Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: ParEnvSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.env import cats.Parallel import cats.instances.list._ import import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.concurrent.duration._ class ParEnvSuite extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { "parSequence" should "not stack overflow on large collection" in { Parallel .parSequence( List .range(1, 10000) .map(i => Env.fromFunc((j: Int) => i * j)) ) .run(3) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldBe List.range(3, 30000, 3) } }
Example 2
Source File: Server.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp import cats.Parallel import cats.effect.Effect import com.smartbackpackerapp.http.auth.JwtTokenAuthMiddleware import fs2.StreamApp.ExitCode import fs2.{Scheduler, Stream, StreamApp} import monix.eval.Task import import org.http4s.client.blaze.Http1Client import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeBuilder object Server extends HttpServer[Task, Task.Par] class HttpServer[F[_], G[_]](implicit F: Effect[F], P: Parallel[F, G]) extends StreamApp[F] { // Workaround until something like mirror comes out: implicit val parallel: Parallel[F, F] = P.asInstanceOf[Parallel[F, F]] private lazy val ApiToken: F[Option[String]] = F.delay(sys.env.get("SB_API_TOKEN")) override def stream(args: List[String], requestShutdown: F[Unit]): Stream[F, ExitCode] = Scheduler(corePoolSize = 2).flatMap { implicit scheduler => for { httpClient <-[F]() ctx = new Module[F](httpClient) _ <- Stream.eval(ctx.migrateDb) _ <- Stream.eval(ctx.startMetricsReporter) apiToken <- Stream.eval(ApiToken) authMiddleware <- Stream.eval(JwtTokenAuthMiddleware[F](apiToken)) exitCode <- BlazeBuilder[F] .bindHttp(sys.env.getOrElse("PORT", "8080").toInt, "") .mountService(authMiddleware(ctx.httpEndpointsWithMetrics)) .serve } yield exitCode } }
Example 3
Source File: OkHttpHighLevelMonixWebsocketTest.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.okhttp.monix import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.Assertion import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.impl.monix.{TaskMonadAsyncError, convertMonixTaskToFuture} import sttp.client.monad.MonadError import sttp.client.monad.syntax._ import sttp.client.okhttp.WebSocketHandler import sttp.client.okhttp.monix.internal.SendMessageException import sttp.client.testing.ConvertToFuture import sttp.client.testing.websocket.HighLevelWebsocketTest import import sttp.client.testing.HttpTest.wsEndpoint import scala.concurrent.duration._ class OkHttpHighLevelMonixWebsocketTest extends HighLevelWebsocketTest[Task, WebSocketHandler] { override implicit val backend: SttpBackend[Task, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = OkHttpMonixBackend().runSyncUnsafe() override implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[Task] = convertMonixTaskToFuture override implicit val monad: MonadError[Task] = TaskMonadAsyncError override def createHandler: Option[Int] => Task[WebSocketHandler[WebSocket[Task]]] = MonixWebSocketHandler(_) it should "error if the endpoint is not a websocket" in { monad .handleError { basicRequest .get(uri"$wsEndpoint/echo") .openWebsocketF(createHandler(None)) .map(_ => fail: Assertion) } { case e: Exception => (e shouldBe a[SttpClientException.ReadException]).unit } .toFuture() } it should "error if incoming messages overflow the buffer" in { basicRequest .get(uri"$wsEndpoint/ws/echo") .openWebsocketF(createHandler(Some(3))) .flatMap { response => val ws = response.result send(ws, 1000) >> eventually(10 millis, 400)( shouldBe false)) } .onErrorRecover { case _: SendMessageException => succeed } .toFuture() } override def eventually[T](interval: FiniteDuration, attempts: Int)(f: => Task[T]): Task[T] = { (Task.sleep(interval) >> f).onErrorRestart(attempts) } }
Example 4
Source File: HttpClientHighLevelMonixWebsocketTest.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.httpclient.monix import java.nio.ByteBuffer import monix.eval.Task import import monix.reactive.Observable import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.httpclient.WebSocketHandler import sttp.client.impl.monix.{TaskMonadAsyncError, convertMonixTaskToFuture} import sttp.client.monad.MonadError import sttp.client.testing.ConvertToFuture import sttp.client.testing.websocket.HighLevelWebsocketTest import import sttp.client.testing.HttpTest.wsEndpoint import scala.concurrent.duration._ class HttpClientHighLevelMonixWebsocketTest extends HighLevelWebsocketTest[Task, WebSocketHandler] { implicit val backend: SttpBackend[Task, Observable[ByteBuffer], WebSocketHandler] = HttpClientMonixBackend().runSyncUnsafe() implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[Task] = convertMonixTaskToFuture implicit val monad: MonadError[Task] = TaskMonadAsyncError override def createHandler: Option[Int] => Task[WebSocketHandler[WebSocket[Task]]] = _ => MonixWebSocketHandler() it should "handle backpressure correctly" in { basicRequest .get(uri"$wsEndpoint/ws/echo") .openWebsocketF(createHandler(None)) .flatMap { response => val ws = response.result send(ws, 1000) >> eventually(10.millis, 500) { shouldBe true) } } .toFuture() } override def eventually[T](interval: FiniteDuration, attempts: Int)(f: => Task[T]): Task[T] = { (Task.sleep(interval) >> f).onErrorRestart(attempts.toLong) } }
Example 5
Source File: WebsocketMonix.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.examples import monix.eval.Task import sttp.client._ import{WebSocket, WebSocketResponse} import import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.monix.{AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend, MonixWebSocketHandler} object WebsocketMonix extends App { import def useWebsocket(ws: WebSocket[Task]): Task[Unit] = { def send(i: Int) = ws.send(WebSocketFrame.text(s"Hello $i!")) val receive = ws.receiveText().flatMap(t => Task(println(s"RECEIVED: $t"))) send(1) *> send(2) *> receive *> receive *> ws.close } val websocketTask: Task[Unit] = AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend().flatMap { implicit backend => val response: Task[WebSocketResponse[WebSocket[Task]]] = basicRequest .get(uri"wss://") .openWebsocketF(MonixWebSocketHandler()) response .flatMap(r => useWebsocket(r.result)) .guarantee(backend.close()) } websocketTask.runSyncUnsafe() }
Example 6
Source File: PostSerializeJsonMonixAsyncHttpClientCirce.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.examples object PostSerializeJsonMonixAsyncHttpClientCirce extends App { import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.circe._ import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.monix._ import import monix.eval.Task case class Info(x: Int, y: String) val postTask = AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend().flatMap { implicit backend => val r = basicRequest .body(Info(91, "abc")) .post(uri"") r.send() .flatMap { response => Task(println(s"""Got ${response.code} response, body:\n${response.body}""")) } .guarantee(backend.close()) } import postTask.runSyncUnsafe() }
Example 7
Source File: AsyncHttpClientHighLevelMonixWebsocketTest.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.asynchttpclient.monix import monix.eval.Task import import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.{AsyncHttpClientHighLevelWebsocketTest, WebSocketHandler} import sttp.client.impl.monix.{TaskMonadAsyncError, convertMonixTaskToFuture} import sttp.client.monad.MonadError import sttp.client.testing.ConvertToFuture import import scala.concurrent.duration._ class AsyncHttpClientHighLevelMonixWebsocketTest extends AsyncHttpClientHighLevelWebsocketTest[Task] { override implicit val backend: SttpBackend[Task, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend().runSyncUnsafe() override implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[Task] = convertMonixTaskToFuture override implicit val monad: MonadError[Task] = TaskMonadAsyncError override def createHandler: Option[Int] => Task[WebSocketHandler[WebSocket[Task]]] = MonixWebSocketHandler(_) override def eventually[T](interval: FiniteDuration, attempts: Int)(f: => Task[T]): Task[T] = { (Task.sleep(interval) >> f).onErrorRestart(attempts.toLong) } }
Example 8
Source File: AsyncHttpClientMonixHttpTest.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.asynchttpclient.monix import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import monix.eval.Task import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.impl.monix.convertMonixTaskToFuture import sttp.client.testing.{CancelTest, ConvertToFuture, HttpTest} import import scala.concurrent.duration._ class AsyncHttpClientMonixHttpTest extends HttpTest[Task] with CancelTest[Task, Nothing] { override implicit val backend: SttpBackend[Task, Nothing, NothingT] = AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend().runSyncUnsafe() override implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[Task] = convertMonixTaskToFuture override def timeoutToNone[T](t: Task[T], timeoutMillis: Int): Task[Option[T]] = .timeout(timeoutMillis.milliseconds) .onErrorRecover { case _: TimeoutException => None } override def throwsExceptionOnUnsupportedEncoding = false }
Example 9
Source File: AsyncHttpClientLowLevelMonixWebsocketTest.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.asynchttpclient.monix import monix.eval.Task import import{WebSocketListener, WebSocket => AHCWebSocket} import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.WebSocketHandler import sttp.client.impl.monix.convertMonixTaskToFuture import sttp.client.testing.ConvertToFuture import sttp.client.testing.websocket.LowLevelListenerWebSocketTest class AsyncHttpClientLowLevelMonixWebsocketTest extends LowLevelListenerWebSocketTest[Task, AHCWebSocket, WebSocketHandler] { override implicit val backend: SttpBackend[Task, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = AsyncHttpClientMonixBackend().runSyncUnsafe() override implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[Task] = convertMonixTaskToFuture override def createHandler(_onTextFrame: String => Unit): WebSocketHandler[AHCWebSocket] = WebSocketHandler.fromListener(new WebSocketListener { override def onOpen(websocket: AHCWebSocket): Unit = {} override def onClose(websocket: AHCWebSocket, code: Int, reason: String): Unit = {} override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = {} override def onTextFrame(payload: String, finalFragment: Boolean, rsv: Int): Unit = { _onTextFrame(payload) } }) override def sendText(ws: AHCWebSocket, t: String): Unit = ws.sendTextFrame(t).await() override def sendCloseFrame(ws: AHCWebSocket): Unit = ws.sendCloseFrame() }
Example 10
Source File: MonixAsyncHandlerTest.scala From pulsar4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.pulsar4s.monixs import java.util.UUID import com.sksamuel.pulsar4s._ import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class MonixAsyncHandlerTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { import import MonixAsyncHandler._ implicit val schema: Schema[String] = Schema.STRING val client = PulsarClient("pulsar://localhost:6650") val topic = Topic("persistent://sample/standalone/ns1/monix_" + UUID.randomUUID()) override def afterAll(): Unit = { client.close() } test("async producer should use monix") { val producer = client.producer(ProducerConfig(topic)) val t = producer.sendAsync("wibble") val f = t.runToFuture Await.result(f, Duration.Inf) should not be null producer.close() } test("async consumer should use monix") { val consumer = client.consumer(ConsumerConfig(topics = Seq(topic), subscriptionName = Subscription("mysub_" + UUID.randomUUID()))) consumer.seekEarliest() val t = consumer.receiveAsync val f = t.runToFuture new String(Await.result(f, Duration.Inf).data) shouldBe "wibble" consumer.close() } test("async consumer getMessageById should use monix") { val consumer = client.consumer(ConsumerConfig(topics = Seq(topic), subscriptionName = Subscription("mysub_" + UUID.randomUUID()))) consumer.seekEarliest() val receive = consumer.receiveAsync val valueFuture = receive.runToFuture val value = Await.result(valueFuture, Duration.Inf) val t = consumer.getLastMessageIdAsync val rFuture = t.runToFuture val r = Await.result(rFuture, Duration.Inf) val zipped = r.toString.split(":") zip value.messageId.toString.split(":") zipped.foreach(t => t._1 shouldBe t._2) consumer.close() } }
Example 11
Source File: TakeWhileInclusiveSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.observable import monix.catnap.MVar import monix.eval.Task import import monix.reactive.Observable import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.concurrent.duration._ class TakeWhileInclusiveSuite extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { private def writeElement[A](mvar: MVar[Task, Vector[A]])(a: A): Task[Unit] = mvar.take.flatMap(v => mvar.put(v :+ a)) private def inclusiveElements[A](obs: Observable[A])(p: A => Boolean): Task[(Vector[A], List[A])] = for { mvar <- MVar[Task].of(Vector.empty[A]) produced <- obs.doOnNext(writeElement(mvar)).takeWhileInclusive(p).toListL written <- } yield (written, produced) "Observable.takeWhileInclusibe" should "produce and generate same elements" in { inclusiveElements(Observable.range(1, 100))(_ <= 10).runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldEqual ((Vector.range(1, 12), List.range(1, 12))) } }
Example 12
Source File: Http4sUtils.scala From core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.smartbackpackerapp.http import cats.{Applicative, Monad} import{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect.IO import monix.eval.Task import import org.http4s.server.AuthMiddleware import org.http4s.{EntityBody, Request} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration object Http4sUtils { private def authUser[F[_]](implicit F: Applicative[F]): Kleisli[OptionT[F, ?], Request[F], String] = Kleisli(_ => OptionT.liftF(F.pure("access_token"))) def middleware[F[_]: Monad]: AuthMiddleware[F, String] = AuthMiddleware.apply[F, String](authUser) val taskMiddleware: AuthMiddleware[Task, String] = middleware[Task] val ioMiddleware: AuthMiddleware[IO, String] = middleware[IO] implicit class ByteVector2String(body: EntityBody[IO]) { def asString: String = { val array = body.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync().toArray new String( } } implicit class ByteVector2StringTask(body: EntityBody[Task]) { def asString: String = { val array = Await.result(body.compile.toVector.runAsync, Duration.Inf).toArray new String( } } }
Example 13
Source File: EnvSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.env import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import tofu.{HasContextRun, RunContext, WithRun} import tofu.lift.{Lift, Unlift, UnliftIO} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class EnvSuite extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { "flatMap" should "not stack overflow on folding large collection" in { (0 to 100000).toList .foldLeft(Env.pure[Unit, Int](3)) { case (acc, _) => acc.flatMap(Env.pure) } .run(()) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3 } "map" should "not stack overflow on folding large collection" in { (0 to 100000).toList .foldLeft(Env.pure[Unit, Int](3)) { case (acc, _) => } .run(()) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3 } "map2" should "not stack overflow on folding large collection" in { (0 to 100000).toList .foldLeft(Env.pure[Unit, Int](3)) { case (acc, _) => acc.map2(Env.unit[Unit])((a, _) => a) } .run(()) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3 } "map3" should "not stack overflow on folding large collection" in { (0 to 100000).toList .foldLeft(Env.pure[Unit, Int](3)) { case (acc, _) => acc.map3(Env.unit[Unit], Env.unit[Unit])((a, _, _) => a) } .run(()) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3 } "parMap2" should "not stack overflow on folding large collection" in { (0 to 100000).toList .foldLeft(Env.pure[Unit, Int](3)) { case (acc, _) => acc.parMap2(Env.unit[Unit])((a, _) => a) } .run(()) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3 } "parMap3" should "not stack overflow on folding large collection" in { (0 to 100000).toList .foldLeft(Env.pure[Unit, Int](3)) { case (acc, _) => acc.parMap3(Env.unit[Unit], Env.unit[Unit])((a, _, _) => a) } .run(()) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) shouldBe 3 } } object EnvSuite { def summonEnvInstances[E](): Unit = { implicitly[Lift[Task, Env[E, *]]] implicitly[Unlift[Task, Env[E, *]]] implicitly[UnliftIO[Env[E, *]]] implicitly[RunContext[Env[E, *]]] implicitly[HasContextRun[Env[E, *], Task, E]] implicitly[WithRun[Env[E, *], Task, E]] () } }
Example 14
Source File: Http4sClientSpec.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.http.client.Http4sClient import import utest._ object Http4sClientSpec extends TestSuite { private val client = new Http4sClient(true, true, true) override def utestAfterAll(): Unit = { client.shutdown().runSyncUnsafe() } def tests = Tests { test("conserves duplicates http params") { val uri = client.parseUri("").valueUnsafe val finalUri = client.addQueryParams(uri, List("p1" -> "v1", "p1" -> "v1'", "p2" -> "v2")) assert(finalUri.query.multiParams("p1") == "v1" :: "v1'" :: Nil) assert(finalUri.query.multiParams("p2") == "v2" :: Nil) } } }
Example 15
Source File: MatchersProperties.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.matchers import java.time.Instant import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.matchers.Matchers._ import io.circe.Json import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.typelevel.claimant.Claim object MatchersProperties extends Properties("Matchers") { val reasonablyRandomInstantGen: Gen[Instant] = for { randomOffset <- Arbitrary.arbLong.arbitrary } yield % 1000000000000L) val instantGen: Gen[Instant] = for { randomOffset <- Arbitrary.arbLong.arbitrary } yield property("any-integer correct for any int") = forAll(Gen.size) { int => Claim { anyInteger.predicate(Json.fromInt(int)) } } property("any-integer incorrect for any alphanum string") = forAll(Gen.alphaNumStr) { alphanum => Claim { !anyInteger.predicate(Json.fromString(alphanum)) } } property("any-positive-integer correct for any positive int") = forAll(Gen.choose(1, Int.MaxValue)) { int => Claim { anyPositiveInteger.predicate(Json.fromInt(int)) } } property("any-positive-integer incorrect for any alphanum string") = forAll(Gen.alphaNumStr) { alphanum => Claim { !anyPositiveInteger.predicate(Json.fromString(alphanum)) } } property("any-negative-integer correct for any negative int") = forAll(Gen.negNum[Int]) { int => Claim { anyNegativeInteger.predicate(Json.fromInt(int)) } } property("any-negative-integer incorrect for any alphanum string") = forAll(Gen.alphaNumStr) { alphanum => Claim { !anyNegativeInteger.predicate(Json.fromString(alphanum)) } } property("any-uuid correct for any valid UUID") = forAll(Gen.uuid) { uuid => Claim { anyUUID.predicate(Json.fromString(uuid.toString)) } } property("any-uuid incorrect for any alphanum string") = forAll(Gen.alphaNumStr) { alphanum => Claim { !anyUUID.predicate(Json.fromString(alphanum)) } } property("any-date-time correct for all ISO-compliant values, including Y10K+ dates") = forAll(instantGen) { instant => Claim { anyDateTime.predicate(Json.fromString(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.format(instant))) } } property("any-date-time correct in parallel") = { forAll(reasonablyRandomInstantGen) { instant => val booleans = { _ => Task.delay { anyDateTime.predicate(Json.fromString(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.format(instant))) } } val res = Task.parSequenceUnordered(booleans).runSyncUnsafe().foldLeft(List.empty[Boolean]) { case (acc, e) => e :: acc } Claim(res.forall(_ == true)) } } }
Example 16
Source File: CornichonFeatureSbtTask.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.CornichonFeatureRunner._ import import sbt.testing._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.Await class CornichonFeatureSbtTask(task: TaskDef, scenarioNameFilter: Set[String], explicitSeed: Option[Long]) extends Task { override def tags(): Array[String] = Array.empty override def taskDef(): TaskDef = task override def execute(eventHandler: EventHandler, loggers: Array[Logger]): Array[Task] = { val fqn = task.fullyQualifiedName() val featureInfo = FeatureInfo(fqn, Class.forName(fqn), task.fingerprint(), task.selectors().head) val featureTask = loadAndExecute(featureInfo, eventHandler, explicitSeed, scenarioNameFilter) Await.result(featureTask.runToFuture, Duration.Inf) Array.empty } }
Example 17
Source File: MainRunner.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework import java.util import cats.syntax.apply._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.CornichonFeature import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.CornichonError import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.CornichonFeatureRunner._ import com.monovore.decline._ import com.openpojo.reflection.PojoClass import com.openpojo.reflection.impl.PojoClassFactory import import monix.reactive.Observable import sbt.testing.TestSelector import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration object MainRunner { private val packageToScanOpts = Opts.option[String]("packageToScan", help = "Package containing the feature files.") private val reportsOutputDirOpts = Opts.option[String]("reportsOutputDir", help = "Output directory for junit.xml files (default to current).").withDefault(".") private val featureParallelismOpts = Opts.option[Int]("featureParallelism", help = "Number of feature running in parallel (default=1).") .validate("must be positive")(_ > 0).withDefault(1) private val seedOpts = Opts.option[Long]("seed", help = "Seed to use for starting random processes.").orNone private val scenarioNameFilterOpts = Opts.option[String]("scenarioNameFilter", help = "Filter scenario to run by name.").orNone private val mainRunnerCommand = Command( name = "cornichon-test-framework", header = "Run your cornichon features without SBT." )((packageToScanOpts, reportsOutputDirOpts, featureParallelismOpts, seedOpts, scenarioNameFilterOpts).tupled) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = mainRunnerCommand.parse(args.toSeq, sys.env) match { case Left(help) => System.err.println(help) sys.exit(1) case Right((packageToScan, reportsOutputDir, featureParallelism, explicitSeed, scenarioNameFilter)) => JUnitXmlReporter.checkReportsFolder(reportsOutputDir) println("Starting feature classes discovery") val classes = discoverFeatureClasses(packageToScan) println(s"Found ${classes.size} feature classes") val scenarioNameFilterSet = scenarioNameFilter.toSet val f = Observable.fromIterable(classes) .mapParallelUnordered(featureParallelism) { featureClass => val startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis() val featureTypeName = featureClass.getTypeName val featureInfo = FeatureInfo(featureTypeName, featureClass, CornichonFingerprint, new TestSelector(featureTypeName)) val eventHandler = new RecordEventHandler() loadAndExecute(featureInfo, eventHandler, explicitSeed, scenarioNameFilterSet) .timed .map { case (duration, res) => JUnitXmlReporter.writeJunitReport(reportsOutputDir, featureTypeName, duration, startedAt, eventHandler.recorded) match { case Left(e) => println(s"ERROR: Could not generate JUnit xml report for $featureTypeName due to\n${CornichonError.genStacktrace(e)}") case Right(_) => () } res } } .foldLeftL(true)(_ && _) .runToFuture if (Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)) System.exit(0) else System.exit(1) } // def discoverFeatureClasses(packageToExplore: String): List[Class[_]] = { val classes: util.List[PojoClass] = PojoClassFactory.enumerateClassesByExtendingType(packageToExplore, classOf[CornichonFeature], null) classes.iterator().asScala.collect { case pojo if pojo.isConcrete => pojo.getClazz }.toList } }
Example 18
Source File: IdentitiesRoutes.scala From nexus-iam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import import import import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class IdentitiesRoutes(realms: Realms[Task])(implicit http: HttpConfig) { def routes: Route = { (pathPrefix("identities") & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(s"/${http.prefix}/identities") { authenticateOAuth2Async("*", authenticator(realms)).withAnonymousUser(Caller.anonymous) { implicit caller => get { complete(caller) } } } } } }
Example 19
Source File: PermissionsRoutes.scala From nexus-iam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.javadsl.server.Rejections._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import import import import{Append, Replace, Subtract} import import{Caller, Permission} import io.circe.{Decoder, DecodingFailure} import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class PermissionsRoutes(permissions: Permissions[Task], realms: Realms[Task])(implicit http: HttpConfig) { def routes: Route = (pathPrefix("permissions") & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(s"/${http.prefix}/permissions") { authenticateOAuth2Async("*", authenticator(realms)).withAnonymousUser(Caller.anonymous) { implicit caller => concat( get { parameter("rev".as[Long].?) { case Some(rev) => complete(permissions.fetchAt(rev).runNotFound) case None => complete(permissions.fetch.runToFuture) } }, (put & parameter("rev" ? 0L)) { rev => entity(as[PatchPermissions]) { case Replace(set) => complete(permissions.replace(set, rev).runToFuture) case _ => reject(validationRejection("Only @type 'Replace' is permitted when using 'put'.")) } }, delete { parameter("rev".as[Long]) { rev => complete(permissions.delete(rev).runToFuture) } }, (patch & parameter("rev" ? 0L)) { rev => entity(as[PatchPermissions]) { case Append(set) => complete(permissions.append(set, rev).runToFuture) case Subtract(set) => complete(permissions.subtract(set, rev).runToFuture) case _ => reject(validationRejection("Only @type 'Append' or 'Subtract' is permitted when using 'patch'.")) } } ) } } } } object PermissionsRoutes { private[routes] sealed trait PatchPermissions extends Product with Serializable private[routes] object PatchPermissions { final case class Append(permissions: Set[Permission]) extends PatchPermissions final case class Subtract(permissions: Set[Permission]) extends PatchPermissions final case class Replace(permissions: Set[Permission]) extends PatchPermissions implicit val patchPermissionsDecoder: Decoder[PatchPermissions] = Decoder.instance { hc => for { permissions <- hc.get[Set[Permission]]("permissions") tpe = hc.get[String]("@type").getOrElse("Replace") patch <- tpe match { case "Replace" => Right(Replace(permissions)) case "Append" => Right(Append(permissions)) case "Subtract" => Right(Subtract(permissions)) case _ => Left(DecodingFailure("@type field must have Append or Subtract value", hc.history)) } } yield patch } } }
Example 20
Source File: DecodeNullSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra.streaming import io.getquill._ import monix.reactive.Observable class DecodeNullSpec extends Spec { "no default values when reading null" - { "stream" in { import import testStreamDB._ val writeEntities = quote(querySchema[DecodeNullTestWriteEntity]("DecodeNullTestEntity")) val result = for { _ <- _ <- Observable.fromTask( result <-[DecodeNullTestEntity]) } yield { result } intercept[IllegalStateException] { await { result.headL.runToFuture } } } } case class DecodeNullTestEntity(id: Int, value: Int) case class DecodeNullTestWriteEntity(id: Int, value: Option[Int]) val insertValue = DecodeNullTestWriteEntity(0, None) }
Example 21
Source File: QueryResultTypeCassandraStreamSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra.streaming import io.getquill.context.cassandra.QueryResultTypeCassandraSpec import import monix.reactive.Observable class QueryResultTypeCassandraStreamSpec extends QueryResultTypeCassandraSpec { val context = testStreamDB import context._ def result[T](t: Observable[T]) = await(t.foldLeftL(List.empty[T])(_ :+ _).runToFuture) override def beforeAll = { result( result( => insert(e)))) () } "query" in { result( mustEqual entries } "querySingle" - { "size" in { result( mustEqual List(3) } "parametrized size" in { result( mustEqual List(0) } } }
Example 22
Source File: EncodingSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra.streaming import io.getquill.context.cassandra.EncodingSpecHelper import monix.reactive.Observable import io.getquill.Query class EncodingSpec extends EncodingSpecHelper { "encodes and decodes types" - { "stream" in { import import testStreamDB._ val result = for { _ <-[EncodingTestEntity].delete) inserts = Observable(insertValues: _*) _ <- Observable.fromTask( => query[EncodingTestEntity].insert(e))).countL) result <-[EncodingTestEntity]) } yield { result } val f = result.foldLeftL(List.empty[EncodingTestEntity])(_ :+ _).runToFuture verify(await(f)) } } "encodes collections" - { "stream" in { import import testStreamDB._ val q = quote { (list: Query[Int]) => query[EncodingTestEntity].filter(t => list.contains( } val result = for { _ <-[EncodingTestEntity].delete) inserts = Observable(insertValues: _*) _ <- Observable.fromTask( => query[EncodingTestEntity].insert(e))).countL) result <- } yield { result } val f = result.foldLeftL(List.empty[EncodingTestEntity])(_ :+ _).runToFuture verify(await(f)) } } }
Example 23
Source File: MonixTaskMain.scala From advanced-scala-code with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
object MonixTaskMain { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { import org.asynchttpclient.DefaultAsyncHttpClient val asyncHttpClient = new DefaultAsyncHttpClient() arm.ArmUtils.using(asyncHttpClient) { import java.nio.charset.Charset import monix.eval.Task val result6T = Task.create[String]( (_, callback) => { val lf = asyncHttpClient.prepareGet("").execute() val javaFuture = lf.toCompletableFuture javaFuture.whenComplete { (response, exc) => { if (exc == null) { callback.onSuccess(response.getResponseBody(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) } else callback.onError(exc) }} import monix.execution.Cancelable Cancelable.apply { () => javaFuture.cancel(true) } }) import val resultCF = result6T.runToFuture import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ val result = Await.result(resultCF, 5.seconds) println(result) } } }
Example 24
Source File: MonixKafkaTopicRegexTest.scala From monix-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.kafka import monix.eval.Task import import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset import monix.reactive.Observable import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class MonixKafkaTopicRegexTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit { val topicsRegex = "monix-kafka-tests-.*".r val topicMatchingRegex = "monix-kafka-tests-anything" val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test" ) val consumerCfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), groupId = "kafka-tests", clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-consumer-test", autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest ) test("publish one message when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val producer = KafkaProducer[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumerTask = KafkaConsumerObservable.createConsumer[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io) val consumer = Await.result(consumerTask.runToFuture, 60.seconds) try { // Publishing one message val send = producer.send(topicMatchingRegex, "my-message") Await.result(send.runToFuture, 30.seconds) val records = consumer.poll(10.seconds.toMillis) assert(records === List("my-message")) } finally { Await.result(producer.close().runToFuture, Duration.Inf) consumer.close() } } } test("listen for one message when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val producer = KafkaProducer[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumer = KafkaConsumerObservable[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io) try { // Publishing one message val send = producer.send(topicMatchingRegex, "test-message") Await.result(send.runToFuture, 30.seconds) val first = consumer.take(1).map(_.value()).firstL val result = Await.result(first.runToFuture, 30.seconds) assert(result === "test-message") } finally { Await.result(producer.close().runToFuture, Duration.Inf) } } } test("full producer/consumer test when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val count = 10000 val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumer = KafkaConsumerObservable[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io).take(count) val pushT = Observable .range(0, count) .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicMatchingRegex, "obs", msg.toString)) .bufferIntrospective(1024) .consumeWith(producer) val listT = consumer .map(_.value()) .toListL val (result, _) = Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds) assert( === (0 until count).sum) } } }
Example 25
Source File: MergeByCommitCallbackTest.scala From monix-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.kafka import monix.eval.Task import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset import monix.reactive.Observable import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetCommitCallback import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks class MergeByCommitCallbackTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers { val commitCallbacks: List[Commit] = List.fill(4)(new Commit { override def commitBatchSync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): Task[Unit] = Task.unit override def commitBatchAsync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], callback: OffsetCommitCallback): Task[Unit] = Task.unit }) val committableOffsetsGen: Gen[CommittableOffset] = for { partition <- Gen.posNum[Int] offset <- Gen.posNum[Long] commit <- Gen.oneOf(commitCallbacks) } yield CommittableOffset(new TopicPartition("topic", partition), offset, commit) test("merge by commit callback works") { forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(committableOffsetsGen)) { offsets => val partitions = val received: List[CommittableOffsetBatch] = CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback(offsets) received.foreach { batch => partitions should contain allElementsOf batch.offsets.keys } received.size should be <= 4 } } test("merge by commit callback for multiple consumers") { withRunningKafka { val count = 10000 val topicName = "monix-kafka-merge-by-commit" val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test" ) val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io) val pushT = Observable .range(0, count) .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicName, "obs", msg.toString)) .bufferIntrospective(1024) .consumeWith(producer) val listT = Observable .range(0, 4) .mergeMap(i => createConsumer(i.toInt, topicName).take(500)) .bufferTumbling(2000) .map(CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback) .map { offsetBatches => assert(offsetBatches.length == 4) } .completedL Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds) } } private def createConsumer(i: Int, topicName: String): Observable[CommittableOffset] = { val cfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), groupId = s"kafka-tests-$i", autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest ) KafkaConsumerObservable .manualCommit[String, String](cfg, List(topicName)) .executeOn(io) .map(_.committableOffset) } }
Example 26
Source File: MonixKafkaTopicRegexTest.scala From monix-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.kafka import monix.eval.Task import import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset import monix.reactive.Observable import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class MonixKafkaTopicRegexTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit { val topicsRegex = "monix-kafka-tests-.*".r val topicMatchingRegex = "monix-kafka-tests-anything" val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test" ) val consumerCfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), groupId = "kafka-tests", clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-consumer-test", autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest ) test("publish one message when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val producer = KafkaProducer[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumerTask = KafkaConsumerObservable.createConsumer[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io) val consumer = Await.result(consumerTask.runToFuture, 60.seconds) try { // Publishing one message val send = producer.send(topicMatchingRegex, "my-message") Await.result(send.runToFuture, 30.seconds) val records = consumer.poll(10.seconds.toMillis) assert(records === List("my-message")) } finally { Await.result(producer.close().runToFuture, Duration.Inf) consumer.close() } } } test("listen for one message when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val producer = KafkaProducer[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumer = KafkaConsumerObservable[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io) try { // Publishing one message val send = producer.send(topicMatchingRegex, "test-message") Await.result(send.runToFuture, 30.seconds) val first = consumer.take(1).map(_.value()).firstL val result = Await.result(first.runToFuture, 30.seconds) assert(result === "test-message") } finally { Await.result(producer.close().runToFuture, Duration.Inf) } } } test("full producer/consumer test when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val count = 10000 val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumer = KafkaConsumerObservable[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io).take(count) val pushT = Observable .range(0, count) .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicMatchingRegex, "obs", msg.toString)) .bufferIntrospective(1024) .consumeWith(producer) val listT = consumer .map(_.value()) .toListL val (result, _) = Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds) assert( === (0 until count).sum) } } }
Example 27
Source File: MergeByCommitCallbackTest.scala From monix-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.kafka import monix.eval.Task import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset import monix.reactive.Observable import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetCommitCallback import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks class MergeByCommitCallbackTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers { val commitCallbacks: List[Commit] = List.fill(4)(new Commit { override def commitBatchSync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): Task[Unit] = Task.unit override def commitBatchAsync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], callback: OffsetCommitCallback): Task[Unit] = Task.unit }) val committableOffsetsGen: Gen[CommittableOffset] = for { partition <- Gen.posNum[Int] offset <- Gen.posNum[Long] commit <- Gen.oneOf(commitCallbacks) } yield CommittableOffset(new TopicPartition("topic", partition), offset, commit) test("merge by commit callback works") { forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(committableOffsetsGen)) { offsets => val partitions = val received: List[CommittableOffsetBatch] = CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback(offsets) received.foreach { batch => partitions should contain allElementsOf batch.offsets.keys } received.size should be <= 4 } } test("merge by commit callback for multiple consumers") { withRunningKafka { val count = 10000 val topicName = "monix-kafka-merge-by-commit" val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test" ) val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io) val pushT = Observable .range(0, count) .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicName, "obs", msg.toString)) .bufferIntrospective(1024) .consumeWith(producer) val listT = Observable .range(0, 4) .mergeMap(i => createConsumer(i.toInt, topicName).take(500)) .bufferTumbling(2000) .map(CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback) .map { offsetBatches => assert(offsetBatches.length == 4) } .completedL Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds) } } private def createConsumer(i: Int, topicName: String): Observable[CommittableOffset] = { val cfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), groupId = s"kafka-tests-$i", autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest ) KafkaConsumerObservable .manualCommit[String, String](cfg, List(topicName)) .executeOn(io) .map(_.committableOffset) } }
Example 28
Source File: MonixKafkaTopicRegexTest.scala From monix-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.kafka import monix.eval.Task import import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset import monix.reactive.Observable import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class MonixKafkaTopicRegexTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit { val topicsRegex = "monix-kafka-tests-.*".r val topicMatchingRegex = "monix-kafka-tests-anything" val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test" ) val consumerCfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), groupId = "kafka-tests", clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-consumer-test", autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest ) test("publish one message when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val producer = KafkaProducer[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumerTask = KafkaConsumerObservable.createConsumer[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io) val consumer = Await.result(consumerTask.runToFuture, 60.seconds) try { // Publishing one message val send = producer.send(topicMatchingRegex, "my-message") Await.result(send.runToFuture, 30.seconds) val records = consumer.poll(10.seconds.toMillis) assert(records === List("my-message")) } finally { Await.result(producer.close().runToFuture, Duration.Inf) consumer.close() } } } test("listen for one message when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val producer = KafkaProducer[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumer = KafkaConsumerObservable[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io) try { // Publishing one message val send = producer.send(topicMatchingRegex, "test-message") Await.result(send.runToFuture, 30.seconds) val first = consumer.take(1).map(_.value()).firstL val result = Await.result(first.runToFuture, 30.seconds) assert(result === "test-message") } finally { Await.result(producer.close().runToFuture, Duration.Inf) } } } test("full producer/consumer test when subscribed to topics regex") { withRunningKafka { val count = 10000 val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io) val consumer = KafkaConsumerObservable[String, String](consumerCfg, topicsRegex).executeOn(io).take(count) val pushT = Observable .range(0, count) .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicMatchingRegex, "obs", msg.toString)) .bufferIntrospective(1024) .consumeWith(producer) val listT = consumer .map(_.value()) .toListL val (result, _) = Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds) assert( === (0 until count).sum) } } }
Example 29
Source File: MergeByCommitCallbackTest.scala From monix-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.kafka import monix.eval.Task import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset import monix.reactive.Observable import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetCommitCallback import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks class MergeByCommitCallbackTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers { val commitCallbacks: List[Commit] = List.fill(4)(new Commit { override def commitBatchSync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): Task[Unit] = Task.unit override def commitBatchAsync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], callback: OffsetCommitCallback): Task[Unit] = Task.unit }) val committableOffsetsGen: Gen[CommittableOffset] = for { partition <- Gen.posNum[Int] offset <- Gen.posNum[Long] commit <- Gen.oneOf(commitCallbacks) } yield CommittableOffset(new TopicPartition("topic", partition), offset, commit) test("merge by commit callback works") { forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(committableOffsetsGen)) { offsets => val partitions = val received: List[CommittableOffsetBatch] = CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback(offsets) received.foreach { batch => partitions should contain allElementsOf batch.offsets.keys } received.size should be <= 4 } } test("merge by commit callback for multiple consumers") { withRunningKafka { val count = 10000 val topicName = "monix-kafka-merge-by-commit" val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test" ) val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io) val pushT = Observable .range(0, count) .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicName, "obs", msg.toString)) .bufferIntrospective(1024) .consumeWith(producer) val listT = Observable .range(0, 4) .mergeMap(i => createConsumer(i.toInt, topicName).take(500)) .bufferTumbling(2000) .map(CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback) .map { offsetBatches => assert(offsetBatches.length == 4) } .completedL Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds) } } private def createConsumer(i: Int, topicName: String): Observable[CommittableOffset] = { val cfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy( bootstrapServers = List(""), groupId = s"kafka-tests-$i", autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest ) KafkaConsumerObservable .manualCommit[String, String](cfg, List(topicName)) .executeOn(io) .map(_.committableOffset) } }
Example 30
Source File: Hello_PIDE.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package info.hupel.isabelle.examples.scala import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import info.hupel.isabelle._ import info.hupel.isabelle.api._ import info.hupel.isabelle.setup._ object Hello_PIDE extends App { val setup = Setup.default(Version.Stable("2017"), false).right.get // yolo val resources = Resources.dumpIsabelleResources().right.get // yolo val config = Configuration.simple("Protocol") val transaction = for { env <- setup.makeEnvironment(resources, Nil) sys <- System.create(env, config) response <- sys.invoke(Operation.Hello)("world") _ = println(response.unsafeGet) () <- sys.dispose } yield () Await.result(transaction, Duration.Inf) }
Example 31
Source File: AdserverApp.scala From scala-openrtb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.powerspace.openrtb.examples.rtb.http4s.adserver import cats.effect.Resource import{BidRequest, BidResponse} import com.powerspace.openrtb.examples.rtb.http4s.common.ExampleSerdeModule import io.circe.{Encoder, Json} import monix.eval.Task import org.http4s.client.Client import org.http4s.client.blaze.BlazeClientBuilder import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration object AdserverApp extends App { import val httpClient: Resource[Task, Client[Task]] = buildHttpClient() val potentialBidResponse = httpBid(httpClient) private val bidRequest = Adserver.buildBidRequest() potentialBidResponse .map(bidResponse => { bidResponse.foreach(br => println(buildAuctionString(br))) }) .runSyncUnsafe(Duration.Inf) private def buildHttpClient(): Resource[Task, Client[Task]] = { BlazeClientBuilder[Task](global).resource } private def httpBid(httpClient: Resource[Task, Client[Task]]) = httpClient.use(, bidRequest)) private def buildAuctionString(bidResponse: BidResponse) = { case class Auction(bidRequest: BidRequest, bidResponse: BidResponse) val auctionEncoder = new Encoder[Auction] { override def apply(auction: Auction): Json = Json.obj( ("request", ExampleSerdeModule.bidRequestEncoder.apply(auction.bidRequest)), ("response", ExampleSerdeModule.bidResponseEncoder.apply(auction.bidResponse)) ) } auctionEncoder(Auction(bidRequest, bidResponse)).toString() } }
Example 32
Source File: IterateeMain.scala From advanced-scala-code with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package iteratee import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object IterateeMain { def fileExample(): Unit = { import io.iteratee.monix.task._ import val wordsE = readLines(new File("license.txt")).flatMap { line => enumIndexedSeq(line.split("\\W")) } val noEmptyLinesEE = filter[String](str => str.trim.length > 0) val toLowerEE = map[String, String](_.toLowerCase) val countWordsI = fold[String, Map[String, Int]](Map.empty) { (acc, next) => acc.get(next) match { case None => acc + (next -> 1) case Some(num) => acc + (next -> (1 + num)) } } val dataT = wordsE.through(noEmptyLinesEE). through(toLowerEE).into(countWordsI).map { dataMap => dataMap.toList.sortWith( _._2 > _._2).take(5).map(_._1) } import dataT.runOnComplete { case Success(data) => println(data) case Failure(th) => th.printStackTrace() } } def main(args: Array[String]) { import // Just one Int val singleNumE = enumOne(42) val singleNumI = takeI[Int](1) val singleNumResult = singleNumE.into(singleNumI) println(singleNumResult) // Incrementing one Int val incrementNumEE = map[Int, Int](_ + 1) val incrementedNumResult = singleNumE.through(incrementNumEE).into(singleNumI) println(incrementedNumResult) // First 10 even numbers val naturalsE = iterate(1)(_ + 1) val moreThan100EE = filter[Int](_ >= 100) val evenFilterEE = filter[Int](_ % 2 == 0) val first10I = takeI[Int](10) println(naturalsE.through(moreThan100EE).through(evenFilterEE).into(first10I)) { import io.iteratee.modules.eval._ // Summing N first numbers val naturalsE = iterate(1)(_ + 1) val limit1kEE = take[Int](30000) val sumI = fold[Int, Int](0) { (acc, next) => acc + next } println(naturalsE.through(limit1kEE).into(sumI).value) } fileExample() } }
Example 33
Source File: ObservableMain.scala From advanced-scala-code with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
object ObservableMain { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { import monix.reactive.Observable val linesO = Observable.defer { import{BufferedReader, FileReader} val br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("license.txt")) Observable.fromLinesReaderUnsafe(br) } printStatistics(linesO) printStatistics(linesO) def printStatistics(linesO: Observable[String]): Unit = { val wordsO = linesO.flatMap { line => val arr = line.split("\\W").map(_.toLowerCase) .map(_.trim).filter(!_.isEmpty) Observable.fromIterable(arr.toIterable) } val rawResultO = wordsO.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Int]) { (acc, next) => acc.get(next) match { case None => acc + (next -> 1) case Some(num) => acc + (next -> (1 + num)) } } import monix.reactive.Consumer val finalResultT = { map => map.toList.sortWith( _._2 > _._2).take(5).map(_._1) }.consumeWith(Consumer.head) import val resultCF = finalResultT.runToFuture import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ val result = Await.result(resultCF, 30.seconds) println(result) // List(the, or, of, and, to) } } import cats.kernel.Monoid import monix.reactive.Observable def alternativeMonoid(wordsO: Observable[String]): Unit = { import import val listT = => Map(word -> 1)).toListL val totals = { data => Monoid[Map[String, Int]].combineAll(data) } // totalsT: Task[Map[String, Int]] val finalResultT = { data => data.toList.sortWith( _._2 > _._2).take(5).map(_._1) } import import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ val result = Await.result(finalResultT.runToFuture, 30.seconds) println(result) } }
Example 34
Source File: DecodeNullSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra.monix import io.getquill._ class DecodeNullSpec extends Spec { "no default values when reading null" - { "stream" in { import import testMonixDB._ val writeEntities = quote(querySchema[DecodeNullTestWriteEntity]("DecodeNullTestEntity")) val result = for { _ <- _ <- result <-[DecodeNullTestEntity]) } yield { result } intercept[IllegalStateException] { await { result.runToFuture } } } } case class DecodeNullTestEntity(id: Int, value: Int) case class DecodeNullTestWriteEntity(id: Int, value: Option[Int]) val insertValue = DecodeNullTestWriteEntity(0, None) }
Example 35
Source File: EventsHelpers.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import com.wavesplatform.block.{Block, MicroBlock} import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2 import com.wavesplatform.mining.MiningConstraint import com.wavesplatform.state.diffs.BlockDiffer import com.wavesplatform.state.diffs.BlockDiffer.DetailedDiff import import monix.reactive.subjects.ReplaySubject import org.scalatest.Suite import scala.concurrent.duration._ private[events] trait EventsHelpers extends WithBlockchain { _: Suite => protected def produceEvent(useTrigger: BlockchainUpdateTriggers => Unit): BlockchainUpdated = { val evts = ReplaySubject[BlockchainUpdated]() val t = new BlockchainUpdateTriggersImpl(evts) useTrigger(t) evts.onComplete() evts.toListL.runSyncUnsafe(500.milliseconds).head } protected def detailedDiffFromBlock(b: Block): DetailedDiff = BlockDiffer.fromBlock(blockchain, None, b, MiningConstraint.Unlimited, verify = false).explicitGet().detailedDiff protected def appendBlock(b: Block, minerReward: Option[Long] = None): BlockAppended = produceEvent(_.onProcessBlock(b, detailedDiffFromBlock(b), minerReward, blockchain)) match { case ba: BlockAppended => ba case _ => fail() } protected def appendMicroBlock(mb: MicroBlock): MicroBlockAppended = { val dd = BlockDiffer.fromMicroBlock(blockchain, Some(0), mb, 1, MiningConstraint.Unlimited, verify = false).explicitGet().detailedDiff produceEvent(_.onProcessMicroBlock(mb, dd, blockchain, mb.totalResBlockSig)) match { case mba: MicroBlockAppended => mba case _ => fail() } } }
Example 36
Source File: CommonAccountsApiSpec.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.http import com.wavesplatform.api.common.CommonAccountsApi import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._ import com.wavesplatform.db.WithDomain import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatures import com.wavesplatform.settings.TestFunctionalitySettings import com.wavesplatform.state.{DataEntry, Diff, StringDataEntry, diffs} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{DataTransaction, GenesisTransaction} import com.wavesplatform.{BlocksTransactionsHelpers, TransactionGen, history} import import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers} import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks class CommonAccountsApiSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with WithDomain with TransactionGen with BlocksTransactionsHelpers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks { "Data stream" - { "handles non-existent address" in { val entry1 = StringDataEntry("test", "test") val entry2 = StringDataEntry("test1", "test") val entry3 = StringDataEntry("test2", "test") val preconditions = for { acc <- accountGen ts = System.currentTimeMillis() fee <- smallFeeGen genesis = GenesisTransaction.create(acc.toAddress, diffs.ENOUGH_AMT, ts).explicitGet() data1 = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry1), fee, ts).explicitGet() data2 = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry2), fee, ts).explicitGet() data3 = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry3), fee, ts).explicitGet() (block1, mbs1) = UnsafeBlocks.unsafeChainBaseAndMicro(history.randomSig, Seq(genesis), Seq(Seq(data1)), acc, 3, ts) (block2, mbs2) = UnsafeBlocks.unsafeChainBaseAndMicro(mbs1.last.totalResBlockSig, Seq(data2), Seq(Seq(data3)), acc, 3, ts) } yield (acc, block1, mbs1.head, block2, mbs2.head) forAll(preconditions) { case (acc, block1, mb1, block2, mb2) => withDomain(domainSettingsWithFS(TestFunctionalitySettings.withFeatures(BlockchainFeatures.NG, BlockchainFeatures.DataTransaction))) { d => val commonAccountsApi = CommonAccountsApi(d.blockchainUpdater.bestLiquidDiff.getOrElse(Diff.empty), d.db, d.blockchainUpdater) def dataList(): Set[DataEntry[_]] = commonAccountsApi.dataStream(acc.toAddress, None).toListL.runSyncUnsafe().toSet d.appendBlock(block1) dataList() shouldBe empty d.appendMicroBlock(mb1) dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1) d.appendBlock(block2) dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1, entry2) d.appendMicroBlock(mb2) dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1, entry2, entry3) } } } } }
Example 37
Source File: StorageCacheSpec.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Paths import java.time.Clock import akka.testkit._ import import import import{AppConfig, Settings} import{ProjectRef} import import import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, TryValues} import scala.concurrent.duration._ //noinspection NameBooleanParameters class StorageCacheSpec extends ActorSystemFixture("StorageCacheSpec", true) with Matchers with Inspectors with ScalaFutures with TryValues with TestHelper { override implicit def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(3.seconds.dilated, 5.milliseconds) private implicit val clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC private implicit val appConfig: AppConfig = Settings(system).appConfig val ref1 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val ref2 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val time = clock.instant() val lastId = url"" // initialInstant.minusSeconds(1L + genInt().toLong) val tempStorage = DiskStorage(ref1, genIri, 1L, false, true, "alg", Paths.get("/tmp"), read, write, 1024L) val lastStorageProj1 = tempStorage.copy(id = lastId) val lastStorageProj2 = tempStorage.copy(ref = ref2, id = lastId) val storagesProj1: List[DiskStorage] = List.fill(5)(tempStorage.copy(id = genIri)) :+ lastStorageProj1 val storagesProj2: List[DiskStorage] = List.fill(5)(tempStorage.copy(ref = ref2, id = genIri)) :+ lastStorageProj2 private val cache = StorageCache[Task] "StorageCache" should { "index storages" in { forAll((storagesProj1 ++ storagesProj2).zipWithIndex) { case (storage, index) => implicit val instant = time.plusSeconds(index.toLong) cache.put(storage).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(storage.ref, shouldEqual Some(storage) } } "get latest default storage" in { cache.getDefault(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue shouldEqual Some(lastStorageProj1) cache.getDefault(ref2).runToFuture.futureValue shouldEqual Some(lastStorageProj2) cache.getDefault(ProjectRef(genUUID)).runToFuture.futureValue shouldEqual None } "list storages" in { cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs storagesProj1 cache.get(ref2).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs storagesProj2 } "deprecate storage" in { val storage = storagesProj1.head implicit val instant = time.plusSeconds(30L) cache.put(storage.copy(deprecated = true, rev = 2L)).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(storage.ref, shouldEqual None cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs storagesProj1.filterNot(_ == storage) } } }
Example 38
Source File: ResolverCacheSpec.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.serialization.Serialization import akka.testkit._ import import import import import{AppConfig, Settings} import import{ProjectLabel, ProjectRef} import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, TryValues} import scala.concurrent.duration._ //noinspection NameBooleanParameters class ResolverCacheSpec extends ActorSystemFixture("ResolverCacheSpec", true) with Matchers with Inspectors with ScalaFutures with TryValues with TestHelper { override implicit def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(3.seconds.dilated, 5.milliseconds) private implicit val appConfig: AppConfig = Settings(system).appConfig val ref1 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val ref2 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val label1 = ProjectLabel(genString(), genString()) val label2 = ProjectLabel(genString(), genString()) val resolver: InProjectResolver = InProjectResolver(ref1, genIri, 1L, false, 10) val crossRefs: CrossProjectResolver = CrossProjectResolver(Set(genIri), List(ref1, ref2), Set(Anonymous), ref1, genIri, 0L, false, 1) val crossLabels: CrossProjectResolver = CrossProjectResolver(Set(genIri), List(label1, label2), Set(Anonymous), ref1, genIri, 0L, false, 1) val resolverProj1: Set[InProjectResolver] = List.fill(5)(resolver.copy(id = genIri)).toSet val resolverProj2: Set[InProjectResolver] = List.fill(5)(resolver.copy(id = genIri, ref = ref2)).toSet private val cache = ResolverCache[Task] "ResolverCache" should { "index resolvers" in { val list = (resolverProj1 ++ resolverProj2).toList forAll(list) { resolver => cache.put(resolver).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(resolver.ref, shouldEqual Some(resolver) } } "list resolvers" in { cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs resolverProj1 cache.get(ref2).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs resolverProj2 } "deprecate resolver" in { val resolver = resolverProj1.head cache.put(resolver.copy(deprecated = true, rev = 2L)).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(resolver.ref, shouldEqual None cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs resolverProj1.filterNot(_ == resolver) } "serialize cross project resolver" when { val serialization = new Serialization(system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]) "parameterized with ProjectRef" in { val bytes = serialization.serialize(crossRefs).success.value val out = serialization.deserialize(bytes, classOf[CrossProjectResolver]).success.value out shouldEqual crossRefs } "parameterized with ProjectLabel" in { val bytes = serialization.serialize(crossLabels).success.value val out = serialization.deserialize(bytes, classOf[CrossProjectResolver]).success.value out shouldEqual crossLabels } } } }
Example 39
Source File: AuthDirectives.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.OAuth2BearerToken import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.FutureDirectives.onComplete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directive0, Directive1} import import import{IamClient, IamClientError} import{AuthenticationFailed, AuthorizationFailed, InternalError} import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object AuthDirectives { private val logger = Logger[this.type] def extractCaller(implicit iam: IamClient[Task], token: Option[AuthToken]): Directive1[Caller] = onComplete(iam.identities.runToFuture).flatMap { case Success(caller) => provide(caller) case Failure(_: IamClientError.Unauthorized) => failWith(AuthenticationFailed) case Failure(_: IamClientError.Forbidden) => failWith(AuthorizationFailed) case Failure(err) => val message = "Error when trying to extract the subject" logger.error(message, err) failWith(InternalError(message)) } }
Example 40
Source File: package.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.complete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{MalformedQueryParamRejection, Route} import cats.Functor import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import import import import{Ref, Rejection, ResourceV} import{DOT, Triples} import import import scala.concurrent.Future package object routes { private[routes] def completeWithFormat( fetched: Future[Either[Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)]] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(EitherT(fetched)) private def completeWithFormat( fetched: EitherT[Future, Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = format match { case f: JsonLDOutputFormat => implicit val format = f complete(fetched.value) case Triples => implicit val format = Triples complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> resource.value.graph.ntriples }.value) case DOT => implicit val format = DOT complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> }.value) } private[routes] val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("resources/read") private[routes] val schemaError = MalformedQueryParamRejection("schema", "The provided schema does not match the schema on the Uri") private[routes] implicit class FOptionSyntax[F[_], A](private val fOpt: F[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal { def toNotFound(id: AbsoluteIri)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, Rejection, A] = OptionT(fOpt).toRight(notFound(Ref(id))) } }
Example 41
Source File: ArchiveRoutes.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.{Created, OK} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.Accept import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, MediaTypes} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import{InvalidOutputFormat, UnacceptedResponseContentType} import import import import import import import import import import import import io.circe.Json import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class ArchiveRoutes private[routes] (archives: Archives[Task])( implicit acls: AccessControlLists, project: Project, caller: Caller, config: AppConfig ) { private val responseType = MediaTypes.`application/x-tar` def routes(id: AbsoluteIri): Route = { val resId = Id(project.ref, id) concat( // Create archive (put & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(s"/${config.http.prefix}/archives/{org}/{project}/{id}") { (hasPermission(write) & projectNotDeprecated) { entity(as[Json]) { source => complete(archives.create(resId, source).value.runWithStatus(Created)) } } } }, // Fetch archive (get & outputFormat(strict = true, Tar) & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { case Tar => getArchive(resId) case format: NonBinaryOutputFormat => getResource(resId)(format) case other => failWith(InvalidOutputFormat(other.toString)) } ) } private def getResource(resId: ResId)(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(archives.fetch(resId).value.runWithStatus(OK)) private def getArchive(resId: ResId): Route = { parameter("ignoreNotFound".as[Boolean] ? false) { ignoreNotFound => onSuccess(archives.fetchArchive(resId, ignoreNotFound).value.runToFuture) { case Right(source) => headerValueByType[Accept](()) { accept => if (accept.mediaRanges.exists(_.matches(responseType))) complete(HttpEntity(responseType, source)) else failWith( UnacceptedResponseContentType( s"File Media Type '$responseType' does not match the Accept header value '${accept.mediaRanges.mkString(", ")}'" ) ) } case Left(err) => complete(err) } } } } object ArchiveRoutes { final def apply(archives: Archives[Task])( implicit acls: AccessControlLists, caller: Caller, project: Project, config: AppConfig ): ArchiveRoutes = new ArchiveRoutes(archives) }
Example 42
Source File: TagRoutes.scala From nexus-kg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.{Created, OK} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import import import import import import import import import import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.{Encoder, Json} import kamon.Kamon import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class TagRoutes private[routes] (resourceType: String, tags: Tags[Task], schema: Ref, write: Permission)( implicit acls: AccessControlLists, caller: Caller, project: Project, config: AppConfig ) { def routes(id: AbsoluteIri): Route = // Consume the tag segment pathPrefix("tags") { concat( // Create tag (post & parameter("rev".as[Long]) & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { rev => operationName(opName) { (hasPermission(write) & projectNotDeprecated) { entity(as[Json]) { source => Kamon.currentSpan().tag("resource.operation", "create") complete(tags.create(Id(project.ref, id), rev, source, schema).value.runWithStatus(Created)) } } } }, // Fetch a tag (get & projectNotDeprecated & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(opName) { hasPermission(read).apply { parameter("rev".as[Long].?) { case Some(rev) => complete(tags.fetch(Id(project.ref, id), rev, schema).value.runWithStatus(OK)) case _ => complete(tags.fetch(Id(project.ref, id), schema).value.runWithStatus(OK)) } } } } ) } private implicit def tagsEncoder: Encoder[TagSet] = Encoder.instance(tags => Json.obj(nxv.tags.prefix -> Json.arr( _*)).addContext(tagCtxUri)) private def opName: String = resourceType match { case "resources" => s"/${config.http.prefix}/resources/{org}/{project}/{schemaId}/{id}/tags" case _ => s"/${config.http.prefix}/$resourceType/{org}/{project}/{id}/tags" } }
Example 43
Source File: MonixExample.scala From korolev with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import korolev.Context import korolev.akka._ import korolev.server.{KorolevServiceConfig, StateLoader} import korolev.state.javaSerialization._ import korolev.monix._ import monix.eval.Task import object MonixExample extends SimpleAkkaHttpKorolevApp { val ctx = Context[Task, Option[String], Any] import ctx._ import levsha.dsl._ import html._ private val aInput = elementId() private val bInput = elementId() def service: AkkaHttpService = akkaHttpService { KorolevServiceConfig[Task, Option[String], Any]( stateLoader = StateLoader.default(None), document = maybeResult => optimize { Html( body( form( input(aInput, `type` := "number", event("input")(onChange)), span("+"), input(bInput, `type` := "number", event("input")(onChange)), span("="), => span(result)), ) ) ) } ) } private def onChange(access: Access) = for { a <- access.valueOf(aInput) b <- access.valueOf(bInput) _ <- if (a.trim.isEmpty || b.trim.isEmpty) Task.unit else access.transition(_ => Some((a.toInt + b.toInt).toString)) } yield () }
Example 44
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx3[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).runAsync.attempt.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) "file scan" ! { val actual = run(Scanner.pathScan(base), fs) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) actual.mustEqual(expected) } "Error from Filesystem" ! { val emptyFs: Filesystem = MockFilesystem(directories, Map.empty) val actual = runE(Scanner.scanReport(Array("base", "10")), emptyFs) val expected = Left(new IOException().toString) actual.mustEqual(expected) } type E = Fx.fx3[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Either[String, ?]] def runE[T](program: Eff[E, T], fs: Filesystem) = //there are two nested Either in the stack, one from Exceptions and one from errors raised by the program //we convert to a common error type String then flatten program.runReader(fs).runEither.runAsync.attempt.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds).leftMap(_.toString).flatten "Error - Report with non-numeric input" ! { val actual = runE(Scanner.scanReport(Array("base", "not a number")), fs) val expected = Left("Number of files must be numeric: not a number") actual.mustEqual(expected) } "Error - Report with non-positive input" ! { val actual = runE(Scanner.scanReport(Array("base", "-1")), fs) val expected = Left("Invalid number of files -1") actual.mustEqual(expected) } }
Example 45
Source File: AdminRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import{OrganizationCache, ProjectCache} import import import import import import import{HttpConfig, PaginationConfig, PersistenceConfig} import monix.eval.Task import object AdminRoutes { final def apply( orgs: Organizations[Task], projects: Projects[Task], orgCache: OrganizationCache[Task], projCache: ProjectCache[Task], acls: Acls[Task], realms: Realms[Task] )(implicit as: ActorSystem, cfg: ServiceConfig ): Route = { implicit val hc: HttpConfig = cfg.http implicit val pc: PersistenceConfig = cfg.persistence implicit val pgc: PaginationConfig = cfg.pagination val eventsRoutes = new EventRoutes(acls, realms).routes val orgRoutes = new OrganizationRoutes(orgs, orgCache, acls, realms).routes val projectRoutes = new ProjectRoutes(projects, orgCache, projCache, acls, realms).routes pathPrefix(cfg.http.prefix) { eventsRoutes ~ orgRoutes ~ projectRoutes } } }
Example 46
Source File: MonixParallelTests.scala From freestyle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class MonixParallelTests extends WordSpec with Matchers { "Applicative Parallel Support" should { "allow non deterministic execution when interpreting to monix.eval.Task" ignore { val test = new freestyle.NonDeterminismTestShared import test._ implicit val interpreter = new freestyle.MixedFreeS.Handler[Task] { override def x: Task[Int] = Task(blocker(1, 1000L)) override def y: Task[Int] = Task(blocker(2, 0L)) override def z: Task[Int] = Task(blocker(3, 2000L)) } Await.result(program.interpret[Task].runAsync, Duration.Inf) shouldBe List(3, 1, 2, 3) buf.toArray shouldBe Array(3, 2, 1, 3) } } }
Example 47
Source File: PingPongSuite.scala From lsp4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tests import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue import minitest.SimpleTestSuite import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Promise import scala.meta.jsonrpc._ import scala.meta.jsonrpc.testkit._ import scribe.Logger object PingPongSuite extends SimpleTestSuite { private val Ping = Endpoint.notification[String]("ping") private val Pong = Endpoint.notification[String]("pong") private val Hello = Endpoint.request[String, String]("hello") testAsync("ping pong") { val promise = Promise[Unit]() val pongs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[String]() val services = Services .empty(Logger.root) .request(Hello) { msg => s"$msg, World!" } .notification(Pong) { message => assert(pongs.add(message)) if (pongs.size() == 2) { promise.complete(util.Success(())) } } val pongBack: LanguageClient => Services = { client => services.notification(Ping) { message => Pong.notify(message.replace("Ping", "Pong"))(client) } } val conn = TestConnection(pongBack, pongBack) for { _ <- Ping.notify("Ping from client")(conn.alice.client) _ <- Ping.notify("Ping from server")(conn.bob.client) Right(helloWorld) <- Hello.request("Hello")(conn.alice.client).runAsync _ <- promise.future } yield { assertEquals(helloWorld, "Hello, World!") val obtainedPongs = pongs.asScala.toList.sorted val expectedPongs = List("Pong from client", "Pong from server") assertEquals(obtainedPongs, expectedPongs) conn.cancel() } } }
Example 48
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx3[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).runAsync.attempt.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) "file scan" ! { val actual = run(Scanner.pathScan(base), fs) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) actual.mustEqual(expected) } "Error from Filesystem" ! { val emptyFs: Filesystem = MockFilesystem(directories, Map.empty) val actual = runE(Scanner.scanReport(Array("base", "10")), emptyFs) val expected = ??? actual.mustEqual(expected) } type E = Fx.fx3[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Either[String, ?]] def runE[T](program: Eff[E, T], fs: Filesystem) = //there are two nested Either in the stack, one from Exceptions and one from errors raised by the program //we convert to a common error type String then flatten program.runReader(fs).runEither.runAsync.attempt.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds).leftMap(_.toString).flatten "Error - Report with non-numeric input" ! { val actual = runE(Scanner.scanReport(Array("base", "not a number")), fs) val expected = Left("Number of files must be numeric: not a number") actual.mustEqual(expected) } "Error - Report with non-positive input" ! { val actual = runE(Scanner.scanReport(Array("base", "-1")), fs) val expected = Left("Invalid number of files -1") actual.mustEqual(expected) } }
Example 49
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx4[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).taskAttempt.runWriter.runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) val expectedLogs = Set("Scan started on Directory(base)"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base)': 1 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/2.txt Size 2 B"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base/subdir)': 0 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/3.txt Size 3 B") ) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan(base), fs) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} "Logs messages are emitted (ignores order due to non-determinstic concurrent execution)" ! { logs.forall(expectedLogs.contains) } }
Example 50
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val linkTarget = File(s"/somewhere/else/7.txt") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val baseLink = Symlink(s"${base.path}/7.txt", linkTarget) val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub2 = File(s"${subdir.path}/2.txt") val subLink = Symlink(s"${subdir.path}/7.txt", linkTarget) val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, baseLink), subdir -> List(sub2, subLink) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, sub2 -> 2L, linkTarget -> 7L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx5[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?], State[Set[FilePath], ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).evalStateZero[Set[FilePath]].taskAttempt.runWriter[Log].runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(linkTarget, 7), FileSize(sub2, 2)), 10, 3)) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan[R](base), fs) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} }
Example 51
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx4[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).taskAttempt.runWriter.runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) val expectedLogs = Set("Scan started on Directory(base)"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base)': 1 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/2.txt Size 2 B"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base/subdir)': 0 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/3.txt Size 3 B") ) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan(base), fs) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} "Logs messages are emitted (ignores order due to non-determinstic concurrent execution)" ! { expectedLogs.forall(logs.contains) } }
Example 52
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } "file scan" ! { val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val fs: Filesystem = MockFilesystem( Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ), Map(base1 -> 1, base2 -> 2, sub1 -> 1, sub3 -> 3) ) val program = Scanner.pathScan[Scanner.R](base) val actual = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } }
Example 53
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { import EffOptics._ case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } "file scan" ! { val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val fs: Filesystem = MockFilesystem( Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ), Map(base1 -> 1, base2 -> 2, sub1 -> 1, sub3 -> 3) ) val program = Scanner.pathScan[Scanner.R](base) val actual = program.runReader(AppConfig(ScanConfig(2), fs)).runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } }
Example 54
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import java.nio.file._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { "Report Format" ! { val base = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory("exerciseTask")) val base1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 1)) val base2 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 2)) val subdir = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory(base, "subdir")) val sub1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 1)) val sub3 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 3)) val actual = Scanner.pathScan(FilePath(base), 2).runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } def fillFile(dir: Path, size: Int) = { val path = dir.resolve(s"$size.txt") val w = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) try w.write("a" * size) finally w.close path } def deletedOnExit(p: Path) = { p.toFile.deleteOnExit() p } }
Example 55
Source File: EventRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.sse.EventStreamMarshalling._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import{Organization, Project} import import import{Caller, Permission} import import import import import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class EventRoutes(acls: Acls[Task], realms: Realms[Task], caller: Caller)(implicit override val as: ActorSystem, override val config: ServiceConfig ) extends AuthDirectives(acls, realms) with EventCommonRoutes { private val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("resources/read") def routes(project: Project): Route = { lastEventId { offset => operationName(s"/${config.http.prefix}/resources/{org}/{project}/events") { authorizeFor(project.organizationLabel / project.label, read)(caller) { complete(source(s"project=${project.uuid}", offset)) } } } } def routes(org: Organization): Route = lastEventId { offset => operationName(s"/${config.http.prefix}/resources/{org}/events") { authorizeFor(/ + org.label, read)(caller) { complete(source(s"org=${org.uuid}", offset)) } } } }
Example 56
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx4[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).taskAttempt.runWriter.runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) val expectedLogs = Set("Scan started on Directory(base)"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base)': 1 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/2.txt Size 2 B"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base/subdir)': 0 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/3.txt Size 3 B") ) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan(base), fs) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} "Logs messages are emitted (ignores order due to non-determinstic concurrent execution)" ! { logs.forall(expectedLogs.contains) } }
Example 57
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val linkTarget = File(s"/somewhere/else/7.txt") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val baseLink = Symlink(s"${base.path}/7.txt", linkTarget) val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub2 = File(s"${subdir.path}/2.txt") val subLink = Symlink(s"${subdir.path}/7.txt", linkTarget) val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, baseLink), subdir -> List(sub2, subLink) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, sub2 -> 2L, linkTarget -> 7L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx5[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?], State[Set[FilePath], ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).evalStateZero[Set[FilePath]].taskAttempt.runWriter[Log].runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(linkTarget, 7), FileSize(sub2, 2)), 10, 3)) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan[R](base), fs) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} }
Example 58
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx4[Task, Reader[Filesystem, ?], Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T], fs: Filesystem) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).taskAttempt.runWriter.runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) val expectedLogs = Set("Scan started on Directory(base)"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base)': 1 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/2.txt Size 2 B"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base/subdir)': 0 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/3.txt Size 3 B") ) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan(base), fs) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} "Logs messages are emitted (ignores order due to non-determinstic concurrent execution)" ! { expectedLogs.forall(logs.contains) } }
Example 59
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } "file scan" ! { val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val fs: Filesystem = MockFilesystem( Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ), Map(base1 -> 1, base2 -> 2, sub1 -> 1, sub3 -> 3) ) val program = Scanner.pathScan[Scanner.R](base) val actual = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runReader(fs).runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } }
Example 60
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { import EffOptics._ case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } "file scan" ! { val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val fs: Filesystem = MockFilesystem( Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ), Map(base1 -> 1, base2 -> 2, sub1 -> 1, sub3 -> 3) ) val program = Scanner.pathScan[Scanner.R](base) val actual = program.runReader(AppConfig(ScanConfig(2), fs)).runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } }
Example 61
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import java.nio.file._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { "Report Format" ! { val base = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory("exerciseTask")) val base1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 1)) val base2 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 2)) val subdir = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory(base, "subdir")) val sub1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 1)) val sub3 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 3)) val actual = Scanner.pathScan(FilePath(base), 2).runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } def fillFile(dir: Path, size: Int) = { val path = dir.resolve(s"$size.txt") val w = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) try w.write("a" * size) finally w.close path } def deletedOnExit(p: Path) = { p.toFile.deleteOnExit() p } }
Example 62
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx4[Task, FilesystemCmd, Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T]) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runFilesystemCmds(fs).taskAttempt.runWriter.runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) val expectedLogs = Set("Scan started on Directory(base)"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base)': 1 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/2.txt Size 2 B"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base/subdir)': 0 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/3.txt Size 3 B") ) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan(base)) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} "Logs messages are emitted (ignores order due to non-determinstic concurrent execution)" ! { logs.forall(expectedLogs.contains) } }
Example 63
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import import java.nio.file._ import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import org.atnos.eff._ import org.atnos.eff.all._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import monix.eval._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { case class MockFilesystem(directories: Map[Directory, List[FilePath]], fileSizes: Map[File, Long]) extends Filesystem { def length(file: File) = fileSizes.getOrElse(file, throw new IOException()) def listFiles(directory: Directory) = directories.getOrElse(directory, throw new IOException()) def filePath(path: String): FilePath = if (directories.keySet.contains(Directory(path))) Directory(path) else if (fileSizes.keySet.contains(File(path))) File(path) else throw new FileNotFoundException(path) } val base = Directory("base") val base1 = File(s"${base.path}/1.txt") val base2 = File(s"${base.path}/2.txt") val subdir = Directory(s"${base.path}/subdir") val sub1 = File(s"${subdir.path}/1.txt") val sub3 = File(s"${subdir.path}/3.txt") val directories = Map( base -> List(subdir, base1, base2), subdir -> List(sub1, sub3) ) val fileSizes = Map(base1 -> 1L, base2 -> 2L, sub1 -> 1L, sub3 -> 3L) val fs = MockFilesystem(directories, fileSizes) type R = Fx.fx4[Task, FilesystemCmd, Reader[ScanConfig, ?], Writer[Log, ?]] def run[T](program: Eff[R, T]) = program.runReader(ScanConfig(2)).runFilesystemCmds(fs).taskAttempt.runWriter.runAsync.runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = Right(new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4)) val expectedLogs = Set("Scan started on Directory(base)"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base)': 1 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/2.txt Size 2 B"), Log.debug("Scanning directory 'Directory(base/subdir)': 0 subdirectories and 2 files"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/1.txt Size 1 B"), Log.debug("File base/subdir/3.txt Size 3 B") ) val (actual, logs) = run(Scanner.pathScan(base)) "Report Format" ! {actual.mustEqual(expected)} "Logs messages are emitted (ignores order due to non-determinstic concurrent execution)" ! { logs.forall(expectedLogs.contains) } }
Example 64
Source File: Monix.scala From arrows with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package benchmarks import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Cancelable import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import scala.util.Try import scala.util.Success trait MonixAsync { this: Benchmarks => private[this] final val gen = MonixGen(dist) @Benchmark def monixTask = { import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import Try(Await.result(gen(1).runAsync, Duration.Inf)) } } trait MonixSync { this: Benchmarks => private[this] final val gen = MonixGen(dist) @Benchmark def monixTask = { import Success(gen(1).runSyncMaybe.right.get) } } object MonixGen extends Gen[Int => Task[Int]] { def sync = _ def async(schedule: Runnable => Unit) = { v => Task.async[Int] { case (s, cb) => schedule(() => cb.onSuccess(v)) Cancelable.empty } } def failure(ex: Throwable) = _ => Task.raiseError(ex) def map(t: Int => Task[Int], f: Int => Int) = t.andThen( def flatMap(t: Int => Task[Int], f: Int => Task[Int]) = t.andThen(_.flatMap(f)) def handle(t: Int => Task[Int], i: Int) = t.andThen(_.onErrorHandle(_ => i)) }
Example 65
Source File: UserAccountRepositoryOnMemorySpec.scala From scala-ddd-base with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.memory import java.time.ZonedDateTime import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.AggregateNotFoundException import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model._ import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ IdGenerator, SpecSupport, UserAccountRepository } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.ScalaFuturesSupportSpec import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future } class UserAccountRepositoryOnMemorySpec extends FreeSpec with ScalaFutures with ScalaFuturesSupportSpec with Matchers with SpecSupport { val userAccount = UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress("[email protected]"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) val userAccounts = for (idx <- 1L to 10L) yield UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress(s"user${idx}"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) "UserAccountRepositoryOnMemory" - { "store" in { val repository = UserAccountRepository.onMemory() val result: UserAccount = (for { _ <- r <- repository.resolveById( } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue result shouldBe userAccount } "storeMulti" in { val repository = UserAccountRepository.onMemory() val result: Seq[UserAccount] = (for { _ <- repository.storeMulti(userAccounts) r <- repository.resolveMulti( } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue sameAs(result, userAccounts) shouldBe true } "store then expired" in { val repository = UserAccountRepository.onMemory(expireAfterWrite = Some(1 seconds)) val resultFuture: Future[UserAccount] = (for { _ <- _ <- Task.pure(Thread.sleep(1000)) r <- repository.resolveById( } yield r).runToFuture an[AggregateNotFoundException] should be thrownBy { Await.result(resultFuture, Duration.Inf) } } } }
Example 66
Source File: QueryResultTypeCassandraMonixSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra.monix import io.getquill.context.cassandra.QueryResultTypeCassandraSpec import monix.eval.Task import import monix.reactive.Observable class QueryResultTypeCassandraMonixSpec extends QueryResultTypeCassandraSpec { val context = testMonixDB import context._ def result[T](t: Task[T]) = await(t.runToFuture(global)) def result[T](t: Observable[T]) = await(t.foldLeftL(List.empty[T])(_ :+ _).runToFuture) override def beforeAll = { result( result( => insert(e)))) () } "query" in { result( mustEqual entries } "stream" in { result( mustEqual entries } "querySingle" - { "size" in { result( mustEqual 3 } "parametrized size" in { result( mustEqual 0 } } }
Example 67
Source File: EncodingSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.cassandra.monix import io.getquill.context.cassandra.EncodingSpecHelper import io.getquill.Query class EncodingSpec extends EncodingSpecHelper { "encodes and decodes types" - { "stream" in { import import testMonixDB._ val result = for { _ <-[EncodingTestEntity].delete) _ <- => query[EncodingTestEntity].insert(e))) result <-[EncodingTestEntity]) } yield { result } val f = result.runToFuture verify(await(f)) } } "encodes collections" - { "stream" in { import import testMonixDB._ val q = quote { (list: Query[Int]) => query[EncodingTestEntity].filter(t => list.contains( } val result = for { _ <-[EncodingTestEntity].delete) _ <- => query[EncodingTestEntity].insert(e))) result <- } yield { result } val f = result.runToFuture verify(await(f)) } } }
Example 68
Source File: ApplicationController.scala From monix-sample with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import import import engine.{BackPressuredWebSocketActor, DataProducer, SimpleWebSocketActor} import import play.api.Environment import play.api.libs.json.JsValue import play.api.libs.streams.ActorFlow import play.api.mvc._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ class ApplicationController() (implicit env: Environment, as: ActorSystem, m: Materializer) extends Controller with JSONFormats { def index = Action { Ok(views.html.index(env)) } def backPressuredStream(periodMillis: Int, seed: Long) = WebSocket.accept[JsValue, JsValue] { request => val obs = new DataProducer(periodMillis.millis, seed) ActorFlow.actorRef(out => BackPressuredWebSocketActor.props(obs, out)) } def simpleStream(periodMillis: Int, seed: Long) = WebSocket.accept[JsValue, JsValue] { request => val obs = new DataProducer(periodMillis.millis, seed) ActorFlow.actorRef(out => SimpleWebSocketActor.props(obs, out)) } }
Example 69
Source File: MonixSampleClient.scala From monix-sample with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package client import import monix.reactive.Observable import shared.models.Signal import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.scalajs.js object MonixSampleClient extends js.JSApp { def main(): Unit = { val line1 = new DataConsumer(200.millis, 1274028492832L, doBackPressure = true) .collect { case s: Signal => s } val line2 = new DataConsumer(200.millis, 9384729038472L, doBackPressure = true) .collect { case s: Signal => s } val line3 = new DataConsumer(200.millis, -2938472934842L, doBackPressure = false) .collect { case s: Signal => s } val line4 = new DataConsumer(200.millis, -9826395057397L, doBackPressure = false) .collect { case s: Signal => s } Observable .combineLatest4(line1, line2, line3, line4) .subscribe(new Graph("lineChart")) } }
Example 70
Source File: UserAccountRepositoryByFreeSpec.scala From scala-ddd-base with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.ZonedDateTime import import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model._ import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ IdGenerator, SpecSupport, UserAccountRepository } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.{ FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport, SkinnySpecSupport } import import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpecLike, Matchers } import scalikejdbc.AutoSession class UserAccountRepositoryByFreeSpec extends FreeSpecLike with FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport with SkinnySpecSupport with Matchers with SpecSupport { override val tables: Seq[String] = Seq("user_account") val userAccount = UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress("[email protected]"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) val userAccounts = for (idx <- 1L to 10L) yield UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress(s"user${idx}"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) "UserAccountRepositoryByFree" - { "store" in { val program: Free[UserRepositoryDSL, UserAccount] = for { _ <- result <- UserAccountRepositoryByFree.resolveById( } yield result val skinny = UserAccountRepository.bySkinny val evalResult = UserAccountRepositoryByFree.evaluate(skinny)(program) val result = result shouldBe userAccount } } }
Example 71
Source File: UserMessageRepositoryBySkinnyImplSpec.scala From scala-ddd-base with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.skinny import java.time.ZonedDateTime import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model.{ Status, UserMessage, UserMessageId } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ IdGenerator, SpecSupport } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.{ FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport, SkinnySpecSupport } import import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpecLike, Matchers } import scalikejdbc.AutoSession class UserMessageRepositoryBySkinnyImplSpec extends FreeSpecLike with FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport with SkinnySpecSupport with Matchers with SpecSupport { override val tables: Seq[String] = Seq("user_message") val userMessage = UserMessage( id = UserMessageId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue, IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, message = "ABC", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) val userMessages = for (idx <- 1L to 10L) yield UserMessage( id = UserMessageId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue, IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, message = s"ABC${idx}", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) val repository = new UserMessageRepositoryBySkinnyImpl "UserMessageRepositoryBySkinnyImpl" - { "store" in { val result = (for { _ <- r <- repository.resolveById( } yield r).run(AutoSession).runToFuture.futureValue result shouldBe userMessage } "storeMulti" in { val result = (for { _ <- repository.storeMulti(userMessages) r <- repository.resolveMulti( } yield r).run(AutoSession).runToFuture.futureValue sameAs(result, userMessages) shouldBe true } } }
Example 72
Source File: UserAccountRepositoryBySkinnyImplSpec.scala From scala-ddd-base with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.skinny import java.time.ZonedDateTime import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model._ import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ IdGenerator, SpecSupport } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.{ FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport, SkinnySpecSupport } import import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpecLike, Matchers } import scalikejdbc.AutoSession class UserAccountRepositoryBySkinnyImplSpec extends FreeSpecLike with FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport with SkinnySpecSupport with Matchers with SpecSupport { val repository = new UserAccountRepositoryBySkinnyImpl override val tables: Seq[String] = Seq("user_account") val userAccount = UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress("[email protected]"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) val userAccounts = for (idx <- 1L to 10L) yield UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress(s"user${idx}"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) "UserAccountRepositoryBySkinny" - { "store" in { val result = (for { _ <- r <- repository.resolveById( } yield r).run(AutoSession).runToFuture.futureValue result shouldBe userAccount } "storeMulti" in { val result = (for { _ <- repository.storeMulti(userAccounts) r <- repository.resolveMulti( } yield r).run(AutoSession).runToFuture.futureValue sameAs(result, userAccounts) shouldBe true } } }
Example 73
Source File: AirframeSpec.scala From scala-ddd-base with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.airframe import java.time.ZonedDateTime import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model._ import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.{ FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport, SkinnySpecSupport } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ BySkinny, IdGenerator, UserAccountRepository } import import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpecLike, Matchers } import scalikejdbc.AutoSession import wvlet.airframe._ class AirframeSpec extends FreeSpecLike with FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport with SkinnySpecSupport with Matchers { override val tables: Seq[String] = Seq("user_account") val design = newDesign.bind[UserAccountRepository[BySkinny]].toInstance(UserAccountRepository.bySkinny) val userAccount = UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress("[email protected]"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) "Airframe" - { "store and resolveById" in { design.withSession { session => val repository =[UserAccountRepository[BySkinny]] val result = (for { _ <- r <- repository.resolveById( } yield r).run(AutoSession).runToFuture.futureValue result shouldBe userAccount } } } }
Example 74
Source File: UserAccountRepositoryBySlickImplSpec.scala From scala-ddd-base with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.slick import java.time.ZonedDateTime import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model._ import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ IdGenerator, SpecSupport, UserAccountRepository } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.{ FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport, Slick3SpecSupport } import import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpecLike, Matchers } class UserAccountRepositoryBySlickImplSpec extends FreeSpecLike with FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport with Slick3SpecSupport with Matchers with SpecSupport { override val tables: Seq[String] = Seq("user_account") val userAccount = UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress("[email protected]"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) val userAccounts = for (idx <- 1L to 10L) yield UserAccount( id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, emailAddress = EmailAddress(s"user${idx}"), password = HashedPassword("aaa"), firstName = "Junichi", lastName = "Kato", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) "UserAccountRepositoryBySlickImpl" - { "store" in { val repository = new UserAccountRepositoryBySlickImpl(dbConfig.profile, dbConfig.db) val result = (for { _ <- r <- repository.resolveById( } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue result shouldBe userAccount } "storeMulti" in { val repository = new UserAccountRepositoryBySlickImpl(dbConfig.profile, dbConfig.db) val result = (for { _ <- repository.storeMulti(userAccounts) r <- repository.resolveMulti( } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue sameAs(result, userAccounts) shouldBe true } } }
Example 75
Source File: UserMessageRepositoryBySlickImplSpec.scala From scala-ddd-base with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.slick import java.time.ZonedDateTime import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model.{ Status, UserMessage, UserMessageId } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ IdGenerator, SpecSupport } import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.{ FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport, Slick3SpecSupport } import import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpecLike, Matchers } class UserMessageRepositoryBySlickImplSpec extends FreeSpecLike with FlywayWithMySQLSpecSupport with Slick3SpecSupport with Matchers with SpecSupport { override val tables: Seq[String] = Seq("user_message") val userMessage = UserMessage( id = UserMessageId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue, IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, message = "ABC", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) val userMessages = for (idx <- 1L to 10L) yield UserMessage( id = UserMessageId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue, IdGenerator.generateIdValue), status = Status.Active, message = s"ABC${idx}", createdAt =, updatedAt = None ) "UserMessageRepositoryBySlickImpl" - { "store" in { val repository = new UserMessageRepositoryBySlickImpl(dbConfig.profile, dbConfig.db) val result = (for { _ <- r <- repository.resolveById( } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue result shouldBe userMessage } "storeMulti" in { val repository = new UserMessageRepositoryBySlickImpl(dbConfig.profile, dbConfig.db) val result = (for { _ <- repository.storeMulti(userMessages) r <- repository.resolveMulti( } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue sameAs(result, userMessages) shouldBe true } } }
Example 76
Source File: Stream.scala From pulse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.phdata.pulse import io.phdata.pulse.log.{ HttpManager, JsonParser } import monix.reactive.subjects.ConcurrentSubject import import monix.reactive.OverflowStrategy import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try } abstract class Stream[E](flushDuration: FiniteDuration, flushSize: Int, maxBuffer: Int) { val overflowStragegy = OverflowStrategy.DropNewAndSignal(maxBuffer, (_: Long) => None) val subject = ConcurrentSubject.publish[E](overflowStragegy) subject .bufferTimedAndCounted(flushDuration, flushSize) .map(save) .subscribe() def append(value: E): Unit = Try { subject.onNext(value) } match { case Success(_) => () case Failure(e) => LogLog.error("Error appending to stream", e) } def save(values: Seq[E]) } class HttpStream(flushDuration: FiniteDuration, flushSize: Int, maxBuffer: Int, httpManager: HttpManager) extends Stream[LoggingEvent](flushDuration, flushSize, maxBuffer) { val jsonParser = new JsonParser override def save(values: Seq[LoggingEvent]): Unit = { val logArray = values.toArray LogLog.debug(s"Flushing ${logArray.length} messages") val logMessage = jsonParser.marshallArray(logArray) httpManager.send(logMessage) } }
Example 77
Source File: AuthDirectives.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.OAuth2BearerToken import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directive1 import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.FutureDirectives.onComplete import import{AccessToken, Caller} import import import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import monix.eval.Task import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object AuthDirectives { private val logger = Logger[this.type] def extractCaller(implicit identities: IamIdentitiesClient[Task], token: Option[AccessToken]): Directive1[Caller] = onComplete(identities().runToFuture).flatMap { case Success(caller) => provide(caller) case Failure(IdentitiesClientStatusError(StatusCodes.Unauthorized, _)) => failWith(AuthenticationFailed) case Failure(IdentitiesClientStatusError(StatusCodes.Forbidden, _)) => failWith(AuthorizationFailed) case Failure(err) => val message = "Error when trying to extract the subject" logger.error(message, err) failWith(InternalError(message)) } }
Example 78
Source File: StorageCacheSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Paths import java.time.Clock import akka.testkit._ import import import import import import{ServiceConfig, Settings} import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, TryValues} import scala.concurrent.duration._ //noinspection NameBooleanParameters class StorageCacheSpec extends ActorSystemFixture("StorageCacheSpec", true) with Matchers with Inspectors with ScalaFutures with TryValues with TestHelper { implicit override def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(3.seconds.dilated, 5.milliseconds) implicit private val clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC implicit private val appConfig: ServiceConfig = Settings(system).serviceConfig implicit private val keyValueStoreCfg = val ref1 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val ref2 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val time = clock.instant() val lastId = url"" // initialInstant.minusSeconds(1L + genInt().toLong) val tempStorage = DiskStorage(ref1, genIri, 1L, false, true, "alg", Paths.get("/tmp"), read, write, 1024L) val lastStorageProj1 = tempStorage.copy(id = lastId) val lastStorageProj2 = tempStorage.copy(ref = ref2, id = lastId) val storagesProj1: List[DiskStorage] = List.fill(5)(tempStorage.copy(id = genIri)) :+ lastStorageProj1 val storagesProj2: List[DiskStorage] = List.fill(5)(tempStorage.copy(ref = ref2, id = genIri)) :+ lastStorageProj2 private val cache = StorageCache[Task] "StorageCache" should { "index storages" in { forAll((storagesProj1 ++ storagesProj2).zipWithIndex) { case (storage, index) => implicit val instant = time.plusSeconds(index.toLong) cache.put(storage).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(storage.ref, shouldEqual Some(storage) } } "get latest default storage" in { cache.getDefault(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue shouldEqual Some(lastStorageProj1) cache.getDefault(ref2).runToFuture.futureValue shouldEqual Some(lastStorageProj2) cache.getDefault(ProjectRef(genUUID)).runToFuture.futureValue shouldEqual None } "list storages" in { cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs storagesProj1 cache.get(ref2).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs storagesProj2 } "deprecate storage" in { val storage = storagesProj1.head implicit val instant = time.plusSeconds(30L) cache.put(storage.copy(deprecated = true, rev = 2L)).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(storage.ref, shouldEqual None cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs storagesProj1.filterNot(_ == storage) } } }
Example 79
Source File: ResolverCacheSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.serialization.Serialization import akka.testkit._ import import import import import import{ProjectLabel, ProjectRef} import{ServiceConfig, Settings} import monix.eval.Task import import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, TryValues} import scala.concurrent.duration._ //noinspection NameBooleanParameters class ResolverCacheSpec extends ActorSystemFixture("ResolverCacheSpec", true) with Matchers with Inspectors with ScalaFutures with TryValues with TestHelper { implicit override def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(3.seconds.dilated, 5.milliseconds) implicit private val appConfig: ServiceConfig = Settings(system).serviceConfig implicit private val keyValueStoreCfg = val ref1 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val ref2 = ProjectRef(genUUID) val label1 = ProjectLabel(genString(), genString()) val label2 = ProjectLabel(genString(), genString()) val resolver: InProjectResolver = InProjectResolver(ref1, genIri, 1L, false, 10) val crossRefs: CrossProjectResolver = CrossProjectResolver(Set(genIri), List(ref1, ref2), Set(Anonymous), ref1, genIri, 0L, false, 1) val crossLabels: CrossProjectResolver = CrossProjectResolver(Set(genIri), List(label1, label2), Set(Anonymous), ref1, genIri, 0L, false, 1) val resolverProj1: Set[InProjectResolver] = List.fill(5)(resolver.copy(id = genIri)).toSet val resolverProj2: Set[InProjectResolver] = List.fill(5)(resolver.copy(id = genIri, ref = ref2)).toSet private val cache = ResolverCache[Task] "ResolverCache" should { "index resolvers" in { val list = (resolverProj1 ++ resolverProj2).toList forAll(list) { resolver => cache.put(resolver).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(resolver.ref, shouldEqual Some(resolver) } } "list resolvers" in { cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs resolverProj1 cache.get(ref2).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs resolverProj2 } "deprecate resolver" in { val resolver = resolverProj1.head cache.put(resolver.copy(deprecated = true, rev = 2L)).runToFuture.futureValue cache.get(resolver.ref, shouldEqual None cache.get(ref1).runToFuture.futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs resolverProj1.filterNot(_ == resolver) } "serialize cross project resolver" when { val serialization = new Serialization(system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]) "parameterized with ProjectRef" in { val bytes = serialization.serialize(crossRefs).success.value val out = serialization.deserialize(bytes, classOf[CrossProjectResolver]).success.value out shouldEqual crossRefs } "parameterized with ProjectLabel" in { val bytes = serialization.serialize(crossLabels).success.value val out = serialization.deserialize(bytes, classOf[CrossProjectResolver]).success.value out shouldEqual crossLabels } } } }
Example 80
Source File: IdentitiesRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import import import import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class IdentitiesRoutes(acls: Acls[Task], realms: Realms[Task])(implicit http: HttpConfig) extends AuthDirectives(acls, realms) { def routes: Route = { (pathPrefix("identities") & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(s"/${http.prefix}/identities") { (extractCaller & get) { caller => complete(caller) } } } } }
Example 81
Source File: PermissionsRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.javadsl.server.Rejections._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import import{Append, Replace, Subtract} import import import import import import io.circe.{Decoder, DecodingFailure} import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class PermissionsRoutes(permissions: Permissions[Task], acls: Acls[Task], realms: Realms[Task])(implicit http: HttpConfig ) extends AuthDirectives(acls, realms) { def routes: Route = (pathPrefix("permissions") & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(s"/${http.prefix}/permissions") { extractCaller { implicit caller => concat( get { parameter("rev".as[Long].?) { case Some(rev) => complete(permissions.fetchAt(rev).runNotFound) case None => complete(permissions.fetch.runToFuture) } }, (put & parameter("rev" ? 0L)) { rev => entity(as[PatchPermissions]) { case Replace(set) => complete(permissions.replace(set, rev).runToFuture) case _ => reject(validationRejection("Only @type 'Replace' is permitted when using 'put'.")) } }, delete { parameter("rev".as[Long]) { rev => complete(permissions.delete(rev).runToFuture) } }, (patch & parameter("rev" ? 0L)) { rev => entity(as[PatchPermissions]) { case Append(set) => complete(permissions.append(set, rev).runToFuture) case Subtract(set) => complete(permissions.subtract(set, rev).runToFuture) case _ => reject(validationRejection("Only @type 'Append' or 'Subtract' is permitted when using 'patch'.")) } } ) } } } } object PermissionsRoutes { sealed private[routes] trait PatchPermissions extends Product with Serializable private[routes] object PatchPermissions { final case class Append(permissions: Set[Permission]) extends PatchPermissions final case class Subtract(permissions: Set[Permission]) extends PatchPermissions final case class Replace(permissions: Set[Permission]) extends PatchPermissions implicit val patchPermissionsDecoder: Decoder[PatchPermissions] = Decoder.instance { hc => for { permissions <- hc.get[Set[Permission]]("permissions") tpe = hc.get[String]("@type").getOrElse("Replace") patch <- tpe match { case "Replace" => Right(Replace(permissions)) case "Append" => Right(Append(permissions)) case "Subtract" => Right(Subtract(permissions)) case _ => Left(DecodingFailure("@type field must have Append or Subtract value", hc.history)) } } yield patch } } }
Example 82
Source File: package.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.complete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{MalformedQueryParamRejection, Route} import cats.Functor import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import import import import{Ref, Rejection, ResourceV} import{DOT, Triples} import import import scala.concurrent.Future package object routes { private[routes] def completeWithFormat( fetched: Future[Either[Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)]] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(EitherT(fetched)) private def completeWithFormat( fetched: EitherT[Future, Rejection, (StatusCode, ResourceV)] )(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = format match { case f: JsonLDOutputFormat => implicit val format = f complete(fetched.value) case Triples => implicit val format = Triples complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> resource.value.graph.ntriples }.value) case DOT => implicit val format = DOT complete( { case (status, resource) => status -> }.value) } private[routes] val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("resources/read") private[routes] val schemaError = MalformedQueryParamRejection("schema", "The provided schema does not match the schema on the Uri") implicit private[routes] class FOptionSyntax[F[_], A](private val fOpt: F[Option[A]]) extends AnyVal { def toNotFound(id: AbsoluteIri)(implicit F: Functor[F]): EitherT[F, Rejection, A] = OptionT(fOpt).toRight(notFound(Ref(id))) } }
Example 83
Source File: GlobalEventRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.sse.EventStreamMarshalling._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.complete import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import{Caller, Permission} import import import import import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class GlobalEventRoutes(acls: Acls[Task], realms: Realms[Task], caller: Caller)(implicit override val as: ActorSystem, override val config: ServiceConfig ) extends AuthDirectives(acls, realms) with EventCommonRoutes { private val read: Permission = Permission.unsafe("events/read") def routes: Route = lastEventId { offset => operationName(s"/${config.http.prefix}/events") { authorizeFor(permission = read)(caller) { complete(source(TaggingAdapter.EventTag, offset)) } } } }
Example 84
Source File: ArchiveRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.{Created, OK} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.Accept import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, MediaTypes} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import import import{InvalidOutputFormat, UnacceptedResponseContentType} import import import import import import import import import import import import import io.circe.Json import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class ArchiveRoutes private[routes] (archives: Archives[Task], acls: Acls[Task], realms: Realms[Task])(implicit project: Project, caller: Caller, config: ServiceConfig ) extends AuthDirectives(acls, realms) { private val responseType = MediaTypes.`application/x-tar` private val projectPath = project.organizationLabel / project.label implicit private val subject: Subject = caller.subject def routes(id: AbsoluteIri): Route = { val resId = Id(project.ref, id) concat( // Create archive (put & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(s"/${config.http.prefix}/archives/{org}/{project}/{id}") { (authorizeFor(projectPath, write) & projectNotDeprecated) { entity(as[Json]) { source => complete(archives.create(resId, source).value.runWithStatus(Created)) } } } }, // Fetch archive (get & outputFormat(strict = true, Tar) & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { case Tar => getArchive(resId) case format: NonBinaryOutputFormat => getResource(resId)(format) case other => failWith(InvalidOutputFormat(other.toString)) } ) } private def getResource(resId: ResId)(implicit format: NonBinaryOutputFormat): Route = completeWithFormat(archives.fetch(resId).value.runWithStatus(OK)) private def getArchive(resId: ResId): Route = { (parameter("ignoreNotFound".as[Boolean] ? false) & extractCallerAcls(anyProject)) { (ignoreNotFound, acls) => onSuccess(archives.fetchArchive(resId, ignoreNotFound)(acls, caller).value.runToFuture) { case Right(source) => headerValueByType[Accept](()) { accept => if (accept.mediaRanges.exists(_.matches(responseType))) complete(HttpEntity(responseType, source)) else failWith( UnacceptedResponseContentType( s"File Media Type '$responseType' does not match the Accept header value '${accept.mediaRanges.mkString(", ")}'" ) ) } case Left(err) => complete(err) } } } }
Example 85
Source File: TagRoutes.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.{Created, OK} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import import{Caller, Permission} import import import import import import import import import import import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.{Encoder, Json} import kamon.Kamon import kamon.instrumentation.akka.http.TracingDirectives.operationName import monix.eval.Task import class TagRoutes private[routes] ( resourceType: String, tags: Tags[Task], acls: Acls[Task], realms: Realms[Task], schema: Ref, write: Permission )(implicit caller: Caller, project: Project, config: ServiceConfig ) extends AuthDirectives(acls, realms) { private val projectPath = project.organizationLabel / project.label implicit private val subject: Subject = caller.subject def routes(id: AbsoluteIri): Route = // Consume the tag segment pathPrefix("tags") { concat( // Create tag (post & parameter("rev".as[Long]) & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { rev => operationName(opName) { (authorizeFor(projectPath, write) & projectNotDeprecated) { entity(as[Json]) { source => Kamon.currentSpan().tag("resource.operation", "create") complete(tags.create(Id(project.ref, id), rev, source, schema).value.runWithStatus(Created)) } } } }, // Fetch a tag (get & projectNotDeprecated & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { operationName(opName) { authorizeFor(projectPath, read)(caller) { parameter("rev".as[Long].?) { case Some(rev) => complete(tags.fetch(Id(project.ref, id), rev, schema).value.runWithStatus(OK)) case _ => complete(tags.fetch(Id(project.ref, id), schema).value.runWithStatus(OK)) } } } } ) } implicit private def tagsEncoder: Encoder[TagSet] = Encoder.instance(tags => Json.obj("tags" -> Json.arr( _*)).addContext(tagCtxUri)) private def opName: String = resourceType match { case "resources" => s"/${config.http.prefix}/resources/{org}/{project}/{schemaId}/{id}/tags" case _ => s"/${config.http.prefix}/$resourceType/{org}/{project}/{id}/tags" } }