Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: LocalClassificationModel.scala From spark-ml-serving with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.spark_ml_serving.common.classification import io.hydrosphere.spark_ml_serving.common.{LocalData, LocalDataColumn, LocalPredictionModel} import import abstract class LocalClassificationModel[T <: ClassificationModel[Vector, T]] extends LocalPredictionModel[T] { def predictRaw(v: List[Double]): List[Double] = invokeVec('predictRaw, v) override def transform(localData: LocalData) = { localData.column(sparkTransformer.getFeaturesCol) match { case Some(column) => var result = localData sparkTransformer.get(sparkTransformer.rawPredictionCol).foreach { name => val res = LocalDataColumn( name,[List[Double]]).map(predictRaw) ) result = result.withColumn(res) } sparkTransformer.get(sparkTransformer.predictionCol).foreach { name => val res = LocalDataColumn(name,[List[Double]]).map(predict)) result = result.withColumn(res) } result case None => localData } } }
Example 2
Source File: OneVsRestOp.scala From mleap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import ml.combust.bundle.BundleContext import ml.combust.bundle.op.{OpModel, OpNode} import ml.combust.bundle.serializer.ModelSerializer import ml.combust.bundle.dsl._ import import{ParamSpec, SimpleParamSpec, SimpleSparkOp, SparkBundleContext} import{ClassificationModel, OneVsRestModel} class OneVsRestOp extends SimpleSparkOp[OneVsRestModel] { override val Model: OpModel[SparkBundleContext, OneVsRestModel] = new OpModel[SparkBundleContext, OneVsRestModel] { override val klazz: Class[OneVsRestModel] = classOf[OneVsRestModel] override def opName: String = Bundle.BuiltinOps.classification.one_vs_rest override def store(model: Model, obj: OneVsRestModel) (implicit context: BundleContext[SparkBundleContext]): Model = { var i = 0 for(cModel <- obj.models) { val name = s"model$i" ModelSerializer(context.bundleContext(name)).write(cModel).get i = i + 1 name } model.withValue("num_classes", Value.long(obj.models.length)). withValue("num_features", Value.long(obj.models.head.numFeatures)) } override def load(model: Model) (implicit context: BundleContext[SparkBundleContext]): OneVsRestModel = { val numClasses = model.value("num_classes").getLong.toInt val models = (0 until numClasses) { i => ModelSerializer(context.bundleContext(s"model$i")).read().get.asInstanceOf[ClassificationModel[_, _]] } val labelMetadata = NominalAttribute.defaultAttr. withName("prediction"). withNumValues(models.length). toMetadata new OneVsRestModel(uid = "", models = models, labelMetadata = labelMetadata) } } override def sparkLoad(uid: String, shape: NodeShape, model: OneVsRestModel): OneVsRestModel = { val labelMetadata = NominalAttribute.defaultAttr. withName(shape.output("prediction").name). withNumValues(model.models.length). toMetadata new OneVsRestModel(uid = uid, labelMetadata = labelMetadata, models = model.models) } override def sparkInputs(obj: OneVsRestModel): Seq[ParamSpec] = { Seq("features" -> obj.featuresCol) } override def sparkOutputs(obj: OneVsRestModel): Seq[SimpleParamSpec] = { Seq("raw_prediction" -> obj.rawPredictionCol, "prediction" -> obj.predictionCol) } }
Example 3
Source File: OneVsRestOp.scala From mleap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import ml.combust.bundle.BundleContext import ml.combust.bundle.dsl._ import ml.combust.bundle.op.OpModel import ml.combust.bundle.serializer.ModelSerializer import import{ParamSpec, SimpleParamSpec, SimpleSparkOp, SparkBundleContext} import import class OneVsRestOp extends SimpleSparkOp[OneVsRestModel] { override val Model: OpModel[SparkBundleContext, OneVsRestModel] = new OpModel[SparkBundleContext, OneVsRestModel] { override val klazz: Class[OneVsRestModel] = classOf[OneVsRestModel] override def opName: String = Bundle.BuiltinOps.classification.one_vs_rest override def store(model: Model, obj: OneVsRestModel) (implicit context: BundleContext[SparkBundleContext]): Model = { var i = 0 for(cModel <- obj.models) { val name = s"model$i" ModelSerializer(context.bundleContext(name)).write(cModel) i = i + 1 name } model.withValue("num_classes", Value.long(obj.models.length)) .withValue("num_features", Value.long(obj.models.head.numFeatures)) } override def load(model: Model) (implicit context: BundleContext[SparkBundleContext]): OneVsRestModel = { val numClasses = model.value("num_classes").getLong.toInt val models = (0 until numClasses) { i => ModelSerializer(context.bundleContext(s"model$i")).read().get.asInstanceOf[ClassificationModel[_, _]] } val labelMetadata = NominalAttribute.defaultAttr. withName("prediction"). withNumValues(models.length). toMetadata new OneVsRestModel(uid = "", models = models, labelMetadata = labelMetadata) } } override def sparkLoad(uid: String, shape: NodeShape, model: OneVsRestModel): OneVsRestModel = { val labelMetadata = NominalAttribute.defaultAttr. withName(shape.output("prediction").name). withNumValues(model.models.length). toMetadata new OneVsRestModel(uid = uid, models = model.models, labelMetadata = labelMetadata) } override def sparkInputs(obj: OneVsRestModel): Seq[ParamSpec] = { Seq("features" -> obj.featuresCol) } override def sparkOutputs(obj: OneVsRestModel): Seq[SimpleParamSpec] = { Seq("probability" -> obj.probabilityCol, "prediction" -> obj.predictionCol) } }
Example 4
Source File: EvaluationUtils.scala From mmlspark with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information. package import import import{TrainClassifier, TrainRegressor, TrainedClassifierModel, TrainedRegressorModel} import org.apache.spark.injections.RegressionUtils import{ClassificationModel, Classifier} import{PipelineStage, Transformer} import{Param, ParamMap} import object EvaluationUtils { val ModelTypeUnsupportedErr = "Model type not supported for evaluation" // Find type of trained models def getModelType(model: PipelineStage): String = { model match { case _: TrainRegressor => SchemaConstants.RegressionKind case _: TrainClassifier => SchemaConstants.ClassificationKind case _: Classifier[_, _, _] => SchemaConstants.ClassificationKind case regressor: PipelineStage if RegressionUtils.isRegressor(regressor) => SchemaConstants.RegressionKind case _: DecisionTreeRegressor => SchemaConstants.RegressionKind case _: GBTRegressor => SchemaConstants.RegressionKind case _: RandomForestRegressor => SchemaConstants.RegressionKind case _: TrainedRegressorModel => SchemaConstants.RegressionKind case _: TrainedClassifierModel => SchemaConstants.ClassificationKind case evm: BestModel => getModelType(evm.getBestModel) case _: ClassificationModel[_, _] => SchemaConstants.ClassificationKind case _: RegressionModel[_, _] => SchemaConstants.RegressionKind case _ => throw new Exception(ModelTypeUnsupportedErr) } } def getMetricWithOperator(model: PipelineStage, evaluationMetric: String): (String, Ordering[Double]) = { val modelType = getModelType(model) getMetricWithOperator(modelType, evaluationMetric) } def getMetricWithOperator(modelType: String, evaluationMetric: String): (String, Ordering[Double]) = { val chooseHighest = Ordering.Double val chooseLowest = Ordering.Double.reverse val (evaluationMetricColumnName, operator): (String, Ordering[Double]) = modelType match { case SchemaConstants.RegressionKind => evaluationMetric match { case MetricConstants.MseSparkMetric => (MetricConstants.MseColumnName, chooseLowest) case MetricConstants.RmseSparkMetric => (MetricConstants.RmseColumnName, chooseLowest) case MetricConstants.R2SparkMetric => (MetricConstants.R2ColumnName, chooseHighest) case MetricConstants.MaeSparkMetric => (MetricConstants.MaeColumnName, chooseLowest) case _ => throw new Exception("Metric is not supported for regressors") } case SchemaConstants.ClassificationKind => evaluationMetric match { case MetricConstants.AucSparkMetric => (MetricConstants.AucColumnName, chooseHighest) case MetricConstants.PrecisionSparkMetric => (MetricConstants.PrecisionColumnName, chooseHighest) case MetricConstants.RecallSparkMetric => (MetricConstants.RecallColumnName, chooseHighest) case MetricConstants.AccuracySparkMetric => (MetricConstants.AccuracyColumnName, chooseHighest) case _ => throw new Exception("Metric is not supported for classifiers") } case _ => throw new Exception("Model type not supported for evaluation") } (evaluationMetricColumnName, operator) } def getModelParams(model: Transformer): ParamMap = { model match { case reg: TrainedRegressorModel => reg.getParamMap case cls: TrainedClassifierModel => cls.getParamMap case evm: BestModel => getModelParams(evm.getBestModel) case _ => throw new Exception("Model type not supported for evaluation") } } def modelParamsToString(model: Transformer): String = getModelParams(model) => s"${}: ${pv.value}").sorted.mkString(", ") }