javax.inject.Singleton Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use javax.inject.Singleton.
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Example 1
Source File: SimilarityAPIController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.api.similarity import import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, Security, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import services.RuntimeAccessLevel import services.document.{DocumentService, ExtendedDocumentMetadata} import services.generated.tables.records.DocumentRecord import services.user.UserService import services.similarity.{Similarity, SimilarityService} @Singleton class SimilarityAPIController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val similarities: SimilarityService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { implicit val similarDocumentWrites: Writes[(DocumentRecord, RuntimeAccessLevel, Similarity)] = ( (JsPath \ "document_id").write[String] and (JsPath \ "author").writeNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "title").write[String] and (JsPath \ "owner").write[String] and (JsPath \ "similarity").write[JsValue] )(t => ( t._1.getId, Option(t._1.getAuthor), t._1.getTitle, t._1.getOwner, Json.obj( "title" -> t._3.jaroWinkler, "entities" -> t._3.jaccard) )) implicit val similarityAPIResponseWrites: Writes[(ExtendedDocumentMetadata, Seq[(DocumentRecord, RuntimeAccessLevel, Similarity)])] = ( (JsPath \ "document_id").write[String] and (JsPath \ "author").writeNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "title").write[String] and (JsPath \ "owner").write[String] and (JsPath \ "similar").write[Seq[(DocumentRecord, RuntimeAccessLevel, Similarity)]] )(t => (,, t._1.title, t._1.ownerName, t._2 )) def getSimilar(docId: String) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentResponse(docId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => if (accesslevel.canReadData) { similarities.findSimilar(docId, { response => jsonOk(Json.toJson((doc, response))) } } else { Future.successful(Forbidden) } }) } }
Example 2
Source File: StatsController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.document.stats import import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, Security, HasVisitLogging, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintWriter} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import kantan.csv._ import kantan.csv.ops._ import kantan.csv.CsvConfiguration.{Header, QuotePolicy} import kantan.csv.engine.commons._ import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import services.visit.VisitService import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.{AnyContent, Request, Result, ControllerComponents} import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import plugins.PluginRegistry import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class StatsController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val annotations: AnnotationService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val visitService: VisitService, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasVisitLogging with HasPrettyPrintJSON with I18nSupport { private val CSV_CONFIG = CsvConfiguration(',', '"', QuotePolicy.WhenNeeded, Header.None) implicit val tuple2Writes: Writes[Tuple2[String, Long]] = ( (JsPath \ "value").write[String] and (JsPath \ "count").write[Long] )(t => (t._1, t._2)) private def toCSV(stats: Seq[(String, Long)]): String = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = out.asCsvWriter[(String, Long)](CSV_CONFIG) stats.foreach(writer.write(_)) writer.close() new String(out.toByteArray, "UTF-8") } def showDocumentStats(documentId: String, tab: Option[String]) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentReadResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => logDocumentView(doc.document, None, accesslevel) match { case Some(t) if t == "activity" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.activity") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.activity(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case Some(t) if t == "entities" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.entities") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.entities(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case Some(t) if t == "tags" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.tags") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.tags(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case _ => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.activity") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.activity(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) } }) } private def getTags(documentId: String)(action: (Seq[(String, Long)], Request[AnyContent]) => Result) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentReadResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => annotations.getTagStats(documentId).map { buckets => action(buckets, request.request) } } ) } def getTagsAsJSON(documentId: String) = getTags(documentId) { case (buckets, request) => jsonOk(Json.toJson(buckets))(request) } def getTagsAsCSV(documentId: String) = getTags(documentId) { case(buckets, request) => Ok(toCSV(buckets)).withHeaders(CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> { s"attachment; filename=${documentId}_tags.csv" }) } }
Example 3
Source File: MapController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, HasVisitLogging, Security} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.document.DocumentService import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import services.visit.VisitService import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class MapController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val annotations: AnnotationService, val document: DocumentService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val visitService: VisitService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, document, users) with HasVisitLogging with I18nSupport { def showMap(documentId: String) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentReadResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => logDocumentView(doc.document, None, accesslevel) annotations.countByDocId(documentId).map { documentAnnotationCount => Ok(, request.identity, accesslevel, documentAnnotationCount)) } }) } }
Example 4
Source File: AccountInfoController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import controllers.{BaseController, HasPrettyPrintJSON, Security} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext} import services.contribution.ContributionService import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService import storage.uploads.Uploads @Singleton class AccountInfoController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val contributions: ContributionService, val documents: DocumentService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], val users: UserService, val uploads: Uploads, val config: Configuration, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseController(components, config, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { def getCollaborators(username: String) = Action.async { implicit request => contributions.getTopCollaborators(username).map { tuples => val json = => Json.obj("username" -> t._1, "edits" -> t._2)) jsonOk(Json.toJson(json)) } } }
Example 5
Source File: WorkspaceController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import controllers.{BaseController, Security, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.contribution.{Contribution, ContributionService} import services.user.{User, UserService} import import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{ControllerComponents, RequestHeader} import services.document.DocumentService import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class WorkspaceController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val contributions: ContributionService, val users: UserService, val config: Configuration, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val documents: DocumentService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val env: Environment, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil ) extends BaseController(components, config, users) with I18nSupport with HasPrettyPrintJSON { def workspace(usernameInPath: String) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => // If the user is logged in & the name in the path == username it's the profile owner val isProfileOwner = request.identity match { case Some(userWithRoles) => userWithRoles.username.equalsIgnoreCase(usernameInPath) case None => false } if (isProfileOwner) Future.successful(Ok( else renderPublicProfile(usernameInPath, request.identity) } def activityFeed(usernameInPath: String) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => val loggedInAs = contributions.getUserActivityFeed(Seq(usernameInPath), loggedInAs).map { response => jsonOk(Json.toJson(response)) } } }
Example 6
Source File: SearchController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import controllers.{Security, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.mvc.{AnyContent, Request, AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Try import services.HasDate import services.document.DocumentService import @Singleton class SearchController @Inject() ( components: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], documentService: DocumentService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with HasPrettyPrintJSON with HasDate { import ConfiguredPresentation._ implicit val searchOptionsReads: Reads[SearchArgs] = ( (JsPath \ "q").readNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "in").readNullable[String] .map(_.flatMap(Scope.withName).getOrElse(Scope.ALL)) and (JsPath \ "type").readNullable[String] .map(_.flatMap(DocumentType.withName)) and (JsPath \ "owner").readNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "max_age").readNullable[DateTime] )(SearchArgs.apply _) private def parseQueryString(params: Map[String, String]) = params.get("q").map { q => // Require at least a query phrase SearchArgs( Some(q), params.get("in").flatMap(Scope.withName).getOrElse(Scope.ALL), params.get("type").flatMap(DocumentType.withName), params.get("owner"), params.get("max_age").flatMap(parseDate) ) } def parseSearchArgs(request: Request[AnyContent]) = request.body.asJson match { case Some(json) => Try(Json.fromJson[SearchArgs](json).get).toOption case None => // Try query string instead val asMap = request.queryString .mapValues(_.headOption) .filter(_._2.isDefined) .mapValues(_.get) parseQueryString(asMap) } def search = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => parseSearchArgs(request) match { case Some(args) =>, args).map { documents => val presentation = ConfiguredPresentation.forMyDocument(documents, None, None) jsonOk(Json.toJson(presentation)) } case None => Future.successful(BadRequest) } } }
Example 7
Source File: FolderActionsController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import controllers.{BaseController, HasPrettyPrintJSON, Security} import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import services.SharingLevel import services.folder.FolderService import services.generated.tables.records.{FolderRecord, SharingPolicyRecord} import services.user.UserService @Singleton class FolderActionsController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val folders: FolderService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], val users: UserService, val config: Configuration, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseController(components, config, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { private def isAllowed(username: String, folder: FolderRecord, policy: Option[SharingPolicyRecord]) = { folder.getOwner == username || { p => p.getSharedWith == username && p.getAccessLevel == SharingLevel.ADMIN.toString }.getOrElse(false) } def deleteFolder(id: UUID) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => folders.getFolder(id, request.identity.username).flatMap { _ match { case Some((folder, policy)) => if (isAllowed(request.identity.username, folder, policy)) { folders.deleteFolder(folder.getId).map { success => if (success) Ok else InternalServerError } } else { Future.successful(Forbidden) } case None => Future.successful(NotFound) }} } def bulkDeleteFolders() = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => ??? } def unshareFolder(id: UUID) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => ??? } def bulkUnshareFolders() = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => ??? } def deleteReadme(folderId: UUID) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => val f = Option(folderId) match { case Some(id) => folders.deleteReadme(folderId) case None => users.deleteReadme(request.identity.username) } { success => if (success) Ok else InternalServerError } } }
Example 8
Source File: DocumentActionsController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import controllers.{BaseController, HasPrettyPrintJSON, Security} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.{Json, JsValue} import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Try import services.RuntimeAccessLevel import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.contribution.ContributionService import services.document.DocumentService import services.folder.FolderService import services.generated.tables.records.DocumentRecord import services.user.UserService @Singleton class DocumentActionsController @Inject() ( val annotations: AnnotationService, val components: ControllerComponents, val contributions: ContributionService, val documents: DocumentService, val folders: FolderService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], val users: UserService, val config: Configuration, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseController(components, config, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { def bulkUnshareDocuments() = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => val docIds = getDocIdPayload(request.body.asJson) val user = request.identity.username Future.sequence {, user)) }.map { results => val success = !results.exists(!_) if (success) Ok else BadRequest } } }
Example 9
Source File: TaskAPIController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.api.task import import import controllers.{BaseAuthController, HasPrettyPrintJSON, Security} import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import services.document.DocumentService import services.task.{TaskType, TaskService, TaskRecordAggregate} import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import transform.JobDefinition import transform.georesolution.{GeoresolutionService, TableGeoresolutionJobDefinition} import transform.ner.{NERService, NERJobDefinition} @Singleton class TaskAPIController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val users: UserService, val ner: NERService, val georesolution: GeoresolutionService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], val tasks: TaskService, implicit val system: ActorSystem, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { def spawnJob = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => => Json.fromJson[JobDefinition](json)) match { case Some(result) if result.isSuccess => val taskDefinition = result.get documentResponse(taskDefinition.documents.head, request.identity, { case (docInfo, accesslevel) => if (accesslevel.canWrite) taskDefinition.taskType match { case TaskType("GEORESOLUTION") => val definition = Json.fromJson[TableGeoresolutionJobDefinition](request.body.asJson.get).get georesolution.spawnJob(docInfo.document, docInfo.fileparts, definition) Ok case TaskType("NER") => val definition = Json.fromJson[NERJobDefinition](request.body.asJson.get).get val jobId = ner.spawnJob(docInfo.document, docInfo.fileparts, definition) jsonOk(Json.obj("job_id" -> jobId)) case t => BadRequest(Json.parse("{ \"error\": \"unsupported task type: " + t + "\" }")) } else Forbidden(Json.parse("{ \"error\": \"insufficient access privileges\"}")) }) case Some(result) if result.isError => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.parse("{ \"error\": \"JSON parse error\" }"))) case None => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.parse("{ \"error\": \"missing task definition\" }"))) } } def getJobProgress(jobId: UUID) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => tasks.findByJobId(jobId).map { _ match { case Some(progress) => jsonOk(Json.toJson(progress)) case None => NotFound }} } def progressByDocument(id: String) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => documents.getExtendedMeta(id, Some(request.identity.username)).flatMap(_ match { case Some((doc, accesslevel)) => if (accesslevel.canReadAll) { tasks.findByDocument(id).map { case Some(taskRecord) => jsonOk(Json.toJson(taskRecord)) case None => NotFound } } else { Future.successful(Forbidden) } case None => Future.successful(NotFound) }) } }
Example 10
Source File: DiscussionController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.document.discussion import import controllers.{BaseAuthController, Security} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class DiscussionController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with I18nSupport { def showDiscussionBoard(documentId: String) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => documentResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => Ok(views.html.document.discussion.index(doc, Some(request.identity), accesslevel)) }) } }
Example 11
Source File: PluginAPIController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.api.plugin import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.pelagios.recogito.sdk.ner.NERPlugin import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import plugins.PluginRegistry import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService import transform.ner.NERPluginManager @Singleton class PluginAPIController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val users: UserService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { implicit val pluginWrites: Writes[NERPlugin] = ( (JsPath \ "identifier").write[String] and (JsPath \ "name").write[String] and (JsPath \ "languages").write[Seq[String]] and (JsPath \ "organization").write[String] and (JsPath \ "description").write[String] and (JsPath \ "version").write[String] )(p => ( p.getClass.getName, p.getName, p.getSupportedLanguages.asScala, p.getOrganization, p.getDescription, p.getVersion )) def listNERPlugins = Action { implicit request => val plugins = NERPluginManager.plugins jsonOk(Json.toJson(plugins)) } def loadPlugin(ext: String, id: String) = Action.async { implicit request => PluginRegistry.loadPlugin(ext, id).map { _ match { case Some(js) => Ok(js).as("application/javascript") case None => NotFound }} } def loadCSS(ext: String, id: String) = Action.async { implicit request => PluginRegistry.loadCSS(ext, id).map { _ match { case Some(css) => Ok(css).as("text/css") case None => NotFound }} } }
Example 12
Source File: ContributionAPIController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.api.contribution import import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, Security, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import services.HasDate import services.contribution.ContributionService import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService @Singleton class ContributionAPIController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val contributions: ContributionService, val documents: DocumentService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON with HasDate { def getDocumentStats(id: String) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentResponse(id, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => if (accesslevel.canReadData) { contributions.getDocumentStats(id).map { stats => jsonOk(Json.toJson(stats)) } } else { Future.successful(Forbidden) } }) } def countContributionsSince(docId: String, timestamp: String) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentResponse(docId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => if (accesslevel.canReadData) { parseDate(timestamp) match { case Some(date) => contributions.countContributionsSince(docId, date).map { count => jsonOk(Json.obj( "id" ->, "contributions" -> count, "since" -> formatDate(date))) } case None => Future.successful(BadRequest) } } else { Future.successful(Forbidden) } }) } }
Example 13
Source File: PlaceAPIController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.api.entity import import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, HasPrettyPrintJSON, Security} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.document.DocumentService import services.entity.builtin.EntityService import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext } import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} import services.entity.EntityType @Singleton class PlaceAPIController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val users: UserService, val entities: EntityService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { def searchPlacesInDocument(query: String, docId: String, offset: Int, size: Int) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentResponse(docId, request.identity, { case (metadata, accesslevel) => if (accesslevel.canReadData) entities.searchEntitiesInDocument(query, docId, Some(EntityType.PLACE), offset, size).map { results => jsonOk(Json.toJson( } else Future.successful(Forbidden) }) } }
Example 14
Source File: AuthoritiesAPIController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.api.entity import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.{Json, JsObject} import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.document.DocumentService import services.entity.{AuthorityFileService, EntityType} import services.entity.builtin.EntityService import services.user.UserService @Singleton class AuthoritiesAPIController @Inject() ( val authorities: AuthorityFileService, val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val entities: EntityService, val users: UserService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { def listGazetteers = Action.async { implicit request => val fMetadata = authorities.listAll(Some(EntityType.PLACE)) val fRecordCounts = entities.countByAuthority(Some(EntityType.PLACE)) val f = for { metadata <- fMetadata counts <- fRecordCounts } yield (metadata, counts) { case (listedGazetteers, counts) => import AuthorityFileService._ // Import implicit JSON serialization // In order to see possible inconsistencies between DB and index, // we separately handle: i) gazetteers described in the DB, ii) gazetteer // IDs recorded in the index, but without a metadata record in the DB. // Normally, the list below should be empty. val unlistedGazetteers = counts.filterNot { case (id, count) => } val json = { m => val count = counts.find(_._1 == m.getId).map(_._2).getOrElse(0l) Json.toJson(m).as[JsObject] ++ Json.obj("count" -> count) } ++ { case (id, count) => Json.obj( "identifier" -> id, "authority_type" -> "PLACE", "shortname" -> id, "count" -> count, "conflicted" -> true) } jsonOk(Json.toJson(json)) } } }
Example 15
Source File: AdminController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.admin import import controllers.{BaseAuthController, Security} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.contribution.ContributionService import services.document.{DocumentService, DocumentToJSON} import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import services.visit.VisitService import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor import controllers.HasPrettyPrintJSON @Singleton class AdminController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val annotations: AnnotationService, val contributions: ContributionService, val documents: DocumentService, val users: UserService, val visits: VisitService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val ctx: ExecutionContextExecutor, implicit val webJarsUtil: WebJarsUtil ) extends BaseAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON { def index = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)) { implicit request => Ok(views.html.admin.activity()) } def getStats() = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => // DocumentRecord JSON serialization import DocumentToJSON._ val fRecentContributions = contributions.getMostRecent(10) val fSystemStats = contributions.getSystemStats() val fTotalAnnotations = annotations.countTotal() val fTotalVisits = visits.countTotal() val fTotalUsers = users.countUsers() val f = for { recentContributions <- fRecentContributions recentAffectedDocuments <- documents.getDocumentRecordsById( stats <- fSystemStats annotationCount <- fTotalAnnotations visitCount <- fTotalVisits userCount <- fTotalUsers } yield (recentContributions, recentAffectedDocuments, stats, annotationCount, visitCount, userCount) { case (recentContributions, recentAffectedDocuments, stats, annotationCount, visitCount, userCount) => val response = Json.obj( "recent_contributions" -> recentContributions, "recent_documents" -> recentAffectedDocuments, "contribution_stats" -> stats, "total_annotations" -> annotationCount, "total_visits" -> visitCount, "total_users" -> userCount) jsonOk(response) } } def getSignupHistory = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => users.getSignupsOverTime().map { history => val json = => Json.obj("timestamp" -> t._1, "count" -> t._2)) jsonOk(Json.toJson(json)) } } }
Example 16
Source File: BackupAdminController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.admin.backup import import import import controllers.{BaseAuthController, Security} import controllers.document.BackupReader import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.ContentType import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.document.DocumentService import services.generated.tables.records.DocumentFilepartRecord import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import services.visit.VisitService import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.{ControllerComponents, ResponseHeader, Result} import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFileCreator import play.api.http.HttpEntity import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import storage.db.DB import import transform.tiling.TilingService @Singleton class BackupAdminController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val migrationUtil: AnnotationMigrationUtil, val users: UserService, val visits: VisitService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val db: DB, implicit val tilingService: TilingService, implicit val annotations: AnnotationService, implicit val documents: DocumentService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val system: ActorSystem, implicit val tmpFileCreator: TemporaryFileCreator, implicit val webJarsUtil: WebJarsUtil ) extends BaseAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with BackupReader { def restore = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => request.body.asMultipartFormData.flatMap(_.file("backup")) match { case Some(formData) => restoreBackup(formData.ref.path.toFile, runAsAdmin = true, forcedOwner = None).map { case (doc, fileparts) => Ok }.recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() InternalServerError } case None => Future.successful(BadRequest) } } def exportVisits = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => visits.scrollExport().map { path => val fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd") val source = FileIO.fromPath(path) val filename = s"visits-exported-${fmt.print(}.csv" Result( header = ResponseHeader(200, Map("Content-Disposition" -> s"""attachment; filename="${filename}"""")), body = HttpEntity.Streamed(source, None, Some("text/csv")) ) } } def deleteVisitsOlderThan(date: Option[String]) = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => date match { case Some(_) => Future.successful(BadRequest("User-provided dates not supported yet.")) case _ => val cutoffDate = minusMonths 6 visits.deleteOlderThan(cutoffDate).map { success => if (success) Ok("Done.") else InternalServerError("Something went wrong.") } } } }
Example 17
Source File: MaintenanceController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.admin.maintenance import import controllers.{BaseAuthController, Security, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.joda.time.DateTime import import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.announcement.AnnouncementService import services.document.DocumentService import services.generated.tables.records.UploadRecord import services.upload.UploadService import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import services.HasDate import import storage.uploads.Uploads @Singleton class MaintenanceController @Inject()( val announcements: AnnouncementService, val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val env: Environment, val es: ES, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], val uploadService: UploadService, val uploadStorage: Uploads, val users: UserService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val webJarsUtil: WebJarsUtil ) extends BaseAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasPrettyPrintJSON with HasDate { implicit val uploadRecordWrites: Writes[UploadRecord] = ( (JsPath \ "owner").write[String] and (JsPath \ "title").write[String] and (JsPath \ "created_at").write[DateTime] )(upload => ( upload.getOwner, upload.getTitle, new DateTime(upload.getCreatedAt) )) def index = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => uploadService.listPendingUploads().map { uploads => Ok(views.html.admin.maintenance()) } } def insertBroadcast = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => announcements.insertBroadcastAnnouncement( """# Like Recogito? Vote for us! We are excited that Recogito has been nominated for the [Digital Humanities Awards]( this year. If you like Recogito, do consider voting for us. Many thanks & happy annotating! """).map(_ => Ok) } def deleteAllServiceAnnouncements = silhouette.SecuredAction(Security.WithRole(Admin)).async { implicit request => announcements.clearAll().map { success => if (success) Ok else InternalServerError } } }
Example 18
Source File: StatusController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.landing import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, Action, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.user.UserService import services.contribution.ContributionService @Singleton class StatusController @Inject()( val components: ControllerComponents, val users: UserService, val edits: ContributionService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) { def index = Action.async { request => val fDBOnline = users.countUsers() .map { _ => true } .recover { case t: Throwable => false } val fIndexOnline = edits.countLast24hrs() .map { _ => true } .recover { case t: Throwable => false } val f = for { dbOnline <- fDBOnline idxOnline <- fIndexOnline } yield (dbOnline, idxOnline) { case (dbOnline, idxOnline) => Ok(views.html.landing.status(dbOnline, idxOnline)) } } }
Example 19
Source File: SqlComponent.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mass.db.slick import akka.Done import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource import fusion.core.extension.FusionCore import fusion.jdbc.{ FusionJdbc, JdbcTemplate } import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import slick.basic.DatabasePublisher import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Failure @Singleton class SqlComponent @Inject() (val profile: PgProfile, classicSystem: ActorSystem) extends StrictLogging { import profile.api._ val dataSource: HikariDataSource = FusionJdbc(classicSystem).component val db = databaseForDataSource(dataSource) val jdbcTemplate: JdbcTemplate = JdbcTemplate(dataSource) FusionCore(classicSystem).shutdowns.beforeActorSystemTerminate("StopSqlManager") { () => Future { db.close() Done }(classicSystem.dispatcher) } def runTransaction[R, E <: Effect.Write](a: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, E]): Future[R] = wrapperLogging( def run[R](a: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]): Future[R] = wrapperLogging( def stream[T](a: DBIOAction[_, Streaming[T], Nothing]): DatabasePublisher[T] = def streamTransaction[T, E <: Effect.Write](a: DBIOAction[_, Streaming[T], E]): DatabasePublisher[T] = @inline private def wrapperLogging[T](f: Future[T]): Future[T] = f.andThen { case Failure(e) => logger.warn(s"Slick run error [${e.toString}].") }(db.ioExecutionContext) override def toString = s"SqlSystem($dataSource, $jdbcTemplate, $db)" }
Example 20
Source File: DynamoService.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future @Singleton class DynamoService @Inject()(client: AmazonDynamoDB, config: Config) extends AbstractService { private val nextId = new AtomicLong() private val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors(), (r: Runnable) => { new Thread(r, s"dynamo-db-${nextId.getAndIncrement()}") } ) private val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(pool) override def startImpl(): Unit = () override def stopImpl(): Unit = { client match { case c: AmazonDynamoDBClient => c.shutdown() case _ => } } def execute[T](task: AmazonDynamoDB => T): Future[T] = Future(task(client))(ec) }
Example 21
Source File: InstrumentationService.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory @Singleton class InstrumentationService @Inject()(config: Config, metrics: MetricLibrary) extends AbstractService { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("") private val tagsPerMetric = config.getInt("netflix.iep.clienttest.tags-per-metric") private val numCounters = config.getInt("netflix.iep.clienttest.num-counters") private val numTimers = config.getInt("netflix.iep.clienttest.num-timers") private val numDistSummaries = config.getInt("netflix.iep.clienttest.num-dist-summaries") private val numGauges = config.getInt("netflix.iep.clienttest.num-gauges") private val numPolledGauges = config.getInt("netflix.iep.clienttest.num-polled-gauges") private val numSlowPolledGauges = config.getInt("netflix.iep.clienttest.num-slow-polled-gauges") // To minimize other noise in terms of memory use and computation we use the same base tag // set for all metrics. private val tagsData = (0 until tagsPerMetric).map { i => val key = f"$i%05d" key -> UUID.randomUUID().toString }.toMap private val executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2) executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() => update(), 0L, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // Polled sources only need to be registered once (0 until numPolledGauges).foreach { i => metrics.poll("polledGauge", createTags(i), i.toDouble) } (0 until numSlowPolledGauges).foreach { i => metrics.poll("slowPolledGauge", createTags(i), { Thread.sleep(120000) i.toDouble }) } private def update(): Unit = {"update starting")"updating $numCounters counters") (0 until numCounters).foreach { i => metrics.increment("counter", createTags(i)) }"updating $numTimers timers") (0 until numTimers).foreach { i => metrics.recordTime("timer", createTags(i), i) }"updating $numDistSummaries distribution summaries") (0 until numDistSummaries).foreach { i => metrics.recordTime("distSummary", createTags(i), i) }"updating $numGauges gauges") (0 until numGauges).foreach { i => metrics.set("gauge", createTags(i), i) }"update complete") } private def createTags(i: Int): Map[String, String] = { tagsData + ("id" -> i.toString) } override def startImpl(): Unit = () override def stopImpl(): Unit = { executor.shutdownNow() } }
Example 22
Source File: LocalFilePersistService.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import import import import import import import import import import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration @Singleton class LocalFilePersistService @Inject()( val config: Config, val registry: Registry, // S3CopyService is actually NOT used by this service, it is here just to guarantee that the // shutdown callback (stopImpl) of this service is invoked before S3CopyService's val s3CopyService: S3CopyService, implicit val system: ActorSystem ) extends AbstractService with StrictLogging { implicit val ec = implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() private val queueSize = config.getInt("atlas.persistence.queue-size") private val fileConfig = config.getConfig("atlas.persistence.local-file") private val dataDir = fileConfig.getString("data-dir") private val maxRecords = fileConfig.getLong("max-records") private val maxDurationMs = fileConfig.getDuration("max-duration").toMillis private val maxLateDurationMs = fileConfig.getDuration("max-late-duration").toMillis private val rollingConf = RollingConfig(maxRecords, maxDurationMs, maxLateDurationMs) require(queueSize > 0) require(maxRecords > 0) require(maxDurationMs > 0) private var queue: SourceQueue[Datapoint] = _ private var flowComplete: Future[Done] = _ override def startImpl(): Unit = {"Starting service") val (q, f) = StreamOps .blockingQueue[Datapoint](registry, "LocalFilePersistService", queueSize) .via(getRollingFileFlow) .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.both) .run queue = q flowComplete = f } private def getRollingFileFlow(): Flow[Datapoint, NotUsed, NotUsed] = { import scala.concurrent.duration._ RestartFlow.withBackoff( minBackoff = 1.second, maxBackoff = 3.seconds, randomFactor = 0, maxRestarts = -1 ) { () => Flow.fromGraph( new RollingFileFlow(dataDir, rollingConf, registry) ) } } // This service should stop the Akka flow when application is shutdown gracefully, and let // S3CopyService do the cleanup. It should trigger: // 1. stop taking more data points (monitor droppedQueueClosed) // 2. close current file writer so that last file is ready to copy to s3 override def stopImpl(): Unit = {"Stopping service") queue.complete() Await.result(flowComplete, Duration.Inf)"Stopped service") } def persist(dp: Datapoint): Unit = { queue.offer(dp) } }
Example 23
Source File: S3CopyService.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths import akka.NotUsed import import import import import import import import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import scala.concurrent.duration._ @Singleton class S3CopyService @Inject()( val config: Config, val registry: Registry, implicit val system: ActorSystem ) extends AbstractService with StrictLogging { private val dataDir = config.getString("") private implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() private var killSwitch: KillSwitch = _ private val s3Config = config.getConfig("atlas.persistence.s3") private val cleanupTimeoutMs = s3Config.getDuration("cleanup-timeout").toMillis private val maxInactiveMs = s3Config.getDuration("max-inactive-duration").toMillis private val maxFileDurationMs = config.getDuration("atlas.persistence.local-file.max-duration").toMillis require( maxInactiveMs > maxFileDurationMs, "`max-inactive-duration` MUST be longer than `max-duration`, otherwise file may be renamed before normal write competes" ) override def startImpl(): Unit = {"Starting service") killSwitch = Source .tick(1.second, 5.seconds, NotUsed) .viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right) .flatMapMerge(Int.MaxValue, _ => Source(FileUtil.listFiles(new File(dataDir)))) .toMat(new S3CopySink(s3Config, registry, system))(Keep.left) .run() } override def stopImpl(): Unit = {"Stopping service") waitForCleanup() if (killSwitch != null) killSwitch.shutdown() } private def waitForCleanup(): Unit = {"Waiting for cleanup") val start = System.currentTimeMillis while (hasMoreFiles) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > start + cleanupTimeoutMs) { logger.error("Cleanup timeout") return } Thread.sleep(1000) }"Cleanup done") } private def hasMoreFiles: Boolean = { try { Streams.scope(Files.list(Paths.get(dataDir))) { dir => dir.anyMatch(f => Files.isRegularFile(f)) } } catch { case e: Exception => { logger.error(s"Error checking hasMoreFiles in $dataDir", e) true // Assuming there's more files on error to retry } } } }
Example 24
Source File: Main.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import javax.inject.Singleton object Main extends StrictLogging { private def isLocalEnv: Boolean = !sys.env.contains("EC2_INSTANCE_ID") private def getBaseModules: java.util.List[Module] = { val modules = { GuiceHelper.getModulesUsingServiceLoader } if (isLocalEnv) { // If we are running in a local environment, provide simple versions of registry // and config bindings. These bindings are normally provided by the final package // config for the app in the production setup. modules.add(new AbstractModule { override def configure(): Unit = { bind(classOf[Registry]).toInstance(new NoopRegistry) bind(classOf[Config]).toInstance(ConfigFactory.load()) } }) } modules } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { try { val modules = getBaseModules modules.add(new ServerModule) val guice = new GuiceHelper guice.start(modules) guice.getInjector.getInstance(classOf[ServiceManager]) guice.addShutdownHook() } catch { // Send exceptions to main log file instead of wherever STDERR is sent for the process case t: Throwable => logger.error("fatal error on startup", t) } } class ServerModule extends BaseModule { override def configure(): Unit = { val serviceBinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), classOf[Service]) serviceBinder.addBinding().to(classOf[SlottingService]) } @Provides @Singleton protected def providesAmazonDynamoDB(factory: AwsClientFactory): AmazonDynamoDB = { factory.getInstance(classOf[AmazonDynamoDB]) } @Provides @Singleton protected def providesAmazonEC2(factory: AwsClientFactory): AmazonEC2 = { factory.getInstance(classOf[AmazonEC2]) } @Provides @Singleton protected def providesAmazonAutoScaling(factory: AwsClientFactory): AmazonAutoScaling = { factory.getInstance(classOf[AmazonAutoScaling]) } } }
Example 25
Source File: AppModuleSuite.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.Singleton import import import import import import import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite class AppModuleSuite extends AnyFunSuite { import AppModuleSuite._ private val config = ConfigFactory.load() test("aggr service") { val injector = Guice.createInjector( new AppModule, new AbstractModule { override def configure(): Unit = { bind(classOf[Config]).toInstance(config) bind(classOf[Registry]).toProvider(classOf[RegistryProvider]) } } ) val aggr = injector.getInstance(classOf[AtlasAggregatorService]) assert(aggr != null) } test("aggr config should use prefix") { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(""" |netflix.atlas.aggr.registry.atlas.uri = "test" """.stripMargin) val aggr = new AggrConfig(config, new NoopRegistry) assert(aggr.uri() === "test") } test("aggr config should use default for missing props") { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(""" |netflix.atlas.aggr.registry.atlas.uri = "test" """.stripMargin) val aggr = new AggrConfig(config, new NoopRegistry) assert(aggr.batchSize() === 10000) } } object AppModuleSuite { @Singleton class RegistryProvider extends Provider[Registry] { override def get(): Registry = { val cfg = new AtlasConfig { override def get(k: String): String = null } new AtlasRegistry(Clock.SYSTEM, cfg) } } }
Example 26
Source File: AtlasAggregatorService.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton class AtlasAggregatorService @Inject()(config: Config, clock: Clock, registry: Registry) extends AbstractService with Aggregator { private val n = math.max(1, Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() / 2) private val aggrCfg = new AggrConfig(config, registry) private val registries = (0 until n) .map(_ => new AtlasRegistry(clock, aggrCfg)) .toArray override def startImpl(): Unit = { registries.foreach(_.start()) } override def stopImpl(): Unit = { registries.foreach(_.stop()) } def lookup(id: Id): AtlasRegistry = { // Max is needed because for Integer.MIN_VALUE the abs value will be negative val i = math.max(math.abs(id.hashCode()), 0) % n registries(i) } override def add(id: Id, value: Double): Unit = { lookup(id).counter(id).add(value) } override def max(id: Id, value: Double): Unit = { lookup(id).maxGauge(id).set(value) } }
Example 27
Source File: AUCMetric.scala From sona with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.objective.metric import javax.inject.Singleton object AUCMetric { private lazy val instance = new AUCMetric def getInstance(): AUCMetric = instance } @Singleton class AUCMetric private extends EvalMetric { override def getKind: EvalMetric.Kind = EvalMetric.Kind.AUC override def eval(preds: Array[Float], labels: Array[Float]): Double = { requireBinary(preds, labels) val scores = val numTotal = scores.length val numPos = scores.count(_._1 > 0) val numNeg = numTotal - numPos // calculate the summation of ranks for positive samples val sumRanks = scores.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1._1.toInt == 1) .map(f => (1.0 + f._2) / numPos / numNeg).sum sumRanks.toFloat - (1.0 + numPos) / numNeg / 2.0 } override def eval(preds: Array[Float], labels: Array[Float], start: Int, end: Int): Double = { requireBinary(preds, labels) eval(preds.slice(start, end), labels.slice(start, end)) } private def requireBinary(preds: Array[Float], labels: Array[Float]): Unit = { if (preds.length != labels.length) throw new RuntimeException("AUC metric should be used for binary classification") } }
Example 28
Source File: LandingController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.landing import import controllers.{ HasConfig, HasUserService, HasVisitLogging, HasPrettyPrintJSON, Security } import import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.libs.json.{Json, JsObject} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.contribution.ContributionService import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService import services.visit.VisitService @Singleton class LandingController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val annotations: AnnotationService, val contributions: ContributionService, val documents: DocumentService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val visits: VisitService, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil ) extends AbstractController(components) with HasConfig with HasUserService with HasVisitLogging with HasPrettyPrintJSON with I18nSupport { def index = silhouette.UserAwareAction { implicit request => // Temporary hack only request.queryString.get("lang").flatMap(_.headOption) match { case Some(lang) => Redirect(routes.LandingController.index).withLang(play.api.i18n.Lang(lang)) case None => request.identity match { case Some(user) => Redirect( case None => logPageView() Ok(views.html.landing.index()) } } } def getStats() = silhouette.UnsecuredAction.async { implicit request => val fAnnotations = annotations.countTotal() val fEdits = contributions.countLast24hrs() val fUsers = users.countUsers() val f = for { annotations <- fAnnotations edits <- fEdits users <- fUsers } yield (annotations, edits, users) { case (annotations, edits, users) => jsonOk(Json.obj( "annotations" -> annotations, "edits" -> edits, "users" -> users )) } } def sitemap() = Action.async { implicit request => documents.listOwnersWithPublicDocuments().map { users => val baseURL = routes.LandingController.index().absoluteURL() val sitemap = => s"${baseURL}${user}").mkString("\n") Ok(sitemap).as("text/plain") } } def robots() = Action { implicit request => val sitemapURL = routes.LandingController.sitemap().absoluteURL() Ok(s"SITEMAP: ${sitemapURL}").as("text/plain") } def swaggerConfig() = Action { implicit request => val json = Json.parse(new FileInputStream("conf/swagger.json")) val baseURL = new URI(routes.LandingController.index.absoluteURL) val host = if (baseURL.getPort == -1) baseURL.getHost else s"${baseURL.getHost}:${baseURL.getPort}" jsonOk([JsObject] ++ Json.obj("host" -> host)) } }
Example 29
Source File: QrtzModels.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mass.job.db.model import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import mass.db.slick.PgProfile @Singleton class QrtzModels @Inject() (val profile: PgProfile) extends QrtzSchedulerStateModelTable with QrtzSimpleTriggersModelTable with QrtzTriggerLogModelTable with QrtzLocksModelTable with QrtzFiredTriggersModelTable with QrtzCronTriggersModelTable with QrtzCalendarsModelTable with QrtzPausedTriggerGrpsModelTable with QrtzBlobTriggersModelTable with QrtzJobDetailsModelTable with QrtzSimpropTriggersModelTable with QrtzTriggersModelTable { import profile.api._ lazy val schema: profile.SchemaDescription = Array( QrtzBlobTriggersModel.schema, QrtzCalendarsModel.schema, QrtzCronTriggersModel.schema, QrtzFiredTriggersModel.schema, QrtzJobDetailsModel.schema, QrtzLocksModel.schema, QrtzPausedTriggerGrpsModel.schema, QrtzSchedulerStateModel.schema, QrtzSimpleTriggersModel.schema, QrtzSimpropTriggersModel.schema, QrtzTriggerLogModel.schema, QrtzTriggersModel.schema).reduceLeft(_ ++ _) }
Example 30
Source File: MockRoute.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mass.job.route.api import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import fusion.http.server.AbstractRoute import fusion.json.jackson.http.JacksonSupport import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } @Singleton class MockRoute @Inject() (val jacksonSupport: JacksonSupport) extends AbstractRoute { override def route: Route = pathPrefix("api") { currentUser ~ ruleRoute } def ruleRoute: Route = pathGet("rule") { objectComplete(jacksonSupport.objectMapper.createArrayNode) } def currentUser: Route = pathGet("currentUser") { objectComplete(jacksonSupport.objectMapper.readTree(Mock.currentUser)) } } object Mock { val currentUser = """{"name":"Serati Ma","avatar":"","userid":"00000001","email":"[email protected]","signature":"海纳百川,有容乃大","title":"交互专家","group":"蚂蚁金服-某某某事业群-某某平台部-某某技术部-UED","tags":[{"key":"0","label":"很有想法的"},{"key":"1","label":"专注设计"},{"key":"2","label":"辣~"},{"key":"3","label":"大长腿"},{"key":"4","label":"川妹子"},{"key":"5","label":"海纳百川"}],"notifyCount":12,"country":"China","geographic":{"province":{"label":"浙江省","key":"330000"},"city":{"label":"杭州市","key":"330100"}},"address":"西湖区工专路 77 号","phone":"0752-268888888"}""" }
Example 31
Source File: JobRoute.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mass.job.route.api.v1 import import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import fusion.http.server.{ AbstractRoute, JacksonDirectives } import fusion.json.jackson.http.JacksonSupport import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import import mass.extension.MassCore import mass.job.service.job.JobService import mass.message.job._ @Singleton class JobRoute @Inject() (jobService: JobService, val jacksonSupport: JacksonSupport)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends AbstractRoute with JacksonDirectives with StrictLogging { private val pagePDM = ('[Int].?(Page.DEFAULT_PAGE), Symbol("size").as[Int].?(Page.DEFAULT_SIZE), 'key.?) override def route: Route = pathPrefix("job") { createJobRoute ~ updateJobRoute ~ pageRoute ~ itemByKeyRoute ~ uploadJobZipRoute ~ optionAllRoute ~ uploadFileRoute } def createJobRoute: Route = pathPost("create") { entity(jacksonAs[JobCreateReq]) { req => futureComplete(jobService.createJob(req)) } } def updateJobRoute: Route = pathPost("update") { entity(jacksonAs[JobUpdateReq]) { req => futureComplete(jobService.updateJob(req)) } } def itemByKeyRoute: Route = pathGet("item" / Segment) { key => futureComplete(jobService.findItemByKey(key)) } def pageRoute: Route = pathGet("page") { parameters(pagePDM).as(JobPageReq.apply _) { req => futureComplete( } } def uploadJobZipRoute: Route = pathPost("upload_job") { extractExecutionContext { implicit ec => storeUploadedFile("job", createTempFileFunc(MassCore(system).tempDirectory)) { case (fileInfo, file) => futureComplete(jobService.uploadJobOnZip(fileInfo, file.toPath)) } } } def uploadFileRoute: Route = pathPost("upload_file") { extractExecutionContext { implicit ec => uploadedFiles(createTempFileFunc(MassCore(system).tempDirectory)) { list => futureComplete(jobService.uploadFiles(list)) } } } def optionAllRoute: Route = pathGet("option_all") { futureComplete(jobService.listOption()) } }
Example 32
Source File: JobService.scala From fusion-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mass.job.service.job import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path } import{ ActorRef, ActorSystem } import import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.FileInfo import akka.util.Timeout import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import mass.job.service.job.JobActor.CommandReply import mass.message.job._ import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.reflect.ClassTag @Singleton class JobService @Inject() (implicit system: ActorSystem[_]) { implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(10.seconds) val jobActor: ActorRef[JobActor.Command] = JobActor.init(system) def listOption(): Future[JobGetAllOptionResp] = askToJob[JobGetAllOptionResp](JobGetAllOptionReq()) def uploadFiles(list: immutable.Seq[(FileInfo, File)])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JobUploadFilesResp] = { askToJob[JobUploadFilesResp](JobUploadFilesReq(list)).andThen { case _ => list.foreach { case (_, file) => Files.deleteIfExists(file.toPath) } } } def uploadJobOnZip(fileInfo: FileInfo, file: Path)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JobUploadJobResp] = { val req = JobUploadJobReq( file, fileInfo.fileName, askToJob[JobUploadJobResp](req).andThen { case _ => Files.deleteIfExists(file) } } def updateTrigger(req: JobUpdateReq): Future[JobSchedulerResp] = askToJob[JobSchedulerResp](req) def page(req: JobPageReq): Future[JobPageResp] = askToJob[JobPageResp](req) def findItemByKey(key: String): Future[JobSchedulerResp] = askToJob[JobSchedulerResp](JobFindReq(key = key)) def createJob(req: JobCreateReq): Future[JobCreateResp] = askToJob[JobCreateResp](req) def updateJob(req: JobUpdateReq): Future[JobSchedulerResp] = askToJob[JobSchedulerResp](req) @inline private def askToJob[RESP](req: JobMessage)(implicit tag: ClassTag[RESP]): Future[RESP] = jobActor.ask[JobResponse](replyTo => CommandReply(req, replyTo)).mapTo[RESP] }
Example 33
package import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.{ElasticsearchClientUri, TcpClient} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._ import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.bulk.RichBulkResponse import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType import play.api.{Configuration, Logger} import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle import import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, ExecutionContext} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} private def loadMappings(existingMappings: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String]): Seq[(String, String)] = new File("conf/es-mappings").listFiles.toSeq.filter(_.getName.endsWith(".json")) .foldLeft(Seq.empty[(Int, (String, String))])((mappings, file) => { val number = file.getName.substring(0, 2).toInt val name = file.getName.substring(3, file.getName.lastIndexOf('.')) if (existingMappings.contains(name)) { mappings } else { val json = Source.fromFile(file).getLines.mkString("\n") mappings :+ (number, (name, json)) } }).sortBy(_._1).map(_._2) def countTotalDocs()(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext): Future[Long] = client execute { search(ES.RECOGITO) limit 0 } map { _.totalHits } }
Example 34
Source File: AnnotationMigrationUtil.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.{Hit, HitReader} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._ import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.searches.RichSearchResponse import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.entity.builtin.EntityService import{ES, HasScrollProcessing} class AnnotationMigrationUtil @Inject()( annotationService: AnnotationService, entityService: EntityService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val es: ES ) extends HasScrollProcessing { implicit object LegacyAnnotationHitReader extends HitReader[LegacyAnnotation] { override def read(hit: Hit): Either[Throwable, LegacyAnnotation] = Right(Json.fromJson[LegacyAnnotation](Json.parse(hit.sourceAsString)).get) } private val SOURCE_INDEX_LEGACY = "recogito_v22" private val DEST_INDEX_NEW = "recogito" private def reindex(response: RichSearchResponse): Future[Boolean] = { val hits =[LegacyAnnotation] annotationService.upsertAnnotations( annotations =, versioned = false ).map(_.isEmpty) } def runMigration: Future[Boolean] = es.client execute { search(SOURCE_INDEX_LEGACY / ES.ANNOTATION) query matchAllQuery limit 200 scroll "5m" } flatMap { scroll(reindex, _) } map { success => if (success)"Migration completed successfully. Yay!") else"Migration stopped. Something went wrong.") success } }
Example 35
package storage.db import import import java.sql.Connection import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles import org.jooq.impl.DSL import org.jooq.{ SQLDialect, DSLContext } import play.api.Logger import play.api.db.Database import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import object DB { val CURRENT_SQLDIALECTT = SQLDialect.POSTGRES_9_4 } private def initDB(connection: Connection) = { // Splitting by ; is not 100% robust - but should be sufficient for our own schema file val statement = connection.createStatement Source.fromFile("conf/schema.sql", "UTF-8") .getLines().map(_.trim) .filter(line => !(line.startsWith("--") || line.isEmpty)) .mkString(" ").split(";") .foreach(s => { statement.addBatch(s + ";") }) statement.executeBatch() statement.close() } private def createDefaultUserIfEmpty() = { count => if (count == 0) { Logger.warn("#######################################################") Logger.warn("# Empty user table - creating default recogito/recogito") Logger.warn("#######################################################") val f = for { _ <- userService.insertUser("recogito", "[email protected]", "recogito", false) _ <- userService.insertUserRole("recogito", Roles.Admin) } yield() { _ => Logger.warn("# Done. Make sure to remove this user in production!") Logger.warn("#######################################################") } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() } } } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() } }
Example 36
Source File: JobNotifyApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import asura.common.model.ApiRes import import import asura.core.model.QueryJobNotify import asura.core.notify.JobNotifyManager import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class JobNotifyApi @Inject()( implicit system: ActorSystem, exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents, ) extends BaseApi { def all() = Action { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = JobNotifyManager.all())) } def put() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val notify = req.bodyAs(classOf[JobNotify]) val user = getProfileId() notify.fillCommonFields(user) JobNotifyService.index(notify).toOkResult } def update(id: String) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val notify = req.bodyAs(classOf[JobNotify]) JobNotifyService.updateNotify(id, notify).toOkResult } def delete(id: String) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => JobNotifyService.deleteDoc(id).toOkResult } def query() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val queryNotify = req.bodyAs(classOf[QueryJobNotify]) JobNotifyService.querySubscribers(queryNotify).toOkResultByEsList(true) } }
Example 37
Source File: RestApiApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import asura.core.model.QueryApi import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class RestApiApi @Inject()(implicit exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents) extends BaseApi { def getById(id: String) = Action.async { implicit req => ApiService.getById(id).toOkResultByEsOneDoc(id) } def getOne() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val api = req.bodyAs(classOf[RestApi]) ApiService.getOne(api).toOkResultByEsOneDoc(api.generateId()) } def put() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val api = req.bodyAs(classOf[RestApi]) api.fillCommonFields(getProfileId()) ApiService.index(api).toOkResult } def query() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val query = req.bodyAs(classOf[QueryApi]) ApiService.queryApi(query).toOkResultByEsList() } }
Example 38
Source File: ActivityApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import asura.common.model.ApiRes import import import asura.core.model.{AggsQuery, SearchAfterActivity} import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class ActivityApi @Inject()(implicit system: ActorSystem, val exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents ) extends BaseApi { def trend(groups: Boolean = true) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val aggs = req.bodyAs(classOf[AggsQuery]) aggs.types = Seq(Activity.TYPE_TEST_CASE) val res = for { trends <- ActivityService.trend(aggs) } yield trends => { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = Map("trends" -> trends))) }) } def aggTerms() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val aggs = req.bodyAs(classOf[AggsQuery]) ActivityService.aggTerms(aggs).toOkResult } def recent(wd: String = null, discover: Boolean = false) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => RecommendService.getRecommendProjects(getProfileId(), wd, discover).toOkResult } def feed() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val query = req.bodyAs(classOf[SearchAfterActivity]) if (query.onlyMe) { query.user = getProfileId() } ActivityService.searchFeed(query).toOkResult } }
Example 39
Source File: CountApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class CountApi @Inject()(implicit exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents) extends BaseApi { def all() = Action.async { implicit req => val countRes = for { http <- CountService.countIndex(HttpCaseRequest.Index) dubbo <- CountService.countIndex(DubboRequest.Index) sql <- CountService.countIndex(SqlRequest.Index) scenario <- CountService.countIndex(Scenario.Index) job <- CountService.countIndex(Job.Index) webHttp <- CountService.countActivity(Activity.TYPE_TEST_CASE) webDubbo <- CountService.countActivity(Activity.TYPE_TEST_DUBBO) webSql <- CountService.countActivity(Activity.TYPE_TEST_SQL) webScenario <- CountService.countActivity(Activity.TYPE_TEST_SCENARIO) webJob <- CountService.countActivity(Activity.TYPE_TEST_JOB) ciJob <- CountService.countJob(JobReport.TYPE_CI) quartzJob <- CountService.countJob(JobReport.TYPE_QUARTZ) } yield ( http, dubbo, sql, scenario, job, webHttp, webDubbo, webSql, webScenario, webJob, ciJob, quartzJob, ) => { Map( "http" -> tuple._1, "dubbo" -> tuple._2, "sql" -> tuple._3, "scenario" -> tuple._4, "job" -> tuple._5, "webHttp" -> tuple._6, "webDubbo" -> tuple._7, "webSql" -> tuple._8, "webScenario" -> tuple._9, "webJob" -> tuple._10, "ciJob" -> tuple._11, "quartzJob" -> tuple._12, ) }).flatMap(count => { val histogramRes = for { httpHistogram <- CountService.dateHistogram(HttpCaseRequest.Index) dubboHistogram <- CountService.dateHistogram(DubboRequest.Index) sqlHistogram <- CountService.dateHistogram(SqlRequest.Index) scenarioHistogram <- CountService.dateHistogram(Scenario.Index) jobHistogram <- CountService.dateHistogram(Job.Index) webHttpHistogram <- CountService.activityDateHistogram(Activity.TYPE_TEST_CASE) webDubboHistogram <- CountService.activityDateHistogram(Activity.TYPE_TEST_DUBBO) webSqlHistogram <- CountService.activityDateHistogram(Activity.TYPE_TEST_SQL) webScenarioHistogram <- CountService.activityDateHistogram(Activity.TYPE_TEST_SCENARIO) webJobHistogram <- CountService.activityDateHistogram(Activity.TYPE_TEST_JOB) ciJobHistogram <- CountService.jobDateHistogram(JobReport.TYPE_CI) quartzJobHistogram <- CountService.jobDateHistogram(JobReport.TYPE_QUARTZ) } yield ( httpHistogram, dubboHistogram, sqlHistogram, scenarioHistogram, jobHistogram, webHttpHistogram, webDubboHistogram, webSqlHistogram, webScenarioHistogram, webJobHistogram, ciJobHistogram, quartzJobHistogram ) => { Map( "http" -> tuple._1, "dubbo" -> tuple._2, "sql" -> tuple._3, "scenario" -> tuple._4, "job" -> tuple._5, "webHttp" -> tuple._6, "webDubbo" -> tuple._7, "webSql" -> tuple._8, "webScenario" -> tuple._9, "webJob" -> tuple._10, "ciJob" -> tuple._11, "quartzJob" -> tuple._12, ) }).map(histogram => { Map("count" -> count, "histogram" -> histogram) }) }).toOkResult } }
Example 40
Source File: EnvApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import asura.common.model.{ApiRes, ApiResError} import asura.core.ErrorMessages import asura.core.auth.AuthManager import import import{EnvironmentService, HttpCaseRequestService, JobService, ScenarioService} import asura.core.model.QueryEnv import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class EnvApi @Inject()(implicit exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents) extends BaseApi { def getById(id: String) = Action.async { implicit req => EnvironmentService.getEnvById(id).map(env => { if (null != env.auth && env.auth.nonEmpty) { env.auth.foreach(authData => { AuthManager(authData.`type`).foreach(_.mask(authData)) }) } env }).toOkResult } def put(group: String, project: String) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val env = req.bodyAs(classOf[Environment]) env.fillCommonFields(getProfileId()) EnvironmentService.index(env).toOkResult } def update(group: String, project: String, id: String) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val env = req.bodyAs(classOf[Environment]) env.fillCommonFields(getProfileId()) EnvironmentService.updateEnv(id, env).toOkResult } def query() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val queryEnv = req.bodyAs(classOf[QueryEnv]) EnvironmentService.queryEnv(queryEnv).toOkResultByEsList() } def getAllAuth() = Action { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = AuthManager.getAll())) } def delete(id: String, preview: Option[Boolean]) = Action.async { implicit req => val ids = Seq(id) val res = for { c <- HttpCaseRequestService.containEnv(ids) s <- ScenarioService.containEnv(ids) j <- JobService.containEnv(ids) } yield (c, s, j) res.flatMap(resTriple => { val (caseRes, scenarioRes, jobRes) = resTriple if (caseRes.isSuccess && scenarioRes.isSuccess && jobRes.isSuccess) { if (preview.nonEmpty && preview.get) { Future.successful(toActionResultFromAny(Map( "case" -> EsResponse.toApiData(caseRes.result), "scenario" -> EsResponse.toApiData(scenarioRes.result), "job" -> EsResponse.toApiData(jobRes.result) ))) } else { if (caseRes.result.isEmpty && scenarioRes.result.isEmpty && jobRes.result.isEmpty) { EnvironmentService.deleteDoc(id).toOkResult } else { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_CantDeleteEnv)))) } } } else { val errorRes = if (!scenarioRes.isSuccess) scenarioRes else jobRes ErrorMessages.error_EsRequestFail(errorRes).toFutureFail } }) } }
Example 41
Source File: UserApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import import asura.common.model.{ApiRes, ApiResError} import asura.common.util.StringUtils import import{Activity, BaseIndex, UserProfile => EsUserProfile} import import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.pac4j.core.profile.{CommonProfile, ProfileManager} import org.pac4j.ldap.profile.LdapProfile import import import import play.api.Configuration import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class UserApi @Inject()( implicit val system: ActorSystem, val exec: ExecutionContext, val configuration: Configuration, val sessionStore: PlaySessionStore, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents ) extends BaseApi { val administrators = configuration.getOptional[Seq[String]]("asura.admin").getOrElse(Nil).toSet val activityActor = system.actorOf(ActivitySaveActor.props()) def login() = Action.async { implicit request => val webContext = new PlayWebContext(request, sessionStore) val profileManager = new ProfileManager[CommonProfile](webContext) val profile = profileManager.get(true) if (!profile.isPresent) { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_EmptyProfile)))) } else { val commonProfile = profile.get() val token = commonProfile.getAttribute("token") val email = commonProfile.getAttribute("mail") if (null == token) { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_TokenGeneratedError)))) } else { val username = commonProfile.getId val emailStr = if (null != email) email.toString else StringUtils.EMPTY val apiUserProfile = UserProfile( token = token.toString, username = username, email = emailStr, isSysAdmin = administrators.contains(username) ) UserProfileService.getProfileById(username) .flatMap(profile => { if (null != profile) { // already registered apiUserProfile.nickname = profile.nickname apiUserProfile.avatar = profile.avatar apiUserProfile.summary = profile.summary apiUserProfile.description = profile.description = activityActor ! Activity(StringUtils.EMPTY, StringUtils.EMPTY, username, Activity.TYPE_USER_LOGIN, username) Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = apiUserProfile))) } else { // new user val esUserProfile = EsUserProfile( username = username, email = emailStr ) if (commonProfile.isInstanceOf[LdapProfile]) { // first time login by ldap esUserProfile.fillCommonFields(BaseIndex.CREATOR_LDAP) } else { // not by ldap esUserProfile.fillCommonFields(BaseIndex.CREATOR_STANDARD) } UserProfileService.index(esUserProfile).map(indexResponse => { activityActor ! Activity(StringUtils.EMPTY, StringUtils.EMPTY, username, Activity.TYPE_NEW_USER, username) if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty( { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = apiUserProfile)) } else { OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_FailToCreateUser))) } }) } }) } } } def get() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => UserProfileService.getProfileById(getProfileId()).toOkResult } def update() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val userProfile = req.bodyAs(classOf[EsUserProfile]) UserProfileService.updateProfile(userProfile).toOkResult } }
Example 42
Source File: ClusterApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import import asura.cluster.ClusterManager import import asura.common.model.ApiResError import asura.core.CoreConfig import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.{RequestHeader, Result} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ClusterApi @Inject()( implicit val system: ActorSystem, val exec: ExecutionContext, val configuration: Configuration, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents ) extends BaseApi { implicit val timeout: Timeout = CoreConfig.DEFAULT_ACTOR_ASK_TIMEOUT def getMembers() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => checkClusterEnabled { (ClusterManager.clusterManagerActor ? GetAllMembers).toOkResult } } private def checkClusterEnabled(func: => Future[Result])(implicit request: RequestHeader): Future[Result] = { if (ClusterManager.enabled) { func } else { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_ClusterNotEnabled)))) } } }
Example 43
Source File: SwaggerApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import @Singleton class SwaggerApi @Inject()(val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents) extends BaseApi { def home() = Action { Redirect("/openapi/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/assets/swagger.json", MOVED_PERMANENTLY) } def editor(url: Option[String]) = Action { val param = if (url.nonEmpty) s"?url=${url.get}" else "" Redirect(s"/openapi/swagger-editor/index.html${param}", MOVED_PERMANENTLY) } }
Example 44
Source File: HomeApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import asura.common.model.ApiRes import import import asura.core.model.QueryHome import import controllers.Assets import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class HomeApi @Inject()( implicit exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents, val assets: Assets, val errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler, ) extends BaseApi { def index() ="index.html") def asset(resource: String): Action[AnyContent] = { if (resource.startsWith("api") || resource.startsWith("openapi")) { Action.async(r => errorHandler.onClientError(r, NOT_FOUND, "Not found")) } else { if (resource.contains(".")) else index } } def query() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val queryHome = req.bodyAs(classOf[QueryHome]) HomeService.queryDoc(queryHome).map(res => { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = => { hit.sourceAsMap ++ Seq( (FieldKeys.FIELD__ID ->, ("_type" -> getDocType(hit.index)) ) }))) }) } private def getDocType(index: String): String = { index match { case Group.Index => "group" case Project.Index => "project" case RestApi.Index => "rest" case HttpCaseRequest.Index => "case" case DubboRequest.Index => "dubbo" case SqlRequest.Index => "sql" case Environment.Index => "env" case Scenario.Index => "scenario" case Job.Index => "job" case _ => index } } }
Example 45
Source File: CiApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import{Materializer, OverflowStrategy} import import{CiManager, CiTriggerEventMessage} import import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import play.api.http.ContentTypes import play.api.libs.EventSource import play.api.libs.streams.ActorFlow import play.api.mvc.{Codec, WebSocket} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class CiApi @Inject()( implicit val system: ActorSystem, implicit val exec: ExecutionContext, implicit val mat: Materializer, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents ) extends BaseApi { implicit val codec = Codec.utf_8 def home() = Action { Ok("CI") } def trigger() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val msg = req.bodyAs(classOf[CiTriggerEventMessage]) CiManager.eventSource(msg) Future.successful(Ok("OK")) } def jobWS(id: String) = WebSocket.accept[String, String] { implicit req => ActorFlow.actorRef(out => JobCiActor.props(id, out)) } def jobSSE(id: String) = Action { val ciActor = system.actorOf(JobCiActor.props(id)) val source = Source.actorRef[String](BaseApi.DEFAULT_SOURCE_BUFFER_SIZE, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) .mapMaterializedValue(ref => ciActor ! SenderMessage(ref)) Ok.chunked(source via EventSource.flow) .as(ContentTypes.EVENT_STREAM) .withHeaders(BaseApi.responseNoCacheHeaders: _*) } }
Example 46
Source File: LinkerdApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import asura.common.exceptions.ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage import asura.common.model.{ApiRes, ApiResError} import asura.core.http.HttpEngine import asura.core.{CoreConfig, ErrorMessages} import asura.namerd.DtabEntry import asura.namerd.api.v1.NamerdV1Api import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import play.api.Configuration import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class LinkerdApi @Inject()( implicit val exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents, config: Configuration, ) extends BaseApi { val srcPrefix = "/svc/" val dstPrefix = "/$/inet/" def getProxyServers() = Action { implicit req => if (CoreConfig.linkerdConfig.enabled) { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = CoreConfig.linkerdConfig.servers)) } else { OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage( } } def getHttp(group: String, project: String, server: String) = Action.async { implicit req => if (CoreConfig.linkerdConfig.enabled) { val proxyServer = CoreConfig.linkerdConfig.servers.find(_.tag.equals(server)).get NamerdV1Api.getNamespaceDtabs(proxyServer.namerd, proxyServer.httpNs)(HttpEngine.http).map(dtabs => { val items = ArrayBuffer[DtabItem]() dtabs.foreach(entry => { val pStrs = entry.prefix.split("/") val dStrs = entry.dst.split("/") if (pStrs.length == 5 && dStrs.length == 5) { items += DtabItem( group = pStrs(2), project = pStrs(3), namespace = pStrs(4), host = dStrs(3), port = dStrs(4), owned = group == pStrs(2) && project == pStrs(3) ) } }) toActionResultFromAny(items) }) } else { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage( } } def putHttp(group: String, project: String, server: String) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => if (CoreConfig.linkerdConfig.enabled) { val proxyServer = CoreConfig.linkerdConfig.servers.find(_.tag.equals(server)).get val dtabs = req.bodyAs(classOf[Dtabs]) if (null != dtabs && null != dtabs.dtabs && dtabs.dtabs.nonEmpty) { var error: ErrorMessage = null val entries = ArrayBuffer[DtabEntry]() for (i <- 0 until dtabs.dtabs.length if null == error) { val item = dtabs.dtabs(i) error = item.isValid() entries += DtabEntry( s"${srcPrefix}${}/${item.project}/${item.namespace}", s"${dstPrefix}${}/${item.port}" ) } if (null == error) { NamerdV1Api.updateNamespaceDtabs(proxyServer.namerd, proxyServer.httpNs, entries)(HttpEngine.http).toOkResult } else { error.toFutureFail } } else { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiRes())) } } else { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage( } } }
Example 47
Source File: ConfigApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import asura.common.model.ApiRes import asura.core.assertion.Assertions import asura.core.script.function.Functions import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class ConfigApi @Inject()(implicit system: ActorSystem, val exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents ) extends BaseApi { def getBasics() = Action { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = Map( "assertions" -> Assertions.getAll(), "transforms" -> Functions.getAllTransforms(), ))) } def getAllAssertions() = Action { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = Assertions.getAll())) } def getAllTransforms() = Action { OkApiRes(ApiRes(data = Functions.getAllTransforms())) } }
Example 48
Source File: ScenarioApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import asura.common.model.ApiResError import asura.core.ErrorMessages import import import{Activity, Scenario} import import asura.core.model.QueryScenario import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ScenarioApi @Inject()( implicit system: ActorSystem, val exec: ExecutionContext, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents ) extends BaseApi { val activityActor = system.actorOf(ActivitySaveActor.props()) def getById(id: String) = Action.async { implicit req => ScenarioService.getRelativesById(id).toOkResult } def copyById(id: String) = Action.async { implicit req => ScenarioService.getScenarioById(id).flatMap(scenario => { scenario.fillCommonFields(getProfileId()) ScenarioService.index(scenario) }).toOkResult } def delete(id: String, preview: Option[Boolean]) = Action.async { implicit req => JobService.containScenario(Seq(id)).flatMap(res => { if (res.isSuccess) { if (preview.nonEmpty && preview.get) { Future.successful(toActionResultFromAny(Map( "job" -> EsResponse.toApiData(res.result) ))) } else { if (res.result.isEmpty) { ScenarioService.deleteDoc(id).toOkResult } else { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_CantDeleteScenario)))) } } } else { ErrorMessages.error_EsRequestFail(res).toFutureFail } }) } def put() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val scenario = req.bodyAs(classOf[Scenario]) val user = getProfileId() scenario.fillCommonFields(user) ScenarioService.index(scenario).map(res => { activityActor ! Activity(, scenario.project, user, Activity.TYPE_NEW_SCENARIO, toActionResultFromAny(res) }) } def query() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val queryScenario = req.bodyAs(classOf[QueryScenario]) ScenarioService.queryScenario(queryScenario).toOkResultByEsList() } def update(id: String) = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val scenario = req.bodyAs(classOf[Scenario]) ScenarioService.updateScenario(id, scenario).map(res => { activityActor ! Activity(, scenario.project, getProfileId(), Activity.TYPE_UPDATE_SCENARIO, id) res }).toOkResult } }
Example 49
Source File: ErrorHandler.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import asura.common.exceptions.ErrorMessages import asura.common.exceptions.ErrorMessages.ErrorMessageException import asura.common.model.{ApiCode, ApiRes, ApiResError} import asura.common.util.{LogUtils, StringUtils} import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler import play.api.i18n.{Langs, MessagesApi} import play.api.mvc.{RequestHeader, Result} import scala.concurrent.Future @Singleton class ErrorHandler @Inject()(messagesApi: MessagesApi, langs: Langs) extends HttpErrorHandler with ErrorMessages { lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[ErrorHandler]) override def onClientError(request: RequestHeader, statusCode: Int, message: String): Future[Result] = { val msg = s""""${request.method} ${request.uri}" ${statusCode} ${if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(message)) message else ""}""" Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(msg))) } override def onServerError(request: RequestHeader, exception: Throwable): Future[Result] = { val logStack = LogUtils.stackTraceToString(exception) logger.warn(logStack) val requestLocal = request.headers.get("Local") implicit val lang = if (requestLocal.nonEmpty) { langs.availables.find(_.code == requestLocal.get).getOrElse(langs.availables.head) } else { langs.availables.head } exception match { case errMsgException: ErrorMessageException => val errMsg = messagesApi(, errMsgException.error.errMsg) Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiRes(code = ApiCode.ERROR, msg = errMsg, data = logStack))) case _ => val message = if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(exception.getMessage)) { exception.getMessage } else { messagesApi( } Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiRes(code = ApiCode.ERROR, msg = message, data = logStack))) } } }
Example 50
Source File: DBService.scala From template-site with MIT License | 5 votes |
package services.db import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import play.api.db.slick.DatabaseConfigProvider import slick.dbio.{DBIOAction, NoStream} import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} @ImplementedBy(classOf[DBServiceImpl]) trait DBService { def runAsync[R](a: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]): Future[R] def run[R](a: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]): R } @Singleton class DBServiceImpl @Inject()(val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends DBService { private val db = dbConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile].db def runAsync[R](a: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]): Future[R] = { } def run[R](a: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]): R = { Await.result(runAsync(a), Duration.Inf) } }
Example 51
Source File: HealthController.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import @Singleton class HealthController @Inject() (components: ControllerComponents, healthService: HealthService) extends AbstractController(components) with CacheHeader { def health(): Action[AnyContent] = Action { implicit request => healthService .checkHealth() .map { case Nil => Ok("OK").withHeaders(cacheHeaders: _*) case _ => InternalServerError("There was an internal server error.").withHeaders(cacheHeaders: _*) } .unsafeRunSync() } }
Example 52
Source File: FrontendController.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import actions.SecuritySupport import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import models.{CustomLinks, DnsChangeNotices, Meta} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.concurrent.Future @Singleton class FrontendController @Inject() ( components: ControllerComponents, configuration: Configuration, securitySupport: SecuritySupport ) extends AbstractController(components) { implicit lazy val customLinks: CustomLinks = CustomLinks(configuration) implicit lazy val meta: Meta = Meta(configuration) private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FrontendController]) private val userAction = securitySupport.frontendAction def loginPage(): Action[AnyContent] = securitySupport.loginPage() def noAccess(): Action[AnyContent] = securitySupport.noAccess() def logout(): Action[AnyContent] = securitySupport.logout() def index(): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request => val canReview = request.user.isSuper || request.user.isSupport Future( Ok( views.html.dnsChanges .dnsChanges(request.user.userName, canReview) ) ) } def viewAllGroups(): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request => Future(Ok(views.html.groups.groups(request.user.userName))) } def viewGroup(groupId: String): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request =>"View group for $groupId") Future(Ok(views.html.groups.groupDetail(request.user.userName))) } def viewAllZones(): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request => Future(Ok(views.html.zones.zones(request.user.userName))) } def viewZone(zoneId: String): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request => Future(Ok(views.html.zones.zoneDetail(request.user.userName, zoneId))) } def viewRecordSets(): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request => Future(Ok(views.html.recordsets.recordSets(request.user.userName))) } def viewAllBatchChanges(): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request => val canReview = request.user.isSuper || request.user.isSupport Future( Ok( views.html.dnsChanges .dnsChanges(request.user.userName, canReview) ) ) } def viewBatchChange(batchId: String): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request =>"View Batch Change for $batchId") val canReview = request.user.isSuper || request.user.isSupport val dnsChangeNotices = configuration.get[DnsChangeNotices]("dns-change-notices") Future( Ok( views.html.dnsChanges .dnsChangeDetail(request.user.userName, canReview, dnsChangeNotices) ) ) } def viewNewBatchChange(): Action[AnyContent] = userAction.async { implicit request => Future(Ok(views.html.dnsChanges.dnsChangeNew(request.user.userName))) } }
Example 53
Source File: UserAccountAccessor.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.joda.time.DateTime import vinyldns.core.domain.membership._ @Singleton class UserAccountAccessor @Inject() (users: UserRepository, changes: UserChangeRepository) { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( def get(identifier: String): IO[Option[User]] = users .getUser(identifier) .flatMap { case None => users.getUserByName(identifier) case found => IO(found) } def create(user: User): IO[User] = for { _ <- _ <-, "system", } yield user def update(user: User, oldUser: User): IO[User] = for { _ <- _ <-, "system",, oldUser)) } yield user def getUserByKey(key: String): IO[Option[User]] = users.getUserByAccessKey(key) def getAllUsers: IO[List[User]] = users.getAllUsers def lockUsers(usersToLock: List[User]): IO[List[User]] = { val currentTime = for { lockedUsers <- = LockStatus.Locked))) _ <- usersToLock .zip(lockedUsers) .map { case (oldUser, newUser) =>, "system", currentTime, oldUser)) } .parSequence } yield lockedUsers } }
Example 54
Source File: AuthorityFileService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services.entity import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.BaseService import services.generated.Tables.AUTHORITY_FILE import services.generated.tables.records.AuthorityFileRecord import storage.db.DB @Singleton class AuthorityFileService @Inject() (val db: DB, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext) extends BaseService { def listAll(eType: Option[EntityType] = None) = db.query { sql => sql.selectFrom(AUTHORITY_FILE).fetchArray().toSeq } def findById(id: String) = db.query { sql => Option(sql.selectFrom(AUTHORITY_FILE).where(AUTHORITY_FILE.ID.equal(id)).fetchOne()) } def upsert( identifier: String, entityType: EntityType, shortname: String, fullname: Option[String], homepage: Option[String], shortcode: Option[String], color: Option[String], urlPatterns: Seq[String] ) = db.query { sql => val authorityFile = new AuthorityFileRecord( identifier, entityType.toString, shortname, optString(fullname), optString(homepage), optString(shortcode), optString(color), { if (urlPatterns.size > 0) urlPatterns.mkString(",") else null }) sql .insertInto(AUTHORITY_FILE) .set(authorityFile) .onDuplicateKeyUpdate() .set(authorityFile) .execute() } def delete(identifier: String) = db.query { sql => sql .deleteFrom(AUTHORITY_FILE) .where(AUTHORITY_FILE.ID.equal(identifier)) .execute() == 1 } } object AuthorityFileService { implicit val authorityFileRecordWrites: Writes[AuthorityFileRecord] = ( (JsPath \ "identifier").write[String] and (JsPath \ "authority_type").write[String] and (JsPath \ "shortname").write[String] and (JsPath \ "fullname").writeNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "homepage").writeNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "shortcode").writeNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "color").writeNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "url_patterns").writeNullable[Seq[String]] )(a => ( a.getId, a.getAuthorityType, a.getShortname, Option(a.getFullname), Option(a.getHomepage), Option(a.getShortcode), Option(a.getColor), Option(a.getUrlPatterns).map(_.split(",")) )) }
Example 55
Source File: LoginLogoutController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.landing import{LoginInfo, Silhouette} import controllers.{HasConfig, HasUserService, Security} import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.announcement.AnnouncementService import services.user.UserService import play.api.Configuration import import import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } case class LoginData(usernameOrPassword: String, password: String) @Singleton class LoginLogoutController @Inject() ( val announcements: AnnouncementService, val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], val users: UserService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with HasConfig with HasUserService with I18nSupport { private val MESSAGE = "message" private val INVALID_LOGIN = "Invalid Username or Password" private val auth = silhouette.env.authenticatorService val loginForm = Form( mapping( "username" -> nonEmptyText, "password" -> nonEmptyText )(LoginData.apply)(LoginData.unapply) ) def showLoginForm(destination: Option[String]) = Action { implicit request => destination match { case None => Ok(views.html.landing.login(loginForm)) case Some(dest) => Ok(views.html.landing.login(loginForm)).withSession("access_uri" -> dest) } } def processLogin = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => loginForm.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => Future(BadRequest(views.html.landing.login(formWithErrors))), loginData => users.validateUser(loginData.usernameOrPassword, loginData.password).flatMap { case Some(validUser) => val destination = request.session.get("access_uri").getOrElse(routes.LandingController.index.toString) users.updateLastLogin(validUser.getUsername) val fAuthentication = auth.create(LoginInfo(Security.PROVIDER_ID, validUser.getUsername)) .flatMap(auth.init(_)) fAuthentication.flatMap { authentication => auth.embed(authentication, Redirect(destination).withSession(request.session - "access_uri")) } case None => Future(Redirect(routes.LoginLogoutController.showLoginForm()).flashing(MESSAGE -> INVALID_LOGIN)) } ) } def confirmServiceAnnouncement(id: UUID, response: String, destination: Option[String]) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => announcements.confirm(id, request.identity.username, response).map { success => if (success) else InternalServerError } } def logout = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => auth.discard(request.authenticator, Redirect(routes.LandingController.index)) } }
Example 56
Source File: ResetPasswordController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.landing import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.user.UserService import services.generated.tables.records.UserRecord import import import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.libs.mailer._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} case class ResetPasswordData(email: String) @Singleton class ResetPasswordController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val users: UserService, val mailerClient: MailerClient, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with I18nSupport { val resetPasswordForm = Form( mapping("email" -> email)(ResetPasswordData.apply)(ResetPasswordData.unapply) ) private def sendMail(user: UserRecord, newPassword: String) = Future { val name = Option(user.getRealName).getOrElse(user.getUsername) val message = s"""Dear $name, | |Your Recogito password was reset to | | $newPassword | |Please log in to Recogito with this password. You can change it |in your personal Account Settings. | |Cheers, |the Recogito Team""".stripMargin // TODO this now hard-wires "[email protected]" as reply address // TODO see if we can take this directly from the config file instead val email = Email( "Your Recogito password was reset", "Recogito Team <[email protected]>", Seq(users.decryptEmail(user.getEmail)), Some(message) ) mailerClient.send(email) } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace } def showResetForm = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.landing.resetPassword(resetPasswordForm)) } def resetPassword = Action.async { implicit request => resetPasswordForm.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.landing.resetPassword(formWithErrors))), resetData => users.findByEmail( { case Some(user) => users.resetPassword(user.getUsername).map { password => sendMail(user, password) Ok(views.html.landing.resetPasswordOk()) } case None => Future.successful(Redirect(routes.ResetPasswordController.showResetForm()).flashing("error" -> "Can't find that e-mail, sorry.")) } ) } }
Example 57
Source File: HelpController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import controllers.HasVisitLogging import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.visit.VisitService import import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AbstractController, ControllerComponents, RequestHeader} import play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import import scala.util.Try import services.entity.{AuthorityFileService, EntityType} @Singleton class HelpController @Inject() ( val authorities: AuthorityFileService, val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val env: Environment, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val visits: VisitService, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil ) extends AbstractController(components) with HasVisitLogging { private val adminEmail = config.get[String]("") private val imprint = Try(Source.fromFile(env.getFile("conf/imprint"))) { _.getLines.mkString("\n") } private def result(template: HtmlFormat.Appendable)(implicit request: RequestHeader) = { logPageView() Ok(template) } def localizedTutorial(lang: String) = Action { implicit request => lang.toUpperCase match { case "DE" => result( case "ES" => result( case "FA" => result( case "FR" => result( case "IT" => result( case "NL" => result( case "TR" => result( case _ => NotFound(views.html.error404()) } } def faq = Action.async { implicit request => authorities.listAll(Some(EntityType.PLACE)).map { gazetteers => result( } } def index = Action { implicit request => result( } def about = Action { implicit request => result(, adminEmail)) } def privacy = Action { implicit request => result( } def relations = Action { implicit request => result( } def cloning = Action { implicit request => result( } def sharingLinks = Action { implicit request => result( } def terms = Action { implicit request => result( } def tutorial = Action { implicit request => result( } def workspace = Action { implicit request => result( } def swaggerUi = Action { Redirect(url = "/webjars/swagger-ui/2.2.0/index.html", queryString = Map("url" -> Seq("/swagger.json"))) } }
Example 58
Source File: DocumentService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services.document import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.BaseService import services.generated.Tables.DOCUMENT import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import storage.db.DB import storage.uploads.Uploads @Singleton class DocumentService @Inject() ( implicit val uploads: Uploads, implicit val db: DB ) extends BaseService with create.CreateOps with read.DocumentReadOps with read.FilepartReadOps with read.ReadFromFolderOps with read.CollaboratorReadOps with read.SharedWithMeReadOps with read.AccessibleDocumentOps with search.SearchOps with network.NetworkOps with update.DocumentUpdateOps with update.CollaboratorUpdateOps with delete.DeleteOps { private val SORTABLE_FIELDS = def listIds(folder: Option[UUID], loggedInAs: String)(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext) = folder match { case Some(folderId) => listDocumentsInFolder(folderId, loggedInAs) .map { { case (doc, _) => doc.getId }} case None => listRootIdsByOwner(loggedInAs) } }
Example 59
Source File: VisitService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services.visit import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.{Hit, HitReader, Indexable} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.searches.{RichSearchResponse, RichSearchHit} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._ import java.nio.file.Path import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.Configuration import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.Files.{TemporaryFile, TemporaryFileCreator} import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext} import scala.util.Try import services.{HasDate, HasTryToEither} import{ES, HasScrollProcessing} @Singleton class VisitService @Inject() (implicit val es: ES, val ctx: ExecutionContext, val config: Configuration) extends HasScrollProcessing with HasDate { implicit object VisitIndexable extends Indexable[Visit] { override def json(v: Visit): String = Json.stringify(Json.toJson(v)) } implicit object VisitHitReader extends HitReader[Visit] with HasTryToEither { override def read(hit: Hit): Either[Throwable, Visit] = Try(Json.fromJson[Visit](Json.parse(hit.sourceAsString)).get) } def insertVisit(visit: Visit): Future[Unit] = es.client execute { indexInto(ES.RECOGITO / ES.VISIT).doc(visit) } map { _ => } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace } def countTotal(): Future[Long] = es.client execute { search(ES.RECOGITO / ES.VISIT) limit 0 } map { _.totalHits } def countSince(date: DateTime): Future[Long] = es.client execute { search(ES.RECOGITO / ES.VISIT) query { rangeQuery("visited_at").gt(formatDate(date)) } limit 0 } map { _.totalHits } def scrollExport()(implicit creator: TemporaryFileCreator): Future[Path] = { val exporter = CsvExporter.createNew() def writeToFile(response: RichSearchResponse): Future[Boolean] = Future { val visits =[Visit] exporter.writeBatch(visits) } map { _ => true } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() false } es.client execute { search(ES.RECOGITO / ES.VISIT) query matchAllQuery limit 200 scroll "5m" } flatMap { scroll(writeToFile, _) } map { success => exporter.close() if (success) exporter.path else throw new RuntimeException() } recover { case t: Throwable => Try(exporter.close()) throw t } } def deleteOlderThan(date: DateTime): Future[Boolean] = es.client execute { deleteIn(ES.RECOGITO / ES.VISIT) by { rangeQuery("visited_at").lt(formatDate(date)) } } map { _ => true } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() false } }
Example 60
Source File: SimilarityService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services.similarity import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.document.DocumentService import services.generated.Tables.SIMILARITY import services.generated.tables.records.SimilarityRecord import storage.db.DB def findSimilar(docId: String, loggedInAs: Option[String], n: Int = 10) = { val f = for { similarities <- fetchSimilarityMetrics(docId, n) docsAndAccesslevels <- documents.getDocumentRecordsByIdWithAccessLevel(, loggedInAs) } yield (similarities, docsAndAccesslevels) { case (similarities, docsAndAccessLevels) => { case (doc, accesslevel) => (doc, accesslevel, similarities.find(_.docId == doc.getId).get) } filter { _._2.canReadData } // Only expose docs with at least READ_DATA permission } } }
Example 61
Source File: AnnotationStatsService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services.annotation.stats import collection.JavaConverters._ import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import services.annotation.HasAnnotationIndexing import import services.annotation.{AnnotationService, AnnotationBody, AnnotationStatus} import import case class StatusRatio(verified: Long, unverified: Long, notIdentifiable: Long) @Singleton trait AnnotationStatsService { self: AnnotationService => def getTagStats(documentId: String, size: Integer = ES.MAX_SIZE) = es.client execute { search (ES.RECOGITO / ES.ANNOTATION) query { termQuery("annotates.document_id" -> documentId) } aggregations ( nestedAggregation("per_body", "bodies") subaggs ( filterAggregation("tags_only").query(termQuery("bodies.type" -> AnnotationBody.TAG.toString)) subaggs ( termsAggregation("by_tag") field ("bodies.value.raw") size size ) ) ) size 0 } map { _.aggregations .getAs[InternalNested]("per_body").getAggregations .get[InternalFilter]("tags_only").getAggregations .get[StringTerms]("by_tag").getBuckets.asScala .map(b => (b.getKeyAsString, b.getDocCount)) } def getStatusRatios(documentIds: Seq[String]): Future[Map[String, StatusRatio]] = es.client execute { search (ES.RECOGITO / ES.ANNOTATION) query { boolQuery should { => termQuery("annotates.document_id" -> id)) } } aggregations ( termsAggregation("per_document") field ("annotates.document_id") subaggs ( nestedAggregation("per_body", "bodies") subaggs ( termsAggregation("by_status_value") field ("bodies.status.value") ) ) ) size 0 } map { _.aggregations .termsResult("per_document") { docBucket => val docId = docBucket.getKeyAsString val statusValues = docBucket .getAggregations.get[InternalNested]("per_body") .getAggregations.get[StringTerms]("by_status_value") { statusBucket => val status = AnnotationStatus.withName(statusBucket.getKeyAsString) val count = statusBucket.getDocCount (status, count) }.toMap val ratio = StatusRatio( statusValues.get(AnnotationStatus.VERIFIED).getOrElse(0l), statusValues.get(AnnotationStatus.UNVERIFIED).getOrElse(0l), statusValues.get(AnnotationStatus.NOT_IDENTIFIABLE).getOrElse(0l) ) (docId, ratio) }.toMap } }
Example 62
Source File: AnnouncementService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services.announcement import java.sql.Timestamp import java.util.Date import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import services.BaseService import services.generated.Tables.SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT import services.generated.tables.records.ServiceAnnouncementRecord import storage.db.DB import services.user.UserService import java.util.UUID @Singleton class AnnouncementService @Inject() (val db: DB, users: UserService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext) extends BaseService { def findLatestUnread(username: String): Future[Option[ServiceAnnouncementRecord]] = db.query { sql => Option(sql.selectFrom(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT) .where(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.FOR_USER.equal(username) .and(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.RESPONSE.isNull)) .orderBy(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.CREATED_AT.desc()) .fetchOne()) } def confirm(uuid: UUID, username: String, response: String): Future[Boolean] = db.query { sql => val result = sql.update(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT) .set(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.VIEWED_AT, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime)) .set(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.RESPONSE, response) .where(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.ID.equal(uuid).and(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.FOR_USER.equal(username))) .execute() result == 1 } def clearAll(): Future[Boolean] = db.query { sql => sql.deleteFrom(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT).execute() true } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() false } def deleteForUser(username: String) = db.query { sql => sql.deleteFrom(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT) .where(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.FOR_USER.equal(username)).execute() } def insertBroadcastAnnouncement(content: String): Future[Boolean] = { val BATCH_SIZE = 200 def insertOneBatch(users: Seq[String]): Future[_] = db.query { sql => sql.batch( { user => sql.insertInto(SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT, SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.ID, SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.FOR_USER, SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.CONTENT, SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.CREATED_AT, SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.VIEWED_AT, SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENT.RESPONSE ).values( UUID.randomUUID(), user, content, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime), null, null) }:_*).execute() } def insertBatchesRecursive(offset: Int, numUsers: Int): Future[Boolean] = users.listUsers(offset, BATCH_SIZE, None, None).flatMap { users => insertOneBatch( } flatMap { _ => if (offset + BATCH_SIZE >= numUsers) Future.successful(true) else insertBatchesRecursive(offset + BATCH_SIZE, numUsers) } val f = for { numUsers <- users.countUsers() success <- insertBatchesRecursive(0, numUsers) } yield (success) f.recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() false } } }
Example 63
Source File: MyController.scala From play-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// #using-client package controllers import example.myapp.helloworld.grpc.helloworld.GreeterServiceClient import example.myapp.helloworld.grpc.helloworld.HelloRequest import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import play.api.mvc.AbstractController import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class MyController @Inject() ( implicit greeterClient: GreeterServiceClient, cc: ControllerComponents, exec: ExecutionContext, ) extends AbstractController(cc) { def sayHello(name: String) = Action.async { greeterClient .sayHello(HelloRequest(name)) .map { reply => Ok(s"response: ${reply.message}") } } } // #using-client
Example 64
Source File: EntityImporterFactory.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services.entity.builtin.importer import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import services.entity.EntityType import services.entity.builtin.EntityService import @Singleton class EntityImporterFactory @Inject()( ctx : ExecutionContext, entityService : EntityService, es : ES, rewriter : ReferenceRewriter ) { def createImporter(eType: EntityType) = new EntityImporter(entityService, rewriter, eType, es, ctx) }
Example 65
Source File: NERService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package transform.ner import import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.pelagios.recogito.sdk.PluginEnvironment import org.pelagios.recogito.sdk.ner.Entity import play.api.{Configuration, Logger} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.entity.builtin.EntityService import services.task.{TaskService, TaskType} import storage.uploads.Uploads import transform.WorkerService @Singleton class NERService @Inject() ( annotationService: AnnotationService, entityService: EntityService, taskService: TaskService, uploads: Uploads, config: Configuration, system: ActorSystem ) extends WorkerService( system, uploads, NERActor.props(taskService, annotationService, entityService, config), 3 ) object NERService extends HasTeiNER { val TASK_TYPE = TaskType("NER") private def getEnvironment(config: Configuration) = { // Not the nicest way to handle this - suggestions welcome! val userDir = if (System.getProperty("user.dir").contains("/target/universal/stage")) System.getProperty("user.dir").replace("/target/universal/stage", "") else System.getProperty("user.dir") val pluginsDir = s"${userDir}/plugins" val asMap = config.entrySet .filter(_._1.startsWith("plugins")) .toSeq .map { case(key, value) => (key -> value.unwrapped.toString) }.toMap.asJava new PluginEnvironment(pluginsDir, asMap) } private[ner] def parseText(text: String, engine: Option[String], config: Configuration): Seq[Entity] = { val ner = engine match { case Some(identifier) => NERPluginManager.getEngine(identifier).get case None => NERPluginManager.getDefaultEngine }"Running NER with engine ${ner.getName}") val entities = ner.parse(text, getEnvironment(config)) entities.asScala } }
Example 66
Source File: GeoresolutionService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package transform.georesolution import import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.entity.builtin.EntityService import services.generated.tables.records.{DocumentRecord, DocumentFilepartRecord} import services.task.{TaskService, TaskType} import storage.uploads.Uploads import transform.{WorkerActor, WorkerService} @Singleton class GeoresolutionService @Inject() ( annotationService: AnnotationService, entityService: EntityService, taskService: TaskService, uploads: Uploads, system: ActorSystem ) extends WorkerService ( system, uploads, GeoresolutionActor.props(taskService, annotationService, entityService), 4 ) object GeoresolutionService { val TASK_TYPE = TaskType("GEORESOLUTION") }
Example 67
Source File: TEIParserService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package transform.tei import import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import{File, PrintWriter} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.joox.JOOX._ import org.w3c.dom.ranges.DocumentRange import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import services.annotation.{Annotation, AnnotationService} import services.generated.tables.records.{DocumentRecord, DocumentFilepartRecord} import services.task.{TaskService, TaskType} import storage.uploads.Uploads import transform.{WorkerActor, WorkerService} @Singleton class TEIParserService @Inject() ( uploads: Uploads, annotationService: AnnotationService, taskService: TaskService, system: ActorSystem ) extends WorkerService( system, uploads, TEIParserActor.props(taskService, annotationService), 10 ) object TEIParserService { val TASK_TYPE = TaskType("TEI_PARSING") private[tei] def extractEntities( part: DocumentFilepartRecord, file: File, replaceOriginalFile: Boolean = true ): Seq[Annotation] = { val teiXML = $(file).document() val ranges = teiXML.asInstanceOf[DocumentRange] val places = $(teiXML).find("placeName").get val people = $(teiXML).find("persName").get val spans = $(teiXML).find("span").get val annotations = (places ++ people ++ spans).map(TEITag.convert(part, _, ranges)) if (replaceOriginalFile) new PrintWriter(file.getAbsolutePath) { write($(teiXML).toString) close } annotations } }
Example 68
Source File: TilingService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package transform.tiling import import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.language.postfixOps import services.generated.tables.records.{DocumentRecord, DocumentFilepartRecord} import services.task.{TaskService, TaskType} import storage.uploads.Uploads import sys.process._ import transform.{WorkerActor, WorkerService} @Singleton class TilingService @Inject() ( uploads: Uploads, taskService: TaskService, system: ActorSystem ) extends WorkerService( system, uploads, TilingActor.props(taskService), 4 ) object TilingService { val TASK_TYPE = TaskType("IMAGE_TILING") private[tiling] def createZoomify(file: File, destFolder: File) = { val result = s"vips dzsave $file $destFolder --layout zoomify" ! if (result != 0) throw new Exception("Image tiling failed for " + file.getAbsolutePath + " to " + destFolder.getAbsolutePath) } }
Example 69
Source File: ExampleBootstrap.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.example.asura import import asura.core.auth.AuthManager import asura.core.assertion.Assertions import asura.core.notify.JobNotifyManager import com.example.asura.assertion.ExampleAssertion import com.example.asura.auth.ExampleAuth import com.example.asura.notify.ExampleNotification import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle @Singleton class ExampleBootstrap @Inject()( lifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle, system: ActorSystem, configuration: Configuration, // ) { AuthManager.register(new ExampleAuth(configuration)) JobNotifyManager.register(new ExampleNotification(configuration)) Assertions.register(ExampleAssertion) }
Example 70
Source File: GroupApi.scala From asura with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import import asura.common.model.ApiResError import asura.common.util.StringUtils import import{Activity, Group} import import asura.core.model.QueryGroup import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.{RequestHeader, Result} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class GroupApi @Inject()( implicit val system: ActorSystem, val exec: ExecutionContext, val configuration: Configuration, val controllerComponents: SecurityComponents, ) extends BaseApi { val administrators = configuration.getOptional[Seq[String]]("asura.admin").getOrElse(Nil).toSet val activityActor = system.actorOf(ActivitySaveActor.props()) def getById(id: String) = Action.async { implicit req => GroupService.getById(id).toOkResultByEsOneDoc(id) } def delete(id: String) = Action.async { implicit req => checkPrivilege { user => activityActor ! Activity(id, StringUtils.EMPTY, user, Activity.TYPE_DELETE_GROUP, id) GroupService.deleteGroup(id).toOkResult } } def put() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val group = req.bodyAs(classOf[Group]) val user = getProfileId() group.fillCommonFields(user) if (Reserved.isReservedGroup( { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_CanNotUseReservedGroup)))) } else { GroupService.index(group).map(res => { activityActor ! Activity(, StringUtils.EMPTY, user, Activity.TYPE_NEW_GROUP, toActionResultFromAny(res) }) } } def query() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val queryGroup = req.bodyAs(classOf[QueryGroup]) GroupService.queryGroup(queryGroup).toOkResultByEsList(false) } def update() = Action(parse.byteString).async { implicit req => val group = req.bodyAs(classOf[Group]) GroupService.updateGroup(group).toOkResult } private def checkPrivilege(func: String => Future[Result])(implicit request: RequestHeader): Future[Result] = { val user = getProfileId() val isAllowed = if (administrators.nonEmpty) administrators.contains(user) else true if (isAllowed) { func(user) } else { Future.successful(OkApiRes(ApiResError(getI18nMessage(AppErrorMessages.error_NotAllowedContactAdministrator, administrators.mkString(","))))) } } }
Example 71
Source File: AppDatabase.scala From phantom-activator-template with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import com.outworkers.phantom.builder.query.CreateQuery import com.outworkers.phantom.dsl._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ @Singleton class AppDatabase @Inject()( env: play.api.Environment, override val connector: CassandraConnection ) extends Database[AppDatabase](connector) { object beers extends Beers with Connector { override def autocreate(space: KeySpace): CreateQuery.Default[Beers, Beer] = { create.ifNotExists()(space) .option(default_time_to_live eqs 10) .and(gc_grace_seconds eqs 10.seconds) .and(read_repair_chance eqs 0.2) } } def initialize(): Future[List[ResultSet]] = { val beerList = List( Beer(company = "budhizer", style = "white", name = "Summer Bud"), Beer(company = "budhizer", style = "dark", name = "Winter Bud"), Beer(company = "budhizer", style = "wheat", name = "Spring Bud"), Beer(company = "budhizer", style = "pumpkin", name = "Fall Bud") ) for { init <- beers.autocreate(space).future() // records <- beers.storeRecords(beerList) } yield records } // Runs in constructor when the application is started. Because this is @Singleton, // it runs only once, only one instance of this class is created. env.mode match { case play.api.Mode.Test => initialize() case other@_ => Seq.empty } }
Example 72
Source File: Module.scala From phantom-activator-template with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import javax.inject.{Inject, Provider, Singleton} import import com.outworkers.phantom.connectors.{CassandraConnection, ContactPoint} import models.AppDatabase import net.codingwell.scalaguice.ScalaModule class Module extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule { override def configure(): Unit = { bind[CassandraConnection].toProvider[ConnectionProvider] bind[AppDatabase].asEagerSingleton() } } @Singleton class ConnectionProvider @Inject()(env: play.api.Environment) extends Provider[CassandraConnection] { lazy val get: CassandraConnection = { val builder = env.mode match { case play.api.Mode.Test => ContactPoint.embedded case _ => ContactPoint.local } builder.keySpace("outworkers") } }
Example 73
Source File: ClientsModule.scala From daf-semantics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package modules import import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle import javax.inject.Singleton import javax.inject.Inject import import play.api.Application import play.api.Environment import play.api.Configuration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import play.Logger import clients.OntonetHubClient import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import com.typesafe.config.ConfigRenderOptions @ImplementedBy(classOf[ClientsModuleBase]) trait ClientsModule @Singleton class ClientsModuleBase @Inject() (lifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle, ws: WSClient, configuration: Configuration) extends ClientsModule { val conf_clients = configuration.underlying .getConfig("clients") val ontonethub_config = conf_clients.getConfig("ontonethub") // TODO: verify if default configurations are needed here val ontonethub = new OntonetHubClient(ws, ontonethub_config) // TESTING ................................................ val options = ConfigRenderOptions.concise() .setComments(false).setOriginComments(false) .setFormatted(true).setJson(true) val json = ontonethub_config.root().render(options) // TESTING ................................................ // when application starts... @Inject def onStart( app: Application, env: Environment)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {"ClientsModuleBase START") println("\n\n\n\n\n\n") println(json) } // when application stops... lifecycle.addStopHook({ () => Future.successful {"ClientsModuleBase STOP") } }) }
Example 74
Source File: CatalogStandardizationService.scala From daf-semantics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package it.almawave.kb.http.endpoints import javax.inject.Singleton import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import it.almawave.kb.http.models.OntologyMetaModel import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import java.nio.file.Paths import it.almawave.linkeddata.kb.catalog.CatalogBox import it.almawave.linkeddata.kb.utils.JSONHelper import it.almawave.daf.standardization.refactoring.CatalogStandardizer @Singleton @Path("conf://api-catalog-config") class CatalogStandardizationService { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) val conf = ConfigFactory.parseFile(Paths.get("./conf/catalog.conf").normalize().toFile()) val catalog = new CatalogBox(conf) catalog.start() val _standardizer = CatalogStandardizer(catalog) _standardizer.start def stardardizer = _standardizer // TODO: STOP? }
Example 75
Source File: MetricsController.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package controllers import import javax.inject.Singleton import akka.util.ByteString import io.prometheus.client._ import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat import io.prometheus.client.hotspot.DefaultExports import play.api.http.HttpEntity import play.api.mvc._ @Singleton class MetricsController extends Controller { //export default jvm metrics DefaultExports.initialize() def index = Action { val samples = new StringBuilder() val writer = new WriterAdapter(samples) TextFormat.write004(writer, CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry.metricFamilySamples()) writer.close() Result( header = ResponseHeader(200, Map.empty), body = HttpEntity.Strict(ByteString(samples.toString), Some(TextFormat.CONTENT_TYPE_004)) ) } } class WriterAdapter(buffer: StringBuilder) extends Writer { override def write(charArray: Array[Char], offset: Int, length: Int): Unit = { buffer ++= new String(new String(charArray, offset, length).getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8") } override def flush(): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} }
Example 76
Source File: MetricsController.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package controllers import import javax.inject.Singleton import akka.util.ByteString import io.prometheus.client._ import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat import io.prometheus.client.hotspot.DefaultExports import play.api.http.HttpEntity import play.api.mvc._ @Singleton class MetricsController extends Controller { //export default jvm metrics DefaultExports.initialize() def index = Action { val samples = new StringBuilder() val writer = new WriterAdapter(samples) TextFormat.write004(writer, CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry.metricFamilySamples()) writer.close() Result( header = ResponseHeader(200, Map.empty), body = HttpEntity.Strict(ByteString(samples.toString), Some(TextFormat.CONTENT_TYPE_004)) ) } } class WriterAdapter(buffer: StringBuilder) extends Writer { override def write(charArray: Array[Char], offset: Int, length: Int): Unit = { val b = buffer.append(new String(new String(charArray, offset, length).getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8")) } override def flush(): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} }
Example 77
Source File: MetricsController.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package controllers import import javax.inject.Singleton import akka.util.ByteString import io.prometheus.client._ import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat import io.prometheus.client.hotspot.DefaultExports import play.api.http.HttpEntity import play.api.mvc._ @Singleton class MetricsController extends Controller { //export default jvm metrics DefaultExports.initialize() def index = Action { val samples = new StringBuilder() val writer = new WriterAdapter(samples) TextFormat.write004(writer, CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry.metricFamilySamples()) writer.close() Result( header = ResponseHeader(200, Map.empty), body = HttpEntity.Strict(ByteString(samples.toString), Some(TextFormat.CONTENT_TYPE_004)) ) } } class WriterAdapter(buffer: StringBuilder) extends Writer { override def write(charArray: Array[Char], offset: Int, length: Int): Unit = { buffer ++= new String(new String(charArray, offset, length).getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8") } override def flush(): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} }
Example 78
Source File: MetricsController.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package controllers import import javax.inject.Singleton import akka.util.ByteString import io.prometheus.client._ import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat import io.prometheus.client.hotspot.DefaultExports import play.api.http.HttpEntity import play.api.mvc._ @Singleton class MetricsController extends Controller { //export default jvm metrics DefaultExports.initialize() def index = Action { val samples = new StringBuilder() val writer = new WriterAdapter(samples) TextFormat.write004(writer, CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry.metricFamilySamples()) writer.close() Result( header = ResponseHeader(200, Map.empty), body = HttpEntity.Strict(ByteString(samples.toString), Some(TextFormat.CONTENT_TYPE_004)) ) } } class WriterAdapter(buffer: StringBuilder) extends Writer { override def write(charArray: Array[Char], offset: Int, length: Int): Unit = { buffer ++= new String(new String(charArray, offset, length).getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8") } override def flush(): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} }
Example 79
Source File: SecurityFilter.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import org.pac4j.core.config.Config import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc._ import play.libs.concurrent.HttpExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future @SuppressWarnings( Array( "org.wartremover.warts.Overloading" ) ) @Singleton class SecurityFilter @Inject()(mat: Materializer, configuration: Configuration, playSessionStore: PlaySessionStore, config: Config, ec: HttpExecutionContext) extends, configuration, playSessionStore, config, ec) { override def apply(nextFilter: (RequestHeader) => Future[play.api.mvc.Result]) (request: RequestHeader): Future[play.api.mvc.Result] = { super.apply(nextFilter)(request) } }
Example 80
Source File: ParSeqTraceRenderer.scala From play-parseq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.linkedin.playparseq.trace.s.renderers import com.linkedin.parseq.trace.{ShallowTrace, Trace, TraceRelationship} import com.linkedin.playparseq.s.stores.ParSeqTaskStore import com.linkedin.playparseq.trace.utils.ParSeqTraceBaseVisualizer import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Environment import play.api.http.HttpConfiguration import play.api.mvc.{RequestHeader, Result, Results} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} override def render(parSeqTaskStore: ParSeqTaskStore)(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader): Future[Result] = Future { val traces: Set[Trace] = val traceMap: Map[java.lang.Long, ShallowTrace] = traces.foldLeft(Map[java.lang.Long, ShallowTrace]())(_ ++ _.getTraceMap.asScala) val relationships: Set[TraceRelationship] = traces.foldLeft(Set[TraceRelationship]())(_ ++ _.getRelationships.asScala) // Generate Result of ParSeq Trace Option(showTrace(new Trace(traceMap.asJava, relationships.asJava), environment, httpConfiguration)).map(Results.Ok(_).as("text/html")) .getOrElse(Results.InternalServerError("Can't show Trace.")) } }
Example 81
Source File: PlayParSeq.scala From play-parseq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.linkedin.playparseq.s import com.linkedin.parseq.{Engine, Task} import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.Promises import com.linkedin.playparseq.s.PlayParSeqImplicits._ import com.linkedin.playparseq.s.stores.ParSeqTaskStore import com.linkedin.playparseq.utils.PlayParSeqHelper import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} override def runTask[T](task: Task[T])(implicit requestHeader: RequestHeader): Future[T] = { // Bind a Future to the ParSeq Task val future: Future[T] = bindTaskToFuture(task) // Put the ParSeq Task into store parSeqTaskStore.put(task) // Run the ParSeq Task // Return the Future future } }
Example 82
Source File: ExceptionTranslationFilter.scala From finatra-activator-thrift-seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example import com.twitter.finagle.{Service, TimeoutException} import com.twitter.finatra.thrift.thriftscala.ClientErrorCause.RequestTimeout import com.twitter.finatra.thrift.thriftscala.ServerErrorCause.InternalServerError import com.twitter.finatra.thrift.thriftscala.{ClientError, ServerError} import com.twitter.finatra.thrift.{ThriftFilter, ThriftRequest} import com.twitter.inject.Logging import com.twitter.util.{Future, NonFatal} import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton class ExceptionTranslationFilter extends ThriftFilter with Logging { override def apply[T, U](request: ThriftRequest[T], service: Service[ThriftRequest[T], U]): Future[U] = { service(request).rescue { case e: TimeoutException => Future.exception( ClientError(RequestTimeout, e.getMessage)) case e: ClientError => Future.exception(e) case NonFatal(e) => error("Unhandled exception", e) Future.exception( ServerError(InternalServerError, e.getMessage)) } } }
Example 83
Source File: ErrorHandler.scala From play-table-of-contents with MIT License | 5 votes |
import javax.inject.{Inject, Provider, Singleton} import play.api._ import play.api.http.DefaultHttpErrorHandler import play.api.mvc.Results._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.routing.Router import scala.concurrent._ @Singleton class ErrorHandler @Inject() ( env: Environment, config: Configuration, sourceMapper: OptionalSourceMapper, router: Provider[Router] ) extends DefaultHttpErrorHandler(env, config, sourceMapper, router) { override def onProdServerError(request: RequestHeader, exception: UsefulException) = { Future.successful( InternalServerError("A server error occurred: " + exception.getMessage) ) } override def onForbidden(request: RequestHeader, message: String) = { Future.successful( Forbidden("You're not allowed to access this resource.") ) } }
Example 84
Source File: CacheManagerTokenStore.scala From meteorite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance import org.ops4j.pax.cdi.api.OsgiService import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import javax.annotation.PostConstruct import javax.inject.{Named, Inject, Singleton} @Singleton @Named("CManager") object CacheManagerTokenStore { private var logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[CacheManagerTokenStore]) } @Singleton class CacheManagerTokenStore extends TokenStorageProvider { @OsgiService @Inject private var cacheManager: HazelcastInstance = null @Inject private var bcontext: BundleContext = null @PostConstruct def init { CacheManagerTokenStore.logger.debug("*** Activating CacheManager") val c: CompositeClassLoader = new CompositeClassLoader val tccl: ClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader try { cacheManager.getConfig.setClassLoader(c) } finally { cacheManager.getConfig.setClassLoader(c) } } def addToken(token: Token) { addInvokerClassLoader(this.getClass.getClassLoader) cacheManager.getMap("tokens").put(token.getToken, token) } def updateToken(token: Token) { } def getToken(token: String): Token = { addInvokerClassLoader(getInvokerClassLoader) cacheManager.getMap("tokens").get(token).asInstanceOf[Token] } def hasToken(token: String): Boolean = { addInvokerClassLoader(getInvokerClassLoader) cacheManager.getMap("tokens").get(token) != null } def removeToken(token: Token) { } def setCacheManagerService(hazel: HazelcastInstance) { this.cacheManager = hazel } protected def addInvokerClassLoader(cl: ClassLoader) { getInstance.getConfig.getClassLoader.asInstanceOf[CompositeClassLoader].add(cl) } protected def getInvokerClassLoader: ClassLoader = { bcontext.getBundle.adapt(classOf[BundleWiring]).getClassLoader } def setBcontext(bcontext: BundleContext) { this.bcontext = bcontext } def getInstance: HazelcastInstance = { cacheManager } }
Example 85
Source File: SecurityFilter.scala From meteorite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Named, Singleton} import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse} import javax.servlet.{Filter, FilterChain, FilterConfig, ServletRequest, ServletResponse} import import import import org.ops4j.pax.cdi.api.OsgiService @Singleton @Named("securityFilter") class SecurityFilter extends Filter { @Inject @OsgiService private var tokenProvider: TokenProvider = _ @Inject @OsgiService private var adminLoginService: AdminLoginService = _ override def doFilter(request: ServletRequest, response: ServletResponse, chain: FilterChain) { val servletRequest = request.asInstanceOf[HttpServletRequest] val servletResponse = response.asInstanceOf[HttpServletResponse] var s = servletRequest.getPathInfo val s2 = servletRequest.getServletPath if (s != null && s2 != null) { s = s2 + s } else if (s == null) { s = s2 } if (s.startsWith("/admin/ui/") || s == "/rest/core/auth/login") { chain.doFilter(request, response) } else if (servletRequest.getPathInfo.startsWith("/rest/core/admin")) { val token = tokenProvider.getTokenFromRequest(servletRequest) var isAdmin = false try { val userDetails = tokenProvider.verifyToken(token) if (adminLoginService.getUsername == userDetails.get(TokenProvider.USERNAME).get) { isAdmin = true } } catch { case e: TokenProviderException => } if (isAdmin) { chain.doFilter(request, response) } else { servletResponse.sendRedirect("/admin/ui/index.html") } } else { chain.doFilter(request, response) } } override def init(arg0: FilterConfig) { } override def destroy() { } def setTokenProvider(tokenProvider: TokenProvider) = this.tokenProvider = tokenProvider def setAdminLoginService(adminLoginService: AdminLoginService) = this.adminLoginService = adminLoginService }
Example 86
Source File: TokenResponseFilter.scala From meteorite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Named, Singleton} import{ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext, ContainerResponseFilter} import{HttpHeaders, NewCookie} import @Singleton @Named("tokenResponseFilter") class TokenResponseFilter extends ContainerResponseFilter { override def filter(requestContext: ContainerRequestContext, responseContext: ContainerResponseContext) { val value = requestContext.getProperty("token").asInstanceOf[String] if (value != null) { val newcookie = new NewCookie(TokenProvider.TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, value) responseContext.getHeaders.putSingle(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE, newcookie) } } }
Example 87
Source File: TokenAuthorizingFilter.scala From meteorite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.annotation.Priority import javax.inject.{Inject, Named, Singleton} import import{ContainerRequestContext, ContainerRequestFilter} import import import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils @Priority(Priorities.AUTHORIZATION) @Singleton @Named("authorizationFilter") class TokenAuthorizingFilter extends ContainerRequestFilter { @Inject @Named("authorizationInterceptor") private var interceptor: TokenAuthorizingInterceptor = null def filter(context: ContainerRequestContext) = { try { interceptor.handleMessage(JAXRSUtils.getCurrentMessage) } catch { case _: AccessDeniedException => context.abortWith(Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).build) } } def setInterceptor(in: TokenAuthorizingInterceptor) = interceptor = in }
Example 88
Source File: UserAuthenticationImpl.scala From meteorite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import import{UserAuthentication, UserService} import org.ops4j.pax.cdi.api.{OsgiService, OsgiServiceProvider} @OsgiServiceProvider(classes = Array(classOf[UserAuthentication])) @Singleton class UserAuthenticationImpl extends UserAuthentication { @Inject @volatile @OsgiService private var adminLoginService: AdminLoginService = null override def logout(username: String) : Response = { if(adminLoginService.logout(username)){ Response.ok().build() } else{ Response.serverError().build() } } def setAdminLoginService(adminLoginService: AdminLoginService) = this.adminLoginService = adminLoginService }
Example 89
Source File: WSConfigParser.scala From play-ws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.config.ConfigException import com.typesafe.sslconfig.ssl.SSLConfigParser import com.typesafe.sslconfig.util.EnrichedConfig import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration @Singleton class WSConfigParser @Inject() (config: Config, classLoader: ClassLoader) extends Provider[WSClientConfig] { def parse(): WSClientConfig = { val wsConfig = config.getConfig("") val connectionTimeout = Duration(wsConfig.getString("timeout.connection")) val idleTimeout = Duration(wsConfig.getString("timeout.idle")) val requestTimeout = Duration(wsConfig.getString("timeout.request")) val followRedirects = wsConfig.getBoolean("followRedirects") val useProxyProperties = wsConfig.getBoolean("useProxyProperties") val userAgent = { try { Some(wsConfig.getString("useragent")) } catch { case e: ConfigException.Null => None } } val compressionEnabled = wsConfig.getBoolean("compressionEnabled") val sslConfig = new SSLConfigParser(EnrichedConfig(wsConfig.getConfig("ssl")), classLoader).parse() WSClientConfig( connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout, idleTimeout = idleTimeout, requestTimeout = requestTimeout, followRedirects = followRedirects, useProxyProperties = useProxyProperties, userAgent = userAgent, compressionEnabled = compressionEnabled, ssl = sslConfig ) } override lazy val get: WSClientConfig = parse() }
Example 90
Source File: WebSocket.scala From trucking-iot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Consumer import akka.kafka.{ConsumerSettings, Subscriptions} import import{Materializer, ThrottleMode} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ByteArrayDeserializer, StringDeserializer} import play.api.libs.streams.ActorFlow import play.api.mvc.{Controller, WebSocket} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ //@Singleton class KafkaWebSocket @Inject() (implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer) extends Controller { def kafkaWS = WebSocket.accept[String, String] { request => ActorFlow.actorRef(out => KafkaWSActor.props(out)) } object KafkaWSActor { def props(outRef: ActorRef) = Props(new KafkaWSActor(outRef)) } class KafkaWSActor(outRef: ActorRef) extends Actor { val config = ConfigFactory.load() val combinedConfig = ConfigFactory.defaultOverrides() .withFallback(config) .withFallback(ConfigFactory.defaultApplication()) .getConfig("trucking-web-application.backend") val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings(system, new ByteArrayDeserializer, new StringDeserializer) //.withBootstrapServers("") .withBootstrapServers(combinedConfig.getString("kafka.bootstrap-servers")) .withGroupId("group1") .withProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest") Consumer.committableSource(consumerSettings, Subscriptions.topics("trucking_data_joined")) .mapAsync(1) { msg => Future(outRef ! msg.record.value).map(_ => msg) } //.mapAsync(1) { msg => msg.committableOffset.commitScaladsl() } // TODO: Disabling commits for debug .throttle(1, 250.milliseconds, 1, ThrottleMode.Shaping) .runWith(Sink.ignore) def receive = { case msg: String => outRef ! s"Ack: $msg" } } }
Example 91
Source File: ObligationsService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Logger import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.ObligationsConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.obligations.ObligationsRequest import v1.models.response.obligations.ObligationsResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ObligationsService @Inject()(connector: ObligationsConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def retrieveObligations(request: ObligationsRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[ObligationsResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.retrieveObligations(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) } yield desResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_IDTYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_IDNUMBER" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_STATUS" -> InvalidStatusErrorDes, "INVALID_REGIME" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_DATE_FROM" -> InvalidDateFromErrorDes, "INVALID_DATE_TO" -> InvalidDateToErrorDes, "INVALID_DATE_RANGE" -> RuleOBLDateRangeTooLargeError, "NOT_FOUND_BP_KEY" -> { Logger.warn("[ObligationsService] [desErrorMap] - Backend returned NOT_FOUND_BPKEY error") DownstreamError }, "NOT_FOUND" -> LegacyNotFoundError, "SERVICE_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 92
Source File: ViewReturnService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.ViewReturnConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.viewReturn.ViewRequest import v1.models.response.viewReturn.ViewReturnResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ViewReturnService @Inject()(connector: ViewReturnConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def viewReturn(request: ViewRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[ViewReturnResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.viewReturn(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) } yield desResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_VRN" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_PERIODKEY" -> PeriodKeyFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_IDENTIFIER" -> PeriodKeyFormatErrorDesNotFound, "NOT_FOUND_VRN" -> DownstreamError, "DATE_RANGE_TOO_LARGE" -> RuleDateRangeTooLargeError, "INVALID_INPUTDATA" -> InvalidInputDataError, "NOT_FOUND" -> EmptyNotFoundError, "SERVICE_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 93
Source File: SubmitReturnService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.SubmitReturnConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.submit.SubmitRequest import v1.models.response.submit.SubmitResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class SubmitReturnService @Inject()(connector: SubmitReturnConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def submitReturn(request: SubmitRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[SubmitResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.submitReturn(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) } yield desResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_VRN" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_PERIODKEY" -> PeriodKeyFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_PAYLOAD" -> BadRequestError, "TAX_PERIOD_NOT_ENDED" -> TaxPeriodNotEnded, "DUPLICATE_SUBMISSION" -> DuplicateVatSubmission, "NOT_FOUND_VRN" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_SUBMISSION" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_ORIGINATOR_ID" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 94
Source File: AuditService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Writes} import play.api.{Configuration, Logger} import import import{AuditConnector, AuditResult} import import import v1.models.audit.AuditEvent import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class AuditService @Inject()(auditConnector: AuditConnector, appNameConfiguration: Configuration) { val logger: Logger = Logger(this.getClass) def auditEvent[T](event: AuditEvent[T])(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, writer: Writes[T]): Future[AuditResult] = { val eventTags = AuditExtensions.auditHeaderCarrier(hc).toAuditTags() + ("transactionName" -> event.transactionName) val dataEvent = ExtendedDataEvent( auditSource = AppName.fromConfiguration(appNameConfiguration), auditType = event.auditType, detail = Json.toJson(event.detail), tags = eventTags )"Audit event :- dataEvent.tags :: ${dataEvent.tags} -- auditSource:: ${dataEvent.auditSource}" + s" --- detail :: ${dataEvent.detail}") auditConnector.sendExtendedEvent(dataEvent) } }
Example 95
Source File: LiabilitiesService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.LiabilitiesConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.liabilities.LiabilitiesRequest import v1.models.response.liabilities.LiabilitiesResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class LiabilitiesService @Inject()(connector: LiabilitiesConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def retrieveLiabilities(request: LiabilitiesRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[LiabilitiesResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.retrieveLiabilities(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) mtdResponseWrapper <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](validateLiabilitiesSuccessResponse(desResponseWrapper)) } yield mtdResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_IDTYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_IDNUMBER" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_REGIMETYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_ONLYOPENITEMS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_INCLUDELOCKS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CALCULATEACCRUEDINTEREST" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CUSTOMERPAYMENTINFORMATION" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_DATEFROM" -> InvalidDateFromErrorDes, "INVALID_DATETO" -> InvalidDateToErrorDes, "NOT_FOUND" -> LegacyNotFoundError, "INVALID_DATA" -> InvalidDataError, "SERVER_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 96
Source File: PaymentsService.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.connectors.PaymentsConnector import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.payments.PaymentsRequest import v1.models.response.payments.PaymentsResponse import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class PaymentsService @Inject()(connector: PaymentsConnector) extends DesResponseMappingSupport with Logging { def retrievePayments(request: PaymentsRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext, logContext: EndpointLogContext): Future[ServiceOutcome[PaymentsResponse]] = { val result = for { desResponseWrapper <- EitherT(connector.retrievePayments(request)).leftMap(mapDesErrors(desErrorMap)) mtdResponseWrapper <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](validatePaymentsSuccessResponse(desResponseWrapper)) } yield mtdResponseWrapper result.value } private def desErrorMap: Map[String, MtdError] = Map( "INVALID_IDTYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_IDNUMBER" -> VrnFormatErrorDes, "INVALID_REGIMETYPE" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_ONLYOPENITEMS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_INCLUDELOCKS" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CALCULATEACCRUEDINTEREST" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_CUSTOMERPAYMENTINFORMATION" -> DownstreamError, "INVALID_DATEFROM" -> InvalidDateFromErrorDes, "INVALID_DATETO" -> InvalidDateToErrorDes, "INVALID_DATA" -> InvalidDataError, "NOT_FOUND" -> LegacyNotFoundError, "SERVER_ERROR" -> DownstreamError, "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" -> DownstreamError ) }
Example 97
Source File: PaymentsController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.MimeTypes import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents, Result} import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.PaymentsRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.payments.PaymentsRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, PaymentsService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class PaymentsController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: PaymentsRequestParser, service: PaymentsService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "PaymentsController", endpointName = "retrievePayments" ) def retrievePayments(vrn: String, from: Option[String], to: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async{ implicit request =>"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Payments from DES") val rawRequest: PaymentsRawData = PaymentsRawData( vrn = vrn, from = from, to = to ) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.retrievePayments(parsedRequest)) } yield {"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Payments from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditPayments(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap{errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditPayments(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper): Result = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateFromError | InvalidDateFromErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateToError | InvalidDateToErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateRangeError | InvalidDataError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case LegacyNotFoundError => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 98
Source File: LiabilitiesController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.LiabilitiesRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors.ControllerError._ import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.liabilities.LiabilitiesRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, LiabilitiesService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class LiabilitiesController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: LiabilitiesRequestParser, service: LiabilitiesService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "LiabilitiesController", endpointName = "retrieveLiabilities" ) def retrieveLiabilities(vrn: String, from: Option[String], to: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async { implicit request => = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Retrieving Liabilities from DES") val rawRequest: LiabilitiesRawData = LiabilitiesRawData(vrn, from, to) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.retrieveLiabilities(parsedRequest)) } yield { = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Liabilities from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditLiabilities(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap { errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditLiabilities(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper) = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | BadRequestError | FinancialDataInvalidDateFromError | InvalidDateFromErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateToError | InvalidDateToErrorDes | FinancialDataInvalidDateRangeError | InvalidDataError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case LegacyNotFoundError => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 99
Source File: ObligationsController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.ObligationsRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.obligations.ObligationsRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, ObligationsService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ObligationsController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: ObligationsRequestParser, service: ObligationsService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "ObligationsController", endpointName = "retrieveObligations" ) def retrieveObligations(vrn: String, from: Option[String], to: Option[String], status: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async{ implicit request => = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] Retrieve obligations for VRN : $vrn") val rawRequest: ObligationsRawData = ObligationsRawData( vrn = vrn, from = from, to = to, status = status ) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.retrieveObligations(parsedRequest)) } yield { = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] Successfully retrieved Obligations from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditObligations(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap { errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditObligations(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper) = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | InvalidFromError | InvalidToError | InvalidStatusError | InvalidDateFromErrorDes | InvalidDateToErrorDes | InvalidStatusErrorDes | RuleDateRangeInvalidError | RuleOBLDateRangeTooLargeError | RuleMissingDateRangeError | BadRequestError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case LegacyNotFoundError => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 100
Source File: ViewReturnController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.controllers import import cats.implicits._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import play.mvc.Http.MimeTypes import utils.{EndpointLogContext, Logging} import v1.audit.AuditEvents import v1.controllers.requestParsers.ViewReturnRequestParser import v1.models.audit.AuditResponse import v1.models.errors._ import v1.models.request.viewReturn.ViewRawData import{AuditService, EnrolmentsAuthService, ViewReturnService} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ViewReturnController @Inject()(val authService: EnrolmentsAuthService, requestParser: ViewReturnRequestParser, service: ViewReturnService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthorisedController(cc) with BaseController with Logging { implicit val endpointLogContext: EndpointLogContext = EndpointLogContext( controllerName = "ViewReturnController", endpointName = "viewReturn" ) def viewReturn(vrn: String, periodKey: String): Action[AnyContent] = authorisedAction(vrn).async{ implicit request => = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Retrieve VAT returns for VRN : $vrn") val rawRequest: ViewRawData = ViewRawData( vrn = vrn, periodKey = periodKey ) val result = for { parsedRequest <- EitherT.fromEither[Future](requestParser.parseRequest(rawRequest)) serviceResponse <- EitherT(service.viewReturn(parsedRequest)) } yield { = s"[${endpointLogContext.controllerName}][${endpointLogContext.endpointName}] " + s"Successfully retrieved Vat Return from DES") auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditReturns(serviceResponse.correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(OK, Right(Some(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)))))) Ok(Json.toJson(serviceResponse.responseData)) .withApiHeaders(serviceResponse.correlationId) .as(MimeTypes.JSON) } result.leftMap { errorWrapper => val correlationId = getCorrelationId(errorWrapper) val result = errorResult(errorWrapper).withApiHeaders(correlationId) logger.warn(ControllerError(endpointLogContext ,vrn, request, result.header.status, errorWrapper.error.message)) auditService.auditEvent(AuditEvents.auditReturns(correlationId, request.userDetails, AuditResponse(httpStatus = result.header.status, Left(errorWrapper.auditErrors)))) result }.merge } private def errorResult(errorWrapper: ErrorWrapper) = { (errorWrapper.error: @unchecked) match { case VrnFormatError | VrnFormatErrorDes | PeriodKeyFormatError | PeriodKeyFormatErrorDes | BadRequestError => BadRequest(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case RuleDateRangeTooLargeError | InvalidInputDataError => Forbidden(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case PeriodKeyFormatErrorDesNotFound => NotFound(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) case EmptyNotFoundError => NotFound case DownstreamError => InternalServerError(Json.toJson(errorWrapper)) } } }
Example 101
Source File: LiabilitiesConnector.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.connectors import config.AppConfig import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import import v1.models.errors.{ConnectorError, ControllerError} import v1.models.request.liabilities.LiabilitiesRequest import v1.models.response.liabilities.LiabilitiesResponse import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class LiabilitiesConnector @Inject()(val http: HttpClient, val appConfig: AppConfig) extends BaseDesConnector { def retrieveLiabilities(request: LiabilitiesRequest)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[DesOutcome[LiabilitiesResponse]] = { import v1.connectors.httpparsers.StandardDesHttpParser._ implicit val requestToDate: String = implicit val connectorError: ConnectorError = ConnectorError(request.vrn.vrn, hc.requestId.fold(""){ requestId => requestId.value}) val queryParams: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq( ("dateFrom", request.from), ("dateTo",, ("onlyOpenItems", "false"), ("includeLocks", "false"), ("calculateAccruedInterest", "true"), ("customerPaymentInformation", "true") ) get( uri = DesUri[LiabilitiesResponse](s"enterprise/financial-data/VRN/${request.vrn.vrn}/VATC"), queryParams = queryParams ) } }
Example 102
Source File: PaymentsConnector.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.connectors import config.AppConfig import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import import v1.models.errors.ConnectorError import v1.models.request.payments.PaymentsRequest import v1.models.response.payments.PaymentsResponse import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class PaymentsConnector @Inject()(val http: HttpClient, val appConfig: AppConfig) extends BaseDesConnector { def retrievePayments(request: PaymentsRequest)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[DesOutcome[PaymentsResponse]] = { import v1.connectors.httpparsers.StandardDesHttpParser._ implicit val requestToDate: String = implicit val connectorError: ConnectorError = ConnectorError(request.vrn.vrn, hc.requestId.fold(""){ requestId => requestId.value}) val queryParams: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq( ("dateFrom", request.from), ("dateTo",, ("onlyOpenItems", "false"), ("includeLocks", "false"), ("calculateAccruedInterest", "true"), ("customerPaymentInformation", "true") ) get( uri = DesUri[PaymentsResponse](s"enterprise/financial-data/VRN/${request.vrn.vrn}/VATC"), queryParams = queryParams ) } }
Example 103
Source File: SubmitReturnConnector.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.connectors import config.AppConfig import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import import v1.models.errors.ConnectorError import v1.models.request.submit.SubmitRequest import v1.models.response.submit.SubmitResponse import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class SubmitReturnConnector @Inject()(val http: HttpClient, val appConfig: AppConfig) extends BaseDesConnector { def submitReturn(request: SubmitRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[DesOutcome[SubmitResponse]] = { import v1.connectors.httpparsers.StandardDesHttpParser._ val vrn = request.vrn.vrn implicit val connectorError: ConnectorError = ConnectorError(vrn, hc.requestId.fold(""){ requestId => requestId.value}) post( body = request.body, uri = DesUri[SubmitResponse](s"enterprise/return/vat/$vrn") ) } }
Example 104
Source File: ViewReturnConnector.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.connectors import config.AppConfig import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import import v1.models.errors.ConnectorError import v1.models.request.viewReturn.ViewRequest import v1.models.response.viewReturn.ViewReturnResponse import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ViewReturnConnector @Inject()(val http: HttpClient, val appConfig: AppConfig) extends BaseDesConnector { def viewReturn(request: ViewRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[DesOutcome[ViewReturnResponse]] = { import v1.connectors.httpparsers.StandardDesHttpParser._ val vrn = request.vrn.vrn implicit val connectorError: ConnectorError = ConnectorError(vrn, hc.requestId.fold(""){ requestId => requestId.value}) val queryParams: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq( "period-key" -> request.periodKey ) get( uri = DesUri[ViewReturnResponse](s"vat/returns/vrn/$vrn"), queryParams = queryParams ) } }
Example 105
Source File: ObligationsConnector.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.connectors import config.AppConfig import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import import v1.models.errors.ConnectorError import v1.models.request.obligations.ObligationsRequest import v1.models.response.obligations.ObligationsResponse import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class ObligationsConnector @Inject()(val http: HttpClient, val appConfig: AppConfig) extends BaseDesConnector { def retrieveObligations(request: ObligationsRequest)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[DesOutcome[ObligationsResponse]] = { import v1.connectors.httpparsers.StandardDesHttpParser._ val vrn = request.vrn.vrn implicit val connectorError: ConnectorError = ConnectorError(vrn, hc.requestId.fold(""){ requestId => requestId.value}) val queryParams: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq( "from" -> request.from, "to" ->, "status" -> request.status ) collect { case (key, Some(value)) => key -> value } get( uri = DesUri[ObligationsResponse](s"enterprise/obligation-data/vrn/$vrn/VATC"), queryParams = queryParams ) } }
Example 106
Source File: NrsConnector.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.connectors import config.AppConfig import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import import v1.models.nrs.request.NrsSubmission import v1.models.nrs.response.NrsResponse import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class NrsConnector @Inject()(val ws: WSClient, val appConfig: AppConfig) extends BaseNrsConnector { def submitNrs(body: NrsSubmission)( implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[NrsOutcome[NrsResponse]] = { import v1.connectors.httpparsers.StandardNrsWsParser._ nrsPost[NrsSubmission, NrsResponse]( uri = NrsUri[NrsResponse](s"submission"), body = body, defaultResult = Right(NrsResponse.empty) ) } }
Example 107
Source File: VersionRoutingRequestHandler.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package routing import config.{AppConfig, FeatureSwitch} import definition.Versions import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.{DefaultHttpRequestHandler, HttpConfiguration, HttpErrorHandler, HttpFilters} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{DefaultActionBuilder, Handler, RequestHeader, Results} import play.api.routing.Router import v1.controllers.requestParsers.validators.validations.VrnValidation import v1.models.errors.{InvalidAcceptHeaderError, UnsupportedVersionError, VrnFormatError} @Singleton class VersionRoutingRequestHandler @Inject()(versionRoutingMap: VersionRoutingMap, errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler, httpConfiguration: HttpConfiguration, config: AppConfig, filters: HttpFilters, action: DefaultActionBuilder) extends DefaultHttpRequestHandler(versionRoutingMap.defaultRouter, errorHandler, httpConfiguration, filters) { private val featureSwitch = FeatureSwitch(config.featureSwitch) private val unsupportedVersionAction = action(Results.NotFound(Json.toJson(UnsupportedVersionError))) private val invalidAcceptHeaderError = action(Results.NotAcceptable(Json.toJson(InvalidAcceptHeaderError))) override def routeRequest(request: RequestHeader): Option[Handler] = { def documentHandler = routeWith(versionRoutingMap.defaultRouter)(request) def apiHandler = Versions.getFromRequest(request) match { case Some(version) => versionRoutingMap.versionRouter(version) match { case Some(versionRouter) if featureSwitch.isVersionEnabled(version) => routeWith(versionRouter)(request) case Some(_) => Some(unsupportedVersionAction) case None => Some(unsupportedVersionAction) } case None => Some(invalidAcceptHeaderError) } documentHandler orElse apiHandler } private def routeWith(router: Router)(request: RequestHeader) = router .handlerFor(request) .orElse { if (validatePath(request.path)) { if (request.path.endsWith("/")) { val pathWithoutSlash = request.path.dropRight(1) val requestWithModifiedPath = request.withTarget( router.handlerFor(requestWithModifiedPath) } else None } else { Some(action(Results.BadRequest(Json.toJson(VrnFormatError)))) } } private def validatePath(path: String) = { val vrn = path.split("/")(1) if(VrnValidation.validate(vrn) == Nil) true else false } }
Example 108
Source File: ApiDefinitionFactory.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package definition import config.{AppConfig, FeatureSwitch} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Logger @Singleton class ApiDefinitionFactory @Inject()(appConfig: AppConfig) { private val readScope = "read:vat" private val writeScope = "write:vat" lazy val definition: Definition = Definition( scopes = Seq( Scope( key = readScope, name = "View your VAT information", description = "Allow read access to VAT data" ), Scope( key = writeScope, name = "Change your VAT information", description = "Allow write access to VAT data" ) ), api = APIDefinition( name = "VAT (MTD)", description = "An API for providing VAT data", context = appConfig.apiGatewayContext, categories = Seq("VAT_MTD"), versions = Seq( APIVersion( version = "1.0", access = buildWhiteListingAccess(), status = buildAPIStatus("1.0"), endpointsEnabled = true ) ), requiresTrust = None ) ) private[definition] def buildAPIStatus(version: String): APIStatus = { APIStatus.parser.lift(appConfig.apiStatus(version)) .getOrElse { Logger.error(s"[ApiDefinition][buildApiStatus] no API Status found in config. Reverting to Alpha") APIStatus.ALPHA } } private[definition] def buildWhiteListingAccess(): Option[Access] = { val featureSwitch = FeatureSwitch(appConfig.featureSwitch) if (featureSwitch.isWhiteListingEnabled) Some(Access("PRIVATE", featureSwitch.whiteListedApplicationIds)) else None } }
Example 109
Source File: DocumentationController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package config import controllers.Assets import definition.ApiDefinitionFactory import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import{DocumentationController => HmrcDocumentationController} @Singleton class DocumentationController @Inject()(vatApiDefinition: ApiDefinitionFactory, cc: ControllerComponents, assets: Assets, errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler) extends HmrcDocumentationController(cc,assets , errorHandler ) { override def definition(): Action[AnyContent] = Action { Ok(Json.toJson(vatApiDefinition.definition)) } def raml(version: String, file: String): Action[AnyContent] = {"/public/api/conf/$version", file) } }
Example 110
Source File: ObligationsResource.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import import import import{Errors, ObligationsQueryParams} import import{AuditService, AuthorisationService} import import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class ObligationsResource @Inject()( connector: ObligationsConnector, val authService: AuthorisationService, auditService: AuditService, cc: ControllerComponents )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends BaseResource(cc) { def retrieveObligations(vrn: Vrn, params: ObligationsQueryParams): Action[AnyContent] = APIAction(vrn).async { implicit request => logger.debug(s"[ObligationsResource][retrieveObligations] - Retrieve Obligations for VRN : $vrn") val arn = getArn val clientId = getClientId implicit val endpoint: Endpoint = Endpoint.RetrieveObligations def audit(vatResult: VatResult, correlationId: String) = auditService.audit(AuditEvents.retrieveVatObligationsAudit(correlationId, request.authContext.affinityGroup, arn, clientId, vatResult.auditResponse)) val result = for { desResponse <- connector.get(vrn, params) } yield { val result = desResponse.filter { case OK => desResponse.obligations(vrn) match { case Right(Some(obligations)) => logger.debug(s"[ObligationsResource][retrieveObligations] Successfully retrieved Obligations from DES") VatResult.Success(OK, obligations) case Right(None) => VatResult.Failure(NOT_FOUND, Errors.NotFound) case Left(ex) => logger.error(s"[ObligationsResource][retrieveObligations] Json format from DES doesn't match the Obligations model: ${ex.msg}") VatResult.Failure(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError) } } audit(result, desResponse.getCorrelationId) result } result.recover { case ex => logger.warn(s"[ObligationsResource][retrieveObligations] Unexpected downstream error thrown ${ex.getMessage}") val result = VatResult.Failure(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError) audit(result, Response.defaultCorrelationId) result }.map(_.result) } }
Example 111
Source File: DocumentationController.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import controllers.Assets import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import{DocumentationController => HmrcDocumentationController} import @Singleton class DocumentationController @Inject()(vatApiDefinition: VatApiDefinition, cc: ControllerComponents, assets: Assets, errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler) extends HmrcDocumentationController(cc, assets , errorHandler ) { override def definition() = Action { Ok(Json.toJson(vatApiDefinition.definition)) } def raml(version: String, file: String): Action[AnyContent] = {"/public/api/conf/$version", file) } }
Example 112
Source File: VatApiDefinition.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Logger import import @Singleton class VatApiDefinition @Inject()(appContext: AppContext) { lazy val definition: Definition = Definition( scopes = Seq( Scope( key = readScope, name = "View your VAT information", description = "Allow read access to VAT data" ), Scope( key = writeScope, name = "Change your VAT information", description = "Allow write access to VAT data" ) ), api = OldAPIDefinition( name = "VAT (MTD)", description = "An API for providing VAT data", context = appContext.apiGatewayRegistrationContext, versions = Seq( APIVersion( version = "1.0", status = buildAPIStatus("1.0"), endpointsEnabled = true ) ), requiresTrust = None ) ) val logger: Logger = Logger(this.getClass) private val readScope = "read:vat" private val writeScope = "write:vat" private def buildAPIStatus(version: String): APIStatus = { appContext.apiStatus(version) match { case "ALPHA" => APIStatus.ALPHA case "BETA" => APIStatus.BETA case "STABLE" => APIStatus.STABLE case "DEPRECATED" => APIStatus.DEPRECATED case "RETIRED" => APIStatus.RETIRED case _ => logger.error(s"[ApiDefinition][buildApiStatus] no API status found in config. Reverting to alpha") APIStatus.ALPHA } } }
Example 113
Source File: AppContext.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Application import import @Singleton class AppContext @Inject()(config: ServicesConfig, application: Application) extends FixedConfig { //API Platform Config lazy val appName: String = config.getString("appName") lazy val appUrl: String = config.getString("appUrl") lazy val apiGatewayContext: String = config.getString("api.gateway.context") lazy val apiGatewayRegistrationContext: String = apiGatewayContext lazy val apiGatewayLinkContext: String = apiGatewayContext lazy val registrationEnabled: Boolean = application.configuration.getOptional[Boolean](s"").getOrElse(true) lazy val serviceLocatorUrl: String = config.baseUrl("service-locator") //DES Config lazy val desEnv: String = config.getString(s"") lazy val desToken: String = config.getString(s"") lazy val desUrl: String = config.baseUrl("des") //NRS Config lazy val nrsServiceUrl: String = config.baseUrl("non-repudiation") lazy val xApiKey: String = config.getString(s"access-keys.xApiKey") lazy val nrsMaxTimeoutMillis: Int = config.getInt(s"") lazy val featureSwitch: String = config.getString(s"feature-switch") lazy val vatAuthEnrolments: VATAuthEnrolments = VATAuthEnrolments(config.getString(s"enrolments.key"), config.getString(s"enrolments.identifier"), config.getConfString(s"enrolments.authRule", "mtd-vat-auth")) def apiStatus(version: String): String = config.getString(s"api.$version.status") } trait FixedConfig { val mtdDate = ConfigFactory.load().getString("mtd-date") }
Example 114
Source File: DatabaseModule.scala From dr-cla with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package modules import com.github.mauricio.async.db.SSLConfiguration import com.github.mauricio.async.db.pool.{PartitionedConnectionPool, PoolConfiguration} import com.github.mauricio.async.db.postgresql.pool.PostgreSQLConnectionFactory import com.github.mauricio.async.db.postgresql.util.URLParser import io.getquill.{PostgresAsyncContext, SnakeCase} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import play.api.inject.{ApplicationLifecycle, Binding, Module} import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class DatabaseModule extends Module { def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]] = { Seq( bind[Database].to[DatabaseImpl] ) } } trait Database { val ctx: PostgresAsyncContext[SnakeCase] } @Singleton class DatabaseImpl @Inject()(lifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle, playConfig: Configuration) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends Database { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private val maybeDbUrl = playConfig.getOptional[String]("db.default.url") private val config = private val configWithMaybeSsl = playConfig.getOptional[String]("db.default.sslmode").fold(config) { sslmode => val sslConfig = SSLConfiguration(Map("sslmode" -> sslmode)) config.copy(ssl = sslConfig) } private val connectionFactory = new PostgreSQLConnectionFactory(configWithMaybeSsl) private val defaultPoolConfig = PoolConfiguration.Default private val maxObjects = playConfig.getOptional[Int]("db.default.max-objects").getOrElse(defaultPoolConfig.maxObjects) private val maxIdleMillis = playConfig.getOptional[Long]("db.default.max-idle-millis").getOrElse(defaultPoolConfig.maxIdle) private val maxQueueSize = playConfig.getOptional[Int]("db.default.max-queue-size").getOrElse(defaultPoolConfig.maxQueueSize) private val validationInterval = playConfig.getOptional[Long]("db.default.max-queue-size").getOrElse(defaultPoolConfig.validationInterval) private val poolConfig = new PoolConfiguration(maxObjects, maxIdleMillis, maxQueueSize, validationInterval) private val numberOfPartitions = playConfig.getOptional[Int]("db.default.number-of-partitions").getOrElse(4) private val pool = new PartitionedConnectionPool( connectionFactory, poolConfig, numberOfPartitions, ec ) lifecycle.addStopHook { () => pool.close } val ctx = new PostgresAsyncContext(SnakeCase, pool) }
Example 115
Source File: Migration.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.models import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Success import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsNumber, JsString, JsValue, Json} import{OrganizationSrv, UserSrv, WorkerSrv} import org.elastic4play.controllers.Fields import import{DatabaseState, IndexType, MigrationOperations, Operation} import org.elastic4play.utils.Hasher @Singleton class Migration @Inject()(userSrv: UserSrv, organizationSrv: OrganizationSrv, workerSrv: WorkerSrv, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) extends MigrationOperations { lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) def beginMigration(version: Int): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(()) def endMigration(version: Int): Future[Unit] = userSrv.inInitAuthContext { implicit authContext ⇒ organizationSrv .create(Fields(Json.obj("name" → "cortex", "description" → "Default organization", "status" → "Active"))) .transform(_ ⇒ Success(())) // ignore errors (already exist) } override def indexType(version: Int): IndexType.Value = if (version > 3) IndexType.indexWithoutMappingTypes else IndexType.indexWithMappingTypes val operations: PartialFunction[DatabaseState, Seq[Operation]] = { case DatabaseState(1) ⇒ val hasher = Hasher("MD5") Seq( // add type to analyzer addAttribute("analyzer", "type" → JsString("analyzer")), renameAttribute("job", "workerDefinitionId", "analyzerDefinitionId"), renameAttribute("job", "workerId", "analyzerId"), renameAttribute("job", "workerName", "analyzerName"), addAttribute("job", "type" → JsString(WorkerType.analyzer.toString)), addAttribute("report", "operations" → JsString("[]")), renameEntity("analyzer", "worker"), renameAttribute("worker", "workerDefinitionId", "analyzerDefinitionId"), addAttribute("worker", "type" → JsString(WorkerType.analyzer.toString)), mapEntity("worker") { worker ⇒ val id = for { organizationId ← (worker \ "_parent").asOpt[String] name ← (worker \ "name").asOpt[String] tpe ← (worker \ "type").asOpt[String] } yield hasher.fromString(s"${organizationId}_${name}_$tpe").head.toString worker + ("_id" → JsString(id.getOrElse("<null>"))) }, renameEntity("analyzerConfig", "workerConfig"), addAttribute("workerConfig", "type" → JsString(WorkerType.analyzer.toString)) ) case DatabaseState(2) ⇒ Seq(mapEntity("worker") { worker ⇒ val definitionId = (worker \ "workerDefinitionId").asOpt[String] definitionId .flatMap(workerSrv.getDefinition(_).toOption) .fold { logger.warn(s"no definition found for worker ${definitionId.getOrElse(worker)}. You should probably have to disable and re-enable it") worker } { definition ⇒ worker + ("version" → JsString(definition.version)) + ("author" → JsString( + ("url" → JsString(definition.url)) + ("license" → JsString(definition.license)) + ("command" → definition.command.fold[JsValue](JsNull)(c ⇒ JsString(c.toString))) + ("dockerImage" → definition.dockerImage.fold[JsValue](JsNull)(JsString.apply)) + ("baseConfig" → definition.baseConfiguration.fold[JsValue](JsNull)(JsString.apply)) } }) case DatabaseState(3) ⇒ Seq( mapEntity("sequence") { seq ⇒ val oldId = (seq \ "_id").as[String] val counter = (seq \ "counter").as[JsNumber] seq - "counter" - "_routing" + ("_id" → JsString("sequence_" + oldId)) + ("sequenceCounter" → counter) } ) } }
Example 116
Source File: Worker.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.models import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.elastic4play.models.JsonFormat.enumFormat import org.elastic4play.models.{AttributeDef, BaseEntity, ChildModelDef, EntityDef, HiveEnumeration, AttributeFormat ⇒ F, AttributeOption ⇒ O} import org.elastic4play.utils.Hasher import org.thp.cortex.models.JsonFormat.workerTypeFormat import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, Json} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try object RateUnit extends Enumeration with HiveEnumeration { type Type = Value val Second = Value(1) val Minute = Value(60) val Hour = Value(60 * 60) val Day = Value(60 * 60 * 24) val Month = Value(60 * 60 * 24 * 30) implicit val reads = enumFormat(this) } object WorkerType extends Enumeration with HiveEnumeration { type Type = Value val analyzer, responder = Value } trait WorkerAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒ val workerId = attribute("_id", F.stringFmt, "Worker id", O.model) val name = attribute("name", F.stringFmt, "Worker name") val vers = attribute("version", F.stringFmt, "Worker version", O.readonly) val workerDefinitionId = attribute("workerDefinitionId", F.stringFmt, "Worker definition id", O.readonly) val description = attribute("description", F.textFmt, "Worker description", O.readonly) val author = attribute("author", F.textFmt, "Worker author", O.readonly) val url = attribute("url", F.textFmt, "Worker url", O.readonly) val license = attribute("license", F.textFmt, "Worker license", O.readonly) val command = optionalAttribute("command", F.textFmt, "Worker command", O.readonly) val dockerImage = optionalAttribute("dockerImage", F.textFmt, "Worker docker image", O.readonly) val dataTypeList = multiAttribute("dataTypeList", F.stringFmt, "List of data type this worker can manage") val configuration = attribute("configuration", F.rawFmt, "Configuration of the worker", O.sensitive) val baseConfig = attribute("baseConfig", F.stringFmt, "Base configuration key", O.readonly) val rate = optionalAttribute("rate", F.numberFmt, "Number ") val rateUnit = optionalAttribute("rateUnit", F.enumFmt(RateUnit), "") val jobCache = optionalAttribute("jobCache", F.numberFmt, "") val jobTimeout = optionalAttribute("jobTimeout", F.numberFmt, "") val tpe = attribute("type", F.enumFmt(WorkerType), "", O.readonly) } @Singleton class WorkerModel @Inject()(organizationModel: OrganizationModel) extends ChildModelDef[WorkerModel, Worker, OrganizationModel, Organization](organizationModel, "worker", "Worker", "/worker") with WorkerAttributes with AuditedModel { override def creationHook(parent: Option[BaseEntity], attrs: JsObject): Future[JsObject] = { val hasher = Hasher("md5") val id = for { organizationId ← name ← (attrs \ "name").asOpt[String] tpe ← (attrs \ "type").asOpt[String] } yield hasher.fromString(s"${organizationId}_${name}_$tpe").head.toString Future.successful(attrs + ("_id" → JsString(id.getOrElse("<null>")))) } } class Worker(model: WorkerModel, attributes: JsObject) extends EntityDef[WorkerModel, Worker](model, attributes) with WorkerAttributes { def config: JsObject = Try(Json.parse(configuration()).as[JsObject]).getOrElse(JsObject.empty) def organization = parentId.get }
Example 117
Source File: Artifact.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.models import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import org.elastic4play.models.{AttributeDef, EntityDef, AttributeFormat ⇒ F, AttributeOption ⇒ O, ChildModelDef} trait ArtifactAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒ val dataType = attribute("dataType", F.stringFmt, "Type of the artifact", O.readonly) val data = optionalAttribute("data", F.rawFmt, "Content of the artifact", O.readonly) val attachment = optionalAttribute("attachment", F.attachmentFmt, "Artifact file content", O.readonly) val tlp = attribute("tlp", TlpAttributeFormat, "TLP level", 2L) val tags = multiAttribute("tags", F.stringFmt, "Artifact tags") val message = optionalAttribute("message", F.textFmt, "Message associated to the analysis") } @Singleton class ArtifactModel @Inject()(reportModel: ReportModel) extends ChildModelDef[ArtifactModel, Artifact, ReportModel, Report](reportModel, "artifact", "Artifact", "/artifact") with ArtifactAttributes {} class Artifact(model: ArtifactModel, attributes: JsObject) extends EntityDef[ArtifactModel, Artifact](model, attributes) with ArtifactAttributes
Example 118
Source File: Organization.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.models import javax.inject.{Inject, Provider, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, Json} import org.elastic4play.models.JsonFormat.enumFormat import org.elastic4play.models.{AttributeDef, BaseEntity, EntityDef, HiveEnumeration, ModelDef, AttributeFormat ⇒ F, AttributeOption ⇒ O} import object OrganizationStatus extends Enumeration with HiveEnumeration { type Type = Value val Active, Locked = Value implicit val reads = enumFormat(this) } trait OrganizationAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒ val name = attribute("name", F.stringFmt, "Organization name", O.form) val _id = attribute("_id", F.stringFmt, "Organization name", O.model) val description = attribute("description", F.textFmt, "Organization description") val status = attribute("status", F.enumFmt(OrganizationStatus), "Status of the organization", OrganizationStatus.Active) } @Singleton class OrganizationModel @Inject()( findSrv: FindSrv, userModelProvider: Provider[UserModel], workerModelProvider: Provider[WorkerModel], implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends ModelDef[OrganizationModel, Organization]("organization", "Organization", "/organization") with OrganizationAttributes with AuditedModel { private lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) lazy val userModel = userModelProvider.get lazy val workerModel = workerModelProvider.get override def removeAttribute = Json.obj("status" → "Locked") override def creationHook(parent: Option[BaseEntity], attrs: JsObject): Future[JsObject] = Future.successful { (attrs \ "name").asOpt[JsString].fold(attrs) { orgName ⇒ attrs - "name" + ("_id" → orgName) } } private def buildUserStats(organization: Organization): Future[JsObject] = { import findSrv(userModel, "organization" ~=, groupByField("status", selectCount)) .map { userStatsJson ⇒ val (userCount, userStats) = userStatsJson.value.foldLeft((0L, JsObject.empty)) { case ((total, s), (key, value)) ⇒ val count = (value \ "count").as[Long] (total + count, s + (key → JsNumber(count))) } Json.obj("users" → (userStats + ("total" → JsNumber(userCount)))) } } private def buildWorkerStats(organization: Organization): Future[JsObject] = { import findSrv(workerModel, withParent(organization), groupByField("status", selectCount)) .map { workerStatsJson ⇒ val (workerCount, workerStats) = workerStatsJson.value.foldLeft((0L, JsObject.empty)) { case ((total, s), (key, value)) ⇒ val count = (value \ "count").as[Long] (total + count, s + (key → JsNumber(count))) } Json.obj("workers" → (workerStats + ("total" → JsNumber(workerCount)))) } } override def getStats(entity: BaseEntity): Future[JsObject] = entity match { case organization: Organization ⇒ for { userStats ← buildUserStats(organization) workerStats ← buildWorkerStats(organization) } yield userStats ++ workerStats case other ⇒ logger.warn(s"Request caseStats from a non-case entity ?! ${other.getClass}:$other") Future.successful(Json.obj()) } } class Organization(model: OrganizationModel, attributes: JsObject) extends EntityDef[OrganizationModel, Organization](model, attributes) with OrganizationAttributes { override def toJson: JsObject = super.toJson + ("name" → JsString(id)) }
Example 119
Source File: WorkerConfig.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.models import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json} import org.elastic4play.models.{AttributeDef, ChildModelDef, EntityDef, AttributeFormat ⇒ F, AttributeOption ⇒ O} import org.thp.cortex.models.JsonFormat.workerTypeFormat trait WorkerConfigAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒ val name = attribute("name", F.stringFmt, "Worker name") val config = attribute("config", F.rawFmt, "Configuration of worker", O.sensitive) val tpe = attribute("type", F.enumFmt(WorkerType), "", O.readonly) } @Singleton class WorkerConfigModel @Inject()(organizationModel: OrganizationModel) extends ChildModelDef[WorkerConfigModel, WorkerConfig, OrganizationModel, Organization]( organizationModel, "workerConfig", "WorkerConfig", "/worker/config" ) with WorkerConfigAttributes {} class WorkerConfig(model: WorkerConfigModel, attributes: JsObject) extends EntityDef[WorkerConfigModel, WorkerConfig](model, attributes) with WorkerConfigAttributes { def organization = parentId.get def jsonConfig = Json.parse(config()).as[JsObject] }
Example 120
package org.thp.cortex.models import scala.util.Try import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, Json} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.thp.cortex.models.JsonFormat.workerTypeFormat import org.elastic4play.models.JsonFormat.enumFormat import org.elastic4play.models.{AttributeDef, EntityDef, HiveEnumeration, ModelDef, AttributeFormat ⇒ F, AttributeOption ⇒ O} object JobStatus extends Enumeration with HiveEnumeration { type Type = Value val Waiting, InProgress, Success, Failure, Deleted = Value implicit val reads = enumFormat(this) } trait JobAttributes { _: AttributeDef ⇒ val workerDefinitionId = attribute("workerDefinitionId", F.stringFmt, "Worker definition id", O.readonly) val workerId = attribute("workerId", F.stringFmt, "Worker id", O.readonly) val workerName = attribute("workerName", F.stringFmt, "Worker name", O.readonly) val organization = attribute("organization", F.stringFmt, "Organization ID", O.readonly) val status = attribute("status", F.enumFmt(JobStatus), "Status of the job") val startDate = optionalAttribute("startDate", F.dateFmt, "Analysis start date") val endDate = optionalAttribute("endDate", F.dateFmt, "Analysis end date") val dataType = attribute("dataType", F.stringFmt, "Type of the artifact", O.readonly) val data = optionalAttribute("data", F.rawFmt, "Content of the artifact", O.readonly) val attachment = optionalAttribute("attachment", F.attachmentFmt, "Artifact file content", O.readonly) val tlp = attribute("tlp", TlpAttributeFormat, "TLP level", 2L) val pap = attribute("pap", TlpAttributeFormat, "PAP level", 2L) val message = optionalAttribute("message", F.textFmt, "Message associated to the analysis") val errorMessage = optionalAttribute("errorMessage", F.textFmt, "Message returned by the worker when it fails") val parameters = attribute("parameters", F.rawFmt, "Parameters for this job", "{}") val input = optionalAttribute("input", F.rawFmt, "Data sent to worker") val fromCache = optionalAttribute("fromCache", F.booleanFmt, "Indicates if cache is used", O.form) val tpe = attribute("type", F.enumFmt(WorkerType), "", O.readonly) val lbel = optionalAttribute("label", F.stringFmt, "Label of the job") val cacheTag = optionalAttribute("cacheTag", F.stringFmt, "hash of job discriminant, used for cache", O.readonly) } @Singleton class JobModel @Inject()() extends ModelDef[JobModel, Job]("job", "Job", "/job") with JobAttributes with AuditedModel { override val removeAttribute: JsObject = Json.obj("status" → JobStatus.Deleted) override def defaultSortBy: Seq[String] = Seq("-createdAt") } class Job(model: JobModel, attributes: JsObject) extends EntityDef[JobModel, Job](model, attributes) with JobAttributes { val params: JsObject = Try(Json.parse(parameters()).as[JsObject]).getOrElse(JsObject.empty) override def toJson: JsObject = { val output = input().fold(super.toJson)( i ⇒ super.toJson + ("input" → Json.parse(i)) ) + ("parameters" → params) + ("analyzerId" → JsString(workerId())) + ("analyzerName" → JsString(workerName())) + ("analyzerDefinitionId" → JsString(workerDefinitionId())) + ("date" → Json.toJson(createdAt)) data() match { case Some(d) if tpe() == WorkerType.responder ⇒ output + ("data" → Json.parse(d)) case _ ⇒ output } } }
Example 121
Source File: AuditSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import play.api.Logger import{Actor, ActorRef} import org.thp.cortex.models.JobStatus import org.elastic4play.models.BaseEntity import object AuditActor { case class Register(jobId: String, timeout: FiniteDuration) case class Unregister(jobId: String, actorRef: ActorRef) case class JobEnded(jobId: String, status: JobStatus.Type) } @Singleton class AuditActor @Inject()(eventSrv: EventSrv, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) extends Actor { import AuditActor._ object EntityExtractor { def unapply(e: BaseEntity) = Some((e.model,, e.routing)) } var registration = Map.empty[String, Seq[ActorRef]] private[AuditActor] lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) override def preStart(): Unit = { eventSrv.subscribe(self, classOf[EventMessage]) super.preStart() } override def postStop(): Unit = { eventSrv.unsubscribe(self) super.postStop() } override def receive: Receive = { case Register(jobId, timeout) ⇒"Register new listener for job $jobId ($sender)") val newActorList = registration.getOrElse(jobId, Nil) :+ sender registration += (jobId → newActorList) context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(timeout, self, Unregister(jobId, sender)) case Unregister(jobId, actorRef) ⇒"Unregister listener for job $jobId ($actorRef)") val newActorList = registration.getOrElse(jobId, Nil).filterNot(_ == actorRef) registration += (jobId → newActorList) case AuditOperation(EntityExtractor(model, id, routing), action, details, authContext, date) ⇒ if (model.modelName == "job" && action == AuditableAction.Update) {"Job $id has be updated (${details \ "status"})") val status = (details \ "status").asOpt[JobStatus.Type].getOrElse(JobStatus.InProgress) if (status != JobStatus.InProgress) registration.getOrElse(id, Nil).foreach { aref ⇒ aref ! JobEnded(id, status) } } } }
Example 122
Source File: CSRFFilter.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Provider, Singleton} import play.api.Logger import play.api.http.SessionConfiguration import play.api.libs.crypto.CSRFTokenSigner import play.filters.csrf.{CSRFFilter ⇒ PCSRFFilter} import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import play.filters.csrf.CSRF.{ErrorHandler ⇒ CSRFErrorHandler, TokenProvider} import play.filters.csrf.CSRFConfig import object CSRFFilter { private[CSRFFilter] lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) def shouldProtect(request: RequestHeader): Boolean = { val isLogin = request.uri.startsWith("/api/login") val isApi = request.uri.startsWith("/api") val isInSession = val check = !isLogin && isApi && isInSession logger.debug(s"[csrf] uri ${request.uri} (isLogin=$isLogin, isApi=$isApi, isInSession=$isInSession): ${if (check) "" else "don't"} check") check } } @Singleton class CSRFFilter @Inject()( config: Provider[CSRFConfig], tokenSignerProvider: Provider[CSRFTokenSigner], sessionConfiguration: SessionConfiguration, tokenProvider: TokenProvider, errorHandler: CSRFErrorHandler )(mat: Materializer) extends PCSRFFilter( config.get.copy(shouldProtect = CSRFFilter.shouldProtect), tokenSignerProvider.get, sessionConfiguration, tokenProvider, errorHandler )(mat)
Example 123
Source File: OrganizationSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import play.api.Configuration import play.api.cache.AsyncCacheApi import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import akka.NotUsed import import org.thp.cortex.models.{Organization, OrganizationModel} import org.elastic4play.controllers.Fields import org.elastic4play.database.ModifyConfig import @Singleton class OrganizationSrv( cacheExpiration: Duration, organizationModel: OrganizationModel, getSrv: GetSrv, updateSrv: UpdateSrv, findSrv: FindSrv, deleteSrv: DeleteSrv, createSrv: CreateSrv, cache: AsyncCacheApi ) { @Inject() def this( config: Configuration, organizationModel: OrganizationModel, getSrv: GetSrv, updateSrv: UpdateSrv, findSrv: FindSrv, deleteSrv: DeleteSrv, createSrv: CreateSrv, cache: AsyncCacheApi ) = this(config.get[Duration]("cache.organization"), organizationModel, getSrv, updateSrv, findSrv, deleteSrv, createSrv, cache) def create(fields: Fields)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[Organization] = createSrv[OrganizationModel, Organization](organizationModel, fields) def get(orgId: String): Future[Organization] = cache.getOrElseUpdate(s"org-$orgId", cacheExpiration) { getSrv[OrganizationModel, Organization](organizationModel, orgId) } def update(orgId: String, fields: Fields)(implicit Context: AuthContext): Future[Organization] = update(orgId, fields, ModifyConfig.default) def update(orgId: String, fields: Fields, modifyConfig: ModifyConfig)(implicit Context: AuthContext): Future[Organization] = { cache.remove(s"org-$orgId") updateSrv[OrganizationModel, Organization](organizationModel, orgId, fields, modifyConfig) } def update(organization: Organization, fields: Fields)(implicit Context: AuthContext): Future[Organization] = update(organization, fields, ModifyConfig.default) def update(organization: Organization, fields: Fields, modifyConfig: ModifyConfig)(implicit Context: AuthContext): Future[Organization] = { cache.remove(s"org-${}") updateSrv(organization, fields, modifyConfig) } def delete(orgId: String)(implicit Context: AuthContext): Future[Organization] = { cache.remove(s"org-$orgId") deleteSrv[OrganizationModel, Organization](organizationModel, orgId) } def find(queryDef: QueryDef, range: Option[String], sortBy: Seq[String]): (Source[Organization, NotUsed], Future[Long]) = findSrv[OrganizationModel, Organization](organizationModel, queryDef, range, sortBy) def stats(queryDef: QueryDef, aggs: Seq[Agg]): Future[JsObject] = findSrv(organizationModel, queryDef, aggs: _*) }
Example 124
Source File: AnalyzerConfigSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.Configuration import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.thp.cortex.models.{BaseConfig, WorkerConfigModel, WorkerType} import{CreateSrv, FindSrv, UpdateSrv} @Singleton class AnalyzerConfigSrv @Inject()( val configuration: Configuration, val workerConfigModel: WorkerConfigModel, val userSrv: UserSrv, val organizationSrv: OrganizationSrv, val workerSrv: WorkerSrv, val createSrv: CreateSrv, val updateSrv: UpdateSrv, val findSrv: FindSrv, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext, implicit val mat: Materializer ) extends WorkerConfigSrv { override val workerType: WorkerType.Type = WorkerType.analyzer def definitions: Future[Map[String, BaseConfig]] = buildDefinitionMap(workerSrv.listAnalyzerDefinitions._1) }
Example 125
Source File: CortexAuthSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import play.api.{Configuration, Logger} import import object CortexAuthSrv { private[CortexAuthSrv] lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) def getAuthSrv(authTypes: Seq[String], authModules: immutable.Set[AuthSrv]): Seq[AuthSrv] = ("key" +: authTypes.filterNot(_ == "key")) .flatMap { authType ⇒ authModules .find( == authType) .orElse { logger.error(s"Authentication module $authType not found") None } } } @Singleton class CortexAuthSrv @Inject()( configuration: Configuration, authModules: immutable.Set[AuthSrv], userSrv: UserSrv, implicit override val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends MultiAuthSrv( CortexAuthSrv.getAuthSrv(configuration.getDeprecated[Option[Seq[String]]]("auth.provider", "auth.type").getOrElse(Seq("local")), authModules), ec ) { // Uncomment the following lines if you want to prevent user with key to use password to authenticate // override def authenticate(username: String, password: String)(implicit request: RequestHeader): Future[AuthContext] = // userSrv.get(username) // .transformWith { // case Success(user) if user.key().isDefined ⇒ Future.failed(AuthenticationError("Authentication by password is not permitted for user with key")) // case _: Success[_] ⇒ super.authenticate(username, password) // case _: Failure[_] ⇒ Future.failed(AuthenticationError("Authentication failure")) // } }
Example 126
Source File: ProcessJobRunnerSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths} import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.elastic4play.utils.RichFuture import org.thp.cortex.models._ import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger, _} import scala.util.Try @Singleton class ProcessJobRunnerSrv @Inject()(implicit val system: ActorSystem) { lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) private val pythonPackageVersionRegex = "^Version: ([0-9]*)\\.([0-9]*)\\.([0-9]*)".r def checkCortexUtilsVersion(pythonVersion: String): Option[(Int, Int, Int)] = Try { (s"pip$pythonVersion" :: "show" :: "cortexutils" :: Nil) .lineStream .collectFirst { case pythonPackageVersionRegex(major, minor, patch) ⇒ (major.toInt, minor.toInt, patch.toInt) } }.getOrElse(None) def run(jobDirectory: Path, command: String, job: Job, timeout: Option[FiniteDuration])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = { val baseDirectory = Paths.get(command).getParent.getParent val output = StringBuilder.newBuilder"Execute $command in $baseDirectory, timeout is ${timeout.fold("none")(_.toString)}") val process = Process(Seq(command, jobDirectory.toString), baseDirectory.toFile) .run(ProcessLogger { s ⇒" Job ${}: $s") output ++= s }) val execution = Future .apply { process.exitValue() () } .map { _ ⇒ val outputFile = jobDirectory.resolve("output").resolve("output.json") if (!Files.exists(outputFile) || Files.size(outputFile) == 0) { val report = Json.obj("success" → false, "errorMessage" → output.toString) Files.write(outputFile, report.toString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } () } .recoverWith { case error ⇒ logger.error(s"Execution of command $command failed", error) Future.apply { val report = Json.obj("success" → false, "errorMessage" → s"${error.getMessage}\n$output") Files.write(jobDirectory.resolve("output").resolve("output.json"), report.toString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) () } } timeout.fold(execution)(t ⇒ execution.withTimeout(t, killProcess(process))) } def killProcess(process: Process): Unit = {"Timeout reached, killing process") process.destroy() } }
Example 127
Source File: LocalAuthSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Random import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import import org.thp.cortex.models.User import org.elastic4play.controllers.Fields import{AuthCapability, AuthContext, AuthSrv} import org.elastic4play.utils.Hasher import org.elastic4play.{AuthenticationError, AuthorizationError} @Singleton class LocalAuthSrv @Inject()(userSrv: UserSrv, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext, implicit val mat: Materializer) extends AuthSrv { val name = "local" override val capabilities = Set(AuthCapability.changePassword, AuthCapability.setPassword) private[services] def doAuthenticate(user: User, password: String): Boolean = user.password().map(_.split(",", 2)).fold(false) { case Array(seed, pwd) ⇒ val hash = Hasher("SHA-256").fromString(seed + password).head.toString hash == pwd case _ ⇒ false } override def authenticate(username: String, password: String)(implicit request: RequestHeader): Future[AuthContext] = userSrv.get(username).flatMap { user ⇒ if (doAuthenticate(user, password)) userSrv.getFromUser(request, user, name) else Future.failed(AuthenticationError("Authentication failure")) } override def changePassword(username: String, oldPassword: String, newPassword: String)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[Unit] = userSrv.get(username).flatMap { user ⇒ if (doAuthenticate(user, oldPassword)) setPassword(username, newPassword) else Future.failed(AuthorizationError("Authentication failure")) } override def setPassword(username: String, newPassword: String)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[Unit] = { val seed = Random.nextString(10).replace(',', '!') val newHash = seed + "," + Hasher("SHA-256").fromString(seed + newPassword).head.toString userSrv.update(username, Fields.empty.set("password", newHash)).map(_ ⇒ ()) } }
Example 128
Source File: KeyAuthSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Base64 import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Random import play.api.libs.json.JsArray import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import import import org.elastic4play.controllers.Fields import{AuthCapability, AuthContext, AuthSrv} import org.elastic4play.{AuthenticationError, BadRequestError} @Singleton class KeyAuthSrv @Inject()(userSrv: UserSrv, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext, implicit val mat: Materializer) extends AuthSrv { override val name = "key" final protected def generateKey(): String = { val bytes = Array.ofDim[Byte](24) Random.nextBytes(bytes) Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(bytes) } override val capabilities = Set(AuthCapability.authByKey) override def authenticate(key: String)(implicit request: RequestHeader): Future[AuthContext] = { import // key attribute is sensitive so it is not possible to search on that field userSrv .find("status" ~= "Ok", Some("all"), Nil) ._1 .filter(_.key().contains(key)) .runWith(Sink.headOption) .flatMap { case Some(user) ⇒ userSrv.getFromUser(request, user, name) case None ⇒ Future.failed(AuthenticationError("Authentication failure")) } } override def renewKey(username: String)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[String] = { val newKey = generateKey() userSrv.update(username, Fields.empty.set("key", newKey)).map(_ ⇒ newKey) } override def getKey(username: String)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[String] = userSrv.get(username).map(_.key().getOrElse(throw BadRequestError(s"User $username hasn't key"))) override def removeKey(username: String)(implicit authContext: AuthContext): Future[Unit] = userSrv.update(username, Fields.empty.set("key", JsArray())).map(_ ⇒ ()) }
Example 129
Source File: ResponderConfigSrv.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.Configuration import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.thp.cortex.models.{BaseConfig, WorkerConfigModel, WorkerType} import{CreateSrv, FindSrv, UpdateSrv} @Singleton class ResponderConfigSrv @Inject()( val configuration: Configuration, val workerConfigModel: WorkerConfigModel, val userSrv: UserSrv, val organizationSrv: OrganizationSrv, val workerSrv: WorkerSrv, val createSrv: CreateSrv, val updateSrv: UpdateSrv, val findSrv: FindSrv, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext, implicit val mat: Materializer ) extends WorkerConfigSrv { override val workerType: WorkerType.Type = WorkerType.responder def definitions: Future[Map[String, BaseConfig]] = buildDefinitionMap(workerSrv.listResponderDefinitions._1) }
Example 130
Source File: StatusCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import play.api.Configuration import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.Json.toJsFieldJsValueWrapper import play.api.libs.json.{JsBoolean, JsString, Json} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.ElasticDsl import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.elasticsearch.client.Node import org.thp.cortex.models.Worker import org.elastic4play.database.DBIndex import import @Singleton class StatusCtrl @Inject()( configuration: Configuration, authSrv: AuthSrv, dbIndex: DBIndex, components: ControllerComponents, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with Status { private[controllers] def getVersion(c: Class[_]) = Option(c.getPackage.getImplementationVersion).getOrElse("SNAPSHOT") def get: Action[AnyContent] = Action { Ok( Json.obj( "versions" → Json.obj( "Cortex" → getVersion(classOf[Worker]), "Elastic4Play" → getVersion(classOf[AuthSrv]), "Play" → getVersion(classOf[AbstractController]), "Elastic4s" → getVersion(classOf[ElasticDsl]), "ElasticSearch client" → getVersion(classOf[Node]) ), "config" → Json.obj( "protectDownloadsWith" → configuration.get[String]("datastore.attachment.password"), "authType" → (authSrv match { case multiAuthSrv: MultiAuthSrv ⇒ { a ⇒ JsString( } case _ ⇒ JsString( }), "capabilities" → ⇒ JsString(c.toString)), "ssoAutoLogin" → JsBoolean(configuration.getOptional[Boolean]("auth.sso.autologin").getOrElse(false)) ) ) ) } def health: Action[AnyContent] = TODO }
Example 131
Source File: AnalyzerConfigCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import org.thp.cortex.models.{BaseConfig, Roles} import{AnalyzerConfigSrv, UserSrv} import org.elastic4play.BadRequestError import org.elastic4play.controllers.{Authenticated, Fields, FieldsBodyParser, Renderer} @Singleton class AnalyzerConfigCtrl @Inject()( analyzerConfigSrv: AnalyzerConfigSrv, userSrv: UserSrv, authenticated: Authenticated, fieldsBodyParser: FieldsBodyParser, renderer: Renderer, components: ControllerComponents, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) { def get(analyzerConfigName: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async { request ⇒ analyzerConfigSrv .getForUser(request.userId, analyzerConfigName) .map(renderer.toOutput(OK, _)) } def list(): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async { request ⇒ analyzerConfigSrv .listConfigForUser(request.userId) .map { bc ⇒ renderer.toOutput( OK, bc.sortWith { case (BaseConfig("global", _, _, _), _) ⇒ true case (_, BaseConfig("global", _, _, _)) ⇒ false case (BaseConfig(a, _, _, _), BaseConfig(b, _, _, _)) ⇒ a.compareTo(b) < 0 } ) } } def update(analyzerConfigName: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ request.body.getValue("config").flatMap(_.asOpt[JsObject]) match { case Some(config) ⇒ analyzerConfigSrv .updateOrCreate(request.userId, analyzerConfigName, config) .map(renderer.toOutput(OK, _)) case None ⇒ Future.failed(BadRequestError("attribute config has invalid format")) } } }
Example 132
Source File: AnalyzerCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, Json} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.thp.cortex.models.{Roles, Worker} import{UserSrv, WorkerSrv} import org.elastic4play.controllers.{Authenticated, Fields, FieldsBodyParser, Renderer} import import{QueryDSL, QueryDef} @Singleton class AnalyzerCtrl @Inject()( workerSrv: WorkerSrv, userSrv: UserSrv, authenticated: Authenticated, fieldsBodyParser: FieldsBodyParser, renderer: Renderer, components: ControllerComponents, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext, implicit val mat: Materializer ) extends AbstractController(components) { def find: Action[Fields] = authenticated( { request ⇒ val query = request.body.getValue("query").fold[QueryDef](QueryDSL.any)([QueryDef]) val range = request.body.getString("range") val sort = request.body.getStrings("sort").getOrElse(Nil) val isAdmin = request.roles.contains(Roles.orgAdmin) val (analyzers, analyzerTotal) = workerSrv.findAnalyzersForUser(request.userId, query, range, sort) renderer.toOutput(OK,, analyzerTotal) } def get(analyzerId: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated( { request ⇒ val isAdmin = request.roles.contains(Roles.orgAdmin) workerSrv .getForUser(request.userId, analyzerId) .map(a ⇒ renderer.toOutput(OK, analyzerJson(isAdmin)(a))) } private def analyzerJson(isAdmin: Boolean)(analyzer: Worker): JsObject = if (isAdmin) analyzer.toJson + ("configuration" → Json.parse(analyzer.configuration())) + ("analyzerDefinitionId" → JsString(analyzer.workerDefinitionId())) else analyzer.toJson + ("analyzerDefinitionId" → JsString(analyzer.workerDefinitionId())) def listForType(dataType: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated( { request ⇒ import val (responderList, responderCount) = workerSrv.findAnalyzersForUser(request.userId, "dataTypeList" ~= dataType, Some("all"), Nil) renderer.toOutput(OK, = false)), responderCount) } def create(analyzerDefinitionId: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ for { organizationId ← userSrv.getOrganizationId(request.userId) workerDefinition ← Future.fromTry(workerSrv.getDefinition(analyzerDefinitionId)) analyzer ← workerSrv.create(organizationId, workerDefinition, request.body) } yield renderer.toOutput(CREATED, analyzerJson(isAdmin = false)(analyzer)) } def listDefinitions: Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin, Roles.superAdmin).async { _ ⇒ val (analyzers, analyzerTotal) = workerSrv.listAnalyzerDefinitions renderer.toOutput(OK, analyzers, analyzerTotal) } def scan: Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin, Roles.superAdmin) { _ ⇒ workerSrv.rescan() NoContent } def delete(analyzerId: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin, Roles.superAdmin).async { implicit request ⇒ for { analyzer ← workerSrv.getForUser(request.userId, analyzerId) _ ← workerSrv.delete(analyzer) } yield NoContent } def update(analyzerId: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ for { analyzer ← workerSrv.getForUser(request.userId, analyzerId) updatedAnalyzer ← workerSrv.update(analyzer, request.body) } yield renderer.toOutput(OK, analyzerJson(isAdmin = true)(updatedAnalyzer)) } }
Example 133
Source File: AssetCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.{FileMimeTypes, HttpErrorHandler} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent} import controllers.{Assets, AssetsMetadata, ExternalAssets} import play.api.Environment import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext trait AssetCtrl { def get(file: String): Action[AnyContent] } @Singleton class AssetCtrlProd @Inject()(errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler, meta: AssetsMetadata) extends Assets(errorHandler, meta) with AssetCtrl { def get(file: String): Action[AnyContent] = at("/www", file) } @Singleton class AssetCtrlDev @Inject()(environment: Environment)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, fileMimeTypes: FileMimeTypes) extends ExternalAssets(environment) with AssetCtrl { def get(file: String): Action[AnyContent] = at("www/dist", file) }
Example 134
Source File: DBListCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import play.api.mvc._ import org.thp.cortex.models.Roles import org.elastic4play.controllers.{Authenticated, Fields, FieldsBodyParser, Renderer} import import org.elastic4play.MissingAttributeError @Singleton class DBListCtrl @Inject()( dblists: DBLists, authenticated: Authenticated, renderer: Renderer, components: ControllerComponents, fieldsBodyParser: FieldsBodyParser, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) { def list: Action[AnyContent] = authenticated( { _ ⇒ { listNames ⇒ renderer.toOutput(OK, listNames) } } def listItems(listName: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated( { _ ⇒ val (src, _) = dblists(listName).getItems[JsValue] val items = src .map { case (id, value) ⇒ s""""$id":$value""" } .intersperse("{", ",", "}") Ok.chunked(items).as("application/json") } def addItem(listName: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ request.body.getValue("value").fold(Future.successful(NoContent)) { value ⇒ dblists(listName).addItem(value).map { item ⇒ renderer.toOutput(OK, } } } def deleteItem(itemId: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async { implicit request ⇒ dblists.deleteItem(itemId).map { _ ⇒ NoContent } } def updateItem(itemId: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ request .body .getValue("value") .map { value ⇒ for { item ← dblists.getItem(itemId) _ ← dblists.deleteItem(item) newItem ← dblists(item.dblist).addItem(value) } yield renderer.toOutput(OK, } .getOrElse(Future.failed(MissingAttributeError("value"))) } def itemExists(listName: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated( { implicit request ⇒ val itemKey = request.body.getString("key").getOrElse(throw MissingAttributeError("Parameter key is missing")) val itemValue = request.body.getValue("value").getOrElse(throw MissingAttributeError("Parameter value is missing")) dblists(listName).exists(itemKey, itemValue).map(r ⇒ Ok(Json.obj("found" → r))) } }
Example 135
Source File: AuthenticationCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.mvc._ import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.thp.cortex.models.UserStatus import import org.elastic4play.controllers.{Authenticated, Fields, FieldsBodyParser, Renderer} import org.elastic4play.database.DBIndex import import import org.elastic4play.{AuthorizationError, MissingAttributeError, OAuth2Redirect, Timed} @Singleton class AuthenticationCtrl @Inject()( authSrv: AuthSrv, userSrv: UserSrv, authenticated: Authenticated, dbIndex: DBIndex, renderer: Renderer, components: ControllerComponents, fieldsBodyParser: FieldsBodyParser, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) { @Timed def login: Action[Fields] = Action.async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ dbIndex.getIndexStatus.flatMap { case false ⇒ Future.successful(Results.Status(520)) case _ ⇒ for { user ← request.body.getString("user").fold[Future[String]](Future.failed(MissingAttributeError("user")))(Future.successful) password ← request.body.getString("password").fold[Future[String]](Future.failed(MissingAttributeError("password")))(Future.successful) authContext ← authSrv.authenticate(user, password) } yield authenticated.setSessingUser(renderer.toOutput(OK, authContext), authContext) } } @Timed def ssoLogin: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request ⇒ dbIndex.getIndexStatus.flatMap { case false ⇒ Future.successful(Results.Status(520)) case _ ⇒ (for { authContext ← authSrv.authenticate() user ← userSrv.get(authContext.userId) } yield { if (user.status() == UserStatus.Ok) authenticated.setSessingUser(Ok, authContext) else throw AuthorizationError("Your account is locked") }) recover { // A bit of a hack with the status code, so that Angular doesn't reject the origin case OAuth2Redirect(redirectUrl, qp) ⇒ Redirect(redirectUrl, qp, status = OK) case e ⇒ throw e } } } @Timed def logout = Action { Ok.withNewSession } }
Example 136
Source File: AttachmentCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import import java.nio.file.Files import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.HttpEntity import play.api.libs.Files.DefaultTemporaryFileCreator import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.{mvc, Configuration} import import net.lingala.zip4j.core.ZipFile import net.lingala.zip4j.model.ZipParameters import net.lingala.zip4j.util.Zip4jConstants import org.thp.cortex.models.Roles import org.elastic4play.Timed import org.elastic4play.controllers.{Authenticated, Renderer} import org.elastic4play.models.AttachmentAttributeFormat import @Timed("controllers.AttachmentCtrl.downloadZip") def downloadZip(hash: String, name: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated( { _ ⇒ if (!name.getOrElse("").intersect(AttachmentAttributeFormat.forbiddenChar).isEmpty) BadRequest("File name is invalid") else { val f = tempFileCreator.create("zip", hash).path Files.delete(f) val zipFile = new ZipFile(f.toFile) val zipParams = new ZipParameters zipParams.setCompressionLevel(Zip4jConstants.DEFLATE_LEVEL_FASTEST) zipParams.setEncryptFiles(true) zipParams.setEncryptionMethod(Zip4jConstants.ENC_METHOD_STANDARD) zipParams.setPassword(password) zipParams.setFileNameInZip(name.getOrElse(hash)) zipParams.setSourceExternalStream(true) zipFile.addStream(, zipParams) Result( header = ResponseHeader( 200, Map( "Content-Disposition" → s"""attachment; filename="${URLEncoder.encode(name.getOrElse(hash), "utf-8")}.zip"""", "Content-Type" → "application/zip", "Content-Transfer-Encoding" → "binary", "Content-Length" → Files.size(f).toString ) ), body = HttpEntity.Streamed(FileIO.fromPath(f), Some(Files.size(f)), Some("application/zip")) ) } } }
Example 137
Source File: OrganizationCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.Logger import play.api.http.Status import play.api.mvc._ import org.thp.cortex.models.Roles import{OrganizationSrv, UserSrv} import org.elastic4play.{BadRequestError, NotFoundError} import org.elastic4play.controllers.{Authenticated, Fields, FieldsBodyParser, Renderer} import org.elastic4play.models.JsonFormat.baseModelEntityWrites import{aggReads, queryReads} import{UserSrv ⇒ _, _} @Singleton class OrganizationCtrl @Inject()( organizationSrv: OrganizationSrv, authSrv: AuthSrv, auxSrv: AuxSrv, userSrv: UserSrv, authenticated: Authenticated, renderer: Renderer, fieldsBodyParser: FieldsBodyParser, components: ControllerComponents, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with Status { private[OrganizationCtrl] lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) def create: Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ organizationSrv .create(request.body) .map(organization ⇒ renderer.toOutput(CREATED, organization)) } def get(organizationId: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin, Roles.orgAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ val withStats = request.body.getBoolean("nstats").getOrElse(false) (for { userOrganizationId ← if (request.roles.contains(Roles.superAdmin)) Future.successful(organizationId) else userSrv.getOrganizationId(request.userId) if userOrganizationId == organizationId organization ← organizationSrv.get(organizationId) organizationWithStats ← auxSrv(organization, 0, withStats, removeUnaudited = false) } yield renderer.toOutput(OK, organizationWithStats)) .recoverWith { case _: NoSuchElementException ⇒ Future.failed(NotFoundError(s"organization $organizationId not found")) } } def update(organizationId: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ if (organizationId == "cortex") Future.failed(BadRequestError("Cortex organization can't be updated")) else organizationSrv.update(organizationId, request.body).map { organization ⇒ renderer.toOutput(OK, organization) } } def delete(organizationId: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async { implicit request ⇒ if (organizationId == "cortex") Future.failed(BadRequestError("Cortex organization can't be removed")) else organizationSrv .delete(organizationId) .map(_ ⇒ NoContent) } def find: Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ val query = request.body.getValue("query").fold[QueryDef](QueryDSL.any)([QueryDef]) val range = request.body.getString("range") val sort = request.body.getStrings("sort").getOrElse(Nil) val withStats = request.body.getBoolean("nstats").getOrElse(false) val (organizations, total) = organizationSrv.find(query, range, sort) val organizationWithStats = auxSrv(organizations, 0, withStats, removeUnaudited = false) renderer.toOutput(OK, organizationWithStats, total) } def stats(): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.superAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ val query = request.body.getValue("query").fold[QueryDef](QueryDSL.any)([QueryDef]) val aggs = request.body.getValue("stats").getOrElse(throw BadRequestError("Parameter \"stats\" is missing")).as[Seq[Agg]] organizationSrv.stats(query, aggs).map(s ⇒ Ok(s)) } }
Example 138
Source File: ResponderConfigCtrl.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.controllers import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.thp.cortex.models.{BaseConfig, Roles} import{ResponderConfigSrv, UserSrv} import org.elastic4play.BadRequestError import org.elastic4play.controllers.{Authenticated, Fields, FieldsBodyParser, Renderer} @Singleton class ResponderConfigCtrl @Inject()( responderConfigSrv: ResponderConfigSrv, userSrv: UserSrv, authenticated: Authenticated, fieldsBodyParser: FieldsBodyParser, renderer: Renderer, components: ControllerComponents, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) { def get(analyzerConfigName: String): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async { request ⇒ responderConfigSrv .getForUser(request.userId, analyzerConfigName) .map(renderer.toOutput(OK, _)) } def list(): Action[AnyContent] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async { request ⇒ responderConfigSrv .listConfigForUser(request.userId) .map { bc ⇒ renderer.toOutput( OK, bc.sortWith { case (BaseConfig("global", _, _, _), _) ⇒ true case (_, BaseConfig("global", _, _, _)) ⇒ false case (BaseConfig(a, _, _, _), BaseConfig(b, _, _, _)) ⇒ a.compareTo(b) < 0 } ) } } def update(analyzerConfigName: String): Action[Fields] = authenticated(Roles.orgAdmin).async(fieldsBodyParser) { implicit request ⇒ request.body.getValue("config").flatMap(_.asOpt[JsObject]) match { case Some(config) ⇒ responderConfigSrv .updateOrCreate(request.userId, analyzerConfigName, config) .map(renderer.toOutput(OK, _)) case None ⇒ Future.failed(BadRequestError("attribute config has invalid format")) } } }
Example 139
Source File: FinatraHttpServer.scala From the-finagle-docs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package net.gutefrage.basic import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import{Module, Provides} import com.twitter.finagle.Dtab import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response} import com.twitter.finatra.http.{Controller, HttpServer} import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.{CommonFilters, LoggingMDCFilter, TraceIdMDCFilter} import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter import com.twitter.finatra.response.Mustache import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag import net.gutefrage.Dtabs import net.gutefrage.temperature.thrift.TemperatureService object FinatraHttpServer extends HttpServer { premain { Dtabs.init() } override def modules: Seq[Module] = Seq(TemperatureServiceModule) override def defaultFinatraHttpPort = ":9000" override protected def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit = router .filter[LoggingMDCFilter[Request, Response]] .filter[TraceIdMDCFilter[Request, Response]] .filter[CommonFilters] .add[WeatherController] } class WeatherController @Inject()( temperatureService: TemperatureService.FutureIface, @Flag("local.doc.root") localDocRoot: String, @Flag("doc.root") docRoot: String ) extends Controller { private val docConfig = DocConfig(localDocRoot, docRoot) get("/") { request: Request => temperatureService.mean().map { meanTemperature => DashboardData(meanTemperature, Some("local"), docConfig) } } // Change dtab according to the environment get("/:env") { request: Request => val environment = request.params("env") Dtab.unwind { Dtab.local ="/env => /s#/$environment") temperatureService.mean().map { meanTemperature => DashboardData(meanTemperature, Some(environment), docConfig) } } } // Asset route (for styles.css) get("/assets/:*") { request: Request => response.ok.file("/assets/" + request.params("*")) } } @Mustache("dashboard") case class DashboardData( meanTemperature: Double, environment: Option[String], docConfig: DocConfig ) case class DocConfig(localDocRoot: String, docRoot: String)
Example 140
Source File: UserResource.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package resources import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import org.coursera.naptime.model.KeyFormat import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed import org.coursera.naptime.NaptimeModule import org.coursera.naptime.Ok import org.coursera.example.User import org.coursera.naptime.courier.CourierFormats import org.coursera.naptime.resources.TopLevelCollectionResource import org.coursera.naptime.resources.RestActionHelpers import play.api.libs.json.OFormat def create() = Rest .jsonBody[User] .create { context => val user = context.body val id = userStore.create(user) // Could return Ok(Keyed(id, None)) if we want to return 201 Created, // with an empty body. Prefer returning the updated body, however. Ok(Keyed(id, Some(user))) } } class ResourceModule extends NaptimeModule { override def configure(): Unit = { bindResource[UsersResource] bind[UserStore].to[UserStoreImpl] } } trait UserStore { def get(id: Int): Option[User] def create(user: User): Int } class UserStoreImpl extends UserStore { @volatile var userStore = Map.empty[Int, User] val nextId = new AtomicInteger(0) def get(id: Int) = userStore.get(id) def create(user: User): Int = { val id = nextId.incrementAndGet() userStore = userStore + (id -> user) id } } class UserBanManager { @volatile var bannedUsers = Set.empty[Int] }
Example 141
Source File: InstructorStore.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stores import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Singleton import org.coursera.example.Instructor import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed @Singleton class InstructorStore { @volatile var instructorStore = Map.empty[Int, Instructor] val nextId = new AtomicInteger(0) instructorStore = instructorStore + ( 1 -> Instructor( partnerId = "stanford", name = "Andrew Ng", photoUrl = ""), 2 -> Instructor( partnerId = "ucsd", name = "Barb Oakley", photoUrl = "")) def get(id: Int) = instructorStore.get(id) def create(instructor: Keyed[Int, Instructor]): Unit = { instructorStore = instructorStore + (instructor.key -> instructor.value) } def all() = instructorStore }
Example 142
Source File: PartnerStore.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stores import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Singleton import org.coursera.example.Instructor import org.coursera.example.Partner import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed @Singleton class PartnerStore { @volatile var partnerStore = Map.empty[String, Partner] val nextId = new AtomicInteger(0) partnerStore = partnerStore + ( "stanford" -> Partner( courseIds = List("ml"), instructorIds = List(1), name = "Stanford University", homepage = ""), "ucsd" -> Partner( courseIds = List("lhtl"), instructorIds = List(2), name = "UCSD", homepage = "")) def get(id: String) = partnerStore.get(id) def create(partner: Keyed[String, Partner]): Unit = { partnerStore = partnerStore + (partner.key -> partner.value) } def all() = partnerStore }
Example 143
Source File: CourseStore.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stores import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Singleton import import org.coursera.courier.templates.DataTemplates.DataConversion import org.coursera.example.AnyData import org.coursera.example.CertificateCourseMetadata import org.coursera.example.Course import org.coursera.example.DegreeCourseMetadata import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ @Singleton class CourseStore { @volatile var courseStore = Map.empty[String, Course] val nextId = new AtomicInteger(0) courseStore = courseStore + ( "ml" -> Course( instructorIds = List(1), partnerId = "stanford", slug = "machine-learning", name = "Machine Learning", description = Some("Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed."), extraData = DataMap( Map("firstModuleId" -> "wrh7vtpj").asJava), DataConversion.SetReadOnly), courseMetadata = CertificateCourseMetadata( certificateInstructorIds = List(1))), "lhtl" -> Course( instructorIds = List(2), partnerId = "ucsd", slug = "learning-how-to-learn", name = "Learning How to Learn", description = None, extraData = DataMap( Map("recentEnrollments" -> new Integer(1000)).asJava), DataConversion.SetReadOnly), courseMetadata = DegreeCourseMetadata( degreeCertificateName = "iMBA", degreeInstructorIds = List(1, 2)))) def get(id: String) = courseStore.get(id) def create(course: Keyed[String, Course]): Unit = { courseStore = courseStore + (course.key -> course.value) } def all() = courseStore }
Example 144
Source File: InstructorsResource.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package resources import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import org.coursera.example.Instructor import org.coursera.naptime.Fields import org.coursera.naptime.FinderGraphQLRelation import org.coursera.naptime.GetGraphQLRelation import org.coursera.naptime.Ok import org.coursera.naptime.ResourceName import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed import org.coursera.naptime.resources.CourierCollectionResource import stores.InstructorStore import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class InstructorsResource @Inject() ( instructorStore: InstructorStore)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer) extends CourierCollectionResource[Int, Instructor] { override def resourceName = "instructors" override def resourceVersion = 1 override implicit lazy val Fields: Fields[Instructor] = BaseFields .withGraphQLRelations( "courses" -> FinderGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("courses", 1), finderName = "byInstructor", arguments = Map("instructorId" -> "$id")), "partner" -> GetGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("partners", 1), id = "$partnerId")) def get(id: Int) = Nap.get { context => OkIfPresent(id, instructorStore.get(id)) } def multiGet(ids: Set[Int]) = Nap.multiGet { context => Ok(instructorStore.all() .filter(instructor => ids.contains(instructor._1)) .map { case (id, instructor) => Keyed(id, instructor) }.toList) } def getAll() = Nap.getAll { context => Ok(instructorStore.all().map { case (id, instructor) => Keyed(id, instructor) }.toList) } }
Example 145
Source File: UserResource.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package resources import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import org.coursera.naptime.model.KeyFormat import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed import org.coursera.naptime.Ok import org.coursera.example.User import org.coursera.naptime.courier.CourierFormats import org.coursera.naptime.resources.TopLevelCollectionResource import play.api.libs.json.OFormat import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class UsersResource @Inject() ( userStore: UserStore, banManager: UserBanManager) (implicit override val executionContext: ExecutionContext, override val materializer: Materializer) extends TopLevelCollectionResource[Int, User] { override def resourceName = "users" override def resourceVersion = 1 // optional; defaults to 1 implicit val fields = Fields.withDefaultFields( // default field projection "id", "name", "email") override def keyFormat: KeyFormat[KeyType] = KeyFormat.intKeyFormat override implicit def resourceFormat: OFormat[User] = CourierFormats.recordTemplateFormats[User] def get(id: Int) = Nap.get { context => OkIfPresent(id, userStore.get(id)) } def multiGet(ids: Set[Int]) = Nap.multiGet { context => Ok(userStore.all() .filter(user => ids.contains(user._1)) .map { case (id, user) => Keyed(id, user) }.toList) } def getAll() = Nap.getAll { context => Ok(userStore.all().map { case (id, user) => Keyed(id, user) }.toList) } def create() = Nap .jsonBody[User] .create { context => val user = context.body val id = userStore.create(user) // Could return Ok(Keyed(id, None)) if we want to return 201 Created, // with an empty body. Prefer returning the updated body, however. Ok(Keyed(id, Some(user))) } def email(email: String) = Nap.finder { context => Ok(userStore.all() .filter( == email) .map { case (id, user) => Keyed(id, user) }.toList) } } trait UserStore { def get(id: Int): Option[User] def create(user: User): Int def all(): Map[Int, User] } @Singleton class UserStoreImpl extends UserStore { @volatile var userStore = Map.empty[Int, User] val nextId = new AtomicInteger(0) def get(id: Int) = userStore.get(id) def create(user: User): Int = { val id = nextId.incrementAndGet() userStore = userStore + (id -> user) id } def all() = userStore } class UserBanManager { @volatile var bannedUsers = Set.empty[Int] }
Example 146
Source File: PartnersResource.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package resources import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import org.coursera.example.Partner import org.coursera.naptime.Fields import org.coursera.naptime.MultiGetGraphQLRelation import org.coursera.naptime.Ok import org.coursera.naptime.ResourceName import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed import org.coursera.naptime.resources.CourierCollectionResource import stores.PartnerStore import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class PartnersResource @Inject() ( partnerStore: PartnerStore)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer) extends CourierCollectionResource[String, Partner] { override def resourceName = "partners" override def resourceVersion = 1 override implicit lazy val Fields: Fields[Partner] = BaseFields .withGraphQLRelations( "instructors" -> MultiGetGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("instructors", 1), ids = "$instructorIds"), "courses" -> MultiGetGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("courses", 1), ids = "$courseIds")) def get(id: String) = Nap.get { context => OkIfPresent(id, partnerStore.get(id)) } def multiGet(ids: Set[String]) = Nap.multiGet { context => Ok(partnerStore.all() .filter(partner => ids.contains(partner._1)) .map { case (id, partner) => Keyed(id, partner) }.toList) } def getAll() = Nap.getAll { context => Ok(partnerStore.all().map { case (id, partner) => Keyed(id, partner) }.toList) } }
Example 147
Source File: CoursesResource.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package resources import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import org.coursera.example.Course import org.coursera.naptime.Fields import org.coursera.naptime.GetGraphQLRelation import org.coursera.naptime.MultiGetGraphQLRelation import org.coursera.naptime.Ok import org.coursera.naptime.ResourceName import org.coursera.naptime.model.Keyed import org.coursera.naptime.resources.CourierCollectionResource import stores.CourseStore import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class CoursesResource @Inject() ( courseStore: CourseStore)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer) extends CourierCollectionResource[String, Course] { override def resourceName = "courses" override def resourceVersion = 1 override implicit lazy val Fields: Fields[Course] = BaseFields .withGraphQLRelations( "instructors" -> MultiGetGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("instructors", 1), ids = "$instructorIds"), "partner" -> GetGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("partners", 1), id = "$partnerId", description = "Partner who produces this course."), "courseMetadata/org.coursera.example.CertificateCourseMetadata/certificateInstructors" -> MultiGetGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("instructors", 1), ids = "${courseMetadata/certificate/certificateInstructorIds}", description = "Instructor whose name and signature appears on the course certificate."), "courseMetadata/org.coursera.example.DegreeCourseMetadata/degreeInstructors" -> MultiGetGraphQLRelation( resourceName = ResourceName("instructors", 1), ids = "${courseMetadata/degree/degreeInstructorIds}", description = "Instructor whose name and signature appears on the degree certificate.")) def get(id: String = "v1-123") = Nap.get { context => OkIfPresent(id, courseStore.get(id)) } def multiGet(ids: Set[String], types: Set[String] = Set("course", "specialization")) = Nap.multiGet { context => Ok(courseStore.all() .filter(course => ids.contains(course._1)) .map { case (id, course) => Keyed(id, course) }.toList) } def getAll() = Nap.getAll { context => val courses = courseStore.all() { case (id, course) => Keyed(id, course) } val coursesAfterNext = context.paging.start .map(s => courses.dropWhile(_.key != s)) .getOrElse(courses) val coursesSubset = coursesAfterNext.take(context.paging.limit) val next = coursesAfterNext.drop(context.paging.limit) Ok(coursesSubset) .withPagination(next, Some(courses.size.toLong)) } def byInstructor(instructorId: String) = Nap.finder { context => val courses = courseStore.all() .filter(course => Ok( { case (id, course) => Keyed(id, course) }) .withPagination(next = "testNext") } }
Example 148
Source File: QueryComplexityFilter.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.naptime.ari.graphql.controllers.filters import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import org.coursera.naptime.ari.Response import org.coursera.naptime.ari.graphql.GraphqlSchemaProvider import org.coursera.naptime.ari.graphql.SangriaGraphQlContext import org.coursera.naptime.ari.graphql.controllers.GraphQLController import org.coursera.naptime.ari.graphql.marshaller.NaptimeMarshaller._ import org.coursera.naptime.ari.graphql.resolvers.NaptimeResolver import org.coursera.naptime.ari.graphql.resolvers.NoopResolver import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.Results import sangria.ast.Document import sangria.execution.ErrorWithResolver import sangria.execution.Executor import sangria.execution.QueryAnalysisError import sangria.execution.QueryReducer import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future @Singleton class QueryComplexityFilter @Inject()( graphqlSchemaProvider: GraphqlSchemaProvider, configuration: ComplexityFilterConfiguration)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends Filter with Results with StrictLogging { val MAX_COMPLEXITY = configuration.maxComplexity def apply(nextFilter: FilterFn): FilterFn = { incoming => computeComplexity(incoming.document, incoming.variables) .flatMap { complexity => if (complexity > MAX_COMPLEXITY) { Future.successful( OutgoingQuery( response = Json.obj("error" -> "Query is too complex.", "complexity" -> complexity), ariResponse = None)) } else { nextFilter.apply(incoming) } } .recover { case error: QueryAnalysisError => OutgoingQuery([JsObject], None) case error: ErrorWithResolver => OutgoingQuery([JsObject], None) case error: Exception => OutgoingQuery(Json.obj("errors" -> Json.arr(error.getMessage)), None) } } private[graphql] def computeComplexity(queryAst: Document, variables: JsObject)( implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Future[Double] = { // TODO(bryan): is there a way around this var? var complexity = 0D val complReducer = QueryReducer.measureComplexity[SangriaGraphQlContext] { (c, ctx) => complexity = c ctx } val executorFut = Executor.execute( graphqlSchemaProvider.schema, queryAst, SangriaGraphQlContext(null, null, executionContext, debugMode = false), variables = variables, exceptionHandler = GraphQLController.exceptionHandler(logger), queryReducers = List(complReducer), deferredResolver = new NoopResolver()) { _ => complexity } } } case class ComplexityFilterConfiguration(maxComplexity: Int) object ComplexityFilterConfiguration { val DEFAULT = ComplexityFilterConfiguration(100000) }
Example 149
Source File: Config.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.flow.dependency.www.lib import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.Scms import{Config => FlowConfig} import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} @Singleton class GitHubConfig @Inject()(config: FlowConfig) { private val Scopes = Seq("user:email", "repo", "read:repo_hook", "write:repo_hook") private val OauthUrl = "" private val githubClientId = config.requiredString("") private val dependencyWwwHost = config.requiredString("") private val githubBaseUrl = s"$dependencyWwwHost/login/github" def githubOauthUrl(returnUrl: Option[String]): String = { val returnUrlParam = returnUrl .map { encoded => s"$githubBaseUrl?return_url=$encoded" } val params: Map[String, String] = Seq( Some("scope" -> Scopes.mkString(",")), Some("client_id" -> githubClientId),"redirect_uri" -> _) ).flatten.toMap val queryParams = params .view .mapValues(URLEncoder.encode(_, "UTF-8")) .map { case (key, value) => s"$key=$value" } OauthUrl + "?" + queryParams.mkString("&") } } object Config { val VersionsPerPage = 5 def scmsUrl(scms: Scms, uri: String, path: String): String = { val separator = if (path.startsWith("/")) "" else "/" val pathSep = separator + path scms match { case Scms.Github => s"$uri/blob/master$pathSep" case Scms.UNDEFINED(_) => uri + pathSep } } }
Example 150
Source File: LibraryRecommendationsDao.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package db import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import io.flow.dependency.api.lib.Recommendations import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.{Library, LibraryVersion, Project, VersionForm} import case class LibraryRecommendation( library: Library, from: String, to: LibraryVersion, latest: LibraryVersion ) @Singleton class LibraryRecommendationsDao @Inject()( internalProjectLibrariesDao: InternalProjectLibrariesDao, libraryVersionsDaoProvider: Provider[LibraryVersionsDao], librariesDaoProvider: Provider[LibrariesDao], ){ def forProject(project: Project): Seq[LibraryRecommendation] = { val recommendations = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[LibraryRecommendation]() val auth = Authorization.Organization( internalProjectLibrariesDao.findAll( Authorization.Organization(, projectId = Some(, hasLibrary = Some(true), limit = None, orderBy = None, ).foreach { projectLibrary => projectLibrary.db.libraryId.flatMap { libraryId => librariesDaoProvider.get.findById(auth, libraryId) }.map { library => val recentVersions = versionsGreaterThan(auth, library, projectLibrary.db.version) recommend(projectLibrary, recentVersions).map { v => recommendations ++= Seq( LibraryRecommendation( library = library, from = projectLibrary.db.version, to = v, latest = recentVersions.headOption.getOrElse(v) ) ) } } } recommendations.toSeq } def recommend(current: InternalProjectLibrary, others: Seq[LibraryVersion]): Option[LibraryVersion] = { Recommendations.version( VersionForm(current.db.version, current.db.crossBuildVersion), => VersionForm(v.version, v.crossBuildVersion)) ).map { version => others.find { _.version == version }.getOrElse { sys.error(s"Failed to find recommended library with version[$version]") } } } private[this] def versionsGreaterThan( auth: Authorization, library: Library, version: String ): Seq[LibraryVersion] = { libraryVersionsDaoProvider.get.findAll( auth, libraryId = Some(, greaterThanVersion = Some(version), limit = None ) } }
Example 151
Source File: BinaryRecommendationsDao.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package db import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import io.flow.dependency.api.lib.Recommendations import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.{Binary, BinaryVersion, Project, ProjectBinary, VersionForm} import io.flow.postgresql.Pager import case class BinaryRecommendation( binary: Binary, from: String, to: BinaryVersion, latest: BinaryVersion ) @Singleton class BinaryRecommendationsDao @Inject()( binaryVersionsDaoProvider: Provider[BinaryVersionsDao], projectBinariesDaoProvider: Provider[ProjectBinariesDao], binariesDaoProvider: Provider[BinariesDao] ) { def forProject(project: Project): Seq[BinaryRecommendation] = { val recommendations = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[BinaryRecommendation]() Pager.create { offset => projectBinariesDaoProvider.get.findAll( Authorization.Organization(, projectId = Some(, hasBinary = Some(true), offset = offset ) }.foreach { projectBinary => projectBinary.binary.flatMap { lib => binariesDaoProvider.get.findById( }.map { binary => val recentVersions = versionsGreaterThan(binary, projectBinary.version) recommend(projectBinary, recentVersions).map { v => recommendations ++= Seq( BinaryRecommendation( binary = binary, from = projectBinary.version, to = v, latest = recentVersions.headOption.getOrElse(v) ) ) } } } recommendations.toSeq } def recommend(current: ProjectBinary, others: Seq[BinaryVersion]): Option[BinaryVersion] = { Recommendations.version( VersionForm(current.version), => VersionForm(v.version)) ).map { version => others.find { _.version == version }.getOrElse { sys.error(s"Failed to find recommended binary with version[$version]") } } } private[this] def versionsGreaterThan(binary: Binary, version: String): Seq[BinaryVersion] = { val recommendations = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[BinaryVersion]() Pager.create { offset => binaryVersionsDaoProvider.get.findAll( binaryId = Some(, greaterThanVersion = Some(version), offset = offset ) }.foreach { binaryVersion => recommendations ++= Seq(binaryVersion) } recommendations.toSeq } }
Example 152
Source File: OrganizationsHelper.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers.helpers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import db.{Authorization, OrganizationsDao} import io.flow.common.v0.models.UserReference import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.Organization import play.api.mvc.{Result, Results} @Singleton class OrganizationsHelper @Inject()( organizationsDao: OrganizationsDao ) { def withOrganization(user: UserReference, id: String)( f: Organization => Result ) = { organizationsDao.findById(Authorization.User(, id) match { case None => { Results.NotFound } case Some(organization) => { f(organization) } } } }
Example 153
Source File: BinaryHelper.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers.helpers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import db.BinariesDao import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.Binary import play.api.mvc.{Result, Results} @Singleton class BinaryHelper @Inject()( binariesDao: BinariesDao ) { def withBinary(id: String)( f: Binary => Result ): Result = { binariesDao.findById(id) match { case None => { Results.NotFound } case Some(binary) => { f(binary) } } } }
Example 154
Source File: LibrariesHelper.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers.helpers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import db.{Authorization, LibrariesDao} import io.flow.common.v0.models.UserReference import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.Library import play.api.mvc.{Result, Results} @Singleton class LibrariesHelper @Inject()( librariesDao: LibrariesDao ) { def withLibrary(user: UserReference, id: String)( f: Library => Result ): Result = { librariesDao.findById(Authorization.User(, id) match { case None => { Results.NotFound } case Some(library) => { f(library) } } } }
Example 155
Source File: UsersHelper.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers.helpers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import db.UsersDao import io.flow.common.v0.models.User import play.api.mvc.{Result, Results} @Singleton class UsersHelper @Inject()( usersDao: UsersDao ) { def withUser(id: String)( f: User => Result ) = { usersDao.findById(id) match { case None => { Results.NotFound } case Some(user) => { f(user) } } } }
Example 156
Source File: ProjectHelper.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers.helpers import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import db.{Authorization, ProjectsDao} import io.flow.common.v0.models.UserReference import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.Project import play.api.mvc.{Result, Results} @Singleton class ProjectHelper @Inject()( projectsDao: ProjectsDao ) { def withProject(user: UserReference, id: String)( f: Project => Result ): Result = { projectsDao.findById(Authorization.User(, id) match { case None => { Results.NotFound } case Some(project) => { f(project) } } } }
Example 157
Source File: ProjectDependencyResolutions.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import cache.ProjectDependencyResolutionServiceCache import db.{Authorization, MembershipsDao} import io.flow.common.v0.models.UserReference import io.flow.dependency.v0.models.json._ import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.mvc._ import io.flow.util.Config import play.api.libs.json.Json @Singleton class ProjectDependencyResolutions @Inject() ( val config: Config, val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents, val flowControllerComponents: FlowControllerComponents, val baseIdentifiedControllerWithFallbackComponents: BaseIdentifiedControllerWithFallbackComponents, membershipsDao: MembershipsDao, service: ProjectDependencyResolutionServiceCache, ) extends BaseIdentifiedControllerWithFallback { def get(organization: String, groupId: String): Action[AnyContent] = IdentifiedWithFallback { request => withValidatedMember(request.user, organization) { Ok( Json.toJson( service.getByOrganizationKey(organization, groupId = groupId) ) ) } } private[this] def withValidatedMember(user: UserReference, organizationKey: String)(f: => Result): Result = { membershipsDao.findByOrganizationAndUserId(Authorization.All, organizationKey, match { case None => Unauthorized case Some(_) => f } } }
Example 158
Source File: IdentificationWithFallback.scala From dependency with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers.util import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import db.{TokensDao, UsersDao} import io.flow.common.v0.models.UserReference import io.flow.log.RollbarLogger import import{AuthData, Config} import play.api.mvc._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} // Custom implementation based on FlowController.Identified but with database fallback for auth @Singleton class IdentificationWithFallback @Inject()( val parser: BodyParsers.Default, val config: Config, authorization: AuthorizationImpl, tokensDao: TokensDao, usersDao: UsersDao )(implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext, logger: RollbarLogger) extends ActionBuilder[IdentifiedRequest, AnyContent] with FlowActionInvokeBlockHelper { def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (IdentifiedRequest[A]) => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = { auth(request.headers)(AuthData.Identified.fromMap) match { case None => legacyUser(request.headers) match { case None => Future.successful(unauthorized(request)) case Some(user) => val ad = AuthData.Identified(user = user, session = None, requestId = "lib-play-" + UUID.randomUUID.toString, customer = None) block(new IdentifiedRequest(ad, request)) } case Some(ad) => block(new IdentifiedRequest(ad, request)) } } private[this] def legacyUser(headers: Headers): Option[UserReference] = { basicAuthorizationToken(headers) match { case None => None case Some(token) => { token match { case token: Token => getUser(token.token) case token: JwtToken => Some(UserReference(token.userId)) } } } } private def getUser(token: String): Option[UserReference] = { tokensDao.findByToken(token) match { case Some(t) => Some(UserReference( case None => usersDao.findById(token).map(user => UserReference( } } private[this] def basicAuthorizationToken( headers: play.api.mvc.Headers ): Option[Authorization] = { headers.get("Authorization").flatMap { h => authorization.get(h) } } }
Example 159
Source File: PersonRepository.scala From akka-http-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.component.repository import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import akka.NotUsed import import com.github.dnvriend.component.simpleserver.dto.http.Person import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } @Singleton class PersonRepository @Inject() (implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { def people(numberOfPeople: Int): Source[Person, NotUsed] = Source.repeat(Person("foo", 1, false)).zipWith(Source.fromIterator(() => Iterator from 0)) { case (p, i) => p.copy( name = if (i % 10 == 0) "baz-" + i else if (i % 2 == 0) "foo-" + i else "bar-" + i, age = i, married = i % 2 == 0 ) }.take(numberOfPeople) def listOfPersons(numberOfPeople: Int): Seq[Person] = (0 to numberOfPeople).map { i => Person( name = if (i % 10 == 0) "baz-" + i else if (i % 2 == 0) "foo-" + i else "bar-" + i, age = i, married = i % 2 == 0 ) } def personAsync: Future[Person] = Future.successful(personSync) def personAsyncFailed: Future[Person] = Future.failed(new RuntimeException("This should fail")).map(_ => personSync) def personSync: Person = Person("John Doe", 25, false) }
Example 160
Source File: OAuth2AuthProvider.scala From play-zhewbacca with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.zhewbacca import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Logger import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class OAuth2AuthProvider @Inject() (getTokenInfo: (OAuth2Token) => Future[Option[TokenInfo]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuthProvider { val logger: Logger = Logger("security.OAuth2AuthProvider") private val bearerTokenType = "Bearer" override def valid(token: Option[OAuth2Token], scope: Scope): Future[AuthResult] =, scope)).getOrElse(Future.successful(AuthTokenEmpty)) private def validateToken(token: OAuth2Token, scope: Scope): Future[AuthResult] = getTokenInfo(token).map(validateTokenInfo(_, token, scope)) private def validateTokenInfo(tokenInfo: Option[TokenInfo], token: OAuth2Token, scope: Scope): AuthResult = { tokenInfo match { case Some(tokenInfo @ TokenInfo(`token`.value, thatScope, `bearerTokenType`, _, _, _)) if => AuthTokenValid(tokenInfo) case Some(tokenInfo @ TokenInfo(_, thatScope, tokenType, _, _, _)) =>"Token '${token.toSafeString} has insufficient scope or wrong type, token scopes are ${thatScope.names.mkString(", ")}," + s"token type is $tokenType") AuthTokenInsufficient case None => logger.debug(s"Token '${token.toSafeString} is not valid'") AuthTokenInvalid } } }
Example 161
Source File: IAMClient.scala From play-zhewbacca with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.zhewbacca import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import import akka.pattern.CircuitBreaker import org.zalando.zhewbacca.metrics.PluggableMetrics import play.api.http.Status._ import import play.api.{Configuration, Logger} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import atmos.dsl._ import atmos.dsl.Slf4jSupport._ @Singleton class IAMClient @Inject() ( config: Configuration, pluggableMetrics: PluggableMetrics, ws: WSClient, actorSystem: ActorSystem, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) extends (OAuth2Token => Future[Option[TokenInfo]]) { val logger: Logger = Logger("security.IAMClient") val METRICS_BREAKER_CLOSED = 0 val METRICS_BREAKER_OPEN = 1 val circuitStatus = new AtomicInteger() pluggableMetrics.gauge { circuitStatus.get } val authEndpoint: String = config.getOptional[String]("authorisation.iam.endpoint").getOrElse( throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authorisation: IAM endpoint is not configured")) val breakerMaxFailures: Int = config.getOptional[Int]("authorisation.iam.cb.maxFailures").getOrElse( throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authorisation: Circuit Breaker max failures is not configured")) val breakerCallTimeout: FiniteDuration = config.getOptional[FiniteDuration]("authorisation.iam.cb.callTimeout").getOrElse( throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authorisation: Circuit Breaker call timeout is not configured")) val breakerResetTimeout: FiniteDuration = config.getOptional[FiniteDuration]("authorisation.iam.cb.resetTimeout").getOrElse( throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authorisation: Circuit Breaker reset timeout is not configured")) val breakerMaxRetries: TerminationPolicy = config.getOptional[Int]("authorisation.iam.maxRetries").getOrElse( throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authorisation: Circuit Breaker max retries is not configured")).attempts val breakerRetryBackoff: FiniteDuration = config.getOptional[FiniteDuration]("authorisation.iam.retry.backoff.duration").getOrElse( throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authorisation: Circuit Breaker the duration of exponential backoff is not configured")) lazy val breaker: CircuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker( actorSystem.scheduler, breakerMaxFailures, breakerCallTimeout, breakerResetTimeout).onHalfOpen { circuitStatus.set(METRICS_BREAKER_OPEN) }.onOpen { circuitStatus.set(METRICS_BREAKER_OPEN) }.onClose { circuitStatus.set(METRICS_BREAKER_CLOSED) } implicit val retryRecover = retryFor { breakerMaxRetries } using { exponentialBackoff { breakerRetryBackoff } } monitorWith { logger.logger onRetrying logNothing onInterrupted logWarning onAborted logError } override def apply(token: OAuth2Token): Future[Option[TokenInfo]] = { breaker.withCircuitBreaker( pluggableMetrics.timing( retryAsync(s"Calling $authEndpoint") { ws.url(authEndpoint).withQueryStringParameters(("access_token", token.value)).get() })).map { response => response.status match { case OK => Some([TokenInfo]) case _ => None } } recover { case NonFatal(e) => logger.error(s"Exception occurred during validation of token '${token.toSafeString}': $e") None // consider any exception as invalid token } } }
Example 162
Source File: MavenLoggerProxy.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.maven import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.MiniLogger import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger import @Singleton class MavenLoggerProxy @Inject() (logger: Logger) extends LoggerProxy with MiniLogger { override def debug(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug(message) } } override def info(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isInfoEnabled) { } } override def warn(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isWarnEnabled) { logger.warn(message) } } override def error(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isErrorEnabled) { logger.error(message) } } override def verbose(message: => String): Unit = debug(message) override def success(message: => String): Unit = info(message) override def trace(t: => Throwable): Unit = { if (logger.isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug(t.getMessage, t) } } }
Example 163
Source File: ScalaClassLoaderManager.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.maven import import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact def extractScalaClassLoader(artifacts: Seq[Artifact]): ClassLoader = synchronized { val scalaArtifacts = artifacts.filter { artifact => ScalaLibs.contains(artifact.getGroupId -> stripScalaVersion(artifact.getArtifactId)) } val cacheKey = createCacheKey(scalaArtifacts) cache.get(cacheKey) match { case Some(classLoader) => logger.debug(s"ScalaClassLoader cache hit - $cacheKey") classLoader case None => logger.debug(s"ScalaClassLoader cache miss - $cacheKey") // Use System classloader parent as documented here: // // Keep in mind this does not contain any application or javaagent classes, which will // be added in the classLoader below. // // This behaves a little different depending on the Java version used: // - For Java 8: the parent is the boostrap class loader (or null), which in the end // means the boostrap class loader is used. // - For Java9+: the parent is the platform class loader is a parent or an ancestor // of the system class loader that all platform classes are visible to it. val parent = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getParent() val classLoader = new URLClassLoader(, parent) cache += (cacheKey -> classLoader) classLoader } } }
Example 164
Source File: ServiceRegistrationModule.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.server import import java.util.function.{ Function => JFunction } import import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.registry.ServiceRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.registry.ServiceRegistryService import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.server.ResolvedServices import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.internal.registry.serviceDnsRecords import com.typesafe.config.Config import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton import play.api.inject.Binding import play.api.inject.Module import play.api.Configuration import play.api.Environment import play.api.Logger import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters.CompletionStageOps import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.immutable class ServiceRegistrationModule extends Module { override def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]] = Seq( bind[ServiceRegistrationModule.RegisterWithServiceRegistry].toSelf.eagerly(), bind[ServiceRegistrationModule.ServiceConfig].toProvider[ServiceRegistrationModule.ServiceConfigProvider] ) } object ServiceRegistrationModule { class ServiceConfigProvider @Inject() (config: Config) extends Provider[ServiceConfig] { override lazy val get = ServiceConfig(serviceDnsRecords(config)) } case class ServiceConfig(uris: immutable.Seq[URI]) @Singleton private class RegisterWithServiceRegistry @Inject() ( coordinatedShutdown: CoordinatedShutdown, resolvedServices: ResolvedServices, config: ServiceConfig, registry: ServiceRegistry )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { private lazy val logger: Logger = Logger(this.getClass()) private val locatableServices = coordinatedShutdown.addTask( CoordinatedShutdown.PhaseBeforeServiceUnbind, "unregister-services-from-service-locator-javadsl" ) { () => Future .sequence( { service => registry.unregister( }) .map(_ => Done) } locatableServices.foreach { service => val c = ServiceRegistryService.of(config.uris.asJava, service.descriptor.acls) registry .register( .invoke(c) .exceptionally(new JFunction[Throwable, NotUsed] { def apply(t: Throwable) = { logger .error(s"Service name=[${}] couldn't register itself to the service locator.", t) NotUsed.getInstance() } }) } } }
Example 165
Source File: JavaServiceRegistryClient.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.registry import import java.util.Optional import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.internal.registry.AbstractLoggingServiceRegistryClient import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.transport.NotFound import scala.collection.immutable import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._ import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future @Singleton private[lagom] class JavaServiceRegistryClient @Inject() ( registry: ServiceRegistry, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractLoggingServiceRegistryClient { protected override def internalLocateAll(serviceName: String, portName: Option[String]): Future[immutable.Seq[URI]] = registry .lookup(serviceName, OptionConverters.toJava(portName)) .invoke() .toScala .map(immutable.Seq[URI](_)) .recover { case _: NotFound => Nil } }
Example 166
Source File: ServiceRegistryServiceLocator.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.registry import import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import java.util.Optional import java.util.{ List => JList } import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.internal.registry.ServiceRegistryClient import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.Descriptor.Call import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.client.CircuitBreakersPanel import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.client.CircuitBreakingServiceLocator import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._ import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton private[lagom] class ServiceRegistryServiceLocator @Inject() ( circuitBreakers: CircuitBreakersPanel, client: ServiceRegistryClient, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends CircuitBreakingServiceLocator(circuitBreakers) { override def locateAll(name: String, serviceCall: Call[_, _]): CompletionStage[JList[URI]] = // a ServiceLocator doesn't know what a `portName` is so we default to `None` and the // implementation will return any registry without a port name. This means that in order // for this queries to work any service registered using `http` as portName will also have // to be registered without name. client.locateAll(name, None).map(_.asJava).toJava override def locate(name: String, serviceCall: Call[_, _]): CompletionStage[Optional[URI]] = // a ServiceLocator doesn't know what a `portName` is so we default to `None` and the // implementation will return any registry without a port name. This means that in order // for this queries to work any service registered using `http` as portName will also have // to be registered without name. client.locateAll(name, None).map(_.headOption.asJava).toJava }
Example 167
Source File: ProjectionRegistryModule.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.projection import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import import akka.annotation.ApiMayChange import akka.annotation.InternalApi import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.projection.ProjectionRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.projection.ProjectionRegistryActor.WorkerCoordinates import com.lightbend.lagom.projection.State import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton import play.api.Configuration import play.api.Environment import play.api.inject.Binding import play.api.inject.Module import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext private class ProjectionsImpl @Inject() (registry: ProjectionRegistry)( implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext ) extends Projections { import FutureConverters._ override def getStatus(): CompletionStage[State] = registry.getState().toJava override def stopAllWorkers(projectionName: String): Unit = registry.stopAllWorkers(projectionName) override def stopWorker(projectionName: String, tagName: String): Unit = registry.stopWorker(WorkerCoordinates(projectionName, tagName)) override def startAllWorkers(projectionName: String): Unit = registry.startAllWorkers(projectionName) override def startWorker(projectionName: String, tagName: String): Unit = registry.startWorker(WorkerCoordinates(projectionName, tagName)) }
Example 168
Source File: PubSubRegistryImpl.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.pubsub import import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSub import com.typesafe.config.Config import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.pubsub.PubSubRef import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.pubsub.PubSubRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.pubsub.TopicId @Singleton private[lagom] class PubSubRegistryImpl(system: ActorSystem, conf: Config) extends PubSubRegistry { @Inject def this(system: ActorSystem) = this(system, system.settings.config.getConfig("lagom.pubsub")) private val pubsub = DistributedPubSub(system) private val bufferSize: Int = conf.getInt("subscriber-buffer-size") override def refFor[T](topic: TopicId[T]): PubSubRef[T] = new PubSubRef(topic, pubsub.mediator, system, bufferSize) }
Example 169
Source File: TopicFactory.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.Descriptor.TopicCall import import play.api.inject.Injector import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait TopicFactoryProvider { def get: Option[TopicFactory] } @Singleton class InjectorTopicFactoryProvider @Inject() (injector: Injector) extends TopicFactoryProvider { override lazy val get: Option[TopicFactory] = try { Some(injector.instanceOf[TopicFactory]) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => None } } object NoTopicFactoryProvider extends TopicFactoryProvider { override val get = None }
Example 170
Source File: CircuitBreakerModule.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.client import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton import import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.client.CircuitBreakerConfig import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.client.CircuitBreakerMetricsProviderImpl import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.client.CircuitBreakerMetricsProviderProvider import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.spi.CircuitBreakerMetricsProvider import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.client.CircuitBreakersPanel import play.api.inject.Binding import play.api.inject.Module import play.api.Configuration import play.api.Environment class CircuitBreakerModule extends Module { override def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]] = { Seq( bind[CircuitBreakersPanel].to[CircuitBreakersPanelImpl], bind[CircuitBreakerMetricsProvider].toProvider[CircuitBreakerMetricsProviderProvider], bind[CircuitBreakerConfig].toSelf, bind[CircuitBreakerMetricsProviderImpl].toSelf ) } }
Example 171
Source File: ServiceClientLoader.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.client import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.api.JacksonPlaceholderExceptionSerializer import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.api.JacksonPlaceholderSerializerFactory import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.api.ServiceReader import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.Service import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.jackson.JacksonExceptionSerializer import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.jackson.JacksonSerializerFactory import play.api.Environment @Singleton class ServiceClientLoader @Inject() ( jacksonSerializerFactory: JacksonSerializerFactory, jacksonExceptionSerializer: JacksonExceptionSerializer, environment: Environment, implementor: JavadslServiceClientImplementor ) { def loadServiceClient[T](interface: Class[T]): T = { if (classOf[Service].isAssignableFrom(interface)) { val descriptor = ServiceReader.readServiceDescriptor( environment.classLoader, interface.asSubclass(classOf[Service]) ) val resolved = ServiceReader.resolveServiceDescriptor( descriptor, environment.classLoader, Map(JacksonPlaceholderSerializerFactory -> jacksonSerializerFactory), Map(JacksonPlaceholderExceptionSerializer -> jacksonExceptionSerializer) ) implementor.implement(interface, resolved) } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to load services that don't implement Service") } } } @Singleton class ServiceClientProvider[T](interface: Class[T]) extends Provider[T] { @Inject private var loader: ServiceClientLoader = _ lazy val get = loader.loadServiceClient(interface) }
Example 172
Source File: JavadslWebSocketClient.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.client import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.client.WebSocketClient import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.client.WebSocketClientConfig import com.typesafe.config.Config import import play.api.Environment import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class JavadslWebSocketClient( environment: Environment, config: WebSocketClientConfig, eventLoop: EventLoopGroup, lifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends WebSocketClient(environment, config, eventLoop, lifecycle) with JavadslServiceApiBridge { // Constructor that manages its own event loop @Inject def this(environment: Environment, config: Config, applicationLifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext ) = { this( environment, WebSocketClientConfig(config), WebSocketClient.createEventLoopGroup(applicationLifecycle), applicationLifecycle ) } }
Example 173
Source File: CassandraReadSideImpl.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.cassandra import java.util import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import java.util.function.BiFunction import java.util.function.Function import java.util.function.Supplier import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import akka.Done import import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.ReadSideImpl import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.cassandra.CassandraOffsetStore import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence._ import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.cassandra.CassandraReadSide.ReadSideHandlerBuilder import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.cassandra.CassandraReadSide import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.cassandra.CassandraSession import play.api.inject.Injector @Singleton private[lagom] final class CassandraReadSideImpl @Inject() ( system: ActorSystem, session: CassandraSession, offsetStore: CassandraOffsetStore, readSide: ReadSideImpl, injector: Injector ) extends CassandraReadSide { private val dispatcher = system.settings.config.getString("") implicit val ec = system.dispatchers.lookup(dispatcher) override def builder[Event <: AggregateEvent[Event]](eventProcessorId: String): ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { new ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] { import CassandraAutoReadSideHandler.Handler private var prepareCallback: AggregateEventTag[Event] => CompletionStage[Done] = tag => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Done.getInstance()) private var globalPrepareCallback: () => CompletionStage[Done] = () => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Done.getInstance()) private var handlers = Map.empty[Class[_ <: Event], Handler[Event]] override def setGlobalPrepare(callback: Supplier[CompletionStage[Done]]): ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { globalPrepareCallback = () => callback.get this } override def setPrepare( callback: Function[AggregateEventTag[Event], CompletionStage[Done]] ): ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { prepareCallback = callback.apply this } override def setEventHandler[E <: Event]( eventClass: Class[E], handler: Function[E, CompletionStage[util.List[BoundStatement]]] ): ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { handlers += (eventClass -> ((event: E, offset: Offset) => handler(event))) this } override def setEventHandler[E <: Event]( eventClass: Class[E], handler: BiFunction[E, Offset, CompletionStage[util.List[BoundStatement]]] ): ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { handlers += (eventClass -> handler.apply _) this } override def build(): ReadSideHandler[Event] = { new CassandraAutoReadSideHandler[Event]( session, offsetStore, handlers, globalPrepareCallback, prepareCallback, eventProcessorId, dispatcher ) } } } }
Example 174
Source File: JdbcPersistenceModule.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.jdbc import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton import import import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.jdbc._ import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.jdbc.SlickDbProvider import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.jdbc.SlickOffsetStore import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.PersistentEntityRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.spi.persistence.OffsetStore import play.api.Configuration import play.api.Environment import play.api.db.DBApi import play.api.inject.Binding import play.api.inject.Module import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class JdbcPersistenceModule extends Module { override def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]] = Seq( bind[SlickProvider].toProvider[GuiceSlickProvider], bind[JdbcReadSide].to[JdbcReadSideImpl], bind[PersistentEntityRegistry].to[JdbcPersistentEntityRegistry], bind[JdbcSession].to[JdbcSessionImpl], bind[SlickOffsetStore].to[JavadslJdbcOffsetStore], bind[OffsetStore].to(bind[SlickOffsetStore]) ) } @Singleton class GuiceSlickProvider @Inject() ( dbApi: DBApi, actorSystem: ActorSystem, coordinatedShutdown: CoordinatedShutdown )( implicit ec: ExecutionContext ) extends Provider[SlickProvider] { lazy val get = { // Ensures JNDI bindings are made before we build the SlickProvider SlickDbProvider.buildAndBindSlickDatabases( dbApi, actorSystem.settings.config, coordinatedShutdown ) new SlickProvider(actorSystem, coordinatedShutdown) } }
Example 175
Source File: JavadslJdbcOffsetStore.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.jdbc import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.ReadSideConfig import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.jdbc.AbstractSlickOffsetStoreConfiguration import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.jdbc.SlickOffsetStore import com.typesafe.config.Config import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration @Singleton private[lagom] class OffsetTableConfiguration @Inject() (config: Config, readSideConfig: ReadSideConfig) extends AbstractSlickOffsetStoreConfiguration(config) { override def minBackoff: FiniteDuration = readSideConfig.minBackoff override def maxBackoff: FiniteDuration = readSideConfig.maxBackoff override def randomBackoffFactor: Double = readSideConfig.randomBackoffFactor override def globalPrepareTimeout: FiniteDuration = readSideConfig.globalPrepareTimeout override def role: Option[String] = readSideConfig.role override def toString: String = s"OffsetTableConfiguration($tableName,$schemaName)" } @Singleton private[lagom] class JavadslJdbcOffsetStore @Inject() ( slick: SlickProvider, system: ActorSystem, tableConfig: OffsetTableConfiguration, readSideConfig: ReadSideConfig )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends SlickOffsetStore(system, slick, tableConfig)
Example 176
Source File: JdbcSessionImpl.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.jdbc import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.jdbc.JdbcSession import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.jdbc.JdbcSession.ConnectionFunction import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._ @Singleton final class JdbcSessionImpl @Inject() (slick: SlickProvider) extends JdbcSession { import slick.profile.api._ override def withConnection[T](block: ConnectionFunction[T]): CompletionStage[T] = { { SimpleDBIO { ctx => block(ctx.connection) } }.toJava } override def withTransaction[T](block: ConnectionFunction[T]): CompletionStage[T] = { { SimpleDBIO { ctx => block(ctx.connection) }.transactionally }.toJava } }
Example 177
Source File: JdbcPersistentEntityRegistry.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.jdbc import java.util.Optional import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import import akka.persistence.jdbc.query.scaladsl.JdbcReadJournal import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.AbstractPersistentEntityRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.PersistentEntity import play.api.inject.Injector @Singleton private[lagom] final class JdbcPersistentEntityRegistry @Inject() ( system: ActorSystem, injector: Injector, slickProvider: SlickProvider ) extends AbstractPersistentEntityRegistry(system, injector) { private lazy val ensureTablesCreated = slickProvider.ensureTablesCreated() override def register[C, E, S](entityClass: Class[_ <: PersistentEntity[C, E, S]]): Unit = { ensureTablesCreated super.register(entityClass) } protected override val queryPluginId = Optional.of(JdbcReadJournal.Identifier) }
Example 178
Source File: AkkaManagementModule.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.server import import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Provider import javax.inject.Singleton import play.api.inject.Binding import play.api.inject.Module import play.api.Configuration import play.api.Environment import play.api.Mode import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext private[lagom] class AkkaManagementModule extends Module { override def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]] = { // The trigger must be eager because it's often not required by anyone as a dependency to // be injected and yet it must be started anyway Seq(bind[AkkaManagementTrigger].toProvider[AkkaManagementProvider].eagerly()) } } @Singleton private[lagom] class AkkaManagementProvider @Inject() ( config: Config, actorSystem: ActorSystem, coordinatedShutdown: CoordinatedShutdown, environment: Environment, executionContext: ExecutionContext ) extends Provider[AkkaManagementTrigger] { override def get(): AkkaManagementTrigger = { val instance = new AkkaManagementTrigger(config, actorSystem, coordinatedShutdown)(executionContext) if (environment.mode == Mode.Prod) { instance.start() } instance } }
Example 179
Source File: TestServiceLocator.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.testkit import import java.util.Optional import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.Descriptor import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.client.CircuitBreakersPanel import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.client.CircuitBreakingServiceLocator @Singleton private[lagom] class TestServiceLocator @Inject() ( circuitBreakers: CircuitBreakersPanel, port: TestServiceLocatorPort, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext ) extends CircuitBreakingServiceLocator(circuitBreakers) { private val futureUri = => URI.create("http://localhost:" + p)) override def locate(name: String, call: Descriptor.Call[_, _]): CompletionStage[Optional[URI]] = => Optional.of(uri)).toJava } private[lagom] final case class TestServiceLocatorPort(port: Future[Int])
Example 180
Source File: AppConfig.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package config import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import @Singleton class AppConfig @Inject()(val environment: Environment, val configuration: Configuration, config: ServicesConfig) { def appName: String = config.getString("appName") def appUrl: String = config.getString("appUrl") def registrationEnabled: Boolean = config.getBoolean("") def featureSwitch: Option[Configuration] = configuration.getOptional[Configuration](s"feature-switch") def apiStatus(version: String): String = config.getString(s"api.$version.status") def apiGatewayContext: String = config.getString("api.gateway.context") //Services def saApiUrl: String = config.baseUrl("self-assessment-api") def cgApiUrl: String = config.baseUrl("mtd-charitable-giving") def taxCalcUrl: String = config.baseUrl("mtd-tax-calculation") def propertyUrl: String = config.baseUrl("mtd-property-api") def selfEmploymentUrl: String = config.baseUrl("mtd-self-employment") def release2Enabled: Boolean = config.getBoolean("release-2.enabled") def dividendsApiUrl: String = config.baseUrl("mtd-dividends-income") def savingsAccountApiUrl: String = config.baseUrl("mtd-savings-accounts") def crystallisationApiUrl: String = config.baseUrl("mtd-crystallisation") }
Example 181
Source File: SelfAssessmentApiDefinition.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.definition import config.{AppConfig, FeatureSwitch} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.Logger import router.definition.APIStatus.APIStatus import router.constants.Versions._ @Singleton class SelfAssessmentApiDefinition @Inject()(appConfig: AppConfig) { private val readScope = "read:self-assessment" private val writeScope = "write:self-assessment" lazy val definition: Definition = Definition( scopes = Seq( Scope( key = readScope, name = "View your Self Assessment information", description = "Allow read access to self assessment data" ), Scope( key = writeScope, name = "Change your Self Assessment information", description = "Allow write access to self assessment data" ) ), api = APIDefinition( name = "Self Assessment (MTD)", description = "An API for providing self assessment data and obtaining tax calculations", context = appConfig.apiGatewayContext, versions = Seq( APIVersion( version = VERSION_1, access = buildWhiteListingAccess(), status = buildAPIStatus(VERSION_1), endpointsEnabled = true), APIVersion( version = VERSION_2, access = buildWhiteListingAccess(), status = buildAPIStatus(VERSION_2), endpointsEnabled = true) ), requiresTrust = None ) ) private[definition] def buildAPIStatus(version: String): APIStatus = { appConfig.apiStatus(version) match { case "ALPHA" => APIStatus.ALPHA case "BETA" => APIStatus.BETA case "STABLE" => APIStatus.STABLE case "DEPRECATED" => APIStatus.DEPRECATED case "RETIRED" => APIStatus.RETIRED case _ => Logger.error(s"[ApiDefinition][buildApiStatus] no API Status found in config. Reverting to Alpha") APIStatus.ALPHA } } private[definition] def buildWhiteListingAccess(): Option[Access] = { val featureSwitch = FeatureSwitch(appConfig.featureSwitch) featureSwitch.isWhiteListingEnabled match { case true => Some(Access("PRIVATE", featureSwitch.whiteListedApplicationIds)) case false => None } } }
Example 182
Source File: DocumentationController.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.controllers import controllers.Assets import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import router.definition.SelfAssessmentApiDefinition import{DocumentationController => HmrcDocumentationController} @Singleton class DocumentationController @Inject()(selfAssessmentApiDefinition: SelfAssessmentApiDefinition, cc: ControllerComponents, assets: Assets, errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler) extends HmrcDocumentationController(cc, assets, errorHandler) { override def definition(): Action[AnyContent] = Action { Ok(Json.toJson(selfAssessmentApiDefinition.definition)) } override def conf(version: String, file: String): Action[AnyContent] = {"/public/api/conf/$version", file) } }
Example 183
Source File: CouchbaseReadSideImpl.scala From akka-persistence-couchbase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.persistence.couchbase import java.util.concurrent.{CompletableFuture, CompletionStage} import java.util.function.{BiFunction, Function => JFunction} import akka.Done import import akka.dispatch.MessageDispatcher import import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.couchbase.CouchbaseOffsetStore import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.couchbase.CouchbaseReadSide import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.{AggregateEvent, AggregateEventTag, Offset, ReadSideProcessor} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.inject.Injector @Singleton private[lagom] class CouchbaseReadSideImpl @Inject() ( system: ActorSystem, couchbaseSession: CouchbaseSession, offsetStore: CouchbaseOffsetStore, injector: Injector ) extends CouchbaseReadSide { private val dispatcher = system.settings.config.getString("") private implicit val ec: MessageDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(dispatcher) override def builder[Event <: AggregateEvent[Event]]( readSideId: String ): CouchbaseReadSide.ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = new CouchbaseReadSide.ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] { type Handler[E] = CouchbaseReadSideHandler.Handler[E] private var globalPrepareCallback: CouchbaseSession => CompletionStage[Done] = (_) => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Done.getInstance()) private var prepareCallback: (CouchbaseSession, AggregateEventTag[Event]) => CompletionStage[Done] = (_, _) => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Done.getInstance()) private var handlers = Map.empty[Class[_ <: Event], Handler[Event]] override def setGlobalPrepare( callback: JFunction[CouchbaseSession, CompletionStage[Done]] ): CouchbaseReadSide.ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { globalPrepareCallback = callback.apply this } override def setPrepare( callback: BiFunction[CouchbaseSession, AggregateEventTag[Event], CompletionStage[Done]] ): CouchbaseReadSide.ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { prepareCallback = callback.apply this } override def setEventHandler[E <: Event]( eventClass: Class[E], handler: CouchbaseReadSide.TriConsumer[CouchbaseSession, E, Offset, CompletionStage[Done]] ): CouchbaseReadSide.ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { handlers += (eventClass -> ((cs: CouchbaseSession, event: E, offset: Offset) => handler(cs, event, offset))) this } override def setEventHandler[E <: Event]( eventClass: Class[E], handler: BiFunction[CouchbaseSession, E, CompletionStage[Done]] ): CouchbaseReadSide.ReadSideHandlerBuilder[Event] = { handlers += (eventClass -> ((cs: CouchbaseSession, event: E, offset: Offset) => handler(cs, event))) this } override def build(): ReadSideProcessor.ReadSideHandler[Event] = new CouchbaseReadSideHandler[Event]( couchbaseSession, offsetStore, handlers, globalPrepareCallback, prepareCallback, readSideId, dispatcher ) } }
Example 184
Source File: UnixSignalManager.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.signal import javax.inject.Singleton import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils import sun.misc.{Signal, SignalHandler} import scala.collection.mutable @Singleton class UnixSignalManager extends SignalManager { private val signals = mutable.HashMap.empty[Signal, SignalHandler] def register(signal: Signal, handler: SignalHandler): Unit = if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_UNIX) { if (signals.contains(signal)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Signal $signal is already registered") } Signal.handle(signal, handler) signals.put(signal, handler) } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Signal handling is only supported on UNIX") } def unregister(signal: Signal): Unit = if (signals.contains(signal)) { Signal.handle(signal, new SignalHandler { override def handle(signal: Signal): Unit = {} }) signals.remove(signal) } }
Example 185
Source File: TemplateModule.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.templates import javax.inject.Singleton import{AbstractModule, Provides} import de.frosner.broccoli.BroccoliConfiguration import de.frosner.broccoli.signal.UnixSignalManager import net.codingwell.scalaguice.ScalaModule @Provides @Singleton def provideTemplateSource(config: BroccoliConfiguration, signalManager: UnixSignalManager, templateRenderer: TemplateRenderer): TemplateSource = new SignalRefreshedTemplateSource( new CachedTemplateSource(new DirectoryTemplateSource(config.templates.path, templateRenderer)), signalManager ) }
Example 186
Source File: JinjavaModule.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.templates.jinjava import javax.inject.Singleton import{AbstractModule, Provides} import com.hubspot.jinjava.JinjavaConfig import de.frosner.broccoli.BroccoliConfiguration import net.codingwell.scalaguice.ScalaModule class JinjavaModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule { override def configure(): Unit = {} @Provides @Singleton def provideJinjavaConfig(broccoliConfiguration: BroccoliConfiguration): JinjavaConfig = { val config = broccoliConfiguration.templates.jinjava JinjavaConfig .newBuilder() .withMaxRenderDepth(config.maxRenderDepth) .withTrimBlocks(config.trimBlocks) .withLstripBlocks(config.lstripBlocks) .withEnableRecursiveMacroCalls(config.enableRecursiveMacroCalls) .withReadOnlyResolver(config.readOnlyResolver) .withMaxOutputSize(config.maxOutputSize) .withNestedInterpretationEnabled(config.nestedInterpretationEnabled) .withFailOnUnknownTokens(config.failOnUnknownTokens) .build() } }
Example 187
Source File: CachedTemplateSource.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.templates import de.frosner.broccoli.models.Template import javax.inject.Singleton class CachedTemplateSource(source: TemplateSource) extends TemplateSource { @volatile private var templatesCache: Option[Seq[Template]] = None override val templateRenderer: TemplateRenderer = source.templateRenderer override def loadTemplates(): Seq[Template] = templatesCache match { case Some(templates) => templates case None => refresh() templatesCache.get } def refresh(): Unit = templatesCache = Some(source.loadTemplates()) }
Example 188
Source File: AboutInfoService.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.{Account, AuthMode} import de.frosner.broccoli.conf import de.frosner.broccoli.models._ @Singleton class AboutInfoService @Inject()(instanceService: InstanceService, securityService: SecurityService) { def aboutInfo(loggedIn: Account) = AboutInfo( project = AboutProject( name =, version = ), scala = AboutScala( version = ), sbt = AboutSbt( version = ), auth = AboutAuth( enabled = securityService.authMode != AuthMode.None, user = AboutUser( name =, role = loggedIn.role, instanceRegex = loggedIn.instanceRegex ) ), services = AboutServices( clusterManager = AboutClusterManager(connected = instanceService.isNomadReachable), serviceDiscovery = AboutServiceDiscovery(connected = instanceService.isConsulReachable) ) ) }
Example 189
Source File: SecurityService.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import cats.syntax.either._ import import import import{IdentityNotFoundException, InvalidPasswordException} import import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.{Account, AuthConfiguration, AuthMode} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} sealed trait LoginError object LoginError { final case object InvalidPassword extends LoginError final case object UnknownUser extends LoginError final case object Locked extends LoginError } @Singleton() case class SecurityService @Inject()( configuration: AuthConfiguration, credentialsProvider: CredentialsProvider, identityService: IdentityService[Account] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { private val log = play.api.Logger(getClass) val sessionTimeoutInSeconds: Int = configuration.session.timeout.toSeconds.toInt val allowedFailedLogins: Int = configuration.allowedFailedLogins val authMode: AuthMode = configuration.mode val cookieSecure: Boolean = val allowMultiLogin: Boolean = configuration.session.allowMultiLogin @volatile private var failedLoginAttempts: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty def authenticate(credentials: Credentials): Future[Option[LoginInfo]] = EitherT .rightT(credentials) .ensure(LoginError.Locked)(c => failedLoginAttempts.getOrElse(c.identifier, 0) <= allowedFailedLogins) .flatMapF(credentialsProvider.authenticate(_).map(_.asRight).recover { case _: InvalidPasswordException => LoginError.InvalidPassword.asLeft case _: IdentityNotFoundException => LoginError.UnknownUser.asLeft }) .leftMap { error => // Login if an account was locked val attempts = failedLoginAttempts.getOrElse(credentials.identifier, 0) if (error == LoginError.Locked) { log.warn( s"Credentials for '${credentials.identifier}' exceeded the allowed number of failed logins: " + s"$allowedFailedLogins (has $attempts)") } // Track the failed attempt failedLoginAttempts = failedLoginAttempts.updated(credentials.identifier, attempts + 1) error } .toOption .value }
Example 190
Source File: CheckerExceptionAdapter.scala From apalache with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.config import at.forsyte.apalache.infra.ExceptionAdapter import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt._ import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.types.TypeInferenceError import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.imp.src.SourceStore import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.lir.{MalformedTlaError, TlaEx} import{ChangeListener, SourceLocator} import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.pp.NotInKeraError import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} @Singleton class CheckerExceptionAdapter @Inject()(sourceStore: SourceStore, changeListener: ChangeListener) extends ExceptionAdapter { override def toMessage: PartialFunction[Exception, String] = { case err: NoRuleException => "%s: no rule to rewrite a TLA+ expression: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: RewriterException => "%s: rewriter error: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: SmtEncodingException => "%s: error when rewriting to SMT: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: TypeException => "%s: type error: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: TypeInferenceError => "%s: type error: %s".format(findLoc(err.origin), err.getMessage) case err: InvalidTlaExException => "%s: unexpected TLA+ expression: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: InternalCheckerError => "%s: internal error: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: CheckerException => "%s: checker error: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: NotInKeraError => "%s: expression outside of KerA, report an issue: %s [see docs/]" .format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) case err: MalformedTlaError => "%s: unexpected TLA+ expression: %s".format(findLoc(err.causeExpr), err.getMessage) } private def findLoc(expr: TlaEx): String = { val sourceLocator: SourceLocator = SourceLocator(sourceStore.makeSourceMap, changeListener) sourceLocator.sourceOf(expr) match { case Some(loc) => loc.toString case None => "<unknown>" } } }
Example 191
Source File: HoconMessagesApi.scala From play-i18n-hocon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.Properties import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import play.api.http.HttpConfiguration import play.api.i18n._ import play.api.inject.Module import play.api.{ Configuration, Environment } import play.utils.Resources import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ @Singleton class HoconMessagesApiProvider @Inject() ( environment: Environment, config: Configuration, langs: Langs, httpConfiguration: HttpConfiguration ) extends DefaultMessagesApiProvider(environment, config, langs, httpConfiguration) { override lazy val get: MessagesApi = { new DefaultMessagesApi( loadAllMessages, langs, langCookieName = langCookieName, langCookieSecure = langCookieSecure, langCookieHttpOnly = langCookieHttpOnly, httpConfiguration = httpConfiguration ) } override protected def loadMessages(file: String): Map[String, String] = { getResources(file) .filterNot(url => Resources.isDirectory(environment.classLoader, url)).reverse .map(getMessages) .foldLeft(Map.empty[String, String]) { _ ++ _ } } override protected def loadAllMessages: Map[String, Map[String, String]] = { { lang => (lang, loadMessages(s"messages.$lang.conf")) }.toMap ++ Map( "default" -> loadMessages("messages.conf"), "" -> loadMessages("messages.default") ) } override protected def joinPaths(first: Option[String], second: String) = first match { case Some(parent) => new, second).getPath case None => second } private def getResources(file: String): List[URL] = { environment.classLoader.getResources(joinPaths(messagesPrefix, file)).asScala.toList } private def getMessages(url: URL): Map[String, String] = { // messages.default is bundled with play and it is a properties file val config = if (url.toString.endsWith("messages.default")) { ConfigFactory.parseProperties(getProperties(url)) } else { ConfigFactory.parseURL(url) } config.resolve().entrySet().asScala .map(e => e.getKey -> String.valueOf(e.getValue.unwrapped())) .toMap } private def getProperties(url: URL): Properties = { val properties = new Properties() val input = url.openStream() try { properties.load(input) } finally { input.close() } properties } } trait HoconI18nComponents extends I18nComponents { def environment: Environment def configuration: Configuration def httpConfiguration: HttpConfiguration def langs: Langs override lazy val messagesApi: MessagesApi = new HoconMessagesApiProvider(environment, configuration, langs, httpConfiguration).get }
Example 192
Source File: HatDatabaseProvider.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory } import org.hatdex.hat.dal.HatDbSchemaMigration import org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement.models.HatSignup import org.hatdex.libs.dal.HATPostgresProfile.api.Database import play.api.cache.AsyncCacheApi import import play.api.{ Configuration, Logger } import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration trait HatDatabaseProvider { protected val configuration: Configuration def database(hat: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Database] def shutdown(db: Database): Future[Unit] = { // Execution context for the future is defined by specifying the executor during initialisation db.shutdown } def update(db: Database)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = { new HatDbSchemaMigration(configuration, db, ec).run("hat.schemaMigrations") } } @Singleton class HatDatabaseProviderConfig @Inject() (val configuration: Configuration) extends HatDatabaseProvider { def database(hat: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Database] = { Future { Database.forConfig(s"hat.${hat.replace(':', '.')}.database", configuration.underlying) } recoverWith { case e => Future.failed(new HatServerDiscoveryException(s"Database configuration for $hat incorrect or unavailable", e)) } } } @Singleton class HatDatabaseProviderMilliner @Inject() ( val configuration: Configuration, val cache: AsyncCacheApi, val ws: WSClient) extends HatDatabaseProvider with MillinerHatSignup { val logger = Logger(this.getClass) def database(hat: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Database] = { getHatSignup(hat) map { signup => val config = signupDatabaseConfig(signup) // val databaseUrl = s"jdbc:postgresql://${}:${signup.databaseServer.get.port}/${}" // val executor = AsyncExecutor(hat, numThreads = 3, queueSize = 1000) // Database.forURL(databaseUrl,, signup.database.get.password, driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" ) Database.forConfig("", config) } } def signupDatabaseConfig(signup: HatSignup): Config = { val database = signup.database.get val config = Map( "dataSourceClass" -> "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource", "properties" -> Map[String, String]( "user" ->, "password" -> database.password, "databaseName" ->, "portNumber" -> signup.databaseServer.get.port.toString, "serverName" ->, "numThreads" -> configuration.get[Int]("resourceManagement.hatDBThreads").toString, "idleTimeout" -> configuration.get[Duration]("resourceManagement.hatDBIdleTimeout").toMillis.toString).asJava ConfigFactory.parseMap(config) } }
Example 193
Source File: HatServerProvider.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement import import import javax.inject.{ Inject, Named, Singleton } import import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import import{ PemObject, PemWriter } import org.hatdex.hat.api.service.RemoteExecutionContext import org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement.actors.HatServerProviderActor import org.hatdex.hat.utils.LoggingProvider import play.api.cache.{ AsyncCacheApi, NamedCache } import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.Request import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ trait HatServerProvider extends DynamicEnvironmentProviderService[HatServer] { def retrieve[B](request: Request[B]): Future[Option[HatServer]] def retrieve(hatAddress: String): Future[Option[HatServer]] def toString(publicKey: RSAPublicKey): String = { val pemObject = new PemObject("PUBLIC KEY", publicKey.getEncoded) val stringPemWriter = new StringWriter() val pemWriter: PemWriter = new PemWriter(stringPemWriter) pemWriter.writeObject(pemObject) pemWriter.flush() val pemPublicKey = stringPemWriter.toString pemPublicKey } } @Singleton class HatServerProviderImpl @Inject() ( configuration: Configuration, @NamedCache("hatserver-cache") cache: AsyncCacheApi, loggingProvider: LoggingProvider, @Named("hatServerProviderActor") serverProviderActor: ActorRef)( implicit val ec: RemoteExecutionContext) extends HatServerProvider { private val logger = loggingProvider.logger(this.getClass) def retrieve[B](request: Request[B]): Future[Option[HatServer]] = { val hatAddress = //.split(':').headOption.getOrElse( retrieve(hatAddress) } implicit val timeout: Timeout = configuration.get[FiniteDuration]("resourceManagement.serverProvisioningTimeout") implicit val serverInfoTimeout: Duration = configuration.get[FiniteDuration]("resourceManagement.serverIdleTimeout") def retrieve(hatAddress: String): Future[Option[HatServer]] = { cache.get[HatServer](s"server:$hatAddress") .flatMap { case Some(server) => Future.successful(Some(server)) case _ => (serverProviderActor ? HatServerProviderActor.HatServerRetrieve(hatAddress)) map { case server: HatServer => logger.debug(s"Got back server $server") cache.set(s"server:$hatAddress", server, serverInfoTimeout) Some(server) case error: HatServerDiscoveryException => logger.warn(s"Got back error $error") throw error case message => logger.warn(s"Unknown message $message from HAT Server provider actor") val error = new HatServerDiscoveryException("Unknown message") throw error } recoverWith { case e => logger.warn(s"Error while retrieving HAT $hatAddress info: ${e.getMessage}") val error = new HatServerDiscoveryException("HAT Server info retrieval failed", e) throw error } } } }
Example 194
Source File: LoggingFilter.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.utils import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSObject import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler import play.api.mvc.{ Filter, RequestHeader, Result } import play.api.{ Configuration, Logger } import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.util.Try @Singleton class ActiveHatCounter() { // Careful! Mutable state private var count: Long = 0 def get(): Long = count def increase(): Unit = this.synchronized(count += 1) def decrease(): Unit = this.synchronized(count -= 1) } class LoggingFilter @Inject() ( errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler, configuration: Configuration, hatCounter: ActiveHatCounter)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext, val mat: Materializer) extends Filter { private val logger = Logger("api") def apply(nextFilter: RequestHeader => Future[Result])(requestHeader: RequestHeader): Future[Result] = { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis nextFilter(requestHeader) .recoverWith({ case e ⇒ errorHandler.onServerError(requestHeader, e) }) .map { result => val active = hatCounter.get() val requestTime = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime"[${requestHeader.remoteAddress}] [${requestHeader.method}:${}:${requestHeader.uri}] " + s"[${result.header.status}] [$requestTime:ms] [hats:$active] ${tokenInfo(requestHeader)}") result.withHeaders("Request-Time" -> requestTime.toString) } } private val authTokenFieldName: String = configuration.get[String]("silhouette.authenticator.fieldName") private def tokenInfo(requestHeader: RequestHeader): String = { requestHeader.queryString.get(authTokenFieldName).flatMap(_.headOption) .orElse(requestHeader.headers.get(authTokenFieldName)) .flatMap(t ⇒ if (t.isEmpty) { None } else { Some(t) }) .flatMap(t ⇒ Try(JWSObject.parse(t)).toOption) .map(o ⇒ JWTClaimsSet.parse(o.getPayload.toJSONObject)) .map { claimSet => s"[${Option(claimSet.getStringClaim("application")).getOrElse("api")}@" + s"${Option(claimSet.getStringClaim("applicationVersion")).getOrElse("_")}]" } .getOrElse("[unauthenticated@_]") } }
Example 195
Source File: FakeCache.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat import akka.Done import javax.inject.Singleton import play.api.cache.AsyncCacheApi import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.reflect.ClassTag @Singleton class FakeCache extends AsyncCacheApi { private var store = Map[String, Any]() override def set(key: String, value: Any, expiration: Duration): Future[Done] = Future(store = store + (key -> value)).map(_ => Done) override def get[T](key: String)(implicit evidence$2: ClassTag[T]): Future[Option[T]] = Future(store.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[T]]) override def getOrElseUpdate[A](key: String, expiration: Duration)(orElse: => Future[A])(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[A]): Future[A] = Future(store.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[A]]) .flatMap( override def remove(key: String): Future[Done] = Future(store = store - key).map(_ => Done) override def removeAll(): Future[Done] = Future(store = Map[String, Any]()).map(_ => Done) }
Example 196
Source File: LoginController.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import javax.inject.Singleton import import forms.UserData import play.api._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.Play.current import services.LoginService import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext @Singleton class LoginController @Inject()(loginService:LoginService)(cc:MessagesControllerComponents) (implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends MessagesAbstractController(cc) { def showLoginPage: Action[AnyContent] = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.loginPage(UserData.form)) } def submitLogin = Action { implicit request => UserData.form.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => { BadRequest(views.html.loginPage(formWithErrors)) }, user => { val isValidUser = loginService.checkLogin(user) if(isValidUser) Redirect(routes.LoginController.homePage).flashing("loginStatus" -> "User logged-in successfully.") else Ok(views.html.loginPage(UserData.form)) } ) } def homePage = Action{ implicit request => Ok(views.html.homePage()) } }
Example 197
Source File: ServicesRoutesCache.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import cmwell.domain.{DeletedInfoton, Infoton, ObjectInfoton} import cmwell.fts.PathFilter import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import logic.CRUDServiceFS import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} @Singleton class ServicesRoutesCache @Inject()(crudService: CRUDServiceFS)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, sys: ActorSystem) extends LazyLogging { private var services: Map[String, ServiceDefinition] = Map.empty private val (initialDelay, interval) = Settings.servicesRoutesCacheInitialDelay -> Settings.servicesRoutesCacheRefreshInterval sys.scheduler.schedule(initialDelay, interval)(populate()) def find(path: String): Option[ServiceDefinition] = services.values.find(sd => path.startsWith(sd.route)) def list: Set[String] = def populate(): Future[Unit] = { //TODO use consume API, don't get everything each time"/meta/services", descendants = false)), withData = true, withDeleted = true).andThen { case Success(sr) => val toAddOrUpdate = sr.infotons.collect { case oi: ObjectInfoton => oi } val toRemove = sr.infotons.collect { case di: DeletedInfoton => di } collect { case Success(se) => se }. foreach { se => services += se.infotonPath -> se.serviceDefinition } toRemove.foreach(services -= _.systemFields.path) case Failure(t) => logger.error("Could not load Services from /meta/services", t) }.map(_ => ()) } private def desrialize(infoton: Infoton): Try[ServiceEntry] = Try { val fields = infoton.fields.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Infoton with no fields was not expected (path=${infoton.systemFields.path})")) def field(name: String): String = fields(name).head.value.toString val route = field("route") field("type.lzN1FA") match { case "cmwell://meta/sys#Redirection" => val sourcePattern = field("sourcePattern") val replacement = field("replacement") val replceFunc = (input: String) => sourcePattern.r.replaceAllIn(input, replacement) ServiceEntry(infoton.systemFields.path, RedirectionService(route, sourcePattern, replceFunc)) case "cmwell://meta/sys#Source" => ??? //TODO implement the unimplemented case "cmwell://meta/sys#Binary" => ??? //TODO implement the unimplemented case other => throw new RuntimeException(s"Infoton with type $other was not expected (path=${infoton.systemFields.path})") } } case class ServiceEntry(infotonPath: String, serviceDefinition: ServiceDefinition) }
Example 198
Source File: GameInfoDatabase.scala From lila-openingexplorer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package lila.openingexplorer import{ Compressor, PageComparator } import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import @Singleton final class GameInfoDatabase @Inject() ( config: Config, shutdown: CoordinatedShutdown )(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) { private val db = Util.wrapLog( "Loading gameInfo database...", "GameInfo database loaded!" ) { Kyoto .builder( .compressor(Compressor.LZMA) .pageComparator(PageComparator.LEXICAL) .buildAndOpen } def get(gameId: String): Option[GameInfo] = Option(db.get(gameId)) flatMap GameInfoDatabase.unpack def contains(gameId: String): Boolean = db.exists(gameId) def store(gameId: String, info: GameInfo): Boolean = db.putIfAbsent(gameId, GameInfoDatabase pack info) def count = db.recordCount() shutdown.addTask(CoordinatedShutdown.PhaseServiceStop, "close master db") { () => scala.concurrent.Future { db.close() akka.Done } } } object GameInfoDatabase { def pack(info: GameInfo): String = List(, info.white.rating,,, info.year.fold("?")(_.toString) ) mkString "|" def unpack(str: String): Option[GameInfo] = str split '|' match { case Array(wn, wrS, bn, brS, yearS) => for { wr <- wrS.toIntOption br <- brS.toIntOption year = yearS.toIntOption } yield GameInfo( white = GameInfo.Player(wn, wr), black = GameInfo.Player(bn, br), year = year ) case _ => None } }
Example 199
Source File: PgnDatabase.scala From lila-openingexplorer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package lila.openingexplorer import import{ Compressor, PageComparator } import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import chess.format.Forsyth import chess.format.pgn.{ Move, ParsedPgn, Pgn, Tag, TagType, Tags, Turn } import chess.Replay @Singleton final class PgnDatabase @Inject() ( config: Config, shutdown: CoordinatedShutdown )(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) { private val db = Util.wrapLog( "Loading PGN database...", "PGN database loaded!" ) { Kyoto .builder( .compressor(Compressor.LZMA) .pageComparator(PageComparator.LEXICAL) .buildAndOpen } private val relevantTags: Set[TagType] = Tag.tagTypes.toSet diff Set(Tag.ECO, Tag.Opening, Tag.Variant) def get(gameId: String): Option[String] = Option(db.get(gameId)) def store(gameId: String, parsed: ParsedPgn, replay: Replay): Boolean = { val tags = parsed.tags.value.filter { tag => relevantTags contains } val fenSituation = tags find ( == Tag.FEN) flatMap { case Tag(_, fen) => Forsyth <<< fen } val pgnMoves = replay.chronoMoves .foldLeft(replay.setup) { case (game, moveOrDrop) => moveOrDrop.fold(game.apply, game.applyDrop) } .pgnMoves val moves = if (fenSituation.exists( ".." +: pgnMoves else pgnMoves val initialTurn = getOrElse 1 val pgn = Pgn(Tags(tags), turns(moves, initialTurn)) db.putIfAbsent(gameId, pgn.toString) } private def turns(moves: Vector[String], from: Int): List[Turn] = (moves grouped 2).zipWithIndex.toList map { case (moves, index) => Turn( number = index + from, white = moves.headOption filter (".." !=) map { Move(_) }, black = moves lift 1 map { Move(_) } ) } filterNot (_.isEmpty) def delete(gameId: String) = db.remove(gameId) def count = db.recordCount() shutdown.addTask(CoordinatedShutdown.PhaseServiceStop, "close master db") { () => scala.concurrent.Future { db.close() akka.Done } } }
Example 200
Source File: Config.scala From lila-openingexplorer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package lila.openingexplorer import import play.api._ import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import chess.variant._ @Singleton final class Config @Inject() (conf: Configuration) { import Config._ lazy val explorer = conf.get[Explorer]("explorer") } object Config { case class Explorer( master: Domain, lichess: Lichess, pgn: Pgn, gameInfo: GameInfo, corsHeader: Boolean, cache: Cache ) implicit val explorerLoader: ConfigLoader[Explorer] = AutoConfig.loader case class Cache( maxMoves: Int, ttl: FiniteDuration ) implicit val cacheLoader: ConfigLoader[Cache] = AutoConfig.loader case class Domain( maxPlies: Int, kyoto: Kyoto ) implicit val domainLoader: ConfigLoader[Domain] = AutoConfig.loader case class Pgn(kyoto: Kyoto) implicit val pgnLoader: ConfigLoader[Pgn] = AutoConfig.loader case class GameInfo(kyoto: Kyoto) implicit val gameInfoLoader: ConfigLoader[GameInfo] = AutoConfig.loader case class Kyoto( file: String, buckets: Long, defragUnitSize: Int, memoryMapSize: Long ) implicit val kyotoLoader: ConfigLoader[Kyoto] = AutoConfig.loader case class Lichess( standard: Domain, chess960: Domain, kingOfTheHill: Domain, threeCheck: Domain, antichess: Domain, atomic: Domain, horde: Domain, racingKings: Domain, crazyhouse: Domain ) { def apply(variant: Variant): Domain = variant match { case Standard => standard case Chess960 => chess960 case KingOfTheHill => kingOfTheHill case ThreeCheck => threeCheck case Antichess => antichess case Atomic => atomic case Horde => horde case RacingKings => racingKings case Crazyhouse => crazyhouse } } implicit val lichessLoader: ConfigLoader[Lichess] = AutoConfig.loader }