Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: byte_message.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package isabelle import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream, InputStream, IOException} object Byte_Message { private def is_length(msg: Bytes): Boolean = !msg.is_empty && msg.iterator.forall(b => Symbol.is_ascii_digit(b.toChar)) private def is_terminated(msg: Bytes): Boolean = { val len = msg.length len > 0 && Symbol.is_ascii_line_terminator(msg.charAt(len - 1)) } def write_line_message(stream: OutputStream, msg: Bytes) { if (is_length(msg) || is_terminated(msg)) error ("Bad content for line message:\n" ++ msg.text.take(100)) val n = msg.length write(stream, (if (n > 100 || msg.iterator.contains(10)) make_header(List(n + 1)) else Nil) ::: List(msg, Bytes.newline)) flush(stream) } def read_line_message(stream: InputStream): Option[Bytes] = read_line(stream) match { case None => None case Some(line) => Value.Nat.unapply(line.text) match { case None => Some(line) case Some(n) => read_block(stream, n) } } }
Example 2
Source File: AvroConverter.scala From kafka-connect-common with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.converters.sink import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.converters.MsgKey import io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroData import import import org.apache.avro.{Schema => AvroSchema} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord import import org.apache.avro.reflect.ReflectDatumWriter import org.apache.kafka.connect.sink.SinkRecord import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig.ConfigException class AvroConverter extends Converter { private val avroData = new AvroData(8) private var sinkToSchemaMap: Map[String, AvroSchema] = Map.empty private var avroWritersMap: Map[String, ReflectDatumWriter[Object]] = Map.empty override def convert(sinkTopic: String, data: SinkRecord): SinkRecord = { Option(data) match { case None => new SinkRecord( sinkTopic, 0, null, null, avroData.toConnectSchema(sinkToSchemaMap(sinkTopic)), null, 0 ) case Some(_) => val kafkaTopic = data.topic() val writer = avroWritersMap.getOrElse(kafkaTopic.toLowerCase, throw new ConfigException(s"Invalid ${AvroConverter.SCHEMA_CONFIG} is not configured for $kafkaTopic")) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); val decoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(output, null) output.reset() val avro = avroData.fromConnectData(data.valueSchema(), data.value()) avro.asInstanceOf[GenericRecord] val record = writer.write(avro, decoder) decoder.flush() val arr = output.toByteArray new SinkRecord( kafkaTopic, data.kafkaPartition(), MsgKey.schema, MsgKey.getStruct(sinkTopic, data.key().toString()), data.valueSchema(), arr, 0 ) } } override def initialize(config: Map[String, String]): Unit = { sinkToSchemaMap = AvroConverter.getSchemas(config) avroWritersMap = { case (key, schema) => key -> new ReflectDatumWriter[Object](schema) } } } object AvroConverter { val SCHEMA_CONFIG = "connect.converter.avro.schemas" def getSchemas(config: Map[String, String]): Map[String, AvroSchema] = { config.getOrElse(SCHEMA_CONFIG, throw new ConfigException(s"$SCHEMA_CONFIG is not provided")) .toString .split(';') .filter(_.trim.nonEmpty) .map(_.split("=")) .map { case Array(sink, path) => val file = new File(path) if (!file.exists()) { throw new ConfigException(s"Invalid $SCHEMA_CONFIG. The file $path doesn't exist!") } val s = sink.trim.toLowerCase() if (s.isEmpty) { throw new ConfigException(s"Invalid $SCHEMA_CONFIG. The topic is not valid for entry containing $path") } s -> new AvroSchema.Parser().parse(file) case other => throw new ConfigException(s"$SCHEMA_CONFIG is not properly set. The format is Mqtt_Sink->AVRO_FILE") }.toMap } }
Example 3
Source File: AvroSerializer.scala From kafka-connect-common with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.serialization import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream, OutputStream} import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{RecordFormat, SchemaFor} import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumReader, GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord} import{DecoderFactory, EncoderFactory} object AvroSerializer { def write[T <: Product](t: T)(implicit os: OutputStream, formatter: RecordFormat[T], schemaFor: SchemaFor[T]): Unit = write(apply(t), schemaFor()) def write(record: GenericRecord, schema: Schema)(implicit os: OutputStream) = { val writer = new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](schema) val encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(os, null) writer.write(record, encoder) encoder.flush() os.flush() } def getBytes[T <: Product](t: T)(implicit recordFormat: RecordFormat[T], schemaFor: SchemaFor[T]): Array[Byte] = getBytes(, schemaFor()) def getBytes(record: GenericRecord, schema: Schema): Array[Byte] = { implicit val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() write(record, schema) output.toByteArray } def read(is: InputStream, schema: Schema): GenericRecord = { val reader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](schema) val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(is, null), decoder) } def read[T <: Product](is: InputStream)(implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], recordFormat: RecordFormat[T]): T = recordFormat.from(read(is, schemaFor())) def apply[T <: Product](t: T)(implicit formatter: RecordFormat[T]): GenericRecord = }
Example 4
Source File: FeaturePolygonTest.scala From spark-pip with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri import import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import org.geotools.geometry.jts.WKTReader2 import org.scalatest._ import class FeaturePolygonTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { it should "read zero area geometry" in { val kryo = new Kryo() kryo.register(classOf[FeaturePolygon]) val reader = new WKTReader2() Source .fromFile("/tmp/world.tsv") .getLines() .foreach(line => { val tokens = line.split("\t") val geom = FeaturePolygon(geom, Array.empty[String]) .toRowCols(4.0) .foreach { case (rowcol, feature) => { feature.geom.getGeometryType should endWith("Polygon") val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096) val output = new Output(baos) kryo.writeObject(output, feature) output.flush() val obj = kryo.readObject[FeaturePolygon](new Input(baos.toByteArray), classOf[FeaturePolygon]) obj.geom.equalsExact(feature.geom, 0.000001) } } }) } }
Example 5
Source File: S3Brain.scala From sumobot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sumologic.sumobot.brain import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.util.Properties import{Actor, Props} import com.amazonaws.auth.{AWSCredentials, AWSStaticCredentialsProvider} import{AmazonS3Client, AmazonS3ClientBuilder} import import com.sumologic.sumobot.brain.Brain._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.immutable object S3Brain { def props(credentials: AWSCredentials, bucket: String, s3Key: String): Props = Props(classOf[S3Brain], credentials, bucket, s3Key) } class S3Brain(credentials: AWSCredentials, bucket: String, s3Key: String) extends Actor { private val s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard() .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials)).build private var brainContents: Map[String, String] = loadFromS3() override def receive: Receive = { case Store(key, value) => brainContents += (key -> value) saveToS3(brainContents) case Remove(key) => brainContents -= key saveToS3(brainContents) case Retrieve(key) => brainContents.get(key) match { case Some(value) => sender() ! ValueRetrieved(key, value) case None => sender() ! ValueMissing(key) } case ListValues(prefix) => sender() ! ValueMap(brainContents.filter(_._1.startsWith(prefix))) } private def loadFromS3(): Map[String, String] = { if (s3Client.doesBucketExistV2(bucket)) { val props = new Properties() props.load(s3Client.getObject(bucket, s3Key).getObjectContent) immutable.Map(props.asScala.toSeq: _*) } else { Map.empty } } private def saveToS3(contents: Map[String, String]): Unit = { if (!s3Client.doesBucketExistV2(bucket)) { s3Client.createBucket(bucket) } val props = new Properties() props.putAll(contents.asJava) val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(), "") out.flush() out.close() val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) s3Client.putObject(bucket, s3Key, in, new ObjectMetadata()) } }
Example 6
Source File: Serialization.scala From seahorse-workflow-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.deepsense.commons.serialization import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} trait Serialization { def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte]): T = { val bufferIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val streamIn = new ObjectInputStream(bufferIn) try { streamIn.readObject().asInstanceOf[T] } finally { streamIn.close() } } def serialize[T](objectToSerialize: T): Array[Byte] = { val byteArrayOutputStream: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream) try { oos.writeObject(objectToSerialize) oos.flush() byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray } finally { oos.close() } } def serializeDeserialize[T](obj: T): T = deserialize[T](serialize[T](obj)) } object Serialization extends Serialization
Example 7
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream, Writer, _} import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.reflect.ClassTag def pipe(in: Reader, out: Writer): Unit = { val buffer = newBuffer[Char] @tailrec def loop(): Unit = { val size = if (size > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, size) loop() } } loop() } @inline private def newBuffer[T: ClassTag] = new Array[T](4096) }
Example 8
Source File: XmlEncoder.scala From phobos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.phobos.encoding import import cats.syntax.option._ import com.fasterxml.aalto.stax.OutputFactoryImpl import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamWriter2 import ru.tinkoff.phobos.Namespace import ru.tinkoff.phobos.encoding.XmlEncoder.XmlEncoderConfig trait XmlEncoder[A] { val localname: String val namespaceuri: Option[String] val elementencoder: ElementEncoder[A] def encode(a: A, charset: String = "UTF-8"): String = new String(encodeToBytes(a, charset), charset) def encodeToBytes(a: A, charset: String = "UTF-8"): Array[Byte] = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream val factory = new OutputFactoryImpl factory.setProperty("", true) val sw = new PhobosStreamWriter(factory.createXMLStreamWriter(os, charset).asInstanceOf[XMLStreamWriter2]) sw.writeStartDocument() elementencoder.encodeAsElement(a, sw, localname, namespaceuri) sw.writeEndDocument() sw.flush() sw.close() os.toByteArray } def encodeWithConfig(a: A, config: XmlEncoderConfig): String = new String(encodeToBytesWithConfig(a, config), config.encoding) def encodeToBytesWithConfig(a: A, config: XmlEncoderConfig): Array[Byte] = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream val factory = new OutputFactoryImpl factory.setProperty("", true) val sw = new PhobosStreamWriter(factory.createXMLStreamWriter(os, config.encoding).asInstanceOf[XMLStreamWriter2]) if (config.writeProlog) { sw.writeStartDocument(config.encoding, config.version) } elementencoder.encodeAsElement(a, sw, localname, namespaceuri) if (config.writeProlog) { sw.writeEndDocument() } sw.flush() sw.close() os.toByteArray } } object XmlEncoder { def apply[A](implicit instance: XmlEncoder[A]): XmlEncoder[A] = instance def fromElementEncoder[A](localName: String, namespaceUri: Option[String])( implicit elementEncoder: ElementEncoder[A]): XmlEncoder[A] = new XmlEncoder[A] { val localname: String = localName val namespaceuri: Option[String] = namespaceUri val elementencoder: ElementEncoder[A] = elementEncoder } def fromElementEncoder[A](localName: String)(implicit elementEncoder: ElementEncoder[A]): XmlEncoder[A] = fromElementEncoder(localName, None) def fromElementEncoderNs[A, NS](localName: String, namespaceInstance: NS)(implicit elementEncoder: ElementEncoder[A], namespace: Namespace[NS]): XmlEncoder[A] = fromElementEncoder(localName, namespace.getNamespace.some) def fromElementEncoderNs[A, NS](localName: String)(implicit elementEncoder: ElementEncoder[A], namespace: Namespace[NS]): XmlEncoder[A] = fromElementEncoder(localName, namespace.getNamespace.some) final case class XmlEncoderConfig( encoding: String, version: String, writeProlog: Boolean ) { def withoutProlog: XmlEncoderConfig = copy(writeProlog = false) } val defaultConfig: XmlEncoderConfig = XmlEncoderConfig( encoding = "UTF-8", version = "1.0", writeProlog = true ) }
Example 9
Source File: AllCodecTest.scala From aws-lambda-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import import io.github.mkotsur.StringInputStream import org.scalatest.EitherValues._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} class AllCodecTest extends AnyFunSuite with should.Matchers with MockitoSugar with Eventually { test("should decode null") { new AllCodec { val is = new StringInputStream("""null""") val value = canDecodeAll[None.type].readStream(is) value.right.value shouldBe Option.empty[None.type] } } test("should decode empty string") { new AllCodec { val is = new StringInputStream("") val value = canDecodeAll[None.type].readStream(is) value.right.value shouldBe Option.empty[None.type] } } test("should encode null") { new AllCodec { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val context: Context = mock[Context] canEncodeAll[None.type].writeStream(os, Right(None), context) os.toString shouldBe "null" } } }
Example 10
Source File: FutureCodec.scala From aws-lambda-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.charset.Charset import io.circe.Encoder import import import import io.circe.syntax._ import cats.syntax.either.catsSyntaxEither import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} private[aws] trait FutureCodec { implicit def canEncodeFuture[I: Encoder](implicit canEncode: Encoder[I]) = CanEncode.instance[Future[I]]((os, responseEither, ctx) => { (for { response <- responseEither.toTry futureResult <- Try(Await.result(response, ctx.getRemainingTimeInMillis millis)) json <- Try(canEncode(futureResult).noSpaces.getBytes) _ <- Try(os.write(json)) } yield { () }) match { case Success(v) => Right(v) case Failure(e) => Left(e) } }) implicit def canEncodeProxyResponse[T](implicit canEncode: CanEncode[T]) = CanEncode.instance[ProxyResponse[T]]( (output, proxyResponseEither, ctx) => { def writeBody(bodyOption: Option[T]): Either[Throwable, Option[String]] = bodyOption match { case None => Right(None) case Some(body) => val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val result = canEncode.writeStream(os, Right(body), ctx) os.close() => Some(os.toString())) } val proxyResposeOrError = for { proxyResponse <- proxyResponseEither bodyOption <- writeBody(proxyResponse.body) } yield ProxyResponse[String]( proxyResponse.statusCode, proxyResponse.headers, bodyOption ) val response = proxyResposeOrError match { case Right(proxyRespose) => proxyRespose case Left(e) => ProxyResponse[String]( 500, Some(Map("Content-Type" -> s"text/plain; charset=${Charset.defaultCharset().name()}")), Some(e.getMessage) ) } output.write(response.asJson.noSpaces.getBytes) Right(()) } ) }
Example 11
Source File: DataWeaveCLITest.scala From data-weave-native with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.mule.weave.dwnative.cli import import import import org.scalatest.FreeSpec import org.scalatest.Matchers import class DataWeaveCLITest extends FreeSpec with Matchers { "should work with output application/json" in { val out = System.out try { val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("output application/json --- (1 to 3)[0]")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString result.trim shouldBe "1" } finally { System.setOut(out) println("Finish OK 3") } } "should work with simple script and not output" in { val defaultOut = System.out try { val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("(1 to 3)[0]")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString result.trim shouldBe "1" } finally { System.setOut(defaultOut) } } "should work ok when sending payload from stdin" in { val out = System.out val in = try { val input = """[ | 1, | 2, | 3 |] """.stripMargin.trim val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8"))) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("payload[0]")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString.trim source.close() result.trim shouldBe "1" } finally { System.setOut(out) System.setIn(in) println("Finish OK 2") } } "should work with light formats" in { val out = System.out val in = try { val input = """[{ | "a" : 1, | "b" : 2, | "c" : 3 |}] """.stripMargin.trim val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8"))) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("input payload json output csv header=false ---payload")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString.trim source.close() result.trim shouldBe "1,2,3" } finally { System.setOut(out) System.setIn(in) println("Finish OK 2") } } }
Example 12
Source File: ModelSerializationTestHelper.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha import{ObjectInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream} trait ModelSerializationTestHelper { def serializeDeserializeRoundTrip[A <:](a: A): A = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) oos.writeObject(a) val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray) val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais) val out = ois.readObject() out.asInstanceOf[A] } }
Example 13
Source File: ConsoleModuleTest.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.jvm.system.console import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import cats.effect.SyncIO import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import scala.{Console => SConsole} class ConsoleModuleTest extends AnyFunSuite { test("Console input") { SConsole.withIn(new ByteArrayInputStream("test input\n".getBytes("UTF-8"))) { val test = for { line <- ConsoleModule.make[SyncIO].readLine } yield assert(line === "test input") test.unsafeRunSync() } } test("Console output") { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() SConsole.withOut(out) { val test = for { _ <- ConsoleModule.make[SyncIO].printLine("test output") } yield () test.unsafeRunSync() } assert(out.toString("UTF-8") === "test output\n") } test("Console error") { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() SConsole.withErr(out) { val test = for { _ <- ConsoleModule.make[SyncIO].printLineToError("test output") } yield () test.unsafeRunSync() } assert(out.toString("UTF-8") === "test output\n") } }
Example 14
Source File: SparkTestsSuite.scala From amaterasu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.amaterasu.spark import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import io.shinto.amaterasu.spark.PySparkRunnerTests import org.apache.amaterasu.RunnersTests.RunnersLoadingTests import org.apache.amaterasu.common.dataobjects.ExecData import org.apache.amaterasu.common.execution.dependencies._ import org.apache.amaterasu.common.runtime.Environment import org.apache.amaterasu.utilities.TestNotifier import org.apache.amaterasu.executor.mesos.executors.ProvidersFactory import org.apache.spark.repl.amaterasu.runners.spark.SparkScalaRunner import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.scalatest._ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer class SparkTestsSuite extends Suites( new PySparkRunnerTests(), new RunnersLoadingTests()) with BeforeAndAfterAll { var env: Environment = _ var factory: ProvidersFactory = _ var spark: SparkSession = _ override def beforeAll(): Unit = { env = Environment() env.workingDir = "file:///tmp/" env.master = "local[*]" // I can't apologise enough for this val resources = new File(getClass.getResource("/").getPath).getParent val conf = Map[String, Any]( "" -> "", "sourceTable" -> "documents", "spark.local.ip" -> "" ) env.master = "local[1]" if (env.configuration != null) env.configuration ++ "pysparkPath" -> "/usr/bin/python" else env.configuration = Map( "pysparkPath" -> "/usr/bin/python", "cwd" -> resources ) val excEnv = Map[String, Any]( "PYTHONPATH" -> resources ) env.configuration ++ "spark_exec_env" -> excEnv factory = ProvidersFactory(ExecData(env, Dependencies(ListBuffer.empty[Repo], List.empty[Artifact]), PythonDependencies(List.empty[PythonPackage]), Map("spark" -> Map.empty[String, Any],"spark_exec_env"->Map("PYTHONPATH"->resources))), "test", new ByteArrayOutputStream(), new TestNotifier(), "test") spark = factory.getRunner("spark", "scala").get.asInstanceOf[SparkScalaRunner].spark this.nestedSuites.filter(s => s.isInstanceOf[RunnersLoadingTests]).foreach(s => s.asInstanceOf[RunnersLoadingTests].factory = factory) this.nestedSuites.filter(s => s.isInstanceOf[PySparkRunnerTests]).foreach(s => s.asInstanceOf[PySparkRunnerTests].factory = factory) super.beforeAll() } override def afterAll(): Unit = { spark.stop() super.afterAll() } }
Example 15
Source File: SparkRRunner.scala From amaterasu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.amaterasu.executor.execution.actions.runners.spark import import java.util import org.apache.amaterasu.common.execution.actions.Notifier import org.apache.amaterasu.common.logging.Logging import org.apache.amaterasu.common.runtime.Environment import org.apache.amaterasu.sdk.AmaterasuRunner import org.apache.spark.SparkContext class SparkRRunner extends Logging with AmaterasuRunner { override def getIdentifier = "spark-r" override def executeSource(actionSource: String, actionName: String, exports: util.Map[String, String]): Unit = { } } object SparkRRunner { def apply( env: Environment, jobId: String, sparkContext: SparkContext, outStream: ByteArrayOutputStream, notifier: Notifier, jars: Seq[String] ): SparkRRunner = { new SparkRRunner() } }
Example 16
Source File: ProvidersFactory.scala From amaterasu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.amaterasu.executor.mesos.executors import import org.apache.amaterasu.common.dataobjects.ExecData import org.apache.amaterasu.common.execution.actions.Notifier import org.apache.amaterasu.sdk.{AmaterasuRunner, RunnersProvider} import org.reflections.Reflections import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ //TODO: Check if we can use this in the YARN impl class ProvidersFactory { var providers: Map[String, RunnersProvider] = _ def getRunner(groupId: String, id: String): Option[AmaterasuRunner] = { val provider = providers.get(groupId) provider match { case Some(provider) => Some(provider.getRunner(id)) case None => None } } } object ProvidersFactory { def apply(data: ExecData, jobId: String, outStream: ByteArrayOutputStream, notifier: Notifier, executorId: String): ProvidersFactory = { val result = new ProvidersFactory() val reflections = new Reflections(getClass.getClassLoader) val runnerTypes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(classOf[RunnersProvider]).toSet result.providers = => { val provider = Manifest.classType(r).runtimeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[RunnersProvider]"a provider for group ${provider.getGroupIdentifier} was created") provider.init(data, jobId, outStream, notifier, executorId) (provider.getGroupIdentifier, provider) }).toMap result } }
Example 17
Source File: AvroSerde.scala From event-sourcing-kafka-streams with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.amitayh.invoices.common.serde import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.time.Instant import java.util import java.util.UUID import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.amitayh.invoices.common.domain._ import org.amitayh.invoices.common.serde.UuidConverters.{fromByteBuffer, toByteBuffer} import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer, Serde, Serializer} object AvroSerde { implicit val instantToSchema: ToSchema[Instant] = new ToSchema[Instant] { override val schema: Schema = Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING) } implicit val instantToValue: ToValue[Instant] = new ToValue[Instant] { override def apply(value: Instant): String = value.toString } implicit val instantFromValue: FromValue[Instant] = new FromValue[Instant] { override def apply(value: Any, field: Field): Instant = Instant.parse(value.toString) } implicit val uuidToSchema: ToSchema[UUID] = new ToSchema[UUID] { override val schema: Schema = Schema.create(Schema.Type.BYTES) } implicit val uuidToValue: ToValue[UUID] = new ToValue[UUID] { override def apply(value: UUID): ByteBuffer = toByteBuffer(value) } implicit val uuidFromValue: FromValue[UUID] = new FromValue[UUID] { override def apply(value: Any, field: Field): UUID = fromByteBuffer(value.asInstanceOf[ByteBuffer]) } val CommandSerde: Serde[Command] = serdeFor[Command] val CommandResultSerde: Serde[CommandResult] = serdeFor[CommandResult] val SnapshotSerde: Serde[InvoiceSnapshot] = serdeFor[InvoiceSnapshot] val EventSerde: Serde[Event] = serdeFor[Event] def toBytes[T: SchemaFor: ToRecord](data: T): Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val output = AvroOutputStream.binary[T](baos) output.write(data) output.close() baos.toByteArray } def fromBytes[T: SchemaFor: FromRecord](data: Array[Byte]): T = { val input = AvroInputStream.binary[T](data) } private def serdeFor[T: SchemaFor: ToRecord: FromRecord]: Serde[T] = new Serde[T] { override val serializer: Serializer[T] = new Serializer[T] { override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = toBytes(data) override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = () override def close(): Unit = () } override val deserializer: Deserializer[T] = new Deserializer[T] { override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = fromBytes(data) override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = () override def close(): Unit = () } override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = () override def close(): Unit = () } }
Example 18
Source File: PackageSpec.scala From sparkpipe-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package software.uncharted.sparkpipe.ops.core.rdd.debug import import org.scalatest._ import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Spark class PackageSpec extends FunSpec { describe("ops.core.rdd.debug") { val rdd =, "alpha"), (2, "bravo"), (3, "charlie"))) describe("#countRDDRows()") { it("should output a formatted count message using the supplied output function") { var output = "" countRDDRows("test", (s: String) => output += s)(rdd) assertResult("[test] Number of rows: 3")(output) } it("should output a formatted count message to std out when no output function is supplied") { val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(bos) { countRDDRows("test")(rdd) } assertResult("[test] Number of rows: 3\n")(bos.toString) } } describe("#takeRDDRows()") { it("should output a list of the first N rows of the rdd") { var output = "" takeRDDRows(2, "test", (s: String) => output += s)(rdd) assertResult("[test] First 2 rows0: (1,alpha)1: (2,bravo)")(output) } } describe("#debugRDDRows()") { it("should apply a function to the first N rows of the rdd") { var output = Seq[(Int, String)]() debugRDDRows(2, (s: Seq[(Int, String)]) => output = s)(rdd) assertResult(2)(output.length) assertResult(output)(rdd.collect().slice(0, 2).toSeq) } } } }
Example 19
Source File: PackageSpec.scala From sparkpipe-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package software.uncharted.sparkpipe.ops.core.dataframe.debug import import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.scalatest._ import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Spark import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.ops.core.rdd.toDF class PackageSpec extends FunSpec { describe("ops.core.dataframe.debug") { val rdd =, "alpha"), (2, "bravo"), (3, "charlie"))) val df = toDF(Spark.sparkSession)(rdd) describe("#countDFRows()") { it("should output a formatted count message using the supplied output function") { var output = "" countDFRows("test", (s: String) => output += s)(df) assertResult("[test] Number of rows: 3")(output) } it("should output a formatted count message to std out when no output function is supplied") { val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(bos) { countDFRows("test")(df) } assertResult("[test] Number of rows: 3\n")(bos.toString) } } describe("#takeDFRows()") { it("should output a list of the first N rows of the dataframe") { var output = "" takeDFRows(2, "test", (s: String) => output += s)(df) assertResult("[test] First 2 rows0: [1,alpha]1: [2,bravo]")(output) } } describe("#debugDFRows()") { it("should apply a function to the first N rows of the dataframe") { var output = Seq[Row]() debugDFRows(2, (s: Seq[Row]) => output = s)(df) assertResult(2)(output.length) assertResult(output)(df.collect().slice(0, 2).toSeq) } } } }
Example 20
Source File: Zip.scala From scala-clippy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package util import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import{GZIPInputStream, GZIPOutputStream} object Zip { private val BufferSize = 512 def compress(string: String): Array[Byte] = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(string.length() / 5) val gos = new GZIPOutputStream(os) gos.write(string.getBytes("UTF-8")) gos.close() os.close() os.toByteArray } def decompress(compressed: Array[Byte]): String = { val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressed) val gis = new GZIPInputStream(is, BufferSize) val string = new StringBuilder() val data = new Array[Byte](BufferSize) var bytesRead = while (bytesRead != -1) { string.append(new String(data, 0, bytesRead, "UTF-8")) bytesRead = } gis.close() is.close() string.toString() } }
Example 21
Source File: Utils.scala From scala-clippy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.softwaremill.clippy import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.{Failure, Try} object Utils { def runNonDaemon(t: => Unit) = { val shutdownHook = new Thread() { private val lock = new Object @volatile private var didRun = false override def run() = lock.synchronized { if (!didRun) { t didRun = true } } } Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(shutdownHook) try finally Runtime.getRuntime.removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook) } def inputStreamToBytes(is: InputStream): Array[Byte] = try { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val buf = new Array[Byte](512) var read = 0 while ({ read =, 0, buf.length); read } != -1) { baos.write(buf, 0, read) } baos.toByteArray } finally is.close() object TryWith { def apply[C <: Closeable, R](resource: => C)(f: C => R): Try[R] = Try(resource).flatMap(resourceInstance => { try { val returnValue = f(resourceInstance) Try(resourceInstance.close()).map(_ => returnValue) } catch { case NonFatal(exceptionInFunction) => try { resourceInstance.close() Failure(exceptionInFunction) } catch { case NonFatal(exceptionInClose) => exceptionInFunction.addSuppressed(exceptionInClose) Failure(exceptionInFunction) } } }) } }
Example 22
Source File: FileUtil.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cache.internal import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} object FileUtil { // Won't be necessary anymore with Java 9 // (, // via def readFullyUnsafe(is: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { val buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](16384) var nRead = 0 while ({ nRead =, 0, data.length) nRead != -1 }) buffer.write(data, 0, nRead) buffer.flush() buffer.toByteArray } def readFully(is: => InputStream): Array[Byte] = { var is0: InputStream = null try { is0 = is readFullyUnsafe(is0) } finally { if (is0 != null) is0.close() } } def withContent(is: InputStream, f: WithContent, bufferSize: Int = 16384): Unit = { val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](bufferSize) var nRead =, 0, data.length) while (nRead != -1) { f(data, nRead) nRead =, 0, data.length) } } trait WithContent { def apply(arr: Array[Byte], z: Int): Unit } class UpdateDigest(md: extends FileUtil.WithContent { def apply(arr: Array[Byte], z: Int): Unit = md.update(arr, 0, z) } }
Example 23
Source File: ZipTests.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.util import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.util.Random import{Deflater, ZipEntry, ZipInputStream, ZipOutputStream} import coursier.launcher.internal.Zip import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class ZipTests extends AnyFlatSpec { "zipEntries" should "be fine with custom deflaters" in { // Inspired by val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val output = new ZipOutputStream(baos) { `def` = new Deflater(Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION, true) } val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](1024 * 1024) new Random().nextBytes(data) val entry = new ZipEntry("entry.dat") output.putNextEntry(entry) output.write(data) output.closeEntry() output.close() val result = baos.toByteArray val zos = new ZipOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) val entryNames = Zip.zipEntries(new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(result))) .map { case (ent, content) => println(ent.getCompressedSize) val name = ent.getName zos.putNextEntry(ent) zos.write(content) zos.closeEntry() name } .toVector zos.close() assert(entryNames == Vector("entry.dat")) } }
Example 24
Source File: WordEmbeddingsLoader.scala From spark-nlp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.embeddings import{BufferedInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, FileInputStream} import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import object WordEmbeddingsTextIndexer { def index( source: Iterator[String], writer: WordEmbeddingsWriter ): Unit = { try { for (line <- source) { val items = line.split(" ") val word = items(0) val embeddings = items.drop(1).map(i => i.toFloat) writer.add(word, embeddings) } } finally { writer.close() } } def index( source: String, writer: WordEmbeddingsWriter ): Unit = { val sourceFile = Source.fromFile(source)("UTF-8") val lines = sourceFile.getLines() index(lines, writer) sourceFile.close() } } object WordEmbeddingsBinaryIndexer { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("WordEmbeddings") def index( source: DataInputStream, writer: WordEmbeddingsWriter): Unit = { try { // File Header val numWords = Integer.parseInt(readString(source)) val vecSize = Integer.parseInt(readString(source)) // File Body for (i <- 0 until numWords) { val word = readString(source) // Unit Vector val vector = readFloatVector(source, vecSize, writer) writer.add(word, vector) }"Loaded $numWords words, vector size $vecSize") } finally { writer.close() } } def index( source: String, writer: WordEmbeddingsWriter): Unit = { val ds = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(source), 1 << 15)) try { index(ds, writer) } finally { ds.close() } } private def readFloatVector(ds: DataInputStream, vectorSize: Int, indexer: WordEmbeddingsWriter): Array[Float] = { // Read Bytes val vectorBuffer = Array.fill[Byte](4 * vectorSize)(0) // Convert Bytes to Floats indexer.fromBytes(vectorBuffer) } }
Example 25
Source File: TMNodesWriter.scala From spark-nlp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.btm import{ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import{RocksDBConnection, StorageBatchWriter} class TMNodesWriter( override protected val connection: RocksDBConnection ) extends StorageBatchWriter[TrieNode] { def toBytes(content: TrieNode): Array[Byte] = { val stream: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(stream) oos.writeObject(content) oos.close() stream.toByteArray } def add(word: Int, value: TrieNode): Unit = { super.add(word.toString, value) } override protected def writeBufferSize: Int = 10000 }
Example 26
Source File: MemoryAppender.scala From ncdbg with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.programmaticallyspeaking.ncd.testing import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent import ch.qos.logback.core.UnsynchronizedAppenderBase import ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.Encoder import ch.qos.logback.core.status.ErrorStatus import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException, OutputStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import com.programmaticallyspeaking.ncd.messaging.{Observable, SerializedSubject} object MemoryAppender { private[MemoryAppender] val logEventSubject = new SerializedSubject[String] def logEvents: Observable[String] = logEventSubject } class MemoryAppender extends UnsynchronizedAppenderBase[ILoggingEvent] { import MemoryAppender._ private var encoder: Encoder[ILoggingEvent] = _ private var outputStream = new OutputStream { override def write(b: Int): Unit = ??? override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = { val str = new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) logEventSubject.onNext(str) } } override def start(): Unit = { try { Option(encoder).foreach(_.init(outputStream)) super.start() } catch { case e: IOException => started = false addStatus(new ErrorStatus("Failed to initialize encoder for appender named [" + name + "].", this, e)) } } override protected def append(event: ILoggingEvent): Unit = { if (!isStarted) return try { event.prepareForDeferredProcessing() Option(encoder).foreach(_.doEncode(event)) } catch { case ioe: IOException => started = false addStatus(new ErrorStatus("IO failure in appender", this, ioe)) } } def setEncoder(e: Encoder[ILoggingEvent]): Unit = { encoder = e } }
Example 27
Source File: StreamUtilities.scala From mmlspark with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information. package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import import import import scala.util.Random object StreamUtilities { import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} def usingMany[T <: AutoCloseable, U](disposable: Seq[T])(task: Seq[T] => U): Try[U] = { try { Success(task(disposable)) } catch { case e: Exception => Failure(e) } finally { disposable.foreach(d => d.close()) } } def using[T <: AutoCloseable, U](disposable: T)(task: T => U): Try[U] = { try { Success(task(disposable)) } catch { case e: Exception => Failure(e) } finally { disposable.close() } } def usingSource[T <: Source, U](disposable: T)(task: T => U): Try[U] = { try { Success(task(disposable)) } catch { case e: Exception => Failure(e) } finally { disposable.close() } } class ZipIterator(stream: InputStream, zipfile: String, random: Random, sampleRatio: Double = 1) extends Iterator[(String, Array[Byte])] { private val zipStream = new ZipInputStream(stream) private def getNext: Option[(String, Array[Byte])] = { var entry = zipStream.getNextEntry while (entry != null) { if (!entry.isDirectory && random.nextDouble < sampleRatio) { val filename = zipfile + + entry.getName //extracting all bytes of a given entry val byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream IOUtils.copy(zipStream, byteStream) val bytes = byteStream.toByteArray assert(bytes.length == entry.getSize, "incorrect number of bytes is read from zipstream: " + bytes.length + " instead of " + entry.getSize) return Some((filename, bytes)) } entry = zipStream.getNextEntry } stream.close() None } private var nextValue = getNext def hasNext: Boolean = nextValue.isDefined def next: (String, Array[Byte]) = { val result = nextValue.get nextValue = getNext result } } }
Example 28
Source File: ConsoleProgressBarTest.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hu.ssh.progressbar.console import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import{Splitter, Strings} import import hu.ssh.progressbar.ConsoleProgressBar import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class ConsoleProgressBarTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "ProgressBar" should "output as expected" in { val outputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream try { val progressBar = ConsoleProgressBar.on(new PrintStream(outputstream)).withFormat(":percent") progressBar.tick(0) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 0.00") progressBar.tick(25) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 25.00") progressBar.tick(30) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 55.00") progressBar.tick(44) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 99.00") progressBar.tickOne() assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == "100.00") } finally outputstream.close() } private def getLastOutput(string: String): String = { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(string)) return string val outputs = Splitter.on(ConsoleProgressBar.CARRIAGE_RETURN).omitEmptyStrings.split(string) Iterables.getLast(outputs) } }
Example 29
Source File: ConsoleLoggerSpec.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin.loggers import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import cats.effect.{IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import io.odin.Level._ import io.odin.formatter.Formatter import io.odin.{Level, LoggerMessage, OdinSpec} class ConsoleLoggerSpec extends OdinSpec { implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( it should "route all messages with level <= INFO to stdout" in { forAll { (loggerMessage: LoggerMessage, formatter: Formatter) => whenever(loggerMessage.level <= Info) { val outBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdOut = new PrintStream(outBaos) val errBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdErr = new PrintStream(errBaos) val consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger[IO](formatter, stdOut, stdErr, Level.Trace) consoleLogger.log(loggerMessage).unsafeRunSync() outBaos.toString() shouldBe (formatter.format(loggerMessage) + System.lineSeparator()) } } } it should "route all messages with level >= WARN to stderr" in { forAll { (loggerMessage: LoggerMessage, formatter: Formatter) => whenever(loggerMessage.level > Info) { val outBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdOut = new PrintStream(outBaos) val errBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdErr = new PrintStream(errBaos) val consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger[IO](formatter, stdOut, stdErr, Level.Trace) consoleLogger.log(loggerMessage).unsafeRunSync() errBaos.toString() shouldBe (formatter.format(loggerMessage) + System.lineSeparator()) } } } }
Example 30
Source File: LoggerOutputStream.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package is.hail.utils import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} class LoggerOutputStream(logger: Logger, level: Level) extends OutputStream { private val buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() override def write(b: Int) { buffer.write(b) if (b == '\n') { val line = buffer.toString( level match { case Level.TRACE => logger.trace(line) case Level.DEBUG => logger.debug(line) case Level.INFO => case Level.WARN => logger.warn(line) case Level.ERROR => logger.error(line) } buffer.reset() } } }
Example 31
Source File: CodecSpec.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream, OutputStream} import is.hail.annotations.{Region, RegionValue} import is.hail.asm4s.{Code, TypeInfo, Value} import{EmitClassBuilder, EmitFunctionBuilder, ExecuteContext, typeToTypeInfo} import is.hail.types.encoded.EType import is.hail.types.physical.PType import is.hail.types.virtual.Type import is.hail.rvd.RVDContext import is.hail.sparkextras.ContextRDD import is.hail.utils.using import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD trait AbstractTypedCodecSpec extends Spec { def encodedType: EType def encodedVirtualType: Type type StagedEncoderF[T] = (Value[Region], Value[T], Value[OutputBuffer]) => Code[Unit] type StagedDecoderF[T] = (Value[Region], Value[InputBuffer]) => Code[T] def buildEncoder(ctx: ExecuteContext, t: PType): (OutputStream) => Encoder def decodedPType(requestedType: Type): PType def buildDecoder(ctx: ExecuteContext, requestedType: Type): (PType, (InputStream) => Decoder) def encode(ctx: ExecuteContext, t: PType, offset: Long): Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() using(buildEncoder(ctx, t)(baos))(_.writeRegionValue(offset)) baos.toByteArray } def decode(ctx: ExecuteContext, requestedType: Type, bytes: Array[Byte], region: Region): (PType, Long) = { val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val (pt, dec) = buildDecoder(ctx, requestedType) (pt, dec(bais).readRegionValue(region)) } def buildCodeInputBuffer(is: Code[InputStream]): Code[InputBuffer] def buildCodeOutputBuffer(os: Code[OutputStream]): Code[OutputBuffer] def buildEmitDecoderF[T](requestedType: Type, cb: EmitClassBuilder[_]): (PType, StagedDecoderF[T]) def buildEmitEncoderF[T](t: PType, cb: EmitClassBuilder[_]): StagedEncoderF[T] def buildEmitDecoderF[T](requestedType: Type, cb: EmitClassBuilder[_], ti: TypeInfo[T]): (PType, StagedDecoderF[T]) = { val (ptype, dec) = buildEmitDecoderF[T](requestedType, cb) assert(ti == typeToTypeInfo(requestedType)) ptype -> dec } def buildEmitEncoderF[T](t: PType, cb: EmitClassBuilder[_], ti: TypeInfo[T]): StagedEncoderF[T] = { assert(ti == typeToTypeInfo(t)) buildEmitEncoderF[T](t, cb) } // FIXME: is there a better place for this to live? def decodeRDD(ctx: ExecuteContext, requestedType: Type, bytes: RDD[Array[Byte]]): (PType, ContextRDD[Long]) = { val (pt, dec) = buildDecoder(ctx, requestedType) (pt, ContextRDD.weaken(bytes).cmapPartitions { (ctx, it) => RegionValue.fromBytes(dec, ctx.region, it) }) } override def toString: String = super[Spec].toString }
Example 32
Source File: SparqlUtil.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph import org.apache.jena.riot.{Lang, RDFDataMgr} object SparqlUtil { def extractSubjectFromTriple(triple: String):String = { triple.split(" ")(0) } def getTriplesOfSubGraph(subGraph:Graph):String = { val tempOs = new ByteArrayOutputStream RDFDataMgr.write(tempOs, subGraph, Lang.NTRIPLES) new String(tempOs.toByteArray, "UTF-8") } def generateSparqlCmdForDefaultGraph(triplesPerGraph: Iterable[SubjectGraphTriple] ):String = { => encode(subGraphTriple.triple)).mkString } def generateSparqlCmdForNamedGraph(graph:String, triplesPerGraph: Iterable[SubjectGraphTriple] ):String = { " GRAPH <" + encode(graph) + "> { " + => encode(trio.triple)).mkString + "}" } def buildGroupedSparqlCmd(subjects: Iterable[String], allSubjGraphTriples: Iterable[List[SubjectGraphTriple]], updateMode: Boolean): String = { var sparqlCmd = "update=" val deleteSubj = if (updateMode) Some("DELETE { ?s ?p ?o . } WHERE { VALUES ?s { " + => encode(subject) + " ").mkString + "} ?s ?p ?o };") else None val insertDefaultGraphSparqlCmd = "INSERT DATA {" + allSubjGraphTriples.flatten.filterNot(trio => predicateContainsMeta(trio)).groupBy(trio => trio.graph).map(graphWithTriples => graphWithTriples._1.fold(generateSparqlCmdForDefaultGraph(graphWithTriples._2))(graph => "")).mkString + "}" val insertNamedGraphSparqlCmd = "INSERT DATA {" + allSubjGraphTriples.flatten.filterNot(trio => predicateContainsMeta(trio)).groupBy(trio => trio.graph).map(graphWithTriples => graphWithTriples._1.fold("")(graphName => generateSparqlCmdForNamedGraph(graphName, graphWithTriples._2))).mkString + "}" sparqlCmd + deleteSubj.getOrElse("") + insertDefaultGraphSparqlCmd + ";" + insertNamedGraphSparqlCmd } def encode(str: String):String = { URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8") } def predicateContainsMeta(trio: SubjectGraphTriple): Boolean = { trio.triple.contains("meta/sys") } }
Example 33
Source File: SubEntryTest.scala From lila-openingexplorer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package lila.openingexplorer import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream } import org.specs2.mutable._ import chess.{ Color, Pos } import chess.format.Uci class SubEntryTest extends Specification { private def pipe(entry: SubEntry): SubEntry = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() entry.write(out) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) } "master database packer" should { "pack a single game" in { val ref = GameRef("ref00000", Some(Color.White), SpeedGroup.Blitz, 1230) val entry = SubEntry.fromGameRef(ref, Left(Uci.Move(Pos.E2, Pos.E4))) pipe(entry).gameRefs mustEqual List(ref) } "pack two games" in { val move = Left(Uci.Move(Pos.D2, Pos.D4)) val g1 = GameRef("g0000001", Some(Color.Black), SpeedGroup.Classical, 2300) val g2 = GameRef("g0000002", None, SpeedGroup.Classical, 2455) val entry = SubEntry.fromGameRef(g1, move).withGameRef(g2, move) pipe(entry).gameRefs mustEqual List(g2, g1) } } }
Example 34
Source File: PackHelperTest.scala From lila-openingexplorer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package lila.openingexplorer import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream } import org.specs2.mutable._ import chess.format.Uci import chess.Pos import chess.{ King, Rook } class PackHelperTest extends Specification with PackHelper { def pipeMove(move: Either[Uci.Move, Uci.Drop]): Either[Uci.Move, Uci.Drop] = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() writeUci(out, move) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) readUci(in) } "the pack helper" should { "correctly pack moves" in { val move = Uci.Move(Pos.E2, Pos.E3) pipeMove(Left(move)) mustEqual Left(move) } "correctly pack promotions" in { val move = Uci.Move(Pos.A7, Pos.A8, Some(Rook)) pipeMove(Left(move)) mustEqual Left(move) } "correctly pack drops" in { val drop = Uci.Drop(King, Pos.H3) pipeMove(Right(drop)) mustEqual Right(drop) } } List(7, 127, 128, 129, 254, 255, 256, 257, 1234, 864197252500L).foreach { x => "correctly pack uint: " + x in { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() writeUint(out, x) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) readUint(in) mustEqual x } } }
Example 35
Source File: Json4sSerialization.scala From kafka-serialization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ovoenergy.kafka.serialization.json4s import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import com.ovoenergy.kafka.serialization.core._ import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer => KafkaDeserializer, Serializer => KafkaSerializer} import org.json4s.Formats import org.json4s.native.Serialization.{read, write} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ trait Json4sSerialization { def json4sSerializer[T <: AnyRef](implicit jsonFormats: Formats): KafkaSerializer[T] = serializer { (_, data) => val bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) // TODO Use scala-arm try { write(data, writer) writer.flush() } finally { writer.close() } bout.toByteArray } def json4sDeserializer[T: TypeTag](implicit jsonFormats: Formats): KafkaDeserializer[T] = deserializer { (_, data) => val tt = implicitly[TypeTag[T]] implicit val cl = ClassTag[T](tt.mirror.runtimeClass(tt.tpe)) read[T](new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } }
Example 36
Source File: SpraySerialization.scala From kafka-serialization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ovoenergy.kafka.serialization.spray import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer => KafkaDeserializer, Serializer => KafkaSerializer} import spray.json._ import com.ovoenergy.kafka.serialization.core._ trait SpraySerialization { def spraySerializer[T](implicit format: JsonWriter[T]): KafkaSerializer[T] = serializer { (_, data) => val bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val osw = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) // TODO use scala-arm try { osw.write(data.toJson.compactPrint) osw.flush() } finally { osw.close() } bout.toByteArray } def sprayDeserializer[T](implicit format: JsonReader[T]): KafkaDeserializer[T] = deserializer { (_, data) => JsonParser(ParserInput(data)).convertTo[T] } }
Example 37
Source File: Serialize.scala From morpheus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.opencypher.morpheus.impl.expressions import import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, ExprCode, _} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String import org.opencypher.morpheus.impl.expressions.EncodeLong.encodeLong import org.opencypher.morpheus.impl.expressions.Serialize._ import org.opencypher.okapi.impl.exception case class Serialize(children: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression { override def dataType: DataType = BinaryType override def nullable: Boolean = false // TODO: Only write length if more than one column is serialized override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = { // TODO: Reuse from a pool instead of allocating a new one for each serialization val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() children.foreach { child => child.dataType match { case BinaryType => write(child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]], out) case StringType => write(child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[UTF8String], out) case IntegerType => write(child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[Int], out) case LongType => write(child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[Long], out) case other => throw exception.UnsupportedOperationException(s"Cannot serialize Spark data type $other.") } } out.toByteArray } override protected def doGenCode( ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode ): ExprCode = { ev.isNull = FalseLiteral val out = ctx.freshName("out") val serializeChildren = { child => val childEval = child.genCode(ctx) s"""|${childEval.code} |if (!${childEval.isNull}) { | ${Serialize.getClass.getName.dropRight(1)}.write(${childEval.value}, $out); |}""".stripMargin }.mkString("\n") val baos = classOf[ByteArrayOutputStream].getName ev.copy( code = code"""|$baos $out = new $baos(); |$serializeChildren |byte[] ${ev.value} = $out.toByteArray();""".stripMargin) } } object Serialize { val supportedTypes: Set[DataType] = Set(BinaryType, StringType, IntegerType, LongType) @inline final def write(value: Array[Byte], out: ByteArrayOutputStream): Unit = { out.write(encodeLong(value.length)) out.write(value) } @inline final def write( value: Boolean, out: ByteArrayOutputStream ): Unit = write(if (value) 1.toLong else 0.toLong, out) @inline final def write(value: Byte, out: ByteArrayOutputStream): Unit = write(value.toLong, out) @inline final def write(value: Int, out: ByteArrayOutputStream): Unit = write(value.toLong, out) @inline final def write(value: Long, out: ByteArrayOutputStream): Unit = write(encodeLong(value), out) @inline final def write(value: UTF8String, out: ByteArrayOutputStream): Unit = write(value.getBytes, out) @inline final def write(value: String, out: ByteArrayOutputStream): Unit = write(value.getBytes, out) }
Example 38
Source File: ExampleTest.scala From morpheus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.opencypher.morpheus.examples import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.opencypher.okapi.testing.Bag._ import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSpec, Matchers} import org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitRunner import @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) abstract class ExampleTest extends FunSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { private val oldStdOut = System.out protected val emptyOutput: String = "" protected def validate(app: => Unit, expectedOut: URI): Unit = { validate(app, Source.fromFile(expectedOut).mkString) } protected def validateBag(app: => Unit, expectedOut: URI): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(expectedOut) val expectedLines = source.getLines().toList val appLines = capture(app).split(System.lineSeparator()) withClue(s"${appLines.mkString("\n")} not equal to ${expectedLines.mkString("\n")}") { appLines.toBag shouldEqual expectedLines.toBag } } protected def validate(app: => Unit, expectedOut: String): Unit = { capture(app) shouldEqual expectedOut } private def capture(app: => Unit): String = { val charset = "UTF-8" val outCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val printer = new PrintStream(outCapture, true, charset) Console.withOut(printer)(app) outCapture.toString(charset) } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { System.setOut(oldStdOut) super.afterAll() } }
Example 39
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") // scalastyle:on println System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 40
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def benchmark[U](f: => U): Long = { val start = System.nanoTime f System.nanoTime - start } test("write") { val underlying = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = "X" * 41000 val stream = new RateLimitedOutputStream(underlying, desiredBytesPerSec = 10000) val elapsedNs = benchmark { stream.write(data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } val seconds = SECONDS.convert(elapsedNs, NANOSECONDS) assert(seconds >= 4, s"Seconds value ($seconds) is less than 4.") assert(seconds <= 30, s"Took more than 30 seconds ($seconds) to write data.") assert(underlying.toString("UTF-8") === data) } }
Example 41
Source File: ByteBufferOutputStream.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import java.nio.ByteBuffer private[spark] class ByteBufferOutputStream(capacity: Int) extends ByteArrayOutputStream(capacity) { def this() = this(32) def getCount(): Int = count private[this] var closed: Boolean = false override def write(b: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b) } override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b, off, len) } override def reset(): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot reset a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.reset() } override def close(): Unit = { if (!closed) { super.close() closed = true } } def toByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = { require(closed, "can only call toByteBuffer() after ByteBufferOutputStream has been closed") ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, count) } }
Example 42
Source File: PythonRDDSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class PythonRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("Writing large strings to the worker") { val input: List[String] = List("a"*100000) val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(input.iterator, buffer) } test("Handle nulls gracefully") { val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) // Should not have NPE when write an Iterator with null in it // The correctness will be tested in Python PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a", null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a"), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator((null, null), ("a", null), (null, "b")), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator( (null, null), ("a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null), (null, "b".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), buffer) } }
Example 43
Source File: GenericAvroSerializerSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.serializer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Input, Output} import org.apache.avro.{Schema, SchemaBuilder} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite} class GenericAvroSerializerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext { conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") val schema : Schema = SchemaBuilder .record("testRecord").fields() .requiredString("data") .endRecord() val record = new Record(schema) record.put("data", "test data") test("schema compression and decompression") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) assert(schema === genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(genericSer.compress(schema)))) } test("record serialization and deserialization") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(outputStream) genericSer.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() output.close() val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray)) assert(genericSer.deserializeDatum(input) === record) } test("uses schema fingerprint to decrease message size") { val genericSerFull = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val beginningNormalPosition = genericSerFull.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() val normalLength = - beginningNormalPosition conf.registerAvroSchemas(schema) val genericSerFinger = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val beginningFingerprintPosition = genericSerFinger.serializeDatum(record, output) val fingerprintLength = - beginningFingerprintPosition assert(fingerprintLength < normalLength) } test("caches previously seen schemas") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val compressedSchema = genericSer.compress(schema) val decompressedSchema = genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)) assert(compressedSchema.eq(genericSer.compress(schema))) assert(decompressedSchema.eq(genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)))) } }
Example 44
Source File: MqttConfig.scala From akka-iot-mqtt-v2 with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package akkaiot import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import import import import import com.sandinh.paho.akka._ import com.sandinh.paho.akka.MqttPubSub._ object MqttConfig { val topic = "akka-iot-mqtt-topic" // Pub-Sub config val psConfig = PSConfig( brokerUrl = "tcp://", userName = null, password = null, stashTimeToLive = 1.minute, stashCapacity = 8000, reconnectDelayMin = 10.millis, reconnectDelayMax = 30.seconds, cleanSession = false ) // Serialize object to byte array def writeToByteArray(obj: Any): Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) try { oos.writeObject(obj) baos.toByteArray } finally { try { oos.close } catch { case _: Throwable => // Do nothing } } } // Deserialize object from byte array def readFromByteArray[A](bytes: Array[Byte]): A = { val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais) try { val obj = ois.readObject obj.asInstanceOf[A] } finally { try { ois.close } catch { case _: Throwable => // Do nothing } } } }
Example 45
Source File: EventHistoryFileReportingSuite.scala From sparklens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import com.qubole.sparklens.TestUtils import org.scalatest.FunSuite class EventHistoryFileReportingSuite extends FunSuite { test("Reporting from sparklens and event-history should be same") { val eventHistoryFile = s"${System.getProperty("user.dir")}" + s"/src/test/event-history-test-files/local-1532512550423" // corresponding sparklens dump is in same location and name, but additional suffix val sparklensDump = TestUtils.getFileContents(eventHistoryFile + ".sparklens.json") validateOutput(outputFromSparklensDump(sparklensDump), outputFromEventHistoryReport(eventHistoryFile)) } private def outputFromSparklensDump(dump: String): String = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { ReporterApp.startAnalysersFromString(dump) } out.toString } private def outputFromEventHistoryReport(file: String): String = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { new EventHistoryReporter(file) } out.toString } private def validateOutput(file1:String, file2:String) = { assert(file1.size == file2.size, "output size is different between eventlogs report and sparklens.json report") assert( => x._1 == x._2).size == 0, "Report lines are not matching between eventlogs report and sparklens.json report") } }
Example 46
Source File: CompatibilitySuite.scala From sparklens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import{ByteArrayOutputStream, FileNotFoundException, PrintStream} import com.qubole.sparklens.TestUtils import import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.util.control.Breaks._ class CompatibilitySuite extends FunSuite { test("should be able to report on previously generated sparklens dumps") { breakable { (1 to 100).foreach(x => { //run for the versions of sparklens output saved try { val testInput = TestUtils.getFileContents( s"${System.getProperty("user.dir")}/src/test/compatibility-files/version-${x}.json") val testOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(testOut)) { ReporterApp.startAnalysersFromString(testInput) } val testOutput = testOut.toString val olderOutput = TestUtils.getFileContents( s"${System.getProperty("user.dir")}/src/test/compatibility-files/version-${x}.output") olderOutput.split("\n").foreach(line => { assert(testOutput.contains(line)) }) } catch { case e: FileNotFoundException => break } }) } } }
Example 47
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 48
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def benchmark[U](f: => U): Long = { val start = System.nanoTime f System.nanoTime - start } test("write") { val underlying = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = "X" * 41000 val stream = new RateLimitedOutputStream(underlying, desiredBytesPerSec = 10000) val elapsedNs = benchmark { stream.write(data.getBytes("UTF-8")) } val seconds = SECONDS.convert(elapsedNs, NANOSECONDS) assert(seconds >= 4, s"Seconds value ($seconds) is less than 4.") assert(seconds <= 30, s"Took more than 30 seconds ($seconds) to write data.") assert(underlying.toString("UTF-8") === data) } }
Example 49
Source File: PythonRDDSuite.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class PythonRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("Writing large strings to the worker") { val input: List[String] = List("a"*100000) val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(input.iterator, buffer) } test("Handle nulls gracefully") { val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) // Should not have NPE when write an Iterator with null in it // The correctness will be tested in Python PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a", null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a"), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a".getBytes, null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a".getBytes), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator((null, null), ("a", null), (null, "b")), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream( Iterator((null, null), ("a".getBytes, null), (null, "b".getBytes)), buffer) } }
Example 50
Source File: Serialization.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.deepsense.commons.serialization import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} trait Serialization { def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte]): T = { val bufferIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val streamIn = new ObjectInputStream(bufferIn) try { streamIn.readObject().asInstanceOf[T] } finally { streamIn.close() } } def serialize[T](objectToSerialize: T): Array[Byte] = { val byteArrayOutputStream: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream) try { oos.writeObject(objectToSerialize) oos.flush() byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray } finally { oos.close() } } def serializeDeserialize[T](obj: T): T = deserialize[T](serialize[T](obj)) } object Serialization extends Serialization
Example 51
Source File: MavenAddManagedDependenciesSubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class MavenAddManagedDependenciesSubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { val projectRoot = new File(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(".").getFile) "MavenAddManagedDependenciesSubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenAddDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("fake") loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent2 = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent2.setLoggerName("MavenAddManagedDependenciesRule") loggingEvent2.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent2) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "MavenAddManagedDependenciesSubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenAddManagedDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("MavenAddManagedDependenciesRule") loggingEvent.setMessage("{} added managed dependency {} to {}") loggingEvent.setArgumentArray(Array("MavenAddManagedDependenciesSubscriber", "xxxx:yyyy:zzzz", new File(projectRoot, "pom.xml"))) subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("#### File [pom.xml](pom.xml)") result should include ("xxxx:yyyy:zzzz") } }
Example 52
Source File: MavenExcludeDependenciesSubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class MavenExcludeDependenciesSubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { val projectRoot = new File(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(".").getFile) "MavenExcludeDependenciesSubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenExcludeDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("fake") loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent2 = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent2.setLoggerName("MavenExcludeDependenciesRule") loggingEvent2.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent2) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "MavenExcludeDependenciesSubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenExcludeDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("MavenExcludeDependenciesRule") loggingEvent.setMessage("{} excluded {} from {} in {}") loggingEvent.setArgumentArray(Array( "MavenExcludeDependenciesRule", Set("zzzz:yyyy:xxxx"), "xxxx:yyyy:zzzz", new File(projectRoot, "pom.xml") )) subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("#### File [pom.xml](pom.xml)") result should include ("xxxx:yyyy:zzzz") result should include ("zzzz:yyyy:xxxx") } }
Example 53
Source File: MavenRemoveDependenciesSubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class MavenRemoveDependenciesSubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { val projectRoot = new File(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(".").getFile) "MavenRemoveDependenciesSubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenRemoveDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("fake") loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent2 = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent2.setLoggerName("MavenRemoveDependenciesRule") loggingEvent2.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent2) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "MavenRemoveDependenciesSubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenRemoveDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("MavenRemoveDependenciesRule") loggingEvent.setMessage("{} removed dependency {} from {}") loggingEvent.setArgumentArray(Array("MavenRemoveDependenciesRule", "xxxx:yyyy:zzzz", new File(projectRoot, "pom.xml"))) subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("#### File [pom.xml](pom.xml)") result should include ("xxxx:yyyy:zzzz") } }
Example 54
Source File: MavenAddDependenciesSubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class MavenAddDependenciesSubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { val projectRoot = new File(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(".").getFile) "MavenAddDependenciesSubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenAddDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("fake") loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent2 = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent2.setLoggerName("MavenAddDependenciesRule") loggingEvent2.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent2) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "MavenAddDependenciesSubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenAddDependenciesSubscriber(projectRoot) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("MavenAddDependenciesRule") loggingEvent.setMessage("{} added dependency {} to {}") loggingEvent.setArgumentArray(Array("MavenAddDependenciesRule", "xxxx:yyyy:zzzz", new File(projectRoot, "pom.xml"))) subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("#### File [pom.xml](pom.xml)") result should include ("xxxx:yyyy:zzzz") } }
Example 55
Source File: MavenDependenciesMappingSubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class MavenDependenciesMappingSubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { val projectRoot = new File(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(".").getFile) "MavenDependenciesMappingSubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenDependenciesMappingSubscriber(projectRoot) subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("fake") loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent2 = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent2.setLoggerName("MavenDependenciesMappingRule") loggingEvent2.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent2) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "MavenDependenciesMappingSubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new MavenDependenciesMappingSubscriber(projectRoot) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("MavenDependenciesMappingRule") loggingEvent.setMessage("{} mapped {} to {} in {}") loggingEvent.setArgumentArray(Array( "MavenDependenciesMappingRule", Set("zzzz:yyyy:xxxx"), Set("xxxx:yyyy:zzzz"), new File(projectRoot, "pom.xml") )) subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("#### File [pom.xml](pom.xml)") result should include ("xxxx:yyyy:zzzz") result should include ("zzzz:yyyy:xxxx") } }
Example 56
Source File: ArtifactsSummarySubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class ArtifactsSummarySubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { val projectRoot = new File(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(".").getFile) "ArtifactsSummarySubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new ArtifactsSummarySubscriber(projectRoot) subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "ArtifactsSummarySubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new ArtifactsSummarySubscriber(projectRoot) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setMessage("Found maven pom {} for artifact {}") loggingEvent.setArgumentArray(Array(new File(projectRoot, "abc/pom.xml"), "abc")) subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("abc/pom.xml") result should include ("abc") } }
Example 57
Source File: UpgradeSummarySubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class UpgradeSummarySubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { "UpgradeSummarySubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new UpgradeSummarySubscriber subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setLoggerName("fake") loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "UpgradeSummarySubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new UpgradeSummarySubscriber val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setMessage("Rule some_rule was applied to 3 files") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("|[some_rule](#some_rule) | impacted 3 file(s) |") } }
Example 58
Source File: ProjectDetailsSubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class ProjectDetailsSubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { "ProjectDetailsSubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new ProjectDetailsSubscriber subscriber.accept("hahah") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "ProjectDetailsSubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new ProjectDetailsSubscriber val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setMessage("Starting upgrade Scala project to 2.5.4-RELEASE, pom pom.xml with taskId None") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("pom.xml") result should include ("2.5.4-RELEASE") result should include ("Scala project upgrade report") result should include ("Upgrade job ID | None") result should include ("Full upgrade log | [link](raptor-upgrade-debug.log)") result should include ("Upgrade warnings only log | [link](raptor-upgrade-warn.log)") outputStream.reset() val loggingEvent2 = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent2.setMessage("Starting upgrade Scala project to 2.5.4-RELEASE, pom pom.xml with taskId Some(1234)") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent2) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result2 = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result2 should include ("pom.xml") result2 should include ("2.5.4-RELEASE") result2 should include ("Scala project upgrade report") result2 should include ("Upgrade job ID | Some(1234)") result2 should include ("Full upgrade log | [link](raptor-upgrade-debug-1234.log)") result2 should include ("Upgrade warnings only log | [link](raptor-upgrade-warn-1234.log)") } }
Example 59
Source File: ManualChangesSummarySubscriberTest.scala From RTran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} class ManualChangesSummarySubscriberTest extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers { "ManualChangesSummarySubscriber" should "not accept unexpected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new ManualChangesSummarySubscriber subscriber.accept("hahaha") subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setMessage("Some random message") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray should be (Array.empty[Byte]) } "ManualChangesSummarySubscriber" should "accept expected events" in { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val subscriber = new ManualChangesSummarySubscriber val loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent loggingEvent.setMessage("Rule blahblah requires 1000 manual changes") subscriber.accept(loggingEvent) subscriber.dumpTo(outputStream) val result = new String(outputStream.toByteArray) result should include ("|[blahblah](#blahblah) | 1000 manual changes required |") } }
Example 60
Source File: JavaSerde.scala From affinity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.amient.affinity.core.serde import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import import akka.serialization.JavaSerializer import akka.util.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream class JavaSerde(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Serde[AnyRef] { override def identifier: Int = 101 override def close(): Unit = () override def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): AnyRef = { val in = new ClassLoaderObjectInputStream(system.dynamicAccess.classLoader, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) val obj = JavaSerializer.currentSystem.withValue(system) { in.readObject } in.close() obj } override def toBytes(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = { val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos) JavaSerializer.currentSystem.withValue(system) { out.writeObject(o) } out.close() bos.toByteArray } }
Example 61
Source File: SeqSerde.scala From affinity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.amient.affinity.core.serde.collection import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import import com.typesafe.config.Config import io.amient.affinity.core.serde.{AbstractWrapSerde, Serde, Serdes} class SeqSerde(serdes: Serdes) extends AbstractWrapSerde(serdes) with Serde[Seq[Any]] { def this(system: ExtendedActorSystem) = this( def this(config: Config) = this( override def identifier: Int = 141 override def close(): Unit = () override protected def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Seq[Any] = { val di = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) val numItems = di.readInt() val result = ((1 to numItems) map { _ => val len = di.readInt() val item = new Array[Byte](len) fromBinaryWrapped(item) }).toList di.close() result } override def toBytes(seq: Seq[Any]): Array[Byte] = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val d = new DataOutputStream(os) d.writeInt(seq.size) for (a: Any <- seq) a match { case ref: AnyRef => val item = toBinaryWrapped(ref) d.writeInt(item.length) d.write(item) } os.close os.toByteArray } }
Example 62
Source File: SetSerde.scala From affinity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.amient.affinity.core.serde.collection import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import import com.typesafe.config.Config import io.amient.affinity.core.serde.{AbstractWrapSerde, Serde, Serdes} class SetSerde(serdes: Serdes) extends AbstractWrapSerde(serdes) with Serde[Set[Any]] { def this(system: ExtendedActorSystem) = this( def this(config: Config) = this( override def identifier: Int = 142 override protected def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Set[Any] = { val di = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) val numItems = di.readInt() val result = ((1 to numItems) map { _ => val len = di.readInt() val item = new Array[Byte](len) fromBinaryWrapped(item) }).toSet di.close() result } override def toBytes(set: Set[Any]): Array[Byte] = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val d = new DataOutputStream(os) d.writeInt(set.size) for (a: Any <- set) a match { case ref: AnyRef => val item = toBinaryWrapped(ref) d.writeInt(item.length) d.write(item) } os.close os.toByteArray } override def close() = () }
Example 63
Source File: ResponseHelper.scala From OUTDATED_ledger-wallet-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, BufferedInputStream} import import co.ledger.wallet.core.utils.logs.Logger import org.json.{JSONArray, JSONObject} import import scala.concurrent.Future import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object ResponseHelper { implicit class ResponseFuture(f: Future[HttpClient#Response]) { def json: Future[(JSONObject, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => Logger.d("Converting to json") (new JSONObject(body), response) } } def jsonArray: Future[(JSONArray, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => (new JSONArray(body), response) } } def string: Future[(String, HttpClient#Response)] = { { response => Logger.d("Converting to string") (Source.fromInputStream(response.body).mkString, response) } } def bytes: Future[(Array[Byte], HttpClient#Response)] = { { response => val input = new BufferedInputStream(response.body) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() IOUtils.copy(input, output) val result = output.toByteArray input.close() output.close() (result, response) } } def noResponseBody: Future[HttpClient#Response] = { f.andThen { case Success(response) => response.body.close() response case Failure(cause) => throw cause } } } }
Example 64
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") // scalastyle:on println System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match //解析使用模式匹配的参数 val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer //多次重复输入数据以填充缓冲区 val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 65
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def benchmark[U](f: => U): Long = { val start = System.nanoTime f System.nanoTime - start } test("write") {//写 val underlying = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = "X" * 41000 //desiredBytesPerSec 每秒所需的字节数 val stream = new RateLimitedOutputStream(underlying, desiredBytesPerSec = 10000) val elapsedNs = benchmark { stream.write(data.getBytes("UTF-8")) } val seconds = SECONDS.convert(elapsedNs, NANOSECONDS) assert(seconds >= 4, s"Seconds value ($seconds) is less than 4.") assert(seconds <= 30, s"Took more than 30 seconds ($seconds) to write data.") assert(underlying.toString("UTF-8") === data) } }
Example 66
Source File: PythonRDDSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class PythonRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite { //写大串给worker test("Writing large strings to the worker") { val input: List[String] = List("a"*100000) val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(input.iterator, buffer) } //很好的处理null test("Handle nulls gracefully") { val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) // Should not have NPE when write an Iterator with null in it // The correctness will be tested in Python PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a", null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a"), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a".getBytes, null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a".getBytes), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator((null, null), ("a", null), (null, "b")), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream( Iterator((null, null), ("a".getBytes, null), (null, "b".getBytes)), buffer) } }
Example 67
Source File: GenericAvroSerializerSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.serializer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Output, Input} import org.apache.avro.{SchemaBuilder, Schema} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record import org.apache.spark.{SparkFunSuite, SharedSparkContext} class GenericAvroSerializerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext { conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") val schema : Schema = SchemaBuilder .record("testRecord").fields() .requiredString("data") .endRecord() val record = new Record(schema) record.put("data", "test data") test("schema compression and decompression") {//模式压缩与解压缩 val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) assert(schema === genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(genericSer.compress(schema)))) } test("record serialization and deserialization") {//记录序列化和反序列化 val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(outputStream) genericSer.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() output.close() val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray)) assert(genericSer.deserializeDatum(input) === record) } //使用模式指纹以减少信息大小 test("uses schema fingerprint to decrease message size") { val genericSerFull = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val beginningNormalPosition = genericSerFull.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() val normalLength = - beginningNormalPosition conf.registerAvroSchemas(schema) val genericSerFinger = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val beginningFingerprintPosition = genericSerFinger.serializeDatum(record, output) val fingerprintLength = - beginningFingerprintPosition assert(fingerprintLength < normalLength) } test("caches previously seen schemas") {//缓存之前模式 val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val compressedSchema = genericSer.compress(schema) val decompressedScheam = genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)) assert(compressedSchema.eq(genericSer.compress(schema))) assert(decompressedScheam.eq(genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)))) } }
Example 68
Source File: ByteBufferOutputStream.scala From kraps-rpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package net.neoremind.kraps.util import import java.nio.ByteBuffer class ByteBufferOutputStream(capacity: Int) extends ByteArrayOutputStream(capacity) { def this() = this(32) def getCount(): Int = count private[this] var closed: Boolean = false override def write(b: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b) } override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b, off, len) } override def reset(): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot reset a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.reset() } override def close(): Unit = { if (!closed) { super.close() closed = true } } def toByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = { require(closed, "can only call toByteBuffer() after ByteBufferOutputStream has been closed") ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, count) } }
Example 69
Source File: Unpacker.scala From haystack-traces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.expedia.www.haystack.trace.commons.packer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import import com.github.luben.zstd.ZstdInputStream import import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization import org.xerial.snappy.SnappyInputStream object Unpacker { import PackedMessage._ private def readMetadata(packedDataBytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = { val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(packedDataBytes) val magicBytesExist = MAGIC_BYTES.indices forall { idx => byteBuffer.get() == MAGIC_BYTES.apply(idx) } if (magicBytesExist) { val headerLength = byteBuffer.getInt val metadataBytes = new Array[Byte](headerLength) byteBuffer.get(metadataBytes, 0, headerLength) metadataBytes } else { null } } private def unpack(compressedStream: InputStream) = { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() IOUtils.copy(compressedStream, outputStream) outputStream.toByteArray } def readSpanBuffer(packedDataBytes: Array[Byte]): SpanBuffer = { var parsedDataBytes: Array[Byte] = null val metadataBytes = readMetadata(packedDataBytes) if (metadataBytes != null) { val packedMetadata =[PackedMetadata](new String(metadataBytes)) val compressedDataOffset = MAGIC_BYTES.length + 4 + metadataBytes.length packedMetadata.t match { case PackerType.SNAPPY => parsedDataBytes = unpack( new SnappyInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(packedDataBytes, compressedDataOffset, packedDataBytes.length - compressedDataOffset))) case PackerType.GZIP => parsedDataBytes = unpack( new GZIPInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(packedDataBytes, compressedDataOffset, packedDataBytes.length - compressedDataOffset))) case PackerType.ZSTD => parsedDataBytes = unpack( new ZstdInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(packedDataBytes, compressedDataOffset, packedDataBytes.length - compressedDataOffset))) case _ => return SpanBuffer.parseFrom( new ByteArrayInputStream(packedDataBytes, compressedDataOffset, packedDataBytes.length - compressedDataOffset)) } } else { parsedDataBytes = packedDataBytes } SpanBuffer.parseFrom(parsedDataBytes) } }
Example 70
Source File: Packer.scala From haystack-traces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.expedia.www.haystack.trace.commons.packer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream} import import com.expedia.www.haystack.trace.commons.packer.PackerType.PackerType import com.github.luben.zstd.ZstdOutputStream import import import org.xerial.snappy.SnappyOutputStream object PackerType extends Enumeration { type PackerType = Value val GZIP, SNAPPY, NONE, ZSTD = Value } case class PackedMetadata(t: PackerType) abstract class Packer[T <: GeneratedMessageV3] { val packerType: PackerType protected def compressStream(stream: OutputStream): OutputStream private def pack(protoObj: T): Array[Byte] = { val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val compressedStream = compressStream(outStream) if (compressedStream != null) { IOUtils.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(protoObj.toByteArray), compressedStream) compressedStream.close() // this flushes the data to final outStream outStream.toByteArray } else { protoObj.toByteArray } } def apply(protoObj: T): PackedMessage[T] = { PackedMessage(protoObj, pack, PackedMetadata(packerType)) } } class NoopPacker[T <: GeneratedMessageV3] extends Packer[T] { override val packerType = PackerType.NONE override protected def compressStream(stream: OutputStream): OutputStream = null } class SnappyPacker[T <: GeneratedMessageV3] extends Packer[T] { override val packerType = PackerType.SNAPPY override protected def compressStream(stream: OutputStream): OutputStream = new SnappyOutputStream(stream) } class ZstdPacker[T <: GeneratedMessageV3] extends Packer[T] { override val packerType = PackerType.ZSTD override protected def compressStream(stream: OutputStream): OutputStream = new ZstdOutputStream(stream) } class GzipPacker[T <: GeneratedMessageV3] extends Packer[T] { override val packerType = PackerType.GZIP override protected def compressStream(stream: OutputStream): OutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(stream) }
Example 71
Source File: ParquetIOTest.scala From ratatool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import java.nio.file.Files import com.spotify.ratatool.Schemas import com.spotify.ratatool.avro.specific.TestRecord import com.spotify.ratatool.scalacheck._ import import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class ParquetIOTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private val genericSchema = Schemas.avroSchema private val genericGen = genericRecordOf(genericSchema) private val genericData = (1 to 100).flatMap(_ => genericGen.sample) private val specificSchema = TestRecord.getClassSchema private val specificGen = specificRecordOf[TestRecord] private val specificData = (1 to 100).flatMap(_ => specificGen.sample) "ParquetIO" should "work with generic record and stream" in { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ParquetIO.writeToOutputStream(genericData, genericSchema, out) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) val result = ParquetIO.readFromInputStream(in).toList result should equal (genericData) } it should "work with generic record and file" in { val dir = Files.createTempDirectory("ratatool-") val file = new File(dir.toString, "temp.parquet") ParquetIO.writeToFile(genericData, genericSchema, file) val result = ParquetIO.readFromFile(file).toList result should equal (genericData) FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir.toFile) } it should "work with specific record and stream" in { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ParquetIO.writeToOutputStream(specificData, specificSchema, out) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) val result = ParquetIO.readFromInputStream[TestRecord](in).toList should equal ( } it should "work with specific record and file" in { val dir = Files.createTempDirectory("ratatool-") val file = new File(dir.toString, "temp.parquet") ParquetIO.writeToFile(specificData, specificSchema, file) val result = ParquetIO.readFromFile[TestRecord](file).toList should equal ( FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir.toFile) } }
Example 72
Source File: AvroIOTest.scala From ratatool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import com.spotify.ratatool.Schemas import com.spotify.ratatool.avro.specific.TestRecord import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord import com.spotify.ratatool.scalacheck._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class AvroIOTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private val genericSchema = Schemas.avroSchema private val genericGen = genericRecordOf(genericSchema) private val genericData = (1 to 100).flatMap(_ => genericGen.sample) private val specificSchema = TestRecord.getClassSchema private val specificGen = specificRecordOf[TestRecord] private val specificData = (1 to 100).flatMap(_ => specificGen.sample) "AvroIO" should "work with generic record and stream" in { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() AvroIO.writeToOutputStream(genericData, genericSchema, out) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) val result = AvroIO.readFromInputStream[GenericRecord](in).toList result should equal (genericData) } it should "work with generic record and file" in { val file = File.createTempFile("ratatool-", ".avro") file.deleteOnExit() AvroIO.writeToFile(genericData, genericSchema, file) val result = AvroIO.readFromFile[GenericRecord](file).toList result should equal (genericData) } it should "work with specific record and stream" in { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() AvroIO.writeToOutputStream(specificData, specificSchema, out) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) val result = AvroIO.readFromInputStream[TestRecord](in).toList should equal ( } it should "work with specific record and file" in { val file = File.createTempFile("ratatool-", ".avro") file.deleteOnExit() AvroIO.writeToFile(specificData, specificSchema, file) val result = AvroIO.readFromFile[TestRecord](file).toList should equal ( } }
Example 73
Source File: TableRowJsonIOTest.scala From ratatool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import com.spotify.ratatool.Schemas import com.spotify.ratatool.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Gen import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class TableRowJsonIOTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private def floatGen = Gen.choose[Float](0.0F, 1.0F) private val schema = Schemas.tableSchema private val data = Gen.listOfN(100, tableRowOf(schema) .amend(Gen.oneOf( Gen.const(null), floatGen ))(_.getRecord("nullable_fields").set("float_field")) .amend(floatGen)(_.getRecord("required_fields").set("float_field")) .amend(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(floatGen) .map(_.asJava) )(_.getRecord("repeated_fields").set("float_field")) ).sample.get "TableRowJsonIO" should "work with stream" in { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() TableRowJsonIO.writeToOutputStream(data, out) val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray) val result = TableRowJsonIO.readFromInputStream(in) result should equal ( } it should "work with file" in { val file = File.createTempFile("ratatool-", ".json") file.deleteOnExit() TableRowJsonIO.writeToFile(data, file) val result = TableRowJsonIO.readFromFile(file) result should equal ( } }
Example 74
Source File: GenericSerde.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.kafka import import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroFormat, AvroInputStream, AvroOutputStream, AvroSchema, BinaryFormat, DataFormat, Decoder, Encoder, JsonFormat, SchemaFor} import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer, Serde, Serializer} class GenericSerde[T >: Null : SchemaFor : Encoder : Decoder](avroFormat: AvroFormat = BinaryFormat) extends Serde[T] with Deserializer[T] with Serializer[T] with Serializable { val schema: Schema = AvroSchema[T] override def serializer(): Serializer[T] = this override def deserializer(): Deserializer[T] = this override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = { if (data == null) null else { val avroInputStream = avroFormat match { case BinaryFormat => AvroInputStream.binary[T] case JsonFormat => AvroInputStream.json[T] case DataFormat =>[T] } val input = avroInputStream.from(data).build(schema) val result = input.close() result } } override def close(): Unit = () override def configure(configs: java.util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = () override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val avroOutputStream = avroFormat match { case BinaryFormat => AvroOutputStream.binary[T] case JsonFormat => AvroOutputStream.json[T] case DataFormat =>[T] } val output = output.write(data) output.close() baos.toByteArray } }
Example 75
Source File: GithubIssue193.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.github import import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroFixed, AvroInputStream, AvroOutputStream} import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers case class Data(uuid: Option[UUID]) case class UUID(@AvroFixed(8) bytes: Array[Byte]) class GithubIssue193 extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("Converting data with an optional fixed type field to GenericRecord fails #193") { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output =[Data].to(baos).build() output.write(Data(Some(UUID(Array[Byte](0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))))) output.write(Data(None)) output.write(Data(Some(UUID(Array[Byte](7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0))))) output.close() val input =[Data].from(baos.toByteArray).build val datas = input.iterator.toList datas.head.uuid.get.bytes should equal(Array[Byte](0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) datas(1).uuid shouldBe None datas.last.uuid.get.bytes should equal(Array[Byte](7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)) input.close() } }
Example 76
Source File: GithubIssue191.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.github import import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroOutputStream, AvroSchema} import org.apache.avro.file.{DataFileReader, SeekableByteArrayInput} import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumReader, GenericRecord} import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8 import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers final case class SN(value: String) extends AnyVal final case class SimpleUser(name: String, sn: Option[SN]) class GithubIssue191 extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("writing out AnyVal in an option") { implicit val schema = AvroSchema[SimpleUser] val bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream val out =[SimpleUser].to(bytes).build() out.write(SimpleUser("Tom", Some(SN("123")))) out.close() val datumReader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](schema) val dataFileReader = new DataFileReader[GenericRecord](new SeekableByteArrayInput(bytes.toByteArray), datumReader) val record = new Iterator[GenericRecord] { override def hasNext: Boolean = dataFileReader.hasNext override def next(): GenericRecord = }.toList.head record.getSchema shouldBe schema record.get("name") shouldBe new Utf8("Tom") record.get("sn") shouldBe new Utf8("123") } }
Example 77
Source File: GithubIssue235.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.github import import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{Decoder, Encoder, RecordFormat, SchemaFor} import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumReader, GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord} import{DecoderFactory, EncoderFactory} import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers case class Label(value: String) extends AnyVal case class Value[A](label: Label, value: A) sealed trait OneOrTwo[A] case class One[A](value: Value[A]) extends OneOrTwo[A] case class Two[A](first: Value[A], second: Value[A]) extends OneOrTwo[A] case class OneOrTwoWrapper[A](t: OneOrTwo[A]) object Bug { def apply[T <: Product](a: T)( implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], encoder: Encoder[T], decoder: Decoder[T] ): Unit = { val format = RecordFormat[T] val schema = schemaFor.schema val datumReader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](schema) val datumWriter = new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](schema) val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val bEncoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(stream, null) datumWriter.write(, bEncoder) bEncoder.flush() val bytes = stream.toByteArray val bDecoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(bytes, null) val record =, bDecoder) require(format.from(record) == a) } } class GithubIssue235 extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("Broken typeclass derivation upgrading from 1.9.0 to 2.0.1 #235") { val o = OneOrTwoWrapper(One(Value(Label("lbl"), "foo"))) Bug(o) } }
Example 78
Source File: GithubIssue485.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.github import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import com.sksamuel.avro4s.record.decoder.CPWrapper import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroSchema, Decoder, DefaultFieldMapper} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8 import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import shapeless.Coproduct class GithubIssue485 extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("Serializable Coproduct Decoder #485") { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) oos.writeObject(Decoder[CPWrapper]) oos.close() val decoder = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray)).readObject().asInstanceOf[Decoder[CPWrapper]] val schema = AvroSchema[CPWrapper] val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("u", new Utf8("wibble")) decoder.decode(record) shouldBe CPWrapper(Coproduct[CPWrapper.ISBG]("wibble")) } }
Example 79
Source File: GithubIssue484.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.github import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import com.sksamuel.avro4s.record.decoder.ScalaEnumClass import com.sksamuel.avro4s.schema.Colours import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroSchema, Decoder, DefaultFieldMapper} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.EnumSymbol import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class GithubIssue484 extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("Serializable Scala Enum Decoder #484") { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) oos.writeObject(Decoder[ScalaEnumClass]) oos.close() val decoder = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray)) .readObject() .asInstanceOf[Decoder[ScalaEnumClass]] val schema = AvroSchema[ScalaEnumClass] val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("colour", new EnumSymbol(schema.getField("colour").schema(), "Green")) decoder.decode(record) shouldBe ScalaEnumClass(Colours.Green) } }
Example 80
Source File: GithubIssue432.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.github import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import com.sksamuel.avro4s.Encoder import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} class GithubIssue432 extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("Serializable Encoder[BigDecimal] #432") { val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) oos.writeObject(Encoder.bigDecimalEncoder) oos.close() } test("Deserialized Encoder[BigDecimal] works") { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) oos.writeObject(Encoder.bigDecimalEncoder) oos.close() val ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray)) val encoder = ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[Encoder[BigDecimal]] encoder.encode(12.34) } }
Example 81
Source File: BinaryOutputStreamTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.streams.output import import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroInputStream, AvroOutputStream, AvroSchema, Encoder} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec case class Work(name: String, year: Int, style: Style) case class Composer(name: String, birthplace: String, works: Seq[Work]) class BinaryStreamsTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers { val ennio = Composer("ennio morricone", "rome", Seq(Work("legend of 1900", 1986, Style.Classical), Work("ecstasy of gold", 1969, Style.Classical))) val hans = Composer("hans zimmer", "frankfurt", Seq(Work("batman begins", 2007, Style.Modern), Work("dunkirk", 2017, Style.Modern))) "Avro binary streams" should { "not write schemas" in { implicit val schema = AvroSchema[Composer] implicit val encoder = Encoder[Composer] val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = AvroOutputStream.binary[Composer].to(baos).build() output.write(ennio) output.write(hans) output.close() // the schema should not be written in a binary stream new String(baos.toByteArray) should not include "birthplace" new String(baos.toByteArray) should not include "compositions" new String(baos.toByteArray) should not include "year" new String(baos.toByteArray) should not include "style" } "read and write" in { implicit val schema = AvroSchema[Composer] implicit val encoder = Encoder[Composer] val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = AvroOutputStream.binary[Composer].to(baos).build() output.write(ennio) output.write(hans) output.close() val in = AvroInputStream.binary[Composer].from(baos.toByteArray).build(schema) in.iterator.toList shouldBe List(ennio, hans) in.close() } } }
Example 82
Source File: AvroDataOutputStreamCodecTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.streams.output import import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroOutputStream, AvroSchema} import org.apache.avro.file.CodecFactory import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class AvroDataOutputStreamCodecTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers { case class Composer(name: String, birthplace: String, compositions: Seq[String]) val schema = AvroSchema[Composer] val ennio = Composer("ennio morricone", "rome", Seq("legend of 1900", "ecstasy of gold")) "AvroDataOutputStream" should { "include schema" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output =[Composer].to(baos).build() output.write(ennio) output.close() new String(baos.toByteArray) should include("birthplace") new String(baos.toByteArray) should include("compositions") } "include deflate coded in metadata when serialized with deflate" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output =[Composer].to(baos).withCodec(CodecFactory.deflateCodec(CodecFactory.DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL)).build() output.write(ennio) output.close() new String(baos.toByteArray) should include("deflate") } "include bzip2 coded in metadata when serialized with bzip2" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output =[Composer].to(baos).withCodec(CodecFactory.bzip2Codec).build() output.write(ennio) output.close() new String(baos.toByteArray) should include("bzip2") } } }
Example 83
Source File: OutputStreamTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.streams.output import import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.apache.avro.file.{DataFileReader, SeekableByteArrayInput} import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumReader, GenericRecord} import import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait OutputStreamTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { def readData[T: SchemaFor](out: ByteArrayOutputStream): GenericRecord = readData(out.toByteArray) def readData[T: SchemaFor](bytes: Array[Byte]): GenericRecord = { val datumReader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](AvroSchema[T]) val dataFileReader = new DataFileReader[GenericRecord](new SeekableByteArrayInput(bytes), datumReader) } def writeData[T: Encoder : SchemaFor](t: T): ByteArrayOutputStream = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro =[T].to(out).build() avro.write(t) avro.close() out } def readBinary[T: SchemaFor](out: ByteArrayOutputStream): GenericRecord = readBinary(out.toByteArray) def readBinary[T: SchemaFor](bytes: Array[Byte]): GenericRecord = { val datumReader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](AvroSchema[T]) val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(new SeekableByteArrayInput(bytes), null), decoder) } def writeBinary[T: Encoder : SchemaFor](t: T): ByteArrayOutputStream = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro = AvroOutputStream.binary[T].to(out).build() avro.write(t) avro.close() out } def readJson[T: SchemaFor](out: ByteArrayOutputStream): GenericRecord = readJson(out.toByteArray) def readJson[T: SchemaFor](bytes: Array[Byte]): GenericRecord = { val schema = AvroSchema[T] val datumReader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](schema) val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().jsonDecoder(schema, new SeekableByteArrayInput(bytes)), decoder) } def writeJson[T: Encoder : SchemaFor](t: T): ByteArrayOutputStream = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro = AvroOutputStream.json[T].to(out).build() avro.write(t) avro.close() out } def writeRead[T: Encoder : SchemaFor](t: T)(fn: GenericRecord => Any): Unit = { { val out = writeData(t) val record = readData(out) fn(record) } { val out = writeBinary(t) val record = readBinary(out) fn(record) } { val out = writeJson(t) val record = readJson(out) fn(record) } } }
Example 84
Source File: InputStreamTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.streams.input import import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait InputStreamTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { def readData[T: SchemaFor: Decoder](out: ByteArrayOutputStream): T = readData(out.toByteArray) def readData[T: SchemaFor: Decoder](bytes: Array[Byte]): T = {[SchemaFor[T]].schema) } def writeData[T: Encoder: SchemaFor](t: T): ByteArrayOutputStream = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro =[T].to(out).build() avro.write(t) avro.close() out } def readBinary[T: SchemaFor: Decoder](out: ByteArrayOutputStream): T = readBinary(out.toByteArray) def readBinary[T: SchemaFor: Decoder](bytes: Array[Byte]): T = { AvroInputStream.binary.from(bytes).build(implicitly[SchemaFor[T]].schema) } def writeBinary[T: Encoder](t: T): ByteArrayOutputStream = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro = AvroOutputStream.binary[T].to(out).build() avro.write(t) avro.close() out } def writeRead[T: Encoder: Decoder: SchemaFor](t: T): Unit = { { val out = writeData(t) readData(out) shouldBe t } { val out = writeBinary(t) readBinary(out) shouldBe t } } def writeRead[T: Encoder: Decoder: SchemaFor](t: T, expected: T): Unit = { { val out = writeData(t) readData(out) shouldBe expected } { val out = writeBinary(t) readBinary(out) shouldBe expected } } }
Example 85
Source File: SchemaEvolutionTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.record.decoder import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8 import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class SchemaEvolutionTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { case class Version1(original: String) case class Version2(@AvroAlias("original") renamed: String) case class P1(name: String, age: Int = 18) case class P2(name: String) case class OptionalStringTest(a: String, b: Option[String]) case class DefaultStringTest(a: String, b: String = "foo") ignore("@AvroAlias should be used when a reader schema has a field missing from the write schema") { val v1schema = AvroSchema[Version1] val v1 = Version1("hello") val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output =[Version1].to(baos).build() output.write(v1) output.close() // we load using a v2 schema val is = new AvroDataInputStream[Version2](new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray), Some(v1schema)) val v2 = is.iterator.toList.head v2.renamed shouldBe v1.original } test("when decoding, if the record and schema are missing a field and the target has a scala default, use that") { val f1 = RecordFormat[P1] val f2 = RecordFormat[P2] f1.from("foo"))) shouldBe P1("foo") } test("when decoding, if the record is missing a field that is present in the schema with a default, use the default from the schema") { val schema = SchemaBuilder.record("foo").fields().requiredString("a").endRecord() val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("a", new Utf8("hello")) Decoder[DefaultStringTest].decode(record) shouldBe DefaultStringTest("hello") } test("when decoding, if the record is missing a field that is present in the schema and the type is option, then set to None") { val schema1 = SchemaBuilder.record("foo").fields().requiredString("a").endRecord() val schema2 = SchemaBuilder.record("foo").fields().requiredString("a").optionalString("b").endRecord() val record = new GenericData.Record(schema1) record.put("a", new Utf8("hello")) Decoder[OptionalStringTest].decode(record) shouldBe OptionalStringTest("hello", None) } }
Example 86
Source File: Encoding.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package benchmarks import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import benchmarks.record._ import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord} import import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole object Encoding extends BenchmarkHelpers { @State(Scope.Thread) class Setup { val record = RecordWithUnionAndTypeField(AttributeValue.Valid[Int](255, t)) val specificRecord = { import benchmarks.record.generated.AttributeValue._ import benchmarks.record.generated._ new RecordWithUnionAndTypeField(new ValidInt(255, t)) } val (avro4sEncoder, avro4sWriter) = { val schema = AvroSchema[RecordWithUnionAndTypeField] val encoder = Encoder[RecordWithUnionAndTypeField] val writer = new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](schema) (encoder, writer) } val (handrolledEncoder, handrolledWriter) = { import benchmarks.handrolled_codecs._ implicit val codec: AttributeValueCodec[Int] = AttributeValueCodec[Int] implicit val schemaForValid = codec.schemaForValid val schema = AvroSchema[RecordWithUnionAndTypeField] val encoder = Encoder[RecordWithUnionAndTypeField] val writer = new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](schema) (encoder, writer) } } } class Encoding extends CommonParams with BenchmarkHelpers { import Encoding._ def encode[T](value: T, encoder: Encoder[T], writer: GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord]): ByteBuffer = { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512) val record = encoder.encode(value).asInstanceOf[GenericRecord] val enc = EncoderFactory.get().directBinaryEncoder(outputStream, null) writer.write(record, enc) ByteBuffer.wrap(outputStream.toByteArray) } @Benchmark def avroSpecificRecord(setup: Setup, blackhole: Blackhole) = blackhole.consume(setup.specificRecord.toByteBuffer) @Benchmark def avro4sGenerated(setup: Setup, blackhole: Blackhole) = blackhole.consume(encode(setup.record, setup.avro4sEncoder, setup.avro4sWriter)) @Benchmark def avro4sHandrolled(setup: Setup, blackhole: Blackhole) = blackhole.consume(encode(setup.record, setup.handrolledEncoder, setup.handrolledWriter)) }
Example 87
Source File: Decoding.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package benchmarks import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.util.Collections import benchmarks.record._ import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumReader, GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord} import{DecoderFactory, EncoderFactory} import org.apache.avro.util.ByteBufferInputStream import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole object Decoding extends BenchmarkHelpers { @State(Scope.Thread) class Setup { val avroBytes = { import benchmarks.record.generated.AttributeValue._ import benchmarks.record.generated._ new RecordWithUnionAndTypeField(new ValidInt(255, t)).toByteBuffer } val avro4sBytes = encode(RecordWithUnionAndTypeField(AttributeValue.Valid[Int](255, t))) val (handrolledDecoder, handrolledReader) = { import benchmarks.handrolled_codecs._ implicit val codec: Codec[AttributeValue[Int]] = AttributeValueCodec[Int] implicit val schemaFor: SchemaFor[AttributeValue[Int]] = SchemaFor[AttributeValue[Int]](codec.schema) val recordSchemaFor = SchemaFor[RecordWithUnionAndTypeField] val decoder = Decoder[RecordWithUnionAndTypeField].withSchema(recordSchemaFor) val reader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](recordSchemaFor.schema) (decoder, reader) } val (avro4sDecoder, avro4sReader) = { val decoder = Decoder[RecordWithUnionAndTypeField] val reader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](decoder.schema) (decoder, reader) } } def encode[T: Encoder: SchemaFor](value: T): ByteBuffer = { val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512) val encoder = Encoder[T] val schema = AvroSchema[T] val record = encoder.encode(value).asInstanceOf[GenericRecord] val writer = new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](schema) val enc = EncoderFactory.get().directBinaryEncoder(outputStream, null) writer.write(record, enc) ByteBuffer.wrap(outputStream.toByteArray) } } class Decoding extends CommonParams with BenchmarkHelpers { import Decoding._ def decode[T](bytes: ByteBuffer, decoder: Decoder[T], reader: GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord]): T = { val dec = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(new ByteBufferInputStream(Collections.singletonList(bytes.duplicate)), null) val record =, dec) decoder.decode(record) } @Benchmark def avroSpecificRecord(setup: Setup, blackhole: Blackhole) = { import benchmarks.record.generated._ blackhole.consume(RecordWithUnionAndTypeField.fromByteBuffer(setup.avroBytes.duplicate)) } @Benchmark def avro4sHandrolled(setup: Setup, blackhole: Blackhole) = blackhole.consume(decode(setup.avro4sBytes, setup.handrolledDecoder, setup.handrolledReader)) @Benchmark def avro4sGenerated(setup: Setup, blackhole: Blackhole) = blackhole.consume(decode(setup.avro4sBytes, setup.avro4sDecoder, setup.avro4sReader)) }
Example 88
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From big-data-scala-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec](stream: PrintStream) extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(ConfigFactory.load()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => stream.print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) stream.println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) stream.println("") fileCount += 1 stream.println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") stream.println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(lineNumber) => " at line " + lineNumber + (column match { case Some(columnNumber) => " character " + columnNumber case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = new CustomTextOutput(new PrintStream(output)).output(messages) val msg = s"""${output.toString} |Processed ${outputResult.files} file(s) |Found ${outputResult.errors} errors |Found ${outputResult.warnings} warnings |""".stripMargin (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 89
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From big-data-scala-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec](stream: PrintStream) extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(ConfigFactory.load()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => stream.print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) stream.println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) stream.println("") fileCount += 1 stream.println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") stream.println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(lineNumber) => " at line " + lineNumber + (column match { case Some(columnNumber) => " character " + columnNumber case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = new CustomTextOutput(new PrintStream(output)).output(messages) val msg = s"""${output.toString} |Processed ${outputResult.files} file(s) |Found ${outputResult.errors} errors |Found ${outputResult.warnings} warnings |""".stripMargin (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 90
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From big-data-scala-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec](stream: PrintStream) extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(ConfigFactory.load()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => stream.print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) stream.println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) stream.println("") fileCount += 1 stream.println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") stream.println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(lineNumber) => " at line " + lineNumber + (column match { case Some(columnNumber) => " character " + columnNumber case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = new CustomTextOutput(new PrintStream(output)).output(messages) val msg = s"""${output.toString} |Processed ${outputResult.files} file(s) |Found ${outputResult.errors} errors |Found ${outputResult.warnings} warnings |""".stripMargin (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 91
Source File: JsDataSpec.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import java.util import mist.api.encoding.defaultEncoders._ import mist.api.encoding.JsSyntax._ import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks._ class JsDataSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers { import java.{lang => jl, util => ju} val rawToData = Table( ("raw", "data"), (1, JsNumber(1)), ("str", JsString("str")), (1.2, JsNumber(1.2)), (List(1, 2), JsList(Seq(JsNumber(1), JsNumber(2)))), (Array(1, 2), JsList(Seq(JsNumber(1), JsNumber(2)))), (Map("key" -> "value"), JsMap(Map("key" -> JsString("value")))) ) val javaMap: ju.Map[String, jl.Integer] = { val m = new ju.HashMap[String, jl.Integer](1) m.put("test", new jl.Integer(42)) m } val javaRawToData = Table( ("raw", "data"), (new jl.Integer(42), JsNumber(42)), (new jl.Double(42.0), JsNumber(42.0)), (ju.Arrays.asList(new jl.Integer(42)), JsList(Seq(JsNumber(42)))), (javaMap, JsMap(Map("test"-> JsNumber(42)))) ) it("should parse raw any structure") { forAll(rawToData) { (raw: Any, jsLike: JsData) => JsData.fromScala(raw) shouldBe jsLike } } it("should parse raw any java structure") { forAll(javaRawToData){ (raw: Any, jsLike: JsData) => JsData.fromJava(raw) shouldBe jsLike } } describe("JsLikeMap") { // problem with MapLike - akka can't serialize it // scala.collection.immutable.MapLike$$anon$2 // scala.collection.immutable.MapLike$$anon$2 it("JsLikeMap should be serializable") { val map = Map("1" -> 1, "2" -> 2).mapValues(i => JsNumber(i)) val jslikeMap = JsMap(map) val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos) out.writeObject(jslikeMap) out.close() } } it("should return untyped map") { val js = JsMap( "a" -> 1.js, "b" -> false.js, "c" -> JsList(Seq( JsMap("x" -> "y".js) )) ) val exp = Map( "a" -> 1, "b" -> false, "c" -> Seq( Map("x" -> "y") ) ) JsData.untyped(js) shouldBe exp } }
Example 92
Source File: ProtoMarshaller.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.internal import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream } import io.grpc.KnownLength import akka.annotation.InternalApi import akka.grpc.ProtobufSerializer @InternalApi class ProtoMarshaller[T <:](u: ProtobufSerializer[T]) extends io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.Marshaller[T] { override def parse(stream: InputStream): T = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(math.max(64, stream.available())) val buffer = new Array[Byte](32 * 1024) // Blocking calls underneath... // we can't avoid it for the moment because we are relying on the Netty's Channel API var bytesRead = while (bytesRead >= 0) { baos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) bytesRead = } u.deserialize(akka.util.ByteString(baos.toByteArray)) } override def stream(value: T): InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(value.toByteArray) with KnownLength }
Example 93
Source File: Gzip.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.internal import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream } import{ GZIPInputStream, GZIPOutputStream } import akka.util.ByteString object Gzip extends Codec { override val name: String = "gzip" override def compress(uncompressed: ByteString): ByteString = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(uncompressed.size) val gzos = new GZIPOutputStream(baos) gzos.write(uncompressed.toArray) gzos.flush() gzos.close() ByteString(baos.toByteArray) } override def uncompress(compressed: ByteString): ByteString = { val gzis = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(compressed.toArray)) val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(compressed.size) val buffer = new Array[Byte](32 * 1024) var read = while (read != -1) { baos.write(buffer, 0, read) read = } ByteString(baos.toByteArray) } }
Example 94
Source File: Marshaller.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.internal import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream } import io.grpc.KnownLength import akka.annotation.InternalApi import akka.grpc.ProtobufSerializer @InternalApi final class Marshaller[T <: scalapb.GeneratedMessage](u: ProtobufSerializer[T]) extends io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.Marshaller[T] { override def parse(stream: InputStream): T = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(math.max(64, stream.available())) val buffer = new Array[Byte](32 * 1024) // Blocking calls underneath... // we can't avoid it for the moment because we are relying on the Netty's Channel API var bytesRead = while (bytesRead >= 0) { baos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) bytesRead = } u.deserialize(akka.util.ByteString(baos.toByteArray)) } override def stream(value: T): InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(value.toByteArray) with KnownLength }
Example 95
Source File: Main.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.gen import import import akka.grpc.gen.javadsl.{ JavaClientCodeGenerator, JavaInterfaceCodeGenerator, JavaServerCodeGenerator } import akka.grpc.gen.scaladsl.{ ScalaClientCodeGenerator, ScalaServerCodeGenerator, ScalaTraitCodeGenerator } // This is the protoc plugin that the gradle plugin uses object Main extends App { val inBytes: Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(math.max(64, val buffer = new Array[Byte](32 * 1024) var bytesRead = while (bytesRead >= 0) { baos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) bytesRead = } baos.toByteArray } val req = CodeGeneratorRequest.parseFrom(inBytes) val KeyValueRegex = """([^=]+)=(.*)""".r val parameters = req.getParameter .split(",") .flatMap { case KeyValueRegex(key, value) => Some((key.toLowerCase, value)) case _ => None } .toMap private val languageScala: Boolean = parameters.get("language").map(_.equalsIgnoreCase("scala")).getOrElse(false) private val generateClient: Boolean = parameters.get("generate_client").map(!_.equalsIgnoreCase("false")).getOrElse(true) private val generateServer: Boolean = parameters.get("generate_server").map(!_.equalsIgnoreCase("false")).getOrElse(true) private val extraGenerators: List[String] = parameters.getOrElse("extra_generators", "").split(";").toList.filter(_ != "") private val logger = parameters.get("logfile").map(new FileLogger(_)).getOrElse(SilencedLogger) val out = { val codeGenerators = if (languageScala) { // Scala if (generateClient && generateServer) Seq(ScalaTraitCodeGenerator, ScalaClientCodeGenerator, ScalaServerCodeGenerator) else if (generateClient) Seq(ScalaTraitCodeGenerator, ScalaClientCodeGenerator) else if (generateServer) Seq(ScalaTraitCodeGenerator, ScalaServerCodeGenerator) else throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one of generateClient or generateServer must be enabled") } else { // Java if (generateClient && generateServer) Seq(JavaInterfaceCodeGenerator, JavaClientCodeGenerator, JavaServerCodeGenerator) else if (generateClient) Seq(JavaInterfaceCodeGenerator, JavaClientCodeGenerator) else if (generateServer) Seq(JavaInterfaceCodeGenerator, JavaServerCodeGenerator) else throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one of generateClient or generateServer must be enabled") } val loadedExtraGenerators = => Class.forName(cls).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance().asInstanceOf[CodeGenerator]) (codeGenerators ++ loadedExtraGenerators).foreach { g => val gout =, logger) System.out.write(gout.toByteArray) System.out.flush() } } }
Example 96
Source File: Main.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.scalapb import import scalapb.ScalaPbCodeGenerator object Main extends App { val inBytes: Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(math.max(64, val buffer = Array.ofDim[Byte](32 * 1024) var bytesRead = while (bytesRead >= 0) { baos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) bytesRead = } baos.toByteArray } val outBytes = System.out.write(outBytes) System.out.flush() }
Example 97
Source File: TestingTypedCount.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{ImperativeAggregate, TypedImperativeAggregate} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution.TestingTypedCount.State import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ @ExpressionDescription( usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - A testing aggregate function resembles COUNT " + "but implements ObjectAggregateFunction.") case class TestingTypedCount( child: Expression, mutableAggBufferOffset: Int = 0, inputAggBufferOffset: Int = 0) extends TypedImperativeAggregate[TestingTypedCount.State] { def this(child: Expression) = this(child, 0, 0) override def children: Seq[Expression] = child :: Nil override def dataType: DataType = LongType override def nullable: Boolean = false override def createAggregationBuffer(): State = TestingTypedCount.State(0L) override def update(buffer: State, input: InternalRow): State = { if (child.eval(input) != null) { buffer.count += 1 } buffer } override def merge(buffer: State, input: State): State = { buffer.count += input.count buffer } override def eval(buffer: State): Any = buffer.count override def serialize(buffer: State): Array[Byte] = { val byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val dataStream = new DataOutputStream(byteStream) dataStream.writeLong(buffer.count) byteStream.toByteArray } override def deserialize(storageFormat: Array[Byte]): State = { val byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(storageFormat) val dataStream = new DataInputStream(byteStream) TestingTypedCount.State(dataStream.readLong()) } override def withNewMutableAggBufferOffset(newMutableAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate = copy(mutableAggBufferOffset = newMutableAggBufferOffset) override def withNewInputAggBufferOffset(newInputAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate = copy(inputAggBufferOffset = newInputAggBufferOffset) override val prettyName: String = "typed_count" } object TestingTypedCount { case class State(var count: Long) }
Example 98
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") // scalastyle:on println System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 99
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def benchmark[U](f: => U): Long = { val start = System.nanoTime f System.nanoTime - start } test("write") { val underlying = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = "X" * 41000 val stream = new RateLimitedOutputStream(underlying, desiredBytesPerSec = 10000) val elapsedNs = benchmark { stream.write(data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } val seconds = SECONDS.convert(elapsedNs, NANOSECONDS) assert(seconds >= 4, s"Seconds value ($seconds) is less than 4.") assert(seconds <= 30, s"Took more than 30 seconds ($seconds) to write data.") assert(underlying.toString("UTF-8") === data) } }
Example 100
Source File: RBackendAuthHandler.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.r import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import{Channel, ChannelHandlerContext, SimpleChannelInboundHandler} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private class RBackendAuthHandler(secret: String) extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler[Array[Byte]] with Logging { override def channelRead0(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, msg: Array[Byte]): Unit = { // The R code adds a null terminator to serialized strings, so ignore it here. val clientSecret = new String(msg, 0, msg.length - 1, UTF_8) try { require(secret == clientSecret, "Auth secret mismatch.") ctx.pipeline().remove(this) writeReply("ok", } catch { case e: Exception => logInfo("Authentication failure.", e) writeReply("err", ctx.close() } } private def writeReply(reply: String, chan: Channel): Unit = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() SerDe.writeString(new DataOutputStream(out), reply) chan.writeAndFlush(out.toByteArray()) } }
Example 101
Source File: ByteBufferOutputStream.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import java.nio.ByteBuffer private[spark] class ByteBufferOutputStream(capacity: Int) extends ByteArrayOutputStream(capacity) { def this() = this(32) def getCount(): Int = count private[this] var closed: Boolean = false override def write(b: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b) } override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b, off, len) } override def reset(): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot reset a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.reset() } override def close(): Unit = { if (!closed) { super.close() closed = true } } def toByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = { require(closed, "can only call toByteBuffer() after ByteBufferOutputStream has been closed") ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, count) } }
Example 102
Source File: PythonRDDSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class PythonRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("Writing large strings to the worker") { val input: List[String] = List("a"*100000) val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(input.iterator, buffer) } test("Handle nulls gracefully") { val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) // Should not have NPE when write an Iterator with null in it // The correctness will be tested in Python PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a", null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a"), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator((null, null), ("a", null), (null, "b")), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator( (null, null), ("a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null), (null, "b".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), buffer) } }
Example 103
Source File: GenericAvroSerializerSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.serializer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Input, Output} import org.apache.avro.{Schema, SchemaBuilder} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite} class GenericAvroSerializerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext { conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") val schema : Schema = SchemaBuilder .record("testRecord").fields() .requiredString("data") .endRecord() val record = new Record(schema) record.put("data", "test data") test("schema compression and decompression") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) assert(schema === genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(genericSer.compress(schema)))) } test("record serialization and deserialization") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(outputStream) genericSer.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() output.close() val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray)) assert(genericSer.deserializeDatum(input) === record) } test("uses schema fingerprint to decrease message size") { val genericSerFull = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val beginningNormalPosition = genericSerFull.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() val normalLength = - beginningNormalPosition conf.registerAvroSchemas(schema) val genericSerFinger = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val beginningFingerprintPosition = genericSerFinger.serializeDatum(record, output) val fingerprintLength = - beginningFingerprintPosition assert(fingerprintLength < normalLength) } test("caches previously seen schemas") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val compressedSchema = genericSer.compress(schema) val decompressedSchema = genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)) assert(compressedSchema.eq(genericSer.compress(schema))) assert(decompressedSchema.eq(genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)))) } }
Example 104
Source File: TaskDescriptionSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream, UTFDataFormatException} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.util.Properties import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class TaskDescriptionSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("encoding and then decoding a TaskDescription results in the same TaskDescription") { val originalFiles = new HashMap[String, Long]() originalFiles.put("fileUrl1", 1824) originalFiles.put("fileUrl2", 2) val originalJars = new HashMap[String, Long]() originalJars.put("jar1", 3) val originalProperties = new Properties() originalProperties.put("property1", "18") originalProperties.put("property2", "test value") // SPARK-19796 -- large property values (like a large job description for a long sql query) // can cause problems for DataOutputStream, make sure we handle correctly val sb = new StringBuilder() (0 to 10000).foreach(_ => sb.append("1234567890")) val largeString = sb.toString() originalProperties.put("property3", largeString) // make sure we've got a good test case intercept[UTFDataFormatException] { val out = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) try { out.writeUTF(largeString) } finally { out.close() } } // Create a dummy byte buffer for the task. val taskBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4)) val originalTaskDescription = new TaskDescription( taskId = 1520589, attemptNumber = 2, executorId = "testExecutor", name = "task for test", index = 19, originalFiles, originalJars, originalProperties, taskBuffer ) val serializedTaskDescription = TaskDescription.encode(originalTaskDescription) val decodedTaskDescription = TaskDescription.decode(serializedTaskDescription) // Make sure that all of the fields in the decoded task description match the original. assert(decodedTaskDescription.taskId === originalTaskDescription.taskId) assert(decodedTaskDescription.attemptNumber === originalTaskDescription.attemptNumber) assert(decodedTaskDescription.executorId === originalTaskDescription.executorId) assert( === assert(decodedTaskDescription.index === originalTaskDescription.index) assert(decodedTaskDescription.addedFiles.equals(originalFiles)) assert(decodedTaskDescription.addedJars.equals(originalJars)) assert( assert(decodedTaskDescription.serializedTask.equals(taskBuffer)) } }
Example 105
Source File: TestResults.scala From mimir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mimir.util import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import import import org.rogach.scallop.ScallopConf object TestResults { def main(args: Array[String]) { val config = new TestResultConfig(args) println("running tests....") parseTestResults(config.sbtPath(),config.sbtCmd()) } def parseTestResults(sbtPath:String = "/opt/local/bin/sbt", sbtCmd:String = "test") = { val procOutput = runCommand(Seq(sbtPath,sbtCmd))._2.replaceAll("""\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]""", "") val pattern = """(?m)^.*\[info\] Total.*$|^.*\[info\] Finished.*$|^.*\[info\] [\d]+ examp.*$""".r val header = "test_name,seconds,examples,expectations,failures,errors,skipped\n" val pattern2 = """\[info\] Total for specification (\w+)\s+\[info\] Finished in (.+)\R\[info\] (.+)\R""".r val pattern3 = """([a-zA-Z]+): (?:(\d+) minutes? )?(?:(\d+) seconds?[,:] )?(?:(\d+) ms[,:] )?(\d+) examples?, (?:(\d+) expectations?, )?(\d+) failures?, (\d+) errors?(?:, (\d+) skipped)?""".r val string = pattern2.findAllMatchIn(procOutput).map(mat => s"${}: ${}: ${}") .map(nline => nline match { case pattern3(test_name,minutes,seconds,ms,examples,expectations,failures,errors,skipped) => { val allseconds = (minutes match { case "" => 0 case null => 0 case x => x.toInt*60 }) + (seconds match { case "" => 0 case null => 0 case x => x.toInt }) + (ms match { case "" => 0.0 case null => 0.0 case x => x.toDouble/1000.0 }) s"$test_name,$allseconds,$examples,$expectations,$failures,$errors,$skipped" } }).mkString("\n") val outStr = header + string println(outStr) Files.write(Paths.get("test_output.csv"), outStr.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } import sys.process._ def runCommand(cmd: Seq[String]): (Int, String, String) = { val stdoutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val stderrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val stdoutWriter = new PrintWriter(stdoutStream) val stderrWriter = new PrintWriter(stderrStream) val exitValue = cmd.!(ProcessLogger(stdoutWriter.println, stderrWriter.println)) stdoutWriter.close() stderrWriter.close() (exitValue, stdoutStream.toString, stderrStream.toString) } } class TestResultConfig(arguments: Seq[String]) extends ScallopConf(arguments) { val experimental = opt[List[String]]("X", default = Some(List[String]())) val sparkHost = opt[String]("sparkHost", descr = "The IP or hostname of the spark master", default = Some("spark-master.local")) val sparkPort = opt[String]("sparkPort", descr = "The port of the spark master", default = Some("7077")) val sbtPath = opt[String]("sbtPath", descr = "The path to sbt binary", default = Some("/opt/local/bin/sbt")) val sbtCmd = opt[String]("sbtCmd", descr = "The sbt command to run", default = Some("test")) }
Example 106
Source File: SageMakerProtobufWriter.scala From sagemaker-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import{BytesWritable, NullWritable} import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{RecordWriter, TaskAttemptContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{CatalystTypeConverters, InternalRow} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.OutputWriter import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType def write(row: Row): Unit = { val labelColumnName = options.getOrElse("labelColumnName", "label") val featuresColumnName = options.getOrElse("featuresColumnName", "features") val record = ProtobufConverter.rowToProtobuf(row, featuresColumnName, Some(labelColumnName)) record.writeTo(byteArrayOutputStream) recordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), new BytesWritable(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray)) byteArrayOutputStream.reset() } override def close(): Unit = { recordWriter.close(context) } }
Example 107
Source File: RecordIOOutputFormatTests.scala From sagemaker-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, FSDataOutputStream, Path} import{BytesWritable, NullWritable} import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext import org.mockito.Matchers.any import org.mockito.Mockito.{verify, when} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec} import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import class RecordIOOutputFormatTests extends FlatSpec with MockitoSugar with BeforeAndAfter { var sagemakerProtobufRecordWriter: SageMakerProtobufRecordWriter = _ var mockOutputStream : FSDataOutputStream = _ var byteArrayOutputStream: ByteArrayOutputStream = _ var mockTaskAttemptContext: TaskAttemptContext = _ var mockPath: Path = _ var mockFileSystem: FileSystem = _ before { byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() mockOutputStream = mock[FSDataOutputStream] sagemakerProtobufRecordWriter = new SageMakerProtobufRecordWriter(mockOutputStream) mockTaskAttemptContext = mock[TaskAttemptContext] mockPath = mock[Path] mockFileSystem = mock[FileSystem] } it should "write an empty array of bytes" in { val bytesWritable = new BytesWritable(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray) val bytes = ProtobufConverter.byteArrayToRecordIOEncodedByteArray(bytesWritable.getBytes) sagemakerProtobufRecordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), bytesWritable) verify(mockOutputStream).write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) } it should "write an array of bytes" in { val byteArray = Array[Byte](0, 0, 0, 0) byteArrayOutputStream.write(byteArray) val bytesWritable = new BytesWritable(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray) val bytes = ProtobufConverter.byteArrayToRecordIOEncodedByteArray(bytesWritable.getBytes) sagemakerProtobufRecordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), bytesWritable) verify(mockOutputStream).write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) } it should "write an array of bytes, padding as necessary" in { byteArrayOutputStream.write(5) val bytesWritable = new BytesWritable(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray) val bytes = ProtobufConverter.byteArrayToRecordIOEncodedByteArray(bytesWritable.getBytes) sagemakerProtobufRecordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), bytesWritable) verify(mockOutputStream).write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) } it should "write an array of bytes, padding only as much as necessary" in { byteArrayOutputStream.write(Array[Byte](0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) val bytesWritable = new BytesWritable(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray) val bytes = ProtobufConverter.byteArrayToRecordIOEncodedByteArray(bytesWritable.getBytes) sagemakerProtobufRecordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), bytesWritable) verify(mockOutputStream).write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) } it should "create a record writer from a FSDataOutputStream created by the filesystem" in { val mockTaskAttemptContext = mock[TaskAttemptContext] val mockPath = mock[Path] val mockFileSystem = mock[FileSystem] when(mockPath.getFileSystem(any[Configuration])).thenReturn(mockFileSystem) new RecordIOOutputFormat() { override def getDefaultWorkFile(context: TaskAttemptContext, extension: String): Path = { mockPath } }.getRecordWriter(mockTaskAttemptContext) verify(mockFileSystem).create(mockPath, true) } }
Example 108
Source File: ProcessSpawner.scala From akka-http-health with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import java.lang.System.getProperty import{URL, URLClassLoader} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ case class ProcessResult(retval: Integer, output: String) trait ProcessSpawner { lazy val classpath = resolveClassPath() val sep = getProperty("file.separator") val javaExecutablePath = getProperty("java.home") + sep + "bin" + sep + "java" private def resolveClassPath() = { getClass.getClassLoader match { case urlClassLoader: URLClassLoader => urlClassLoader.getURLs.collect { case url: URL => url.getFile }.mkString(getProperty("path.separator")) case _ => getProperty("java.class.path") } } def executeInSeparateProcess[T](mainClassType: T, maxMemoryMB: Integer = 100, extraJvmOpts: Seq[String] = Nil, args: Seq[String] = Nil)(implicit tag: WeakTypeTag[T]): ProcessResult = { val className = tag.tpe.termSymbol.fullName val processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(javaExecutablePath).redirectErrorStream(true) val commands = processBuilder.command() commands.add(s"-Xmx${maxMemoryMB}m") commands.addAll(extraJvmOpts.asJava) commands.add("-cp") commands.add(classpath) commands.add(className) commands.addAll(args.asJava) println(String.join(" ", commands)) val process = processBuilder.start() val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() IOUtils.copy(process.getInputStream, output) ProcessResult(process.waitFor(), output.toString()) } }
Example 109
Source File: package.scala From pulsar4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.pulsar4s import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import com.sksamuel.avro4s.AvroSchema import com.sksamuel.avro4s.AvroInputStream import com.sksamuel.avro4s.AvroOutputStream import com.sksamuel.avro4s.Decoder import com.sksamuel.avro4s.Encoder import com.sksamuel.avro4s.SchemaFor import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema import org.apache.pulsar.common.schema.{SchemaInfo, SchemaType} import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound package object avro { @implicitNotFound("No Avro Schema for type ${T} found.") implicit def avroSchema[T: Manifest: SchemaFor: Encoder: Decoder]: Schema[T] = new Schema[T] { val schema: org.apache.avro.Schema = AvroSchema[T] override def clone(): Schema[T] = this override def encode(t: T): Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val aos = AvroOutputStream.binary[T].to(baos).build(schema) aos.write(t) aos.flush() aos.close() baos.toByteArray() } override def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): T = { val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val ais = AvroInputStream.binary[T].from(bais).build(schema) val first = ais.close() first } override def getSchemaInfo: SchemaInfo = new SchemaInfo() .setName(manifest[T].runtimeClass.getCanonicalName) .setType(SchemaType.AVRO) .setSchema(schema.toString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } }
Example 110
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") // scalastyle:on println System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 111
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def benchmark[U](f: => U): Long = { val start = System.nanoTime f System.nanoTime - start } test("write") { val underlying = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = "X" * 41000 val stream = new RateLimitedOutputStream(underlying, desiredBytesPerSec = 10000) val elapsedNs = benchmark { stream.write(data.getBytes("UTF-8")) } val seconds = SECONDS.convert(elapsedNs, NANOSECONDS) assert(seconds >= 4, s"Seconds value ($seconds) is less than 4.") assert(seconds <= 30, s"Took more than 30 seconds ($seconds) to write data.") assert(underlying.toString("UTF-8") === data) } }
Example 112
Source File: PythonRDDSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class PythonRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("Writing large strings to the worker") { val input: List[String] = List("a"*100000) val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(input.iterator, buffer) } test("Handle nulls gracefully") { val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) // Should not have NPE when write an Iterator with null in it // The correctness will be tested in Python PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a", null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a"), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a".getBytes, null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a".getBytes), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator((null, null), ("a", null), (null, "b")), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream( Iterator((null, null), ("a".getBytes, null), (null, "b".getBytes)), buffer) } }
Example 113
Source File: GenericAvroSerializerSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.serializer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Output, Input} import org.apache.avro.{SchemaBuilder, Schema} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record import org.apache.spark.{SparkFunSuite, SharedSparkContext} class GenericAvroSerializerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext { conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") val schema : Schema = SchemaBuilder .record("testRecord").fields() .requiredString("data") .endRecord() val record = new Record(schema) record.put("data", "test data") test("schema compression and decompression") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) assert(schema === genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(genericSer.compress(schema)))) } test("record serialization and deserialization") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(outputStream) genericSer.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() output.close() val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray)) assert(genericSer.deserializeDatum(input) === record) } test("uses schema fingerprint to decrease message size") { val genericSerFull = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val beginningNormalPosition = genericSerFull.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() val normalLength = - beginningNormalPosition conf.registerAvroSchemas(schema) val genericSerFinger = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val beginningFingerprintPosition = genericSerFinger.serializeDatum(record, output) val fingerprintLength = - beginningFingerprintPosition assert(fingerprintLength < normalLength) } test("caches previously seen schemas") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val compressedSchema = genericSer.compress(schema) val decompressedSchema = genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)) assert(compressedSchema.eq(genericSer.compress(schema))) assert(decompressedSchema.eq(genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)))) } }
Example 114
Source File: DecoratorTest.scala From Elysium with MIT License | 5 votes |
package nz.daved.elysium.core import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class DecoratorTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "@before" should "deal with anonymous functions passed in" in { val out: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { } out.toString.stripLineEnd shouldBe "hello world" } "@after" should "deal with anonymous functions passed in" in { val out: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { DecoratorTestObject.hello() } out.toString.stripLineEnd shouldBe "hello world" } }
Example 115
Source File: SerializationTestHelper.scala From xmlconfect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mthaler.xmlconfect import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream } object SerializationTestHelper { def serializeDeserialize[T](obj: T): T = { val bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val out = new ObjectOutputStream(bout) out.writeObject(obj) val bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray) val in = new ObjectInputStream(bin) in.readObject().asInstanceOf[T] } }
Example 116
Source File: LandmarkIOTests.scala From scalismo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File, InputStream} import import breeze.linalg.DenseVector import scalismo.ScalismoTestSuite import scalismo.geometry._ import scalismo.statisticalmodel.MultivariateNormalDistribution import import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.collection.immutable.Seq class LandmarkIOTests extends ScalismoTestSuite { implicit def doubleToFloat(d: Double): Float = d.toFloat implicit def inputStreamToSource(s: InputStream): Source = Source.fromInputStream(s) describe("Spray LandmarkIO") { val csvName = "/landmarks.csv" def csvStream() = getClass.getResourceAsStream(csvName) val jsonName = "/landmarks.json" def jsonStream() = getClass.getResourceAsStream(jsonName) def distWithDefaultVectors(d1: Double, d2: Double, d3: Double): MultivariateNormalDistribution = { val axes = List(DenseVector[Double](1, 0, 0), DenseVector[Double](0, 1, 0), DenseVector[Double](0, 0, 1)) val devs = List(d1, d2, d3) val data = axes zip devs MultivariateNormalDistribution(DenseVector[Double](0, 0, 0), data) } val jsonLm1 = Landmark("one", Point(1, 2, 3)) val jsonLm2 = Landmark("two", Point(2, 3, 4), Some("Landmark two"), Some(distWithDefaultVectors(1, 4, 9))) val jsonLms = List(jsonLm1, jsonLm2) it("can serialize and deserialize simple landmarks using JSON") { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() LandmarkIO.writeLandmarksJsonToStream(jsonLms, out) val written = new String(out.toByteArray) val read = LandmarkIO.readLandmarksJsonFromSource[_3D](Source.fromString(written)).get read should equal(jsonLms) } it("can read simple landmarks from a JSON Stream") { val read = LandmarkIO.readLandmarksJsonFromSource[_3D](jsonStream()).get read should equal(jsonLms) } } }
Example 117
Source File: RichSparkFunctionsSpec.scala From lighthouse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package be.dataminded.lighthouse.pipeline import import be.dataminded.lighthouse.testing.SharedSparkSession import better.files._ import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset import import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class RichSparkFunctionsSpec extends AnyFunSpec with Matchers with SharedSparkSession with BeforeAndAfter { import spark.implicits._ describe("SparkFunctions with a DataSet inside should have extra functionality") { val function = SparkFunction.of(Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toDS()) it("can cache") { function.cache().run(spark).storageLevel should equal(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) } it("can drop the cache") { function.cache().dropCache().run(spark).storageLevel should equal(StorageLevel.NONE) } it("can be written to a sink") { function.write(OrcSink("target/output/orc")).run(spark) file"target/output/orc".exists should be(true) } it("can be written to multiple sinks") { function.write(OrcSink("target/output/orc"), OrcSink("target/output/orc2")).run(spark) file"target/output/orc".exists should be(true) file"target/output/orc2".exists should be(true) } it("is being cached when writing to multiple sinks for performance") { val result = function.write(OrcSink("target/output/orc"), OrcSink("target/output/orc2")).run(spark) result.storageLevel should equal(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) } it("can easily be counted") { function.count().run(spark) should equal(5) } it("can print the schema") { val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(stream) { function.printSchema().run(spark) } stream.toString() should include("value: integer (nullable = false)") } it("can be be used as a Dataset") {[Int].run(spark) shouldBe a[Dataset[_]] } } after { file"target/output/orc".delete(true) file"target/output/orc2".delete(true) } }
Example 118
Source File: SparkAvroDecoder.scala From cloudflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cloudflow.spark.avro import org.apache.log4j.Logger import import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import org.apache.avro.generic.{ GenericDatumReader, GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord } import{ DecoderFactory, EncoderFactory } import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Dataset, Encoder, Row } import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.{ encoderFor, ExpressionEncoder, RowEncoder } import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRow import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.avro.Schema import cloudflow.spark.sql.SQLImplicits._ case class EncodedKV(key: String, value: Array[Byte]) case class SparkAvroDecoder[T: Encoder: TypeTag](avroSchema: String) { val encoder: Encoder[T] = implicitly[Encoder[T]] val sqlSchema: StructType = encoder.schema val encoderForDataColumns: ExpressionEncoder[Row] = RowEncoder(sqlSchema) @transient lazy val _avroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchema) @transient lazy val rowConverter = SchemaConverters.createConverterToSQL(_avroSchema, sqlSchema) @transient lazy val datumReader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](_avroSchema) @transient lazy val decoder = DecoderFactory.get def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Row = { val binaryDecoder = decoder.binaryDecoder(bytes, null) val record =, binaryDecoder) rowConverter(record).asInstanceOf[GenericRow] } } case class SparkAvroEncoder[T: Encoder: TypeTag](avroSchema: String) { @transient lazy val log = Logger.getLogger(getClass.getName) val BufferSize = 5 * 1024 // 5 Kb val encoder = implicitly[Encoder[T]] val sqlSchema = encoder.schema @transient lazy val _avroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchema) val recordName = "topLevelRecord" // ??? val recordNamespace = "recordNamespace" // ??? @transient lazy val converter = AvroConverter.createConverterToAvro(sqlSchema, recordName, recordNamespace) // Risk: This process is memory intensive. Might require thread-level buffers to optimize memory usage def rowToBytes(row: Row): Array[Byte] = { val genRecord = converter(row).asInstanceOf[GenericRecord] if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug(s"genRecord = $genRecord") val datumWriter = new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](_avroSchema) val avroEncoder = EncoderFactory.get val byteArrOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(BufferSize) val binaryEncoder = avroEncoder.binaryEncoder(byteArrOS, null) datumWriter.write(genRecord, binaryEncoder) binaryEncoder.flush() byteArrOS.toByteArray } def encode(dataset: Dataset[T]): Dataset[Array[Byte]] = dataset.toDF().mapPartitions(rows ⇒[Array[Byte]] // Note to self: I'm not sure how heavy this chain of transformations is def encodeWithKey(dataset: Dataset[T], keyFun: T ⇒ String): Dataset[EncodedKV] = { val encoder = encoderFor[T] implicit val rowEncoder = RowEncoder(encoder.schema).resolveAndBind() { value ⇒ val key = keyFun(value) val internalRow = encoder.toRow(value) val row = rowEncoder.fromRow(internalRow) val bytes = rowToBytes(row) EncodedKV(key, bytes) } } }
Example 119
Source File: BooApp.scala From boopickle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package boopickle.perftests import import import boopickle.BufferPool object BooApp { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { runTests() } def runTests(): Unit = { Tests.suites.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (suite, idx) => val header = s"${1 + idx}/${Tests.suites.size} : ${}" println(header) println("=" * header.length) println(f"${"Library"}%-10s ${"ops/s"}%-10s ${"%"}%-10s ${"size"}%-10s ${"%"}%-10s ${"size.gz"}%-10s ${"%"}%-10s") val tester = new PerfTester(suite) val res = tester.runSuite // zip result data to see how small it gets val resSizes = { r => val rawSize = val bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val gs = new GZIPOutputStream(bs) gs.write( gs.finish() bs.flush() val gzipped = bs.toByteArray.length (r, rawSize, gzipped) } val maxCount = val minSize = val minGZSize = resSizes.foreach { r => println( f"${}%-10s ${r._1.count}%-10d ${f"${r._1.count * 100.0 / maxCount}%.1f%%"}%-10s ${r._2}%-10d ${f"${r._2 * 100.0 / minSize}%.0f%%"}%-10s ${r._3}%-10d ${f"${r._3 * 100.0 / minGZSize}%.0f%%"}%-10s") } println() // print out buffer pool usage println(s"""BufferPool: | allocations = ${BufferPool.allocOk} | misses = ${BufferPool.allocMiss} """.stripMargin) } } }
Example 120
Source File: package.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream, OutputStream} import java.nio.{Buffer, ByteBuffer} import scala.annotation.{implicitNotFound, tailrec} package object internal { private[client] def contentTypeWithCharset(ct: String, charset: String): String = s"$ct; charset=$charset" private[client] def charsetFromContentType(ct: String): Option[String] = ct.split(";").map(_.trim.toLowerCase).collectFirst { case s if s.startsWith("charset=") && s.substring(8).trim != "" => s.substring(8).trim } private[client] def transfer(is: InputStream, os: OutputStream): Unit = { var read = 0 val buf = new Array[Byte](1024) @tailrec def transfer(): Unit = { read =, 0, buf.length) if (read != -1) { os.write(buf, 0, read) transfer() } } transfer() } private[client] def toByteArray(is: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream transfer(is, os) os.toByteArray } private[client] def concatByteBuffers(bb1: ByteBuffer, bb2: ByteBuffer): ByteBuffer = { val buf = ByteBuffer .allocate(bb1.array().length + bb2.array().length) .put(bb1) .put(bb2) // rewind() returns Buffer in Java8, and ByteBuffer in Java11 // calling the method from the base class to avoid NoSuchMethodError (buf: Buffer).rewind() buf } private[client] def sanitizeCharset(charset: String): String = { val c2 = charset.trim() val c3 = if (c2.startsWith("\"")) c2.substring(1) else c2 if (c3.endsWith("\"")) c3.substring(0, c3.length - 1) else c3 } @implicitNotFound( "This is a partial request, the method & url are not specified. Use " + ".get(...), .post(...) etc. to obtain a non-partial request." ) private[client] type IsIdInRequest[U[_]] = U[Unit] =:= Identity[Unit] private[client] val Utf8 = "utf-8" private[client] val Iso88591 = "iso-8859-1" private[client] val CrLf = "\r\n" }
Example 121
Source File: CuModule.scala From neuroflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package neuroflow.cuda import jcuda.driver.{CUfunction, CUmodule} import jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver._ import breeze.macros.arityize import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import jcuda.{CudaException, Pointer} private def loadData(inputStream: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { val baos: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream try { val buffer = new Array[Byte](8192) var done = false while (!done) { val read: Int = if (read == -1) { done = true } else { baos.write(buffer, 0, read) } } baos.write('\0') baos.flush() baos.toByteArray } finally { baos.close() } } }
Example 122
Source File: NumPyTest.scala From featran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.featran.numpy import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream} import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class NumPyTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private def test(f: OutputStream => Unit)(expectedFile: String): Unit = { val actual = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() f(baos) baos.toByteArray } val expected = { val in = this.getClass.getResourceAsStream(expectedFile) val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(math.max(32, in.available())) val buf = new Array[Byte](8192) var r = while (r != -1) { out.write(buf, 0, r) r = } out.toByteArray } actual shouldBe expected } "NumPy" should "work with 1-dimensional arrays" in { val a1d = (0 until 10).toArray test(NumPy.write(_, a1d))("/a1d-int.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,"/a1d-long.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,"/a1d-float.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,"/a1d-double.npy") // scalastyle:off no.whitespace.before.left.bracket the[IllegalArgumentException] thrownBy { test(NumPy.write(_, a1d, Seq(20)))("/a1d-int.npy") } should have message "requirement failed: Invalid shape, 20 != 10" // scalastyle:on no.whitespace.before.left.bracket } it should "work with 2-dimensional arrays" in { val a2d = (for { i <- 0 until 10 j <- 0 until 5 } yield i * 10 + j).toArray test(NumPy.write(_, a2d, Seq(10, 5)))("/a2d-int.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,, Seq(10, 5)))("/a2d-long.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,, Seq(10, 5)))("/a2d-float.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,, Seq(10, 5)))("/a2d-double.npy") // scalastyle:off no.whitespace.before.left.bracket the[IllegalArgumentException] thrownBy { test(NumPy.write(_, a2d, Seq(20, 5)))("/a1d-int.npy") } should have message "requirement failed: Invalid shape, 20 * 5 != 50" // scalastyle:on no.whitespace.before.left.bracket } it should "work with iterators" in { val a2d = (0 until 10).map(i => (0 until 5).map(j => i * 10 + j).toArray) test(NumPy.write(_, a2d.iterator, 10, 5))("/a2d-int.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,, 10, 5))("/a2d-long.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,, 10, 5))("/a2d-float.npy") test(NumPy.write(_,, 10, 5))("/a2d-double.npy") // scalastyle:off no.whitespace.before.left.bracket the[IllegalArgumentException] thrownBy { test(NumPy.write(_, a2d.iterator, 10, 10))("/a2d-int.npy") } should have message "requirement failed: Invalid row size, expected: 10, actual: 5" the[IllegalArgumentException] thrownBy { test(NumPy.write(_, a2d.iterator, 20, 5))("/a2d-int.npy") } should have message "requirement failed: Invalid number of rows, expected: 20, actual: 10" // hit the header.length % 16 == 0 condition the[IllegalArgumentException] thrownBy { test(NumPy.write(_, a2d.iterator, 1000000000, 50))("/a2d-int.npy") } should have message "requirement failed: Invalid row size, expected: 50, actual: 5" // scalastyle:on no.whitespace.before.left.bracket } }
Example 123
Source File: GZip.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.util import import import zio.RIO import zio.blocking.{Blocking, effectBlocking} import zio.ZIO.effectTotal object GZip { def apply(bytes: => Array[Byte]): RIO[Blocking, Array[Byte]] = effectTotal(new ByteArrayOutputStream()).bracket(os => effectTotal(os.close())) { bos => effectBlocking { val os = new GZIPOutputStream(bos, true) os.write(bytes) os.flush() os.close() bos.toByteArray } } }
Example 124
Source File: StatsController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.document.stats import import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, Security, HasVisitLogging, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintWriter} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import kantan.csv._ import kantan.csv.ops._ import kantan.csv.CsvConfiguration.{Header, QuotePolicy} import kantan.csv.engine.commons._ import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import services.visit.VisitService import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.{AnyContent, Request, Result, ControllerComponents} import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import plugins.PluginRegistry import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class StatsController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val annotations: AnnotationService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val visitService: VisitService, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasVisitLogging with HasPrettyPrintJSON with I18nSupport { private val CSV_CONFIG = CsvConfiguration(',', '"', QuotePolicy.WhenNeeded, Header.None) implicit val tuple2Writes: Writes[Tuple2[String, Long]] = ( (JsPath \ "value").write[String] and (JsPath \ "count").write[Long] )(t => (t._1, t._2)) private def toCSV(stats: Seq[(String, Long)]): String = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = out.asCsvWriter[(String, Long)](CSV_CONFIG) stats.foreach(writer.write(_)) writer.close() new String(out.toByteArray, "UTF-8") } def showDocumentStats(documentId: String, tab: Option[String]) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentReadResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => logDocumentView(doc.document, None, accesslevel) match { case Some(t) if t == "activity" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.activity") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.activity(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case Some(t) if t == "entities" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.entities") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.entities(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case Some(t) if t == "tags" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.tags") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.tags(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case _ => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.activity") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.activity(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) } }) } private def getTags(documentId: String)(action: (Seq[(String, Long)], Request[AnyContent]) => Result) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentReadResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => annotations.getTagStats(documentId).map { buckets => action(buckets, request.request) } } ) } def getTagsAsJSON(documentId: String) = getTags(documentId) { case (buckets, request) => jsonOk(Json.toJson(buckets))(request) } def getTagsAsCSV(documentId: String) = getTags(documentId) { case(buckets, request) => Ok(toCSV(buckets)).withHeaders(CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> { s"attachment; filename=${documentId}_tags.csv" }) } }
Example 125
Source File: DefineMacroCmd.scala From piglet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dbis.piglet.op.cmd import{ObjectInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import dbis.piglet.plan.DataflowPlan import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import dbis.piglet.op.{Pipe,PigOperator} case class DefineMacroCmd( out: Pipe, macroName: String, params: Option[List[String]], stmts: List[PigOperator] ) extends PigOperator(out) { var subPlan: Option[DataflowPlan] = None var inPipes = List[Pipe]() def deepClone(): DefineMacroCmd = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) oos.writeObject(this) val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()) val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais) ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[DefineMacroCmd] } override def preparePlan: Unit = { def pipeParamPositions(): List[Int] = { val l = ListBuffer[Int]() inPipes.foreach(i => { val pos = params.get.indexOf( if (pos >= 0) l += pos }) l.toList } }
Example 126
Source File: package.scala From pbdirect with MIT License | 5 votes |
import import java.util import{NonEmptyList => NEL} import{CodedInputStream, CodedOutputStream} package object pbdirect { implicit class PBWriterOps[A <: AnyRef](private val a: A) extends AnyVal { def toPB(implicit writer: PBWriter[A]): Array[Byte] = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val pbOut = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(out) val sizes = IdentityMaps.emptyJavaIdentityMap[Any, Int] writer.writeTo(, a, pbOut, sizes) pbOut.flush() val bytes = out.toByteArray // remove the tag and return the content val input = CodedInputStream.newInstance(bytes) input.readTag() input.readByteArray() } } implicit class PBParserOps(private val bytes: Array[Byte]) extends AnyVal { def pbTo[A](implicit reader: PBParser[A]): A = { // wraps the bytes into a protobuf single field message val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val pbOut = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(out) pbOut.writeByteArray(1, bytes) pbOut.flush() reader.parse(, out.toByteArray) } } }
Example 127
Source File: Avro4sJsonSupport.scala From kafka-serde-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.azhur.kafkaserdeavro4s import import java.util import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{ AvroJsonInputStream, AvroOutputStream, FromRecord, SchemaFor, ToRecord } import org.apache.avro.file.SeekableByteArrayInput import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ Deserializer, Serde, Serializer } import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } trait Avro4sJsonSupport { implicit def toSerializer[T >: Null](implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], toRecord: ToRecord[T]): Serializer[T] = new Serializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = if (data == null) null else { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() try { val output = AvroOutputStream.json[T](baos) try { output.write(data) } finally { output.close() } baos.toByteArray } catch { case NonFatal(e) => throw new SerializationException(e) } finally { baos.close() } } } implicit def toDeserializer[T >: Null]( implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], fromRecord: FromRecord[T], schemas: WriterReaderSchemas = WriterReaderSchemas() ): Deserializer[T] = new Deserializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = if (data == null) null else new AvroJsonInputStream[T](new SeekableByteArrayInput(data), schemas.writerSchema, schemas.readerSchema).singleEntity match { case Success(json) => json case Failure(error) => throw new SerializationException(error) } } implicit def toSerde[T >: Null]( implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], toRecord: ToRecord[T], fromRecord: FromRecord[T], schemas: WriterReaderSchemas = WriterReaderSchemas() ): Serde[T] = new Serde[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serializer(): Serializer[T] = toSerializer[T] override def deserializer(): Deserializer[T] = toDeserializer[T] } } object Avro4sJsonSupport extends Avro4sJsonSupport
Example 128
Source File: Avro4sDataSupport.scala From kafka-serde-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.azhur.kafkaserdeavro4s import import java.util import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{ AvroDataInputStream, AvroDataOutputStream, FromRecord, SchemaFor, ToRecord } import org.apache.avro.file.{ CodecFactory, SeekableByteArrayInput } import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ Deserializer, Serde, Serializer } import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } trait Avro4sDataSupport { implicit def toSerializer[T >: Null]( implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], toRecord: ToRecord[T], codec: CodecFactory = CodecFactory.nullCodec() ): Serializer[T] = new Serializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = if (data == null) null else { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() try { val output = AvroDataOutputStream[T](baos, codec) try { output.write(data) } finally { output.close() } baos.toByteArray } catch { case NonFatal(e) => throw new SerializationException(e) } finally { baos.close() } } } implicit def toDeserializer[T >: Null]( implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], fromRecord: FromRecord[T], schemas: WriterReaderSchemas = WriterReaderSchemas() ): Deserializer[T] = new Deserializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = if (data == null) null else { val it = new AvroDataInputStream[T](new SeekableByteArrayInput(data), schemas.writerSchema, schemas.readerSchema).tryIterator if (it.hasNext) { match { case Success(record) => record case Failure(err) => throw new SerializationException(err) } } else { throw new SerializationException("Empty avro4s data iterator") } } } implicit def toSerde[T >: Null](implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], toRecord: ToRecord[T], fromRecord: FromRecord[T], codec: CodecFactory = CodecFactory.nullCodec()): Serde[T] = new Serde[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serializer(): Serializer[T] = toSerializer[T] override def deserializer(): Deserializer[T] = toDeserializer[T] } } object Avro4sDataSupport extends Avro4sDataSupport
Example 129
Source File: Avro4sBinarySupport.scala From kafka-serde-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.azhur.kafkaserdeavro4s import import java.util import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{ AvroBinaryInputStream, AvroOutputStream, FromRecord, SchemaFor, ToRecord } import org.apache.avro.file.SeekableByteArrayInput import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ Deserializer, Serde, Serializer } import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait Avro4sBinarySupport { implicit def toSerializer[T >: Null](implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], toRecord: ToRecord[T]): Serializer[T] = new Serializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = if (data == null) null else { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() try { val output = AvroOutputStream.binary[T](baos) try { output.write(data) } finally { output.close() } baos.toByteArray } catch { case NonFatal(e) => throw new SerializationException(e) } finally { baos.close() } } } implicit def toDeserializer[T >: Null]( implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], fromRecord: FromRecord[T], schemas: WriterReaderSchemas = WriterReaderSchemas() ): Deserializer[T] = new Deserializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = if (data == null) null else { val it = new AvroBinaryInputStream[T](new SeekableByteArrayInput(data), schemas.writerSchema, schemas.readerSchema).tryIterator if (it.hasNext) { match { case Success(record) => record case Failure(err) => throw new SerializationException(err) } } else { throw new SerializationException("Empty avro4s binary iterator") } } } implicit def toSerde[T >: Null]( implicit schemaFor: SchemaFor[T], toRecord: ToRecord[T], fromRecord: FromRecord[T], schemas: WriterReaderSchemas = WriterReaderSchemas() ): Serde[T] = new Serde[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serializer(): Serializer[T] = toSerializer[T] override def deserializer(): Deserializer[T] = toDeserializer[T] } } object Avro4sBinarySupport extends Avro4sBinarySupport
Example 130
Source File: Serdes.scala From tamer with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tamer import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.apache.avro.Schema import tamer.registry._ import zio.{RIO, Task} import zio.kafka.client.serde.{Deserializer, Serializer} sealed trait Serde[A] extends Any { def isKey: Boolean def schema: Schema def deserializer: Deserializer[Registry with Topic, A] def serializer: Serializer[Registry with Topic, A] final def serde: ZSerde[Registry with Topic, A] = ZSerde(deserializer)(serializer) } object Serde { private[this] final val Magic: Byte = 0x0 private[this] final val intByteSize = 4 final def apply[A <: Product: Decoder: Encoder: SchemaFor](isKey: Boolean = false) = new RecordSerde[A](isKey, SchemaFor[A].schema(DefaultFieldMapper)) final class RecordSerde[A: Decoder: Encoder](override final val isKey: Boolean, override final val schema: Schema) extends Serde[A] { private[this] def subject(topic: String): String = s"$topic-${if (isKey) "key" else "value"}" override final val deserializer: Deserializer[Registry with Topic, A] = Deserializer.byteArray.mapM { ba => val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba) if (buffer.get() != Magic)"Unknown magic byte!")) else { val id = buffer.getInt() for { env <- RIO.environment[Registry] _ <- env.registry.verifySchema(id, schema) res <- RIO.fromTry { val length = buffer.limit() - 1 - intByteSize val payload = new Array[Byte](length) buffer.get(payload, 0, length) AvroInputStream.binary[A].from(payload).build(schema) } } yield res } } override final val serializer: Serializer[Registry with Topic, A] = Serializer.byteArray.contramapM { a => for { env <- RIO.environment[Registry with Topic] id <- env.registry.getOrRegisterId(subject(env.topic), schema) arr <- Task { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream baos.write(Magic.toInt) baos.write(ByteBuffer.allocate(intByteSize).putInt(id).array()) val ser = AvroOutputStream.binary[A].to(baos).build(schema) ser.write(a) ser.close() baos.toByteArray } } yield arr } } }
Example 131
Source File: TestUtils.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.internals import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream, PrintStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import scala.util.control.NonFatal def catchSystemErrInto[T](outStream: OutputStream)(thunk: => T): T = synchronized { val oldErr = System.err val fakeErr = new PrintStream(outStream) System.setErr(fakeErr) try { thunk } finally { System.setErr(oldErr) fakeErr.close() } } }
Example 132
Source File: CancelUtilsTests.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.internals import import cats.effect.IO import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import scala.util.control.NonFatal class CancelUtilsTests extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with TestUtils { test("cancelAll works for zero references") { CancelUtils.cancelAll().unsafeRunSync() } test("cancelAll works for one reference") { var wasCanceled = false CancelUtils.cancelAll(IO { wasCanceled = true }).unsafeRunSync() wasCanceled shouldBe true } test("cancelAll catches error from one reference") { val dummy = new RuntimeException("dummy") var wasCanceled1 = false var wasCanceled2 = false val io = CancelUtils.cancelAll( IO { wasCanceled1 = true }, IO(throw dummy), IO { wasCanceled2 = true } ) try { io.unsafeRunSync() fail("should have throw exception") } catch { case `dummy` => wasCanceled1 shouldBe true wasCanceled2 shouldBe true } } test("cancelAll catches the first error and logs the rest") { val dummy1 = new RuntimeException("dummy1") val dummy2 = new RuntimeException("dummy2") var wasCanceled1 = false var wasCanceled2 = false val io = CancelUtils.cancelAll( IO { wasCanceled1 = true }, IO(throw dummy1), IO(throw dummy2), IO { wasCanceled2 = true } ) val sysErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream() try { catchSystemErrInto(sysErr) { io.unsafeRunSync() } fail("should have throw exception") } catch { case NonFatal(error) => error shouldBe dummy1 sysErr.toString("utf-8") should include("dummy2") dummy1.getSuppressed shouldBe empty // ensure memory isn't leaked with addSuppressed dummy2.getSuppressed shouldBe empty // ensure memory isn't leaked with addSuppressed } } }
Example 133
Source File: JVMReprSpec.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package integration.interpreter.scala import java.util import import jupyter.{Displayer, Displayers, MIMETypes} import import org.apache.toree.interpreter.Interpreter import org.apache.toree.interpreter.Results.Success import org.apache.toree.kernel.api.{DisplayMethodsLike, KernelLike} import org.apache.toree.kernel.interpreter.scala.ScalaInterpreter import org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSpec, Matchers} import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import scala.util.Random class JVMReprSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar with BeforeAndAfter { private val outputResult = new ByteArrayOutputStream() private var interpreter: Interpreter = _ before { val mockKernel = mock[KernelLike] val mockDisplayMethods = mock[DisplayMethodsLike] doReturn(mockDisplayMethods).when(mockKernel).display interpreter = new ScalaInterpreter().init(mockKernel) StreamState.setStreams(outputStream = outputResult) } after { interpreter.stop() outputResult.reset() } describe("ScalaInterpreter") { describe("#interpret") { it("should display Scala int as a text representation") { val (result, outputOrError) = interpreter.interpret("val a = 12") result should be(Success) outputOrError.isLeft should be(true) outputOrError.left.get should be(Map(MIMETypes.TEXT -> "12")) } it("should display Scala Some(str) as a text representation") { val (result, outputOrError) = interpreter.interpret("""val a = Some("str")""") result should be(Success) outputOrError.isLeft should be(true) outputOrError.left.get should be(Map(MIMETypes.TEXT -> "Some(str)")) } ignore("should use the Jupyter REPR API for display representation") { Displayers.register(classOf[DisplayerTest], new Displayer[DisplayerTest] { override def display(t: DisplayerTest): util.Map[String, String] = { val output = new util.HashMap[String, String]() output.put("text/plain", s"test object: ${}") output.put("application/json", s"""{"id": ${}""") output } }) val inst = DisplayerTest() interpreter.bind("inst", classOf[DisplayerTest].getName, inst, List()) val (result, outputOrError) = interpreter.interpret("""inst""") result should be(Success) outputOrError.isLeft should be(true) outputOrError.left.get should be(Map( MIMETypes.TEXT -> s"test object: ${}", "application/json" -> s"""{"id": ${}""" )) } } } } case class DisplayerTest(id: Long = new Random().nextLong())
Example 134
Source File: AvroMessageConverter.scala From stream-reactor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.jms.sink.converters import import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.jms.config.JMSSetting import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.schemas.ConverterUtil import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.serialization.AvroSerializer import javax.jms.{BytesMessage, Session} import org.apache.kafka.connect.sink.SinkRecord class AvroMessageConverter extends JMSMessageConverter with ConverterUtil { override def convert(record: SinkRecord, session: Session, setting: JMSSetting): (String, BytesMessage) = { val converted = super[ConverterUtil].convert(record, setting.fields, setting.ignoreField) val avroRecord = convertValueToGenericAvro(converted) val avroSchema = avroData.fromConnectSchema(converted.valueSchema()) implicit val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() AvroSerializer.write(avroRecord, avroSchema) val message = session.createBytesMessage() message.writeBytes(os.toByteArray) (setting.source, message) } }
Example 135
Source File: AvroSerializer.scala From stream-reactor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericData, GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object AvroSerializer { private def recursive(record: GenericData.Record, schema: Schema, fieldName: String, value: Any): Unit = { value match { case _: Boolean => record.put(fieldName, value) case _: Int => record.put(fieldName, value) case _: Long => record.put(fieldName, value) case _: Double => record.put(fieldName, value) case _: Char => record.put(fieldName, value) case _: Float => record.put(fieldName, value) case _: String => record.put(fieldName, value) case list: java.util.List[_] => val tmpSchema = schema.getField(fieldName).schema() val itemSchema = if (tmpSchema.getType == Schema.Type.UNION) tmpSchema.getTypes.get(1) else tmpSchema require(itemSchema.getType == Schema.Type.ARRAY) //we might have a record not a primitive if (itemSchema.getElementType.getType == Schema.Type.RECORD) { val items = new GenericData.Array[GenericData.Record](list.size(), itemSchema) list.asScala.foreach { i => //only map is allowed val m = i.asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, Any]] items.add(m.toAvroRecord(itemSchema.getElementType)) } record.put(fieldName, items) } else { val items = new GenericData.Array[Any](list.size(), itemSchema) items.addAll(list) record.put(fieldName, items) } case map: java.util.LinkedHashMap[String @unchecked, _] => //record schema val fieldSchema = schema.getField(fieldName).schema() val nestedSchema = if (fieldSchema.getType == Schema.Type.UNION) fieldSchema.getTypes.get(1) else fieldSchema val nestedRecord = new Record(nestedSchema) map.entrySet().asScala.foreach(e => recursive(nestedRecord, nestedSchema, e.getKey, e.getValue)) record.put(fieldName, nestedRecord) } } } }
Example 136
Source File: CallableAction.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.traits.domain import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.traits.domain.Recipient.Address sealed trait CallableAction case class AssetTransfer( recipient: Address, amount: Long, assetId: Option[ByteStr] ) extends CallableAction case class Issue( id: ByteStr, compiledScript: Option[ByteStr], decimals: Int, description: String, isReissuable: Boolean, name: String, quantity: Long, nonce: Long ) extends CallableAction object Issue { import import com.wavesplatform.lang.utils.Serialize._ import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.BaseGlobal private val Global: BaseGlobal = com.wavesplatform.lang.Global // Hack for IDEA def create( compiledScript: Option[ByteStr], decimals: Int, description: String, isReissuable: Boolean, name: String, quantity: Long, nonce: Long, parent: ByteStr ): Issue = { val id = calculateId(decimals, description, isReissuable, name, quantity, nonce, parent) Issue(id, compiledScript, decimals, description, isReissuable, name, quantity, nonce) } def calculateId( decimals: Int, description: String, isReissuable: Boolean, name: String, quantity: Long, nonce: Long, parent: ByteStr ): ByteStr = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() out.writeString(name) out.writeString(description) out.writeInt(decimals) out.writeLong(quantity) out.writeShort(if (isReissuable) 1 else 0) out.writeLong(nonce) out.write(parent.arr) ByteStr(Global.blake2b256(out.toByteArray)) } } case class Reissue( assetId: ByteStr, isReissuable: Boolean, quantity: Long ) extends CallableAction case class Burn( assetId: ByteStr, quantity: Long ) extends CallableAction case class SponsorFee( assetId: ByteStr, minSponsoredAssetFee: Option[Long] ) extends CallableAction sealed trait DataOp extends CallableAction { val key: String } sealed trait DataItem[T] extends DataOp { val value: T } object DataItem { case class Lng(k: String, v: Long) extends DataItem[Long] { val key = k; val value = v } case class Bool(k: String, v: Boolean) extends DataItem[Boolean] { val key = k; val value = v } case class Bin(k: String, v: ByteStr) extends DataItem[ByteStr] { val key = k; val value = v } case class Str(k: String, v: String) extends DataItem[String] { val key = k; val value = v } case class Delete(key: String) extends DataOp }
Example 137
Source File: Serialize.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.lang.utils import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.FunctionHeader import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.FunctionHeader.{Native, User} import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.Serde.{FH_NATIVE, FH_USER} object Serialize { implicit class ByteBufferOps(val self: ByteBuffer) extends AnyVal { def getBytes: Array[Byte] = { val len = self.getInt if (self.limit() < len || len < 0) { throw new Exception(s"Invalid array size ($len)") } val bytes = new Array[Byte](len) self.get(bytes) bytes } def getString: String = new String(getBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) def getFunctionHeader: FunctionHeader = self.get() match { case FH_NATIVE => Native(self.getShort) case FH_USER => User(getString) case x => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown function header type: $x") } } implicit class ByteArrayOutputStreamOps(val self: ByteArrayOutputStream) extends AnyVal { def writeShort(value: Short): ByteArrayOutputStream = writeNumber(value, 2) def writeInt(value: Int): ByteArrayOutputStream = writeNumber(value, 4) def writeLong(value: Long): ByteArrayOutputStream = writeNumber(value, 8) def writeNumber(n: Long, byteCount: Int): ByteArrayOutputStream = { (byteCount - 1 to 0 by -1).foreach { i => self.write((n >> (8 * i) & 0xffL).toInt) } self } def writeString(x: String): ByteArrayOutputStream = { val bytes = x.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) self.writeInt(bytes.length) self.write(bytes) self } def writeFunctionHeader(h: FunctionHeader): ByteArrayOutputStream = h match { case FunctionHeader.Native(id) => self.write(FH_NATIVE) self.writeShort(id) case FunctionHeader.User(internalName, _) => self.write(FH_USER) self.writeString(internalName) } } }
Example 138
Source File: BasicMessagesRepoSpec.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import{ByteString, CodedOutputStream, WireFormat} import com.wavesplatform.TransactionGen import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2 import com.wavesplatform.mining.MiningConstraints import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.block._ import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction._ import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset import import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{DataTransaction, Proofs, TxVersion} import org.scalatest._ class BasicMessagesRepoSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with TransactionGen { "PBBlockSpec max length" in { val maxSizedHeader = PBBlock.Header( Byte.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes64gen.sample.get), Long.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(byteArrayGen(VanillaBlock.GenerationVRFSignatureLength).sample.get), Seq.fill(VanillaBlock.MaxFeaturesInBlock)(Short.MaxValue), Long.MaxValue, Byte.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes32gen.sample.get), Long.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes32gen.sample.get) ) val maxSignature = ByteString.copyFrom(bytes64gen.sample.get) val headerSize = maxSizedHeader.serializedSize val signatureSize = maxSignature.toByteArray.length val headerPBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedHeaderPBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(headerPBPrefix) codedHeaderPBPrefix.writeTag(PBBlock.HEADER_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedHeaderPBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(headerSize) codedHeaderPBPrefix.flush() val signaturePBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedSignaturePBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(signaturePBPrefix) codedSignaturePBPrefix.writeTag(PBBlock.SIGNATURE_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedSignaturePBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(maxSignature.toByteArray.length) codedSignaturePBPrefix.flush() val transactionPBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(transactionPBPrefix) codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix.writeTag(PBBlock.TRANSACTIONS_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(MiningConstraints.MaxTxsSizeInBytes) codedTransactionMaxLengthPBPrefix.flush() val minPossibleTransactionSize = PBTransactions .protobuf( SetScriptTransaction .selfSigned( TxVersion.V2, accountGen.sample.get, None, 1L, 0L ) .explicitGet() ) .serializedSize val maxSize = headerPBPrefix.toByteArray.length + headerSize + signaturePBPrefix.toByteArray.length + signatureSize + MiningConstraints.MaxTxsSizeInBytes + (transactionPBPrefix.toByteArray.length * MiningConstraints.MaxTxsSizeInBytes / minPossibleTransactionSize) maxSize should be <= PBBlockSpec.maxLength } "PBTransactionSpec max length" in { val maxSizeTransaction = PBSignedTransaction( Some( PBTransaction( Byte.MaxValue, ByteString.copyFrom(bytes32gen.sample.get), Some(PBAmounts.fromAssetAndAmount(IssuedAsset(ByteStr(bytes32gen.sample.get)), Long.MaxValue)), Long.MaxValue, Byte.MaxValue ) ), Seq.fill(Proofs.MaxProofs)(ByteString.copyFrom(byteArrayGen(Proofs.MaxProofSize).sample.get)) ) val dataPBPrefix = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val codedDataPBPrefix = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(dataPBPrefix) codedDataPBPrefix.writeTag(Transaction.DATA_TRANSACTION_FIELD_NUMBER, WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) codedDataPBPrefix.writeUInt32NoTag(DataTransaction.MaxProtoBytes) codedDataPBPrefix.flush() val size = maxSizeTransaction.serializedSize + dataPBPrefix.toByteArray.length + DataTransaction.MaxProtoBytes size should be <= PBTransactionSpec.maxLength } }
Example 139
Source File: TextDisplay.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond.display import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import{HttpURLConnection, URL, URLConnection} import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets} import scala.util.Try abstract class TextDisplay extends UpdatableDisplay { def contentOrUrl: Either[URL, String] def content: Option[String] = contentOrUrl.right.toOption def url: Option[URL] = contentOrUrl.left.toOption def finalContent: String = contentOrUrl match { case Left(url) => TextDisplay.urlContent(url) case Right(c) => c } def withContent(code: String): UpdatableDisplay def withUrl(url: String): UpdatableDisplay } object TextDisplay { type Builder[T] = Display.Builder[String, T] private[almond] def readFully(is: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { val buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](16384) var nRead = 0 while ( { nRead =, 0, data.length) nRead != -1 }) buffer.write(data, 0, nRead) buffer.flush() buffer.toByteArray } def urlContent(url: URL): String = { var conn: URLConnection = null val (rawContent, charsetOpt) = try { conn = url.openConnection() conn.setConnectTimeout(5000) // allow users to tweak that? val b = readFully(conn.getInputStream) val charsetOpt0 = conn match { case conn0: HttpURLConnection => conn0 .getContentType .split(';') .map(_.trim) .find(_.startsWith("charset=")) .map(_.stripPrefix("charset=")) .filter(Charset.isSupported) .map(Charset.forName) case _ => None } (b, charsetOpt0) } finally { if (conn != null) { Try(conn.getInputStream.close()) conn match { case conn0: HttpURLConnection => Try(conn0.getErrorStream.close()) Try(conn0.disconnect()) case _ => } } } new String(rawContent, charsetOpt.getOrElse(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } }
Example 140
Source File: JupyterApiImpl.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import almond.api.{FullJupyterApi, JupyterApi} import almond.internals.HtmlAnsiOutputStream import almond.interpreter.api.CommHandler import ammonite.util.Ref import pprint.{TPrint, TPrintColors} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.reflect.ClassTag final class JupyterApiImpl( execute: Execute, commHandlerOpt: => Option[CommHandler], replApi: ReplApiImpl, silent0: Ref[Boolean] ) extends FullJupyterApi { protected def printOnChange[T]( value: => T, ident: String, custom: Option[String], onChange: Option[(T => Unit) => Unit], onChangeOrError: Option[(Either[Throwable, T] => Unit) => Unit] )(implicit tprint: TPrint[T], tcolors: TPrintColors, classTagT: ClassTag[T] ): Iterator[String] = replApi.printSpecial(value, ident, custom, onChange, onChangeOrError, replApi.pprinter, Some(updatableResults))(tprint, tcolors, classTagT).getOrElse { replApi.Internal.print(value, ident, custom)(tprint, tcolors, classTagT) } override def silent(s: Boolean): Unit = silent0.update(s) override def silent: Boolean = silent0.apply() protected def ansiTextToHtml(text: String): String = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val haos = new HtmlAnsiOutputStream(baos) haos.write(text.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) haos.close() baos.toString("UTF-8") } def stdinOpt(prompt: String, password: Boolean): Option[String] = for (m <- execute.currentInputManagerOpt) yield Await.result(m.readInput(prompt, password), Duration.Inf) override def changingPublish = execute.currentPublishOpt.getOrElse(super.changingPublish) override def commHandler = commHandlerOpt.getOrElse(super.commHandler) protected def updatableResults0: JupyterApi.UpdatableResults = execute.updatableResults }
Example 141
Source File: ByteBufferOutputStream.scala From aloha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package me.jrwang.aloha.rpc.serializer import import java.nio.ByteBuffer class ByteBufferOutputStream(capacity: Int) extends ByteArrayOutputStream(capacity) { def this() = this(32) def getCount(): Int = count private[this] var closed: Boolean = false override def write(b: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b) } override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b, off, len) } override def reset(): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot reset a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.reset() } override def close(): Unit = { if (!closed) { super.close() closed = true } } def toByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = { require(closed, "can only call toByteBuffer() after ByteBufferOutputStream has been closed") ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, count) } }
Example 142
Source File: MarkdownReporterTest.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import de.frosner.ddq.constraints._ import de.frosner.ddq.core._ import de.frosner.ddq.testutils.{DummyConstraint, DummyConstraintResult} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class MarkdownReporterTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "A Markdown reporter" should "produce correct output for a check with constraints" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val markdownReporter = new MarkdownReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val dfName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $dfName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val message1 = "1" val status1 = ConstraintSuccess val constraint1 = DummyConstraint(message1, status1) val result1 = val message2 = "2" val status2 = ConstraintFailure val constraint2 = DummyConstraint(message2, status2) val result2 = val message3 = "3" val status3 = ConstraintError(new IllegalArgumentException()) val constraint3 = DummyConstraint(message3, status3) val result3 = DummyConstraintResult(constraint3, message3, status3) val constraints = Map[Constraint, ConstraintResult[Constraint]]( constraint1 -> result1, constraint2 -> result2, constraint3 -> result3 ) val check = Check(df, Some(dfName), Option.empty, constraints.keys.toSeq), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""**$header** $prologue - *SUCCESS*: ${result1.message} - *FAILURE*: ${result2.message} - *ERROR*: ${result3.message} """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } it should "produce correct output for a check without constraint" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val markdownReporter = new MarkdownReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val dfName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $dfName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val check = Check(df, Some(dfName), Option.empty, Seq.empty), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""**$header** $prologue Nothing to check! """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } }
Example 143
Source File: ConsoleReporterTest.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import de.frosner.ddq.constraints._ import de.frosner.ddq.core._ import de.frosner.ddq.testutils.{DummyConstraint, DummyConstraintResult} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class ConsoleReporterTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "A Console reporter" should "produce correct output for a check with constraints" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val consoleReporter = new ConsoleReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val displayName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $displayName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val message1 = "1" val status1 = ConstraintSuccess val constraint1 = DummyConstraint(message1, status1) val result1 = val message2 = "2" val status2 = ConstraintFailure val constraint2 = DummyConstraint(message2, status2) val result2 = val message3 = "3" val status3 = ConstraintError(new IllegalArgumentException()) val constraint3 = DummyConstraint(message3, status3) val result3 = DummyConstraintResult(constraint3, message3, status3) val constraints = Map[Constraint, ConstraintResult[Constraint]]( constraint1 -> result1, constraint2 -> result2, constraint3 -> result3 ) val check = Check(df, Some(displayName), Option.empty, constraints.keys.toSeq), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""${Console.BLUE}$header${Console.RESET} ${Console.BLUE}$prologue${Console.RESET} ${Console.GREEN}- ${result1.message}${Console.RESET} ${Console.RED}- ${result2.message}${Console.RESET} ${Console.YELLOW}- ${result3.message}${Console.RESET} """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } it should "produce correct output for a check without constraint" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val consoleReporter = new ConsoleReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val displayName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $displayName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val check = Check(df, Some(displayName), Option.empty, Seq.empty), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""${Console.BLUE}$header${Console.RESET} ${Console.BLUE}$prologue${Console.RESET} ${Console.BLUE}Nothing to check!${Console.RESET} """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } }
Example 144
Source File: ClientSpec.scala From scala-ipfs-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.ipfs.api import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} import java.util import io.ipfs.api.ClientSpec._ import org.specs2.mutable._ import scala.util.Random class ClientSpec extends Specification { isolated val client = new Client("localhost") "IPFS client" should { "show the version" in { client.version mustEqual "0.4.2" } "have an ID" in { mustNotEqual 0 } "store data" in { val name = randomName val add = store(name = name) add.length mustEqual 1 val added = add(0) added.Name mustEqual name added.Hash.length mustNotEqual 0 } "cat data" in { val data = randomBytes val added = store(data = data)(0) val in: InputStream = util.Arrays.equals(toArray(in), data) mustEqual true } "dht put and get" in { val (key, value) = (random.nextString(10), random.nextString(10)) val puts: Array[DHTResponse] = client.dhtPut(key, value) puts.length mustNotEqual 0 client.dhtGet(key).Extra mustEqual value } } private def randomBytes = { val buffer = new Array[Byte](0x1500) random.nextBytes(buffer) buffer } private def store(name: String = randomName, data: Array[Byte] = randomBytes): Array[Add] = { val storePath = Paths.get(name) Files.write(storePath, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) client.add(Array(storePath)) } } object ClientSpec { val random = new Random(666) def randomName: String = random.nextInt()+".test.dat" def toArray(in: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() try { val buff = new Array[Byte](0x1000) var nRead = 0 while ( {nRead =;nRead} != -1) out.write(buff, 0, nRead) } finally { in.close() } out.toByteArray } }
Example 145
Source File: BigBgenDatasource.scala From glow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.projectglow.bgen import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLUtils} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister import io.projectglow.common.logging.{HlsEventRecorder, HlsTagValues} import io.projectglow.sql.BigFileDatasource import io.projectglow.sql.util.ComDatabricksDataSource class BigBgenDatasource extends BigFileDatasource with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "bigbgen" override def serializeDataFrame( options: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): RDD[Array[Byte]] = { BigBgenDatasource.serializeDataFrame(options, data) } } class ComDatabricksBigBgenDatasource extends BigBgenDatasource with ComDatabricksDataSource object BigBgenDatasource extends HlsEventRecorder { import io.projectglow.common.BgenOptions._ private def parseOptions(options: Map[String, String]): BigBgenOptions = { val bitsPerProb = options.getOrElse(BITS_PER_PROB_KEY, BITS_PER_PROB_DEFAULT_VALUE).toInt val maxPloidy = options.getOrElse(MAX_PLOIDY_KEY, MAX_PLOIDY_VALUE).toInt val defaultPloidy = options.getOrElse(DEFAULT_PLOIDY_KEY, DEFAULT_PLOIDY_VALUE).toInt val defaultPhasing = options.getOrElse(DEFAULT_PHASING_KEY, DEFAULT_PHASING_VALUE).toBoolean BigBgenOptions(bitsPerProb, maxPloidy, defaultPloidy, defaultPhasing) } private def logBgenWrite(parsedOptions: BigBgenOptions): Unit = { val logOptions = Map( BITS_PER_PROB_KEY -> parsedOptions.bitsPerProb, MAX_PLOIDY_KEY -> parsedOptions.maxPloidy, DEFAULT_PLOIDY_KEY -> parsedOptions.defaultPloidy, DEFAULT_PHASING_KEY -> parsedOptions.defaultPhasing ) recordHlsEvent(HlsTagValues.EVENT_BGEN_WRITE, logOptions) } def serializeDataFrame(options: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): RDD[Array[Byte]] = { val parsedOptions = parseOptions(options) logBgenWrite(parsedOptions) val dSchema = data.schema val numVariants = data.count val rawRdd = data.queryExecution.toRdd val inputRdd = if (rawRdd.getNumPartitions == 0) { logger.warn("Writing BGEN header only as the input DataFrame has zero partitions.") SQLUtils.createEmptyRDD(data.sparkSession) } else { rawRdd } inputRdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (idx, it) => val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writeHeader = idx == 0 val writer = new BgenRecordWriter( baos, dSchema, writeHeader, numVariants, parsedOptions.bitsPerProb, parsedOptions.maxPloidy, parsedOptions.defaultPloidy, parsedOptions.defaultPhasing ) it.foreach { row => writer.write(row) } writer.close() Iterator(baos.toByteArray) } } } case class BigBgenOptions( bitsPerProb: Int, maxPloidy: Int, defaultPloidy: Int, defaultPhasing: Boolean)
Example 146
Source File: ModelStateSerde.scala From kafka-with-akka-streams-kafka-streams-tutorial with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.util import com.lightbend.model.modeldescriptor.ModelDescriptor import com.lightbend.scala.modelServer.model.PMML.PMMLModel import com.lightbend.scala.modelServer.model.tensorflow.TensorFlowModel import com.lightbend.scala.modelServer.model.{ModelToServeStats, ModelWithDescriptor} import import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer, Serde, Serializer} class ModelStateSerde extends Serde[StoreState] { private val mserializer = new ModelStateSerializer() private val mdeserializer = new ModelStateDeserializer() override def deserializer() = mdeserializer override def serializer() = mserializer override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean) = {} override def close() = {} } object ModelStateDeserializer { val factories = Map( ModelDescriptor.ModelType.PMML.index -> PMMLModel, ModelDescriptor.ModelType.TENSORFLOW.index -> TensorFlowModel ) } class ModelStateDeserializer extends Deserializer[StoreState] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): StoreState = { if(data != null) { val input = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)) new StoreState(ModelWithDescriptor.readModel(input), ModelWithDescriptor.readModel(input), ModelToServeStats.readServingInfo(input), ModelToServeStats.readServingInfo(input)) } else new StoreState() } override def close(): Unit = {} } class ModelStateSerializer extends Serializer[StoreState] { private val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() override def serialize(topic: String, state: StoreState): Array[Byte] = { bos.reset() val output = new DataOutputStream(bos) ModelWithDescriptor.writeModel(output, state.currentModel.orNull) ModelWithDescriptor.writeModel(output, state.newModel.orNull) ModelToServeStats.writeServingInfo(output, state.currentState.orNull) ModelToServeStats.writeServingInfo(output, state.newState.orNull) try { output.flush() output.close() } catch { case t: Throwable => } bos.toByteArray } override def close(): Unit = {} override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean) = {} }
Example 147
Source File: VwSparseMultilabelPredictorTest.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.models.vw.jni.multilabel import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File, FileInputStream} import com.eharmony.aloha.ModelSerializationTestHelper import{Base64StringSource, ExternalSource, ModelSource} import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 import import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner import vowpalWabbit.learner.{VWActionScoresLearner, VWLearners} @RunWith(classOf[BlockJUnit4ClassRunner]) class VwSparseMultilabelPredictorTest extends ModelSerializationTestHelper { import VwSparseMultilabelPredictorTest._ @Test def testSerializability(): Unit = { val predictor = getPredictor(getModelSource(), 3) val ds = serializeDeserializeRoundTrip(predictor) assertEquals(predictor, ds) assertEquals(predictor.vwParams(), ds.vwParams()) assertNotNull(ds.vwModel) } @Test def testVwParameters(): Unit = { val numLabelsInTrainingSet = 3 val predictor = getPredictor(getModelSource(), numLabelsInTrainingSet) predictor.vwParams() match { case Data(vwBinFilePath, ringSize) => checkVwBinFile(vwBinFilePath) checkVwRingSize(numLabelsInTrainingSet, ringSize.toInt) case ps => fail(s"Unexpected VW parameters format. Found string: $ps") } } } object VwSparseMultilabelPredictorTest { private val Data = """\s*-i\s+(\S+)\s+--ring_size\s+(\d+)\s+--testonly\s+--quiet""".r private def getModelSource(): ModelSource = { val f = File.createTempFile("i_dont", "care") f.deleteOnExit() val learner = VWLearners.create[VWActionScoresLearner](s"--quiet --csoaa_ldf mc --csoaa_rank -f ${f.getCanonicalPath}") learner.close() val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(f), baos) val src = Base64StringSource(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(baos.toByteArray)) ExternalSource(src.localVfs) } private def getPredictor(modelSrc: ModelSource, numLabelsInTrainingSet: Int) = VwSparseMultilabelPredictor[Any](modelSrc, Nil, Nil, numLabelsInTrainingSet) private def checkVwBinFile(vwBinFilePath: String): Unit = { val vwBinFile = new File(vwBinFilePath) assertTrue("VW binary file should have been written to disk", vwBinFile.exists()) vwBinFile.deleteOnExit() } private def checkVwRingSize(numLabelsInTrainingSet: Int, ringSize: Int): Unit = { assertEquals( "vw --ring_size parameter is incorrect:", numLabelsInTrainingSet + VwSparseMultilabelPredictor.AddlVwRingSize, ringSize.toInt ) } }
Example 148
Source File: PrintProtosTest.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.cli.dataset import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import java.util.Arrays import com.eharmony.aloha.test.proto.Testing.{PhotoProto, UserProto} import com.eharmony.aloha.test.proto.Testing.GenderProto.{FEMALE, MALE} import import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner import org.junit.{Ignore, Test} @RunWith(classOf[BlockJUnit4ClassRunner]) @Ignore class PrintProtosTest { @Test def testPrintProtos(): Unit = { System.out.println(alan) System.out.println(kate) } @throws(classOf[IOException]) def alan: String = { val t = UserProto.newBuilder. setId(1). setName("Alan"). setGender(MALE). setBmi(23). addAllPhotos(Arrays.asList( PhotoProto.newBuilder. setId(1). setAspectRatio(1). setHeight(1). build, PhotoProto.newBuilder. setId(2). setAspectRatio(2). setHeight(2).build )).build b64(t) } def kate: String = { val t = UserProto.newBuilder. setId(1). setName("Kate"). setGender(FEMALE). addAllPhotos(Arrays.asList( PhotoProto.newBuilder. setId(3). setAspectRatio(3). setHeight(3). build )).build b64(t) } def b64[M <: GeneratedMessage](p: M): String = { val baos: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream p.writeTo(baos) new String(Base64.encodeBase64(baos.toByteArray)) } }
Example 149
Source File: ReadableByString.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{InputStreamReader, ByteArrayOutputStream, Reader, InputStream} import final def fromReader(r: Reader): A = { try { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream // Don't need to close. IOUtils.copy(r, baos, inputCharset) fromString(new String(baos.toByteArray)) } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(r) } } }
Example 150
Source File: ContainerReadableByString.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import scala.language.higherKinds import import java.lang.String import{ByteArrayOutputStream, Reader, InputStreamReader, InputStream} def fromReader[A](r: Reader): C[A] = { try { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream // Don't need to close. IOUtils.copy(r, baos, inputCharset) fromString[A](new String(baos.toByteArray)) } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(r) } } }
Example 151
Source File: SchrodingerExceptionTest.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.ex import org.junit.{Before, Test} import org.junit.Assert._ import{PrintWriter, OutputStreamWriter, ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} class SchrodingerExceptionTest { private[this] var ex: SchrodingerException = _ @Before def before() { ex = new SchrodingerException } @Test def testFillInStackTrace() { assertTrue(new SchrodingerException().fillInStackTrace().isInstanceOf[SchrodingerException]) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetMessage() { ex.getMessage() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetStackTrace() { ex.getStackTrace() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetCause() { ex.getCause() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testSetStackTrace() { ex.setStackTrace(Array.empty) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetLocalizedMessage() { ex.getLocalizedMessage() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceEmpty() { ex.printStackTrace() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceStream() { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val ps = new PrintStream(baos) ex.printStackTrace(ps) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceWriter() { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos) val ps = new PrintWriter(osw) ex.printStackTrace(ps) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testInitCause() { ex.initCause(new Throwable) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testToString() { ex.toString() } @Test def testNoThrowForSchrodingerExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new SchrodingerException(new SchrodingerException) } @Test def testNoThrowForSchrodingerExceptionWithExceptionCause() { new SchrodingerException(new Exception) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForThrowableWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new Throwable(ex) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new Exception(ex) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForRuntimeExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new RuntimeException(ex) } }
Example 152
Source File: FileBasedLedgerDataExportSpec.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.export import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.time.Instant import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1 import import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class FileBasedLedgerDataExportSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { // XXX SC remove in Scala 2.13; see notes in ConfSpec import scala.collection.GenTraversable, org.scalatest.enablers.Containing private[this] implicit def `fixed sig containingNatureOfGenTraversable`[ E: org.scalactic.Equality, TRAV]: Containing[TRAV with GenTraversable[E]] = Containing.containingNatureOfGenTraversable[E, GenTraversable] "addParentChild" should { "add entry to correlation ID mapping" in { val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(mock[DataOutputStream]) instance.addParentChild("parent", "child") instance.correlationIdMapping should contain("child" -> "parent") } } "addToWriteSet" should { "append to existing data" in { val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(mock[DataOutputStream]) instance.addParentChild("parent", "child") instance.addToWriteSet("child", Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) instance.addToWriteSet("child", Seq(keyValuePairOf("c", "d"))) instance.bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId should contain( "parent" -> Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"), keyValuePairOf("c", "d"))) } } "finishedProcessing" should { "remove all data such as submission info, write-set and child correlation IDs" in { val dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(dataOutputStream) instance.addSubmission( ByteString.copyFromUtf8("an envelope"), "parent",, v1.ParticipantId.assertFromString("id")) instance.addParentChild("parent", "parent") instance.addToWriteSet("parent", Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) instance.finishedProcessing("parent") instance.inProgressSubmissions shouldBe empty instance.bufferedKeyValueDataPerCorrelationId shouldBe empty instance.correlationIdMapping shouldBe empty } } "serialized submission" should { "be readable back" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(baos) val instance = new FileBasedLedgerDataExporter(dataOutputStream) val expectedRecordTimeInstant = val expectedParticipantId = v1.ParticipantId.assertFromString("id") instance.addSubmission( ByteString.copyFromUtf8("an envelope"), "parent", expectedRecordTimeInstant, v1.ParticipantId.assertFromString("id")) instance.addParentChild("parent", "parent") instance.addToWriteSet("parent", Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) instance.finishedProcessing("parent") val dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray)) val (actualSubmissionInfo, actualWriteSet) = Serialization.readEntry(dataInputStream) actualSubmissionInfo.submissionEnvelope should be(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("an envelope")) actualSubmissionInfo.correlationId should be("parent") actualSubmissionInfo.recordTimeInstant should be(expectedRecordTimeInstant) actualSubmissionInfo.participantId should be(expectedParticipantId) actualWriteSet should be(Seq(keyValuePairOf("a", "b"))) } } private def keyValuePairOf(key: String, value: String): (ByteString, ByteString) = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(key) -> ByteString.copyFromUtf8(value) }
Example 153
Source File: DevboxSetupMain.scala From devbox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package devbox.agent import import scala.util.control.NonFatal object DevboxSetupMain { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() os.Internals.transfer(, baos) val buffer = baos.toByteArray val allSetupFilesAndCommands = upickle.default.readBinary[Seq[Either[(String, Array[Byte]), String]]](buffer) val userName = sys.env.getOrElse("DEVBOX_USER", os.proc("whoami").call().out.trim) allSetupFilesAndCommands.foreach{ case Left((destination, bytes)) => // we run as root, so we need to expand ~ to DEVBOX_USER here val expandedDestination = destination match{ case s"~/$rest" => os.root / "home" / userName / os.SubPath(rest) case dest => os.Path(dest) } try { os.write.over(expandedDestination, bytes, createFolders = true) os.perms.set(expandedDestination, "rwxrwxrwx") } catch { case NonFatal(e) => println(s"Error writing file $destination: ${e.getMessage}") } case Right(cmd) => println("Running remote command: " + cmd) os.proc("bash", "-c", cmd).call() } } }
Example 154
Source File: BytecodeUtils.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.graphx.util import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet import scala.language.existentials import org.apache.xbean.asm5.{ClassReader, ClassVisitor, MethodVisitor} import org.apache.xbean.asm5.Opcodes._ import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private class MethodInvocationFinder(className: String, methodName: String) extends ClassVisitor(ASM5) { val methodsInvoked = new HashSet[(Class[_], String)] override def visitMethod(access: Int, name: String, desc: String, sig: String, exceptions: Array[String]): MethodVisitor = { if (name == methodName) { new MethodVisitor(ASM5) { override def visitMethodInsn( op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean) { if (op == INVOKEVIRTUAL || op == INVOKESPECIAL || op == INVOKESTATIC) { if (!skipClass(owner)) { methodsInvoked.add((Utils.classForName(owner.replace("/", ".")), name)) } } } } } else { null } } } }
Example 155
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") // scalastyle:on println System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 156
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def benchmark[U](f: => U): Long = { val start = System.nanoTime f System.nanoTime - start } test("write") { val underlying = new ByteArrayOutputStream val data = "X" * 41000 val stream = new RateLimitedOutputStream(underlying, desiredBytesPerSec = 10000) val elapsedNs = benchmark { stream.write(data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } val seconds = SECONDS.convert(elapsedNs, NANOSECONDS) assert(seconds >= 4, s"Seconds value ($seconds) is less than 4.") assert(seconds <= 30, s"Took more than 30 seconds ($seconds) to write data.") assert(underlying.toString("UTF-8") === data) } }
Example 157
Source File: ByteBufferOutputStream.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import java.nio.ByteBuffer private[spark] class ByteBufferOutputStream(capacity: Int) extends ByteArrayOutputStream(capacity) { def this() = this(32) def getCount(): Int = count private[this] var closed: Boolean = false override def write(b: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b) } override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.write(b, off, len) } override def reset(): Unit = { require(!closed, "cannot reset a closed ByteBufferOutputStream") super.reset() } override def close(): Unit = { if (!closed) { super.close() closed = true } } def toByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = { require(closed, "can only call toByteBuffer() after ByteBufferOutputStream has been closed") ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, count) } }
Example 158
Source File: PortableDataStream.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.input import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import{ByteStreams, Closeables} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{InputSplit, JobContext, RecordReader, TaskAttemptContext} import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.{CombineFileInputFormat, CombineFileRecordReader, CombineFileSplit} def toArray(): Array[Byte] = { val stream = open() try { ByteStreams.toByteArray(stream) } finally { Closeables.close(stream, true) } } def getPath(): String = path }
Example 159
Source File: PythonRDDSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite class PythonRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("Writing large strings to the worker") { val input: List[String] = List("a"*100000) val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(input.iterator, buffer) } test("Handle nulls gracefully") { val buffer = new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream) // Should not have NPE when write an Iterator with null in it // The correctness will be tested in Python PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a", null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a"), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator("a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator(null, "a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator((null, null), ("a", null), (null, "b")), buffer) PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(Iterator( (null, null), ("a".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), null), (null, "b".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), buffer) } }
Example 160
Source File: GenericAvroSerializerSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.serializer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Input, Output} import org.apache.avro.{Schema, SchemaBuilder} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Record import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite} class GenericAvroSerializerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext { conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") val schema : Schema = SchemaBuilder .record("testRecord").fields() .requiredString("data") .endRecord() val record = new Record(schema) record.put("data", "test data") test("schema compression and decompression") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) assert(schema === genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(genericSer.compress(schema)))) } test("record serialization and deserialization") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(outputStream) genericSer.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() output.close() val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray)) assert(genericSer.deserializeDatum(input) === record) } test("uses schema fingerprint to decrease message size") { val genericSerFull = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val beginningNormalPosition = genericSerFull.serializeDatum(record, output) output.flush() val normalLength = - beginningNormalPosition conf.registerAvroSchemas(schema) val genericSerFinger = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val beginningFingerprintPosition = genericSerFinger.serializeDatum(record, output) val fingerprintLength = - beginningFingerprintPosition assert(fingerprintLength < normalLength) } test("caches previously seen schemas") { val genericSer = new GenericAvroSerializer(conf.getAvroSchema) val compressedSchema = genericSer.compress(schema) val decompressedSchema = genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)) assert(compressedSchema.eq(genericSer.compress(schema))) assert(decompressedSchema.eq(genericSer.decompress(ByteBuffer.wrap(compressedSchema)))) } }
Example 161
Source File: SerializerPropertiesSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.serializer import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import scala.util.Random import org.scalatest.Assertions import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoTest.RegistratorWithoutAutoReset class SerializerPropertiesSuite extends SparkFunSuite { import SerializerPropertiesSuite._ test("JavaSerializer does not support relocation") { // Per a comment on the SPARK-4550 JIRA ticket, Java serialization appears to write out the // full class name the first time an object is written to an output stream, but subsequent // references to the class write a more compact identifier; this prevents relocation. val ser = new JavaSerializer(new SparkConf()) testSupportsRelocationOfSerializedObjects(ser, generateRandomItem) } test("KryoSerializer supports relocation when auto-reset is enabled") { val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf) assert(ser.newInstance().asInstanceOf[KryoSerializerInstance].getAutoReset()) testSupportsRelocationOfSerializedObjects(ser, generateRandomItem) } test("KryoSerializer does not support relocation when auto-reset is disabled") { val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrator", classOf[RegistratorWithoutAutoReset].getName) val ser = new KryoSerializer(conf) assert(!ser.newInstance().asInstanceOf[KryoSerializerInstance].getAutoReset()) testSupportsRelocationOfSerializedObjects(ser, generateRandomItem) } } object SerializerPropertiesSuite extends Assertions { def generateRandomItem(rand: Random): Any = { val randomFunctions: Seq[() => Any] = Seq( () => rand.nextInt(), () => rand.nextString(rand.nextInt(10)), () => rand.nextDouble(), () => rand.nextBoolean(), () => (rand.nextInt(), rand.nextString(rand.nextInt(10))), () => MyCaseClass(rand.nextInt(), rand.nextString(rand.nextInt(10))), () => { val x = MyCaseClass(rand.nextInt(), rand.nextString(rand.nextInt(10))) (x, x) } ) randomFunctions(rand.nextInt(randomFunctions.size)).apply() } def testSupportsRelocationOfSerializedObjects( serializer: Serializer, generateRandomItem: Random => Any): Unit = { if (!serializer.supportsRelocationOfSerializedObjects) { return } val NUM_TRIALS = 5 val rand = new Random(42) for (_ <- 1 to NUM_TRIALS) { val items = { // Make sure that we have duplicate occurrences of the same object in the stream: val randomItems = Seq.fill(10)(generateRandomItem(rand)) randomItems ++ randomItems.take(5) } val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val serStream = serializer.newInstance().serializeStream(baos) def serializeItem(item: Any): Array[Byte] = { val itemStartOffset = baos.toByteArray.length serStream.writeObject(item) serStream.flush() val itemEndOffset = baos.toByteArray.length baos.toByteArray.slice(itemStartOffset, itemEndOffset).clone() } val itemsAndSerializedItems: Seq[(Any, Array[Byte])] = { val serItems = { item => (item, serializeItem(item)) } serStream.close() rand.shuffle(serItems) } val reorderedSerializedData: Array[Byte] = itemsAndSerializedItems.flatMap(_._2).toArray val deserializedItemsStream = serializer.newInstance().deserializeStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(reorderedSerializedData)) assert(deserializedItemsStream.asIterator.toSeq === deserializedItemsStream.close() } } } private case class MyCaseClass(foo: Int, bar: String)
Example 162
Source File: BookSerializer.scala From akka-serialization-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.serializer.avro import import com.github.dnvriend.domain.BookStore.{ ChangedBookV3, ChangedBookV2, ChangedBookV1 } import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{ AvroBinaryOutputStream, AvroInputStream, AvroOutputStream } abstract class BookSerializer[T] extends AvroSerializer[T] { final val Manifest = "ChangedBook" } class BookSerializerV1 extends BookSerializer[ChangedBookV1] { override def identifier: Int = 200011 override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = { val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro = AvroOutputStream[ChangedBookV1](output) avro.write(o.asInstanceOf[ChangedBookV1]) avro.close() output.toByteArray } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = { if (Manifest == manifest) { val is = AvroInputStream[ChangedBookV1](bytes) val events = is.iterator.toList is.close() events(0) } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unable to handle manifest $manifest, required $Manifest") } } class BookSerializerV2 extends BookSerializer[ChangedBookV2] { override def identifier: Int = 200012 override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = { val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro = AvroBinaryOutputStream[ChangedBookV2](output) avro.write(o.asInstanceOf[ChangedBookV2]) avro.close() output.toByteArray } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = { // if (Manifest == manifest) { println("Manifest " + manifest) val is = AvroInputStream[ChangedBookV2](bytes) val events = is.iterator.toList is.close() events(0) // } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unable to handle manifest $manifest, required $Manifest") } } class BookSerializerV3 extends BookSerializer[ChangedBookV3] { override def identifier: Int = 200013 override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = { val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro = AvroOutputStream[ChangedBookV3](output) avro.write(o.asInstanceOf[ChangedBookV3]) avro.close() output.toByteArray } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = { // if (Manifest == manifest) { println("Manifest " + manifest) val is = AvroInputStream[ChangedBookV3](bytes) val events = is.iterator.toList is.close() events(0) // } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unable to handle manifest $manifest, required $Manifest") } }
Example 163
Source File: MovieChangedSerializer.scala From akka-serialization-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.serializer.avro import import com.github.dnvriend.domain.Movie.MovieChanged import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{ AvroInputStream, AvroOutputStream } class MovieChangedSerializer extends AvroSerializer[MovieChanged] { override def identifier: Int = 100011 final val Manifest = classOf[MovieChanged].getName override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = { val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream val avro = AvroOutputStream[MovieChanged](output) avro.write(o.asInstanceOf[MovieChanged]) avro.close() output.toByteArray } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = { if (Manifest == manifest) { val is = AvroInputStream[MovieChanged](bytes) val events = is.iterator.toList is.close() events(0) } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unable to handle manifest $manifest, required $Manifest") } }
Example 164
Source File: PLYReadWriteTests.scala From scalismo-faces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter} import java.nio.ByteOrder import java.util.Scanner import scalismo.faces.FacesTestSuite import class PLYReadWriteTests extends FacesTestSuite { describe("Write-read cycles to string, big- and little endian") { def testRWEndianCycle[A:StringWriter:StringReader:EndianWriter:EndianReader](toWrite: IndexedSeq[A], bo: ByteOrder): Unit = { val N = toWrite.size val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = new SequenceWriter[A] writer.write(toWrite, os, bo) val ba = os.toByteArray val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ba) val reader = new FixedLengthSequenceReader[A] val read =, is, bo) { p => p._1 shouldBe p._2 } } def testRWStringCycle[A:StringWriter:StringReader:EndianWriter:EndianReader](toWrite: IndexedSeq[A]): Unit = { val N = toWrite.size val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os) val writer = new SequenceWriter[A] writer.write(toWrite, osw) osw.flush() val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray) val isr = new Scanner(is) val reader = new FixedLengthSequenceReader[A] val read =, isr) { p => p._1 shouldBe p._2 } } def testAllThreeCycles[A:StringWriter:StringReader:EndianWriter:EndianReader](toWrite: IndexedSeq[A]): Unit = { testRWStringCycle(toWrite) testRWEndianCycle(toWrite, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) testRWEndianCycle(toWrite, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) } it("should result in the same sequence of bytes") { val toWrite = for (i <- 0 until 20) yield (randomDouble * 255).toByte testAllThreeCycles(toWrite) } it("should result in the same sequence of char") { val toWrite = for (i <- 0 until 20) yield (randomDouble * 255).toChar testAllThreeCycles(toWrite) } it("should result in the same sequence of short") { val toWrite = for (i <- 0 until 20) yield (randomDouble * 255).toShort testAllThreeCycles(toWrite) } it("should result in the same sequence of int") { val toWrite = for (i <- 0 until 20) yield (randomDouble * 255).toInt testAllThreeCycles(toWrite) } it("should result in the same sequence of long") { val toWrite = for (i <- 0 until 20) yield (randomDouble * 255).toLong testAllThreeCycles(toWrite) } it("should result in the same sequence of float") { val toWrite = for (i <- 0 until 20) yield (randomDouble * 255).toFloat testAllThreeCycles(toWrite) } it("should result in the same sequence of double") { val toWrite = for (i <- 0 until 20) yield (randomDouble * 255) testAllThreeCycles(toWrite) } } }
Example 165
Source File: RewriteSwaggerConfigPlugin.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
import{BufferedInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import Dependencies.Version import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamFactory import import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ // See object RewriteSwaggerConfigPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override val trigger = PluginTrigger.NoTrigger override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)( Seq( resourceGenerators += Def.task { val jarName = s"swagger-ui-${Version.swaggerUi}.jar" val indexHtmlPath = s"META-INF/resources/webjars/swagger-ui/${Version.swaggerUi}/index.html" val outputFile = resourceManaged.value / indexHtmlPath val html = (Compile / dependencyClasspath).value .find( == jarName) .flatMap(jar => fileContentFromJar(, indexHtmlPath)) .map { new String(_, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) } val resource = s"$jarName:$indexHtmlPath" html match { case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"Can't find $resource") case Some(html) => val doc = org.jsoup.parser.Parser.parse(html, "") import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ doc .body() .children() .asScala .find { el => el.tagName() == "script" && el.html().contains("SwaggerUIBundle") } match { case None => throw new RuntimeException("Can't patch script in index.html") case Some(el) => val update = """ const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({ url: "/api-docs/swagger.json", dom_id: '#swagger-ui', deepLinking: true, presets: [ SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis ], plugins: [ SwaggerUIBundle.plugins.DownloadUrl ], layout: "BaseLayout", operationsSorter: "alpha" }); window.ui = ui; """ // Careful! ^ will be inserted as one-liner el.text(update) } Files.createDirectories(outputFile.getParentFile.toPath) IO.write(outputFile, doc.outerHtml()) } Seq(outputFile) }.taskValue )) private def fileContentFromJar(jar: File, fileName: String): Option[Array[Byte]] = { val fs = new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(jar.toPath)) val factory = new ArchiveStreamFactory() val ais = factory.createArchiveInputStream(fs) try Iterator .continually(ais.getNextEntry) .takeWhile(_ != null) .filter(ais.canReadEntryData) .find(_.getName == fileName) .map { _ => val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() IOUtils.copy(ais, out) out.toByteArray } finally fs.close() } }
Example 166
Source File: Block.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import{Bytes, Ints, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.{KeyPair, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto.Authorized import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.error.ValidationError.GenericError import monix.eval.Coeval case class Block(timestamp: Long, version: Byte, reference: ByteStr, signerData: SignerData, consensusData: NxtLikeConsensusBlockData, transactionData: Seq[GenesisTransaction]) extends Authorized { override val sender: PublicKey = signerData.generator private val maxLength: Int = 150 * 1024 private val transactionField: Array[Byte] = { val serTxCount = Array(transactionData.size.toByte) val byteBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(transactionData.size * maxLength / 2) byteBuffer.write(serTxCount, 0, serTxCount.length) transactionData.foreach { tx => val txBytes = tx.bytes() val txSize = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(txBytes.length), 4, 0) byteBuffer.write(txSize, 0, txSize.length) byteBuffer.write(txBytes, 0, txBytes.length) } byteBuffer.toByteArray } val bytes: Coeval[Array[Byte]] = Coeval.evalOnce { val txBytesSize = transactionField.length val txBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(txBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ transactionField val consensusField = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Longs.toByteArray(consensusData.baseTarget), 8, 0) ++ consensusData.generationSignature.arr val cBytesSize = consensusField.length val cBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Ints.toByteArray(cBytesSize), 4, 0) ++ consensusField Array(version) ++ Bytes.ensureCapacity(Longs.toByteArray(timestamp), 8, 0) ++ reference.arr ++ cBytes ++ txBytes ++ signerData.generator.arr ++ signerData.signature.arr } } object Block { val MaxFeaturesInBlock: Int = 64 val GeneratorSignatureLength: Int = 32 def build(version: Byte, timestamp: Long, reference: ByteStr, consensusData: NxtLikeConsensusBlockData, transactionData: Seq[GenesisTransaction], signerData: SignerData): Either[GenericError, Block] = { (for { _ <- Either.cond(reference.arr.length == crypto.SignatureLength, (), "Incorrect reference") _ <- Either.cond(consensusData.generationSignature.arr.length == GeneratorSignatureLength, (), "Incorrect consensusData.generationSignature") _ <- Either.cond(signerData.generator.length == crypto.KeyLength, (), "Incorrect signer") } yield Block(timestamp, version, reference, signerData, consensusData, transactionData)) } def buildAndSign(version: Byte, timestamp: Long, reference: ByteStr, consensusData: NxtLikeConsensusBlockData, transactionData: Seq[GenesisTransaction], signer: KeyPair): Either[GenericError, Block] = build(version, timestamp, reference, consensusData, transactionData, SignerData(signer, ByteStr.empty)).right .map(unsigned => unsigned.copy(signerData = SignerData(signer, ByteStr(crypto.sign(signer, unsigned.bytes.value))))) }
Example 167
Source File: Main.scala From jardiff with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file._ import org.apache.commons.cli import org.apache.commons.cli.{CommandLine, DefaultParser, HelpFormatter, Options} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters.collectionAsScalaIterableConverter import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.NonFatal object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { run(args) match { case ShowUsage(msg) => System.err.println(msg); sys.exit(-1) case Error(err) => err.printStackTrace(System.err); sys.exit(-1) case Success(diffFound) => sys.exit(if (diffFound) 1 else 0) } } private object Opts { val Help = new cli.Option("h", "help", false, "Display this message") val Git = new cli.Option("g", "git", true, "Directory to output a git repository containing the diff") Git.setArgName("dir") val NoCode = new cli.Option("c", "suppress-code", false, "Suppress method bodies") val Raw = new cli.Option("r", "raw", false, "Disable sorting and filtering of classfile contents") val NoPrivates = new cli.Option("p", "suppress-privates", false, "Display only non-private members") val ContextLines = new cli.Option("U", "unified", true, "Number of context lines in diff") val Quiet = new cli.Option("q", "quiet", false, "Don't output diffs to standard out") val Ignore = new cli.Option("i", "ignore", true, "File pattern to ignore rendered files in gitignore format") Ignore.setArgs(cli.Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES) ContextLines.setArgName("n") def apply(): Options = { new cli.Options().addOption(Help).addOption(Git).addOption(ContextLines).addOption(NoCode).addOption(Raw).addOption(NoPrivates).addOption(Quiet).addOption(Ignore) } } private implicit class RichCommandLine(val self: CommandLine) { def has(o: cli.Option): Boolean = self.hasOption(o.getOpt) def get(o: cli.Option): String = self.getOptionValue(o.getOpt) def getOptInt(o: cli.Option): Option[Int] = Option(self.getOptionValue(o.getOpt)).map(x => Try(x.toInt).getOrElse(throw new cli.ParseException("--" + o.getLongOpt + " requires an integer"))) } private def helpText: String = { val formatter = new HelpFormatter val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = new PrintWriter(baos) try { val footer = s" VERSION1 [VERSION2 ...]\n\nEach VERSION may designate a single file, a directory, JAR file or a `${File.pathSeparator}`-delimited classpath\n\n" formatter.printHelp(writer, 80, "jardiff", footer, Opts(), HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_LEFT_PAD, HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_DESC_PAD, "", true) writer.flush() baos.toString().replaceFirst("\\n", "") } finally { writer.close() } } def run(args: Array[String]): RunResult = { val parser = new DefaultParser try { val line = parser.parse(Opts(), args) val trailingArgs = line.getArgList if (line.has(Opts.Help)) { ShowUsage(helpText) } else { val gitRepo = if (line.has(Opts.Git)) Some(Paths.get(line.get(Opts.Git))) else None val diffOutputStream = if (line.has(Opts.Quiet)) NullOutputStream.INSTANCE else System.out val config = JarDiff.Config(gitRepo, !line.has(Opts.NoCode), line.has(Opts.Raw), !line.has(Opts.NoPrivates), line.getOptInt(Opts.ContextLines), diffOutputStream, Option(line.getOptionValues(Opts.Ignore.getOpt)).toList.flatten ) val paths = paths match { case Nil => ShowUsage(helpText) case _ => val jarDiff = JarDiff(paths, config) val diffFound = jarDiff.diff() Success(diffFound) } } } catch { case exp: cli.ParseException => ShowUsage(helpText) case NonFatal(t) => Error(t) } } } sealed abstract class RunResult case class ShowUsage(msg: String) extends RunResult case class Error(err: Throwable) extends RunResult case class Success(diffFound: Boolean) extends RunResult
Example 168
Source File: JavaSerializationConverter.scala From scala-serialization with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.komanov.serialization.converters import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import com.komanov.serialization.converters.IoUtils.using import com.komanov.serialization.domain.{Site, SiteEvent, SiteEventData} object JavaSerializationConverter extends MyConverter { override def toByteArray(site: Site): Array[Byte] = { using(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { baos => using(new ObjectOutputStream(baos)) { os => os.writeObject(site) os.flush() baos.toByteArray } } } override def fromByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): Site = { using(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) { bais => using(new ObjectInputStream(bais)) { os => os.readObject().asInstanceOf[Site] } } } override def toByteArray(event: SiteEvent): Array[Byte] = { using(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { baos => using(new ObjectOutputStream(baos)) { os => os.writeObject(event) os.flush() baos.toByteArray } } } override def siteEventFromByteArray(clazz: Class[_], bytes: Array[Byte]): SiteEvent = { using(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) { bais => using(new ObjectInputStream(bais)) { os => os.readObject().asInstanceOf[SiteEvent] } } } }
Example 169
Source File: EventsReportGenerator.scala From scala-serialization with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.komanov.serialization.converters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import java.nio.file.{Files, StandardOpenOption} import import com.komanov.serialization.converters.IoUtils._ object EventsReportGenerator extends App { val flush = false val dir = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "123"), "events") require(!flush || dir.exists() || dir.mkdirs()) val (raws, gzips, both) = (Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])], Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])], Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])]) for ((converterName, converter) <- Converters.all if converter ne ScroogeConverter if converter ne ScalaPbConverter) { val results = Seq.newBuilder[(Int, Int)] for ((name, site, events) <- TestData.all) { val bytes = converter.toByteArray(site) val gzipLen = getGzipByteLength(bytes) val eventsAndBytes = => e -> converter.toByteArray(e.event)) val eventsLen = val eventsGzipLen = results += bytes.length -> gzipLen results += eventsLen -> eventsGzipLen if (flush) { val normalizedConverterName = converterName.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-") Files.write(dir.getParentFile.toPath.resolve(s"site_${name}_$normalizedConverterName.bin"), bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) for ((event, eventBytes) <- eventsAndBytes) { Files.write(dir.toPath.resolve(s"${name}_${normalizedConverterName}_${event.event.getClass.getSimpleName}.bin"), eventBytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } } } raws += converterName -> results.result().map(_._1) gzips += converterName -> results.result().map(_._2) both += (converterName + " (rw)") -> results.result().map(_._1) both += (converterName + " (gz)") -> results.result().map(_._2) } println("Data Sizes (raw)") printHeaders printSizes(raws.result()) println("Data Sizes (gzip)") printHeaders printSizes(gzips.result()) println("Data Sizes") printHeaders printSizes(both.result()) private def printHeaders: Any = { println("Converter," + TestData.sites.flatMap(t => Seq(t._1, "ev " + t._1)).mkString(",")) } private def printSizes(all: Seq[(String, Seq[Int])]): Unit = { for ((name, list) <- all) { println(name + "," + list.mkString(",")) } } private def getGzipByteLength(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = { using(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { baos => using(new GZIPOutputStream(baos)) { os => os.write(bytes) } baos.toByteArray.length } } }
Example 170
Source File: ReportGenerator.scala From scala-serialization with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.komanov.serialization.converters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import java.nio.file.{Files, StandardOpenOption} import import com.komanov.serialization.converters.IoUtils._ object ReportGenerator extends App { val flush = true val dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "123") require(!flush || dir.exists() || dir.mkdirs()) val (raws, gzips) = (Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])], Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])]) for ((converterName, converter) <- Converters.all if converter ne ScalaPbConverter if converter ne ScroogeConverter) { val results = Seq.newBuilder[(Int, Int)] for ((name, site) <- TestData.sites) { val bytes = converter.toByteArray(site) val gzipLen = getGzipByteLength(bytes) results += bytes.length -> gzipLen if (flush) { val normalizedConverterName = converterName.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-") Files.write(dir.toPath.resolve(s"site_${name}_$normalizedConverterName.bin"), bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } } raws += converterName -> results.result().map(_._1) gzips += converterName -> results.result().map(_._2) } println("Data Sizes (raw)") printHeaders printSizes(raws.result()) println("Data Sizes (gzip)") printHeaders printSizes(gzips.result()) private def printHeaders: Any = { println("Converter," +",")) } private def printSizes(all: Seq[(String, Seq[Int])]): Unit = { for ((name, list) <- all) { println(name + "," + list.mkString(",")) } } private def getGzipByteLength(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = { using(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { baos => using(new GZIPOutputStream(baos)) { os => os.write(bytes) } baos.toByteArray.length } } }
Example 171
Source File: SerializationTest.scala From scala-serialization with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.komanov.serialization.converters import import com.komanov.serialization.domain.SiteEventData import import org.specs2.mutable.SpecificationWithJUnit import org.specs2.specification.Scope import org.specs2.specification.core.Fragments class SerializationTest extends SpecificationWithJUnit { sequential doTest("JSON", JsonConverter) doTest("ScalaPB", ScalaPbConverter) doTest("Java Protobuf", JavaPbConverter) doTest("Java Thrift", JavaThriftConverter) doTest("Scrooge", ScroogeConverter) doTest("Serializable", JavaSerializationConverter) doTest("Pickling", PicklingConverter) doTest("BooPickle", BoopickleConverter) doTest("Chill", ChillConverter) "ScalaPB and Java Protobuf" should { Fragments.foreach(TestData.sites) { case (name, site) => s"be interoperable for site of $name" in new ctx { val javaMessage = JavaPbConverter.toByteArray(site) val scalaMessage = ScalaPbConverter.toByteArray(site) toHexDump(javaMessage) must be_===(toHexDump(scalaMessage)) } } Fragments.foreach( { case (name, events) => s"be interoperable events of $name" in new ctx { for (SiteEventData(_, event, _) <- events) { val javaMessage = JavaPbConverter.toByteArray(event) val scalaMessage = ScalaPbConverter.toByteArray(event) toHexDump(javaMessage) must be_===(toHexDump(scalaMessage)) } } } } "Scrooge and Java Thrift" should { Fragments.foreach(TestData.sites) { case (name, site) => s"be interoperable for site of $name" in new ctx { val javaMessage = JavaThriftConverter.toByteArray(site) val scalaMessage = ScroogeConverter.toByteArray(site) toHexDump(javaMessage) must be_===(toHexDump(scalaMessage)) } } Fragments.foreach( { case (name, events) => s"be interoperable events of $name" in new ctx { for (SiteEventData(_, event, _) <- events) { val javaMessage = JavaThriftConverter.toByteArray(event) val scalaMessage = ScroogeConverter.toByteArray(event) toHexDump(javaMessage) must be_===(toHexDump(scalaMessage)) } } } } class ctx extends Scope def toHexDump(arr: Array[Byte]): String = { if (arr.isEmpty) { "" } else { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream HexDump.dump(arr, 0, baos, 0) new String(baos.toByteArray) } } def doTest(converterName: String, converter: MyConverter) = { converterName should { Fragments.foreach(TestData.sites) { case (name, site) => s"serialize-parse site of $name" in new ctx { val bytes = converter.toByteArray(site) val parsed = converter.fromByteArray(bytes) parsed must be_===(site) } } Fragments.foreach( { case (name, events) => s"serialize-parse site events of $name" in new ctx { for (SiteEventData(_, event, _) <- events) { val bytes = converter.toByteArray(event) val parsed = converter.siteEventFromByteArray(event.getClass, bytes) parsed must be_===(event) } } } } } }
Example 172
Source File: avroMarshallers.scala From scalatest-embedded-kafka with MIT License | 5 votes |
package net.manub.embeddedkafka.avro import import kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties import org.apache.avro.Schema import import org.apache.avro.specific.{ SpecificDatumReader, SpecificDatumWriter, SpecificRecord } import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer, Serializer} class KafkaAvroDeserializer[T <: SpecificRecord](schema: Schema) extends Deserializer[T] with NoOpConfiguration with NoOpClose { private val reader = new SpecificDatumReader[T](schema) override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = { val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(data, null)[T], decoder) } } class KafkaAvroSerializer[T <: SpecificRecord]() extends Serializer[T] with NoOpConfiguration with NoOpClose { private def toBytes(nullableData: T): Array[Byte] = Option(nullableData).fold[Array[Byte]](null) { data => val writer: DatumWriter[T] = new SpecificDatumWriter[T](data.getSchema) val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val encoder = EncoderFactory.get.binaryEncoder(out, null) writer.write(data, encoder) encoder.flush() out.close() out.toByteArray } override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = toBytes(data) } sealed trait NoOpConfiguration { def configure(configs: java.util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = () } sealed trait NoOpClose { def close(): Unit = () }
Example 173
Source File: StreamingSpec.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.streaming import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream } import shapeless.record._ import cats.effect.IO import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import fs2.Stream import scodec.Codec import scodec.bits.BitVector import import dev.tauri.seals._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.Codecs._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs._ class StreamingSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { import Main.{ Animal, Elephant, Quokka, Quagga, Grey } val animals = Vector[Animal]( Elephant("Dumbo", tuskLength = 35.0f), Quokka("Nellie"), Quagga("Ford", speed = 120.0) ) val transformedAnimals = Vector[Animal]( Elephant("Dumbo", tuskLength = 35.0f + 17.0f), Quokka("Nellie", Grey) ) val animalStream = Stream.emits[IO, Animal](animals) val encoder = streamEncoderFromReified[Animal] val decoder = streamDecoderFromReified[Animal] "Encoding/decoding" should "work correctly" in { val tsk: IO[Unit] = for { bv <- encoder.encode[IO](animalStream).compile.fold(BitVector.empty)(_ ++ _) as <- decoder.decode[IO](Stream(bv)).compile.toVector } yield { as should === (animals) } tsk.unsafeRunSync() } it should "fail with incompatible models" in { val mod = Reified[Record.`'Elephant -> Elephant, 'Quokka -> Quokka`.T].model val bv: BitVector = Codec[Model].encode(mod).getOrElse(fail) val tsk: IO[Unit] = for { as <- decoder.decode[IO](Stream(bv)).compile.toVector } yield { as should === (Vector.empty) } val ex = intercept[CodecError] { tsk.unsafeRunSync() } ex.err.message should include ("incompatible models") } "Transformation" should "work correctly" in { val tsk: IO[Unit] = for { ibv <- encoder.encode[IO](animalStream).compile.fold(BitVector.empty)(_ ++ _) is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ibv.toByteArray) os = new ByteArrayOutputStream _ <- Main.transform(is, os)(Main.transformer) obv = BitVector(os.toByteArray()) transformed <- decoder.decode[IO](Stream(obv)).compile.fold(Vector.empty[Animal])(_ :+ _) } yield { transformed should === (transformedAnimals) } tsk.unsafeRunSync() } }
Example 174
Source File: StreamHandlerTest.scala From scala-js-java-logging with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package org.scalajs.testsuite.javalib.util.logging import import java.util.logging._ import org.junit.Test import org.junit.Assert._ class StreamHandlerTest { object TestFormatter extends SimpleFormatter { override def getHead(h: Handler): String = "header" override def getTail(h: Handler): String = "footer" } @Test def test_logging():Unit = { val o = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val sh = new StreamHandler(o, new SimpleFormatter()) sh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "message")) sh.flush() assertTrue(o.toString.contains("message")) } @Test def test_default_level():Unit = { val o = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val sh = new StreamHandler(o, new SimpleFormatter()) // Defaults to level INFO sh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.FINER, "message")) sh.flush() assertFalse(o.toString.contains("message")) } @Test def test_default_config():Unit = { val o = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val sh = new StreamHandler(o, new SimpleFormatter()) assertNull(sh.getEncoding) assertNull(sh.getFilter) assertNotNull(sh.getFormatter) assertNotNull(sh.getErrorManager) } @Test def test_default_constructor_config():Unit = { val sh = new StreamHandler() assertNull(sh.getEncoding) assertNull(sh.getFilter) assertNotNull(sh.getFormatter) assertNotNull(sh.getErrorManager) } @Test def test_no_logging_for_level():Unit = { val o = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val sh = new StreamHandler(o, new SimpleFormatter()) sh.setLevel(Level.WARNING) sh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "message")) sh.flush() // No output under the given level assertTrue(o.toString.isEmpty) } @Test def test_no_errors_if_no_stream():Unit = { val sh = new StreamHandler() sh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "message")) sh.flush() } @Test def test_print_head():Unit = { val o = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val sh = new StreamHandler(o, TestFormatter) assertTrue(o.toString.isEmpty) sh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "message")) sh.flush() assertTrue(o.toString.contains("header")) assertTrue(!o.toString.contains("footer")) } @Test def test_print_tail():Unit = { val o = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val sh = new StreamHandler(o, TestFormatter) assertTrue(o.toString.isEmpty) sh.close() assertTrue(o.toString.contains("header")) assertTrue(o.toString.contains("footer")) } }
Example 175
Source File: CaptureOutputStream.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream, PrintStream} class CaptureOutputStream extends OutputStream { val data = new ByteArrayOutputStream() override def write(b: Int): Unit = data.write(b) override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = data.write(b) override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = data.write(b,off,len) def dump: String = new java.lang.String(data.toByteArray, java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8) } class CaptureStream(__out: CaptureOutputStream, paired: PrintStream) extends PrintStream(__out) { def this(paired: PrintStream) = this(new CaptureOutputStream(), paired) def dump: String = __out.dump //TODO[5]: For some reason this duplicates the printing //override def print(s: String): Unit = { paired.print(s); super.print(s) } //override def println(s: String): Unit = { paired.println(s); super.println(s) } }
Example 176
Source File: ShowSchemaMainTest.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.cli import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class ShowSchemaMainTest extends WordSpec with Matchers { "SchemaMain" should { "display schema for specified avro source" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val out = new PrintStream(baos) ShowSchemaMain(Seq("--source", "avro:" + getClass.getResource("/test.avro").getFile), out) new String(baos.toByteArray).trim shouldBe """{"type":"record","name":"row","namespace":"namespace","fields":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"job","type":"string"},{"name":"location","type":"string"}]}""" } } }
Example 177
Source File: ArrowConverters.scala From flint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.twosigma.flint.arrow import import java.nio.channels.Channels import org.apache.arrow.memory.BufferAllocator import org.apache.arrow.vector._ import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.ByteArrayReadableSeekableByteChannel import org.apache.spark.TaskContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import com.twosigma.flint.util.Utils import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.{ ArrowFileReader, ArrowFileWriter } import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.message.ArrowRecordBatch trait ClosableIterator[T] extends Iterator[T] with AutoCloseable class ConcatClosableIterator[T](iters: Iterator[ClosableIterator[T]]) extends ClosableIterator[T] { var curIter: ClosableIterator[T] = _ private def advance(): Unit = { require(curIter == null || !curIter.hasNext, "Should not advance if curIter is not empty") require(iters.hasNext, "Should not advance if iters doesn't have next") closeCurrent() curIter = } private def closeCurrent(): Unit = if (curIter != null) curIter.close() override def close(): Unit = closeCurrent() override def hasNext: Boolean = { if (curIter == null || !curIter.hasNext) { if (iters.hasNext) { advance() hasNext } else { false } } else { true } } override def next(): T = } def byteArrayToBatch( batchBytes: Array[Byte], allocator: BufferAllocator ): ArrowRecordBatch = { val in = new ByteArrayReadableSeekableByteChannel(batchBytes) val reader = new ArrowFileReader(in, allocator) // Read a batch from a byte stream, ensure the reader is closed Utils.tryWithSafeFinally { val root = reader.getVectorSchemaRoot // throws IOException val unloader = new VectorUnloader(root) reader.loadNextBatch() // throws IOException unloader.getRecordBatch } { reader.close() } } }
Example 178
Source File: ArrowSummarizer.scala From flint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.twosigma.flint.rdd.function.summarize.summarizer import import java.nio.channels.Channels import java.util import com.twosigma.flint.arrow.{ ArrowFieldWriter, ArrowPayload, ArrowUtils, ArrowWriter } import org.apache.arrow.memory.{ BufferAllocator, RootAllocator } import org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.ArrowFileWriter import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericInternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.GenericArrayData import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class ArrowSummarizer(inputSchema: StructType, outputSchema: StructType, includeBaseRows: Boolean) extends Summarizer[InternalRow, ArrowSummarizerState, ArrowSummarizerResult] { private[this] val size = outputSchema.size require(size > 0, "Cannot create summarizer with no input columns") // This function will allocate memory from the BufferAllocator to initialize arrow vectors. override def zero(): ArrowSummarizerState = { new ArrowSummarizerState(false, null, null, null, null) } private def init(u: ArrowSummarizerState): Unit = { if (!u.initialized) { val arrowSchema = ArrowUtils.toArrowSchema(outputSchema) val allocator = new RootAllocator(Int.MaxValue) val root = VectorSchemaRoot.create(arrowSchema, allocator) val arrowWriter = ArrowWriter.create(inputSchema, outputSchema, root) u.initialized = true u.baseRows = new util.ArrayList[InternalRow]() u.allocator = allocator u.root = root u.arrowWriter = arrowWriter } } override def add(u: ArrowSummarizerState, row: InternalRow): ArrowSummarizerState = { if (!u.initialized) { init(u) } if (includeBaseRows) { u.baseRows.add(row) } u.arrowWriter.write(row) u } override def merge( u1: ArrowSummarizerState, u2: ArrowSummarizerState ): ArrowSummarizerState = throw new UnsupportedOperationException() // This can only be called once override def render(u: ArrowSummarizerState): ArrowSummarizerResult = { if (u.initialized) { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = new ArrowFileWriter(u.root, null, Channels.newChannel(out)) u.arrowWriter.finish() writer.writeBatch() writer.close() u.root.close() u.allocator.close() val rows = u.baseRows.toArray.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] ArrowSummarizerResult(rows, out.toByteArray) } else { ArrowSummarizerResult(Array.empty, Array.empty) } } override def close(u: ArrowSummarizerState): Unit = { if (u.initialized) { u.arrowWriter.reset() u.root.close() u.allocator.close() } } }
Example 179
Source File: ConcatArrowAndExplodeSpec.scala From flint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.twosigma.flint.timeseries import import java.nio.channels.Channels import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import com.twosigma.flint.arrow.ArrowUtils import org.apache.arrow.memory.RootAllocator import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.ArrowFileWriter import org.apache.arrow.vector.{ BigIntVector, Float8Vector, VectorSchemaRoot } import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{ array, col, lit, struct } import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class ConcatArrowAndExplodeSpec extends TimeSeriesSuite { "ConcatArrowAndExplode" should "work" in { val batchSize = 10 var df = spark.range(1000, 2000, 1000).toDF("time") val columns = (0 until batchSize).map(v => struct((df("time") + v).as("time"), lit(v.toDouble).as("v"))) df = df.withColumn("base_rows", array(columns: _*)) val allocator = new RootAllocator(Long.MaxValue) val schema1 = StructType(Seq(StructField("v1", DoubleType))) val root1 = VectorSchemaRoot.create(ArrowUtils.toArrowSchema(schema1), allocator) val vector1 = root1.getVector("v1").asInstanceOf[Float8Vector] vector1.allocateNew() for (i <- 0 until batchSize) { vector1.set(i, i + 10.0) } vector1.setValueCount(batchSize) val out1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val arrowWriter1 = new ArrowFileWriter(root1, null, Channels.newChannel(out1)) arrowWriter1.writeBatch() arrowWriter1.close() root1.close() df = df.withColumn("f1_schema", struct(lit(0.0).as("v1"))) df = df.withColumn("f1_data", lit(out1.toByteArray)) val schema2 = StructType(Seq(StructField("v2", DoubleType), StructField("v3", LongType))) val root2 = VectorSchemaRoot.create(ArrowUtils.toArrowSchema(schema2), allocator) val vector2 = root2.getVector("v2").asInstanceOf[Float8Vector] val vector3 = root2.getVector("v3").asInstanceOf[BigIntVector] vector2.allocateNew() vector3.allocateNew() for (i <- 0 until batchSize) { vector2.set(i, i + 20.0) } vector2.setValueCount(batchSize) for (i <- 0 until batchSize) { vector3.set(i, i + 30L) } vector3.setValueCount(batchSize) val out2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val arrowWriter2 = new ArrowFileWriter(root2, null, Channels.newChannel(out2)) arrowWriter2.writeBatch() arrowWriter2.close() root2.close() df = df.withColumn("f2_schema", struct(lit(0.0).as("v2"), lit(0L).as("v3"))) df = df.withColumn("f2_data", lit(out2.toByteArray)) var tsrdd = TimeSeriesRDD.fromDF(df)(isSorted = false, timeUnit = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) tsrdd = tsrdd.concatArrowAndExplode("base_rows", Seq("f1_schema", "f2_schema"), Seq("f1_data", "f2_data")) var expected = spark.range(1000, 1000 + batchSize).toDF("time") expected = expected.withColumn("v", col("time") - 1000.0) expected = expected.withColumn("v1", col("time") - 1000 + 10.0) expected = expected.withColumn("v2", col("time") - 1000 + 20.0) expected = expected.withColumn("v3", col("time") - 1000 + 30) val expectedTsrdd = TimeSeriesRDD.fromDF(expected)(isSorted = false, timeUnit = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) assertEquals(tsrdd, expectedTsrdd) } }
Example 180
Source File: get_features_from_peinfo.scala From gsoc_relationship with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.datastax.spark.connector._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.json._ import{ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream} import{GZIPOutputStream, GZIPInputStream} import Array.concat import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import import import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import import import PreProcessingConfig._ case class peinfo_results_by_service_name_class(service_name: String, sha256: String) case class peinfo_results_by_sha256_class(sha256: String, service_name: String, results: Array[Byte]) case class peinfo_join_results_class(sha256: String, service_name: String, results: String) case class peinfo_int_final_array_rdd_class(sha256: String, array_results: Array[Double]) case class peinfo_binaray_final_array_rdd_class(sha256:String, array_results :Array[Double]) case class peinfo_final_array_rdd_class(sha256:String, array_results: Array[Double]) def unzip(x: Array[Byte]) : String = { val inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(x)) val output = return output } def findAllIntinpeinfo( peinfo_json_results : JsLookupResult, time: Double): Array[Double]= { val entropy = peinfo_json_results \\ "entropy" ; val virt_address = peinfo_json_results \\ "virt_address"; val virt_size = peinfo_json_results \\ "virt_size"; val size = peinfo_json_results \\ "size"; var i= 0; var List = Array.iterate(0.0,17)(a=>a*0) for (k <- ( peinfo_json_results \\ "section_name")){[String] match { case ".text\u0000\u0000\u0000" => { List(0)=entropy(i).as[Double]; List(1)=Integer.parseInt(virt_address(i).as[String].substring(2), 16).toDouble; List(2)=virt_size(i).as[Double]; List(3)=size(i).as[Double] } case ".data\u0000\u0000\u0000" => { List(4)=entropy(i).as[Double]; List(5)=Integer.parseInt(virt_address(i).as[String].substring(2), 16).toDouble; List(6)=virt_size(i).as[Double]; List(7)=size(i).as[Double] } case ".rsrc\u0000\u0000\u0000" => { List(8)=entropy(i).as[Double]; List(9)=Integer.parseInt(virt_address(i).as[String].substring(2), 16).toDouble; List(10)=virt_size(i).as[Double]; List(11)=size(i).as[Double] } case ".rdata\u0000\u0000" => { List(12)=entropy(i).as[Double]; List(13)=Integer.parseInt(virt_address(i).as[String].substring(2), 16).toDouble; List(14)=virt_size(i).as[Double]; List(15)=size(i).as[Double] } case other => {} } i = i + 1 } List(16)= time return List.toArray } val peinfo_results_by_service_name_meta = sc.cassandraTable[peinfo_results_by_service_name_class](keyspace,service_name_table).where("service_name=?","peinfo") val peinfo_results_by_service_name_rdd = peinfo_results_by_service_name_meta.keyBy(x=> (x.sha256,x.service_name)) val peinfo_results_by_sha256_meta = sc.cassandraTable[peinfo_results_by_sha256_class](keyspace,sha256_table) val peinfo_results_by_sha256_rdd = peinfo_results_by_sha256_meta.keyBy(x => (x.sha256,x.service_name)) val peinfo_join_results = peinfo_results_by_service_name_rdd.join(peinfo_results_by_sha256_rdd).map(x=> (new peinfo_join_results_class(x._1._1,x._1._2, unzip(x._2._2.results)))).distinct().cache() val peinfo_int_final_array_rdd =>(x.sha256,(Json.parse(x.results) \ "pe_sections"),{if ((Json.parse(x.results) \ "timestamp").isInstanceOf[JsUndefined]) 0.0 else (Json.parse(x.results) \ "timestamp" \\ "timestamp")(0).as[Double]})).filter(x=> !x._2.isInstanceOf[JsUndefined]).map(x=>new peinfo_int_final_array_rdd_class(x._1,findAllIntinpeinfo(x._2,x._3))) val peinfo_dllfunction_list=>Json.parse(x.results) \ "imports").filter(x=> !x.isInstanceOf[JsUndefined]).flatMap(x=>[List[Map[String, String]]].map(x=>(x("dll")+"."+x("function")))).toDF("func_name").groupBy("func_name").count.sort(desc("count")).filter("count > 10000") => r.getString(0)).collect().toList implicit def bool2int(b:Boolean) = if (b) 1 else 0 def findAllBininpeinfo_dllfunction(peinfo_dllfunction : Seq[String]) : Array[Double] ={ val forlist = for (family <- peinfo_dllfunction_list) yield { (peinfo_dllfunction.contains(family):Int).toDouble } return (forlist).toArray } val List502 = Array.iterate(0.0,502)(a=>0.0) val peinfo_binaray_final_array_rdd =>(x.sha256,(Json.parse(x.results) \ "imports"))).map(x=>new peinfo_binaray_final_array_rdd_class(x._1,{if (x._2.isInstanceOf[JsUndefined]) List502 else findAllBininpeinfo_dllfunction([Seq[Map[String, String]]].map(x=>(x("dll")+"."+x("function"))))})) val peinfo_int_final_array_rdd_before_join =>(x.sha256,x.array_results)) val peinfo_binaray_final_array_rdd_before_join =>(x.sha256,x.array_results)) val peinfo_array_rdd_by_join = peinfo_int_final_array_rdd_before_join.join(peinfo_binaray_final_array_rdd_before_join).map(x=> (x._1,concat(x._2._1,x._2._2))) val peinfo_final_array_rdd =>new peinfo_final_array_rdd_class(x._1,x._2)) val peinfo_schema = new StructType().add("sha256", StringType).add("peinfo",VectorType) val peinfo_vector_rdd =>(x.sha256,Vectors.dense(x.array_results))) val peinfo_vector_rowrdd = => Row(p._1,p._2)) val peinfo_vector_dataframe = spark.createDataFrame(peinfo_vector_rowrdd, peinfo_schema) val peinfo_scaler = new MinMaxScaler() .setInputCol("peinfo") .setOutputCol("scaled_peinfo") val peinfo_scalerModel = val peinfo_scaledData_df = peinfo_scalerModel.transform(peinfo_vector_dataframe) val peinfo_scaledData_rdd ="sha256","scaled_peinfo")>(row.getAs[String]("sha256"),row.getAs[DenseVector]("scaled_peinfo"))).map(x=>new peinfo_final_array_rdd_class(x._1,x._2.toArray)) peinfo_scaledData_rdd.toDF().write.format("parquet").save(peinfo_final_array_file)
Example 181
Source File: get_features_from_objdump.scala From gsoc_relationship with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.datastax.spark.connector._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.json._ import{ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream} import{GZIPOutputStream, GZIPInputStream} import PreProcessingConfig._ case class objdump_results_by_service_name_class(service_name: String, sha256: String) case class objdump_results_by_sha256_class(sha256: String, service_name: String, results: Array[Byte]) case class objdump_join_results_class(sha256: String, service_name: String, results: String) case class objdump_binaray_final_array_rdd_class(sha256: String, array_results: Array[Double]) val objdump_main_list = sc.textFile(objdump_x86Opcodes_file).collect.toList def unzip(x: Array[Byte]) : String = { val inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(x)) val output = return output } def combineAllObjdumpInOne( malwarelist :Seq[play.api.libs.json.JsValue]) : List[String] ={ if (malwarelist(0).toString() == "null") return List("null") var begin = malwarelist(0).as[List[String]] for (i <- 1 to (malwarelist.size-1)){ if (malwarelist(i).toString() == "null") begin = begin else begin = begin ::: malwarelist(i).as[List[String]] } return begin } def convertToList( malwarelist :Seq[play.api.libs.json.JsValue]) : List[String] = { if (malwarelist(0).toString() == "null") return List("null") else { return malwarelist(0).as[List[String]] } } def findAllBininobjdump_main_list(malware :List[String]) : Array[Double] ={ if (malware == List("null")) return (List.fill(10000)(0.0)).toArray else { val forlist = for ( one <- malware ) yield { objdump_main_list.indexOf(one) + 1.0 } if (forlist.size < 10000){ return (List.concat(forlist,List.fill(10000-forlist.size)(0.0))).toArray } else return forlist.toArray } } val objdump_results_by_service_name_meta = sc.cassandraTable[objdump_results_by_service_name_class](keyspace,service_name_table).where("service_name=?","objdump") val objdump_results_by_service_name_rdd = objdump_results_by_service_name_meta.keyBy(x=> (x.sha256,x.service_name)) val objdump_results_by_sha256_meta = sc.cassandraTable[objdump_results_by_sha256_class](keyspace,sha256_table) val objdump_results_by_sha256_rdd = objdump_results_by_sha256_meta.keyBy(x => (x.sha256,x.service_name)) val objdump_join_results = objdump_results_by_service_name_rdd.join(objdump_results_by_sha256_rdd).map(x=> (new objdump_join_results_class(x._1._1,x._1._2, unzip(x._2._2.results)))).distinct() val objdump_binaray_final_array_rdd =>(x.sha256,(Json.parse(x.results) \\ "opcodes"))).filter(x=> (x._2.size > 0)).map(x=>(x._1,if ( x._2.size == 1 ) convertToList(x._2) else combineAllObjdumpInOne(x._2))).map(x=>(x._1,findAllBininobjdump_main_list(x._2))) objdump_binaray_final_array_rdd.toDF().write.format("parquet").save(objdump_binaray_final_array_file)
Example 182
Source File: get_VT_signatures.scala From gsoc_relationship with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.datastax.spark.connector._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import{ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream} import{GZIPOutputStream, GZIPInputStream} import PreProcessingConfig._ case class VT_results_by_service_name_class(service_name: String, sha256: String) case class VT_results_by_sha256_class(sha256: String, service_name: String, results: Array[Byte] ) case class VT_join_results_class(sha256: String, service_name: String, results: String) case class VT_sample_signatures_initial_seq_rdd_class(sha256: String, seq_results: Seq[String]) case class VT_sample_signatures_final_array_rdd_class(sha256:String, array_results:Array[Double]) def unzip(x: Array[Byte]) : String = { val inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(x)) val output = return output } def deleteNumberInSampleSignatures(x: String): Boolean = { val regex = "[0-9]".r return regex.findFirstIn(x).isEmpty } val VT_results_by_service_name_meta = sc.cassandraTable[VT_results_by_service_name_class](keyspace,service_name_table).where("service_name=?","virustotal") val VT_results_by_service_name_rdd = VT_results_by_service_name_meta.keyBy(x=> (x.sha256,x.service_name)) val VT_results_by_sha256_meta = sc.cassandraTable[VT_results_by_sha256_class](keyspace,sha256_table) val VT_results_by_sha256_rdd = VT_results_by_sha256_meta.keyBy(x => (x.sha256,x.service_name)) val VT_join_results = VT_results_by_service_name_rdd.join(VT_results_by_sha256_rdd).map(x => (new VT_join_results_class(x._1._1,x._1._2, unzip(x._2._2.results)))).distinct().cache() val sample_signatures_rdd = VT_join_results.flatMap(x=>Json.parse(x.results) \ "scans" \\ "result").map(x=>Json.stringify(x)).filter( x=> !(x == "null")) val sample_signatures_split_rdd = sample_signatures_rdd.flatMap(x=>x.replaceAll("""["]""","").replaceAll("""\![a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]+""","").replaceAll("""@[a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]+""","").replaceAll("""~[a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]+""","").replaceAll("""[\(|\[|{][a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]*[\)|\]|}]""","").replaceAll("""(\.|\!|\:|\_|\-|\\|/|\[|\])"""," ").split(" ")).filter(x=>(x.size>3)).filter(x=>deleteNumberInSampleSignatures(x)).map(x=>x.toLowerCase()) val signatures_prefix_rdd = sc.textFile(VT_signatures_prefix_suffix_file).map(x=>x.toLowerCase()) val family_signatures_subtract_rdd = sample_signatures_split_rdd.subtract(signatures_prefix_rdd) val family_signatures_sorted_rdd = sc.parallelize(family_signatures_subtract_rdd.countByValue().toSeq).filter(x=>(x._2>50)).sortBy(x=>x._2,false) val family_signatures_list = family_signatures_sorted_rdd.keys.collect().toList val VT_sample_signatures_rdd =>(x.sha256,(Json.parse(x.results) \ "scans" \\ "result").map(_.toString).filter( s => !(s== "null")).flatMap(x=>x.replaceAll("""["]""","").replaceAll("""\![a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]+""","").replaceAll("""@[a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]+""","").replaceAll("""~[a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]+""","").replaceAll("""[\(|\[|{][a-zA-Z0-9\s\+]*[\)|\]|}]""","").replaceAll("""(\.|\!|\:|\_|\-|\\|/|\[|\])"""," ").split(" ")).filter(x=>(x.size>3)).filter(x=>deleteNumberInSampleSignatures(x)).map(x=>x.toLowerCase()))) val VT_sample_signatures_initial_seq_rdd =>new VT_sample_signatures_initial_seq_rdd_class(x._1, x._2)) implicit def bool2int(b:Boolean) = if (b) 1 else 0 def findAllInFamilySignatures(sample_signatures_seq : Seq[String]) : Array[Double] ={ val forlist = for (family <- family_signatures_list) yield { (sample_signatures_seq.contains(family):Int).toDouble } return forlist.toArray } val VT_sample_signatures_final_array_rdd =>new VT_sample_signatures_final_array_rdd_class(x.sha256,findAllInFamilySignatures(x.seq_results))) VT_sample_signatures_final_array_rdd.toDF().write.format("parquet").save(VT_sample_signatures_final_array_file)
Example 183
Source File: HelperMethods.scala From gsoc_relationship with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.libs.json.Json import{GZIPOutputStream, GZIPInputStream} import import def score(ruleset_1: String, ruleset_2:String) : Double = { val split_1 = ruleset_1.split(",").toSeq val split_2 = ruleset_2.split(",").toSeq if (split_1.length > 0 && split_2.length > 0) { return split_1.intersect(split_2).length.toDouble/split_1.union(split_2).distinct.length.toDouble } else { return 0 } } }
Example 184
Source File: KryoInitSpec.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.core.akka import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import com.romix.scala.serialization.kryo.{ EnumerationSerializer, ScalaImmutableAbstractMapSerializer, ScalaMutableMapSerializer } import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpecLike class KryoInitSpec extends Matchers with AnyFlatSpecLike { "The custom KryoInit" should "register serializers" in { val kryo = new Kryo() new KryoInit().customize(kryo) kryo.getDefaultSerializer(classOf[scala.Enumeration#Value]) shouldBe an[ EnumerationSerializer ] kryo.getDefaultSerializer(classOf[collection.immutable.Map[_, _]]) shouldBe a[ ScalaImmutableAbstractMapSerializer ] kryo.getDefaultSerializer(classOf[collection.immutable.Map[_, _]]) shouldBe a[ ScalaImmutableAbstractMapSerializer ] kryo.getDefaultSerializer(classOf[collection.mutable.HashMap[_, _]]) shouldBe a[ ScalaMutableMapSerializer ] } it should "serialize immutable maps" in { val kryo = new Kryo() new KryoInit().customize(kryo) val map1 = Map( "Rome" -> "Italy", "London" -> "England", "Paris" -> "France", "New York" -> "USA", "Tokyo" -> "Japan", "Peking" -> "China", "Brussels" -> "Belgium" ) val map2 = map1 + ("Moscow" -> "Russia") val map3 = map2 + ("Berlin" -> "Germany") val map4 = map3 + ("Germany" -> "Berlin", "Russia" -> "Moscow") roundTrip(map1, kryo) roundTrip(map2, kryo) roundTrip(map3, kryo) roundTrip(map4, kryo) } def roundTrip[T](obj: T, kryo: Kryo): T = { val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(outStream, 4096) kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, obj) output.flush() val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(outStream.toByteArray), 4096) val obj1 = kryo.readClassAndObject(input) assert(obj == obj1) obj1.asInstanceOf[T] } }
Example 185
Source File: BytecodeUtils.scala From graphx-algorithm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.graphx.util import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet import scala.language.existentials import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import{ClassReader, ClassVisitor, MethodVisitor} import private class MethodInvocationFinder(className: String, methodName: String) extends ClassVisitor(ASM4) { val methodsInvoked = new HashSet[(Class[_], String)] override def visitMethod(access: Int, name: String, desc: String, sig: String, exceptions: Array[String]): MethodVisitor = { if (name == methodName) { new MethodVisitor(ASM4) { override def visitMethodInsn(op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String) { if (op == INVOKEVIRTUAL || op == INVOKESPECIAL || op == INVOKESTATIC) { if (!skipClass(owner)) { methodsInvoked.add((Class.forName(owner.replace("/", ".")), name)) } } } } } else { null } } } }
Example 186
Source File: RulesTxtDeploymentServiceSpec.scala From smui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import import import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class RulesTxtDeploymentServiceSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ApplicationTestBase { private lazy val service = injector.instanceOf[RulesTxtDeploymentService] private var inputIds: Seq[SearchInputId] = Seq.empty override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() createTestCores() inputIds = createTestRule() } private def rulesFileContent(ruleIds: Seq[SearchInputId]): String = s"""aerosmith => | SYNONYM: mercury | DOWN(10): battery | UP(10): notebook | FILTER: zz top | @{ | "_log" : "${ruleIds.head}" | }@ | |mercury => | SYNONYM: aerosmith | DOWN(10): battery | UP(10): notebook | FILTER: zz top | @{ | "_log" : "${ruleIds.head}" | }@ | |shipping => | DECORATE: REDIRECT | @{ | "_log" : "${ruleIds.last}" | }@""".stripMargin "RulesTxtDeploymentService" should "generate rules files with correct file names" in { val rulesTxt = service.generateRulesTxtContentWithFilenames(core1Id, "LIVE", logDebug = false) rulesTxt.solrIndexId shouldBe core1Id rulesTxt.decompoundRules shouldBe empty rulesTxt.regularRules.content.trim shouldBe rulesFileContent(inputIds) rulesTxt.regularRules.sourceFileName shouldBe "/tmp/search-management-ui_rules-txt.tmp" rulesTxt.regularRules.destinationFileName shouldBe "/usr/bin/solr/liveCore/conf/rules.txt" } it should "validate the rules files correctly" in { val rulesTxt = service.generateRulesTxtContentWithFilenames(core1Id, "LIVE", logDebug = false) service.validateCompleteRulesTxts(rulesTxt, logDebug = false) shouldBe empty val badRulesTxt = rulesTxt.copy(regularRules = rulesTxt.regularRules.copy(content = "a very bad rules file")) service.validateCompleteRulesTxts(badRulesTxt, logDebug = false) shouldBe List("Line 1: Missing input for instruction") } it should "provide a zip file with all rules files" in { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() service.writeAllRulesTxtFilesAsZipFileToStream(out) val bytes = out.toByteArray val zipStream = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) val firstEntry = zipStream.getNextEntry firstEntry.getName shouldBe "rules_core1.txt" IOUtils.toString(zipStream, "UTF-8").trim shouldBe rulesFileContent(inputIds) val secondEntry = zipStream.getNextEntry secondEntry.getName shouldBe "rules_core2.txt" IOUtils.toString(zipStream, "UTF-8").trim shouldBe "" } }
Example 187
Source File: AggregatorTest.scala From noether with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.noether import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import com.twitter.algebird.Aggregator import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait AggregatorTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { def run[A, B, C](aggregator: Aggregator[A, B, C])(as: Seq[A]): C = { val bs = _ compose ensureSerializable) val b = ensureSerializable(aggregator.reduce(bs)) ensureSerializable(aggregator.present(b)) } private def serializeToByteArray(value: Any): Array[Byte] = { val buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer) oos.writeObject(value) buffer.toByteArray } private def deserializeFromByteArray(encodedValue: Array[Byte]): AnyRef = { val ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(encodedValue)) ois.readObject() } private def ensureSerializable[T](value: T): T = deserializeFromByteArray(serializeToByteArray(value)).asInstanceOf[T] }
Example 188
Source File: TestingTypedCount.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{ImperativeAggregate, TypedImperativeAggregate} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution.TestingTypedCount.State import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ @ExpressionDescription( usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - A testing aggregate function resembles COUNT " + "but implements ObjectAggregateFunction.") case class TestingTypedCount( child: Expression, mutableAggBufferOffset: Int = 0, inputAggBufferOffset: Int = 0) extends TypedImperativeAggregate[TestingTypedCount.State] { def this(child: Expression) = this(child, 0, 0) override def children: Seq[Expression] = child :: Nil override def dataType: DataType = LongType override def nullable: Boolean = false override def createAggregationBuffer(): State = TestingTypedCount.State(0L) override def update(buffer: State, input: InternalRow): State = { if (child.eval(input) != null) { buffer.count += 1 } buffer } override def merge(buffer: State, input: State): State = { buffer.count += input.count buffer } override def eval(buffer: State): Any = buffer.count override def serialize(buffer: State): Array[Byte] = { val byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val dataStream = new DataOutputStream(byteStream) dataStream.writeLong(buffer.count) byteStream.toByteArray } override def deserialize(storageFormat: Array[Byte]): State = { val byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(storageFormat) val dataStream = new DataInputStream(byteStream) TestingTypedCount.State(dataStream.readLong()) } override def withNewMutableAggBufferOffset(newMutableAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate = copy(mutableAggBufferOffset = newMutableAggBufferOffset) override def withNewInputAggBufferOffset(newInputAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate = copy(inputAggBufferOffset = newInputAggBufferOffset) override val prettyName: String = "typed_count" } object TestingTypedCount { case class State(var count: Long) }
Example 189
Source File: SapSQLContextSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql import{ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import org.apache.spark.sql.parser.SapParserException import org.apache.spark.util.DummyRelationUtils._ import org.mockito.Mockito import org.scalatest.FunSuite class SapSQLContextSuite extends FunSuite with GlobalSapSQLContext { test("SQL contexts do not support hive functions") { val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(Row("1"), Row("2"))) sqlc.createDataFrame(rdd, 'a.string, needsConversion = false) .registerTempTable("foo") intercept[AnalysisException] { sqlc.sql("SELECT int(a) FROM foo") } } test ("Check Spark Version"){ val sap_sqlc = sqlContext.asInstanceOf[CommonSapSQLContext] // current spark runtime version shall be supported sap_sqlc.checkSparkVersion(List(org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION)) // runtime exception for an unsupported version intercept[RuntimeException]{ sap_sqlc.checkSparkVersion(List("some.unsupported.version")) } } test("Slightly different versions") { val sap_sqlc = sqlContext.asInstanceOf[CommonSapSQLContext] val spy_sap_sqlc = Mockito.spy(sap_sqlc) Mockito.when(spy_sap_sqlc.getCurrentSparkVersion()) .thenReturn(org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION + "-CDH") // should not throw! spy_sap_sqlc.checkSparkVersion(spy_sap_sqlc.supportedVersions) Mockito.when(spy_sap_sqlc.getCurrentSparkVersion()) .thenReturn("something- " + org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION) // should not throw! spy_sap_sqlc.checkSparkVersion(spy_sap_sqlc.supportedVersions) } test("Ensure SapSQLContext stays serializable"){ // relevant for Bug 92818 // Remember that all class references in SapSQLContext must be serializable! val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) oos.writeObject(sqlContext) oos.close() } test("Rand function") { sqlContext.sql( s""" |CREATE TABLE test (name varchar(20), age integer) |USING |OPTIONS ( |tableName "test" |) """.stripMargin) sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM test WHERE rand() < 0.1") } test("test version fields") { val sapSqlContext = sqlContext.asInstanceOf[CommonSapSQLContext] assert(sapSqlContext.EXTENSIONS_VERSION.isEmpty) assert(sapSqlContext.DATASOURCES_VERSION.isEmpty) } }
Example 190
Source File: SQLRunnerSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{GlobalSapSQLContext, SQLContext} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite, ShouldMatchers} // good call val goodOpts = SQLRunner.parseOpts(List("a.sql", "b.sql", "-o", "output.csv")) goodOpts.sqlFiles should be(List("a.sql", "b.sql")) goodOpts.output should be(Some("output.csv")) // bad call val badOpts = SQLRunner.parseOpts(List()) badOpts.sqlFiles should be(List()) badOpts.output should be(None) // ugly call val uglyOpts = SQLRunner.parseOpts(List("a.sql", "-o", "output.csv", "b.sql")) uglyOpts.sqlFiles should be(List("a.sql", "b.sql")) uglyOpts.output should be(Some("output.csv")) } def runSQLTest(input: String, expectedOutput: String): Unit = { val inputStream: InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()) val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() SQLRunner.sql(inputStream, outputStream) val output = outputStream.toString output should be(expectedOutput) } test("can run dummy query") { val input = "SELECT 1;" val output = "1\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } test("can run multiple dummy queries") { val input = """ |SELECT 1;SELECT 2; |SELECT 3; """.stripMargin val output = "1\n2\n3\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } test("can run a basic example with tables") { val input = """ |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE; |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE LIMIT 1; |DROP TABLE DEMO_TABLE; """.stripMargin val output = "1,a\n2,b\n3,c\n1,a\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } test("can run an example with comments") { val input = """ |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE; -- this is the first query |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE LIMIT 1; |-- now let's drop a table |DROP TABLE DEMO_TABLE; """.stripMargin val output = "1,a\n2,b\n3,c\n1,a\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } }
Example 191
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From sbt-coursera with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.lamp import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import Settings._ object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec]() extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(this.getClass().getClassLoader()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, clazz, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) println("") fileCount += 1 println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(line) => " at line " + line + (column match { case Some(column) => " character " + column case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String, courseId: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = Console.withOut(new PrintStream(output)) { new CustomTextOutput().output(messages) } val msg = output.toString + "Processed " + outputResult.files + " file(s)\n" + "Found " + outputResult.errors + " errors\n" + "Found " + outputResult.warnings + " warnings\n" + (if (outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings > 0) "Consult the style guide at %s/wiki/ScalaStyleGuide".format(baseURL(courseId)) else "") (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 192
Source File: RegisterNodeSerializerTest.scala From JustinDB with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package justin.db.kryo import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import justin.db.actors.protocol.RegisterNode import justin.db.consistenthashing.NodeId import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class RegisterNodeSerializerTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { behavior of "RegisterNode Serializer" it should "serialize/deserialize correctly" in { // kryo init val kryo = new Kryo() kryo.register(classOf[RegisterNode], RegisterNodeSerializer) // object val serializedData = RegisterNode(NodeId(1)) // serialization val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(bos) val _ = kryo.writeObject(output, serializedData) output.flush() // deserialization val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray) val input = new Input(bis) val deserializedData = kryo.readObject(input, classOf[RegisterNode]) serializedData shouldBe deserializedData } }
Example 193
Source File: DataSerializerTest.scala From JustinDB with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package justin.db.kryo import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.util.UUID import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import justin.db.Data import justin.db.consistenthashing.NodeId import justin.db.vectorclocks.{Counter, VectorClock} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class DataSerializerTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { behavior of "Data Serializer" it should "serialize/deserialize correctly" in { // kryo init val kryo = new Kryo() kryo.register(classOf[justin.db.Data], DataSerializer) // object val vClock = VectorClock[NodeId](Map(NodeId(1) -> Counter(3))) val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() val serializedData = Data(id = UUID.randomUUID(), value = "some value", vClock, timestamp) // serialization val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(bos) val _ = kryo.writeObject(output, serializedData) output.flush() // deserialization val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray) val input = new Input(bis) val deserializedData = kryo.readObject(input, classOf[Data]) serializedData shouldBe deserializedData } }
Example 194
Source File: StorageNodeWriteDataLocalSerializerTest.scala From JustinDB with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package justin.db.kryo import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.util.UUID import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import justin.db.Data import justin.db.actors.protocol.StorageNodeWriteDataLocal import justin.db.consistenthashing.NodeId import justin.db.vectorclocks.{Counter, VectorClock} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class StorageNodeWriteDataLocalSerializerTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { behavior of "StorageNodeWriteDataLocal Serializer" it should "serialize/deserialize StorageNodeWriteDataLocal" in { // kryo init val kryo = new Kryo() kryo.register(classOf[StorageNodeWriteDataLocal], StorageNodeWriteDataLocalSerializer) // object val data = Data( id = UUID.randomUUID(), value = "some value", vclock = VectorClock[NodeId](Map(NodeId(1) -> Counter(3))), timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() ) val serializedData = StorageNodeWriteDataLocal(data) // serialization val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(bos) val _ = kryo.writeObject(output, serializedData) output.flush() // deserialization val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray) val input = new Input(bis) val deserializedData = kryo.readObject(input, classOf[StorageNodeWriteDataLocal]) serializedData shouldBe deserializedData } }
Example 195
Source File: StorageNodeLocalReadSerializerTest.scala From JustinDB with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package justin.db.kryo import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.util.UUID import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import justin.db.actors.protocol.StorageNodeLocalRead import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class StorageNodeLocalReadSerializerTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { behavior of "StorageNodeLocalReader Serializer" it should "serialize/deserialize correctly" in { // kryo init val kryo = new Kryo() kryo.register(classOf[StorageNodeLocalRead], StorageNodeLocalReadSerializer) // object val serializedData = StorageNodeLocalRead(UUID.randomUUID()) // serialization val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val output = new Output(bos) val _ = kryo.writeObject(output, serializedData) output.flush() // deserialization val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray) val input = new Input(bis) val deserializedData = kryo.readObject(input, classOf[StorageNodeLocalRead]) serializedData shouldBe deserializedData } }
Example 196
Source File: RocksDBStorage.scala From JustinDB with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import java.util.UUID import{Input, Output} import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.{Kryo, Serializer} import{Ack, StorageGetData} import org.rocksdb.{FlushOptions, Options, RocksDB} import scala.concurrent.Future // TODO: // Current version store every single data under one file (totally doesn't care about data originality). // Data should be eventually splitted by ring partitionId. // This might be an issue during possible data movements between nodes. final class RocksDBStorage(dir: File) extends PluggableStorageProtocol { import RocksDBStorage._ { RocksDB.loadLibrary() } private[this] val kryo = new Kryo() private[this] val db: RocksDB = { val options: Options = new Options().setCreateIfMissing(true), dir.getPath) } override def get(id: UUID)(resolveOriginality: (UUID) => PluggableStorageProtocol.DataOriginality): Future[PluggableStorageProtocol.StorageGetData] = { val key: Array[Byte] = uuid2bytes(kryo, id) val dataBytes: Array[Byte] = db.get(key) val justinDataOpt = Option(dataBytes).map { dataBytes => val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBytes)), input, classOf[JustinData]) } Future.successful( } override def put(data: JustinData)(resolveOriginality: (UUID) => PluggableStorageProtocol.DataOriginality): Future[PluggableStorageProtocol.Ack] = { val key: Array[Byte] = uuid2bytes(kryo, val dataBytes: Array[Byte] = { val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) JustinDataSerializer.write(kryo, output, data) output.getBuffer } db.put(key, dataBytes) db.flush(new FlushOptions().setWaitForFlush(true)) Ack.future } } object RocksDBStorage { def uuid2bytes(kryo: Kryo, id: UUID): Array[Byte] = { val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream(), 16) UUIDSerializer.write(kryo, output, id) output.getBuffer } object UUIDSerializer extends Serializer[UUID] { override def read(kryo: Kryo, input: Input, `type`: Class[UUID]): UUID = { new UUID(input.readLong, input.readLong) } override def write(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, uuid: UUID): Unit = { output.writeLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits) output.writeLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits) } } object JustinDataSerializer extends Serializer[JustinData] { override def read(kryo: Kryo, input: Input, `type`: Class[JustinData]): JustinData = { JustinData( id =, input, classOf[UUID]), value = input.readString(), vclock = input.readString(), timestamp = input.readLong() ) } override def write(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, data: JustinData): Unit = { UUIDSerializer.write(kryo, output, output.writeString(data.value) output.writeString(data.vclock) output.writeLong(data.timestamp) } } }
Example 197
Source File: JustinDataSerializerTest.scala From JustinDB with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import java.util.UUID import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import{Input, Output} import import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class JustinDataSerializerTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { behavior of "JustinDataSerializer" it should "serialize/deserialize JustinData with Kryo" in { val kryo = new Kryo() val data = JustinData( id = UUID.randomUUID, value = "to jest przykladowa wartość", vclock = "vclock-value", timestamp = 1234124L ) // serialize val output = new Output(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) JustinDataSerializer.write(kryo, output, data) val dataBytes = output.getBuffer // deserialize val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBytes)), input, classOf[JustinData]) shouldBe data } }
Example 198
Source File: AvroRandomExtractor.scala From streamliner-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.spark.examples.avro import com.memsql.spark.etl.api._ import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import{DatumWriter, EncoderFactory} import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter import // Generates an RDD of byte arrays, where each is a serialized Avro record. class AvroRandomExtractor extends Extractor { var count: Int = 1 var generator: AvroRandomGenerator = null var writer: DatumWriter[GenericData.Record] = null var avroSchema: Schema = null def schema: StructType = StructType(StructField("bytes", BinaryType, false) :: Nil) val parser: Schema.Parser = new Schema.Parser() override def initialize(ssc: StreamingContext, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Unit = { val userConfig = config.asInstanceOf[UserExtractConfig] val avroSchemaJson = userConfig.getConfigJsValue("avroSchema") match { case Some(s) => s case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("avroSchema must be set in the config") } count = userConfig.getConfigInt("count").getOrElse(1) avroSchema = parser.parse(avroSchemaJson.toString) writer = new SpecificDatumWriter(avroSchema) generator = new AvroRandomGenerator(avroSchema) } override def next(ssc: StreamingContext, time: Long, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Option[DataFrame] = { val rdd = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize((1 to count).map(_ => Row({ val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(out, null) val avroRecord: GenericData.Record =[GenericData.Record] writer.write(avroRecord, encoder) encoder.flush out.close out.toByteArray }))) Some(sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)) } }
Example 199
Source File: ResponseHelper.scala From ledger-manager-chrome with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, StringWriter} import java.nio.charset.Charset import org.json.{JSONArray, JSONObject} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.scalajs.js import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object ResponseHelper { implicit class ResponseFuture(f: Future[HttpClient#Response]) { def json: Future[(JSONObject, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => (new JSONObject(body), response) } } def jsonArray: Future[(JSONArray, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => (new JSONArray(body), response) } } def string: Future[(String, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => val writer = new StringWriter(body.length) body foreach {(char) => writer.append(char.toChar) } (writer.toString, response) } } def bytes: Future[(Array[Byte], HttpClient#Response)] = { { response => val input = response.body val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val buffer = new Array[Byte](4096) var read = 0 while ({read =; read} > 0) { output.write(buffer, 0, read) } val result = output.toByteArray input.close() output.close() (result, response) } } def noResponseBody: Future[HttpClient#Response] = { f.andThen { case Success(response) => response.body.close() response case Failure(cause) => throw cause } } } }
Example 200
Source File: utils.scala From spark-http-stream with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.http import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.TimestampType import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import import import class WrongArgumentException(name: String, value: Any) extends RuntimeException(s"wrong argument: $name=$value") { } class MissingRequiredArgumentException(map: Map[String, String], paramName: String) extends RuntimeException(s"missing required argument: $paramName, all parameters=$map") { } class InvalidSerializerNameException(serializerName: String) extends RuntimeException(s"invalid serializer name: $serializerName") { } object SchemaUtils { def buildSchema(schema: StructType, includesTimestamp: Boolean, timestampColumnName: String = "_TIMESTAMP_"): StructType = { if (!includesTimestamp) schema; else StructType(schema.fields.toSeq :+ StructField(timestampColumnName, TimestampType, false)); } } object Params { def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte]): Any = { val kryo = kryoSerializer.newKryo(); val input = new Input(); input.setBuffer(bytes); kryo.readClassAndObject(input); } }