org.specs2.mutable.Specification Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.specs2.mutable.Specification.
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Example 1
Source File: NomadServiceSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import de.frosner.broccoli.controllers.ServiceMocks import de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.NomadConfiguration import de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.models.Job.jobFormat import de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.models._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.routing.sird._ import play.api.test._ import play.core.server.Server import squants.information.InformationConversions._ import squants.time.FrequencyConversions._ import import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class NomadServiceSpec extends Specification with ServiceMocks { sequential "Requesting services for specific job" should { "ask consul for the services that nomad returns" in { val service = Service("my-service") val resources = Resources( shapeless.tag[Resources.CPU](20.megahertz), shapeless.tag[Resources.Memory](1.gigabytes) ) val task = Task(shapeless.tag[Task.Name]("foo"), resources, Some(Seq(service))) val taskGroup = TaskGroup(Seq(task)) val job = Job(Seq(taskGroup)) val jobId = "my-job" Server.withRouter() { case GET(p"/v1/job/my-job") => Action { Results.Ok(Json.toJson(job)) } } { implicit port => WsTestClient.withClient { client => val configuration = NomadConfiguration(url = s"http://localhost:$port") val nomadService = new NomadService(configuration, client) val result = Await.result(nomadService.requestServices(jobId), Duration(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) result === Seq( } } } "not explode when receiving tasks without services" in { val service1 = Service("my-service") val resources = Resources( shapeless.tag[Resources.CPU](100.megahertz), shapeless.tag[Resources.Memory](100.megabytes) ) val task1 = Task(shapeless.tag[Task.Name]("foo1"), resources, Some(Seq(service1))) val task2 = Task(shapeless.tag[Task.Name]("foo2"), resources, None) val taskGroup1 = TaskGroup(Seq(task1)) val taskGroup2 = TaskGroup(Seq(task2)) val job = Job(Seq(taskGroup1, taskGroup2)) val jobId = "my-job" Server.withRouter() { case GET(p"/v1/job/my-job") => Action { Results.Ok(Json.toJson(job)) } } { implicit port => WsTestClient.withClient { client => val configuration = NomadConfiguration(url = s"http://localhost:$port") val nomadService = new NomadService(configuration, client) val result = Await.result(nomadService.requestServices(jobId), Duration(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) result === Seq( } } } } }
Example 2
Source File: SecurityServiceSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.{Account, AuthConfiguration, AuthMode, Role} import org.mockito.Mock import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.mutable.ExecutionEnvironment import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class SecurityServiceSpec extends Specification with Mockito with ExecutionEnvironment { def configWithAccounts(accounts: Seq[Account]): AuthConfiguration = AuthConfiguration( mode = AuthMode.Conf, session = AuthConfiguration.Session(timeout = Duration(1, "hour"), allowMultiLogin = true), cookie = AuthConfiguration.Cookie(secure = true), conf = AuthConfiguration.Conf( accounts = accounts .map( a => AuthConfiguration.ConfAccount(, "", a.instanceRegex, a.role )) .toList), allowedFailedLogins = 3 ) val identityService = mock[IdentityService[Account]] val account = Account("frank", "^test.*", Role.Administrator) override def is(implicit executionEnv: ExecutionEnv): Any = "An authentication check" should { "succeed if the credentials provider authenticates" in { val login = LoginInfo(CredentialsProvider.ID, val credentials = Credentials(, "pass") val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.successful(login) SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) .authenticate(credentials) must beSome(login).await } "fail if the credentials provider fails to authenticate" in { val credentials = Credentials(, "pass") val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.failed(new InvalidPasswordException("foo")) SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) .authenticate(credentials) must beNone.await } "succeed if the number of failed logins is equal to the allowed ones" in { val credentials = Credentials(, "pass") val failedCredentials = credentials.copy(password = "foo") val login = LoginInfo(CredentialsProvider.ID, credentials.identifier) val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(failedCredentials) returns Future.failed(new InvalidPasswordException("foo")) credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.successful(login) val service = SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) val failedAttempts = for (attemptNo <- 1 to service.allowedFailedLogins) { service.authenticate(failedCredentials) must beNone.await } service.authenticate(credentials) must beSome(login).await } "fail if the number of failed logins is greater than the allowed number" in { val credentials = Credentials(, "password") val failedCredentials = credentials.copy(password = "foo") val login = LoginInfo(CredentialsProvider.ID, credentials.identifier) val credentialsProvider = mock[CredentialsProvider] credentialsProvider.authenticate(failedCredentials) returns Future.failed(new InvalidPasswordException("foo")) credentialsProvider.authenticate(credentials) returns Future.successful(login) val service = SecurityService(configWithAccounts(List(account)), credentialsProvider, identityService) val failedAttempts = for (attemptNo <- 0 to service.allowedFailedLogins) { service.authenticate(failedCredentials) must beNone.await } service.authenticate(credentials) must beNone.await } } }
Example 3
Source File: InstanceStorageSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import de.frosner.broccoli.models._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.Logger import scala.util.{Failure, Try} class InstanceStorageSpec extends Specification { "Any instance storage" should { def testStorage = new InstanceStorage { protected override val log = Logger(getClass) protected override def readInstancesImpl: Try[Set[Instance]] = Failure(new Exception()) override def readInstancesImpl(idFilter: (String) => Boolean): Try[Set[Instance]] = Failure(new Exception()) override def readInstanceImpl(id: String): Try[Instance] = Failure(new Exception()) override def deleteInstanceImpl(toDelete: Instance): Try[Instance] = Failure(new Exception()) override def writeInstanceImpl(instance: Instance): Try[Instance] = Failure(new Exception()) override def closeImpl(): Unit = {} } "be closed after closing" in { val storage = testStorage storage.close() storage.isClosed === true } "not be closed before closing" in { testStorage.isClosed === false } "should not allow readInstances if closed" in { val storage = testStorage storage.close() storage.readInstances should throwA[IllegalStateException] } "should not allow readInstances(filter) if closed" in { val storage = testStorage storage.close() storage.readInstances(_ => true) should throwA[IllegalStateException] } "should not allow readInstance if closed" in { val storage = testStorage storage.close() storage.readInstance("id") should throwA[IllegalStateException] } "should not allow deleteInstance if closed" in { val storage = testStorage storage.close() val instance = Instance( id = "1", template = Template( id = "1", template = "\"{{id}} {{age}}\"", description = "desc", parameterInfos = Map( "id" -> ParameterInfo("id", None, None, None, ParameterType.Raw, None), "age" -> ParameterInfo("age", None, None, secret = Some(false), `type` = ParameterType.Integer, orderIndex = None) ) ), parameterValues = Map("id" -> StringParameterValue("Frank"), "age" -> IntParameterValue(50)) ) storage.deleteInstance(instance) should throwA[IllegalStateException] } "should not allow writeInstance if closed" in { val storage = testStorage storage.close() val instance = Instance( id = "1", template = Template( id = "1", template = "\"{{id}} {{age}}\"", description = "desc", parameterInfos = Map( "id" -> ParameterInfo("id", None, None, None, ParameterType.Raw, None), "age" -> ParameterInfo("age", None, None, secret = Some(false), `type` = ParameterType.Integer, orderIndex = None) ) ), parameterValues = Map("id" -> StringParameterValue("Frank"), "age" -> IntParameterValue(50)) ) storage.writeInstance(instance) should throwA[IllegalStateException] } } }
Example 4
Source File: LoggingSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli import org.mockito.{ArgumentCaptor, Matchers} import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.util.matching.Regex class LoggingSpec extends Specification with Mockito with ScalaCheck { import logging._ trait F[T] { def body(): T def log(message: String): Unit } "logging the execution time" should { "execute the block just once" in { val f = mock[F[Unit]] logExecutionTime("foo") { f.body() }(Function.const(())) there was one(f).body() there was no(f).log(Matchers.any[String]()) } "invokes the log function" in prop { label: String => val f = mock[F[Int]] logExecutionTime(label) { 42 }(f.log(_)) val message = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(classOf[String]) there was one(f).log(message.capture()) message.getValue must beMatching(s"${Regex.quote(label)} took \\d+ ms") there was no(f).body() }.setGen(Gen.identifier.label("label")) "returns the result of the body" in prop { ret: Int => logExecutionTime("foo") { ret }(Function.const(())) === ret } } }
Example 5
Source File: NodeSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.models import de.frosner.broccoli.util import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.Json class NodeSpec extends Specification { "Node" should { "decode from JSON" in { val node = Json .parse(util.Resources.readAsString("/de/frosner/broccoli/services/nomad/node.json")) .validate[Node] .asEither node should beRight( Node( id = shapeless.tag[Node.Id]("4beac5b7-3974-3ddf-b572-9db5906fb891"), name = shapeless.tag[Node.Name]("vc31"), httpAddress = shapeless.tag[Node.HttpAddress]("") )) } } }
Example 6
Source File: AllocationSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.models import de.frosner.broccoli.util import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.Json class AllocationSpec extends Specification { "Allocation" should { "decode from JSON" in { val allocations = Json .parse(util.Resources.readAsString("/de/frosner/broccoli/services/nomad/allocations.json")) .validate[List[Allocation]] .asEither allocations should beRight( List(Allocation( id = shapeless.tag[Allocation.Id]("520bc6c3-53c9-fd2e-5bea-7d0b9dbef254"), jobId = shapeless.tag[Job.Id]("tvftarcxrPoy9wNhghqQogihjha"), nodeId = shapeless.tag[Node.Id]("cf3338e9-5ed0-88ef-df7b-9dd9708130c8"), clientStatus = ClientStatus.Running, taskStates = Map(shapeless.tag[Task.Name]("http-task") -> TaskStateEvents(TaskState.Running)) ))) } } }
Example 7
Source File: GeohashTest.scala From sfseize with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.eichelberger.sfc.examples import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging import org.eichelberger.sfc.SpaceFillingCurve._ import import org.eichelberger.sfc.utils.Timing import org.eichelberger.sfc.{DefaultDimensions, Dimension} import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class GeohashTest extends Specification with LazyLogging { val xCville = -78.488407 val yCville = 38.038668 "Geohash example" should { val geohash = new Geohash(35) "encode/decode round-trip for an interior point" >> { // encode val hash = geohash.pointToHash(Seq(xCville, yCville)) hash must equalTo("dqb0muw") // decode val cell = geohash.hashToCell(hash) println(s"[Geohash example, Charlottesville] POINT($xCville $yCville) -> $hash -> $cell") cell(0).containsAny(xCville) must beTrue cell(1).containsAny(yCville) must beTrue } "encode/decode properly at the four corners and the center" >> { for (x <- Seq(-180.0, 0.0, 180.0); y <- Seq(-90.0, 0.0, 90.0)) { // encode val hash = geohash.pointToHash(Seq(x, y)) // decode val cell = geohash.hashToCell(hash) println(s"[Geohash example, extrema] POINT($x $y) -> $hash -> $cell") cell(0).containsAny(x) must beTrue cell(1).containsAny(y) must beTrue } // degenerate test outcome 1 must equalTo(1) } def getCvilleRanges(curve: Geohash): (OrdinalPair, OrdinalPair, Iterator[OrdinalPair]) = { val lonIdxRange = OrdinalPair( curve.children(0).asInstanceOf[Dimension[Double]].index(bboxCville._1), curve.children(1).asInstanceOf[Dimension[Double]].index(bboxCville._3) ) val latIdxRange = OrdinalPair( curve.children(0).asInstanceOf[Dimension[Double]].index(bboxCville._2), curve.children(1).asInstanceOf[Dimension[Double]].index(bboxCville._4) ) val query = Query(Seq(OrdinalRanges(lonIdxRange), OrdinalRanges(latIdxRange))) val cellQuery = Cell(Seq( DefaultDimensions.createDimension("x", bboxCville._1, bboxCville._3, 0), DefaultDimensions.createDimension("y", bboxCville._2, bboxCville._4, 0) )) (lonIdxRange, latIdxRange, curve.getRangesCoveringCell(cellQuery)) } "generate valid selection indexes" >> { val (_, _, ranges) = getCvilleRanges(geohash) ranges.size must equalTo(90) } "report range efficiency" >> { def atPrecision(xBits: OrdinalNumber, yBits: OrdinalNumber): (Long, Long) = { val curve = new Geohash(xBits + yBits) val (lonRange, latRange, ranges) = getCvilleRanges(curve) (lonRange.size * latRange.size, ranges.size.toLong) } for (dimPrec <- 10 to 25) { val ((numCells, numRanges), ms) = Timing.time{ () => atPrecision(dimPrec, dimPrec - 1) } println(s"[ranges across scales, Charlottesville] precision ($dimPrec, ${dimPrec - 1}) -> $numCells / $numRanges = ${numCells / numRanges} in $ms milliseconds") } 1 must equalTo(1) } } }
Example 8
Source File: LexicographicTest.scala From sfseize with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.eichelberger.sfc.utils import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging import org.eichelberger.sfc.SpaceFillingCurve.{OrdinalVector, ords2ordvec} import org.eichelberger.sfc.{DefaultDimensions, ZCurve} import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class LexicographicTest extends Specification with LazyLogging { sequential "Lexicographical encoding" should { val precisions = new ords2ordvec(Seq(18L, 17L)).toOrdinalVector val sfc = ZCurve(precisions) val Longitude = DefaultDimensions.createLongitude(18L) val Latitude = DefaultDimensions.createLatitude(17L) "work for a known point" >> { val x = -78.488407 val y = 38.038668 val point = OrdinalVector(Longitude.index(x), Latitude.index(y)) val idx = sfc.index(point) val gh = sfc.lexEncodeIndex(idx) gh must equalTo("dqb0muw") } "be consistent round-trip" >> { val xs = (-180.0 to 180.0 by 33.3333).toSeq ++ Seq(180.0) val ys = (-90.0 to 90.0 by 33.3333).toSeq ++ Seq(90.0) for (x <- xs; y <- ys) { val ix = Longitude.index(x) val iy = Latitude.index(y) val point = OrdinalVector(ix, iy) val idx = sfc.index(point) val gh = sfc.lexEncodeIndex(idx) val idx2 = sfc.lexDecodeIndex(gh) idx2 must equalTo(idx) val point2 = sfc.inverseIndex(idx2) point2(0) must equalTo(ix) point2(1) must equalTo(iy) val rx = Longitude.inverseIndex(ix) val ry = Latitude.inverseIndex(iy) val sx = x.formatted("%8.3f") val sy = y.formatted("%8.3f") val sidx = idx.formatted("%20d") println(s"[LEXI ROUND-TRIP] POINT($sx $sy) -> $sidx = $gh -> ($rx, $ry)") } // degenerate 1 must equalTo(1) } } "multiple lexicographical encoders" should { "return different results for different base resolutions" >> { val x = -78.488407 val y = 38.038668 for (xBits <- 1 to 30; yBits <- xBits - 1 to xBits if yBits > 0) { val precisions = new ords2ordvec(Seq(xBits, yBits)).toOrdinalVector val sfc = ZCurve(precisions) val Longitude = DefaultDimensions.createLongitude(xBits) val Latitude = DefaultDimensions.createLatitude(yBits) val idx = sfc.index(OrdinalVector(Longitude.index(x), Latitude.index(y))) val gh = sfc.lexEncodeIndex(idx) val idx2 = sfc.lexDecodeIndex(gh) idx2 must equalTo(idx) println(s"[LEXI ACROSS RESOLUTIONS] mx $xBits + my $yBits = base ${sfc.alphabet.size}, idx $idx -> gh $gh -> $idx2") } // degenerate 1 must equalTo(1) } } }
Example 9
Source File: BitManipulationsTest.scala From sfseize with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.eichelberger.sfc.utils import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner import BitManipulations._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class BitManipulationsTest extends Specification with LazyLogging { "static methods" should { "usedMask" >> { // single bits for (pos <- 0 to 62) { val v = 1L << pos.toLong val actual = usedMask(v) val expected = (1L << (pos + 1L)) - 1L println(s"[usedMask single bit] pos $pos, value $v, actual $actual, expected $expected") actual must equalTo(expected) } // full bit masks for (pos <- 0 to 62) { val expected = (1L << (pos.toLong + 1L)) - 1L val actual = usedMask(expected) println(s"[usedMask full bit masks] pos $pos, value $expected, actual $actual, expected $expected") actual must equalTo(expected) } usedMask(0) must equalTo(0) } "sharedBitPrefix" >> { sharedBitPrefix(2, 3) must equalTo(2) sharedBitPrefix(178, 161) must equalTo(160) } "common block extrema" >> { commonBlockMin(178, 161) must equalTo(160) commonBlockMax(178, 161) must equalTo(191) } } }
Example 10
Source File: CompositionParserTest.scala From sfseize with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.eichelberger.sfc.utils import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging import org.eichelberger.sfc.SpaceFillingCurve.SpaceFillingCurve import org.eichelberger.sfc.SpaceFillingCurve.SpaceFillingCurve import org.eichelberger.sfc._ import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class CompositionParserTest extends Specification { sequential def parsableCurve(curve: SpaceFillingCurve): String = curve match { case c: ComposedCurve => + { case d: Dimension[_] => d.precision case s: SubDimension[_] => s.precision case c: SpaceFillingCurve => parsableCurve(c) }.mkString("(", ", ", ")") case s => +"(", ", ", ")") } def eval(curve: ComposedCurve): Boolean = { val toParse: String = parsableCurve(curve) val parsed: ComposedCurve = CompositionParser.buildWholeNumberCurve(toParse) val fromParse: String = parsableCurve(parsed) println(s"[CURVE PARSER]\n Input: $toParse\n Output: $fromParse") toParse == fromParse } "simple expressions" should { val R23 = new ComposedCurve( RowMajorCurve(2, 3), Seq( DefaultDimensions.createIdentityDimension(2), DefaultDimensions.createIdentityDimension(3) ) ) val H_2_R23 = new ComposedCurve( CompactHilbertCurve(2), Seq( DefaultDimensions.createIdentityDimension(2), R23 ) ) val Z_R23_2 = new ComposedCurve( ZCurve(2), Seq( R23, DefaultDimensions.createIdentityDimension(2) ) ) "parse correctly" >> { eval(R23) must beTrue eval(H_2_R23) must beTrue eval(Z_R23_2) must beTrue } } }
Example 11
Source File: LocalityEstimatorTest.scala From sfseize with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.eichelberger.sfc.utils import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging import org.eichelberger.sfc.{CompactHilbertCurve, RowMajorCurve, ZCurve} import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class LocalityEstimatorTest extends Specification with LazyLogging { sequential "locality" should { "evaluate on square 2D curves" >> { (1 to 6).foreach { p => val locR = LocalityEstimator(RowMajorCurve(p, p)).locality println(s"[LOCALITY R($p, $p)] $locR") val locZ = LocalityEstimator(ZCurve(p, p)).locality println(s"[LOCALITY Z($p, $p)] $locZ") val locH = LocalityEstimator(CompactHilbertCurve(p, p)).locality println(s"[LOCALITY H($p, $p)] $locH") } 1 must beEqualTo(1) } "evaluate on non-square 2D curves" >> { (1 to 6).foreach { p => val locR = LocalityEstimator(RowMajorCurve(p << 1L, p)).locality println(s"[LOCALITY R(${p*2}, $p)] $locR") val locZ = LocalityEstimator(ZCurve(p << 1L, p)).locality println(s"[LOCALITY Z(${p*2}, $p)] $locZ") val locH = LocalityEstimator(CompactHilbertCurve(p << 1L, p)).locality println(s"[LOCALITY H(${p*2}, $p)] $locH") } 1 must beEqualTo(1) } } }
Example 12
Source File: RowMajorCurveTest.scala From sfseize with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.eichelberger.sfc import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.LazyLogging import org.eichelberger.sfc.CompactHilbertCurve.Mask import org.eichelberger.sfc.SpaceFillingCurve.{OrdinalVector, SpaceFillingCurve, _} import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class RowMajorCurveTest extends Specification with GenericCurveValidation with LazyLogging { sequential def curveName = "RowmajorCurve" def createCurve(precisions: OrdinalNumber*): SpaceFillingCurve = RowMajorCurve(precisions.toOrdinalVector) "rowmajor space-filling curves" should { "satisfy the ordering constraints" >> { timeTestOrderings() must beTrue } "identify sub-ranges correctly" >> { val sfc = createCurve(3, 3) val query = Query(Seq(OrdinalRanges(OrdinalPair(1, 2)), OrdinalRanges(OrdinalPair(1, 3)))) val ranges = sfc.getRangesCoveringQuery(query).toList for (i <- 0 until ranges.size) { println(s"[rowmajor ranges: query $query] range $i = ${ranges(i)}") } ranges(0) must equalTo(OrdinalPair(9, 11)) ranges(1) must equalTo(OrdinalPair(17, 19)) } } }
Example 13
Source File: ApiToEndpointLinkSpec.scala From typedapi with MIT License | 5 votes |
package typedapi.server import typedapi.dsl._ import shapeless._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification final class ApiToEndpointLinkSpec extends Specification { import StatusCodes._ case class Foo(name: String) "link api definitions to endpoint functions" >> { val Api = := :> "find" :> typedapi.dsl.Segment[String]('name) :> Query[Int]('limit) :> Client.Header('hello, 'world) :> Server.Send('foo, 'bar) :> Server.Match[String]("hi") :> Get[Json, List[Foo]] val endpoint0 = derive[Option](Api).from((name, limit, hi) => Some(successWith(Ok)(List(Foo(name)).take(limit)))) endpoint0("john" :: 10 :: Map("hi" -> "whats", "hi-ho" -> "up") :: HNil) === Some(Right(Ok -> List(Foo("john")))) endpoint0.headers == Map("foo" -> "bar") endpoint0.method == "GET" } }
Example 14
Source File: AkkaHttpClientSupportSpec.scala From typedapi with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{User, UserCoding, Api} import typedapi.client._ import typedapi.client.akkahttp._ import import import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpcirce.FailFastCirceSupport import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await} final class AkkaHttpClientSupportSpec(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification { import UserCoding._ import FailFastCirceSupport._ sequential implicit val timeout = 5.second implicit val system = ActorSystem("akka-http-client-spec", defaultExecutionContext = Some( implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() import system.dispatcher val cm = ClientManager(Http(), "http://localhost", 9001) val server = TestServer.start() "akka http client support" >> { val (p, s, q, header, fixed, clInH, clFixH, clColl, serMatchH, serSendH, m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, _, _, _) = deriveAll(Api) "paths and segments" >> { p().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("foo", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) s("jim").run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("jim", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) } "queries" >> { q(42).run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("foo", 42)).awaitFor(timeout) } "headers" >> { header(42).run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("foo", 42)).awaitFor(timeout) fixed().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("joe", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) clInH("jim").run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("jim", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) clFixH().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("joe", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) clColl(Map("coll" -> "joe", "collect" -> "jim")).run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("coll: joe,collect: jim", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) serMatchH().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("joe", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) serSendH().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("joe", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) } "methods" >> { m0().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("foo", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) m1().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("foo", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) m2(User("jim", 42)).run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("jim", 42)).awaitFor(timeout) m3().run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("foo", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) m4(User("jim", 42)).run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("jim", 42)).awaitFor(timeout) m5(List("because")).run[Future](cm) must beEqualTo(User("foo", 27)).awaitFor(timeout) } step { server.shutdown.unsafeRunSync() Await.ready(system.terminate, timeout) } } }
Example 15
Source File: ScalajHttpClientSupportSpec.scala From typedapi with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{UserCoding, User, Api} import typedapi.client._ import typedapi.client.scalajhttp._ import scalaj.http.Http import io.circe.parser._ import io.circe.syntax._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification final class ScalajHttpClientSupportSpec extends Specification { import UserCoding._ sequential case class DecodeException(msg: String) extends Exception implicit val decoder = typedapi.util.Decoder[Id, User](json => decode[User](json).fold( error => Left(DecodeException(error.toString())), user => Right(user) )) implicit val encoder = typedapi.util.Encoder[Id, User](user => user.asJson.noSpaces) val cm = ClientManager(Http, "http://localhost", 9001) val server = TestServer.start() "http4s client support" >> { val (p, s, q, header, fixed, clInH, clFixH, clColl, serMatchH, serSendH, m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, _, _, _) = deriveAll(Api) "paths and segments" >> { p().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("foo", 27)) s("jim").run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("jim", 27)) } "queries" >> { q(42).run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("foo", 42)) } "headers" >> { header(42).run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("foo", 42)) fixed().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("joe", 27)) clInH("jim").run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("jim", 27)) clFixH().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("joe", 27)) clColl(Map("coll" -> "joe", "collect" -> "jim")).run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("collect: jim,coll: joe", 27)) serMatchH().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("joe", 27)) serSendH().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("joe", 27)) } "methods" >> { m0().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("foo", 27)) m1().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("foo", 27)) m2(User("jim", 42)).run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("jim", 42)) m3().run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("foo", 27)) m4(User("jim", 42)).run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("jim", 42)) m5(List("because")).run[Blocking](cm) === Right(User("foo", 27)) } "raw" >> { m0().run[Id].raw(cm).body === """{"name":"foo","age":27}""" } step { server.shutdown.unsafeRunSync() } } }
Example 16
Source File: Http4sClientSupportSpec.scala From typedapi with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{UserCoding, User, Api} import typedapi.client._ import typedapi.client.http4s._ import cats.effect.IO import org.http4s.client.blaze.Http1Client import org.specs2.mutable.Specification final class Http4sClientSupportSpec extends Specification { import UserCoding._ sequential val cm = ClientManager(Http1Client[IO]().unsafeRunSync, "http://localhost", 9001) val server = TestServer.start() "http4s client support" >> { val (p, s, q, header, fixed, clInH, clFixH, clColl, serMatchH, serSendH, m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, _, _, _) = deriveAll(Api) "paths and segments" >> { p().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("foo", 27) s("jim").run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("jim", 27) } "queries" >> { q(42).run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("foo", 42) } "headers" >> { header(42).run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("foo", 42) fixed().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("joe", 27) clInH("jim").run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync === User("jim", 27) clFixH().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("joe", 27) clColl(Map("coll" -> "joe", "collect" -> "jim")).run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync === User("coll: joe,collect: jim", 27) serMatchH().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("joe", 27) serSendH().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("joe", 27) } "methods" >> { m0().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("foo", 27) m1().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("foo", 27) m2(User("jim", 42)).run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("jim", 42) m3().run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("foo", 27) m4(User("jim", 42)).run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("jim", 42) m5(List("because")).run[IO](cm).unsafeRunSync() === User("foo", 27) } step { server.shutdown.unsafeRunSync() } } }
Example 17
Source File: StubDslSpec.scala From graphcool-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cool.graph.stub import cool.graph.stub.StubDsl.Default.Request import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class StubDslSpec extends Specification { val path = "some/freaking/path" val params = Map("a" -> 1) val responseBody = "the body" val response = StaticStubResponse(333, responseBody) "using the default stub DSL" should { "produce a stub response with headers" in { val stub: Stub = Request("POST", path).stub(200, responseBody, Map("X-Test" -> "Test")) stub.stubbedResponse.headers("X-Test") must equalTo("Test") stub.stubbedResponse.body must equalTo(responseBody) } } }
Example 18
Source File: MultigetSpec.scala From doobie-codegen with MIT License | 5 votes |
package mdmoss.doobiegen.queries import doobie.imports._ import mdmoss.doobiegen.db.gen import org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.concurrent.Task object MultigetSpec extends Specification with ThrownExpectations { val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[Task]("org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:gen", "test", "test") val Fk1RowCount = 3 val Fk2RowPerFk1Count = 3 "multiget query functions" >> { val (fk1Rows, fk2Rows) = { for { fk1 <- gen.TestFk_1.createMany(List.fill(Fk1RowCount)(gen.TestFk_1.Shape())) fk2 <- gen.TestFk_2.createMany(fk1.flatMap(fkRow => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)(gen.TestFk_2.Shape( } yield (fk1, fk2) }.transact(xa).unsafePerformSync "over primary keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } "return the same row multiple times if a duplicate primary key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } } "over foreign keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "return the same matching set of rows multiple times if a duplicate foreign key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "only return all matching rows" >> { val fk2RowsByFk = fk2Rows.groupBy( val fkToQuery = val expectedResult = fkToQuery.toSet.flatMap(fk2RowsByFk) expectedResult must_=== gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk(fkToQuery).transact(xa).unsafePerformSync.toSet } } } }
Example 19
Source File: MultigetSpec.scala From doobie-codegen with MIT License | 5 votes |
package mdmoss.doobiegen.queries import doobie.imports._ import mdmoss.doobiegen.db.gen import org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.concurrent.Task object MultigetSpec extends Specification with ThrownExpectations { val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[Task]("org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:gen", "test", "test") val Fk1RowCount = 3 val Fk2RowPerFk1Count = 3 "multiget query functions" >> { val (fk1Rows, fk2Rows) = { for { fk1 <- gen.TestFk_1.createMany(List.fill(Fk1RowCount)(gen.TestFk_1.Shape())) fk2 <- gen.TestFk_2.createMany(fk1.flatMap(fkRow => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)(gen.TestFk_2.Shape( } yield (fk1, fk2) }.transact(xa).run "over primary keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } "return the same row multiple times if a duplicate primary key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } } "over foreign keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "return the same matching set of rows multiple times if a duplicate foreign key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "only return all matching rows" >> { val fk2RowsByFk = fk2Rows.groupBy( val fkToQuery = val expectedResult = fkToQuery.toSet.flatMap(fk2RowsByFk) expectedResult must_=== gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk(fkToQuery).transact(xa).run.toSet } } } }
Example 20
Source File: MultigetSpec.scala From doobie-codegen with MIT License | 5 votes |
package mdmoss.doobiegen.queries import doobie.imports._ import mdmoss.doobiegen.db.gen import org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.concurrent.Task object MultigetSpec extends Specification with ThrownExpectations { val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[Task]("org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:gen", "test", "test") val Fk1RowCount = 3 val Fk2RowPerFk1Count = 3 "multiget query functions" >> { val (fk1Rows, fk2Rows) = { for { fk1 <- gen.TestFk_1.createMany(List.fill(Fk1RowCount)(gen.TestFk_1.Shape())) fk2 <- gen.TestFk_2.createMany(fk1.flatMap(fkRow => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)(gen.TestFk_2.Shape( } yield (fk1, fk2) }.transact(xa).unsafePerformSync "over primary keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } "return the same row multiple times if a duplicate primary key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } } "over foreign keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "return the same matching set of rows multiple times if a duplicate foreign key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "only return all matching rows" >> { val fk2RowsByFk = fk2Rows.groupBy( val fkToQuery = val expectedResult = fkToQuery.toSet.flatMap(fk2RowsByFk) expectedResult must_=== gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk(fkToQuery).transact(xa).unsafePerformSync.toSet } } } }
Example 21
Source File: MultigetSpec.scala From doobie-codegen with MIT License | 5 votes |
package mdmoss.doobiegen.queries import doobie.imports._ import mdmoss.doobiegen.db.gen import org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.concurrent.Task object MultigetSpec extends Specification with ThrownExpectations { val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[Task]("org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:gen", "test", "test") val Fk1RowCount = 3 val Fk2RowPerFk1Count = 3 "multiget query functions" >> { val (fk1Rows, fk2Rows) = { for { fk1 <- gen.TestFk_1.createMany(List.fill(Fk1RowCount)(gen.TestFk_1.Shape())) fk2 <- gen.TestFk_2.createMany(fk1.flatMap(fkRow => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)(gen.TestFk_2.Shape( } yield (fk1, fk2) }.transact(xa).run "over primary keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } "return the same row multiple times if a duplicate primary key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } } "over foreign keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "return the same matching set of rows multiple times if a duplicate foreign key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "only return all matching rows" >> { val fk2RowsByFk = fk2Rows.groupBy( val fkToQuery = val expectedResult = fkToQuery.toSet.flatMap(fk2RowsByFk) expectedResult must_=== gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk(fkToQuery).transact(xa).run.toSet } } } }
Example 22
Source File: MultigetSpec.scala From doobie-codegen with MIT License | 5 votes |
package mdmoss.doobiegen.queries import doobie.imports._ import org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.concurrent.Task import mdmoss.doobiegen.db.gen object MultigetSpec extends Specification with ThrownExpectations { val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[Task]("org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:gen", "test", "test") val Fk1RowCount = 3 val Fk2RowPerFk1Count = 3 "multiget query functions" >> { val (fk1Rows, fk2Rows) = { for { fk1 <- gen.TestFk_1.createMany(List.fill(Fk1RowCount)(gen.TestFk_1.Shape())) fk2 <- gen.TestFk_2.createMany(fk1.flatMap(fkRow => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)(gen.TestFk_2.Shape( } yield (fk1, fk2) }.transact(xa).unsafePerformSync "over primary keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } "return the same row multiple times if a duplicate primary key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList permutations must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_1.multiget( } } } "over foreign keys must" >> { "order returned rows by input order" >> { val permutations = fk1Rows.permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "return the same matching set of rows multiple times if a duplicate foreign key is specified in the input" >> { val permutations = (fk1Rows.tail.head :: fk1Rows).permutations.toList val expectedResult = => List.fill(Fk2RowPerFk1Count)( expectedResult must_=== { rows => gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk( } } "only return all matching rows" >> { val fk2RowsByFk = fk2Rows.groupBy( val fkToQuery = val expectedResult = fkToQuery.toSet.flatMap(fk2RowsByFk) expectedResult must_=== gen.TestFk_2.multigetByFk(fkToQuery).transact(xa).unsafePerformSync.toSet } } } }
Example 23
Source File: UpstreamServiceLocationSpec.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.routing import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import shield.config.{HttpServiceLocation, ServiceLocation} import spray.http.Uri import scala.util.Try class UpstreamServiceLocationSpec extends Specification { "UpstreamServiceLocation" should { "accept valid https urls" in { val svc = HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) svc.baseUrl.scheme must be equalTo "https" must be equalTo "" } "accept valid http urls" in { val svc = HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) svc.baseUrl.scheme must be equalTo "http" must be equalTo "" } "use the correct port" in { val default_http = HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) default_http.baseUrl.authority.port must be equalTo 0 val custom_http = HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) custom_http.baseUrl.authority.port must be equalTo 5001 val default_https = HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) default_https.baseUrl.authority.port must be equalTo 0 val custom_https = HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) custom_https.baseUrl.authority.port must be equalTo 8443 } "reject unrecognized schemes" in { val ftp = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } ftp.isSuccess must be equalTo false val mailto = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("mailto://")) } mailto.isSuccess must be equalTo false } "ignore case in urls" in { val svc = HttpServiceLocation(Uri("HTTPs://")) must be equalTo "" svc.baseUrl.scheme must be equalTo "https" } "reject urls with a path" in { val empty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } empty.isSuccess must be equalTo false val nonempty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } nonempty.isSuccess must be equalTo false } "reject urls with a fragment" in { val empty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } empty.isSuccess must be equalTo false val nonempty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } nonempty.isSuccess must be equalTo false } "reject urls with a query" in { val empty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } empty.isSuccess must be equalTo false val nonempty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } nonempty.isSuccess must be equalTo false } "reject urls with a auth information" in { val empty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } empty.isSuccess must be equalTo false val nonempty = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("http://foo:[email protected]")) } nonempty.isSuccess must be equalTo false } "reject relative urls" in { val relative = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("/foobar")) } relative.isSuccess must be equalTo false } "reject empty urls" in { val relative = Try { HttpServiceLocation(Uri("")) } relative.isSuccess must be equalTo false } } }
Example 24
Source File: RouteSortingSpec.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.routing import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RouteSortingSpec extends Specification { "RouteSorting" should { "prefer more specific routes" in { val static = Path("/foo") val wild = Path("/{}") val path = Path("/{+}") static must beLessThan(wild) wild must beLessThan(path) static must beLessThan(path) } "give higher precedence to earlier static segments" in { val high = Path("/foo/{}") val low = Path("/{}/bar") high must beLessThan(low) } "use later segments as tie breakers" in { val fbf = Path("/foo/bar/fizz") val fb_ = Path("/foo/bar/{}") val f_f = Path("/foo/{}/fizz") val f__ = Path("/foo/{}/{}") fbf must beLessThan(fb_) fbf must beLessThan(f_f) fbf must beLessThan(f__) fb_ must beLessThan(f_f) fb_ must beLessThan(f__) f_f must beLessThan(f__) } "use Nil segments as lowest priority" in { // this may seem counter-intuitive at first glance. However, if there exists a segment // after a regex or path segment, that is more specific than if the regex or path segment // consumed that later segment. val root = Path("/") val foo = Path("/foo") val foobar = Path("/foo/bar") val nested = Path("/foo/{}") root must beGreaterThan(foo) foo must beGreaterThan(foobar) foo must beGreaterThan(nested) } "treat path segments as lower priority than any number of static or wild segments" in { val wilds = Path("/foo/{}/{]/{}/{}") val nestedPath = Path("/foo/{+}") val pathSegment = Path("/{+}") wilds must beLessThan(nestedPath) wilds must beLessThan(pathSegment) nestedPath must beLessThan(pathSegment) } "prioritize path segments with trailing segments" in { val trailingStatic = Path("/{+}/foo") val trailingWild = Path("/{+}/{}") val path = Path("/{+}") trailingStatic must beLessThan(trailingWild) trailingStatic must beLessThan(path) trailingWild must beLessThan(path) } "handle edge cases" in { val root = Path("/") val empty = Path("") root must beEqualTo(empty) } } }
Example 25
Source File: PathParsingSpec.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.routing import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import spray.http.Uri class PathParsingSpec extends Specification { "PathParsing" should { "handle empty paths" in { val emptyPath = Path("") emptyPath.segments must be equalTo Nil } "handle root paths" in { val rootPath = Path("/") rootPath.segments must be equalTo Nil } "handle static segments" in { val foo = Path("/foo") foo.segments must be equalTo List(StaticSegment("foo")) } "handle nested static segments" in { val foobar = Path("/foo/bar") foobar.segments must be equalTo List(StaticSegment("foo"), SlashSegment, StaticSegment("bar")) } "handle wildcard segments" in { val wild = Path("/foo/{bar}") wild.segments must be equalTo List(StaticSegment("foo"), SlashSegment, WildcardSegment) } "handle path segments" in { val path = Path("/foo/{+bar}") path.segments must be equalTo List(StaticSegment("foo"), SlashSegment, PathSegment) } "handles wildcards adjacent to static" in { val path = Path("/foo{.media}") path.segments must be equalTo List(StaticSegment("foo"), ExtensionSegment) } } }
Example 26
Source File: AuthUtilSpec.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.implicits import com.amazonaws.auth.{AWSCredentials, AWSCredentialsProvider, AWSCredentialsProviderChain} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import{AWSSigningConfig, AuthUtil} import spray.http._ class AuthUtilSpec extends Specification { //Set consistant times that will produce consistant results for the tests val d1 = "20160315T141234Z" val d2 = "20160315" //Create a new config, these values are typically found in application.conf val config = new AWSSigningConfig("example-elasticsearch-host", "us-west-1", "es", true, new AWSCredentialsProviderChain(new StaticCredentialProvider())) "AuthUtil" should { "Use SHA256" in { println(AuthUtil.hashAsString("Hello world!")) AuthUtil.hashAsString("Hello world!") must be equalTo "c0535e4be2b79ffd93291305436bf889314e4a3faec05ecffcbb7df31ad9e51a" AuthUtil.hashAsString("123$%^abcDEF") must be equalTo "3b43642576e2c2cf349f34ff7f10e700bf485e6982647a50e361e883a5aaafa2" AuthUtil.hashAsString(" _***~` ") must be equalTo "0597e54e8278a8673f09842d03e4af3a2688d1a15a55a640968382a5311416b4" } "Create canonical request hash" in { val request = new HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, Uri(""), List(), HttpEntity(HttpData("Sample data for a sample request ~*)@#$) @#((("))) println(AuthUtil.createCanonicalHash(request, "example-elasticsearch-host")) AuthUtil.createCanonicalHash(request, "example-elasticsearch-host") must be equalTo "05ef99e67afa47f06ed12084460baa4fca0bfbf92faebabed00fa78796028c5d" } "Create string to sign from a given canonical request" in { val canonicalRequestHash = "05ef99e67afa47f06ed12084460baa4fca0bfbf92faebabed00fa78796028c5d" AuthUtil.createStringToSign(d1, d2, config.region, config.service, canonicalRequestHash) must be equalTo "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n20160315\n20160315T141234Z/us-west-1/es/aws4_request\n05ef99e67afa47f06ed12084460baa4fca0bfbf92faebabed00fa78796028c5d" } "Create a signature" in { val stringToSign = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n20160315\n20160315T141234Z/us-west-1/es/aws4_request\n05ef99e67afa47f06ed12084460baa4fca0bfbf92faebabed00fa78796028c5d" val signature = AuthUtil.hmacSHA256AsString("AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n20160315\n20160315T141234Z/us-west-1/es/aws4_request\n05ef99e67afa47f06ed12084460baa4fca0bfbf92faebabed00fa78796028c5d", AuthUtil.createSignatureKey(config.getSecretKey(), d1, config.region, config.service)) signature must be equalTo "68e811337b35141320236cf585a7fefad71d8948e4d1e9d5eb3583474d31eb6a" } } } //Create a static credential provider so that the access key and secret key stay the same for the purposes of testing class StaticCredentialProvider extends AWSCredentialsProvider { override def refresh(): Unit = { } override def getCredentials: AWSCredentials = new AWSCredentials { override def getAWSAccessKeyId: String = "AccessKeyId" override def getAWSSecretKey: String = "SuperSecretKey" } }
Example 27
Source File: ImplicitsSpec.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.implicits import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import spray.http.HttpHeaders.RawHeader import spray.http.{HttpResponse, HttpRequest} import shield.implicits.HttpImplicits._ class ImplicitsSpec extends Specification { "HttpImplicits" should { "Replace a request header" in { var request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( RawHeader("sample", "header") ) request = request.withReplacedHeaders(RawHeader("sample","newHeader")) request.headers.length must be equalTo 1 request.headers(0).name must be equalTo "sample" request.headers(0).value must be equalTo "newHeader" } "Add a request header" in { var request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( RawHeader("sample", "header") ) request = request.withAdditionalHeaders( RawHeader("additional", "testHeader") ) request.headers.length must be equalTo 2 request.headers.find(_.lowercaseName == "additional").get.value must be equalTo "testHeader" request.headers.find(_.lowercaseName == "sample").get.value must be equalTo "header" } "Strip a request header" in { var request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( RawHeader("sample", "header"), RawHeader("additional", "testHeader") ) request = request.withStrippedHeaders(Set("sample")) request.headers.length must be equalTo 1 request.headers(0).name must be equalTo "additional" request.headers(0).value must be equalTo "testHeader" } "Replace a response header" in { var response = HttpResponse().withHeaders( RawHeader("sample", "header") ) response = response.withReplacedHeaders(RawHeader("sample","newHeader")) response.headers.length must be equalTo 1 response.headers(0).name must be equalTo "sample" response.headers(0).value must be equalTo "newHeader" } "Add a response header" in { var response = HttpResponse().withHeaders( RawHeader("sample", "header") ) response = response.withAdditionalHeaders( RawHeader("additional", "testHeader") ) response.headers.length must be equalTo 2 response.headers.find(_.lowercaseName == "additional").get.value must be equalTo "testHeader" response.headers.find(_.lowercaseName == "sample").get.value must be equalTo "header" } "Strip a response header" in { var response = HttpResponse().withHeaders( RawHeader("sample", "header"), RawHeader("additional", "testHeader") ) response = response.withStrippedHeaders(Set("sample")) response.headers.length must be equalTo 1 response.headers(0).name must be equalTo "additional" response.headers(0).value must be equalTo "testHeader" } "Strip a response header that is capitalized" in { var response = HttpResponse().withHeaders( RawHeader("X-Cache", "header"), RawHeader("additional","testHeader") ) response = response.withStrippedHeaders(Set("X-Cache")) response.headers.length must be equalTo 1 response.headers(0).name must be equalTo "additional" response.headers(0).value must be equalTo "testHeader" } } }
Example 28
Source File: HttpProxyLogicSpec.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.proxying import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import spray.http.HttpHeaders.RawHeader import spray.http.{HttpHeaders, HttpRequest} import shield.implicits.HttpImplicits._ class HttpProxyLogicSpec extends Specification { "HttpProxyLogic" should { "Use remote-address when adding to x-forwarded-for" in { val request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( RawHeader("X-Forwarded-For", ""), RawHeader("Remote-Address", "") ).withTrustXForwardedFor(1) getRemoteAddress(request) must be equalTo "" getClientIp(request) must be equalTo "" } "Add remote-address to x-forward-for header" in { val request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( RawHeader("X-Forwarded-For", ","), RawHeader("Remote-Address", "") ).withTrustXForwardedFor(1) HttpProxyLogic.forwardedHeader(request.headers) must be equalTo RawHeader("X-Forwarded-For", ",,") } "Add remote-address to x-forwarded-for header" in { val request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( RawHeader("X-Forwarded-For", ","), RawHeader("Remote-Address", "") ) HttpProxyLogic.forwardedHeader(request.headers) must be equalTo RawHeader("X-Forwarded-For", ",,") } "If remote-address does not exist then append" in { val request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( RawHeader("X-Forwarded-For", ",") ) HttpProxyLogic.forwardedHeader(request.headers) must be equalTo RawHeader("X-Forwarded-For", ",,") } "Scrub requests of unrequired headers" in { val request = HttpRequest().withHeaders( HttpHeaders.`X-Forwarded-For`(""), HttpHeaders.`Remote-Address`("") ).withTrustXForwardedFor(1) HttpProxyLogic.scrubRequest(request).headers.exists(_.lowercaseName == "client-address") must be equalTo false } def getHeader(request: HttpRequest, header: String): Option[String] = { request.headers.find(_.lowercaseName == header).map(_.value) } def getRemoteAddress(request: HttpRequest) : String = { getHeader(request, "remote-address").get } def getClientIp(request: HttpRequest): String = { getHeader(request, "client-address").get } } }
Example 29
Source File: CatsResourceSpecs.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.specs2 import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class CatsResourceSpecs extends Specification with CatsResourceIO[Ref[IO, Int]] { sequential override def resource: Resource[IO, Ref[IO, Int]] = Resource.make(Ref[IO].of(0))(_.set(Int.MinValue)) "cats resource specifications" should { "run a resource modification" in withResource { ref => ref.modify{a => (a + 1, a) }.map( _ must_=== 0 ) } "be shared between tests" in withResource {ref => ref.modify{a => (a + 1, a) }.map( _ must_=== 1 ) } } }
Example 30
Source File: CatsEffectSpecs.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.specs2 import cats.effect.{IO, Resource} import cats.effect.concurrent.{Ref, Deferred} import cats.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class CatsEffectSpecs extends Specification with CatsEffect { "cats effect specifications" should { "run a non-effectful test" in { true must beTrue } "run a simple effectful test" in IO { true must beTrue false must beFalse } "run a simple resource test" in { true must beTrue }.pure[Resource[IO, *]] "resource must be live for use" in { Resource.make(Ref[IO].of(true))(_.set(false)).map{ must beTrue) } } "really execute effects" in { "First, this check creates a deferred value.".br val deferredValue = Deferred.unsafeUncancelable[IO, Boolean] "Then it executes two mutually associated steps:" "forcibly attempt to get the deferred value" in { deferredValue.get.unsafeRunTimed(Timeout) must beSome(true) } "Since specs2 executes steps in parallel by default, the second step gets executed anyway.".br "complete the deferred value inside IO context" in { deferredValue.complete(true) *> IO.pure(success) } "If effects didn't get executed then the previous step would fail after timeout.".br } // "timeout a failing test" in (IO.never: IO[Boolean]) } }
Example 31
Source File: UserSyncTaskSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tasks import cats.effect.IO import controllers.{Authenticator, UserAccountAccessor} import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import vinyldns.core.domain.membership._ class UserSyncTaskSpec extends Specification with Mockito { val notAuthUser: User = User("not-authorized", "accessKey", "secretKey") val lockedNotAuthUser: User = notAuthUser.copy(lockStatus = LockStatus.Locked) val mockAuthenticator: Authenticator = { val mockObject = mock[Authenticator] mockObject.getUsersNotInLdap(List(notAuthUser)).returns(IO(List(notAuthUser))) mockObject } val mockUserAccountAccessor: UserAccountAccessor = { val mockObject = mock[UserAccountAccessor] mockObject.getAllUsers.returns(IO(List(notAuthUser))) mockObject .lockUsers(List(notAuthUser)) .returns(IO(List(lockedNotAuthUser))) mockObject } "SyncUserTask" should { "successfully lock unauthorized, non-test users" in { new UserSyncTask(mockUserAccountAccessor, mockAuthenticator) .run() .unsafeRunSync() must beEqualTo(()) there.was(one(mockUserAccountAccessor).lockUsers(List(notAuthUser))) } "successfully process if no users are found" in { val mockAuth: Authenticator = mock[Authenticator] mockAuth.getUsersNotInLdap(List(notAuthUser)).returns(IO(Nil)) val mockUsers = mock[UserAccountAccessor] mockUsers .lockUsers(Nil) .returns(IO(Nil)) mockUsers.getAllUsers.returns(IO(List(notAuthUser))) new UserSyncTask(mockUsers, mockAuth) .run() .unsafeRunSync() must beEqualTo(()) } } }
Example 32
Source File: MetaSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.Configuration class MetaSpec extends Specification with Mockito { "Meta" should { "load from config" in { val config = Map("vinyldns.version" -> "foo-bar") Meta(Configuration.from(config)).version must beEqualTo("foo-bar") } "default to false if shared-display-enabled is not found" in { val config = Map("vinyldns.version" -> "foo-bar") Meta(Configuration.from(config)).sharedDisplayEnabled must beFalse } "set to true if shared-display-enabled is true in config" in { val config = Map("shared-display-enabled" -> true) Meta(Configuration.from(config)).sharedDisplayEnabled must beTrue } "get the batch-change-limit value in config" in { val config = Map("batch-change-limit" -> 21) Meta(Configuration.from(config)).batchChangeLimit must beEqualTo(21) } "default to 1000 if batch-change-limit is not found" in { val config = Map("vinyldns.version" -> "foo-bar") Meta(Configuration.from(config)).batchChangeLimit must beEqualTo(1000) } "get the default-ttl value in config" in { val config = Map("default-ttl" -> 7210) Meta(Configuration.from(config)).defaultTtl must beEqualTo(7210) } "default to 7200 if default-ttl is not found" in { val config = Map("vinyldns.version" -> "foo-bar") Meta(Configuration.from(config)).defaultTtl must beEqualTo(7200) } "default to false if manual-batch-review-enabled is not found" in { val config = Map("vinyldns.version" -> "foo-bar") Meta(Configuration.from(config)).manualBatchChangeReviewEnabled must beFalse } "set to true if manual-batch-review-enabled is true in config" in { val config = Map("manual-batch-review-enabled" -> true) Meta(Configuration.from(config)).manualBatchChangeReviewEnabled must beTrue } "default to false if scheduled-batch-change-enabled is not found" in { val config = Map("vinyldns.version" -> "foo-bar") Meta(Configuration.from(config)).scheduledBatchChangesEnabled must beFalse } "set to true if scheduled-batch-change-enabled is true in config" in { val config = Map("scheduled-changes-enabled" -> true) Meta(Configuration.from(config)).scheduledBatchChangesEnabled must beTrue } } }
Example 33
Source File: CustomLinksSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.Configuration class CustomLinksSpec extends Specification with Mockito { "CustomLinks" should { "load link from config" in { val linkOne = CustomLink(false, true, "title 1", "href 1", "icon 1") val config = Map( "links" -> List( Map( "displayOnSidebar" -> linkOne.displayOnSidebar, "displayOnLoginScreen" -> linkOne.displayOnLoginScreen, "title" -> linkOne.title, "href" -> linkOne.href, "icon" -> linkOne.icon ) ) ) val customLinks = CustomLinks(Configuration.from(config)) customLinks.links must beEqualTo(List[CustomLink](linkOne)) } "load multiple links from config" in { val linkOne = CustomLink(false, true, "title 1", "href 1", "icon 1") val linkTwo = CustomLink(true, false, "title 2", "href 2", "icon 2") val config = Map( "links" -> List( Map( "displayOnSidebar" -> linkOne.displayOnSidebar, "displayOnLoginScreen" -> linkOne.displayOnLoginScreen, "title" -> linkOne.title, "href" -> linkOne.href, "icon" -> linkOne.icon ), Map( "displayOnSidebar" -> linkTwo.displayOnSidebar, "displayOnLoginScreen" -> linkTwo.displayOnLoginScreen, "title" -> linkTwo.title, "href" -> linkTwo.href, "icon" -> linkTwo.icon ) ) ) val customLinks = CustomLinks(Configuration.from(config)) customLinks.links must beEqualTo(List[CustomLink](linkOne, linkTwo)) } "load empty list if no links in config" in { val customLinks = CustomLinks(Configuration.from(Map())) customLinks.links must beEqualTo(List[CustomLink]()) } } }
Example 34
Source File: UserAccountAccessorSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import cats.effect.IO import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.BeforeEach import vinyldns.core.domain.membership._ class UserAccountAccessorSpec extends Specification with Mockito with BeforeEach { private val user = User( "fbaggins", "key", "secret", Some("Frodo"), Some("Baggins"), Some("[email protected]"),, "frodo-uuid" ) private val userLog = UserChange( "frodo-uuid", user, "fbaggins",, None, UserChangeType.Create ).toOption.get private val mockRepo = mock[UserRepository] private val mockChangeRepo = mock[UserChangeRepository] private val underTest = new UserAccountAccessor(mockRepo, mockChangeRepo) protected def before: Any = org.mockito.Mockito.reset(mockRepo, mockChangeRepo) "UserAccountAccessor" should { "return the user when storing a user that does not exist already" in {[User]).returns(IO.pure(user))[UserChange]).returns(IO.pure(userLog)) underTest.create(user).unsafeRunSync() must beEqualTo(user) there.was(one(mockChangeRepo).save(any[UserChange])) } "return the new user when storing a user that already exists in the store" in { val newUser = user.copy(accessKey = "new-key", secretKey = "new-secret")[User]).returns(IO.pure(newUser))[UserChange]).returns(IO.pure(userLog)) underTest.update(newUser, user).unsafeRunSync() must beEqualTo(newUser) there.was(one(mockChangeRepo).save(any[UserChange])) } "return the user when retrieving a user that exists by name" in { mockRepo.getUserByName(user.userName).returns(IO.pure(Some(user))) mockRepo.getUser(user.userName).returns(IO.pure(None)) underTest.get("fbaggins").unsafeRunSync() must beSome(user) } "return the user when retrieving a user that exists by user ID" in { mockRepo.getUserByName( mockRepo.getUser( underTest.get( must beSome(user) } "return None when the user to be retrieved does not exist" in { mockRepo.getUserByName(any[String]).returns(IO.pure(None)) mockRepo.getUser(any[String]).returns(IO.pure(None)) underTest.get("fbaggins").unsafeRunSync() must beNone } "return the user by access key" in { mockRepo.getUserByAccessKey( underTest.getUserByKey( must beSome(user) } "return all users" in { val userList = List(user, user.copy(id = "user2", userName = "user2")) mockRepo.getAllUsers.returns(IO.pure(userList)) underTest.getAllUsers.unsafeRunSync() must beEqualTo(userList) } "lock specified users" in { val lockedUser = user.copy(lockStatus = LockStatus.Locked) val lockedUserChange = UserChange.UpdateUser( user.copy(lockStatus = LockStatus.Locked), "system",, user )[UserChange]).returns(IO(lockedUserChange)) underTest.lockUsers(List(user)).unsafeRunSync() must beEqualTo(List(lockedUser)) } } }
Example 35
Source File: HealthControllerSpec.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import cats.effect.IO import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents import play.api.test.Helpers.{GET, status} import play.api.test.{FakeRequest, Helpers} import import import play.api.test.Helpers._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class HealthControllerSpec extends Specification { val components: ControllerComponents = Helpers.stubControllerComponents() "HealthController" should { "send 200 if the healthcheck succeeds" in { val healthService = new HealthService(List(IO.unit.attempt.asHealthCheck(classOf[HealthControllerSpec]))) val controller = new HealthController(components, healthService) val result = controller .health() .apply(FakeRequest(GET, "/health")) status(result) must beEqualTo(200) } "send 500 if a healthcheck fails" in { val err = IO .raiseError(new RuntimeException("bad!!")) .attempt .asHealthCheck(classOf[HealthControllerSpec]) val healthService = new HealthService(List(IO.unit.attempt.asHealthCheck(classOf[HealthControllerSpec]), err)) val controller = new HealthController(components, healthService) val result = controller .health() .apply(FakeRequest(GET, "/health")) status(result) must beEqualTo(500) } } }
Example 36
Source File: LongestIncreasingTest.scala From coding-interview-questions-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.questions.arrays import org.specs2.mutable.Specification trait LongestIncreasingTest extends Specification { val finder: LongestIncreasing "empty seq" should { "throw argument exception" in { finder.findLongestIncreasing(Nil) must throwA[IllegalArgumentException] } } "single item" should { "return a seq with that item" in { finder.findLongestIncreasing(Seq(1)) must be_===(Seq(1)) } } "all increasing seq" should { "return the seq" in { finder.findLongestIncreasing(Seq(1, 2, 3, 4)) must be_===(Seq(1, 2, 3, 4)) } } "increasing starts not in the beginning" should { "return the increasing seq" in { finder.findLongestIncreasing(Seq(8, 1, 2, 3)) must be_===(Seq(1, 2, 3)) } } "findLongestIncreasing" should { "return the longest increasing seq" in { finder.findLongestIncreasing(Seq(1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 5, 2, 3)) must be_===(Seq(0, 4, 5, 6)) } } } class LongestIncreasingRecursiveTest extends LongestIncreasingTest { override val finder = new LongestIncreasingRecursive } class LongestIncreasingIterativeTest extends LongestIncreasingTest { override val finder = new LongestIncreasingIterative }
Example 37
Source File: TwoSumTest.scala From coding-interview-questions-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.questions.arrays import org.specs2.matcher.Matcher import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.Scope class TwoSumTest extends Specification { class Context extends Scope { val arrayUtils = new TwoSum def sumTo(sum: Int): Matcher[(Int, Int)] = (_: (Int, Int)) match { case (a, b) => a + b must be_===(sum) } } "under 2 elements in seq" should { "be none" in new Context { arrayUtils.findPairSum(Seq(1), 8) must beNone } } "two elements that sum" should { "return these elements" in new Context { arrayUtils.findPairSum(Seq(2, 3), 5) must beSome(sumTo(5)) } } "two elements that doesn't sum" should { "return these none" in new Context { arrayUtils.findPairSum(Seq(2, 3), 4) must beNone } } "more elements that sum" should { "return the sum" in new Context { arrayUtils.findPairSum(Seq(1, 2, 3), 5) must beSome(sumTo(5)) } } }
Example 38
Source File: WildCardMatchingTest.scala From coding-interview-questions-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.questions.strings import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class WildCardMatchingTest extends Specification { val matcher = new WildCardMatching "same string" should { "be matching" in { val string = "abc" matcher.isMatching(string, string) must beTrue } } "different string" should { "not match" in { matcher.isMatching("ab", "bc") must beFalse } } "question mark" should { "allow to skip one char" in { matcher.isMatching("abc", "a?c") must beTrue } } "star" should { "replace many chars" in { matcher.isMatching("abcd", "a*d") must beTrue } "replace zero chars" in { matcher.isMatching("abc", "ab*c") must beTrue } "replace one char" in { matcher.isMatching("abc", "a*c") must beTrue } "match if star is in the end" in { matcher.isMatching("abc", "a*") must beTrue } } }
Example 39
Source File: ParenthesesValidatorTest.scala From coding-interview-questions-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.questions.strings import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ParenthesesValidatorTest extends Specification { val validator = new ParenthesesValidator "empty parentheses" should { "be valid" in { validator.validate("(abc)") must beTrue } } "no parentheses" should { "be valid" in { validator.validate("abc") must beTrue } } "unclosed" should { "be invalid" in { validator.validate("((abc)") must beFalse } } "unopened" should { "be invalid" in { validator.validate("(abc))") must beFalse } "be invalid in beginning" in { validator.validate(")abc(") must beFalse } } }
Example 40
Source File: FibonacciTest.scala From coding-interview-questions-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.questions import org.questions.fibonacci.{Fibonacci, Iterative, Recursive, TailRecursion} import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} trait FibonacciTest extends Specification with FibonacciProperty { val fib: Fibonacci "negative input" should { "be invalid" in { fib.nth(-1) must throwA[IllegalArgumentException] } } "0th" should { "be 0" in { fib.nth(0) must be_===(0) } } "1st" should { "be 1" in { fib.nth(1) must be_===(1) } } "2nd" should { "be 1" in { fib.nth(2) must be_===(1) } } } trait BigN { self: FibonacciTest => import "big N" should { "be computed in sub seconds" in { val calcBigN = Future.apply { fib.nth(100) } Await.ready(calcBigN, Duration("1 second")).isCompleted must beTrue } } } trait FibonacciProperty extends ScalaCheck { self: FibonacciTest => val smallInteger = Gen.choose[Int](2,30) "fib(n)" should { "be equal to the sum of the results of last 2 elements" >> prop { n: Int => fib.nth(n) must be_===(fib.nth(n - 1) + fib.nth(n - 2)) }.setGen(smallInteger) } } class RecursiveTest extends FibonacciTest { override val fib = new Recursive } class IterativeTest extends FibonacciTest with BigN { override val fib = new Iterative } class TailRecursionTest extends FibonacciTest with BigN { override val fib: Fibonacci = new TailRecursion }
Example 41
Source File: CanvasTest.scala From coding-interview-questions-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.questions.fill import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.Scope class CanvasTest extends Specification { class Context extends Scope { private val sample = """............ |.*******.... |.*....***... |.**.....*... |..*....**... |...*****....""".stripMargin private def toCharsCanvas(s: String) = new CharsCanvas( val canvas = toCharsCanvas(sample) val drawUtils = new DrawUtils(canvas) def >(canvas: Canvas) = { val (rows, cols) = canvas.getSize for {r <- 0 until rows} { for {c <- 0 until cols} { Predef.print(canvas.getColor(r, c)) } println() } } } Seq((1, 100), (100, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1)) foreach { case (x, y) => "outside of the canvas" should { "result in error" in new Context { drawUtils.fill(x, y, 'X') must throwA[IndexOutOfBoundsException] } } } "adjacent fields with same color" should { "be filled" in new Context { drawUtils.fill(3, 4, '#') Seq((3, 5), (3, 3), (2, 4), (4, 4)) foreach { case (x, y) => canvas.getColor(x, y) must be_===('#') } } } "adjacent fields with different color" should { "stay with previous color" in new Context { drawUtils.fill(0, 1, '#') canvas.getColor(1, 1) must be_===('*') } } "selected field" should { "be colored" in new Context { drawUtils.fill(0, 0, '#') canvas.getColor(0, 0) must be_===('#') } } "far fields that in same shape" should { "be colored" in new Context { drawUtils.fill(0, 0, '#') canvas.getColor(5, 11) must be_===('#') } } }
Example 42
Source File: KinesisPublisherPutRecordsCallResultsTest.scala From gfc-aws-kinesis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import{PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResultEntry} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class KinesisPublisherPutRecordsCallResultsTest extends Specification { "KinesisPublisherPutRecordsCallResults" should { "handle empty results" in { val r = KinesisPublisherPutRecordsCallResults(Seq.empty) r.successes.isEmpty must_===(true) r.failures.isEmpty must_===(true) r.softFailures.isEmpty must_===(true) r.hardFailures.isEmpty must_===(true) r.isGenericServerError must_===(false) } "handle generic service errors" in { val r = KinesisPublisherPutRecordsCallResults(Seq( e -> None , e -> None )) r.successes.isEmpty must_===(true) r.failures.size must_===(2) r.softFailures.size must_===(2) r.hardFailures.isEmpty must_===(true) r.isGenericServerError must_===(true) } "handle successful calls" in { val r = KinesisPublisherPutRecordsCallResults(Seq( e -> re(null) , e -> re(null) )) r.successes.size must_===(2) r.failures.isEmpty must_===(true) r.softFailures.isEmpty must_===(true) r.hardFailures.isEmpty must_===(true) r.isGenericServerError must_===(false) } "handle partial batch failures" in { val r = KinesisPublisherPutRecordsCallResults(Seq( e -> re(null) // success , e -> re("blahblah") // 'hard' error, no retry , e -> re("foobar") // 'hard' error, no retry , e -> re("InternalFailure") // 'soft' error, should retry )) r.successes.size must_===(1) r.failures.size must_===(3) r.softFailures.size must_===(1) r.hardFailures.size must_===(2) r.isGenericServerError must_===(false) } } def e: PutRecordsRequestEntry = { new PutRecordsRequestEntry().withPartitionKey(UUID.randomUUID.toString) } def re( errCode: String ): Option[PutRecordsResultEntry] = { Some(new PutRecordsResultEntry().withErrorCode(errCode)) } }
Example 43
Source File: PosixPrintPathSpecs.scala From scala-pathy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pathy import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import pathy.Path._ class PosixPrintPathSpecs extends Specification { import posixCodec._ "two directories" in { unsafePrintPath(dir("foo") </> file("bar")) must_=== "./foo/bar" } "file with two parents" in { unsafePrintPath(dir("foo") </> dir("bar") </> file("image.png")) must_=== "./foo/bar/image.png" } "file without extension" in { unsafePrintPath(file("image") <:> "png") must_=== "./image.png" } "file with extension" in { unsafePrintPath(file("image.jpg") <:> "png") must_=== "./image.png" } "printPath - ./../" in { unsafePrintPath(parentDir1(currentDir)) must_=== "./../" } }
Example 44
Source File: PathSpecs.scala From scala-pathy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package pathy import slamdata.Predef._ import pathy.scalacheck._ import scala.Predef.identity import org.scalacheck._, Arbitrary.arbitrary import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazProperties._ import scalaz.syntax.foldable._ class PathSpecs extends Specification with ScalaCheck { import Path._, PathyArbitrary._ "FileName" in { "order laws" >> order.laws[FileName] } "DirName" in { "order laws" >> order.laws[DirName] } "Path" in { implicit val arbitraryPath: Arbitrary[Path[Any,Any,Sandboxed]] = Arbitrary(Gen.oneOf( arbitrary[AbsFile[Sandboxed]], arbitrary[RelFile[Sandboxed]], arbitrary[AbsDir[Sandboxed]], arbitrary[RelDir[Sandboxed]])) "order laws" >> order.laws[Path[Any,Any,Sandboxed]] } "</> - ./../foo/" in { posixCodec.unsafePrintPath(parentDir1(currentDir) </> unsandbox(dir("foo"))) must_== "./../foo/" } "parentDir1 - ./../foo/../" in { posixCodec.unsafePrintPath((parentDir1(currentDir) </> unsandbox(dir("foo"))) </> parentDir1(currentDir)) must_== "./../foo/../" } "<::>" >> { "./../" in { posixCodec.unsafePrintPath(currentDir <::> currentDir) must_== "./../" } "./../foo/" in { posixCodec.unsafePrintPath(currentDir <::> dir("foo")) must_== "./../foo/" } "./../foo/../" in { posixCodec.unsafePrintPath((currentDir <::> dir("foo")) <::> currentDir) must_== "./../foo/../" } } "canonicalize" >> { "1 down, 1 up" in { canonicalize(parentDir1(dir("foo"))) must_== currentDir } "2 down, 2 up" in { canonicalize(parentDir1(parentDir1(dir("foo") </> dir("bar")))) must_== currentDir } } "relativeTo" >> { "simple case" >> { (rootDir </> dir("foo")).relativeTo(rootDir) must_== Some(dir("foo")) } "return currentDir if same path" >> { (rootDir </> dir("foo")).relativeTo(rootDir </> dir("foo")) must_== Some(currentDir) } } "renameFile - single level deep" in { renameFile(file("image.png"), _.dropExtension) must_== file("image") } "sandbox - sandbox absolute dir to one level higher" in { sandbox(rootDir </> dir("foo"), rootDir </> dir("foo") </> dir("bar")) must beSome.which { _ must_== dir("bar") } } "depth - negative" in { depth(parentDir1(parentDir1(parentDir1(currentDir)))) must_== -3 } "flatten - returns NEL of result of folding each layer of path" in { flatten( "r", "c", "p", identity, identity, currentDir </> dir("foo") </> dir("bar") </> file("") ).toList must_== List("c", "foo", "bar", "") } }
Example 45
Source File: IngressSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.networking import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json._ import skuber.LabelSelector.dsl._ import skuber._ import skuber.json.networking.format._ class IngressSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber Ingress class. ".txt "An Ingress object can be written to Json and then read back again successfully" >> { val ingress=Ingress("example") .addHttpRule("", Map( "/" -> "service:80", "/about" -> "another-service:http" )) val readIng = Json.fromJson[Ingress](Json.toJson(ingress)).get readIng mustEqual ingress } "An Ingress object with empty Path can be read directly from a JSON string" >> { val ingJsonStr = """ |{ | "apiVersion": "", | "kind": "Ingress", | "metadata": { | "creationTimestamp": "2017-04-02T19:39:34Z", | "generation": 3, | "labels": { | "app": "ingress" | }, | "name": "example-ingress", | "namespace": "default", | "resourceVersion": "1313499", | "selfLink": "/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/ingresses/example", | "uid": "192dd131-17dc-11e7-bd9c-0a5e79684354" | }, | "spec": { | "rules": [ | { | "host": "", | "http": { | "paths": [ | { | "backend": { | "serviceName": "service", | "servicePort": "http" | } | } | ] | } | } | ], | "tls": [ | { | "hosts": ["abc","def"] | } | ] | }, | "status": { | "loadBalancer": { | "ingress": [ | { | "hostname": "" | } | ] | } | } |}""".stripMargin val ing = Json.parse(ingJsonStr).as[Ingress] ing.kind mustEqual "Ingress" mustEqual "example-ingress" must beSome("") ing.spec.get.rules.head.http.paths must_== List(Ingress.Path( path = "", backend = Ingress.Backend("service", "http") )) ing.spec.get.tls must_== List(Ingress.TLS( hosts = List("abc","def"), secretName = None )) } }
Example 46
Source File: SecretSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.json import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import skuber.{ObjectMeta, Secret} // for unit-style testing import format._ import play.api.libs.json._ class SecretSpec extends Specification { "A Secret containing a byte array can symmetrically be written to json and the same value read back in" >> { val dataBytes = "hello".getBytes val secret = Secret(metadata = ObjectMeta("mySecret"), data = Map("key" -> dataBytes)) val resultBytes = Json.fromJson[Secret](Json.toJson(secret))"key") dataBytes mustEqual resultBytes } "this can be done with an empty data map" >> { val mySecret = Secret(metadata = ObjectMeta("mySecret")) val json = Json.toJson(mySecret) val readSecret = Json.fromJson[Secret](Json.toJson(mySecret)).get mySecret mustEqual readSecret } "this can be done with the type member defined" >> { val mySecret = Secret(metadata = ObjectMeta("mySecret"), `type` = "myType") val readSecret = Json.fromJson[Secret](Json.toJson(mySecret)).get mySecret mustEqual readSecret } }
Example 47
Source File: PodPresetFormatSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.json import import org.specs2.execute.{Failure, Result} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json._ import skuber._ import skuber.settings.PodPreset import class PodPresetFormatSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber PodPreset related json formatter.\n ".txt "a podpreset can be read and written as json successfully" >> { val podPresetJsonSource=Source.fromURL(getClass.getResource("/examplePodPreset.json")) val podPresetJsonStr = podPresetJsonSource.mkString val podPreset = Json.parse(podPresetJsonStr).as[PodPreset] // write and read it back in again and compare val json = Json.toJson(podPreset) val readPodPreset = Json.fromJson[PodPreset](json).get readPodPreset mustEqual podPreset } }
Example 48
Source File: AuthSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.model import java.time.Instant import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import skuber.api.client._ class AuthSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the auth data model. ".txt // Auth "Auth toString works when empty" >> { NoAuth.toString mustEqual "NoAuth" } "CertAuth toString masks cert, key but not user" >> { val auth = CertAuth( clientCertificate = Right("secretPem".getBytes), clientKey = Right("secretKey".getBytes), user = Some("someUser") ) auth.toString mustEqual "CertAuth(clientCertificate=<PEM masked> clientKey=<PEM masked> userName=someUser )" } "CertAuth toString doesn't mask username, certPath, keyPath" >> { val auth = CertAuth( clientCertificate = Left("certPath"), clientKey = Left("keyPath"), user = Option("aUser") ) auth.toString mustEqual "CertAuth(clientCertificate=certPath clientKey=keyPath userName=aUser )" } "TokenAuth toString masks token" >> { TokenAuth("myToken").toString mustEqual "TokenAuth(token=<redacted>)" } "GcpAuth toString masks accessToken" >> { GcpAuth(accessToken = Some("MyAccessToken"), expiry = Some(, cmdPath = "gcp", cmdArgs = "").toString mustEqual "GcpAuth(accessToken=<redacted>)" } "OidcAuth toString masks idToken" >> { OidcAuth(idToken = "MyToken").toString mustEqual "OidcAuth(idToken=<redacted>)" } }
Example 49
Source File: PodDisruptionBudgetSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.policy.v1beta1 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsSuccess, Json} import skuber.LabelSelector.dsl._ class PodDisruptionBudgetSpec extends Specification { import PodDisruptionBudget._ "A PodDisruptionBudget can" >> { "decoded from json" >> { val pdb = PodDisruptionBudget("someName") .withMaxUnavailable(Left(2)) .withMinAvailable(Left(1)) .withLabelSelector("application" is "someApplicationName") Json.parse(createJson("/examplePodDisruptionBudget.json")).validate[PodDisruptionBudget] mustEqual JsSuccess(pdb) } "encode to json" >> { Json.toJson( PodDisruptionBudget("someName") .withMaxUnavailable(Left(2)) .withMinAvailable(Left(1)) .withLabelSelector("application" is "someApplicationName") ) mustEqual Json.parse(createJson("/examplePodDisruptionBudget.json")) } } private def createJson(file: String): String = { val source = try source.mkString finally source.close() } }
Example 50
Source File: StatefulSetSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.apps.v1 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json._ import skuber.LabelSelector.dsl._ import skuber._ class StatefulSetSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber apps/v1 StatefulSet class. ".txt "A StatefulSet object can be constructed from a name and pod template spec" >> { val container=Container(name="example",image="example") val template=Pod.Template.Spec.named("example").addContainer(container) val stateSet=StatefulSet("example") .withReplicas(200) .withServiceName("nginx-service") .withTemplate(template) .withVolumeClaimTemplate(PersistentVolumeClaim("hello")) stateSet.spec.get.template mustEqual template stateSet.spec.get.serviceName mustEqual Some("nginx-service") stateSet.spec.get.replicas must beSome(200) stateSet.spec.get.volumeClaimTemplates.size mustEqual 1 mustEqual "example" stateSet.status mustEqual None } "A StatefulSet object can be written to Json and then read back again successfully" >> { val container=Container(name="example",image="example") val template=Pod.Template.Spec.named("example").addContainer(container) val stateSet=StatefulSet("example") .withTemplate(template) .withLabelSelector(LabelSelector("live" doesNotExist, "microservice", "tier" is "cache", "env" isNotIn List("dev", "test"))) val readSSet = Json.fromJson[StatefulSet](Json.toJson(stateSet)).get readSSet mustEqual stateSet } "A StatefulSet object properly writes with zero replicas" >> { val sset=StatefulSet("example").withReplicas(0) val writeSSet = Json.toJson(sset) (writeSSet \ "spec" \ "replicas").asOpt[Int] must beSome(0) } "A StatefulSet object can be read directly from a JSON string" >> { import val ssJsonSource=Source.fromURL(getClass.getResource("/exampleStatefulSet.json")) val ssetJsonStr = ssJsonSource.mkString val stateSet = Json.parse(ssetJsonStr).as[StatefulSet] stateSet.kind mustEqual "StatefulSet" mustEqual "nginx-stateset" stateSet.spec.get.replicas must beSome(7) stateSet.spec.get.updateStrategy.get.`type` mustEqual StatefulSet.UpdateStrategyType.RollingUpdate stateSet.spec.get.updateStrategy.get.rollingUpdate.get.partition mustEqual(5) stateSet.spec.get.volumeClaimTemplates.size mustEqual 1 stateSet.spec.get.serviceName.get mustEqual "nginx-service" stateSet.spec.get.template.metadata.labels mustEqual Map("domain" -> "","proxies" -> "microservices") val podSpec=stateSet.spec.get.template.spec.get podSpec.containers.length mustEqual 1 val container=podSpec.containers(0) container.resources.get.requests.get("cpu").get mustEqual Resource.Quantity("500m") container.lifecycle.get.preStop.get mustEqual ExecAction(List("/bin/sh", "-c", "PID=$(pidof java) && kill $PID && while ps -p $PID > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done")) container.readinessProbe.get.action mustEqual ExecAction(List("/bin/sh", "-c", "./")) container.readinessProbe.get.initialDelaySeconds mustEqual 15 container.readinessProbe.get.timeoutSeconds mustEqual 5 stateSet.spec.get.selector.get.requirements.size mustEqual 4 stateSet.spec.get.selector.get.requirements.find(r => (r.key == "env")) mustEqual Some("env" isNotIn List("dev")) stateSet.spec.get.selector.get.requirements.find(r => (r.key == "domain")) mustEqual Some("domain" is "") // write and read back in again, should be unchanged val json = Json.toJson(stateSet) val readSS = Json.fromJson[StatefulSet](json).get readSS mustEqual stateSet } }
Example 51
Source File: HPASSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.autoscaling import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.math.BigInt import skuber.{Container, ObjectMeta, Pod, ReplicationController} import play.api.libs.json._ import skuber.autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler.CrossVersionObjectReference class HPASSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber HorizontalPodAutoscaler class. ".txt "A HPAS object can be constructed from the object it scales\n" >> { "A HPAS can be constructed from a replication controller" >> { val container=Container(name="example",image="example") val rc=ReplicationController("example", container, Map("app" -> "example")) val hpas=HorizontalPodAutoscaler.scale(rc). withMinReplicas(1). withMaxReplicas(10). withCPUTargetUtilization(80) mustEqual "example" hpas.spec.scaleTargetRef.kind mustEqual "ReplicationController" hpas.spec.maxReplicas must_== 10 hpas.spec.minReplicas must beSome(1) hpas.spec.cpuUtilization mustEqual Some(CPUTargetUtilization(80)) } } "A HPAS object properly writes with zero minReplicas" >> { val hpas=HorizontalPodAutoscaler( metadata = ObjectMeta("example"), spec = HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Spec( scaleTargetRef = CrossVersionObjectReference(name="example") ) ).withMaxReplicas(0).withMinReplicas(0) val writeHPAS = Json.toJson(hpas) (writeHPAS \ "spec" \ "minReplicas").asOpt[Int] must beSome(0) (writeHPAS \ "spec" \ "maxReplicas").asOpt[Int] must beSome(0) } }
Example 52
Source File: ScaleSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.apps import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import skuber.{Container, LabelSelector, ObjectMeta, Pod, ReplicationController, Scale} import play.api.libs.json.Json class ScaleSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber Scale class. ".txt "A Scale object can be constructed from a name and replica count" >> { val scale=Scale.named("example").withSpecReplicas(10) scale.spec.replicas mustEqual Some(10) mustEqual "example" scale.status mustEqual None } "A scale object can be written to Json and then read back again successfully" >> { val scale= Scale( apiVersion="autoscaling/v1", metadata=ObjectMeta(name="example", namespace="na"), spec=Scale.Spec(replicas=Some(10)) ) val readScale = Json.fromJson[Scale](Json.toJson(scale)).get readScale mustEqual scale } "A scale object can be read directly from a JSON string" >> { val scaleJsonStr = """ { "kind": "Scale", "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", "metadata": { "name": "redis-master", "namespace": "default", "selfLink": "/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/redis-master/scale", "creationTimestamp": "2015-12-29T11:55:14Z" }, "spec": { "replicas": 1 }, "status": { "replicas": 1, "targetSelector": "redis-master" } } """ val scale = Json.parse(scaleJsonStr).as[Scale] scale.kind mustEqual "Scale" mustEqual "redis-master" scale.spec.replicas mustEqual Some(1) scale.status mustEqual Some(Scale.Status(replicas=1, selector=None, targetSelector=Some("redis-master"))) } "A scale object can contain NO replicas" >> { val scaleJsonObj = """ |{ | "kind": "Scale", | "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", | "metadata": { | "name": "redis-master", | "namespace": "default", | "selfLink": "/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/redis-master/scale", | "creationTimestamp": "2015-12-29T11:55:14Z" | }, | "spec": { | }, | "status": { | "replicas": 1, | "targetSelector": "redis-master" | } |} """.stripMargin val scale = Json.parse(scaleJsonObj).as[Scale] scale.kind mustEqual "Scale" mustEqual "redis-master" scale.spec.replicas mustEqual None } }
Example 53
Source File: MetricsEndpointsSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.metrics import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{Accept, `Remote-Address`} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentTypes, MediaTypes, RemoteAddress, StatusCodes} import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.Specs2RouteTest import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.routing.Rejection.NotFoundRejection import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MetricsEndpointsSpec extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest { val endpoints = new MetricsEndpoints()(system, system.dispatcher) def remoteAddress(ip: String) = RemoteAddress(InetAddress.getByName(ip)) "The routing infrastructure should support" should { "a call to /metrics to be handled" in { Get("/metrics").withHeaders(`Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beTrue contentType === ContentTypes.`application/json` status must be equalTo (StatusCodes.OK) } } "a call to /metrics should return json" in { Get("/metrics").withHeaders(Accept(MediaTypes.`application/json`), `Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beTrue contentType === ContentTypes.`application/json` } } "a call to /metrics should return an error due to CIDR rules" in { Get("/metrics").withHeaders(Accept(MediaTypes.`application/json`), `Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beFalse rejections.size must beEqualTo(1) rejections.head must be equalTo(NotFoundRejection("The requested resource could not be found")) } } } }
Example 54
Source File: MetricsWriterSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.metrics import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.DefaultMarshallers import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MetricsWriterSpec extends Specification with DefaultMarshallers { val reg = new MetricRegistry() val writer = new MetricsWriter(reg) step { reg.counter("test.counter").inc(10) reg.meter("test.meter").mark(10) reg.timer("test.timer") reg.histogram("test.histogram").update(10) reg.register("test.gauge", new com.codahale.metrics.Gauge[Int] { def getValue: Int = 10 }) reg.counter("jvm.test").inc(20) } "The metrics writer" should { "create json for custom metrics" in { val json = writer.getMetrics(false) val value = json \ "system" \ "metrics" \ "test.counter" value.extract[Int] must be equalTo 10 } "create json for custom and jvm metrics" in { val json = writer.getMetrics(true) val value = json \ "system" \ "metrics" \ "test.counter" value.extract[Int] must be equalTo 10 val value2 = json \ "system" \ "jvm" \ "unkown" \ "jvm.test" value2.extract[Int] must be equalTo 20 } } }
Example 55
Source File: BaseDirectivesSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.Accept import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{MediaType, MediaTypes} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ContentNegotiator, Route, UnacceptedResponseContentTypeRejection} import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.Specs2RouteTest import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class BaseDirectivesSpec extends Specification with BaseDirectives with DefaultMarshallers with Specs2RouteTest { val `application/` = MediaType.custom("application/", false) "The base directives" should { "allow the use of the `acceptableMediaTypes` directive" in { import MediaTypes._ implicit val marsh: ToEntityMarshaller[Seq[String]] = jsonMarshaller implicit val vndMarsh: ToEntityMarshaller[String] = Marshaller.StringMarshaller.wrap(`application/`)(_.toString) val route: Route = path("app-json") { acceptableMediaTypes(`application/json`, `application/`) { complete(Seq()) } } ~ path("app-custom") { acceptableMediaTypes(`application/json`, `application/`) { complete("[]") } } Get("/app-json") .withHeaders(Accept(`application/json`, `application/`)) ~> route ~> check { responseAs[String] === "[]" mediaType === MediaTypes.`application/json` } Get("/app-custom") .withHeaders(Accept(`application/`, `application/json`)) ~> route ~> check { responseAs[String] === "[]" mediaType === `application/` } Get("/app-json").withHeaders(Accept(`text/plain`)) ~> route ~> check { rejection === UnacceptedResponseContentTypeRejection(Set(ContentNegotiator.Alternative(`application/json`), ContentNegotiator.Alternative(`application/`))) } } } "allow for the use of json response type" in { implicit val marsh: ToEntityMarshaller[Seq[String]] = jsonMarshaller Get() ~> { complete(Seq()) } ~> check { mediaType === `application/json` } } "allow for the use of plain response type" in { Get() ~> { complete("[]") } ~> check { mediaType === `text/plain` } } }
Example 56
Source File: CIDRDirectivesSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.directives import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{RemoteAddress, StatusCodes} import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.Specs2RouteTest import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.routing.Rejection.NotFoundRejection import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class CIDRDirectivesSpec extends Specification with CIDRDirectives with Specs2RouteTest { val yeah = complete("Yeah!") def remoteAddress(ip: String) = RemoteAddress(InetAddress.getByName(ip)) "CIDRDirectives" should { "allow call when no allows or denies" in { Get() ~> addHeaders(`Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> { cidrFilter(Seq(), Seq()) { yeah } } ~> check { handled === true status === StatusCodes.OK } } "allow call when no denies, but matches allow" in { Get() ~> addHeaders(`Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> { cidrFilter(Seq(""), Seq()) { yeah } } ~> check { handled === true status === StatusCodes.OK } } "allow call when does not match deny, but matches allow" in { Get() ~> addHeaders(`Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> { cidrFilter(Seq(""), Seq("")) { yeah } } ~> check { handled === true status === StatusCodes.OK } } "disallow call when no denies and does not match allow" in { Get() ~> addHeaders(`Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> { cidrFilter(Seq(""), Seq()) { yeah } } ~> check { handled must beFalse rejections.size must beEqualTo(1) rejections.head must be equalTo(NotFoundRejection("The requested resource could not be found")) } } "disallow call when matches a deny" in { Get() ~> addHeaders(`Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> { cidrFilter(Seq(""), Seq("")) { yeah } } ~> check { handled must beFalse rejections.size must beEqualTo(1) rejections.head must be equalTo(NotFoundRejection("The requested resource could not be found")) } } "disallow because there is no remote address header that has been injected" in { Get() ~> { cidrFilter(Seq(), Seq()) { yeah } } ~> check { handled must beFalse rejections.size must beEqualTo(1) rejections.head must be equalTo(NotFoundRejection("The requested resource could not be found")) } } } }
Example 57
Source File: RoutingHandlerSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.routing import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ContentTypes._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, MalformedRequestContentRejection, MissingCookieRejection, Route} import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.Specs2RouteTest import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.routing.Rejection.DuplicateRejection import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RoutingHandlerSpec extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest with Directives { val handler = new RoutingHandler { def conf = system.settings.config } val dummyRoute = pathPrefix("test") { get { path("duplicate") { reject(DuplicateRejection("test")) } ~ path("malformed") { reject(MalformedRequestContentRejection("test", new Exception("test"))) } ~ path("cookie") { reject(MissingCookieRejection("test")) } ~ path("exception") { throw new NullPointerException("test") } } } "the routing handler" should { "provide custom rejection handlers" in { implicit val rejHandler = handler.rejectionHandler val sr = Route.seal(dummyRoute) Get("/test/duplicate") ~> sr ~> check { status must be equalTo BadRequest responseAs[String] must be equalTo( """{"code":400,"message":"The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.","details":"\"test\""}""") } Get("/test/malformed") ~> sr ~> check { status must be equalTo UnprocessableEntity responseAs[String] must be equalTo( """{"code":422,"message":"The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.","details":"\"test\""}""") } } "use the default rejection handler as a fallback" in { implicit val rejHandler = handler.rejectionHandler val sr = Route.seal(dummyRoute) Get("/test/cookie") ~> sr ~> check { status must be equalTo BadRequest responseAs[String] must be equalTo( """{"code":400,"message":"The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.","details":"Request is missing required cookie 'test'"}""") } } "provide custom exception handlers" in { implicit val exHandler = handler.exceptionHandler val sr = Route.seal(dummyRoute) Get("/test/exception") ~> sr ~> check { status must be equalTo InternalServerError contentType must be equalTo `application/json` responseAs[String] must be equalTo( """{"code":500,"message":"There was an internal server error.","details":"Something bad happened"}""") } } } }
Example 58
Source File: RoutedServiceSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.routing import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, MediaTypes, StatusCodes} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, Route} import akka.testkit.{TestActorRef, TestProbe} import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.Specs2RouteTest import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.{DefaultMarshallers, RejectionResponse} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RoutedServiceSpec extends Specification with Directives with Specs2RouteTest { case class TestEntity(id: Int, name: String) val probe = new TestProbe(system) val httpAct = TestActorRef(Props(new Actor with RoutedService with DefaultMarshallers { def receive = routeReceive }), "http") val svc = httpAct.underlyingActor.asInstanceOf[RoutedService] def echoComplete[T]: T => Route = { x ⇒ complete(x.toString) } "The RoutedService" should { "allow for routes to be added after the system is already loaded" in { // This should create the actor and register the endpoints val r = new RoutedEndpoints { def route = { path("test2") { complete("test2") } } } probe.send(httpAct, AddRoute(r)) probe.expectMsg(RouteAdded) Get("/test2") ~> svc.buildRoute(svc.routes) ~> check { responseAs[String] must be equalTo "test2" } } "respond with UnprocessableEntity for requests resulting in a MalformedFormFieldRejection" in { implicit val unmarsh = svc.jsonUnmarshaller[TestEntity] implicit val rejMarsh = svc.jsonUnmarshaller[RejectionResponse] val postRoute = new RoutedEndpoints { def route = { post { path("test4") { entity(as[TestEntity]) { echoComplete } } } } } probe.send(httpAct, AddRoute(postRoute)) probe.expectMsg(RouteAdded) import svc.defaultJsonFormats val ent = TestEntity(100, "product") Post("/test4", HttpEntity(MediaTypes.`application/json`, svc.serialization.write(ent))) ~> handleRejections(svc.rejectionHandler)(svc.buildRoute(svc.routes)) ~> check { status === StatusCodes.UnprocessableEntity mediaType === MediaTypes.`application/json` responseAs[RejectionResponse] must not beNull } } "respond with RejectionResponse for requests that error out" in { implicit val rejMarsh = svc.jsonUnmarshaller[RejectionResponse] val postRoute = new RoutedEndpoints { def route = { get { path("test5") { ctx => throw new Exception("test") } } } } probe.send(httpAct, AddRoute(postRoute)) probe.expectMsg(RouteAdded) Get("/test5") ~> Route.seal(svc.buildRoute(svc.routes))(svc.routeSettings, exceptionHandler = svc.exceptionHandler, rejectionHandler = svc.rejectionHandler) ~> check { mediaType === MediaTypes.`application/json` responseAs[RejectionResponse] must not beNull } } } }
Example 59
Source File: BaseEndpointsSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.`Remote-Address` import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{RemoteAddress, StatusCodes} import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.Specs2RouteTest import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.routing.Rejection.NotFoundRejection import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class BaseEndpointsSpec extends Specification with Directives with Specs2RouteTest { val endpoints = new BaseEndpoints "The base routing infrastructure" should { "return no content for favicon.ico" in { Get("/favicon.ico") ~> endpoints.route ~> check { status must be equalTo StatusCodes.NoContent } } "support a call to ping" in { Get("/ping") ~> endpoints.route ~> check { responseAs[String] must startWith("pong") status must beEqualTo(StatusCodes.OK) } } "a call to shutdown should return and error due to CIDR rules" in { Post("/shutdown").withHeaders(`Remote-Address`(RemoteAddress(InetAddress.getByName("")))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beFalse rejections.size must beEqualTo(1) rejections.head must be equalTo(NotFoundRejection("The requested resource could not be found")) } } } }
Example 60
Source File: HealthEndpointsSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{Accept, `Remote-Address`} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentTypes, MediaTypes, RemoteAddress, StatusCodes} import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.Specs2RouteTest import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.http.routing.Rejection.NotFoundRejection import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.Future class HealthEndpointsSpec extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest { sequential val endpoints = new HealthEndpoints()(system, system.dispatcher) def remoteAddress(ip: String) = RemoteAddress(InetAddress.getByName(ip)) "The routing infrastructure" should { "support a call to /health" in { Get("/health").withHeaders(`Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beTrue contentType === ContentTypes.`application/json` status must be equalTo (StatusCodes.OK) } } "support a call to /health that should return json" in { Get("/health").withHeaders(Accept(MediaTypes.`application/json`), `Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beTrue mediaType === MediaTypes.`application/json` contentType === ContentTypes.`application/json` } } "a call to /health should return an error due to CIDR rules" in { Get("/health").withHeaders(Accept(MediaTypes.`application/json`), `Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beFalse rejections.size must beEqualTo(1) rejections.head must be equalTo(NotFoundRejection("The requested resource could not be found")) } } "support a call to /health/lb" in { Get("/health/lb").withHeaders(Accept(MediaTypes.`text/plain`), `Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beTrue mediaType === MediaTypes.`text/plain` responseAs[String].equals("UP") } } "support a call to health/lb that returns a status of `Ok` when a health check is marked as degraded" in { Health(system).addCheck(new HealthCheck { override def getHealth: Future[HealthInfo] = Future { HealthInfo("degraded", HealthState.DEGRADED, "") } }) Get("/health/lb").withHeaders(Accept(MediaTypes.`text/plain`), `Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { handled must beTrue mediaType === MediaTypes.`text/plain` status === StatusCodes.OK responseAs[String].equals("UP") } } "support a call to health/lb that returns a status of `ServiceUnavailable` when a health check is marked as critical" in { Health(system).addCheck(new HealthCheck { override def getHealth: Future[HealthInfo] = Future { HealthInfo("critical", HealthState.CRITICAL, "") } }) Get("/health/lb").withHeaders(Accept(MediaTypes.`text/plain`), `Remote-Address`(remoteAddress(""))) ~> endpoints.route ~> check { //handled must beTrue mediaType === MediaTypes.`text/plain` status === StatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable responseAs[String].equals("DOWN") } } } }
Example 61
Source File: SystemShutdownSpec.scala From service-container with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.core import{ActorSystem, Terminated} import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SystemShutdownSpec extends Specification { "SystemShutdown" should { "allow the ActorSystem to be shutdown" in { val sys = ActorSystem() val shut = new SystemShutdown { val system = sys } shut.shutdownActorSystem(false) {} implicit val ec = ExecutionEnv.fromExecutionContext(sys.dispatcher) shut.system.whenTerminated must beAnInstanceOf[Terminated].await sys.whenTerminated.isCompleted must beTrue success } } }
Example 62
Source File: PrefixDomainModelQualifierSpec.scala From play-swagger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.iheart.playSwagger import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class PrefixDomainModelQualifierSpec extends Specification { "isModel with multiple packages" >> { val dmq = PrefixDomainModelQualifier("com.a", "com.b") "returns true if the class is in one of the packages" >> { dmq.isModel("") must beTrue } "returns false if the class is not in any of the packages" >> { dmq.isModel("") must beFalse } } "isModel with no packages" >> { "returns false" >> { val dmq = PrefixDomainModelQualifier() dmq.isModel("") must beFalse } } }
Example 63
Source File: NamingStrategySpec.scala From play-swagger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.iheart.playSwagger import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class NamingStrategySpec extends Specification { "naming strategy" >> { "none" >> { NamingStrategy.from("none")("attributeName") must be("attributeName") } "snake_case" >> { NamingStrategy.from("snake_case")("attributeName") must equalTo("attribute_name") } "kebab-case" >> { NamingStrategy.from("kebab-case")("attributeName") must equalTo("attribute-name") } "lowercase" >> { NamingStrategy.from("lowercase")("attributeName") must equalTo("attributename") } "UpperCamelCase" >> { NamingStrategy.from("UpperCamelCase")("attributeName") must equalTo("AttributeName") } } }
Example 64
Source File: PeopleEncodersSpec.scala From finch-template with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.redbubble.finchtemplate.api.v1.people import com.redbubble.finchtemplate.model.Person import com.redbubble.finchtemplate.util.spec.{FinchTemplateGenerators, SpecHelper} import com.redbubble.util.http.ResponseOps.jsonBuf import com.redbubble.util.json.JsonPrinter._ import io.circe.syntax._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import org.specs2.mutable.Specification final class PeopleEncodersSpec extends Specification with SpecHelper with FinchTemplateGenerators { private implicit val personEncoder = PeopleEncoders.personEncoder val encodePersonProp = new Properties("Person encoding") { property("encode") = forAll(genPerson) { (p: Person) => val expected = parse(s"""{"person":{"name":"${}","birth_year":"${p.birthYear}","hair_colour":"${p.hairColour}"}}""") val actual = parse(jsonToString(p.asJson)) expected must beEqualTo(actual) } } s2"Person can be encoded into JSON$encodePersonProp" private implicit val personResponseEncoder = PeopleEncoders.personResponseEncode val personResponseProp = new Properties("Person JSON response encoding") { property("encode") = forAll(genPerson) { (p: Person) => val expected = parse(s"""{"data":{"person":{"name":"${}","birth_year":"${p.birthYear}","hair_colour":"${p.hairColour}"}}}""") val actual = parse(jsonBuf(p)) expected must beEqualTo(actual) } } s2"Person can be encoded into a response JSON$personResponseProp" private implicit val peopleEncoder = PeopleEncoders.peopleEncoder val encodePeopleProp = new Properties("People encoding") { property("encode") = forAll(genPerson) { (p: Person) => val expected = parse(s"""{"people":[{"name":"${}","birth_year":"${p.birthYear}","hair_colour":"${p.hairColour}"}]}""") val actual = parse(jsonToString(Seq(p).asJson)) expected must beEqualTo(actual) } } s2"People can be encoded into JSON$encodePeopleProp" private implicit val peopleResponseEncoder = PeopleEncoders.peopleResponseEncode val peopleResponseProp = new Properties("People JSON response encoding") { property("encode") = forAll(genPerson) { (p: Person) => val expected = parse(s"""{"data":{"people":[{"name":"${}","birth_year":"${p.birthYear}","hair_colour":"${p.hairColour}"}]}}""") val actual = parse(jsonBuf(Seq(p))) expected must beEqualTo(actual) } } s2"People can be encoded into a response JSON$peopleResponseProp" }
Example 65
Source File: PeopleDecodersSpec.scala From finch-template with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.redbubble.finchtemplate.backends.people import com.redbubble.finchtemplate.model.Person import com.redbubble.finchtemplate.util.spec.{FinchTemplateGenerators, SpecHelper} import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import org.specs2.mutable.Specification final class PeopleDecodersSpec extends Specification with SpecHelper with FinchTemplateGenerators with PeopleApiJson { val decodingProp = new Properties("People decoding") { property("decoding a single person") = forAll(genPerson) { (person: Person) => val json = personJson(person) val decoded = decode(json)(PeopleDecoders.personDecoder) decoded must beRight(person) } property("decoding a list of people") = forAll(genPerson) { (person: Person) => val json = peopleJson(Seq(person)) val decoded = decode(json)(PeopleDecoders.peopleDecoder) decoded must beRight(Seq(person)) } } s2"Decoding people responses$decodingProp" }
Example 66
Source File: SpecHelper.scala From finch-template with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.redbubble.finchtemplate.util.spec import com.redbubble.util.async.singleThreadedFuturePool import com.redbubble.util.json.CodecOps import com.redbubble.util.log.Logger import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.execute.{Failure, Result} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAll trait SpecLogging { final val log = new Logger("finch-template-test")(singleThreadedFuturePool) } object SpecLogging extends SpecLogging trait SpecHelper extends TestEnvironmentSetter with SpecLogging with ScalaCheck with FinchTemplateGenerators with CodecOps with BeforeAll { self: Specification => override def beforeAll(): Unit = setEnvironment() final def fail(message: String, t: Throwable): Result = Failure(message, "", t.getStackTrace.toList) }
Example 67
Source File: EnvironmentSpec.scala From finch-template with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.redbubble.finchtemplate.util.config import com.redbubble.finchtemplate.util.spec.SpecHelper import org.specs2.mutable.Specification final class EnvironmentSpec extends Specification with SpecHelper { val development = Development val test = Test val production = Production "When running tests" >> { "the environment is 'test'" >> { must beEqualTo("test") Environment.env.isTest must beTrue } } "Environment details" >> { "development" >> { mustEqual "development" development.isDevelopment must beTrue development.isTest must beFalse development.isProduction must beFalse } "test" >> { mustEqual "test" test.isDevelopment must beFalse test.isTest must beTrue test.isProduction must beFalse } "production" >> { mustEqual "production" production.isDevelopment must beFalse production.isTest must beFalse production.isProduction must beTrue } } // We instantiate these to ensure they are valid URLs (they're lazy) "Backend URLs" >> { "for development" >> { "are valid" >> { development.peopleApiUrl must not(beNull) } } "for test" >> { "are valid" >> { test.peopleApiUrl must not(beNull) } } "for production" >> { "are valid" >> { production.peopleApiUrl must not(beNull) } } } }
Example 68
Source File: writableHelperTest.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import akka.util.ByteString import import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.http.Writeable import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits override val custom: Seq[(String, ParserWrapper[_])] = Seq( "text/plain" -> any ) } "WrappedBodyParsers" should { "find something" in { WrappedBodyParsers.anyParser[Any] must_== Nil } "not find anything for wrong type" in { binaryString.anyParser[String] must_== Nil } "find something for correct type" in { binaryString.anyParser[BinaryString].size must_== 1 } "find something for every type if target is 'Any'" in { catchAll.anyParser[String].size must_== 1 catchAll.anyParser[BinaryString].size must_== 1 } } } object TestEnvironment { import val transformSeq: Seq[Any] => ByteString = a => ByteString.fromString(a.toString) val transformStr: String => ByteString = ByteString.fromString val seqText: WriteableWrapper[Seq[Any]] = Writeable(transformSeq, Some("text/plain")) val stringText: WriteableWrapper[String] = Writeable(transformStr, Some("text/plain")) val reg = Seq(seqText, stringText) }
Example 69
Source File: AutoFetchingCacheSpec.scala From mules with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.mules.reload import cats.effect.IO import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.mules._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.duration._ class AutoFetchingCacheSpec extends Specification { implicit val ctx = IO.contextShift( implicit val timer = IO.timer( "AutoFetchingCache" should { "get a value in a quicker period than the timeout" in { val setup = for { count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0) cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int](Some(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(1.second)), None)(_ => count.update( _ + 1).as(1) ) value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo") cValue <- count.get } yield (cValue, value) setup.unsafeRunSync must_=== ((1, 1)) } "refetch value after expiration timeout" in { val setup = for { count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0) cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int](Some(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(1.second)), None)(_ => count.update( _ + 1).as(1) ) _ <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo") _ <- timer.sleep(2.seconds) value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo") cValue <- count.get } yield (cValue, value) setup.unsafeRunSync must_=== ((2, 1)) } "refetch value after autoReload timeout" in { val setup = for { count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0) cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int](None, Some(AutoFetchingCache.RefreshConfig(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(500.milliseconds))))(_ => count.update( _ + 1).as(1) ) _ <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo") _ <- timer.sleep(2.seconds) value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo") cValue <- count.get } yield (cValue, value) val (cValue, value) = setup.unsafeRunSync (value must_=== 1).and(cValue >= 4) } "refetch value after autoReload timeout and before default expiration" in { val setup = for { count <- Ref.of[IO, Int](0) cache <- AutoFetchingCache.createCache[IO, String, Int]( TimeSpec.fromDuration(3.second), Some(AutoFetchingCache.RefreshConfig(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(500.milliseconds))))(_ => count.update( _ + 1) *> count.get ) _ <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo") _ <- timer.sleep(2.seconds) value <- cache.lookupCurrent("Foo") cValue <- count.get } yield (cValue, value) val (cValue, value) = setup.unsafeRunSync (value must be >= 4).and(cValue >= 4) } } }
Example 70
Source File: CaffeineCacheSpec.scala From mules with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.mules.caffeine import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.effect._ // import cats.effect.implicits._ import cats.effect.IO import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsIO import io.chrisdavenport.mules.TimeSpec class CaffeineCacheSpec extends Specification with CatsIO { "CaffeineCache" should { "get a value in a quicker period than the timeout" in { val setup = for { cache <-[IO, String, Int](Some(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(1.second)), None, None) _ <- cache.insert("Foo", 1) _ <- Timer[IO].sleep(1.milli) value <- cache.lookup("Foo") } yield value must_=== Some(1)) } "remove a value after delete" in { val setup = for { cache <-[IO, String, Int](None, None, None) _ <- cache.insert("Foo", 1) _ <- cache.delete("Foo") value <- cache.lookup("Foo") } yield value must_=== None) } "Lookup after interval fails to get a value" in { val setup = for { cache <-[IO, String, Int](Some(TimeSpec.unsafeFromDuration(1.second)), None, None) _ <- cache.insert("Foo", 1) _ <- Timer[IO].sleep(2.second) value <- cache.lookup("Foo") } yield value must_=== None) } } }
Example 71
Source File: DispatchOneCacheSpec.scala From mules with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.mules import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.concurrent._ // import cats.effect.implicits._ import cats.effect.IO import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsIO class DispatchOneCacheSpec extends Specification with CatsIO { "DispatchOneCache" should { "only run once" in { for { ref <- Ref[IO].of(0) cache <- DispatchOneCache.ofSingleImmutableMap[IO, Unit, Int](None) action = {_: Unit => Timer[IO].sleep(1.second) >> ref.modify(i => (i+1, i))} first <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action).start second <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action).start third <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action).start _ <- first.join _ <- second.join _ <- third.join testValue <- ref.get } yield testValue must_=== 1 } "only run till errors cease" in { for { ref <- Ref[IO].of(0) errorFunction = ref.modify(i => (i+1, if (i > 3) i.pure[IO] else Timer[IO].sleep(1.second) >> IO.raiseError(new Throwable("whoopsie")))).flatten cache <- DispatchOneCache.ofSingleImmutableMap[IO, Unit, Int](None) first <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), { _ => errorFunction}).start second <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), { _ => errorFunction}).start third <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), { _ => errorFunction}).start _ <- first.join _ <- second.join _ <- third.join testValue <- ref.get } yield testValue must_=== 5 } "insert places a value" in { for { cache <- DispatchOneCache.ofSingleImmutableMap[IO, Unit, Int](None) action = {_: Unit => IO.pure(5)} _ <- cache.insert((), 1) now <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action) } yield { now must_=== 1 } } "insert overrides background action for first action" in { for { cache <- DispatchOneCache.ofSingleImmutableMap[IO, Unit, Int](None) action = {_: Unit => Timer[IO].sleep(5.seconds).as(5)} first <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action).start _ <- cache.insert((), 1) value <- first.join } yield { value must_=== 1 } } "insert overrides background action for secondary action" in { for { cache <- DispatchOneCache.ofSingleImmutableMap[IO, Unit, Int](None) action = {_: Unit => Timer[IO].sleep(5.seconds).as(5)} first <- cache.lookupOrLoad((),action).start second <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action).start _ <- cache.insert((), 1) resultSecond <- second.join _ <- first.cancel.timeout(1.second).attempt.void } yield { resultSecond must_=== 1 } } "insert overrides set value" in { for { cache <- DispatchOneCache.ofSingleImmutableMap[IO, Unit, Int](None) action = {_: Unit => IO.pure(2)} first <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action) _ <- cache.insert((), 1) second <- cache.lookupOrLoad((), action) } yield { (first,second).must_===((2, 1)) } } } }
Example 72
Source File: RepositoriesSpec.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github package endpoints import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsEffect import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RepositoriesSpec extends Specification with CatsEffect { "Repositories" should { "delete correctly" in { val delete = HttpRoutes.of[IO]{ case DELETE -> Root / "repos" / _ / _ => NoContent() } val client = Client.fromHttpApp(delete.orNotFound) io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.Repositories.delete[IO]("foo", "bar", OAuth("")) .run(client) .attempt .map(_ must beRight) } } }
Example 73
Source File: ContentSpec.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.repositories import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsEffect import io.circe.literal._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import org.http4s.circe._ import import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ContentSpec extends Specification with CatsEffect { "Content endpoints" should { val getContent = HttpRoutes.of[IO]{ case GET -> Root / "repos" / _ / _ / "contents" / "file" => val json = json""" { "type": "file", "encoding": "base64", "size": 5362, "name": "", "path": "", "content": "encoded content ...", "sha": "3d21ec53a331a6f037a91c368710b99387d012c1", "url": "", "git_url": "", "html_url": "", "download_url": "", "_links": { "git": "", "self": "", "html": "" } } """ Ok(json) case GET -> Root / "repos" / _ / _ / "contents" / "directory" => val json = json""" [ { "type": "file", "size": 625, "name": "octokit.rb", "path": "lib/octokit.rb", "sha": "fff6fe3a23bf1c8ea0692b4a883af99bee26fd3b", "url": "", "git_url": "", "html_url": "", "download_url": "", "_links": { "self": "", "git": "", "html": "" } }, { "type": "dir", "size": 0, "name": "octokit", "path": "lib/octokit", "sha": "a84d88e7554fc1fa21bcbc4efae3c782a70d2b9d", "url": "", "git_url": "", "html_url": "", "download_url": null, "_links": { "self": "", "git": "", "html": "" } } ] """ Ok(json) } "get content correct if given a file" in { Content.contentsFor[IO]("foo", "bar", "file", None, None) .run(Client.fromHttpApp(getContent.orNotFound)) .attempt .map{_ must beRight} } "get contents correct if given a directory" in { Content.contentsFor[IO]("foo", "bar", "directory", None, None) .run(Client.fromHttpApp(getContent.orNotFound)) .attempt .map{_ must beRight} } } }
Example 74
Source File: TeamsSpec.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsEffect import io.chrisdavenport.github.OAuth import import io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.organizations.Teams.{addOrUpdateTeamRepo} import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class TeamsSpec extends Specification with CatsEffect { "Teams.addOrUpdateRepo" should { "return right on the expected json" in { val client = Client.fromHttpApp( HttpRoutes.of[IO]{ case PUT -> Root / "teams" / _ / "repos" / _ / _ => NoContent() }.orNotFound ) addOrUpdateTeamRepo[IO](3, "foo", "bar", Permission.Admin, OAuth("asdfa")) .run(client) .attempt .map(_ must beRight) } } }
Example 75
Source File: SearchUsersSpec.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsEffect import import io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.utils.PaginatedJsonFiles import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.RequestConstructor.GithubError import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SearchUsersSpec extends Specification with CatsEffect with PaginatedJsonFiles { override def baseUri: Uri = uri"" override def pageFileName: Int => String = page => s"search/users/q_scala_sort_repositories_page_$page.json" override def extractRequest: PartialFunction[Request[IO], Request[IO]] = { case request @ GET -> Root / "search" / "users" => request } "Search.users" should { "be able to fetch multiple pages" in { Search.users[IO]("scala", Some(Sort.Repositories), None, None) .run(Client.fromHttpApp(paginatedEndpoint(numPages = 3))) .take(3) .compile .toList .map { searchResults => searchResults.size mustEqual (3) searchResults.head.totalCount mustEqual (3343) searchResults.head.incompleteResults mustEqual (false) searchResults.head.items.size mustEqual (30) searchResults.head.items.head.login mustEqual ("DefinitelyScala") searchResults.head.items.last.login mustEqual ("ashwanthkumar") searchResults(1).items.size mustEqual (30) searchResults(1).items.head.login mustEqual ("kitlangton") searchResults(1).items.last.login mustEqual ("Andrea") searchResults(2).items.size mustEqual (30) searchResults(2).items.head.login mustEqual ("ryan-williams") searchResults(2).items.last.login mustEqual ("heguangwu") } } "fail when not being able to fetch a page" in { Search.users[IO]("scala", Some(Sort.Repositories), None, None) .run(Client.fromHttpApp(paginatedEndpoint(numPages = 4))) .compile .toList .attempt .map { _ must beLeft(new GithubError(NotFound, "Page does not exist: 4")) } } } }
Example 76
Source File: RateLimitSpec.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.miscellaneous import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsEffect import io.circe.literal._ import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import org.http4s.circe._ import import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RateLimitSpec extends Specification with CatsEffect { "RateLimit" should { "return a valid rate-limit response" in { RateLimit.rateLimit[IO](None) .run(Client.fromHttpApp(rateLimit.orNotFound)) .attempt .map(_ must beRight) } } val rateLimit : HttpRoutes[IO] = HttpRoutes.of { case GET -> Root / "rate_limit" => Ok( json""" { "resources": { "core": { "limit": 5000, "remaining": 4999, "reset": 1372700873 }, "search": { "limit": 30, "remaining": 18, "reset": 1372697452 }, "graphql": { "limit": 5000, "remaining": 4993, "reset": 1372700389 }, "integration_manifest": { "limit": 5000, "remaining": 4999, "reset": 1551806725 } }, "rate": { "limit": 5000, "remaining": 4999, "reset": 1372700873 } } """ ) } }
Example 77
Source File: SearchRepositorySpec.scala From github with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints import cats.effect._ import cats.effect.testing.specs2.CatsEffect import import io.chrisdavenport.github.endpoints.utils.PaginatedJsonFiles import io.chrisdavenport.github.internals.RequestConstructor.GithubError import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.client._ import import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SearchRepositorySpec extends Specification with CatsEffect with PaginatedJsonFiles { override def baseUri: Uri = uri"" override def pageFileName: Int => String = page => s"search/repositories/q_scala_sort_stars_page_$page.json" override def extractRequest: PartialFunction[Request[IO], Request[IO]] = { case request @ GET -> Root / "search" / "repositories" => request } "Search.repository" should { "be able to fetch multiple pages" in { Search.repository[IO]("scala", Some(Stars), None, None) .run(Client.fromHttpApp(paginatedEndpoint(numPages = 3))) .compile .toList .map { searchResults => searchResults.size mustEqual (3) searchResults.head.totalCount mustEqual (82020) searchResults.head.incompleteResults mustEqual (false) searchResults.head.items.size mustEqual (30) mustEqual ("spark") mustEqual ("scala_school") searchResults(1).items.size mustEqual (30) searchResults(1) mustEqual ("TensorFlowOnSpark") searchResults(1) mustEqual ("spark-cassandra-connector") searchResults(2).items.size mustEqual (30) searchResults(2) mustEqual ("sangria") searchResults(2) mustEqual ("json4s") } } "fail when not being able to fetch a page" in { Search.repository[IO]("scala", Some(Stars), None, None) .run(Client.fromHttpApp(paginatedEndpoint(numPages = 4))) .compile .toList .attempt .map { _ must beLeft(new GithubError(NotFound, "Page does not exist: 4")) } } } }
Example 78
Source File: SerializationRoundtripSpec.scala From twitter4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.entities import java.time.Instant import com.danielasfregola.randomdatagenerator.RandomDataGenerator import com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.http.serializers.JsonSupport import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Gen.alphaChar import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.core.Fragment import scala.reflect._ class SerializationRoundtripSpec extends Specification with RandomDataGenerator with JsonSupport { "JSON serialization" should { def roundtripTest[T <: AnyRef: Manifest: Arbitrary]: Fragment = { val className = classTag[T].runtimeClass.getSimpleName s"round-trip successfully for $className" in { val randomEntity = random[T] val serializedJson = Serialization.write[T](randomEntity) val deserializedEntity =[T](serializedJson) deserializedEntity === randomEntity } } roundtripTest[User] } // We serialize dates to second precision implicit val arbitraryDate: Arbitrary[Instant] = Arbitrary { for { timeInSeconds: Long <- Gen.chooseNum(1142899200L, 1512442349L) } yield Instant.ofEpochSecond(timeInSeconds) } implicit val arbitraryProfileImage: Arbitrary[ProfileImage] = Arbitrary { for { prefix: String <- Gen.nonEmptyListOf(alphaChar).map(_.mkString) suffix: String <- Gen.oneOf("_mini", "_normal", "_bigger", "") } yield ProfileImage(s"${prefix}_$suffix.jpg") } }
Example 79
Source File: DeserializationRoundtripSpec.scala From twitter4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.entities import com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.helpers.{FixturesSupport, JsonDiffSupport} import org.json4s.native.Serialization.writePretty import org.json4s.native.{JsonParser, Serialization} import org.json4s.{JNothing, JValue} import org.specs2.matcher.{Expectable, Matcher} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.core.Fragment import scala.reflect._ class DeserializationRoundtripSpec extends Specification with FixturesSupport with JsonDiffSupport { "JSON deserialization" should { def roundtripTest[T <: AnyRef: Manifest](jsonFile: String): Fragment = { val className = classTag[T].runtimeClass.getSimpleName s"round-trip successfully for $className in $jsonFile" in { val originalJson = load(jsonFile) val deserializedEntity =[T](originalJson) val serializedJson = Serialization.writePretty[T](deserializedEntity) originalJson must beASubsetOfJson(serializedJson) } } roundtripTest[User]("/twitter/rest/users/user.json") } def beASubsetOfJson(otherJson: String): Matcher[String] = new Matcher[String] { def apply[S <: String](t: Expectable[S]) = { val alpha: JValue = JsonParser.parse(t.value) val beta: JValue = JsonParser.parse(otherJson) jsonDiff(alpha, beta) match { case diff @ JsonDiff(JNothing, _, JNothing) => success(s"""${t.value} |is a subset of |$otherJson |${renderDiff(diff)} """.stripMargin, t) case diff => failure(s"""${t.value} |is not a subset of |$otherJson |${renderDiff(diff)} """.stripMargin, t) } } private def renderDiff(diff: JsonDiff) = { val changed = { c => s"""Changed: |${writePretty(c)} """.stripMargin } val deleted = { d => s"""Deleted: |${writePretty(d)} """.stripMargin } val added = { a => s"""Added: |${writePretty(a)} """.stripMargin } (changed ++ deleted ++ added).mkString } } }
Example 80
Source File: packageHttpSpec.scala From twitter4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.http import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class packageHttpSpec extends Specification { "Rich String" should { "convert a text to ascii encoding" in { "Ladies + Gentlemen".urlEncoded === "Ladies%20%2B%20Gentlemen" "An encoded string!".urlEncoded === "An%20encoded%20string%21" "Dogs, Cats & Mice".urlEncoded === "Dogs%2C%20Cats%20%26%20Mice" "☃".urlEncoded === "%E2%98%83" } } }
Example 81
Source File: EncoderSpec.scala From twitter4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.util import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class EncoderSpec extends Specification with Encoder { "HmacSha1 Encoder" should { "encode a base and secret as expected" in { val base = "POST&" + "" + "include_entities%3Dtrue%26" + "oauth_consumer_key%3Dxvz1evFS4wEEPTGEFPHBog%26" + "oauth_nonce%3DkYjzVBB8Y0ZFabxSWbWovY3uYSQ2pTgmZeNu2VS4cg%26" + "oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26" + "oauth_timestamp%3D1318622958%26" + "oauth_token%3D370773112-GmHxMAgYyLbNEtIKZeRNFsMKPR9EyMZeS9weJAEb%26" + "oauth_version%3D1.0%26" + "status%3DHello%2520Ladies%2520%252B%2520Gentlemen%252C%2520a%2520signed%2520OAuth%2520request%2521" val secret = "kAcSOqF21Fu85e7zjz7ZN2U4ZRhfV3WpwPAoE3Z7kBw&LswwdoUaIvS8ltyTt5jkRh4J50vUPVVHtR2YPi5kE" toHmacSha1(base, secret) === "tnnArxj06cWHq44gCs1OSKk/jLY=" } "encode a base and secret as expected with callback" in { val base = "POST&" + "" + "oauth_callback%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Flocalhost%252Fsign-in-with-twitter%252F%26" + "oauth_consumer_key%3DcChZNFj6T5R0TigYB9yd1w%26" + "oauth_nonce%3Dea9ec8429b68d6b77cd5600adbbb0456%26" + "oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26" + "oauth_timestamp%3D1318467427%26" + "oauth_version%3D1.0" val secret = "L8qq9PZyRg6ieKGEKhZolGC0vJWLw8iEJ88DRdyOg&" toHmacSha1(base, secret) === "F1Li3tvehgcraF8DMJ7OyxO4w9Y=" } } }
Example 82
Source File: UriHelpersSpec.scala From twitter4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.util import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class UriHelpersSpec extends Specification with UriHelpers { "UriHelpers" should { "extract an endpoint representation" in { "from a uri" in { val uri = Uri("¶m2=daniela") uri.endpoint === "" } "from a uri with explicit port" in { val uri = Uri("") uri.endpoint === "" } } } }
Example 83
Source File: ConfigurationDetectorSpec.scala From twitter4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.danielasfregola.twitter4s.util import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigException} import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.Scope class ConfigurationDetectorSpec extends Specification with Mockito { val myConfigFromEnvVar = "my-configuration-from-env-var" val myConfigFromFile = "my-configuration-from-file" abstract class ConfigurationDetectorSpecContext extends Scope { def config = mock[Config] val variableName = "MY-CONFIG" val configName = "my.config" } trait NoEnvVariable extends ConfigurationDetector { override protected def environmentVariable(name: String) = None } trait WithEnvVariable extends ConfigurationDetector { override protected def environmentVariable(name: String) = Some(myConfigFromEnvVar) } trait NoConfigFromFile extends ConfigurationDetector { override protected def configuration(path: String) = throw new ConfigException.Missing(path) } trait WithConfigFromFile extends ConfigurationDetector { override protected def configuration(path: String) = myConfigFromFile } "ConfigurationDetector" should { "if environment variable exists" in { "if configuration from file does not exists" in { "detect the configuration from the environment variable" in new ConfigurationDetectorSpecContext with WithEnvVariable with NoConfigFromFile { envVarOrConfig(variableName, configName) === myConfigFromEnvVar } } "if configuration from file exists" in { "detect the configuration from the environment variable" in new ConfigurationDetectorSpecContext with WithEnvVariable with WithConfigFromFile { envVarOrConfig(variableName, configName) === myConfigFromEnvVar } } } "if environment variable does not exist" in { "if configuration from file exists" in { "detect the configuration from the configuration file" in new ConfigurationDetectorSpecContext with NoEnvVariable with WithConfigFromFile { envVarOrConfig(variableName, configName) === myConfigFromFile } } "if configuration from file does not exist" in { "throw an exception" in new ConfigurationDetectorSpecContext with NoEnvVariable with NoConfigFromFile { envVarOrConfig(variableName, configName) must throwA[RuntimeException] } } } } }
Example 84
Source File: XMLSpec.scala From scalando with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.jcranky.scalando.cap12 import com.jcranky.scalando.cap11.{Foto, XMLParser} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class XMLSpec extends Specification { "the xml parser" should { "turn the xml into the model class" in { val fotosXml = <rsp stat="ok"> <photos> <photo id="123" owner="jcranky" server="6" title="jcranky test"></photo> </photos> </rsp> new XMLParser().parse(fotosXml.toString()) must_== Seq( Foto(123, "jcranky", 6, "jcranky test")) } } }
Example 85
Source File: ResponseParserSpec.scala From scalando with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ResponseParserSpec extends Specification { "ResponseParser.flickrBoolean" should { "return true for 1" in { ResponseParser.flickrBoolean("1") ==== true } "return false for 0" in { ResponseParser.flickrBoolean("0") ==== false } "return false for 3" in { ResponseParser.flickrBoolean("3") ==== false } } }
Example 86
Source File: HttpClientSpec.scala From scalando with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{GetError, GetResponse} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class HttpClientSpec extends Specification { "the http client" should { "respond with a body" in { new HttpClient().get("") must beRight[GetResponse] } "respond with an error" in { new HttpClient().get("bla-bla") must beLeft[GetError] } } }
Example 87
Source File: XmlFlickrParserSpec.scala From scalando with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import class XmlFlickrParserSpec extends Specification { val config = ConfigFactory.load("test/resources/app-test.conf") "the response parser" should { "get a list of photos" in { val parsed = parseFrom("src/test/resources/flickr/responses/photos-list.xml") parsed should { case res => res should containTheSameElementsAs (List( Foto("29195658220", "28437914@N03", "cfe85ac898", "8457", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195655410", "28437914@N03", "c4e6935947", "8353", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195651850", "28437914@N03", "51449e97fc", "8845", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195648660", "28437914@N03", "2529785ac8", "8537", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("28862292093", "28437914@N03", "0097cc7e69", "8521", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195634910", "28437914@N03", "a4959f2252", "8009", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195632880", "28437914@N03", "ac48c82796", "8289", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195630990", "28437914@N03", "e8077623c9", "8300", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195629640", "28437914@N03", "0b5dcba3b7", "7536", 8, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195627610", "28437914@N03", "cbd39378ef", "7561", 8, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195624830", "28437914@N03", "2e4182f583", "8283", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("28862264913", "28437914@N03", "20b5061be3", "8830", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("28862261533", "28437914@N03", "b847eb1e9f", "8426", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("28862258423", "28437914@N03", "342002b429", "8438", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195617710", "28437914@N03", "30857f493b", "7461", 8, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195614540", "28437914@N03", "08b335036e", "8537", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195611040", "28437914@N03", "173b37d510", "8371", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195605970", "28437914@N03", "9607915a90", "8538", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false), Foto("29195600910", "28437914@N03", "7c21f55703", "8197", 9, "MITO_SettembreMusica2016_Inaugurazione_Milano_high", true, false, false) )) } } "parse the error response" in { val parsed = parseFrom("src/test/resources/flickr/responses/error.xml") parsed should beLeft(FlickrKnownError(100, "Invalid API Key (Key has invalid format)")) } "return unknown error for invalid file" in { val parsed = parseFrom("src/test/resources/flickr/responses/unknown.xml") parsed should beLeft(FlickrUnknownError(ResponseParser.unknownFlickrResp)) } "return unknown error for rsp without err" in { val parsed = parseFrom("src/test/resources/flickr/responses/empty-error.xml") parsed should beLeft(FlickrUnknownError(ResponseParser.errNotFound)) } } def parseFrom(file: String): Either[FlickrError, Seq[Foto]] = { val parser = new XmlFlickrParser() val response = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().mkString("\n") parser.parse(response) } }
Example 88
Source File: FlickrClientSpec.scala From scalando with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import{GetError, GetResponse} import import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigException, ConfigFactory} import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class FlickrClientSpec extends Specification with Mockito { "FlickrClient.fromConfig" should { "work with valid configuration" in { val client = FlickrClient.fromConfig(ConfigFactory.load("app-test.conf")) client !=== null } "fail if some configuration is missing" in { FlickrClient.fromConfig(ConfigFactory.load("acre.conf")) should throwAn[ConfigException] } } "FlickrClient.buscaFotos" should { "ask the httpclient for the photos and pass the response to the response parser" in { val fotos = List(Foto("1", "jcranky", "123", "321", 1, "my pic", true, false, false)) val resp = buscaFotos( Right(GetResponse(200, "fotos-xml-here")), Right(fotos) ) resp should beRight(fotos) } "return a client error if the parser returns a FlickrError" in { val error = FlickrKnownError(100, "Invalid API Key (Key has invalid format)") val resp = buscaFotos( Right(GetResponse(200, "error-xml-here")), Left(error) ) resp should beLeft(ClientError(error.toString)) } } def buscaFotos(httpResp: Either[GetError, GetResponse], parsed: Either[FlickrError, Seq[Foto]]): Either[ClientError, Seq[Foto]] = { val httpClient = mock[HttpClient] val parser = mock[ResponseParser] httpClient.get(any[String]) returns httpResp parser.parse(any[String]) returns parsed val client = new FlickrClient("api-key", "base-url", httpClient, parser) val resp = client.buscaFotos(List("scala")) there was one(httpClient).get(anyString) resp } }
Example 89
Source File: JwtDirectivesSpec.scala From spray-jwt with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.kikuomax.spray.jwt import com.nimbusds.jose.{ JWSAlgorithm, JWSObject } import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet import java.util.Calendar import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, SECONDS } import spray.routing.HttpService import spray.routing.authentication.UserPass import spray.testkit.Specs2RouteTest import JwtClaimBuilder.claimExpiration class JwtDirectivesSpec extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest with HttpService with JwtDirectives { // uses the one provided by spray.testkit override def actorRefFactory = system // implicit execution context implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher // creates signer and verifier val signature = JwtSignature(JWSAlgorithm.HS256, "thisHasGotToBeAtleast32BitsLong.") // claims set builder that builds a claims set valid for one second val oneSecondBuilder: String => Option[JWTClaimsSet] = claimExpiration(Duration(1, SECONDS)) // route that builds a claims set valid for one second val oneSecondRoute = get { def authenticator = jwtAuthenticator(up => Future { })( oneSecondBuilder, signature.jwtSigner, executionContext) def authentication = authenticator(Some(UserPass("user", "pass"))).map { u => Right(u.get) } authenticate(authentication) { jws => complete(jws.serialize()) } } "One second claims set builder" should { "build claims set valid for one second" in { val now = Calendar.getInstance() val expireBefore = now.clone().asInstanceOf[Calendar] expireBefore.add(Calendar.SECOND, 2) // in 2 seconds Get() ~> oneSecondRoute ~> check { val jws = JWSObject.parse(responseAs[String]) val claims = JWTClaimsSet.parse(jws.getPayload().toJSONObject()) // expects claims set // should expire after now but in 2 seconds from `now` claims.getExpirationTime().after(now.getTime()) must beTrue claims.getExpirationTime().before(expireBefore.getTime()) must beTrue } } } }
Example 90
Source File: UtilsSpec.scala From akka-pusher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.dtaniwaki.akka_pusher import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.process.RandomSequentialExecution class UtilsSpec extends Specification with SpecHelper with RandomSequentialExecution { "#byteArrayToString" should { "convert a byte array to a string" in { Utils.byteArrayToString(Array[Byte](10, 11, 12)) === "000000000000000000000000000a0b0c" } } "#md5" should { "generate hex digest md5" in { Utils.md5("foo") === "acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8" } } "#sha256" should { "generate hex digest sha256" in { Utils.sha256("secret", "foo") === "773ba44693c7553d6ee20f61ea5d2757a9a4f4a44d2841ae4e95b52e4cd62db4" } "generate hex digest sha256 of strings with 日本語" in { Utils.sha256("secret", "Digest me 日本語") === "b52446253d26c4bd19c1200e310ddc8ff3678f3422b2df6c47b153209cadec0b" // echo -n "Digest me 日本語" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "secret" } } "#normalizeQuery" should { "make the key lower case" in { Utils.normalizeQuery(Uri.Query(Map("abc" -> "abc", "CDE" -> "CDE"))).toString === "abc=abc&cde=CDE" } "make the order alphabetical" in { Utils.normalizeQuery(Uri.Query(Map("cde" -> "cde", "abc" -> "abc"))).toString === "abc=abc&cde=cde" } } }
Example 91
Source File: PusherMessagesSpec.scala From akka-pusher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.dtaniwaki.akka_pusher import com.github.dtaniwaki.akka_pusher.PusherMessages._ import com.github.dtaniwaki.akka_pusher.attributes.{ PusherChannelsAttributes, PusherChannelAttributes } import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.process.RandomSequentialExecution import spray.json._ class PusherMessagesSpec extends Specification with SpecHelper with RandomSequentialExecution with PusherJsonSupport { "ChannelMessage" in { "#apply" should { "(deprecated) convert the argument type" in { ChannelMessage("channel", Some(Seq("user_count"))) === ChannelMessage("channel", Seq(PusherChannelAttributes.userCount)) } } } "ChannelsMessage" in { "#apply" should { "(deprecated) convert the argument type" in { ChannelsMessage("channel", Some(Seq("user_count"))) === ChannelsMessage("channel", Seq(PusherChannelsAttributes.userCount)) } } } }
Example 92
Source File: CQLHelperSpec.scala From cassandra-util with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.protectwise.cql import org.specs2.mutable.{After, Specification} class CQLHelperSpec extends Specification { "CQLHelper" should { "provide a stringcontext to compose CQL statements" in { cql"foo" must beAnInstanceOf[CQLStatement] } "provide parameter binding" in { val bar=1 val c = cql"foo $bar" c.cqlParts mustEqual Seq("foo ", "") c.rawParams mustEqual Seq(bar) } "handle the In() operator" in { val c = cql"foo ${In(Seq(1,2))} bar" c.cql mustEqual "foo ?,? bar" c.parameters mustEqual Seq(1,2) c.debugString(null) mustEqual "foo 1,2 bar;" } "handle the In() operator with just one value" in { val c = cql"foo ${In(Seq(1))} bar" c.cql mustEqual "foo ? bar" c.parameters mustEqual Seq(1) } "handle an empty In() operator" in { val c = cql"foo ${In(Seq())} bar" c.cql mustEqual "foo bar" c.parameters mustEqual Seq() } "accept an Inline() text" in { val c = cql"foo ${Inline("x")} bar" c.cql mustEqual "foo x bar" c.parameters mustEqual Seq() } "handle a NoArg" in { val c = cql"foo $NoArg bar" c.cql mustEqual "foo bar" c.parameters mustEqual Seq() } "handle .withValues on an In() operator" in { val a = cql"a ${} b ${} c ${} d" val b = a.withValues(1, In(Seq(2,3,4)), 5) b.cql mustEqual "a ? b ?,?,? c ? d" b.parameters mustEqual(Seq(1,2,3,4,5)) } } }
Example 93
Source File: LinkSpec.scala From jsonapi-scala with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.qvantel.jsonapi.model import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import spray.json._ class LinkSpec extends Specification { "handle / in id correctly" >> { val url = "/api/foo%2Fbar/rel" val url1 = s""" |"$url" """.stripMargin.parseJson val url2 = s""" |{ | "href": "$url" |} """.stripMargin.parseJson url1 must be equalTo url1.convertTo[Link].toJson url2 must be equalTo url2.convertTo[Link].toJson url1.convertTo[Link].href.toString(Link.uriConfig) must be equalTo url url2.convertTo[Link].href.toString(Link.uriConfig) must be equalTo url } "handle : in id correctly" >> { val url = "/api/foo%3Abar/rel" val url1 = s""" |"$url" """.stripMargin.parseJson val url2 = s""" |{ | "href": "$url" |} """.stripMargin.parseJson url1 must be equalTo url1.convertTo[Link].toJson url2 must be equalTo url2.convertTo[Link].toJson url1.convertTo[Link].href.toString(Link.uriConfig) must be equalTo url url2.convertTo[Link].href.toString(Link.uriConfig) must be equalTo url } }
Example 94
Source File: SprayExceptionHandlerSpec.scala From jsonapi-scala with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.qvantel.jsonapi.spray import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import _root_.spray.http.StatusCodes._ import _root_.spray.http.{ContentType, MediaTypes} import _root_.spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._ import _root_.spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._ import _root_.spray.json.{JsArray, JsonParser} import _root_.spray.routing.Directives import _root_.spray.testkit.Specs2RouteTest class SprayExceptionHandlerSpec extends Specification with Directives with Specs2RouteTest { class TestSprayExceptionHandler extends SprayExceptionHandler val testSprayExceptionHandler = new TestSprayExceptionHandler private[this] val wrap = handleExceptions(testSprayExceptionHandler.defaultSprayExceptionHandler) val JSON = ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/vnd.api+json`, None) "The spray ExceptionHandler" should { "Respond with InternalServerError and specified error message" in { Get() ~> wrap { failWith(new Exception("Specified error message")) } ~> check { status must_== InternalServerError contentType must_== JSON val json = JsonParser(body.asString) val error = json.extract[JsArray]('errors).elements.headOption[String]('detail)) must beSome("Specified error message") } } "Respond with InternalServerError and default error message" in { Get() ~> wrap { failWith(new Exception) } ~> check { status must_== InternalServerError contentType must_== JSON val json = JsonParser(body.asString) val error = json.extract[JsArray]('errors).elements.headOption[String]('detail)) must beSome(InternalServerError.defaultMessage) } } "None should return 404 with proper error object" in { Get() ~> wrap { val x: Option[String] = None SprayExceptionHandler.noneHandler { complete(x) } } ~> check { status must_== NotFound contentType must_== JSON val json = JsonParser(body.asString) val error = json.extract[JsArray]('errors).elements.headOption[String]('detail)) must beSome(NotFound.defaultMessage)[String]('title)) must beSome(NotFound.reason) } } } }
Example 95
Source File: RelatedResponseSpec.scala From jsonapi-scala with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.qvantel.jsonapi import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import spray.json.{JsArray, JsNull, JsObject} import _root_.spray.json._ import _root_.spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._ class RelatedResponseSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { implicit val apiRoot: com.qvantel.jsonapi.ApiRoot = ApiRoot(None) @jsonApiResource final case class Test(id: String, name: String, age: Int) @jsonApiResource final case class Test2(id: String, name: String, age: Int) val test: Option[Test] = Some(Test("teståöä•Ωé®", "someName", 20)) // test UTF-8 val emptyTest: Option[Test] = None val tests: List[Test] = List(Test("test 1", "someName1", 20), Test("test 2", "someName2", 21)) val emptyTests: List[Test] = List.empty def transformToTest2(in: Test): Test2 = Test2( + "-2",, in.age) "correctly write to one none case" in { RelatedResponse(emptyTest).toResponse must be equalTo JsObject( "data" -> JsNull ) RelatedResponse(emptyTest).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo JsObject( "data" -> JsNull ) } "correctly write to one some case" in { val answer = rawOne(test.get) RelatedResponse(test).toResponse must be equalTo answer RelatedResponse(test.get).toResponse must be equalTo answer val transformedAnswer = rawOne(transformToTest2(test.get)) RelatedResponse(test).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer RelatedResponse(test.get).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer } "correctly write to many empty case" in { RelatedResponse(emptyTests).toResponse must be equalTo JsObject( "data" -> JsArray.empty ) RelatedResponse(emptyTests).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo JsObject( "data" -> JsArray.empty ) } "correctly write to many non-empty case" in { val answer = rawCollection(tests) RelatedResponse(tests).toResponse must be equalTo answer RelatedResponse(tests.toSeq).toResponse must be equalTo answer RelatedResponse(tests.toIterable).toResponse must be equalTo answer RelatedResponse(tests.toSet).toResponse must be equalTo answer val transformedAnswer = rawCollection( RelatedResponse(tests).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer RelatedResponse(tests.toSeq).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer RelatedResponse(tests.toIterable).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer RelatedResponse(tests.toSet).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer } "correctly write sparse fieldsets" in { implicit val sparseFields: Map[String, List[String]] = Map("tests" -> List("age"), "test2s" -> List("age")) val answer = rawOne(test.get) RelatedResponse(test).toResponse must be equalTo answer RelatedResponse(test.get).toResponse must be equalTo answer val transformedAnswer = rawOne(transformToTest2(test.get)) RelatedResponse(test).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer RelatedResponse(test.get).map(transformToTest2).toResponse must be equalTo transformedAnswer } }
Example 96
Source File: WithoutIdSpec.scala From jsonapi-scala with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.qvantel.jsonapi import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import _root_.spray.json._ import _root_.spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._ class WithoutIdSpec extends Specification { implicit val apiRoot: com.qvantel.jsonapi.ApiRoot = ApiRoot(None) @jsonApiResource("normal", "no-id") case class Test(name: String, child: ToOne[Child]) @jsonApiResource case class Child(id: String, name: String, age: Int) "json api resource" should { "work without id" in { val c = Child("test-id", "test-name", 20) val t = Test("test", ToOne.loaded(c)) val primaryJson = """ |{ | "type": "tests", | "attributes": { | "name": "test" | }, | "relationships": { | "child": { | "data": { | "type": "children", | "id": "test-id" | } | } | } |} """.stripMargin.parseJson implicitly[JsonApiWriter[Test]].write(t) must be equalTo primaryJson implicitly[JsonApiWriter[Test]].included(t) must be equalTo Set( implicitly[JsonApiWriter[Child]].write(c).asJsObject) } "work without id and sparse fields" in { val c = Child("test-id", "test-name", 20) val t = Test("test", ToOne.loaded(c)) val sparseFields = Map("tests" -> List("name"), "children" -> List("age")) val primaryJson = """ |{ | "type": "tests", | "attributes": { | "name": "test" | } |} """.stripMargin.parseJson implicitly[JsonApiWriter[Test]].write(t, sparseFields) must be equalTo primaryJson implicitly[JsonApiWriter[Test]].included(t, sparseFields) must be equalTo Set( implicitly[JsonApiWriter[Child]].write(c, sparseFields).asJsObject) } } }
Example 97
Source File: PathToSpec.scala From jsonapi-scala with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.qvantel.jsonapi import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import com.netaporter.uri.dsl._ import _root_.spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._ class PathToSpec extends Specification { implicit val apiRoot = ApiRoot(Some("foo" / "bar")) @jsonApiResource final case class Test(id: String) "apiRoot should be printed to PathTo output" >> { val t = Test("1") PathTo[Test].entity(t) must be equalTo "foo/bar/tests/1" PathToId[Test].self("test") must be equalTo "foo/bar/tests/test" rawOne(t) .fields("data") .asJsObject .fields("links") .asJsObject .fields("self") .convertTo[String] must be equalTo "foo/bar/tests/1" } "root should print out apiRoot" >> { PathTo[Test].root must be equalTo "foo/bar/tests" } }
Example 98
Source File: ListOrderBookCancelingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{OrderCancelRejected, OrderCanceled} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ListOrderBookCancelingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (id, ci, ei) => ListOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ListOrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(ci, id))._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected(ei, id) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) => (ListOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: ListOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => ListOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, }(ListOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) => (ListOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: ListOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => ListOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, }(ListOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, } }
Example 99
Source File: QueueOrderBookCancelingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{OrderCancelRejected, OrderCanceled} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class QueueOrderBookCancelingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (id, ci, ei) => QueueOrderBook.handle( () => ei, QueueOrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(ci, id))._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected(ei, id) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) => (QueueOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: QueueOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => QueueOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, }(QueueOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) => (QueueOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: QueueOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => QueueOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, }(QueueOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, } }
Example 100
Source File: LazyCancelOrderBookTradingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{LimitOrderAdded, OrderCancelRejected, OrderExecuted} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class LazyCancelOrderBookTradingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( LimitOrder.genLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (l, ci, ei) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle( () => ei, LazyCancelOrderBook.empty, AddLimitOrder(ci, l))._2 ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When resting sell limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (buy, id, ci, ei) => (LazyCancelOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, buy))).andThen { case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When resting buy limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (sell, id, ci, ei) => (LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, sell))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When crossing sell limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (buy, id, ci, ei) => (LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, buy))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted(ei, Execution(, buy.price), Execution(id, buy.price)) } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When crossing buy limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (sell, id, ci, ei) => (LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, sell))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted(ei, Execution(id, sell.price), Execution(, sell.price)) } """Given empty book |When cancel order command arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (id, ci, ei) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(() => ei, LazyCancelOrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(ci, id)) ._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected(ei, id) } }
Example 101
Source File: LazyCancelOrderBookCancelingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{OrderCancelRejected, OrderCanceled} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class LazyCancelOrderBookCancelingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (id, ci, ei) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle( () => ei, LazyCancelOrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(ci, id))._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected(ei, id) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) => (LazyCancelOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) => (LazyCancelOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, } }
Example 102
Source File: ListOrderBookTradingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{LimitOrderAdded, OrderCancelRejected, OrderExecuted} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ListOrderBookTradingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( LimitOrder.genLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (l, ci, ei) => ListOrderBook.handle( () => ei, ListOrderBook.empty, AddLimitOrder(ci, l))._2 ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When resting sell limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (buy, id, ci, ei) => (ListOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: ListOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, buy))).andThen { case (ob, _) => ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }(ListOrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When resting buy limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (sell, id, ci, ei) => (ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: ListOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, sell))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }(ListOrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When crossing sell limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (buy, id, ci, ei) => (ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: ListOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, buy))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }(ListOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted(ei, Execution(, buy.price), Execution(id, buy.price)) } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When crossing buy limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (sell, id, ci, ei) => (ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: ListOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, sell))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }(ListOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted(ei, Execution(id, sell.price), Execution(, sell.price)) } """Given empty book |When cancel order command arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (id, ci, ei) => ListOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ListOrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(ci, id)) ._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected(ei, id) } }
Example 103
Source File: QueueOrderBookTradingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{LimitOrderAdded, OrderCancelRejected, OrderExecuted} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class QueueOrderBookTradingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( LimitOrder.genLimitOrder, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (l, ci, ei) => QueueOrderBook.handle( () => ei, QueueOrderBook.empty, AddLimitOrder(ci, l))._2 ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When resting sell limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (buy, id, ci, ei) => ( QueueOrderBook.handle( () => ei, _: QueueOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, buy))).andThen { case (ob, _) => QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }( QueueOrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When resting buy limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (sell, id, ci, ei) => ( QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: QueueOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, sell))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }( QueueOrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded(ei) } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When crossing sell limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (buy, id, ci, ei) => ( QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: QueueOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, buy))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }( QueueOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted(ei, Execution(, buy.price), Execution(id, buy.price)) } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When crossing buy limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (sell, id, ci, ei) => ( QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, _: QueueOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, sell))) .andThen { case (ob, _) => QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, ob, AddLimitOrder(ci, BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }( QueueOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted(ei, Execution(id, sell.price), Execution(, sell.price)) } """Given empty book |When cancel order command arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll( OrderId.genOrderId, CommandInstant.genCommandInstant, EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (id, ci, ei) => QueueOrderBook.handle(() => ei, QueueOrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(ci, id)) ._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected(ei, id) } }
Example 104
Source File: MidpointSeriesSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.dataanalysis import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MidpointSeriesSpec extends Specification { "A MidpointSeries" should { "be properly created from execution data points" in { val t0 = TimestampMinutes.fromDateTime( val t1 = val t2 = val t3 = val t4 = val t5 = val t6 = val executions = Vector( Execution(t0, AskPrice(40), BidPrice(20)), Execution(t1, AskPrice(30), BidPrice(25)), Execution(t1, AskPrice(50), BidPrice(22)), Execution(t4, AskPrice(24), BidPrice(16)), Execution(t4, AskPrice(84), BidPrice(78)), Execution(t4, AskPrice(64), BidPrice(37)), Execution(t6, AskPrice(41), BidPrice(23)) ) val series = MidpointSeries.fromExecution(executions) series.size ==== 7 series.midpointAt(t0).get ==== Midpoint(t0, 30) series.midpointAt(t1).get ==== Midpoint(t1, 31.75) series.midpointAt(t2).get ==== Midpoint(t2, 31.75) series.midpointAt(t3).get ==== Midpoint(t3, 31.75) series.midpointAt(t4).get ==== Midpoint(t4, 50.5) series.midpointAt(t5).get ==== Midpoint(t5, 50.5) series.midpointAt(t6).get ==== Midpoint(t6, 32) series.midpointAt( ==== None } } }
Example 105
Source File: OrderBookTradingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala.orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{CancelOrder, AddLimitOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{OrderCancelRejected, OrderExecuted, LimitOrderAdded} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class OrderBookTradingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(LimitOrder.genLimitOrder) { l => OrderBook.handle(OrderBook.empty, AddLimitOrder(l))._2 ==== LimitOrderAdded } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When resting sell limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId) { (buy, id) => (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(buy))).andThen { case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, AddLimitOrder( SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }(OrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When resting buy limit order arrives |Then LimitOrderAdded """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId) { (sell, id) => (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(sell))).andThen { case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, AddLimitOrder( BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }(OrderBook.empty) ==== LimitOrderAdded } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When crossing sell limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId) { (buy, id) => (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(buy))).andThen { case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, AddLimitOrder( SellLimitOrder(id, Price(buy.price.value - 0.01))))._2 }(OrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted( Execution(, buy.price), Execution(id, buy.price)) } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When crossing buy limit order arrives |Then OrderExecuted """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder, OrderId.genOrderId) { (sell, id) => (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(sell))).andThen { case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, AddLimitOrder( BuyLimitOrder(id, Price(sell.price.value + 0.01))))._2 }(OrderBook.empty) ==== OrderExecuted( Execution(id, sell.price), Execution(, sell.price)) } """Given empty book |When cancel order command arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(OrderId.genOrderId) { id => OrderBook.handle(OrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(id))._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected } }
Example 106
Source File: OrderBookCancelingSpec.scala From Scala-High-Performance-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package highperfscala package orderbook import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder} import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{OrderCanceled, OrderCancelRejected} import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class OrderBookCancelingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck { """Given empty book |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCancelRejected """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(OrderId.genOrderId) { id => OrderBook.handle(OrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(id))._2 ==== OrderCancelRejected } """Given empty book |and buy limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder) { o => (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, CancelOrder( }(OrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled } """Given empty book |and sell limit order added |When cancel order arrives |Then OrderCanceled """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder) { o => (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(o))).andThen { case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, CancelOrder( }(OrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled } }
Example 107
Source File: IntTreeTest.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class IntTreeTest extends Specification { "" should { "confirm that the EmptyTree does not contain any element" in { val instance = Node(5, EmptyTree, EmptyTree) instance.contains(EmptyTree, 5) mustEqual(false) } "confirm that a tree with one element contains that element" in { val instance = Node(1, EmptyTree, EmptyTree) instance.contains(instance, 1) mustEqual(true) } "confirm that a tree with two elements contains both of them" in { val instance = Node(1, EmptyTree, EmptyTree) val instance2 = Node(2, instance, EmptyTree) instance.contains(instance2, 2) mustEqual(true) instance.contains(instance2, 1) mustEqual(true) } "confirm that a tree with multiple elements contains every one of them" in { val instance = Node (3, Node(1, EmptyTree, EmptyTree), Node(2, EmptyTree, EmptyTree)) instance.contains(instance, 1) mustEqual(true) instance.contains(instance, 2) mustEqual(true) instance.contains(instance, 3) mustEqual(true) } "by the way, confirm that case classes allow to easily reference what went into their constructor" in { val instance = Node (3, Node(1, EmptyTree, EmptyTree), Node(2, EmptyTree, EmptyTree)) instance.elem mustEqual 3 instance.left mustEqual(Node(1, EmptyTree, EmptyTree)) instance.right mustEqual(Node(2, EmptyTree, EmptyTree)) } } }
Example 108
Source File: RationalTest.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RationalTest extends Specification { "" should { "compute the sum of rational numbers from 1/1 to 1/10" in { var i = 1 var x = new Rational(0, 1) while (i <= 10) { x += new Rational(1, i) i += 1 } (new Rational(7381, 2520) == x) must beTrue } } }
Example 109
Source File: SetTest.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SetTest extends Specification { "" should { "verify that no element belongs to EmptySet" in { new EmptySet().contains(1) must beFalse } "verify that correct elements belong to NonEmptySet" in { val set = new EmptySet val set1 = set.incl(3) set1.contains(1) must beFalse set1.contains(3) must beTrue } } }
Example 110
Source File: SetTest6.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SetTest6 extends Specification { "" should { "verify that no element belongs to EmptySet" in { new EmptySet6().contains(1) must beFalse } "verify that correct elements belong to NonEmptySet" in { val set = new EmptySet6 val set1 = set.incl(3) set1.contains(1) must beFalse set1.contains(3) must beTrue } "verify that union works as expected" in { val set = new EmptySet6 val set1 = set.incl(3).incl(5).incl(1) val set2 = set.incl(4).incl(2) val set3 = set1.union(set2) set3.contains(1) must beTrue set3.contains(2) must beTrue set3.contains(3) must beTrue set3.contains(4) must beTrue set3.contains(5) must beTrue } "verify that intersection works as expected" in { val set = new EmptySet6 val set1 = set.incl(1).incl(3).incl(4).incl(5) println("set1 = " + set1.toString) val set2 = set.incl(3).incl(4) println("set2 = " + set2.toString) val set3 = set1.intersection(set2) println("set3 = " + set3.toString) println("") set3.contains(1) must beFalse set3.contains(2) must beFalse set3.contains(3) must beTrue set3.contains(4) must beTrue set3.contains(5) must beFalse set3.intersection(set).contains(1) must beFalse } } }
Example 111
Source File: FactorialTest.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class FactorialTest extends Specification { "" should { "calculate factorial" in { new Factorial().factorial(5) mustEqual (120) } } "" should { "calculate factorial but not require stack" in { println("new Factorial().factorialR(5)=" + new Factorial().factorialR(5)) new Factorial().factorialR(5) mustEqual (120) } } }
Example 112
Source File: NewtonTest.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import Math.abs class NewtonTest extends Specification { "" should { "extract square root" in { abs(new Newton().sqrt(4) - 2) must be <= .1 } } "" should { "extract square root better for small numbers" in { abs(new Newton1().sqrt(.01) - .1) must be <= .1 } } "" should { "extract square root with tracing" in { abs(new Newton2().sqrt(.01) - .1) must be <= .1 } } "" should { "also extract sqrt - it is just a rewrite with nested functions" in { abs(new Newton3().sqrt(.01) - .1) must be <= .1 } } "" should { "do the same sqrt, just more concise" in { abs(new Newton4().sqrt(.01) - .1) must be <= .1 } } }
Example 113
Source File: SumTest.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SumTest extends Specification { "" should { "sum the numbers" in { new Sum().sum(x => x, 3, 5) mustEqual 12 } } "" should { "sum squares" in { new Sum().sum(x => x * x, 3, 4) mustEqual 25 } } "" should { "sum the numbers, just be written shorter" in { new Sum1().sum(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 12 } } "" should { "sum the numbers, shorter yet!" in { new Sum2().sum(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 12 } } "" should { "sum the numbers in tail recursive way" in { new Sum3().sum(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 12 } } "" should { "multiply numbers of an interval" in { new Product().product(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 60 } } }
Example 114
Source File: UseOfNullTest.scala From learning-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class UseOfNullTest extends Specification { val days = List("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday") "" should { "distinguish between being passed a null or a non-null" in { new UseOfNull().exampleOfNull(days) mustEqual ("Sunday") new UseOfNull().exampleOfNull(days) mustNotEqual ("Monday") (new UseOfNull().exampleOfNull(null) == null) must beTrue } } "" should { "distinguish between being passed a Nil (empty list) or a non-Nil" in { new UseOfNull().exampleOfNil(days) mustEqual List("Sunday") new UseOfNull().exampleOfNil(Nil) mustEqual Nil } } // TODO this fails // "" should { // "throw 'non implemented' exception" in { // new UseOfNull().notImplemented(1) must throwA[Exception] // } // } }
Example 115
Source File: EitherToResponseTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import bad.robot.temperature._ import import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.{-\/, \/-} class EitherToResponseTest extends Specification { val okResponse = (_: Any) => Ok() "Error mappings" >> { -\/(CrcFailure()).toHttpResponse(okResponse).unsafeRunSync.status must_== InternalServerError -\/(SensorError("???")).toHttpResponse(okResponse).unsafeRunSync.status must_== InternalServerError -\/(UnexpectedError("???")).toHttpResponse(okResponse).unsafeRunSync.status must_== InternalServerError -\/(FailedToFindFile("???")).toHttpResponse(okResponse).unsafeRunSync.status must_== NotFound -\/(FileError(new Exception("???"))).toHttpResponse(okResponse).unsafeRunSync.status must_== InternalServerError } "Success mapping" >> { \/-("Well done").toHttpResponse(okResponse).unsafeRunSync.status must_== Ok } }
Example 116
Source File: TemperaturesTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import java.time.{Clock, Instant, ZoneId} import bad.robot.temperature._ import bad.robot.temperature.rrd.{Host, Seconds} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class TemperaturesTest extends Specification { "Filter out old temperatures" >> { val measurement1 = Measurement(Host("lounge"), Seconds(0), List( SensorReading("28-00000dfg34ca", Temperature(31.1)), SensorReading("28-00000f33fdc3", Temperature(32.8)) )) val measurement2 = Measurement(Host("bedroom"), Seconds(120), List( SensorReading("28-00000f3554ds", Temperature(21.1)), SensorReading("28-000003dd3433", Temperature(22.8)) )) val temperatures = CurrentTemperatures(fixedClock(Instant.ofEpochSecond(300))) temperatures.updateWith(measurement1) temperatures.updateWith(measurement2) val expected = Map( Host("bedroom", None) -> Measurement(Host("bedroom"), Seconds(120), List( SensorReading("28-00000f3554ds", Temperature(21.1)), SensorReading("28-000003dd3433", Temperature(22.8)) )) ) temperatures.all must_== expected } "Filter out old temperatures when averaging" >> { val measurement1 = Measurement(Host("lounge"), Seconds(0), List( SensorReading("28-00000dfg34ca", Temperature(31.1)), SensorReading("28-00000f33fdc3", Temperature(32.8)) )) val measurement2 = Measurement(Host("bedroom"), Seconds(60), List( SensorReading("28-00000f3554ds", Temperature(21.1)), SensorReading("28-000003dd3433", Temperature(22.8)) )) val temperatures = CurrentTemperatures(fixedClock(Instant.ofEpochSecond(300))) temperatures.updateWith(measurement1) temperatures.updateWith(measurement2) val expected = Map( Host("bedroom", None) -> Measurement(Host("bedroom"), Seconds(60), List( SensorReading("Average", Temperature(21.950000000000003)) )) ) temperatures.average must_== expected } def fixedClock(instant: Instant = = Clock.fixed(instant, ZoneId.systemDefault()) }
Example 117
Source File: AllTemperaturesTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import bad.robot.temperature.rrd.{Host, Seconds} import bad.robot.temperature.{Measurement, SensorReading, Temperature} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class AllTemperaturesTest extends Specification { "drain's partially based on time (the most recent 5 seconds are retained)" >> { val temperatures = AllTemperatures() temperatures.put(measurement("A", 0, 20.0, 20.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("B", 1, 21.0, 21.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("C", 2, 22.0, 22.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("D", 3, 23.2, 23.3)) temperatures.put(measurement("E", 4, 24.0, 24.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("F", 5, 25.0, 25.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("G", 6, 26.0, 26.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("H", 7, 27.0, 27.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("I", 8, 28.0, 28.1)) temperatures.put(measurement("J", 9, 29.0, 29.1)) temperatures.drainPartially(Seconds(10)) must containTheSameElementsAs(List( measurement("A", 0, 20.0, 20.1), measurement("B", 1, 21.0, 21.1), measurement("C", 2, 22.0, 22.1), measurement("D", 3, 23.2, 23.3), measurement("E", 4, 24.0, 24.1) )) temperatures.drainPartially(Seconds(20)) must containTheSameElementsAs(List( measurement("F", 5, 25.0, 25.1), measurement("G", 6, 26.0, 26.1), measurement("H", 7, 27.0, 27.1), measurement("I", 8, 28.0, 28.1), measurement("J", 9, 29.0, 29.1) )) temperatures.drainPartially(Seconds(30)) must_== List() } private def measurement(host: String, time: Long, temperatures: Double*) = { Measurement(Host(host), Seconds(time), { case (temperature, index) => SensorReading(s"sensor-$index", Temperature(temperature)) }.toList) } }
Example 118
Source File: ExportEndpointTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import java.time.ZoneId import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time.format.FormatStyle.SHORT import java.util.Locale._ import cats.effect.IO import org.http4s.Method.GET import org.http4s.Status.Ok import org.http4s.implicits._ import org.http4s.{Request, Uri} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scalaz.syntax.either._ class ExportEndpointTest extends Specification { sequential "convert json to csv" >> { val exampleJson = """ |[ | { | "label": "bedroom1-sensor-1", | "data": [ | { | "x": 1507709610000, | "y": "NaN" | }, | { | "x": 1507709640000, | "y": "+2.2062500000E01" | }, | { | "x": 1507709680000, | "y": "+2.2262500000E01" | } | ] | } |] """.stripMargin val expectedCsv = """"Sensor","Time","Temperature","Difference" |"bedroom1-sensor-1","11/10/17 08:13","NaN","0" |"bedroom1-sensor-1","11/10/17 08:14","22.0625","NaN" |"bedroom1-sensor-1","11/10/17 08:14","22.2625","0.20"""".stripMargin val UkDateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(SHORT).withLocale(UK).withZone(ZoneId.of("GMT")) val request = Request[IO](GET, Uri.uri("/temperatures.csv")) val service = ExportEndpoint(exampleJson.right, UkDateTimeFormatter) val response =[String].unsafeRunSync must_== expectedCsv response.status must_== Ok } }
Example 119
Source File: ConnectionTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import bad.robot.temperature._ import bad.robot.temperature.rrd.Host import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ConnectionTest extends Specification { "Encode Json" >> { encode(Connection(Host("box.local", Some("Z"), Some("Europe/London")), IpAddress(""))).spaces2ps must_== """{ | "host" : { | "name" : "box.local", | "utcOffset" : "Z", | "timezone" : "Europe/London" | }, | "ip" : { | "value" : "" | } |}""".stripMargin } }
Example 120
Source File: JsonFileTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import{BufferedWriter, FileWriter} import org.specs2.matcher.DisjunctionMatchers.be_\/- import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class JsonFileTest extends Specification { val exampleJson = """ |[ | { | "label": "bedroom1-sensor-1", | "data": [ | { | "x": 1507709610000, | "y": "NaN" | }, | { | "x": 1507709640000, | "y": "+2.2062500000E01" | }, | { | "x": 1507709680000, | "y": "+2.2262500000E01" | } | ] | } |] """.stripMargin "Load a file" >> { createFile() JsonFile.load must be_\/-(exampleJson) } private def createFile() = { val writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(JsonFile.file)) writer.write(exampleJson) writer.close() } }
Example 121
Source File: DiscoveryServerTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.server import{DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket, InetAddress, InetSocketAddress, Socket => _} import bad.robot.temperature.server.DiscoveryServer.{Quit, ServerAddressRequestMessage, ServerAddressResponseMessage, UnknownRequestResponseMessage} import bad.robot.temperature.server.Socket._ import org.specs2.matcher.DisjunctionMatchers._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scalaz.\/- class DiscoveryServerTest extends Specification { "When the discovery server is started" >> { val server = new Thread(new DiscoveryServer()) server.start() "Server will respond with it's address once pinged" >> { val socket = new DatagramSocket() pingServerOn(ServerAddressRequestMessage, socket) val response = socket.await(30 seconds).map(server => (server.getAddress.getHostAddress, server.payload)) socket.close() response must be_\/- response match { case \/-((ip, message)) if ip == InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress => message must_== ServerAddressResponseMessage case \/-((ip, message)) if ip == "" || ip == "" => message must_== ServerAddressResponseMessage case \/-((ip, _)) => throw new Exception(s"$ip wasn't expected") case _ => throw new Exception("specs2 is a dick") } } "Server response when unknown message is received" >> { val socket = new DatagramSocket() pingServerOn("UNKNOWN_MESSAGE", socket) val response = socket.await(30 seconds).map(_.payload) socket.close() response must be_\/-(UnknownRequestResponseMessage) } step { pingServerOn(Quit, new DatagramSocket()) } } private def pingServerOn(message: String, socket: DatagramSocket) { val server = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost, 8888) val data = message.getBytes socket.send(new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, server)) } }
Example 122
Source File: ConfigFileTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.config import import bad.robot.temperature.ConfigurationError import bad.robot.temperature.config.ConfigFile.loadOrWarn import knobs._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ConfigFileTest extends Specification { "Can be loaded" >> { loadOrWarn(Required(ClassPathResource("example.cfg"))).unsafeRunSync() must beRight } "Retrieve empty list for hosts" >> { loadOrWarn(Required(ClassPathResource("example-empty.cfg"))).unsafeRunSync() must { case config => { config.mode must_== "client" config.hosts must throwA[KeyError] }} } "Retrieve no mode" >> { val config = loadOrWarn(Required(ClassPathResource("bad-example-missing-fields.cfg"))).unsafeRunSync() config must { case config => { config.mode must throwA[KeyError] config.hosts must_== List("one", "two") }} } "Retrieve the values configuration items" >> { loadOrWarn(Required(ClassPathResource("example.cfg"))).unsafeRunSync() must { case config => { config.mode must_== "server" config.hosts must_== List("one", "two") }} } "Example failure messages" >> { import // todo replace with explicit one loadOrWarn(Required(FileResource.unwatched(new File("/foo.cfg")))).unsafeRunSync() must { case error: ConfigurationError => error.details must contain("/foo.cfg (No such file or directory)") } loadOrWarn(Required(FileResource.unwatched(new File(sys.props("user.home"))))).unsafeRunSync() must { case error: ConfigurationError => error.details must contain(s"${sys.props("user.home")} (Is a directory)") } loadOrWarn(Required(ClassPathResource("not/present/temperature-machine.cfg"))).unsafeRunSync() must { case error: ConfigurationError => error.details must contain("not/present/temperature-machine.cfg not found on classpath") } loadOrWarn(Required(ClassPathResource("bad-example.cfg"))).unsafeRunSync() must { case error: ConfigurationError => error.details must contain("expected configuration") } loadOrWarn(Required(ClassPathResource("bad-example-missing-values.cfg"))).unsafeRunSync() must { case error: ConfigurationError => error.details must contain("expected comment, newline, value, or whitespace") } } }
Example 123
Source File: IpAddressTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class IpAddressTest extends Specification { "Valid IP addresses" >> { IpAddress.isIpAddress("") must_== true IpAddress.isIpAddress("") must_== true IpAddress.isIpAddress("") must_== true } "Invalid IP addresses" >> { IpAddress.isIpAddress("fe80:0:0:0:40c3:9f41:82e7:760d%utun1") must_== false IpAddress.isIpAddress("") must_== false IpAddress.isIpAddress("") must_== false IpAddress.isIpAddress("") must_== false IpAddress.isIpAddress("") must_== false IpAddress.isIpAddress("0.0.0.-1") must_== false } "Encode Json" >> { encode(IpAddress("")).spaces2ps must_== """|{ | "value" : "" |}""".stripMargin } }
Example 124
Source File: SchedulerTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.task import{Socket => _} import java.util.concurrent._ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import bad.robot.temperature.task.Scheduler.ScheduledExecutorServiceOps import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.duration._ class SchedulerTest extends Specification { val errorHandler: Throwable => Runnable => Unit = _ => _ => () "Exceptions aren't propagated when wrapped" >> { val handler = Scheduler.wrapWithErrorHandler(() => throw new Exception(), errorHandler) must not(throwA[Exception]) } "Executes at fixed rate" >> { val scheduler = new ScheduledExecutorServiceOps(Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()) val counter = new AtomicInteger(0) scheduler.schedule(1 milliseconds, errorHandler, () => { counter.getAndIncrement() throw new Exception() }) counter.get() must be_>(2).eventually } "Executes at fixed rate without stopping when exceptions are thrown" >> { val scheduler = new ScheduledExecutorServiceOps(Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()) val counter = new AtomicInteger(0) scheduler.schedule(1 milliseconds, errorHandler, () => { counter.getAndIncrement() throw new Exception() }) counter.get() must be_>(2).eventually } }
Example 125
Source File: BarrierTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.Double._ class BarrierTest extends Specification { "No breach" >> { val barrier = Barrier(5) barrier.breached(Temperature(10.23), Temperature(11.22)) must_== false barrier.breached(Temperature(-10.23), Temperature(-10.23)) must_== false barrier.breached(Temperature(0), Temperature(0)) must_== false barrier.breached(Temperature(23.12), Temperature(23.12)) must_== false barrier.breached(Temperature(23.12), Temperature(24.11)) must_== false } "Positive breach" >> { val barrier = Barrier(1) barrier.breached(Temperature(10.23), Temperature(11.24)) must_== true barrier.breached(Temperature(10.24), Temperature(11.23)) must_== false } "Negative breach" >> { val barrier = Barrier(1) barrier.breached(Temperature(-10.23), Temperature(-11.24)) must_== true barrier.breached(Temperature(-10.24), Temperature(-11.23)) must_== false } "NaN" >> { val barrier = Barrier(1) barrier.breached(Temperature(-10.23), Temperature(NaN)) must_== false barrier.breached(Temperature(NaN), Temperature(10.23)) must_== false barrier.breached(Temperature(NaN), Temperature(NaN)) must_== false } }
Example 126
Source File: ArchiveTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.rrd import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class ArchiveTest extends Specification { "Some typical RRA values" >> { val frequency = Duration(30, "seconds") val daily = Archive.apply(aDay, frequency, frequency) val weekHourlyAvg = Archive.apply(aWeek, frequency, anHour) val monthTwoHourlyAvg = Archive.apply(aMonth, frequency, anHour * 2) daily must_== Archive(1, 2880) weekHourlyAvg must_== Archive(120, 168) monthTwoHourlyAvg must_== Archive(240, 360) } "Some typical RRA values (1 min frequency)" >> { val frequency = Duration(1, "minute") val daily = Archive.apply(aDay, frequency, frequency) val weekHourlyAvg = Archive.apply(aWeek, frequency, anHour) val monthTwoHourlyAvg = Archive.apply(aMonth, frequency, anHour * 2) daily must_== Archive(1, 1440) weekHourlyAvg must_== Archive(60, 168) monthTwoHourlyAvg must_== Archive(120, 360) } }
Example 127
Source File: RpnGeneratorTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.rrd import bad.robot.temperature.rrd.RpnGenerator.{Max, Min} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RpnGeneratorTest extends Specification { "generate a RPN string to aggregate sensors (Max)" >> { RpnGenerator.generateRpn(List("bedroom-1"), Max) must_== "bedroom-1,MAX" RpnGenerator.generateRpn(List("bedroom-1", "bedroom-2", "lounge-1"), Max) must_== "bedroom-1,bedroom-2,lounge-1,MAX,MAX" } "generate a RPN string to aggregate sensors (Min)" >> { RpnGenerator.generateRpn(List("bedroom-1"), Min) must_== "bedroom-1,MIN" RpnGenerator.generateRpn(List("bedroom-1", "bedroom-2", "lounge-1"), Min) must_== "bedroom-1,bedroom-2,lounge-1,MIN,MIN" } }
Example 128
Source File: HostTest.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature.rrd import import bad.robot.temperature._ import org.specs2.matcher.DisjunctionMatchers.be_\/- import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class HostTest extends Specification { "Trims to max 20 characters (including the 'sensor-n' postfix)" >> { Host("cheetah.local") must_== Host("cheetah.loc") // aka the host name is equal "cheetah.loc-sensor-1".length must_== 20 } "Doesn't trim" >> { Host("kitchen", None) must_== Host("kitchen", None, None) } "Local host" >> { must_== InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName.take(11) } "Encode Json" >> { encode(Host("local", None, None)).spaces2ps must_== """{ | "name" : "local", | "utcOffset" : null, | "timezone" : null |}""".stripMargin encode(Host("local", Some("+03:00"), Some("Tehran"))).spaces2ps must_== """{ | "name" : "local", | "utcOffset" : "+03:00", | "timezone" : "Tehran" |}""".stripMargin } "Decode Json (what happens if a UTC offset isn't supplied?)" >> { val json = """{ "name" : "local" }""" decodeAsDisjunction[Host](json) must be_\/-(Host("local", utcOffset = None, timezone = None)) } }
Example 129
Source File: AlwaysPassAuthProviderSpec.scala From play-zhewbacca with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.zhewbacca import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class AlwaysPassAuthProviderSpec(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification { val testTokenInfo = TokenInfo("", Scope.Empty, "token type", "user uid", realm = "/employees") "'Always pass' Authorization Provider" should { "accept any tokens and scopes and treat them as valid" in { val authProvider = new AlwaysPassAuthProvider(testTokenInfo) val scope = Scope(Set("any_scope")) val token = Some(OAuth2Token("6afe9886-0a0a-4ace-8bc7-fb96920fb764")) authProvider.valid(token, scope) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenValid(testTokenInfo)).await } } }
Example 130
Source File: ScopeTestSpec.scala From play-zhewbacca with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.zhewbacca import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ScopeTestSpec extends Specification { "in method" should { "return 'true' if this scope is completely in given scope" in { Scope(Set("uid")).in(Scope(Set("uid"))) must beTrue Scope(Set("uid", "cn")).in(Scope(Set("uid", "cn"))) must beTrue Scope(Set("uid")).in(Scope(Set("uid", "cn"))) must beTrue Scope(Set("uid", "cn")).in(Scope(Set("cn", "uid"))) must beTrue } "return 'false' if this scope is partially in given scope" in { Scope(Set("uid", "cn")).in(Scope(Set("uid"))) must beFalse Scope(Set("uid", "cn")).in(Scope(Set("cn", "foo"))) must beFalse } "return 'false' if this scope is not in given scope" in { Scope(Set("uid")).in(Scope(Set("cn"))) must beFalse } } "empty scope" should { "be in any scope" in { must beTrue"uid"))) must beTrue"uid", "another_scope"))) must beTrue Scope(Set("uid", "")).in(Scope(Set("uid"))) must beTrue Scope(Set("uid", "", "")).in(Scope(Set("uid", ""))) must beTrue } } }
Example 131
Source File: SecurityRulesRepositorySpec.scala From play-zhewbacca with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.zhewbacca import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.Configuration import play.api.test.FakeRequest import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class SecurityRulesRepositorySpec extends Specification with Mockito { "SecurityRulesRepository" should { "load rules from default file" in { val provider = mock[AuthProvider] val repository = new SecurityRulesRepository(Configuration(), provider) val expectedRule = ValidateTokenRule(provider, "GET", "/foo", Scope(Set("uid", ""))) repository.get(FakeRequest("GET", "/foo")) must beSome(expectedRule) } "load rules from custom file" in { val provider = mock[AuthProvider] val config = Configuration("authorisation.rules.file" -> "security_custom-security.conf") val repository = new SecurityRulesRepository(config, provider) val expectedRule = ValidateTokenRule(provider, "POST", "/bar.*", Scope(Set("uid"))) repository.get(FakeRequest("POST", "/bar.*")) must beSome(expectedRule) } "raise an error when custom file is not available" in { val authProvider = mock[AuthProvider] val config = Configuration("authorisation.rules.file" -> "this-file-does-not-exist.conf") new SecurityRulesRepository(config, authProvider) must throwA[RuntimeException]("configuration file this-file-does-not-exist.conf for security rules not found") } "allow comments in security rules configuration file" in { val provider = mock[AuthProvider] val config = Configuration("authorisation.rules.file" -> "security_commented.conf") val repository = new SecurityRulesRepository(config, provider) val expectedRule = ValidateTokenRule(provider, "OPTIONS", "/", Scope(Set(""))) repository.get(FakeRequest("OPTIONS", "/")) must beSome(expectedRule) } "raise an error when it cannot parse a configuration file" in { val authProvider = mock[AuthProvider] def config(fileName: String): Configuration = Configuration("authorisation.rules.file" -> fileName) new SecurityRulesRepository(config("security_unknown-http-method.conf"), authProvider) must throwA[RuntimeException] new SecurityRulesRepository(config("security_no-scopes.conf"), authProvider) must throwA[RuntimeException] } "return None if there is no configured rules for given request" in { val authProvider = mock[AuthProvider] val repository = new SecurityRulesRepository(Configuration(), authProvider) repository.get(FakeRequest("GET", "/unknown-uri")) must beNone } "allow explicitly to pass-through or deny a request for a specific URI" in { val authProvider = mock[AuthProvider] val configuration = Configuration("authorisation.rules.file" -> "security_pass-through.conf") val repository = new SecurityRulesRepository(configuration, authProvider) repository.get(FakeRequest("GET", "/foo")).get must beAnInstanceOf[ExplicitlyAllowedRule] repository.get(FakeRequest("GET", "/bar")).get must beAnInstanceOf[ExplicitlyDeniedRule] } } }
Example 132
Source File: RequestValidatorSpec.scala From play-zhewbacca with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.zhewbacca import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.test.FakeRequest import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import class RequestValidatorSpec extends Specification { val testTokenInfo = TokenInfo("", Scope.Empty, "token type", "user uid", realm = "/employees") "Request Validator" should { "provide token information when token is valid" in { val authProvider = new AuthProvider { override def valid(token: Option[OAuth2Token], scope: Scope): Future[AuthResult] = Future.successful(AuthTokenValid(testTokenInfo)) } val result = Await.result(RequestValidator.validate(Scope(Set("uid")), FakeRequest(), authProvider), 1.seconds) result must beEqualTo(Right(testTokenInfo)) } "return HTTP status 401 (unauthorized) when token was not provided" in { val authProvider = new AuthProvider { override def valid(token: Option[OAuth2Token], scope: Scope): Future[AuthResult] = Future.successful(AuthTokenEmpty) } val result = Await.result(RequestValidator.validate(Scope(Set("uid")), FakeRequest(), authProvider), 1.seconds) result must beEqualTo(Left(Results.Unauthorized)) } "return HTTP status 401 (unauthorized) when token is in valid" in { val authProvider = new AuthProvider { override def valid(token: Option[OAuth2Token], scope: Scope): Future[AuthResult] = Future.successful(AuthTokenInvalid) } val result = Await.result(RequestValidator.validate(Scope(Set("uid")), FakeRequest(), authProvider), 1.seconds) result must beEqualTo(Left(Results.Unauthorized)) } "return HTTP status 401 (unauthorized) when Authorization provider has failed" in { val authProvider = new AuthProvider { override def valid(token: Option[OAuth2Token], scope: Scope): Future[AuthResult] = Future.failed(new RuntimeException) } val result = Await.result(RequestValidator.validate(Scope(Set("uid")), FakeRequest(), authProvider), 1.seconds) result must beEqualTo(Left(Results.Unauthorized)) } "return HTTP status 403 (forbidden) in case insufficient scopes" in { val authProvider = new AuthProvider { override def valid(token: Option[OAuth2Token], scope: Scope): Future[AuthResult] = Future.successful(AuthTokenInsufficient) } val result = Await.result(RequestValidator.validate(Scope(Set("uid")), FakeRequest(), authProvider), 1.seconds) result must beEqualTo(Left(Results.Forbidden)) } } }
Example 133
Source File: OAuth2AuthProviderSpec.scala From play-zhewbacca with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.zhewbacca import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class OAuth2AuthProviderSpec extends Specification { "IAM Authorization Provider" should { "accept valid token with necessary scope" in { val tokenInfo = TokenInfo("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d", Scope(Set("uid")), "Bearer", userUid = "1234", realm = "/employees") val request = new OAuth2AuthProvider((token: OAuth2Token) => Future.successful(Some(tokenInfo))).valid( Some(OAuth2Token("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d")), Scope(Set("uid"))) Await.result(request, 1.second) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenValid(tokenInfo)) } "accept token which has many scopes" in { val tokenInfo = TokenInfo("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d", Scope(Set("uid", "cn")), "Bearer", userUid = "1234", realm = "/employees") val request = new OAuth2AuthProvider((token: OAuth2Token) => Future.successful(Some(tokenInfo))).valid( Some(OAuth2Token("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d")), Scope(Set("uid"))) Await.result(request, 1.second) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenValid(tokenInfo)) } "reject token when IAM reports it is not valid one" in { val request = new OAuth2AuthProvider((token: OAuth2Token) => Future.successful(None)).valid( Some(OAuth2Token("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d")), Scope(Set("uid"))) Await.result(request, 1.second) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenInvalid) } "reject token if IAM responses with Token Info for different token" in { val tokenInfo = TokenInfo("986c2946-c754-4e58-a0cb-7e86e3e9901b", Scope(Set("uid")), "Bearer", userUid = "1234", realm = "/employees") val request = new OAuth2AuthProvider((token: OAuth2Token) => Future.successful(Some(tokenInfo))).valid( Some(OAuth2Token("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d")), Scope(Set("uid"))) Await.result(request, 1.second) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenInsufficient) } "reject token with insufficient scopes" in { val tokenInfo = TokenInfo("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d", Scope(Set("uid")), "Bearer", userUid = "1234", realm = "/employees") val request = new OAuth2AuthProvider((token: OAuth2Token) => Future.successful(Some(tokenInfo))).valid( Some(OAuth2Token("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d")), Scope(Set("uid", "seo_description.write"))) Await.result(request, 1.second) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenInsufficient) } "reject non 'Bearer' token" in { val tokenInfo = TokenInfo("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d", Scope(Set("uid")), "Token", userUid = "1234", realm = "/employees") val request = new OAuth2AuthProvider((token: OAuth2Token) => Future.successful(Some(tokenInfo))).valid( Some(OAuth2Token("311f3ab2-4116-45a0-8bb0-50c3bca0441d")), Scope(Set("uid"))) Await.result(request, 1.second) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenInsufficient) } "reject empty token" in { val request = new OAuth2AuthProvider((token: OAuth2Token) => Future.successful(None)).valid( None, Scope(Set("uid"))) Await.result(request, 1.second) must beEqualTo(AuthTokenEmpty) } } }
Example 134
Source File: QueriesSpec.scala From testcontainers-specs2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.testcontainersspecs2 import java.util.UUID import cats.effect._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.postgres.implicits._ import doobie.specs2._ import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class QueriesSpec[F[_]] extends Specification with IOChecker with ForAllTestContainer with UsesPostgreSQLMultipleDatabases { implicit val CS: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( override lazy val transactor: Transactor[IO] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driverName, jdbcUrl, dbUserName, dbPassword ) sequential // afterStart / beforeStop available for actions at the begininning // and end of a particular container session. // In this case we make sure migrations have run before we check the sql statements. override def afterStart(): Unit = { Flyway .configure() .dataSource(jdbcUrl, dbUserName, dbPassword) .load() .migrate () } private case class Person(person_id: UUID, firstName: String, lastName: String) check(sql"SELECT 1".query[Int]) check(sql"SELECT person_id, first_name, last_name FROM persons".query[Person]) }
Example 135
Source File: MigrationsSpec.scala From testcontainers-specs2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.testcontainersspecs2 import cats.effect._ import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MigrationsSpec extends Specification with ForAllTestContainer with UsesPostgreSQLMultipleDatabases { "Migrations should run Correctly" in { IO { Flyway .configure() .dataSource(jdbcUrl, dbUserName, dbPassword) .load() .migrate }.attempt .map(_.isRight) .unsafeRunSync() must_=== true } }
Example 136
Source File: DependenciesSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class DependenciesSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "dependencies draft 4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("dependencies", "draft4") } "dependencies draft 7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("dependencies", "draft7") } }
Example 137
Source File: MinPropertiesSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MinPropertiesSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "minProperties draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("minProperties", "draft4") } "minProperties draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("minProperties", "draft7") } }
Example 138
Source File: SimplePerformanceSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version4 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} class SimplePerformanceSpec extends Specification { import Version4._ def timed(name: String)(body: => Unit) { val start = System.currentTimeMillis() body println(name + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms") } val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) val schemaUrl: URL = getClass.getResource("/issue-99-1.json") val schema: SchemaType = JsonSource.schemaFromUrl(schemaUrl).get val instance: JsValue = Json.parse("""{ "mything": "the thing" }""".stripMargin) timed("preloaded") { for (_ <- 1 to 1000) validator.validate(schema, instance) } timed("url based") { for (_ <- 1 to 1000) validator.validate(schemaUrl)(instance) } }
Example 139
Source File: RefRemoteDraft7Spec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version7 import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RefRemoteDraft7Spec extends Specification with JsonSpec { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) .addSchema( "http://localhost:1234/integer.json", JsonSource.schemaFromStream( getClass.getResourceAsStream("/remotes/integer.json") ).get ) .addSchema( "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json", JsonSource.schemaFromStream( getClass.getResourceAsStream("/remotes/subSchemas.json") ).get ) .addSchema( "http://localhost:1234/folder/folderInteger.json", JsonSource.schemaFromStream( getClass.getResourceAsStream("/remotes/folder/folderInteger.json") ).get ) .addSchema( "http://localhost:1234/name.json", JsonSource.schemaFromStream( getClass.getResourceAsStream("/remotes/name.json") ).get ) "refRemote draft7" in { validate("refRemote", "draft7") } }
Example 140
Source File: NotSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class NotSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "not draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("not", "draft4") } "not draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("not", "draft7") } }
Example 141
Source File: MultipleOfSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MultipleOfSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "multipleOf draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("multipleOf", "draft4") } "multipleOf draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("multipleOf", "draft7") } }
Example 142
Source File: UrlHandlerSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.validators.DefaultFormats import com.eclipsesource.schema.urlhandlers.ClasspathUrlHandler import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.Json class UrlHandlerSpec extends Specification with ErrorHelper { self => "UrlHandlers" should { import Version4._ val clazz = this.getClass // no handler at all "should fail to resolve absolute references on the classpath if not handler available" in { val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) val someJson = clazz.getResourceAsStream("/schemas/my-schema-with-protocol-ful-absolute-path.schema") val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromStream(someJson) validator.validate(schema.get, Json.obj("foo" -> Json.obj("bar" -> "Munich"))) .isError must beTrue } // absolute protocol-ful handler "should resolve absolute references on the classpath with ClasspathUrlProtocolHandler" in { val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)).addUrlHandler(new ClasspathUrlHandler(), ClasspathUrlHandler.Scheme) val someJson = clazz.getResourceAsStream("/schemas/my-schema-with-protocol-ful-absolute-path.schema") val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromStream(someJson) val result = validator.validate(schema.get, Json.obj("foo" -> Json.obj("bar" -> "Munich"))) result.isSuccess must beTrue } "should resolve absolute references on classpath with ClasspathUrlProtocolHandler (version 7)" in { import Version7._ val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7(new SchemaConfigOptions { override def formats: Map[String, SchemaFormat] = DefaultFormats.formats override def supportsExternalReferences: Boolean = true }))).addUrlHandler(new ClasspathUrlHandler(), ClasspathUrlHandler.Scheme) val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "type": "object", | "properties": { | "schema": { | "$ref": "classpath:///refs/json-schema-draft-07.json" | } | } |} """.stripMargin) val result = validator.validate(schema.get, Json.obj("schema" -> Json.obj())) result.isSuccess must beTrue } "should resolve relative references on classpath (valid instance)" in { val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) val url = clazz.getResource("/schemas/my-schema-with-protocol-less-relative-path.schema") validator.validate(url)(Json.obj("foo" -> Json.obj("bar" -> "Munich"))) .isSuccess must beTrue } "should resolve relative references on the classpath (invalid instance)" in { val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) val url = clazz.getResource("/schemas/my-schema-with-protocol-less-relative-path.schema") val res = validator.validate(url)(Json.obj("foo" -> Json.obj("bar" -> 3))) firstErrorOf(res) must beEqualTo("Wrong type. Expected string, was number.") } } }
Example 143
Source File: EnumSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class EnumSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "enum draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("enum", "draft4") } "enum draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("enum", "draft7") } }
Example 144
Source File: UniqueItemsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class UniqueItemsSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "uniqueItems draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("uniqueItems", "draft4") } "uniqueItems draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("uniqueItems", "draft7") } }
Example 145
Source File: DefaultSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class DefaultSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "validate draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("default", "draft4") } "validate draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("default", "draft7") } }
Example 146
Source File: TypeSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class TypeSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "type draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("type", "draft4") } "type draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("type", "draft7") } }
Example 147
Source File: RemoteSpecs.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version4 import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.{Assets, JsonSpec} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.AfterAll import org.specs2.specification.core.Fragments import org.specs2.specification.dsl.Online import play.api.Application import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder import play.api.mvc.DefaultActionBuilder import play.api.test.TestServer class RemoteSpecs extends Specification with JsonSpec with Online with AfterAll { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = { SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)).addSchema( "http://localhost:1234/scope_foo.json", JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "definitions": { | "bar": { "type": "string" } | } |}""".stripMargin ).get ) } def createApp: Application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder() .appRoutes(app => { val Action = app.injector.instanceOf[DefaultActionBuilder] Assets.routes(Action)(getClass, "remotes/") }) .build() lazy val server = TestServer(port = 1234, createApp) def afterAll: Unit = { server.stop Thread.sleep(1000) } def validateAjv(testName: String): Fragments = validate(testName, "ajv_tests") sequential "Validation from remote resources is possible" >> { { server.start Thread.sleep(1000) } must not(throwAn[Exception]) continueWith { validateMultiple( "ajv_tests" -> Seq( "5_adding_dependency_after", "5_recursive_references", "12_restoring_root_after_resolve", "13_root_ref_in_ref_in_remote_ref", "14_ref_in_remote_ref_with_id", "62_resolution_scope_change" ), "draft4" -> Seq("refRemote") ) } } validateAjv("1_ids_in_refs") }
Example 148
Source File: RequiredSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RequiredSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "required draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("required", "draft4") } "required draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("required", "draft7") } }
Example 149
Source File: MaxItemsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MaxItemsSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "maxItems draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("maxItems", "draft4") } "maxItems draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("maxItems", "draft7") } }
Example 150
Source File: AdditionalItemsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsNumber} class AdditionalItemsSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "validate draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("additionalItems", "draft4") } "validate draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("additionalItems", "draft7") } "AdditionalItems" should { import Version7._ val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "items": [{}, {}, {}], | "additionalItems": false |}""".stripMargin).get "no additional items present" in { val data = JsArray(Seq(JsNumber(1), JsNumber(2), JsNumber(3))) SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)).validate(schema, data).isSuccess must beTrue } } }
Example 151
Source File: PatternPropertiesSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class PatternPropertiesSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "patternProperties draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("patternProperties", "draft4") } "patternProperties draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("patternProperties", "draft7") } }
Example 152
Source File: MaximumSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MaximumSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "maximum draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("maximum", "draft4") } "maximum draft7" in { implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) import Version7._ validate("maximum", "draft7") } }
Example 153
Source File: AnyOfSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class AnyOfSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "anyOf draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("anyOf", "draft4") validate("anyOf", "ajv_tests") } "anyOf draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("anyOf", "draft7") } }
Example 154
Source File: PatternSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class PatternSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "pattern draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("pattern", "draft4") } "pattern draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("pattern", "draft7") } }
Example 155
Source File: SchemaReadsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.serialization import com.eclipsesource.schema._ import com.eclipsesource.schema.{JsonSource, SchemaType, SchemaValue} import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.draft7.constraints.{AnyConstraints7, NumberConstraints7, StringConstraints7} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsBoolean, JsString, Json} class SchemaReadsSpec extends Specification { "Schema Reads for draft 4" should { import Version4._ "not fail with match error (#104)" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString(""" |{ | "someProp": {"type": "sting"} |}""".stripMargin) schema.isSuccess must beTrue } "not be able to read boolean schema" in { Json.fromJson[SchemaType](JsBoolean(true)).isError must beTrue } "fail if exclusiveMinimum is not a boolean" in { val result = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ "exclusiveMinimum": 3 }""".stripMargin ) result.asEither must { case error => (error.toJson(0) \ "msgs")[JsArray].value.head == JsString("error.expected.jsboolean") } } } "Schema Reads for draft 7" should { import Version7._ "read boolean schema" in { val booleanSchema = Json.fromJson[SchemaType](JsBoolean(true)).get booleanSchema must beEqualTo(SchemaValue(JsBoolean(true))) } "read compound type with error" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString(""" |{ | "type": ["number", "string"] |}""".stripMargin) schema.isSuccess must beTrue schema.asOpt must beSome.which( _ == CompoundSchemaType( Seq( SchemaNumber(NumberConstraints7().copy(any = AnyConstraints7().copy(schemaType = Some("number")))), SchemaString(StringConstraints7().copy(any = AnyConstraints7().copy(schemaType = Some("string")))) ) ) ) } } }
Example 156
Source File: RefsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.refs import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class RefsSpec extends Specification { "Refs" should { "should define resolution scopes" in { Refs.mergeRefs( Ref("#foo"), Some(Ref("#bar")) ) must beEqualTo(Ref("#foo")) Refs.mergeRefs( Ref("#"), Some(Ref("http://x.y.z/rootschema.json#")) ) must beEqualTo(Ref("http://x.y.z/rootschema.json#")) Refs.mergeRefs( Ref("#foo"), Some(Ref("http://x.y.z/rootschema.json#")) ) must beEqualTo(Ref("http://x.y.z/rootschema.json#foo")) Refs.mergeRefs( Ref("otherschema.json"), Some(Ref("http://x.y.z/rootschema.json#")) ) must beEqualTo(Ref("http://x.y.z/otherschema.json#")) Refs.mergeRefs( Ref("#bar"), Some(Ref("http://x.y.z/otherschema.json")) ) must beEqualTo(Ref("http://x.y.z/otherschema.json#bar")) Refs.mergeRefs( Ref("t/inner.json#a"), Some(Ref("http://x.y.z/rootschema.json#")) ) must beEqualTo(Ref("http://x.y.z/t/inner.json#a")) Refs.mergeRefs( Ref("some://where.else/completely#"), Some(Ref("http://x.y.z/rootschema.json#")) ) must beEqualTo(Ref("some://where.else/completely#")) } } }
Example 157
Source File: ResolveNumberConstraintsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.refs import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.{JsonSource, SchemaType, SchemaValue} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.JsNumber class ResolveNumberConstraintsSpec extends Specification { "draft v4" should { import Version4._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version4) "resolve number constraints" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "type": "integer", | "minimum": 0, | "maximum": 10, | "multipleOf": 2 |}""".stripMargin).get val scope = SchemaResolutionScope(schema) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/minimum", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(0))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/maximum", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(10))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/multipleOf", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(2))) } } "draft v7" should { import Version7._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version7) "resolve number constraints" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "type": "integer", | "minimum": 0, | "maximum": 10, | "multipleOf": 2 |}""".stripMargin).get val scope = SchemaResolutionScope(schema) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/minimum", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(0))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/maximum", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(10))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/multipleOf", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(2))) } } }
Example 158
Source File: ResolveObjectConstraintsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.refs import com.eclipsesource.schema.{JsonSource, SchemaString, SchemaType} import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.draft7.constraints.StringConstraints7 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsBoolean, JsObject, JsString, JsValue} class ResolveObjectConstraintsSpec extends Specification { "draft v4" should { import Version4._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version4) "resolve dependencies constraint" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ |"dependencies": { | "a": "b", | "c": ["d", "e"] | } |}""".stripMargin).get val resolved = resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/dependencies/c/1", SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) must beRight[JsValue](JsString("e")) } "resolve patternProperties constraint" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "patternProperties": { | "^(/[^/]+)+$": {} | } |}""".stripMargin).get val result = resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/patternProperties", SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) must beAnInstanceOf[JsObject] } "should resolve additionalProperties constraint" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "additionalProperties": false |}""".stripMargin).get val result = resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/additionalProperties", SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) must beRight[JsValue](JsBoolean(false)) } } "draft v7" should { import Version7._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version7) "resolve dependencies constraint" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ |"dependencies": { | "a": "b", | "c": ["d", "e"] | } |}""".stripMargin).get val resolved = resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/dependencies/c/1", SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) must beRight[JsValue](JsString("e")) } "resolve patternProperties constraint" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "patternProperties": { | "^(/[^/]+)+$": {} | } |}""".stripMargin).get val result = resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/patternProperties", SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) must beAnInstanceOf[JsObject] } "should resolve additionalProperties constraint" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "additionalProperties": false |}""".stripMargin).get val result = resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/additionalProperties", SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) must beRight[JsValue](JsBoolean(false)) } "should resolve additionalProperties constraint" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "propertyNames": {"maxLength": 3} |}""".stripMargin).get val result = resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/propertyNames", SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaString(StringConstraints7().copy(maxLength = Some(3)))) } } }
Example 159
Source File: ResolveArrayConstraintsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.refs import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.constraints.Constraints.Minimum import com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.draft7.constraints.NumberConstraints7 import com.eclipsesource.schema.{JsonSource, SchemaNumber, SchemaType, SchemaValue} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsBoolean, JsNumber} class ResolveArrayConstraintsSpec extends Specification { "draft v4" should { import Version4._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version4) "resolve array constraints" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "items": { | "type": "integer" | }, | "minItems": 42, | "maxItems": 99, | "additionalItems": false, | "uniqueItems": false |}""".stripMargin).get val scope = SchemaResolutionScope(schema) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/minItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(42))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/maxItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(99))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/additionalItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsBoolean(false))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/uniqueItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsBoolean(false))) } } "draft v7" should { import Version7._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version7) "resolve array constraints" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "items": { | "type": "integer" | }, | "minItems": 42, | "maxItems": 99, | "additionalItems": false, | "uniqueItems": false, | "contains": { | "minimum": 55 | } |}""".stripMargin).get val scope = SchemaResolutionScope(schema) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/minItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(42))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/maxItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(99))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/additionalItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsBoolean(false))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/uniqueItems", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsBoolean(false))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/contains", scope).map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType]( SchemaNumber(NumberConstraints7(Some(Minimum(BigDecimal(55), Some(false))))) ) } } }
Example 160
Source File: ResolveStringConstraintsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.refs import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.{JsonSource, SchemaType, SchemaValue} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, JsString} class ResolveStringConstraintsSpec extends Specification { "draft v4" should { import Version4._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version4) "resolve string constraints" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "type": "string", | "minLength": 1, | "maxLength": 10, | "pattern": "^(\\([0-9]{3}\\))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$" |}""".stripMargin).get val scope = SchemaResolutionScope(schema) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/minLength", scope) .map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(1))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/maxLength", scope) .map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(10))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/pattern", scope) .map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsString("^(\\([0-9]{3}\\))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$"))) } } "draft v7" should { import Version7._ val resolver = SchemaRefResolver(Version7) "resolve string constraints" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "type": "string", | "minLength": 1, | "maxLength": 10, | "pattern": "^(\\([0-9]{3}\\))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$" |}""".stripMargin).get val scope = SchemaResolutionScope(schema) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/minLength", scope) .map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(1))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/maxLength", scope) .map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsNumber(10))) resolver.resolveFromRoot("#/pattern", scope) .map(_.resolved) must beRight[SchemaType](SchemaValue(JsString("^(\\([0-9]{3}\\))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$"))) } } }
Example 161
Source File: DefinitionsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class DefinitionsSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { self => "validate draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("definitions", "draft4") } "validate draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("definitions", "draft7") } }
Example 162
Source File: MinimumSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MinimumSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "minimum draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("minimum", "draft4") } "minimum draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("minimum", "draft7") } }
Example 163
Source File: TinCanSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import scala.util.Try class TinCanSpec extends Specification { self => import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version4 val instance = JsonSource.fromString( """ |{ | "actor": { | "name": "Sally Glider", | "mbox": "mailto:[email protected]" | }, | "verb": { | "id": "", | "display": { "en-US": "experienced" } | }, | "object": { | "id": "", | "definition": { | "name": { "en-US": "Solo Hang Gliding" } | } | } |} """.stripMargin).get "Tin Can Spec" should { import Version4._ def readSchema(filename: String) = JsonSource.schemaFromStream(self.getClass.getResourceAsStream(s"/tincan/$filename.json")).get "validate basic statement object" in { val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) .addSchema("#agent", readSchema("agent")) .addSchema("#group", readSchema("group")) .addSchema("#inversefunctional", readSchema("inversefunctional")) .addSchema("#mbox", readSchema("mbox")) .addSchema("#statement_base", readSchema("statement_base")) .addSchema("#statement_object", readSchema("statement_object")) .addSchema("#verb", readSchema("verb")) .addSchema("#languagemap", readSchema("languagemap")) .addSchema("#activity", readSchema("activity")) .addSchema("#activity_definition", readSchema("activity_definition")) .addSchema("#activityid", readSchema("activityid")) val result = validator.validate(readSchema("statement_base"), instance) result.isSuccess must beTrue } } }
Example 164
Source File: ItemsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.refs.{SchemaRefResolver, SchemaResolutionScope} import com.eclipsesource.schema.internal.validators.ArrayValidator import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, Json} class ItemsSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "validate draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("items", "draft4") } "validate draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("items", "draft7") } "validate array with some invalid items" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "type": "array", | "items": { | "minimum": 3 | } |}""".stripMargin).get val instance = Json.arr(2, 3, 4, 1) val result = validator.validate(schema, instance) result.isError must beTrue result.asEither must { case error => error.toJson.value must haveLength(2) } } "validate array with wrong json type" in { import Version4._ val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "type": "array", | "items": { | "minimum": 3 | } |}""".stripMargin).get.asInstanceOf[SchemaArray] val context = SchemaResolutionContext(SchemaRefResolver(Version4), SchemaResolutionScope(schema)) val result = ArrayValidator.validate(schema, JsNumber(2), context) result.isFailure must beTrue } }
Example 165
Source File: BigNumSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version4 import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.JsNumber class BigNumSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("optional/bignum", "draft4") "Bignum" should { "be an integer" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString(""" {"type": "integer"} """).get val instance = JsNumber(BigDecimal("12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031")) val result = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)).validate(schema)(instance) result.asOpt must beSome.which(_ == JsNumber(BigDecimal("12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031"))) } } }
Example 166
Source File: AdditionalPropertiesSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class AdditionalPropertiesSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "additionalProperties draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("additionalProperties", "draft4") } "additionalProperties draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("additionalProperties", "draft7") } }
Example 167
Source File: MinItemsSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MinItemsSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "minItems draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("minItems", "draft4") } "minItems draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("minItems", "draft7") } }
Example 168
Source File: SchemaSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version4 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SchemaSpec extends Specification { self => "Schema draft v7" should { "validate itself" in { import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version7._ val schema = JsonSource.fromUrl(self.getClass.getResource("/refs/json-schema-draft-07.json")).get val jsonSchema = JsonSource.schemaFromStream(self.getClass.getResourceAsStream("/refs/json-schema-draft-07.json")).get implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator() validator.validate(jsonSchema, schema).isSuccess must beTrue } } "Schema draft v4" should { "validate itself" in { import Version4._ val schema = JsonSource.fromUrl(self.getClass.getResource("/refs/json-schema-draft-04.json")).get val jsonSchema = JsonSource.schemaFromStream(self.getClass.getResourceAsStream("/refs/json-schema-draft-04.json")).get implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator() validator.validate(jsonSchema, schema).isSuccess must beTrue } } }
Example 169
Source File: Issue99Spec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version4 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.Json class Issue99Spec extends Specification { self => "Issue 99 Spec" should { import Version4._ "validate issue 99 test case" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """ |{ | "type": "object", | "properties": { | "mything": { "$ref": "#thing" } | }, | "definitions": { | "thing": { | "id": "#thing", | "type": "string" | } | } |} """.stripMargin).get val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validator.validate(schema, Json.obj( "mything" -> "test" )).isSuccess must beTrue } "validate issue 99-1 test case via URL" in { val schemaUrl = self.getClass.getResource("/issue-99-1.json") val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) val result = validator.validate(schemaUrl)(Json.obj( "mything" -> "test" )) result.isSuccess must beTrue } "not cause stack overflow for issue 99-5 test case via URL" in { val schemaUrl = self.getClass.getResource("/issue-99-5.json") val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) // must terminate validator.validate(schemaUrl)(Json.obj( "mything" -> "test" )).isError must beTrue } } }
Example 170
Source File: OneOfSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class OneOfSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { import Version4._ "oneOf draft4" in { implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("oneOf", "draft4") validate("oneOf", "ajv_tests") } "oneOf draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("oneOf", "draft7") } "oneOf must be array of objects (invalid)" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "oneOf": [ | "#/definitions/foo" | ] |}""".stripMargin) schema.isError must beTrue } "oneOf must be array of objects (valid)" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ | "oneOf": [{ | "$ref": "#/definitions/foo" | }] |}""".stripMargin) schema.isSuccess must beTrue } }
Example 171
Source File: PropertiesSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class PropertiesSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "properties draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("properties", "draft4") } "properties draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("properties", "draft7") } }
Example 172
Source File: ExamplesSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.Version4 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class ExamplesSpec extends Specification { val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) val swaggerSchemaUrl = "/test-schemas/swagger-2.0" private def validateExample(schema: String, url: String) = { val schemaUrl = getClass.getResource(url) val instanceUrl = getClass.getResource(url) val instance = JsonSource.fromUrl(instanceUrl) val result = validator.validate(schemaUrl)(instance.get) result.isSuccess must beTrue result.get must beEqualTo(instance.get) } "Validator" should { "validate petstore-minimal" in { validateExample(swaggerSchemaUrl, "/test-schemas/petstore-minimal.json") } "validate petstore-simple" in { validateExample(swaggerSchemaUrl, "/test-schemas/petstore-simple.json") } "validate petstore-expanded" in { validateExample(swaggerSchemaUrl, "/test-schemas/petstore-expanded.json") } "validate petstore-with-external-docs" in { validateExample(swaggerSchemaUrl, "/test-schemas/petstore-with-external-docs.json") } "validate petstore" in { validateExample(swaggerSchemaUrl, "/test-schemas/petstore.json") } "validate core schema agsinst itself" in { validateExample("/test-schemas/schema", "/test-schemas/schema") } } }
Example 173
Source File: MinLengthSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.JsString class MinLengthSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "validate draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("minLength", "draft4") } "validate draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("minLength", "draft7") } "MinLength" should { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) "validate against numeric strings that are long enough" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ |"minLength": 3 }""".stripMargin).get validator.validate(schema)(JsString("123")).isSuccess must beTrue } "not validate against numeric strings that are too short" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ |"minLength": 3 }""".stripMargin).get validator.validate(schema)(JsString("12")).isError must beTrue } } }
Example 174
Source File: MaxPropertiesSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class MaxPropertiesSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "maxProperties draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("maxProperties", "draft4") } "maxProperties draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("maxProperties", "draft7") } }
Example 175
Source File: MaxLengthSpec.scala From play-json-schema-validator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eclipsesource.schema import com.eclipsesource.schema.drafts.{Version4, Version7} import com.eclipsesource.schema.test.JsonSpec import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json._ class MaxLengthSpec extends Specification with JsonSpec { "maxLength draft4" in { import Version4._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)) validate("maxLength", "draft4") } "maxLength draft7" in { import Version7._ implicit val validator: SchemaValidator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7)) validate("maxLength", "draft7") } "MaxLength" should { import Version4._ "fail with an error in case the string is too long" in { val schema = JsonSource.schemaFromString( """{ |"maxLength": 2 }""".stripMargin).get val json = JsString("foo") val result = SchemaValidator(Some(Version4)).validate(schema)(json) result.isError must beTrue result.asEither must { case error => (error.toJson(0) \ "msgs") == JsDefined(JsArray(Seq(JsString("'foo' exceeds maximum length of 2.")))) } } } }
Example 176
Source File: HostFileConfigSpec.scala From scala-ssh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.decodified.scalassh import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class HostFileConfigSpec extends Specification { "Depending on the host file the HostFileConfig should produce a proper" >> { "PasswordLogin" ! { config("") === Right(HostConfig(PasswordLogin("bob", "123"), "", enableCompression = true)) } "unencrypted PublicKeyLogin" ! { config("") === Right(HostConfig(PublicKeyLogin("alice", "/some/file"), "", port = 30)) } "encrypted PublicKeyLogin" ! { config("") === Right(HostConfig(PublicKeyLogin("alice", "superSecure", "/some/file" :: Nil), "")) } "AgentLogin" ! { config("") === Right(HostConfig(AgentLogin("bob"), "", enableCompression = true)) } "error message if the file is missing" ! { config("").left.get === "Host resources '', 'net' not found, either " + "provide one or use a concrete HostConfig, PasswordLogin, PublicKeyLogin or AgentLogin" } "error message if the login-type is invalid" ! { config("").left.get must startingWith("Illegal login-type setting 'fancy pants'") } "error message if the username is missing" ! { config("").left.get must endWith("is missing required setting 'username'") } "error message if the host file contains an illegal line" ! { config("").left.get must endWith("contains illegal line:\nthis line triggers an error!") } } "The sequence of searched config locations for host ``" should "be as described in the README" ! { HostFileConfig.searchLocations("").toList === "" :: "" :: "" :: "" :: "" :: "" :: "com" :: Nil } val config = HostResourceConfig() }
Example 177
Source File: IsoLListFormatSpec.scala From sjson-new with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sjsonnew package support.spray import spray.json.{ JsArray, JsNumber, JsString, JsObject } import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class IsoLListFormatSpec extends Specification with BasicJsonProtocol { sealed trait Contact case class Person(name: String, value: Option[Int]) extends Contact case class Organization(name: String, value: Option[Int]) extends Contact implicit val personIso: IsoLList.Aux[Person, String :*: Option[Int] :*: LNil] = LList.isoCurried( { p: Person => ("name", :*: ("value", p.value) :*: LNil }) { in => Person( in.find[String]("name").get, in.find[Option[Int]]("value").flatten) } implicit val organizationIso: IsoLList.Aux[Organization, String :*: Option[Int] :*: LNil] = LList.isoCurried( { o: Organization => ("name", :*: ("value", o.value) :*: LNil }) { in => Organization( in.find[String]("name").get, in.find[Option[Int]]("value").flatten) } implicit val ContactFormat: JsonFormat[Contact] = flatUnionFormat2[Contact, Person, Organization]("$type") val p1 = Person("Alice", Some(1)) val personJs = JsObject("$fields" -> JsArray(JsString("name"), JsString("value")), "name" -> JsString("Alice"), "value" -> JsNumber(1)) val c1: Contact = Organization("Company", None) val contactJs = JsObject( "$type" -> JsString("Organization"), "$fields" -> JsArray(JsString("name"), JsString("value")), "name" -> JsString("Company") ) "The isomorphism from a custom type to LList" should { "convert from value to JObject" in { Converter.toJsonUnsafe(p1) mustEqual personJs } "convert from JObject to the same value" in { Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Person](personJs) mustEqual p1 } "convert from a union value to JObject" in { Converter.toJsonUnsafe(c1) mustEqual contactJs } } }
Example 178
Source File: TransactionLedgerEntriesSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.model.ledger.{LedgerEntryChange, TransactionLedgerEntries} import stellar.sdk.model.{Desc, Now} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Try class TransactionLedgerEntriesSpec(ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification { import val last100 = Await.result(PublicNetwork.transactions(cursor = Now, order = Desc), 1.minute).take(100).toList "transaction meta parsing" should { "parse the last 100 without any issues" >> { Try { } must beSuccessfulTry[Seq[TransactionLedgerEntries]] } } "fee ledger entry parsing" should { "parse the last 100 without any issues" >> { Try { last100.flatMap(_.feeLedgerEntries) } must beSuccessfulTry[Seq[LedgerEntryChange]] } } }
Example 179
Source File: FriendBotSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.model.op.AccountMergeOperation import stellar.sdk.model.{Account, AccountId, NativeAmount, TimeBounds, Transaction} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Try class FriendBotSpec(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification { "the test network" should { "allow account funding via friendbot" >> { // #friendbot_example val kp = KeyPair.random val response = // #friendbot_example val r = Await.result(response, 1 minute) // roll it back in, to be a good testnet citizen implicit val n = TestNetwork val giveItBack = for { accn <- n.account(kp) friendbot <- response <- Transaction(accn, maxFee = NativeAmount(100), timeBounds = TimeBounds.Unbounded ).add(AccountMergeOperation( } yield response Await.result(giveItBack, 1 minute) r.isSuccess must beTrue } "be used to serialise a transaction" >> { val accn = KeyPair.fromPassphrase("an account") val sequence = 1 val txn = { // #new_transaction_example implicit val network = TestNetwork val account = Account(AccountId(accn.publicKey), sequence) Transaction(account, maxFee = NativeAmount(100), timeBounds = TimeBounds.Unbounded) // #new_transaction_example } Try(txn.encodeXDR) must beASuccessfulTry[String] } } }
Example 180
Source File: DomainInfoItSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk import okhttp3.HttpUrl import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.model.domain.{DomainInfo, IssuerDocumentation, Validator} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class DomainInfoItSpec(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification { "known stellar.toml files" should { "parse correctly" >> { // #domain_info_example DomainInfo.forDomain("") must beSome( DomainInfo( version = Some("2.0.0"), accounts = List( KeyPair.fromAccountId("GB6NVEN5HSUBKMYCE5ZOWSK5K23TBWRUQLZY3KNMXUZ3AQ2ESC4MY4AQ"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GATL3ETTZ3XDGFXX2ELPIKCZL7S5D2HY3VK4T7LRPD6DW5JOLAEZSZBA"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GCVLWV5B3L3YE6DSCCMHLCK7QIB365NYOLQLW3ZKHI5XINNMRLJ6YHVX"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GCVJDBALC2RQFLD2HYGQGWNFZBCOD2CPOTN3LE7FWRZ44H2WRAVZLFCU"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GAMGGUQKKJ637ILVDOSCT5X7HYSZDUPGXSUW67B2UKMG2HEN5TPWN3LQ"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GDUY7J7A33TQWOSOQGDO776GGLM3UQERL4J3SPT56F6YS4ID7MLDERI4"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GCPWKVQNLDPD4RNP5CAXME4BEDTKSSYRR4MMEL4KG65NEGCOGNJW7QI2"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GDKIJJIKXLOM2NRMPNQZUUYK24ZPVFC6426GZAEP3KUK6KEJLACCWNMX"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GAX3BRBNB5WTJ2GNEFFH7A4CZKT2FORYABDDBZR5FIIT3P7FLS2EFOZZ"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GBEVKAYIPWC5AQT6D4N7FC3XGKRRBMPCAMTO3QZWMHHACLHTMAHAM2TP"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GCKJZ2YVECFGLUDJ5T7NZMJPPWERBNYHCXT2MZPXKELFHUSYQR5TVHJQ"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GBA6XT7YBQOERXT656T74LYUVJ6MEIOC5EUETGAQNHQHEPUFPKCW5GYM"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GD2D6JG6D3V52ZMPIYSVHYFKVNIMXGYVLYJQ3HYHG5YDPGJ3DCRGPLTP"), KeyPair.fromAccountId("GA2VRL65L3ZFEDDJ357RGI3MAOKPJZ2Z3IJTPSC24I4KDTNFSVEQURRA") ), issuerDocumentation = Some(IssuerDocumentation( name = Some("Stellar Development Foundation"), url = Some(HttpUrl.parse("")), github = Some("stellar"), twitter = Some("StellarOrg"), )), validators = List( Validator( alias = Some("sdf1"), displayName = Some("SDF 1"), host = Some(""), publicKey = Some(KeyPair.fromAccountId("GCGB2S2KGYARPVIA37HYZXVRM2YZUEXA6S33ZU5BUDC6THSB62LZSTYH")), history = Some(HttpUrl.parse("")) ), Validator( alias = Some("sdf2"), displayName = Some("SDF 2"), host = Some(""), publicKey = Some(KeyPair.fromAccountId("GCM6QMP3DLRPTAZW2UZPCPX2LF3SXWXKPMP3GKFZBDSF3QZGV2G5QSTK")), history = Some(HttpUrl.parse("")) ), Validator( alias = Some("sdf3"), displayName = Some("SDF 3"), host = Some(""), publicKey = Some(KeyPair.fromAccountId("GABMKJM6I25XI4K7U6XWMULOUQIQ27BCTMLS6BYYSOWKTBUXVRJSXHYQ")), history = Some(HttpUrl.parse("")) ), ) ) ) // #domain_info_example .awaitFor(30.seconds) } } }
Example 181
Source File: TestNetworkJourney.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAfterAll import stellar.sdk.model._ import stellar.sdk.model.op.PaymentOperation import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class TestNetworkJourney(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification with BeforeAfterAll { implicit val network = TestNetwork private val testAccounts = new TestAccounts(4) def beforeAll() = def afterAll() = testAccounts.close() "a client" should { "be able to send a payment" >> { val List(senderKey, recipientKey) = testAccounts.take(2) val response = for { sender <- network.account(senderKey) payment = PaymentOperation(recipientKey.toAccountId, Amount.lumens(2)) txn = Transaction(sender, List(payment), NoMemo, TimeBounds.Unbounded, Amount.lumens(1)) response <- txn.sign(senderKey).submit() } yield response must beTrue.await(0, 1.minute) } "be able to fee bump a v0 transaction" >> { val List(senderKey, recipientKey) = testAccounts.take(2) val sender = Await.result(network.account((senderKey)), 10.seconds) val payment = PaymentOperation(recipientKey.toAccountId, Amount.lumens(2)) val signedTransaction = Transaction(sender, List(payment), NoMemo, TimeBounds.Unbounded, NativeAmount(100)) .sign(senderKey) val parsedV0Txn: SignedTransaction = val bumpedTxn = parsedV0Txn.bumpFee(NativeAmount(500), recipientKey) val response = Await.result(bumpedTxn.submit(), 20.seconds) response.isSuccess must beTrue } } }
Example 182
Source File: FederationLookupSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.model.response.FederationResponse import scala.concurrent.duration._ class FederationLookupSpec(implicit ec: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification { "federation server lookup" should { "find result by name" >> { FederationServer("") .byName("jem*") must beSome( FederationResponse( address = "jem*", account = KeyPair.fromAccountId("GBRAZP7U3SPHZ2FWOJLHPBO3XABZLKHNF6V5PUIJEEK6JEBKGXWD2IIE") )).awaitFor(10.seconds) } } }
Example 183
Source File: PaymentPathSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.{JsonMethods, Serialization} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.ArbitraryInput class PaymentPathSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput { implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + PaymentPathDeserializer "a payment path response document" should { "parse to a payment path" >> prop { path: PaymentPath => def amountJson(prefix: String, amount: Amount) = s""" |"${prefix}amount": "${amount.toDisplayUnits}", |${assetJson(prefix, amount.asset)} """.stripMargin def assetJson(prefix: String, asset: Asset) = { asset match { case NativeAsset => s""""${prefix}asset_type": "native"""" case issuedAsset: NonNativeAsset => s""" |"${prefix}asset_type": "${issuedAsset.typeString}", |"${prefix}asset_code": "${issuedAsset.code}", |"${prefix}asset_issuer": "${issuedAsset.issuer.accountId}" """.stripMargin } } val json = s""" |{ | ${amountJson("source_", path.source)}, | ${amountJson("destination_", path.destination)}, | "path": ${ => s"{${assetJson("", j)}}").mkString("[", ",", "]")} |} """.stripMargin JsonMethods.parse(json).extract[PaymentPath] mustEqual path } } "the underlying amount parser" should { "not parse unrecognised asset type" >> { val doc = """{"foo_asset_type":"bananas"}""" AmountParser.parseAsset("foo_", JsonMethods.parse(doc)) must throwA[RuntimeException] } } }
Example 184
Source File: StrKeySpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class StrKeySpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers { "strkey" should { "encode and decode to same" >> prop { key: StrKey => val string = key.encodeToChars.mkString StrKey.decodeFromString(string) must beEquivalentTo(key) } "fail to decode if any char is > 127" >> { StrKey.decodeFromString("welcome to the 草叢") must throwAn[AssertionError] } } }
Example 185
Source File: TradeSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.ArbitraryInput import stellar.sdk.model.op.JsonSnippets class TradeSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with JsonSnippets { implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TradeDeserializer "trade" should { "parse from json" >> prop { trade: Trade => val doc = s""" |{ | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "base": {"href": ""}, | "counter": {"href": ""}, | "operation": {"href": ""} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "38583306127675393-2", | "ledger_close_time": "${formatter.format(trade.ledgerCloseTime)}", | "offer_id": "${trade.offerId}", | "base_offer_id": "${trade.baseOfferId}", | "base_account": "${trade.baseAccount.accountId}", | ${amountDocPortion(trade.baseAmount, "base_amount", "base_")} | ${amountDocPortion(trade.counterAmount, "counter_amount", "counter_")} | "counter_account": "${trade.counterAccount.accountId}", | "counter_offer_id": "${trade.counterOfferId}", | "base_is_seller": ${trade.baseIsSeller} |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Trade] mustEqual trade } } }
Example 186
Source File: TransactionLedgerEntriesSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.ledger import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.util.{Failure, Try} class TransactionLedgerEntriesSpec extends Specification with LedgerEntryGenerators with LazyLogging { "a ledger entry" should { "serde to/from XDR" >> prop { entries: TransactionLedgerEntries => val triedEntries = Try( triedEntries match { case Failure(_) => logger.error(s"Failed to decode $entries") case _ => } triedEntries must beSuccessfulTry(entries) } } }
Example 187
Source File: LedgerEntrySpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.ledger import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.util.{Failure, Try} class LedgerEntrySpec extends Specification with LedgerEntryGenerators with LazyLogging { "a ledger entry" should { "serde to/from XDR" >> prop { entry: LedgerEntry => val triedEntry = Try( triedEntry match { case Failure(_) => logger.error(s"Failed to decode $entry") case _ => } triedEntry must beSuccessfulTry(entry) } } }
Example 188
Source File: LedgerEntryChangeSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.ledger import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.util.{Failure, Try} class LedgerEntryChangeSpec extends Specification with LedgerEntryGenerators with LazyLogging { "a ledger entry change" should { "serde to/from XDR" >> prop { change: LedgerEntryChange => val triedChange = Try( triedChange match { case Failure(_) => logger.error(s"Failed to decode $change") case _ => } triedChange must beSuccessfulTry(change) } } }
Example 189
Source File: AccountMergeOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers, KeyPair} class AccountMergeOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[AccountMergeOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genAccountMergeOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "account merge operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: AccountMergeOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: AccountMergeOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[AccountMergeOperation] => val doc = s""" | { | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account":"${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type_i": 8, | "type": "account_merge" | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | "account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "into": "${KeyPair.fromPublicKey(op.operation.destination.hash).accountId}", |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[AccountMergeOperation]] mustEqual op }.setGen(genTransacted(genAccountMergeOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 190
Source File: SetOptionsOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class SetOptionsOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[SetOptionsOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genSetOptionsOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "set options operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: SetOptionsOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: SetOptionsOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded must beEquivalentTo(actual) remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[SetOptionsOperation] => val doc = s""" |{ | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659137"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659137"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | ${opt("inflation_dest",} | ${opt("home_domain", op.operation.homeDomain)} | ${opt("master_key_weight", op.operation.masterKeyWeight)} | ${opt("signer_key",} | ${opt("signer_weight",} | ${opt("set_flags",} | ${opt("set_flags_s",} | ${opt("clear_flags",} | ${opt("clear_flags_s",} | ${opt("low_threshold", op.operation.lowThreshold)} | ${opt("med_threshold", op.operation.mediumThreshold)} | ${opt("high_threshold", op.operation.highThreshold)} | "type": "set_options", | "type_i": 5, |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[SetOptionsOperation]] must beEquivalentTo(op) }.setGen(genTransacted(genSetOptionsOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 191
Source File: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.{Formats, NoTypeHints} import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genPathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation)) implicit val formats: Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "path payment operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation] => val doc = s""" |{ | "_links":{ | "self":{"href":""}, | "transaction":{"href":""}, | "effects":{"href":""}, | "succeeds":{"href":""}, | "precedes":{"href":""} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type":"path_payment", | "type_i":2, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | ${amountDocPortion(op.operation.destinationAmount)} | ${amountDocPortion(op.operation.sendMax, "source_max", "source_")} | "from":"${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "to":"${op.operation.destinationAccount.publicKey.accountId}", | "path":[${if (op.operation.path.isEmpty) "" else"{", "},{", "}")}] |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[Operation]] mustEqual removeDestinationSubAccountId(op) }.setGen(genTransacted(genPathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } // Because sub accounts are not yet supported in Horizon JSON. private def removeDestinationSubAccountId(op: Transacted[PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation]): Transacted[PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation] = { op.copy(operation = op.operation.copy(destinationAccount = op.operation.destinationAccount.copy(subAccountId = None))) } }
Example 192
Source File: CreateAccountOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.{Formats, NoTypeHints} import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class CreateAccountOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[CreateAccountOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genCreateAccountOperation)) implicit val formats: Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer + OperationDeserializer "create account operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: CreateAccountOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: CreateAccountOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "be parsed from json " >> prop { op: Transacted[CreateAccountOperation] => val doc = s""" |{ | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659137"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659137"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "create_account", | "type_i": 0, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | "starting_balance": "${amountString(op.operation.startingBalance)}", | "funder": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "account": "${op.operation.destinationAccount.publicKey.accountId}" |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[CreateAccountOperation]] mustEqual removeDestinationSubAccountId(op) }.setGen(genTransacted(genCreateAccountOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } // Because sub accounts are not yet supported in Horizon JSON. private def removeDestinationSubAccountId(op: Transacted[CreateAccountOperation]): Transacted[CreateAccountOperation] = { op.copy(operation = op.operation.copy(destinationAccount = op.operation.destinationAccount.copy(subAccountId = None))) } }
Example 193
Source File: InflationOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class InflationOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[InflationOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genInflationOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "the inflation operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: InflationOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) mustEqual actual } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: InflationOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[InflationOperation] => val doc = s""" | { | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "inflation", | "type_i": 9, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[InflationOperation]] mustEqual op }.setGen(genTransacted(genInflationOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 194
Source File: BumpSequenceOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class BumpSequenceOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[BumpSequenceOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genBumpSequenceOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "bump sequence operation" should { "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: BumpSequenceOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: BumpSequenceOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(ByteArrays.base64(actual.encode)) mustEqual actual } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[BumpSequenceOperation] => val doc = s""" | { | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "bump_sequence", | "type_i": 11, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | "bump_to": ${op.operation.bumpTo} |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[BumpSequenceOperation]] mustEqual op }.setGen(genTransacted(genBumpSequenceOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 195
Source File: CreatePassiveSellOfferOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class CreatePassiveSellOfferOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[CreatePassiveSellOfferOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genCreatePassiveSellOfferOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer + OperationDeserializer "create passive offer operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: CreatePassiveSellOfferOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: CreatePassiveSellOfferOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[CreatePassiveSellOfferOperation] => val doc = s""" |{ | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659137"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659137"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "create_passive_sell_offer", | "type_i": 4, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | ${amountDocPortion(op.operation.selling, assetPrefix = "selling_")}, | ${asset(op.operation.buying, "buying_")}, | "offer_id": 0, | "price": "1.0", | "price_r": { | "d": ${op.operation.price.d}, | "n": ${op.operation.price.n} | } |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[CreatePassiveSellOfferOperation]] mustEqual op }.setGen(genTransacted(genCreatePassiveSellOfferOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 196
Source File: PathPaymentStrictSendOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.{Formats, NoTypeHints} import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class PathPaymentStrictSendOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[PathPaymentStrictSendOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genPathPaymentStrictSendOperation)) implicit val formats: Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "path payment operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: PathPaymentStrictSendOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: PathPaymentStrictSendOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[PathPaymentStrictSendOperation] => val doc = s""" |{ | "_links":{ | "self":{"href":""}, | "transaction":{"href":""}, | "effects":{"href":""}, | "succeeds":{"href":""}, | "precedes":{"href":""} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type":"path_payment_strict_send", | "type_i":13, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | ${amountDocPortion(op.operation.sendAmount, assetPrefix = "source_")} | ${amountDocPortion(op.operation.destinationMin, "destination_min")} | "from":"${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "to":"${op.operation.destinationAccount.publicKey.accountId}", | "path":[${if (op.operation.path.isEmpty) "" else"{", "},{", "}")}] |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[Operation]] mustEqual removeDestinationSubAccountId(op) }.setGen(genTransacted(genPathPaymentStrictSendOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } // Because sub accounts are not yet supported in Horizon JSON. private def removeDestinationSubAccountId(op: Transacted[PathPaymentStrictSendOperation]): Transacted[PathPaymentStrictSendOperation] = { op.copy(operation = op.operation.copy(destinationAccount = op.operation.destinationAccount.copy(subAccountId = None))) } }
Example 197
Source File: AllowTrustOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers, KeyPair} class AllowTrustOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[AllowTrustOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genAllowTrustOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "allow trust operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: AllowTrustOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: AllowTrustOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[AllowTrustOperation] => val doc = s""" | { | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "allow_trust", | "type_i": 7, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | "asset_type": "${if (op.operation.assetCode.length <= 4) "credit_alphanum4" else "credit_alphanum12"}", | "asset_code": "${op.operation.assetCode}", | "asset_issuer": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}" | "trustor": "${op.operation.trustor.accountId}", | "trustee": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "authorize": ${op.operation.trustLineFlags.contains(TrustLineAuthorized)} | "authorize_to_maintain_liabilities": ${op.operation.trustLineFlags.contains(TrustLineCanMaintainLiabilities)} |} """.stripMargin val parsed = parse(doc).extract[Transacted[AllowTrustOperation]] parsed mustEqual op parsed.operation.authorize mustEqual op.operation.authorize parsed.operation.authorizeToMaintainLiabilities mustEqual op.operation.authorizeToMaintainLiabilities }.setGen(genTransacted(genAllowTrustOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 198
Source File: ChangeTrustOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class ChangeTrustOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[ChangeTrustOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genChangeTrustOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "change trust operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: ChangeTrustOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: ChangeTrustOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[ChangeTrustOperation] => val doc = s""" | { | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "change_trust", | "type_i": 6, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | ${amountDocPortion(op.operation.limit, "limit")}, | "trustee": "${op.operation.limit.asset.issuer.accountId}", | "trustor": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[ChangeTrustOperation]] mustEqual op }.setGen(genTransacted(genChangeTrustOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 199
Source File: ManageDataOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers, PublicKey} class ManageDataOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arbDelete: Arbitrary[Transacted[DeleteDataOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genDeleteDataOperation)) implicit val arbWrite: Arbitrary[Transacted[WriteDataOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genWriteDataOperation)) implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer def doc[O <: ManageDataOperation](op: Transacted[O]) = { val dataValue = op.operation match { case WriteDataOperation(_, value, _) => Base64.encodeBase64String(value.toArray) case _ => "" } s""" |{ | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "manage_data", | "type_i": 1, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | "name": "${}", | "value": "$dataValue" |}""".stripMargin } "a write data operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: WriteDataOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: WriteDataOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded must beEquivalentTo(actual) remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[WriteDataOperation] => parse(doc(op)).extract[Transacted[ManageDataOperation]] must beEquivalentTo(op) }.setGen(genTransacted(genWriteDataOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) "encode a string payload as UTF-8 in base64" >> prop { (s: String, source: PublicKey) => val value = new String(s.take(64).getBytes("UTF-8").take(60), "UTF-8") WriteDataOperation("name", value).value.toSeq mustEqual value.getBytes("UTF-8").toSeq WriteDataOperation("name", value, None).value.toSeq mustEqual value.getBytes("UTF-8").toSeq WriteDataOperation("name", value, Some(source)).value.toSeq mustEqual value.getBytes("UTF-8").toSeq }.setGen1(Arbitrary.arbString.arbitrary.suchThat(_.nonEmpty)) "fail if the key is greater than 64 bytes" >> prop { s: String => WriteDataOperation(s, "value") must throwAn[IllegalArgumentException] }.setGen(Gen.identifier.suchThat(_.getBytes("UTF-8").length > 64)) "fail if the value is greater than 64 bytes" >> prop { s: String => WriteDataOperation("name", s) must throwAn[IllegalArgumentException] }.setGen(Gen.identifier.suchThat(_.getBytes("UTF-8").length > 64)) } "a delete data operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: DeleteDataOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: DeleteDataOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[DeleteDataOperation] => parse(doc(op)).extract[Transacted[ManageDataOperation]] mustEqual op }.setGen(genTransacted(genDeleteDataOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } }
Example 200
Source File: PaymentOperationSpec.scala From scala-stellar-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package stellar.sdk.model.op import org.json4s.{Formats, NoTypeHints} import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import stellar.sdk.util.ByteArrays.base64 import stellar.sdk.{ArbitraryInput, DomainMatchers} class PaymentOperationSpec extends Specification with ArbitraryInput with DomainMatchers with JsonSnippets { implicit val arb: Arbitrary[Transacted[PaymentOperation]] = Arbitrary(genTransacted(genPaymentOperation)) implicit val formats: Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + TransactedOperationDeserializer "payment operation" should { "serde via xdr string" >> prop { actual: PaymentOperation => Operation.decodeXDR(base64(actual.encode)) must beEquivalentTo(actual) } "serde via xdr bytes" >> prop { actual: PaymentOperation => val (remaining, decoded) = decoded mustEqual actual remaining must beEmpty } "parse from json" >> prop { op: Transacted[PaymentOperation] => val doc = s""" | { | "_links": { | "self": {"href": ""}, | "transaction": {"href": ""}, | "effects": {"href": ""}, | "succeeds": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"}, | "precedes": {"href": "\u0026cursor=10157597659144"} | }, | "id": "${}", | "paging_token": "10157597659137", | "source_account": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "type": "payment", | "type_i": 1, | "created_at": "${formatter.format(op.createdAt)}", | "transaction_hash": "${op.txnHash}", | ${amountDocPortion(op.operation.amount)}, | "from": "${op.operation.sourceAccount.get.accountId}", | "to": "${op.operation.destinationAccount.publicKey.accountId}", |} """.stripMargin parse(doc).extract[Transacted[PaymentOperation]] mustEqual removeDestinationSubAccountId(op) }.setGen(genTransacted(genPaymentOperation.suchThat(_.sourceAccount.nonEmpty))) } // Because sub accounts are not yet supported in Horizon JSON. private def removeDestinationSubAccountId(op: Transacted[PaymentOperation]): Transacted[PaymentOperation] = { op.copy(operation = op.operation.copy(destinationAccount = op.operation.destinationAccount.copy(subAccountId = None))) } }