Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: ResidencyChoiceDto.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
package models.dto import controllers.bindable._ import import import import play.api.libs.json._ case class ResidencyChoiceDto(residencyChoice: AddrType) object ResidencyChoiceDto { implicit val formats = { implicit val addrTypeReads: Reads[AddrType] = new Reads[AddrType] { override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[AddrType] = json match { case JsString("sole") => JsSuccess(SoleAddrType) case JsString("primary") => JsSuccess(PrimaryAddrType) case JsString("postal") => JsSuccess(PostalAddrType) case _ => JsError(Seq(JsPath() -> Seq(JsonValidationError("error.expected.jsString(addrType)")))) } } implicit val addrTypeWrites: Writes[AddrType] = new Writes[AddrType] { override def writes(o: AddrType): JsValue = o match { case SoleAddrType => JsString("sole") case PrimaryAddrType => JsString("primary") case PostalAddrType => JsString("postal") } } Json.format[ResidencyChoiceDto] } val form = Form( mapping( "residencyChoice" -> optional(text) .verifying("error.you_must_select_an_answer", e => e.flatMap(a => AddrType(a)).isDefined) .transform[AddrType](x => AddrType(x.fold("")(_.toString)).getOrElse(SoleAddrType), ad => Some(ad.toString)) //getOrElse here will never fall back to default because of isDefined above )(ResidencyChoiceDto.apply)(ResidencyChoiceDto.unapply) ) }
Example 2
Source File: ExtendedController.scala From bay-scalajs.g8 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import import import play.api.mvc.Controller import play.api.mvc.Request import play.api.mvc.Result import shared.utils.Codecs import shared.utils.Implicits import cats.syntax.either._ import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi import services.Services import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future trait ExtendedController extends Controller with Implicits with Codecs { val services: Services implicit val ec: ExecutionContext type HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A] // Constructors for our result type object HttpResult { def point[A](a: A): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(Right(a))) def fromFuture[A](fa: Future[A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A]( def fromEither[A](va: Either[Result, A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(va)) def fromEither[A, B](failure: B => Result)(va: Either[B, A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(va.leftMap(failure))) def fromOption[A](failure: Result)(oa: Option[A]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A](Future.successful(oa.toRight(failure))) def fromFOption[A](failure: Result)(foa: Future[Option[A]]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A]( def fromFEither[A, B](failure: B => Result)(fva: Future[Either[B, A]]): HttpResult[A] = EitherT[Future, Result, A]( def fromForm[FormType](failure: Form[FormType] => Result)(form: Form[FormType])( implicit request: Request[_]): HttpResult[FormType] = EitherT[Future, Result, FormType]( form.bindFromRequest.fold(errorForm => Left(failure(errorForm)).asFuture, formEntity => Right(formEntity).asFuture)) } def constructResult(result: HttpResult[Result]): Future[Result] = implicit class ExtResult(e: Result) { def pureResult: HttpResult[Result] = EitherT[Future, Result, Result](Future.successful(Right(e))) } implicit class EnrichedOps[T](t: T) { def |>[R](f: T => R): R = f(t) } def messagesApi: MessagesApi = services.messagesApi }
Example 3
Source File: Authentication.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import com.gilt.cavellc.errors.FailedRequest import play.api.Logger import import import play.api.i18n.Messages import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.control.NonFatal class Authentication extends AbstractCaveController { val loginForm = Form(mapping("username" -> email, "password" -> text, "landingUrl" -> text) (UserLogin.apply)(UserLogin.unapply) ) def login = Action { implicit request => val loginFormWithLandingPage = loginForm.fill(UserLogin(EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING, request.flash.get("requestedUrl").getOrElse("/"))) Ok(views.html.loginscreen.signIn(loginFormWithLandingPage)) } def logout = Action.async { implicit request => Future.successful(Redirect(routes.Authentication.login()).withNewSession.flashing( "success" -> "You've been logged out" )) } def authenticate = Action.async { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => loginForm.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.loginscreen.signIn(formWithErrors))), loginForm => client.Users.postLogin(, loginForm.password) flatMap { case user: com.gilt.cavellc.models.Auth => withExplicitTokenClient(user.token) { signedClient => signedClient.Users.getInfo().flatMap { case Some(apiUser) => Logger.debug(s"Login Succeeded for ${}") val landingUrl: String = if (loginForm.landingUrl.nonEmpty) loginForm.landingUrl else routes.Application.index().url Logger.debug(s"landing url ${loginForm.landingUrl}") Future.successful(Redirect(landingUrl).withSession( "sessionToken" -> user.token, "userName" -> s"${apiUser.firstName} ${apiUser.lastName}" )) case _ => Logger.error(s"Unable to find user details for user: ${}") Future.successful(InternalServerError(views.html.errorpages.errorPage(Messages("cave.login.login.internalError")))) } } } recover { case error: FailedRequest if error.responseCode == BAD_REQUEST => Logger.debug(s"Incorrect username or password for user ${}", error) Redirect(routes.Authentication.login()).flashing("error" -> Messages("cave.login.login.incorrectUsernameOrPassword")) case NonFatal(e) => Logger.error(s"Unable to authenticate user: ${}", e) InternalServerError(views.html.errorpages.errorPage(Messages("cave.login.login.internalError"))) } ) } } } object Authentication extends Authentication case class UserLogin(email: String, password: String, landingUrl: String)
Example 4
Source File: Application.scala From bay-scalajs.g8 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import cats.implicits._ import import jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth.LoginLogout import jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth.OptionalAuthElement import models.forms.LoginForm import import import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.mvc._ import services._ import shared.models.WiredApiModel.UnauthorizedApi import import upickle.default._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class Application @Inject()(val services: Services)(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) extends ExtendedController with AuthConfigImpl with OptionalAuthElement with LoginLogout with I18nSupport { def index(path: String) = StackAction { implicit request => loggedIn match { case Some(_) => Ok(views.html.index()) case None => Ok(views.html.login(loginForm.fill(LoginForm("[email protected]", "testpw")))) } } val loginForm = Form( mapping( "email" -> nonEmptyText, "password" -> nonEmptyText )(LoginForm.apply)(LoginForm.unapply) ) def login: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => val result = for { form <- loginForm.bindFromRequest() |> HttpResult.fromForm(e => BadRequest(views.html.login(e))) userId <- services.userDao.maybeLogin(form) |> HttpResult.fromFOption( BadRequest(views.html.login(loginForm.fill(form).withGlobalError("bad.password")))) loginResult <- gotoLoginSucceeded(userId) |> HttpResult.fromFuture } yield loginResult constructResult(result) } def logout: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => gotoLogoutSucceeded } def api(s: String) = AsyncStack(parse.multipartFormData) { implicit request => val path = s.split("/") loggedIn match { case Some(user) => val dataStr = request.body.dataParts .get("data") .flatMap(_.headOption) .getOrElse("") AutowireRouter .route[WiredApi](new WiredApiService(user, services, request.body.files)) { val json = read[Map[String, String]](dataStr) autowire.Core.Request(path, json) } .map { responseData => Ok(responseData).as("application/json") } case None => Ok(write(Left(UnauthorizedApi))).as("application/json").asFuture } } }
Example 5
Source File: SnapshotCheckController.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.checks import javax.inject.Inject import com.codahale.jerkson.Json.generate import controllers.ControllerUtils._ import controllers.utils.MyDBSession import controllers.utils.ValidationConstraints._ import models.checks.Check.CheckType import models.checks.{Check, CheckParameter, SnapshotCheck} import models.meta.CheckMeta import models.metrics.Metric import models.targets.TargetToChecks import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.inTransaction import play.api.Play.current import import{list, mapping, optional, text, tuple} import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import scala.util.Try class SnapshotCheckController @Inject()(session: MyDBSession) extends Controller { private def getMainForm(currId: Option[String] = None): Form[(Check, SnapshotCheck, List[CheckParameter])] = { def valFunc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateId(t, Check.getIdList(), currId)) def valName: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateRefList(t, CheckMeta.getShortList(Some(CheckType.snapshot)))) def valMetric: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateRefList(t, Metric.getIdList())) Form( mapping( "id" -> text.verifying(errorUsed, valFunc), "subtype" -> text.verifying(errorNotFound("Check type"), valName), "description" -> optional(text), "metric" -> text.verifying(errorNotFound("Metric"), valMetric), "parameters" -> list( tuple( "name" -> text, "value" -> text ) ) )(SnapshotCheck.applyWithCheck)(SnapshotCheck.unapplyWithCheck).verifying(validateSnapshotCheck) ) } def addSnapshotCheck() = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm().bindFromRequest form.value map { check => try { val json = inTransaction({ val met = check._1.insert() val colMet = check._2.insert() check._3.foreach(_.insert()) generate(SnapshotCheck.tupleToMap((met,colMet))) }) Created(json).as(JSON) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) } } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } def getCheckDetails(id: String) = Action { inTransaction { Try{ val check: (Check, SnapshotCheck) = SnapshotCheck.getById(id).single generate(SnapshotCheck.tupleToMap(check)) }.toOption match { case Some(json) => Ok(json).as(JSON) case None => val json = generate(Map("error"->"Check not found!")) BadRequest(json).as(JSON) } } } def updateCheck(id: String) = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm(Some(id)).bindFromRequest form.value map { check => try { val json = inTransaction{ if( == id) { CheckParameter.deleteByOwner(id) check._1.update() check._2.update() } else { val c = check._1.insert() check._2.insert() TargetToChecks.updateChecks(id, SnapshotCheck.deleteById(id) } check._3.foreach(_.insert()) generate(SnapshotCheck.tupleToMap((check._1,check._2))) } Ok(json).as(JSON) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) } } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } }
Example 6
Source File: SqlCheckController.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.checks import javax.inject.Inject import com.codahale.jerkson.Json.generate import controllers.ControllerUtils._ import controllers.utils.MyDBSession import controllers.utils.ValidationConstraints._ import models.checks.Check.CheckType import models.checks.{Check, SqlCheck} import models.meta.CheckMeta import models.sources.Database import models.targets.TargetToChecks import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.inTransaction import play.api.Play.current import import{mapping, optional, text} import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import scala.util.Try class SqlCheckController @Inject()(session: MyDBSession) extends Controller { private def getMainForm(currId: Option[String] = None): Form[(Check, SqlCheck)] = { def valFunc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateId(t, Check.getIdList(), currId)) def valDB: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateRefList(t, Database.getIdList())) def valName: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateRefList(t, CheckMeta.getShortList(Some(CheckType.sql)))) Form( mapping( "id" -> text.verifying(errorUsed, valFunc), "subtype" -> text.verifying(errorNotFound("Check type"), valName), "description" -> optional(text), "database" -> text.verifying(errorNotFound("Database"), valDB), "query" -> text )(SqlCheck.applyWithCheck)(SqlCheck.unapplyWithCheck) ) } def addSqlCheck() = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm().bindFromRequest form.value map { check => try { inTransaction({ val chk = check._1.insert() val sql = check._2.insert() val json = generate(SqlCheck.tupleToMap((chk,sql))) Created(json).as(JSON) }) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) } } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } def getCheckDetails(id: String) = Action { inTransaction(Try{ val check: (Check, SqlCheck) = SqlCheck.getById(id) generate(SqlCheck.tupleToMap(check)) }.toOption match { case Some(json) => Ok(json).as(JSON) case None => val json = generate(Map("error"->"Check not found!")) BadRequest(json).as(JSON) }) } def updateCheck(id: String) = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm(Some(id)).bindFromRequest form.value map { check => try { val json = inTransaction{ if( == id) { check._1.update() check._2.update() } else { val c = check._1.insert() check._2.insert() TargetToChecks.updateChecks(id, SqlCheck.deleteById(id) } generate(SqlCheck.tupleToMap((check._1,check._2))) } Ok(json).as(JSON) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) } } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } }
Example 7
Source File: FileMetricController.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.metrics import javax.inject.Inject import com.codahale.jerkson.Json.generate import controllers.ControllerUtils._ import controllers.utils.MyDBSession import controllers.utils.ValidationConstraints._ import models.meta.MetricMeta import models.metrics.Metric.MetricType import models.metrics.{FileMetric, Metric} import models.sources.Source import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.inTransaction import play.api.Play.current import import{mapping, text} import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import scala.util.Try class FileMetricController @Inject()(session: MyDBSession) extends Controller { private def getMainForm(currId: Option[String] = None): Form[(Metric, FileMetric)] = { def valFunc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateId(t, Metric.getIdList(), currId)) def valSrc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateRefList(t, Source.getIdList())) def valName: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateRefList(t, MetricMeta.getShortList(Some(MetricType.file)))) Form( mapping( "id" -> text.verifying(errorUsed, valFunc), "name" -> text.verifying(errorNotFound("Metric name"), valName), "description" -> text, "source" -> text.verifying(errorNotFound("Source"), valSrc) )(FileMetric.applyWithMetric)(FileMetric.unapplyWithMetric).verifying(validateFileMetric) ) } def addFileMetric() = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm().bindFromRequest form.value map { metric => try { inTransaction({ val met = metric._1.insert() val fmet = metric._2.insert() val json = generate(FileMetric.tupleToMap((met,fmet))) Created(json).as(JSON) }) } catch { case e:Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) } } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } def getMetricDetails(id: String) = Action { inTransaction( Try{ val metric: (Metric, FileMetric) = FileMetric.getById(id) generate(FileMetric.tupleToMap(metric)) }.toOption match { case Some(json) => Ok(json).as(JSON) case None => val json = generate(Map("error"->"Metric not found!")) BadRequest(json).as(JSON) }) } def updateMetric(id: String) = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm(Some(id)).bindFromRequest form.value map { metric => inTransaction(try { match { case `id` => metric._1.update() metric._2.update() case _ => metric._1.insert() metric._2.rebase(id) } val json = generate(FileMetric.tupleToMap(metric)) Ok(json).as(JSON) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) }) } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } }
Example 8
Source File: ComposedMetricController.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.metrics import javax.inject.Inject import com.codahale.jerkson.Json.generate import controllers.ControllerUtils._ import controllers.utils.MyDBSession import controllers.utils.ValidationConstraints._ import models.metrics._ import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.inTransaction import play.api.Play.current import import{mapping, text} import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import scala.util.Try class ComposedMetricController @Inject()(session: MyDBSession) extends Controller { private def getMainForm(currId: Option[String] = None): Form[(Metric, ComposedMetric)] = { def validateIdFunc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateId(t, Metric.getIdList(), currId)) def validateFormulaFunc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(ComposedMetricValidator.validateFormula(t, currId)) Form( mapping( "id" -> text.verifying(errorUsed, validateIdFunc), "name" -> text, "description" -> text, "formula" -> text.verifying(errorFormula, validateFormulaFunc) )(ComposedMetric.applyWithMetric)(ComposedMetric.unapplyWithMetric) ) } def addComposedMetric() = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm().bindFromRequest form.value map { metric => try { inTransaction({ val met = metric._1.insert() val fmet = metric._2.insert() val json = generate(ComposedMetric.tupleToMap((met,fmet))) Created(json).as(JSON) }) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) } } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } def getMetricDetails(id: String) = Action { inTransaction( Try{ val metric: (Metric, ComposedMetric) = ComposedMetric.getById(id) generate(ComposedMetric.tupleToMap(metric)) }.toOption match { case Some(json) => Ok(json).as(JSON) case None => val json = generate(Map("error"->"Metric not found!")) BadRequest(json).as(JSON) }) } def updateMetric(id: String) = Action { implicit request => val form = getMainForm(Some(id)).bindFromRequest form.value map { metric => inTransaction(try { match { case `id` => metric._1.update() metric._2.update() case _ => metric._1.insert() metric._2.rebase(id) } val json = generate(ComposedMetric.tupleToMap(metric)) Ok(json).as(JSON) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) }) } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } }
Example 9
Source File: TargetAttachmentsController.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.targets import javax.inject.Inject import com.codahale.jerkson.Json.generate import models.targets.{Mail, Target, TargetToChecks} import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.inTransaction import play.api.Play.current import import import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import scala.util.Try class TargetAttachmentsController @Inject()() extends Controller { private val mailForm = Form( "address" -> email ) def getTargetMailList(id: String) = Action { Try(inTransaction { val mails: Iterator[Mail] = Target.getDetailed(id).mails generate(mails) }).toOption match { case Some(json) => Ok(json).as(JSON) case None => BadRequest("There are no emails associated with this target!") } } def addTargetMail(id: String) = Action { implicit request => val form = mailForm.bindFromRequest form.value map { mail => inTransaction(Mail.apply(mail, id).insert) Created } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } def deleteTargetMail(id: String) = Action { implicit request => mailForm.bindFromRequest.value map (mail => { inTransaction( Mail.deleteById(mail, id) ) }) Ok } private val checkForm = Form( "checkId" -> text ) def getTargetCheckList(id: String) = Action { Try(inTransaction { val checks: Iterator[TargetToChecks] = Target.getDetailed(id).checks generate(checks) }).toOption match { case Some(json) => Ok(json).as(JSON) case None => BadRequest("There are no checks associated with this target!") } } def addTargetCheck(id: String) = Action { implicit request => checkForm.bindFromRequest.value map (check => inTransaction( TargetToChecks.apply(check, id).insert ) ) Created } def deleteTargetCheck(id: String) = Action { implicit request => checkForm.bindFromRequest.value map (check => { inTransaction( TargetToChecks.deleteById(check, id) ) }) Ok } }
Example 10
Source File: VirtualSourceController.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.sources import javax.inject.Inject import com.codahale.jerkson.Json.generate import controllers.ControllerUtils._ import controllers.utils.MyDBSession import controllers.utils.ValidationConstraints._ import models.sources._ import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.inTransaction import play.api.Play.current import import{mapping, optional, seq, text} import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import scala.util.Try class VirtualSourceController @Inject()(session: MyDBSession) extends Controller { private def getVSRCForm(currId: Option[String] = None): Form[(Source, VirtualSource)] = { def valFunc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateId(t, Source.getIdList(), currId)) def valSrc: (String) => Boolean = (t:String) => inTransaction(validateRefList(t, Source.getIdList())) Form( mapping( "id" -> text.verifying(errorUsed, valFunc), "keyFields" -> seq(text), "tipo" -> text, "left" -> text.verifying(errorNotFound("Source"), valSrc), "right" -> optional(text), "query" -> text )(VirtualSource.applyWithSource)(VirtualSource.unapplyWithSource) ) } def addVSRC() = Action { implicit request => val form = getVSRCForm().bindFromRequest form.value map { file => try { inTransaction{ file._1.insert() file._2.insert() val json = generate(VirtualSource.fileToMap(file)) Ok(json).as(JSON) } } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) } } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } def getVSRCDetails(id: String) = Action { inTransaction{ Try{ val file: (Source, VirtualSource) = VirtualSource.getDetailed(id) generate(VirtualSource.fileToMap(file)) }.toOption match { case Some(json) => Ok(json).as(JSON) case None => val json = generate(Map("error" -> "Virtual source not found!")) BadRequest(json).as(JSON) }} } def updateVSRC(id: String) = Action { implicit request => val form = getVSRCForm(Some(id)).bindFromRequest form.value map { file => inTransaction(try { match { case `id` => file._1.update() file._2.update() case _ => file._1.insert() file._2.rebase(id) } val json = generate(VirtualSource.fileToMap(file)) Ok(json).as(JSON) } catch { case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.toString) }) } getOrElse BadRequest(form.errorsAsJson).as(JSON) } }
Example 11
Source File: FormData.scala From template-site with MIT License | 5 votes |
package models import{Mapping, Form} import case class FormDataLogin(email: String, password: String) case class FormDataAccount(name:String, email: String, password: String, passwordAgain:String) object FormData { val login = Form( mapping( "email" -> email, "password" -> nonEmptyText )(FormDataLogin.apply)(FormDataLogin.unapply) ) val addMessage = Form( mapping( "content" -> nonEmptyText, "tags" -> text )(Message.formApply)(Message.formUnapply) ) private[this] def accountForm(passwordMapping:Mapping[String]) = Form( mapping( "name" -> nonEmptyText, "email" -> email, "password" -> passwordMapping, "passwordAgain" -> passwordMapping )(FormDataAccount.apply)(FormDataAccount.unapply) ) val updateAccount = accountForm(text) val addAccount = accountForm(nonEmptyText) }
Example 12
Source File: ProfileCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.user.profile import cats.effect.IO import import gospeak.core.domain.User import{UserGroupRepo, UserProposalRepo, UserTalkRepo, UserUserRepo} import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.domain.Breadcrumb import gospeak.web.pages.published.speakers.routes.{SpeakerCtrl => PublishedSpeakerRoutes} import gospeak.web.pages.user.UserCtrl import gospeak.web.pages.user.profile.ProfileCtrl._ import gospeak.web.utils.{GsForms, UICtrl, UserReq} import import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents, Result} class ProfileCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, groupRepo: UserGroupRepo, proposalRepo: UserProposalRepo, talkRepo: UserTalkRepo, userRepo: UserUserRepo) extends UICtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) { def edit(): Action[AnyContent] = UserAction { implicit req => editView(GsForms.user) } def doEdit(): Action[AnyContent] = UserAction { implicit req => GsForms.user.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => editView(formWithErrors), data => userRepo.edit(data) .map(_ => Redirect(PublishedSpeakerRoutes.detail(req.user.slug)).flashing("success" -> "Profile updated")) ) } private def editView(form: Form[User.Data])(implicit req: UserReq[AnyContent]): IO[Result] = { val filledForm = if (form.hasErrors) form else form.fill( IO(Ok(html.edit(filledForm)(editBreadcrumb))) } } object ProfileCtrl { def breadcrumb(implicit req: UserReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = UserCtrl.breadcrumb.add("Profile" -> PublishedSpeakerRoutes.detail(req.user.slug)) def editBreadcrumb(implicit req: UserReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = breadcrumb.add("Edit" -> routes.ProfileCtrl.edit()) }
Example 13
Source File: CfpCtrl.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.orga.cfps import import cats.effect.IO import import gospeak.core.domain.utils.OrgaCtx import gospeak.core.domain.{Cfp, Event, Group} import import gospeak.web.AppConf import gospeak.web.auth.domain.CookieEnv import gospeak.web.domain.Breadcrumb import gospeak.web.pages.orga.GroupCtrl import gospeak.web.pages.orga.cfps.CfpCtrl._ import{EventCtrl => EventRoutes} import gospeak.web.utils.{GsForms, OrgaReq, UICtrl} import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.Page import import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, ControllerComponents, Result} class CfpCtrl(cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[CookieEnv], conf: AppConf, userRepo: OrgaUserRepo, val groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, cfpRepo: OrgaCfpRepo, eventRepo: OrgaEventRepo, proposalRepo: OrgaProposalRepo) extends UICtrl(cc, silhouette, conf) with UICtrl.OrgaAction { def list(group: Group.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => val customParams = params.withNullsFirst cfpRepo.list(customParams).map(cfps => Ok(html.list(cfps)(listBreadcrumb))) // TODO listWithProposalCount } def create(group: Group.Slug, event: Option[Event.Slug]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => createView(group, GsForms.cfp, event) } def doCreate(group: Group.Slug, event: Option[Event.Slug]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => GsForms.cfp.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => createView(group, formWithErrors, event), data => (for { // TODO check if slug not already exist cfpElt <- OptionT.liftF(cfpRepo.create(data)) redirect <- OptionT.liftF( { e => eventRepo.attachCfp(e, .map(_ => Redirect(EventRoutes.detail(group, e))) // TODO recover and redirect to cfp detail }.getOrElse { IO.pure(Redirect(routes.CfpCtrl.detail(group, data.slug))) }) } yield redirect) ) } private def createView(group: Group.Slug, form: Form[Cfp.Data], event: Option[Event.Slug])(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): IO[Result] = { val b = listBreadcrumb.add("New" -> routes.CfpCtrl.create(group)) IO.pure(Ok(html.create(form, event)(b))) } def detail(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, params: Page.Params): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => (for { cfpElt <- OptionT(cfpRepo.find(cfp)) proposals <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listFull(cfp, params)) speakers <- OptionT.liftF(userRepo.list(proposals.items.flatMap(_.users).distinct)) userRatings <- OptionT.liftF(proposalRepo.listRatings(cfp)) b = breadcrumb(cfpElt) } yield Ok(html.detail(cfpElt, proposals, speakers, userRatings)(b))), cfp))) } def edit(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, redirect: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => editView(group, cfp, GsForms.cfp, redirect) } def doEdit(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, redirect: Option[String]): Action[AnyContent] = OrgaAction(group) { implicit req => GsForms.cfp.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => editView(group, cfp, formWithErrors, redirect), data => (for { cfpOpt <- OptionT.liftF(cfpRepo.find(data.slug)) res <- OptionT.liftF(cfpOpt match { case Some(duplicate) if data.slug != cfp => editView(group, cfp, GsForms.cfp.fillAndValidate(data).withError("slug", s"Slug already taken by cfp: ${}"), redirect) case _ => cfpRepo.edit(cfp, data).map { _ => redirectOr(redirect, routes.CfpCtrl.detail(group, data.slug)) } }) } yield res) ) } private def editView(group: Group.Slug, cfp: Cfp.Slug, form: Form[Cfp.Data], redirect: Option[String])(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent], ctx: OrgaCtx): IO[Result] = { (for { cfpElt <- OptionT(cfpRepo.find(cfp)) filledForm = if (form.hasErrors) form else form.fill( b = breadcrumb(cfpElt).add("Edit" -> routes.CfpCtrl.edit(group, cfp)) } yield Ok(html.edit(cfpElt, filledForm, redirect)(b))), cfp))) } } object CfpCtrl { def listBreadcrumb(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = GroupCtrl.breadcrumb.add("CFPs" -> routes.CfpCtrl.list( def breadcrumb(cfp: Cfp)(implicit req: OrgaReq[AnyContent]): Breadcrumb = listBreadcrumb.add( -> routes.CfpCtrl.detail(, cfp.slug)) }
Example 14
Source File: InputLocalTimeSpec.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.partials.form import gospeak.web.testingutils.TwirlSpec import import{Field, Form} class InputLocalTimeSpec extends TwirlSpec { private val form: Form[String] = Form(mapping( "text" -> text )(identity)(Some(_))) private val field: Field = form("text") describe("pages.partials.form.inputLocalTime.scala.html") { it("should render HTML") { val res = html.inputLocalTime(field).body.trim res should include("input-time") } } }
Example 15
Source File: DisplayGlobalErrorsSpec.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.pages.partials.form import gospeak.web.testingutils.TwirlSpec import import class DisplayGlobalErrorsSpec extends TwirlSpec { private val form: Form[String] = Form(mapping( "text" -> text )(identity)(Some(_))) describe("pages.partials.form.displayGlobalErrors.scala.html") { it("should display nothing when no errors") { val res = html.displayGlobalErrors(form)(userReq).body.trim res shouldBe "" } it("should display the error text when just one error") { val f = form.withGlobalError("error alone") val res = html.displayGlobalErrors(f)(userReq).body.trim res should include("error alone") } it("should display the list of errors when multiple errors") { val f = form.withGlobalError("error 1").withGlobalError("error 2") val res = html.displayGlobalErrors(f)(userReq).body.trim res should include("error 1") res should include("error 2") } } }
Example 16
Source File: ResetPasswordController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.landing import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.user.UserService import services.generated.tables.records.UserRecord import import import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.libs.mailer._ import play.api.mvc.{Action, AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} case class ResetPasswordData(email: String) @Singleton class ResetPasswordController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val users: UserService, val mailerClient: MailerClient, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with I18nSupport { val resetPasswordForm = Form( mapping("email" -> email)(ResetPasswordData.apply)(ResetPasswordData.unapply) ) private def sendMail(user: UserRecord, newPassword: String) = Future { val name = Option(user.getRealName).getOrElse(user.getUsername) val message = s"""Dear $name, | |Your Recogito password was reset to | | $newPassword | |Please log in to Recogito with this password. You can change it |in your personal Account Settings. | |Cheers, |the Recogito Team""".stripMargin // TODO this now hard-wires "[email protected]" as reply address // TODO see if we can take this directly from the config file instead val email = Email( "Your Recogito password was reset", "Recogito Team <[email protected]>", Seq(users.decryptEmail(user.getEmail)), Some(message) ) mailerClient.send(email) } recover { case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace } def showResetForm = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.landing.resetPassword(resetPasswordForm)) } def resetPassword = Action.async { implicit request => resetPasswordForm.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.landing.resetPassword(formWithErrors))), resetData => users.findByEmail( { case Some(user) => users.resetPassword(user.getUsername).map { password => sendMail(user, password) Ok(views.html.landing.resetPasswordOk()) } case None => Future.successful(Redirect(routes.ResetPasswordController.showResetForm()).flashing("error" -> "Can't find that e-mail, sorry.")) } ) } }
Example 17
Source File: LoginLogoutController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.landing import{LoginInfo, Silhouette} import controllers.{HasConfig, HasUserService, Security} import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import services.announcement.AnnouncementService import services.user.UserService import play.api.Configuration import import import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } case class LoginData(usernameOrPassword: String, password: String) @Singleton class LoginLogoutController @Inject() ( val announcements: AnnouncementService, val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], val users: UserService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with HasConfig with HasUserService with I18nSupport { private val MESSAGE = "message" private val INVALID_LOGIN = "Invalid Username or Password" private val auth = silhouette.env.authenticatorService val loginForm = Form( mapping( "username" -> nonEmptyText, "password" -> nonEmptyText )(LoginData.apply)(LoginData.unapply) ) def showLoginForm(destination: Option[String]) = Action { implicit request => destination match { case None => Ok(views.html.landing.login(loginForm)) case Some(dest) => Ok(views.html.landing.login(loginForm)).withSession("access_uri" -> dest) } } def processLogin = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => loginForm.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => Future(BadRequest(views.html.landing.login(formWithErrors))), loginData => users.validateUser(loginData.usernameOrPassword, loginData.password).flatMap { case Some(validUser) => val destination = request.session.get("access_uri").getOrElse(routes.LandingController.index.toString) users.updateLastLogin(validUser.getUsername) val fAuthentication = auth.create(LoginInfo(Security.PROVIDER_ID, validUser.getUsername)) .flatMap(auth.init(_)) fAuthentication.flatMap { authentication => auth.embed(authentication, Redirect(destination).withSession(request.session - "access_uri")) } case None => Future(Redirect(routes.LoginLogoutController.showLoginForm()).flashing(MESSAGE -> INVALID_LOGIN)) } ) } def confirmServiceAnnouncement(id: UUID, response: String, destination: Option[String]) = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => announcements.confirm(id, request.identity.username, response).map { success => if (success) else InternalServerError } } def logout = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => auth.discard(request.authenticator, Redirect(routes.LandingController.index)) } }
Example 18
Source File: AccountSettingsController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{Silhouette, LoginInfo} import controllers.{HasUserService, HasConfig, Security} import javax.inject.Inject import services.announcement.AnnouncementService import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.contribution.ContributionService import services.user.Roles._ import services.user.UserService import services.upload.UploadService import services.document.DocumentService import import play.api.Configuration import import import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import controllers.HasAccountRemoval case class AccountSettingsData( email : String, name : Option[String], bio : Option[String], website: Option[String]) class AccountSettingsController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val announcements: AnnouncementService, implicit val annotations: AnnotationService, implicit val contributions: ContributionService, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext, implicit val documents: DocumentService, implicit val uploads: UploadService, implicit val users: UserService, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil ) extends AbstractController(components) with HasUserService with HasConfig with HasAccountRemoval with I18nSupport { val accountSettingsForm = Form( mapping( "email" -> email, "name" -> optional(text(maxLength=80)), "bio" -> optional(text(maxLength=256)), "website" -> optional(text(maxLength=256)) )(AccountSettingsData.apply)(AccountSettingsData.unapply) ) def index() = silhouette.SecuredAction { implicit request => val u = request.identity val form = accountSettingsForm.fill(AccountSettingsData( users.decryptEmail(, u.realName,, Ok(, u)) } def updateAccountSettings() = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => accountSettingsForm.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(, request.identity))), f => users.updateUserSettings(request.identity.username,,,, .map { success => if (success) Redirect(routes.AccountSettingsController.index).flashing("success" -> "Your settings have been saved.") else Redirect(routes.AccountSettingsController.index).flashing("error" -> "There was an error while saving your settings.") }.recover { case t:Throwable => { t.printStackTrace() Redirect(routes.AccountSettingsController.index).flashing("error" -> "There was an error while saving your settings.") }} ) } def deleteAccount() = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => deleteUserAccount(request.identity.username).flatMap { _ => silhouette.env.authenticatorService.discard( request.authenticator, Redirect(controllers.landing.routes.LandingController.index)) } } }
Example 19
Source File: PasswordSettingsController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import controllers.{ HasConfig, HasUserService, Security } import javax.inject.Inject import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import play.api.Configuration import import import import play.api.i18n.{ I18nSupport, MessagesApi } import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ControllerComponents} import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } case class PasswordSettingsData(currentPassword: String, newPassword: String, verifyPassword: String) class PasswordSettingsController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends AbstractController(components) with HasConfig with HasUserService with I18nSupport { private val matchingPasswords: Constraint[PasswordSettingsData] = Constraint("constraints.valid") { d => if (d.newPassword == d.verifyPassword) Valid else Invalid("Passwords must match") } val passwordSettingsForm = Form( mapping( "current" -> nonEmptyText, "new" -> nonEmptyText, "verify" -> nonEmptyText )(PasswordSettingsData.apply)(PasswordSettingsData.unapply).verifying(matchingPasswords) ) def index() = silhouette.SecuredAction { implicit request => Ok(, request.identity)) } def updatePassword() = silhouette.SecuredAction.async { implicit request => passwordSettingsForm.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(, request.identity))), f => { users.updatePassword(request.identity.username, f.currentPassword, f.newPassword) .map { _ match { case Right(_) => Redirect(routes.PasswordSettingsController.index).flashing("success" -> "Your password has been updated.") case Left(errorMessage) => Redirect(routes.PasswordSettingsController.index).flashing("error" -> errorMessage) }}.recover { case t:Throwable => { t.printStackTrace() Redirect(routes.PasswordSettingsController.index).flashing("error" -> "There was an error while updating your password.") }} } ) } }
Example 20
Source File: Index.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import models.{Library, Songs} import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils import play.api.Logger import import import play.api.mvc._ import svc.{AnalyzerSvc, CassandraDao, SparkSvc} object Index extends Controller { val config = ConfigFactory.load() val minTime = config.getInt("gzet.min.time") val maxTime = config.getInt("gzet.max.time") val cassandraHost = config.getString("") val cassandraPort = config.getInt("cassandra.port") val sampleSize = config.getDouble("gzet.sample.size") val minMatch = config.getDouble("gzet.min.match") val dao = new CassandraDao(cassandraHost, cassandraPort) val analyzer = new AnalyzerSvc() val spark = new SparkSvc() val indexForm: Form[Library] = Form(mapping("path" -> text)(Library.apply)(Library.unapply)) def index = Action { implicit request => val songs = Songs(dao.getSongs)"Database is currently ${songs.songs.size} songs long") Ok(views.html.index(indexForm)(songs)) } def submit = Action { implicit request => indexForm.bindFromRequest.fold( errors => Redirect(routes.Index.index()).flashing("error" -> s"Missing path"), index => try { if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(index.path)) {"Dropping database") dao.dropSongs dao.dropPlaylist"Submitting job") val jobId = spark.index(index.path) Redirect(routes.Index.index()).flashing("success" -> jobId) } else { Redirect(routes.Index.index()).flashing("error" -> s"Missing path") } } catch { case e: Exception => Redirect(routes.Index.index()).flashing("error" -> e.getMessage) } ) } }
Example 21
Source File: PasswordReset.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import play.api.Logger import import import play.api.i18n.Messages import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.control.NonFatal class PasswordReset extends AbstractCaveController { val startResetPasswordForm = Form( "email" -> email ) val confirmResetPasswordForm = Form( tuple( "password1" -> text, "password2" -> text ) verifying(Messages("cave.login.signup.passwordDoesntMatch"), fields => fields match { case (password1: String, password2: String) => password1 == password2 }) ) def startResetPassword = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.loginscreen.startResetPassword(startResetPasswordForm)) } def handleStartResetPassword = Action.async { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => startResetPasswordForm.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.loginscreen.startResetPassword(formWithErrors))), email => { client.Users.postForgotPassword(email) map { _ => Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("success" -> Messages("cave.login.passwordReset.checkYourEmail", email)) } recover { case NonFatal(e) => Logger.error(s"Password reset error for $email", e) Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("error" -> Messages("cave.login.passwordReset.error")) } } ) } } def resetPassword(mailToken: String) = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.loginscreen.resetPasswordPage(confirmResetPasswordForm, mailToken)) } def handleResetPassword(mailToken: String) = Action.async { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => confirmResetPasswordForm.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.loginscreen.resetPasswordPage(formWithErrors, mailToken))), values => { client.Users.postResetPassword(values._1, mailToken) map { _ => debug(s"Password changed") Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("success" -> Messages("cave.login.password.reset.success")) } recover { case NonFatal(e) => Logger.error("Password change error", e) Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("error" -> Messages("cave.login.passwordReset.error")) } } ) } } }
Example 22
Source File: PasswordChange.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import com.gilt.cavellc.errors.FailedRequest import play.api.Logger import import import play.api.i18n.Messages import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.control.NonFatal class PasswordChange extends AbstractCaveController { val passwordChange = Form( tuple( "newPassword.password1" -> text, "newPassword.password2" -> text ) verifying(Messages("cave.login.signup.passwordDoesntMatch"), fields => fields match { case (password1: String, password2: String) => password1 == password2 }) ) def page = caveAsyncAction { implicit request => Future.successful(Ok(views.html.loginscreen.passwordChange(passwordChange))) } def handlePasswordChange = caveAsyncAction { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => passwordChange.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.loginscreen.passwordChange(formWithErrors))), values => client.Users.patchInfo(None, None, Some(values._1)) map { case user => Redirect(routes.UserProfile.profile()).flashing("success" -> s"${user.firstName}, your password has been changed") } recover { case error: FailedRequest if error.responseCode == FORBIDDEN => Logger.debug("Your API session token has expired. Please login again.", error) Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("error" -> Messages("cave.login.sessionTokenExpired")) case NonFatal(e) => Logger.error("Unable to change password", e) InternalServerError(views.html.errorpages.errorPage(Messages("cave.errors.5xx.passwordChange"))) } ) } } }
Example 23
Source File: UserProfile.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import import import play.api.i18n.Messages import import scala.concurrent.Future class UserProfile extends AbstractCaveController { val changeDetails = Form( mapping( "firstName" -> nonEmptyText, "lastName" -> nonEmptyText )(UserProfileChange.apply)(UserProfileChange.unapply) ) def update = caveAsyncAction { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => changeDetails.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(Redirect(routes.UserProfile.profile).flashing("error" -> buildFormValidationErrorMessage(formWithErrors))), change => client.Users.patchInfo(Some(change.firstName), Some(change.lastName), None) map { case user => Redirect(routes.UserProfile.profile).flashing("success" -> Messages("cave.profile.changeDetails.modal.success")). withSession(request.session + ("userName" -> s"${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}")) } ) } } def profile = caveAsyncAction { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => client.Users.getInfo().map { case Some(user) => Ok(views.html.profile.profile(user, userToken, changeDetails.fill(UserProfileChange(user.firstName, user.lastName)))) case None => InternalServerError("Unable to get user information") } } } } case class UserProfileChange(firstName: String, lastName: String)
Example 24
Source File: Registration.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import play.api.Logger import import play.api.i18n.Messages import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.concurrent.Future import import scala.util.control.NonFatal case class SignUpFormData(firstName: String, lastName: String, password1: String, password2: String) class Registration extends AbstractCaveController { val startSignUpForm = Form( "email" -> email ) val confirmSignUpForm = Form( mapping( "firstName" -> text, "lastName" -> text, "password1" -> text, "password2" -> text )(SignUpFormData.apply)(SignUpFormData.unapply) verifying(Messages("cave.login.signup.passwordDoesntMatch"), fields => fields match { case data: SignUpFormData => data.password1 == data.password2 }) ) def startSignUp = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.loginscreen.startSignUp(startSignUpForm)) } def handleStartSignUp = Action.async { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => startSignUpForm.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.loginscreen.startSignUp(formWithErrors))), email => { client.Users.postRegister(email) map { _ => Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("success" -> Messages("cave.login.signup.checkYourEmail", email)) } recover { case NonFatal(e) => Logger.error("New user registration error", e) Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("error" -> Messages("cave.login.signup.error")) } } ) } } def signUp(mailToken: String) = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.loginscreen.signUp(confirmSignUpForm, mailToken)) } def handleSignUp(mailToken: String) = Action.async { implicit request => withCaveClient { client => confirmSignUpForm.bindFromRequest().fold( formWithErrors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.loginscreen.signUp(formWithErrors, mailToken))), formData => { client.Users.postConfirm(formData.firstName, formData.lastName, formData.password1, mailToken) map { _ => Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("success" -> Messages("cave.login.signup.youCanLoginNow", email)) } recover { case NonFatal(e) => Logger.error("Registration confirmation error", e) Redirect(routes.Authentication.login).flashing("error" -> Messages("cave.login.signup.error")) } } ) } } } object Registration extends Registration
Example 25
Source File: InternationalAddressChoiceDto.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models.dto import import import play.api.libs.json.Json case class InternationalAddressChoiceDto(value: Boolean) object InternationalAddressChoiceDto { implicit val formats = Json.format[InternationalAddressChoiceDto] val form = Form( mapping( "internationalAddressChoice" -> optional(boolean) .verifying("error.you_must_select_an_answer", _.isDefined) .transform[Boolean](_.getOrElse(false), Some(_)) )(InternationalAddressChoiceDto.apply)(InternationalAddressChoiceDto.unapply) ) }
Example 26
Source File: SingleCheckboxSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import import{mapping, _} import play.api.test.Helpers._ import import class SingleCheckboxSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MessagesSupport { case class DummyFormData(exampleCheckbox: Option[Boolean]) def dummyForm = Form( mapping( "exampleCheckbox" -> optional(boolean) )(DummyFormData.apply)(DummyFormData.unapply)) val singleCheckbox = new SingleCheckbox() "Have the checked attribute when value is 'true'" in { val WithTrueCheckboxValueForm = dummyForm.fill(DummyFormData(Some(true))) val doc = Jsoup.parse( contentAsString( singleCheckbox( WithTrueCheckboxValueForm("exampleCheckbox"), '_label -> "exampleLabel", '_inputClass -> "inputClass", '_labelClass -> "labelClass" ) ) ) val checkboxElement = doc.getElementById("exampleCheckbox") val labelElement ="label") checkboxElement.hasAttr("checked") shouldBe true checkboxElement.attr("checked") shouldBe "checked" checkboxElement.hasClass("inputClass") shouldBe true labelElement.text() shouldBe "exampleLabel" labelElement.hasClass("labelClass") shouldBe true labelElement.hasClass("selected") shouldBe true } "The Single CheckBox" should { "Not have the checked attribute when value is 'None'" in { val doc = Jsoup.parse( contentAsString( singleCheckbox( dummyForm("exampleCheckbox"), '_label -> "exampleLabel", '_inputClass -> "inputClass", '_labelClass -> "labelClass" ) ) ) val checkboxElement = doc.getElementById("exampleCheckbox") val labelElement ="label") checkboxElement.hasAttr("checked") shouldBe false checkboxElement.hasClass("inputClass") shouldBe true labelElement.text() shouldBe "exampleLabel" labelElement.hasClass("labelClass") shouldBe true labelElement.hasClass("selected") shouldBe false } "Not have the checked attribute when value is 'false'" in { val WithFalseCheckboxValueForm = dummyForm.fill(DummyFormData(Some(false))) val doc = Jsoup.parse( contentAsString( singleCheckbox( WithFalseCheckboxValueForm("exampleCheckbox"), '_label -> "exampleLabel", '_inputClass -> "inputClass", '_labelClass -> "labelClass" ) ) ) val checkboxElement = doc.getElementById("exampleCheckbox") val labelElement ="label") checkboxElement.hasAttr("checked") shouldBe false checkboxElement.hasClass("inputClass") shouldBe true labelElement.text() shouldBe "exampleLabel" labelElement.hasClass("labelClass") shouldBe true labelElement.hasClass("selected") shouldBe false } } }
Example 27
Source File: AddressFinderDto.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models.dto import import import play.api.libs.json.Json import util.PertaxValidators._ case class AddressFinderDto(postcode: String, filter: Option[String]) object AddressFinderDto { implicit val formats = Json.format[AddressFinderDto] val form = Form( mapping( "postcode" -> text .verifying( "error.enter_a_valid_uk_postcode", e => e match { case PostcodeRegex(_*) => true case _ => false }), "filter" -> optional(nonEmptyText) .verifying("error.enter_valid_characters", e => validateAddressLineCharacters(e)) )(AddressFinderDto.apply)(AddressFinderDto.unapply) ) }
Example 28
Source File: ClosePostalAddressChoiceDto.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models.dto import import import play.api.libs.json.Json case class ClosePostalAddressChoiceDto(value: Boolean) object ClosePostalAddressChoiceDto { implicit val formats = Json.format[ClosePostalAddressChoiceDto] val form = Form( mapping( "onPageLoad" -> optional(boolean) .verifying("error.you_must_select_an_answer", _.isDefined) .transform[Boolean](_.getOrElse(false), Some(_)) )(ClosePostalAddressChoiceDto.apply)(ClosePostalAddressChoiceDto.unapply) ) }
Example 29
Source File: DateDto.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models.dto import org.joda.time.LocalDate import import import play.api.libs.json.Json import import play.api.libs.json.JodaWrites._ import play.api.libs.json.JodaReads._ case class DateDto( startDate: LocalDate ) object DateDto { implicit val formats = Json.format[DateDto] def build(day: Int, month: Int, year: Int) = DateDto(new LocalDate(year, month, day)) def form(today: LocalDate) = Form( mapping( "startDate" -> mandatoryDateTuple("error.enter_a_date") .verifying("error.date_in_future", !_.isAfter(today)) .verifying("error.enter_valid_date", !_.isBefore(new LocalDate("1000-01-01"))) )(DateDto.apply)(DateDto.unapply) ) }
Example 30
Source File: SAWrongCredentialsDto.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models.dto import import import play.api.libs.json.Json final case class SAWrongCredentialsDto(value: Boolean) object SAWrongCredentialsDto { implicit val formats = Json.format[SAWrongCredentialsDto] val form = Form( mapping( "wrongCredentialsFormChoice" -> optional(boolean) .verifying("error.you_must_select_an_answer", _.isDefined) .transform[Boolean](_.getOrElse(false), Some(_)) )(SAWrongCredentialsDto.apply)(SAWrongCredentialsDto.unapply) ) }
Example 31
Source File: TaxCreditsChoiceDto.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models.dto import import import play.api.libs.json.Json case class TaxCreditsChoiceDto(value: Boolean) object TaxCreditsChoiceDto { implicit val formats = Json.format[TaxCreditsChoiceDto] val form = Form( mapping( "taxCreditsChoice" -> optional(boolean) .verifying("error.you_must_select_an_answer", _.isDefined) .transform[Boolean](_.getOrElse(false), Some(_)) //getOrElse here will never fall back to default because of isDefined above )(TaxCreditsChoiceDto.apply)(TaxCreditsChoiceDto.unapply) ) }
Example 32
Source File: StartDateController.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.address import import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth.{AuthJourney, WithActiveTabAction} import controllers.bindable.{AddrType, PostalAddrType, ResidentialAddrType} import controllers.controllershelpers.AddressJourneyCachingHelper import models.dto.DateDto import models.{Address, SubmittedStartDateId} import import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, MessagesControllerComponents, Result} import import util.{LanguageHelper, LocalPartialRetriever} import views.html.interstitial.DisplayAddressInterstitialView import views.html.personaldetails.{CannotUpdateAddressView, EnterStartDateView} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class StartDateController @Inject()( authJourney: AuthJourney, withActiveTabAction: WithActiveTabAction, cc: MessagesControllerComponents, cachingHelper: AddressJourneyCachingHelper, enterStartDateView: EnterStartDateView, cannotUpdateAddressView: CannotUpdateAddressView, displayAddressInterstitialView: DisplayAddressInterstitialView)( implicit partialRetriever: LocalPartialRetriever, configDecorator: ConfigDecorator, templateRenderer: TemplateRenderer, ec: ExecutionContext) extends AddressController(authJourney, withActiveTabAction, cc, displayAddressInterstitialView) { def onPageLoad(typ: AddrType): Action[AnyContent] = authenticate.async { implicit request => addressJourneyEnforcer { _ => personDetails => nonPostalJourneyEnforcer(typ) { cachingHelper.gettingCachedJourneyData(typ) { journeyData => val newPostcode ="").toString val oldPostcode = personDetails.address.flatMap(add => add.postcode).getOrElse("") journeyData.submittedAddressDto map { _ => val postcodesMatch = if (newPostcode.replace(" ", "").equalsIgnoreCase(oldPostcode.replace(" ", ""))) { journeyData.submittedStartDateDto.fold(dateDtoForm)(dateDtoForm.fill) } else { dateDtoForm } Future.successful(Ok(enterStartDateView(postcodesMatch, typ))) } getOrElse { Future.successful(Redirect(routes.PersonalDetailsController.onPageLoad())) } } } } } def onSubmit(typ: AddrType): Action[AnyContent] = authenticate.async { implicit request => addressJourneyEnforcer { _ => personDetails => nonPostalJourneyEnforcer(typ) { dateDtoForm.bindFromRequest.fold( formWithErrors => { Future.successful(BadRequest(enterStartDateView(formWithErrors, typ))) }, dateDto => { cachingHelper.addToCache(SubmittedStartDateId(typ), dateDto) map { _ => val proposedStartDate = dateDto.startDate personDetails.address match { case Some(Address(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, Some(currentStartDate), _, _)) => if (!currentStartDate.isBefore(proposedStartDate)) { BadRequest( cannotUpdateAddressView(typ, LanguageHelper.langUtils.Dates.formatDate(proposedStartDate))) } else { Redirect(routes.AddressSubmissionController.onPageLoad(typ)) } case _ => Redirect(routes.AddressSubmissionController.onPageLoad(typ)) } } } ) } } } private def dateDtoForm: Form[DateDto] = DateDto.form(configDecorator.currentLocalDate) private def nonPostalJourneyEnforcer(typ: AddrType)(block: => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = typ match { case _: ResidentialAddrType => block case PostalAddrType => Future.successful(Redirect(controllers.address.routes.UpdateAddressController.onPageLoad(typ))) } }
Example 33
Source File: TableOfContentController.scala From play-table-of-contents with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import import javax.inject.Inject import context.MyExecutionContext import models.ReadmeForm import play.api.Logger import import import play.api.mvc._ import readme.TableOfContentHelper import util.HtmlUtil import scala.concurrent.Future class TableOfContentController @Inject()(ec: MyExecutionContext, cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) { val logger = Logger(this.getClass) implicit val xc: MyExecutionContext = ec val userForm = Form( mapping( "description" -> text, "github_url" -> text )(ReadmeForm.apply)(ReadmeForm.unapply) ) val startContent: String = """Example : |# Title 1 |## Title 2 |### Title 3""".stripMargin('|') def readme = Action { Ok(HtmlUtil.prettify(views.html.readme(startContent))) } private def getGithubReadmeUrl(url: String): String = { val githubUrl = new URL(url) val path = githubUrl.getPath.substring(1) val endIndex = path.indexOf("/", path.indexOf("/") + 1) val userNproject = if (endIndex == -1) path else path.substring(0, endIndex) s"${userNproject}/master/" } private def readContentFromUrl(mdUrl: String): Future[String] = Future { val f = try f.mkString finally f.close() } }
Example 34
Source File: ComputerForm.scala From Aton with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package model.form import import import object ComputerForm { val form = Form( mapping( "computer.ip" -> nonEmptyText, "" -> optional(text), "computer.SSHUser" -> nonEmptyText, "computer.SSHPassword" -> nonEmptyText, "description" -> optional(text), "roomID" -> optional(longNumber) )(ComputerFormData.apply)(ComputerFormData.unapply) ) }
Example 35
Source File: InputSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package package helpers import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import{mapping, text} import{Field, Form, FormError} import play.api.test.Helpers._ import import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class InputSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MessagesSupport { case class DummyFormData(inputBoxValue: String) def dummyForm = Form( mapping( "inputBoxValue" -> text )(DummyFormData.apply)(DummyFormData.unapply)) val input = new Input() "@helpers.input" should { "render an input box" in { val doc = jsoupDocument(input(field = dummyForm("inputValue"), '_inputClass -> "myInputClass", '_label -> "myLabel")) val inputBox = doc.getElementById("inputValue") inputBox.attr("type") shouldBe "text" inputBox.attr("name") shouldBe "inputValue" inputBox.attr("value") shouldBe "" inputBox.attr("class") shouldBe "myInputClass" inputBox.parent().text() shouldBe "myLabel" } "render error notification when errors are present" in { val doc = jsoupDocument( input( field = Field(dummyForm, "", Seq.empty, None, Seq(FormError("inputBoxValue", "Enter a value")), Some("")), '_inputClass -> "myInputClass", '_label -> "myLabel", '_error_id -> "myError" )) val errorMessage = doc.getElementById("myError").text errorMessage shouldBe "Enter a value" } "render input box with errors in the right order" in { val doc = jsoupDocument( input( field = Field(dummyForm, "", Seq.empty, None, Seq(FormError("inputBoxValue", "Form Error Text")), Some("")), '_inputClass -> "inputClass", '_label -> "Label Text", '_error_id -> "errorId", '_inputHint -> "Input Hint Text", '_labelClass -> "myLabelClass" )) val inputBox = doc.getElementsByClass("myLabelClass").first val listOfInputBoxTextInOrder = inputBox.getElementsByTag("span") listOfInputBoxTextInOrder shouldBe List("Label Text", "Input Hint Text", "Form Error Text") } } }
Example 36
Source File: DropDownSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package package helpers import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import import{mapping, _} import play.api.test.Helpers._ import import class DropDownSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MessagesSupport { case class DummyFormData(country: String) def dummyForm = Form( mapping( "country" -> text )(DummyFormData.apply)(DummyFormData.unapply)) val dropdown = new Dropdown() "@helpers.dropDown" should { "render element options" in { val countries = Seq("AU" -> "Australia", "JP" -> "Japan") val doc = jsoupDocument(dropdown(dummyForm("country"), countries, displayEmptyValue = false)) doc.getElementById("country-AU").outerHtml() shouldBe "<option id=\"country-AU\" value=\"AU\">Australia</option>" doc.getElementById("country-JP").outerHtml() shouldBe "<option id=\"country-JP\" value=\"JP\">Japan</option>" } } }
Example 37
Source File: DateFieldsSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package package helpers import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import import{mapping, of => fieldOf} import import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.twirl.api.Html import import class DateFieldsSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MessagesSupport { val months = Seq( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December") case class DummyFormData(day: Int, month: Int, year: Int) def dummyForm = Form( mapping( "" -> fieldOf[Int], "dummyField.month" -> fieldOf[Int], "dummyField.year" -> fieldOf[Int] )(DummyFormData.apply)(DummyFormData.unapply)) "The Date Fields with a freeform year input box" should { "Display months using long nouns" in { val dateFieldsFreeYearInline = new DateFieldsFreeYearInline(new Input(), new Dropdown()) val doc = jsoupDocument(dateFieldsFreeYearInline(dummyForm, "dummyField", Html("label"))) months.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (month: String, i: Int) => doc.getElementById(s"dummyField.month-${i + 1}").text shouldBe month } } } "The Date Fields with a limited year input box" should { "Display months using long nouns" in { val dateFieldsInline = new DateFieldsInline(new Dropdown()) val doc = jsoupDocument(dateFieldsInline(dummyForm, "dummyField", Html("label"), 1 to 2, None)) months.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (month: String, i: Int) => doc.getElementById(s"dummyField.month-${i + 1}").text shouldBe month } } } }
Example 38
Source File: MandatoryIfExists.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class MandatoryIfExists extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "mandatory if exists" it should "mandate the target field if any value for the source field is supplied" in { val data = Map("source" -> "anyrandomvalue") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.head.key === "target") } it should "not mandate the target field is no value for the source field is supplied" in { val res = form.bind(Map.empty[String, String]) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "source" -> optional(nonEmptyText), "target" -> mandatoryIfExists("source", nonEmptyText) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(source: Option[String], target: Option[String]) }
Example 39
Source File: SignUpForm.scala From silhouette-vuejs-app with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package forms import import import val form = Form( mapping( "firstName" -> nonEmptyText, "lastName" -> nonEmptyText, "email" -> email, "password" -> nonEmptyText, "captchaResponse" -> nonEmptyText )(CredentialsSingUpData.apply)(CredentialsSingUpData.unapply) ) }
Example 40
Source File: ProblemWithPlayFrameworkMappings.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class ProblemWithPlayFrameworkMappings extends FlatSpec with Matchers { behavior of "vanilla play conditional mapping" it should "not contain an error for the conditional validation when there is a field-level error" in { val data = Map("nonUkResident" -> "true") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.length == 1) assert(res.errors.head.key === "email") } it should "not allow an field-level error message for a conditional validation" in { val data = Map("nonUkResident" -> "true", "email" -> "[email protected]") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.length == 1) assert(res.errors.head.key === "") } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "nonUkResident" -> boolean, "country" -> optional(nonEmptyText), "email" -> nonEmptyText )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply).verifying("Error.countryRequired", x => x.nonUkResident && } case class Model(nonUkResident: Boolean, country: Option[String], email: String) class SolutionUsingConditionalMappings extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "conditional mappings" it should "contain a field level errors for the field and conditional mappings" in { val data = Map("nonUkResident" -> "true") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.length == 2) assert(res.errors.head.key === "country") assert(res.errors.tail.head.key === "email") } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "nonUkResident" -> boolean, "country" -> mandatoryIfTrue("nonUkResident", nonEmptyText), "email" -> nonEmptyText )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) }
Example 41
Source File: onlyIfAny.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import org.scalatest.OptionValues._ import import class onlyIfAny extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "only if any" it should "apply the mapping to the target field if any of the source fields have their required value" in { val data = Map("s1" -> "abc", "s2" -> "abc", "s3" -> "abc", "target" -> "magic") Seq("s1", "s2", "s3") foreach { f => val d = data.updated(f, "magicValue") val res = form.bind(d) assert( === "magic") } } it should "not apply the mapping to the target field neither of the source fields have the required value" in { val data = Map("s1" -> "abc", "s2" -> "abc", "s3" -> "abc", "target" -> "magic") val res = form.bind(data) assert( === None) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "s1" -> nonEmptyText, "s2" -> nonEmptyText, "s3" -> nonEmptyText, "target" -> onlyIfAny(Seq("s1" -> "magicValue", "s2" -> "magicValue", "s3" -> "magicValue"), optional(nonEmptyText)) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(s1: String, s2: String, s3: String, target: Option[String]) }
Example 42
Source File: MandatoryIfNot.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class MandatoryIfNot extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ it should "mandate the target field if the source field DOES not match the specified value" in { val data = Map("source" -> "NotTheMagicValue") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.head.key === "target") } it should "not mandate the target field if the source field DOES NOT match the specified value" in { val data = Map("source" -> "magicValue") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "source" -> nonEmptyText, "target" -> mandatoryIfNot("source", "magicValue", nonEmptyText) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(source: String, target: Option[String]) }
Example 43
Source File: MandatoryIfAnyAreTrue.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class MandatoryIfAnyAreTrue extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "mandatory if any are true" it should "mandate the target field if any of the source fields are true" in { Seq("f1", "f2", "f3") foreach { f => val data = Map(f -> "true") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.head.key === "target") } } it should "not mandate the target field if neither of the source fields are true" in { val res = form.bind(Map.empty[String, String]) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "f1" -> boolean, "f2" -> boolean, "f3" -> boolean, "target" -> mandatoryIfAnyAreTrue(Seq("f1", "f2", "f3"), nonEmptyText) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(f1: Boolean, f2: Boolean, f3: Boolean, target: Option[String]) }
Example 44
Source File: ChainedConditions.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class ChainedConditions extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "chained mappings" it should "apply mappings if all of the chained criteria are satisfied" in { val data = Map("name" -> "Francoise", "age" -> "21") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.head.key === "favouriteColour") } it should "not apply mappings if any part of the chained critieria is not satisfied" in { val data = Map("name" -> "Francoise", "age" -> "20") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "name" -> nonEmptyText, "age" -> number, "favouriteColour" -> mandatoryIf( isEqual("name", "Francoise") and isEqual("age", "21"), nonEmptyText ) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(name: String, age: Int, favouriteColour: Option[String]) }
Example 45
Source File: MandatoryIfFalse.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class MandatoryIfFalse extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "mandatory if false" it should "mandate the target field if the source field is false, with field-level errors" in { val data = Map("source" -> "false") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.head.key === "target") } it should "not mandate the target field if the source field is not false" in { val res = form.bind(Map.empty[String, String]) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "source" -> boolean, "target" -> mandatoryIfFalse("source", nonEmptyText) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(source: Boolean, target: Option[String]) }
Example 46
Source File: OnlyIfTrue.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import org.scalatest.OptionValues._ import import class OnlyIfTrue extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "isTrue and isFalse" it should "apply a mapping with value TRUE is string in a case-variation of TRUE" in { isTrue("source")(Map("source" -> "true")) should be(true) isTrue("source")(Map("source" -> "TRUE")) should be(true) isTrue("source")(Map("source" -> "TRuE")) should be(true) } it should "apply a mapping with value FALSE is string in a case-variation of FALSE" in { isTrue("source")(Map("source" -> "false")) should be(false) isTrue("source")(Map("source" -> "FALSE")) should be(false) isTrue("source")(Map("source" -> "fAlSe")) should be(false) } it should "apply a mapping with value TRUE is string in a case-variation of FALSE" in { isFalse("source")(Map("source" -> "false")) should be(true) isFalse("source")(Map("source" -> "FALSE")) should be(true) isFalse("source")(Map("source" -> "fAlSe")) should be(true) } it should "apply a mapping with value FALSE is string in a case-variation of TRUE" in { isFalse("source")(Map("source" -> "true")) should be(false) isFalse("source")(Map("source" -> "TRUE")) should be(false) isFalse("source")(Map("source" -> "TRuE")) should be(false) } it should "apply a mapping with value FALSE is string in not a case-variation of TRUE or FALSE" in { isTrue("source")(Map("source" -> "non-sensical")) should be(false) isFalse("source")(Map("source" -> "non-sensical")) should be(false) } behavior of "only if true" it should "apply the mapping to the target field if the source field is true" in { val data = Map("source" -> "true", "target" -> "Bonjour") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.value.value === Model(true, Some("Bonjour"))) } it should "ignore the mapping and set the default value if the source field is not true" in { val data = Map("source" -> "false", "target" -> "Bonjour") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.value.value === Model(false, None)) } it should "not mandate the target field even if the source field is true" in { val data = Map("source" -> "true") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "source" -> boolean, "target" -> onlyIfTrue("source", optional(nonEmptyText)) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(source: Boolean, target: Option[String]) }
Example 47
Source File: MandatoryIfAllEqual.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class MandatoryIfAllEqual extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "mandatory if all equal" it should "mandate the target field if all of the source fields match their required value" in { val data = Map("s1" -> "s1val", "s2" -> "s2val", "s3" -> "s3val") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.head.key === "target") } it should "not mandate the target fields if any of the source fields do not match their required value" in { val data = Map("s1" -> "s1val", "s2" -> "s2val", "s3" -> "s3val") Seq("s1", "s2", "s3") foreach { f => val data2 = data.updated(f, "notrequiredvalue") val res = form.bind(data2) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "s1" -> nonEmptyText, "s2" -> nonEmptyText, "s3" -> nonEmptyText, "target" -> mandatoryIfAllEqual(Seq("s1" -> "s1val", "s2" -> "s2val", "s3" -> "s3val"), nonEmptyText) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(s1: String, s2: String, s3: String, target: Option[String]) }
Example 48
Source File: MandatoryIfEqual.scala From play-conditional-form-mapping with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} import import class MandatoryIfEqual extends FlatSpec with Matchers { import ConditionalMappings._ behavior of "mandatory if equal" it should "mandate the target field if the source has the required value" in { val data = Map("country" -> "England") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.head.key === "town") } it should "not mandate the target field if the source field does not have the required value" in { val data = Map("country" -> "Scotland") val res = form.bind(data) assert(res.errors.isEmpty) } lazy val form = Form(mapping( "country" -> nonEmptyText, "town" -> mandatoryIfEqual("country", "England", nonEmptyText) )(Model.apply)(Model.unapply)) case class Model(country: String, town: Option[String]) }