Scala Examples
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Example 1
Source File: JdbcConnector.scala From bandar-log with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.sql.{Connection, Statement} import import import import import{PRESTO, VERTICA} import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.PrestoConnection import import com.vertica.jdbc.VerticaConnection import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler import resource.managed import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Try import scalacache.guava.GuavaCache import scalacache.memoization._ import scalacache.{CacheConfig, ScalaCache} abstract class JdbcConnector(@cacheKeyExclude pool: HikariConnectionPool) extends LogTrait { implicit val scalaCache = ScalaCache( GuavaCache(CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(100).build[String, Object]), cacheConfig = CacheConfig(keyPrefix = Some(pool.getName)) ) def runQuery[V](query: Query, @cacheKeyExclude handler: ResultSetHandler[V]): V = memoizeSync(50.seconds) { val rm = for { connection <- managed(pool.getConnection) statement <- managed(connection.createStatement()) } yield { applySettings(connection, statement, query.settings)"Running query:[${query.sql}] source:[${query.source}] settings:[${query.settings.mkString(",")}]") val resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query.sql) handler.handle(resultSet) } Try(rm.acquireAndGet(identity)).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Failure:[$query]")) } private def applySettings(connection: Connection, statement: Statement, settings: Seq[Setting]) = { settings.foreach(setting => applySetting(connection, statement, setting)) } def applySetting(connection: Connection, statement: Statement, setting: Setting) } object JdbcConnector { private class PrestoConnector(connectionPool: HikariConnectionPool) extends JdbcConnector(connectionPool) { override def applySetting(connection: Connection, statement: Statement, setting: Setting): Unit = { connection.unwrap(classOf[PrestoConnection]).setSessionProperty(setting.key, setting.value) } } private class VerticaConnector(connectionPool: HikariConnectionPool) extends JdbcConnector(connectionPool) { override def applySetting(connection: Connection, statement: Statement, setting: Setting): Unit = { connection.unwrap(classOf[VerticaConnection]).setProperty(setting.key, setting.value) } } def apply(connectorType: String, connectionPool: HikariConnectionPool): JdbcConnector = connectorType match { case VERTICA => new VerticaConnector(connectionPool) case PRESTO => new PrestoConnector(connectionPool) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't create connector for SQL source:[$connectorType]") } }
Example 2
Source File: FetchWithCacheConfigClient.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package izanami.configs import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import akka.event.Logging import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture import import akka.util.Timeout import{Cache, CacheBuilder} import izanami.Strategy.FetchWithCacheStrategy import izanami.scaladsl._ import izanami._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object FetchWithCacheConfigClient { def apply( clientConfig: ClientConfig, fallback: Configs, underlyingStrategy: ConfigClient, cacheConfig: FetchWithCacheStrategy )(implicit izanamiDispatcher: IzanamiDispatcher, actorSystem: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer): FetchWithCacheConfigClient = new FetchWithCacheConfigClient(clientConfig, fallback, underlyingStrategy, cacheConfig, underlyingStrategy.cudConfigClient) } private[configs] class FetchWithCacheConfigClient( clientConfig: ClientConfig, fallback: Configs, underlyingStrategy: ConfigClient, cacheConfig: FetchWithCacheStrategy, override val cudConfigClient: CUDConfigClient )(implicit val izanamiDispatcher: IzanamiDispatcher, actorSystem: ActorSystem, val materializer: Materializer) extends ConfigClient { import actorSystem.dispatcher implicit val timeout = Timeout(10.second) private val logger = Logging(actorSystem, this.getClass.getName) private val cache: Cache[String, Seq[Config]] = CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .maximumSize(cacheConfig.maxElement) .expireAfterWrite(cacheConfig.duration.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .build[String, Seq[Config]]() override def configs(pattern: Seq[String]): Future[Configs] = { val convertedPattern = Option(pattern).map(".", ":")).mkString(",")).getOrElse("*") Option(cache.getIfPresent(convertedPattern)) match { case Some(configs) => FastFuture.successful(Configs(configs)) case None => val futureConfigs = underlyingStrategy.configs(convertedPattern) futureConfigs.onComplete { case Success(c) => cache.put(convertedPattern, c.configs) case Failure(e) => logger.error(e, "Error fetching configs") } futureConfigs } } override def config(key: String) = { require(key != null, "key should not be null") val convertedKey: String = key.replace(".", ":") Option(cache.getIfPresent(convertedKey)) match { case Some(configs) => FastFuture.successful(configs.find( == convertedKey).map(_.value).getOrElse(Json.obj())) case None => val futureConfig: Future[Configs] = underlyingStrategy.configs(convertedKey) futureConfig.onComplete { case Success(configs) => cache.put(convertedKey, configs.configs) case Failure(e) => logger.error(e, "Error fetching features") } futureConfig .map( _.configs .find( == convertedKey) .map(c => c.value) .getOrElse(Json.obj()) ) } } override def configsSource(pattern: String) = underlyingStrategy.configsSource(pattern) override def configsStream(pattern: String) = underlyingStrategy.configsStream(pattern) }
Example 3
Source File: BigtableDoFnTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigtable import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue import import{Cache, CacheBuilder} import{Futures, ListenableFuture} import com.spotify.scio.testing._ import com.spotify.scio.transforms.BaseAsyncLookupDoFn.CacheSupplier import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class BigtableDoFnTest extends PipelineSpec { "BigtableDoFn" should "work" in { val fn = new TestBigtableDoFn val output = runWithData(1 to 10)(_.parDo(fn)) .map(kv => (kv.getKey, kv.getValue.get())) output should contain theSameElementsAs (1 to 10).map(x => (x, x.toString)) } it should "work with cache" in { val fn = new TestCachingBigtableDoFn val output = runWithData((1 to 10) ++ (6 to 15))(_.parDo(fn)) .map(kv => (kv.getKey, kv.getValue.get())) output should contain theSameElementsAs ((1 to 10) ++ (6 to 15)).map(x => (x, x.toString)) BigtableDoFnTest.queue.asScala.toSet should contain theSameElementsAs (1 to 15) BigtableDoFnTest.queue.size() should be <= 20 } it should "work with failures" in { val fn = new TestFailingBigtableDoFn val output = runWithData(1 to 10)(_.parDo(fn)).map { kv => val r = kv.getValue.asScala match { case Success(v) => v case Failure(e) => e.getMessage } (kv.getKey, r) } output should contain theSameElementsAs (1 to 10).map { x => val prefix = if (x % 2 == 0) "success" else "failure" (x, prefix + x.toString) } } } object BigtableDoFnTest { val queue: ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Int] = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Int]() } class TestBigtableDoFn extends BigtableDoFn[Int, String](null) { override def newClient(): BigtableSession = null override def asyncLookup(session: BigtableSession, input: Int): ListenableFuture[String] = Futures.immediateFuture(input.toString) } class TestCachingBigtableDoFn extends BigtableDoFn[Int, String](null, 100, new TestCacheSupplier) { override def newClient(): BigtableSession = null override def asyncLookup(session: BigtableSession, input: Int): ListenableFuture[String] = { BigtableDoFnTest.queue.add(input) Futures.immediateFuture(input.toString) } } class TestFailingBigtableDoFn extends BigtableDoFn[Int, String](null) { override def newClient(): BigtableSession = null override def asyncLookup(session: BigtableSession, input: Int): ListenableFuture[String] = if (input % 2 == 0) { Futures.immediateFuture("success" + input) } else { Futures.immediateFailedFuture(new RuntimeException("failure" + input)) } } class TestCacheSupplier extends CacheSupplier[Int, String, java.lang.Long] { override def createCache(): Cache[java.lang.Long, String] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build[java.lang.Long, String]() override def getKey(input: Int): java.lang.Long = input.toLong }
Example 4
Source File: ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.utils import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader, LoadingCache} import com.wavesplatform.utils.ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification.FakeTicker import monix.execution.Ack import monix.reactive.Observer import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt class ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory { private val ExpiringTime = 10.minutes "notifies" - { "on refresh" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) => (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() loadingCache.refresh("foo") } "on put" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) => (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() loadingCache.put("foo", 10) } "on putAll" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) => (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() (changes.onNext _).expects("bar").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() loadingCache.putAll(Map[String, Integer]("foo" -> 10, "bar" -> 11).asJava) } "on invalidate" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) => (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() loadingCache.invalidate("foo") } "on invalidateAll" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) => (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() (changes.onNext _).expects("bar").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() loadingCache.invalidateAll(Seq("foo", "bar").asJava) } } "don't notify" - { "on cache expiration" in test { (loadingCache, changes, ticker) => (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once() loadingCache.put("foo", 1) ticker.advance(ExpiringTime.toMillis + 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } } private def test(f: (LoadingCache[String, Integer], Observer[String], FakeTicker) => Unit): Unit = { val changes = mock[Observer[String]] val ticker = new FakeTicker() val delegate = CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(ExpiringTime.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .ticker(ticker) .build(new CacheLoader[String, Integer] { override def load(key: String): Integer = key.length }) val loadingCache = new ObservedLoadingCache(delegate, changes) f(loadingCache, changes, ticker) } } private object ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification { // see class FakeTicker extends Ticker { private val nanos = new AtomicLong() private var autoIncrementStepNanos = 0L def advance(time: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): FakeTicker = advance(timeUnit.toNanos(time)) def advance(nanoseconds: Long): FakeTicker = { nanos.addAndGet(nanoseconds) this } def setAutoIncrementStep(autoIncrementStep: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): FakeTicker = { require(autoIncrementStep >= 0, "May not auto-increment by a negative amount") this.autoIncrementStepNanos = timeUnit.toNanos(autoIncrementStep) this } override def read: Long = nanos.getAndAdd(autoIncrementStepNanos) } }
Example 5
Source File: LegacyFrameCodec.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util import import com.wavesplatform.block.Block import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.Base64 import com.wavesplatform.crypto import import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Transaction import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled._ import import io.netty.handler.codec.{ByteToMessageCodec, DecoderException} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.util.control.NonFatal class LegacyFrameCodec(peerDatabase: PeerDatabase, receivedTxsCacheTimeout: FiniteDuration) extends ByteToMessageCodec[Any] with ScorexLogging { import BasicMessagesRepo.specsByCodes import LegacyFrameCodec._ private val receivedTxsCache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(receivedTxsCacheTimeout.length, receivedTxsCacheTimeout.unit) .build[String, Object]() override def exceptionCaught(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, cause: Throwable): Unit = cause match { case e: DecoderException => peerDatabase.blacklistAndClose(, s"Corrupted message frame: $e") case _ => super.exceptionCaught(ctx, cause) } override def decode(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, in: ByteBuf, out: util.List[AnyRef]): Unit = try { require(in.readInt() == Magic, "invalid magic number") val code = in.readByte() require(specsByCodes.contains(code), s"Unexpected message code $code") val spec = specsByCodes(code) val length = in.readInt() require(length <= spec.maxLength, s"${spec.messageName} message length $length exceeds ${spec.maxLength}") val dataBytes = new Array[Byte](length) val pushToPipeline = length == 0 || { val declaredChecksum = in.readSlice(ChecksumLength) in.readBytes(dataBytes) val rawChecksum = crypto.fastHash(dataBytes) val actualChecksum = wrappedBuffer(rawChecksum, 0, ChecksumLength) require(declaredChecksum.equals(actualChecksum), "invalid checksum") actualChecksum.release() spec != TransactionSpec || { val actualChecksumStr = Base64.encode(rawChecksum) if (receivedTxsCache.getIfPresent(actualChecksumStr) == null) { receivedTxsCache.put(actualChecksumStr, LegacyFrameCodec.dummy) true } else false } } if (pushToPipeline) out.add(RawBytes(code, dataBytes)) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => log.warn(s"${id(ctx)} Malformed network message", e) peerDatabase.blacklistAndClose(, s"Malformed network message: $e") in.resetReaderIndex() // Cancels subsequent read tries, see Netty decode() documentation } override def encode(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, msg1: Any, out: ByteBuf): Unit = { val msg = msg1 match { case rb: RawBytes => rb case tx: Transaction => RawBytes.fromTransaction(tx) case block: Block => RawBytes.fromBlock(block) case mb: MicroBlockResponse => RawBytes.fromMicroBlock(mb) } out.writeInt(Magic) out.writeByte(msg.code) if ( > 0) { out.writeInt( out.writeBytes(crypto.fastHash(, 0, ChecksumLength) out.writeBytes( } else { out.writeInt(0) } } } object LegacyFrameCodec { val Magic = 0x12345678 private val dummy = new Object() }
Example 6
Source File: LockManager.scala From metronome with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dcos.metronome.utils.state import{LoadingCache, CacheLoader, CacheBuilder} import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} def executeSequentially[T](key: String)(future: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] } object LockManager { def create(): LockManager = new LockManager { val locks = loadingCache[String]() override def executeSequentially[T]( key: String )(future: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = { val lock = locks.get(key) scala.concurrent.blocking { lock.acquire() } val result = future result.onComplete { _ => lock.release() } result } } private[this] def loadingCache[A <: AnyRef](): LoadingCache[A, Semaphore] = { CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .weakValues() .build[A, Semaphore](new CacheLoader[A, Semaphore] { override def load(key: A): Semaphore = new Semaphore(1) }) } }
Example 7
Source File: LshFunctionCache.scala From elastiknn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.klibisz.elastiknn.query import java.time.Duration import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader, LoadingCache} import com.klibisz.elastiknn.api.{Mapping, Vec} import com.klibisz.elastiknn.models.LshFunction import // The Lsh Functions tend to be expensive to instantiate (i.e. initializing hashing parameters), hence a cache. sealed trait LshFunctionCache[M <: Mapping, V <: Vec, S <: StoredVec] extends (M => LshFunction[M, V, S]) { self => private val cache: LoadingCache[M, LshFunction[M, V, S]] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder .expireAfterWrite(Duration.ofSeconds(60)) .build(new CacheLoader[M, LshFunction[M, V, S]] { override def load(m: M): LshFunction[M, V, S] = self.load(m) }) override final def apply(mapping: M): LshFunction[M, V, S] = cache.get(mapping) protected def load(m: M): LshFunction[M, V, S] } object LshFunctionCache { implicit object Jaccard extends LshFunctionCache[Mapping.JaccardLsh, Vec.SparseBool, StoredVec.SparseBool] { def load(m: Mapping.JaccardLsh): LshFunction[Mapping.JaccardLsh, Vec.SparseBool, StoredVec.SparseBool] = new LshFunction.Jaccard(m) } implicit object Hamming extends LshFunctionCache[Mapping.HammingLsh, Vec.SparseBool, StoredVec.SparseBool] { def load(m: Mapping.HammingLsh): LshFunction[Mapping.HammingLsh, Vec.SparseBool, StoredVec.SparseBool] = new LshFunction.Hamming(m) } implicit object Angular extends LshFunctionCache[Mapping.AngularLsh, Vec.DenseFloat, StoredVec.DenseFloat] { def load(m: Mapping.AngularLsh): LshFunction[Mapping.AngularLsh, Vec.DenseFloat, StoredVec.DenseFloat] = new LshFunction.Angular(m) } implicit object L2 extends LshFunctionCache[Mapping.L2Lsh, Vec.DenseFloat, StoredVec.DenseFloat] { def load(m: Mapping.L2Lsh): LshFunction[Mapping.L2Lsh, Vec.DenseFloat, StoredVec.DenseFloat] = new LshFunction.L2(m) } }
Example 8
Source File: PrepareStatementCache.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra import java.util.concurrent.Callable import import import class PrepareStatementCache[V <: AnyRef](size: Long) { private val cache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder .maximumSize(size) .build[java.lang.Long, V]() private val hasher = Hashing.goodFastHash(128) def apply(stmt: String)(prepare: String => V): V = { cache.get( hash(stmt), new Callable[V] { override def call: V = prepare(stmt) } ) } def invalidate(stmt: String): Unit = cache.invalidate(hash(stmt)) private def hash(string: String): java.lang.Long = { hasher .hashString(string, Charsets.UTF_8) .asLong() } }
Example 9
Source File: L1Cache.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.zcache import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{Cache, CacheBuilder} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object L1Cache { def memoize[K, V](task: K => Future[V])( digest: K => String, isCachable: V => Boolean = (_: V) => true )(l1Size: Int = 1024, ttlSeconds: Int = 10)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): K => Future[V] = { val cache: Cache[String, Future[V]] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(l1Size).expireAfterWrite(ttlSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build() (input: K) => { val key = digest(input) Option(cache.getIfPresent(key)) match { case Some(cachedFuture) => cachedFuture.asInstanceOf[Future[V]] case None => { val fut = task(input) cache.put(key, fut) fut.andThen { case Success(v) => if (!isCachable(v)) cache.invalidate(key) case Failure(_) => cache.getIfPresent(key) match { case `fut` => cache.invalidate(key) case _ => //Do Nothing } } } } } } def memoizeWithCache[K, V](task: K => Future[V])(digest: K => String, isCachable: V => Boolean = (_: V) => true)( cache: Cache[String, Future[V]] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): K => Future[V] = { (input: K) => { val key = digest(input) Option(cache.getIfPresent(key)).getOrElse { val fut = task(input) cache.put(key, fut) fut.andThen { case Success(v) => if (!isCachable(v)) cache.getIfPresent(key) match { case `fut` => cache.invalidate(key) case _ => //Do Nothing } case Failure(_) => cache.getIfPresent(key) match { case `fut` => cache.invalidate(key) case _ => //Do Nothing } } } } } }
Example 10
Source File: JwksVerifier.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.jwt import{URI, URL} import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import com.auth0.jwk.UrlJwkProvider import com.daml.jwt.JwtVerifier.Error import{Cache, CacheBuilder} import scalaz.{-\/, Show, \/} import private[this] def getCachedVerifier(keyId: String): Error \/ JwtVerifier = { if (keyId == null) -\/(Error('getCachedVerifier, "No Key ID found")) else \/.fromTryCatchNonFatal( cache.get(keyId, () => getVerifier(keyId).fold(e => sys.error(e.shows), x => x)) ).leftMap(e => Error('getCachedVerifier, e.getMessage)) } def verify(jwt: domain.Jwt): Error \/ domain.DecodedJwt[String] = { for { keyId <- \/.fromTryCatchNonFatal(com.auth0.jwt.JWT.decode(jwt.value).getKeyId) .leftMap(e => Error('verify, e.getMessage)) verifier <- getCachedVerifier(keyId) decoded <- verifier.verify(jwt) } yield decoded } } object JwksVerifier { def apply(url: String) = new JwksVerifier(new URI(url).toURL) final case class Error(what: Symbol, message: String) object Error { implicit val showInstance: Show[Error] = Show.shows(e => s"JwksVerifier.Error: ${e.what}, ${e.message}") } }
Example 11
Source File: DateTimeFormatterHelper.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.time._ import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology import java.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeFormatterBuilder, ResolverStyle} import java.time.temporal.{ChronoField, TemporalAccessor, TemporalQueries} import java.util.Locale import import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeFormatterHelper._ trait DateTimeFormatterHelper { protected def toInstantWithZoneId(temporalAccessor: TemporalAccessor, zoneId: ZoneId): Instant = { val localTime = if (temporalAccessor.query(TemporalQueries.localTime) == null) { LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(0) } else { LocalTime.from(temporalAccessor) } val localDate = LocalDate.from(temporalAccessor) val localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(localDate, localTime) val zonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(localDateTime, zoneId) Instant.from(zonedDateTime) } // Gets a formatter from the cache or creates new one. The buildFormatter method can be called // a few times with the same parameters in parallel if the cache does not contain values // associated to those parameters. Since the formatter is immutable, it does not matter. // In this way, synchronised is intentionally omitted in this method to make parallel calls // less synchronised. // The Cache.get method is not used here to avoid creation of additional instances of Callable. protected def getOrCreateFormatter(pattern: String, locale: Locale): DateTimeFormatter = { val key = (pattern, locale) var formatter = cache.getIfPresent(key) if (formatter == null) { formatter = buildFormatter(pattern, locale) cache.put(key, formatter) } formatter } } private object DateTimeFormatterHelper { val cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(128) .build[(String, Locale), DateTimeFormatter]() def buildFormatter(pattern: String, locale: Locale): DateTimeFormatter = { new DateTimeFormatterBuilder() .parseCaseInsensitive() .appendPattern(pattern) .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.ERA, 1) .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, 1) .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1) .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR, 0) .parseDefaulting(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE, 0) .toFormatter(locale) .withChronology(IsoChronology.INSTANCE) .withResolverStyle(ResolverStyle.STRICT) } }
Example 12
Source File: ConfluentSchemaRegistry.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.avro.registry import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader} import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import hydra.common.logging.LoggingAdapter import io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.{ CachedSchemaRegistryClient, MockSchemaRegistryClient, SchemaMetadata, SchemaRegistryClient } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} case class ConfluentSchemaRegistry( registryClient: SchemaRegistryClient, registryUrl: String ) extends SchemaRegistryComponent { def getAllSubjects()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[String]] = Future( registryClient .getAllSubjects() .asScala .map(s => if (s.endsWith("-value")) s.dropRight(6) else s) .toSeq ) def getById(id: Int, suffix: String = "-value")( implicit ec: ExecutionContext ): Future[SchemaMetadata] = Future { val schema = registryClient.getById(id) val subject = schema.getFullName + suffix registryClient.getLatestSchemaMetadata(subject) } } object ConfluentSchemaRegistry extends LoggingAdapter { import hydra.common.config.ConfigSupport._ case class SchemaRegistryClientInfo( url: String, schemaRegistryMaxCapacity: Int ) private val cachedClients = CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .build( new CacheLoader[SchemaRegistryClientInfo, ConfluentSchemaRegistry] { def load(info: SchemaRegistryClientInfo): ConfluentSchemaRegistry = { log.debug(s"Creating new schema registry client for ${info.url}") val client = if (info.url == "mock") { mockRegistry } else { new CachedSchemaRegistryClient( info.url, info.schemaRegistryMaxCapacity ) } ConfluentSchemaRegistry(client, info.url) } } ) val mockRegistry = new MockSchemaRegistryClient() def registryUrl(config: Config): String = config.getStringOpt("schema.registry.url") .getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("A schema registry url is required.")) def forConfig( config: Config = ConfigFactory.load() ): ConfluentSchemaRegistry = { val identityMapCapacity = config.getIntOpt("max.schemas.per.subject").getOrElse(1000) cachedClients.get( SchemaRegistryClientInfo(registryUrl(config), identityMapCapacity) ) } }
Example 13
Source File: CacheableRPCInterceptor.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.rpc.interceptor.common import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, TimeUnit} import{Cache, CacheBuilder, RemovalListener, RemovalNotification} import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.exception.WarnException import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.utils.Logging import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.protocol.CacheableProtocol import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.rpc.interceptor.{RPCInterceptor, RPCInterceptorChain, RPCInterceptorExchange} import org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Component class CacheableRPCInterceptor extends RPCInterceptor with Logging{ private val guavaCache: Cache[Any, Any] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().concurrencyLevel(5) .expireAfterAccess(120000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).initialCapacity(20) //TODO Make parameters(做成参数) .maximumSize(1000).recordStats().removalListener(new RemovalListener[Any, Any] { override def onRemoval(removalNotification: RemovalNotification[Any, Any]): Unit = { debug(s"CacheSender removed key => ${removalNotification.getKey}, value => ${removalNotification.getValue}.") } }).asInstanceOf[CacheBuilder[Any, Any]].build() override val order: Int = 10 override def intercept(interceptorExchange: RPCInterceptorExchange, chain: RPCInterceptorChain): Any = interceptorExchange.getProtocol match { case cacheable: CacheableProtocol => guavaCache.get(cacheable.toString, new Callable[Any] { override def call(): Any = { val returnMsg = chain.handle(interceptorExchange) returnMsg match { case warn: WarnException => throw warn case _ => returnMsg } } }) case _ => chain.handle(interceptorExchange) } }
Example 14
Source File: BlockchainCache.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.caches import java.time.Duration import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader, LoadingCache} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.ScorexLogging import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} abstract class BlockchainCache[K <: AnyRef, V <: AnyRef](loader: K => Future[V], expiration: Option[Duration], invalidationPredicate: V => Boolean)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends ScorexLogging { lazy private val cache: LoadingCache[K, Future[V]] = { val builder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder expiration .fold(builder)(builder.expireAfterWrite) .build { new CacheLoader[K, Future[V]] { override def load(key: K): Future[V] = loader(key) andThen { case Success(value) if invalidationPredicate(value) => cache.invalidate(key) // value may persist for a little longer than expected due to the fact that all the threads in the EC may be busy case Failure(exception) => log.error(s"Error while value loading occurred: ", exception); cache.invalidate(key) } } } } def get(key: K): Future[V] = cache.get(key) def put(key: K, value: Future[V]): Unit = cache.put(key, value) } object BlockchainCache { def noCustomInvalidationLogic[V](value: V): Boolean = false }
Example 15
Source File: RankingCounter.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.counter.core import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader, LoadingCache} import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.apache.s2graph.counter.core.RankingCounter.RankingValueMap import org.apache.s2graph.counter.models.Counter import org.apache.s2graph.counter.util.{CollectionCacheConfig, CollectionCache} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ case class RankingRow(key: RankingKey, value: Map[String, RankingValue]) case class RateRankingRow(key: RankingKey, value: Map[String, RateRankingValue]) class RankingCounter(config: Config, storage: RankingStorage) { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) val storageStatusCache = new CollectionCache[Option[Boolean]](CollectionCacheConfig(1000, 60, negativeCache = false, 60)) val cache: LoadingCache[RankingKey, RankingResult] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(1000000) .expireAfterWrite(10l, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build( new CacheLoader[RankingKey, RankingResult]() { def load(rankingKey: RankingKey): RankingResult = { // log.warn(s"cache load: $rankingKey") storage.getTopK(rankingKey, Int.MaxValue).getOrElse(RankingResult(-1, Nil)) } } ) def getTopK(rankingKey: RankingKey, k: Int = Int.MaxValue): Option[RankingResult] = { val tq = rankingKey.eq.tq if (TimedQualifier.getQualifiers(Seq(tq.q), System.currentTimeMillis()).head == tq) { // do not use cache storage.getTopK(rankingKey, k) } else { val result = cache.get(rankingKey) if (result.values.nonEmpty) { Some(result.copy(values = result.values.take(k))) } else { None } } } def update(key: RankingKey, value: RankingValueMap, k: Int): Unit = { storage.update(key, value, k) } def update(values: Seq[(RankingKey, RankingValueMap)], k: Int): Unit = { storage.update(values, k) } def delete(key: RankingKey): Unit = { storage.delete(key) } def getAllItems(keys: Seq[RankingKey], k: Int = Int.MaxValue): Seq[String] = { val oldKeys = keys.filter(key => TimedQualifier.getQualifiers(Seq(key.eq.tq.q), System.currentTimeMillis()).head != key.eq.tq) val cached = cache.getAllPresent(oldKeys) val missed = keys.diff(cached.keys.toSeq) val found = storage.getTopK(missed, k) // log.warn(s"cached: ${cached.size()}, missed: ${missed.size}") for { (key, result) <- found } { cache.put(key, result) } for { (key, RankingResult(totalScore, values)) <- cached ++ found (item, score) <- values } yield { item } }.toSeq.distinct def prepare(policy: Counter): Unit = { storage.prepare(policy) } def destroy(policy: Counter): Unit = { storage.destroy(policy) } def ready(policy: Counter): Boolean = { storageStatusCache.withCache(s"${}") { Some(storage.ready(policy)) }.getOrElse(false) } } object RankingCounter { type RankingValueMap = Map[String, RankingValue] }
Example 16
Source File: ExactQualifier.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.counter.core import java.util import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader, LoadingCache} import org.apache.s2graph.counter.core.TimedQualifier.IntervalUnit.IntervalUnit import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ case class ExactQualifier(tq: TimedQualifier, dimKeyValues: Map[String, String], dimension: String) { def checkDimensionEquality(dimQuery: Map[String, Set[String]]): Boolean = { // println(s"self: $dimKeyValues, query: $dimQuery") dimQuery.size == dimKeyValues.size && { for { (k, v) <- dimKeyValues } yield { dimQuery.get(k).exists(qv => qv.isEmpty || qv.contains(v)) } }.forall(x => x) } } object ExactQualifier { val cache: LoadingCache[String, Map[String, String]] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(10000) .build( new CacheLoader[String, Map[String, String]]() { def load(s: String): Map[String, String] = { strToDimensionMap(s) } } ) def apply(tq: TimedQualifier, dimension: String): ExactQualifier = { ExactQualifier(tq, cache.get(dimension), dimension) } def apply(tq: TimedQualifier, dimKeyValues: Map[String, String]): ExactQualifier = { ExactQualifier(tq, dimKeyValues, makeDimensionStr(dimKeyValues)) } def makeSortedDimension(dimKeyValues: Map[String, String]): Iterator[String] = { val sortedDimKeyValues = new util.TreeMap[String, String](dimKeyValues) sortedDimKeyValues.keysIterator ++ sortedDimKeyValues.valuesIterator } def makeDimensionStr(dimKeyValues: Map[String, String]): String = { makeSortedDimension(dimKeyValues).mkString(".") } def getQualifiers(intervals: Seq[IntervalUnit], ts: Long, dimKeyValues: Map[String, String]): Seq[ExactQualifier] = { for { tq <- TimedQualifier.getQualifiers(intervals, ts) } yield { ExactQualifier(tq, dimKeyValues, makeDimensionStr(dimKeyValues)) } } def strToDimensionMap(dimension: String): Map[String, String] = { val dimSp = { val sp = dimension.split('.') if (dimension == ".") { Array("", "") } else if (dimension.nonEmpty && dimension.last == '.') { sp ++ Array("") } else { sp } } val dimKey = dimSp.take(dimSp.length / 2) val dimVal = dimSp.takeRight(dimSp.length / 2) } }
Example 17
Source File: CollectionCache.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.counter.util import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{Cache, CacheBuilder} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.language.{postfixOps, reflectiveCalls} case class CollectionCacheConfig(maxSize: Int, ttl: Int, negativeCache: Boolean = false, negativeTTL: Int = 600) class CollectionCache[C <: { def nonEmpty: Boolean; def isEmpty: Boolean } ](config: CollectionCacheConfig) { private val cache: Cache[String, C] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(config.ttl, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .maximumSize(config.maxSize) .build[String, C]() // private lazy val cache = new SynchronizedLruMap[String, (C, Int)](config.maxSize) private lazy val className = this.getClass.getSimpleName private lazy val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) val localHostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName def size = cache.size val maxSize = config.maxSize // cache statistics def getStatsString: String = { s"$localHostname ${cache.stats().toString}" } def withCache(key: String)(op: => C): C = { Option(cache.getIfPresent(key)) match { case Some(r) => r case None => val r = op if (r.nonEmpty || config.negativeCache) { cache.put(key, r) } r } } def withCacheAsync(key: String)(op: => Future[C])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[C] = { Option(cache.getIfPresent(key)) match { case Some(r) => Future.successful(r) case None => { r => if (r.nonEmpty || config.negativeCache) { cache.put(key, r) } r } } } def purgeKey(key: String) = { cache.invalidate(key) } def contains(key: String): Boolean = { Option(cache.getIfPresent(key)).nonEmpty } }
Example 18
Source File: JWTAuthenticatorRepository.scala From crm-seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.dataengi.crm.identities.repositories import com.dataengi.crm.identities.daos.JWTAuthenticatorDAO import com.dataengi.crm.identities.models.JWTAuthenticatorData import import{Inject, Singleton} import import import{JWTAuthenticator, JWTAuthenticatorSettings} import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scalacache.guava.GuavaCache trait JWTAuthenticatorRepository extends AuthenticatorRepository[JWTAuthenticator] @Singleton class JWTAuthenticatorRepositoryInMemoryImplementation @Inject()(implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends JWTAuthenticatorRepository { protected val repository = TrieMap[String, JWTAuthenticator]() override def find(id: String): Future[Option[JWTAuthenticator]] = Future { repository.get(id) } override def add(authenticator: JWTAuthenticator): Future[JWTAuthenticator] = Future { repository.put(, authenticator) authenticator } override def update(authenticator: JWTAuthenticator): Future[JWTAuthenticator] = Future { repository.update(, authenticator) authenticator } override def remove(id: String): Future[Unit] = Future { repository.remove(id) } } @Singleton class JWTAuthenticatorSerializableRepositoryImplementation @Inject()(implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext, authenticatorDAO: JWTAuthenticatorDAO, authenticatorEncoder: AuthenticatorEncoder, conf: JWTAuthenticatorSettings) extends JWTAuthenticatorRepository { override def find(id: String): Future[Option[JWTAuthenticator]] = authenticatorDAO .getOption(id) .map( => JWTAuthenticator.unserialize(data.authenticator, authenticatorEncoder, conf).get)) override def add(authenticator: JWTAuthenticator): Future[JWTAuthenticator] = for { data <- serializeData(authenticator) addResult <- authenticatorDAO.add(data) } yield authenticator private def serializeData(authenticator: JWTAuthenticator): Future[JWTAuthenticatorData] = { Future { val serializedData = JWTAuthenticator.serialize(authenticator, authenticatorEncoder, conf) JWTAuthenticatorData(serializedData, } } override def update(authenticator: JWTAuthenticator): Future[JWTAuthenticator] = for { updatedAuthenticator <- authenticatorDAO.get( data <- serializeData(authenticator) updateResult <- authenticatorDAO.update(data.copy(id = } yield authenticator override def remove(id: String): Future[Unit] = authenticatorDAO.delete(id) } @Singleton class JWTAuthenticatorCacheRepositoryImplementation @Inject()(implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends JWTAuthenticatorRepository { import scalacache._ val underlyingGuavaCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(10000L).build[String, Object] implicit val scalaCache = ScalaCache(GuavaCache(underlyingGuavaCache)) val cache = typed[JWTAuthenticator, NoSerialization] override def find(id: String): Future[Option[JWTAuthenticator]] = cache.get(id) override def add(authenticator: JWTAuthenticator): Future[JWTAuthenticator] = cache.put( => authenticator) override def update(authenticator: JWTAuthenticator): Future[JWTAuthenticator] = cache.put( => authenticator) override def remove(id: String): Future[Unit] = cache.remove(id) }