play.api.libs.json.JsError Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use play.api.libs.json.JsError.
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: SttpPlayJsonApi.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.playJson import sttp.client._ import sttp.model._ import sttp.client.internal.Utf8 import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, Json, Reads, Writes} import sttp.client.{IsOption, JsonInput, ResponseAs, ResponseError} import sttp.model.MediaType import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} trait SttpPlayJsonApi { implicit def playJsonBodySerializer[B: Writes]: BodySerializer[B] = b => StringBody(Json.stringify(Json.toJson(b)), Utf8, Some(MediaType.ApplicationJson)) def asJsonAlwaysUnsafe[B: Reads: IsOption]: ResponseAs[B, Nothing] = // Note: None of the play-json utilities attempt to catch invalid // json, so Json.parse needs to be wrapped in Try def deserializeJson[B: Reads: IsOption]: String => Either[JsError, B] = JsonInput.sanitize[B].andThen { s => Try(Json.parse(s)) match { case Failure(e: Exception) => Left(JsError(e.getMessage)) case Failure(t: Throwable) => throw t case Success(json) => Json.fromJson(json).asEither match { case Left(failures) => Left(JsError(failures)) case Right(success) => Right(success) } } } }
Example 2
Source File: NonBlankStringSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpecLike} import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsString, JsSuccess, Json} class NonBlankStringSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers { "Creating a NonBlankString" should { "throw an exception for a blank string" in { an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy NonBlankString("") } "give an error for a null string" in { an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy NonBlankString(null) } "give a success for a non-blank string" in { NonBlankString("x") } } "Reading a NonBlankString" should { "give an error for a blank string" in { validating("") shouldBe a[JsError] } "give an error for a null string" in { validating(null) shouldBe a[JsError] } "give a success for a non-blank string" in { validating("x") should be(JsSuccess(NonBlankString("x"))) } def validating(s: String) = JsString(s).validate[NonBlankString] } "Writing a NonBlankString" should { "just include the value" in { Json.toJson(NonBlankString("x")) should be(JsString("x")) } } "Binding from a query string" should { "give an error for a blank string" in { binding("") shouldBe Some(Left("String was blank")) } "give an error for a null string" in { binding(null) shouldBe Some(Left("String was blank")) } "give a success for a non-blank string" in { binding("x") shouldBe Some(Right(NonBlankString("x"))) } def binding(s: String) = NonBlankString.stringToNonBlankString.bind("v", Map("v" -> Seq(s))) } "Unbinding to a query string" should { "extract the value" in { unbinding(NonBlankString("something")) shouldBe "something" } def unbinding(n: NonBlankString) = NonBlankString.stringToNonBlankString.unbind("v", n) } }
Example 3
Source File: MillinerHatSignup.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement import org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement.models.HatSignup import play.api.cache.AsyncCacheApi import play.api.http.Status._ import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, JsSuccess } import{ WSClient, WSRequest, WSResponse } import play.api.{ Configuration, Logger } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } trait MillinerHatSignup { val logger: Logger val ws: WSClient val configuration: Configuration val schema: String = configuration.get[String]("resourceManagement.millinerAddress") match { case address if address.startsWith("https") => "https://" case address if address.startsWith("http") => "http://" case _ => "https://" } val millinerAddress: String = configuration.get[String]("resourceManagement.millinerAddress") .stripPrefix("http://") .stripPrefix("https://") val hatSharedSecret: String = configuration.get[String]("resourceManagement.hatSharedSecret") val cache: AsyncCacheApi def getHatSignup(hatAddress: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HatSignup] = { // Cache the signup information for subsequent calls (For private/public key and database details) cache.getOrElseUpdate[HatSignup](s"configuration:$hatAddress") { val request: WSRequest = ws.url(s"$schema$millinerAddress/api/manage/configuration/$hatAddress") .withVirtualHost(millinerAddress) .withHttpHeaders("Accept" -> "application/json", "X-Auth-Token" -> hatSharedSecret) val futureResponse: Future[WSResponse] = request.get() { response => response.status match { case OK => response.json.validate[HatSignup] match { case signup: JsSuccess[HatSignup] => logger.debug(s"Got back configuration: ${signup.value}") cache.set(s"configuration:$hatAddress", signup.value, 1.minute) signup.value case e: JsError => logger.error(s"Parsing HAT configuration failed: $e") throw new HatServerDiscoveryException("Fetching HAT configuration failed") } case _ => logger.error(s"Fetching HAT configuration failed: ${response.body}") throw new HatServerDiscoveryException("Fetching HAT configuration failed") } } } } }
Example 4
Source File: UberMappers.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.she.mappers import java.util.UUID import org.hatdex.hat.api.models.{ EndpointQuery, EndpointQueryFilter, FilterOperator, PropertyQuery } import org.hatdex.hat.api.models.applications.{ DataFeedItem, DataFeedItemContent, DataFeedItemLocation, DataFeedItemTitle, LocationGeo } import org.hatdex.hat.she.models.StaticDataValues import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, JsSuccess, JsValue, Json } import scala.util.Try class UberRidesMapper extends DataEndpointMapper { override protected val dataDeduplicationField: Option[String] = Some("request_id") def dataQueries(fromDate: Option[DateTime], untilDate: Option[DateTime]): Seq[PropertyQuery] = { val unixDateFilter = fromDate.flatMap { _ => Some(FilterOperator.Between(Json.toJson( => t.getMillis / 1000)), Json.toJson( => t.getMillis / 1000)))) } Seq(PropertyQuery( List(EndpointQuery("uber/rides", None, ⇒ Seq(EndpointQueryFilter("start_time", None, f))), None)), Some("start_time"), Some("descending"), None)) } def mapDataRecord(recordId: UUID, content: JsValue, tailRecordId: Option[UUID] = None, tailContent: Option[JsValue] = None): Try[DataFeedItem] = { logger.debug(s"uber content: $content") for { distance <- Try((content \ "distance").asOpt[Double].getOrElse(0.doubleValue()).toString) startDate <- Try(new DateTime((content \ "start_time").as[Long] * 1000.longValue())) durationSeconds ← Try((content \ "end_time").asOpt[Int].getOrElse(0) - (content \ "start_time").asOpt[Int].getOrElse(0)) duration <- Try { val m = (durationSeconds / 60) % 60 val h = (durationSeconds / 60 / 60) % 24 "%02d h %02d min".format(h, m) } title ← Try(DataFeedItemTitle(s"Your trip on ${startDate.toString("dd/MM/YYYY")}", None, None)) itemContent ← Try(DataFeedItemContent( Some( s"""${(content \ "start_city" \ "display_name").asOpt[String].getOrElse("Unknown City")}, |${BigDecimal.decimal(distance.toFloat).setScale(1, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toDouble} miles, |${duration}""".stripMargin), None, None, None)) latitude <- Try((content \ "start_city" \ "latitude").asOpt[Double].getOrElse(0.doubleValue())) longitude <- Try((content \ "start_city" \ "longitude").asOpt[Double].getOrElse(0.doubleValue())) location <- Try(DataFeedItemLocation(Some(LocationGeo(longitude, latitude)), None, None)) } yield DataFeedItem("uber", startDate, Seq(), Some(title), Some(itemContent), Some(location)) } } class UberProfileStaticDataMapper extends StaticDataEndpointMapper { def dataQueries(): Seq[PropertyQuery] = { Seq(PropertyQuery( List( EndpointQuery("uber/profile", None, None, None)), Some("dateCreated"), Some("descending"), Some(1))) } def mapDataRecord(recordId: UUID, content: JsValue, endpoint: String): Seq[StaticDataValues] = { val eventualData = content.validate[Map[String, JsValue]] eventualData match { case JsSuccess(value, _) => val lastPartOfEndpointString = endpoint.split("/").last Seq(StaticDataValues(lastPartOfEndpointString, value)) case e: JsError => logger.error(s"Couldn't validate static data JSON for $endpoint. $e") Seq() } } }
Example 5
Source File: SpotifyMappers.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.she.mappers import java.util.UUID import org.hatdex.hat.api.models.{ EndpointQuery, EndpointQueryFilter, PropertyQuery } import org.hatdex.hat.api.models.applications.{ DataFeedItem, DataFeedItemContent, DataFeedItemMedia, DataFeedItemTitle } import org.hatdex.hat.she.models.StaticDataValues import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, JsNumber, JsObject, JsResult, JsSuccess, JsValue, __ } import scala.util.Try class SpotifyFeedMapper extends DataEndpointMapper { def dataQueries(fromDate: Option[DateTime], untilDate: Option[DateTime]): Seq[PropertyQuery] = { Seq(PropertyQuery( List(EndpointQuery("spotify/feed", None, dateFilter(fromDate, untilDate).map(f ⇒ Seq(EndpointQueryFilter("played_at", None, f))), None)), Some("played_at"), Some("descending"), None)) } def mapDataRecord(recordId: UUID, content: JsValue, tailRecordId: Option[UUID] = None, tailContent: Option[JsValue] = None): Try[DataFeedItem] = { for { durationSeconds ← Try((content \ "track" \ "duration_ms").as[Int] / 1000) title ← Try( DataFeedItemTitle("You listened", None, Some(s"${"%02d".format(durationSeconds / 60)}:${"%02d".format(durationSeconds % 60)}"))) itemContent ← Try(DataFeedItemContent( Some( s"""${(content \ "track" \ "name").as[String]}, |${(content \ "track" \ "artists").as[Seq[JsObject]].map(a ⇒ (a \ "name").as[String]).mkString(", ")}, |${(content \ "track" \ "album" \ "name").as[String]}""".stripMargin), None, Some( Seq(DataFeedItemMedia((content \ "track" \ "album" \ "images" \ 0 \ "url").asOpt[String], (content \ "track" \ "album" \ "images" \ 0 \ "url").asOpt[String]))), None)) date ← Try((content \ "played_at").as[DateTime]) } yield DataFeedItem("spotify", date, Seq(), Some(title), Some(itemContent), None) } } class SpotifyProfileStaticDataMapper extends StaticDataEndpointMapper { def dataQueries(): Seq[PropertyQuery] = { Seq(PropertyQuery( List( EndpointQuery("spotify/profile", None, None, None)), Some("dateCreated"), Some("descending"), Some(1))) } def mapDataRecord(recordId: UUID, content: JsValue, endpoint: String): Seq[StaticDataValues] = { val eventualData = content.validate[JsObject] eventualData match { case JsSuccess(value, _) => val lastPartOfEndpointString = endpoint.split("/").last val maybeTransformedData = transformData(value).flatMap(item => item.validate[Map[String, JsValue]]) maybeTransformedData match { case JsSuccess(data, _) => Seq(StaticDataValues(lastPartOfEndpointString, (data - "images" - "external_urls"))) case e: JsError => logger.error(s"Couldn't validate static data JSON for $endpoint. $e") Seq() } case e: JsError => logger.error(s"Couldn't validate static data JSON for $endpoint. $e") Seq() } } private def transformData(rawData: JsObject): JsResult[JsValue] = { val transformation = __.json.update([JsObject].map(profile => { val followers = (profile \ "followers" \ "total").asOpt[JsNumber].getOrElse(JsNumber(0)) profile ++ JsObject(Map( "followers" -> followers)) })) rawData.transform(transformation) } }
Example 6
Source File: HatBodyParsers.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.utils import javax.inject.Inject import play.api.http.{ HttpErrorHandler, Status } import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, Reads } import play.api.mvc.{ BodyParser, PlayBodyParsers } import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } class HatBodyParsers @Inject() (errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler, playBodyParsers: PlayBodyParsers)( implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) { def json[A](implicit reader: Reads[A]): BodyParser[A] = BodyParser("json reader") { request => playBodyParsers.json(request) mapFuture { case Left(simpleResult) => Future.successful(Left(simpleResult)) case Right(jsValue) => jsValue.validate(reader) map { a => Future.successful(Right(a)) } recoverTotal { jsError => val msg = JsError.toJson(jsError).toString() errorHandler.onClientError(request, Status.BAD_REQUEST, msg) map Left.apply } } } }
Example 7
Source File: LoginDetails.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.phata.models import me.gosimple.nbvcxz._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, _ } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class ApiPasswordChange( newPassword: String, password: Option[String]) object ApiPasswordChange { private val nbvcxzDictionaryList = resources.ConfigurationBuilder.getDefaultDictionaries private val nbvcxzConfiguration = new resources.ConfigurationBuilder() .setMinimumEntropy(40d) .setDictionaries(nbvcxzDictionaryList) .createConfiguration() private val nbvcxz = new Nbvcxz(nbvcxzConfiguration) private def passwordGuessesToScore(guesses: BigDecimal) = { val DELTA = 5 if (guesses < 1e3 + DELTA) { 0 } else if (guesses < 1e6 + DELTA) { 1 } else if (guesses < 1e8 + DELTA) { 2 } else if (guesses < 1e10 + DELTA) { 3 } else { 4 } } def passwordStrength(implicit reads: Reads[String]): Reads[String] = Reads[String] { js => reads.reads(js) .flatMap { a => val estimate = nbvcxz.estimate(a) if (passwordGuessesToScore(estimate.getGuesses) >= 2) { JsSuccess(a) } else { JsError(JsonValidationError( "Minimum password requirement strength not met", estimate.getFeedback.getSuggestion.asScala.toList: _*)) } } } implicit val passwordChangeApiReads: Reads[ApiPasswordChange] = ( (JsPath \ "newPassword").read[String](passwordStrength) and (JsPath \ "password").readNullable[String])(ApiPasswordChange.apply _) implicit val passwordChangeApiWrites: Writes[ApiPasswordChange] = Json.format[ApiPasswordChange] } case class ApiPasswordResetRequest( email: String) object ApiPasswordResetRequest { implicit val passwordResetApiReads: Reads[ApiPasswordResetRequest] = (__ \ 'email).read[String]( { email => ApiPasswordResetRequest(email) } implicit val passwordResetApiWrites: Writes[ApiPasswordResetRequest] = Json.format[ApiPasswordResetRequest] }
Example 8
Source File: Converters.scala From graphcool-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cool.graph.singleserver import cool.graph.messagebus.Conversions.Converter import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.SubscriptionRequest import cool.graph.webhook.Webhook import cool.graph.websockets.protocol.Request import cool.graph.worker.payloads.{LogItem, Webhook => WorkerWebhook} import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, Json} object Converters { import cool.graph.worker.payloads.JsonConversions.logItemFormat val apiWebhook2WorkerWebhook: Converter[Webhook, WorkerWebhook] = { wh: Webhook => WorkerWebhook(wh.projectId, wh.functionId, wh.requestId, wh.url, wh.payload,, wh.headers) } val string2LogItem = { str: String => Json.parse(str).validate[LogItem] match { case JsSuccess(logItem, _) => logItem case JsError(e) => sys.error(s"Invalid log item $str, ignoring message.") } } val websocketRequest2SubscriptionRequest = { req: Request => SubscriptionRequest(req.sessionId, req.projectId, req.body) } }
Example 9
Source File: SubscriptionsMain.scala From graphcool-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cool.graph.subscriptions import{ActorSystem, Props} import import cool.graph.akkautil.http.{Routes, Server, ServerExecutor} import cool.graph.messagebus.pubsub.Only import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.SubscriptionProtocolV05.Requests.SubscriptionSessionRequestV05 import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.SubscriptionProtocolV07.Requests.SubscriptionSessionRequest import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.SubscriptionProtocolV07.Responses.GqlError import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.SubscriptionSessionManager.Requests.{EnrichedSubscriptionRequest, EnrichedSubscriptionRequestV05, StopSession} import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.{StringOrInt, SubscriptionRequest, SubscriptionSessionManager} import cool.graph.subscriptions.resolving.SubscriptionsManager import cool.graph.subscriptions.util.PlayJson import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpplayjson.PlayJsonSupport import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess} import scala.concurrent.Future object SubscriptionsMain extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("graphql-subscriptions") implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() implicit val injector = new SimpleSubscriptionInjectorImpl() ServerExecutor(port = 8086, SimpleSubscriptionsServer()).startBlocking() } case class SimpleSubscriptionsServer(prefix: String = "")( implicit subscriptionInjector: SimpleSubscriptionInjector, system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer ) extends Server with PlayJsonSupport { import system.dispatcher implicit val bugSnag = subscriptionInjector.bugsnagger implicit val response05Publisher = subscriptionInjector.responsePubSubPublisherV05 implicit val response07Publisher = subscriptionInjector.responsePubSubPublisherV07 val innerRoutes = Routes.emptyRoute val subscriptionsManager = system.actorOf(Props(new SubscriptionsManager(bugSnag)), "subscriptions-manager") val requestsConsumer = subscriptionInjector.requestsQueueConsumer val consumerRef = requestsConsumer.withConsumer { req: SubscriptionRequest => Future(if (req.body == "STOP") subscriptionSessionManager ! StopSession(req.sessionId) else handleProtocolMessage(req.projectId, req.sessionId, req.body)) } val subscriptionSessionManager = system.actorOf( Props(new SubscriptionSessionManager(subscriptionsManager, bugSnag)), "subscriptions-sessions-manager" ) def handleProtocolMessage(projectId: String, sessionId: String, messageBody: String) = { import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.ProtocolV05.SubscriptionRequestReaders._ import cool.graph.subscriptions.protocol.ProtocolV07.SubscriptionRequestReaders._ val currentProtocol = PlayJson.parse(messageBody).flatMap(_.validate[SubscriptionSessionRequest]) lazy val oldProtocol = PlayJson.parse(messageBody).flatMap(_.validate[SubscriptionSessionRequestV05]) currentProtocol match { case JsSuccess(request, _) => subscriptionSessionManager ! EnrichedSubscriptionRequest(sessionId = sessionId, projectId = projectId, request) case JsError(newError) => oldProtocol match { case JsSuccess(request, _) => subscriptionSessionManager ! EnrichedSubscriptionRequestV05(sessionId = sessionId, projectId = projectId, request) case JsError(oldError) => response07Publisher.publish(Only(sessionId), GqlError(StringOrInt(string = Some(""), int = None), "The message can't be parsed")) } } } override def onStop = Future { consumerRef.stop // subscriptionInjector.projectSchemaInvalidationSubscriber.shutdown } }
Example 10
Source File: RealWorldAbstractController.scala From scala-play-realworld-example-app with MIT License | 5 votes |
package commons.controllers import commons.exceptions.ValidationException import commons.models.ValidationResultWrapper import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, Json, Reads} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, BodyParser, ControllerComponents, Result} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext abstract class RealWorldAbstractController(controllerComponents: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(controllerComponents) { implicit protected val executionContext: ExecutionContext = defaultExecutionContext protected def validateJson[A: Reads]: BodyParser[A] = parse.json.validate( _.validate[A] => BadRequest(JsError.toJson(e))) ) protected def handleFailedValidation: PartialFunction[Throwable, Result] = { case e: ValidationException => val errors = e.violations .groupBy( .view .mapValues( => propertyViolation.violation.message)) .toMap val wrapper: ValidationResultWrapper = ValidationResultWrapper(errors) UnprocessableEntity(Json.toJson(wrapper)) } }
Example 11
Source File: BytesToWatchEventSource.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{JsonFraming, Source} import akka.util.ByteString import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsError, JsSuccess, Json} import skuber.ObjectResource import skuber.api.client.{K8SException, Status, WatchEvent} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext private[api] object BytesToWatchEventSource { def apply[O <: ObjectResource](bytesSource: Source[ByteString, _], bufSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, format: Format[O]): Source[WatchEvent[O], _] = { import skuber.json.format.apiobj.watchEventFormat bytesSource.via( JsonFraming.objectScanner(bufSize) ).map { singleEventBytes => Json.parse(singleEventBytes.utf8String).validate(watchEventFormat[O]) match { case JsSuccess(value, _) => value case JsError(e) => throw new K8SException(Status(message = Some("Error parsing watched object"), details = Some(e.toString))) } } } }
Example 12
Source File: PlayJsonSupport.scala From kafka-serde-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.azhur.kafkaserdeplayjson import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import java.util import io.github.azhur.kafkaserdeplayjson.PlayJsonSupport.PlayJsonError import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ Deserializer, Serde, Serializer } import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, JsValue, Json, Reads, Writes } import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait PlayJsonSupport { implicit def toSerializer[T <: AnyRef]( implicit writes: Writes[T], printer: JsValue => String = Json.stringify ): Serializer[T] = new Serializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serialize(topic: String, data: T): Array[Byte] = if (data == null) null else try printer(writes.writes(data)).getBytes(UTF_8) catch { case NonFatal(e) => throw new SerializationException(e) } } implicit def toDeserializer[T >: Null <: AnyRef: Manifest]( implicit reads: Reads[T] ): Deserializer[T] = new Deserializer[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): T = if (data == null) null else reads .reads(Json.parse(new String(data, UTF_8))) .recoverTotal { e => throw new SerializationException(PlayJsonError(e)) } } implicit def toSerde[T >: Null <: AnyRef: Manifest]( implicit writes: Writes[T], reads: Reads[T], printer: JsValue => String = Json.stringify ): Serde[T] = new Serde[T] { override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = {} override def serializer(): Serializer[T] = toSerializer[T] override def deserializer(): Deserializer[T] = toDeserializer[T] } } object PlayJsonSupport extends PlayJsonSupport { final case class PlayJsonError(error: JsError) extends RuntimeException { override def getMessage: String = JsError.toJson(error).toString() } }
Example 13
Source File: RequiringFormats.scala From courscala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.common.jsonformat import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.JsError import play.api.libs.json.OFormat import play.api.libs.json.Reads object RequiringFormats { def requiringReads[T](delegate: Reads[T]): Reads[T] = Reads { json => try { delegate.reads(json) } catch { case e: IllegalArgumentException => JsError(e.getMessage) } } def requiringFormat[T](delegate: Format[T]): Format[T] = { Format(requiringReads(delegate), delegate) } def requiringOFormat[T](delegate: OFormat[T]): OFormat[T] = { OFormat(requiringReads(delegate), delegate) } }
Example 14
Source File: OrFormats.scala From courscala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.common.jsonformat import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.JsError import play.api.libs.json.OFormat import play.api.libs.json.OWrites import play.api.libs.json.Reads import play.api.libs.json.Writes import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.reflect.classTag object OrFormats { def unimplementedReads[T: ClassTag]: Reads[T] = { Reads(_ => JsError(s"Invoked `unimplementedReads` for ${classTag[T]}")) } def unimplementedWrites[T: ClassTag]: Writes[T] = Writes { _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invoked `unimplementedOWrites for ${classTag[T]}") } def unimplementedOWrites[T: ClassTag]: OWrites[T] = OWrites { _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invoked `unimplementedOWrites for ${classTag[T]}") } def unimplementedFormat[T: ClassTag]: Format[T] = Format(unimplementedReads, unimplementedWrites) def unimplementedOFormat[T: ClassTag]: OFormat[T] = OFormat(unimplementedReads[T], unimplementedOWrites[T]) implicit class OrReads[A](reads: Reads[A]) { def orReads[B <: A: Reads]: Reads[A] = { import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ reads or implicitly[Reads[B]].map(b => b: A) } } implicit class OrWrites[A](writes: Writes[A]) { def orWrites[B <: A: Writes: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): Writes[A] = Writes { case b: B => implicitly[Writes[B]].writes(b) case a: A => writes.writes(a) } } implicit class OrOWrites[A](oWrites: OWrites[A]) { def orOWrites[B <: A: OWrites: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): OWrites[A] = OWrites { case b: B => implicitly[OWrites[B]].writes(b) case a: A => oWrites.writes(a) } } implicit class OrFormat[A](format: Format[A]) { def orFormat[B <: A: Format: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): Format[A] = { Format(format.orReads[B], format.orWrites[B]) } } implicit class OrOFormat[A](oFormat: OFormat[A]) { def orOFormat[B <: A: OFormat: ClassTag](implicit classTag: ClassTag[A]): OFormat[A] = { OFormat(oFormat.orReads[B], oFormat.orOWrites[B]) } } }
Example 15
Source File: HomeController.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import env.{AppConfig, Env} import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, Json} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ControllerComponents, Cookie, Cookies} case class LoginForm(email: String) object LoginForm { implicit val format = Json.format[LoginForm] } class HomeController(env: Env, config: AppConfig, val cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) { def index() = Action { config.front match { case "react" => Ok(views.html.index(env)) case _ => Ok(views.html.indexangular(env)) } } def indexOtherRoutes(path: String) = index() def login() = Action(parse.json) { req => req.body .validate[LoginForm] .fold( e => BadRequest(JsError.toJson(e)), form => Ok(Json.obj()).withCookies(Cookie("clientId", ) } }
Example 16
package libs.ziohelper import import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsPath, JsResult, JsSuccess, JsonValidationError} import domains.errors.{IzanamiErrors, ValidationError} import zio._ import libs.logs.ZLogger object JsResults { def handleJsError[C <: ZLogger, T](err: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])]): ZIO[C, IzanamiErrors, T] = ZLogger.error(s"Error parsing json $err") *>"error.json.parsing"))) def jsResultToError[C <: ZLogger, T](jsResult: JsResult[T]): ZIO[C, IzanamiErrors, T] = fromJsResult(jsResult) { handleJsError } def jsResultToHttpResponse[T](jsResult: JsResult[T]) = liftJsResult(jsResult)(err => play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest(ValidationError.fromJsError(err).toJson)) def liftJsResult[T, E](jsResult: JsResult[T])(onError: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])] => E): IO[E, T] = jsResult match { case JsSuccess(value, _) => IO.succeed(value) case JsError(errors) => => t.copy(_2 = t._2.toSeq)))) } def fromJsResult[C <: ZLogger, T, E]( jsResult: JsResult[T] )(onError: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])] => ZIO[C, E, T]): ZIO[C, E, T] = jsResult match { case JsSuccess(value, _) => ZIO.succeed(value) case JsError(errors) => onError( => t.copy(_2 = t._2.toSeq))) } }
Example 17
Source File: KeyTest.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package domains import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsString, JsSuccess, Json} import store.{EmptyPattern, StringPattern} import test.IzanamiSpec class KeyTest extends IzanamiSpec { "Key deserialization" must { "should be valid" in { val result = JsString("ragnar:lodbrok:730").validate[Key] result mustBe an[JsSuccess[_]] result.get must be(Key("ragnar:lodbrok:730")) } "should be invalid" in { val result = JsString("björn:ironside").validate[Key] result mustBe an[JsError] } } "Key serialization" must { "should be valid" in { Json.toJson(Key("ragnar:lodbrok:730")) must be(JsString("ragnar:lodbrok:730")) } } "Test patterns" must { "match" in { Key("test2:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed").matchPattern("test2:ab:scenario:*") must be(true) } "not match" in { Key("test1:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed").matchPattern("test2:ab:scenario:*") must be(false) } "match all is true" in { Key("test2:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed").matchAllPatterns("test2:ab:scenario:*", "test2:ab:*") must be(true) } "match all is false" in { Key("test1:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed").matchAllPatterns("test2:ab:scenario:*", "test1:ab:*") must be(false) } "match one str is true" in { Key("test1:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed").matchOneStrPatterns("test2:ab:scenario:*", "test1:ab:*") must be(true) } "match one is false" in { Key("test1:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed").matchOneStrPatterns("test2:ab:scenario:*", "test2:ab:*") must be(false) } "match one pattern is true" in { Key("test1:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed").matchOnePatterns(StringPattern("test2:ab:scenario:*"), StringPattern("test1:ab:*")) must be(true) } "match one pattern with empty is false" in { Key("test1:ab:scenario:B:8:displayed") .matchOnePatterns(StringPattern("test2:ab:scenario:*"), EmptyPattern) must be(false) } } }
Example 18
Source File: SelfAssessmentUserType.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import play.api.libs.json.{JsDefined, JsError, JsResult, JsString, JsSuccess, JsValue, Json, Reads, Writes} import sealed trait SelfAssessmentUserType sealed trait SelfAssessmentUser extends SelfAssessmentUserType { def saUtr: SaUtr } object SelfAssessmentUserType { val cacheId = "SelfAssessmentUser" val activatedSa = ActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser.toString val notActivatedSa = NotYetActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser.toString val wrongCredsSa = WrongCredentialsSelfAssessmentUser.toString val notEnrolledSa = NotEnrolledSelfAssessmentUser.toString val nonFilerSa = NonFilerSelfAssessmentUser.toString implicit val writes = new Writes[SelfAssessmentUserType] { override def writes(o: SelfAssessmentUserType): JsValue = o match { case ActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser(utr) => Json.obj("_type" -> JsString(activatedSa), "utr" -> JsString(utr.toString)) case NotYetActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser(utr) => Json.obj("_type" -> JsString(notActivatedSa), "utr" -> JsString(utr.toString)) case WrongCredentialsSelfAssessmentUser(utr) => Json.obj("_type" -> JsString(wrongCredsSa), "utr" -> JsString(utr.toString)) case NotEnrolledSelfAssessmentUser(utr) => Json.obj("_type" -> JsString(notEnrolledSa), "utr" -> JsString(utr.toString)) case NonFilerSelfAssessmentUser => Json.obj("_type" -> JsString(nonFilerSa)) } } implicit val reads = new Reads[SelfAssessmentUserType] { override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[SelfAssessmentUserType] = (json \ "_type", json \ "utr") match { case (JsDefined(JsString(`activatedSa`)), JsDefined(JsString(utr))) => JsSuccess(ActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser(SaUtr(utr))) case (JsDefined(JsString(`notActivatedSa`)), JsDefined(JsString(utr))) => JsSuccess(NotYetActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser(SaUtr(utr))) case (JsDefined(JsString(`wrongCredsSa`)), JsDefined(JsString(utr))) => JsSuccess(WrongCredentialsSelfAssessmentUser(SaUtr(utr))) case (JsDefined(JsString(`notEnrolledSa`)), JsDefined(JsString(utr))) => JsSuccess(NotEnrolledSelfAssessmentUser(SaUtr(utr))) case (JsDefined(JsString(`nonFilerSa`)), _) => JsSuccess(NonFilerSelfAssessmentUser) case _ => JsError("Could not read SelfAssessmentUserType") } } } case class ActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser(saUtr: SaUtr) extends SelfAssessmentUser case class NotYetActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser(saUtr: SaUtr) extends SelfAssessmentUser case class WrongCredentialsSelfAssessmentUser(saUtr: SaUtr) extends SelfAssessmentUser case class NotEnrolledSelfAssessmentUser(saUtr: SaUtr) extends SelfAssessmentUser case object NonFilerSelfAssessmentUser extends SelfAssessmentUserType
Example 19
Source File: BitcoinerLiveFeeRateProvider.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.feeprovider import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri import org.bitcoins.commons.jsonmodels.wallet.BitcoinerLiveResult import org.bitcoins.commons.serializers.JsonSerializers._ import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.fee.SatoshisPerVirtualByte import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, Json} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} case class BitcoinerLiveFeeRateProvider(minutes: Int)(implicit override val system: ActorSystem) extends CachedHttpFeeRateProvider { private val bitcoinerLiveValidMinutes = Vector(30, 60, 120, 180, 360, 720, 1440) require( bitcoinerLiveValidMinutes.contains(minutes), s"$minutes is not a valid selection, must be from $bitcoinerLiveValidMinutes") override val uri: Uri = Uri("") override def converter(str: String): Try[SatoshisPerVirtualByte] = { val json = Json.parse(str) json.validate[BitcoinerLiveResult] match { case JsSuccess(response, _) => Success(response.estimates(minutes).sat_per_vbyte) case JsError(error) => Failure( new RuntimeException( s"Unexpected error when parsing response: $error")) } } }
Example 20
Source File: AttributesProvider.scala From naptime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.coursera.naptime.router2 import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import org.coursera.courier.templates.DataTemplates.DataConversion import org.coursera.naptime.courier.CourierFormats import org.coursera.naptime.schema.Attribute import org.coursera.naptime.schema.JsValue import play.api.libs.json.JsError import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import play.api.libs.json.JsSuccess import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.util.control.NonFatal object AttributesProvider extends StrictLogging { val SCALADOC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "scaladocs" lazy val scaladocs: Map[String, JsObject] = { val scaladocPath = "/naptime.scaladoc.json" (for { stream <- Option(getClass.getResourceAsStream(scaladocPath)) json <- try { Some(Json.parse(stream)) } catch { case NonFatal(exception) => logger.warn( s"Could not parse contents of file " + s"$scaladocPath as JSON") None } finally { stream.close() } scaladocCollection <- json.validate[Map[String, JsObject]] match { case JsSuccess(deserialized, _) => Some(deserialized) case JsError(_) => logger.warn( s"Could not deserialize contents of file " + s"$scaladocPath as `Map[String, JsObject]`") None } } yield { scaladocCollection }).getOrElse(Map.empty) } def getResourceAttributes(className: String): Seq[Attribute] = { scaladocs .get(className) .map(value => Attribute(SCALADOC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Some(jsObjToJsValue(value)))) .toList } def getMethodAttributes(className: String, methodName: String): Seq[Attribute] = { scaladocs .get(s"$className.$methodName") .map(value => Attribute(SCALADOC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Some(jsObjToJsValue(value)))) .toList } private[this] def jsObjToJsValue(jsObj: JsObject): JsValue = {, DataConversion.SetReadOnly) } }
Example 21
Source File: ValidatingReadsSpec.scala From swagger-check with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import de.leanovate.swaggercheck.schema.model.DefaultSchema import import import org.scalatest.{MustMatchers, WordSpec} import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, Json, Reads} class ValidatingReadsSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers { val schema: DefaultSchema = Json .parse(getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("schema/simple1.json")) .as[DefaultSchema] val atLeastOneTagRead: Reads[Seq[ProductModel]] = ValidatingReads.validating[Seq[ProductModel]](schema) "ValidatingReads" should { "reject invalid json input" in { val json = Json.parse("""[ | { | "id": 12345678, | "name": "thename", | "price": 1234.67, | "tags": [] | } |]""".stripMargin) val result = json.validate(atLeastOneTagRead) result mustBe a[JsError] } } }
Example 22
Source File: LaboratoryController.scala From Aton with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.admin import import controllers.{routes => normalroutes} import model.json.{LaboratoryJson, ResultMessage} import model.{Laboratory, Role} import play.Logger import play.api.Environment import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, Json} import services.{LaboratoryService, UserService, state} import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class LaboratoryController @Inject()(laboratoryService: LaboratoryService, val messagesApi: MessagesApi)(implicit userService: UserService, executionContext: ExecutionContext, environment: Environment) extends ControllerWithAuthRequired { def update = AuthRequiredAction { implicit request => implicit val username = Some(loggedIn.username) implicit val isAdmin = loggedIn.role == Role.Administrator // TODO: Get id from json request.body.asJson match { case Some(json) => json.validate[Laboratory] match { case JsSuccess(laboratory, _) => laboratoryService.update(laboratory).map { case state.ActionCompleted => Ok(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Laboratory updated"))) case state.NotFound => NotFound(Json.toJson(ResultMessage("Laboratory not found",Seq(("id", case _ => BadRequest(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Could not add that laboratory"))) } case JsError(errors) =>Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.wrongJsonFormat(errors)))) } case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.inputWasNotAJson))) } } def add = AuthRequiredAction { implicit request => Logger.debug("Adding laboratory... ") implicit val username = Some(loggedIn.username) implicit val isAdmin = loggedIn.role == Role.Administrator request.body.asJson match { case Some(json) => json.validate[LaboratoryJson] match { case JsSuccess(laboratory, _) => val newLaboratory = Laboratory(0,, laboratory.location, laboratory.administration) laboratoryService.add(newLaboratory).map { case state.ActionCompleted => Ok(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Laboratory added"))) case _ => BadRequest(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Could not add that laboratory"))) } case JsError(errors) =>Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.wrongJsonFormat(errors)))) } case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.inputWasNotAJson))) } } def delete(id: Long) = AuthRequiredAction { implicit request => laboratoryService.delete(id) map { case state.ActionCompleted => Ok(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Laboratory deleted successfully"))) case state.NotFound => NotFound(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Laboratory not found"))) case _ => BadRequest(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("A server problem occurred while trying to delete the laboratory"))) } } }
Example 23
Source File: RoomController.scala From Aton with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.admin import import controllers.{routes => normalroutes} import model.Room import model.json.ResultMessage import play.Logger import play.api.Environment import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, Json} import services.{LaboratoryService, RoomService, UserService, state} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class RoomController @Inject()(roomService: RoomService, laboratoryService: LaboratoryService, val messagesApi: MessagesApi)(implicit userService: UserService, executionContext: ExecutionContext, environment: Environment) extends ControllerWithAuthRequired { def add = AuthRequiredAction { implicit request => implicit val username = Some(loggedIn.username) Logger.debug("Adding room... ") request.body.asJson match { case Some(json) => json.validate[Room] match { case JsSuccess(room, _) => roomService.add(room).map { case state.ActionCompleted => Ok(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Room added"))) case _ => BadRequest(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Could not add that room"))) } case JsError(errors) => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.wrongJsonFormat(errors)))) } case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.inputWasNotAJson))) } } def update = AuthRequiredAction { implicit request => implicit val username = Some(loggedIn.username) Logger.debug("Updating room... ") request.body.asJson match { case Some(json) => json.validate[Room] match { case JsSuccess(room, _) => roomService.update(room).map { case state.ActionCompleted => Ok(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Room updated"))) case state.NotFound => NotFound(Json.toJson( ResultMessage("Room not found", Seq(("id", case _ => BadRequest(Json.toJson(new ResultMessage("Could not update that room"))) } case JsError(errors) => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.wrongJsonFormat(errors)))) } case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ResultMessage.inputWasNotAJson))) } } def delete(roomId: Long) = AuthRequiredAction { implicit request => roomService.delete(roomId).map { case state.ActionCompleted => Redirect(normalroutes.HomeController.home()) case state.NotFound => NotFound case _ => BadRequest } } def blockUser(roomId: Long) = AuthRequiredAction { implicit request => // TODO: Processing Not Yet Implemented val results = for { roomResult <- roomService.get(roomId) } yield roomResult { result: Option[Room] => if (result.isDefined) Redirect(normalroutes.LaboratoryController.get(result.get.laboratoryID)) else NotFound } } }
Example 24
Source File: PaymentItemSpec.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.models.response.payments import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsObject, JsValue, Json} import support.UnitSpec class PaymentItemSpec extends UnitSpec { val desJson: JsValue = Json.parse( """ |{ | "paymentAmount" : 100.2, | "clearingDate" : "2017-01-01" |} """.stripMargin ) val invalidDesJson: JsValue = Json.parse( """ |{ | "paymentAmount" : 100.2, | "clearingDate" : false |} """.stripMargin ) val mtdJson: JsValue = Json.parse( """ |{ | "amount" : 100.2, | "received" : "2017-01-01" |} """.stripMargin ) val paymentItemModel: PaymentItem = PaymentItem(amount = Some(100.2), received = Some("2017-01-01")) "PaymentItem" when { "read from valid JSON" should { "produce the expected PaymentItem object" in {[PaymentItem] shouldBe paymentItemModel } "handle missing optional fields" in {[PaymentItem] shouldBe PaymentItem.empty } "error on invalid json" in { invalidDesJson.validate[PaymentItem] shouldBe a[JsError] } } "written to JSON" should { "produce the expected Js Object" in { Json.toJson(paymentItemModel) shouldBe mtdJson } "not write empty fields" in { val emptyPaymentItemModel: PaymentItem = PaymentItem(amount = None, received = None) Json.toJson(emptyPaymentItemModel) shouldBe JsObject.empty } } } }
Example 25
Source File: VatReturnResponse.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, JsValue} import import import import{DesTransformError, DesTransformValidator, Errors, VatReturn, des} import case class VatReturnResponse(underlying: HttpResponse) extends Response { var nrsData: NRSData = _ def vatReturnOrError: Either[DesTransformError, VatReturn] = { def deserialise(js: JsValue) = js.validate[des.VatReturn] match { case JsError(errors) => Left(ParseError(s"Json format from DES doesn't match the VatReturn model: $errors")) case JsSuccess(vatReturn, _) => DesTransformValidator[des.VatReturn, VatReturn].from(vatReturn) } jsonOrError match { case Left(e) => logger.error(s"[VatReturnResponse][vatReturnOrError] Non json response from DES : $e") Left(ParseError(s"Unable to parse the response from DES as Json: $e")) case Right(js) => deserialise(js) } } def vatSubmissionReturnOrError: Either[DesTransformError, JsValue] = { jsonOrError match { case Left(e) => logger.error(s"[VatReturnResponse][vatReturnOrError] Non json response from DES : $e") Left(ParseError(s"Unable to parse the response from DES as Json: $e")) case Right(js) => Right(js) } } def withNrsData(data: NRSData): VatReturnResponse = { nrsData = data; this } override def errorMappings: PartialFunction[Int, VatResult] = { case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_VRN) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST, Errors.VrnInvalid) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_ARN) => VatResult.Failure(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_ORIGINATOR_ID) => VatResult.Failure(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_PAYLOAD) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST, Errors.InvalidRequest) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_PERIODKEY) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST, Errors.InvalidPeriodKey) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_SUBMISSION) =>"[VatReturnResponse][errorMappings] Des returned error with status 400 and errorCode INVALID_SUBMISSION") VatResult.Failure(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError) case 403 if errorCodeIsOneOf(DATE_RANGE_TOO_LARGE) => VatResult.Failure(Status.FORBIDDEN, Errors.businessError(Errors.DateRangeTooLarge)) case 403 if errorCodeIsOneOf(VRN_NOT_FOUND, NOT_FOUND_VRN) => VatResult.Failure(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError) case 403 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_IDENTIFIER) => VatResult.Failure(Status.NOT_FOUND, Errors.InvalidPeriodKey) case 403 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_INPUTDATA) => VatResult.Failure(Status.FORBIDDEN, Errors.InvalidRequest) case 403 if errorCodeIsOneOf(TAX_PERIOD_NOT_ENDED) => VatResult.Failure(Status.FORBIDDEN, Errors.TaxPeriodNotEnded) case 409 if errorCodeIsOneOf(DUPLICATE_SUBMISSION) => VatResult.Failure(Status.FORBIDDEN, Errors.businessError(Errors.DuplicateVatSubmission)) } } case class ParseError(msg: String) extends DesTransformError
Example 26
Source File: FinancialDataResponse.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, JsValue} import import import import{DesTransformError, DesTransformValidator, Errors, Liabilities, Payments, des} import case class FinancialDataResponse(underlying: HttpResponse) extends Response { def getLiabilities(vrn: Vrn): Either[DesTransformError, Liabilities] = { def deserialise(js: JsValue) = js.validate[des.FinancialData] match { case JsError(errors) => Left(ParseError(s"[FinancialDataResponse][getLiabilities - deserialise] Json format from DES doesn't match the FinancialData model: $errors")) case JsSuccess(financialData, _) => DesTransformValidator[des.FinancialData, Liabilities].from(financialData) } jsonOrError match { case Right(js) => logger.debug(s"[FinancialDataResponse][getLiabilities - jsonOrError] Json response body from DES : ${js}") deserialise(js) case Left(e) => logger.error(s"[FinancialDataResponse][getLiabilities - jsonOrError] Non json response from DES : ${e.getMessage}") Left(ParseError(s"Unable to parse the response from DES as Json: $e")) } } def getPayments(vrn: Vrn): Either[DesTransformError, Payments] = { def deserialise(js: JsValue) = js.validate[des.FinancialData] match { case JsError(errors) => Left(ParseError(s"[FinancialDataResponse][getPayments - deserialise] Json format from DES doesn't match the FinancialData model: $errors")) case JsSuccess(financialData, _) => DesTransformValidator[des.FinancialData, Payments].from(financialData) } jsonOrError match { case Right(js) => logger.debug(s"[FinancialDataResponse][getPayments - jsonOrError] Json response body from DES : ${js}") deserialise(js) case Left(e) => logger.error(s"[FinancialDataResponse][getPayments - jsonOrError] Non json response from DES : ${e.getMessage}") Left(ParseError(s"Unable to parse the response from DES as Json: $e")) } } override def errorMappings: PartialFunction[Int, VatResult] = { case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_IDNUMBER) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST, Errors.VrnInvalid) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_DATEFROM) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST, Errors.InvalidDateFrom) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_DATETO) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST,Errors.InvalidDateTo) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(NOT_FOUND) => VatResult.Failure(Status.NOT_FOUND, Errors.NotFound) case 400 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_IDTYPE, INVALID_ONLYOPENITEMS, INVALID_REGIMETYPE, INVALID_INCLUDELOCKS, INVALID_CALCULATEACCRUEDINTEREST, INVALID_CUSTOMERPAYMENTINFORMATION ) => VatResult.Failure(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Errors.InternalServerError) case 404 if errorCodeIsOneOf(NOT_FOUND) => VatResult.Failure(Status.NOT_FOUND,Errors.NotFound) case 422 if errorCodeIsOneOf(INVALID_DATA) => VatResult.Failure(Status.BAD_REQUEST,Errors.InvalidData) } }
Example 27
Source File: WsParser.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package v1.connectors.httpparsers import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, JsValue, Reads} import import scala.util.{Success, Try} trait WsParser { implicit class KnownJsonResponse(response: WSResponse) { def validateJson[T](implicit reads: Reads[T]): Option[T] = { Try(response.json) match { case Success(json: JsValue) => parseResult(json) case _ => Logger.warn("[KnownJsonResponse][validateJson - NRS] No JSON was returned") None } } def parseResult[T](json: JsValue)(implicit reads: Reads[T]): Option[T] = json.validate[T] match { case JsSuccess(value, _) => Some(value) case JsError(error) => Logger.warn(s"[KnownJsonResponse][validateJson - NRS] Unable to parse JSON: $error") None } } }
Example 28
Source File: ReadsKey.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4 import java.util.UUID import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsResult, JsSuccess} trait ReadsKey[A] { self => private[ops] abstract class AlwaysReadsKey[A] extends ReadsKey[A] { def readSafe(key: String): A final override def read(key: String): JsResult[A] = JsSuccess(readSafe(key)) } implicit val readKeyString: ReadsKey[String] = new AlwaysReadsKey[String] { final override def readSafe(key: String): String = key } implicit val readKeySymbol: ReadsKey[Symbol] = new AlwaysReadsKey[Symbol] { final override def readSafe(key: String): Symbol = Symbol(key) } implicit val readKeyUUID: ReadsKey[UUID] = new ReadsKey[UUID] { final override def read(key: String): JsResult[UUID] = { if (key.length == 36) { try JsSuccess(UUID.fromString(key)) catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => JsError("Invalid UUID format") } } else JsError("Invalid UUID length") } } implicit val readKeyByte: ReadsKey[Byte] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Byte.parseByte) implicit val readKeyShort: ReadsKey[Short] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Short.parseShort) implicit val readKeyInt: ReadsKey[Int] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Integer.parseInt) implicit val readKeyLong: ReadsKey[Long] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Long.parseLong) }
Example 29
Source File: ReadsKey.scala From play-json-ops with MIT License | 5 votes |
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4 import java.util.UUID import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsResult, JsSuccess} trait ReadsKey[A] { self => private[ops] abstract class AlwaysReadsKey[A] extends ReadsKey[A] { def readSafe(key: String): A final override def read(key: String): JsResult[A] = JsSuccess(readSafe(key)) } implicit val readKeyString: ReadsKey[String] = new AlwaysReadsKey[String] { final override def readSafe(key: String): String = key } implicit val readKeySymbol: ReadsKey[Symbol] = new AlwaysReadsKey[Symbol] { final override def readSafe(key: String): Symbol = Symbol(key) } implicit val readKeyUUID: ReadsKey[UUID] = new ReadsKey[UUID] { final override def read(key: String): JsResult[UUID] = { if (key.length == 36) { try JsSuccess(UUID.fromString(key)) catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => JsError("Invalid UUID format") } } else JsError("Invalid UUID length") } } implicit val readKeyByte: ReadsKey[Byte] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Byte.parseByte) implicit val readKeyShort: ReadsKey[Short] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Short.parseShort) implicit val readKeyInt: ReadsKey[Int] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Integer.parseInt) implicit val readKeyLong: ReadsKey[Long] = readsKeyNumber(java.lang.Long.parseLong) }
Example 30
Source File: TestJson.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package import import catalog_manager.yaml.KeyValue import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsValue} object TestJson extends App { import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsResult, JsSuccess, Json} val stream = new FileInputStream("data/voc/cv_theme-subtheme_bk.json") val json = try { (Json.parse(stream) \ "voc").asOpt[JsArray]} finally {stream.close()} val dcatapitThemeId = "AGRI" val subthemeId = "policy" print { json match { case Some(s) => => ((x \ "theme_code").as[String], (x \ "subthemes").as[List[JsValue]])).map{ x=>{ y=> //subthemes (x._1, (y \ "subthemes_ita").as[List[List[String]]]) } }.flatten .filter(x=>x._1.equals(dcatapitThemeId)) .map{x=> println(x){y=> println(y) println(y.length) //println(y(0)) //println(y(1)) KeyValue(y(0), y(1)) } }.flatMap(x=>x) case None => println("VocRepositoryFile - Error occurred with Json") Seq() } } }
Example 31
Source File: EitherReads.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsSuccess, Reads} object EitherReads { implicit def eitherReads[A, B](implicit A: Reads[A], B: Reads[B]): Reads[Either[A, B]] = Reads[Either[A, B]] { json => A.reads(json) match { case JsSuccess(value, path) => JsSuccess(Left(value), path) case JsError(e1) => B.reads(json) match { case JsSuccess(value, path) => JsSuccess(Right(value), path) case JsError(e2) => JsError(JsError.merge(e1, e2)) } } } }
Example 32
Source File: SttpBackendOps.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import cats.syntax.flatMap._ import com.softwaremill.sttp.playJson.asJson import com.softwaremill.sttp.{DeserializationError, Id, RequestT, SttpBackend} import{CanWait, FOps, ThrowableMonadError} import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, Reads} class SttpBackendOps[F[_]: CanWait: ThrowableMonadError, ErrorT: Reads](implicit httpBackend: SttpBackend[F, Nothing]) { private val ops = FOps[F]; import ops._ def tryParse[ResultT](req: RequestT[Id, Either[DeserializationError[JsError], ResultT], Nothing]): F[Either[ErrorT, ResultT]] = httpBackend.send(req.tag("requestId", UUID.randomUUID)).flatMap(parseTryResponseEither[ErrorT, ResultT]) def tryParseJson[ResultT: Reads](req: RequestT[Id, String, Nothing]): F[Either[ErrorT, ResultT]] = httpBackend.send(req.response(asJson[ResultT]).tag("requestId", UUID.randomUUID)).flatMap(parseTryResponseEither[ErrorT, ResultT]) def tryUnit(req: RequestT[Id, String, Nothing]): F[Either[ErrorT, Unit]] = httpBackend.send(req.mapResponse(_ => ()).tag("requestId", UUID.randomUUID)).flatMap(parseTryResponse[ErrorT, Unit]) } object SttpBackendOps { def apply[F[_]: CanWait: ThrowableMonadError, ErrorT: Reads](implicit httpBackend: SttpBackend[F, Nothing]): SttpBackendOps[F, ErrorT] = new SttpBackendOps[F, ErrorT] }
Example 33
Source File: ResponseParsers.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.softwaremill.sttp.{DeserializationError, ResponseAs, MonadError => _, _} import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import play.api.libs.json.JsError import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object ResponseParsers { val asUtf8String: ResponseAs[String, Nothing] = asString("UTF-8") def asLong: ResponseAs[Either[DeserializationError[JsError], Long], Nothing] = { string => val r = Longs.tryParse(string) if (r == null) Left(DeserializationError[JsError](string, JsError("Can't parse Long"), "Can't parse Long")) else Right(r) } def asConfig: ResponseAs[Either[DeserializationError[JsError], Config], Nothing] = { string => Try(ConfigFactory.parseString(string)) match { case Success(r) => Right(r) case Failure(e) => Left(DeserializationError[JsError](string, JsError("Can't parse Config"), s"Can't parse Config: ${e.getMessage}")) } } }