play.api.libs.json.Format Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use play.api.libs.json.Format.
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: SessionAuditor.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package controllers.auth import import controllers.auth.SessionAuditor._ import controllers.auth.requests.AuthenticatedRequest import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import play.api.mvc.Result import import{ConfidenceLevel, Enrolment} import{Nino, SaUtr} import import import{Failure, Success} import import util.AuditServiceTools import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} private[auth] class SessionAuditor @Inject()(auditConnector: AuditConnector)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends AuditTags { val logger = Logger(this.getClass) def auditOnce[A](request: AuthenticatedRequest[A], result: Result)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier): Future[Result] = request.session.get(sessionKey) match { case None => val eventDetail = UserSessionAuditEvent(request) val sendAuditEvent = auditConnector .sendExtendedEvent( ExtendedDataEvent( auditSource = AuditServiceTools.auditSource, auditType = auditType, detail = Json.toJson(eventDetail), tags = buildTags(request)) ) .recover { case e: Exception => Logger.warn(s"Unable to audit: ${e.getMessage}") Failure("UserSessionAuditor.auditOncePerSession exception occurred whilst auditing", Some(e)) } { case Success => result.addingToSession(sessionKey -> "true")(request) case _ => result } case _ => Future.successful(result) } } object SessionAuditor { val sessionKey = "sessionAudited" val auditType = "user-session-visit" case class UserSessionAuditEvent( nino: Option[Nino], credentials: Credentials, confidenceLevel: ConfidenceLevel, name: Option[String], saUtr: Option[SaUtr], allEnrolments: Set[Enrolment]) object UserSessionAuditEvent { def apply[A](request: AuthenticatedRequest[A]): UserSessionAuditEvent = { val nino = request.nino val credentials = request.credentials val confidenceLevel = request.confidenceLevel val name = map (_.toString) val saUtr = request.saEnrolment map (_.saUtr) val enrolments = request.enrolments UserSessionAuditEvent(nino, credentials, confidenceLevel, name, saUtr, enrolments) } implicit val credentialsFormats = Json.format[Credentials] implicit val formats: Format[UserSessionAuditEvent] = Json.format[UserSessionAuditEvent] } }
Example 2
Source File: Element.scala From ADReactiveSystem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.eevolution.context.dictionary.domain.model import com.eevolution.context.dictionary.api.{ActiveEnabled, DomainModel, Identifiable, Traceable} import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class Element(elementId: Int, tenantId: Int, organizationId: Int, isActive: Boolean = true, created: DateTime =, createdBy: Int, updated: DateTime =, updatedBy: Int, columnName: String, entityType: String, name: String, printName: Option[String], description: Option[String], help: Option[String], namePO: Option[String], printNamePO: Option[String], descriptionPO : Option[String], helpPO: Option[String], referenceId: Option[Int], fieldLength: Option[Int], referenceValueId: Option[Int], uuid: String ) extends DomainModel with ActiveEnabled with Identifiable with Traceable{ override type DomainModel = this.type override type ActiveEnabled = this.type override type Identifiable = this.type override type Traceable = this.type override def Id: Int = elementId override val entityName: String = "AD_Element" override val identifier: String = "AD_Element_ID" } object Element { implicit val format: Format[Element] = Json.format def create(elementId: Int, tenantId: Int, organizationId: Int, isActive: Boolean , created: DateTime , createdBy: Int, updated: DateTime , updatedBy: Int, columnName: String, entityType: String, name: String, printName: String, description: String, help: String, namePO: String, printNamePO: String, descriptionPO : String, helpPO: String, referenceId: Int, fieldLength: Int, referenceValueId: Int, uuid: String) = Element(elementId, tenantId, organizationId, isActive , created , createdBy , updated , updatedBy , columnName, entityType, name, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, uuid) }
Example 3
Source File: WsError.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.syntax.option._ import com.wavesplatform.dex.error.MatcherError import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, _} case class WsError(timestamp: Long, code: Int, message: String) extends WsServerMessage { override def tpe: String = WsError.tpe } object WsError { val tpe = "e" def from(error: MatcherError, timestamp: Long): WsError = WsError( timestamp = timestamp, code = error.code, message = error.message.text ) def wsUnapply(arg: WsError): Option[(String, Long, Int, String)] = (arg.tpe, arg.timestamp, arg.code, arg.message).some implicit val wsErrorFormat: Format[WsError] = ( (__ \ "T").format[String] and (__ \ "_").format[Long] and (__ \ "c").format[Int] and (__ \ "m").format[String] )( (_, timestamp, code, message) => WsError(timestamp, code, message), unlift(WsError.wsUnapply) ) }
Example 4
Source File: WsInitial.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.syntax.option._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, _} case class WsInitial(connectionId: String, timestamp: Long) extends WsServerMessage { override def tpe: String = WsInitial.tpe } object WsInitial { val tpe = "i" def wsUnapply(arg: WsInitial): Option[(String, Long, String)] = (arg.tpe, arg.timestamp, arg.connectionId).some implicit val wsInitialFormat: Format[WsInitial] = ( (__ \ "T").format[String] and (__ \ "_").format[Long] and (__ \ "i").format[String] )( (_, timestamp, connectionId) => WsInitial(connectionId, timestamp), unlift(WsInitial.wsUnapply) ) }
Example 5
Source File: HttpV1LevelAgg.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.AssetPair import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.model.Denormalization import com.wavesplatform.dex.error.ErrorFormatterContext import com.wavesplatform.dex.json import com.wavesplatform.dex.model.LevelAgg import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsArray, _} case class HttpV1LevelAgg(@ApiModelProperty( dataType = "string", example = "831.87648950" ) amount: Double, @ApiModelProperty( dataType = "string", example = "0.00012079" ) price: Double) object HttpV1LevelAgg { implicit val doubleFormat: Format[Double] = json.stringAsDoubleFormat implicit val httpV1LevelAggReads: Reads[HttpV1LevelAgg] = Reads { case JsArray(value) if value.lengthCompare(2) == 0 => JsSuccess(HttpV1LevelAgg(value(1).as[Double], value(0).as[Double])) case x => JsError(s"Cannot parse $x as ApiV1LevelAgg") } def fromLevelAgg(la: LevelAgg, assetPair: AssetPair)(implicit efc: ErrorFormatterContext): HttpV1LevelAgg = HttpV1LevelAgg( Denormalization.denormalizeAmountAndFee(la.amount, efc.assetDecimals(assetPair.amountAsset)).toDouble, Denormalization.denormalizePrice(la.price, efc.assetDecimals(assetPair.amountAsset), efc.assetDecimals(assetPair.priceAsset)).toDouble ) }
Example 6
Source File: HttpOrderStatus.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities import cats.syntax.option._ import com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities.HttpOrderStatus.Status import com.wavesplatform.dex.meta.getSimpleName import com.wavesplatform.dex.model.OrderStatus import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, Reads, Writes} case class HttpOrderStatus(@ApiModelProperty( dataType = "string", allowableValues = "Accepted, NotFound, PartiallyFilled, Filled, Cancelled" ) status: Status, @ApiModelProperty( value = "Filled amount of existed order", dataType = "integer", allowEmptyValue = true ) filledAmount: Option[Long] = None, @ApiModelProperty( value = "Filled fee of existed order", dataType = "integer", allowEmptyValue = true ) filledFee: Option[Long] = None, @ApiModelProperty( value = "Brief message in case of not existed order", allowEmptyValue = true ) message: Option[String] = None) object HttpOrderStatus { implicit val httpOrderStatusFormat: Format[HttpOrderStatus] = Json.format def from(x: OrderStatus): HttpOrderStatus = x match { case OrderStatus.Accepted => HttpOrderStatus(Status.Accepted) case OrderStatus.NotFound => HttpOrderStatus(Status.NotFound, message = Some("The limit order is not found")) case OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled(filledAmount, filledFee) => HttpOrderStatus(Status.PartiallyFilled, filledAmount.some, filledFee.some) case OrderStatus.Filled(filledAmount, filledFee) => HttpOrderStatus(Status.Filled, filledAmount.some, filledFee.some) case OrderStatus.Cancelled(filledAmount, filledFee) => HttpOrderStatus(Status.Cancelled, filledAmount.some, filledFee.some) } sealed abstract class Status extends Product with Serializable { val name: String = getSimpleName(this) } object Status { case object Accepted extends Status case object NotFound extends Status case object PartiallyFilled extends Status case object Filled extends Status case object Cancelled extends Status val All = List(Accepted, NotFound, PartiallyFilled, Filled, Cancelled) implicit val format: Format[Status] = Format( { x => All.find( == x) match { case Some(r) => r case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't parse '$x' as ApiOrderStatus.Status") } }, Writes.StringWrites.contramap( ) } }
Example 7
Source File: HttpSuccessfulBatchCancel.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities import io.swagger.annotations.{ApiModel, ApiModelProperty} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} @ApiModel(description = "Cancel of multiple orders", parent = classOf[HttpSuccessfulCancel]) case class HttpSuccessfulBatchCancel( @ApiModelProperty( value = "List of successful cancellation messages or errors", dataType = "[[Lcom.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities.HttpSuccessfulSingleCancel;", ) message: List[List[Either[HttpError, HttpSuccessfulSingleCancel]]], // TODO: In new API: should be a map id -> cancel result @ApiModelProperty(value = "Success flag") override val success: Boolean = HttpSuccessfulCancel.success, @ApiModelProperty( value = "Status", example = "BatchCancelCompleted", required = false ) override val status: String = "BatchCancelCompleted") extends HttpSuccessfulCancel object HttpSuccessfulBatchCancel { implicit val httpSuccessfulBatchCancelFormat: Format[HttpSuccessfulBatchCancel] = { implicit val ef: Format[Either[HttpError, HttpSuccessfulSingleCancel]] = com.wavesplatform.dex.json.eitherFormat[HttpError, HttpSuccessfulSingleCancel] Json.format } def apply(message: List[Either[HttpError, HttpSuccessfulSingleCancel]]): HttpSuccessfulBatchCancel = HttpSuccessfulBatchCancel(message = List(message)) }
Example 8
Source File: HttpError.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities import com.wavesplatform.dex.error.MatcherError import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsObject, Json} case class HttpError(error: Int, message: String, template: String, params: Option[JsObject] = None, status: String, // @deprecated(message = "This field is unnecessary", since = "1.2.0") success: Boolean = false, ) object HttpError { implicit val httpErrorFormat: Format[HttpError] = Json.format def apply(error: Int, message: String, template: String, params: JsObject, status: String): HttpError = new HttpError( error = error, message = message, template = template, params = Some(params), status = status ) def from(x: MatcherError, status: String): HttpError = HttpError( error = x.code, message = x.message.text, template = x.message.template, params = if (x.message.params == JsObject.empty) None else Some(x.message.params), status = status ) }
Example 9
Source File: HttpOrderRestrictions.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities import com.wavesplatform.dex.json import com.wavesplatform.dex.settings.OrderRestrictionsSettings import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, OFormat} case class HttpOrderRestrictions(@ApiModelProperty(dataType = "string", example = "0.001") stepAmount: Double, @ApiModelProperty(dataType = "string", example = "1000000") minAmount: Double, @ApiModelProperty(dataType = "string", example = "0.00000001") maxAmount: Double, @ApiModelProperty(dataType = "string", example = "0.001") stepPrice: Double, @ApiModelProperty(dataType = "string", example = "100000") minPrice: Double, @ApiModelProperty(dataType = "string", example = "0.00000001") maxPrice: Double) object HttpOrderRestrictions { implicit val doubleFormat: Format[Double] = json.stringAsDoubleFormat implicit val httpOrderRestrictionsFormat: OFormat[HttpOrderRestrictions] = Json.format[HttpOrderRestrictions] def fromSettings(settings: OrderRestrictionsSettings): HttpOrderRestrictions = HttpOrderRestrictions( stepAmount = settings.stepAmount, minAmount = settings.minAmount, maxAmount = settings.maxAmount, stepPrice = settings.stepPrice, minPrice = settings.minPrice, maxPrice = settings.maxPrice ) }
Example 10
Source File: package.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.{Asset, AssetPair} import com.wavesplatform.dex.json.{assetDoubleMapFormat, assetMapFormat, assetPairMapFormat} import com.wavesplatform.dex.queue.QueueEventWithMeta import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsValue, Writes} package object entities { type HttpMatcherPublicKey = PublicKey type HttpRates = Map[Asset, Double] type HttpOffset = QueueEventWithMeta.Offset type HttpSnapshotOffsets = Map[AssetPair, HttpOffset] type HttpBalance = Map[Asset, Long] implicit val httpMatcherPublicKeyFormat: Format[PublicKey] = PublicKey.publicKeyJsonFormat implicit val httpRatesFormat: Format[HttpRates] = assetDoubleMapFormat implicit val httpSnapshotOffsetsFormat: Format[HttpSnapshotOffsets] = assetPairMapFormat[Long] implicit val httpBalanceFormat: Format[HttpBalance] = assetMapFormat[Long] implicit class HttpOps[A](private val self: A)(implicit writes: Writes[A]) { def toJson: JsValue = writes.writes(self) } }
Example 11
Source File: KeyPair.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr._ import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.codec.Base58 import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.error.ValidationError.GenericError import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, Writes} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} final case class KeyPair(seed: ByteStr) { lazy val (PrivateKey(privateKey), PublicKey(publicKey)) = crypto.createKeyPair(seed) } object KeyPair { def fromSeed(base58: String): Either[GenericError, KeyPair] = Base58.tryDecodeWithLimit(base58) match { case Success(x) => Right(KeyPair(x)) case Failure(e) => Left(GenericError(s"Unable to get a private key from the seed '$base58': ${e.getMessage}")) } implicit class KeyPairImplicitOps(private val kp: KeyPair) extends AnyVal { def toAddress: Address = PublicKey.toAddress(kp) } implicit def toPublicKey(kp: KeyPair): PublicKey = kp.publicKey implicit def toPrivateKey(kp: KeyPair): PrivateKey = kp.privateKey implicit def toAddress(keyPair: KeyPair): Address = keyPair.toAddress implicit val jsonFormat: Format[KeyPair] = Format(, Writes(v => Json.obj("seed" -> Base58.encode(v.seed), "publicKey" -> v.publicKey, "privateKey" -> v.privateKey)) ) }
Example 12
Source File: PublicKey.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account import import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr._ import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.codec.Base58 import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto._ import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.error.ValidationError.InvalidAddress import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.base58Length import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Writes} import supertagged._ object PublicKey extends TaggedType[ByteStr] { private[this] val interner = Interners.newWeakInterner[PublicKey]() val KeyStringLength: Int = base58Length(KeyLength) val empty: PublicKey = apply(ByteStr.empty) def apply(publicKey: ByteStr): PublicKey = interner.intern(publicKey @@ this) def apply(publicKey: Array[Byte]): PublicKey = apply(ByteStr(publicKey)) def fromBase58String(base58: String): Either[InvalidAddress, PublicKey] = (for { _ <- Either.cond(base58.length <= KeyStringLength, (), "Bad public key string length") bytes <- Base58.tryDecodeWithLimit(base58) => s"Unable to decode base58: ${ex.getMessage}") } yield PublicKey(bytes)) => InvalidAddress(s"Invalid sender: $err")) def unapply(arg: Array[Byte]): Option[PublicKey] = Some(apply(arg)) implicit def toAddress(pk: PublicKey): Address = pk.toAddress implicit class PublicKeyImplicitOps(private val pk: PublicKey) extends AnyVal { def toAddress: Address = Address.fromPublicKey(pk) } implicit val publicKeyJsonFormat: Format[PublicKey] = Format[PublicKey](, Writes(pk => byteStrFormat.writes(pk)) ) }
Example 13
Source File: MatcherError.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import shapeless.ops.hlist.{Mapper, ToTraversable, Zip} import shapeless.{::, Generic, HList, HNil, Poly1} // TODO use ApiError instead case class MatcherError(error: Int, message: String, status: String, params: Option[MatcherError.Params]) object MatcherError { implicit val format: Format[MatcherError] = Json.format[MatcherError] case class Params(assetId: Option[String] = None, address: Option[String] = None, insignificantDecimals: Option[Int] = None) { def isEmpty: Boolean = assetId.isEmpty && address.isEmpty } object Params { implicit val format: Format[Params] = Json.format[Params] private object containsPoly extends Poly1 { implicit def contains[T: Ordering] = at[(Option[T], Option[T])] { case (Some(l), Some(r)) => l == r case (None, None) => true case _ => false } } private def internalContains[HParams <: HList, ZHParams <: HList, Booleans <: HList](obj: Params, part: Params)( implicit gen: Generic.Aux[Params, HParams], zip: Zip.Aux[HParams :: HParams :: HNil, ZHParams], mapper: Mapper.Aux[containsPoly.type, ZHParams, Booleans], toList: ToTraversable.Aux[Booleans, List, Boolean]): Boolean =[Boolean](toList).forall(identity) def contains(obj: Params, part: Params): Boolean = internalContains(obj, part) } }
Example 14
Source File: TestSpec.scala From intro-to-akka-streams with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.streams import akka.NotUsed import{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, PoisonPill } import akka.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter } import import import import import akka.testkit.TestProbe import akka.util.Timeout import com.github.dnvriend.streams.util.ClasspathResources import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.{ Eventually, ScalaFutures } import import play.api.inject.BindingKey import play.api.libs.json.{ Format, Json } import play.api.test.WsTestClient import scala.collection.immutable._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.Try object Person { implicit val format: Format[Person] = Json.format[Person] } final case class Person(firstName: String, age: Int) class TestSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with GivenWhenThen with OptionValues with TryValues with ScalaFutures with WsTestClient with BeforeAndAfterAll with BeforeAndAfterEach with Eventually with ClasspathResources with GuiceOneServerPerSuite { def getComponent[A: ClassTag] = app.injector.instanceOf[A] def getNamedComponent[A](name: String)(implicit ct: ClassTag[A]): A = app.injector.instanceOf[A](BindingKey(ct.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[A]]).qualifiedWith(name)) // set the port number of the HTTP server override lazy val port: Int = 8081 implicit val timeout: Timeout = 1.second implicit val pc: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(timeout = 30.seconds, interval = 300.millis) implicit val system: ActorSystem = getComponent[ActorSystem] implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = getComponent[ExecutionContext] implicit val mat: Materializer = getComponent[Materializer] val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system, this.getClass) // ================================== Supporting Operations ==================================== def id: String = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString implicit class FutureToTry[T](f: Future[T]) { def toTry: Try[T] = Try(f.futureValue) } implicit class SourceOps[A](src: Source[A, NotUsed]) { def testProbe(f: TestSubscriber.Probe[A] ⇒ Unit): Unit = f(src.runWith(TestSink.probe(system))) } def withIterator[T](start: Int = 0)(f: Source[Int, NotUsed] ⇒ T): T = f(Source.fromIterator(() ⇒ Iterator from start)) def fromCollection[A](xs: Iterable[A])(f: TestSubscriber.Probe[A] ⇒ Unit): Unit = f(Source(xs).runWith(TestSink.probe(system))) def killActors(refs: ActorRef*): Unit = { val tp = TestProbe() refs.foreach { ref ⇒ tp watch ref tp.send(ref, PoisonPill) tp.expectTerminated(ref) } } }
Example 15
Source File: NationalInsuranceTaxYear.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.joda.time.LocalDate import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class NationalInsuranceTaxYear( taxYear: String, qualifying: Boolean, classOneContributions: BigDecimal, classTwoCredits: Int, classThreeCredits: Int, otherCredits: Int, classThreePayable: BigDecimal, classThreePayableBy: Option[LocalDate], classThreePayableByPenalty: Option[LocalDate], payable: Boolean, underInvestigation: Boolean ) { def currentDateAfterCutOff(currentDate: LocalDate): Boolean = { classThreePayableBy match { case Some(classThreeDate) => currentDate.isAfter(classThreeDate) case None => payable } } } object NationalInsuranceTaxYear { implicit val formats: Format[NationalInsuranceTaxYear] = Json.format[NationalInsuranceTaxYear] }
Example 16
Source File: BackendConnector.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsObject, JsPath} import import import import import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import{ HeaderCarrier, HttpGet, HttpResponse } trait BackendConnector { def http: HttpGet def serviceUrl: String def sessionCache: SessionCache val metricsService: MetricsService protected def retrieveFromCache[A](api: APIType, url: String)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, formats: Format[A]): Future[A] = { val keystoreTimerContext = metricsService.keystoreReadTimer.time() val sessionCacheF = sessionCache.fetchAndGetEntry[A](api.toString) sessionCacheF.onFailure { case _ => } sessionCacheF.flatMap { keystoreResult => keystoreTimerContext.stop() keystoreResult match { case Some(data) => Future.successful(data) case None => connectToMicroservice[A](url, api) map { data: A => cacheResult(data, api.toString) } } } } private def connectToMicroservice[A](urlToRead: String, apiType: APIType)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, formats: Format[A]): Future[A] = { val timerContext = metricsService.startTimer(apiType) val httpResponseF = http.GET[HttpResponse](urlToRead) httpResponseF onSuccess { case _ => timerContext.stop() } httpResponseF onFailure { case _ => metricsService.incrementFailedCounter(apiType) } { httpResponse => httpResponse.json.validate[A].fold( errs => { val json = JsonDepersonaliser.depersonalise(httpResponse.json) match { case Success(s) => s"Depersonalised JSON\n$s" case Failure(e) => s"JSON could not be depersonalised\n${e.toString()}" } throw new JsonValidationException(s"Unable to deserialise $apiType: ${formatJsonErrors(errs)}\n$json") }, valid => valid ) } } private def cacheResult[A](a:A,name: String)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, formats: Format[A]): A = { val timerContext = metricsService.keystoreWriteTimer.time() val cacheF = sessionCache.cache[A](name, a) cacheF.onSuccess { case _ => timerContext.stop() } cacheF.onFailure { case _ => } a } private def formatJsonErrors(errors: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[ValidationError])]): String = { => p._1 + " - " + => removeJson(e.message)).mkString(",")).mkString(" | ") } private def removeJson(message: String): String = { message.indexOf("{") match { case i if i != -1 => message.substring(0, i - 1) + " [JSON removed]" case _ => message } } private[connectors] class JsonValidationException(message: String) extends Exception(message) }
Example 17
Source File: StatePensionConnector.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, Writes} import import import import{StatePension, StatePensionExclusion} import import scala.concurrent.Future trait StatePensionConnector extends BackendConnector { implicit val reads = eitherReads[StatePensionExclusion, StatePension] implicit val writes = Writes[Either[StatePensionExclusion, StatePension]] { case Left(exclusion) => Json.toJson(exclusion) case Right(statePension) => Json.toJson(statePension) } implicit val formats = Format[Either[StatePensionExclusion, StatePension]](reads, writes) val apiHeader = "Accept" -> "application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json" def getStatePension(nino: Nino)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier): Future[Either[StatePensionExclusion, StatePension]] = { val urlToRead = s"$serviceUrl/ni/$nino" val headerCarrier = hc.copy(extraHeaders = hc.extraHeaders :+ apiHeader) retrieveFromCache[Either[StatePensionExclusion, StatePension]](APIType.StatePension, urlToRead)(headerCarrier, formats) } }
Example 18
Source File: JsonImplicitsSpec.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4 import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink} import org.scalacheck.ops._ import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks._ case class KeyWrapper(key: String) object KeyWrapper { implicit val arbKeyWrapper: Arbitrary[KeyWrapper] = Arbitrary( implicit val shrinkKeyWrapper: Shrink[KeyWrapper] = Shrink { k => Shrink.shrinkString.shrink(k.key).map(KeyWrapper(_)) } implicit lazy val format: Format[KeyWrapper] = Format.asString(convertFromString, _.key) implicit val writeKey: WritesKey[KeyWrapper] = WritesKey(_.key) implicit val readKey: ReadsKey[KeyWrapper] = ReadsKey.of[String].map(KeyWrapper(_)) implicit lazy val convertFromString: String => KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper(_) } class JsonImplicitsSpec extends AnyFreeSpec { private val exampleJson = Json.obj( "A" -> "value", "B" -> "other" ) private val exampleMap = Map( KeyWrapper("A") -> "value", KeyWrapper("B") -> "other" ) private val exampleMapFormat = Format.of[Map[KeyWrapper, String]] "explicit call to write should format the Json correctly" in { assertResult(exampleJson) { exampleMapFormat.writes(exampleMap) } } "explicit call to read should read correctly formatted Json" in { assertResult(exampleMap) { exampleMapFormat.reads(exampleJson).recoverTotal { err => throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](exampleJson, err) } } } "formatter should read every value it writes and write it out the same way" in { forAll { value: Map[String, String] => val keyWrappedMap = { case (k, v) => (KeyWrapper(k), v) } val json = exampleMapFormat.writes(keyWrappedMap) val parsedMap = exampleMapFormat.reads(json).recoverTotal { err => throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](json, err) } assertResult(keyWrappedMap)(parsedMap) } } }
Example 19
Source File: UTCFormatSpec.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4 import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone} import org.scalatest.WordSpec import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class NotUTC(when: DateTime) object NotUTC { implicit val format: Format[NotUTC] = Json.format[NotUTC] } case class UseUTC(when: DateTime) object UseUTC extends UTCFormats { implicit val format: Format[UseUTC] = Json.format[UseUTC] } class UTCFormatSpec extends WordSpec { private[this] val pacificTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID("US/Pacific") "Json.format by default" should { "deserialize with the current time zone" in { val dt = new DateTime(pacificTimeZone) assertResult(DateTimeZone.getDefault) { val notUTC = Json.toJson(NotUTC(dt)).as[NotUTC] notUTC.when.getZone } } } "UTCFormats" should { "override the standard Format[DateTime]" in { val dt = new DateTime(pacificTimeZone) assertResult(DateTimeZone.UTC) { val useUTC = Json.toJson(UseUTC(dt)).as[UseUTC] useUTC.when.getZone } } } }
Example 20
Source File: PlayJsonFormatSpec.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.scalatest import org.scalacheck.ops._ import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink} import org.scalatest.FlatSpecLike import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.PlayJsonFormatTests import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.testing.scalatest.ScalaTestBridge class PlayJsonFormatSpec[T](examples: Seq[T])(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) extends PlayJsonFormatTests[T](examples, playFormat, clsTag, shrink) with FlatSpecLike with ScalaTestBridge { def this(gen: Gen[T], samples: Int)(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) = this(gen.toIterator.take(samples).toSeq) def this(gen: Gen[T])(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) = this(gen, 100) def this(samples: Int)(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T], arb: Arbitrary[T]) = this(arb.arbitrary, samples) def this()(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T], arb: Arbitrary[T]) = this(arb.arbitrary) }
Example 21
Source File: JsonImplicitsSpec.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4 import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink} import org.scalacheck.ops._ import org.scalatest.FreeSpec import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks._ case class KeyWrapper(key: String) object KeyWrapper { implicit val arbKeyWrapper: Arbitrary[KeyWrapper] = Arbitrary( implicit val shrinkKeyWrapper: Shrink[KeyWrapper] = Shrink { k => Shrink.shrinkString.shrink(k.key).map(KeyWrapper(_)) } implicit lazy val format: Format[KeyWrapper] = Format.asString(convertFromString, _.key) implicit val writeKey: WritesKey[KeyWrapper] = WritesKey(_.key) implicit val readKey: ReadsKey[KeyWrapper] = ReadsKey.of[String].map(KeyWrapper(_)) implicit lazy val convertFromString: String => KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper(_) } class JsonImplicitsSpec extends FreeSpec { private val exampleJson = Json.obj( "A" -> "value", "B" -> "other" ) private val exampleMap = Map( KeyWrapper("A") -> "value", KeyWrapper("B") -> "other" ) private val exampleMapFormat = Format.of[Map[KeyWrapper, String]] "explicit call to write should format the Json correctly" in { assertResult(exampleJson) { exampleMapFormat.writes(exampleMap) } } "explicit call to read should read correctly formatted Json" in { assertResult(exampleMap) { exampleMapFormat.reads(exampleJson).recoverTotal { err => throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](exampleJson, err) } } } "formatter should read every value it writes and write it out the same way" in { forAll { value: Map[String, String] => val keyWrappedMap = { case (k, v) => (KeyWrapper(k), v) } val json = exampleMapFormat.writes(keyWrappedMap) val parsedMap = exampleMapFormat.reads(json).recoverTotal { err => throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](json, err) } assertResult(keyWrappedMap)(parsedMap) } } }
Example 22
Source File: PlayJsonFormatSpec.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.scalatest import org.scalacheck.ops._ import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink} import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpecLike import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.PlayJsonFormatTests import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.testing.scalatest.ScalaTestBridge class PlayJsonFormatSpec[T](examples: Seq[T])(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) extends PlayJsonFormatTests[T](examples, playFormat, clsTag, shrink) with AnyFlatSpecLike with ScalaTestBridge { def this(gen: Gen[T], samples: Int)(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) = this(gen.toIterator.take(samples).toSeq) def this(gen: Gen[T])(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) = this(gen, 100) def this(samples: Int)(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T], arb: Arbitrary[T]) = this(arb.arbitrary, samples) def this()(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T], arb: Arbitrary[T]) = this(arb.arbitrary) }
Example 23
Source File: JsonImplicitsSpec.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4 import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink} import org.scalacheck.ops._ import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks._ case class KeyWrapper(key: String) object KeyWrapper { implicit val arbKeyWrapper: Arbitrary[KeyWrapper] = Arbitrary( implicit val shrinkKeyWrapper: Shrink[KeyWrapper] = Shrink { k => Shrink.shrinkString.shrink(k.key).map(KeyWrapper(_)) } implicit lazy val format: Format[KeyWrapper] = Format.asString(convertFromString, _.key) implicit val writeKey: WritesKey[KeyWrapper] = WritesKey(_.key) implicit val readKey: ReadsKey[KeyWrapper] = ReadsKey.of[String].map(KeyWrapper(_)) implicit lazy val convertFromString: String => KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper(_) } class JsonImplicitsSpec extends AnyFreeSpec { private val exampleJson = Json.obj( "A" -> "value", "B" -> "other" ) private val exampleMap = Map( KeyWrapper("A") -> "value", KeyWrapper("B") -> "other" ) private val exampleMapFormat = Format.of[Map[KeyWrapper, String]] "explicit call to write should format the Json correctly" in { assertResult(exampleJson) { exampleMapFormat.writes(exampleMap) } } "explicit call to read should read correctly formatted Json" in { assertResult(exampleMap) { exampleMapFormat.reads(exampleJson).recoverTotal { err => throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](exampleJson, err) } } } "formatter should read every value it writes and write it out the same way" in { forAll { value: Map[String, String] => val keyWrappedMap = { case (k, v) => (KeyWrapper(k), v) } val json = exampleMapFormat.writes(keyWrappedMap) val parsedMap = exampleMapFormat.reads(json).recoverTotal { err => throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](json, err) } assertResult(keyWrappedMap)(parsedMap) } } }
Example 24
Source File: PlayJsonFormatSpec.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.scalatest import org.scalacheck.ops._ import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink} import org.scalatest.Tag import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpecLike import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.PlayJsonFormatTests import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.testing.scalatest.ScalaTestBridge class PlayJsonFormatSpec[T](examples: Seq[T])(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) extends PlayJsonFormatTests[T](examples, playFormat, clsTag, shrink) with AnyFlatSpecLike with ScalaTestBridge { override def registerTest(testText: String, testTags: Tag*)(testFun: => Unit): Unit = { super[AnyFlatSpecLike].registerTest(testText, testTags: _*)(testFun) } def this(gen: Gen[T], samples: Int)(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) = this(gen.toIterator.take(samples).toSeq) def this(gen: Gen[T])(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T]) = this(gen, 100) def this(samples: Int)(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T], arb: Arbitrary[T]) = this(arb.arbitrary, samples) def this()(implicit playFormat: Format[T], clsTag: ClassTag[T], shrink: Shrink[T], arb: Arbitrary[T]) = this(arb.arbitrary) }
Example 25
Source File: Metadata.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.models.nrs.request import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsValue, Json, OFormat} import utils.DateUtils case class Metadata(businessId: String, notableEvent: String, payloadContentType: String, payloadSha256Checksum: Option[String], userSubmissionTimestamp: DateTime, identityData: Option[IdentityData], userAuthToken: String, headerData: JsValue, searchKeys: SearchKeys) object Metadata { implicit val idformat: OFormat[IdentityData] = IdentityData.format implicit val dateFormats: Format[DateTime] = DateUtils.isoInstantDateFormat implicit val format: OFormat[Metadata] = Json.format[Metadata] }
Example 26
Source File: IdentityData.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.models.nrs.request import org.joda.time.{DateTime, LocalDate} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, OFormat} import import{AffinityGroup, ConfidenceLevel, CredentialRole} import utils.DateUtils case class IdentityData(internalId: Option[String] = None, externalId: Option[String] = None, agentCode: Option[String] = None, credentials: Option[Credentials] = None, confidenceLevel: ConfidenceLevel, nino: Option[String] = None, saUtr: Option[String] = None, name: Option[Name] = None, dateOfBirth: Option[LocalDate] = None, email: Option[String] = None, agentInformation: AgentInformation, groupIdentifier: Option[String] = None, credentialRole: Option[CredentialRole], mdtpInformation: Option[MdtpInformation] = None, itmpName: ItmpName, itmpDateOfBirth: Option[LocalDate] = None, itmpAddress: ItmpAddress, affinityGroup: Option[AffinityGroup], credentialStrength: Option[String] = None, loginTimes: LoginTimes) object IdentityData { implicit val localDateFormats: Format[LocalDate] = DateUtils.dateFormat implicit val credFormat: OFormat[Credentials] = Json.format[Credentials] implicit val nameFormat: OFormat[Name] = Json.format[Name] implicit val agentInfoFormat: OFormat[AgentInformation] = Json.format[AgentInformation] implicit val mdtpInfoFormat: OFormat[MdtpInformation] = Json.format[MdtpInformation] implicit val itmpNameFormat: OFormat[ItmpName] = Json.format[ItmpName] implicit val itmpAddressFormat: OFormat[ItmpAddress] = Json.format[ItmpAddress] implicit val dateTimeFormats: Format[DateTime] = DateUtils.isoInstantDateFormat implicit val loginTimesFormat: OFormat[LoginTimes] = Json.format[LoginTimes] implicit val format: OFormat[IdentityData] = Json.format[IdentityData] }
Example 27
Source File: DateUtils.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package utils import org.joda.time.{DateTime, LocalDate} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JodaReads, JodaWrites} object DateUtils { val isoInstantDatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'" val isoInstantDateRegex = """(\d){4}-(\d){2}-(\d){2}T(\d){2}:(\d){2}:(\d){2}Z""" val dateTimePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" val datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd" val dateTimeFormat: Format[DateTime] = Format[DateTime]( JodaReads.jodaDateReads(dateTimePattern), JodaWrites.jodaDateWrites(dateTimePattern) ) val isoInstantDateFormat: Format[DateTime] = Format[DateTime]( JodaReads.jodaDateReads(isoInstantDatePattern), JodaWrites.jodaDateWrites(isoInstantDatePattern) ) val defaultDateTimeFormat: Format[DateTime] = Format[DateTime]( JodaReads.jodaDateReads(isoInstantDatePattern), JodaWrites.jodaDateWrites(dateTimePattern) ) val dateFormat: Format[LocalDate] = Format[LocalDate]( JodaReads.jodaLocalDateReads(datePattern), JodaWrites.jodaLocalDateWrites(datePattern) ) }
Example 28
Source File: ApiDefinition.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package definition import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, OFormat} import utils.enums.Enums case class Access(`type`: String, whitelistedApplicationIds: Seq[String]) object Access { implicit val formatAccess: OFormat[Access] = Json.format[Access] } case class Parameter(name: String, required: Boolean = false) object Parameter { implicit val formatParameter: OFormat[Parameter] = Json.format[Parameter] } case class PublishingException(message: String) extends Exception(message) sealed trait APIStatus object APIStatus extends Enumeration { case object ALPHA extends APIStatus case object BETA extends APIStatus case object STABLE extends APIStatus case object DEPRECATED extends APIStatus case object RETIRED extends APIStatus implicit val formatApiVersion: Format[APIStatus] = Enums.format[APIStatus] val parser: PartialFunction[String, APIStatus] = Enums.parser[APIStatus] } case class APIVersion(version: String, access: Option[Access] = None, status: APIStatus, endpointsEnabled: Boolean) { require(version.nonEmpty, "version is required") } object APIVersion { implicit val formatAPIVersion: OFormat[APIVersion] = Json.format[APIVersion] } case class APIDefinition(name: String, description: String, context: String, categories: Seq[String], versions: Seq[APIVersion], requiresTrust: Option[Boolean]) { require(name.nonEmpty, "name is required") require(context.nonEmpty, "context is required") require(categories.nonEmpty, "at least one category is required") require(description.nonEmpty, "description is required") require(versions.nonEmpty, "at least one version is required") require(uniqueVersions, "version numbers must be unique") private def uniqueVersions = { ! > 1) } } object APIDefinition { implicit val formatAPIDefinition: OFormat[APIDefinition] = Json.format[APIDefinition] } case class Scope(key: String, name: String, description: String) object Scope { implicit val formatScope: OFormat[Scope] = Json.format[Scope] } case class Definition(scopes: Seq[Scope], api: APIDefinition) object Definition { implicit val formatDefinition: OFormat[Definition] = Json.format[Definition] }
Example 29
Source File: ErrorCode.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
Example 30
Source File: VatReturn.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import case class VatReturn(periodKey: String, vatDueSales: Amount, vatDueAcquisitions: Amount, vatDueTotal: Amount, vatReclaimedCurrPeriod: Amount, vatDueNet: Amount, totalValueSalesExVAT: Amount, totalValuePurchasesExVAT: Amount, totalValueGoodsSuppliedExVAT: Amount, totalAllAcquisitionsExVAT: Amount, agentReferenceNumber: Option[String] = None, receivedAt: Option[DateTime] = None) object VatReturn { implicit val dateFormats: Format[DateTime] = implicit val format: Format[VatReturn] = Json.format[VatReturn] }
Example 31
Source File: DesError.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, OFormat, Reads} import import case class DesError(code: DesErrorCode, reason: String) object DesError { implicit val format: OFormat[DesError] = Json.format[DesError] implicit val reads: Reads[DesError] = Json.reads[DesError] } object DesErrorCode extends Enumeration { type DesErrorCode = Value val INVALID_VRN, INVALID_ARN, INVALID_PAYLOAD, INVALID_PERIODKEY, DUPLICATE_SUBMISSION, DATE_RANGE_TOO_LARGE, SERVER_ERROR, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, INVALID_IDNUMBER, INVALID_DATETO, INVALID_DATEFROM, NOT_FOUND, VRN_NOT_FOUND, NOT_FOUND_VRN, INVALID_SUBMISSION, INVALID_IDENTIFIER, INVALID_IDTYPE, INVALID_STATUS, INVALID_REGIME, INVALID_DATE_TO, INVALID_DATE_FROM, INVALID_DATE_RANGE, NOT_FOUND_BPKEY, INVALID_REGIMETYPE, INVALID_ONLYOPENITEMS, INVALID_INCLUDELOCKS, INVALID_CALCULATEACCRUEDINTEREST, INVALID_CUSTOMERPAYMENTINFORMATION, INVALID_DATA, INVALID_INPUTDATA, TAX_PERIOD_NOT_ENDED, INVALID_ORIGINATOR_ID = Value implicit val format: Format[DesErrorCode] = EnumJson.enumFormat(DesErrorCode, Some(s"Recognized DesErrorCode values: ${DesErrorCode.values.mkString(", ")}")) }
Example 32
Source File: EnumJsonSpecSupport.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package utils.enums import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import support.UnitSpec trait EnumJsonSpecSupport { self: UnitSpec => def testRoundTrip[A: Format](namesAndValues: (String, A)*): Unit = "JSON formats" must { "support round trip" in { namesAndValues.foreach { case (name, obj) => val json = Json.parse(s""""$name"""") Json.toJson(obj) shouldBe json[A] shouldBe obj } } } }
Example 33
Source File: ThingType.scala From swagger-check with MIT License | 5 votes |
package models import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsResult, JsString, JsValue} import play.api.mvc.QueryStringBindable.Parsing object ThingType extends Enumeration { type Type = Value val Primary, Secondary, Other = Value implicit val jsonFormat = new Format[Type] { override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Type] = json.validate[String].map(ThingType.withName) override def writes(o: Type): JsValue = JsString(o.toString) } implicit val queryBinder = new Parsing[Type]( parse = ThingType.withName, serialize = v => v.toString, error = (key: String, e: Exception) => "Cannot parse parameter %s as ThingType: %s".format(key, e.getMessage) ) }
Example 34
Source File: Slug.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.naptime.actions import org.coursera.common.jsonformat.JsonFormats import org.coursera.common.stringkey.StringKeyFormat import play.api.libs.json.Format import scala.annotation.tailrec def slugify(input: String): Slug = { // Convert the unicode input to ascii. This ensures that non Latin based languages have // reasonable conversions. val slugString = input //Junidecode.unidecode(input) .replaceAll("([a-z])'s([^a-z])", "$1s$2") // Convert apostrophes. .replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "-") // Convert all non alphanumeric characters with hyphen. .replaceAll("-{2,}", "-") // Collapse multiple hyphens into one .stripPrefix("-") .stripSuffix("-") .toLowerCase val words = slugString.split("-").toList if (words.head.length() > MaxSlugLength) { Slug(words.head.take(MaxSlugLength)) } else { @tailrec def buildTruncatedSlug(currentWord: String, wordList: List[String]): String = { wordList match { case firstWord :: tail => val candidate = currentWord + "-" + firstWord if (candidate.length() > MaxSlugLength) { currentWord } else { buildTruncatedSlug(candidate, tail) } case Nil => currentWord } } Slug(buildTruncatedSlug(words.head, words.drop(1))) } } }
Example 35
Source File: ShopService.scala From Learn-Scala-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ch15 import ch15.model._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.Service._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import ShopService._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.transport.Method trait ShopService extends Service { def order: ServiceCall[Order, Purchase] override def descriptor: Descriptor = { named("GroceryShop").withCalls(restCall(Method.POST, "/purchase", order)) } } object ShopService { final case class Order(order: ShoppingList) final case class Purchase(order: Groceries) implicit val purchase: Format[Purchase] = Json.format implicit val order: Format[Order] = Json.format }
Example 36
Source File: PlayDefinitions.scala From circe-benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.benchmarks import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{ Format, JsPath, JsValue, Json, Writes } trait PlayFooInstances { implicit val playFormatFoo: Format[Foo] = ( (JsPath \ "s") .format[String] .and((JsPath \ "d").format[Double]) .and((JsPath \ "i").format[Int]) .and((JsPath \ "l").format[Long]) .and((JsPath \ "bs").format[List[Boolean]]) )(Foo.apply, unlift(Foo.unapply)) } trait PlayData { self: ExampleData => @inline def encodeP[A](a: A)(implicit encode: Writes[A]): JsValue = encode.writes(a) val foosP: JsValue = encodeP(foos) val intsP: JsValue = encodeP(ints) } trait PlayWriting { self: ExampleData => @Benchmark def writeFoosPlay: String = Json.stringify(encodeP(foos)) @Benchmark def writeIntsPlay: String = Json.stringify(encodeP(ints)) } trait PlayReading { self: ExampleData => @Benchmark def readFoosPlay: Map[String, Foo] = Json.parse(foosJson).as[Map[String, Foo]] @Benchmark def readIntsPlay: List[Int] = Json.parse(intsJson).as[List[Int]] } trait PlayEncoding { self: ExampleData => @Benchmark def encodeFoosPlay: JsValue = encodeP(foos) @Benchmark def encodeIntsPlay: JsValue = encodeP(ints) } trait PlayDecoding { self: ExampleData => @Benchmark def decodeFoosPlay: Map[String, Foo] =[Map[String, Foo]] @Benchmark def decodeIntsPlay: List[Int] =[List[Int]] } trait PlayPrinting { self: ExampleData => @Benchmark def printFoosPlay: String = Json.stringify(foosP) @Benchmark def printIntsPlay: String = Json.stringify(intsP) } trait PlayParsing { self: ExampleData => @Benchmark def parseFoosPlay: JsValue = Json.parse(foosJson) @Benchmark def parseIntsPlay: JsValue = Json.parse(intsJson) }
Example 37
Source File: JsonEntitiesFromCodecs.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package endpoints4s.algebra.playjson import endpoints4s.{Codec, Invalid, Valid, Validated} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsPath, Json, JsonValidationError} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} trait JsonEntitiesFromCodecs extends endpoints4s.algebra.JsonEntitiesFromCodecs { //#type-carrier type JsonCodec[A] = Format[A] //#type-carrier def stringCodec[A: Format]: Codec[String, A] = new Codec[String, A] { def decode(from: String): Validated[A] = (Try(Json.parse(from)) match { case Failure(_) => Left(Invalid("Unable to parse entity as JSON")) case Success(a) => Right(a) }).flatMap { json => def showErrors( errors: collection.Seq[ (JsPath, collection.Seq[JsonValidationError]) ] ): Invalid = Invalid( ( for { (path, pathErrors) <- errors.iterator error <- pathErrors } yield s"${error.message} for ${path.toJsonString}" ).toSeq ) Json .fromJson[A](json) .asEither .left .map(showErrors) .map(Valid(_)) }.merge def encode(from: A): String = Json.stringify(Json.toJson(from)) } }
Example 38
Source File: ServiceMethod.scala From typebus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.surfkit.typebus.annotations import java.nio.file.Files import io.surfkit.typebus.ResourceDb import play.api.libs.json.{Json, OFormat, Format} import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context @compileTimeOnly("enable macro to expand macro annotations") class ServiceMethod extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro ServiceMethod.impl } object ServiceMethod extends ResourceDb{ val databaseTableName = "_Service" sealed trait Store object Store{ implicit val format: OFormat[Store] = Json.format[Store] } final case class ServiceMethod(in: String, out: String) extends Store object ServiceMethod{ implicit val format: Format[ServiceMethod] = Json.format[ServiceMethod] } final case class ServiceStore(methods: Set[ServiceMethod]) extends Store object ServiceStore{ implicit val format: Format[ServiceStore] = Json.format[ServiceStore] } var methods = Set.empty[ServiceMethod] def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ val result = match { case q"$mods def $methodName[..$tpes]($arg, meta: EventMeta): Future[$returnType] = { ..$body }" :: Nil => //case q"$mods def $methodName[..$tpes]($arg, meta: EventMeta): Future[$returnType]{..$body}" :: Nil => // val retTpe = c.typecheck(q"(??? : $returnType)").tpe val argChild = arg.children.head val argTpe = c.typecheck(q"(??? : $argChild)").tpe //println(s"retTpe:${retTpe} ${retTpe.typeSymbol.fullName}") //println(s"argTpe:${argTpe} ${argTpe.typeSymbol.fullName}") // FIXME: packaging a jar will fail when trying to access the resource files. For now we can skip this. try { methods += ServiceMethod(argTpe.typeSymbol.fullName, retTpe.typeSymbol.fullName) val servicePath = databaseTablePath(databaseTableName) Files.write(servicePath, serialiseServiceStore(ServiceStore(methods)).getBytes) }catch{ case _: Throwable => } q"""$mods def $methodName[..$tpes]($arg, meta: EventMeta): Future[$returnType] = { ..$body }""" case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Annotation @ServiceMethod can be used only with methods of the form (T, EventMeta) => Future[U] instead of: ${}") } c.Expr[Any](result) } def serialiseServiceStore(value: ServiceStore): String = Json.toJson(value).toString() //Pickle.intoBytes(value).array def deSerialiseServiceStore(json: String): ServiceStore = Json.parse(json).as[ServiceStore] //Unpickle[ServiceStore].fromBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)) }
Example 39
Source File: VariantsSpec.scala From play-json-extra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package play.json.extra import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json.{Reads, Json, Format, __} object VariantsSpec extends Specification { sealed trait Foo final case class Bar(x: Int) extends Foo final case class Baz(s: String) extends Foo case object Bah extends Foo sealed trait Attachment final case class PhotoAttachment(photo: String) extends Attachment sealed trait Status case object ToDo extends Status case object Done extends Status val bar = Bar(42) val baz = Baz("bah") implicit val fooFormat: Format[Foo] = Variants.format[Foo] implicit val statusFormat: Format[Status] = Variants.format[Status] sealed trait A final case class B(x: Int) extends A final case class C(x: Int) extends A "Variants" should { "Generate an additional JSON field containing the variant name" in { (Json.toJson(bar) \ "$variant").as[String] must equalTo ("Bar") (Json.toJson(baz) \ "$variant").as[String] must equalTo ("Baz") (Json.toJson(Bah) \ "$variant").as[String] must equalTo ("Bah") } "Build the right variant from JSON data" in { Json.obj("$variant" -> "Bar", "x" -> 0).as[Foo] must equalTo (Bar(0)) Json.obj("$variant" -> "Baz", "s" -> "hello").as[Foo] must equalTo (Baz("hello")) Json.obj("$variant" -> "Bah").as[Foo] must equalTo (Bah) } "Serialize and deserialize any variant of a sum type" in { Json.toJson(bar).as[Foo] must equalTo (bar) Json.toJson(baz).as[Foo] must equalTo (baz) Json.toJson(Bah).as[Foo] must equalTo (Bah) } "Support variants with the same types" in { implicit val format = Variants.format[A] Json.toJson(B(42)).as[A] must equalTo (B(42)) Json.toJson(C(0)).as[A] must equalTo (C(0)) } "Support case object style enumerations" in { Json.toJson(ToDo).as[Status] must equalTo (ToDo) Json.toJson(Done).as[Status] must equalTo (Done) } "Support customization of discriminator field name" in { implicit val format = Variants.format[A]((__ \ "type").format[String]) (Json.toJson(B(42)) \ "type").as[String] must equalTo ("B") (Json.toJson(C(0)) \ "type").as[String] must equalTo ("C") Json.obj("type" -> "B", "x" -> 0).as[A] must equalTo (B(0)) Json.obj("type" -> "C", "x" -> 0).as[A] must equalTo (C(0)) } "Generate just a Reads" in { implicit val reads = Variants.reads[A] Json.obj("x" -> 42, "$variant" -> "B").as[A] must equalTo (B(42)) Json.obj("x" -> 0, "$variant" -> "C").as[A] must equalTo (C(0)) } "Generate just a Writes" in { implicit val writes = Variants.writes[A] Json.toJson(B(42)) must equalTo (Json.obj("x" -> 42, "$variant" -> "B")) Json.toJson(C(0)) must equalTo (Json.obj("x" -> 0, "$variant" -> "C")) } "deserialize json with custom discriminator" in { implicit val attachmentReads: Reads[Attachment] = Variants.reads[Attachment]((__ \ "type").read[String].map(s => s"${s.capitalize}Attachment")) val photoJson = Json.obj("type" -> "photo", "photo" -> "bar")[Attachment] must beAnInstanceOf[PhotoAttachment] } } }
Example 40
Source File: Messages.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter11.token.api import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class RetrieveTokenRequest(clientId: String, clientSecret: String) case class RetrieveTokenResult(successful: Boolean, token: Option[String] = None) case class ValidateTokenRequest(clientId: String, token: String) case class ValidateTokenResult(successful: Boolean) object RetrieveTokenRequest { implicit val retrieveTokenRequestFormat: Format[RetrieveTokenRequest] = Json.format[RetrieveTokenRequest] } object RetrieveTokenResult { implicit val retrieveTokenResultFormat: Format[RetrieveTokenResult] = Json.format[RetrieveTokenResult] } object ValidateTokenRequest { implicit val validateTokenRequestFormat: Format[ValidateTokenRequest] = Json.format[ValidateTokenRequest] } object ValidateTokenResult { implicit val validateTokenResultFormat: Format[ValidateTokenResult] = Json.format[ValidateTokenResult] }
Example 41
Source File: CommandEventState.scala From Akka-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.chapter11.trip.impl import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity.ReplyType import com.packt.chapter11.trip.api.ReportLocation import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} sealed trait ClientCommand[R] extends ReplyType[R] case object StartTrip extends ClientCommand[Done] case object EndTrip extends ClientCommand[Done] case class AddLocation(reportLocationRequest: ReportLocation) extends ClientCommand[Done] sealed trait ClientEvent case class TripStarted(time: Long) extends ClientEvent case class TripEnded(time: Long) extends ClientEvent case class LocationAdded(location: Location) extends ClientEvent case class Location(lat: Double, lon: Double) case class ClientState(tripInProgress: Boolean, locations: List[Location]) object Location { implicit val format : Format[Location] = Json.format[Location] } object ClientState { implicit val format: Format[ClientState] = Json.format } object TripStarted { implicit val format: Format[TripStarted] = Json.format } object TripEnded { implicit val format: Format[TripEnded] = Json.format } object LocationAdded { implicit val format: Format[LocationAdded] = Json.format } object AddLocation { implicit val format: Format[AddLocation] = Json.format }
Example 42
Source File: ScodecHelper.scala From kafka-journal with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.util import cats.MonadError import{NonEmptyList => Nel} import cats.implicits._ import com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.JsonCodec import play.api.libs.json.Format import scodec.bits.ByteVector import scodec.{Attempt, Codec, Err, codecs} import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.util.Try object ScodecHelper { implicit val attemptMonadError: MonadError[Attempt, Attempt.Failure] = { import Attempt._ new MonadError[Attempt, Failure] { def raiseError[A](a: Failure) = a def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Attempt[A])(f: Failure => Attempt[A]) = { fa match { case fa: Successful[A] => fa case fa: Failure => f(fa) } } def pure[A](a: A) = Successful(a) def flatMap[A, B](fa: Attempt[A])(f: A => Attempt[B]) = fa.flatMap(f) @tailrec def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Attempt[Either[A, B]]): Attempt[B] = { f(a) match { case b: Failure => b case b: Successful[Either[A, B]] => b.value match { case Left(b1) => tailRecM(b1)(f) case Right(a) => Successful(a) } } } } } def nelCodec[A](codec: Codec[List[A]]): Codec[Nel[A]] = { val to = (a: List[A]) => { Attempt.fromOption(a.toNel, Err("list is empty")) } val from = (a: Nel[A]) => Attempt.successful(a.toList) codec.exmap(to, from) } def formatCodec[A](implicit format: Format[A], jsonCodec: JsonCodec[Try]): Codec[A] = { val fromBytes = (bytes: ByteVector) => { val jsValue = jsonCodec.decode.fromBytes(bytes) for { a <- Attempt.fromTry(jsValue) a <- format.reads(a).fold(a => Attempt.failure(Err(a.toString())), Attempt.successful) } yield a } val toBytes = (a: A) => { val jsValue = format.writes(a) val bytes = jsonCodec.encode.toBytes(jsValue) Attempt.fromTry(bytes) } codecs.bytes.exmap(fromBytes, toBytes) } }
Example 43
Source File: HelloWorldEntity.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.helloworld.impl import java.time.LocalDateTime import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventShards import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.{ PersistentEntity, AggregateEventTag, AggregateEvent } import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity.ReplyType import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.{ JsonSerializer, JsonSerializerRegistry } import play.api.libs.json.{ Format, Json } import scala.collection.immutable.Seq class HelloWorldEntity extends PersistentEntity { override type Command = HelloWorldCommand[_] override type Event = HelloWorldEvent override type State = HelloWorldState override def initialState: HelloWorldState = HelloWorldState("Hello", override def behavior: Behavior = { case HelloWorldState(message, _) => Actions().onCommand[UseGreetingMessage, Done] { case (UseGreetingMessage(newMessage), ctx, state) => ctx.thenPersist( GreetingMessageChanged(entityId, newMessage) ) { _ => ctx.reply(Done) } }.onReadOnlyCommand[Hello, String] { case (Hello(name), ctx, state) => ctx.reply(s"$message, $name!") }.onEvent { case (GreetingMessageChanged(_, newMessage), state) => HelloWorldState(newMessage, } } } case class HelloWorldState(message: String, timestamp: String) object HelloWorldState { implicit val format: Format[HelloWorldState] = Json.format } sealed trait HelloWorldEvent extends AggregateEvent[HelloWorldEvent] { override def aggregateTag: AggregateEventShards[HelloWorldEvent] = HelloWorldEvent.Tag } object HelloWorldEvent { val NumShards = 4 val Tag = AggregateEventTag.sharded[HelloWorldEvent](NumShards) } case class GreetingMessageChanged(id:String, message: String) extends HelloWorldEvent object GreetingMessageChanged { implicit val format: Format[GreetingMessageChanged] = Json.format } sealed trait HelloWorldCommand[R] extends ReplyType[R] case class UseGreetingMessage(message: String) extends HelloWorldCommand[Done] object UseGreetingMessage { implicit val format: Format[UseGreetingMessage] = Json.format } case class Hello(name: String) extends HelloWorldCommand[String] object Hello { implicit val format: Format[Hello] = Json.format } object HelloWorldSerializerRegistry extends JsonSerializerRegistry { override def serializers: Seq[JsonSerializer[_]] = Seq( JsonSerializer[UseGreetingMessage], JsonSerializer[Hello], JsonSerializer[GreetingMessageChanged], JsonSerializer[HelloWorldState] ) }
Example 44
Source File: ShoppingCartService.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.shoppingcart.api import java.time.Instant import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.transport.Method import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.{Service, ServiceCall} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} trait ShoppingCartService extends Service { def get(id: String): ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] def getReport(id: String): ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] def updateItem(id: String, productId: String, qty: Int): ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] def checkout(id: String): ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] override final def descriptor = { import Service._ named("shopping-cart") .withCalls( restCall(Method.GET, "/shoppingcart/:id", get _), restCall(Method.GET, "/shoppingcart/:id/report", getReport _), // for the RESTafarians, my formal apologies but the GET calls below do mutate state // we just want an easy way to mutate data from a sbt scripted test, so no POST/PUT here restCall(Method.GET, "/shoppingcart/:id/:productId/:num", updateItem _), restCall(Method.GET, "/shoppingcart/:id/checkout", checkout _) ) .withAutoAcl(true) } }
Example 45
Source File: ServiceRegistryInteropSpec.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.registry.impl import import java.util.Collections import java.util.Optional import import akka.testkit.TestKit import akka.util.ByteString import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.internal.scaladsl.registry.RegisteredService import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.internal.scaladsl.registry.ServiceRegistryService import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.registry.{ RegisteredService => jRegisteredService } import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.javadsl.registry.{ ServiceRegistryService => jServiceRegistryService } import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.internal.scaladsl.registry.{ RegisteredService => sRegisteredService } import com.lightbend.lagom.devmode.internal.scaladsl.registry.{ ServiceRegistryService => sServiceRegistryService } import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.ServiceAcl import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.deser.MessageSerializer import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.deser.StrictMessageSerializer import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.transport.MessageProtocol import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.transport.Method import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.jackson.JacksonSerializerFactory import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.concurrent.Futures import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class ServiceRegistryInteropSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with Futures with BeforeAndAfterAll { val system = ActorSystem() val jacksonSerializerFactory = new JacksonSerializerFactory(system) protected override def afterAll(): Unit = { TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem = system, verifySystemShutdown = true) } behavior.of("ServiceRegistry serializers") it should "should interop between java and scala (RegisteredService)" in { val msg = jRegisteredService.of("inventory", URI.create("https://localhost:123/asdf"), Optional.of("https")) roundTrip(msg) should be(msg) } it should "should interop between java and scala when optional fields are empty (RegisteredService)" in { val msg = jRegisteredService.of("inventory", URI.create("https://localhost:123/asdf"), Optional.empty[String]) roundTrip(msg) should be(msg) } it should "should interop between java and scala (ServiceRegistryService)" in { val msg = jServiceRegistryService.of( URI.create("https://localhost:123/asdf"), Collections.singletonList(ServiceAcl.methodAndPath(Method.GET, "/items")) ) roundTrip(msg) should be(msg) } it should "should interop between java and scala when optional fields are empty (ServiceRegistryService)" in { val msg = jServiceRegistryService.of(URI.create("https://localhost:123/asdf"), Collections.emptyList[ServiceAcl]) roundTrip(msg) should be(msg) } private def roundTrip(input: jServiceRegistryService): jServiceRegistryService = { roundTrip( input, jacksonSerializerFactory.messageSerializerFor[jServiceRegistryService](classOf[jServiceRegistryService]), com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.JsonSerializer[ServiceRegistryService].format )(sServiceRegistryService.format) } private def roundTrip(input: jRegisteredService): jRegisteredService = { roundTrip( input, jacksonSerializerFactory.messageSerializerFor[jRegisteredService](classOf[jRegisteredService]), com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.JsonSerializer[RegisteredService].format )(sRegisteredService.format) } private def roundTrip[J, S]( input: J, jacksonSerializer: StrictMessageSerializer[J], playJsonFormatter: Format[S] )(implicit format: Format[S]): J = { val byteString: ByteString = jacksonSerializer.serializerForRequest().serialize(input) val scalaValue: S = playJsonFormatter.reads(Json.parse(byteString.toArray)).get val str: String = playJsonFormatter.writes(scalaValue).toString() val jacksonDeserializer: MessageSerializer.NegotiatedDeserializer[J, ByteString] = jacksonSerializer.deserializer( new MessageProtocol(Optional.of("application/json"), Optional.empty[String], Optional.empty[String]) ) jacksonDeserializer.deserialize(ByteString(str)) } }
Example 46
Source File: HelloService.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.scaladsl.mb import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed //#hello-service import import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.Service import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceCall import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json object HelloService { val TOPIC_NAME = "greetings" } trait HelloService extends Service { final override def descriptor = { import Service._ named("brokerdocs") .withCalls( pathCall("/api/hello/:id", hello _), pathCall("/api/hello/:id", useGreeting _) ) .withTopics( topic(HelloService.TOPIC_NAME, greetingsTopic) ) .withAutoAcl(true) } // The topic handle def greetingsTopic(): Topic[GreetingMessage] def hello(id: String): ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] def useGreeting(id: String): ServiceCall[GreetingMessage, Done] } //#hello-service case class GreetingMessage(message: String) object GreetingMessage { implicit val format: Format[GreetingMessage] = Json.format[GreetingMessage] }
Example 47
Source File: PublishServiceSpec.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.scaladsl.mb import import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.server.LagomApplication import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.server.LagomApplicationContext import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.server.LagomServer import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.server.LocalServiceLocator import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.testkit.ServiceTest import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.testkit.TestTopicComponents import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AsyncWordSpec import akka.NotUsed import akka.Done import import import import abstract class PublishApplication(context: LagomApplicationContext) extends LagomApplication(context) with AhcWSComponents { override lazy val lagomServer = serverFor[service.PublishService](new service.PublishServiceImpl()) } package service { import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.Service import object PublishService { val TOPIC_NAME = "events" } trait PublishService extends Service { final override def descriptor = { import Service._ named("brokerdocs") .withTopics(topic(PublishService.TOPIC_NAME, events)) .withAutoAcl(true) } def events(): Topic[PubMessage] } case class PubMessage(message: String) object PubMessage { import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json implicit val format: Format[PubMessage] = Json.format[PubMessage] } class PublishServiceImpl() extends PublishService { override def events(): Topic[PubMessage] = TopicProducer.singleStreamWithOffset { offset => Source((1 to 10)).map(i => (PubMessage(s"msg $i"), offset)) } } } class PublishServiceSpec extends AsyncWordSpec with Matchers { import service._ //#topic-test-publishing-into-a-topic "The PublishService" should { "publish events on the topic" in ServiceTest.withServer(ServiceTest.defaultSetup) { ctx => new PublishApplication(ctx) with LocalServiceLocator with TestTopicComponents } { server => implicit val system = server.actorSystem implicit val mat = server.materializer val client: PublishService = server.serviceClient.implement[PublishService] val source = source .runWith(TestSink.probe[PubMessage]) .request(1) .expectNext should ===(PubMessage("msg 1")) } } //#topic-test-publishing-into-a-topic }
Example 48
Source File: HelloEntity.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.scaladsl.mb import java.time.LocalDateTime import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEvent import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventTag import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventTagger import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity.ReplyType import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.JsonSerializerRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.JsonSerializer import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.collection.immutable.Seq class HelloEntity extends PersistentEntity { override type Command = HelloCommand[_] override type Event = HelloEvent override type State = HelloState override def initialState: HelloState = HelloState("Hello", override def behavior: Behavior = { case HelloState(message, _) => Actions() .onCommand[UseGreetingMessage, Done] { // Command handler for the UseGreetingMessage command case (UseGreetingMessage(newMessage), ctx, state) => // In response to this command, we want to first persist it as a // GreetingMessageChanged event ctx.thenPersist(GreetingMessageChanged(newMessage)) { // Then once the event is successfully persisted, we respond with done. _ => ctx.reply(Done) } } .onReadOnlyCommand[Hello, String] { // Command handler for the Hello command case (Hello(name, organization), ctx, state) => // Reply with a message built from the current message, and the name of // the person we're meant to say hello to. ctx.reply(s"$message, $name!") } .onEvent { // Event handler for the GreetingMessageChanged event case (GreetingMessageChanged(newMessage), state) => // We simply update the current state to use the greeting message from // the event. HelloState(newMessage, } } } case class HelloState(message: String, timestamp: String) object HelloState { implicit val format: Format[HelloState] = Json.format } object HelloEventTag { val INSTANCE: AggregateEventTag[HelloEvent] = AggregateEventTag[HelloEvent]() } sealed trait HelloEvent extends AggregateEvent[HelloEvent] { override def aggregateTag: AggregateEventTagger[HelloEvent] = HelloEventTag.INSTANCE } case class GreetingMessageChanged(message: String) extends HelloEvent object GreetingMessageChanged { implicit val format: Format[GreetingMessageChanged] = Json.format } sealed trait HelloCommand[R] extends ReplyType[R] case class UseGreetingMessage(message: String) extends HelloCommand[Done] object UseGreetingMessage { implicit val format: Format[UseGreetingMessage] = Json.format } case class Hello(name: String, organization: Option[String]) extends HelloCommand[String] object Hello { implicit val format: Format[Hello] = Json.format } object HelloSerializerRegistry extends JsonSerializerRegistry { override def serializers: Seq[JsonSerializer[_]] = Seq( JsonSerializer[UseGreetingMessage], JsonSerializer[Hello], JsonSerializer[GreetingMessageChanged], JsonSerializer[HelloState] ) }
Example 49
Source File: AddComment.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.home.scaladsl.serialization import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json //#complexMembers case class UserMetadata(twitterHandle: String) object UserMetadata { implicit val format: Format[UserMetadata] = Json.format } case class AddComment(userId: String, comment: String, userMetadata: UserMetadata) object AddComment { implicit val format: Format[AddComment] = Json.format } //#complexMembers
Example 50
Source File: AddOrder.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.home.scaladsl.serialization import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.JsonSerializer import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.json.Reads object AddOrder { case class AddOrder(productId: String, quantity: Int) import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json._ object AddOrder { implicit val format: Format[AddOrder] = (JsPath \ "product_id") .format[String] .and((JsPath \ "quantity").format[Int]) .apply(AddOrder.apply, unlift(AddOrder.unapply)) } } object OrderCommands { //#singleton case object GetOrders { implicit val format: Format[GetOrders.type] = JsonSerializer.emptySingletonFormat(GetOrders) } //#singleton } object Hierarchy { //#hierarchy import play.api.libs.json._ sealed trait Fruit case object Pear extends Fruit case object Apple extends Fruit case class Banana(ripe: Boolean) extends Fruit object Banana { implicit val format: Format[Banana] = Json.format } object Fruit { implicit val format = Format[Fruit]( Reads { js => // use the fruitType field to determine how to deserialize val fruitType = (JsPath \ "fruitType").read[String].reads(js) fruitType.fold( errors => JsError("fruitType undefined or incorrect"), { case "pear" => JsSuccess(Pear) case "apple" => JsSuccess(Apple) case "banana" => (JsPath \ "data").read[Banana].reads(js) } ) }, Writes { case Pear => JsObject(Seq("fruitType" -> JsString("pear"))) case Apple => JsObject(Seq("fruitType" -> JsString("apple"))) case b: Banana => JsObject( Seq( "fruitType" -> JsString("banana"), "data" -> Banana.format.writes(b) ) ) } ) } //#hierarchy }
Example 51
Source File: OrderAdded.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.home.scaladsl.serialization import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json case class OrderAdded(shoppingCartId: String) object OrderAdded { implicit val format: Format[OrderAdded] = Json.format } object ManualMappingOrderAdded { //#manualMapping case class OrderAdded(productId: String, quantity: Int) import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json._ object OrderAdded { implicit val format: Format[OrderAdded] = (JsPath \ "product_id") .format[String] .and((JsPath \ "quantity").format[Int]) .apply(OrderAdded.apply, unlift(OrderAdded.unapply)) } //#manualMapping }
Example 52
Source File: ApiDefinition.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.definition import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import router.definition.APIStatus.APIStatus import router.enums.EnumJson case class Access(`type`: String, whitelistedApplicationIds: Seq[String]) object Access { implicit val formatAccess = Json.format[Access] } case class Parameter(name: String, required: Boolean = false) object Parameter { implicit val formatParameter = Json.format[Parameter] } case class PublishingException(message: String) extends Exception(message) object APIStatus extends Enumeration { type APIStatus = Value val ALPHA, BETA, STABLE, DEPRECATED, RETIRED = Value implicit val formatAPIStatus: Format[APIStatus] = EnumJson.enumFormat(APIStatus) } case class APIVersion(version: String, access: Option[Access] = None, status: APIStatus, endpointsEnabled: Boolean) { require(version.nonEmpty, "version is required") } object APIVersion { implicit val formatAPIVersion = Json.format[APIVersion] } case class APIDefinition(name: String, description: String, context: String, versions: Seq[APIVersion], requiresTrust: Option[Boolean]) { require(name.nonEmpty, "name is required") require(context.nonEmpty, "context is required") require(description.nonEmpty, "description is required") require(versions.nonEmpty, "at least one version is required") require(uniqueVersions, "version numbers must be unique") private def uniqueVersions = { ! > 1) } } object APIDefinition { implicit val formatAPIDefinition = Json.format[APIDefinition] } case class Scope(key: String, name: String, description: String) object Scope { implicit val formatScope = Json.format[Scope] } case class Definition(scopes: Seq[Scope], api: APIDefinition) object Definition { implicit val formatDefinition = Json.format[Definition] }
Example 53
Source File: ArticleWithTags.scala From scala-play-realworld-example-app with MIT License | 5 votes |
package articles.models import java.time.Instant import users.models.Profile import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class ArticleWithTags(id: ArticleId, slug: String, title: String, description: String, body: String, createdAt: Instant, updatedAt: Instant, tagList: Seq[String], author: Profile, favorited: Boolean, favoritesCount: Int) object ArticleWithTags { implicit val articleWithTagsFormat: Format[ArticleWithTags] = Json.format[ArticleWithTags] def apply(article: Article, tags: Seq[Tag], author: Profile, favorited: Boolean, favoritesCount: Int): ArticleWithTags = { val tagValuesSorted = ArticleWithTags(, article.slug, article.title, article.description, article.body, article.createdAt, article.updatedAt, tagValuesSorted, author, favorited, favoritesCount ) } def fromTagValues(article: Article, tagValues: Seq[String], author: Profile, favorited: Boolean, favoritesCount: Int): ArticleWithTags = { val tagValuesSorted = tagValues.sorted ArticleWithTags(, article.slug, article.title, article.description, article.body, article.createdAt, article.updatedAt, tagValuesSorted, author, favorited, favoritesCount ) } }
Example 54
Source File: CouchbaseReadSideQuery.scala From akka-persistence-couchbase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.home.persistence // #imports import akka.NotUsed import import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.{Service, ServiceCall} import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.ReadSide import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.couchbase.CouchbaseReadSide import docs.home.persistence.CouchbaseReadSideProcessorTwo.HelloEventProcessor import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext // #imports object CouchbaseReadSideQuery { trait GreetingService extends Service { def userGreetings(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, List[UserGreeting]] override final def descriptor = { import Service._ named("hello") .withCalls( pathCall("/api/user-greetings/", userGreetings _) ) .withAutoAcl(true) } } case class UserGreeting(name: String, message: String) object UserGreeting { implicit val format: Format[UserGreeting] = Json.format[UserGreeting] } // #service-impl //#register-event-processor class GreetingServiceImpl(couchbaseReadSide: CouchbaseReadSide, readSideRegistry: ReadSide, session: CouchbaseSession)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext ) extends GreetingService { readSideRegistry.register[HelloEvent](new HelloEventProcessor(couchbaseReadSide)) //#register-event-processor override def userGreetings() = ServiceCall { request => session.get("users-actual-greetings").map { case Some(jsonDoc) => val json = jsonDoc.content() json.getNames() => UserGreeting(name, json.getString(name))).toList case None => List.empty[UserGreeting] } } } // #service-impl }
Example 55
Source File: StatefulStore.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.operator import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsObject, Json} import skuber.ResourceSpecification.Subresources import skuber.apiextensions.CustomResourceDefinition import skuber.{CustomResource, ListResource, ResourceDefinition} object StatefulStore { type Resource = CustomResource[StatefulStore.Spec, Status] type ResourceList = ListResource[Resource] case class Spec(`type`: Option[String], deployment: Option[String], config: Option[JsObject]) object Spec { implicit val format: Format[Spec] = Json.format } case class Status(conditions: Option[List[Condition]], lastConfig: Option[String]) object Status { implicit val format: Format[Status] = Json.format } implicit val statefulStoreResourceDefinition = ResourceDefinition[Resource]( group = "", version = "v1alpha1", kind = "StatefulStore", shortNames = Nil, subresources = Some(Subresources().withStatusSubresource) ) implicit val statusSubEnabled = CustomResource.statusMethodsEnabler[Resource] val crd = CustomResourceDefinition[Resource] def apply(name: String, spec: Spec) = CustomResource[Spec, Status](spec).withName(name) }
Example 56
Source File: GenericStatus.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.operator import java.time.ZonedDateTime import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class GenericStatus( conditions: Option[List[Condition]] ) object GenericStatus { implicit val format: Format[GenericStatus] = Json.format } case class Condition( `type`: String, status: String, reason: Option[String] = None, message: Option[String] = None, severity: Option[String] = None, lastUpdateTime: Option[ZonedDateTime] = None, lastTransitionTime: Option[ZonedDateTime] = None ) object Condition { private implicit val timeFormat: Format[ZonedDateTime] = Format(skuber.json.format.timeReads, skuber.json.format.timewWrites) implicit val format: Format[Condition] = Json.format }
Example 57
Source File: Watcher.scala From cloudstate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.cloudstate.operator import akka.{Done, NotUsed} import{KillSwitch, KillSwitches, Materializer} import{Flow, Keep, RestartSource, Sink, Source} import play.api.libs.json.Format import skuber.{ListResource, ObjectResource, ResourceDefinition} import skuber.api.client.{EventType, KubernetesClient, WatchEvent} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import skuber.json.format._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext object Watcher { private implicit def listResourceFormat[Resource <: ObjectResource: Format]: Format[ListResource[Resource]] = ListResourceFormat(implicitly[Format[Resource]]) def watch[Resource <: ObjectResource: Format: ResourceDefinition]( client: KubernetesClient, handler: Flow[WatchEvent[Resource], _, _] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): KillSwitch = // Summary of what we want our event loop to look like: // * We start by listing all the resources, and process them. // * Then we start watching from the resourceVersion that we got in our list, so we get all updates. // * But we also want to periodically recheck all resources, since sometimes there are race conditions // between operators handling dependent resources (eg, if you deploy a journal and a service that uses // it at the same time), so we only run the watch for a maximum of that time (eg, 5 minutes), before // restarting. // * Also, if errors are encountered, we don't want to continually restart in a hot loop, so we use the // RestartSource to restart with backoff. RestartSource .onFailuresWithBackoff(2.seconds, 20.seconds, 0.2) { () => val source = Source .repeat(NotUsed) .flatMapConcat { _ => Source .fromFutureSource( client .list[ListResource[Resource]]() .map { resources => val watch = client .watchAllContinuously[Resource](sinceResourceVersion = Some(resources.resourceVersion)) Source(resources) .map(WatchEvent(EventType.MODIFIED, _)) .concat(watch) } ) .takeWithin(5.minutes) } source.via(handler) } .viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right) .to(Sink.ignore) .run() def watchSingle[Resource <: ObjectResource: Format: ResourceDefinition]( client: KubernetesClient, resourceName: String, handler: Flow[WatchEvent[Resource], _, _] )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, mat: Materializer): KillSwitch = RestartSource .onFailuresWithBackoff(2.seconds, 20.seconds, 0.2) { () => val source = Source .repeat(NotUsed) .flatMapConcat { _ => Source .fromFutureSource( client.getOption[Resource](resourceName).map { case Some(resource) => val watch = client.watchContinuously[Resource](resourceName, sinceResourceVersion = Some(resource.resourceVersion)) Source .single(resource) .map(WatchEvent(EventType.MODIFIED, _)) .concat(watch) case None => throw new RuntimeException( s"Resource $resourceName not found in namespace ${client.namespaceName}!" ) } ) .takeWithin(5.minutes) } source.via(handler) } .viaMat(KillSwitches.single)(Keep.right) .to(Sink.ignore) .run() }
Example 58
Source File: AutocompletionResponse.scala From scaladex with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.scala.index package api import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Format} object AutocompletionResponse { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[AutocompletionResponse] = Json.format[AutocompletionResponse] } case class AutocompletionResponse( organization: String, repository: String, description: String )
Example 59
Source File: WFCommand.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity.ReplyType import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.{JsonSerializer, JsonSerializerRegistry} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq sealed trait WFCommand[R] extends ReplyType[R] case class UseWFMessage(city: String, temperature: String) extends WFCommand[Done] object UseWFMessage { implicit val format: Format[UseWFMessage] = Json.format[UseWFMessage] } case class WF(city: String, temperature: String) extends WFCommand[String] object WF { implicit val format: Format[WF] = Json.format[WF] } object WFSerializerRegistry extends JsonSerializerRegistry { override def serializers: Seq[JsonSerializer[_]] = Seq( JsonSerializer[UseWFMessage], JsonSerializer[WF], JsonSerializer[WFChanged], JsonSerializer[WFState] ) }
Example 60
Source File: WFConsumerController.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import javax.inject.Inject import play.api.i18n.{I18nSupport, MessagesApi} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent} import import import import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class WFConsumerController @Inject()(val messagesApi: MessagesApi, wfService: WFService, wfConsumerService: WFConsumerService)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends WFAbstractController(messagesApi, wfService, wfConsumerService) with I18nSupport { def weather(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => wfConsumerService.findTopTenWFData().invoke().map { (result: Seq[WeatherForcasting]) => Ok(Json.toJson(result)) } } def weatherOne(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => wfConsumerService.findOneWFData().invoke().map { (result: WeatherForcasting) => Ok(Json.toJson(result)) } } def latestWeather(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => wfConsumerService.latestWF().invoke().map { (result:WeatherForcasting) => Ok(Json.toJson(result)) } } }
Example 61
Source File: WFCommand.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity.ReplyType import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.{JsonSerializer, JsonSerializerRegistry} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq sealed trait WFCommand[R] extends ReplyType[R] case class UseWFMessage(city: String, temperature: String) extends WFCommand[Done] object UseWFMessage { implicit val format: Format[UseWFMessage] = Json.format[UseWFMessage] } case class WF(city: String, temperature: String) extends WFCommand[String] object WF { implicit val format: Format[WF] = Json.format[WF] } object WFSerializerRegistry extends JsonSerializerRegistry { override def serializers: Seq[JsonSerializer[_]] = Seq( JsonSerializer[UseWFMessage], JsonSerializer[WF], JsonSerializer[WFChanged], JsonSerializer[WFState] ) }
Example 62
Source File: WFConsumerController.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package controllers import javax.inject.Inject import play.api.i18n.{I18nSupport, MessagesApi} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent} import import import import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class WFConsumerController @Inject()(val messagesApi: MessagesApi, wfService: WFService, wfConsumerService: WFConsumerService)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends WFAbstractController(messagesApi, wfService, wfConsumerService) with I18nSupport { def weather(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => wfConsumerService.findTopTenWFData().invoke().map { (result: Seq[WeatherForcasting]) => Ok(Json.toJson(result)) } } def weatherOne(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => wfConsumerService.findOneWFData().invoke().map { (result: WeatherForcasting) => Ok(Json.toJson(result)) } } def latestWeather(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => wfConsumerService.latestWF().invoke().map { (result:WeatherForcasting) => Ok(Json.toJson(result)) } } }
Example 63
Source File: MetricResultsColumnarItem.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.agilelab.dataquality.api.model import org.squeryl.annotations.Column import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class MetricResultsColumnarItem( @Column("metric_id") metricId: Option[String], @Column("source_date") date: Option[String], name: Option[String], @Column("source_id") sourceId: Option[String], @Column("column_names") columnNames: Option[String], params: Option[String], result: Option[String], @Column("additional_result") additionalResult: Option[String] ) object MetricResultsColumnarItem { implicit lazy val metricResultsColumnarItemJsonFormat: Format[MetricResultsColumnarItem] = Json.format[MetricResultsColumnarItem] }
Example 64
Source File: MetricResultsItem.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.agilelab.dataquality.api.model import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} @javax.annotation.Generated(value = Array("org.openapitools.codegen.languages.ScalaPlayFrameworkServerCodegen"), date = "2019-11-19T15:05:19.949+01:00[Europe/Rome]") case class MetricResultsItem( metricId: Option[String], name: Option[String], sourceId: Option[String], result: Option[String], metricType: Option[String], date: Option[String] ) object MetricResultsItem { implicit lazy val metricResultsItemJsonFormat: Format[MetricResultsItem] = Json.format[MetricResultsItem] }
Example 65
Source File: MetricResultsFileItem.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.agilelab.dataquality.api.model import org.squeryl.annotations.Column import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class MetricResultsFileItem( @Column("metric_id") metricId: Option[String], @Column("source_date") date: Option[String], name: Option[String], @Column("source_id") sourceId: Option[String], result: Option[String], @Column("additional_result") additionalResult: Option[String] ) object MetricResultsFileItem { implicit lazy val metricResultsFileItemJsonFormat: Format[MetricResultsFileItem] = Json.format[MetricResultsFileItem] }
Example 66
Source File: ChirpTimelineEvent.scala From lagom-scala-chirper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sample.chirper.chirp.impl import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.{AggregateEvent, AggregateEventShards, AggregateEventTag, AggregateEventTagger} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import sample.chirper.chirp.api.Chirp sealed trait ChirpTimelineEvent extends AggregateEvent[ChirpTimelineEvent] { override def aggregateTag: AggregateEventShards[ChirpTimelineEvent] = ChirpTimelineEvent.Tag } object ChirpTimelineEvent { val NumShards = 3 val Tag = AggregateEventTag.sharded[ChirpTimelineEvent](NumShards) } case class ChirpAdded(chirp: Chirp) extends ChirpTimelineEvent object ChirpAdded { implicit val format: Format[ChirpAdded] = Json.format[ChirpAdded] }
Example 67
Source File: PatchExamples.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.examples.patch import import import skuber._ import skuber.json.format._ import skuber.apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.Inf import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import skuber.api.patch.JsonMergePatch object PatchExamples extends App { // API patch method. // This will change the replica count on the statefulset causing it to scale accordingly. case class ReplicaSpec(replicas: Int) case class ReplicaPatch(spec: ReplicaSpec) extends JsonMergePatch implicit val rsFmt: Format[ReplicaSpec] = Json.format[ReplicaSpec] implicit val rpFmt: Format[ReplicaPatch] = Json.format[ReplicaPatch] val statefulSetName = "nginx-patch-sts" def scaleNginx = { val nginxContainer = Container("nginx",image="nginx").exposePort(80) val nginxBaseSpec = Pod.Template.Spec().addContainer(nginxContainer) val nginxStsLabels=Map("patch-example" -> "statefulset") val nginxStsSel=LabelSelector(LabelSelector.IsEqualRequirement("patch-example","statefulset")) val nginxStsSpec=nginxBaseSpec.addLabels(nginxStsLabels) val nginxStatefulSet= StatefulSet(statefulSetName) .withReplicas(4) .withServiceName(statefulSetName) .withLabelSelector(nginxStsSel) .withTemplate(nginxStsSpec) // StatefulSet needs a headless service val nginxStsService: Service=Service(nginxStatefulSet.spec.get.serviceName.get, nginxStsLabels, 80).isHeadless implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() implicit val dispatcher = system.dispatcher val k8s = k8sInit println("Creating nginx stateful set") val createdStsFut = for { svc <- k8s create nginxStsService sts <- k8s create nginxStatefulSet } yield sts val stsFut = createdStsFut recoverWith { case ex: K8SException if (ex.status.code.contains(409)) => { println("It seems the stateful set or service already exists - retrieving latest version") k8s get[StatefulSet] } } // Wait for stateful set creation before proceeding val sts = Await.result(stsFut, Inf) println("waiting two minutes to allow Stateful Set creation to complete before patching it") Thread.sleep(120000) println("Patching stateful set to assign replica count of 1") // Create the Patch val singleReplicaPatch=ReplicaPatch(ReplicaSpec(1)) val singleReplicaPatchJson=Json.toJson(singleReplicaPatch) val singleReplicaPatchJsonStr=singleReplicaPatchJson.toString // Send the Patch to the statefulset on Kubernetes val patchedStsFut = k8s.patch[ReplicaPatch, StatefulSet](statefulSetName, singleReplicaPatch) val patchedSts = Await.result(patchedStsFut, Inf) println(s"Patched statefulset now has a desired replica count of ${patchedSts.spec.get.replicas}") println("waiting 5 minutes to allow scaling to be observed before cleaning up") Thread.sleep(300000) println("will now delete StatefulSet and its service") val cleanupRequested= for { sts <- k8s.deleteWithOptions[StatefulSet](, DeleteOptions(propagationPolicy = Some(DeletePropagation.Foreground))) done <- k8s.delete[Service]( } yield done Await.ready(cleanupRequested, Inf) println("Finishing up") k8s.close system.terminate() } scaleNginx }
Example 68
Source File: BytesToWatchEventSource.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{JsonFraming, Source} import akka.util.ByteString import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsError, JsSuccess, Json} import skuber.ObjectResource import skuber.api.client.{K8SException, Status, WatchEvent} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext private[api] object BytesToWatchEventSource { def apply[O <: ObjectResource](bytesSource: Source[ByteString, _], bufSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, format: Format[O]): Source[WatchEvent[O], _] = { import skuber.json.format.apiobj.watchEventFormat bytesSource.via( JsonFraming.objectScanner(bufSize) ).map { singleEventBytes => Json.parse(singleEventBytes.utf8String).validate(watchEventFormat[O]) match { case JsSuccess(value, _) => value case JsError(e) => throw new K8SException(Status(message = Some("Error parsing watched object"), details = Some(e.toString))) } } } }
Example 69
Source File: package.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.json.batch import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsPath, Json} import skuber.batch.{Job, JobList, JobTemplate, CronJob, CronJobList} import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import skuber._ import skuber.json.format._ // reuse some core formatters package object format { // Job formatters implicit val jobConditionFormat: Format[Job.Condition] = ( (JsPath \ "type").formatMaybeEmptyString() and (JsPath \ "status").formatMaybeEmptyString() and (JsPath \ "lastProbeTime").formatNullable[Timestamp] and (JsPath \ "lastTransitionTime").formatNullable[Timestamp] and (JsPath \ "reason").formatNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "message").formatNullable[String] )(Job.Condition.apply _, unlift(Job.Condition.unapply)) implicit val jobStatusFormat: Format[Job.Status] = ( (JsPath \ "conditions").formatMaybeEmptyList[Job.Condition] and (JsPath \ "startTime").formatNullable[Timestamp] and (JsPath \ "completionTime").formatNullable[Timestamp] and (JsPath \ "active").formatNullable[Int] and (JsPath \ "succeeded").formatNullable[Int] and (JsPath \ "failed").formatNullable[Int] )(Job.Status.apply _, unlift(Job.Status.unapply)) implicit val jobSpecFormat: Format[Job.Spec] = ( (JsPath \ "parallelism").formatNullable[Int] and (JsPath \ "completions").formatNullable[Int] and (JsPath \ "activeDeadlineSeconds").formatNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "selector").formatNullableLabelSelector and (JsPath \ "manualSelector").formatNullable[Boolean] and (JsPath \ "template").formatNullable[Pod.Template.Spec] and (JsPath \ "backoffLimit").formatNullable[Int] and (JsPath \ "ttlSecondsAfterFinished").formatNullable[Int] )(Job.Spec.apply _, unlift(Job.Spec.unapply)) implicit val jobFormat: Format[Job] = ( (JsPath \ "kind").formatMaybeEmptyString() and (JsPath \ "apiVersion").formatMaybeEmptyString() and (JsPath \ "metadata").format[ObjectMeta] and (JsPath \ "spec").formatNullable[Job.Spec] and (JsPath \ "status").formatNullable[Job.Status] )(Job.apply _, unlift(Job.unapply)) implicit val jobTmplSpecFmt: Format[JobTemplate.Spec] = Json.format[JobTemplate.Spec] implicit val cronJobSpecFmt:Format[CronJob.Spec] = Json.format[CronJob.Spec] implicit val cronJobStatusFmt: Format[CronJob.Status] = ( (JsPath \ "lastScheduleTime").formatNullable[Timestamp] and (JsPath \ "active").formatMaybeEmptyList[ObjectReference] )(CronJob.Status.apply _, unlift(CronJob.Status.unapply)) implicit val cronJob: Format[CronJob] = ( (JsPath \ "kind").formatMaybeEmptyString() and (JsPath \ "apiVersion").formatMaybeEmptyString() and (JsPath \ "metadata").format[ObjectMeta] and (JsPath \ "spec").formatNullable[CronJob.Spec] and (JsPath \ "status").formatNullable[CronJob.Status] )(CronJob.apply _, unlift(CronJob.unapply)) implicit val jobListFmt: Format[JobList] = ListResourceFormat[Job] implicit val cronJobListFmt: Format[CronJobList] = ListResourceFormat[CronJob] }
Example 70
Source File: PodDisruptionBudget.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.policy.v1beta1 import skuber.ResourceSpecification.{Names, Scope} import skuber.{IntOrString, LabelSelector, NonCoreResourceSpecification, ObjectMeta, ObjectResource, ResourceDefinition, Scale, Timestamp} case class PodDisruptionBudget(override val kind: String = "PodDisruptionBudget", override val apiVersion: String = policyAPIVersion, metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Option[PodDisruptionBudget.Spec] = None, status: Option[PodDisruptionBudget.Status] = None) extends ObjectResource { private lazy val copySpec: PodDisruptionBudget.Spec = this.spec.getOrElse(PodDisruptionBudget.Spec(selector=Some(LabelSelector()))) def withLabelSelector(sel: LabelSelector): PodDisruptionBudget = { this.copy(spec = Some(copySpec.copy(selector = Some(sel)))) } def withMaxUnavailable(value: IntOrString): PodDisruptionBudget = { this.copy(spec = Some(copySpec.copy(maxUnavailable = Some(value)))) } def withMinAvailable(value: IntOrString): PodDisruptionBudget = { this.copy(spec = Some(copySpec.copy(minAvailable = Some(value)))) } } object PodDisruptionBudget { def apply(name: String): PodDisruptionBudget = { PodDisruptionBudget(metadata = ObjectMeta(name = name)) } val specification = NonCoreResourceSpecification( apiGroup = "policy", version = "v1beta1", scope = Scope.Namespaced, names = Names( plural = "poddisruptionbudgets", singular = "poddisruptionbudget", kind = "PodDisruptionBudget", shortNames = List("pdb") ) ) implicit val stsDef: ResourceDefinition[PodDisruptionBudget] = new ResourceDefinition[PodDisruptionBudget] { def spec: NonCoreResourceSpecification = specification } implicit val stsListDef: ResourceDefinition[PodDisruptionBudgetList] = new ResourceDefinition[PodDisruptionBudgetList] { def spec: NonCoreResourceSpecification = specification } case class Spec(maxUnavailable: Option[IntOrString] = None, minAvailable: Option[IntOrString] = None, selector: Option[LabelSelector] = None) case class Status(currentHealthy: Int, desiredHealthy: Int, disruptedPods: Map[String, Timestamp], disruptionsAllowed: Int, expectedPods: Int, observedGeneration: Option[Int]) import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsPath} import skuber.json.format._ implicit val depStatusFmt: Format[Status] = ( (JsPath \ "currentHealthy").formatMaybeEmptyInt() and (JsPath \ "desiredHealthy").formatMaybeEmptyInt() and (JsPath \ "disruptedPods").formatMaybeEmptyMap[Timestamp] and (JsPath \ "disruptionsAllowed").formatMaybeEmptyInt() and (JsPath \ "expectedPods").formatMaybeEmptyInt() and (JsPath \ "observedGeneration").formatNullable[Int] ) (Status.apply, unlift(Status.unapply)) implicit val depSpecFmt: Format[Spec] = ( (JsPath \ "maxUnavailable").formatNullable[IntOrString] and (JsPath \ "minAvailable").formatNullable[IntOrString] and (JsPath \ "selector").formatNullableLabelSelector ) (Spec.apply, unlift(Spec.unapply)) implicit lazy val pdbFormat: Format[PodDisruptionBudget] = ( objFormat and (JsPath \ "spec").formatNullable[Spec] and (JsPath \ "status").formatNullable[Status] )(PodDisruptionBudget.apply, unlift(PodDisruptionBudget.unapply)) implicit val pdbListFormat: Format[PodDisruptionBudgetList] = ListResourceFormat[PodDisruptionBudget] }
Example 71
Source File: PodPreset.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.settings import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsPath} import skuber.json.format.{objFormat,maybeEmptyFormatMethods,jsPath2LabelSelFormat,envVarFormat,envFromSourceFmt, volMountFormat, volumeFormat} import skuber.ResourceSpecification.{Names, Scope} import skuber.{EnvFromSource, EnvVar, LabelSelector, NonCoreResourceSpecification, ObjectMeta, ObjectResource, ResourceDefinition, Volume} case class PodPreset( val kind: String ="PodPreset", override val apiVersion: String = "", val metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Option[PodPreset.Spec]=None) extends ObjectResource object PodPreset { case class Spec( selector: LabelSelector, env: List[EnvVar] = Nil, envFrom: List[EnvFromSource] = Nil, volumes: List[Volume] = Nil, volumeMounts: List[Volume.Mount] = Nil ) // Kubernetes resource specification val specification = NonCoreResourceSpecification( apiGroup ="", version = "v1alpha1", scope = Scope.Namespaced, names = Names( plural = "podpresets", singular = "podpreset", kind = "PodPreset", shortNames = List() ) ) implicit val ppDef = new ResourceDefinition[PodPreset] { def spec = specification } implicit val pplListDef = new ResourceDefinition[PodPresetList] { def spec = specification } // Json formatters implicit val podPresetSpecFmt: Format[Spec] = ( (JsPath \ "selector").formatLabelSelector and (JsPath \ "env").formatMaybeEmptyList[EnvVar] and (JsPath \ "envFrom").formatMaybeEmptyList[EnvFromSource] and (JsPath \ "volumes").formatMaybeEmptyList[Volume] and (JsPath \ "volumeMounts").formatMaybeEmptyList[Volume.Mount] )(Spec.apply _, unlift(Spec.unapply)) implicit val podPresetFmt: Format[PodPreset] = ( objFormat and (JsPath \ "spec").formatNullable[Spec] )(PodPreset.apply _, unlift(PodPreset.unapply)) }
Example 72
Source File: Scale.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsPath, Json} import skuber.json.format.{maybeEmptyFormatMethods,jsPath2LabelSelFormat,objectMetaFormat} case class Scale( val kind: String = "Scale", val apiVersion: String, val metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Scale.Spec = Scale.Spec(), status: Option[Scale.Status] = None) extends ObjectResource { def withSpecReplicas(count: Int) = this.copy(spec=Scale.Spec(Some(count))) def withStatusReplicas(count: Int) = { val newStatus = = count)).getOrElse(Scale.Status(replicas=count)) this.copy(status=Some(newStatus)) } } object Scale { def named(name: String, apiVersion: String=v1) = new Scale(apiVersion=apiVersion,metadata=ObjectMeta(name=name)) case class Spec(replicas: Option[Int] = None) object Spec { implicit val scaleSpecFormat: Format[Scale.Spec] = Json.format[Scale.Spec] } case class Status( replicas: Int = 0, selector: Option[LabelSelector] = None, targetSelector: Option[String] = None ) object Status { implicit val scaleStatusFormat: Format[Scale.Status] = ( (JsPath \ "replicas").formatMaybeEmptyInt() and (JsPath \ "selector").formatNullableLabelSelector and (JsPath \ "targetSelector").formatNullable[String] )(Scale.Status.apply _, unlift(Scale.Status.unapply)) } implicit val scaleFormat: Format[Scale] = Json.format[Scale] // Any object resource type [O <: ObjectResource] that supports a Scale subresource must provide an implicit value of // SubresourceSpec type to enable the client API method `scale` to be used on such resources // Kubernetes supports Scale subresources on ReplicationController/ReplicaSet/Deployment/StatefulSet types trait SubresourceSpec[O <: ObjectResource] { def apiVersion: String // the API version to be set on any Scale subresource of the specific resource type O } }
Example 73
Source File: HorizontalPodAutoscaler.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.autoscaling import play.api.libs.functional.syntax.unlift import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import skuber.ResourceSpecification.{Names, Scope} import skuber.{NonCoreResourceSpecification, ObjectMeta, ObjectResource, ReplicationController, ResourceDefinition, Timestamp} import skuber.json.format.objectMetaFormat case class HorizontalPodAutoscaler( val kind: String ="HorizontalPodAutoscaler", override val apiVersion: String = "autoscaling/v1", val metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Spec, status: Option[HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Status] = None) extends ObjectResource { def withResourceVersion(version: String) = this.copy(metadata = metadata.copy(resourceVersion=version)) def withMinReplicas(min: Int) = this.copy(spec=this.spec.copy(minReplicas=Some(min))) def withMaxReplicas(max: Int) = this.copy(spec=this.spec.copy(maxReplicas=max)) def withCPUTargetUtilization(cpu: Int) = this.copy(spec=this.spec.copy(cpuUtilization=Some(CPUTargetUtilization(cpu)))) } object HorizontalPodAutoscaler { val specification=NonCoreResourceSpecification( apiGroup = "autoscaling", version = "v1", scope = Scope.Namespaced, names = Names( plural = "horizontalpodautoscalers", singular = "horizontalpodautoscaler", kind = "HorizontalPodAutoscaler", shortNames = List("hpa") ) ) implicit val hpasDef = new ResourceDefinition[HorizontalPodAutoscaler] { def spec=specification } implicit val hpasListDef = new ResourceDefinition[HorizontalPodAutoscalerList] { def spec=specification } def scale(rc: ReplicationController): HorizontalPodAutoscaler = build(, rc.metadata.namespace, "ReplicationController") def scale(de: skuber.apps.Deployment): HorizontalPodAutoscaler = build(, de.metadata.namespace, "Deployment") def build(name: String, namespace: String, kind: String, apiVersion: String = "v1") : HorizontalPodAutoscaler = { val meta = ObjectMeta(name=name,namespace=namespace) val scaleTargetRef = CrossVersionObjectReference( kind=kind, name=name, apiVersion=apiVersion) HorizontalPodAutoscaler(metadata=meta,spec=Spec(scaleTargetRef=scaleTargetRef)) } case class Spec( scaleTargetRef: CrossVersionObjectReference, minReplicas: Option[Int] = Some(1), maxReplicas: Int = 1, cpuUtilization: Option[CPUTargetUtilization] = None ) case class CrossVersionObjectReference( apiVersion: String = "autoscaling/v1", kind: String = "CrossVersionObjectReference", name: String ) case class Status( observedGeneration: Option[Long] = None, lastScaleTime: Option[Timestamp] = None, currentReplicas: Int = 0, desiredReplicas: Int = 0, currentCPUUtilizationPercentage: Option[Int] = None) // HorizontalPodAutoscaler Json formatters implicit val cpuTUFmt: Format[CPUTargetUtilization] = Json.format[CPUTargetUtilization] implicit val cvObjRefFmt: Format[CrossVersionObjectReference] = Json.format[CrossVersionObjectReference] implicit val hpasSpecFmt: Format[HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Spec] = Json.format[HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Spec] implicit val hpasStatusFmt: Format[HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Status] = Json.format[HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Status] implicit val hpasFmt: Format[HorizontalPodAutoscaler] = Json.format[HorizontalPodAutoscaler] }
Example 74
Source File: RewardApiRoute.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatures import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.state.Blockchain import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.GenericError import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class RewardApiRoute(blockchain: Blockchain) extends ApiRoute { import RewardApiRoute._ override lazy val route: Route = pathPrefix("blockchain" / "rewards") { rewards ~ rewardsAtHeight() } def rewards(): Route = (get & pathEndOrSingleSlash) { complete(getRewards(blockchain.height)) } def rewardsAtHeight(): Route = (get & path(IntNumber)) { height => complete(getRewards(height)) } def getRewards(height: Int): Either[ValidationError, RewardStatus] = for { _ <- Either.cond(height <= blockchain.height, (), GenericError(s"Invalid height: $height")) activatedAt <- blockchain .featureActivationHeight( .filter(_ <= height) .toRight(GenericError("Block reward feature is not activated yet")) reward <- blockchain.blockReward(height).toRight(GenericError(s"No information about rewards at height = $height")) amount = blockchain.wavesAmount(height) settings = blockchain.settings.rewardsSettings nextCheck = settings.nearestTermEnd(activatedAt, height) votingIntervalStart = nextCheck - settings.votingInterval + 1 votingThreshold = settings.votingInterval / 2 + 1 votes = blockchain.blockRewardVotes(height).filter(_ >= 0) } yield RewardStatus( height, amount, reward, settings.minIncrement, settings.term, nextCheck, votingIntervalStart, settings.votingInterval, votingThreshold, RewardVotes(votes.count(_ > reward), votes.count(_ < reward)) ) } object RewardApiRoute { final case class RewardStatus( height: Int, totalWavesAmount: BigInt, currentReward: Long, minIncrement: Long, term: Int, nextCheck: Int, votingIntervalStart: Int, votingInterval: Int, votingThreshold: Int, votes: RewardVotes ) final case class RewardVotes(increase: Int, decrease: Int) implicit val rewardVotesFormat: Format[RewardVotes] = Json.format implicit val rewardFormat: Format[RewardStatus] = Json.format }
Example 75
Source File: SetAssetScriptRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.SetAssetScriptTransaction import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsNumber, JsObject, Json} case class SetAssetScriptRequest( version: Option[Byte], sender: String, assetId: String, script: Option[String], fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long] = None ) {} object SetAssetScriptRequest { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[SetAssetScriptRequest] = Json.format implicit class SetAssetScriptRequestExt(val self: SetAssetScriptRequest) extends AnyVal { def toJsObject: JsObject = Json.toJson(self).as[JsObject] + ("type" -> JsNumber(SetAssetScriptTransaction.typeId.toInt)) } }
Example 76
Source File: SponsorFeeRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.SponsorFeeTransaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{AssetIdStringLength, Proofs} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} object SponsorFeeRequest { implicit val unsignedSponsorRequestFormat: Format[SponsorFeeRequest] = Json.format implicit val signedSponsorRequestFormat: Format[SignedSponsorFeeRequest] = Json.format } case class SponsorFeeRequest( version: Option[Byte], sender: String, assetId: String, minSponsoredAssetFee: Option[Long], fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long] = None ) case class SignedSponsorFeeRequest( version: Option[Byte], senderPublicKey: String, assetId: String, minSponsoredAssetFee: Option[Long], fee: Long, timestamp: Long, proofs: Proofs ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, SponsorFeeTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _asset <- parseBase58(assetId, "invalid.assetId", AssetIdStringLength).map(IssuedAsset) t <- SponsorFeeTransaction.create(version.getOrElse(1.toByte), _sender, _asset, minSponsoredAssetFee.filterNot(_ == 0), fee, timestamp, proofs) } yield t }
Example 77
Source File: CreateAliasRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{CreateAliasTransaction, Proofs, TxAmount, TxTimestamp, TxVersion} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class CreateAliasRequest( alias: String, version: Option[TxVersion] = None, sender: Option[String] = None, senderPublicKey: Option[String] = None, fee: Option[TxAmount] = None, timestamp: Option[TxTimestamp] = None, signature: Option[ByteStr] = None, proofs: Option[Proofs] = None ) extends TxBroadcastRequest { def toTxFrom(sender: PublicKey): Either[ValidationError, CreateAliasTransaction] = for { validProofs <- toProofs(signature, proofs) tx <- CreateAliasTransaction.create(version.getOrElse(1.toByte), sender, alias, fee.getOrElse(0L), timestamp.getOrElse(0L), validProofs) } yield tx } object CreateAliasRequest { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[CreateAliasRequest] = Json.format }
Example 78
Source File: DataRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.state.DataEntry import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{DataTransaction, Proofs} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} object DataRequest { implicit val unsignedDataRequestReads: Format[DataRequest] = Json.format } case class DataRequest( version: Byte, sender: String, data: List[DataEntry[_]], fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long] = None ) case class SignedDataRequest(version: Byte, senderPublicKey: String, data: List[DataEntry[_]], fee: Long, timestamp: Long, proofs: Proofs) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, DataTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) t <- DataTransaction.create(version, _sender, data, fee, timestamp, proofs) } yield t } object SignedDataRequest { implicit val signedDataRequestReads: Format[SignedDataRequest] = Json.format }
Example 79
Source File: IssueRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.lang.script.Script import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{Proofs, TxVersion} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class IssueRequest( version: Option[Byte], sender: Option[String], senderPublicKey: Option[String], name: String, description: String, quantity: Long, decimals: Byte, reissuable: Boolean, script: Option[String], fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long], signature: Option[ByteStr], proofs: Option[Proofs] ) extends TxBroadcastRequest { def toTxFrom(sender: PublicKey): Either[ValidationError, IssueTransaction] = { val actualVersion = version.getOrElse(TxVersion.V3) for { validProofs <- toProofs(signature, proofs) validScript <- script match { case None => Right(None) case Some(script) => Script.fromBase64String(script).map(Some(_)) } tx <- IssueTransaction.create( actualVersion, sender, name, description, quantity, decimals, reissuable, validScript, fee, timestamp.getOrElse(defaultTimestamp), validProofs ) } yield tx } } object IssueRequest { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[IssueRequest] = Json.format }
Example 80
Source File: SignedUpdateAssetInfoRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import cats.implicits._ import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.{IssuedAsset, Waves} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.UpdateAssetInfoTransaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{AssetIdStringLength, Proofs, TxAmount, TxTimestamp, TxVersion} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class SignedUpdateAssetInfoRequest( version: TxVersion, chainId: Byte, senderPublicKey: String, assetId: String, name: String, description: String, timestamp: TxTimestamp, fee: TxAmount, feeAssetId: Option[String], proofs: Proofs ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, UpdateAssetInfoTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _assetId <- parseBase58(assetId, "invalid.assetId", AssetIdStringLength) _feeAssetId <- feeAssetId .traverse(parseBase58(_, "invalid.assetId", AssetIdStringLength).map(IssuedAsset)) .map(_ getOrElse Waves) tx <- UpdateAssetInfoTransaction .create(version, _sender, _assetId, name, description, timestamp, fee, _feeAssetId, proofs, chainId) } yield tx } object SignedUpdateAssetInfoRequest { implicit val format: Format[SignedUpdateAssetInfoRequest] = Json.format }
Example 81
Source File: LeaseRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.{AddressOrAlias, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Proofs import import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class LeaseRequest( version: Option[Byte], sender: Option[String], senderPublicKey: Option[String], recipient: String, amount: Long, fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long], signature: Option[ByteStr], proofs: Option[Proofs] ) extends TxBroadcastRequest { def toTxFrom(sender: PublicKey): Either[ValidationError, LeaseTransaction] = for { validRecipient <- AddressOrAlias.fromString(recipient) validProofs <- toProofs(signature, proofs) tx <- LeaseTransaction.create( version.getOrElse(1.toByte), sender, validRecipient, amount, fee, timestamp.getOrElse(0L), validProofs ) } yield tx } object LeaseRequest { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[LeaseRequest] = Json.format }
Example 82
Source File: ReissueRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Proofs import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.ReissueTransaction import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class ReissueRequest( version: Option[Byte], sender: Option[String], senderPublicKey: Option[String], assetId: IssuedAsset, quantity: Long, reissuable: Boolean, fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long], signature: Option[ByteStr], proofs: Option[Proofs] ) extends TxBroadcastRequest { def toTxFrom(sender: PublicKey): Either[ValidationError, ReissueTransaction] = for { validProofs <- toProofs(signature, proofs) tx <- ReissueTransaction.create( version.getOrElse(defaultVersion), sender, assetId, quantity, reissuable, fee, timestamp.getOrElse(defaultTimestamp), validProofs ) } yield tx } object ReissueRequest { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[ReissueRequest] = Json.format }
Example 83
Source File: ExchangeRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import{ExchangeTransaction, Order} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{Proofs, TxAmount, TxTimestamp, TxVersion} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class ExchangeRequest( order1: Order, order2: Order, amount: Long, price: Long, buyMatcherFee: Long, sellMatcherFee: Long, version: Option[TxVersion] = None, sender: Option[String] = None, senderPublicKey: Option[String] = None, fee: Option[TxAmount] = None, timestamp: Option[TxTimestamp] = None, signature: Option[ByteStr] = None, proofs: Option[Proofs] = None ) extends TxBroadcastRequest { def toTxFrom(sender: PublicKey): Either[ValidationError, ExchangeTransaction] = for { validProofs <- toProofs(signature, proofs) tx <- ExchangeTransaction.create( version.getOrElse(1.toByte), order1, order2, amount, price, buyMatcherFee, sellMatcherFee, fee.getOrElse(0L), timestamp.getOrElse(0L), validProofs ) } yield tx } object ExchangeRequest { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[ExchangeRequest] = Json.format }
Example 84
Source File: PrivateKey.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.account import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Writes} import supertagged._ import com.wavesplatform.crypto.KeyLength object PrivateKey extends TaggedType[ByteStr] { def apply(privateKey: ByteStr): PrivateKey = { require(privateKey.arr.length == KeyLength, s"invalid public key length: ${privateKey.arr.length}") privateKey @@ PrivateKey } def apply(privateKey: Array[Byte]): PrivateKey = apply(ByteStr(privateKey)) def unapply(arg: Array[Byte]): Option[PrivateKey] = Some(apply(arg)) implicit lazy val jsonFormat: Format[PrivateKey] = Format[PrivateKey](, Writes(pk => com.wavesplatform.utils.byteStrFormat.writes(pk)) ) }
Example 85
Source File: KeyPair.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.account import java.util import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.Base58 import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.GenericError import com.wavesplatform.{crypto, utils} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, Writes} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} final class KeyPair(val seed: Array[Byte]) { lazy val (PrivateKey(privateKey), PublicKey(publicKey)) = crypto.createKeyPair(seed) override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match { case kp: KeyPair => util.Arrays.equals(kp.seed, seed) case _ => false } private lazy val hc = util.Arrays.hashCode(seed) override def hashCode(): Int = hc } object KeyPair { def apply(seed: ByteStr): KeyPair = new KeyPair(seed.arr) def apply(seed: Array[Byte]): KeyPair = new KeyPair(seed) def fromSeed(base58: String): Either[GenericError, KeyPair] = Base58.tryDecodeWithLimit(base58) match { case Success(x) => Right(KeyPair(ByteStr(x))) case Failure(e) => Left(GenericError(s"Unable to get a private key from the seed '$base58': ${e.getMessage}")) } implicit class KeyPairImplicitOps(private val kp: KeyPair) extends AnyVal { def toAddress: Address = kp.publicKey.toAddress def toAddress(chainId: Byte): Address = kp.publicKey.toAddress(chainId) } implicit val jsonFormat: Format[KeyPair] = Format(, Writes(v => Json.obj("seed" -> Base58.encode(v.seed), "publicKey" -> v.publicKey, "privateKey" -> v.privateKey)) ) }
Example 86
Source File: PublicKey.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.account import import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.Base58 import com.wavesplatform.crypto._ import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxValidationError.InvalidAddress import com.wavesplatform.utils.base58Length import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Writes} import supertagged._ object PublicKey extends TaggedType[ByteStr] { private[this] val interner = Interners.newWeakInterner[PublicKey]() val KeyStringLength: Int = base58Length(KeyLength) def apply(publicKey: ByteStr): PublicKey = { require(publicKey.arr.length == KeyLength, s"invalid public key length: ${publicKey.arr.length}") interner.intern(publicKey @@ this) } def apply(publicKey: Array[Byte]): PublicKey = apply(ByteStr(publicKey)) def fromBase58String(base58: String): Either[InvalidAddress, PublicKey] = (for { _ <- Either.cond(base58.length <= KeyStringLength, (), "Bad public key string length") bytes <- Base58.tryDecodeWithLimit(base58) => s"Unable to decode base58: ${ex.getMessage}") } yield PublicKey(bytes)) => InvalidAddress(s"Invalid sender: $err")) def unapply(arg: Array[Byte]): Option[PublicKey] = Some(apply(arg)) implicit class PublicKeyImplicitOps(private val pk: PublicKey) extends AnyVal { def toAddress: Address = Address.fromPublicKey(pk) def toAddress(chainId: Byte): Address = Address.fromPublicKey(pk, chainId) } implicit lazy val jsonFormat: Format[PublicKey] = Format[PublicKey](, Writes(pk => com.wavesplatform.utils.byteStrFormat.writes(pk)) ) }
Example 87
Source File: SignedLeaseV2Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import cats.implicits._ import com.wavesplatform.account.{AddressOrAlias, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Proofs import import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class SignedLeaseV2Request(senderPublicKey: String, amount: Long, fee: Long, recipient: String, timestamp: Long, proofs: List[String]) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, LeaseTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _proofBytes <- proofs.traverse(s => parseBase58(s, "invalid proof", Proofs.MaxProofStringSize)) _proofs <- Proofs.create(_proofBytes) _recipient <- AddressOrAlias.fromString(recipient) _t <- LeaseTransaction.create(2.toByte, _sender, _recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, _proofs) } yield _t } object SignedLeaseV2Request { implicit val broadcastLeaseRequestReadsFormat: Format[SignedLeaseV2Request] = Json.format }
Example 88
Source File: SignedLeaseV1Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.{AddressOrAlias, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Proofs import import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class SignedLeaseV1Request( senderPublicKey: String, amount: Long, fee: Long, recipient: String, timestamp: Long, signature: String ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, LeaseTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _signature <- parseBase58(signature, "invalid.signature", SignatureStringLength) _recipient <- AddressOrAlias.fromString(recipient) _t <- LeaseTransaction.create(1.toByte, _sender, _recipient, amount, fee, timestamp, Proofs(_signature)) } yield _t } object SignedLeaseV1Request { implicit val broadcastLeaseRequestReadsFormat: Format[SignedLeaseV1Request] = Json.format }
Example 89
Source File: TransferV1Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class TransferV1Request( assetId: Option[String], feeAssetId: Option[String], amount: Long, fee: Long, sender: String, attachment: Option[String], recipient: String, timestamp: Option[Long] = None ) object TransferV1Request { implicit val format: Format[TransferV1Request] = Json.format }
Example 90
Source File: SignedCreateAliasV2Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import cats.implicits._ import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{CreateAliasTransaction, Proofs, Transaction} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class SignedCreateAliasV2Request( senderPublicKey: String, fee: Long, alias: String, timestamp: Long, proofs: List[String] ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, CreateAliasTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _proofBytes <- proofs.traverse(s => parseBase58(s, "invalid proof", Proofs.MaxProofStringSize)) _proofs <- Proofs.create(_proofBytes) _t <- CreateAliasTransaction.create(Transaction.V1, _sender, alias, fee, timestamp, _proofs) } yield _t } object SignedCreateAliasV2Request { implicit val broadcastAliasV2RequestReadsFormat: Format[SignedCreateAliasV2Request] = Json.format }
Example 91
Source File: TransferV2Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class TransferV2Request( assetId: Option[String], amount: Long, feeAssetId: Option[String], fee: Long, sender: String, attachment: Option[String], recipient: String, timestamp: Option[Long] = None ) object TransferV2Request { implicit val format: Format[TransferV2Request] = Json.format }
Example 92
Source File: SignedCreateAliasV1Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{CreateAliasTransaction, Proofs} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class SignedCreateAliasV1Request( senderPublicKey: String, fee: Long, alias: String, timestamp: Long, signature: String ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, CreateAliasTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _signature <- parseBase58(signature, "invalid.signature", SignatureStringLength) _t <- CreateAliasTransaction.create(1: Byte, _sender, alias, fee, timestamp, Proofs(_signature)) } yield _t } object SignedCreateAliasV1Request { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[SignedCreateAliasV1Request] = Json.format }
Example 93
Source File: SignedExchangeRequest.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Proofs import import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} object SignedExchangeRequest { implicit val orderFormat: Format[Order] = implicit val signedExchangeRequestFormat: Format[SignedExchangeRequest] = Json.format } case class SignedExchangeRequest( senderPublicKey: String, order1: Order, order2: Order, amount: Long, price: Long, fee: Long, buyMatcherFee: Long, sellMatcherFee: Long, timestamp: Long, signature: String ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, ExchangeTransaction] = for { _signature <- parseBase58(signature, "invalid.signature", SignatureStringLength) _t <- ExchangeTransaction.create(1.toByte, order1, order2, amount, price, buyMatcherFee, sellMatcherFee, fee, timestamp, Proofs(_signature)) } yield _t }
Example 94
Source File: SignedReissueV1Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Proofs import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.ReissueTransaction import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} object SignedReissueV1Request { implicit val assetReissueRequestReads: Format[SignedReissueV1Request] = Json.format } case class SignedReissueV1Request( senderPublicKey: String, assetId: String, quantity: Long, reissuable: Boolean, fee: Long, timestamp: Long, signature: String ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, ReissueTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _signature <- parseBase58(signature, "invalid.signature", SignatureStringLength) _assetId <- parseBase58ToIssuedAsset(assetId) _t <- ReissueTransaction.create(1.toByte, _sender, _assetId, quantity, reissuable, fee, timestamp, Proofs(_signature)) } yield _t }
Example 95
Source File: SignedIssueV1Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{Proofs, TxVersion} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} object SignedIssueV1Request { implicit val assetIssueRequestReads: Format[SignedIssueV1Request] = Json.format } case class SignedIssueV1Request( senderPublicKey: String, name: String, description: String, quantity: Long, decimals: Byte, reissuable: Boolean, fee: Long, timestamp: Long, signature: String ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, IssueTransaction] = for { _sender <- PublicKey.fromBase58String(senderPublicKey) _signature <- parseBase58(signature, "invalid signature", SignatureStringLength) _t <- IssueTransaction.create( TxVersion.V1, _sender, name, description, quantity, decimals, reissuable, script = None, fee, timestamp, Proofs(_signature) ) } yield _t }
Example 96
Source File: IssueV2Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsNumber, JsObject, Json} case class IssueV2Request( sender: String, name: String, description: String, quantity: Long, decimals: Byte, reissuable: Boolean, script: Option[String], fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long] ) object IssueV2Request { implicit val jsonFormat: Format[IssueV2Request] = Json.format implicit class SmartIssueRequestExt(val self: IssueV2Request) extends AnyVal { def toJsObject: JsObject = Json.toJson(self).as[JsObject] + ("type" -> JsNumber(IssueTransaction.typeId.toInt)) } }
Example 97
Source File: IssueV1Request.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} case class IssueV1Request( sender: String, name: String, description: String, quantity: Long, decimals: Byte, reissuable: Boolean, fee: Long, timestamp: Option[Long] = None ) object IssueV1Request { implicit val issueFormat: Format[IssueV1Request] = Json.format }
Example 98
Source File: SignedExchangeRequestV2.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests import cats.implicits._ import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Proofs import{ExchangeTransaction, Order} import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsPath, Reads} object SignedExchangeRequestV2 { implicit val orderFormat: Format[Order] = implicit val signedExchangeRequestReads: Reads[SignedExchangeRequestV2] = ( (JsPath \ "senderPublicKey").read[String] and (JsPath \ "order1").read[Order] and (JsPath \ "order2").read[Order] and (JsPath \ "price").read[Long] and (JsPath \ "amount").read[Long] and (JsPath \ "fee").read[Long] and (JsPath \ "buyMatcherFee").read[Long] and (JsPath \ "sellMatcherFee").read[Long] and (JsPath \ "timestamp").read[Long] and (JsPath \ "version").read[Byte] and (JsPath \ "proofs").read[List[ProofStr]] )(SignedExchangeRequestV2.apply _) } case class SignedExchangeRequestV2( senderPublicKey: String, order1: Order, order2: Order, price: Long, amount: Long, fee: Long, buyMatcherFee: Long, sellMatcherFee: Long, timestamp: Long, version: Byte, proofs: List[String] ) { def toTx: Either[ValidationError, ExchangeTransaction] = for { _proofBytes <- proofs.traverse(s => parseBase58(s, "invalid proof", Proofs.MaxProofStringSize)) _proofs <- Proofs.create(_proofBytes) _t <- ExchangeTransaction.create(2.toByte, order1, order2, amount, price, buyMatcherFee, sellMatcherFee, fee, timestamp, _proofs) } yield _t }
Example 99
Source File: ExampleApp.scala From akka-http-json with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpplayjson import import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal import import play.api.libs.json.{ Format, JsValue, Json } import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import object ExampleApp { final object Foo { implicit val fooFormat: Format[Foo] = Json.format[Foo] } final case class Foo(bar: String) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { implicit val system = ActorSystem() Http().bindAndHandle(route, "", 8000) StdIn.readLine("Hit ENTER to exit") Await.ready(system.terminate(), Duration.Inf) } def route(implicit sys: ActorSystem) = { import Directives._ import PlayJsonSupport._ implicit val prettyPrint: JsValue => String = Json.prettyPrint pathSingleSlash { post { entity(as[Foo]) { foo => complete { foo } } } } ~ pathPrefix("stream") { post { entity(as[SourceOf[Foo]]) { fooSource: SourceOf[Foo] => complete(fooSource.throttle(1, 2.seconds)) } } ~ get { pathEndOrSingleSlash { complete( Source(0 to 5) .throttle(1, 1.seconds) .map(i => Foo(s"bar-$i")) ) } ~ pathPrefix("remote") { onSuccess(Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = "http://localhost:8000/stream"))) { response => complete(Unmarshal(response).to[SourceOf[Foo]]) } } } } } }
Example 100
Source File: RequiringFormats.scala From courscala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.common.jsonformat import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.JsError import play.api.libs.json.OFormat import play.api.libs.json.Reads object RequiringFormats { def requiringReads[T](delegate: Reads[T]): Reads[T] = Reads { json => try { delegate.reads(json) } catch { case e: IllegalArgumentException => JsError(e.getMessage) } } def requiringFormat[T](delegate: Format[T]): Format[T] = { Format(requiringReads(delegate), delegate) } def requiringOFormat[T](delegate: OFormat[T]): OFormat[T] = { OFormat(requiringReads(delegate), delegate) } }
Example 101
Source File: TypedFormats.scala From courscala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.common.jsonformat import org.coursera.common.stringkey.StringKeyFormat import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.json.OFormat import play.api.libs.json.OWrites import play.api.libs.json.Reads import play.api.libs.json.Writes import play.api.libs.json.__ object TypedFormats { def typedDefinitionFormat[T, D]( typeName: T, defaultFormat: Format[D]) (implicit stringKeyFormat: StringKeyFormat[T]): OFormat[D] = { OFormat( typedDefinitionReads(typeName, defaultFormat), typedDefinitionWrites(typeName, defaultFormat)) } def typedDefinitionReads[T, D]( typeName: T, defaultReads: Reads[D]) (implicit stringKeyFormat: StringKeyFormat[T]): Reads[D] = { import JsonFormats.Implicits.ReadsPathMethods implicit val typeNameFormat = JsonFormats.stringKeyFormat[T] for { _ <- (__ \ "typeName").read[T].filter(_ == typeName).withRootPath definition <- { val definitionExtractingReads = (__ \ "definition").json.pick.withRootPath defaultReads.compose(definitionExtractingReads) } } yield { definition } } def typedDefinitionWrites[T, D]( typeName: T, defaultWrites: Writes[D]) (implicit stringKeyFormat: StringKeyFormat[T]): OWrites[D] = { implicit val typeNameFormat = JsonFormats.stringKeyFormat[T] OWrites { model: D => val modelJson = Json.toJson(model)(defaultWrites) Json.obj("typeName" -> typeName, "definition" -> modelJson) } } }
Example 102
Source File: OrFormats.scala From courscala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.common.jsonformat import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.JsError import play.api.libs.json.OFormat import play.api.libs.json.OWrites import play.api.libs.json.Reads import play.api.libs.json.Writes import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.reflect.classTag object OrFormats { def unimplementedReads[T: ClassTag]: Reads[T] = { Reads(_ => JsError(s"Invoked `unimplementedReads` for ${classTag[T]}")) } def unimplementedWrites[T: ClassTag]: Writes[T] = Writes { _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invoked `unimplementedOWrites for ${classTag[T]}") } def unimplementedOWrites[T: ClassTag]: OWrites[T] = OWrites { _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invoked `unimplementedOWrites for ${classTag[T]}") } def unimplementedFormat[T: ClassTag]: Format[T] = Format(unimplementedReads, unimplementedWrites) def unimplementedOFormat[T: ClassTag]: OFormat[T] = OFormat(unimplementedReads[T], unimplementedOWrites[T]) implicit class OrReads[A](reads: Reads[A]) { def orReads[B <: A: Reads]: Reads[A] = { import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ reads or implicitly[Reads[B]].map(b => b: A) } } implicit class OrWrites[A](writes: Writes[A]) { def orWrites[B <: A: Writes: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): Writes[A] = Writes { case b: B => implicitly[Writes[B]].writes(b) case a: A => writes.writes(a) } } implicit class OrOWrites[A](oWrites: OWrites[A]) { def orOWrites[B <: A: OWrites: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): OWrites[A] = OWrites { case b: B => implicitly[OWrites[B]].writes(b) case a: A => oWrites.writes(a) } } implicit class OrFormat[A](format: Format[A]) { def orFormat[B <: A: Format: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): Format[A] = { Format(format.orReads[B], format.orWrites[B]) } } implicit class OrOFormat[A](oFormat: OFormat[A]) { def orOFormat[B <: A: OFormat: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): OFormat[A] = { OFormat(oFormat.orReads[B], oFormat.orOWrites[B]) } } }
Example 103
Source File: JsonFormatsTest.scala From courscala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.common.jsonformat import org.coursera.common.collection.Enum import org.coursera.common.collection.EnumSymbol import org.coursera.common.stringkey.StringKey import org.coursera.common.stringkey.StringKeyFormat import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone import org.joda.time.Duration import org.joda.time.Instant import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.junit.AssertionsForJUnit import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.JsNumber import play.api.libs.json.JsString import play.api.libs.json.JsSuccess import play.api.libs.json.Json class JsonFormatsTest extends AssertionsForJUnit { import JsonFormatsTest._ @Test def stringKey(): Unit = { val id = TestId(2, "test") val idString = StringKey.stringify(id) assert(JsString(idString) === Json.toJson(id)) assert(JsSuccess(id) === Json.fromJson[TestId](JsString(idString))) assert(JsString(s"invalid stuff $idString").validate[TestId].isError) } @Test def enums(): Unit = { assertResult(Color.Amber)(JsString("Amber").as[Color]) assertResult(JsString("Green"))(Json.toJson(Color.Green)) } @Test def instant(): Unit = { import JsonFormats.Implicits.instantFormat val testInstant = new Instant(137) assertResult(JsNumber(137))(Json.toJson(testInstant)) assertResult(Some(testInstant))(Json.parse("137").asOpt[Instant]) } @Test def duration(): Unit = { import JsonFormats.Implicits.durationFormat val testDuration = Duration.millis(137L) assertResult(JsNumber(137))(Json.toJson(testDuration)) assertResult(Some(testDuration))(Json.parse("137").asOpt[Duration]) } @Test def dateTime(): Unit = { import JsonFormats.Implicits.dateTimeFormat val testDatetime = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC) assertResult(JsNumber(1262304000000L))(Json.toJson(testDatetime)) assertResult(Some(testDatetime))(Json.parse("1262304000000").asOpt[DateTime].map(_.withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC))) } } object JsonFormatsTest { case class TestId(part1: Int, part2: String) object TestId { implicit val stringKeyFormat: StringKeyFormat[TestId] = StringKeyFormat.caseClassFormat((apply _).tupled, unapply) implicit val format: Format[TestId] = JsonFormats.stringKeyFormat[TestId] } sealed trait Color extends EnumSymbol object Color extends Enum[Color] { case object Red extends Color case object Amber extends Color case object Green extends Color implicit val format: Format[Color] = JsonFormats.enumFormat(Color) } }
Example 104
Source File: package.scala From akka-cluster-manager with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.orkestra.cluster import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{StatusCodes, StatusCode} import play.api.libs.json.{JsString, Format, Json, JsValue} package object protocol { case class Register(member: ActorRef, role: String) case class RegisterInternal(member: ActorRef, role: String) sealed trait Response { def asJson: JsValue def httpStatusCode: StatusCode } object Response { trait Success extends Response { override val httpStatusCode: StatusCode = StatusCodes.OK } object Success { case class Router(name: String, routees: List[String]) extends Success { override val asJson = Json.toJson(this) } object Router { implicit val fmt: Format[Router] = Json.format[Router] } case class Routers(routers: Iterable[JsValue]) extends Success { override val asJson = Json.toJson(routers) } case class RouteeDeleted(role: String, path: String) extends Success { override val asJson = JsString(s"routee: $path with role: $role successfully deleted") } } trait Failure extends Response object Failure { case class RouterNotFound(role: String) extends Failure { override val httpStatusCode: StatusCode = StatusCodes.NotFound override val asJson: JsValue = Json.obj("error" -> s"router with role: $role not found") } } } }
Example 105
Source File: GlobalScriptListResult.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.dto.script import controllers.dto.meta.Metadata import domains.script.{GlobalScript, GlobalScriptInstances, ScriptInstances} import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json, Writes} case class GlobalScriptListResult(results: List[GlobalScript], metadata: Metadata) object GlobalScriptListResult { implicit val format = { implicit val cF: Format[GlobalScript] = GlobalScriptInstances.format Json.format[GlobalScriptListResult] } implicit val partialFormat = { val write = Writes[GlobalScript] { gs => Json.obj("label" ->, "value" -> } implicit val sF = ScriptInstances.reads val reads = Json.reads[GlobalScript] implicit val cF: Format[GlobalScript] = Format(reads, write) Json.format[GlobalScriptListResult] } }
Example 106
Source File: UserInstances.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package domains.user import domains.{AuthorizedPatterns, IsAllowed, Key} import domains.auth.AuthInfo import play.api.libs.json._ object UserNoPasswordInstances { import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} private val writes = UserInstances.writes.transform { o: JsObject => o - "password" } implicit val format: Format[User] = Format(UserInstances.reads, writes) } object UserType { val Otoroshi = "Otoroshi" val Oauth = "OAuth" val Izanami = "Izanami" } object UserInstances { import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.json.Reads.{email, pattern} private[user] val reads: Reads[User] = { import domains.AuthorizedPatterns._ import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ val commonReads = ( (__ \ "id").read[String] and (__ \ "name").read[String] and (__ \ "email").read[String] and (__ \ "admin").read[Boolean] and (__ \ "authorizedPatterns").read[AuthorizedPatterns].orElse((__ \ "authorizedPattern").read[AuthorizedPatterns]) ) val readOtoroshiUser = commonReads(OtoroshiUser.apply _) val readOauthUser = commonReads(OauthUser.apply _) val readIzanamiUser = ( (__ \ "id").read[String] and (__ \ "name").read[String] and (__ \ "email").read[String] and (__ \ "password").readNullable[String] and (__ \ "admin").read[Boolean] and (__ \ "authorizedPatterns").read[AuthorizedPatterns].orElse((__ \ "authorizedPattern").read[AuthorizedPatterns]) )(IzanamiUser.apply _) (__ \ "type").readNullable[String].flatMap { case Some(UserType.Otoroshi) => readOtoroshiUser.asInstanceOf[Reads[User]] case Some(UserType.Oauth) => readOauthUser.asInstanceOf[Reads[User]] case Some(UserType.Izanami) => readIzanamiUser.asInstanceOf[Reads[User]] case _ => readIzanamiUser.asInstanceOf[Reads[User]] } } private[user] val writes: OWrites[User] = { import domains.AuthorizedPatterns._ val writeOtoroshiUser = Json.writes[OtoroshiUser] val writeIzanamiUser = Json.writes[IzanamiUser] val writeOauthUser = Json.writes[OauthUser] OWrites[User] { case u: OtoroshiUser => writeOtoroshiUser.writes(u) ++ Json.obj("type" -> UserType.Otoroshi) case u: IzanamiUser => writeIzanamiUser.writes(u) ++ Json.obj("type" -> UserType.Izanami) case u: OauthUser => writeOauthUser.writes(u) ++ Json.obj("type" -> UserType.Oauth) } } implicit val format = Format[User](reads, writes) }