.{ BasicAuthenticationTestSuite, DecodedUrl, EndpointsTestSuite, JsonEntitiesFromSchemasTestSuite, SumTypedEntitiesTestSuite, TextEntitiesTestSuite } import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.{HttpRoutes, Uri} import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.syntax.kleisli._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class ServerInterpreterTest extends EndpointsTestSuite[EndpointsTestApi] with BasicAuthenticationTestSuite[EndpointsTestApi] with JsonEntitiesFromSchemasTestSuite[EndpointsTestApi] with TextEntitiesTestSuite[EndpointsTestApi] with SumTypedEntitiesTestSuite[EndpointsTestApi] { val serverApi = new EndpointsTestApi() def decodeUrl[A](url: serverApi.Url[A])(rawValue: String): DecodedUrl[A] = { val uri = Uri.fromString(rawValue).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Illegal URI: $rawValue")) url.decodeUrl(uri) match { case None => DecodedUrl.NotMatched case Some(Invalid(errors)) => DecodedUrl.Malformed(errors) case Some(Valid(a)) => DecodedUrl.Matched(a) } } private def serveGeneralEndpoint[Req, Resp]( endpoint: serverApi.Endpoint[Req, Resp], request2response: Req => Resp )(runTests: Int => Unit): Unit = { val port = { val socket = new ServerSocket(0) try socket.getLocalPort finally if (socket != null) socket.close() } implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( val service = HttpRoutes.of[IO](endpoint.implementedBy(request2response)) val httpApp = Router("/" -> service).orNotFound val server = BlazeServerBuilder[IO]( .bindHttp(port, "localhost") .withHttpApp(httpApp) server.resource.use(_ => IO(runTests(port))).unsafeRunSync() } def serveEndpoint[Resp]( endpoint: serverApi.Endpoint[_, Resp], response: => Resp )(runTests: Int => Unit): Unit = serveGeneralEndpoint(endpoint, (_: Any) => response)(runTests) def serveIdentityEndpoint[Resp]( endpoint: serverApi.Endpoint[Resp, Resp] )(runTests: Int => Unit): Unit = serveGeneralEndpoint(endpoint, identity[Resp])(runTests) }
Example 53
Source File: RerunnableContextShift.scala From catbird with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.catbird.util.effect import cats.effect.ContextShift import com.twitter.util.{ Future, FuturePool, Promise } import io.catbird.util.Rerunnable import scala.Unit import java.lang.Runnable import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutorService } object Implicits { final implicit def global: ContextShift[Rerunnable] = } } final private[effect] class RerunnableContextShift private (ec: ExecutionContext) extends ContextShift[Rerunnable] { private final lazy val futurePool = FuturePool.interruptible(ec.asInstanceOf[ExecutionContextExecutorService]) override def shift: Rerunnable[Unit] = Rerunnable.withFuturePool(futurePool)(()) // This is a bit of a hack, but it will have to do override def evalOn[A](targetEc: ExecutionContext)(fa: Rerunnable[A]): Rerunnable[A] = for { r <- executeOn(targetEc)(fa).liftToTry _ <- shift a <- Rerunnable.fromFuture(Future.value(r).lowerFromTry) } yield a private def executeOn[A](targetEc: ExecutionContext)(fa: Rerunnable[A]): Rerunnable[A] = Rerunnable.fromFuture { val p = Promise[A]() targetEc.execute(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit =[A](p) }) p } }
Example 54
Source File: RerunnableContextShiftSuite.scala From catbird with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.catbird.util.effect import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO, Sync } import com.twitter.util.{ Await, Future, FuturePool } import io.catbird.util.Rerunnable import org.scalatest.Outcome import org.scalatest.funsuite.FixtureAnyFunSuite class RerunnableContextShiftSuite extends FixtureAnyFunSuite with ThreadPoolNamingSupport { protected final class FixtureParam { val futurePoolName = "future-pool" val otherPoolName = "other-pool" val ioPoolName = "io-pool" val futurePool = FuturePool.interruptible(newNamedThreadPool(futurePoolName)) val otherPool = newNamedThreadPool(otherPoolName) val ioPool = newNamedThreadPool(ioPoolName) def newIO: IO[String] = IO(currentThreadName()) def newFuture: Future[String] = futurePool(currentThreadName()) def newRerunnable: Rerunnable[String] = Rerunnable(currentThreadName()) } test("ContextShift[Rerunnable].shift shifts to the pool of the instance") { f => implicit val cs: ContextShift[Rerunnable] = RerunnableContextShift.fromExecutionContext(f.ioPool) val (poolName1, poolName2, poolName3) = (for { poolName1 <- Rerunnable.fromFuture(f.newFuture) _ <- ContextShift[Rerunnable](cs).shift poolName2 <- Sync[Rerunnable].delay(currentThreadName()) poolName3 <- Rerunnable.fromFuture(f.newFuture) } yield (poolName1, poolName2, poolName3)).run.await assert(poolName1 == f.futurePoolName) assert(poolName2 == f.ioPoolName) assert(poolName2 == f.ioPoolName) } test("ContextShift[Rerunnable].evalOn executes on correct pool and shifts back to previous pool") { f => implicit val cs: ContextShift[Rerunnable] = RerunnableContextShift.fromExecutionContext(f.ioPool) val (poolName1, poolName2, poolName3) = (for { poolName1 <- f.newRerunnable poolName2 <- ContextShift[Rerunnable].evalOn(f.otherPool)(f.newRerunnable) poolName3 <- f.newRerunnable } yield (poolName1, poolName2, poolName3)).run.await assert(poolName1 == currentThreadName()) // The first rerunnable is not explicitly evaluated on a dedicated pool assert(poolName2 == f.otherPoolName) assert(poolName3 == f.ioPoolName) } test("ContextShift[Rerunnable].evalOn executes on correct pool and shifts back to future pool") { f => implicit val cs: ContextShift[Rerunnable] = RerunnableContextShift.fromExecutionContext(f.ioPool) val (poolName1, poolName2, poolName3) = (for { poolName1 <- Rerunnable.fromFuture(f.newFuture) // The future was started on a dedicated pool (e.g. netty) poolName2 <- ContextShift[Rerunnable].evalOn(f.otherPool)(f.newRerunnable) poolName3 <- Rerunnable.fromFuture(f.newFuture) } yield (poolName1, poolName2, poolName3)).run.await assert(poolName1 == f.futurePoolName) assert(poolName2 == f.otherPoolName) assert(poolName3 == f.futurePoolName) } implicit private class FutureAwaitOps[A](future: Future[A]) { def await: A = Await.result(future) } override protected def withFixture(test: OneArgTest): Outcome = withFixture(test.toNoArgTest(new FixtureParam)) }
Example 55
Source File: ContextShiftingSuite.scala From catbird with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.catbird.util.effect import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO } import com.twitter.util.{ ExecutorServiceFuturePool, Future, FuturePool } import org.scalatest.Outcome import org.scalatest.funsuite.FixtureAnyFunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class ContextShiftingSuite extends FixtureAnyFunSuite with ThreadPoolNamingSupport { protected final class FixtureParam { val ioPoolName = "io-pool" val futurePoolName = "future-pool" val ioPool = newNamedThreadPool(ioPoolName) val futurePool: ExecutorServiceFuturePool = // threadpool of Future (often managed by a library like finagle-http) FuturePool(newNamedThreadPool(futurePoolName)) def newIO: IO[String] = IO(currentThreadName()) def newFuture: Future[String] = futurePool.apply { // Not 100% sure why but this sleep is needed to reproduce the error. There might be an optimization if the // Future is already resolved at some point Thread.sleep(200) currentThreadName() } } test("After resolving the Future with futureToAsync stay on the Future threadpool") { f => implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = // threadpool of IO (often provided by IOApp) IO.contextShift(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(f.ioPool)) val (futurePoolName, ioPoolName) = (for { futurePoolName <- futureToAsync[IO, String](f.newFuture) ioPoolName <- f.newIO } yield (futurePoolName, ioPoolName)).start(contextShift).flatMap(_.join).unsafeRunSync() assert(futurePoolName == f.futurePoolName) assert(ioPoolName == f.futurePoolName) // Uh oh, this is likely not what the user wants } test("After resolving the Future with futureToAsyncAndShift shift back to the threadpool of ContextShift[F]") { f => implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = // threadpool of IO (often provided by IOApp) IO.contextShift(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(f.ioPool)) // If you'd use `futureToAsync` here instead, this whole thing would sometimes stay on the future-pool val (futurePoolName, ioPoolName) = (for { futurePoolName <- futureToAsyncAndShift[IO, String](f.newFuture) ioPoolName <- f.newIO } yield (futurePoolName, ioPoolName)) .start(contextShift) // start the computation on the default threadpool... .flatMap(_.join) // ...then block until we have the results .unsafeRunSync() assert(futurePoolName == f.futurePoolName) assert(ioPoolName == f.ioPoolName) } override protected def withFixture(test: OneArgTest): Outcome = withFixture(test.toNoArgTest(new FixtureParam)) }
Example 56
Source File: package.scala From fs2-blobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import java.nio.file.Files import cats.effect.{Blocker, Concurrent, ContextShift, Resource, Sync} import fs2.{Chunk, Hotswap, Pipe, Pull, RaiseThrowable, Stream} import cats.implicits._ package object blobstore { protected[blobstore] def _writeAllToOutputStream1[F[_]](in: Stream[F, Byte], out: OutputStream, blocker: Blocker)( implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F] ): Pull[F, Nothing, Unit] = { in.pull.uncons.flatMap { case None => Pull.done case Some((hd, tl)) => Pull.eval[F, Unit](blocker.delay(out.write(hd.toArray))) >> _writeAllToOutputStream1(tl, out, blocker) } } protected[blobstore] def bufferToDisk[F[_]]( chunkSize: Int, blocker: Blocker )(implicit F: Sync[F], CS: ContextShift[F]): Pipe[F, Byte, (Long, Stream[F, Byte])] = { in => Stream.bracket(F.delay(Files.createTempFile("bufferToDisk", ".bin")))(p => F.delay(p.toFile.delete).void).flatMap { p => in.through(, blocker)).drain ++ Stream.emit((p.toFile.length,, blocker, chunkSize))) } } private[blobstore] def putRotateBase[F[_]: Concurrent, T]( limit: Long, openNewFile: Resource[F, T] )(consume: T => Chunk[Byte] => F[Unit]): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] = { in => Stream .resource(Hotswap(openNewFile)) .flatMap { case (hotswap, newFile) => goRotate(limit, 0L, in, newFile, hotswap, openNewFile)( consume = consumer => bytes => Pull.eval(consume(consumer)(bytes)).as(consumer), extract = Stream.emit ).stream } } private[blobstore] def goRotate[F[_]: RaiseThrowable, A, B]( limit: Long, acc: Long, s: Stream[F, Byte], consumer: B, hotswap: Hotswap[F, A], resource: Resource[F, A] )( consume: B => Chunk[Byte] => Pull[F, Unit, B], extract: A => Stream[F, B] ): Pull[F, Unit, Unit] = { val toWrite = (limit - acc).min(Int.MaxValue.toLong).toInt s.pull.unconsLimit(toWrite).flatMap { case Some((hd, tl)) => val newAcc = acc + hd.size consume(consumer)(hd).flatMap { consumer => if (newAcc >= limit) { Pull .eval(hotswap.swap(resource)) .flatMap(a => extract(a).pull.headOrError) .flatMap(nc => goRotate(limit, 0L, tl, nc, hotswap, resource)(consume, extract)) } else { goRotate(limit, newAcc, tl, consumer, hotswap, resource)(consume, extract) } } case None => Pull.done } } }
Example 57
Source File: AkkaInterpExampleMain.scala From hammock with MIT License | 5 votes |
package example.interpret import import akka.http.scaladsl.{Http, HttpExt} import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import example.repr.{GetResp, GetRespWithQueryString, Req, Resp} import hammock.{Hammock, Method} import hammock.marshalling._ import hammock.circe.implicits._ import import hammock.akka.AkkaInterpreter._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object AkkaInterpExampleMain extends App { implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val client: HttpExt = Http(actorSystem) //GET val getResp = Hammock .request(Method.GET, getUri, Map()) .as[GetResp] .exec[IO] .unsafeRunSync println(s"GET::Response = $getResp") //GET with query string val getRespWithQueryString = Hammock .request(Method.GET, getUriWithQueryString, Map()) .as[GetRespWithQueryString] .exec[IO] .unsafeRunSync println(s"GET with query string::Response = $getRespWithQueryString") //POST val postResp = Hammock .request(Method.POST, postUri, Map(), Some(Req("name", 4))) .as[Resp] .exec[IO] .unsafeRunSync println(s"POST::Response = $postResp") //PUT val putResp = Hammock .request(Method.PUT, putUri, Map(), Some(Req("name", 4))) .as[Resp] .exec[IO] .unsafeRunSync println(s"PUT::Response = $putResp") //DELETE val deleteResp = Hammock .request(Method.DELETE, deleteUri, Map(), Some(Req("name", 4))) .exec[IO] .unsafeRunSync println(s"DELETE::Response = $deleteResp") actorSystem.terminate() }
Example 58
Source File: Interpreter.scala From hammock with MIT License | 5 votes |
package hammock package js import cats._ import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift} import cats.syntax.applicative._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import import org.scalajs.dom.ext.Ajax import org.scalajs.dom.ext.Ajax.InputData import java.nio.ByteBuffer object Interpreter { def apply[F[_]](implicit F: InterpTrans[F]): InterpTrans[F] = F implicit def instance[F[_]: Async: ContextShift]: InterpTrans[F] = new InterpTrans[F] { def trans: HttpF ~> F = { def doReq(reqF: HttpF[HttpResponse]): F[HttpResponse] = { val timeout = 0 val headers = reqF.req.headers val data: InputData = reqF.req.entity.fold(InputData.str2ajax(""))( _.cata( string => InputData.str2ajax(string.content), bytes => InputData.byteBuffer2ajax(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes.content)), Function.const(InputData.str2ajax(""))) ) val method = toMethod(reqF) for { response <- Async.fromFuture( Async[F].delay(Ajax(,, data, timeout, headers, false, ""))) responseHeaders <- parseHeaders(response.getAllResponseHeaders) status = Status.get(response.status) body = response.responseText } yield HttpResponse(status, responseHeaders, Entity.StringEntity(body)) } def toMethod(reqF: HttpF[HttpResponse]): Method = reqF match { case Options(_) => Method.OPTIONS case Get(_) => Method.GET case Head(_) => Method.HEAD case Post(_) => Method.POST case Put(_) => Method.PUT case Delete(_) => Method.DELETE case Trace(_) => Method.TRACE case Patch(_) => Method.PATCH } def parseHeaders(str: String): F[Map[String, String]] = str match { case null => Map.empty[String, String].pure[F] case string => Async[F].delay( string .split("\r\n") .map({ line => val splitted = line.split(": ") (splitted.head, splitted.tail.mkString("").trim) }) .toMap) } λ[HttpF ~> F] { case req @ (Options(_) | Get(_) | Head(_) | Post(_) | Put(_) | Delete(_) | Trace(_) | Patch(_)) => doReq(req) } } } }
Example 59
Source File: ProcessAlg.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import better.files.File import cats.effect.{Blocker, Concurrent, ContextShift, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.log4cats.Logger import org.scalasteward.core.application.Cli.EnvVar import org.scalasteward.core.application.Config import org.scalasteward.core.util.Nel trait ProcessAlg[F[_]] { def exec(command: Nel[String], cwd: File, extraEnv: (String, String)*): F[List[String]] def execSandboxed(command: Nel[String], cwd: File): F[List[String]] } object ProcessAlg { abstract class UsingFirejail[F[_]](config: Config) extends ProcessAlg[F] { override def execSandboxed(command: Nel[String], cwd: File): F[List[String]] = { val envVars = if (config.disableSandbox) exec(command, cwd, envVars: _*) else { val whitelisted = (cwd.pathAsString :: config.whitelistedDirectories) .map(dir => s"--whitelist=$dir") val readOnly = config.readOnlyDirectories .map(dir => s"--read-only=$dir") exec(Nel("firejail", whitelisted ++ readOnly) ::: command, cwd, envVars: _*) } } } def create[F[_]](blocker: Blocker)(implicit config: Config, contextShift: ContextShift[F], logger: Logger[F], timer: Timer[F], F: Concurrent[F] ): ProcessAlg[F] = new UsingFirejail[F](config) { override def exec( command: Nel[String], cwd: File, extraEnv: (String, String)* ): F[List[String]] = logger.debug(s"Execute ${command.mkString_(" ")}") >> process.slurp[F]( command, Some(cwd.toJava), extraEnv.toMap, config.processTimeout, logger.trace(_), blocker ) } }
Example 60
Source File: TestInstances.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalasteward.core import import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Cogen, Gen} import import org.scalasteward.core.util.Change import org.scalasteward.core.util.Change.{Changed, Unchanged} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object TestInstances { implicit def changeArbitrary[T](implicit arbT: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[Change[T]] = Arbitrary(arbT.arbitrary.flatMap(t => Gen.oneOf(Changed(t), Unchanged(t)))) implicit val ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit val ioLogger: Logger[IO] = Slf4jLogger.getLogger[IO] implicit val ioTimer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( implicit val versionArbitrary: Arbitrary[Version] = { val versionChar = Gen.frequency( (8, Gen.numChar), (5, Gen.const('.')), (3, Gen.alphaChar), (2, Gen.const('-')) ) Arbitrary(Gen.listOf(versionChar).map(_.mkString).map(Version.apply)) } implicit val versionCogen: Cogen[Version] = Cogen( { case Version.Component.Numeric(value) => BigInt(value).toLong case a @ Version.Component.Alpha(_) => a.order.toLong case _ => 0L }.sum) }
Example 61
Source File: IOSuite.scala From kafka-journal with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{Clock, Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics.MeasureDuration import org.scalatest.Succeeded import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future} object IOSuite { val Timeout: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds implicit val executor: ExecutionContextExecutor = implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executor) implicit val concurrentIO: Concurrent[IO] = IO.ioConcurrentEffect implicit val timerIO: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executor) implicit val parallel: Parallel[IO] = IO.ioParallel implicit val measureDuration: MeasureDuration[IO] = MeasureDuration.fromClock(Clock[IO]) def runIO[A](io: IO[A], timeout: FiniteDuration = Timeout): Future[Succeeded.type] = { io.timeout(timeout).as(Succeeded).unsafeToFuture } implicit class IOOps[A](val self: IO[A]) extends AnyVal { def run(timeout: FiniteDuration = Timeout): Future[Succeeded.type] = runIO(self, timeout) } }
Example 62
Source File: Fs2SubscriptionStream.scala From sangria with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sangria.util import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import fs2.Stream import sangria.streaming.SubscriptionStream import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.language.higherKinds object Fs2Support { type IOS[A] = Stream[IO, A] class Fs2SubscriptionStream(implicit CS: ContextShift[IO]) extends SubscriptionStream[IOS] { def supported[T[_]](other: SubscriptionStream[T]) = other.isInstanceOf[Fs2SubscriptionStream] def map[A, B](source: IOS[A])(fn: A => B) = def singleFuture[T](value: Future[T]) = Stream.eval(IO.fromFuture(IO(value))) def single[T](value: T) = Stream.emit(value) def mapFuture[A, B](source: IOS[A])(fn: A => Future[B]) = source.evalMap(a => IO.fromFuture(IO(fn(a)))) def first[T](s: IOS[T]) = def failed[T](e: Throwable) = Stream.raiseError[IO](e) def onComplete[Ctx, Res](result: IOS[Res])(op: => Unit) = result.onFinalize(IO(op)) def flatMapFuture[Ctx, Res, T](future: Future[T])(resultFn: T => IOS[Res]) = Stream.eval(IO.fromFuture(IO(future))).flatMap(resultFn) def merge[T](streams: Vector[IOS[T]]) = if (streams.nonEmpty) streams.tail.foldLeft(streams.head)(_.merge(_)) else throw new IllegalStateException("No streams produced!") def recover[T](stream: IOS[T])(fn: Throwable => T) = stream.handleErrorWith { case e => Stream.emit(fn(e)) } } implicit def observableSubscriptionStream(implicit CS: ContextShift[IO]): SubscriptionStream[IOS] = new Fs2SubscriptionStream }
Example 63
Source File: commands.scala From redis4cats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats import algebra._ import cats.effect.{ Concurrent, ContextShift } trait RedisCommands[F[_], K, V] extends StringCommands[F, K, V] with HashCommands[F, K, V] with SetCommands[F, K, V] with SortedSetCommands[F, K, V] with ListCommands[F, K, V] with GeoCommands[F, K, V] with ConnectionCommands[F] with ServerCommands[F, K] with TransactionalCommands[F, K] with PipelineCommands[F] with ScriptCommands[F, K, V] with KeyCommands[F, K] object RedisCommands { implicit class LiftKOps[F[_], K, V](val cmd: RedisCommands[F, K, V]) extends AnyVal { def liftK[G[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift]: RedisCommands[G, K, V] = cmd.asInstanceOf[BaseRedis[F, K, V]].liftK[G] } }
Example 64
Source File: JRFutureSpec.scala From redis4cats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture import cats.effect.{ Blocker, ContextShift, IO } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import munit.FunSuite class JRFutureSpec extends FunSuite { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val currentThread: IO[String] = IO(Thread.currentThread().getName) test("it shifts back once the Future is converted") { val ioa = Blocker[IO].use { blocker => JRFuture.fromCompletableFuture[IO, String] { IO { val jFuture = new CompletableFuture[String]() jFuture.complete("foo") jFuture } }(blocker) } (ioa *> currentThread) .flatMap(t => IO(assert(t.contains("scala-execution-context-global")))) .unsafeToFuture() } test("it shifts back even when the CompletableFuture fails") { val ioa = Blocker[IO].use { blocker => JRFuture.fromCompletableFuture[IO, String] { IO { val jFuture = new CompletableFuture[String]() jFuture.completeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("Purposely fail")) jFuture } }(blocker) } (ioa.attempt *> currentThread) .flatMap(t => IO(assert(t.contains("scala-execution-context-global")))) .unsafeToFuture() } }
Example 65
Source File: DummyCpgProvider.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.cpg import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, Executors} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.collection.concurrent.Map import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.NewMethod import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.query.{CpgOperationFailure, CpgOperationResult, CpgOperationSuccess} import io.shiftleft.passes.{CpgPass, DiffGraph} import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._ class DummyCpgProvider(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]) extends CpgProvider { private val blocker: Blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2))) private val cpgMap: Map[UUID, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]] = new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]].asScala private val uuidProvider = IO(UUID.randomUUID) private class MyPass(cpg: Cpg) extends CpgPass(cpg) { override def run(): Iterator[DiffGraph] = { implicit val diffGraph: DiffGraph.Builder = DiffGraph.newBuilder NewMethod(name = "main", isExternal = false) Iterator( } } override def createCpg(filenames: Set[String]): IO[UUID] = { val cpg = new Cpg for { cpgId <- uuidProvider _ <- blocker .blockOn(IO(new MyPass(cpg).createAndApply())) .runAsync { case Right(_) => IO(cpgMap.put(cpgId, CpgOperationSuccess(cpg))).map(_ => ()) case Left(ex) => IO(cpgMap.put(cpgId, CpgOperationFailure(ex))).map(_ => ()) } .toIO } yield cpgId } override def retrieveCpg(uuid: UUID): OptionT[IO, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]] = { OptionT.fromOption(cpgMap.get(uuid)) } }
Example 66
Source File: ServerAmmoniteExecutor.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.query import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.console.scripting.AmmoniteExecutor import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, Executors} import scala.collection.concurrent.Map import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ abstract class ServerAmmoniteExecutor(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]) extends AmmoniteExecutor { private val blocker: Blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2))) private val queryResultMap: Map[UUID, CpgOperationResult[String]] = new ConcurrentHashMap[UUID, CpgOperationResult[String]].asScala private val uuidProvider = IO { UUID.randomUUID } def executeQuery(cpg: Cpg, query: String): IO[UUID] = { for { resultUuid <- uuidProvider _ <- blocker .blockOn(runQuery(query, cpg)) .runAsync { case Right(result) => IO(queryResultMap.put(resultUuid, CpgOperationSuccess(result.toString))).map(_ => ()) case Left(ex) => IO(queryResultMap.put(resultUuid, CpgOperationFailure(ex))).map(_ => ()) } .toIO } yield resultUuid } def retrieveQueryResult(queryId: UUID): OptionT[IO, CpgOperationResult[String]] = { OptionT.fromOption(queryResultMap.get(queryId)) } def executeQuerySync(cpg: Cpg, query: String): IO[CpgOperationResult[String]] = { for { result <- runQuery(query, cpg) .map(v => CpgOperationSuccess(v.toString)) .handleErrorWith(err => IO(CpgOperationFailure(err))) } yield result } }
Example 67
Source File: SwaggerRoute.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.route import java.util.concurrent.Executors import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.circe._ import import org.http4s.headers.Location import org.webjars.WebJarAssetLocator import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.route.CpgRoute.ApiError final class SwaggerRoute { private val blockingEc = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor) private val blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext(blockingEc) private implicit val blockingCs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(blockingEc) private val swaggerUiVersion = IO { new WebJarAssetLocator().getWebJars.get("swagger-ui") } private val swaggerUiResources = { ver => s"/META-INF/resources/webjars/swagger-ui/$ver" } private val swaggerUiPath = Path("swagger-ui") val routes: HttpRoutes[IO] = HttpRoutes.of { case GET -> Root / ("swagger-ui" | "docs") => PermanentRedirect(Location(Uri.unsafeFromString("swagger-ui/index.html"))) // TODO discuss with jacob: according to scalac this is unreachable... commenting for now since it probably never worked anyway case req @ GET -> (Root | `swaggerUiPath`) / "swagger.yaml" => StaticFile .fromResource("/swagger.yaml", blocker, Some(req)) .getOrElseF(InternalServerError(ApiError("Swagger documentation is missing.").asJson)) case req @ GET -> path if path.startsWith(swaggerUiPath) => { val file = path.toList.tail.mkString("/", "/", "") match { case f if f == "/index.html" => StaticFile.fromResource[IO]("/swagger-ui/index.html", blocker, Some(req)) case f => OptionT.liftF(swaggerUiResources).flatMap { resources => StaticFile.fromResource[IO](resources + f, blocker, Some(req)) } } file.getOrElseF(InternalServerError(ApiError(s"Requested file [$file] is missing.").asJson)) } } } object SwaggerRoute { def apply(): SwaggerRoute = new SwaggerRoute }
Example 68
Source File: DummyCpgProviderSpec.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.cpg import java.util.UUID import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.BaseSpec import io.shiftleft.cpgserver.query.CpgOperationResult import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps class DummyCpgProviderSpec extends BaseSpec with Eventually { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private def withNewCpgProvider[T](f: DummyCpgProvider => T): T = { f(new DummyCpgProvider) } "Creating a CPG" should { "return a UUID referencing the eventual CPG" in withNewCpgProvider { cpgProvider => noException should be thrownBy cpgProvider.createCpg(Set.empty).unsafeRunSync() } } "Retrieving a CPG" should { "return a success if the CPG was created successfully" in withNewCpgProvider { cpgProvider => val cpgId = cpgProvider.createCpg(Set.empty).unsafeRunSync() eventually(timeout(10 seconds), interval(1 seconds)) { cpgProvider.retrieveCpg(cpgId).value.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe defined } } "return an empty OptionT if the CPG does not exist" in withNewCpgProvider { cpgProvider => cpgProvider.retrieveCpg(UUID.randomUUID) shouldBe OptionT.none[IO, CpgOperationResult[Cpg]] } } }
Example 69
Source File: ServerAmmoniteExecutorSpec.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.cpgserver.query import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg class ServerAmmoniteExecutorSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private class DummyServerAmmoniteExecutor extends ServerAmmoniteExecutor { override protected def predef: String = "import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._" } private def withServerExecutor[T](f: ServerAmmoniteExecutor => T): T = { f(new DummyServerAmmoniteExecutor) } "A ServerAmmoniteExecutor" should { "run a query synchronously" in withServerExecutor { executor => executor.executeQuerySync(Cpg.emptyCpg, "cpg.method.l").unsafeRunSync() should matchPattern { case CpgOperationSuccess("List()") => } } } }
Example 70
Source File: RabbitSuite.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.interpreter import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.BaseSpec import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.config.Fs2RabbitConfig import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class RabbitSuite extends BaseSpec with Fs2RabbitSpec { override implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( override val config: Fs2RabbitConfig = Fs2RabbitConfig( host = "localhost", port = 5672, virtualHost = "/", connectionTimeout = 30, ssl = false, username = "guest".some, password = "guest".some, requeueOnNack = false, requeueOnReject = false, internalQueueSize = 500.some ) }
Example 71
Source File: Publish.scala From fs2-rabbit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.algebra import cats.effect.syntax.effect._ import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Effect, Sync} import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.rabbitmq.client.{AMQP, ReturnListener} import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._ object Publish { def make[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift]( blocker: Blocker ): Publish[F] = new Publish[F] { override def basicPublish(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] = blocker.delay { channel.value.basicPublish( exchangeName.value, routingKey.value,, msg.payload ) } override def basicPublishWithFlag(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, flag: PublishingFlag, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] = blocker.delay { channel.value.basicPublish( exchangeName.value, routingKey.value, flag.mandatory,, msg.payload ) } override def addPublishingListener( channel: AMQPChannel, listener: PublishReturn => F[Unit] ): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay { val returnListener = new ReturnListener { override def handleReturn(replyCode: Int, replyText: String, exchange: String, routingKey: String, properties: AMQP.BasicProperties, body: Array[Byte]): Unit = { val publishReturn = PublishReturn( ReplyCode(replyCode), ReplyText(replyText), ExchangeName(exchange), RoutingKey(routingKey), AmqpProperties.unsafeFrom(properties), AmqpBody(body) ) listener(publishReturn).toIO.unsafeRunAsync(_ => ()) } } channel.value.addReturnListener(returnListener) }.void override def clearPublishingListeners(channel: AMQPChannel): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay { channel.value.clearReturnListeners() }.void } } trait Publish[F[_]] { def basicPublish(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] def basicPublishWithFlag(channel: AMQPChannel, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey, flag: PublishingFlag, msg: AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] def addPublishingListener(channel: AMQPChannel, listener: PublishReturn => F[Unit]): F[Unit] def clearPublishingListeners(channel: AMQPChannel): F[Unit] }
Example 72
Source File: TextExtract.scala From docspell with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package docspell.extract.ocr import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, Sync} import fs2.Stream import docspell.common._ import docspell.extract.internal.Text import docspell.files._ object TextExtract { def extract[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]( in: Stream[F, Byte], blocker: Blocker, logger: Logger[F], lang: String, config: OcrConfig ): Stream[F, Text] = extractOCR(in, blocker, logger, lang, config) def extractOCR[F[_]: Sync: ContextShift]( in: Stream[F, Byte], blocker: Blocker, logger: Logger[F], lang: String, config: OcrConfig ): Stream[F, Text] = Stream .eval(TikaMimetype.detect(in, MimeTypeHint.none)) .flatMap({ case MimeType.pdf => Stream.eval(Ocr.extractPdf(in, blocker, logger, lang, config)).unNoneTerminate case mt if mt.primary == "image" => Ocr.extractImage(in, blocker, logger, lang, config) case mt => raiseError(s"File `$mt` not supported") }) .map(Text.apply) private def raiseError[F[_]: Sync](msg: String): Stream[F, Nothing] = Stream.raiseError[F](new Exception(msg)) }
Example 73
Source File: Commands.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.azavea.franklin.api.commands import cats.effect.{ContextShift, ExitCode, IO} import cats.implicits._ import com.azavea.franklin.crawler.StacImport import com.monovore.decline._ import doobie.Transactor import{rollback, setAutoCommit, unit} import doobie.util.transactor.Strategy import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway object Commands { final case class RunMigrations(databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig) final case class RunServer(apiConfig: ApiConfig, dbConfig: DatabaseConfig) final case class RunImport( catalogRoot: String, config: DatabaseConfig, dryRun: Boolean ) private def runImportOpts(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): Opts[RunImport] = Opts.subcommand("import", "Import a STAC catalog") { ( Options.catalogRoot, Options.databaseConfig, Options.dryRun ).mapN(RunImport) } private def runMigrationsOpts(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): Opts[RunMigrations] = Opts.subcommand("migrate", "Runs migrations against database") { Options.databaseConfig map RunMigrations } private def runServerOpts(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): Opts[RunServer] = Opts.subcommand("serve", "Runs web service") { (Options.apiConfig, Options.databaseConfig) mapN RunServer } def runMigrations(dbConfig: DatabaseConfig): IO[ExitCode] = IO { Flyway .configure() .dataSource( s"${dbConfig.jdbcUrl}", dbConfig.dbUser, dbConfig.dbPass ) .locations("classpath:migrations/") .load() .migrate() ExitCode.Success } def runImport( stacCatalog: String, config: DatabaseConfig, dryRun: Boolean )( implicit contextShift: ContextShift[IO] ): IO[Unit] = { val xa = Transactor.strategy.set( Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( config.driver, config.jdbcUrl, config.dbUser, config.dbPass ), if (dryRun) { Strategy.default.copy(before = setAutoCommit(false), after = rollback, always = unit) } else { Strategy.default } ) new StacImport(stacCatalog).runIO(xa) } def applicationCommand(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): Command[Product] = Command("", "Your Friendly Neighborhood OGC API - Features and STAC Web Service") { runServerOpts orElse runMigrationsOpts orElse runImportOpts } }
Example 74
Source File: CogAssetNodeImplicits.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.azavea.franklin.tile import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.IO import geotrellis.proj4.WebMercator import geotrellis.raster._ import import geotrellis.raster.resample.NearestNeighbor import geotrellis.server.ExtentReification import geotrellis.server.TmsReification import geotrellis.vector.Extent object CogAssetNodeImplicits extends TileUtil { implicit def cogAssetNodeTmsReification: TmsReification[CogAssetNode] = new TmsReification[CogAssetNode] { def tmsReification( self: CogAssetNode, buffer: Int )(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): (Int, Int, Int) => IO[ProjectedRaster[MultibandTile]] = (z: Int, x: Int, y: Int) => { def fetch(xCoord: Int, yCoord: Int): IO[Raster[MultibandTile]] = { self.fetchTile(z, xCoord, yCoord, WebMercator).flatMap(a => IO(a)) } fetch(x, y).map { tile => val extent = tmsLevels(z).mapTransform.keyToExtent(x, y) ProjectedRaster(tile.tile, extent, WebMercator) } } } implicit def cogAssetNodeExtentReification: ExtentReification[CogAssetNode] = new ExtentReification[CogAssetNode] { def extentReification( self: CogAssetNode )(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): (Extent, CellSize) => IO[ProjectedRaster[MultibandTile]] = (extent: Extent, cs: CellSize) => { self.getRasterSource map { rs => rs.resample( TargetRegion(new GridExtent[Long](extent, cs)), NearestNeighbor, AutoHigherResolution ) .read(extent) .map { ProjectedRaster(_, WebMercator) } match { case Some(mbt) => mbt case _ => throw new Exception( s"No tile available for RasterExtent: ${RasterExtent(extent, cs)}" ) } } } } }
Example 75
Source File: TestServices.scala From franklin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.azavea.franklin.api import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Sync} import com.azavea.franklin.api.commands.ApiConfig import{CollectionItemsService, CollectionsService, SearchService} import doobie.Transactor import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.{NonNegInt, PosInt} class TestServices[F[_]: Sync](xa: Transactor[F])(implicit cs: ContextShift[F]) { val apiConfig: ApiConfig = ApiConfig(PosInt(9090), PosInt(9090), "localhost", "http", NonNegInt(30), true, false) val searchService: SearchService[F] = new SearchService[F](apiConfig.apiHost, NonNegInt(30), apiConfig.enableTiles, xa) val collectionsService: CollectionsService[F] = new CollectionsService[F]( xa, apiConfig ) val collectionItemsService: CollectionItemsService[F] = new CollectionItemsService[F]( xa, apiConfig ) }
Example 76
Source File: TVarTest.scala From cats-stm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.timwspence.cats.stm import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class TVarTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers { implicit override def executionContext: ExecutionContext = implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext) test("Get returns current value") { val prog: STM[String] = for { tvar <- TVar.of("hello") value <- tvar.get } yield value for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value shouldBe "hello" } } test("Set changes current value") { val prog: STM[String] = for { tvar <- TVar.of("hello") _ <- tvar.set("world") value <- tvar.get } yield value for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value shouldBe "world" value shouldBe "world" } } test("Modify changes current value") { val prog: STM[String] = for { tvar <- TVar.of("hello") _ <- tvar.modify(_.toUpperCase) value <- tvar.get } yield value for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value shouldBe "HELLO" } } test("Pending transaction is removed on success") { val tvar = TVar.of("foo").commit[IO].unsafeRunSync val prog: STM[String] = for { _ <- tvar.modify(_.toUpperCase) value <- tvar.get } yield value for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value shouldBe "FOO" tvar.value shouldBe "FOO" tvar.pending.get.isEmpty shouldBe true } } test("Pending transaction is removed on failure") { val tvar = TVar.of("foo").commit[IO].unsafeRunSync val prog: STM[String] = for { _ <- tvar.modify(_.toUpperCase) _ <- STM.abort[String](new RuntimeException("boom")) value <- tvar.get } yield value for (_ <- prog.commit[IO].attempt.unsafeToFuture) yield { tvar.value shouldBe "foo" tvar.pending.get.isEmpty shouldBe true } } }
Example 77
Source File: PropertyTests.scala From cats-stm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.timwspence.cats.stm import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import cats.syntax.traverse._ import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.util.Random class MaintainsInvariants extends AnyFunSuite with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers { implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext) val tvarGen: Gen[TVar[Long]] = for { value <- Gen.posNum[Long] } yield TVar.of(value).commit[IO].unsafeRunSync val txnGen: List[TVar[Long]] => Gen[STM[Unit]] = tvars => for { fromIdx <- Gen.choose(0, tvars.length - 1) toIdx <- Gen.choose(0, tvars.length - 1) suchThat (_ != fromIdx) txn <- for { balance <- tvars(fromIdx).get transfer = Math.abs(Random.nextLong()) % balance _ <- tvars(fromIdx).modify(_ - transfer) _ <- tvars(toIdx).modify(_ + transfer) } yield () } yield txn val gen: Gen[(Long, List[TVar[Long]], IO[Unit])] = for { tvars <- Gen.listOfN(50, tvarGen) total = tvars.foldLeft(0L)((acc, tvar) => acc + tvar.value) txns <- Gen.listOf(txnGen(tvars)) commit = txns.traverse(_.commit[IO].start) run = commit.flatMap(l => l.traverse(_.join)).void } yield (total, tvars, run) test("Transactions maintain invariants") { forAll(gen) { g => val total = g._1 val tvars = g._2 val txn = g._3 txn.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe total } } }
Example 78
Source File: TQueueTest.scala From cats-stm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.timwspence.cats.stm import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.instances.string._ import cats.syntax.semigroup._ import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class TQueueTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers { implicit override def executionContext: ExecutionContext = implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext) test("Read removes the first element") { val prog: STM[(String, Boolean)] = for { tqueue <- TQueue.empty[String] _ <- tqueue.put("hello") value <- empty <- tqueue.isEmpty } yield value -> empty for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value._1 shouldBe "hello" value._2 shouldBe true } } test("Peek does not remove the first element") { val prog: STM[(String, Boolean)] = for { tqueue <- TQueue.empty[String] _ <- tqueue.put("hello") value <- tqueue.peek empty <- tqueue.isEmpty } yield value -> empty for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value._1 shouldBe "hello" value._2 shouldBe false } } test("TQueue is FIFO") { val prog: STM[String] = for { tqueue <- TQueue.empty[String] _ <- tqueue.put("hello") _ <- tqueue.put("world") hello <- world <- tqueue.peek } yield hello |+| world for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value shouldBe "helloworld" } } }
Example 79
Source File: TSemaphoreTest.scala From cats-stm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.timwspence.cats.stm import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class TSemaphoreTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers { implicit override def executionContext: ExecutionContext = implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext) test("Acquire decrements the number of permits") { val prog: STM[Long] = for { tsem <- TSemaphore.make(1) _ <- tsem.acquire value <- tsem.available } yield value for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value shouldBe 0 } } test("Release increments the number of permits") { val prog: STM[Long] = for { tsem <- TSemaphore.make(0) _ <- tsem.release value <- tsem.available } yield value for (value <- prog.commit[IO].unsafeToFuture) yield { value shouldBe 1 } } }
Example 80
Source File: AkkaActorIntermediator.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Effect, IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import import retry.CatsEffect._ import retry.syntax.all._ import retry.{RetryDetails, RetryPolicy} import scala.reflect.ClassTag abstract private[akka] class AkkaActorIntermediator[F[_]: Timer]( name: String, selection: ActorRefSelection[F], askTimeout: Timeout )(implicit F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem, policy: RetryPolicy[F]) { implicit private[akka] val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(as.dispatcher) implicit private[akka] def noop[A]: (A, RetryDetails) => F[Unit] = retry.noop[F, A] implicit private val timeout: Timeout = askTimeout private[akka] def send[M <: Msg, Reply, A](id: String, msg: M, f: Reply => A)(implicit Reply: ClassTag[Reply] ): F[A] = selection(name, id).flatMap { ref => val future = IO(ref ? msg) val fa = IO.fromFuture(future).to[F] fa.flatMap[A] { case Reply(value) => F.pure(f(value)) case te: TypeError => F.raiseError(te) case um: UnexpectedMsgId => F.raiseError(um) case cet: CommandEvaluationTimeout[_] => F.raiseError(cet) case cee: CommandEvaluationError[_] => F.raiseError(cee) case other => F.raiseError(TypeError(id, Reply.runtimeClass.getSimpleName, other)) } .retryingOnAllErrors[Throwable] } }
Example 81
Source File: InMemoryAggregateSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import import{Increment, IncrementAsync, Initialize} import{Incremented, Initialized} import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ class InMemoryAggregateSpec extends SourcingSpec { implicit val ctx: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( "An InMemoryAggregate" should { val agg = Aggregate .inMemory[IO, Int]("global", initialState,, AggregateFixture.evaluate[IO]) .unsafeRunSync() "return its name" in { shouldEqual "global" } "update its state when accepting commands" in { agg.evaluateE(1, Increment(0, 2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Incremented(1, 2) agg .evaluate(1, IncrementAsync(1, 5, 200.millis)) .unsafeRunSync() .rightValue shouldEqual (Current(2, 7) -> Incremented(2, 5)) agg.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(2, 7) } "return its current seq nr" in { agg.lastSequenceNr(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual 2L } "test without applying changes" in { agg.test(1, Initialize(0)).unsafeRunSync().leftValue agg.testE(1, Initialize(2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Initialized(3) agg.testS(1, Initialize(2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(3, 0) agg.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(2, 7) } "not update its state if evaluation fails" in { agg.evaluate(1, Initialize(0)).unsafeRunSync().leftValue agg.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(2, 7) } "evaluate commands one at a time" in { agg.evaluateS(1, Initialize(2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(3, 0) agg.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(3, 0) agg.evaluateS(1, IncrementAsync(3, 2, 300.millis)).unsafeToFuture() agg.evaluateE(1, IncrementAsync(4, 2, 20.millis)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Incremented(5, 2) agg.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(5, 4) } "fold over the event stream in order" in { agg .foldLeft(1, (0, true)) { case ((lastRev, succeeded), event) => (event.rev, succeeded && event.rev - lastRev == 1) } .unsafeRunSync() ._2 shouldEqual true } "return all events" in { agg.foldLeft(1, 0) { case (acc, _) => acc + 1 }.unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual 5 } "append events" in { agg.append(2, Incremented(1, 2)).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual 1L agg.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(5, 4) } "return true for existing ids" in { agg.exists(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual true } "return false for unknown ids" in { agg.exists(Int.MaxValue).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual false } "return the sequence number for a snapshot" in { agg.snapshot(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual 5L } } }
Example 82
Source File: ProjectionsSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.persistence.query.Offset import import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestKitBase} import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import import import import import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, DoNotDiscover} import scala.concurrent.duration._ //noinspection TypeAnnotation @DoNotDiscover class ProjectionsSpec extends TestKitBase with AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers with TestHelpers with IOValues with Eventually with BeforeAndAfterAll { implicit override lazy val system: ActorSystem = SystemBuilder.persistence("ProjectionsSpec") implicit private val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(system.dispatcher) override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } "A Projection" should { val id = genString() val persistenceId = s"/some/${genString()}" val projections = memoize(Projections[IO, SomeEvent]).unsafeRunSync() val progress = OffsetProgress(Offset.sequence(42), 42, 42, 0) "store progress" in { projections.ioValue.recordProgress(id, progress).ioValue } "retrieve stored progress" in { projections.ioValue.progress(id).ioValue shouldEqual progress } "retrieve NoProgress for unknown projections" in { projections.ioValue.progress(genString()).ioValue shouldEqual NoProgress } val firstOffset: Offset = Offset.sequence(42) val secondOffset: Offset = Offset.sequence(98) val firstEvent = SomeEvent(1L, "description") val secondEvent = SomeEvent(2L, "description2") "store an event" in { projections.ioValue.recordFailure(id, persistenceId, 1L, firstOffset, firstEvent).ioValue } "store another event" in { projections.ioValue.recordFailure(id, persistenceId, 2L, secondOffset, secondEvent).ioValue } "retrieve stored events" in { val expected = Seq((firstEvent, firstOffset), (secondEvent, secondOffset)) eventually { logOf(projections.ioValue.failures(id)) should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs expected } } "retrieve empty list of events for unknown failure log" in { eventually { logOf(projections.ioValue.failures(genString())) shouldBe empty } } } private def logOf(source: Source[(SomeEvent, Offset), _]): Vector[(SomeEvent, Offset)] = { val f = source.runFold(Vector.empty[(SomeEvent, Offset)])(_ :+ _) IO.fromFuture(IO(f)).ioValue } implicit override def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(30.seconds, 50.milliseconds) } object ProjectionsSpec { final case class SomeEvent(rev: Long, description: String) }
Example 83
Source File: InMemoryStateMachineSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import{Increment, IncrementAsync, Initialize} import import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ class InMemoryStateMachineSpec extends SourcingSpec { implicit val ctx: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( "An InMemoryStateMachine" should { val cache = StateMachine.inMemory[IO, Int]("global", initialState, evaluate[IO]).unsafeRunSync() "return its name" in { shouldEqual "global" } "update its state when accepting commands" in { cache.evaluate(1, Increment(0, 2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(1, 2) cache.evaluate(1, IncrementAsync(1, 5, 200.millis)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(2, 7) cache.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(2, 7) } "test without applying changes" in { cache.test(1, Initialize(0)).unsafeRunSync().leftValue cache.test(1, Initialize(2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(3, 0) cache.test(1, Initialize(2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(3, 0) cache.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(2, 7) } "not update its state if evaluation fails" in { cache.evaluate(1, Initialize(0)).unsafeRunSync().leftValue cache.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(2, 7) } "evaluate commands one at a time" in { cache.evaluate(1, Initialize(2)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(3, 0) cache.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(3, 0) cache.evaluate(1, IncrementAsync(3, 2, 300.millis)).unsafeToFuture() cache.evaluate(1, IncrementAsync(4, 2, 20.millis)).unsafeRunSync().rightValue shouldEqual Current(5, 4) cache.currentState(1).unsafeRunSync() shouldEqual Current(5, 4) } } }
Example 84
Source File: Main.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ContextShift, ExitCode, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import monix.catnap.SchedulerEffect import monix.eval.{Task, TaskApp} // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object Main extends TaskApp { override def run(args: List[String]): Task[ExitCode] = { implicit val cs: ContextShift[Task] = SchedulerEffect.contextShift[Task](scheduler) implicit val tm: Timer[Task] = SchedulerEffect.timer[Task](scheduler) implicit val pl: Parallel[Task] = Task.catsParallel Cli(args, sys.env).recoverWith { case err: CliError => Task.delay(println( } } }
Example 85
Source File: Influx.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, ExitCode, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import com.monovore.decline.Opts import distage.TagK import izumi.distage.model.recursive.LocatorRef final class Influx[F[_]: Timer: Parallel: ContextShift: TagK](locatorOpt: Option[LocatorRef])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F] ) extends AbstractCommand[F](locatorOpt) { def subcommand: Opts[F[ExitCode]] = Opts.subcommand("influxdb", "influxDB projection.") { run } def run: Opts[F[ExitCode]] = Opts.subcommand("run", "Runs the influxDB projection") { { _.use { locator => locator.get[InfluxProjection[F]] } } } } object Influx { final def apply[F[_]: TagK: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: Parallel: ContextShift]( locatorOpt: Option[LocatorRef] = None ): Influx[F] = new Influx[F](locatorOpt) }
Example 86
Source File: Postgres.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, ExitCode, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import com.monovore.decline.Opts import distage.TagK import izumi.distage.model.recursive.LocatorRef final class Postgres[F[_]: Timer: Parallel: ContextShift: TagK](locatorOpt: Option[LocatorRef])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F] ) extends AbstractCommand[F](locatorOpt) { def subcommand: Opts[F[ExitCode]] = Opts.subcommand("postgres", "Postgres database projection.") { run } def run: Opts[F[ExitCode]] = Opts.subcommand("run", "Runs the postgres database projection") { { _.use { locator => locator.get[PostgresProjection[F]] } } } } object Postgres { final def apply[F[_]: TagK: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: Parallel: ContextShift]( locatorOpt: Option[LocatorRef] = None ): Postgres[F] = new Postgres[F](locatorOpt) }
Example 87
Source File: PostgresModule.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer} import import distage.{ModuleDef, TagK} import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor import izumi.distage.model.definition.StandardAxis.Repo import izumi.distage.model.recursive.LocatorRef final class PostgresModule[F[_]: Parallel: ContextShift: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: TagK] extends ModuleDef { make[Postgres[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from { locatorRef: LocatorRef => Postgres[F](Some(locatorRef)) } make[Transactor[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from { (cfg: AppConfig) => Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]( "org.postgresql.Driver", cfg.postgres.jdbcUrl, cfg.postgres.username, cfg.postgres.password ) } make[PostgresProjection[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod) } object PostgresModule { final def apply[F[_]: Parallel: ContextShift: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: TagK]: PostgresModule[F] = new PostgresModule[F] }
Example 88
Source File: Config.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, ExitCode, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import{AbstractCommand, Console} import com.monovore.decline.Opts import com.typesafe.config.ConfigRenderOptions import distage.TagK import izumi.distage.model.recursive.LocatorRef import pureconfig.ConfigWriter final class Config[F[_]: Timer: Parallel: ContextShift: TagK](locatorOpt: Option[LocatorRef])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F] ) extends AbstractCommand[F](locatorOpt) { def subcommand: Opts[F[ExitCode]] = Opts.subcommand("config", "Read or write the tool configuration.") { show } private def show: Opts[F[ExitCode]] = Opts.subcommand("show", "Print the current configuration") { { _.use { locator => val console = locator.get[Console[F]] val cfg = locator.get[AppConfig] console.println(renderConfig(cfg)).as(ExitCode.Success) } } } private def renderConfig(cfg: AppConfig): String = { val opts = ConfigRenderOptions.concise().setComments(false).setJson(false).setFormatted(true) ConfigWriter[AppConfig].to(cfg).render(opts) } } object Config { final def apply[F[_]: TagK: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: Parallel: ContextShift]( locatorOpt: Option[LocatorRef] = None ): Config[F] = new Config[F](locatorOpt) }
Example 89
Source File: AbstractCommand.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Resource, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import com.monovore.decline.Opts import distage.{Injector, TagK} import izumi.distage.model.Locator import izumi.distage.model.definition.StandardAxis.Repo import izumi.distage.model.definition.{Activation, Module, ModuleDef} import izumi.distage.model.plan.Roots import izumi.distage.model.recursive.LocatorRef abstract class AbstractCommand[F[_]: TagK: Timer: ContextShift: Parallel](locatorOpt: Option[LocatorRef])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F] ) { protected def locatorResource: Opts[Resource[F, Locator]] = locatorOpt match { case Some(value) => Opts(Resource.make(F.delay(value.get))(_ => F.unit)) case None => (envConfig.orNone, postgresConfig.orNone, influxConfig.orNone, token.orNone).mapN { case (e, p, i, t) => val res: Resource[F, Module] = Resource.make({ AppConfig.load[F](e, p, i, t).flatMap[Module] { case Left(err) => F.raiseError(err) case Right(value) => val effects = EffectModule[F] val cli = CliModule[F] val config = ConfigModule[F] val postgres = PostgresModule[F] val influx = InfluxModule[F] val modules = effects ++ cli ++ config ++ postgres ++ influx ++ new ModuleDef { make[AppConfig].from(value) } F.pure(modules) } })(_ => F.unit) res.flatMap { modules => Injector(Activation(Repo -> Repo.Prod)).produceF[F](modules, Roots.Everything).toCats } } } }
Example 90
Source File: InfluxDocker.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer} import distage.TagK import izumi.distage.docker.Docker.{ContainerConfig, DockerPort} import izumi.distage.docker.modules.DockerSupportModule import izumi.distage.docker.{ContainerDef, Docker} import izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleDef import org.http4s.Uri object InfluxDocker extends ContainerDef { val primaryPort: DockerPort = DockerPort.TCP(8086) override def config: InfluxDocker.Config = ContainerConfig( image = "library/influxdb:1.8.0", ports = Seq(primaryPort), env = Map("INFLUXDB_REPORTING_DISABLED" -> "true", "INFLUXDB_HTTP_FLUX_ENABLED" -> "true"), reuse = true ) class Module[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Timer: TagK] extends ModuleDef { make[InfluxDocker.Container].fromResource { InfluxDocker.make[F] } make[InfluxHostConfig].from { docker: InfluxDocker.Container => val knownAddress = docker.availablePorts.availablePorts(primaryPort).head InfluxHostConfig(knownAddress.hostV4, knownAddress.port) } // add docker dependencies and override default configuration include(new DockerSupportModule[F] overridenBy new ModuleDef { make[Docker.ClientConfig].from { Docker.ClientConfig( readTimeoutMs = 60000, // long timeout for gh actions connectTimeoutMs = 500, allowReuse = false, useRemote = false, useRegistry = true, remote = None, registry = None ) } }) } final case class InfluxHostConfig(host: String, port: Int) { def endpoint: Uri = Uri.unsafeFromString(s"http://$host:$port") } }
Example 91
Source File: PostgresDocker.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer} import distage.TagK import izumi.distage.docker.Docker.{ContainerConfig, DockerPort} import izumi.distage.docker.modules.DockerSupportModule import izumi.distage.docker.{ContainerDef, Docker} import izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleDef object PostgresDocker extends ContainerDef { val primaryPort: DockerPort = DockerPort.TCP(5432) val password: String = "postgres" override def config: PostgresDocker.Config = ContainerConfig( image = "library/postgres:12.2", ports = Seq(primaryPort), env = Map("POSTGRES_PASSWORD" -> password), reuse = true ) class Module[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Timer: TagK] extends ModuleDef { make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource { PostgresDocker.make[F] } make[PostgresHostConfig].from { docker: PostgresDocker.Container => val knownAddress = docker.availablePorts.availablePorts(primaryPort).head PostgresHostConfig(knownAddress.hostV4, knownAddress.port) } // add docker dependencies and override default configuration include(new DockerSupportModule[F] overridenBy new ModuleDef { make[Docker.ClientConfig].from { Docker.ClientConfig( readTimeoutMs = 60000, // long timeout for gh actions connectTimeoutMs = 500, allowReuse = false, useRemote = false, useRegistry = true, remote = None, registry = None ) } }) } final case class PostgresHostConfig(host: String, port: Int) }
Example 92
Source File: OffsetSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import java.util.UUID import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import import import org.scalatest.OptionValues import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class OffsetSpec extends AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers with OptionValues { implicit protected val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit private val blocker: Blocker = Blocker.liftExecutionContext( implicit private val console: Console[IO] = TestConsole[IO].unsafeRunSync() abstract class Ctx { protected val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID protected val file: Path = Files.createTempFile("offset", ".conf") } "An offset" should { "be loaded from configuration" in new Ctx { Files.writeString(file, uuid.toString) (for { offset <- Offset.load(file) _ = offset.value shouldEqual Offset(uuid) } yield Files.deleteIfExists(file)).unsafeRunSync() } "be loaded from configuration but failed to convert to UUID" in new Ctx { Files.writeString(file, "not-an-uuid") (for { offset <- Offset.load(file) _ = offset shouldEqual None } yield Files.deleteIfExists(file)).unsafeRunSync() } "be written to file" in new Ctx { val offset = Offset(UUID.randomUUID()) (for { _ <- offset.write(file) _ = Files.readString(file) shouldEqual offset.value.toString } yield Files.deleteIfExists(file)).unsafeRunSync() } } }
Example 93
Source File: TestCliModule.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer} import{EventStreamClient, ProjectClient, SparqlClient} import import import import{Cli, Console} import distage.{ModuleDef, TagK} import izumi.distage.model.definition.StandardAxis.Repo import izumi.distage.model.recursive.LocatorRef final class TestCliModule[F[_]: Parallel: ContextShift: Timer: ConcurrentEffect: TagK](events: List[Event]) extends ModuleDef { make[TestConsole[F]].tagged(Repo.Dummy).fromEffect(TestConsole[F]) make[Console[F]].tagged(Repo.Dummy).from { tc: TestConsole[F] => tc } make[ProjectClient[F]] .tagged(Repo.Dummy) .from( new TestProjectClient[F]( // matches the uuids from the events.json file used for testing Map( ( ("e6a84231-5df7-41cf-9d18-286892d119ec", "d576d282-1049-4a0c-9240-ff34b5e879f2"), ("tutorialnexus", "datamodels") ), ( ("a605b71a-377d-4df3-95f8-923149d04106", "a7d69059-8d1d-4dac-800f-90b6b6ab94ee"), ("bbp", "atlas") ) ) ) ) make[SparqlClient[F]].tagged(Repo.Dummy).fromEffect { TestSparqlClient[F](events) } make[EventStreamClient[F]].tagged(Repo.Dummy).from { pc: ProjectClient[F] => new TestEventStreamClient[F](events, pc) } make[Cli[F]].tagged(Repo.Dummy).from { locatorRef: LocatorRef => new Cli[F](Some(locatorRef)) } } object TestCliModule { final def apply[F[_]: Parallel: ContextShift: Timer: ConcurrentEffect: TagK](events: List[Event]): TestCliModule[F] = new TestCliModule[F](events) }
Example 94
Source File: AttributesCache.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Path import java.time.Clock import{ActorRef, ActorSystem} import akka.pattern.{ask, AskTimeoutException} import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Effect, IO} import cats.implicits._ import import{InternalError, OperationTimedOut} import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait AttributesCache[F[_]] { def asyncComputePut(filePath: Path, algorithm: String): Unit } object AttributesCache { private[this] val logger = Logger[this.type] def apply[F[_], Source](implicit system: ActorSystem, clock: Clock, tm: Timeout, F: Effect[F], computation: AttributesComputation[F, Source], config: DigestConfig ): AttributesCache[F] = apply(system.actorOf(AttributesCacheActor.props(computation))) private[attributes] def apply[F[_]]( underlying: ActorRef )(implicit system: ActorSystem, tm: Timeout, F: Effect[F]): AttributesCache[F] = new AttributesCache[F] { implicit private val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(system.dispatcher) override def get(filePath: Path): F[FileAttributes] = IO.fromFuture(IO.shift(system.dispatcher) >> IO(underlying ? Get(filePath))) .to[F] .flatMap[FileAttributes] { case attributes: FileAttributes => F.pure(attributes) case other => logger.error(s"Received unexpected reply from the file attributes cache: '$other'") F.raiseError(InternalError("Unexpected reply from the file attributes cache")) } .recoverWith { case _: AskTimeoutException => F.raiseError(OperationTimedOut("reply from the file attributes cache timed out")) case NonFatal(th) => logger.error("Exception caught while exchanging messages with the file attributes cache", th) F.raiseError(InternalError("Exception caught while exchanging messages with the file attributes cache")) } override def asyncComputePut(filePath: Path, algorithm: String): Unit = underlying ! Compute(filePath) } }
Example 95
Source File: IamIdentitiesClient.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.client.RequestBuilding.Get import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.OAuth2BearerToken import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.FromEntityUnmarshaller import akka.util.ByteString import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Effect, IO} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.ErrorAccumulatingCirceSupport.{DecodingFailures => AccDecodingFailures} import io.circe.Decoder.Result import io.circe.{Decoder, DecodingFailure, HCursor} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class IamIdentitiesClient[F[_]](config: IamClientConfig)(implicit F: Effect[F], as: ActorSystem) extends JsonLdCirceSupport { private val um: FromEntityUnmarshaller[Caller] = unmarshaller[Caller] implicit private val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit private val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) def apply()(implicit credentials: Option[AccessToken]): F[Caller] = credentials match { case Some(token) => execute(Get(config.identitiesIri.asAkka).addCredentials(OAuth2BearerToken(token.value))) case None => F.pure(Caller.anonymous) } private def execute(req: HttpRequest): F[Caller] = { IO.fromFuture(IO(Http().singleRequest(req))).to[F].flatMap { resp => if (resp.status.isSuccess()) IO.fromFuture(IO(um(resp.entity))).to[F].recoverWith { case err: AccDecodingFailures => F.raiseError(IdentitiesSerializationError(err.getMessage)) case err: Error => F.raiseError(IdentitiesSerializationError(err.getMessage)) } else IO.fromFuture(IO(resp.entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _).map(_.utf8String))) .to[F] .flatMap { err => F.raiseError(IamIdentitiesClientError.unsafe(resp.status, err)) } } } } object IamIdentitiesClient { final case class Authenticated(realm: String) extends Identity private def decodeAnonymous(hc: HCursor): Result[Subject] = hc.get[String]("@type").flatMap { case "Anonymous" => Right(Anonymous) case _ => Left(DecodingFailure("Cannot decode Anonymous Identity", hc.history)) } private def decodeUser(hc: HCursor): Result[Subject] = (hc.get[String]("subject"), hc.get[String]("realm")).mapN { case (subject, realm) => User(subject, realm) } private def decodeGroup(hc: HCursor): Result[Identity] = (hc.get[String]("group"), hc.get[String]("realm")).mapN { case (group, realm) => Group(group, realm) } private def decodeAuthenticated(hc: HCursor): Result[Identity] = hc.get[String]("realm").map(Authenticated) private val attempts = List[HCursor => Result[Identity]](decodeAnonymous, decodeUser, decodeGroup, decodeAuthenticated) implicit val identityDecoder: Decoder[Identity] = Decoder.instance { hc => attempts.foldLeft(Left(DecodingFailure("Unexpected", hc.history)): Result[Identity]) { case (acc @ Right(_), _) => acc case (_, f) => f(hc) } } } }
Example 96
Source File: DoobieSpec.scala From cron4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cron4s package doobie import cats.effect.{IO, ContextShift} import _root_.doobie._ import _root_.doobie.implicits._ import _root_.doobie.util.invariant._ import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class DoobieSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( "org.h2.Driver", "jdbc:h2:mem:refined;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", "sa", "" ) def insertMeeting(meeting: Meeting) = { val createTable = sql""" create table meeting( meeting_id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, frequency VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ) """ val insertRecord = sql""" insert into meeting(subject, description, frequency) values(${meeting.subject}, ${meeting.description}, ${meeting.frequency}) """ for { _ <- id <- insertRecord.update.withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("meeting_id") } yield MeetingId(id) } def loadMeeting(meetingId: MeetingId) = sql"select subject, description, frequency from meeting where meeting_id = $meetingId" .query[Meeting] .unique "Doobie" should "store and retrieve a cron expression as a member of a storable data structure" in { val standUpMeeting = Meeting( "Daily stand-up", "Daily team morning stand-up meeting", Cron.unsafeParse("0 0 10 ? * mon-fri") ) val tx = for { meetingId <- insertMeeting(standUpMeeting) loaded <- loadMeeting(meetingId) } yield loaded val loadedMeeting = tx.transact(xa).unsafeRunSync() loadedMeeting shouldBe standUpMeeting } it should "throw a SecondaryValidationFailed in case the cron expression is invalid" in { assertThrows[SecondaryValidationFailed[CronExpr]] { sql"select '0- 0 30 * * ?'".query[CronExpr].unique.transact(xa).unsafeRunSync() } } }
Example 97
Source File: package.scala From pureconfig with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pureconfig.module.catseffect import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.reflect.ClassTag import cats.effect.{ Blocker, ContextShift, Sync } import pureconfig.{ ConfigReader, ConfigSource, Derivation } import pureconfig.module.catseffect package object syntax { implicit class CatsEffectConfigSource(private val cs: ConfigSource) extends AnyVal { @inline final def loadF[F[_], A](blocker: Blocker)(implicit F: Sync[F], csf: ContextShift[F], reader: Derivation[ConfigReader[A]], ct: ClassTag[A]): F[A] = catseffect.loadF(cs, blocker) @deprecated("Use `cs.loadF[F, A](blocker)` instead", "0.12.3") def loadF[F[_], A](implicit F: Sync[F], reader: Derivation[ConfigReader[A]], ct: ClassTag[A]): F[A] = catseffect.loadF(cs) } }
Example 98
Source File: PostgresTransactor.scala From ticket-booking-aecor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift, Resource} import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import doobie.util.ExecutionContexts import object PostgresTransactor { def transactor[F[_]]( config: PostgresConfig )(implicit F: Async[F], C: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, HikariTransactor[F]] = for { ce <- ExecutionContexts.fixedThreadPool[F](32) te <- ExecutionContexts.cachedThreadPool[F] tr <- HikariTransactor.newHikariTransactor[F]( "org.postgresql.Driver", s"jdbc:postgresql://${config.contactPoints}:${config.port}/${config.database}", config.username, config.password, ce, te ) _ <- Resource.liftF(tr.configure(ds => F.delay(ds.setAutoCommit(false)))) } yield tr }
Example 99
Source File: StaticLoggerBinder.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.slf4j.impl import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import io.odin._ import io.odin.slf4j.{BufferingLogger, OdinLoggerBinder} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class StaticLoggerBinder extends OdinLoggerBinder[IO] { val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val F: ConcurrentEffect[IO] = IO.ioConcurrentEffect val loggers: PartialFunction[String, Logger[IO]] = { case Level.Trace.toString => new BufferingLogger[IO](Level.Trace) case Level.Debug.toString => new BufferingLogger[IO](Level.Debug) case Level.Info.toString => new BufferingLogger[IO](Level.Info) case Level.Warn.toString => new BufferingLogger[IO](Level.Warn) case Level.Error.toString => new BufferingLogger[IO](Level.Error) case _ => new BufferingLogger[IO](Level.Trace) } } object StaticLoggerBinder extends StaticLoggerBinder { var REQUESTED_API_VERSION: String = "1.7" def getSingleton: StaticLoggerBinder = this }
Example 100
Source File: ConditionalLogger.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin.extras.loggers import cats.MonadError import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, ExitCase, Resource, Timer} import cats.syntax.applicativeError._ import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import cats.syntax.order._ import io.odin.loggers.DefaultLogger import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage} import monix.catnap.ConcurrentQueue import monix.execution.{BufferCapacity, ChannelType} final case class ConditionalLogger[F[_]: Timer] private ( queue: ConcurrentQueue[F, LoggerMessage], inner: Logger[F], override val minLevel: Level )(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends DefaultLogger[F](minLevel) { def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = queue.tryOffer(msg).void private def drain(exitCase: ExitCase[Throwable]): F[Unit] = { val level = exitCase match { case ExitCase.Completed => inner.minLevel case _ => minLevel } queue .drain(0, Int.MaxValue) .flatMap(msgs => inner.log(msgs.filter(_.level >= level).toList)) .attempt .void } } object ConditionalLogger { def create[F[_]: Timer: Concurrent: ContextShift]( inner: Logger[F], minLevelOnError: Level, maxBufferSize: Option[Int] ): Resource[F, Logger[F]] = { val queueCapacity = maxBufferSize match { case Some(value) => BufferCapacity.Bounded(value) case None => BufferCapacity.Unbounded() } def acquire: F[ConditionalLogger[F]] = for { queue <- ConcurrentQueue.withConfig[F, LoggerMessage](queueCapacity, ChannelType.MPSC) } yield ConditionalLogger(queue, inner, minLevelOnError) def release(logger: ConditionalLogger[F], exitCase: ExitCase[Throwable]): F[Unit] = logger.drain(exitCase) Resource.makeCase(acquire)(release).widen } }
Example 101
Source File: DynamoDbStreamsCatsIOClient.scala From reactive-aws-clients with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Auto-Generated package import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO } import{ DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient, DynamoDbStreamsClient } import import{ DescribeStreamPublisher, ListStreamsPublisher } import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } object DynamoDbStreamsCatsIOClient { def apply(asyncClient: DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): DynamoDbStreamsCatsIOClient = new DynamoDbStreamsCatsIOClient { override val executionContext: ExecutionContext = ec override val underlying: DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient = asyncClient } } trait DynamoDbStreamsCatsIOClient extends DynamoDbStreamsClient[IO] { val underlying: DynamoDbStreamsAsyncClient def executionContext: ExecutionContext implicit def cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext) override def describeStream(describeStreamRequest: DescribeStreamRequest): IO[DescribeStreamResponse] = IO.fromFuture { IO(underlying.describeStream(describeStreamRequest)) } def describeStreamPaginator(describeStreamRequest: DescribeStreamRequest): DescribeStreamPublisher = underlying.describeStreamPaginator(describeStreamRequest) override def getRecords(getRecordsRequest: GetRecordsRequest): IO[GetRecordsResponse] = IO.fromFuture { IO(underlying.getRecords(getRecordsRequest)) } override def getShardIterator(getShardIteratorRequest: GetShardIteratorRequest): IO[GetShardIteratorResponse] = IO.fromFuture { IO(underlying.getShardIterator(getShardIteratorRequest)) } override def listStreams(listStreamsRequest: ListStreamsRequest): IO[ListStreamsResponse] = IO.fromFuture { IO(underlying.listStreams(listStreamsRequest)) } override def listStreams(): IO[ListStreamsResponse] = IO.fromFuture { IO(underlying.listStreams()) } def listStreamsPaginator(): ListStreamsPublisher = underlying.listStreamsPaginator() def listStreamsPaginator(listStreamsRequest: ListStreamsRequest): ListStreamsPublisher = underlying.listStreamsPaginator(listStreamsRequest) }
Example 102
Source File: ProducerOf.scala From skafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.skafka.producer import cats.effect.{Bracket, ContextShift, Effect, Resource} import cats.{Defer, Monad, ~>} import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics.MeasureDuration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait ProducerOf[F[_]] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig): Resource[F, Producer[F]] } object ProducerOf { def apply[F[_] : Effect : ContextShift : MeasureDuration]( executorBlocking: ExecutionContext, metrics: Option[ProducerMetrics[F]] = None ): ProducerOf[F] = new ProducerOf[F] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig) = { for { producer <- Producer.of[F](config, executorBlocking) } yield { metrics.fold(producer)(producer.withMetrics[Throwable]) } } } implicit class ProducerOfOps[F[_]](val self: ProducerOf[F]) extends AnyVal { def mapK[G[_] : Monad : Defer]( fg: F ~> G, gf: G ~> F)(implicit B: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): ProducerOf[G] = new ProducerOf[G] { def apply(config: ProducerConfig) = { for { a <- self(config).mapK(fg) } yield { a.mapK(fg, gf) } } } } }
Example 103
Source File: ConsumerOf.scala From skafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.skafka.consumer import cats.effect.{Bracket, Concurrent, ContextShift, Resource} import cats.{Applicative, Defer, ~>} import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.{ToFuture, ToTry} import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.FromBytes import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics.MeasureDuration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait ConsumerOf[F[_]] { def apply[K, V]( config: ConsumerConfig)(implicit fromBytesK: FromBytes[F, K], fromBytesV: FromBytes[F, V] ): Resource[F, Consumer[F, K, V]] } object ConsumerOf { def apply[F[_] : Concurrent : ContextShift : ToTry : ToFuture : MeasureDuration]( executorBlocking: ExecutionContext, metrics: Option[ConsumerMetrics[F]] = None ): ConsumerOf[F] = new ConsumerOf[F] { def apply[K, V]( config: ConsumerConfig)(implicit fromBytesK: FromBytes[F, K], fromBytesV: FromBytes[F, V] ) = { for { consumer <- Consumer.of[F, K, V](config, executorBlocking) } yield { metrics.fold(consumer)(consumer.withMetrics[Throwable]) } } } implicit class ConsumerOfOps[F[_]](val self: ConsumerOf[F]) extends AnyVal { def mapK[G[_] : Applicative : Defer]( fg: F ~> G, gf: G ~> F)(implicit B: Bracket[F, Throwable] ): ConsumerOf[G] = new ConsumerOf[G] { def apply[K, V]( config: ConsumerConfig)(implicit fromBytesK: FromBytes[G, K], fromBytesV: FromBytes[G, V] ) = { for { a <- self[K, V](config)(fromBytesK.mapK(gf), fromBytesV.mapK(gf)).mapK(fg) } yield { a.mapK(fg, gf) } } } } }
Example 104
Source File: IOSuite.scala From skafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.skafka import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.{Clock, Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.FromFuture import com.evolutiongaming.smetrics.MeasureDuration import org.scalatest.Succeeded import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future} object IOSuite { val Timeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds implicit val executor: ExecutionContextExecutor = implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executor) implicit val concurrentIO: Concurrent[IO] = IO.ioConcurrentEffect implicit val timerIO: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executor) implicit val parallelIO: Parallel[IO] = IO.ioParallel implicit val fromFutureIO: FromFuture[IO] = FromFuture.lift[IO] implicit val measureDuration: MeasureDuration[IO] = MeasureDuration.fromClock[IO](Clock[IO]) def runIO[A](io: IO[A], timeout: FiniteDuration = Timeout): Future[Succeeded.type] = { io.timeout(timeout).as(Succeeded).unsafeToFuture } implicit class IOOps[A](val self: IO[A]) extends AnyVal { def run(timeout: FiniteDuration = Timeout): Future[Succeeded.type] = runIO(self, timeout) } }
Example 105
Source File: DeterministicIOTestSuite.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.minitest import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.effect.laws.util.TestContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ import minitest.api.{DefaultExecutionContext, TestSpec} abstract class DeterministicIOTestSuite extends BaseIOTestSuite[TestContext] { override protected final def makeExecutionContext(): TestContext = TestContext() override protected[effect] implicit def suiteEc: ExecutionContext = DefaultExecutionContext override final implicit def ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = executionContext.contextShift[IO](IO.ioEffect) override final implicit def ioTimer: Timer[IO] = executionContext.timer[IO](IO.ioEffect) override protected[effect] def mkSpec(name: String, ec: TestContext, io: => IO[Unit]): TestSpec[Unit, Unit] = TestSpec.sync(name, _ => { val f = io.unsafeToFuture() ec.tick(365.days) f.value match { case Some(value) => value.get case None => throw new RuntimeException( s"The IO in ${this.getClass.getName}.$name did not terminate.\n" + "It's possible that you are using a ContextShift that is backed by other ExecutionContext or" + "the test code is waiting indefinitely." ) } }) }
Example 106
Source File: IOTestSuite.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.utest import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import utest._ abstract class IOTestSuite extends TestSuite { protected def makeExecutionContext(): ExecutionContext = protected def timeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds protected def allowNonIOTests: Boolean = false protected lazy val executionContext: ExecutionContext = makeExecutionContext() implicit def ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext) implicit def ioTimer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext) override def utestWrap(path: Seq[String], runBody: => Future[Any])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Any] = { // Shadow the parameter EC with our EC implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = this.executionContext runBody.flatMap { case io: IO[Any] => io.timeout(timeout).unsafeToFuture() case other if allowNonIOTests => Future.successful(other) case other => throw new RuntimeException(s"Test body must return an IO value. Got $other") } } }
Example 107
Source File: DeterministicIOTestSuite.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.utest import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cats.effect.laws.util.TestContext import utest.TestSuite abstract class DeterministicIOTestSuite extends TestSuite { protected val testContext: TestContext = TestContext() protected def allowNonIOTests: Boolean = false implicit def ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = testContext.contextShift(IO.ioEffect) implicit def ioTimer: Timer[IO] = testContext.timer(IO.ioEffect) override def utestWrap(path: Seq[String], runBody: => Future[Any])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Any] = { runBody.flatMap { case io: IO[Any] => val f = io.unsafeToFuture() testContext.tick(365.days) assert(testContext.state.tasks.isEmpty) f.value match { case Some(_) => f case None => throw new RuntimeException( s"The IO in ${path.mkString(".")} did not terminate.\n" + "It's possible that you are using a ContextShift that is backed by other ExecutionContext or" + "the test code is waiting indefinitely." ) } case other if allowNonIOTests => Future.successful(other) case other => throw new RuntimeException(s"Test body must return an IO value. Got $other") }(new ExecutionContext { def execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit = def reportFailure(cause: Throwable): Unit = throw cause }) } }
Example 108
Source File: Settings.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import play.api.{ConfigLoader, Configuration} import pureconfig._ import import pureconfig.module.catseffect.syntax._ import vinyldns.core.repository.DataStoreConfig import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ // $COVERAGE-OFF$ class Settings(private val config: Configuration) { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val ldapUser: String = config.get[String]("LDAP.user") val ldapPwd: String = config.get[String]("LDAP.password") val ldapDomain: String = config.get[String]("LDAP.domain") val ldapSearchBase: List[LdapSearchDomain] = config.get[List[LdapSearchDomain]]("LDAP.searchBase") val ldapCtxFactory: String = config.get[String]("LDAP.context.initialContextFactory") val ldapSecurityAuthentication: String = config.get[String]("LDAP.context.securityAuthentication") val ldapProviderUrl: URI = new URI(config.get[String]("LDAP.context.providerUrl")) val ldapUserNameAttribute: String = config.getOptional[String]("LDAP.userNameAttribute").getOrElse("sAMAccountName") val ldapSyncEnabled: Boolean = config.getOptional[Boolean]("LDAP.user-sync.enabled").getOrElse(false) val ldapSyncPollingInterval: FiniteDuration = config .getOptional[Int]("LDAP.user-sync.hours-polling-interval") .getOrElse(24) .hours val portalTestLogin: Boolean = config.getOptional[Boolean]("portal.test_login").getOrElse(false) val dataStoreConfigs: IO[List[DataStoreConfig]] = Blocker[IO].use { blocker => ConfigSource .fromConfig(config.underlying) .at("data-stores") .loadF[IO, List[String]](blocker) .flatMap { lst => lst .map( ConfigSource.fromConfig(config.underlying).at(_).loadF[IO, DataStoreConfig](blocker) ) .parSequence } } val cryptoConfig = IO(config.get[Config]("crypto")) implicit def ldapSearchDomainLoader: ConfigLoader[List[LdapSearchDomain]] = new ConfigLoader[List[LdapSearchDomain]] { def load(config: Config, path: String): List[LdapSearchDomain] = { val domains = config.getConfigList(path) { domainConfig ⇒ val org = domainConfig.getString("organization") val domain = domainConfig.getString("domainName") LdapSearchDomain(org, domain) } domains.toList } } } // $COVERAGE-ON$ object Settings extends Settings(Configuration(ConfigFactory.load()))
Example 109
Source File: UserAccountAccessor.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.joda.time.DateTime import vinyldns.core.domain.membership._ @Singleton class UserAccountAccessor @Inject() (users: UserRepository, changes: UserChangeRepository) { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def get(identifier: String): IO[Option[User]] = users .getUser(identifier) .flatMap { case None => users.getUserByName(identifier) case found => IO(found) } def create(user: User): IO[User] = for { _ <- _ <-, "system", } yield user def update(user: User, oldUser: User): IO[User] = for { _ <- _ <-, "system",, oldUser)) } yield user def getUserByKey(key: String): IO[Option[User]] = users.getUserByAccessKey(key) def getAllUsers: IO[List[User]] = users.getAllUsers def lockUsers(usersToLock: List[User]): IO[List[User]] = { val currentTime = for { lockedUsers <- = LockStatus.Locked))) _ <- usersToLock .zip(lockedUsers) .map { case (oldUser, newUser) =>, "system", currentTime, oldUser)) } .parSequence } yield lockedUsers } }
Example 110
Source File: APIMetrics.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.api.metrics import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import com.codahale.metrics.Slf4jReporter.LoggingLevel import com.codahale.metrics.{Metric, MetricFilter, ScheduledReporter, Slf4jReporter} import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import pureconfig._ import import pureconfig.module.catseffect.syntax._ import vinyldns.core.VinylDNSMetrics final case class MemoryMetricsSettings(logEnabled: Boolean, logSeconds: Int) final case class APIMetricsSettings(memory: MemoryMetricsSettings) object APIMetrics { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( // Output all memory metrics to the log, do not start unless configured private val logReporter = Slf4jReporter .forRegistry(VinylDNSMetrics.metricsRegistry) .filter(new MetricFilter { def matches(name: String, metric: Metric): Boolean = name.startsWith("memory") }) .withLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel.INFO) .outputTo(LoggerFactory.getLogger("MemStats")) .convertRatesTo(TimeUnit.SECONDS) .convertDurationsTo(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .build() def initialize( settings: APIMetricsSettings, reporter: ScheduledReporter = logReporter ): IO[Unit] = IO { if (settings.memory.logEnabled) { reporter.start(settings.memory.logSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS) } } def loadSettings(config: Config): IO[APIMetricsSettings] = Blocker[IO].use( ConfigSource.fromConfig(config).loadF[IO, APIMetricsSettings](_) ) }
Example 111
Source File: EmailNotifierProvider.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import vinyldns.core.notifier.{Notifier, NotifierConfig, NotifierProvider} import vinyldns.core.domain.membership.UserRepository import pureconfig._ import import pureconfig.module.catseffect.syntax._ import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import javax.mail.Session class EmailNotifierProvider extends NotifierProvider { import EmailNotifierConfig._ private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def load(config: NotifierConfig, userRepository: UserRepository): IO[Notifier] = for { emailConfig <- Blocker[IO].use( ConfigSource.fromConfig(config.settings).loadF[IO, EmailNotifierConfig](_) ) session <- createSession(emailConfig) } yield new EmailNotifier(emailConfig, session, userRepository) def createSession(config: EmailNotifierConfig): IO[Session] = IO { Session.getInstance(config.smtp) } }
Example 112
Source File: SnsNotifierProvider.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.api.notifier.sns import vinyldns.core.notifier.{Notifier, NotifierConfig, NotifierProvider} import vinyldns.core.domain.membership.UserRepository import pureconfig._ import import pureconfig.module.catseffect.syntax._ import cats.effect.{Blocker, ContextShift, IO} import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import import com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials class SnsNotifierProvider extends NotifierProvider { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[SnsNotifierProvider]) def load(config: NotifierConfig, userRepository: UserRepository): IO[Notifier] = for { snsConfig <- Blocker[IO].use( ConfigSource.fromConfig(config.settings).loadF[IO, SnsNotifierConfig](_) ) client <- createClient(snsConfig) } yield new SnsNotifier(snsConfig, client) def createClient(config: SnsNotifierConfig): IO[AmazonSNS] = IO { logger.error( "Setting up sns notifier client with settings: " + s"service endpoint: ${config.serviceEndpoint}; " + s"signing region: ${config.signingRegion}; " + s"topic name: ${config.topicArn}" ) AmazonSNSClientBuilder.standard .withEndpointConfiguration( new EndpointConfiguration(config.serviceEndpoint, config.signingRegion) ) .withCredentials( new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider( new BasicAWSCredentials(config.accessKey, config.secretKey) ) ) .build() } }
Example 113
Source File: StatusRoutingSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.api.route import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import fs2.concurrent.SignallingRef import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar class StatusRoutingSpec extends AnyWordSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with StatusRoute with OneInstancePerTest with VinylDNSJsonProtocol with BeforeAndAfterEach with MockitoSugar with Matchers { def actorRefFactory: ActorSystem = system private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val processingDisabled: SignallingRef[IO, Boolean] = fs2.concurrent.SignallingRef[IO, Boolean](false).unsafeRunSync() "GET /status" should { "return the current status of true" in { Get("/status") ~> statusRoute ~> check { response.status shouldBe StatusCodes.OK val resultStatus = responseAs[CurrentStatus] resultStatus.processingDisabled shouldBe false resultStatus.color shouldBe "blue" resultStatus.keyName shouldBe "vinyldns." resultStatus.version shouldBe "unset" } } } "POST /status" should { "disable processing" in { Post("/status?processingDisabled=true") ~> statusRoute ~> check { response.status shouldBe StatusCodes.OK val resultStatus = responseAs[CurrentStatus] resultStatus.processingDisabled shouldBe true } } "enable processing" in { Post("/status?processingDisabled=false") ~> statusRoute ~> check { response.status shouldBe StatusCodes.OK val resultStatus = responseAs[CurrentStatus] resultStatus.processingDisabled shouldBe false // remember, the signal is the opposite of intent processingDisabled.get.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe false } } } }
Example 114
Source File: SqsMessageQueueProvider.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.sqs.queue import cats.effect.IO import cats.implicits._ import com.amazonaws.auth.{AWSStaticCredentialsProvider, BasicAWSCredentials} import com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration import import{AmazonSQSAsync, AmazonSQSAsyncClientBuilder} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import pureconfig._ import import pureconfig.module.catseffect.syntax._ import cats.effect.Blocker import vinyldns.core.queue.{MessageQueue, MessageQueueConfig, MessageQueueProvider} import scala.util.matching.Regex import cats.effect.ContextShift class SqsMessageQueueProvider extends MessageQueueProvider { import SqsMessageQueueProvider._ private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def load(config: MessageQueueConfig): IO[MessageQueue] = for { settingsConfig <- Blocker[IO].use( ConfigSource.fromConfig(config.settings).loadF[IO, SqsMessageQueueSettings](_) ) _ <- IO.fromEither(validateQueueName(settingsConfig.queueName)) client <- setupClient(settingsConfig) queueUrl <- setupQueue(client, settingsConfig.queueName) _ <- IO(logger.error(s"Queue URL: $queueUrl\n")) } yield new SqsMessageQueue(queueUrl, client) def validateQueueName(queueName: String): Either[InvalidQueueName, String] = { val validQueueNameRegex: Regex = """^([\w\-]{1,80})$""".r validQueueNameRegex .findFirstIn(queueName) .map(Right(_)) .getOrElse(Left(InvalidQueueName(queueName))) } def setupClient(sqsMessageQueueSettings: SqsMessageQueueSettings): IO[AmazonSQSAsync] = IO { logger.error( s"Setting up queue client with settings: " + s"service endpoint: ${sqsMessageQueueSettings.serviceEndpoint}; " + s"signing region: ${sqsMessageQueueSettings.serviceEndpoint}; " + s"queue name: ${sqsMessageQueueSettings.queueName}" ) AmazonSQSAsyncClientBuilder .standard() .withEndpointConfiguration( new EndpointConfiguration( sqsMessageQueueSettings.serviceEndpoint, sqsMessageQueueSettings.signingRegion ) ) .withCredentials( new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider( new BasicAWSCredentials( sqsMessageQueueSettings.accessKey, sqsMessageQueueSettings.secretKey ) ) ) .build() } def setupQueue(client: AmazonSQSAsync, queueName: String): IO[String] = // Create queue if it doesn't exist IO { logger.error(s"Setting up queue with name [$queueName]") client.getQueueUrl(queueName).getQueueUrl }.recoverWith { case _: QueueDoesNotExistException => IO(client.createQueue(queueName).getQueueUrl) } } object SqsMessageQueueProvider { final case class InvalidQueueName(queueName: String) extends Throwable( s"Invalid queue name: $queueName. Must be 1-80 alphanumeric, hyphen or underscore characters. FIFO queues " + "(queue names ending in \".fifo\") are not supported." ) private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[SqsMessageQueueProvider]) }
Example 115
Source File: DynamoDBDataStoreProviderIntegrationSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.dynamodb.repository import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import vinyldns.core.crypto.{CryptoAlgebra, NoOpCrypto} import vinyldns.core.domain.batch.BatchChangeRepository import vinyldns.core.domain.membership._ import vinyldns.core.domain.record.{RecordChangeRepository, RecordSetRepository} import{ZoneChangeRepository, ZoneRepository} import vinyldns.core.repository.{DataStore, DataStoreConfig, LoadedDataStore} import vinyldns.core.repository.RepositoryName._ import pureconfig._ import class DynamoDBDataStoreProviderIntegrationSpec extends DynamoDBIntegrationSpec { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val config: Config = ConfigFactory.load() val dynamoDBConfig: DataStoreConfig = ConfigSource.fromConfig(config).at("dynamodb").loadOrThrow[DataStoreConfig] val provider: DynamoDBDataStoreProvider = new DynamoDBDataStoreProvider() val crypto: CryptoAlgebra = new NoOpCrypto()"Loading all dynamodb tables in DynamoDBDataStoreProviderSpec") val providerLoad: LoadedDataStore = provider.load(dynamoDBConfig, crypto).unsafeRunSync() val dataStore: DataStore = providerLoad.dataStore"DynamoDBDataStoreProviderSpec load complete") def setup(): Unit = () def tearDown(): Unit = { val deletes = { case (_, config) => { val asDynamo = ConfigSource.fromConfig(config).loadOrThrow[DynamoDBRepositorySettings] val request = new DeleteTableRequest().withTableName(asDynamo.tableName) testDynamoDBHelper.deleteTable(request) } }"Deleting all tables created by provider in DynamoDBDataStoreProviderSpec") deletes.toList.parSequence.unsafeRunSync()"DynamoDBDataStoreProviderSpec delete complete") } "DynamoDBDataStoreProvider" should { "properly load configured repos" in { dataStore.get[GroupRepository](group) shouldBe defined dataStore.get[MembershipRepository](membership) shouldBe defined dataStore.get[GroupChangeRepository](groupChange) shouldBe defined dataStore.get[RecordChangeRepository](recordChange) shouldBe defined dataStore.get[ZoneChangeRepository](zoneChange) shouldBe defined } "not load configured off repos" in { dataStore.get[ZoneRepository](zone) shouldBe empty dataStore.get[BatchChangeRepository](batchChange) shouldBe empty dataStore.get[RecordSetRepository](recordSet) shouldBe empty } "validate a loaded repo works" in { val testGroup = Group( "provider-load-test-group-name", "[email protected]", Some("some description"), "testGroupId", adminUserIds = Set("testUserId"), memberIds = Set("testUserId") ) val groupRepo = dataStore.get[GroupRepository](group) val save =[IO, Group] save.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe Some(testGroup) val get =[IO, Option[Group]] get.unsafeRunSync().flatten shouldBe Some(testGroup) } "include a health check IO" in { providerLoad.healthCheck.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe ().asRight } } }
Example 116
Source File: MySqlMessageQueueProvider.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.mysql.queue import cats.effect.IO import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import pureconfig._ import import pureconfig.module.catseffect.syntax._ import scalikejdbc.{ConnectionPool, DataSourceConnectionPool} import scalikejdbc.config.DBs import vinyldns.core.queue.{MessageQueue, MessageQueueConfig, MessageQueueProvider} import vinyldns.mysql.{HikariCloser, MySqlConnectionConfig, MySqlDataSourceSettings} import vinyldns.mysql.MySqlConnector._ import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.Blocker class MySqlMessageQueueProvider extends MessageQueueProvider { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[MySqlMessageQueueProvider]) implicit val mySqlPropertiesReader: ConfigReader[Map[String, AnyRef]] = MySqlConnectionConfig.mySqlPropertiesReader private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def load(config: MessageQueueConfig): IO[MessageQueue] = for { connectionSettings <- Blocker[IO].use( ConfigSource.fromConfig(config.settings).loadF[IO, MySqlConnectionConfig](_) ) _ <- runDBMigrations(connectionSettings) _ <- setupQueueConnection(connectionSettings) } yield new MySqlMessageQueue(config.maxRetries) def setupQueueConnection(config: MySqlConnectionConfig): IO[Unit] = { val queueConnectionSettings = MySqlDataSourceSettings(config, "mysqlQueuePool") getDataSource(queueConnectionSettings).map { dataSource => logger.error("configuring connection pool for queue") // note this is being called 2x in the case you use the mysql datastores and // loader. That should be ok DBs.loadGlobalSettings() // Configure the connection pool ConnectionPool.add( MySqlMessageQueue.QUEUE_CONNECTION_NAME, new DataSourceConnectionPool(dataSource, closer = new HikariCloser(dataSource)) ) logger.error("queue connection pool init complete") } } }
Example 117
Source File: HealthService.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import{HealthCheck, HealthCheckError} class HealthService(healthChecks: List[HealthCheck]) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[HealthService]) private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def checkHealth(): IO[List[HealthCheckError]] = healthChecks.parSequence .map { _.collect { case Left(err) => logger.error(s"Health Check Failure: ${err.message}") err } } }
Example 118
Source File: AllNotifiers.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.core.notifier import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import vinyldns.core.route.Monitored final case class AllNotifiers(notifiers: List[Notifier])(implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO]) extends Monitored { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("AllNotifiers") def notify(notification: Notification[_]): IO[Unit] = for { _ <- notifiers.parTraverse(notify(_, notification)) } yield () def notify(notifier: Notifier, notification: Notification[_]): IO[Unit] = monitor(notifier.getClass.getSimpleName) { notifier.notify(notification).handleErrorWith { e => IO { logger.error(s"Notifier ${notifier.getClass.getSimpleName} failed.", e) } } } }
Example 119
Source File: NotifierLoader.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.core.notifier import vinyldns.core.domain.membership.UserRepository import cats.effect.IO import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.ContextShift object NotifierLoader { def loadAll(configs: List[NotifierConfig], userRepository: UserRepository)( implicit cs: ContextShift[IO] ): IO[AllNotifiers] = for { notifiers <- configs.parTraverse(load(_, userRepository)) } yield AllNotifiers(notifiers) def load(config: NotifierConfig, userRepository: UserRepository): IO[Notifier] = for { provider <- IO( Class .forName(config.className) .getDeclaredConstructor() .newInstance() .asInstanceOf[NotifierProvider] ) notifier <- provider.load(config, userRepository) } yield notifier }
Example 120
Source File: AllNotifiersSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.core.notifier import cats.scalatest.{EitherMatchers, EitherValues, ValidatedMatchers} import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.mockito.Mockito._ import cats.effect.IO import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import cats.effect.ContextShift import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class AllNotifiersSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar with EitherValues with EitherMatchers with ValidatedMatchers with BeforeAndAfterEach { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val mockNotifiers = List.fill(3)(mock[Notifier]) val notification = Notification("anything") override def beforeEach: Unit = mockNotifiers.foreach { mock => reset(mock) when(mock.notify(notification)).thenReturn(IO.unit) } "notifier" should { "notify all contained notifiers" in { val notifier = AllNotifiers(mockNotifiers) notifier.notify(notification) mockNotifiers.foreach(verify(_).notify(notification)) } "suppress errors from notifiers" in { val notifier = AllNotifiers(mockNotifiers) when(mockNotifiers(2).notify(notification)).thenReturn(IO.raiseError(new Exception("fail"))) notifier.notify(notification).unsafeRunSync() mockNotifiers.foreach(verify(_).notify(notification)) } } }
Example 121
Source File: TaskSchedulerSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.core.task import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import org.mockito.Mockito import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class TaskSchedulerSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar with BeforeAndAfterEach { private implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( private val mockRepo = mock[TaskRepository] class TestTask( val name: String, val timeout: FiniteDuration, val runEvery: FiniteDuration, val checkInterval: FiniteDuration, testResult: IO[Unit] = IO.unit ) extends Task { def run(): IO[Unit] = testResult } override def beforeEach() = Mockito.reset(mockRepo) "TaskScheduler" should { "run a scheduled task" in { val task = new TestTask("test", 5.seconds, 500.millis, 500.millis) val spied = spy(task) doReturn(IO.unit).when(mockRepo).saveTask( doReturn(IO.pure(true)).when(mockRepo).claimTask(, task.timeout, task.runEvery) doReturn(IO.unit).when(mockRepo).releaseTask( TaskScheduler.schedule(spied, mockRepo).take(1).compile.drain.unsafeRunSync() // We run twice because we run once on start up verify(spied, times(2)).run() verify(mockRepo, times(2)).claimTask(, task.timeout, task.runEvery) verify(mockRepo, times(2)).releaseTask( } "release the task even on error" in { val task = new TestTask( "test", 5.seconds, 500.millis, 500.millis, IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("fail")) ) doReturn(IO.unit).when(mockRepo).saveTask( doReturn(IO.pure(true)).when(mockRepo).claimTask(, task.timeout, task.runEvery) doReturn(IO.unit).when(mockRepo).releaseTask( TaskScheduler.schedule(task, mockRepo).take(1).compile.drain.unsafeRunSync() // We release the task twice, once on start and once on the run verify(mockRepo, times(2)).releaseTask( } "fail to start if the task cannot be saved" in { val task = new TestTask("test", 5.seconds, 500.millis, 500.millis) val spied = spy(task) doReturn(IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("fail"))).when(mockRepo).saveTask( a[RuntimeException] should be thrownBy TaskScheduler .schedule(task, mockRepo) .take(1) .compile .drain .unsafeRunSync() verify(spied, never()).run() } } }
Example 122
Source File: deployment.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.example.transaction import java.util.UUID import aecor.example.common.Timestamp import aecor.example.transaction.transaction.Transactions import aecor.runtime.Eventsourced import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime import aecor.util.Clock import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import scodec.codecs.implicits._ object deployment { def deploy[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift](runtime: AkkaPersistenceRuntime[UUID], clock: Clock[F]): F[Transactions[F]] = runtime .deploy( "Transaction", EventsourcedAlgebra.behavior[F].enrich(, EventsourcedAlgebra.tagging ) .map(Eventsourced.Entities.rejectable(_)) }
Example 123
Source File: deployment.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.example.account import java.util.UUID import aecor.example.common.Timestamp import aecor.runtime.Eventsourced import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime import aecor.util.Clock import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import cats.implicits._ object deployment { def deploy[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift](runtime: AkkaPersistenceRuntime[UUID], clock: Clock[F]): F[Accounts[F]] = runtime .deploy( "Account", EventsourcedAlgebra.behavior[F].enrich(, EventsourcedAlgebra.tagging ) .map(Eventsourced.Entities.rejectable(_)) }
Example 124
Source File: DistributedProcessing.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.kafkadistributedprocessing import java.util.Properties import aecor.kafkadistributedprocessing.internal.Kafka import aecor.kafkadistributedprocessing.internal.Kafka._ import cats.effect.{ ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer } import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.implicits._ import fs2.Stream import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig import scala.concurrent.duration._ final class DistributedProcessing(settings: DistributedProcessingSettings) { private def assignRange(size: Int, partitionCount: Int, partition: Int): Option[(Int, Int)] = { val even = size / partitionCount val reminder = size % partitionCount if (partition >= partitionCount) { none } else { if (partition < reminder) { (partition * (even + 1), even + 1).some } else if (even > 0) { (reminder + partition * even, even).some } else none } } def start[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: ContextShift](name: String, processes: List[F[Unit]]): F[Unit] = Kafka .assignPartitions( settings.asProperties(name), settings.topicName, settings.pollingInterval, settings.pollTimeout ) .parEvalMapUnordered(Int.MaxValue) { case AssignedPartition(partition, partitionCount, watchRevocation, release) => assignRange(processes.size, partitionCount, partition).fold(release) { case (offset, processCount) => Stream .range[F](offset, offset + processCount) .parEvalMapUnordered(processCount)(processes) .compile .drain .race(watchRevocation) .flatMap { case Left(_) => release case Right(callback) => callback } } } .compile .drain } object DistributedProcessing { def apply(settings: DistributedProcessingSettings): DistributedProcessing = new DistributedProcessing(settings) } final case class DistributedProcessingSettings(brokers: Set[String], topicName: String, pollingInterval: FiniteDuration = 500.millis, pollTimeout: FiniteDuration = 50.millis, consumerSettings: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) { def withClientId(clientId: String): DistributedProcessingSettings = withConsumerSetting(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, clientId) def clientId: Option[String] = consumerSettings.get(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG) def withConsumerSetting(key: String, value: String): DistributedProcessingSettings = copy(consumerSettings = consumerSettings.updated(key, value)) def asProperties(groupId: String): Properties = { val properties = new Properties() consumerSettings.foreach { case (key, value) => properties.setProperty(key, value) } properties.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, brokers.mkString(",")) properties.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId) properties } }
Example 125
Source File: KafkaConsumer.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.kafkadistributedprocessing.internal import java.time.Duration import java.util.Properties import java.util.concurrent.Executors import cats.effect.{ Async, ContextShift, Resource } import cats.~> import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ Consumer, ConsumerRebalanceListener, ConsumerRecords } import org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration private[kafkadistributedprocessing] final class KafkaConsumer[F[_], K, V]( withConsumer: (Consumer[K, V] => *) ~> F ) { def subscribe(topics: Set[String], listener: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = withConsumer(_.subscribe(topics.asJava, listener)) def subscribe(topics: Set[String]): F[Unit] = withConsumer(_.subscribe(topics.asJava)) val unsubscribe: F[Unit] = withConsumer(_.unsubscribe()) def partitionsFor(topic: String): F[Set[PartitionInfo]] = withConsumer(_.partitionsFor(topic).asScala.toSet) def close: F[Unit] = withConsumer(_.close()) def poll(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[ConsumerRecords[K, V]] = withConsumer(_.poll(Duration.ofNanos(timeout.toNanos))) } private[kafkadistributedprocessing] object KafkaConsumer { final class Create[F[_]] { def apply[K, V]( config: Properties, keyDeserializer: Deserializer[K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[V] )(implicit F: Async[F], contextShift: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, KafkaConsumer[F, K, V]] = { val create = F.suspend { val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() def eval[A](a: => A): F[A] = contextShift.evalOn(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(executor)) { F.async[A] { cb => executor.execute(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = cb { try Right(a) catch { case e: Throwable => Left(e) } } }) } } eval { val original = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader Thread.currentThread.setContextClassLoader(null) val consumer = new org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer[K, V]( config, keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer ) Thread.currentThread.setContextClassLoader(original) val withConsumer = new ((Consumer[K, V] => *) ~> F) { def apply[A](f: Consumer[K, V] => A): F[A] = eval(f(consumer)) } new KafkaConsumer[F, K, V](withConsumer) } } Resource.make(create)(_.close) } } def create[F[_]]: Create[F] = new Create[F] }
Example 126
Source File: PeriodicProcessRuntime.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.schedule.process import aecor.distributedprocessing.{ AkkaStreamProcess, DistributedProcessing } import aecor.util.effect._ import akka.NotUsed import import import import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import scala.collection.immutable._ import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ } object PeriodicProcessRuntime { def apply[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift]( name: String, tickInterval: FiniteDuration, processCycle: F[Unit] )(implicit materializer: Materializer): PeriodicProcessRuntime[F] = new PeriodicProcessRuntime[F](name, tickInterval, processCycle) } class PeriodicProcessRuntime[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift]( name: String, tickInterval: FiniteDuration, processCycle: F[Unit] )(implicit materializer: Materializer) { private def source = Source .tick(0.seconds, tickInterval, processCycle) .mapAsync(1)(_.unsafeToFuture()) .mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed) def run(system: ActorSystem): F[DistributedProcessing.KillSwitch[F]] = DistributedProcessing(system) .start[F](s"$name-Process", List(AkkaStreamProcess[F](source))) }
Example 127
Source File: Session.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.cassandra import java.util.concurrent.Executor import import cats.effect.{ Async, ContextShift } import com.datastax.driver.core.{ ResultSet, TypeCodec, Session => DatastaxSession } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait Session[F[_]] { def execute(query: String): F[ResultSet] def registerCodec[A](codec: TypeCodec[A]): F[Unit] } object Session { type Init[F[_]] = Kleisli[F, Session[F], Unit] def Init[F[_]](f: Session[F] => F[Unit]): Init[F] = Kleisli(f) private val immediateExecutor = new Executor { override def execute(command: Runnable): Unit = } private val immediateExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(immediateExecutor) def apply[F[_]](datastaxSession: DatastaxSession)(implicit F: Async[F], contextShift: ContextShift[F]): Session[F] = new Session[F] { final override def execute(query: String): F[ResultSet] = contextShift.evalOn(immediateExecutionContext) { F.async { cb => val future = datastaxSession.executeAsync(query) val runnable = new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = try { cb(Right(future.get())) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => cb(Left(e)) } } future.addListener(runnable, immediateExecutor) } } override def registerCodec[A](codec: TypeCodec[A]): F[Unit] = F.delay { datastaxSession.getCluster.getConfiguration.getCodecRegistry.register(codec) () } } }
Example 128
Source File: DefaultJournalCassandraSession.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.cassandra import akka.Done import{ ActorSystem, ExtendedActorSystem } import akka.event.Logging import akka.persistence.cassandra.Session.Init import akka.persistence.cassandra.session.CassandraSessionSettings import akka.persistence.cassandra.session.scaladsl.CassandraSession import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect } import cats.implicits._ object DefaultJournalCassandraSession { def apply[F[_]: ContextShift]( system: ActorSystem, metricsCategory: String, init: Init[F], sessionProvider: Option[SessionProvider] = None )(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[CassandraSession] = F.delay { val log = Logging(system, classOf[CassandraSession]) val provider = sessionProvider.getOrElse( SessionProvider( system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem], system.settings.config.getConfig("cassandra-journal") ) ) val settings = CassandraSessionSettings(system.settings.config.getConfig("cassandra-journal")) new CassandraSession(system, provider, settings, system.dispatcher, log, metricsCategory, { x => F.toIO(init(Session[F](x)).as(Done)).unsafeToFuture() }) } }
Example 129
Source File: Timeout.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, IO, Timer} import simulacrum.typeclass import tofu.syntax.feither._ import tofu.internal.NonTofu import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration @typeclass trait Timeout[F[_]] { def timeoutTo[A](fa: F[A], after: FiniteDuration, fallback: F[A]): F[A] } object Timeout extends LowPriorTimeoutImplicits { implicit def io(implicit timer: Timer[IO], cs: ContextShift[IO]): Timeout[IO] = new Timeout[IO] { override def timeoutTo[A](fa: IO[A], after: FiniteDuration, fallback: IO[A]): IO[A] = fa.timeoutTo(after, fallback) } } trait LowPriorTimeoutImplicits { self: Timeout.type => implicit def concurrent[F[_]: NonTofu](implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F]): Timeout[F] = new Timeout[F] { override def timeoutTo[A](fa: F[A], after: FiniteDuration, fallback: F[A]): F[A] = F.race(timer.sleep(after), fa).getOrElseF(fallback) } }
Example 130
Source File: Execute.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift} import tofu.syntax.monadic._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import simulacrum.typeclass @typeclass trait Execute[F[_]] { def executionContext: F[ExecutionContext] def deferFutureAction[A](f: ExecutionContext => Future[A]): F[A] def deferFuture[A](f: => Future[A]): F[A] = deferFutureAction(_ => f) } object Execute { final implicit def asyncExecute[F[_]](implicit ec: ExecutionContext, cs: ContextShift[F], asyncF: Async[F] ): Execute[F] = new Execute[F] { def executionContext: F[ExecutionContext] = ec.pure[F] def deferFutureAction[A](f: ExecutionContext => Future[A]): F[A] = Async.fromFuture(asyncF.delay(f(ec))) } }
Example 131
Source File: ShiftingProducerImpl.scala From kafka4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.banno.kafka.producer import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift} import java.util.concurrent.{Future => JFuture} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.apache.kafka.common._ import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext case class ShiftingProducerImpl[F[_]: Async, K, V]( p: ProducerApi[F, K, V], blockingContext: ExecutionContext )(implicit CS: ContextShift[F]) extends ProducerApi[F, K, V] { def abortTransaction: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.abortTransaction) def beginTransaction: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.beginTransaction) def close: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.close) def close(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.close(timeout)) def commitTransaction: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.commitTransaction) def flush: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.flush) def initTransactions: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.initTransactions) def metrics: F[Map[MetricName, Metric]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.metrics) def partitionsFor(topic: String): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.partitionsFor(topic)) def sendOffsetsToTransaction( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], consumerGroupId: String ): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.sendOffsetsToTransaction(offsets, consumerGroupId)) private[producer] def sendRaw(record: ProducerRecord[K, V]): JFuture[RecordMetadata] = p.sendRaw(record) private[producer] def sendRaw( record: ProducerRecord[K, V], callback: Callback ): JFuture[RecordMetadata] = p.sendRaw(record, callback) private[producer] def sendRaw( record: ProducerRecord[K, V], callback: Either[Exception, RecordMetadata] => Unit ): Unit = p.sendRaw(record, callback) def sendAndForget(record: ProducerRecord[K, V]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.sendAndForget(record)) def sendSync(record: ProducerRecord[K, V]): F[RecordMetadata] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.sendSync(record)) def sendAsync(record: ProducerRecord[K, V]): F[RecordMetadata] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(p.sendAsync(record)) }
Example 132
Source File: ShiftingConsumerImpl.scala From kafka4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.banno.kafka.consumer import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift} import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.apache.kafka.common._ import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext case class ShiftingConsumerImpl[F[_]: Async, K, V]( c: ConsumerApi[F, K, V], blockingContext: ExecutionContext )(implicit CS: ContextShift[F]) extends ConsumerApi[F, K, V] { def assign(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.assign(partitions)) def assignment: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.assignment) def beginningOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.beginningOffsets(partitions)) def beginningOffsets( partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.beginningOffsets(partitions, timeout)) def close: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.close) def close(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.close(timeout)) def commitAsync: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitAsync) def commitAsync( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: OffsetCommitCallback ): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitAsync(offsets, callback)) def commitAsync(callback: OffsetCommitCallback): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitAsync(callback)) def commitSync: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitSync) def commitSync(offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitSync(offsets)) def committed(partition: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.committed(partition)) def endOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.endOffsets(partitions)) def endOffsets( partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.endOffsets(partitions, timeout)) def listTopics: F[Map[String, Seq[PartitionInfo]]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.listTopics) def listTopics(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Map[String, Seq[PartitionInfo]]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.listTopics(timeout)) def metrics: F[Map[MetricName, Metric]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.metrics) def offsetsForTimes( timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long] ): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch)) def offsetsForTimes( timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch, timeout)) def partitionsFor(topic: String): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.partitionsFor(topic)) def partitionsFor(topic: String, timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.partitionsFor(topic, timeout)) def pause(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.pause(partitions)) def paused: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.paused) def poll(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[ConsumerRecords[K, V]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.poll(timeout)) def position(partition: TopicPartition): F[Long] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.position(partition)) def resume(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.resume(partitions)) def seek(partition: TopicPartition, offset: Long): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(, offset)) def seekToBeginning(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.seekToBeginning(partitions)) def seekToEnd(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.seekToEnd(partitions)) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(topics)) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String], callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(topics, callback)) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(pattern)) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern, callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(pattern, callback)) def subscription: F[Set[String]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscription) def unsubscribe: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.unsubscribe) def wakeup: F[Unit] = c.wakeup //TODO wakeup is the one method that is thread-safe, right? } object ShiftingConsumerImpl { //returns the type expected when creating a Resource def create[F[_]: Async: ContextShift, K, V]( c: ConsumerApi[F, K, V], e: ExecutionContext ): ConsumerApi[F, K, V] = ShiftingConsumerImpl(c, e) }
Example 133
Source File: TwitterSrvImpl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.TwitterRestClient import com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.entities.{AccessToken, ConsumerToken, Tweet} import{TwitterConf, TwitterSrv, domain => gs} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class TwitterSrvImpl(conf: TwitterConf) extends TwitterSrv { implicit private val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( private val consumerToken = ConsumerToken(key = conf.consumerKey, secret = conf.consumerSecret.decode) private val accessToken = AccessToken(key = conf.accessKey, secret = conf.accessSecret.decode) private val restClient = TwitterRestClient(consumerToken, accessToken) def tweet(msg: String): IO[gs.Tweet] = IO.fromFuture(IO(restClient.createTweet(trim(msg)))).map(fromLib) private def fromLib(t: Tweet): gs.Tweet = gs.Tweet( id =, text = t.text) }
Example 134
Source File: InternalSpec.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO } import fs2.Stream import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class InternalSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) "groupBy" should "create K substreams based on K selector outputs" in { val k = 30 val streams = Stream .emits(1 to 100000) .through(groupBy(i => IO(i % k))) .compile .toVector .unsafeRunSync streams.size shouldBe k } it should "split stream elements into respective substreams" in { val streams = Stream .emits(1 to 10) .through(groupBy(i => IO(i % 2))) .compile .toVector .unsafeRunSync streams.filter(_._1 == 0).head._2.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync shouldBe List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10) streams.filter(_._1 == 1).head._2.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync shouldBe List(1, 3, 5, 7, 9) } it should "fail on exception" in { val streams = Stream .emits(1 to 10) .through(groupBy(i => IO(throw new Exception()))) .attempt .compile .toVector .unsafeRunSync streams.size shouldBe 1 streams.head.isLeft shouldBe true } }
Example 135
Source File: CirisDecoderSpec.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package; import java.util.Date import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO } import ciris.{ ConfigException, ConfigValue } import org.scalatest.Assertion import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import import; class CirisDecoderSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) "InitialPositionDecoderSpec" should { "when decoding Either[InitialPositionInStream, Date]" can { // same package, so `import` not necessary here def decode(testStr: String): Either[InitialPositionInStream, Date] = ConfigValue .default(testStr) .as[Either[InitialPositionInStream, Date]] .load[IO] .unsafeRunSync() def expectDecodeFailure(testString: String): Assertion = intercept[ConfigException] { decode(testString) }.getMessage should include( s"Unable to convert value $testString to InitialPositionInStream" ) "decode supported strings as initial offsets" in { decode("LATEST") should equal(Left(InitialPositionInStream.LATEST)) decode("TRIM_HORIZON") should equal(Left(InitialPositionInStream.TRIM_HORIZON)) decode("TS_1592404273000") should equal(Right(new Date(1592404273000L))) } "fail to decode valid strings" in { expectDecodeFailure("FOOBAR") expectDecodeFailure("TS_FOO") expectDecodeFailure("TS_") expectDecodeFailure("_1592404273000") } } } }
Example 136
Source File: SqsSpec.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO } import import import import import{ ConsumerBuilder, SQSConsumer, SqsConfig } import javax.jms.{ Message, MessageListener, TextMessage } import org.mockito.scalatest.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.flatspec.AsyncFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class SqsSpec extends AsyncFlatSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val messageDecoder: Message => Either[Throwable, Int] = { sqs_msg => val text = sqs_msg.asInstanceOf[TextMessage].getText if ("fail" == text) Left(intercept[Exception](())) else Right(text.toInt) } "SQS endpoint" should "stream messages" in { def stream(d: Deferred[IO, MessageListener]) = aws .sqsStream[IO, Int]( SqsConfig("dummy"), (_, listener) => new ConsumerBuilder[IO] { override def start: IO[SQSConsumer] = IO.delay(new SQSConsumer { override def callback: MessageListener = listener override def startConsumer(): Unit = () override def shutdown(): Unit = () override def connection: SQSConnection = mock[SQSConnection] }) }, Some(d) ) .take(4) .compile .toList val r = for { d <- Deferred[IO, MessageListener] res <- IO.racePair(stream(d), d.get).flatMap { case Right((streamFiber, listener)) => listener.onMessage(new SQSTextMessage("1")) listener.onMessage(new SQSTextMessage("2")) listener.onMessage(new SQSTextMessage("fail")) listener.onMessage(new SQSTextMessage("4")) listener.onMessage(new SQSTextMessage("5")) streamFiber.join case _ => IO(Nil) } } yield res val future = r.unsafeToFuture() should be(List(1, 2, 4, 5))) } }
Example 137
Source File: S3Spec.scala From fs2-aws with MIT License | 5 votes |
package fs2 package aws import java.util.concurrent.Executors import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO } import import import import org.mockito.MockitoSugar._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class S3Spec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private val blockingEC = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(6)) implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val s3Client: S3Client[IO] = val mockS3 = mock[AmazonS3] ignore should "stdout the jsonfile" in { readS3FileMultipart[IO]("resources", "jsontest.json", 25, mockS3).compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync should be( Vector() ) } "Downloading the JSON test file by chunks" should "return the same content" in { readS3FileMultipart[IO]("resources", "jsontest.json", 25, mockS3) .through(fs2.text.utf8Decode) .through(fs2.text.lines) .compile .toVector .unsafeRunSync .reduce(_ + _) .concat("") should be( """{"test": 1}{"test": 2}{"test": 3}{"test": 4}{"test": 5}{"test": 6}{"test": 7}{"test": 8}""" ) } "Downloading the JSON test file" should "return the same content" in { readS3File[IO]("resources", "jsontest.json", blockingEC, mockS3) .through(fs2.text.utf8Decode) .through(fs2.text.lines) .compile .toVector .unsafeRunSync .reduce(_ + _) .concat("") should be( """{"test": 1}{"test": 2}{"test": 3}{"test": 4}{"test": 5}{"test": 6}{"test": 7}{"test": 8}""" ) } "Downloading the versioned JSON test file" should "return the same content" in { readS3VersionedFile[IO]("resources", "jsontest.json", version = "ABC", blockingEC, mockS3) .through(fs2.text.utf8Decode) .through(fs2.text.lines) .compile .toVector .unsafeRunSync .reduce(_ + _) .concat("") should be( """{"this": 1}{"is": 2}{"versioned": 3}{"content": 4}""" ) } "big chunk size but small entire text" should "be trimmed to content" in { readS3FileMultipart[IO]("resources", "jsontest1.json", 25, mockS3) .through(fs2.text.utf8Decode) .through(fs2.text.lines) .compile .toVector .unsafeRunSync .reduce(_ + _) .concat("") should be("""{"test": 1}""") } }
Example 138
Source File: DatabaseConfig.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore.config import cats.syntax.functor._ import cats.effect.{Async, Blocker, ContextShift, Resource, Sync} import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext case class DatabaseConnectionsConfig(poolSize: Int) case class DatabaseConfig( url: String, driver: String, user: String, password: String, connections: DatabaseConnectionsConfig, ) object DatabaseConfig { def dbTransactor[F[_]: Async: ContextShift]( dbc: DatabaseConfig, connEc: ExecutionContext, blocker: Blocker, ): Resource[F, HikariTransactor[F]] = HikariTransactor .newHikariTransactor[F](dbc.driver, dbc.url, dbc.user, dbc.password, connEc, blocker) def initializeDb[F[_]](cfg: DatabaseConfig)(implicit S: Sync[F]): F[Unit] = S.delay { val fw: Flyway = { Flyway .configure() .dataSource(cfg.url, cfg.user, cfg.password) .load() } fw.migrate() } .as(()) }
Example 139
Source File: package.scala From scala-pet-store with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.pauljamescleary.petstore package infrastructure.repository import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift, Effect, IO} import config._ import _root_.doobie.Transactor import io.circe.config.parser import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext package object doobie { def getTransactor[F[_]: Async: ContextShift](cfg: DatabaseConfig): Transactor[F] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[F]( cfg.driver, // driver classname cfg.url, // connect URL (driver-specific) cfg.user, // user cfg.password, // password ) def initializedTransactor[F[_]: Effect: Async: ContextShift]: F[Transactor[F]] = for { petConfig <- parser.decodePathF[F, PetStoreConfig]("petstore") _ <- DatabaseConfig.initializeDb(petConfig.db) } yield getTransactor(petConfig.db) lazy val testEc = implicit lazy val testCs = IO.contextShift(testEc) lazy val testTransactor = initializedTransactor[IO].unsafeRunSync() }
Example 140
Source File: StreamFs2.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.examples object StreamFs2 extends App { import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.fs2.AsyncHttpClientFs2Backend import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.instances.string._ import fs2.{Stream, text} implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def streamRequestBody(implicit backend: SttpBackend[IO, Stream[IO, Byte], NothingT]): IO[Unit] = { val stream: Stream[IO, Byte] = Stream.emits("Hello, world".getBytes) basicRequest .streamBody(stream) .post(uri"") .send() .map { response => println(s"RECEIVED:\n${response.body}") } } def streamResponseBody(implicit backend: SttpBackend[IO, Stream[IO, Byte], NothingT]): IO[Unit] = { basicRequest .body("I want a stream!") .post(uri"") .response(asStreamAlways[Stream[IO, Byte]]) .send() .flatMap { response => response.body.chunks .through(text.utf8DecodeC) .compile .foldMonoid } .map { body => println(s"RECEIVED:\n$body") } } val effect = AsyncHttpClientFs2Backend[IO]().flatMap { implicit backend => streamRequestBody.flatMap(_ => streamResponseBody).guarantee(backend.close()) } effect.unsafeRunSync() }
Example 141
Source File: Stryker4sMain.scala From stryker4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stryker4s.maven import javax.inject.Inject import org.apache.maven.plugin.{AbstractMojo, MojoFailureException} import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.{Mojo, Parameter} import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject import import import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Mojo(name = "run") class Stryker4sMain @Inject() (@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project}") project: MavenProject) extends AbstractMojo { override def execute(): Unit = { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(implicitly[ExecutionContext]) new Stryker4sMavenRunner(project).run() match { case ErrorStatus => throw new MojoFailureException("Mutation score was below configured threshold") case _ => } } }
Example 142
Source File: Reporter.scala From stryker4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import grizzled.slf4j.Logging import stryker4s.config._ import stryker4s.files.DiskFileIO import stryker4s.model.{Mutant, MutantRunResult} import import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.IO import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.cats.AsyncHttpClientCatsBackend import cats.effect.ContextShift class Reporter(implicit config: Config, cs: ContextShift[IO]) extends FinishedRunReporter with ProgressReporter with Logging { lazy val reporters: Iterable[MutationRunReporter] = config.reporters map { case Console => new ConsoleReporter() case Html => new HtmlReporter(new DiskFileIO()) case Json => new JsonReporter(new DiskFileIO()) case Dashboard => AsyncHttpClientCatsBackend[IO]() .map { implicit backend => new DashboardReporter(new DashboardConfigProvider(sys.env)) } // TODO: Figure out some other way to do this? .unsafeRunSync() } private[this] lazy val progressReporters = reporters collect { case r: ProgressReporter => r } private[this] lazy val finishedRunReporters = reporters collect { case r: FinishedRunReporter => r } override def reportMutationStart(mutant: Mutant): IO[Unit] = reportAll[ProgressReporter]( progressReporters, _.reportMutationStart(mutant) ) override def reportMutationComplete(result: MutantRunResult, totalMutants: Int): IO[Unit] = reportAll[ProgressReporter]( progressReporters, _.reportMutationComplete(result, totalMutants) ) override def reportRunFinished(runReport: FinishedRunReport): IO[Unit] = { reportAll[FinishedRunReporter]( finishedRunReporters, reporter => reporter.reportRunFinished(runReport) ) } private def reportAll[T](reporters: Iterable[T], reportF: T => IO[Unit]): IO[Unit] = { reporters.toList .parTraverse { reporter => reportF(reporter).attempt } .map { _ collect { case Left(f) => f } } .flatMap { failed => if (failed.nonEmpty) IO { warn(s"${failed.size} reporter(s) failed to report:") failed.foreach(warn(_)) } else IO.unit } } }
Example 143
Source File: fileIO.scala From stryker4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stryker4s.files import cats.effect.IO import fs2._ import import import cats.effect.Blocker import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.Sync import java.nio.file.Path sealed trait FileIO { def createAndWriteFromResource(file: Path, resource: String): IO[Unit] def createAndWrite(file: Path, content: String): IO[Unit] } class DiskFileIO()(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO], s: Sync[IO]) extends FileIO { override def createAndWriteFromResource(file: Path, resourceName: String): IO[Unit] = Blocker[IO].use { blocker => val stream = IO { getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourceName) } createDirectories(blocker, file.getParent()) *> readInputStream(stream, 8192, blocker) .through(writeAll(file, blocker)) .compile .drain } override def createAndWrite(file: Path, content: String): IO[Unit] = Blocker[IO].use { blocker => createDirectories(blocker, file.getParent()) *> Stream(content) .through(text.utf8Encode) .through(writeAll(file, blocker)) .compile .drain } }
Example 144
Source File: Stryker4sRunner.scala From stryker4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import stryker4s.Stryker4s import stryker4s.config.{Config, ConfigReader} import stryker4s.mutants.Mutator import stryker4s.mutants.applymutants.ActiveMutationContext.ActiveMutationContext import stryker4s.mutants.applymutants.{MatchBuilder, StatementTransformer} import stryker4s.mutants.findmutants.{FileCollector, MutantFinder, MutantMatcher, SourceCollector} import import import import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.IO trait Stryker4sRunner { def run()(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): ScoreStatus = { implicit val config: Config = ConfigReader.readConfig() val collector = new FileCollector(ProcessRunner()) val stryker4s = new Stryker4s( collector, new Mutator(new MutantFinder(new MutantMatcher), new StatementTransformer, new MatchBuilder(mutationActivation)), resolveRunner(collector, new Reporter()) ) } def resolveRunner(collector: SourceCollector, reporter: Reporter)(implicit config: Config): MutantRunner def mutationActivation: ActiveMutationContext }
Example 145
Source File: FS2CronTest.scala From fs2-cron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.fs2cron import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer} import cron4s.Cron import cron4s.expr.CronExpr import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class FS2CronTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( val evenSeconds: CronExpr = Cron.unsafeParse("*/2 * * ? * *") def isEven(i: Int): Boolean = i % 2 == 0 test("awakeEveryCron") { val s1 = awakeEveryCron[IO](evenSeconds) >> evalNow[IO] val s2 = } test("sleepCron") { val s1 = sleepCron[IO](evenSeconds) >> evalNow[IO] val s2 = } test("schedule") { implicit val ctxShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( val everySecond: CronExpr = Cron.unsafeParse("* * * ? * *") val s1 = schedule(List(everySecond -> evalNow[IO], evenSeconds -> evalNow[IO])).map(_.getSecond) val seconds = s1.take(3).compile.toList.unsafeRunSync() seconds.count(isEven) shouldBe 2 seconds.count(!isEven(_)) shouldBe 1 } }
Example 146
Source File: DeepBindBenchmark.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.benchmarks import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits @State(Scope.Thread) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) class DeepBindBenchmark { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( @Param(Array("3000")) var size: Int = _ @Benchmark def pure(): Int = { def loop(i: Int): IO[Int] = for { j <- IO.pure(i) _ <- if (j > size) IO.pure(j) else loop(j + 1) } yield j loop(0).unsafeRunSync() } @Benchmark def delay(): Int = { def loop(i: Int): IO[Int] = for { j <- IO(i) _ <- if (j > size) IO(j) else loop(j + 1) } yield j loop(0).unsafeRunSync() } @Benchmark def async(): Int = { def loop(i: Int): IO[Int] = for { j <- IO(i) _ <- IO.shift _ <- if (j > size) IO(j) else loop(j + 1) } yield j loop(0).unsafeRunSync() } }
Example 147
Source File: ShallowBindBenchmark.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.benchmarks import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits @State(Scope.Thread) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) class ShallowBindBenchmark { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( @Param(Array("10000")) var size: Int = _ @Benchmark def pure(): Int = { def loop(i: Int): IO[Int] = if (i < size) IO.pure(i + 1).flatMap(loop) else IO.pure(i) IO.pure(0) .flatMap(loop) .unsafeRunSync() } @Benchmark def delay(): Int = { def loop(i: Int): IO[Int] = if (i < size) IO(i + 1).flatMap(loop) else IO(i) IO(0).flatMap(loop).unsafeRunSync() } @Benchmark def async(): Int = { def loop(i: Int): IO[Int] = if (i < size) IO.shift.flatMap(_ => IO.pure(i + 1)).flatMap(loop) else IO.shift.flatMap(_ => IO.pure(i)) IO(0).flatMap(loop).unsafeRunSync() } }
Example 148
Source File: IOStart.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.internals import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Fiber, IO} import cats.implicits._ import scala.concurrent.Promise private[effect] object IOStart { def apply[A](cs: ContextShift[IO], fa: IO[A]): IO[Fiber[IO, A]] = { val start: Start[Fiber[IO, A]] = (_, cb) => { // Memoization val p = Promise[Either[Throwable, A]]() // Starting the source `IO`, with a new connection, because its // cancellation is now decoupled from our current one val conn2 = IOConnection() val cb0 = { (ea: Either[Throwable, A]) => p.success(ea) () } IORunLoop.startCancelable(IOForkedStart(fa, cs), conn2, cb0) cb(Right(fiber(p, conn2))) } IO.Async(start, trampolineAfter = true) } private[internals] def fiber[A](p: Promise[Either[Throwable, A]], conn: IOConnection): Fiber[IO, A] = Fiber(IOFromFuture(p.future).rethrow, conn.cancel) }
Example 149
Source File: JvmMonitoringTest.scala From datadog4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.datadog4s.extension.jvm import java.time.Duration import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO, Timer } import import com.avast.datadog4s.extension.jvm.JvmMonitoring.Config import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ class JvmMonitoringTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private val ec: ExecutionContext = implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = cats.effect.IO.contextShift(ec) implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(ec) val noopErrHandler: Throwable => IO[Unit] = (_: Throwable) => IO.unit "JvmMonitoring" should "create all expected metrics and update them periodically" in { val testEffect = MockMetricsFactory.make[IO].flatMap { inmemory => val runTest = JvmMonitoring .configured(inmemory, Config().copy(delay = Duration.ofMillis(10)), noopErrHandler) .use(_ => IO.never) .timeout(100.millis) .attempt runTest >> inmemory.state.get } val result = testEffect.unsafeRunSync() result.keySet must equal(expectedAspects) result.values.foreach { vector => vector.groupBy(_.tags).foreach { case (_, records) => records.size must be > 0 records.size must be < 15 } } } val minorGcParams = if (System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.8.")) Set.empty else Set("jvm.gc.minor_collection_time", "jvm.gc.minor_collection_count") val expectedAspects: Set[String] = Set( "jvm.cpu.load", "jvm.cpu.time", "", "jvm.heap_memory", "jvm.heap_memory_committed", "jvm.heap_memory_init", "jvm.heap_memory_max", "jvm.heap_memory.eden", "jvm.heap_memory.eden_committed", "jvm.heap_memory.eden_max", "jvm.heap_memory.survivor", "jvm.heap_memory.survivor_committed", "jvm.heap_memory.survivor_max", "jvm.heap_memory.old_gen", "jvm.heap_memory.old_gen_committed", "jvm.heap_memory.old_gen_max", "jvm.non_heap_memory", "jvm.non_heap_memory_committed", "jvm.non_heap_memory_init", "jvm.non_heap_memory_max", "jvm.non_heap_memory.code_cache", "jvm.non_heap_memory.code_cache_committed", "jvm.non_heap_memory.code_cache_max", "jvm.non_heap_memory.metaspace", "jvm.non_heap_memory.metaspace_committed", "jvm.non_heap_memory.metaspace_max", "jvm.non_heap_memory.compressed_class_space", "jvm.non_heap_memory.compressed_class_space_committed", "jvm.non_heap_memory.compressed_class_space_max", "jvm.uptime", "jvm.thread_count", "jvm.thread_daemon", "jvm.thread_started", "jvm.loaded_classes", "jvm.bufferpool.instances", "jvm.bufferpool.bytes", "jvm.gc.major_collection_time", "jvm.gc.major_collection_count" ) ++ minorGcParams }
Example 150
Source File: RedisChannel.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package fs2 import import _root_.fs2._ import{Socket, SocketGroup} import cats.MonadError import cats.effect.{Blocker, Concurrent, ContextShift, Resource} import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import laserdisc.protocol._ import log.effect.LogWriter import scodec.Codec import{StreamDecoder, StreamEncoder} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration object RedisChannel { private[this] final val streamDecoder = StreamDecoder.many(Codec[RESP]) private[this] final val streamEncoder = StreamEncoder.many(Codec[RESP]) private[fs2] final def apply[F[_]: ContextShift: LogWriter: Concurrent]( address: InetSocketAddress, writeTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration], readMaxBytes: Int )(blocker: Blocker): Pipe[F, RESP, RESP] = { def connectedSocket: Resource[F, Socket[F]] = SocketGroup(blocker, nonBlockingThreadCount = 4) >>= (_.client(address, noDelay = true)) stream => Stream.resource(connectedSocket) >>= { socket => val send = stream.through(impl.send(socket.writes(writeTimeout))) val receive = socket.reads(readMaxBytes).through(impl.receiveResp) send.drain .covaryOutput[RESP] .mergeHaltBoth(receive) .onFinalizeWeak(socket.endOfOutput) } } private[this] final object impl { def send[F[_]: MonadError[*[_], Throwable]](socketChannel: Pipe[F, Byte, Unit])( implicit log: LogWriter[F] ): Pipe[F, RESP, Unit] = _.evalTap(resp => log.trace(s"sending $resp")) .through(streamEncoder.encode[F]) .flatMap(bits => Stream.chunk(Chunk.bytes(bits.toByteArray))) .through(socketChannel) def receiveResp[F[_]: MonadError[*[_], Throwable]](implicit log: LogWriter[F]): Pipe[F, Byte, RESP] = { def framing: Pipe[F, Byte, CompleteFrame] = { def loopScan(bytesIn: Stream[F, Byte], previous: RESPFrame): Pull[F, CompleteFrame, Unit] = bytesIn.pull.uncons.flatMap { case Some((chunk, rest)) => previous.append(chunk.toByteBuffer) match { case Left(ex) => Pull.raiseError(ex) case Right(frame: CompleteFrame) => Pull.output1(frame) >> loopScan(rest, EmptyFrame) case Right(frame: MoreThanOneFrame) => Pull.output(Chunk.vector(frame.complete)) >> { if (frame.remainder.isEmpty) loopScan(rest, EmptyFrame) else loopScan(rest, IncompleteFrame(frame.remainder, 0L)) } case Right(frame: IncompleteFrame) => loopScan(rest, frame) } case _ => Pull.done } bytesIn => loopScan(bytesIn, EmptyFrame).stream } pipeIn => streamDecoder .decode(pipeIn.through(framing) map (_.bits)) .evalTap(resp => log.trace(s"receiving $resp")) } } }
Example 151
Source File: Algebras.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package hydra.ingest.modules import cats.effect.{Async, ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift, Timer} import cats.implicits._ import hydra.avro.registry.SchemaRegistry import import hydra.kafka.algebras.{KafkaAdminAlgebra, KafkaClientAlgebra, MetadataAlgebra} import io.chrisdavenport.log4cats.Logger final class Algebras[F[_]] private ( val schemaRegistry: SchemaRegistry[F], val kafkaAdmin: KafkaAdminAlgebra[F], val kafkaClient: KafkaClientAlgebra[F], val metadata: MetadataAlgebra[F] ) object Algebras { def make[F[_]: Async: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Timer: Logger](config: AppConfig): F[Algebras[F]] = for { schemaRegistry <-[F]( config.createTopicConfig.schemaRegistryConfig.fullUrl, config.createTopicConfig.schemaRegistryConfig.maxCacheSize ) kafkaAdmin <-[F](config.createTopicConfig.bootstrapServers) kafkaClient <-[F](config.createTopicConfig.bootstrapServers, schemaRegistry, config.ingestConfig.recordSizeLimitBytes) metadata <- MetadataAlgebra.make[F](config.v2MetadataTopicConfig.topicName.value, config.v2MetadataTopicConfig.consumerGroup, kafkaClient, schemaRegistry, config.v2MetadataTopicConfig.createOnStartup) } yield new Algebras[F](schemaRegistry, kafkaAdmin, kafkaClient, metadata) }
Example 152
Source File: RollingFileLogger.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package io.odin.loggers import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths} import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.util.TimeZone import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import cats.Monad import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, Fiber, Resource, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import io.odin.formatter.Formatter import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage} import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _} object RollingFileLogger { def apply[F[_]]( fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String, maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long], rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration], formatter: Formatter, minLevel: Level )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, Logger[F]] = { new RollingFileLoggerFactory( fileNamePattern, maxFileSizeInBytes, rolloverInterval, formatter, minLevel, FileLogger.apply[F] ).mk } private[odin] class RefLogger[F[_]: Timer: Monad]( current: Ref[F, Logger[F]], override val minLevel: Level ) extends DefaultLogger[F](minLevel) { def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msg)) override def log(msgs: List[LoggerMessage]): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msgs)) } private[odin] class RollingFileLoggerFactory[F[_]]( fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String, maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long], rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration], formatter: Formatter, minLevel: Level, underlyingLogger: (String, Formatter, Level) => Resource[F, Logger[F]], fileSizeCheck: Path => Long = Files.size )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]) { val df: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss") def mk: Resource[F, Logger[F]] = { val logger = for { ((logger, watcherFiber), release) <- allocate.allocated refLogger <- Ref.of(logger) refRelease <- Ref.of(release) _ <- F.start(rollingLoop(watcherFiber, refLogger, refRelease)) } yield { (new RefLogger(refLogger, minLevel), refRelease) } Resource.make(logger)(_._2.get.flatten).map { case (logger, _) => logger } } def now: F[Long] = timer.clock.realTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) def rollingLoop(watcher: Fiber[F, Unit], logger: Ref[F, Logger[F]], release: Ref[F, F[Unit]]): F[Unit] = for { _ <- watcher.join oldRelease <- release.get ((newLogger, newWatcher), newRelease) <- allocate.allocated _ <- logger.set(newLogger) _ <- release.set(newRelease) _ <- oldRelease _ <- rollingLoop(newWatcher, logger, release) } yield () } }