org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode.
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Example 1
Source File: StreamInputOutputBenchmark.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package ser import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream} import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.{GenCodec, StreamInput, StreamOutput} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Measurement, Mode, Scope, State, Warmup} import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole case class Toplevel(int: Int, nested: Nested, str: String) case class Nested(list: List[Int], int: Int) object Toplevel { implicit val nestedCodec: GenCodec[Nested] = GenCodec.materialize[Nested] implicit val codec: GenCodec[Toplevel] = GenCodec.materialize[Toplevel] } @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 20) @Fork(1) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @State(Scope.Thread) class StreamInputOutputBenchmark { val something = Toplevel(35, Nested(List(121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126), 53), "lol") val inputArray: Array[Byte] = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream() GenCodec.write(new StreamOutput(new DataOutputStream(os)), something) os.toByteArray } @Benchmark def testEncode(bh: Blackhole): Unit = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(inputArray.length) val output = new StreamOutput(new DataOutputStream(os)) GenCodec.write(output, something) bh.consume(os.toByteArray) } @Benchmark def testDecode(bh: Blackhole): Unit = { val is = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(inputArray)) val input = new StreamInput(is) bh.consume([Toplevel](input)) } @Benchmark def testEncodeRaw(bh: Blackhole): Unit = { val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(inputArray.length) val output = new StreamOutput(new DataOutputStream(os)) val toplevelOutput = output.writeObject() toplevelOutput.writeField("int").writeSimple().writeInt(35) val nestedOutput = toplevelOutput.writeField("nested").writeObject() val listOutput = nestedOutput.writeField("list").writeList() listOutput.writeElement().writeSimple().writeInt(121) listOutput.writeElement().writeSimple().writeInt(122) listOutput.writeElement().writeSimple().writeInt(123) listOutput.writeElement().writeSimple().writeInt(124) listOutput.writeElement().writeSimple().writeInt(125) listOutput.writeElement().writeSimple().writeInt(126) listOutput.finish() nestedOutput.writeField("int").writeSimple().writeInt(53) nestedOutput.finish() toplevelOutput.writeField("str").writeSimple().writeString("lol") toplevelOutput.finish() bh.consume(os.toByteArray) } @Benchmark def testDecodeRaw(bh: Blackhole): Unit = { val is = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(inputArray)) val input = new StreamInput(is) val objInput = input.readObject() val intField = objInput.nextField().readSimple().readInt() val nestedInput = objInput.nextField().readObject() val listInput = nestedInput.nextField().readList() val listNested = List( listInput.nextElement().readSimple().readInt(), listInput.nextElement().readSimple().readInt(), listInput.nextElement().readSimple().readInt(), listInput.nextElement().readSimple().readInt(), listInput.nextElement().readSimple().readInt(), listInput.nextElement().readSimple().readInt() ) listInput.hasNext val intNested = nestedInput.nextField().readSimple().readInt() nestedInput.hasNext val strField = objInput.nextField().readSimple().readString() objInput.hasNext bh.consume(Toplevel(intField, Nested(listNested, intNested), strField)) } }
Example 2
Source File: OptionBenchmarks.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.option import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode._ import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{BenchmarkMode, _} import scalaz.@@ import OptionBenchmarks._ @BenchmarkMode(Array(Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Measurement(iterations = 30, time = 10, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 1, jvmArgs = Array("-Xms1G", "-Xmx1G")) class OptionBenchmarks { @Benchmark def scalaOption(s: OptionState): Option[ShareCount] = { val c = s.counter s.counter = s.counter + 1 c % s.someFrequency match { case 0 => Some(ShareCount(s.counter)) case _ => None } } @Benchmark def nullOption(s: OptionState): ShareCount @@ Opt = { OptOps.some(ShareCount(s.counter)) val c = s.counter s.counter = s.counter + 1 c % s.someFrequency match { case 0 => OptOps.some(ShareCount(s.counter)) case _ => OptOps.none } } @Benchmark def nullOptionNoneReused(s: OptionState): ShareCount @@ Opt = { val c = s.counter s.counter = s.counter + 1 c % s.someFrequency match { case 0 => OptOps.some(ShareCount(s.counter)) case _ => OptionBenchmarks.noShareCount } } } object OptionBenchmarks { val noShareCount = OptOps.none[ShareCount] case class ShareCount(value: Long) extends AnyVal @State(Scope.Benchmark) class OptionState { @Param(Array("1", "2", "3", "5")) var someFrequency: Int = 0 var counter: Long = 0 } }
Example 3
Source File: OptionCreationBenchmarks.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.option import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode._ import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{BenchmarkMode, _} import OptionCreationBenchmarks._ import scalaz.@@ @BenchmarkMode(Array(Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Measurement(iterations = 30, time = 10, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 1, jvmArgs = Array("-Xms1G", "-Xmx1G")) class OptionCreationBenchmarks { @Benchmark def scalaSome(): Option[ShareCount] = Some(ShareCount(1)) @Benchmark def scalaNone(): Option[ShareCount] = None @Benchmark def optSome(): ShareCount @@ Opt = OptOps.some(ShareCount(1)) @Benchmark def optSomeWithNullChecking(): ShareCount @@ Opt = OptOps.nullCheckingSome(ShareCount(1)) @Benchmark def optNone(): ShareCount @@ Opt = OptOps.none @Benchmark def optNoneReuse(): ShareCount @@ Opt = noShares } object OptionCreationBenchmarks { case class ShareCount(value: Long) extends AnyVal val noShares: ShareCount @@ Opt = OptOps.none }
Example 4
Source File: ListVectorBenchmarks.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.dataanalysis.benchmarks import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import highperfscala.dataanalysis.benchmarks.ListVectorBenchmarks.ExecutionList import highperfscala.dataanalysis.util.DataCodec import highperfscala.dataanalysis.{ListVectorExperiment, Midpoint, MinuteRollUp, Return} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode._ import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{BenchmarkMode, _} @BenchmarkMode(Array(Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Measurement(iterations = 30, time = 10, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 1, jvmArgs = Array("-Xms1G", "-Xmx1G")) class ListVectorBenchmarks { @Benchmark def computeReturnsWithList(s: ExecutionList): List[Return] = { ListVectorExperiment.computeReturnsWithList( MinuteRollUp(s.rollUp), s.list ) } @Benchmark def computeReturnsWithVector(s: ExecutionList): Vector[Return] = { ListVectorExperiment.computeReturnsWithVector( MinuteRollUp(s.rollUp), s.vector ) } } object ListVectorBenchmarks { @State(Scope.Benchmark) class ExecutionList { @Param(Array("10", "60", "120")) var rollUp: Int = 0 var list: List[Midpoint] = Nil var vector: Vector[Midpoint] = Vector.empty @Setup(Level.Trial) def setup(): Unit = { list = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/dataanalysis/executions")) .map(Midpoint.fromExecution) vector = list.toVector } } }
Example 5
Source File: Interpreters.scala From scato with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scato package benchmarks import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Mode} object Scato { import Prelude._ import transformers.State def mkState[F[_]](xs: F[Int])(f: Long => (Unit, Long))(implicit F: Traversable[F]): State[Long, Unit] = xs.foldLeft(State.pure[Long, Unit](()))((s, _) => s.flatMap(_ => State.state(f))) def run[F[_]](xs: F[Int])(f: Long => (Unit, Long))(implicit F: Traversable[F]): (Unit, Long) = } object Scalaz { import scalaz._ import scalaz.State import scalaz.Free._ import scalaz.syntax.traverse._ def mkState[F[_]](xs: F[Int])(f: Long => (Long, Unit))(implicit F: Traverse[F]) = xs.foldLeft(State.state[Long, Unit](()).liftF)((s, _) => s.flatMap(_ => State[Long, Unit](s => f(s)).liftF)) def run[F[_]](xs: F[Int])(f: Long => (Long, Unit))(implicit F: Traverse[F]): (Long, Unit) = mkState(xs)(f).foldRun(0L)((a,b) => b(a)) } @Fork(1) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) class Interpreters { import Data._ def f0(i: Long): (Unit, Long) = ((), i + 1) def f1(i: Long): (Long, Unit) = (i + 1, ()) @Benchmark def scalaz = { import _root_.scalaz.std.AllInstances._ _) } @Benchmark def scato = _) }
Example 6
Source File: FreeMonads.scala From scato with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scato package benchmarks import scala.annotation.tailrec import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Mode} @Fork(1) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) class FreeMonads { def runScato(size: Int) = { import transformers.State import FreeMonadsScato._ run(mkFreeT[State[Int, ?]](size)) } def runScalaz(size: Int): Int = { import FreeMonadsScalaz._ run(mkFree(size)) } @Benchmark def free128Scato = runScato(128) @Benchmark def free128Scalaz = runScalaz(128) @Benchmark def free1024Scato = runScato(1024) @Benchmark def free1024Scalaz = runScalaz(1024) @Benchmark def free10000Scato = runScato(10000) @Benchmark def free10000Scalaz = runScalaz(10000) } object FreeMonadsScato { import clazz.{Functor, FunctorClass, Monad} import free.monad._ import transformers.State case class Op[A](a: A) object Op extends FunctorClass[Op] { def map[A, B](op: Op[A])(f: A => B): Op[B] = op match { case Op(a) => Op(f(a)) } } def mkFreeT[M[_]: Monad](size: Int): FreeT[Op, M, Unit] = { @tailrec def build(i: Int, prg: FreeT[Op, M, Unit]): FreeT[Op, M, Unit] = if (i < 1) prg else build(i - 1, prg.flatMap(_ => FreeT.liftF(Op(())))) build(size, FreeT.pure[Op, M, Unit](())) } def run(prg: FreeT[Op, State[Int, ?], Unit]): Int = State.exec([Op, State[Int, ?], Unit](prg) { case Op(a) => State.modify[Int](_ + 1) })(0) } object FreeMonadsScalaz { import scalaz.{~>, Free, Functor, IndexedStateT, State, StateT, Monad} import Free.Trampoline case class Op[A](a: A) object Op { implicit val functor: Functor[Op] = new Functor[Op] { def map[A, B](op: Op[A])(f: A => B): Op[B] = Op(f(op.a)) } } val opToStateT: Op ~> StateT[Trampoline, Int, ?] = new (Op ~> StateT[Trampoline, Int, ?]) { override def apply[A](oa: Op[A]): StateT[Trampoline, Int, A] = oa match { case Op(a) => State.modify[Int](_ + 1).lift[Trampoline].flatMap(_ => State.state(a).lift[Trampoline]) } } def mkFree(size: Int): Free[Op, Unit] = { @tailrec def build(i: Int, prg: Free[Op, Unit]): Free[Op, Unit] = if (i < 1) prg else build(i - 1, prg.flatMap(_ => Free.liftF(Op(())))) build(size, Free.point[Op, Unit](())) } def run(prg: Free[Op, Unit]): Int = prg.foldMap[StateT[Trampoline, Int, ?]](opToStateT)(StateT.stateTMonadState[Int, Trampoline]).exec(0).run }
Example 7
Source File: StringItemCuckooBenchmark.scala From bloom-filter-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package bloomfilter.mutable import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{BenchmarkMode, OperationsPerInvocation, OutputTimeUnit, _} import scala.util.Random @State(Scope.Benchmark) class StringItemCuckooBenchmark { private val itemsExpected = 100000000L private val random = new Random() private var bf: CuckooFilter[String] = _ @Param(Array("1024")) var length: Int = _ private val items = new Array[String](10000) var i = 0 while (i < items.length) { items(i) = random.nextString(length) i += 1 } @Setup(Level.Iteration) def setup(): Unit = { bf = CuckooFilter[String](itemsExpected) } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.SingleShotTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) @OperationsPerInvocation(10000) def myPut(): Unit = { var i = 0 while (i < items.length) { bf.add(items(i)) i += 1 } } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OperationsPerInvocation(10000) def myGet(): Unit = { var i = 0 while (i < items.length) { bf.mightContain(items(i)) i += 1 } } }
Example 8
Source File: CornichonJsonBench.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package parsers import cats.instances.string._ import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.json.CornichonJson import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{ Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Measurement, Mode, Scope, State, Warmup } @State(Scope.Benchmark) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 10) @Fork(value = 1, jvmArgsAppend = Array( "-XX:+FlightRecorder", "-XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=./CornichonJSonBench-profiling-data.jfr,name=profile,settings=profile", "-Xmx1G")) class CornichonJsonBench { @Benchmark def parseDslStringJsonString() = { val res = CornichonJson.parseDslJson("cornichon") assert(res.isRight) } @Benchmark def parseDslStringJsonArray() = { val res = CornichonJson.parseDslJson("""[ "cornichon", "cornichon" ] """) assert(res.isRight) } @Benchmark def parseDslStringJsonTable() = { val res = CornichonJson.parseDslJson(""" Name | Age | "John" | 30 | "Bob" | 41 | """) assert(res.isRight) } }
Example 9
Source File: RandomUtilBenchmarks.scala From aerosolve with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.collection.mutable import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup object RandomUtilBenchmarks { @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 0) @Warmup(iterations = 4, time = 2) @Measurement(iterations = 8, time = 2) @State(value = Scope.Benchmark) class SampleBenchmarks { // Try different collection sizes @Param(value = Array("1000", "10000")) var numItemsToGenerate: Int = _ val ratios: Seq[Double] = Seq(0.85, 0.1, 0.05) @Benchmark def sampleArray(): Seq[Seq[Int]] = { RandomUtil.sample( Array.range(1, numItemsToGenerate), ratios ) } @Benchmark def sampleArraySeq(): Seq[Seq[Int]] = { RandomUtil.sample( mutable.ArraySeq.range(1, numItemsToGenerate), ratios ) } @Benchmark def sampleList(): Seq[Seq[Int]] = { RandomUtil.sample( List.range(1, numItemsToGenerate), ratios ) } @Benchmark def sampleSeq(): Seq[Seq[Int]] = { RandomUtil.sample( Seq.range(1, numItemsToGenerate), ratios ) } @Benchmark def sampleVector(): Seq[Seq[Int]] = { RandomUtil.sample( Vector.range(1, numItemsToGenerate), ratios ) } @Benchmark def sampleSeqToVector(): Seq[Seq[Int]] = { RandomUtil.sample( Seq.range(1, numItemsToGenerate).toVector, ratios ) } } }
Example 10
Source File: CoproductErrorHandlingBench.scala From hotpotato with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hotpotato // Must not be in default package import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Mode, OutputTimeUnit} import hotpotato.Examples._ import hotpotato.ZioExamples._ import BenchmarkSetup.TracedRuntime @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) class CoproductErrorHandlingBench { @Benchmark def copBigMapErrorSome1(): Unit = { val io = b_E1to8_1.mapErrorSome( (_: E1) => MSG, (_: E8) => MSG_8, ) val _ = TracedRuntime.unsafeRun(io.either) } @Benchmark def copBigMapErrorSome8(): Unit = { val io = b_E1to8_8.mapErrorSome( (_: E1) => MSG, (_: E8) => MSG_8, ) val _ = TracedRuntime.unsafeRun(io.either) } }
Example 11
Source File: RefineVBenchmark.scala From refined with MIT License | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit.refined.benchmark import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive import eu.timepit.refined.refineV import eu.timepit.refined.string.Regex import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Mode, OutputTimeUnit} @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) class RefineVBenchmark { @Benchmark @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) def refineV_Positive: Either[String, Int Refined Positive] = refineV[Positive](1) @Benchmark @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) def refineV_Regex: Either[String, String Refined Regex] = refineV[Regex](".*") }
Example 12
Source File: JavaSerializationBenchmark.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package rpc.akka.serialization import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Measurement, Mode, Scope, State, Warmup} import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole @Warmup(iterations = 5) @Measurement(iterations = 20) @Fork(1) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @State(Scope.Thread) class JavaSerializationBenchmark { val something = Something(42, Nested(4 :: 8 :: 15 :: 16 :: 23 :: 42 :: Nil, 0), "lol") val array = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val o = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) o.writeObject(something) o.close() baos.toByteArray } @Benchmark def byteStringOutput(): Something = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val o = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) o.writeObject(something) o.close() val array = baos.toByteArray new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(array)).readObject().asInstanceOf[Something] } @Benchmark def writeTest(): Array[Byte] = { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val o = new ObjectOutputStream(baos) o.writeObject(something) o.close() baos.toByteArray } @Benchmark def readTest(): Something = { new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(array)).readObject().asInstanceOf[Something] } }
Example 13
Source File: BsonInputOutputBenchmark.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package mongo import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import com.avsystem.commons.rpc.akka.serialization.{Nested, Something} import import org.bson.json.{JsonReader, JsonWriter} import org.bson.{BsonBinaryReader, BsonBinaryWriter, BsonDocument, BsonDocumentReader, BsonDocumentWriter, BsonReader, BsonValue, BsonWriter} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Measurement, Mode, Scope, State, Warmup} @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 20) @Fork(1) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @State(Scope.Thread) class BsonInputOutputBenchmark { private val something = Something(42, Nested(List(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 0), 131), "lol") private val bytes = binaryEncode(something) private val doc = documentEncode(something) private val json = jsonEncode(something) def write(something: Something, bsonWriter: BsonWriter): Unit = { val output = new BsonWriterOutput(bsonWriter) Something.codec.write(output, something) } def binaryEncode(something: Something): Array[Byte] = { val bsonOutput = new BasicOutputBuffer() write(something, new BsonBinaryWriter(bsonOutput)) bsonOutput.toByteArray } def documentEncode(something: Something): BsonDocument = { val doc = new BsonDocument() write(something, new BsonDocumentWriter(doc)) doc } def jsonEncode(something: Something): String = { val stringWriter = new StringWriter() write(something, new JsonWriter(stringWriter)) stringWriter.toString } @Benchmark def binaryEncoding(): Array[Byte] = { binaryEncode(something) } @Benchmark def documentEncoding(): BsonDocument = { documentEncode(something) } @Benchmark def jsonEncoding(): String = { jsonEncode(something) } @Benchmark def valueEncoding(): BsonValue = { BsonValueOutput.write(something) } def read(bsonReader: BsonReader): Something = { val input = new BsonReaderInput(bsonReader) } @Benchmark def binaryDecoding(): Something = { read(new BsonBinaryReader(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes))) } @Benchmark def documentDecoding(): Something = { read(new BsonDocumentReader(doc)) } @Benchmark def jsonDecoding(): Something = { read(new JsonReader(json)) } }
Example 14
Source File: BsonCodecBenchmark.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package mongo import java.nio.ByteBuffer import com.avsystem.commons.rpc.akka.serialization.{Nested, Something} import org.bson.codecs.{BsonDocumentCodec, DecoderContext, EncoderContext} import import org.bson.{BsonArray, BsonBinaryReader, BsonBinaryWriter, BsonDocument, BsonInt32, BsonString} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Measurement, Mode, Scope, State, Warmup} @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 20) @Fork(1) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @State(Scope.Thread) class BsonCodecBenchmark { import BsonCodecBenchmark._ private val something = Something(42, Nested(List(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 0), 131), "lol") private val doc = somethingCodec.toDocument(something) private val bytes = binaryEncode(something) def binaryEncode(something: Something): Array[Byte] = { val output = new BasicOutputBuffer() val writer = new BsonBinaryWriter(output) val doc = somethingCodec.toDocument(something) bsonDocumentCodec.encode(writer, doc.toBson, EncoderContext.builder().build()) output.toByteArray } @Benchmark def binaryEncoding(): Array[Byte] = { binaryEncode(something) } @Benchmark def binaryDecoding(): Something = { val reader = new BsonBinaryReader(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)) val doc = bsonDocumentCodec.decode(reader, DecoderContext.builder().build()) somethingCodec.fromDocument(new Doc(doc)) } @Benchmark def encoding(): Doc = { somethingCodec.toDocument(something) } @Benchmark def decoding(): Something = { somethingCodec.fromDocument(doc) } } object BsonCodecBenchmark { import BsonCodec._ val bsonDocumentCodec = new BsonDocumentCodec() val intKey: DocKey[Int, BsonInt32] = int32.key("int") val strKey: DocKey[String, BsonString] = string.key("str") val listKey: DocKey[List[Int], BsonArray] = int32.collection[List].key("list") val nestedCodec = new DocumentCodec[Nested] { override def toDocument(t: Nested): Doc = Doc() .put(listKey, t.list) .put(intKey, override def fromDocument(doc: Doc) = Nested( list = doc.require(listKey), int = doc.require(intKey) ) } val nestedKey: DocKey[Nested, BsonDocument] = nestedCodec.bsonCodec.key("nested") val somethingCodec = new DocumentCodec[Something] { override def toDocument(t: Something): Doc = Doc() .put(intKey, .put(nestedKey, t.nested) .put(strKey, t.str) override def fromDocument(doc: Doc): Something = Something( int = doc.require(intKey), nested = doc.require(nestedKey), str = doc.require(strKey) ) } }
Example 15
Source File: FastFiloRowReaderBenchmark.scala From filo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.velvia.filo import java.sql.Timestamp import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Mode, State, Scope} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit import scalaxy.loops._ import scala.language.postfixOps import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit @State(Scope.Thread) class FastFiloRowReaderBenchmark { import VectorReader._ // Ok, create an IntColumn and benchmark it. val numValues = 10000 val randomInts = (0 until numValues).map(i => util.Random.nextInt) val randomLongs = val randomTs = => new Timestamp(l)) val chunks = Array(VectorBuilder(randomInts).toFiloBuffer, VectorBuilder(randomLongs).toFiloBuffer, VectorBuilder(randomTs).toFiloBuffer) val clazzes = Array[Class[_]](classOf[Int], classOf[Long], classOf[Timestamp]) // According to @ktosopl, be sure to return some value if possible so that JVM won't // optimize out the method body. However JMH is apparently very good at avoiding this. // fastest loop possible using FiloVectorApply method @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def createFastFiloRowReader(): RowReader = { new FastFiloRowReader(chunks, clazzes) } val fastReader = new FastFiloRowReader(chunks, clazzes) @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) def fastFiloRowReaderReadOne(): Int = { fastReader.setRowNo(0) if (fastReader.notNull(0)) fastReader.getInt(0) + 1 else 0 } }
Example 16
Source File: BasicFiloBenchmark.scala From filo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.velvia.filo import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Mode, State, Scope} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit import scalaxy.loops._ import scala.language.postfixOps import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit @State(Scope.Thread) class BasicFiloBenchmark { import VectorReader._ import vectors.IntBinaryVector // Ok, create an IntColumn and benchmark it. val numValues = 10000 val randomInts = (0 until numValues).map(i => util.Random.nextInt) val randomIntsAray = randomInts.toArray val filoBuffer = VectorBuilder(randomInts).toFiloBuffer val sc = FiloVector[Int](filoBuffer) val ivbuilder = IntBinaryVector.appendingVectorNoNA(numValues) randomInts.foreach(ivbuilder.addData) val iv = IntBinaryVector(ivbuilder.base, ivbuilder.offset, ivbuilder.numBytes) val byteFiloBuf = VectorBuilder( % 128)).toFiloBuffer val byteVect = FiloVector[Int](byteFiloBuf) val diffFiloBuf = VectorBuilder( + _ % 128)).toFiloBuffer val diffVect = FiloVector[Int](diffFiloBuf) // According to @ktosopl, be sure to return some value if possible so that JVM won't // optimize out the method body. However JMH is apparently very good at avoiding this. // fastest loop possible using FiloVectorApply method @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsFiloApply(): Int = { var total = 0 for { i <- 0 until numValues optimized } { total += sc(i) } total } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsBinaryVectApply(): Int = { var total = 0 for { i <- 0 until numValues optimized } { total += iv(i) } total } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsFiloByteApply(): Int = { var total = 0 for { i <- 0 until numValues optimized } { total += byteVect(i) } total } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsFiloDiffApply(): Int = { var total = 0 for { i <- 0 until numValues optimized } { total += diffVect(i) } total } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllNotNullIntsFiloApply(): Int = { var total = 0 for { i <- 0 until numValues optimized } { if (sc.isAvailable(i)) total += sc(i) } total } // sum which uses foreach from FiloVector @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsFiloForeachFoldLeft(): Int = { sc.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) } }
Example 17
Source File: UTF8StringBenchmark.scala From filo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.velvia.filo import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Mode, State, Scope} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit @State(Scope.Thread) class UTF8StringBenchmark { val str = "xylophonemania" val str2 = "xylophonemaniac" val zcStr = ZeroCopyUTF8String(str) val zcStr2 = ZeroCopyUTF8String(str2) // According to @ktosopl, be sure to return some value if possible so that JVM won't // optimize out the method body. However JMH is apparently very good at avoiding this. // fastest loop possible using FiloVectorApply method @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) def utf8StrCompare(): Int = { } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) def nativeStrCompare(): Int = { } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) def utf8Substring(): ZeroCopyUTF8String = { zcStr.substring(2, 6) } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) def nativeSubstring(): String = { str.substring(2, 6) } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) def utf8hash(): Int = { zcStr.hashCode } }
Example 18
Source File: DictStringBenchmark.scala From filo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.velvia.filo import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Mode, State, Scope} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit import scalaxy.loops._ import scala.language.postfixOps import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit @State(Scope.Thread) class DictStringBenchmark { import scala.util.Random.{alphanumeric, nextInt, nextFloat} import VectorReader._ val numValues = 10000 // NOTE: results show that time spent is heavily influenced by ratio of unique strings... val numUniqueStrings = 500 val maxStringLength = 15 val minStringLength = 5 val naChance = 0.05 //5% of values will be NA def randString(len: Int): String = alphanumeric.take(len).mkString val uniqueStrings = (0 until numUniqueStrings).map { i => randString(minStringLength + nextInt(maxStringLength - minStringLength)) } val randomStrings = (0 until numValues).map(i => uniqueStrings(nextInt(numUniqueStrings))) val filoBufferNoNA = VectorBuilder(randomStrings).toFiloBuffer val scNoNA = FiloVector[String](filoBufferNoNA) def shouldNA: Boolean = nextFloat < naChance val filoBufferNA = VectorBuilder.fromOptions( => if (shouldNA) None else Some(str)) ).toFiloBuffer val scNA = FiloVector[String](filoBufferNA) @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def rawStringLengthTotal(): Int = { var totalLen = 0 for { i <- 0 until numValues optimized } { totalLen += scNoNA(i).length } totalLen } // TODO: also a benchmark for the foreach/fold of a column with no NA's? @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) // Measures foreach and NA read speed def withNAlengthTotal(): Unit = { var totalLen = 0 scNA.foreach { str => totalLen += str.length } totalLen } }
Example 19
Source File: ScalaReadBenchmark.scala From filo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.velvia.filo import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Mode, State, Scope} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit import scalaxy.loops._ import scala.language.postfixOps import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit @State(Scope.Thread) class ScalaReadBenchmark { // Ok, create an IntColumn and benchmark it. val numValues = 10000 val randomInts = (0 until numValues).map(i => util.Random.nextInt) val randomIntsAray = randomInts.toArray // Scala Seq sum @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsScalaSeqFoldLeft(): Int = { randomInts.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsScalaArrayFoldLeft(): Int = { randomIntsAray.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) def sumAllIntsScalaArrayWhileLoop(): Int = { var total = 0 for { i <- 0 until numValues optimized } { total += randomIntsAray(i) } total } }
Example 20
Source File: FiberRefBenchmarks.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Threads import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup import zio.IOBenchmarks.verify @State(Scope.Thread) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) @Fork(1) @Threads(1) class FiberRefBenchmarks { @Param(Array("32")) var n: Int = _ @Benchmark def tracedCreateUpdateAndRead(): Unit = createUpdateAndRead(IOBenchmarks.TracedRuntime) @Benchmark def unTracedCreateUpdateAndRead(): Unit = createUpdateAndRead(IOBenchmarks) @Benchmark def unTracedJustYield(): Unit = justYield(IOBenchmarks) @Benchmark def unTracedCreateFiberRefsAndYield(): Unit = createFiberRefsAndYield(IOBenchmarks) private def justYield(runtime: Runtime[Any]) = runtime.unsafeRun { for { _ <- ZIO.foreach_( => ZIO.yieldNow) } yield () } private def createFiberRefsAndYield(runtime: Runtime[Any]) = runtime.unsafeRun { for { fiberRefs <- ZIO.foreach( => FiberRef.make(i)) _ <- ZIO.foreach_( => ZIO.yieldNow) values <- ZIO.foreachPar(fiberRefs)(_.get) _ <- verify(values =="Got $values") } yield () } private def createUpdateAndRead(runtime: Runtime[Any]) = runtime.unsafeRun { for { fiberRefs <- ZIO.foreach( => FiberRef.make(i)) values1 <- ZIO.foreachPar(fiberRefs)(ref => ref.update(-_) *> ref.get) values2 <- ZIO.foreachPar(fiberRefs)(_.get) _ <- verify(values1.forall(_ < 0) && values1.size == values2.size)( s"Got \nvalues1: $values1, \nvalues2: $values2" ) } yield () } }