io.circe.parser.parse Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use io.circe.parser.parse.
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Example 1
Source File: CirceSpec.scala From featherbed with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package featherbed.circe import cats.implicits._ import com.twitter.util.Future import io.circe._ import import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.syntax._ import org.scalatest.FlatSpec import shapeless.{Coproduct, Witness} import shapeless.union.Union case class Foo(someText: String, someInt: Int) class CirceSpec extends FlatSpec { "post request of a case class" should "derive JSON encoder" in { import com.twitter.util.{Future, Await} import com.twitter.finagle.{Service, Http} import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response} import val server = Http.serve(new InetSocketAddress(8766), new Service[Request, Response] { def apply(request: Request): Future[Response] = Future { val rep = Response() rep.contentString = s"${request.contentString}" rep.setContentTypeJson() rep } }) import val client = new featherbed.Client(new URL("http://localhost:8766/api/")) import val req ="foo/bar") .withContent(Foo("Hello world!", 42), "application/json") .accept[Coproduct.`"application/json"`.T] val result = Await.result { req.send[Foo]() } Foo("test", 42).asJson.toString parse("""{"someText": "test", "someInt": 42}""")[Foo]) Await.result(server.close()) } "API example" should "compile" in { import shapeless.Coproduct import import com.twitter.util.Await case class Post(userId: Int, id: Int, title: String, body: String) case class Comment(postId: Int, id: Int, name: String, email: String, body: String) class JSONPlaceholderAPI(baseUrl: URL) { private val client = new featherbed.Client(baseUrl) type JSON = Coproduct.`"application/json"`.T object posts { private val listRequest = client.get("posts").accept[JSON] private val getRequest = (id: Int) => client.get(s"posts/$id").accept[JSON] def list(): Future[Seq[Post]] = listRequest.send[Seq[Post]]() def get(id: Int): Future[Post] = getRequest(id).send[Post]() } object comments { private val listRequest = client.get("comments").accept[JSON] private val getRequest = (id: Int) => client.get(s"comments/$id").accept[JSON] def list(): Future[Seq[Comment]] = listRequest.send[Seq[Comment]]() def get(id: Int): Future[Comment] = getRequest(id).send[Comment]() } } val apiClient = new JSONPlaceholderAPI(new URL("")) Await.result(apiClient.posts.list()) } }
Example 2
Source File: ScalajHttpClient.scala From telegram with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package com.bot4s.telegram.clients import import java.nio.file.Files import cats.instances.future._ import com.bot4s.telegram.api.RequestHandler import com.bot4s.telegram.methods.{Request, JsonRequest, MultipartRequest, Response} import com.bot4s.telegram.models.InputFile import com.bot4s.telegram.marshalling import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder} import scalaj.http.{Http, MultiPart} import slogging.StrictLogging import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, blocking} class ScalajHttpClient(token: String, proxy: Proxy = Proxy.NO_PROXY, telegramHost: String = "") (implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends RequestHandler[Future] with StrictLogging { val connectionTimeoutMs = 10000 val readTimeoutMs = 50000 private val apiBaseUrl = s"https://$telegramHost/bot$token/" def sendRequest[R, T <: Request[_]](request: T)(implicit encT: Encoder[T], decR: Decoder[R]): Future[R] = { val url = apiBaseUrl + request.methodName val scalajRequest = request match { case r: JsonRequest[_] => Http(url) .postData(marshalling.toJson(request)) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") case r: MultipartRequest[_] => // InputFile.FileIds are encoded as query params. val (fileIds, files) = r.getFiles.partition { case (key, _: InputFile.FileId) => true case _ => false } val parts = { case (camelKey, inputFile) => val key = marshalling.snakenize(camelKey) inputFile match { case InputFile.FileId(id) => throw new RuntimeException("InputFile.FileId cannot must be encoded as a query param") case InputFile.Contents(filename, contents) => MultiPart(key, filename, "application/octet-stream", contents) case InputFile.Path(path) => MultiPart(key, path.getFileName.toString(), "application/octet-stream", Files.newInputStream(path), Files.size(path), _ => ()) case other => throw new RuntimeException(s"InputFile $other not supported") } } val fields = parse(marshalling.toJson(request)).fold(throw _, { _.toMap.mapValues { json => json.asString.getOrElse(marshalling.printer.pretty(json)) } }) val fileIdsParams = { case (key, inputFile: InputFile.FileId) => marshalling.snakenize(key) -> inputFile.fileId } val params = fields.getOrElse(Map()) Http(url).params(params ++ fileIdsParams).postMulti(parts: _*) } import marshalling.responseDecoder Future { blocking { scalajRequest .timeout(connectionTimeoutMs, readTimeoutMs) .proxy(proxy) .asString } } map { x => if (x.isSuccess) marshalling.fromJson[Response[R]](x.body) else throw new RuntimeException(s"Error ${x.code} on request") } map (processApiResponse[R]) } }
Example 3
Source File: MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec.scala From constructr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.heikoseeberger.constructr import{ Address, AddressFromURIString } import io.circe.Json import io.circe.parser.parse import java.util.Base64 class MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode1 extends MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec class MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode2 extends MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec class MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode3 extends MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec class MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode4 extends MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec class MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode5 extends MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec object MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec { def toNodes(s: String): Set[Address] = { def jsonToNode(json: Json) = { val key = json.hcursor .get[String]("key") .fold(throw _, identity) .stripPrefix("/constructr/MultiNodeConstructrSpec/nodes/") AddressFromURIString(new String(Base64.getUrlDecoder.decode(key))) } import cats.syntax.either._ // for Scala 2.11 parse(s) .fold(throw _, identity) .hcursor .downField("node") .get[Set[Json]]("nodes") .getOrElse(Set.empty) .map(jsonToNode) } } abstract class MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec extends MultiNodeConstructrSpec( 2379, "/v2/keys/constructr?recursive=true", "/v2/keys/constructr/MultiNodeConstructrSpec/nodes", MultiNodeEtcdConstructrSpec.toNodes )
Example 4
Source File: JsonConvertersSpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.extractor.json import{ImmArray, Ref} import com.daml.lf.value.{Value => V} import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.syntax._ class JsonConvertersSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { import JsonConverters._ import Ref.Name.{assertFromString => id} "records" should { val sampleRecord = V.ValueRecord( tycon = None, fields = ImmArray( (Some(id("foo")), V.ValueText("bar")), (Some(id("baz")), V.ValueInt64(1253049)) )) val oneMissingLabel = sampleRecord.copy(fields = sampleRecord.fields map { case (Some("foo"), v) => (None, v) case o => o }) "encode to JsonObject if all labels present" in { Right(sampleRecord.asJson) shouldBe parse("""{"foo": "bar", "baz": 1253049}""") } "encode to list of values if some label absent" in { Right(oneMissingLabel.asJson) shouldBe parse("""["bar", 1253049]""") } } }
Example 5
Source File: ConfigurablePatchJsonSpec.scala From patchless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package patchless.circe.extras import cats.syntax.either._ import io.circe.generic.extras.Configuration import import io.circe.parser.parse import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers} import patchless.Patch import shapeless.record.Record class ConfigurablePatchJsonSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers { "Configurable decoder" - { "Normal" in { import io.circe.generic.extras.defaults._ case class Foo(aString: String, bInt: Int, cBoolean: Boolean) def parsePatch(str: String) = parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _) val aPatched = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""") val bPatched = parsePatch("""{"bInt": 22}""") val cPatched = parsePatch("""{"cBoolean": false}""") aPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some("patched"), bInt = None, cBoolean = None) bPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = Some(22), cBoolean = None) cPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = None, cBoolean = Some(false)) } "Snake case" in { implicit val configuration = Configuration.default.withSnakeCaseMemberNames case class Foo(aString: String, bInt: Int, cBoolean: Boolean) def parsePatch(str: String) = parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _) val aPatched = parsePatch("""{"a_string": "patched"}""") val bPatched = parsePatch("""{"b_int": 22}""") val cPatched = parsePatch("""{"c_boolean": false}""") aPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some("patched"), bInt = None, cBoolean = None) bPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = Some(22), cBoolean = None) cPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = None, cBoolean = Some(false)) } "Options" in { import io.circe.generic.extras.defaults._ case class Foo(aString: Option[String]) def parsePatch(str: String) = parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _) val aPatchedSome = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""") val aPatchedNone = parsePatch("""{"aString": null}""") aPatchedSome.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(Some("patched"))) aPatchedNone.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(None)) } } }
Example 6
Source File: PatchJsonSpec.scala From patchless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package patchless.circe import cats.syntax.either._ import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers} import io.circe.parser.parse import patchless.Patch import shapeless.record.Record import class PatchJsonSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers { "Decoder" - { "Auto" in { case class Foo(aString: String, bInt: Int, cBoolean: Boolean) def parsePatch(str: String) = parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _) val aPatched = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""") val bPatched = parsePatch("""{"bInt": 22}""") val cPatched = parsePatch("""{"cBoolean": false}""") aPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some("patched"), bInt = None, cBoolean = None) bPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = Some(22), cBoolean = None) cPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = None, cBoolean = Some(false)) } "Options" in { case class Foo(aString: Option[String]) def parsePatch(str: String) = parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _) val aPatchedSome = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""") val aPatchedNone = parsePatch("""{"aString": null}""") aPatchedSome.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(Some("patched"))) aPatchedNone.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(None)) } } }
Example 7
Source File: MigrateV12ToV13.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.{EventEnvelope, NoOffset, PersistenceQuery} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import{Created, Updated} import{OrganizationRef, ResId, Views} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import io.circe.Json import io.circe.parser.parse import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import scala.concurrent.Future object MigrateV12ToV13 extends Resources { private val log = Logger[MigrateV12ToV13.type] private val newMapping = jsonContentOf("/elasticsearch/mapping.json") private val defaultEsId = nxv.defaultElasticSearchIndex.value private implicit val mockedAcls: AccessControlLists = AccessControlLists.empty def migrate( views: Views[Task], adminClient: AdminClient[Task] )(implicit config: AppConfig, as: ActorSystem, sc: Scheduler, pm: CanBlock): Unit = { implicit val token: Option[AuthToken] = config.iam.serviceAccountToken def checkAndUpdateMapping(id: ResId, rev: Long, source: Json)( implicit project: Project, caller: Caller ): Task[Unit] = { source.hcursor.get[String]("mapping").flatMap(parse) match { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error while fetching mapping for view id ${}. Reason: '$err'") Task.unit case Right(mapping) if mapping == newMapping => Task.unit case _ => views.update(id, rev, source deepMerge Json.obj("mapping" -> newMapping)).value.flatMap { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error updating the view with id '${}' and rev '$rev'. Reason: '$err'") Task.unit case _ =>"View with id '${}' and rev '$rev' was successfully updated.") Task.unit } } } def fetchProject(orgRef: OrganizationRef, id: ResId)(f: Project => Task[Unit]): Task[Unit] = { adminClient.fetchProject(, { case Some(project) => f(project) case None => log.error(s"Project with id '${}' was not found for view with id '${}'") Task.unit } }"Migrating views mappings.") val pq = PersistenceQuery(as).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier) Task .fromFuture { pq.currentEventsByTag(s"type=${nxv.ElasticSearchView.value.asString}", NoOffset) .mapAsync(1) { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, Created(id, orgRef, _, _, source, _, subject)) if id.value == defaultEsId => fetchProject(orgRef, id) { project => checkAndUpdateMapping(id, 1L, source)(project, Caller(subject, Set(subject))) }.runToFuture case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, Updated(id, orgRef, rev, _, source, _, subject)) if id.value == defaultEsId => fetchProject(orgRef, id) { project => checkAndUpdateMapping(id, rev, source)(project, Caller(subject, Set(subject))) }.runToFuture case _ => Future.unit } .runFold(0) { case (acc, _) => if (acc % 10 == 0)"Processed '$acc' persistence ids.") acc + 1 } .map(_ => ()) } .runSyncUnsafe()"Finished migrating views mappings.") } }
Example 8
Source File: TestObjects.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.{ElasticClient, ElasticNodeEndpoint} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.mappings.{FieldDefinition, KeywordField, ObjectField, TextField} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.elasic_config.{ ElasticWriteConfig, MappingSetting, TypedMappingSetting } import io.circe.Json import io.circe.parser.parse import org.scalacheck.Gen import scala.concurrent.duration._ object TestObjects { case class Address(street: String, zip: Int) case class User(name: String, age: Int, address: Address) case class NotMatchingUser(name: Int) private val addressGen: Gen[Address] = for { street <- Gen.alphaStr zip <- Gen.posNum[Int] } yield Address(street, zip) private val userGen = for { name <- Gen.alphaStr age <- Gen.posNum[Int] address <- addressGen } yield User(name, age, address) def randomUser: User = userGen.sample.get val userMappingDef: List[FieldDefinition] = List( TextField("name"), KeywordField("age"), ObjectField("address").fields( TextField("street"), KeywordField("zip") ) ) def jsonSettingMapping(docType: String, shards: Int, replicas: Int): Json = parse( s""" |{ | "settings": { | "number_of_shards": $shards, | "number_of_replicas": $replicas | }, | "mappings": { | "$docType": { | "properties" : { | "address" : { | "properties" : { | "street" : { | "type" : "text" | }, | "zip" : { | "type" : "integer" | } | } | }, | "age" : { | "type" : "integer" | }, | "name" : { | "type" : "text" | } | } | } | } |} | | """.stripMargin ).fold(throw _, identity) def testConf( mappingSetting: MappingSetting = TypedMappingSetting(), waitForEs: FiniteDuration = 1 second )(implicit c: ElasticClient): ElasticWriteConfig = new ElasticWriteConfig( elasticNodeEndpoints = List(ElasticNodeEndpoint("http", "host", 0, None)), indexPrefix = "test_index", docType = "docType", mappingSetting = mappingSetting, waitForElasticTimeout = waitForEs ) { override lazy val client: ElasticClient = c } }
Example 9
Source File: MappingSetting.scala From elastic-indexer4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.elasic_config import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.analyzers.AnalyzerDefinition import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.mappings.MappingDefinition import io.circe.{Json, ParsingFailure} import io.circe.parser.parse sealed trait MappingSetting { def fold[A](typed: TypedMappingSetting => A, unsafe: StringMappingSetting => A): A } case class TypedMappingSetting( analyzer: List[AnalyzerDefinition] = List.empty, mappings: List[MappingDefinition] = List.empty, shards: Option[Int] = None, replicas: Option[Int] = None ) extends MappingSetting { def fold[A](typed: (TypedMappingSetting) => A, unsafe: (StringMappingSetting) => A): A = typed(this) } sealed abstract case class StringMappingSetting(source: Json) extends MappingSetting { def fold[A](typed: (TypedMappingSetting) => A, unsafe: (StringMappingSetting) => A): A = unsafe(this) } object StringMappingSetting { def unsafeString(source: String): Either[ParsingFailure, MappingSetting] = parse(source).map(json => new StringMappingSetting(json) {}) }
Example 10
Source File: IPythonFormatSpec.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.server.repository.format.ipynb import io.circe.parser.parse import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers} import polynote.messages.{NotebookCell, CellID} import polynote.server.repository.NotebookContent import polynote.testing.ZIOSpec class IPythonFormatSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with ZIOSpec { private val subject = new IPythonFormat "IPythonFormat" - { "applies notebook language when no cell language is present" in { val nb = subject.decodeNotebook("dummy", """{ | "metadata": { | "language_info": { | "name": "python" | } | }, | "nbformat": 4, | "nbformat_minor": 0, | "cells": [ | { | "cell_type": "code", | "execution_count": 0, | "source": [ | "some python code" | ], | "outputs": [] | }, | { | "cell_type": "code", | "execution_count": 1, | "metadata": { | "language": "scala" | }, | "source": [ | "some scala code" | ], | "outputs": [] | } | ] |}""".stripMargin).runIO() nb.cells.head.language shouldEqual "python" nb.cells(1).language shouldEqual "scala" } "Saves language_info with most-used language from notebook" in { val encoded = subject.encodeNotebook(NotebookContent( List( NotebookCell(CellID(0), "aaa", "aaa"), NotebookCell(CellID(1), "ccc", "ccc"), NotebookCell(CellID(2), "bbb", "bbb"), NotebookCell(CellID(3), "aaa", "aaa")), None )).runIO() val langInfoName = parse(encoded).right.get.hcursor .downField("metadata") .downField("language_info") .downField("name") .as[String] langInfoName shouldEqual Right("aaa") } } }
Example 11
Source File: IPythonFormat.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.server.repository.format.ipynb import cats.syntax.either._ import io.circe.Printer import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.syntax._ import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, GlobalEnv} import polynote.messages.Notebook import polynote.server.repository.NotebookContent import polynote.server.repository.format.NotebookFormat import zio.{RIO, ZIO} class IPythonFormat extends NotebookFormat { override val extension: String = "ipynb" override val mime: String = "application/x-ipynb+json" override def decodeNotebook(noExtPath: String, rawContent: String): RIO[Any, Notebook] = for { parsed <- ZIO.fromEither(parse(rawContent)) staged <- ZIO.fromEither([JupyterNotebookStaged]) decoded <- ZIO.fromEither(if (staged.nbformat == 3)[JupyterNotebookV3].map(JupyterNotebookV3.toV4) else[JupyterNotebook]) } yield JupyterNotebook.toNotebook(decoded).toNotebook(s"$noExtPath.$extension") override def encodeNotebook(nb: NotebookContent): RIO[Any, String] = for { ipynb <- ZIO(JupyterNotebook.fromNotebook(nb)) } yield Printer.spaces2.copy(dropNullValues = true).pretty(ipynb.asJson) }
Example 12
Source File: JsonCodecs.scala From skunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package skunk package circe.codec import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.{ Json, Encoder => CEncoder, Decoder => CDecoder } import io.circe.parser.parse import trait JsonCodecs { private def genCodec[A](tpe: Type)( implicit encode: CEncoder[A], decode: CDecoder[A] ): Codec[A] = Codec.simple( a => encode(a).noSpaces, s => parse(s).flatMap(decode.decodeJson(_)).leftMap(_.getMessage), tpe ) val jsonb: Codec[Json] = jsonb[Json] } object json extends JsonCodecs object all extends JsonCodecs
Example 13
Source File: JsonCodecTest.scala From skunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package tests package codec import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.Json import io.circe.parser.parse import skunk._ import skunk.circe.codec.all._ import skunk.implicits._ case object JsonCodecTest extends CodecTest { val j: Json = parse("""{"foo": [true, "bar"], "tags": {"a": 1, "b": null}}""").toOption.get codecTest(json)(j) codecTest(json[Int ~ String])(42 ~ "foo") codecTest(jsonb)(j) codecTest(jsonb[Int ~ String])(42 ~ "foo") }
Example 14
Source File: ValidationReport.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.implicits._ import import{BNode, IriNode} import import import import import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.{Encoder, Json} import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource import def isValid(ignoreTargetedNodes: Boolean = false): Boolean = (ignoreTargetedNodes && conforms) || (!ignoreTargetedNodes && targetedNodes > 0 && conforms) } object ValidationReport { final def apply(report: Resource): Either[String, ValidationReport] = // format: off for { tmp <- report.getModel.asRdfGraph(BNode()) subject <- tmp.triples.find { case (_, p ,_ ) => p == IriNode(sh.conforms) }.map(_._1).toRight("Unable to find predicate sh:conforms in the validation report graph") graph = tmp.withRoot(subject) cursor = graph.cursor conforms <- cursor.down(sh.conforms).as[Boolean].leftMap(_.message) targeted <- cursor.down(nxsh.targetedNodes).as[Int].leftMap(_.message) json <- graph.toJson(shaclCtx) } yield ValidationReport(conforms, targeted, json.removeKeys("@context", "@id").addContext(shaclCtxUri)) // format: on private val shaclCtxUri: AbsoluteIri = url"" private val shaclCtx: Json = jsonContentOf("/shacl-context-resp.json") implicit val reportEncoder: Encoder[ValidationReport] = Encoder.instance(_.json) private def jsonContentOf(resourcePath: String): Json = parse(Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath)).mkString) .getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException) }
Example 15
Source File: StaticResourceIamAdminRoutesSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest import import org.scalatest.Inspectors import java.util.regex.Pattern.quote import import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import io.circe.parser.parse import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike class StaticResourceIamAdminRoutesSpec extends AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers with Inspectors with ScalatestRouteTest with Resources { val baseUri = "" override def testConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.empty() val staticRoutes = new StaticResourceRoutes( Map( "/contexts/context1" -> "/commons/static-routes-test/contexts/context1.json", "/contexts/context2" -> "/commons/static-routes-test/contexts/context2.json", "/schemas/schema1" -> "/commons/static-routes-test/schemas/schema1.json", "/schemas/schema2" -> "/commons/static-routes-test/schemas/schema2.json" ), "test", baseUri ).routes val baseReplacement = Map( quote("{{base}}") -> baseUri ) val files = Map( "/v1/test/contexts/context1" -> jsonContentOf( "/commons/static-routes-test/contexts/context1.json", baseReplacement ), "/v1/test/contexts/context2" -> jsonContentOf( "/commons/static-routes-test/contexts/context2.json", baseReplacement ), "/v1/test/schemas/schema1" -> jsonContentOf("/commons/static-routes-test/schemas/schema1.json", baseReplacement), "/v1/test/schemas/schema2" -> jsonContentOf("/commons/static-routes-test/schemas/schema2.json", baseReplacement) ) "A StaticResourceRoutes" should { "return static resources" in { forAll(files.toList) { case (path, json) => Get(path) ~> staticRoutes ~> check { status shouldEqual StatusCodes.OK contentType shouldEqual RdfMediaTypes.`application/ld+json`.toContentType parse(responseAs[String]).toOption.get shouldEqual json } } } "return 404 when resource doesn't exist" in { Get(s"/v1/test/schemas/${UUID.randomUUID().toString}") ~> staticRoutes ~> check { rejections shouldEqual Seq() } } } }
Example 16
Source File: StaticResourceRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.regex.Pattern.quote import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import io.circe.Json import io.circe.parser.parse import class StaticResourceRoutes(resourcePaths: Map[String, String], prefix: String, baseUri: Uri) extends PrefixDirectives { private def contentOf(file: String): String = { val source = Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream(file)) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents } private def contentOf(file: String, replacements: Map[String, String]): String = replacements.foldLeft(contentOf(file)) { case (value, (regex, replacement)) => value.replaceAll(regex, replacement) } private val baseReplacement: Map[String, String] = Map(quote("{{base}}") -> baseUri.toString) private lazy val resources: Map[String, Json] = resourcePaths.view .mapValues { resource => parse(contentOf(resource, baseReplacement)).toOption } .flatMap { case (key, value) => value match { case Some(v) => Some((key, v)) case None => None } } .toMap def routes: Route = uriPrefix(baseUri) { (get & pathPrefix(prefix)) { extractUnmatchedPath { resourcePath => resources.get(resourcePath.toString) match { case Some(json) => complete(json) case None => reject } } } } }
Example 17
Source File: package.scala From telegram with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.bot4s.telegram.marshalling import import cats.instances.function._ import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.traverse._ import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.{Json, JsonObject, _} object `package` extends CirceEncoders with CirceDecoders with CaseConversions { private def transformKeys(json: Json, f: String => String): Trampoline[Json] = { def transformObjectKeys(obj: JsonObject, f: String => String): JsonObject = JsonObject.fromIterable( { case (k, v) => f(k) -> v } ) json.arrayOrObject( Trampoline.done(json), _.toList.traverse(j => Trampoline.defer(transformKeys(j, f))).map(Json.fromValues(_)), transformObjectKeys(_, f).traverse(obj => Trampoline.defer(transformKeys(obj, f))).map(Json.fromJsonObject) ) } private def camelKeys(json: io.circe.Json): Json = transformKeys(json, camelize).run private def snakeKeys(json: io.circe.Json): Json = transformKeys(json, snakenize).run val printer = Printer.noSpaces.copy(dropNullValues = true) def toJson[T: Encoder](t: T): String = printer.pretty(t.asJson) def fromJson[T: Decoder](s: String): T = { parse(s).fold(throw _, json => camelKeys(json).as[T].fold(throw _, identity)) } }
Example 18
Source File: SttpClient.scala From telegram with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.bot4s.telegram.clients import cats.MonadError import cats.syntax.functor._ import com.bot4s.telegram.api.RequestHandler import com.bot4s.telegram.marshalling.CaseConversions import com.bot4s.telegram.methods.{JsonRequest, MultipartRequest, Response} import com.softwaremill.sttp.{Request => _, Response => _, _} import com.bot4s.telegram.marshalling import com.bot4s.telegram.methods._ import com.bot4s.telegram.models.InputFile import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder} import slogging.StrictLogging import scala.concurrent.duration._ class SttpClient[F[_]](token: String, telegramHost: String = "") (implicit backend: SttpBackend[F, Nothing], monadError: MonadError[F, Throwable]) extends RequestHandler[F]()(monadError) with StrictLogging { val readTimeout: Duration = 50.seconds private implicit def circeBodySerializer[B : Encoder]: BodySerializer[B] = b => StringBody(marshalling.toJson[B](b), "utf-8", Some(MediaTypes.Json)) private def asJson[B : Decoder]: ResponseAs[B, Nothing] = asString("utf-8").map(s => marshalling.fromJson[B](s)) private val apiBaseUrl = s"https://$telegramHost/bot$token/" override def sendRequest[R, T <: Request[_]](request: T)(implicit encT: Encoder[T], decR: Decoder[R]): F[R] = { val url = apiBaseUrl + request.methodName val sttpRequest: RequestT[Id, String, Nothing] = request match { case r: JsonRequest[_] =>"$url").body(request) case r: MultipartRequest[_] => val files = r.getFiles val parts = { case (camelKey, inputFile) => val key = CaseConversions.snakenize(camelKey) inputFile match { case InputFile.FileId(id) => multipart(key, id) case InputFile.Contents(filename, contents) => multipart(key, contents).fileName(filename) //case InputFile.Path(path) => multipartFile(key, path) case other => throw new RuntimeException(s"InputFile $other not supported") } } val fields = parse(marshalling.toJson(request)).fold(throw _, { _.toMap.mapValues { json => json.asString.getOrElse(marshalling.printer.pretty(json)) } }) val params = fields.getOrElse(Map())"$url?$params").multipartBody(parts) } import com.bot4s.telegram.marshalling.responseDecoder val response = sttpRequest .readTimeout(readTimeout) .parseResponseIf(_ => true) // Always parse response .response(asJson[Response[R]]) .send[F]() response .map(_.unsafeBody) .map(processApiResponse[R]) } }
Example 19
Source File: HardcodedDerivationSpec.scala From circe-magnolia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.magnolia.configured import io.circe.Encoder import io.circe.magnolia.MagnoliaEncoder import io.circe.magnolia.configured.HardcodedDerivationSpec.{User, UserType} import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.tests.CirceSuite import magnolia.{CaseClass, Magnolia, SealedTrait} // An example of hardcoding a configuration. This means at when deriving Encoder/Decoder you no longer need to provide // a Configuration object class HardcodedDerivationSpec extends CirceSuite { "Hardcoded Encoder deriver" should "match the hardcoded configured behavior" in { assert(UserType.encoder(User("John", "Doe")).asRight[Throwable] == parse( """ { "type": "user", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe" } """)) } } object HardcodedDerivationSpec { sealed trait UserType final case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String) extends UserType final case class SuperUser(name: String) extends UserType object UserType { implicit val encoder: Encoder[UserType] = hardcodedConfiguration.deriveEncoder[UserType] } object hardcodedConfiguration { val config: Configuration = Configuration .default .withDiscriminator("type") .withSnakeCaseConstructorNames .withSnakeCaseMemberNames type Typeclass[T] = Encoder[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = MagnoliaEncoder.combine(caseClass)(config) def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = MagnoliaEncoder.dispatch(sealedTrait)(config) def deriveEncoder[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } }
Example 20
Source File: HttpHelper.scala From codacy-analysis-cli with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.codacy.analysis.core.utils import io.circe.parser.parse import io.circe.{Json, ParsingFailure} import scalaj.http.{Http, HttpRequest, HttpResponse} class HttpHelper(apiUrl: Option[String], extraHeaders: Map[String, String]) { private lazy val connectionTimeoutMs = 2000 private lazy val readTimeoutMs = 5000 private val remoteUrl = apiUrl.getOrElse("") + "/2.0" def get(endpoint: String): Either[ParsingFailure, Json] = { val headers: Map[String, String] = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json") ++ extraHeaders val response: HttpResponse[String] = Http(s"$remoteUrl$endpoint").headers(headers).timeout(connectionTimeoutMs, readTimeoutMs).asString parse(response.body) } def post(endpoint: String, dataOpt: Option[Json] = None): Either[ParsingFailure, Json] = { val headers: Map[String, String] = dataOpt.fold(Map.empty[String, String]) { _ => Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json") } ++ extraHeaders val request: HttpRequest = { data => Http(s"$remoteUrl$endpoint").postData(data.toString) }.getOrElse(Http(s"$remoteUrl$endpoint")) .method("POST") .headers(headers) .timeout(connectionTimeoutMs, readTimeoutMs) parse(request.asString.body) } }
Example 21
Source File: AnyFormatSpec.scala From scalapb-circe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scalapb_circe import{Any => PBAny} import jsontest.anytests.{AnyTest, ManyAnyTest} import io.circe.parser.parse import scalapb_json._ import EitherOps._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers class AnyFormatSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with JavaAssertions { val RawExample = AnyTest("test") val RawJson = parse(s"""{"field":"test"}""").getOrError val AnyExample = PBAny.pack(RawExample) val AnyJson = parse(s"""{"@type":"","field":"test"}""").getOrError val CustomPrefixAny = PBAny.pack(RawExample, "") val CustomPrefixJson = parse(s"""{"@type":"","field":"test"}""").getOrError val ManyExample = ManyAnyTest( Seq( PBAny.pack(AnyTest("1")), PBAny.pack(AnyTest("2")) ) ) val ManyPackedJson = parse(""" |{ | "@type": "", | "fields": [ | {"@type": "", "field": "1"}, | {"@type": "", "field": "2"} | ] |} """.stripMargin).getOrError override def registeredCompanions = Seq(AnyTest, ManyAnyTest) // For clarity def UnregisteredPrinter = JsonFormat.printer def UnregisteredParser = JsonFormat.parser "Any" should "fail to serialize if its respective companion is not registered" in { an[IllegalStateException] must be thrownBy UnregisteredPrinter.toJson(AnyExample) } "Any" should "fail to deserialize if its respective companion is not registered" in { a[JsonFormatException] must be thrownBy UnregisteredParser.fromJson[PBAny](AnyJson) } "Any" should "serialize correctly if its respective companion is registered" in { ScalaJsonPrinter.toJson(AnyExample) must be(AnyJson) } "Any" should "fail to serialize with a custom URL prefix if specified" in { an[IllegalStateException] must be thrownBy ScalaJsonPrinter.toJson(CustomPrefixAny) } "Any" should "fail to deserialize for a non-Google-prefixed type URL" in { a[JsonFormatException] must be thrownBy ScalaJsonParser.fromJson[PBAny](CustomPrefixJson) } "Any" should "deserialize correctly if its respective companion is registered" in { ScalaJsonParser.fromJson[PBAny](AnyJson) must be(AnyExample) } "Any" should "resolve printers recursively" in { val packed = PBAny.pack(ManyExample) ScalaJsonPrinter.toJson(packed) must be(ManyPackedJson) } "Any" should "resolve parsers recursively" in { ScalaJsonParser.fromJson[PBAny](ManyPackedJson).unpack[ManyAnyTest] must be(ManyExample) } }
Example 22
Source File: WellKnownTypesSpec.scala From scalapb-circe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scalapb_circe import import import jsontest.test.WellKnownTest import io.circe.parser.parse import EitherOps._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers class WellKnownTypesSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { val durationProto = WellKnownTest(duration = Some(Duration(146, 3455))) "duration" should "serialize and parse correctly" in { val durationJson = """{ | "duration": "146.000003455s" |}""".stripMargin JsonFormat.printer.toJson(durationProto) must be(parse(durationJson).getOrError) JsonFormat.parser.fromJsonString[WellKnownTest](durationJson) must be(durationProto) } "timestamp" should "serialize and parse correctly" in { val timestampJson = """{ | "timestamp": "2016-09-16T12:35:24.375123456Z" |}""".stripMargin val timestampProto = WellKnownTest(timestamp = Some(Timestamp(seconds = 1474029324, nanos = 375123456))) JsonFormat.parser.fromJsonString[WellKnownTest](timestampJson) must be(timestampProto) JsonFormat.printer.toJson(timestampProto) must be(parse(timestampJson).getOrError) } }
Example 23
Source File: OneOfSpec.scala From scalapb-circe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scalapb_circe import{printer => ProtobufJavaPrinter} import jsontest.oneof.OneOf._ import jsontest.oneof.{OneOf, OneOfMessage} import io.circe.parser.parse import org.scalatest.prop._ import EitherOps._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers class OneOfSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with TableDrivenPropertyChecks { val examples = Table( ("message", "json"), (OneOf.defaultInstance, "{}"), (OneOf(Field.Empty), "{}"), (OneOf(Field.Primitive("")), """{"primitive":""}"""), (OneOf(Field.Primitive("test")), """{"primitive":"test"}"""), (OneOf(Field.Wrapper("")), """{"wrapper":""}"""), (OneOf(Field.Wrapper("test")), """{"wrapper":"test"}"""), (OneOf(Field.Message(OneOfMessage())), """{"message":{}}"""), (OneOf(Field.Message(OneOfMessage(Some("test")))), """{"message":{"field":"test"}}""") ) forEvery(examples) { (message: OneOf, json: String) => new Printer(includingDefaultValueFields = false).toJson(message) must be(parse(json).getOrError) new Printer(includingDefaultValueFields = false).toJson(message) must be( parse( ProtobufJavaPrinter().print(toJavaProto(message)) ).getOrError ) new Printer(includingDefaultValueFields = true).toJson(message) must be(parse(json).getOrError) new Printer(includingDefaultValueFields = true).toJson(message) must be( parse( ProtobufJavaPrinter().includingDefaultValueFields().print(toJavaProto(message)) ).getOrError ) } }
Example 24
Source File: JavaAssertionsPlatform.scala From scalapb-circe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scalapb_circe import{TypeRegistry => JavaTypeRegistry} import scalapb.{GeneratedMessage, GeneratedMessageCompanion, JavaProtoSupport} import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers trait JavaAssertionsPlatform { self: Matchers with JavaAssertions => def registeredCompanions: Seq[GeneratedMessageCompanion[_]] val JavaJsonTypeRegistry = registeredCompanions.foldLeft(JavaTypeRegistry.newBuilder())(_ add _.javaDescriptor).build() val JavaJsonPrinter = val JavaJsonParser = def assertJsonIsSameAsJava[T <: GeneratedMessage](v: T, checkRoundtrip: Boolean = true)( implicit cmp: GeneratedMessageCompanion[T] ) = { val scalaJson = ScalaJsonPrinter.print(v) val javaJson = JavaJsonPrinter.print( cmp.asInstanceOf[JavaProtoSupport[T,]].toJavaProto(v) ) import io.circe.parser.parse parse(scalaJson).isRight must be(true) parse(scalaJson) must be(parse(javaJson)) if (checkRoundtrip) { ScalaJsonParser.fromJsonString[T](scalaJson) must be(v) } } def javaParse[T <:[T]]( json: String, b:[T] ) = { JavaJsonParser.merge(json, b) } }
Example 25
Source File: MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec.scala From constructr-consul with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.tecsisa.constructr.akka.consul import{ Address, AddressFromURIString } import io.circe.Json import io.circe.parser.parse import java.util.Base64._ class MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode1 extends MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec class MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode2 extends MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec class MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode3 extends MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec class MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode4 extends MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec class MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpecMultiJvmNode5 extends MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec object MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec { def toNodes(s: String): Set[Address] = { def jsonToNode(json: Json) = { val a = json.hcursor .get[String]("Key") .fold(throw _, identity) .stripPrefix("constructr/MultiNodeConstructrSpec/nodes/") AddressFromURIString(new String(getUrlDecoder.decode(a), "UTF-8")) } import cats.syntax.either._ // for Scala 2.11 parse(s) .fold(throw _, identity) .as[Set[Json]] .getOrElse(Set.empty) .map(jsonToNode) } } abstract class MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec extends MultiNodeConstructrSpec( 8501, "/v1/kv/constructr/MultiNodeConstructrSpec?recurse", "/v1/kv/constructr/MultiNodeConstructrSpec/nodes?recurse", MultiNodeConsulConstructrSpec.toNodes )