scala.collection.Iterator Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.collection.Iterator.
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Example 1
Source File: BGRImgToBatch.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{MiniBatch, Transformer, Utils} import{Storage, Tensor} import scala.collection.Iterator object BGRImgToBatch { def apply(batchSize: Int, toRGB: Boolean = true): BGRImgToBatch = new BGRImgToBatch(batchSize, toRGB) } class BGRImgToBatch(totalBatch: Int, toRGB: Boolean = true) extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, MiniBatch[Float]] { private val batchPerCore = Utils.getBatchSize(totalBatch) override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[MiniBatch[Float]] = { val batchSizePerCore = batchPerCore new Iterator[MiniBatch[Float]] { private val featureTensor: Tensor[Float] = Tensor[Float]() private val labelTensor: Tensor[Float] = Tensor[Float]() private var featureData: Array[Float] = null private var labelData: Array[Float] = null private var width = 0 private var height = 0 private val batchSize = batchSizePerCore override def hasNext: Boolean = prev.hasNext override def next(): MiniBatch[Float] = { if (prev.hasNext) { var i = 0 while (i < batchSize && prev.hasNext) { val img = if (featureData == null) { featureData = new Array[Float](batchSize * 3 * img.height() * img.width()) labelData = new Array[Float](batchSize) height = img.height() width = img.width() } img.copyTo(featureData, i * img.width() * img.height() * 3, toRGB) labelData(i) = img.label() i += 1 } if (labelTensor.nElement() != i) { featureTensor.set(Storage[Float](featureData), storageOffset = 1, sizes = Array(i, 3, height, width)) labelTensor.set(Storage[Float](labelData), storageOffset = 1, sizes = Array(i)) } MiniBatch(featureTensor, labelTensor) } else { null } } } } }
Example 2
Source File: ParRange.scala From scala-parallel-collections with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scala package collection.parallel.immutable import scala.collection.immutable.Range import scala.collection.parallel.Combiner import scala.collection.parallel.SeqSplitter import scala.collection.Iterator override def map2combiner[S, That](f: Int => S, cb: Combiner[S, That]): Combiner[S, That] = { while (hasNext) { cb += f(next) } cb } } override def toString = s"Par$range" } object ParRange { def apply(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int, inclusive: Boolean) = new ParRange( if (inclusive) Range.inclusive(start, end, step) else Range(start, end, step) ) }
Example 3
Source File: BufferedSource.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ InputStream, BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, PushbackReader } import Source.DefaultBufSize import scala.collection.{ Iterator, AbstractIterator } override def mkString = { // Speed up slurping of whole data set in the simplest cases. val allReader = decachedReader val sb = new StringBuilder val buf = new Array[Char](bufferSize) var n = 0 while (n != -1) { n = if (n>0) sb.appendAll(buf, 0, n) } sb.result } }
Example 4
Source File: SystemProperties.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scala package sys import scala.collection.{ mutable, Iterator } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import import scala.language.implicitConversions def exclusively[T](body: => T) = this synchronized body implicit def systemPropertiesToCompanion(p: SystemProperties): SystemProperties.type = this private final val HeadlessKey = "java.awt.headless" private final val PreferIPv4StackKey = "" private final val PreferIPv6AddressesKey = "" private final val NoTraceSuppressionKey = "scala.control.noTraceSuppression" def help(key: String): String = key match { case HeadlessKey => "system should not utilize a display device" case PreferIPv4StackKey => "system should prefer IPv4 sockets" case PreferIPv6AddressesKey => "system should prefer IPv6 addresses" case NoTraceSuppressionKey => "scala should not suppress any stack trace creation" case _ => "" } lazy val headless: BooleanProp = BooleanProp.keyExists(HeadlessKey) lazy val preferIPv4Stack: BooleanProp = BooleanProp.keyExists(PreferIPv4StackKey) lazy val preferIPv6Addresses: BooleanProp = BooleanProp.keyExists(PreferIPv6AddressesKey) lazy val noTraceSuppression: BooleanProp = BooleanProp.valueIsTrue(NoTraceSuppressionKey) }
Example 5
Source File: RandomAlterAspect.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import breeze.numerics.sqrt import org.opencv.core.{CvType, Mat, Rect} import import import import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc import scala.collection.Iterator import import{FeatureTransformer, ImageFeature} import import import import org.opencv.core.Size object RandomAlterAspect { def apply(min_area_ratio: Float = 0.08f, max_area_ratio: Int = 1, min_aspect_ratio_change: Float = 0.75f, interp_mode: String = "CUBIC", cropLength: Int = 224): RandomAlterAspect = { OpenCV.isOpenCVLoaded new RandomAlterAspect(min_area_ratio, max_area_ratio, min_aspect_ratio_change, interp_mode, cropLength) } } class RandomAlterAspect(min_area_ratio: Float = 0.08f, max_area_ratio: Int = 1, min_aspect_ratio_change: Float = 0.75f, interp_mode: String = "CUBIC", cropLength: Int = 224) extends FeatureTransformer { import @inline private def randRatio(min: Float, max: Float): Float = { val res = (RNG.uniform(1e-2, (max - min) * 1000 + 1) + min * 1000) / 1000 res.toFloat } override protected def transformMat(feature: ImageFeature): Unit = { val h = feature.opencvMat().size().height val w = feature.opencvMat().size().width val area = h * w require(min_area_ratio <= max_area_ratio, "min_area_ratio should <= max_area_ratio") var attempt = 0 while (attempt < 10) { val area_ratio = randRatio(min_area_ratio, max_area_ratio) val aspect_ratio_change = randRatio(min_aspect_ratio_change, 1 / min_aspect_ratio_change) val new_area = area_ratio * area var new_h = (sqrt(new_area) * aspect_ratio_change).toInt var new_w = (sqrt(new_area) / aspect_ratio_change).toInt if (randRatio(0, 1) < 0.5) { val tmp = new_h new_h = new_w new_w = tmp } if (new_h <= h && new_w <= w) { val y = RNG.uniform(1e-2, h - new_h + 1).toInt val x = RNG.uniform(1e-2, w - new_w + 1).toInt Crop.transform(feature.opencvMat(), feature.opencvMat(), x, y, x + new_w, y + new_h, false, false) Imgproc.resize(feature.opencvMat(), feature.opencvMat(), new Size(cropLength, cropLength), 0, 0, 2) attempt = 100 } attempt += 1 } if (attempt < 20) { val (new_h, new_w) = resizeImagePerShorterSize(feature.opencvMat(), cropLength) Imgproc.resize(feature.opencvMat(), feature.opencvMat(), new Size(cropLength, cropLength), 0, 0, 2) } } private def resizeImagePerShorterSize(img: Mat, shorter_size: Int) : (Int, Int) = { val h = img.size().height val w = img.size().width var new_h = shorter_size var new_w = shorter_size if (h < w) { new_w = (w / h * shorter_size).toInt } else { new_h = (h / w * shorter_size).toInt } (new_h, new_w) } }
Example 6
Source File: ChannelScaledNormalizer.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{LocalDataSet, Transformer} import{FeatureTransformer, ImageFeature} import import org.apache.log4j.Logger import scala.collection.Iterator object ChannelScaledNormalizer { def apply(meanR: Int, meanG: Int, meanB: Int, scale: Double): ChannelScaledNormalizer = { new ChannelScaledNormalizer(meanR, meanG, meanB, scale) } } class ChannelScaledNormalizer(meanR: Int, meanG: Int, meanB: Int, scale: Double) extends FeatureTransformer { override protected def transformMat(feature: ImageFeature): Unit = { val mat = feature.opencvMat() val toFloats = OpenCVMat.toFloatPixels(mat) val content = toFloats._1 require(content.length % 3 == 0, "Content should be multiple of 3 channels") var i = 0 val frameLength = content.length / 3 val height = toFloats._2 val width = toFloats._3 val bufferContent = new Array[Float](width * height * 3) val channels = 3 val mean = Array(meanR, meanG, meanB) var c = 0 while (c < channels) { i = 0 while (i < frameLength) { val data_index = c * frameLength + i bufferContent(data_index) = ((content(data_index) - mean(c)) * scale).toFloat i += 1 } c += 1 } if (mat != null) { mat.release() } val newMat = OpenCVMat.fromFloats(bufferContent, height, width) feature(ImageFeature.mat) = newMat } }
Example 7
Source File: BGRImgToSample.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{Sample, Transformer} import import scala.collection.Iterator object BGRImgToSample { def apply(toRGB: Boolean = true): BGRImgToSample = { new BGRImgToSample(toRGB) } } class BGRImgToSample(toRGB: Boolean = true) extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, Sample[Float]] { private val featureBuffer = Tensor[Float]() private val labelBuffer = Tensor[Float](1) override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[Sample[Float]] = { => { = img.label() if (featureBuffer.nElement() != 3 * img.height() * img.width()) { featureBuffer.resize(3, img.height(), img.width()) } img.copyTo(, 0, toRGB) Sample(featureBuffer, labelBuffer) }) } }
Example 8
Source File: BGRImgRdmCropper.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import scala.collection.Iterator object BGRImgRdmCropper { def apply(cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int, padding: Int): BGRImgRdmCropper = new BGRImgRdmCropper(cropHeight, cropWidth, padding) } class BGRImgRdmCropper(cropHeight: Int, cropWidth: Int, padding: Int) extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, LabeledBGRImage] { import private val buffer = new LabeledBGRImage(cropWidth, cropHeight) override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[LabeledBGRImage] = { => { val curImg = padding > 0 match { case true => val widthTmp = img.width() val heightTmp = img.height() val sourceTmp = img.content val padWidth = widthTmp + 2 * padding val padHeight = heightTmp + 2 * padding val temp = new LabeledBGRImage(padWidth, padHeight) val tempBuffer = temp.content val startIndex = (padding + padding * padWidth) * 3 val frameLength = widthTmp * heightTmp var i = 0 while (i < frameLength) { tempBuffer(startIndex + ((i / widthTmp) * padWidth + (i % widthTmp)) * 3 + 2) = sourceTmp(i * 3 + 2) tempBuffer(startIndex + ((i / widthTmp) * padWidth + (i % widthTmp)) * 3 + 1) = sourceTmp(i * 3 + 1) tempBuffer(startIndex + ((i / widthTmp) * padWidth + (i % widthTmp)) * 3) = sourceTmp(i * 3) i += 1 } temp.setLabel(img.label()) temp case _ => img } val width = curImg.width() val height = curImg.height() val source = curImg.content val startW = RNG.uniform(0, width - cropWidth).toInt val startH = RNG.uniform(0, height - cropHeight).toInt val startIndex = (startW + startH * width) * 3 val frameLength = cropWidth * cropHeight val target = buffer.content var i = 0 while (i < frameLength) { target(i * 3 + 2) = source(startIndex + ((i / cropWidth) * width + (i % cropWidth)) * 3 + 2) target(i * 3 + 1) = source(startIndex + ((i / cropWidth) * width + (i % cropWidth)) * 3 + 1) target(i * 3) = source(startIndex + ((i / cropWidth) * width + (i % cropWidth)) * 3) i += 1 } buffer.setLabel(curImg.label()) }) } }
Example 9
Source File: GreyImgToSample.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{Sample, Transformer} import{Storage, Tensor} import scala.collection.Iterator object GreyImgToSample { def apply(): GreyImgToSample = { new GreyImgToSample() } } class GreyImgToSample() extends Transformer[LabeledGreyImage, Sample[Float]] { private val featureBuffer = Tensor[Float]() private val labelBuffer = Tensor[Float](1) private val featureSize = new Array[Int](2) override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledGreyImage]): Iterator[Sample[Float]] = { => { = img.label() featureSize(0) = img.height() featureSize(1) = img.width() featureBuffer.set(Storage(img.content), sizes = featureSize) Sample(featureBuffer, labelBuffer) }) } }
Example 10
Source File: ColorJitter.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import scala.collection.Iterator import scala.util.Random object ColorJitter { def apply(): ColorJitter = { new ColorJitter() } } class ColorJitter extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, LabeledBGRImage] { // TODO: make the bcs parameter configurable private val bcsParameters = Map("brightness" -> 0.4f, "contrast" -> 0.4f, "saturation" -> 0.4f) private var gs: Array[Float] = null private def grayScale(dst: Array[Float], img: Array[Float]): Array[Float] = { var i = 0 while (i < img.length) { dst(i) = img(i)*0.299f + img(i + 1)*0.587f + img(i + 2)*0.114f dst(i + 1) = dst(i) dst(i + 2) = dst(i) i += 3 } dst } private def blend(img1: Array[Float], img2: Array[Float], alpha: Float): Array[Float] = { var i = 0 while (i < img1.length) { img1(i) = img1(i) * alpha + (1 - alpha) * img2(i) i += 1 } img1 } private def saturation(variance: Float)(input: Array[Float]): Array[Float] = { if (gs == null || gs.length < input.length) gs = new Array[Float](input.length) grayScale(gs, input) val alpha = 1.0f + RNG.uniform(-variance, variance).toFloat blend(input, gs, alpha) input } private def brightness(variance: Float)(input: Array[Float]): Array[Float] = { if (gs == null || gs.length < input.length) gs = new Array[Float](input.length) java.util.Arrays.fill(gs, 0, gs.length, 0.0f) val alpha = 1.0f + RNG.uniform(-variance, variance).toFloat blend(input, gs, alpha) input } private def contrast(variance: Float)(input: Array[Float]): Array[Float] = { if (gs == null || gs.length < input.length) gs = new Array[Float](input.length) grayScale(gs, input) val mean = gs.sum / gs.length java.util.Arrays.fill(gs, 0, gs.length, mean) val alpha = 1.0f + RNG.uniform(-variance, variance).toFloat blend(input, gs, alpha) input } private val ts = Map( 1 -> { brightness(bcsParameters.get("brightness").get)(_)}, 2 -> {contrast(bcsParameters.get("contrast").get)(_)}, 3 -> {saturation(bcsParameters.get("saturation").get)(_)} ) private def randomOrder(input: Array[Float]): Unit = { val order = Tensor.randperm[Float](3) var i = 1 while (i <= order.size(1)) { val idx = order(i).value().toInt ts(idx)(input) i += 1 } } override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[LabeledBGRImage] = { => { val content = img.content require(content.length % 3 == 0) randomOrder(content) img }) } }
Example 11
Source File: BytesToBGRImg.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.awt.Color import java.awt.image.{BufferedImage, DataBufferByte} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{ByteRecord, Transformer} import scala.collection.Iterator object BytesToBGRImg { def apply(normalize: Float = 255f, resizeW : Int = -1, resizeH : Int = -1): BytesToBGRImg = new BytesToBGRImg(normalize, resizeW, resizeH) } class BytesToBGRImg(normalize: Float, resizeW : Int = -1, resizeH : Int = -1) extends Transformer[ByteRecord, LabeledBGRImage] { private val buffer = new LabeledBGRImage() override def apply(prev: Iterator[ByteRecord]): Iterator[LabeledBGRImage] = { => { buffer.copy(getImgData(rawData, resizeW, resizeH), normalize).setLabel(rawData.label) }) } private def getImgData (record : ByteRecord, resizeW : Int, resizeH : Int) : Array[Byte] = { if (resizeW == -1) { return } else { val rawData = val imgBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rawData) val width = imgBuffer.getInt val height = imgBuffer.getInt val bufferedImage : BufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR) val outputImagePixelData = bufferedImage.getRaster.getDataBuffer .asInstanceOf[DataBufferByte].getData System.arraycopy(imgBuffer.array(), 8, outputImagePixelData, 0, outputImagePixelData.length) BGRImage.resizeImage(bufferedImage, resizeW, resizeH) } } }
Example 12
Source File: Lighting.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{Storage, Tensor} import import scala.collection.Iterator object Lighting { def apply(): Lighting = { new Lighting() } } class Lighting extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, LabeledBGRImage] { val alphastd = 0.1f val eigval = Tensor[Float](Storage(Array(0.2175f, 0.0188f, 0.0045f)), 1, Array(3)) val eigvec = Tensor[Float](Storage(Array(-0.5675f, 0.7192f, 0.4009f, -0.5808f, -0.0045f, -0.8140f, -0.5836f, -0.6948f, 0.4203f)), 1, Array(3, 3)) def lighting(input: Array[Float]): Unit = { if (alphastd != 0) { val alpha = Tensor[Float](3).apply1(_ => RNG.uniform(0, alphastd).toFloat) val rgb = eigvec.clone .cmul(alpha.view(1, 3).expand(Array(3, 3))) .cmul(eigval.view(1, 3).expand(Array(3, 3))) .sum(2).squeeze var i = 0 while (i < input.length) { input(i) = input(i) + input(i + 1) = input(i + 1) + input(i + 2) = input(i + 2) + i += 3 } } } override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[LabeledBGRImage] = { => { lighting(img.content) img }) } }
Example 13
Source File: BGRImgToLocalSeqFile.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.file.Path import import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{Path => hadoopPath} import{SequenceFile, Text} import scala.collection.Iterator object BGRImgToLocalSeqFile { def apply(blockSize: Int, baseFileName: Path, hasName: Boolean = false): BGRImgToLocalSeqFile = { new BGRImgToLocalSeqFile(blockSize, baseFileName, hasName) } } class BGRImgToLocalSeqFile(blockSize: Int, baseFileName: Path, hasName: Boolean = false) extends Transformer[(LabeledBGRImage, String), String] { private val conf: Configuration = new Configuration private var index = 0 private val preBuffer: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * 2) override def apply(prev: Iterator[(LabeledBGRImage, String)]): Iterator[String] = { new Iterator[String] { override def hasNext: Boolean = prev.hasNext override def next(): String = { val fileName = baseFileName + s"_$index.seq" val path = new hadoopPath(fileName) val writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(conf, SequenceFile.Writer.file(path), SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(classOf[Text]), SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(classOf[Text])) var i = 0 while (i < blockSize && prev.hasNext) { val (image, imageName) = preBuffer.putInt(image.width()) preBuffer.putInt(image.height()) val imageByteData = image.convertToByte() val data: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](preBuffer.capacity + imageByteData.length) System.arraycopy(preBuffer.array, 0, data, 0, preBuffer.capacity) System.arraycopy(imageByteData, 0, data, preBuffer.capacity, imageByteData.length) preBuffer.clear val imageKey = if (hasName) s"${imageName}\n${image.label().toInt}" else s"${image.label().toInt}" writer.append(new Text(imageKey), new Text(data)) i += 1 } writer.close() index += 1 fileName } } } }
Example 14
Source File: LocalImgReader.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.awt.color.ColorSpace import import scala.collection.Iterator object LocalImgReader { Class.forName("javax.imageio.ImageIO") Class.forName("java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace") // Class.forName("sun.java2d.cmm.lcms.LCMS") ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB).toRGB(Array[Float](0, 0, 0)) def apply(scaleTo: Int = BGRImage.NO_SCALE, normalize: Float = 255f) : Transformer[LocalLabeledImagePath, LabeledBGRImage] = new LocalScaleImgReader(scaleTo, normalize) def apply(resizeW: Int, resizeH: Int, normalize: Float) : Transformer[LocalLabeledImagePath, LabeledBGRImage] = new LocalResizeImgReader(resizeW, resizeH, normalize) } class LocalResizeImgReader private[dataset](resizeW: Int, resizeH: Int, normalize: Float) extends Transformer[LocalLabeledImagePath, LabeledBGRImage] { private val buffer = new LabeledBGRImage() override def apply(prev: Iterator[LocalLabeledImagePath]): Iterator[LabeledBGRImage] = { => { val imgData = BGRImage.readImage(data.path, resizeW, resizeH) val label = data.label buffer.copy(imgData, normalize).setLabel(label) }) } }
Example 15
Source File: RowToByteRecords.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteRecord, Transformer} import org.apache.log4j.Logger import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import scala.collection.Iterator object RowToByteRecords { val logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass) def apply(colName: String = "data"): RowToByteRecords = { new RowToByteRecords(colName) } } class RowToByteRecords(colName: String) extends Transformer[Row, ByteRecord] { override def apply(prev: Iterator[Row]): Iterator[ByteRecord] = { img => { ByteRecord(img.getAs[Array[Byte]](colName), -1.0f) } ) } }
Example 16
Source File: BGRImgCropper.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import scala.collection.Iterator class BGRImgCropper(cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int, cropperMethod: CropperMethod = CropRandom) extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, LabeledBGRImage] { import private val buffer = new LabeledBGRImage(cropWidth, cropHeight) override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[LabeledBGRImage] = { => { val width = img.width() val height = img.height() val (startH, startW) = cropperMethod match { case CropRandom => (math.ceil(RNG.uniform(1e-2, height - cropHeight)).toInt, math.ceil(RNG.uniform(1e-2, width - cropWidth)).toInt) case CropCenter => ((height - cropHeight) / 2, (width - cropWidth) / 2) } val startIndex = (startW + startH * width) * 3 val frameLength = cropWidth * cropHeight val source = img.content val target = buffer.content var i = 0 while (i < frameLength) { target(i * 3 + 2) = source(startIndex + ((i / cropWidth) * width + (i % cropWidth)) * 3 + 2) target(i * 3 + 1) = source(startIndex + ((i / cropWidth) * width + (i % cropWidth)) * 3 + 1) target(i * 3) = source(startIndex + ((i / cropWidth) * width + (i % cropWidth)) * 3) i += 1 } buffer.setLabel(img.label()) }) } }
Example 17
Source File: BytesToGreyImg.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteRecord, Transformer} import scala.collection.Iterator object BytesToGreyImg { def apply(row: Int, col: Int): BytesToGreyImg = new BytesToGreyImg(row, col) } class BytesToGreyImg(row: Int, col: Int) extends Transformer[ByteRecord, LabeledGreyImage] { private val buffer = new LabeledGreyImage(row, col) override def apply(prev: Iterator[ByteRecord]): Iterator[LabeledGreyImage] = { => { require(row * col == buffer.setLabel(rawData.label).copy(, 255.0f) }) } }
Example 18
Source File: GreyImgToBatch.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{Utils, MiniBatch, Transformer} import{Storage, Tensor} import scala.collection.Iterator object GreyImgToBatch { def apply(batchSize : Int) : GreyImgToBatch = { new GreyImgToBatch(batchSize) } } class GreyImgToBatch private[dataset](totalBatchSize: Int) extends Transformer[LabeledGreyImage, MiniBatch[Float]] { private def copyImage(img: GreyImage, storage: Array[Float], offset: Int): Unit = { val content = img.content val frameLength = img.width() * img.height() var j = 0 while (j < frameLength) { storage(offset + j) = content(j) j += 1 } } private val batchPerCore = Utils.getBatchSize(totalBatchSize) override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledGreyImage]): Iterator[MiniBatch[Float]] = { val batchSizePerCore = batchPerCore new Iterator[MiniBatch[Float]] { private val featureTensor: Tensor[Float] = Tensor[Float]() private val labelTensor: Tensor[Float] = Tensor[Float]() private var featureData: Array[Float] = null private var labelData: Array[Float] = null private val batchSize = batchSizePerCore private var width = 0 private var height = 0 override def hasNext: Boolean = prev.hasNext override def next(): MiniBatch[Float] = { if (prev.hasNext) { var i = 0 while (i < batchSize && prev.hasNext) { val img = if (featureData == null) { featureData = new Array[Float](batchSize * img.height() * img.width()) labelData = new Array[Float](batchSize) height = img.height() width = img.width() } copyImage(img, featureData, i * img.width() * img.height()) labelData(i) = img.label() i += 1 } if (labelTensor.nElement() != i) { featureTensor.set(Storage[Float](featureData), storageOffset = 1, sizes = Array(i, height, width)) labelTensor.set(Storage[Float](labelData), storageOffset = 1, sizes = Array(i)) } MiniBatch(featureTensor, labelTensor) } else { null } } } } }
Example 19
Source File: BGRImgToImageVector.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.log4j.Logger import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector import scala.collection.Iterator object BGRImgToImageVector { val logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass) def apply(): BGRImgToImageVector = { new BGRImgToImageVector() } } class BGRImgToImageVector() extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, DenseVector] { private var featureData: Array[Float] = null override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[DenseVector] = { img => { if (null == featureData) { featureData = new Array[Float](3 * img.height() * img.width()) } img.copyTo(featureData, 0, true) new DenseVector( } ) } }
Example 20
Source File: GreyImgNormalizer.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import scala.collection.Iterator object GreyImgNormalizer { def apply(dataSet: DataSet[LabeledGreyImage], samples: Int = Int.MaxValue) : GreyImgNormalizer = { var sum: Double = 0 var total: Int = 0 dataSet.shuffle() var iter = dataSet.toLocal().data(train = false) var i = 0 while (i < math.min(samples, dataSet.size())) { val img = img.content.foreach(e => { sum += e total += 1 }) i += 1 } val mean = sum / total sum = 0 i = 0 iter = dataSet.toLocal().data(train = false) while (i < math.min(samples, dataSet.size())) { val img = img.content.foreach(e => { val diff = e - mean sum += diff * diff }) i += 1 } val std = math.sqrt(sum / total).toFloat new GreyImgNormalizer(mean, std) } def apply(mean : Double, std : Double): GreyImgNormalizer = { new GreyImgNormalizer(mean, std) } } class GreyImgNormalizer(mean : Double, std : Double) extends Transformer[LabeledGreyImage, LabeledGreyImage] { def getMean(): Double = mean def getStd(): Double = std override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledGreyImage]): Iterator[LabeledGreyImage] = { => { var i = 0 val content = img.content while (i < content.length) { content(i) = ((content(i) - mean) / std).toFloat i += 1 } img }) } }
Example 21
Source File: HFlip.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import scala.collection.Iterator object HFlip { def apply(threshold: Double = 0.0): HFlip = { new HFlip(threshold) } } class HFlip(threshold: Double) extends Transformer[LabeledBGRImage, LabeledBGRImage] { override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledBGRImage]): Iterator[LabeledBGRImage] = { => { if (RandomGenerator.RNG.uniform(0, 1) >= threshold) { img.hflip() } else { img } }) } }
Example 22
Source File: LocalSeqFileToBytes.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{ByteRecord, LocalSeqFilePath, Transformer} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import import{SequenceFile, Text} import scala.collection.Iterator object LocalSeqFileToBytes { def apply(): LocalSeqFileToBytes = new LocalSeqFileToBytes() } class LocalSeqFileToBytes extends Transformer[LocalSeqFilePath, ByteRecord] { import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{Path => hPath} @transient private var key: Text = null @transient private var value: Text = null @transient private var reader: SequenceFile.Reader = null @transient private var oneRecordBuffer: ByteRecord = null override def apply(prev: Iterator[LocalSeqFilePath]): Iterator[ByteRecord] = { new Iterator[ByteRecord] { override def next(): ByteRecord = { if (oneRecordBuffer != null) { val res = oneRecordBuffer oneRecordBuffer = null return res } if (key == null) { key = new Text() } if (value == null) { value = new Text } if (reader == null || !, value)) { if (reader != null) { reader.close() } reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(new Configuration, Reader.file(new hPath(, value) } ByteRecord(value.copyBytes(), SeqFileFolder.readLabel(key).toFloat) } override def hasNext: Boolean = { if (oneRecordBuffer != null) { true } else if (reader == null) { prev.hasNext } else { if (, value)) { oneRecordBuffer = ByteRecord(value.copyBytes(), SeqFileFolder.readLabel(key).toFloat) return true } else { prev.hasNext } } } } } }
Example 23
Source File: GreyImgCropper.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import scala.collection.Iterator object GreyImgCropper { def apply(cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int) : GreyImgCropper = { new GreyImgCropper(cropWidth, cropHeight) } } class GreyImgCropper(cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int) extends Transformer[LabeledGreyImage, LabeledGreyImage] { import private val buffer = new LabeledGreyImage(cropWidth, cropHeight) override def apply(prev: Iterator[LabeledGreyImage]): Iterator[LabeledGreyImage] = { => { val width = img.width() val height = img.height() val startW = RNG.uniform(0, width - cropWidth).toInt val startH = RNG.uniform(0, height - cropHeight).toInt val startIndex = startW + startH * width val frameLength = cropWidth * cropHeight val source = img.content val target = buffer.content var i = 0 while (i < frameLength) { target(i) = source(startIndex + (i / cropWidth) * width + (i % cropWidth)) i += 1 } buffer.setLabel(img.label()) }) } }
Example 24
Source File: SentenceBiPadding.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import scala.collection.Iterator class SentenceBiPadding( start: Option[String] = None, end: Option[String] = None) extends Transformer[String, String] { val sentenceStart = start.getOrElse(SentenceToken.start) val sentenceEnd = end.getOrElse(SentenceToken.end) override def apply(prev: Iterator[String]): Iterator[String] = { => { val sentence = sentenceStart + " " + x + " " + sentenceEnd sentence }) } } object SentenceBiPadding { def apply(start: Option[String] = None, end: Option[String] = None): SentenceBiPadding = new SentenceBiPadding(start, end) }
Example 25
Source File: SentenceSplitter.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{URI, URL} import import{SentenceDetector, SentenceDetectorME, SentenceModel} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} import scala.collection.Iterator class SentenceSplitter(sentFile: Option[String] = None) extends Transformer[String, Array[String]] { var modelIn: FileInputStream = _ var model: SentenceModel = _ var sentenceDetector: SentenceDetector = _ def this(sentFileURL: URL) { this(Some(sentFileURL.getPath)) } def this(sentFile: String) { this(Some(sentFile)) } def close(): Unit = { if (modelIn != null) { modelIn.close() } } override def apply(prev: Iterator[String]): Iterator[Array[String]] = => { if (!sentFile.isDefined) { x.split('.') } else { if (sentenceDetector == null) { val src: Path = new Path(sentFile.get) val fs = src.getFileSystem(new Configuration()) val in = model = new SentenceModel(in) sentenceDetector = new SentenceDetectorME(model) } sentenceDetector.sentDetect(x) } }) } object SentenceSplitter { def apply(sentFile: Option[String] = None): SentenceSplitter = new SentenceSplitter(sentFile) def apply(sentFileURL: URL): SentenceSplitter = new SentenceSplitter(sentFileURL) def apply(sentFile: String): SentenceSplitter = new SentenceSplitter(sentFile) }
Example 26
Source File: TextToLabeledSentence.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import scala.collection.Iterator import scala.reflect.ClassTag object TextToLabeledSentence { def apply[T: ClassTag](dictionary: Dictionary) (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : TextToLabeledSentence[T] = new TextToLabeledSentence[T](dictionary) def apply[T: ClassTag](numSteps: Int)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : TextToSentenceWithSteps[T] = new TextToSentenceWithSteps[T](numSteps) } private[bigdl] class TextToSentenceWithSteps[T: ClassTag](numSteps: Int) (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Transformer[Array[T], LabeledSentence[T]] { val xbuffer = new Array[T](numSteps) val ybuffer = new Array[T](numSteps) val buffer = new LabeledSentence[T]() override def apply(prev: Iterator[Array[T]]): Iterator[LabeledSentence[T]] = { => { require(sentence.length >= numSteps + 1, "input sentence length should be numSteps + 1, " + s"sentence.length = ${sentence.length}, numSteps = ${numSteps}") Array.copy(sentence, 0, xbuffer, 0, numSteps) Array.copy(sentence, 1, ybuffer, 0, numSteps) buffer.copy(xbuffer, ybuffer) buffer }) } }
Example 27
Source File: LabeledSentenceToSample.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{Sample, Transformer} import scala.collection.Iterator import java.util import{DoubleType, FloatType, Tensor} import import scala.reflect.ClassTag object LabeledSentenceToSample { def apply[T: ClassTag] (vocabLength: Int, fixDataLength: Option[Int] = None, fixLabelLength: Option[Int] = None) (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : LabeledSentenceToSample[T] = new LabeledSentenceToSample[T]( vocabLength, fixDataLength, fixLabelLength, true) def apply[T: ClassTag] (oneHot: Boolean, fixDataLength: Option[Int], fixLabelLength: Option[Int]) (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : LabeledSentenceToSample[T] = new LabeledSentenceToSample[T]( vocabLength = 0, fixDataLength, fixLabelLength, oneHot) } val startTokenIndex = sentence.getData(0) val endTokenIndex = if (labelLength == 1) 0 else ev.toType[Int](sentence.getLabel(sentence.labelLength - 1)) var i = 0 while (i < sentence.dataLength) { featureBuffer(i * vocabLength + ev.toType[Int](sentence.getData(i))) = ev.fromType[Float](1.0f) i += 1 } while (i < dataLength) { featureBuffer(i * vocabLength + endTokenIndex) = ev.fromType[Float](1.0f) i += 1 } i = 0 while (i < sentence.labelLength) { labelBuffer(i) =, ev.fromType[Float](1.0f)) i += 1 } while (i < labelLength) { labelBuffer(i) =, ev.fromType[Float](1.0f)) i += 1 } } else { feature.resize(dataLength).zero label.resize(labelLength).zero val featureBuffer = val labelBuffer = Array.copy(, 0, featureBuffer, 0, dataLength) Array.copy(sentence.label, 0, labelBuffer, 0, labelLength) } Sample[T](feature, label) }) } }
Example 28
Source File: SentenceTokenizer.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{URI, URL} import import scala.collection.Iterator import{SimpleTokenizer, Tokenizer, TokenizerME, TokenizerModel} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} class SentenceTokenizer(tokenFile: Option[String] = None) extends Transformer[String, Array[String]] { var modelIn: FileInputStream = _ var model: TokenizerModel = _ var tokenizer: Tokenizer = _ def this(tokenFile: URL) { this(Some(tokenFile.getPath)) } def close(): Unit = { if (modelIn != null) { modelIn.close() } } override def apply(prev: Iterator[String]): Iterator[Array[String]] = => { if (tokenizer == null) { if (!tokenFile.isDefined) { tokenizer = SimpleTokenizer.INSTANCE } else { val src: Path = new Path(tokenFile.get) val fs = src.getFileSystem(new Configuration()) val in = model = new TokenizerModel(in) tokenizer = new TokenizerME(model) } } val words = tokenizer.tokenize(x) words }) } object SentenceTokenizer { def apply(tokenFile: Option[String] = None): SentenceTokenizer = new SentenceTokenizer(tokenFile) def apply(tokenFile: URL): SentenceTokenizer = new SentenceTokenizer(tokenFile) }