org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: DataReprsTest.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.runtime
package test

import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

class DataReprsTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  implicit val arbString: Arbitrary[String] = Arbitrary(Gen.listOf(arbitrary[Char]).map(_.mkString))

  def test[T : Arbitrary](implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T], reprsOf: ReprsOf.DataReprsOf[T]): Unit = {
    s"${typeTag}" in {
      forAll {
        (value: T) => reprsOf.encode(value)

  "DataReprsOf checks" - {
    "Maps" - {
      test[Map[String, String]]
      test[Map[String, Int]]
      test[Map[String, Map[String, Int]]]
      test[List[Map[Int, String]]]

    "Sequences" - {

    "Structs" - {
      test[(String, Int, Map[Int, String])]
      test[List[(Int, Boolean, String, String, Option[Int], Option[String], List[String], Map[String, Int])]]

Example 2
Source File: MouseSuite.scala    From mouse   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package mouse

import cats._
import cats.instances.AllInstances
import org.scalactic.TripleEqualsSupport.BToAEquivalenceConstraint
import org.scalactic.{CanEqual, Equivalence}
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

trait MouseSuite
  extends AnyFunSuite
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with AllSharedSyntax
    with AllInstances {
  implicit val eq0 = new Eq[NumberFormatException] {
    override def eqv(x: NumberFormatException, y: NumberFormatException): Boolean =
      x.getMessage == y.getMessage

  implicit val eq1 = new Eq[IllegalArgumentException] {
    override def eqv(x: IllegalArgumentException, y: IllegalArgumentException): Boolean =
      x.getMessage == y.getMessage

  final class MouseEquivalence[T](T: Eq[T]) extends Equivalence[T] {
    def areEquivalent(a: T, b: T): Boolean = T.eqv(a, b)

  implicit def mouseCanEqual[A, B](implicit A: Eq[A], ev: B <:< A): CanEqual[A, B] =
    new BToAEquivalenceConstraint[A, B](new MouseEquivalence(A), ev)
Example 3
Source File: OdinSpec.scala    From odin   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.odin

import java.time.LocalDateTime

import cats.effect.{Clock, Timer}
import cats.{Applicative, Eval}
import io.odin.formatter.Formatter
import io.odin.meta.Position
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Cogen, Gen}
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{Checkers, ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks}
import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, TimeUnit}

trait OdinSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with Checkers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with EqInstances {
  def checkAll(name: String, ruleSet: Laws#RuleSet): Unit = {
    for ((id, prop) <-
      it should (name + "." + id) in {

  def zeroTimer[F[_]](implicit F: Applicative[F]): Timer[F] = new Timer[F] {
    def clock: Clock[F] = new Clock[F] {
      def realTime(unit: TimeUnit): F[Long] = F.pure(0L)

      def monotonic(unit: TimeUnit): F[Long] = F.pure(0L)

    def sleep(duration: FiniteDuration): F[Unit] = ???

  val lineSeparator: String = System.lineSeparator()

  val nonEmptyStringGen: Gen[String] = Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.alphaNumChar).map(_.mkString)

  val levelGen: Gen[Level] = Gen.oneOf(Level.Trace, Level.Debug, Level.Info, Level.Warn, Level.Error)
  implicit val levelArbitrary: Arbitrary[Level] = Arbitrary(levelGen)

  val positionGen: Gen[Position] = for {
    fileName <- nonEmptyStringGen
    enclosureName <-
    packageName <- nonEmptyStringGen
    line <- Gen.posNum[Int]
  } yield {
    Position(fileName, enclosureName, packageName, line)
  implicit val positionArbitrary: Arbitrary[Position] = Arbitrary(positionGen)

  val loggerMessageGen: Gen[LoggerMessage] = {
    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    for {
      level <- levelGen
      msg <- Gen.alphaNumStr
      context <- Gen.mapOfN(20, nonEmptyStringGen.flatMap(key => -> _)))
      exception <- Gen.option(Arbitrary.arbitrary[Throwable])
      position <- positionGen
      threadName <- nonEmptyStringGen
      timestamp <- Gen.choose(0, startTime)
    } yield {
        level = level,
        message =,
        context = context,
        exception = exception,
        position = position,
        threadName = threadName,
        timestamp = timestamp
  implicit val loggerMessageArbitrary: Arbitrary[LoggerMessage] = Arbitrary(loggerMessageGen)

  implicit val cogenLoggerMessage: Cogen[LoggerMessage] =
    Cogen[LoggerMessage]((msg: LoggerMessage) => msg.level.hashCode().toLong + msg.message.value.hashCode().toLong)

  val formatterGen: Gen[Formatter] = Gen.oneOf(Formatter.default, Formatter.colorful)
  implicit val formatterArbitrary: Arbitrary[Formatter] = Arbitrary(formatterGen)

  val localDateTimeGen: Gen[LocalDateTime] = for {
    year <- Gen.choose(0,
    month <- Gen.choose(1, 12)
    day <- Gen.choose(1, 28)
    hour <- Gen.choose(0, 23)
    minute <- Gen.choose(0, 59)
    second <- Gen.choose(0, 59)
  } yield {
    LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
  implicit val localDateTimeArbitrary: Arbitrary[LocalDateTime] = Arbitrary(localDateTimeGen)
Example 4
Source File: StringEncodingUtilitiesTest.scala    From morpheus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.opencypher.okapi.impl.util.StringEncodingUtilities._
import org.opencypher.okapi.testing.BaseTestSuite
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class StringEncodingUtilitiesTest extends BaseTestSuite with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  it("encodes arbitrary strings with only letters, digits, underscores, hashes, and 'at' symbols") {
    forAll { s: String =>
      val encoded = s.encodeSpecialCharacters
      val decoded = encoded.decodeSpecialCharacters
      s should equal(decoded)
      encoded.forall { c =>
        (c.isLetterOrDigit && c.isAscii) || c == '_' || c == '@'

Example 5
Source File: SparkTableTest.scala    From morpheus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.opencypher.morpheus.impl

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, functions}
import org.opencypher.morpheus.impl.table.SparkTable.{DataFrameTable, _}
import org.opencypher.morpheus.testing.MorpheusTestSuite
import org.opencypher.okapi.testing.Bag
import org.opencypher.okapi.testing.Bag._
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray.ofLong

class SparkTableTest extends MorpheusTestSuite with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  import morpheus.sparkSession.sqlContext.implicits._

  it("it should cast integer columns to long") {

    val df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(List(
      Row(1, 2L, Array(42), Array(42), Array(42L), Row(42, 42L))
    ).asJava, StructType(Seq(
      StructField("a", IntegerType, nullable = true),
      StructField("b", LongType, nullable = false),
      StructField("c", ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true), nullable = true),
      StructField("d", ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false), nullable = false),
      StructField("e", ArrayType(LongType, containsNull = false), nullable = false),
      StructField("f", StructType(Seq(
        StructField("foo", IntegerType, true),
        StructField("bar", LongType, false)
      )), nullable = true)

    val updatedDf = df.castToLong

    updatedDf.schema should equal(StructType(Seq(
      StructField("a", LongType, nullable = true),
      StructField("b", LongType, nullable = false),
      StructField("c", ArrayType(LongType, containsNull = true), nullable = true),
      StructField("d", ArrayType(LongType, containsNull = false), nullable = false),
      StructField("e", ArrayType(LongType, containsNull = false), nullable = false),
      StructField("f", StructType(Seq(
        StructField("foo", LongType, true),
        StructField("bar", LongType, true)
      )), nullable = false)

    updatedDf.collect().toBag should equal(Bag(
      Row(1L, 2L, new ofLong(Array(42L)), new ofLong(Array(42L)), new ofLong(Array(42L)), Row(42L, 42L))

  // These tests verifies that is still fixed
  describe("distinct workaround") {
    it("detects if the Spark bug is still fixed") {
      val baseTable = Seq(1, 1).toDF("idx")

      // Uses Spark distinct
      val distinctWithId = baseTable.distinct.withColumn("id", functions.monotonically_increasing_id())

      val monotonicallyOnLeft = distinctWithId.join(baseTable, "idx")

      // Bug in Spark: "monotonically_increasing_id" is pushed down when it shouldn't be. Push down only happens when the
      // DF containing the "monotonically_increasing_id" expression is on the left side of the join."id").collect().map(_.get(0)).distinct.length shouldBe 1


Example 6
Source File: BsonCodecInstancesTest.scala    From circe-bson   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.circe.bson

import io.circe.{ Json, JsonNumber }
import io.circe.testing.ArbitraryInstances
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import reactivemongo.bson.BSONDecimal
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

class BsonCodecInstancesTest extends AnyFunSuite with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with ArbitraryInstances {

  override def transformJsonNumber(n: JsonNumber): JsonNumber =
    Try(BSONDecimal.parse(n.toString)).flatten match {
      case Success(_) => n
      case Failure(_) => JsonNumber.fromString("0").get

  test("BsonCodecInstances should round-trip JSON values") {
    forAll { json: Json =>
      assert(Right(json) === jsonToBson(json).flatMap(bsonToJson))

  test("BsonCodecInstances should support BSON Date values") {
    val json = Json.obj("myDate" -> Json.obj("$date" -> Json.fromLong(1570040789432L)))
    assert(Right(json) === jsonToBson(json).flatMap(bsonToJson))
Example 7
Source File: JobTests.scala    From frameless   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package frameless

import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class JobTests extends AnyFreeSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll with SparkTesting with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

  "map" - {
    "identity" in {
      def check[T](implicit arb: Arbitrary[T]) = forAll {
        t: T => Job(t).map(identity).run() shouldEqual Job(t).run()


    val f1: Int => Int = _ + 1
    val f2: Int => Int = (i: Int) => i * i

    "composition" in forAll {
      i: Int => Job(i).map(f1).map(f2).run() shouldEqual Job(i).map(f1 andThen f2).run()

  "flatMap" - {
    val f1: Int => Job[Int] = (i: Int) => Job(i + 1)
    val f2: Int => Job[Int] = (i: Int) => Job(i * i)

    "left identity" in forAll {
      i: Int => Job(i).flatMap(f1).run() shouldEqual f1(i).run()

    "right identity" in forAll {
      i: Int => Job(i).flatMap(i => Job.apply(i)).run() shouldEqual Job(i).run()

    "associativity" in forAll {
      i: Int => Job(i).flatMap(f1).flatMap(f2).run() shouldEqual Job(i).flatMap(ii => f1(ii).flatMap(f2)).run()

  "properties" - {
    "read back" in forAll {
      (k:String, v: String) =>
        val scopedKey = "frameless.tests." + k
        sc.getLocalProperty(scopedKey) shouldBe v
Example 8
Source File: CirceSuite.scala    From circe-generic-extras   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.circe.generic.extras

import cats.instances._
import cats.syntax._
import io.circe.testing.{ ArbitraryInstances, EqInstances }
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ Checkers, ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks }
import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws
import scala.language.implicitConversions

trait CirceSuite
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with AllInstances
    with AllInstancesBinCompat0
    with AllInstancesBinCompat1
    with AllInstancesBinCompat2
    with AllInstancesBinCompat3
    with AllInstancesBinCompat4
    with AllInstancesBinCompat5
    with AllInstancesBinCompat6
    with AllSyntax
    with AllSyntaxBinCompat0
    with AllSyntaxBinCompat1
    with AllSyntaxBinCompat2
    with AllSyntaxBinCompat3
    with AllSyntaxBinCompat4
    with AllSyntaxBinCompat5
    with AllSyntaxBinCompat6
    with ArbitraryInstances
    with EqInstances {

  override def convertToEqualizer[T](left: T): Equalizer[T] =
    sys.error("Intentionally ambiguous implicit for Equalizer")

  implicit def prioritizedCatsSyntaxEither[A, B](eab: Either[A, B]): EitherOps[A, B] = new EitherOps(eab)

  def checkLaws(name: String, ruleSet: Laws#RuleSet): Unit = {
    case ((id, prop), 0) => name should s"obey $id" in Checkers.check(prop)
    case ((id, prop), _) => it should s"obey $id" in Checkers.check(prop)
Example 9
Source File: DomainValidationsSpec.scala    From vinyldns   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package vinyldns.api.domain

import cats.scalatest.ValidatedMatchers
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.propspec.AnyPropSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import vinyldns.api.ValidationTestImprovements._
import vinyldns.core.domain.{InvalidDomainName, InvalidLength}

class DomainValidationsSpec
    extends AnyPropSpec
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with ValidatedMatchers {

  import Gen._
  import vinyldns.api.domain.DomainValidations._
  import vinyldns.api.DomainGenerator._
  import vinyldns.api.IpAddressGenerator._

  property("Shortest domain name should be valid") {
    validateHostName("a.") shouldBe valid

  property("Longest domain name should be valid") {
    val name = ("a" * 50 + ".") * 5
    validateHostName(name) shouldBe valid

  property("Domain name should pass property-based testing") {
    forAll(domainGenerator) { domain: String =>
      whenever(validateHostName(domain).isValid) {
        domain.length should be > 0
        domain.length should be < 256
        (domain should fullyMatch).regex(validFQDNRegex)

        domain should endWith(".")

  property("Domain names beginning with invalid characters should fail with InvalidDomainName") {

  property("Domain names with underscores should pass property-based testing") {

  property("Valid Ipv4 addresses should pass property-based testing") {
    forAll(validIpv4Gen) { validIp: String =>
      val res = validateIpv4Address(validIp)
      res shouldBe valid
      (validIp should fullyMatch).regex(validIpv4Regex)

  property("Invalid Ipv4 addresses should fail property-based testing") {
    forAll(invalidIpGen) { invalidIp: String =>
      whenever(validateIpv4Address(invalidIp).isInvalid) {
        (invalidIp shouldNot fullyMatch).regex(validIpv4Regex)

  property("Valid string lengths should pass property-based testing") {
    val validDescGen: Gen[String] = listOfN(255, alphaNumChar).map(_.mkString)

    forAll(option(validDescGen)) { desc: Option[String] =>
      validateStringLength(desc, None, 255) shouldBe valid

  property("Description of None and Some(\"\") should succeed") {
    validateStringLength(Some(""), None, 255) shouldBe valid
    validateStringLength(None, None, 255) shouldBe valid

  property("String exceeding maximum description length should fail with InvalidLength") {
    val invalidDesc = "a" * 256
    validateStringLength(Some(invalidDesc), None, 255).failWith[InvalidLength]
Example 10
Source File: consk.scala    From kittens   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.derived

import alleycats.ConsK
import cats.laws.discipline.SerializableTests
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class ConsKSuite extends KittensSuite with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  import ConsKSuite._
  import TestDefns._

  def checkConsK[F[_], A : Arbitrary](nil: F[A])(fromSeq: Seq[A] => F[A])(implicit F: ConsK[F]): Unit =
    forAll((xs: List[A]) => assert(xs.foldRight(nil)(F.cons) == fromSeq(xs)))

  def testConsK(context: String)(implicit iList: ConsK[IList], snoc: ConsK[Snoc]): Unit = {
    test(s"$context.ConsK[IList]")(checkConsK[IList, Int](INil())(IList.fromSeq))
    test(s"$context.ConsK[Snoc]")(checkConsK[Snoc, Int](SNil())(xs => Snoc.fromSeq(xs.reverse)))
    checkAll(s"$context.ConsK is Serializable", SerializableTests.serializable(ConsK[IList]))

    import auto.consK._

    import cached.consK._

    import semiInstances._

object ConsKSuite {
  import TestDefns._

  object semiInstances {
    implicit val iList: ConsK[IList] = semiauto.consK[IList]
    implicit val snoc: ConsK[Snoc] = semiauto.consK[Snoc]
Example 11
Source File: FoldedTests.scala    From aecor   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package aecor.tests

import cats.{ CoflatMap, Eval, Later, Monad, MonadError, Semigroupal }
import cats.laws.{ ApplicativeLaws, CoflatMapLaws, FlatMapLaws, MonadLaws }
import cats.laws.discipline._
import Folded.syntax._
import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Cogen }
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.Discipline
import cats.implicits._

class FoldedTests
    extends AnyFunSuiteLike
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with Discipline
    with StrictCatsEquality {

  implicit def arbitraryFolded[A](implicit A: Arbitrary[Option[A]]): Arbitrary[Folded[A]] =

  implicit def cogenFolded[A](implicit A: Cogen[Option[A]]): Cogen[Folded[A]] =

  checkAll("Folded[Int]", SemigroupalTests[Folded].semigroupal[Int, Int, Int])
  checkAll("Cartesian[Folded]", SerializableTests.serializable(Semigroupal[Folded]))

  checkAll("Folded[Int]", CoflatMapTests[Folded].coflatMap[Int, Int, Int])
  checkAll("CoflatMap[Folded]", SerializableTests.serializable(CoflatMap[Folded]))

  checkAll("Folded[Int]", MonadTests[Folded].monad[Int, Int, Int])
  checkAll("Monad[Folded]", SerializableTests.serializable(Monad[Folded]))

  checkAll("Folded with Unit", MonadErrorTests[Folded, Unit].monadError[Int, Int, Int])
  checkAll("MonadError[Folded, Unit]", SerializableTests.serializable(MonadError[Folded, Unit]))

  test("show") {
    impossible[Int].show should ===("Impossible") should ===("Next(1)")

    forAll { fs: Folded[String] => should ===(fs.toString)

  // The following tests check laws which are a different formulation of
  // laws that are checked. Since these laws are more or less duplicates of
  // existing laws, we don't check them for all types that have the relevant
  // instances.

  test("Kleisli associativity") {
    forAll { (l: Long, f: Long => Folded[Int], g: Int => Folded[Char], h: Char => Folded[String]) =>
      val isEq = FlatMapLaws[Folded].kleisliAssociativity(f, g, h, l)
      isEq.lhs should ===(isEq.rhs)

  test("Cokleisli associativity") {
    forAll { (l: Folded[Long], f: Folded[Long] => Int, g: Folded[Int] => Char, h: Folded[Char] => String) =>
      val isEq = CoflatMapLaws[Folded].cokleisliAssociativity(f, g, h, l)
      isEq.lhs should ===(isEq.rhs)

  test("applicative composition") {
    forAll { (fa: Folded[Int], fab: Folded[Int => Long], fbc: Folded[Long => Char]) =>
      val isEq = ApplicativeLaws[Folded].applicativeComposition(fa, fab, fbc)
      isEq.lhs should ===(isEq.rhs)

  val monadLaws = MonadLaws[Folded]

  test("Kleisli left identity") {
    forAll { (a: Int, f: Int => Folded[Long]) =>
      val isEq = monadLaws.kleisliLeftIdentity(a, f)
      isEq.lhs should ===(isEq.rhs)

  test("Kleisli right identity") {
    forAll { (a: Int, f: Int => Folded[Long]) =>
      val isEq = monadLaws.kleisliRightIdentity(a, f)
      isEq.lhs should ===(isEq.rhs)

  test("map2Eval is lazy") {
    val bomb: Eval[Folded[Int]] = Later(sys.error("boom"))
    impossible[Int].map2Eval(bomb)(_ + _).value should ===(impossible[Int])
Example 12
Source File: GlobalIssuesSpec.scala    From sonar-scala   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._
import org.scalatest.Inspectors
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.sonar.api.batch.fs.internal.TestInputFileBuilder
import org.sonar.api.batch.rule.Severity
import org.sonar.api.rule.RuleKey

class GlobalIssuesSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  it should "add a new issue" in {
    val issues = new GlobalIssues
    val file = TestInputFileBuilder
      .create("", "test.scala")
    val issue = Issue(
      key = RuleKey.of("repo", "rule"),
      file = file,
      line = 10,
      severity = Severity.MAJOR,
      message = "test"

    issues.allIssues shouldBe Map(file -> List(issue))

  it should "return all issues" in {
    forAll { (issues: List[Issue]) =>
      whenever(issues.nonEmpty) {
        val globalIssues = new GlobalIssues
        val expected = issues.groupBy(_.file)


        Inspectors.forAll(globalIssues.allIssues) {
          case (file, issues) =>
            issues should contain theSameElementsAs expected(file)
Example 13
Source File: JsTest.scala    From scalaz-deriving   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright: 2017 - 2020 Sam Halliday
// License:

package jsonformat

import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import JsDecoder.ops._
import JsEncoder.ops._
import internal.FastToIList._

import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec

abstract class JsTest
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with NonImplicitAssertions
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  type Position  = org.scalactic.source.Position
  type Assertion = org.scalatest.Assertion

  implicit class EncoderHelper[T: JsEncoder](t: T) {
    def jsonString: String = CompactPrinter(t.toJson)

  implicit class DecoderHelper(s: String) {
    def parseAs[A: JsDecoder]: String \/ A =
      JsParser(s) >>= ([A])

  // inefficient constructors that are convenient in tests
  implicit class JsArrayCompanionOps(self: JsArray.type)   {
    def apply(vs: JsValue*): JsArray =
  implicit class JsObjectCompanionOps(self: JsObject.type) {
    def apply(vs: (String, JsValue)*): JsObject =

Example 14
Source File: CommonAccountsApiSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.http

import com.wavesplatform.api.common.CommonAccountsApi
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._
import com.wavesplatform.db.WithDomain
import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatures
import com.wavesplatform.settings.TestFunctionalitySettings
import com.wavesplatform.state.{DataEntry, Diff, StringDataEntry, diffs}
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{DataTransaction, GenesisTransaction}
import com.wavesplatform.{BlocksTransactionsHelpers, TransactionGen, history}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class CommonAccountsApiSpec
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with WithDomain
    with TransactionGen
    with BlocksTransactionsHelpers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  "Data stream" - {
    "handles non-existent address" in {
      val entry1 = StringDataEntry("test", "test")
      val entry2 = StringDataEntry("test1", "test")
      val entry3 = StringDataEntry("test2", "test")

      val preconditions = for {
        acc <- accountGen
        ts = System.currentTimeMillis()
        fee <- smallFeeGen
        genesis        = GenesisTransaction.create(acc.toAddress, diffs.ENOUGH_AMT, ts).explicitGet()
        data1          = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry1), fee, ts).explicitGet()
        data2          = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry2), fee, ts).explicitGet()
        data3          = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry3), fee, ts).explicitGet()
        (block1, mbs1) = UnsafeBlocks.unsafeChainBaseAndMicro(history.randomSig, Seq(genesis), Seq(Seq(data1)), acc, 3, ts)
        (block2, mbs2) = UnsafeBlocks.unsafeChainBaseAndMicro(mbs1.last.totalResBlockSig, Seq(data2), Seq(Seq(data3)), acc, 3, ts)
      } yield (acc, block1, mbs1.head, block2, mbs2.head)

      forAll(preconditions) {
        case (acc, block1, mb1, block2, mb2) =>
          withDomain(domainSettingsWithFS(TestFunctionalitySettings.withFeatures(BlockchainFeatures.NG, BlockchainFeatures.DataTransaction))) { d =>
            val commonAccountsApi             = CommonAccountsApi(d.blockchainUpdater.bestLiquidDiff.getOrElse(Diff.empty), d.db, d.blockchainUpdater)
            def dataList(): Set[DataEntry[_]] = commonAccountsApi.dataStream(acc.toAddress, None).toListL.runSyncUnsafe().toSet

            dataList() shouldBe empty
            dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1)
            dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1, entry2)
            dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1, entry2, entry3)
Example 15
Source File: ScriptComplexityMiningConstraintSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.mining

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import com.wavesplatform.account.KeyPair
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._
import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatures
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.estimator.v3.ScriptEstimatorV3
import com.wavesplatform.settings.WavesSettings
import com.wavesplatform.state.diffs.TransactionDiffer
import com.wavesplatform.state.{AccountScriptInfo, Blockchain, LeaseBalance}
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{DataTransaction, Transaction, TxVersion}
import com.wavesplatform.{NoShrink, TransactionGen}
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalamock.scalatest.PathMockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class ScriptComplexityMiningConstraintSuite
    extends FlatSpec
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with PathMockFactory
    with TransactionGen
    with NoShrink {
  private val settings = WavesSettings.fromRootConfig(ConfigFactory.load())

  private val complexity = OneDimensionalMiningConstraint(1000, TxEstimators.scriptsComplexity, "MaxScriptsComplexityInBlock")
  private val maxTxs     = OneDimensionalMiningConstraint(3,, "MaxTxsInMicroBlock")
  private val constraint = MultiDimensionalMiningConstraint(complexity, maxTxs)

  val (script, _) = ScriptCompiler.compile("true", ScriptEstimatorV3).explicitGet()

  "ScriptComplexityMiningConstraint" should "accept non-scripted txs after limit" in {
    forAll(preconditions) {
      case (acc1, tx1, tx2, tx3) =>
        val blockchain = stub[Blockchain]
        (blockchain.settings _).when().returning(settings.blockchainSettings)
        (blockchain.height _).when().returning(1)
        (blockchain.activatedFeatures _).when().returning(Map( -> 0))

        val txDiffer =
          TransactionDiffer(Some(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000), System.currentTimeMillis())(blockchain, _: Transaction).resultE.explicitGet()
        (blockchain.balance _).when(*, *).returning(10000000)
        (blockchain.leaseBalance _).when(*).returning(LeaseBalance(0, 0))
        (blockchain.accountScript _).when(tx1.sender.toAddress).returning(Some(AccountScriptInfo(acc1.publicKey, script, 1000, Map.empty)))
        (blockchain.accountScript _).when(*).returning(None)

        val c1          = constraint.put(blockchain, tx1, txDiffer(tx1))
        val cOverfilled = c1.put(blockchain, tx1, txDiffer(tx1))
        cOverfilled.isOverfilled shouldBe true

        val c2 = c1.put(blockchain, tx2, txDiffer(tx2))
        c2.isFull shouldBe false

        val c3 = c2.put(blockchain, tx3, txDiffer(tx3))
        c3.isFull shouldBe true
        c3.isOverfilled shouldBe false


  private[this] def preconditions: Gen[(KeyPair, DataTransaction, DataTransaction, DataTransaction)] =
    for {
      acc1 <- accountGen
      acc2 <- accountGen
      tx1 = DataTransaction.selfSigned(TxVersion.V1, acc1, Nil, 1000000, System.currentTimeMillis()).explicitGet()
      tx2 = DataTransaction.selfSigned(TxVersion.V1, acc2, Nil, 1000000, System.currentTimeMillis()).explicitGet()
      tx3 = DataTransaction.selfSigned(TxVersion.V1, acc2, Nil, 1000000, System.currentTimeMillis()).explicitGet()
    } yield (acc1, tx1, tx2, tx3)
Example 16
Source File: CirceSuite.scala    From circe-jackson   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.circe.jackson

import cats.instances.AllInstances
import cats.syntax.{ AllSyntax, EitherOps }
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.testing.{ ArbitraryInstances, EqInstances }
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.FlatSpecDiscipline
import scala.language.implicitConversions

trait CirceSuite
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with FlatSpecDiscipline
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with AllInstances
    with AllSyntax
    with ArbitraryInstances
    with EqInstances {

  override def convertToEqualizer[T](left: T): Equalizer[T] =
    sys.error("Intentionally ambiguous implicit for Equalizer")

  implicit def prioritizedCatsSyntaxEither[A, B](eab: Either[A, B]): EitherOps[A, B] = new EitherOps(eab)

  val glossary: Json = Json.obj(
    "glossary" -> Json.obj(
      "title" -> Json.fromString("example glossary"),
      "GlossDiv" -> Json.obj(
        "title" -> Json.fromString("S"),
        "GlossList" -> Json.obj(
          "GlossEntry" -> Json.obj(
            "ID" -> Json.fromString("SGML"),
            "SortAs" -> Json.fromString("SGML"),
            "GlossTerm" -> Json.fromString("Standard Generalized Markup Language"),
            "Acronym" -> Json.fromString("SGML"),
            "Abbrev" -> Json.fromString("ISO 8879:1986"),
            "GlossDef" -> Json.obj(
              "para" -> Json.fromString(
                "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook."
              "GlossSeeAlso" -> Json.arr(Json.fromString("GML"), Json.fromString("XML"))
            "GlossSee" -> Json.fromString("markup")
Example 17
Source File: BigQueryClientTest.scala    From scio   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.spotify.scio.bigquery

import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.client.BigQuery
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec

class BigQueryClientTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  "BigQueryClient" should "throw an exception when an empty or null ProjectId is provided" in {
    assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {

    assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {

  it should "work with non-empty ProjectId" in {
    val projectIdGen = Gen.alphaNumStr.suchThat(_.nonEmpty)

    forAll(projectIdGen)(projectId => BigQuery(projectId))
Example 18
Source File: RepeatablesSpec.scala    From scalapb-json4s   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
import scalapb.e2e.repeatables.RepeatablesTest
import scalapb.e2e.repeatables.RepeatablesTest.Nested
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import scalapb.json4s.JsonFormat
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers

class JsonSpec
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with Matchers {
  val nestedGen =
    Arbitrary.arbitrary[Option[Int]].map(s => Nested(nestedField = s))

  val repGen = for {
    strings <- Gen.listOf(Arbitrary.arbitrary[String])
    ints <- Gen.listOf(Arbitrary.arbitrary[Int])
    doubles <- Gen.listOf(Arbitrary.arbitrary[Double])
    nesteds <- Gen.listOf(nestedGen)
  } yield RepeatablesTest(
    strings = strings,
    ints = ints,
    doubles = doubles,
    nesteds = nesteds

  "fromJson" should "invert toJson (single)" in {
    val rep = RepeatablesTest(
      strings = Seq("s1", "s2"),
      ints = Seq(14, 19),
      doubles = Seq(3.14, 2.17),
      nesteds = Seq(Nested())
    val j = JsonFormat.toJson(rep)
    JsonFormat.fromJson[RepeatablesTest](j) must be(rep)

  "fromJson" should "invert toJson" in {
    forAll(repGen) { rep =>
      val j = JsonFormat.toJson(rep)
      JsonFormat.fromJson[RepeatablesTest](j) must be(rep)
Example 19
Source File: ArbitrarySpec.scala    From scalapb-json4s   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scalapb.json4s

import scalapb.e2e.repeatables.RepeatablesTest
import scalapb.e2e.repeatables.RepeatablesTest.Nested
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers

class ArbitrarySpec
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with Matchers {
  val nestedGen =
    Arbitrary.arbitrary[Option[Int]].map(s => Nested(nestedField = s))

  val repGen = for {
    strings <- Gen.listOf(Arbitrary.arbitrary[String])
    ints <- Gen.listOf(Arbitrary.arbitrary[Int])
    doubles <- Gen.listOf(Arbitrary.arbitrary[Double])
    nesteds <- Gen.listOf(nestedGen)
  } yield RepeatablesTest(
    strings = strings,
    ints = ints,
    doubles = doubles,
    nesteds = nesteds

  "fromJson" should "invert toJson (single)" in {
    val rep = RepeatablesTest(
      strings = Seq("s1", "s2"),
      ints = Seq(14, 19),
      doubles = Seq(3.14, 2.17),
      nesteds = Seq(Nested())
    val j = JsonFormat.toJson(rep)
    JsonFormat.fromJson[RepeatablesTest](j) must be(rep)

  "fromJson" should "invert toJson" in {
    forAll(repGen) { rep =>
      val j = JsonFormat.toJson(rep)
      JsonFormat.fromJson[RepeatablesTest](j) must be(rep)
Example 20
Source File: MergeByCommitCallbackTest.scala    From monix-kafka   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package monix.kafka

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset
import monix.reactive.Observable
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetCommitCallback
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class MergeByCommitCallbackTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

  val commitCallbacks: List[Commit] = List.fill(4)(new Commit {
    override def commitBatchSync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): Task[Unit] = Task.unit

    override def commitBatchAsync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], callback: OffsetCommitCallback): Task[Unit] =

  val committableOffsetsGen: Gen[CommittableOffset] = for {
    partition <- Gen.posNum[Int]
    offset <- Gen.posNum[Long]
    commit <- Gen.oneOf(commitCallbacks)
  } yield CommittableOffset(new TopicPartition("topic", partition), offset, commit)

  test("merge by commit callback works") {
    forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(committableOffsetsGen)) { offsets =>
      val partitions =
      val received: List[CommittableOffsetBatch] = CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback(offsets)

      received.foreach { batch => partitions should contain allElementsOf batch.offsets.keys }

      received.size should be <= 4

  test("merge by commit callback for multiple consumers") {
    withRunningKafka {
      val count = 10000
      val topicName = "monix-kafka-merge-by-commit"

      val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy(
        bootstrapServers = List(""),
        clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test"

      val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io)

      val pushT = Observable
        .range(0, count)
        .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicName, "obs", msg.toString))

      val listT = Observable
        .range(0, 4)
        .mergeMap(i => createConsumer(i.toInt, topicName).take(500))
        .map { offsetBatches => assert(offsetBatches.length == 4) }

      Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds)

  private def createConsumer(i: Int, topicName: String): Observable[CommittableOffset] = {
    val cfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy(
      bootstrapServers = List(""),
      groupId = s"kafka-tests-$i",
      autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest

      .manualCommit[String, String](cfg, List(topicName))
Example 21
Source File: MergeByCommitCallbackTest.scala    From monix-kafka   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package monix.kafka

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset
import monix.reactive.Observable
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetCommitCallback
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class MergeByCommitCallbackTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

  val commitCallbacks: List[Commit] = List.fill(4)(new Commit {
    override def commitBatchSync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): Task[Unit] = Task.unit

    override def commitBatchAsync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], callback: OffsetCommitCallback): Task[Unit] =

  val committableOffsetsGen: Gen[CommittableOffset] = for {
    partition <- Gen.posNum[Int]
    offset <- Gen.posNum[Long]
    commit <- Gen.oneOf(commitCallbacks)
  } yield CommittableOffset(new TopicPartition("topic", partition), offset, commit)

  test("merge by commit callback works") {
    forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(committableOffsetsGen)) { offsets =>
      val partitions =
      val received: List[CommittableOffsetBatch] = CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback(offsets)

      received.foreach { batch => partitions should contain allElementsOf batch.offsets.keys }

      received.size should be <= 4

  test("merge by commit callback for multiple consumers") {
    withRunningKafka {
      val count = 10000
      val topicName = "monix-kafka-merge-by-commit"

      val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy(
        bootstrapServers = List(""),
        clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test"

      val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io)

      val pushT = Observable
        .range(0, count)
        .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicName, "obs", msg.toString))

      val listT = Observable
        .range(0, 4)
        .mergeMap(i => createConsumer(i.toInt, topicName).take(500))
        .map { offsetBatches => assert(offsetBatches.length == 4) }

      Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds)

  private def createConsumer(i: Int, topicName: String): Observable[CommittableOffset] = {
    val cfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy(
      bootstrapServers = List(""),
      groupId = s"kafka-tests-$i",
      autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest

      .manualCommit[String, String](cfg, List(topicName))
Example 22
Source File: MergeByCommitCallbackTest.scala    From monix-kafka   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package monix.kafka

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.kafka.config.AutoOffsetReset
import monix.reactive.Observable
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetCommitCallback
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class MergeByCommitCallbackTest extends FunSuite with KafkaTestKit with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

  val commitCallbacks: List[Commit] = List.fill(4)(new Commit {
    override def commitBatchSync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): Task[Unit] = Task.unit

    override def commitBatchAsync(batch: Map[TopicPartition, Long], callback: OffsetCommitCallback): Task[Unit] =

  val committableOffsetsGen: Gen[CommittableOffset] = for {
    partition <- Gen.posNum[Int]
    offset <- Gen.posNum[Long]
    commit <- Gen.oneOf(commitCallbacks)
  } yield CommittableOffset(new TopicPartition("topic", partition), offset, commit)

  test("merge by commit callback works") {
    forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(committableOffsetsGen)) { offsets =>
      val partitions =
      val received: List[CommittableOffsetBatch] = CommittableOffsetBatch.mergeByCommitCallback(offsets)

      received.foreach { batch => partitions should contain allElementsOf batch.offsets.keys }

      received.size should be <= 4

  test("merge by commit callback for multiple consumers") {
    withRunningKafka {
      val count = 10000
      val topicName = "monix-kafka-merge-by-commit"

      val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy(
        bootstrapServers = List(""),
        clientId = "monix-kafka-1-0-producer-test"

      val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String, String](producerCfg, io)

      val pushT = Observable
        .range(0, count)
        .map(msg => new ProducerRecord(topicName, "obs", msg.toString))

      val listT = Observable
        .range(0, 4)
        .mergeMap(i => createConsumer(i.toInt, topicName).take(500))
        .map { offsetBatches => assert(offsetBatches.length == 4) }

      Await.result(Task.parZip2(listT, pushT).runToFuture, 60.seconds)

  private def createConsumer(i: Int, topicName: String): Observable[CommittableOffset] = {
    val cfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy(
      bootstrapServers = List(""),
      groupId = s"kafka-tests-$i",
      autoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest

      .manualCommit[String, String](cfg, List(topicName))
Example 23
Source File: PluginFrontendSpec.scala    From protoc-bridge   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package protocbridge.frontend


import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers

class PluginFrontendSpec
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  def expected(error: String) =

  def actual(error: String) =

  "createCodeGeneratorResponseWithError" should "create valid objects" in {
    actual("") must be(expected(""))
    actual("foo") must be(expected("foo"))
    actual("\u2035") must be(expected("\u2035"))
    actual("a" * 128) must be(expected("a" * 128))
    actual("a" * 256) must be(expected("a" * 256))
    actual("\u3714\u3715" * 256) must be(expected("\u3714\u3715" * 256))
    actual("abc" * 1000) must be(expected("abc" * 1000))
    forAll(MinSuccessful(1000)) { s: String =>
      actual(s) must be(expected(s))


  "readInputStreamToByteArray" should "read the input stream to a byte array" in {
    def readInput(bs: Array[Byte]) =
      PluginFrontend.readInputStreamToByteArray(new ByteArrayInputStream(bs))

    readInput(Array.empty) must be(Array())
    readInput(Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4)) must be(Array(1, 2, 3, 4))
    val special = Array.tabulate[Byte](10000) { n =>
      (n % 37).toByte
    readInput(special) must be(special)
Example 24
Source File: EscapingTests.scala    From circe-yaml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.circe.yaml

import io.circe.Encoder
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import scala.util.{ Success, Try }
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class EscapingTests extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  import io.circe.syntax._
  import io.circe.yaml.Printer.spaces2.pretty
  import io.circe.yaml.parser.parse

  // according to the YAML spec (section 5.1: character set)
  def isPrintable(c: Char): Boolean =
    ('\t' == c) ||
      ('\n' == c) ||
      ('\r' == c) ||
      (' ' <= c && c <= '~') ||
      ('\u0085' == c) ||
      ('\u00a0' <= c && c <= '\ud7ff') ||
      ('\ue000' <= c && c <= '\ufffd')

  def test1(c: Char): Unit = {
    val r = "'\\u%04X'".format(c.toInt)
    def repr[A](a: A): (String, A) = (r, a)

    val json = c.toString.asJson
    val s = pretty(json)

    if (s.contains(c)) repr(isPrintable(c)) shouldBe repr(true)
    else () // we do not enforce that printable chars are never escaped

    repr(s.forall(isPrintable)) shouldBe repr(true)
    repr(Try(parse(s))) shouldBe repr(Success(Right(json)))

  "Escaping" should "properly escape JSON string values (all chars)" in {
    // exhaustive test: 65k test cases
    (Char.MinValue to Char.MaxValue).map(_.toChar).foreach(test1)

  def test2(s0: String): Unit = {
    val json = s0.asJson
    val s1 = pretty(json)
    parse(s1) shouldBe Right(json)

  it should "properly escape JSON string values" in {
    forAll { (s0: String) =>

  def test3(c: Char): Unit = {
    val m = Map(c.toString -> c.toInt)
    val o = Encoder[Map[String, Int]].apply(m)

    parser.parse(printer.print(o)).right.flatMap([Map[String, Int]]) shouldBe Right(m)

  it should "properly escape JSON object keys" in {
    // exhaustive test: 65k test cases
    (Char.MinValue to Char.MaxValue).map(_.toChar).foreach(test3)
Example 25
Source File: PatchSpec.scala    From sonar-scala   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import org.scalatest.EitherValues
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class PatchSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with EitherValues with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  def patch(path: String): String =

  it should "fail to parse an invalid patch" in {
    forAll((s: String) => Patch.parse(s) shouldBe Left(PatchError(s)))

  it should "parse successfully a patch with additions only" in {
    val expected: Map[FileLine, PatchLine] =
      (69 to 84) {
        case (fileLine, index) =>
          (FileLine(fileLine), PatchLine(index + 1))

    Patch.parse(patch("patches/add.patch")).right.value shouldBe expected

  it should "parse successfully a patch with deletions only" in {
    val expected: Map[FileLine, PatchLine] =
        List(26 -> 1, 27 -> 2, 28 -> 3, 29 -> 6, 30 -> 7, 31 -> 8),
        List(43 -> 10, 44 -> 11, 45 -> 12, 46 -> 15, 47 -> 16, 48 -> 20, 49 -> 21, 50 -> 22)
      ) {
        case (k, v) =>
          FileLine(k) -> PatchLine(v)

    Patch.parse(patch("patches/del.patch")).right.value shouldBe expected

  it should "parse successfully a patch with additions, deletions and modifications" in {
    val expected: Map[FileLine, PatchLine] =
        (43 to 50) => (a._1, a._2 + 1)),
        List(60 -> 10, 61 -> 11, 62 -> 12, 63 -> 15, 64 -> 16, 65 -> 17),
        List(77 -> 19, 78 -> 20, 79 -> 21, 80 -> 23, 81 -> 24, 82 -> 25, 83 -> 26)
      ) {
        case (k, v) =>
          FileLine(k) -> PatchLine(v)

    Patch.parse(patch("patches/add-del-mod.patch")).right.value shouldBe expected
Example 26
Source File: ScalastyleRulesReposotorySpec.scala    From sonar-scala   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata
package scalastyle

import enumeratum.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.Checkers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class ScalastyleRulesRepositorySpec
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with Checkers {

  implicit def chainArbOf[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[Chain[T]] =

  def nonEmptyChainOf[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[Chain[T]] =

  it should "not create an additional rule from a non-template rule" in {
    forAll { rule: Rule =>
      val extraParam = ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam(rule.key)
      val expected = rule.copy(
        template = false,
        params = Chain(extraParam)
      ScalastyleRulesRepository.fromTemplate(rule.copy(params = Chain.empty)) shouldBe

  it should "not create an additional rule if the instance is blacklisted" in {
      ) { (rule, params, className) =>
        val newRule = rule.copy(key = className, params = params)
        val extraParam = ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam(newRule.key)
        val expected = newRule.copy(
          key = className + "-template",
          template = true,
          params = params :+ extraParam

        ScalastyleRulesRepository.fromTemplate(newRule) ===

  it should "create an additional rule for templates" in {
      ) { (rule, params) =>
        val newRule = rule.copy(params = params)
        val extraParam = ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam(newRule.key)
        val instance = newRule.copy(
          template = false,
          params = params :+ extraParam
        val template = instance.copy(
          key = instance.key + "-template",
          template = true

        ScalastyleRulesRepository.fromTemplate(newRule) === NonEmptyChain(template, instance)

  it should "create an additional param with scalastyle class name" in {
    val expected = Param(
      name = "ruleClass",
      typ = ParamType.String,
      description = "Scalastyle's rule (checker) class name.",
      default = ""

    ScalastyleRulesRepository.extraParam("") shouldBe expected
Example 27
Source File: AtomicSpec.scala    From seals   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.tauri.seals
package tests

import java.util.UUID

import org.scalatest.Inside
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import cats.implicits._

import laws.MyUUID
import laws.TestArbInstances.arbUuid
import laws.TestInstances.atomic._
import laws.TestTypes.{ CaseClass, Whatever }

class AtomicSpec extends BaseSpec with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Inside {

  val atomic = Atomic[MyUUID]
  val whatever = Atomic[Whatever.type]

  "Automatic Model derivation" in {
    atomic.description should === ("MyUUID")
    atomic.uuid should === (uuid"85a168db-6ce3-47e7-b8aa-e45aa075d523")

  "equals + hashCode" in {
    checkEqHash(atomic, atomic)
    checkNotEqHash(atomic, whatever)
    checkNotEqHash(atomic, Atomic[String])

  "Serializable" in {

  "stringRepr/fromString and binaryRepr/fromBinary" in {
    forAll { u: MyUUID =>
      roundtripStr(u)(atomic) should === (u)
      roundtripBin(u)(atomic) should === (u)

  "custom Atomic has higher priority than built-in" in {
    import laws.TestInstances.atomic.bad._
    Model.Atom.atom[Int].uuid should === (laws.TestInstances.atomic.bad.atomicInt.uuid)

  "have higher priority than generic Reified" in {
    // derived instance:
    val r1 = Reified[CaseClass]

    // define an atomic:
    val constUuid = uuid"3ba1f17e-c0cd-4b17-8cca-771e90b60498"
    val r2 = {
      object ACC extends Atomic[CaseClass] with Atomic.FallbackBinary[CaseClass] {

        def description: String = "CaseClass"

        def fromString(s: String): Either[Atomic.Error, CaseClass] = {
          try {
          } catch {
            case ex: IllegalArgumentException => Either.left(Atomic.Error(ex.getMessage))

        def stringRepr(a: CaseClass): String = a.n.toString

        val uuid: UUID = constUuid

      implicit val atomicCaseClass: Atomic[CaseClass] = ACC

      // now this should take priority over the derived instance:

    r1.model should !== (r2.model)

    inside (r1.model) {
      case _: core.Model.Atom =>
        fail("not expected an Atom")
      case _ =>
        // OK

    inside (r2.model) {
      case a: core.Model.Atom =>
        a.uuid should === (constUuid)
Example 28
Source File: CanonicalReprSpec.scala    From seals   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dev.tauri.seals
package tests

import cats.Order

import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import core.CanonicalRepr

import laws.TestArbInstances.{ arbModel, arbCanonicalRepr, arbSymbol }
import laws.TestArbInstances.forTestData.arbDefsAdt1
import laws.TestTypes.adts.defs.Adt1

class CanonicalReprSpec
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  val ord = Order[CanonicalRepr]

  "fold-unfold" should "be an identity" in {
    forAll { x: Int => foldUnfold(x) should === (x) }
    forAll { x: String => foldUnfold(x) should === (x) }
    forAll { x: Model => foldUnfold(x) should === (x) }
    forAll { x: Adt1 => foldUnfold(x) should === (x) }

  def foldUnfold[A](a: A)(implicit r: Reified[A]): A =

  "Order[CanonicalRepr]" should "be consistent with .equals" in {
    forAll { (x: CanonicalRepr, y: CanonicalRepr) =>
      if (ord.eqv(x, y)) {
        x should === (y)
      } else {
        x should !== (y)

  "product" should "create correct HCons/HNil" in {
    import CanonicalRepr.{ HCons, HNil }
    val act = CanonicalRepr.product(
      'a -> CanonicalRepr.Atom("1"),
      'b -> CanonicalRepr.Atom("2"),
      'c -> CanonicalRepr.Atom("3")
    val exp = HCons(
    act should === (exp)
    CanonicalRepr.product() should === (HNil)
Example 29
Source File: DTCSuite.scala    From dtc   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dtc.tests

import java.time.temporal.ChronoField
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit._
import java.time.{Duration, LocalDate, LocalTime}

import dtc.TimeZoneId
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpecLike
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.FunSpecDiscipline

trait DTCSuite extends AnyFunSpecLike
  with Matchers
  with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
  with FunSpecDiscipline {

  override implicit val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration = PropertyCheckConfiguration(
    minSuccessful = 100
  private val nanoOfDayRange = ChronoField.NANO_OF_DAY.range()

  val genLocalTime: Gen[LocalTime] =
    Gen.choose(nanoOfDayRange.getMinimum, nanoOfDayRange.getMaximum).map(LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay)
  implicit val arbLocalTime: Arbitrary[LocalTime] = Arbitrary(genLocalTime)

  val genDuration: Gen[Duration] =
    Gen.choose(Long.MinValue / 1000, Long.MaxValue / 1000)
      .map(l => Duration.of(l, MILLIS))

  implicit val arbDuration = Arbitrary(genDuration)

  def genDateTimeFromSameOffsetPeriod(period: SameZoneOffsetPeriod): Gen[(LocalDate, LocalTime, TimeZoneId)] = for {
    date <- Gen.choose(period.startDate.toEpochDay + 1L, period.endDate.toEpochDay - 1L).map(LocalDate.ofEpochDay)
    timeBounds <- Gen.const(
      if (date == period.startDate && date == period.endDate) (period.startTime, period.endTime)
      else if (date == period.startDate) (period.startTime, LocalTime.MAX)
      else if (date == period.endDate) (LocalTime.MAX, period.endTime)
      else (LocalTime.MIN, LocalTime.MAX)
    time <- Gen.choose(timeBounds._1.toNanoOfDay, timeBounds._2.toNanoOfDay).map(LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay)
  } yield (date, time,
Example 30
Source File: NumericSpec.scala    From finagle-postgres   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.twitter.finagle.postgres.integration

import com.twitter.finagle.Postgres
import com.twitter.finagle.postgres._
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class NumericSpec extends Spec with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  for {
    hostPort <- sys.env.get("PG_HOST_PORT")
    user <- sys.env.get("PG_USER")
    password = sys.env.get("PG_PASSWORD")
    dbname <- sys.env.get("PG_DBNAME")
    useSsl = sys.env.getOrElse("USE_PG_SSL", "0") == "1"
  } yield {

    val binaryClient = Postgres.Client()
      .withCredentials(user, password)

    val textClient = Postgres.Client()
      .withCredentials(user, password)

        |DROP TABLE IF EXISTS numeric_test;
        |CREATE TABLE numeric_test(d DECIMAL NOT NULL);

    def rowsOf(qr: QueryResponse): Future[Seq[Row]] = qr match {
      case OK(_) => Future.value(Seq.empty)
      case ResultSet(rs) => rs.toSeq

    def testBinaryEncode(in: BigDecimal) = Await.result {
      for {
        _ <- binaryClient.execute("DELETE FROM numeric_test")
        _ <- binaryClient.prepareAndExecute("INSERT INTO numeric_test VALUES($1)", Param(in))
        r <- textClient.query("SELECT * FROM numeric_test")
        rows <- rowsOf(r)
      } yield[BigDecimal](0)) must equal(Seq(in))

    def testBinaryDecode(in: BigDecimal) = Await.result {
      for {
        _ <- textClient.execute("DELETE FROM numeric_test")
        _ <- textClient.prepareAndExecute("INSERT INTO numeric_test VALUES($1)", Param(in))
        r <- binaryClient.query("SELECT * FROM numeric_test")
        rows <- rowsOf(r)
      } yield[BigDecimal](0)) must equal(Seq(in))

    "Binary client" should {
      "encode decimal agree with text client" in forAll { in: BigDecimal =>
      "decode decimal agree with text client" in forAll { in: BigDecimal =>

Example 31
Source File: DurationGeneratorsSpec.scala    From play-json-ops   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package play.api.libs.json.scalacheck

import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.DurationGenerators._

import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}

class DurationGeneratorsSpec extends AnyWordSpec
  with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "Arbitrary[FiniteDuration]" should {
    "always produce a valid finite value" in {
      forAll() { (duration: FiniteDuration) =>

  "Arbitrary[Duration]" should {
    "always produce a valid value" in {
      forAll() { (duration: Duration) =>
        assert(duration ne null)
Example 32
Source File: CirceSuite.scala    From circe-magnolia   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.circe.tests

import cats.instances.AllInstances
import cats.kernel.Eq
import cats.syntax.{AllSyntax, EitherOps}
import io.circe.testing.{ArbitraryInstances, EqInstances}
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{Checkers, ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks}
import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws

trait CirceSuite
    extends FlatSpec
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with AllInstances
    with AllSyntax
    with ArbitraryInstances
    with Checkers
    with EqInstances {

  override def convertToEqualizer[T](left: T): Equalizer[T] =
    sys.error("Intentionally ambiguous implicit for Equalizer")

  implicit def prioritizedCatsSyntaxEither[A, B](eab: Either[A, B]): EitherOps[A, B] = new EitherOps(eab)

  def checkLaws(name: String, ruleSet: Laws#RuleSet): Unit = {
      case ((id, prop), 0) => name should s"obey $id" in check(prop)
      case ((id, prop), _) => it should s"obey $id" in check(prop)

  implicit def eqSeq[A: Eq]: Eq[Seq[A]] = Seq[A]).toVector)(
Example 33
Source File: BumpOrderingSpec.scala    From sbt-autoversion   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package autoversion.model

import autoversion.model.BumpOrdering.bumpOrdering

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import sbtrelease.Version.Bump

class BumpOrderingSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  override implicit val generatorDrivenConfig = PropertyCheckConfiguration(minSuccessful = 30)

  private val bumpGen: Gen[Bump] = Gen.oneOf(Bump.Major, Bump.Minor, Bump.Bugfix)
  private val bumpListGen        = Gen.nonEmptyListOf(bumpGen)

  it should "always prioritize a major bump" in {
    forAll(bumpListGen) { bumps =>
      if (bumps.contains(Bump.Major)) {
        bumps.max shouldBe Bump.Major

  it should "prioritize a minor bump if there is no major bump" in {
    forAll(bumpListGen) { bumps =>
      if (!bumps.contains(Bump.Major) && bumps.contains(Bump.Minor)) {
        bumps.max shouldBe Bump.Minor

  it should "prioritize a bugfix bump if there is no other kinds of bump" in {
    forAll(bumpListGen) { bumps =>
      if (bumps.forall(_ == Bump.Bugfix)) {
        bumps.max shouldBe Bump.Bugfix
Example 34
Source File: ResponseSpec.scala    From scredis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scredis.protocol

import java.nio.ByteBuffer

import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import scredis.{ClusterSlotRange, ClusterSlotRangeNodeInfo, Server}
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec

class ResponseSpec extends AnyWordSpec with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Inside
  with GivenWhenThen
  with BeforeAndAfterAll
  with Matchers {

  "ArrayResponse" when {
    "parsedAsClusterSlotsResponse" should {
      "correctly decode an example" in {
        val bytes = "*3\r\n*4\r\n:5461\r\n:10922\r\n*2\r\n$9\r\n127.0.0.1\r\n:7002\r\n*2\r\n$9\r\n127.0.0.1\r\n:7004\r\n*4\r\n:0\r\n:5460\r\n*2\r\n$9\r\n127.0.0.1\r\n:7000\r\n*2\r\n$9\r\n127.0.0.1\r\n:7003\r\n*4\r\n:10923\r\n:16383\r\n*2\r\n$9\r\n127.0.0.1\r\n:7001\r\n*2\r\n$9\r\n127.0.0.1\r\n:7005\r\n".getBytes(Protocol.Encoding)
        val response = Protocol.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)).asInstanceOf[ArrayResponse]
        val parsed = response.parsedAsClusterSlotsResponse[Vector]
        parsed should have size (3)
        parsed.head should be (ClusterSlotRange((5461,10922),

Example 35
Source File: RequestSpec.scala    From scredis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scredis.protocol.requests

import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import scredis.{ClusterNode, Server}
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec

class RequestSpec extends AnyWordSpec with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Inside
  with GivenWhenThen
  with BeforeAndAfterAll
  with Matchers {

  "bla" should {
    "decode example" in {
      val example = """389afe686935b70115e1efd4f29df552569340a2 slave 8d7ef440da8196d56150313f86c4b0be90aa9501 0 1429605082642 5 connected
                      |623f66a717d77220a720a325d1a72ead108794e4 slave 2593da8ffa32710544119ca8cb42a88c566589d3 0 1429605082141 4 connected
                      |8d7ef440da8196d56150313f86c4b0be90aa9501 master - 0 1429605081639 3 connected 5461-10922
                      |2593da8ffa32710544119ca8cb42a88c566589d3 myself,master - 0 0 1 connected 0-5460 22 1024-3333
                      |789684c5046734068810407e2e9b282c16ca18f2 master - 0 1429605080638 2 connected 10923-16383
                      |bad2c77fd9e8091f2deda8a5289ae8a473d957a8 slave 789684c5046734068810407e2e9b282c16ca18f2 0 1429605082642 6 connected

      val res = ClusterRequests.parseClusterNodes(example)

      res should have length(6)

      inside (res(3)) {
        case ClusterNode(
        Server("",7000), flags,
        None, 0, 0, 1, true,
        slots) =>
          flags should contain theSameElementsAs Seq("myself","master")
          slots should contain theSameElementsAs Seq((0L,5460L),(22L,22L),(1024L,3333L))
        case _ => fail()


Example 36
Source File: ClusterCRC16Spec.scala    From scredis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scredis.protocol

import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec

class ClusterCRC16Spec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {

  val examples = Table(
    ("input", "output"),
    ("", 0x0),
    ("123456789", 0x31C3),
    ("sfger132515", 0xA45C),
    ("hae9Napahngaikeethievubaibogiech", 0x58CE),
    ("Hello, World!", 0x4FD6)

  "getSlot" should {
    "yield the same hash for a tag within a string as for the plain tag" in {
      forAll { (tag: String, left:String, right:String) =>
        whenever(!left.contains("{") && tag.nonEmpty && !tag.contains("}")) {
          val key = s"$left{$tag}$right"
          ClusterCRC16.getSlot(key) should be(ClusterCRC16.getSlot(tag))

    "solve all examples correctly" in {
      forAll (examples) { (in:String, out:Int) =>
        ClusterCRC16.getCRC16(in) shouldBe out

Example 37
Source File: RedisClusterSpec.scala    From scredis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scredis

import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec

class RedisClusterSpec extends AnyWordSpec
  with Matchers
  with ScalaFutures
  with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  val keys = org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbString.arbitrary

  // we assume there is a local cluster started on ports 7000 - 7005
  // see
  lazy val cluster = RedisCluster(Server("localhost",7000))

  val badSeed1 = Server("localhost",7777)
  val badSeed2 = Server("localhost",2302)
  val badSeeds = List(badSeed1, badSeed2, Server("localhost",7003))

  "connection to cluster" should {
    "work for a single valid seed node" in {
      val info = cluster.clusterInfo().futureValue

      info("cluster_state") should be ("ok")
      info("cluster_known_nodes").toInt should be (6) // 6 total nodes
      info("cluster_size").toInt should be (3) // 3 master nodes

    "work when some of the seed nodes are offline" in {
      val badServers = RedisCluster(badSeeds)

      val info = badServers.clusterInfo().futureValue
      info("cluster_state") should be ("ok")
      info("cluster_known_nodes").toInt should be (6) // 6 total nodes
      info("cluster_size").toInt should be (3) // 3 master nodes

  "writes to cluster" should {
    "be readable" in {
      forAll { (key:String, value: String) =>
        whenever (value.nonEmpty) {
          val res = for {
            _ <- cluster.set(key, value)
            g <- cluster.get(key)
          } yield g.get
          res.futureValue should be(value)

    "be idempotent" in {
      forAll { (key:String, value: String) =>
        whenever (value.nonEmpty) {
          val res = for {
            _ <- cluster.set(key, value)
            g1 <- cluster.get(key)
            _ <- cluster.set(key, value)
            g2 <- cluster.get(key)
          } yield (g1.get,g2.get)
          res.futureValue should be(value,value)

  // TODO basic test for each supported / unsupported command

Example 38
Source File: HttpErrorFunctionsSpec.scala    From http-verbs   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.TryValues
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import scala.util.Try

class HttpErrorFunctionsSpec
    extends AnyWordSpec
    with Matchers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with TableDrivenPropertyChecks
    with TryValues {

  "HttpErrorFunctions" should {
    "return the response if the status code is between 200 and 299" in new HttpErrorFunctions {
      forAll(Gen.choose(200, 299)) { statusCode: Int =>
        val expectedResponse = HttpResponse(statusCode, "")
        handleResponse(exampleVerb, exampleUrl)(expectedResponse) should be(expectedResponse)

    "return the correct exception if the status code is 400" in {
      expectA[BadRequestException](forStatus = 400)

    "return the correct exception if the status code is 404" in {
      expectA[NotFoundException](forStatus   = 404)

    "return the correct exception for all other status codes" in {
      forAll(Gen.choose(0, 199))(expectA[Exception](_))
      forAll(Gen.choose(400, 499).suchThat(!Seq(400, 404).contains(_)))(expectA[Upstream4xxResponse](_, Some(500)))
      forAll(Gen.choose(500, 599))(expectA[Upstream5xxResponse](_, Some(502)))
      forAll(Gen.choose(600, 1000))(expectA[Exception](_))

  val exampleVerb = "GET"
  val exampleUrl  = ""
  val exampleBody = "this is the string body"

  def expectA[T: Manifest](forStatus: Int, reportStatus: Option[Int] = None): Unit = new HttpErrorFunctions {
    val e =
      Try(handleResponse(exampleVerb, exampleUrl)(HttpResponse(forStatus, exampleBody))).failure.exception
    e            should be(a[T])
    e.getMessage should (include(exampleUrl) and include(exampleVerb) and include(exampleBody)) { s =>
      e should have('upstreamResponseCode (forStatus))
      e should have('reportAs (s))
Example 39
Source File: CirceSuite.scala    From circe-optics   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.circe.optics

import cats.kernel.Eq
import cats.instances.AllInstances
import cats.syntax.{ AllSyntax, EitherOps }
import io.circe.testing.{ ArbitraryInstances, EqInstances }
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ Checkers, ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks }
import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws
import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.FlatSpecDiscipline
import scala.language.implicitConversions

trait CirceSuite
    extends AnyFlatSpec
    with FlatSpecDiscipline
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks
    with AllInstances
    with AllSyntax
    with ArbitraryInstances
    with EqInstances {
  override def convertToEqualizer[T](left: T): Equalizer[T] =
    sys.error("Intentionally ambiguous implicit for Equalizer")

  implicit def prioritizedCatsSyntaxEither[A, B](eab: Either[A, B]): EitherOps[A, B] = new EitherOps(eab)

  def checkLaws(name: String, ruleSet: Laws#RuleSet): Unit = {
    case ((id, prop), 0) => name should s"obey $id" in Checkers.check(prop)
    case ((id, prop), _) => it should s"obey $id" in Checkers.check(prop)

  def assertEq[A: Eq](expected: A, actual: A): Unit =
      expected === actual,
      s"""Expected did not match actual:
         |Expected: $expected
         |Actual:   $actual"""
Example 40
Source File: SharedExtensionsPropertyTest.scala    From scala-commons   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.avsystem.commons.misc

import com.avsystem.commons.SharedExtensions._

import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Shrink}
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class SharedExtensionsPropertyTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  implicit def shrinkNonEmpty[C[_] <: Iterable[_], T](implicit base: Shrink[C[T]]): Shrink[C[T]] =

  private val elementGen = Gen.alphaChar
  private val listGen = Gen.listOf(elementGen)
  private val listWithElementGen = for {
    list <- Gen.nonEmptyListOf(elementGen)
    elem <- Gen.oneOf(list)
  } yield (list, elem)

  test("indexOfOpt(elem) should return Opt.Empty if the element does not occur in the list") {
    forAll(listGen, elementGen) { (elemList, element) =>
      elemList.filterNot(_ == element).indexOfOpt(element) shouldEqual Opt.Empty

  test("indexOfOpt(elem) should not return Opt.Empty when the element occurs in the list") {
    forAll(listWithElementGen) { case (elemList, elem) =>
      elemList.indexOfOpt(elem) should not equal Opt.Empty

  test("indexOfOpt(elem).getOrElse(-1) should behave identically to indexOf(elem)") {
    forAll(listGen, elementGen) { (elemList, element) =>
      elemList.indexOf(element) shouldEqual elemList.indexOfOpt(element).getOrElse(-1)

  test("indexWhereOpt(elem).getOrElse(-1) should behave identically to indexWhere(elem)") {
    forAll(listGen, elementGen) { (elemList, element) =>
      elemList.indexWhere(_ == element) shouldEqual elemList.indexWhereOpt(_ == element).getOrElse(-1)
Example 41
Source File: PropertyTests.scala    From cats-stm   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.github.timwspence.cats.stm

import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO, Timer}
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.Random

class MaintainsInvariants extends AnyFunSuite with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {
  implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext =

  implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(executionContext)

  implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(executionContext)

  val tvarGen: Gen[TVar[Long]] = for {
    value <- Gen.posNum[Long]
  } yield TVar.of(value).commit[IO].unsafeRunSync

  val txnGen: List[TVar[Long]] => Gen[STM[Unit]] = tvars =>
    for {
      fromIdx <- Gen.choose(0, tvars.length - 1)
      toIdx   <- Gen.choose(0, tvars.length - 1) suchThat (_ != fromIdx)
      txn <- for {
        balance <- tvars(fromIdx).get
        transfer = Math.abs(Random.nextLong()) % balance
        _ <- tvars(fromIdx).modify(_ - transfer)
        _ <- tvars(toIdx).modify(_ + transfer)
      } yield ()
    } yield txn

  val gen: Gen[(Long, List[TVar[Long]], IO[Unit])] = for {
    tvars <- Gen.listOfN(50, tvarGen)
    total = tvars.foldLeft(0L)((acc, tvar) => acc + tvar.value)
    txns <- Gen.listOf(txnGen(tvars))
    commit = txns.traverse(_.commit[IO].start)
    run    = commit.flatMap(l => l.traverse(_.join)).void
  } yield (total, tvars, run)

  test("Transactions maintain invariants") {
    forAll(gen) { g =>
      val total = g._1
      val tvars = g._2
      val txn   = g._3

      txn.unsafeRunSync() shouldBe total

Example 42
Source File: Cron4sLawSuite.scala    From cron4s   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
package cron4s.testkit

import cats.instances.AllInstances
import cats.syntax.AllSyntax

import cron4s.platform.Platform

import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.FunSuiteDiscipline

import org.scalactic.anyvals.{PosInt, PosZInt}
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatest.propspec.AnyPropSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.Configuration
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

trait TestSettings extends Configuration {
  lazy val defaultPropertyCheckConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =
      minSuccessful = if (Platform.isJvm) PosInt(50) else PosInt(5),
      minSize = PosZInt(0),
      sizeRange = if (Platform.isJvm) PosZInt(10) else PosZInt(5),
      workers = PosInt(1)

  lazy val slowPropertyCheckConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =
    if (Platform.isJvm) defaultPropertyCheckConfig
    else PropertyCheckConfiguration(minSuccessful = 1, sizeRange = 1)

trait Cron4sLawSuite
    extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with FunSuiteDiscipline
    with TestSettings with AllInstances with AllSyntax {
  implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =

trait SlowCron4sLawSuite extends Cron4sLawSuite {
  implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =

abstract class Cron4sPropSpec extends AnyPropSpec with TestSettings {
  override implicit val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =

abstract class SlowCron4sPropSpec extends AnyPropSpec with TestSettings {
  override implicit val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =
Example 43
Source File: T04PropertyBasedTest.scala    From big-data-rosetta-code   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
package com.spotify.bdrc.testing

import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Properties}
import org.scalatest.propspec.AnyPropSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

object Utils {

  def top[T: Ordering](xs: Seq[T], num: Int): Seq[T] = {
    if (xs.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      val size = math.min(num, xs.size)
      val ord = implicitly[Ordering[T]]

  def split(input: String): Seq[String] =

  def cosineSim(v1: Seq[Double], v2: Seq[Double]): Double = {
    require(v1.length == v2.length)
    var s1 = 0.0
    var s2 = 0.0
    var dp = 0.0
    var i = 0
    while (i < v1.length) {
      s1 += v1(i) * v1(i)
      s2 += v2(i) * v2(i)
      dp += v1(i) * v2(i)
      i += 1
    dp / math.sqrt(s1 * s2)


class PropertyBasedTest extends AnyPropSpec with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

  property("top") {
    forAll { xs: Seq[Long] =>, 5) shouldBe xs.sorted.reverse.take(5) }

  property("split") {
    forAll { line: String => Utils.split(line).forall(_.matches("[a-z']+")) }

  // Generator for List[Double] of 100 doubles between -100.0 and 100.0
  val genVector = Gen.listOfN(100, Gen.choose(-100.0, 100.0))

  property("cosineSim") {
    forAll(genVector, genVector) { (v1, v2) =>
      val s1 = Utils.cosineSim(v1, v2)
      val s2 = Utils.cosineSim(v2, v1)

      s1 should (be >= -1.0 and be <= 1.0)
      s1 shouldBe s2
      Utils.cosineSim(v1, v1) shouldBe 1.0
      Utils.cosineSim(v1, shouldBe -1.0
