org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream.
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Example 1
Source File: CustomSinkSuite.scala From spark-structured-streaming-ml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.highperformancespark.examples.structuredstreaming import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.DataFrameSuiteBase import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, DataFrame, Encoder, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream class CustomSinkSuite extends FunSuite with DataFrameSuiteBase { test("really simple test of the custom sink") { import spark.implicits._ val input = MemoryStream[String] val doubled = input.toDS().map(x => x + " " + x) val formatName = ("com.highperformancespark.examples" + "structuredstreaming.CustomSinkCollectorProvider") val query = doubled.writeStream .queryName("testCustomSinkBasic") .format(formatName) .start() val inputData = List("hi", "holden", "bye", "pandas") input.addData(inputData) assert(query.isActive === true) query.processAllAvailable() assert(query.exception === None) assert(Pandas.results(0) === => x + " " + x)) } } object Pandas{ val results = new ListBuffer[Seq[String]]() } class CustomSinkCollectorProvider extends ForeachDatasetSinkProvider { override def func(df: DataFrame) { val spark = df.sparkSession import spark.implicits._ Pandas.results +=[String].rdd.collect() } }
Example 2
Source File: StreamingKMeansSuite.scala From spark-structured-streaming-ml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.highperformancespark.examples.structuredstreaming import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.DataFrameSuiteBase import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{KMeans, KMeansModel} import import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} case class TestRow(features: Vector) class StreamingKMeansSuite extends FunSuite with DataFrameSuiteBase { override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.OFF) } test("streaming model with one center should converge to true center") { import spark.implicits._ val k = 1 val dim = 5 val clusterSpread = 0.1 val seed = 63 // TODO: this test is very flaky. The centers do not converge for some // (most?) random seeds val (batches, trueCenters) = StreamingKMeansSuite.generateBatches(100, 80, k, dim, clusterSpread, seed) val inputStream = MemoryStream[TestRow] val ds = inputStream.toDS() val skm = new StreamingKMeans().setK(k).setRandomCenters(dim, 0.01) val query = skm.evilTrain(ds.toDF()) val streamingModels = { batch => inputStream.addData(batch) query.processAllAvailable() skm.getModel } // TODO: use spark's testing suite { case (center, trueCenter) => val centers = center.toArray.mkString(",") val trueCenters = trueCenter.toArray.mkString(",") println(s"${centers} | ${trueCenters}") assert( x => math.abs(x._1 - x._2) < 0.1)) } query.stop() } def compareBatchAndStreaming( batchModel: KMeansModel, streamingModel: StreamingKMeansModel, validationData: DataFrame): Unit = { assert(batchModel.clusterCenters === streamingModel.centers) // TODO: implement prediction comparison } } object StreamingKMeansSuite { def generateBatches( numPoints: Int, numBatches: Int, k: Int, d: Int, r: Double, seed: Int, initCenters: Array[Vector] = null): (IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[TestRow]], Array[Vector]) = { val rand = scala.util.Random rand.setSeed(seed) val centers = initCenters match { case null => Array.fill(k)(Vectors.dense(Array.fill(d)(rand.nextGaussian()))) case _ => initCenters } val data = (0 until numBatches).map { i => (0 until numPoints).map { idx => val center = centers(idx % k) val vec = Vectors.dense( Array.tabulate(d)(x => center(x) + rand.nextGaussian() * r)) TestRow(vec) } } (data, centers) } }
Example 3
Source File: EvolvabilitySuiteBase.scala From delta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{Action, FileAction, SingleAction} import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.sql.{QueryTest, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.util.Utils trait EvolvabilitySuiteBase extends QueryTest with SharedSparkSession { import testImplicits._ protected def testEvolvability(tablePath: String): Unit = { // Check we can load everything from a log checkpoint val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, new Path(tablePath)) val path = deltaLog.dataPath.toString checkDatasetUnorderly("delta").load(path).select("id", "value").as[(Int, String)], 4 -> "d", 5 -> "e", 6 -> "f") assert(deltaLog.snapshot.metadata.schema === StructType.fromDDL("id INT, value STRING")) assert(deltaLog.snapshot.metadata.partitionSchema === StructType.fromDDL("id INT")) // Check we can load CheckpointMetaData assert(deltaLog.lastCheckpoint === Some(CheckpointMetaData(3, 6L, None))) // Check we can parse all `Action`s in delta files. It doesn't check correctness. deltaLog.getChanges(0L) } } // scalastyle:off def validateData(spark: SparkSession, path: String): Unit = { import import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} import spark.implicits._ val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(this.getClass.getClassLoader) val tpe = ru.typeOf[Action] val clazz = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass assert(clazz.isSealed, s"${classOf[Action]} must be sealed") val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, new Path(path)) val deltas = 0L to deltaLog.snapshot.version val deltaFiles =, _)).map(_.toString) val actionsTypesInLog = _*) .as[SingleAction] .collect() .map(_.unwrap.getClass.asInstanceOf[Class[_]]) .toSet val allActionTypes = clazz.knownDirectSubclasses .flatMap { case t if t == ru.typeOf[FileAction].typeSymbol => t.asClass.knownDirectSubclasses case t => Set(t) } .map(t => mirror.runtimeClass(t.asClass)) val missingTypes = allActionTypes -- actionsTypesInLog val unknownTypes = actionsTypesInLog -- allActionTypes assert( missingTypes.isEmpty, s"missing types: $missingTypes. " + "Please update EvolveabilitySuite.generateData to include them in the log.") assert( unknownTypes.isEmpty, s"unknown types: $unknownTypes. " + s"Please make sure they inherit ${classOf[Action]} or ${classOf[FileAction]} directly.") } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[2]").getOrCreate() val path = new File(args(0)) if (path.exists()) { // Don't delete automatically in case the user types a wrong path. // scalastyle:off throwerror throw new AssertionError(s"${path.getCanonicalPath} exists. Please delete it and retry.") // scalastyle:on throwerror } generateData(spark, path.toString) validateData(spark, path.toString) } }
Example 4
Source File: EventMemoryStreamSpec.scala From odsc-west-streaming-trends with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import import{AppConfig, AppConfiguration} import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class EventMemoryStreamSpec extends FunSuite with Matchers with SparkSqlTest { val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[EventAggregation]) private val pathToTestScenarios = "src/test/resources/scenarios" lazy val session: SparkSession = sparkSql override def conf: SparkConf = { new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[*]") .setAppName("aggregation-test-app") .set("spark.ui.enabled", "false") .set("", appID) .set("", "localhost") .set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "32") .set("spark.executor.cores", "4") .set("spark.executor.memory", "1g") .set("spark.ui.enabled", "false") .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(classOf[EventAggregation]).toList) } protected val checkpointDir: String = Files.createTempDirectory(appID).toString def appConfigForTest(): AppConfiguration = { val baseConfig = AppConfig("src/test/resources/app.yaml") baseConfig.copy( checkpointPath = checkpointDir ) baseConfig } test("Should aggregate call events") { implicit val sqlContext: SQLContext = session.sqlContext import session.implicits._ val appConfig = appConfigForTest() val scenario = TestHelper.loadScenario[CallEvent](s"$pathToTestScenarios/pdd_events.json") val scenarioIter = scenario.toIterator scenario.nonEmpty shouldBe true val trendDiscoveryApp = new TrendDiscoveryApp(appConfigForTest(), session) val kafkaData = MemoryStream[MockKafkaDataFrame] val processingTimeTrigger = Trigger.ProcessingTime(2.seconds) val eventAggregation = EventAggregation(appConfig) val processingStream = eventAggregation.process(kafkaData.toDF())(session) .writeStream .format("memory") .queryName("calleventaggs") .outputMode(eventAggregation.outputMode) .trigger(processingTimeTrigger) .start() // 22 events kafkaData.addData(scenarioIter.take(11).map(TestHelper.asMockKafkaDataFrame)) processingStream.processAllAvailable() kafkaData.addData(scenarioIter.take(10).map(TestHelper.asMockKafkaDataFrame)) processingStream.processAllAvailable() kafkaData.addData(scenarioIter.take(1).map(TestHelper.asMockKafkaDataFrame)) processingStream.processAllAvailable() val df = session.sql("select * from calleventaggs") df.printSchema() val res = session .sql("select avg(stats.p99) from calleventaggs") .collect() .map { r => r.getAs[Double](0) } .head DiscoveryUtils.round(res) shouldEqual 7.56 processingStream.stop() } }
Example 5
Source File: SparkIngressSpec.scala From cloudflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cloudflow.spark import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream import cloudflow.streamlets.StreamletShape import cloudflow.streamlets.avro._ import cloudflow.spark.avro._ import cloudflow.spark.testkit._ import cloudflow.spark.sql.SQLImplicits._ class SparkIngressSpec extends SparkScalaTestSupport { "SparkIngress" should { "produce elements to its outlet" in { val testKit = SparkStreamletTestkit(session) val instance = new MySparkIngress() // setup outlet tap on outlet port val out: SparkOutletTap[Data] = testKit.outletAsTap[Data](instance.out) val run =, Seq.empty, Seq(out)) // get processed rows from the run run.totalRows must be(10) // get data from outlet tap val results = out.asCollection(session) // assert results must contain(Data(1, "name1")) } } } // create sparkStreamlet class MySparkIngress extends SparkStreamlet { val out = AvroOutlet[Data]("out", d ⇒ val shape = StreamletShape(out) override def createLogic() = new SparkStreamletLogic { private def process: Dataset[Data] = { implicit val sqlCtx = session.sqlContext val data = (1 to 10).map(i ⇒ Data(i, s"name$i")) val m = MemoryStream[Data] m.addData(data)[Data] } override def buildStreamingQueries = { val outStream: Dataset[Data] = process require(outStream.isStreaming, "The Dataset created by an Ingress must be a Streaming Dataset") val query = writeStream(outStream, out, OutputMode.Append) StreamletQueryExecution(query) } } }
Example 6
Source File: TestSparkStreamletContext.scala From cloudflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cloudflow.spark package testkit import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute import com.typesafe.config._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Dataset, Encoder, SparkSession } import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{ OutputMode, StreamingQuery, Trigger } import cloudflow.streamlets._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow class TestSparkStreamletContext(override val streamletRef: String, session: SparkSession, inletTaps: Seq[SparkInletTap[_]], outletTaps: Seq[SparkOutletTap[_]], override val config: Config = ConfigFactory.empty) extends SparkStreamletContext(StreamletDefinition("appId", "appVersion", streamletRef, "streamletClass", List(), List(), config), session) { val ProcessingTimeInterval = 1500.milliseconds override def readStream[In](inPort: CodecInlet[In])(implicit encoder: Encoder[In], typeTag: TypeTag[In]): Dataset[In] = inletTaps .find(_.portName == .map(_.instream.asInstanceOf[MemoryStream[In]][In]) .getOrElse(throw TestContextException(, s"Bad test context, could not find source for inlet ${}")) override def writeStream[Out](stream: Dataset[Out], outPort: CodecOutlet[Out], outputMode: OutputMode)(implicit encoder: Encoder[Out], typeTag: TypeTag[Out]): StreamingQuery = { // RateSource can only work with a microBatch query because it contains no data at time zero. // Trigger.Once requires data at start to work. val trigger = if (isRateSource(stream)) { Trigger.ProcessingTime(ProcessingTimeInterval) } else { Trigger.Once() } val streamingQuery = outletTaps .find(_.portName == .map { outletTap ⇒ stream.writeStream .outputMode(outputMode) .format("memory") .trigger(trigger) .queryName(outletTap.queryName) .start() } .getOrElse(throw TestContextException(, s"Bad test context, could not find destination for outlet ${}")) streamingQuery } override def checkpointDir(dirName: String): String = { val fileAttibutes: Array[FileAttribute[_]] = Array() val tmpDir = java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory("spark-test", fileAttibutes: _*) tmpDir.toFile.getAbsolutePath } private def isRateSource(stream: Dataset[_]): Boolean = { import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExplainCommand val explain = ExplainCommand(stream.queryExecution.logical, true) val res = session.sessionState.executePlan(explain).executedPlan.executeCollect() res.exists((row: InternalRow) => row.getString(0).contains("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.sources.RateStreamProvider")) } } case class TestContextException(portName: String, msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
Example 7
Source File: StreamingTestHelper.scala From spark-acid with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.streaming import{File, IOException} import java.util.UUID import com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.TestHelper import import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{OutputMode, StreamingQuery} import org.scalatest.concurrent.TimeLimits import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar class StreamingTestHelper extends TestHelper with TimeLimits { import StreamingTestHelper._ def runStreaming(tableName: String, outputMode: OutputMode, cols: Seq[String], inputRange: Range, options: List[(String, String)] = List.empty): Unit = { val inputData = MemoryStream[Int] val ds = inputData.toDS() val checkpointDir = createCheckpointDir(namePrefix = "stream.checkpoint").getCanonicalPath var query: StreamingQuery = null try { // Starting streaming query val writerDf = => (i*100, i*10, i)) .toDF(cols:_*) .writeStream .format("HiveAcid") .option("table", tableName) .outputMode(outputMode) .option("checkpointLocation", checkpointDir) //.start() query = { option => writerDf.option(option._1, option._2) }.lastOption.getOrElse(writerDf).start() // Adding data for streaming query inputData.addData(inputRange) failAfter(STREAMING_TIMEOUT) { query.processAllAvailable() } } finally { if (query != null) { // Terminating streaming query query.stop() deleteCheckpointDir(checkpointDir) } } } def deleteCheckpointDir(fileStr: String): Unit = { val file = new File(fileStr) if (file != null) { JavaUtils.deleteRecursively(file) } } def createCheckpointDir(root: String = System.getProperty(""), namePrefix: String = "spark"): File = { var attempts = 0 val maxAttempts = MAX_DIR_CREATION_ATTEMPTS var dir: File = null while (dir == null) { attempts += 1 if (attempts > maxAttempts) { throw new IOException("Failed to create a temp directory (under " + root + ") after " + maxAttempts + " attempts!") } try { dir = new File(root, namePrefix + "-" + UUID.randomUUID.toString) if (dir.exists() || !dir.mkdirs()) { dir = null } } catch { case e: SecurityException => dir = null; } } dir.getCanonicalFile } } object StreamingTestHelper extends TestHelper with SpanSugar { val MAX_DIR_CREATION_ATTEMPTS = 10 val STREAMING_TIMEOUT = 60.seconds }
Example 8
Source File: TransactionsFlowUnitTest.scala From kafka-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.cloudera.streaming.refapp import java.sql.Timestamp import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream class TransactionsFlowUnitTest extends UnitTestBase with BeforeAndAfter { import testImplicits._ var transactionsFromStream: MemoryStream[Transaction] = _ var transactiosnFlow: TransactionsFlow = _ before { transactionsFromStream = MemoryStream[Transaction] transactiosnFlow = new TransactionsFlow( spark, statesFromCluster, customersFromCluster, vendorsFromCluster, transactionsFromStream = transactionsFromStream .toDF.withColumn("timestamp", $"event_timestamp".cast("timestamp"))) } test("Valid records are written to the validTransactions output") { val validTransaction = Transaction( transaction_id = "1", customer_id = Some(1), vendor_id = Some(1), event_state = Some("CREATED"), event_timestamp = Timestamp.valueOf("2018-11-12 09:42:00"), price = Some("100"), card_type = Some("Credit")) testStream('transaction_id, 'customer_id, 'vendor_id, 'event_state, 'event_timestamp, 'price, 'card_type)) ( AddData(transactionsFromStream, validTransaction), CheckAnswer(validTransaction) ) } test("Invalid records are written to the invalidTransactions output") { // Note: transactionsFlow.validTransactions and invalidTransactions contain the fields that we used for internal calculations, e.g. for validation // It enables us to check the internal calculations testStream('transaction_id, 'valid_card_type)) ( AddData(transactionsFromStream, Transaction( transaction_id = "2", customer_id = Some(1), vendor_id = Some(1), event_state = Some("CREATED"), event_timestamp = Timestamp.valueOf("2018-11-12 09:42:00"), price = Some("100"), card_type = Some("Invalid"))), CheckAnswer(("2", false)) ) } }
Example 9
Source File: StreamingPredictionsSpec.scala From odsc-east-realish-predictions with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package import java.sql.Timestamp import java.time.Instant import java.util.{Random, UUID} import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoders, SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{OutputMode, Trigger} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class StreamingPredictionsSpec extends FunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkSql { override def conf: SparkConf = { new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[*]") .setAppName("odsc-spark-utils") .set("spark.ui.enabled", "false") .set("", appID) .set("", "localhost") .set("spark.sql.session.timeZone", "UTC") } final val notRandomRandom = { val generator = new Random generator.setSeed(100L) generator } test("should stream in some mock data for fun") { implicit val spark: SparkSession = sparkSql import spark.implicits._ implicit val sqlContext: SQLContext = spark.sqlContext implicit val metricEncoder = Encoders.product[Metric] val metricData = MemoryStream[Metric] val startingInstant = val backingData = (1 to 10000).map(offset => { val metric = if (offset % 2 == 0) "loss_percentage" else "connect_duration" val nextLoss = notRandomRandom.nextDouble() * notRandomRandom.nextInt(100) Metric( Timestamp.from(startingInstant.minusSeconds(offset)), UUID.randomUUID().toString, metric, value = if (metric == "loss_percentage") nextLoss else notRandomRandom.nextDouble() * notRandomRandom.nextInt(240), countryCode = if (offset % 8 == 0) "US" else "BR", callDirection = if (metric == "loss_percentage") "inbound" else "outbound" ) }) val processingTimeTrigger = Trigger.ProcessingTime(2.seconds) val streamingQuery = metricData.toDF() .withWatermark("timestamp", "2 hours") .groupBy(col("metric"), col("countryCode"), window($"timestamp", "5 minutes")) .agg( min("value") as "min", avg("value") as "mean", max("value") as "max", count("*") as "total" ) .writeStream .format("memory") .queryName("datastream") .outputMode(OutputMode.Append()) .trigger(processingTimeTrigger) .start() metricData.addData(backingData) streamingQuery.processAllAvailable() spark.sql("select * from datastream").show(20, false) val checkChange = spark.sql("select * from datastream") .groupBy("metric","countryCode") .agg( sum("total") as "total", avg("mean") as "mean" ), false) // now can do interesting things with minor back tracking... streamingQuery.stop() } }