java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean.
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Example 1
Source File: DataGroup.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.shabondi.sink import java.time.{Duration => JDuration} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.function.Consumer import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.{ObjectKey, TopicKey} import oharastream.ohara.metrics.basic.Counter private[sink] class DataGroup( val name: String, objectKey: ObjectKey, brokerProps: String, topicKeys: Set[TopicKey], pollTimeout: JDuration ) extends Releasable { private val log = Logger(classOf[RowQueue]) private val rowCounter: Counter = Counter.builder .key(objectKey) .item(s"rows-$name") .unit("row") .document(s"The number of received rows of group $name") .value(0) .register() val queue = new RowQueue val queueProducer = new QueueProducer(name, queue, brokerProps, topicKeys, pollTimeout, rowCounter) private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) def resume(): Unit = if (!closed.get) { queueProducer.resume() } def pause(): Unit = if (!closed.get) { queueProducer.pause() } def isIdle(idleTime: JDuration): Boolean = queue.isIdle(idleTime) override def close(): Unit = { if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { var exception: Throwable = null val addSuppressedException: Consumer[Throwable] = (ex: Throwable) => { if (exception == null) exception = ex else exception.addSuppressed(ex) } Releasable.close(queueProducer, addSuppressedException) Releasable.close(rowCounter, addSuppressedException) if (exception != null) throw exception"Group {} closed.", name) } } }
Example 2
Source File: QueueProducer.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.shabondi.sink import java.time.{Duration => JDuration} import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.{Queue => JQueue} import{Row, Serializer} import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import oharastream.ohara.kafka.Consumer import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.TopicKey import oharastream.ohara.metrics.basic.Counter import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ private[sink] class QueueProducer( val groupName: String, val queue: JQueue[Row], val brokerProps: String, val topicKeys: Set[TopicKey], val pollTimeout: JDuration, val rowCounter: Counter ) extends Runnable with Releasable { private[this] val log = Logger(classOf[QueueProducer]) private[this] val paused: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] val stopped: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] val consumer: Consumer[Row, Array[Byte]] = Consumer .builder() .keySerializer(Serializer.ROW) .valueSerializer(Serializer.BYTES) .offsetFromBegin() .topicKeys(topicKeys.asJava) .connectionProps(brokerProps) .build() override def run(): Unit = { "{} group `{}` start.(topics={}, brokerProps={})", this.getClass.getSimpleName, groupName, topicKeys.mkString(","), brokerProps ) try { while (!stopped.get) { if (!paused.get && queue.isEmpty) { val rows = consumer.poll(pollTimeout) rows.foreach { r => queue.add(r) rowCounter.incrementAndGet() } log.trace(" group[{}], queue: {}, rows: {}", groupName, queue.size, rows.size) } else { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(10) } } // while } finally { consumer.close()"stopped.") } } override def close(): Unit = { stop() } def stop(): Unit = { stopped.set(true) } def pause(): Unit = { if (paused.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"{} paused.", this.getClass.getSimpleName) } } def resume(): Unit = { if (paused.compareAndSet(true, false)) {"{} resumed.", this.getClass.getSimpleName) } } }
Example 3
Source File: MetricsCache.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Objects import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.BrokerApi.BrokerClusterInfo import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ClusterInfo import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.MetricsApi.Metrics import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ShabondiApi.ShabondiClusterInfo import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.StreamApi.StreamClusterInfo import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.WorkerApi.WorkerClusterInfo import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ZookeeperApi.ZookeeperClusterInfo import oharastream.ohara.common.annotations.{Optional, VisibleForTesting} import oharastream.ohara.common.cache.RefreshableCache import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ObjectKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration trait MetricsCache extends Releasable { def meters(clusterInfo: ClusterInfo, key: ObjectKey): Map[String, Metrics] = meters(clusterInfo) .map { case (hostname, keyAndMeters) => hostname -> keyAndMeters.getOrElse(key, Metrics.EMPTY) } } object MetricsCache { def builder: Builder = new Builder() // TODO: remove this workaround if google guava support the custom comparison ... by chia @VisibleForTesting private[store] case class RequestKey(key: ObjectKey, service: String) { override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match { case another: RequestKey => another.key == key && another.service == service case _ => false } override def hashCode(): Int = 31 * key.hashCode + service.hashCode override def toString: String = s"key:$key, service:$service" } class Builder private[MetricsCache] extends oharastream.ohara.common.pattern.Builder[MetricsCache] { private[this] var refresher: () => Map[ClusterInfo, Map[String, Map[ObjectKey, Metrics]]] = _ private[this] var frequency: Duration = Duration(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS) def refresher(refresher: () => Map[ClusterInfo, Map[String, Map[ObjectKey, Metrics]]]): Builder = { this.refresher = Objects.requireNonNull(refresher) this } @Optional("default value is equal to timeout") def frequency(frequency: Duration): Builder = { this.frequency = Objects.requireNonNull(frequency) this } override def build: MetricsCache = new MetricsCache { import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ private[this] val refresher = Objects.requireNonNull(Builder.this.refresher) private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] val cache = RefreshableCache .builder[RequestKey, Map[String, Map[ObjectKey, Metrics]]]() .supplier( () => refresher().map { case (clusterInfo, meters) => key(clusterInfo) -> meters }.asJava ) .frequency(java.time.Duration.ofMillis(frequency.toMillis)) .build() private[this] def key(clusterInfo: ClusterInfo): RequestKey = RequestKey( key = clusterInfo.key, service = clusterInfo match { case _: ZookeeperClusterInfo => "zk" case _: BrokerClusterInfo => "bk" case _: WorkerClusterInfo => "wk" case _: StreamClusterInfo => "stream" case _: ShabondiClusterInfo => "shabondi" case c: ClusterInfo => c.getClass.getSimpleName // used by testing } ) override def meters(clusterInfo: ClusterInfo): Map[String, Map[ObjectKey, Metrics]] = cache.get(key(clusterInfo)).orElse(Map.empty) override def close(): Unit = if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) Releasable.close(cache) } } }
Example 4
Source File: SimpleRowSourceTask.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.client.kafka import java.util import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import{Row, Serializer} import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.TopicKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import oharastream.ohara.kafka.Consumer import oharastream.ohara.kafka.connector.{RowSourceRecord, RowSourceTask, TaskSetting} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import import scala.concurrent.Future class SimpleRowSourceTask extends RowSourceTask { private[this] var settings: TaskSetting = _ private[this] val queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[RowSourceRecord] private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] var consumer: Consumer[Row, Array[Byte]] = _ override protected def run(settings: TaskSetting): Unit = { this.settings = settings this.consumer = Consumer .builder() .connectionProps(settings.stringValue(SimpleRowSourceConnector.BROKER)) .groupId( .topicKeys(java.util.Set.copyOf(TopicKey.toTopicKeys(settings.stringValue(SimpleRowSourceConnector.INPUT)))) .offsetFromBegin() .keySerializer(Serializer.ROW) .valueSerializer(Serializer.BYTES) .build() Future { try while (!closed.get) { consumer .poll(java.time.Duration.ofSeconds(2)) .asScala .filter(_.key.isPresent) .map(_.key.get) .flatMap( row => settings.topicKeys() => RowSourceRecord.builder().row(row).topicKey(topic).build()) ) .foreach(r => queue.put(r)) } finally Releasable.close(consumer) } } override protected def pollRecords(): util.List[RowSourceRecord] = Iterator.continually(queue.poll()).takeWhile(_ != null).toSeq.asJava override protected def terminate(): Unit = { closed.set(true) consumer.wakeup() } }
Example 5
Source File: SandboxResetService.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.daml.dec.{DirectExecutionContext => DE} import com.daml.ledger.api.auth.Authorizer import com.daml.ledger.api.domain.LedgerId import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.testing.reset_service.{ResetRequest, ResetServiceGrpc} import com.daml.logging.{ContextualizedLogger, LoggingContext} import com.daml.platform.server.api.validation.ErrorFactories import import io.grpc.ServerCall.Listener import io.grpc._ import scala.concurrent.Future class SandboxResetService( ledgerId: LedgerId, resetAndRestartServer: () => Future[Unit], authorizer: Authorizer, )(implicit logCtx: LoggingContext) extends ResetServiceGrpc.ResetService with BindableService with ServerInterceptor { private val logger = ContextualizedLogger.get(this.getClass) private val resetInitialized = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def bindService(): ServerServiceDefinition = ResetServiceGrpc.bindService(this, DE) override def reset(request: ResetRequest): Future[Empty] = authorizer.requireAdminClaims(doReset)(request) override def interceptCall[ReqT, RespT]( serverCall: ServerCall[ReqT, RespT], metadata: Metadata, serverCallHandler: ServerCallHandler[ReqT, RespT]): Listener[ReqT] = { if (resetInitialized.get) { throw new StatusRuntimeException( Status.UNAVAILABLE.withDescription("Sandbox server is currently being reset")) } serverCallHandler.startCall(serverCall, metadata) } // to reset: // * initiate a graceful shutdown -- note that this won't kill the in-flight requests, including // the reset request itself we're serving; // * serve the response to the reset request; // * then, close all the services so hopefully the graceful shutdown will terminate quickly... // * ...but not before serving the request to the reset request itself, which we've already done. private def doReset(request: ResetRequest): Future[Empty] = Either .cond( ledgerId == LedgerId(request.ledgerId), request.ledgerId, ErrorFactories.ledgerIdMismatch(ledgerId, LedgerId(request.ledgerId))) .fold(Future.failed[Empty], _ => actuallyReset().map(_ => Empty())(DE)) private def actuallyReset() = {"Initiating server reset.") if (!resetInitialized.compareAndSet(false, true)) throw new StatusRuntimeException( Status.FAILED_PRECONDITION.withDescription("Sandbox server is currently being reset"))"Stopping and starting the server.") resetAndRestartServer() } }
Example 6
Source File: BatchingQueue.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.api import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import{Sink, Source, SourceQueueWithComplete} import{Materializer, OverflowStrategy, QueueOfferResult} import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.kvutils.DamlKvutils.DamlSubmissionBatch import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.SubmissionResult import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ object BatchingQueue { type CommitBatchFunction = Seq[DamlSubmissionBatch.CorrelatedSubmission] => Future[Unit] } case class DefaultBatchingQueue( maxQueueSize: Int, maxBatchSizeBytes: Long, maxWaitDuration: FiniteDuration, maxConcurrentCommits: Int ) extends BatchingQueue { private val queue: Source[ Seq[DamlSubmissionBatch.CorrelatedSubmission], SourceQueueWithComplete[DamlSubmissionBatch.CorrelatedSubmission]] = Source .queue(maxQueueSize, OverflowStrategy.dropNew) .groupedWeightedWithin(maxBatchSizeBytes, maxWaitDuration)( (cs: DamlSubmissionBatch.CorrelatedSubmission) => cs.getSubmission.size.toLong) def run(commitBatch: Seq[DamlSubmissionBatch.CorrelatedSubmission] => Future[Unit])( implicit materializer: Materializer): RunningBatchingQueueHandle = { val materializedQueue = queue .mapAsync(maxConcurrentCommits)(commitBatch) .to(Sink.ignore) .run() val queueAlive = new AtomicBoolean(true) materializedQueue.watchCompletion.foreach { _ => queueAlive.set(false) }(materializer.executionContext) new RunningBatchingQueueHandle { override def alive: Boolean = queueAlive.get() override def offer( submission: DamlSubmissionBatch.CorrelatedSubmission): Future[SubmissionResult] = { materializedQueue .offer(submission) .map { case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued => SubmissionResult.Acknowledged case QueueOfferResult.Dropped => SubmissionResult.Overloaded case f: QueueOfferResult.Failure => SubmissionResult.InternalError(f.toString) case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed => SubmissionResult.InternalError("DefaultBatchingQueue.queue is closed") }(materializer.executionContext) } override def close(): Unit = { materializedQueue.complete() } } } }
Example 7
Source File: TestResourceOwner.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.resources import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.daml.resources.TestResourceOwner._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} final class TestResourceOwner[T](acquire: Future[T], release: T => Future[Unit]) extends ResourceOwner[T] { private val acquired = new AtomicBoolean(false) def hasBeenAcquired: Boolean = acquired.get def acquire()(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Resource[T] = { if (!acquired.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new TriedToAcquireTwice } Resource(acquire)( value => if (acquired.compareAndSet(true, false)) release(value) else Future.failed(new TriedToReleaseTwice) ) } } object TestResourceOwner { def apply[T](value: T): TestResourceOwner[T] = new TestResourceOwner(Future.successful(value), _ => Future.successful(())) final class TriedToAcquireTwice extends Exception("Tried to acquire twice.") final class TriedToReleaseTwice extends Exception("Tried to release twice.") }
Example 8
Source File: TestCloseable.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.resources import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.daml.resources.TestCloseable._ final class TestCloseable[T](val value: T, acquired: AtomicBoolean) extends AutoCloseable { if (!acquired.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new TriedToAcquireTwice } override def close(): Unit = { if (!acquired.compareAndSet(true, false)) { throw new TriedToReleaseTwice } } } object TestCloseable { final class TriedToAcquireTwice extends Exception("Tried to acquire twice.") final class TriedToReleaseTwice extends Exception("Tried to release twice.") }
Example 9
Source File: SchedulerExtensionService.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.{ApplicationAttemptId, ApplicationId} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.config._ import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils override def stop(): Unit = { if (started.getAndSet(false)) { logInfo(s"Stopping $this") services.foreach { s => Utils.tryLogNonFatalError(s.stop()) } } } override def toString(): String = s"""SchedulerExtensionServices |(serviceOption=$serviceOption, | services=$services, | started=$started)""".stripMargin }
Example 10
package com.wavesplatform.dex.time import{InetAddress, SocketTimeoutException} import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.ScorexLogging import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.schedulers.SchedulerService import monix.execution.{ExecutionModel, Scheduler} import import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt class NTP(ntpServer: String) extends Time with ScorexLogging with AutoCloseable { private val offsetPanicThreshold = 1000000L private val ExpirationTimeout = 60.seconds private val RetryDelay = 10.seconds private val ResponseTimeout = 10.seconds private val duringShutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false) private implicit val scheduler: SchedulerService = Scheduler.singleThread( name = "time-impl", daemonic = false, executionModel = ExecutionModel.AlwaysAsyncExecution, reporter = { case _: RejectedExecutionException if duringShutdown.get() => // ignore case e: Throwable => log.error("An uncaught error", e) } ) private val client = new NTPUDPClient() client.setDefaultTimeout(ResponseTimeout.toMillis.toInt) @volatile private var offset = 0L private val updateTask: Task[Unit] = { def newOffsetTask: Task[Option[(InetAddress, java.lang.Long)]] = Task { try { val info = client.getTime(InetAddress.getByName(ntpServer)) info.computeDetails() Option(info.getOffset).map { offset => val r = if (Math.abs(offset) > offsetPanicThreshold) throw new Exception("Offset is suspiciously large") else offset (info.getAddress, r) } } catch { case _: SocketTimeoutException => None case t: Throwable => log.warn("Problems with NTP: ", t) None } } newOffsetTask.flatMap { case None if !scheduler.isShutdown => updateTask.delayExecution(RetryDelay) case Some((server, newOffset)) if !scheduler.isShutdown => log.trace(s"Adjusting time with $newOffset milliseconds, source: ${server.getHostAddress}.") offset = newOffset updateTask.delayExecution(ExpirationTimeout) case _ => Task.unit } } def correctedTime(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis() + offset private var txTime: Long = 0 def getTimestamp(): Long = { txTime = Math.max(correctedTime(), txTime + 1) txTime } private val taskHandle = updateTask.runAsync { case Left(e) => log.error(s"Error executing task", e) case _ => } override def close(): Unit = if (duringShutdown.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"Shutting down Time") taskHandle.cancel() if (client.isOpen) client.close() scheduler.shutdown() } }
Example 11
Source File: EmbeddedCassandra.scala From phantom-activator-template with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.cassandraunit.utils.EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper import org.slf4j.Logger import scala.concurrent.blocking import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} def start(logger: Logger, config: Option[File] = None, timeout: Option[Int] = None): Unit = { this.synchronized { if (started.compareAndSet(false, true)) { blocking { val configFile = getOrElse EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_YML_FILE System.setProperty("cassandra.config", configFile) Try { EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.mkdirs() } match { case Success(value) =>"Successfully created directories for embedded Cassandra.") case Failure(NonFatal(e)) => logger.error(s"Error creating Embedded cassandra directories: ${e.getMessage}") } (config, timeout) match { case (Some(file), None) =>"Starting Cassandra in embedded mode with configuration from $file.") EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.startEmbeddedCassandra( file, EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.DEFAULT_TMP_DIR, EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ) case (Some(file), Some(time)) =>"Starting Cassandra in embedded mode with configuration from $file and timeout set to $timeout ms.") EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.startEmbeddedCassandra( file, EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.DEFAULT_TMP_DIR, time ) case (None, Some(time)) =>"Starting Cassandra in embedded mode with default configuration and timeout set to $timeout ms.") EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.startEmbeddedCassandra(time) case (None, None) =>"Starting Cassandra in embedded mode with default configuration.") EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.startEmbeddedCassandra()"Successfully started embedded Cassandra") } } } else {"Embedded Cassandra has already been started") } } } def cleanup(logger: Logger): Unit = { this.synchronized { if (started.compareAndSet(true, false)) {"Cleaning up embedded Cassandra") EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper.cleanEmbeddedCassandra() } else {"Cassandra is not running, not cleaning up") } } } }
Example 12
Source File: Humid.scala From aws-training-demo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package aws.daleks.util import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean sealed trait Humid[+A] extends Traversable[A] { def flatMap[B](f: A => Humid[B]): Humid[B] def get:A def isEmpty:Boolean override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = if (! isEmpty) f(get) } case class Wet[+A](a: A) extends Humid[A] { override def flatMap[B](f: A => Humid[B]): Humid[B] = f(a) override def get:A = a override def isEmpty:Boolean = false } case object Dry extends Humid[Nothing] { override def flatMap[B](f: Nothing => Humid[B]): Humid[B] = Dry override def isEmpty = true override def get = throw new NoSuchElementException("Dry.get") } object Humid { val globalDry = new AtomicBoolean(true) def isDry = globalDry.get def apply[A](x:A):Humid[A] = if (isDry) Dry else Wet(x) } object HumidTest extends App { Humid("Uala !!! 1").foreach(println(_)); Humid.globalDry.set(false) Humid("Uala !!! 2").foreach(println(_)); val t = Humid("Something").map {i => i.toUpperCase() + " uala" } t.foreach(println(_)) }
Example 13
Source File: Subscription.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.datastream import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging trait Subscription { def cancel() } object Subscription { val empty = new Subscription { override def cancel(): Unit = () } def fromRunning(running: AtomicBoolean) = new Subscription with Logging { assert(running.get) override def cancel(): Unit = { logger.debug(s"Subscription cancellation requested") running.set(false) } } }
Example 14
Source File: DataStreamPublisher.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.datastream import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicMarkableReference, AtomicReference} import com.sksamuel.exts.collection.BlockingQueueConcurrentIterator import io.eels.Row import io.eels.schema.StructType class DataStreamPublisher(override val schema: StructType) extends DataStream { private val queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Seq[Row]] private val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) private val failure = new AtomicReference[Throwable](null) def isCancelled: Boolean = !running.get override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { subscriber.subscribed(new Subscription { override def cancel(): Unit = { queue.clear() queue.put(Row.Sentinel) running.set(false) } }) BlockingQueueConcurrentIterator(queue, Row.Sentinel).takeWhile(_ => running.get).foreach( failure.get match { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) case _ => subscriber.completed() } } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } def publish(row: Seq[Row]): Unit = queue.put(row) def error(t: Throwable): Unit = { failure.set(t) queue.clear() queue.add(Row.Sentinel) } def close(): Unit = queue.add(Row.Sentinel) }
Example 15
Source File: AvroSource.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.avro import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging import import io.eels._ import io.eels.datastream.{DataStream, Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema.StructType import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} case class AvroSource(path: Path) (implicit conf: Configuration, fs: FileSystem) extends Source with Using { override lazy val schema: StructType = { using(AvroReaderFns.createAvroReader(path)) { reader => val record = AvroSchemaFns.fromAvroSchema(record.getSchema) } } override def parts(): Seq[Publisher[Seq[Row]]] = Seq(AvroSourcePublisher(path)) } case class AvroSourcePublisher(path: Path) (implicit conf: Configuration, fs: FileSystem) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Logging with Using { override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { val deserializer = new AvroDeserializer() try { using(AvroReaderFns.createAvroReader(path)) { reader => val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) AvroRecordIterator(reader) .takeWhile(_ => running.get) .map(deserializer.toRow) .grouped(DataStream.DefaultBatchSize) .foreach( subscriber.completed() } } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } } object AvroSource { def apply(file: File)(implicit conf: Configuration, fs: FileSystem): AvroSource = AvroSource(new Path(file.getAbsoluteFile.toString)) def apply(path: java.nio.file.Path)(implicit conf: Configuration, fs: FileSystem): AvroSource = apply(path.toFile) }
Example 16
Source File: JdbcPublisher.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.jdbc import java.sql.{Connection, PreparedStatement} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import com.sksamuel.exts.metrics.Timed import io.eels.Row import io.eels.component.jdbc.dialect.JdbcDialect import io.eels.datastream.{Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class JdbcPublisher(connFn: () => Connection, query: String, bindFn: (PreparedStatement) => Unit, fetchSize: Int, dialect: JdbcDialect ) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Timed with JdbcPrimitives with Using { override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { using(connFn()) { conn => logger.debug(s"Preparing query $query") using(conn.prepareStatement(query)) { stmt => stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize) bindFn(stmt) logger.debug(s"Executing query $query") using(stmt.executeQuery()) { rs => val schema = schemaFor(dialect, rs) val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Row](fetchSize) while ( && running.get) { val values = schema.fieldNames().map { name => val raw = rs.getObject(name) dialect.sanitize(raw) } buffer append Row(schema, values) if (buffer.size == fetchSize) { buffer.clear() } } if (buffer.nonEmpty) subscriber.completed() } } } } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } }
Example 17
Source File: SequenceSource.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.sequence import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging import import io.eels._ import io.eels.datastream.{DataStream, Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema.StructType import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import{BytesWritable, IntWritable, SequenceFile} case class SequenceSource(path: Path)(implicit conf: Configuration) extends Source with Logging { logger.debug(s"Creating sequence source from $path") override def schema: StructType = SequenceSupport.schema(path) override def parts(): Seq[Publisher[Seq[Row]]] = List(new SequencePublisher(path)) } object SequenceReaderIterator { def apply(schema: StructType, reader: SequenceFile.Reader): Iterator[Row] = new Iterator[Row] { private val k = new IntWritable() private val v = new BytesWritable() // throw away the header, v) override def next(): Row = Row(schema, SequenceSupport.toValues(v).toVector) override def hasNext(): Boolean =, v) } } class SequencePublisher(val path: Path)(implicit conf: Configuration) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Logging with Using { override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { using(SequenceSupport.createReader(path)) { reader => val schema = SequenceSupport.schema(path) val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) SequenceReaderIterator(schema, reader) .takeWhile(_ => running.get) .grouped(DataStream.DefaultBatchSize) .foreach( subscriber.completed() } } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } }
Example 18
Source File: ParquetPublisher.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.parquet import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging import com.sksamuel.exts.OptionImplicits._ import import io.eels.component.parquet.util.ParquetIterator import io.eels.datastream.{DataStream, Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema.StructType import io.eels.{Predicate, Row} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileReader import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType class ParquetPublisher(path: Path, predicate: Option[Predicate], projection: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean, dictionaryFiltering: Boolean) (implicit conf: Configuration) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Logging with Using { def readSchema: Option[MessageType] = { if (projection.isEmpty) None else { val fileSchema = ParquetFileReader.readFooter(conf, path, ParquetMetadataConverter.NO_FILTER).getFileMetaData.getSchema val structType = ParquetSchemaFns.fromParquetMessageType(fileSchema) if (caseSensitive) { assert( structType.fieldNames.toSet.size ==, "Cannot use case sensitive = true when this would result in a clash of field names" ) } val projectionSchema = StructType( { field => structType.field(field, caseSensitive).getOrError(s"Requested field $field does not exist in the parquet schema") }) ParquetSchemaFns.toParquetMessageType(projectionSchema).some } } override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { using(RowParquetReaderFn(path, predicate, readSchema, dictionaryFiltering)) { reader => val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) ParquetIterator(reader) .grouped(DataStream.DefaultBatchSize) .takeWhile(_ => running.get) .foreach( subscriber.completed() } } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } }
Example 19
Source File: AvroParquetPublisher.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.parquet.avro import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging import import io.eels.component.avro.AvroDeserializer import io.eels.component.parquet.util.ParquetIterator import io.eels.datastream.{DataStream, Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.{Predicate, Row} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path class AvroParquetPublisher(path: Path, predicate: Option[Predicate])(implicit conf: Configuration) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Logging with Using { override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { val deser = new AvroDeserializer() val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) using(AvroParquetReaderFn(path, predicate, None)) { reader => ParquetIterator(reader) .map(deser.toRow) .grouped(DataStream.DefaultBatchSize) .takeWhile(_ => running.get) .foreach( } subscriber.completed() } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } }
Example 20
Source File: HdfsWatcher.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.hdfs import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging import io.eels.util.HdfsIterator import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.client.HdfsAdmin import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.inotify.Event import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal class HdfsWatcher(path: Path, callback: FileCallback) (implicit fs: FileSystem, conf: Configuration) extends Logging { private val files = HdfsIterator.remote(fs.listFiles(path, false)).map(_.getPath).toBuffer files.foreach(callback.onStart) private val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() private val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) private val interval = 5.seconds private val admin = new HdfsAdmin(path.toUri, conf) private val eventStream = admin.getInotifyEventStream executor.submit(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { while (running.get) { try { Thread.sleep(interval.toMillis) val events = eventStream.take for (event <- events.getEvents) { event match { case create: Event.CreateEvent => callback.onCreate(create) case append: Event.AppendEvent => callback.onAppend(append) case rename: Event.RenameEvent => callback.onRename(rename) case close: Event.CloseEvent => callback.onClose(close) case _ => } } } catch { case NonFatal(e) => logger.error("Error while polling fs", e) } } } }) def stop(): Unit = { running.set(false) executor.shutdownNow() } } trait FileCallback { def onStart(path: Path): Unit def onClose(close: Event.CloseEvent): Unit def onRename(rename: Event.RenameEvent): Unit def onAppend(append: Event.AppendEvent): Unit def onCreate(path: Event.CreateEvent): Unit }
Example 21
Source File: CsvPublisher.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.csv import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong} import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging import import com.univocity.parsers.csv.CsvParser import io.eels.Row import io.eels.datastream.{DataStream, Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema.StructType class CsvPublisher(createParser: () => CsvParser, inputFn: () => InputStream, header: Header, schema: StructType) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Logging with Using { val rowsToSkip: Int = header match { case Header.FirstRow => 1 case _ => 0 } override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { val input = inputFn() val parser = createParser() try { parser.beginParsing(input) val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) logger.debug(s"CSV Source will skip $rowsToSkip rows") val count = new AtomicLong(0) Iterator.continually(parser.parseNext) .takeWhile(_ != null) .takeWhile(_ => running.get) .drop(rowsToSkip) .map { record => Row(schema, record.toVector) } .grouped(DataStream.DefaultBatchSize) .foreach { ts => count.addAndGet(ts.size) } logger.debug(s"All ${count.get} rows read, notifying subscriber") subscriber.completed() } catch { case t: Throwable => logger.error(s"Error in CSV Source, subscriber will be notified", t) subscriber.error(t) } finally { logger.debug("Closing CSV source resources") parser.stopParsing() } } }
Example 22
Source File: KuduSource.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.kudu import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.Logging import import io.eels.datastream.{DataStream, Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema._ import io.eels.{Row, Source} import org.apache.kudu.client.{KuduClient, KuduScanner, RowResultIterator} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class KuduSource(tableName: String)(implicit client: KuduClient) extends Source with Logging { override lazy val schema: StructType = { val schema = client.openTable(tableName).getSchema KuduSchemaFns.fromKuduSchema(schema) } override def parts(): Seq[Publisher[Seq[Row]]] = Seq(new KuduPublisher(tableName)) class KuduPublisher(tableName: String) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Using { override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { val projectColumns = schema.fieldNames() val table = client.openTable(tableName) val scanner = client.newScannerBuilder(table) .setProjectedColumnNames(projectColumns.asJava) .build try { val iterator = new ScannerIterator(scanner, schema) val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) iterator.takeWhile(_ => running.get).grouped(DataStream.DefaultBatchSize).foreach( subscriber.completed() } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } finally { scanner.close() } } } } object ResultsIterator { def apply(schema: StructType, iter: RowResultIterator) = new Iterator[Row] { private val zipped = schema.fields.zipWithIndex override def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext override def next(): Row = { val next = val values = { case (field, index) => field.dataType match { case BinaryType =>, index) case BooleanType =>, index) case _: ByteType =>, index) case DoubleType =>, index) case FloatType =>, index) case _: IntType =>, index) case _: LongType =>, index) case _: ShortType =>, index) case StringType =>, index) case TimeMicrosType =>, index) case TimeMillisType =>, index) case TimestampMillisType =>, index) } } Row(schema, values) } } } class ScannerIterator(scanner: KuduScanner, schema: StructType) extends Iterator[Row] { var iter: Iterator[Row] = Iterator.empty override def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext || { if (scanner.hasMoreRows) { iter = ResultsIterator(schema, scanner.nextRows) iter.hasNext } else { false } } override def next(): Row = } object KuduSource { def apply(master: String, table: String): KuduSource = { implicit val client = new KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder(master).build() KuduSource(table) } }
Example 23
Source File: HbasePublisher.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.hbase import java.util import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import com.sksamuel.exts.metrics.Timed import io.eels.Row import io.eels.datastream.{Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema.StructType import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.{Connection, Result, Scan} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class HbasePublisher(connection: Connection, schema: StructType, namespace: String, tableName: String, bufferSize: Int, maxRows: Long, scanner: Scan, implicit val serializer: HbaseSerializer) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Timed with Using { private val table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(namespace, tableName)) override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { using(new CloseableIterator) { rowIter => val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Row](bufferSize) while (rowIter.hasNext && running.get()) { buffer append if (buffer.size == bufferSize) { buffer.clear() } } if (buffer.nonEmpty) subscriber.completed() } } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } class CloseableIterator extends Iterator[Row] with AutoCloseable { private val resultScanner = table.getScanner(scanner) private val resultScannerIter = resultScanner.iterator() private var rowCount = 0 private var iter: Iterator[Row] = Iterator.empty override def hasNext: Boolean = rowCount < maxRows && iter.hasNext || { if (rowCount < maxRows && resultScannerIter.hasNext) { iter = HBaseResultsIterator(schema, resultScannerIter) iter.hasNext } else false } override def next(): Row = { rowCount += 1 } override def close(): Unit = { resultScanner.close() } } case class HBaseResultsIterator(schema: StructType, resultIter: util.Iterator[Result])(implicit serializer: HbaseSerializer) extends Iterator[Row] { override def hasNext: Boolean = resultIter.hasNext override def next(): Row = { val resultRow = val values = { field => if (!field.key) { val value = resultRow.getValue(field.columnFamily.getOrElse(sys.error(s"No Column Family defined for field '${}'")).getBytes, if (value != null) serializer.fromBytes(value,, field.dataType) else null } else serializer.fromBytes(resultRow.getRow,, field.dataType) } Row(schema, values) } } }
Example 24
Source File: OrcSource.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.orc import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.exts.OptionImplicits._ import import io.eels._ import io.eels.datastream.{DataStream, Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema.StructType import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} import org.apache.orc.OrcFile.ReaderOptions import org.apache.orc._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object OrcSource { def apply(path: Path)(implicit fs: FileSystem, conf: Configuration): OrcSource = apply(FilePattern(path)) def apply(str: String)(implicit fs: FileSystem, conf: Configuration): OrcSource = apply(FilePattern(str)) } case class OrcSource(pattern: FilePattern, projection: Seq[String] = Nil, predicate: Option[Predicate] = None) (implicit fs: FileSystem, conf: Configuration) extends Source with Using { override def parts(): Seq[Publisher[Seq[Row]]] = pattern.toPaths().map(new OrcPublisher(_, projection, predicate)) def withPredicate(predicate: Predicate): OrcSource = copy(predicate = predicate.some) def withProjection(first: String, rest: String*): OrcSource = withProjection(first +: rest) def withProjection(fields: Seq[String]): OrcSource = { require(fields.nonEmpty) copy(projection = fields.toList) } override def schema: StructType = { val reader = OrcFile.createReader(pattern.toPaths().head, new ReaderOptions(conf)) val schema = reader.getSchema OrcSchemaFns.fromOrcType(schema).asInstanceOf[StructType] } private def reader() = { val options = new ReaderOptions(conf) OrcFile.createReader(pattern.toPaths().head, options) } def count(): Long = reader().getNumberOfRows def statistics(): Seq[ColumnStatistics] = reader().getStatistics.toVector def stripes(): Seq[StripeInformation] = reader().getStripes.asScala def stripeStatistics(): Seq[StripeStatistics] = reader().getStripeStatistics.asScala } class OrcPublisher(path: Path, projection: Seq[String], predicate: Option[Predicate])(implicit conf: Configuration) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] { override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { val reader = OrcFile.createReader(path, new ReaderOptions(conf)) val fileSchema = OrcSchemaFns.fromOrcType(reader.getSchema).asInstanceOf[StructType] val iterator: Iterator[Row] = OrcBatchIterator(reader, fileSchema, projection, predicate).flatten val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) iterator.grouped(DataStream.DefaultBatchSize).takeWhile(_ => running.get).foreach( subscriber.completed() } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } }
Example 25
Source File: ElasticsearchSource.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.elasticsearch import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.HttpClient import import io.eels.datastream.{Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription} import io.eels.schema.{Field, StructType} import io.eels.{Row, Source} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class ElasticsearchSource(index: String)(implicit client: HttpClient) extends Source { import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.ElasticDsl._ implicit val duration = 5.minutes override def schema: StructType = { val resp = client.execute { getMapping(index) }.await.head.mappings val fields = { key => Field(key) }.toSeq StructType(fields) } override def parts(): Seq[Publisher[Seq[Row]]] = Seq(new ElasticsearchPublisher(index)) } class ElasticsearchPublisher(index: String)(implicit client: HttpClient) extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] { import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.ElasticDsl._ implicit val duration = 5.minutes override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[Seq[Row]]): Unit = { try { val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) subscriber.subscribed(Subscription.fromRunning(running)) SearchIterator.hits(client, search(index).matchAllQuery.keepAlive("1m").size(50)) .takeWhile(_ => running.get) .grouped(50) .foreach { batch => val chunk = { hit => val schema = StructType( { key => Field(key) }.toSeq) Row(schema, hit.fields.values.toVector) } } subscriber.completed() } catch { case t: Throwable => subscriber.error(t) } } }
Example 26
Source File: InfiniteSource.scala From flink-jpmml with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package io.radicalbit.examples.sources import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import io.radicalbit.examples.model.Utils import io.radicalbit.flink.pmml.scala.models.control.{AddMessage, ServingMessage} import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction import scala.util.Random override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[ServingMessage]): Unit = if (policy == ControlSource.Loop) loopedGeneration(ctx) else randomGeneration(ctx) private def loopedGeneration(context: SourceFunction.SourceContext[ServingMessage]) = while (isRunning.get()) { mappingIdPath.foreach { tuple => val (id, path) = tuple context.getCheckpointLock.synchronized { context.collect(AddMessage(id, 1, path, } Thread.sleep(rand.nextDouble() * maxInterval toLong) } } private def randomGeneration(context: SourceFunction.SourceContext[ServingMessage]) = while (isRunning.get()) { val (currentId, currentPath) = rand.shuffle(mappingIdPath).head context.getCheckpointLock.synchronized { context.collect(AddMessage(currentId, 1, currentPath, } Thread.sleep(rand.nextDouble() * maxInterval toLong) } }
Example 27
Source File: PythonUDFRunner.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python import import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.api.python._ class PythonUDFRunner( funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions], evalType: Int, argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]]) extends BasePythonRunner[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]( funcs, evalType, argOffsets) { protected override def newWriterThread( env: SparkEnv, worker: Socket, inputIterator: Iterator[Array[Byte]], partitionIndex: Int, context: TaskContext): WriterThread = { new WriterThread(env, worker, inputIterator, partitionIndex, context) { protected override def writeCommand(dataOut: DataOutputStream): Unit = { PythonUDFRunner.writeUDFs(dataOut, funcs, argOffsets) } protected override def writeIteratorToStream(dataOut: DataOutputStream): Unit = { PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(inputIterator, dataOut) dataOut.writeInt(SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION) } } } protected override def newReaderIterator( stream: DataInputStream, writerThread: WriterThread, startTime: Long, env: SparkEnv, worker: Socket, releasedOrClosed: AtomicBoolean, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[Byte]] = { new ReaderIterator(stream, writerThread, startTime, env, worker, releasedOrClosed, context) { protected override def read(): Array[Byte] = { if (writerThread.exception.isDefined) { throw writerThread.exception.get } try { stream.readInt() match { case length if length > 0 => val obj = new Array[Byte](length) stream.readFully(obj) obj case 0 => Array.empty[Byte] case SpecialLengths.TIMING_DATA => handleTimingData() read() case SpecialLengths.PYTHON_EXCEPTION_THROWN => throw handlePythonException() case SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION => handleEndOfDataSection() null } } catch handleException } } } } object PythonUDFRunner { def writeUDFs( dataOut: DataOutputStream, funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions], argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]]): Unit = { dataOut.writeInt(funcs.length) { case (chained, offsets) => dataOut.writeInt(offsets.length) offsets.foreach { offset => dataOut.writeInt(offset) } dataOut.writeInt(chained.funcs.length) chained.funcs.foreach { f => dataOut.writeInt(f.command.length) dataOut.write(f.command) } } } }
Example 28
Source File: RPCContinuousShuffleReader.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.continuous.shuffle import java.util.concurrent._ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.rpc.{RpcCallContext, RpcEnv, ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow import org.apache.spark.util.NextIterator override def getNext(): UnsafeRow = { var nextRow: UnsafeRow = null while (!finished && nextRow == null) { completion.poll(epochIntervalMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) match { case null => // Try again if the poll didn't wait long enough to get a real result. // But we should be getting at least an epoch marker every checkpoint interval. val writerIdsUncommitted = writerEpochMarkersReceived.zipWithIndex.collect { case (flag, idx) if !flag => idx } logWarning( s"Completion service failed to make progress after $epochIntervalMs ms. Waiting " + s"for writers ${writerIdsUncommitted.mkString(",")} to send epoch markers.") // The completion service guarantees this future will be available immediately. case future => future.get() match { case ReceiverRow(writerId, r) => // Start reading the next element in the queue we just took from. completion.submit(completionTask(writerId)) nextRow = r case ReceiverEpochMarker(writerId) => // Don't read any more from this queue. If all the writers have sent epoch markers, // the epoch is over; otherwise we need to loop again to poll from the remaining // writers. writerEpochMarkersReceived(writerId) = true if (writerEpochMarkersReceived.forall(_ == true)) { finished = true } } } } nextRow } override def close(): Unit = { executor.shutdownNow() } } } }
Example 29
Source File: ExecutorNumListener.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.monitor import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util import java.util.Date import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{ SparkListener, SparkListenerExecutorAdded, SparkListenerExecutorRemoved } import org.apache.spark.util.kvstore.KVIndex class ExecutorNumListener extends SparkListener with Logging { lazy val kvstore = var initialized: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false) var lastPointTime: Long = new Date().getTime var recentEventTime: Long = new Date().getTime private val liveExecutors = new util.HashSet[String]() def initialize(): Unit = { { case ui => ui.attachTab(new ExecutorNumTab(ui)) ui.addStaticHandler("static", "/static/special") } } def maybeAddPoint(time: Long): Unit = { if (!initialized.get) { initialize() initialized.compareAndSet(false, true) } if (time - lastPointTime > 20 * 1000) { addPoint(recentEventTime) addPoint(time) lastPointTime = time } recentEventTime = time } def addPoint(time: Long): Unit = { val executorNum = liveExecutors.size kvstore.write(new ExecutorNumWrapper(new ExecutorNum( s"own ${executorNum} executors at ${new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(time))}", IndexedSeq(time, executorNum)))) } override def onExecutorAdded(event: SparkListenerExecutorAdded): Unit = { liveExecutors.add(event.executorId) maybeAddPoint(event.time) } override def onExecutorRemoved(event: SparkListenerExecutorRemoved): Unit = { liveExecutors.remove(event.executorId) maybeAddPoint(event.time) } } private[spark] class ExecutorNumWrapper(val point: ExecutorNum) { @JsonIgnore @KVIndex def id: Long = point.value(0) } private[spark] class ExecutorNum(val name: String, val value: IndexedSeq[Long])
Example 30
Source File: Loop.scala From Hive-JDBC-Proxy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.enjoyyin.hive.proxy.jdbc.util import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import scala.util.control.NonFatal import com.enjoyyin.hive.proxy.jdbc.exception.IngoreEventException abstract class DaemonThread(override val threadName: String) extends LoopThread trait LoopThread extends Logging { val threadName: String private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false) private var startTime = 0l private val eventThread: Thread = new Thread(threadName) { setDaemon(true) override def run(): Unit = { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis while (!stopped.get) { Utils.tryCatch(doLoop){ case _: InterruptedException => return // exit even if eventQueue is not empty case NonFatal(e) => logError("Unexpected error in " + threadName, e) } } } } protected def doLoop: Unit def start: Unit = { if (stopped.get) { throw new IllegalStateException(threadName + " has already been stopped!") } // Call onStart before starting the event thread to make sure it happens before onReceive onStart eventThread.start() } def getStartTime: Long = startTime def stop: Unit = { if (stopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) { eventThread.interrupt() var onStopCalled = false Utils.tryCatch { eventThread.join() onStopCalled = true onStop } { case _: InterruptedException => Thread.currentThread.interrupt() if (!onStopCalled) { onStop } case t => throw t } } else { // Keep quiet to allow calling `stop` multiple times. } } def isActive: Boolean = eventThread.isAlive protected def onStart: Unit = {} protected def onStop: Unit = {} } trait LoopCollection[E] extends Logging { def post(event: E): Unit val threadName: String protected def onReceiveSafety(event: E): Unit = Utils.tryCatch(onReceive(event)){ case _: IngoreEventException => //ignore it case NonFatal(e) => Utils.tryCatch(onError(e)){ case NonFatal(_) => logError("Unexpected error in " + threadName, e) } } protected def onReceive(event: E): Unit def remove(obj: E): Unit def remove(filter: E => Boolean): Unit protected def onError(e: Throwable): Unit }
Example 31
Source File: TaskInstances.scala From shims with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shims.effect.instances import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Parallel, StackSafeMonad, ~>} import cats.effect.{Effect, ExitCase, IO, SyncIO} import scalaz.{Tag, -\/, \/, \/-} import scalaz.concurrent.Task.ParallelTask import scalaz.concurrent.{Future, Task} import shims.conversions.MonadErrorConversions import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait TaskInstances extends MonadErrorConversions { // cribbed from quasar, where it was mostly cribbed from scalaz-task-effect implicit object taskEffect extends Effect[Task] with StackSafeMonad[Task] { def pure[A](x: A): Task[A] = def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Task[A])(f: Throwable => Task[A]): Task[A] = fa.handleWith(functionToPartial(f)) def raiseError[A](e: Throwable): Task[A] = // In order to comply with `repeatedCallbackIgnored` law // on async, a custom AtomicBoolean is required to ignore // second callbacks. def async[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Unit): Task[A] = Task.async { registered => val a = new AtomicBoolean(true) try k(e => if (a.getAndSet(false)) registered(\/.fromEither(e)) else ()) catch { case NonFatal(t) => registered(-\/(t)) } } def asyncF[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Task[Unit]): Task[A] = async(k.andThen(_.unsafePerformAsync(forget))) // emulates using attempt def bracketCase[A, B](acquire: Task[A])(use: A => Task[B])(release: (A, ExitCase[Throwable]) => Task[Unit]): Task[B] = { for { a <- acquire bOr <- use(a).attempt ec = bOr.fold(ExitCase.Error(_), _ => ExitCase.Completed) _ <- release(a, ec) b <- bOr.fold(, } yield b } def runAsync[A](fa: Task[A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Unit] = SyncIO { fa unsafePerformAsync { disjunction => cb(disjunction.toEither).unsafeRunAsync(forget) } } def runSyncStep[A](fa: Task[A]): IO[Either[Task[A], A]] = IO { fa.get match { case Future.Now(-\/(_)) => Left(fa) case other => other.step match { case Future.Now(\/-(a)) => Right(a) case other => Left(new Task(other)) } } } override def map[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => B): Task[B] = def flatMap[A, B](fa: Task[A])(f: A => Task[B]): Task[B] = fa.flatMap(f) override def delay[A](thunk: => A): Task[A] = Task.delay(thunk) def suspend[A](thunk: => Task[A]): Task[A] = Task.suspend(thunk) } implicit val taskParallel: Parallel.Aux[Task, ParallelTask] = new Parallel[Task] { import Task.taskParallelApplicativeInstance type F[A] = ParallelTask[A] val monad: Monad[Task] = taskEffect val applicative: Applicative[ParallelTask] = Applicative[ParallelTask] val sequential: ParallelTask ~> Task = λ[ParallelTask ~> Task](Tag.unwrap(_)) val parallel: Task ~> ParallelTask = λ[Task ~> ParallelTask](Tag(_)) } private def functionToPartial[A, B](f: A => B): PartialFunction[A, B] = { case a => f(a) } private def forget[A](x: A): Unit = () }
Example 32
Source File: ReferenceCounted.scala From openwhisk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.cosmosdb import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger} private[cosmosdb] case class ReferenceCounted[T <: AutoCloseable](private val inner: T) { private val count = new AtomicInteger(0) private def inc(): Unit = count.incrementAndGet() private def dec(): Unit = { val newCount = count.decrementAndGet() if (newCount <= 0) { inner.close() //Turn count to negative to ensure future reference call fail count.decrementAndGet() } } def isClosed: Boolean = count.get() < 0 def reference(): CountedReference = { require(count.get >= 0, "Reference is already closed") new CountedReference } class CountedReference extends AutoCloseable { private val closed = new AtomicBoolean() inc() override def close(): Unit = if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) dec() def get: T = inner } }
Example 33
Source File: BlockingSpec.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.blocking import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import zio.duration._ import zio.test.Assertion._ import zio.test.TestAspect.nonFlaky import zio.test._ import zio.{ UIO, ZIOBaseSpec } object BlockingSpec extends ZIOBaseSpec { def spec = suite("BlockingSpec")( suite("Make a Blocking Service and verify that")( testM("effectBlocking completes successfully") { assertM(effectBlocking(()))(isUnit) }, testM("effectBlocking runs on the blocking thread pool") { for { name <- effectBlocking(Thread.currentThread.getName) } yield assert(name)(containsString("zio-default-blocking")) }, testM("effectBlockingCancelable completes successfully") { assertM(effectBlockingCancelable(())(UIO.unit))(isUnit) }, testM("effectBlockingCancelable runs on the blocking thread pool") { for { name <- effectBlockingCancelable(Thread.currentThread.getName)(UIO.unit) } yield assert(name)(containsString("zio-default-blocking")) }, testM("effectBlockingCancelable can be interrupted") { val release = new AtomicBoolean(false) val cancel = UIO.effectTotal(release.set(true)) assertM(effectBlockingCancelable(blockingAtomic(release))(cancel).timeout(Duration.Zero))(isNone) }, testM("effectBlockingInterrupt completes successfully") { assertM(effectBlockingInterrupt(()))(isUnit) }, testM("effectBlockingInterrupt runs on the blocking thread pool") { for { name <- effectBlockingInterrupt(Thread.currentThread.getName) } yield assert(name)(containsString("zio-default-blocking")) }, testM("effectBlockingInterrupt can be interrupted") { assertM(effectBlockingInterrupt(Thread.sleep(50000)).timeout(Duration.Zero))(isNone) } @@ nonFlaky ) ) def blockingAtomic(released: AtomicBoolean): Unit = while (!released.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(10L) } catch { case _: InterruptedException => () } } }
Example 34
Source File: OneElementConcurrentQueue.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.internal.impls import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong, AtomicReference } import zio.internal.MutableConcurrentQueue final class OneElementConcurrentQueue[A] extends MutableConcurrentQueue[A] with Serializable { private[this] val ref = new AtomicReference[AnyRef]() private[this] val headCounter = new AtomicLong(0L) private[this] val deqInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] val tailCounter = new AtomicLong(0L) private[this] val enqInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false) override final val capacity = 1 override def dequeuedCount(): Long = headCounter.get() override def enqueuedCount(): Long = tailCounter.get() override def isEmpty(): Boolean = ref.get() == null override def isFull(): Boolean = !isEmpty() override def offer(a: A): Boolean = { assert(a != null) var res = false var looping = true while (looping) { if (isFull()) { looping = false } else { if (enqInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // get an exclusive right to offer if (ref.get() == null) { tailCounter.lazySet(tailCounter.get() + 1) ref.lazySet(a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) res = true } enqInProgress.lazySet(false) looping = false } } } res } override def poll(default: A): A = { var res = default var looping = true while (looping) { if (isEmpty()) { looping = false } else { if (deqInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // get an exclusive right to poll val el = ref.get().asInstanceOf[A] if (el != null) { res = el headCounter.lazySet(headCounter.get() + 1) ref.lazySet(null.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) } deqInProgress.lazySet(false) looping = false } } } res } override def size(): Int = if (isEmpty()) 0 else 1 }
Example 35
Source File: OneElementConcurrentQueue.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.internal.impls import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong, AtomicReference } import zio.internal.MutableConcurrentQueue final class OneElementConcurrentQueue[A] extends MutableConcurrentQueue[A] with Serializable { private[this] val ref = new AtomicReference[AnyRef]() private[this] val headCounter = new AtomicLong(0L) private[this] val deqInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] val tailCounter = new AtomicLong(0L) private[this] val enqInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false) override final val capacity = 1 override def dequeuedCount(): Long = headCounter.get() override def enqueuedCount(): Long = tailCounter.get() override def isEmpty(): Boolean = ref.get() == null override def isFull(): Boolean = !isEmpty() override def offer(a: A): Boolean = { assert(a != null) var res = false var looping = true while (looping) { if (isFull()) { looping = false } else { if (enqInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // get an exclusive right to offer if (ref.get() == null) { tailCounter.lazySet(tailCounter.get() + 1) ref.lazySet(a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) res = true } enqInProgress.lazySet(false) looping = false } } } res } override def poll(default: A): A = { var res = default var looping = true while (looping) { if (isEmpty()) { looping = false } else { if (deqInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // get an exclusive right to poll val el = ref.get().asInstanceOf[A] if (el != null) { res = el headCounter.lazySet(headCounter.get() + 1) ref.lazySet(null.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) } deqInProgress.lazySet(false) looping = false } } } res } override def size(): Int = if (isEmpty()) 0 else 1 }
Example 36
Source File: CloseableShutdownHookTest.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airframe.lifecycle import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import wvlet.airframe.{bind, newSilentDesign} import wvlet.airspec.AirSpec class CloseableShutdownHookTest extends AirSpec { scalaJsSupport class A extends AutoCloseable { val closeIsCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def close(): Unit = { closeIsCalled.set(true) } } def `support closeable`: Unit = { val a = new A val d = newSilentDesign.bind[A].toInstance(a)[A] { a => } a.closeIsCalled.get() shouldBe true } trait A1 { val onShutdownIsCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false) val a = bind[A].onShutdown { x => onShutdownIsCalled.set(true) } } def `favor onShutdownHook`: Unit = { val x = newSilentDesign .build[A1] { a1 => a1 }.asInstanceOf[A1] x.onShutdownIsCalled.get shouldBe true x.a.closeIsCalled.get shouldBe false } }
Example 37
Source File: LazyStartTest.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airframe.lifecycle import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import wvlet.airframe.{bind, newSilentDesign} import wvlet.airspec.AirSpec import wvlet.log.LogSupport import wvlet.airframe._ object LazyStartTest { type F1 = AtomicBoolean type F2 = AtomicBoolean trait MyApp extends LogSupport { val a = bind[F1] .onStart { x => x.set(true) } .onShutdown { x => x.set(false) } } trait MyApp2 extends LogSupport { val a = bind[F2] .onStart { x => x.set(true) } .onShutdown { x => x.set(false) } } } class LazyStartTest extends AirSpec { scalaJsSupport import LazyStartTest._ val f1 = new AtomicBoolean(false) val f2 = new AtomicBoolean(false) val d = newSilentDesign .bind[MyApp].toSingleton .bind[MyApp2].toSingleton .bind[F1].toInstance(f1) .bind[F2].toInstance(f2) def `support lazy start`: Unit = { (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false)[MyApp] { app => (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (true, false) } (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false)[MyApp] { app => (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (true, false) } (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false) // Override config[MyApp] { app => (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (true, false) } (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false)[MyApp2] { app => (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, true) } (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false) } def `support eager start`: Unit = { (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false)[MyApp] { app => (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (true, true) } (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false) // Override config (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false)[MyApp] { app => (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (true, true) } (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false)[MyApp2] { app => (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (true, true) } (f1.get, f2.get) shouldBe (false, false) } }
Example 38
Source File: CloseableHookPrecedenceTest.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airframe import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import javax.annotation.PreDestroy import wvlet.airspec.AirSpec class CloseableHookPrecedenceTest extends AirSpec { class A extends AutoCloseable { val closeIsCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false) val shutdownIsCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def close(): Unit = { closeIsCalled.set(true) } @PreDestroy def shutdown: Unit = { shutdownIsCalled.set(true) } } def `support closeable`: Unit = { val a = new A val d = newSilentDesign.bind[A].toInstance(a)[A] { a => } a.closeIsCalled.get shouldBe false a.shutdownIsCalled.get() shouldBe true } }
Example 39
Source File: FluencyTest.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airframe.fluentd import import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import javax.annotation.{PostConstruct, PreDestroy} import wvlet.airframe.codec.PrimitiveCodec.ValueCodec import wvlet.airframe._ import wvlet.airspec.AirSpec import wvlet.log.LogSupport import case class MockFluentdConfig(port: Int) trait MockFluentd extends LogSupport { lazy val socket = bind { config: MockFluentdConfig => new ServerSocket(config.port) } val shutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false) val t = new Thread(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { val clientSocket = socket.accept() val out = clientSocket.getOutputStream val in = new BufferedInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream) while (!shutdown.get()) { var b = new Array[Byte](8192) var totalReadLen = 0 var readLen = while (readLen != -1) { val nextReadLen =, totalReadLen, readLen) totalReadLen += readLen readLen = nextReadLen } if (totalReadLen > 0) { val v = ValueCodec.unpackMsgPack(b, 0, totalReadLen) logger.debug(s"Received event: ${v}") } } } }) @PostConstruct def start: Unit = { debug(s"starting MockFluentd") t.start() } @PreDestroy def stop: Unit = { debug(s"stopping MockFluentd") shutdown.set(true) socket.close() t.interrupt() } } case class FluencyMetric(id: Int, name: String) extends TaggedMetric { def metricTag = "fluency_metric" } class FluencyTest extends AirSpec { private val fluentdPort = IOUtil.randomPort protected override val design: Design = { newDesign .bind[MockFluentdConfig].toInstance(new MockFluentdConfig(fluentdPort)) .bind[MockFluentd].toEagerSingleton .add( fluentd .withFluentdLogger( port = fluentdPort, // Do not send ack for simplicity ackResponseMode = false ) ) } def `should send metrics to fluentd through Fluency`(f: MetricLoggerFactory): Unit = { // Use a regular emit method f.getLogger.emit("mytag", Map("data" -> "hello")) // Use object metric logger val l = f.getTypedLogger[FluencyMetric] l.emit(FluencyMetric(1, "leo")) f.getLoggerWithTagPrefix("system").emit("mytag", Map("data" -> "metric value")) } test( "test extended time", design = fluentd.withFluentdLogger(port = fluentdPort, ackResponseMode = false, useExtendedEventTime = true) ) { f: MetricLoggerFactory => val l = f.getLogger l.emit("mytag", Map("data" -> "hello")) l.emitMsgPack("tag", Array(0xc6.toByte)) } }
Example 40
Source File: AsyncHandler.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.log import import java.util import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ThreadFactory} import java.util.{logging => jl} class AsyncHandler(parent: jl.Handler) extends jl.Handler with Guard with AutoCloseable with Flushable { private val executor = { Executors.newCachedThreadPool( new ThreadFactory { override def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread = { val t = new Thread(r, "WvletLogAsyncHandler") t.setDaemon(true) t } } ) } private val queue = new util.ArrayDeque[jl.LogRecord] private val isNotEmpty = newCondition private val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) // Start a poller thread executor.submit(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { while (!closed.get()) { val record: jl.LogRecord = guard { if (queue.isEmpty) { isNotEmpty.await() } queue.pollFirst() } if (record != null) { parent.publish(record) } } } }) override def flush(): Unit = { val records = Seq.newBuilder[jl.LogRecord] guard { while (!queue.isEmpty) { records += queue.pollFirst() } } _) parent.flush() } override def publish(record: jl.LogRecord): Unit = { guard { queue.addLast(record) isNotEmpty.signal() } } override def close(): Unit = { if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { flush() // Wake up the poller thread guard { isNotEmpty.signalAll() } executor.shutdown() } } }
Example 41
Source File: FlushMode.scala From scribe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scribe.writer.file import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong} import scribe.util.Time import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import trait FlushMode { def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit } object FlushMode { object NeverFlush extends FlushMode { override def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit = {} } object AlwaysFlush extends FlushMode { override def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit = writer.flush() } case class AsynchronousFlush(delay: FiniteDuration = 1.second) extends FlushMode { private lazy val delayMillis = delay.toMillis private lazy val flushing = new AtomicBoolean(false) private lazy val dirty = new AtomicBoolean(false) private lazy val lastFlush = new AtomicLong(0L) private var logFile: LogFile = _ override def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit = { this.logFile = logFile if (flushing.compareAndSet(false, true)) { flush() } else { dirty.set(true) } } private def flush(): Unit = Future { try { val delay = this.delayMillis - (Time() - lastFlush.get()) if (delay > 0L) { Thread.sleep(delay) } logFile.flush() } finally { lastFlush.set(Time()) if (dirty.compareAndSet(true, false)) { flush() } else { flushing.set(false) } } } } }
Example 42
Source File: GrpcAkkaStreamsClientCalls.scala From grpcakkastream with MIT License | 5 votes |
package grpc.akkastreams import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference} import akka.NotUsed import{Flow, Source} import com.trueaccord.scalapb.grpc.Grpc import io.grpc.{ClientCall, Metadata, Status} import io.grpc.stub._ object GrpcAkkaStreamsClientCalls { def unaryFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow[I].flatMapConcat(request => Source.fromFuture( Grpc.guavaFuture2ScalaFuture( ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall(call, request) ) ) ) def serverStreamingFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph( new GrpcGraphStage[I, O](outputObserver => { val out = outputObserver.asInstanceOf[ClientResponseObserver[I, O]] val in = new ClientCallStreamObserver[I] { val halfClosed = new AtomicBoolean(false) val onReadyHandler = new AtomicReference[Option[Runnable]](None) val listener = new ClientCall.Listener[O] { override def onClose(status: Status, trailers: Metadata): Unit = status.getCode match { case Status.Code.OK => out.onCompleted() case _ => out.onError(status.asException(trailers)) } override def onMessage(message: O): Unit = out.onNext(message) override def onReady(): Unit = onReadyHandler.get().foreach( } call.start(listener, new Metadata()) override def cancel(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = call.cancel(message, cause) override def setOnReadyHandler(onReadyHandler: Runnable): Unit = this.onReadyHandler.set(Some(onReadyHandler)) override def request(count: Int): Unit = call.request(count) override def disableAutoInboundFlowControl(): Unit = () override def isReady: Boolean = !halfClosed.get() || call.isReady override def setMessageCompression(enable: Boolean): Unit = call.setMessageCompression(enable) override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = call.cancel("Cancelled by client with StreamObserver.onError()", t) override def onCompleted(): Unit = () override def onNext(request: I): Unit = { call.sendMessage(request) halfClosed.set(true) call.halfClose() } } out.beforeStart(in) in }) ) def clientStreamingFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(new GrpcGraphStage[I, O](ClientCalls.asyncClientStreamingCall(call, _))) def bidiStreamingFlow[I, O](call: ClientCall[I, O]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(new GrpcGraphStage[I, O](ClientCalls.asyncBidiStreamingCall(call, _))) }
Example 43
Source File: GrpcGraphStage.scala From grpcakkastream with MIT License | 5 votes |
package grpc.akkastreams import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference} import{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet} import{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, InHandler, OutHandler} import io.grpc.stub.{ClientCallStreamObserver, ClientResponseObserver} class GrpcGraphStage[I, O](operator: GrpcOperator[I, O]) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[I, O]] { val in = Inlet[I]("") val out = Outlet[O]("grpc.out") override val shape: FlowShape[I, O] = FlowShape.of(in, out) override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) with InHandler with OutHandler { var requestStream = new AtomicReference[Option[ClientCallStreamObserver[I]]](None) val element = new AtomicReference[Option[I]](None) val requested = new AtomicBoolean(false) val outObs = new ClientResponseObserver[I, O] with Runnable { override def beforeStart(reqStream: ClientCallStreamObserver[I]): Unit = { requestStream.set(Some(reqStream)) reqStream.disableAutoInboundFlowControl() reqStream.setOnReadyHandler(this) } override def onError(t: Throwable) = getAsyncCallback((t: Throwable) => fail(out, t)).invoke(t) override def onCompleted() = getAsyncCallback((_: Unit) => complete(out)).invoke(()) override def onNext(value: O) = getAsyncCallback((value: O) => push(out, value)).invoke(value) override def run(): Unit = requestStream.get().foreach { reqStream => if (requested.compareAndSet(true, false)) reqStream.request(1) if (reqStream.isReady) { element.getAndSet(None).foreach { value => reqStream.onNext(value) tryPull(in) } } } } val inObs = operator(outObs) override def onPush(): Unit = { val value = grab(in) requestStream.get() match { case Some(reqStream) if reqStream.isReady() => reqStream.onNext(value) pull(in) case _ => element.compareAndSet(None, Some(value)) } } override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = inObs.onCompleted() override def onUpstreamFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = inObs.onError(t) override def onPull(): Unit = requestStream.get() match { case Some(reqStream) => reqStream.request(1) case _ => requested.compareAndSet(false, true) } override def preStart(): Unit = pull(in) setHandler(in, this) setHandler(out, this) } }
Example 44
Source File: KubernetesLease.scala From akka-management with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger } import import{ LeaseException, LeaseSettings, LeaseTimeoutException } import import import import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts import akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException import akka.util.{ ConstantFun, Timeout } import scala.concurrent.Future object KubernetesLease { val configPath = "" private val leaseCounter = new AtomicInteger(1) } class KubernetesLease private[akka] (system: ExtendedActorSystem, leaseTaken: AtomicBoolean, settings: LeaseSettings) extends Lease(settings) { private val k8sSettings = KubernetesSettings(settings.leaseConfig, settings.timeoutSettings) private val k8sApi = new KubernetesApiImpl(system, k8sSettings) private val leaseActor = system.systemActorOf( LeaseActor.props(k8sApi, settings, leaseTaken), s"kubernetesLease${KubernetesLease.leaseCounter.incrementAndGet}-${settings.leaseName}-${settings.ownerName}" ) def this(leaseSettings: LeaseSettings, system: ExtendedActorSystem) = this(system, new AtomicBoolean(false), leaseSettings) import akka.pattern.ask import system.dispatcher private implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(settings.timeoutSettings.operationTimeout) override def checkLease(): Boolean = leaseTaken.get() override def release(): Future[Boolean] = { // replace with transform once 2.11 dropped (leaseActor ? Release()) .flatMap { case LeaseReleased => Future.successful(true) case InvalidRequest(msg) => Future.failed(new LeaseException(msg)) }(ExecutionContexts.sameThreadExecutionContext) .recoverWith { case _: AskTimeoutException => Future.failed(new LeaseTimeoutException( s"Timed out trying to release lease [${settings.leaseName}, ${settings.ownerName}]. It may still be taken.")) } } override def acquire(): Future[Boolean] = { acquire(ConstantFun.scalaAnyToUnit) } override def acquire(leaseLostCallback: Option[Throwable] => Unit): Future[Boolean] = { // replace with transform once 2.11 dropped (leaseActor ? Acquire(leaseLostCallback)) .flatMap { case LeaseAcquired => Future.successful(true) case LeaseTaken => Future.successful(false) case InvalidRequest(msg) => Future.failed(new LeaseException(msg)) } .recoverWith { case _: AskTimeoutException => Future.failed[Boolean](new LeaseTimeoutException( s"Timed out trying to acquire lease [${settings.leaseName}, ${settings.ownerName}]. It may still be taken.")) }(ExecutionContexts.sameThreadExecutionContext) } }
Example 45
Source File: BufferPool.scala From scredis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scredis.util import scala.annotation.tailrec import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean class BufferPool(maxCapacity: Int, maxBufferSize: Int, isDirect: Boolean = false) { private[this] val locked = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] val pool = new Array[ByteBuffer](maxCapacity) private[this] var size: Int = 0 @inline private def allocate(length: Int): ByteBuffer = if (isDirect) { ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(length) } else { ByteBuffer.allocate(length) } @tailrec final def acquire(length: Int): ByteBuffer = { if (locked.compareAndSet(false, true)) { val buffer = try { if (size > 0) { size -= 1 pool(size) } else { null } } finally { locked.set(false) } if (buffer == null || buffer.capacity < length) { allocate(length) } else { buffer.clear() buffer } } else { acquire(length) } } @tailrec final def release(buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = { if (buffer.capacity > maxBufferSize) { return } if (locked.compareAndSet(false, true)) { try { if (size < maxCapacity) { pool(size) = buffer size += 1 } // else let the buffer get garbage collected } finally { locked.set(false) } } else { release(buffer) } } }
Example 46
Source File: HelloWorldSpec.scala From play-soap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package play.soap.sbtplugin.tester import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import import import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.EndpointImpl import play.soap.testservice.client._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import play.api.test._ import play.api.Application import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder import play.soap.testservice.HelloWorldImpl class HelloWorldSpec extends ServiceSpec { sequential "HelloWorld" should { "say hello" in withClient { client => await(client.sayHello("world")) must_== "Hello world" } "say hello to many people" in withClient { client => await(client.sayHelloToMany(java.util.Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"))).asScala must_== List("Hello foo", "Hello bar") } "say hello to one user" in withClient { client => val user = new User user.setName("world") await(client.sayHelloToUser(user)).getUser.getName must_== "world" } "say hello with an exception" in withClient { client => await(client.sayHelloException("world")) must throwA[HelloException_Exception].like { case e => e.getMessage must_== "Hello world" } } "dont say hello" in withClient { client => await(client.dontSayHello()) must_== ((): Unit) } "allow adding custom handlers" in { val invoked = new AtomicBoolean() withApp { app => val client = app.injector.instanceOf[HelloWorldService].helloWorld(new SOAPHandler[SOAPMessageContext] { def getHeaders = null def handleMessage(context: SOAPMessageContext) = { invoked.set(true) true } def close(context: MessageContext) = () def handleFault(context: SOAPMessageContext) = true }) await(client.sayHello("world")) must_== "Hello world" invoked.get() must_== true } } } override type ServiceClient = HelloWorldService override type Service = HelloWorld override implicit val serviceClientClass: ClassTag[HelloWorldService] = ClassTag(classOf[HelloWorldService]) override def getServiceFromClient(c: ServiceClient): Service = c.helloWorld override def createServiceImpl(): Any = new HelloWorldImpl val servicePath: String = "helloWorld" }
Example 47
Source File: ServiceSpec.scala From play-soap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package play.soap.sbtplugin.tester import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import import import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.EndpointImpl import play.soap.testservice.client._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import play.api.test._ import play.api.Application import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder abstract class ServiceSpec extends PlaySpecification { val servicePath: String def await[T](future: Future[T]): T = Await.result(future, 10.seconds) def withClient[T](block: Service => T): T = withApp { app => val client = app.injector.instanceOf[ServiceClient] val service = getServiceFromClient(client) block(service) } def withApp[T](block: Application => T): T = withService { port => implicit val app = new GuiceApplicationBuilder() .configure("play.soap.address" -> s"http://localhost:$port/$servicePath") .build Helpers.running(app) { block(app) } } def withService[T](block: Int => T): T = { val port = findAvailablePort() val impl = createServiceImpl() val endpoint = Endpoint.publish(s"http://localhost:$port/$servicePath", impl) try { block(port) } finally { endpoint.stop() // Need to shutdown whole engine. Note, Jetty's shutdown doesn't seem to happen synchronously, have to wait // a few seconds for the port to be released. This is why we use a different port each time. endpoint.asInstanceOf[EndpointImpl].getBus.shutdown(true) } } def findAvailablePort() = { val socket = new ServerSocket(0) try { socket.getLocalPort } finally { socket.close() } } }
Example 48
Source File: package.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package concurrent import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean object `package` { type Async[T] = Callback[T] => Unit } object Async { private def guarded[T](async: Async[T]): Async[T] = callback => { val called = new AtomicBoolean val guardedCallback: Callback[T] = result => if (!called.getAndSet(true)) { callback(result) // may possibly throw but better let it fly rather than catch and ignore } try async(guardedCallback) catch { case NonFatal(t) => // if callback was already called then we can't do much with the failure, rethrow it if (!called.getAndSet(true)) callback(Failure(t)) else throw t } } def safe[T](async: => Async[T]): Async[T] = try guarded(async) catch { case NonFatal(t) => failed(t) } def ready[T](result: Try[T]): Async[T] = callback => callback(result) def successful[T](value: T): Async[T] = ready(Success(value)) def failed[T](cause: Throwable): Async[T] = ready(Failure(cause)) def transform[A, B](async: Async[A])(f: Try[A] => Try[B]): Async[B] = cb => async(Callback.contraTransform(cb)(f)) def map[A, B](async: Async[A])(f: A => B): Async[B] = transform(async)( } object Callback { def contraTransform[A, B](callback: Callback[B])(f: Try[A] => Try[B]): Callback[A] = ta => callback(try f(ta) catch { case NonFatal(cause) => Failure(cause) }) def contramap[A, B](callback: Callback[B])(f: A => B): Callback[A] = contraTransform(callback)( }
Example 49
Source File: DefaultThreadPool.scala From scrapy4s with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.scrapy4s.thread import java.util.concurrent.{BlockingQueue, CountDownLatch, Executor, TimeUnit} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.scrapy4s.exception.QueueTimeOutException import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory class DefaultThreadPool( name: String, threadCount: Int, queue: BlockingQueue[Runnable] ) extends ThreadPool { val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[DefaultThreadPool]) val startFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false) val countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(threadCount) init() private def init(): Unit = { if (startFlag.compareAndSet(false, true)) { (1 to threadCount).foreach(i => { val thread = new Thread(() => {task()}) thread.setName(s"pool-$name-$i") thread.start() }) } else { throw new Exception("线程池已经启动") } } def task() = { try { while (startFlag.get()) { try { val runnable = queue.poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) if (runnable == null) { throw new QueueTimeOutException() } } catch { case _: QueueTimeOutException => case e: Exception => logger.error("thread pool exception", e) } } } finally { countDownLatch.countDown() } } override def shutdown() = { startFlag.compareAndSet(true, false) } override def waitForStop() = { countDownLatch.await() } override def waitForStop(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean = { countDownLatch.await(timeout, unit) } override def execute(command: Runnable) = { if (command == null) throw new NullPointerException() queue.put(command) } }
Example 50
Source File: StreamingListenerBus.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.AsynchronousListenerBus private[spark] class StreamingListenerBus extends AsynchronousListenerBus[StreamingListener, StreamingListenerEvent]("StreamingListenerBus") with Logging { private val logDroppedEvent = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def onPostEvent(listener: StreamingListener, event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { event match { case receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted => listener.onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted) case receiverError: StreamingListenerReceiverError => listener.onReceiverError(receiverError) case receiverStopped: StreamingListenerReceiverStopped => listener.onReceiverStopped(receiverStopped) case batchSubmitted: StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted => listener.onBatchSubmitted(batchSubmitted) case batchStarted: StreamingListenerBatchStarted => listener.onBatchStarted(batchStarted) case batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted => listener.onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted) case _ => } } override def onDropEvent(event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { if (logDroppedEvent.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // Only log the following message once to avoid duplicated annoying logs. logError("Dropping StreamingListenerEvent because no remaining room in event queue. " + "This likely means one of the StreamingListeners is too slow and cannot keep up with the " + "rate at which events are being started by the scheduler.") } } }
Example 51
Source File: StandardVMDeathManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.vm import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiConstants, ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardVMDeathManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardVMDeathManager") { it("should trigger when a virtual machine dies", ApiConstants.NoWindows) { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.misc.MainUsingApp" val detectedDeath = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Mark that we want to receive vm death events and watch for one vmDeathManager.createVMDeathRequest() eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(VMDeathEventType, _ => { detectedDeath.set(true) }) // Start our VM and listen for the start event withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Kill the JVM process so we get a disconnect event // NOTE: This does not seem to trigger the VMDeathEvent on Windows s.underlyingVirtualMachine.process().destroy() // Eventually, we should receive the death event logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedDeath.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 52
Source File: StandardModificationWatchpointManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.watchpoints import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.ModificationWatchpointEvent import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardModificationWatchpointManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardModificationWatchpointManager") { it("should be able to detect modification to a field") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.ModificationWatchpoint" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val className = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.SomeModificationClass" val fieldName = "field" val detectedModificationWatchpoint = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ modificationWatchpointManager.createModificationWatchpointRequest( className, fieldName ) // Listen for modification watchpoint events for specific variable eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(ModificationWatchpointEventType, e => { val modificationWatchpointEvent = e.asInstanceOf[ModificationWatchpointEvent] val name = modificationWatchpointEvent.field().name() // If we detected modification for our variable, mark our flag if (name == fieldName) detectedModificationWatchpoint.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { assert(detectedModificationWatchpoint.get(), s"$fieldName never modificationed!") }) } } } }
Example 53
Source File: StandardAccessWatchpointManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.watchpoints import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.AccessWatchpointEvent import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardAccessWatchpointManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardAccessWatchpointManager") { it("should be able to detect access to a field") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.AccessWatchpoint" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val className = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.SomeAccessClass" val fieldName = "field" val detectedAccessWatchpoint = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ accessWatchpointManager.createAccessWatchpointRequest( className, fieldName ) // Listen for access watchpoint events for specific variable eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(AccessWatchpointEventType, e => { val accessWatchpointEvent = e.asInstanceOf[AccessWatchpointEvent] val name = accessWatchpointEvent.field().name() // If we detected access for our variable, mark our flag if (name == fieldName) detectedAccessWatchpoint.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { assert(detectedAccessWatchpoint.get(), s"$fieldName never accessed!") }) } } } }
Example 54
Source File: StandardMethodEntryManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.methods import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.{BreakpointEvent, MethodEntryEvent} import import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardMethodEntryManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardMethodEntryManager") { it("should be able to detect entering a specific method in a class") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodEntry" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val expectedClassName = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodEntryTestClass" val expectedMethodName = "testMethod" val methodNameFilter = MethodNameFilter(name = expectedMethodName) val reachedUnexpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val reachedExpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val reachedMethodBeforeFirstLine = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Set up the method entry event methodEntryManager.createMethodEntryRequest( expectedClassName, expectedMethodName ) // First line in test method breakpointManager.createBreakpointRequest(testFile, 26) // Listen for breakpoint on first line of method, checking if this // breakpoint is hit before or after the method entry event eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(BreakpointEventType, e => { val breakpointEvent = e.asInstanceOf[BreakpointEvent] val location = breakpointEvent.location() val fileName = location.sourcePath() val lineNumber = location.lineNumber() logger.debug(s"Reached breakpoint: $fileName:$lineNumber") val methodEntryHit = reachedExpectedMethod.get() reachedMethodBeforeFirstLine.set(methodEntryHit) }) // Listen for method entry events for the specific method eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(MethodEntryEventType, e => { val methodEntryEvent = e.asInstanceOf[MethodEntryEvent] val method = methodEntryEvent.method() val className = method.declaringType().name() val methodName = logger.debug(s"Reached method: $className/$methodName") if (className == expectedClassName && methodName == expectedMethodName) { reachedExpectedMethod.set(true) } else { reachedUnexpectedMethod.set(true) } }, methodNameFilter) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { reachedUnexpectedMethod.get() should be (false) reachedExpectedMethod.get() should be (true) reachedMethodBeforeFirstLine.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 55
Source File: StandardMethodExitManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.methods import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.{BreakpointEvent, MethodExitEvent} import import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardMethodExitManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardMethodExitManager") { it("should be able to detect exiting a specific method in a class") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodExit" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val expectedClassName = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodExitTestClass" val expectedMethodName = "testMethod" val methodNameFilter = MethodNameFilter(name = expectedMethodName) val leftUnexpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val leftExpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val leftMethodAfterLastLine = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Set up the method exit event methodExitManager.createMethodExitRequest( expectedClassName, expectedMethodName ) // Last line in test method breakpointManager.createBreakpointRequest(testFile, 28) // Listen for breakpoint on first line of method, checking if this // breakpoint is hit before or after the method exit event eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(BreakpointEventType, e => { val breakpointEvent = e.asInstanceOf[BreakpointEvent] val location = breakpointEvent.location() val fileName = location.sourcePath() val lineNumber = location.lineNumber() logger.debug(s"Reached breakpoint: $fileName:$lineNumber") val methodExitHit = leftExpectedMethod.get() leftMethodAfterLastLine.set(!methodExitHit) }) // Listen for method exit events for the specific method eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(MethodExitEventType, e => { val methodExitEvent = e.asInstanceOf[MethodExitEvent] val method = methodExitEvent.method() val className = method.declaringType().name() val methodName = logger.debug(s"Left method: $className/$methodName") if (className == expectedClassName && methodName == expectedMethodName) { leftExpectedMethod.set(true) } else { leftUnexpectedMethod.set(true) } }, methodNameFilter) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { leftUnexpectedMethod.get() should be (false) leftExpectedMethod.get() should be (true) leftMethodAfterLastLine.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 56
Source File: StandardMonitorContendedEnterManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.monitors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.MonitorContendedEnterEvent import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardMonitorContendedEnterManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardMonitorContendedEnterManager") { it("should trigger when a thread attempts to enter a monitor already acquired by another thread") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorContendedEnter" val detectedEnter = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Mark that we want to receive monitor contended enter events and // watch for one monitorContendedEnterManager.createMonitorContendedEnterRequest() eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(MonitorContendedEnterEventType, e => { val monitorContendedEnterEvent = e.asInstanceOf[MonitorContendedEnterEvent] val threadName = monitorContendedEnterEvent.thread().name() val monitorTypeName = monitorContendedEnterEvent.monitor().referenceType().name() logger.debug(s"Detected attempted monitor enter in thread $threadName for monitor of type $monitorTypeName") detectedEnter.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor contended enter event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedEnter.get(), s"No monitor enter attempt was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 57
Source File: StandardMonitorContendedEnteredManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.monitors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.MonitorContendedEnteredEvent import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardMonitorContendedEnteredManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardMonitorContendedEnteredManager") { it("should trigger when a thread enters a monitor after waiting for it to be released by another thread") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorContendedEntered" val detectedEntered = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Mark that we want to receive monitor contended entered events and // watch for one monitorContendedEnteredManager.createMonitorContendedEnteredRequest() eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(MonitorContendedEnteredEventType, e => { val monitorContendedEnteredEvent = e.asInstanceOf[MonitorContendedEnteredEvent] val threadName = monitorContendedEnteredEvent.thread().name() val monitorTypeName = monitorContendedEnteredEvent.monitor().referenceType().name() logger.debug(s"Detected monitor entered in thread $threadName for monitor of type $monitorTypeName") detectedEntered.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor contended entered event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedEntered.get(), s"No monitor entered was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 58
Source File: StandardMonitorWaitedManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.monitors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.MonitorWaitedEvent import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardMonitorWaitedManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardMonitorWaitedManager") { it("should trigger when a thread has finished waiting on a monitor object") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorWaited" val detectedWaited = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Mark that we want to receive monitor waited events and // watch for one monitorWaitedManager.createMonitorWaitedRequest() eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(MonitorWaitedEventType, e => { val monitorWaitedEvent = e.asInstanceOf[MonitorWaitedEvent] val threadName = monitorWaitedEvent.thread().name() val monitorTypeName = monitorWaitedEvent.monitor().referenceType().name() logger.debug(s"Detected finished waiting in thread $threadName for monitor of type $monitorTypeName") detectedWaited.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor waited event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedWaited.get(), s"No monitor finished waiting was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 59
Source File: StandardMonitorWaitManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.monitors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.MonitorWaitEvent import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardMonitorWaitManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardMonitorWaitManager") { it("should trigger when a thread is about to wait on a monitor object") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorWait" val detectedWait = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Mark that we want to receive monitor wait events and // watch for one monitorWaitManager.createMonitorWaitRequest() eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(MonitorWaitEventType, e => { val monitorWaitEvent = e.asInstanceOf[MonitorWaitEvent] val threadName = monitorWaitEvent.thread().name() val monitorTypeName = monitorWaitEvent.monitor().referenceType().name() logger.debug(s"Detected wait in thread $threadName for monitor of type $monitorTypeName") detectedWait.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor wait event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedWait.get(), s"No monitor wait was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 60
Source File: StandardClassPrepareManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.classes import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.sun.jdi.event.ClassPrepareEvent import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardClassPrepareManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardClassPrepareManager") { it("should trigger when a class is loaded") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.classes.ClassPrepare" val expectedClassName = "org.scaladebugger.test.classes.CustomClass" val detectedPrepare = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Mark that we want to receive class prepare events and watch for one classPrepareManager.createClassPrepareRequest() eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(ClassPrepareEventType, e => { val classPrepareEvent = e.asInstanceOf[ClassPrepareEvent] val className = classPrepareEvent.referenceType().name() logger.debug("New class loaded: " + className) if (className == expectedClassName) detectedPrepare.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the class prepare event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedPrepare.get(), s"$expectedClassName was not loaded!") }) } } } }
Example 61
Source File: StandardClassUnloadManagerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.classes import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class StandardClassUnloadManagerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("StandardClassUnloadManager") { // NOTE: It is not possible to trigger a class unload accurately due to the // JVM's non-deterministic nature with garbage collection. ignore("should trigger when a class is unloaded") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.classes.ClassUnload" val detectedUnload = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() import s.lowlevel._ // Mark that we want to receive class unload events and watch for one classUnloadManager.createClassUnloadRequest() eventManager.addResumingEventHandler(ClassUnloadEventType, _ => { detectedUnload.set(true) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the class unload event logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedUnload.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 62
Source File: JavaVMDisconnectRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaVMDisconnectRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaVMDisconnectRequest") { it("should trigger when a virtual machine disconnects") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.misc.MainUsingApp" val detectedDisconnect = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateVMDisconnectRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedDisconnect.set(true)) // Start our VM and listen for the disconnect event withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Kill the JVM process so we get a disconnect event s.underlyingVirtualMachine.process().destroy() // Eventually, we should receive the disconnect event logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedDisconnect.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 63
Source File: JavaVMDeathRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiConstants, ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaVMDeathRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaVMDeathRequest") { it("should trigger when a virtual machine dies", ApiConstants.NoWindows) { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.misc.MainUsingApp" val detectedDeath = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark that we want to receive vm death events and watch for one s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateVMDeathRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedDeath.set(true)) // Start our VM and listen for the start event withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Kill the JVM process so we get a disconnect event // NOTE: This does not seem to trigger the VMDeathEvent on Windows s.underlyingVirtualMachine.process().destroy() // Eventually, we should receive the start event logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedDeath.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 64
Source File: JavaVMStartRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaVMStartRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaVMStartRequest") { it("should trigger when a virtual machine starts") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.misc.MainUsingApp" val detectedStart = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateVMStartRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedStart.set(true)) // Start our VM and listen for the start event withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the start event logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedStart.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 65
Source File: JavaAccessWatchpointRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaAccessWatchpointRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaAccessWatchpointRequest") { it("should be able to detect access to a field") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.AccessWatchpoint" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val className = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.SomeAccessClass" val fieldName = "field" val detectedAccessWatchpoint = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Listen for access watchpoint events for specific variable s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateAccessWatchpointRequest(className, fieldName) .filter( == className) .filter( == fieldName) .foreach(_ => detectedAccessWatchpoint.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { assert(detectedAccessWatchpoint.get(), s"$fieldName never accessed!") }) } } } }
Example 66
Source File: JavaModificationWatchpointRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaModificationWatchpointRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaModificationWatchpointRequest") { it("should be able to detect modification to a field") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.ModificationWatchpoint" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val className = "org.scaladebugger.test.watchpoints.SomeModificationClass" val fieldName = "field" val detectedModificationWatchpoint = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Listen for modification watchpoint events for specific variable s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateModificationWatchpointRequest(className, fieldName) .filter( == className) .filter( == fieldName) .foreach(_ => detectedModificationWatchpoint.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { assert(detectedModificationWatchpoint.get(), s"$fieldName never modified!") }) } } } }
Example 67
Source File: JavaMethodExitRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaMethodExitRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaMethodExitRequest") { it("should be able to detect exiting a specific method in a class") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodExit" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val expectedClassName = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodExitTestClass" val expectedMethodName = "testMethod" val leftUnexpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val leftExpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val leftMethodAfterLastLine = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() val methodPipeline = s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateMethodExitRequest(expectedClassName, expectedMethodName) .map(_.method) .map(m => (, methodPipeline .filter(_._1 == expectedClassName) .filter(_._2 == expectedMethodName) .foreach(_ => leftExpectedMethod.set(true)) methodPipeline .filterNot(_._1 == expectedClassName) .foreach(_ => leftUnexpectedMethod.set(true)) methodPipeline .filterNot(_._2 == expectedMethodName) .foreach(_ => leftUnexpectedMethod.set(true)) // Last line in test method s.getOrCreateBreakpointRequest(testFile, 28) .map(_.location) .map(l => (l.sourcePath, l.lineNumber)) .foreach(t => { val methodExitHit = leftExpectedMethod.get() leftMethodAfterLastLine.set(!methodExitHit) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { leftUnexpectedMethod.get() should be (false) leftExpectedMethod.get() should be (true) leftMethodAfterLastLine.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 68
Source File: JavaMethodEntryRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaMethodEntryRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaMethodEntryRequest") { it("should be able to detect entering a specific method in a class") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodEntry" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val expectedClassName = "org.scaladebugger.test.methods.MethodEntryTestClass" val expectedMethodName = "testMethod" val reachedUnexpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val reachedExpectedMethod = new AtomicBoolean(false) val reachedMethodBeforeFirstLine = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() val methodPipeline = s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateMethodEntryRequest(expectedClassName, expectedMethodName) .map(_.method) .map(m => (, methodPipeline .filter(_._1 == expectedClassName) .filter(_._2 == expectedMethodName) .foreach(_ => reachedExpectedMethod.set(true)) methodPipeline .filterNot(_._1 == expectedClassName) .foreach(_ => reachedUnexpectedMethod.set(true)) methodPipeline .filterNot(_._2 == expectedMethodName) .foreach(_ => reachedUnexpectedMethod.set(true)) // First line in test method s.getOrCreateBreakpointRequest(testFile, 26) .map(_.location) .map(l => (l.sourcePath, l.lineNumber)) .foreach(t => { val methodEntryHit = reachedExpectedMethod.get() reachedMethodBeforeFirstLine.set(methodEntryHit) }) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { reachedUnexpectedMethod.get() should be (false) reachedExpectedMethod.get() should be (true) reachedMethodBeforeFirstLine.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 69
Source File: JavaExceptionRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaExceptionRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaExceptionRequest") { it("should be able to detect exceptions in try blocks") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.exceptions.InsideTryBlockException" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val detectedException = new AtomicBoolean(false) val expectedExceptionName = "org.scaladebugger.test.exceptions.CustomException" val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark the exception we want to watch (now that the class // is available) s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name).getOrCreateExceptionRequest( exceptionName = expectedExceptionName, notifyCaught = true, notifyUncaught = false ).map( .filter(_ == expectedExceptionName) .foreach(_ => detectedException.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedException.get() should be (true) }) } } it("should be able to detect exceptions in functional try calls") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.exceptions.InsideFunctionalTryException" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val detectedException = new AtomicBoolean(false) val expectedExceptionName = "org.scaladebugger.test.exceptions.CustomException" val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark the exception we want to watch (now that the class // is available) s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name).getOrCreateExceptionRequest( exceptionName = expectedExceptionName, notifyCaught = true, notifyUncaught = false ).map( .filter(_ == expectedExceptionName) .foreach(_ => detectedException.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedException.get() should be (true) }) } } it("should be able to detect exceptions outside of try blocks") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.exceptions.OutsideTryException" val testFile = JDITools.scalaClassStringToFileString(testClass) val detectedException = new AtomicBoolean(false) val expectedExceptionName = "org.scaladebugger.test.exceptions.CustomException" val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark the exception we want to watch (now that the class // is available) s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name).getOrCreateExceptionRequest( exceptionName = expectedExceptionName, notifyCaught = false, notifyUncaught = true ).map( .filter(_ == expectedExceptionName) .foreach(_ => detectedException.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedException.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 70
Source File: JavaMonitorWaitRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaMonitorWaitRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaMonitorWaitRequest") { it("should trigger when a thread is about to wait on a monitor object") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorWait" val detectedWait = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark that we want to receive monitor wait events and // watch for one s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateMonitorWaitRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedWait.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor wait event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedWait.get(), s"No monitor wait was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 71
Source File: JavaMonitorContendedEnteredRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaMonitorContendedEnteredRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaMonitorContendedEnteredRequest") { it("should trigger when a thread enters a monitor after waiting for it to be released by another thread") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorContendedEntered" val detectedEntered = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark that we want to receive monitor contended entered events and // watch for one s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateMonitorContendedEnteredRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedEntered.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor contended entered event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedEntered.get(), s"No monitor entered was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 72
Source File: JavaMonitorWaitedRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaMonitorWaitedRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaMonitorWaitedRequest") { it("should trigger when a thread has finished waiting on a monitor object") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorWaited" val detectedWaited = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark that we want to receive monitor waited events and // watch for one s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateMonitorWaitedRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedWaited.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor waited event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedWaited.get(), s"No monitor finished waiting was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 73
Source File: JavaMonitorContendedEnterRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaMonitorContendedEnterRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaMonitorContendedEnterRequest") { it("should trigger when a thread attempts to enter a monitor already acquired by another thread") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.monitors.MonitorContendedEnter" val detectedEnter = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark that we want to receive monitor contended enter events and // watch for one s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateMonitorContendedEnterRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedEnter.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the monitor contended enter event logTimeTaken(eventually { // NOTE: Using asserts to provide more helpful failure messages assert(detectedEnter.get(), s"No monitor enter attempt was detected!") }) } } } }
Example 74
Source File: JavaClassUnloadRequestIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.DummyScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} class JavaClassUnloadRequestIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("JavaClassUnloadRequest") { // NOTE: It is not possible to trigger a class unload accurately due to the // JVM's non-deterministic nature with garbage collection. ignore("should trigger when a class is unloaded") { val testClass = "org.scaladebugger.test.classes.ClassUnload" val detectedUnload = new AtomicBoolean(false) val s = DummyScalaVirtualMachine.newInstance() // Mark that we want to receive class unload events and watch for one s.withProfile(JavaDebugProfile.Name) .getOrCreateClassUnloadRequest() .foreach(_ => detectedUnload.set(true)) withVirtualMachine(testClass, pendingScalaVirtualMachines = Seq(s)) { (s) => // Eventually, we should receive the class unload event logTimeTaken(eventually { detectedUnload.get() should be (true) }) } } } }
Example 75
Source File: ProcessDebuggerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.debuggers import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} import scala.util.Try class ProcessDebuggerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("ProcessDebugger") { it("should be able to attach to a running JVM process") { withProcess((pid, process) => { val processDebugger = ProcessDebugger(pid) val attachedToVirtualMachine = new AtomicBoolean(false) // Need to keep retrying until process is ready to be attached to // NOTE: If unable to connect, ensure that hostname is "localhost" eventually { processDebugger.start(_ => attachedToVirtualMachine.set(true)) } // Keep checking back until we have successfully attached eventually { attachedToVirtualMachine.get() should be (true) } }) } } private def withProcess[T](testCode: (Int, Process) => T): T = { val jvmProcess = createProcess() val result = Try(testCode(jvmProcess._1, jvmProcess._2)) destroyProcess(jvmProcess._2) result.get } private def createProcess(): (Int, Process) = { val (pid, process) = JDITools.spawnAndGetPid( className = "org.scaladebugger.test.misc.AttachingMain", server = true, port = 0 // Assign ephemeral port ) // If unable to retrieve the process PID, exit now if (pid <= 0) { process.destroy() throw new IOException("Unable to retrieve process PID!") } (pid, process) } private def destroyProcess(process: Process): Unit = process.destroy() }
Example 76
Source File: LaunchingDebuggerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.debuggers import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.{JDITools, Logging} import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.ApiTestUtilities class LaunchingDebuggerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with ApiTestUtilities with Logging { describe("LaunchingDebugger") { it("should be able to start a JVM and connect to it") { val launchedJvmConnected = new AtomicBoolean(false) val className = "org.scaladebugger.test.misc.LaunchingMain" val classpath = JDITools.jvmClassPath val jvmOptions = Seq("-classpath", classpath) val launchingDebugger = LaunchingDebugger( className = className, jvmOptions = jvmOptions, suspend = false ) launchingDebugger.start { _ => launchedJvmConnected.set(true) } // Keep checking back until the launched JVM has been connected eventually { launchedJvmConnected.get() should be (true) } } } }
Example 77
Source File: AttachingDebuggerIntegrationSpec.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.api.debuggers import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.JDITools import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import test.{ApiTestUtilities, VirtualMachineFixtures} import scala.util.Try class AttachingDebuggerIntegrationSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with VirtualMachineFixtures with ApiTestUtilities { describe("AttachingDebugger") { it("should be able to attach to a running JVM process") { withProcess((port, process) => { val attachingDebugger = AttachingDebugger(port) val attachedToVirtualMachine = new AtomicBoolean(false) // Need to keep retrying until process is ready to be attached to eventually { attachingDebugger.start(_ => attachedToVirtualMachine.set(true)) } // Keep checking back until we have successfully attached eventually { attachedToVirtualMachine.get() should be (true) } }) } } private def withProcess[T](testCode: (Int, Process) => T): T = { val jvmProcess = createProcess() val result = Try(testCode(jvmProcess._1, jvmProcess._2)) destroyProcess(jvmProcess._2) result.get } private def createProcess(): (Int, Process) = { val port = { val socket = new ServerSocket(0) val _port = socket.getLocalPort socket.close() _port } (port, JDITools.spawn( className = "org.scaladebugger.test.misc.AttachingMain", server = true, suspend = true, port = port )) } private def destroyProcess(process: Process): Unit = process.destroy() }
Example 78
Source File: KyuubiServer.scala From kyuubi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package yaooqinn.kyuubi.server import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.{KyuubiSparkUtil, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.KyuubiConf._ import yaooqinn.kyuubi.ha.{FailoverService, HighAvailableService, LoadBalanceService} import yaooqinn.kyuubi.metrics.MetricsSystem import yaooqinn.kyuubi.service.{CompositeService, ServiceException} import org.apache.kyuubi.Logging private[kyuubi] class KyuubiServer private(name: String) extends CompositeService(name) with Logging { private var _beService: BackendService = _ def beService: BackendService = _beService private var _feService: FrontendService = _ def feService: FrontendService = _feService private var _haService: HighAvailableService = _ private val started = new AtomicBoolean(false) private var _isDeregisterWithZK = false def deregisterWithZK(): Unit = _isDeregisterWithZK = true def isDeregisterWithZk: Boolean = _isDeregisterWithZK def this() = this(classOf[KyuubiServer].getSimpleName) override def init(conf: SparkConf): Unit = synchronized { this.conf = conf MetricsSystem.init(conf) val OOMHook = new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = KyuubiServer.this.stop() } _beService = new BackendService(this) _feService = new FrontendService(_beService, OOMHook) addService(_beService) addService(_feService) if (conf.getBoolean(HA_ENABLED.key, defaultValue = false)) { _haService = if (conf.getOption(HA_MODE.key).exists(_.equalsIgnoreCase("failover"))) { new FailoverService(this) } else { new LoadBalanceService(this) } addService(_haService) } super.init(conf) } override def start(): Unit = { super.start() started.set(true) } override def stop(): Unit = { info("Shutting down " + name) if (started.getAndSet(false)) { super.stop() } MetricsSystem.close() } } object KyuubiServer extends Logging { def startKyuubiServer(): KyuubiServer = { try { KyuubiSparkUtil.initDaemon(logger) validate() val conf = new SparkConf(loadDefaults = true) KyuubiSparkUtil.setupCommonConfig(conf) val server = new KyuubiServer() KyuubiSparkUtil.addShutdownHook(server.stop()) server.init(conf) server.start() info(server.getName + " started!") server } catch { case e: Exception => throw e } } private[kyuubi] def validate(): Unit = { if (KyuubiSparkUtil.majorVersion(KyuubiSparkUtil.SPARK_VERSION) < 2) { throw new ServiceException(s"${KyuubiSparkUtil.SPARK_VERSION} is too old for Kyuubi" + s" Server.") } } }
Example 79
Source File: StreamingListenerBus.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.AsynchronousListenerBus private[spark] class StreamingListenerBus extends AsynchronousListenerBus[StreamingListener, StreamingListenerEvent]("StreamingListenerBus") with Logging { private val logDroppedEvent = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def onPostEvent(listener: StreamingListener, event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { event match { case receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted => listener.onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted) case receiverError: StreamingListenerReceiverError => listener.onReceiverError(receiverError) case receiverStopped: StreamingListenerReceiverStopped => listener.onReceiverStopped(receiverStopped) case batchSubmitted: StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted => listener.onBatchSubmitted(batchSubmitted) case batchStarted: StreamingListenerBatchStarted => listener.onBatchStarted(batchStarted) case batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted => listener.onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted) case _ => } } override def onDropEvent(event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { if (logDroppedEvent.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // Only log the following message once to avoid duplicated annoying logs. logError("Dropping StreamingListenerEvent because no remaining room in event queue. " + "This likely means one of the StreamingListeners is too slow and cannot keep up with the " + "rate at which events are being started by the scheduler.") } } }
Example 80
Source File: LiveListenerBus.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.util.AsynchronousListenerBus private[spark] class LiveListenerBus //事件阻塞队列,先进先出 extends AsynchronousListenerBus[SparkListener, SparkListenerEvent]("SparkListenerBus") with SparkListenerBus { private val logDroppedEvent = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def onDropEvent(event: SparkListenerEvent): Unit = { if (logDroppedEvent.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // Only log the following message once to avoid duplicated annoying logs. //只能记录一次以下消息,以避免重复的烦人日志, logError("Dropping SparkListenerEvent because no remaining room in event queue. " + "This likely means one of the SparkListeners is too slow and cannot keep up with " + "the rate at which tasks are being started by the scheduler.") } } }
Example 81
Source File: KafkaClient.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.mist.master.interfaces.async.kafka import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord} import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{StringDeserializer, StringSerializer} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} class TopicProducer[K, V]( producer: KafkaProducer[K, V], topic: String ) { def send(key:K, value: V): Unit = { val record = new ProducerRecord(topic, key, value) producer.send(record) } def close(): Unit = { producer.close() } } object TopicProducer { def apply( host: String, port: Int, topic: String): TopicProducer[String, String] = { val props = new java.util.Properties() props.put("bootstrap.servers", s"$host:$port") val producer = new KafkaProducer(props, new StringSerializer, new StringSerializer) new TopicProducer(producer, topic) } } class TopicConsumer[K, V]( consumer: KafkaConsumer[K, V], topic: String, timeout: Long = 100 ) { private val promise = Promise[Unit] private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false) def subscribe(f: (K, V) => Unit): Future[Unit] = { run(f) promise.future } private def run(f: (K, V) => Unit): Unit = { consumer.subscribe(Seq(topic).asJava) val thread = new Thread(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { while (!stopped.get()) { val records = consumer.poll(timeout).asScala records.foreach(r => f(r.key(), r.value())) } promise.success(()) } }) thread.setName(s"kafka-topic-consumer-$topic") thread.start() } def close(): Future[Unit] = { stopped.set(true) promise.future } } object TopicConsumer { def apply( host: String, port: Int, topic: String): TopicConsumer[String, String] = { val props = new java.util.Properties() props.put("bootstrap.servers", s"$host:$port") props.put("", "mist-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString) props.put("", "true") props.put("", "1000") props.put("", "30000") val consumer = new KafkaConsumer(props, new StringDeserializer, new StringDeserializer) new TopicConsumer(consumer, topic) } }
Example 82
Source File: WorkerRunnerSpec.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.mist.master.execution.workers import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import io.hydrosphere.mist.core.CommonData.WorkerInitInfo import io.hydrosphere.mist.core.MockitoSugar import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.execution.workers.starter.{WorkerProcess, WorkerStarter} import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.execution.{SpawnSettings, workers} import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.{ActorSpec, FilteredException, TestData} import io.hydrosphere.mist.utils.akka.ActorRegHub import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.scalatest.time.{Seconds, Span} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, Promise} class WorkerRunnerSpec extends ActorSpec("worker-runner") with TestData with MockitoSugar with Eventually { describe("default runner") { def mkSpawnSettings(starter: WorkerStarter): SpawnSettings = SpawnSettings( runnerCmd = starter, timeout = 10 seconds, readyTimeout = 10 seconds, akkaAddress = "akkaAddr", logAddress = "logAddr", httpAddress = "httpAddr", maxArtifactSize = 100L ) it("should run worker") { val starter = new WorkerStarter { override def onStart(name: String, initInfo: WorkerInitInfo): WorkerProcess = WorkerProcess.NonLocal override def stopAction: StopAction = StopAction.Remote } val regHub = mock[ActorRegHub] when(regHub.waitRef(any[String], any[Duration])).thenSuccess(null) val termination = Promise[Unit] val runner = new workers.WorkerRunner.DefaultRunner( spawn = mkSpawnSettings(starter), regHub = regHub, connect = (_, _, _, _, _) => Future.successful(WorkerConnection("id", null, workerLinkData, termination.future)) ) Await.result(runner("id", FooContext), Duration.Inf) } it("should call onStop if connect was failed") { val check = new AtomicBoolean(false) val runnerCmd = new WorkerStarter { override def onStart(name: String, initInfo: WorkerInitInfo): WorkerProcess = WorkerProcess.NonLocal override def stopAction: StopAction = StopAction.CustomFn(_ => check.set(true)) } val regHub = mock[ActorRegHub] when(regHub.waitRef(any[String], any[Duration])).thenFailure(FilteredException()) val runner = new workers.WorkerRunner.DefaultRunner( spawn = mkSpawnSettings(runnerCmd), regHub = regHub, connect = (_, _, _, _, _) => Future.failed(FilteredException()) ) intercept[Throwable] { Await.result(runner("id", FooContext), Duration.Inf) } eventually(timeout(Span(3, Seconds))) { check.get shouldBe true } } } }
Example 83
Source File: CornichonSbtRunner.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.CornichonError import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.CornichonSbtRunner._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.dsl.BaseFeature import sbt.testing._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.util.control.NonFatal class CornichonSbtRunner(val args: Array[String], val remoteArgs: Array[String]) extends Runner { private val gotTasks = new AtomicBoolean(false) // A task is a Feature class override def tasks(taskDefs: Array[TaskDef]): Array[Task] = { gotTasks.set(true) val (seeds, scenarioNameFilter) = args.toSet.partition(_.startsWith(seedArg)) val explicitSeed = try { //YOLO } catch { case NonFatal(e) => println(s"Could not parse seed from args ${args.toList}") println(CornichonError.genStacktrace(e)) None } CornichonFeatureSbtTask(_, scenarioNameFilter, explicitSeed)) } override def done(): String = { // Function called twice - main and forked process // if (gotTasks.get) Await.result(BaseFeature.shutDownGlobalResources(), Duration.Inf) // empty strings means letting SBT generate the result summary "" } } object CornichonSbtRunner { val seedArg = "--seed=" }
Example 84
Source File: PythonUDFRunner.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python import import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.api.python._ class PythonUDFRunner( funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions], bufferSize: Int, reuseWorker: Boolean, evalType: Int, argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]]) extends BasePythonRunner[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]( funcs, bufferSize, reuseWorker, evalType, argOffsets) { protected override def newWriterThread( env: SparkEnv, worker: Socket, inputIterator: Iterator[Array[Byte]], partitionIndex: Int, context: TaskContext): WriterThread = { new WriterThread(env, worker, inputIterator, partitionIndex, context) { protected override def writeCommand(dataOut: DataOutputStream): Unit = { PythonUDFRunner.writeUDFs(dataOut, funcs, argOffsets) } protected override def writeIteratorToStream(dataOut: DataOutputStream): Unit = { PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(inputIterator, dataOut) dataOut.writeInt(SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION) } } } protected override def newReaderIterator( stream: DataInputStream, writerThread: WriterThread, startTime: Long, env: SparkEnv, worker: Socket, released: AtomicBoolean, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[Byte]] = { new ReaderIterator(stream, writerThread, startTime, env, worker, released, context) { protected override def read(): Array[Byte] = { if (writerThread.exception.isDefined) { throw writerThread.exception.get } try { stream.readInt() match { case length if length > 0 => val obj = new Array[Byte](length) stream.readFully(obj) obj case 0 => Array.empty[Byte] case SpecialLengths.TIMING_DATA => handleTimingData() read() case SpecialLengths.PYTHON_EXCEPTION_THROWN => throw handlePythonException() case SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION => handleEndOfDataSection() null } } catch handleException } } } } object PythonUDFRunner { def writeUDFs( dataOut: DataOutputStream, funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions], argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]]): Unit = { dataOut.writeInt(funcs.length) { case (chained, offsets) => dataOut.writeInt(offsets.length) offsets.foreach { offset => dataOut.writeInt(offset) } dataOut.writeInt(chained.funcs.length) chained.funcs.foreach { f => dataOut.writeInt(f.command.length) dataOut.write(f.command) } } } }
Example 85
Source File: HealthEndpoint.scala From akka-http-health with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentTypes, HttpEntity, HttpResponse, StatusCodes} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} trait HealthEndpoint { protected lazy val checkers = createCheckers protected def createCheckers = { Seq(new LowDiskSpaceDetector(), new LowMemoryDetector()) } private lazy val successResponse: HttpResponse = createSuccessResponse protected def decorateResponse(response: HttpResponse) = response protected def createSuccessResponse = { decorateResponse(HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, "OK"))) } private lazy val errorResponse: HttpResponse = createErrorResponse protected def createErrorResponse = { decorateResponse(HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable)) } private val started = new AtomicBoolean(false) def createHealthRoute(endpoint: String = HealthEndpoint.DefaultEndpoint)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Route = get { path(endpoint) { completeHealthCheck } } def completeHealthCheck(implicit executor: ExecutionContext) = { complete { Future { if (isHealthy()) successResponse else errorResponse } } } def start(): Unit = { if (started.compareAndSet(false, true)) { checkers.foreach(_.start()) } } def stop(): Unit = { if (started.compareAndSet(true, false)) { checkers.foreach(_.stop()) } } def isHealthy() = { start() checkers.forall(_.isHealthy()) } } object HealthEndpoint extends HealthEndpoint { lazy val defaultHealthChecker = new HealthEndpoint {} val DefaultEndpoint: String = "health" def createDefaultHealthRoute(endpoint: String = DefaultEndpoint)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Route = { defaultHealthChecker.createHealthRoute(endpoint) } }
Example 86
Source File: KafkaSecurityManager.scala From kafka-security-manager with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.simplesteph.ksm import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.github.simplesteph.ksm.grpc.KsmGrpcServer import com.github.simplesteph.ksm.parser.CsvAclParser import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} import java.util.concurrent.{ ExecutionException, Executors, ScheduledExecutorService, TimeUnit } object KafkaSecurityManager extends App { val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaSecurityManager.getClass) val config = ConfigFactory.load() val appConfig: AppConfig = new AppConfig(config) var isCancelled: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false) var grpcServer: KsmGrpcServer = _ var aclSynchronizer: AclSynchronizer = _ val aclParser = new CsvAclParser(appConfig.Parser.csvDelimiter) val scheduler: ScheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1) if (appConfig.KSM.extract) { new ExtractAcl(appConfig.Authorizer.authorizer, aclParser).extract() } else { aclSynchronizer = new AclSynchronizer( appConfig.Authorizer.authorizer, appConfig.Source.sourceAcl, appConfig.Notification.notification, aclParser, appConfig.KSM.readOnly ) Try { grpcServer = new KsmGrpcServer( aclSynchronizer, appConfig.GRPC.port, appConfig.GRPC.gatewayPort, appConfig.Feature.grpc ) grpcServer.start() } match { case Success(_) => case Failure(e) => log.error("gRPC Server failed to start", e) shutdown() } Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = {"Received stop signal") shutdown() } }) try { //if appConfig.KSM.refreshFrequencyMs is equal or less than 0 the aclSyngronizer is run just once. if (appConfig.KSM.refreshFrequencyMs <= 0) {"Single run mode: ACL will be synchornized once.") } else { "Continuous mode: ACL will be synchronized every " + appConfig.KSM.refreshFrequencyMs + " ms." ) val handle = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate( aclSynchronizer, 0, appConfig.KSM.refreshFrequencyMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ) handle.get } } catch { case e: ExecutionException => log.error("unexpected exception", e) } finally { shutdown() } } def shutdown(): Unit = {"Kafka Security Manager is shutting down...") isCancelled = new AtomicBoolean(true) aclSynchronizer.close() grpcServer.stop() scheduler.shutdownNow() } }
Example 87
Source File: StreamingListenerBus.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.AsynchronousListenerBus private[spark] class StreamingListenerBus extends AsynchronousListenerBus[StreamingListener, StreamingListenerEvent]("StreamingListenerBus") with Logging { private val logDroppedEvent = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def onPostEvent(listener: StreamingListener, event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { event match { case receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted => listener.onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted) case receiverError: StreamingListenerReceiverError => listener.onReceiverError(receiverError) case receiverStopped: StreamingListenerReceiverStopped => listener.onReceiverStopped(receiverStopped) case batchSubmitted: StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted => listener.onBatchSubmitted(batchSubmitted) case batchStarted: StreamingListenerBatchStarted => listener.onBatchStarted(batchStarted) case batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted => listener.onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted) case outputOperationStarted: StreamingListenerOutputOperationStarted => listener.onOutputOperationStarted(outputOperationStarted) case outputOperationCompleted: StreamingListenerOutputOperationCompleted => listener.onOutputOperationCompleted(outputOperationCompleted) case _ => } } override def onDropEvent(event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { if (logDroppedEvent.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // Only log the following message once to avoid duplicated annoying logs. logError("Dropping StreamingListenerEvent because no remaining room in event queue. " + "This likely means one of the StreamingListeners is too slow and cannot keep up with the " + "rate at which events are being started by the scheduler.") } } }
Example 88
Source File: QueryGuardListener.scala From gimel with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.paypal.gimel.common.query.guard import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{SparkListener, SparkListenerJobEnd, SparkListenerJobStart, SparkListenerStageCompleted} import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.joda.time.{DateTime, Instant} import com.paypal.gimel.common.conf.{QueryGuardConfigs, QueryGuardConstants} import com.paypal.gimel.common.utilities.GenericUtils import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger class QueryGuardListener[E >: QueryGuardDelayedEvent](spark: SparkSession, discoveryType: String = "job") extends SparkListener with Producer[E] { private val logger = new Logger(this.getClass.getName) private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(true) private val HEADER: String = "[DISCOVERY] " private var _consumers: Seq[Consumer[E]] = Seq.empty override def onJobStart(jobStart: SparkListenerJobStart) { s"${HEADER}Job[${jobStart.jobId}] started with ${jobStart.stageInfos.size} stages @ ${}" ) if (!stopped.get) { val job = JobSubmitted( jobStart.jobId, discoveryType, System.currentTimeMillis(), jobTtl = GenericUtils.getValue( spark.conf, QueryGuardConfigs.JOB_TTL, QueryGuardConstants.DEFAULT_JOB_TTL ), delayTtl = GenericUtils.getValue( spark.conf, QueryGuardConfigs.DELAY_TTL, QueryGuardConstants.DEFAULT_DELAY_TTL ) ) s"${HEADER}Proceeding to queue in Job[${jobStart.jobId}] onto QueryGuard" ) publish(job) } else { s"${HEADER}As QueryGuardListener is ${stopped.get()}," + s" unable to queue in Job[${jobStart.jobId}]" ) } } override def publish(queryGuardEvent: E): Unit = { for (consumer <- _consumers) { consumer.consume(queryGuardEvent) } } override def onStageCompleted( stageCompleted: SparkListenerStageCompleted ): Unit = { s"Stage ${stageCompleted.stageInfo.stageId} completed with ${stageCompleted.stageInfo.numTasks} tasks." ) } override def onJobEnd(jobEnd: SparkListenerJobEnd): Unit = { s"Job[${jobEnd.jobId}] completed at ${new DateTime(jobEnd.time)}" + s" with result -> ${jobEnd.jobResult}" ) super.onJobEnd(jobEnd) } override def registerConsumers(consumers: Seq[Consumer[E]]): Unit = { _consumers = consumers } def start(): Unit = { // toggle stopped to true stopped.set(false)"${HEADER}Started QueryGuardListener: $stopped") } def stop(): Unit = { // toggle stopped to true stopped.compareAndSet(false, true)"${HEADER}Stopped QueryGuardListener: $stopped") } }
Example 89
Source File: QueryGuard.scala From gimel with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.paypal.gimel.common.query.guard import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession class QueryGuard(spark: SparkSession) { private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(true) private val appTimer = new AppTimer[QueryGuardEvent](spark) private val appKill = new AppKill[QueryGuardEvent](spark) private val queryGuardListener = new QueryGuardListener[QueryGuardDelayedEvent](spark) def start(): Unit = { if (stopped.compareAndSet(true, false)) { spark.sparkContext.addSparkListener(queryGuardListener) queryGuardListener.registerConsumers(Seq(appTimer)) appTimer.registerConsumers(Seq(appKill)) appTimer.start() queryGuardListener.start() appKill.start() } } def stop(): Unit = { if (stopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) { appTimer.stop() queryGuardListener.stop() appKill.stop() } } }
Example 90
Source File: DelegatingWebSocketListener.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.httpclient import import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean private[httpclient] class DelegatingWebSocketListener[WS_RESULT]( delegate: Listener, onInitialOpen: WebSocket => Unit, onInitialError: Throwable => Unit ) extends Listener { private val initialised = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def onOpen(webSocket: WebSocket): Unit = { if (!initialised.getAndSet(true)) { onInitialOpen(webSocket) } delegate.onOpen(webSocket) } override def onText(webSocket: WebSocket, data: CharSequence, last: Boolean): CompletionStage[_] = { delegate.onText(webSocket, data, last) } override def onBinary(webSocket: WebSocket, data: ByteBuffer, last: Boolean): CompletionStage[_] = { delegate.onBinary(webSocket, data, last) } override def onPing(webSocket: WebSocket, message: ByteBuffer): CompletionStage[_] = { delegate.onPing(webSocket, message) } override def onPong(webSocket: WebSocket, message: ByteBuffer): CompletionStage[_] = { delegate.onPong(webSocket, message) } override def onClose(webSocket: WebSocket, statusCode: Int, reason: String): CompletionStage[_] = { delegate.onClose(webSocket, statusCode, reason) } override def onError(webSocket: WebSocket, error: Throwable): Unit = { if (!initialised.getAndSet(true)) { onInitialError(error) } delegate.onError(webSocket, error) } }
Example 91
Source File: StreamActor.scala From swave with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package swave.core.impl import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.annotation.tailrec import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import org.jctools.queues.MpscLinkedQueue8 import swave.core.Dispatcher private[this] val scheduled: AtomicBoolean with Runnable = new AtomicBoolean(true) with Runnable { final def run(): Unit = try { @tailrec def processMailbox(maxRemainingMessages: Int): Unit = if (maxRemainingMessages > 0) { val nextMsg = mailbox.poll() if (nextMsg ne null) { receive(nextMsg) processMailbox(maxRemainingMessages - 1) } } processMailbox(throughput) } catch { // Non-fatal exceptions thrown in user code should never bubble up to here! // Non-fatal exceptions thrown in (async) swave code should always bubble up to here! case NonFatal(e) ⇒ log.error("Uncaught exception in StreamActor::receive", e) } finally { startMessageProcessing() } } protected def receive(msg: MessageType): Unit private[impl] final def enqueue(msg: MessageType): Unit = { mailbox.offer(msg) trySchedule() } private def trySchedule(): Unit = if (scheduled.compareAndSet(false, true)) { try dispatcher.execute(scheduled) catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ scheduled.set(false) throw e } } // must be called at the end of the outermost constructor protected final def startMessageProcessing(): Unit = { scheduled.set(false) if (!mailbox.isEmpty) trySchedule() } }
Example 92
Source File: ResultOutputStream.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.kernel.util import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import polynote.kernel.{Output, Result} class ResultOutputStream(publishSync: Result => Unit, bufSize: Int = 1024) extends OutputStream { private val buf: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufSize) private val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) def write(b: Int): Unit = buf.synchronized { if (!buf.hasRemaining) { flush() } buf.put(b.toByte) } override def flush(): Unit = { super.flush() buf.synchronized { val len = buf.position() if (len > 0) { val b = ByteBuffer.allocate(buf.position()) val arr = new Array[Byte](buf.position()) buf.rewind() buf.get(arr) publishSync(Output("text/plain; rel=stdout", new String(arr, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) buf.rewind() } } } override def close(): Unit = buf.synchronized { if (!closed.getAndSet(true)) { flush() super.close() } } }
Example 93
Source File: InProcessDeploy.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.testing.kernel.remote import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, GlobalEnv, Kernel} import polynote.kernel.environment.CurrentNotebook import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging import polynote.kernel.remote.{RemoteKernelClient, SocketTransport} import zio.{Fiber, RIO, Ref, ZIO} import zio.duration.Duration class InProcessDeploy(kernelFactory: Kernel.Factory.LocalService, clientRef: Ref[RemoteKernelClient]) extends SocketTransport.Deploy { def deployKernel(transport: SocketTransport, serverAddress: InetSocketAddress): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CurrentNotebook, SocketTransport.DeployedProcess] = { val connectClient = RemoteKernelClient.tapRunThrowable( RemoteKernelClient.Args( Some(serverAddress.getHostString), Some(serverAddress.getPort), Some(kernelFactory)), Some(clientRef)) InProcessDeploy.Process(_)) } } object InProcessDeploy { class Process(fiber: Fiber[Throwable, Int]) extends SocketTransport.DeployedProcess { def exitStatus: RIO[BaseEnv, Option[Int]] = fiber.poll.flatMap { case Some(exit) => ZIO.fromEither(exit.toEither).map(Some(_)) case None => ZIO.succeed(None) } def awaitExit(timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): RIO[BaseEnv, Option[Int]] = { fiber.join.disconnect.timeout(Duration(timeout, timeUnit)) } def kill(): RIO[BaseEnv, Unit] = fiber.interrupt.unit } }
Example 94
Source File: InterruptManager.scala From inox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package inox package utils import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean} import sun.misc.{Signal, SignalHandler} import java.util.WeakHashMap class InterruptManager(reporter: Reporter) extends Interruptible { private[this] val interruptibles = new WeakHashMap[Interruptible, Boolean]() private[this] val sigINT = new Signal("INT") private[this] val lastTimestamp = new AtomicLong(0L) private val exitWindow = 1000L private[this] val handler = new SignalHandler { def handle(sig: Signal) { def now(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis()"") if (now() - lastTimestamp.get < exitWindow) { reporter.warning("Aborting...") System.exit(1) } else { reporter.warning("Interrupted...") lastTimestamp.set(now()) interrupt() } } } val interrupted: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false) @inline def isInterrupted = interrupted.get def interrupt() = synchronized { if (!isInterrupted) { interrupted.set(true) val it = interruptibles.keySet.iterator for (i <- it.asScala.toList) i.interrupt() } else { reporter.warning("Already interrupted!") } } def reset() = synchronized { if (isInterrupted) { interrupted.set(false) } else { reporter.warning("Not interrupted!") } } def registerForInterrupts(i: Interruptible) = synchronized { if (isInterrupted) i.interrupt() interruptibles.put(i, true) } // We should not need this because keys should automatically be removed // from the WeakHashMap when gc'ed. // But let's have it anyway! def unregisterForInterrupts(i: Interruptible) = synchronized { interruptibles.remove(i) } def registerSignalHandler() = Signal.handle(sigINT, handler) }
Example 95
Source File: TCPListener.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci package communicator package tcp import import{InetAddress, ServerSocket, SocketException} import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} import scala.util.control.NonFatal private class TCPListener( port: Int, interface: String, properties: TCP.Properties) extends Listener[TCP] { protected def startListening(connectionEstablished: Connected[TCP]): Try[Listening] = try { val running = new AtomicBoolean(true) val socket = new ServerSocket(port, 0, InetAddress.getByName(interface)) val executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool() def terminate() = { try socket.close() catch { case _: IOException => } executor.shutdown() } new Thread() { override def run() = try while (true) { val connection = socket.accept() if (connection != null) executor.execute(new Runnable { def run() = TCPHandler.handleConnection( connection, properties, TCPListener.this, { connection => }) }) } catch { case exception: SocketException => if (running.getAndSet(false)) { terminate() } } }.start() Success(new Listening { def stopListening(): Unit = if (running.getAndSet(false)) terminate() }) } catch { case NonFatal(exception) => Failure(exception) } }
Example 96
Source File: Remote.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci package runtime import communicator.ProtocolCommon import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly object Remote { case class Reference( id: Long, signature: Peer.Signature)( val protocol: ProtocolCommon, private[runtime] val remoteConnections: RemoteConnections) extends loci.Remote.Reference[Nothing] { private[runtime] val isConnected = new AtomicBoolean(true) private[runtime] val isAuthenticated = new AtomicBoolean(protocol.authenticated) private[runtime] val doDisconnected = Notice.Steady[Unit] def asReference = this def authenticated = isAuthenticated.get def authenticate() = isAuthenticated.set(true) def connected = isConnected.get def disconnect() = remoteConnections.disconnect(this) val disconnected = doDisconnected.notice override def toString: String = s"remote#$id($signature[$protocol])" } @compileTimeOnly("Call only allowed in multitier code. Use `remote.asRemote[P]` instead.") def cast[P](reference: loci.Remote.Reference[_]): Option[Remote[P]] = ??? }
Example 97
Source File: Callback.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.internals import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import cats.effect.internals.TrampolineEC.immediate import scala.concurrent.Promise import scala.util.{Failure, Left, Success, Try} def completeWithTryAsync(result: Try[A]): Unit = result match { case Success(a) => self(Right(a)) case Failure(e) => self(Left(e)) } } final private class AsyncIdempotentCallback[-A](conn: IOConnection, cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) extends (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) with Runnable { private[this] val canCall = new AtomicBoolean(true) private[this] var value: Either[Throwable, A] = _ def run(): Unit = cb(value) def apply(value: Either[Throwable, A]): Unit = if (canCall.getAndSet(false)) { if (conn ne null) conn.pop() this.value = value immediate.execute(this) } else value match { case Right(_) => () case Left(e) => Logger.reportFailure(e) } } }
Example 98
Source File: AsyncFunctionLoop.scala From stream-reactor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.hbase.kerberos.utils import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class AsyncFunctionLoop(interval: Duration, description: String)(thunk: => Unit) extends AutoCloseable with StrictLogging { private val running = new AtomicBoolean(false) private val executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor def start(): Unit = { if (!running.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new IllegalStateException(s"$description already running.") }"Starting $description loop with an interval of ${interval.toMillis}ms.") executorService.submit(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { while (running.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(interval.toMillis) thunk } catch { case _: InterruptedException => case t: Throwable => logger.warn("Failed to renew the Kerberos ticket", t) } } } }) } override def close(): Unit = { if (running.compareAndSet(true, false)) { executorService.shutdownNow() executorService.awaitTermination(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } } }
Example 99
Source File: AsyncFunctionLoop.scala From stream-reactor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.landoop.streamreactor.connect.hive import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class AsyncFunctionLoop(interval: Duration, description: String)(thunk: => Unit) extends AutoCloseable with StrictLogging { private val running = new AtomicBoolean(false) private val executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) def start(): Unit = { if (!running.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new IllegalStateException(s"$description already running.") }"Starting $description loop with an interval of ${interval.toMillis}ms.") executorService.submit(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { while (running.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(interval.toMillis) thunk } catch { case _: InterruptedException => case t: Throwable => logger.warn("Failed to renew the Kerberos ticket", t) } } } }) } override def close(): Unit = { if (running.compareAndSet(true, false)) { executorService.shutdownNow() executorService.awaitTermination(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } } }
Example 100
Source File: ReThinkSourceReadersFactory.scala From stream-reactor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.rethink.source import java.util import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.rethink.ReThinkConnection import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.rethink.config.{ReThinkSourceConfig, ReThinkSourceSetting, ReThinkSourceSettings} import com.rethinkdb.RethinkDB import{Connection, Cursor} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import import org.apache.kafka.connect.source.SourceRecord import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import import scala.concurrent.Future object ReThinkSourceReadersFactory { def apply(config: ReThinkSourceConfig, r: RethinkDB): Set[ReThinkSourceReader] = { val conn = Some(ReThinkConnection(r, config)) val settings = ReThinkSourceSettings(config) => new ReThinkSourceReader(r, conn.get, s)) } } class ReThinkSourceReader(rethink: RethinkDB, conn: Connection, setting: ReThinkSourceSetting) extends StrictLogging {"Initialising ReThink Reader for ${setting.source}") private val keySchema = SchemaBuilder.string().optional().build() private val valueSchema = ChangeFeedStructBuilder.schema private val sourcePartition = Map.empty[String, String] private val offset = Map.empty[String, String] private val stopFeed = new AtomicBoolean(false) private val handlingFeed = new AtomicBoolean(false) private var feed : Cursor[util.HashMap[String, String]] = _ val queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[SourceRecord]() val batchSize = setting.batchSize def start() = { feed = getChangeFeed() startFeed(feed) } def stop() = {"Closing change feed for ${setting.source}") stopFeed.set(true) while (handlingFeed.get()) { logger.debug("Waiting for feed to shutdown...") Thread.sleep(1000) } feed.close()"Change feed closed for ${setting.source}") } private def handleFeed(feed: Cursor[util.HashMap[String, String]]) = { handlingFeed.set(true) // is blocking while(!stopFeed.get()) { logger.debug(s"Waiting for next change feed event for ${setting.source}") val cdc = convert( queue.put(cdc) } handlingFeed.set(false) } private def getChangeFeed(): Cursor[util.HashMap[String, String]] = {"Initialising change feed for ${setting.source}") rethink .db(setting.db) .table(setting.source) .changes() .optArg("include_states", true) .optArg("include_initial", setting.initialise) .optArg("include_types", true) .run(conn) } private def convert(feed: Map[String, String]) = { new SourceRecord(sourcePartition.asJava, offset.asJava,, keySchema, setting.source, valueSchema, ChangeFeedStructBuilder(feed)) } }
Example 101
Source File: AsyncFunctionLoop.scala From stream-reactor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.landoop.streamreactor.connect.hive import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class AsyncFunctionLoop(interval: Duration, description: String)(thunk: => Unit) extends AutoCloseable with StrictLogging { private val running = new AtomicBoolean(false) private val executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) def start(): Unit = { if (!running.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new IllegalStateException(s"$description already running.") }"Starting $description loop with an interval of ${interval.toMillis}ms.") executorService.submit(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { while (running.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(interval.toMillis) thunk } catch { case _: InterruptedException => case t: Throwable => logger.warn("Failed to renew the Kerberos ticket", t) } } } }) } override def close(): Unit = { if (running.compareAndSet(true, false)) { executorService.shutdownNow() executorService.awaitTermination(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } } }
Example 102
Source File: AlohaEventBus.scala From aloha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package me.jrwang.aloha.scheduler.bus import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong} import me.jrwang.aloha.scheduler.bus.AsyncEventQueue.POISON_PILL class AlohaEventBus extends EventBus[AlohaEventListener, AlohaEvent] { override protected def doPostEvent(listener: AlohaEventListener, event: AlohaEvent): Unit = { event match { case e: AppStateChangedEvent => listener.onApplicationStateChange(e) case e: AppRelaunchedEvent => listener.onApplicationRelaunched(e) //TODO other specific event case _ => listener.onOtherEvent(event) } } } private[aloha] def stop(): Unit = { if (!started.get()) { throw new IllegalStateException(s"Attempted to stop $name that has not yet started!") } if (stopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) { eventCount.incrementAndGet() eventQueue.put(POISON_PILL) } // this thread might be trying to stop itself as part of error handling -- we can't join // in that case. if (Thread.currentThread() != dispatchThread) { dispatchThread.join() } } def post(event: AlohaEvent): Unit = { if (stopped.get()) { return } eventCount.incrementAndGet() if (eventQueue.offer(event)) { return } eventCount.decrementAndGet() if (logDroppedEvent.compareAndSet(false,true)) { // Only log the following message once to avoid duplicated annoying logs. logError(s"Dropping event from queue $name. " + "This likely means one of the listeners is too slow and cannot keep up with " + "the rate at which tasks are being started by the scheduler.") } logTrace(s"Dropping event $event") } override def removeListenerOnError(listener: AlohaEventListener): Unit = { // the listener failed in an unrecoverably way, we want to remove it from the entire // LiveListenerBus (potentially stopping a queue if it is empty) bus.removeListener(listener) } } object AsyncEventQueue { case object POISON_PILL extends AlohaEvent }
Example 103
Source File: Switch.scala From AckCord with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ackcord.util import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import scala.collection.immutable import{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, InHandler, OutHandler} import{Attributes, FanInShape2, Inlet, Outlet} //TODO: Maybe use a third inlet to determine where to listen to class Switch[A](ref: AtomicBoolean, emitChangeTrue: immutable.Seq[A], emitChangeFalse: immutable.Seq[A]) extends GraphStage[FanInShape2[A, A, A]] { override val shape: FanInShape2[A, A, A] = new FanInShape2[A, A, A]("Switch") val in1: Inlet[A] = shape.in0 val in2: Inlet[A] = shape.in1 val out: Outlet[A] = shape.out override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) with OutHandler { private var lastState: Boolean = ref.get() private var waitingOther: A = _ private def activeIn(): Inlet[A] = { val newState = ref.get() val newIn = if (newState) in1 else in2 if (lastState != newState) { lastState = newState emitMultiple(out, if (newState) emitChangeTrue else emitChangeFalse) if (waitingOther != null) { emit(out, waitingOther) waitingOther = null.asInstanceOf[A] } tryPull(newIn) } newIn } private def setInHandler(in: Inlet[A]): Unit = { setHandler( in, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = { if (activeIn() == in) { emit(out, grab(in)) } else { require(waitingOther == null, "Pushed other when a waiting other was already defined") waitingOther = grab(in) } } } ) } setInHandler(in1) setInHandler(in2) setHandler(out, this) override def onPull(): Unit = pull(activeIn()) } }
Example 104
Source File: SubSeqIterator.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.util import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean} object SubSeqIterator { private val Masks = 0 to 62 map { i => 1L << i } def apply[A](values: IndexedSeq[A], k: Int): Iterator[Seq[A]] = if (0 == k) OneIterator[A]() else if (k > values.size) Iterator.empty else new SubSeqIterator(values, k) case class OneIterator[A]() extends Iterator[Seq[A]] { val more = new AtomicBoolean(true) def hasNext: Boolean = more.get def next(): Seq[A] = if (more.getAndSet(false)) Seq[A]() else throw new NoSuchElementException } case class SubSeqIterator[A](values: IndexedSeq[A], k: Int) extends Iterator[Seq[A]] { require(values.size <= 63) require(k <= values.size) private[this] val current = new AtomicLong(smallest(k)) private[this] val last = largest(values.size, k) private[this] val numValues = values.size def hasNext: Boolean = current.get <= last def next(): IndexedSeq[A] = { var c = current.get var n = 0L if (c <= last) { n = next(c) while (c <= last && !current.compareAndSet(c, n)) { c = current.get n = next(c) } } if (c <= last) subset(c) else throw new NoSuchElementException } protected[this] def subset(n: Long) = { var i = 0 var els = values.companion.empty[A] while(i < numValues) { if (0 != (Masks(i) & n)) els = els :+ values(i) i += 1 } els } protected[this] def largest(n: Int, k: Int): Long = smallest(k) << (n - k) protected[this] def smallest(n: Int): Long = (1L << n) - 1 protected[this] def next(x: Long): Long = { if (x == 0) 0 else { val smallest = x & -x val ripple = x + smallest val newSmallest = ripple & -ripple val ones = ((newSmallest / smallest) >> 1) - 1 ripple | ones } } } }
Example 105
Source File: CloserTesterModel.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.models import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.Auditor import com.eharmony.aloha.ex.SchrodingerException import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.{ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin, ModelParser, ParserProviderCompanion, SubmodelFactory} import import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.RefInfo import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics import spray.json.{DeserializationException, JsValue, JsonFormat, JsonReader} import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.{BooleanJsonFormat, optionFormat} import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.jsext.JsValueExtensions case class CloserTesterModel[U, N, +B <: U](modelId: ModelIdentity, auditor: Auditor[U, N, B], shouldThrowOnClose: Boolean = false) extends Model[Any, B] with Submodel[N, Any, B] { private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) def isClosed: Boolean = closed.get() override def apply(a: Any): B = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def subvalue(a: Any): Subvalue[B, N] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def close(): Unit = { closed.set(true) if (shouldThrowOnClose) throw new SchrodingerException } } object CloserTesterModel extends ParserProviderCompanion { object Parser extends ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin { val modelType = "CloserTester" private val shouldThrowField = "shouldThrow" override def commonJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U]( factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B]) (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[CloserTesterModel[U, N, B]]] = { Some(new JsonReader[CloserTesterModel[U, N, B]] { override def read(json: JsValue): CloserTesterModel[U, N, B] = { val model = getModelId(json) map { id => val shouldThrow = json(shouldThrowField).flatMap(st => st.convertTo[Option[Boolean]]) getOrElse false new CloserTesterModel(id, auditor, shouldThrow) } model getOrElse { throw new DeserializationException("Couldn't get model ID for CloserTester model.") } } }) } } def parser: ModelParser = Parser }
Example 106
Source File: TestDeleteTopicsConcurrently.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger} import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, Executors, LinkedBlockingDeque, TimeUnit} import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{BrokerApi, TopicApi} import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.TopicKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import oharastream.ohara.testing.WithBrokerWorker import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class TestDeleteTopicsConcurrently extends WithBrokerWorker { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(testUtil.brokersConnProps, testUtil().workersConnProps()).build() private[this] val topicApi = TopicApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) private[this] val brokerClusterInfo = result( BrokerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list() ).head @Test def test(): Unit = { val loopMax = 10 val count = 3 val topicKeyQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[TopicKey](count) (0 until count).foreach(i => topicKeyQueue.put(TopicKey.of("test", i.toString))) val executors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(count) val exceptionQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque[Throwable]() val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) val loopCount = new AtomicInteger(0) (0 until count).foreach( _ => executors.execute { () => while (!closed.get() && loopCount.getAndIncrement() <= loopMax) try { val topicKey = topicKeyQueue.take() try result( topicApi.request .group( .name( .brokerClusterKey(brokerClusterInfo.key) .numberOfPartitions(1) .numberOfReplications(1) .create() .flatMap(_ => topicApi.start(topicKey)) .flatMap { _ => TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1) topicApi.stop(topicKey) } .flatMap { _ => TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1) topicApi.delete(topicKey) } ) finally topicKeyQueue.put(topicKey) } catch { case t: Throwable => exceptionQueue.put(t) closed.set(true) } } ) executors.shutdown() withClue(s"${",")}") { executors.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) shouldBe true } exceptionQueue.size() shouldBe 0 } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }