org.scalajs.dom.document Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.scalajs.dom.document.
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Example 1
Source File: Main.scala From udash-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.udash.benchmarks import io.udash.benchmarks.css.CssStylesApply import io.udash.benchmarks.i18n.StaticTranslationBinding import import io.udash.benchmarks.serialization.SerializationBenchmarks import japgolly.scalajs.benchmark.gui.BenchmarkGUI import org.scalajs.dom.document object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { BenchmarkGUI.renderMenu(document.getElementById("body"))( SinglePropertyListeners.suite, ModelPropertyListeners.suite, ModelPropertyWithSeqListeners.suite, TransformedSeqPropertyListeners.suite, FilteredSeqPropertyListeners.suite, ReversedSeqPropertyListeners.suite, ZippedSeqPropertyListeners.suite, StaticTranslationBinding.suite, CssStylesApply.suite, SerializationBenchmarks.suite, PropertyParameters.suite ) } }
Example 2
Source File: ExportedComponentTest.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.core import slinky.core.facade.{React, ReactElement} import slinky.web.ReactDOM import scala.scalajs.js import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite object TestExportedComponentWithState extends ComponentWrapper { case class Props(name: String) type State = Int class Def(jsProps: js.Object) extends Definition(jsProps) { override def initialState: Int = 1 override def render(): ReactElement = { s"${} $state" } } } object TestExportedComponentStateless extends StatelessComponentWrapper { case class Props(name: String) class Def(jsProps: js.Object) extends Definition(jsProps) { override def render(): ReactElement = { s"${}" } } } object TestExportedExternalComponent extends ExternalComponentNoProps { case class Props(children: Seq[ReactElement]) val component = "div" } class ExportedComponentTest extends AnyFunSuite { test("Can construct an instance of an exported component with JS-provided props") { val container = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render(React.createElement( TestExportedComponentWithState: ReactComponentClass[_], js.Dictionary( "name" -> "lol" ) ), container) assert(container.innerHTML == "lol 1") } test("Can construct an instance of a stateless exported component with JS-provided props") { val container = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render(React.createElement( TestExportedComponentStateless: ReactComponentClass[_], js.Dictionary( "name" -> "lol" ) ), container) assert(container.innerHTML == "lol") } test("Can construct an instance of an exported functional component with JS-provided props") { case class FunctionalProps(name: String) val TestExportedFunctionalComponent = FunctionalComponent((p: FunctionalProps) => { }) val container = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render(React.createElement( TestExportedFunctionalComponent: ReactComponentClass[_], js.Dictionary( "name" -> "lol" ) ), container) assert(container.innerHTML == "lol") } test("Can construct an instance of an exported external component with JS-provided props") { val container = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render(React.createElement( TestExportedExternalComponent: ReactComponentClass[_], js.Dictionary( "children" -> js.Array("hello") ) ), container) assert(container.innerHTML == "<div>hello</div>") } }
Example 3
Source File: ContextTest.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.core import slinky.core.facade.React import slinky.web.ReactDOM import org.scalajs.dom.document import slinky.web.html.div import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite class ContextTest extends AnyFunSuite { test("Can provide and read a simple context value") { val context = React.createContext(-1) var gotValue = 0 ReactDOM.render( context.Provider(value = 2)( context.Consumer { value => gotValue = value div() } ), document.createElement("div") ) assert(gotValue == 2) } test("Can provide and read a case class context value") { case class Data(foo: Int) val context = React.createContext(Data(-1)) var gotValue = 0 ReactDOM.render( context.Provider(value = Data(3))( context.Consumer { value => gotValue = div() } ), document.createElement("div") ) assert(gotValue == 3) } test("Read a case class context value from default") { case class Data(foo: Int) val context = React.createContext(Data(3)) var gotValue = 0 ReactDOM.render( context.Consumer { value => gotValue = div() }, document.createElement("div") ) assert(gotValue == 3) } }
Example 4
Source File: ReactDOMTest.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.web import slinky.core.ComponentWrapper import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement import org.scalajs.dom.{Element, document} import scala.scalajs.js import html._ import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite object TestComponent extends ComponentWrapper { type Props = Unit type State = Unit class Def(jsProps: js.Object) extends Definition(jsProps) { override def initialState: Unit = () override def render(): ReactElement = { a() } } } class ReactDOMTest extends AnyFunSuite { test("Renders a single element into the DOM") { val target = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render( a(), target ) assert(target.innerHTML == "<a></a>") } test("Finds a dom node for a component") { val comp: ReactElement = TestComponent(()) val target = document.createElement("div") val instance = ReactDOM.render( comp, target ).asInstanceOf[TestComponent.Def] assert(target.childNodes(0).asInstanceOf[Element] == ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance)) } test("Renders portals to the appropriate container DOM node") { val target = document.createElement("div") val container = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render( div( ReactDOM.createPortal(h1("hi"), container) ), target ) assert(container.innerHTML == "<h1>hi</h1>") assert(target.innerHTML == "<div></div>") } test("unmountComponentAtNode clears out the container") { val container = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render( div("hello"), container ) assert(container.innerHTML == "<div>hello</div>") ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(container) assert(container.innerHTML.length == 0) } }
Example 5
Source File: InteropTest.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.scalajsreact import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import slinky.web.ReactDOM import org.scalajs.dom.document import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^._ import Converters._ import slinky.web.html.div class InteropTest extends AnyFunSuite { test("Can convert Scala.js React node to Slinky") { val target = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render( <.a().toSlinky, target ) assert(target.innerHTML == "<a></a>") } test("Can convert Slinky element to Scala.js React node and render through Slinky") { val target = document.createElement("div") ReactDOM.render( <.a( div("hello!").toScalaJSReact ).toSlinky, target ) assert(target.innerHTML == "<a><div>hello!</div></a>") } }
Example 6
Source File: ui.scala From playground-binding.scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.thoughtworks.binding.Binding.{BindingSeq, Constants, Var} import com.thoughtworks.binding.{Binding, dom} import org.scalajs.dom.raw.{Event, MouseEvent, SVGElement, SVGTextElement} import org.scalajs.dom.{Node, document} import scala.language.implicitConversions class ui extends ShowCase { implicit def makeIntellijHappy[T<:org.scalajs.dom.raw.Node](x: scala.xml.Node): Binding[T] = throw new AssertionError("This should never execute.") implicit def intToString(i: Int ) = i.toString implicit val events: Var[Option[Event]] = Var(None) val model: RectShape = RectShape(Var(250), Var(170), Var(300), Var(150), Var("Hello !")) val selected: Var[Option[RectShape]] = Var(None) @dom override def css: Binding[BindingSeq[Node]] = <style> </style> <!-- --> @dom override def render: Binding[Node] = { import View._ implicit def toSvgTags(a: dom.Runtime.TagsAndTags2.type) = scalatags.JsDom.svgTags <div class="container" style="height:100%"> <p>Select, move or resize the following rectangle:</p> <svg data:width="100%" data:height="600"> <defs> <pattern data:id="smallGrid" data:width="10" data:height="10" data:patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <path data:d="M 10 0 L 0 0 0 10" data:fill="none" data:stroke="gray" data:stroke-width="0.5"/> </pattern> <pattern data:id="grid" data:width="100" data:height="100" data:patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <rect data:width="100" data:height="100" data:fill="url(#smallGrid)"/> <path data:d="M 100 0 L 0 0 0 100" data:fill="none" data:stroke="gray" data:stroke-width="1"/> </pattern> </defs> <rect data:width="100%" data:height="100%" data:fill="url(#grid)" /> <g data:id="layers"> <g data:id="layer-canvas"> { model.draw().bind } </g> <g data:id="layer-graphics"> {coords.bind} </g> </g> </svg> </div> } @dom def coords(): Binding[SVGElement] = { implicit def toSvgTags(a: dom.Runtime.TagsAndTags2.type) = scalatags.JsDom.svgTags val (x, y) = (Var(0), Var(0)) @dom def render(): Binding[SVGTextElement] = { <text data:x="10" data:y="20"> ({x.bind.toString}, {y.bind.toString}) </text> } events.bind match { case Some(e:MouseEvent) ⇒ x.value = e.pageX.toInt y.value = e.pageY.toInt case _ ⇒ } <g data:id="coords"> {render.bind} </g> } override def install() { def emit(e: Event) = { events.value = Some(e) events.value = None } document.onmousemove = emit _ document.onmousedown = emit _ document.onmousedown = emit _ } override def name: String = "playground-binding.scala/svg-editor" @dom override def description: Binding[Node] = <div>SVG shapes resizable using mouse</div> override def link: String = s"#playground-binding.scala/svg-editor" override def scalaFiddle: Option[String] = None }
Example 7
Source File: ReactApolloTest.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.apollographql.scalajs.react import com.apollographql.scalajs.cache.InMemoryCache import{HttpLink, HttpLinkOptions} import com.apollographql.scalajs.{ApolloBoostClient, ApolloClient, CurrencyRatesQuery, UnfetchFetch} import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalatest.{Assertion, AsyncFunSuite} import slinky.web.ReactDOM import slinky.web.html.div import scala.concurrent.Promise import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.JSON class ReactApolloTest extends AsyncFunSuite { = UnfetchFetch implicit override def executionContext = test("Can mount an ApolloProvider with a client instance") { assert(!js.isUndefined( ReactDOM.render( ApolloProvider( client = ApolloBoostClient(uri = "") )( div() ), document.createElement("div") ) )) } test("Can server-side render data to string based on a query") { val link = new HttpLink(options = HttpLinkOptions(uri = "")) val cache = new InMemoryCache() val client = new ApolloClient(options = js.Dynamic.literal(ssrMode = true, link = link, cache = cache)) ReactApolloServer.renderToStringWithData( ApolloProvider(ApolloProvider.Props(client = client))( Query( CurrencyRatesQuery, CurrencyRatesQuery.Variables("USD") ) { d => if ( { div( } else "" } ) ) { html => assert(html == """<div data-reactroot="">AED</div>""") } } }
Example 8
Source File: Main.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.apollographql.scalajs import com.apollographql.scalajs.react.ApolloProvider import slinky.web.ReactDOM import slinky.web.html._ import import org.scalajs.dom.{document, html} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExportTopLevel import scala.scalajs.LinkingInfo object Main { @JSExportTopLevel("entrypoint.main") def main(): Unit = { if (LinkingInfo.developmentMode) { hot.initialize() } if (js.typeOf( == "undefined") { = document.createElement("div") document.body.appendChild([html.Element]) } val client = ApolloBoostClient( uri = "" ) ReactDOM.render( ApolloProvider(client)( div( PostsView(), AuthorView(1) ) ),[html.Element] ) } }
Example 9
Source File: ScalaJSExample.scala From Full-Stack-Scala-Starter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example import com.thoughtworks.binding.Binding.Var import com.thoughtworks.binding.{Binding, dom} import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalajs.dom.ext.Ajax import org.scalajs.dom.raw.{Event, HTMLElement} import scala.scalajs.concurrent.JSExecutionContext.Implicits.queue import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.JSON object ScalaJSExample extends js.JSApp { implicit def makeIntellijHappy(x: scala.xml.Elem): Binding[HTMLElement] = ??? def countRequest(data: Var[String]) = { val url = "http://localhost:9000/count" Ajax.get(url).foreach { case xhr => data.value = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).count.toString } } @dom def render = { val data = Var("") countRequest(data) // initial population <div> <button onclick={event: Event => countRequest(data) }> Boop </button> From Play: The server has been booped { data.bind } times. Shared Message: {shared.SharedMessages.itWorks}. </div> } def main(): Unit = { dom.render(document.body, render) } }
Example 10
Source File: Main.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.web import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExport, JSExportTopLevel, JSImport} import org.scalajs.dom.document // Initializing bootstrap, like // // but from scala-js, see e.g. // @js.native @JSImport("bootstrap", JSImport.Namespace) object Bootstrap extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("bootstrap-treeview", JSImport.Namespace) object BootstrapTreeView extends js.Object @JSExportTopLevel("CoursierWeb") object Main { @JSExport def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("bootstrap") val bootstrap = Bootstrap println("bootstrap-treeview") val bootstrapTreeView = BootstrapTreeView println("Initializing") .renderIntoDOM(document.getElementById("demoContent")) println("Initialized") } }
Example 11
package ch.epfl.scala.index.client import ch.epfl.scala.index.api.SearchRequest import org.scalajs.dom.raw.{Element, HTMLInputElement} import org.scalajs.dom.{Node, document} object Dom { def getSearchRequest: Option[SearchRequest] = { for (query <- getSearchQuery) yield SearchRequest( query = query, you = getElementById("you") .map(_.asInput.value) .contains("✓"), topics = getSearchFilter("topics"), targetTypes = getSearchFilter("targetTypes"), scalaVersions = getSearchFilter("scalaVersions"), scalaJsVersions = getSearchFilter("scalaJsVersions"), scalaNativeVersions = getSearchFilter("scalaNativeVersions"), sbtVersions = getSearchFilter("sbtVersions"), contributingSearch = getElementById("contributing-search") .map(_.asInput.value) .contains("true") ) } def getSearchQuery: Option[String] = > 0) def getSearchInput: Option[HTMLInputElement] = def getResultList: Option[Element] = getElementById("list-result") def getSearchBox: Option[Element] = getElementById("search") def getElementById(id: String): Option[Element] = Option(document.getElementById(id)) private def getSearchFilter(name: String) = { getElementsByName(name) .map(_.asInput) .filter(_.checked) .map(_.value) } private def getElementsByName(name: String): Seq[Element] = { val nodeList = document.getElementsByName(name) 0.until(nodeList.length).map(nodeList(_).asElement) } implicit class ElementOps(e: Element) { def asInput: HTMLInputElement = as[HTMLInputElement] def as[A <: Element]: A = e.asInstanceOf[A] } private implicit class NodeOps(n: Node) { def asElement: Element = n.asInstanceOf[Element] } }
Example 12
Source File: CopyModal.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie package client package components import japgolly.scalajs.react._, vdom.all._, extra._ import org.scalajs.dom import org.scalajs.dom.html import org.scalajs.dom.{window, document} final case class CopyModal(title: String, subtitle: String, content: String, modalId: String, isClosed: Boolean, close: Reusable[Callback]) { @inline def render: VdomElement = new CopyModal.ShareModalComponent().build(this) } object CopyModal { implicit val reusability: Reusability[CopyModal] = Reusability.derive[CopyModal] private class ShareModalComponent() { private val divRef = Ref[html.Div] private def render(props: CopyModal): VdomElement = { def copyLink: Callback = { divRef => val range = dom.document.createRange() val selection = dom.window.getSelection() range.selectNodeContents(divRef) selection.addRange(range) if (!document.execCommand("copy")) { window.alert("cannot copy link") } } Modal( title = props.title, isClosed = props.isClosed, close = props.close, modalCss = TagMod(cls := "modal-share"), modalId = props.modalId, content = TagMod( p(cls := "modal-intro")( props.subtitle ), div(cls := "snippet-link")( div.withRef(divRef)(cls := "link-to-copy", onClick --> copyLink)( props.content ), div(onClick --> copyLink, title := "Copy to Clipboard", cls := "snippet-clip clipboard-copy")( i(cls := "fa fa-clipboard") ) ) ) ).render } private val component = ScalaComponent .builder[CopyModal]("CopyModal") .render_P(render) .configure(Reusability.shouldComponentUpdate) .build def build(props: CopyModal): VdomElement = component(props) } }
Example 13
Source File: Main.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample import endpoints4s.algebra.BasicAuthentication.Credentials import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalajs.dom.AudioContext import scala.scalajs.js object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Api .index(("Julien", 30, "foo&bar+baz")) .`then`[Unit]( { user => val p = document.createElement("p") p.textContent = s"User(${}, ${user.age})" document.body.appendChild(p) () }, js.undefined ) Api .action(ActionParameter()) .`then`[Unit]( { result => val p = document.createElement("p") p.textContent = s"Result = $result" document.body.appendChild(p) () }, js.undefined ) Api .assets(Api.asset("medias", "chopin--funeral-march.mp3")) .`then`[Unit]( { arrayBuffer => val audioCtx = new AudioContext audioCtx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer).`then`[Unit] { audioBuffer => val source = audioCtx.createBufferSource() source.buffer = audioBuffer source.connect(audioCtx.destination) source.start() source.stop(audioCtx.currentTime + 10) () } }, js.undefined ) Api .auth(Credentials("foo", "bar")) .`then`[Unit]( { maybeResponse => println(s"Access granted: ${maybeResponse.isDefined}") }, js.undefined ) () } }
Example 14
Source File: ContainedModal.scala From scalajs-react-bootstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo.examples import com.acework.js.components.bootstrap.Modal.{N, B, S, P} import com.acework.js.components.bootstrap._ import japgolly.scalajs.react.ReactComponentC.{ReqProps, ConstProps} import japgolly.scalajs.react._ import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.prefix_<^._ import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLElement import org.scalajs.dom.{Node, document} object ContainedModal { val containerRef: RefSimple[TopNode] = Ref[HTMLElement]("container") def containedModel = { Modal.Modal(bsStyle = Styles.primary, title = "Contained Modal": ReactNode, animation = true, onRequestHide = () => ())( <.div(^.className := "modal-body", <.h4("Text in a modal"), <.p("Elit est explicabo ipsum eaque dolorem blanditiis doloribus sed id ipsam, beatae, rem fuga id earum? Inventore et facilis obcaecati.") ), <.div(^.className := "modal-footer", // FIXME link onClick to onRequestHide Button(Button.Button(), "Close")) ) } class Backend(val scope: BackendScope[Unit, Unit]) val trigger = ReactComponentB[Unit]("Trigger") .stateless .backend(new Backend(_)) .render((_, _, B) => { <.div(^.className := "modal-container", ^.height := 300, ^.ref := containerRef, ModalTrigger.ModalTrigger(modal = containedModel, container = new ReferencedContainer(containerRef, B.scope))( Button(Button.Button(bsStyle = Styles.primary, bsSize = Sizes.lg), "Launch contained modal") ) ) }). buildU }
Example 15
Source File: OutwatchSpec.scala From outwatch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch import scala.concurrent.Future import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.IO import monix.execution.Ack.Continue import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler import monix.execution.{Cancelable, Scheduler} import monix.reactive.Observable import org.scalajs.dom.{document, window} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import org.scalatest._ import outwatch.Deprecated.IgnoreWarnings.initEvent import org.scalatest.flatspec.{ AnyFlatSpec, AsyncFlatSpec } import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait EasySubscribe { implicit class Subscriber[T](obs: Observable[T]) { def apply(next: T => Unit)(implicit s: Scheduler): Cancelable = obs.subscribe { t => next(t) Continue } } } // TODO: We need this mock until localStorage is implemented in jsdom ( trait LocalStorageMock { import scala.collection.mutable import scala.scalajs.js if (js.isUndefined(window.localStorage)) { val storageObject = new js.Object { private val map = new mutable.HashMap[String, String] def getItem(key: String): String = map.getOrElse(key, null) def setItem(key: String, value: String): Unit = { map += key -> value } def removeItem(key: String): Unit = { map -= key } def clear(): Unit = map.clear() }"localStorage")(storageObject) } def dispatchStorageEvent(key: String, newValue: String, oldValue: String): Unit = { if (key == null) window.localStorage.clear() else window.localStorage.setItem(key, newValue) val event = document.createEvent("Events") initEvent(event)("storage", canBubbleArg = true, cancelableArg = false) event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].key = key event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].newValue = newValue event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].oldValue = oldValue event.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].storageArea = window.localStorage window.dispatchEvent(event) () } } trait OutwatchSpec extends Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach with EasySubscribe with LocalStorageMock { self: Suite => implicit val scheduler: TrampolineScheduler = TrampolineScheduler(, SynchronousExecution) implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(scheduler) override def beforeEach(): Unit = { document.body.innerHTML = "" window.localStorage.clear() // prepare body with <div id="app"></div> val root = document.createElement("div") = "app" document.body.appendChild(root) () } } abstract class JSDomSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with OutwatchSpec { implicit def executionContext = scheduler } abstract class JSDomAsyncSpec extends AsyncFlatSpec with OutwatchSpec { override def executionContext = scheduler implicit def ioAssertionToFutureAssertion(io: IO[Assertion]): Future[Assertion] = io.unsafeToFuture() }
Example 16
Source File: DomLiteralBenchmark.scala From outwatch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch import outwatch._ import outwatch.dsl._ import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler import monix.execution.Scheduler import org.scalajs.dom.{ document, window } import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ import bench._ object DomLiteralBenchmark extends js.JSApp { def main(): Unit = { import scala.concurrent.duration._ bench.util.runComparison(domLiterals, List(1), 60.seconds) } val domLiterals = Comparison("Dom Literals", Seq( BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal tags", { _ => div(span(), a(), img(), hr(), button(), input(), form(), label(), b(), i()) } ), BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal attrs", { size => div( id := "a", min := "wo", max := "wa", src := "x", href := "k", target := "j", value := "jo", contentEditable := true, name := "hui", autoComplete := "true" ) } ) )) }
Example 17
Source File: VNodeConstructionBenchmark.scala From outwatch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package outwatch import outwatch._ import outwatch.dsl._ import monix.execution.ExecutionModel.SynchronousExecution import monix.execution.schedulers.TrampolineScheduler import monix.execution.Scheduler import outwatch.interpreter.SnabbdomOps import org.scalajs.dom.{ document, window } import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._ import bench._ object VNodeConstructionBenchmark extends js.JSApp { implicit val scheduler: Scheduler = TrampolineScheduler(, SynchronousExecution) def main(): Unit = { import scala.concurrent.duration._ bench.util.runComparison(vnodes, List(1), 60.seconds) } val vnodes = Comparison("VNode Construction", Seq( BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal tags", { _ => SnabbdomOps.toSnabbdom(div(span(), a(), img(), hr(), button(), input(), form(), label(), b(), i())) } ), BenchmarkWithoutInit( "10 literal attrs", { size => SnabbdomOps.toSnabbdom(div( id := "a", min := "wo", max := "wa", src := "x", href := "k", target := "j", value := "jo", contentEditable := true, name := "hui", autoComplete := "true" )) } ) )) }
Example 18
Source File: Demo.scala From Demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalajs.dom.raw.Element import{MapOptions, ReadonlyMarkerOptions} import object Demo { val beaches: Map[String, maps.LatLng] = Map( "Bondi Beach" -> new maps.LatLng(-33.890542, 151.274856), "Coogee Beach" -> new maps.LatLng(-33.923036, 151.259052), "Cronulla Beach" -> new maps.LatLng(-34.028249, 151.157507), "Manly Beach" -> new maps.LatLng(-33.80010128657071, 151.28747820854187) ) def main(argv: scala.Array[String]): Unit = { val container = document.getElementById("content") val m: maps.Map[Element] = new maps.Map( container, MapOptions().setCenter(new maps.LatLng(-33.9, 151.2)).setZoom(4) ) val info = new maps.InfoWindow beaches.foreach { case (beach, pos) => val marker = new maps.Marker(ReadonlyMarkerOptions().setPosition(pos).setTitle(beach).setMap(m)) maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", _ => { info.setContent(s"<h3>This is $beach </h3>"), marker) }) } } }
Example 19
Source File: JQueryDemo.scala From Demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo import org.scalajs.dom.html.{Button, Label} import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalajs.dom.raw.Element import typings.jquery.{JQueryEventObject, JQuery_, mod => $} import typings.jqueryui.jqueryuiRequire import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| object JQueryDemo { @JSImport("jqueryui/jquery-ui.css", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object JqueryUiCss extends js.Object JQueryEventObject, scala.Unit] = eo => { counter += 1 $[Label]("#label").text(s"Value is $counter") } $[Button]("#button") .text("bumpit") .on("click", renderLabel) isJQueryUi($("#accordion")).accordion() } }
Example 20
Source File: Main.scala From Demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo import org.scalajs.dom.{document, html} import typings.leaflet.{mod => L} import scala.scalajs.js object Main { val TileLayerUri = "{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZmFuY2VsbHUiLCJhIjoiY2oxMHRzZm5zMDAyMDMycndyaTZyYnp6NSJ9.AJ3owakJtFAJaaRuYB7Ukw" def main(argv: Array[String]): Unit = { val el = document.getElementById("content").asInstanceOf[html.Element] val map =, -0.09), zoom = 13) L.tileLayer( TileLayerUri, L.TileLayerOptions() .setId("mapbox.streets") .setMaxZoom(19) .setAttribution( """Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, |<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, |Imagery © <a href="">Mapbox</a>""".stripMargin ) ) .addTo(map) L.marker(L.LatLngLiteral(51.5, -0.09), L.MarkerOptions().setTitle("I am a marker")) .bindPopup("I am a popup") .addTo(map) L.LatLngLiteral(51.508, -0.11), L.CircleMarkerOptions().setColor("red").setFillColor("#f03").setFillOpacity(0.5).setRadius(500) ) .bindPopup("I am a circle") .addTo(map) L.LatLngLiteral(51.516, -0.11), L.CircleMarkerOptions().setColor("green").setFillColor("#f03").setFillOpacity(0.5).setRadius(200) ) .addTo(map) L.polygon(js.Array(L.LatLngLiteral(51.509, -0.08), L.LatLngLiteral(51.503, -0.06), L.LatLngLiteral(51.51, -0.047))) .bindPopup("I am a polygon") .addTo(map) L.popup() .setLatLng(L.LatLngLiteral(51.5, -0.09)) .setContent("I am a <b>standalone</b> popup.") .openOn(map) } }
Example 21
Source File: Render.scala From didactic-computing-machine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package me.benetis.visual import me.benetis.initial_states.RandomState import me.benetis.{GameOfLifeRules, LifeState, Point} import org.scalajs.dom import org.scalajs.dom.{CanvasRenderingContext2D, document, html} import scala.util.Random import zio.clock.Clock import zio.{IO, Ref, Schedule, Task, UIO, ZIO} import zio.duration._ object Render { case class RenderConfig(scale: Int, blobSize: Int, browserWidth: Double, browserHeight: Double) val config = RenderConfig(15, 10, dom.window.innerWidth, dom.window.innerHeight) val rng = new Random() val program: ZIO[Clock, Throwable, Unit] = { for { renderer <- prepareScreen(config) refState <- Ref.make(RandomState.randomCenter(config)) _ <- (render(renderer, config, refState) *> updateState(refState) *> UIO( dom.console.log("tick") )).repeat(Schedule.fixed(1.second)).forever } yield () } private def render(renderer: CanvasRenderingContext2D, config: RenderConfig, ref: Ref[LifeState]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] = { for { _ <- clearCanvas(renderer, config) state <- ref.get _ = state.foreach(p => renderPoint(renderer, config, p)) } yield () } private def updateState(ref: Ref[LifeState]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] = for { _ <- ref.update(state => GameOfLifeRules.nextState(state)) } yield () private def clearCanvas(renderer: CanvasRenderingContext2D, config: RenderConfig): UIO[Unit] = UIO { renderer.fillStyle = "black" renderer.fillRect(0, 0, config.browserWidth, config.browserHeight) } private def renderPoint(renderer: CanvasRenderingContext2D, config: RenderConfig, point: Point): Unit = { val colors = Vector("red", "yellow") val randomColor: String = colors(rng.nextInt(colors.length)) renderer.fillStyle = randomColor renderer.fillRect( point.x * config.scale, point.y * config.scale, config.scale, config.scale ) } private def prepareScreen( config: RenderConfig ): UIO[CanvasRenderingContext2D] = UIO { val canvas: html.Canvas = document.querySelector("#canvas").asInstanceOf[html.Canvas] canvas.width = config.browserWidth.toInt canvas.height = config.browserHeight.toInt val renderer = canvas .getContext("2d") .asInstanceOf[dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D] renderer } }
Example 22
Source File: DropdownStateMixin.scala From scalajs-react-bootstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.acework.js.components.bootstrap import com.acework.js.utils.EventListener import japgolly.scalajs.react.{BackendScope, ReactEvent} import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalajs.dom.raw.{KeyboardEvent, Node} def isNodeInRoot(node: Node, root: Node): Boolean = { var aNode = node var done = false var result = false while (aNode != null && !done) { if (aNode == root) { done = true result = true } else aNode = aNode.parentNode } result } def setDropdownState(newState: Boolean, onStateChangeComplete: () => Unit = () => ()) = { if (newState) bindRootCloseHandlers() else unBindRootCloseHandlers() scope.modState(s => s.copy(open = newState), onStateChangeComplete) } def bindRootCloseHandlers(): Unit = { _onDocumentClickListener = Some(EventListener.listen(document, "click", handleDocumentClick(_: ReactEvent))) _onDocumentKeyUpListener = Some(EventListener.listen(document, "keyup", handleDocumentKeyUp(_: KeyboardEvent))) } def unBindRootCloseHandlers(): Unit = { _onDocumentClickListener = None _onDocumentKeyUpListener = None } def handleDocumentKeyUp(e: KeyboardEvent) = { if (e.keyCode == 27) setDropdownState(false) } def handleDocumentClick(e: ReactEvent) = { if (!isNodeInRoot(, scope.getDOMNode())) setDropdownState(false) } def onComponentWillUnmount() = unBindRootCloseHandlers() }
Example 23
Source File: FadeMixin.scala From scalajs-react-bootstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.acework.js.components.bootstrap import japgolly.scalajs.react.{BackendScope, TopNode} import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLElement import org.scalajs.dom.{document, raw} import scala.scalajs.js trait FadeMixin[P <: OverlayProps, S] { def scope: BackendScope[P, S] var fadeOutEl: Option[raw.Element] = None def getElementAndSelf(root: TopNode, classes: Array[String]): Array[TopNode] = { val elements = root.querySelectorAll("." + classes.mkString(".")) val els = (for (i <- 0 until elements.length) yield elements(i).asInstanceOf[TopNode]).toArray var matched = true for (i <- 0 until classes.length if matched) { val Pattern = "\\b${classes(i)}\\b".r root.className match { case Pattern() => case _ => matched = false } } if (matched) root +: els else els } def _fadeIn() = { if (scope.isMounted()) { val elements = getElementAndSelf(scope.getDOMNode(), Array("fade")) elements.foreach { el => val classes = el.className.split(" ").filter(_ != "in") ++ Seq("in") el.className = classes.mkString(" ") } } } def _fadeOut() = { val elements = getElementAndSelf(scope.getDOMNode(), Array("fade", "in")) elements.foreach { el => el.className = el.className.replace("\\bin\\b", "") } js.timers.setTimeout(300)(handleFadeOutEnd()) } def handleFadeOutEnd(): Unit = { { fadeout => if (fadeout.parentNode != null) fadeout.parentNode.removeChild(fadeout) } } def onComponentDidMount() = { // FIXME what does this mean? -- if(document.querySelectorAll) //val nodes = document.querySelectorAll("") if (true) { // Firefox needs delay for transition to be triggered js.timers.setTimeout(20)(_fadeIn()) } } def onComponentWillUnmount(): Unit = { val elements = getElementAndSelf(scope.getDOMNode(), Array("fade")) // TODO container val container = scope.props.container.getDOMNode if (elements.length > 0) { val fadeOut = document.createElement("div") container.appendChild(fadeOut) fadeOut.appendChild(scope.getDOMNode().cloneNode(deep = true)) fadeOutEl = Some(fadeOut) js.timers.setTimeout(20)(_fadeOut()) } } }
Example 24
Source File: OverlayMixin.scala From scalajs-react-bootstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.acework.js.components.bootstrap import japgolly.scalajs.react._ import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLElement import org.scalajs.dom.{Node, document} trait OverlayContainer { // Provide `getDOMNode` fn mocking a React component API. The `document.body` // reference needs to be contained within this function so that it is not accessed // in environments where it would not be defined, e.g. nodejs. Equally this is needed // before the body is defined where `document.body === null`, this ensures // `document.body` is only accessed after componentDidMount. def getDOMNode: HTMLElement = document.body } class ReferencedContainer[P, S](ref: RefSimple[TopNode], scope: BackendScope[P, S]) extends OverlayContainer { override def getDOMNode = { val refNode = ref(scope) if (refNode != null) refNode.get.getDOMNode() else super.getDOMNode } } trait OverlayProps { val container: OverlayContainer } trait OverlayMixin[P <: OverlayProps, S] { val scope: BackendScope[P, S] var _overlayTarget: Option[Node] = None var _overlayInstance: Option[ReactComponentM_[TopNode]] = None def onComponentWillUnmount() = { _unrenderOverlay() _overlayTarget match { case Some(target) => getContainerDOMNode.removeChild(target) _overlayTarget = None case None => } } def onComponentDidUpdate() = { _renderOverlay() } def onComponentDidMount() = { _renderOverlay() } def _renderOverlay() = { _overlayTarget match { case None => _mountOverlayTarget() case Some(_) => } renderOverlay() match { case Some(overlay) => _overlayInstance = Some(React.render(overlay, _overlayTarget.get)) case None => // unreder if the componet is null or transitions to null _unrenderOverlay() } } def _unrenderOverlay() = { _overlayTarget map { target => React.unmountComponentAtNode(target) _overlayTarget = None } } def _mountOverlayTarget() = { _overlayTarget = Some(document.createElement("div")) getContainerDOMNode.appendChild(_overlayTarget.get) } def getOverlayDOMNode: Option[TopNode] = { var node: Option[TopNode] = None if (scope.isMounted()) { if (_overlayInstance.isDefined) node = Some(_overlayInstance.get.getDOMNode()) } node } def getContainerDOMNode: HTMLElement = { scope.props.container.getDOMNode } def renderOverlay(): Option[ReactElement] }
Example 25
Source File: CodeContent.scala From scalajs-react-bootstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo.examples.util import japgolly.scalajs.react._ import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.prefix_<^._ import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalajs.dom.ext.PimpedNodeList object CodeContent { case class Content(scalaSource: String, el: ReactNode, exampleClasses: String = "") { def apply() = component(this) } case class State(showCode: Boolean = false) class Backend(scope: BackendScope[Content, State]) { def toggleCodeMode(e: ReactEvent) = { e.preventDefault() scope.modState(s => s.copy(showCode = !s.showCode)) } } def installSyntaxHighlighting[P, S, B] = (_: ReactComponentB[P, S, B]) .componentDidMount(_ => applySyntaxHighlight()) .componentDidUpdate((_, _, _) => applySyntaxHighlight()) def applySyntaxHighlight() = { import scala.scalajs.js.Dynamic.{global => g} val nodeList = document.querySelectorAll("pre code").toArray nodeList.foreach(n => g.hljs.highlightBlock(n)) } val component = ReactComponentB[Content]("CodeContent") .initialState(State()) .backend(new Backend(_)) .render((P, C, S, B) => { <.div(^.className := "playground", <.div(^.className := s"bs-example ${P.exampleClasses}", <.div(P.el)), if (S.showCode) <.div( <.pre(<.code(P.scalaSource.trim)), <.a(^.className := "code-toggle", ^.onClick ==> B.toggleCodeMode, ^.href := "#", "Hide code") ) else <.a(^.className := "code-toggle", ^.onClick ==> B.toggleCodeMode, ^.href := "#", "Show code") ) }).configure(installSyntaxHighlighting) .build }