Scala Examples
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Example 1
Source File: Queries.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.on.sql.queries import import java.sql.{Blob, Connection, PreparedStatement} import anorm.{ BatchSql, Column, MetaDataItem, NamedParameter, RowParser, SqlMappingError, SqlParser, SqlRequestError, ToStatement } import trait Queries extends ReadQueries with WriteQueries object Queries { val TablePrefix = "ledger" val LogTable = s"${TablePrefix}_log" val MetaTable = s"${TablePrefix}_meta" val StateTable = s"${TablePrefix}_state" // By explicitly writing a value to a "table_key" column, we ensure we only ever have one row in // the meta table. An attempt to write a second row will result in a key conflict. private[queries] val MetaTableKey = 0 def executeBatchSql( query: String, params: Iterable[Seq[NamedParameter]], )(implicit connection: Connection): Unit = { if (params.nonEmpty) BatchSql(query, params.head, params.drop(1).toArray: _*).execute() () } implicit def byteStringToStatement: ToStatement[ByteString] = new ToStatement[ByteString] { override def set(s: PreparedStatement, index: Int, v: ByteString): Unit = s.setBinaryStream(index, v.newInput(), v.size()) } implicit def columnToByteString: Column[ByteString] = Column.nonNull { (value: Any, meta: MetaDataItem) => value match { case blob: Blob => Right(ByteString.readFrom(blob.getBinaryStream)) case byteArray: Array[Byte] => Right(ByteString.copyFrom(byteArray)) case inputStream: InputStream => Right(ByteString.readFrom(inputStream)) case _ => Left[SqlRequestError, ByteString]( SqlMappingError(s"Cannot convert value of column ${meta.column} to ByteString")) } } def getBytes(columnName: String): RowParser[ByteString] = SqlParser.get(columnName)(columnToByteString) }
Example 2
Source File: InMemoryState.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.on.memory import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock import com.daml.ledger.on.memory.InMemoryState._ import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.Bytes import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.api.LedgerRecord import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.Offset import import scala.collection.mutable import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, blocking} private[memory] class InMemoryState private (log: MutableLog, state: MutableState) { private val lockCurrentState = new StampedLock() @volatile private var lastLogEntryIndex = 0 def readLog[A](action: ImmutableLog => A): A = action(log) // `log` is mutable, but the interface is immutable def newHeadSinceLastWrite(): Int = lastLogEntryIndex def write[A](action: (MutableLog, MutableState) => Future[A])( implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext ): Future[A] = for { stamp <- Future { blocking { lockCurrentState.writeLock() } } result <- action(log, state) .andThen { case _ => lastLogEntryIndex = log.size - 1 lockCurrentState.unlock(stamp) } } yield result } object InMemoryState { type ImmutableLog = IndexedSeq[LedgerRecord] type ImmutableState = collection.Map[StateKey, StateValue] type MutableLog = mutable.Buffer[LedgerRecord] with ImmutableLog type MutableState = mutable.Map[StateKey, StateValue] with ImmutableState type StateKey = Bytes type StateValue = Bytes // The first element will never be read because begin offsets are exclusive. private val Beginning = LedgerRecord(Offset.beforeBegin, ByteString.EMPTY, ByteString.EMPTY) def empty = new InMemoryState( log = mutable.ArrayBuffer(Beginning), state = mutable.Map.empty, ) }
Example 3
Source File: InMemoryLedgerReaderWriterSpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.on.memory import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry import com.daml.ledger.api.testing.utils.AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.api.CommitMetadata import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.{ParticipantId, SubmissionResult} import com.daml.ledger.validator.{BatchedValidatingCommitter, LedgerStateOperations} import import com.daml.metrics.Metrics import com.daml.platform.akkastreams.dispatcher.Dispatcher import import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito.{times, verify, when} import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{AsyncWordSpec, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class InMemoryLedgerReaderWriterSpec extends AsyncWordSpec with AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "commit" should { "not signal new head in case of failure" in { val mockDispatcher = mock[Dispatcher[Index]] val mockCommitter = mock[BatchedValidatingCommitter[Index]] when( mockCommitter.commit( anyString(), any[ByteString](), any[ParticipantId](), any[LedgerStateOperations[Index]])(any[ExecutionContext]())) .thenReturn( Future.successful(SubmissionResult.InternalError("Validation failed with an exception"))) val instance = new InMemoryLedgerReaderWriter( Ref.ParticipantId.assertFromString("participant ID"), "ledger ID", mockDispatcher, InMemoryState.empty, mockCommitter, new Metrics(new MetricRegistry) ) instance .commit("correlation ID", ByteString.copyFromUtf8("some bytes"), CommitMetadata.Empty) .map { actual => verify(mockDispatcher, times(0)).signalNewHead(anyInt()) actual should be(a[SubmissionResult.InternalError]) } } } }
Example 4
Source File: PackageManagementClient.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin.package_management_service.PackageManagementServiceGrpc.PackageManagementServiceStub import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin.package_management_service.{ ListKnownPackagesRequest, PackageDetails, UploadDarFileRequest } import com.daml.ledger.client.LedgerClient import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} object PackageManagementClient { private val listKnownPackagesRequest = ListKnownPackagesRequest() } final class PackageManagementClient(service: PackageManagementServiceStub)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { def listKnownPackages(token: Option[String] = None): Future[Seq[PackageDetails]] = LedgerClient .stub(service, token) .listKnownPackages(PackageManagementClient.listKnownPackagesRequest) .map(_.packageDetails) def uploadDarFile(darFile: ByteString, token: Option[String] = None): Future[Unit] = LedgerClient .stub(service, token) .uploadDarFile(UploadDarFileRequest(darFile)) .map(_ => ()) }
Example 5
Source File: PackageManagementServiceIT.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.api.testtool.tests import com.daml.ledger.api.testtool.infrastructure.Allocation._ import com.daml.ledger.api.testtool.infrastructure.Assertions._ import com.daml.ledger.api.testtool.infrastructure.LedgerTestSuite import com.daml.ledger.packagemanagementtest.PackageManagementTest.PackageManagementTestTemplate import com.daml.ledger.packagemanagementtest.PackageManagementTest.PackageManagementTestTemplate._ import import io.grpc.Status import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} final class PackageManagementServiceIT extends LedgerTestSuite { private[this] val testPackageResourcePath = "/ledger/ledger-api-test-tool/PackageManagementTest.dar" private def loadTestPackage()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ByteString] = { val testPackage = Future { val in = getClass.getResourceAsStream(testPackageResourcePath) assert(in != null, s"Unable to load test package resource at '$testPackageResourcePath'") in } val bytes = bytes.onComplete(_ => bytes } test( "PackageManagementEmptyUpload", "An attempt at uploading an empty payload should fail", allocate(NoParties), )(implicit ec => { case Participants(Participant(ledger)) => for { failure <- ledger.uploadDarFile(ByteString.EMPTY).failed } yield { assertGrpcError( failure, Status.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid argument: Invalid DAR: package-upload", ) } }) test( "PackageManagementLoad", "Concurrent uploads of the same package should be idempotent and result in the package being available for use", allocate(SingleParty), )(implicit ec => { case Participants(Participant(ledger, party)) => for { testPackage <- loadTestPackage() _ <- Future.sequence(Vector.fill(8)(ledger.uploadDarFile(testPackage))) knownPackages <- ledger.listKnownPackages() contract <- ledger.create(party, new PackageManagementTestTemplate(party)) acsBefore <- ledger.activeContracts(party) _ <- ledger.exercise(party, contract.exerciseTestChoice) acsAfter <- ledger.activeContracts(party) } yield { val duplicatePackageIds = knownPackages.groupBy(_.packageId).mapValues(_.size).filter(_._2 > 1) assert( duplicatePackageIds.isEmpty, s"There are duplicate package identifiers: ${duplicatePackageIds map { case (name, count) => s"$name ($count)" } mkString (", ")}", ) assert( acsBefore.size == 1, "After the contract has been created there should be one active contract but there's none", ) assert( acsAfter.isEmpty, s"There should be no active package after the contract has been consumed: ${", ")}", ) } }) }
Example 6
Source File: SequentialLogEntryId.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.DamlKvutils.DamlLogEntryId import class SequentialLogEntryId(prefix: String) { private val currentEntryId = new AtomicLong() private val prefixBytes = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(prefix) def next(): DamlLogEntryId = { val entryId = currentEntryId.getAndIncrement().toHexString DamlLogEntryId.newBuilder .setEntryId(prefixBytes.concat(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(entryId))) .build } }
Example 7
Source File: Serialization.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.export import{DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.time.Instant import com.daml.ledger.participant.state import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.export.FileBasedLedgerDataExporter.{ SubmissionInfo, WriteSet } import object Serialization { def serializeEntry( submissionInfo: SubmissionInfo, writeSet: WriteSet, out: DataOutputStream): Unit = { serializeSubmissionInfo(submissionInfo, out) serializeWriteSet(writeSet, out) } def readEntry(input: DataInputStream): (SubmissionInfo, WriteSet) = { val submissionInfo = readSubmissionInfo(input) val writeSet = readWriteSet(input) (submissionInfo, writeSet) } private def serializeSubmissionInfo( submissionInfo: SubmissionInfo, out: DataOutputStream): Unit = { out.writeUTF(submissionInfo.correlationId) out.writeInt(submissionInfo.submissionEnvelope.size()) submissionInfo.submissionEnvelope.writeTo(out) out.writeLong(submissionInfo.recordTimeInstant.toEpochMilli) out.writeUTF(submissionInfo.participantId) } private def readSubmissionInfo(input: DataInputStream): SubmissionInfo = { val correlationId = input.readUTF() val submissionEnvelopeSize = input.readInt() val submissionEnvelope = new Array[Byte](submissionEnvelopeSize) input.readFully(submissionEnvelope) val recordTimeEpochMillis = input.readLong() val participantId = input.readUTF() SubmissionInfo( ByteString.copyFrom(submissionEnvelope), correlationId, Instant.ofEpochMilli(recordTimeEpochMillis), state.v1.ParticipantId.assertFromString(participantId) ) } private def serializeWriteSet(writeSet: WriteSet, out: DataOutputStream): Unit = { out.writeInt(writeSet.size) for ((key, value) <- writeSet.sortBy(_._1.asReadOnlyByteBuffer())) { out.writeInt(key.size()) key.writeTo(out) out.writeInt(value.size()) value.writeTo(out) } } private def readWriteSet(input: DataInputStream): WriteSet = { val numKeyValuePairs = input.readInt() (1 to numKeyValuePairs).map { _ => val keySize = input.readInt() val keyBytes = new Array[Byte](keySize) input.readFully(keyBytes) val valueSize = input.readInt() val valueBytes = new Array[Byte](valueSize) input.readFully(valueBytes) (ByteString.copyFrom(keyBytes), ByteString.copyFrom(valueBytes)) } } }
Example 8
Source File: FileBasedLedgerDataExporter.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.export import import java.time.Instant import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.ParticipantId import com.daml.ledger.validator.LedgerStateOperations.{Key, Value} import import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer class FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(output: DataOutputStream) extends LedgerDataExporter { import FileBasedLedgerDataExporter._ private val outputLock = new StampedLock private[export] val correlationIdMapping = mutable.Map.empty[String, String] private[export] val inProgressSubmissions = mutable.Map.empty[String, SubmissionInfo] private[export] val bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.ListBuffer[(Key, Value)]] def addSubmission( submissionEnvelope: ByteString, correlationId: String, recordTimeInstant: Instant, participantId: ParticipantId): Unit = this.synchronized { inProgressSubmissions.put( correlationId, SubmissionInfo(submissionEnvelope, correlationId, recordTimeInstant, participantId)) () } def addParentChild(parentCorrelationId: String, childCorrelationId: String): Unit = this.synchronized { correlationIdMapping.put(childCorrelationId, parentCorrelationId) () } def addToWriteSet(correlationId: String, data: Iterable[(Key, Value)]): Unit = this.synchronized { correlationIdMapping .get(correlationId) .foreach { parentCorrelationId => val keyValuePairs = bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId .getOrElseUpdate(parentCorrelationId, ListBuffer.empty) keyValuePairs.appendAll(data) bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId.put(parentCorrelationId, keyValuePairs) } } def finishedProcessing(correlationId: String): Unit = { val (submissionInfo, bufferedData) = this.synchronized { ( inProgressSubmissions.get(correlationId), bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId.get(correlationId)) } submissionInfo.foreach { submission => bufferedData.foreach(writeSubmissionData(submission, _)) this.synchronized { inProgressSubmissions.remove(correlationId) bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId.remove(correlationId) correlationIdMapping .collect { case (key, value) if value == correlationId => key } .foreach(correlationIdMapping.remove) } } } private def writeSubmissionData( submissionInfo: SubmissionInfo, writeSet: ListBuffer[(Key, Value)]): Unit = { val stamp = outputLock.writeLock() try { Serialization.serializeEntry(submissionInfo, writeSet, output) output.flush() } finally { outputLock.unlock(stamp) } } } object FileBasedLedgerDataExporter { case class SubmissionInfo( submissionEnvelope: ByteString, correlationId: String, recordTimeInstant: Instant, participantId: ParticipantId) type WriteSet = Seq[(Key, Value)] }
Example 9
Source File: LedgerDataExporter.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.export import{DataOutputStream, FileOutputStream} import java.time.Instant import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.ParticipantId import com.daml.ledger.validator.LedgerStateOperations.{Key, Value} import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory trait LedgerDataExporter { def finishedProcessing(correlationId: String): Unit } object LedgerDataExporter { val EnvironmentVariableName = "KVUTILS_LEDGER_EXPORT" private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private lazy val outputStreamMaybe: Option[DataOutputStream] = { Option(System.getenv(EnvironmentVariableName)) .map { filename =>"Enabled writing ledger entries to $filename") new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)) } } private lazy val instance = outputStreamMaybe .map(new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(_)) .getOrElse(NoopLedgerDataExporter) def apply(): LedgerDataExporter = instance }
Example 10
Source File: TestHelper.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.validator import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.DamlKvutils.{ DamlCommandDedupKey, DamlContractKey, DamlLogEntry, DamlLogEntryId, DamlPartyAllocationEntry, DamlStateKey, DamlSubmission, DamlSubmissionDedupKey } import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.ParticipantId import com.daml.lf.value.ValueOuterClass import private[validator] object TestHelper { lazy val aParticipantId: ParticipantId = ParticipantId.assertFromString("aParticipantId") lazy val aLogEntry: DamlLogEntry = DamlLogEntry .newBuilder() .setPartyAllocationEntry( DamlPartyAllocationEntry.newBuilder().setParty("aParty").setParticipantId(aParticipantId)) .build() lazy val allDamlStateKeyTypes: Seq[DamlStateKey] = Seq( DamlStateKey.newBuilder .setPackageId("a package ID"), DamlStateKey.newBuilder .setContractId("a contract ID"), DamlStateKey.newBuilder .setCommandDedup(DamlCommandDedupKey.newBuilder.setCommandId("an ID")), DamlStateKey.newBuilder .setParty("a party"), DamlStateKey.newBuilder .setContractKey( DamlContractKey.newBuilder.setTemplateId( ValueOuterClass.Identifier.newBuilder.addName("a name"))), DamlStateKey.newBuilder.setConfiguration(, DamlStateKey.newBuilder.setSubmissionDedup( DamlSubmissionDedupKey.newBuilder.setSubmissionId("a submission ID")) ).map( lazy val anInvalidEnvelope: ByteString = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("invalid data") def makePartySubmission(party: String): DamlSubmission = { val builder = DamlSubmission.newBuilder builder.setSubmissionSeed(ByteString.EMPTY) builder.addInputDamlStateBuilder().setParty(party) val submissionId = s"$party-submission" builder .addInputDamlStateBuilder() .getSubmissionDedupBuilder .setParticipantId(aParticipantId) .setSubmissionId(submissionId) builder.getPartyAllocationEntryBuilder .setSubmissionId(submissionId) .setParticipantId(aParticipantId) .setDisplayName(party) .setParty(party) } def aLogEntryId(): DamlLogEntryId = SubmissionValidator.allocateRandomLogEntryId() }
Example 11
Source File: BatchedValidatingCommitterSpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.validator import java.time.Instant import import com.daml.ledger.api.testing.utils.AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.{ParticipantId, SubmissionResult} import com.daml.ledger.validator.TestHelper.aParticipantId import com.daml.ledger.validator.batch.BatchedSubmissionValidator import import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.{any, anyString} import org.mockito.Mockito.when import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{AsyncWordSpec, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class BatchedValidatingCommitterSpec extends AsyncWordSpec with AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "commit" should { "return Acknowledged in case of success" in { val mockValidator = mock[BatchedSubmissionValidator[Unit]] when( mockValidator.validateAndCommit( any[ByteString](), anyString(), any[Instant](), any[ParticipantId](), any[DamlLedgerStateReader](), any[CommitStrategy[Unit]]())(any[Materializer](), any[ExecutionContext]())) .thenReturn(Future.unit) val instance = BatchedValidatingCommitter[Unit](() =>, mockValidator) instance .commit("", ByteString.EMPTY, aParticipantId, mock[LedgerStateOperations[Unit]]) .map { actual => actual shouldBe SubmissionResult.Acknowledged } } "return InternalError in case of an exception" in { val mockValidator = mock[BatchedSubmissionValidator[Unit]] when( mockValidator.validateAndCommit( any[ByteString](), anyString(), any[Instant](), any[ParticipantId](), any[DamlLedgerStateReader](), any[CommitStrategy[Unit]]())(any[Materializer](), any[ExecutionContext]())) .thenReturn(Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException("Validation failure"))) val instance = BatchedValidatingCommitter[Unit](() =>, mockValidator) instance .commit("", ByteString.EMPTY, aParticipantId, mock[LedgerStateOperations[Unit]]) .map { actual => actual shouldBe SubmissionResult.InternalError("Validation failure") } } } }
Example 12
Source File: LogAppendingCommitStrategySpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.validator import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{AsyncWordSpec, Matchers} import TestHelper._ import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.DamlKvutils.{DamlStateKey, DamlStateValue} import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.Envelope import com.daml.ledger.validator.LedgerStateOperations.{Key, Value} import import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito.{times, verify, when} import scala.concurrent.Future class LogAppendingCommitStrategySpec extends AsyncWordSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "commit" should { "return index from appendToLog" in { val mockLedgerStateOperations = mock[LedgerStateOperations[Long]] val expectedIndex = 1234L when(mockLedgerStateOperations.appendToLog(any[Key](), any[Value]())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(expectedIndex)) val instance = new LogAppendingCommitStrategy[Long]( mockLedgerStateOperations, DefaultStateKeySerializationStrategy) instance .commit(aParticipantId, "a correlation ID", aLogEntryId(), aLogEntry, Map.empty, Map.empty) .map { actualIndex => verify(mockLedgerStateOperations, times(1)).appendToLog(any[Key](), any[Value]()) verify(mockLedgerStateOperations, times(0)).writeState(any[Seq[(Key, Value)]]()) actualIndex should be(expectedIndex) } } "write keys serialized according to strategy" in { val mockLedgerStateOperations = mock[LedgerStateOperations[Long]] val actualOutputStateBytesCaptor = ArgumentCaptor .forClass(classOf[Seq[(Key, Value)]]) .asInstanceOf[ArgumentCaptor[Seq[(Key, Value)]]] when(mockLedgerStateOperations.writeState(actualOutputStateBytesCaptor.capture())) .thenReturn(Future.unit) when(mockLedgerStateOperations.appendToLog(any[Key](), any[Value]())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(0L)) val mockStateKeySerializationStrategy = mock[StateKeySerializationStrategy] val expectedStateKey = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("some key") when(mockStateKeySerializationStrategy.serializeStateKey(any[DamlStateKey]())) .thenReturn(expectedStateKey) val expectedOutputStateBytes = Seq((expectedStateKey, Envelope.enclose(aStateValue))) val instance = new LogAppendingCommitStrategy[Long]( mockLedgerStateOperations, mockStateKeySerializationStrategy) instance .commit( aParticipantId, "a correlation ID", aLogEntryId(), aLogEntry, Map.empty, Map(aStateKey -> aStateValue)) .map { _: Long => verify(mockStateKeySerializationStrategy, times(1)).serializeStateKey(aStateKey) verify(mockLedgerStateOperations, times(1)).writeState(any[Seq[(Key, Value)]]()) actualOutputStateBytesCaptor.getValue should be(expectedOutputStateBytes) } } } private val aStateKey: DamlStateKey = DamlStateKey .newBuilder() .setContractId(1.toString) .build private val aStateValue: DamlStateValue = DamlStateValue.getDefaultInstance }
Example 13
Source File: EnvelopeSpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.{DamlKvutils => Proto} import import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class EnvelopeSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { "envelope" should { "be able to enclose and open" in { val submission = Proto.DamlSubmission.getDefaultInstance shouldEqual Right(Envelope.SubmissionMessage(submission)) val logEntry = Proto.DamlLogEntry.getDefaultInstance shouldEqual Right(Envelope.LogEntryMessage(logEntry)) val stateValue = Proto.DamlStateValue.getDefaultInstance shouldEqual Right(Envelope.StateValueMessage(stateValue)) } "be able to enclose and open batch submission batch message" in { val submissionBatch = Proto.DamlSubmissionBatch.newBuilder .addSubmissions( Proto.DamlSubmissionBatch.CorrelatedSubmission.newBuilder .setCorrelationId("anId") .setSubmission(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a submission"))) .build shouldEqual Right(Envelope.SubmissionBatchMessage(submissionBatch)) } } }
Example 14
Source File: FileBasedLedgerDataExportSpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.export import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.time.Instant import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1 import import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class FileBasedLedgerDataExportSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { // XXX SC remove in Scala 2.13; see notes in ConfSpec import scala.collection.GenTraversable, org.scalatest.enablers.Containing private[this] implicit def `fixed sig containingNatureOfGenTraversable`[ E: org.scalactic.Equality, TRAV]: Containing[TRAV with GenTraversable[E]] = Containing.containingNatureOfGenTraversable[E, GenTraversable] "addParentChild" should { "add entry to correlation ID mapping" in { val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(mock[DataOutputStream]) instance.addParentChild("parent", "child") instance.correlationIdMapping should contain("child" -> "parent") } } "addToWriteSet" should { "append to existing data" in { val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(mock[DataOutputStream]) instance.addParentChild("parent", "child") instance.addToWriteSet("child", Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) instance.addToWriteSet("child", Seq(keyValuePairOf("c", "d"))) instance.bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId should contain( "parent" -> Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"), keyValuePairOf("c", "d"))) } } "finishedProcessing" should { "remove all data such as submission info, write-set and child correlation IDs" in { val dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(dataOutputStream) instance.addSubmission( ByteString.copyFromUtf8("an envelope"), "parent",, v1.ParticipantId.assertFromString("id")) instance.addParentChild("parent", "parent") instance.addToWriteSet("parent", Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) instance.finishedProcessing("parent") instance.inProgressSubmissions shouldBe empty instance.bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId shouldBe empty instance.correlationIdMapping shouldBe empty } } "serialized submission" should { "be readable back" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(baos) val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(dataOutputStream) val expectedRecordTimeInstant = val expectedParticipantId = v1.ParticipantId.assertFromString("id") instance.addSubmission( ByteString.copyFromUtf8("an envelope"), "parent", expectedRecordTimeInstant, v1.ParticipantId.assertFromString("id")) instance.addParentChild("parent", "parent") instance.addToWriteSet("parent", Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) instance.finishedProcessing("parent") val dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray)) val (actualSubmissionInfo, actualWriteSet) = Serialization.readEntry(dataInputStream) actualSubmissionInfo.submissionEnvelope should be(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("an envelope")) actualSubmissionInfo.correlationId should be("parent") actualSubmissionInfo.recordTimeInstant should be(expectedRecordTimeInstant) actualSubmissionInfo.participantId should be(expectedParticipantId) actualWriteSet should be(Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) } } private def keyValuePairOf(key: String, value: String): (ByteString, ByteString) = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(key) -> ByteString.copyFromUtf8(value) }
Example 15
Source File: ResultAssertions.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.grpc.adapter.client import com.daml.platform.hello.HelloResponse import import io.grpc.{Status, StatusRuntimeException} import org.scalatest.{Assertion, Matchers} import scala.util.Random trait ResultAssertions { self: Matchers => protected def elemCount: Int = 1024 protected lazy val elemRange: Range = protected lazy val halfCount: Int = elemCount / 2 protected lazy val halfRange: Range = elemRange.take(halfCount) protected def isCancelledException(err: Throwable): Assertion = { err shouldBe a[StatusRuntimeException] err.asInstanceOf[StatusRuntimeException].getStatus.getCode shouldEqual Status.CANCELLED.getCode } protected def assertElementsAreInOrder(expectedCount: Long)( results: Seq[HelloResponse] ): Assertion = { results should have length expectedCount shouldEqual (1 to expectedCount.toInt) } protected def elementsAreSummed(results: Seq[HelloResponse]): Assertion = { results should have length 1 results.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.respInt) shouldEqual elemRange.sum } protected def everyElementIsDoubled(results: Seq[HelloResponse]): Assertion = { results should have length elemCount.toLong //the order does matter shouldEqual * 2) } protected def genPayload(): ByteString = { val bytes = new Array[Byte](1024) Random.nextBytes(bytes) ByteString.copyFrom(bytes) } }
Example 16
Source File: TFTensorNumeric.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{ConvertableFrom, StringType, TensorDataType} import import scala.language.implicitConversions object TFTensorNumeric { implicit object NumericByteString extends UndefinedTensorNumeric[ByteString]("ByteString") { override def getType(): TensorDataType = StringType override def plus(x: ByteString, y: ByteString): ByteString = x.concat(y) override def fromType[K](k: K)(implicit c: ConvertableFrom[K]): ByteString = { ByteString.copyFromUtf8(k.toString) } override def axpy(n: Int, da: ByteString, dx: Array[ByteString], _dx_offset: Int, incx: Int, dy: Array[ByteString], _dy_offset: Int, incy: Int): Unit = { var i = 0 while (i < n) { dy(i + _dy_offset) = dx(_dx_offset + i).concat(dy(_dy_offset + i)) i += 1 } } override def nearlyEqual(a: ByteString, b: ByteString, epsilon: Double): Boolean = { a == b } } }
Example 17
Source File: ParseSingleExample.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteOrder import import import{ParseSingleExample => ParseSingleExampleOperation} import import import import org.tensorflow.framework.{DataType, NodeDef} import collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag class ParseSingleExample extends TensorflowOpsLoader { import Utils._ override def build[T: ClassTag](nodeDef: NodeDef, byteOrder: ByteOrder, context: Context[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = { val Tdense = nodeDef.getAttrMap.get("Tdense") .getList.getTypeList.asScala .map { case DataType.DT_INT64 => LongType case DataType.DT_INT32 => IntType case DataType.DT_FLOAT => FloatType case DataType.DT_DOUBLE => DoubleType case DataType.DT_STRING => StringType case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException() } val denseKeysByteArray = nodeDef.getAttrMap.get("dense_keys").getList. val denseKeys = val denseShapes = nodeDef.getAttrMap.get("dense_shapes") .getList.getShapeList.asScala .map { shapeProto => } new ParseSingleExampleOperation[T](Tdense, denseKeys, denseShapes) } }
Example 18
Source File: Const.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteOrder import import import{Const => ConstOps} import import import{NumericBoolean, NumericChar, NumericDouble, NumericFloat, NumericInt, NumericLong, NumericShort, NumericString} import import{Context, TFUtils} import org.tensorflow.framework.NodeDef import scala.reflect.ClassTag class Const extends TensorflowOpsLoader { override def build[T: ClassTag](nodeDef: NodeDef, byteOrder: ByteOrder, context: Context[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = { val value = TFUtils.parseTensor(nodeDef.getAttrMap.get("value").getTensor, byteOrder) val const = value.getTensorNumeric() match { case NumericFloat => ConstOps[T, Float](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]) case NumericDouble => ConstOps[T, Double](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]) case NumericInt => ConstOps[T, Int](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Int]]) case NumericLong => ConstOps[T, Long](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Long]]) case NumericChar => ConstOps[T, Char](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Char]]) case NumericBoolean => ConstOps[T, Boolean](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Boolean]]) case NumericShort => ConstOps[T, Short](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Short]]) case NumericString => ConstOps[T, String](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[String]]) case NumericByteString => ConstOps[T, ByteString](value.asInstanceOf[Tensor[ByteString]]) } const.asInstanceOf[Module[T]] } }
Example 19
Source File: Types.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{AbstractModule, Activity} import import{NumericBoolean, NumericChar, NumericDouble, NumericFloat, NumericInt, NumericLong, NumericString} import import import scala.collection.mutable import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait StorageType object ProtoStorageType extends StorageType object BigDLStorage extends StorageType case class SerializeContext[T: ClassTag](moduleData: ModuleData[T], storages: mutable.HashMap[Int, Any], storageType: StorageType, copyWeightAndBias : Boolean = true, groupType : String = null) case class DeserializeContext(bigdlModule : BigDLModule, storages: mutable.HashMap[Int, Any], storageType: StorageType, copyWeightAndBias : Boolean = true) case class SerializeResult(bigDLModule: BigDLModule.Builder, storages: mutable.HashMap[Int, Any]) case class ModuleData[T: ClassTag](module : AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], pre : Seq[String], next : Seq[String]) object BigDLDataType extends Enumeration{ type BigDLDataType = Value val FLOAT, DOUBLE, CHAR, BOOL, STRING, INT, SHORT, LONG, BYTESTRING, BYTE = Value } object SerConst { val MAGIC_NO = 3721 val DIGEST_TYPE = "MD5" val GLOBAL_STORAGE = "global_storage" val MODULE_TAGES = "module_tags" val MODULE_NUMERICS = "module_numerics" val GROUP_TYPE = "group_type" } object ClassTagMapper { def apply(tpe : String): ClassTag[_] = { tpe match { case "Float" => scala.reflect.classTag[Float] case "Double" => scala.reflect.classTag[Double] case "Char" => scala.reflect.classTag[Char] case "Boolean" => scala.reflect.classTag[Boolean] case "String" => scala.reflect.classTag[String] case "Int" => scala.reflect.classTag[Int] case "Long" => scala.reflect.classTag[Long] case "" => scala.reflect.classTag[ByteString] } } def apply(classTag: ClassTag[_]): String = classTag.toString } object TensorNumericMapper { def apply(tpe : String): TensorNumeric[_] = { tpe match { case "Float" => NumericFloat case "Double" => NumericDouble case "Char" => NumericChar case "Boolean" => NumericBoolean case "String" => NumericString case "Int" => NumericInt case "Long" => NumericLong case "ByteString" => NumericByteString } } def apply(tensorNumeric: TensorNumeric[_]): String = { tensorNumeric match { case NumericFloat => "Float" case NumericDouble => "Double" case NumericChar => "Char" case NumericBoolean => "Boolean" case NumericString => "String" case NumericInt => "Int" case NumericLong => "Long" case NumericByteString => "ByteString" } } }
Example 20
Source File: Assert.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import import scala.reflect.ClassTag private[bigdl] class Assert[T: ClassTag]() (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Operation[Table, Activity, T] { override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[T] = { val predicateTensor = input(1).asInstanceOf[Tensor[Boolean]] val messageTensor = input(2).asInstanceOf[Tensor[ByteString]] val predicate = predicateTensor.value() val message = messageTensor.value() assert(predicate, message.toStringUtf8) null } }
Example 21
Source File: ApproximateEqual.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import scala.reflect.ClassTag class ApproximateEqual[T: ClassTag](tolerance: Float) (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Compare[T] { override def compareFloat(a: Float, b: Float): Boolean = math.abs(a - b) < tolerance override def compareDouble(a: Double, b: Double): Boolean = math.abs(a - b) < tolerance override def compareChar(a: Char, b: Char): Boolean = math.abs(a - b) < tolerance override def compareLong(a: Long, b: Long): Boolean = math.abs(a - b) < tolerance override def compareShort(a: Short, b: Short): Boolean = math.abs(a - b) < tolerance override def compareInt(a: Int, b: Int): Boolean = math.abs(a - b) < tolerance override def compareBoolean(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Does not support ApproximateEqual on Boolean") } override def compareByteString(a: ByteString, b: ByteString): Boolean = { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Does not support ApproximateEqual on ByteString") } } object ApproximateEqual { def apply[T: ClassTag](tolerance: Float) (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Operation[Activity, Activity, T] = ModuleToOperation[T](new ApproximateEqual(tolerance)) }
Example 22
Source File: NotEqual.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import scala.reflect.ClassTag class NotEqual[T: ClassTag]() (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Operation[Table, Tensor[Boolean], T] { output = Activity.allocate[Tensor[Boolean], Boolean]() override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[Boolean] = { output.resizeAs(input(1)) input[Tensor[_]](1).getType() match { case FloatType => output.zipWith[Float, Float]( input[Tensor[Float]](1), input[Tensor[Float]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case BooleanType => output.zipWith[Boolean, Boolean]( input[Tensor[Boolean]](1), input[Tensor[Boolean]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case DoubleType => output.zipWith[Double, Double]( input[Tensor[Double]](1), input[Tensor[Double]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case CharType => output.zipWith[Char, Char]( input[Tensor[Char]](1), input[Tensor[Char]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case StringType => output.zipWith[ByteString, ByteString]( input[Tensor[ByteString]](1), input[Tensor[ByteString]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case LongType => output.zipWith[Long, Long]( input[Tensor[Long]](1), input[Tensor[Long]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case ShortType => output.zipWith[Short, Short]( input[Tensor[Short]](1), input[Tensor[Short]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case IntType => output.zipWith[Int, Int]( input[Tensor[Int]](1), input[Tensor[Int]](2), (a, b) => a != b) case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported tensor type") } output } } object NotEqual { def apply[T: ClassTag]()(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Operation[Activity, Activity, T] = ModuleToOperation[T](new NotEqual()) }
Example 23
Source File: Compare.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import scala.reflect.ClassTag abstract class Compare[T: ClassTag]() (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Operation[Table, Tensor[Boolean], T] { def compareFloat(a: Float, b: Float): Boolean def compareDouble(a: Double, b: Double): Boolean def compareChar(a: Char, b: Char): Boolean def compareLong(a: Long, b: Long): Boolean def compareShort(a: Short, b: Short): Boolean def compareInt(a: Int, b: Int): Boolean def compareBoolean(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean def compareByteString(a: ByteString, b: ByteString): Boolean output = Activity.allocate[Tensor[Boolean], Boolean]() override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[Boolean] = { output.resizeAs(input(1)) input[Tensor[_]](1).getType() match { case FloatType => output.zipWith[Float, Float]( input[Tensor[Float]](1), input[Tensor[Float]](2), (a, b) => compareFloat(a, b)) case DoubleType => output.zipWith[Double, Double]( input[Tensor[Double]](1), input[Tensor[Double]](2), (a, b) => compareDouble(a, b)) case CharType => output.zipWith[Char, Char]( input[Tensor[Char]](1), input[Tensor[Char]](2), (a, b) => compareChar(a, b)) case LongType => output.zipWith[Long, Long]( input[Tensor[Long]](1), input[Tensor[Long]](2), (a, b) => compareLong(a, b)) case ShortType => output.zipWith[Short, Short]( input[Tensor[Short]](1), input[Tensor[Short]](2), (a, b) => compareShort(a, b)) case IntType => output.zipWith[Int, Int]( input[Tensor[Int]](1), input[Tensor[Int]](2), (a, b) => compareInt(a, b)) case BooleanType => output.zipWith[Boolean, Boolean]( input[Tensor[Boolean]](1), input[Tensor[Boolean]](2), (a, b) => compareBoolean(a, b)) case StringType => output.zipWith[ByteString, ByteString]( input[Tensor[ByteString]](1), input[Tensor[ByteString]](2), (a, b) => compareByteString(a, b)) case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported tensor type") } output } }
Example 24
Source File: Substr.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import scala.reflect.ClassTag class Substr[T: ClassTag]() (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Operation[Table, Tensor[ByteString], T] { override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[ByteString] = { val data = input[Tensor[ByteString]](1).value() val pos = input[Tensor[Int]](2).value() val len = input[Tensor[Int]](3).value() import output = Tensor.scalar(data.substring(pos, pos + len)) output } } object Substr { def apply[T: ClassTag]() (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Operation[Activity, Activity, T] = new Substr[T]().asInstanceOf[Operation[Activity, Activity, T]] }
Example 25
Source File: Activity.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import{T, Table} import scala.reflect._ def allocate[D <: Activity: ClassTag, T : ClassTag](): D = { val buffer = if (classTag[D] == classTag[Table]) { T() } else if (classTag[D] == classTag[Tensor[_]]) { if (classTag[Boolean] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[Boolean]() } else if (classTag[Char] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[Char]() } else if (classTag[Short] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[Short]() } else if (classTag[Int] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[Int]() } else if (classTag[Long] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[Long]() } else if (classTag[Float] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[Float]() } else if (classTag[Double] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[Double]() } else if (classTag[String] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[String]() } else if (classTag[ByteString] == classTag[T]) { import Tensor[ByteString]() } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type T activity is not supported") } } else { null } buffer.asInstanceOf[D] } def emptyGradInput(name: String): EmptyGradInput = new EmptyGradInput(name) }
Example 26
Source File: TFTensorNumericSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class TFTensorNumericSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import TFTensorNumeric.NumericByteString "String Tensor" should "works correctly" in { val a = Tensor[ByteString](Array(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a"), ByteString.copyFromUtf8("b")), Array(2)) val b = Tensor[ByteString](Array(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a"), ByteString.copyFromUtf8("b")), Array(2)) val sum = Tensor[ByteString](Array(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("aa"), ByteString.copyFromUtf8("bb")), Array(2)) a + b should be (sum) } }
Example 27
Source File: TFUtilsSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.ByteOrder import import import import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers} import org.tensorflow.framework.TensorProto import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class TFUtilsSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter { private var constTensors: Map[String, TensorProto] = null before { constTensors = getConstTensorProto() } private def getConstTensorProto(): Map[String, TensorProto] = { val resource = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("tf") val path = resource.getPath + File.separator + "consts.pbtxt" val nodes = TensorflowLoader.parseTxt(path) => node.getName -> node.getAttrMap.get("value").getTensor).toMap } "parseTensor " should "work with bool TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("bool_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Boolean](T(true, false, true, false))) } "parseTensor " should "work with float TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("float_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Float](T(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f))) } "parseTensor " should "work with double TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("double_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Double](T(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0))) } "parseTensor " should "work with int TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("int_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Int](T(1, 2, 3, 4))) } "parseTensor " should "work with long TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("long_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Long](T(1, 2, 3, 4))) } "parseTensor " should "work with int8 TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("int8_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Int](T(1, 2, 3, 4))) } "parseTensor " should "work with uint8 TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("uint8_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Int](T(1, 2, 3, 4))) } "parseTensor " should "work with int16 TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("int16_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Int](T(1, 2, 3, 4))) } "parseTensor " should "work with uint16 TensorProto" in { val tensorProto = constTensors("uint16_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[Int](T(1, 2, 3, 4))) } "parseTensor " should "work with string TensorProto" in { import TFTensorNumeric.NumericByteString val tensorProto = constTensors("string_const") val bigdlTensor = TFUtils.parseTensor(tensorProto, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) val data = Array( ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a"), ByteString.copyFromUtf8("b"), ByteString.copyFromUtf8("c"), ByteString.copyFromUtf8("d") ) bigdlTensor should be (Tensor[ByteString](data, Array[Int](4))) } }
Example 28
Source File: Conv3DBackpropInputV2Spec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.Charset import import import{PaddingType, TensorflowSpecHelper} import org.tensorflow.framework.{AttrValue, DataType, NodeDef} import class Conv3DBackpropInputV2Spec extends TensorflowSpecHelper { "Conv3DBackpropInputV2 forward with VALID padding" should "be correct" in { val dataFormat = AttrValue.newBuilder().setS(ByteString .copyFrom("NDHWC", Charset.defaultCharset())).build() val builder = NodeDef.newBuilder() .setName(s"Conv3DBackpropInputV2Test") .setOp("Conv3DBackpropInputV2") .putAttr("T", typeAttr(DataType.DT_FLOAT)) .putAttr("strides", listIntAttr(Seq(1, 1, 2, 3, 1))) .putAttr("padding", PaddingType.PADDING_VALID.value) .putAttr("data_format", dataFormat) val inputSize = Tensor[Int](Array(4, 20, 30, 40, 3), Array(5)) val filter = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4, 3, 4).rand() val outputBackprop = Tensor[Float](4, 19, 14, 13, 4).rand() compare[Float]( builder, Seq(inputSize, filter, outputBackprop), 0, 1e-4 ) } "Conv3DBackpropInputV2 forward with SAME padding" should "be correct" in { val dataFormat = AttrValue.newBuilder().setS(ByteString .copyFrom("NDHWC", Charset.defaultCharset())).build() val builder = NodeDef.newBuilder() .setName(s"Conv3DBackpropInputV2Test") .setOp("Conv3DBackpropInputV2") .putAttr("T", typeAttr(DataType.DT_FLOAT)) .putAttr("strides", listIntAttr(Seq(1, 1, 2, 3, 1))) .putAttr("padding", PaddingType.PADDING_SAME.value) .putAttr("data_format", dataFormat) val inputSize = Tensor[Int](Array(4, 20, 30, 40, 3), Array(5)) val filter = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4, 3, 4).rand() val outputBackprop = Tensor[Float](4, 20, 15, 14, 4).rand() compare[Float]( builder, Seq(inputSize, filter, outputBackprop), 0, 1e-4 ) } }
Example 29
Source File: Conv3DSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.Charset import import import{PaddingType, TensorflowSpecHelper} import org.tensorflow.framework.{AttrValue, DataType, NodeDef} import class Conv3DSpec extends TensorflowSpecHelper { "Conv3D forward with VALID padding" should "be correct" in { val dataFormat = AttrValue.newBuilder().setS(ByteString .copyFrom("NDHWC", Charset.defaultCharset())).build() val builder = NodeDef.newBuilder() .setName(s"Conv3DTest") .setOp("Conv3D") .putAttr("T", typeAttr(DataType.DT_FLOAT)) .putAttr("strides", listIntAttr(Seq(1, 1, 2, 3, 1))) .putAttr("padding", PaddingType.PADDING_VALID.value) .putAttr("data_format", dataFormat) val input = Tensor[Float](4, 20, 30, 40, 3).rand() val filter = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4, 3, 4).rand() compare[Float]( builder, Seq(input, filter), 0, 1e-4 ) } "Conv3D forward with SAME padding" should "be correct" in { val dataFormat = AttrValue.newBuilder().setS(ByteString .copyFrom("NDHWC", Charset.defaultCharset())).build() val builder = NodeDef.newBuilder() .setName(s"Conv3DTest") .setOp("Conv3D") .putAttr("T", typeAttr(DataType.DT_FLOAT)) .putAttr("strides", listIntAttr(Seq(1, 1, 2, 3, 1))) .putAttr("padding", PaddingType.PADDING_SAME.value) .putAttr("data_format", dataFormat) val input = Tensor[Float](4, 20, 30, 40, 3).rand() val filter = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4, 3, 4).rand() compare[Float]( builder, Seq(input, filter), 0, 1e-4 ) } }
Example 30
Source File: Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Spec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.Charset import import import{PaddingType, TensorflowSpecHelper} import org.tensorflow.framework.{AttrValue, DataType, NodeDef} import class Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Spec extends TensorflowSpecHelper { "Conv3DBackpropFilter forward with VALID padding" should "be correct" in { val dataFormat = AttrValue.newBuilder().setS(ByteString .copyFrom("NDHWC", Charset.defaultCharset())).build() val builder = NodeDef.newBuilder() .setName(s"Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Test") .setOp("Conv3DBackpropFilterV2") .putAttr("T", typeAttr(DataType.DT_FLOAT)) .putAttr("strides", listIntAttr(Seq(1, 1, 2, 3, 1))) .putAttr("padding", PaddingType.PADDING_VALID.value) .putAttr("data_format", dataFormat) val input = Tensor[Float](4, 20, 30, 40, 3).rand() val filter = Tensor[Int](Array(2, 3, 4, 3, 4), Array(5)) val outputBackprop = Tensor[Float](4, 19, 14, 13, 4).rand() // the output in this case is typical the scale of thousands, // so it is ok to have 1e-2 absolute error tolerance compare[Float]( builder, Seq(input, filter, outputBackprop), 0, 1e-2 ) } "Conv3DBackpropFilter forward with SAME padding" should "be correct" in { val dataFormat = AttrValue.newBuilder().setS(ByteString .copyFrom("NDHWC", Charset.defaultCharset())).build() val builder = NodeDef.newBuilder() .setName(s"Conv3DBackpropFilterV2Test") .setOp("Conv3DBackpropFilterV2") .putAttr("T", typeAttr(DataType.DT_FLOAT)) .putAttr("strides", listIntAttr(Seq(1, 1, 2, 3, 1))) .putAttr("padding", PaddingType.PADDING_SAME.value) .putAttr("data_format", dataFormat) val input = Tensor[Float](4, 20, 30, 40, 3).rand() val filter = Tensor[Int](Array(2, 3, 4, 3, 4), Array(5)) val outputBackprop = Tensor[Float](4, 20, 15, 14, 4).rand() // the output in this case is typical the scale of thousands, // so it is ok to have 1e-2 absolute error tolerance compare[Float]( builder, Seq(input, filter, outputBackprop), 0, 1e-2 ) } }
Example 31
Source File: DecodeJpegSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import org.tensorflow.example.Example class DecodeJpegSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { override def test(): Unit = { val decodeJpeg = new DecodeJpeg[Float](1).setName("decodeJpeg") val input = getInputs("jpeg") runSerializationTest(decodeJpeg, input) } private def getInputs(name: String): Tensor[ByteString] = { import val index = name match { case "png" => 0 case "jpeg" => 1 case "gif" => 2 case "raw" => 3 } val resource = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("tf") val path = resource.getPath + File.separator + "decode_image_test_case.tfrecord" val file = new File(path) val bytesVector = TFRecordIterator(file).toVector val pngBytes = bytesVector(index) val example = Example.parseFrom(pngBytes) val imageByteString = example.getFeatures.getFeatureMap.get("image/encoded") .getBytesList.getValueList.get(0) Tensor[ByteString](Array(imageByteString), Array[Int]()) } }
Example 32
Source File: DecodeGifSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File => JFile} import import import import import org.tensorflow.example.Example class DecodeGifSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { private def getInputs(name: String): Tensor[ByteString] = { import val index = name match { case "png" => 0 case "jpeg" => 1 case "gif" => 2 case "raw" => 3 } val resource = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("tf") val path = resource.getPath + JFile.separator + "decode_image_test_case.tfrecord" val file = new JFile(path) val bytesVector = TFRecordIterator(file).toVector val pngBytes = bytesVector(index) val example = Example.parseFrom(pngBytes) val imageByteString = example.getFeatures.getFeatureMap.get("image/encoded") .getBytesList.getValueList.get(0) Tensor[ByteString](Array(imageByteString), Array[Int]()) } override def test(): Unit = { val decodeGif = new DecodeGif[Float]().setName("decodeGif") val input = getInputs("gif") runSerializationTest(decodeGif, input) } }
Example 33
Source File: DecodePngSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File => JFile} import import import import import org.tensorflow.example.Example class DecodePngSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { private def getInputs(name: String): Tensor[ByteString] = { import val index = name match { case "png" => 0 case "jpeg" => 1 case "gif" => 2 case "raw" => 3 } val resource = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("tf") val path = resource.getPath + JFile.separator + "decode_image_test_case.tfrecord" val file = new JFile(path) val bytesVector = TFRecordIterator(file).toVector val pngBytes = bytesVector(index) val example = Example.parseFrom(pngBytes) val imageByteString = example.getFeatures.getFeatureMap.get("image/encoded") .getBytesList.getValueList.get(0) Tensor[ByteString](Array(imageByteString), Array[Int]()) } override def test(): Unit = { val decodePng = new DecodePng[Float](1).setName("decodePng") val input = getInputs("png") runSerializationTest(decodePng, input) } }
Example 34
Source File: DecodeBmpSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File => JFile} import import import import import org.tensorflow.example.Example class DecodeBmpSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { private def getInputs(name: String): Tensor[ByteString] = { import val index = name match { case "png" => 0 case "jpeg" => 1 case "gif" => 2 case "raw" => 3 case "bmp" => 0 } val resource = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("tf") val path = resource.getPath + JFile.separator + "decode_image_test_case.tfrecord" val file = new JFile(path) val bytesVector = TFRecordIterator(file).toVector val bmpBytes = bytesVector(index) val example = Example.parseFrom(bmpBytes) val imageByteString = example.getFeatures.getFeatureMap.get("image/encoded") .getBytesList.getValueList.get(0) Tensor[ByteString](Array(imageByteString), Array[Int]()) } override def test(): Unit = { val decodeBmp = new DecodeBmp[Float](1).setName("decodeBmp") val input = getInputs("bmp") runSerializationTest(decodeBmp, input) } }
Example 35
Source File: AssertSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import class AssertSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { override def test(): Unit = { val assert = new Assert[Float]().setName("assert") val predictTensor = Tensor[Boolean](Array(1)) predictTensor.setValue(1, true) val msg = Tensor[ByteString](Array(1)) msg.setValue(1, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("must be true")) val input = T(predictTensor, msg) runSerializationTest(assert, input) } }
Example 36
Source File: DecodeRawSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import org.tensorflow.example.Example import org.tensorflow.framework.DataType class DecodeRawSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { override def test(): Unit = { val decodeRaw = new DecodeRaw[Float](DataType.DT_UINT8, true).setName("decodeRaw") val input = getInputs("raw") runSerializationTest(decodeRaw, input) } private def getInputs(name: String): Tensor[ByteString] = { import val index = name match { case "png" => 0 case "jpeg" => 1 case "gif" => 2 case "raw" => 3 } val resource = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("tf") val path = resource.getPath + File.separator + "decode_image_test_case.tfrecord" val file = new File(path) val bytesVector = TFRecordIterator(file).toVector val pngBytes = bytesVector(index) val example = Example.parseFrom(pngBytes) val imageByteString = example.getFeatures.getFeatureMap.get("image/encoded") .getBytesList.getValueList.get(0) Tensor[ByteString](Array(imageByteString), Array[Int]()) } }
Example 37
Source File: ParseSingleExampleSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{FloatType, LongType, StringType, Tensor} import{ByteString, CodedOutputStream} import import import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import org.tensorflow.example._ import class ParseSingleExampleSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "ParseSingleExample" should "be able to parse a example" in { val floatBuilder = FloatList.newBuilder() .addValue(0.0f).addValue(1.0f).addValue(2.0f) val floatFeature = Feature.newBuilder().setFloatList(floatBuilder).build() val longBuilder = Int64List.newBuilder() .addValue(0).addValue(1).addValue(2) val longFeature = Feature.newBuilder().setInt64List(longBuilder).build() val bytesBuilder = BytesList.newBuilder().addValue(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("abcd")) val bytesFeature = Feature.newBuilder().setBytesList(bytesBuilder).build() val features = Features.newBuilder() .putFeature("floatFeature", floatFeature) .putFeature("longFeature", longFeature) .putFeature("bytesFeature", bytesFeature) val example = Example.newBuilder().setFeatures(features).build() val length = example.getSerializedSize val data = new Array[Byte](length) val outputStream = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(data) example.writeTo(outputStream) val key1 = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("floatFeature") val key2 = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("longFeature") val key3 = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("bytesFeature") val denseKeys = Seq(key1, key2, key3) val exampleParser = new ParseSingleExample[Float]( Seq(FloatType, LongType, StringType), denseKeys, Seq(Array(3), Array(3), Array())) val serialized = Tensor[ByteString](Array(ByteString.copyFrom(data)), Array[Int](1)) val input = T(serialized) val output = exampleParser.forward(input) val floatTensor = output(1).asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]] val longTensor = output(2).asInstanceOf[Tensor[Long]] val stringTensor = output(3).asInstanceOf[Tensor[ByteString]] floatTensor should be (Tensor[Float](T(0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f))) longTensor should be (Tensor[Long](T(0L, 1L, 2L))) stringTensor should be (Tensor.scalar((ByteString.copyFromUtf8("abcd")))) } } class ParseSingleExampleSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { override def test(): Unit = { import val floatBuilder = FloatList.newBuilder() .addValue(0.0f).addValue(1.0f).addValue(2.0f) val floatFeature = Feature.newBuilder().setFloatList(floatBuilder).build() val longBuilder = Int64List.newBuilder() .addValue(0).addValue(1).addValue(2) val longFeature = Feature.newBuilder().setInt64List(longBuilder).build() val bytesBuilder = BytesList.newBuilder().addValue(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("abcd")) val bytesFeature = Feature.newBuilder().setBytesList(bytesBuilder).build() val features = Features.newBuilder() .putFeature("floatFeature", floatFeature) .putFeature("longFeature", longFeature) .putFeature("bytesFeature", bytesFeature) val example = Example.newBuilder().setFeatures(features).build() val length = example.getSerializedSize val data = new Array[Byte](length) val outputStream = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(data) example.writeTo(outputStream) val key1 = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("floatFeature") val key2 = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("longFeature") val key3 = ByteString.copyFromUtf8("bytesFeature") val denseKeys = Seq(key1, key2, key3) val exampleParser = new ParseSingleExample[Float](Seq(FloatType, LongType, StringType), denseKeys, Seq(Array(3), Array(3), Array())).setName("parseSingleExample") val serialized = Tensor[ByteString](Array(ByteString.copyFrom(data)), Array[Int](1)) val input = T(serialized) runSerializationTest(exampleParser, input) } }
Example 38
Source File: SubstrSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class SubstrSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "Substr operation" should "works correctly" in { import val data = Tensor.scalar(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("abc")) val pos = Tensor.scalar(0) val len = Tensor.scalar(2) val expectOutput = Tensor.scalar(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("ab")) val output = Substr().forward(T(data, pos, len)) output should be(expectOutput) } } class SubstrSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { override def test(): Unit = { import val subStr = Substr[Float]().setName("subStr") val input = T(Tensor.scalar[ByteString](ByteString.copyFromUtf8("HelloBigDL")), Tensor.scalar[Int](0), Tensor.scalar[Int](5)) runSerializationTest(subStr, input) } }
Example 39
Source File: WavesToPbConversions.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.protobuf import import com.wavesplatform.account.Address import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.Amount import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.order.{AssetPair, Order} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.ExchangeTransactionData import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.{exchange => ve} import com.wavesplatform.{account => va} object WavesToPbConversions { implicit class VanillaExchangeTransactionOps(tx: ve.ExchangeTransaction) { def toPB: SignedExchangeTransaction = SignedExchangeTransaction( transaction = Some( ExchangeTransaction( chainId = tx.chainByte.getOrElse(va.AddressScheme.current.chainId).toInt, senderPublicKey = tx.sender.toPB, fee = Some(Amount(assetId = tx.assetFee._1.toPB, amount = tx.assetFee._2)), timestamp = tx.timestamp, version = tx.version, data = ExchangeTransaction.Data.Exchange( ExchangeTransactionData( amount = tx.amount, price = tx.price, buyMatcherFee = tx.buyMatcherFee, sellMatcherFee = tx.sellMatcherFee, orders = Seq(tx.buyOrder.toPB, tx.sellOrder.toPB) ) ) ) ), proofs = ) } implicit class VanillaAssetOps(self: Asset) { def toPB: ByteString = self match { case Asset.IssuedAsset(assetId) => assetId.toPB case Asset.Waves => ByteString.EMPTY } } implicit class VanillaAddressOps(self: Address) { def toPB: ByteString = self.bytes.toPB } implicit class VanillaOrderOps(order: ve.Order) { def toPB: Order = Order( chainId = va.AddressScheme.current.chainId.toInt, senderPublicKey = order.senderPublicKey.toPB, matcherPublicKey = order.matcherPublicKey.toPB, assetPair = Some(AssetPair(order.assetPair.amountAsset.toPB, order.assetPair.priceAsset.toPB)), orderSide = order.orderType match { case ve.OrderType.BUY => Order.Side.BUY case ve.OrderType.SELL => Order.Side.SELL }, amount = order.amount, price = order.price, timestamp = order.timestamp, expiration = order.expiration, matcherFee = Some(Amount(order.matcherFeeAssetId.toPB, order.matcherFee)), version = order.version, proofs = ) } implicit class VanillaByteStrOps(val self: ByteStr) extends AnyVal { def toPB: ByteString = ByteString.copyFrom(self.arr) } }
Example 40
Source File: ConversionUtils.scala From scala-serialization with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.komanov.serialization.converters import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.time.Instant import java.util.UUID import object ConversionUtils { def uuidToBytes(uuid: UUID): ByteString = { val bb = uuidToByteBuffer(uuid) if (bb == null) ByteString.EMPTY else ByteString.copyFrom(bb) } def uuidToByteBuffer(uuid: UUID): ByteBuffer = { if (uuid == null) { return null } val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16) buffer.putLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits) buffer.putLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits) buffer.rewind() buffer } def bytesToUuid(bb: ByteBuffer): UUID = { if (bb == null) { return null } val length = bb.limit() - bb.position() if (length == 0) { return null } require(length >= 16, s"expected 16 bytes: ${bb.capacity()} / ${bb.limit()}") new UUID(bb.getLong, bb.getLong) } def bytesToUuid(bs: ByteString): UUID = { bytesToUuid(bs.asReadOnlyByteBuffer()) } def instantToLong(v: Instant) = v.toEpochMilli def longToInstance(v: Long) = Instant.ofEpochMilli(v) }
Example 41
Source File: BigtableTypeSpec.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.bigtable.test import import java.time.Duration import cats._ import cats.instances.all._ import import import magnolify.bigtable._ import import import magnolify.shared.CaseMapper import magnolify.test.Simple._ import magnolify.test._ import org.scalacheck._ import scala.reflect._ object BigtableTypeSpec extends MagnolifySpec("BigtableType") { private def test[T: Arbitrary: ClassTag](implicit t: BigtableType[T], eq: Eq[T]): Unit = { val tpe = ensureSerializable(t) property(className[T]) = Prop.forAll { t: T => val mutations = tpe(t, "cf") val row = BigtableType.mutationsToRow(ByteString.EMPTY, mutations) val copy = tpe(row, "cf") val rowCopy = BigtableType.mutationsToRow(ByteString.EMPTY, BigtableType.rowToMutations(row)) Prop.all( eq.eqv(t, copy), row == rowCopy ) } } test[Numbers] test[Required] test[Nullable] test[BigtableNested] { implicit val arbByteString: Arbitrary[ByteString] = Arbitrary( implicit val eqByteString: Eq[ByteString] = Eq.instance(_ == _) implicit val eqByteArray: Eq[Array[Byte]] = test[BigtableTypes] } { import Custom._ implicit val btfUri: BigtableField[URI] = BigtableField.from[String](x => URI.create(x))(_.toString) implicit val btfDuration: BigtableField[Duration] = BigtableField.from[Long](Duration.ofMillis)(_.toMillis) test[Custom] } { val it = BigtableType[DefaultInner] ensureSerializable(it) require(it(Row.getDefaultInstance, "cf") == DefaultInner()) val inner = DefaultInner(2, Some(2)) require(it(BigtableType.mutationsToRow(ByteString.EMPTY, it(inner, "cf")), "cf") == inner) val ot = BigtableType[DefaultOuter] ensureSerializable(ot) require(ot(Row.getDefaultInstance, "cf") == DefaultOuter()) val outer = DefaultOuter(DefaultInner(3, Some(3)), Some(DefaultInner(3, Some(3)))) require(ot(BigtableType.mutationsToRow(ByteString.EMPTY, ot(outer, "cf")), "cf") == outer) } { implicit val bt = BigtableType[LowerCamel](CaseMapper(_.toUpperCase)) test[LowerCamel] val fields = LowerCamel.fields .map(_.toUpperCase) .map(l => if (l == "INNERFIELD") "INNERFIELD.INNERFIRST" else l) val record = bt(LowerCamel.default, "cf") require( == fields) } } // Collections are not supported case class BigtableNested(b: Boolean, i: Int, s: String, r: Required, o: Option[Required]) case class BigtableTypes(b: Byte, c: Char, s: Short, bs: ByteString, ba: Array[Byte]) // Collections are not supported case class DefaultInner(i: Int = 1, o: Option[Int] = Some(1)) case class DefaultOuter( i: DefaultInner = DefaultInner(2, Some(2)), o: Option[DefaultInner] = Some(DefaultInner(2, Some(2))) )
Example 42
Source File: ExampleTypeSpec.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.tensorflow.test import import java.time.Duration import cats._ import cats.instances.all._ import import import import magnolify.shared.CaseMapper import magnolify.shims.JavaConverters._ import magnolify.tensorflow._ import magnolify.tensorflow.unsafe._ import magnolify.test.Simple._ import magnolify.test._ import org.scalacheck._ import scala.reflect._ object ExampleTypeSpec extends MagnolifySpec("ExampleType") { private def test[T: Arbitrary: ClassTag](implicit t: ExampleType[T], eq: Eq[T]): Unit = { val tpe = ensureSerializable(t) property(className[T]) = Prop.forAll { t: T => val r = tpe(t) val copy = tpe(r) eq.eqv(t, copy) } } test[Integers] test[Required] test[Nullable] test[Repeated] test[ExampleNested] { // workaround for Double to Float precision loss implicit val arbDouble: Arbitrary[Double] = Arbitrary( test[Unsafe] } { import Collections._ test[Collections] test[MoreCollections] } { import Custom._ implicit val efUri: ExampleField.Primitive[URI] = ExampleField.from[ByteString](x => URI.create(x.toStringUtf8))(x => ByteString.copyFromUtf8(x.toString) ) implicit val efDuration: ExampleField.Primitive[Duration] = ExampleField.from[Long](Duration.ofMillis)(_.toMillis) test[Custom] } { implicit val arbByteString: Arbitrary[ByteString] = Arbitrary( implicit val eqByteString: Eq[ByteString] = Eq.instance(_ == _) implicit val eqByteArray: Eq[Array[Byte]] = test[ExampleTypes] } { implicit val et = ExampleType[LowerCamel](CaseMapper(_.toUpperCase)) test[LowerCamel] val fields = LowerCamel.fields .map(_.toUpperCase) .map(l => if (l == "INNERFIELD") "INNERFIELD.INNERFIRST" else l) val record = et(LowerCamel.default) require(record.getFeatures.getFeatureMap.keySet().asScala == fields.toSet) } } // Option[T] and Seq[T] not supported case class ExampleNested(b: Boolean, i: Int, s: String, r: Required, o: Option[Required]) case class ExampleTypes(f: Float, bs: ByteString, ba: Array[Byte]) case class Unsafe(b: Byte, c: Char, s: Short, i: Int, d: Double, bool: Boolean, str: String)
Example 43
Source File: ShadowNode.scala From EncryCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package encry.view.state.avlTree import NodeMsg.NodeProtoMsg.NodeTypes.ShadowNodeProto import cats.Monoid import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import import import encry.view.state.avlTree.utils.implicits.{Hashable, Serializer} import io.iohk.iodb.ByteArrayWrapper import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.Algos import scala.util.Try abstract class ShadowNode[K: Serializer: Monoid, V: Serializer: Monoid] extends Node[K, V] { def restoreFullNode(storage: VersionalStorage): Node[K, V] final override def selfInspection = this } object ShadowNode { def nodeToShadow[K: Serializer : Hashable : Monoid, V: Serializer : Monoid](node: Node[K, V]): ShadowNode[K, V] = node match { case internal: InternalNode[K, V] => NonEmptyShadowNode(internal.hash, internal.height, internal.balance, internal.key) case leaf: LeafNode[K, V] => NonEmptyShadowNode(leaf.hash, leaf.height, leaf.balance, leaf.key) case _: EmptyNode[K, V] => new EmptyShadowNode[K, V] case anotherShadow: ShadowNode[K, V] => anotherShadow } def childsToShadowNode[K: Serializer : Hashable : Monoid, V: Serializer : Monoid](node: Node[K, V]): Node[K, V] = node match { case internal: InternalNode[K, V] => internal.copy( leftChild = nodeToShadow(internal.leftChild), rightChild = nodeToShadow(internal.rightChild), ) case _ => node } }
Example 44
Source File: LeafNode.scala From EncryCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package encry.view.state.avlTree import NodeMsg.NodeProtoMsg.NodeTypes.LeafNodeProto import cats.Monoid import import import encry.view.state.avlTree.utils.implicits.{ Hashable, Serializer } import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.Algos import scala.util.Try final case class LeafNode[K: Serializer: Monoid, V: Serializer: Monoid](key: K, value: V)(implicit hashK: Hashable[K]) extends Node[K, V] { override lazy val hash: Array[Byte] = Algos.hash( Bytes.concat( implicitly[Serializer[K]].toBytes(key), implicitly[Serializer[V]].toBytes(value) ) ) override val balance: Int = 0 override val height: Int = 0 override def toString: String = s"(${Algos.encode(implicitly[Serializer[K]].toBytes(key))}," + s" $value, height: 0, balance: 0, hash: ${Algos.encode(hash)})" override def selfInspection = this } object LeafNode { def toProto[K, V](leaf: LeafNode[K, V])(implicit kSer: Serializer[K], vSer: Serializer[V]): LeafNodeProto = LeafNodeProto() .withKey(ByteString.copyFrom(kSer.toBytes(leaf.key))) .withValue(ByteString.copyFrom(vSer.toBytes(leaf.value))) def fromProto[K: Hashable: Monoid, V: Monoid]( leafProto: LeafNodeProto )(implicit kSer: Serializer[K], vSer: Serializer[V]): Try[LeafNode[K, V]] = Try { LeafNode( kSer.fromBytes(leafProto.key.toByteArray), vSer.fromBytes(leafProto.value.toByteArray), ) } }
Example 45
Source File: NonEmptyShadowNode.scala From EncryCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package encry.view.state.avlTree import NodeMsg.NodeProtoMsg.NodeTypes.{NonEmptyShadowNodeProto, ShadowNodeProto} import cats.Monoid import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import import import encry.view.state.avlTree.utils.implicits.{Hashable, Serializer} import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.Algos import scala.util.Try case class NonEmptyShadowNode[K: Serializer: Hashable, V: Serializer](nodeHash: Array[Byte], height: Int, balance: Int, key: K) (implicit kM: Monoid[K], vM: Monoid[V]) extends ShadowNode[K, V] with StrictLogging { override val value: V = vM.empty override val hash = nodeHash def restoreFullNode(storage: VersionalStorage): Node[K, V] = if (nodeHash.nonEmpty) { NodeSerilalizer.fromBytes[K, V]( { val res = storage.get(StorageKey @@ AvlTree.nodeKey(hash)) if (res.isEmpty)"Empty node at key: ${Algos.encode(hash)}") res.get } ) } else EmptyNode[K, V]() def tryRestore(storage: VersionalStorage): Option[Node[K, V]] = Try(restoreFullNode(storage)).toOption override def toString: String = s"ShadowNode(Hash:${Algos.encode(hash)}, height: ${height}, balance: ${balance})" } object NonEmptyShadowNode { def toProto[K: Serializer, V](node: NonEmptyShadowNode[K, V]): NonEmptyShadowNodeProto = NonEmptyShadowNodeProto() .withHeight(node.height) .withHash(ByteString.copyFrom(node.hash)) .withBalance(node.balance) .withKey(ByteString.copyFrom(implicitly[Serializer[K]].toBytes(node.key))) def fromProto[K: Hashable : Monoid : Serializer, V: Monoid : Serializer](protoNode: NonEmptyShadowNodeProto): Try[NonEmptyShadowNode[K, V]] = Try { NonEmptyShadowNode( nodeHash = protoNode.hash.toByteArray, height = protoNode.height, balance = protoNode.balance, key = implicitly[Serializer[K]].fromBytes(protoNode.key.toByteArray) ) } }
Example 46
Source File: PayloadSerializer.scala From eventuate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.rbmhtechnology.eventuate.serializer import import akka.serialization.SerializationExtension import akka.serialization.SerializerWithStringManifest import import com.rbmhtechnology.eventuate.BinaryPayload import com.rbmhtechnology.eventuate.serializer.CommonFormats.PayloadFormat class BinaryPayloadSerializer(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends PayloadSerializer { override def payloadFormatBuilder(payload: AnyRef): PayloadFormat.Builder = { val binaryPayload = payload.asInstanceOf[BinaryPayload] val builder = PayloadFormat.newBuilder() .setPayload(binaryPayload.bytes) .setSerializerId(binaryPayload.serializerId) .setIsStringManifest(binaryPayload.isStringManifest) binaryPayload.manifest.foreach(builder.setPayloadManifest) builder } override def payload(payloadFormat: PayloadFormat): AnyRef = { BinaryPayload( payloadFormat.getPayload, payloadFormat.getSerializerId, if (payloadFormat.hasPayloadManifest) Some(payloadFormat.getPayloadManifest) else None, payloadFormat.getIsStringManifest) } }
Example 47
Source File: BinaryPayloadManifestFilterSpec.scala From eventuate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.rbmhtechnology.eventuate import import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.scalatest.WordSpec object BinaryPayloadManifestFilterSpec { def durableEventWithBinaryPayloadManifest(manifest: Option[String]): DurableEvent = DurableEvent(BinaryPayload(ByteString.EMPTY, 0, manifest, isStringManifest = true), "emitterId") } class BinaryPayloadManifestFilterSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { import BinaryPayloadManifestFilterSpec._ "BinaryPayloadManifestFilter" must { "pass BinaryPayloads with matching manifest" in { BinaryPayloadManifestFilter("a.*".r).apply(durableEventWithBinaryPayloadManifest(Some("abc"))) should be(true) } "filter BinaryPayloads with partially matching manifest" in { BinaryPayloadManifestFilter("b".r).apply(durableEventWithBinaryPayloadManifest(Some("abc"))) should be(false) } "filter BinaryPayloads with non-matching manifest" in { BinaryPayloadManifestFilter("a.*".r).apply(durableEventWithBinaryPayloadManifest(Some("bc"))) should be(false) } "filter BinaryPayloads without manifest" in { BinaryPayloadManifestFilter("a.*".r).apply(durableEventWithBinaryPayloadManifest(None)) should be(false) } "filter other payload" in { BinaryPayloadManifestFilter("a.*".r).apply(DurableEvent("payload", "emitterId")) should be(false) } } }
Example 48
Source File: PrimitiveWrappersSpec.scala From scalapb-circe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scalapb_circe import import jsontest.test3._ import io.circe.{Encoder, Json} import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers class PrimitiveWrappersSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private[this] def render[A](a: A)(implicit A: Encoder[A]): Json = A.apply(a) "Empty object" should "give empty json for Wrapper" in { JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper()) must be(render(Map.empty[String, Json])) } "primitive values" should "serialize properly" in { JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wBool = Some(false))) must be(render(Map("wBool" -> Json.fromBoolean(false)))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wBool = Some(true))) must be(render(Map("wBool" -> Json.fromBoolean(true)))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wDouble = Some(3.1))) must be(render(Map("wDouble" -> Json.fromDouble(3.1)))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wFloat = Some(3.0f))) must be(render(Map("wFloat" -> Json.fromDouble(3.0)))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wInt32 = Some(35544))) must be(render(Map("wInt32" -> Json.fromLong(35544)))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wInt32 = Some(0))) must be(render(Map("wInt32" -> Json.fromLong(0)))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wInt64 = Some(125))) must be(render(Map("wInt64" -> Json.fromString("125")))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wUint32 = Some(125))) must be(render(Map("wUint32" -> Json.fromLong(125)))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wUint64 = Some(125))) must be(render(Map("wUint64" -> Json.fromString("125")))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wString = Some("bar"))) must be(render(Map("wString" -> Json.fromString("bar")))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wString = Some(""))) must be(render(Map("wString" -> Json.fromString("")))) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wBytes = Some(ByteString.copyFrom(Array[Byte](3, 5, 4))))) must be( render(Map("wBytes" -> Json.fromString("AwUE"))) ) JsonFormat.toJson(Wrapper(wBytes = Some(ByteString.EMPTY))) must be(render(Map("wBytes" -> Json.fromString("")))) new Printer(formattingLongAsNumber = true).toJson(Wrapper(wUint64 = Some(125))) must be( render(Map("wUint64" -> Json.fromLong(125))) ) new Printer(formattingLongAsNumber = true).toJson(Wrapper(wInt64 = Some(125))) must be( render(Map("wInt64" -> Json.fromLong(125))) ) } "primitive values" should "parse properly" in { JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wBool" -> Json.fromBoolean(false)))) must be(Wrapper(wBool = Some(false))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wBool" -> Json.fromBoolean(true)))) must be(Wrapper(wBool = Some(true))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wDouble" -> Json.fromDouble(3.1)))) must be(Wrapper(wDouble = Some(3.1))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wFloat" -> Json.fromDouble(3.0)))) must be(Wrapper(wFloat = Some(3.0f))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wInt32" -> Json.fromLong(35544)))) must be(Wrapper(wInt32 = Some(35544))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wInt32" -> Json.fromLong(0)))) must be(Wrapper(wInt32 = Some(0))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wInt64" -> Json.fromString("125")))) must be(Wrapper(wInt64 = Some(125))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wUint32" -> Json.fromLong(125)))) must be(Wrapper(wUint32 = Some(125))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wUint64" -> Json.fromString("125")))) must be(Wrapper(wUint64 = Some(125))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wString" -> Json.fromString("bar")))) must be( Wrapper(wString = Some("bar")) ) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wString" -> Json.fromString("")))) must be(Wrapper(wString = Some(""))) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wBytes" -> Json.fromString("AwUE")))) must be( Wrapper(wBytes = Some(ByteString.copyFrom(Array[Byte](3, 5, 4)))) ) JsonFormat.fromJson[Wrapper](render(Map("wBytes" -> Json.fromString("")))) must be( Wrapper(wBytes = Some(ByteString.EMPTY)) ) } }
Example 49
Source File: ProtobufScoringController.scala From mleap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ml.combust.mleap.springboot import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import import import ml.combust.mleap.executor._ import ml.combust.mleap.pb.TransformStatus.STATUS_ERROR import ml.combust.mleap.pb.{BundleMeta, Mleap, Model, TransformFrameResponse} import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.serialization.{FrameReader, FrameWriter} import ml.combust.mleap.springboot.TypeConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation._ import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} @RestController @RequestMapping class ProtobufScoringController(@Autowired val actorSystem : ActorSystem, @Autowired val mleapExecutor: MleapExecutor) { private val executor = actorSystem.dispatcher @PostMapping(path = Array("/models"), consumes = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8"), produces = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8")) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED) def loadModel(@RequestBody request: Mleap.LoadModelRequest, @RequestHeader(value = "timeout", defaultValue = "60000") timeout: Int) : CompletionStage[Mleap.Model] = { mleapExecutor .loadModel(javaPbToExecutorLoadModelRequest(request))(timeout) .map(model => Model.toJavaProto(model))(executor).toJava } @DeleteMapping(path = Array("/models/{model_name}"), consumes = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8"), produces = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8")) def unloadModel(@PathVariable("model_name") modelName: String, @RequestHeader(value = "timeout", defaultValue = "60000") timeout: Int): CompletionStage[Mleap.Model] = mleapExecutor .unloadModel(UnloadModelRequest(modelName))(timeout) .map(model => Model.toJavaProto(model))(executor).toJava @GetMapping(path = Array("/models/{model_name}"), consumes = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8"), produces = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8")) def getModel(@PathVariable("model_name") modelName: String, @RequestHeader(value = "timeout", defaultValue = "60000") timeout: Int): CompletionStage[Mleap.Model] = mleapExecutor .getModel(GetModelRequest(modelName))(timeout) .map(model => Model.toJavaProto(model))(executor).toJava @GetMapping(path = Array("/models/{model_name}/meta"), consumes = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8"), produces = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8")) def getMeta(@PathVariable("model_name") modelName: String, @RequestHeader(value = "timeout", defaultValue = "60000") timeout: Int) : CompletionStage[Mleap.BundleMeta] = mleapExecutor .getBundleMeta(GetBundleMetaRequest(modelName))(timeout) .map(meta => BundleMeta.toJavaProto(meta))(executor).toJava @PostMapping(path = Array("/models/transform"), consumes = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8"), produces = Array("application/x-protobuf; charset=UTF-8")) def transform(@RequestBody request: Mleap.TransformFrameRequest, @RequestHeader(value = "timeout", defaultValue = "60000") timeout: Int) : CompletionStage[Mleap.TransformFrameResponse] = { FrameReader(request.getFormat).fromBytes(request.getFrame.toByteArray) match { case Success(frame) => mleapExecutor.transform(TransformFrameRequest(request.getModelName, frame, request.getOptions))(timeout) .mapAll { case Success(resp) => resp match { case Success(frame) => TransformFrameResponse(tag = request.getTag, frame = ByteString.copyFrom(FrameWriter(frame, request.getFormat).toBytes().get)) case Failure(ex) => handleTransformFailure(request.getTag, ex) } case Failure(ex) => handleTransformFailure(request.getTag, ex) }(executor) .map(response => TransformFrameResponse.toJavaProto(response))(executor).toJava case Failure(ex) => Future { TransformFrameResponse.toJavaProto(handleTransformFailure(request.getTag, ex)) }(executor).toJava } } private def handleTransformFailure(tag: Long, ex: Throwable): TransformFrameResponse = { ProtobufScoringController.logger.error("Transform error due to ", ex) TransformFrameResponse(tag = tag, status = STATUS_ERROR, error = ExceptionUtils.getMessage(ex), backtrace = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)) } } object ProtobufScoringController { val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[ProtobufScoringController]) }
Example 50
Source File: ProtobufScoringSpec.scala From mleap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ml.combust.mleap.springboot import import import ml.combust.mleap.pb._ import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.DefaultLeapFrame import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.serialization.{BuiltinFormats, FrameWriter} import ml.combust.mleap.springboot.TestUtil.validFrame import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT import org.springframework.http.{HttpEntity, HttpHeaders, ResponseEntity} import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner @RunWith(classOf[SpringRunner]) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT) class ProtobufScoringSpec extends ScoringBase[Mleap.LoadModelRequest, Mleap.Model, Mleap.BundleMeta, Mleap.TransformFrameRequest, Mleap.TransformFrameResponse] { override def createLoadModelRequest(modelName: String, uri: URI, createTmpFile: Boolean): HttpEntity[Mleap.LoadModelRequest] = { val request = LoadModelRequest(modelName = modelName, uri = TestUtil.getBundle(uri, createTmpFile).toString, config = Some(ModelConfig(Some(9000L), Some(9000L)))) new HttpEntity[Mleap.LoadModelRequest](LoadModelRequest.toJavaProto(request), ProtobufScoringSpec.protoHeaders) } override def createTransformFrameRequest(modelName: String, frame: DefaultLeapFrame, options: Option[TransformOptions]): HttpEntity[Mleap.TransformFrameRequest] = { val request = TransformFrameRequest(modelName = modelName, format = BuiltinFormats.binary, initTimeout = Some(35000L), frame = ByteString.copyFrom(FrameWriter(frame, BuiltinFormats.binary).toBytes().get), options = options ) new HttpEntity[Mleap.TransformFrameRequest](TransformFrameRequest.toJavaProto(request), ProtobufScoringSpec.protoHeaders) } override def createTransformFrameRequest(frame: DefaultLeapFrame): HttpEntity[Array[Byte]] = new HttpEntity[Array[Byte]](FrameWriter(validFrame, leapFrameFormat()).toBytes().get, ProtobufScoringSpec.protoHeaders) override def extractModelResponse(response: ResponseEntity[_ <: Any]): Mleap.Model = response.getBody.asInstanceOf[Mleap.Model] override def createEmptyBodyRequest(): HttpEntity[Unit] = ProtobufScoringSpec.httpEntityWithProtoHeaders override def extractBundleMetaResponse(response: ResponseEntity[_]): Mleap.BundleMeta = response.getBody.asInstanceOf[Mleap.BundleMeta] override def extractTransformResponse(response: ResponseEntity[_]): Mleap.TransformFrameResponse = response.getBody.asInstanceOf[Mleap.TransformFrameResponse] override def leapFrameFormat(): String = BuiltinFormats.binary override def createInvalidTransformFrameRequest(modelName: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): HttpEntity[Mleap.TransformFrameRequest] = { val request = TransformFrameRequest(modelName = modelName, format = BuiltinFormats.binary, initTimeout = Some(35000L), frame = ByteString.copyFrom(bytes), options = None ) new HttpEntity[Mleap.TransformFrameRequest](TransformFrameRequest.toJavaProto(request), ProtobufScoringSpec.protoHeaders) } } object ProtobufScoringSpec { lazy val httpEntityWithProtoHeaders = new HttpEntity[Unit](protoHeaders) lazy val protoHeaders = { val headers = new HttpHeaders headers.add("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf") headers.add("timeout", "2000") headers } }
Example 51
Source File: ArbitraryProtoUtils.scala From sparksql-scalapb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalapb.spark import import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalacheck.derive.MkArbitrary import scalapb.spark.test.{all_types2 => AT2} import scalapb.spark.test3.{all_types3 => AT3} import scalapb.{GeneratedEnum, GeneratedEnumCompanion, GeneratedMessage, Message} import shapeless.Strict import org.scalacheck.Gen import scalapb.UnknownFieldSet object ArbitraryProtoUtils { import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._ implicit val arbitraryBS = Arbitrary( implicitly[Arbitrary[Array[Byte]]].arbitrary .map(t => ByteString.copyFrom(t)) ) // Default scalacheck-shapeless would chose Unrecognized instances with recognized values. private def fixEnum[A <: GeneratedEnum]( e: A )(implicit cmp: GeneratedEnumCompanion[A]): A = { if (e.isUnrecognized) cmp.values.find(_.value == e.value).getOrElse(e) else e } def arbitraryEnum[A <: GeneratedEnum: Arbitrary: GeneratedEnumCompanion] = { Arbitrary(implicitly[Arbitrary[A]] } implicit val arbitraryUnknownFields = Arbitrary( Gen.const(UnknownFieldSet.empty) ) implicit val nestedEnum2 = arbitraryEnum[AT2.EnumTest.NestedEnum] implicit val nestedEnum3 = arbitraryEnum[AT3.EnumTest.NestedEnum] implicit val topLevelEnum2 = arbitraryEnum[AT2.TopLevelEnum] implicit val topLevelEnum3 = arbitraryEnum[AT3.TopLevelEnum] implicit def arbitraryMessage[A <: GeneratedMessage](implicit ev: Strict[MkArbitrary[A]] ) = { implicitly[Arbitrary[A]] } }
Example 52
Source File: PayloadSerializer.scala From akka-stream-eventsourcing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.krasserm.ases.serializer import import akka.serialization.{SerializationExtension, SerializerWithStringManifest} import com.github.krasserm.ases.serializer.PayloadFormatOuterClass.PayloadFormat import import scala.util.Try class PayloadSerializer(system: ExtendedActorSystem) { def payloadFormatBuilder(payload: AnyRef): PayloadFormat.Builder = { val serializer = SerializationExtension(system).findSerializerFor(payload) val builder = PayloadFormat.newBuilder() if (serializer.includeManifest) { val (isStringManifest, manifest) = serializer match { case s: SerializerWithStringManifest => (true, s.manifest(payload)) case _ => (false, payload.getClass.getName) } builder.setIsStringManifest(isStringManifest) builder.setPayloadManifest(manifest) } builder.setSerializerId(serializer.identifier) builder.setPayload(ByteString.copyFrom(serializer.toBinary(payload))) } def payload(payloadFormat: PayloadFormat): AnyRef = { val payload = if (payloadFormat.getIsStringManifest) payloadFromStringManifest(payloadFormat) else if (payloadFormat.getPayloadManifest.nonEmpty) payloadFromClassManifest(payloadFormat) else payloadFromEmptyManifest(payloadFormat) payload.get } private def payloadFromStringManifest(payloadFormat: PayloadFormat): Try[AnyRef] = { SerializationExtension(system).deserialize( payloadFormat.getPayload.toByteArray, payloadFormat.getSerializerId, payloadFormat.getPayloadManifest ) } private def payloadFromClassManifest(payloadFormat: PayloadFormat): Try[AnyRef] = { val manifestClass = system.dynamicAccess.getClassFor[AnyRef](payloadFormat.getPayloadManifest).get SerializationExtension(system).deserialize( payloadFormat.getPayload.toByteArray, payloadFormat.getSerializerId, Some(manifestClass) ) } private def payloadFromEmptyManifest(payloadFormat: PayloadFormat): Try[AnyRef] = { SerializationExtension(system).deserialize( payloadFormat.getPayload.toByteArray, payloadFormat.getSerializerId, None ) } }
Example 53
Source File: BigQueryTypeSpec.scala From shapeless-datatype with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.datatype.bigquery import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} import import import import org.joda.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._ import org.scalacheck._ import shapeless._ import shapeless.datatype.record._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ object BigQueryTypeSpec extends Properties("BigQueryType") { import shapeless.datatype.test.Records._ import shapeless.datatype.test.SerializableUtils._ val mapper = new ObjectMapper().disable(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) implicit def compareByteArrays(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y) implicit def compareIntArrays(x: Array[Int], y: Array[Int]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y) def roundTrip[A: TypeTag, L <: HList](m: A)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], fromL: FromTableRow[L], toL: ToTableRow[L], mr: MatchRecord[L] ): Boolean = { BigQuerySchema[A] // FIXME: verify the generated schema val t = ensureSerializable(BigQueryType[A]) val f1: SerializableFunction[A, TableRow] = new SerializableFunction[A, TableRow] { override def apply(m: A): TableRow = t.toTableRow(m) } val f2: SerializableFunction[TableRow, Option[A]] = new SerializableFunction[TableRow, Option[A]] { override def apply(m: TableRow): Option[A] = t.fromTableRow(m) } val toFn = ensureSerializable(f1) val fromFn = ensureSerializable(f2) val copy = fromFn(mapper.readValue(mapper.writeValueAsString(toFn(m)), classOf[TableRow])) val rm = RecordMatcher[A] copy.exists(rm(_, m)) } implicit val byteStringBigQueryMappableType =[ByteString]("BYTES")( x => ByteString.copyFrom(BaseEncoding.base64().decode(x.toString)), x => BaseEncoding.base64().encode(x.toByteArray) ) property("required") = forAll { m: Required => roundTrip(m) } property("optional") = forAll { m: Optional => roundTrip(m) } property("repeated") = forAll { m: Repeated => roundTrip(m) } property("mixed") = forAll { m: Mixed => roundTrip(m) } property("nested") = forAll { m: Nested => roundTrip(m) } property("seqs") = forAll { m: Seqs => roundTrip(m) } implicit val arbDate = Arbitrary( => new LocalDate(i.getMillis))) implicit val arbTime = Arbitrary( => new LocalTime(i.getMillis))) implicit val arbDateTime = Arbitrary( => new LocalDateTime(i.getMillis)) ) case class DateTimeTypes( instant: Instant, date: LocalDate, time: LocalTime, dateTime: LocalDateTime ) property("date time types") = forAll { m: DateTimeTypes => roundTrip(m) } implicit val uriBigQueryType =[URI]("STRING")(v => URI.create(v.toString), _.toASCIIString) property("custom") = forAll { m: Custom => roundTrip(m) } }
Example 54
Source File: AvroTypeSpec.scala From shapeless-datatype with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.datatype.avro import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumReader, GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord} import{DecoderFactory, EncoderFactory} import org.joda.time.Instant import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._ import org.scalacheck._ import shapeless._ import shapeless.datatype.record._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ object AvroTypeSpec extends Properties("AvroType") { import shapeless.datatype.test.Records._ import shapeless.datatype.test.SerializableUtils._ implicit def compareByteArrays(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y) implicit def compareIntArrays(x: Array[Int], y: Array[Int]) = java.util.Arrays.equals(x, y) def roundTrip[A: TypeTag, L <: HList](m: A)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], fromL: FromAvroRecord[L], toL: ToAvroRecord[L], mr: MatchRecord[L] ): Boolean = { val t = ensureSerializable(AvroType[A]) val f1: SerializableFunction[A, GenericRecord] = new SerializableFunction[A, GenericRecord] { override def apply(m: A): GenericRecord = t.toGenericRecord(m) } val f2: SerializableFunction[GenericRecord, Option[A]] = new SerializableFunction[GenericRecord, Option[A]] { override def apply(m: GenericRecord): Option[A] = t.fromGenericRecord(m) } val toFn = ensureSerializable(f1) val fromFn = ensureSerializable(f2) val copy = fromFn(roundTripRecord(toFn(m))) val rm = RecordMatcher[A] copy.exists(rm(_, m)) } def roundTripRecord(r: GenericRecord): GenericRecord = { val writer = new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](r.getSchema) val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(baos, null) writer.write(r, encoder) encoder.flush() baos.close() val bytes = baos.toByteArray val reader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](r.getSchema) val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(bais, null), decoder) } implicit val byteStringAvroType =[ByteString](Schema.Type.BYTES)( v => ByteString.copyFrom(v.asInstanceOf[ByteBuffer]), v => ByteBuffer.wrap(v.toByteArray) ) implicit val instantAvroType =[Instant](Schema.Type.LONG)(v => new Instant(v.asInstanceOf[Long]), _.getMillis) property("required") = forAll { m: Required => roundTrip(m) } property("optional") = forAll { m: Optional => roundTrip(m) } property("repeated") = forAll { m: Repeated => roundTrip(m) } property("mixed") = forAll { m: Mixed => roundTrip(m) } property("nested") = forAll { m: Nested => roundTrip(m) } property("seqs") = forAll { m: Seqs => roundTrip(m) } implicit val uriAvroType =[URI](Schema.Type.STRING)(v => URI.create(v.toString), _.toString) property("custom") = forAll { m: Custom => roundTrip(m) } }
Example 55
Source File: DatastoreType.scala From shapeless-datatype with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.datatype.datastore import import{Entity, Value} import{ByteString, Timestamp} import org.joda.time.{DateTimeConstants, Instant} import shapeless._ class DatastoreType[A] extends Serializable { def fromEntityBuilder[L <: HList](m: Entity.Builder)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], fromL: FromEntity[L] ): Option[A] = fromL(m).map(gen.from) def fromEntity[L <: HList](m: Entity)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], fromL: FromEntity[L] ): Option[A] = fromL(m.toBuilder).map(gen.from) def toEntityBuilder[L <: HList](a: A)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], toL: ToEntity[L] ): Entity.Builder = toL( def toEntity[L <: HList](a: A)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], toL: ToEntity[L] ): Entity = toL( } object DatastoreType { def apply[A]: DatastoreType[A] = new DatastoreType[A] def at[V](fromFn: Value => V, toFn: V => Value): BaseDatastoreMappableType[V] = new BaseDatastoreMappableType[V] { override def from(value: Value): V = fromFn(value) override def to(value: V): Value = toFn(value) } } trait DatastoreMappableTypes { import implicit val booleanEntityMappableType = at[Boolean](_.getBooleanValue, makeValue(_).build()) implicit val intDatastoreMappableType = at[Int](_.getIntegerValue.toInt, makeValue(_).build()) implicit val longEntityMappableType = at[Long](_.getIntegerValue, makeValue(_).build()) implicit val floatEntityMappableType = at[Float](_.getDoubleValue.toFloat, makeValue(_).build()) implicit val doubleEntityMappableType = at[Double](_.getDoubleValue, makeValue(_).build()) implicit val stringEntityMappableType = at[String](_.getStringValue, makeValue(_).build()) implicit val byteStringEntityMappableType = at[ByteString](_.getBlobValue, makeValue(_).build()) implicit val byteArrayEntityMappableType = at[Array[Byte]](_.getBlobValue.toByteArray, v => makeValue(ByteString.copyFrom(v)).build()) implicit val timestampEntityMappableType = at[Instant](toInstant, fromInstant) private def toInstant(v: Value): Instant = { val t = v.getTimestampValue new Instant(t.getSeconds * DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_SECOND + t.getNanos / 1000000) } private def fromInstant(i: Instant): Value = { val t = Timestamp .newBuilder() .setSeconds(i.getMillis / DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_SECOND) .setNanos((i.getMillis % 1000).toInt * 1000000) Value.newBuilder().setTimestampValue(t).build() } }
Example 56
Source File: DatastoreMappableType.scala From shapeless-datatype with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.datatype.datastore import import{Entity, Value} import{ByteString, Timestamp} import org.joda.time.Instant import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants import shapeless.datatype.mappable.{BaseMappableType, MappableType} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ trait BaseDatastoreMappableType[V] extends MappableType[Entity.Builder, V] { def from(value: Value): V def to(value: V): Value override def get(m: Entity.Builder, key: String): Option[V] = Option(m.getPropertiesMap.get(key)).map(from) override def getAll(m: Entity.Builder, key: String): Seq[V] = Option(m.getPropertiesMap.get(key)).toSeq .flatMap( override def put(key: String, value: V, tail: Entity.Builder): Entity.Builder = tail.putProperties(key, to(value)) override def put(key: String, value: Option[V], tail: Entity.Builder): Entity.Builder = value.foldLeft(tail)((b, v) => b.putProperties(key, to(v))) override def put(key: String, values: Seq[V], tail: Entity.Builder): Entity.Builder = tail.putProperties(key, makeValue( } trait DatastoreMappableType extends DatastoreMappableTypes { implicit val datastoreBaseMappableType = new BaseMappableType[Entity.Builder] { override def base: Entity.Builder = Entity.newBuilder() override def get(m: Entity.Builder, key: String): Option[Entity.Builder] = Option(m.getPropertiesMap.get(key)).map(_.getEntityValue.toBuilder) override def getAll(m: Entity.Builder, key: String): Seq[Entity.Builder] = Option(m.getPropertiesMap.get(key)).toSeq .flatMap( override def put(key: String, value: Entity.Builder, tail: Entity.Builder): Entity.Builder = tail.putProperties(key, makeValue(value).build()) override def put( key: String, value: Option[Entity.Builder], tail: Entity.Builder ): Entity.Builder = value.foldLeft(tail)((b, v) => b.putProperties(key, makeValue(v).build())) override def put( key: String, values: Seq[Entity.Builder], tail: Entity.Builder ): Entity.Builder = tail.putProperties(key, makeValue( => makeValue(v).build()).asJava).build()) } }
Example 57
Source File: TensorFlowMappableType.scala From shapeless-datatype with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.datatype.tensorflow import import org.tensorflow.example._ import shapeless.datatype.mappable.{BaseMappableType, MappableType} trait BaseTensorFlowMappableType[V] extends MappableType[Features.Builder, V] { def from(value: Feature): V = fromSeq(value).head def to(value: V): Feature = toSeq(Seq(value)) def fromSeq(value: Feature): Seq[V] def toSeq(value: Seq[V]): Feature override def get(m: Features.Builder, key: String): Option[V] = Option(m.getFeatureMap.get(key)).map(from) override def getAll(m: Features.Builder, key: String): Seq[V] = Option(m.getFeatureMap.get(key)).toSeq.flatMap(fromSeq) override def put(key: String, value: V, tail: Features.Builder): Features.Builder = tail.putFeature(key, to(value)) override def put(key: String, value: Option[V], tail: Features.Builder): Features.Builder = value.foldLeft(tail)((b, v) => b.putFeature(key, to(v))) override def put(key: String, values: Seq[V], tail: Features.Builder): Features.Builder = tail.putFeature(key, toSeq(values)) } trait TensorFlowMappableType { implicit val tensorFlowBaseMappableType = new BaseMappableType[Features.Builder] { override def base: Features.Builder = Features.newBuilder() override def get(m: Features.Builder, key: String): Option[Features.Builder] = ??? override def getAll(m: Features.Builder, key: String): Seq[Features.Builder] = ??? override def put( key: String, value: Features.Builder, tail: Features.Builder ): Features.Builder = ??? override def put( key: String, value: Option[Features.Builder], tail: Features.Builder ): Features.Builder = ??? override def put( key: String, values: Seq[Features.Builder], tail: Features.Builder ): Features.Builder = ??? } import TensorFlowType._ implicit val booleanTensorFlowMappableType = at[Boolean](toBooleans, fromBooleans) implicit val intTensorFlowMappableType = at[Int](toInts, fromInts) implicit val longTensorFlowMappableType = at[Long](toLongs, fromLongs) implicit val floatTensorFlowMappableType = at[Float](toFloats, fromFloats) implicit val doubleTensorFlowMappableType = at[Double](toDoubles, fromDoubles) implicit val byteStringTensorFlowMappableType = at[ByteString](toByteStrings, fromByteStrings) implicit val byteArrayTensorFlowMappableType = at[Array[Byte]](toByteArrays, fromByteArrays) implicit val stringTensorFlowMappableType = at[String](toStrings, fromStrings) }
Example 58
Source File: TensorFlowType.scala From shapeless-datatype with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.datatype.tensorflow import import org.tensorflow.example._ import shapeless._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class TensorFlowType[A] extends Serializable { def fromExampleBuilder[L <: HList](m: Example.Builder)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], fromL: FromFeatures[L] ): Option[A] = fromL(m.getFeaturesBuilder).map(gen.from) def fromExample[L <: HList](m: Example)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], fromL: FromFeatures[L] ): Option[A] = fromL(m.getFeatures.toBuilder).map(gen.from) def toExampleBuilder[L <: HList](a: A)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], toL: ToFeatures[L] ): Example.Builder = Example.newBuilder().setFeatures(toL( def toExample[L <: HList](a: A)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], toL: ToFeatures[L] ): Example = Example.newBuilder().setFeatures(toL( } object TensorFlowType { def apply[A]: TensorFlowType[A] = new TensorFlowType[A] def at[V]( fromFn: Feature => Seq[V], toFn: Seq[V] => Feature.Builder ): BaseTensorFlowMappableType[V] = new BaseTensorFlowMappableType[V] { override def fromSeq(value: Feature): Seq[V] = fromFn(value) override def toSeq(value: Seq[V]): Feature = toFn(value).build() } def fromBooleans(xs: Seq[Boolean]): Feature.Builder = Feature .newBuilder() .setInt64List( Int64List.newBuilder().addAllValue( => (if (x) 1L else 0L): java.lang.Long).asJava) ) def toBooleans(f: Feature): Seq[Boolean] = => if (x > 0) true else false).toSeq def fromLongs(xs: Seq[Long]): Feature.Builder = Feature.newBuilder().setInt64List(xs.foldLeft(Int64List.newBuilder())(_.addValue(_)).build()) def toLongs(f: Feature): Seq[Long] = f.getInt64List.getValueList.asScala.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Long]] def fromInts(xs: Seq[Int]): Feature.Builder = fromLongs( def toInts(f: Feature): Seq[Int] = toLongs(f).map(_.toInt) def fromFloats(xs: Seq[Float]): Feature.Builder = Feature.newBuilder().setFloatList(xs.foldLeft(FloatList.newBuilder())(_.addValue(_)).build()) def toFloats(f: Feature): Seq[Float] = f.getFloatList.getValueList.asScala.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Float]] def fromDoubles(xs: Seq[Double]): Feature.Builder = fromFloats( def toDoubles(f: Feature): Seq[Double] = toFloats(f).map(_.toDouble) def fromByteStrings(xs: Seq[ByteString]): Feature.Builder = Feature.newBuilder().setBytesList(BytesList.newBuilder().addAllValue(xs.asJava)) def toByteStrings(f: Feature): Seq[ByteString] = f.getBytesList.getValueList.asScala.toSeq def fromByteArrays(xs: Seq[Array[Byte]]): Feature.Builder = fromByteStrings( def toByteArrays(f: Feature): Seq[Array[Byte]] = toByteStrings(f).map(_.toByteArray) def fromStrings(xs: Seq[String]): Feature.Builder = fromByteStrings( def toStrings(f: Feature): Seq[String] = toByteStrings(f).map(_.toStringUtf8) }
Example 59
Source File: Records.scala From shapeless-datatype with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.datatype.test import import import org.joda.time.Instant import org.scalacheck._ object Records { case class Required( booleanField: Boolean, intField: Int, longField: Long, floatField: Float, doubleField: Double, stringField: String, byteStringField: ByteString, byteArrayField: Array[Byte], timestampField: Instant ) case class Optional( booleanField: Option[Boolean], intField: Option[Int], longField: Option[Long], floatField: Option[Float], doubleField: Option[Double], stringField: Option[String], byteStringField: Option[ByteString], byteArrayField: Option[Array[Byte]], timestampField: Option[Instant] ) case class Repeated( booleanField: List[Boolean], intField: List[Int], longField: List[Long], floatField: List[Float], doubleField: List[Double], stringField: List[String], byteStringField: List[ByteString], byteArrayField: List[Array[Byte]], timestampField: List[Instant] ) case class Mixed( longField: Long, doubleField: Double, stringField: String, longFieldO: Option[Long], doubleFieldO: Option[Double], stringFieldO: Option[String], longFieldR: List[Long], doubleFieldR: List[Double], stringFieldR: List[String] ) case class Nested( longField: Long, longFieldO: Option[Long], longFieldR: List[Long], mixedField: Mixed, mixedFieldO: Option[Mixed], mixedFieldR: List[Mixed] ) case class Seqs(array: Array[Int], list: List[Int], vector: Vector[Int]) case class Custom(uriField: URI, uriFieldO: Option[URI], uriFieldR: List[URI]) implicit val arbByteString = Arbitrary( implicit val arbInstant = Arbitrary(Gen.chooseNum(0, Int.MaxValue).map(new Instant(_))) implicit val arbUri = Arbitrary( }
Example 60
Source File: FieldReaderSpec.scala From protobuf-generic with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package me.lyh.protobuf.generic.test import{ByteString, Message} import me.lyh.protobuf.generic._ import me.lyh.protobuf.generic.proto3.Schemas._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.reflect.ClassTag class FieldReaderSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { def read[T <: Message: ClassTag](record: T, fields: List[String], expected: List[Any]): Unit = { val schema = SerializableUtils.ensureSerializable(Schema.of[T]) val reader = SerializableUtils.ensureSerializable(FieldReader.of(schema, fields)) val actual = actual.toList shouldBe expected } val fields: List[String] = List( "double_field", "float_field", "int32_field", "int64_field", "uint32_field", "uint64_field", "sint32_field", "sint64_field", "fixed32_field", "fixed64_field", "sfixed32_field", "sfixed64_field", "bool_field", "string_field", "bytes_field", "color_field" ) val expected: List[Any] = List( math.Pi, math.E.toFloat, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, true, "hello", ByteString.copyFromUtf8("world"), "WHITE" ) "FieldReader" should "read optional" in { read[Optional](Records.optional, fields, expected) read[Optional]( Records.optionalEmpty, fields, List(0.0, 0.0f, 0, 0L, 0, 0L, 0, 0L, 0, 0L, 0, 0L, false, "", ByteString.EMPTY, "BLACK") ) } it should "read oneofs" in { (Records.oneOfs.drop(1) zip (fields zip expected)).foreach { case (r, (f, e)) => read[OneOf](r, List(f), List(e)) } } it should "read nested" in { val fields = List( "mixed_field_o.double_field_o", "mixed_field_o.string_field_o", "mixed_field_o.bytes_field_o", "mixed_field_o.color_field_o" ) val expected = List(math.Pi, "hello", ByteString.copyFromUtf8("world"), "WHITE") read[Nested](Records.nested, fields, expected) val expectedEmpty = List(0.0, "", ByteString.EMPTY, "BLACK") read[Nested](Records.nestedEmpty, fields, expectedEmpty) } }
Example 61
Source File: ProtobufGenericSpec.scala From protobuf-generic with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package me.lyh.protobuf.generic.test import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{ByteString, Message} import me.lyh.protobuf.generic._ import me.lyh.protobuf.generic.proto2.Schemas._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class ProtobufGenericSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { def roundTrip[T <: Message: ClassTag](record: T): Unit = { val schema = SerializableUtils.ensureSerializable(Schema.of[T]) val schemaCopy = Schema.fromJson(schema.toJson) schemaCopy shouldBe schema val reader = SerializableUtils.ensureSerializable(GenericReader.of(schema)) val writer = SerializableUtils.ensureSerializable(GenericWriter.of(schema)) val jsonRecord = jsonRecord shouldBe jsonRecord shouldBe ByteArrayInputStream(record.toByteArray)).toJson val bytes = writer.write(GenericRecord.fromJson(jsonRecord)) val recordCopy = ProtobufType[T].parseFrom(bytes) recordCopy shouldBe record } "ProtobufGeneric" should "round trip required" in { roundTrip[Required](Records.required) } it should "round trip optional" in { roundTrip[Optional](Records.optional) roundTrip[Optional](Records.optionalEmpty) } it should "round trip repeated" in { roundTrip[Repeated](Records.repeated) roundTrip[Repeated](Records.repeatedEmpty) roundTrip[RepeatedPacked](Records.repeatedPacked) roundTrip[RepeatedUnpacked](Records.repeatedUnpacked) } it should "round trip oneofs" in { Records.oneOfs.foreach(roundTrip[OneOf]) } it should "round trip mixed" in { roundTrip[Mixed](Records.mixed) roundTrip[Mixed](Records.mixedEmpty) } it should "round trip nested" in { roundTrip[Nested](Records.nested) roundTrip[Nested](Records.nestedEmpty) } it should "round trip with custom options" in { roundTrip[CustomOptionMessage](Records.customOptionMessage) roundTrip[CustomOptionMessage](Records.customOptionMessageEmpty) } it should "round trip with custom defaults" in { roundTrip[CustomDefaults](CustomDefaults.getDefaultInstance) } it should "populate default values" in { val schema = Schema.of[CustomDefaults] val record = GenericReader.of(schema).read(CustomDefaults.getDefaultInstance.toByteArray) record.get("double_field") shouldBe 101.0 record.get("float_field") shouldBe 102.0f record.get("int32_field") shouldBe 103 record.get("int64_field") shouldBe 104L record.get("uint32_field") shouldBe 105 record.get("uint64_field") shouldBe 106L record.get("sint32_field") shouldBe 107 record.get("sint64_field") shouldBe 108L record.get("fixed32_field") shouldBe 109 record.get("fixed64_field") shouldBe 110L record.get("sfixed32_field") shouldBe 111 record.get("sfixed64_field") shouldBe 112L record.get("bool_field") shouldBe true record.get("string_field") shouldBe "hello" record.get("bytes_field") shouldBe Base64.encode(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("world").toByteArray) record.get("color_field") shouldBe "GREEN" } }
Example 62
Source File: PubSubMessage.scala From akka-cloudpubsub with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.qubit.pubsub.client import java.time.{Instant, ZoneOffset, ZonedDateTime} import{ByteString, Timestamp} import{ PubsubMessage => PubSubMessageProto, ReceivedMessage => ReceivedPubSubMessageProto } import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ final case class PubSubMessage( payload: Array[Byte], msgId: Option[String] = None, publishTs: Option[ZonedDateTime] = None, attributes: Option[Map[String, String]] = None) { def toProto: PubSubMessageProto = { val builder = PubSubMessageProto.newBuilder() builder.setData(ByteString.copyFrom(payload)) publishTs.foreach( ts => builder.setPublishTime( Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(ts.toEpochSecond).build())) msgId.foreach(id => builder.setMessageId(id)) attributes.foreach(attr => builder.putAllAttributes(attr)) } } object PubSubMessage { def fromProto(proto: PubSubMessageProto): PubSubMessage = { val payload = proto.getData.toByteArray val msgId = Some(proto.getMessageId) val attributes = if (proto.getAttributesMap.isEmpty) { None } else { Some(proto.getAttributesMap.toMap) } val publishTs = if (proto.hasPublishTime) { Some( ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( Instant.ofEpochSecond(proto.getPublishTime.getSeconds), ZoneOffset.UTC)) } else { None } PubSubMessage(payload, msgId = msgId, publishTs = publishTs, attributes = attributes) } } final case class ReceivedPubSubMessage(ackId: String, payload: PubSubMessage) object ReceivedPubSubMessage { def fromProto(proto: ReceivedPubSubMessageProto): ReceivedPubSubMessage = { val ackId = proto.getAckId val payload = PubSubMessage.fromProto(proto.getMessage) ReceivedPubSubMessage(ackId, payload) } }
Example 63
Source File: ProtobufAnySerializer.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.proxy import akka.serialization.{BaseSerializer, SerializerWithStringManifest} import import import{Any => pbAny} final class ProtobufAnySerializer(override val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends SerializerWithStringManifest with BaseSerializer { final override def manifest(o: AnyRef): String = o match { case any: pbAny => any.typeUrl case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$this only supports, not ${o.getClass.getName}!") } final override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = o match { case any: pbAny => any.value.toByteArray case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$this only supports, not ${o.getClass.getName}!") } final override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = manifest match { case null => throw new IllegalArgumentException("null manifest detected instead of valid") case typeUrl => pbAny(typeUrl, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)) } }
Example 64
Source File: Warmup.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.proxy import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Props, SupervisorStrategy, Terminated} import import io.cloudstate.proxy.eventsourced.EventSourcedEntity.{Configuration, Stop} import Warmup.Ready import io.cloudstate.protocol.entity.{ClientAction, Reply} import io.cloudstate.protocol.event_sourced.{EventSourcedReply, EventSourcedStreamIn, EventSourcedStreamOut} import io.cloudstate.proxy.entity.{EntityCommand, UserFunctionReply} import io.cloudstate.proxy.eventsourced.EventSourcedEntity import scala.concurrent.duration._ object Warmup { def props(needsWarmup: Boolean): Props = Props(new Warmup(needsWarmup)) case object Ready } class Warmup(needsWarmup: Boolean) extends Actor with ActorLogging { if (needsWarmup) { log.debug("Starting warmup...") val stateManager = context.actorOf(EventSourcedEntity.props( Configuration("warmup.Service", "###warmup", 30.seconds, 100), "###warmup-entity", self, self, self ), "entity") ) stateManager ! EntityCommand( entityId = "###warmup-entity", name = "foo", payload = Some("url", ByteString.EMPTY)) ) context become warmingUp(stateManager) } // Default will be overriden above if we need to warm up override def receive = warm private def warmingUp(eventSourcedEntityManager: ActorRef): Receive = { case Ready => sender ! false case ConcurrencyEnforcer.Action(_, start) => log.debug("Warmup received action, starting it.") start() case EventSourcedStreamIn(EventSourcedStreamIn.Message.Event(_), _) => // Ignore case EventSourcedStreamIn(EventSourcedStreamIn.Message.Init(_), _) => log.debug("Warmup got init.") // Ignore case EventSourcedStreamIn(EventSourcedStreamIn.Message.Command(cmd), _) => log.debug("Warmup got forwarded command") // It's forwarded us our command, send it a reply eventSourcedEntityManager ! EventSourcedStreamOut( EventSourcedStreamOut.Message.Reply( EventSourcedReply( commandId =, clientAction = Some( ClientAction(ClientAction.Action.Reply(Reply(Some("url", ByteString.EMPTY))))) ) ) ) ) case _: UserFunctionReply => log.debug("Warmup got forwarded reply") // It's forwarded the reply, now stop it eventSourcedEntityManager ! Stop case Terminated(_) =>"Warmup complete") context.become(warm) case other => // There are a few other messages we'll receive that we don't care about log.debug("Warmup received {}", other.getClass) } private def warm: Receive = { case Ready => sender ! true } override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.stoppingStrategy }
Example 65
Source File: AnySupportSpec.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.javasupport.impl import com.example.shoppingcart.Shoppingcart import{ByteString, Empty} import io.cloudstate.javasupport.Jsonable import io.cloudstate.protocol.entity.UserFunctionError import io.cloudstate.protocol.event_sourced.EventSourcedProto import org.scalatest.{Matchers, OptionValues, WordSpec} import scala.beans.BeanProperty class AnySupportSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with OptionValues { private val anySupport = new AnySupport(Array(Shoppingcart.getDescriptor, EventSourcedProto.javaDescriptor), getClass.getClassLoader, "com.example") private val addLineItem = Shoppingcart.AddLineItem .newBuilder() .setName("item") .setProductId("id") .setQuantity(10) .build() "Any support" should { "support se/deserializing java protobufs" in { val any = anySupport.encodeScala(addLineItem) any.typeUrl should ===("com.example/" + Shoppingcart.AddLineItem.getDescriptor.getFullName) anySupport.decode(any) should ===(addLineItem) } "support se/deserializing scala protobufs" in { val error = UserFunctionError("error") val any = anySupport.encodeScala(UserFunctionError("error")) any.typeUrl should ===("com.example/cloudstate.UserFunctionError") anySupport.decode(any) should ===(error) } "support resolving a service descriptor" in { val methods = anySupport.resolveServiceDescriptor(Shoppingcart.getDescriptor.findServiceByName("ShoppingCart")) methods should have size 3 val method = methods("AddItem") // Input type method.inputType.typeUrl should ===("com.example/" + Shoppingcart.AddLineItem.getDescriptor.getFullName) method.inputType.typeClass should ===(classOf[Shoppingcart.AddLineItem]) val iBytes = method.inputType.asInstanceOf[ResolvedType[Any]].toByteString(addLineItem) method.inputType.parseFrom(iBytes) should ===(addLineItem) // Output type - this also checks that when java_multiple_files is true, it works method.outputType.typeUrl should ===("com.example/" + Empty.getDescriptor.getFullName) method.outputType.typeClass should ===(classOf[Empty]) val oBytes = method.outputType.asInstanceOf[ResolvedType[Any]].toByteString(Empty.getDefaultInstance) method.outputType.parseFrom(oBytes) should ===(Empty.getDefaultInstance) } def testPrimitive[T](name: String, value: T, defaultValue: T) = { val any = anySupport.encodeScala(value) any.typeUrl should ===(AnySupport.CloudStatePrimitive + name) anySupport.decode(any) should ===(value) val defaultAny = anySupport.encodeScala(defaultValue) defaultAny.typeUrl should ===(AnySupport.CloudStatePrimitive + name) defaultAny.value.size() shouldBe 0 anySupport.decode(defaultAny) should ===(defaultValue) } "support se/deserializing strings" in testPrimitive("string", "foo", "") "support se/deserializing ints" in testPrimitive("int32", 10, 0) "support se/deserializing longs" in testPrimitive("int64", 10L, 0L) "support se/deserializing floats" in testPrimitive("float", 0.5f, 0f) "support se/deserializing doubles" in testPrimitive("double", 0.5d, 0d) "support se/deserializing bytes" in testPrimitive("bytes", ByteString.copyFromUtf8("foo"), ByteString.EMPTY) "support se/deserializing booleans" in testPrimitive("bool", true, false) "support se/deserializing json" in { val myJsonable = new MyJsonable myJsonable.field = "foo" val any = anySupport.encodeScala(myJsonable) any.typeUrl should ===(AnySupport.CloudStateJson + classOf[MyJsonable].getName) anySupport.decode(any).asInstanceOf[MyJsonable].field should ===("foo") } } } @Jsonable class MyJsonable { @BeanProperty var field: String = _ }
Example 66
Source File: ProtoRDDConversions.scala From sparksql-protobuf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.saurfang.parquet.proto.spark.sql import{ByteString, AbstractMessage} import{EnumValueDescriptor, FieldDescriptor} import import org.apache.spark.sql.Row object ProtoRDDConversions { def messageToRow[A <: AbstractMessage](message: A): Row = { import collection.JavaConversions._ def toRowData(fd: FieldDescriptor, obj: AnyRef) = { fd.getJavaType match { case BYTE_STRING => obj.asInstanceOf[ByteString].toByteArray case ENUM => obj.asInstanceOf[EnumValueDescriptor].getName case MESSAGE => messageToRow(obj.asInstanceOf[AbstractMessage]) case _ => obj } } val fieldDescriptors = message.getDescriptorForType.getFields val fields = message.getAllFields Row({ fd => if(fields.containsKey(fd)) { val obj = fields.get(fd) if(fd.isRepeated) { obj.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Object]].map(toRowData(fd, _)).toSeq } else { toRowData(fd, obj) } } else if(fd.isRepeated) { Seq() } else null }.toSeq: _* ) } }
Example 67
Source File: ProtoRDDConversionSuite.scala From sparksql-protobuf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.saurfang.parquet.proto.spark.sql import com.github.saurfang.parquet.proto.AddressBook.Person import com.github.saurfang.parquet.proto.AddressBook.Person.{EmptyMessage, PhoneNumber} import com.github.saurfang.parquet.proto.Simple.SimpleMessage import import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import ProtoRDDConversions._ class ProtoRDDConversionSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("convert protobuf with simple data type to dataframe") { val protoMessage = SimpleMessage.newBuilder() .setBoolean(true) .setDouble(1) .setFloat(1F) .setInt(1) .setLong(1L) .setFint(2) .setFlong(2L) .setSfint(3) .setSflong(3L) .setSint(-4) .setSlong(-4) .setString("") .setUint(5) .setUlong(5L) .build val protoRow = messageToRow(protoMessage) protoRow shouldBe Row( 1.0, // double 1.0F, // float 1, // int 1L, // long 5, // uint 5L, // ulong -4, // sint -4L, // slong 2, // fint 2L, // flong 3, // sfint 3L, // sflong true, // boolean "", // String null // ByteString ) } test("convert protobuf with byte string") { val bytes = Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4) val protoMessage = SimpleMessage.newBuilder() .setByteString(ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)) .build messageToRow(protoMessage).toSeq.last shouldBe bytes } test("convert protobuf with repeated fields") { val protoMessage = Person.newBuilder() .setName("test") .setId(0) .addAddress("ABC") .addAddress("CDE") .addPhone(PhoneNumber.newBuilder().setNumber("12345").setType(Person.PhoneType.MOBILE)) .build val protoRow = messageToRow(protoMessage) protoRow shouldBe Row("test", 0, null, Seq(Row("12345", "MOBILE")), Seq("ABC", "CDE"), null) } test("convert protobuf with empty repeated fields") { val protoMessage = Person.newBuilder().setName("test").setId(0).build() val protoRow = messageToRow(protoMessage) protoRow shouldBe Row("test", 0, null, Seq(), Seq(), null) } }
Example 68
Source File: EventRecord.scala From tensorflow_scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto import trait EventRecord[T] { val wallTime: Double val step: Long val value: T } case class ScalarEventRecord( override val wallTime: Double, override val step: Long, override val value: Float ) extends EventRecord[Float] case class ImageEventRecord( override val wallTime: Double, override val step: Long, override val value: ImageValue ) extends EventRecord[ImageValue] case class ImageValue(encodedImage: ByteString, width: Int, height: Int, colorSpace: Int) case class AudioEventRecord( override val wallTime: Double, override val step: Long, override val value: AudioValue ) extends EventRecord[AudioValue] case class AudioValue( encodedAudio: ByteString, contentType: String, sampleRate: Float, numChannels: Long, lengthFrames: Long) case class HistogramEventRecord( override val wallTime: Double, override val step: Long, override val value: HistogramValue ) extends EventRecord[HistogramValue] case class HistogramValue( min: Double, max: Double, num: Double, sum: Double, sumSquares: Double, bucketLimits: Seq[Double], buckets: Seq[Double]) case class CompressedHistogramEventRecord( override val wallTime: Double, override val step: Long, override val value: Seq[HistogramValue] ) extends EventRecord[Seq[HistogramValue]] case class TensorEventRecord( override val wallTime: Double, override val step: Long, override val value: TensorProto ) extends EventRecord[TensorProto]
Example 69
Source File: InMemoryTraceBackendServiceIntegrationTestSpec.scala From haystack-traces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import{ReadSpansRequest, TraceRecord, WriteSpansRequest} import class InMemoryTraceBackendServiceIntegrationTestSpec extends BaseIntegrationTestSpec { describe("In Memory Persistence Service read trace records") { it("should get trace records for given traceID from in memory") { Given("trace-record ") val traceId = UUID.randomUUID().toString val serializedSpans = createSerializedSpanBuffer(traceId) val traceRecord = TraceRecord.newBuilder() .setTraceId(traceId) .setSpans(ByteString.copyFrom(serializedSpans)) .setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) .build() When("write span is invoked") val writeSpanRequest = WriteSpansRequest.newBuilder().addRecords(traceRecord).build() val response = client.writeSpans(writeSpanRequest) Then("should be able to retrieve the trace-record back") val readSpansResponse = client.readSpans(ReadSpansRequest.newBuilder().addTraceIds(traceId).build()) readSpansResponse.getRecordsCount shouldBe 1 readSpansResponse.getRecordsCount shouldEqual 1 readSpansResponse.getRecordsList.get(0).getTraceId shouldEqual traceId } } }
Example 70
Source File: CassandraTraceRecordReadResultListener.scala From haystack-traces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.codahale.metrics.{Meter, Timer} import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException import com.datastax.driver.core.{ResultSet, ResultSetFuture, Row} import import import import import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Promise import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object CassandraTraceRecordReadResultListener { protected val LOGGER: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[CassandraTraceRecordReadResultListener]) } class CassandraTraceRecordReadResultListener(asyncResult: ResultSetFuture, timer: Timer.Context, failure: Meter, promise: Promise[Seq[TraceRecord]]) extends Runnable { import CassandraTraceRecordReadResultListener._ override def run(): Unit = { timer.close() Try(asyncResult.get) .flatMap(tryGetTraceRows) .flatMap(mapTraceRecords) match { case Success(records) => promise.success(records) case Failure(ex) => if (fatalError(ex)) { LOGGER.error("Fatal error in reading from cassandra, tearing down the app", ex) } else { LOGGER.error("Failed in reading the record from cassandra", ex) } failure.mark() promise.failure(ex) } } private def fatalError(ex: Throwable): Boolean = { if (ex.isInstanceOf[NoHostAvailableException]) true else ex.getCause != null && fatalError(ex.getCause) } private def tryGetTraceRows(resultSet: ResultSet): Try[Seq[Row]] = { val rows = resultSet.all().asScala if (rows.isEmpty) Failure(new RuntimeException()) else Success(rows) } private def mapTraceRecords(rows: Seq[Row]): Try[List[TraceRecord]] = { Try { => { val spanBytes = row.getBytes(CassandraTableSchema.SPANS_COLUMN_NAME).array() val timeStamp = row.getLong(CassandraTableSchema.TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME) val traceId = row.getString(CassandraTableSchema.ID_COLUMN_NAME) val record = TraceRecord.newBuilder() .setSpans(ByteString.copyFrom(spanBytes)) .setTimestamp(timeStamp) .setTraceId(traceId) .build() record }).toList } } }
Example 71
Source File: BigSamplerProto.scala From ratatool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.ratatool.samplers import import{AbstractMessage, ByteString} import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.reflect.ClassTag private[samplers] object BigSamplerProto { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BigSamplerProto.getClass) private[samplers] def buildKey(distributionFields: Seq[String])(m: AbstractMessage) : List[String] = { => getProtobufField(m, f)).toSet .map { x: Any => // can't call toString on null if (x == null) { "null" } else { x.toString } }.toList.sorted } // scalastyle:off cyclomatic.complexity private[samplers] def hashProtobufField[T <: AbstractMessage : ClassTag](m: T, fieldStr: String, hasher: Hasher) : Hasher = { val subfields = fieldStr.split(BigSampler.fieldSep) val field = Option(m.getDescriptorForType.findFieldByName(subfields.head)).getOrElse { throw new NoSuchElementException(s"Can't find field $fieldStr in protobuf schema") } val v = m.getField(field) if (v == null) { log.debug(s"Field `${field.getFullName}` of type ${field.getType} is null - won't account" + s" for hash") hasher } else { field.getJavaType match { case JavaType.MESSAGE => hashProtobufField( v.asInstanceOf[AbstractMessage], subfields.tail.mkString("."), hasher) case JavaType.INT => hasher.putLong(v.asInstanceOf[Int].toLong) case JavaType.LONG => hasher.putLong(v.asInstanceOf[Long]) case JavaType.FLOAT => hasher.putFloat(v.asInstanceOf[Float]) case JavaType.DOUBLE => hasher.putDouble(v.asInstanceOf[Double]) case JavaType.BOOLEAN => hasher.putBoolean(v.asInstanceOf[Boolean]) case JavaType.STRING => hasher.putString(v.asInstanceOf[CharSequence], BigSampler.utf8Charset) case JavaType.BYTE_STRING => hasher.putBytes(v.asInstanceOf[ByteString].toByteArray) case JavaType.ENUM => hasher.putString(v.asInstanceOf[Enum[_]].name, BigSampler.utf8Charset) // Array, Union } } } // scalastyle:on cyclomatic.complexity // scalastyle:off cyclomatic.complexity private[samplers] def getProtobufField[T <: AbstractMessage : ClassTag](m: T, fieldStr: String) : Any = { val subfields = fieldStr.split(BigSampler.fieldSep) val field = Option(m.getDescriptorForType.findFieldByName(subfields.head)).getOrElse { throw new NoSuchElementException(s"Can't find field $fieldStr in protobuf schema") } val v = m.getField(field) if (v == null) { log.debug(s"Field `${field.getFullName}` of type ${field.getType} is null - won't account" + s" for key") } else { field.getJavaType match { case JavaType.MESSAGE => getProtobufField( v.asInstanceOf[AbstractMessage], subfields.tail.mkString(".")) case _ => v } } } // scalastyle:on cyclomatic.complexity }
Example 72
Source File: MessageSerializer.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkageneric.serialization import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntime.KeyedCommand import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.{ Command, CommandResult } import import akka.serialization.{ BaseSerializer, SerializerWithStringManifest } import import scodec.bits.BitVector import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap class MessageSerializer(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends SerializerWithStringManifest with BaseSerializer { val KeyedCommandManifest = "A" val CommandManifest = "B" val CommandResultManifest = "C" private val fromBinaryMap = HashMap[String, Array[Byte] => AnyRef]( KeyedCommandManifest -> keyedCommandFromBinary, CommandManifest -> commandFromBinary, CommandResultManifest -> commandResultFromBinary ) override def manifest(o: AnyRef): String = o match { case KeyedCommand(_, _) => KeyedCommandManifest case Command(_) => CommandManifest case CommandResult(_) => CommandResultManifest case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = o match { case Command(bytes) => bytes.toByteArray case CommandResult(bytes) => bytes.toByteArray case x @ KeyedCommand(_, _) => entityCommandToBinary(x) case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = fromBinaryMap.get(manifest) match { case Some(f) => f(bytes) case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown manifest [$other]") } private def entityCommandToBinary(a: KeyedCommand): Array[Byte] = msg.KeyedCommand(a.key, ByteString.copyFrom(a.bytes.toByteBuffer)).toByteArray private def keyedCommandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): KeyedCommand = msg.KeyedCommand.parseFrom(bytes) match { case msg.KeyedCommand(key, commandBytes) => KeyedCommand(key, BitVector(commandBytes.asReadOnlyByteBuffer())) } private def commandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): Command = Command(BitVector(bytes)) private def commandResultFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): CommandResult = CommandResult(BitVector(bytes)) }
Example 73
Source File: MessageSerializer.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.serialization import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime.EntityCommand import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.{ CommandResult, HandleCommand } import import akka.serialization.{ BaseSerializer, SerializerWithStringManifest } import import scodec.bits.BitVector import scala.collection.immutable._ class MessageSerializer(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends SerializerWithStringManifest with BaseSerializer { val HandleCommandManifest = "A" val EntityCommandManifest = "B" val CommandResultManifest = "C" private val fromBinaryMap = HashMap[String, Array[Byte] => AnyRef]( HandleCommandManifest -> handleCommandFromBinary, EntityCommandManifest -> entityCommandFromBinary, CommandResultManifest -> commandResultFromBinary ) override def manifest(o: AnyRef): String = o match { case HandleCommand(_) => HandleCommandManifest case EntityCommand(_, _) => EntityCommandManifest case CommandResult(_) => CommandResultManifest case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = o match { case x @ HandleCommand(_) => x.commandBytes.toByteArray case _ @CommandResult(resultBytes) => resultBytes.toByteArray case x @ EntityCommand(_, _) => entityCommandToBinary(x) case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = fromBinaryMap.get(manifest) match { case Some(f) => f(bytes) case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown manifest [$other]") } private def entityCommandToBinary(a: EntityCommand): Array[Byte] = msg.EntityCommand(a.entityKey, ByteString.copyFrom(a.commandBytes.toByteBuffer)).toByteArray private def entityCommandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): EntityCommand = msg.EntityCommand.parseFrom(bytes) match { case msg.EntityCommand(entityId, commandBytes) => EntityCommand(entityId, BitVector(commandBytes.asReadOnlyByteBuffer)) } private def handleCommandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): HandleCommand = HandleCommand(BitVector(bytes)) private def commandResultFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): CommandResult = CommandResult(BitVector(bytes)) }
Example 74
Source File: TestServiceImpl.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.interop import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.collection.immutable import akka.grpc.scaladsl.{GrpcMarshalling} import akka.NotUsed import import akka.grpc._ import{Flow, Source} import{ Materializer, SystemMaterializer } import import io.grpc.{ Status, StatusRuntimeException } // Generated by our plugin import io.grpc.testing.integration.test.TestService import io.grpc.testing.integration.messages._ import io.grpc.testing.integration.empty.Empty object TestServiceImpl { val parametersToResponseFlow: Flow[ResponseParameters, StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[ResponseParameters] .map { parameters => StreamingOutputCallResponse( Some(Payload(body = ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](parameters.size))))) } } class TestServiceImpl(implicit sys: ActorSystem) extends TestService { import TestServiceImpl._ implicit val mat: Materializer = SystemMaterializer(sys).materializer implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = sys.dispatcher override def emptyCall(req: Empty) = Future.successful(Empty()) override def unaryCall(req: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = { req.responseStatus match { case None => Future.successful(SimpleResponse(Some(Payload(ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](req.responseSize)))))) case Some(requestStatus) => val responseStatus = Status.fromCodeValue(requestStatus.code).withDescription(requestStatus.message) // - Either one of the following works Future.failed(new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus)) // throw new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus) } } override def cacheableUnaryCall(in: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = ??? override def fullDuplexCall(in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = => { req.responseStatus.foreach(reqStatus => throw new GrpcServiceException( Status.fromCodeValue(reqStatus.code).withDescription(reqStatus.message))) req }).mapConcat([immutable.Seq]).via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def halfDuplexCall(in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = ??? override def streamingInputCall(in: Source[StreamingInputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Future[StreamingInputCallResponse] = { in .map( .runFold(0)(_ + _) .map { sum => StreamingInputCallResponse(sum) } } override def streamingOutputCall(in: StreamingOutputCallRequest): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Source([immutable.Seq]).via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def unimplementedCall(in: Empty): Future[Empty] = ??? }
Example 75
Source File: TestServiceImpl.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.interop import akka.NotUsed import import akka.grpc.GrpcServiceException import{ Materializer, SystemMaterializer } import{ Flow, Source } import import io.grpc.Status import io.grpc.testing.integration.empty.Empty import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } // Generated by our plugin import io.grpc.testing.integration.messages._ import io.grpc.testing.integration.test.TestService object TestServiceImpl { val parametersToResponseFlow: Flow[ResponseParameters, StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[ResponseParameters].map { parameters => StreamingOutputCallResponse(Some(Payload(body = ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](parameters.size))))) } } class TestServiceImpl(implicit sys: ActorSystem) extends TestService { import TestServiceImpl._ implicit val mat: Materializer = SystemMaterializer(sys).materializer implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = sys.dispatcher override def emptyCall(req: Empty) = Future.successful(Empty()) override def unaryCall(req: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = req.responseStatus match { case None => Future.successful(SimpleResponse(Some(Payload(ByteString.copyFrom(new Array[Byte](req.responseSize)))))) case Some(requestStatus) => val responseStatus = Status.fromCodeValue(requestStatus.code).withDescription(requestStatus.message) // - Either one of the following works // Future.failed(new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus)) throw new GrpcServiceException(responseStatus) } override def cacheableUnaryCall(in: SimpleRequest): Future[SimpleResponse] = ??? override def fullDuplexCall( in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = => { req.responseStatus.foreach(reqStatus => throw new GrpcServiceException(Status.fromCodeValue(reqStatus.code).withDescription(reqStatus.message))) req }).mapConcat(_.responseParameters.toList) .via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def halfDuplexCall( in: Source[StreamingOutputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = ??? override def streamingInputCall(in: Source[StreamingInputCallRequest, NotUsed]): Future[StreamingInputCallResponse] = + _).map { sum => StreamingInputCallResponse(sum) } override def streamingOutputCall(in: StreamingOutputCallRequest): Source[StreamingOutputCallResponse, NotUsed] = Source(in.responseParameters.toList).via(parametersToResponseFlow) override def unimplementedCall(in: Empty): Future[Empty] = ??? }
Example 76
Source File: TestCaseAllFields.scala From protoless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.protoless.tests.samples import import io.protoless.tag._ import io.protoless.tests.samples.Schemas.Color case class TestCaseAllFields( d: Double, f: Float, i: Int, l: Long, ui: Int @@ Unsigned, ul: Long @@ Unsigned, si: Int @@ Signed, sl: Long @@ Signed, fi: Int @@ Fixed, fl: Long @@ Fixed, sfi: Int @@ Signed with Fixed, sfl: Long @@ Signed with Fixed, b: Boolean, s: String, by: ByteString, c: Colors.Color ) object TestCaseAllFields extends TestCase[TestCaseAllFields] { override val source: TestCaseAllFields = TestCaseAllFields( d = Double.MaxValue, f = Float.MaxValue, i = Int.MaxValue, l = Long.MaxValue, ui = unsigned(100), ul = unsigned(100L), si = signed(Int.MinValue), sl = signed(Long.MinValue), fi = fixed(Int.MaxValue), fl = fixed(Long.MaxValue), sfi = signedFixed(Int.MinValue), sfl = signedFixed(Long.MinValue), b = true, s = "Я тебя люблю", by = ByteString.copyFrom("Coucou", "utf8"), c = Colors.Green ) override val protobuf: ProtoSerializable = ProtoSerializable(Schemas.Optional.newBuilder() .setDoubleField(source.d) .setFloatField(source.f) .setInt32Field(source.i) .setInt64Field(source.l) .setUint32Field(source.ui) .setUint64Field(source.ul) .setSint32Field( .setSint64Field( .setFixed32Field( .setFixed64Field(source.fl) .setSfixed32Field(source.sfi) .setSfixed64Field(source.sfl) .setBoolField(source.b) .setStringField(source.s) .setBytesField( .setColorField(Color.GREEN) .build()) }
Example 77
Source File: AccountsApiGrpcImpl.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import import{BytesValue, StringValue} import com.wavesplatform.account.{Address, Alias} import com.wavesplatform.api.common.CommonAccountsApi import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.Amount import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.PBTransactions import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.concurrent.Future class AccountsApiGrpcImpl(commonApi: CommonAccountsApi)(implicit sc: Scheduler) extends AccountsApiGrpc.AccountsApi { private def loadWavesBalance(address: Address): BalanceResponse = { val details = commonApi.balanceDetails(address) BalanceResponse().withWaves( BalanceResponse.WavesBalances( details.regular, details.generating, details.available, details.effective, details.leaseIn, details.leaseOut ) ) } private def assetBalanceResponse(v: (Asset.IssuedAsset, Long)): BalanceResponse = BalanceResponse().withAsset(Amount(, v._2)) override def getBalances(request: BalancesRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[BalanceResponse]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val addressOption: Option[Address] = if (request.address.isEmpty) None else Some(request.address.toAddress) val assetIds: Seq[Asset] = => if (id.isEmpty) Asset.Waves else Asset.IssuedAsset(ByteStr(id.toByteArray))) val responseStream = (addressOption, assetIds) match { case (Some(address), Seq()) => Observable(loadWavesBalance(address)) ++ commonApi.portfolio(address).map(assetBalanceResponse) case (Some(address), nonEmptyList) => Observable .fromIterable(nonEmptyList) .map { case Asset.Waves => loadWavesBalance(address) case ia: Asset.IssuedAsset => assetBalanceResponse(ia -> commonApi.assetBalance(address, ia)) } case (None, Seq(_)) => // todo: asset distribution Observable.empty case (None, _) => // multiple distributions are not supported Observable.empty } responseObserver.completeWith(responseStream) } override def getScript(request: AccountRequest): Future[ScriptData] = Future { commonApi.script(request.address.toAddress) match { case Some(desc) => ScriptData(PBTransactions.toPBScript(Some(desc.script)), desc.script.expr.toString, desc.verifierComplexity) case None => ScriptData() } } override def getActiveLeases(request: AccountRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[TransactionResponse]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val transactions = commonApi.activeLeases(request.address.toAddress) val result = { case (height, transaction) => TransactionResponse(, height, Some(transaction.toPB)) } responseObserver.completeWith(result) } override def getDataEntries(request: DataRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[DataEntryResponse]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val stream = if (request.key.nonEmpty) { Observable.fromIterable(, request.key)) } else { commonApi.dataStream(request.address.toAddress, Option(request.key).filter(_.nonEmpty)) } responseObserver.completeWith( => DataEntryResponse(request.address, Some(PBTransactions.toPBDataEntry(de))))) } override def resolveAlias(request: StringValue): Future[BytesValue] = Future { val result = for { alias <- Alias.create(request.value) address <- commonApi.resolveAlias(alias) } yield BytesValue(ByteString.copyFrom(address.bytes)) result.explicitGetErr() } }
Example 78
Source File: PBImplicitConversions.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import import com.wavesplatform.account.{Address, AddressScheme, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.block.BlockHeader import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._ import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.block.{PBBlock, PBBlocks, VanillaBlock} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction._ import com.wavesplatform.{block => vb} //noinspection ScalaStyle trait PBImplicitConversions { implicit class VanillaTransactionConversions(tx: VanillaTransaction) { def toPB: PBSignedTransaction = PBTransactions.protobuf(tx) } implicit class PBSignedTransactionConversions(tx: PBSignedTransaction) { def toVanilla: Either[ValidationError, VanillaTransaction] = PBTransactions.vanilla(tx) } implicit class VanillaBlockConversions(block: VanillaBlock) { def toPB: PBBlock = PBBlocks.protobuf(block) } implicit class PBBlockHeaderConversionOps(header: PBBlock.Header) { def toVanilla(signature: ByteStr): vb.BlockHeader = { BlockHeader( header.version.toByte, header.timestamp, header.reference.toByteStr, header.baseTarget, header.generationSignature.toByteStr, header.generator.toPublicKey,, header.rewardVote, header.transactionsRoot.toByteStr ) } } implicit class VanillaHeaderConversionOps(header: vb.BlockHeader) { def toPBHeader: PBBlock.Header = PBBlock.Header( 0: Byte, header.reference.toPBByteString, header.baseTarget, header.generationSignature.toPBByteString,, header.timestamp, header.version, header.generator, header.rewardVote, ByteString.copyFrom(header.transactionsRoot.arr) ) } implicit class PBRecipientConversions(r: Recipient) { def toAddress = PBRecipients.toAddress(r, AddressScheme.current.chainId).explicitGet() def toAddressOrAlias = PBRecipients.toAddressOrAlias(r, AddressScheme.current.chainId).explicitGet() } implicit class VanillaByteStrConversions(bytes: ByteStr) { def toPBByteString = ByteString.copyFrom(bytes.arr) } implicit class PBByteStringConversions(bytes: ByteString) { def toByteStr = ByteStr(bytes.toByteArray) def toPublicKey = PublicKey(bytes.toByteArray) def toAddress: Address = PBRecipients.toAddress(bytes.toByteArray, AddressScheme.current.chainId).fold(ve => throw new IllegalArgumentException(ve.toString), identity) } implicit def vanillaByteStrToPBByteString(bs: ByteStr): ByteString = bs.toPBByteString implicit def pbByteStringToVanillaByteStr(bs: ByteString): ByteStr = bs.toByteStr private[this] implicit def shortToInt(s: Short): Int = { java.lang.Short.toUnsignedInt(s) } private[this] def intToShort(int: Int): Short = { require(int.isValidShort, s"Short overflow: $int") int.toShort } }
Example 79
Source File: BlockchainApiGrpcImpl.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import import import com.wavesplatform.features.{BlockchainFeatureStatus, BlockchainFeatures} import com.wavesplatform.settings.FeaturesSettings import com.wavesplatform.state.Blockchain import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Future class BlockchainApiGrpcImpl(blockchain: Blockchain, featuresSettings: FeaturesSettings)(implicit sc: Scheduler) extends BlockchainApiGrpc.BlockchainApi { override def getActivationStatus(request: ActivationStatusRequest): Future[ActivationStatusResponse] = Future { val functionalitySettings = blockchain.settings.functionalitySettings ActivationStatusResponse( request.height, functionalitySettings.activationWindowSize(request.height), functionalitySettings.blocksForFeatureActivation(request.height), functionalitySettings.activationWindow(request.height).last, (blockchain.featureVotes(request.height).keySet ++ blockchain.approvedFeatures.keySet ++ BlockchainFeatures.implemented) => { val status = blockchain.featureStatus(id, request.height) match { case BlockchainFeatureStatus.Undefined => FeatureActivationStatus.BlockchainFeatureStatus.UNDEFINED case BlockchainFeatureStatus.Approved => FeatureActivationStatus.BlockchainFeatureStatus.APPROVED case BlockchainFeatureStatus.Activated => FeatureActivationStatus.BlockchainFeatureStatus.ACTIVATED } FeatureActivationStatus( id, BlockchainFeatures.feature(id).fold("Unknown feature")(_.description), status, (BlockchainFeatures.implemented.contains(id), featuresSettings.supported.contains(id)) match { case (false, _) => FeatureActivationStatus.NodeFeatureStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED case (_, true) => FeatureActivationStatus.NodeFeatureStatus.VOTED case _ => FeatureActivationStatus.NodeFeatureStatus.IMPLEMENTED }, blockchain.featureActivationHeight(id).getOrElse(0), if (status.isUndefined) blockchain.featureVotes(request.height).getOrElse(id, 0) else 0 ) }) ) } override def getBaseTarget(request: Empty): Future[BaseTargetResponse] = Future { BaseTargetResponse(blockchain.lastBlockHeader.get.header.baseTarget) } override def getCumulativeScore(request: Empty): Future[ScoreResponse] = Future { ScoreResponse(ByteString.copyFrom(blockchain.score.toByteArray)) } }
Example 80
Source File: RollbackBenchmark.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform import import import import com.wavesplatform.account.{Address, AddressScheme, KeyPair} import com.wavesplatform.block.Block import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._ import com.wavesplatform.database.{LevelDBWriter, openDB} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.PBRecipients import com.wavesplatform.state.{Diff, Portfolio} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{GenesisTransaction, Proofs} import com.wavesplatform.utils.{NTP, ScorexLogging} import monix.reactive.Observer object RollbackBenchmark extends ScorexLogging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val settings = Application.loadApplicationConfig(Some(new File(args(0)))) val db = openDB( val time = new NTP(settings.ntpServer) val levelDBWriter = LevelDBWriter(db, Observer.stopped, settings) val issuer = KeyPair(new Array[Byte](32))"Generating addresses") val addresses = 1 to 18000 map { i => PBRecipients.toAddress(Ints.toByteArray(i) ++ new Array[Byte](Address.HashLength - 4), AddressScheme.current.chainId).explicitGet() }"Generating issued assets") val assets = 1 to 200 map { i => IssueTransaction( 1.toByte, issuer.publicKey, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("asset-" + i), ByteString.EMPTY, 100000e2.toLong, 2.toByte, false, None, 1e8.toLong, time.getTimestamp(), Proofs(ByteStr(new Array[Byte](64))), AddressScheme.current.chainId ) }"Building genesis block") val genesisBlock = Block .buildAndSign( 1.toByte, time.getTimestamp(), Block.GenesisReference, 1000, Block.GenesisGenerationSignature, GenesisTransaction.create(issuer.publicKey.toAddress, 100000e8.toLong, time.getTimestamp()).explicitGet() +: assets, issuer, Seq.empty, -1 ) .explicitGet() val map = => IssuedAsset( -> 1L).toMap val portfolios = for { address <- addresses } yield address -> Portfolio(assets = map)"Appending genesis block") levelDBWriter.append( Diff.empty.copy(portfolios = portfolios.toMap), 0, 0, None, genesisBlock.header.generationSignature, genesisBlock ) val nextBlock = Block .buildAndSign(2.toByte, time.getTimestamp(),, 1000, Block.GenesisGenerationSignature, Seq.empty, issuer, Seq.empty, -1) .explicitGet() val nextDiff = Diff.empty.copy(portfolios = -> Portfolio(1, assets = Map(IssuedAsset( -> 1L))).toMap)"Appending next block") levelDBWriter.append(nextDiff, 0, 0, None, ByteStr.empty, nextBlock)"Rolling back") val start = System.nanoTime() levelDBWriter.rollbackTo( val end = System.nanoTime()"Rollback took ${(end - start) * 1e-6}%.3f ms") levelDBWriter.close() } }
Example 81
Source File: FunctionTypeMapper.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.contract.meta import cats.implicits._ import import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.compiler.Types.FINAL import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.dapp.DAppMeta import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.dapp.DAppMeta.CallableFuncSignature class FunctionTypeMapper(mapper: TypeBitMapper, version: MetaVersion) { def toProto(funcTypes: List[List[FINAL]]): Either[String, DAppMeta] = funcTypes .traverse(funcToProto) .map(DAppMeta(version.number, _)) private def funcToProto(types: List[FINAL]): Either[String, CallableFuncSignature] = types .traverse(t => mapper.toIndex(t).map(_.toByte)) .map(_.toArray) .map(ByteString.copyFrom) .map(CallableFuncSignature(_)) def fromProto(meta: DAppMeta): Either[String, List[List[FINAL]]] = meta.funcs.toList.traverse(protoToFunc) private def protoToFunc(funcs: CallableFuncSignature): Either[String, List[FINAL]] = funcs.types.toByteArray.toList .traverse(b => mapper.fromIndex(b.toInt)) }
Example 82
Source File: GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.wavesplatform.account.{Address, KeyPair} import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2 import import import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.{PBRecipients, PBTransactions, Recipient} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.transfer.TransferTransaction import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, RecoverMethods, Suite} trait GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress extends BeforeAndAfterAll with Matchers with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience with RecoverMethods with IntegrationTestsScheme with Nodes with ScorexLogging { this: Suite => def miner: Node = nodes.head def notMiner: Node = nodes.last protected def sender: Node = miner protected lazy val firstAcc: KeyPair = KeyPair("first_acc".getBytes("UTF-8")) protected lazy val secondAcc: KeyPair = KeyPair("second_acc".getBytes("UTF-8")) protected lazy val thirdAcc: KeyPair = KeyPair("third_acc".getBytes("UTF-8")) protected lazy val firstAddress: ByteString = PBRecipients.create(Address.fromPublicKey(firstAcc.publicKey)).getPublicKeyHash protected lazy val secondAddress: ByteString = PBRecipients.create(Address.fromPublicKey(secondAcc.publicKey)).getPublicKeyHash protected lazy val thirdAddress: ByteString = PBRecipients.create(Address.fromPublicKey(thirdAcc.publicKey)).getPublicKeyHash abstract protected override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() val defaultBalance: Long = 100.waves def dumpBalances(node: Node, accounts: Seq[ByteString], label: String): Unit = { accounts.foreach(acc => { val balance = miner.wavesBalance(acc).available val eff = miner.wavesBalance(acc).effective val formatted = s"$acc: balance = $balance, effective = $eff" log.debug(s"$label account balance:\n$formatted") }) } def waitForTxsToReachAllNodes(txIds: Seq[String]): Unit = { val txNodePairs = for { txId <- txIds node <- nodes } yield (node, txId) txNodePairs.foreach({ case (node, tx) => node.waitForTransaction(tx) }) } def makeTransfers(accounts: Seq[ByteString]): Seq[String] = { acc => PBTransactions .vanilla( sender.broadcastTransfer(sender.keyPair, Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(acc), defaultBalance, sender.fee(TransferTransaction.typeId)) ) .explicitGet() .id() .toString } def correctStartBalancesFuture(): Unit = { nodes.foreach(n => n.waitForHeight(2)) val accounts = Seq(firstAddress, secondAddress, thirdAddress) dumpBalances(sender, accounts, "initial") val txs = makeTransfers(accounts) val height = withClue(s"waitForHeight(${height + 2})") { nodes.foreach(n => n.waitForHeight(height + 1)) nodes.foreach(n => n.waitForHeight(height + 2)) } withClue("waitForTxsToReachAllNodes") { waitForTxsToReachAllNodes(txs) } dumpBalances(sender, accounts, "after transfer") accounts.foreach(acc => miner.wavesBalance(acc).available shouldBe defaultBalance) accounts.foreach(acc => miner.wavesBalance(acc).effective shouldBe defaultBalance) } withClue("beforeAll") { correctStartBalancesFuture() } } }
Example 83
Source File: GetTransactionGrpcSuite.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.{Base58, EitherExt2} import import import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.{PBRecipients, PBTransactions, Recipient} class GetTransactionGrpcSuite extends GrpcBaseTransactionSuite { test("get transaction by sender, by recipient, by sender&recipient and id") { val txId = PBTransactions.vanilla( sender.broadcastTransfer(firstAcc, Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(secondAddress), transferAmount, minFee, waitForTx = true) ).explicitGet().id().toString val transactionBySenderAndId = sender.getTransaction(sender = firstAddress, id = txId).getTransaction val transactionByRecipientAndId = sender.getTransaction(recipient = Some(Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(secondAddress)), id = txId).getTransaction val transactionBySenderRecipientAndId = sender.getTransaction(sender = firstAddress, recipient = Some(Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(secondAddress)), id = txId).getTransaction transactionBySenderAndId.senderPublicKey shouldBe ByteString.copyFrom(Base58.decode(firstAcc.publicKey.toString)) transactionByRecipientAndId.getTransfer.getRecipient shouldBe PBRecipients.create(secondAcc.toAddress) transactionBySenderRecipientAndId.senderPublicKey shouldBe ByteString.copyFrom(Base58.decode(firstAcc.publicKey.toString)) transactionBySenderRecipientAndId.getTransfer.getRecipient shouldBe PBRecipients.create(secondAcc.toAddress) } test("get multiple transactions") { val txs = List.fill(10)(sender.broadcastTransfer(thirdAcc, Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(secondAddress), transferAmount / 10, minFee, waitForTx = true)) val txsIds = => PBTransactions.vanilla(tx).explicitGet().id().toString) val transactionsByIds = sender.getTransactionSeq(txsIds, sender = thirdAddress, recipient = Some(Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(secondAddress))) transactionsByIds.size shouldBe 10 for(tx <- transactionsByIds) { tx.getTransaction.getTransaction.senderPublicKey shouldBe ByteString.copyFrom(thirdAcc.publicKey.arr) tx.getTransaction.getTransaction.getTransfer.getRecipient shouldBe PBRecipients.create(secondAcc.toAddress) } } }
Example 84
Source File: InvokeScriptErrorMsgGrpcSuite.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.{Base58, EitherExt2} import import import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.estimator.v2.ScriptEstimatorV2 import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.Amount import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.{PBTransactions, Recipient} import import io.grpc.Status.Code class InvokeScriptErrorMsgGrpcSuite extends GrpcBaseTransactionSuite { private val (contract, contractAddress) = (firstAcc, firstAddress) private val caller = secondAcc protected override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() val scriptText = """ |{-# STDLIB_VERSION 3 #-} |{-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-} | |@Callable(inv) |func default() = { | let pmt = inv.payment.extract() | TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId), | ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 1, pmt.assetId)]) |} |""".stripMargin val contractScript = ScriptCompiler.compile(scriptText, ScriptEstimatorV2).explicitGet()._1 sender.setScript(contract, Right(Some(contractScript)), setScriptFee, waitForTx = true) sender.setScript(caller, Right(Some(script)), setScriptFee, waitForTx = true) } test("cannot invoke script without having enough fee; error message is informative") { val asset1 = PBTransactions .vanilla( sender.broadcastIssue( caller, "ScriptedAsset", someAssetAmount, decimals = 0, reissuable = true, fee = issueFee + smartFee, script = Right(Some(script)), waitForTx = true ) ) .explicitGet() .id() .toString val payments = Seq(Amount.of(ByteString.copyFrom(Base58.decode(asset1)), 10)) assertGrpcError( sender.broadcastInvokeScript( caller, Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(contractAddress), None, payments = payments, fee = 1000 ), "Transaction sent from smart account. Requires 400000 extra fee. Transaction involves 1 scripted assets", Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT ) val tx = sender.broadcastInvokeScript( caller, Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(contractAddress), None, payments = payments, fee = 1300000, waitForTx = true ) sender .stateChanges( ._2 .error .get .text should include regex "Fee in WAVES for InvokeScriptTransaction .* with 12 total scripts invoked does not exceed minimal value" } }
Example 85
Source File: BlockV5GrpcSuite.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.wavesplatform.api.grpc.BlockRangeRequest import com.wavesplatform.block.Block import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.crypto import import import import{GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress, NodeConfigs, ReportingTestName} import org.scalatest.{CancelAfterFailure, FreeSpec, Matchers, OptionValues} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class BlockV5GrpcSuite extends FreeSpec with Matchers with CancelAfterFailure with NodesFromDocker with ActivationStatusRequest with ReportingTestName with OptionValues with GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress { override def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] = NodeConfigs.newBuilder .overrideBase(_.quorum(0)) .withDefault(1) .withSpecial(1, _.nonMiner) .buildNonConflicting() "block v5 appears and blockchain grows" - { "when feature activation happened" in { sender.waitForHeight(sender.height + 1, 2.minutes) val currentHeight = sender.height val blockV5 = sender.blockAt(currentHeight) val blockV5ById = sender.blockById(ByteString.copyFrom( blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion shouldBe crypto.DigestLength blockV5.signature.arr.length shouldBe crypto.SignatureLength blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid") blockV5ById.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion blockV5ById.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength assert(blockV5ById.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid") sender.waitForHeight(currentHeight + 1, 2.minutes) val blockAfterVRFUsing = sender.blockAt(currentHeight + 1) val blockAfterVRFUsingById = sender.blockById(ByteString.copyFrom( blockAfterVRFUsing.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion blockAfterVRFUsing.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength ByteStr(sender.blockHeaderAt(currentHeight + 1).reference.toByteArray) shouldBe blockAfterVRFUsingById.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion blockAfterVRFUsingById.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength assert(blockAfterVRFUsingById.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid") val blockSeqOfBlocksV5 = sender.blockSeq(currentHeight, currentHeight + 2) for (blockV5 <- blockSeqOfBlocksV5) { blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid") } val blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByAddress = sender.blockSeqByAddress(miner.address, currentHeight, currentHeight + 2) for (blockV5 <- blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByAddress) { blockV5.header.generator shouldBe miner.keyPair.publicKey blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid") } val blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByPKGrpc = NodeExtGrpc(sender).blockSeq( currentHeight, currentHeight + 2, BlockRangeRequest.Filter.GeneratorPublicKey(ByteString.copyFrom(miner.keyPair.publicKey.arr)) ) for (blockV5 <- blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByPKGrpc) { blockV5.header.generator shouldBe miner.keyPair.publicKey blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid") } } } }
Example 86
Source File: PBAmounts.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction import import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.Amount import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.{IssuedAsset, Waves} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.utils.PBImplicitConversions._ object PBAmounts { def toPBAssetId(asset: Asset): ByteString = asset match { case Asset.IssuedAsset(id) => id.toByteString case Asset.Waves => ByteString.EMPTY } def toVanillaAssetId(byteStr: ByteString): Asset = { if (byteStr.isEmpty) Waves else IssuedAsset(byteStr.toByteStr) } def fromAssetAndAmount(asset: Asset, amount: Long): Amount = Amount(toPBAssetId(asset), amount) def toAssetAndAmount(value: Amount): (Asset, Long) = (toVanillaAssetId(value.assetId), value.amount) }
Example 87
Source File: PBRecipients.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction import import import com.wavesplatform.account._ import com.wavesplatform.crypto import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.GenericError object PBRecipients { def create(addressOrAlias: AddressOrAlias): Recipient = addressOrAlias match { case a: Address => Recipient().withPublicKeyHash(ByteString.copyFrom(publicKeyHash(a))) case a: Alias => Recipient().withAlias( case _ => sys.error("Should not happen " + addressOrAlias) } def toAddress(bytes: Array[Byte], chainId: Byte): Either[ValidationError, Address] = bytes.length match { case Address.HashLength => // Compressed address val withHeader = Bytes.concat(Array(Address.AddressVersion, chainId), bytes) val checksum = Address.calcCheckSum(withHeader) Address.fromBytes(Bytes.concat(withHeader, checksum), chainId) case Address.AddressLength => // Regular address Address.fromBytes(bytes, chainId) case crypto.KeyLength => // Public key Right(PublicKey(bytes).toAddress(chainId)) case _ => Left(GenericError(s"Invalid address length: ${bytes.length}")) } def toAddress(r: Recipient, chainId: Byte): Either[ValidationError, Address] = r.recipient match { case Recipient.Recipient.PublicKeyHash(bytes) => toAddress(bytes.toByteArray, chainId) case _ => Left(GenericError(s"Not an address: $r")) } def toAlias(r: Recipient, chainId: Byte): Either[ValidationError, Alias] = r.recipient match { case Recipient.Recipient.Alias(alias) => Alias.createWithChainId(alias, chainId) case _ => Left(GenericError(s"Not an alias: $r")) } def toAddressOrAlias(r: Recipient, chainId: Byte): Either[ValidationError, AddressOrAlias] = { if (r.recipient.isPublicKeyHash) toAddress(r, chainId) else if (r.recipient.isAlias) toAlias(r, chainId) else Left(GenericError(s"Not an address or alias: $r")) } @inline final def publicKeyHash(address: Address): Array[Byte] = address.bytes.slice(2, address.bytes.length - Address.ChecksumLength) }
Example 88
Source File: PBImplicitConversions.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.protobuf.utils import import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.Amount import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction._ import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.{IssuedAsset, Waves} object PBImplicitConversions { import{ByteString => PBByteString} import com.wavesplatform.account.{AddressOrAlias, Address => VAddress, Alias => VAlias} implicit def fromAddressOrAlias(addressOrAlias: AddressOrAlias): Recipient = PBRecipients.create(addressOrAlias) implicit def fromAddress(address: VAddress): PBByteString = PBByteString.copyFrom(address.bytes) implicit class PBRecipientImplicitConversionOps(recipient: Recipient) { def toAddress(chainId: Byte): Either[ValidationError, VAddress] = PBRecipients.toAddress(recipient, chainId) def toAlias(chainId: Byte): Either[ValidationError, VAlias] = PBRecipients.toAlias(recipient, chainId) def toAddressOrAlias(chainId: Byte): Either[ValidationError, AddressOrAlias] = PBRecipients.toAddressOrAlias(recipient, chainId) } implicit class ByteStrExt(val bs: ByteStr) extends AnyVal { def toByteString: PBByteString = ByteString.copyFrom(bs.arr) } implicit class ByteStringExt(val bs: ByteString) extends AnyVal { def toByteStr: ByteStr = ByteStr(bs.toByteArray) } implicit def fromAssetIdAndAmount(v: (VanillaAssetId, Long)): Amount = v match { case (IssuedAsset(assetId), amount) => Amount() .withAssetId(assetId.toByteString) .withAmount(amount) case (Waves, amount) => Amount().withAmount(amount) } implicit class AmountImplicitConversions(a: Amount) { def longAmount: Long = a.amount def vanillaAssetId: Asset = PBAmounts.toVanillaAssetId(a.assetId) } implicit class PBByteStringOps(bs: PBByteString) { def byteStr: ByteStr = ByteStr(bs.toByteArray) def publicKeyAccount: PublicKey = PublicKey(bs.toByteArray) } implicit def byteStringToByte(bytes: ByteString): Byte = if (bytes.isEmpty) 0 else bytes.byteAt(0) implicit def byteToByteString(chainId: Byte): ByteString = { if (chainId == 0) ByteString.EMPTY else ByteString.copyFrom(Array(chainId)) } }
Example 89
Source File: PBBlocks.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.protobuf.block import import com.wavesplatform.account.{AddressScheme, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.block.BlockHeader import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2 import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.block.Block.{Header => PBHeader} import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.PBTransactions import scala.util.Try object PBBlocks { def vanilla(header: PBBlock.Header): BlockHeader = BlockHeader( header.version.toByte, header.timestamp, ByteStr(header.reference.toByteArray), header.baseTarget, ByteStr(header.generationSignature.toByteArray), PublicKey(header.generator.toByteArray),, header.rewardVote, ByteStr(header.transactionsRoot.toByteArray) ) def vanilla(block: PBBlock, unsafe: Boolean = false): Try[VanillaBlock] = Try { require(block.header.isDefined, "block header is missing") val header = block.getHeader val transactions =, unsafe).explicitGet()) VanillaBlock(vanilla(header), ByteStr(block.signature.toByteArray), transactions) } def protobuf(header: BlockHeader): PBHeader = PBBlock.Header( AddressScheme.current.chainId, ByteString.copyFrom(header.reference.arr), header.baseTarget, ByteString.copyFrom(header.generationSignature.arr),, header.timestamp, header.version, ByteString.copyFrom(header.generator.arr), header.rewardVote, ByteString.copyFrom(header.transactionsRoot.arr) ) def protobuf(block: VanillaBlock): PBBlock = { import block._ new PBBlock( Some(protobuf(header)), ByteString.copyFrom(block.signature.arr), ) } def clearChainId(block: PBBlock): PBBlock = { block.update( _.header.chainId := 0, _.transactions.foreach(_.transaction.chainId := 0) ) } def addChainId(block: PBBlock): PBBlock = { val chainId = AddressScheme.current.chainId block.update( _.header.chainId := chainId, _.transactions.foreach(_.transaction.chainId := chainId) ) } }
Example 90
Source File: PBBlockHeaders.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.protobuf.block import import com.wavesplatform.account.{AddressScheme, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.block.BlockHeader import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr object PBBlockHeaders { def protobuf(header: VanillaBlockHeader): PBBlockHeader = { import header._ PBBlock.Header( AddressScheme.current.chainId, ByteString.copyFrom(reference.arr), baseTarget, ByteString.copyFrom(generationSignature.arr),, header.timestamp, header.version, ByteString.copyFrom(generator.arr), header.rewardVote, ByteString.copyFrom(header.transactionsRoot.arr) ) } def vanilla(header: PBBlockHeader): VanillaBlockHeader = BlockHeader( header.version.toByte, header.timestamp, ByteStr(header.reference.toByteArray), header.baseTarget, ByteStr(header.generationSignature.toByteArray), PublicKey(header.generator.toByteArray),, header.rewardVote, ByteStr(header.transactionsRoot.toByteArray) ) private[this] def shortToInt(s: Short): Int = { java.lang.Short.toUnsignedInt(s) } private[this] def intToShort(int: Int): Short = { require(int >= 0 && int <= 65535, s"Short overflow: $int") int.toShort } }
Example 91
Source File: package.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform import import import import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr._ import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.Base58 import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils import play.api.libs.json._ import scala.annotation.tailrec package object utils extends ScorexLogging { private val BytesMaxValue = 256 private val Base58MaxValue = 58 private val BytesLog = math.log(BytesMaxValue) private val BaseLog = math.log(Base58MaxValue) def base58Length(byteArrayLength: Int): Int = math.ceil(BytesLog / BaseLog * byteArrayLength).toInt def forceStopApplication(reason: ApplicationStopReason = Default): Unit = System.exit(reason.code) def humanReadableSize(bytes: Long, si: Boolean = true): String = { val (baseValue, unitStrings) = if (si) (1000, Vector("B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")) else (1024, Vector("B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB")) @tailrec def getExponent(curBytes: Long, baseValue: Int, curExponent: Int = 0): Int = if (curBytes < baseValue) curExponent else { val newExponent = 1 + curExponent getExponent(curBytes / (baseValue * newExponent), baseValue, newExponent) } val exponent = getExponent(bytes, baseValue) val divisor = Math.pow(baseValue, exponent) val unitString = unitStrings(exponent) f"${bytes / divisor}%.1f $unitString" } def humanReadableDuration(duration: Long): String = DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(duration) implicit class Tap[A](a: A) { def tap(g: A => Unit): A = { g(a) a } } def randomBytes(howMany: Int = 32): Array[Byte] = { val r = new Array[Byte](howMany) new SecureRandom().nextBytes(r) //overrides r r } implicit val byteStrFormat: Format[ByteStr] = new Format[ByteStr] { override def writes(o: ByteStr): JsValue = JsString(o.toString) override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[ByteStr] = json match { case JsString(v) if v.startsWith("base64:") => decodeBase64(v.substring(7)).fold(e => JsError(s"Error parsing base64: ${e.getMessage}"), b => JsSuccess(b)) case JsString(v) if v.length > Base58.defaultDecodeLimit => JsError(s"Length ${v.length} exceeds maximum length of 192") case JsString(v) => decodeBase58(v).fold(e => JsError(s"Error parsing base58: ${e.getMessage}"), b => JsSuccess(b)) case _ => JsError("Expected JsString") } } implicit class StringBytes(val s: String) extends AnyVal { def utf8Bytes: Array[Byte] = s.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8) def toByteString: ByteString = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(s) } }
Example 92
Source File: BasicMessagesRepoSpec.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import{ByteString, CodedOutputStream, WireFormat} import com.wavesplatform.TransactionGen import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2 import com.wavesplatform.mining.MiningConstraints import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.block._ import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction._ import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset import import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{DataTransaction, Proofs, TxVersion} import org.scalatest._ class BasicMessagesRepoSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with TransactionGen { "PBBlockSpec max length" in { val maxSizedHeader = PBBlock.Header( Byte.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes64gen.sample.get), Long.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(byteArrayGen(VanillaBlock.GenerationVRFSignatureLength).sample.get), Seq.fill(VanillaBlock.MaxFeaturesInBlock)(Short.MaxValue), Long.MaxValue, Byte.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes32gen.sample.get), Long.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes32gen.sample.get) ) val maxSignature = ByteString.copyFrom(bytes64gen.sample.get) val headerSize = maxSizedHeader.serializedSize val signatureSize = maxSignature.toByteArray.length val headerPBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedHeaderPBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(headerPBPrefix) codedHeaderPBPrefix.writeTag(PBBlock.HEADER_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedHeaderPBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(headerSize) codedHeaderPBPrefix.flush() val signaturePBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedSignaturePBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(signaturePBPrefix) codedSignaturePBPrefix.writeTag(PBBlock.SIGNATURE_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedSignaturePBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(maxSignature.toByteArray.length) codedSignaturePBPrefix.flush() val transactionPBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(transactionPBPrefix) codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix.writeTag(PBBlock.TRANSACTIONS_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(MiningConstraints.MaxTxsSizeInBytes) codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix.flush() val minPossibleTransactionSize = PBTransactions .protobuf( SetScriptTransaction .selfSigned( TxVersion.V2, accountGen.sample.get, None, 1L, 0L ) .explicitGet() ) .serializedSize val maxSize = headerPBPrefix.toByteArray.length + headerSize + signaturePBPrefix.toByteArray.length + signatureSize + MiningConstraints.MaxTxsSizeInBytes + (transactionPBPrefix.toByteArray.length * MiningConstraints.MaxTxsSizeInBytes / minPossibleTransactionSize) maxSize should be <= PBBlockSpec.maxLength } "PBTransactionSpec max length" in { val maxSizeTransaction = PBSignedTransaction( Some( PBTransaction( Byte.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes32gen.sample.get), Some(PBAmounts.fromAssetAndAmount(IssuedAsset(ByteStr(bytes32gen.sample.get)), Long.MaxValue)), Long.MaxValue, Byte.MaxValue ) ), Seq.fill(Proofs.MaxProofs)(ByteString.copyFrom(byteArrayGen(Proofs.MaxProofSize).sample.get)) ) val dataPBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedDataPBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(dataPBPrefix) codedDataPBPrefix.writeTag(Transaction.DATA_TRANSACTION_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedDataPBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(DataTransaction.MaxProtoBytes) codedDataPBPrefix.flush() val size = maxSizeTransaction.serializedSize + dataPBPrefix.toByteArray.length + DataTransaction.MaxProtoBytes size should be <= PBTransactionSpec.maxLength } }
Example 93
Source File: AudioReceiveFrameTimingBench.scala From jvm-toxcore-c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package im.tox.tox4j.impl.jni import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import im.tox.tox4j.av.callbacks.ToxAvEventAdapter import import im.tox.tox4j.av.proto.{ AvEvents, AudioReceiveFrame } import im.tox.tox4j.bench.TimingReport import im.tox.tox4j.bench.ToxBenchBase._ final class AudioReceiveFrameTimingBench extends TimingReport { timing.of[AudioReceiveFrame] { val audioLength = AudioLength.Length60 val channels = AudioChannels.Mono val samplingRate = SamplingRate.Rate48k val frame = AudioReceiveFrame(0, ByteString.copyFrom(ByteBuffer.wrap(Array.ofDim[Byte]( SampleCount(audioLength, samplingRate).value * channels.value * 2 )))) val frames = range("frames")(10000).map { count => AvEvents(audioReceiveFrame = (0 until count) map (_ => frame)).toByteArray } val handler = new ToxAvEventAdapter[Unit] with Serializable performance of "60ms per frame at 48k" in { using(frames) in { eventData => ToxAvEventDispatch.dispatch(handler, eventData)(()) } } } }
Example 94
Source File: VideoReceiveFrameTimingBench.scala From jvm-toxcore-c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package im.tox.tox4j.impl.jni import import im.tox.tox4j.av.callbacks.ToxAvEventAdapter import import im.tox.tox4j.av.proto.{ AvEvents, VideoReceiveFrame } import im.tox.tox4j.bench.TimingReport import im.tox.tox4j.bench.ToxBenchBase._ final class VideoReceiveFrameTimingBench extends TimingReport { timing.of[VideoReceiveFrame] { val width = 100 val height = 100 val y = ByteString.copyFrom(Array.ofDim[Byte](width * height)) val uv = ByteString.copyFrom(Array.ofDim[Byte](width * height / 4)) val frame = VideoReceiveFrame(0, width, height, y, uv, uv, width, width, width) val frames = range("frames")(10000).map { count => AvEvents(videoReceiveFrame = (0 until count) map (_ => frame)).toByteArray } val nonCachingHandler = new ToxAvEventAdapter[Unit] with Serializable val cachingHandler = new ToxAvEventAdapter[Unit] with Serializable { private val cache = Some(( Array.ofDim[Byte](width * height), Array.ofDim[Byte](width * height / 4), Array.ofDim[Byte](width * height / 4) )) override def videoFrameCachedYUV( height: Height, yStride: Int, uStride: Int, vStride: Int ): Option[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte])] = { cache } } performance of s"${width}x$height" in { using(frames) in { eventData => ToxAvEventDispatch.dispatch(nonCachingHandler, eventData)(()) } } performance of s"${width}x$height (cached)" in { using(frames) in { eventData => ToxAvEventDispatch.dispatch(cachingHandler, eventData)(()) } } } }
Example 95
Source File: FeatureEncoder.scala From ecosystem with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.tensorflow.spark.datasources.tfrecords.serde import org.tensorflow.example._ import trait FeatureEncoder[T] { object BytesListFeatureEncoder extends FeatureEncoder[Seq[Array[Byte]]] { override def encode(value: Seq[Array[Byte]]): Feature = { val bytesListBuilder = BytesList.newBuilder() value.foreach {x => bytesListBuilder.addValue(ByteString.copyFrom(x)) } val bytesList = Feature.newBuilder().setBytesList(bytesList).build() } }
Example 96
Source File: MagnolifyTensorFlowExampleTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.examples.extra import import import com.spotify.scio.tensorflow.TFRecordIO import com.spotify.scio.testing._ import org.tensorflow.example._ class MagnolifyTensorFlowExampleTest extends PipelineSpec { val textIn = Seq("a b c d e", "a b a b") val wordCount = Seq(("a", 3L), ("b", 3L), ("c", 1L), ("d", 1L), ("e", 1L)) val examples = { kv => Example .newBuilder() .setFeatures( Features .newBuilder() .putFeature( "word", Feature .newBuilder() .setBytesList(BytesList.newBuilder().addValue(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(kv._1))) .build() ) .putFeature( "count", Feature .newBuilder() .setInt64List(Int64List.newBuilder().addValue(kv._2)) .build() ) ) .build() } val textOut = => kv._1 + ": " + kv._2) "MagnolifyTensorFlowWriteExample" should "work" in { JobTest[com.spotify.scio.examples.extra.MagnolifyTensorFlowWriteExample.type] .args("--input=in.txt", "--output=wc.tfrecords") .input(TextIO("in.txt"), textIn) .output(TFRecordIO("wc.tfrecords")) { should containInAnyOrder(examples) } .run() } "MagnolifyTensorFlowReadExample" should "work" in { JobTest[com.spotify.scio.examples.extra.Magnolify.type] .args("--input=wc.tfrecords", "--output=out.txt") .input(TFRecordIO("wc.tfrecords"), .output(TextIO("out.txt"))(coll => coll should containInAnyOrder(textOut)) .run() } }
Example 97
Source File: BigtableExampleTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.examples.extra import{Mutation, Row} import import com.spotify.scio.bigtable._ import import com.spotify.scio.testing._ class BigtableExampleTest extends PipelineSpec { import BigtableExample._ val bigtableOptions = Seq( "--bigtableProjectId=my-project", "--bigtableInstanceId=my-instance", "--bigtableTableId=my-table" ) val textIn = Seq("a b c d e", "a b a b") val wordCount = Seq(("a", 3L), ("b", 3L), ("c", 1L), ("d", 1L), ("e", 1L)) val expectedMutations = => BigtableExample.toMutation(kv._1, kv._2)) "BigtableV1WriteExample" should "work" in { JobTest[com.spotify.scio.examples.extra.BigtableWriteExample.type] .args(bigtableOptions :+ "--input=in.txt": _*) .input(TextIO("in.txt"), textIn) // format: off .output(BigtableIO[(ByteString, Iterable[Mutation])]( "my-project", "my-instance", "my-table")) { _ should containInAnyOrder(expectedMutations) } // format: on .run() } def toRow(key: String, value: Long): Row = Rows.newRow( ByteString.copyFromUtf8(key), FAMILY_NAME, COLUMN_QUALIFIER, ByteString.copyFromUtf8(value.toString) ) val rowsIn = => toRow(kv._1, kv._2)) val expectedText = => kv._1 + ": " + kv._2) "BigtableReadExample" should "work" in { JobTest[com.spotify.scio.examples.extra.BigtableReadExample.type] .args(bigtableOptions :+ "--output=out.txt": _*) .input(BigtableIO("my-project", "my-instance", "my-table"), rowsIn) .output(TextIO("out.txt"))(coll => coll should containInAnyOrder(expectedText)) .run() } }
Example 98
Source File: BigQueryIT.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.extra.bigquery import java.{util => ju} import import com.spotify.scio.avro.types.AvroType import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.client.BigQuery import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.Table import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.TableRow import com.spotify.scio.coders._ import com.spotify.scio.ContextAndArgs import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord import import import import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers object BigQueryIT { @AvroType.fromSchema("""{ | "type":"record", | "name":"Account", | "namespace":"com.spotify.scio.avro", | "doc":"Record for an account", | "fields":[ | {"name":"id","type":"long"}, | {"name":"type","type":"string"}, | {"name":"name","type":"string"}, | {"name":"amount","type":"double"}, | {"name":"secret","type":"bytes"}]} """.stripMargin) class Account implicit def genericCoder = Coder.avroGenericRecordCoder(Account.schema) } final class BigQueryIT extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { import BigQueryIT._ it should "save avro to BigQuery" in { val args = Array( "--project=data-integration-test", "--tempLocation=gs://data-integration-test-eu/temp" ) val (sc, _) = ContextAndArgs(args) val prefix = ju.UUID.randomUUID().toString.replaceAll("-", "") val table = Table.Spec(s"data-integration-test:bigquery_avro_it.${prefix}_accounts") val data: Seq[GenericRecord] = (1 to 100).map { i => Account.toGenericRecord( Account(i, "checking", s"account$i", i.toDouble, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("%20cフーバー")) ) } val tap = sc .parallelize(data) .saveAvroAsBigQuery( table.ref, Account.schema, writeDisposition = WriteDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY, createDisposition = CreateDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED ) val result = val ts = BigQuery.defaultInstance().tables.schema(table.ref) val expected: Seq[TableRow] = { gr => BigQueryAvroUtilsWrapper.convertGenericRecordToTableRow(gr, ts) } result.tap(tap).value.toSet shouldEqual expected.toSet } }
Example 99
Source File: Schemas.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigquery.types import import org.joda.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} object Schemas { // primitives case class Required( boolF: Boolean, intF: Int, longF: Long, floatF: Float, doubleF: Double, stringF: String, byteArrayF: Array[Byte], byteStringF: ByteString, timestampF: Instant, dateF: LocalDate, timeF: LocalTime, datetimeF: LocalDateTime, bigDecimalF: BigDecimal, geographyF: Geography ) case class Optional( boolF: Option[Boolean], intF: Option[Int], longF: Option[Long], floatF: Option[Float], doubleF: Option[Double], stringF: Option[String], byteArrayF: Option[Array[Byte]], byteStringF: Option[ByteString], timestampF: Option[Instant], dateF: Option[LocalDate], timeF: Option[LocalTime], datetimeF: Option[LocalDateTime], bigDecimalF: Option[BigDecimal], geographyF: Option[Geography] ) case class Repeated( boolF: List[Boolean], intF: List[Int], longF: List[Long], floatF: List[Float], doubleF: List[Double], stringF: List[String], byteArrayF: List[Array[Byte]], byteStringF: List[ByteString], timestampF: List[Instant], dateF: List[LocalDate], timeF: List[LocalTime], datetimeF: List[LocalDateTime], bigDecimalF: List[BigDecimal], geographyF: List[Geography] ) // records case class RequiredNested(required: Required, optional: Optional, repeated: Repeated) case class OptionalNested( required: Option[Required], optional: Option[Optional], repeated: Option[Repeated] ) case class RepeatedNested( required: List[Required], optional: List[Optional], repeated: List[Repeated] ) case class User(@description("user name") name: String, @description("user age") age: Int) case class Account( @description("account user") user: User, @description("in USD") balance: Double ) }
Example 100
Source File: ByteStringSerializer.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.coders.instances.kryo import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import import com.twitter.chill.KSerializer private[coders] class ByteStringSerializer extends KSerializer[ByteString] { override def read(kryo: Kryo, input: Input, tpe: Class[ByteString]): ByteString = { val n = input.readInt() ByteString.copyFrom(input.readBytes(n)) } override def write(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, byteStr: ByteString): Unit = { val len = byteStr.size output.writeInt(len) val bytes = byteStr.iterator while (bytes.hasNext) { output.write(bytes.nextByte()) } } }
Example 101
Source File: TFExampleIOTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.tensorflow import import com.spotify.scio.testing._ import magnolify.tensorflow._ object TFExampleIOTest { case class Record(i: Int, s: String) implicit val efInt = ExampleField.from[Long](_.toInt)(_.toLong) implicit val efString = ExampleField.from[ByteString](_.toStringUtf8)(ByteString.copyFromUtf8) val recordT: ExampleType[Record] = ExampleType[Record] } class TFExampleIOTest extends ScioIOSpec { import TFExampleIOTest._ "TFExampleIO" should "work" in { val xs = (1 to 100).map(x => recordT(Record(x, x.toString))) testTap(xs)(_.saveAsTfRecordFile(_))(".tfrecords") testJobTest(xs)(TFExampleIO(_))(_.tfRecordExampleFile(_))(_.saveAsTfRecordFile(_)) } }
Example 102
Source File: MetadataSchemaTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.tensorflow import import org.tensorflow.example._ import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ object MetadataSchemaTest { // Keep byte list the same length across examples to be parsed as a fixed shape. val e1Features = Map[String, Feature]( "long" -> longFeature(Seq(1, 2, 3)), "bytes" -> byteStrFeature(Seq("a", "b", "c").map(ByteString.copyFromUtf8)), "floats" -> floatFeature(Seq(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f)), "indices" -> longFeature(Seq(1, 9)), "values" -> byteStrFeature(Seq("one", "nine").map(ByteString.copyFromUtf8)), "dense_shape" -> longFeature(Seq(100)), "missing_feature" -> longFeature(Seq(10)) ) val e2Features = Map[String, Feature]( "long" -> longFeature(Seq(6)), "bytes" -> byteStrFeature(Seq("d", "e", "f").map(ByteString.copyFromUtf8)), "floats" -> floatFeature(Seq(4.0f, 5.0f)), "indices" -> longFeature(Seq(1, 2, 80)), "values" -> byteStrFeature(Seq("one", "two", "eighty").map(ByteString.copyFromUtf8)), "dense_shape" -> longFeature(Seq(100)) ) val e1FeatureList = Map[String, FeatureList]( "string_list" -> featureList( Seq("one", "two", "eighty") .map(v => Seq(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(v))) .map(byteStrFeature) ), "long_list" -> featureList(Seq(1L, 2L, 3L).map(Seq(_)).map(longFeature)), "floats_list" -> featureList(Seq(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f).map(Seq(_)).map(floatFeature)) ) val examples = Seq(e1Features, e2Features).map(mkExample) val sequenceExamples = Seq(e1Features, e2Features).map(m => mkSequenceExample(m, e1FeatureList)) private def longFeature(raw: Seq[Long]): Feature = { val fb = Feature.newBuilder() val vals = Int64List.newBuilder() raw.foreach(vals.addValue) fb.setInt64List(vals) } private def byteStrFeature(raw: Seq[ByteString]): Feature = { val fb = Feature.newBuilder() val vals = BytesList.newBuilder() raw.foreach(vals.addValue) fb.setBytesList(vals) } private def floatFeature(raw: Seq[Float]): Feature = { val fb = Feature.newBuilder() val vals = FloatList.newBuilder() raw.foreach(vals.addValue) fb.setFloatList(vals) } private def featureList(fs: Seq[Feature]): FeatureList = FeatureList .newBuilder() .addAllFeature(fs.asJava) .build private def mkExample(features: Map[String, Feature]): Example = Example .newBuilder() .setFeatures(Features.newBuilder().putAllFeature(features.asJava)) .build private def mkSequenceExample( context: Map[String, Feature], featureList: Map[String, FeatureList] ): SequenceExample = SequenceExample .newBuilder() .setContext(Features.newBuilder().putAllFeature(context.asJava)) .setFeatureLists(FeatureLists.newBuilder().putAllFeatureList(featureList.asJava)) .build }
Example 103
Source File: TFSequenceExampleIOTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.tensorflow import import com.spotify.scio.testing.ScioIOSpec import org.tensorflow.example._ import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ object TFSequenceExampleIOTest { case class Record(i: Int, ss: Seq[String]) def toSequenceExample(r: Record): SequenceExample = { val context = Features .newBuilder() .putFeature( "i", Feature .newBuilder() .setInt64List(Int64List.newBuilder().addValue(r.i).build()) .build() ) .build() val fs = { s => Feature .newBuilder() .setBytesList( BytesList .newBuilder() .addValue(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(s)) .build() ) .build() } val featureLists = FeatureLists .newBuilder() .putFeatureList("ss", FeatureList.newBuilder().addAllFeature(fs.asJava).build()) .build() SequenceExample .newBuilder() .setContext(context) .setFeatureLists(featureLists) .build() } } class TFSequenceExampleIOTest extends ScioIOSpec { import TFSequenceExampleIOTest._ "TFSequenceExampleIO" should "work" in { val xs = (1 to 100).map(x => toSequenceExample(Record(x, Seq(x.toString, x.toString)))) testTap(xs)(_.saveAsTfRecordFile(_))(".tfrecords") testJobTest(xs)(TFSequenceExampleIO(_))(_.tfRecordSequenceExampleFile(_))( _.saveAsTfRecordFile(_) ) } }
Example 104
Source File: TypedBigQueryIT.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigquery import import com.spotify.scio._ import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.client.BigQuery import com.spotify.scio.testing._ import import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat import org.joda.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import scala.util.Random object TypedBigQueryIT { @BigQueryType.toTable case class Record( bool: Boolean, int: Int, long: Long, float: Float, double: Double, string: String, byteString: ByteString, timestamp: Instant, date: LocalDate, time: LocalTime, datetime: LocalDateTime ) // Workaround for millis rounding error val epochGen = Gen.chooseNum[Long](0L, 1000000000000L).map(x => x / 1000 * 1000) implicit val arbByteString = Arbitrary( implicit val arbInstant = Arbitrary( Instant(_))) implicit val arbDate = Arbitrary( LocalDate(_))) implicit val arbTime = Arbitrary( LocalTime(_))) implicit val arbDatetime = Arbitrary( LocalDateTime(_))) private val recordGen = { implicitly[Arbitrary[Record]].arbitrary } private val table = { val TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMddHHmmss") val now = val spec = "data-integration-test:bigquery_avro_it.records_" + now + "_" + Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue) Table.Spec(spec) } private val records = Gen.listOfN(1000, recordGen).sample.get private val options = PipelineOptionsFactory .fromArgs( "--project=data-integration-test", "--tempLocation=gs://data-integration-test-eu/temp" ) .create() } class TypedBigQueryIT extends PipelineSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll { import TypedBigQueryIT._ override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = { val sc = ScioContext(options) sc.parallelize(records).saveAsTypedBigQueryTable(table) () } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = BigQuery.defaultInstance().tables.delete(table.ref) "TypedBigQuery" should "read records" in { val sc = ScioContext(options) sc.typedBigQuery[Record](table) should containInAnyOrder(records) } }
Example 105
Source File: ByteStringSerializerTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.coders.instances.kryo import{Input, Output} import import com.twitter.chill.{Kryo, KryoSerializer} import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class ByteStringSerializerTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private def testRoundTrip(ser: ByteStringSerializer, bs: ByteString): Unit = { val k: Kryo = KryoSerializer.registered.newKryo() val o = new Array[Byte](bs.size() * 2) ser.write(k, new Output(o), bs) val back =, new Input(o), null) bs shouldEqual back () } "ByteStringSerializer" should "roundtrip large ByteString" in { val ser = new ByteStringSerializer testRoundTrip(ser, ByteString.copyFrom(Array.fill(1056)(7.toByte))) } }
Example 106
Source File: SCollectionSyntax.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigtable.syntax import import import import com.spotify.scio.coders.Coder import import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection import org.joda.time.Duration import com.spotify.scio.bigtable.BigtableWrite def saveAsBigtable( bigtableOptions: BigtableOptions, tableId: String, numOfShards: Int, flushInterval: Duration = BigtableWrite.Bulk.DefaultFlushInterval )(implicit coder: Coder[T]): ClosedTap[Nothing] = self.write(BigtableWrite[T](bigtableOptions, tableId))( BigtableWrite.Bulk(numOfShards, flushInterval) ) } trait SCollectionSyntax { implicit def bigtableMutationOps[T <: Mutation]( sc: SCollection[(ByteString, Iterable[T])] ): SCollectionMutationOps[T] = new SCollectionMutationOps[T](sc) }
Example 107
Source File: RichRowTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigtable import{Cell, Column, Family, Row} import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap class RichRowTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { def bs(s: String): ByteString = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(s) val FAMILY_NAME = "family" val dataMap = Seq( "a" -> Seq(10 -> "x", 9 -> "y", 8 -> "z"), "b" -> Seq(7 -> "u", 6 -> "v", 5 -> "w"), "c" -> Seq(4 -> "r", 3 -> "s", 2 -> "t") ).map { case (q, cs) => val kvs = => (kv._1.toLong, bs(kv._2))) (bs(q), ListMap(kvs: _*)) }.toMap val columns = { case (q, cs) => val cells = { case (t, v) => Cell.newBuilder().setTimestampMicros(t).setValue(v).build() } Column .newBuilder() .setQualifier(q) .addAllCells(cells.asJava) .build() } val row = Row .newBuilder() .addFamilies( Family .newBuilder() .setName(FAMILY_NAME) .addAllColumns(columns.asJava) ) .build() "RichRow" should "support getColumnCells" in { for ((q, cs) <- dataMap) { val cells = { case (t, v) => Cell.newBuilder().setTimestampMicros(t).setValue(v).build() } row.getColumnCells(FAMILY_NAME, q) shouldBe cells } } it should "support getColumnLatestCell" in { for ((q, cs) <- dataMap) { val cells = { case (t, v) => Cell.newBuilder().setTimestampMicros(t).setValue(v).build() } row.getColumnLatestCell(FAMILY_NAME, q) shouldBe cells.headOption } } it should "support getFamilyMap" in { val familyMap = { case (q, cs) => (q, cs.head._2) } row.getFamilyMap(FAMILY_NAME) shouldBe familyMap } it should "support getMap" in { row.getMap shouldBe Map(FAMILY_NAME -> dataMap) } it should "support getNoVersionMap" in { val noVerMap = { case (q, cs) => (q, cs.head._2) } row.getNoVersionMap shouldBe Map(FAMILY_NAME -> noVerMap) } it should "support getValue" in { for ((q, cs) <- dataMap) { row.getValue(FAMILY_NAME, q) shouldBe Some(cs.head._2) } } }
Example 108
Source File: BigtableIOTest.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigtable import import{Mutation, Row} import import com.spotify.scio.testing._ class BigtableIOTest extends ScioIOSpec { val projectId = "project" val instanceId = "instance" "BigtableIO" should "work with input" in { val xs = (1 to 100).map { x => Row.newBuilder().setKey(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(x.toString)).build() } testJobTestInput(xs)(BigtableIO(projectId, instanceId, _))(_.bigtable(projectId, instanceId, _)) } it should "work with output" in { val xs = (1 to 100).map { x => val k = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(x.toString) val m = Mutation .newBuilder() .setSetCell(SetCell.newBuilder().setValue(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(x.toString))) .build() (k, Iterable(m)) } testJobTestOutput(xs)(BigtableIO(projectId, instanceId, _))( _.saveAsBigtable(projectId, instanceId, _) ) } }