org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator.
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Example 1
Source File: package.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import java.util.Collections import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeFormatter, CodegenContext, ExprCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.Partitioning import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNodeRef import org.apache.spark.util.{AccumulatorV2, LongAccumulator} case class ColumnMetrics() { val elementTypes = new SetAccumulator[String] sparkContext.register(elementTypes) } val tupleCount: LongAccumulator = sparkContext.longAccumulator val numColumns: Int = child.output.size val columnStats: Array[ColumnMetrics] = Array.fill(child.output.size)(new ColumnMetrics()) def dumpStats(): Unit = { debugPrint(s"== ${child.simpleString} ==") debugPrint(s"Tuples output: ${tupleCount.value}") { case (attr, metric) => // This is called on driver. All accumulator updates have a fixed value. So it's safe to use // `asScala` which accesses the internal values using `java.util.Iterator`. val actualDataTypes = metric.elementTypes.value.asScala.mkString("{", ",", "}") debugPrint(s" ${} ${attr.dataType}: $actualDataTypes") } } protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => new Iterator[InternalRow] { def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext def next(): InternalRow = { val currentRow = tupleCount.add(1) var i = 0 while (i < numColumns) { val value = currentRow.get(i, output(i).dataType) if (value != null) { columnStats(i).elementTypes.add(value.getClass.getName) } i += 1 } currentRow } } } } override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].inputRDDs() } override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this) } override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = { consume(ctx, input) } } }
Example 2
Source File: ShuffleWriteMetrics.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.executor import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator def writeTime: Long = _writeTime.sum private[spark] def incBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = _bytesWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = _recordsWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incWriteTime(v: Long): Unit = _writeTime.add(v) private[spark] def decBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _bytesWritten.setValue(bytesWritten - v) } private[spark] def decRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _recordsWritten.setValue(recordsWritten - v) } // Legacy methods for backward compatibility. // TODO: remove these once we make this class private. @deprecated("use bytesWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleBytesWritten: Long = bytesWritten @deprecated("use writeTime instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleWriteTime: Long = writeTime @deprecated("use recordsWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleRecordsWritten: Long = recordsWritten }
Example 3
Source File: SparkCore_5_Accumulator.scala From HadoopLearning with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.liumm.transform import org.apache.spark.util.{CollectionAccumulator, DoubleAccumulator, LongAccumulator} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object SparkCore_5_Accumulator { case class Info(var success: Boolean, var msg: String, count: Int) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkCore_5_Accumulator").setMaster("local") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val r = sc.parallelize(1 to 100) println("\n-----------------------传统方式累加------------------------") var total = 0 r.foreach(num => { total += num }) println(total) println("\n-----------------------注册LongAccumulator-------------------") //内置的累加器只支持 Long、Double、Collection val rdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 100, 4) //1、显示注册 val longAccumulator = new LongAccumulator sc.register(longAccumulator) rdd.foreach(num => { longAccumulator.add(num) }) println(longAccumulator.value) println("\n-----------------------直接使用LongAccumulator-------------------") //2、直接使用LongAccumulator,无需注册 val longAccumulator1 = sc.longAccumulator rdd.foreach(num => { longAccumulator1.add(num) }) println(longAccumulator1.value) println("\n-----------------------直接使用DoubleAccumulator-------------------") val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List(1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.3)) //1、显示注册 val doubleAccumulator = new DoubleAccumulator sc.register(doubleAccumulator) rdd1.foreach(num => { doubleAccumulator.add(num) }) println(doubleAccumulator.value) //2、直接使用 val doubleAccumulator1 = sc.doubleAccumulator rdd1.foreach(num => { doubleAccumulator1.add(num) }) println(doubleAccumulator1.value) println("\n-----------------------直接使用CollectionAccumulator-------------------") val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(1 to 100) //1、显示注册 val collectionAccumulator = new CollectionAccumulator[Int] sc.register(collectionAccumulator) rdd2.foreach(num => { collectionAccumulator.add(num) }) println(collectionAccumulator) //2、直接使用 val collectionAccumulator1 = sc.collectionAccumulator[Int] rdd2.foreach(num => { collectionAccumulator.add(num) }) println(collectionAccumulator1) println("\n-----------------------使用自定义累加器-------------------") val customAccumulator = new CustomAccumulator sc.register(customAccumulator) rdd.foreach(num => { customAccumulator.add(num.toString) }) println(customAccumulator.value) } }
Example 4
Source File: Accumulators.scala From spark-distcp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.coxautodata.objects import com.coxautodata.utils.FileUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class Accumulators(sparkSession: SparkSession) extends Serializable { def handleResult(result: DistCPResult): Unit = result match { case DeleteResult(_, DeleteActionResult.SkippedDoesNotExists | DeleteActionResult.SkippedDryRun) => deleteOperationsSkipped.add(1) case DeleteResult(_, DeleteActionResult.Deleted) => deleteOperationsSuccessful.add(1) case DeleteResult(_, DeleteActionResult.Failed(e)) => deleteOperationsSkipped.add(1) deleteOperationsFailed.add(1) exceptionCount.add(e) case DirectoryCopyResult(_, _, CopyActionResult.SkippedAlreadyExists | CopyActionResult.SkippedDryRun) => foldersSkipped.add(1) case DirectoryCopyResult(_, _, CopyActionResult.Created) => foldersCreated.add(1) case DirectoryCopyResult(_, _, CopyActionResult.Failed(e)) => foldersFailed.add(1) foldersSkipped.add(1) exceptionCount.add(e) case FileCopyResult(_, _, l, CopyActionResult.SkippedAlreadyExists | CopyActionResult.SkippedIdenticalFileAlreadyExists | CopyActionResult.SkippedDryRun) => filesSkipped.add(1) bytesSkipped.add(l) case FileCopyResult(_, _, l, CopyActionResult.Copied) => filesCopied.add(1) bytesCopied.add(l) case FileCopyResult(_, _, l, CopyActionResult.OverwrittenOrUpdated) => filesCopied.add(1) bytesCopied.add(l) filesUpdatedOrOverwritten.add(1) case FileCopyResult(_, _, l, CopyActionResult.Failed(e)) => filesFailed.add(1) exceptionCount.add(e) filesSkipped.add(1) bytesSkipped.add(l) } def getOutputText: String = { val intFormatter = java.text.NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance s"""--Raw data-- |Data copied: ${FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(bytesCopied.value)} |Data skipped (already existing files, dry-run and failures): ${FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(bytesSkipped.value)} |--Files-- |Files copied (new files and overwritten/updated files): ${intFormatter.format(filesCopied.value)} |Files overwritten/updated: ${intFormatter.format(filesUpdatedOrOverwritten.value)} |Skipped files for copying (already existing files, dry-run and failures): ${intFormatter.format(filesSkipped.value)} |Failed files during copy: ${intFormatter.format(filesFailed.value)} |--Folders-- |Folders created: ${intFormatter.format(foldersCreated.value)} |Skipped folder creates (already existing folders, dry-run and failures): ${intFormatter.format(foldersSkipped.value)} |Failed folder creates: ${intFormatter.format(foldersFailed.value)} |--Deletes-- |Successful delete operations: ${intFormatter.format(deleteOperationsSuccessful.value)} |Skipped delete operations (files/folders already missing, dry-run and failures): ${intFormatter.format(deleteOperationsSkipped.value)} |Failed delete operations: ${intFormatter.format(deleteOperationsFailed.value)} |--Exception counts-- |""".stripMargin ++ exceptionCount.value.asScala.toSeq.sortWith { case ((_, v1), (_, v2)) => v1 > v2 }.map { case (k, v) => s"$k: ${intFormatter.format(v)}" }.mkString("\n") } val bytesCopied: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("BytesCopied") val bytesSkipped: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("BytesSkipped") // Already exists, dryrun and failure val foldersCreated: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("FoldersCreated") val foldersSkipped: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("FoldersSkipped") val foldersFailed: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("FoldersFailed") val filesCopied: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("FilesCopied") val filesSkipped: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("FilesSkipped") // Already exists, dryrun and failure val filesFailed: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("FilesFailed") val filesUpdatedOrOverwritten: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("FilesUpdatedOrOverwritten") val deleteOperationsSuccessful: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("DeleteOperationsSuccessful") val deleteOperationsSkipped: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("DeleteOperationsSkipped") // Already exists, dryrun and failure val deleteOperationsFailed: LongAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("DeleteOperationsFailed") val exceptionCount: ExceptionCountAccumulator = new ExceptionCountAccumulator sparkSession.sparkContext.register(exceptionCount, "ExceptionCount") }
Example 5
Source File: ShuffleWriteMetrics.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.executor import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator def writeTime: Long = _writeTime.sum private[spark] def incBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = _bytesWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = _recordsWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incWriteTime(v: Long): Unit = _writeTime.add(v) private[spark] def decBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _bytesWritten.setValue(bytesWritten - v) } private[spark] def decRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _recordsWritten.setValue(recordsWritten - v) } // Legacy methods for backward compatibility. // TODO: remove these once we make this class private. @deprecated("use bytesWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleBytesWritten: Long = bytesWritten @deprecated("use writeTime instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleWriteTime: Long = writeTime @deprecated("use recordsWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleRecordsWritten: Long = recordsWritten }
Example 6
Source File: SparkUtil.scala From Adenium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.adenium.externals.spark import com.adenium.utils.Logger import com.adenium.utils.May.maybe import com.adenium.utils.May.maybeInfo import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator object SparkUtil { case class Accumulate ( acs : Seq[ LongAccumulator ] ) { def logStr: Seq[String ] = { acs map { ac => s"${ )} = ${ac.value}" } } def log (): Unit = { acs foreach { ac => Logger.logInfo( + " = " + ac.value )} } def add ( is: Seq[ Int] ): Unit = { is).foreach{ case (a, i) => maybe { a add i } } // swallow exception } def add( nls: Iterator[ Seq[ Int]]): Unit = { //ex: Iterator [Seq( ls, ncnt, bcnt, fcnt )] nls foreach { is => this.add( is) } } def add2sum(is: Seq[ Int], f: Seq[Int] => Int = _.sum ): Unit = { f(is) +: is).foreach { case (a, i) => maybeInfo( a add i )("add2sum failed") } } } }
Example 7
Source File: ShuffleWriteMetrics.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.executor import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator def writeTime: Long = _writeTime.sum private[spark] def incBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = _bytesWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = _recordsWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incWriteTime(v: Long): Unit = _writeTime.add(v) private[spark] def decBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _bytesWritten.setValue(bytesWritten - v) } private[spark] def decRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _recordsWritten.setValue(recordsWritten - v) } // Legacy methods for backward compatibility. // TODO: remove these once we make this class private. @deprecated("use bytesWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleBytesWritten: Long = bytesWritten @deprecated("use writeTime instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleWriteTime: Long = writeTime @deprecated("use recordsWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleRecordsWritten: Long = recordsWritten }
Example 8
Source File: ShuffleWriteMetrics.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.executor import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator def writeTime: Long = _writeTime.sum private[spark] def incBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = _bytesWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = _recordsWritten.add(v) private[spark] def incWriteTime(v: Long): Unit = _writeTime.add(v) private[spark] def decBytesWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _bytesWritten.setValue(bytesWritten - v) } private[spark] def decRecordsWritten(v: Long): Unit = { _recordsWritten.setValue(recordsWritten - v) } // Legacy methods for backward compatibility. // TODO: remove these once we make this class private. @deprecated("use bytesWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleBytesWritten: Long = bytesWritten @deprecated("use writeTime instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleWriteTime: Long = writeTime @deprecated("use recordsWritten instead", "2.0.0") def shuffleRecordsWritten: Long = recordsWritten }
Example 9
Source File: 7_RecoverableNetworkWordCount.scala From wow-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext, Time} import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object RecoverableNetworkWordCount { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { StreamingLogger.setLoggerLevel() val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName(RecoverableNetworkWordCount.getClass.getName) val context = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(1)) val linesDS = context.socketTextStream("localhost", 9999, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2) val wordsCounts = linesDS.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _) wordsCounts.foreachRDD((rdd: RDD[(String, Int)], time: Time) => { val blackList = WordBlackList.getInstance(context.sparkContext) val accumulator = DropWordCounter.getInstance(context.sparkContext) val str = rdd.filter { case (word, count) => if (blackList.value.contains(word)) { accumulator.add(count) false } else { true } }.collect().mkString("[", ", ", "]") println(s"str = $str") }) } } object WordBlackList { @volatile private var instance: Broadcast[Seq[String]] = _ def getInstance(context: SparkContext): Broadcast[Seq[String]] = { if (instance == null) { synchronized { if (instance == null) { val blackList = Seq("a", "b", "c") instance = context.broadcast(blackList) } } } instance } } object DropWordCounter { @volatile private var instance: LongAccumulator = _ def getInstance(context: SparkContext): LongAccumulator = { if (instance == null) { synchronized { if (instance == null) { instance = context.longAccumulator("WordCount") } } } instance } }
Example 10
Source File: GdeltTagger.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.tagging.gdelt import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import io.gzet.tagging.classifier.Classifier import io.gzet.tagging.html.HtmlHandler import io.gzet.tagging.html.HtmlHandler.Content import org.apache.spark.Accumulator import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator import org.elasticsearch.spark._ class GdeltTagger() extends Serializable { val config = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("io.gzet.kappa") val isoSdf = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" val esIndex = config.getString("gdeltIndex") val vectorSize = config.getInt("vectorSize") val minProba = config.getDouble("minProba") def predict(gdeltStream: DStream[String], batchId: LongAccumulator) = { // Extract HTML content val gdeltContent = fetchHtmlContent(gdeltStream) // Predict each RDD gdeltContent foreachRDD { batch => batch.cache() val count = batch.count() if (count > 0) { if (Classifier.model.isDefined) { val labels = Classifier.model.get.labels // Predict HashTags using latest Twitter model val textRdd = val predictions = Classifier.predictProbabilities(textRdd) val taggedGdelt = map { case (content, probabilities) => val validLabels = probabilities filter { case (label, probability) => probability > minProba } val labels = validLabels.toSeq .sortBy(_._2) .reverse .map(_._1) (content, labels) } // Saving articles to Elasticsearch taggedGdelt map { case (content, hashTags) => gdeltToJson(content, hashTags.toArray) } saveToEs esIndex } else { // Saving articles to Elasticsearch batch map { content => gdeltToJson(content, Array()) } saveToEs esIndex } } batch.unpersist(blocking = false) } } private def gdeltToJson(content: Content, hashTags: Array[String]) = { val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(isoSdf) Map( "time" -> sdf.format(new Date()), "body" -> content.body.get, "url" -> content.url, "tags" -> hashTags, "title" -> content.title ) } private def fetchHtmlContent(urlStream: DStream[String]) = { -> 1).groupByKey().map(_._1) mapPartitions { urls => val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(isoSdf) val htmlHandler = new HtmlHandler() val goose = htmlHandler.getGooseScraper urls map { url => htmlHandler.fetchUrl(goose, url, sdf) } } filter { content => content.isDefined && content.get.body.isDefined && content.get.body.get.length > 255 } map { content => content.get } } }