monix.execution.Scheduler Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use monix.execution.Scheduler.
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Example 1
Source File: Components.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 6 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server import import import com.trueaccord.scalapb.json.JsonFormat import monix.execution.Scheduler import play.api.BuiltInComponents import play.api.http.{ContentTypes, DefaultHttpErrorHandler} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.Mode.Mode import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.routing.Router import play.api.routing.sird._ import play.core.server._ import play.filters.cors.{CORSConfig, CORSFilter} import play.filters.gzip.GzipFilterComponents import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.Future import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.protocol.{RaidBossesResponse, BinaryProtobuf} import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.RaidFinder import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.controller._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.syntax.ProtocolConverters.RaidBossDomainOps class Components( raidFinder: RaidFinder[BinaryProtobuf], translator: BossNameTranslator, port: Int, mode: Mode, websocketKeepAliveInterval: FiniteDuration, metricsCollector: MetricsCollector ) extends NettyServerComponents with BuiltInComponents with GzipFilterComponents with Controller { override lazy val serverConfig = ServerConfig(port = Some(port), mode = mode) private val corsFilter = new CORSFilter(corsConfig = CORSConfig().withAnyOriginAllowed) override lazy val httpFilters = List(gzipFilter, corsFilter) lazy val websocketController = new WebsocketController( raidFinder, translator, websocketKeepAliveInterval, metricsCollector )(actorSystem, materializer, // The charset isn't necessary, but without it, Chrome displays Japanese incorrectly // if you try to view the JSON directly. // private val ContentTypeJsonWithUtf8 = "application/json; charset=utf-8" lazy val router = Router.from { case GET(p"/") => = "/public", "index.html") case GET(p"/api/bosses.json" ? q_s"name=$names") => val bosses = if (names.nonEmpty) { val knownBossesMap = raidFinder.getKnownBosses names.collect(knownBossesMap) } else raidFinder.getKnownBosses.values val responseProtobuf = RaidBossesResponse( raidBosses = ) val responseJson = JsonFormat.toJsonString(responseProtobuf) Action(Ok(responseJson).as(ContentTypeJsonWithUtf8)) case GET(p"/api/metrics.json") => val activeUsers = metricsCollector.getActiveWebSocketCount() val json = Json.obj("activeUsers" -> activeUsers) Action(Ok(json)) case GET(p"/ws/raids" ? q_o"keepAlive=${ bool(keepAlive) }") => websocketController.raids(keepAlive = keepAlive.getOrElse(false)) case GET(p"/$file*") => = "/public", file = file) } override lazy val httpErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler override def serverStopHook = () => Future.successful { actorSystem.terminate() } }
Example 2
Source File: MockHttpServer.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.server import import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.CornichonError import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.http4s.HttpRoutes import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.implicits._ import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random class MockHttpServer[A](interface: Option[String], port: Option[Range], mockService: HttpRoutes[Task], maxRetries: Int = 5)(useFromAddress: String => Task[A])(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) { private val selectedInterface = interface.getOrElse(bestInterface()) private val randomPortOrder = port.fold(0 :: Nil)(r => Random.shuffle(r.toList)) private val mockRouter = Router("/" -> mockService).orNotFound def useServer(): Task[A] = if (randomPortOrder.isEmpty) Task.raiseError(MockHttpServerError.toException) else startServerTryPorts(randomPortOrder) private def startServerTryPorts(ports: List[Int], retry: Int = 0): Task[A] = startBlazeServer(ports.head).onErrorHandleWith { case _: if ports.length > 1 => startServerTryPorts(ports.tail, retry) case _: if retry < maxRetries => val sleepFor = retry + 1 println(s"Could not start server on any port. Retrying in $sleepFor seconds...") startServerTryPorts(randomPortOrder, retry = retry + 1).delayExecution(sleepFor.seconds) } private def startBlazeServer(port: Int): Task[A] = BlazeServerBuilder[Task](executionContext = scheduler) .bindHttp(port, selectedInterface) .withoutBanner .withHttpApp(mockRouter) .withNio2(true) .resource .use(server => useFromAddress(s"http://${server.address.getHostString}:${server.address.getPort}")) private def bestInterface(): String = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces.asScala .filter(_.isUp) .flatMap(_.getInetAddresses.asScala) .find(_.isSiteLocalAddress) .map(_.getHostAddress) .getOrElse("localhost") } case object MockHttpServerError extends CornichonError { val baseErrorMessage = "the range of ports provided for the HTTP mock is invalid" }
Example 3
Source File: TwitterStreamer.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive._ import monix.reactive.subjects.ConcurrentSubject import twitter4j._ // TODO: Write tests trait TwitterStreamer { def observable: Observable[Status] } object TwitterStreamer { val DefaultFilterTerms = Seq("参加者募集!", ":参戦ID", "I need backup!", ":Battle ID") def apply( twitterStream: twitter4j.TwitterStream = TwitterStreamFactory.getSingleton, filterTerms: Seq[String] = DefaultFilterTerms )(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): Twitter4jStreamer = new Twitter4jStreamer(twitterStream, filterTerms) } class Twitter4jStreamer( twitterStream: twitter4j.TwitterStream, filterTerms: Seq[String] )(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) extends TwitterStreamer { private val subject = ConcurrentSubject.publish[Status] val observable: Observable[Status] = subject private val listener = new StatusAdapter() { override def onStatus(status: Status): Unit = subject.onNext(status) override def onException(e: Exception): Unit = println(e) // TODO: Better error handling } twitterStream.addListener(listener) twitterStream.filter(new FilterQuery(filterTerms: _*)) }
Example 4
Source File: BlockingIO.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder.util import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ThreadFactory} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future, Promise, blocking} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import monix.execution.Scheduler // object BlockingIO { private val ioThreadPool = = "io-thread") def future[T](t: => T): Future[T] = { val p = Promise[T]() val runnable = new Runnable { def run() = try { p.success(blocking(t)) } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => p.failure(ex) } } ioThreadPool.execute(runnable) p.future } }
Example 5
Source File: ObservablesPartitioner.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder.util import akka.agent.Agent import monix.execution.{Ack, Cancelable, Scheduler} import monix.reactive._ import monix.reactive.observables.GroupedObservable import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber import monix.reactive.subjects.PublishSubject import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} trait ObservablesPartitioner[K, V] { def getObservable(key: K): Observable[V] } object CachedObservablesPartitioner { def fromUngroupedObservable[K, InputV, OutputV]( observable: Observable[InputV], cacheSizePerKey: Int, keySelector: InputV => K, mappingFunction: InputV => OutputV )(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): (CachedObservablesPartitioner[K, InputV, OutputV], Cancelable) = { val partitioner = new CachedObservablesPartitioner[K, InputV, OutputV](cacheSizePerKey, mappingFunction) val cancelable = observable.groupBy(keySelector).subscribe(partitioner) (partitioner, cancelable) } } class CachedObservablesPartitioner[K, InputV, OutputV]( cacheSizePerKey: Int, mappingFunction: InputV => OutputV )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends Observer[GroupedObservable[K, InputV]] with ObservablesPartitioner[K, OutputV] { private val observablesByKey = Agent[Map[K, Observable[OutputV]]](Map.empty) private val incomingKeys = PublishSubject[K]() def onComplete(): Unit = { incomingKeys.onComplete() } def onError(e: Throwable): Unit = { System.err.println(e) // TODO: Better logging? incomingKeys.onError(e) } def getObservable(key: K): Observable[OutputV] = { observablesByKey.get.getOrElse( key, incomingKeys.findF(_ == key).flatMap(_ => getObservable(key)) ) } }
Example 6
Source File: RaidFinder.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder import java.util.Date import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.{Cancelable, Scheduler} import monix.reactive._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Future import twitter4j._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.domain._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.util.CachedObservablesPartitioner trait RaidFinder[T] { def getRaidTweets(bossName: BossName): Observable[T] def newBossObservable: Observable[RaidBoss] def getKnownBosses(): Map[BossName, RaidBoss] def purgeOldBosses( minDate: Date, levelThreshold: Option[Int] ): Future[Map[BossName, RaidBoss]] def shutdown(): Unit } object RaidFinder { val DefaultCacheSizePerBoss = 20 val DefaultBackfillSize = 200 protected def onShutdown(): Unit = () // TODO: Parsing happens twice somewhere -- should figure out where private val raidInfos = statusesObservable .collect(Function.unlift(StatusParser.parse)) .publish private val (partitioner, partitionerCancelable) = CachedObservablesPartitioner.fromUngroupedObservable(, cachedTweetsPerBoss, (_: RaidTweet).bossName, fromRaidTweet.from // TODO ) private val (knownBosses, knownBossesCancelable) = KnownBossesObserver .fromRaidInfoObservable(raidInfos, initialBosses) val newBossObservable = knownBosses.newBossObservable private val raidInfosCancelable = raidInfos.connect() private val cancelable = Cancelable { () => List( raidInfosCancelable, partitionerCancelable, knownBossesCancelable ).foreach(_.cancel) onShutdown() } def shutdown(): Unit = cancelable.cancel() def getKnownBosses(): Map[BossName, RaidBoss] = knownBosses.get() def getRaidTweets(bossName: BossName): Observable[T] = partitioner.getObservable(bossName) def purgeOldBosses( minDate: Date, levelThreshold: Option[Int] ): Future[Map[BossName, RaidBoss]] = knownBosses.purgeOldBosses(minDate, levelThreshold) }
Example 7
Source File: WebsocketController.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.controller import import import{Materializer, OverflowStrategy} import monix.execution.Scheduler import play.api.http.websocket.Message import play.api.libs.streams._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.mvc.WebSocket.MessageFlowTransformer import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.Future import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.domain._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.protocol._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.RaidFinder import import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.util.MessageFlowTransformerUtil import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server.{BossNameTranslator, MetricsCollector} class WebsocketController( raidFinder: RaidFinder[BinaryProtobuf], translator: BossNameTranslator, keepAliveInterval: FiniteDuration, metricsCollector: MetricsCollector )(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer, scheduler: Scheduler) extends Controller { private val jsonTransformer = MessageFlowTransformerUtil.protobufJsonMessageFlowTransformer private val binaryTransformer = MessageFlowTransformerUtil.protobufBinaryMessageFlowTransformer private val defaultTransformer = jsonTransformer val flow = ActorFlow.actorRef(props = props) transformer.transform(flow) } case None => Left { val unsupportedProtocols = requestedProtocols.mkString("[", ", ", "]") Results.BadRequest("Unsupported websocket subprotocols " + unsupportedProtocols) } } Future.successful(result) } }
Example 8
Source File: BossNameTranslator.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder.server import akka.agent.Agent import com.pastebin.Pj9d8jt5.ImagePHash import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import import javax.imageio.ImageIO import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive._ import monix.reactive.subjects.ConcurrentSubject import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.domain._ import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.util.BlockingIO trait BossNameTranslator { import BossNameTranslator.Translation def translate(bossName: BossName): Option[BossName] def update(latestBosses: Map[BossName, RaidBoss]): Future[Unit] def observable(): Observable[Translation] } object BossNameTranslator { case class Translation(from: BossName, to: BossName) } private def croppedImageFromUrl(url: URL): BufferedImage = { // TODO: Use a real HTTP client to get the image val image = image.getSubimage(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight() * 3 / 4); } // This assumes there are only two languages (which is true currently) private def findTranslation(newData: TranslationData): Option[BossName] = { translationDataAgent.get.values.find { existingData => newData.hash == existingData.hash && newData.language != existingData.language && newData.level == existingData.level }.map( } } object ImageBasedBossNameTranslator { case class TranslationData(name: BossName, level: Int, language: Language, hash: ImageHash) case class ImageHash(value: Long) extends AnyVal }
Example 9
package com.wavesplatform.dex.time import{InetAddress, SocketTimeoutException} import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.ScorexLogging import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.schedulers.SchedulerService import monix.execution.{ExecutionModel, Scheduler} import import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt class NTP(ntpServer: String) extends Time with ScorexLogging with AutoCloseable { private val offsetPanicThreshold = 1000000L private val ExpirationTimeout = 60.seconds private val RetryDelay = 10.seconds private val ResponseTimeout = 10.seconds private val duringShutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false) private implicit val scheduler: SchedulerService = Scheduler.singleThread( name = "time-impl", daemonic = false, executionModel = ExecutionModel.AlwaysAsyncExecution, reporter = { case _: RejectedExecutionException if duringShutdown.get() => // ignore case e: Throwable => log.error("An uncaught error", e) } ) private val client = new NTPUDPClient() client.setDefaultTimeout(ResponseTimeout.toMillis.toInt) @volatile private var offset = 0L private val updateTask: Task[Unit] = { def newOffsetTask: Task[Option[(InetAddress, java.lang.Long)]] = Task { try { val info = client.getTime(InetAddress.getByName(ntpServer)) info.computeDetails() Option(info.getOffset).map { offset => val r = if (Math.abs(offset) > offsetPanicThreshold) throw new Exception("Offset is suspiciously large") else offset (info.getAddress, r) } } catch { case _: SocketTimeoutException => None case t: Throwable => log.warn("Problems with NTP: ", t) None } } newOffsetTask.flatMap { case None if !scheduler.isShutdown => updateTask.delayExecution(RetryDelay) case Some((server, newOffset)) if !scheduler.isShutdown => log.trace(s"Adjusting time with $newOffset milliseconds, source: ${server.getHostAddress}.") offset = newOffset updateTask.delayExecution(ExpirationTimeout) case _ => Task.unit } } def correctedTime(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis() + offset private var txTime: Long = 0 def getTimestamp(): Long = { txTime = Math.max(correctedTime(), txTime + 1) txTime } private val taskHandle = updateTask.runAsync { case Left(e) => log.error(s"Error executing task", e) case _ => } override def close(): Unit = if (duringShutdown.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"Shutting down Time") taskHandle.cancel() if (client.isOpen) client.close() scheduler.shutdown() } }
Example 10
Source File: DEXExtension.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.settings.DEXExtensionSettings import com.wavesplatform.extensions.{Extension, Context => ExtensionContext} import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging import io.grpc.Server import io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder import monix.execution.{ExecutionModel, Scheduler} import net.ceedubs.ficus.Ficus._ import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ArbitraryTypeReader._ import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.NameMapper import scala.concurrent.Future class DEXExtension(context: ExtensionContext) extends Extension with ScorexLogging { @volatile private var server: Server = _ private var apiService: WavesBlockchainApiGrpcService = _ implicit val chosenCase: NameMapper = net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.namemappers.implicits.hyphenCase implicit private val apiScheduler: Scheduler = Scheduler( ec = context.actorSystem.dispatchers.lookup(""), executionModel = ExecutionModel.AlwaysAsyncExecution ) override def start(): Unit = { val settings =[DEXExtensionSettings]("waves.dex.grpc.integration") val bindAddress = new InetSocketAddress(, settings.port) apiService = new WavesBlockchainApiGrpcService(context, settings.balanceChangesBatchLinger) server = NettyServerBuilder .forAddress(bindAddress) .permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls(true) .permitKeepAliveTime(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .addService(WavesBlockchainApiGrpc.bindService(apiService, apiScheduler)) .build() .start()"gRPC DEX extension was bound to $bindAddress") } override def shutdown(): Future[Unit] = {"Shutting down gRPC DEX extension") if (server != null) server.shutdownNow() Future.successful(()) } }
Example 11
Source File: WavesBlockchainCachingClient.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.clients import import java.time.Duration import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.Address import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.Asset import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.order.Order import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.transaction.ExchangeTransaction import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.ScorexLogging import com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.caches.{AssetDescriptionsCache, FeaturesCache} import com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.clients.WavesBlockchainClient.SpendableBalanceChanges import com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.dto.BriefAssetDescription import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class WavesBlockchainCachingClient(underlying: WavesBlockchainClient[Future], defaultCacheExpiration: FiniteDuration, monixScheduler: Scheduler)( implicit grpcExecutionContext: ExecutionContext) extends WavesBlockchainClient[Future] with ScorexLogging { private val cacheExpiration: Duration = Duration.ofMillis(defaultCacheExpiration.toMillis) private val featuresCache = new FeaturesCache(underlying.isFeatureActivated, invalidationPredicate = !_) // we don't keep knowledge about unactivated features private val assetDescriptionsCache = new AssetDescriptionsCache(underlying.assetDescription, cacheExpiration) // TODO remove after release 2.1.3 override def spendableBalance(address: Address, asset: Asset): Future[Long] = underlying.spendableBalance(address, asset) override def spendableBalanceChanges: Observable[SpendableBalanceChanges] = underlying.spendableBalanceChanges override def realTimeBalanceChanges: Observable[WavesBlockchainClient.BalanceChanges] = underlying.realTimeBalanceChanges override def spendableBalances(address: Address, assets: Set[Asset]): Future[Map[Asset, Long]] = underlying.spendableBalances(address, assets) override def allAssetsSpendableBalance(address: Address): Future[Map[Asset, Long]] = underlying.allAssetsSpendableBalance(address) override def isFeatureActivated(id: Short): Future[Boolean] = featuresCache.get(id) map Boolean2boolean override def assetDescription(asset: Asset.IssuedAsset): Future[Option[BriefAssetDescription]] = assetDescriptionsCache.get(asset) override def hasScript(asset: Asset.IssuedAsset): Future[Boolean] = underlying.hasScript(asset) override def runScript(asset: Asset.IssuedAsset, input: ExchangeTransaction): Future[RunScriptResult] = underlying.runScript(asset, input) override def hasScript(address: Address): Future[Boolean] = underlying.hasScript(address) override def runScript(address: Address, input: Order): Future[RunScriptResult] = underlying.runScript(address, input) override def wereForged(txIds: Seq[ByteStr]): Future[Map[ByteStr, Boolean]] = underlying.wereForged(txIds) override def broadcastTx(tx: ExchangeTransaction): Future[Boolean] = underlying.broadcastTx(tx) override def forgedOrder(orderId: ByteStr): Future[Boolean] = underlying.forgedOrder(orderId) override def getNodeAddress: Future[InetAddress] = underlying.getNodeAddress override def close(): Future[Unit] = underlying.close() }
Example 12
Source File: WavesBlockchainClientBuilder.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.ScorexLogging import com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.clients.{WavesBlockchainCachingClient, WavesBlockchainClient, WavesBlockchainGrpcAsyncClient} import com.wavesplatform.dex.grpc.integration.settings.WavesBlockchainClientSettings import io.grpc.ManagedChannel import io.grpc.internal.DnsNameResolverProvider import import import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} object WavesBlockchainClientBuilder extends ScorexLogging { def async(wavesBlockchainClientSettings: WavesBlockchainClientSettings, monixScheduler: Scheduler, grpcExecutionContext: ExecutionContext): WavesBlockchainClient[Future] = {"Building gRPC client for server: ${}") val eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup val channel: ManagedChannel = wavesBlockchainClientSettings.grpc.toNettyChannelBuilder .nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider) .executor((command: Runnable) => grpcExecutionContext.execute(command)) .eventLoopGroup(eventLoopGroup) .channelType(classOf[NioSocketChannel]) .usePlaintext() .build new WavesBlockchainCachingClient( new WavesBlockchainGrpcAsyncClient(eventLoopGroup, channel, monixScheduler)(grpcExecutionContext), wavesBlockchainClientSettings.defaultCachesExpiration, monixScheduler )(grpcExecutionContext) } }
Example 13
Source File: ScorexLogging.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.{CancelableFuture, Scheduler} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} case class LoggerFacade(logger: Logger) { def trace(message: => String): Unit = if (logger.isTraceEnabled) logger.trace(message) def debug(message: => String, arg: Any): Unit = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(message, arg) def debug(message: => String): Unit = if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(message) def info(message: => String): Unit = if (logger.isInfoEnabled) def info(message: => String, arg: Any): Unit = if (logger.isInfoEnabled), arg) def info(message: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = if (logger.isInfoEnabled), throwable) def warn(message: => String): Unit = if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(message) def warn(message: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(message, throwable) def error(message: => String): Unit = if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(message) def error(message: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(message, throwable) } trait ScorexLogging { protected lazy val log: LoggerFacade = LoggerFacade(LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)) implicit class TaskExt[A](t: Task[A]) { def runAsyncLogErr(implicit s: Scheduler): CancelableFuture[A] = logErr.runToFuture(s) def logErr: Task[A] = t.onErrorHandleWith { ex => log.error(s"Error executing task", ex) Task.raiseError[A](ex) } } }
Example 14
Source File: VNodeConstructionBenchmark.scala From outwatch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch import outwatch._ import outwatch.dsl._ import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler import monix.execution.Scheduler import outwatch.interpreter.SnabbdomOps import org.scalajs.dom.{ document, window } import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ import bench._ object VNodeConstructionBenchmark extends js.JSApp { implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = TrampolineScheduler(, SynchronousExecution) def main(): Unit = { import scala.concurrent.duration._ bench.util.runComparison(vnodes, List(1), 60.seconds) } val vnodes = Comparison("VNode Construction", Seq( BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal tags", { _ => SnabbdomOps.toSnabbdom(div(span(), a(), img(), hr(), button(), input(), form(), label(), b(), i())) } ), BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal attrs", { size => SnabbdomOps.toSnabbdom(div( id := "a", min := "wo", max := "wa", src := "x", href := "k", target := "j", value := "jo", contentEditable := true, name := "hui", autoComplete := "true" )) } ) )) }
Example 15
Source File: DomLiteralBenchmark.scala From outwatch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch import outwatch._ import outwatch.dsl._ import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalajs.dom.{ document, window } import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ import bench._ object DomLiteralBenchmark extends js.JSApp { def main(): Unit = { import scala.concurrent.duration._ bench.util.runComparison(domLiterals, List(1), 60.seconds) } val domLiterals = Comparison("Dom Literals", Seq( BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal tags", { _ => div(span(), a(), img(), hr(), button(), input(), form(), label(), b(), i()) } ), BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal attrs", { size => div( id := "a", min := "wo", max := "wa", src := "x", href := "k", target := "j", value := "jo", contentEditable := true, name := "hui", autoComplete := "true" ) } ) )) }
Example 16
Source File: OutwatchSpec.scala From outwatch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch import scala.concurrent.Future import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.IO import monix.execution.Ack.Continue import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler import monix.execution.{Cancelable, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.Observable import org.scalajs.dom.{document, window} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import org.scalatest._ import outwatch.Deprecated.IgnoreWarnings.initEvent import org.scalatest.flatspec.{ AnyFlatSpec, AsyncFlatSpec } import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait EasySubscribe { implicit class Subscriber[T](obs: Observable[T]) { def apply(next: T => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable = obs.subscribe { t => next(t) Continue } } } // TODO: We need this mock until localStorage is implemented in jsdom ( trait LocalStorageMock { import scala.collection.mutable import scala.scalajs.js if (js.isUndefined(window.localStorage)) { val storageObject = new js.Object { private val map = new mutable.HashMap[String, String] def getItem(key: String): String = map.getOrElse(key, null) def setItem(key: String, value: String): Unit = { map += key -> value } def removeItem(key: String): Unit = { map -= key } def clear(): Unit = map.clear() }"localStorage")(storageObject) } def dispatchStorageEvent(key: String, newValue: String, oldValue: String): Unit = { if (key == null) window.localStorage.clear() else window.localStorage.setItem(key, newValue) val event = document.createEvent("Events") initEvent(event)("storage", canBubbleArg = true, cancelableArg = false) event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].key = key event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].newValue = newValue event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].oldValue = oldValue event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].storageArea = window.localStorage window.dispatchEvent(event) () } } trait OutwatchSpec extends Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach with EasySubscribe with LocalStorageMock { self: Suite => implicit val scheduler: TrampolineScheduler = TrampolineScheduler(, SynchronousExecution) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(scheduler) override def beforeEach(): Unit = { document.body.innerHTML = "" window.localStorage.clear() // prepare body with <div id="app"></div> val root = document.createElement("div") = "app" document.body.appendChild(root) () } } abstract class JSDomSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with OutwatchSpec { implicit def executionContext = scheduler } abstract class JSDomAsyncSpec extends AsyncFlatSpec with OutwatchSpec { override def executionContext = scheduler implicit def ioAssertionToFutureAssertion(io: IO[Assertion]): Future[Assertion] = io.unsafeToFuture() }
Example 17
Source File: Mdl.scala From outwatch-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch.extras.mdl import monix.execution.Ack.Continue import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalajs.dom import outwatch.Sink import outwatch.dom.VDomModifier import outwatch.dom.dsl.attributes.lifecycle._ import scala.scalajs.js trait Mdl { implicit def scheduler: Scheduler private def componentHandler = private def updateElement(e: dom.Element): Unit = { e.removeAttribute("data-upgraded") if (!js.isUndefined(componentHandler)) componentHandler.upgradeElement(e).asInstanceOf[Unit] } private val insertHook = Sink.create[dom.Element] { e => updateElement(e) Continue } private val postPatchHook = Sink.create[(dom.Element, dom.Element)] { case (_, e) => updateElement(e) Continue } val material: VDomModifier = VDomModifier( insertHook.flatMap(sink => onInsert --> sink), postPatchHook.flatMap(sink => onPostPatch --> sink) ) def material(id: String): VDomModifier = { val update = () => { Option(dom.document.getElementById(id)).foreach(updateElement) Continue } val insertHook = Sink.create[dom.Element](_ => update()) val postPatchHook = Sink.create[(dom.Element, dom.Element)](_ => update() ) VDomModifier( insertHook.flatMap(sink => onInsert --> sink), postPatchHook.flatMap(sink => onPostPatch --> sink) ) } }
Example 18
Source File: DemoStyles.scala From outwatch-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package demo.styles import monix.execution.Scheduler import outwatch.extras.styles.{ComponentStyle, Styles} import scalacss.DevDefaults._ trait GlobalScheduler { def scheduler = } trait LogAreaStyle extends ComponentStyle { class Style extends StyleSheet with MdlStyles with GlobalScheduler { import dsl._ val textfield = style( mdl.textfield, height(400.px), width(400.px).important, fontFamily :=! "Courier New", fontSize(14.px).important ) } object Style { implicit object default extends Style with Styles.Publish } } trait TextFieldStyle extends ComponentStyle { class Style extends StyleSheet with MdlStyles with GlobalScheduler { import dsl._ val textfield = style ( mdl.textfield, marginRight(8.px).important ) val textinput = style ( mdl.textinput ) val textlabel = style ( mdl.textlabel ) val button = style ( mdl.button ) } object Style { implicit object default extends Style with Styles.Publish } } trait TodoModuleStyle extends ComponentStyle { class Style extends StyleSheet with MdlStyles with GlobalScheduler { import dsl._ val textinput = style( mdl.textinput ) val textlabel = style( mdl.textlabel ) val button = style( mdl.button, marginLeft(8.px) ) } object Style { implicit object default extends Style with Styles.Publish } }
Example 19
Source File: MonixRestImplicits.scala From udash-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.udash package rest.monix import com.avsystem.commons._ import com.avsystem.commons.meta.MacroInstances import com.avsystem.commons.misc.ImplicitNotFound import import{Async, AsyncEffect} import{GenCodecRestImplicits, OpenApiFullInstances, RestOpenApiCompanion} import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound trait MonixRestImplicits extends GenCodecRestImplicits { implicit def scheduler: Scheduler = implicit def taskToAsync: AsyncEffect[Task] = new AsyncEffect[Task] { def toAsync[A](task: Task[A]): Async[A] = callback => task.runAsync(res => callback(res.fold(Failure(_), Success(_)))) def fromAsync[A](async: Async[A]): Task[A] = Task.async(callback => async(res => callback(res.fold(Left(_), Right(_))))) } @implicitNotFound("${T} is not a valid HTTP method result type - it must be wrapped into a Task") implicit def httpResponseTypeNotFound[T]: ImplicitNotFound[HttpResponseType[T]] = ImplicitNotFound() } object MonixRestImplicits extends MonixRestImplicits abstract class MonixRestApiCompanion[Real]( implicit macroInstances: MacroInstances[MonixRestImplicits, OpenApiFullInstances[Real]] ) extends RestOpenApiCompanion[MonixRestImplicits, Real](MonixRestImplicits)
Example 20
Source File: IOBenchmarks.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import cats._ import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, IO => CIO } import cats.effect.{ Fiber => CFiber } import monix.eval.{ Task => MTask } import zio.internal._ object IOBenchmarks extends BootstrapRuntime { override val platform: Platform = Platform.benchmark val TracedRuntime = new BootstrapRuntime { override val platform = Platform.benchmark.withTracing(Tracing.enabled) } import monix.execution.Scheduler implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[CIO] = CIO.contextShift( implicit val monixScheduler: Scheduler = { import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution } def repeat[R, E, A](n: Int)(zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] = if (n <= 1) zio else zio *> repeat(n - 1)(zio) def verify(cond: Boolean)(message: => String): IO[AssertionError, Unit] = ZIO.when(!cond)( AssertionError(message))) def catsForkAll[A](as: Iterable[CIO[A]]): CIO[CFiber[CIO, List[A]]] = { type Fiber[A] = CFiber[CIO, A] as.foldRight[CIO[CFiber[CIO, List[A]]]](CIO(Applicative[Fiber].pure(Nil))) { (io, listFiber) => Applicative[CIO].map2(listFiber, io.start)((f1, f2) => Applicative[Fiber].map2(f1, f2)((as, a) => a :: as)) } } def catsRepeat[A](n: Int)(io: CIO[A]): CIO[A] = if (n <= 1) io else io.flatMap(_ => catsRepeat(n - 1)(io)) def monixForkAll[A](as: Iterable[MTask[A]]): MTask[CFiber[MTask, List[A]]] = { type Fiber[A] = CFiber[MTask, A] as.foldRight[MTask[CFiber[MTask, List[A]]]](MTask(Applicative[Fiber].pure(Nil))) { (io, listFiber) => MTask.map2(listFiber, io.start)((f1, f2) => Applicative[Fiber].map2(f1, f2)((as, a) => a :: as)) } } def monixRepeat[A](n: Int)(mio: MTask[A]): MTask[A] = if (n <= 1) mio else mio.flatMap(_ => monixRepeat(n - 1)(mio)) class Thunk[A](val unsafeRun: () => A) { def map[B](ab: A => B): Thunk[B] = new Thunk(() => ab(unsafeRun())) def flatMap[B](afb: A => Thunk[B]): Thunk[B] = new Thunk(() => afb(unsafeRun()).unsafeRun()) def attempt: Thunk[Either[Throwable, A]] = new Thunk(() => try Right(unsafeRun()) catch { case t: Throwable => Left(t) } ) } object Thunk { def apply[A](a: => A): Thunk[A] = new Thunk(() => a) def fail[A](t: Throwable): Thunk[A] = new Thunk(() => throw t) } }
Example 21
Source File: Connection.scala From lsp4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scala.meta.jsonrpc import monix.execution.Cancelable import monix.execution.CancelableFuture import monix.execution.Scheduler import scribe.Logger import scribe.LoggerSupport final case class Connection( client: LanguageClient, server: CancelableFuture[Unit] ) extends Cancelable { override def cancel(): Unit = server.cancel() } object Connection { def simple(io: InputOutput, name: String)( f: LanguageClient => Services )(implicit s: Scheduler): Connection = Connection( io, Logger(s"$name-server"), Logger(s"$name-client") )(f) def apply( io: InputOutput, serverLogger: LoggerSupport, clientLogger: LoggerSupport )( f: LanguageClient => Services )(implicit s: Scheduler): Connection = { val messages = BaseProtocolMessage.fromInputStream(, serverLogger) val client = LanguageClient.fromOutputStream(io.out, clientLogger) val server = new LanguageServer(messages, client, f(client), s, serverLogger) Connection(client, server.startTask.executeAsync.runAsync) } }
Example 22
Source File: MonixEnrichments.scala From lsp4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scala.meta.jsonrpc import import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import monix.execution.Ack import monix.execution.Cancelable import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import monix.reactive.Observer import scribe.LoggerSupport object MonixEnrichments { class ObservableCurrentValue[+A](obs: Observable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler) extends (() => A) with Cancelable { private var value: Any = _ private val cancelable = obs.foreach(newValue => value = newValue) override def apply(): A = { if (value == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException( "Reading from empty Observable, consider using MulticastStrategy.behavior(initialValue)" ) } else { value.asInstanceOf[A] } } override def cancel(): Unit = cancelable.cancel() } implicit class XtensionObservable[A](val obs: Observable[A]) extends AnyVal { def focus[B: cats.Eq](f: A => B): Observable[B] = obs.distinctUntilChangedByKey(f).map(f) def toFunction0()(implicit s: Scheduler): () => A = toObservableCurrentValue() def toObservableCurrentValue()( implicit s: Scheduler ): ObservableCurrentValue[A] = new ObservableCurrentValue[A](obs) } implicit class XtensionObserverCompanion[A](val `_`: Observer.type) extends AnyVal { def fromOutputStream( out: OutputStream, logger: LoggerSupport ): Observer.Sync[ByteBuffer] = { new Observer.Sync[ByteBuffer] { private[this] var isClosed: Boolean = false override def onNext(elem: ByteBuffer): Ack = { if (isClosed) Ack.Stop else { try { while (elem.hasRemaining) out.write(elem.get()) out.flush() Ack.Continue } catch { case _: IOException => logger.error("OutputStream closed!") isClosed = true Ack.Stop } } } override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = () override def onComplete(): Unit = out.close() } } } }
Example 23
Source File: TestConnection.scala From lsp4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scala.meta.jsonrpc.testkit import import import monix.execution.Cancelable import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.meta.jsonrpc.Connection import scala.meta.jsonrpc.InputOutput import scala.meta.jsonrpc.LanguageClient import scala.meta.jsonrpc.Services def apply( clientServices: LanguageClient => Services, serverServices: LanguageClient => Services )(implicit s: Scheduler): TestConnection = { val inAlice = new PipedInputStream() val inBob = new PipedInputStream() val outAlice = new PipedOutputStream(inBob) val outBob = new PipedOutputStream(inAlice) val aliceIO = new InputOutput(inAlice, outAlice) val bobIO = new InputOutput(inBob, outBob) val alice = Connection.simple(aliceIO, "alice")(clientServices) val bob = Connection.simple(bobIO, "bob")(serverServices) new TestConnection(alice, aliceIO, bob, bobIO) } }
Example 24
Source File: WatchServiceObservable.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio import java.nio.file.WatchEvent import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Ack.{ Continue, Stop } import monix.execution.atomic.Atomic import monix.execution.cancelables.SingleAssignCancelable import monix.execution.exceptions.APIContractViolationException import monix.execution.{ Callback, Cancelable, Scheduler } import monix.reactive.Observable import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.control.NonFatal abstract class WatchServiceObservable extends Observable[Array[WatchEvent[_]]] { def watchService: Option[WatchService] private[this] val wasSubscribed = Atomic(false) override def unsafeSubscribeFn(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[WatchEvent[_]]]): Cancelable = { if (wasSubscribed.getAndSet(true)) { subscriber.onError(APIContractViolationException(this.getClass.getName)) Cancelable.empty } else try startPolling(subscriber) catch { case NonFatal(e) => subscriber.onError(e) Cancelable.empty } } def init(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[WatchEvent[_]]]): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(()) private def startPolling(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[WatchEvent[_]]]): Cancelable = { import subscriber.scheduler val taskCallback = new Callback[Throwable, Array[WatchEvent[_]]]() { override def onSuccess(value: Array[WatchEvent[_]]): Unit = {} override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = { subscriber.onError(ex) } } val cancelable = Task .fromFuture(init(subscriber)) .flatMap { _ => loop(subscriber) } .executeWithOptions(_.enableAutoCancelableRunLoops) .runAsync(taskCallback) val extraCancelable = Cancelable(() => { cancelable.cancel() }) SingleAssignCancelable.plusOne(extraCancelable) } private def loop(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[WatchEvent[_]]])(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): Task[Array[WatchEvent[_]]] = { import collection.JavaConverters._ { ws => ws.take() .doOnCancel(Task.defer(ws.close())) .flatMap { key => val events = key.pollEvents().asScala.toArray key.reset() Task.fromFuture(subscriber.onNext(events)).flatMap { case Continue => loop(subscriber) case Stop => emptyTask } } } }.getOrElse(emptyTask) private val emptyTask = Task.create[Array[WatchEvent[_]]]((_, _) => Cancelable.empty) }
Example 25
Source File: AsyncSocketChannelClient.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio.tcp import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler def close(): Task[Unit] = taskSocketChannel.fold(Task.pure(()))(_.close()) } object AsyncSocketChannelClient { def apply( host: String, port: Int, bufferSize: Int)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): AsyncSocketChannelClient = { val client = new AsyncSocketChannelClient(host, port, bufferSize) client.init() client } def apply( taskSocketChannel: TaskSocketChannel, bufferSize: Int)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): AsyncSocketChannelClient = { val client = new AsyncSocketChannelClient(taskSocketChannel, bufferSize) client.init() client } }
Example 26
Source File: AsyncChannelConsumer.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio import java.nio.ByteBuffer import monix.execution.Ack.{ Continue, Stop } import monix.execution.{ Ack, Callback, Cancelable, Scheduler } import monix.execution.atomic.Atomic import monix.execution.cancelables.{ AssignableCancelable, SingleAssignCancelable } import monix.reactive.Consumer import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise } import scala.util.control.NonFatal private[nio] abstract class AsyncChannelConsumer extends Consumer[Array[Byte], Long] { def channel: Option[AsyncChannel] def withInitialPosition: Long = 0L def init(subscriber: AsyncChannelSubscriber): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(()) class AsyncChannelSubscriber(consumerCallback: Callback[Throwable, Long])(implicit val scheduler: Scheduler) extends Subscriber[Array[Byte]] { self => private[this] lazy val initFuture = init(self) private[this] val callbackCalled = Atomic(false) private[this] var position = withInitialPosition override def onNext(elem: Array[Byte]): Future[Ack] = { def write(): Future[Ack] = { val promise = Promise[Ack]() channel.foreach { sc => try { sc .write(ByteBuffer.wrap(elem), position) .runAsync( new Callback[Throwable, Int] { override def onError(exc: Throwable) = { closeChannel() sendError(exc) promise.success(Stop) } override def onSuccess(result: Int): Unit = { position += result promise.success(Continue) } }) } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => sendError(ex) promise.success(Stop) } } promise.future } if (initFuture.value.isEmpty) { initFuture.flatMap(_ => write()) } else { write() } } override def onComplete(): Unit = { channel.collect { case sc if sc.closeOnComplete => closeChannel() } if (callbackCalled.compareAndSet(expect = false, update = true)) consumerCallback.onSuccess(position) } override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = { closeChannel() sendError(ex) } private[nio] def onCancel(): Unit = { callbackCalled.set(true) closeChannel() } private[nio] def sendError(t: Throwable) = if (callbackCalled.compareAndSet(expect = false, update = true)) { scheduler.execute(new Runnable { def run() = consumerCallback.onError(t) }) } private[nio] final def closeChannel()(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) = channel.foreach(_.close().runToFuture) } override def createSubscriber(cb: Callback[Throwable, Long], s: Scheduler): (Subscriber[Array[Byte]], AssignableCancelable) = { val out = new AsyncChannelSubscriber(cb)(s) val extraCancelable = Cancelable(() => out.onCancel()) val conn = SingleAssignCancelable.plusOne(extraCancelable) (out, conn) } }
Example 27
Source File: AsyncChannelObservable.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio import java.nio.ByteBuffer import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Ack.{ Continue, Stop } import monix.execution.{ Callback, Cancelable, Scheduler } import monix.execution.atomic.Atomic import monix.execution.cancelables.SingleAssignCancelable import monix.execution.exceptions.APIContractViolationException import monix.nio.internal.{ Bytes, EmptyBytes, NonEmptyBytes } import monix.reactive.Observable import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.control.NonFatal private[nio] abstract class AsyncChannelObservable extends Observable[Array[Byte]] { def bufferSize: Int def channel: Option[AsyncChannel] def init(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[Byte]]): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(()) private[this] val wasSubscribed = Atomic(false) override def unsafeSubscribeFn(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[Byte]]): Cancelable = { import subscriber.scheduler if (wasSubscribed.getAndSet(true)) { subscriber.onError(APIContractViolationException(this.getClass.getName)) Cancelable.empty } else try startReading(subscriber) catch { case NonFatal(e) => subscriber.onError(e) closeChannel() Cancelable.empty } } private def startReading(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[Byte]]): Cancelable = { import subscriber.scheduler val taskCallback = new Callback[Throwable, Array[Byte]]() { override def onSuccess(value: Array[Byte]): Unit = { channel.collect { case sc if sc.closeOnComplete => closeChannel() } } override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = { closeChannel() subscriber.onError(ex) } } val cancelable = Task .fromFuture(init(subscriber)) .flatMap { _ => loop(subscriber, 0) } .executeWithOptions(_.enableAutoCancelableRunLoops) .runAsync(taskCallback) val extraCancelable = Cancelable(() => { cancelable.cancel() closeChannel() }) SingleAssignCancelable.plusOne(extraCancelable) } private[this] val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize) private def loop(subscriber: Subscriber[Array[Byte]], position: Long)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): Task[Array[Byte]] = { buffer.clear() { ch => ch .read(buffer, position) .doOnCancel(Task.defer(ch.close())) .flatMap { result => val bytes = Bytes(buffer, result) bytes match { case EmptyBytes => subscriber.onComplete() case NonEmptyBytes(arr) => Task.fromFuture(subscriber.onNext(arr)).flatMap { case Continue => loop(subscriber, position + result) case Stop => } } } }.getOrElse( } private[nio] final def closeChannel()(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) = channel.foreach(_.close().runToFuture) }
Example 28
Source File: ExecutorServiceWrapper.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio.internal import java.util import java.util.concurrent.{ AbstractExecutorService, ExecutorService, TimeUnit } import monix.execution.schedulers.{ ReferenceScheduler, SchedulerService } import monix.execution.{ Cancelable, ExecutionModel, Scheduler } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContextExecutorService } private val currentThread: Scheduler = new ReferenceScheduler { import def execute(r: Runnable): Unit = def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = throw t def scheduleOnce(initialDelay: Long, unit: TimeUnit, r: Runnable): Cancelable = global.scheduleOnce(initialDelay, unit, r) def executionModel: ExecutionModel = ExecutionModel.Default } }
Example 29
Source File: file.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind import java.nio.file.{ Path, StandardOpenOption } import monix.execution.Scheduler package object file { def readAsync(path: Path, chunkSize: Int)(implicit s: Scheduler): AsyncFileChannelObservable = { require(chunkSize > 1) val channel = TaskFileChannel(path, StandardOpenOption.READ) new AsyncFileChannelObservable(channel, chunkSize) } def writeAsync( path: Path, flags: Seq[StandardOpenOption] = Seq.empty)(implicit s: Scheduler): AsyncFileChannelConsumer = { appendAsync(path, 0, flags) } def appendAsync( path: Path, startPosition: Long, flags: Seq[StandardOpenOption] = Seq.empty)(implicit s: Scheduler): AsyncFileChannelConsumer = { val flagsWithWriteOptions = flags :+ StandardOpenOption.WRITE :+ StandardOpenOption.CREATE val channel = TaskFileChannel(path, flagsWithWriteOptions: _*) new AsyncFileChannelConsumer(channel, startPosition) } def watchAsync( path: Path, events: Seq[Kind[_]] = Seq.empty)(implicit s: Scheduler): WatchServiceObservable = { val watcher = TaskWatchService(path, events: _*) new AsyncWatchServiceObservable(watcher) } private[file] def asyncChannelWrapper(taskFileChannel: TaskFileChannel) = new AsyncChannel { override val closeOnComplete: Boolean = true override def read(dst: ByteBuffer, position: Long) =, position) override def write(b: ByteBuffer, position: Long) = taskFileChannel.write(b, position) override def close() = taskFileChannel.close() } }
Example 30
Source File: WatchService.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio.file import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.{ ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY } import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind import java.nio.file.{ Path, WatchEvent, WatchKey } import com.sun.nio.file.SensitivityWatchEventModifier import monix.execution.{ Callback, Cancelable, Scheduler } import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise } import scala.concurrent.duration.TimeUnit import scala.util.control.NonFatal abstract class WatchService extends AutoCloseable { def poll(timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit, cb: Callback[Throwable, Option[WatchKey]]): Unit def poll(timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): Future[Option[WatchKey]] = { val p = Promise[Option[WatchKey]]() poll(timeout, timeUnit, Callback.fromPromise(p)) p.future } def poll(cb: Callback[Throwable, Option[WatchKey]]): Unit def poll(): Future[Option[WatchKey]] = { val p = Promise[Option[WatchKey]]() poll(Callback.fromPromise(p)) p.future } def take(cb: Callback[Throwable, WatchKey]): Unit def take(): Future[WatchKey] = { val p = Promise[WatchKey]() take(Callback.fromPromise(p)) p.future } } object WatchService { val SupportedEvents: Set[Kind[_]] = Set(ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY) def apply(path: Path, events: Kind[_]*)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): WatchService = { val watcher = path.getFileSystem.newWatchService() val watchFor = if (events.isEmpty) SupportedEvents else events path.register( watcher, watchFor.toArray, SensitivityWatchEventModifier.HIGH.asInstanceOf[WatchEvent.Modifier]) new NIOWatcherServiceImplementation(watcher) } private final class NIOWatcherServiceImplementation(watcher: java.nio.file.WatchService)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) extends WatchService { override def poll(timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit, cb: Callback[Throwable, Option[WatchKey]]): Unit = { try { val key = Option(watcher.poll(timeout, timeUnit)) cb.onSuccess(key) } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => cb.onError(ex) } } override def poll(cb: Callback[Throwable, Option[WatchKey]]): Unit = { try { val key = Option(watcher.poll()) cb.onSuccess(key) } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => cb.onError(ex) } } override def take(cb: Callback[Throwable, WatchKey]): Unit = { try { val key = watcher.take() cb.onSuccess(key) } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => cb.onError(ex) } } override def close(): Unit = cancelable.cancel() private[this] val cancelable: Cancelable = Cancelable { () => try watcher.close() catch { case NonFatal(ex) => scheduler.reportFailure(ex) } } } }
Example 31
Source File: TaskWatchService.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio.file import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind import java.nio.file.{ Path, WatchKey } import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.{ Callback, Scheduler } import scala.concurrent.duration.TimeUnit abstract class TaskWatchService { protected val watchService: WatchService def poll(timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): Task[Option[WatchKey]] = Task.create { (scheduler, cb) => watchService.poll(timeout, timeUnit, Callback.forked(cb)(scheduler)) } def poll(): Task[Option[WatchKey]] = Task.create { (scheduler, cb) => watchService.poll(Callback.forked(cb)(scheduler)) } def take(): Task[WatchKey] = Task.create { (scheduler, cb) => watchService.take(Callback.forked(cb)(scheduler)) } def close(): Task[Unit] = } object TaskWatchService { def apply(path: Path, events: Kind[_]*)(implicit s: Scheduler): TaskWatchService = { new TaskWatchService { override val watchService: WatchService = WatchService.apply(path, events: _*) } } }
Example 32
Source File: FileChannelForTesting.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio.file import java.nio.ByteBuffer import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.{ Callback, Scheduler } import monix.execution.atomic.Atomic import monix.nio.AsyncChannel class FileChannelForTesting( readingSeq: Vector[Array[Byte]], writeSeq: Atomic[Vector[Array[Byte]]])(implicit s: Scheduler) extends TaskFileChannel with AsyncChannel { private val asyncFileChannelForTesting = new AsyncFileChannelForTesting(readingSeq, writeSeq) override val closeOnComplete: Boolean = true override val asyncFileChannel: AsyncFileChannel = asyncFileChannelForTesting def isClosed = asyncFileChannelForTesting.isClosed def getBytesReadPosition = asyncFileChannelForTesting.getBytesReadPosition def getBytesWritePosition = asyncFileChannelForTesting.getBytesWritePosition def createReadException() = asyncFileChannelForTesting.createReadException() def createWriteException() = asyncFileChannelForTesting.createWriteException() private final class AsyncFileChannelForTesting( readingSeq: Vector[Array[Byte]], writeSeq: Atomic[Vector[Array[Byte]]])(implicit s: Scheduler) extends AsyncFileChannel { private val readChannelPosition = Atomic(0) private val writeChannelPosition = Atomic(0) private val channelClosed = Atomic(false) private val readException = Atomic(false) private val writeException = Atomic(false) def isClosed = channelClosed.get def getBytesReadPosition = readChannelPosition.get def getBytesWritePosition = writeChannelPosition.get def createReadException() = readException.set(true) def createWriteException() = writeException.set(true) def taskCallback(handler: Callback[Throwable, Int]) = new Callback[Throwable, Array[Byte]]() { override def onSuccess(value: Array[Byte]): Unit = handler.onSuccess(value.length) override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = handler.onError(ex) } override def isOpen: Boolean = !isClosed override def flush(writeMetaData: Boolean, cb: Callback[Throwable, Unit]): Unit = ??? override def size(cb: Callback[Throwable, Long]): Unit = () //not really used override def read(dst: ByteBuffer, position: Long, handler: Callback[Throwable, Int]) = { if (readException.get) handler.onError(new Exception("Test Exception")) else if (readChannelPosition.get < readingSeq.size) { val pos = readChannelPosition.getAndIncrement() val r = Task { val elem = readingSeq(pos) dst.put(elem) elem } r.runAsync(taskCallback(handler)) } else { handler.onSuccess(-1) } } override def write(b: ByteBuffer, position: Long, handler: Callback[Throwable, Int]) = { if (writeException.get) handler.onError(new Exception("Test Exception")) else { val pos = writeChannelPosition.getAndIncrement() val r = Task { val bytes = b.array() writeSeq.transform { v => if (v.size > pos) v.updated(pos, bytes) else v :+ bytes } bytes } r.runAsync(taskCallback(handler)) } } override def close() = { channelClosed.set(true) } } }
Example 33
Source File: MongoObservableReactivePublisherTest.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package mongo.async import com.avsystem.commons.concurrent.RunNowEC import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import com.mongodb.async.{client => mongo} import monix.execution.{Cancelable, Scheduler} import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.{eq => eqTo, _} import org.mockito.Mockito import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.mongodb.scala.{Completed, Document, FindObservable, MongoCollection, SingleObservable} import org.scalactic.source.Position import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration @silent("deprecated") class MongoObservableReactivePublisherTest extends AnyFreeSpec { abstract class MockedObservableTests(implicit position: Position) extends MongoObservableExtensions { def subscribe[T](obs: mongo.Observable[T], testSubscriber: TestSubscriber[T]): Unit "should drop test collection" in { val collection = Mockito.mock(classOf[MongoCollection[Document]]) when(collection.drop()).thenReturn(SingleObservable(Completed())) val dropSubscriber = TestSubscriber[Completed]() subscribe(collection.drop(), dropSubscriber) dropSubscriber.assertNoTerminalEvent() dropSubscriber.requestMore(1) dropSubscriber.awaitTerminalEvent(Duration(100, "ms")) dropSubscriber.assertNoErrors() dropSubscriber.assertReceivedOnNext(Seq(Completed())) verify(collection).drop() verifyNoMoreInteractions(collection) } "should insert documents" in { val collection = Mockito.mock(classOf[MongoCollection[Document]]) val insertSubscriber = TestSubscriber[Completed]() when(collection.insertMany(any())).thenReturn(SingleObservable(Completed())) val documents: IndexedSeq[Document] = (1 to 100) map { i: Int => Document("_id" -> i) } subscribe(collection.insertMany(documents), insertSubscriber) insertSubscriber.requestMore(1) insertSubscriber.awaitTerminalEvent(Duration(100, "ms")) insertSubscriber.assertNoErrors() insertSubscriber.assertReceivedOnNext(Seq(Completed())) verify(collection).insertMany(eqTo(documents)) verifyNoMoreInteractions(collection) } "should find documents" in { val documents: IndexedSeq[Document] = (1 to 100) map { i: Int => Document("_id" -> i) } val original = Mockito.mock(classOf[FindObservable[Document]]) val findSubscriber = TestSubscriber[Document]() doNothing().when(original).subscribe(any()) subscribe(original, findSubscriber) findSubscriber.assertNoTerminalEvent() findSubscriber.requestMore(101) documents.foreach(findSubscriber.onNext) findSubscriber.onComplete() findSubscriber.awaitTerminalEvent(Duration(100, "ms")) findSubscriber.assertNoErrors() findSubscriber.assertReceivedOnNext(documents) verify(original).subscribe(any(classOf[mongo.Observer[_ >: Document]])) verifyNoMoreInteractions(original) } } "A Mongo-Reactive observable" - new MockedObservableTests { override def subscribe[T](obs: mongo.Observable[T], testSubscriber: TestSubscriber[T]): Unit = obs.asReactive.subscribe(testSubscriber) } "A Mongo-Monix observable" - new MockedObservableTests { override def subscribe[T](obs: mongo.Observable[T], testSubscriber: TestSubscriber[T]): Unit = obs.asMonix.subscribe( monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber.fromReactiveSubscriber(testSubscriber, Cancelable.empty)(Scheduler(RunNowEC)) ) } }
Example 34
Source File: PathDirectives.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directive1 import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import{OrganizationCache, ProjectCache} import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.util.Try object PathDirectives { def project(implicit cache: ProjectCache[Task], s: Scheduler): Directive1[(String, String)] = pathPrefix(Segment / Segment).tflatMap { case (orgSegment, projSegment) => Try((UUID.fromString(orgSegment), UUID.fromString(projSegment))) .map { case (orgUuid, projUuid) => onSuccess(cache.get(orgUuid, projUuid).runToFuture).flatMap { case Some(resource) => provide((resource.value.organizationLabel, resource.value.label)) case None => provide((orgSegment, projSegment)) } } .getOrElse(provide((orgSegment, projSegment))) } }
Example 35
Source File: RepairFromMessages.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.PersistenceQuery import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try object RepairFromMessages { private val log = Logger[RepairFromMessages.type] def repair( o: Organizations[Task], p: Projects[Task] )(implicit as: ActorSystem, sc: Scheduler): Future[Unit] = { val pq = PersistenceQuery(as).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier) pq.currentPersistenceIds() .mapAsync(1) { case OrgId(uuid) => (o.fetch(uuid) >> Task.unit).runToFuture case ProjId(uuid) => (p.fetch(uuid) >> Task.unit).runToFuture case other => log.warn(s"Unknown persistence id '$other'") Future.successful(()) } .runFold(0) { case (acc, _) => if (acc % 100 == 0)"Processed '$acc' persistence ids.") acc + 1 } .map(_ => ()) } sealed abstract class PersistenceId(prefix: String) { private val len = prefix.length def unapply(arg: String): Option[UUID] = if (arg.startsWith(prefix)) Try(UUID.fromString(arg.drop(len))).toOption else None } object OrgId extends PersistenceId("organizations-") object ProjId extends PersistenceId("projects-") }
Example 36
Source File: ProjectDirectives.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive0, Directive1} import cats.implicits._ import import{Organization, Project} import import import{OrganizationNotFound, ProjectIsDeprecated, ProjectNotFound} import import import{OrganizationRef, ProjectInitializer} import import import import import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.util.{Success, Try} object ProjectDirectives { // TODO: Remove when migrating ADMIN client implicit private val fakeToken: Option[AuthToken] = None val defaultPrefixMapping: Map[String, AbsoluteIri] = Map( "resource" -> Schemas.unconstrainedSchemaUri, "schema" -> Schemas.shaclSchemaUri, "view" -> Schemas.viewSchemaUri, "resolver" -> Schemas.resolverSchemaUri, "file" -> Schemas.fileSchemaUri, "storage" -> Schemas.storageSchemaUri, "nxv" -> nxv.base, "documents" -> nxv.defaultElasticSearchIndex.value, "graph" -> nxv.defaultSparqlIndex.value, "defaultResolver" -> nxv.defaultResolver.value, "defaultStorage" -> nxv.defaultStorage.value ) def projectNotDeprecated(implicit proj: Project): Directive0 = if (proj.deprecated) failWith(ProjectIsDeprecated(proj.projectLabel)) else pass }
Example 37
Source File: RepairFromMessages.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.UUID import import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.PersistenceQuery import{Id, Repo, ResId} import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try object RepairFromMessages { // $COVERAGE-OFF$ private val log = Logger[RepairFromMessages.type] def repair(repo: Repo[Task])(implicit as: ActorSystem, sc: Scheduler, pm: CanBlock): Unit = {"Repairing dependent tables from messages.") val pq = PersistenceQuery(as).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier) Task .fromFuture { pq.currentPersistenceIds() .mapAsync(1) { case ResourceId(id) => (repo.get(id, None).value >> Task.unit).runToFuture case other => log.warn(s"Unknown persistence id '$other'") Future.successful(()) } .runFold(0) { case (acc, _) => if (acc % 1000 == 0)"Processed '$acc' persistence ids.") acc + 1 } .map(_ => ()) } .runSyncUnsafe()"Finished repairing dependent tables from messages.") } object ResourceId { private val regex = "^resources\\-([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})\\-(.+)$".r def unapply(arg: String): Option[ResId] = arg match { case regex(stringUuid, stringId) => for { uuid <- Try(UUID.fromString(stringUuid)).toOption iri <- Iri.absolute(URLDecoder.decode(stringId, "UTF-8")).toOption } yield Id(ProjectRef(uuid), iri) case _ => None } } // $COVERAGE-ON$ }
Example 38
Source File: RepairFromMessages.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.PersistenceQuery import import import import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import scala.concurrent.Future object RepairFromMessages { // $COVERAGE-OFF$ private val log = Logger[RepairFromMessages.type] def repair( p: Permissions[Task], r: Realms[Task], a: Acls[Task] )(implicit as: ActorSystem, sc: Scheduler, pm: CanBlock): Unit = { val pq = PersistenceQuery(as).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier) pq.currentPersistenceIds() .mapAsync(1) { case PermissionsId() => p.agg.currentState(p.persistenceId).runToFuture case RealmId(label) => r.agg.currentState(label.value).runToFuture case AclId(path) => a.agg.currentState(path.asString).runToFuture case other => log.warn(s"Unknown persistence id '$other'") Future.successful(()) } .runFold(0) { case (acc, _) => if (acc % 100 == 0)"Processed '$acc' persistence ids.") acc + 1 } .runSyncDiscard()"Repair from messages table completed.") } sealed abstract class PersistenceId(prefix: String) { private val len = prefix.length protected def dropPrefix(arg: String): Option[String] = if (arg.startsWith(prefix)) Some(arg.drop(len)) else None } object RealmId extends PersistenceId("realms-") { def unapply(arg: String): Option[Label] = dropPrefix(arg).map(Label.unsafe) } object AclId extends PersistenceId("acls-") { def unapply(arg: String): Option[Path] = dropPrefix(arg).flatMap(str => Path(URLDecoder.decode(str, "UTF-8")).toOption) } object PermissionsId { def unapply(arg: String): Boolean = arg == "permissions-permissions" } implicit class RichFuture[A](val future: Future[A]) extends AnyVal { def runSyncDiscard()(implicit s: Scheduler, permit: CanBlock): Unit = Task.fromFuture(future).map(_ => ()).runSyncUnsafe() } // $COVERAGE-ON$ }
Example 39
Source File: AuthDirectives.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.OAuth2BearerToken import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.Credentials import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.FutureDirectives.onComplete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive0, Directive1} import cats.implicits._ import import{AccessControlLists, Acls} import import import import{Caller, Permission} import import{AbsoluteIri, Path} import import import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} def extractCallerAcls(path: Path)(implicit c: Caller): Directive1[AccessControlLists] = onComplete(acls.list(path, ancestors = true, self = true).runToFuture).flatMap { case Success(AccessControlLists.empty) => failWith(AuthorizationFailed) case Success(result) => provide(result) case Failure(err) => val message = "Error when trying to check for permissions" logger.error(message, err) failWith(InternalError(message)) } }
Example 40
Source File: instances.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.GenericMarshallers.eitherMarshaller import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes.`application/json` import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.FailFastCirceSupport import io.circe._ import io.circe.syntax._ import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration object instances extends FailFastCirceSupport { implicit val finiteDurationEncoder: Encoder[FiniteDuration] = Encoder.encodeString.contramap(fd => s"${fd.toMillis} ms") implicit val resourceRejectionEncoder: Encoder[ResourceRejection] = Encoder.instance { case r: ProjectRejection => Encoder[ProjectRejection].apply(r) case r: OrganizationRejection => Encoder[OrganizationRejection].apply(r) case r: AclRejection => Encoder[AclRejection].apply(r) case r: RealmRejection => Encoder[RealmRejection].apply(r) case r: PermissionsRejection => Encoder[PermissionsRejection].apply(r) case _ => Encoder[ServiceError].apply(InternalError("unspecified")) } implicit val resourceRejectionStatusFrom: StatusFrom[ResourceRejection] = StatusFrom { case r: OrganizationRejection => OrganizationRejection.organizationStatusFrom(r) case r: ProjectRejection => ProjectRejection.projectStatusFrom(r) case r: AclRejection => AclRejection.aclRejectionStatusFrom(r) case r: RealmRejection => RealmRejection.realmRejectionStatusFrom(r) case r: PermissionsRejection => PermissionsRejection.permissionsRejectionStatusFrom(r) } override def unmarshallerContentTypes: Seq[ContentTypeRange] = List(`application/json`, `application/ld+json`, `application/sparql-results+json`) implicit final def rejection[A <: ResourceRejection: Encoder](implicit statusFrom: StatusFrom[A], printer: Printer = Printer.noSpaces.copy(dropNullValues = true), ordered: OrderedKeys = orderedKeys ): ToResponseMarshaller[A] = { val marshallers = Seq(`application/ld+json`, `application/json`).map { contentType => Marshaller.withFixedContentType[A, HttpResponse](contentType) { rejection => HttpResponse( status = statusFrom(rejection), entity = HttpEntity(contentType, printer.print(rejection.asJson.sortKeys)) ) } } Marshaller.oneOf(marshallers: _*) } implicit class EitherTask[R <: ResourceRejection, A](task: Task[Either[R, A]])(implicit s: Scheduler) { def runWithStatus(code: StatusCode): Future[Either[R, (StatusCode, A)]] = -> _)).runToFuture } implicit class OptionTask[A](task: Task[Option[A]])(implicit s: Scheduler) { def runNotFound: Future[A] = task.flatMap { case Some(a) => Task.pure(a) case None => Task.raiseError(AdminError.NotFound) }.runToFuture } }
Example 41
Source File: instances.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.GenericMarshallers.eitherMarshaller import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import import import import import import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.FailFastCirceSupport import io.circe._ import io.circe.syntax._ import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.Future object instances extends LowPriority { implicit final def valueWithStatusCodeMarshaller[A: Encoder](implicit printer: Printer = defaultPrinter, keys: OrderedKeys = orderedKeys ): ToResponseMarshaller[(StatusCode, A)] = jsonLdWithStatusCodeMarshaller.compose { case (status, value) => status -> value.asJson } private[routes] def onOf[A, Response]( fMarshaller: MediaType.WithFixedCharset => Marshaller[A, Response] ): Marshaller[A, Response] = { val marshallers = Seq(`application/ld+json`, `application/json`).map(fMarshaller) Marshaller.oneOf(marshallers: _*) } }
Example 42
Source File: Main.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Paths import java.time.Clock import import akka.event.{Logging, LoggingAdapter} import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.Effect import import import{AppConfig, Settings} import import import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import kamon.Kamon import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} //noinspection TypeAnnotation // $COVERAGE-OFF$ object Main { def loadConfig(): Config = { val cfg = sys.env.get("STORAGE_CONFIG_FILE") orElse sys.props.get("storage.config.file") map { str => val file = Paths.get(str).toAbsolutePath.toFile ConfigFactory.parseFile(file) } getOrElse ConfigFactory.empty() (cfg withFallback ConfigFactory.load()).resolve() } def setupMonitoring(config: Config): Unit = { if (sys.env.getOrElse("KAMON_ENABLED", "false").toBoolean) { Kamon.reconfigure(config) Kamon.loadModules() } } def shutdownMonitoring(): Unit = { if (sys.env.getOrElse("KAMON_ENABLED", "false").toBoolean) { Await.result(Kamon.stopModules(), 10.seconds) } } @SuppressWarnings(Array("UnusedMethodParameter")) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val config = loadConfig() setupMonitoring(config) implicit val appConfig: AppConfig = Settings(config).appConfig implicit val as: ActorSystem = ActorSystem(appConfig.description.fullName, config) implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = as.dispatcher implicit val eff: Effect[Task] = Task.catsEffect( implicit val iamIdentities: IamIdentitiesClient[Task] = new IamIdentitiesClient[Task](appConfig.iam) implicit val timeout = Timeout(1.minute) implicit val clock = Clock.systemUTC val storages: Storages[Task, AkkaSource] = new DiskStorage(, appConfig.digest, AttributesCache[Task, AkkaSource]) val logger: LoggingAdapter = Logging(as, getClass)"==== Cluster is Live ====") val routes: Route = Routes(storages) val httpBinding: Future[Http.ServerBinding] = { Http().bindAndHandle(routes, appConfig.http.interface, appConfig.http.port) } httpBinding onComplete { case Success(binding) =>"Bound to ${binding.localAddress.getHostString}: ${binding.localAddress.getPort}") case Failure(th) => logger.error(th, "Failed to perform an http binding on {}:{}", appConfig.http.interface, appConfig.http.port) Await.result(as.terminate(), 10.seconds) } as.registerOnTermination { shutdownMonitoring() } // attempt to leave the cluster before shutting down val _ = sys.addShutdownHook { Await.result(as.terminate().map(_ => ()), 10.seconds) } } } // $COVERAGE-ON$
Example 43
Source File: SimpleWebSocketActor.scala From monix-sample with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package engine import{Actor, ActorRef, Props} import engine.SimpleWebSocketActor.Next import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import monix.execution.Ack.Continue import monix.execution.cancelables.CompositeCancelable import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone} import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json, Writes} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import engine.BackPressuredWebSocketActor._ class SimpleWebSocketActor[T: Writes] (producer: Observable[T], out: ActorRef)(implicit s: Scheduler) extends Actor { def receive: Receive = { case Next(jsValue) => out ! jsValue } private[this] val subscription = CompositeCancelable() override def preStart(): Unit = { super.preStart() val source = { val initial = Observable.evalOnce(initMessage(now())) val obs = initial ++ => Json.toJson(x)) val timeout = obs.debounce(3.seconds).map(_ => keepAliveMessage(now())) Observable.merge(obs, timeout) } subscription += source.subscribe { jsValue => self ! Next(jsValue) Continue } } override def postStop(): Unit = { subscription.cancel() super.postStop() } def now(): Long = } object SimpleWebSocketActor { case class Next(value: JsValue) }
Example 44
Source File: BackPressuredWebSocketActor.scala From monix-sample with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package engine import{Actor, ActorRef, Props} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import engine.BackPressuredWebSocketActor._ import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.rstreams.SingleAssignmentSubscription import monix.reactive.Observable import org.reactivestreams.{Subscriber, Subscription} import play.api.libs.json._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Try class BackPressuredWebSocketActor[T: Writes] (producer: Observable[T], out: ActorRef)(implicit s: Scheduler) extends Actor with LazyLogging { def receive: Receive = { case JsNumber(nr) if nr > 0 => Try(nr.toLongExact).foreach(subscription.request) } private[this] val subscription = SingleAssignmentSubscription() def now(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis() override def preStart(): Unit = { super.preStart() val source = { val initial = Observable.evalOnce(initMessage(now())) val obs = initial ++ => Json.toJson(x)) val timeout = obs.debounceRepeated(5.seconds).map(_ => keepAliveMessage(now())) Observable .merge(obs, timeout) .whileBusyDropEventsAndSignal(nr => onOverflow(nr, now())) } source.toReactivePublisher.subscribe(new Subscriber[JsValue] { def onSubscribe(s: Subscription): Unit = { subscription := s } def onNext(json: JsValue): Unit = { out ! json } def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = { logger.warn(s"Error while serving a web-socket stream", t) out ! Json.obj( "event" -> "error", "type" -> t.getClass.getName, "message" -> t.getMessage, "timestamp" -> now()) context.stop(self) } def onComplete(): Unit = { out ! Json.obj("event" -> "complete", "timestamp" -> now()) context.stop(self) } }) } override def postStop(): Unit = { subscription.cancel() super.postStop() } } object BackPressuredWebSocketActor { def initMessage(now: Long) = { Json.obj("event" -> "init", "timestamp" -> now) } }
Example 45
Source File: Runner.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.monix import io.getquill.context.ContextEffect import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable object Runner { def default = new Runner {} def using(scheduler: Scheduler) = new Runner { override def schedule[T](t: Task[T]): Task[T] = t.executeOn(scheduler, true) override def boundary[T](t: Task[T]): Task[T] = t.executeOn(scheduler, true) override def scheduleObservable[T](o: Observable[T]): Observable[T] = o.executeOn(scheduler, true) } } trait Runner extends ContextEffect[Task] { override def wrap[T](t: => T): Task[T] = Task(t) override def push[A, B](result: Task[A])(f: A => B): Task[B] = override def seq[A, B](list: List[Task[A]]): Task[List[A]] = Task.sequence(list) def schedule[T](t: Task[T]): Task[T] = t def scheduleObservable[T](o: Observable[T]): Observable[T] = o def boundary[T](t: Task[T]): Task[T] = t.asyncBoundary def wrapClose(t: => Unit): Task[Unit] = Task(t) }
Example 46
Source File: RunnerSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.monix import io.getquill.Spec import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.util.Failure class RunnerSpec extends Spec { class SideEffect { private var state = 0 def apply() = state = 1 def applied = state == 1 } implicit val scheduler = "plain runner" - { val runner = Runner.default import runner._ "should lazily evaluate" in { val sideEffect = new SideEffect val task = wrap(sideEffect()) sideEffect.applied should equal(false) task.runSyncUnsafe() sideEffect.applied should equal(true) } "should encapsulate exception throw" in { wrap(throw new RuntimeException("Surprise!")).materialize.runSyncUnsafe() should matchPattern { case Failure(e) if (e.getMessage == "Surprise!") => } } "should push an effect correctly" in { push(Task(1))(_ + 1).runSyncUnsafe() should equal(2) } "should convert a sequence correctly" in { seq(List(Task(1), Task(2), Task(3))).runSyncUnsafe() should equal(List(1, 2, 3)) } "plain schedule should be a no-op" in { val t = Task(1) (schedule(t) eq (t)) must equal(true) } "boundary operator must force async boundary" in { val (first, second) = boundary(Task(Thread.currentThread().getName)) .flatMap(prevName => Task((prevName, Thread.currentThread().getName))) .runSyncUnsafe() first must not equal (second) } } "using scheduler runner" - { val prefix = "quill-test-pool" val customScheduler = val runner = Runner.using(customScheduler) import runner._ "should run in specified scheduler" in { // the global scheduler is imported but want to explicitly tell this to run on it, just for clarity val threadName = schedule(Task(Thread.currentThread().getName)).runSyncUnsafe()(, CanBlock.permit) threadName.startsWith(prefix) must equal(true) } "should async-boundary in specified scheduler" in { // the global scheduler is imported but want to explicitly tell this to run on it, just for clarity val threadName = boundary(Task(Thread.currentThread().getName)).runSyncUnsafe()(, CanBlock.permit) threadName.startsWith(prefix) must equal(true) } "should async-boundary correctly" in { val prefix2 = "quill-test-pool2" // the global scheduler is imported but want to explicitly tell this to run on it, just for clarity val (first, second) = Task(Thread.currentThread().getName) .executeOn( .flatMap(prevName => boundary(Task((prevName, Thread.currentThread().getName)))) .runSyncUnsafe()(, CanBlock.permit) first.startsWith(prefix2) must equal(true) second.startsWith(prefix) must equal(true) first must not equal second } } }
Example 47
Source File: CassandraStreamContext.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill import com.datastax.driver.core.{ Cluster, ResultSet, Row } import com.typesafe.config.Config import io.getquill.context.cassandra.util.FutureConversions._ import io.getquill.util.{ ContextLogger, LoadConfig } import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } class CassandraStreamContext[N <: NamingStrategy]( naming: N, cluster: Cluster, keyspace: String, preparedStatementCacheSize: Long ) extends CassandraClusterSessionContext[N](naming, cluster, keyspace, preparedStatementCacheSize) { def this(naming: N, config: CassandraContextConfig) = this(naming, config.cluster, config.keyspace, config.preparedStatementCacheSize) def this(naming: N, config: Config) = this(naming, CassandraContextConfig(config)) def this(naming: N, configPrefix: String) = this(naming, LoadConfig(configPrefix)) private val logger = ContextLogger(classOf[CassandraStreamContext[_]]) override type Result[T] = Observable[T] override type RunQueryResult[T] = T override type RunQuerySingleResult[T] = T override type RunActionResult = Unit override type RunBatchActionResult = Unit protected def page(rs: ResultSet): Task[Iterable[Row]] = Task.defer { val available = rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching val page = rs.asScala.take(available) if (rs.isFullyFetched) else Task.fromFuture(rs.fetchMoreResults().asScala( => page) } def executeQuery[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): Observable[T] = { Observable .fromTask(prepareRowAndLog(cql, prepare)) .mapEvalF(p => session.executeAsync(p).asScala( .flatMap(Observable.fromAsyncStateAction((rs: ResultSet) => page(rs).map((_, rs)))(_)) .takeWhile(_.nonEmpty) .flatMap(Observable.fromIterable) .map(extractor) } def executeQuerySingle[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): Observable[T] = executeQuery(cql, prepare, extractor) def executeAction[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare): Observable[Unit] = { Observable .fromTask(prepareRowAndLog(cql, prepare)) .mapEvalF(p => session.executeAsync(p).asScala( .map(_ => ()) } def executeBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup]): Observable[Unit] = Observable.fromIterable(groups).flatMap { case BatchGroup(cql, prepare) => Observable.fromIterable(prepare) .flatMap(executeAction(cql, _)) .map(_ => ()) } private def prepareRowAndLog(cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare): Task[PrepareRow] = { Task.async0[PrepareRow] { (scheduler, callback) => implicit val executor: Scheduler = scheduler super.prepareAsync(cql) .map(prepare) .onComplete { case Success((params, bs)) => logger.logQuery(cql, params) callback.onSuccess(bs) case Failure(ex) => callback.onError(ex) } } } }
Example 48
Source File: CassandraMonixContext.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill import com.datastax.driver.core.{ Cluster, ResultSet, Row } import com.typesafe.config.Config import io.getquill.context.cassandra.CqlIdiom import io.getquill.context.monix.{ MonixContext, Runner } import io.getquill.util.{ ContextLogger, LoadConfig } import io.getquill.context.cassandra.util.FutureConversions._ import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } class CassandraMonixContext[N <: NamingStrategy]( naming: N, cluster: Cluster, keyspace: String, preparedStatementCacheSize: Long ) extends CassandraClusterSessionContext[N](naming, cluster, keyspace, preparedStatementCacheSize) with MonixContext[CqlIdiom, N] { // not using this here override val effect = Runner.default def this(naming: N, config: CassandraContextConfig) = this(naming, config.cluster, config.keyspace, config.preparedStatementCacheSize) def this(naming: N, config: Config) = this(naming, CassandraContextConfig(config)) def this(naming: N, configPrefix: String) = this(naming, LoadConfig(configPrefix)) private val logger = ContextLogger(classOf[CassandraMonixContext[_]]) override type StreamResult[T] = Observable[T] override type RunActionResult = Unit override type Result[T] = Task[T] override type RunQueryResult[T] = List[T] override type RunQuerySingleResult[T] = T override type RunBatchActionResult = Unit protected def page(rs: ResultSet): Task[Iterable[Row]] = Task.defer { val available = rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching val page = rs.asScala.take(available) if (rs.isFullyFetched) else Task.fromFuture(rs.fetchMoreResults().asScalaWithDefaultGlobal).map(_ => page) } def streamQuery[T](fetchSize: Option[Int], cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): Observable[T] = { Observable .fromTask(prepareRowAndLog(cql, prepare)) .mapEvalF(p => session.executeAsync(p).asScalaWithDefaultGlobal) .flatMap(Observable.fromAsyncStateAction((rs: ResultSet) => page(rs).map((_, rs)))(_)) .takeWhile(_.nonEmpty) .flatMap(Observable.fromIterable) .map(extractor) } def executeQuery[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): Task[List[T]] = { streamQuery[T](None, cql, prepare, extractor) .foldLeftL(List[T]())({ case (l, r) => r +: l }).map(_.reverse) } def executeQuerySingle[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): Task[T] = executeQuery(cql, prepare, extractor).map(handleSingleResult(_)) def executeAction[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare): Task[Unit] = { prepareRowAndLog(cql, prepare) .flatMap(r => Task.fromFuture(session.executeAsync(r).asScalaWithDefaultGlobal)) .map(_ => ()) } def executeBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup]): Task[Unit] = Observable.fromIterable(groups).flatMap { case BatchGroup(cql, prepare) => Observable.fromIterable(prepare) .flatMap(prep => Observable.fromTask(executeAction(cql, prep))) .map(_ => ()) }.completedL private def prepareRowAndLog(cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare): Task[PrepareRow] = { Task.async0[PrepareRow] { (scheduler, callback) => implicit val executor: Scheduler = scheduler super.prepareAsync(cql) .map(prepare) .onComplete { case Success((params, bs)) => logger.logQuery(cql, params) callback.onSuccess(bs) case Failure(ex) => callback.onError(ex) } } } }
Example 49
Source File: StreamResultsOrBlowUpSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.integration import java.sql.{ Connection, ResultSet } import io.getquill._ import io.getquill.context.monix.Runner import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class StreamResultsOrBlowUpSpec extends Spec { case class Person(name: String, age: Int) private implicit val scheduler = // set to true in order to create a ResultSet type (i.e. a rewindable one) // that will force jdbc to load the entire ResultSet into memory and crash this test. val doBlowUp = false val ctx = new PostgresMonixJdbcContext(Literal, "testPostgresDB", Runner.default) { override protected def prepareStatementForStreaming(sql: String, conn: Connection, fetchSize: Option[Int]) = { val stmt = conn.prepareStatement( sql, if (doBlowUp) ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE else ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY ) fetchSize.foreach(stmt.setFetchSize(_)) stmt } } import ctx.{ run => runQuill, _ } val numRows = 1000000L "stream a large result set without blowing up" in { val deletes = runQuill { query[Person].delete } deletes.runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf)(scheduler, CanBlock.permit) val inserts = quote { (numRows: Long) => infix"""insert into person (name, age) select md5(random()::text), random()*10+1 from generate_series(1, ${numRows}) s(i)""".as[Insert[Int]] } runQuill(inserts(lift(numRows))).runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf)(scheduler, CanBlock.permit) // not sure why but foreachL causes a OutOfMemory exception anyhow, and firstL causes a ResultSet Closed exception val result = stream(query[Person], 100) .zipWithIndex .foldLeftL(0L)({ case (totalYears, (person, index)) => { // Need to print something out as we stream or travis will thing the build is stalled and kill it with the following message: // "No output has been received in the last 10m0s..." if (index % 10000 == 0) println(s"Streaming Test Row: ${index}") totalYears + person.age } }) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf)(scheduler, CanBlock.permit) result should be > numRows } }
Example 50
Source File: PeopleMonixSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill import io.getquill.context.monix.MonixJdbcContext import io.getquill.context.sql.PeopleSpec import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable trait PeopleMonixSpec extends PeopleSpec { implicit val scheduler = val context: MonixJdbcContext[_, _] import context._ def collect[T](o: Observable[T]) = o.foldLeft(List[T]())({ case (l, elem) => elem +: l }) .firstL .runSyncUnsafe() val `Ex 11 query` = quote(query[Person]) val `Ex 11 expected` = peopleEntries }
Example 51
Source File: ProductJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import io.getquill.context.sql.ProductSpec import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler class ProductJdbcSpec extends ProductSpec { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = override def beforeAll = {[Product].delete)).runSyncUnsafe() () } "Product" - { "Insert multiple products" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- Task.sequence( => ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual productEntries(2).description mustEqual inserted(2) } "Single insert product" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual "Window" mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with inlined free variable" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test1", 1L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returning( } rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test1" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 1L mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with free variable and explicit quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test2", 2L) val q1 = quote { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returning( } val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test2" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 2L mustEqual inserted } "Single product insert with a method quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test3", 3L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test3" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 3L mustEqual inserted } } }
Example 52
Source File: PrepareJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.sql.ResultSet import io.getquill.PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class PrepareJdbcSpec extends PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase with BeforeAndAfter { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = before {[Product].delete).runSyncUnsafe() } def productExtractor = (rs: ResultSet) => materializeQueryMeta[Product].extract(rs) val prepareQuery = prepare(query[Product]) "single" in { val prepareInsert = prepare(query[Product].insert(lift(productEntries.head))) singleInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareInsert).runSyncUnsafe() mustEqual false extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === List(productEntries.head) } "batch" in { val prepareBatchInsert = prepare( liftQuery(withOrderedIds(productEntries)).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(p)) ) batchInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareBatchInsert).runSyncUnsafe().distinct mustEqual List(false) extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === withOrderedIds(productEntries) } }
Example 53
Source File: ConnectionLeakTest.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.postgres import java.util.UUID import io.getquill.context.monix.Runner import io.getquill.{ JdbcContextConfig, Literal, PostgresMonixJdbcContext } import io.getquill.context.sql.ProductSpec import io.getquill.util.LoadConfig import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.util.Random class ConnectionLeakTest extends ProductSpec { implicit val scheduler = val dataSource = JdbcContextConfig(LoadConfig("testPostgresLeakDB")).dataSource val context = new PostgresMonixJdbcContext(Literal, dataSource, Runner.default) import context._ override def beforeAll = {[Product].delete)).runSyncUnsafe() () } "insert and select without leaking" in { val result = context.transaction { for { _ <- { quote { query[Product].insert( lift(Product(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString, Random.nextLong())) ) } } result <- { query[Product].filter(p => query[Product].map( == } } yield (result) } .map( .runSyncUnsafe() Thread.sleep(2000) result mustEqual Option(1) dataSource.getHikariPoolMXBean.getActiveConnections mustEqual 0 context.close() } }
Example 54
Source File: ProductJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.postgres import io.getquill.context.sql.ProductSpec import monix.execution.Scheduler class ProductJdbcSpec extends ProductSpec { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = override def beforeAll = {[Product].delete)).runSyncUnsafe() () } "Product" - { "Insert multiple products" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- => productInsert(e))) ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual productEntries(2).description mustEqual inserted(2) } "Single insert product" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual "Window" mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with inlined free variable" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test1", 1L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returning( } rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test1" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 1L mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with free variable and explicit quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test2", 2L) val q1 = quote { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returning( } val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test2" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 2L mustEqual inserted } "Single product insert with a method quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test3", 3L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test3" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 3L mustEqual inserted } } }
Example 55
Source File: PrepareJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.postgres import java.sql.ResultSet import io.getquill.PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class PrepareJdbcSpec extends PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase with BeforeAndAfter { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = before {[Product].delete).runSyncUnsafe() } def productExtractor = (rs: ResultSet) => materializeQueryMeta[Product].extract(rs) val prepareQuery = prepare(query[Product]) "single" in { val prepareInsert = prepare(query[Product].insert(lift(productEntries.head))) singleInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareInsert).runSyncUnsafe() mustEqual false extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === List(productEntries.head) } "batch" in { val prepareBatchInsert = prepare( liftQuery(withOrderedIds(productEntries)).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(p)) ) batchInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareBatchInsert).runSyncUnsafe().distinct mustEqual List(false) extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === withOrderedIds(productEntries) } }
Example 56
Source File: ProductJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.sqlserver import io.getquill.context.sql.ProductSpec import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler class ProductJdbcSpec extends ProductSpec { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = override def beforeAll = {[Product].delete)).runSyncUnsafe() () } "Product" - { "Insert multiple products" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- Task.sequence( => ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual productEntries(2).description mustEqual inserted(2) } "Single insert product" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual "Window" mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with inlined free variable" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test1", 1L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test1" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 1L mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with free variable and explicit quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test2", 2L) val q1 = quote { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test2" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 2L mustEqual inserted } "Single product insert with a method quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test3", 3L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test3" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 3L mustEqual inserted } } }
Example 57
Source File: PrepareJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.sqlserver import java.sql.ResultSet import io.getquill.PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class PrepareJdbcSpec extends PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase with BeforeAndAfter { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = before {[Product].delete).runSyncUnsafe() } def productExtractor = (rs: ResultSet) => materializeQueryMeta[Product].extract(rs) val prepareQuery = prepare(query[Product]) implicit val im = insertMeta[Product]( "single" in { val prepareInsert = prepare(query[Product].insert(lift(productEntries.head))) singleInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareInsert).runSyncUnsafe() mustEqual false extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === List(productEntries.head) } "batch" in { val prepareBatchInsert = prepare( liftQuery(withOrderedIds(productEntries)).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(p)) ) batchInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareBatchInsert).runSyncUnsafe().distinct mustEqual List(false) extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === withOrderedIds(productEntries) } }
Example 58
Source File: ProductJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.mysql import io.getquill.context.sql.ProductSpec import monix.execution.Scheduler class ProductJdbcSpec extends ProductSpec { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = override def beforeAll = {[Product].delete)).runSyncUnsafe() () } "Product" - { "Insert multiple products" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- => productInsert(e))) ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual productEntries(2).description mustEqual inserted(2) } "Single insert product" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual "Window" mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with inlined free variable" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test1", 1L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test1" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 1L mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with free variable and explicit quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test2", 2L) val q1 = quote { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test2" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 2L mustEqual inserted } "Single product insert with a method quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test3", 3L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test3" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 3L mustEqual inserted } } }
Example 59
Source File: PrepareJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.mysql import java.sql.ResultSet import io.getquill.PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class PrepareJdbcSpec extends PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase with BeforeAndAfter { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = before {[Product].delete).runSyncUnsafe() } def productExtractor = (rs: ResultSet) => materializeQueryMeta[Product].extract(rs) val prepareQuery = prepare(query[Product]) "single" in { val prepareInsert = prepare(query[Product].insert(lift(productEntries.head))) singleInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareInsert).runSyncUnsafe() mustEqual false extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === List(productEntries.head) } "batch" in { val prepareBatchInsert = prepare( liftQuery(withOrderedIds(productEntries)).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(p)) ) batchInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareBatchInsert).runSyncUnsafe().distinct mustEqual List(false) extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === withOrderedIds(productEntries) } }
Example 60
Source File: ProductJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.sqlite import io.getquill.context.sql.ProductSpec import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler class ProductJdbcSpec extends ProductSpec { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = override def beforeAll = {[Product].delete)).runSyncUnsafe() () } "Product" - { "Insert multiple products" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- Task.sequence( => ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual productEntries(2).description mustEqual inserted(2) } "Single insert product" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual "Window" mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with inlined free variable" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test1", 1L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test1" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 1L mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with free variable and explicit quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test2", 2L) val q1 = quote { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test2" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 2L mustEqual inserted } "Single product insert with a method quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test3", 3L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test3" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 3L mustEqual inserted } } }
Example 61
Source File: PrepareJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.sqlite import java.sql.ResultSet import io.getquill.PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class PrepareJdbcSpec extends PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase with BeforeAndAfter { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = before {[Product].delete).runSyncUnsafe() } def productExtractor = (rs: ResultSet) => materializeQueryMeta[Product].extract(rs) val prepareQuery = prepare(query[Product]) "single" in { val prepareInsert = prepare(query[Product].insert(lift(productEntries.head))) singleInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareInsert).runSyncUnsafe() mustEqual false extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === List(productEntries.head) } "batch" in { val prepareBatchInsert = prepare( liftQuery(withOrderedIds(productEntries)).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(p)) ) batchInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareBatchInsert).runSyncUnsafe().distinct mustEqual List(false) extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === withOrderedIds(productEntries) } }
Example 62
Source File: ProductJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.h2 import io.getquill.context.sql.ProductSpec import monix.execution.Scheduler class ProductJdbcSpec extends ProductSpec { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = override def beforeAll = {[Product].delete)).runSyncUnsafe() () } "Product" - { "Insert multiple products" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- => productInsert(e))) ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual productEntries(2).description mustEqual inserted(2) } "Single insert product" in { val (inserted, product) = (for { i <- ps <- } yield (i, ps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() product.description mustEqual "Window" mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with inlined free variable" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test1", 1L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test1" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 1L mustEqual inserted } "Single insert with free variable and explicit quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test2", 2L) val q1 = quote { product.insert(_.sku -> lift(prd.sku), _.description -> lift(prd.description)).returningGenerated( } val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test2" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 2L mustEqual inserted } "Single product insert with a method quotation" in { val prd = Product(0L, "test3", 3L) val (inserted, returnedProduct) = (for { i <- rps <- } yield (i, rps.head)).runSyncUnsafe() returnedProduct.description mustEqual "test3" returnedProduct.sku mustEqual 3L mustEqual inserted } } }
Example 63
Source File: PrepareJdbcSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.h2 import java.sql.ResultSet import io.getquill.PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class PrepareJdbcSpec extends PrepareMonixJdbcSpecBase with BeforeAndAfter { val context = testContext import testContext._ implicit val scheduler = before {[Product].delete).runSyncUnsafe() } def productExtractor = (rs: ResultSet) => materializeQueryMeta[Product].extract(rs) val prepareQuery = prepare(query[Product]) "single" in { val prepareInsert = prepare(query[Product].insert(lift(productEntries.head))) singleInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareInsert).runSyncUnsafe() mustEqual false extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === List(productEntries.head) } "batch" in { val prepareBatchInsert = prepare( liftQuery(withOrderedIds(productEntries)).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(p)) ) batchInsert(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareBatchInsert).runSyncUnsafe().distinct mustEqual List(false) extractProducts(dataSource.getConnection)(prepareQuery).runSyncUnsafe() === withOrderedIds(productEntries) } }
Example 64
Source File: ResultSetIteratorSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill import io.getquill.context.monix.Runner import io.getquill.util.LoadConfig import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class ResultSetIteratorSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { val ds = JdbcContextConfig(LoadConfig("testPostgresDB")).dataSource implicit val scheduler = val ctx = new PostgresMonixJdbcContext(Literal, ds, Runner.default) import ctx._ case class Person(name: String, age: Int) val peopleInsert = quote((p: Person) => query[Person].insert(p)) val peopleEntries = List( Person("Alex", 60), Person("Bert", 55), Person("Cora", 33) ) override def beforeAll = { ctx.transaction { for { _ <-[Person].delete) _ <- => peopleInsert(p))) } yield () }.runSyncUnsafe() } "traverses correctly" in { val results = Task(ds.getConnection).bracket { conn => Task { val stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select * from person") val rs = new ResultSetIterator[String](stmt.executeQuery(), extractor = (rs) => { rs.getString(1) }) val accum = ArrayBuffer[String]() while (rs.hasNext) accum += accum } } { conn => Task(conn.close()) }.runSyncUnsafe() results should contain theSameElementsAs ( } "can take head element" in { val result = Task(ds.getConnection).bracket { conn => Task { val stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select * from person where name = 'Alex'") val rs = new ResultSetIterator(stmt.executeQuery(), extractor = (rs) => { rs.getString(1) }) rs.head } } { conn => Task(conn.close()) }.runSyncUnsafe() result must equal("Alex") } }
Example 65
Source File: AuthDirectives.scala From nexus-iam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.OAuth2BearerToken import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.Credentials import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive0, Directive1} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import{Caller, Permission} import{AbsoluteIri, Path} import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Future object AuthDirectives { def authorizeFor(permission: Permission)( implicit acls: Acls[Task], s: Scheduler, c: Caller, hc: HttpConfig ): Directive0 = extractResourceAddress.flatMap { address => onSuccess { acls .hasPermission(Path./, permission, ancestors = false) .ifM(Task.unit, Task.raiseError(AccessDenied(address, permission))) .runToFuture } } }
Example 66
Source File: instances.scala From nexus-iam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.GenericMarshallers.eitherMarshaller import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes.`application/json` import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import import import import import import import import import import{IamError, ResourceRejection} import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.FailFastCirceSupport import io.circe._ import io.circe.syntax._ import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration object instances extends FailFastCirceSupport { implicit val finiteDurationEncoder: Encoder[FiniteDuration] = Encoder.encodeString.contramap(fd => s"${fd.toMillis} ms") implicit val resourceRejectionEncoder: Encoder[ResourceRejection] = Encoder.instance { case r: AclRejection => Encoder[AclRejection].apply(r) case r: RealmRejection => Encoder[RealmRejection].apply(r) case r: PermissionsRejection => Encoder[PermissionsRejection].apply(r) case _ => Encoder[IamError].apply(InternalError("unspecified")) } implicit val resourceRejectionStatusFrom: StatusFrom[ResourceRejection] = StatusFrom { case r: AclRejection => AclRejection.aclRejectionStatusFrom(r) case r: RealmRejection => RealmRejection.realmRejectionStatusFrom(r) case r: PermissionsRejection => PermissionsRejection.permissionsRejectionStatusFrom(r) } override def unmarshallerContentTypes: Seq[ContentTypeRange] = List(`application/json`, `application/ld+json`, `application/sparql-results+json`) implicit final def rejection[A <: ResourceRejection: Encoder]( implicit statusFrom: StatusFrom[A], printer: Printer = Printer.noSpaces.copy(dropNullValues = true), ordered: OrderedKeys = orderedKeys ): ToResponseMarshaller[A] = { val marshallers = Seq(`application/ld+json`, `application/json`).map { contentType => Marshaller.withFixedContentType[A, HttpResponse](contentType) { rejection => HttpResponse( status = statusFrom(rejection), entity = HttpEntity(contentType, printer.print(rejection.asJson.sortKeys)) ) } } Marshaller.oneOf(marshallers: _*) } implicit class EitherTask[R <: ResourceRejection, A](task: Task[Either[R, A]])(implicit s: Scheduler) { def runWithStatus(code: StatusCode): Future[Either[R, (StatusCode, A)]] = -> _)).runToFuture } implicit class OptionTask[A](task: Task[Option[A]])(implicit s: Scheduler) { def runNotFound: Future[A] = task.flatMap { case Some(a) => Task.pure(a) case None => Task.raiseError(IamError.NotFound) }.runToFuture } }
Example 67
Source File: RepairFromMessages.scala From nexus-iam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.PersistenceQuery import import import import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import scala.concurrent.Future object RepairFromMessages { // $COVERAGE-OFF$ private val log = Logger[RepairFromMessages.type] def repair( p: Permissions[Task], r: Realms[Task], a: Acls[Task] )(implicit as: ActorSystem, sc: Scheduler, pm: CanBlock): Unit = { val pq = PersistenceQuery(as).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier) pq.currentPersistenceIds() .mapAsync(1) { case PermissionsId() => p.agg.currentState(p.persistenceId).runToFuture case RealmId(label) => r.agg.currentState(label.value).runToFuture case AclId(path) => a.agg.currentState(path.asString).runToFuture case other => log.warn(s"Unknown persistence id '$other'") Future.successful(()) } .runFold(0) { case (acc, _) => if (acc % 100 == 0)"Processed '$acc' persistence ids.") acc + 1 } .runSyncDiscard()"Repair from messages table completed.") } sealed abstract class PersistenceId(prefix: String) { private val len = prefix.length protected def dropPrefix(arg: String): Option[String] = if (arg.startsWith(prefix)) Some(arg.drop(len)) else None } object RealmId extends PersistenceId("realms-") { def unapply(arg: String): Option[Label] = dropPrefix(arg).map(Label.unsafe) } object AclId extends PersistenceId("acls-") { def unapply(arg: String): Option[Path] = dropPrefix(arg).flatMap(str => Path(URLDecoder.decode(str, "UTF-8")).toOption) } object PermissionsId { def unapply(arg: String): Boolean = arg == "permissions-permissions" } implicit class RichFuture[A](val future: Future[A]) extends AnyVal { def runSyncDiscard()(implicit s: Scheduler, permit: CanBlock): Unit = Task.fromFuture(future).map(_ => ()).runSyncUnsafe() } // $COVERAGE-ON$ }
Example 68
Source File: HttpMockServerResource.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.server import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.{ RunState, Session } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.dsl.BlockScopedResource import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.server.HttpMockServerResource.SessionKeys._ import io.circe.Json import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler case class HttpMockServerResource(interface: Option[String], label: String, portRange: Option[Range]) extends BlockScopedResource { implicit val scheduler = val sessionTarget: String = label val openingTitle: String = s"Starting HTTP mock server '$label'" val closingTitle: String = s"Shutting down HTTP mock server '$label'" def use[A](outsideRunState: RunState)(f: RunState => Task[A]): Task[(Session, A)] = { val mockRequestHandler = new MockServerRequestHandler() val initSession: String => Session = id => Session.newEmpty.addValueUnsafe(s"$label-url", id) val resourceContext: RunState => Session => RunState = r1 => s1 => r1.mergeSessions(s1) val runWithServer = initSession.andThen(resourceContext(outsideRunState)).andThen(f) val mockServer = new MockHttpServer(interface, portRange, mockRequestHandler.mockService)(runWithServer) mockServer.useServer().map { res => val resourceResults = requestsResults(mockRequestHandler) (resourceResults, res) } } def requestsResults(mockRequestHandler: MockServerRequestHandler): Session = { val jsonRequests = mockRequestHandler.fetchRecordedRequestsAsJson() Session.newEmpty .addValueUnsafe(s"$sessionTarget$receivedBodiesSuffix", Json.fromValues(jsonRequests).spaces2) .addValueUnsafe(s"$sessionTarget$nbReceivedCallsSuffix", jsonRequests.size.toString) } } object HttpMockServerResource { object SessionKeys { val nbReceivedCallsSuffix = "-nb-received-calls" val receivedBodiesSuffix = "-received-bodies" } }
Example 69
Source File: CheckStepBench.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package step import java.util.concurrent.{ ExecutorService, Executors } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core._ import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.check.checkModel._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.cats.EffectStep import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import step.JsonStepBench._ @State(Scope.Benchmark) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 10) @Fork(value = 1, jvmArgsAppend = Array( "-XX:+FlightRecorder", "-XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=./CheckStepBench-profiling-data.jfr,name=profile,settings=profile", "-Xmx1G")) class CheckStepBench { //sbt:benchmarks> jmh:run .*CheckStep.* -prof gc -foe true -gc true -rf csv @Param(Array("10", "20", "50", "100", "200")) var transitionNumber: String = "" var es: ExecutorService = _ var scheduler: Scheduler = _ @Setup(Level.Trial) final def beforeAll(): Unit = { es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) scheduler = Scheduler(es) } @TearDown(Level.Trial) final def afterAll(): Unit = { es.shutdown() } @Benchmark def runModel() = { val checkStep = CheckModelStep(maxNumberOfRuns = 1, maxNumberOfTransitions = transitionNumber.toInt, CheckStepBench.modelRunner) val s = Scenario("scenario with checkStep", checkStep :: Nil) val f = ScenarioRunner.runScenario(session)(s) val res = Await.result(f.runToFuture(scheduler), Duration.Inf) assert(res.isSuccess) } } object CheckStepBench { def integerGen(rc: RandomContext): ValueGenerator[Int] = ValueGenerator( name = "integer", gen = () => rc.nextInt(10000)) def dummyProperty1(name: String): PropertyN[Int, NoValue, NoValue, NoValue, NoValue, NoValue] = Property1( description = name, invariant = g => EffectStep.fromSyncE("add generated", _.session.addValue("generated", g().toString))) val starting = dummyProperty1("starting action") val otherAction = dummyProperty1("other action") val otherActionTwo = dummyProperty1("other action two") val transitions = Map( starting -> ((100, otherAction) :: Nil), otherAction -> ((100, otherActionTwo) :: Nil), otherActionTwo -> ((100, otherAction) :: Nil)) val model = Model("model with empty transition for starting", starting, transitions) val modelRunner = ModelRunner.make(integerGen)(model) }
Example 70
Source File: RunScenarioBench.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scenario import java.util.concurrent.{ ExecutorService, Executors } import import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.{ ScenarioRunner, Scenario, Session } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.cats.EffectStep import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.regular.assertStep.{ AssertStep, Assertion, GenericEqualityAssertion } import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import scenario.RunScenarioBench._ import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ @State(Scope.Benchmark) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 10) @Fork(value = 1, jvmArgsAppend = Array( "-XX:+FlightRecorder", "-XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=./RunScenarioBench-profiling-data.jfr,name=profile,settings=profile", "-Xmx1G")) class RunScenarioBench { //sbt:benchmarks> jmh:run .*RunScenario.* -prof gc -foe true -gc true -rf csv @Param(Array("10", "20", "50", "100", "200")) var stepsNumber: String = "" var es: ExecutorService = _ var scheduler: Scheduler = _ @Setup(Level.Trial) final def beforeAll(): Unit = { es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) scheduler = Scheduler(es) } @TearDown(Level.Trial) final def afterAll(): Unit = { es.shutdown() } @Benchmark def lotsOfSteps() = { val half = stepsNumber.toInt / 2 val assertSteps = List.fill(half)(assertStep) val effectSteps = List.fill(half)(effectStep) val scenario = Scenario("test scenario", setupSession +: (assertSteps ++ effectSteps)) val f = ScenarioRunner.runScenario(Session.newEmpty)(scenario) val res = Await.result(f.runToFuture(scheduler), Duration.Inf) assert(res.isSuccess) } } object RunScenarioBench { val setupSession = EffectStep.fromSyncE("setup session", _.session.addValues("v1" -> "2", "v2" -> "1")) val assertStep = AssertStep( "addition step", sc => Assertion.either { for { two <- sc.session.get("v1").map(_.toInt) one <- sc.session.get("v2").map(_.toInt) } yield GenericEqualityAssertion(two + one, 3) }) val effectStep = EffectStep.fromSync("identity", _.session) }
Example 71
Source File: RequestEffectBench.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package httpService import java.util.concurrent.{ ExecutorService, Executors } import cats.instances.string._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.{ Config, ScenarioContext } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.{ HttpMethods, HttpRequest, HttpService } import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import RequestEffectBench._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.client.NoOpHttpClient import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ @State(Scope.Benchmark) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 10) @Fork(value = 1, jvmArgsAppend = Array( "-XX:+FlightRecorder", "-XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=./RequestEffectBench-profiling-data.jfr,name=profile,settings=profile", "-Xmx1G")) class RequestEffectBench { //sbt:benchmarks> jmh:run .*RequestEffect.* var es: ExecutorService = _ val client = new NoOpHttpClient var httpService: HttpService = _ @Setup(Level.Trial) final def beforeAll(): Unit = { es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) val scheduler = Scheduler(es) httpService = new HttpService("", 2000.millis, client, Config())(scheduler) } @TearDown(Level.Trial) final def afterAll(): Unit = { es.shutdown() } @Benchmark def singleRequest() = { val f = httpService.requestEffect(request) val res = Await.result(f(scenarioContext), Duration.Inf) assert(res.isRight) } } object RequestEffectBench { val scenarioContext = ScenarioContext.empty val request = HttpRequest[String]( method = HttpMethods.GET, url = "https://myUrl/my/segment", body = Some(""" { "k1":"v1", "k2":"v2","k3":"v3","k4":"v4" } """), params = ("q1", "v1") :: ("q2", "v2") :: ("q3", "v3") :: Nil, headers = ("h1", "v1") :: ("h2", "v2") :: ("h3", "v3") :: Nil) }
Example 72
Source File: TurnstileAPI.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.examples.propertyCheck.turnstile import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.examples.HttpServer import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.atomic.AtomicBoolean import monix.execution.{ CancelableFuture, Scheduler } import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.dsl._ import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder class TurnstileAPI extends Http4sDsl[Task] { implicit val s = private val turnstileLocked = AtomicBoolean(true) private val turnstileService = HttpRoutes.of[Task] { case POST -> Root / "push-coin" => if (turnstileLocked.get()) { turnstileLocked.set(false) Ok("payment accepted") } else BadRequest("payment refused") case POST -> Root / "walk-through" => if (turnstileLocked.get()) BadRequest("door blocked") else { turnstileLocked.set(true) Ok("door turns") } } private val routes = Router( "/" -> turnstileService ) def start(httpPort: Int): CancelableFuture[HttpServer] = BlazeServerBuilder[Task](executionContext = s) .bindHttp(httpPort, "localhost") .withoutBanner .withNio2(true) .withHttpApp(routes.orNotFound) .allocated .map { case (_, stop) => new HttpServer(stop) } .runToFuture }
Example 73
Source File: ReverseAPI.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.examples.propertyCheck.stringReverse import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.examples.HttpServer import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.{ CancelableFuture, Scheduler } import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.dsl._ import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder class ReverseAPI extends Http4sDsl[Task] { implicit val s = object WordQueryParamMatcher extends QueryParamDecoderMatcher[String]("word") private val reverseService = HttpRoutes.of[Task] { case POST -> Root / "double-reverse" :? WordQueryParamMatcher(word) => Ok(word.reverse.reverse) } private val routes = Router( "/" -> reverseService ) def start(httpPort: Int): CancelableFuture[HttpServer] = BlazeServerBuilder[Task](executionContext = s) .bindHttp(httpPort, "localhost") .withoutBanner .withNio2(true) .withHttpApp(routes.orNotFound) .allocated .map { case (_, stop) => new HttpServer(stop) } .runToFuture }
Example 74
Source File: BaseFeature.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.dsl import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.{ Config, Done, FeatureDef, Step } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.matchers.Matcher import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.resolver.Mapper import monix.execution.Scheduler import pureconfig.error.{ ConvertFailure, KeyNotFound } import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.concurrent.Future trait BaseFeature { protected[cornichon] val beforeFeature: ListBuffer[() => Unit] = ListBuffer.empty protected[cornichon] val afterFeature: ListBuffer[() => Unit] = ListBuffer.empty protected[cornichon] val beforeEachScenario: ListBuffer[Step] = ListBuffer.empty protected[cornichon] val afterEachScenario: ListBuffer[Step] = ListBuffer.empty private[cornichon] lazy val config = BaseFeature.config lazy val executeScenariosInParallel: Boolean = config.executeScenariosInParallel lazy val seed: Option[Long] = None // Convenient implicits for the custom DSL implicit lazy val ec = def feature: FeatureDef def registerExtractors: Map[String, Mapper] = Map.empty def registerMatchers: List[Matcher] = Nil def beforeFeature(before: => Unit): Unit = beforeFeature += (() => before) def afterFeature(after: => Unit): Unit = (() => after) +=: afterFeature def beforeEachScenario(step: Step): Unit = beforeEachScenario += step def afterEachScenario(step: Step): Unit = step +=: afterEachScenario } // Protect and free resources object BaseFeature { import import pureconfig.ConfigSource import pureconfig.error.{ ConfigReaderException, ConfigReaderFailures } lazy val config ="cornichon").load[Config] match { case Right(v) => v case Left(ConfigReaderFailures(ConvertFailure(KeyNotFound("cornichon", _), _, _), _*)) => Config() case Left(failures) => throw new ConfigReaderException[Config](failures) } private val hooks = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque[() => Future[_]]() def addShutdownHook(h: () => Future[_]): Unit = hooks.push(h) def shutDownGlobalResources(): Future[Done] = { import @tailrec def clearHooks(previous: Future[Any] = Future.successful[Any](())): Future[Any] = Option(hooks.poll()) match { case None => previous case Some(f) => clearHooks { previous.flatMap { _ => f().recover { case _ => Done } } } } clearHooks().map(_ => Done) } }
Example 75
Source File: EffectStep.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.cats import{ EitherT, NonEmptyList } import cats.effect.Effect import cats.syntax.either._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.ScenarioRunner.{ errorsToFailureStep, successLog } import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core._ import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration case class EffectStep[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => F[Either[CornichonError, Session]], show: Boolean = true) extends SessionValueStep { def setTitle(newTitle: String): Step = copy(title = newTitle) override def runSessionValueStep(runState: RunState): Task[Either[NonEmptyList[CornichonError], Session]] = Task.fromEffect(effect(runState.scenarioContext)).map(_.leftMap( override def onError(errors: NonEmptyList[CornichonError], runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): (LogInstruction, FailedStep) = errorsToFailureStep(this, runState.depth, errors, Some(executionTime)) override def logOnSuccess(result: Session, runState: RunState, executionTime: Duration): LogInstruction = successLog(title, runState.depth, show, executionTime) } object EffectStep { def fromEitherT[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => EitherT[F, CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { val effectT: ScenarioContext => F[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => effect(s).value EffectStep(title, effectT, show) } def fromSync(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Session, show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromSyncE(title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => Either[CornichonError, Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } def fromAsync[F[_]: Effect](title: String, effect: ScenarioContext => F[Session], show: Boolean = true): Step = { import val effectF: ScenarioContext => Task[Either[CornichonError, Session]] = s => Task.fromEffect(effect(s)).map(Right.apply) EffectStep(title, effectF, show) } }
Example 76
Source File: DoobieInstancesSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.doobie import cats.Applicative import import cats.effect.{IO, SyncIO} import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import doobie.ConnectionIO import monix.eval.{Coeval, Task} import monix.execution.Scheduler import tofu.doobie.instances.implicits._ import tofu.env.Env import tofu.lift.Lift import tofu.zioInstances.implicits._ import zio.interop.catz._ object DoobieInstancesSuite { def summonImplicitsViaLiftToIO[F[_]: Applicative, R](implicit L: Lift[F, IO]): Unit = { Lift[F, ConnectionIO] Lift[F, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[ReaderT[F, R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] () } def summonCatsEffectImplicits[R](): Unit = { Lift[SyncIO, ConnectionIO] Lift[SyncIO, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[ReaderT[SyncIO, R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[IO, ConnectionIO] Lift[IO, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[ReaderT[IO, R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] () } def summonMonixImplicitsViaScheduler[R](implicit sc: Scheduler): Unit = { Lift[Coeval, ConnectionIO] Lift[Coeval, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[ReaderT[Coeval, R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[Task, ConnectionIO] Lift[Task, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[ReaderT[Task, R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[Env[R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] () } def summonMonixImplicitsUnambiguously[R](implicit @silent sc: Scheduler, L: Lift[Task, IO]): Unit = { Lift[Task, ConnectionIO] Lift[Task, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[ReaderT[Task, R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] () } def summonZioImplicits[R](): zio.Task[Unit] = { implicit CE => Lift[zio.Task, ConnectionIO] Lift[zio.Task, ConnectionRIO[R, *]] Lift[zio.RIO[R, *], ConnectionRIO[R, *]] () } def summonLiftConnectionIO[R](): Unit = { LiftConnectionIO[ConnectionIO] LiftConnectionIO[ConnectionRIO[R, *]] () } }
Example 77
Source File: EnvInstances.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.env import cats.arrow.{ArrowChoice, FunctionK, Profunctor} import cats.effect.IO import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Parallel, ~>} import monix.eval.{Task, TaskLift} import monix.execution.Scheduler import tofu.lift.{UnliftIO, UnsafeExecFuture} import tofu.optics.Contains import tofu.syntax.funk._ import scala.concurrent.Future private[env] trait EnvInstances { self: Env.type => private object anyEnvInstance extends EnvFunctorstance[Any] final implicit def envInstance[E]: EnvFunctorstance[E] = anyEnvInstance.asInstanceOf[EnvFunctorstance[E]] private object envParallelInstance extends Applicative[Env[Any, *]] { override def pure[A](x: A): Env[Any, A] = Env.pure(x) override def ap[A, B](ff: Env[Any, A => B])(fa: Env[Any, A]): Env[Any, B] = Env.parMap2(ff, fa)(_.apply(_)) override def map2[A, B, Z](fa: Env[Any, A], fb: Env[Any, B])(f: (A, B) => Z): Env[Any, Z] = Env.parMap2(fa, fb)(f) override val unit: Env[Any, Unit] = Env.unit override def map[A, B](fa: Env[Any, A])(f: A => B): Env[Any, B] = override def replicateA[A](n: Int, fa: Env[Any, A]): Env[Any, List[A]] = fa.mapTask(t => Task.parSequence(Iterable.fill(n)(t)).map(_.toList)) } private object anyEnvParallelInstance extends Parallel[Env[Any, *]] { type F[a] = Env[Any, a] override def applicative: Applicative[Env[Any, *]] = envParallelInstance override def monad: Monad[Env[Any, *]] = anyEnvInstance override val sequential: ~>[Env[Any, *], Env[Any, *]] = override val parallel: ~>[Env[Any, *], Env[Any, *]] = } final implicit def envParallelInstance[E]: Parallel[Env[E, *]] = anyEnvParallelInstance.asInstanceOf[Parallel[Env[E, *]]] final implicit val envProfuctorInstance: Profunctor[Env] with ArrowChoice[Env] = new Profunctor[Env] with ArrowChoice[Env] { override def choose[A, B, C, D](f: Env[A, C])(g: Env[B, D]): Env[Either[A, B], Either[C, D]] = Env { case Left(a) => case Right(b) => } override def lift[A, B](f: A => B): Env[A, B] = Env(a => Task.pure(f(a))) override def first[A, B, C](fa: Env[A, B]): Env[(A, C), (B, C)] = fa.first[C] override def second[A, B, C](fa: Env[A, B]): Env[(C, A), (C, B)] = fa.second[C] override def compose[A, B, C](f: Env[B, C], g: Env[A, B]): Env[A, C] = f.compose(g) override def rmap[A, B, C](fab: Env[A, B])(f: B => C): Env[A, C] = override def lmap[A, B, C](fab: Env[A, B])(f: C => A): Env[C, B] = fab.localP(f) override def id[A]: Env[A, A] = Env.context override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Env[A, B])(f: C => A)(g: B => D): Env[C, D] = fab.dimap(f)(g) override def split[A, B, C, D](f: Env[A, B], g: Env[C, D]): Env[(A, C), (B, D)] = f.split(g) override def left[A, B, C](fab: Env[A, B]): Env[Either[A, C], Either[B, C]] = fab.left[C] override def right[A, B, C](fab: Env[A, B]): Env[Either[C, A], Either[C, B]] = fab.right[C] override def choice[A, B, C](f: Env[A, C], g: Env[B, C]): Env[Either[A, B], C] = f.choice(g) override def merge[A, B, C](f: Env[A, B], g: Env[A, C]): Env[A, (B, C)] = Env.parZip2(f, g) } final implicit def envUnliftSubContext[E, E1: E Contains *]: EnvUnliftSubContext[E, E1] = new EnvUnliftSubContext def envUnsafeExecFuture[E](implicit sc: Scheduler): UnsafeExecFuture[Env[E, *]] = new UnsafeExecFuture[Env[E, *]] { def lift[A](fa: Future[A]): Env[E, A] = Env.fromFuture(fa) def unlift: Env[E, Env[E, *] ~> Future] = Env.fromFunc(r => makeFunctionK( } implicit def envUnliftIO[E](implicit toIO: TaskLift[IO]): UnliftIO[Env[E, *]] = new UnliftIO[Env[E, *]] { def lift[A](fa: IO[A]): Env[E, A] = Env.fromIO(fa) def unlift: Env[E, Env[E, *] ~> IO] = Env.fromFunc(r => funK([IO])) } }
Example 78
Source File: EnvFunctions.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.env import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS import cats.Eval import import cats.effect._ import monix.eval.{Coeval, Task} import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Try private[env] trait EnvFunctions extends EnvProducts with EnvTraversing with EnvRacing with EnvSyntax with EnvTransformations { self: Env.type => def apply[E, A](f: E => Task[A]): Env[E, A] = EnvCtx(f) def later[E, A](x: => A): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.delay(x)) def pure[E, A](x: A): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.pure(x)) def context[E]: Env[E, E] = Env(ctx => def withContextNow[E, A](f: E => A): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => def withContext[E, A](f: E => Env[E, A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => f(ctx).run(ctx)) def withContextFork[E, A](f: E => A): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task(f(ctx))) def withContextDelay[E, A](f: E => A): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task.delay(f(ctx))) private[this] val anyUnit: Env[Any, Unit] = fromTask(Task.unit) def unit[E]: Env[E, Unit] = anyUnit.asInstanceOf[Env[E, Unit]] def scheduler[E]: Env[E, Scheduler] = fromTask(Task.deferAction(scheduler => Task.pure(scheduler))) def millis[E]: Env[E, Long] = fromTask(Task.deferAction(scheduler => Task.pure(scheduler.clockRealTime(MILLISECONDS)))) def shift[E]: Env[E, Unit] = fromTask(Task.shift) def shift[E](ec: ExecutionContext): Env[E, Unit] = fromTask(Task.shift(ec)) def sleep[E](duration: FiniteDuration): Env[E, Unit] = fromTask(Task.sleep(duration)) def fromTask[E, A](task: Task[A]): Env[E, A] = EnvTask(task) def delay[E, A](x: => A): Env[E, A] = later(x) def defer[E, A](x: => Env[E, A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task.defer( def deferTask[E, A](x: => Task[A]): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.defer(x)) def deferFuture[E, A](future: => Future[A]): Env[E, A] = EnvTask(Task.deferFuture(future)) def deferFutureContext[E, A](future: E => Future[A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task.deferFuture(future(ctx))) def deferFutureAction[E, A](futAct: Scheduler => Future[A]): Env[E, A] = EnvTask(Task.deferFutureAction(futAct)) def raiseError[E, A](throwable: Throwable): Env[E, A] = EnvTask(Task.raiseError(throwable)) def attempt[E, A](e: Env[E, A]): Env[E, Either[Throwable, A]] = e.attempt def fromFunc[E, A](f: E => A): Env[E, A] = Env.withContextNow(f) def fromReaderT[E, A](reader: ReaderT[Task, E, A]): Env[E, A] = Env( def fromTry[E, A](t: Try[A]): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.fromTry(t)) def fromEither[E, A](e: Either[Throwable, A]): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.fromTry(e.toTry)) def fromFuture[E, A](future: Future[A]): Env[E, A] = EnvTask(Task.fromFuture(future)) def fromTryFunc[E, A](ft: E => Try[A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task.fromTry(ft(ctx))) def fromEffect[F[_]: Effect, E, A](fa: F[A]): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.fromEffect(fa)) def fromEffectFunc[F[_]: Effect, E, A](ffa: E => F[A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task.fromEffect(ffa(ctx))) def fromEval[E, A](ea: Eval[A]): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.from(ea)) def fromEvalFunc[E, A](fea: E => Eval[A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task.from(fea(ctx))) def fromIO[E, A](ioa: IO[A]): Env[E, A] = fromTask(Task.from(ioa)) def fromIOFunc[E, A](fioa: E => IO[A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => Task.from(fioa(ctx))) def fromCoeval[E, A](ca: Coeval[A]): Env[E, A] = fromTask([Task]) def fromCoevalFunc[E, A](fca: E => Coeval[A]): Env[E, A] = Env(ctx => fca(ctx).to[Task]) def tailRecM[E, A, B](a: A)(f: (A) => Env[E, Either[A, B]]): Env[E, B] = Env(ctx => Task.tailRecM(a)(a1 => f(a1).run(ctx))) def when[E](cond: => Boolean)(io: => Env[E, _]): Env[E, Unit] = whenF(delay[E, Boolean](cond))(io) def whenF[E](cond: Env[E, Boolean])(io: => Env[E, _]): Env[E, Unit] = cond.flatMap(run => if (run) io.flatMap(_ => Env.unit[E]) else Env.unit[E]) }
Example 79
Source File: MonixWebSocketHandler.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.httpclient.monix import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import sttp.client.httpclient.WebSocketHandler import sttp.client.httpclient.internal.NativeWebSocketHandler import sttp.client.impl.monix.{MonixAsyncQueue, TaskMonadAsyncError} import{WebSocket, WebSocketEvent} object MonixWebSocketHandler { val IncomingBufferCapacity = 2 // has to be at least 2 (opening frame + one data frame) def apply()(implicit s: Scheduler ): Task[WebSocketHandler[WebSocket[Task]]] = { Task { val queue = new MonixAsyncQueue[WebSocketEvent](Some(IncomingBufferCapacity)) NativeWebSocketHandler(queue, TaskMonadAsyncError) } } }
Example 80
Source File: HttpClientMonixBackend.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.httpclient.monix import import import{HttpClient, HttpRequest} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import cats.effect.Resource import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import org.reactivestreams.FlowAdapters import sttp.client.httpclient.HttpClientBackend.EncodingHandler import sttp.client.httpclient.{HttpClientAsyncBackend, HttpClientBackend, WebSocketHandler} import sttp.client.impl.monix.TaskMonadAsyncError import sttp.client.testing.SttpBackendStub import sttp.client.{FollowRedirectsBackend, SttpBackend, SttpBackendOptions} import scala.util.{Success, Try} class HttpClientMonixBackend private ( client: HttpClient, closeClient: Boolean, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler )(implicit s: Scheduler) extends HttpClientAsyncBackend[Task, Observable[ByteBuffer]]( client, TaskMonadAsyncError, closeClient, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler ) { override def streamToRequestBody(stream: Observable[ByteBuffer]): Task[HttpRequest.BodyPublisher] = { monad.eval(BodyPublishers.fromPublisher(FlowAdapters.toFlowPublisher(stream.toReactivePublisher))) } override def responseBodyToStream(responseBody: InputStream): Try[Observable[ByteBuffer]] = { Success( Observable .fromInputStream( .map(ByteBuffer.wrap) .guaranteeCase(_ => Task(responseBody.close())) ) } } object HttpClientMonixBackend { private def apply( client: HttpClient, closeClient: Boolean, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler )(implicit s: Scheduler ): SttpBackend[Task, Observable[ByteBuffer], WebSocketHandler] = new FollowRedirectsBackend( new HttpClientMonixBackend(client, closeClient, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler)(s) ) def apply( options: SttpBackendOptions = SttpBackendOptions.Default, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest = identity, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler = PartialFunction.empty )(implicit s: Scheduler = ): Task[SttpBackend[Task, Observable[ByteBuffer], WebSocketHandler]] = Task.eval( HttpClientMonixBackend( HttpClientBackend.defaultClient(options), closeClient = true, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler )(s) ) def resource( options: SttpBackendOptions = SttpBackendOptions.Default, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest = identity, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler = PartialFunction.empty )(implicit s: Scheduler = ): Resource[Task, SttpBackend[Task, Observable[ByteBuffer], WebSocketHandler]] = Resource.make(apply(options, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler))(_.close()) def usingClient( client: HttpClient, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest = identity, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler = PartialFunction.empty )(implicit s: Scheduler = SttpBackend[Task, Observable[ByteBuffer], WebSocketHandler] = HttpClientMonixBackend(client, closeClient = false, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler)(s) def stub: SttpBackendStub[Task, Observable[ByteBuffer], WebSocketHandler] = SttpBackendStub(TaskMonadAsyncError) }
Example 81
Source File: GrpcMonix.scala From grpcmonix with MIT License | 5 votes |
package grpcmonix import import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import monix.eval.{Callback, Task} import monix.execution.Ack.{Continue, Stop} import monix.execution.{Ack, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.Observable import monix.reactive.observables.ObservableLike.{Operator, Transformer} import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber import monix.reactive.subjects.PublishSubject import org.reactivestreams.{Subscriber => SubscriberR} import scalapb.grpc.Grpc import scala.concurrent.Future object GrpcMonix { type GrpcOperator[I, O] = StreamObserver[O] => StreamObserver[I] def guavaFutureToMonixTask[T](future: ListenableFuture[T]): Task[T] = Task.deferFuture { Grpc.guavaFuture2ScalaFuture(future) } def grpcOperatorToMonixOperator[I,O](grpcOperator: GrpcOperator[I,O]): Operator[I,O] = { outputSubsriber: Subscriber[O] => val outputObserver: StreamObserver[O] = monixSubscriberToGrpcObserver(outputSubsriber) val inputObserver: StreamObserver[I] = grpcOperator(outputObserver) grpcObserverToMonixSubscriber(inputObserver, outputSubsriber.scheduler) } def monixSubscriberToGrpcObserver[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T]): StreamObserver[T] = new StreamObserver[T] { override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = subscriber.onError(t) override def onCompleted(): Unit = subscriber.onComplete() override def onNext(value: T): Unit = subscriber.onNext(value) } def reactiveSubscriberToGrpcObserver[T](subscriber: SubscriberR[_ >: T]): StreamObserver[T] = new StreamObserver[T] { override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = subscriber.onError(t) override def onCompleted(): Unit = subscriber.onComplete() override def onNext(value: T): Unit = subscriber.onNext(value) } def grpcObserverToMonixSubscriber[T](observer: StreamObserver[T], s: Scheduler): Subscriber[T] = new Subscriber[T] { override implicit def scheduler: Scheduler = s override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = observer.onError(t) override def onComplete(): Unit = observer.onCompleted() override def onNext(value: T): Future[Ack] = try { observer.onNext(value) Continue } catch { case t: Throwable => observer.onError(t) Stop } } def grpcObserverToMonixCallback[T](observer: StreamObserver[T]): Callback[T] = new Callback[T] { override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = observer.onError(t) override def onSuccess(value: T): Unit = { observer.onNext(value) observer.onCompleted() } } def liftByGrpcOperator[I, O](observable: Observable[I], operator: GrpcOperator[I, O]): Observable[O] = observable.liftByOperator( grpcOperatorToMonixOperator(operator) ) def unliftByTransformer[I, O](transformer: Transformer[I, O], subscriber: Subscriber[O]): Subscriber[I] = new Subscriber[I] { private[this] val subject = PublishSubject[I]() subject.transform(transformer).subscribe(subscriber) override implicit def scheduler: Scheduler = subscriber.scheduler override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = subject.onError(t) override def onComplete(): Unit = subject.onComplete() override def onNext(value: I): Future[Ack] = subject.onNext(value) } }
Example 82
Source File: MigrateV12ToV13.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.{EventEnvelope, NoOffset, PersistenceQuery} import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import import{Created, Updated} import{OrganizationRef, ResId, Views} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import io.circe.Json import io.circe.parser.parse import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import scala.concurrent.Future object MigrateV12ToV13 extends Resources { private val log = Logger[MigrateV12ToV13.type] private val newMapping = jsonContentOf("/elasticsearch/mapping.json") private val defaultEsId = nxv.defaultElasticSearchIndex.value private implicit val mockedAcls: AccessControlLists = AccessControlLists.empty def migrate( views: Views[Task], adminClient: AdminClient[Task] )(implicit config: AppConfig, as: ActorSystem, sc: Scheduler, pm: CanBlock): Unit = { implicit val token: Option[AuthToken] = config.iam.serviceAccountToken def checkAndUpdateMapping(id: ResId, rev: Long, source: Json)( implicit project: Project, caller: Caller ): Task[Unit] = { source.hcursor.get[String]("mapping").flatMap(parse) match { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error while fetching mapping for view id ${}. Reason: '$err'") Task.unit case Right(mapping) if mapping == newMapping => Task.unit case _ => views.update(id, rev, source deepMerge Json.obj("mapping" -> newMapping)).value.flatMap { case Left(err) => log.error(s"Error updating the view with id '${}' and rev '$rev'. Reason: '$err'") Task.unit case _ =>"View with id '${}' and rev '$rev' was successfully updated.") Task.unit } } } def fetchProject(orgRef: OrganizationRef, id: ResId)(f: Project => Task[Unit]): Task[Unit] = { adminClient.fetchProject(, { case Some(project) => f(project) case None => log.error(s"Project with id '${}' was not found for view with id '${}'") Task.unit } }"Migrating views mappings.") val pq = PersistenceQuery(as).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier) Task .fromFuture { pq.currentEventsByTag(s"type=${nxv.ElasticSearchView.value.asString}", NoOffset) .mapAsync(1) { case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, Created(id, orgRef, _, _, source, _, subject)) if id.value == defaultEsId => fetchProject(orgRef, id) { project => checkAndUpdateMapping(id, 1L, source)(project, Caller(subject, Set(subject))) }.runToFuture case EventEnvelope(_, _, _, Updated(id, orgRef, rev, _, source, _, subject)) if id.value == defaultEsId => fetchProject(orgRef, id) { project => checkAndUpdateMapping(id, rev, source)(project, Caller(subject, Set(subject))) }.runToFuture case _ => Future.unit } .runFold(0) { case (acc, _) => if (acc % 10 == 0)"Processed '$acc' persistence ids.") acc + 1 } .map(_ => ()) } .runSyncUnsafe()"Finished migrating views mappings.") } }
Example 83
Source File: RepairFromMessages.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.UUID import import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.PersistenceQuery import{Id, Repo, ResId} import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.CanBlock import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try object RepairFromMessages { // $COVERAGE-OFF$ private val log = Logger[RepairFromMessages.type] def repair(repo: Repo[Task])(implicit as: ActorSystem, sc: Scheduler, pm: CanBlock): Unit = {"Repairing dependent tables from messages.") val pq = PersistenceQuery(as).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier) Task .fromFuture { pq.currentPersistenceIds() .mapAsync(1) { case ResourceId(id) => (repo.get(id, None).value >> Task.unit).runToFuture case other => log.warn(s"Unknown persistence id '$other'") Future.successful(()) } .runFold(0) { case (acc, _) => if (acc % 1000 == 0)"Processed '$acc' persistence ids.") acc + 1 } .map(_ => ()) } .runSyncUnsafe()"Finished repairing dependent tables from messages.") } object ResourceId { private val regex = "^resources\\-([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})\\-(.+)$".r def unapply(arg: String): Option[ResId] = arg match { case regex(stringUuid, stringId) => for { uuid <- Try(UUID.fromString(stringUuid)).toOption iri <- Iri.absolute(URLDecoder.decode(stringId, "UTF-8")).toOption } yield Id(ProjectRef(uuid), iri) case _ => None } } // $COVERAGE-ON$ }
Example 84
Source File: GRPCServerExtension.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import import com.wavesplatform.extensions.{Extension, Context => ExtensionContext} import com.wavesplatform.settings.GRPCSettings import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging import io.grpc.Server import io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder import monix.execution.Scheduler import net.ceedubs.ficus.Ficus._ import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.ArbitraryTypeReader._ import scala.concurrent.Future class GRPCServerExtension(context: ExtensionContext) extends Extension with ScorexLogging { @volatile var server: Server = _ override def start(): Unit = { val settings =[GRPCSettings]("waves.grpc") this.server = startServer(settings) } override def shutdown(): Future[Unit] = { log.debug("Shutting down gRPC server") if (server != null) { server.shutdown() Future(server.awaitTermination())(context.actorSystem.dispatcher) } else { Future.successful(()) } } private[this] def startServer(settings: GRPCSettings): Server = { implicit val apiScheduler: Scheduler = Scheduler(context.actorSystem.dispatcher) val bindAddress = new InetSocketAddress(, settings.port) val server: Server = NettyServerBuilder .forAddress(bindAddress) .addService(TransactionsApiGrpc.bindService(new TransactionsApiGrpcImpl(context.transactionsApi), apiScheduler)) .addService(BlocksApiGrpc.bindService(new BlocksApiGrpcImpl(context.blocksApi), apiScheduler)) .addService(AccountsApiGrpc.bindService(new AccountsApiGrpcImpl(context.accountsApi), apiScheduler)) .addService(AssetsApiGrpc.bindService(new AssetsApiGrpcImpl(context.assetsApi, context.accountsApi), apiScheduler)) .addService(BlockchainApiGrpc.bindService(new BlockchainApiGrpcImpl(context.blockchain, context.settings.featuresSettings), apiScheduler)) .build() .start()"gRPC API was bound to $bindAddress") server } }
Example 85
Source File: AccountsApiGrpcImpl.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import import{BytesValue, StringValue} import com.wavesplatform.account.{Address, Alias} import com.wavesplatform.api.common.CommonAccountsApi import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.Amount import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.PBTransactions import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.concurrent.Future class AccountsApiGrpcImpl(commonApi: CommonAccountsApi)(implicit sc: Scheduler) extends AccountsApiGrpc.AccountsApi { private def loadWavesBalance(address: Address): BalanceResponse = { val details = commonApi.balanceDetails(address) BalanceResponse().withWaves( BalanceResponse.WavesBalances( details.regular, details.generating, details.available, details.effective, details.leaseIn, details.leaseOut ) ) } private def assetBalanceResponse(v: (Asset.IssuedAsset, Long)): BalanceResponse = BalanceResponse().withAsset(Amount(, v._2)) override def getBalances(request: BalancesRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[BalanceResponse]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val addressOption: Option[Address] = if (request.address.isEmpty) None else Some(request.address.toAddress) val assetIds: Seq[Asset] = => if (id.isEmpty) Asset.Waves else Asset.IssuedAsset(ByteStr(id.toByteArray))) val responseStream = (addressOption, assetIds) match { case (Some(address), Seq()) => Observable(loadWavesBalance(address)) ++ commonApi.portfolio(address).map(assetBalanceResponse) case (Some(address), nonEmptyList) => Observable .fromIterable(nonEmptyList) .map { case Asset.Waves => loadWavesBalance(address) case ia: Asset.IssuedAsset => assetBalanceResponse(ia -> commonApi.assetBalance(address, ia)) } case (None, Seq(_)) => // todo: asset distribution Observable.empty case (None, _) => // multiple distributions are not supported Observable.empty } responseObserver.completeWith(responseStream) } override def getScript(request: AccountRequest): Future[ScriptData] = Future { commonApi.script(request.address.toAddress) match { case Some(desc) => ScriptData(PBTransactions.toPBScript(Some(desc.script)), desc.script.expr.toString, desc.verifierComplexity) case None => ScriptData() } } override def getActiveLeases(request: AccountRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[TransactionResponse]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val transactions = commonApi.activeLeases(request.address.toAddress) val result = { case (height, transaction) => TransactionResponse(, height, Some(transaction.toPB)) } responseObserver.completeWith(result) } override def getDataEntries(request: DataRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[DataEntryResponse]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val stream = if (request.key.nonEmpty) { Observable.fromIterable(, request.key)) } else { commonApi.dataStream(request.address.toAddress, Option(request.key).filter(_.nonEmpty)) } responseObserver.completeWith( => DataEntryResponse(request.address, Some(PBTransactions.toPBDataEntry(de))))) } override def resolveAlias(request: StringValue): Future[BytesValue] = Future { val result = for { alias <- Alias.create(request.value) address <- commonApi.resolveAlias(alias) } yield BytesValue(ByteString.copyFrom(address.bytes)) result.explicitGetErr() } }
Example 86
Source File: AssetsApiGrpcImpl.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import com.wavesplatform.account.Address import com.wavesplatform.api.common.{CommonAccountsApi, CommonAssetsApi} import com.wavesplatform.api.http.ApiError.TransactionDoesNotExist import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.transaction.PBTransactions import com.wavesplatform.state.AssetScriptInfo import com.wavesplatform.state.AssetDescription import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.concurrent.Future class AssetsApiGrpcImpl(assetsApi: CommonAssetsApi, accountsApi: CommonAccountsApi)(implicit sc: Scheduler) extends AssetsApiGrpc.AssetsApi { override def getInfo(request: AssetRequest): Future[AssetInfoResponse] = Future { val result = for (info <- assetsApi.fullInfo(IssuedAsset(request.assetId))) yield { val result = assetInfoResponse(info.description).withSponsorBalance(info.sponsorBalance.getOrElse(0)) } result.explicitGetErr(TransactionDoesNotExist) } override def getNFTList(request: NFTRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[NFTResponse]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val addressOption: Option[Address] = if (request.address.isEmpty) None else Some(request.address.toAddress) val afterAssetId: Option[IssuedAsset] = if (request.afterAssetId.isEmpty) None else Some(IssuedAsset(ByteStr(request.afterAssetId.toByteArray))) val responseStream = addressOption match { case Some(address) => accountsApi .nftList(address, afterAssetId) .map { case (a, d) => NFTResponse(, Some(assetInfoResponse(d))) } .take(request.limit) case _ => Observable.empty } responseObserver.completeWith(responseStream) } private def assetInfoResponse(d: AssetDescription): AssetInfoResponse = AssetInfoResponse( d.issuer,, d.description.toStringUtf8, d.decimals, d.reissuable, d.totalVolume.longValue, { case AssetScriptInfo(script, complexity) => ScriptData( PBTransactions.toPBScript(Some(script)), script.expr.toString, complexity ) }, d.sponsorship ) }
Example 87
Source File: BlockchainApiGrpcImpl.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import import import com.wavesplatform.features.{BlockchainFeatureStatus, BlockchainFeatures} import com.wavesplatform.settings.FeaturesSettings import com.wavesplatform.state.Blockchain import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Future class BlockchainApiGrpcImpl(blockchain: Blockchain, featuresSettings: FeaturesSettings)(implicit sc: Scheduler) extends BlockchainApiGrpc.BlockchainApi { override def getActivationStatus(request: ActivationStatusRequest): Future[ActivationStatusResponse] = Future { val functionalitySettings = blockchain.settings.functionalitySettings ActivationStatusResponse( request.height, functionalitySettings.activationWindowSize(request.height), functionalitySettings.blocksForFeatureActivation(request.height), functionalitySettings.activationWindow(request.height).last, (blockchain.featureVotes(request.height).keySet ++ blockchain.approvedFeatures.keySet ++ BlockchainFeatures.implemented) => { val status = blockchain.featureStatus(id, request.height) match { case BlockchainFeatureStatus.Undefined => FeatureActivationStatus.BlockchainFeatureStatus.UNDEFINED case BlockchainFeatureStatus.Approved => FeatureActivationStatus.BlockchainFeatureStatus.APPROVED case BlockchainFeatureStatus.Activated => FeatureActivationStatus.BlockchainFeatureStatus.ACTIVATED } FeatureActivationStatus( id, BlockchainFeatures.feature(id).fold("Unknown feature")(_.description), status, (BlockchainFeatures.implemented.contains(id), featuresSettings.supported.contains(id)) match { case (false, _) => FeatureActivationStatus.NodeFeatureStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED case (_, true) => FeatureActivationStatus.NodeFeatureStatus.VOTED case _ => FeatureActivationStatus.NodeFeatureStatus.IMPLEMENTED }, blockchain.featureActivationHeight(id).getOrElse(0), if (status.isUndefined) blockchain.featureVotes(request.height).getOrElse(id, 0) else 0 ) }) ) } override def getBaseTarget(request: Empty): Future[BaseTargetResponse] = Future { BaseTargetResponse(blockchain.lastBlockHeader.get.header.baseTarget) } override def getCumulativeScore(request: Empty): Future[ScoreResponse] = Future { ScoreResponse(ByteString.copyFrom(blockchain.score.toByteArray)) } }
Example 88
Source File: BlocksApiGrpcImpl.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.grpc import import import com.wavesplatform.api.BlockMeta import com.wavesplatform.api.common.CommonBlocksApi import com.wavesplatform.api.grpc.BlockRangeRequest.Filter import com.wavesplatform.api.grpc.BlockRequest.Request import com.wavesplatform.api.http.ApiError.BlockDoesNotExist import com.wavesplatform.protobuf.block.PBBlock import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Transaction import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Future class BlocksApiGrpcImpl(commonApi: CommonBlocksApi)(implicit sc: Scheduler) extends BlocksApiGrpc.BlocksApi { import BlocksApiGrpcImpl._ override def getCurrentHeight(request: Empty): Future[UInt32Value] = { Future.successful(UInt32Value(commonApi.currentHeight)) } override def getBlockRange(request: BlockRangeRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[BlockWithHeight]): Unit = responseObserver.interceptErrors { val stream = if (request.includeTransactions) commonApi .blocksRange(request.fromHeight, request.toHeight) .map(toBlockWithHeight) else commonApi .metaRange(request.fromHeight, request.toHeight) .map { meta => BlockWithHeight(Some(PBBlock(Some(meta.header.toPBHeader), meta.signature)), meta.height) } responseObserver.completeWith(request.filter match { case Filter.GeneratorPublicKey(publicKey) => stream.filter(_.getBlock.getHeader.generator.toPublicKey == publicKey.toPublicKey) case Filter.GeneratorAddress(address) => stream.filter(_.getBlock.getHeader.generator.toAddress == address.toAddress) case Filter.Empty => stream }) } override def getBlock(request: BlockRequest): Future[BlockWithHeight] = Future { val result = request.request match { case Request.BlockId(blockId) => commonApi .block(blockId) .map(toBlockWithHeight) case Request.Height(height) => val actualHeight = if (height > 0) height else commonApi.currentHeight + height commonApi .blockAtHeight(actualHeight) .map(toBlockWithHeight) case Request.Empty => None } val finalResult = if (request.includeTransactions) result else := Nil)) finalResult.explicitGetErr(BlockDoesNotExist) } } object BlocksApiGrpcImpl { private def toBlockWithHeight(v: (BlockMeta, Seq[(Transaction, Boolean)])) = { BlockWithHeight(Some(PBBlock(Some(v._1.header.toPBHeader), v._1.signature.toPBByteString,, v._1.height) } }
Example 89
Source File: Signed.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.transaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.InvalidSignature import monix.eval.{Coeval, Task} import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.execution.schedulers.SchedulerService import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration trait Signed extends Authorized { protected val signatureValid: Coeval[Boolean] protected val signedDescendants: Coeval[Seq[Signed]] = Coeval(Nil) protected val signaturesValidMemoized: Task[Either[InvalidSignature, this.type]] = Signed.validateTask[this.type](this).memoize val signaturesValid: Coeval[Either[InvalidSignature, this.type]] = Coeval.evalOnce(Await.result(signaturesValidMemoized.runToFuture(Signed.scheduler), Duration.Inf)) } object Signed { type E[A] = Either[InvalidSignature, A] private implicit lazy val scheduler: SchedulerService = { val parallelism = (Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() / 2).max(1).min(4) Scheduler.computation(parallelism, "sig-validator") } def validateOrdered[S <: Signed](ss: Seq[S]): E[Seq[S]] = Await.result( Task .parTraverse(ss)(s => s.signaturesValidMemoized) .map( _.collectFirst { case Left(v) => Left(v) }.getOrElse(Right(ss)) ) .runAsyncLogErr, Duration.Inf ) private def validateTask[S <: Signed](signedEntity: S): Task[E[S]] = Task { import cats.instances.either._ import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.traverse._ if (!signedEntity.signatureValid()) {, None))) } else if (signedEntity.signedDescendants().isEmpty) { } else { Task .parTraverseUnordered(signedEntity.signedDescendants())(s => s.signaturesValidMemoized) .map( => signedEntity)) } }.flatten }
Example 90
Source File: ChannelClosedHandler.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import monix.reactive.subjects.ConcurrentSubject @Sharable class ChannelClosedHandler private extends ChannelHandlerAdapter { private val closedChannelsSubject = ConcurrentSubject.publish[Channel]( override def handlerAdded(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext): Unit = { ChannelFuture) => closedChannelsSubject.onNext( super.handlerAdded(ctx) } def shutdown(): Unit = { closedChannelsSubject.onComplete() } } object ChannelClosedHandler { def apply(): (ChannelClosedHandler, Observable[Channel]) = { val h = new ChannelClosedHandler() (h, h.closedChannelsSubject) } }
Example 91
Source File: CustomDirectives.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive1, _} import com.wavesplatform.http.ApiMarshallers import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging import monix.execution.{Scheduler, UncaughtExceptionReporter} import play.api.libs.json.JsObject trait CustomDirectives extends Directives with ApiMarshallers with ScorexLogging { def anyParam(paramName: String): Directive1[Iterable[String]] = (get & parameter([String].*).map(_.toSeq.reverse)) | post & (formField([String].*) | entity(as[JsObject]).map { jso => (jso \ s"${paramName}s").as[Iterable[String]] }) def extractScheduler: Directive1[Scheduler] = => Scheduler(ec, UncaughtExceptionReporter((t: Throwable) => log.debug("Error processing request", t)))) }
Example 92
Source File: TimeLimitedRoute.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.ToResponseMarshallable import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive1, ExceptionHandler, Route} import{ExecutionError, UncheckedExecutionException} import com.wavesplatform.utils.Schedulers import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.ExecutionException trait TimeLimitedRoute { self: ApiRoute => def limitedScheduler: Scheduler def executeLimited[T](f: => T): Directive1[T] = { val handler = ExceptionHandler { case _: InterruptedException | _: ExecutionException | _: ExecutionError | _: UncheckedExecutionException => complete(ApiError.CustomValidationError("The request took too long to complete")) } handleExceptions(handler) & onSuccess(Schedulers.executeCatchingInterruptedException(limitedScheduler)(f)) } def completeLimited(f: => ToResponseMarshallable): Route = executeLimited(f)(complete(_)) }
Example 93
Source File: ScorexLogging.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.utils import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.{CancelableFuture, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.Observable import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} case class LoggerFacade(logger: Logger) { def trace(message: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = { if (logger.isTraceEnabled) logger.trace(message, throwable) } def trace(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isTraceEnabled) logger.trace(message) } def debug(message: => String, arg: Any): Unit = { if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(message, arg) } def debug(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isDebugEnabled) logger.debug(message) } def info(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isInfoEnabled) } def info(message: => String, arg: Any): Unit = { if (logger.isInfoEnabled), arg) } def info(message: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = { if (logger.isInfoEnabled), throwable) } def warn(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(message) } def warn(message: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = { if (logger.isWarnEnabled) logger.warn(message, throwable) } def error(message: => String): Unit = { if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(message) } def error(message: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = { if (logger.isErrorEnabled) logger.error(message, throwable) } } trait ScorexLogging { protected lazy val log = LoggerFacade(LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)) implicit class TaskExt[A](t: Task[A]) { def runAsyncLogErr(implicit s: Scheduler): CancelableFuture[A] = logErr.runToFuture(s) def logErr: Task[A] = { t.onErrorHandleWith(ex => { log.error(s"Error executing task", ex) Task.raiseError[A](ex) }) } } implicit class ObservableExt[A](o: Observable[A]) { def logErr: Observable[A] = { o.onErrorHandleWith(ex => { log.error(s"Error observing item", ex) Observable.raiseError[A](ex) }) } } }
Example 94
Source File: MicroblockAppender.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.state.appender import import com.wavesplatform.block.Block.BlockId import com.wavesplatform.block.MicroBlock import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.metrics.{BlockStats, _} import import import com.wavesplatform.state.Blockchain import com.wavesplatform.transaction.BlockchainUpdater import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.InvalidSignature import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging import com.wavesplatform.utx.UtxPool import import import kamon.Kamon import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.util.{Left, Right} object MicroblockAppender extends ScorexLogging { def apply(blockchainUpdater: BlockchainUpdater with Blockchain, utxStorage: UtxPool, scheduler: Scheduler, verify: Boolean = true)( microBlock: MicroBlock ): Task[Either[ValidationError, BlockId]] = { Task(metrics.microblockProcessingTimeStats.measureSuccessful { blockchainUpdater .processMicroBlock(microBlock, verify) .map { totalBlockId => utxStorage.removeAll(microBlock.transactionData) totalBlockId } }).executeOn(scheduler) } def apply( blockchainUpdater: BlockchainUpdater with Blockchain, utxStorage: UtxPool, allChannels: ChannelGroup, peerDatabase: PeerDatabase, scheduler: Scheduler )(ch: Channel, md: MicroblockData): Task[Unit] = { import md.microBlock val microblockTotalResBlockSig = microBlock.totalResBlockSig (for { _ <- EitherT( _ <- EitherT(apply(blockchainUpdater, utxStorage, scheduler)(microBlock)) } yield ()) { case Right(_) => md.invOpt match { case Some(mi) => allChannels.broadcast(mi, except = md.microblockOwners()) case None => log.warn(s"${id(ch)} Not broadcasting MicroBlockInv") } BlockStats.applied(microBlock) case Left(is: InvalidSignature) => peerDatabase.blacklistAndClose(ch, s"Could not append microblock $microblockTotalResBlockSig: $is") case Left(ve) => BlockStats.declined(microBlock) log.debug(s"${id(ch)} Could not append microblock $microblockTotalResBlockSig: $ve") } } private[this] object metrics { val microblockProcessingTimeStats = Kamon.timer("microblock-appender.processing-time").withoutTags() } }
Example 95
Source File: RxScheduler.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform import com.wavesplatform.account.KeyPair import com.wavesplatform.block.{Block, MicroBlock} import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2 import com.wavesplatform.crypto._ import com.wavesplatform.lagonaki.mocks.TestBlock import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.Waves import com.wavesplatform.transaction.transfer._ import monix.execution.schedulers.SchedulerService import monix.execution.{Ack, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.Observer import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} trait RxScheduler extends BeforeAndAfterAll { _: Suite => implicit val implicitScheduler: SchedulerService = Scheduler.singleThread("rx-scheduler") def testSchedulerName: String lazy val testScheduler: SchedulerService = Scheduler.singleThread(testSchedulerName) def test[A](f: => Future[A]): A = Await.result(f, 10.seconds) def send[A](p: Observer[A])(a: A): Future[Ack] = p.onNext(a) .map(ack => { Thread.sleep(500) ack }) def byteStr(id: Int): ByteStr = ByteStr(Array.concat(Array.fill(SignatureLength - 1)(0), Array(id.toByte))) val signer: KeyPair = TestBlock.defaultSigner def block(id: Int): Block = TestBlock.create(Seq.empty).copy(signature = byteStr(id)) def microBlock(total: Int, prev: Int): MicroBlock = { val tx = TransferTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, signer, signer.toAddress, Waves, 1, Waves, 1, ByteStr.empty, 1).explicitGet() MicroBlock.buildAndSign(3.toByte, signer, Seq(tx), byteStr(prev), byteStr(total)).explicitGet() } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { super.afterAll() implicitScheduler.shutdown() testScheduler.shutdown() } }
Example 96
Source File: MicroBlockMinerSpec.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.mining import com.wavesplatform.account.Alias import com.wavesplatform.block.Block import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._ import com.wavesplatform.db.WithDomain import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatures import com.wavesplatform.lagonaki.mocks.TestBlock import com.wavesplatform.mining.microblocks.MicroBlockMinerImpl import com.wavesplatform.mining.microblocks.MicroBlockMinerImpl.MicroBlockMiningResult import com.wavesplatform.settings.TestFunctionalitySettings import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{CreateAliasTransaction, GenesisTransaction, TxVersion} import com.wavesplatform.utils.Schedulers import com.wavesplatform.utx.UtxPoolImpl import com.wavesplatform.{TestValues, TransactionGen} import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalamock.scalatest.PathMockFactory import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers, PrivateMethodTester} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random class MicroBlockMinerSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with PrivateMethodTester with PathMockFactory with WithDomain with TransactionGen { "Micro block miner" should "generate microblocks in flat interval" in { val scheduler = Schedulers.singleThread("test") val acc = TestValues.keyPair val genesis = GenesisTransaction.create(acc.toAddress, TestValues.bigMoney, TestValues.timestamp).explicitGet() val settings = domainSettingsWithFS(TestFunctionalitySettings.withFeatures(BlockchainFeatures.NG)) withDomain(settings) { d => d.appendBlock(TestBlock.create(Seq(genesis))) val utxPool = new UtxPoolImpl(ntpTime, d.blockchainUpdater, ignoreSpendableBalanceChanged, settings.utxSettings, enablePriorityPool = true) val microBlockMiner = new MicroBlockMinerImpl( _ => (), null, d.blockchainUpdater, utxPool, settings.minerSettings, scheduler, scheduler ) val generateOneMicroBlockTask = PrivateMethod[Task[MicroBlockMiningResult]](Symbol("generateOneMicroBlockTask")) def generateBlocks( block: Block, constraint: MiningConstraint, lastMicroBlock: Long ): Block = { val task = microBlockMiner invokePrivate generateOneMicroBlockTask( acc, block, MiningConstraints(d.blockchainUpdater, d.blockchainUpdater.height, Some(settings.minerSettings)), constraint, lastMicroBlock ) import val startTime = System.nanoTime() val tx = CreateAliasTransaction .selfSigned(TxVersion.V1, acc, Alias.create("test" + Random.nextInt()).explicitGet(), TestValues.fee, TestValues.timestamp) .explicitGet() utxPool.putIfNew(tx).resultE.explicitGet() val result = task.runSyncUnsafe() result match { case res @ MicroBlockMinerImpl.Success(b, totalConstraint) => val isFirstBlock = block.transactionData.isEmpty val elapsed = (res.nanoTime - startTime).nanos.toMillis if (isFirstBlock) elapsed should be < 1000L else elapsed shouldBe settings.minerSettings.microBlockInterval.toMillis +- 1000 generateBlocks(b, totalConstraint, res.nanoTime) case MicroBlockMinerImpl.Stop => d.blockchainUpdater.liquidBlock(d.blockchainUpdater.lastBlockId.get).get case MicroBlockMinerImpl.Retry => throw new IllegalStateException() } } val baseBlock = Block .buildAndSign( 3, TestValues.timestamp, d.lastBlockId, d.lastBlock.header.baseTarget, d.lastBlock.header.generationSignature, Nil, acc, Nil, 0 ) .explicitGet() d.appendBlock(baseBlock) val constraint = OneDimensionalMiningConstraint(5,, "limit") val lastBlock = generateBlocks(baseBlock, constraint, 0) lastBlock.transactionData should have size } } }
Example 97
Source File: EnvRouting.scala From typed-schema with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.envRouting import cats.syntax.semigroup._ import com.twitter import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response, Status} import com.twitter.finagle.{Service, http} import com.twitter.util.{Future, Promise} import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.Rejection.Recover import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle._ import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.envRouting.EnvRouting.EnvHttp import ru.tinkoff.tschema.utils.SubString import tofu.env.Env final case class EnvRouting[+R]( request: http.Request, path: CharSequence, matched: Int, embedded: R ) object EnvRouting extends EnvInstanceDecl { type EnvHttp[R, +A] = Env[EnvRouting[R], A] implicit def taskRouted[R] : RoutedPlus[EnvHttp[R, *]] with ConvertService[EnvHttp[R, *]] with LiftHttp[EnvHttp[R, *], Env[R, *]] = envRoutedAny.asInstanceOf[EnvRoutedConvert[R]] implicit def envRunnable[R](implicit recover: Recover[EnvHttp[R, *]] = Recover.default[EnvHttp[R, *]] ): RunHttp[EnvHttp[R, *], Env[R, *]] = response => { val handled = response.onErrorRecoverWith { case Rejected(rej) => recover(rej) } Env(r => Task.deferAction(implicit sched => Task.delay(execResponse(r, handled, _)))) } private[this] def execResponse[R](r: R, envResponse: EnvHttp[R, Response], request: Request)(implicit sc: Scheduler ): Future[Response] = { val promise = Promise[Response] val routing = EnvRouting(request, SubString(request.path), 0, r) val cancelable = { case Right(res) => promise.setValue(res) case Left(ex) => val resp = Response(Status.InternalServerError) val message = Option(ex.getLocalizedMessage).getOrElse(ex.toString) resp.setContentString(message) promise.setValue(resp) } promise.setInterruptHandler { case _ => cancelable.cancel() } promise } } private[finagle] class EnvInstanceDecl { protected trait EnvRoutedConvert[R] extends RoutedPlus[EnvHttp[R, *]] with ConvertService[EnvHttp[R, *]] with LiftHttp[EnvHttp[R, *], Env[R, *]] { private type F[a] = EnvHttp[R, a] implicit private[this] val self: RoutedPlus[F] = this def matched: F[Int] = Env.fromFunc(_.matched) def withMatched[A](m: Int, fa: F[A]): F[A] = fa.local(_.copy(matched = m)) def path: F[CharSequence] = Env.fromFunc(_.path) def request: F[http.Request] = Env.fromFunc(_.request) def reject[A](rejection: Rejection): F[A] = Routed.unmatchedPath[F].flatMap(path => throwRej(rejection withPath path.toString)) def combineK[A](x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A] = catchRej(x)(xrs => catchRej(y)(yrs => throwRej(xrs |+| yrs))) def convertService[A](svc: Service[http.Request, A]): F[A] = Env { r => Task.cancelable { cb => val fut = svc(r.request).respond { case twitter.util.Return(a) => cb.onSuccess(a) case twitter.util.Throw(ex) => cb.onError(ex) } Task(fut.raise(new InterruptedException)) } } def apply[A](fa: Env[R, A]): EnvHttp[R, A] = fa.localP(_.embedded) @inline private[this] def catchRej[A](z: F[A])(f: Rejection => F[A]): F[A] = z.onErrorRecoverWith { case Rejected(xrs) => f(xrs) } @inline private[this] def throwRej[A](map: Rejection): F[A] = Env.raiseError(envRouting.Rejected(map)) } protected object envRoutedAny extends EnvRoutedConvert[Any] }
Example 98
Source File: TaskRouting.scala From typed-schema with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.envRouting import cats.syntax.semigroup._ import com.twitter import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response, Status} import com.twitter.finagle.{Service, http} import com.twitter.util.{Future, Promise} import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.Rejection.Recover import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle._ import ru.tinkoff.tschema.finagle.envRouting.TaskRouting.TaskHttp import ru.tinkoff.tschema.utils.SubString import tofu.env.Env final case class TaskRouting( request: http.Request, path: CharSequence, matched: Int ) object TaskRouting extends TaskInstanceDecl { type TaskHttp[+A] = Env[TaskRouting, A] implicit val taskRouted: RoutedPlus[TaskHttp] with ConvertService[TaskHttp] with LiftHttp[TaskHttp, Task] = new TaskRoutedConvert implicit def envRunnable(implicit recover: Recover[TaskHttp] = Recover.default[TaskHttp] ): RunHttp[TaskHttp, Task] = response => Task.deferAction(implicit sched => Task.delay(execResponse(response, _))) private[this] def execResponse( envResponse: TaskHttp[Response], request: Request )(implicit sc: Scheduler, recover: Recover[TaskHttp]): Future[Response] = { val promise = Promise[Response] val routing = TaskRouting(request, SubString(request.path), 0) val cancelable = envResponse.onErrorRecoverWith { case Rejected(rej) => recover(rej) }.run(routing).runAsync { case Right(res) => promise.setValue(res) case Left(ex) => val resp = Response(Status.InternalServerError) resp.setContentString(ex.getMessage) promise.setValue(resp) } promise.setInterruptHandler { case _ => cancelable.cancel() } promise } } private[finagle] class TaskInstanceDecl { protected class TaskRoutedConvert extends RoutedPlus[TaskHttp] with ConvertService[TaskHttp] with LiftHttp[TaskHttp, Task] { private type F[a] = TaskHttp[a] implicit private[this] val self: RoutedPlus[F] = this def matched: F[Int] = Env.fromFunc(_.matched) def withMatched[A](m: Int, fa: F[A]): F[A] = fa.local(_.copy(matched = m)) def path: F[CharSequence] = Env.fromFunc(_.path) def request: F[http.Request] = Env.fromFunc(_.request) def reject[A](rejection: Rejection): F[A] = Routed.unmatchedPath[F].flatMap(path => throwRej(rejection withPath path.toString)) def combineK[A](x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A] = catchRej(x)(xrs => catchRej(y)(yrs => throwRej(xrs |+| yrs))) def convertService[A](svc: Service[http.Request, A]): F[A] = Env { r => Task.cancelable { cb => val fut = svc(r.request).respond { case twitter.util.Return(a) => cb.onSuccess(a) case twitter.util.Throw(ex) => cb.onError(ex) } Task(fut.raise(new InterruptedException)) } } def apply[A](fa: Task[A]): TaskHttp[A] = Env.fromTask(fa) @inline private[this] def catchRej[A](z: F[A])(f: Rejection => F[A]): F[A] = z.onErrorRecoverWith { case Rejected(xrs) => f(xrs) } @inline private[this] def throwRej[A](map: Rejection): F[A] = Env.raiseError(envRouting.Rejected(map)) } }
Example 99
Source File: MonixTest.scala From phobos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.phobos.test import java.util.concurrent.Executors import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import org.scalatest.AsyncWordSpec import ru.tinkoff.phobos.annotations.{ElementCodec, XmlCodec} import ru.tinkoff.phobos.decoding.XmlDecoder import ru.tinkoff.phobos.syntax.text import ru.tinkoff.phobos.monix._ class MonixTest extends AsyncWordSpec { implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = Scheduler(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(4)) "Monix decoder" should { "decode case classes correctly" in { @ElementCodec case class Bar(@text txt: Int) @XmlCodec("foo") case class Foo(qux: Int, maybeBar: Option[Bar], bars: List[Bar]) val xml = """ |<foo> | <qux>1234</qux> | <bars>2</bars> | <maybeBar>1</maybeBar> | <bars>3</bars> |</foo> |""".stripMargin val foo = Foo(1234, Some(Bar(1)), List(Bar(2), Bar(3))) val observable = Observable.fromIterable( => Array(x.toByte))) XmlDecoder[Foo] .decodeFromObservable(observable) .map(result => assert(result == foo)) .runToFuture } } }
Example 100
Source File: MultiPartBody.scala From RosHTTP with MIT License | 5 votes |
package fr.hmil.roshttp.body import java.nio.ByteBuffer import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.util.Random class MultiPartBody(parts: Map[String, BodyPart], subtype: String = "form-data")(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) extends BodyPart { val boundary = "----" + Random.alphanumeric.take(24).mkString.toLowerCase override def contentType: String = s"multipart/$subtype; boundary=$boundary" override def content: Observable[ByteBuffer] = { parts. // Prepend multipart encapsulation boundary and body part headers to // each body part. map({ case (name, part) => ByteBuffer.wrap( ("\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + name + "\"\r\n" + s"Content-Type: ${part.contentType}\r\n" + "\r\n").getBytes("utf-8") ) +: part.content }). // Join body parts reduceLeft((acc, elem) => acc ++ elem). // Append the closing boundary :+(ByteBuffer.wrap(s"\r\n--$boundary--\r\n".getBytes("utf-8"))) } } object MultiPartBody { def apply(parts: (String, BodyPart)*)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): MultiPartBody = new MultiPartBody(Map(parts: _*)) }
Example 101
Source File: SimpleHttpResponse.scala From RosHTTP with MIT License | 5 votes |
package fr.hmil.roshttp.response import java.nio.ByteBuffer import fr.hmil.roshttp.BackendConfig import fr.hmil.roshttp.exceptions.ResponseException import fr.hmil.roshttp.util.{HeaderMap, Utils} import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.collection.mutable import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class SimpleHttpResponse( val statusCode: Int, val headers: HeaderMap[String], val body: String) extends HttpResponse object SimpleHttpResponse extends HttpResponseFactory[SimpleHttpResponse] { override def apply( header: HttpResponseHeader, bodyStream: Observable[ByteBuffer], config: BackendConfig) (implicit scheduler: Scheduler): Future[SimpleHttpResponse] = { val charset = Utils.charsetFromContentType(header.headers.getOrElse("content-type", null)) val buffers = mutable.Queue[ByteBuffer]() val promise = Promise[SimpleHttpResponse]() val streamCollector = bodyStream. foreach(elem => buffers.enqueue(elem)). map({_ => val body = recomposeBody(buffers, config.maxChunkSize, charset) new SimpleHttpResponse(header.statusCode, header.headers, body) }) streamCollector.onComplete({ case res:Success[SimpleHttpResponse] => promise.trySuccess(res.value) case e:Failure[_] => promise.tryFailure(new ResponseException(e.exception, header)) }) promise.future } private def recomposeBody(seq: mutable.Queue[ByteBuffer], maxChunkSize: Int, charset: String): String = { // Allocate maximum expected body length val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(seq.length * maxChunkSize) val totalBytes = seq.foldLeft(0)({ (count, chunk) => buffer.put(chunk) count + chunk.limit() }) buffer.limit(totalBytes) Utils.getStringFromBuffer(buffer, charset) } }
Example 102
Source File: StreamHttpResponse.scala From RosHTTP with MIT License | 5 votes |
package fr.hmil.roshttp.response import java.nio.ByteBuffer import fr.hmil.roshttp.BackendConfig import fr.hmil.roshttp.util.HeaderMap import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable import scala.concurrent.Future class StreamHttpResponse( val statusCode: Int, val headers: HeaderMap[String], val body: Observable[ByteBuffer]) extends HttpResponse object StreamHttpResponse extends HttpResponseFactory[StreamHttpResponse] { override def apply( header: HttpResponseHeader, bodyStream: Observable[ByteBuffer], config: BackendConfig) (implicit scheduler: Scheduler): Future[StreamHttpResponse] = Future.successful(new StreamHttpResponse(header.statusCode, header.headers, bodyStream)) }
Example 103
Source File: HttpDriver.scala From RosHTTP with MIT License | 5 votes |
package fr.hmil.roshttp import fr.hmil.roshttp.node.Modules.{HttpModule, HttpsModule} import fr.hmil.roshttp.response.{HttpResponse, HttpResponseFactory} import monix.execution.Scheduler import scala.concurrent.Future private object HttpDriver extends DriverTrait { private var _driver: Option[DriverTrait] = None def send[T <: HttpResponse](req: HttpRequest, factory: HttpResponseFactory[T])(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): Future[T] = { _driver.getOrElse(chooseBackend()).send(req, factory) } private def chooseBackend(): DriverTrait = { if (HttpModule.isAvailable && HttpsModule.isAvailable) { _driver = Some(NodeDriver) } else { _driver = Some(BrowserDriver) } _driver.get } }
Example 104
Source File: KnownBossesMap.scala From gbf-raidfinder with MIT License | 3 votes |
package walfie.gbf.raidfinder import akka.agent.Agent import java.util.Date import monix.execution.{Ack, Cancelable, Scheduler} import monix.reactive._ import monix.reactive.subjects.ConcurrentSubject import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import walfie.gbf.raidfinder.domain._ trait KnownBossesMap { def get(): Map[BossName, RaidBoss] def newBossObservable(): Observable[RaidBoss] class KnownBossesObserver( initialBosses: Seq[RaidBoss] )(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) extends Observer[RaidInfo] with KnownBossesMap { private val agent = Agent[Map[BossName, RaidBoss]]( => -> boss)(scala.collection.breakOut) ) // TODO: Write test for this private val subject = ConcurrentSubject.publish[RaidBoss] val newBossObservable: Observable[RaidBoss] = subject def onComplete(): Unit = () def onError(e: Throwable): Unit = () def onNext(elem: RaidInfo): Future[Ack] = { val name = elem.tweet.bossName val raidBoss = elem.boss if (!agent.get.isDefinedAt(name)) { subject.onNext(raidBoss) } agent.alter(_.updated(name, raidBoss)).flatMap(_ => Ack.Continue) } def get(): Map[BossName, RaidBoss] = agent.get() def purgeOldBosses( minDate: Date, levelThreshold: Option[Int] ): Future[Map[BossName, RaidBoss]] = { agent.alter(_.filter { case (name, boss) => boss.lastSeen.after(minDate) || levelThreshold.exists(boss.level >= _) }) } }