scala.collection.IterableLike Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.collection.IterableLike.
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Example 1
Source File: LawlessTraversals.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package import scala.collection.IterableLike import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom import scala.annotation.tailrec private[daml] object LawlessTraversals { implicit final class `Lawless iterable traversal`[A, This](private val seq: IterableLike[A, This]) extends AnyVal { def traverseEitherStrictly[E, B, That](f: A => Either[E, B])( implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]): Either[E, That] = { val that = cbf(seq.repr) that.sizeHint(seq) val i = seq.iterator @tailrec def lp(): Either[E, That] = if (i.hasNext) f( match { case Left(b) => Left(b) case Right(c) => that += c lp() } else Right(that.result) lp() } } }
Example 2
Source File: ColLayout.scala From bonsai with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.stripe.bonsai package layout import{ DataOutput, DataInput } import scala.collection.IterableLike import scala.collection.generic.{ CanBuildFrom, IsTraversableLike } case class ColLayout[A, Repr <: IterableLike[A, Repr]]( layout: Layout[A], offsetsLayout: Layout[Int] )(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, A, Repr] ) extends Layout[Repr] { def newBuilder: VecBuilder[Repr] = new DenseBuilder(Vector.newBuilder[Repr], Vec.fromVector) def isSafeToCast(vec: Vec[_]): Boolean = false def write(vec: Vec[Repr], out: DataOutput): Unit = { out.writeByte(ColLayout.OffsetEncoding) val offsetsBldr = offsetsLayout.newBuilder val bldr = layout.newBuilder var offset = 0 vec.foreach { values => offsetsBldr += offset offset += values.size bldr ++= values } offsetsLayout.write(offsetsBldr.result(), out) layout.write(bldr.result(), out) } def read(in: DataInput): Vec[Repr] = in.readByte() match { case ColLayout.OffsetEncoding => val offsets = val values = ColVec(offsets, values)(cbf) case e => throw new"unsupported encoding for ColLayout: $e") } } object ColLayout { final val OffsetEncoding = 1.toByte }
Example 3
Source File: CollectionUtils.scala From spark-redis with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.redislabs.provider.redis.util import scala.collection.IterableLike import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom object CollectionUtils { implicit class RichCollection[A, Repr](val xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]) extends AnyVal { def distinctBy[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, A, That]): That = { val builder = cbf(xs.repr) val iterator = xs.iterator var set = Set[B]() while (iterator.hasNext) { val element = val distinctField = f(element) if (!set(distinctField)) { set += distinctField builder += element } } builder.result } } }
Example 4
Source File: package.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.twilio.guardrail.generators import import java.util.Locale import java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.{ Operation, PathItem } import import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter import scala.collection.IterableLike import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom import scala.language.implicitConversions package syntax { class RichNotNullShower[A](value: A) { def showNotNull: String = showNotNullIndented(0) def showNotNullIndented(indent: Int): String = (" " * indent) + value.toString().linesIterator.filterNot(_.contains(": null")).mkString("\n" + (" " * indent)) } class RichCollection[A, Repr](xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]) { def distinctBy[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, A, That]): That = { val builder = cbf(xs.repr) val i = xs.iterator var set = Set[B]() while (i.hasNext) { val o = val b = f(o) if (!set(b)) { set += b builder += o } } builder.result } } } package object syntax { val GENERATED_CODE_COMMENT_LINES: List[String] = List( "This file was generated by Guardrail (", "Modifications will be overwritten; instead edit the OpenAPI/Swagger spec file." ) private val SPLIT_DELIMITERS = "[-_\\s\\.]+".r private val BOUNDARY_SPLITTERS = List( "([^A-Z])([A-Z])".r, "([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)".r ) implicit class RichString(private val s: String) extends AnyVal { private def splitParts(s: String): List[String] = BOUNDARY_SPLITTERS .foldLeft(SPLIT_DELIMITERS.split(s))( (last, splitter) => last.flatMap(part => splitter.replaceAllIn(part, m => quoteReplacement( + "-" +"-")) ) .map(_.toLowerCase(Locale.US)) .toList def toPascalCase: String = splitParts(s).map(_.capitalize).mkString def toCamelCase: String = NonEmptyList .fromList(splitParts(s)) .fold("")( parts => parts.head + ) def toSnakeCase: String = splitParts(s).mkString("_") def toDashedCase: String = splitParts(s).mkString("-") def uncapitalized: String = if (s.nonEmpty) { val inUnPacked = s.toCharArray val lowercaseFirstCharacter = Character.toLowerCase(inUnPacked(0)) new String(lowercaseFirstCharacter +: inUnPacked.tail) } else s } implicit def RichSchema: Schema[_] => RichNotNullShower[Schema[_]] = new RichNotNullShower[Schema[_]](_) implicit def RichOperation: Operation => RichNotNullShower[Operation] = new RichNotNullShower[Operation](_) implicit def RichPathItem: PathItem => RichNotNullShower[PathItem] = new RichNotNullShower[PathItem](_) implicit def RichParameter: Parameter => RichNotNullShower[Parameter] = new RichNotNullShower[Parameter](_) implicit def toRichCollection[A, Repr](xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]): RichCollection[A, Repr] = new RichCollection(xs) }
Example 5
Source File: IncrementalMap.scala From inox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package inox.utils import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap, Builder} import scala.collection.generic.Shrinkable import scala.collection.IterableLike class IncrementalMap[A, B] private(dflt: Option[B]) extends IncrementalState with Iterable[(A,B)] with IterableLike[(A,B), Map[A,B]] with Builder[(A,B), IncrementalMap[A, B]] with Shrinkable[A] with (A => B) { def this() = this(None) private var stack: List[MMap[A, B]] = List(MMap()) override def clear(): Unit = { stack = List(MMap()) } def reset(): Unit = { clear() } def push(): Unit = { val last = MMap[A,B]() ++ stack.head val withDefault = dflt match { case Some(value) => last.withDefaultValue(value) case None => last } stack ::= withDefault } def pop(): Unit = { stack = stack.tail } def withDefaultValue[B1 >: B](dflt: B1) = { val map = new IncrementalMap[A, B1](Some(dflt)) map.stack = map.stack.tail for (s <- stack) map.stack ::= MMap[A,B1]().withDefaultValue(dflt) ++ s map } def get(k: A) = stack.head.get(k) def apply(k: A) = stack.head.apply(k) def contains(k: A) = stack.head.contains(k) def isDefinedAt(k: A) = stack.head.isDefinedAt(k) def getOrElse[B1 >: B](k: A, e: => B1) = stack.head.getOrElse(k, e) def values = stack.head.values def cached(k: A)(b: => B): B = getOrElse(k, { val ev = b this += k -> ev ev }) def iterator = stack.head.iterator def +=(kv: (A, B)) = { stack.head += kv; this } def -=(k: A) = { stack.head -= k; this } override def seq = stack.head.seq override def newBuilder = new scala.collection.mutable.MapBuilder(Map.empty[A,B]) def result = this }
Example 6
Source File: IncrementalSeq.scala From inox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package inox.utils import scala.collection.mutable.Builder import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.collection.{Iterable, IterableLike} class IncrementalSeq[A] extends IncrementalState with Iterable[A] with IterableLike[A, Seq[A]] with Builder[A, IncrementalSeq[A]] { private[this] var stack: List[ArrayBuffer[A]] = List(new ArrayBuffer()) def clear() : Unit = { stack = List(new ArrayBuffer()) } def reset(): Unit = { clear() } def push(): Unit = { stack ::= stack.head.clone } def pop(): Unit = { stack = stack.tail } def iterator = stack.head.toList.iterator def +=(e: A) = { stack.head += e; this } def -=(e: A) = { stack.head -= e; this } override def newBuilder = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer() def result = this }