eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined.
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: package.scala From pfhais with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
package com.wegtam.books.pfhais import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection._ import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._ import eu.timepit.refined.string._ package object pure { // A string containing a database login which must be non empty. type DatabaseLogin = String Refined NonEmpty // A string containing a database password which must be non empty. type DatabasePassword = String Refined NonEmpty // A string containing a database url. type DatabaseUrl = String Refined Uri // A string that must not be empty. type NonEmptyString = String Refined NonEmpty // A TCP port number which is valid in the range of 1 to 65535. type PortNumber = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`1`.T, W.`65535`.T] }
Example 2
Source File: JupyterLabPage.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.projects.{ProjectDetails, ProjectIdentifier} import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.projects.ProjectDetails._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.users.UserCredentials import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.Page.{Path, Title} import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import org.openqa.selenium.Keys.RETURN import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions import org.openqa.selenium.{WebDriver, WebElement} import org.scalatestplus.selenium.WebBrowser.{cssSelector, find} object JupyterLabPage { def apply()(implicit projectDetails: ProjectDetails, userCredentials: UserCredentials): JupyterLabPage = new JupyterLabPage(projectDetails.title.toPathSegment, userCredentials.userNamespace) def apply(projectId: ProjectIdentifier): JupyterLabPage = new JupyterLabPage(projectId.slug, projectId.namespace) } class JupyterLabPage(projectSlug: String, namespace: String) extends RenkuPage { override val title: Title = "JupyterLab" override val path: Path = Refined.unsafeApply( s"/jupyterhub/user/${namespace}/${projectSlug}" ) override def pageReadyElement(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): Option[WebElement] = Some(terminalIcon) def terminalIcon(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): WebElement = eventually { find(cssSelector(" [data-icon='ui-components:terminal']")) getOrElse fail( "Terminal icon not found" ) } object terminal { def %>(command: String)(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): Unit = eventually { val terminalElement = find(cssSelector("#jp-Terminal-0 > div > div.xterm-screen > canvas.xterm-cursor-layer")) getOrElse fail( "Terminal not found" ) new Actions(webDriver) .moveToElement(terminalElement) .click() .sendKeys(s"$command$RETURN") .build() .perform() } } }
Example 3
Source File: GitLabPages.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.projects.ProjectDetails import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.projects.ProjectDetails._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.users.UserCredentials import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.Page.{Path, Title} import ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling.BaseUrl import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.string.Url import org.openqa.selenium.{WebDriver, WebElement} import org.scalatestplus.selenium.WebBrowser.{cssSelector, find} object GitLabPages { def apply()(implicit projectDetails: ProjectDetails, userCredentials: UserCredentials): GitLabPages = new GitLabPages(projectDetails, userCredentials) case class GitLabBaseUrl(value: String Refined Url) extends BaseUrl(value) sealed abstract class GitLabPage extends Page[GitLabBaseUrl] } class GitLabPages( projectDetails: ProjectDetails, userCredentials: UserCredentials ) { import GitLabPages._ case object ProjectPage extends GitLabPage { override val path: Path = Refined.unsafeApply( s"/gitlab/${userCredentials.userNamespace}/${projectDetails.title.toPathSegment}" ) override val title: Title = Refined.unsafeApply( s"${userCredentials.fullName} / ${projectDetails.title} · GitLab" ) override def pageReadyElement(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): Option[WebElement] = Some(settingsLink) def settingsLink(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): WebElement = eventually { find(cssSelector("")) getOrElse fail("Settings link not found") } } case object GitLabProjectsPage extends GitLabPage { override val path: Path = "/gitlab/dashboard/projects" override val title: Title = "Projects · Dashboard · GitLab" override def pageReadyElement(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): Option[WebElement] = Some(newProjectButton) private def newProjectButton(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): WebElement = eventually { find(cssSelector("a[href='/gitlab/projects/new']")) getOrElse fail("New Project button not found") } } case object SettingsPage extends GitLabPage { override val path: Path = Refined.unsafeApply( s"/gitlab/${userCredentials.userNamespace}/${projectDetails.title.toPathSegment}/edit" ) override val title: Title = Refined.unsafeApply( s"General · Settings · ${userCredentials.fullName} / ${projectDetails.title} · GitLab" ) override def pageReadyElement(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): Option[WebElement] = Some(Advanced.expandButton) object Advanced { def expandButton(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): WebElement = eventually { find(cssSelector("section.advanced-settings button.js-settings-toggle")) getOrElse fail( "Advanced -> Expand button not found" ) } def removeProject(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): WebElement = eventually { find(cssSelector("form > input[value='Remove project'")) getOrElse fail( "Advanced -> Remove project button not found" ) } def confirmRemoval(project: ProjectDetails)(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): Unit = eventually { find(cssSelector("input#confirm_name_input")) .getOrElse(fail("Advanced -> Project removal name confirmation input not found")) .enterValue(project.title.toPathSegment) find(cssSelector("input[value='Confirm'")) .getOrElse(fail("Advanced -> Project removal Confirm button not found")) .click() } } } }
Example 4
Source File: users.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.model import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty object users { final case class UserCredentials( email: String Refined NonEmpty, username: String Refined NonEmpty, password: String Refined NonEmpty, fullName: String Refined NonEmpty, useProvider: Boolean, register: Boolean ) { def userNamespace: String = { val un = username.value un.replace("+", "") } } }
Example 5
Source File: projects.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.model import import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import ch.renku.acceptancetests.generators.Generators.Implicits._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.generators.Generators._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.users.UserCredentials import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty object projects { final case class ProjectIdentifier( namespace: String Refined NonEmpty, slug: String Refined NonEmpty ) final case class ProjectDetails( title: String Refined NonEmpty, description: String Refined NonEmpty, readmeTitle: String ) final case class ProjectUrl(value: String) { override lazy val toString: String = value } object ProjectUrl { implicit class ProjectUrlOps(projectUrl: ProjectUrl)(implicit userCredentials: UserCredentials) { import ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling.UrlEncoder.urlEncode lazy val addGitCredentials: String = { val protocol = new URL(projectUrl.value).getProtocol projectUrl.value .replace( s"$protocol://", s"$protocol://${urlEncode(userCredentials.username.value)}:${urlEncode(userCredentials.password.value)}@" ) } } } object ProjectDetails { def generate: ProjectDetails = { val now = val desc = prefixParagraph("An automatically generated project for testing: ").generateOne val readmeTitle = s"test${now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHHmm_ss"))}" ProjectDetails(Refined.unsafeApply(s"test_${now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmm_ss"))}"), desc, readmeTitle) } def generateHandsOnProject(captureScreenshots: Boolean): ProjectDetails = if (captureScreenshots) { val readmeTitle = "flights tutorial" ProjectDetails(Refined.unsafeApply(readmeTitle), Refined.unsafeApply("A renku tutorial project."), readmeTitle) } else generate implicit class TitleOps(title: String Refined NonEmpty) { lazy val toPathSegment: String = title.value.replace(" ", "-") } } }
Example 6
Source File: AnonEnv.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling import java.lang.System.getProperty import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.projects.ProjectIdentifier import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined case class AnonEnvConfig(projectId: ProjectIdentifier, isAvailable: Boolean = false) trait AnonEnv extends AcceptanceSpecData { protected implicit lazy val anonEnvConfig: AnonEnvConfig = { AnonEnvConfig(anonProjectIdentifier, isAnonEnvAvailable) } protected lazy val anonProjectIdentifier: ProjectIdentifier = { Option(getProperty("anon")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_ANON_PROJECT") match { case Some(s) => { val projectId = s.split("/").map(_.trim) ProjectIdentifier(Refined.unsafeApply(projectId(0)), Refined.unsafeApply(projectId(1))) } case None => ProjectIdentifier(Refined.unsafeApply("cramakri"), Refined.unsafeApply("covid-19-dashboard")) } } protected lazy val isAnonEnvAvailable: Boolean = { val baseUrl = renkuBaseUrl Option(getProperty("anonAvail")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_ANON_AVAILABLE") match { case Some(s) => { s.toLowerCase == "true" } case None => baseUrl.value.value.equals("") } } }
Example 7
Source File: Command.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling.console import Command._ final case class Command( command: String, userInputs: List[UserInput] = Nil, maybeFileName: Option[Filename] = None ) { assert(command.trim.nonEmpty, "Console command cannot be blank") def userInput(userInput: UserInput): Command = copy(userInputs = userInputs :+ userInput) def >>(filename: Filename): Command = copy(maybeFileName = Some(filename)) override lazy val toString: String = command } object Command { import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty type UserInput = String Refined NonEmpty type Filename = String Refined NonEmpty }
Example 8
Source File: AcceptanceSpecData.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling import java.lang.System.getProperty import cats.implicits._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.users.UserCredentials import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.GitLabPages.GitLabBaseUrl import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.RenkuPage.RenkuBaseUrl import ch.renku.acceptancetests.workflows.LoginType import ch.renku.acceptancetests.workflows.LoginType.{LoginWithProvider, LoginWithoutProvider} import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Refined} import import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.string.Url trait AcceptanceSpecData { private val testsDefaults = TestsDefaults() protected implicit lazy val renkuBaseUrl: RenkuBaseUrl = { val env = Option(getProperty("env")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_URL") orElse testsDefaults.env toBaseUrl(env.get) getOrElse showErrorAndStop( "-Denv argument or RENKU_TEST_URL environment variable is not a valid URL" ) } private lazy val toBaseUrl: String => Either[String, RenkuBaseUrl] = (url) => { val baseUrl = if (url.endsWith("/")) url.substring(0, url.length - 1) else url; RefType .applyRef[String Refined Url](baseUrl) .map(RenkuBaseUrl.apply) } protected implicit lazy val userCredentials: UserCredentials = { for { email <- Option(getProperty("email")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_EMAIL") orElse flatMap toNonEmpty username <- Option(getProperty("username")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_USERNAME") orElse testsDefaults.username flatMap toNonEmpty password <- Option(getProperty("password")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_PASSWORD") orElse testsDefaults.password flatMap toNonEmpty fullName <- Option(getProperty("fullname")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_FULL_NAME") orElse testsDefaults.fullname flatMap toNonEmpty useProvider = Option(getProperty("provider")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_PROVIDER") match { case Some(s) => s.nonEmpty case None => false } register = Option(getProperty("register")) orElse sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_REGISTER") match { case Some(s) => s.nonEmpty case None => false } } yield UserCredentials(email, username, password, fullName, useProvider, register) } getOrElse showErrorAndStop( "You must provide either the arguments -Dusername -Dfullname, -Demail or/and -Dpassword args invalid or missing" + " or set the environment variables RENKU_TEST_EMAIL RENKU_TEST_USERNAME RENKU_TEST_PASSWORD and/or RENKU_TEST_FULL_NAME" ) private lazy val toNonEmpty: String => Option[String Refined NonEmpty] = RefType .applyRef[String Refined NonEmpty](_) .toOption private def showErrorAndStop[T](message: String Refined NonEmpty): T = { Console.err.println(message) System.exit(1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(message) } protected implicit def gitLabBaseUrlFrom(implicit loginType: LoginType, renkuBaseUrl: RenkuBaseUrl): GitLabBaseUrl = loginType match { case LoginWithProvider => gitLabProviderBaseUrl(renkuBaseUrl.value) case LoginWithoutProvider => GitLabBaseUrl(renkuBaseUrl.value) } private def gitLabProviderBaseUrl(baseUrl: String): GitLabBaseUrl = if (baseUrl.endsWith("")) GitLabBaseUrl("") else GitLabBaseUrl("") implicit lazy val renkuCliConfig: RenkuCliConfig = RenkuCliConfig( version = Option(getProperty("renkuVersion")) .orElse(sys.env.get("RENKU_TEST_CLI_VERSION")) .orElse(testsDefaults.renkuVersion.some) .map(RenkuVersion) .getOrElse(showErrorAndStop("No renku cli version found")), installCommand = RenkuInstallCommand(testsDefaults.renkuInstallCommand) ) }
Example 9
Source File: RefinedTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.refined import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec case class Foo(nonEmptyStr: String Refined NonEmpty) class RefinedTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers { "refinedSchemaFor" should { "use the schema for the underlying type" in { AvroSchema[Foo] shouldBe new Schema.Parser().parse( """ |{ | "type": "record", | "name": "Foo", | "namespace": "com.sksamuel.avro4s.refined", | "fields": [{ | "name": "nonEmptyStr", | "type": "string" | }] |} """.stripMargin) } } "refinedEncoder" should { "use the encoder for the underlying type" in { val expected: String Refined NonEmpty = "foo" val record = ToRecord[Foo].to(Foo(expected)) record.get("nonEmptyStr").toString shouldBe expected.value } } "refinedDecoder" should { "use the decoder for the underlying type" in { val expected: String Refined NonEmpty = "foo" val record = ImmutableRecord(AvroSchema[Foo], Vector(expected.value)) FromRecord[Foo].from(record) shouldBe Foo(expected) } "throw when the value does not conform to the refined predicate" in { val record = ImmutableRecord(AvroSchema[Foo], Vector("")) assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException](FromRecord[Foo].from(record)) } } }
Example 10
Source File: NumericCodecs.scala From skunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package skunk.refined.codec import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.And import eu.timepit.refined.api.Validate import skunk.Codec import import eu.timepit.refined._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined trait Scale[N] trait Precision[N] trait NumericCodecs { def validateScale[N <: Int](n: Int): Validate.Plain[BigDecimal, Scale[N]] = Validate.fromPredicate[BigDecimal, Scale[N]]( _.scale <= n, d => s"($d has scale ≤ $n)", new Scale[N] {}) def validatePrecision[N <: Int](n: Int): Validate.Plain[BigDecimal, Precision[N]] = Validate.fromPredicate[BigDecimal, Precision[N]]( _.precision <= n, d => s"($d has precision ≤ $n)", new Precision[N] {}) implicit class NumericOps(num: Codec[BigDecimal]) { def apply[S <: Int, P <: Int](precision: P, scale: S): Codec[BigDecimal Refined (Precision[P] And Scale[S])] = { implicit val __s: Validate.Plain[BigDecimal, Scale[S]] = validateScale(scale) implicit val __p: Validate.Plain[BigDecimal, Precision[P]] = validatePrecision(precision) Codec.simple( bd => bd.toString, st => refineV[Precision[P] And Scale[S]](BigDecimal(st)), Type.numeric ) } } skunk.codec.numeric.numeric(3, 4) } object numeric extends NumericCodecs
Example 11
Source File: Refined.scala From neotypes with MIT License | 5 votes |
package neotypes package refined import exceptions.{PropertyNotFoundException, IncoercibleException} import mappers.{ParameterMapper, ResultMapper, TypeHint, ValueMapper} import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefinedType} import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Value trait RefinedMappers { implicit final def refinedValueMapper[T, P](implicit mapper: ValueMapper[T], rt: RefinedType.AuxT[Refined[T, P], T]): ValueMapper[Refined[T, P]] = new ValueMapper[Refined[T, P]] { override def to(fieldName: String, value: Option[Value]): Either[Throwable, Refined[T, P]] = value match { case None => Left(PropertyNotFoundException(s"Property $fieldName not found")) case Some(value) => mapper .to(fieldName, Some(value)) .flatMap(t => rt.refine(t) => IncoercibleException(msg, None.orNull))) } } implicit final def refinedResultMapper[T, P](implicit marshallable: ValueMapper[Refined[T, P]]): ResultMapper[Refined[T, P]] = new ResultMapper[Refined[T, P]] { override def to(fields: List[(String, Value)], typeHint: Option[TypeHint]): Either[Throwable, Refined[T, P]] = fields .headOption .fold(ifEmpty ="", None)) { case (name, value) =>, Some(value)) } } implicit final def RefinedParameterMapper[T, P](implicit mapper: ParameterMapper[T]): ParameterMapper[Refined[T, P]] = mapper.contramap(refinedValue => refinedValue.value) }
Example 12
Source File: RefinedSpec.scala From neotypes with MIT License | 5 votes |
package neotypes.refined import neotypes.{CleaningIntegrationSpec, FutureTestkit} import neotypes.exceptions.IncoercibleException import neotypes.implicits.mappers.all._ import neotypes.implicits.syntax.cypher._ import neotypes.implicits.syntax.string._ import neotypes.refined.implicits._ import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval import scala.concurrent.Future final class RefinedSpec extends CleaningIntegrationSpec[Future](FutureTestkit) { import RefinedSpec.{Level, User} it should "insert and retrieve one refined value" in execute { s => val L1: Level = 1 for { _ <- c"CREATE (level: Level { value: ${L1} })".query[Unit].execute(s) level <- "MATCH (level: Level) RETURN level.value".query[Level].single(s) } yield assert(level == L1) } it should "insert and retrieve multiple refined values" in execute { s => val L1: Level = 1 val L2: Level = 2 for { _ <- c"CREATE (level: Level { value: ${L1} })".query[Unit].execute(s) _ <- c"CREATE (level: Level { value: ${L2} })".query[Unit].execute(s) levels <- "MATCH (level: Level) RETURN level.value ORDER BY level.value ASC".query[Level].list(s) } yield assert(levels == List(L1, L2)) } it should "insert and retrieve wrapped refined values" in execute { s => val L1: Level = 1 val L2: Level = 2 val levels = List(Option(L1), Option(L2)) for { _ <- c"CREATE (levels: Levels { values: ${levels} })".query[Unit].execute(s) levels <- "MATCH (levels: Levels) UNWIND levels.values AS level RETURN level".query[Option[Level]].list(s) } yield assert(levels == levels) } it should "retrieve refined values inside a case class" in execute { s => for { _ <- "CREATE (user: User { name: \"Balmung\", level: 99 })".query[Unit].execute(s) user <- "MATCH (user: User { name: \"Balmung\" }) RETURN user".query[User].single(s) } yield assert(user == User(name = "Balmung", level = 99)) } it should "fail if a single value does not satisfy the refinement condition" in execute { s => recoverToSucceededIf[IncoercibleException] { for { _ <- "CREATE (level: Level { value: -1 })".query[Unit].execute(s) level <- "MATCH (level: Level) RETURN level".query[Level].single(s) } yield level } } it should "fail if at least one of multiple values does not satisfy the refinement condition" in execute { s => recoverToSucceededIf[IncoercibleException] { for { _ <- "CREATE (level: Level { value: 3 })".query[Unit].execute(s) _ <- "CREATE (level: Level { value: -1 })".query[Unit].execute(s) _ <- "CREATE (level: Level { value: 5 })".query[Unit].execute(s) levels <- "MATCH (level: Level) RETURN level".query[Level].list(s) } yield levels } } it should "fail if at least one wrapped value does not satisfy the refinement condition" in execute { s => recoverToSucceededIf[IncoercibleException] { for { _ <- "CREATE (levels: Levels { values: [3, -1, 5] })".query[Unit].execute(s) levels <- "MATCH (levels: Levels) UNWIND levels.values AS level RETURN level".query[Option[Level]].list(s) } yield levels } } it should "fail if at least one value inside a case class does not satisfy the refinement condition" in execute { s => recoverToSucceededIf[IncoercibleException] { for { _ <- "CREATE (user: User { name: \"???\", level: -1 })".query[Unit].execute(s) user <- "MATCH (user: User { name: \"???\" }) RETURN user".query[User].single(s) } yield user } } } object RefinedSpec { type Level = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`1`.T, W.`99`.T] final case class User(name: String, level: Level) }
Example 13
Source File: XStrEncoder.scala From scalaz-deriving with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright: 2017 - 2020 Sam Halliday // License: package xmlformat import scalaz._, Scalaz._ import simulacrum._ @typeclass trait XStrEncoder[A] { self => def toXml(a: A): XString // for performance final def xmap[B](@unused f: A => B, g: B => A): XStrEncoder[B] = contramap(g) final def contramap[B](g: B => A): XStrEncoder[B] = b => toXml(g(b)) } object XStrEncoder extends XStrEncoderScalaz with XStrEncoderRefined with XStrEncoderStdlib { implicit val contravariant: Contravariant[XStrEncoder] = new Contravariant[XStrEncoder] { def contramap[A, B](fa: XStrEncoder[A])(f: B => A): XStrEncoder[B] = b => fa.toXml(f(b)) } // JVM data types implicit val string: XStrEncoder[String] = s => XString(s) implicit val boolean: XStrEncoder[Boolean] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val short: XStrEncoder[Short] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val int: XStrEncoder[Int] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val long: XStrEncoder[Long] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val float: XStrEncoder[Float] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val double: XStrEncoder[Double] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val uuid: XStrEncoder[java.util.UUID] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val instant: XStrEncoder[java.time.Instant] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val char: XStrEncoder[Char] = string.contramap(_.toString) implicit val symbol: XStrEncoder[Symbol] = string.contramap( implicit val xstring: XStrEncoder[XString] = identity } private[xmlformat] trait XStrEncoderScalaz { this: XStrEncoder.type => implicit def disjunction[ A: XStrEncoder, B: XStrEncoder ]: XStrEncoder[A \/ B] = { case -\/(a) => XStrEncoder[A].toXml(a) case \/-(b) => XStrEncoder[B].toXml(b) } } // WORKAROUND private[xmlformat] trait XStrEncoderRefined { this: XStrEncoder.type => import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined implicit def refined[A: XStrEncoder, B]: XStrEncoder[A Refined B] = XStrEncoder[A].contramap(_.value) } private[xmlformat] trait XStrEncoderStdlib { this: XStrEncoder.type => implicit def either[ A: XStrEncoder, B: XStrEncoder ]: XStrEncoder[Either[A, B]] = disjunction[A, B].contramap(_.disjunction) import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration implicit def finite: XStrEncoder[FiniteDuration] = long.contramap(_.toMillis) }
Example 14
Source File: Page.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.Page._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.pages.RenkuPage.RenkuBaseUrl import ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling._ import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.string._ import org.openqa.selenium.{By, WebDriver, WebElement} import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.scalatest.time.{Seconds, Span} import org.scalatest.{Matchers => ScalatestMatchers} import org.scalatestplus.selenium.WebBrowser import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.{implicitConversions, postfixOps} abstract class Page[Url <: BaseUrl] extends ScalatestMatchers with Eventually with AcceptanceSpecPatience { val path: Path val title: Title def pageReadyElement(implicit webDriver: WebDriver): Option[WebElement] def url(implicit baseUrl: Url): String = s"$baseUrl$path" protected implicit def toWebElement(element: WebBrowser.Element): WebElement = element.underlying protected implicit def toMaybeWebElement(maybeElement: Option[WebBrowser.Element]): Option[WebElement] = protected implicit class ElementOps(element: WebBrowser.Element) { def parent: WebElement = element.findElement(By.xpath("./..")) def enterValue(value: String): Unit = value foreach { char => element.sendKeys(char.toString) sleep (100 millis) } } protected implicit class WebElementOps(element: WebElement) { def enterValue(value: String): Unit = value foreach { char => element.sendKeys(char.toString) sleep (100 millis) } } object sleep { def apply(duration: Duration): Unit = Page.SleepThread(duration) } protected implicit class OperationOps(unit: Unit) { def sleep(duration: Duration): Unit = Page.SleepThread(duration) } protected def waitUpTo(duration: Duration): PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig( // Wait up to 2 minutes for this operation timeout = scaled(Span(AcceptanceSpecPatience.WAIT_SCALE * duration.toSeconds, Seconds)), interval = scaled(Span(2, Seconds)) ) } object Page { type Path = String Refined StartsWith[W.`"/"`.T] type Title = String Refined NonEmpty // Use a unique name to avoid problems on case-insensitive and preserving file systems object SleepThread { def apply(duration: Duration): Unit = Thread sleep duration.toMillis } } abstract class RenkuPage extends Page[RenkuBaseUrl] object RenkuPage { case class RenkuBaseUrl(value: String Refined Url) extends BaseUrl(value) }
Example 15
Source File: package.scala From pfhais with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
package com.wegtam.books.pfhais import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection._ import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._ import eu.timepit.refined.string._ package object tapir { // A string containing a database login which must be non empty. type DatabaseLogin = String Refined NonEmpty // A string containing a database password which must be non empty. type DatabasePassword = String Refined NonEmpty // A string containing a database url. type DatabaseUrl = String Refined Uri // A string that must not be empty. type NonEmptyString = String Refined NonEmpty // A TCP port number which is valid in the range of 1 to 65535. type PortNumber = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`1`.T, W.`65535`.T] }
Example 16
Source File: Show.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package protocol import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound @implicitNotFound( """Implicit not found Show[${A}]. Try writing your own, for example: implicit final val myShow: Show[${A}] = new Show[${A}] { override final def show(a: ${A}): String = ??? } """ ) trait Show[A] { def show(a: A): String final def contramap[B](f: B => A): Show[B] = Show.instance(show _ compose f) } object Show extends ShowInstances { @inline final def apply[A](implicit instance: Show[A]): Show[A] = instance final def const[A](s: =>String): Show[A] = new Show[A] { override def show(a: A): String = s } final def unsafeFromToString[A]: Show[A] = new Show[A] { override def show(a: A): String = a.toString } final def instance[A](f: A => String): Show[A] = new Show[A] { override def show(a: A): String = f(a) } } private[protocol] sealed trait ShowInstances { private[this] final val refinedDoubleCases: PartialFunction[Refined[Double, _], String] = { case d if d.value == Double.NegativeInfinity => "-inf" case d if d.value == Double.PositiveInfinity => "+inf" case d => d.value.toString } implicit final val doubleShow: Show[Double] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val intShow: Show[Int] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val longShow: Show[Long] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val stringShow: Show[String] = Show.instance(identity) implicit final val symbolShow: Show[Symbol] = Show.instance( implicit final val connectionNameShow: Show[ConnectionName] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val dbIndexShow: Show[DbIndex] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val globPatternShow: Show[GlobPattern] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val hostShow: Show[Host] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val indexShow: Show[Index] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val keyShow: Show[Key] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val latitudeShow: Show[Latitude] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val longitudeShow: Show[Longitude] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val nodeIdShow: Show[NodeId] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val nonNegDoubleShow: Show[NonNegDouble] = Show.instance(refinedDoubleCases) implicit final val nonNegIntShow: Show[NonNegInt] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val nonNegLongShow: Show[NonNegLong] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val nonZeroDoubleShow: Show[NonZeroDouble] = Show.instance(refinedDoubleCases) implicit final val nonZeroIntShow: Show[NonZeroInt] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val nonZeroLongShow: Show[NonZeroLong] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val portShow: Show[Port] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val posIntShow: Show[PosInt] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val posLongShow: Show[PosLong] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val rangeOffsetShow: Show[RangeOffset] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val slotShow: Show[Slot] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val stringLengthShow: Show[StringLength] = Show.unsafeFromToString implicit final val validDoubleShow: Show[ValidDouble] = Show.instance(refinedDoubleCases) }
Example 17
Source File: package.scala From zio-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.config import eu.timepit.refined.api.{ RefType, Refined, Validate } package object refined extends NumericSupport with StringSupport with CharSupport with BooleanSupport with CollectionSupport { def asRefined[A, P]( desc: ConfigDescriptor[A] )( implicit ev: Validate[A, P] ): ConfigDescriptor[Refined[A, P]] = desc .xmapEither[Refined[A, P]]( RefType.applyRef[Refined[A, P]](_), rf => Right(rf.value) ) }
Example 18
Source File: RefinedReadConfig.scala From zio-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.config.examples.refined import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{ NonEmpty, Size } import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.{ Greater, GreaterEqual } import zio.config.refined._ import zio.config._, ConfigDescriptor._ import zio.config.ConfigSource object RefinedReadConfig extends App { case class RefinedProd( ldap: Refined[String, NonEmpty], port: Refined[Int, GreaterEqual[W.`1024`.T]], dburl: Option[Refined[String, NonEmpty]], longs: Refined[List[Long], Size[Greater[W.`2`.T]]] ) def prodConfig = ( nonEmpty(string("LDAP")) |@| greaterEqual[W.`1024`.T](int("PORT")) |@| nonEmpty(string("DB_URL")).optional |@| size[Greater[W.`2`.T]](list("LONGVALS")(long)) )( RefinedProd.apply, RefinedProd.unapply ) val configMultiMap = Map( "LDAP" -> ::("ldap", Nil), "PORT" -> ::("1999", Nil), "DB_URL" -> ::("ddd", Nil), "LONGVALS" -> ::("1234", List("2345", "3456")) ) read(prodConfig.from(ConfigSource.fromMultiMap(configMultiMap))) // Right(RefinedProd(ldap,1999,Some(ddd),List(1234, 2345, 3456))) }
Example 19
Source File: generators.scala From pfps-shopping-cart with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shop import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import io.estatico.newtype.ops._ import io.estatico.newtype.Coercible import java.util.UUID import org.scalacheck.Gen import shop.domain.brand._ import shop.domain.cart._ import shop.domain.category._ import shop.domain.checkout._ import shop.domain.item._ import object generators { def cbUuid[A: Coercible[UUID, *]]: Gen[A] =[A]) def cbStr[A: Coercible[String, *]]: Gen[A] =[A]) def cbInt[A: Coercible[Int, *]]: Gen[A] = Gen.posNum[Int].map(_.coerce[A]) val genMoney: Gen[Money] = Gen.posNum[Long].map(n => USD(BigDecimal(n))) val genNonEmptyString: Gen[String] = Gen .chooseNum(21, 40) .flatMap { n => Gen.buildableOfN[String, Char](n, Gen.alphaChar) } val brandGen: Gen[Brand] = for { i <- cbUuid[BrandId] n <- cbStr[BrandName] } yield Brand(i, n) val categoryGen: Gen[Category] = for { i <- cbUuid[CategoryId] n <- cbStr[CategoryName] } yield Category(i, n) val itemGen: Gen[Item] = for { i <- cbUuid[ItemId] n <- cbStr[ItemName] d <- cbStr[ItemDescription] p <- genMoney b <- brandGen c <- categoryGen } yield Item(i, n, d, p, b, c) val cartItemGen: Gen[CartItem] = for { i <- itemGen q <- cbInt[Quantity] } yield CartItem(i, q) val cartTotalGen: Gen[CartTotal] = for { i <- Gen.nonEmptyListOf(cartItemGen) t <- genMoney } yield CartTotal(i, t) val itemMapGen: Gen[(ItemId, Quantity)] = for { i <- cbUuid[ItemId] q <- cbInt[Quantity] } yield i -> q val cartGen: Gen[Cart] = Gen.nonEmptyMap(itemMapGen).map(Cart.apply) val cardGen: Gen[Card] = for { n <-[CardNamePred](Refined.unsafeApply) u <- Gen.posNum[Long].map[CardNumberPred](Refined.unsafeApply) x <- Gen.posNum[Int].map[CardExpirationPred](x => Refined.unsafeApply(x.toString)) c <- Gen.posNum[Int].map[CardCVVPred](Refined.unsafeApply) } yield Card(CardName(n), CardNumber(u), CardExpiration(x), CardCVV(c)) }
Example 20
Source File: item.scala From pfps-shopping-cart with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shop.domain import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.string.{ Uuid, ValidBigDecimal } import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString import io.estatico.newtype.macros.newtype import java.util.UUID import shop.domain.brand._ import shop.domain.category._ import object item { @newtype case class ItemId(value: UUID) @newtype case class ItemName(value: String) @newtype case class ItemDescription(value: String) case class Item( uuid: ItemId, name: ItemName, description: ItemDescription, price: Money, brand: Brand, category: Category ) // ----- Create item ------ @newtype case class ItemNameParam(value: NonEmptyString) @newtype case class ItemDescriptionParam(value: NonEmptyString) @newtype case class PriceParam(value: String Refined ValidBigDecimal) case class CreateItemParam( name: ItemNameParam, description: ItemDescriptionParam, price: PriceParam, brandId: BrandId, categoryId: CategoryId ) { def toDomain: CreateItem = CreateItem( ItemName(name.value.value), ItemDescription(description.value.value), USD(BigDecimal(price.value.value)), brandId, categoryId ) } case class CreateItem( name: ItemName, description: ItemDescription, price: Money, brandId: BrandId, categoryId: CategoryId ) // ----- Update item ------ @newtype case class ItemIdParam(value: String Refined Uuid) case class UpdateItemParam( id: ItemIdParam, price: PriceParam ) { def toDomain: UpdateItem = UpdateItem( ItemId(UUID.fromString(id.value.value)), USD(BigDecimal(price.value.value)) ) } case class UpdateItem( id: ItemId, price: Money ) }
Example 21
Source File: TapirCodecRefined.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.codec.refined import sttp.tapir._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, Validate} import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.refineV import eu.timepit.refined.string.MatchesRegex import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.{Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual} import shapeless.Witness import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait TapirCodecRefined extends LowPriorityValidatorForPredicate { implicit def codecForRefined[R, V, P, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit tm: Codec[R, V, CF], refinedValidator: Validate[V, P], refinedValidatorTranslation: ValidatorForPredicate[V, P] ): Codec[R, V Refined P, CF] = { implicitly[Codec[R, V, CF]] .validate( refinedValidatorTranslation.validator ) // in reality if this validator has to fail, it will fail before in mapDecode while trying to construct refined type .mapDecode { v: V => refineV[P](v) match { case Right(refined) => DecodeResult.Value(refined) case Left(errorMessage) => DecodeResult.InvalidValue(refinedValidatorTranslation.validationErrors(v, errorMessage)) } }(_.value) } // implicit def validatorFromPredicate[V, P](implicit vfp: ValidatorForPredicate[V, P]): Validator[V Refined P] = vfp.validator.contramap(_.value) // implicit val validatorForNonEmptyString: ValidatorForPredicate[String, NonEmpty] = ValidatorForPredicate.fromPrimitiveValidator[String, NonEmpty](Validator.minLength(1)) implicit def validatorForMatchesRegexp[S <: String](implicit ws: Witness.Aux[S] ): ValidatorForPredicate[String, MatchesRegex[S]] = ValidatorForPredicate.fromPrimitiveValidator(Validator.pattern(ws.value)) implicit def validatorForLess[N: Numeric, NM <: N](implicit ws: Witness.Aux[NM]): ValidatorForPredicate[N, Less[NM]] = ValidatorForPredicate.fromPrimitiveValidator(Validator.max(ws.value, exclusive = true)) implicit def validatorForLessEqual[N: Numeric, NM <: N](implicit ws: Witness.Aux[NM] ): ValidatorForPredicate[N, LessEqual[NM]] = ValidatorForPredicate.fromPrimitiveValidator(Validator.max(ws.value)) implicit def validatorForGreater[N: Numeric, NM <: N](implicit ws: Witness.Aux[NM]): ValidatorForPredicate[N, Greater[NM]] = ValidatorForPredicate.fromPrimitiveValidator(Validator.min(ws.value, exclusive = true)) implicit def validatorForGreaterEqual[N: Numeric, NM <: N](implicit ws: Witness.Aux[NM] ): ValidatorForPredicate[N, GreaterEqual[NM]] = ValidatorForPredicate.fromPrimitiveValidator(Validator.min(ws.value)) } trait ValidatorForPredicate[V, P] { def validator: Validator[V] def validationErrors(value: V, refinedErrorMessage: String): List[ValidationError[_]] } object ValidatorForPredicate { def fromPrimitiveValidator[V, P](v: Validator.Primitive[V]): ValidatorForPredicate[V, P] = new ValidatorForPredicate[V, P] { override def validator: Validator[V] = v override def validationErrors(value: V, refinedErrorMessage: String): List[ValidationError[_]] = List(ValidationError[V](v, value)) } } trait LowPriorityValidatorForPredicate { implicit def genericValidatorForPredicate[V, P: ClassTag](implicit refinedValidator: Validate[V, P] ): ValidatorForPredicate[V, P] = new ValidatorForPredicate[V, P] { override val validator: Validator.Custom[V] = Validator.Custom( refinedValidator.isValid, implicitly[ClassTag[P]].runtimeClass.toString ) //for the moment there is no way to get a human description of a predicate/validator without having a concrete value to run it override def validationErrors(value: V, refinedErrorMessage: String): List[ValidationError[_]] = List(ValidationError[V](validator.copy(message = refinedErrorMessage), value)) } }
Example 22
Source File: TapirCodecRefinedTest.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.codec.refined import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.{Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual} import eu.timepit.refined.string.{IPv4, MatchesRegex} import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString import eu.timepit.refined.{W, refineMV, refineV} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import sttp.tapir.Codec.PlainCodec import sttp.tapir.{DecodeResult, ValidationError, Validator} class TapirCodecRefinedTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with TapirCodecRefined { val nonEmptyStringCodec: PlainCodec[NonEmptyString] = implicitly[PlainCodec[NonEmptyString]] "Generated codec" should "return DecodResult.Invalid if subtype can't be refined with correct tapir validator if available" in { val expectedValidator: Validator[String] = Validator.minLength(1) nonEmptyStringCodec.decode("") should matchPattern { case DecodeResult.InvalidValue(List(ValidationError(validator, "", _))) if validator == expectedValidator => } } it should "correctly delegate to raw parser and refine it" in { nonEmptyStringCodec.decode("vive le fromage") shouldBe DecodeResult.Value(refineMV[NonEmpty]("vive le fromage")) } it should "return DecodResult.Invalid if subtype can't be refined with derived tapir validator if non tapir validator available" in { type IPString = String Refined IPv4 val IPStringCodec = implicitly[PlainCodec[IPString]] val expectedMsg = refineV[IPv4]("").left.get IPStringCodec.decode("") should matchPattern { case DecodeResult.InvalidValue(List(ValidationError(Validator.Custom(_, `expectedMsg`), "", _))) => } } "Generated codec for MatchesRegex" should "use tapir Validator.Pattern" in { type VariableConstraint = MatchesRegex[W.`"[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*"`.T] type VariableString = String Refined VariableConstraint val identifierCodec = implicitly[PlainCodec[VariableString]] val expectedValidator: Validator[String] = Validator.pattern("[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*") identifierCodec.decode("-bad") should matchPattern { case DecodeResult.InvalidValue(List(ValidationError(validator, "-bad", _))) if validator == expectedValidator => } } "Generated codec for Less" should "use tapir Validator.max" in { type IntConstraint = Less[W.`3`.T] type LimitedInt = Int Refined IntConstraint val limitedIntCodec = implicitly[PlainCodec[LimitedInt]] val expectedValidator: Validator[Int] = Validator.max(3, exclusive = true) limitedIntCodec.decode("3") should matchPattern { case DecodeResult.InvalidValue(List(ValidationError(validator, 3, _))) if validator == expectedValidator => } } "Generated codec for LessEqual" should "use tapir Validator.max" in { type IntConstraint = LessEqual[W.`3`.T] type LimitedInt = Int Refined IntConstraint val limitedIntCodec = implicitly[PlainCodec[LimitedInt]] val expectedValidator: Validator[Int] = Validator.max(3) limitedIntCodec.decode("4") should matchPattern { case DecodeResult.InvalidValue(List(ValidationError(validator, 4, _))) if validator == expectedValidator => } } "Generated codec for Greater" should "use tapir Validator.min" in { type IntConstraint = Greater[W.`3`.T] type LimitedInt = Int Refined IntConstraint val limitedIntCodec = implicitly[PlainCodec[LimitedInt]] val expectedValidator: Validator[Int] = Validator.min(3, exclusive = true) limitedIntCodec.decode("3") should matchPattern { case DecodeResult.InvalidValue(List(ValidationError(validator, 3, _))) if validator == expectedValidator => } } "Generated codec for GreaterEqual" should "use tapir Validator.min" in { type IntConstraint = GreaterEqual[W.`3`.T] type LimitedInt = Int Refined IntConstraint val limitedIntCodec = implicitly[PlainCodec[LimitedInt]] val expectedValidator: Validator[Int] = Validator.min(3) limitedIntCodec.decode("2") should matchPattern { case DecodeResult.InvalidValue(List(ValidationError(validator, 2, _))) if validator == expectedValidator => } } "Generated validator for Greater" should "use tapir Validator.min" in { type IntConstraint = Greater[W.`3`.T] type LimitedInt = Int Refined IntConstraint implicitly[Validator[LimitedInt]] should matchPattern { case Validator.Mapped(Validator.Min(3, true), _) => } } }
Example 23
Source File: RefinedDecodersSpec.scala From phobos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.phobos.refined import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.refineMV import eu.timepit.refined.string.MatchesRegex import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegLong import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import ru.tinkoff.phobos.annotations.{ElementCodec, XmlCodec} import ru.tinkoff.phobos.decoding.XmlDecoder import ru.tinkoff.phobos.syntax.{attr, text} import ru.tinkoff.phobos.testString._ import shapeless.{Witness => W} class RefinedDecodersSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers { type NumericAtLeastTo = MatchesRegex[W.`"[0-9]{2,}"`.T] @XmlCodec("test") case class Test(x: Int, y: Refined[String, NumericAtLeastTo]) @ElementCodec case class Foo(@attr bar: Int, @text baz: NonNegLong) @XmlCodec("qux") case class Qux(str: String, foo: Foo) "refined decoder" should { "decode element correctly" in { val sampleXml = """ | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> | <test> | <x>2</x> | <y>123</y> | </test> """.stripMargin.minimized val expectedResult = Test(2, refineMV[NumericAtLeastTo]("123")) XmlDecoder[Test].decode(sampleXml) shouldEqual (Right(expectedResult)) } "decode text correctly" in { val sampleXml = """ | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> | <qux> | <str>42</str> | <foo bar="42">1000</foo> | </qux> """.stripMargin.minimized val expectedResult = Qux("42", Foo(42, NonNegLong(1000L))) XmlDecoder[Qux].decode(sampleXml) shouldEqual Right(expectedResult) } "provide verbose errorst" in { @XmlCodec("test") case class Test2(x: Int, y: Refined[String, NumericAtLeastTo]) @ElementCodec case class Foo2(@attr bar: Int, @text baz: NonNegLong) @XmlCodec("qux") case class Qux2(str: String, foo: Foo2) val sampleXml0 = """ | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> | <test> | <x>2</x> | <y>1</y> | </test> """.stripMargin.minimized XmlDecoder[Test2] .decode(sampleXml0) .left .map(_.text) shouldEqual Left( """Failed to verify RefinedDecodersSpec.this.NumericAtLeastTo refinement for value=1 of raw type String: Predicate failed: "1".matches("[0-9]{2,}").""" ) val sampleXml1 = """ | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> | <qux> | <str>42</str> | <foo bar="42">-1000</foo> | </qux> """.stripMargin.minimized XmlDecoder[Qux2] .decode(sampleXml1) .left .map(_.text) shouldEqual Left( """Failed to verify eu.timepit.refined.numeric.NonNegative refinement for value=-1000 of raw type Long: Predicate (-1000 < 0) did not fail.""" ) } } }
Example 24
Source File: RefinedEncodersSpec.scala From phobos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.phobos.refined import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import ru.tinkoff.phobos.annotations.{ElementCodec, XmlCodec} import eu.timepit.refined.refineMV import eu.timepit.refined.string.MatchesRegex import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegLong import ru.tinkoff.phobos.encoding.XmlEncoder import ru.tinkoff.phobos.syntax.{attr, text} import shapeless.{Witness => W} import ru.tinkoff.phobos.testString._ class RefinedEncodersSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers { type NumericAtLeastTo = MatchesRegex[W.`"[0-9]{2,}"`.T] @XmlCodec("test") case class Test(x: Int, y: Refined[String, NumericAtLeastTo]) @ElementCodec case class Foo(@attr bar: Int, @text baz: NonNegLong) @XmlCodec("qux") case class Qux(str: String, foo: Foo) "refined encoder" should { "encode element correctly" in { val value = Test(2, refineMV[NumericAtLeastTo]("123")) val expectedResult = """ | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> | <test> | <x>2</x> | <y>123</y> | </test> """.stripMargin.minimized XmlEncoder[Test].encode(value) shouldEqual expectedResult } "encode text correctly" in { val qux = Qux("42", Foo(42, NonNegLong(1000L))) val xml = XmlEncoder[Qux].encode(qux) assert( xml == """ | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> | <qux> | <str>42</str> | <foo bar="42">1000</foo> | </qux> """.stripMargin.minimized) } } }
Example 25
Source File: UserRepository.scala From whirlwind-tour-akka-typed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.heikoseeberger.wtat import{ ActorRef, Behavior } import akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.PersistentActor import akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.PersistentActor.{ CommandHandler, Effect } import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import{ Serializable => JavaSerializable } import org.apache.logging.log4j.scala.Logging object UserRepository extends Logging { sealed trait Serializable extends JavaSerializable sealed trait Command sealed trait Event final case class AddUser(user: User, replyTo: ActorRef[AddUserReply]) extends Command with Serializable sealed trait AddUserReply final case class UsernameTaken(username: String) extends AddUserReply with Serializable final case class UserAdded(user: User) extends AddUserReply with Event with Serializable final case class RemoveUser(username: String, replyTo: ActorRef[RemoveUserReply]) extends Command with Serializable sealed trait RemoveUserReply final case class UsernameUnknown(username: String) extends RemoveUserReply with Serializable final case class UserRemoved(username: String) extends RemoveUserReply with Event with Serializable final case object Stop extends Command final case class State(usernames: Set[String] = Set.empty) final val Name = "user-repository" def apply(): Behavior[Command] = PersistentActor.immutable(Name, State(), commandHandler, eventHandler) def addUser(user: User)(replyTo: ActorRef[AddUserReply]): AddUser = AddUser(user, replyTo) def removeUser(username: String)(replyTo: ActorRef[RemoveUserReply]): RemoveUser = RemoveUser(username, replyTo) private def commandHandler = CommandHandler[Command, Event, State] { case (_, State(usernames), AddUser(user @ User(Refined(username), _), replyTo)) => if (usernames.contains(username)) {"Username $username taken") replyTo ! UsernameTaken(username) Effect.none } else { val userAdded = UserAdded(user) Effect .persist(userAdded) .andThen { _ =>"User with username $username added") replyTo ! userAdded } } case (_, State(usernames), RemoveUser(username, replyTo)) => if (!usernames.contains(username)) {"Username $username unknown") replyTo ! UsernameUnknown(username) Effect.none } else { val userRemoved = UserRemoved(username) Effect .persist(userRemoved) .andThen { _ =>"User with username $username removed") replyTo ! userRemoved } } case (_, _, Stop) => Effect.stop } private def eventHandler(state: State, event: Event) = event match { case UserAdded(user) => state.copy(state.usernames + user.username.value) case UserRemoved(username) => state.copy(state.usernames - username) } }
Example 26
Source File: User.scala From whirlwind-tour-akka-typed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.heikoseeberger.wtat import{ NonEmptyList, Validated } import cats.syntax.apply._ import cats.syntax.either._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.And import eu.timepit.refined.char.LetterOrDigit import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{ Forall, NonEmpty } import eu.timepit.refined.refineV object User { type Username = Refined[String, UsernameRefinement] type UsernameRefinement = And[NonEmpty, Forall[LetterOrDigit]] type Nickname = Refined[String, NicknameRefinement] type NicknameRefinement = NonEmpty def apply(username: String, nickname: String): Validated[NonEmptyList[String], User] = (validateUsername(username), validateNickname(nickname)).mapN(new User(_, _)) def validateUsername(username: String): Validated[NonEmptyList[String], Username] = refineV[UsernameRefinement](username).toValidatedNel def validateNickname(nickname: String): Validated[NonEmptyList[String], Nickname] = refineV[NicknameRefinement](nickname).toValidatedNel } final case class User(username: User.Username, nickname: User.Nickname)
Example 27
Source File: MacroUtils.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.macros import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefType} import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.util.{Success, Try} import shapeless.tag.@@ trait MacroUtils { val c: blackbox.Context import c.universe.weakTypeOf def abort(msg: String): Nothing = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg) def eval[T](t: c.Expr[T]): T = { // Duplicate and untypecheck before calling `eval`, see: //[T]%28expr:Evals.this.Expr[T]%29:T val expr = c.Expr[T](c.untypecheck(t.tree.duplicate)) // Try evaluating expr twice before failing, see // tryN(2, c.eval(expr)) } def tryN[T](n: Int, t: => T): T = Stream.fill(n)(Try(t)).collectFirst { case Success(r) => r }.getOrElse(t) protected def refTypeInstance[F[_, _]](rt: c.Expr[RefType[F]]): RefType[F] = if (rt.tree.tpe =:= weakTypeOf[RefType[Refined]]) RefType.refinedRefType.asInstanceOf[RefType[F]] else if (rt.tree.tpe =:= weakTypeOf[RefType[@@]]) RefType.tagRefType.asInstanceOf[RefType[F]] else eval(rt) }
Example 28
Source File: ScalazSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalaz import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefinedTypeOps} import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import scalaz.Validation class ScalazSpec extends Properties("scalaz") { property("Validate when Valid") = secure { import syntax._ PosInt.validate(5) ?= Validation.success(PosInt.unsafeFrom(5)) } property("Validate when Invalid") = secure { import syntax._ PosInt.validate(0) ?= Validation.failureNel("Predicate failed: (0 > 0).") } property("validate without import") = secure { type OneToTen = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`1`.T, W.`10`.T] object OneToTen extends RefinedTypeOps[OneToTen, Int] with ScalazRefinedTypeOpsSyntax OneToTen.validate(5) ?= Validation.success(OneToTen.unsafeFrom(5)) } }
Example 29
Source File: RefineVBenchmark.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.benchmark import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import eu.timepit.refined.refineV import eu.timepit.refined.string.Regex import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Mode, OutputTimeUnit} @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) class RefineVBenchmark { @Benchmark @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) def refineV_Positive: Either[String, Int Refined Positive] = refineV[Positive](1) @Benchmark @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) def refineV_Regex: Either[String, String Refined Regex] = refineV[Regex](".*") }
Example 30
Source File: InferMacroBenchmark.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror import @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @State(Scope.Thread) class InferMacroBenchmark { private val toolBox = currentMirror.mkToolBox() private val autoInfer_Greater_tree = toolBox.parse(""" import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Greater val a: Int Refined Greater[W.`5`.T] = Refined.unsafeApply(10) val b: Int Refined Greater[W.`0`.T] = a """) @Benchmark def autoInfer_Greater: Any = toolBox.eval(autoInfer_Greater_tree) }
Example 31
Source File: RefTypeConfigConvertSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.pureconfig import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValueType import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import pureconfig._ import pureconfig.error.{CannotConvert, ConfigReaderFailures, ConvertFailure, WrongType} import class RefTypeConfigConvertSpec extends Properties("RefTypeConfigConvert") { type PosInt = Int Refined Positive case class Config(value: PosInt) property("load success") = secure { loadConfigWithValue("1") ?= Right(Config(1)) } property("load failure (predicate)") = secure { val expected1 = Left( ConfigReaderFailures( ConvertFailure( reason = CannotConvert( value = "0", toType = "eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined[Int,eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Greater[shapeless.nat._0]]", because = "Predicate failed: (0 > 0)." ), location = None, path = "value" ) ) ) // Allow "scala.Int" instead of just "Int" in the toType parameter. // For some reason Scala 2.12 with sbt 1.1.2 uses the former. val expected2 = Left( ConfigReaderFailures( ConvertFailure( reason = CannotConvert( value = "0", toType = "eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined[scala.Int,eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Greater[shapeless.nat._0]]", because = "Predicate failed: (0 > 0)." ), location = None, path = "value" ) ) ) val actual = loadConfigWithValue("0") (actual ?= expected1) || (actual ?= expected2) } property("load failure (wrong type)") = secure { loadConfigWithValue("abc") =? Left( ConfigReaderFailures( ConvertFailure( reason = WrongType( foundType = ConfigValueType.STRING, expectedTypes = Set(ConfigValueType.NUMBER) ), location = None, path = "value" ) ) ) } property("roundtrip success") = secure { val config = Config(1) val configValue = ConfigConvert[Config].to(config) ConfigConvert[Config].from(configValue) ?= Right(config) } def loadConfigWithValue(value: String): Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Config] = ConfigSource.string(s"value = $value").load[Config] }
Example 32
Source File: RefTypeRedSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scopt import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import scopt._ class RefTypeReadSpec extends Properties("RefTypeRead") { type PosInt = Int Refined Positive case class Config(foo: PosInt) val parser = new OptionParser[Config]("tests") { opt[PosInt]('f', "foo") .action((x, c) => c.copy(foo = x)) .text("foo is a positive integer property") } property("load success") = secure { loadConfigWithValue("10") =? Some(Config(10)) } property("load failure (predicate)") = secure { loadConfigWithValue("0") =? None } property("load failure (wrong type)") = secure { loadConfigWithValue("abc") =? None } def loadConfigWithValue(value: String): Option[Config] = parser.parse(Array("-f", value), Config(1)) }
Example 33
Source File: string.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefType} import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{NonEmpty, Size} import eu.timepit.refined.string.{EndsWith, StartsWith, Trimmed, Uuid} import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.TrimmedString import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import shapeless.Witness object string extends StringInstances with StringInstancesBinCompat1 trait StringInstances { implicit def endsWithArbitrary[F[_, _], S <: String]( implicit rt: RefType[F], ws: Witness.Aux[S] ): Arbitrary[F[String, EndsWith[S]]] = arbitraryRefType( + ws.value)) implicit def startsWithArbitrary[F[_, _], S <: String]( implicit rt: RefType[F], ws: Witness.Aux[S] ): Arbitrary[F[String, StartsWith[S]]] = arbitraryRefType( + _)) implicit def nonEmptyStringArbitrary[F[_, _]]( implicit rt: RefType[F] ): Arbitrary[F[String, NonEmpty]] = collection.buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F, String, Char] implicit def stringSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, P]( implicit arbChar: Arbitrary[Char], arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P] ): Arbitrary[F[String, Size[P]]] = collection.buildableSizeArbitrary[F, String, Char, P] implicit def uuidStringArbitrary[F[_, _]]( implicit rt: RefType[F] ): Arbitrary[F[String, Uuid]] = arbitraryRefType( } trait StringInstancesBinCompat1 { implicit def trimmedStringArbitrary[F[_, _]]( implicit rt: RefType[F] ): Arbitrary[F[String, Trimmed]] = arbitraryRefType( }
Example 34
Source File: collection.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefType} import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{NonEmpty, Size} import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} import org.scalacheck.util.Buildable object collection extends CollectionInstances with CollectionInstancesBinCompat1 trait CollectionInstances { implicit def listSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary, P]( implicit arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P] ): Arbitrary[F[List[T], Size[P]]] = buildableSizeArbitrary[F, List[T], T, P] implicit def vectorSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary, P]( implicit arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P] ): Arbitrary[F[Vector[T], Size[P]]] = buildableSizeArbitrary[F, Vector[T], T, P] // This is private and not implicit because it could produce invalid // values for some collections: // // scala> buildableSizeArbitrary[Refined, Set[Boolean], Boolean, Equal[3]].arbitrary.sample // res0: Option[Refined[Set[Boolean], Size[Equal[3]]]] = Some(Set(false, true)) private[scalacheck] def buildableSizeArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, C, T, P]( implicit arbT: Arbitrary[T], arbSize: Arbitrary[Int Refined P], ev1: Buildable[T, C], ev2: C => Traversable[T] ): Arbitrary[F[C, Size[P]]] = arbitraryRefType(arbSize.arbitrary.flatMap { n => Gen.buildableOfN[C, T](n.value, arbT.arbitrary) }) } trait CollectionInstancesBinCompat1 { implicit def listNonEmptyArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary] : Arbitrary[F[List[T], NonEmpty]] = buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F, List[T], T] implicit def vectorNonEmptyArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, T: Arbitrary] : Arbitrary[F[Vector[T], NonEmpty]] = buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F, Vector[T], T] private[scalacheck] def buildableNonEmptyArbitrary[F[_, _]: RefType, C, T]( implicit arbT: Arbitrary[T], ev1: Buildable[T, C], ev2: C => Traversable[T] ): Arbitrary[F[C, NonEmpty]] = arbitraryRefType(Gen.nonEmptyBuildableOf(arbT.arbitrary)) }
Example 35
Source File: PackageSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import eu.timepit.refined.types.all._ import org.scalacheck.{Cogen, Prop, Properties} class PackageSpec extends Properties("Package") { // this is just copied from core since core’s test configuration is built for scalacheck 1.14 only def wellTyped[A](body: => A): Prop = { body true } property("Cogen[Short Refined Positive]") = wellTyped(Cogen[Short Refined Positive]) property("Cogen[LowerCaseChar]") = wellTyped(Cogen[LowerCaseChar]) property("Cogen[NonEmptyString]") = wellTyped(Cogen[NonEmptyString]) property("Cogen[PosInt]") = wellTyped(Cogen[PosInt]) }
Example 36
Source File: CollectionArbitrarySpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{MaxSize, NonEmpty, Size} import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.collection._ import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.numeric._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import shapeless.nat._ class CollectionArbitrarySpec extends Properties("CollectionArbitrary") { property("List[String] Refined MaxSize[42]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[List[String] Refined MaxSize[W.`42`.T]] property("List[String] Refined MaxSize[_13]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[List[String] Refined MaxSize[_13]] property("List[Int] Refined NonEmpty") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[List[Int] Refined NonEmpty] property("Vector[Int] Refined MaxSize[23]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[Vector[Int] Refined MaxSize[W.`23`.T]] property("Vector[Double] Refined NonEmpty") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[Vector[Double] Refined NonEmpty] property("Size[Interval.Closed[23, 42]]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[List[Char] Refined Size[Interval.Closed[W.`23`.T, W.`42`.T]]] }
Example 37
Source File: StringArbitrarySpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{MaxSize, Size} import eu.timepit.refined.generic.Equal import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.generic._ import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.numeric._ import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.string._ import eu.timepit.refined.string._ import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.{ FiniteString, NonEmptyFiniteString, NonEmptyString, TrimmedString } import org.scalacheck.Properties class StringArbitrarySpec extends Properties("StringArbitrary") { property("EndsWith[S]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[String Refined EndsWith[W.`"abc"`.T]] property("StartsWith[S]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[String Refined StartsWith[W.`"abc"`.T]] property("NonEmptyString") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[NonEmptyString] property("TrimmedString") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[TrimmedString] property("MaxSize[16]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[String Refined MaxSize[W.`16`.T]] property("FiniteString[10]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[FiniteString[W.`10`.T]] property("Size[Equal[8]]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[String Refined Size[Equal[W.`8`.T]]] property("NonEmptyFiniteString[10]") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[NonEmptyFiniteString[W.`10`.T]] property("Uuid") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[String Refined Uuid] }
Example 38
Source File: CharArbitrarySpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.Or import eu.timepit.refined.char._ import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.boolean._ import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.char._ import eu.timepit.refined.scalacheck.numeric._ import eu.timepit.refined.types.char.{LowerCaseChar, UpperCaseChar} import org.scalacheck.Properties class CharArbitrarySpec extends Properties("CharArbitrary") { property("Digit") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[Char Refined Digit] property("Letter") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[Char Refined Letter] property("LowerCaseChar") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[LowerCaseChar] property("UpperCaseChar") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[UpperCaseChar] property("Whitespace") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[Char Refined Whitespace] property("LetterOrDigit") = checkArbitraryRefinedType[Char Refined LetterOrDigit] property("HexDigit") = { type HexDigit = Digit Or Interval.Closed[W.`'a'`.T, W.`'f'`.T] checkArbitraryRefinedType[Char Refined HexDigit] } }
Example 39
Source File: RefTypeCodecSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.scodec import eu.timepit.refined.TestUtils._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import scodec._ import scodec.bits._ import scodec.codecs.int8 import shapeless.test.illTyped class RefTypeCodecSpec extends Properties("RefTypeCodec") { type PosInt = Int Refined Positive implicit val intCodec = int8 property("decode success") = secure { Codec[PosInt].decode(bin"00000101") ?= Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(5: PosInt, BitVector.empty)) } property("decode failure") = secure { Codec[PosInt].decode(bin"10000101") ?= Attempt.failure(Err("Predicate failed: (-123 > 0).")) } property("encode success") = secure { Codec[PosInt].encode(5) ?= Attempt.successful(bin"00000101") } property("encode failure") = wellTyped { illTyped("""Codec[PosInt].encode(-5)""", "Predicate failed.*") } property("sizeBound") = secure { Codec[PosInt].sizeBound ?= intCodec.sizeBound } }
Example 40
Source File: TypeableSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.shapeless.typeable import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefinedTypeOps} import eu.timepit.refined.string.MatchesRegex import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import shapeless.Typeable class TypeableSpec extends Properties("shapeless") { property("Typeable cast success") = secure { val value: PosInt = PosInt.unsafeFrom(5) typeableCast[PosInt](5) ?= Some(value) } property("Typeable cast fail") = secure { typeableCast[PosInt](0) ?= None } property("Typeable describe") = secure { typeableDescribe[PosInt] ?= "Refined[Int, Greater[_0]]" } property("Typeable cast success string regex") = secure { type Word = String Refined MatchesRegex[W.`"[a-zA-Z]*"`.T] object Word extends RefinedTypeOps[Word, String] val value: Word = Word.unsafeFrom("AlloweD") typeableCast[Word]("AlloweD") ?= Some(value) } property("Typeable cast fail string regex") = secure { type Word = String Refined MatchesRegex[W.`"[a-zA-Z]*"`.T] typeableCast[Word]("Not Allowed") ?= None } property("Typeable string regex describe") = secure { type Word = String Refined MatchesRegex[W.`"[a-zA-Z]*"`.T] typeableDescribe[Word] ?= """Refined[String, MatchesRegex[String([a-zA-Z]*)]]""" } private def typeableDescribe[T](implicit T: Typeable[T]): String = T.describe private def typeableCast[T](value: Any)(implicit T: Typeable[T]): Option[T] = T.cast(value) }
Example 41
Source File: string.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.types import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefinedType, RefinedTypeOps} import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{MaxSize, NonEmpty, Size} import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval import eu.timepit.refined.string.{HexStringSpec, Trimmed} import shapeless.Nat._1 import shapeless.Witness type HexString = String Refined HexStringSpec object HexString extends RefinedTypeOps[HexString, String] } trait StringTypes { final type FiniteString[N] = string.FiniteString[N] final val FiniteString = string.FiniteString final type NonEmptyString = string.NonEmptyString final val NonEmptyString = string.NonEmptyString final type TrimmedString = string.TrimmedString final val TrimmedString = string.TrimmedString final type HexString = string.HexString final val HexString = string.HexString } trait StringTypesBinCompat1 { final type NonEmptyFiniteString[N] = string.NonEmptyFiniteString[N] final val NonEmptyFiniteString = string.NonEmptyFiniteString }
Example 42
Source File: digests.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.types import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefinedTypeOps} import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.And import eu.timepit.refined.collection.Size import eu.timepit.refined.generic.Equal import eu.timepit.refined.string.HexStringSpec object digests { type MD5 = String Refined (HexStringSpec And Size[Equal[W.`32`.T]]) object MD5 extends RefinedTypeOps[MD5, String] type SHA1 = String Refined (HexStringSpec And Size[Equal[W.`40`.T]]) object SHA1 extends RefinedTypeOps[SHA1, String] type SHA224 = String Refined (HexStringSpec And Size[Equal[W.`56`.T]]) object SHA224 extends RefinedTypeOps[SHA224, String] type SHA256 = String Refined (HexStringSpec And Size[Equal[W.`64`.T]]) object SHA256 extends RefinedTypeOps[SHA256, String] type SHA384 = String Refined (HexStringSpec And Size[Equal[W.`96`.T]]) object SHA384 extends RefinedTypeOps[SHA384, String] type SHA512 = String Refined (HexStringSpec And Size[Equal[W.`128`.T]]) object SHA512 extends RefinedTypeOps[SHA512, String] } trait DigestTypes { final type MD5 = digests.MD5 final val MD5 = digests.MD5 final type SHA1 = digests.SHA1 final val SHA1 = digests.SHA1 final type SHA224 = digests.SHA224 final val SHA224 = digests.SHA224 final type SHA256 = digests.SHA256 final val SHA256 = digests.SHA256 final type SHA384 = digests.SHA384 final val SHA384 = digests.SHA384 final type SHA512 = digests.SHA512 final val SHA512 = digests.SHA512 }
Example 43
Source File: AutoSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.char.{Digit, Letter} import eu.timepit.refined.generic._ import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import shapeless.tag.@@ import shapeless.test.illTyped class AutoSpec extends Properties("auto") { property("autoInfer") = secure { val a: Char Refined Equal[W.`'0'`.T] = '0' val b: Char Refined Digit = a illTyped( "val c: Char Refined Letter = a", """type mismatch \(invalid inference\):\s*eu.timepit.refined.generic.Equal\[Char\('0'\)\] does not imply\s*eu.timepit.refined.char.Letter""" ) a == b } property("autoUnwrap: PosInt: Int") = secure { val a: PosInt = PosInt.unsafeFrom(1) val b: Int = a a.value == b } property("autoUnwrap: PosInt + PosInt") = secure { val a = PosInt.unsafeFrom(1) val b = PosInt.unsafeFrom(2) (a + b) == 3 } property("autoRefineV") = secure { val a: Char Refined Equal[W.`'0'`.T] = '0' illTyped("val b: Char Refined Equal[W.`'0'`.T] = '1'", """Predicate failed: \(1 == 0\).""") a.value == '0' } property("autoRefineT") = secure { val a: Char @@ Equal[W.`'0'`.T] = '0' illTyped("val b: Char @@ Equal[W.`'0'`.T] = '1'", """Predicate failed: \(1 == 0\).""") a == '0' } property("#260") = secure { val somePosInt: Option[PosInt] = Some(5) somePosInt.isDefined } }
Example 44
Source File: RefineMSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined import eu.timepit.refined.TestUtils.wellTyped import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.char._ import eu.timepit.refined.collection._ import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._ import eu.timepit.refined.string.MatchesRegex import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import shapeless.nat._ import shapeless.tag.@@ import shapeless.test.illTyped class RefineMSpec extends Properties("refineM") { property("RefineMPartiallyApplied instance") = secure { val rv = refineMV[Digit] val rt = refineMT[Digit] rv('0') == Refined.unsafeApply('0') && rt('0') == '0' } property("refineM with Forall") = wellTyped { def ignore1: String Refined Forall[LowerCase] = refineMV[Forall[LowerCase]]("hello") def ignore2: String @@ Forall[LowerCase] = refineMT[Forall[LowerCase]]("hello") illTyped("""refineMV[Forall[UpperCase]]("hello")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("""refineMT[Forall[UpperCase]]("hello")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") } property("refineM with Greater") = wellTyped { def ignore1: Int Refined Greater[_10] = refineMV[Greater[_10]](15) def ignore2: Int @@ Greater[_10] = refineMT[Greater[_10]](15) illTyped("""refineMV[Greater[_10]](5)""", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("""refineMT[Greater[_10]](5)""", "Predicate.*fail.*") } property("refineM with Size") = wellTyped { type ShortString = Size[LessEqual[_10]] def ignore1: String Refined ShortString = refineMV[ShortString]("abc") def ignore2: String @@ ShortString = refineMT[ShortString]("abc") illTyped("""refineMV[ShortString]("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("""refineMT[ShortString]("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") } property("refineM with LowerCase") = wellTyped { def ignore1: Char Refined LowerCase = refineMV[LowerCase]('c') def ignore2: Char @@ LowerCase = refineMT[LowerCase]('c') illTyped("refineMV[LowerCase]('C')", "Predicate.*failed.*") illTyped("refineMT[LowerCase]('C')", "Predicate.*failed.*") } property("refineM with MatchesRegex") = wellTyped { def ignore1: String Refined MatchesRegex[W.`"[0-9]+"`.T] = refineMV("123") def ignore2: String @@ MatchesRegex[W.`"[0-9]+"`.T] = refineMT("123") illTyped("""refineMV[MatchesRegex[W.`"[0-9]+"`.T]]("abc")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("""refineMT[MatchesRegex[W.`"[0-9]+"`.T]]("abc")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") } property("refineM with Contains") = wellTyped { def ignore1: String Refined Contains[W.`'c'`.T] = refineMV("abcd") def ignore2: String @@ Contains[W.`'c'`.T] = refineMT("abcd") illTyped("""refineMV[Contains[W.`'c'`.T]]("abde")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("""refineMT[Contains[W.`'c'`.T]]("abde")""", "Predicate.*fail.*") } property("refineM with Double Witness") = wellTyped { def ignore1: Double Refined Greater[W.`2.3`.T] = refineMV(2.4) def ignore2: Double @@ Greater[W.`2.3`.T] = refineMT(2.4) illTyped("refineMT[Greater[W.`2.3`.T]](2.2)", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("refineMV[Greater[W.`2.3`.T]](2.2)", "Predicate.*fail.*") } property("refineM failure with non-literals") = wellTyped { illTyped("refineMV[NonEmpty](List(1, 2, 3))", "compile-time refinement.*") illTyped("refineMT[NonEmpty](List(1, 2, 3))", "compile-time refinement.*") } }
Example 45
Source File: BigLiteralsSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.issues import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import shapeless.test.illTyped class BigLiteralsSpec extends Properties("BigLiterals") { property("autoRefineV") = secure { val ii: BigInt Refined Positive = BigInt(1) val il: BigInt Refined Positive = BigInt(0X7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) val is: BigInt Refined Positive = BigInt("1") val dd: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal(1.0) val di: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal(1) val dl: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal(1L) val ds: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal("1.0") val ded: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal.exact(0.1) val dei: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal.exact(1) val del: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal.exact(1L) val des: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal.exact("0.1") val dvd: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.3) val dvl: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal.valueOf(1L) illTyped("val err: BigInt Refined Equal[W.`0`.T] = BigInt(\"0\")") illTyped("val err: BigInt Refined Equal[W.`1`.T] = BigInt(1)") illTyped("val err: BigDecimal Refined Equal[W.`0.0`.T] = BigDecimal(0.0)") illTyped("val err: BigDecimal Refined Equal[W.`0.0`.T] = BigDecimal.exact(\"0.0\")") illTyped("val err: BigInt Refined Positive = BigInt(0)", """Predicate failed: \(0 > 0\).""") illTyped( "val err: BigInt Refined Positive = BigInt(ii.value.toInt)", "compile-time refinement.*" ) illTyped("val err: BigInt Refined Positive = BigInt(\"0.1\")", "compile-time refinement.*") illTyped( "val err: BigInt Refined Positive = BigInt(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO)", "compile-time refinement.*" ) illTyped( "val err: BigDecimal Refined Positive = BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO)", "compile-time refinement.*" ) (ii.value ?= BigInt(1)) && (il.value ?= BigInt(Long.MaxValue)) && (is.value ?= BigInt(1)) && (dd.value ?= BigDecimal(1.0)) && (di.value ?= BigDecimal(1)) && (dl.value ?= BigDecimal(1L)) && (ds.value ?= BigDecimal("1.0")) && (ded.value ?= BigDecimal.exact(0.1)) && (dei.value ?= BigDecimal.exact(1)) && (del.value ?= BigDecimal.exact(1L)) && (des.value ?= BigDecimal.exact("0.1")) && (dvd.value ?= BigDecimal.valueOf(0.3)) && (dvl.value ?= BigDecimal.valueOf(1L)) } }
Example 46
Source File: RefineSyntaxSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined import eu.timepit.refined.TestUtils.wellTyped import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import shapeless.tag.@@ import shapeless.test.illTyped class RefineSyntaxSpec extends Properties("refine syntax") { def testRefineV(arg: Either[String, Int Refined Positive]): Boolean = true def testRefineT(arg: Either[String, Int @@ Positive]): Boolean = true def testRefineMV(arg: Int Refined Positive): Boolean = true def testRefineMT(arg: Int @@ Positive): Boolean = true property("refineV success") = secure { testRefineV(refineV(1)) testRefineV(refineV[Positive](1)) testRefineV(refineV[Positive][Int](1)) } property("refineV failure") = secure { testRefineV(refineV(-1)) testRefineV(refineV[Positive](-1)) testRefineV(refineV[Positive][Int](-1)) } property("refineT success") = secure { testRefineT(refineT(1)) testRefineT(refineT[Positive](1)) testRefineT(refineT[Positive][Int](1)) } property("refineT failure") = secure { testRefineT(refineT(-1)) testRefineT(refineT[Positive](-1)) testRefineT(refineT[Positive][Int](-1)) } property("refineMV success") = secure { testRefineMV(1) testRefineMV(refineMV(1)) testRefineMV(refineMV[Positive](1)) testRefineMV(refineMV[Positive][Int](1)) } property("refineMT success") = secure { testRefineMT(1) testRefineMT(refineMT(1)) testRefineMT(refineMT[Positive](1)) testRefineMT(refineMT[Positive][Int](1)) } property("refineMV failure") = wellTyped { illTyped("testRefineMV(-1)", "Predicate.*fail.*") // We don't check the compiler error in this case because it changed with 2.13.2, // see illTyped("testRefineMV(refineMV(-1))") illTyped("testRefineMV(refineMV[Positive](-1))", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("testRefineMV(refineMV[Positive][Int](-1))", "Predicate.*fail.*") } property("refineMT failure") = wellTyped { illTyped("testRefineMT(-1)", "Predicate.*fail.*") // We don't check the compiler error in this case because it changed with 2.13.2, // see illTyped("testRefineMT(refineMT(-1))") illTyped("testRefineMT(refineMT[Positive](-1))", "Predicate.*fail.*") illTyped("testRefineMT(refineMT[Positive][Int](-1))", "Predicate.*fail.*") } }
Example 47
Source File: RefinedSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined import eu.timepit.refined.TestUtils.wellTyped import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import shapeless.test.illTyped class RefinedSpec extends Properties("Refined") { property("apply") = wellTyped { illTyped( """ val x: NonEmptyString = Refined("") """, "eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined.type does not take parameters" ) } property("copy") = wellTyped { val x: NonEmptyString = refineMV[NonEmpty]("abc") illTyped( """ x.copy("") """, "value copy is not a member of eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString" ) } property("equals") = secure { (Refined.unsafeApply(1) ?= Refined.unsafeApply(1)) && !Refined.unsafeApply(1).equals(1) } property("hashCode") = forAll { i: Int => Refined.unsafeApply(i).hashCode() ?= i.hashCode } property("unapply") = secure { val x: NonEmptyString = refineMV("Hi") val Refined(s) = x s ?= x.value } property("unapply in pattern matching") = secure { val x: NonEmptyString = refineMV("abc") x match { case Refined("abc") => true case _ => false } } }
Example 48
Source File: SyntaxSpec.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.cats import{NonEmptyList, Validated} import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefinedTypeOps} import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.{Interval, Positive} import eu.timepit.refined.refineMV import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties class SyntaxSpec extends Properties("syntax") { property("ValidateNel when Valid") = secure { import syntax._ PosInt.validateNel(5) ?= Validated.Valid(PosInt.unsafeFrom(5)) } property("ValidateNel when Invalid") = secure { import syntax._ PosInt.validateNel(-1) ?= Validated.invalidNel("Predicate failed: (-1 > 0).") } property("validateNel without import") = secure { type OneToTen = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`1`.T, W.`10`.T] object OneToTen extends RefinedTypeOps[OneToTen, Int] with CatsRefinedTypeOpsSyntax OneToTen.validateNel(5) ?= Validated.valid(OneToTen.unsafeFrom(5)) } property("ValidateNec when Valid") = secure { import syntax._ PosInt.validateNec(5) ?= Validated.Valid(PosInt.unsafeFrom(5)) } property("ValidateNec when Invalid") = secure { import syntax._ PosInt.validateNec(-1) ?= Validated.invalidNec("Predicate failed: (-1 > 0).") } property("validateNec without import") = secure { type OneToTen = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`1`.T, W.`10`.T] object OneToTen extends RefinedTypeOps[OneToTen, Int] with CatsRefinedTypeOpsSyntax OneToTen.validateNec(5) ?= Validated.valid(OneToTen.unsafeFrom(5)) } property("NonEmptyList refinedSize (1)") = secure { import syntax._ NonEmptyList.of("one").refinedSize ?= refineMV[Positive](1) } property("NonEmptyList refinedSize (> 1)") = secure { import syntax._ NonEmptyList.of("one", "two", "three").refinedSize ?= refineMV[Positive](3) } }
Example 49
Source File: RefinedSpec.scala From cormorant with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.cormorant.refined import org.specs2._ class RefinedSpec extends mutable.Specification { "refined module" should { "be able to derive a put for a class" in { import import import eu.timepit.refined._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty // import // import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._ // import eu.timepit.refined.boolean._ // import eu.timepit.refined.char._ // import eu.timepit.refined.collection._ // import eu.timepit.refined.generic._ // import eu.timepit.refined.string._ // import shapeless.{ ::, HNil } val refinedValue : String Refined NonEmpty = refineMV[NonEmpty]("Hello") Put[String Refined NonEmpty].put(refinedValue) must_=== CSV.Field("Hello") } "be able to derive a get for a class" in { import import import eu.timepit.refined._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty val refinedValue : String Refined NonEmpty = refineMV[NonEmpty]("Hello") val csv = CSV.Field("Hello") Get[String Refined NonEmpty].get(csv) must_=== Right(refinedValue) } } }
Example 50
Source File: Sha1.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalasteward.core.git import cats.Eq import cats.implicits._ import eu.timepit.refined.W import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefinedTypeOps} import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.{And, Or} import eu.timepit.refined.char.Digit import eu.timepit.refined.collection.{Forall, Size} import eu.timepit.refined.generic.Equal import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval import io.circe.refined._ import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder} import org.scalasteward.core.git.Sha1.HexString final case class Sha1(value: HexString) object Sha1 { type HexDigit = Digit Or Interval.Closed[W.`'a'`.T, W.`'f'`.T] type HexString = String Refined (Forall[HexDigit] And Size[Equal[W.`40`.T]]) object HexString extends RefinedTypeOps[HexString, String] def from(s: String): Either[Throwable, Sha1] = HexString.from(s).bimap(new Throwable(_), Sha1.apply) implicit val sha1Eq: Eq[Sha1] = implicit val sha1Decoder: Decoder[Sha1] = Decoder[HexString].map(Sha1.apply) implicit val sha1Encoder: Encoder[Sha1] = Encoder[HexString].contramap(_.value) }
Example 51
Source File: string.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalasteward.core.util import cats.Foldable import cats.implicits._ import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.MinSize import eu.timepit.refined.refineV import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegBigInt import org.scalasteward.core.util.Change.{Changed, Unchanged} import scala.util.Try import scala.util.matching.Regex import shapeless.Witness object string { type MinLengthString[N] = String Refined MinSize[N] def splitBetweenLowerAndUpperChars(s: String): List[String] = splitBetween2CharMatches("\\p{javaLowerCase}\\p{javaUpperCase}".r)(s) private def splitBetween2CharMatches(regex: Regex)(s: String): List[String] = { val bounds = regex.findAllIn(s) + 1).toList val indices = 0 +: bounds :+ s.length indices.sliding(2).collect { case i1 :: i2 :: Nil => s.substring(i1, i2) }.toList } }