org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.OnlineLDAOptimizer Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.OnlineLDAOptimizer.
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Example 1
Source File: lda-script.scala From practical-data-science-with-hadoop-and-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.mutable import import import org.apache.spark.rdd._ import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{OnlineLDAOptimizer, DistributedLDAModel, LDA} import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, SparseVector, Vectors} import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.IDF // add openNLP jar to the Spark Context sc.addJar("opennlp-tools-1.6.0.jar") // Load documents from text files, 1 element (text string) per file val corpus = sc.wholeTextFiles("ohsumed/C*", 20).map(x => x._2) // read stop words from file val stopwordFile = "stop-words.txt" val st_words = sc.textFile(stopwordFile).collect() .flatMap(_.stripMargin.split("\\s+")).map(_.toLowerCase).toSet val stopwords = sc.broadcast(st_words) val minWordLength = 3 val tokenized: RDD[(Long, Array[String])] = corpus.zipWithIndex().map { case (text,id) => val tokenizer = SimpleTokenizer.INSTANCE val stemmer = new PorterStemmer() val tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) val words = tokens.filter(w => (w.length >= minWordLength) && (!stopwords.value.contains(w))) .map(w => stemmer.stem(w)) id -> words }.filter(_._2.length > 0) tokenized.cache() val numDocs = tokenized.count() val wordCounts: RDD[(String, Long)] = tokenized.flatMap { case (_, tokens) => -> 1L) }.reduceByKey(_ + _) wordCounts.cache() val fullVocabSize = wordCounts.count() val vSize = 10000 val (vocab: Map[String, Int], selectedTokenCount: Long) = { val sortedWC: Array[(String,Long)] = {wordCounts.sortBy(_._2, ascending=false) .take(vSize)} (, } val documents = { case (id, tokens) => // Filter tokens by vocabulary, and create word count vector representation of document. val wc = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]() tokens.foreach { term => if (vocab.contains(term)) { val termIndex = vocab(term) wc(termIndex) = wc.getOrElse(termIndex, 0) + 1 } } val indices = wc.keys.toArray.sorted val values = => wc(i).toDouble) val sb = Vectors.sparse(vocab.size, indices, values) (id, sb) } val vocabArray = new Array[String](vocab.size) vocab.foreach { case (term, i) => vocabArray(i) = term } val tf = { case (id, vec) => vec }.cache() val idfVals = new IDF().fit(tf).idf.toArray val tfidfDocs: RDD[(Long, Vector)] = { case (id, vec) => val indices = vec.asInstanceOf[SparseVector].indices val counts = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Double]() for (idx <- indices) { counts(idx) = vec(idx) * idfVals(idx) } (id, Vectors.sparse(vocab.size, counts.toSeq)) } val numTopics = 5 val numIterations = 50 val lda = new LDA().setK(numTopics).setMaxIterations(numIterations).setOptimizer("online") val ldaModel = val topicIndices = ldaModel.describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic = 5) topicIndices.foreach { case (terms, termWeights) => println("TOPIC:") { case (term, weight) => println(s"${vocabArray(term.toInt)}\t$weight") } println() }