org.apache.spark.sql.types.MapType Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.sql.types.MapType. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: MapDataSuite.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import scala.collection._

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ArrayBasedMapData
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, IntegerType, MapType, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String

class MapDataSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("inequality tests") {
    def u(str: String): UTF8String = UTF8String.fromString(str)

    // test data
    val testMap1 = Map(u("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap2 = Map(u("key1") -> 1, u("key2") -> 2)
    val testMap3 = Map(u("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap4 = Map(u("key1") -> 1, u("key2") -> 2)

    // ArrayBasedMapData
    val testArrayMap1 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap1.toMap)
    val testArrayMap2 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap2.toMap)
    val testArrayMap3 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap3.toMap)
    val testArrayMap4 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap4.toMap)
    assert(testArrayMap1 !== testArrayMap3)
    assert(testArrayMap2 !== testArrayMap4)

    // UnsafeMapData
    val unsafeConverter = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](MapType(StringType, IntegerType)))
    val row = new GenericInternalRow(1)
    def toUnsafeMap(map: ArrayBasedMapData): UnsafeMapData = {
      row.update(0, map)
      val unsafeRow = unsafeConverter.apply(row)
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap1) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap3))
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap2) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap4))
Example 2
Source File: DataTypeMapping.scala    From azure-kusto-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, DataType, DataTypes, DecimalType, MapType, StructType}

object DataTypeMapping {

  val kustoTypeToSparkTypeMap: Map[String, DataType] = Map(
    "string" -> StringType,
    "long" -> LongType,
    "datetime" -> TimestampType,// Kusto datetime is equivalent to TimestampType
    "timespan" -> StringType,
    "bool" -> BooleanType,
    "real" -> DoubleType,
    // Can be partitioned differently between precision and scale, total must be 34 to match .Net SqlDecimal
    "decimal" -> DataTypes.createDecimalType(20,14),
    "guid" -> StringType,
    "int" -> IntegerType,
    "dynamic" -> StringType

  val kustoJavaTypeToSparkTypeMap: Map[String, DataType] = Map(
    "string" -> StringType,
    "int64" -> LongType,
    "datetime" -> TimestampType,
    "timespan" -> StringType,
    "sbyte" -> BooleanType,
    "double" -> DoubleType,
    "sqldecimal" -> DataTypes.createDecimalType(20,14),
    "guid" -> StringType,
    "int32" -> IntegerType,
    "object" -> StringType

  val sparkTypeToKustoTypeMap: Map[DataType, String] = Map(
    StringType ->  "string",
    BooleanType -> "bool",
    DateType -> "datetime",
    TimestampType -> "datetime",
    DataTypes.createDecimalType() -> "decimal",
    DoubleType -> "real",
    FloatType -> "real",
    ByteType -> "int",
    IntegerType -> "int",
    LongType ->  "long",
    ShortType ->  "int"

  def getSparkTypeToKustoTypeMap(fieldType: DataType): String ={
      if(fieldType.isInstanceOf[DecimalType]) "decimal"
      else if (fieldType.isInstanceOf[ArrayType] || fieldType.isInstanceOf[StructType] || fieldType.isInstanceOf[MapType]) "dynamic"
      else DataTypeMapping.sparkTypeToKustoTypeMap.getOrElse(fieldType, "string")
Example 3
Source File: ShortestPaths.scala    From graphframes   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.graphframes.lib

import java.util

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.graphx.{lib => graphxlib}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, MapType}

import org.graphframes.GraphFrame

  def landmarks(value: util.ArrayList[Any]): this.type = {

  def run(): DataFrame = {, check(lmarks, "landmarks"))

private object ShortestPaths {

  private def run(graph: GraphFrame, landmarks: Seq[Any]): DataFrame = {
    val idType = graph.vertices.schema(GraphFrame.ID).dataType
    val longIdToLandmark = => GraphXConversions.integralId(graph, l) -> l).toMap
    val gx =
      longIdToLandmark.keys.toSeq.sorted).mapVertices { case (_, m) => m.toSeq }
    val g = GraphXConversions.fromGraphX(graph, gx, vertexNames = Seq(DISTANCE_ID))
    val distanceCol: Column = if (graph.hasIntegralIdType) {
      // It seems there are no easy way to convert a sequence of pairs into a map
      val mapToLandmark = udf { distances: Seq[Row] => { case Row(k: Long, v: Int) =>
          k -> v
    } else {
      val func = new UDF1[Seq[Row], Map[Any, Int]] {
        override def call(t1: Seq[Row]): Map[Any, Int] = {
 { case Row(k: Long, v: Int) =>
              longIdToLandmark(k) -> v
      val mapToLandmark = udf(func, MapType(idType, IntegerType, false))
    val cols = :+ _*)

  private val DISTANCE_ID = "distances"

Example 4
Source File: MapDataSuite.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import scala.collection._

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ArrayBasedMapData
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, IntegerType, MapType, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String

class MapDataSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("inequality tests") {
    def u(str: String): UTF8String = UTF8String.fromString(str)

    // test data
    val testMap1 = Map(u("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap2 = Map(u("key1") -> 1, u("key2") -> 2)
    val testMap3 = Map(u("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap4 = Map(u("key1") -> 1, u("key2") -> 2)

    // ArrayBasedMapData
    val testArrayMap1 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap1.toMap)
    val testArrayMap2 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap2.toMap)
    val testArrayMap3 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap3.toMap)
    val testArrayMap4 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap4.toMap)
    assert(testArrayMap1 !== testArrayMap3)
    assert(testArrayMap2 !== testArrayMap4)

    // UnsafeMapData
    val unsafeConverter = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](MapType(StringType, IntegerType)))
    val row = new GenericInternalRow(1)
    def toUnsafeMap(map: ArrayBasedMapData): UnsafeMapData = {
      row.update(0, map)
      val unsafeRow = unsafeConverter.apply(row)
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap1) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap3))
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap2) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap4))
Example 5
Source File: ForecastPipelineStage.scala    From uberdata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import eleflow.uberdata.IUberdataForecastUtil
import{HasNFutures, HasPredictionCol, HasValidationCol}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StringType, StructField, MapType}

trait ForecastPipelineStage
    extends PipelineStage
    with HasNFutures
    with HasPredictionCol
    with HasValidationCol {

  def setValidationCol(value: String): this.type = set(validationCol, value)

  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
      .add(StructField($(validationCol), new VectorUDT))
      .add(StructField(IUberdataForecastUtil.ALGORITHM, StringType))
      .add(StructField(IUberdataForecastUtil.PARAMS, MapType(StringType, StringType)))
Example 6
Source File: MapDataSuite.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import scala.collection._

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ArrayBasedMapData
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, IntegerType, MapType, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String

class MapDataSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("inequality tests") {
    def u(str: String): UTF8String = UTF8String.fromString(str)

    // test data
    val testMap1 = Map(u("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap2 = Map(u("key1") -> 1, u("key2") -> 2)
    val testMap3 = Map(u("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap4 = Map(u("key1") -> 1, u("key2") -> 2)

    // ArrayBasedMapData
    val testArrayMap1 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap1.toMap)
    val testArrayMap2 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap2.toMap)
    val testArrayMap3 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap3.toMap)
    val testArrayMap4 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap4.toMap)
    assert(testArrayMap1 !== testArrayMap3)
    assert(testArrayMap2 !== testArrayMap4)

    // UnsafeMapData
    val unsafeConverter = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](MapType(StringType, IntegerType)))
    val row = new GenericInternalRow(1)
    def toUnsafeMap(map: ArrayBasedMapData): UnsafeMapData = {
      row.update(0, map)
      val unsafeRow = unsafeConverter.apply(row)
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap1) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap3))
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap2) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap4))
Example 7
Source File: ComplexDataSuite.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util

import scala.collection._

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{BoundReference, GenericInternalRow, SpecificInternalRow, UnsafeMapData, UnsafeProjection}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.GenerateUnsafeProjection
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, IntegerType, MapType, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String

class ComplexDataSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
  def utf8(str: String): UTF8String = UTF8String.fromString(str)

  test("inequality tests for MapData") {
    // test data
    val testMap1 = Map(utf8("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap2 = Map(utf8("key1") -> 1, utf8("key2") -> 2)
    val testMap3 = Map(utf8("key1") -> 1)
    val testMap4 = Map(utf8("key1") -> 1, utf8("key2") -> 2)

    // ArrayBasedMapData
    val testArrayMap1 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap1.toMap)
    val testArrayMap2 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap2.toMap)
    val testArrayMap3 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap3.toMap)
    val testArrayMap4 = ArrayBasedMapData(testMap4.toMap)
    assert(testArrayMap1 !== testArrayMap3)
    assert(testArrayMap2 !== testArrayMap4)

    // UnsafeMapData
    val unsafeConverter = UnsafeProjection.create(Array[DataType](MapType(StringType, IntegerType)))
    val row = new GenericInternalRow(1)
    def toUnsafeMap(map: ArrayBasedMapData): UnsafeMapData = {
      row.update(0, map)
      val unsafeRow = unsafeConverter.apply(row)
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap1) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap3))
    assert(toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap2) !== toUnsafeMap(testArrayMap4))

  test("GenericInternalRow.copy return a new instance that is independent from the old one") {
    val project = GenerateUnsafeProjection.generate(Seq(BoundReference(0, StringType, true)))
    val unsafeRow = project.apply(InternalRow(utf8("a")))

    val genericRow = new GenericInternalRow(Array[Any](unsafeRow.getUTF8String(0)))
    val copiedGenericRow = genericRow.copy()
    assert(copiedGenericRow.getString(0) == "a")
    // The copied internal row should not be changed externally.
    assert(copiedGenericRow.getString(0) == "a")

  test("SpecificMutableRow.copy return a new instance that is independent from the old one") {
    val project = GenerateUnsafeProjection.generate(Seq(BoundReference(0, StringType, true)))
    val unsafeRow = project.apply(InternalRow(utf8("a")))

    val mutableRow = new SpecificInternalRow(Seq(StringType))
    mutableRow(0) = unsafeRow.getUTF8String(0)
    val copiedMutableRow = mutableRow.copy()
    assert(copiedMutableRow.getString(0) == "a")
    // The copied internal row should not be changed externally.
    assert(copiedMutableRow.getString(0) == "a")

  test("GenericArrayData.copy return a new instance that is independent from the old one") {
    val project = GenerateUnsafeProjection.generate(Seq(BoundReference(0, StringType, true)))
    val unsafeRow = project.apply(InternalRow(utf8("a")))

    val genericArray = new GenericArrayData(Array[Any](unsafeRow.getUTF8String(0)))
    val copiedGenericArray = genericArray.copy()
    assert(copiedGenericArray.getUTF8String(0).toString == "a")
    // The copied array data should not be changed externally.
    assert(copiedGenericArray.getUTF8String(0).toString == "a")

  test("copy on nested complex type") {
    val project = GenerateUnsafeProjection.generate(Seq(BoundReference(0, StringType, true)))
    val unsafeRow = project.apply(InternalRow(utf8("a")))

    val arrayOfRow = new GenericArrayData(Array[Any](InternalRow(unsafeRow.getUTF8String(0))))
    val copied = arrayOfRow.copy()
    assert(copied.getStruct(0, 1).getUTF8String(0).toString == "a")
    // The copied data should not be changed externally.
    assert(copied.getStruct(0, 1).getUTF8String(0).toString == "a")
Example 8
Source File: DataTypeUtil.scala    From sona   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.util

import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, DataType, MapType, StructType}

object DataTypeUtil {
  def sameType(left: DataType, right: DataType): Boolean =
    if (SQLConf.get.caseSensitiveAnalysis) {
      equalsIgnoreNullability(left, right)
    } else {
      equalsIgnoreCaseAndNullability(left, right)

  private def equalsIgnoreNullability(left: DataType, right: DataType): Boolean = {
    (left, right) match {
      case (ArrayType(leftElementType, _), ArrayType(rightElementType, _)) =>
        equalsIgnoreNullability(leftElementType, rightElementType)
      case (MapType(leftKeyType, leftValueType, _), MapType(rightKeyType, rightValueType, _)) =>
        equalsIgnoreNullability(leftKeyType, rightKeyType) &&
          equalsIgnoreNullability(leftValueType, rightValueType)
      case (StructType(leftFields), StructType(rightFields)) =>
        leftFields.length == rightFields.length &&
 { case (l, r) =>
   == && equalsIgnoreNullability(l.dataType, r.dataType)
      case (l, r) => l == r

  private def equalsIgnoreCaseAndNullability(from: DataType, to: DataType): Boolean = {
    (from, to) match {
      case (ArrayType(fromElement, _), ArrayType(toElement, _)) =>
        equalsIgnoreCaseAndNullability(fromElement, toElement)

      case (MapType(fromKey, fromValue, _), MapType(toKey, toValue, _)) =>
        equalsIgnoreCaseAndNullability(fromKey, toKey) &&
          equalsIgnoreCaseAndNullability(fromValue, toValue)

      case (StructType(fromFields), StructType(toFields)) =>
        fromFields.length == toFields.length &&
 { case (l, r) =>
              equalsIgnoreCaseAndNullability(l.dataType, r.dataType)

      case (fromDataType, toDataType) => fromDataType == toDataType