cats.effect.concurrent.Ref Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use cats.effect.concurrent.Ref. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: NatPmpClient.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import com.offbynull.portmapper.gateways.process.ProcessGateway
import com.offbynull.portmapper.gateways.process.internalmessages.KillProcessRequest
import com.offbynull.portmapper.mapper.{MappedPort, PortType}
import com.offbynull.portmapper.mappers.natpmp.NatPmpPortMapper
import jbok.common.log.Logger

object NatPmpClient {
  def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Nat[F]] =
    for {
      network <- F.delay(NetworkGateway.create)
      networkBus = network.getBus
      process <- F.delay(ProcessGateway.create)
      processBus = process.getBus
      mappers     <- F.delay(NatPmpPortMapper.identify(networkBus, processBus))
      mapper      <- F.delay(mappers.get(0))
      mappedPorts <- Ref.of[F, Map[Int, MappedPort]](Map.empty)
      _           <- F.delay(network.getBus.send(new KillNetworkRequest()))
      _           <- F.delay(process.getBus.send(new KillProcessRequest()))
    } yield
      new Nat[F] {
        private[this] val log = Logger[F]

        override def addMapping(internalPort: Int, externalPort: Int, lifetime: Long): F[Unit] =
          for {
            _ <- deleteMapping(externalPort)
            port <- F
              .delay(mapper.mapPort(PortType.TCP, internalPort, externalPort, lifetime))
              .handleErrorWith { e =>
                log.error(s"add port mapping from ${internalPort} to ${externalPort} failed", e) >>
            _ <- mappedPorts.update(_ + (externalPort -> port))
          } yield ()

        override def deleteMapping(externalPort: Int): F[Unit] =
          for {
            portOpt <-
            _       <- portOpt.fold(F.unit)(port => F.delay(mapper.unmapPort(port)))
            _       <- mappedPorts.update(_ - externalPort)
          } yield ()
Example 2
Source File: package.scala    From fs2-aws   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.concurrent.Queue
import fs2.{ Pipe, Stream }

package object core {

  def groupBy[F[_], A, K](
    selector: A => F[K]
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Pipe[F, A, (K, Stream[F, A])] = { in =>
    Stream.eval(Ref.of[F, Map[K, Queue[F, Option[A]]]](Map.empty)).flatMap { queueMap =>
      val cleanup = {

      (in ++ Stream.eval_(cleanup))
        .evalMap { elem =>
          (selector(elem), queueMap.get).mapN { (key, queues) =>
              .fold {
                for {
                  newQ <- Queue.unbounded[F, Option[A]] // Create a new queue
                  _    <- queueMap.modify(queues => (queues + (key -> newQ), queues))
                  _ <- newQ.enqueue1(
                      ) // Enqueue the element lifted into an Option to the new queue
                } yield (key -> newQ.dequeue.unNoneTerminate).some
              }(_.enqueue1(elem.some) as None)
Example 3
Source File: TestKinesisProducerClient.scala    From fs2-aws   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.ByteBuffer

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import{ Attempt, UserRecordResult }
import{ ListenableFuture, SettableFuture }
import cats.implicits._
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.jawn.CirceSupportParser

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

case class TestKinesisProducerClient[F[_], T](state: Ref[F, List[T]])(
  implicit decoder: Decoder[T]
) extends KinesisProducerClient[F] {
  override def putData(
    streamName: String,
    partitionKey: String,
    data: ByteBuffer
  )(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[ListenableFuture[UserRecordResult]] =
    for {
      t <- CirceSupportParser
      _ <- state.modify(orig => (t :: orig, orig))
      res = {
        val future: SettableFuture[UserRecordResult] = SettableFuture.create()
        future.set(new UserRecordResult(List[Attempt]().asJava, "seq #", "shard #", true))

    } yield res
Example 4
Source File: lift.scala    From tofu   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tofu.syntax

import cats.{Functor, ~>}
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, MVar, Ref, Semaphore}
import tofu.lift.{IsoK, Lift, Unlift}
import cats.tagless.{FunctorK, InvariantK}
import tofu.lift.{IsoK, Lift, Unlift}

object lift {
  implicit final class LiftSyntax[F[_], A](private val fa: F[A]) extends AnyVal {
    def lift[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G]): G[A] = lift.lift(fa)

  implicit final class MVarLiftSyntax[F[_], A](private val mvar: MVar[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
    def lift[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G]): MVar[G, A] = mvar.mapK(lift.liftF)

  implicit final class RefLiftSyntax[F[_], A](private val ref: Ref[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
    def lift[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G], F: Functor[F]): Ref[G, A] = ref.mapK(lift.liftF)

  implicit final class DeferredLiftSyntax[F[_], A](private val deferred: Deferred[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
    def lift[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G]): Deferred[G, A] = deferred.mapK(lift.liftF)

  implicit final class SemaphoreLiftSyntax[F[_]](private val semaphore: Semaphore[F]) extends AnyVal {
    def ilift[G[_]](implicit lift: IsoK[F, G]): Semaphore[G]                        = semaphore.imapK(lift.tof, lift.fromF)
    def unlift[G[_]](implicit unlift: Unlift[F, G], G: Functor[G]): G[Semaphore[G]] = => semaphore.imapK(unlift.liftF, backf))

  implicit final class CatsTaglessLiftSyntax[T[_[_]], F[_]](private val tf: T[F]) extends AnyVal {
    def lift[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G], fk: FunctorK[T]): T[G]                           = fk.mapK(tf)(lift.liftF)
    def ilift[G[_]](implicit lift: IsoK[F, G], fk: InvariantK[T]): T[G]                        = fk.imapK(tf)(lift.tof)(lift.fromF)
    def unlift[G[_]](implicit unlift: Unlift[F, G], G: Functor[G], fk: InvariantK[T]): G[T[G]] = => fk.imapK(tf)(unlift.liftF)(backf))

  implicit final class CatsTagless1LiftSyntax[T[_[_], _], F[_], A](private val tf: T[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
    def mapK1[G[_]](f: F ~> G)(implicit fk: FunctorK[T[*[_], A]]): T[G, A]               = fk.mapK(tf)(f)
    def imapK1[G[_]](f: F ~> G)(g: G ~> F)(implicit fk: InvariantK[T[*[_], A]]): T[G, A] = fk.imapK(tf)(f)(g)

    def lift1[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G], fk: FunctorK[T[*[_], A]]): T[G, A]                           = fk.mapK(tf)(lift.liftF)
    def ilift1[G[_]](implicit lift: IsoK[F, G], fk: InvariantK[T[*[_], A]]): T[G, A]                        =
    def unlift1[G[_]](implicit unlift: Unlift[F, G], G: Functor[G], fk: InvariantK[T[*[_], A]]): G[T[G, A]] = => fk.imapK(tf)(unlift.liftF)(backf))

  implicit final class CatsTagless2LiftSyntax[T[_[_], _, _], F[_], A, B](private val tf: T[F, A, B]) extends AnyVal {
    def mapK2[G[_]](f: F ~> G)(implicit fk: FunctorK[T[*[_], A, B]]): T[G, A, B]               = fk.mapK(tf)(f)
    def imapK2[G[_]](f: F ~> G)(g: G ~> F)(implicit fk: InvariantK[T[*[_], A, B]]): T[G, A, B] = fk.imapK(tf)(f)(g)

    def lift2[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G], fk: FunctorK[T[*[_], A, B]]): T[G, A, B]                           = fk.mapK(tf)(lift.liftF)
    def ilift2[G[_]](implicit lift: IsoK[F, G], fk: InvariantK[T[*[_], A, B]]): T[G, A, B]                        =
    def unlift2[G[_]](implicit unlift: Unlift[F, G], G: Functor[G], fk: InvariantK[T[*[_], A, B]]): G[T[G, A, B]] = => fk.imapK(tf)(unlift.liftF)(backf))
Example 5
Source File: FocusedRef.scala    From tofu   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tofu.concurrent.impl
import cats.Functor
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import tofu.optics.Contains
import cats.syntax.functor._

final case class FocusedRef[F[_]: Functor, A, B](ref: Ref[F, A], focus: Contains[A, B]) extends Ref[F, B] {
  private def focusedMod[X](f: B => (B, X))(a: A): (A, X) = {
    val (next, res) = f(focus.extract(a))
    focus.set(a, next) -> res

  def get: F[B]          =
  def set(b: B): F[Unit] = ref.update(a => focus.set(a, b))

  def update(f: B => B): F[Unit]               = ref.update(focus.update(_, f))
  def modify[X](f: B => (B, X)): F[X]          = ref.modify(focusedMod(f))
  def modifyState[X](state: State[B, X]): F[X] = ref.modifyState(focus.focusState(state))

  def tryUpdate(f: B => B): F[Boolean]                    = ref.tryUpdate(focus.update(_, f))
  def tryModify[X](f: B => (B, X)): F[Option[X]]          = ref.tryModify(focusedMod(f))
  def tryModifyState[X](state: State[B, X]): F[Option[X]] = ref.tryModifyState(focus.focusState(state))

  def access: F[(B, B => F[Boolean])] = {
    case (a, update) => (focus.extract(a), b => update(focus.set(a, b)))
Example 6
Source File: Mut.scala    From tofu   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tofu
package concurrent

import cats.Functor
import cats.effect.Bracket
import cats.effect.concurrent.{MVar, Ref}
import cats.syntax.functor._
import tofu.concurrent.Mut.FocusedMut
import tofu.optics.Contains
import tofu.syntax.bracket._

@deprecated("use Atom / qvar.toAtom", since = "0.5.6")
trait Mut[F[_], A] {
  def get: F[A]
  def update(f: A => A): F[Unit]
  def set(a: A): F[Unit] = update(_ => a)

  def focused[B](implicit focus: A Contains B, F: Functor[F]): Mut[F, B] = new FocusedMut(this, focus)

object Mut {
  def ref[F[_], A](ref: Ref[F, A]): Mut[F, A]                                        = new RefMut(ref)
  def mvar[F[_], E, A](mvar: MVar[F, A])(implicit bracket: Bracket[F, E]): Mut[F, A] = new MVarMut(mvar)

  private class RefMut[F[_], A](ref: Ref[F, A]) extends Mut[F, A] {
    def get: F[A]                   = ref.get
    override def set(a: A): F[Unit] = ref.set(a)
    def update(f: A => A): F[Unit]  = ref.update(f)

  private class MVarMut[F[_]: Bracket[*[_], E], E, A](mvar: MVar[F, A]) extends Mut[F, A] {
    def get: F[A]                  =
    def update(f: A => A): F[Unit] = mvar.take.bracketIncomplete(f andThen mvar.put)(mvar.put)

  private[Mut] class FocusedMut[F[_], A, B](v: Mut[F, A], focus: Contains[A, B])(implicit F: Functor[F])
      extends Mut[F, B] {
    def get: F[B]                   =
    def update(f: B => B): F[Unit]  = v.update(focus.update(_, f))
    override def set(b: B): F[Unit] = v.update(focus.set(_, b))

    override def focused[C](implicit next: B Contains C, F: Functor[F]): Mut[F, C] =
      new FocusedMut[F, A, C](v, focus >> next)
Example 7
Source File: ref.scala    From tofu   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tofu.concurrent.syntax
import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.{Functor, Monad}
import tofu.BracketThrow
import tofu.concurrent.impl.FocusedRef
import tofu.optics.{Contains, PProperty}
import tofu.syntax.monadic._

object ref {
  implicit final class TofuRefOps[F[_], A](private val self: Ref[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
    def focused[B](focus: A Contains B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Ref[F, B] = FocusedRef(self, focus)

    def optimisticModifyRes[B, X, R](prop: PProperty[A, A, R, X])(init: => Resource[F, X])(f: X => R)(implicit
        F: BracketThrow[F]
    ): F[R] =
        init.use(x => self.modify(a => prop.downcast(a).fold((prop.set(a, x), f(x)))((a, _))))
Example 8
Source File: Memoize.scala    From tofu   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tofu.memo

import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ExitCase}
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import simulacrum.typeclass
import tofu.syntax.monadic._
import cats.syntax.option._
import cats.effect.syntax.concurrent._
import cats.effect.syntax.bracket._

  def memoizeOnSuccess[A](fa: F[A]): F[F[A]]

object Memoize {
  def concurrentMemoize[F[_]](implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Memoize[F] =
    new Memoize[F] {
      def memoize[A](fa: F[A]): F[F[A]] = Concurrent.memoize(fa)

      //copy of Concurrent.memoize accepting success only
      def memoizeOnSuccess[A](f: F[A]): F[F[A]] = {
          sealed trait State
          case class Subs(n: Int) extends State
          case object Done        extends State

          case class Fetch(state: State, v: Deferred[F, A], stop: Deferred[F, F[Unit]])

          Ref[F].of(Option.empty[Fetch]).map { state =>
            (Deferred[F, A] product Deferred[F, F[Unit]]).flatMap {
              case (v, stop) =>
                def endState(ec: ExitCase[Throwable]) =
                  state.modify {
                    case None                          => throw new AssertionError("unreachable")
                    case s @ Some(Fetch(Done, _, _))   => s -> F.unit
                    case Some(Fetch(Subs(n), v, stop)) =>
                      if (ec == ExitCase.Canceled && n == 1) None -> stop.get.flatten
                      else if (ec == ExitCase.Canceled) Fetch(Subs(n - 1), v, stop).some -> F.unit
                      else Fetch(Done, v, stop).some                                     -> F.unit

                def fetch =
                    .flatMap(fiber => stop.complete(fiber.cancel))

                state.modify {
                  case s @ Some(Fetch(Done, v, _))   =>
                    s -> v.get
                  case Some(Fetch(Subs(n), v, stop)) =>
                    Fetch(Subs(n + 1), v, stop).some -> v.get.guaranteeCase(endState)
                  case None                          =>
                    Fetch(Subs(1), v, stop).some -> fetch.bracketCase(_ => v.get) { case (_, ec) => endState(ec) }
Example 9
Source File: CacheState.scala    From tofu   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tofu
package memo

import cats.effect.concurrent.{MVar, Ref}
import cats.tagless.InvariantK
import cats.{Functor, Monad, ~>}
import tofu.concurrent.{MVars, MakeMVar, MakeRef, Refs}
import tofu.memo.CacheOperation.{CleanUp, GetOrElse}
import tofu.syntax.bracket._
import tofu.syntax.monadic._

abstract class CacheState[F[_], A] {
  def runOperation[B](op: CacheOperation[F, A, B]): F[B]
  def value: F[CacheVal[A]]

  def getOrElse(process: F[A], now: Long, after: Long): F[A] = runOperation(GetOrElse(process, now, after))
  def cleanUp(after: Long): F[Boolean]                       = runOperation(CleanUp(after))

object CacheState {
  def apply[F[_]: Monad: Guarantee: Refs: MVars, A](
      method: CacheMethod,
      initial: CacheVal[A] = CacheVal.None
  ): F[CacheState[F, A]] =
    in[F, F, A](method, initial)

  def in[I[_]: Functor, F[_]: Monad: Guarantee, A](method: CacheMethod, initial: CacheVal[A] = CacheVal.None)(implicit
      mvar: MakeMVar[I, F],
      refs: MakeRef[I, F]
  ): I[CacheState[F, A]] =
    method match {
      case CacheMethod.MVar => mvarIn[I, F, A](initial)
      case CacheMethod.Ref  => refIn[I, F, A](initial)

  def mvarIn[I[_]: Functor, F[_]: Monad: Guarantee, A](initial: CacheVal[A] = CacheVal.none)(implicit
      mvars: MakeMVar[I, F]
  ): I[CacheState[F, A]] = mvars.mvarOf(initial).map(CacheStateMVar(_))

  def refIn[I[_]: Functor, F[_]: Monad, A](
      initial: CacheVal[A] = CacheVal.none
  )(implicit refs: MakeRef[I, F]): I[CacheState[F, A]] =

  def mvar[F[_]: Monad: Guarantee: MVars, A](initial: CacheVal[A] = CacheVal.none): F[CacheState[F, A]] =
    mvarIn[F, F, A](initial)

  def ref[F[_]: Monad: Refs, A](initial: CacheVal[A] = CacheVal.none): F[CacheState[F, A]] = refIn[F, F, A](initial)

  implicit def invariantK[A]: InvariantK[CacheState[*[_], A]] = new InvariantK[CacheState[*[_], A]] {
    def imapK[F[_], G[_]](af: CacheState[F, A])(fk: F ~> G)(gk: G ~> F): CacheState[G, A] =
      new CacheState[G, A] {
        def runOperation[B](op: CacheOperation[G, A, B]): G[B] = fk(af.runOperation(op.mapK(gk)))
        def value: G[CacheVal[A]]                              = fk(af.value)

final case class CacheStateMVar[F[_]: Monad: Guarantee, A](state: MVar[F, CacheVal[A]]) extends CacheState[F, A] {
  override def value: F[CacheVal[A]]                              =
  override def runOperation[B](op: CacheOperation[F, A, B]): F[B] =
    for {
      cur <-
      res <- op.getPureOrElse(cur)(
               state.bracketModify(fresh => op.update(fresh))
    } yield res

final case class CacheStateRef[F[_]: Monad, A](state: Ref[F, CacheVal[A]]) extends CacheState[F, A] {
  override def value: F[CacheVal[A]]                              = state.get
  override def runOperation[B](op: CacheOperation[F, A, B]): F[B] =
    for {
      (cur, update) <- state.access
      res           <- op.getPureOrElse(cur)(
                         for {
                           (newVal, res) <- op.update(cur)
                           _             <- update(newVal)
                         } yield res
    } yield res
Example 10
Source File: Counter.scala    From aecor   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package aecor.runtime.akkageneric

import aecor.encoding.{ KeyDecoder, KeyEncoder, WireProtocol }
import aecor.macros.boopickle.BoopickleWireProtocol
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import cats.tagless.FunctorK

trait Counter[F[_]] {
  def increment: F[Long]
  def decrement: F[Long]
  def value: F[Long]

object Counter {
  def inmem[F[_]: Sync]: F[Counter[F]] =
    Ref[F].of(0L).map { ref =>
      new Counter[F] {
        override def increment: F[Long] = ref.update(_ + 1L) >> value
        override def decrement: F[Long] = ref.update(_ - 1L) >> value
        override def value: F[Long] = ref.get

  import boopickle.Default._

  implicit def wireProtocol: WireProtocol[Counter] = BoopickleWireProtocol.derive
  implicit def functorK: FunctorK[Counter] = cats.tagless.Derive.functorK

final case class CounterId(value: String) extends AnyVal
object CounterId {
  implicit val keyEncoder: KeyEncoder[CounterId] = KeyEncoder.anyVal
  implicit val keyDecoder: KeyDecoder[CounterId] = KeyDecoder.anyVal
Example 11
Source File: KafkaDistributedProcessingTest.scala    From aecor   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package aecor.kafkadistributedprocessing

import cats.effect.concurrent.{ Deferred, Ref }
import cats.effect.{ ExitCase, IO }
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.concurrent.Queue
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class KafkaDistributedProcessingTest extends AnyFunSuiteLike with KafkaSupport with IOSupport {

  val topicName = "process-distribution"

  createCustomTopic(topicName, partitions = 4)

  val settings =
    DistributedProcessingSettings(Set(s"localhost:${kafkaConfig.kafkaPort}"), topicName)

  test("Process error propagation") {
    val exception = new RuntimeException("Oops!")

    val result = DistributedProcessing(settings)
      .start("Process error propagation", List(IO.raiseError[Unit](exception)))

    assert(result == Left(exception))

  test("Process lifecycle") {

    val test = Ref.of[IO, (Boolean, Boolean)]((false, false)).flatMap { ref =>
      Deferred[IO, Unit]
        .flatMap { done =>
          val process =
            ref.set((true, false)) >>
              done.complete(()) >>
              IO.never.guaranteeCase {
                case ExitCase.Canceled => ref.set((true, true))
                case _                 => IO.unit

          val run = DistributedProcessing(settings)
            .start("Process lifecycle", List(process))

          IO.race(run, done.get) >> ref.get

    val (started, finished) = test.timeout(20.seconds).unsafeRunSync()


  test("Process distribution") {
    val test = Queue.unbounded[IO, Int].flatMap { queue =>
      def run(client: Int) =
          settings.withConsumerSetting(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, client.toString)
          "Process distribution",
            .map { n =>
              val idx = client * 10 + n
              (queue.enqueue1(idx) >> IO.cancelBoundary <* IO.never)

      def dequeue(size: Long): IO[List[Int]] =

      for {
        d1 <- run(1).start
        s1 <- dequeue(8)
        d2 <- run(2).start
        s2 <- dequeue(16)
        _ <- d1.cancel
        s3 <- dequeue(16)
        _ <- d2.cancel
        s4 <- dequeue(8)
      } yield (s1, s2, s3, s4)

    val (s1, s2, s3, s4) = test.timeout(20.seconds).unsafeRunSync()

    assert(s1.toSet == Set(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17))
    assert((s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 ++ s4).sum == 0)

Example 12
Source File: CatsEffectSpecs.scala    From cats-effect-testing   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.effect.testing.specs2

import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Ref, Deferred}
import cats.implicits._
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

class CatsEffectSpecs extends Specification with CatsEffect {

  "cats effect specifications" should {
    "run a non-effectful test" in {
      true must beTrue

    "run a simple effectful test" in IO {
      true must beTrue
      false must beFalse

    "run a simple resource test" in {
      true must beTrue
    }.pure[Resource[IO, *]]

    "resource must be live for use" in {
      Resource.make(Ref[IO].of(true))(_.set(false)).map{ must beTrue)

    "really execute effects" in {
      "First, this check creates a deferred value.".br

      val deferredValue = Deferred.unsafeUncancelable[IO, Boolean]

      "Then it executes two mutually associated steps:"

      "forcibly attempt to get the deferred value" in {
        deferredValue.get.unsafeRunTimed(Timeout) must beSome(true)

      "Since specs2 executes steps in parallel by default, the second step gets executed anyway.".br

      "complete the deferred value inside IO context" in {
        deferredValue.complete(true) *> IO.pure(success)

      "If effects didn't get executed then the previous step would fail after timeout.".br

    // "timeout a failing test" in (IO.never: IO[Boolean])
Example 13
Source File: CatsResourceSpecs.scala    From cats-effect-testing   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.effect.testing.specs2

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

class CatsResourceSpecs extends Specification with CatsResourceIO[Ref[IO, Int]] {

  override def resource: Resource[IO, Ref[IO, Int]] = Resource.make(Ref[IO].of(0))(_.set(Int.MinValue))

  "cats resource specifications" should {
    "run a resource modification" in withResource { ref => 
      ref.modify{a => 
        (a + 1, a)
        _ must_=== 0

    "be shared between tests" in withResource {ref => 
      ref.modify{a => 
        (a + 1, a)
        _ must_=== 1
Example 14
Source File: Main.scala    From frdomain-extras   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package frdomain.ch6.domain
package io
package app

import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.instances.all._
import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.mtl._


import repository._
import service._
import service.interpreter._
import model.account._
import common._
import programs._

import Implicits._

object Main extends IOApp {

  override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
    config.load[IO].flatMap { cfg =>              // load config values
      AppResources.make[IO](cfg).use { res =>     // make resources based on config
        Algebras.make[IO](res.psql).flatMap { algebras =>    // make appropriate interpreters for algebras
          implicit val repositoryAsk = DefaultApplicativeAsk.constant[IO, AccountRepository[IO]](algebras.accountRepository)
          programNormalOps[IO](new AccountServiceInterpreter[IO], new ReportingServiceInterpreter[IO]).map { result => 
Example 15
Source File: AccountRepositoryInMemory.scala    From frdomain-extras   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package frdomain.ch6
package domain
package repository
package interpreter

import java.time.LocalDateTime
import scala.collection.immutable.Map 

import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.instances.all._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.Sync

import common._
import model.account._

// Constructor private for the interpreter to prevent the Ref from leaking
// access through smart constructor below
final class AccountRepositoryInMemory[M[_]: Monad] private (repo: Ref[M, Map[AccountNo, Account]])
  extends AccountRepository[M] {

  def query(no: AccountNo): M[Option[Account]] =  

  def store(a: Account): M[Account] = repo.update(_ + ((, a))).map(_ => a)

  def query(openedOn: LocalDateTime): M[List[Account]] = == openedOn).toList)

  def all: M[List[Account]] =

  def balance(no: AccountNo): M[Option[Balance]] = query(no).map(

// Smart constructor 
object AccountRepositoryInMemory {
  def make[M[_]: Sync]: M[AccountRepositoryInMemory[M]] =
    Ref.of[M, Map[AccountNo, Account]](Map.empty).map(new AccountRepositoryInMemory(_))
Example 16
Source File: AsyncLoggerSpec.scala    From odin   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.odin.loggers

import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage, OdinSpec}
import monix.catnap.ConcurrentQueue
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.schedulers.TestScheduler
import io.odin.syntax._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class AsyncLoggerSpec extends OdinSpec {
  implicit private val scheduler: TestScheduler = TestScheduler()

  case class RefLogger(ref: Ref[Task, List[LoggerMessage]]) extends DefaultLogger[Task] {
    def log(msg: LoggerMessage): Task[Unit] = Task.raiseError(new IllegalStateException("Async should always batch"))

    override def log(msgs: List[LoggerMessage]): Task[Unit] = {
      ref.update(_ ::: msgs)

  it should "push logs down the chain" in {
    forAll { msgs: List[LoggerMessage] =>
      (for {
        ref <- Resource.liftF(Ref.of[Task, List[LoggerMessage]](List.empty))
        logger <- RefLogger(ref).withMinimalLevel(Level.Trace).withAsync()
        _ <- Resource.liftF(msgs.traverse(logger.log))
        _ = scheduler.tick(10.millis)
        reported <- Resource.liftF(ref.get)
      } yield {
        reported shouldBe msgs

  it should "push logs to the queue" in {
    forAll { msgs: List[LoggerMessage] =>
      (for {
        queue <- ConcurrentQueue.unbounded[Task, LoggerMessage]()
        logger = AsyncLogger(queue, 1.millis, Logger.noop[Task])
        _ <- msgs.traverse(logger.log)
        reported <- queue.drain(0, Int.MaxValue)
      } yield {
        reported shouldBe msgs

  it should "ignore errors in underlying logger" in {
    val errorLogger = new DefaultLogger[Task] {
      def log(msg: LoggerMessage): Task[Unit] = Task.raiseError(new Error)
    forAll { msgs: List[LoggerMessage] =>
      (for {
        queue <- ConcurrentQueue.unbounded[Task, LoggerMessage]()
        logger = AsyncLogger(queue, 1.millis, errorLogger)
        _ <- logger.log(msgs)
        result <- logger.drain
      } yield {
        result shouldBe (())
Example 17
Source File: ConditionalLoggerSpec.scala    From odin   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.odin.extras.loggers

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.mtl.instances.all._
import cats.syntax.applicativeError._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.order._
import io.odin.loggers.{DefaultLogger, HasContext}
import io.odin.syntax._
import io.odin.extras.syntax._
import io.odin.{Level, LoggerMessage, OdinSpec}
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.schedulers.TestScheduler

class ConditionalLoggerSpec extends OdinSpec {

  implicit private val scheduler: TestScheduler = TestScheduler()

  type F[A] = Kleisli[Task, Map[String, String], A]

  case class RefLogger(ref: Ref[F, List[LoggerMessage]]) extends DefaultLogger[F] {
    def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = ref.update(_ :+ msg)

  implicit private val hasContext: HasContext[Map[String, String]] = (env: Map[String, String]) => env

  it should "use log level of the inner logger in case of success" in {
    forAll { (messages: List[LoggerMessage], ctx: Map[String, String]) =>
      val fa =
        for {
          ref <- Ref.of[F, List[LoggerMessage]](List.empty)

          _ <- RefLogger(ref)
            .withErrorLevel(Level.Debug)(logger => logger.log(messages))

          written <- ref.get
        } yield written

      val written =
      val expected = messages.filter(_.level >= Level.Info).map(m => m.copy(context = m.context ++ ctx))

      written shouldBe expected

  it should "use log level of the conditional logger in case of error" in {
    forAll { (messages: List[LoggerMessage], ctx: Map[String, String]) =>
      val error = new RuntimeException("Boom")

      val fa =
        for {
          ref <- Ref.of[F, List[LoggerMessage]](List.empty)

          attempt <- RefLogger(ref)
            .withErrorLevel(Level.Debug)(logger => logger.log(messages) >> Sync[F].raiseError[Unit](error))

          written <- ref.get
        } yield (attempt, written)

      val (attempt, written) =
      val expected = messages.filter(_.level >= Level.Debug).map(m => m.copy(context = m.context ++ ctx))

      attempt shouldBe Left(error)
      written shouldBe expected

Example 18
Source File: StubConfirmationService.scala    From ticket-booking-aecor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.time.{ Duration, Instant }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.{ Clock, Sync }
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._

class StubConfirmationService[F[_]: Monad](clock: Clock[F],
                                           state: Ref[F, Map[ConcertId, ConcertState]])
    extends TicketReservationService[F] {

  val expireAfter: Duration = Duration.of(6, ChronoUnit.HOURS)

  def reserve(bookingId: BookingKey,
           concertId: ConcertId,
           seats: NonEmptyList[Seat]): F[Either[ReservationFailure, Reservation]] =
        now =>
          state.modify[Either[ReservationFailure, Reservation]](
            concerts =>
              concerts.get(concertId) match {
                case None => concerts -> Left(UnknownSeats)
                case Some(concertState) =>
                    .book(bookingId, seats)
                    .fold(e => concerts -> Left(e), {
                      case (c, t) =>
                        concerts.updated(concertId, c) -> Right(
                          Reservation(t, Some(


  def release(bookingId: BookingKey): F[Either[ReleaseFailure, Unit]] =
    state.modify[Either[ReleaseFailure, Unit]](
      concerts =>
          .fromOption(concerts.find(_._2.bookedSeats.contains(bookingId)), UnknownBooking)
          .flatMap {
            case (concertId, concertState) =>
              concertState.release(bookingId).map(concertId -> _)
          } match {
          case Left(value)                  => concerts -> Left(value)
          case Right((concertId, newState)) => concerts.updated(concertId, newState) -> Right(())

object StubConfirmationService {

  def apply[F[_]: Sync](clock: Clock[F],
                        initial: Map[ConcertId, ConcertState]): F[StubConfirmationService[F]] =
    Ref.of(initial).map(new StubConfirmationService(clock, _))

  case class ConcertState(prices: Map[Seat, Money],
                          availableSeats: Set[Seat],
                          bookedSeats: Map[BookingKey, NonEmptyList[Seat]]) {

    def book(
      bookingId: BookingKey,
      seats: NonEmptyList[Seat]
    ): Either[ReservationFailure, (ConcertState, NonEmptyList[Ticket])] =
      if (bookedSeats.contains(bookingId)) Left(SeatsAlreadyBooked)
      else if (!seats.forall(availableSeats)) Left(SeatsAlreadyBooked)
      else if (!seats.forall(prices.contains)) Left(UnknownSeats)
            availableSeats = availableSeats.diff(seats.toList.toSet),
            bookedSeats = bookedSeats.updated(bookingId, seats)
          ) -> => Ticket(s, prices(s)))

    def release(bookingId: BookingKey): Either[ReleaseFailure, ConcertState] =
      bookedSeats.get(bookingId) match {
        case Some(booked) =>
              availableSeats = availableSeats ++ booked.toList.toSet,
              bookedSeats = bookedSeats - bookingId
        case None => Left(UnknownBooking)

Example 19
Source File: TestEventStreamClient.scala    From nexus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.UUID

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import{EventStreamClient, ProjectClient}
import{ClientErrOr, LabeledEvent}
import fs2.{Pipe, Stream}

class TestEventStreamClient[F[_]](events: List[Event], projectClient: ProjectClient[F])(implicit F: Sync[F])
    extends EventStreamClient[F] {

  private val noOffset: Offset                   = Offset(new UUID(0L, 0L))
  private val offsetEvents: Seq[(Offset, Event)] = { ev =>
    (Offset(new UUID(ev.instant.toEpochMilli, 0L)), ev)

  private def saveOffset(lastEventIdCache: Ref[F, Option[Offset]]): Pipe[F, (Offset, Event), Event] =
    _.evalMap { case (offset, event) => lastEventIdCache.update(_ => Some(offset)) >> F.pure(event) }

  private def eventsFrom(lastEventIdCache: Ref[F, Option[Offset]]): F[Seq[(Offset, Event)]]         = =>
      offsetEvents.dropWhile {
        case (offset, _) =>
          offset.value.getMostSignificantBits <= lastEventId.getOrElse(noOffset).value.getMostSignificantBits

  private def eventAndLabels(event: Event): F[ClientErrOr[LabeledEvent]] =
    projectClient.labels(event.organization, event.project).map( { case (org, proj) => (event, org, proj) })

  override def apply(lastEventId: Option[Offset]): F[EventStream[F]]     =
    Ref.of(lastEventId).flatMap { ref =>
      val stream = eventsFrom(ref).map { events =>
      F.delay(EventStream(stream, ref))

  override def apply(organization: OrgLabel, lastEventId: Option[Offset]): F[EventStream[F]] =
    Ref.of(lastEventId).flatMap { ref =>
      val stream = eventsFrom(ref).map { events =>
        Stream.fromIterator[F](events.iterator).through(saveOffset(ref)).evalMap(eventAndLabels).filter {
          case Right((_, org, _)) => org == organization
          case Left(_)            => true
      F.delay(EventStream(stream, ref))

  override def apply(organization: OrgLabel, project: ProjectLabel, lastEventId: Option[Offset]): F[EventStream[F]] =
    Ref.of(lastEventId).flatMap { ref =>
      val stream = eventsFrom(ref).map { events =>
        Stream.fromIterator[F](events.iterator).through(saveOffset(ref)).evalMap(eventAndLabels).filter {
          case Right((_, org, proj)) => org == organization && proj == project
          case Left(_)               => true
      F.delay(EventStream(stream, ref))
Example 20
Source File: ProjectClientSpec.scala    From nexus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.UUID

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import{AbstractCliSpec, Console}
import{AppConfig, EnvConfig}
import izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleDef
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityEncoder._
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.{HttpApp, Response, Status}

class ProjectClientSpec extends AbstractCliSpec with Http4sExtras {

  private val projectJson = jsonContentOf("/templates/project.json", replacements)

  type Cache    = Map[(OrgUuid, ProjectUuid), (OrgLabel, ProjectLabel)]
  type CacheRef = Ref[IO, Cache]

  override def overrides: ModuleDef =
    new ModuleDef {
      make[Client[IO]].from { cfg: AppConfig =>
        val token   = cfg.env.token
        val httpApp = HttpApp[IO] {
          case GET -> `v1` / "projects" / OrgUuidVar(`orgUuid`) / ProjectUuidVar(`projectUuid`) optbearer `token` =>
          case GET -> `v1` / "projects" / OrgUuidVar(_) / ProjectUuidVar(_) optbearer `token`                     =>
          case GET -> `v1` / "projects" / OrgUuidVar(_) / ProjectUuidVar(_) bearer (_: BearerToken)               =>
      make[CacheRef].fromEffect {
        Ref.of[IO, Cache](Map.empty)

  "A ProjectClient" should {
    "resolve a known (orgUuid, projUuid) pair" in {
      (client: Client[IO], console: Console[IO], cache: CacheRef, env: EnvConfig) =>
        val cl = ProjectClient[IO](client, env, cache, console)
        for {
          labels <- cl.labels(orgUuid, projectUuid)
          _       = labels shouldEqual Right((orgLabel, projectLabel))
        } yield ()
    "resolve from cache a known (orgUuid, projUuid) pair" in {
      (client: Client[IO], console: Console[IO], cache: CacheRef, env: EnvConfig) =>
        val errClient = Client.fromHttpApp(HttpApp[IO] { case GET -> Root => IO.pure(Response[IO](Status.NotFound)) })
        for {
          _      <- ProjectClient[IO](client, env, cache, console).labels(orgUuid, projectUuid)
          labels <- ProjectClient[IO](errClient, env, cache, console).labels(orgUuid, projectUuid)
          _       = labels shouldEqual Right((orgLabel, projectLabel))
        } yield ()
    "fail to resolve an unknown (orgUuid, projUuid) pair" in {
      (client: Client[IO], console: Console[IO], cache: CacheRef, env: EnvConfig) =>
        val cl = ProjectClient[IO](client, env, cache, console)
        for {
          labels <- cl.labels(OrgUuid(UUID.randomUUID()), projectUuid)
          _       = labels shouldEqual Left(ClientStatusError(Status.NotFound, notFoundJson.noSpaces))
        } yield ()
    "fail to resolve a known (orgUuid, projUuid) pair with bad credentials" in {
      (client: Client[IO], console: Console[IO], cache: CacheRef, env: EnvConfig) =>
        val cl = ProjectClient[IO](client, env.copy(token = Some(BearerToken("bad"))), cache, console)
        for {
          labels <- cl.labels(orgUuid, projectUuid)
          _       = labels shouldEqual Left(ClientStatusError(Status.Forbidden, authFailedJson.noSpaces))
        } yield ()
Example 21
Source File: DefaultMetricsOps.scala    From datadog4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.avast.datadog4s.extension.http4s.impl

import java.time.Duration

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import com.avast.datadog4s.api.MetricFactory
import com.avast.datadog4s.api.tag.Tagger
import com.avast.datadog4s.extension.http4s.DatadogMetricsOps.ClassifierTags
import com.avast.datadog4s.extension.http4s._
import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
import org.http4s.metrics.{ MetricsOps, TerminationType }
import org.http4s.{ Method, Status }

private[http4s] class DefaultMetricsOps[F[_]](
  metricFactory: MetricFactory[F],
  classifierTags: ClassifierTags,
  activeConnectionsRef: Ref[F, ActiveConnections]
  F: Sync[F]
) extends MetricsOps[F] {
  private[this] val methodTagger          = Tagger.make[Method]("method")
  @deprecated("please use terminationTypeTagger - this will be removed in next release 0.8.0", "0.6.3")
  private[this] val typeTagger            = Tagger.make[TerminationType]("type")
  private[this] val terminationTypeTagger = Tagger.make[TerminationType]("termination_type")
  private[this] val statusCodeTagger      = Tagger.make[Status]("status_code")
  private[this] val statusBucketTagger    = Tagger.make[String]("status_bucket")
  private[this] val activeRequests        = metricFactory.gauge.long("active_requests")

  override def increaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] =
    modifyActiveRequests(classifier, 0, 1)

  override def decreaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] =
    // if we try to decrement non existing classifier, make sure it's zero
    modifyActiveRequests(classifier, 1, -1)

  private def modifyActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String], default: Int, delta: Int): F[Unit] =
    activeConnectionsRef.modify { activeConnections =>
      val current               = activeConnections.getOrElse(classifier, default)
      val next                  = current + delta
      val nextActiveConnections = activeConnections.updated(classifier, next)
      val action                = activeRequests.set(
        classifier.toList.flatMap(classifierTags): _*
      (nextActiveConnections, action)

  private[this] val headersTime = metricFactory.timer("headers_time")

  override def recordHeadersTime(method: Method, elapsed: Long, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] =
        methodTagger.tag(method) :: classifier.toList.flatMap(classifierTags): _*

  private[this] val requestCount   = metricFactory.count("requests_count")
  private[this] val requestLatency = metricFactory.timer("requests_latency")
  override def recordTotalTime(method: Method, status: Status, elapsed: Long, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = {
    val tags = methodTagger.tag(method) ::
      statusBucketTagger.tag(s"${status.code / 100}xx") ::
      statusCodeTagger.tag(status) :: classifier.toList.flatMap(classifierTags) _*) >> requestLatency.record(Duration.ofNanos(elapsed), tags: _*)

  private[this] val abnormalCount   = metricFactory.count("abnormal_count")
  private[this] val abnormalLatency = metricFactory.timer("abnormal_latency")
  override def recordAbnormalTermination(
    elapsed: Long,
    terminationType: TerminationType,
    classifier: Option[String]
  ): F[Unit] = {
    val terminationTpe = terminationTypeTagger.tag(terminationType)
    val tpe            = typeTagger.tag(terminationType)
    val tags           = tpe :: terminationTpe :: classifier.toList.flatMap(classifierTags) _*) >> abnormalLatency.record(Duration.ofNanos(elapsed), tags: _*)
Example 22
Source File: MicrometerHttp4sMetricsOpsModule.scala    From scala-server-toolkit   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.avast.sst.http4s.server.micrometer

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import cats.effect.Effect
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.syntax.functor._
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry
import org.http4s.metrics.{MetricsOps, TerminationType}
import org.http4s.{Method, Status}

object MicrometerHttp4sMetricsOpsModule {

  def make[F[_]: Effect](meterRegistry: MeterRegistry): F[MetricsOps[F]] = {
    val F = Effect[F]

    for {
      activeRequests <- Ref.of[F, Long](0L)
    } yield new MetricsOps[F] {

      private val prefix = ""
      private val failureTime = meterRegistry.timer(s"$prefix.failure-time")

        (_: Ref[F, Long]) => Effect[F].toIO(activeRequests.get).unsafeRunSync().toDouble

      override def increaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = activeRequests.update(_ + 1)

      override def decreaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = activeRequests.update(_ - 1)

      override def recordHeadersTime(method: Method, elapsed: Long, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = {
        F.delay(meterRegistry.timer(s"$prefix.headers-time", "method",, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))

      override def recordTotalTime(method: Method, status: Status, elapsed: Long, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = {
            .timer(s"$", "status", s"${status.code}", "status-class", s"${status.code / 100}xx")
            .record(elapsed, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)

      override def recordAbnormalTermination(elapsed: Long, terminationType: TerminationType, classifier: Option[String]): F[Unit] = {
        F.delay(failureTime.record(elapsed, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))


Example 23
Source File: FOpsTest.scala    From scala-server-toolkit   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.avast.sst.catseffect.syntax

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Clock, IO, Timer}
import com.avast.sst.catseffect.syntax.time._
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, TimeUnit}

class FOpsTest extends AsyncFunSuite {

  implicit private val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(

  test("time") {
    val sleepTime = Duration.fromNanos(500000000)
    implicit val mockClock: Clock[IO] = new Clock[IO] {
      var values = List(0L, sleepTime.toNanos)
      override def monotonic(unit: TimeUnit): IO[Long] = {
        val time = values.head
        values = values.tail
      override def realTime(unit: TimeUnit): IO[Long] = ???
    val io = for {
      ref <- Ref.of[IO, Option[Duration]](None)
      _ <- IO.sleep(sleepTime).time(d => ref.set(Some(d)))
      result <- ref.get
    } yield assert(result.isDefined && result.get.toMillis === sleepTime.toMillis)


Example 24
Source File: background.scala    From pfps-shopping-cart   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package shop

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import shop.effects.Background
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

object background {

  val NoOp: Background[IO] = new Background[IO] {
    def schedule[A](fa: IO[A], duration: FiniteDuration): IO[Unit] = IO.unit

  def counter(ref: Ref[IO, Int]): Background[IO] =
    new Background[IO] {
      def schedule[A](fa: IO[A], duration: FiniteDuration): IO[Unit] =
        ref.update(_ + 1)

Example 25
Source File: logger.scala    From pfps-shopping-cart   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package shop

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import io.chrisdavenport.log4cats.Logger

object logger {

  implicit object NoOp extends NoLogger

  def acc(ref: Ref[IO, List[String]]): Logger[IO] =
    new NoLogger {
      override def error(message: => String): IO[Unit] =
        ref.update(xs => message :: xs)

  private[logger] class NoLogger extends Logger[IO] {
    def warn(message: => String): IO[Unit]                = IO.unit
    def warn(t: Throwable)(message: => String): IO[Unit]  = IO.unit
    def debug(t: Throwable)(message: => String): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
    def debug(message: => String): IO[Unit]               = IO.unit
    def error(t: Throwable)(message: => String): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
    def error(message: => String): IO[Unit]               = IO.unit
    def info(t: Throwable)(message: => String): IO[Unit]  = IO.unit
    def info(message: => String): IO[Unit]                = IO.unit
    def trace(t: Throwable)(message: => String): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
    def trace(message: => String): IO[Unit]               = IO.unit

Example 26
Source File: Server.scala    From typed-schema   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ru.tinkoff.tschema.example

import cats.effect.ExitCode
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.foldable._
import cats.syntax.semigroupk._
import com.twitter.finagle
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Duration}
import monix.eval.{Task, TaskApp}
import ru.tinkoff.tschema.example.sample.SampleModule
import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.RunHttp
import tofu.Void

object Server extends TaskApp {
  def modules[H[_]]: List[ExampleModule[Http]] =
      new Greeting[Http, Example](),
      new SampleModule[Http, Example](),
      new FiltersModule(),
      new FormFieldsModule(),
      new MultiParameters(),
      new ProxyModule(),
      new VersionModule(),
      new Authorize

  val svc: Http[Response] = modules.foldMapK(_.route) <+> ExampleSwagger.route

  val server = for {
    srv <-[Example](svc)
    list <- Example.delay(finagle.Http.serve("", srv))
    _ <- Example.delay(println(s"started at ${list.boundAddress}"))
    _ <- Example.delay(Await.ready(list, Duration.Top)).fork
    res <- Example.fromTask(Task.never[Void])
  } yield res

  def run(args: List[String]): Task[ExitCode] =
    for {
      ref <- Ref[Task].of(0)
      _ <- server
        .onErrorHandle(ex => println(ex.getMessage))
        .run(ExampleEnv("lol", ref))
    } yield ExitCode.Success
Example 27
Source File: ExampleEnv.scala    From typed-schema   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ru.tinkoff.tschema.example

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import monix.eval.Task
import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.routing._
import tofu.env.EnvSpecializedFunctions

final case class ExampleEnv(trackingId: String, alohas: Ref[Task, Int])

trait AlohasState[F[_]] {
  def incrementAlohas(): F[Int]

object ExampleEnv {
  implicit val alohasState: AlohasState[Example] =
    () => Example(_.alohas.modify(i => (i + 1, i + 1)))

object Example extends EnvSpecializedFunctions[ExampleEnv]
object Http    extends EnvSpecializedFunctions[EnvRouting[ExampleEnv]] 
Example 28
Source File: Server.scala    From typed-schema   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ru.tinkoff.tschema.example

import Swagger._
import cats.effect.ExitCode
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.foldable._
import cats.syntax.semigroupk._
import com.twitter.finagle
import finagle.{Http, http}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Duration}
import monix.eval.{Task, TaskApp}
import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.Runnable
import tofu.Void

object Server extends TaskApp {
  implicit val greeting: Greeting[Example] = Greeting[Example]

  val modules: List[ExampleModule] =
    List(GreetingModule[Example, Http](),

  val svc: Http[Response] = modules.foldMapK(_.route) <+> Swagger.route

  val server = for {
    srv  <-[Example](svc)
    list <- Example.delay(finagle.Http.serve("", srv))
    _    <- Example.delay(println(s"started at ${list.boundAddress}"))
    _    <- Example.delay(Await.ready(list, Duration.Top)).fork
    res  <- Example.fromTask(Task.never[Void])
  } yield res

  def run(args: List[String]): Task[ExitCode] =
    for {
      ref <- Ref[Task].of(0)
      _ <- server
            .onErrorHandle(ex => println(ex.getMessage))
            .run(ExampleEnv("lol", ref))
    } yield ExitCode.Success
Example 29
Source File: AutoFetchingCacheSpec.scala    From mules   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.chrisdavenport.mules.reload

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import io.chrisdavenport.mules._
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class AutoFetchingCacheSpec extends Specification {

  implicit val ctx = IO.contextShift(
  implicit val timer = IO.timer(

  "AutoFetchingCache" should {
    "get a value in a quicker period than the timeout" in {
      val setup = for {

        count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0)

        cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int](Some(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(1.second)), None)(_ =>
          count.update( _ + 1).as(1)
        value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo")
        cValue <- count.get
      } yield (cValue, value)
      setup.unsafeRunSync must_=== ((1, 1))

    "refetch value after expiration timeout" in {
      val setup = for {
        count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0)

        cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int](Some(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(1.second)), None)(_ =>
          count.update( _ + 1).as(1)
        _ <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo")
        _ <- timer.sleep(2.seconds)
        value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo")
        cValue <- count.get

      } yield (cValue, value)
      setup.unsafeRunSync must_=== ((2, 1))

    "refetch value after autoReload timeout" in {
      val setup = for {
        count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0)

        cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int](None, Some(AutoFetchingCache.RefreshConfig(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(500.milliseconds))))(_ =>
          count.update( _ + 1).as(1)
        _ <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo")
        _ <- timer.sleep(2.seconds)
        value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo")
        cValue <- count.get

      } yield (cValue, value)

      val (cValue, value) = setup.unsafeRunSync
      (value must_=== 1).and(cValue >= 4)

    "refetch value after autoReload timeout and before default expiration" in {
      val setup = for {
        count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0)

        cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int](
          Some(AutoFetchingCache.RefreshConfig(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(500.milliseconds))))(_ =>
          count.update( _ + 1) *> count.get
        _ <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo")
        _ <- timer.sleep(2.seconds)
        value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo")
        cValue <- count.get

      } yield (cValue, value)

      val (cValue, value) = setup.unsafeRunSync
      (value must be >= 4).and(cValue >= 4)

Example 30
Source File: MockMetricsFactory.scala    From datadog4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.time.Duration

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import com.avast.datadog4s.api.metric._
import com.avast.datadog4s.api.{ DistributionFactory, GaugeFactory, HistogramFactory, MetricFactory, Tag }

class MockMetricsFactory[F[_]: Sync](val state: Ref[F, Map[String, Vector[Record[Any]]]]) extends MetricFactory[F] {

  private def updateState[A](aspect: String, value: A, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] =
    state.update { oldState =>
      val updatedField = oldState.getOrElse(aspect, Vector.empty) :+ Record[Any](value, tags)
      oldState.updated(aspect, updatedField)

  override def histogram: HistogramFactory[F] =
    new HistogramFactory[F] {
      override def long(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Histogram[F, Long] =
        new Histogram[F, Long] {
          override def record(value: Long, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, value, tags: _*)

      override def double(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Histogram[F, Double] =
        new Histogram[F, Double] {
          override def record(value: Double, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, value, tags: _*)

  override def gauge: GaugeFactory[F] =
    new GaugeFactory[F] {
      override def long(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Gauge[F, Long] =
        new Gauge[F, Long] {
          override def set(value: Long, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, value, tags: _*)


      override def double(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Gauge[F, Double] =
        new Gauge[F, Double] {
          override def set(value: Double, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, value, tags: _*)

  override def timer(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Timer[F] =
    new Timer[F] {
      override def time[A](f: F[A], tags: Tag*): F[A] = f.flatMap(a => updateState(aspect, a, tags: _*).as(a))

      override def record(duration: Duration, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState[Duration](aspect, duration, tags: _*)

  override def count(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Count[F] =
    new Count[F] {
      override def modify(delta: Int, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, delta, tags: _*)

  override def uniqueSet(aspect: String): UniqueSet[F] =
    new UniqueSet[F] {
      override def record(value: String, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, value, tags: _*)

  override def distribution: DistributionFactory[F] =
    new DistributionFactory[F] {
      override def long(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Distribution[F, Long] =
        new Distribution[F, Long] {
          override def record(value: Long, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, value, tags: _*)

      override def double(aspect: String, sampleRate: Option[Double]): Distribution[F, Double] =
        new Distribution[F, Double] {
          override def record(value: Double, tags: Tag*): F[Unit] = updateState(aspect, value, tags: _*)

  override def withTags(tags: Tag*): MetricFactory[F] = this

  override def withScope(name: String): MetricFactory[F] = this


object MockMetricsFactory {

  def make[F[_]: Sync]: F[MockMetricsFactory[F]] =
    Ref.of(Map.empty[String, Vector[Record[Any]]]).map(state => new MockMetricsFactory[F](state))
Example 31
Source File: EventStream.scala    From nexus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import{ClientErrOr, LabeledEvent}
import fs2.Stream

  def currentEventId(): F[Option[Offset]]

object EventStream {
  final def apply[F[_]](
      stream: F[Stream[F, ClientErrOr[LabeledEvent]]],
      ref: Ref[F, Option[Offset]]
  ): EventStream[F] =
    new EventStream[F] {
      override def value: F[Stream[F, ClientErrOr[LabeledEvent]]] = stream
      override def currentEventId(): F[Option[Offset]]            = ref.get
Example 32
Source File: AsyncTests.scala    From cats-effect   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.effect

import cats.Eq
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.Succeeded
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

class AsyncTests extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {
  implicit override def executionContext: ExecutionContext =
  implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext)
  implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext)

  private val smallDelay: IO[Unit] = timer.sleep(20.millis)

  private def awaitEqual[A: Eq](t: IO[A], success: A): IO[Unit] =
    t.flatMap(a => if (Eq[A].eqv(a, success)) IO.unit else smallDelay *> awaitEqual(t, success))

  private def run(t: IO[Unit]): Future[Assertion] =

  test("F.parTraverseN(n)(collection)(f)") {
    val finalValue = 100
    val r = Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0)
    val list = List.range(0, finalValue)
    val modifies = implicitly[Async[IO]].parTraverseN(3)(list)(_ => IO.shift *> r.update(_ + 1))
    run(IO.shift *> modifies.start *> awaitEqual(r.get, finalValue))

  test("F.parSequenceN(n)(collection)") {
    val finalValue = 100
    val r = Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0)
    val list = List.fill(finalValue)(IO.shift *> r.update(_ + 1))
    val modifies = implicitly[Async[IO]].parSequenceN(3)(list)
    run(IO.shift *> modifies.start *> awaitEqual(r.get, finalValue))
Example 33
Source File: ConcurrentTests.scala    From cats-effect   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.effect

import cats.Eq
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.Succeeded
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

class ConcurrentTests extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {
  implicit override def executionContext: ExecutionContext =
  implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext)
  implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext)

  private val smallDelay: IO[Unit] = timer.sleep(20.millis)

  private def awaitEqual[A: Eq](t: IO[A], success: A): IO[Unit] =
    t.flatMap(a => if (Eq[A].eqv(a, success)) IO.unit else smallDelay *> awaitEqual(t, success))

  private def run(t: IO[Unit]): Future[Assertion] =

  test("F.parTraverseN(n)(collection)(f)") {
    val finalValue = 100
    val r = Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0)
    val list = List.range(0, finalValue)
    val modifies = implicitly[Concurrent[IO]].parTraverseN(3)(list)(_ => IO.shift *> r.update(_ + 1))
    run(IO.shift *> modifies.start *> awaitEqual(r.get, finalValue))

  test("collection.parTraverseN(n)(f)") {
    val finalValue = 100
    val r = Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0)
    val list = List.range(0, finalValue)
    val modifies = list.parTraverseN(3)(_ => IO.shift *> r.update(_ + 1))
    run(IO.shift *> modifies.start *> awaitEqual(r.get, finalValue))

  test("F.parSequenceN(n)(collection)") {
    val finalValue = 100
    val r = Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0)
    val list = List.fill(finalValue)(IO.shift *> r.update(_ + 1))
    val modifies = implicitly[Concurrent[IO]].parSequenceN(3)(list)
    run(IO.shift *> modifies.start *> awaitEqual(r.get, finalValue))

  test("collection.parSequenceN(n)") {
    val finalValue = 100
    val r = Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0)
    val list = List.fill(finalValue)(IO.shift *> r.update(_ + 1))
    val modifies = list.parSequenceN(3)
    run(IO.shift *> modifies.start *> awaitEqual(r.get, finalValue))
Example 34
Source File: package.scala    From origami   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.atnos.origami.addon.fs2

import org.atnos.origami.Fold
import fs2.Stream
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref

package object stream { outer =>

  def scanEval[F[_]: Sync, S, A](p: Stream[F, A])(start: F[S])(f: (S, A) => F[S]): Stream[F, S] = {

    def zipper(ref: Ref[F, S]): Stream[F, S] = { case (a, s) =>
        for {
          ns <- f(s, a)
          _  <- ref.set(ns)
        } yield ns

    for {
      st  <- Stream.eval(start)
      ref <- Stream.eval(Ref.of[F, S](st))
      rs  <- zipper(ref)
    } yield rs

  implicit class StreamSyntax[F[_]: Sync, A](p: Stream[F, A]) {

    def scanEval[S](start: F[S])(f: (S, A) => F[S]): Stream[F, S] =

    def foldWith[B](fold: Fold[F, A, B]): F[B] = {
      p.scanEval(fold.start)(fold.fold).compile.last.flatMap {
        case Some(s) => fold.end(s)
        case None    => fold.start.flatMap(fold.end)


Example 35
Source File: MockEnv.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.testing.kernel

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import fs2.Stream
import fs2.concurrent.{Queue, SignallingRef, Topic}
import polynote.config.PolynoteConfig
import polynote.kernel.Kernel.Factory
import polynote.kernel.environment.{CurrentNotebook, CurrentRuntime, NotebookUpdates}
import polynote.kernel.interpreter.{CellExecutor, Interpreter}
import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging
import polynote.kernel.task.TaskManager
import polynote.kernel.util.Publish
import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, CellEnv, GlobalEnv, InterpreterEnv, KernelStatusUpdate, NotebookRef, Result, StreamingHandles, TaskInfo}
import polynote.messages._
import polynote.runtime.{KernelRuntime, StreamingDataRepr, TableOp}
import polynote.testing.MockPublish
import zio.blocking.Blocking
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.interop.catz._
import zio.{Has, RIO, Runtime, Task, URIO, ZIO, ZLayer}

case class MockEnv(
  baseEnv: BaseEnv,
  cellID: CellID,
  currentTask: SignallingRef[Task, TaskInfo],
  publishResult: MockPublish[Result],
  publishStatus: MockPublish[KernelStatusUpdate],
  runtime: Runtime[Any]
) {
  val currentRuntime: KernelRuntime = runtime.unsafeRun(CurrentRuntime.from(cellID, publishResult, publishStatus, currentTask))
  val logging: Logging.Service = new Logging.Service.Default(System.err, baseEnv.get[Blocking.Service])
  val baseLayer: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, BaseEnv with InterpreterEnv] =
    ZLayer.succeedMany(baseEnv) ++
      ZLayer.succeed(logging) ++
      ZLayer.succeed(currentRuntime) ++
      ZLayer.succeed(publishResult: Publish[Task, Result]) ++
      ZLayer.succeed(publishStatus: Publish[Task, KernelStatusUpdate]) ++
      ZLayer.succeed(currentTask: Ref[Task, TaskInfo])

  def toCellEnv(classLoader: ClassLoader): ZLayer[Any, Throwable, BaseEnv with InterpreterEnv] = baseLayer ++ (baseLayer >>> CellExecutor.layer(classLoader))

object MockEnv {

  def init: ZLayer[BaseEnv, Nothing, BaseEnv with InterpreterEnv] = ZLayer.fromManagedMany(MockEnv(-1).toManaged_.flatMap(

  def apply(cellID: Int): URIO[BaseEnv, MockEnv] = for {
    env <- ZIO.access[BaseEnv](identity)
    runtime <- ZIO.runtime[Any]
    currentTask <- SignallingRef[Task, TaskInfo](TaskInfo(s"Cell$cellID")).orDie
  } yield new MockEnv(env, CellID(cellID), currentTask, new MockPublish, new MockPublish, runtime)

  def layer(cellID: Int): ZLayer[BaseEnv, Nothing, BaseEnv with InterpreterEnv] = ZLayer.fromManagedMany(MockEnv(cellID).toManaged_.flatMap(

  type Env = BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CellEnv with StreamingHandles with NotebookUpdates

case class MockKernelEnv(
  baseEnv: BaseEnv,
  kernelFactory: Factory.Service,
  publishResult: MockPublish[Result],
  publishStatus: MockPublish[KernelStatusUpdate],
  interpreterFactories: Map[String, List[Interpreter.Factory]],
  taskManager: TaskManager.Service,
  updateTopic: Topic[Task, Option[NotebookUpdate]],
  currentNotebook: MockNotebookRef,
  streamingHandles: StreamingHandles.Service,
  sessionID: Int = 0,
  polynoteConfig: PolynoteConfig = PolynoteConfig()
) {

  val logging: Logging.Service = new Logging.Service.Default(System.err, baseEnv.get[Blocking.Service])
  val notebookUpdates: Stream[Task, NotebookUpdate] = updateTopic.subscribe(128).unNone

  val baseLayer: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, MockEnv.Env] =
    ZLayer.succeedMany {
      baseEnv ++ Has.allOf(kernelFactory, interpreterFactories, taskManager, notebookUpdates, polynoteConfig) ++
        Has(streamingHandles) ++ Has(publishResult: Publish[Task, Result]) ++ Has(publishStatus: Publish[Task, KernelStatusUpdate])
    } ++ CurrentNotebook.layer(currentNotebook)


object MockKernelEnv {
  def apply(kernelFactory: Factory.Service, config: PolynoteConfig, sessionId: Int): RIO[BaseEnv, MockKernelEnv] = for {
    baseEnv         <- ZIO.access[BaseEnv](identity)
    currentNotebook <- MockNotebookRef(Notebook("empty", ShortList.Nil, None))
    updateTopic     <- Topic[Task, Option[NotebookUpdate]](None)
    publishUpdates   = new MockPublish[KernelStatusUpdate]
    taskManager     <- TaskManager(publishUpdates)
    handles         <- StreamingHandles.make(sessionId)
  } yield new MockKernelEnv(baseEnv, kernelFactory, new MockPublish, publishUpdates, Map.empty, taskManager, updateTopic, currentNotebook, handles, handles.sessionID, config)

  def apply(kernelFactory: Factory.Service, sessionId: Int): RIO[BaseEnv, MockKernelEnv] = apply(kernelFactory, PolynoteConfig(), sessionId)
  def apply(kernelFactory: Factory.Service, config: PolynoteConfig): RIO[BaseEnv, MockKernelEnv] = apply(kernelFactory, config, 0)
  def apply(kernelFactory: Factory.Service): RIO[BaseEnv, MockKernelEnv] = apply(kernelFactory, 0)
Example 36
Source File: package.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.kernel

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import fs2.Stream
import{Args, MainArgs}
import polynote.config.PolynoteConfig
import polynote.kernel.util.Publish
import polynote.messages.{Message, Notebook, NotebookUpdate}
import polynote.runtime.KernelRuntime
import zio.{Has, Task, ZLayer}

package object environment {

  type Config = Has[PolynoteConfig]
  type PublishStatus = Has[Publish[Task, KernelStatusUpdate]]
  type PublishResult = Has[Publish[Task, Result]]
  type PublishMessage = Has[Publish[Task, Message]]
  type CurrentTask = Has[Ref[Task, TaskInfo]]
  type CurrentRuntime = Has[KernelRuntime]
  type CurrentNotebook = Has[NotebookRef]
  type NotebookUpdates = Has[Stream[Task, NotebookUpdate]]

Example 37
Source File: EffectInstancesLawsSuite.scala    From meow-mtl   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.olegpy.meow.effects

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.laws.util.TestContext
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.laws.discipline.arbitrary._
import cats.effect.laws.util.TestInstances._
import cats.mtl.laws.discipline._
import minitest.SimpleTestSuite
import minitest.laws.Checkers
import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object EffectInstancesLawsSuite extends SimpleTestSuite with Checkers {
  private def checkAll(name: String)(ruleSet: TestContext => Laws#RuleSet) = {
    implicit val ctx = TestContext()

    for ((id, prop) <- ruleSet(ctx)
      test(name + "." + id) {

  checkAll("Ref.runAsk") { implicit ctx =>
    Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0).runAsk(ev =>

  checkAll("Ref.runState") { implicit ctx =>
    Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0).runState(ev =>

  checkAll("Ref.runTell") { implicit ctx =>
    Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0).runTell(ev =>

  checkAll("Consumer.runTell") { implicit ctx =>
    case object DummyErr extends Throwable
    def fun(x: Int) =
      if (x == 1) IO.raiseError[Unit](DummyErr)
      else IO.unit
    Consumer(fun _).runTell(ev =>

Example 38
Source File: CatsEffectMtlInstances.scala    From meow-mtl   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.olegpy.meow.internal

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.kernel.Semigroup
import cats.mtl._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.semigroup._
import cats.{Applicative, Functor, Monad}

private[meow] object CatsEffectMtlInstances {
  class RefMonadState[F[_]: Monad, S](ref: Ref[F, S]) extends MonadState[F, S] {
    val monad: Monad[F] = implicitly
    def get: F[S] = ref.get
    def set(s: S): F[Unit] = ref.set(s)
    def inspect[A](f: S => A): F[A] =
    def modify(f: S => S): F[Unit] = ref.update(f)

  class RefFunctorTell[F[_]: Functor, L: Semigroup](ref: Ref[F, L])
    extends FunctorTell[F, L] with DefaultFunctorTell[F, L] {
    val functor: Functor[F] = implicitly
    def tell(l: L): F[Unit] = ref.update(_ |+| l)

  class RefApplicativeAsk[F[_]: Applicative, S](ref: Ref[F, S])
    extends ApplicativeAsk[F, S] with DefaultApplicativeAsk[F, S] {
    val applicative: Applicative[F] = implicitly
    def ask: F[S] = ref.get
Example 39
Source File: AsyncHttpClientPipedFs2WebsocketsTest.scala    From sttp   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package sttp.client.asynchttpclient.fs2

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import fs2._
import sttp.client._
import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.WebSocketHandler
import sttp.client.impl.cats.CatsTestBase
import sttp.client.impl.fs2.Fs2WebSockets
import sttp.client.testing.ToFutureWrapper
import sttp.client.testing.HttpTest.wsEndpoint

import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AsyncFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class AsyncHttpClientPipedFs2WebsocketsTest extends AsyncFlatSpec with Matchers with ToFutureWrapper with CatsTestBase {
  implicit val backend: SttpBackend[IO, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = AsyncHttpClientFs2Backend[IO]().unsafeRunSync()

  def createHandler: Option[Int] => IO[WebSocketHandler[WebSocket[IO]]] = Fs2WebSocketHandler[IO](_)

  it should "run a simple echo pipe" in {
      .product(Ref.of[IO, Queue[String]](Queue.empty))
      .flatMap {
        case (response, results) =>
          Fs2WebSockets.handleSocketThroughTextPipe(response.result) { in =>
            val receive = in.evalMap(m => results.update(_.enqueue(m)))
            val send = Stream("Message 1".asRight, "Message 2".asRight, WebSocketFrame.close.asLeft)
            send merge receive.drain
          } >> should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs List("echo: Message 1", "echo: Message 2"))

  it should "run a simple read-only client" in {
      .product(Ref.of[IO, Queue[String]](Queue.empty))
      .flatMap {
        case (response, results) =>
          Fs2WebSockets.handleSocketThroughTextPipe(response.result) { in =>
            in.evalMap(m => results.update(_.enqueue(m)).flatMap(_ => {
              case 2 => Stream(None) // terminating the stream
              case _ => Stream.empty // waiting for more messages
          } >> should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs List("test10", "test20"))
Example 40
Source File: Namer.scala    From skunk   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or

package skunk.util

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._

trait Namer[F[_]] {
  def nextName(prefix: String): F[String]

object Namer {

  def apply[F[_]: Sync]: F[Namer[F]] =
    Ref[F].of(1).map { ctr =>
      new Namer[F] {
        override def nextName(prefix: String): F[String] =
          ctr.modify(n => (n + 1, s"${prefix}_$n"))

Example 41
Source File: BroadcastSpec.scala    From canoe   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package canoe.api

import canoe.TestIO._
import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.{Pipe, Stream}
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class BroadcastSpec extends AnyFreeSpec {
  def broadcast[A]: Stream[IO, Broadcast[IO, A]] = Stream.eval(Broadcast[IO, A])

  def recordPulled[A](b: Broadcast[IO, A], duration: FiniteDuration): Pipe[IO, A, List[A]] =
    input =>
      Stream.eval(Ref[IO].of(List.empty[A])).flatMap { ref =>
          .evalTap(i => ref.update(i :: _))

  "Broadcast" - {
    val input = Stream.range(1, 100)

    "subscriber" - {
      "sees all elements after subscription" in {
        val res = broadcast[Int].flatMap { b =>
          val pop = Stream.sleep_(0.05.second) ++ input.through(b.publish)
          val sub = b.subscribe(1).take(input.size())

        assert(res.toList() == input.toList)

      "is deregistered after it is done pulling" in {
        val pulled = broadcast[Int].flatMap { b =>
          val pop = Stream.sleep_(0.1.second) ++ input.through(recordPulled(b, 1.second))
          val consumer = b.subscribe(1).metered(0.1.second).take(5)

        assert(pulled.value() == input.toList.reverse)

    "pulls from publisher" - {
      "one element before it's blocked by the subscriber" in {
        val pulled = broadcast[Int].flatMap { b =>
          val pop = Stream.sleep_(0.05.second) ++ input.through(recordPulled(b, 0.2.second))
          val consumer = b.subscribe(0).evalMap(_ => IO.never)

        assert(pulled.value() == input.head.toList)

      "maxQueued + 2 elements for non-empty blocking consumer" in {
        val maxQueued = 3
        val pulled = broadcast[Int].flatMap { b =>
          val pop = Stream.sleep_(0.05.second) ++ input.through(recordPulled(b, 0.2.second))
          val consumer = b.subscribe(maxQueued).evalMap(_ => IO.never)
        assert(pulled.value() == input.take(maxQueued + 2).toList.reverse)

      "all elements" - {
        "for non-blocking consumer" in {
          val pulled = broadcast[Int].flatMap { b =>
            val pop = input.through(recordPulled(b, 0.2.second))
            val consumer = b.subscribe(1)
          assert(pulled.value() == input.toList.reverse)

        "for no consumer" in {
          val pulled = broadcast[Int].flatMap { b =>
            input.through(recordPulled(b, 0.2.second))
          assert(pulled.value() == input.toList.reverse)
Example 42
Source File: ResourceRegistry.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.Applicative

trait ResourceRegistry[F[_]] {

  def allocate[A](resource: Resource[F, A]): F[A]

object ResourceRegistry {

  def of[F[_] : Concurrent]: Resource[F, ResourceRegistry[F]] = {
    implicit val monoidUnit = Applicative.monoid[F, Unit]
    val result = for {
      releases <- Ref.of[F, List[F[Unit]]](List.empty[F[Unit]])
    } yield {
      val registry = apply[F](releases)
      val release = for {
        releases <- releases.get
        ignore    = (_: Throwable) => ()
        _        <- releases.foldMap { _.handleError(ignore) }
      } yield {}
      (registry, release)

  def apply[F[_] : Sync](releases: Ref[F, List[F[Unit]]]): ResourceRegistry[F] = {
    new ResourceRegistry[F] {
      def allocate[B](resource: Resource[F, B]) = {
        resource.allocated.bracketCase { case (b, release) =>
          for {
            _ <- releases.update(release :: _)
          } yield b
        } { case ((_, release), exitCase) =>
          exitCase match {
            case ExitCase.Completed           => ().pure[F]
            case _: ExitCase.Error[Throwable] => release
            case ExitCase.Canceled            => release
Example 43
Source File: ResourceRef.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.effect.{Resource, Sync}
import cats.implicits._

import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

trait ResourceRef[F[_], A] {

  def get: F[A]

  def set(a: A, release: F[Unit]): F[Unit]

  def set(a: Resource[F, A]): F[Unit]

object ResourceRef {

  def of[F[_] : Sync, A](resource: Resource[F, A]): Resource[F, ResourceRef[F, A]] = {

    case class State(a: A, release: F[Unit])

      .make {
        for {
          ab           <- resource.allocated
          (a, release)  = ab
          ref          <- Ref[F].of(State(a, release).some)
        } yield ref
      } { ref =>
          .flatMap { _.foldMapM { _.release } }
      .map { ref =>
        new ResourceRef[F, A] {

          def get = {
              .flatMap {
                case Some(state) => state.a.pure[F]
                case None        => ResourceReleasedError.raiseError[F, A]

          def set(a: A, release: F[Unit]) = {
              .modify {
                case Some(state) => (State(a, release).some, state.release )
                case None        => (none, ResourceReleasedError.raiseError[F, Unit])

          def set(a: Resource[F, A]) = {
              .flatMap { case (a, release) => set(a, release) }

case object ResourceReleasedError extends RuntimeException("Resource released") with NoStackTrace 
Example 44
Source File: HeadCacheFenced.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal

import cats.Apply
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Resource}
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.CatsHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.{Offset, Partition}

object HeadCacheFenced {

  def of[F[_] : Concurrent](headCache: Resource[F, HeadCache[F]]): Resource[F, HeadCache[F]] = {

    val fence = Resource.make {
    } { fence =>
      fence.set(HeadCacheReleasedError.raiseError[F, Unit])

    val result = for {
      headCache <- headCache
      fence     <- fence
    } yield {
      apply(headCache, fence.get.flatten)

  def apply[F[_] : Apply](headCache: HeadCache[F], fence: F[Unit]): HeadCache[F] = {
    (key: Key, partition: Partition, offset: Offset) => {
      fence *> headCache.get(key, partition, offset)
Example 45
Source File: TopicCommitTest.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.replicator

import{NonEmptyMap => Nem}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.{Clock, IO}
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.IOSuite._
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.{Offset, Partition}
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class TopicCommitTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers{

  test("delayed") {

    def commitOf(
      deferred: Deferred[IO, Unit],
      commitsRef: Ref[IO, List[Nem[Partition, Offset]]])(implicit
      clock: Clock[IO]
    ) = {
      val commit = new TopicCommit[IO] {
        def apply(offsets: Nem[Partition, Offset]) = {
          commitsRef.update { offsets :: _ } *> deferred.complete(())

      TopicCommit.delayed(10.millis, commit)

    def clockOf(ref: Ref[IO, FiniteDuration]): Clock[IO] = {
      new Clock[IO] {
        def realTime(unit: TimeUnit): IO[Long] = monotonic(unit)
        def monotonic(unit: TimeUnit): IO[Long] = { _.toUnit(unit).toLong }

    val result = for {
      commitsRef <- Ref[IO].of(List.empty[Nem[Partition, Offset]])
      deferred   <- Deferred[IO, Unit]
      clockRef   <- Ref[IO].of(0.millis)
      clock       = clockOf(clockRef)
      commit     <- commitOf(deferred, commitsRef)(clock)
      _          <- commit(Nem.of((Partition.min, Offset.min)))
      offsets    <- commitsRef.get
      _           = offsets shouldEqual List.empty
      _          <- clockRef.set(20.millis)
      _          <- commit(Nem.of((Partition.unsafe(1), Offset.unsafe(1))))
      _          <- deferred.get
      offsets    <- commitsRef.get
      _           = offsets shouldEqual List(Nem.of((Partition.min, Offset.min), (Partition.unsafe(1), Offset.unsafe(1))))
    } yield {}
Example 46
Source File: KafkaSingletonTest.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.replicator

import{NonEmptySet => Nes}
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, IO, Resource, Timer}
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.Log
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.IOSuite._
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.consumer.RebalanceListener
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka.{Partition, TopicPartition}
import com.evolutiongaming.sstream.Stream
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class KafkaSingletonTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {

  test("allocate & release when partition assigned or revoked") {
    `allocate & release when partition assigned or revoked`[IO]().run()

  private def `allocate & release when partition assigned or revoked`[F[_] : Concurrent : Timer](): F[Unit] = {

    val topic = "topic"

    def consumer(deferred: Deferred[F, RebalanceListener[F]]) = {
      new TopicConsumer[F] {

        def subscribe(listener: RebalanceListener[F]) = deferred.complete(listener)

        def poll = Stream.empty

        def commit = TopicCommit.empty

    def topicPartition(partition: Partition) = TopicPartition(topic, partition)

    val result = for {
      listener  <- Resource.liftF(Deferred[F, RebalanceListener[F]])
      allocated <- Resource.liftF(Ref[F].of(false))
      resource   = Resource.make { allocated.set(true) } { _ => allocated.set(false) }
      singleton <- KafkaSingleton.of(topic, consumer(listener).pure[Resource[F, *]], resource, Log.empty[F])
      listener  <- Resource.liftF(listener.get)
      _         <- Resource.liftF {
        for {
          a <- singleton.get
          _  = a shouldEqual none[Unit]
          a <- allocated.get
          _  = a shouldEqual false
          _ <- listener.onPartitionsAssigned(Nes.of(topicPartition(Partition.max)))
          a <- singleton.get
          _  = a shouldEqual none[Unit]
          a <- allocated.get
          _  = a shouldEqual false
          _ <- listener.onPartitionsAssigned(Nes.of(topicPartition(Partition.min)))
          _ <- Timer[F].sleep(10.millis)
          a <- singleton.get
          _  = a shouldEqual ().some
          a <- allocated.get
          _  = a shouldEqual true
          _ <- listener.onPartitionsRevoked(Nes.of(topicPartition(Partition.max)))
          a <- singleton.get
          _  = a shouldEqual ().some
          a <- allocated.get
          _  = a shouldEqual true
          _ <- listener.onPartitionsRevoked(Nes.of(topicPartition(Partition.min)))
          _ <- Timer[F].sleep(10.millis)
          a <- singleton.get
          _  = a shouldEqual none[Unit]
          a <- allocated.get
          _  = a shouldEqual false
        } yield {}
    } yield {}
    result.use { _ => ().pure[F] }
Example 47
Source File: TopicCommit.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.replicator

import java.time.Instant

import cats.Applicative
import{NonEmptyMap => Nem}
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Clock, Sync}
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.ClockHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.DataHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.TemporalHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.KafkaConsumer
import com.evolutiongaming.skafka._

import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.concurrent.duration._

trait TopicCommit[F[_]] {

  def apply(offsets: Nem[Partition, Offset]): F[Unit]

object TopicCommit {

  def empty[F[_] : Applicative]: TopicCommit[F] = (_: Nem[Partition, Offset]) => ().pure[F]

  def apply[F[_]](
    topic: Topic,
    metadata: String,
    consumer: KafkaConsumer[F, _, _],
  ): TopicCommit[F] = {
    offsets: Nem[Partition, Offset] => {
      val offsets1 = offsets.mapKV { (partition, offset) =>
        val offset1 = OffsetAndMetadata(offset, metadata)
        val partition1 = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
        (partition1, offset1)

  def delayed[F[_] : Sync : Clock](
    delay: FiniteDuration,
    commit: TopicCommit[F]
  ): F[TopicCommit[F]] = {

    case class State(until: Instant, offsets: SortedMap[Partition, Offset] = SortedMap.empty)

    for {
      timestamp <- Clock[F].instant
      stateRef  <- Ref[F].of(State(timestamp + delay))
    } yield {
      new TopicCommit[F] {
        def apply(offsets: Nem[Partition, Offset]) = {

          def apply(state: State, timestamp: Instant) = {
            val offsets1 = state.offsets ++ offsets.toSortedMap
            if (state.until <= timestamp) {
                .foldMapM { offsets => commit(offsets) }
                .as(State(timestamp + delay))
            } else {
                .copy(offsets = offsets1)

          for {
            timestamp <- Clock[F].instant
            state     <- stateRef.get
            state     <- apply(state, timestamp)
            _         <- stateRef.set(state)
          } yield {}
Example 48
Source File: ResultSetSpec.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.eventual.cassandra

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, IO}
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.IOSuite._
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

class ResultSetSpec extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {

  for {
    size      <- 0 to 5
    take      <- 1 to 5
    fetchSize <- 1 to 5
  } {
    test(s"size: $size, take: $take, fetchSize: $fetchSize") {
      testF[IO](size = size, take = take, fetchSize = fetchSize).run()

  private def testF[F[_] : Concurrent](size: Int, take: Int, fetchSize: Int) = {

    type Row = Int

    val all = (0 until size).toList

    for {
      fetches <- Ref[F].of(0)
      left    <- Ref[F].of(all)
      fetched <- Ref[F].of(List.empty[Row])
      next     = fetched.modify { rows => (List.empty, rows) }
      fetch    = for {
        _        <- fetches.update(_ + 1)
        toFetch1 <- left.get
        result   <- {
          if (toFetch1.isEmpty) ().pure[F]
          else for {
            taken <- left.modify { rows =>
              val fetched = rows.take(fetchSize)
              val left = rows.drop(fetchSize)
              (left, fetched)
            _    <- fetched.set(taken)
          } yield {}
      } yield result
      resultSet   = ResultSet[F, Row](fetch,, next)
      rows       <- resultSet.take(take.toLong).toList
      fetches    <- fetches.get
    } yield {
      rows shouldEqual all.take(take)

      if (take >= size) {
        val expected = {
          val n = size / fetchSize
          if (size % fetchSize == 0) n else n + 1
        fetches shouldEqual expected

  case object NotImplemented extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace
Example 49
Source File: CassandraHealthCheck.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.eventual.cassandra

import cats.Monad
import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.{Log, LogOf}
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util.CatsHelper._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.eventual.cassandra.CassandraHelper._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

trait CassandraHealthCheck[F[_]] {
  def error: F[Option[Throwable]]

object CassandraHealthCheck {

  def of[F[_] : Concurrent : Timer : LogOf](
    session: Resource[F, CassandraSession[F]]
  ): Resource[F, CassandraHealthCheck[F]] = {

    val statement = for {
      session   <- session
      statement <- {
        implicit val session1 = session
    } yield statement

    for {
      log    <- Resource.liftF(LogOf[F].apply(CassandraHealthCheck.getClass))
      result <- of(initial = 10.seconds, interval = 1.second, statement = statement, log = log)
    } yield result

  def of[F[_] : Concurrent : Timer](
    initial: FiniteDuration,
    interval: FiniteDuration,
    statement: Resource[F, Statement[F]],
    log: Log[F]
  ): Resource[F, CassandraHealthCheck[F]] = {

    val result = for {
      ref   <- Ref.of[F, Option[Throwable]](none)
      fiber <- statement.start { statement =>
        for {
          _ <- Timer[F].sleep(initial)
          _ <- {
            for {
              e <- statement.error[Throwable]
              _ <- e.fold(().pure[F]) { e => log.error(s"failed with $e", e) }
              _ <- ref.set(e)
              _ <- Timer[F].sleep(interval)
            } yield ().asLeft
        } yield {}
    } yield {
      val result = new CassandraHealthCheck[F] {
        def error = ref.get
      (result, fiber.cancel)

  type Statement[F[_]] = F[Unit]

  object Statement {

    def of[F[_] : Monad : CassandraSession]: F[Statement[F]] = {
      for {
        prepared <- "SELECT now() FROM system.local".prepare
      } yield {
Example 50
Source File: actors.scala    From actors-cats-effect-fs2   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package app

import app.syntax._
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import cats.effect.syntax.concurrent._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import fs2.concurrent.Queue

object actors {
  def actor[F[_], S, O](
    initialState: S,
    receive: Ref[F, S] => F[O]
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[F[O]] =
    for {
      ref <- Ref.of[F, S](initialState)
      queue <- Queue.unbounded[F, Deferred[F, O]]
      fiber <- (for {
        deferred <- queue.dequeue1
        output <- receive(ref)
        _ <- deferred.complete(output)
      } yield ()).foreverM.void.start
      ask = for {
        deferred <- Deferred[F, O]
        _ <- queue.offer1(deferred)
        output <- (fiber.join race deferred.get)
          .collect { case Right(o) => o }
      } yield output
    } yield ask

  def actorWithInput[F[_], S, I, O](
    initialState: S,
    receive: (I, Ref[F, S]) => F[O]
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[I => F[O]] =
    for {
      ref <- Ref.of[F, S](initialState)
      queue <- Queue.unbounded[F, (I, Deferred[F, O])]
      fiber <- (for {
        inputAndDeferred <- queue.dequeue1
        (input, deferred) = inputAndDeferred
        output <- receive(input, ref)
        _ <- deferred.complete(output)
      } yield ()).foreverM.void.start
      ask = (input: I) =>
        for {
          deferred <- Deferred[F, O]
          _ <- queue.offer1((input, deferred))
          output <- (fiber.join race deferred.get)
            .collect { case Right(o) => o }
        } yield output
    } yield ask
Example 51
Source File: GracefulFiber.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Fiber}
import cats.implicits._

trait GracefulFiber[F[_]] {
  def apply[A](f: F[Boolean] => F[Fiber[F, A]]): F[Fiber[F, A]]

object GracefulFiber {

  def apply[F[_] : Concurrent]: GracefulFiber[F] = {

    new GracefulFiber[F] {

      def apply[A](f: F[Boolean] => F[Fiber[F, A]]) = {
        for {
          cancelRef <- Ref.of[F, Boolean](false)
          fiber     <- f(cancelRef.get)
        } yield {
          new Fiber[F, A] {

            def join = fiber.join

            def cancel = {
              for {
                cancel <- cancelRef.getAndSet(true)
                _      <- if (cancel) ().pure[F] else fiber.join
              } yield {}
Example 52
Source File: Broadcast.scala    From canoe   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package canoe.api

import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.effect.{Concurrent}
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import fs2.{Pipe, Stream}
import fs2.concurrent.{Queue, Topic}

private[api] class Broadcast[F[_], A](subs: Ref[F, List[Queue[F, A]]])(implicit C: Concurrent[F]) extends Topic[F, A] {
  def publish: Pipe[F, A, Unit] =

  def publish1(a: A): F[Unit] =

  def subscribe(maxQueued: Int): Stream[F, A] =
    subscription(maxQueued).evalTap(q => subs.update(q :: _)).flatMap(_.dequeue)

  private def subscription(maxQueued: Int): Stream[F, Queue[F, A]] =
    Stream.bracket(Queue.bounded[F, A](maxQueued)) { q =>
      subs.update(_.filter(_ ne q)) *> q.tryDequeue1.void

  def subscribeSize(maxQueued: Int): Stream[F, (A, Int)] =

  def subscribers: Stream[F, Int] =

object Broadcast {
  private [api] def apply[F[_], A](implicit C: Concurrent[F]): F[Broadcast[F, A]] =
    Ref.of[F, List[Queue[F, A]]](List.empty).map(new Broadcast(_))
Example 53
Source File: KafkaAdminAlgebra.scala    From hydra   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package hydra.kafka.algebras

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Async, Concurrent, ContextShift, Resource, Sync}
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.kafka._
import hydra.core.protocol._
import hydra.kafka.util.KafkaUtils.TopicDetails
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.NewTopic
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownTopicOrPartitionException

import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

  def deleteTopic(name: String): F[Unit]

object KafkaAdminAlgebra {

  type TopicName = String
  final case class Topic(name: TopicName, numberPartitions: Int)

  def live[F[_]: Sync: Concurrent: ContextShift](
      bootstrapServers: String,
  ): F[KafkaAdminAlgebra[F]] = Sync[F].delay {
    new KafkaAdminAlgebra[F] {

      override def describeTopic(name: TopicName): F[Option[Topic]] = {
          .use(_.describeTopics(name :: Nil))
          .map( { td =>
            Topic(, td.partitions().size())
          .recover {
            case _: UnknownTopicOrPartitionException => None

      override def getTopicNames: F[List[TopicName]] =

      override def createTopic(name: TopicName, d: TopicDetails): F[Unit] = {
        import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
        val newTopic = new NewTopic(name, d.numPartitions, d.replicationFactor)

      override def deleteTopic(name: String): F[Unit] =

      private def getAdminClientResource: Resource[F, KafkaAdminClient[F]] = {

  def test[F[_]: Sync]: F[KafkaAdminAlgebra[F]] =
    Ref[F].of(Map[TopicName, Topic]()).flatMap(getTestKafkaClient[F])

  private[this] def getTestKafkaClient[F[_]: Sync](
      ref: Ref[F, Map[TopicName, Topic]]
  ): F[KafkaAdminAlgebra[F]] = Sync[F].delay {
    new KafkaAdminAlgebra[F] {
      override def describeTopic(name: TopicName): F[Option[Topic]] =

      override def getTopicNames: F[List[TopicName]] =

      override def createTopic(
          name: TopicName,
          details: TopicDetails
      ): F[Unit] = {
        val entry = name -> Topic(name, details.numPartitions)
        ref.update(old => old + entry)

      override def deleteTopic(name: String): F[Unit] =
        ref.update(_ - name)

Example 54
Source File: fixtures.scala    From sonar-scala   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mwz.sonar.scala

import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import com.mwz.sonar.scala.util.Logger

trait WithFiles {
  def withFiles(paths: String*)(test: Seq[File] => Any): Unit = {
    val tmpDir: Path = Files.createTempDirectory("")
    val files: Seq[File] = => Files.createFile(tmpDir.resolve(path)).toFile)
    try test(files)
    finally {
      files.foreach(f => Files.deleteIfExists(f.toPath))

trait WithTracing {
  def withTracing(test: Ref[IO, List[String]] => Any): Unit =
    test(Ref.unsafe[IO, List[String]](List.empty))

trait WithLogging {
  object LogLevel {
    sealed trait Level
    final case object Debug extends Level
    final case object Info extends Level
    final case object Warn extends Level
    final case object Error extends Level

  def withLogging(test: (Ref[IO, List[(LogLevel.Level, String)]], Logger[IO]) => Any): Unit = {
    val logs = Ref.unsafe[IO, List[(LogLevel.Level, String)]](List.empty)
    val logger: Logger[IO] = new Logger[IO] {
      def debug(s: String): IO[Unit] = logs.update((LogLevel.Debug, s) :: _)
      def info(s: String): IO[Unit] = logs.update((LogLevel.Info, s) :: _)
      def warn(s: String): IO[Unit] = logs.update((LogLevel.Warn, s) :: _)
      def error(s: String): IO[Unit] = logs.update((LogLevel.Error, s) :: _)
      def error(s: String, e: Throwable): IO[Unit] = logs.update((LogLevel.Error, s) :: _)
    test(logs, logger)
Example 55
Source File: MockingKeyStore.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package jbok.core.keystore

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import jbok.core.models.Address
import jbok.crypto.signature.{ECDSA, KeyPair, Signature}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

final class MockingKeyStore[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]) extends KeyStore[F] {
  private val m: Ref[F, Map[Address, KeyPair]] = Ref.unsafe(Map.empty)

  override def newAccount(passphrase: String): F[Address] =
    for {
      kp <- Signature[ECDSA].generateKeyPair[F]()
      _  <- m.update(_ + (Address(kp) -> kp))
    } yield Address(kp)

  override def readPassphrase(prompt: String): F[String] =

  override def importPrivateKey(key: ByteVector, passphrase: String): F[Address] =
    for {
      secret <- KeyPair.Secret(key).pure[F]
      public <- Signature[ECDSA].generatePublicKey[F](secret)
      kp      = KeyPair(public, secret)
      address = Address(kp)
      _ <- m.update(_ + (address -> kp))
    } yield address

  override def listAccounts: F[List[Address]] =

  override def unlockAccount(address: Address, passphrase: String): F[Wallet] = { kp =>
      Wallet(Address(kp), kp)

  override def deleteAccount(address: Address): F[Boolean] =
    m.update(_ - address).as(true)

  override def changePassphrase(address: Address, oldPassphrase: String, newPassphrase: String): F[Boolean] =

object MockingKeyStore {
  def withInitKeys[F[_]: Sync](initKeys: List[KeyPair]): F[MockingKeyStore[F]] = {
    val keystore = new MockingKeyStore[F]()
    initKeys.traverse(kp => keystore.importPrivateKey(kp.secret.bytes, "")).as(keystore)
Example 56
Source File: Peer.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package jbok.core.peer

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Sync}
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.concurrent.Queue
import jbok.core.messages.{SignedTransactions, Status}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import jbok.codec.rlp.implicits._
import jbok.common.log.Logger
import jbok.common.math.N
import jbok.crypto._

final case class Peer[F[_]](
    uri: PeerUri,
    queue: Queue[F, Message[F]],
    status: Ref[F, Status],
    knownBlocks: Ref[F, Set[ByteVector]],
    knownTxs: Ref[F, Set[ByteVector]]
)(implicit F: Sync[F]) {
  import Peer._

  private[this] val log = Logger[F]

  def hasBlock(blockHash: ByteVector): F[Boolean] =

  def hasTxs(stxs: SignedTransactions): F[Boolean] =

  def markBlock(blockHash: ByteVector, number: N): F[Unit] =
    knownBlocks.update(s => s.take(MaxKnownBlocks - 1) + blockHash) >>
      status.update(s => s.copy(bestNumber = s.bestNumber.max(number)))

  def markTxs(stxs: SignedTransactions): F[Unit] =
    knownTxs.update(known => known.take(MaxKnownTxs - 1) + stxs.encoded.bytes.kec256)

  def markStatus(newStatus: Status): F[Unit] =
    status.update(s => if ( > s.copy(bestNumber = newStatus.bestNumber, td = else s)

object Peer {
  val MaxKnownTxs    = 32768
  val MaxKnownBlocks = 1024

  def apply[F[_]: Concurrent](uri: PeerUri, status: Status): F[Peer[F]] =
    for {
      queue       <- Queue.circularBuffer[F, Message[F]](100000)
      status      <- Ref.of[F, Status](status)
      knownBlocks <- Ref.of[F, Set[ByteVector]](Set.empty)
      knownTxs    <- Ref.of[F, Set[ByteVector]](Set.empty)
    } yield Peer[F](uri, queue, status, knownBlocks, knownTxs)
Example 57
Source File: PeerMessageHandler.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package jbok.core.peer

import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import fs2._
import jbok.codec.rlp.implicits._
import jbok.common.log.Logger
import jbok.core.NodeStatus
import jbok.core.messages.{BlockHash, NewBlock, NewBlockHashes, SignedTransactions, Status}
import jbok.core.models.Block
import jbok.core.peer.PeerSelector.PeerSelector
import jbok.core.queue.{Consumer, Producer}

class PeerMessageHandler[F[_]](
    txInbound: Producer[F, Peer[F], SignedTransactions],
    txOutbound: Consumer[F, PeerSelector[F], SignedTransactions],
    blockInbound: Producer[F, Peer[F], Block],
    blockOutbound: Consumer[F, PeerSelector[F], Block],
    statusInbound: Producer[F, Peer[F], Status],
    statusOutbound: Consumer[F, PeerSelector[F], Status],
    peerManager: PeerManager[F],
    status: Ref[F, NodeStatus]
)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]) {
  private[this] val log = Logger[F]

  def onNewBlockHashes(peer: Peer[F], hashes: List[BlockHash]): F[Unit] =
    hashes.traverse_(hash => peer.markBlock(hash.hash, hash.number))

  def onNewBlock(peer: Peer[F], block: Block): F[Unit] =
    status.get.flatMap {
      case NodeStatus.Done => blockInbound.produce(peer, block)
      case _               => F.unit

  def onSignedTransactions(peer: Peer[F], stxs: SignedTransactions): F[Unit] =
    txInbound.produce(peer, stxs)

  def onStatus(peer: Peer[F], remoteStatus: Status):F[Unit] =
    for {
      localStatus <- peerManager.outgoing.localStatus
      _ <- if (!localStatus.isCompatible(remoteStatus)) {
        F.raiseError(Incompatible(localStatus, remoteStatus))
    } yield ()

  val consume: Stream[F, Unit] =
    peerManager.inbound.evalMap {
      case (peer, req @ Request(_,, _, _)) =>
        for {
          hashes <-[NewBlockHashes].map(_.hashes)
          _      <- onNewBlockHashes(peer, hashes)
        } yield ()

      case (peer, req @ Request(_,, _, _)) =>
        for {
          block <-[NewBlock].map(_.block)
          _     <- onNewBlock(peer, block)
        } yield ()

      case (peer, req @ Request(_,, _, _)) =>
        for {
          stxs <-[SignedTransactions]
          _    <- onSignedTransactions(peer, stxs)
        } yield ()

      case (peer, req @ Request(_,, _, _)) =>
        for {
          status <-[Status]
          _ <- onStatus(peer, status)
        } yield ()

      case _ => F.unit

  val produce: Stream[F, Unit] = {
    Stream( { case (selector, block) => selector -> Request.binary[F, NewBlock](, NewBlock(block).encoded) }, { case (selector, tx)       => selector -> Request.binary[F, SignedTransactions](, tx.encoded) }, { case (selector, st)       => selector -> Request.binary[F, Status](, st.encoded) }

  val stream: Stream[F, Unit] =
    Stream.eval_(log.i(s"starting Core/PeerMessageHandler")) ++
      consume merge produce
Example 58
Source File: BaseManager.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package jbok.core.peer


import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import jbok.codec.rlp.implicits._
import jbok.common.math.N
import jbok.core.config.FullConfig
import jbok.core.ledger.History
import jbok.core.messages.Status
import jbok.core.queue.Queue
import{Message, Request}

import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

final case class Incompatible(local: Status, remote: Status) extends NoStackTrace {
  override def toString: String = s"peer incompatible chainId:${local.chainId}/${remote.chainId} genesis:${local.genesisHash.toHex}/${remote.genesisHash.toHex}"

abstract class BaseManager[F[_]](config: FullConfig, history: History[F])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]) {
  def inbound: Queue[F, Peer[F], Message[F]]

  val connected: Ref[F, Map[PeerUri, (Peer[F], Socket[F])]] = Ref.unsafe(Map.empty)

  def isConnected(uri: PeerUri): F[Boolean] =

  def close(uri: PeerUri): F[Unit] = {
      case Some((_, socket)) => socket.endOfOutput >> socket.close
      case _                 => F.unit

  val localStatus: F[Status] =
    for {
      genesis <- history.genesisHeader
      number  <- history.getBestBlockNumber
      td      <- history.getTotalDifficultyByNumber(number).map(_.getOrElse(N(0)))
    } yield Status(history.chainId, genesis.hash, number, td, config.service.uri)

  def handshake(socket: Socket[F]): F[Peer[F]] =
    for {
      localStatus <- localStatus
      request = Request.binary[F, Status](, localStatus.encoded)
      _            <- socket.writeMessage(request)
      remoteStatus <- socket.readMessage.flatMap([Status])
      remote       <-[InetSocketAddress])
      peer <- if (!localStatus.isCompatible(remoteStatus)) {
        F.raiseError(Incompatible(localStatus, remoteStatus))
      } else {
        Peer[F](PeerUri.fromTcpAddr(remote), remoteStatus)
    } yield peer

  val seedDisconnects: F[List[PeerUri]] = config.peer.seedUris.filterA(uri => isConnected(uri).map(b => !b))

  val seedConnects: F[List[PeerUri]] = config.peer.seedUris.filterA(uri => isConnected(uri))
Example 59
Source File: CoreNode.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package jbok.core

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Timer}
import cats.implicits._
import fs2._
import jbok.common.log.Logger
import jbok.core.config.FullConfig
import jbok.core.ledger.{BlockExecutor, History}
import jbok.core.mining.BlockMiner
import jbok.core.peer.{PeerManager, PeerMessageHandler}
import jbok.core.pool.TxPool
import jbok.core.sync.SyncClient
import scala.concurrent.duration._

final case class CoreNode[F[_]](
    config: FullConfig,
    nodeStatus: Ref[F, NodeStatus],
    history: History[F],
    peerManager: PeerManager[F],
    executor: BlockExecutor[F],
    miner: BlockMiner[F],
    txPool: TxPool[F],
    handler: PeerMessageHandler[F],
    syncClient: SyncClient[F]
)(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], T: Timer[F]) {
  private val log = Logger[F]

  val logStatus: Stream[F, Unit] =
    Stream.eval {
      for {
        number <- history.getBestBlockNumber
        td     <- history.getTotalDifficultyByNumber(number).map(_.getOrElse(BigInt(0)))
        status <- nodeStatus.get
        _      <- log.i(s"status=${status},bestNumber=${number},td=${td}")
        _      <- T.sleep(10.seconds)
      } yield ()

  val stream: Stream[F, Unit] = Stream(,,,,,,
    .handleErrorWith(e => Stream.eval(log.e("CoreNode has an unhandled failure", e)))
Example 60
Source File: MemoryKVStore.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package jbok.persistent

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import fs2._

final class MemoryKVStore[F[_]](m: Ref[F, Map[ColumnFamily, Map[Seq[Byte], Array[Byte]]]])(implicit F: Sync[F]) extends KVStore[F] {
  override def put(cf: ColumnFamily, key: Array[Byte], value: Array[Byte]): F[Unit] =
    m.update(m => m.updated(cf, m.getOrElse(cf, Map.empty) + (key.toSeq -> value)))

  override def del(cf: ColumnFamily, key: Array[Byte]): F[Unit] =
    m.update(m => m.updated(cf, m.getOrElse(cf, Map.empty) - key))

  override def writeBatch(cf: ColumnFamily, puts: List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte])], dels: List[Array[Byte]]): F[Unit] =
    for {
      _ <- puts.traverse { case (key, value) => put(cf, key, value) }
      _ <- dels.traverse { key =>
        del(cf, key)
    } yield ()

  override def writeBatch(cf: ColumnFamily, ops: List[(Array[Byte], Option[Array[Byte]])]): F[Unit] =
    ops.traverse_ {
      case (key, Some(value)) => put(cf, key, value)
      case (key, None)        => del(cf, key)

  override def writeBatch(puts: List[Put], dels: List[Del]): F[Unit] =
    for {
      _ <- puts.traverse { case (cf, key, value) => put(cf, key, value) }
      _ <- dels.traverse { case (cf, key)        => del(cf, key) }
    } yield ()

  override def get(cf: ColumnFamily, key: Array[Byte]): F[Option[Array[Byte]]] =

  override def toStream(cf: ColumnFamily): Stream[F, (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])] =

  override def toList(cf: ColumnFamily): F[List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte])]] =

  override def toMap(cf: ColumnFamily): F[Map[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]] =, Map.empty).map { case (k, v) => k.toArray -> v })

  override def size(cf: ColumnFamily): F[Int] =

object MemoryKVStore {
  def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): F[KVStore[F]] =
    Ref.of[F, Map[ColumnFamily, Map[Seq[Byte], Array[Byte]]]](Map.empty).map(ref => new MemoryKVStore[F](ref))
Example 61
Source File: Subscriber.scala    From redis4cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats
package pubsub

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.syntax.all._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.pubsub.internals.{ PubSubInternals, PubSubState }
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.{ JRFuture, Log }
import fs2.Stream
import io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection

class Subscriber[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Log, K, V](
    state: Ref[F, PubSubState[F, K, V]],
    subConnection: StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V],
    blocker: Blocker
) extends SubscribeCommands[Stream[F, *], K, V] {

  override def subscribe(channel: RedisChannel[K]): Stream[F, V] =
        state.get.flatMap { st =>
          PubSubInternals[F, K, V](state, subConnection).apply(channel)(st) <*

  override def unsubscribe(channel: RedisChannel[K]): Stream[F, Unit] =
    Stream.eval {
        .guarantee(state.get.flatMap { st =>
          st.get(channel.underlying).fold(().pure)(_.publish1(none[V])) *> state.update(_ - channel.underlying)

Example 62
Source File: CliModule.scala    From nexus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Timer}
import cats.implicits._
import{OrgLabel, OrgUuid, ProjectLabel, ProjectUuid}
import distage.{ModuleDef, TagK}
import izumi.distage.model.definition.StandardAxis.Repo
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.client.blaze.BlazeClientBuilder

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

final class CliModule[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: TagK] extends ModuleDef {


  make[Client[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).fromResource {

  make[ProjectClient[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).fromEffect { (cfg: AppConfig, client: Client[F], console: Console[F]) =>
    Ref.of[F, Map[(OrgUuid, ProjectUuid), (OrgLabel, ProjectLabel)]](Map.empty).map { cache =>
      ProjectClient(client, cfg.env, cache, console)

  make[SparqlClient[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from { (cfg: AppConfig, client: Client[F], console: Console[F]) =>
    SparqlClient(client, cfg.env, console)

  make[EventStreamClient[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from { (cfg: AppConfig, client: Client[F], pc: ProjectClient[F]) =>
    EventStreamClient(client, pc, cfg.env)

  make[InfluxClient[F]].tagged(Repo.Prod).from { (cfg: AppConfig, client: Client[F], console: Console[F]) =>
    InfluxClient(client, cfg, console)

object CliModule {

  final def apply[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: Timer: TagK]: CliModule[F] =
    new CliModule[F]

Example 63
Source File: Fixture.scala    From nexus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import akka.persistence.journal.{Tagged, WriteEventAdapter}
import cats.effect.{IO, Sync}
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref

import scala.annotation.nowarn

object Fixture {

  sealed trait Event
  final case object Executed           extends Event
  final case object OtherExecuted      extends Event
  final case object AnotherExecuted    extends Event
  final case object YetAnotherExecuted extends Event
  final case object RetryExecuted      extends Event
  final case object IgnoreExecuted     extends Event
  final case object NotDiscarded       extends Event
  final case object Discarded          extends Event

  sealed trait EventTransform
  final case object ExecutedTransform           extends EventTransform
  final case object OtherExecutedTransform      extends EventTransform
  final case object AnotherExecutedTransform    extends EventTransform
  final case object YetAnotherExecutedTransform extends EventTransform
  final case object RetryExecutedTransform      extends EventTransform
  final case object IgnoreExecutedTransform     extends EventTransform
  final case object NotDiscardedTransform       extends EventTransform
  final case object DiscardedTransform          extends EventTransform

  sealed trait Cmd
  final case object Execute           extends Cmd
  final case object ExecuteOther      extends Cmd
  final case object ExecuteAnother    extends Cmd
  final case object ExecuteYetAnother extends Cmd
  final case object ExecuteRetry      extends Cmd
  final case object ExecuteIgnore     extends Cmd

  sealed trait State
  final case object Perpetual extends State

  sealed trait Rejection
  final case object Reject extends Rejection

  class TaggingAdapter extends WriteEventAdapter {
    override def manifest(event: Any): String = ""
    override def toJournal(event: Any): Any   =
      event match {
        case Executed           => Tagged(event, Set("executed"))
        case OtherExecuted      => Tagged(event, Set("other"))
        case AnotherExecuted    => Tagged(event, Set("another"))
        case YetAnotherExecuted => Tagged(event, Set("yetanother"))
        case RetryExecuted      => Tagged(event, Set("retry"))
        case IgnoreExecuted     => Tagged(event, Set("ignore"))
        case NotDiscarded       => Tagged(event, Set("discard"))
        case Discarded          => Tagged(event, Set("discard"))


  val initial: State                                             = Perpetual
  def next(state: State, event: Event): State                    = Perpetual
  def eval(state: State, cmd: Cmd): IO[Either[Rejection, Event]] =
    cmd match {
      case Execute           => IO.pure(Right(Executed))
      case ExecuteOther      => IO.pure(Right(OtherExecuted))
      case ExecuteAnother    => IO.pure(Right(AnotherExecuted))
      case ExecuteYetAnother => IO.pure(Right(YetAnotherExecuted))
      case ExecuteRetry      => IO.pure(Right(RetryExecuted))
      case ExecuteIgnore     => IO.pure(Right(IgnoreExecuted))


  def memoize[F[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[F[A]] = {
    import cats.implicits._
    for {
      ref <- Ref[F].of(fa.attempt)
      _   <- ref.update(_.flatTap(a => ref.set(a.pure[F])))
    } yield ref.get.flatten.rethrow
Example 64
Source File: MemUserRepository.scala    From http4s-tracer   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.profunktor.tracer.repository.interpreter

import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.syntax.all._
import dev.profunktor.tracer.model.user.{User, Username}
import dev.profunktor.tracer.repository.algebra.UserRepository

object MemUserRepository {
  def create[F[_]: Sync]: F[UserRepository[F]] =
    Ref.of[F, Map[Username, User]](Map.empty).map(new MemUserRepository[F](_))

class MemUserRepository[F[_]: Sync] private (
    state: Ref[F, Map[Username, User]]
) extends UserRepository[F] {

  def find(username: Username): F[Option[User]] =

  def persist(user: User): F[Unit] =
    state.update(_.updated(user.username, user))

Example 65
Source File: ConsoleSpec.scala    From console4cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.effect

import cats._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.test.TestConsole
import cats.implicits._
import munit.FunSuite

class ConsoleSpec extends FunSuite {

  def program[F[_]: Console: FlatMap]: F[List[String]] =
    for {
      _ <- F.putStrLn("a")
      _ <- F.putStrLn(true)
      _ <- F.putStr(123)
      _ <- F.putStr("b")
      rd1 <- F.readLn
      _ <- F.putError(rd1)
      _ <- F.putError(1.5)
      rd2 <- F.readLn
      rd3 <- F.readLn
    } yield List(rd1, rd2, rd3)

  override def munitValueTransforms =
    super.munitValueTransforms :+ new ValueTransform("IO", {
      case ioa: IO[_] => ioa.unsafeToFuture

  test("Console") {
    for {
      out1 <- Ref[IO].of(Chain.empty[String])
      out2 <- Ref[IO].of(Chain.empty[String])
      out3 <- Ref[IO].of(Chain.empty[String])
      in1 <- TestConsole.inputs
              .sequenceAndDefault[IO](Chain("foo", "bar", "baz"), "")
      implicit0(console: Console[IO]) <- TestConsole.make(out1, out2, out3, in1)
      rs <- program[IO]
      rs1 <- out1.get
      rs2 <- out2.get
      rs3 <- out3.get
    } yield {
      assert(rs == List("foo", "bar", "baz"))
      assert(rs1.mkString_("", ",", "") == "a,true")
      assert(rs2.mkString_("", ",", "") == "123,b")
      assert(rs3.mkString_("", ",", "") == "foo,1.5")

  test("mapK") {
    type E[A] = EitherT[IO, String, A]

    for {
      out1 <- Ref[IO].of(Chain.empty[String])
      out2 <- Ref[IO].of(Chain.empty[String])
      out3 <- Ref[IO].of(Chain.empty[String])
      in1 <- TestConsole.inputs
              .sequenceAndDefault[IO](Chain("foo"), "undefined")
      implicit0(console: Console[E]) <- TestConsole
                                         .make(out1, out2, out3, in1)
                                         .map(_.mapK(EitherT.liftK[IO, String]))
      rs <- program[E].value
      rs1 <- out1.get
      rs2 <- out2.get
      rs3 <- out3.get
    } yield {
      assert(rs.getOrElse(fail("Either.Left")) == List("foo", "undefined", "undefined"))
      assert(rs1.mkString_("", ",", "") == "a,true")
      assert(rs2.mkString_("", ",", "") == "123,b")
      assert(rs3.mkString_("", ",", "") == "foo,1.5")

  // Monad Transformer instances

  def instances[F[_]: Applicative: Console] = {
    Console[OptionT[F, *]]
    Console[EitherT[F, String, *]]
    Console[IorT[F, String, *]]
    Console[Kleisli[F, String, *]]
    Console[ReaderWriterStateT[F, String, Int, Boolean, *]]
    Console[StateT[F, Int, *]]
    Console[WriterT[F, String, *]]

Example 66
Source File: TestConsole.scala    From console4cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.effect.test

import cats._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{ Console, Sync }
import cats.syntax.functor._

private class TestConsole[F[_]: Applicative](
    outLines: Ref[F, Chain[String]],
    outWords: Ref[F, Chain[String]],
    outErrors: Ref[F, Chain[String]],
    val readLn: F[String]
) extends Console[F] {

  override def putStrLn[A: Show](a: A): F[Unit] =

  override def putStr[A: Show](a: A): F[Unit] =

  override def putError[A: Show](a: A): F[Unit] =

object TestConsole {

    def sequenceAndDefault[F[_]: Sync](
        inputs: Chain[String],
        default: String
    ): F[F[String]] =
      Ref[F].of(inputs).map {
        _.modify {
          _.uncons match {
            case Some((head, tail)) => (tail, head)
            case None               => (Chain.nil, default)
Example 67
Source File: JoexServer.scala    From docspell   with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package docspell.joex

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import fs2.Stream
import fs2.concurrent.SignallingRef

import docspell.common.Pools
import docspell.joex.routes._

import org.http4s.HttpApp
import org.http4s.implicits._
import org.http4s.server.Router
import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder
import org.http4s.server.middleware.Logger

object JoexServer {

  private case class App[F[_]](
      httpApp: HttpApp[F],
      termSig: SignallingRef[F, Boolean],
      exitRef: Ref[F, ExitCode]

  def stream[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift](
      cfg: Config,
      pools: Pools
  )(implicit T: Timer[F]): Stream[F, Nothing] = {

    val app = for {
      signal   <- Resource.liftF(SignallingRef[F, Boolean](false))
      exitCode <- Resource.liftF(Ref[F].of(ExitCode.Success))
      joexApp <-
          .create[F](cfg, signal, pools.connectEC, pools.httpClientEC, pools.blocker)

      httpApp = Router(
        "/api/info" -> InfoRoutes(),
        "/api/v1"   -> JoexRoutes(joexApp)

      // With Middlewares in place
      finalHttpApp = Logger.httpApp(false, false)(httpApp)

    } yield App(finalHttpApp, signal, exitCode)

      .flatMap(app =>
          .bindHttp(cfg.bind.port, cfg.bind.address)
          .serveWhile(app.termSig, app.exitRef)

Example 68
Source File: ResilientStreamSpec.scala    From fs2-rabbit   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.resiliency

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.BaseSpec
import fs2._

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion

class ResilientStreamSpec extends BaseSpec {

  private val sink: Pipe[IO, Int, Unit] = _.evalMap(putStrLn)

  val emptyAssertion: Assertion = true shouldBe true

  it should "run a stream until it's finished" in {
    val program = Stream(1, 2, 3).covary[IO].through(sink)

  it should "run a stream and recover in case of failure" in {
    val errorProgram = Stream.raiseError[IO](new Exception("on purpose")).through(sink)

    def p(ref: Ref[IO, Int]): Stream[IO, Unit] =
      errorProgram.handleErrorWith { t =>
        Stream.eval(ref.get) flatMap { n =>
          if (n == 0) Stream.eval(IO.unit)
          else Stream.eval(ref.update(_ - 1) *> IO.raiseError(t))

    Ref.of[IO, Int](2).flatMap(r =>, 1.second)).as(emptyAssertion).unsafeToFuture

Example 69
Source File: Fs2Streaming.scala    From redis4cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats
package streams

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.connection._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.{ JRFuture, Log }
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.JRFuture._
import fs2.Stream
import io.lettuce.core.{ ReadFrom => JReadFrom }

object RedisStream {

  def mkStreamingConnection[F[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift: Log, K, V](
      client: RedisClient,
      codec: RedisCodec[K, V]
  ): Stream[F, Streaming[Stream[F, *], K, V]] =
    Stream.resource(mkBlocker[F]).flatMap { blocker =>
      val acquire = JRFuture
        .fromConnectionFuture(F.delay(client.underlying.connectAsync[K, V](codec.underlying, client.uri.underlying)))(
        .map(new RedisRawStreaming(_, blocker))

      val release: RedisRawStreaming[F, K, V] => F[Unit] = c =>
        JRFuture.fromCompletableFuture(F.delay(c.client.closeAsync()))(blocker) *>
  "Releasing Streaming connection: ${client.uri.underlying}")

      Stream.bracket(acquire)(release).map(rs => new RedisStream(rs))

  def mkMasterReplicaConnection[F[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift: Log, K, V](
      codec: RedisCodec[K, V],
      uris: RedisURI*
  )(readFrom: Option[JReadFrom] = None): Stream[F, Streaming[Stream[F, *], K, V]] =
    Stream.resource(mkBlocker[F]).flatMap { blocker =>
      Stream.resource(RedisMasterReplica[F].make(codec, uris: _*)(readFrom)).map { conn =>
        new RedisStream(new RedisRawStreaming(conn.underlying, blocker))


class RedisStream[F[_]: Concurrent, K, V](rawStreaming: RedisRawStreaming[F, K, V])
    extends Streaming[Stream[F, *], K, V] {

  private[streams] val nextOffset: K => StreamingMessageWithId[K, V] => StreamingOffset[K] =
    key => msg => StreamingOffset.Custom(key, ( + 1).toString)

  private[streams] val offsetsByKey: List[StreamingMessageWithId[K, V]] => Map[K, Option[StreamingOffset[K]]] =
    list => list.groupBy(_.key).map { case (k, values) => k -> }

  override def append: Stream[F, StreamingMessage[K, V]] => Stream[F, Unit] =
    _.evalMap(msg => rawStreaming.xAdd(msg.key, msg.body).void)

  override def read(keys: Set[K], initialOffset: K => StreamingOffset[K]): Stream[F, StreamingMessageWithId[K, V]] = {
    val initial = => k -> initialOffset(k)).toMap
    Stream.eval(Ref.of[F, Map[K, StreamingOffset[K]]](initial)).flatMap { ref =>
      (for {
        offsets <- Stream.eval(ref.get)
        list <- Stream.eval(rawStreaming.xRead(offsets.values.toSet))
        newOffsets = offsetsByKey(list).collect { case (key, Some(value)) => key -> value }.toList
        _ <- Stream.eval( { case (k, v) => ref.update(_.updated(k, v)) }.sequence)
        result <- Stream.fromIterator(list.iterator)
      } yield result).repeat

Example 70
Source File: ProjectClient.scala    From nexus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Sync, Timer}
import cats.implicits._
import{OrgLabel, OrgUuid, ProjectLabel, ProjectUuid}
import{ClientErrOr, Console}
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.{Headers, Request}

trait ProjectClient[F[_]] {

  final def apply[F[_]: Sync: Timer](
      client: Client[F],
      env: EnvConfig,
      cache: Ref[F, Map[(OrgUuid, ProjectUuid), (OrgLabel, ProjectLabel)]],
      console: Console[F]
  ): ProjectClient[F] = {
    implicit val c: Console[F] = console
    new LiveProjectClient[F](client, env, cache)

  private class LiveProjectClient[F[_]: Timer: Console: Sync](
      client: Client[F],
      env: EnvConfig,
      cache: Ref[F, Map[(OrgUuid, ProjectUuid), (OrgLabel, ProjectLabel)]]
  ) extends AbstractHttpClient[F](client, env)
      with ProjectClient[F] {

    override def labels(org: OrgUuid, proj: ProjectUuid): F[ClientErrOr[(OrgLabel, ProjectLabel)]] =
      cache.get.flatMap { map =>
        map.get((org, proj)) match {
          // value in cache, return
          case Some(value) => F.pure(Right(value))
          // value not in cache, fetch, update and return
          case None        =>
            get(org, proj).flatMap {
              // propagate error
              case l @ Left(_)      => F.pure(l)
              // success, update cache and return
              case r @ Right(value) =>
                cache.modify(m => (m.updated((org, proj), value), value)) *> F.pure(r)

    private def get(org: OrgUuid, proj: ProjectUuid): F[ClientErrOr[(OrgLabel, ProjectLabel)]] = {
      val uri = env.project(org, proj)
      val req = Request[F](uri = uri, headers = Headers(env.authorizationHeader.toList))
      executeParse[NexusAPIProject](req).map {
        case Right(NexusAPIProject(orgLabel, projectLabel)) => Right((orgLabel, projectLabel))
        case Left(err)                                      => Left(err)

  final private[ProjectClient] case class NexusAPIProject(`_organizationLabel`: OrgLabel, `_label`: ProjectLabel)
  private[ProjectClient] object NexusAPIProject {
    implicit val nexusAPIProjectDecoder: Decoder[NexusAPIProject] = deriveDecoder[NexusAPIProject]
Example 71
Source File: PubSub.scala    From redis4cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats
package pubsub

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.syntax.all._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.connection.RedisClient
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.{ JRFuture, Log }
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.JRFuture._
import fs2.Stream
import fs2.concurrent.Topic
import io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection

object PubSub {

  private[redis4cats] def acquireAndRelease[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Log, K, V](
      client: RedisClient,
      codec: RedisCodec[K, V],
      blocker: Blocker
  ): (F[StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V]], StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V] => F[Unit]) = {

    val acquire: F[StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V]] = JRFuture.fromConnectionFuture(
      F.delay(client.underlying.connectPubSubAsync(codec.underlying, client.uri.underlying))

    val release: StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V] => F[Unit] = c =>
      JRFuture.fromCompletableFuture(F.delay(c.closeAsync()))(blocker) *>
"Releasing PubSub connection: ${client.uri.underlying}")

    (acquire, release)

  def mkSubscriberConnection[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Log, K, V](
      client: RedisClient,
      codec: RedisCodec[K, V]
  ): Stream[F, SubscribeCommands[Stream[F, *], K, V]] =
    Stream.resource(mkBlocker[F]).flatMap { blocker =>
      val (acquire, release) = acquireAndRelease[F, K, V](client, codec, blocker)
      Stream.eval(Ref.of(Map.empty[K, Topic[F, Option[V]]])).flatMap { st =>
        Stream.bracket(acquire)(release).map(new Subscriber(st, _, blocker))

Example 72
Source File: PubSubInternals.scala    From redis4cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats.pubsub.internals

import cats.effect.ConcurrentEffect
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.syntax.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log
import fs2.concurrent.Topic
import io.lettuce.core.pubsub.{ RedisPubSubListener, StatefulRedisPubSubConnection }

object PubSubInternals {

  private[redis4cats] def defaultListener[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect, K, V](
      channel: RedisChannel[K],
      topic: Topic[F, Option[V]]
  ): RedisPubSubListener[K, V] =
    new RedisPubSubListener[K, V] {
      override def message(ch: K, msg: V): Unit =
        if (ch == channel.underlying) {
          topic.publish1(Option(msg)).toIO.unsafeRunAsync(_ => ())
      override def message(pattern: K, channel: K, message: V): Unit = this.message(channel, message)
      override def psubscribed(pattern: K, count: Long): Unit        = ()
      override def subscribed(channel: K, count: Long): Unit         = ()
      override def unsubscribed(channel: K, count: Long): Unit       = ()
      override def punsubscribed(pattern: K, count: Long): Unit      = ()

  private[redis4cats] def apply[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: Log, K, V](
      state: Ref[F, PubSubState[F, K, V]],
      subConnection: StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V]
  ): GetOrCreateTopicListener[F, K, V] = { channel => st =>
      .fold {
        Topic[F, Option[V]](None).flatTap { topic =>
          val listener = defaultListener(channel, topic)
"Creating listener for channel: $channel") *>
            F.delay(subConnection.addListener(listener)) *>
            state.update(_.updated(channel.underlying, topic))

Example 73
Source File: LivePubSubCommands.scala    From redis4cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.profunktor.redis4cats
package pubsub

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.syntax.all._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.pubsub.internals.{ PubSubInternals, PubSubState }
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.{ JRFuture, Log }
import fs2.Stream
import io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection

class LivePubSubCommands[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift: Log, K, V](
    state: Ref[F, PubSubState[F, K, V]],
    subConnection: StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V],
    pubConnection: StatefulRedisPubSubConnection[K, V],
    blocker: Blocker
) extends PubSubCommands[Stream[F, *], K, V] {

  private[redis4cats] val subCommands: SubscribeCommands[Stream[F, *], K, V] =
    new Subscriber[F, K, V](state, subConnection, blocker)
  private[redis4cats] val pubSubStats: PubSubStats[Stream[F, *], K] = new LivePubSubStats(pubConnection, blocker)

  override def subscribe(channel: RedisChannel[K]): Stream[F, V] =

  override def unsubscribe(channel: RedisChannel[K]): Stream[F, Unit] =

  override def publish(channel: RedisChannel[K]): Stream[F, V] => Stream[F, Unit] =
    _.evalMap { message =>
      state.get.flatMap { st =>
        PubSubInternals[F, K, V](state, subConnection).apply(channel)(st) *>
          JRFuture(F.delay(pubConnection.async().publish(channel.underlying, message)))(blocker)

  override def pubSubChannels: Stream[F, List[K]] =

  override def pubSubSubscriptions(channel: RedisChannel[K]): Stream[F, Subscription[K]] =

  override def pubSubSubscriptions(channels: List[RedisChannel[K]]): Stream[F, List[Subscription[K]]] =

Example 74
Source File: Fs2UnaryServerCallListener.scala    From fs2-grpc   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.lyranthe.fs2_grpc
package java_runtime
package server

import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Effect}
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.grpc._

class Fs2UnaryServerCallListener[F[_], Request, Response] private (
    request: Ref[F, Option[Request]],
    isComplete: Deferred[F, Unit],
    val isCancelled: Deferred[F, Unit],
    val call: Fs2ServerCall[F, Request, Response]
)(implicit F: Effect[F])
    extends ServerCall.Listener[Request]
    with Fs2ServerCallListener[F, F, Request, Response] {

  import Fs2UnaryServerCallListener._

  override def onCancel(): Unit = {

  override def onMessage(message: Request): Unit = {
      .flatMap[Unit] {
        case (curValue, modify) =>
          if (curValue.isDefined)


  override def onHalfClose(): Unit =

  override def source: F[Request] =
    for {
      _ <- isComplete.get
      valueOrNone <- request.get
      value <- valueOrNone.fold[F[Request]](F.raiseError(statusException(NoMessage)))(F.pure)
    } yield value

object Fs2UnaryServerCallListener {

  val TooManyRequests: String = "Too many requests"
  val NoMessage: String = "No message for unary call"

  private val statusException: String => StatusRuntimeException = msg =>
    new StatusRuntimeException(Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(msg))

  class PartialFs2UnaryServerCallListener[F[_]](val dummy: Boolean = false) extends AnyVal {

    def apply[Request, Response](
        call: ServerCall[Request, Response],
        options: ServerCallOptions = ServerCallOptions.default
        F: ConcurrentEffect[F]
    ): F[Fs2UnaryServerCallListener[F, Request, Response]] =
      for {
        request <- Ref.of[F, Option[Request]](none)
        isComplete <- Deferred[F, Unit]
        isCancelled <- Deferred[F, Unit]
        serverCall <- Fs2ServerCall[F, Request, Response](call, options)
      } yield new Fs2UnaryServerCallListener[F, Request, Response](request, isComplete, isCancelled, serverCall)

  def apply[F[_]] = new PartialFs2UnaryServerCallListener[F]
Example 75
Source File: Fs2UnaryClientCallListener.scala    From fs2-grpc   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.lyranthe.fs2_grpc
package java_runtime
package client

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import cats.implicits._
import io.grpc._

class Fs2UnaryClientCallListener[F[_], Response](grpcStatus: Deferred[F, GrpcStatus], value: Ref[F, Option[Response]])(
    implicit F: Effect[F]
) extends ClientCall.Listener[Response] {

  override def onClose(status: Status, trailers: Metadata): Unit =
    grpcStatus.complete(GrpcStatus(status, trailers)).unsafeRun()

  override def onMessage(message: Response): Unit =

  def getValue: F[Response] = {
    for {
      r <- grpcStatus.get
      v <- value.get
      result <- {
        if (!r.status.isOk)
        else {
          v match {
            case None =>
                  .withDescription("No value received for unary call")
            case Some(v1) =>
    } yield result

object Fs2UnaryClientCallListener {

  def apply[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect, Response]: F[Fs2UnaryClientCallListener[F, Response]] = {
    (Deferred[F, GrpcStatus], Ref.of[F, Option[Response]](none)).mapN((response, value) =>
      new Fs2UnaryClientCallListener[F, Response](response, value)

Example 76
Source File: StartResourceSpec.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.IOSuite._
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class StartResourceSpec extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {

  test("StartResource") {
    val result = for {
      deferred <- Deferred[IO, Unit]
      ref      <- Ref.of[IO, Boolean](false)
      res       = Resource.make(IO.unit)(_ => ref.set(true))
      fiber    <- StartResource(res)(_ => deferred.complete(()) *>
      _        <- deferred.get
      _        <- fiber.cancel
      result   <- ref.get
    } yield {
      result shouldEqual true
Example 77
Source File: ResourceRefTest.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.IOSuite._
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class ResourceRefTest extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {

  test("ResourceRef") {

    def resourceOf[A](a: A, ref: Ref[IO, Boolean]) = {
      Resource.make { ref.set(true).as(a) } { _ => ref.set(false) }

    val result = for {
      ref0 <- Ref[IO].of(false)
      ref1 <- Ref[IO].of(false)
      ref  <- ResourceRef.of(resourceOf(0, ref0)).use { ref =>
        for {
          a <- ref.get
          _  = a shouldEqual 0
          a <- ref0.get
          _  = a shouldEqual true
          _ <- ref.set(resourceOf(1, ref1))
          a <- ref.get
          _  = a shouldEqual 1
          a <- ref0.get
          _  = a shouldEqual false
          a <- ref1.get
          _  = a shouldEqual true
        } yield ref
      a <- ref1.get
      _  = a shouldEqual false
      _ <- ().pure[IO]
      a <- ref.get.attempt
      _  = a shouldEqual ResourceReleasedError.asLeft
    } yield {}
Example 78
Source File: GracefulFiberSpec.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import cats.implicits._
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.IOSuite._
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class GracefulFiberSpec extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {

  test("GracefulFiber") {
    val result = for {
      deferred <- Deferred[IO, Unit]
      ref      <- Ref.of[IO, Boolean](false)
      fiber    <- GracefulFiber[IO].apply { cancel =>
        Concurrent[IO].start[Unit] {
          val loop = for {
            cancel <- cancel
            _      <- ref.set(cancel)
          } yield {
            if (cancel) ().some else none
          for {
            _ <- deferred.complete(())
            _ <- loop.untilDefinedM
          } yield {}
      _      <- fiber.cancel
      result <- ref.get
    } yield {
      result shouldEqual true
Example 79
Source File: ResourceRegistrySpec.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.{Deferred, Ref}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.{Applicative, Foldable}
import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.IOSuite._
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

class ResourceRegistrySpec extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {

  val error: Throwable = new RuntimeException with NoStackTrace
  for {
    exitCase <- List(
  } yield {

    test(s"ResRegistry releases resources, exitCase: $exitCase") {
      val result = exitCase match {
        case ExitCase.Completed    => testError(none)
        case ExitCase.Canceled     => testCancel
        case ExitCase.Error(error) => testError(error.some)

  private def testError(error: Option[Throwable]) = {
    val n = 3

    def logic(release: IO[Unit]) = {
      ResourceRegistry.of[IO].use { registry =>
        val resource = Resource.make(().pure[IO]) { _ => release }
        val fa = registry.allocate(resource)
        implicit val monoidUnit = Applicative.monoid[IO, Unit]
        for {
          _ <- Foldable[List].fold(List.fill(n)(fa))
          _ <- error.fold(().pure[IO])(_.raiseError[IO, Unit])
        } yield {}

    for {
      ref      <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0)
      fa        = logic(ref.update(_ + 1))
      result   <- fa.redeem(_.some, _ => none)
      releases <- ref.get
    } yield {
      result shouldEqual result
      releases shouldEqual n

  private def testCancel = {
    for {
      released <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0)
      started  <- Deferred[IO, Unit]
      fiber    <- Concurrent[IO].start {
        ResourceRegistry.of[IO].use { registry =>
          val resource = Resource.make(().pure[IO]) { _ => released.update(_ + 1) }
          for {
            _ <- registry.allocate(resource)
            _ <- started.complete(())
            _ <-
          } yield {}
      _        <- started.get
      _        <- fiber.cancel
      released <- released.get
    } yield {
      released shouldEqual 1
Example 80
Source File: RollingFileLogger.scala    From odin   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
package io.odin.loggers

import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.TimeZone
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, Fiber, Resource, Timer}
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.odin.formatter.Formatter
import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage}

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

object RollingFileLogger {

  def apply[F[_]](
      fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String,
      maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long],
      rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration],
      formatter: Formatter,
      minLevel: Level
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, Logger[F]] = {
    new RollingFileLoggerFactory(

  private[odin] class RefLogger[F[_]: Timer: Monad](
      current: Ref[F, Logger[F]],
      override val minLevel: Level
  ) extends DefaultLogger[F](minLevel) {

    def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msg))

    override def log(msgs: List[LoggerMessage]): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msgs))


  private[odin] class RollingFileLoggerFactory[F[_]](
      fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String,
      maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long],
      rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration],
      formatter: Formatter,
      minLevel: Level,
      underlyingLogger: (String, Formatter, Level) => Resource[F, Logger[F]],
      fileSizeCheck: Path => Long = Files.size
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]) {

    val df: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")

    def mk: Resource[F, Logger[F]] = {
      val logger = for {
        ((logger, watcherFiber), release) <- allocate.allocated
        refLogger <- Ref.of(logger)
        refRelease <- Ref.of(release)
        _ <- F.start(rollingLoop(watcherFiber, refLogger, refRelease))
      } yield {
        (new RefLogger(refLogger, minLevel), refRelease)
      Resource.make(logger)(_._2.get.flatten).map {
        case (logger, _) => logger

    def now: F[Long] = timer.clock.realTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

    def rollingLoop(watcher: Fiber[F, Unit], logger: Ref[F, Logger[F]], release: Ref[F, F[Unit]]): F[Unit] =
      for {
        _ <- watcher.join
        oldRelease <- release.get
        ((newLogger, newWatcher), newRelease) <- allocate.allocated
        _ <- logger.set(newLogger)
        _ <- release.set(newRelease)
        _ <- oldRelease
        _ <- rollingLoop(newWatcher, logger, release)
      } yield ()

