eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType.
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: ApplyRefPartiallyApplied.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.internal import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} final class ApplyRefPartiallyApplied[FTP] { def apply[F[_, _], T, P](t: T)( implicit ev: F[T, P] =:= FTP, rt: RefType[F], v: Validate[T, P] ): Either[String, FTP] = rt.refine[P](t) def unsafeFrom[F[_, _], T, P](t: T)( implicit ev: F[T, P] =:= FTP, rt: RefType[F], v: Validate[T, P] ): FTP = ev(rt.refine[P].unsafeFrom(t)) }
Example 2
Source File: DecodingInstances.scala From phobos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.phobos.refined.decoding import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} import ru.tinkoff.phobos.decoding._ import cats.syntax.either._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag trait DecodingInstances { implicit def refinedTextDecoder[F[_, _], T: TypeTag, P: TypeTag]( implicit underlying: TextDecoder[T], refType: RefType[F], validate: Validate[T, P] ): TextDecoder[F[T, P]] = { underlying.emap { (history, raw) => refType.refine[P](raw).leftMap(mkDecodingError[T, P](raw, _, history)) } } implicit def refinedElementDecoder[F[_, _], T: TypeTag, P: TypeTag]( implicit underlying: ElementDecoder[T], refType: RefType[F], validate: Validate[T, P] ): ElementDecoder[F[T, P]] = { underlying.emap { (history, raw) => refType.refine[P](raw).leftMap(mkDecodingError[T, P](raw, _, history)) } } private def mkDecodingError[T: TypeTag, P: TypeTag]( rawValue: T, error: String, history: List[String] ): DecodingError = { val T = implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe.toString val P = implicitly[TypeTag[P]].tpe.toString DecodingError( s"Failed to verify $P refinement for value=$rawValue of raw type $T: $error", history ) } }
Example 3
Source File: EncodingInstances.scala From phobos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.phobos.refined.encoding import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import ru.tinkoff.phobos.encoding._ trait EncodingInstances { implicit def refinedTextEncoder[F[_, _], T, P]( implicit underlying: TextEncoder[T], refType: RefType[F] ): TextEncoder[F[T, P]] = underlying.contramap(refType.unwrap) implicit def refinedElementEncoder[F[_, _], T, P]( implicit underlying: ElementEncoder[T], refType: RefType[F] ): ElementEncoder[F[T, P]] = underlying.contramap(refType.unwrap) }
Example 4
Source File: package.scala From zio-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.config import eu.timepit.refined.api.{ RefType, Refined, Validate } package object refined extends NumericSupport with StringSupport with CharSupport with BooleanSupport with CollectionSupport { def asRefined[A, P]( desc: ConfigDescriptor[A] )( implicit ev: Validate[A, P] ): ConfigDescriptor[Refined[A, P]] = desc .xmapEither[Refined[A, P]]( RefType.applyRef[Refined[A, P]](_), rf => Right(rf.value) ) }
Example 5
Source File: ApiConfigGenerators.scala From pfhais with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
package com.wegtam.books.pfhais.tapir.config import com.wegtam.books.pfhais.tapir.{ NonEmptyString, PortNumber } import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Gen } object ApiConfigGenerators { val DefaultHost: NonEmptyString = "" val DefaultPort: PortNumber = 1234 val genApiConfig: Gen[ApiConfig] = for { gh <- Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.alphaNumChar) gp <- Gen.choose(1, 65535) h = RefType.applyRef[NonEmptyString](gh.mkString).getOrElse(DefaultHost) p = RefType.applyRef[PortNumber](gp).getOrElse(DefaultPort) } yield ApiConfig(host = h, port = p) implicit val arbitraryApiConfig: Arbitrary[ApiConfig] = Arbitrary(genApiConfig) }
Example 6
Source File: DatabaseConfigGenerators.scala From pfhais with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
package com.wegtam.books.pfhais.tapir.config import com.wegtam.books.pfhais.tapir._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Gen } object DatabaseConfigGenerators { val DefaultPassword: DatabasePassword = "secret" val genDatabaseConfig: Gen[DatabaseConfig] = for { gp <- Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.alphaNumChar) p = RefType.applyRef[DatabasePassword](gp.mkString).getOrElse(DefaultPassword) } yield DatabaseConfig( driver = "org.postgresql.Driver", url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5422/test-database", user = "tapir", pass = p ) implicit val arbitraryDatabaseConfig: Arbitrary[DatabaseConfig] = Arbitrary(genDatabaseConfig) }
Example 7
Source File: ApiConfigGenerators.scala From pfhais with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
package com.wegtam.books.pfhais.pure.config import com.wegtam.books.pfhais.pure.{ NonEmptyString, PortNumber } import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Gen } object ApiConfigGenerators { val DefaultHost: NonEmptyString = "" val DefaultPort: PortNumber = 1234 val genApiConfig: Gen[ApiConfig] = for { gh <- Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.alphaNumChar) gp <- Gen.choose(1, 65535) h = RefType.applyRef[NonEmptyString](gh.mkString).getOrElse(DefaultHost) p = RefType.applyRef[PortNumber](gp).getOrElse(DefaultPort) } yield ApiConfig(host = h, port = p) implicit val arbitraryApiConfig: Arbitrary[ApiConfig] = Arbitrary(genApiConfig) }
Example 8
Source File: DatabaseConfigGenerators.scala From pfhais with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
package com.wegtam.books.pfhais.pure.config import com.wegtam.books.pfhais.pure._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Gen } object DatabaseConfigGenerators { val DefaultPassword: DatabasePassword = "secret" val genDatabaseConfig: Gen[DatabaseConfig] = for { gp <- Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.alphaNumChar) p = RefType.applyRef[DatabasePassword](gp.mkString).getOrElse(DefaultPassword) } yield DatabaseConfig( driver = "org.postgresql.Driver", url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5422/test-database", user = "pure", pass = p ) implicit val arbitraryDatabaseConfig: Arbitrary[DatabaseConfig] = Arbitrary(genDatabaseConfig) }
Example 9
Source File: AcceptanceSpecData.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling import java.lang.System.getProperty import cats.implicits._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.users.UserCredentials import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.GitLabPages.GitLabBaseUrl import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.RenkuPage.RenkuBaseUrl import ch.renku.acceptancetests.workflows.LoginType import ch.renku.acceptancetests.workflows.LoginType.{LoginWithProvider, LoginWithoutProvider} import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Refined} import import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.string.Url trait AcceptanceSpecData { private val testsDefaults = TestsDefaults() protected implicit lazy val renkuBaseUrl: RenkuBaseUrl = { val env = Option(getProperty("env")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_URL") orElse testsDefaults.env toBaseUrl(env.get) getOrElse showErrorAndStop( "-Denv argument or RENKU_TEST_URL environment variable is not a valid URL" ) } private lazy val toBaseUrl: String => Either[String, RenkuBaseUrl] = (url) => { val baseUrl = if (url.endsWith("/")) url.substring(0, url.length - 1) else url; RefType .applyRef[String Refined Url](baseUrl) .map(RenkuBaseUrl.apply) } protected implicit lazy val userCredentials: UserCredentials = { for { email <- Option(getProperty("email")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_EMAIL") orElse flatMap toNonEmpty username <- Option(getProperty("username")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_USERNAME") orElse testsDefaults.username flatMap toNonEmpty password <- Option(getProperty("password")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_PASSWORD") orElse testsDefaults.password flatMap toNonEmpty fullName <- Option(getProperty("fullname")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_FULL_NAME") orElse testsDefaults.fullname flatMap toNonEmpty useProvider = Option(getProperty("provider")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_PROVIDER") match { case Some(s) => s.nonEmpty case None => false } register = Option(getProperty("register")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_REGISTER") match { case Some(s) => s.nonEmpty case None => false } } yield UserCredentials(email, username, password, fullName, useProvider, register) } getOrElse showErrorAndStop( "You must provide either the arguments -Dusername -Dfullname, -Demail or/and -Dpassword args invalid or missing" + " or set the environment variables RENKU_TEST_EMAIL RENKU_TEST_USERNAME RENKU_TEST_PASSWORD and/or RENKU_TEST_FULL_NAME" ) private lazy val toNonEmpty: String => Option[String Refined NonEmpty] = RefType .applyRef[String Refined NonEmpty](_) .toOption private def showErrorAndStop[T](message: String Refined NonEmpty): T = { Console.err.println(message) System.exit(1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(message) } protected implicit def gitLabBaseUrlFrom(implicit loginType: LoginType, renkuBaseUrl: RenkuBaseUrl): GitLabBaseUrl = loginType match { case LoginWithProvider => gitLabProviderBaseUrl(renkuBaseUrl.value) case LoginWithoutProvider => GitLabBaseUrl(renkuBaseUrl.value) } private def gitLabProviderBaseUrl(baseUrl: String): GitLabBaseUrl = if (baseUrl.endsWith("")) GitLabBaseUrl("") else GitLabBaseUrl("") implicit lazy val renkuCliConfig: RenkuCliConfig = RenkuCliConfig( version = Option(getProperty("renkuVersion")) .orElse(sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_CLI_VERSION")) .orElse(testsDefaults.renkuVersion.some) .map(RenkuVersion) .getOrElse(showErrorAndStop("No renku cli version found")), installCommand = RenkuInstallCommand(testsDefaults.renkuInstallCommand) ) }
Example 10
Source File: package.scala From cormorant with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.cormorant import cats.implicits._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} package object refined { implicit final def refinedPut[T, P, F[_, _]]( implicit underlying: Put[T], refType: RefType[F]): Put[F[T, P]] = underlying.contramap(refType.unwrap) implicit final def refinedGet[T, P, F[_, _]]( implicit underlying: Get[T], validate: Validate[T, P], refType: RefType[F]): Get[F[T, P]] = new Get[F[T, P]] { def get(field: CSV.Field): Either[Error.DecodeFailure, F[T, P]] = underlying.get(field) match { case Right(t) => refType.refine(t) match { case Left(err) => Either.left(Error.DecodeFailure.single(err)) case Right(ftp) => Either.right(ftp) } case Left(d) => Either.left(d) } } }
Example 11
Source File: Refinements.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.tauri.seals package refined import eu.timepit.refined.api.{ RefType, Validate } import core.Refinement object Refinements extends Refinements trait Refinements { implicit def forRefType[R[_, _], A, P](implicit R: RefType[R], v: Validate[A, P], id: SemanticId[P]): Refinement.Aux[R[A, P], A] = { new Refinement[R[A, P]] { override type Repr = A override val uuid = id.semantics.uuid override def repr = id.semantics.repr override def from(a: A): Either[String, R[A, P]] = R.refine[P](a) override def to(pa: R[A, P]): A = R.unwrap(pa) } } }
Example 12
Source File: ReifiedInstances.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.tauri.seals package refined import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import core.Refinement object ReifiedInstances extends ReifiedInstances trait ReifiedInstances { implicit def reifiedFromRefinedType[A, M <: Model, P, R[_, _]]( implicit A: Reified.Aux2[A, M], R: RefType[R], refinement: Refinement.Aux[R[A, P], A], canRefine: Model.CanBeRefined[M] ): Reified.Aux[R[A, P], M, A.Fold] = A.refined[R[A, P]](refinement) }
Example 13
Source File: derivation.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.cats import cats.{Contravariant, MonadError} import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} object derivation extends DerivationInstances trait DerivationInstances { implicit def refTypeViaMonadError[F[_, _], G[_], T, P]( implicit m: MonadError[G, String], rt: RefType[F], v: Validate[T, P], gt: G[T] ): G[F[T, P]] = m.flatMap(gt)(t => m.fromEither(rt.refine[P](t))) }
Example 14
Source File: typeable.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.shapeless import _root_.shapeless.Typeable import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} import scala.util.Right package object typeable { implicit def refTypeTypeable[F[_, _], T, P]( implicit rt: RefType[F], V: Validate[T, P], T: Typeable[T], P: Typeable[P] ): Typeable[F[T, P]] = new Typeable[F[T, P]] { override def cast(t: Any): Option[F[T, P]] = T.cast(t) .flatMap(casted => rt.refine[P](casted) match { case Right(v) => Some(v) case _ => None } ) override def describe: String = s"Refined[${T.describe}, ${P.describe}]" } }
Example 15
Source File: RefineMacro.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.macros import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} import eu.timepit.refined.char.{Digit, Letter, LowerCase, UpperCase, Whitespace} import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.internal.Resources import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.{Negative, NonNegative, NonPositive, Positive} import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox class RefineMacro(val c: blackbox.Context) extends MacroUtils with LiteralMatchers { import c.universe._ def impl[F[_, _], T: c.WeakTypeTag, P: c.WeakTypeTag](t: c.Expr[T])( rt: c.Expr[RefType[F]], v: c.Expr[Validate[T, P]] ): c.Expr[F[T, P]] = { val tValue: T = t.tree match { case Literal(Constant(value)) => value.asInstanceOf[T] case BigDecimalMatcher(value) => value.asInstanceOf[T] case BigIntMatcher(value) => value.asInstanceOf[T] case _ => abort(Resources.refineNonCompileTimeConstant) } val validate = validateInstance(v) val res = validate.validate(tValue) if (res.isFailed) { abort(validate.showResult(tValue, res)) } refTypeInstance(rt).unsafeWrapM(c)(t) } def implApplyRef[FTP, F[_, _], T: c.WeakTypeTag, P: c.WeakTypeTag](t: c.Expr[T])( ev: c.Expr[F[T, P] =:= FTP], rt: c.Expr[RefType[F]], v: c.Expr[Validate[T, P]] ): c.Expr[FTP] = c.Expr[FTP](impl(t)(rt, v).tree) private def validateInstance[T, P](v: c.Expr[Validate[T, P]])( implicit T: c.WeakTypeTag[T], P: c.WeakTypeTag[P] ): Validate[T, P] = validateInstances .collectFirst { case (tpeT, instancesForT) if tpeT =:= T.tpe => instancesForT.collectFirst { case (tpeP, validate) if tpeP =:= P.tpe => validate.asInstanceOf[Validate[T, P]] } } .flatten .getOrElse(eval(v)) private val validateInstances: List[(Type, List[(Type, Any)])] = { def instance[T, P](implicit P: c.WeakTypeTag[P], v: Validate[T, P]): (Type, Validate[T, P]) = P.tpe -> v List( weakTypeOf[Int] -> List( instance[Int, Positive], instance[Int, NonPositive], instance[Int, Negative], instance[Int, NonNegative] ), weakTypeOf[Long] -> List( instance[Long, Positive], instance[Long, NonPositive], instance[Long, Negative], instance[Long, NonNegative] ), weakTypeOf[Double] -> List( instance[Double, Positive], instance[Double, NonPositive], instance[Double, Negative], instance[Double, NonNegative] ), weakTypeOf[String] -> List( instance[String, NonEmpty] ), weakTypeOf[Char] -> List( instance[Char, Digit], instance[Char, Letter], instance[Char, LowerCase], instance[Char, UpperCase], instance[Char, Whitespace] ) ) } }
Example 16
Source File: InferMacro.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.macros import eu.timepit.refined.api.Inference.==> import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import eu.timepit.refined.internal.Resources import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox class InferMacro(val c: blackbox.Context) extends MacroUtils { import c.universe._ def impl[F[_, _], T: c.WeakTypeTag, A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](ta: c.Expr[F[T, A]])( rt: c.Expr[RefType[F]], ir: c.Expr[A ==> B] ): c.Expr[F[T, B]] = { val inference = eval(ir) if (inference.notValid) { abort(Resources.invalidInference(weakTypeOf[A].toString, weakTypeOf[B].toString)) } refTypeInstance(rt).unsafeRewrapM(c)(ta) } }
Example 17
Source File: MacroUtils.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.macros import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefType} import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.util.{Success, Try} import shapeless.tag.@@ trait MacroUtils { val c: blackbox.Context import c.universe.weakTypeOf def abort(msg: String): Nothing = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg) def eval[T](t: c.Expr[T]): T = { // Duplicate and untypecheck before calling `eval`, see: //[T]%28expr:Evals.this.Expr[T]%29:T val expr = c.Expr[T](c.untypecheck(t.tree.duplicate)) // Try evaluating expr twice before failing, see // tryN(2, c.eval(expr)) } def tryN[T](n: Int, t: => T): T = Stream.fill(n)(Try(t)).collectFirst { case Success(r) => r }.getOrElse(t) protected def refTypeInstance[F[_, _]](rt: c.Expr[RefType[F]]): RefType[F] = if (rt.tree.tpe =:= weakTypeOf[RefType[Refined]]) RefType.refinedRefType.asInstanceOf[RefType[F]] else if (rt.tree.tpe =:= weakTypeOf[RefType[@@]]) RefType.tagRefType.asInstanceOf[RefType[F]] else eval(rt) }
Example 18
Source File: package.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined import _root_.scodec._ import _root_.scodec.bits.BitVector import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} package object scodec { implicit def refTypeCodec[F[_, _], T, P]( implicit codec: Codec[T], refType: RefType[F], validate: Validate[T, P] ): Codec[F[T, P]] = new Codec[F[T, P]] { override def sizeBound: SizeBound = codec.sizeBound override def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[F[T, P]]] = codec.decode(bits).flatMap { t => refType.refine[P](t.value) match { case Right(tp) => Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(tp, t.remainder)) case Left(err) => Attempt.failure(Err(err)) } } override def encode(value: F[T, P]): Attempt[BitVector] = codec.encode(refType.unwrap(value)) } }
Example 19
Source File: collection.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefType} import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{NonEmpty, Size} import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} import org.scalacheck.util.Buildable object collection extends CollectionInstances with CollectionInstancesBinCompat1 trait CollectionInstances { implicit def listSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary, P]( implicit arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P] ): Arbitrary[F[List[T], Size[P]]] = buildableSizeArbitrary[F, List[T], T, P] implicit def vectorSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary, P]( implicit arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P] ): Arbitrary[F[Vector[T], Size[P]]] = buildableSizeArbitrary[F, Vector[T], T, P] // This is private and not implicit because it could produce invalid // values for some collections: // // scala> buildableSizeArbitrary[Refined, Set[Boolean], Boolean, Equal[3]].arbitrary.sample // res0: Option[Refined[Set[Boolean], Size[Equal[3]]]] = Some(Set(false, true)) private[scalacheck] def buildableSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, C, T, P]( implicit arbT: Arbitrary[T], arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P], ev1: Buildable[T, C], ev2: C => Traversable[T] ): Arbitrary[F[C, Size[P]]] = arbitraryRefType(arbSize.arbitrary.flatMap { n => Gen.buildableOfN[C, T](n.value, arbT.arbitrary) }) } trait CollectionInstancesBinCompat1 { implicit def listNonEmptyArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary] : Arbitrary[F[List[T], NonEmpty]] = buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F, List[T], T] implicit def vectorNonEmptyArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary] : Arbitrary[F[Vector[T], NonEmpty]] = buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F, Vector[T], T] private[scalacheck] def buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, C, T]( implicit arbT: Arbitrary[T], ev1: Buildable[T, C], ev2: C => Traversable[T] ): Arbitrary[F[C, NonEmpty]] = arbitraryRefType(Gen.nonEmptyBuildableOf(arbT.arbitrary)) }
Example 20
Source File: reftype.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefinedType, RefType, Validate} import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Cogen, Gen, Prop} object reftype extends RefTypeInstances trait RefTypeInstances { def arbitraryRefType[F[_, _], T, P](gen: Gen[T])(implicit rt: RefType[F]): Arbitrary[F[T, P]] = Arbitrary( def checkArbitraryRefType[F[_, _], T, P]( implicit arb: Arbitrary[F[T, P]], rt: RefType[F], v: Validate[T, P] ): Prop = Prop.forAll((tp: F[T, P]) => v.isValid(rt.unwrap(tp))) def checkArbitraryRefinedType[FTP](implicit arb: Arbitrary[FTP], rt: RefinedType[FTP]): Prop = Prop.forAll((tp: FTP) => rt.validate.isValid(rt.refType.unwrap(rt.dealias(tp)))) implicit def refTypeCogen[F[_, _], T: Cogen, P](implicit rt: RefType[F]): Cogen[F[T, P]] = Cogen[T].contramap(tp => rt.unwrap(tp)) }
Example 21
Source File: string.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefType} import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{NonEmpty, Size} import eu.timepit.refined.string.{EndsWith, StartsWith, Trimmed, Uuid} import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.TrimmedString import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import shapeless.Witness object string extends StringInstances with StringInstancesBinCompat1 trait StringInstances { implicit def endsWithArbitrary[F[_, _], S <: String]( implicit rt: RefType[F], ws: Witness.Aux[S] ): Arbitrary[F[String, EndsWith[S]]] = arbitraryRefType( + ws.value)) implicit def startsWithArbitrary[F[_, _], S <: String]( implicit rt: RefType[F], ws: Witness.Aux[S] ): Arbitrary[F[String, StartsWith[S]]] = arbitraryRefType( + _)) implicit def nonEmptyStringArbitrary[F[_, _]]( implicit rt: RefType[F] ): Arbitrary[F[String, NonEmpty]] = collection.buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F, String, Char] implicit def stringSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, P]( implicit arbChar: Arbitrary[Char], arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P] ): Arbitrary[F[String, Size[P]]] = collection.buildableSizeArbitrary[F, String, Char, P] implicit def uuidStringArbitrary[F[_, _]]( implicit rt: RefType[F] ): Arbitrary[F[String, Uuid]] = arbitraryRefType( } trait StringInstancesBinCompat1 { implicit def trimmedStringArbitrary[F[_, _]]( implicit rt: RefType[F] ): Arbitrary[F[String, Trimmed]] = arbitraryRefType( }
Example 22
Source File: boolean.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefType import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.Or import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} object boolean extends BooleanInstances trait BooleanInstances { implicit def orArbitrary[F[_, _], T, A, B]( implicit rt: RefType[F], arbA: Arbitrary[F[T, A]], arbB: Arbitrary[F[T, B]] ): Arbitrary[F[T, A Or B]] = { val genA = val genB = arbitraryRefType(Gen.oneOf(genA, genB)) } }
Example 23
Source File: package.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined import _root_.pureconfig.{ConfigConvert, ConfigCursor} import _root_.pureconfig.error.{CannotConvert, ConfigReaderFailures, ConvertFailure} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValue import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.WeakTypeTag package object pureconfig { implicit def refTypeConfigConvert[F[_, _], T, P]( implicit configConvert: ConfigConvert[T], refType: RefType[F], validate: Validate[T, P], typeTag: WeakTypeTag[F[T, P]] ): ConfigConvert[F[T, P]] = new ConfigConvert[F[T, P]] { override def from(cur: ConfigCursor): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, F[T, P]] = configConvert.from(cur) match { case Right(t) => refType.refine[P](t) match { case Left(because) => Left( ConfigReaderFailures( ConvertFailure( reason = CannotConvert( value = cur.value.render(), toType = typeTag.tpe.toString, because = because ), cur = cur ) ) ) case Right(refined) => Right(refined) } case Left(configReaderFailures) => Left(configReaderFailures) } override def to(t: F[T, P]): ConfigValue = } }
Example 24
Source File: RefTypeSpecScalazTag.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalaz import _root_.scalaz.@@ import _root_.scalaz.std.anyVal._ import _root_.scalaz.syntax.equal._ import import eu.timepit.refined.TestUtils._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, RefTypeSpec} import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._ import import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import shapeless.test.illTyped class RefTypeSpecScalazTag extends RefTypeSpec[@@]("scalaz.@@") { property("refineM with type alias") = secure { type PositiveInt = Int @@ Positive val x: PositiveInt = RefType[@@].refineM(5) val y: PositiveInt = 5 val z = 5: PositiveInt illTyped("val a: PositiveInt = -5", "Predicate failed: \\(-5 > 0\\).*") x == y && y == z } property("(T @@ P) <!: T") = wellTyped { illTyped("implicitly[(Int @@ Positive) <:< Int]", "Cannot prove.*") } property("scalaz.Equal") = secure { type PosInt = Int @@ Positive val x: PosInt = 5 val y: PosInt = 5 x === y } property("scalaz.Show") = secure { type PosInt = Int @@ Positive val x: PosInt = 5 x.shows ?= "5" } }
Example 25
Source File: package.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined import _root_.scalaz.{@@, Contravariant, Equal, MonadError, Show} import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox package object scalaz { implicit val scalazTagRefType: RefType[@@] = new RefType[@@] { override def unsafeWrap[T, P](t: T): T @@ P = t.asInstanceOf[T @@ P] override def unwrap[T](tp: T @@ _): T = tp.asInstanceOf[T] override def unsafeRewrap[T, A, B](ta: T @@ A): T @@ B = ta.asInstanceOf[T @@ B] override def unsafeWrapM[T: c.WeakTypeTag, P: c.WeakTypeTag]( c: blackbox.Context )(t: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[T @@ P] = c.universe.reify(t.splice.asInstanceOf[T @@ P]) override def unsafeRewrapM[T: c.WeakTypeTag, A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag]( c: blackbox.Context )(ta: c.Expr[T @@ A]): c.Expr[T @@ B] = c.universe.reify(ta.splice.asInstanceOf[T @@ B]) } implicit def refTypeShow[F[_, _], T: Show, P](implicit rt: RefType[F]): Show[F[T, P]] = scalaz.derivation.refTypeViaContravariant[F, Show, T, P] @deprecated("Generic derivation instances have been moved into the `derivation` object", "0.9.4") def refTypeContravariant[R[_, _], F[_], A, B]( implicit C: Contravariant[F], R: RefType[R], F: F[A] ): F[R[A, B]] = scalaz.derivation.refTypeViaContravariant[R, F, A, B] @deprecated("Generic derivation instances have been moved into the `derivation` object", "0.9.4") def refTypeMonadError[R[_, _], F[_], A, B]( implicit M: MonadError[F, String], R: RefType[R], V: Validate[A, B], F: F[A] ): F[R[A, B]] = scalaz.derivation.refTypeViaMonadError[R, F, A, B] }
Example 26
Source File: derivation.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright: 2015 - 2018 Frank S. Thomas and Sam Halliday // License: package eu.timepit.refined.scalaz import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Validate} import scalaz.{Contravariant, MonadError} object derivation extends DerivationInstances trait DerivationInstances { implicit def refTypeViaMonadError[F[_, _], G[_], T, P]( implicit m: MonadError[G, String], rt: RefType[F], v: Validate[T, P], gt: G[T] ): G[F[T, P]] = m.bind(gt) { f => rt.refine(f) match { case Left(s) => m.raiseError(s) case Right(ftp) => m.pure(ftp) } } }