java.util.regex.Pattern Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use java.util.regex.Pattern.
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Example 1
Source File: Configuration.scala From circe-generic-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.generic.extras import java.util.regex.Pattern final case class Configuration( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformConstructorNames: String => String, useDefaults: Boolean, discriminator: Option[String], strictDecoding: Boolean = false ) { def withSnakeCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy( transformMemberNames = Configuration.snakeCaseTransformation ) def withScreamingSnakeCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy( transformMemberNames = Configuration.screamingSnakeCaseTransformation ) def withKebabCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy( transformMemberNames = Configuration.kebabCaseTransformation ) def withSnakeCaseConstructorNames: Configuration = copy( transformConstructorNames = Configuration.snakeCaseTransformation ) def withScreamingSnakeCaseConstructorNames: Configuration = copy( transformConstructorNames = Configuration.screamingSnakeCaseTransformation ) def withKebabCaseConstructorNames: Configuration = copy( transformConstructorNames = Configuration.kebabCaseTransformation ) def withDefaults: Configuration = copy(useDefaults = true) def withDiscriminator(discriminator: String): Configuration = copy(discriminator = Some(discriminator)) def withStrictDecoding: Configuration = copy(strictDecoding = true) } object Configuration { val default: Configuration = Configuration(Predef.identity, Predef.identity, false, None) private val basePattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])") private val swapPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-z\\d])([A-Z])") val snakeCaseTransformation: String => String = s => { val partial = basePattern.matcher(s).replaceAll("$1_$2") swapPattern.matcher(partial).replaceAll("$1_$2").toLowerCase } val screamingSnakeCaseTransformation: String => String = s => { val partial = basePattern.matcher(s).replaceAll("$1_$2") swapPattern.matcher(partial).replaceAll("$1_$2").toUpperCase } val kebabCaseTransformation: String => String = s => { val partial = basePattern.matcher(s).replaceAll("$1-$2") swapPattern.matcher(partial).replaceAll("$1-$2").toLowerCase } } object defaults { implicit val defaultGenericConfiguration: Configuration = Configuration.default }
Example 2
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model import com.mesosphere.cosmos.circe.Decoders._ import com.twitter.util.Return import com.twitter.util.Throw import com.twitter.util.Try import io.circe.syntax.EncoderOps import io.circe.Decoder import io.circe.DecodingFailure import io.circe.Encoder import io.circe.HCursor import java.util.regex.Pattern final class Tag private(val value: String) extends AnyVal { override def toString: String = value } object Tag { val packageDetailsTagRegex: String = "^[^\\s]+$" val packageDetailsTagPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile(packageDetailsTagRegex) def apply(s: String): Tag = validate(s).get def validate(s: String): Try[Tag] = { if (packageDetailsTagPattern.matcher(s).matches()) { Return(new Tag(s)) } else { Throw(new IllegalArgumentException( s"Value '$s' does not conform to expected format $packageDetailsTagRegex" )) } } implicit val encodePackageDefinitionTag: Encoder[Tag] = { Encoder.instance(_.value.asJson) } implicit val decodePackageDefinitionTag: Decoder[Tag] = Decoder.instance[Tag] { (c: HCursor) =>[String].map(validate(_)).flatMap { case Return(r) => Right(r) case Throw(ex) => val msg = ex.getMessage.replaceAllLiterally("assertion failed: ", "") Left(DecodingFailure(msg, c.history)) } } }
Example 3
Source File: StringUtils.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { // replace the _ with .{1} exactly match 1 time of any character // replace the % with .*, match 0 or more times with any character def escapeLikeRegex(v: String): String = { if (!v.isEmpty) { "(?s)" + (' ' +: v.init).zip(v).flatMap { case (prev, '\\') => "" case ('\\', c) => c match { case '_' => "_" case '%' => "%" case _ => Pattern.quote("\\" + c) } case (prev, c) => c match { case '_' => "." case '%' => ".*" case _ => Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c)) } }.mkString } else { v } } private[this] val trueStrings = Set("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1").map(UTF8String.fromString) private[this] val falseStrings = Set("f", "false", "n", "no", "0").map(UTF8String.fromString) def isTrueString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = trueStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) def isFalseString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = falseStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) }
Example 4
Source File: ZioAsyncHandlerTest.scala From pulsar4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.pulsar4s.zio import java.util.UUID import com.sksamuel.pulsar4s.{ConsumerConfig, ProducerConfig, PulsarClient, Subscription, Topic} import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import java.util.regex.Pattern class ZioAsyncHandlerTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { import ZioAsyncHandler._ implicit val schema: Schema[String] = Schema.STRING private val client = PulsarClient("pulsar://localhost:6650") private val topic = Topic("persistent://sample/standalone/ns1/zio_" + UUID.randomUUID()) override def afterAll(): Unit = { client.close() } test("async producer should use zio") { val producer = client.producer(ProducerConfig(topic)) val t = producer.sendAsync("wibble") val r = zio.Runtime.default.unsafeRun(t.either) r.right.get should not be null producer.close() } test("async consumer should use zio") { val consumer = client.consumer(ConsumerConfig(topics = Seq(topic), subscriptionName = Subscription("mysub_" + UUID.randomUUID()))) consumer.seekEarliest() val t = consumer.receiveAsync val r = zio.Runtime.default.unsafeRun(t.either) r shouldBe Symbol("right") new String( shouldBe "wibble" consumer.close() } test("async consumer getMessageById should use zio") { val consumer = client.consumer(ConsumerConfig(topics = Seq(topic), subscriptionName = Subscription("mysub_" + UUID.randomUUID()))) consumer.seekEarliest() val receive = consumer.receiveAsync val value = zio.Runtime.default.unsafeRun(receive.either) val t = consumer.getLastMessageIdAsync val r = zio.Runtime.default.unsafeRun(t.either) val zipped = r.right.get.toString.split(":") zip value.right.get.messageId.toString.split(":") zipped.foreach(t => t._1 shouldBe t._2) consumer.close() } }
Example 5
Source File: StringUtil.scala From ingraph with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
package ingraph.compiler.cypher2gplan.util import import java.util.regex.{Matcher, Pattern} import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{expressions => cExpr} import org.slizaa.neo4j.opencypher.{openCypher => oc} object StringUtil { private val patternStringDelimiterCheck = Pattern.compile("^'.*'$|^\".*\"$") private val patternStringDelimiterReplace = Pattern.compile("^[\"']|[\"']$") // note: literal \ should be escaped twice: first for the regular expression syntax // and then for the Java String in the source code, so \\\\ below matches the literal backslash private val patterBackslashNotation = Pattern.compile( "(?<!\\\\)\\\\(\\\\|'|\"|b|f|n|r|t|_|%|u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})|U([0-9a-fA-F]{8}))" ) def toOptionInt(s: String): Option[Int] = { Option(s).filterNot( _.isEmpty ).map( _.toInt ) } }
Example 6
Source File: ShiftingConsumerImpl.scala From kafka4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.banno.kafka.consumer import cats.effect.{Async, ContextShift} import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.apache.kafka.common._ import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext case class ShiftingConsumerImpl[F[_]: Async, K, V]( c: ConsumerApi[F, K, V], blockingContext: ExecutionContext )(implicit CS: ContextShift[F]) extends ConsumerApi[F, K, V] { def assign(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.assign(partitions)) def assignment: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.assignment) def beginningOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.beginningOffsets(partitions)) def beginningOffsets( partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.beginningOffsets(partitions, timeout)) def close: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.close) def close(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.close(timeout)) def commitAsync: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitAsync) def commitAsync( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: OffsetCommitCallback ): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitAsync(offsets, callback)) def commitAsync(callback: OffsetCommitCallback): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitAsync(callback)) def commitSync: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitSync) def commitSync(offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.commitSync(offsets)) def committed(partition: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.committed(partition)) def endOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.endOffsets(partitions)) def endOffsets( partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.endOffsets(partitions, timeout)) def listTopics: F[Map[String, Seq[PartitionInfo]]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.listTopics) def listTopics(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Map[String, Seq[PartitionInfo]]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.listTopics(timeout)) def metrics: F[Map[MetricName, Metric]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.metrics) def offsetsForTimes( timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long] ): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch)) def offsetsForTimes( timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch, timeout)) def partitionsFor(topic: String): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.partitionsFor(topic)) def partitionsFor(topic: String, timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.partitionsFor(topic, timeout)) def pause(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.pause(partitions)) def paused: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.paused) def poll(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[ConsumerRecords[K, V]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.poll(timeout)) def position(partition: TopicPartition): F[Long] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.position(partition)) def resume(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.resume(partitions)) def seek(partition: TopicPartition, offset: Long): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(, offset)) def seekToBeginning(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.seekToBeginning(partitions)) def seekToEnd(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.seekToEnd(partitions)) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String]): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(topics)) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String], callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(topics, callback)) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(pattern)) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern, callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscribe(pattern, callback)) def subscription: F[Set[String]] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.subscription) def unsubscribe: F[Unit] = CS.evalOn(blockingContext)(c.unsubscribe) def wakeup: F[Unit] = c.wakeup //TODO wakeup is the one method that is thread-safe, right? } object ShiftingConsumerImpl { //returns the type expected when creating a Resource def create[F[_]: Async: ContextShift, K, V]( c: ConsumerApi[F, K, V], e: ExecutionContext ): ConsumerApi[F, K, V] = ShiftingConsumerImpl(c, e) }
Example 7
Source File: ConsumerApiWrapper.scala From kafka4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.banno.kafka.consumer import org.apache.kafka.common._ import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import java.util.regex.Pattern trait ConsumerApiWrapper[F[_], K, V] extends ConsumerApi[F, K, V] { def api: ConsumerApi[F, K, V] def assign(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = api.assign(partitions) def assignment: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = api.assignment def beginningOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = api.beginningOffsets(partitions) def close: F[Unit] = api.close def close(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Unit] = api.close(timeout) def commitAsync: F[Unit] = api.commitAsync def commitAsync( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: OffsetCommitCallback ): F[Unit] = api.commitAsync(offsets, callback) def commitAsync(callback: OffsetCommitCallback): F[Unit] = api.commitAsync(callback) def commitSync: F[Unit] = api.commitSync def commitSync(offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]): F[Unit] = api.commitSync(offsets) def committed(partition: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]] = api.committed(partition) def endOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = api.endOffsets(partitions) def listTopics: F[Map[String, Seq[PartitionInfo]]] = api.listTopics def metrics: F[Map[MetricName, Metric]] = api.metrics def offsetsForTimes( timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long] ): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp]] = api.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch) def partitionsFor(topic: String): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = api.partitionsFor(topic) def pause(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = api.pause(partitions) def paused: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = api.paused def poll(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[ConsumerRecords[K, V]] = api.poll(timeout) def position(partition: TopicPartition): F[Long] = api.position(partition) def resume(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = api.resume(partitions) def seek(partition: TopicPartition, offset: Long): F[Unit] =, offset) def seekToBeginning(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = api.seekToBeginning(partitions) def seekToEnd(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = api.seekToEnd(partitions) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String]): F[Unit] = api.subscribe(topics) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String], callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = api.subscribe(topics, callback) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern): F[Unit] = api.subscribe(pattern) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern, callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = api.subscribe(pattern, callback) def subscription: F[Set[String]] = api.subscription def unsubscribe: F[Unit] = api.unsubscribe def wakeup: F[Unit] = api.wakeup }
Example 8
Source File: Avro4sConsumerImpl.scala From kafka4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.banno.kafka.consumer import cats.implicits._ import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.apache.kafka.common._ import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._ import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord import com.sksamuel.avro4s.FromRecord import cats.Functor import com.banno.kafka._ //this is a Bifunctor[ConsumerApi] case class Avro4sConsumerImpl[F[_]: Functor, K: FromRecord, V: FromRecord]( c: ConsumerApi[F, GenericRecord, GenericRecord] ) extends ConsumerApi[F, K, V] { def assign(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = c.assign(partitions) def assignment: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = c.assignment def beginningOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = c.beginningOffsets(partitions) def beginningOffsets( partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = c.beginningOffsets(partitions, timeout) def close: F[Unit] = c.close def close(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Unit] = c.close(timeout) def commitAsync: F[Unit] = c.commitAsync def commitAsync( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: OffsetCommitCallback ): F[Unit] = c.commitAsync(offsets, callback) def commitAsync(callback: OffsetCommitCallback): F[Unit] = c.commitAsync(callback) def commitSync: F[Unit] = c.commitSync def commitSync(offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]): F[Unit] = c.commitSync(offsets) def committed(partition: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]] = c.committed(partition) def endOffsets(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = c.endOffsets(partitions) def endOffsets( partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = c.endOffsets(partitions, timeout) def listTopics: F[Map[String, Seq[PartitionInfo]]] = c.listTopics def listTopics(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Map[String, Seq[PartitionInfo]]] = c.listTopics(timeout) def metrics: F[Map[MetricName, Metric]] = c.metrics def offsetsForTimes( timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long] ): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp]] = c.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch) def offsetsForTimes( timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], timeout: FiniteDuration ): F[Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp]] = c.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch, timeout) def partitionsFor(topic: String): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = c.partitionsFor(topic) def partitionsFor(topic: String, timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Seq[PartitionInfo]] = c.partitionsFor(topic, timeout) def pause(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = c.pause(partitions) def paused: F[Set[TopicPartition]] = c.paused def poll(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[ConsumerRecords[K, V]] = c.poll(timeout).map(_.fromGenericRecords[K, V]) def position(partition: TopicPartition): F[Long] = c.position(partition) def resume(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = c.resume(partitions) def seek(partition: TopicPartition, offset: Long): F[Unit] =, offset) def seekToBeginning(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = c.seekToBeginning(partitions) def seekToEnd(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = c.seekToEnd(partitions) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String]): F[Unit] = c.subscribe(topics) def subscribe(topics: Iterable[String], callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = c.subscribe(topics, callback) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern): F[Unit] = c.subscribe(pattern) def subscribe(pattern: Pattern, callback: ConsumerRebalanceListener): F[Unit] = c.subscribe(pattern, callback) def subscription: F[Set[String]] = c.subscription def unsubscribe: F[Unit] = c.unsubscribe def wakeup: F[Unit] = c.wakeup }
Example 9
Source File: DataSourceV2Utils.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2 import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.{DataSourceV2, SessionConfigSupport} private[sql] object DataSourceV2Utils extends Logging { def extractSessionConfigs(ds: DataSourceV2, conf: SQLConf): Map[String, String] = ds match { case cs: SessionConfigSupport => val keyPrefix = cs.keyPrefix() require(keyPrefix != null, "The data source config key prefix can't be null.") val pattern = Pattern.compile(s"^spark\\.datasource\\.$keyPrefix\\.(.+)") conf.getAllConfs.flatMap { case (key, value) => val m = pattern.matcher(key) if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() > 0) { Seq((, value)) } else { Seq.empty } } case _ => Map.empty } }
Example 10
Source File: StringUtils.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { def filterPattern(names: Seq[String], pattern: String): Seq[String] = { val funcNames = scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet.empty[String] pattern.trim().split("\\|").foreach { subPattern => try { val regex = ("(?i)" + subPattern.replaceAll("\\*", ".*")).r funcNames ++= names.filter{ name => regex.pattern.matcher(name).matches() } } catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => } } funcNames.toSeq } }
Example 11
Source File: PlaceholderParser.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.resolver import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.{ CornichonError, Session } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.resolver.PlaceholderParser._ import org.parboiled2._ import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } class PlaceholderParser(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser { def placeholdersRule = rule { Ignore ~ zeroOrMore(PlaceholderRule).separatedBy(Ignore) ~ Ignore ~ EOI } def PlaceholderRule = rule('<' ~ PlaceholderTXT ~ optIndex ~ '>' ~> Placeholder) def optIndex = rule(optional('[' ~ Number ~ ']')) def PlaceholderTXT = rule(capture(oneOrMore(allowedCharsInPlaceholdersPredicate))) def Ignore = rule { zeroOrMore(!PlaceholderRule ~ ANY) } def Number = rule { capture(Digits) ~> (_.toInt) } def Digits = rule { oneOrMore(CharPredicate.Digit) } } object PlaceholderParser { private val noPlaceholders = Right(Nil) private val allowedCharsInPlaceholdersPredicate: CharPredicate = CharPredicate.Visible -- Session.notAllowedInKey def parse(input: String): Either[CornichonError, List[Placeholder]] = if (!input.contains("<")) // No need to parse the whole thing noPlaceholders else { val p = new PlaceholderParser(input) match { case Failure(e: ParseError) => Left(PlaceholderParsingError(input, p.formatError(e, new ErrorFormatter(showTraces = true)))) case Failure(e: Throwable) => Left(PlaceholderError(input, e)) case Success(dt) => Right(dt.toList.distinct) } } } case class Placeholder(key: String, index: Option[Int]) { val fullKey = index.fold(s"<$key>") { index => s"<$key[$index]>" } lazy val pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(fullKey)) } case class PlaceholderError(input: String, error: Throwable) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = s"error '${error.getMessage}' thrown during placeholder parsing for input $input" } case class PlaceholderParsingError(input: String, error: String) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = s"error '$error' during placeholder parsing for input $input" }
Example 12
Source File: StringUtils.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.Pattern object StringUtils { // replace the _ with .{1} exactly match 1 time of any character // replace the % with .*, match 0 or more times with any character //将_替换为,{1}完全匹配任何字符的1次将%替换为.*,与任何字符匹配0次或更多次 def escapeLikeRegex(v: String): String = { if (!v.isEmpty) { "(?s)" + (' ' +: v.init).zip(v).flatMap { case (prev, '\\') => "" case ('\\', c) => c match { case '_' => "_" case '%' => "%" case _ => Pattern.quote("\\" + c) } case (prev, c) => c match { case '_' => "." case '%' => ".*" case _ => Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c)) } }.mkString } else { v } } }
Example 13
Source File: DcosReleaseVersionParser.scala From cosmos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model import com.twitter.util.{Return, Throw, Try} import java.util.regex.Pattern object DcosReleaseVersionParser { private[this] val versionFragment = "(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)" private[this] val subVersionFragment = "\\." + versionFragment private[this] val suffixFragment = "((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*)" private[v3] val versionRegex = s"^$versionFragment$$" private[v3] val suffixRegex = s"^$suffixFragment$$" private[v3] val fullRegex = s"^$versionFragment(?:$subVersionFragment)*(?<suffix>-$suffixFragment)?$$" private[v3] val versionPattern = Pattern.compile(versionRegex) private[v3] val suffixPattern = Pattern.compile(suffixRegex) private[v3] val fullPattern = Pattern.compile(fullRegex) def parseUnsafe(s: String): DcosReleaseVersion = parse(s).get def parse(s: String): Try[DcosReleaseVersion] = { val errMsg = s"Value '$s' does not conform to expected format $fullRegex" Try { assert(!s.trim.isEmpty, "Value must not be empty") assert(fullPattern.matcher(s).matches(), errMsg) s } flatMap { validatedString => validatedString.split('-').toList match { case Seq(version) => Return(version -> None) case Seq(version, tail @ _*) => Return(version -> Some(tail.mkString("-"))) case _ => Throw(new AssertionError(errMsg)) } } flatMap { case (version, subVersion) => parseVersionSuffix(version, subVersion, errMsg) } } private[this] def parseVersion(s: String): Try[DcosReleaseVersion.Version] = Try { DcosReleaseVersion.Version(s.toInt) } private[this] def parseSuffix(s: Option[String]): Try[Option[DcosReleaseVersion.Suffix]] = s match { case None => Return(None) case Some(suff) => Return(Some(DcosReleaseVersion.Suffix(suff))) } private[this] def parseVersionSuffix(version: String, suffix: Option[String], errMsg: String): Try[DcosReleaseVersion] = { version.split('.').toList match { case head :: tail :: Nil => for { h <- parseVersion(head) t <- parseVersion(tail) s <- parseSuffix(suffix) } yield { DcosReleaseVersion(h, List(t), s) } case head :: Nil => for { h <- parseVersion(head) s <- parseSuffix(suffix) } yield { DcosReleaseVersion(h, List.empty, s) } case head :: tail => for { h <- parseVersion(head) t <- Try.collect( s <- parseSuffix(suffix) } yield { DcosReleaseVersion(h, t.toList, s) } case _ => Throw(new AssertionError(errMsg)) } } }
Example 14
Source File: Segment.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.routing import java.util.regex.Pattern sealed trait Segment { def regexPiece : String private[routing] def priority: Int } case object SlashSegment extends Segment { override def regexPiece: String = "/" override private[routing] val priority: Int = 0 override def toString = "/" } case class StaticSegment(segment: String) extends Segment { override def regexPiece: String = Pattern.quote(segment) override private[routing] val priority: Int = 1 override def toString = segment } case object ExtensionSegment extends Segment { override def regexPiece: String = "(\\.[^/]*)?" override private[routing] val priority: Int = 2 override def toString = "(.extension)?" } case object WildcardSegment extends Segment { override def regexPiece: String = "[^/]*" override private[routing] val priority: Int = 3 override def toString = "{}" } case class RegexSegment(expr: String) extends Segment { override def regexPiece: String = expr override private[routing] val priority: Int = 4 override def toString = s"{regex: $expr}" } case object PathSegment extends Segment { override def regexPiece: String = ".*" override private[routing] val priority: Int = 5 override def toString = "(.*)" }
Example 15
Source File: FileUtils.scala From sctags with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sctags import{File, FileFilter} import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.language.implicitConversions object FileUtils { implicit def fun2fileFilter(fun: File => Boolean) = new FileFilter { def accept(f: File) = fun(f) } implicit def fileFilter2richFilter(filter: FileFilter): RichFilter = new RichFilter(filter) final class RichFilter(val self: FileFilter) extends Proxy { def unary_! = new FileFilter { def accept(f: File) = !self.accept(f) } def join(other: FileFilter, op: (Boolean,Boolean)=>Boolean) = new FileFilter { def accept(f: File) = op(self.accept(f), other.accept(f)) } def &&(other: FileFilter) = join(other, _ && _); def ||(other: FileFilter) = join(other, _ || _); } object DirectoryFilter extends FileFilter { def accept(f: File) = f.isDirectory; } class NameMatchFilter(val re: Pattern) extends FileFilter { def this(re: String) = this(Pattern.compile(re)); def accept(f: File) = re.matcher(f.getName).matches; } object AcceptAllFilter extends FileFilter { def accept(f: File) = true; } def listFilesRecursive(base: File, filter: FileFilter): Seq[File] = { val files = new ArrayBuffer[File]; def processdir(dir: File) { val directories = dir.listFiles(DirectoryFilter).foreach(d => processdir(d)) val matchedFiles = dir.listFiles(filter) files ++= matchedFiles } processdir(base) files } }
Example 16
Source File: AccessLogParser.scala From spark-scala with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
package com.supergloo.utils import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.supergloo.models.HttpStatus def parseHttpStatusCode(logLine: String): Option[HttpStatus] = { val matcher = p.matcher(logLine) if(matcher.find) { Some(createHttpStatus( } else { None } } }
Example 17
Source File: RegexLiteral.scala From kantan.regex with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package kantan.regex package literals import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try => UTry} final class RegexLiteral(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def rx(args: Any*): Pattern = macro RegexLiteral.rxImpl } // Relatively distatefull trick to get rid of spurious warnings. trait RegexLiteralMacro { def rxImpl(c: Context)(args: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Pattern] } object RegexLiteral extends RegexLiteralMacro { override def rxImpl(c: Context)(args: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Pattern] = { import c.universe._ c.prefix.tree match { case Apply(_, List(Apply(_, List(lit @ Literal(Constant(str: String)))))) => UTry(Pattern.compile(str)) match { case Failure(_) => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Illegal regex: '$str'") case Success(_) => reify { Pattern.compile(c.Expr[String](lit).splice) } } case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "rx can only be used on string literals") } } } trait ToRegexLiteral { implicit def toRegexLiteral(sc: StringContext): RegexLiteral = new RegexLiteral(sc) }
Example 18
Source File: ConfigReader.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.internal.config import java.util.{Map => JMap} import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import scala.util.matching.Regex private object ConfigReader { private val REF_RE = "\\$\\{(?:(\\w+?):)?(\\S+?)\\}".r } def substitute(input: String): String = substitute(input, Set()) private def substitute(input: String, usedRefs: Set[String]): String = { if (input != null) { ConfigReader.REF_RE.replaceAllIn(input, { m => val prefix = val name = val ref = if (prefix == null) name else s"$prefix:$name" require(!usedRefs.contains(ref), s"Circular reference in $input: $ref") val replacement = bindings.get(prefix) .flatMap(_.get(name)) .map { v => substitute(v, usedRefs + ref) } .getOrElse(m.matched) Regex.quoteReplacement(replacement) }) } else { input } } }
Example 19
Source File: StringUtils.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { // replace the _ with .{1} exactly match 1 time of any character // replace the % with .*, match 0 or more times with any character def escapeLikeRegex(v: String): String = { if (!v.isEmpty) { "(?s)" + (' ' +: v.init).zip(v).flatMap { case (prev, '\\') => "" case ('\\', c) => c match { case '_' => "_" case '%' => "%" case _ => Pattern.quote("\\" + c) } case (prev, c) => c match { case '_' => "." case '%' => ".*" case _ => Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c)) } }.mkString } else { v } } private[this] val trueStrings = Set("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1").map(UTF8String.fromString) private[this] val falseStrings = Set("f", "false", "n", "no", "0").map(UTF8String.fromString) def isTrueString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = trueStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) def isFalseString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = falseStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) def filterPattern(names: Seq[String], pattern: String): Seq[String] = { val funcNames = scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet.empty[String] pattern.trim().split("\\|").foreach { subPattern => try { val regex = ("(?i)" + subPattern.replaceAll("\\*", ".*")).r funcNames ++= names.filter{ name => regex.pattern.matcher(name).matches() } } catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => } } funcNames.toSeq } }
Example 20
Source File: PidUtils.scala From sbt-dynamodb with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.localytics.sbt.dynamodb import import java.util.regex.Pattern object PidUtils { def extractPid(input: String, port: Int, jar: File): Option[String] = { val pidPortRegex = s"\\d+ ${Pattern.quote(jar.getAbsolutePath)} -port $port".r pidPortRegex.findFirstIn(input).map(_.split(" ")(0)) } def osName: String = System.getProperty("") match { case n: String if !n.isEmpty => n case _ => System.getProperty("os") } def killPidCommand(pid: String): String = if (osName.toLowerCase.contains("windows")) s"Taskkill /PID $pid /F" else s"kill $pid" }
Example 21
Source File: TemplateParamsSpec.scala From comet-data-pipeline with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ebiznext.comet.database.extractor import java.util.regex.Pattern import better.files.File import com.ebiznext.comet.schema.model._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class TemplateParamsSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { val scriptOutputFolder: File = File("/tmp") "fromSchema" should "generate the correct TemplateParams for a given Schema" in { val schema: Schema = Schema( name = "table1", pattern = Pattern.compile("output_file.*.csv"), List(Attribute(name = "col1"), Attribute(name = "col2")), metadata = Option(Metadata(write = Some(WriteMode.APPEND))), merge = Some(MergeOptions(List("col1", "col2"), None, timestamp = Some("updateCol"))), comment = None, presql = None, postsql = None ) val expectedTemplateParams = TemplateParams( tableToExport = "table1", columnsToExport = List("col1", "col2"), fullExport = false, dsvDelimiter = ",", deltaColumn = Some("updateCol"), exportOutputFileBase = "output_file", scriptOutputFile = scriptOutputFolder / "EXTRACT_table1.sql" ) TemplateParams.fromSchema(schema, scriptOutputFolder) shouldBe expectedTemplateParams } it should "generate the correct TemplateParams for an other Schema" in { val schema: Schema = Schema( name = "table1", pattern = Pattern.compile("output_file.*.csv"), List(Attribute(name = "col1"), Attribute(name = "col2")), metadata = Option(Metadata(write = Some(WriteMode.OVERWRITE), separator = Some("|"))), merge = Some(MergeOptions(List("col1", "col2"), None, timestamp = Some("updateCol"))), comment = None, presql = None, postsql = None ) val expectedTemplateParams = TemplateParams( tableToExport = "table1", columnsToExport = List("col1", "col2"), fullExport = true, dsvDelimiter = "|", deltaColumn = None, exportOutputFileBase = "output_file", scriptOutputFile = scriptOutputFolder / "EXTRACT_table1.sql" ) TemplateParams.fromSchema(schema, scriptOutputFolder) shouldBe expectedTemplateParams } }
Example 22
Source File: ESLoadConfig.scala From comet-data-pipeline with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ebiznext.comet.job.index.esload import java.util.regex.Pattern import buildinfo.BuildInfo import com.ebiznext.comet.config.Settings import com.ebiznext.comet.schema.model.RowLevelSecurity import com.ebiznext.comet.utils.CliConfig import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import scopt.OParser case class ESLoadConfig( timestamp: Option[String] = None, id: Option[String] = None, mapping: Option[Path] = None, domain: String = "", schema: String = "", format: String = "", dataset: Option[Path] = None, conf: Map[String, String] = Map(), rls: Option[List[RowLevelSecurity]] = None ) { def getDataset()(implicit settings: Settings): Path = { dataset.getOrElse { new Path(s"${settings.comet.datasets}/${settings.comet.area.accepted}/$domain/$schema") } } def getIndexName(): String = s"${domain.toLowerCase}_${schema.toLowerCase}" private val pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{(.*)\\|(.*)\\}") def getTimestampCol(): Option[String] = { timestamp.flatMap { ts => val matcher = pattern.matcher(ts) if (matcher.matches()) { Some( } else { None } } } def getResource(): String = { { ts => s"${this.getIndexName()}-$ts/_doc" } getOrElse { s"${this.getIndexName()}/_doc" } } } object ESLoadConfig extends CliConfig[ESLoadConfig] { val parser: OParser[Unit, ESLoadConfig] = { val builder = OParser.builder[ESLoadConfig] import builder._ OParser.sequence( programName("comet"), head("comet", BuildInfo.version), opt[String]("timestamp") .action((x, c) => c.copy(timestamp = Some(x))) .optional() .text("Elasticsearch index timestamp suffix as in {@timestamp|yyyy.MM.dd}"), opt[String]("id") .action((x, c) => c.copy(id = Some(x))) .optional() .text("Elasticsearch Document Id"), opt[String]("mapping") .action((x, c) => c.copy(mapping = Some(new Path(x)))) .optional() .text("Path to Elasticsearch Mapping File"), opt[String]("domain") .action((x, c) => c.copy(domain = x)) .required() .text("Domain Name"), opt[String]("schema") .action((x, c) => c.copy(schema = x)) .required() .text("Schema Name"), opt[String]("format") .action((x, c) => c.copy(format = x)) .required() .text("Dataset input file : parquet, json or json-array"), opt[String]("dataset") .action((x, c) => c.copy(dataset = Some(new Path(x)))) .optional() .text("Input dataset path"), opt[Map[String, String]]("conf") .action((x, c) => c.copy(conf = x)) .optional() .valueName( "es.batch.size.entries=1000,es.batch.size.bytes=1mb... (see" ) .text("eshadoop configuration options") ) } def parse(args: Seq[String]): Option[ESLoadConfig] = OParser.parse(parser, args, ESLoadConfig()) }
Example 23
Source File: Device.scala From uap-scala with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License | 5 votes |
package org.uaparser.scala import java.util.regex.{ Matcher, Pattern } import org.uaparser.scala.MatcherOps._ case class Device(family: String, brand: Option[String] = None, model: Option[String] = None) object Device { private[scala] def fromMap(m: Map[String, String]) = m.get("family").map(Device(_, m.get("brand"), m.get("model"))) private[scala] case class DevicePattern(pattern: Pattern, familyReplacement: Option[String], brandReplacement: Option[String], modelReplacement: Option[String]) { def process(agent: String): Option[Device] = { val matcher = pattern.matcher(agent) if (!matcher.find()) None else { val family = => replace(r, matcher)).orElse(matcher.groupAt(1)) val brand = => replace(r, matcher)).filterNot(s => s.isEmpty) val model = => replace(r, matcher)).orElse(matcher.groupAt(1)).filterNot(s => s.isEmpty), brand, model)) } } def replace(replacement: String, matcher: Matcher): String = { (if (replacement.contains("$") && matcher.groupCount() >= 1) { (1 to matcher.groupCount()).foldLeft(replacement)((rep, i) => { val toInsert = if ( ne null) else "" rep.replaceFirst("\\$" + i, Matcher.quoteReplacement(toInsert)) }) } else replacement).trim } } private object DevicePattern { def fromMap(m: Map[String, String]): Option[DevicePattern] = m.get("regex").map { r => val pattern = m.get("regex_flag").map(flag => Pattern.compile(r, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)).getOrElse(Pattern.compile(r) ) DevicePattern(pattern, m.get("device_replacement"), m.get("brand_replacement"), m.get("model_replacement")) } } case class DeviceParser(patterns: List[DevicePattern]) { def parse(agent: String): Device = patterns.foldLeft[Option[Device]](None) { case (None, pattern) => pattern.process(agent) case (result, _) => result }.getOrElse(Device("Other")) } object DeviceParser { def fromList(config: List[Map[String, String]]): DeviceParser = DeviceParser( } }
Example 24
Source File: UserAgent.scala From uap-scala with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License | 5 votes |
package org.uaparser.scala import MatcherOps._ import java.util.regex.{Matcher, Pattern} case class UserAgent(family: String, major: Option[String] = None, minor: Option[String] = None, patch: Option[String] = None) object UserAgent { private[scala] def fromMap(m: Map[String, String]) = m.get("family").map { family => UserAgent(family, m.get("major"), m.get("minor"), m.get("patch")) } private[scala] case class UserAgentPattern(pattern: Pattern, familyReplacement: Option[String], v1Replacement: Option[String], v2Replacement: Option[String], v3Replacement: Option[String]) { def process(agent: String): Option[UserAgent] = { val matcher = pattern.matcher(agent) if (!matcher.find()) return None { replacement => if (replacement.contains("$1") && matcher.groupCount() >= 1) { replacement.replaceFirst("\\$1", Matcher.quoteReplacement( } else replacement }.orElse(matcher.groupAt(1)).map { family => val major = v1Replacement.orElse(matcher.groupAt(2)).filter(_.nonEmpty) val minor = v2Replacement.orElse(matcher.groupAt(3)).filter(_.nonEmpty) val patch = v3Replacement.orElse(matcher.groupAt(4)).filter(_.nonEmpty) UserAgent(family, major, minor, patch) } } } private object UserAgentPattern { def fromMap(config: Map[String, String]): Option[UserAgentPattern] = config.get("regex").map { r => UserAgentPattern(Pattern.compile(r), config.get("family_replacement"), config.get("v1_replacement"), config.get("v2_replacement"), config.get("v3_replacement")) } } case class UserAgentParser(patterns: List[UserAgentPattern]) { def parse(agent: String): UserAgent = patterns.foldLeft[Option[UserAgent]](None) { case (None, pattern) => pattern.process(agent) case (result, _) => result }.getOrElse(UserAgent("Other")) } object UserAgentParser { def fromList(config: List[Map[String, String]]): UserAgentParser = UserAgentParser( } }
Example 25
Source File: RegexConstraint.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.constraints import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame} import scala.util.Try case class RegexConstraint(columnName: String, regex: String) extends Constraint { val fun = (df: DataFrame) => { val pattern = Pattern.compile(regex) val doesNotMatch = udf((column: String) => column != null && !pattern.matcher(column).find()) val maybeDoesNotMatchCount = Try(df.filter(doesNotMatch(new Column(columnName))).count) RegexConstraintResult( constraint = this, data =, status = ConstraintUtil.tryToStatus[Long](maybeDoesNotMatchCount, _ == 0) ) } } case class RegexConstraintResult(constraint: RegexConstraint, data: Option[RegexConstraintResultData], status: ConstraintStatus) extends ConstraintResult[RegexConstraint] { val message: String = { val columnName = constraint.columnName val regex = constraint.regex val maybeFailedRows = val maybePluralSAndVerb = => if (failedRows == 1) ("", "does") else ("s", "do")) (status, maybeFailedRows, maybePluralSAndVerb) match { case (ConstraintSuccess, Some(0), _) => s"Column $columnName matches $regex" case (ConstraintFailure, Some(failedRows), Some((pluralS, verb))) => s"Column $columnName contains $failedRows row$pluralS that $verb not match $regex" case (ConstraintError(throwable), None, None) => s"Checking whether column $columnName matches $regex failed: $throwable" case default => throw IllegalConstraintResultException(this) } } } case class RegexConstraintResultData(failedRows: Long)
Example 26
Source File: SearchPluginId.scala From sbt-idea-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.jetbrains.sbtidea.tasks import import java.nio.file.Path import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.jetbrains.sbtidea.PluginLogger import import import com.eclipsesource.json._ import scalaj.http.Http import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class SearchPluginId(ideaRoot: Path, buildInfo: BuildInfo, useBundled: Boolean = true, useRemote: Boolean = true) { private val REPO_QUERY = "" // true if plugin was found in the remote repo def apply(query: String): Map[String, (String, Boolean)] = { val local = if (useBundled) searchPluginIdLocal(query) else Map.empty val remote = if (useRemote) searchPluginIdRemote(query) else Map.empty remote ++ local } private def searchPluginIdLocal(query: String): Map[String, (String, Boolean)] = { val pattern = Pattern.compile(query) val registry = new LocalPluginRegistry(ideaRoot) val allDescriptors = registry.getAllDescriptors allDescriptors .filter(descriptor => pattern.matcher( || pattern.matcher( .map(descriptor => -> (, false)) .toMap } // Apparently we can't use json4s when cross-compiling for sbt because there are BOTH no shared versions AND binary compatibility private def searchPluginIdRemote(query: String): Map[String, (String, Boolean)] = { try { val param = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8") val url = REPO_QUERY.format(param, s"${buildInfo.edition.edition}-${buildInfo.getActualIdeaBuild(ideaRoot)}") val data = Http(url).asString.body val json = Json.parse(data) val values = json.asArray().values() val names ="name", "") -> true) val ids ="xmlId", "")) } catch { case ex: Throwable => PluginLogger.warn(s"Failed to query IJ plugin repo: $ex") Map.empty } } }
Example 27
Source File: Constraint.scala From exhibitor-mesos-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ly.stealth.mesos.exhibitor import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import scala.util.Try trait Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String] = Nil): Boolean } object Constraint { def apply(value: String): Constraint = { if (value.startsWith("like:")) Constraint.Like(value.substring("like:".length)) else if (value.startsWith("unlike:")) Constraint.Like(value.substring("unlike:".length), negated = true) else if (value == "unique") Constraint.Unique() else if (value.startsWith("cluster")) { val tail = value.substring("cluster".length) val cluster = if (tail.startsWith(":")) Some(tail.substring(1)) else None Cluster(cluster) } else if (value.startsWith("groupBy")) { val tail = value.substring("groupBy".length) val groups = if (tail.startsWith(":")) Try(tail.substring(1).toInt).toOption.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"invalid condition $value")) else 1 GroupBy(groups) } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported condition: $value") } def parse(constraints: String): Map[String, List[Constraint]] = { Util.parseList(constraints).foldLeft[Map[String, List[Constraint]]](Map()) { case (all, (name, value)) => all.get(name) match { case Some(values) => all.updated(name, Constraint(value) :: values) case None => all.updated(name, List(Constraint(value))) } } } case class Like(regex: String, negated: Boolean = false) extends Constraint { val pattern = try { Pattern.compile(s"^$regex$$") } catch { case e: PatternSyntaxException => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid $name: ${e.getMessage}") } private def name: String = if (negated) "unlike" else "like" def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = negated ^ pattern.matcher(value).find() override def toString: String = s"$name:$regex" } case class Unique() extends Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = !values.contains(value) override def toString: String = "unique" } case class Cluster(value: Option[String]) extends Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = this.value match { case Some(v) => v == value case None => values.isEmpty || values.head == value } override def toString: String = "cluster" +":" + _).getOrElse("") } case class GroupBy(groups: Int = 1) extends Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = { val counts = values.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size) if (counts.size < groups) !counts.contains(value) else { val minCount = counts.values.reduceOption(_ min _).getOrElse(0) counts.getOrElse(value, 0) == minCount } } override def toString: String = "groupBy" + (if (groups > 1) s":$groups" else "") } }
Example 28
Source File: TypeScopeNameObjectNameFactory.scala From scala-server-toolkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avast.sst.micrometer.jmx import java.util import java.util.regex.Pattern import cats.syntax.either._ import com.codahale.metrics.jmx.{DefaultObjectNameFactory, ObjectNameFactory} import val map = new java.util.LinkedHashMap[String, String](parts.length) val properties = new java.util.Hashtable[String, String](parts.length) { override def entrySet(): util.Set[util.Map.Entry[String, String]] = map.entrySet() } { case (part, partName) => val quoted = quote(part) properties.put(partName, quoted) map.put(partName, quoted) } new ObjectName(domain, properties) } private def quote(objectName: String) = objectName.replaceAll("[\\Q.?*\"\\E]", "_") }
Example 29
Source File: Configuration.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.generic import java.util.regex.Pattern final case class Configuration(toLowLevelName: String => String) { def withSnakeCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy( toLowLevelName = Configuration.snakeCaseTransformation ) def withKebabCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy( toLowLevelName = Configuration.kebabCaseTransformation ) } object Configuration { implicit val default: Configuration = Configuration(Predef.identity) private val basePattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])") private val swapPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-z\\d])([A-Z])") private val snakeCaseTransformation: String => String = s => { val partial = basePattern.matcher(s).replaceAll("$1_$2") swapPattern.matcher(partial).replaceAll("$1_$2").toLowerCase } private val kebabCaseTransformation: String => String = s => { val partial = basePattern.matcher(s).replaceAll("$1-$2") swapPattern.matcher(partial).replaceAll("$1-$2").toLowerCase } }
Example 30
Source File: ColumnMetadataTest.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector.vector import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DecimalType import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Gen.{choose, identifier} import org.scalacheck.Prop.{forAll, propBoolean} import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import com.actian.spark_vector.test.tags.RandomizedTest class ColumnMetadataTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { // Generate random column metadata and ensure the resultant StructField's are valid test("generated", RandomizedTest) { forAll(columnMetadataGen)(colMD => { assertColumnMetadata(colMD) }).check } val milliSecsPattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\.(S*)") def assertColumnMetadata(columnMD: ColumnMetadata): Boolean = { val structField = columnMD.structField structField.dataType match { // For decimal type, ensure the scale and precision match case decType: DecimalType => decType.precision should be(columnMD.precision) decType.scale should be(columnMD.scale) case _ => } true } val columnMetadataGen: Gen[ColumnMetadata] = for { name <- identifier typeName <- VectorTypeGen.vectorJdbcTypeGen nullable <- arbitrary[Boolean] precision <- choose(0, 20) scale <- choose(0, Math.min(20, precision)) } yield ColumnMetadata(name, typeName, nullable, precision, scale) }
Example 31
Source File: BigQueryPartitionUtil.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.bigquery import java.util.regex.Pattern import import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.client.BigQuery import import scala.util.Try private[bigquery] object BigQueryPartitionUtil { // Ported from private[this] val PROJECT_ID_REGEXP = "[a-z][-a-z0-9:.]{4,61}[a-z0-9]" private[this] val DATASET_REGEXP = "[-\\w.]{1,1024}" private[this] val TABLE_REGEXP = "[-\\w$@]{1,1024}($LATEST)?" private[this] val DATASET_TABLE_REGEXP_LEGACY = s"((?<PROJECT>$PROJECT_ID_REGEXP):)?(?<DATASET>$DATASET_REGEXP)\\.(?<TABLE>$TABLE_REGEXP)" private[this] val DATASET_TABLE_REGEXP_STANDARD = s"((?<PROJECT>$PROJECT_ID_REGEXP).)?(?<DATASET>$DATASET_REGEXP)\\.(?<TABLE>$TABLE_REGEXP)" private[this] val QUERY_TABLE_SPEC_LEGACY = Pattern.compile(s"(?<=\\[)$DATASET_TABLE_REGEXP_LEGACY(?=\\])") private[this] val QUERY_TABLE_SPEC_STANDARD = Pattern.compile(s"(?<=\\`)$DATASET_TABLE_REGEXP_STANDARD(?=\\`)") private def extractTables(sqlQuery: String): Map[String, TableReference] = { val b = Map.newBuilder[String, TableReference] val m1 = QUERY_TABLE_SPEC_LEGACY.matcher(sqlQuery) while (m1.find()) { val t = b += (s"[$t]" -> BigQueryHelpers.parseTableSpec(t)) } val m2 = QUERY_TABLE_SPEC_STANDARD.matcher(sqlQuery) while (m2.find()) { val t = b += (s"`$t`" -> BigQueryHelpers.parseTableSpec(t.replaceFirst("\\.", ":"))) } b.result() } private def getPartitions(bq: BigQuery, tableRef: TableReference): Set[String] = { val prefix = tableRef.getTableId.split('$')(0) bq.tables .tableReferences(tableRef.getProjectId, tableRef.getDatasetId) .filter(_.getTableId.startsWith(prefix)) .map(_.getTableId.substring(prefix.length)) .toSet // get all table with prefix and filter only the day/date partitioned tables. Current // format for date partition is YYYYMMDD, thus all numeric. .filter(e => Try(e.toLong).isSuccess) } def latestQuery(bq: BigQuery, sqlQuery: String): String = { val tables = extractTables(sqlQuery).filter(_._2.getTableId.endsWith("$LATEST")) if (tables.isEmpty) { sqlQuery } else { val overlaps = tables .map(t => getPartitions(bq, t._2)) .reduce(_ intersect _) require( overlaps.nonEmpty, "Cannot find latest common partition for " + tables.keys.mkString(", ") ) val latest = overlaps.max tables.foldLeft(sqlQuery) { case (q, (spec, _)) => q.replace(spec, spec.replace("$LATEST", latest)) } } } def latestTable(bq: BigQuery, tableSpec: String): String = { val ref = BigQueryHelpers.parseTableSpec(tableSpec) if (ref.getTableId.endsWith("$LATEST")) { val partitions = getPartitions(bq, ref) require(partitions.nonEmpty, s"Cannot find latest partition for $tableSpec") tableSpec.replace("$LATEST", partitions.max) } else { tableSpec } } }
Example 32
Source File: CompilationErrorParser.scala From scala-clippy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.softwaremill.clippy import java.util.regex.Pattern object CompilationErrorParser { private val FoundRegexp = """found\s*:\s*([^\n]+)""".r private val RequiredPrefixRegexp = """required\s*:""".r private val AfterRequiredRegexp = """required\s*:\s*([^\n]+)""".r private val WhichExpandsToRegexp = """\s*\(which expands to\)\s*([^\n]+)""".r private val NotFoundRegexp = """not found\s*:\s*([^\n]+)""".r private val NotAMemberRegexp = """:?\s*([^\n:]+) is not a member of""".r private val NotAMemberOfRegexp = """is not a member of\s*([^\n]+)""".r private val ImplicitNotFoundRegexp = """could not find implicit value for parameter\s*([^:]+):\s*([^\n]+)""".r private val DivergingImplicitExpansionRegexp = """diverging implicit expansion for type\s*([^\s]+)\s*.*\s*starting with method\s*([^\s]+)\s*in\s*([^\n]+)""".r private val TypeArgumentsDoNotConformToOverloadedBoundsRegexp = """type arguments \[([^\]]+)\] conform to the bounds of none of the overloaded alternatives of\s*([^:\n]+)[^:]*: ([^\n]+)""".r private val TypeclassNotFoundRegexp = """No implicit (.*) defined for ([^\n]+)""".r def parse(e: String): Option[CompilationError[ExactT]] = { val error = e.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("[error]"), "") if (error.contains("type mismatch")) { RequiredPrefixRegexp.split(error).toList match { case List(beforeReq, afterReq) => for { found <- FoundRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(beforeReq) foundExpandsTo = WhichExpandsToRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(beforeReq) required <- AfterRequiredRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) requiredExpandsTo = WhichExpandsToRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(afterReq) } yield { val notes = requiredExpandsTo match { case Some(et) => getNotesFromIndex(afterReq, et.end) case None => getNotesFromIndex(error, required.end) } TypeMismatchError[ExactT]( ExactT(, => ExactT(, ExactT(, => ExactT(, notes ) } case _ => None } } else if (error.contains("not found")) { for { what <- NotFoundRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) } yield NotFoundError[ExactT](ExactT( } else if (error.contains("is not a member of")) { for { what <- NotAMemberRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) notAMemberOf <- NotAMemberOfRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) } yield NotAMemberError[ExactT](ExactT(, ExactT( } else if (error.contains("could not find implicit value for parameter")) { for { inf <- ImplicitNotFoundRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) } yield ImplicitNotFoundError[ExactT](ExactT(, ExactT( } else if (error.contains("diverging implicit expansion for type")) { for { inf <- DivergingImplicitExpansionRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) } yield DivergingImplicitExpansionError[ExactT](ExactT(, ExactT(, ExactT( } else if (error.contains("conform to the bounds of none of the overloaded alternatives")) { for { inf <- TypeArgumentsDoNotConformToOverloadedBoundsRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) } yield TypeArgumentsDoNotConformToOverloadedBoundsError[ExactT]( ExactT(, ExactT(," <and> ")) ) } else if (error.contains("No implicit")) { for { inf <- TypeclassNotFoundRegexp.findFirstMatchIn(error) group2 = } yield TypeclassNotFoundError( ExactT(, ExactT(if (group2.endsWith(".")) group2.substring(0, group2.length - 1) else group2) ) } else None } private def getNotesFromIndex(msg: String, afterIdx: Int): Option[String] = { val fromIdx = afterIdx + 1 if (msg.length >= fromIdx + 1) { val notes = msg.substring(fromIdx).trim if (notes == "") None else Some(notes) } else None } }
Example 33
Source File: Template.scala From scala-clippy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.softwaremill.clippy import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.util.Try import scala.util.matching.Regex sealed trait Template { def v: String } case class ExactT(v: String) extends Template { override def toString = v } case class RegexT(v: String) extends Template { lazy val regex = Try(new Regex(v)).getOrElse(new Regex("^$")) def matches(e: ExactT): Boolean = regex.pattern.matcher(e.v).matches() override def toString = v } object RegexT { def fromPattern(pattern: String): RegexT = { val regexp = pattern .split("\\*", -1) .map(el => if (el != "") Pattern.quote(el) else el) .flatMap(el => List(".*", el)) .tail .filter(_.nonEmpty) .mkString("") RegexT.fromRegex(regexp) } def fromRegex(v: String): RegexT = new RegexT(v) def setMatches(rr: Set[RegexT], ee: Set[ExactT]): Boolean = if (rr.size != ee.size) false else { rr.toList.forall { r => ee.exists(r.matches) } } }
Example 34
Source File: VwFeatureNormalizer.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw import java.text.DecimalFormat import java.util.regex.Pattern class VwFeatureNormalizer extends (CharSequence => CharSequence) with { private[this] val lineRegex = Pattern.compile("\\|(\\w)\\s+([^\\|]+)") private[this] val namespaceRegex = ".+:(.+)".r private[this] val format = new DecimalFormat("0.00000") def apply(vwLine: CharSequence): CharSequence = { val matcher = lineRegex.matcher(vwLine) val sb = new StringBuffer while(matcher.find) { matcher.appendReplacement(sb, "|" + + ":" + format.format(normalizeNamespace( + " " + } matcher.appendTail(sb) sb } private[this] def normalizeNamespace(namespace: String): Double = { var sum = 0d namespace.split("\\s+").foreach { case namespaceRegex(w) => val currentWeight = w.toDouble sum += currentWeight * currentWeight case _ => sum += 1 } if (sum == 0) 0 else 1.0 / math.sqrt(sum) } } object VwFeatureNormalizer { val instance = new VwFeatureNormalizer }
Example 35
Source File: Constraint.scala From zipkin-mesos-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package net.elodina.mesos.zipkin.components import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import net.elodina.mesos.zipkin.utils.Util import scala.util.Try trait Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String] = Nil): Boolean } object Constraint { def apply(value: String): Constraint = { if (value.startsWith("like:")) Constraint.Like(value.substring("like:".length)) else if (value.startsWith("unlike:")) Constraint.Like(value.substring("unlike:".length), negated = true) else if (value == "unique") Constraint.Unique() else if (value.startsWith("cluster")) { val tail = value.substring("cluster".length) val cluster = if (tail.startsWith(":")) Some(tail.substring(1)) else None Cluster(cluster) } else if (value.startsWith("groupBy")) { val tail = value.substring("groupBy".length) val groups = if (tail.startsWith(":")) Try(tail.substring(1).toInt).toOption.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"invalid condition $value")) else 1 GroupBy(groups) } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported condition: $value") } def parse(constraints: String): Map[String, List[Constraint]] = { Util.parseList(constraints).foldLeft[Map[String, List[Constraint]]](Map()) { case (all, (name, value)) => all.get(name) match { case Some(values) => all.updated(name, Constraint(value) :: values) case None => all.updated(name, List(Constraint(value))) } } } case class Like(regex: String, negated: Boolean = false) extends Constraint { val pattern = try { Pattern.compile(s"^$regex$$") } catch { case e: PatternSyntaxException => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid $name: ${e.getMessage}") } private def name: String = if (negated) "unlike" else "like" def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = negated ^ pattern.matcher(value).find() override def toString: String = s"$name:$regex" } case class Unique() extends Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = !values.contains(value) override def toString: String = "unique" } case class Cluster(value: Option[String]) extends Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = this.value match { case Some(v) => v == value case None => values.isEmpty || values.head == value } override def toString: String = "cluster" +":" + _).getOrElse("") } case class GroupBy(groups: Int = 1) extends Constraint { def matches(value: String, values: List[String]): Boolean = { val counts = values.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size) if (counts.size < groups) !counts.contains(value) else { val minCount = counts.values.reduceOption(_ min _).getOrElse(0) counts.getOrElse(value, 0) == minCount } } override def toString: String = "groupBy" + (if (groups > 1) s":$groups" else "") } }
Example 36
Source File: I18NProcessor.scala From ez-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ecfront.ez.framework.core.i18n import import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.ecfront.common.Resp import com.ecfront.ez.framework.core.EZ import com.ecfront.ez.framework.core.logger.Logging import def setLanguage(_language: String): Unit = { EZ.Info.language = _language } private val tabR = "\t" def process(resp: Resp[_]): Unit = { if (resp.message != null && resp.message.nonEmpty) { resp.message = i18n(resp.message.replaceAll(tabR, " ")) } } def i18n(str: String): String = { var newStr = str i18nInfo.find(_._1.matcher(str).matches()).foreach { matchedItem => val matcher = matchedItem._1.matcher(str) newStr = matcher.replaceAll(matchedItem._2(EZ.Info.language)) } newStr } implicit class Impl(val str: String) { def x: String = i18n(str) } }
Example 37
package org.uaparser.scala import MatcherOps._ import java.util.regex.{ Matcher, Pattern } import scala.util.control.Exception.allCatch case class OS(family: String, major: Option[String] = None, minor: Option[String] = None, patch: Option[String] = None, patchMinor: Option[String] = None) object OS { private[scala] def fromMap(m: Map[String, String]) = m.get("family").map { family => OS(family, m.get("major"), m.get("minor"), m.get("patch"), m.get("patch_minor")) } private[this] val quotedBack1: Pattern = Pattern.compile(s"(${Pattern.quote("$1")})") private[this] def replacementBack1(matcher: Matcher)(replacement: String): String = if (matcher.groupCount() >= 1) { quotedBack1.matcher(replacement).replaceAll( } else replacement private[this] def replaceBackreference(matcher: Matcher)(replacement: String): Option[String] = getBackreferenceGroup(replacement) match { case Some(group) => matcher.groupAt(group) case None => Some(replacement) } private[this] def getBackreferenceGroup(replacement: String): Option[Int] = for { ref <- Option(replacement).filter(_.contains("$")) groupOpt = allCatch opt ref.substring(1).toInt group <- groupOpt } yield group private[scala] case class OSPattern( pattern: Pattern, osReplacement: Option[String], v1Replacement: Option[String], v2Replacement: Option[String], v3Replacement: Option[String], v4Replacement: Option[String] ) { def process(agent: String): Option[OS] = { val matcher = pattern.matcher(agent) if (!matcher.find()) None else { osReplacement .map(replacementBack1(matcher)) .orElse(matcher.groupAt(1)).map { family => val major = v1Replacement.flatMap(replaceBackreference(matcher)).orElse(matcher.groupAt(2)) val minor = v2Replacement.flatMap(replaceBackreference(matcher)).orElse(matcher.groupAt(3)) val patch = v3Replacement.flatMap(replaceBackreference(matcher)).orElse(matcher.groupAt(4)) val patchMinor = v4Replacement.flatMap(replaceBackreference(matcher)).orElse(matcher.groupAt(5)) OS(family, major, minor, patch, patchMinor) } } } } private object OSPattern { def fromMap(m: Map[String, String]): Option[OSPattern] = m.get("regex").map { r => OSPattern(Pattern.compile(r), m.get("os_replacement"), m.get("os_v1_replacement"), m.get("os_v2_replacement"), m.get("os_v3_replacement"), m.get("os_v4_replacement")) } } case class OSParser(patterns: List[OSPattern]) { def parse(agent: String): OS = patterns.foldLeft[Option[OS]](None) { case (None, pattern) => pattern.process(agent) case (result, _) => result }.getOrElse(OS("Other")) } object OSParser { def fromList(config: List[Map[String, String]]): OSParser = OSParser( } }
Example 38
Source File: ByteUnit.scala From aloha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package me.jrwang.aloha.common.util import java.util.regex.Pattern sealed abstract class ByteUnit(val multiplier: Long) { // Interpret the provided number (d) with suffix (u) as this unit type. // E.g. KiB.interpret(1, MiB) interprets 1MiB as its KiB representation = 1024k def convertFrom(d: Long, u: ByteUnit): Long = { u.convertTo(d, this) } // Convert the provided number (d) interpreted as this unit type to unit type (u). def convertTo(d: Long, u: ByteUnit): Long = { if (multiplier > u.multiplier) { val ratio = multiplier / u.multiplier if (Long.MaxValue / ratio < d) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Conversion of $d exceeds Long.MAX_VALUE in ${name()}. Try a larger unit (e.g. MiB instead of KiB)") } d * ratio } else { // Perform operations in this order to avoid potential overflow // when computing d * multiplier d / (u.multiplier / multiplier) } } def name(): String } object ByteUnit { case object BYTE extends ByteUnit(1L) { override def name(): String = "BYTE" } case object KiB extends ByteUnit(1L << 10) { override def name(): String = "KB" } case object MiB extends ByteUnit(1L << 20) { override def name(): String = "MB" } case object GiB extends ByteUnit(1L << 30) { override def name(): String = "GB" } case object TiB extends ByteUnit(1L << 40) { override def name(): String = "TB" } case object PiB extends ByteUnit(1L << 50) { override def name(): String = "PB" } } object ByteUtils { private val byteSuffixes = Map( "b" -> ByteUnit.BYTE, "k" -> ByteUnit.KiB, "kb" -> ByteUnit.KiB, "m" -> ByteUnit.MiB, "mb" -> ByteUnit.MiB, "g" -> ByteUnit.GiB, "gb" -> ByteUnit.GiB, "t" -> ByteUnit.TiB, "tb" -> ByteUnit.TiB, "p" -> ByteUnit.PiB, "pb" -> ByteUnit.PiB ) def byteStringAsGb(str: String): Long = { byteStringAs(str, ByteUnit.GiB) } }
Example 39
Source File: TimeUtils.scala From aloha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package me.jrwang.aloha.common.util import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.regex.Pattern object TimeUtils { private val timeSuffixes = Map( "us" -> TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, "ms" -> TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, "s" -> TimeUnit.SECONDS, "m" -> TimeUnit.MINUTES, "min" -> TimeUnit.MINUTES, "h" -> TimeUnit.HOURS, "d" -> TimeUnit.DAYS ) def timeStringAsSeconds(str: String): Long = timeStringAs(str, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
Example 40
Source File: OutputTransformer.scala From play-swagger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.iheart.playSwagger import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.iheart.playSwagger.OutputTransformer.SimpleOutputTransformer import play.api.libs.json.{ JsArray, JsString, JsValue, JsObject } import scala.util.matching.Regex import scala.util.{ Success, Failure, Try } def >=>(b: JsObject ⇒ Try[JsObject]): OutputTransformer = SimpleOutputTransformer { value: JsObject ⇒ this.apply(value).flatMap(b) } } object OutputTransformer { final case class SimpleOutputTransformer(run: (JsObject ⇒ Try[JsObject])) extends OutputTransformer { override def apply(value: JsObject): Try[JsObject] = run(value) } def traverseTransformer(vals: JsArray)(transformer: JsValue ⇒ Try[JsValue]): Try[JsArray] = { val tryElements = { case value: JsObject ⇒ traverseTransformer(value)(transformer) case value: JsArray ⇒ traverseTransformer(value)(transformer) case value: JsValue ⇒ transformer(value) } val failures: Seq[Failure[JsValue]] = tryElements.filter(_.isInstanceOf[Failure[_]]).asInstanceOf[Seq[Failure[JsValue]]] if (failures.nonEmpty) { Failure(failures.head.exception) } else { Success(JsArray(tryElements.asInstanceOf[Seq[Success[JsValue]]].map(_.value))) } } def traverseTransformer(obj: JsObject)(transformer: JsValue ⇒ Try[JsValue]): Try[JsObject] = { val tryFields = { case (key, value: JsObject) ⇒ (key, traverseTransformer(value)(transformer)) case (key, values: JsArray) ⇒ (key, traverseTransformer(values)(transformer)) case (key, value: JsValue) ⇒ (key, transformer(value)) } val failures: Seq[(String, Failure[JsValue])] = tryFields .filter(_._2.isInstanceOf[Failure[_]]) .asInstanceOf[Seq[(String, Failure[JsValue])]] if (failures.nonEmpty) { Failure(failures.head._2.exception) } else { Success(JsObject(tryFields.asInstanceOf[Seq[(String, Success[JsValue])]].map { case (key, Success(result)) ⇒ (key, result) })) } } } class PlaceholderVariablesTransformer(map: String ⇒ Option[String], pattern: Regex = "^\\$\\{(.*)\\}$".r) extends OutputTransformer { def apply(value: JsObject) = OutputTransformer.traverseTransformer(value) { case JsString(pattern(key)) ⇒ map(key) match { case Some(result) ⇒ Success(JsString(result)) case None ⇒ Failure(new IllegalStateException(s"Unable to find variable $key")) } case e: JsValue ⇒ Success(e) } } final case class MapVariablesTransformer(map: Map[String, String]) extends PlaceholderVariablesTransformer(map.get) class EnvironmentVariablesTransformer extends PlaceholderVariablesTransformer((key: String) ⇒ Option(System.getenv(key)))
Example 41
Source File: QuicklensRelease.scala From quicklens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import java.util.regex.Pattern import sbt._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport.ReleaseKeys._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport.ReleaseStep import sbtrelease.ReleaseStateTransformations._ object QuicklensRelease { def steps: Seq[ReleaseStep] = Seq( checkSnapshotDependencies, inquireVersions, // publishing locally so that the pgp password prompt is displayed early // in the process releaseStepCommand("publishLocalSigned"), runClean, runTest, setReleaseVersion, updateVersionInReadme, commitReleaseVersion, tagRelease, publishArtifacts, setNextVersion, commitNextVersion, releaseStepCommand("sonatypeReleaseAll"), pushChanges ) // based on private def updateVersionInReadme: ReleaseStep = { s: State => val readmeFile = file("") val readme = val currentVersionPattern = """"com.softwaremill.quicklens" %% "quicklens" % "([\w\.-]+)"""".r val currentVersionInReadme = currentVersionPattern.findFirstMatchIn(readme) val releaseVersion = s.get(versions).get._1"Replacing $currentVersionInReadme with $releaseVersion in ${}") val newReadme = readme.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(currentVersionInReadme), releaseVersion) IO.write(readmeFile, newReadme) val settings = Project.extract(s) settings.get(releaseVcs).get.add(readmeFile.getAbsolutePath) !! s.log s } }
Example 42
Source File: StaxEncoder.scala From scalaz-deriving with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright: 2017 - 2020 Sam Halliday // License: package xmlformat package stax import import java.util.regex.Pattern import{ XMLOutputFactory, XMLStreamWriter } import scalaz._, Scalaz._ import com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory object StaxEncoder { // must not escape the code in this module private[this] val factory = new ThreadLocal[XMLOutputFactory] { override def initialValue: WstxOutputFactory = { val f = new com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory f.configureForSpeed() f.getConfig.doSupportNamespaces(false) f } } def encode(t: XTag): String = { val output = new StringWriter val x = factory.get.createXMLStreamWriter(output) x.writeStartDocument() writeTag(x, t, 0) x.writeEndDocument() output.toString() } private[this] def writeTag(x: XMLStreamWriter, t: XTag, level: Int): Unit = { x.writeCharacters("\n") x.writeCharacters(" " * 2 * level) x.writeStartElement( t.attrs.toList.foreach { a => x.writeAttribute(, a.value.text) } t.children.toList.foreach { c => writeTag(x, c, level + 1) } t.body.toList.foreach { s => if (t.children.nonEmpty) { x.writeCharacters("\n") x.writeCharacters(" " * 2 * (level + 1)) } if (!containsXmlEntities(s.text)) x.writeCharacters(s.text) else { val clean = if (!s.text.contains("]]>")) s.text else s.text.replace("]]>", "]]]]><![CDATA[>") x.writeCData(clean) } } if (t.children.nonEmpty) { x.writeCharacters("\n") x.writeCharacters(" " * 2 * level) } x.writeEndElement() } private[this] val entities = Pattern.compile("""("|&|'|<|>)""") def containsXmlEntities(input: String): Boolean = entities.matcher(input).find() }
Example 43
Source File: StringReplacement.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.gravity.goose.text import java.util.regex.Pattern object StringReplacement { def compile(pattern: String, replaceWith: String): StringReplacement = { if (string.isNullOrEmpty(pattern)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Patterns must not be null or empty!") var p: Pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern) return new StringReplacement(p, replaceWith) } } class StringReplacement { private def this(pattern: Pattern, replaceWith: String) { this () this.pattern = pattern this.replaceWith = replaceWith } def replaceAll(input: String): String = { if (string.isNullOrEmpty(input)) return string.empty return pattern.matcher(input).replaceAll(replaceWith) } private var pattern: Pattern = null private var replaceWith: String = null }
Example 44
Source File: ESSearchSanitizer.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package def sanitize(term: String): String = ( escapeSpecialCharacters _ andThen escapeSetOperators andThen collapseWhiteSpaces andThen escapeOddQuote )(term) private def escapeSpecialCharacters(term: String): String = { val escapedCharacters = Pattern.quote("""\/+-&|!(){}[]^~*?:""") term.replaceAll(s"([$escapedCharacters])", "\\\\$1") } private def escapeSetOperators(term: String): String = { val operators = Set("AND", "OR", "NOT") operators.foldLeft(term) { case (accTerm, op) => val escapedOp = escapeEachCharacter(op) accTerm.replaceAll(s"""\\b($op)\\b""", escapedOp) } } private def escapeEachCharacter(op: String): String = => s"""\\\\$ch""").mkString private def collapseWhiteSpaces(term: String): String = term.replaceAll("""\s+""", " ") private def escapeOddQuote(term: String): String = { if (term.count(_ == '"') % 2 == 1) term.replaceAll("""(.*)"(.*)""", """$1\\"$2""") else term } }
Example 45
Source File: LimitedSharingClassLoader.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.kernel.util import import java.util.regex.Pattern // TODO: should resource loading be similarly altered? class LimitedSharingClassLoader( shareRegex: String, urls: Seq[URL], parent: ClassLoader ) extends scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader(urls, parent) { private val share = Pattern.compile(shareRegex).asPredicate() override def loadClass(name: String, resolve: Boolean): Class[_] = getClassLoadingLock(name).synchronized { val c = if (share.test(name)) { //System.err.println(s"Delegating class $name") try { super.loadClass(name, false) } catch { case err: ClassNotFoundException => findClass(name) } } else try { findClass(name) } catch { case _: ClassNotFoundException | _: LinkageError => super.loadClass(name, resolve) } if (resolve) { resolveClass(c) } c } }
Example 46
Source File: OrcAcidUtil.scala From spark-acid with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.regex.Pattern import import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path object OrcAcidUtil { val BUCKET_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("bucket_[0-9]{5}$") def getDeleteDeltaPaths(orcSplit: OrcSplit): Array[Path] = { assert(BUCKET_PATTERN.matcher(orcSplit.getPath.getName).matches()) val bucket = AcidUtils.parseBucketId(orcSplit.getPath) assert(bucket != -1) val deleteDeltaDirPaths = VectorizedOrcAcidRowBatchReader.getDeleteDeltaDirsFromSplit(orcSplit); => AcidUtils.createBucketFile(deleteDir, bucket)) } }
Example 47
Source File: TestFilter.scala From stryker4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stryker4s.config import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.util.Try import stryker4s.config.TestFilter.wildcardToRegex class TestFilter(implicit config: Config) { val exclamationMark = "!" lazy val partition: Partition = config.testFilter.partition(_.startsWith(exclamationMark)) match { case (negative, positive) => Partition( => Regex(wildcardToRegex(p.substring(1)))), => Regex(wildcardToRegex(p))) ) } def filter(testName: String): Boolean = { def matches(regexSeq: Seq[Regex]): Boolean = regexSeq.foldLeft(false)((acc, regex) => acc || regex.matches(testName)) if (matches(partition.negative)) false else partition.positive.isEmpty || matches(partition.positive) } } case class Partition(negative: Seq[Regex], positive: Seq[Regex]) case class Regex(regex: String) { def matches(testName: String): Boolean = Try(Pattern.matches(regex, testName)).fold(_ => false, b => b) } object TestFilter { def wildcardToRegex(wildcard: String): String = s"^${}$$" def convertChar(c: Char): String = c match { case '*' => ".*" case '?' => "." case _ if isRegexChar(c) => s"\\${c.toString}" case c => c.toString } def isRegexChar(c: Char): Boolean = Seq('(', ')', '[', ']', '$', '^', '.', '{', '}', '|', '\\').foldLeft(false)((acc, elt) => acc || c == elt) }
Example 48
Source File: ImapResponses.scala From gatling-imap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.linagora.gatling.imap.protocol import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.IMAPResponse import scala.collection.immutable.Seq case class ImapResponses(responses: Seq[IMAPResponse]) { import ImapResponses._ def mkString(separator: String = ",") = { responses.mkString(separator) } def isBad = responses.lastOption.exists(_.isBAD) def isOk = responses.lastOption.exists(_.isOK) def isNo = responses.lastOption.exists(_.isNO) def countRecent: Option[Int] = { .map { case Recent(actual) => actual.toInt } } def folderList: Seq[String] = { .map { case List(name, null) => name case List(null, quotedName) => quotedName } } def uidList: Seq[Uid] = { .map { case UidRegex(uid) => Uid(uid.toInt) } } def contains(content: String): Boolean = } object ImapResponses { val empty = ImapResponses(Seq.empty) private[this] val dotAllFlag = """(?s)""" private[this] val startWithStar = """^(?:(?:, )?\*)""" private[this] val mailboxName = """(?:"([^"]*)"|([^"\s]*))""" private val Recent = (dotAllFlag + startWithStar + """ (\d+) RECENT\s*$""").r private val List = ("""^\* LIST .*? """ + mailboxName + """\s*$""").r private val UidRegex = (dotAllFlag + startWithStar + """ .*UID (\d+).*$""").r }
Example 49
Source File: ShouldNotTypecheck.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.macrotestkit import scala.language.experimental.macros import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object ShouldNotTypecheck { def apply(name: String, code: String): Unit = macro ShouldNotTypecheck.applyImplNoExp def apply(name: String, code: String, expected: String): Unit = macro ShouldNotTypecheck.applyImpl } final class ShouldNotTypecheck(val c: blackbox.Context) { import c.universe._ def applyImplNoExp(name: Expr[String], code: Expr[String]): Expr[Unit] = applyImpl(name, code, c.Expr(EmptyTree)) def applyImpl(name: Expr[String], code: Expr[String], expected: Expr[String]): Expr[Unit] = { val Expr(Literal(Constant(codeStr: String))) = code val Expr(Literal(Constant(nameStr: String))) = name val (expPat, expMsg) = expected.tree match { case EmptyTree => (Pattern.compile(".*"), "Expected some error.") case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => (Pattern.compile(s, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE), "Expected error matching: " + s) } try c.typecheck(c.parse("{ " + codeStr + " }")) catch { case e: TypecheckException => val msg = e.getMessage if (!expPat.matcher(msg).matches) { c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$nameStr failed in an unexpected way.\n$expMsg\nActual error: $msg") } else { println(s"$nameStr passed.") return reify(()) } } c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$nameStr succeeded unexpectedly.\n$expMsg") } }
Example 50
Source File: MetadataActor.scala From sparta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.regex.Pattern import import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports.{DateTime, DateTimeFormat} import import import com.stratio.sparta.serving.api.constants.HttpConstant import com.stratio.sparta.serving.api.utils.{BackupRestoreUtils, FileActorUtils} import com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.config.SpartaConfig import com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.constants.AppConstant._ import com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.exception.ServingCoreException import com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.helpers.InfoHelper import com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.models.SpartaSerializer import com.stratio.sparta.serving.core.models.files.{BackupRequest, SpartaFilesResponse} import spray.http.BodyPart import spray.httpx.Json4sJacksonSupport import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} class MetadataActor extends Actor with Json4sJacksonSupport with BackupRestoreUtils with SpartaSerializer with FileActorUtils { //The dir where the backups will be saved val targetDir = Try(SpartaConfig.getDetailConfig.get.getString(BackupsLocation)).getOrElse(DefaultBackupsLocation) override val apiPath = HttpConstant.MetadataPath override val patternFileName = Option(Pattern.compile(""".*\.json""").asPredicate()) //The dir where the jars will be saved val zkConfig = Try(SpartaConfig.getZookeeperConfig.get) .getOrElse(throw new ServingCoreException("Zookeeper configuration is mandatory")) override val uri = Try(zkConfig.getString("connectionString")).getOrElse(DefaultZKConnection) override val connectionTimeout = Try(zkConfig.getInt("connectionTimeout")).getOrElse(DefaultZKConnectionTimeout) override val sessionTimeout = Try(zkConfig.getInt("sessionTimeout")).getOrElse(DefaultZKSessionTimeout) override def receive: Receive = { case UploadBackups(files) => if (files.isEmpty) errorResponse() else uploadBackups(files) case ListBackups => browseBackups() case BuildBackup => buildBackup() case DeleteBackups => deleteBackups() case CleanMetadata => cleanMetadata() case DeleteBackup(fileName) => deleteBackup(fileName) case ExecuteBackup(backupRequest) => executeBackup(backupRequest) case _ =>"Unrecognized message in Backup/Restore Actor") } def executeBackup(backupRequest: BackupRequest): Unit = sender ! BackupResponse(Try{ importer("/", s"$targetDir/${backupRequest.fileName}", backupRequest.deleteAllBefore) }) def errorResponse(): Unit = sender ! SpartaFilesResponse(Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(s"At least one file is expected"))) def deleteBackups(): Unit = sender ! BackupResponse(deleteFiles()) def cleanMetadata(): Unit = sender ! BackupResponse(Try(cleanZk(BaseZKPath))) def buildBackup(): Unit = { val format = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-hh:mm:ss") val appInfo = InfoHelper.getAppInfo Try { dump(BaseZKPath, s"$targetDir/backup-${format.print(}-${appInfo.pomVersion}.json") } match { case Success(_) => sender ! SpartaFilesResponse(browseDirectory()) case Failure(e) => sender ! BackupResponse(Try(throw e)) } } def deleteBackup(fileName: String): Unit = sender ! BackupResponse(deleteFile(fileName)) def browseBackups(): Unit = sender ! SpartaFilesResponse(browseDirectory()) def uploadBackups(files: Seq[BodyPart]): Unit = sender ! SpartaFilesResponse(uploadFiles(files)) } object MetadataActor { case class UploadBackups(files: Seq[BodyPart]) case class BackupResponse(status: Try[_]) case class ExecuteBackup(backupRequest: BackupRequest) case object ListBackups case object BuildBackup case object DeleteBackups case object CleanMetadata case class DeleteBackup(fileName: String) }
Example 51
Source File: KStreamBuilderS.scala From kafka-streams-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.aseigneurin.kafka.streams.scala import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.github.aseigneurin.kafka.streams.scala.ImplicitConversions._ import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serde import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.{GlobalKTable, KStreamBuilder} import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.TopologyBuilder object KStreamBuilderS { val inner = new KStreamBuilder def stream[K, V](topics: String*) (implicit keySerde: Serde[K], valSerde: Serde[V]): KStreamS[K, V] =[K, V](keySerde, valSerde, topics: _*) def stream[K, V](offsetReset: TopologyBuilder.AutoOffsetReset, topics: String*) (implicit keySerde: Serde[K], valSerde: Serde[V]): KStreamS[K, V] =[K, V](offsetReset, keySerde, valSerde, topics: _*) def stream[K, V](topicPattern: Pattern) (implicit keySerde: Serde[K], valSerde: Serde[V]): KStreamS[K, V] =[K, V](keySerde, valSerde, topicPattern) def stream[K, V](offsetReset: TopologyBuilder.AutoOffsetReset, topicPattern: Pattern) (implicit keySerde: Serde[K], valSerde: Serde[V]): KStreamS[K, V] =[K, V](offsetReset, keySerde, valSerde, topicPattern) def table[K, V](topic: String, storeName: String) (implicit keySerde: Serde[K], valSerde: Serde[V]): KTableS[K, V] = inner.table[K, V](keySerde, valSerde, topic, storeName) def table[K, V](offsetReset: TopologyBuilder.AutoOffsetReset, topic: String, storeName: String) (implicit keySerde: Serde[K], valSerde: Serde[V]): KTableS[K, V] = inner.table[K, V](offsetReset, keySerde, valSerde, topic, storeName) def globalTable[K, V](topic: String, storeName: String) (implicit keySerde: Serde[K], valSerde: Serde[V]): GlobalKTable[K, V] = inner.globalTable(keySerde, valSerde, topic, storeName) def merge[K, V](streams: KStreamS[K, V]*): KStreamS[K, V] = { val streamsJ = { streamS => streamS.inner } inner.merge(streamsJ: _*) } }
Example 52
Source File: typechecking.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.test import scala.language.experimental.macros import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.reflect.macros.{ whitebox, ParseException, TypecheckException } object illTyped { def apply(code: String): Unit = macro IllTypedMacros.applyImplNoExp def apply(code: String, expected: String): Unit = macro IllTypedMacros.applyImpl } @macrocompat.bundle class IllTypedMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) { import c.universe._ def applyImplNoExp(code: Tree): Tree = applyImpl(code, null) def applyImpl(code: Tree, expected: Tree): Tree = { val Literal(Constant(codeStr: String)) = code val (expPat, expMsg) = expected match { case null => (null, "Expected some error.") case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => (Pattern.compile(s, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL), "Expected error matching: "+s) } try { val dummy0 = TermName(c.freshName) val dummy1 = TermName(c.freshName) c.typecheck(c.parse(s"object $dummy0 { val $dummy1 = { $codeStr } }")) c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking succeeded unexpectedly.\n"+expMsg) } catch { case e: TypecheckException => val msg = e.getMessage if((expected ne null) && !(expPat.matcher(msg)).matches) c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking failed in an unexpected way.\n"+expMsg+"\nActual error: "+msg) case e: ParseException => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, s"Parsing failed.\n${e.getMessage}") } q"()" } }
Example 53
Source File: Configuration.scala From circe-magnolia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.magnolia.configured import java.util.regex.Pattern final case class Configuration( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformConstructorNames: String => String, useDefaults: Boolean, discriminator: Option[String] ) { def withSnakeCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy( transformMemberNames = Configuration.snakeCaseTransformation ) def withKebabCaseMemberNames: Configuration = copy( transformMemberNames = Configuration.kebabCaseTransformation ) def withSnakeCaseConstructorNames: Configuration = copy( transformConstructorNames = Configuration.snakeCaseTransformation ) def withKebabCaseConstructorNames: Configuration = copy( transformConstructorNames = Configuration.kebabCaseTransformation ) def withDefaults: Configuration = copy(useDefaults = true) def withDiscriminator(discriminator: String): Configuration = copy(discriminator = Some(discriminator)) } final object Configuration { val default: Configuration = Configuration(Predef.identity, Predef.identity, false, None) private val basePattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])") private val swapPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-z\\d])([A-Z])") val snakeCaseTransformation: String => String = s => { val partial = basePattern.matcher(s).replaceAll("$1_$2") swapPattern.matcher(partial).replaceAll("$1_$2").toLowerCase } val kebabCaseTransformation: String => String = s => { val partial = basePattern.matcher(s).replaceAll("$1-$2") swapPattern.matcher(partial).replaceAll("$1-$2").toLowerCase } } final object defaults { implicit val defaultGenericConfiguration: Configuration = Configuration.default }
Example 54
Source File: package.scala From tscfg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tscfg import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.util.control.NonFatal package object codeDefs { private val beginTemplatePattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*//<([^>]+)>.*$") private val javaMap = getMap("codeDefs/") private val scalaMap = getMap("codeDefs/ScalaDefs.scala") def javaDef(key: String): String = getDef("java", javaMap, key) def scalaDef(key: String): String = getDef("scala", scalaMap, key) private def getDef(lang: String, map: Map[String, String], key: String): String = { try map(key) catch { // $COVERAGE-OFF$ case NonFatal(e) => val keys = map.keySet.toList.sorted val msg = s"Unexpected: undefined key '$key' for $lang. Defined keys: $keys. Please report this bug" throw new RuntimeException(msg, e) // $COVERAGE-ON$ } } private def getMap(resourceName: String): Map[String, String] = try { //println(s"codeDefs.getMap $resourceName") val map = collection.mutable.HashMap[String, String]() val is = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName) assert(is != null) val source = io.Source.fromInputStream(is, "utf-8") var key: String = null val template = new StringBuilder for (line <- source.getLines()) { if (key == null) { val m = beginTemplatePattern.matcher(line) if (m.find) { key = } } else if (line.contains("//</" + key + ">")) { map.update(key, template.toString) key = null template.setLength(0) } else template.append(line).append("\n") } is.close() map.toMap } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => throw new RuntimeException( s"Unexpected exception in getMap(resourceName=$resourceName)." + " Please report this bug.", ex) } }
Example 55
Source File: DebuggingWordCount.scala From beam-scala-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.beam.examples import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline import import org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Metrics import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.{Default, Description, PipelineOptionsFactory} import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.DoFn.ProcessElement import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.{Count, DoFn, MapElements, ParDo} import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.KV import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory object DebuggingWordCount { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val options = PipelineOptionsFactory .fromArgs(args: _*) .withValidation() .as(classOf[DebuggingWordCountOptions]) val pipeline = Pipeline.create(options) pipeline.apply("ReadFiles", .apply(ParDo.of(new ExtractWords)) .apply(Count.perElement()) .apply(ParDo.of(new FilterTextFn(options.getFilterPattern))) .apply(MapElements.via(new FormatResult)) .apply("WriteWords", TextIO.write().to(options.getOutput)) } } // ======================================== UDFs =============================================== class FilterTextFn(pattern: String) extends DoFn[KV[String, java.lang.Long], KV[String, java.lang.Long]] { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) lazy val filter = Pattern.compile(pattern) lazy val matchedWords = Metrics.counter(classOf[FilterTextFn], "matchedWords") lazy val unmatchedWords = Metrics.counter(classOf[FilterTextFn], "unmatchedWords") @ProcessElement def processElement(c: ProcessContext): Unit = { filter.matcher(c.element.getKey).matches() match { case true => logger.debug("Matched: " + c.element.getKey) c.output(c.element) case false => logger.trace("Did not match: " + c.element.getKey) } } } // ======================================= Options ============================================== trait DebuggingWordCountOptions extends WordCountOptions { @Description("Regex filter pattern to use in DebuggingWordCount. Only words matching this pattern will be counted.") @Default.String("Flourish|stomach") def getFilterPattern: String def setFilterPattern(value: String): Unit }
Example 56
Source File: YamlProjectOperationInfoParser.scala From rug with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.atomist.project.common.yaml import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import com.atomist.param._ import com.atomist.project.common.template.{InvalidTemplateException, TemplateBasedProjectOperationInfo} import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object YamlProjectOperationInfoParser { private val mapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory()) with ScalaObjectMapper mapper.registerModule(DefaultScalaModule) @throws[InvalidYamlDescriptorException] def parse(yaml: String): TemplateBasedProjectOperationInfo = { if (yaml == null || "".equals(yaml)) throw new InvalidYamlDescriptorException("YAML content required in template metadata file") Try(mapper.readValue(yaml, classOf[BoundProjectOperationInfo])) match { case s: Success[BoundProjectOperationInfo] => val badPatterns = s.value.parameters.flatMap(p => patternError(p)) if (badPatterns.nonEmpty) throw new InvalidYamlDescriptorException(s"Bad regexp patterns: ${badPatterns.mkString(",")}") s.value case f: Failure[BoundProjectOperationInfo] => throw new InvalidYamlDescriptorException(s"Failed to parse YAML [$yaml]: ${f.exception.getMessage}", f.exception) } } private def patternError(p: Parameter): Option[String] = { try { Pattern.compile(p.getPattern) None } catch { case pse: PatternSyntaxException => Some(s"${p.getName}: Bad regular expression pattern: ${pse.getMessage}") } } } private class BoundProjectOperationInfo extends TemplateBasedProjectOperationInfo { @JsonProperty("name") var name: String = _ @JsonProperty("description") var description: String = _ @JsonProperty("template_name") var templateName: String = _ @JsonProperty("type") var _templateType: String = _ override def templateType: Option[String] = if (_templateType == null || "".equals(_templateType)) None else Some(_templateType) @JsonProperty("parameters") private var _params: Seq[Parameter] = Nil @JsonProperty("tags") private var _tags: Seq[TagHolder] = Nil override def parameters: Seq[Parameter] = _params override def tags: Seq[Tag] = => tw.toTag) override def toString = ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(this) } private class TagHolder { @JsonProperty var name: String = _ @JsonProperty var description: String = _ def toTag = Tag(name, description) } class InvalidYamlDescriptorException(msg: String, ex: Throwable = null) extends InvalidTemplateException(msg, ex)
Example 57
Source File: DynamicConfigurationUtils.scala From maha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright 2017, Yahoo Holdings Inc. // Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. Please see LICENSE file in project root for terms. package import java.util.regex.Pattern import grizzled.slf4j.Logging import org.json4s.JsonAST.JString import org.json4s.{JField, JValue} import scala.collection.mutable object DynamicConfigurationUtils extends Logging { private val START = Pattern.quote("<%(") private val END = Pattern.quote(")%>") val DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(s"$START(.*),(.*)$END") def extractDynamicFields(json: JValue): Map[String, (String, String)] = { val dynamicFieldMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, (String, String)]() val dynamicFields = getDynamicFields(json) dynamicFields.foreach(f => { require(f._2.isInstanceOf[JString], s"Cannot extract dynamic property from non-string field: $f") implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats val matcher = DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PATTERN.matcher(f._2.extract[String]) require(matcher.find(), s"Field does not contain dynamic property $f. Pattern - $DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PATTERN") require(matcher.groupCount() == 2, s"Expected name and default value in dynamic property field: $f") val propertyKey = val defaultValue = dynamicFieldMap.put(propertyKey, (f._1, defaultValue)) }) dynamicFieldMap.toMap } def getDynamicFields(json: JValue): List[JField] = { implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats json.filterField(_._2 match { case JString(s) => { DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PATTERN.matcher(s).find() } case a => false }) } }
Example 58
Source File: DataSourceV2Utils.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2 import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.{DataSourceV2, SessionConfigSupport} private[sql] object DataSourceV2Utils extends Logging { def extractSessionConfigs(ds: DataSourceV2, conf: SQLConf): Map[String, String] = ds match { case cs: SessionConfigSupport => val keyPrefix = cs.keyPrefix() require(keyPrefix != null, "The data source config key prefix can't be null.") val pattern = Pattern.compile(s"^spark\\.datasource\\.$keyPrefix\\.(.+)") conf.getAllConfs.flatMap { case (key, value) => val m = pattern.matcher(key) if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() > 0) { Seq((, value)) } else { Seq.empty } } case _ => Map.empty } }
Example 59
Source File: StringUtils.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { def filterPattern(names: Seq[String], pattern: String): Seq[String] = { val funcNames = scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet.empty[String] pattern.trim().split("\\|").foreach { subPattern => try { val regex = ("(?i)" + subPattern.replaceAll("\\*", ".*")).r funcNames ++= names.filter{ name => regex.pattern.matcher(name).matches() } } catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => } } funcNames.toSeq } }
Example 60
Source File: Block.scala From sort-imports with MIT License | 5 votes |
package fix import java.util.regex.Pattern sealed trait Block { def string: String def matches(s: String): Boolean } object Block { final class StaticPrefix(val string: String) extends Block { override def matches(s: String): Boolean = s.startsWith(string) } object RegexPrefix { val Prefix: String = "re:" } final class RegexPrefix(val string: String) extends Block { private val pattern = Pattern.compile(string) override def matches(s: String): Boolean = pattern.matcher(s).lookingAt } object Default extends Block { val string = "*" override def matches(s: String): Boolean = true } }
Example 61
Source File: DefaultInstanceAliasConverter.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.rpc.instancealias.impl import java.util.Base64 import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.rpc.instancealias.InstanceAliasConverter import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils import org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Component class DefaultInstanceAliasConverter extends InstanceAliasConverter { val pattern = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z\\d=\\+/]+") // todo use base64 for the moment override def instanceToAlias(instance: String): String = { new String(Base64.getEncoder.encode(instance.getBytes())) } override def aliasToInstance(alias: String): String = { new String(Base64.getDecoder.decode(alias)) } override def checkAliasFormatValid(alias: String): Boolean = { if (StringUtils.isBlank(alias)) { return false } val matcher = pattern.matcher(alias) matcher.find() } }
Example 62
Source File: CSResourceParser.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.cs import java.util import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.cs.client.service.CSResourceService import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.PropertiesExecuteRequest import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class CSResourceParser { private val pb = Pattern.compile("cs://[^\\s\"]+[$\\s]{0,1}", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) private val PREFIX = "cs://" private def getPreFixResourceNames(code: String): Array[String] = { val bmlResourceNames = new ArrayBuffer[String]() val mb = pb.matcher(code) while (mb.find) bmlResourceNames.append( bmlResourceNames.toArray } def parse(executeRequest: PropertiesExecuteRequest, code: String, contextIDValueStr: String, nodeNameStr: String): String = { //TODO getBMLResource peaceWong val bmlResourceList = CSResourceService.getInstance().getUpstreamBMLResource(contextIDValueStr, nodeNameStr) val parsedResources = new util.ArrayList[util.Map[String, Object]]() val preFixResourceNames = getPreFixResourceNames(code) val preFixNames = new ArrayBuffer[String]() val parsedNames = new ArrayBuffer[String]() preFixResourceNames.foreach { preFixResourceName => val resourceName = preFixResourceName.replace(PREFIX, "").trim val bmlResourceOption = bmlResourceList.find(_.getDownloadedFileName.equals(resourceName)) if (bmlResourceOption.isDefined) { val bmlResource = bmlResourceOption.get val map = new util.HashMap[String, Object]() map.put("resourceId", bmlResource.getResourceId) map.put("version", bmlResource.getVersion) map.put("fileName", resourceName) parsedResources.add(map) preFixNames.append(preFixResourceName) parsedNames.append(resourceName) } }"resources", parsedResources) StringUtils.replaceEach(code, preFixNames.toArray, parsedNames.toArray) } }
Example 63
Source File: CommentInterceptor.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.entrance.interceptor.impl import java.lang import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.entrance.interceptor.EntranceInterceptor import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.protocol.query.RequestPersistTask import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.protocol.task.Task import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.util.matching.Regex " override def dealComment(code: String): String = { val p = Pattern.compile(scalaCommentPattern) p.matcher(code).replaceAll("$1") } } object CommentMain{ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sqlCode = "select * from default.user;--你好;show tables" val sqlCode1 = "select * from default.user--你好;show tables" println(SQLCommentHelper.dealComment(sqlCode)) } }
Example 64
Source File: CSTableParser.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.cs import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.utils.Logging import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.cs.client.service.CSTableService import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.cs.common.entity.metadata.CSTable import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.cs.common.utils.CSCommonUtils import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.exception.ExecuteError import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.execute.EngineExecutorContext import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.DolphinToSpark import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer def getCSTable(csTempTable:String, contextIDValueStr: String, nodeNameStr: String):CSTable = { CSTableService.getInstance().getUpstreamSuitableTable(contextIDValueStr, nodeNameStr, csTempTable) } def registerTempTable(csTable: CSTable):Unit = { val spark = SparkSession.builder().enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() info(s"Start to create tempView to sparkSession viewName(${csTable.getName}) location(${csTable.getLocation})") DolphinToSpark.createTempView(spark, csTable.getName, csTable.getLocation, true) info(s"Finished to create tempView to sparkSession viewName(${csTable.getName}) location(${csTable.getLocation})") } }
Example 65
Source File: ConfManager.scala From HadoopLearning with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.utils import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap /** * 描述 Spark Streaming 配置 * * @author liumm * @since 2018-07-27 20:27 */ object ConfManager { /** * 每次入库最大记录数量 */ val maxRecords = 1000 /** * 配置Kafka * * @param streamConf * @return */ def kafkaParam(streamConf: StreamConf): (Map[String, Object], Pattern) = { (getConsumerConfig(streamConf.brokers, streamConf.groupId), Pattern.compile(streamConf.topics)) } def kafkaParamForMetadata(streamConf: StreamConf): Map[String, String] = { val kafkaParams = new HashMap[String, String]() kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG -> streamConf.brokers) kafkaParams += ("" -> streamConf.brokers) kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG -> "smallest") kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG -> streamConf.groupId) kafkaParams.toMap } /** * 生成Kafka的Consumer配置信息 * * @return Kafka的Consumer配置信息 */ private def getConsumerConfig(brokers: String, groupId: String): Map[String, Object] = { val kafkaParams = new HashMap[String, Object]() kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG -> brokers) kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG -> groupId) kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG -> classOf[StringDeserializer]) kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG -> classOf[StringDeserializer]) kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES_CONFIG -> new Integer(3 * 1024 * 1024)) kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG -> new Integer(100)) kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG -> "latest") //关闭kafka自动提交offset方式 kafkaParams += (ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG -> (false: java.lang.Boolean)) kafkaParams.toMap } def newStreamConf() = { val conf = new StreamConf() conf.zkUrl = "hdp01:2181" conf.brokers = "hdp01:9092" conf.groupId = "liumm_group" conf.topics = "i57_.*" conf } }
Example 66
Source File: PlainEnum.scala From docless with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.timeout.docless.schema import java.util.regex.Pattern import enumeratum.EnumEntry import shapeless._ import shapeless.labelled._ import shapeless.ops.hlist trait PlainEnum[A] { def ids: List[String] } object PlainEnum { sealed trait IdFormat { def apply(s: String): String } object IdFormat { case object SnakeCase extends IdFormat { override def apply(s: String) = snakify(s) } case object UpperSnakeCase extends IdFormat { override def apply(s: String) = snakify(s).toUpperCase() } case object UpperCase extends IdFormat { override def apply(s: String) = s.toUpperCase } case object LowerCase extends IdFormat { override def apply(s: String) = s.toLowerCase } case object Default extends IdFormat { override def apply(s: String) = s } private val snakifyRegexp1 = Pattern.compile("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])") private val snakifyRegexp2 = Pattern.compile("([a-z\\d])([A-Z])") private val snakifyReplacement = "$1_$2" private def snakify(s: String): String = { val first = snakifyRegexp1.matcher(s).replaceAll(snakifyReplacement) snakifyRegexp2.matcher(first).replaceAll(snakifyReplacement).toLowerCase } implicit val default: IdFormat = Default } def instance[A](_ids: List[String]): PlainEnum[A] = new PlainEnum[A] { override def ids = _ids } implicit val cnilEnum: PlainEnum[CNil] = instance(Nil) implicit def coprodEnum[K <: Symbol, H, T <: Coproduct, HL <: HList, N <: Nat]( implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K], gen: Generic.Aux[H, HL], hLen: hlist.Length.Aux[HL, N], lazyEnum: Lazy[PlainEnum[T]], zeroLen: N =:= Nat._0, format: IdFormat ): PlainEnum[FieldType[K, H] :+: T] = instance(format( :: lazyEnum.value.ids) implicit def genericPlainEnum[A, R <: Coproduct]( implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], enum: PlainEnum[R], format: IdFormat, ev: A <:!< EnumEntry ): PlainEnum[A] = instance(enum.ids) def apply[A](implicit ev: PlainEnum[A]): PlainEnum[A] = ev }
Example 67
Source File: ConfigReader.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.internal.config import java.util.{Map => JMap} import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import scala.util.matching.Regex private object ConfigReader { private val REF_RE = "\\$\\{(?:(\\w+?):)?(\\S+?)\\}".r } def substitute(input: String): String = substitute(input, Set()) private def substitute(input: String, usedRefs: Set[String]): String = { if (input != null) { ConfigReader.REF_RE.replaceAllIn(input, { m => val prefix = val name = val ref = if (prefix == null) name else s"$prefix:$name" require(!usedRefs.contains(ref), s"Circular reference in $input: $ref") val replacement = bindings.get(prefix) .flatMap(_.get(name)) .map { v => substitute(v, usedRefs + ref) } .getOrElse(m.matched) Regex.quoteReplacement(replacement) }) } else { input } } }
Example 68
Source File: StringUtils.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { // replace the _ with .{1} exactly match 1 time of any character // replace the % with .*, match 0 or more times with any character def escapeLikeRegex(v: String): String = { if (!v.isEmpty) { "(?s)" + (' ' +: v.init).zip(v).flatMap { case (prev, '\\') => "" case ('\\', c) => c match { case '_' => "_" case '%' => "%" case _ => Pattern.quote("\\" + c) } case (prev, c) => c match { case '_' => "." case '%' => ".*" case _ => Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c)) } }.mkString } else { v } } private[this] val trueStrings = Set("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1").map(UTF8String.fromString) private[this] val falseStrings = Set("f", "false", "n", "no", "0").map(UTF8String.fromString) def isTrueString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = trueStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) def isFalseString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = falseStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) def filterPattern(names: Seq[String], pattern: String): Seq[String] = { val funcNames = scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet.empty[String] pattern.trim().split("\\|").foreach { subPattern => try { val regex = ("(?i)" + subPattern.replaceAll("\\*", ".*")).r funcNames ++= names.filter{ name => regex.pattern.matcher(name).matches() } } catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => } } funcNames.toSeq } }
Example 69
Source File: EntityFilter.scala From prometheus-akka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.workday.prometheus.akka.impl import java.util.regex.Pattern private[akka] case class EntityFilter(includes: List[PathFilter], excludes: List[PathFilter]) { def accept(name: String): Boolean = includes.exists(_.accept(name)) && !excludes.exists(_.accept(name)) } private[akka] trait PathFilter { def accept(path: String): Boolean } private[akka] case class RegexPathFilter(path: String) extends PathFilter { private val pathRegex = path.r override def accept(path: String): Boolean = { path match { case pathRegex(_*) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } } } private[akka] case class GlobPathFilter(glob: String) extends PathFilter { private val GLOB_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\*\\*?)|(\\?)|(\\\\.)|(/+)|([^*?]+)") private val pattern = getGlobPattern(glob) def accept(path: String): Boolean = pattern.matcher(path).matches private def getGlobPattern(glob: String) = { val patternBuilder = new StringBuilder val m = GLOB_PATTERN.matcher(glob) var lastWasSlash = false while (m.find) { lastWasSlash = false val grp1 = if (grp1 != null) { // match a * or ** if (grp1.length == 2) { // it's a *workers are able to process multiple metrics* patternBuilder.append(".*") } else { // it's a * patternBuilder.append("[^/]*") } } else if ( != null) { // match a '?' glob pattern; any non-slash character patternBuilder.append("[^/]") } else if ( != null) { // backslash-escaped value patternBuilder.append(Pattern.quote( } else if ( != null) { // match any number of / chars patternBuilder.append("/+") lastWasSlash = true } else { // some other string patternBuilder.append(Pattern.quote( } } if (lastWasSlash) { // ends in /, append ** patternBuilder.append(".*") } Pattern.compile(patternBuilder.toString) } }
Example 70
Source File: Assertions.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.api.testtool.infrastructure import ai.x.diff.DiffShow import com.daml.grpc.{GrpcException, GrpcStatus} import java.util.regex.Pattern import io.grpc.Status import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.util.control.NonFatal object Assertions extends DiffExtensions { def fail(message: String): Nothing = throw new AssertionError(message) def fail(message: String, cause: Throwable): Nothing = throw new AssertionError(message, cause) def assertLength[A, F[_] <: Seq[_]](context: String, length: Int, as: F[A]): F[A] = { assert(as.length == length, s"$context: expected $length item(s), got ${as.length}") as } def assertSingleton[A](context: String, as: Seq[A]): A = assertLength(context, 1, as).head def assertEquals[T: DiffShow](context: String, actual: T, expected: T): Unit = { val diff = DiffShow.diff(actual, expected) if (!diff.isIdentical) throw AssertionErrorWithPreformattedMessage( diff.string, s"$context: two objects are supposed to be equal but they are not", ) } def assertGrpcError(t: Throwable, expectedCode: Status.Code, pattern: String): Unit = { assertGrpcError( t, expectedCode, if (pattern.isEmpty) None else Some(Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(pattern)))) } }
Example 71
Source File: FilteringTest.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package mongo.core.ops import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.avsystem.commons.mongo.BsonRef import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.GenCodec import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters import org.bson.BsonType import org.bson.conversions.Bson import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite class FilteringTest extends AnyFunSuite { import Filtering._ import FilteringTest._ private def testCase(name: String)(filter: (Ref[String]) => Bson)(verify: (String) => Bson): Unit = { import BsonEquality.bsonEquality test(name) { assert(filter(sRef) === verify("s")) } } private def testValue(name: String)(filter: (Ref[String], String) => Bson)(verify: (String, String) => Bson): Unit = { val someValue = "someValue" testCase(name)(filter(_, someValue))(verify(_, someValue)) } testValue("equal")(_ equal _)(Filters.eq) testValue("notEqual")(_ notEqual _)( testValue("gt")(_ gt _)( testValue("lt")(_ lt _)( testValue("gte")(_ gte _)(Filters.gte) testValue("lte")(_ lte _)(Filters.lte) testValue("in")(_ in _)(, _)) testValue("nin")(_ nin _)(Filters.nin(_, _)) testCase("exists")(_.exists())(Filters.exists) testCase("notExists")(_.exists(false))(Filters.exists(_, false)) testCase("ofType")(_.ofType("someTypeName"))(Filters.`type`(_, "someTypeName")) testCase("ofTypeEnum")(_.ofType(BsonType.STRING))(Filters.`type`(_, BsonType.STRING)) testCase("mod")(_.mod(313, 131))(Filters.mod(_, 313, 131)) private val regexString = "\\d" private val regexScala = regexString.r private val regexJava = Pattern.compile(regexString) testCase("regexScala")(_ regex regexScala)(Filters.regex(_, regexString)) testCase("regexJava")(_ regex regexJava)(Filters.regex(_, regexJava)) testCase("regexString")(_ regex regexString)(Filters.regex(_, regexString)) testCase("regexOptions")(_.regex(regexString, "ops"))(Filters.regex(_, regexString, "ops")) import BsonEquality.bsonEquality test("contains") { assert(aRef.contains("elem") === Filters.eq("a", "elem")) } private val simpleFilter = Filters.eq("key", "value") test("elemMatch") { assert(aRef.elemMatch(simpleFilter) === Filters.elemMatch("a", simpleFilter)) } test("size") { assert(aRef.size(131) === Filters.size("a", 131)) } test("all") { assert(aRef.all("e1", "e2") === Filters.all("a", "e1", "e2")) } private val otherFilter = Filters.eq("key2", "value2") test("and") { assert(and(simpleFilter, otherFilter) === Filters.and(simpleFilter, otherFilter)) } test("or") { assert(or(simpleFilter, otherFilter) === Filters.or(simpleFilter, otherFilter)) } test("nor") { assert(nor(simpleFilter, otherFilter) === Filters.nor(simpleFilter, otherFilter)) } test("not") { assert(not(simpleFilter) === Filters.not(simpleFilter)) } } object FilteringTest extends BsonRef.Creator[SomeEntity] { implicit val codec: GenCodec[SomeEntity] = GenCodec.materialize val sRef: Ref[String] = ref(_.s) val aRef: Ref[List[String]] = ref(_.a) }
Example 72
Source File: URLInString.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.argus.jawa.core.util import java.util.regex.Pattern object URLInString { def extract(str: String): Set[String] = { val results = msetEmpty[String] val regex = "\\b(((ht|f)tp(s?)\\:\\/\\/|~\\/|\\/)|www.)" + "(\\w+:\\w+@)?(([-\\w]+\\.)+(com|org|net|gov" + "|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum" + "|travel|[a-z]{2}))(:[\\d]{1,5})?" + "(((\\/([-\\w~!$+|.,=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})+)+|\\/)+|\\?|#)?" + "((\\?([-\\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\\d{2}])+=?" + "([-\\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})*)" + "(&(?:[-\\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\\d{2}])+=?" + "([-\\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})*)*)*" + "(#([-\\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\\d]{2})*)?\\b" val p = Pattern.compile(regex) val m = p.matcher(str) while(m.find()) { var urlStr = if (urlStr.startsWith("(") && urlStr.endsWith(")")) { urlStr = urlStr.substring(1, urlStr.length() - 1) } results.add(urlStr) } results.toSet } }
Example 73
Source File: PScoutTranslator.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.argus.amandroid.core.util import org.argus.jawa.core.util._ import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.argus.jawa.core.elements.{JavaKnowledge, Signature} object PScoutTranslator { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val filepath = args(0) val fileuri = FileUtil.toUri(filepath) translate(fileuri) } def translate(uri: FileResourceUri): IMap[String, ISet[Signature]] = { val permissionMap: MMap[String, MSet[Signature]] = mmapEmpty var currentPermission: String = null { case permission if permission.startsWith("Permission:") => currentPermission = permission.replace("Permission:", "") case sigstr if sigstr.startsWith("<") => val sig = formatSignature(sigstr) permissionMap.getOrElseUpdate(currentPermission, msetEmpty) ++= sig case _ => }{case (k, v) => (k, v.toSet)}.toMap } // 1 2 3 4 private val regex = "<([[^\\s]&&[^:]]+):\\s([^\\s]+)\\s([[^\\s]&&[^\\(]]+)\\(([[^\\s]&&[^\\)]]*)\\)>\\s+\\(.*\\)" private def formatSignature(sigstr: String): Option[Signature] = { val p: Pattern = Pattern.compile(regex) val m = p.matcher(sigstr) if(m.find()){ val classTypStr = val retTypStr = val methodName = val paramTypStrList =",") val classTyp = JavaKnowledge.getTypeFromJawaName(classTypStr) val protosb = new StringBuilder protosb.append("(") paramTypStrList.foreach{ paramTypStr => if(!paramTypStr.isEmpty) protosb.append(JavaKnowledge.formatTypeToSignature(JavaKnowledge.getTypeFromJawaName(paramTypStr))) } protosb.append(")") protosb.append(JavaKnowledge.formatTypeToSignature(JavaKnowledge.getTypeFromJawaName(retTypStr))) Some(new Signature(classTyp, methodName, protosb.toString())) } else { System.err.println("PScoutTranslator, does not match: " + sigstr) None } } }
Example 74
Source File: ARSCFileParser_apktool.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.argus.amandroid.core.parser import org.argus.jawa.core.util.FileResourceUri import brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder import brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.ARSCData import import import import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.argus.jawa.core.util._ import class ARSCFileParser_apktool { // final private val TITLE = "ARSCFileParser_apktool" private var data: ARSCData = _ def parse(apkUri: FileResourceUri): Unit = { val apkFile = FileUtil.toFilePath(apkUri) val zf = new ZipFile(apkFile) try{ val ze = zf.getEntry("resources.arsc") if(ze != null){ val in = zf.getInputStream(ze) = ARSCDecoder.decode(in, false, false) } else {}//err_msg_normal(TITLE, "Cannot find resources.arsc file.") } finally { zf.close() } } def findResource(resourceId: Int): ResResSpec = { var result: ResResSpec = null val id = new ResID(resourceId) if( != null){{ pkg => if(pkg.hasResSpec(id)){ result = pkg.getResSpec(id) } } } result } def getPackages: Set[ResPackage] = { if( != null){ data.getPackages.toSet } else Set() } def getData: ARSCData = def getGlobalStringPool: Map[Int, String] = { val matches: MMap[Int, String] = mmapEmpty getPackages.foreach{ pkg => val str = pkg.getResTable.toString val strs = str.substring(1, str.length() - 1).split(", ") val p = Pattern.compile("(.+)\\sstring\\/(.+)") var matches: Map[Int, String] = Map() strs foreach { str => val m = p.matcher(str) if(m.find()){ matches += (Integer.parseInt(, 16) -> } } } matches.toMap } }
Example 75
Source File: TokenParser.scala From spark-nlp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.common import java.util.regex.Pattern trait PreprocessingParser { def separate(token:String): String } class SuffixedToken(suffixes:Array[String]) extends PreprocessingParser { def belongs(token: String): Option[String] = suffixes.find(token.endsWith) override def separate(token:String): String = { belongs(token).map { suffix => s"""${separate(token.dropRight(suffix.length))} $suffix""" }.getOrElse(token) } } object SuffixedToken { def apply(suffixes:Array[String]) = new SuffixedToken(suffixes) } class PrefixedToken(prefixes:Array[String]) extends PreprocessingParser { private def parse(token:String) = (token.head.toString, token.tail) def belongs(token: String): Boolean = if(token.length > 1) || _) else false override def separate(token:String): String = { if (belongs(token)) s"""${token.head} ${separate(token.tail)}""" else token } } object PrefixedToken { def apply(prefixes:Array[String]) = new PrefixedToken(prefixes) } class InfixToken(tokens:Array[String]) extends PreprocessingParser { private def parse(token:String) = (token.head.toString, token.tail) def belongs(token: String): Boolean = { if(token.length > 2) { val insideChunk = token.tail.dropRight(1) tokens.exists(insideChunk.contains) }else{ false } } override def separate(token:String): String = { var result = token if (belongs(token)) { tokens.foreach{ t => val quotedInfix = Pattern.quote(t) result = result.replaceAll(quotedInfix, s" $t ") } } result } } object InfixToken { def apply(infixes:Array[String]) = new InfixToken(infixes) }
Example 76
Source File: ModuleMatcher.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.util import java.util.regex.Pattern import coursier.core.{Module, ModuleName, Organization} import import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.util.matching.Regex @data class ModuleMatcher(matcher: Module) { import ModuleMatcher.blobToPattern lazy val orgPattern = blobToPattern(matcher.organization.value) lazy val namePattern = blobToPattern( lazy val attributesPattern = matcher .attributes .mapValues(blobToPattern(_)) .iterator .toMap def matches(module: Module): Boolean = orgPattern.pattern.matcher(module.organization.value).matches() && namePattern.pattern.matcher( && module.attributes.keySet == attributesPattern.keySet && attributesPattern.forall { case (k, p) => module.attributes.get(k).exists(p.pattern.matcher(_).matches()) } } object ModuleMatcher { def apply(org: Organization, name: ModuleName, attributes: Map[String, String] = Map.empty): ModuleMatcher = ModuleMatcher(Module(org, name, attributes)) def all: ModuleMatcher = ModuleMatcher(Module(Organization("*"), ModuleName("*"), Map.empty)) @tailrec private def blobToPattern(s: String, b: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder): Regex = if (s.isEmpty) b.result().r else { val idx = s.indexOf('*') if (idx < 0) { b ++= Pattern.quote(s) b.result().r } else { if (idx > 0) b ++= Pattern.quote(s.substring(0, idx)) b ++= ".*" blobToPattern(s.substring(idx + 1), b) } } }
Example 77
Source File: CacheChecksum.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cache import java.math.BigInteger import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.regex.Pattern object CacheChecksum { private val checksumLength = Set( 32, // md5 40, // sha-1 64, // sha-256 128 // sha-512 ) private def ifHexString(s: String) = s.forall(c => c.isDigit || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') private def findChecksum(elems: Seq[String]): Option[BigInteger] = elems.collectFirst { case rawSum if ifHexString(rawSum) && checksumLength.contains(rawSum.length) => new BigInteger(rawSum, 16) } private def parseChecksumLine(lines: Seq[String]): Option[BigInteger] = findChecksum("\\s", ""))) private def parseChecksumAlternative(lines: Seq[String]): Option[BigInteger] = findChecksum(lines.flatMap(_.toLowerCase.split("\\s+"))).orElse { findChecksum( { line => line .toLowerCase .split("\\s+") .filter(ifHexString) .mkString } ) } def parseChecksum(content: String): Option[BigInteger] = { val lines = Predef.augmentString(content) .lines .toVector parseChecksumLine(lines).orElse(parseChecksumAlternative(lines)) } def parseRawChecksum(content: Array[Byte]): Option[BigInteger] = if (content.length == 16 || content.length == 20) Some(new BigInteger(content)) else { val s = new String(content, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) val lines = Predef.augmentString(s) .lines .toVector parseChecksumLine(lines) orElse parseChecksumAlternative(lines) } }
Example 78
Source File: MergeRule.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.launcher import java.util.jar.JarFile import java.util.regex.Pattern import sealed abstract class MergeRule extends Product with Serializable object MergeRule { sealed abstract class PathRule extends MergeRule { def path: String } @data class Exclude(path: String) extends PathRule @data class ExcludePattern(path: Pattern) extends MergeRule object ExcludePattern { def apply(s: String): ExcludePattern = ExcludePattern(Pattern.compile(s)) } // TODO Accept a separator: Array[Byte] argument in these // (to separate content with a line return in particular) @data class Append(path: String) extends PathRule @data class AppendPattern(path: Pattern) extends MergeRule object AppendPattern { def apply(s: String): AppendPattern = AppendPattern(Pattern.compile(s)) } val default = Seq( MergeRule.Append("reference.conf"), MergeRule.AppendPattern("META-INF/services/.*"), MergeRule.Exclude(""), MergeRule.Exclude(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME), MergeRule.ExcludePattern("META-INF/.*\\.[sS][fF]"), MergeRule.ExcludePattern("META-INF/.*\\.[dD][sS][aA]"), MergeRule.ExcludePattern("META-INF/.*\\.[rR][sS][aA]") ) }
Example 79
Source File: package.scala From pureconfig with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pureconfig import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.util.matching.Regex import org.scalactic.Equality import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals._ package object equality { implicit final val PatternEquality = new Equality[Pattern] { def areEqual(a: Pattern, b: Any): Boolean = b match { case bp: Pattern => a.pattern === bp.pattern case _ => false } } implicit final val RegexEquality = new Equality[Regex] { override def areEqual(a: Regex, b: Any): Boolean = b match { case r: Regex => PatternEquality.areEqual(a.pattern, r.pattern) case _ => false } } }
Example 80
Source File: KanjiCharacter.scala From scalastringcourseday7 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package text.kanji import import java.util.regex.Pattern import util.Config import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import trait KanjiCharacter { val kanji: Seq[String] lazy val regex: String = { val size: Int = kanji.size if (size <= 0) { "" } else { val builder: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder(size) kanji foreach builder.append builder.result.mkString("[", "", "]") } } lazy val pattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile(regex) def isDefined(codePoint: Int): Boolean = { if (Character.isValidCodePoint(codePoint)) { pattern.matcher(new String(Array(codePoint), 0, 1)).matches } else { false } } def notDefined(codePoint: Int): Boolean = { !isDefined(codePoint) } def isDefined(char: Char): Boolean = { pattern.matcher(char.toString).matches } def notDefined(char: Char): Boolean = { !isDefined(char) } protected def readKanjiCSV(fileName: String): Seq[String] = { val buffer = ListBuffer.empty[String] val file: File = Config.resourceFile("kanji", fileName.concat(".csv")).toFile if (file.canRead && file.isFile) { Source.fromFile(file).getLines foreach { line => val elements: Array[String] = line.split(",") if (elements.nonEmpty && elements.length == 2) { val kanji: String = elements(1) buffer += kanji } } } buffer.result } }
Example 81
Source File: PatternChecker.scala From incubator-daffodil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.daffodil.grammar.primitives import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.SavesErrorsAndWarnings import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException import org.apache.daffodil.api.WarnID object PatternChecker { def checkPattern(pattern: String, context: SavesErrorsAndWarnings): Unit = { try { val pat = Pattern.compile(pattern) val m1 = pat.matcher("") val m2 = pat.matcher("\uFFFE") // obscure enough? if (m1.matches() && m2.lookingAt() && == 0) { // the pattern will match with zero length, anything or nothing // This is a flawed pattern for an assert and dubious // generally. The pattern should have to match something. val needCDATA = if (pattern.startsWith("(?x)") && !pattern.contains("\n") && pattern.contains("#")) { // it's free form regex notation // it's all on one line, // and it contains a comment (# to end of line) // Almost guaranteed you are missing a CDATA wrapper. "\nMissing <![CDATA[...]]> around the regular expression." + "\nThis is required for free-form regular expression syntax with comments." } else "" context.SDW(WarnID.RegexPatternZeroLength, "Regular expression pattern '%s'.\n" + "This pattern will match with zero length, so it can always match.%s", pattern, needCDATA) } } catch { case e: PatternSyntaxException => { context.SDE("Invalid regular expression pattern '%s'.\nReason: %s.", pattern, Misc.getSomeMessage(e).get) } } } }
Example 82
Source File: ShouldNotTypecheck.scala From scala-parallel-collections with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package testutil import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context import scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException import java.util.regex.Pattern object ShouldNotTypecheck { def apply(code: String): Unit = macro applyImplNoExp def apply(code: String, expected: String): Unit = macro applyImpl def applyImplNoExp(ctx: Context)(code: ctx.Expr[String]) = applyImpl(ctx)(code, null) def applyImpl(ctx: Context)(code: ctx.Expr[String], expected: ctx.Expr[String]): ctx.Expr[Unit] = { import ctx.universe._ val Expr(Literal(Constant(codeStr: String))) = code val (expPat, expMsg) = expected match { case null => (null, "Expected some error.") case Expr(Literal(Constant(s: String))) => (Pattern.compile(s, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL), "Expected error matching: "+s) } try ctx.typecheck(ctx.parse("{ "+codeStr+" }")) catch { case e: TypecheckException => val msg = e.getMessage if((expected ne null) && !(expPat.matcher(msg)).matches) ctx.abort(ctx.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking failed in an unexpected way.\n"+ expMsg+"\nActual error: "+msg) else return reify(()) } ctx.abort(ctx.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking succeeded unexpectedly.\n"+expMsg) } }
Example 83
Source File: ClassUtils.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.lang.reflect.Modifier import java.util.jar.JarInputStream import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.junit.Test import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ private[code] object ClassUtils { def classesInProductionScope(): Seq[Class[_]] = allClasses(n => !n.contains("tests.jar")) def allClasses(fileNameFilter: String => Boolean): Seq[Class[_]] = { val classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader val path = "oharastream/ohara" val pattern = Pattern.compile("^file:(.+\\.jar)!/" + path + "$") val urls = classLoader.getResources(path) urls.asScala .map(url => pattern.matcher(url.getFile)) .filter(_.find()) .map( .filter(fileNameFilter) .flatMap { f => val jarInput = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)) try Iterator .continually(jarInput.getNextJarEntry) .takeWhile(_ != null) .map(_.getName) .toArray .filter(_.endsWith(".class")) .map(_.replace('/', '.')) .map(className => className.substring(0, className.length - ".class".length)) .map(Class.forName) finally jarInput.close() } .toSeq } }
Example 84
Source File: BaseFiltering.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package mongo.core.ops import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.avsystem.commons.mongo.text.TextSearchLanguage import import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.{Geometry, Point} import com.mongodb.client.model.{Filters, TextSearchOptions} import org.bson.BsonType import org.bson.conversions.Bson import scala.util.matching.Regex trait BaseFiltering[T] extends Any with KeyValueHandling[T] { def equal(t: T): Bson = use(t)(Filters.eq) def notEqual(t: T): Bson = use(t)( def gt(t: T): Bson = use(t)( def lt(t: T): Bson = use(t)( def gte(t: T): Bson = use(t)(Filters.gte) def lte(t: T): Bson = use(t)(Filters.lte) def in(ts: T*): Bson =, def nin(ts: T*): Bson = Filters.nin(key, def exists(exists: Boolean = true): Bson = Filters.exists(key, exists) def ofType(bsonType: BsonType): Bson = Filters.`type`(key, bsonType) def ofType(typeName: String): Bson = Filters.`type`(key, typeName) def mod(divisor: Long, remainder: Long): Bson = Filters.mod(key, divisor, remainder) def regex(re: Regex): Bson = regex(re.pattern) def regex(pattern: Pattern): Bson = Filters.regex(key, pattern) def regex(patternStr: String): Bson = Filters.regex(key, patternStr) def regex(patternStr: String, options: String): Bson = Filters.regex(key, patternStr, options) def text(str: String, caseSensitive: OptArg[Boolean] = OptArg.Empty, language: OptArg[TextSearchLanguage] = OptArg.Empty, diacriticSensitive: OptArg[Boolean] = OptArg.Empty): Bson = { val searchOptions = new TextSearchOptions().setup { options => caseSensitive.foreach(b => options.caseSensitive(b)) language.foreach(l => options.language(l.code)) diacriticSensitive.foreach(b => options.diacriticSensitive(b)) } Filters.text(str, searchOptions) } def bitsAllClear(bitMask: Long): Bson = Filters.bitsAllClear(key, bitMask) def bitsAllSet(bitMask: Long): Bson = Filters.bitsAllSet(key, bitMask) def bitsAnyClear(bitMask: Long): Bson = Filters.bitsAnyClear(key, bitMask) def bitsAnySet(bitMask: Long): Bson = Filters.bitsAnySet(key, bitMask) def geoWithinBson(geometryBson: Bson): Bson = Filters.geoWithin(key, geometryBson) def geoWithin(geometry: Geometry): Bson = Filters.geoWithin(key, geometry) def geoWithinBox(lowerLeftX: Double, lowerLeftY: Double, upperRightX: Double, upperRightY: Double): Bson = { Filters.geoWithinBox(key, lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, upperRightX, upperRightY) } def geoWithinPolygon(points: (Double, Double)*): Bson = { val javaPoints = { case (x, y) => ImmutableList.of(x: JDouble, y: JDouble): JList[JDouble] }.asJava Filters.geoWithinPolygon(key, javaPoints) } def geoWithinCenter(x: Double, y: Double, radius: Double): Bson = Filters.geoWithinCenter(key, x, y, radius) def geoWithinCenterSphere(x: Double, y: Double, radius: Double): Bson = Filters.geoWithinCenterSphere(key, x, y, radius) def geoIntersectsBson(geometryBson: Bson): Bson = Filters.geoIntersects(key, geometryBson) def geoIntersects(geometry: Geometry): Bson = Filters.geoIntersects(key, geometry) private def jDouble(doubleOpt: Opt[Double]): JDouble = => d: JDouble).orNull private def useMinMax(min: Opt[Double], max: Opt[Double])(f: (JDouble, JDouble) => Bson): Bson = { f(jDouble(min), jDouble(max)) } def nearBson(geometryBson: Bson, maxDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty, minDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty): Bson = { useMinMax(minDistance, maxDistance)(Filters.near(key, geometryBson, _, _)) } def nearPoint(point: Point, maxDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty, minDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty): Bson = { useMinMax(minDistance, maxDistance)(Filters.near(key, point, _, _)) } def nearXY(x: Double, y: Double, maxDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty, minDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty): Bson = { useMinMax(minDistance, maxDistance)(Filters.near(key, x, y, _, _)) } def nearSphereBson(geometryBson: Bson, maxDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty, minDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty): Bson = { useMinMax(minDistance, maxDistance)(Filters.nearSphere(key, geometryBson, _, _)) } def nearSpherePoint(point: Point, maxDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty, minDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty): Bson = { useMinMax(minDistance, maxDistance)(Filters.nearSphere(key, point, _, _)) } def nearSphereXY(x: Double, y: Double, maxDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty, minDistance: Opt[Double] = Opt.empty): Bson = { useMinMax(minDistance, maxDistance)(Filters.nearSphere(key, x, y, _, _)) } }
Example 85
Source File: FieldStyle.scala From tethys with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tethys.derivation.builder import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation trait FieldStyle { self => def applyStyle(field: String): String def andThen(that: FieldStyle): FieldStyle = new FieldStyle { override def applyStyle(field: String): String = that.applyStyle(self.applyStyle(field)) } def andThen(that: String => String): FieldStyle = new FieldStyle { override def applyStyle(field: String): String = that.apply(self.applyStyle(field)) } def >>(that: FieldStyle): FieldStyle = andThen(that) def >>(that: String => String): FieldStyle = andThen(that) } object FieldStyle { def apply(fun: String => String): FieldStyle = new FieldStyle { override def applyStyle(field: String): String = fun(field) } class Ref(fieldStyle: FieldStyle) extends StaticAnnotation trait StyleReference extends FieldStyle { final override def applyStyle(field: String): String = throw new RuntimeException("StyleReference should not be used at runtime") } // Names transformations adopted from scala enumeratum private val regexp1: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])") private val regexp2: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-z\\d])([A-Z])") private val replacement: String = "$1_$2" private def splitName(name: String): List[String] = { val first = regexp1.matcher(name).replaceAll(replacement) regexp2.matcher(first).replaceAll(replacement).split("_").toList } val snakecase: FieldStyle = new FieldStyle { override def applyStyle(field: String): String = splitName(field).mkString("_") } val lowercase: FieldStyle = new FieldStyle { override def applyStyle(field: String): String = field.toLowerCase() } val uppercase: FieldStyle = new FieldStyle { override def applyStyle(field: String): String = field.toUpperCase() } val lowerSnakecase: FieldStyle = snakecase >> lowercase val upperSnakecase: FieldStyle = snakecase >> uppercase }
Example 86
Source File: ScalastyleSettings.scala From intellij-lsp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.editor.importOptimizer import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.scalastyle.ConfigurationChecker import scala.util.Try def compareNames(name1: String, name2: String, isImport: Boolean): Int = { if (name1 != "_") { if (name2 == "_") { -1 * compareNames(name2, name1, isImport) } else { val isName1UpperCase = Character.isUpperCase(name1.codePointAt(0)) val isName2UpperCase = Character.isUpperCase(name2.codePointAt(0)) if (isName1UpperCase == isName2UpperCase) { name1.compareToIgnoreCase(name2) } else { if (isName1UpperCase && !isImport) 1 else -1 } } } else { if (isImport) -1 else 1 } } def groups(checker: ConfigurationChecker): Option[Seq[Pattern]] = { Try { checker.parameters("groups").split(",") { name => Pattern.compile(checker.parameters(s"group.$name")) } }.toOption } val nameOrdering: Ordering[String] = Ordering.fromLessThan(compareNames(_, _, isImport = false) < 0) } case class ScalastyleSettings(scalastyleOrder: Boolean, groups: Option[Seq[Pattern]])
Example 87
Source File: RegexBenchmark.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.benchmark import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.regex.Pattern import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.benchmark.RegexBenchmark.CompiledPattern import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.regex import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) class RegexBenchmark { // 10x time faster @Benchmark def compiledPattern(state: CompiledPattern): Unit = state.pattern.matcher("My=, Name").replaceAll("\\\\$1") @Benchmark def uncompiledPattern(): Unit = "My=, Name".replaceAll("([ ,=])", "\\\\$1") } object RegexBenchmark { @State(Scope.Benchmark) class CompiledPattern { var pattern: Pattern = _ @Setup def up(): Unit = pattern = regex.tagPattern @TearDown def close(): Unit = {} } }
Example 88
Source File: CarbonGlobalDictionaryRDD.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.apache.spark.sql.Row case class DataFormat(delimiters: Array[String], var delimiterIndex: Int, patterns: Array[Pattern]) extends Serializable { self => def getSplits(input: String): Array[String] = { // -1 in case after splitting the last column is empty, the surrogate key ahs to be generated // for empty value too patterns(delimiterIndex).split(input, -1) } def cloneAndIncreaseIndex: DataFormat = { DataFormat(delimiters, Math.min(delimiterIndex + 1, delimiters.length - 1), patterns) } } class StringArrayRow(var values: Array[String]) extends Row { override def length: Int = values.length override def get(i: Int): Any = values(i) override def getString(i: Int): String = values(i) private def reset(): Unit = { val len = values.length var i = 0 while (i < len) { values(i) = null i = i + 1 } } override def copy(): Row = { val tmpValues = new Array[String](values.length) System.arraycopy(values, 0, tmpValues, 0, values.length) new StringArrayRow(tmpValues) } def setValues(values: Array[String]): StringArrayRow = { reset() if (values != null) { val minLength = Math.min(this.values.length, values.length) System.arraycopy(values, 0, this.values, 0, minLength) } this } }
Example 89
Source File: CodeDumperTests.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.codedumper import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._ import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.testfixtures.CodeToCpgFixture class CodeDumperTests extends WordSpec with Matchers { val code = """ | // A comment |int my_func(int param1) |{ | int x = foo(param1); |}""".stripMargin CodeToCpgFixture(code) { cpg => "should return empty string for empty traversal" in { CodeDumper .dump("notinthere"), false) .mkString("\n") shouldBe "" } "should be able to dump complete function" in { val query ="my_func") val code = CodeDumper.dump(query, false).mkString("\n") code should startWith("int my_func") code should include("foo(param1)") code should endWith("}") } "should dump method with arrow for expression (a call)" in { val query ="foo") val code = CodeDumper.dump(query, false).mkString("\n") code should startWith("int") code should include regex (".*" + "int x = foo" + ".*" + Pattern.quote(CodeDumper.arrow.toString) + ".*") code should endWith("}") } "methodCode should return nothing on invalid filename" in { CodeDumper.code("fooNonexisting", 1, 2) shouldBe "" } "should allow dumping via .dump" in { val code ="my_func").dumpRaw.mkString("\n") code should startWith("int my_func") } "should allow dumping callIn" in { implicit val resolver: ICallResolver = NoResolve val code ="foo").callIn.dumpRaw.mkString("\n") code should startWith("int") } } }
Example 90
Source File: FilterJsonLigatures.scala From eidos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clulab.wm.eidos.apps import import import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Closer.AutoCloser import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.FileUtils import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Sinker import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.TsvWriter import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.JString import org.json4s.JValue import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods object FilterJsonLigatures extends App { val pattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Za-z]+(f([bhkl]|[ft]|[ij])|ij)) ([A-Za-z]+)") class Filter(tsvWriter: TsvWriter) { implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats tsvWriter.println("file", "left", "right") def filter(jValue: JValue, inputFile: File): Unit = { val extractions: JValue = jValue \ "_source" \ "extracted_text" extractions match { case text: JString => val matcher = pattern.matcher(text.extract[String]) while (matcher.find) tsvWriter.println(inputFile.getName,, case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected extractions value: $extractions") } } } val inputDir = args(0) val extension = args(1) val outputFile = args(2) new TsvWriter(Sinker.printWriterFromFile(outputFile)).autoClose { tsvWriter => val filter = new Filter(tsvWriter) val inputFiles = FileUtils.findFiles(inputDir, extension) inputFiles.sortBy(_.getName).foreach { inputFile => val text = FileUtils.getTextFromFile(inputFile) val json = JsonMethods.parse(text) filter.filter(json, inputFile) } } }
Example 91
Source File: TelegramBot4sRelease.scala From telegram with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import java.util.regex.Pattern import sbt._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport.ReleaseKeys._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport.{ReleaseStep, _} import sbtrelease.ReleaseStateTransformations._ object TelegramBot4sRelease { def steps: Seq[ReleaseStep] = Seq( checkSnapshotDependencies, inquireVersions, // publishing locally so that the pgp password prompt is displayed early // in the process releaseStepCommand("publishLocalSigned"), runClean, runTest, setReleaseVersion, updateVersionInReadme, commitReleaseVersion, tagRelease, publishArtifacts, setNextVersion, commitNextVersion, releaseStepCommand("sonatypeReleaseAll"), pushChanges ) private def updateVersionInReadme: ReleaseStep = { s: State => val readmeFile = file("") val readme = val currentVersionPattern = """"info.mukel" %% "telegrambot4s" % "([\w\.-]+)"""".r val currentVersionInReadme = currentVersionPattern.findFirstMatchIn(readme) val releaseVersion = s.get(versions).get._1"Replacing $currentVersionInReadme with $releaseVersion in ${}") val newReadme = readme.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(currentVersionInReadme), releaseVersion) IO.write(readmeFile, newReadme) val settings = Project.extract(s) settings.get(releaseVcs).get.add(readmeFile.getAbsolutePath) !! s.log s } }
Example 92
Source File: ConfigReader.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.internal.config import java.util.{Map => JMap} import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import scala.util.matching.Regex private object ConfigReader { private val REF_RE = "\\$\\{(?:(\\w+?):)?(\\S+?)\\}".r } def substitute(input: String): String = substitute(input, Set()) private def substitute(input: String, usedRefs: Set[String]): String = { if (input != null) { ConfigReader.REF_RE.replaceAllIn(input, { m => val prefix = val name = val ref = if (prefix == null) name else s"$prefix:$name" require(!usedRefs.contains(ref), s"Circular reference in $input: $ref") val replacement = bindings.get(prefix) .flatMap(_.get(name)) .map { v => substitute(v, usedRefs + ref) } .getOrElse(m.matched) Regex.quoteReplacement(replacement) }) } else { input } } }
Example 93
Source File: StringUtils.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { // replace the _ with .{1} exactly match 1 time of any character // replace the % with .*, match 0 or more times with any character def escapeLikeRegex(v: String): String = { if (!v.isEmpty) { "(?s)" + (' ' +: v.init).zip(v).flatMap { case (prev, '\\') => "" case ('\\', c) => c match { case '_' => "_" case '%' => "%" case _ => Pattern.quote("\\" + c) } case (prev, c) => c match { case '_' => "." case '%' => ".*" case _ => Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c)) } }.mkString } else { v } } private[this] val trueStrings = Set("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1").map(UTF8String.fromString) private[this] val falseStrings = Set("f", "false", "n", "no", "0").map(UTF8String.fromString) def isTrueString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = trueStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) def isFalseString(s: UTF8String): Boolean = falseStrings.contains(s.toLowerCase) def filterPattern(names: Seq[String], pattern: String): Seq[String] = { val funcNames = scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet.empty[String] pattern.trim().split("\\|").foreach { subPattern => try { val regex = ("(?i)" + subPattern.replaceAll("\\*", ".*")).r funcNames ++= names.filter{ name => regex.pattern.matcher(name).matches() } } catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => } } funcNames.toSeq } }