java.util.Calendar Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use java.util.Calendar.
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Example 1
Source File: CalendarFormats.scala From sjson-new with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package sjsonnew import java.util.{ Calendar, GregorianCalendar } import java.time._ import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter trait CalendarFormats { self: IsoFormats => private val utc: ZoneId = ZoneId.of("UTC") implicit val localDateTimeStringIso: IsoString[LocalDateTime] = { IsoString.iso[LocalDateTime]( (ld: LocalDateTime) => { val datetimefmt = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME ld.format(datetimefmt) }, (s: String) => { val datetimefmt = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME LocalDateTime.parse(s, datetimefmt) }) } }
Example 2
Source File: JacksonMessageWriter.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, SimpleTimeZone} import import{MediaType, MultivaluedMap} import{MessageBodyWriter, Provider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} @Provider @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) private[v1] class JacksonMessageWriter extends MessageBodyWriter[Object]{ val mapper = new ObjectMapper() { override def writeValueAsString(t: Any): String = { super.writeValueAsString(t) } } mapper.registerModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule) mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT) mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) mapper.setDateFormat(JacksonMessageWriter.makeISODateFormat) override def isWriteable( aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Boolean = { true } override def writeTo( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType, multivaluedMap: MultivaluedMap[String, AnyRef], outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = { t match { case ErrorWrapper(err) => outputStream.write(err.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) case _ => mapper.writeValue(outputStream, t) } } override def getSize( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Long = { -1L } } private[spark] object JacksonMessageWriter { def makeISODateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val iso8601 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'GMT'") val cal = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")) iso8601.setCalendar(cal) iso8601 } }
Example 3
Source File: JacksonMessageWriter.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, SimpleTimeZone} import import{MediaType, MultivaluedMap} import{MessageBodyWriter, Provider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} @Provider @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) private[v1] class JacksonMessageWriter extends MessageBodyWriter[Object]{ val mapper = new ObjectMapper() { override def writeValueAsString(t: Any): String = { super.writeValueAsString(t) } } mapper.registerModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule) mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT) mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) mapper.setDateFormat(JacksonMessageWriter.makeISODateFormat) override def isWriteable( aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Boolean = { true } override def writeTo( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType, multivaluedMap: MultivaluedMap[String, AnyRef], outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = { t match { case ErrorWrapper(err) => outputStream.write(err.getBytes("utf-8")) case _ => mapper.writeValue(outputStream, t) } } override def getSize( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Long = { -1L } } private[spark] object JacksonMessageWriter { def makeISODateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val iso8601 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'GMT'") val cal = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")) iso8601.setCalendar(cal) iso8601 } }
Example 4
Source File: JVMCrossDate.scala From perfolation with MIT License | 5 votes |
package perfolation import java.util.{Calendar, TimeZone} class JVMCrossDate(val calendar: java.util.Calendar) extends AnyVal with CrossDate { override def milliseconds: Long = calendar.getTimeInMillis override def hour24: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) override def minuteOfHour: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) override def secondOfMinute: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) override def milliOfSecond: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) override def isAM: Boolean = calendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM) == 0 override def timeZoneOffsetMillis: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) override def year: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) override def month: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) override def dayOfWeek: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) override def dayOfMonth: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) override def dayOfYear: Int = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - 1 override def timeZone: String = calendar.getTimeZone.getDisplayName(calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0, TimeZone.SHORT) }
Example 5
Source File: SchemaData.scala From pulsar-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.pulsar import java.sql.Timestamp import java.util import java.util.Calendar import scala.beans.BeanProperty import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object SchemaData { val booleanSeq = Seq(true, false, true, true, false) val bytesSeq = val cal = Calendar.getInstance() cal.clear() val dateSeq = (1 to 5).map { i => cal.set(2019, 0, i) cal.getTime } cal.clear() val timestampSeq = (1 to 5).map { i => cal.set(2019, 0, i, 20, 35, 40) new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis) } val stringSeq = val int8Seq = val doubleSeq = val floatSeq = val int32Seq = val int64Seq = val int16Seq = case class Foo(@BeanProperty i: Int, @BeanProperty f: Float, @BeanProperty bar: Bar) case class Bar(@BeanProperty b: Boolean, @BeanProperty s: String) case class F1(@BeanProperty baz: Baz) case class Baz( @BeanProperty f: Float, @BeanProperty d: Double, @BeanProperty mp: util.Map[String, Bar], @BeanProperty arr: Array[Bar]) val fooSeq: Seq[Foo] = Foo(1, 1.0.toFloat, Bar(true, "a")) :: Foo(2, 2.0.toFloat, Bar(false, "b")) :: Foo(3, 0, null) :: Nil val f1Seq: Seq[F1] = F1( Baz( Float.NaN, Double.NaN, Map("1" -> Bar(true, "1"), "2" -> Bar(false, "2")).asJava, Array(Bar(true, "1"), Bar(true, "2")))) :: F1( Baz( Float.NegativeInfinity, Double.NegativeInfinity, Map("" -> Bar(true, "1")).asJava, null)) :: F1(Baz(Float.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity, null, null)) :: F1(Baz(1.0.toFloat, 2.0, null, null)) :: Nil val f1Results = => (f1.baz.f, f1.baz.d, if ( == null) null else, f1.baz.arr)) }
Example 6
Source File: GimelProperties.scala From gimel with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.paypal.gimel.common.conf import{File, FileInputStream} import java.util.{Calendar, Properties} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger class GimelProperties(userProps: Map[String, String] = Map[String, String]()) { // Get Logger val logger = Logger()"Initiating --> ${this.getClass.getName}") // Get Properties val props: mutable.Map[String, String] = getProps val runTagUUID: String = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString val startTimeMS: String = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis.toString val tagToAdd: String = s"_$startTimeMS" private def getConf(key: String): String = { userProps.getOrElse(key, props(key)) } // Kafka Properties val kafkaBroker: String = getConf(GimelConstants.KAFKA_BROKER_LIST) val kafkaConsumerCheckPointRoot: String = getConf(GimelConstants.KAFKA_CONSUMER_CHECKPOINT_PATH) val kafkaAvroSchemaKey: String = getConf(GimelConstants.KAFKA_CDH_SCHEMA) val confluentSchemaURL: String = getConf(GimelConstants.CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_URL) val hbaseNameSpace: String = getConf(GimelConstants.HBASE_NAMESPACE) val zkHostAndPort: String = getConf(GimelConstants.ZOOKEEPER_LIST) val zkPrefix: String = getConf(GimelConstants.ZOOKEEPER_STATE) val esHost: String = getConf(GimelConstants.ES_NODE) val esPort: String = getConf(GimelConstants.ES_PORT) // Kerberos val keytab: String = getConf(GimelConstants.KEY_TAB) val principal: String = getConf(GimelConstants.KEY_TAB_PRINCIPAL) val cluster: String = getConf(GimelConstants.CLUSTER) val dataSetDeploymentClusters: String = getConf(GimelConstants.DEPLOYMENT_CLUSTERS) val defaultESCluster: String = props(GimelConstants.ES_POLLING_STORAGES) def hiveURL(cluster: String): String = { userProps.getOrElse(s"gimel.hive.$cluster.url", props(s"gimel.hive.$cluster.url")) } def esURL(escluster: String): String = { val alternateConfig = props(s"${defaultESCluster}.url") userProps.getOrElse(GimelConstants.ES_URL_WITH_PORT, alternateConfig) } def apply(params: Map[String, String]): GimelProperties = new GimelProperties(params) }
Example 7
Source File: TSQR.scala From SparkAndMPIFactorizations with MIT License | 5 votes |
package edu.berkeley.cs.amplab.mlmatrix import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import breeze.linalg._ import edu.berkeley.cs.amplab.mlmatrix.util.QRUtils import edu.berkeley.cs.amplab.mlmatrix.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.Accumulator import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import java.util.Calendar import java.text.SimpleDateFormat class modifiedTSQR extends Serializable { def report(message: String, verbose: Boolean = true) = { val now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("H:m:s") if (verbose) { println("STATUS REPORT (" + formatter.format(now) + "): " + message) } } private def reduceQR( acc: Accumulator[Double], a: Tuple2[DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]], b: Tuple2[DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]): Tuple2[DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] = { val begin = System.nanoTime val outmat = QRUtils.qrR(DenseMatrix.vertcat(a._2, b._2), false) val outcolnorms = a._1 + b._1 acc += ((System.nanoTime - begin) / 1e6) (outcolnorms, outmat) } }
Example 8
Source File: JacksonMessageWriter.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, SimpleTimeZone} import import{MediaType, MultivaluedMap} import{MessageBodyWriter, Provider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} @Provider @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) private[v1] class JacksonMessageWriter extends MessageBodyWriter[Object]{ val mapper = new ObjectMapper() { override def writeValueAsString(t: Any): String = { super.writeValueAsString(t) } } mapper.registerModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule) mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT) mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) mapper.setDateFormat(JacksonMessageWriter.makeISODateFormat) override def isWriteable( aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Boolean = { true } override def writeTo( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType, multivaluedMap: MultivaluedMap[String, AnyRef], outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = { t match { case ErrorWrapper(err) => outputStream.write(err.getBytes("utf-8")) case _ => mapper.writeValue(outputStream, t) } } override def getSize( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Long = { -1L } } private[spark] object JacksonMessageWriter { def makeISODateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val iso8601 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'GMT'") val cal = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")) iso8601.setCalendar(cal) iso8601 } }
Example 9
Source File: Driver.scala From OnlineLDA_Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.yuhao.yang import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer object Driver extends Serializable{ def main(args: Array[String]) { Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.ERROR) Logger.getLogger("akka").setLevel(Level.ERROR) val inputDir = args(0) val filePaths = extractPaths(inputDir + "texts", true) val stopWordsPath = inputDir + "stop.txt" val vocabPath = inputDir + "wordsEn.txt" println("begin: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime) println("path size: " + filePaths.size) assert(filePaths.size > 0) val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("online LDA Spark") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val vocab = Docs2Vec.extractVocab(sc, Seq(vocabPath), stopWordsPath) val vocabArray = val K = args(1).toInt // val lda = OnlineLDA_Spark.runBatchMode(sc, filePaths, vocab, K, 50) val lda = OnlineLDA_Spark.runOnlineMode(sc, filePaths, vocab, K, args(2).toInt) println("_lambda:") for(row <- 0 until lda._lambda.rows){ val v = lda._lambda(row, ::).t val topk = lda._lambda(row, ::).t.argtopk(10) val pairs = => (vocabArray(k), v(k))) val sorted = pairs.sortBy(_._2).reverse println( => (x._1)).mkString(","), => ("%2.2f".format(x._2))).mkString(",")) } println("end: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) } def extractPaths(path: String, recursive: Boolean = true): Array[String] ={ val docsets = ArrayBuffer[String]() val fileList = new if(fileList == null) return docsets.toArray for(f <- fileList){ if(f.isDirectory){ if(recursive) docsets ++= extractPaths(f.getAbsolutePath, true) } else{ docsets += f.getAbsolutePath } } docsets.toArray } }
Example 10
Source File: StreamingDemo.scala From flink-demos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.dataartisans.flink.example.eventpattern import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util import java.util.{Calendar, Properties, UUID} import com.dataartisans.flink.example.eventpattern.kafka.EventDeSerializer import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.{RuntimeContext, RichFlatMapFunction} import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.{ValueState, ValueStateDescriptor} import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._ import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.elasticsearch.{IndexRequestBuilder, ElasticsearchSink} import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaConsumer08 import org.apache.flink.util.Collector import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest import org.elasticsearch.client.Requests class StateMachineMapper extends RichFlatMapFunction[Event, Alert] { private[this] var currentState: ValueState[State] = _ override def open(config: Configuration): Unit = { currentState = getRuntimeContext.getState( new ValueStateDescriptor("state", classOf[State], InitialState)) } override def flatMap(t: Event, out: Collector[Alert]): Unit = { val state = currentState.value() val nextState = state.transition(t.event) nextState match { case InvalidTransition => out.collect(Alert(t.sourceAddress, state, t.event)) case x if x.terminal => currentState.clear() case x => currentState.update(nextState) } } }
Example 11
Source File: JacksonMessageWriter.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Locale, SimpleTimeZone} import import{MediaType, MultivaluedMap} import{MessageBodyWriter, Provider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} @Provider @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) private[v1] class JacksonMessageWriter extends MessageBodyWriter[Object]{ val mapper = new ObjectMapper() { override def writeValueAsString(t: Any): String = { super.writeValueAsString(t) } } mapper.registerModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule) mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT) mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) mapper.setDateFormat(JacksonMessageWriter.makeISODateFormat) override def isWriteable( aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Boolean = { true } override def writeTo( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType, multivaluedMap: MultivaluedMap[String, AnyRef], outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = { t match { case ErrorWrapper(err) => outputStream.write(err.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) case _ => mapper.writeValue(outputStream, t) } } override def getSize( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Long = { -1L } } private[spark] object JacksonMessageWriter { def makeISODateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val iso8601 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'GMT'", Locale.US) val cal = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")) iso8601.setCalendar(cal) iso8601 } }
Example 12
Source File: BusinessLogger.scala From languagedetector with MIT License | 5 votes |
package biz.meetmatch.logging import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory object BusinessLogger { def getDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") } class BusinessLogger(module: String) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("businessLogger") def calcStarted(options: String, sparkAppId: String): Unit = { log(s"CALC\tSTART\t$options\t$sparkAppId") } def calcStopped(result: String): Unit = { log(s"CALC\tSTOP\t$result") } def jobStarted(jobId: Int, jobDescription: String, stageCount: Int, executionId: Option[String]): Unit = { log(s"JOB\t$jobId\tSTART\t${jobDescription.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t$stageCount\t${executionId.getOrElse("")}") } def jobStopped(jobId: Int, result: String): Unit = { log(s"JOB\t$jobId\tSTOP\t$result") } def transactionStarted(category: String, id: String, stageId: Int = -1, partitionId: Int = -1, taskId: Long = -1, message: String = ""): Unit = { log(s"TRANSACTION\t$category\t$id\tSTART\t$stageId\t$partitionId\t$taskId\t${message.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}") } def transactionStopped(category: String, id: String): Unit = { log(s"TRANSACTION\t$category\t$id\tSTOP") } def dataParquetRead(tableName: String, count: Long = -1): Unit = { log(s"DATA\tPARQUET\tREAD\t${tableName.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t$count") } def dataParquetWritten(tableName: String, countBefore: Long, countAfter: Long): Unit = { log(s"DATA\tPARQUET\tWRITE\t${tableName.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t$countBefore\t$countAfter") } def dataJdbcRead(tableName: String, count: Long = -1): Unit = { log(s"DATA\tJDBC\tREAD\t${tableName.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t$count") } def dataJdbcWritten(tableName: String, countBefore: Long = -1, countAfter: Long = -1, countUpdated: Long = -1): Unit = { log(s"DATA\tJDBC\tWRITE\t${tableName.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t$countBefore\t$countAfter\t$countUpdated") } def info(subject: String, message: String): Unit = { log(s"MESSAGE\tINFO\t${subject.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t${message.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}") } def warn(subject: String, message: String): Unit = { log(s"MESSAGE\tWARN\t${subject.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t${message.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}") } def error(subject: String, message: String): Unit = { log(s"MESSAGE\tERROR\t${subject.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}\t${message.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")}") } private def log(line: String) = {"${BusinessLogger.getDateFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance.getTime)}\t$module\t$line") } } case class LogLineWorkflow(message: String, startDate: String, stopDate: Date, duration: String, state: String, options: Array[Array[String]], sparkAppId: String, calcs: Array[LogLineCalc], warnings: Int, errors: Int) case class LogLineCalc(module: String, startDate: String, stopDate: Date, duration: String, state: String, options: Array[Array[String]], sparkAppId: String, jobs: Array[LogLineJob], transactionCategories: Array[LogLineTransactionCategory], dataReads: Array[LogLineDataRead], dataWrites: Array[LogLineDataWrite], messages: Array[LogLineMessage]) case class LogLineJob(id: Int, startDate: String, duration: String, state: String, description: String, stageCount: Int, executionId: Int = -1) case class LogLineTransactionCategory(category: String, transactions: Array[LogLineTransaction], numberOfTransactions: Int, averageFinishedTransactionDuration: String) case class LogLineTransaction(category: String, id: String, stageId: Int, partitionId: Int, taskId: Long, message: String, startDate: String, duration: String, state: String) case class LogLineDataRead(storage: String, tableName: String, count: Int, date: String) case class LogLineDataWrite(storage: String, tableName: String, countBefore: Int, countAfter: Int, countUpdated: Int, date: String) case class LogLineMessage(category: String, subject: String, message: String, date: String)
Example 13
Source File: OilPriceFunc.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.geomesa import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{udf, window, last, col, lag} object OilPriceFunc { // use this if the window function misbehaves due to timezone e.g. BST // ./spark-shell --driver-java-options "-Duser.timezone=UTC" // ./spark-submit --conf 'spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Duser.timezone=UTC' // define a function to reformat the date field def convert(date:String) : String = { val df1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy") val dt = df1.parse(date) val df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") df2.format(dt) } // create and save oil price changes def createOilPriceDF(inputfile: String, outputfile: String, spark: SparkSession) = { val oilPriceDF = spark. read. option("header", "true"). option("inferSchema", "true"). csv(inputfile) val convertDateUDF = udf { (Date: String) => convert(Date) } val oilPriceDatedDF = oilPriceDF.withColumn("DATE", convertDateUDF(oilPriceDF("DATE"))) // offset to start at beginning of week val windowDF = oilPriceDatedDF.groupBy(window(oilPriceDatedDF.col("DATE"), "7 days", "7 days", "4 days")) val windowLastDF = windowDF.agg(last("PRICE") as "last(PRICE)").sort("window") //, false) val sortedWindow = Window.orderBy("window.start") val lagLastCol = lag(col("last(PRICE)"), 1).over(sortedWindow) val lagLastColDF = windowLastDF.withColumn("lastPrev(PRICE)", lagLastCol) //, false) val simplePriceChangeFunc = udf { (last: Double, prevLast: Double) => var change = ((last - prevLast) compare 0).signum if (change == -1) change = 0 change.toDouble } val findDateTwoDaysAgoUDF = udf { (date: String) => val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") val cal = Calendar.getInstance cal.setTime(dateFormat.parse(date)) cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -3) dateFormat.format(cal.getTime) } val oilPriceChangeDF = lagLastColDF.withColumn("label", simplePriceChangeFunc( lagLastColDF("last(PRICE)"), lagLastColDF("lastPrev(PRICE)") )).withColumn("commonFriday", findDateTwoDaysAgoUDF(lagLastColDF("window.end"))) //, false)"label", "commonFriday"). write. format("com.databricks.spark.csv"). option("header", "true"). //.option("codec", "") save(outputfile) } }
Example 14
Source File: ApplicationKeystore.scala From OUTDATED_ledger-wallet-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import java.math.BigInteger import{PasswordProtection, PrivateKeyEntry} import{KeyStore, SecureRandom} import java.util.Calendar import import android.content.Context import co.ledger.wallet.core.crypto.Crypto import org.spongycastle.x509.X509V3CertificateGenerator import import scala.concurrent.Future class ApplicationKeystore(context: Context, val keystoreName: String) extends Keystore(context) { def install(passwordProtection: PasswordProtection): Future[Keystore] = { assert(!file.exists(), "The keystore already exists") val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType) keyStore.load(null) val output = context.openFileOutput(keystoreName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE), passwordProtection.getPassword) output.close() load(passwordProtection) } def setPassword(password: String): Unit = { require(password != null, "Password cannot be null") _password = password.toCharArray store() } override protected def loadJavaKeyStore(passwordProtection: PasswordProtection): Future[JavaKeyStore] = { Future { assert(file.exists(), "The keystore is not installed yet") val keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType) val input = context.openFileInput(keystoreName) keystore.load(input, passwordProtection.getPassword) input.close() _password = passwordProtection.getPassword keystore } } override def generateKey(alias: String): JavaKeyPair = { Crypto.ensureSpongyIsInserted() val kpg ="RSA") val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() val now = calendar.getTime calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, 100) val end = calendar.getTime kpg.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom()) val keypair = kpg.generateKeyPair() val certGen = new X509V3CertificateGenerator() val dnName = new X500Principal("CN=Ledger") certGen.setSerialNumber(BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())) certGen.setSubjectDN(dnName) certGen.setIssuerDN(dnName) certGen.setNotBefore(now) certGen.setNotAfter(end) certGen.setPublicKey(keypair.getPublic) certGen.setSignatureAlgorithm("SHA256WithRSAEncryption") val certificate = certGen.generate(keypair.getPrivate, "SC") javaKeystore.get.setEntry(alias, new PrivateKeyEntry(keypair.getPrivate, Array(certificate)), null) store() Crypto.ensureSpongyIsRemoved() keypair } def delete(): Unit = { file.delete() } def isInstalled = file.exists() private[this] def store(): Unit = { file.delete() val output = context.openFileOutput(keystoreName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE), _password) output.close() } @inline private[this] def file = new File(context.getFilesDir, keystoreName) private var _password: Array[Char] = null }
Example 15
Source File: AndroidKeystore.scala From OUTDATED_ledger-wallet-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.math.BigInteger import import import java.util.Calendar import import android.content.Context import import co.ledger.wallet.core.crypto.Crypto import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Future} class AndroidKeystore(context: Context) extends Keystore(context) { override protected def loadJavaKeyStore(passwordProtection: PasswordProtection): Future[JavaKeyStore] = { Crypto.ensureSpongyIsRemoved() val keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore") keystore.load(null) Future.successful(keystore) } override def generateKey(alias: String): JavaKeyPair = { Crypto.ensureSpongyIsRemoved() val kpg ="RSA", "AndroidKeyStore") val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() val now = calendar.getTime calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, 100) val end = calendar.getTime kpg.initialize( new KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder(context.getApplicationContext) .setAlias(alias) .setStartDate(now) .setEndDate(end) .setSerialNumber(BigInteger.valueOf(1)) .setSubject(new X500Principal("CN=Ledger")) .build() ) kpg.generateKeyPair() } }
Example 16
Source File: DQCommandLineOptions.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package it.agilelab.bigdata.DataQuality.utils import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import org.joda.time import org.joda.time.DateTime import scopt.OptionParser case class DQCommandLineOptions(applicationConf: String, configFilePath: String, refDate: Date = new Date(), repartition: Boolean = false, local: Boolean = false) object DQCommandLineOptions { def parser(): OptionParser[DQCommandLineOptions] = new OptionParser[DQCommandLineOptions]("dataquality") { opt[String]('a', "application-conf") required () action { (x, c) => c.copy(applicationConf = x) } text "Path to application configuration file" opt[String]('c', "configFilePath") required () action { (x, c) => c.copy(configFilePath = x) } text "Path to run configuration file" opt[Calendar]('d', "reference-date") required () action { (x, c) => c.copy(refDate = x.getTime) } text "Indicates the date at which the DataQuality checks will be performed (format YYYY-MM-DD)" opt[Unit]('r', "repartition") optional () action { (_, c) => c.copy(repartition = true) } text "Specifies whether the application is repartitioning the input data" opt[Unit]('l', "local") optional () action { (_, c) => c.copy(local = true) } text "Specifies whether the application is operating in local mode" } }
Example 17
Source File: Footer.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.Calendar import import scalatags.Text.all._ object Footer { def apply(authorName: String, authorUrl: URL, startYear: Int): Modifier = { tag("footer")(PageStyle.footerCls, PageStyle.sectionDark)( div(PageStyle.footerContent)( span( raw("Site contents "), i(`class` := "fa fa-copyright", attr("aria-hidden") := "true"), raw(" "), a(href := authorUrl.toString)(authorName), raw(s", $startYear-${Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)}") ) ) ) } }
Example 18
Source File: OutputInterceptorFactory.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.deepsense.sessionmanager.service.sessionspawner.sparklauncher.outputintercepting import import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.logging._ import java.util.{Calendar, UUID} import import import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher import ai.deepsense.commons.models.ClusterDetails case class OutputInterceptorHandle private [outputintercepting] ( private val logger: Logger, private val childProcLoggerName: String, private val loggerFileHandler: FileHandler ) { def attachTo(sparkLauncher: SparkLauncher): Unit = { sparkLauncher.setConf( "spark.launcher.childProcLoggerName", childProcLoggerName ) } def writeOutput(text: String): Unit = { } def close(): Unit = { loggerFileHandler.close() } } class OutputInterceptorFactory @Inject()( @Named("session-executor.spark-applications-logs-dir") val executorsLogDirectory: String ) { def prepareInterceptorWritingToFiles(clusterDetails: ClusterDetails): OutputInterceptorHandle = { new File(executorsLogDirectory).mkdirs() val childProcLoggerName = s"WE-app-${UUID.randomUUID()}" val logger = Logger.getLogger(childProcLoggerName) val fileName = { val time = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() // Colons are not allowed in Windows filenames val format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") val formattedTime = format.format(time) val illegalFileNameCharactersRegExp = "[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]" s"$formattedTime-${, "_")}.log" } val fileHandler = new FileHandler(s"$executorsLogDirectory/$fileName") fileHandler.setFormatter(new SimpleFormaterWithoutOutputRedirectorNoise) logger.addHandler(fileHandler) sys.addShutdownHook { fileHandler.close() } OutputInterceptorHandle(logger, childProcLoggerName, fileHandler) } class SimpleFormaterWithoutOutputRedirectorNoise extends Formatter { val simpleFormatter = new SimpleFormatter override def format(logRecord: LogRecord): String = { val formatted = simpleFormatter.format(logRecord) val redirectorNoise = "org.apache.spark.launcher.OutputRedirector redirect\nINFO: " val beginningOfRedirectorNoise = formatted.indexOf(redirectorNoise) val endOfRedirectorNoise = if (beginningOfRedirectorNoise > 0) { beginningOfRedirectorNoise + redirectorNoise.length } else { 0 } formatted.substring(endOfRedirectorNoise) } } }
Example 19
Source File: Encoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.jdbc import java.sql.{ Date, Timestamp, Types } import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime } import java.util.{ Calendar, TimeZone } import java.{ sql, util } trait Encoders { this: JdbcContextBase[_, _] => type Encoder[T] = JdbcEncoder[T] protected val dateTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault case class JdbcEncoder[T](sqlType: Int, encoder: BaseEncoder[T]) extends BaseEncoder[T] { override def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) = encoder(index + 1, value, row) } def encoder[T](sqlType: Int, f: (Index, T, PrepareRow) => Unit): Encoder[T] = JdbcEncoder(sqlType, (index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) => { f(index, value, row) row }) def encoder[T](sqlType: Int, f: PrepareRow => (Index, T) => Unit): Encoder[T] = encoder(sqlType, (index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) => f(row)(index, value)) implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: Encoder[O]): Encoder[I] = JdbcEncoder(e.sqlType, mappedBaseEncoder(mapped, e.encoder)) private[this] val nullEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder(Types.INTEGER, _.setNull) implicit def optionEncoder[T](implicit d: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Option[T]] = JdbcEncoder( d.sqlType, (index, value, row) => value match { case Some(v) => d.encoder(index, v, row) case None => nullEncoder.encoder(index, d.sqlType, row) } ) implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String] = encoder(Types.VARCHAR, _.setString) implicit val bigDecimalEncoder: Encoder[BigDecimal] = encoder(Types.NUMERIC, (index, value, row) => row.setBigDecimal(index, value.bigDecimal)) implicit val byteEncoder: Encoder[Byte] = encoder(Types.TINYINT, _.setByte) implicit val shortEncoder: Encoder[Short] = encoder(Types.SMALLINT, _.setShort) implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder(Types.INTEGER, _.setInt) implicit val longEncoder: Encoder[Long] = encoder(Types.BIGINT, _.setLong) implicit val floatEncoder: Encoder[Float] = encoder(Types.FLOAT, _.setFloat) implicit val doubleEncoder: Encoder[Double] = encoder(Types.DOUBLE, _.setDouble) implicit val byteArrayEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = encoder(Types.VARBINARY, _.setBytes) implicit val dateEncoder: Encoder[util.Date] = encoder(Types.TIMESTAMP, (index, value, row) => row.setTimestamp(index, new sql.Timestamp(value.getTime), Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone))) implicit val localDateEncoder: Encoder[LocalDate] = encoder(Types.DATE, (index, value, row) => row.setDate(index, Date.valueOf(value), Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone))) implicit val localDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[LocalDateTime] = encoder(Types.TIMESTAMP, (index, value, row) => row.setTimestamp(index, Timestamp.valueOf(value), Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone))) }
Example 20
Source File: Decoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.jdbc import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime } import java.util import java.util.Calendar import scala.math.BigDecimal.javaBigDecimal2bigDecimal trait Decoders { this: JdbcContextBase[_, _] => type Decoder[T] = JdbcDecoder[T] case class JdbcDecoder[T](decoder: BaseDecoder[T]) extends BaseDecoder[T] { def apply(index: Index, row: ResultRow) = decoder(index + 1, row) } def decoder[T](d: BaseDecoder[T]): Decoder[T] = JdbcDecoder(d) def decoder[T](f: ResultRow => Index => T): Decoder[T] = decoder((index, row) => f(row)(index)) implicit def mappedDecoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], d: Decoder[I]): Decoder[O] = JdbcDecoder(mappedBaseDecoder(mapped, d.decoder)) implicit def optionDecoder[T](implicit d: Decoder[T]): Decoder[Option[T]] = JdbcDecoder( (index, row) => { try { // According to the JDBC spec, we first need to read the object before `row.wasNull` works row.getObject(index) if (row.wasNull()) { None } else { Some(d.decoder(index, row)) } } catch { case _: NullPointerException if row.wasNull() => None } } ) implicit val stringDecoder: Decoder[String] = decoder(_.getString) implicit val bigDecimalDecoder: Decoder[BigDecimal] = decoder((index, row) => row.getBigDecimal(index)) implicit val byteDecoder: Decoder[Byte] = decoder(_.getByte) implicit val shortDecoder: Decoder[Short] = decoder(_.getShort) implicit val intDecoder: Decoder[Int] = decoder(_.getInt) implicit val longDecoder: Decoder[Long] = decoder(_.getLong) implicit val floatDecoder: Decoder[Float] = decoder(_.getFloat) implicit val doubleDecoder: Decoder[Double] = decoder(_.getDouble) implicit val byteArrayDecoder: Decoder[Array[Byte]] = decoder(_.getBytes) implicit val dateDecoder: Decoder[util.Date] = decoder((index, row) => new util.Date(row.getTimestamp(index, Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone)).getTime)) implicit val localDateDecoder: Decoder[LocalDate] = decoder((index, row) => row.getDate(index, Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone)).toLocalDate) implicit val localDateTimeDecoder: Decoder[LocalDateTime] = decoder((index, row) => row.getTimestamp(index, Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone)).toLocalDateTime) }
Example 21
Source File: JacksonMessageWriter.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, SimpleTimeZone} import import{MediaType, MultivaluedMap} import{MessageBodyWriter, Provider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} @Provider @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) private[v1] class JacksonMessageWriter extends MessageBodyWriter[Object]{ val mapper = new ObjectMapper() { override def writeValueAsString(t: Any): String = { super.writeValueAsString(t) } } mapper.registerModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule) mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT) mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) mapper.setDateFormat(JacksonMessageWriter.makeISODateFormat) override def isWriteable( aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Boolean = { true } override def writeTo( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType, multivaluedMap: MultivaluedMap[String, AnyRef], outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = { t match { case ErrorWrapper(err) => outputStream.write(err.getBytes("utf-8")) case _ => mapper.writeValue(outputStream, t) } } override def getSize( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Long = { -1L } } private[spark] object JacksonMessageWriter { def makeISODateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val iso8601 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'GMT'") val cal = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")) iso8601.setCalendar(cal) iso8601 } }
Example 22
Source File: DateHelper.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector.test.util import java.sql.{ Date => sqlDate, Timestamp } import java.util.{ Calendar, Date, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone } object DateHelper { def dateFor(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int, hours: Int = 0, minutes: Int = 0, seconds: Int = 0, millis: Int = 0, tz: TimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault): Date = { import java.util.Calendar._ val cal = new GregorianCalendar() cal.setTimeZone(tz) if (year > 0) cal.set(YEAR, year) if (month >= 0) cal.set(MONTH, month) if (day > 0) cal.set(DAY_OF_MONTH, day) cal.set(HOUR_OF_DAY, hours) cal.set(MINUTE, minutes) cal.set(SECOND, seconds) cal.set(MILLISECOND, millis) cal.getTime } def timestampFor(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int, hours: Int = 0, minutes: Int = 0, seconds: Int = 0, millis: Int = 0, tz: TimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault): Timestamp = new Timestamp(dateFor(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, millis, tz).getTime) def timeFor(hours: Int, minutes: Int, seconds: Int): Timestamp = { import java.util.Calendar val year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) val month = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) val day = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DATE) timestampFor(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) } def ansiDateFor(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int): sqlDate = new sqlDate(dateFor(year, month, day).getTime()) }
Example 23
Source File: huemul_DataLakeSetting.scala From huemul-bigdatagovernance with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.huemulsolutions.bigdata.datalake import java.util.Calendar import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import com.huemulsolutions.bigdata.common.huemul_BigDataGovernance import com.huemulsolutions.bigdata.common.huemul_KeyValuePath import huemulType_FileType._ class huemul_DataLakeSetting(huemulBigDataGov: huemul_BigDataGovernance) extends Serializable { var rowDelimiterForPDF: String = "\\n" private var use_year: Integer = null def getuse_year: Integer = {return use_year} private var use_month: Integer = null def getuse_month: Integer = {return use_month} private var use_day: Integer = null def getuse_day: Integer = {return use_day} private var use_hour: Integer = null def getuse_hour: Integer = {return use_hour} private var use_minute: Integer = null def getuse_minute: Integer = {return use_minute} private var use_second: Integer = null def getuse_second: Integer = {return use_second} private var use_params: String = "" def getuse_params: String = {return use_params} def SetParamsInUse(ano: Integer, mes: Integer, dia: Integer, hora: Integer, min: Integer, seg: Integer, AdditionalParams: String){ use_year = ano use_month = mes use_day = dia use_hour = hora use_minute = min use_second = seg use_params = AdditionalParams } def GetFullNameWithPath() : String = { return GetPath(GlobalPath) + LocalPath + FileName } def GetDataBase(Division: ArrayBuffer[huemul_KeyValuePath]): String = { return huemulBigDataGov.GlobalSettings.GetDataBase(huemulBigDataGov, Division) } def GetDataBase(Division: ArrayBuffer[huemul_KeyValuePath], ManualEnvironment: String): String = { return huemulBigDataGov.GlobalSettings.GetDataBase(huemulBigDataGov, Division, ManualEnvironment) } def GetPath(Division: ArrayBuffer[huemul_KeyValuePath]): String = { return huemulBigDataGov.GlobalSettings.GetPath(huemulBigDataGov, Division) } def GetPath(Division: ArrayBuffer[huemul_KeyValuePath], ManualEnvironment: String): String = { return huemulBigDataGov.GlobalSettings.GetPath(huemulBigDataGov, Division, ManualEnvironment) } }
Example 24
Source File: JwtDirectivesSpec.scala From spray-jwt with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.kikuomax.spray.jwt import com.nimbusds.jose.{ JWSAlgorithm, JWSObject } import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet import java.util.Calendar import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, SECONDS } import spray.routing.HttpService import spray.routing.authentication.UserPass import spray.testkit.Specs2RouteTest import JwtClaimBuilder.claimExpiration class JwtDirectivesSpec extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest with HttpService with JwtDirectives { // uses the one provided by spray.testkit override def actorRefFactory = system // implicit execution context implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher // creates signer and verifier val signature = JwtSignature(JWSAlgorithm.HS256, "thisHasGotToBeAtleast32BitsLong.") // claims set builder that builds a claims set valid for one second val oneSecondBuilder: String => Option[JWTClaimsSet] = claimExpiration(Duration(1, SECONDS)) // route that builds a claims set valid for one second val oneSecondRoute = get { def authenticator = jwtAuthenticator(up => Future { })( oneSecondBuilder, signature.jwtSigner, executionContext) def authentication = authenticator(Some(UserPass("user", "pass"))).map { u => Right(u.get) } authenticate(authentication) { jws => complete(jws.serialize()) } } "One second claims set builder" should { "build claims set valid for one second" in { val now = Calendar.getInstance() val expireBefore = now.clone().asInstanceOf[Calendar] expireBefore.add(Calendar.SECOND, 2) // in 2 seconds Get() ~> oneSecondRoute ~> check { val jws = JWSObject.parse(responseAs[String]) val claims = JWTClaimsSet.parse(jws.getPayload().toJSONObject()) // expects claims set // should expire after now but in 2 seconds from `now` claims.getExpirationTime().after(now.getTime()) must beTrue claims.getExpirationTime().before(expireBefore.getTime()) must beTrue } } } }
Example 25
Source File: KafkaOffsetRevertTest.scala From flink-rookie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.venn.kafka import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import com.venn.common.Common import com.venn.util.MathUtil import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord} import scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val producer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](Common.getProp(true)) var i = 0; while (true) { // val map = Map("id"-> i, "createTime"-> sdf.format(System.currentTimeMillis())) val map = Map("id" -> i, "createTime" -> sdf.format(System.currentTimeMillis()), "amt" -> (MathUtil.random.nextInt(10) + "." + MathUtil.random.nextInt(10))) val jsonObject: JSONObject = new JSONObject(map) println(jsonObject.toString()) // topic current_day val msg = new ProducerRecord[String, String]("kafka_offset", jsonObject.toString()) producer.send(msg) producer.flush() Thread.sleep(1000) i = i + 1 // System.exit(-1) } } }
Example 26
Source File: SlotPartitionMaker.scala From flink-rookie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.venn.demo import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import com.venn.common.Common import com.venn.util.MathUtil import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord} import scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject def getCreateTime(): String = { // minute = minute + 1 calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 10) sdf.format(calendar.getTime) } val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val prop = Common.getProp prop.put("key.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") prop.put("value.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") val producer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](Common.getProp) calendar.setTime(new Date()) println(sdf.format(calendar.getTime)) var i = 0; while (true) { val map = Map("id" -> i, "createTime" -> getCreateTime(), "amt" -> (MathUtil.random.nextInt(10) + "." + MathUtil.random.nextInt(10))) val jsonObject: JSONObject = new JSONObject(map) println(jsonObject.toString()) // topic current_day val msg = new ProducerRecord[String, String]("slot_partition", jsonObject.toString()) producer.send(msg) producer.flush() if (MathUtil.random.nextBoolean()) { Thread.sleep(1500) } else { Thread.sleep(500) } i = i + 1 // System.exit(-1) } } }
Example 27
Source File: FileSinkMaker.scala From flink-rookie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import com.venn.common.Common import{calendar, getCreateTime, sdf} import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord} import scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject object FileSinkMaker { val topic = "async" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { while (true) { left("roll_file_sink") Thread.sleep(100) } } val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss") var idLeft = 0 def left(topic: String) = { val producer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](Common.getProp) idLeft = idLeft + 1 val map = Map("id" -> idLeft, "name" -> ("venn" + System.currentTimeMillis()), "date" -> getCreateTime) val jsonObject: JSONObject = new JSONObject(map) println("left : " + jsonObject.toString()) val msg = new ProducerRecord[String, String](topic, jsonObject.toString()) // producer.send(msg) // producer.flush() } var minute : Int = 1 val calendar: Calendar = Calendar.getInstance() def getCreateTime(): String = { // minute = minute + 1 calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 10) sdf.format(calendar.getTime) } }
Example 28
Source File: WindowDemoMaker.scala From flink-rookie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import com.venn.common.Common import com.venn.util.MathUtil import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord} import scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject def getCreateTime(): String = { // minute = minute + 1 calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 10) sdf.format(calendar.getTime) } val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val producer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](Common.getProp) calendar.setTime(new Date()) println(sdf.format(calendar.getTime)) var i = 0; while (true) { val map = Map("id" -> i, "createTime" -> getCreateTime(), "amt" -> (MathUtil.random.nextInt(10) + "." + MathUtil.random.nextInt(10))) val jsonObject: JSONObject = new JSONObject(map) println(jsonObject.toString()) // topic current_day val msg = new ProducerRecord[String, String]("current_day", jsonObject.toString()) producer.send(msg) producer.flush() if (MathUtil.random.nextBoolean()) { Thread.sleep(1500) } else { Thread.sleep(500) } i = i + 1 // System.exit(-1) } } }
Example 29
Source File: LateDataMaker.scala From flink-rookie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import com.venn.common.Common import com.venn.util.MathUtil import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord} import scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject def getCreateTime(): String = { // minute = minute + 1 calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, 10) sdf.format(calendar.getTime) } val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val producer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](Common.getProp) calendar.setTime(new Date()) println(sdf.format(calendar.getTime)) var i =74540; while (true) { // val map = Map("id"-> i, "createTime"-> sdf.format(System.currentTimeMillis())) val map = Map("id"-> i, "createTime"-> getCreateTime(), "amt"-> (MathUtil.random.nextInt(10) +"." + MathUtil.random.nextInt(10))) val jsonObject: JSONObject = new JSONObject(map) println(jsonObject.toString()) // topic current_day val msg = new ProducerRecord[String, String]("late_data", jsonObject.toString()) producer.send(msg) producer.flush() Thread.sleep(200) i = i + 1 // System.exit(-1) } } }
Example 30
Source File: CurrentDayMaker.scala From flink-rookie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import com.venn.common.Common import com.venn.util.MathUtil import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord} import scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject def getCreateTime(): String = { // minute = minute + 1 calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 10) sdf.format(calendar.getTime) } val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val producer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](Common.getProp) calendar.setTime(new Date()) println(sdf.format(calendar.getTime)) var i =0; while (true) { // val map = Map("id"-> i, "createTime"-> sdf.format(System.currentTimeMillis())) val map = Map("id"-> i, "createTime"-> getCreateTime(), "amt"-> (MathUtil.random.nextInt(10) +"." + MathUtil.random.nextInt(10))) val jsonObject: JSONObject = new JSONObject(map) println(jsonObject.toString()) // topic current_day val msg = new ProducerRecord[String, String]("current_day", jsonObject.toString()) producer.send(msg) producer.flush() Thread.sleep(1000) i = i + 1 // System.exit(-1) } } }
Example 31
Source File: DateUtilsTest.scala From bigdata-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.timeyang.common.util import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import org.junit.Test @Test class DateUtilsTest { @Test def test(): Unit = { // scalastyle:off println(DateUtils.current()) val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHH") println(formatter.format(System.currentTimeMillis())) // scalastyle:on } @Test def testTime(): Unit = { val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() val hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) // scalastyle:off println println(hour) // scalastyle:on println calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 60 * 60 * 1000) val hourOfNext = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) print(hourOfNext) } }
Example 32
Source File: JacksonMessageWriter.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Locale, SimpleTimeZone} import import{MediaType, MultivaluedMap} import{MessageBodyWriter, Provider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} @Provider @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) private[v1] class JacksonMessageWriter extends MessageBodyWriter[Object]{ val mapper = new ObjectMapper() { override def writeValueAsString(t: Any): String = { super.writeValueAsString(t) } } mapper.registerModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule) mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT) mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) mapper.setDateFormat(JacksonMessageWriter.makeISODateFormat) override def isWriteable( aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Boolean = { true } override def writeTo( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType, multivaluedMap: MultivaluedMap[String, AnyRef], outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = { t match { case ErrorWrapper(err) => outputStream.write(err.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) case _ => mapper.writeValue(outputStream, t) } } override def getSize( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Long = { -1L } } private[spark] object JacksonMessageWriter { def makeISODateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val iso8601 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'GMT'", Locale.US) val cal = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")) iso8601.setCalendar(cal) iso8601 } }
Example 33
Source File: DataGens.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector import java.math.BigDecimal import java.{ sql => jsql } import java.util.Calendar import scala.collection.Seq import scala.util.Try import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.scalacheck.Gen import com.actian.spark_vector.colbuffer.util.MillisecondsInDay import java.math.RoundingMode object DataGens { import com.actian.spark_vector.DataTypeGens._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Gen._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val DefaultMaxRows = 500 val booleanGen: Gen[Boolean] = arbitrary[Boolean] val byteGen: Gen[Byte] = arbitrary[Byte] val shortGen: Gen[Short] = arbitrary[Short] val intGen: Gen[Int] = arbitrary[Int] val longGen: Gen[Long] = arbitrary[Long] // FIXME allow arbitrary doubles (and filter externally for vector tests) val floatGen: Gen[Float] = arbitrary[Float].map(f => if (f.abs > 1e-38) f else 0.0f) // FIXME allow arbitrary doubles (and filter externally for vector tests) val doubleGen: Gen[Double] = for { neg <- arbitrary[Boolean] digits <- listOfN(12, choose(0, 9)) } yield s"${if (neg) "-" else ""}1.${digits.mkString("")}".toDouble val decimalGen: Gen[BigDecimal] = arbitrary[scala.BigDecimal].retryUntil(bd => bd.scale <= 12 && bd.scale >= 0 && bd.precision <= 26 && Try { new BigDecimal(bd.toString) }.isSuccess).map(bd => new BigDecimal(bd.toString)) private val dateValueGen: Gen[Long] = choose(-3600L * 1000 * 24 * 100000L, 3600L * 1000 * 24 * 100000L) // @note normalize getTime so that we don't have diffs more than 1 day in between our {JDBC,Spark}results val dateGen: Gen[jsql.Date] = => new jsql.Date(d / MillisecondsInDay * MillisecondsInDay)) val timestampGen: Gen[jsql.Timestamp] = for (ms <- dateValueGen) yield new jsql.Timestamp(ms) // FIXME allow empty strings (and filter externally for vector tests) // @note we do not allow invalid UTF8 chars to be generated (from D800 to DFFF incl) val stringGen: Gen[String] = listOfN(choose(1, 512).sample.getOrElse(1), arbitrary[Char]).map(_.mkString).map( s => s.filter(c => Character.isDefined(c) && c != '\u0000' && (c < '\uD800' || c > '\uDFFF')) ) def valueGen(dataType: DataType): Gen[Any] = dataType match { case BooleanType => booleanGen case ByteType => byteGen case ShortType => shortGen case IntegerType => intGen case LongType => longGen case FloatType => floatGen case DoubleType => doubleGen case TimestampType => timestampGen case DateType => dateGen case StringType => stringGen case _: DecimalType => decimalGen case _ => throw new Exception("Invalid data type.") } def nullableValueGen(field: StructField): Gen[Any] = { val gen = valueGen(field.dataType) if (field.nullable) frequency(1 -> gen, 10 -> const(null)) else gen } def rowGen(schema: StructType): Gen[Row] = sequence( => nullableValueGen(f))).map(l => Row.fromSeq(l.asScala)) // TODO Huh? Why ju.ArrayList?!? def dataGenFor(schema: StructType, maxRows: Int): Gen[Seq[Row]] = for { numRows <- choose(1, maxRows) rows <- listOfN(numRows, rowGen(schema)) } yield rows case class TypedData(dataType: StructType, data: Seq[Row]) val dataGen: Gen[TypedData] = for { schema <- schemaGen data <- dataGenFor(schema, DefaultMaxRows) } yield TypedData(schema, data) val allDataGen: Gen[TypedData] = for { schema <- allTypesSchemaGen data <- dataGenFor(schema, DefaultMaxRows) } yield TypedData(schema, data) }
Example 34
Source File: TimeColumnBuffer.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector.colbuffer.time import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.sql.Timestamp import java.util.{ Calendar, TimeZone } import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils import com.actian.spark_vector.ComposePartial import com.actian.spark_vector.colbuffer._ import com.actian.spark_vector.colbuffer.util._ import com.actian.spark_vector.vector.VectorDataType private case class TimeColumnBufferParams(cbParams: ColumnBufferBuildParams, converter: TimeConversion.TimeConverter, adjustToUTC: Boolean = false) private[colbuffer] abstract class TimeColumnBuffer(p: TimeColumnBufferParams, valueWidth: Int) extends ColumnBuffer[Timestamp, Long](, p.cbParams.maxValueCount, valueWidth, valueWidth, p.cbParams.nullable) { private val ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) private val cal = Calendar.getInstance override def put(source: Timestamp, buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = { if (p.adjustToUTC) { TimeConversion.convertLocalTimestampToUTC(source, cal) } val convertedSource = p.converter.convert(TimeConversion.normalizeTime(source), p.cbParams.scale) putConverted(convertedSource, buffer) } protected def putConverted(converted: Long, buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit override def get(buffer: ByteBuffer): Long = { val deconvertedSource = p.converter.deconvert(getConverted(buffer), p.cbParams.scale) ts.setTime(TimeConversion.scaleNanos(deconvertedSource, MillisecondsScale)) ts.setNanos((deconvertedSource % PowersOfTen(NanosecondsScale)).toInt) if (p.adjustToUTC) { TimeConversion.convertUTCToLocalTimestamp(ts, cal) } DateTimeUtils.fromJavaTimestamp(ts) } protected def getConverted(buffer: ByteBuffer): Long } private class TimeIntColumnBuffer(p: TimeColumnBufferParams) extends TimeColumnBuffer(p, IntSize) { override protected def putConverted(converted: Long, buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = buffer.putInt(converted.toInt) override protected def getConverted(buffer: ByteBuffer): Long = buffer.getInt() } private class TimeLongColumnBuffer(p: TimeColumnBufferParams) extends TimeColumnBuffer(p, LongSize) { override protected def putConverted(converted: Long, buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = buffer.putLong(converted) override protected def getConverted(buffer: ByteBuffer): Long = buffer.getLong() } private class TimeNZLZConverter extends TimeConversion.TimeConverter { override def convert(unscaledNanos: Long, scale: Int): Long = TimeConversion.scaleNanos(unscaledNanos, scale) override def deconvert(scaledNanos: Long, scale: Int): Long = TimeConversion.unscaleNanos(scaledNanos, scale) } private class TimeTZConverter extends TimeConversion.TimeConverter { override def convert(unscaledNanos: Long, scale: Int): Long = (TimeConversion.scaleNanos(unscaledNanos, scale) << TimeMaskSize) override def deconvert(scaledNanos: Long, scale: Int): Long = TimeConversion.unscaleNanos(scaledNanos >> TimeMaskSize, scale) } private[colbuffer] object TimeColumnBuffer extends ColumnBufferBuilder { private final val (nzlzIntScaleBounds, nzlzLongScaleBounds) = ((0, 4), (5, 9)) private final val (tzIntScaleBounds, tzLongScaleBounds) = ((0, 1), (2, 9)) private val calIsNotUTC = Calendar.getInstance.getTimeZone != TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") private val buildNZPartial: PartialFunction[ColumnBufferBuildParams, TimeColumnBufferParams] = ofDataType(VectorDataType.TimeType) andThen { TimeColumnBufferParams(_, new TimeNZLZConverter(), calIsNotUTC) } private val buildLZPartial: PartialFunction[ColumnBufferBuildParams, TimeColumnBufferParams] = ofDataType(VectorDataType.TimeLTZType) andThen { TimeColumnBufferParams(_, new TimeNZLZConverter()) } private val buildNZLZ: PartialFunction[ColumnBufferBuildParams, ColumnBuffer[_, _]] = (buildNZPartial orElse buildLZPartial) andThenPartial { case nzlz if isInBounds(nzlz.cbParams.scale, nzlzIntScaleBounds) => new TimeIntColumnBuffer(nzlz) case nzlz if isInBounds(nzlz.cbParams.scale, nzlzLongScaleBounds) => new TimeLongColumnBuffer(nzlz) } private val buildTZPartial: PartialFunction[ColumnBufferBuildParams, TimeColumnBufferParams] = ofDataType(VectorDataType.TimeTZType) andThen { TimeColumnBufferParams(_, new TimeTZConverter()) } private val buildTZ: PartialFunction[ColumnBufferBuildParams, ColumnBuffer[_, _]] = buildTZPartial andThenPartial { case tz if isInBounds(tz.cbParams.scale, tzIntScaleBounds) => new TimeIntColumnBuffer(tz) case tz if isInBounds(tz.cbParams.scale, tzLongScaleBounds) => new TimeLongColumnBuffer(tz) } override private[colbuffer] val build: PartialFunction[ColumnBufferBuildParams, ColumnBuffer[_, _]] = buildNZLZ orElse buildTZ }
Example 35
Source File: DateColumnBuffer.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.sql.Date import java.util.Calendar import com.actian.spark_vector.colbuffer._ import com.actian.spark_vector.vector.VectorDataType private class DateColumnBuffer(p: ColumnBufferBuildParams) extends ColumnBuffer[Date, Int](, p.maxValueCount, DateSize, DateSize, p.nullable) { private final val DaysBeforeEpoch = 719528 private final val JulianBoundary = 578101 private final val CenturyDays = 36524 override def put(source: Date, buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = { val cal = Calendar.getInstance cal.set(source.getYear, source.getMonth, source.getDate()) val dayOfYear = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) val year = source.getYear + 1900 // Need to convert to proleptic gregorian calendar date var days = (year * 365) + ((year - 1) / 4) - (year / 100) + (year / 400) + dayOfYear // Need to adjust for error in Jan-Feb of certain century years if (year % 100 == 0 && year % 400 != 0 && dayOfYear < 61) days += 1 buffer.putInt(days) } override def get(buffer: ByteBuffer): Int = { val days = buffer.getInt() var offset = 0 // Need to convert from proleptic gregorian to julian if date before 1582/10/14 if (days < JulianBoundary) { val n = (days - 366) / CenturyDays offset = n - (n / 4 + 2) // Need to adjust for error in Jan-Feb of certain century years val cdays = days % CenturyDays val qdays = days % (CenturyDays * 4) if (qdays > 365 && cdays < 366 && cdays > (59 + n / 4)) { offset += 1 } } days - DaysBeforeEpoch + offset } } private[colbuffer] object DateColumnBuffer extends ColumnBufferBuilder { override private[colbuffer] val build: PartialFunction[ColumnBufferBuildParams, ColumnBuffer[_, _]] = ofDataType(VectorDataType.DateType) andThen { new DateColumnBuffer(_) } }
Example 36
Source File: InputSource.scala From flink-parameter-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Calendar import{AnyOrWatermark, EventWithTimestamp} import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.watermark.Watermark import{BufferedSource, Source} class InputSource[T <: EventWithTimestamp](dataFilePath: String, servingSpeed: Int, fromString: String => T, baseDataStartTime: Option[Long], simulationEndTime: Option[Long]) extends SourceFunction[T] { private val simEndTime: Long = simulationEndTime.getOrElse(0L) override def cancel(): Unit = ??? def createList(reader: BufferedSource): List[T] = { reader .getLines() .map(fromString) .toList } override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[T]): Unit = { val reader = Source.fromFile(dataFilePath) val events: List[T] = createList(reader) val dataStartTime: Long = baseDataStartTime match { case Some(dst) => dst case None => events.head.getEventTime } val sortedEvents = events .map(x => AnyOrWatermark(x.getEventTime, x)) .toArray val servingStartTime = Calendar.getInstance.getTimeInMillis sortedEvents .foreach( event => { val now = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis val servingTime = toServingTime(servingStartTime, dataStartTime, event.time) val waitTime = servingTime - now Thread.sleep(math.max(waitTime, 0)) event.value match { case v: T => ctx.collectWithTimestamp(v, event.time) case wm: Watermark => ctx.emitWatermark(wm) } }) } private def toServingTime(servingStartTime: Long, dataStartTime: Long, eventTime: Long) = { if(simEndTime != 0 && eventTime >= simEndTime){ val dataDiff = eventTime - simEndTime ((servingStartTime + (simEndTime / servingSpeed)) + dataDiff) - (dataStartTime / servingSpeed) } else{ val dataDiff = eventTime - dataStartTime servingStartTime + (dataDiff / servingSpeed) } } }
Example 37
Source File: TimeSpec.scala From ez-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ecfront.ez.framework.core.misc import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import com.ecfront.ez.framework.core.BasicSpec class TimeSpec extends BasicSpec { test("ZeroTimeOffset Test") { val dfd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd") def getZeroTimeOffset = { val currentTime = new Date() val currentDay = dfd.parse(dfd.format(currentTime)) val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTime(currentDay) calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1) calendar.getTime.getTime - currentTime.getTime } println(getZeroTimeOffset) Thread.sleep(10000) println(getZeroTimeOffset) val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTimeInMillis(new Date().getTime + getZeroTimeOffset) println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS").format(calendar.getTime)) } }
Example 38
Source File: TimeHelper.scala From ez-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ecfront.ez.framework.core.helper import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.time.ZonedDateTime import java.util.{Calendar, Date, TimeZone} object TimeHelper { val msf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS") val sf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss") val mf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm") val hf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHH") val df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd") val Mf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM") val yf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy") val yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_SSS = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS") val yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") val yyyy_MM_dd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") def dateOffset(offsetValue: Int, offsetUnit: Int, currentTime: Long): Long = { val format = currentTime.toString.length match { case 8 => df case 10 => hf case 12 => mf case 14 => sf case 17 => msf } val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTime(format.parse(currentTime + "")) calendar.add(offsetUnit, offsetValue) format.format(calendar.getTime).toLong } def dateOffset(offsetValue: Int, offsetUnit: Int, currentDate: Date): Date = { val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTime(currentDate) calendar.add(offsetUnit, offsetValue) calendar.getTime } def utc2Local(utcTime: String, localTimePatten: String = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"): String = { val utcDate = Date.from(ZonedDateTime.parse(utcTime).toInstant) val localF = new SimpleDateFormat(localTimePatten) localF.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault) localF.format(utcDate.getTime) } }
Example 39
Source File: Output.scala From Clustering4Ever with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clustering4ever.spark.clustering.mtm import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector import scala.sys.process._ import java.util.Calendar import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import import object Output extends Serializable { def saveStr(savingPath: String, value: String, fileName: String = "") = { s"mkdir -p ${savingPath}".! val finalPath = savingPath + fileName val fw = new FileWriter(finalPath, true) fw.write(value + "\n") fw.close() } def write(outputDir: String, datas: RDD[Array[Double]], model: AbstractModel, nbRowSOM:Int, nbColSOM: Int): String = { val now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() val format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss") val time = format.format(now) val dim = datas.first.size val datasWithIndex = val path: String = outputDir + "/EXP-" + time + "/" s"mkdir -p ${path}".! val mapMin = Array.fill[Byte](dim)(0).mkString(",") var header = "# mapDim=2 mapSize={"+ nbRowSOM +"," + nbColSOM + "}" header += " pointDim=" + dim + " pointRealDim=" + dim + " mapMin={" + mapMin + "}" val prototypes = d => (, d.point)).sortBy(_._1).map(_._2) println("Write Prototypes...") val protosString = d => d.toArray.mkString(",")).mkString("\n") // Utiliser fileWriter saveStr(path, header + "\n" + protosString, "maps") val sumAffectedDatas = d => (model.findClosestPrototype(d).id, 1)).reduceByKey{ case (sum1, sum2) => sum1 + sum2 }.collectAsMap // fill in all the prototypes that have 0 observations val card = (0 until prototypes.length).map( d => if (sumAffectedDatas.contains(d)) sumAffectedDatas(d) + "" else "0" ) println("Write Cardinalities...") var cardHeader = "# mapDim=2 mapSize={"+ nbRowSOM +"," + nbColSOM + "}" cardHeader += "pointDim=1 pointRealDim=0 mapMin={0} mapMax={0}" val cardStr = card.mkString("\n") saveStr(path, cardHeader + "\n" + cardStr, "cards") val affHeader = "# mapDim=1 mapSize={" + datas.count() + "} pointDim=1 pointRealDim=0 mapMin={0} mapMax={0}" val aff = => (d._1, model.findClosestPrototype(d._2).id + "")).sortByKey().values.collect.mkString("\n") println("Write Affiliate...") saveStr(path, affHeader + "\n" + aff, "affs") println("Write Maps...") val maps = => d._1.toArray.mkString(",") + "," + d._2).mkString("\n") saveStr(path, maps, "mapscard") println("Write successfully...") time } }
Example 40
Source File: EnvVarSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.json import org.specs2.mutable.Specification // for unit-style testing import org.specs2.execute.Result import org.specs2.execute.Failure import org.specs2.execute.Success import scala.math.BigInt import java.util.Calendar import skuber.EnvVar import format._ import play.api.libs.json._ class EnvVarSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber formatter for env vars.\n ".txt // EnvVar reader and writer "An EnvVar can be read from json\n" >> { "this can be done for an env var with a field ref with a field path" >> { val env1 = Json.fromJson[EnvVar](Json.parse( """ |{ | "name": "PODNAME", | "valueFrom" : { | "fieldRef": { | "fieldPath": "" | } | } |} """.stripMargin)).get val env2 = EnvVar("PODNAME", EnvVar.FieldRef("")) env1 mustEqual env2 } } }
Example 41
Source File: Warn.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package emul import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import object Warn { val now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime val fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MM_yyyy_hh_mm_aa") val timestamp = fmt.format(now) var warns: Int = 0 lazy val log = new PrintStream(timestamp + ".log") def apply(x: => String): Unit = { log.println(x) warns += 1 } def close(): Unit = { if (warns > 0) { println(Warn.warns + " warnings occurred during program execution. See " + Warn.timestamp + ".log for details") log.close() } } }
Example 42
Source File: L5-7MultipleSocketStreams.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.streaming.{ Seconds, StreamingContext } import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.PairDStreamFunctions import java.util.Calendar object TripByYearMultiApp { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println( "Usage: TripByYearMultiApp <appname> <hostname> <base_port> <num_of_sockets>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, hostname, basePort, nSockets) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10)) val streams = (0 to nSockets.toInt - 1).map(i => ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, basePort.toInt + i)) val uniStream = ssc.union(streams) uniStream .map(rec => rec.split(",")) .map(rec => (rec(13), rec(0).toInt)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) .map(pair => (pair._2, normalizeYear(pair._1))) .transform(rec => rec.sortByKey(ascending = false)) .saveAsTextFiles("TripByYear") ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def normalizeYear(s: String): String = { try { (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - s.toInt).toString } catch { case e: Exception => s } } }
Example 43
Source File: SuggestionController.scala From Aton with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import java.sql.Timestamp import java.util.Calendar import import model.form.SuggestionForm import model.{Role, Suggestion} import play.api.Environment import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi import services.{SuggestionService, UserService, state} import views.html._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class SuggestionController @Inject()(suggestionService: SuggestionService, val messagesApi: MessagesApi)(implicit userService: UserService, executionContext: ExecutionContext, environment: Environment) extends ControllerWithNoAuthRequired { def home = AsyncStack { implicit request => implicit val (username: Option[String], isAdmin: Boolean) = loggedIn match { case Some(user) => (Some(user.username), user.role == Role.Administrator) case _ => (None, false) } if (isAdmin) { { suggestions => Ok//(index(messagesApi("suggestion"), suggestionHome(SuggestionForm.form, suggestions))) } } else { Future.successful(Ok)//(index(messagesApi("suggestion"), suggestionHome(SuggestionForm.form, Seq.empty[Suggestion])))) } } def add = AsyncStack() { implicit request => implicit val (username: Option[String], isAdmin: Boolean) = loggedIn match { case Some(user) => (Some(user.username), user.role == Role.Administrator) case _ => (None, false) } SuggestionForm.form.bindFromRequest().fold( errorForm => Future.successful(Ok(errorForm.toString)), data => { val text = data.suggestion val suggestion = Suggestion(0, text, now, username) suggestionService.add(suggestion).map { case state.ActionCompleted => Redirect(routes.SuggestionController.home()) case _ => BadRequest } } ) } private def now = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTime.getTime) }
Example 44
Source File: ExcelOutputWriter.scala From spark-hadoopoffice-ds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.math.BigDecimal import java.sql.Date import java.sql.Timestamp import java.text.DateFormat import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import import import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{ CatalystTypeConverters, InternalRow } import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.OutputWriter import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import import import import import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import import java.util.Locale import java.text.DecimalFormat import import java.text.NumberFormat // NOTE: This class is instantiated and used on executor side only, no need to be serializable. private[excel] class ExcelOutputWriter( path: String, dataSchema: StructType, context: TaskAttemptContext, options: Map[String, String]) extends OutputWriter { def write(row: Row): Unit = { // check useHeader if (useHeader) { val headers = row.schema.fieldNames var i = 0 for (x <- headers) { val headerColumnSCD = new SpreadSheetCellDAO(x, "", "", MSExcelUtil.getCellAddressA1Format(currentRowNum, i), defaultSheetName) recordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), headerColumnSCD) i += 1 } currentRowNum += 1 useHeader = false } // for each value in the row if (row.size>0) { var currentColumnNum = 0; val simpleObject = new Array[AnyRef](row.size) for (i <- 0 to row.size - 1) { // for each element of the row val obj = row.get(i) if ((obj.isInstanceOf[Seq[String]]) && (obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]].length==5)) { val formattedValue = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](0) val comment = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](1) val formula = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](2) val address = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](3) val sheetName = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](4) simpleObject(i) = new SpreadSheetCellDAO(formattedValue,comment,formula,address,sheetName) } else { simpleObject(i)=obj.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] } } // convert row to spreadsheetcellDAO val spreadSheetCellDAORow = simpleConverter.getSpreadSheetCellDAOfromSimpleDataType(simpleObject, defaultSheetName, currentRowNum) // write it for (x<- spreadSheetCellDAORow) { recordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), x) } } currentRowNum += 1 } override def close(): Unit = { recordWriter.close(context) currentRowNum = 0; } }
Example 45
Source File: AppendAction.scala From gatling-imap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.linagora.gatling.imap.action import java.util.Calendar import import com.linagora.gatling.imap.check.ImapCheck import com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol.{Command, UserId} import io.gatling.commons.validation.Validation import io.gatling.core.action.ValidatedActionActor import io.gatling.core.session._ import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object AppendAction { def props(imapContext: ImapActionContext, requestname: String, checks: Seq[ImapCheck], mailbox: Expression[String], flags: Expression[Option[Seq[String]]], date: Expression[Option[Calendar]], content: Expression[String]) = Props(new AppendAction(imapContext, requestname, checks, mailbox, flags, date, content)) } class AppendAction(val imapContext: ImapActionContext, val requestName: String, override val checks: Seq[ImapCheck], mailbox: Expression[String], flags: Expression[Option[Seq[String]]], date: Expression[Option[Calendar]], content: Expression[String]) extends ValidatedActionActor with ImapActionActor { override protected def executeOrFail(session: Session): Validation[_] = { for { mailbox <- mailbox(session) flags <- flags(session) date <- date(session) content <- content(session) } yield { val id: Long = session.userId val handler = handleResponse(session, imapContext.clock.nowMillis) sessions.tell(Command.Append(UserId(id), mailbox, flags, date, content), handler) } } }
Example 46
Source File: ImapSimpleScenario.scala From gatling-imap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.linagora.gatling.imap.scenario import java.util.Calendar import com.linagora.gatling.imap.PreDef._ import com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol.command.FetchAttributes.AttributeList import com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol.command.MessageRange._ import com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol.command.{MessageRanges, Silent, StoreFlags} import io.gatling.core.Predef._ import io.gatling.core.feeder.FeederBuilder import io.gatling.core.scenario.Simulation import io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.duration._ object ImapSimpleScenario extends Simulation { private val receiveEmail = exec(imap("append").append("INBOX", Some(Seq("\\Flagged")), Option.empty[Calendar], """From: [email protected] |To: [email protected] |Subject: test subject | |Test content |abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |0123456789""".stripMargin).check(ok)) def apply(feeder: FeederBuilder): ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Imap") .feed(feeder) .pause(1 second) .exec(imap("Connect").connect()).exitHereIfFailed .exec(imap("login").login("${username}", "${password}").check(ok)) .during(1 minute) { exec(imap("list").list("", "*").check(ok, hasFolder("INBOX"))) .pause(200 milli) .exec(imap("select").select("INBOX").check(ok)) .pause(200 milli) .exec(receiveEmail) .pause(200 milli) .exec(imap("fetch").fetch(MessageRanges(Last()), AttributeList("BODY[HEADER]", "UID", "BODY[TEXT]")).check(ok)) .pause(200 milli) .exec(imap("store").store(MessageRanges(Last()), StoreFlags.add(Silent.Disable(), "\\Deleted")).check(ok)) .pause(200 milli) .exec(imap("expunge").expunge().check(ok)) .pause(200 milli) .exec(imap("fetch").fetch(MessageRanges(Last()), AttributeList("BODY[HEADER]", "UID", "BODY[TEXT]")).check(no)) } }
Example 47
Source File: ImapUIDFetchScenario.scala From gatling-imap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.linagora.gatling.imap.scenario import java.util.Calendar import com.linagora.gatling.imap.PreDef._ import com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol.command.FetchAttributes.AttributeList import com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol.command.MessageRange._ import com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol.command.MessageRanges import io.gatling.core.Predef._ import io.gatling.core.feeder.FeederBuilder import io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.duration._ object ImapUIDFetchScenario { val numberOfMailInInbox = 1000 private val appendGracePeriod = 5 milliseconds private val populateMailbox = exec(imap("append").append("INBOX", Option.empty[Seq[String]], Option.empty[Calendar], """From: [email protected] |To: [email protected] |Subject: test subject | |Test content |abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |0123456789""".stripMargin).check(ok)) private val populateInbox = repeat(numberOfMailInInbox)(pause(appendGracePeriod).exec(populateMailbox)) private val uidFetch = exec(imap("uidFetch").uidFetch(MessageRanges(Range(1, numberOfMailInInbox)), AttributeList("UID")).check(ok)) def apply(feeder: FeederBuilder): ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Imap") .feed(feeder) .exec(imap("Connect").connect()).exitHereIfFailed .exec(imap("login").login("${username}", "${password}").check(ok)) .exec(imap("select").select("INBOX").check(ok)) .exec(populateInbox) .pause(1 second) .exec(repeat(100)(uidFetch)) }
Example 48
Source File: ImapExpungeScenario.scala From gatling-imap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.linagora.gatling.imap.scenario import java.util.Calendar import com.linagora.gatling.imap.PreDef._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import io.gatling.core.Predef._ import io.gatling.core.feeder.FeederBuilder import io.gatling.core.scenario.Simulation import io.gatling.core.session.{Expression, _} import io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random object ImapExpungeScenario extends Simulation with LazyLogging { private val numberOfMailInInbox = Integer.getInteger("numberOfMailInInbox", 1000).intValue() private val percentageOfMailToExpunge = Integer.getInteger("percentageOfMailToExpunge", 20).toFloat private val maxDurationInMinutes = Integer.getInteger("maxDuration", 15).toFloat minutes logger.trace(s"numberOfMailInInbox $numberOfMailInInbox") logger.trace(s"percentageOfMailToExpunge $percentageOfMailToExpunge") private def getRandomDeleted(): Boolean = Random.nextFloat() < (percentageOfMailToExpunge/ 100.0) def flagsWithRandomDeletion: Expression[Session] = (session: Session) => { session.set("flags", if (getRandomDeleted()) Some(Seq("\\Flagged", "\\Deleted")) else Some(Seq("\\Flagged")) ) } private val populateMailbox = exec(imap("append").append("INBOX", "${flags}", Option.empty[Calendar], """From: [email protected] |To: [email protected] |Subject: test subject | |Test content |abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |0123456789""".stripMargin).check(ok)) private val populateInbox = repeat(numberOfMailInInbox)(exec(flagsWithRandomDeletion).pause(5 millisecond).exec(populateMailbox)) def apply(feeder: FeederBuilder): ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Imap") .feed(feeder) .pause(1 second) .exec(imap("Connect").connect()).exitHereIfFailed .exec(imap("login").login("${username}", "${password}").check(ok)) .exec(imap("select").select("INBOX").check(ok)) .exec(populateInbox) .exec(imap("expunge").expunge().check(ok)) }
Example 49
Source File: kBCDriver.scala From spark-betweenness with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.centrality.kBC import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.graphx.GraphLoader import org.apache.spark.graphx.PartitionStrategy object kBCDriver { def main(args: Array[String]) { // Create spark context val appName="kBCDriver" val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName)//.setMaster(master) val sc = new SparkContext(conf) // Graph partition params val DEFAULT_K = 2 val DEFAULT_EDGE_PARTITIONS=60 val DEFAULT_CANONICAL_ORIENTATION=true val k = args(0).toInt println("k : " + k) val canonicalOrientation = DEFAULT_CANONICAL_ORIENTATION val numEdgePartitions = args(1).toInt // Input params val DEFAULT_INPUT_DIR="/tmp/input/" val DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE_NAME="edge_list.txt" val inputDir = args(2) val inputFileName = args(4) val inputPath = inputDir+inputFileName println("inputPath : " + inputPath) // Output params val DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR="/tmp/output/" val DEFAULT_V_OUTPUT_FILE=List(inputFileName,"kbc",k,"vertices").mkString("_")+".txt" val DEFAULT_E_OUTPUT_FILE=List(inputFileName,"kbc",k,"edges").mkString("_")+".txt" val outputDir = args(3) val outputVerticesFileName = sc.hadoopConfiguration.get("outputVerticesFileName", DEFAULT_V_OUTPUT_FILE) val outputEdgesFileName = sc.hadoopConfiguration.get("outputEdgesFileName", DEFAULT_E_OUTPUT_FILE) val outputVerticesPath = sc.hadoopConfiguration.get("outputVerticesPath", outputDir+outputVerticesFileName) val outputEdgesPath = sc.hadoopConfiguration.get("outputEdgesPath", outputDir+outputEdgesFileName) println("outputVerticesPath : " + outputVerticesPath) println("outputEdgesPath : " + outputEdgesPath) // Read graph val graph = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc, inputPath, canonicalOrientation, numEdgePartitions).partitionBy(PartitionStrategy.EdgePartition2D) println(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString + " vertices : " + graph.vertices.count()) println(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString + " edges : " + graph.edges.count()) // Run kBC println(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString + ": start kBC") val kBCGraph =, k) // Save graph to file println(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString + ": saving results ") kBCGraph.vertices.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile(outputVerticesPath) kBCGraph.edges.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile(outputEdgesPath) } }
Example 50
Source File: Utils.scala From DataXServer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.{ApplicationAttemptId, ApplicationId, ContainerId, NodeId} import import private[hamal] object Utils { def isBindCollision(exception: Throwable): Boolean = { exception match { case e: BindException => if (e.getMessage != null) { return true } isBindCollision(e.getCause) case e: Exception => isBindCollision(e.getCause) case _ => false } } def containerIdNodeId2ExecutorId(containerId:ContainerId,nodeId:NodeId): String = { val appAttId= containerId.getApplicationAttemptId val applicationId = appAttId.getApplicationId val appClusterTs = applicationId.getClusterTimestamp val appId = applicationId.getId val attId = appAttId.getAttemptId val conId = containerId.getContainerId val nodeHost = nodeId.getHost val nodePort = nodeId.getPort s"$appClusterTs:$appId:$attId:$conId:$nodeHost:$nodePort" } def executorId2ContainerIdNodeId(executorId:String) = { executorId.split(":") match { case Array(appClusterTs,appId,attId,conId,nodeHost,nodePort) => val appAttId = ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(ApplicationId.newInstance(appClusterTs.toLong,appId.toInt),attId.toInt) val containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(appAttId,conId.toInt) val nodeId = NodeId.newInstance(nodeHost,nodePort.toInt); Some(containerId,nodeId) case _ => None } } private val taskIdLock = new Object private val preId = ""; def genTaskId():String = { val now = Calendar.getInstance val hour = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) val min = now.get(Calendar.MINUTE) val seconds = now.get(Calendar.SECOND) val ms = now.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) val id = (hour * 3600 * 1000 + min * 60 * 1000 + seconds * 1000 + ms) + "" taskIdLock.synchronized( if(id.equals(preId)) { genTaskId() }else { id } ) } }
Example 51
Source File: L5-6SocketStream.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.streaming.{ Seconds, StreamingContext } import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.PairDStreamFunctions import java.util.Calendar object TripByYearApp { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 3) { System.err.println( "Usage: TripByYearApp <appname> <hostname> <port>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, hostname, port) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10)) ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(rec => rec.split(",")) .map(rec => (rec(13), rec(0).toInt)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) .map(pair => (pair._2, normalizeYear(pair._1))) .transform(rec => rec.sortByKey(ascending = false)) .saveAsTextFiles("TripByYear") ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def normalizeYear(s: String): String = { try { (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - s.toInt).toString } catch { case e: Exception => s } } }
Example 52
Source File: SqlDataMapper.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.writer.mapper import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.ColumnDescription.ColumnType import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.{Cell, ColumnDescription, Row => RiakRow} import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.BucketDef import com.basho.riak.spark.writer.ts.RowDef import com.basho.riak.spark.writer.{WriteDataMapper, WriteDataMapperFactory} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row => SparkRow} import com.basho.riak.spark.util.TSConversionUtil._ class SqlDataMapper[T <: SparkRow] extends WriteDataMapper[T, RowDef] { override def mapValue(row: T): RowDef = { Option(row.schema) match { case None => RowDef(createRowByType(row), None) case Some(schema) => val (riakRow, columnsDef) = createRiakRowBySchema(row, schema) RowDef(riakRow, columnsDef) } } } object SqlDataMapper { def factory[T <: SparkRow]: WriteDataMapperFactory[T, RowDef] = new WriteDataMapperFactory[T, RowDef] { override def dataMapper(bucket: BucketDef): WriteDataMapper[T, RowDef] = new SqlDataMapper[T] } }
Example 53
Source File: SimpleScalaRiakTSExample.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.examples import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.Cell import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.Row import com.basho.riak.client.core.util.BinaryValue import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.RiakFunctions import com.basho.riak.spark.toSparkContextFunctions import java.util.Calendar import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.RiakObjectData import com.basho.riak.client.core.operations.ts.StoreOperation import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.Namespace import com.basho.riak.spark.util.RiakObjectConversionUtil import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.indexes.LongIntIndex , Cell.newTimestamp(x.time), new Cell(x.temperature), new Cell(x.humidity), new Cell(x.pressure) ) ) val storeOp = new StoreOperation.Builder(tableName).withRows(rows).build rf.withRiakDo(session => { val r = session.getRiakCluster.execute(storeOp).get assert(true) }) //Non-ts //noinspection ScalaStyle val ros ={ x => val obj = obj.setContentType("application/json") obj.getIndexes.getIndex[LongIntIndex, LongIntIndex.Name](LongIntIndex.named("time")) .add(x.time) obj } rf.withRiakDo(session => { ros.foreach(ro => rf.createValueRaw(session, ns, ro, null, true)) }) } private def clearBucket(sparkConf: SparkConf): Unit = { val rf = RiakFunctions(sparkConf) rf.withRiakDo(session => { rf.resetAndEmptyBucket(ns) }) } private def setSparkOpt(sparkConf: SparkConf, option: String, defaultOptVal: String): SparkConf = { val optval = sparkConf.getOption(option).getOrElse(defaultOptVal) sparkConf.set(option, optval) } // Since quantum is equal to 1h, it begins at xx:00:00.000 private def beginingOfQuantumMillis(time: Long): Long = { val cal = Calendar.getInstance cal.setTimeInMillis(time) cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0) cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0) cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0) cal.getTimeInMillis } // Since quantum is equal to 1h, it ends at xx:59:59.999 private def endOfQuantumMillis(time: Long): Long = { val cal = Calendar.getInstance cal.setTimeInMillis(time) cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59) cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59) cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999) cal.getTimeInMillis } }
Example 54
Source File: InvitesDAOSpec.scala From crm-seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.dataengi.crm.identities.daos import java.util.{Calendar, UUID} import com.dataengi.crm.common.context.types._ import com.dataengi.crm.common.extensions.awaits._ import com.dataengi.crm.identities.context.AuthenticationContext import com.dataengi.crm.identities.models._ import org.specs2.runner.SpecificationsFinder import play.api.test.PlaySpecification class InvitesDAOSpec extends PlaySpecification with AuthenticationContext { sequential lazy val invitesDAO = application.injector.instanceOf[InvitesDAO] lazy val rolesDAO = application.injector.instanceOf[RolesDAO] lazy val TestRole = Role("TestRole", Seq(Permission(Actions.UsersManagement, PermissionStates.Allow))) var TestInvite = Invite("[email protected]", TestRole, Calendar.getInstance.getTimeInMillis, Calendar.getInstance.getTimeInMillis, InviteStatuses.Waiting, UUID.randomUUID(), Calendar.getInstance.getTimeInMillis) "InivitesDAO" should { "add invite and get by id" in { val addTestRoleResult = rolesDAO.add(TestRole).await() addTestRoleResult.isRight == true TestInvite = TestInvite.copy(role = TestRole.copy(id = Some(addTestRoleResult.value))) val addInviteResult = invitesDAO.add(TestInvite).await() addInviteResult.isRight === true val id = addInviteResult.value val allResult = invitesDAO.all.await() allResult.isRight === true val getByIdInvite = invitesDAO.get(id).await() getByIdInvite.isRight === true === TestInvite.copy(id = Some(id)).email } "find exist company by email" in { val getByEmailResult = invitesDAO.find( getByEmailResult.isRight === true } "add and remove" in { val invite = TestInvite.copy(email = "[email protected]") val addInviteResult = invitesDAO.add(invite).await() addInviteResult.isRight === true val id = addInviteResult.value val getByIdInvite = invitesDAO.get(id).await() getByIdInvite.isRight === true === invite.copy(id = Some(id)).email val removeInviteResult = invitesDAO.delete(id).await() removeInviteResult.isRight === true } "update company" in { val invite = TestInvite.copy(email = "[email protected]") val inviteId = invitesDAO.add(invite).await().value val updateForInvite = TestInvite.copy(email = "[email protected]").copy(id = Some(inviteId)) val updateInviteResult = invitesDAO.update(updateForInvite).await() updateInviteResult.isRight === true val getByIdInvite = invitesDAO.get(inviteId).await() getByIdInvite.isRight === true === } } }
Example 55
Source File: GlobalVarsAndMethods.scala From Azure-Databricks-NYC-Taxi-Workshop with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Databricks notebook source //Database credentials & details - for use with Spark scala for writing // Secrets val jdbcUsername = dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "gws-sql-db", key = "username") val jdbcPassword = dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "gws-sql-db", key = "password") // JDBC driver class & connection properties val driverClass = "" val jdbcHostname = "" val jdbcPort = 1433 val jdbcDatabase = "gws_sql_db" // JDBC URI val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:sqlserver://${jdbcHostname}:${jdbcPort};database=${jdbcDatabase}" // Properties() object to hold the parameters import java.util.Properties val connectionProperties = new Properties() connectionProperties.put("user", s"${jdbcUsername}") connectionProperties.put("password", s"${jdbcPassword}") connectionProperties.setProperty("Driver", driverClass) // COMMAND ---------- def generateBatchID(): Int = { var batchId: Int = 0 var pushdown_query = "(select count(*) as record_count from BATCH_JOB_HISTORY) table_record_count" val df =, table=pushdown_query, properties=connectionProperties) val recordCount = df.first().getInt(0) println("Record count=" + recordCount) if(recordCount == 0) batchId=1 else { pushdown_query = "(select max(batch_id) as current_batch_id from BATCH_JOB_HISTORY) current_batch_id" val df =, table=pushdown_query, properties=connectionProperties) batchId = df.first().getInt(0) + 1 } batchId } // COMMAND ---------- import java.sql._ import java.util.Calendar def insertBatchMetadata(batchID: Int, processID: Int, activityName: String, activityStatus: String): Unit = { var conn: Connection = null var stmt: Statement = null val insertSql = """ |insert into batch_job_history (batch_id,batch_step_id,batch_step_description,batch_step_status,batch_step_time) |values (?,?,?,?,?) """.stripMargin try { Class.forName(driverClass) conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword) val preparedStmt: PreparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(insertSql) preparedStmt.setInt(1, batchID) preparedStmt.setInt(2, processID) preparedStmt.setString(3, activityName) preparedStmt.setString(4, activityStatus) preparedStmt.setString(5, Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString) preparedStmt.execute // cleanup preparedStmt.close conn.close } catch { case se: SQLException => se.printStackTrace case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace } finally { try { if (stmt!=null) stmt.close } catch { case se2: SQLException => // nothing we can do } try { if (conn!=null) conn.close } catch { case se: SQLException => se.printStackTrace } //end finally-try } //end try }
Example 56
Source File: 00-common.scala From Azure-Databricks-NYC-Taxi-Workshop with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Databricks notebook source //JDBC connectivity related val driverClass = "" val jdbcUsername = dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "gws-sql-db", key = "username") val jdbcPassword = dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "gws-sql-db", key = "password") val jdbcPort = 1433 val jdbcDatabase = "gws_sql_db" //Replace with your server name val jdbcHostname = "" // Create the JDBC URL without passing in the user and password parameters. val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:sqlserver://${jdbcHostname}:${jdbcPort};database=${jdbcDatabase}" // Create a Properties() object to hold the parameters. import java.util.Properties val connectionProperties = new Properties() connectionProperties.put("user", s"${jdbcUsername}") connectionProperties.put("password", s"${jdbcPassword}") connectionProperties.setProperty("Driver", driverClass) // COMMAND ---------- def generateBatchID(): Int = { var batchId: Int = 0 var pushdown_query = "(select count(*) as record_count from BATCH_JOB_HISTORY) table_record_count" val df =, table=pushdown_query, properties=connectionProperties) val recordCount = df.first().getInt(0) println("Record count=" + recordCount) if(recordCount == 0) batchId=1 else { pushdown_query = "(select max(batch_id) as current_batch_id from BATCH_JOB_HISTORY) current_batch_id" val df =, table=pushdown_query, properties=connectionProperties) batchId = df.first().getInt(0) + 1 } batchId } // COMMAND ---------- import java.sql._ import java.util.Calendar //Function to insert ETL batch metadata into RDBMS def insertBatchMetadata(batchID: Int, processID: Int, activityName: String, activityStatus: String): Unit = { var conn: Connection = null var stmt: Statement = null val insertSql = """ |insert into batch_job_history (batch_id,batch_step_id,batch_step_description,batch_step_status,batch_step_time) |values (?,?,?,?,?) """.stripMargin try { Class.forName(driverClass) conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword) val preparedStmt: PreparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(insertSql) preparedStmt.setInt(1, batchID) preparedStmt.setInt(2, processID) preparedStmt.setString(3, activityName) preparedStmt.setString(4, activityStatus) preparedStmt.setString(5, Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString) preparedStmt.execute // cleanup preparedStmt.close conn.close } catch { case se: SQLException => se.printStackTrace case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace } finally { try { if (stmt!=null) stmt.close } catch { case se2: SQLException => // nothing we can do } try { if (conn!=null) conn.close } catch { case se: SQLException => se.printStackTrace } //end finally-try } //end try }
Example 57
Source File: FutureValidatorForOptionSpec.scala From bean-validation-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.tsukaby.bean_validation_scala import java.util.{Calendar, Date, Locale} import javax.validation.constraints.Future import org.joda.time.DateTime import scala.annotation.meta.field class FutureValidatorForOptionSpec extends BaseSpec { private[this] case class TestBeanWithOptionCalendar( @(Future@field) value: Option[Calendar] ) private[this] case class TestBeanWithOptionDate( @(Future@field) value: Option[Date] ) private[this] case class TestBeanWithOptionDateTime( @(Future@field) value: Option[DateTime] ) val yesterday = val tomorrow = Seq( (TestBeanWithOptionCalendar(Some(yesterday.toCalendar(Locale.getDefault))), 1), (TestBeanWithOptionCalendar(Some(tomorrow.toCalendar(Locale.getDefault))), 0), (TestBeanWithOptionDate(Some(yesterday.toDate)), 1), (TestBeanWithOptionDate(Some(tomorrow.toDate)), 0), (TestBeanWithOptionDateTime(Some(yesterday)), 1), (TestBeanWithOptionDateTime(Some(tomorrow)), 0) ) foreach { case (bean, expected) => s"Check violations count. bean = $bean, count = $expected" >> { test(bean, expected) } } }
Example 58
Source File: PastValidatorForOptionSpec.scala From bean-validation-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.tsukaby.bean_validation_scala import java.util.{Locale, Date, Calendar} import javax.validation.constraints.Past import org.joda.time.DateTime import scala.annotation.meta.field class PastValidatorForOptionSpec extends BaseSpec { private[this] case class TestBeanWithOptionCalendar( @(Past@field) value: Option[Calendar] ) private[this] case class TestBeanWithOptionDate( @(Past@field) value: Option[Date] ) private[this] case class TestBeanWithOptionDateTime( @(Past@field) value: Option[DateTime] ) val tomorrow = val yesterday = Seq( (TestBeanWithOptionCalendar(Some(tomorrow.toCalendar(Locale.getDefault))), 1), (TestBeanWithOptionCalendar(Some(yesterday.toCalendar(Locale.getDefault))), 0), (TestBeanWithOptionDate(Some(tomorrow.toDate)), 1), (TestBeanWithOptionDate(Some(yesterday.toDate)), 0), (TestBeanWithOptionDateTime(Some(tomorrow)), 1), (TestBeanWithOptionDateTime(Some(yesterday)), 0) ) foreach { case (bean, expected) => s"Check violations count. bean = $bean, count = $expected" >> { test(bean, expected) } } }
Example 59
Source File: FutureValidatorForOption.scala From bean-validation-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.tsukaby.bean_validation_scala import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import javax.validation.constraints.Future import javax.validation.{ConstraintValidator, ConstraintValidatorContext} import{FutureValidatorForReadablePartial, FutureValidatorForReadableInstant, FutureValidatorForDate, FutureValidatorForCalendar} import org.joda.time.{ReadableInstant, ReadablePartial} class FutureValidatorForOption extends ConstraintValidator[Future, Option[_]] { private var constraintAnnotation: Future = null override def initialize(constraintAnnotation: Future): Unit = { this.constraintAnnotation = constraintAnnotation } override def isValid(value: Option[_], context: ConstraintValidatorContext): Boolean = { value match { case Some(x: Calendar) => val v = new FutureValidatorForCalendar v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case Some(x: Date) => val v = new FutureValidatorForDate v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case Some(x: ReadableInstant) => val v = new FutureValidatorForReadableInstant v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case Some(x: ReadablePartial) => val v = new FutureValidatorForReadablePartial v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case None => true case Some(_) => throw new IllegalStateException("oops.") } } }
Example 60
Source File: UserContext.scala From grpc-scala-microservice-kit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mu.node.echod.models import{PrivateKey, PublicKey} import java.util.Calendar import mu.node.echod.util.KeyUtils import pdi.jwt.Jwt import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.util.Try case class UserContext(userId: String) extends KeyUtils { def toJwt(expiryMillis: Long, jwtSigningKey: PrivateKey): String = { val json = s"""{ | "sub": "$userId", | "exp": $expiryMillis |} |""".stripMargin Jwt.encode(json, jwtSigningKey, jwtDsa) } } object UserContext extends KeyUtils { def fromJwt(jwt: String, jwtVerificationKey: PublicKey): Option[UserContext] = { Jwt .decode(jwt, jwtVerificationKey, Seq(jwtDsa)) .flatMap(payload => Try(Json.parse(payload))) .toOption .filter(json => (json \ "exp").asOpt[Long].exists(notExpired)) .flatMap(json => (json \ "sub").asOpt[String].map(UserContext(_))) } private def notExpired(expiryMillis: Long): Boolean = expiryMillis > Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis }
Example 61
Source File: PastValidatorForOption.scala From bean-validation-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.tsukaby.bean_validation_scala import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import javax.validation.constraints.Past import javax.validation.{ConstraintValidator, ConstraintValidatorContext} import{PastValidatorForReadablePartial, PastValidatorForReadableInstant, PastValidatorForDate, PastValidatorForCalendar} import org.joda.time.{ReadableInstant, ReadablePartial} class PastValidatorForOption extends ConstraintValidator[Past, Option[_]] { private var constraintAnnotation: Past = null override def initialize(constraintAnnotation: Past): Unit = { this.constraintAnnotation = constraintAnnotation } override def isValid(value: Option[_], context: ConstraintValidatorContext): Boolean = { value match { case Some(x: Calendar) => val v = new PastValidatorForCalendar v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case Some(x: Date) => val v = new PastValidatorForDate v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case Some(x: ReadableInstant) => val v = new PastValidatorForReadableInstant v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case Some(x: ReadablePartial) => val v = new PastValidatorForReadablePartial v.initialize(constraintAnnotation) v.isValid(x, context) case None => true case Some(_) => throw new IllegalStateException("oops.") } } }
Example 62
Source File: StatsSender.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.stats import{DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket, InetAddress} import java.util.Calendar import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props} import case class Message(msg: String, host: String, port: Int) class SenderActor extends Actor { private val dsocket = new DatagramSocket() sys.addShutdownHook { dsocket.close() } override def receive: Receive = { case Message(msg, host, port) => val address = InetAddress.getByName(host) val packet = new DatagramPacket(msg.getBytes(), msg.length, address, port) dsocket.send(packet) } } class StatsSender(path: String, host: String = "localhost", port: Int = 8125) { object Sender { val system = ActorSystem("mySystem") val actor = system.actorOf(Props[SenderActor], "SenderActor") def send(message: String) { actor ! Message(message, host, port) } } private def getCurrentTimeStr: String = { val now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy_hhmm") dateFormat.format(now) } private def getMachineName: String = {'.')(0) } private def getName(p: String, action: String): String = { p.replace("{MachineName}", getMachineName).replace("{DateTime}", getCurrentTimeStr) + "." + action .replace(".", "-") .replace(" ", "_") } def sendCounts(action: String, num: Int) { val message = getName(path, action) + ":" + num + "|c" Sender.send(message) } def sendTimings(action: String, num: Int) { val message = getName(path, action) + ":" + num + "|ms" Sender.send(message) } def sendGauges(action: String, num: Int) { val message = getName(path, action) + ":" + num + "|g" Sender.send(message) } def sendSets(action: String) { val message = getName(path, action) + "|s" Sender.send(message) } }
Example 63
Source File: httpserverplugin_staticfile.scala From scalabpe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalabpe.plugin.http import import import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import java.util.GregorianCalendar import java.util.Locale import java.util.TimeZone import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders import scalabpe.core.HashMapStringAny class StaticFilePlugin extends HttpServerPlugin with HttpServerStaticFilePlugin { val ETAG_TAG = "etag" val EXPIRE_TAG = "expire" val ATTACHMENT = "attachment" val FILENAME = "filename" val HTTP_DATE_FORMAT = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"; val HTTP_DATE_GMT_TIMEZONE = "GMT"; val df_tl = new ThreadLocal[SimpleDateFormat]() { override def initialValue(): SimpleDateFormat = { val df = new SimpleDateFormat(HTTP_DATE_FORMAT, Locale.US) df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(HTTP_DATE_GMT_TIMEZONE)); df } } def generateStaticFile(serviceId: Int, msgId: Int, errorCode: Int, errorMessage: String, body: HashMapStringAny, pluginParam: String, headers: HashMap[String, String]): String = { if (body.ns(FILENAME) == "") { return null } val filename = body.ns(FILENAME) if (!new File(filename).exists()) { return null } if (body.ns(ETAG_TAG) != "") { headers.put("ETag", body.ns(ETAG_TAG)) } if (body.ns(EXPIRE_TAG) != "") { body.i(EXPIRE_TAG) match { case 0 | -1 => headers.put(HttpHeaders.Names.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache") case n => // seconds val time = new GregorianCalendar(); time.add(Calendar.SECOND, n); headers.put(HttpHeaders.Names.EXPIRES, df_tl.get.format(time.getTime())); headers.put(HttpHeaders.Names.CACHE_CONTROL, "max-age=" + n); } } val ext = parseExt(filename) if (ext != "") body.put("__file_ext__", ext) if (body.ns(ATTACHMENT, "1") == "1") { val filename = body.ns(FILENAME) val v = "attachment; filename=\"%s\"".format(URLEncoder.encode(parseFilename(filename), "UTF-8")) headers.put("Content-Disposition", v) } filename } def parseFilename(name: String): String = { val p = name.lastIndexOf("/") if (p < 0) return name name.substring(p + 1) } def parseExt(name: String): String = { val p = name.lastIndexOf(".") if (p < 0) return "" name.substring(p + 1).toLowerCase() } }
Example 64
Source File: spark_algo.scala From mllib_subpackage with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import org.apache.commons.cli.{Options, PosixParser} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkConf //import org.apache.hadoop.fs import java.util.Date import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem //import object spark_algo { def main(args: Array[String]) { // Input Params val parser = new PosixParser( ) val options = new Options( ) options.addOption("a", "algo", true, "algo type; 10. sgd 11. lbfgs") val cl = parser.parse( options, args, true ) val algo = cl.getOptionValue("algo") val conf = new SparkConf() val sc = new SparkContext(conf) sc.getConf.getAll.foreach(println) val configuration = sc.hadoopConfiguration configuration.setBoolean("mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress", false) val fs = FileSystem.get(configuration) val modeltmp = if(algo=="10" || algo=="11" || algo=="12" || algo=="13") { new mllib_lr(sc, fs, args) } else if(algo=="21") { new ftrl(sc, fs, args) } else if(algo=="22") { new ftrl_batch(sc, fs, args) } else if(algo=="31") { new relative(sc, fs, args) } else if(algo=="40") { new mllib_gbdt(sc, fs, args) } else if(algo=="41") { new lambda_mart(sc, fs, args) } else if(algo=="91") { new feature_analyse(sc, fs, args) } else if(algo=="docs_words_analyse") { new docs_words_analyse(sc, fs, args) } val model = modeltmp.asInstanceOf[malgo] } }
Example 65
Source File: QueryExecutorWithLogging.scala From variantsdwh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter} import java.util.Calendar import{ConnectDriver, EngineConnection, QueryResult} import net.jcazevedo.moultingyaml._ import net.jcazevedo.moultingyaml.DefaultYamlProtocol import net.jcazevedo.moultingyaml.DefaultYamlProtocol._ import org.apache.log4j.Logger import import case class Query(queryId:String, queryType:String, queryEngine:String, storageFormat:String,queryDesc:String, statement:String) object QueryType extends Enumeration { type QueryType = Value val SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE = Value } object QueryExecutorWithLogging { val log = Logger.getLogger("") object QueryYamlProtocol extends DefaultYamlProtocol { implicit val queryFormat = yamlFormat6(Query) } def runStatement(query: Query, conn:EngineConnection, logFile:String, dryRun: Boolean) = {"Running ${query.queryId} ... using ${query.queryEngine} engine") log.debug(s"Executing query: ${query.statement}") query.queryType.toLowerCase() match { case "select" => logQuery(conn, query, logFile, dryRun) case _ => conn.executeUpdate(query.statement.toLowerCase) } } def parseQueryYAML(file:String,storageType:String,connString:String, kuduMaster:String, dbName:String, ifExplain:Boolean = false) : Query ={"Parsing ${file}") val lines = val yml = lines.stripMargin.parseYaml import QueryYamlProtocol._ queryPreprocess(yml.convertTo[Query], storageType, connString, kuduMaster, dbName, ifExplain) } private def logQuery(conn:EngineConnection, query: Query, logFile:String, dryRun:Boolean) ={ val rs = conn.executeQuery(query.statement.toLowerCase,true) // val result = s"${Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString},${query.queryId}," + s"${query.queryEngine},${query.storageFormat},${rs.timing.get.getTiming()},${dryRun.toString}\n""Result: ${result}") val writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(logFile),true)) writer.write(result) writer.flush() writer.close() } private def queryPreprocess(query: Query, storageType: String, connString: String, kuduMaster: String, dbName: String, ifExplain: Boolean) = { def replaceVars(property:String) ={ property .replaceAll("\\{\\{DATA_FORMAT\\}\\}",storageType.toLowerCase) .replaceAll("\\{\\{DB_NAME\\}\\}",dbName.toLowerCase) .replaceAll("\\{\\{KUDU_MASTER\\}\\}",kuduMaster ) .replaceAll("\\{\\{IF_EXPLAIN\\}\\}", if(ifExplain) "EXPLAIN " else "") .replaceAll("\\{\\{PERCENTILE_APPROX\\}\\}", if(query.queryEngine.toLowerCase=="presto") "approx_percentile" else "percentile_approx") } query.copy( queryId = replaceVars(query.queryId), queryDesc = replaceVars(query.queryDesc), storageFormat = replaceVars(query.storageFormat), statement = replaceVars(query.statement.replaceAll(",",",\n").replaceAll("\\(","\\( ")) ) } }
Example 66
Source File: PlainText.scala From eidos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.meta import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import java.util.TimeZone import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.EidosException import org.clulab.timenorm.scate.SimpleInterval import org.clulab.wm.eidos.context.DCT import org.clulab.wm.eidos.document.Metadata class PlainText(text: String, titleOpt: Option[String] = None, idOpt: Option[String] = None, dateOpt: Option[String] = None, locationOpt: Option[String] = None ) extends EidosText { protected val metadata = { val dctOpt: Option[DCT] = { { date => val calendar = try { val parsed = PlainText.dateFormat.parse(date) val calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) calendar.setTime(parsed) calendar } catch { case throwable: Throwable => throw new EidosException(s"""Could not decipher "${date}" as a date""", throwable) } val simpleInterval = SimpleInterval.of(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) DCT(simpleInterval, date) } } new Metadata(dctOpt, idOpt, titleOpt, locationOpt) } def getText: String = text def getMetadata: Metadata = metadata } object PlainText { protected val dateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") val timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") dateFormat.setTimeZone(timeZone) dateFormat } }
Example 67
Source File: UserContextSpec.scala From grpc-scala-microservice-kit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mu.node.echod import java.util.Calendar import mu.node.echod.models.UserContext import mu.node.echod.util.KeyUtils import pdi.jwt.Jwt import scala.concurrent.duration._ class UserContextSpec extends BaseSpec with KeyUtils { val jwtSigningKey = loadPkcs8PrivateKey( pathForTestResourcePath(config.getString("jwt.signing-key"))) "The UserContext companion object" when { val userId = "8d5921be-8f85-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611" val futureExpiry = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis + Duration(5, MINUTES).toMillis val validClaim = s"""|{ | "sub": "$userId", | "exp": $futureExpiry |}""".stripMargin "asked to create a UserContext from a valid, signed JWT" should { "return the UserContext" in { val validJwt = Jwt.encode(validClaim, jwtSigningKey, jwtDsa) UserContext.fromJwt(validJwt, jwtVerificationKey) shouldEqual Some(UserContext(userId)) } } "asked to create UserContext from an unsigned JWT" should { "return None" in { val unsignedJwt = Jwt.encode(validClaim) UserContext.fromJwt(unsignedJwt, jwtVerificationKey) shouldEqual None } } "asked to create UserContext from a JWT with an invalid claim" should { "return None" in { val invalidClaim = s"""{ "unknownField": "value" }""" val invalidJwt = Jwt.encode(invalidClaim, jwtSigningKey, jwtDsa) UserContext.fromJwt(invalidJwt, jwtVerificationKey) shouldEqual None } } "asked to create UserContext from a JWT with an invalid payload" should { "return None" in { val invalidPayload = "malformed JSON" val invalidJwt = Jwt.encode(invalidPayload, jwtSigningKey, jwtDsa) UserContext.fromJwt(invalidJwt, jwtVerificationKey) shouldEqual None } } } }
Example 68
Source File: EchoServerSpec.scala From grpc-scala-microservice-kit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mu.node.echod import java.util.Calendar import mu.node.echo.SendMessageRequest import grpc.{AccessTokenCallCredentials, EchoClient} import mu.node.echod.models.UserContext import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import scala.concurrent.duration._ class EchoServerSpec extends BaseSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll { val jwtSigningKey = loadPkcs8PrivateKey( pathForTestResourcePath(config.getString("jwt.signing-key"))) val echoServiceStub = EchoClient.buildServiceStub(config, fileForTestResourcePath) override def beforeAll(): Unit = { echoServer.start() } override def afterAll(): Unit = { echoServer.shutdown() } "The echod gRPC server" when { "sent a valid, authenticated SendMessageRequest" should { "reply back with the Message" in { val userId = "8d5921be-8f85-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611" val futureExpiry = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis + Duration(5, MINUTES).toMillis val jwt = UserContext(userId).toJwt(futureExpiry, jwtSigningKey) val sendMessage = echoServiceStub .withCallCredentials(new AccessTokenCallCredentials(jwt)) .send(SendMessageRequest("hello")) whenReady(sendMessage) { reply => reply.messageId.nonEmpty shouldBe true reply.senderId shouldEqual userId reply.content shouldEqual "hello" } } } "sent an unauthenticated SendMessageRequest" should { "return an exception indicating that the call was unauthenticated" in { val sendMessage = echoServiceStub.send(SendMessageRequest("test")) whenReady(sendMessage.failed) { ex => ex shouldBe a[Exception] ex.getMessage shouldEqual "UNAUTHENTICATED" } } } "sent a SendMessageRequest with an expired access token" should { "reply back with the Message" in { val userId = "8d5921be-8f85-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611" val lapsedExpiry = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis - Duration(5, MINUTES).toMillis val jwt = UserContext(userId).toJwt(lapsedExpiry, jwtSigningKey) val sendMessage = echoServiceStub .withCallCredentials(new AccessTokenCallCredentials(jwt)) .send(SendMessageRequest("hello")) whenReady(sendMessage.failed) { ex => ex shouldBe a[Exception] ex.getMessage shouldEqual "UNAUTHENTICATED" } } } "sent a SendMessageRequest with an invalid access token" should { "return an exception indicating that the call was unauthenticated" in { val sendMessage = echoServiceStub .withCallCredentials(new AccessTokenCallCredentials("bad jwt")) .send(SendMessageRequest("hello")) whenReady(sendMessage.failed) { ex => ex shouldBe a[Exception] ex.getMessage shouldEqual "UNAUTHENTICATED" } } } } }
Example 69
Source File: DateUtils.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.sql.Date import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, TimeZone} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Cast object DateUtils { private val MILLIS_PER_DAY = 86400000 // Java TimeZone has no mention of thread safety. Use thread local instance to be safe. private val LOCAL_TIMEZONE = new ThreadLocal[TimeZone] { override protected def initialValue: TimeZone = { Calendar.getInstance.getTimeZone } } private def javaDateToDays(d: Date): Int = { millisToDays(d.getTime) } // we should use the exact day as Int, for example, (year, month, day) -> day def millisToDays(millisLocal: Long): Int = { ((millisLocal + LOCAL_TIMEZONE.get().getOffset(millisLocal)) / MILLIS_PER_DAY).toInt } private def toMillisSinceEpoch(days: Int): Long = { val millisUtc = days.toLong * MILLIS_PER_DAY millisUtc - LOCAL_TIMEZONE.get().getOffset(millisUtc) } def fromJavaDate(date: java.sql.Date): Int = { javaDateToDays(date) } def toJavaDate(daysSinceEpoch: Int): java.sql.Date = { new java.sql.Date(toMillisSinceEpoch(daysSinceEpoch)) } def toString(days: Int): String = Cast.threadLocalDateFormat.get.format(toJavaDate(days)) def stringToTime(s: String): java.util.Date = { if (!s.contains('T')) { // JDBC escape string if (s.contains(' ')) { java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(s) } else { java.sql.Date.valueOf(s) } } else if (s.endsWith("Z")) { // this is zero timezone of ISO8601 stringToTime(s.substring(0, s.length - 1) + "GMT-00:00") } else if (s.indexOf("GMT") == -1) { // timezone with ISO8601 val inset = "+00.00".length val s0 = s.substring(0, s.length - inset) val s1 = s.substring(s.length - inset, s.length) if (s0.substring(s0.lastIndexOf(':')).contains('.')) { stringToTime(s0 + "GMT" + s1) } else { stringToTime(s0 + ".0GMT" + s1) } } else { // ISO8601 with GMT insert val ISO8601GMT: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz" ) ISO8601GMT.parse(s) } } }
Example 70
Source File: exercise06.scala From scala-for-the-Impatient with MIT License | 5 votes |
import java.util.Calendar import scala.collection.mutable def calendarDays():Unit = { val daysMap = mutable.LinkedHashMap( "Monday" -> Calendar.MONDAY, "Tuesday" -> Calendar.TUESDAY, "Wednesday" -> Calendar.WEDNESDAY, "Thursday" -> Calendar.THURSDAY, "Friday" -> Calendar.FRIDAY, "Saturday" -> Calendar.SATURDAY, "Sunday" -> Calendar.SUNDAY ) println(daysMap.mkString(",")) }
Example 71
Source File: JacksonMessageWriter.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Locale, SimpleTimeZone} import import{MediaType, MultivaluedMap} import{MessageBodyWriter, Provider} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, SerializationFeature} @Provider @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) private[v1] class JacksonMessageWriter extends MessageBodyWriter[Object]{ val mapper = new ObjectMapper() { override def writeValueAsString(t: Any): String = { super.writeValueAsString(t) } } mapper.registerModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule) mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT) mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) mapper.setDateFormat(JacksonMessageWriter.makeISODateFormat) override def isWriteable( aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Boolean = { true } override def writeTo( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType, multivaluedMap: MultivaluedMap[String, AnyRef], outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = { t match { case ErrorWrapper(err) => outputStream.write(err.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) case _ => mapper.writeValue(outputStream, t) } } override def getSize( t: Object, aClass: Class[_], `type`: Type, annotations: Array[Annotation], mediaType: MediaType): Long = { -1L } } private[spark] object JacksonMessageWriter { def makeISODateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = { val iso8601 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'GMT'", Locale.US) val cal = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")) iso8601.setCalendar(cal) iso8601 } }
Example 72
Source File: Util.scala From Machine-Learning-with-Spark-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.sparksample object Util { val PATH = "../.." val spConfig = (new SparkConf).setMaster("local").setAppName("SparkApp") var sc = new SparkContext(spConfig) def getMovieData() : RDD[String] = { val movie_data = sc.textFile(PATH + "/data/ml-100k/u.item") return movie_data } def getUserData() : RDD[String] = { val user_data = sc.textFile(PATH + "/data/ml-100k/") return user_data } def getDate(): String = { val today = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() // (2) create a date "formatter" (the date format we want) val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("") // (3) create a new String using the date format we want val folderName = formatter.format(today) return folderName } def cosineSimilarity(vec1: DoubleMatrix, vec2: DoubleMatrix): Double = { / (vec1.norm2() * vec2.norm2()) } def avgPrecisionK(actual: Seq[Int], predicted: Seq[Int], k: Int): Double = { val predK = predicted.take(k) var score = 0.0 var numHits = 0.0 for ((p, i) <- predK.zipWithIndex) { if (actual.contains(p)) { numHits += 1.0 score += numHits / (i.toDouble + 1.0) } } if (actual.isEmpty) { 1.0 } else { score / scala.math.min(actual.size, k).toDouble } } }
Example 73
Source File: ScalaApp.scala From Machine-Learning-with-Spark-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.{ALS, Rating} //import org.apache.spark. val predictedRating = model.predict(789, 123) println(predictedRating) val userId = 789 val K = 10 val topKRecs = model.recommendProducts(userId, K) println(topKRecs.mkString("\n")) val movies = sc.textFile(PATH + "/ml-100k/u.item") val titles = => line.split("\\|").take(2)).map(array => (array(0).toInt, array(1))).collectAsMap() titles(123) // res68: String = Frighteners, The (1996) val moviesForUser = ratings.keyBy(_.user).lookup(789) // moviesForUser: Seq[org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating] = WrappedArray(Rating(789,1012,4.0), Rating(789,127,5.0), Rating(789,475,5.0), Rating(789,93,4.0), ... // ... println(moviesForUser.size) moviesForUser.sortBy(-_.rating).take(10).map(rating => (titles(rating.product), rating.rating)).foreach(println) => (titles(rating.product), rating.rating)).foreach(println) sc.stop() //bw.close() } class Util { def getDate(): String = { val today = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() // (2) create a date "formatter" (the date format we want) val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("") // (3) create a new String using the date format we want val folderName = formatter.format(today) return folderName } } }
Example 74
Source File: BisectingKMeansPersist.scala From Machine-Learning-with-Spark-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.sparksamples.kmeans import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession object BisectingKMeansPersist { val PATH = "/home/ubuntu/work/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7/" val BASE = "./data/movie_lens_libsvm_2f" val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MM_yyyy_hh_mm_ss") import java.util.Calendar val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTimeInMillis(time) val date_time = formatter.format(calendar.getTime()) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spConfig = (new SparkConf).setMaster("local[1]").setAppName("SparkApp"). set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true") val spark = SparkSession .builder() .appName("Spark SQL Example") .config(spConfig) .getOrCreate() val datasetUsers ="libsvm").load( BASE + "/movie_lens_2f_users_xy/part-00000") val bKMeansUsers = new BisectingKMeans() bKMeansUsers.setMaxIter(10) bKMeansUsers.setMinDivisibleClusterSize(5) val modelUsers = val predictedUserClusters = modelUsers.transform(datasetUsers) modelUsers.clusterCenters.foreach(println) val predictedDataSetUsers = modelUsers.transform(datasetUsers) val predictionsUsers ="prediction")> x(0)) predictionsUsers.saveAsTextFile(BASE + "/prediction/" + date_time + "/bkmeans_2f_users") val datasetItems ="libsvm").load(BASE + "/movie_lens_2f_items_xy/part-00000") val kmeansItems = new BisectingKMeans().setK(5).setSeed(1L) val modelItems = val predictedDataSetItems = modelItems.transform(datasetItems) val predictionsItems ="prediction")> x(0)) predictionsItems.saveAsTextFile(BASE + "/prediction/" + date_time + "/bkmeans_2f_items") spark.stop() } }
Example 75
Source File: GMMClusteringPersist.scala From Machine-Learning-with-Spark-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.sparksamples.gmm import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import{GaussianMixture} import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession object GMMClusteringPersist { val PATH = "/home/ubuntu/work/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7/" val BASE = "./data/movie_lens_libsvm_2f" val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MM_yyyy_hh_mm_ss") import java.util.Calendar val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTimeInMillis(time) val date_time = formatter.format(calendar.getTime()) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spConfig = (new SparkConf).setMaster("local[1]").setAppName("SparkApp"). set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true") val spark = SparkSession .builder() .appName("Spark SQL Example") .config(spConfig) .getOrCreate() val datasetUsers ="libsvm").load( BASE + "/movie_lens_2f_users_libsvm/part-00000") val gmmUsers = new GaussianMixture().setK(5).setSeed(1L) gmmUsers.setMaxIter(20) val modelUsers = val predictedDataSetUsers = modelUsers.transform(datasetUsers) val predictionsUsers ="prediction")> x(0)) predictionsUsers.saveAsTextFile(BASE + "/prediction/" + date_time + "/gmm_2f_users") val dataSetItems ="libsvm").load(BASE + "/movie_lens_2f_items_libsvm/part-00000") val gmmItems = new GaussianMixture().setK(5).setSeed(1L) val modelItems = val predictedDataSetItems = modelItems.transform(dataSetItems) val predictionsItems ="prediction")> x(0)) predictionsItems.saveAsTextFile(BASE + "/prediction/" + date_time + "/gmm_2f_items") spark.stop() } }
Example 76
Source File: CustomTelemetryService.scala From finagle-prometheus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.samstarling.prometheusfinagle.examples import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import com.samstarling.prometheusfinagle.metrics.Telemetry import com.twitter.finagle.Service import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response, Status} import com.twitter.util.Future class CustomTelemetryService(telemetry: Telemetry) extends Service[Request, Response] { private val dayOfWeekFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("E") private val counter = telemetry.counter("requests_by_day_of_week", "Help text", Seq("day_of_week")) override def apply(request: Request): Future[Response] = { dayOfWeek counter.labels(dayOfWeek).inc() val rep = Response(request.version, Status.Ok) rep.setContentString("Your request was logged!") Future(rep) } private def dayOfWeek: String = { dayOfWeekFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance.getTime) } }
Example 77
Source File: PluginsFilesUtils.scala From sparta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.utils import import import java.util.{Calendar, UUID} import akka.event.slf4j.SLF4JLogging import com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.helpers.JarsHelper import trait PluginsFilesUtils extends SLF4JLogging { def addPluginsToClassPath(pluginsFiles: Array[String]): Unit = {",")) pluginsFiles.foreach(filePath => {"Adding to classpath plugin file: $filePath") if (filePath.startsWith("/") || filePath.startsWith("file://")) addFromLocal(filePath) if (filePath.startsWith("hdfs")) addFromHdfs(filePath) if (filePath.startsWith("http")) addFromHttp(filePath) }) } private def addFromLocal(filePath: String): Unit = {"Getting file from local: $filePath") val file = new File(filePath.replace("file://", "")) JarsHelper.addToClasspath(file) } private def addFromHdfs(fileHdfsPath: String): Unit = {"Getting file from HDFS: $fileHdfsPath") val inputStream = HdfsUtils().getFile(fileHdfsPath) val fileName = fileHdfsPath.split("/").last"HDFS file name is $fileName") val file = new File(s"/tmp/sparta/userjars/${UUID.randomUUID().toString}/$fileName")"Downloading HDFS file to local file system: ${file.getAbsoluteFile}") FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, file) JarsHelper.addToClasspath(file) } private def addFromHttp(fileURI: String): Unit = {"Getting file from HTTP: $fileURI") val tempFile = File.createTempFile(s"sparta-plugin-${Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis}", ".jar") val url = new URL(fileURI) FileUtils.copyURLToFile(url, tempFile) JarsHelper.addToClasspath(tempFile) } }